Success or failure in business Js caused more by raental attitude ev.en than hy mental, capac-' ities. — Walter. Dill Scott.
• < *
\ *Fhe cynic is one who knpws | the ; price ot V e'Tjew"ifc%n;g-'-an&
I jfif1',
VOL. IV-r-No. 52
: B
Entered nrs=. tC \j-class mall'matter <ra Jannary 27th; 1921, at pogtofilce «4 rr . » *a KebraBS;9i_umIei; the Act of. March 3; 1871). -
i B'rith Delegr j Fromlhree States to AttendCentral Convention of Lodgesin Omaha December 13th Entire Day Will Be Devoted To B'nai B'rith Activities^ ' Banquet In Evening" v « ] SIOUX
; : SPECIAL CAR FOR THIS ^ t ^ p t /
' vWith .final plans completed, 'Jews of Nebraska, IOWA and South Dakota are''looking/to Sunday, December 13, as the dawn. of a new era in Jewish history when a trl-state. B'nai Brith Geatiial -Council is to be fanned at Omaha. - / : The buzz of the excitement has continued, steadily as the committees in charge have, perfected their plains for making Sunday, December 13, a memorable day for the, Jews of: Omaha. An elaborate program has been arranged with an' initiation at 2:30 in< the afternoon. The initiation and all sessions of the meetingof the Central Council will be open to t^e public. Reserva-tions for the banquet at 6:30 p. m. will be accepted from members, non-members arid their friends if tendered by Thursday, Deceinber. 10. Harry Lapidus will be toastmaster. The "meeting of the Council Harris, Sam Swartz, 7 Dr. Nathan start Sunday morning at 10:30 in the Muskin, Joe: "|* Wo|f," Harry MalaArthur /building. Discussion of pur- shock, J. Riklin, A, B. Alpirin, A. poses and program of the proposed Herzberg, R. Gereljck, 'I.' Abramson, Council will precede the election of Nathan Yaffe. and rHarry Silverman. officers. Jake Malashock,. president Gilbert Jaffy and his orchestra will of Omaha I^dge No. 354, I. O. B. B.. entertain at the banquet which is in •will.open with an address and the charge of Dr. A. ! Greenberg, chairmeeting will then be tarried over to man, Abner Kaiman, Dave GreenIrvin; Stalmaster, chairman of " the berg, Nathan Bernstein -and Sam local Central Council committee, Beber. , r •which also' includes Sam J. Leon, Henry Mongky,Jcn.own. and appreciNathan Bernstein, Harry Ltapidus, ated as an orator of the first order, Sam Beber, Henry Monsky and J. J. and, nationally prominent in B'nai Gree,nberg. Brith workj will be the principal ••-Luncheon is to be served at noon speaker at. the. banguefc. to'" delegates following which they Members of the B'nai Brith Ladies willf reconvene .at the tFontenelle Auxiliary have arranged for the enhotel pariorv-roojns to hear and act tertainment of the women; who will upon reports* ^ the various i com- attend the. celebration. • Many are ex* pected here with the delegates and mittees.; . •r. from Sioux City, Des ' • v i i i t o r j f c " - : • " • ' • : • ' - ; ' - • • . ' " . * • • > • . ' . . V ^ : - • •" ' \ Moines, Council -Bluffs, Port Dodge, SToulBr^SrUs^S^D., "XSHCOIS^SIHI Oixialia' are expected.; together with large; -** - -'.jvgroups of methbers of these Iodye4 who are coining with the delegates; I n ' addition practically the entire Particulars; to ^IJe Announced a£ X group of officers of District Grand Meeting Monday evening. Lodge No. 6 are expected to be present . Sioux City lodge has chartered : The Young Men'5;an^ Young Wo-, a special train. Accommodations and men's Hebrew Association is planning arrangements for transportation will a Chanuckaeh^rfcamrae'nt tq b e given be handled by Dr. Romonek, Dr. M. the eve of the fourth day of Chanucka, E. Stein and Dr. A. A. Steinberg, and Monday evening, December 14.. automobiles provided. A program appropiate for the ocInitiation of candidates will be con- casion will be given which will be anducted in the ball room of the Fon- nounced a t the regular meeting 6f the tenelle hotel at 2:30 p. m. by the Y. M. and Yw W; H . ' A . Monday eveComOmaha degree team composed of M. ning, December 7, a t the Jewish f ' Monheit, S. J. Leon, Harry Silver- munity Center. Judge Chas. Goss, Presiding Judge man, Jake _Malashock, Henry Monsky, Dr. A. Greenberg, Max Morris and of Douglas County, will be "the prinAbner Kaiman. Nathan Bernstein cipal speaker of the regular meeting will address the class following the this Monday evening. Musical and other entertaining numbers^ will be initiation. During the past week the member- presented. ship committee has canvassed the entire city of Omaha. Ore hundred fifteen candidates h.ave been obtained with prospects for a class of two hundred by the end of this week. The committee: Herbert Goldstein, chair- Prof. Harry Kononpvitch Appointed • • " • • • • . - " D f r e c f o r " • C- . \\ man; William Alberts, vice-chairman; Maurice Miklin, Fred Greenberg, Dr. The Jewish Community Orchestra Mr. Stein, Dave Freenman, Robert
Jewish Cominunily Orchestra
and Jack Marer. • The reception committee includes: .Wm. Holzman, chairman; Dr. Philip Shef, Ed Treller, Dr. A. Roxnm, Tke Levy, Dr. M. Grodinsky, J. J. SlosInirg, Jr., Eabbi Frederick Cohn, Dr." N. Dansky, Nathan E. Green, Louis
Appeal For Payment of Jewish Natl. Fund Pledges An appeal is bein^ made to the pledgers, who subscribed to the Jewish National Fund on Yem -Kippur Day at the Synagogues, that the pledges are past due and should be paid. Checks can be mailed to Mr. J.J.Friedman, at 60S Omaha National Bank Building, to Dr. M. G. Wohl, at 517 City National Bank Building, and to Mrs. M. F. Levenson, at 1727 Leavenworth street, secretary of the local branch of the Jewish National Fund. "Pledges should not only be made but should be paid, and this is a test of knowing to what class each subscriber belongs," is Mrs. M. F. Levensou's plea in making the appeal for the collection of" the outstanding pledges. • A c'ompletf list of the subscribers to the Jewish National Fund will appear in a later edition of the Jewish Press.
Center has been organized under t leadership of Professor Harry Kononovitch, well-knownn -vioUnisti Thirty playfers "'aye ay trying «ut for the orchestra.^*Beheareals are held jevery Tuesday evening jat tjie Jewish Community jGen^r,^Boys, who musical forjthe c In an y , w i t h William 3L Blum'enthal, extcutiye secretary of thfe Jewish Community^ Center, regardirig the orchestra,'he says, "Anumber of times a Jewish Community Orchestra had'been organized Here but was ne successful. .Nowr under the directorship of Pr</fe"ssor -Kononovitch it is confident that this attempt to main tain an orchestra will bp a success.' DR. - WEIZMANN. SENDS MESSAGE OF CONDOLENCE TQ.KING GEORGE London. {J. T. A.)*'A message of condolence on the de"ath of Quecri Alexandra was sent by Dr. Chai-ii Weizmann, president of the World Zionist Organizatlon:to"5ung. George. "In the Bameof the ewisb National Home in- Pa^ v tjne ape Zionists throughout tfie world, the Zionist Oiganization begs You? Majesty to accept their sympathy in your, bereavement,'.',- the. message- ,read,' ... The King, thanked. Dr. Weizmana for the messagee. " ;' ; -.
Nathan Leyinson, of Newformerly of Omaha, known as,."JDuke" Levinson, stopped in Omaha last w^ek to visit withihis.mother, Mirs.^.H. Levinson, and othei:relatives.! ievjnson has been making, his lEeme/in New York for several years", studying voice under a well-known' professor. Levinson ,.isj enroufe^to; paiifornia, where, a concert tour has 'been' arranged by. his inanager-^^ ^He/has been bffertd the position of :Cantor- by, the Temple of San Bemardina, Calif. :
Will Debate the Debate Will Be Held December 23 in Omaha . Word; has just been received;from Philadelphia that the, Y. M.JH.•:&, of that city is sending a debating-team to -Omaha to Rebate withcthe Oroaha Y o n Wednesday evening, December 23. - The subject of the Qibk^e is: "Besolyed, That Religious. Teachings in :Public" Schools With":Safeguard Would be Conducive r t o ; the.- Mqral Welfare of the 'State.','. The Omaha Y team is to take the negative: •< J '." Plans are'now being-made for the reception of the Philadelphia- debaters and for a hall where the debated is .to. take place., I t was hoped that the new Jewish Community'Center Auditorium at 20th and ; Dodge Streets Would; be "ready by that time, but inevitable delay on the construction of the building ha§ made that impossible. The debate mo^ likely wiirbe, held in the .Brandeis Restaurant Grill #opiri, with a dinner 1 for Y members at 7 o'clock preceding the debate.; Dancing will followrth'e'jdebate. "More parficr ularswiU be g|ven in the next issue of The-Jewish -press. • ' "-'J [
^,CeiitiPlNtepis to "SW.Jewish Csiriuamiity
r Center B W ^ t
L, Blendand M. Dubins Ifforris Finkd' -• Tfo. Fogel •;" '.'.*' ? ^[orris L. Goldenberg ' __ Louis HiUeir : , ,: M. Kahan . ' / ., , Carl C Katleman . . Mrs. J. Upsey ! • • •Abe Mozer : ,-m J u l i u s V . N e w m a n >••'• -
Omaha Lodge 354,1.O.B.B. A. Rips Max Rosenthal vz'..." ! A. Saxe
i^aT g rr ! n g!i T !s: r !a * ; rTwrvri!;^u°:«i:inffr !
p y Contest•-. Will^0lB$e February 15th; Q
With the entrant date closed in the large Jewish Press 4^jmlar Popularity Contest, the entered contestants are centering their efforts on the solicitation of subscriptions-to assure them of enough votes to win the first pm?? offered to the lucky girl, " A Trip to Europe". ^ The Jewish Press Contest ynll oflicially close on February 15j 1926jjthus giving as mudi time as possible to the girls and tifieir workers to canvass the city. The Coundl;Bluffs entrant Miss Fannie Katelman receiving the entire support of the- Iowan^, is well on her way to bid keen competition in this contest. . Leone Novitsky, entrant of the Y. M. a n d Y . W. H . A., is also one of the bidders for the first prize, Mildred Harris of the Poalj^Zion organizatiop and Sylvia Feldman of tlie "Auflebung club, both of these each having an a~ctive meinbe^hip of more than 100, are receiving the support" of the members of .their! organizations. The subscriptions to The Jewish Press count for 250 votes. fJXev|.subscriptions will count -as well as renewal" of^old^ subscriptions. The!subscriptions for The Jewish^Press for 1926 are now "due.'
