* Success or failure in business Is caused more by mental attitude even than by mental capacities. — Walter Dill Scott.
VOL. V—No. 2
Entered i postoflice
The cynic Is one who knowst the.i"price of every'th i n g -and the x a I u'e of nothing.— Oscar Wilde.
'.-class maU matter on January 27th, 1021, at «a Kebtaska/tni^er^Uie Act of-March' 3. 38TO.
B'nai Frith Form* iri-St|te CounciltofiOmote Activities Among Lodges Throughout This District
More CoQiestaiils Seek :
To Eater Jewish Press Popularity Contest
L e m b e r g , (Jewish Telegraphic V i e n n a ; ; . (Jewish Telegraphic Agency}—Almost all. the motions Agency)—-Anti-. Semitic^ demonstramade by Steiger*s counsel in-, connections by Roumanian students in varition with the confession of Theophile The Jewish Press Popularity ous parts of old iRoujnania took place Olshanski were rejected -by the contest offers. each of the con- in the last few, days, according to retribunal, according to a statement testants an opportunity to speed ports . received; here from Bucharest. Irvin Stalmaster Named Head of Combined Jewish Lodges. read J*e~terday by presiding judge, up the votes during the holidays. Many Jewish ; students were beaten. Subject of Debate is of Interest to the Entire Public. Franke. Already word -has been received The universities..were. closed. Prominent Men Will Be Judges. Other Officers Elected. : : The motion to bring Olshanski's that the contestants are planning' The demand: ;\at a mnnerus dausus overcoat from Berlin was rejected, on canvassing the city during the against the Jewish students be en- A BANQUET W I L L BE H E L D AT 7 O'CLOCK THIRTY-FOUR DELEGATES TROM SEVEX although the question of whether school vacation,- all- contestants" acted was; .renewed by the antiAND DANCING W I L L FOLLOW LODGES ATTEND CONFERENCE Olshanski's overcoat * is similar to having enlisted the support of Semitic-.students.; j . :. T H E DEBATE. AND BANQUET. ^ iteigers is of great importance in the many of their, friends, r • A- jubilant; manifestation by Routrial. Another motion to'investigate manian' students, was arranged in According - to prominent memThe Omaha Y. M. H. A. debating team will meet the PhilaDelegates- from seven B'nai Brith lodges in ; Nebraska, ^ Olshanskf s previous record was also bers, one more, organization is Bucharest -in- .honor of Lieutenant delphia team Wednesday evening, December 2S, at the Brandeis rejected. . aiid South Dakota attended the tri-state conference^ in Omaha planning on entering a contestant Mororescu who was: acquitted several GrUl room. The Philadelphia team has met and defeated a number The presiding judge read the tesdays ..go • of <ihe •.. charge , of. having Sunday, December 13.. A t this conference a central council was at this time of the race. This timony of.r Dr.; Israel Waldmann, a matter will be brought to the at- murdered - "^ewish refugees who cross- of teams in the east and is coming west to debate Omaha and formed to carry on and further the-work of ihe B'nai Brith. Kansas City teams. . ;' • , Thirty-four, delegates from Oinaha, permitted to learq and §tudy Judaism ormer member of the Ukrainian tention of the organization "at a ed the Roumanian • frontier," The Philadelphia team is composed of A. Allan Goodman, Lincoln, Council Bluffs, Sioux City j and train the youth >f,toclay; for the cabinet who is now a resident in meeting- to be held nest week. Vienna, concerning Olshanski'? conParis. Dec. 11^. (Jewish Telegraphic Leonard Orloff, Abram Orlow. The Omaha debating team vsill Fort Dodge,. Des Moines, and Sioux leader of tomorrow..'* The Jewish Press contest is the not be announced until the night of the debate. The men trying Falls .attended the conference. .'-.. Sam Beber, grand, president of fession that he threw the bomb. biggest ever launched by any Jew Agency)—A large protest meeting out for the Omaha debating team are: Sam Zacharia.. Morris Block, The chemical expert, Wyczynski ish organization in the city. Three against the, anti-Semitic cratrages in Irvin Stalmaster, the temporary Aleph Zadik Aleph^ national Jewish Ben Kazknvsky, Ben Morgan, Louis Lipp and Morris Alpirn. chairman' during the meeting, • was boys'' organization with 20 active testified that the description of the grand prizes are offered to the Roumania. was, called for last night. t: The. subject to debated upon will contents of the bomb given by TheoM. Herold, of., tin -I ?ague of Human elected president of the council. Ed chapters, outlined the work - of • this three lucky girls who receive the be Eesojved, "That Religious Inphile Olshanski agrees ' with the Rights, • M;. Wizard and M. Henry Barron , of Sioux City was chosen organization,' which is sponsored by -highest amount of votes. A trip struction in the Public Schools with analysis of the contents of the bomb to Europe" on one of America's best Torres were among the speakers. vice-president; L. JL Katelman of the grand ledger of'B'nal Brith. Safeguards would be Conductive to Council ' Bluffs, secretary, and M. Visiting delegates'who spoke at the collected after the occurrence.;, ships is offered to |he winner. the Moral Welfare of the State". This Friend of Lincoln, treasurer: Robert banquet included: Ed Barron, Sioux Votes for the Jewish Press consubject will be one of interest to the Glazer of Fort Dodge, B. Klekner of City; Louis; A;: ISatehnani Council B'Nai B"Eith Lodges Seek Charters entire public as it is a general topic test are obtainable, by securing the Bluffs; Eobert Glazer, Fort Dodge; Sioux Falls, and B. Sherman of Des for A. Z. A. Chapters. subscriptions to Tne Jewish Press. New Yfjff's ETC Party throujghwt the country at the present Moines."were chosen as the' executive Rabbi S. Starrels,* Lincoln; Ben KlekAll subscriptions to the Jewish N time. Judges will b» Dr. H. Von W. iier, Sioux Falls; and Eobert Lappen; committee. The Order of Aleph Zadik Aleph. Schulte, dean of the Medical College - Press are due. iiow. The: renewal- Invitations Issued Last Week to llerahas received the appointment of a at Creighton Univer#ty, Judge WilCommittee Appointed To Send Reso- of old subscriptions will count the bere For This'" AEiraal Affair. Jake Malashock, president of the Des MoineiT" —--•--••• Irvin Stqjma8tef, iiew president of National Coinmission appointed T>y liam G. Hastings, judge of the dis: lutions To Senators. ----same as new. Omaha B'nai Brith lodge, delivered The contest :wili close on FebOne of the largest New Year's feve Alfred Cohen president of "the Con-trict court, and Mr. Henry Monsky. the address of welcome. One hundred the council, pledged tiie active interThe-World Court Movement, one of; ruary IS, 1926,. parties will.be given by the Highland stitutional Grand Lodge of the B'na'i and twenty-four candidates were est olliimself ana-his fellow officers This is the first debate to be held in carrying out the work of the counthe most vital questions of: the day, Country d u b atthe Blackstone HoteL B'rith. The following men were sp- by the Omaha Y. M. H. A. in Omaha. initiated into the Omahalodge. cil. Harry Lapidus presided. A violin was endorsed by. the Omaha Branch The committee, in charge has leased pointed as members of the National The Omaha team has issued cbalBanquet in Evening. the eritire'eighth floor of the hotel Commission: Sam Beber, temporary langes to s, large number of similar Nathan Bernstein urged the incom- selection by .Nat Young, and a vocal of the Zionist Organization at",its'last B'nai B'rith AinM .Dance for this"annual c??^nt. They have en- chairman; Milton. Schayer, Denver, organizations throughout the country. ing members to be true to their solo by'Mrs. .Mvrtelst Boriayne, ac- regular meeting held Tuesday, DeSunday, i/ec 27, at companied by MrsHarry Trustin, cember 15, at the-Jewish .Community gaged Gilbert Jsgy a»d his orchestra temporary secretary; Archibald Hill- The Omaha team last year defeated country, to he good citizens, and to man, Worcester, Mass., Joseph Herwere\ included inthe 'banquet proCenter.. . . . to furnish'the" ffi^cbe upright in their actions. ' the St. Louis debating team at St. A committee to represent' the .local . T h e B'nai B,'ritE|jinnuril. dance of "We .axe pr^arsig untisxtai enter- bach, Philadelphia, Dr. Solis Cohn, LOUIE, The following delegates were gram; in addition to community singpresent: William Holzman, Dr. A. ing, directed- by B." J.'-Stiefler. Eabbi Zionists in this World'Court; move- the season wil^jje'fcjsld Sunday eve^ tainmenVfor the event," said Mr. A.Portland, Ore., Blank Reisman, AtPreceding the debate, a banquet Greenberg, Nathan Bernstein, Irvin Frederick Cohn. gave the benediction. ment was -appointed, by - Mr;. John cing December 2 7 t t tbeFontenelle Herzberg," chairman of the affair- lanta," Ga., Julius Cohen, Chatta- w31 be held «t 1 o'clock, and dancing ; •jiooga, T^un.... • hotel ball room.Wk&' B'nai B/rith Feldman, chairman" of-';the~~ local Committees have been appointed Jtp Stalmaster, Sam Beber, Harry Trusbr&nch.' Those, who will serve on.-this dance is. gj^nerally^meSd as one of the help" Mr.; HerzbergJ'taafee this-'glFair This commission will soon meet and will follow the debate." Eeservations tin, of ; Omaha; T. WaxmanT Victor 43 a l tni-ee aSsirs are $1.00, and tc^ committee are.Mr. M ? Froinkin, SJr; main -affairs •^Q«L; «^.tite^Bst,^jwet'JBJEe»':hy pie &pb._.form .'; Friend,, Jlax Rosenblum,-Frank ^Spfer ; rnanths.«. -Jk.:Wiiliani L~ Hofafnran, ' Jfe> "Joseph ^nvitstions iave'-been issued t« all- i njatteis" gel, &L'Aaach, Sidney" Foska, D. i t - be 50c No cne willfeeadRosenthal, and Dr. A. Ebmm^ The Harry Trustiii, chairman, Abner Kai- members of the club' during the j)ast Greenberg, J. W. Chessen, B. Dwors;: I: : : ,. , _ „ . 'j j. -i ««-»>™-*v4. the dancing only according ; /.'; ' - .,'.." " ky, of Lincoln; J. Harkaway, -Ed;JE. 'Thorpeians irfr^jBarji, Fought Game committee will send a resolution to man, and Jack Alberts are planning week.' according .to.Eanx^Beber, president «£ ^eTVk. t f e C0W!Ilittee m cha3.ge. • Senators Eobert- >B- Howell-' and this affair. The following men will- serve on Barron, B. Shiloff, B. H. Epstein,. H: After Extra Periods of Play; the A. Z. A. Grand Lodge. i > • « ^, v. , , , ., xl George W. Norris, of Nebraska, ask- • A special attraction will be a the committees for the New Year's Levine, J. Levine, Eli Kobinow, A. i : tions should be made at the Jewish ing them to use their "best .-efforts', ta Charleston contest. "This dance will Eve affair: Silverberg, of Sioux City; L. H. Kat- The Y. M. H. -A, basketball team Timing the past month three'-off*." oannnwiity Center office, elman, Harry 2!. Kubby, Maurice GI1- won its first game of the season bring the question of the. World Court be one of the best ever given by the Reservations for Invited Guests— Ed Treller, J. H.