Success orjfaflure inbusiness is caused moreJ by mental attitude even I than by mental capac- ' ities. — Walter Dill
The cynic is one who price^ of. , every*tJa I n g uud the ' v a I *ie of R<Siting.— ! •. Oscar Wilde.. knows , the
VOL. TV—No. 48
Entered. «B sec g ° a mall matter on January «••.», *»«, m postofflce at Ol «• '" ebraBka,r under t i e Act of «areb S. 187S.
Workers to Conduct Four Day Campaign to Collect $30,000; Money Needed to Continue Building Every Subscriber Urged to Join W o r k e r s ^ Attend Meeting, Sunday Morning at Arthur Building.
Jerusalem. Jews Protest • Against Humiliation at " Western Wai! on Ybm Kippur
More Girls Enter The Jewish Press Popularity Contest
Jewish Settlement In Russia Destroyed By Fire; Settlers Anxious To Commence Rebuilding
Moscow,—(J.T .A.)—Only ruins are left of the new Jewish collective settlement, Dunajevetz, District of Kamienietz, as a result of a fire which broke out in the settlement last night. The entire crop of this year, the implements, the houses and household articles were completely destroyed. Investigation made by the police proved that the settlement was set fire to. The first relief to the suffering settlers was given by the District Soviet who allotted them 250 puds .grain and neighboring towns and Tillages. The settlers have appealed to the AgToJoint, the agency in Soviet Russia of the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, ond the Ozet, the A trip to Europe to the most popular Jewish lady? This society for settling Jews on the land, prize in addition'to other prizes will be given to the girl who is to help them rebuild the settlement.
Jerusalem,—(J. T.A.)-y-A, protest against the Palestine administration With, Individual campaign managers for each contestant, with regard to the Western Wall of The Jewish Press popularity contest is" the "talk of the^town." the Temple, commonly known a s the Already a.number of votes have been cast for the candidates Wailing Wall was expressed at three entered in the contest. The exact number of votes cast for the mass meetings held ednesday evening candidates will be published in the next issue of The Jewish Press. by the Jewish population here-The entrants in the contest are Miss Fannie Katelman of A resulaion accepted at -the :irieet- Council Bluffs; Miss Mildred Harris, a representative of the ings protested against General "Ronald Paoli-Zion club; Miss Sylvia Feldman, a representative of the Storrs of Jerusalem and other" high Auflebung club. A t a meeting of the Auflebung club held Sunofficials who ordered the ^removal of day evenings Miss Feldman was unanimously. chosen as the the chairs of pious Jew& who came official representative of that organization. Members of the to worship at Wailing Wall on the organization Viil -assist their candidate. Day of Atonement. . - -' '• • The Y. M. and Y. W. H. A. have already entered in the contest ?This action caused the humiliation, and according to ^4he members, are out to assist their candidate of Jews gathered at "the most sacred in winning the contest. The entrant will be officially named at Jewish shrine in Palestine", the; re- the meeting Monday evening. The Junior Hadassah is also planr solution declared. ".-'•' ning on entering il girl in this contest.
•; - 'Thirty thousand dollars must be raised within four days to Continue work on Jewish Community Center Building. the most popular girl in The Jewish Press popularity Omahans Elected Officers of adjudged : ' The walls are up without any roof and without windows and contest. . Council of Jewish Women winter just around the corner, with snow and sleet in sight to The contest is. launched for a "better understanding between delay the possibility of continuing. The walls are up but the The Jewish Press and its subscribers.'-The contest is open to roof is not yet put on to cover them, nor is any protection made Convention Held in Omaha November any Jewish girl in the state of Nebraska or Iowa. to prevent the wind from howling through the open: window spaces. ? / 1 to 3.'" : . The person "receiving the highest number of votes will be These walls can be covered and the wind can be prevented from picked by the judges as the winner.'_ In ord.er to receive these causing damage only when loyal workers will answer this call .Mrs. Carl Furth was .elected first votes, contestants must obtain subscriptions'for The Jewish Press ; and subscribers will pay their pledges; vice-president and Mrs. William L. for one year. \ i., Work on the Jewish Community Center Building at Twentieth Holzman j was elected an honorary Each subscription will oount as 250 votes. The subscripand Dodge streets has progressed rapidly. The building thus far vice-president at the,, second annual: tions for The-^Jewish Press are all payable in-advance and the has met with approval from the; entire community".: When com-:.Midwest i convention of the.. Council renewal for subscriptions will count the same as obtaining new pleted it .will be one of the finest buildings of its^ kind in the of Jewisji Women held in Omaha on ones. • . . •country; - -The brick -work is. up, l)ut the call is now; made to,, con-" Novemberl, 2 and 3. Any Jewish girl willing to enter this contest and become tinue_ ereetion of the building. ; ., ' •.;...'..; '. • .^_; •.'.':.. ^ : .Other! officers elected were Mrs. eligible for any of the prizes should call at The Jewish Press The .laboring workmen are doing their share in., erecting jiie Edwin Meissner, of St. Louis, presi- office, 490 Brandeis -Theater Building and receive more informabuilding,\but the contractors have given notice to the board of dent; Mrp..M. Friedman, of,St.iLouis, j tion. ' -(. directors of the Jewish Community Center that they inuSt, have corresponding secretary; VMiss Estelle! money.rimmediately.-__,' ;. ' ;,: B,arjnuiiiof Tqpeka, Kans., jecordfegj
Public Invited to Attend To Be Held November S And 9 At First Presbyterian Church
Estelle Lapidus in Charge Affair to Be Given at Loyal Hotel.
WOMEN AKD GIRLS il IXVITED TO ATTENDl In order to help raise the $25,00Q| needed to equip the new JewiBij Community Center building, a benefit bridge and mah-jongg will be givenS Sunday afternoon, at the Loyal Hotel grill room by the girl's committee^ headed by Miss Estell© Lapidus, Every woman and girl is asked tof attend in order to make this afTaif a success. Although the captains and lictitfw nants have been working continually during the past three weeks, only; 810,000 has been raised. The drive will.be continued until the .entire S25.000 is collected. The women workers have this week obtained pledges from the fol« lowing women:
The public is invited to attend the annual exhibition and distribution of the Needle Guild to be held Monday K. Bnbier, Mrs. JC. Brodsicr, Mrs, and Tuesday, November 8 and 9, at S.Mrs. Bloom. Mrs. Ben Brotfkey, Mrs. A. the First Presbyterian Church. S4th Block. MTF. ]J. Epstein. Mra. HermnR Dnnsky, Mrs.- Pete GoocJbhider, Mrs. H. and Famam Street Goldstein. Mrs. Sam Gohlware, Mm, Jjov\e, Harris. Mrs. M. Ijevinson, Mrs. Sam 4» The garments collected are distri- I*M>U, Mrs. Jake Robinson, Mrs, .Toe M. buted among the various charitable Rice. Mrs. Sam R&IBS, MTB. Ed. Trell"!1. Mrs. A. Bolker, Mrs. Ed. Lincoln, Mrs, EL organizations, including the Jewish Htrschmnn, Mrs. M, Ai. Kosenblatt. Wjsragn'g Welfare Organization and The girls headed by Miss Estelle tihe Wise Memorial Hospital. Lapidus received pledges from the The TnvniCTTcm donated, by each con- following: tributor is two gaTments?:aad contriGrace Kosenstein. butors •sirould, note that both .garments Mrs. J. A. Solomon. should be the same size and quality, Helen and Jeannette Levinson. Money can be contributed in place of The Women's Auxiliary of the garments. B'nai Brith. , Mrs. B. A. Simon is president in The Se Telh Ta society composed charge of the Wise Memorial Hosof the following .members: . pital section, and Mrs. L. Graetz and j Lillian Freeman, Sophie Handler,, Mrs. Dare Green are in charge of the i Annette Hurwitz, Jeannette Levinson, Jewish Women's Welfare Organiza- i tion workers. j Janet Lipsey, Lillian Lipsey, Lydis? Contributors should send their gar^ Ross, Betty Steinberg-, Ida Tencn* .'' ments to her director or to the Jewish baum. Community Center in the Arthur Building.
