November 26, 1925

Page 1

Success or failure in business is caused -more by mental attitu, ^ f n . than'by rnental\ && > . ities.. — Walte\\%'l. ^.S.cott. '

VOL. TV—No. 51

The cvnic is one Tfiio knows the price * of e^erjr % h i n g and the v a l u e of nothing.-— OscarWil&c-' '

'—•entered «a saeond-claas JBa»;t»iattei:on J t o n a r j 27th, 1821, a t Dotrtofflce at Omaha Nebratfca, opflgt the Act of March 8. tCT9

taha Lodge 1.0. B. B Hosts To Delegates For Conference 01 Neighboring Lodges December 13


No Peace Wjtth Troops- in Syriai


' . Declares SoltW H Atrash

CpntesidtritsWorking F or TriptotMwope or

SUBSRIPTION PRICE, A YEAR $2.50 Metullah Area Declared a Military Eone

Action World Court

Jerusalem. (J. T. A.) Although not fearing a spread of the Syrian rebellion to Palestine, Lord Plumer is taking every precaution to prevent the Druzes from crossing the borLoais Mursfeali in Eeport Re* der. views Situation ThroughThe Metullah area is declared a Only One more week left for applicants to join The Jewish military zone, while" the Transjordan out Globe. Many 'Notable - Representatives Will ^ttend This ConPress Populanty'Cqrifest^ Any girl wishing to enter the contest force has strengthened in order to ference in Omaha check the invasion from the East, LFTTLE-CHANGESEEN'IN- • must do so immediatdy. by calling at The Jewish Press office. Christians in French territory are THe Jewish PBE^srka^Oaanched the largest; contest ever held EUROPEAN CONDITIONS flocking to MetullaH in the hope that in the city. AS;a|irst -prize, the winner* mil obtain a trip to CLASS O F !LQDGE T O CANVASS Ewope as OmaT^'s:most;p^p^ar; Jewish girl.' I n all there are they will get British protection, and New York .(J. T. A.) Religious 200 Jewish colonists are uneasy in con- and racial intolerance in America, three' prizes oflferedlto'^the three most popular Jewish, girls. Already the "f^or- candidates who are" being backed by ..their sequence of the recent Druze raid on the hardships "resulting from the -immigration law and difficulties in matJedeida. The B'riai Brith Day celebration to be held under the; friends are bidding fair-competition t o winning the big prize. ters of naturalization, the situation auspites of OmahaCLodge No.:354, L O. B. B., on Sunday, DecemThe'girls entered in the contest are Leone Novitsky, repreof Jews in various: European 'counber 13,. -will bring to Omaha a great number of the most active sentative of. the T . M.: and Y. W. H. A. ISIi^s Novitsky is one tries, the »Tehabiliation of Palestine Je\rish men in the middle-western part:of-the United: States. of the most popular members of the organization and is receiving and the-problem of Jewish education Responses from Sioux Falls, S. D., Lincoln, Nebr, Fort Dodge, support from many of .the'members. Fannie Katelman, representain America held the attention of the Council Bluffs and Des Moine£, Iowa, indicate (an attendance o f ; i Defense Counsel Protest Against tive of Council Bluffs, is.;'from the many subnineteenth annual meeting Sundaj1; at great nilmber of official representatives of the B'nai "Brith lodges , Terroristic Methods of Lemscribers and friends in. the Hawkeye; state.' Sylvia Feldman^ the Astor Hotel the American. Jewin .--these,'cities, with the possibility of nearly seventy-five members representative of the 'Auflebung Club, -this-j organization, boasts Organization Plans Large Number of ish. Cimriiittee,: of burg Police the oldest and most of lodges who will accompany these official delegates. of a membership of ISO and all are working for, their candidate. Meeting's for Year . influential Jewish body in the United Omaha Lodge has completed arLemberg,—(J. T. A.)—^The cross Mildred Harris, of'the Poali-Zion organization; a membership of States. . . . ' • ' • ,; :'- '- > •...'.. rangements for the handling of this In a stirring address before memexamination of witness in the Steiger active workers. An authentic test of the PolishThe girls are planning on making: a thorough canvass of bers of the Y. M. & Y. W. H. A. Mon- Jewish important convention. Sunday, Notrial continued all day last Saturday. - agreement as filed by the . vember 29tb, a sweeping canvass day evening at the Jewish Community Polish government with the secreChaskel Steiger, the father of Stanis- the city during thfe coiiuhg^^ week end. - r : : : be Any Jewish. girl-^lEng to enter, this contest" and become Center, Dr. Frederick Conn, Kabbi of tariat, of the League of Nations wae b made throughout; the city i to obtain law Steiger, testified. Describing : eligible, for any of the} prizes should call afThe Jewish Pfess Temple Israel, appealed to the young made known for the first time by the remainder of the class of two the -life' storjr. of hik' son, Chaskal Gilbert Jaffe'i Orchestra Will Play office, 490 Brandeis; Theater Building, and receive more men and young women to study Jew Louis Marshall, president of the hundred candidates to be initiated on Steiger declariEd that Stanlslaw was a f This Thi jV8Fi I for . =; • •-. • ' •> r.-. •.'•...-. - . . • . December 18th. The committee in ish history and to practice Jewish American Jewish Committee, who sepeaceful temperament, conscientious information. charge of membership report sixtyidealism. arid attentive pupil, a devoted son and cured'this copy from the secretariat, The New YearVEve "party of the five applicants have already been obthe pride of : the family.-He stated His address was received with in"Although: symptoms are not lack-, tained and. the "balance of the" two Highland Country Club, will be held his soil was religiously inclined and tense interest. A very, interesting ing of the existence of religious at the Blackstone Hotel. The entire . . . hundred are assured after next Sunopposed to Communism. The news arid encouraging discussion followed. bigotry and racial discrimination in eighth floor of the Blackstone Hotel day's windup. that. Stanislaw was arrested did not Dr. Cohn's address was replete wi the United States, toward the suiv has been secured- for" the Highland's The president of the International New Year's affair. A. , Herzbergj frighten Ms /father because he was historical facts concerning the con- vivar and growth: of' which the pasOrder of the Independent Order B'nai jr.-, has been appointed general chairr firmly convinced that he would be retributions of Jews, to America. He sage of the immigration law of 1924 The fifth anniversary popularity; contest of The Jewish Brith has called an Executive Com- man of the affair and plans are how leased immediately. He "concluded his pointed out that in almost every field indirectly; contributed, there was no Press is launched for a better, understanding between mittee meeting- of the Constitution being made to complete the commit- evidence weeping. Many in the court of work, whether it be art, literature, widespread anti-J.ewish propaganda," The Jewish Pr^ss" and its subscribers. / room also wept. Grand Lodge-at- Cincinnati, -Ohio", for tee. science, Jews made great, if not the Mr. Marshall declared, reviewing the . . " • .--.\- --.• .- '• - •:" The contes:t is Cpen to any Jewish lady In Omaha or December 6th,- and .for ,that reason greatest contributions. In politics as situation in the United States. "By ..: Witness Holowiecki- - and witness At a meeting of members of t i e ' nearby communities. „• ", -" : V . the date has oeepTadvanced-to Decemwell as in cultural fields, the Jews this it is not meant to imply that Hawryszyn <jonfinne<i,. the testimony committee held Tuesday noon, Gilbert ber 13th for the holding of this' afEvery subscrip^on obtained by contestants will count have always been leaders. Of Madame Harnisch' concerning the Jews are not the victims of social Jaiffe land his - Symphony Orchestra fair. Many of the District Number as 25ft votes. .Renewals will count the'same as new was secured~for the" Highland party. direction in vihich the bomb fell, WitThe "Y" has a number of study ostracism and of disabilities in the Six Grand Lodge officers who are subscribers, t These subscriptions may be obtained any The .different, .committees Trill meet nesses Kulik* and Bass, who were groups in process of organization and matter of securing employment, which expected to be JnOinahawiil. attend p l a c e , i n t h e ^ c o u n t r y . . ' : .".:•'-• ' . • ' ' . : . . -••-'' present-at the moment of arrest, deevery-Tuesday ^rioon -until the" New' Dr. Cohn's address was a'stimulus to is not known in, the countries of the December 6th .meeting at" Cinjjpi Pasternak P t k was unWestern Europe. Only ignorance and clared that jjpie. : r W r ^ E y e affaiy.:::;!.:T I:* C~C,T No epnt^sat^ai-traiasfer her votes, to another^ conbigotry can account for this condition. .•• The members on 1;he committee- a t e i certain "at the beginning whetiiershe "The- Y.M. and. Y.M.ILA. plan a •This'.is ^-problem, 'how^wesv-w&iaihk • " in charge of• cottta^TaentiFy Steiger ag5the-;onVwhV 'Abe Ifefzberg, chairman;- Q. Katel,-' number of activities during lire winUbi Jewish '••'Press'is offering S750 in thiee p only years • of, education, leading to rangemehtBtare-now in: communica-. man-, 'Harry ' Kulakofsky, - Herbert threw thV bomb. - Wit^ss ter. The principal program to be folthe first three winners. First prize-r-tdp,to Europe;. the greater, spread of a.fair and libtion with Alfred M. Cohen, president- Heavenrich,O?. Yo\*§em;\Ai Mayer, -who was also present a t the sceiie of lowed wiUrbe a selection of speakers second prize^—trip to New York, and third prize-^trip eral American attitude, can solve. It of the Order, and with Dr. Boris D. Ben Steiffler, Manny, Handler, Morris arrest, declared that he was sure who will address the organization. to Chicago. Contestant has privilege of accepting any cannot be solved so Jong as persons I Bogen, his secretary, and prospects Ferer," Harry Majashock, Nathan E. -Mile, Pasternak was uncertain as to Besides the speakers, excellent musiof these prizes in cash. . ^ *- - . - . • who should know better help to keep -( are very good that they will both at- Jacobs, Dr. B: Freidman, Nathan E. whether Steiger threw the." bomb. cal numbers are being arranged for alive erroneous ideas which are based tend the B'nai Brith Day celebration Green, Henry Rosenthal, Ed Kraus." Witness'Binik testified that he spoke Contestants must qualify for the: respective prizes by the raeeting-s. upon a dearth of knowledge or a lack to be held in Omaha on December to a man who was present at the mobbtaining a minimum of 400,200, and .100 subscriptions of sympathetic understanding, such 13th. .ment. of arrest, who. declared that for first,;' second and third prizes respectively; ; as characterized a statement made "MJler • Pasternak was uncertain. All Representative men active in B'nai Every subscription must be accompanied by check for last spring bj^ Professor Brown of these witnesses contradicted the tesBrith work will be present in large $2.50 before it will be counted by the jiiHges." Princeton University." timoy of Lukomski, chief of the Lemnumbers. This event is certain to F o r information call Atlantic 1450.* - . • > . • . berg police, who testified that Mile. compare favorably with the District The following.officers were elected: Omaha Chaprter'Nd.-l, met Chapter Pasternak was certain she could idenFuneral services for Mr. H. Haspel, Louis Marshall, president; Dr. Cyrus Grand Lodge Convention held in No. 20 in a game of football Sunday tify .Steiger as .the one who threw the age 42, who died Saturday in the Adler of Philadelphia and Julius EOBOmaha three years- ago. afteVnoon, November :22, * at Thirty- bomb. Beekman Street Hospital, New York, enwald of Chicago, vice presidents; The day yrill be filled with activsecond and Dewey avenue. ; from injuries received when he was Colonel Isaac M. Ulman of New Havities, including the initiation of a Raid Momes of Witnesses The gridders :of; Chapter 20 came struck by a street car, were held en, treasurer. Max J. Kohler of New class of. twb hundred into Omaha Lemberg,—(J. T. - A.)