The fif til: anniversary popularity contest" of The Jewish Press is laun^ed for a better understanding between The Jewish Press and its subscribers. T,7 Every subscription obtained by coiifestahts .will count as 25ft vs$es,i Renewals will count the same as new subscribers. JRiese subscriptions may be obtained any : r
place i n & e tputitry.
Ife-coirtesiant -can transfer "her votes to'another contestant' ' ' '" * ' "* r Jewish EressasrdSeriig^ToO iBf^KTte prized to* thfe first three ;Vriniiers. First prize-rtj^P tso-Etirot -^cdnd;^ri2^--trip to N6w Yol^/anai-thid"Ui to Chicago. ^ Contestant has privUegie'of of t h e s e prizes m - c a s h ;
•*-.'•_ V : : ; : •
•• - ;
Contestants must qualify for-the"respective.prizes by obtaining atninimnTn of 400,200, and lOQ subscriptions for first, second and third prizes respectively. " Every subscription must be accompanied-by check for ?2.50 before it will= be counted by the-judi:es. For information call Atlantic 1450.
. ,-•.' • • , V-» - '• '
Henry Sokoloff M. Solomon A. StoJer < H. BL White.
; •t •
r -v
THE MEYER CLOTHING > COMPANY OPENED AT ; . 1512 FARN.AM SiTREET The Meyer aothing Combany, an exefuiive shop for men ..and, .young nien,. has just opened in the WorldHerald Building at J ^ F a r n a m S t . : Mr. Meyer • Friedel, ^eli-faiovrri clothier, who is ciwrier of 'tije-Fair Store here, fs also proprietor of this store. • ' "The Meyer Clothing Company has opened for the purpose of weeding young men's needs .in clothing; I iahall be pleased to give my .personal attention Xp: my .jjatrpns,"
Jewish WfiieB's Welfare Omaha Bay Winner In ' Elects tend Officirs ' fictorial Renew Cditest Ernest Priesman, 10 year old son.of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Priesman, 2211 Pratt Street, received notice from the New York Office of the Pictorial Review Company that he has won first prize in a National Contest for boys conducted by that company. Priesman was chosen the winner among the. thousands of boys and young men who entered. The award was given him for having given the best suggstion on "How I advertise My Pic'Business." •..,,"Young Prieman is known as , the "The Magazine Kid" in an Omaha College Publication. • - --
Mrs. Nathan Mantel'was re-elected president of 1 the ."Women's Welfare Organization at its last regular meeting Tuesday; afternoon, December 1, at the Jewish- Community Center. Other officers elected;are Mrs. Harry Rachman, vice-president; Mrs. L-'Rosenthal, recording secretary; Mesdames Harry JIalashock and Blanch Zimman,-financial secretaries; Mrs. Charles L^vipson,-treasurer; and "Mrs. Williaia Bqlzm&n/ head of finance. Directors .of the Jewish Women's Welfare Organization will be elected at the next laeetijig, Tuesday afternoon, Jamiarj1.5. "•
to "Present Play Sunday ^t the* Labor Lyceum
SATISFACTORY AGREEMENT Jerusalem. (J. T. A. The first WITH LEADER OF WAHAffig CONCLUDED Druzes tc cross the Palestine frontier "were arrested by the Palestine gendarmerie near Safad yesterday Jerusaleaa. (J. T. A..- A Nine of the group which consisted factory agreement between Ibn Saud, sultan of Nejd and leader of the of twelve tribesmen -were arrested. Waabis, the Great Britain, hag been The other three escaped. The arrested concluded, according to Sir Gilbert were brought to Safad where, upon Clayton, former Civil Secretary t>f the examination by the local authorities, Palestine Government, who negotiated they declared that they did not intend •with Ibn Saud on behalf of Great to cross the Palestine frontier, but did so by mistake They further stated Britain. Sir Gilbert, in an interview granted that they were instructed by the to press representative today stated Druze headquarters not to cross the that the frontiers between Nejd, Palestine frontier. Should they do BO Transjordiana and Iraq Tvere tleftn- by mistake, their instructions were to nitely settled. On the basis of, the deliver themseKes to the Palestine agreement, .Transjonjania is to in- authorities. The arrested tribesmen will be tried clude the Red Seaport, Akaba. Sir Gilbert stated that he will proceed for unlawfully carrying arms into within the next few days tc "Amman, Bagdad, the .capital of Mesopotamia; Saud plans to convoke an All Moslem to persuade^ Emir Abdullah, the ruler congress for the purpose cf establishof Transjordania and Emir F&al, the ing an All Moslem mandate over ruler of Mesopotamia, to accept this Mecca and Medina, the Moslem Holy agreement Cities, instead of the Hedjaz state Sis Gilbert also declared crested by the Hasbanrite family.
The Pp^li^Sion-Literary Dratnalic Section and iie'P^olaji-Zioa Club will present the. three4ict play, The Wampir," 1jy-Striaberg, on Sunday evening, December 8, at the" Labor Lyceunv Thig plav will be shown for the first time -in - Omaha. Proceeds will be sent to the Chaluzim fund in Palestine. The cast in'the play is composed of Miss Ross Bichxcan, .of Council Bluffs, Miss Sylvia. FpTdman, and Messrs. Earl Go$dh1r»der» HaEcal Cohn, Ed. Weiner.'and S£ F," Goodman. The public: is invited to attend. Berlin. J. Tv A.) The case against the Barmat brothers, involved in the famous Prussian.'finance scandal, win be dismissed,.it was here learned tday on good authority. The acts, containing the cases of the B&nnat brothers,' cwish bankets and indastrialitets, tskes .up S&O Volumes apd, in rece»t "tasrathBM constituted the njaxn soorcf of snti-SeasJtfc aganda in Prussia.-. > .
OMAHANS ATTEND I.O.B.B. EXECUTIVE MEETDsG Henry Monsky, member of the executive committee of the International Order of B'nai B'rith, and Sam J. Leon, president of District No. 6, I. 0. B. B., will leave to attend the meeting of the executive committee of the B'nai B'rith at Cincinnati Sunday, December 6. ' At this meeting the Omahans will extend an invitation to Alfred M. Cohen, president of the Order, to attend the B'nai B'rith Day celebration in Omaha on December 13.
Speak k January I7tfti . •
Here Under Auspices of LocaJ Zionist District PLAN FOR PUBLIC GATHER* ING "FOJt ' NOTED . A . w. ..".: LECTURER'/ • ^m
Maurice Samuel, noted novelist and, lecturer will* appear in Omaha as .the guest 'of the, local Zionist District on Sunday.4 January"!?, 1926.' "A special committee of *the; local : organisation will inake ^further plans for the visi* tor. The following committe has beeti Special Committees ..Appointed ..To appointed; Max Fromkin, John Feld« Arrange Affair man, Mrs! "A. Silverman, Dr. Romm* and N. Levinson,. —<«stf Plans are being made to make this year's affair the biggest ever given by the Highland Country Club at its annual New Year's Eve party to be held at the Blackstone hotel. The entire eighth floor of the hotel has been leased for this occasion. "We have secured one of the finest orchestra's in the city for our New Year's party", said A. Herzberg, Jr., chairman of the affair. Special committees have been appointed to help eany out all details. A feature of the party will be the decorations, souvenirs, and entertainment, according to the committee in charge. Invitations will be sent to the members during the coming week. •- The following men will serve on the committees for this affair:
HigMapd Contrj CkhPlans
KESTEEVATIONS FOK IXXtTED CFESTS —Ed Treller, J. H. Knlakofsky, Herbert Heavenricb, Hnrry Malashocfc, Henry Itosenthal.
Maurice Samuels Bom inJRotim;ania, and educated ix£, Manchester anci Baris,. Maurice Sam« uel earlj? traveled through every part of Europe," and later through Ames** ica,'. and" obtained- a first lumd ac•quairitaace'w3&"£k"e complex internssOBal--:sitssti®si'*'espa6ially-SE it.ire*. dates' tb~2T«ws condition. •.•--• As aweinber'of the United States •ProgTom Inv^gHgation Commission to Ed Kraus, AI Mayer. ARBASGBMEMS FOR TABLE RE8EK- Poland ami then,,as a member of tbs VATiOVSi—Ed- Treller, Carl Katleman, Interallied Reparation's Coirimissicto Abe Herzberg, P r . B. T. Friedman, MorJ in Paris,'-Berlin1 and Vienna, Matm/tf> ' • Tin Ferer. SDESC COMMITTEE—Mrs. A. Herzberg, Samuel came into close personal COP.-' Mrs. Ed Trailer, Mm. H. A. Wolf. tact with the leading diplomats ot Europe and America. HORWICH JEWELRY On his return to America, he b** COMPANY STARTS came a contributor to many periodiBUSINESS MONDAY cals, including "The New Palestine'** An up-to-date jewelry store will "Jewish' Tribune', ~ '"The Menora.'b open its doors to the public on Mon- Journal", . "Current, History", The. day, December 7, at 205 North 16th Day", etc., etc. His recent bookf^ street, and will be known as the Hor- "You Gentiles" and "The Jewish An* wich Jewelry Co. Messrs. 'Nathan thology"are now being widely dU> Horwich and Albert Wohlner, the cussed by literary circles as well Hi; proprietors of the store, desire to by rabbis and ministers. At 'the request of Dr. WeizmaTmfc announce to their host of friends that they will cater special order work in Mr. Samuel made a tour of Palestine addition to handling merchandise of in the Summer of 1924. His is probquality. Diamonds, watches, silver- ably the most vivid account that hwf ware, platinum and gold jewelry will yet been given of the pulsating Jew-be featured. A watch and jewelry re- ish life pi Palestine. • His lectures tri, pair department will also be institut- Palestine, in New York, have CEUS?4 wide-spread cotnment in the press. ed to serve the public. This addition to Omaha's jewelry concerns will be managed by Mr. Nathan Horwich whose ten years' former association with the Malashock Jewelry Co. will enable him to efficiently serve the public. Messrs. HorGilbert Jaffy Will Play. wick and Wohlner invite all their friends to call at the- now store, where The first open meeting tc be g courtesy and value will be the outthis year by the Auxiliary of the standing aim. B. B. wil! be held^ Thursday December ,.10, at the Jewish Co munity Center. Qectel Feature numbers being arrang-ed the program will be. a • talk by Mrs. Nate Mantel was elected prpminent local speaker and' vlo president of the District No. 20, Na- selections: by Gilbert Jaffe, tional Federation of Temple Sister- leader of the Brandeis hoods at its convention held in Des Character sketches by - Mr.. Moines, la., November 17 and 18. Shrier and several vocat selections fcr Mrs. Mantel is active in Sisterhood Miss. Bess Greenberg- hare also b?m work and also in other organisations. arranged by the committee in ch«.?j;.% She is past president of the focal who are also making plans for set** Sisterhood and is now president of eral other interesting numbers tc till the Jewish Women^s Welfare Organi- the evening's program. Miss EanAckWman and Miss F»tt&, zation. Mrs. Mantel was accompanied home by Mrs. Isy Rosenthal and Mrs. Covich aye itt charge of the Cora Wolf, delegates to the convention. District No. 20 is comprised of Sisterhood Chapters from the states BOUMAKIA OPENS CGN&PLATE OFFICES of Nebraska, Iowa, Kansas, snd Mis.•-•:-; - , ' .IN ; souri. The next District conference will be held at Kansas City, Mo. Bucharest. (J. T. A. ' Two Rflc* manian Bub-conKulatcs .will be"^6***' Sabbi Frederick Cohn has chosen tablished in i'oiestiae the beginning t£ "Israel", Ludwig Lewisohn's newest December, government book, for Ms eermon a t Temple Israel mente st*te. The eub-consulates on Friday evening, December 4, His be opened in Ht|ifa and Jaffa am! topic on Saturday morning will be be in charge^of two Roumanian Joseph-,anj! Isaac' JBqkac'"The Straggle m the Night. BECKPTIOX AND FS^OOK COMMITTEE
—Al Mayer, Harry MnlaBhock, Curl Kntleman, Manny Hap«er. Dr. B. X. KlH Morris Milder. COMMITTEE—Abe Herzborc, H- Kulakofsfer, £fi Txellcr, Henry thl N COMMITTEE—Dr. '-B. T. BenSBelfi3er, Mancr Handler. Vousetu. Bd Kraus, Morris St«Frri« MUd tttCA Car! Eatleman, Herbert ..Txetter. , . . tBiCITT—Xate Jacobs, Kd Kr»T»j.