this ultimatum in .mind, the** secretary; iEssPAimee Greenbaum, ©f call is again made for the workers Denver, Colo., treasurer; Mrs. l£orris Program to be Presented . in' the community to .meet! .Sunday Franklin, of Kansas City, Mo., audimorning ; at 10:30 at the Arthur tor; and Mrs. W. J. Samisch, of Leavat *'Y" Meeting Monday The fifth anniversary popularity contest of The Jewish .building..' At this- meeting plans will enworth, Kans., Mrs. S. GalitzM, of The Y. M. and Y. M. H. A. will hold, Topeka, Kans., Mrs. Irving ~Barth, of Press is launched for a better understanding between be made for a four-day campaign to The Jewish Press and its subscribers. . collect $30,000, the amount of money its regular semi-monthly meeting this St. Louis, Mo., Mrs. G.S. NewEerger, necessary "to continue the work on the ,Mqndi.> evening, "November 9, at the of Joplin, Mo., Mrs. Sigmund: Stern, The contest is open to any Jewish lady in Omaha-or building. "The board of directors, and Jewish Community Center in -the of Kansas City, Mo^ Mrs- Charles nearby communities. Arthur building. .••••• •" I workers will meet Sunday morning at Greenclay, of Denver, Colo., and Mrs. Every subscription obtained by contestants will count The program committee has pre-, A. Newman, of Colorado Springs, the Arthur building and Monday, as 250 votes. Renewals will count the same as new pared several entertaining numbers. Tuesday and Wednesday, noon at the Colo., will be honorary vice-presisubscribers. These subscriptions may be obtained any They have secured H. Aaron Markow, Loyal hotel and here make reports' of dents. place in the country. concert tenor, to sing at the meeting. their collections. : A debate on, Besolved that Congress Many problems that "confront the No contestant can transfer her votes to another conThe Tentire amount of every "pledge should Establish an Air Department- Council of Jewish Women in each ! testant at any time. • made for the Jewish Community of Army and Navy, will be given by city were discussed at the meetings Center building is due* arid this members who are. trying out f 05 the held Monday and Tuesday at Temple The Jewish Press is offering $750 in three prizes to amount is being asked for by the Y. M. and Y. • W. H. A. Debating Israel. It was learned that the Iwork the first three winners. First prize—trip to Europe; workers from the pledgors. ~ team. Inintiation ceremony of new of the Council in each city is mainly second prize—trip to New York, and third prize—trip Om&k B'm B'rith Preparing to Chicago. Contestant has privilege of accepting any "I am issuing this appeal to all my members voted in recently will also to help educate the immigrant and to Affair Will Be Held Al j of these prizes in cash. . --...friends and friends of the Jewish be held and other "entertaining * num- provide religious training to the Fcr Central Conecil Meet Annual Blackstone Hotel ' Community Center that we need you bers are being prepared. Contestants must qualify for the respective prizes by children who cannot afford to pay. One hundred delegates will be in more than at any -time before," obtaining a minimum of 400,200, and 100 subscriptions A representative of thev St. Louis Omaha for the Central Council meet- j The Ladies Auxiliary of the B'WJI said Harry H. Lapidus, president of for first, second and third prizes respectively. ing of the 'Bnai Brith to be held i B'rith will jri^e its annual Thank«« delegation announced that "their secthe Jewish Community Center. We Thorpeian Dance Sunday December 6, according to the re- giving Dance Thursday evening, Ne« tion provides free milk to the underEvery subscription must be accompanied by check for must get out and collect some r e a l sponses coining in from the cities vember 26, at the Blackstone Hotel. §2.50 before it will be counted by the judges. Evening at Kelpine's nourished children . in . the _ public money immediately." that represent the western part of j The dance'will be an informal affair "During the campaign for. collec- The first winter dance of the Thor- schools. . ." . District No. €. I according to the committee in charg& For information call Atlantic 1450. • Noted "speakers addressed the sestions, no worker will be assigned to peian Athletic Club will be held this Cities that will be represented here} Hugo Heyn's? Orchestra will fumisfc. more than ten pledge cards," said Sunday evening, November 8, at the sions of the convention. - Dr. .Edith at the Council are: Fort Dodge, Des the music and special stunts are befog Hale Swift, of N e w York,-spoke-at Joe L. Wolf, secretary. The entire Kelpine's Dancing Academy. prepared for the evening's entertam* evening isilllllllllllllllHIlIllllIlIllHlllllliilllElIllIIIIIIIllIIlIIIIIlIIIIfllilllllllllllUlIIIIEilllliilUf?. Moines, Sioux City, and Council ment. amount of money on the pledges is Sam Friedel, chairman of the dancfi the opening meeting Sunday : Bluffs, la., Sioux Falls, So. Dak., and due now and we must have full committee announces that a feature at the Blackstone hotel. Ifer "subject The Thanksgiving1 dance lias TWMS Lincoln, Nebr. hearted co-operation from every entertainment at the dance will be was on "The Problems of-Youth Met • Mr. Irvin Stalroaster is chairman in an annual event of the Auxiliary fox; worker and every subscriber must do a Charleston contest. A number of in a Modern Way." Miss'Fiorina charge of the Council meeting. The a number of years and the committed his or her share in continuing the dancers are expected to enter the con- Lasker, national chairman of Immimembers of his committee are Henry is preparing to make this affair roor*. work of completing the building." test. ' '.' ' . -.-• ; . . . ' . grant Aid of the Council," gave a talk Monsky, J. J. Greenberg, Harry H. entertaining than ever before. Mr. Joe Sokoloff, athletic director at the meeting Monday afternoon. • Tryouts Are Open to Any Jewish Brotherhood of Temple Israel to Give Lapidus, Nathan Bernstein, and Sam The dance committee who are Ifi A dinner Sunday evening at the charge' are Miss Esther K&tlemurt, of the dub, announces that he has Boy in City. . j Banquet Wednesday Evening J. Leon. Local Zionists Prepare a number* of members who have Blackstone hotel, a luncheon Monday Plans are now undeiway for the chairman, and the Misses Edith Co* vich,"Sara Faier, Bess Handler, Lilli*tj£ signed up for the Basketball team. noon at the Fontenelle Palm room, ' Tryouts for the Omaha Y. M. H. A. National Father and Son week will meet according to Mr. Stalmaster. for Active Winter Season They 'will play with teams in other private dinner parties given bymem- debating team will be held Sunday again be observed this fall by AmerKooper, Bertha Berger, Beas. Stock, afternoon at the Jewish Community 'Goldye < Marcus, Ann Schwartz, cities. bers of .the local section for the deleThe local branch of the Zionist Oricans. Omaha will.hold Father and Mrs; M. Grodinsky. gates, and a luncheon Tuesday noon Center in the Arthur building. The Son banquets from November 8 to Auflebung Anniversary ganization are planning1 to do active Banquet Sunday Evening at the Brandeis Tea rooms, .comprised subject to be debated at the tryotits November 21. to observe this National work during the coming winter Poali-Zion to Hold Banquet is Resolved That Congress Should the social activities of the conven. The third anniversary ban._..'uet of Local A, Z. A. FootbaH months. Meetings will be held every For Tag Day Workers tion. Establish an Air Department Inde- celebration- the Auflenbung Club will be held two weeks and a prominent speaker Team to Flay Lincnist The Poali-Zion will hold, a banquet The Temple Israel Father and Son Sunday evening, November 15, at the pendent of Army and Navy. will give an address at each meeting. The A. Z. A. Probationary Chapter; on Sunday evening, November 8, at Because of the success of the .T. banquet will be' given under the Jewish Community Center. A literSpeakers at the last meeting held 2314 North '21st St., for the workers of Omaha will journey to Lincoln Sun* M. H. A. debating team defeating St. auspices of &e Brotherhood. Thfi ary and musical program is being Tuesday evening, November 3, at the in the Tag Day held recently for the Sisterhood District Meet i n , day to pier *ke first of a two jgr&m* banquet will: be. given next. WednesLouis Y at St. Louis' last year, many for the evening's enterJewish Community Center were Judah Des Meines November 17-18 requests have come from many Y. day evening. -November 11, at six prepared series with the Lincoln A. Z. A. TJris, of the Pelestine Workers' tainment, L. W.olfson, who delivered the princiwill: be the first time these two tesitis. A one-act play "He and Her" M. H. A. organizations seeking to o'clock