—A protest off the field on the long end. of a 13 Wednesday morning, at 10 o'clock York was elected a member of the Lodge No. 354, a meeting for the against the Lemberg police for an atto 7 score. . , from the family residence at 2018 executive committee, to which the folformation of a B'nai Brith Council The-winners-made their touchdowns tempt to terrorize the witnesses of the California street. lowing were" elected: Leo M. Brown, composed of the cities invited, and a defense will be presented in court by as the results of passes. The first Mr. Haspel has been a resident of Mobile; Abel Davis, Chicago; Judge banquet in the evening at which will Scholar Says Yes; No Egyptian Religious Objects or Inscriptions Found touchdown was made by a pass Giveri- the counsel for defense,' it was deOmaha for 22 years and has been Irving Lehman, New York; Louis be present most of the Grand Lodge in Tomb is Remarkable Fact ' , • • ' *"" ter to Turner. _The second seore clared, here. Marshall, New York; A. C. Ratshesofficers of District Number Six. engaged in the grocery business. He By PROFESSOR G. SELIKOVITSCH \ This action of- the counsel. 'foE decame on a long pass from Giventer A speaker of national prominence had been visiting with relatives in ky, Boston; Milton J. Nosenau, Bosfense-was decided upon' following a to Shriebman who fran 40 yards for Dispatches from Caira state that most nothing- of. Tut-Arikh-Amen's New York for the past month and ton, and, Isaac M. Ullman of New will deliver the address at the banquet. police raid on the house of Mr. Finel, the counter. Weiner kneked goal. the face of Tut-Ankh-Amen has been gneology,-except.that he lived in the was returning from Brooklyn about Haven. Chapter l's touchdown - was made who announced his intention- o£ testiA three-act play "Wompeer" by by. Bud lieyinA after an 80-yard run. fying in the Steiger trial, declaring uncovered by Howard Carter, follow- time of Joseph, eighteenth dynasty, two weeks ago when the car on which August Stromberg, will be presented Levin blocked an attempted drop kick that • -he has important" testimony • to ing the unwrapping of the mummy and he married a princess, the daugh- he was riding was derailed. Haspel Additional 100% Pledgers by the Poali-Zion Literary Dramatic on his own 20 yard line, the ensuing present. The police who raided bis of Tut-Anhk-Amen which took seven ter of the heretic:Pharaoh Khu-an- alighted from the car, with the other to th« Jewish Community Section Sunday evening, December 6, run.was the.longest and most spec- house asked Mr. Finel wnetiier he days. The unwrapping of the nium- Aten, the King who erased the names passengers, and was struck by a car Fund. at the Labor Lyceum.' Proceeds of tacular, play of the day. Levin place- "participated in the bomb throwing" my, buried in'the royal sepulchre in of the old-- Gods, even of Anaen-Ra, coming from the opposite direction. and substituted a new deity j . Aten, the Valley of the Toms of the Kings, the play will go towards the Pales- kicked for the? try for point. Mrs. Haspel was notified of the acciM. Davidson, M. Gla&sberg1, Max and "how much money he received as which, should jse read Adon, a pure revealed^a-slight youth of about tine Workers Fund. Kaplan, Sain Krizelnmn, L. Mosdent and left for New. York immediSam Bender and Bud Levin were a bribe to testify." The houses of a Semetie etymology, toeaning - in - He- ately and was with her husband when kovite, , %l.. Markowita, William enghteeir years. .. . . . number of, Mr. Finel's friends were the outstanding stars of the Chapter Polock, Paul Schaye, H. Wohlner, Professor G. Selikovitsch, the auth- brew, Lord. Where did this king get he died. also searched. 1 aggregation. / ;: RABBI BLAU CALLED Philip Fine, Fred White. • or of this article,"a well known schol- his new- theologyJ? > It is more than ' Besides his widow, Mr. Haspel is Striebman,-\ Giventer ' and Reece probabl that ,it was xclusively JoTO LONDON PULPIT were the mainstays of the other ar, translator of the Egyptian livre survived by three daughters, Minnie, South Side Talmud Torah ] Royal into' French and of Buddha's seph's influence ,-that' converted, the Ann New York.- (J. T. A.)—Dr. Joel t e a m . - . .'•.'" : , • ' • _ . : ; and Bessie. OMAHA BOY ELECTED " Chanucka Concert Dec. 13gospel from the- original Sanscrit in- Pharoah to art exotic diety after he Blau, well known American Rabbi Chapter . 20 and Lincoln Chapter became the -eon-in-law of Khu-en..HEAD OF LINCOLN AJLA. and au.tb.or, has been called to the No. 3 wil. play the ,last game of the The South Side Talmud rTor^li is to Biblical"Hebrew, started the scienpulpit of the West. London Syna- A. Z. A. .football rseason Sunday, "No- making preparations for a Special tific world last year with the state- Adbn, in his second -marriage—-Joseph Reuben Brainin, Writing on Palestine Edward Alberts, student at the Utit-. for Forty Years, Surprised at the gogue of British Jews, known us vember 29, at Thirty--Eecond and Dew- Chanuka Concert to be held Sptnday ment that Tut-Ankh-Amen, in his having • married • earlier • in - life a versity of Nebraska, member of th?; Achievements on First Visit to daughter of thel- Mgh- priest of On Kimett Fraternity and Theta K« the Berkeley Street Synagogue, ey avenue. " " . evening, December 13, s,t the Congre- opinion, is not an Egyptian Pharaoh, (Helidpolis.--. i , •- . Country. but Joseph of the Bible. Fraternity* was elected Aleph Kohen established in 1830 by Spanish and gation of Israel Synagogue: l J 2. I t wS-rj-not-Txit-Ankh-Attien who -Now, he discusses this highly interGodol of Lincoln (Gime!) chapter No. Portuguese Jews. Besides the two well known CanAll Schools in Germany Will Be Jerusalem. (J. T. A.) The achieve- S of the Order of Aleph Zadik AiepV-. esting matter in the light of the lat- re-established the old orthodox religReligious If New Bill Passes tors that wil lrendej many"of. the H. S. Q. Henriques, president of ion, but his ..fraecessor, - Hai^em-Heb, ments of Palestine Jewry surpasses at a regular meeting held Wednesday most popular Jewish .and Hebrew se- est discoveries.—Editor. the Board of JewisTi Deputies, is who endeavored ,„ to erase • even the the fondest expectations, according evening at -the Synagogue. Has the opening of the last coffin Berlin. (J. T. "A.) The project lections, $5x. H. Marcus, president of chairman of the council of the drawn up by the Minister of the In- the South Side Talmud.ToFah,-also of solid gold at Luxor, Egypt, dam- name - of. TutrAnkh-Amen from . the to Reuben Brainin, well known AmerAlberts is the son of Mr. and Mr*. synagogue. Claude Montefiore is terior for a new schoollaw will be states that a highly interesting pro- aged your theory of last year con- tablet, in many .places, as proven by ican Hebrew writer, who arrived here H. Alberts, of Omaha. a member of the council. Dr. Blau the French, Egyptologist, Georges Le- on his first visit to Palestine. taken up by the Reichstag. gram will be presented by the -talent cerning the identity of Tut-Ankhis appointed to the 'office of Chief "Although I have been studying, British Salpects May Be According to the proposed bill the of the Talmud Torah pugisl. Omaha Amen with Joseph of the Bible? I grain, who published a photographic Minister of the Synagogue, the religious instruction5'given would be reproduction .of this tablet discovered hearing and writing about Palestine am asked from all sides. Deported From Palestine, Junior Minister being Rev. Vivian that of the majority of the pupils., Jewry are cordially invited to attend. About two years ago I made the.' in the;Ten^ple-of Karnak, published for the last forty years, all that I • Jerusalem Coart Rnl«*> G. Simmons. assertion which I repeated last year in 1905. (The only copy, I believe, of have found here has surprised me. As a general rule, t h e ' primary Einstein Honored by the The character and achiements of Pal- Jerusalem. <J, T. A.) British With the appointment of Dr. schools would be Catholic in Bavaria, British RoyaF Society in an English monthly that the dis- Legrain's-book is in -thfe Library of estine Jews are greater than is be- subjects' tnfe.y be ' deported from PalBlau, three of the most prominent the Rhineland and in the Grand . coveries of the tomb of Tut-Ankh- Princeton. University. (. • lieved in America," Mr. Brainin. de- estine, according to a decision of the positions in the Anglo-Jewish 3. The ; deepest, significanceis ,to Duchy of Baden, aiid "-Protestant in London (J. T. A.) Professor Al- Amen wili not find PharoaH in the ministry are Tield by Americans, Saxony and 'North Germany. Pupils bert Einstein, author,of the theory coffin, that they will rather find more be attacked to the fact that no por- clared in an interview with the cor- Jerusalem .District Court, hand**! the others being Chief Rabbi Dr. of other religions •would be admitted of- relativity, was honored by the gold, more precious stones, but not a tions of. the. Book "of the Dead, pray- respondent of the Jewish Telegraph- down yesterday, \ The court sentenced the British Joseph H. Hertz and Dr. Israel I. to the. schools and freedom of con- British Royal Society. genuine' Pharoah, since the mummy ers to supjein* divinities, conjurations ic Agency. "The Tel Aviv exhibition made a subjects Milne, formet official in Mattuck of the Liberal Synagogue. science would be guaranteed, as was The president of the council of the case, as well as the whole luxurious and mystic fdimpli for the protection Dr. Blau has held positions in stated. The curriculum tbe se- Society awarded the Copley medal to tomb, was merely a xnaskedCenatoph, of the_d$partedand r bis safe arrival striking impression upon me," Mr.educational .department of the' estine gftveTOmetit, and Tripp, fornwr Brooklyn, Manhattan, Rochester lection of textbooks would be agreed Professor Einstein for his scientific a secret depository for concealed, into ,the Abode of- Light.. have been Brainin declared. and, for the last six years, has upon after consultation with the ec- work. "Every Jew here is a creator. I head master" at the St. George school, treasure by Tut-Ankh-Amen, a regent found, in the .outer (Sarcophagus nor been Rabbi of Temple Peni-El, clesasiastical authorities. If adopted, whom I have identified with Joseph in the solid gold coffin. It was re- •wish American Jews could know it is to four months imprisonment and At** 147th street and Broadway, New it would seem that all the schools in 1925 subscript ion to The Jew- of the Old Testament for the follow- ligiously de rigoeur. to prlvide the possible to create here. If they portation after serving sentence. TheyYork. German will become religious schools isb Press is due now. Please mail ing four reasons: mummy, of any important person with learned the advantages for soliciting •were found guilty of collusion fn check faa-uVis. -' /•of one denomination or another." funds," he stated {Continued .on page 2) . . 1. Egrotolosrvv which it in. Jerusalem.- (J, T. A.) Rumors :of possible peace negotiations between "fhe, Druzes and the French: in" Syria were denied today, by Sultan El Atrash, leader of the Druzes, in-a letter published here in the Arab paper, "PaWtin.". ; ?'Some persons intend to negotiate peace .with M- Jouvenel, the new French • High Commissioner.. I declare tha^ these people are not entitled to speak in our behalf.; We shall' not stop figh,ting. until we achieve the independence of "Syria," Sultan E l Atrash declared. "•

Steiger's Father *••'

Rabbi Frederick Coin StirsY.i.aniY.W.EA.