L O..l,
PAGE S—THE JEWISH PRESS—THURSDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1925 •1 am In the fight at last," he wrote, "though just.by proxy. But I am on active duty, beeitoto I have released some younger fellow—Jast a Iatf^-for wors th»t ria t»«:«ia to cdo. ©at rm
Before the general had finished speaking his wife stood beside him. She laid her hands upon the tabs of Published every Thursday at Omiiha, Nebraska, by greenish cloth upon hfs shoulders, THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY with the' featne touch of wondetmt In I t ! " '•'•; -•• ; Office: 490 Brandeis Theatre Building -+- Telephone: ATlantic 1450, pride that had been there,tfearsago, Mrs. X&8OB, writing, demanded de- when she had touched the gold-stttWed NATHAN E< GREEN, Manager r ' tails, epaulets of Richard Nelson, general by . $2.50. Subscription Price, one year. Again *a the yellow blanks of the brevet. Advertising rates furnished on application. telegraph company iwhicn impressed Then, bending her snow-white head, Mrs. Nelson.) the general wrote: CHANGE OF ADDRESS-r-Please gire both the old and new address; she kissed the insignia now upon his •••-.•:• be sure and give your name. this." ' • "I am In uniform. My headquarters sleeve—a black eifele In which Were are—" the name of the building meant embroidered the letters W. U. "Gran'par The Jewish Press is suppliedby.the Jewish Telegraphic Agency (Jeiyish The high-pitched voice drew near, nothing te Mrs. Nelgoa—"gOTerament Correspondence Bureau) yrith cabled and telegraphic Jevrish news, in addition and a small boy entered the .living offices are scattered all er«r the place. to feature articles and correspondencea from all important Jewish centers. Send my caafl home—to my home ad- Skewer's High Place room. Inquiries regarding news items credited to this- Agency-will be gladly . "Here's a letter for you, grandpa. It dress—•* he gave a number oa S fetreet. answered if addressed .to Jewish Telegraphic. Agency, -621 Broadway, New in Realm of Cookery says Washington. Maybe the President Other letter* followed, happy in tone . • • - . Y o r k ' C i t y . . • " ' - . - • ";. : 7 • . . - • • : - - : -..• ; / : > - '':""- "f-'-^-f-/"': y . : ~ ; ; ; , , : ' — : : ^ - ' V:- As& the average dealer In antiques wants you to tell him how to win the if ha«y as to detail. If he happens to have nny Bllver or war. An' gran'pa, j'Ou are a general, "If you don't write Me feiactly trhat Sheffield skewers, ana he raises his THOUGHTS ON J U C aren't you!" branch of the service you are In," Mrs. eyebrows and scans you with a look We are admittedly more infonn0d t6d?iy than were 6\Li' fathers "6i cpurse your grandfather Is a Kelson one© more demanded, "I shall which conveyB his opinion of your ; general.". Mrs. Nelson took the email go to Washington* X don't care how mentality, writes Henry Russell Winy of the past generation,: But,are %^\^b;More'edddat@a''thdn'' |;hey boy by the hand and, leading him expensive it Is." • ; j 3 r e j : e ? •••.• " . . • ; ' . . • • ; . " ' . < , ; • ; / . . v : '•'.:. . " •:::"•• *"-• " " ' . • "• in "The International Studio." across the room, read aloud from thfe Promptly the answer came: "I am In :•;•• ' We think not. Information is not education.: A man has It is strange that the score and more framed commission on the wall; what you might call the iservice of writers who have reviewed so interspent the major part of jhis life on some remote.backwopd farm, • " I do hereby confer Tipon Richard eommttnicatlonis. Of course, you can* estingly the history, design and makand only by accident wastoeought-toseefoi* the first time a steam Nelson, of the United States Volua* not expect me at my age, my dear, to ers of old silver and Sheffield plate driven engine. • He had heard of it before, but did riot think it leers in the Service of the United do In Washington the noble stunts that should hare neglected a definite dereal; andnow., on'beholding the great inanimate thing rushing at States* by and with the advice and your grandson Is doing in the air, above scription of this important object of him headlong with such terrific power, he breaks out in astonishconsent of the Senate, the rank of the fields of France." utility and ornament. One writer inBrigddler General by Brevet, in said ment and bewilderment: How could the thing run if it is not The same letter told Mrs. Nelson forms us that our ancestors had an service to rank as such from the 13th that, while ft Was worth a whole war even greater idea of the necessity of hitched to a beast of "burden?" he asks, and in. that amazement day 6f March, in the year of Our Lord loan to see her, rooms were hard to get beautiful plate for table and sidefhere lies the guarantee of education. Nearby there stands a city One .thousand eight hundred and sixty, and—here his pea seemtd to hare board decoration than we have at publican who has seen the thing all his life^ who was born unto it, five. For courage in battle and good balked—"wait a bit, my dear. I Shall the' present time, but In his list .one might say, andridicules the provincialism of the farmer. And conduct throughout the war." Be heme before very long and then you of half hundred beautiful articles the jn tkat ridicule there-lies the guarantee of ignorance.' For the "It is signed by the Presi—" may gee nay hew-styie uniform." skewer is given a bare mention. Foramazed toaii will not stop-at sheer surprise, but "will make further But the small boy, with a triumphant tf&e nett day, when the train jvalied ty-nine of the choice pieces of Bilver inquiry, with the result that he "will learn something of the .power shouts had gone. out from the station, Mrs. Nelson fcsd plate are elsewhere described In of steam to drive vehicles, and perhaps, of the mechanism of the Mrs. Nelson returned to her knitting, leaned comfortably back In her pull- detail, but the poor skewer is ignoengine which can be driven by steam. On the other hand, the and while the general dozed she staa* man eeat and went qsietiy on with her •nainiously ignored. city vulgar who takes, the phenomenon for granted, who, mistakes fed him—the fine texture of his fresh knitting. Late the following afternoon It is high time this great Injustice* skin, the soft white hair, the strong, she was seated la a room in the S •was recognized and atonement made. Sheer seeing of things for knowing them, will probably not inquire street bouse, la the city ot Washing* keen^: hands, the dignity of shoulders and probably not learn;; he will thus remain:ignorant. For the The checkered career of skewers is that retained their military trigness tos, D, C Si»e was knitting, trot this Interesting. The original was known test of education lies in the quest for knowing and understanding ftyen while their owner slept in a chair. time ehe was sot Qciet. Bow could she <as a skiver. It was made of wood things, and not merely in seeing and naming them. What if the ; Herhean ached for him, because he be, wfcea every nerve was tense with o£ that name (dogwood) and was averager^ijan today no longer wonders at the telephone; telegraph, curiosity to see her gefiersl—straight t>uilt like a tinge pin, which fastened could not be part of this great war. and radio? What if he even has these things: in his own home? aofi slim cad soldierly, ia tic troader- the meat to a spit and kept the roast At first he had been patient. He is no more educated to them or in them than theone who had , " "Tts a young man's war," he would ful new mstform of this great war? In shape. This rather primitive Connever utilized any of these appliances. :, ' say. ,Or; "What can a man of my age "Dear God, I thaat the*," once more trivance was later supplanted by do?" Or: 'Tin as Ignorant, my dear, she murmured, as long needles flew •those made of metal—steel, close It will be generally admitted that the children of today are • '<>£'this-$ort of warfare as though Ithrough sott, gray vrooL plate, silver and Sheffield. The ateel brighter and even more resourceful than were, the; children of bad never seen a battlefield." And Suddenly the clieMng of the needles iskewers did their work while the meat yesterday. Indeed, they seem so "cute", so clever, and so allthen, Impatiently, "What can a nsan of ceased. Mrs. Kelson leaned forward, was on the spit or in the oven. Befcnowing! In comparison, we were an uninteresting stupid lot •eighty do?" listening. T&ea, laying the knitting fore serving-, the steels were reSome members of the large Committee of; representativein our own childhood days. But aa we follow these bright and ;- The-general, awaking, reaches tor. down vpcm tae table, sne trose. The moved and the silver skewers Insert.figures in finance, business, professional life and welfare worli alert children into their boyhood and girlhood we seem to,gain the letter. ed. One may remember tills edmo» door w&i eiotrlr T n \, 0 «,i ?re i glV p n ? -*?; "1 mn 1? w h i c h ^11 set a new mark in banquet the impression that their cleverness and brightness are not really 'Tiricent wants me to go to WashingFor on* moment they stsured at each ; c iti 0 n In "Swift's Advice to H ton. " 'Guess you feel as I do,' he read other, Mrs. Nelson taking in every de- ants," "Send np your meat well stack of the progressive kind/that they do not, in fact, shine in their r aloud; > 'that you'd like to be la this. tail of her husband's uniform, from cap with skewers, to make it look round adolescence as they shone in their childhood, and sometimes it i M ? y ^ 3 f ? £ i v e *lfa<i ° f the M0ti0n picture Industry. 41-Johi. But< old man, Tre did onr bit before to boot Ops. I s that fijoment the gen- •and plump." even occurs to us that, perhaps, their childhood wisdom abided" 5—Jesse I. Straus, President of R. H. Macy « .