at Temple Israel. Every memThe club was organized three pal address, Rabbi Charles Temkin, Dstrict No. 20 of the National Fed* debate Omaha Y. Omaha has ar- ber of the Brotherhood is requested have met and a large crowd is «*;* be presented. years ago by a group of boj-s and of Palestine, and Professor Nathan One hundred and fifth dollars was eration of Temple Sisterhoods will ranged two debates for this year, one by the committee in charge to bring girls who recently arrived to this pected tc leave from Omaha to attend Bernstein. More than seventy-five the game. collected for the drive. M. F. Good- hold its annual convention on Tues- with St. Louis and one with Phila- their sons and' fathers. country, from Russia and other Europeople attended the meeting. The game will, begin at 2 o'clock.. man and M. Minkin were in charge day and Wednesday, Npvember 17 delphia, both in Omaha. The St. Following the banquet the monthly pan countries. The organization now and 18, in Des Moines, Iowa» of the drive. Louis debate will be held on December Brotherhood meeting will take place. has a membership of more than 250. Coach 1Harry Rneeter will take the Delegates from four states, namely 20, and the Philadelphia debate later Officers for- the ensuing year will be They meet every Sunday evening at lowing ' players: Mass Meeting of Omaha Jewry A play will be given Sunday even! Nebraska, Iowa, Kansas, and Missouri, in the same week. Sunday at Talmud Torah ing, November 29, at the Labor LyL. E.-~Levine. • • elected. . . . . the Jewish Community Center and L. T.—-Jleiss—Finkelfitein. ceum, by the Poali-Zion members to will attend the convention.- Mrs. Cora Among those who have already hold a dance once a month. A mass meeting of all Omaha Jew- raise "money for the National For- Wolf, Mrs. Isy Kosenthal, and Mrs.signified their intention of attending . L. G.—-Eastman. ry will be held Sunday evening, No- bund School, which will soon be Nate Mantel, will attend as delegates the first tryouts are: Sam Zadtaria, SUICIDE EPIDEMICS Center~-Weiner. PALESTINE COOPERATIVE vember 8, at eight o'clock, at the cpened. from the Omaha Sisterhood. K. G.—jfJoldware—Lewis. IN POLAND GROWS Morris Block, Ben Kalovrsky, Milton JOIN INTERNATIONAL UNION City Talmud Torah at 21st and Burt R. T.—F.'Giventer. The organization will also give a • Oflicers of the Convention are: Abrams, Ben Kubby. Sam Minkin, street . - ball on December 1J$, at the City Au- President, Mrs. Manheaner, of Des Ben Morgan, Abe Cohen and William H. B.—Turner. ; Jerusalem—<JJ. T. A.)—Tfce"HarWarsaw;—(J. T. A.)—The suicide - The annual election of officers "will ditorium, to. raise money for the Pal- Moines, la.; vice-president, Mrs. Nate Kaiman. Quarterback—Rosenblatt-—Sack. epidemic among the Jewish population rat Ha'ovdimV the organization of take place at this meeting. BJvery- estine Book campaign, the' Palestine Mantel, Omaha; treasurer, Mra, CartHalfback—Schriebman—L.\ There -will be sis debaters and two in Poland is increasing alarmingly, -workers cooperatives in Palestine, was one is urged to attend as this is an Workers Fund, and the National Far- ston, of Davenport, la., and Mrs. alternates chosen fer.tlia Y. M. H, A. due to the numerous bankruptcies and granted membership in the Internatio- tcr. _ important "TTHir?1 event. bund School. "Fullback—Bana Steinfeldt, of St. Louis, Mo, ' ' debating the growth unemployement. • al'Cooperative Union - -. . • . . . ^
of Contest
Ladies Arfkry L 0. B. B. * to Gfre TkuksgkiEg Dance
Y. M. H. A. Debating Team Father-Son Week to Be W l Be Picked Sunday Observed Beginning Sunday
I country from all parts of the world. pondent of the Jewish Telegraphic in the owner and publisher of The s Selected > This week's- 'Taid in Full • It is .pitiful to observe how stunted in Agency iere learns from telaible New, York Times and The Chattanooga PI«dgors" to the Jejrish .Com- \ body and mind are inost of tlia dtildof Junior sources. • il every Xbiiwdaj at Omaba. ffabrqskn, by Times and is one of the first men to ren who come frOra the Eastern part munity Center are as follows: . Representatives of Hungarian and give financial assistance to the Chat_ ... THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY ' , of Europe.- Efforts' are: however being Lincoln, Nebr.—David Sher, mem- Roumanian anti-Semite organizations Julius Altaian, Mrs. H. H. Auer- i made to remedy this state of affairs". Office: 790 BrandeW Theatre 'Building—.Telephone: ATlantic 1450. bach, in memory- of Mrs. Bath- j So reads a news atem from a very ber of Zeta Beta Tau -fraternity, an participated in the convention under tanooga University xy-hen it vrp.s NATHAN E. GREEN Manager. founded in this city as U. S. Grant Seva Fleishman, S. Elewitz, N. P. | authoritative thitti f P l source of Palestine, Omaha boy, son of Dr. and Mrs. the leadership of Professor Cuza, leadUniversity, a Methodist institution. Feil, John Feldman, AFerer & • which was^brought to aar attention J P h i I i p sher, was elected president of Subscription Price, on? year. .$2.60. Sons, R- Finkelstein, Dr. Max by Meyer w. Weisgal, the genial edi-»,, er of the anti-Semitic movement in Dr. Arlo A. Brown, president of the T . \ r . x* m Advertising rates famished on application. •Fleishman, Maurice Fox, M. E. tor of The New Palestine. Well it the Junior Congregation of Temple Roumania. university, conferred the degree upon Handler, Joe Himelstein,. Edward seems to us that here is a definite task B'nai Jeshuren, at Lincoln, Nebr. ^ C H A N G E OF A-DDRESH—Please give both the old and new address: A resolution accepted t y the conMr. Ochs, whom he characteiized &s ' , ; • ; • • ' be-aure and save you* name. J. Kraus, Louis Nathan, Philip for the sport-loving American youth. Mr. Lester Lapidus, pledge of Zeta vention sated that the expulsion of "directing genius of the greatest Nathan, Ben Newman, Plotkin • • = T h e 3$mib Press is supplied by the Jewish relegraphic Ayency (Jewish Bros., A. Richards, Sam L. Robin- It is for him to see that the'young Beta Taii fraternity, also an Omaha JJews from Europe will be possible newspaper in the world. Dr. John .citizens, of .the Jewish - Homeland be boy, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry H. CorresjMjniience Bwreao) with cabled and telegraphic Jewish news, in addition son, Harry Trustin, L. Wintroub. only: "with guns and revolution." Huston Fialey. associate editor of the jjiven the opportunity to develop to" featnfre articles-and-correspondences from all important Jewish centres ••J& physically in the same normay way as Lapidus,-was elected treasurer of-the "When Roumania will expel its Jews, New York Times and formerly presil^jquirier regarding news items credited to this Agency will be gladly •£':• we do here. This is obviously impos- congregation. Other officers elected other sates will follow," Professor dent of the College cf the City of answered if addressed to Jewish" Telegraphic Agency. 621 Broadway, Mew sible without a systematic and exten- are Elsie Poska, of Lincoln, viceJfork City. ' ' ' . -.-' ;•• '• •: • • • • . * '•• •; • '•• New York, delivered the principal adsive sport program. Such a nation- president; and Esther Freshman, also Cuza declared. wide effort, however, needs money. A plan for joint action of the Ger- dress speaking- on "The College and The Palestine budget covered by theof Lincoln, secretary. VITAL QUESTIONS BEFORE RABBINICAL CONFERENCE man, Roumanian, Hungarian and the the City." Palestine Government and the World Austrian students was mapped out ., Th,e Gentral Conference of American Rabbis held its annual Zionist Organization is taxed to its conyentron'in Cincinnati last week in connection with the Jubilee By HARBV CONZEL capacity with items of such vital im- MANDATES COMMISSION CLOSES and the establishment of an InternaFirms advertising in "The Jewish SESSION IN GENEVA tional o£ anti-Semites was decided up- Press" deserve yon? patronage—It is (Copyriffbt 11)25 by tSeven Art* celebration of the Hebrew Union College, the alma mater of most Af portance that cannot make place even Feature Syndicate.) for these badly-needed sport-grounds on. This International is to have for of its members. The suggestive and stimulating message of Pres* Geneva,—(J. T. A.)