Weeps in Court Room

Highland Country Club New Years Party at Blackstone

of Contest

SorrisUyyXjiiptir A. Z . & .' Defeats Omaha Chapter No; 1

Funeral for Mr. E. iispsl



. PAGE 2—THE JEWISH PRESS^-fHURSDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1925 gracefuJly and manfully and etat. Miller rtferifed, to WflUMiit and / I t the time that he intended Goldstein aVtbi best pait b t t i H feft. try'Main. in thfe B Mfc Wertheinier has not given up

THE JEWISH PKE PnbllsbM.' eWy fcBukday at Urtaki febratft tif UHB IfcWlSH PRESS PUBLISH Itl(^ COMPANY , ; 790 Braudels fheatre! BuUriing-^-Teiefrftbnes AX lafilic "1450.' • ^Al'llAW B. URKEN i i f c a e r ^$2.50. Subscription Price, one year, Advertising rates* furnished on application.

BjJ Hiftkv

tiuht IU^S t>$ jedikn Arts feature Syndicate.)








Somehowf or other he got on a prelim*inary in onfe of the Ltindon clttbi land was knocked for a row of bamboft canes iff one found. Yes, Charlie was a knoek-owt feveh CHAPLIN IN then! ' (Copyright, 1025, bjt Seven Arte Feature Syndicate.) Yes, Charley Chaplin was in the LINCOLN NEWS ring once. Sounds like a joke but it's Mr. and Mrs. David Jacobs of Dentrue. Long years before Charley ever thought of wearing baggy pants ver left for their home Sunday after and an iron skimmer before the mov- being guests of Mr. and Mrs. Max ies.'fie was Bitten toy t h r boxing bug Frosh. and thought he'had the makings of : a chartipien sluggfer. ' While laughing over the struggles Firms advertising to T h e Jewish of his early youth, he told us not Press" deserve youi patrorHage—It f£ long ago that the greatest bug he ever TO YOUR tNTERESt t6 feappfttt had was tt> be a prize fighter. He was living in London at the time 8nd them. tipped the beam at -105 pounds. relegated to the very Hght division, that we have been pushed out of the lightweight clasBi, even, which Sfeemed so Bfecttre during Leonard's reign.