~Kulaiofsky, Hercial requests have been received from to a'vote. ' ' • : '..-I •' • local B'nai. B'rith lodge," said Harry insky, of Council Bluffs; Eobert La- Wednesday evejiing when it. defeated Heav«nrich, Harry Malashock, B'nai B'rith lodges and communities Mr. Henry Monsky, local attorney, Trustin, chairman. "We have secured bert pen and Ben Sherman, of Des Moines; the fast Omaha Gomnaerce. team 16 Henry Rossnthal. • is chairman of the World Court com- the services of Gilbert Jaffy and his Reception and. Floor Committee— for charters to A. Z. A. chapters. The Eobert Glazer of Fort Dodge; and to 4. _ . - , , ' - / • . .. , mittee of Omaha. ' • orchestra for this dance." Irving H. Light, Abe Skalar, Nathan —Al Mayer, Harry Malashock, Carl communities making these requests The Thorpeian Athletic Club team Katleman, Maimy Handler, Dr. B. T. are: Ft. Dodge, la., Chicago and AH Churches will be Represented in Kaplan and Ben Klekner of Sioux lost its first .'game; ;to; the Omaha Duluth, Minn, Friedman* Morris HflSer. L •. Conference. Falls.' Loan 24 to 19. .TMs^game was^losely. SouvenirComtaittee—Abe Herz100% Pledgers to the foali-Eon Biblical . berg, J. T H.. Kalikofsky', Ed Trelier, A banquet in honor of the visiting contested. .--•-.... . Jewish Community Center Detroit, Mich. (Jewish Telegraphic Henry Rosenthal. . "delegates and the new members was The Loans WOT;"out alter an extra Masquerade Ball January 3 4 New Ek£riv Skcp Building Fund. Decorations Committee-r-Dr. B. T. Agency.)—Twelve bishops, six college held in the ballroom in the evening. period of play. • JSrpwH and ShainFriedman,* ' Be» . Steiffler, .. Manny presidsntE tmd the dignitaries of many The Poali-Zion Literary and DraWives and friends of the members boltz registered two "baskets to win The new "Electric Shop" of the Handler, jjphrann Yonsem, Ed Eracs, December 16, 1925 denominational churches met with the matic Society will give a,"Biblical Morris Ferer, Morris Milder. were present. . Nebraska Power company, located in the game for" the -association team. rabbis and leaders of the Jewish conMusic and Hall-r-Harry Malashock, the new Electric Building at the "Next to the synagogue, I think Walter and Brown played a. good Masquerade Ball on Sunday; evening, L. Altman Carl Katleinan, Herbert Heavenrich, gregations of this city at a luncheon T January 3, at KeT-Piries Academy. ihat the B'nai Brith is, perhaps, the game f or the; winners, while MurpJiy southeast corner of Seventeenth and M. Belzer Ed Treller." . ^ . : - ' . : held at the Textile Beth El, arranged This is the first affair'of this kind most potent factor. in Judiazing the 'Btood out "f<>r the iThorpeians. Publicity—r?fate' Jacobs, Ed Kraus, Barney streets, was formally opened by the Committee on Good Will BetLoyal B. Cohn ever given, in Omaha.' -TheproJew," said Henry Monsky/ the printo the public last week. Nathan E.. Green... The Y. M. Hi A. quintet swamped Bess Farber ween Jews and Christians of thti Printing Committee^—Ben Steiffler, cipal speaker of the evening. "The the Omaha Commerce teami 16 to 4. ceeds' from the- dance: will -be Erven Hundreds of Omaha people were at Fedesfcl Gouncil of the Churces «£ • • Harry Fellheimer Ed Kraus, Al Mayer. to the Palestine Workers Fund and lodge is a great international frater- The winners were more experienced Dr. James S. Goete Arrangements. -f«r Table Ueserva- the doors when they were thrown Christ in America, nity daily standing watch that the than the Commerce team, and out* to the Book Committee Campaign. tionsr-EdTreller, Carl Katleman, open for the first time. The new shop H. Goldstein Among the speakers were Dr. I/?o good name of the Jew is upheld, and classed them froro start to finish. Tive cash" prizes, amounting, to $2cAbe Herzberg,\Dr^ B. T. Friedman, is considered one of the best equipped Sam Goldstein, Jr. will be given for the best Biblical cosM. Franklin"and Mr. Milford Stern, Morris Ferer: . for customer convenience in this part Michnick his interests protected." ' Eneeter, Konecky- v and A. Greenberg Menu Committee—Mrs. A. Herztumes. Tickets are'now being, sold representing Congregation Beth El. ""Thousands of Jews are now going] s t a ^ r e d f o r the -winners, S; Hirschberg berg, Mrs.rEd' Treller, Mrs. H. A. of thV country, according to many Other speakers were Dr. Alfred Witby the members, •who hopeto make merchandising men who have visited to Palestine and the B'nai Brith Wolf. - . -----F. Jacobs T.3LH.A. this entertainment a great "succers. Omaha Commerce. 'FOB. liams Anthony, Chairman oi the Com- Konecky the «hop since its opening. through its lodges there will estaV Clancy __R.-F Kahn Bros. - Michnick Those who wish to make' ,ii.rrjangeKnowtes mittee; on-Good Will; Rev. John W. • "We are very happy with the receplish a B'nai Brith Community Cen- West . C . S w a r t z — _.C. Council Americanization Allen' Kohan .ments in regardto masks should call U,G.~ -•— Kneeter Broiulell tion given to oar new 'Electric Shop' Herritig, Secretary of the Committefei ter," said Henry Monsky. ' '. Peterson 1,.3-i — Chesno Mr. Kipnes at Ja. 2935. «•. J. Kolnick Classes^Held Chaiiuka^Party by the -people of Omaha", said K. P.:Rt. }5*iv;"-Herman XX Page, Episcopal "This district has been active in rieia goai»: Gencjv KonecKy, Mich .. Ben Levensky At a regular meeting of tBe 'PoaliGoewey, salesmanager of .the' Nebra Bisbep" of the Diocese of Michigan promoting the work of the B'nai nick,- 3 ; S-wartr, 'Knefter,3.. Members of the Americanization J. Lintzman Free throws: KnOTTles. 2. 1 Zion. Club Miss Anna ' Rictman of ka Power company. "Since the open- and Rev. Eeinhold Kiebuhr of Detroit. Brith," said Sam J. Leon, president Substltutlona:: Graham Tor Knowles; Classes sponsored by the Council 'H. Osoff Zimmermant for Clancy, Brown for Council • Bluffs was elected t o ; the of District No. 6. The B'nai Brith STvartz, Gh-cntet, foii:jaichnicli:, Schrelb : Jewish Women'ware entertained at a ing, many folks have called to tell • The felyxiote address was made by . Joe Sherman office of assistant secretary; r • has established Hillel Foundation man for Konecky..-' • ' • ; Chanuka party on Wednesday after- us they considered this shop the most Rabbi Franklin "who pointed out that OmahaXoan Po«. . Thorpeian A. C. Centers in many of the universities: Erowu" ' • ,-, - n , F - - : ;• Moilaghan noon at .the rCJammunity Center. The beautiful store in Omaha—and that it if a mutual respect is to be established Deborah President Appoints Walker ™_w.^___-.L.F — ^ .— Mnrphy At these centers the Jewish youth is party was given in. con junction with is so comfortable to shop there on ac- between Jews and Christians, at least : r • ! • Adell Directors to Talmuct Torak Jewish Student Winner ia L . Shainholt2. - ' -• , V-G Bernstien the regular class. workV Rev. Joseph count of the convenient arrasigement-'f three thiiigs are necessary; the Wliitr i HichartlB __: ^.....UtJ,— — ~ l^erlnson Malek sang several numbers in Eng- Everything in electrical merchan- Protestant Church of America mntt in Oratericall Centest •. Fielfl "goalsiBro*n, 2 ; 'Walker, 4 JEWISH DEPUTIES JOIN POLISH . AdditionaT names were "addfed to the Kleolni, 1 : ^Shalnhultz, 3 ; Monaffhan, 2 lish. The' teachers in charge of the dise is on display in this shop. Among speak out in no uncertain terras as GROUP TO STUDY ECONOMIC Murphy. 4 : Aflell, 1; BernBtieo. 1. list of directors of the City Talrand Free throtrsr Walker, Nicolui. J5: SIou Maurice A. Block, son of Mf. and Americanization .work are Mesdames the departments there are: washing to the u»-Christia« and the un-AmeriSITUATION IN POLAND aghan,' Torah to represent the Debbfah; So3. . Mrs. E. Block, of this city, v a s re- S. Nathan, William Biumenthal, Henry machines, vacuum cleaners, lamps, can character of the Ku Klux Klavs - SubBtitntionis; Chegney for Shaiaholts, ciety, the Auxiliary of the* Talmud and of any other organisation that for Bichards, ', Waylend . for Lake. W a r s a w , (Jewish Telegraphic Ijite radio, health department, electric attempts to breed strife and disebrcl Leibo-nreitz tor Leviusou,. Segelman fo Torah. Mrs. M. Tatle, president of the cently chosen vvinner in the Creigh- Eosenthal and Gus Eoseistock. ' Agency).—Three Jewish deputies L i b i t trains and toys, miscellaneous appli- between the various social and religiDeborah announces the following who ton tJniversity Oratorical Contest. joined the group of Polish" deputies" Block Is becoming prominent as a ances, Edison Mazda lamps, cashiers, ous groups in America. CONGRESS51AN GOLDER The Board of Directors of t h will serve on the Board: 'Mesdjiiries, debator, being a member of the who left here for Soviet Russia where adjustments, applications for service. DONATES SALARY FOR B. A. Simon, S. Frohm; S.'Ravitz; A. All attempts at proselyting amonfithey will study the economic situation* Chesed She! Emeth held their regular Wolf, A. Eomm, S. Eobinson, "H. Le- Creighton Debating Squad, vrhich will . JEWISH EDUCATION and electric cooking. meeting on Tuesday evening, DecJewis by Christians must be stopped; of the country. this year meet several of the largest This new shop will be the main vey, J. Finkel, A. B. Alpirn, M.-KneeDr. Leon • Eeich, Deputy Waclaw ember 15, at the home of Mrs. H. ter, A. Farber, Philip Sher,' H. A. colleges in the country. He is also a Philadelphia, <J. T. A.)—Congress- shop of the Nebraska Power company and in particular, so-called ex-rabb»R Wislicki and Deputy Eisenstein are Levey. It was hoped that the next Wolf, Max Fromkin,' Chas.-Levinson, member of the Y. M, H. A. debating man Benjamin Golder, Jewish Con- after January first. At this time, the who have not been able to maintain the Jewish members of the group. meeting of this society 'would be hel S. Epstein, M. Lerner, and J." Robin- team. gressman from 'Pennsylvania, donated shop at Fifteenth and Farnam streets themselves in Judaism becauae of The deputies will spend ten days in in the building recently purchased, but son. his congressional "salary for this year, win be closed. The other two shops, their ignorance or their lack of moral .