—The Perma- its purpose the creation cf "a Europe TO YOUR INTEREST to "support and apparatus. ident Simon challenged the attention of the Rabbis to matters that ife—•&— the' It is for this reason that we suggest nent Mandates Commission concluded free of Jews." arerof vital concern to"Jews in this land; and the deliberations, BENNY: ;FBIEDMAN, that .the readers ofrthis column form its sixth' session here yesterday. - as Eepprtedi indicate ^hat the Rabbis Jolly realized the importance local committees to' raise substantial Although the conclusions which the of these problems and the responsibility that rested upon them. A SYMBOL, •siims for the purchase of boxing- Commission reached are not yet pub- UNIVERSITY OF CHATTANOOGA Prominent among these problems were the questions of sup- The , hero of today's Sporting gloves, footballs, tennis racquets, ten- lished, it is known that during the MAKES ADOLPH OCHS A is Benny Friedman. This nis balls, and any- such equipment porting t^e plan for the Jewish Agency and of endorsing the cam- Column DOCTOR OF LETTERS BUTTER and KG a 19 year old" Jewish boy from We would recommend that the local debate expression was given to the paign for Russian colonization, decided irpon at the recent Phila- Benny committees purchase these sporting Cleveland playing quarterback on the feeling of satisfaction with the deChattanooga, Tenn.,—(J. T. A ) — delphia conference. Without subscribing to the Zionist platform, Varsity football team, of the Univer- goods in their respective cities, then velopment* of the mandated territories. The Chattanooga University conferred Council BluZs. la. the conference does not compromise its members by becoming sity of Michigan is.attracting so much ship their neat and let us hope, bulky The memorandum of the World on Adolph S. Ochs the honorary deto: Seven Arts Feature Syndipart of the group which seeks to assist in the upbuilding of comment and praise that his fame cases threatens to eclipse the glory of the cate, 160 Fifth Avenue, New York Zionist Organization, acting as the gree of Doctor of Letters. Mr. Ochs Palestine through the^instrumentality of the Jewish Agency. The other great Benny—Benny Leonard. City. We feel tempted to elaborate Jewish Agency, caused, it is reported, support asked for the fifteen million dollars campaign called forth The Wisconsin Jewish Chronicle in its and explain to our readers what a long discussion. Major Ormsby NAT MEISTER considerable opposition, especially on fhe part of the Ziomst mem- issue of October 23rd devotes a full glorious part they, can have in this aGore, under state secretary in the activity, regardless of whether they column editorial to "Benny Friedman, writes all kinds of bers of the conference, who saw in the recent public expression Mr. Charles Riseman, vrho of a new Jewish youth type." are—what are known as Zionists or British Colonial Office, is reported to by the chairman of the campaign, Mr. David M. Brown, a luke- Symbol several months ago fell and non-Zionists. But we have full conWe cannot resist quoting from this have declared that "owing to the aniwarmness toward the second part of the Philadelphia resolution, extremely fidence in their-prompt and generous mosity between the Zionists: and the injured his leg, is once more well-written article: SERVICE WITH EACB POJL1CI. which referred to inimediate work in Palestine reconstruction. The "..._...The "Intellegentsia". amongst response. back on the job ia the Arabs, it is difficult to improve the JU W. O. W Bldg. Jacbgon 131s. anxiety of the Zionists "to see their ideal safeguarded is perfectly us .will point to this fact (the popular- BREVITIES Brandeis Furniture Departsituation." The impression of the ity of Benny Friedman) as evidence understandable, although the assurances given by the leaders of of national intellectual deterioration, The International Chess Tourna- Commission is said to have been that ment. the J. D. C. that this work'will be attended to and not allowed to but somehow we cannot shake off the ment began yesterday at Moscow, the rich Arab land owners are more Call us for good He says he feels like a kid lag on account of the campaign for Russian colonization should feeling that the said intelligentsia Russia. EmanueL Lasken is the fav- responsible for the bad relations exwith their superiority complex over orite to carry away first place. again and is anxious to run have been sufficient to; allay all doubts-and suspicions. the "babbitry" of the nation, and their Big boxing purses have shifted isting between Arab and Jew than his friends around the many Most of the other points under discussion had to do with the contemDtdal tolerance'of things merefrom the *—*, ^. East w the v**w West. ,»v,ov. That *iactw is i s t &re t n e J e w s . The Arab lower classes wk>b to aisles of furniture. idea of union among the various elements in Jewry in this country ly physical, are passing up one of the the reason u boxers and and especially especially are in sympathy with Zionism because LUMBER CO. -r boxers and of the liberal forces in Jewry throughout the world. There greatest factors in the life of the +i.« 1 why 8 Tel mS t h e East 24th & Burdette Sts. WE. 5555 are leaving the East f f ^ " * ™' H gives them an opportunity for work. were two novel ideas proposed at the conference: the suggestion American people. The man or woman D t h e )a r i n : cannot experience a real live-red- Charley Phil Kosfinberg, bantam- . « t h discussion d i ipraise for the of reaching out to divert Yiddish-speaking Jews to reform ideals who thrill out of a vigorous com- weignt of the world is now in Los British administration of Palestine and the plan of obtaining converts to Judaism from the non-Jewish blooded petitive sport is much more an object "and writes home that he is was expressed, Rev. E Fleishman population. The idea that Yiddish-speaking Jewry is unacquainted of commiseration than is the "boob Angeles going to remain there for several A RULE OF HEALTH with the principles' bf reform may he; true, but it is questionable who goes crazy" at a'football or base- months at least. "MOHL" WASH AND KEEP WELL Vienna, Oct. 31 (Jewish Telegraphball game.?'. ;; : whether they would be attracted to them by literature on this .Ruby Goldstein/:one of the most 3C . ' ~—* """ >«*""«•" *wc6ittjin1342 South 25th St. AT. 6637 subject in ,the Yiddish language. The .Yiddish-speaking public BENNY FRIEDMAN FEONTIER TOWEL SUPPLT promising of the rising generation of Agency.) The expulsion.of Jews consists of the national-conservative element and of the socialistNew is starting for Cali- from Europe was the program outlin- Fleishman's Kosher Meet Market 181» California Street. f orniaYork this boxers week. > radical element, and it is more than doubtful whether a knowledge We called the attention of Maurice Sain" Cohn, well tnown fistic man- ed.at the international convention of 1615 North 24th St. WE. 6006. of. the principles of reform Judaism would hold any strong incen- Samuel; auth'or'rof "You Gentiles" to ager, will start with a flock of Jewish anti-Semites which took place several for the West. Phil Kaplan is weeks ago in Budapest, the conestive to either. It is questionable, whether, such, a propaganda will the achievements of Benny -Friedman. boxers on his way. be of any practical value in the spread of reform. Drl Raiich's We" challenged Mr7 Samuel- to make also these boxers ars pursuing sort of retort at the obvious theWhether report on the preparation of a manual for proselytes has practical some fabulous pot of'gold supposed to contradiction between these facts and use, and will be of help in the regulation of the present loose sys- his unequivocal assertion: the Jews be at the.rainbow's end remains to be seen. The outstanding fact at present tem of admitting converts. Whether through such a manual large and sports were-.as poles apart. Druggists and Stationers 2224 Cuming St. is that they are going away from the numbers of non-Jews will seek admission into the Jewish -fold Mr. Samuel" seemed sublimely un- East "Manufactured in Omaha" Phone JA ckson 1226. because -good-purses are scarce «0i-403-«5 Sonttj tetb Street is open to question, but that it will be of assistance to Rabbis who moved by what appeared to us to be in that region. EL O. to his theory. ' 1 have never BAKER ICE MACHINE CO. are constantly faced with the problem of the method and manner asaid the Jews I could not. perform a Hungarian Rabbis Prohibit Women of procedure in.the teaching of applicants for proselytism there specific task as well.i.s anybody else," To appear In,-. Synagogues PAXTON-MITCHELL CO. can be.no/doubt, ; '-.. answered Mr. Samuel. Neither did I f S7th ft Martha Sts. Harney 1668 In Immodest Brats In accordance with established precedent, the vice president need the instance of-Mr. Friedman, henmay.^bei:pft «fdei??to re- •- Budapest,-^J. VJ A.)