THE itiim

Th'S boys of Erin's shbtfs && W and Xfrailteg tut the retriM bf in the boxing arena tt tJi* liteS fL£$f + / t J . *f Bajtimtirg asks us: . "WhB are the Jewish boxing chamer. We picked tip the following bit FOOTBALL CHAT of moaning and groaning, a poem by pions of the world?" " " CHANGE OB1 4DDM5SS— Please gjve ootb tbe old and new address: We looked up the records and find ^.The football,season is at an end. Charles Simmons: ft? sure qua g iv»..yoox Q " ? ^ . . , , , -,M I M M .> The herbls of the griaittio will be for- No-w, the Cohens and the Isonsielhs, m\. M ffifie Official wotld cfiatnpiolisi THe Jewish Ffesfe id supplied by the Jewish telegraphic Agency (Jewish gotten for a year; 6«ly Wt th& c'ariihfvfe two: the bantamweight are rulifl& far and wid« gorrespomlence Bureau) wjth cabled amUeiegraphK lewjsh new^in ajhiition pus willt7-the might-have-beens and mpion, Charley Rosenbferg&rid; And the Micfcg are in the batic seats, * to" feature articles" and c<>rresp«>ndencfe§*fr6ttrail ttnp«rtam Jewtsn eentreB high spots of the season be discussed tKe feathervi-eight title-holder, fcid and are pushed off to the side; Inquirief regarding news items credited to tola Agency |J5?Lg|....*jglS for mdhths to come. As we Vrtite . . Take away those Moes and Abies; Kaplan,^ answered if addressed"hb JewisB relejjrap&ic Agency. 821 BfO|dWay, -This is, not so bad as far as the lto ts'e hayfe.not ^*t received £aek thrift fair Z&iois the sea . : v figu'rel; are' concerned; two out of nine M | fo6tBa11»s last day. But .- Yorf City.. , -."• V/'- : / : ' : - - " ' -~ "• V: '--r:,:'.. „ .•/ try aiid fiild sotifie Irish l&tik, iffie is a pretty good proportion. But we hafee.-full Confidence that Benny And O'Hearn or McG««i what bothers us is that we have been Friedman's playing in the Mithigan- WeO'Flynn, to see the ringposts draped Mirin*Sot6 .gatafe .will feavfe been iip , Inw4nt green with Hirp o? gifld—•• „ W- the' to the iii&tk. In' th'e ineantihie' inter- Why can't we grow some Irish lads, OH the eve of Thanksgiving, a est is centered on several big battles like they aid in the days of old ? to-be played. Harvard after a re- We shakfe our heads and ponder, as comeback jtgaitist, Brown, Both houses of. CongressI recommehaed that tfiis day;M 'a djy «f markable* we groif old and gray hopes *f<3r ..much/ gainst Yale. Cor- And the Irish fighters, who public thanksgiving andaprayer, fcabe.observedW^fB^W^?, n e r s hopes, on Thanksgiving have havebemoan long since passed away. partialiy revived after Pfe'nn'S S h And grateful hearts, the m4y $$&'&*&*gM&mM,S B<8ft!i py t t setbacks, t b k .andd S it so President Washingtoh assigned thisday^ td.foiS def6t£(l tftcent Syracuse inters THE i TMr&fay*s' battle as tHe tiftQerdog; by the people "to the servic — i ^ ^ - - ^ ^ * : x c In tfifiSfc tfH?60 dig games we' are jjaf^ is,the beneficent Aiithor of With ftrteson" playing 6& thA Dart* flatly.interested in Al Mtiller dtid '"Will DS-JTVVII^L .\x€f.J23&J£ t/llGIl a u ^ U ^ w ^ . t M ' ^ v ^ M w ^ M i j . : — ? « —a—c-^- . -C7" I y j&ako? of. Harvard,- Hal Gass- mouth football team against Cornfeh n6r, ^nalMa^eui^rg of Cornell, Sesit at Hanover and the other on the. Harvard sttctdr team &t -Fribtiltotf, N. J:, signal and- niaiiifold Mercies aMTfcKe favorable'.itit^fiSsi^iii &f tM Rubin fanffly tsi BMdSlyB « « * His providence—for the eivil and religious lifeerg A y ^ w e R ^ g We are Indebted confronted with & pfer|iJeiteft situaare blessed—for all the great and various favors which He' has ^F^^vtefition. tq one bf tion not. Iphtf ago. The famity, cefrfc bestowed upon us. . . . . —-t ::"? go with her _Kung; 1players M the south. cil decided tnat rnother : "That we may unite in sfferijngi pur. prayers, and-supplications While" ofr-a trip ib outftt the fcouth- daughter to\ £e£ the ywitiger son, efif collegian's *&< la Brooks'^ Nat HerbSrtj at Hanover, WniM the fathto the great I^oYd andrRul^era o l Nations andbese'eehn£BL to; ssdaaHthe fa^s rwere tafidng abotft! er should jourtfey to Princeton to s*e pardon our national and other transgressions, to' "enable Us ml to "Qbldie," he showed -as & clipping} Arthur play with the Crimson bootperform our several and relative duties' pi"6perl$r and puticttially— ff'oih an' Atl4rit».. ^aper". The story' ers.. . . what &ori Milieji;,.wh6.filfped the Both.of tfics Etibiri brothers covered to promote the knowledge and practice of true religionand virtue. * " tiJJi * fblir hwsenien Si Notre banie themselves with glory that Saturday Another Thanksgiving finds the nation, at peace, and pros.year, thonghb'of the Florida but Herb shared more of the £p6fHffht perity on the increase. The blessings of God bestowed upoli this JShan oldef brother, Art. In Me third land are a direct challenge to right living arid service" to niankind bag game of the year. Herb EnWfi by> .the , much emaciated face and played an important role In Dartwhich", this holiday emphasizes for all races ana creeds in "the body." The>Valley of the Kings at mouth's overwhelming victory OVCT melting'Tint."—Ledtfer. Luxor must^ha've resounded with hi- Cornell. Herfc Rubin, wlio was at larity anjotig the savants gathered left guard in place 6f Art Sntitlf, around the coffin, knowing that came in for many fine compliments POINTING After llianksgitirig is Coat Clearance time at Herzberg*s, and \t after the contest. He has been- a T> Egypt never had a reigning prince a is likewise ttie time, whent beautiful, new, warm Winter substitute linesman sine& he joined Addressing the American Jewish Committee at its recent child* never even £ regent or co-reth& Varsity. Btfbin battfed all «tft*lrCoats are mostly sought by Oihaha women. Siffely a timely annual meeting,- Louis Marshall, president of that bodyy made the gent who, as such an early age, noon and made a pretty job of It; opportunity to enjoy great satiligs. following reference to President Coolidge's speech at Omaha: should already have been able to pro- at Princeton "it gratifying-'to notee that the exponents of the it is g ratifygt h p vide ids future tomb with such magDad aftd hisr family conting^ht weri nativjstic philosophy, ih fd found a courageous and d redoubtable db nificent treasures of dazzling wealth. treated to no 3uch glorious triumph opponent" in the President of the United States, who utterly It tok a life-time for Egyptian mon- at Princeton. They watched the Hardemolished some of the most cherished of the pet notions of archs to pa;ep^re their luxurious vard team go down to defeat befort Tigers ty four goals to on«. Kt* tfhixism and Nordicism. In view of the vigoribus and just tombs—and what shall we say of the the Modesty prevented their telling, but pronouncements of the President of the United States which have gigantic riches in gold, precious jew- accounts of the game show that Art Coats in colors of tne reaehed into every corner of our land, the American Jewish els and* astonishing artistic workman- Bubin stood out head and shoulders Coats without a neai! above the other Crimson bo6ters. holr, both solid and mixCominittee cannot help feeling confident that the traditional ship found in Tut-Ankh-Amen's tomb? rival in Omaha for talu«« sense^of fafrneSs and justice of the American has not and will But, why was not papyrus found, not A CHALLENGE t«res. not Be weakened by. the outpouring^ of fanatics afld bigots." Coats in such rsriety even a single lint? of th6 Book of the Deit Mr. Coniel: The most cherished of the pet notions of Kit Kluxism and 0ead? It never., happened yet that I have .noticed your frequent refer* For cfcflared arid banded that a happy selection M Nordicism are "embodied in an immigration^ policy whiifh prac* an Egyptian prince should be buried nee within the past few weeks io Coafs, as well as severecertain. Jewish athletes who are promenadtically bars European people of Slavic,' Hebrew and Latin of igin. without such liturgical verses of the ing as gridiron headlines for their ly tailored. Although the President expressed opposition to a! theoty Book Per»em-Heb, as the Book of the alma maters. which would set up one race as* superior to another, definite Dead is'^ermed in Hieroglyphic writWe in St. Louis take pride in th* Look where you will; compare to the limit. These Coats will prove record of haying four Jewish boys word came from Washington following his address dtt thte sub-" ings. On the Washington University foottb be the most wonderful values ever offered in Offiaha at $38. .. The^scrictly Orthodox Jew and Gen- ball team this season, three of whom •totewnd'acflter>§ litetally to the Bibli- are regnlars,':the other a substitute* cfuota one of the three captain of tSt cal account in Gfaresrs may explain and team. criminates in favor of immigrants -ij£ British- «r "Nordiev the-present'^nd-of the embalmed Captain Charlie Levy at full-back, and against peoples of East and 'South Eurbpe&n origins. child as a substitute for the body of is not only & fine athlete but also aH The process of demolishing the jiet notioiig of Ktt Kfnxisni Joseph when "Moses removed his re- excelent student. He is looked upon and Nordicism would be most effective if applied with simple mains (Exodus XIII, 19), or that the as a model athlete throughout th* directness to the Nordic-iiber-alles immigration1 plan which came Egyptian authorities deceived Moses University. Sammy Floun is playing "third year oft the varsity at half into being, following the hate campaign^ conducted by Henry in the delivery of the body-^all these his Coats of unfailing appeal back and is otte of the best, if not the Gorgeous Coats, enhancFord's slander crew at Dearborn, the venom' ebullitions of the exegetical speculations havg nothing" beet, defensive player m the Missouri to the more fastidious kleagle and'klexter tribe, the .statistical- activities of Carnegie to do with the main fact that "not a Valley Conference. Lazlo Sommers ed . wiih beautiful far is playing his first year On the varexperts andthe editorial fulminations of |)r6-British piiblicatiotts. single papyrus was discovered with and discriminating woCollars, caff a tnd Bandsity line and is a star at that. Kid ! Such, directness is to be found in the analysis cff some 68,000 the mummy," not a trace of religious Kaplan is a substitute lineman wh 6' man. ings. persons admitted into sixty hospitals in twenty-two States, con- documents whatever in the royal re- has bTokeft iiitd & few of the varsity games. tained in a recent report by TJfi. Walter IA Treadway, surgeon,galia in the precincits of the-tomb! I consider this quite an achieve* United States Health service. , This report,- which Was also cited My humble hypothesis of last year for Jewish athletes to be repDeveloped from lilich Silitf Coatings and fashioned into the most pte*sfii£ - by Mr, Marshall at the-annual meeting Of the American Jewish —especially my prediction __that no ment resented as almost one-third of thS and fascinating styles, beautifully lined. AH the fashionable silhotfetteg ate .Committee, contains this-general conclusion;- ' .regular team in a school with an «ttrace, of Egyptian worship will be featured, flares, prinlesS, sttSigfctlirie modes> all the most desirable Colors "Even with all these factors, the comparative position of the found—still irrevocably stands, and rollrtent at 5,000 students, of which races of Europe debarred because of menial disease may indicate t still cling to my presumption that about 150 are Jewish. Let's s«e what and black. niateh. this rfecord. certain general differences in the kind of ihimigrantd arriving. Josep\h, whie regent or col-regent, coT- other school can "Very truly yours, However, it certainly does not indicate th superiority of orie fected the marvelous treasures -and SIDNEY S. COHEN, racial group over another,, but it does suggest that Noftfi-ftrn jewels o'f astonishing wealth at the St. Louis/ Mo< and Western European immigrants have, during the past twenty tomb, fearing a revolution, as the THE JEWISH years, shown a higher proportion of mental diseases amofig those ifomb was then the only bank &>r BE. NATHAN DANSEY LIPTOIST - seeking admission to the United States1. The proble'rA of .fairly pririiei 6* dignitaries whtx prepared Announces the removal Of his office The same obstinacy which Sir . selecting our immigration from Europe and restridting the social fbf an upheaval through a conspiracy Thomas. Liptdrt exhibits in his atto • groups may rest better upon individual selection than tfpoirt racial at tfie court, and I firmly believe in tempts to gain- a victory in American 422 Woxld-JHerald Building the fftioted passage of thfe Talmud* waters with Ms English-built bost is or national group selection." Attantic 3595 shown by Pierre Wertheirtier, noted « Fr. Trea'dway's refutation of the' Ndrdic-Uber-alles statistics that Joseph "thrice concealed treas- Jewish-French turfman in his endeav: complied by a Carnegie Institute eugenics expert and accepted trres" fn Egypt ?' also tftat Joseph was ors ia win American races with a j f f y ^ ^ T j ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ j j j ^ •• jjjj^ - •j ^ ^ ^ , • j ^ M m^Q Mk^k <. by Republican leaders in Cbngress as a basis for art immigrant feltt&a'fmed" and put in a coffin in oieh>bred hotfse. Aftet a Short visit iri tnis! c&untry1, ;• exclusion law, together With his concluding restatement of the ggypt* <Gen. t. 26) I further UWertheimer, - returned to France; Jbelieve that oMses in th6 Exodus' of J. fundamentally American principle of jitdgitig in&n as ifldrftdttaT fore ,his departure he told us that it iot>k the bbnes with him (Ex. r tnen ana not in racial or national groups, will give itipp^rt tb» is his life ambition to wjn a race in , i9( but whether Moses took the this country with one .;, liberals now striving to obliteraite the un^AflYeficart distinctions of the- get of fighf body or he was deceived by the . Which bigot forces are seeking to establish in this Republic* Epifiardy thV gfeat racer he brought r . _ Utter demolition of the pet notions of Ku KMxisni and priests, the fact Temains thai i"he over. her*, last year. I t wSI -bte re'. Nordicism is in that direction, tft. TreaoVay haS pointed the' present emaciated tittfe dead one has menrbered that'Ladkin, Wise- Counselnot yet brought td a imai clima* tfie lor .arid Sara>anv, all defeated the "5 way.—"Independent." French flyer 1at distances of front a #xp!aA*Eion sought, li is not my Wile to A mile and six furlongs'. MA busrnpiss to consider the emaciated W e ' r t h i ^ however, took hfe :^THE TOMB OF TUT-A^KH-AMEtf— ©t d dtrfd" a^s a substttute, or'air See our tremendbus showing of new defunct put ra the tomb By 2-Tfduser Suits and Overcoats-—all the g l p y WAS I T Tttii^-To^iB OF Season's Newest Models, Fabrics and years old, there is a fematlka'Die pas- Jorseph'S conftdeirtial lieutenants while ' i (Continued froai page l>Colors. sage. (Tractat Sanhedrim, page 100( auch mystic chapters or verses to in- that "Joseph thrfce concealed precious accumulating the treasures, as n6 YOU'LL GET TfiE MOST VALUE IN OUR ,sure the passage of the tfefonct on tfeasiifes in ftgytf>-^X&ht6sh& Slat- hypothesis caif help us to explain the " the dredd journey throtigh the Amen- monioth Hitmin Yossef b'Miti.rti.Uiii" The ea^ants in Both hemispheres 54th and Center Sis. ( U—the Sheol of the Bible—that thg —the" tomb, among the aiieifeh€ Egyp! that 1 Mve giv^ii rnairyy y Walnut 3936 g departed may pdss Ihfe Bcrutihy 6i tians, was' -the only1 tk'nfc, the satfefct of my time to Egyptology the Jildgenient Hall, piesMed by 6s- hiding pface to conceal treasures, esiris and his jury 6f forty-t*o deities, pecially h'y princes whose l^r'one was ^arfe arid, in America, .having tr&gfated info Frencli, English- and other , to be welcomed to sifc-witlHiim in his shalcy, fearing revoliition. t many hieroglyphic texts, throne of eternal bliss. Kinga -wete! Now, after the long silence 6f mof^ f the "Cabbalistic "Livre Soyvtith a whole library of such g Egyptian gyp pdpyliterature. Then how can we than a yea* around the "sensational al" ffonr &ti 16riginal in the "Athene^ explain the complete absence of such opening of fiie tiihb 6f ihe ffoi-disani ttti piiblishfed KA what Sb we nnear? ehtal>l! of the French Institute. Beijocumejits, prayers," even not the Tut-AnKK-Aingn, Eminent Egy|ii6iofists and dima Fines* Hand 'Tailored Men's Suits and Overcoats, sides, it can ,be iottiid in every promslightest allusion? But 6^ establifinunite m proclaiming wltR mig&ty ilu- lfleiit lifcrify in the famous catalogue ing the identity of imported Fabrics—All Patterns—All Models ia ting: the identity of tfut-Anfeh-Ame~n '. Frank $facf* 1 With Joseph", the ommission ir£ such reka t that tKey finally found, the" body on ^'Ancient Egypt" published By the —AH Colors— . in ; • Ijtorgieal prayers is explicable, strict of tfie long sougnt Pharoah. Affer New YdrE FtfBIic Li&rary, wherdr a Cohcett, t crown", HK cof- lafgegaft of my wotk is recorded orders having been given not to des- discovering Pharoali'S and Instructor oi soifd gold1, the „... . swords, sTph>T>eficaTly under the letter S— ecrate Joseph's resting place with daggers, bulky necSIaces and all' l' jjjgyptfan idolatry—as the Hebrews ; has comments "and praise frort •titrbi wftfch the well-kn6wh poetess. s,owe oftfe grekfest tfechef* fn - termed the mythological pantheon of funeral extravagances fit immense Miss Lucy ^FeveUmd!, devoting hit ; th'fe W6fl<J. Gfafi yOur* etlM & the snperb winged, jftgares wealth; ailer reittoylng ut6 Wrapping*, afcbrs equally1 fo Egyptology, fliencorrect' fofin&ltton; iouna on .the first Sarcophagus are the last comminqde assures anxious tlonecf in the" Literary fteview of .tne B i&stinctly Semitic Cherubim as des-' humanity, behold tne dead Pharoafi Evening Pos^, June 13, of thfe y'ea*. 118 South 17th Street t |ibed by Ezetiel, tljough profoundly was a mere cm'Ict, "» male not yet of Aft my works orf Egyptology can be> COKffBCT APPAREL FOR MEN AND WOMEN Phone adult age* and he came to' Ms untfme- found &t {he, N"ew York Public Lijjj in their jnagnincent art, the'-Talmud! which j s 2.000 ly de?tlL.~from.- tuberculosis^Judring hjary, ,

" $1$l& wifkoutExtravagance


Ddii^las Street


Breaking All Previous Records This St&ftlitig Sale of 1000


Fur Trimmed and Sport Coats Made to to SS9.S0

Luxurious Befurred Coats Worth $69.50 to $95.00


Men and Young Men's



DORSEY'S I Chicken Shack

Suits and Overcoat*

Chkken Dinners aid Sandwich m Specialty j

Men's Meet Clothing

Office Supplies


HO and '50


JAckson 0770


5 ,






ISTERHOOD MQTHfflK~I>AUGHTER SOCIAL, FRIDAY AFTERNOON AT TEMPLE ISRAEL A get-together of Mothers and Daughters of the Temple Israel Sisterhood will be held this Friday afternoon, November 27, at 2:15, at the Tdinplfe. EDrsi <5arT Taffh vrlli sfjfelik for the otHers arid Miss Frances ^imon for the daughters. A program has been which "Will include songs by

Miss Laura Goetz and stories by Miss Marie Gordon. The little Misses Frances Bergman, Geraldine Simon, DbrotKy Sloman, Jane Rosenstock, Bea Sominer, and Marjory Hiller, will sing ; a Mother song. The Mesdames Louis Hiller, Clarence Bergman, Hi Z. Bosenfeld and Joe Rosenfeld, are in charge of the affairs.