• a-report .was made that this building Russia and will investigate the possif 10,000, for,'the, cause of -Jewish Forty-third and Leaverrworth streets character, must not be given recogniPALESTINE ENACTS LABOE bilities of commercial relations be- would not be completed by that date. PALESTINE-POLAND CHAMBER edu-ation, at a dinner given by Jacob and 2314 "M" street will be con-tion as leaders and teachers by the Christian church. COMPENSATION LAW Edelsteir, in lionor'of Jules Mast- tinued as in the past. ' OF COMMERCE PLANNED tween Poland and Eussia. The visit The next meeting^ on Wednesday The story of the eruciftcation must is a result of a move on the part of afternoon, December 23, at 2:30 will baum, chairrnan of the $3,500,000 W a r s a w , (Jewish - Telegraphic Jerusalem, (Jewish Telegraphic drive of the Philadelphia Federalaon not be told to children in the «hurch. the" Polish government, tending to- be held at the Adass, Yeshuren Syno Agency)—A Polish-Palestine chamber Agency)—Palestine will be the first of Jewish Charities, part of which-is The Ladies Progressive Club will religious schools in such fashion its ward an economic rapproachment be- gogue on 25 and Seward Street. of commerce will be^the outcome of celebrate Chanukah on Saturday, Dec- to lay the. bonus of responsibility upon country i? the middle east to have a to go toward a building fund for Jewtween Poland and Soviet Eussia. he Palestine exhibition which opened ember 19, at 2314 North 21. Street. the Jewti, That story must l*e told, if labor compensation law, according to The White Star Club had a Chanuka ish educational' institutions, in Phila: All members are invited. The secre- at all, with a proper historical backThe Confirmation Class of the City party at the home of Elizabeth Dolg- here several days ago if plans; for- an 'annr emect made. 1're today. delphia. • . Suridav. School recently elected the off. Euth Tuchman, Anne and Sara" mulated in connection with the exhiThe Palestine labor. compensation The'sum of $800,000 was raised at tary, Mrs. Maizei, will report on the grouctl, e!*e it will lead as il has led .ftion are carried into effect. in the past, to imsimtierstanding and following officers: Ida Bercovici, Pres- Tretiak, Esther Sflverman, Gertrudi draft or<£—*>cc was approved by-the thr dinner.' Judge "Wslliaan M. Lewis, work done in the past year. intolerance, Rabbi Franklin declared. ident, Euth Fox, Treasurer, Harriet Oruch, Sylvia Fos, Dora and libbi The Aufiebung Club' will hold its High rGomniisaoner, Ix>rd Pluiner, !*• Louis E."Levmthal, Judge Horace Wolsky, Secretary, and Gertrude Guss, Dolgoff, Bernice Jacabo, Rose Kir- regular meeting on Sunday, -Deeem- and transriitted to the British Colo- Stem,- Dr.-.Cyrus JA'iler," "Mr. • Jacob The Daughters of Zion will hold a Reporter. The club will entertain ^it shenb'aum,. Lena L^vey, and Mollie •ber -20,- at the Jewish- omnmnitj- -en- nial Ofii » for final approval. I t is Biliaropf, Mr. Alberg M. Greenfield, -meeting Monday afternoon December Tour 1S2S subscription to Th*> a Chanuka ^party on Sunday,' Dec- Ebseh' we're present^ The motto of the ter: • There will be an election of offi- expected -the la\r v"1? take effect Mr.-AJbr -H.' Lieberman and Mr. 21, at 2:30 at the Jewish Community A Press ie due now. Please ember 20. • - '-- club ic, "One for all and all for OQ9." cers. * _»."„• •within the next few days. Edelstein were among the speakers. H Center
Zionist Organization Endorses World Court Movement
Evening, Bee. 23, at irandeis Grill
Highland Plans krge
-in fiwl WS Conference
THE JEW ISH PRESS • i Pnblished 'every Thursday at Omaha, Nebraska,, b y / ;
•.. , ' THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY Office: 490 Brandeis Theatre. Building.-* Telephone; Atlantic 1450. " . ' NATHAN E. GREEN* 'Manager." - : ....$2.50. Subscription Price," one year...... Advertising rates furnished on application.
1.0. B B. Decides On Relief Girts Entered In Jewish Help For Damascus Jews Press Popularity Contest
Executive Committee Decides on Cooperation With Both Campaigns; Urges Lodges to Support World Court Movement.
'CH\KGE OF'ADDRESS—Pletree give both the old and new address: lie. sure and give yonr name.
Martyr-Soldier** Bible Given Place of Honor
We base wcerwpd4 this, letter,: In. the king's private library at • "Izzy^Carakov, the.Jewish^football istar of H*pyard,.-fe also a fine base- Windsor castle, as well as la the ball playMiwid Ws mate, Al Miller, ting's library at the British museum, is the bfffe'-wl^wco thciop-yard the Bibles are a special feature, and dash for^the ^Crimson with a time oi If It were possible to imagine these 9 4/5 secpndsVinithe Yale-Harvard treacures being put up to auction at OxfordfCambridge track meet last one of the famous salesrooms, all the June. Willer's performance was. ac- collectors in tbe world would gather claimedr~in>the presJ. as^-an amazing: to bid for them. feat, but-nobody, nat-leven Barry ' Sat It Is not an illuminated Bible, ConzeUIineriJaonect the fact that ,4J ; a member-^f. the Ze,ta Beta Tau and over which some monk spent half a lifetime, or the earliest printed Bible, a good Jewish lad. "After this football season Al Mil- or a "Breeches" Bible, or even * ler is perhaps the outstanding all- "Bugge"' Bible—so called because It •around athlete of rvard, and it is •ays, in & certain well-known psalm: about time to liave. him in your "Thou shall not be arrayed for any column.—A Reader." „' . bugges by night"—which is the best£aarde£ and most honored copy of the Gilbert Jaffy «nd his entertaining Scriptures, ^ ' ' distinction belongs to a worn, orchestra will play at the B'nai B'rith tattered copy of the Scriptures, dance December 27 at the FonteneJIe just the ordinary limp-backed little Hotel Ballroom.—Adv. Bible which thousands of people take to church or keep in readiness there. This Bible lies open, upon a beautiful Famous Roman Batkt enclosed in an exquisite old Have Been Overrated cushion, casket. In a window of Windsor casOe. We go to the movies and see scenes The open page is much soiled and arranged to Impress tts with th« thumbed, certain passages are underluxury of the old Roman baths In use lined find there are numerous penciled 2,006 years ago; and very few of us notes In the margin. This Is General realize how superior thq xqjhto-date Gordon's Bible, given by his sister to bathroom Is to those costly andenr Queen Victoria.—London Tit-Bits. edifices. So Bays « well-known maker of up-to-date bathrooms. Tempered Criticism The Roman baths, he contlnnes, He was only twelve, but he cott« were built, as * rule, by the emperors, their cost being too treat for a prirat* trived to throw the apple of discord lodividuaL Crnde And clpmsy was thf Into the boarding-house to which he bad been sent for convalescence after method by which- the water was beat ed and carried from one pool to so Influenza. other. Although It was changed con It came about because they all read tlnuaUy. every one bathed in the samt the postcard he had left on the hall water, and soap was ooknows. Tb« table. baths were opea only st certain bou» Be had written: "There are three of the d*y, en admlssiea price WEP extraordinary old geesers stopping coarsed at their use was limited to here, but one of them la rather * denobles ana freewen of. toe city. cent old geeser as geesers go." In Greece marble slabs were boJlowed out and fejed xritb water, which was eplasned or poured from urns over the bead or bofly «t tbs bather. Down throufu the MiAfi* ate» plmnbinc fix tares; as we understand the tens, were cakoews. • •
Cincinnati, Ohio, December 7, (Jewish Telegraphic Agency).—The first aid for sufferers of the., recent bombardment of Damascus will come from America, according to a deciYork City. . • • - • ' - . - • • ; . . . * v .. • ' • • : • - . - f ^ : • ' '' : ' '.••/•; — ••:.•• - . . [ • sion of the Executive Committee of the Independent Order B'nai B'rith, which began-its two day annual meetA CLUB FOR ALIENS ing here yesterday. Those noble twin Nordics, Secretary of Labor Janles J, Davis The committee voted approval of and Albert Johnson, are surely not lacking in'imagination which the actionof Alfred M. Cohen, presievokes the comic spirit; . These two valiant upholders of purity dent of the organization, in sending and superiority have a subconscjious sense of the bitjter ironic bnancial help to Damascus Jews worthy ot better causes. •= Thejr last proposal to make the world upon receipt recently of a cablegram safe for 4emocracy by creating alien registration clubs bespeaks from the Damascus Lodge of the the genius of a Dean Swift, Lawrence Stern or our own humorist, I. O. B. B. describing their plight. Mark Twain. ' . The Executive Committee meeting There are 7,000,000 aliens in the United States who shall is the first held under the presidency •^henceforth be piade members of a club which shall be maintained of Mr. Cohen, who was elected last .;by the payment of/dues' by the aflieri. What a sacred privilege summer. For the next five years •• transcending even the glorious privileges, of a monarchistic Ger- Cincinnati will be the center of the '• many and Czarist Russia, where mere registration was required, national and international activities ' but here they shall enjoy the additional boon of paying for it. Such of the I. O. B. B. unconscious humor ahcl naivete can really come" only from the The committee was unanimous, in earnest and sincere purveyors of Nordic hokum. its support of the sending by Mr. But the comedy does not end there, for the Davises and Cohen of delegates to the Philadel• Johnsons must have facts for their grotesque legislation: Now phia and Baltimore conferences. Mr. we are informed that the East Side of New York with its boot- Cohen had taken the stand that the leggers jjnd criminals must be ^registered-in order io rid our B'nai B'rith should cooperate both country of these menaces. We wonder if our labor secretary ever with the Philadelphia group, and the heard of the native Nordics of the mountains of Tennej5see/Ken- Baltimore conference called by the tucky and Carolinas who regarded ilh'cit whiskey making as a Zionists. Henry Monsky, of Omaha, god-given prerogative,- long before Volsteadism, Nordicism and Nebraska, and Judge A. By Frey, of .Klanism were abroad in the land. We are moved to*speculate St. Louis, led in an interesting diswhether they heard of Gary, Ind., where practically all the county cussion of the question. At the conand municipal officials were arrested and1 imprisoned for boot- clusion, a resolution was adopted exlegging. We could go on ad ihfinitum. But suffice i t to. say pressing the B'nai B'rith'a desire of that most recent surveys made show that there is as much validity lending c1 se cooperation to all Jewto charging crimes to< aliens as there is in the whole theory of ish organizations and endorsing Mr. noble Nordicism. ," Cohen's.action. A resolution urging It is amazing the amount of prejudice, intolerance and down- the support of all .B'nai B'rith lodges right autocracy manifested by men in i-esjwnsible positions, on this for the world court movement in alien question. We are- losing our sense of proportion. We are various cities was adopted. Speakers becoming, muddle-headed and the question naturally arises where expressed the opinion that the enof Elgin it will all end? trance of the United States into the We might use the glaiaoroBS verdt FANNIE KATELMAN MILDRED HARRIS These men encouraged by their successes in passing the dis- world court would be a great step toy tales, "Long agx> criminatory drastic immigration law are encouraged to believe that ward accomplishing-the Jewish ideal sides Mr. Cbheh were Dr. Boris D. . When a team in New York sprang of chnflhood** ftSry: and far away," to ten the tale of EJ«ia they are oracles of infallibility. All they must do is propose and of peace. , u«««« <iA^k<.