^ ( dean of o ? ' American Theatrical Prothese joangsters were born, or that eral seemed to shrink. But it was onty J Frohman, dean of American Theatrical Pro•*• with them a bit too long for their own good. While surpassing fducers. phrase invented. "We can't get. in this tot a moment. The next, his cfcisi was us in the mental equipment of childhood, they could not compare IRoebuck & Go. Rosenwald, Philanthropist and head of Sears, Show,* Bat we might es trell see it high and bis fiends fit bis sides, fore> Sfoer 1925 subscription to The Jewwith our mental equipment at the period of adolescence. They going by.*" fi&gers touching tb* seams of bis have not the grasp of things boys and girls used to have in the one of the best quarters ever at Mich- "Yes, jt.is a-sport.hotel. -The hotel •In a few Cays the general left" fof trousers. His Sne fckin was Hushed, ish Press is due now. Please trial! ;..; • hag.been built around a Turkish and Washington. past, neither the seriousness, nor the stamina. They still have, igan." : but his dear blue eyes looked squarely it in. Russian bath, a -swimming pool, an Eice'is right about Friedman as an ; "He has done his bit!" Mrs. Nelson's Into the searchiag gray: eyes of his of course, a vaster, store of information than we Bad had in our inspired and inspiring leader of the elaborate gymnasium, private golf thoughts' trere Indignantly emphatic ss •wife. Beneath the olive drab of his new days of youth, but it does not help their education. They cannot team.: room, special massaging department .The news, has come out that She watched him swinging denra t i e uniform be stood before her, straight converse seriously; they have, in fact, no topics for conversation, •out Benny has been unanimously and all imaginable equipment for the street beneath the shading elms,' and sum snfi feolQietly M ever, in the and unless i t is to "jazz" r to ride away their leisure time, they elected Captain of the Michigan foot- healty development of the human straight and slim and supple as a boy. Woe. 8n4 gdd ot bygone fia^s, be bad "MOHL" body. While this is a strictly busiball squad of 1926. are at a loss what to do with themselves. "As Ned Vincent said, long before 1S42 South 25th St. AT. 6637 Btood before his regiment. venture, I-often feel the public •,...-• And this is the logical sequence of the light-mindedness with • A prosperous. season in 1926 forness these youngsters "were born." significance, of njy: undertaking. The "It was my bit," he munirared. "And In due time a letter came. The gen- my utmost, ftenjember, dear,- I am FicisfcmEit's Kosher l e s t M&rket which the problems,, aims; and purpc^eab£ education are regarded 'aptain Benny is the wish of all foot- Jewish J w i h youth,,, th and* business b i men off 1615 North 24tb St. WE. 60G6. today by the parents themselves., O£our-children. it*isTtrue what ball fans. New York aiuTout of town come here eral was a £aaa of few words, but eighty years A to" tSke: advantage of hotel accomo-' managed to give an idea of the *&igtd\v.e reap but what we have sown. JFoEcMldreit gefc their immediate i things that h datitfns, but at Hhe same time to keep ] tttde-of the he was witnessknowledge of things through sense perception only. They cannot physically fit an£ indulge in sports/* j Ing—of the thousands of men and think of things in. the abstract, until later, until their faculties Harry Kaplan of Columbia who "And," added" ,Mrr Podolsky smil-H women, hard at «eofk in the nation's develop and ripen sufficiently for the higher process of thinking; •started the season^as <me of the :most which the psychologist calls apperception. UntU that time they •promising ian mentally, more so Iattention am glad ' capital, despite silly tales to the congTidiTon'-^Kfortofers, bu.t know^only what they see,, hear, taste, smeU or touch, Now, intwhose later gamies did not come quite to do my- share."' • he wrote. "Everyone who canfloanyThe idea of combining a hotel with thing is. taken on." our childhood days there was little opportunity forsense-»<a?cei>- ti> expectations, has staged a. most a physical culture Institution deserves comeback. It-was during . r tipn, be.caiise there was so little for^us to" see or'Searior. touch. spectacular The general had been away about a A master teacKei1, tausjual opportunity for Columbia-Allred game * of Nov. special notice, attd coming1 from Mr, fortnight We were not surrounded in our homes by too many things,' nor the when again the small boy beginners and; senior students of violin. 21st. Of the 46 .points assembled by Podolsky, an immigrant to this counwas there a. great, variety .outside of our homes. Our furniture ColumMa, Kaplan accounted for22, try, it stands out as a distinct achieve- came running through the halls. A few open periodc available. kick; meaty marking a'iiew departure in the "Gran'ma! It's a letter from gran'was simple, our apparel plain, and our demands and cravings for (8 touchdowns ana a placement *""•) *Rie brilliant quarterback"wasVeasiiy pa," he shouted. "1 gtotsi* the Presihotel-and sport •world of this coun«; luxury so few, comparatively. And since, in. childhood, we could thp individual hero of the encounteT. Phone* Atlantic 2015 for appointment. dent's sending him to kiH t i e kaiser. only learn through our senses, it follows that we could learn very His most brilliant* stunts were a 90- try. When's he ^oln*,: sran'fiiii?'' Price $2, up to $5 per lesson. little. But the child, of today, on the other hand, is surrounded yard TUnback of a ld'ckoff throjagh a 3 2?o» grandpa was not going to kill ™gi athousand ^andone things nevdr dreamedof in our days. broken field for a touchdown in the the kaiser, Mrs. Kelson told her grandperiod, and a run of half the These things, at home and on the street, crowd themselves upon third Bon, after she had glanced through the TUOTERG STUDIOS length of the field after scooping up er e yellow blanks df the telegraph eoma fumble oh one becasioh" and plowing t£n nf?S MU% FT* ^' P ? iVed. That is why the informs- through center fora score on the first Lyric Bfd"g. 19th and Farnant Sts. pany on which the old geneifal's; letter tipn ot the child of today is so. rich and Varied in comparison- with was written, "but neither Was lie complay of the fourth period. the meager information of t h e child df t d ing home for the present." She Caught , no real education, For BERGMAN PICKS the small boy to her and klssefl him. one is educated until he; learns to fhink out and ihfe* things. Then, her letter tight Ifl Her fingers, SOn Qmnl ehe gathered her soft skirts and mountBy. LOUJ5 H. GUYOL When is a lesson a Jesfson? -fcen,*»^? 1 «? i ^ y when it resolves Maurice A. Bergman, brilliant r nt an f<ai<wsitselflfinto^a foxing ed to her room. Closing the door she Jewish publicist, formerly of crossedt&'tfle bedside, Knelt aewfi aed Cleveltmd, and now of New York ^ e ^ Co.) <© by Pac# bow^d her head oa tli« crumples, yelwrites -us: . " . . . NELSOS laid his low pages. ."In looking over our Western Conpluitiea-' hat' on the table ana ference stars, the. name of "Shan' r *1>ear God, J thank thee,** she whisKlein; Ohio State Center; looms'tip as mopped--jhls forehead. It was pered.. Later, with eyes half-blinded the west logical;for that position "on Ijite afternoon oa the foflith by' grateful tear$ she re-read ner htisany All-Western team, Klein, who basl day of July ia the year ISIS. •;: band's letter; been the outstanding linesman this "Tired, dearr' Mrs. Nelson's voice, season on the Ohio team, played a solicitous, but her eyes shone with, spectacular game both defensively and was pride as they tested on the figure— offensively against Illinois in the final straight, slim and Soldierly, In the goldgame of the season. The -writer witeducatio nessed this game and for the first end faded bine of a Civil war uniform. "No-tN)," General Nelson sattfi wear* time had the opportunity of seeing ' Concert Violinist ily back In hisvchalr, "but this futile, the strength of the big" Ohio center. i-g— M 1 . and. Instructor i ina«on-as-"R«d/'"tfi* grea^st ot all It was Klein who made the conspicu- parading, when there's sd much to be , - • • .....•••• . : sporte 'box-office: ihagnets, with the ous plav of breaking through the Il- d o n e ! ' * , , * , ' • . : . - . . . . . W Kas comments atidT praise fWw !••: linois line at a crucial moment to possibly e x ctpnc^ilek^Bietejtecy. epti^iTkB "Butj dear, you've done your share. |u some some" df theg greatest teachers In jil *Th^e arfc tbe finest suits you can buy in We. . believe e -with ^-yan ,Every-that throw "Red" grange for a ten yard • A n d — " •. •....;,..—v ;;._; - ' • th world.ld Give Gi ^ a 1child hild A ~ \W the loss. This was' undouBtedly the pret•-•;•• the Middle West at $25, $30 and $35. It's a Grangers distinctly a'peraohalitv anc "My gran'pa is'a general; He Is, too ft \i,correct foundation By HAHBY CONZEL tiest piece of defensive- work in the a picturesque onerTHIsaiPindivftlual" 4«mdftSttlttioa 6f value-giving by "The Ne- (Copyright IU25 by Seven '&tt» He fit In three, wars, he d i d r A hlgh^st who, >vh«n he performs; "does so entire game. But.otttdde of this par- pitcftea Feature Smdlea<e.> , ypUUg voice from beyond the M- Studio 11714 North16th braska'*. . maticallKna; ._,giant that fiiat fights a- ticular play, Klein, who by the way open windows cut through the converhas one of the finest-bodies we have gain the opposingrfeani, whichtries to jsatloiUv'The CiviJ; wa>,?aB\tbe Spanish vet seen on^ a fpotball field, b H e ^ c i hate an endless variety of fabrics, PENJSTY vs. RED &. f, bottler-him-up—and whence 'breaks . . d.