The girls «re wefts ftg ingffibgrs oTtke1FMsJi£Jhgg Nattan .will astern 4» Palermoi where tee, tf fstttgrttt' dub. Ke* i*»tfie American consul". lot the public. Miss Lilliad MargoKn "spent last The Junior Hadassah held' an elecweek-end at Her home in Omaha. tion of omcers Wednesday at the 2eta Beta Tau fraternity will tain at dlniittr «ri fhttrMaJ Mr. and Mrs. David ICefsky have Synagogue. The following1 fdt alumni and friends from out «K : Presificiit, Befe* as their guests Mr. and Mrs. Edward the city w&o will' Ke HI Lincoln f&t L Nathan and em CJTBB of Paferme, Italy. Mr& Nathan and Cyrus witl constitatlbn committee, Deti^" Gold- the Nebraska-Notre Baffle footWH spend the winter in Lincoln,"but Mr. stein; chairman of progtaia

which ,will be presented' on Sunday 2&UMEROUS PRE-NU£ffiAL) PARTIES afternbonj December ISth. The teachers: of the Sunday School, the Misses FOR BE&EM&EM BRIDES AlrfeSdy; iaaieidvi pre-mipital par-

CierniBS, and Mr. Cherniss, returned Thursday. She was accompanied by Mr., arid' Mrs. Cherniss and son who Fa&nfe Ratlems&i Cylia d e r s h u n , spent Thanksgiving day in Lincoln. Fannie Shyken, and Mr. Morgenstern, : Mr. and Mrs. Edward Gugeaheim haVe charge of the programientertained at dinner at the Lincoln Thft LtdiesAuxiliary of the Talmud Hotel on Tuesday evening. The guests TtJraitt will" Hold a regular rneeiaiig flpt' Wednesday afterriocin,; DecetriBer 2j; at & f loflie .of Mrs. I. GiKnsky, Interesting to 62§; "West^Washington Avenue.

^ Krasne \eill 'entertain at a Mali Jongg ~~"~ties ar^ p planned' to laMot;; the' popular pp luncheon at the Brairdeis Eestaurknt Ifeaifer Indes. to istielle Lap- ffphofs mil be shared by the Misses idus, who will be married oh December 29, was honor guest on Sunday, Gertrude Cherniak, Bunny Kulaisofl 22, ;wfceir Miss; Tina Art* sky, and Estelle Lapidus,. all bndesr s t a l e r was hostess1 at ;bridgeg at the 'fo-tj& l"he MisseS Bess arid jfelsie &te Club. ;; prizes p ";wirel i l. W W :Stalniaster will be hostesses at.a5 tea s Gertrude Tatle and Ntr£ Sam 'at t&eir homes on Sunday afternoon OS Friday, Miss" . The" Independent Ordfer1 of tng B'hai also to-'hbnoif MiMs S'ritii, Lodge No. 688, will hdldf a OMAHA ENGAGEMENTS meeting next Monday evening, NoMiss Fannie Fiiikel, daughter of Announcement has' just been made vettiber 30, at the banish Hall, an Mr. and_-.Mrs. Colman F^nkel, has set of the engagement of Miss Babette imlportant irieetang and.every memf4 evening,; December 26, as her Zucker, 6i Ciircagd, fil., to Mr. Hy- b^rlMr tffgied. to .attend, •• ^g;^ate;t6 : Mr. L£wi& Wietzman, man Subinsfeln, son of MrV.and Jtrs. Atlanta, 6a. Harry1 Kubinitemy Of th"is: cityV' No Memel3fers of Mrs. Harry Krasne's Afternoon Bridg-6 Club surprised her date has been set for the wedding. S hef- new hoiw& at 23.19 Awriue" D. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Katleman of Miss Zucker is now visiting in" last Thursday afternoon. Sioux City, Iowa, annmrate the birth Omaha at the home ef her fiance. of a daughter, born on Wednesday, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Gross motored November 11. Mrs. Katientah was Harold B. Sort* son of Mr, and to Lincoln, Nebraska, Sunday £0 formerly Miss Minnie Weinstein, of Mrs. Nat£ Kort, will be confirmed at spend" day there visiting1 their daughtSioux City. Sir. Katleman; was for-" Bar MitiVbh oil Saturday morning er,~B.§va,' who attneds-the University merly of Omaha. November 28; at B%ai Israel' Synagogue. MrV and Mrs. Max Cbhn entertained Mr. A. I. Kttekof sky returned ht»m« Mfeffday' evening from Sew Yofli Mr. and Mrs. i ; Oransky have mo- iiB*- Eveliing Bridge Clul* at their City, where he visited with his daughr tored from t)es Moiries to spend home Monday evening. **, Mrs: S. L Brandt, and Mr. Brandtj Tnanksgiving with Mr; aittd Mr. Goodman Meyerson: and son, for th6 past four weeks. Meyer' Sam,, will, spend Thanksgiving Day in IinMnv Nebraska, wheYe fliey will Mr. Hymie Milder left Monday' fotf Mrs. A. SirigCTJ whb has undergone attend the Nebraska-Notre Dame Pittsburgh, Fa., where M will visit an opratiotf rttertry is cbnvakscing Football game. his fiancee, Miss Ella Braunstein. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. N f e Mrs. Abe' GiBnsky entertained her Kort. . Hxss Beatrice Horwits, of Sibui Afternoon Bridge Club at her hbme Cifo is fee guest of Miss Bess' Horn Mins< Sol I)i IJegan and daaghterj on Tuesday. for Thanksgiving. Miss Hazel Began, have gone to MiJoe Krasne, stiideht at the TJniverami M f f i e fintier. '."; sity of Nebraska, wiH arrive home Mrs. M. L Gordon and her mother, Miss SftsaKne GdMstem lift Mdn Friday to spend the we4k-end here Mrs. Lena Mandelson, are now in day night to *£sume her studies a visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. AQairtie City. They will letntn the University of Wisconsin, after iOffle about the first of the" nronth, BpenSlii^ tiie weSk-efid witii Her parafie'r a three wfeeks 'eastern trip. Mrs. A. Malte is entertaining fifents,1 Mr; and Mrs. A; Goldstein; teen young friends of her daughter's Siiss- Bert irfbsow, of Sidix* City*; Mr. and J J r s . D. Silverman and Shirley, in honor of her seventh birt arrived WeNfaesaay to bS the gnest dayV on Thursday afternbon at her a t the I/t Gerelick home. The en- firmly and SveTyn Kaplan motored to home. gafejtifflt of Eiiss_Mosow U Mr. Jules SiotiJt City Sunday: They visited with Mr. snd Mrsr Sam Gerelick. ^was recently" announcecC Mr. and Mrs. Ben Cohett of HaflaJn, Iowa, will* arrive ~ on*" TEursday to Mr. Eli Seff. and Mn Jack Orlicof spend fee weTek-end here visitmg Mrs. SEr. H§S Conen left last ThuTsfifi? will spend Thanksgiving wita theis? Soften's parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. for a short visit in Paducan, Ky. families at Sioux City. Saltzman. Mr. William Harris, of Minneapolis; Mrs. S. Frieden and son* Jack, ami Mr. L..Gtaetz yM. leave"thisi weekHint** is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Sirs. Sant Snyder nibtdred to Lincoln end for Chicago on a. business trip... &, M. Shlaes. Mr. and Mrs. Shlaes Sunday to spend the day; \tere hosts at dinner in his honor on A regular meeting* of iiie Aufle^ Sunday evening. bung Club i?ill be held this Sunda/ ; , $ £ Jay Cherniak left Sunday for Evening, November 29, at the Jewish Sioux City to spend a few. days.. Mr. AfioTph Eosenfeia, bf Community Centeri ttty, spent a few days in Omaha week. Miss Ida Lustergaften, who is at^ Mrs. R. V. Peppetberg and Mrs MErS. M. L. Goldenberg is e"ntettaih tending the University of Nebraska, ing at a series of parties. The first wiH be at h6me to ^pend the Thanks- Charles Schloss wefe hostesses at a of {these parties will be a one o'clock giving w'Sek-enH with her parents, one o'clock luncheon at the University Club on Monday. Covers were on to be given on Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. B. Lustergarten, laid for twelve. Home Hotel for forty guests.


[ COUNCIL BLUFFS J/LtB. Harry Arenson, who spent ^—Mr.- and Mrs. Lotris Moskovitz and -, "fSrnfly, formerly of Missouri Valley, The Bar Mitzvah of Seymore Conn, several days itt Council "BhtSs, was „ are now making their home in Omaha, son of Mr. and Mrs. Itfajt Cohn/ -«*i]l the guest of her daughter, Mrs. I>. E. a<TS230 Myrtle Ave. take place Saturday rooming, December 5, at the Chevra B'nai Yisroel r» and Mrs. L. Chapman, of Ou- synagogue, 618 Mynster Screet. tage1. hav:e returned tb their home Mf. aid Mrs. Cohn will ervtertain at after spending a few days here ag a reception at their home at 3006 ~t the guests of Mr. aid Sirs'. A. Gold-- Avenue B., on Sunday afternoon, De* stein. cember 6, for all their relatives and friends .SB honor of their son, Sey1 -i Rabbi Frederick C6hn has chosen mortj. NO" cards are being . "The House of God" for his sermon The regular Friday evening talk by t on Friday night fit Temple Israel. On • Saturday morning his subject will be Mr. I. Morgenstern at the synagogue 1709 CUMING STREET at 618 Mynster Street, at-eight o'clock f "Mizpah/' Jackson 2935 .Friday evening.1 i Mr. J5eorg& Gross, of Galesburg, Quality—Service •The Talmud ToraH Sunday School j Hl4 was ,ih Gmaha for several dayg will give "By the- Light of the ChamrExcelled i'l*st week. kah", a three act play, as the main Si all I MisS Esther Shapiro is in New feature of the Chanukah Program ,1 York on a buying trip. JI

- _

RECIPE FOR CHILI CON CARNE (This recipe was submitted by Mrs. B,.A. Simon, 3015 North 14th Ave.) 2 of 3 onions 4 lb:. ground meat 1 large can tomatoes Salt Little red pepper Small bottle chili powder 2 cups chili beans (staked -overnight). Fry onions in chicken i&t'. When' brown add the ground" meat, mix well, and stew slowly until meat is well done. Then add tomatoes* red pepper, chili powder, and salt to suit taste. After it is thoroughly mixed and stewed, add the chili beans, which have been cooked'soft in enough water to make a quart of liquid when' done. Let remain bii fir* for about 15 minutes longer. This may be warmed over at any time and if it is too thick a Httie water can be added. HOUSEHOLD HINTS Hemstitching Help Before attempting to draw fhe threads' in hemstitching, wet a small brush, rub it over a bar of soap until a lather is produced and scrub the threads of linen that you Wlsli to dra*. The threads will poll out easily. Mending Silk Hose • When bothered -with runners in silk hose, do riot iriend with needle and thread, as this:' spoils the ap^peaf ance of the hdse. Take a v#ry fine ferotihet liook and find the loop thread at the Center end of &* roriner and it can be crotSheted bact into place so that one can hardly tall that ithas been inended. Ironing Help '; :.,.\5iiea ironiftg'-EfabroMeryi *«st k woolen pad under it. To Remove Powder from Collars Mix one teaspoon of ammonia with enough salt to make soft mixture. ,.Eub on collar and brush oft* when dry. :r:r: .-.-..