^»^ -cr«,^^r A i u „„ mto reality Alexander was one of cathedral, whose seven hundredth it becomes law. If the inheritors of the tradition of freedom and Rabbi Martin Zielonka, of El-Paso, Bogen, SecretaryvHenry A. Alexanengaged;-for it was realized birthday was celebrated last Axignst 5 flTst equality, are satisfied to remain indifferent then i t is certain that Texas, presented a report on Jewish der, Atlanta; Bertram Aufsesser- the he would be of inestimable as- and 6. So. long ago as the twWeht . we shall soon have a condition paralleled only by the. worst days education among the immigrants of Albany, N. Y.;* Judge A. B. Frey, St. that sistance not only as a player but an time, of tne early Middle ages, so far of reactionary Germany and Russia.—Review. Mexico City. After a visit to Mexico Louis; Charles Hartman, New York aadvisor in organizing the various away as Rome, must we go for the beCity, Rabbi Zielonka's conclusion v;as City; Sidney yKusworm, Dayton, t t s g a c S e ^ e ^ d e r Was one of ginnings of the story of this hoary old pile, whose influence hms been easting PALM FOR JEWISH GRIDDER that there was no need for establish- Ohio; Sam J.Leon, Omaha; Archi- the greatest centres college football it« jpell opoo tne.Uves of the dwellers bald A. Marx; New Orleans; Henry ever produced, and the greatest Jew•Jewish sport.devotees of late.haye been suffused with "that ing special all day schools for Jewish Monsky, Omaha; Jacob Singer, Phil- ish. football player of his day.. In the Old province of Moray froni that i&T'OS time to the present. There 1» crand; and glorious fueling," and' there has been' ample reason -for students. A supplementary Hebrew adelphia; Lucius- L. Solomon, San IN" an old tradmoa. that the Cnldees school would be sufficient, he stated. Frandsco; Leon'B. Stein," Wheeling, it. For on-Sunday Walter Eckersall^the> famous football critic founded the church to begin with. Just m gridiron^star, g ^ , c j i aa vii d ^ ^ B e n m e "iFriedn]an, He found that Mexico City has, g. W. Va.;- ! - S i d n e y 9 * Stern, Greensi-.nd former accordeji as they dH that: of Birnie. l a mny frs in theballroom xtt ops splendid university and primary or Michigan, on-his; All-Conference l Michigan l ^ t b a l l ^ a n t Writing'of Writingof borough, N. C, and >v -case, the *«e was already >>sBowed by ._, _ _ _. , of the -hotels',' sits a 57 year old man, school and that their courses were not rr. , , Friedman,, Eckersallsays: ' V -V -My sacred associations, when 11 Zielonka of El Paso. Texas. Sigmund visibly worried as he leans over the Friedman of f Michigan, is awarded the quarterback of a nature to be. harmful to the Livingston, M. D. Rosenberg, Wash- -chefs table "before him. His suprem- Pisnqp.' Andrew "Bennie Friedman, Moray, Iscion of th« r position. This player^ is one of. the smartest generals Coach Yost Jews, : He urged that the support of ington, D. C^, aiufcRrbbi BenjaminM. &ey in'chess for over a quarter of a powerfcl house o* De Moravia, mevei v has ever developed, and' "fiurrjriUp? haB sprae good ones at Ann the B'nai B'rith be given to-aiding the •RVantpi nfr-<chamnsii<m TTi "Mntinnni" century-isbeing seriously challenged, the Cathedral of Spynt* to th* Churd ;- Arbor. The only blot' on^^Friedm^'s.career on'"-Friedman's career was>i& was 3 & attempt to immigrants in adapting themselves to Frankel oC.Champaign ^ N a t i o n a l C a r l o s * T o r r e a 21 year'old Mexican, of Holy of the B'nai B'rith Hrilel a r e c e n t O f New York, mated him handle the wet ball in -the Northwestern game. This blunder gave their new country instead of promot- Director Foundation were-present as guests. in 43 moves, and ever since Lasker Northwestern its chance to score the field goal early in the game. ing a separate Jewish community is having .difficulties in keeping his among the Mexicans who might be Outside of this game, Friedman played a bangup game all season, opponents in check. Everything went his passing, field-goal kicking and excellent selection of plays being antagonized* The report of Rabbi Gilbert Jaffy and Iiis entertaining smoothly the first week of the tourand according to his point Zielonka' against the establishment of orchestra will .play at the B nai B nth no small matter in Michigan's great season." average, Lasker was leading the Well located luggage store. This recognition of Friedman is well deserved, for the crafty all day Jewish schools was accepted. dance December 27 at the Fontenelle field, and his final victory was genPlans for the extension :of the work Ownef has been in business erally admitted. But now all this little quarterback must be credited with contributing much to Hotel Ballroom.—Adv. has changed. Lasker is in second of this, I.: O. B. B.; were, discussed. the winning of the ''Big Ten" championshipforMichigan with for ten years but must sell position, and will have to produce a one of the greatest gridiron machines in the liistory of the color- Efforts to found additional bldges will superman style of playing if he is because leaving city. For ful college- pastime. Apparently, Coach Yost* is a respecter of be made in Great Britain. to dislodge the leader, Bogoljubow. A report on the work of the antiShould Lasker lose this tourna"Jewish brains",- and with well founded- reason.—Ledger. information write Box 255, ment,, it will mean that the iron man defamation league of the I. O. B. B. By FIAIMSY CONZEL The Jewish Press. of the chess game is disintegrating, Baltimore "The Jewish Locarno," ex- was submitted by Sigmuid Livingston (Copyright »I2A o.v Seven Art* and that.the same old story holds Feature Syndicated plaining, however, that the compari- of Bloomington, HI. He reported the true: Youth must be served. son is two warring sides in American league's efforts in combating antiBOXING CHAT Jewry, that, while Jevys are no' foes Jewish propaganda on the stage, Sailor Friedman, the rugged Jew-' IT CAN'T.BE DONE of Zion, the Zionists, on the other screen and in l'terature. the union of After all, no vone can withstand ish lad of Chicago, failed agrain. In hand, were always the most ardent Application for financial support all forces in American Jewry for the recent-New York fight against, the lure. Benny, our own Benny rebuilding of Eretz Yisroei has ceased supporters of relief activities. Differ- from 200 organizations iv many; L e o nard/ f the welterweight l t h tj j the greatest Jewish boxer Mickey, Walker, for d h t J i h b L to be'a dream, but became a reality, ences of opinion' do not constitute countries were placed , before the; ever produced, will fight again. This championship of the world,, ^e was!.: is tBe. opinion. of. the - "Day," which war. Actual t strife ensued over two executive committee for consjdera- is sure dope. We-have it from some- conclusively beaten and. eliminated ' says inrparfc (editorial Dec' 1 ) : "The other elements introduced into the tion. Among the organizations ap- body, who knows, from a person who ^ . ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ " S J ' ^ J ' i " On one hand, the plying for funds are the Ort Recon- would not tell us so for the sake of been m the we.,[ Baltimore . Conference has . merely controversy; miehtkind have had seventh anotherround, Jewish "Yevseks"'were shouting, that the struction Fund, the Oze, the Palestine' registered.; the fact, not created it. ; Baltimore has revealed in:its-entire Russian colonization, is the end of Housing Fund, the Educational this bit of n e w s / Now ;don't be against the ropes where a crashing j i" magnitude a process which has been Zionism and lias inherited Zion's posi- League in Bohemia, the Academy of alarmed if Benny conies out tomor- ; ngh^-to the jaw had sent him,.when |. row with a definite statement that he suddenly let fly a right to the going on for several years and which tion in" Jewish, lifer* On the other Jewish. Science in-Berlin, the Macca- it's all wrong and that he has quit champion's Jiead,. » right which hand, certain persons prominent in bean. organizations, the I. 0 . B, B.the game for rgood. It seems that staggered^ Walker and made him 'a only needed the proper form to bethe relief'work allowed themselves, in school in /Cohs^antindple, the Pro* Benny will not admit his return to groggy^ For a few moments it looked \ come visible to all." This process .. the turning of the great masses1 of the heat of the debate, to slight Pal- Falasha committee _ and the Jewish the ring till, the summer is here and u f 1 • J1"1 n fp0™« ^.-M oSJ are nuttine on big but Friedman became wild and i American Jewry toward Pa.estine, so estine work "for the next .threa Community Center in Washington,] ««» Dromoters - 4 - shows! Leonard :feow»"'that - - k « , recovered and went after ^the years." These two circumstances j ;thafc .3-4 days before the conference * _" '^_i '-——- (Soodrich challenger-with such rage and fury have created a sort of 'war atmos- i>, c.' ' .' ,h .the. J. P. C, was obliged to issue a phere. ' Those . attending "the 'meeting be* the . statement that, owing to the attitude The Jewish Press is supplied by the.Jewish Telegraphic! Agency (Jewish Correspondence Bureau)',with cabled and telegraphic Jewish news, m addition to feature -articles and correspondences from all important Jewish outers. Inquiries regarding • news- 'items' credited to this Agency will be gladly answered if addressed to Jewish Telegraphic Agency, 621 Broadway, New