-• i h,i - - . war. Ah',. sin'*-^aiiT—the War of th©. the season's newest styles, and prices that These are the days given, over \o loose, it is strictly individual victory 1close to sui feet and /weighing, about 8 5 pla thfr analyzing and dissecting of footFriedman is a disciplined teaa» perl ain ' y*? a h &*******. effensive shout economy. ball stars. To be or not to be an A1I- former. He ispmore accurats & ; ffm 4 ed a and at several precanous stages p p y 1 18 passea Ur^. beautiful passes-which enabled American.. Now that the season id flashyi^ his e areTfiSwu ? 4s as-surejas;a;weir,trained i?i:e'AU?^r?lK.t»1?ed? Captain Cunningham to get his punts over, except for the shouting* and w arta TrfnVVS?^ Investigate—Compare—'And Be Convinced— e*jr'inah's'sho6frngi ' Hjs js individaway to great advantage. We learned that the colorful Red Grange has ss ' s fe a f e r d b hi i 5 ^ J i , ? i 5 ^ J sa merged by his -ver- that besides being a star center that • ' Then You Will Come Here To Buy Joined the professional ranks, the ex- satility, in>b«n* able to; help thl team Klein is a crackerjaek basketball and perts "find that Grange does not oc- at all;jmonjq>ts-of the game.' -• track man. He played his last game cupy such a noteworthy-niche in the against Illinois and it certainly was football Hall of Fame after all. I t SURE • a triumphant-climax to his brilliant seems that his only real claim to record." greatness according to the' football Grantland. Rice, considered the sue- Absolutely, Mr. Bergman! authority, Van Every, is. that Grange has proved himself the peer of ail.cessor of "Walter Camp, as the subroken-^ejd runners. AH agr.ee, how- preme judge of American "football, A SPORT HOTEL When you enter the luxurious lobever, that there have'been greater discussing the conference- stars of this backs and even this very -season he> season, speaks: of; .Friedman as iohby of the Luxor Hotel on 46th Street, New York, you cannot see any diflias been outranked by Qberjandeer of l and any. Dartmouth and our own Benny Fried"At quarter Benny Friedman stands ference between tKs" hotel 1 man of Michigan. As a punter, goal head, and .shoulders above any in the first class metropolitan hotel. The 1 kicker, forward passer and line buck- country. His fumble of a wet ball dignified, comfortable atmosphere is See-Onr Fsrnam Street Window tMsplay srhaps more of an intimate affain er, Grange's value is counted as very in the Northwestern game was his ut then you .aTe informedby the little. ' ' * oniy slip of-the season—and that ex- room clerk that this is a hotel for The question then arises. Whycusable, although it lost Michigan a' men only, and for men who believe •vvjll Grange, who may be passed up eleaf' claim to the title. Friedman is fa physical culture. -So we became by the experts on many All-Time AH- A. wooderfuJ. passer,, a S Interested in this unique institution, American elevens, be the football hero ands„ ^o^-facfeej. . „ .Bat — ^_,_,,— _.., tbejaore so as the owner ani builder w_r j - for several years to comer-and Benny enny h« is a."genius at" handling a team, Is .David Podolsky, a Jew, extremely T comtEcrr APPAREL FOR MEN AND WOMEN peer of one at the "Inspired leaders that come active in Jewish commurial life. This Friedman, the Bat otirfe Jnevery two of three student, is hon* Mr*-j?odolgjky explains the t t Yost. r*g«ds.,hJm_-as' spedal function of. Luxor;
Prominent people who will figure in the firsv big public testimonial banquet, ever given in tNewYork City without after-dinner oratojry^
Revolution. He did J" •;:; .?Tm' pretty near old enough," the general. ipfliled. •"Would you wimt to be In thts war?" Mr*. Neieon asked, • •"No good In wanting. Even had I been a West Pointer there's nothing a man of Bay age can do, these days. Nothing—but lead a lot of other old men around town on a. holiday like
: :
;«rU^ ffi
Rev. E Fleishman
Haliy Kononovitch VIOLINIST
^^t^etiSm ^'
° - ° '^
-" ****
There Is Quality and Luxury in the Nebraska's
33£ « ^ » I"*
Prof. Frank Mach
Our Sporting Column
Two Trouser Suits and Overcoats
Two Trotiser Suits and Overcoats
25 30 35
;.R, 1B25
VanishingLuncheons PopularWxth Jewish Women Xocal ^women .have foregone social nfifofrrs :and given ^anspaxingiy of their -time and effort to help make the Community Chest jcampaign,a success. 3Now -with the innovation of thE "vanishing luncheons'**, they are again-pledging "their support. Perhaps the .first hostesses were Mesdames Herman Auer•bach -and 2. 2B. Hulakof sky, both of -whom entertained last Meek. Their guests will each Entertain this week and theirs Tm'"tuitt,;rieSt week, in" this way making an endless chain. Others who have. .already Invited their,guests are Mesdames H. lapidus, H. .Malashock, L.VXuTakdiiky, JSfoil Ganz, 31. Trustm, and H. Rachman. By -way of ^variety, iffiHsdaiHes William tfiolzman and INate JSIantel have invited their-guests to a "vanishing Hah Jongg jfirty." Despite the amusement -provided, though, the purpose ieraains the same;
THE TEAS THE THING • _ i sery attractive -party ~^BS "that given by Mrs. Sam Uebsr on Sunday afternoon at the Ulackstone to .honor Ulrs. John .Beber, .a newcomer to the xity. The iostess wore a jink georgette gown and the guest of ihonor wore u blue and silver jnetal cloth dinner diBHS and Ja xorsage dof :ioses. IThe jsolor scheme, vpink land green, was efieetivfily jcarfied nut in the ^appointmentB. Hiss 3Bess Stock ^and H&m. 1. Isvenson ipouied aiiB assisting .the hoStess "were Jaesdames Satn "WoK and J . Harks and Mkses Margaret Uleikes and Lillian Hubinstein. ' . The same :afternaon the Misses Bess anil Elsie Stalmaster were also lioStssses at .their liome at a tea. ISiss 33stelle Xapidus, tfiancee of 3Ir. Jrvin Steimaster, "was the Ihondr guest* Those .assisting at-this tea were the ~M»grinTnfft "jSLprris ana "William IMIl&er, Sophye "Monsfcy, andrtfce 32iH0es TSnth Erasne .and Gertrude Tatlfi. AnothEr tea scTiednlEd -fofthis rweek will Ire
Hadassah Card Party December 1.4 ,at Brandeis Tea Room
& dames Martin ^ahan, Meyer Tieidel* del* f > ^ bora test Thtefiay, ENGAGEMENTS M. Shlaes, J. J. T Joe . ber 26,-at the ja«tho^ist TVnrd 3ms "been Tecerved from libs i, and ifiavid Cohn. Omaha. THrs. Angeles, "Calif., fof 'the engagement of 3Iiss ^larkovlts of Gettncil Bluffs. IBIis&JohaTTnaT)avis, daughter of Mrs. Jeanette Davis, .fif -that tity» to Mx. s M. "Weinstein, -son of "Mr. and. Seymore Gohn, son of Sir. and Mrs. -three inonthsJn Miami, iFlarida. They Mxs. 'JE. Weinstein, formerly of
Tfiis -week's -hostesses include Miss ZEina Snyder who entertained at her "home on Tuesday -afternoon. Miss TjTitvHfe Jiiedman, of Council Bluffs, •will, entertain at -her liome this eveaiing complimentary t o Miss Cherniak. ' Mrs. M. X. Cohn and Miss .Evelyn marks -were also Jhostesses to !honor Miss "Cherniak. On Monday evening "Messrs.. .and- jttesdames JiL JE. XJfaarman ;and A. Goldstein will entertain ihe 3amDy at a dinner at the I"ontenelle.
jFersy and 3Jtessrs. Blotcky jjisn t o in Sioux City.
Mss. Gnhn, -will be ^ a r IHitzvoh. are now staying with Mr. Jirasne's Saturday mornins, December o, a t p . and Mrs._Hennan K
Mx. and Sirs. Sam Guttman ^arfi ex^Bected home jEroxa Horida this end.
• r ' •.
j&lrs. Jklorfis "Sendlet, of Chariian, 3o-wa,is tthfi.guest'df Aer parents, Mr. and Mts. S. 3lavitz. . ,
Tillie ^Eice will be ^hostess at Jnngg-jparty ^mvf Pineapple Batter Scotch Cake sHetTtDan io Ihonor jMissss (Shis b^& ( p 3iuiaka£sky and jfistelle Mrs. J J , Blank, 3111 X a i ^ e t t e . ) l i ctip s h o r t e n i n g . - . ' • • • 1 c u p s u g a r . •'.'• . . . • ' - • • 3 BggS.
ous, 3lenben -new'tonne at
3 teaspoons baking jowder. ^a teaspoon salt. Sdtfarstreet. 2 cups ^flonr. 2/3 cup^mlk. " IMiss Gertru'de "Wintrou'b ^returned 1 teaspoon -vanilla. sTormal IColfege of J Cream iugar and Mhoftenmf. \givui4g troth her luum-maleH, iDarothy Add wsll Ireaten eggs* Then ;adtl Gertrude levin :at Sam- milk alternately with the sifted dry ingredients. Add vanilla and imqn'i 3ndiano.' :mi!f well* 3*r«*parati«m of 3»ai» 3Bs$. i e n a Ulehfeld left for a "01166 ixa&t&hB.' ansitin the east. She is JHJVT Grease a Toxmd pudding pan lined -with brown ;Bngar 5= inch -thick. i n iChicag'o ;and will go on .to Dot -with 8 tablespooTis butter. , -^nd Jfew ^fork. jPlace ifl, jpan sliced or grated -jime-apple. The jioTir cake batfET over S r s . Selwyn Jacobs and children roixture. Bake for'-fifty Mutates in Sarve -with leave jfiaturday to join l i r . Jacobs in a moderate tnrfin. whipped tcream. 3f desifedT, any Iffianiv other fruit may be substituted lax 3Hr. ."and TMrs. Benry TTH^PT arrived the jpineapplfi. South
aildBy ifrom a Sluropean trip. They ra at the IBlackstone where they will -remain "Ear about ten Says. • &. son,' Bennett Cyril, was l o r n t o Mx. ^ n 3 iMrs. 2L !
iMrs. 3."W6blher has Just returned xrom ian eastern ttrip wherE she 3ier iaiher who came irom "While east, she nnd;her-father-visited With -relatives in New Tork that they have 3iot seen in twenty-five •years-' They also visited in Albany, IMilwauJcee, Schenectady and Mrs. U . .Zalk spent the in—iDes JMoines Tvith her Sirs. Leonard SockEnberg, .and "Sir. Eockeriberg. Mi. .and 3Irs. Ben Newman announte the -birth of a son on Sunday moxnlong. 31rs. Uewnmn was formerly alias -Anne JSlelchior of ihis city.
gQPHKHOLP BUNTS When Boiling 33ab Add to ihe-waterin which iish :is boiletithe .^uice iif bali Clemen ^and the tfisult ndll i e a Stoa1 iavor. Baked-Potatoes £Ef _you "will 3oatrpotatoes*in hot ^water';about HB:TniaHSg ~betore iputfcmg ;tham in ihe ovSn ihey ^wiil bake fin half the iime. -If -fond of eatingthe akins on a baked potato, scrub -with a- chnn brush and rub lightly -with butter before jutting in overt.