Rev. E Fleishman "MOHL," 1342 South 25th St.

of each season to & general reduction of rliedf season apparel. policy in the past has d tiritisusfti sAtlAgs to

our "We, particularly emphasize tfce f i d ti&t fhese Colts $M dresses are from oat regular stock and savings will auiafce you.

Original price tags remain on every garment. Figure yotir own reductions. Prices in Effect Beginning Ffidayj Nov. 27

WiVrge n

AT. 6437

Fleishman's Kosher Meat Market 1615 North 24th St*


My Da*


X Mrs. Bfafry Goldstrom as at home ^c<mval6saag from an operation at the 5 Methodist Hospital. > Mr. andMrs.H. Bothkop werehon^or guests at a surprise party Sunday . ' evening at die home of Mr; aria Mrs. IE. V* Lorig, in celebfattaem of Mf^ and ,Mrs. Eothkop's silver wedding annipersary. Covers were laid for forty <gtrestg.


the Housewife

Miss Befdife Bergef wiH Bavei as her for Thanksgiving and the cE ffie Misses ftos& Spring, of St. Joseph, Fannie Hendlyn, of Sfeux City, and Eosella Verbin, of Fremont. Miss Millie" Peskin, «f Sioux City, will' be the guest of Miss Baylia Frieden for Thanksgrving. Mr. and Mrs. N.-p", Peijhav^ tfr turtfedlf6m a,two weeks' visit with relatives in Cleveland,' Ohio.

FASHION HINTS No costume is quite complete without a lovely artificial flower. It- does not matter whether it is worn 6n the shoulder, on the back, at the waistline, or in tfafr hair, but rfc fe imperative that it appears in sards form; Skirts «ratinue to be short, flared and of an uneven length. Eitremfcly popiflar and youSjful, too, are the new beaded party dresses. Mosfc of tk(*m are of dainty pastel shades. Some are Iteavfly beaded and others are merely sprinkled with tiny crystals.

Cl&mng—Dyeing Repairing and Relining Done in our

jewelry Company 2*4-15-16 Q t y N * i 1 feaitlk BM!g.


Gives Ideal Servicei oii— SEBfl-ELAt.HOtFGH DRY

National Laundry

One Day Service by Request. We operate our own plant.

MAX KAPLAN, Prop. Harney 7S45

Harry Kononovitch VIOLINIST A master teacher, unusual opportunity for beginners arid senior sfuflents of vioEn. A few open periods available. Phone, Atlantic 2015 for appointment. • Price $2, tip to $5 per lesson.

Very striking on an extreme' branefte. is -the fashionable lip stick- red. Hats, dresses and slip-" TOTBERG STUDIOS pers are fashioned of this aew I/yric Bldg. 19th and Farnam Sts. ! stade.

F o r foitrteen years, we Itafe tern iff -the • j , busihess in the city of Omaha. Dnrmg that tim *€ r«fte ftmlt tap & large personal clientele througli oar policy ptittia^ dbai-Aeief Ma bxit fai£hti&. Miny (si ©lif f 6 are jifidrMg liM^r the false impression that -ire *fe em* i wife otfeer jewelry stores. I n order to eoxfea thiii imptessiim, we wishi t& tbftt we are not either financially or in any ©ilie* way; connected witn any jewelry business in the City 6f CW&S&I e&ixpi T H E IMAlrASHOGK J E W E L f i l T £$fcf* I*A5irY, located at 215 City National B e n t Btrffdlfi|, and to all of our friends we wish to state tb«t «w thiifik them for their favors in the past and that we e«ri ^f serve them at 215 City Kstion&l B&Sk Btifldibg. Respectfiifly ya&rs 5IAI7ASHOCK J E W E L f t Y Harryy ( g ) (Signed) J . M. Maliishock,