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of th9 Zionist forces, it is impossible " "Will Baltimore Locarno end thig pleted satisfactorily .w^at was begun to organize the relief campaign, and situation?" the paper asks, and it by"* tHe' Philadelphia 'conference in This Benny knows only too well and and now comes Cohen and that the J. D." C. points, therefore to finds i t .difficult to foretell* "One September. ' The "Baltimore confer- i i b d Vi f t S one : hopes of another Frenchy. its proposed budget, where Palestine thing is certain: Peace must and ence, however,' signifies more than an n i your stiawMkat you will read the Here is the sad tale. The other day, has been given an important .place. sBall be effected among, the Jews of conclusion of peace-between the two iing ten-rounder- M^ver your swwv nat, you wiu reaa tne 1 n W o w V nYork, r V : in na tpn-ronnHer .This has. demonstrated the great America." sensational headline:. "Benny Leonfactions in American Jewry. It has ard signs articles for fight" ' Then .power;and vast influence of,Zionists} "The Daily Jewish Courier" of seen the end of the struggle which we want you to remember that Harry v^e 151, who came all the way f o upon the hearts and pockets of tha Chicago discusses editorially the was going on here for the past few Conzel ••France to take an unmerciful _ and Jewish masses of America. And Mr. fusion of the "two points" in Amer- months to be a signal victory for the unnecessary.-beating. Journet is a : Marshalls' coming to Baltimore t o ican Jewry, which had. continued ever interests of Palestine.' "While no one brothe!r."'of.Taut Jburnet, former sparrings partner to Georges Carpentier, testify to the .really great work done since the beginning of the world war desired to speak in terms of victor VS. CHANGE We write this - before the prof es* andlhi surely made a brave stand by the J. P. C. jln .Palestine and to Jta and which was suddenly accentuated and vanquished, the fact cannot be game at the;New York in> -the opening session; but in the willingness" to ' continue *, this re- by the plan of Jewish colonisation j n denied that Palestine will now receive sional:football Polo grounds, <when the Chicago second round he visited the canvas, constructive .work and to proceed tq Bussia. This confusion did not mis* more attention in certain circles than Bears will tackle the New' York'twice'for long counts. In the^next organize the, Jewish Agency, was a even such leading mind in the Zionist was hitherto the case. These circles Giants. The famous Grange will be rbu^id Journet's seconds came to life proof of the great victory of the .Ziort movement as Dr, Weitzm&nn, as a re. are now convinced that Jewish public the star attraction of the -game> and and .threwin a towe) as.A.tpk§n of, a$ you : know, the colors* of defeat. There can be no question idea. The demonstration of -unity suit" of which was the; illusion of ."a opinion in America is strong for Pal- wears, the Chicago Bears. Here is what wfe "thatI'Dangerous Cohen's^'victory was . 1 -,wa$ sufficiently imposing not to re- united Jewry in a "Jewish Agency, estine, and this public opinion must predict: :.= I well. deserved. quiTe-further comments. The-papers which would embrace all active Jew- be reckoned with, If-''Bed" can get past JoeJ Alex* " r ;Bsnny:Gershey>the- hard-tettingi star of of theheGiants, then he featherweight of Cleveland, made do not doubt that the Zionist eleT ish forces and include such persons . Mr. J. Fishman, in the "Jewish ander, a , but short, work of Hosey Stoy, the favordo* their full share in the like Mr. Louis Marshall. Of course, Monung Journal" does not think the can pick up other f i r s t^he musthisbe concerned-' about ite, performer erform of of New wC Castle,, Pa~ In a'united Jewry is'much to be desired. relief campaign for Jews of eastern e second round Hosey saw millions Baltimore conference gave the much Alexander, for here is a player calBut it seems that it is our fate ever desired harmony and understanding, culated to smear Grange on .many a of stars, and when he came to was Europe. ii ith the h sed^newa d t h t the acquainted %ith that the -.f'Baltimore^-was .the end- of anto be divided! ReaHting this, the "Jes-boy" had,put hiro-ta sleep. • America^ ,ZionMts^|ho#W;;m\i|1^ia|i their forces understandBy outpointing Bud'Dempsey in a ' Alexander has the, .reputafjo^ of Jewry. V IYom now' on we, are entering and their efforts that wg. • In the same paper Mr, Ephraim .following toward, llowing the baJL closer thwi wan any sensational six-round bout izr^NeW Jewry Goldstein, young." East Eretz.. YJsrpel does not suffor as, a' Kaplan is of the opinion that if peace ' o*er"*"iS^"plrofiB^ion»r nnon a neriod/of fruitful and'peacei u f ja split H *in Ame A - m o t i » - D n ' T . A Iovertures ^ i m in, pery t h e visiting visiting t lessj indulged »« y oo ff **» teams wjll teU Side featfierweight, kept ^ ^ j Palestineroustrathe one undivided, basis.?' Wl! s v w , . tu^annjT * " ,* **' ^['fed har6rnsa«''tbstopV'AfllFD^psey* i "Jewish. Daily News" calls t thinks that the Baltimore
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Mr. and Mrs. Harry KuSby enter- Friday eventag- a t t h r t Men end Instinct* tained their Evening Bridpe Club at Yisroel Synagogue," at eight o'clock Writers of the last century regarded their home last Tuesday evening, and and everyone is • urged to be present. Instinct BE almost non-existent In men, wlterens reason irns denied te animals. this week the club -met- at the home Later bold differently, among The coming weeks will be made gay convention a t the Edgewater Beach of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Maduff. Nearly a b'41ion and R naif "dollars them scientists ' having beeo Trot William by the arrival of the younger set Hotel a t Chicago, Philip Kxasne will go cp American cnlsBneys every yesr Tames, wlio mtiinttiined that roan IIRB not come home from Michigan for from, schoo.1 for the mid-winter vaLeonard Krasne, son of Mr. andin wasted heat, according te engineers cations Among those who will return his vacation this year. He was re-Mrs. George Krasne, is entertaining wno have been studying the fuel re- as many instincts as animals. He furmaintained that instinct played 8 to their .homes this week-end from the cently made a member of the Michi- twenty-eight of his young friends at quirements of the country. This great ther leading part in the determiasstion of loss Is blamed en extravagant end InUniversity of Nebraska at.Lincoln gan Opera,' which will make an ex- a theater party on Saturday afterall human condnet. McDougal, the are the Misses Sara Somberg, Louise tensive tsar •' - daring'the vacation. noon, in honor of his thirteenth efficient methods of SriEg ene" on eminent philosopher, goes Btlll furT faulty standards of construction. Bogerithal,' Keva - Gross, Ida' Ltjst- Neither will Harold Chemist, who is' birthday. and says thtat mac's organisms About 60 per cent of the heat produced ther gaiteni Kate Goldstein,; tntianRuben-; a student e t the Pennsylvania Miliwoald become incapable of activity of by burning coal Is ealfl te escape stein; 'Pearl Sherman,, a n C MessrW tary. Academy, - a t Chester, Pa., re- Dont miss the B'nai B'rith Annual through the tops of builSlngs.—Popu- an.T kind if Instinctive dispositions with their powerful impulses, were PiU; Geielick,; Leo Chafloen, Arthur turn to his hwoe. • Instead, he plans dance December 27 at the Fontenelle lar Mechanics Magazine. taken away. to spend the 4wo weeks in New York Gireen, Ben Rarits, Joe Krasne, Art WEDDINGS Hotel Ballroom, Gilbert Jaffy's orty. Miss Pauline fierzberg, who Mrs. Molly Seldin of .Council Goldstein, Leonard Herman, Bonny • STALMASTEK-LAFIDUS. ehestra will play.- -Adv. Bluffs, announces the engagement of Theodore, Jack Kosownsky and Lester Sfctwfils Mount -d« Chantal at WheelInvitations have been issued for the Lapidus. Miss Ethel Gladstone' ar- ing, W. Ta., will also visit in New Mr. and Mrs. Philip Sherman, and marriage of Miss Estelie Joyce Lapi- her daughter, iBessie, to Mr. Erring rives' tomerr^w froirr Vassario" visit York this year. Prom Chicago will dus, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Blecker, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph witR her parents.; Mfss Gladys Meyer come Misses. Flora Marks, who at- Miss May Sherman of Sioux City, Lapidtis to Mr. Irvw Staljnaster, eon Blecker, of Omaha. No date has "been win arrive pn Saturday from Chicago, tends tiie University of Chicago, and Iowa, spent the past week-end 'here . . of-TSIr. and Mrs. L.. Stalmaster, to set for the wedding. where she is a student at tha Chi- Ethe] Greenberg, a student a t Chi- •visiting Mr. and Mrs. A. Gilinsky, and family. talce -place a t the Brandeis Tea Boom cago Art Institute. On the,same day. cago •• Normal School. Mr. and Mrs. on" Tuesday evening, December 29 a t Mr. and Mrs. Sam Nitz announce Miss Rosaline Goldstein will return Louis Blotcky will meet their son, Mrs. Geo-ge Krasne was hostess to &(3D..The entire tenth floor of the the engagement of their daughter, from the University ef Wisconsin. Myron, « t Chicago and return to this Brandeis Restaurant has l>een en- Mollie, to Mr. AbeBrookstein; son of Miss Heva Knlaltofsky, who is a city with htm. Mr. Blotcky attends her Afternoon Mah Jong Club last gaged for .the.wedding, -which, will be Mr. and Mrs. Victor Brookstein, of senior at the University of Schbol a t Anh~Arbpr. Miss Anne week at her home. On Wednesday 16th and Douglas—1C»14 Farnara the/ roost important ..social, event of this city.. No date has as yet been set will slop- at Galesburgv Illinois, .and JEtoseiibiatt, a; student at Eadcliffe afternoon Mrs. Jake Krasne enterfor. the wedding. "" \ • ' > : the "winter. arrive in Oinaha on Sunday morning. College, at! Cambridge, Mass,, will go tained the Afternoon Mah Jong Club * , IEBS jLapidns; has chosen Miss Bess PARTIES BY' JtTNIOR HADASSAH Btudentat Ann to K«w, York as the giaest of her at her home. S>taimaster, sister of the groom, a toother, Mr. Sol fioseablatt, formerly Don't miss the B'nai B'rith Annual Additional parties are being plan her maid of honor. Mr. Robert GLazer, of this city. dance December 27 at the Fontenelle Additional parties -are being planArbor, will remain here for four day* ned by 'ie Junior \Hao^ah" to i e ] »«d then go to the Tan Delta Phi of Fort Dodge, la., -win serve as best i \ ^ " i ] »«d then go to the Tan Delt Phi Hotel Ballroom. Gilbert Jsffy's orTake hoDie a loaf of our Russian Bye Bread, man for Mr, Stalmaster.. Miss given this week. J**sfc Tuesday eve-] chestra will play.—Adv. ning-Misses Rose MinTrin and Esther it's the best in town. Certrude Tatle and Miss Elsie StalRobert Endelmaiii son of Mr.