JUx. Uaufice
At Luncheon
:e of 20,000 .Jewish
the liome of Mr. and Urs. Albert in Roujimiiia is threatened Spekr. by a-new bill which will be -intrnducetl Out-of-tofvn guests who visited atf the Bigma 15elta Tau house over were Hiss "Dorothy Tida, of Cheyenne, Wyo., Miss HinSchneider, of Des Hoines,. Miss Jean Gilinsky, of douncil BhtSs, and Miss Sopiae Spar, of Omaha. Bvislov^y' of Colcrflbns, Hebr^ spent ThatiksgivmE twit I i s sister,
ti-i I T t. • • «• is at. , . .. , t«flding school in-Lmcoln.
MIES Esther Svislnvsky, who A.
in Patlinrent by the Ttiinister of Pi-
nance. The bill deals 'frith the redistribution of concessions for fte SHTG bevErag-es. The test of the bill |f contains the provision that concessions STB to be given to "sound licm- -, . msEsisns" instead rf -using the expres- j | stem 3loiunsxiiari citizens. It is f esred that this -expression -might be "preted by "tire attlhnrrtles as * >. • and, mifht . , native KCumfetiians mifh vewpsr,, -, . \ r._ trie Tignts cf Unumamar, Jewish
Satfkstm 29S5
JEnth £esdis, of Omaha, Spent citizens and "many the -week-end --as ±he gaest of Chevra 3'nai Tisxael Bynagpgue, at the Oiikland Court. who now "hold Louise Eosenthal. Mynster 'Strfiet. On Saturday Mxs. A. Gilmskj' left for Webster, Possibility of -tmitrag afternoon,, he will entertain about "With. Syria 'Is Discussed FR0B3BITS UKMIGEATIOIv thirty .of -his friends at a theater Iowa, "to visit her motfaedTj Mrs. Brhrn, •who .is ill. by Arab OF JEWS, IS ILEPOET One Bay Service hp E*pH*st. ., and JMTS. Cohn -will enter lain .Mrs. E. Marcus entertained her "We-operate our own plant. Jerusalem. (J. T. A.) The -pm- \ -at .areespticm ..at their Jiarnfi a t 20QS- Afternoon Mah Jong -Club BX he? lamdon. (J. T. A.) Instructions sibSity d fi union between Eytia anfij to i£Tuse IRussian Jesws admission to Avenue B., on Sunday afternoon, Jie-: home Tuesday. cember 6, from 2:30-until 5 :S0 o'clock,. lax' all their relatives and iriends, Jn A large crowd attended the T*riday honor of their son, Seymore. ^<to night address given last week \sf Mr. I. ilorganstern. This Friday night, cards^are being issued. TVfr. mdrgaiisterii -wall s|t£ak Jn JewThe^Indepentleiit Order of the Bhiai ish and.hg has chosen "The Brfth Xodge 2s 0.688 held a regular for his subject. meeting1 Monday Bveriing set the '105 XORTH ifTH/STKEET Mrs. X. jMeyersen left Monday J o t Danish Hall. After the meeting -were served. TheS'nai -Mauhattan, Eafisas, to visit' he* B'xith will hold the nest meeting next daughter, Mxt. JL Qrossmafi, arifi ^Wednesday evening, December &th, at which time -noniinations and election of ofiicers 3DT the ensuing term will iake pbace. This will lie the last ean meet -your naeis for Diamonds, nvw^Tirtu' -of this 'ysar, -and everv niein* TMr. and Mrs. G. L. : -Silverware, Platinum and Gold ber 3s nrged to Tje who are leaving in a iew -weeks -to *md Nm^Mes -of mil The Talmud Torah Sunday School make their home in Detroit, have been extensively Entertained. On will present their Annual Chaniika t t e 3ec-^ijx!i. hzhig -out cf the ingfe. fmt .BrogTom on Sunday afternoon, -De- Thursday EvenbiE 'flTiss Adelfi Aach entertained twenty gnests at dinner wimbles us to fihow Qtsalit*8 m&rcember 13, at the Danish Sail. The ltonnring Mx. sad Mxs. include E -three set Hst "lower piiees. entitled, "By the Light of Clramikah", and Morton Elum, of Dee Moines. The -.and also the lighting of the flight "Mictipr; Ram and IPaulmE lidend prewill convince you. A visit to our si Candles. Everyone is invited to at- sided over an informal dinner ^jarty on Monday evening -at their home. tend.
Mr. and Mrs. Bam "Wessel, who leave The Agudes Achin Society will holu ! s o o n t o gpeng-the winter In Cub j :a meeting next Monday nvemng&e- South AmencB, shsred honors xerdber 7, at the X . C. IHall. The -tSlm iBociety will give a Public Dance on .Hx. and Sirs. Sam Spfiier ef Siaux (Thursday, January 21, 192S, at HIB pagles Hall. Mr. Ben Seldin is chair* Falls, S. B., left Sunday ior -fiffiir
iman of the Dance Committee and liiome after spending a few -.Says at tplans to rmake this one of the best I" ..' •:dances of the year. "Watch the Jew-' • iish Tress for further announcement,r | metensnt desrreE J either tHntttil or t. jj&iiitersbip in { Miss IVIafian "Katlonan, daughter l an investment. JNo retail Jbnsinfiss,| iof l£Lr. and Mrs. Julius Tvaftlemtn/en- j cdnsidered. State all Hetails in first | •tertained twenty-five of her young ' letter. 'Sox Ma. §S0 Jewish Ibsss. ; friends at a Bridge Party: at i e r 'h
Qtiice Supplies
105 Jiarth 16th Stiret, C<Jpp&site Postctffice) Telephon. AHantic tOS24 ,
Framed Mottoes .FBOEK 33S South 174h Siseet
Are Use
Clob Tuesday evening, ^December 8, at the l a b o r "Lyceum. The Auflebung Club -\w.; gfte a ;one-act -jilay.'sat the Labor l-yceum crit * iSuhday evening, Ueceniber 38, a t S m jo'clock. The -play -will be given 'M'"-> 'connection "with a literary .and jnusical program. Mf. Dave Zeldman i s chairman of the literary and dramiatic sections. The jiublic "is .'invitsfl Hx^iattentl. :
My Dai
Keeping Cheese To jjreveirt ihee^ £fam getting hard, cut .off-enough Jar immediate use arid spread the :retnarning yor•tion -with a -ihln -filfH ef butter and -place in a JCODI place. The .butter keeps -out the air and .prevents the cheese from getting hard.
The Original Daughters of Zion helO
^3'^-Cg^-'-' : ; V 't'^-%
TEK sole justification ior\ sat: existence -will bee io givE such HeTvice and agvies 4»-BUT -castfimBTB i s SEE setectnm of their evstry day aSteis, S a t it *aM fee leSfeeigtl in the growing xomiber tif sssfe&i3 custBiSers who will •make this store iheir heaBgUSarsers 1st Glothing Hsfi accessories.
s lik« TWr* ' t .cftiatail ooffee better, si
! ftrcotes'Set1 |... Ineiadesi um.murar, •< ^ and trat-. lit? *"• 'Us"«nr«r
• " Sha¥m A t Three Popular Prices
Gives Ifieal Service cm— WET WASH -ELAT
Florida, -where he -will remain until their jneguiar -meeting "last Tuesday, •ihe Hatter -part of ;£he -month, -sftemoan. One thousand dollars -wilt DE sent^ "to tlrt^-Zion "ConnnonwEatth Mrs. Anna IRosettbatm .and 5m land atr'PalESfine in the iianiE Df ter, 333ith, -who bave 'been -visiting the DattgatBrs off Z&att tS Omaha. witiilShs< Jioseiibaunfe daughter, Sirs. Hosenbamn, have TeturneQ ~to . ~M. Hirschman speak-at -fhs'Xofk City. nf
3 -visit to its store an the new U i«nSre it is eottveniently located, at 3S12 Street. iyou "will -not be urged to buy—-we Trant come in to get acquainted. Examine the h xtamileteness of the stocks and tbe OHfetandrng af-fee merchandise offered.
i The Nationally Famous CLUB CLOTHES i 1
The White Star Club of -Sty Sunday School held their meeting on :-The -Were elected: l»r£sident, Jlttt ; TnchToanj BeBretary, Anne-Txetiak; Treasttfer, t fi
1E e. gift-- tMt costts tittle, bttt
JOvercoats a ^ Suits | POT Men tmd YmmgJUm,
Mx. and JSIrs. Allan l£ohan spent the ThelDaugitterE ef 3sraBlAid.SaciaSy week-«nd in 3>es TJIames ns t h s guests -sdll iold Its TifiSt aneEtinfi- on TngsV of MJU Kohan's parents, Mi. Bail airs. day afternoon, HeUBmbet 15, at the / Hose IKdhan. Jewish -Did T'eajile's i Miss Mildred Cohn, daughter of ^aSbi and IKTB. flgedetidk Cehn, left Sunday after" -Bpendittg the -with lier family. WKS Cdhn.is,connBCted withsthe-Jewish Welfare Tedfirafinn of Chicago."
Temple Israel Sisterhood -will entertain at a raatinee luncb-eon on Monday, Deceiaber *l, at 35^0, in the vestry reeins of the ITfiBTpls. ISrs. Isidor Ziegter is coaching an original .skit cntitfEd: "The Sewing Circle of Yesterday, The Quiet Quorura of Todsy, Social Tea in the new Assembly Hoom of Temple Israel in IBSo." The .matrons of yesterday -will be at 417 'OikTand Avenue on Sunday represented by Mesdames S. Goetz, afternQon in nonor of her thirteentli ;3. Merritt, S. J^ehfeld, and'.',3.. SonnebeTg. Friends and niEmberrs .•vneek? of the Sisterhooa ate invl^3 ±c Atf The Ladies Aid ^Enevotent Soctot* tend. Keservations .sxe -tsjw DEfetg BILL THEEATENS ECONOMIC E OF 20C TAMILIES will ;hald a TnsetJnE nest TBSgday made -with Mrs. Harry Hschmsm at We. G1ZL-.Mrs. Cora Wolf is afteraoon, DMertibe? S, at Ute -home: idefit of the Sisterhood. Bucharest. T. A. A.) Tte of Mrs, JJaggj liQ2-West Broadway.