JEWISH.PRESS^-THURSDAY,"NOVEMBER.26,: 1925 German Police Prevent Bombing synagogue by bombing it. They v last •week'Jie had borrowed' her . , Crown teook oti opera sto&es^?:- "•'•f*j-~»i-*-' ": . * of the Leipzig- Synagogue postponed the carrying out of the t in Demand "Awful tot/1 call them, Jacynth, but .way tryvto- take' her mind from, her plan until foreign passports could be d < read ' Sanscrit for you If I could great sorrow. And, for some, reason Among the prdfitable crops grown Berlin. (J. T, A.. A-conspiracy to secured. In the meantime, the police earn i f , - - . or other Clara "seemed to have no obby Califorpians in. the; region of Sarr destroy the synagogue of the 'Jewish learned of the plan and arrested two Jacynth felt t h « the merest, breath FrfinciSGO . Is • a giant, Mediterranean jection1 to. being thus'cheered by her would point the wavering vane of Ber species of thistle. Soil and climate community in Leipzig was discovered of the conspirators, one of whom is felTtfw boarder. ' J ' . . • . love toward either man. .Yet some- there seem to be exactly suited to its by the police in time to prevent the Goldschmidt. a twenty-two year old •Then one night as he sat In-his room agricultural instructor. times, though.ber heart and. her rea- needs, says the Pathfinder Magazine. carrying out of the plan. he heard the sobbing again. He .bad son refused to choose, her instinct Members of the radical anti-Semiriot beard It for a -week, perhaps beAttempts, to grow it elsewh'ere have sensed a vague difference between Invariably resulted in failure. Like tic organization belonging to the By NELLE EBERHART ' cause for every night for a week he How many new advertisers this them. She wondered If-Jim'* engaging the thistles with' which all are fa- Right • party planned to destroy the had taken Clara out—to a play, the week ? . gaiety played over a rock or a sand- miliar, it has formidable spines, only "movies," a lecture,' the art "museum, (© by Doubleday. Pag* fc Co.) bank. She had a wise little head; she a walk In the park and once to dinner they are longer "and more cruel than TTAOTNTH SMITH was singing felVthat her heart would finally go to the ^average. It-has a large purple where they danced. ' . ' Following a long pause came more I lilah's .. song, "Springtime Begin- the man she respected most. flower,,so sweet scented that.bees find "35 Yeafs of Community Service" Unexpectedly, the breath, the faint- It Irresistible. Rarely, however, are sobs and then without warning a thud: I nlng." As the -cello-like notes t©. 1924, McClure K<viptp«r Syndical*.) . / thrilled upon her lips, she felt the est zephyr of circumstance blew out of that seemed to be just , beyond the the buds allowed to develop, into flowBertram sat at the fragile',bit of wall of Bertram's room. Bertram lis- equal devotion of Jim Rosselle and the. quiet sunset sky. As they came ers, tot the buds- are esteemed as a furniture that bis landlady bad desig- tened a second and then quite clearly Frank-Jones bombard her from across to. an old-fashioned cemetery,- grassy table delicacy, 'being harvested and nated as a writing desk and bpgan to came a cry of pain, and then silence,. the room. She knew they thought her and shaded," Edith exclaimed: sold as "artichokes." ; • write. O In the 'minimum of time--Bertram a coquette and she was a little trou?,'Do. let's stop and go In awhlle-^-it A quarter .apiece for the buds is "Dear BUI: was- In the hall, found the next door • bled. For Jacynth was but super- seems so cool and restful. Looks old, not an unusual price in San Francisco ficially flirtatious;" what seemed "So.far 1 haven't fotmi life in the unlocked and bad made his way Into too. Over in England last summer, I and at that tb<^ take precedence over big <:ity- so very exciting—" the room. There he found Clara sit- coquetry, Indeed, was the index of an read some of the quaintest epitaphs; the finest-oranges, raisins,' apricots, REFINANCE NOW! 'Then he stopped, laid .down his^pen ting on her daybed rocking back and. undecided heart ;^ there vwould.; be no perhaps some of.these will be as inter- et<^, for the growers craftily time their and listened intently. Aitec a full forth nursing her right arm In the dalliance once she was sure of her- esting." , , . ' development so that they may be marself.-. . ; . . , ". , , \ ..... ;'•' . , : .. minute of acute listening, hearing bend of the left one. . ' There was a listless agreement from keted just1 at" the psychological mo-nothing,' he resumed. . ,. •. Jim was the new assistant, cashier her companions; Edith led the way, meat," so t o speak—that -Is; in midwin• "Ouch," she said with a pretty pouV ^SAVINGS £i LOAN ASSOCIATION' ' "Meft the hotel and-am living-in aifd then she jumped up from the ,day- In tHe Brpwjisvil^e hank. , She had .met studying, .cu.ripusfy^jhe ijaif-pbllterateil;• ter, : when- there is little « l s e e f . the t a l 4- Jhf a r r\ « * — : - a. boarding house. Qi.course-no*-pian bed and offered Bertram a chair In him the winter before while stu.dying' lines. Frank .and "Jim kept persistent- same .nature" to,compete with them. : wants to llv^.in a boarding bouse al- tier little *robra;: "Toa felU didn't music in New York. Detesting subur- ly'faear Jacynth; t*£her annoyance, fdr" This is, done by • cutting back the ways—" 'you5?' he" asked. •" <• - -;.- . ,T • -. ban existence., h# bad yet accepted his the. one jestVd Wdlessly While the plants In June,'pruning them down to Again' the louDtaln pen ' was laid • "Yes," she said. ^ M.itlon't'.seenMO uncle's offer of a position In the bank, other iulked.." 'ifeifljer exhibited tnteT- the ground. Within a short time new NAT MKISTER. down and Bertram listened, looking, be able to" learn the trfck. ^DM be .near her-r-a tribute she appre- egt in the mossy fecprds/about' them." Bhoots'. appear.- -.Then If plant -food writes all binds of intently at the.* \raii to. UMS diractiniti e d L : WBffe ODF nandsamerv than- F&ially-i aa they w^re" returning-1—-—^ and! wafer ore' supplied In- sufficient . . . Begulaz Meeting of . from whence the sounds came, "TBe perfectly nmp on<F tlrra yon CH* go Frank—nrroutsfsnoTng claim tv good the- nnrd^ EEosseTIe paose^' beside- » abuhdance tfie long sonsBmy «aysr _ sounds were falnr, but ""quite "sufely' down without hurting yourself—but it looks being a thick, waving thatch of eaning headlstohe. Indicating it with bring about Ideal development. SERVICE WITH EACH HOLtCJ. they were sobs. He heard them again takes a lot ot courage, and this time I glinting, light brown hair, he, had a a neatT canvas toe. • • - The-bud-harvest begins to October ill W O . W Bide JarltMD 13U. —low, soft, heartbreaking :6Qb.8^Sah8 hurt my arm so'that I couldn't help certain dash and distinction which ar" Tkfebjiable- Jane. Pye, aged eighty. that would, induco at least rolld nos- crying out. You heard me, dldu't rested her attention-by Its novelty. seven.*; What sort, of a specimen do and reaches Its peak about tine first 'of April."" '_. ' • . . talgia, in tlic heart of anyone BO far you!" Frank, the town's successful young you suppose lived so. long embellished . from home as was Bertram." Bertram had moved his chair very" florist .whose ; flowers had .'decorated wit!* ,such*-a. name?" H e latigbed;fUi>Phone JA ckson 004S "The girls here aren't anytl)jn?r won- near to Clara on the daybed~ He was every event;;ofher life since she was pantlyr . - . •-! . . . . . Hard-Working Burglar derful. - To be" sure Tve seen some looking Intently Into her-eyes, search- sixteen, seemed dull contrasted to Sucn a little,.little thing, but Ja-Forced to Draw Line that dressed better arid looked smarter ing them for the teara that he .thought Jim. • Tet she wavered whenever she cynth's heart :fluttered. There was no Painting and Decorating tliah the girls'iiome. Tliere are a must/be there. "And I heard you thought of Frank's steady, quiet eyes, mistaking-Ms tone or his manner, hard Bert met Ms old friend Bill the Burcouple of girls in the office, b*t*T sobbing," he said with sympathy. blue as his own hyacinths. LET Ob BID FOB VOK with a hardness which expressed more glar and the two got chatting about OPB WORK GUARANTEED never'cared about raising business "Miss- Prihger—Clara—won't you tell All this went through the girl's mind than'young carelessness or temporary things in generals a n d — * ' ' ~ :J . \ ; _• '" ; " ' • • ',• •' •[ 214 South 18th St. Omaha. Nebr. roe? W,on't yon let me .help you? If as she sang. On the piano,, now with- fluctuation of .mood. Jacynth stood "I hear ^you've left your wife," reJust then; a succession o£ soh my love would be of any luslp?" in her line of vision, sat a pot of hya- silent. Here .was her. sign!, marked; Bert presently. "Why did you er and hiore poignant than the "Of,course it would—if, you rea'Jy cinths,' blooming .triumphantly in . :;.,-. Frank read "down the granite slab; do that?' were^heard and thei a quick, really mean It," said Clara, looking -very August by the1 magic of -Frank's skill a hint-of heightened color-tinged his "Because she was always wantin' startling 'thud. • Bertram listened for much-surprised. - "I'd no Idea .you felt bora of his' love for her and. his ad- cheek; his voice held subtly a reverent me- to do somethin'," snarled the bur- Every Thursday Evening a:. Jewish A RULE OF HEALTH Community Center Building. ' the': cry or shriek ihatshe 7"th'bng^t that way., about me. But really I miration for her name. Jfe'ar \t lay a note: WASH AND KEEP WELL glar moodily.* ' .,...•..-..;.•.:- : .::. > J. M. MAl^ASHOCK.. President. ought to; follow this last\ sound of wasn't sobbing.-That Is, it wasn't real copy of Massenet's "Arlane" which "'Somebody's beloved mother,'" he "What ,do -you mean?" *asked his ISADOEE ABEAMSON, Secretary. FRONTIER TOWEL SUP-PLT: trouble but none ckme, so be resumed sobbinB-ry.ou.see.rm to be ln-a play Jim had sent to Paris foV because she read, quietly. •-•:• friend. . • • - ' • his brotherly letter. / .I that the teachers are giving at school. found difficulty In obtaining ^it* She ISIS California Str««t. Jacynth slipped :her hand. In his. "No matter how "busy or tired I was, _ "—a girl ,in the boarding, house that And I have to take the part of the, sighed -on the last note. _ *' Three months later she signed her she was always naggin' me to do somelooks pleasant [[and rather' pretty p that unfortunate, sister .whose, loyer. is lost As she whirled on' the piano stool, name happily, Jacynth Smith Jones. thin* for. her. At last, one night, it P spoken k to' t ' because b wp sit i oppo- at sea eand;-t-havet to sob.,^nd then Jim sprang * from the wicker ?settee was too much." site each other at table. If I get really faint'. when, they tell me he's lost— where he had sprawled, dropped his FGIFTS THAT LAST "How was thatr said the other, Inlonesome I'll get acquainted with her, nnd;.;I!ve;: bee_n rehearsing every-night big palm-leaf, fanj snatched up =Ja- Alexander the Great terested. though she seems a bit stiiU and might for weeks, it's eo hard forme to sob cynttts embroidery scissors from the . First beep-Sea Diver "Well,,I-came In about three o'clock not be Interested" ' ' —perliaps#;i}.ecause -I've . always found sewing table and rushed across the 'The question has been-raised as to In the^ morning," explained Bill, "all Bertram wrote a little more, telling so. much:.m> be merry about.". room ta kneel with ewift gracefulness : the "originator 'of -the submarine, and worn out from doing too much work. 2224 Cnming St. his brother 6f his share'of success "in "You .darling,"- Bald- Bertram taking on: an immaculate white flannel ki^ej. Diamond Importers * I had opened' two strong boxes--and f tils Work and of his; plans for thQ fu- her Into his arms. "I wanted to marry He.laid.hl? gleaming, bend1 in her Jap". ah English writer haB made out a finished *^up by »forcing a couple trf Phone JA ckson 1226. c u e fii- favor tff Alexander the Great, ture and then the soft, loV sobbing be- you any; way.but I'd so^much rather Platinum Specialists f "Shear my locks* Delilah," he begged, who'described flie bottom tof the" sea safes, to say nothing of-a vault I | gan again. ' . , ' ' marry. a-girl who diijr" spend he? eve- the 1tlny;scissors>held aloft cracked earlier In the evening. An* ffoni his bbservritlon place in a glass "I guess r a better quit," Bertram "B.rayo!" from the porch •where case covered Tritti- asses" skin, which then, when I got In, what do you supwrote, ^Thls old house must Tie Edith Ealston waved! her frosty glass was made at lil& order.' That bold pose thaf: woaian -wanted me to do?" I 214-15-16 City Nat. Bank Bldg. I haunted or something. Anyway there's I Ja. 5619—Est. 1894. of tea, splashing It recUIessJy. Even general must have been - absolutely"What?" a queer noise coming throqgfjj the wails Notv Her Never Would Frank, eaten by^jeaiousy, ginned in- fearless, for in those days it required "Asyl jstan<l^taerer it's true I'* growled that makes writing'barfy Hope it will voluntarily.. Tl'i^Of ,?* bis^ri^ai dawUed no small courage to allow yourself -to Bill the Burglar." "She wanted me to stop before'I 'try to' sleep."" |' It wBS\a?.?S -.murder. One negrp 9ver1)the ,piano, he cose .gather, s&ilenly b'shut* up'iii-. a box and lowered be- open a box of sardines for her."—LonAT-l 000 E. SCHERER The next evening-just as Bertram shot anetberi This .is his; .verbatim tOfjolk EdlJhj^Ia.the porch, swto^, ^,,, 7 Mcr. low th» water. -Apparently it tried tad opened a' new magazine, lighted police confef^on, -wi^v the^ijani.^s^al-•-•, tft the question*! ask^d evenMAlexaiideih5 nerves;* for be saw hts favorite pipe a&cf'spread out^on tered because so-called coalessl'ohs'are an.hour ago?" Siva daWd, eafferly,.findmatiy monsters' 6nd some tklngs • eo Earthworms Valuable :: the lounge chair which was the only BUTTEK and BUGS ing himself, ihe length ,ojC the long IhjrHble that'be-1 would not apeak *f really luxurious piece of furniture in Eartfiwonns pl«y a very important "I went to call on Mr. Brown at; ingrroom-from auditors." -..