-and master will be bridesmaids and Lester Weinberg were hostesses a t the home Lapidus, brother of the bride, and of Miss- MinMn at a Hadassah card: The Bar BCtzvah of Leonard Mrs. Charles Endelman, was operated on Wednesday, afternoon at the William Stalmaster, brother of the party. This Sunday -Misses; Grace' ; The Jewish Press- wishes to an- Krasne, son.' of Mr. i 'Mrs. George Mercy .hospi si for appendicitis. groom, will be the groomsmen. little Rosen.' -OE, CeliaRaise and Tina; nounce wjll K jll take k ! place. Saturday to our women- readers that Krasne, Jttiss Pearl Monsky has been chosen as Alfcchuler -will be hostesses at the beginning January 1, 4926, we will morning, December i&, at the Cbevra **3S Yean ef C^tjms«nity Service" Don't miss the B'nai B'rith Annual 'flower girl and Master Carl Milder as Kosenstein h.roe.The folio-wing party publish a column of great interest B^nai Yisroel Syaagoguc, at 618 dance December 27 at the Fontenelle given RnnAaxr•••mmaAntr. Snnday evening, Decemring hearer. Rabbis H. Grodinsky and ™n Kbe* "*•»" Tn»vm. to ,the housewifes , This; .column Mynster street. Mr. and Mrs. Krasne 20. Miss Ida Doyteh will he- will be conducted by "Aont will be "At Home" to1 all. of their Hotel Ballroom. Gilbert Jaffy's orFrederick Cohn will officiate. ; Esther," a Jewish woman and-a chestra will play.—Adv. hostess at her home.member of the Home Economica Telatives ' arid friends- on Sunday These parties are planned by the Department of the. Women's Cl9l>. afternoon, December 20, /rom two Mrs, Sam Meyerson will entertain KATZ-LORB3S. Junior Hadassah for" the benefit of Each^ week she will j^ve a com- until five o'clock^5 honoring their son, her Afternoon Bridge Club nest Miss Rath LorMs has chosen Son* REFINANCE NOW! hospitals and other charitable organ* plete menu for one meal with;the Leonard, No cards .are being issued. Monday afternoon at her home. Miss day, .pecember 27» for her, marriage recipes for each aiEh. • She will izations in Palestine. . also gladly answer'any-questions Estelie Lapidus of- Omaha, a brideto Mr. Joe Katz.' Miss LotHs has regarding domestic science that to-be, will be honored-guest, been extensively entertained prior to Mr. and Mrs, S. Shyken :wfll enB'nai B'ritii annual dance December OUT;rjEaders m a y a s k heri; Such tertain at a reception a t tb*£r home her marriage. Among her hostesses LOAN ASSOCIATION' questions should be addressed to 27 at Fontenelle Hotel Ballroom.— "Aont are Mrs. D. Epstein, -who entertained Esther," care, The -Jewish on Sunday evening, -December 20, at Mr. I. Jlorg-anstem will give his • :-•••Press. All recipes have, been seven o'clock in honor of their daugh- weekly Friday evening speech this at her home, Mrs. L. Turkle, who was A d v . • tested and are adapted for the use ter, Fajmie, and her fiance, Mr. Eicbho'' *ss at dinner, Mrs. 1. Epstein at Mr. and -Mrs. David Cooper, Mr, of - Jewish women. This week, ard Gordon. No cards are being isa luncheon for twenty, Mrs. J. Eisen ntnxtntttttmm 'Aunt Esther submits for your apar^ Mrs. J . LorMs, hostesf-s a t 9. and Mrs. Abe Mozer, and Mrs. Henry proval two recipes for dressing for sued. : luncheon at the Brandeis Tea Koom Horwich motored to Sioux City Son- the holiday poultry. "MOKL" for thirty, Mrs. F . Greenberg and •day to attend the dinner and .recepBread Dressing:Mrs. L. Meyerson returned home tion given by Mr. and Mrs. Frank 1342 Boot* Sfefe St. AT. 6637 Mrs.'>-M. Grossman, a luncheon for for the Holiday Poultry, Friday from Manhattan, Kansas, Slotsky in honor of their daughter, twenty-four. Mrs. H. Crounse enter•where she visited her daughter, Mrs. Fleishman's IssKe? Meat Ksrket 1 quart stale white bread ••to Mr. 1 teaspoon salttained sixteen guests at a luncheon at ^hosB M. Grossman, and Mr. Grossman. 1615 North 24tb St. WE. 600B. 3£ teaspoon white pepper homeland Miss Aim Hahn had three Eugene Cooper, of this city, was re4 tablespoons fat.... . . cently announced., , ; tables of bridge." On Sunday eveMiss Reva Gilinsky left Sunday .'' 4 wh«le eggs .'.... . '.''. ning, Mrs. William. Lustgarter is en- Dance to the mjsw- of Jaff'y orevening for New York City and other 1 large sweet potato " tertaining for Miss Lorkis and fiance. chestra at Jhe, annual Blinai'^ B^ith 1 small onion eastern cities, to be gone about a Soak bread in cold water. month. dance December 27 at the Fontenelle Squeeze dry and season with salt T '' Hiss Gertrude Tatle -will be hostess Hotel Balh-oonu—Adv. and pepper. In a small pan put Mrs. Nathan Adler entertained her Select from t h e world's best at one of the largest parties on Saturn fat, onion, and sweet potato diced. .Afbwaoon Bridge Club at her hotra makes—-Hat--.; greatly reduced Cook, over slow fire until potato is announce day noon, Decemb^ra9, a t ^wrBiand- SiMr. 2 on Thursday. prices., Trade in yoar eld pisne soft. Mash well with. spoon end the birth,of a pon 6S Monday i t the «is -Tea Room when she will enteras down payment—Balance on add to bread*. Beat eggs until tain sixty guests at a luncheon and Omaha Maternity hospital. Mrs. light and add to the bread mixture Terms to Suit, Mr. »nd Mrs- Ben Gershun of Mah Jongg party. Her honor guests Xevin was formerly Miss" Stella Bes- and stuff poultry^ .Never pack . •,.L dressing down^ Handle -carefully Schuyler, Nebraska, spent the past •will" he Misses Estelie LapidUB and sel of-this city, and the dressing will he light and •week-end hero with Mr. and Mrs. Bunny Kulakofsky, both brides-to-be. Sam Meyerson. Misses Eeva Gross and Fannie flnff For Chestnut pressing, . Levinson have issued invitations for Mr. Harry A. Wolf returned Monday .. Bpil. shelled chestnuts in salted from an extended business trip to a dancing party to be given at FOR RENT. •water' until tender. Drain and "The Name Insures The Quality" scom Park'Pavilion on December 24. pass through Honda. . " . . -.. :l chopper. To the AH modern residence, completely Miss Gross is a student at the Uni- above Tnixture add about one pint furnished. In Jewish neighborhood, . . 1518-15 Doughs St. versity of Nebraska and Miss Levin- of chestnuts. : Nprth 19th street, near Clark. — Miss Fannye Kosberg, of Sioux son at the University of Omaha. Inquire B. Shamesj 711 North 16th City, will arrive Saturday to be the Dance to the music of Jaffy'o or- street, or phone Harney 6326. guest of Miss'Ruth Kaplan. Miss Join your friends at the annual chestra at the annual B'nai B'rith Kaplan will entertain a t her home on B'nai B'rith dance December 27 at dance December 27 at the Fontenelle Snnday afternoon complimentary to Fontenelle Hotel Bailrooou—Sav. Hotel Ballroom.—Adv. her visitor. William Sholem and Mos$ Beitel Mr. Xcpuis Fogel ..will , return to returned to their home at ; Paris, UliConcert Violinist Timely Suggestion -Omaha from Chicago, where he at-^nois, after "attending the funeral of Customer—This Is our wedding aiv and instructor itends the Chicago Art Institute, t o ' their cousin, Mrs. Henry Newman, of nlversary, ...What woula" you Buggest ; spend his vacation with his parents, this city.-! for our dinner? j : gi has comments and praise from Mother -cr Wife wlU sppres^ate a gift that will : Mr. sad Mrs. M. Fogel. Walter—Well, sir, on; our .anniver- is some of the greatest teachers in m Miss Bessie Horn returned Sunday sary my wlte and I had ill the world. Give your tMkd a g| save her Health. Tisae and Work. Electrical correct foundatiibn. after spending a few 4ays an ;Des Appliances will <k» this for -her. : B'nai B'rith annual dance December Moines as the guest of her brother, StfldioUTVi North 16th St. | --4 27 at Fontenelle Hotel Ballroom.— Mr. Fred Horn, and Mrs. Horn. v MAX KAPLAN, Prop. 394 Ckoan«e Block IP. •-•? A d v . . . . " . | Harney 7545 Phone JAckson 1952. | Mr.. Loyal Cohn returned home this Mrs. A. Forraain left Thursday for week after a several months' stay in ; : Nice, warm furnished aoaja a three week's stay'in New York City Miami, Florida. with a private family. 2107 with friends and relatives. •,-••.»•„« , Chicago Street. Phone At 6644. Mr. and Hrs. M. Borsky enterand Mrs. J . Glassman axe ex-tained at a party for their family a t pecting to have as their guest, Mrs. &&*• t»me on Sunday. Glassman's brother, Mr. Joe Hops, of ..$9.85 and up GrlBs Mr. anduMrs. L S. dayman^ an\ New York City, formerly of Omaha, nounce the birth of a daughter, A master teacher, unusual opportunity for $10 to 918 Waffle Irons. who will arrive Thursday, December on Tuesday, Decembeginners and senior (students of violin. 24. He will visit here for several, feer Domestic Irons - ^S.75 : A few open periods available. weeks. P a r l o r '••• : :.r : Mother or Percolators -, 97.50 and up Wile will , Join; jrour friends *t the; annual Phone. Atlantic 2015 for appointment. •wishes to announce that., Curling Irons 91«50 and m appreciate The socia levent of the season De- B'nai B'rith dance December 27 at this J Bertha Bolter is now with them Price $2, up to $5 per lesson. Sewingifechines ^57.50 aud up cember 27, at the Fontenelle Hotel Fontenelle Hotel Ballroom.—Adv« and is a very cap&blQ and exBallroom. Gilbert Jaffy's orchestra. perienced operator. For appoint—Adv. Miss Alyce Ginsberg will entertain TUNBERG STUBIOS ments call At-lantlce 9721. twenty guests at a tea-dance SaturLyric BIdg, 19th and Parnam Sts. Rabbi C hn will speak on "Herbert day afternoon at the Fontenelle Bohina Kanunwer, Mgr, Spencer and Evolution" on Friday Hotel in honor of Miss Babette evening at Temple Israel, This is Zucker, of Chicago, HL, the fiancee of the second lecture in the course on ji r # Hyman Rubenstein, of this .city, •"Modern Masters and Their Master i . Themes." On Saturday morninc, his j ". Used every subject will be "The Lean and the **»»* »«s» the B'nai B'rith Annual day in the p a t." dance December 27 at the Fonteaelle year — so •pretty, too. Hotel Ballroom. Gilbert Jaffy's or. Mr, and Mrs. Samuel Brandt of cheatra win play.—A<fr. J^Iew York City, announce the birth •of a' daughter, Gloria Hope. Mrs. jest possible Brandt was formerly Miss Eu.Jice Xulakof sky. daughter of Mr. ^ind Mrs. ' - A. L Xnlakof sky of this city. 2429 Franklin St. 17th sad Esnaey Sta. Mrs. S. G. Bialac entertained a t her 2000 Pounds to the Ton. who 'has heen an accomplished ISth *m4 Fam&m Sts.. home on Sunday afternoon in honor CUfitS Jannary 1st Only) of her sister and guest, Miss Lottie instructor' in Hebrew in Russia and since making his home here, ,-Leibo, of Minneapolis. " ' " will.give private lessons in He' - «*. , • The social event of the season De* brew? "*•'-- --—.*-•* WEB. 2000 ' cember 27, at the FonteneHe Hotel j For further particulars -<afl L. J . ADLEK, Mgr. Baljroom. Gilbert Jaffy's orchestra. 1 WA-lnut 87.55.,- . ,
Calendar To Be Filled Beginning This Week-End. When The Sclwol Set Will Arrive Home For Mtd^Winter Vacation
Meet Your Friends at
• "
"Good Things to Eat"
Delicatessen, Sandwiches, : . : Fruits and Drinks
Interesting to . - the Housewife
Rev. E Fleishman
e oust Move
I Our Entire Stock of
Worry About Yoir Wasfriag?
Baby Grands
Prof. Frank Mach |
"My Daddy is crazy to do it for you".
National Laundry
Harry Kononoyitch VIOUNIST
Burbon Beauty
Bridge Lamps
Table Sold On Easy Terms
Genuine Franklin Co.