— The fight Omaha, Nebr. succeeds the president ip office, after the latteiSJhad served fordtwo whoever Soft gray iron, brags, bronze and alume ^0ia1;~jjiews7 occasionally ex« years. This "year the choice has; faUe#tfpon-Rabbi Louis Wakey, inind minum castings. Standard sizes bronre COMPANY hibited remarkable physical prowess. against immodesty^;in women's dress and iron bushings, sewer manholes, of the Rodeph Shalom Congregation of our city. His task is an But the native instine of the Jew does was taken up^.following the example cistern rings and covers, and cleftn-out AT-1000 E. SCHERER doors in Btock, arduous one, demanding a keen sense of responsibility and con- not lend itself to the deification of of the American Orthodox Rabbis, by Mgr. sport /such .as", is common in western the rabbis of Hungary. ' ' siderable judgment and tact. We extend to him our best wishes universities./ 350 Rooms—350 Baths The Jew will fence, A warning placarded in the lobbies for a successful arid fruitful administration.-—Jewish Independent. fight, swim, raw, punt, wield a tennis racket or baseball bat in response to of the synagogues and houses of worhis.«nviEontoienti'J M that,' he. never ship by the Budapest Rabbinate urges : goes frantic about it enmasse as in Jewish women not to appear in imthe custom in the universities of the modest attire Jn the synagogues durwestern world." ing services." ISADOEE ABHAMSON So there you are. One-two-three"Women endecollete will be asked 2bur - five - six - seven - eight-nine-out. Public Accountants and Auditors Benny Friedman; wins by a knockout! to leave the synagogue", The anLemberg (J. T. A.)—An appeaj. urges the Prussian government to imnouncement states. :~ • 1I2.O Income Tax Consultants O729 MO.I8TST. to those "who \vere~respcmsible for the mediately .notify the Polish governthrowing of the bomb at President ment that Theophile Olshanski-has SYSTEMS—AUDITS—INVESTIGATIONS Laurence Stallings, one of the auth"Wocjciechowski to come forwaTd and admitted his guilt in throwing'the Experienced Salesladies 490 BRAUDE1S THEATER BLDG. prevent the conviction of a man. who bomb at the Polish president and thus ors of ."What-Price- Glory" proclaims for general Department Store. — Benny iFrledman "tKe greatest quartPhone AT lantic 1450 Omaha is innocent, was made by Dy. Landau, prevent' the murder of Steiger. Dep^ erback" and describes him as follows j Must be experienced in Dry Goods \ S and Reay-to-Wear. STAR STORE, counsel for ^defense, at the trial of Uty Badt points out that Germany in the game Benny won against Illithe big store, — North Omaha's Stanislaw Steiger Saturday. \ •played • a-sinrilar-role'-iir-the Dreyfus Jiois.on.-:Qctol>er.24: Greatest Department Store. Painting and i " "A gyroscope, whizzing with a starcase "when the government ofthe Dr. Landau urged the court to inry speed until touched by a foreign vestigate the acts of the Polish polit- Kaiser 1 owing tlw facts and thebody, and then a shower of sparks, . Paperhanging ical police and other court documents innocence of Captaife Dreyfus, cov- and a hurtling, careening figure. itt order to investigate the participa- ered the truth." Benny ran himself fifteen times, 1114 South 28th Street also for fives yards a clip- on" that i Phone -JA ckson 0048 tion of the Ukrainian military organi. . Harney 3968 mtfddy field, -But Benny, -who h a s ' sation in the attack, on. the: Polish , SAM-NEWMAN •185 pounds ^of"fterve and muscle and ! president. ;.: Dr. ^landau -further dis- Forty Talmud Tordfc Save Money by Letting Us \ ; •who looks the image of a Leyendecker! Painting and Decorating cussed the case of Theophile Olshanroster, had another trick in;his stock. I . Do Your Work. Pupils To Receive frizes Jenny can kick from placement with LET OS BID FOB SUV ski and demanded that the court docuOUR WOHK GUAnANTEED the accuracy of a trench mortar. At ments concerning the. case be' read, as the close of the second quarter he Forty children of the City Talmud 214 South 18th St. Omaha. Nebr. •well as the reports of the Berlin poTorab. will be given prizes this Sun- lofted one over, wet and "dripping lice. • , • • ' ' . ; • day morning for receiving the highest from the 25-yard line to win a game , • Witness Grosna confirmed his testi? grades in. scholarship and deportment., that ended 3 to 0. lot. Pepper, le»P*MM 8«cr«ttrf. TUony that Police Commissioner KajThose to whom the awards will be FROM OVER dan of Lemberg reproached Mile' Pas- made are as,follows: Omaha Fixture & Prompt Service • Soft Water Why worry, fret or fume over THE MOUNTAINS ternak, the mainv -witness" against ,*'" „••'•"; Wet wash, semi-flat, C 1 B M , I "•• ' ' ;'.' Supply Co. A correspondent from Denver Steiger, for presentingiconfused testi- Jacob Hollander Evelyii t3*ecn trying to choose an overcoat from rough-dry. writes; ' v Segal Donald Millet COMPLETE STORE AND mony. Witness Ladstaedter testified Melvln Israel Ynffe Ben Katmen Dear Mr. Conzel: . * 2808 Cuming St. .; Harney 0881. , .OFFICE OUTFITTERS limited stocks when you can walk Harry Fox ; .Wish to give you some -nnViS reth'at he observed at the moment when Harry Levlne , We occupy -• •„ '•• ciasrii '•'••' garding a Denver Jewish bay, namethe bomb was thrown at the presi- „Ed • W TD.0OO Moan tm in here any day and find just what Fellman Oscar Rimmerman ly .Phil Milstein, who is now'the Jun-' fvUiw*ct Conw* dent "an individual with hom-f immed Louis Colin" *.- Abe'Him'merman--• - - -GIa»s HI- " - ' ' ' ior and- Senior Champion for 1925 of inrt i>nnels> direct*. you want—without losing your spectacles wearing a rubber coat," Israel' Hornsteln.Sainjdtalsel Denver. Has won the Junior ChampVbonn larhsnn Z724 similar to that of Steiger, but he Julius HqniBtelii Alia Hlrsb . .. ' ionship in 1923-1924 and 1925. Won OMAHA NKB. patience? Abe -noseiHhal - Ralph Maisel could not identify him. the Seniors and Juniors m two conGIFTS THAT LAST, Class IV secutive weeks for tho University of Eose "Welnberg Abe Glassman 'Berlin (J. T. A.)—The case of Colorado at Boulder and thefirstJew• - -• - class V MALASHOCK JEWELRY CO. Bess Fellnian 'Delia Landman ish Captain of that University. Holds Theophile Olshancld and his connec- Belle .Holzman EditU Landman I. O. B.B. the Intermountain Collegiate Douglas tion with the throwing of the bomb Barry liosensteln Diamond Importers Championship. He is 17 years old Class VI at President Wojeiechbwski continues Regular Meeting of and is a Sophomore. Won a four Platinum Specialists Klein Nathan Bloch to be the" main sensation in the Ger- Morris years scholarship to the above UniNathaa Fellman Israel Dorlnson VII versity and is & very brilliant student. man press.' "Why hastfie Polish gov- JRacbel Ivushner ClassSol NEW LOCATION Lerenson ernment ignored this matter until Balia Belzer Sam Flnkel 214-15-16 City Nat Bank Bldg. ( FROM ENGLAND Louis Colin now?" the Berlinner Tageblatt asks. littth Holiberg i Ja. <?619— Est 1894 j Class VIII In the finals of the tennis championThe Largest Overcoat Stock in the The Juedische Rundschau", criticizes Israel Bercovicl Harry Weiriberg ships of the Circle Lawn l'ennis Club, Wili Hesfiick the German government who knew the Sam Zerinsky Miss Julie Rosen cheated a record by West Including Big Warm Coats— IX winning the ladies' singles championfacts and the truth. "How could the Jenny tCeanick ClassAnna Gltnick Warmth Without Weight—Coats for ship, the ladies' doubles (v/ith .4iss M. German government, witnessing the Barry Hermansen Vermon) and the mix:ei doubles (with martrydom of Steiger, .who .is inno- Hose Steinberg Cl»s« X Dressy Wear—Lright Weight Overcoats Mr.. Felix). The men's singles and Sara German cent, and seeing him labelled as a men'sl doubles were won by Mr. M. and All Weather Top Coats at Prices Bernstock and Messrs. N. and A. criminal, keep its peace? The Steiger Moscowy-^J. .. T. ,A.)— Professor Felix" respectively. far Below Usual. case is only paral1eledrby the Dreyfus Joffe, professor _at the . Leningrad; case,'-' the paper says.' - •; Academy of Science, and .inventor of A SPLENDID : Berlin (J. T. A.)An interpella- a process for condensing electrical OPPORTUNITY "In- consequence of the- lack of tion concerning the. Steige* trial was energy, • was -refused admittance toA suitable sports—grounds, gymnasia introduced yesterday in the Prussian fhe United State's.'" " ' ' ' and apparatus, extraordinary difficul1307 Howard St. At. 8028 liiet by the, Zionist' Social deputy, Professor Joffe was invited by the ties exist a t present in Palestine fo Every Thursday Evening &t Omaha, Nebr. provide adequately for the> physical Community Center Building CORRECT APPAREL FOR MEN AND WOMEN -=r-r\— deveWp'rrielife^of** tile"— thousands of d i . i'XFKidc-tii. jjj'in his interpellation ^Deputy Badt' - 4. 41 yonncr Jews and Jewesses entering the
' '"* " "I'
" "•
'" •
Our Sporting Column
Baker Ice Machines
Steiger Trial Resembles Wide Complications of Dreyfus Case
E. E. Bruce 6c Co. HULSE & RIEPEN
.;• American We£ Waski
Omaha Lodge No. 354
We Print
—Effectively —Accurately
Interstate Printing Co.