-,.,' them till" the day of his death. It CoimcD Bluffs, la. his room,' the same sort of soft sob- his -home on Antoine street I knocked "jWhy should I marry you?* s^e may be -rememBered that he would part In the formation of soil. . Indeed bing began. He closed Ms book. on .the door ..and Mr. B.rqwn said to teased, \ piwivpkingly. Charles Darwin demonstrated that W H O t . E S A I J B • " " . - • ' be able^'to see little; so probably 1m- they are, of -incalculable value to agBainy. night though it was, lie donned me: .'Come-right" in. Peg-Leg,*'so "l Jira. met .her airy«kia;d..,f. aglnatlori:played:"a large part invmak- riculture.; -Angleworms feed on vegeDruggists and Stationers Ills bat and coat and went out/found w e n t i n . . ; .-_••.. " "t*;. • „ , . , - , ' t • '.-. .-,. .-. .'.I'To-jchange your name-if -no^other lrig hlm J thlnki "he had seen *the a nearby public library, 'took a, book 401.403-4U5 SCnth lOtb ' Btr*»t "I looked at Brown and I says %b reason. ; Jacynth *• Smlth-rrwretc^ied things 'lie;' sald:<he saw. There are tabie" toatter exclusively and in buron engineering from a shelf and pro; him": aJrown, would, y'all mind givln' combination! itpsseUe' ^ is' the / best rowing they take more or less earth ; Deeded to' work over most complicated use back -them six smackers y'all owes match for your .poetical .Jxicyntn. in many accounts of the adventures -in Into, the -alimentary canal where, it existence; and Ml- are more or less problems of his profession. Prompt Service Sdft Water m e ? . . , , . ? " • • •>.-.?-.-i-v-.:; ,-.:•,, .-'. . . . . Brownsville.'* . . . ; "" wonderful; .th,e ^fffcts appear; Jo. *e Is mixed with the vegetable food of the'worm." Nearly all of this-passes The next morning at breakfast Ber"Mr. Brown ie.Just smiled at me that the great general got inside the out with the castings which are alPAXTON-MITCHELi: GO. f 'A consideration. 81111—" She Wet wash, semi-flat, tram scrutinized the faces-of-all- clip and he-says: .. , . , ; door, was sealedltip with tar and low- ways voiced oir the surfaced Thus the paused.. ; •." Barney 1662" & Martha Stu. boarders In the dining room, and' lie 'VPeE-li«g, they, ain't a chanct in the rough-dry. ered to the bottom by a chain. By an worms ..are 'continually . engaged" In Oinalin, Ncbr. .Jim's careless eye Tested..on'%the went thither early and lef t • late • so. war-Jo" fob. you to.get theih. six'bucks.' Soft gray Iron, brass, bronze nnd' alu2808 Cuming St. Harney 0881. miraculous hyacinths dear to Jacynth's accident; whiclrcln those days may spreading. a "natural compost" over minum castings. Standard sizes bronze tbat'ne might be able to see thefn alt. "I look kinda hard at him and 1 pride. or may not have been Intentional, the the. land. The process Is called the and iron bushings, sewer manholes, ;•' . He tried to find one In which lingered says: "Brown, where for you get that : cistern rings nnd covers, and l & i t chaln" was let go from the boat, and iformation.of vegetable moH which la traces','Of;'the sadness that~had'be~en apple sauce Ah .ain't ever goin* to get •"I should think he'd get tired of saydoors in stock. e^ king was left sitting in his box fertile tioth - because of its compoCall us for good Ing It with flowers," he Jested, almost poured forth In that soft, gentle sob- them six smackers?' . on the bottom, -looking and being sition- and ^because the worms keep vsneeringly. • bing In the next room. Nobody there ''He reached right into his pocket could sob like thatj he concluded, so and hauls but a big black gun. He •' It was- the -wrong note.-^Jacynth's looked at by "horrible things." How- It stirred up and well aerated. Of ever, to the relief of his friends and course many other creatures are beneyes gloomed? perhaps, it. really was a spook. done laid it on the table and then dark lic presumably to toe. chagrin of those eficial In the formation of soil, .but the I Meeting his landlady in the hall he me:• •. . It's the language dearest to me." MICKMN LUMBER CO. • • that evening, he asked her whether . "'Peg-Leg, I told you you ain't got "Indeed 1" Jlm^stra^lghtened from his who had "axes., to grind," the box earthworms are the most Important— 24th & Burdette Sts. WE. 5555 broke,' and his--;majesty shot to the , thee room next bis was. occupied "Manufactured in Omaha" ocuped .and no "chance to -get them : six bucks. lolling over the'piaqo; Jacynth rose; surface and waa rescued, a wet and Pathfinder Magazine. (iisagreement threatened. Jim aimed lla that way drew from.her^tbfi Jnfor.- There's ; wiser man. That episode, says Capone dart. * - » , . . BAKER ICE MACHINE CO. matlon that It was now, and-had been on that there proof table.' layin* 'right there tain Sutherland,, stands out. alone in Polo HOB Long History "Imagine Jacynth Smitli Jones I" for the past two years, occupied by "Well, sir, • I took one squint at ancient history,dt,is not pn record Tl\ere' is no game todiy, with a 'I'have often. Tm fond of allitera- that any other person went, under the Brown and then X got scared. I reckMiss Clara Prlnger. longer history and one so consistently tion." ' -;• ;. \ ; •{she sits across from you at table," 'osed.he tnight-shoot me, so: I jest-flrfed; water In a completely inclosed ves- romantic as that of polo. r> Over 100 Then a call from the porch. i a s I.could.'. . ^ . . . smiled .the landlady; "Nice girl and Borrj H. l*pl«p*. ftm.'*um sel until comparatively modern times. years ago. polo was first observed in Sot. Pepper, VU»-Pre»t4wfc "Stop moontag over the piano. I did —Louisville Herald. "Conrse, they a l t f t n o m s e mah tellnot at all stuck-up—teaches school— •W. G. CP«,- Beewtary. Persia by early European travelers, 350 Rooms—350 Baths 1 VaS school, I think—sends money ing you I never will get them s i x not come here to entertatn disgruntled like SirvWilllam Ouseley and Sir Ansuitors. Come, it's: cool enough "to smackers now." home to an Invalid aunt—" thony Shirley. The /atter quoted his n began- Befdrive now." ••. Chinese Hebrew History ".She. Isn't unhappy— forerunner, the-Italian Pletro della Edith, followed by the discomfited Documents \ have- been, brought to Valle who, in 1618, had found polo team. Insulation From Milk COMPLETE STORE ANP i light which inatCBt* that Hebrews were under the patronage of Shah Abbas, •fBIess your .heart, no," said the It is said that" there-has been de- Frank, came toward thein. 1 OFFICE OUTFTTTEBS numerous and prosperous In China dur- and remarked that "It was a favorite landlady. . "What would she have to vised, a. Brpcessfor maktag^ Insulating : At the curb.Jacyntli suggested it . "Lefir take Prank's car. I feel! like ing the Miss dyimsty, 1368 to-l©*4. In recreation of ".kings and chiefs, and be. unhappy "about?—got a good" job, pieces out of milk curds. The curds •' -' . We • occupy m t 7C0OC tqustw tmn tour o t originally, IC believe, considered as algot, her. health,, and doesn't give a ilTe5•Stirred *4»to '&'• paste" 'with cold driving.;and I don't understand pirn's the..course."of!"a"book-hunting S h w * « i Corn«r 'Europe7 a ftdbtfW layestlgator came, most peculiar, to IHustriOTis..person' whoop for the men." water; arid'coloring matter, la- added, 'well enough." No; one objected. | 1 • ''Of, course, of course," said Ber-' i f so desired; the result being heated ; At _ the wheel, Jacynth' fell snenjt, lupon 59 Cbinese^Hebrew manuscrlptsv; ages.^.1' The "French traveler Chardin jtram. and went up to bis room. to" the boiling point. Af terthe paste realizing '.that her decision mus£ b'e 'bound" in 'the original Chinese silk.; says the Per-wns, played with SO or OMAHA. KKI1 i- He .bad determlned.-to-forget-, all hhs; been boiled tor • ten minutes; con- .inade. .very....soon. Her two suitors With thfe exception of four, which were- '40 on a wide, though the Persfan min1114 South 28th Street | about-the sobbing and woTfld- p perhaps tlbued-stlrrbig -reduces it-to, a :unl- seemed equal, except—-arid she ^ I l e d stolen ^several y*ars ago .fionr'-_aaf_ e » ; 'Tatufes remind us^that^ even tbea three, '•" " ' Harney 3968 | d h d It not t disturbed d i b his hi f orm pulpy -consistency. This pulp is at the absurdity of It-r-in name.' Both hlbttlon In Lonthjn, these constitute all •or four-sided tea"ms were common. Andone so had : the manuscripts thown tt> have" been were personable, reasonably successother traveler calls It "the game of peace, of mind that evening, >.It was' then t'aken, while still hot, to a hySave Money by Letting Us | •very faint, very much subdued .and draulic-press fitted with hot molds of ful,, of good habits, of fair education, written by the Jews living In Chiila. Canes." 1 Instead of being in the form of scrolls, of respectable families. Both, too, had Do Your Work. • | might not have been audible to' one the ' shape in which "the Insulation as might be expected, the manoscripts iwssessed of less acute sense.'.of hear-. pieces are wanted. After being pressed; creditable war records. Paper Razor Strop .Bpth were ' flatteringly : attentive. are fan-shaped. .The oblong pages are Into this shape the pieces are. cooled Ing than Bertram. Ordinary nevrsp'opers fojded togetliThe next. morning Bertram scruti- arid dipped into formalin which adds Frank kept: the house blooming with folded one upon the other and the nized Miss Clara Prjnger rather closely. the needed quality of a preservative flowers; Jim brought her books and reader pulls the pages out fanwise. In er in a'tblck strip and held between the middle of the Nineteenth century wire clips mabe-ar satisfactory substiTrue, he observed, she appeared .to'be The product is said to resist the action music... Music There was another thing In the once powerful Jewish groups - of tute for aT-egulaT; leather razor strop. happy,, but there were light shadows of acids, to be much cheaper than under her gray eyes,' a delicate- turn hard rubber and to" be easily colored •Ro.sselle's .favor. Together they had China bad fallen Into poverty and were , according . to -a--. European, lnveni or, to,her pretty lips, that might;betpken in Imitation of agate, marble or the attended concerts, the opera and musi- victims of persecution and starvation. Popuiar Mechanics Magazine reports. 1307 Howard St. At. 8Q28 cale-teas in New.York and Jim.was Since the British treaty of Nanking In The ink on the paper is said to assist " / ' " ' - / . ' • • : ' - ' • • ' "•: . ' " w*-- 'fcertalnly she.looked a t little like.' 1842 many Christians to Europe" have la giTiOS -aJkeen non-puHing edge and Omaha, Nebr. -discriminatingly, critical for one' not f3 112.O ^iiore weary, now, than she '_4ld when a student. Jacynth had no profession- directed their attention toward the consequently a smooth shave, A fresh O720 he first came to the bpardlpg.bouse.ia Scientific Canary strop enn be prepared In a few mo4&ontb before.. Without quite meaning There is a canr,#y in New Bedford al aspirations but she felt that her Jews in China. ments -nrdr *t> is' especially convenient so he asked her if, gner bad/ Wen" thnt drinks water in a slightly differ- lovely trained contralto should be apfor the traveler.'and camper. Bird Lore Skeptic ^aVh the evening before, and she ent manner than most birds partake preciated' at le'ast in the home. Poor i bf d h %ald that slie had. He a&ke'd-'he'r it of the same llquldl Suspended from Frank who. recognized but one sons A sight-seeing bus was riding Bbe intended being at home that ete- the perch on wblcb the bird stands Is and that "Adelaide," futllely protested through Yellowstone National paTk ,Full Explanation he lored her voice no matter what when It passeil a. lone pine tree by the 'iilng, iilng, and 'ene ene replied: "I haven't chained an "ordinary • silver thimble. that : "So'.you were caught red handed she sang. n side of the ro&d.- At the very top was - blanned .anything," .to «»e & way that This thimble, when In Us resting posicounterfeiting ten-dollar bills?" said ISADOKE ABlt.\MSOX an osprey's nest built of loosely "That's not appreciation," the girl , 'Bertram boTdlyvaiked her if she would tion lies quietly in o S^ss of water the ppUcemagistrate. What have below the perch of the bird. Perching had expostulated in exasperation. "You woven sticks. The driver called above <*co to the movies'" with him. you l»> say for yourself?" ' The next night he sat In hla Toom on the extreme, end of his rest, the don't'know- 'Mon Cne'jr' 'from the the grind of the * motor: - "Osprey's "I am not a- malicious counterfeiter, v nest." The travelers on the second and * e sobWpg began: Listening canary places one foot around the •Habaners!'" Recalling this unkind s?peech as she seat shouted It back to the traveler!} j ;tnd 1 should never" have been nrrestSore totenUy than ever. *e.h<»rd.fa* chain fastened to the thimble of water. od." Veiled'the' suspect. "I am a ' tween the sobs a ;low. pathetic. jnopoN This-he., yanks ^up a, short haul and .drove, the pirLhad rf spnsfti'of'TFegret. ,on the third seat. Finally a crotchety rtiemlst TTboseintorest-ls-entirely sciSYSTEMS—AUDITS— INVESTIGATIONS k ' t f " Now perf^tly sure places <he slacks,under bls.foot on the 'She remembered that -heT'inotlmr had old man on the rear seat shomed bock entific." I*have been trying to make perch. Two.more moves of a similar told her that Frank had sedulously to- the driver: "Do you mean to tell • 490 BRANDEIS THEATER-BLDG. t*'.onaenfs and I -nature bring:'the thimble to =n position rrittended Brownsville's Lyceum, course ~nie that'an osttfefr-bnilt his nesi wiy srold from less precious s rar a Phone ATlantic 1450 . . . Om*ha have 'otily "a<>l «« ^ ten-dollar all winter, while .she was- aw»y, trying up In the top of that treey—FTero th« where he-can drink. .. hills." •• « • -- to fit himself for her companionship.-' Afenta*~ her-ont Tffhen- Bhe; would • consent to=




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I. O.B.B.

Omaha Lodge No. 354









E. E. Bruce & Go.

American Wet Wash



Omaha Fixture & Supply Co.

SAM TARNOFF Painting and | Paperhanging I


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