B. M.Wolf son
Pick Shopping Hours between 10
'Electric Shops
"cuse is known .as the hero, ofBc»ft! rose. JuUtwas right. Hereto .Penn State- game;, one of. the' majorreal life was th»-implacabl» father of -victories of the Orange .eleven.. It'is?; , r Nest-jnerBi&s ,Eeaia, beMnd her his; uncanny -ability in following the k «««a%' sat "so motionless that when balk that has made him such a valu-' ;An All-JewJ"sk-'!AlI-America?i Team for 1925 tb* ju*or partner: arrived he did not able asset. . . - » ' \ . ' ' ; . '. / ' By SIDNEY S. COHEN know she was there. She would tell "Irish" Levy of Tulane is not only, him of her- dismissal, of course, and i the outstanding guard but the outthen:— At'that point her thoughta This article has been written at the suggestion • of the well-known Jewish standing linesman, of the south. The whirled, refusing to go en. sport writer, Harry Conzel. ' It reviews the football season from a Jewish brilliant Tulane guard, is being named By FRANCES.E. GALE Keys, rattled. : A drawer was pulled angle and sets down the "Jewish immortals in, the .Field of sport for at < many All-American elevens this ' out Was he going to finish the letter? least one year.—THE EDITOR. year. Fairing; with him at guard we: The door opened, closed; there was (O fcy Don»l«d*y. Pas* A Co.) (Copyright 1020 by Seven'Arts,Featurc'-Syntflcate.) a. swish, of silk. Grlndley, Junior. have Dave Skudin of N. -Y.- U.t conENA WOBDEN was seventeen, leaped np. 'Rena beard bis chair go sidered by Chick Meehan as one of brown-eyed, red-lipped, and be- rolling back against the wall with a ALL-JEWISH ALL-AMERICAN TEAM the best guards in the east. The fore obtaining a filing clerk's thud. "You P b« cried. "Here I My Second Team Violet mentor recently named SkuFirst Team Position plac« in the city office of Grind- darling V And- Rena heard another Cohen, Mississippi Levinson, Colgate -. -Left End ... din on an All-Eastern eleven. Dave ley & .Son had exhausted a. village sound Inecessitating the co-operation .Levy, Syracuse Goldstein. Florida „ Left Tackle had another year to play for New library's, stock of romantic fiction. Sbe of two persons.: : Kr^sne. Creighton ..Eevy, .Tulane — , — Left Guard was assigned * screened-off corner In York and next year should see him As, Rena came from behind her t .Cohen, Northwestern Klein, Ohio State .... Centre -the room of Grladjejy, Junior, where screen t i e young lady seated In Grindhim as- an All-Amrican threat. Rubin, Dartmouth -Bight Guard ...Skudin, *f. Y. U. ..-, the filing cases were temporarily .Friedman, Syracuse ... Berkowitz, Rutgers Right Tackle At centre "it was a toss up.betweeh; placed owing to crowded accommoda- ley, Junior's, .chair gave a little scream. A traveling bag was upon the floor be.Otiker, West Virginia . Hanf, Rutgers Right End . Klein, of Ohio State and Friedman of • tlons. . side hcr^tia was very pretty, and her Quarterback .. ...«„_ Friedman, Michigan -. .Lewin, Lehigh Syracuse, and we shifted Friedman to "How's the old gentleman at your eyes," as :they Indignantly met Rena's. G , Cornell „._» .Miller, Harvard Left Halfback _. tackle to include them both -in our office behaving now? Grouchy yet?" were, brown, and deep, and clear. . Sesit, Cclumbia ... • Rosenfeld, Alabama Right Halfback „... ....Levy,- Washington U . . .Meister, Syracuse Fullback first eleven. Scaling over 180 pounds Inquired her. roommate, Julia Grenell. What they hid *rom Grlndley. Junior, and more than 6 feet tall.- Klein is It-waa some three weeks after Rena'e was known .only to herself, but they, . . Honorable Mention: one of the finest centres in. the game. ,a<Iv.ent in a boarding .bouse where, a t did not: hide from Rena that their' Ends: Cohen, St. Lawrence; -Mendell, Syracuse; Marks, Oklahoma. One of his outstanding feats of the the table they bad just left, her place owner thought her an eavesdropper. Tackles': Abraras, Colgate; Bernstein,. Navy. , ' was between JuUaJs and that of Mar-; "Martin." said Rena that evening. year was breaking through, the- Illi- \ tin Guards: Broslowsky,-Middjebury; Somjners, "Washington University. Dyack,, a ytjung machinist, the; Centre: Goldberg, Pittsburgh; Levy, John Hopkins. nois line, to throw, the great "Red" reticence of whpge speech did not' 'Tve been: fired." ' NAT MFJSTER I. O. B. B. She'sat ln a big chair in the llrtng " -terbacks: Kapl-" Columbia. Grange - for«a ten-yard" loss. wholly conceal t b * scope of his ambi- •roonii looking very little and young writes all kinds of Regular Meeting of Backs: Zatakov, Harvard; Floun; Washington University; Glauber, Vir- • Turning to the second team we have tion. ;'•,-'• ••:•'. } • - . • ' ginia; Fisher, N V Y.-U.; JBabcock, .Michigan; Goldberg, North Dakota/ a combination, although not quite up . - "Gronchy I Yesterday. he wanted a and:: woehregone. Tears gathered, brimmed, rolled down her cheeks. MarMarcos Krasne, Omaha, boy, choseir on second team. to the standard of-our first team, a letter from -ther. Jones-Marcos com' tin jumped np and came to a low ehatr SBRV-ICE WITH EAtJQ t»tll.JCTt 111 W O \V Bide. . Ja«kmm 1313 fine eleven, nevertheless. „ In. the back- pany, and after held looked in *J—O' besMe her. ' '• Playing before packed-stadia seat- most alert in the field of athletics and field v e have chosen Honey Lewin of and "M-a-r* he asked .If I thought he'd ."rired.l1;; he cried,, hotly. "Why, to find It la 'CrO-sf and said what-the—! -Rena. doa't cry." But ing* as many as 80,000 enthusiasts a t this year "produced an unusual Lehigh, Al Miller of Harvard, Rosen- jtelifcely p he'd like to It In 'c-u-s-V. It was Rhe polled ont- a. handkerchief and a. single contest," the curtain" just number of smart athletes who know feld of Alabacma and Meister, of Syra^ ta' *K-6'—youfind know. 'K* comes right sobbed Into Itr. Phone JA ckson 0043 wrung down on the 1925 football" sea- football in the nth degree. cuse. The first three are all'veterans n m *J\ so it wasn't much out of place VWas it-the old man?" son goes down' into histdTy as rthe 1 In1 naming our field general for our and it is to be regr«tf;ed that none of —but you should .have seen tne way . SAM NfcWMAN: Renainbdded. > most successful to date. Everywhere first eleven, we had to do a little re- them lived up to early-season predic- he looked at me, and then he looked "Didn't-the pther partner help you Painting and Decorating from the Pacific Coast to the Atlantic," search work. The choice of Benny tions. Meister, playing his first year- at his son.". , • ' . ; , ' • out?"" ' LEI os mi> a m KUU from the Gulf of Mexico to" Maine, Friedman, almost unanimous choice of varsity ball,- bids fair to develop "What did he.flo?".. Rena lifted a flushed face. "He did OUR WOKE G17ARANTBB0 *T didn't see hla face. But he's al- not," she asserted snappishly. "What huge football arenas were found in- for All-American honors, was the first into a star at the Salt City. Harry 214 South 18th St. Omaha, Nebr, made you: think he would?" adequate to take care of the hundreds we made. The pilot of the Michigan Kaplan in his'first'year'as substitute ways perfectly .losejy to me." ; Jolla 'had thrown.-herself upon the Martin said seriously: "Well, Julia of- thousands that sought admittance •eleven, scoring ace of the Wester.! quarterback " at • Columbia showed bed.. She laughed softly: has been telling me how sweet he's to-the college gridiron classics. and our belief, is Conference,- was the big factor in flashes of brilliance ** Xovely' sons soften make grouchy on you. ,1 dont blame him, butj Every Thursday Evening at Jewish 1 A RULE OF HEALTH "With only memories of .tlje.. season bringing the Big Ten title to Coach that another year will see'him rank fathers, dearie..-The first place. I been If he's, got you- Into this he ought to Community Centei Building. WASH AND KEEP WfcJLL left, the attention of all interested in Yost's great eleven. Friedman is with the smartest of 'field generals. •worked was law.. -The son was Jn*t stick by. you' and tell the old mau J. M UALASHOCB.. President. the gridiron game is turned to a re- considered one of the finest quarter- Other backs who distinguished them- studying, and didn't have a cent but whafs what" • : ISAUOEE ABRAMSON. Secretary. FKONTIEK TOWEL SDPPLt view of the accomplishments of 1925 backs turned out in the mid-west in a selves' this, year are Zarakov of Har- •what his, father,>.g*ve him, and the "Julia 'talks a great deal too much," ColilornlB Street. football players. This is -the season decade. A brilliant forward passer, vard, Floun of Washington Univer- senior. didn't want, him to marry." Renn .sal! resentfully. "What more "Did he,want .tp,marry you?" Envy, did she tell you?" of Ail-American, All-Sectional^ and an almost-perfect field goal kicker and sity, Glauber of Vir-inia,-Fischer, of only half credulous,- was In Rena's AU-What-Not elevens. Last year's above all an excellent field general, N. Y, U., Babcock of Michigan and voice. "She said this chap wanted to tate .you-out and-show you a good time, experiment of naming an All-Jewish Friedman rose to1 heights this year Goldberg of North Dakota." GIFTS THAT LAST "If you'd seen bhn.look at me you'd ""she kind qf insinuated that she team proved so popular "that this which- were the equal of those of At "ends on our second team we have known- -he:'wanted something. and the: only girl In the world who tribute to the athletes of the Jewish "Red" Grange in 1924. Francis J. .placed Cohen of Missippi and Hanf of •Dad' couldn't give ; me the air without was would, stand for a fellow who worked faith is looked for by the thousands •Powers, whom Grantland Rice con- Rutgers, the latter having just been a reasonable excuse. ' I was a pood with tils hands. It was beginning to MALASHOCK JEWELRY CO. of Jewish, fans throughout the'coun- siders the .best authority on mid- named 1926' leader.' For tackles we stenographer.- But/;he made things so make xne sore;" 2224 CHming St, .Diamond Importers Phone JA ckson 1226. try. western football, says of Friedman: have Krasne of Crei^htbn and Berkd- disagreeable that I looked for another "He never wanted to take me out." Platinum Specialists Naming the All-Jewish team this "He is a genius at handling a team, witz of Rutgers, another_great .pair. job. I often think; what might hav* Rena'sVoice sh'ook with the energy of happened if that.boy had been junior year has been a pleasure. Never be- one of the' inspired'leaders that come Other good tackles are • Abrams of partner." . . : .: ' her denial. "I can't bear him., And I NEW LOCATION think a znan(ought to work.'."' What are fore in the history of.football have bat once • i n every 'two or vthree Colgat and Bernstein of the Navy. Julia sighed. Presently she said: 214-15-16 City Nat Bank Bldg , , -,r so many Jewish boys occupied regular student generations." Friedman's rise Cohen of ^Northwestern" has been , "Andrew:.Grlndtey.; doesnt have to j hands made for?" • Ja. "5619—Est. 1894. places in the line-ups of their college to national ~fame has really been placed at centre .winning the call over ask 'dacT fors car.ia?e. He.belongs.to0 | Martin, looked, down at his own ; I hands .whicli plainly evidenced their teams. It has been a sort of'boiling- phenomenal. A substitute at the Goldberg of Pittsburgh-andLevyof the: Country club..andi drives his. COMPANY Then.be looked up. out process with » fceen study of play start of- the season last year. Benny John Hopkins. Bena's eyes were ^Ide., and starrfly 4 aaUynse., r • ' -"; ;_ " "My,"Bands "• are made tq "Work fsr , q i t I^ she tried on two AT-1000 E.SCHERER throughout the country-.necessary, to Friedman-" made * good Jn the "ate To coach these elevens we ^ ReBa^'if:ypu ReBa^'if:ypu Want Want them them "to." "to" he he pick the first and second'best eleven games <if the'year. The Cleveland select Dh Joseph _Alexander, centre blouses, deciding (hat one was /more rthjfcsother, ^nd, tbat b Ibe b said simply, .and: when Reha criad'this players, of the Jewish: faith splaying bdyf Tfra's honored sby the WofverinS and" assistant" coach of uie New York football in the United States. It was. players hy being elected captain of Football "Giants. Himself a three- would 5vear: they; former., tomorrow. time she had' a nfee, broad shoulder to BUTTER and K Eren in. the, less ssttractiTe garment humanly impossible to .see all the the 1926 Michigan eleven. We would, time'choice of Walter Camp for Ali- 1 Martln-Dyack thongjit she .looked ^rery Council Blugs. la. great teams of the country in action of* course, najne "him" leader of our American honors at Syracuse, the pretty as he stopped her In the. ball Birds Far Outclassed this year. Unfortunately our per- mythical eleven. medico-grid star is" playing the most to Bay.: sonal observation has been confined to. In choosing the-other'trio for our brilliant game of his entire career. I There's a good •movie* at the Cres. by fastest Airplane Druggists and Stationers u the more important games in the backfield we were-confronted with a, He is considered the best linesman in . cent Don't you want to take.lt in?