The Omaha Chapter of .fiadassah will hold it? third card party, of the seapon on JSonday after-; noon, ^December 14, in the lounge nf''Ithe Brandeis Tea Itoom. These na*tifiB,:wliici. are given regularly are 3lrs. . is iiow at 56i;ihe;ben6nit of :the hospitals and; 'lame after being at the other charitable organizations Jn 4*a1- Bospital for -SRveral weeks where she ofistine. iMrs. B. A. Bimon has charge a£ all given by TVT>gs Sadye ILevey, who "will entertain at her home Sunday'aiter-Mrs. Julias Batrun of" t h e jiarfies. Sxtr this jmonfh, ihe iolnoon^ connilimeiltary to JHJSS iapidus. _._... 1 _ _ _ iowing women will be "hosesses, Me&- Shenandoah, Iowa, anr«Rm6e the bixth
" A t ;a home wedding in. the presence; of only the immediate ifamHy> TVFiss •Chfixniak; daughter jsi, Mr. Mxs. IL. Cherniak c£ Council Blaffe, Trill. become the bride of Mx. "Isatlore Chapman-of -this city an Tues^ Say evening, 'December S. Jiabfal Omaha, who are :now aaesiding .at i o s lEredsrick Conn will officiate. dBIr. and- Angeles. KTTB. Cherniak will be hosts a t dinner at their home 3ox eighteen gaestBifol- The second 3iost canfllmation class lowingthe ceremony* Mx. Chapman's of Temple Istael Bund&y School ! -rnnfhsr, J i r s . ^Esther Chapman, and been organized with Mr. JMortoi "RTTi i s ,318103, the JMisses 3Tae :and Hae ler 'as sponsor* TElEdtkm iif officers Chapman of CentervUle, Iowa, "will ~be -was held ISIovenibBr I D , with the folthe. ;only out-of-^own guests ;pr£sent lowing results: -President, Betty a t ^the "wedding. iiankel Mx. Chapman and Ibis bride "will secretary, fiermin .Green; Treasurer Sunday iprbviaes spend their ioneymoon in Jtenver :and Dorothy Cohn. a diSerent chairman.. JL iiuniber of Coinrado SpringB.. They "will be intexHsting social affairs -are about rtma weeks/ and new -members a r e Jnvited to join Hiss Cherniak has been .. , entertained jjfior to her nnarriage;; the class. . . . . .
vtndtr &'British mandate'tfe Spain. Vrem Issued fcy Prima de M1E a leudiug1 article m h •wera, head tif -fiie Bpanish Govern* |raent, according "to a dispatch from '"falastin," Amb newspaper Madrid -to the "Daily Hrpree?" imm. [ Imhttti An .Jemsalen-,. "TIIE Arabs wil Inert oppose such a No ew3 may become a citizen in Spain, as a Jew becomes s. citizen ort- | rplav. .,if the 'League will create a IT if .he adopts the Catholic faith, the \ united British mandate embracing; dispatch auotes the governmental in- {Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, Trans•and Iraq, thus climinatinif: ! structions. ftnit frontietF between these This infarmatioji seems: to contra- tfttr dict previous reports of the- -willing* countries. In such »n Arab •ness tif the government of Spain -t& •pimte th«! Jewish natioiisii ham* in invite Jewish immigration. IliEorte P4i«tittc wmiUl no'': be danjrer«rtJ6," to v^rif j- the tefroit are beinp .made by i the }W|>er j-'tbefcarrespoTideHtcf the Jewish Tele- j •—this grsplric Agency is Madrid. j Hew .roatty new
atioB:sil iff.AT
Showing a Particularly Fine-Line of ilic Ycry JSfexscst HhhM merchandise of such s xharacter zs is absolute fy depcnd&bl£ and guarsntsed by tfe inara&ffiturer will ior sale.
^Te in turs ;--will .guamiil^ .every•.
merchandise t h a t i s .xsM a n d Tail tii^fefi goorf ^ g [ t h a t i s :ndt f o a n d t e h e « s a c t l y a s t d K me&Lyaax good ^dll a n d $i3k i n a k e fiffaft *u deserve J t .
We SJtall Be Glc&tu 'Serve You in
"Electric Sk&pB*'1 43d a m i Xieavenv.*crth Sts. • loin nnti larnawi Sis—2314
Court rxrt— Srnvrr
. J>AGE 4-THE.IEW1SH PRESS—THURSDAY,. DECEMBER A . 1925_.~_. they would guzzle it,ou£ in. bad.Vodka, walked the'streets! tilf midnight and wpnTen'itt thfc".synagogue gallerj-. "He much a? the incprpjration existence the Ku Klux Klan organizers by the f *«^ts;' noV sleeps and is wasf- 'or civil rights on any organization provincial Attorney General.' * The j which inflamed-the jgnorant njoujiksf she.did not-wait ap-idrhim.~~~3i!!&-iw& Bhi _pay\itt inches." rests 1 upon present laws of British Premier \vame< the country against; * earljr"jn° a remote part of the and.incitea pogromsr ' J "*"_ Came'the day vrhen the Angel of Columbia and Canada, the Legisla- allowing the development of any or-' « . - - - . , i 'But ma^be there was a will Z -' ^ ' house. Beath • me'rcifully set free Solomonrs ture was oppose' to the introduction ganizatiorj which considers itself su-! | ^ q u i c k l y as^hfe thought ,,ck™£ .Nor! did the stolid Russ servant asAtJEKBACH , , MRS* JSItLA .' jit. Besides, Soiomj ' ri j e , to sociate, a broken pane glass in, her troubled spirit. The whole communi- of "resolutions which can have no perior to the law. Soiomojj The story is re-published frojn'the Jewish Tribune, where it was first - f whom could or would: he have willed master's' study window, hear his desk, ty from patriarch to babbling child practical effect and in particular such published under the,pen-name-of "Beth Seva Hillman". Firms advertising in "The Jewish his estatV? / H e had not a-living soul with his "untimely demise, except' to mourned the loss of this -good old resolution? as are calculated to stir man. • ? up religious and racial dissension." Press" deserve your patrona'ge*~It is to whom to bequeath it. loudly curse the evil spirits abroad in And when he was laid beneath the "You renegade!" . I1 to another world, so far as they were During the debate grave charges TO YOUR INTEREST to support * * • ' the land. r sod, younger hands took up his public of graft ancf fraud were laid again _t them. ~ • Paul Nathan's sensitivefac©;flamed'(concerned. Nor did the Russian-GenLater in the day when the custom• • • Scarlef but his step did not falter/as Jeile villigersrtreat him any better. To whom then should tne property ary examination of the victim's effects trusts. Jie skirted the group. :of his bearded '• They refused to forget he'had been go? Not to the drunken'Russ:guard was made by the coroner, one of the One was the wind-up of the Nathan townsmen in the little Russian/village la Jew and declined to accept him as; r—Heaven- forbi-dl; There! were . no first items he discovered lying on the estate.' . ' "35 Year* of Community Service" of Kohio, that November dusk,' twenty one of them: Frequently be, caught relatives. Why not, then} to the- Jew- dead man's' desk was his will. A "Why keep up the house? It is 20 y e a r s a g o . : , ; ' . - :.._-. '•-;,-•••'/.• ?.' .-• them'. laughing' or grimacing at him ish, congregation, of Kolno ? simple statement, ^bereft of legal ver- years .since.Paul/Nathan's death and ; "Apacordis!" COiibelieyer!)-s6me behind his' back "until, -in disgust, he ,"Wei could use it for the poor," biage or appendages. ' ; rione of his kin have claimed it yet. Sane 'hissed at his de^artinjr^baikl ' ' gave up the Gentile functions to thought Solomon. • ' .'.'". Let's sell it'and be done," counseled Written in a trembling hurried ; Thei curse «pat out by. hisf Jewish, which he was invited and.retired to Trembling, staggered, b y the quick scrawl, it bequeathed all the writer's the younger generation. brethren made queer prickles -rum a still deeper seclusion in his studies plight of his imagination,!'astounded It was so agreed and a committee possessions to the Jewish community scale up and down his spine, but the and business. • , , . . REFINANCE NOW! even at its drift, Solomon sank into of Kolno, to do with it as it saw fit. was named to enter, the house and object of this, public contumely conSo passed.several more-years dur- the nearest chair; • '* ~si z ::•-. The will was dated five years carefully-examine the papers and continued his way' down they narrow ing* which business prospered for Paul "Why not?".. ; v •' tents of ..the dwelling which Solomon earliei\ ' street, only gathering speedy as he and he was judged the wealthiest man His blood ponuded; in _h_is .forehead. had so illogically and inexplicably re"Once a . Jew> always a Jew," mutleached his own gateway** in the district. So wealthy that • his His hands shook as with" an ague'. •SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION teredthe'coronor in disgust. ?Butfused i CI vto do for so many years. His breath was latfored; deep, beads: name was a*by word arid his riches ' "Tin iff~T>V» it!" iff" a -. small oVnall •pni/.o^-tirhic "Do it!~Do jthe paper is strictly legal/ • The committee; did. Itifound many became the ©nvy of the poorrhalf- 'ered. fef perspiration stood ,«ut on relics of a departed day ^nd faith in ' "Atlasir—•," he murmured.and flung statved peasants of the> surrounding, •VNo,r •n"o!*'<5jp- cried .ouVwe.akly..; ^;" less," he SfoPaul Nathan's property reverteti the convert's • ^esk. A; Tallith or | -.iiT^! .';--': "fcimself" through tiie "gate, Wantoning country; ."Why iiotj. "Why not? :an ft*^^ Sto; the Jews, though his body was ', prayer shawl, a Hebrew prayer-book, One cold Becemter&glit, two such voice arged.'t'l'^Yptt'ate old^ NAT MEIST&R i t shut behind ^hiin "as lie stumbled vodka-soalcedV moujiks^liji upoij him not be 'found 'au£ " And if- you 'die,;given. Christian burial. . •; .-, .-•.•-.. -.gift of his Mother on his Bar-Mitzvah Hurriedly 'up the stairs'.'' • - " ) v writes all binds, of Rcg-ular Meeting of ,asc he; »sp; retaining, to jm. yti& -ha»&- dmie, a, good deed far •Solomon Blum, as. president of the or Confirmation, and treasured in its jit: tsiy chosen by the. a legaWoekHome and fell*t bint. with a the community, .Your motives/are Shale, was tmani fas quick rap. : 1 •mighty elove'Snfo Era-skuIE; ^ 1 congregation to administer the estate. SERVICE WITH EACH ing'docuraent. * - not selfish. It is nr*- ' : -honest, since "Tea, Pani? The • samovar V*/ she 1 Jtl W. O. W Bids. JnobBOit ISIS. Thrice he refused but was finally pre"A will," cried the finder. [ Petty ca,sh-^not.muidec-rrwas .their inquired. ',.-.'