PAGE 3—THE JEWISH PRESS—THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1925 According i o the ordinance the or- amendment which impose* the coaditertain at a six o'clock dinner next Plans Completed for Hadassah Card Party ganization «f the communities in tion of good physical health, aoeud Sunday evening at Le Petit Gournet. Monday Afternoon at Brarvdeis T.ea Rooms these provinces will be similar to that mentally and decent financial circaura-
Covers will be placed for twenty of Congress Poland. The ordinance stances. No nataraliaaed alkm will the guests.7 is to be published in the next issue permitted to sit in parliament, te Ibr Mrs. D. Diamond, who underwent of the Polish official gazette. During a member of the cabinet of a judge, an operation two weeks gao, is con- the Czarist regime no organized the proposed amendment specifies, acvalescing. Kehiliahs existed except in Congress cording- to the "Morning Post." Poland. Mrs. A. S. Sandlovich and daughter, Jean, returned last week from KanHave you renewed your subscript sas City, where they spent two weeks. London (Jewish Telegraphic Agen- tion? Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Wertheimer and cy).—A rigorous amendment to the Ji&mondsi daughter will leave Lincoln within a Aliens Naturalization Act in Great Britain will be introduced shortly by Wrist Watches—Gifts that last There are several debaters in the COUNCIL BLUFFS TAKES month or six weeks to make their ENGAGEMENTS ) M A H JONG AND CARDS the Home Secretary, Sir JownsonAN ACTIVE INTEREST ttf For every occasion club. They are Nathan Mandel, home in Detroit, where Mr. WertMr. and Mrs. Sol. S. Goldstrom, of AT SISTERHOOD MEETING Louis Lohrman, Jake -Stoller, Morris Cash or Terms JEWISH NATIONAL FUND heimer will be manager of the Bea- Hicks, according to a report of the Miami Beach, Fla., formerly of this MONDAY AFTERNOON Fellman, and Dave Greenberg. A "Morning Post,, today. SWARTZ JEWELRY CO. trice Creamery plant. city, announce the engagement of debate will be held at the next meetA mass meeting of Council Bluffs 1514 Dodge St. A monthly business meeting of the Naturalization of aliens will be their daughter, Lucille, to Mr. Bert Mr. and Mrs. M. Weil, who have made more difficult, according to the Temple Israel Sisterhood -will be held ing on, Resolved "That Phohibition Jewry has been called for Sunday "Walter, of Oakland, Calif. The enMonday afternoon, November 9 at Is a Failure." Boys of high school evening, November 1, 7:30 p. m., at been abroad for several months, argagement is of interest to a umber 2 o'clock, at the Temple. Reports will age are eligible to join the dub. ::uT":::nn:":i":":::::t::::n;T:::::::::::::::":"""!;";":^ru!i"t"ti!n"H;!";??it!t!t;iT:u;!Tn""Mjj^*H(l^j!?5™|^S-?;"" the B'nai Israel Synagogue, 618 Myn- rived in New York last Wednesday. of Omahans as the Goldstroms were be given by the various committee ster Avenue, Council Bluffs, in the They are expected to be ia Lincoln It; THE OLD RELIABLE A literary and musical program will interest of the Jewish National Sunday. prominent in Omaha circles before chairmen. ' - •. : be given by the Ladies Labor Lyceum : moving to Florida .several months Mah Jong, cards, and refreshments Fund. All Jewish organizations are Club on Sunday evening, November 8, requested to make this announcement will follow according to the committee at eight o'clock at the Labor Lyceum. at their meetings of this week and to Polish Government Passes Mr. P. Dolgoff announces the en- in charge. The program will be a piano selection attend individually or in a body. 1552 North 20th St. Ordinance On Organisation gagement of his daughter, Molly, to by Lillian Chudacoff, a song number Of Kehillalss in Eastern Province Mr. Harry' A^Wolf left last week by Mrs. Burns accompanied by Miss Rabbi C. H. Temkin, of New York, Mr. Hyman Noodell, of Marshalltown, Marks says: W e handle the best quality Meats, la., son of Mr. and Mrs. S. Noodell, on a business trip to Miami, Fla. Warsaw,-MJ. T. A.)—The organiChndacoff, a violin selection by Harry lias appointed the following on his Poultry, and Delicatessen. committee: Mr. Sam Steinberg, Presiof'this city. Mr. and Mrs. A. Rosen Miss RuthBrodkey retarned from Holtzman, accompanied by Ms teacher, dent Council Bluffs B'nai Brith lodge; zation of Jewish communities in the "entertained forty guests at dinner at an extended visit •with islatives in Miss Rose Dubnoff, prominent local Eastern Provinces of the Polish ReSole Proprietor their home Sunday evening in honor California and Texas. violinist. The fourth number will be Mr. J. Whitebook, President of B'nai publics, one of the points of the Polish Tel. Webatcr 2196 1? of Miss Dolgoff and her fiance. a recitation by Vivian Stein followed Israel Synagogue; Rev. I. Dimond Jewish agreement, will be hastened if B Mrs.. Eugene A. Levy, of Lincoln, by a violin selection by her brother, and Louis Katelman, also S. Shyken the decision of the Polish Cabinet will Word was received this week from Nebr., visisted here for several days Ben Stein. A dance will be given by and Mr. Sacks. There will be several be carried out. New York of the announcement made with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Her- Rose Kandy accompanied by Miss prominent speakers, including Rabbi The Council of Ministers at its last byy Mr. and Mrs. N. Pearlman,, of the . While here she attended Sheanin. A saxophone number by C. H. TemMn, of New York City, and session yesterday introduced the proYou are invited to conic wid listen i man engagement of their daughter, Sara, II the Council of Jewish Women conven- Joe Eaimen, and a sketch by the mem- J. J. Friedman, of Omaha, who will ject of a government ordinance subto the new -formerly of this city, to Mr. Sani tion. bers of the So Ed So dub- will con- tell of the present status of the re- mitted by the Ministry of Education building of Palestine an the Jewish concerning the organization of the Edelstein, of New York City, clude the program. Mrs. Joseph Jacobs will be hostess Homeland and of the accomplish- Kehillahs in the Districts of Wolyn, Dr. and Mrs. M. G. Wohl have at a one o'clock luncheon Friday at Remodelling was begun on the fun- ment* of the World Zionist Congress Palesie, Bialystok and Vilna. • "TEUE IN SOUND"_ moved to 4108 Famam Street. the Brandeis Tea Rooms honoring eral home to be sponsored by the recently held at Vienna. The meeting Miss Bunny Kulakofsky, who recently will be open to the public and there Mr. and Mrs. Meyer Friedman and announced her engagement to Nathan Chesed Shelemes Club. The next will, be no charge for admission. meeting of the Chesed Shelemes wjll .daughter, Jacqueline, are visiting in E. Groen, and also complimentary to NOW HERE IN OUR •Chicago, HI. They will be gone for Mrs. Archie Jacobs, who was recently be held Thursday, November 26, at the Adass Yeshuren Synagogue. DISPLAY ROOMS two months. married. LINCOLN One hearing of the new Orthophonic Victrola will change Omaha Chapter No. 1 of the Order your whole conception of music in the home, in spite of all A dancing party will be given by Mrs. J. Berek and daughter, Ruth, of Aleph Zadik Aleph will hola a Zeta Beta Tau fraternity held * that the world has had to offer up to this time. the ,L. N. T. Z. Club on Thursday of Fremont, are spending-the week- regular meeting Sunday afternoon, at fall party at the Rosewilde party W evening, November 12, at the Hans- end with Mrs. Berek's sister, Mrs. M. the Jewish Community Center. house Friday evening; More than one com Park Pavilion. Oberman, and Mr. Obennan. Omaha Chapter No. 1 of the Order hundred couples attended. 1804 No. 24th St.—Webster 2042. of Aleph Zadik Aleph will not hold Call us for a demonstration for the new Radiola super-heterdine Mrs. Boris I. Cohan and infant son, Mr. and Mrs. Morris Levy have football practice this coming Sunday Miss Ruth Kendis, of Omaha, spent in your home.—Prices and terms reasonable. Selwyn Jordan, left the Omaha Ma- taken possession of their new home the week-end in Omaha. morning. ssSsassn-aUursHnnr^ ternity. Hospital, and have joined Mr. at 5114 Dodge.Street.. .'\ Cohan, at the Hamilton Hotel, .where Mr. and Mrs. Walter Be Butts left Stanley F.Levine, J. MelvinXevin, •b they have taken an apartment. Tuesday by motor for California, David Bleicher," Bernard Shimmel, where they will spend the winter re: i Mr." knd Mrs. A. IL Huskin. have Sam Bender and Elmer Greenberg will FRIDAY EVENING SPEECHES turning to Lincoln in April. A num"It is a Thorpeian A fair ir" ^ moved into their new home at 3212 journey^ to Lincoln,-Saturday for the AT SYNAGOGUE ARE ber of social events were given in FOR £ Lafayette. Avenue. , ; Central High, Lincoln High School PROVING MOKE POPULAR honor last week. so you know it is good football game.. Mrs. J. Adler is visiting in Toledo, "Tzedek, Tzedek, Terdof", (Thou All the boys with the exception of "Miss Esther Svislovsky had as her Ohio., with her daughter, Mrs. Ben Stanley F. Levin are members of the shalt always pursue after justice). guest over the week-end, Miss JeanBinder, formerly Miss Marie Adler, of Central High football teamV _ " ', This was the. theme of Mr. Morgannette Bordy, of Columbus. this city. While in; Uncblh: they will attend stern's Friday night's talk when he r spoke atf the , Synagogue before a Miss Jeanette Krupiasky and HerA son, Alden Dewayne, was born the football game, Sunday between* large audience. "-' man Krnpinsky, of Fremont, spent the Omaha Probationary. A. . * Z. to Mr. and Mrs. Edward Lincoln, on These Friday jiight speeches are Saturday and Sunday in Lincoln. Tuesday, October 20, at the Metho- Chapter and Lincoln Chapter No. 8."r proving more popular each week and dist Hospital. Sigma Delta Tau Borority enter• AT The Misses Bess Borsky and Jen- a surprise is offered to the community tained at an informal tea at the nie Kosowsky entertained at a bridge for this Friday evening, and everyone and Mrs. Ed Treller returned chapter house on Sunday afternoon Wednesday evening from Excelsior j &jen Saturday ^vening at the home is especially urged to be present. for relatives and friends of l i e of the. latter. Covers-were laid :fpr Springs, Mo. The Independent Order of-the B'nai members. twelve. :guests; 25th at Famsitt B'rith Lodge No. 688 Witt hold a regRabbi Frederick Gohn will give an Miss Maxine Frosh, who is teachnlar meeting next Wednesday evenArmistice day sermon Friday eveMrs. B. Schwartz has issued invitaning-, November 6, at the Temple. His tions for a reception to be given Sun- ing, November 11, at the Danish Hall ing at Neola, Iowa, this year, spent the week-end in Lincoln. Novelties | Special Entertainment sabject will be -"The Devil's Deeiple," ( day, November 8, at her home in tion- at .eight-thirty o'clocki • PHONE the play by George Bernard Shaw.Jpr of Mr. and Mrs. Abe Gross, who Mr. and Mrs, Henry Blum will enThe Ladies. Aid Society vrill hold a thft will be played next week by the were recently married. Mrs. Goss meeting • Tiext Tuesday afternoon, Harmo Jazz Orchestra Community Players. Saturday morn- -was formerly Miss Rose Schwartz.: November 10, at the home of Mrs. ing he will give a Father-Son serAnnouncement Mrs. William L. Holzman was Sam Meyerson, 600 Roosevelt Avenue. mon. His subject will be "Abraham hostess Tuesday evening to the deleJA-1»64 ' Res. WE-S952 Mrs. Sam J. Steinberg entertained andjsrael." gates of the Council of Jewish Women at three tables og Bridge at her home DK, S. Z. STERX Mr*fand Mrs, J. Cohn have moved; convention. Wednesday afternoon. into their newly built home at 5605 DEKTTST Mr. and Mrs. Joe.Wolf and family OmaliA Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Katleman enter- 609 TForld-Hernld Emily street. have taken an apartment at the Birch- tained their Evening Bridge Club at Office Phone Res. Phone Mr. and Mrs. Colman Finkel will be wood. their home Sunday evening. JA-ctson 1961 KEswood 0195 at home at 2403 No. 22nd Street to Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Robinson, jof DR. J. M..EBMAlff Sixteen friends of Mr. and Mrs. receive relatives and friends on Sun- Walthill, Nebr., announce the birth of Harry Cohen surprised them at a day, November 15, from 2 to 5, in the a baby daughter born'Tuesday, NoPHYSICIAN AND SURGEON afternoon, and from .7 to 11, in the vember 3. Mr. Robinson is the son Housewarming party. at their new Hours 2—i Emergency Pione A3M77* evening, in honor of their daughter, of'Mr. and Mrs..S. "Robinsan, of this home at 37 North Seventh Street 60» World-Herald Bids. Fanny, who will soon be married to city. Mrs. Robinson; is i_the daughter Tuesday evening. The evening was Mr. Louis Weitzman, of Atlanta, Ga. of - Mr. and Mrs. 'Louis Rosenberg, of spena playing Bridge. Mr. and Mrs. Cohen were presented with a beautiful Leo Bernstein, son of Mr. and Mrs. Kansas City, Mo. hand painted picture. If you have been trying" to get your supply of this Jake Bernstein, will be Barmitzvoti Miss Selma Kalis, of Kansas City, Mr. and Mrs. Ben I. Seldin and Saturday morning, November 7, at Mo., spent Tuesday in Omaha, while famoiis coal—here is yom* opportunity. the B'nai Israel Synagogue. Mr. and enroute to her home from Lincoln, family have moved into their new Mrs. Bernstein will be at home at Nebr., where she spent the week-end home at 629 Oakland Drive. 2443 Manderson Street to receive with Miss Kate Goldstein. Mrs. Sam Meyerson entertained her friends and relatives Sunday .afterAfternoon Mah Jong Club a t her home noon from 3 to 5 and 7 to 10 in the Mr. and Mrs. Louis Ziev have.as on Wednesday. > evening. I their guests, Mr. A; Kumin, and son, Charles, of Worcester, Mass. The Ladies Auxiliary of the Talmud Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Newman and ' Torah held a meeting: Wednesday 1514 Bodge St. Mr. and Mrs. M. Newman are leaving afternoon at the home of Mrs. F. GiSaturday evening: on the Woodmen linsky, 118 Vine Street : of. the World Excursion through the The Hatikvoh Club held its first South. meeting of the season, on Sunday, iiiiiiiiiiunniiiiiiiiiiuniiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiHiiiniiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiuiniiiuiiiiiiiiiiu: Mrs. Nathan Weinstein and Mrs. November 1,-at.the ^Jenish CommunA. Stoller were hostesses a' a bridge ity Center. Election of officers was luncheon Tuesday afternoon at the held with the following results: home of Mrs. Weinstein, in honor of President, Marie: Klein; vice-presiOur Entire Supply—Offered at $17.00, While It La»U Miss Eva Kaplan, who recently an- dent, Barbara Truehaft; secretarynounced her engagement to Mr. Sam reporter, Gladys Bernstein, and treasBernice Mines have been "shut down" for months—Omaha tJl<J not get Liebowitz, of Sioux City, la. Covers urer, " Sara Noddle. Fanny Colick its supply before the shut down orders were given. Order yoin? Bernice were laid for sixty-five guests. and Bertha Slutzkin were voted into Coal now before the supply is completely gone. the club. The - club is planning to Mrs. Sam Gaifman entertained hold a membership campaign soon. ofthe Phone AT. 7212 twelve children Sunday afternoon at her home in honor of the fifth birthThe B'nai Israel Juniors held* an day of her daughter, Betty^'Mr. and election of officers at tis regular meetMrs. Gaifman also entertained at ;i n g W e d n e s d a y e v e n i n g , October -28, three tables of bridge Sunday even- at the Jewish Community Center. ' S ing. Officers elected are Jake Sodofsky. j§ MannyGoldberg, vice-pits- ; 5 Mr. and Mrs. M. Oberman have ' ipresident; ment at 2702 Burt d e , n t fnd Mporter; Morrii: Fellnian, 5 taken an apartment W.F.MEGCAT& FOREST FUQHAflDSOM , secretary and treasurer, zud David 5 street. Greenherg, sergeant at-arais. " |S $1.50 Per Couple. Informal Mr. M. E. Chapman is in New York ' Two new memberss were were admitted amitted aa ' 1 S g on a buying trip. Be is «xpeetea into the-dub: Jhey are'Dave Alloy S to return lome next week. . and Morris- ^Blacker. ~ Complete plans and . preparations have Been made for the Omaha chapter of Hadassah card party te be ield Monday afternoon, November 9, at l i e Brandeis Tea 'rooms. This is the second party to be given this season by the local Hadassah. Prizes will be given at each table. Mrs. B. A. Simon is general chair* man of all the card-parties, and the
women who. will be hostesses at.thisi affair are tfce Mesdame* A. Boom, J. B. Robinson, Charles Levinson, J, Rosenberg, Joe Cohn and MaxLerner. The proceeds realized from the card parties are sent to the hospitals and other charitable institutions in Palestine that axe maintained by the National Hadassah.