• r\-'\ . • •'. you rob no one.; Nay,-is is your high vailed upon to accept. ;< : '. "Another—or the seme ? questioned <: "No, nothing.' Leave~ine alone, "ha aim but. when Lthe jp(WQ^* emerging duty.l" ~ " _ ' V..' "" ; Wisely he administered his trust to: an eager second. from the; clouds showed them the folty ftesponded brusqueiyi pushiiigFhis>\vaj* ' When the elSsrs' of the' synagogue every one's complete satisfaction and Breathlessly they unfolded and read fnto[ bisf ".and,; Phone JA ckson 004S arrived Solomon wasmotat libme.; i the happiness and content of the poor —almost the duplicate of the original Abram Isaacs, OIL his way to con "He'll be back soon,". !his:.'wife' inlockuig.thedoioT. and needy. . will found.1 over the sacred <Jemorrah id, the syn- formed. '- - . -T—':" Long 'hours ' h e No one questioned any of his "All. my possessions I bequeath to hung retreat. M ^ brougbi ho agogue, - was - the first to stumble, on Painting and Decorating So he. was. But a".differenfc::Splo- actions except in the matter of his the Jewish community of Kolno," they IJBT DH B I D trutt r o o desire for rest and dawit !cajne_ to a' the cold, stillvform in'the snow. rnon. than his . synagogXze !cbnferes retaining "PaaJ Nathan's home exactly OUI! WOUK GUAUANTEEI> read. . . harassed, weary-eyed youths spent by; Terror-stricken, at the aSvful dis- I knew. A panting, nervous Solomon, 214 South 18th St. Omaha, Nebr. "Well,'this.must be the real will. iclosurei and afraid even; to report the disheveled and. his.7bro\y and' body as the young "convert to Christianty 3uslong^vigil. ' "'; ' had left it the day of his death. The "one found a long time ago must crime to the police for!"fear-of hha" I t ' s ho use. I've taken-vthe;-ohly drenched with perspiration, as if lie "What is^thei use of leaving a fine have been the rough draft from which •way thereis," he sighed; *"But~$ven~ as .self being implicated' in the crime, he had befen running, though the night house to .decay?" questioned the Paul Nathan made this copy," they fled to the home P l i was ; cold. No one. questioned hini. home of o Soloman S n P he reached this decision, i fl Every Thursday Evening at Jewish A RULE OF HEALTH decided. ' elders. ._vvv - - -• <qf thought, a sub-coris^ou»--racial 'patriarchal president of the Shule. Community Center Building. however. They were all too excited WASH AND KEEP WELL And' continued their wind-up of "You 'can^t-vteH," evaded Solomon. J. U. MALASBOCK, Presides ,"The judgment of-.God," murmurecT about the murder. instinct perhaps, caused himT;o muse ISAUOKB ABUAMSON. Secretary. "A distant relative may appear some Paul Nathan's'and was it not too, FRONTIER TOWEL SUPPLY the gray-beard . sage, then softly, sioud. • •;.• --,r-—,"-We must know nothing'ofiMs afday and claim some remnant of the Solomon' Blum's affairs, on earth. .-..: ' 'r-':" •'HAVE*?'* •' rV ..«'."Peace be! unto his soul." 1810 California gtre«t. fair," they finally decided, " i t ' i s the . . , Then: drawhig his prayer shawl safest. Tomorrow sbpie one coming fortune." ... i,..,. Thjere stood the. house, locked and RESOLUTION TQ BAR KLAN Paul- Nathan -was' the^sote^surviv-, more closely around_. him, he bade to tbwn-mayhap a'-' moujik-will - find barred,", its "gardens bare • in winter; Abram .to 'hurriedly^ summon the eling heir of the -wealthy Jewish Nathan 1: his body,"'Solomon'announced. •.«• ^s GIFTS T H ^ LAST tangled with weeds and undergrowth FROM CANADA DEFEATED IN family, pillars:of the.Jfebrewcom- ders of the synagogue to discuss what With bowed heads then, the old men during the short summer months. BRITISH COL. LEGISLATURE mum^y in the small Kussian. Itpwri-should be * Jeft 'to ,repair, late as it yfras to the; Bgt; Solqijion'^trust weighed heaviVictoria, B. > C. (J. T. A.) The fot generations, yes, ever since the j ,• While he. waited, a y [syijagogue fo^ igfejftightpTayers; -i :|- !ly on. his sh5u^rs.!"i J British Columbia Legislature put «i advent'of the first scholarly'NaQia^Ji burst on Solomon* astute ; 2224 Cuming St. 'Splomoh weiit with the^U ;.. , "How he has.'aged since l!he night end to the dabte on a resolution which man of his tribe that he wasr : ' * ? • refuge from the Spanish Inquisition. Diamond Importers Phone JAcUson 1226. Next morning, Paul's frozen body of the murder 1" whispered the old asked Federal authorities to bar the Paul Nathan's property! What of A prolonged system of:bringing3petr Platinum Specialists Hebbews'as SoloiSbji fooJc his halting Elian from Canada when the house by what would be- •was found in ^^ie aiowV the tell-taie* ty Kussiatt officials bTad'enabled Paul's: it? Dying intestate, : 1 way up the? synagogue aisle at daily a vote of twenty-four to twenty yesfather and grandfather -and \mayhap Jdme of the Nathan wealth? Why club nearby.. ;si!§fficera**rdinpved: NEW LOCATION terday killed the resolution by an to his home^wh^ere "tbepetiiied servot course," the villige officials would prayers. several sires before them,* fa" cpnJioue" 214-15-16 Oty Nat. Bank Btdg. ! ' "His: wife says he is a- changed amendment. • : in the milling business long enough-to confiscate iti Russian law so provid- ant quakingly declared, she had not Ja. 56I9~Est. 1894. The amendment declared that inasamass a considerable fortune- and t o ed. Confiscate it,—yes—even worse even missed her employer. He^ often man," whispered the beshawled build the comfortable brick dwelling E. SCHERER ia which Paul lived in soUtats"- §taW AT-1000 Met. far different from -his struggling «o> reKgionistfl in the poorer part-of thfr c town. • \ ' - -' - ' • •' BUTIEK and EGGS Now these older Nathans' -were Bluffs, ta. gone. Gone tod'wa* the'sheitet-c!ad Mamouschka "who had cuddled him in her arms, kissed away his "Chedi Druggists and Stationers er" cares, and cautioned him/ with 1U1-403-4H0 8»utb tOtb Htrrtt her last breath, to grow up/to btiija good man and & good Jew* "111" try, Mamma,", he ^hi'd 'vrhisPrompt Serrice Soft Water pered, and meant it, the latter; when Wet wash, semi-flat, PAXTON-MITCHELL CO. . he said it. rough-dry. S7th & .Mnrtha Sts. Barney 18624 Think of a couple gliding gracefully over Strength w^out bulk, without waste,toned And now—What had .they...tailed 2808 Cuming St. Harney 0881. Omnha, Nebr. a polished floor to the perfect-rhythm of a to do heroic things, to do them day in and Soft gray 5ron, btnss, bronze nn<J RIUhim—those bearded "Israelites -he' met miiium castings, Stnndnrd sizes bfon^e in the public square? Paid Whiteman accompaniment; of "Red" day out as part of die day's routine.. r . and Iron bushings, sewer UinnhoSeS, cisiern ring's and eorers, and l "Apaco'ris!" • That' dread ' epithet Grange getting the ball down thefieldfor a . ' t doors In stock. Call ns tot good Of .the Jewish faith; • .' . * ' straigbt-away ninety yards* in i— less time than xh e concentrated effort of a $75,000,000. •—•_!_ 1 J.V_ 'j.-i^^t— "I couldn't help" it, Mamma,'' 'he it takes to tell of it; of the quick swing of the combination to make travel a genuine pleasobbed, head bent in his arms,-to the skater at the sharp bend of the river. sure, to makepurchase your possession the best posimage called up in his memory.. ^V sible quality at a modest priceMICKIJN LUMBER CO. wanted an education—wanted to go to That is Moon grace, Moon performance, that is the Moon Motor Car. 24th & Burdette Sts. WE. 5555 the' Gymnasium and University. T*hey Moon control. As easy, as natural, as effort* "Manufactured in Omaha*' wouldn't let me, so long as I* was a" less as the rippling muscles of the trained There is no car that looks like it, no, car Jew. Said they -would make it easyBAREK ICK MACHINE CX>. athlete. * f * The car of the new generation. that acts like it. See it, ride in it, get the for me if I took their faith. ThenCoordinated to the new-day desires in a feel of it. Then you'll know the real charm, there was the matter of taxes.. They perfect rhythm of style and action... the true individuality of Moon ownership. threatened "to confiscate most "of .my; property' by' the' inheritance' tax: because I am.'a" Jew. Shoufd'I so; easily^ 350 Rooms—350 Baths givff up everything to'the vultures? ' "So-1 was converted. The.'Maranos*"" <Jid it- too, in • Spain. It- was~an* em'ty; treremony, for at heart- they -remainedCOMPLETE STOKE AKP Jews.' Why shouldn't I'do what they OFFICE OUTFTTTEBfi did?' We 10,000 But the strict little Jewish communCmrtm h ity did not countenance their -yo\ing *nrt Ottnelar .......$1195 co-religionsist's stan'd.' They readout Jmchmnn 8784 Caadi De Ltaee . . . . . $Z39S his name in. "Charyrim" on .a solemn OMAHA. Roadster . . . . . ; . . . $1395 :„,,- l l l f South JS8th^ Street' """ 'Sabbath morning1, in* "the ."synagogue, QArioUtSoadster . .$1395 Harney 3968" held a funeral ceremony for. his' deDeluxe Brougham . . $1495 parted spirit, burned his_-figure in De Luxe Sedaa,.... fl&5 Save Money by Letting Us effigy and ostracized him^from jail All Prices F . O . B. St. Lena communal activities. Befused even Do Your Work. t o speak to him, on the streets but crossed over to the other side, when h e passed, as if he were stricken with.& plague. All this he could have borne without wavering;. Paul' told himself* but one day, pretty Leah Blum had winced 1307 Howard St. At. 862| and turned away her face" as she Omaha, Nebr. passed, him on the" narrow - street—, O729 pretty Leah, his childhood playmate Some territory open in sUte for dealers. and the bright-faced sharer of many -"r Retail sales temporarily at plant. pf bis boyish pranks and "I thought Leah would 'understand, •Jie~mused sadly. But she didn't, it appeared, o* else, fear, of her stern-Trte&ged father, ISADOKE ABRAMSOX president of-the congregation, drove her to ignore him.. " I can't study medicine—they-won' admit me to the University if I am -•- jew^'Paul'faltered in emanation; • SYSTEMS—AUDITS—INVESTIGATIONS ' fewr steps in" theijgizlfr diThe DIANA Light Straight Eight is . 490 BEANDE1S THEATER BLDG. ;. . ; Phone AT tantic tiM ' L Oin»li«
1.0. B.B.
Omaha Lodge No. 3S4 \
: " •
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• • .
E. E. Bruce & Co.
The Gar of the New Generation
American Wet Wash
Omaha Fixture Supply Co.
Moon 4~Door Standard Sedan
New Low Prices
Nebraska Auto &Truck Mfg. Co.
30th and Sprague Sts.
Painting and Paperhanging
We Print
—Effectively —Accurately —Promptly Interstate Printing Co.
L. C. Nash, President
ABRANSON AUDIT CO. Public Accountants and Auditors Income Tax Consultants
V •I