\FjkNew Orthophontc
N. S.
Printing Stationery Office Supplies Framed Mottoes
THORPEIAN DANCE Sunday, Nov. 8, 1925
JAckson 0770
Bernice Mines
Omaha Is Without Its Supply
Famous Values
300 Tons of Genuine
M Karat....... $25 up % Karat....... $50 up Fill Karat.... $200 up
Hear Ye! Hear Ye! The Annual
Thanksgiving Dance
Ladies Auxiliary of the B nai B nth Thursday Evening, NOT. 26 at the Blackstone Hotel
•:« whenshe^walkedZ for e*arapfe fl msdaeneoVlitai.' She V*&ttvf*T of fclfr ihg tbeiofigg sTsiri aroaB**er carefully, tested -nans when-' ate was* nervonar "botft doitfcatnheajiIdV • > ^ • Dallas nearer irritated-him.*r She rested him,ht tolfl Blnmelfc He would aim himself against her, but one minute' after meeting her he would sink grate* folly and Vesistlessly into her quiet depths. Sometimes he thought all this was an assumed manner in .her.
yonr-fttiis,effortless-bef^pldto her o^oe.aajv-"i$-.fl pose, lsrft itr\-'Anything to get her notice. . _. "Paxtliy,? Dallas had replied, amiably. -;t r ^ a, nice ,pbsftcthough; don't ^ou thinki" '__.;"", / ' '•','.A '.What we you going td-do with a gfrHIRethatl Here was the woman who could hold him entirely, and who never iield out a finger to hold him.' He tore at-the wall of her Indifference, though
"Good L'ord^ no 1
day Kl prob- majk. Tin n6t criticizing you. But you're all smooth. I like 'em bumpy. Tb. Iy*niafry arhorny-hfnded son of That sounds terribje. . It isnt what •and'^K^I-jiait'O be the'horny hands 1 mean at all. tt isnt—" that^wiir win m& If you want to> know* never mind," Dirk said, wearily I (like 'euu'vs-itlH'thelr scars on them. 'I "Oh, think I know what,you mean, bis.There's, something about .a nnkn who, ten,;Dallas. 1 thought—I'd go back has fought for' It—1 don't know wbar ro HolUs & IfSprague's and begin all .itviB-r-a- ,look ln; his eye—the feel of >ver again at forty a week if I thought his hand; "He. needn't have been sue- >ou'd—'• ••essful-i-though'he probably would be. "Don't" ; don't-know.1 I only know he—well. <Mi- linvcn't".a -mark on vou. Not 'n (To be concluded, next week,) >
nessTOH&-that you: &m!t like raer "But .1 do like you. , I think yotfre jML.^wfully, attractive ; man." Dangerous, ;tliilfs wot" ' - • i "Oh. don't be the" wide-eyed ingenue. Sou know d—d vftfi what I mean. Tou've got me and you don't want me If I had been a successful architect Instead of a successfu.1 .business man would that have made any difference?"
AMLBICANS T o BRIJiG RELIEF TO SUFFERING DRUZEb Jerusalem,—(J. T. A.)—The sum of $500,000 to bring aid to suffers, victims of the disorders inDjebel Durze and Hauran, will be spent by Americans, according1 to a reporrt from Beurut. The sum was forwarded from America to the American Cousul in, Beirut, the report states.
By EDNA FERB'ER <©. DoubleAw, Pay* WKD Strife*.
"I can't Imagine. They used to be for, the purpose of ridding -a .fox-infested country of a nuisance,: Have the foxes been bothering-'em: out-In Lake Forest?" "Now, mother, don't be funny-". He*
if «&
"Well, but" If s so silly, Dirk. It's Kmart lo copy from another/country the things that that country; does better, than we do. England:does gardens and" woodfires and "dogs, and tweeds and walking shoes and pines and leisure better than we'do. 'But those luke-warm steamy- breakfasts of theirs I It's because they haven't gass, most of them. No Kansas/ or Nebraska farmer's wife would-stand/for one of their kitchens—not for a minute. And the hired man would balk atisuch bacon." She giggled. . . . . * •" "Oh, well, If you're going-to/talk like that" But1 Dallas rO'Mara "felt much the same about these things. Dallas, If appeared, had been something'of a-fad with the North Shore society'crowd after she had painted Mrs. Robinapn, Oilman's portrait She had been Invited to dinners and luncheons 'and dances, but their doings, she told "Dirk* had bored her. • ..".";.' •They're'nice," she said, "but they don't have much fun. They're aU tryIng to be something they're not And that's such hard work. The women were always explaining that they lived'. In Chicago because their husband's business was here. They all 'do things pretty well—dance or palnt'or-ride^or write or Bing—but' not well enough. They're professional amateurs, trying to express something they don't feel; or that they don't feel strongly-enough to make It worth while expressing.'1 . - She admitted, though, that jtiey did appreciate the'things that "other, people did well. Visiting^ and .acknowledged writers, painters; 'lecturers," heroes, they entertained lavishly and' hospitably in their Florentine or English.or Spanish or French palaces on the North side of Chicago, BL Especially * foreign notables of this description.; > Since 1918 these had descended upon Chicago (and all An}erlcj);_Hke a plague of locusts, starting usually In New York and sweeping westward, devouring the pleasant verdure .of greenbacks a x j chirping 83-they came. Beturnlng to Europe, bursting with: profits and spleen,' they thriftily^wrote, pf what they had seen' and,the result !was more clever than amiable; bearing, too, the taint of bad taste. North Shore hostesses vied for.the honor of entertaining these' notables.* Paula — pretty, clever, moneyed,' ghrewd->-often emerged from these contests the winner. Her latest catch was Smile Goguet—Gen. Emlle Gogaet, hero of Champagne—Goguet pf the" stiff white beard, the empty 4pft coatsleeve, and the score of medals.' He. was coming to America ostensibly to be the guest of the American dt vision which, with Goguet'a French "troops, had turned the- German onslanght at Champagne, but really, itwas- whispered, to cement friendly re* latlons between his country j and a somewhat diffident United States." "And guess,", thrilled Paula, ."guess who1*:coming-with him, Dirk:! .That wonderful Boelf Fool, the French' sculptor 1" tWhat d'you mean—French sculptor 1 He's no more French than I am. He was born within a cpnp'e .of miles of my mother's farm. His people were Dutch, truck farmers. His father lived in High,Prairie until a year ago, when he died of a stroke." - When he told Selina she flushed like, ft girl, as she sometimes still did,, when, she was much excited. "Yes, -I saw'ft In the paper. I wonderJ'rahe added, < quietly, "if X shall see hfin." „ That evening you might have seen her Bitting, fingering the faded shabby Jime-worn objects the saving of which Dirkjbuad denounced as sentimental* Thefcrude drawing of the Haymarket; the .wine-red cashmere, dress;; some faded brittle flowers. ' Paula was giving a 'larger-but not too large—dinner on the .second night . Bbe^waa very animated about-it,-exdted, gay. ."They say/' ishe told Dirjj, ••that Ooguet doesn't eat anything but . liaxd-beRfed «gg» and rnsks.; Oh, well, the «th.ers won't object to squabs -an* * nuahrooma and things. And bis bobl^ Ik. MB farm in Brittany, Pool's stunt - ---1 and somber ana verj white' r -, Paula was very gay ffawe day& - Too IJ seemed to Dirk that he? tnexhaa«tibie-~ j
OFFERS GREATER VALUE |uly Jhventy-thi^d Nash\inj^pfluced t i e ^ ttodels —by long odds the finest motor cars Nash ever -built. new models presented Mew and uniquely original body designs, far-reach|nl improvements in construction tmd notable regn^inents in engineering and equipment—all at^far^greater manufacr t|iringcost.^
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Reductionstip to ; -
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' 'if '
Thej.above piice redactions:are ;€ on ^xactly l i e sarnie M o d e l s . ; * V ^ %2 It is{ possible to^iafee such price redxicJ^Sns on|y / because of the tremendous volume of sales, inspired by manifestly GREATER QUALITY AND GREATER VALUE of the Nash product. the first three months these cars have* been on ^^ market the total sales have more than equaled one-half the sales for the entire year of 1924.
•VRIESEMA 2054 Fantam Street.., 423 So. lOfli Street
- •
", it