* 'STafi.' .after ' being'' hopelessly inM1-408-4U5 Saatb lot* atr*«f east. "We were fortunate /enough," 7 re difficult task. We found a the Professional Football League and "No, thank you> r Tm going *mt with ferior since' the beginning of time in the matter of speed to the birds, however, to enlist the aid, of a Bumber galaxy of Stacks above average;, but the brainiest player in the game. His. J u l i a . " ' . ' • : [ . . Soft Water of smart students of'football'in the none-of which stood out. A careful OTer . and through Rena's office beast's and fishes, has, within the last Prompt Service various sections of the country and jstudy of the situation lvith respective ability to diagnose the plays of his' clouds.a rosy light .shone with Increas- few years, with the aid of his meWet wash, semi-fiat, PAXTON-MITCHELL CO. oTvonents arid the confidence he in-: tag brightness. As the caustic.impa- chanical :.inventions, outstripped them with their advice we have named the merits of each, led us to the follow- etills rough-dry. ail, 'and,-even In the air is able to tlenceof Grlndley,.JSenior. grew, the 2"th & Martha Sts. Hurney .1663 in his mates would make him best of the players from the north, ing, choice: Gassner of Cornell and- the-ideal "coach. Hamey 0881. •courtesy,, of Qrindley, Junior, also travel faster than the swiftest-winged 2808 Coming St. Omaha, Nebv. south, east qnd west. - •- , Soft gray Iron, brass, bronze and' alu'Waxed, and tZ*» connection, between birds.: ' . ; ' . ' • Sesit of Columbia halfbacks and Levy minum castings. Standard Blzes,bronze, .The airplane has shown that many the attitudes, of the two men was dazof Washington University, St. Louis, and irou bushings, sewer manholes, In choosing the twenty-two'players birds are not nearly so speedy as had zllngly Illnmlnatediby her sympathetic cistern rings nmi covers, and clean-out "Prestige* for the first two elevens, we have for fullback. doors in stock. Call us for good "roommate to. "vFhonit-.she retailed her been thought Wild ducks and geese named athletes from different states, Strange rtre the ways of words. Of- daily struggle wlth,;the soulless mon- are not able to exceed a mile a minIn Gassner we have a shifty runp than | there Ts as far south as Florida and Louisiana ner "of the type -Gil Dobie ,tums out which better *which example the fact that" "Vestige," names' vster, Office J $y$teau.. Julia asked ute, and the snipe and golden plover and way out west in Mississippi; Six at Cornell. He would be an excellent the -power or Influence of _a good repu- roguishly each day If anything ronian- can only beat this by about ten miles states are represented, on the first man for Friedman to seifd through ;tatlon, shoaia have had Its* beginning ;«c had developed,^and said that for an' hour. MICRI.IN LUMBEK CO. The fastest of British birds, the pere- 24th & Burdette Sts. team while men from seven have bee& on off*tackle plays ahd is fast fn the tricksof a'jugglerl -Yet that is :her part she would rather never marry WE. 5555 c ! at all than be tied to. a poor man, es* grine .^falcon, flying on the level, can selected for- the second" team. ' In enough to bear /much of the at- bow It started. *• - - - - ' > "Manufactured in Omaha" reach "1Q0 miles an hour, which speed naming seven of the-22 pigskin war- tack. • We have named Mike Sesit of ., "Prestige" goes back to the Latin- peclally one whose position was adcan certainly'be doubled In the case '''praestigiae/* meaning juggUng tricks vertised by his hands. Ugh I riors from New York stated we win Columbia, chiefly because of his fine BAKEK ICE MACHINK a headlong swoop from a height on probably be confronted with the ac- line smashing ability and Tiis brilliant —the same derivation as our "pres- |••• . Bain beat agalnstv the windows of of junior partner^ .office, suggesting to its quarry. — In Omaha cusation of favoring" the Empire defensive play,. Sesit'was one of ihe tidigltatlon" -which, is 'sleght-of-hand. 'Ithe T*ies spine-tailed swift, which breeds And the explanation of "this'strange a cozy aloofness to those inside. Rena's state is our selections. Such criticism: great players of the-east although in- transition is in the fa*ct that In the screen, was ifolded ,back to give her In the mountains of northeastern Asia, S r B. L«pJ<!n». can readily be offset' when one stops juries in raidseason. hindered him myth and gohHn-tenanted. flays of the taore light Grlndley, Junior, sat writ- is the fastest bird la the world, be' 250 Rooms—200 Baths ¥el Peppe?. Vlc to realize that one-eighth of the total greatly. Levy of Washington is one far-distant past, juggling tricks were . ing, and Rena,. as his pen paused, lng"capable. It is estimated, of about WO. Vn. Good Rooms for $1.50 Operated by Eppltsy Hotels Co. Jewish population, in the United of the 'outstanding- players in the supposed to manifest enchantment, looked up to find her employer's eyes 209-miles an hour. . " • • . , Omaha Fixture -& , States is huddled into New York. Missouri section and this year was which was regarded with the very upon her with an .expression she had .But; eren.-..this; is a good deal, less Another point we.wish to make ia leader of his, team. We believe ^fiai; highest admiration and-respect hence never sees In them before. Her heart than is possible with the most modSupply Co. - ; jumped, and she tried to keep the ern airplanes.* The present record i s that' such colleges as Columbia, this combination, with "Benny Fried- •^rrestige." COMPLETE ETOEE AKP I:.ri8lng blush from ^flooding her face. held" by "the American Cnrtlss navy 2$. Y. U., Cornell.and Syracuse have man bearing Jhe brunt of the'atlar-k OFFICE OUTTTTTERS 'The pen hurried on. She stole another racer machinerwith a 500 horse power ever- been- popular with", the- Jewish: and Sesit as. the -leader on/ the *lcNot for Himtelt Atone We' wcopjr , .glance: at toe face^bert-oxer the. page. engine, which aas attained a speed of er«r TO.ooo «<3n«r» Pw* -student; And then the fact 'remains fense^ constitutes a 'backfield of the Man was not made for hlms«lf*"a'Idne, Again the rapt and blissful look, and 266 miles an, '.hour. This was, of S*ath«re«t CHIMI Painting and that .each of* .the, above elevens, all first magnitude. No, be was made for his country, by again her eyes fell. The busy pen course, "oa *a straight coui'se, and as '* lifrvpnlh »f><i l>anei«« streets. the obligations of the social compact;. ' first class teams, had' a •number of PtHini>; Inrhann 2*24 Paperhanging Turning to the ends, -we foun1 it Tie was made for his species, by the was,part, way down a fourth sheet an airplane can dire at anything up to first,string players of our faith. OIHAHA KKB. when caused the three times its ^maximum on the level, necessary to.pick two men who W - Christian dutie, of nnlvVrsalcharlt;; ^ / t this .machine should be capable of well pages Only three of our .last year first fast enough to get down the fie:d he was made for all ages past, fcy the ' a ra wer. 1114 South 28th Street over 500 miles an hour when so doing. All-Jewish team are included in our tmder Friedman's long punts and sentiment of reverence for his forefaHarney 3968 When he left wltbihls. visitor Rena selections this year. Abramson and agile enough to grab his long forward *' there; and* *"" he was made '"'""" for " all ** future gathered up scattered correspondence Yf here Colors Come From Save Money by Letting Us Gross of Minnesota, the former All- passes. Our first choice at end is times, by^the Impulse o£ affection for for? filing. .Sorting It she came upon "Many nations and races contribute Airierican choice by the late Walter Levinson of Colgate who performed " a Progeny- The voice of history has a half-covered sheet, accidentally to the- paint-maker's ' Do Your Work. art Manufacslipped in among the heaped papers. turers secure, such dry pigments as Camp; Morris of Cornell 'and Sta*fiJSJESX J f £ The words seemed to jump toward umber "from Italy and Turkey, red robin' of Syracuse have all passed* into so capably at the wing position on ^entlments.-John Qulncy Adams. E the .Maroort eleven. "Bud" Levinson her:. .. . . ,. football history. Hanf of- Rutgers, oxide from Spain, Van Dyke brown "Your eye3 interfere, dreadfully trith from Holland. -They bring from the .Lewin of Lehigh and Miller of Har- had an uncanny ability in grabbing my work. I keep, seeing them all the Orient and Europe delicate colors A R-;e Kind vard have been relegated to the sec- down the brilliant Tyron'g passes. time, brown and deep and clear, yet wife •My dear Henry, don't harbor The same can be said for'Oliker, one ond eleven to make room for stars of of the outstanding wing men of thej the. thought that, l_arn Ignorant. 1 always' hiding something from m e made with the bland poppy-seed oil as a njixer., Tne .western hemisphere is a ; brighter magnitude. Only Ben south; know a good deaf more than I care to Sometimes I feel :that I must speak to dependent on half a dozen countries 1307 Howard St. ; At. 8628 Fjtfedman of Michigan, Mike Sesit of you. How much longer—"- There the for drying oil, both In art and indusFor tackles and guards we have telL 1 ' Omaha, Nebr. '. Columbia and Levy of Tulane sur- chosen two pairs of linesmen who aTe Hubby—I wish. my dear,,that you'd writing stopped, . ? try/ The earliest painters knew but Rena's eyes TPereV brown, and deep, four colors: white, yellow, red. black. vive. Goldstein of Florjdaajfd-Levin- the equal - of any in. the country, be it acquire more of that sort of knowledge. and clear. ....„ . . Tyrian rojaj pnrple. the most famous son of Colgate have been promoted All-American, All-Protestant or what "A.-bell's buzz summoned her. She by virtue of their brilliant play to the you wilh "Goldie" Goldstein of and costliest color the world • has "Iberian" : answered it to-a <tfream. known, came into use only some 3,00t) Florida and "Bus" Friedman of Syrafirst eleven. "Misa Woruen," safd Grlndley. Se- years ago. . - • • • . . The Iberian, peninsula, was BO named cuse are.our choice for tackles. GoldConsiderable shifting about of playfrom the ancient Inhabitants.' • who nior, "I have something to say to you. ers from their regular positions1 has stein was the best-tackle in the south were known as.the Iberes.' According Sit down." Big Electric Generator • Rena. vaguely apprehensive through teen necessitated to^make'rooro for -and has been named on every All- -to some authorities the 'word merely The. 1/aJgesr electric generator la th« ISADORE AERAMSOX "Inhabitants.? .,„ The , name,- her abstraction, obeyed the eleven best-men. in .the country; Southern 'team t o date.- -Don- Miller, J smeans world Is now ; in operation at Niagara e e m s t o h v e been '-"I don't want to be bard np«n you." horsemen ride a t » * applied by the Their natural ability, including speed,, who helped the four Falls. It r consists of a 70.000-horse1 Public Accountants and Auditors Greek navigators to the Grindley. Senl«rt. continued, "but I power, single runner, vertical shaft, alertness • and endurance, has been .Notre Dame and now.coaching down can't have my whole business disarpeoples on the eastern coast of Spain. l bytiraullc t*rt>Inf. attached to a gen» Income Tax Consultants 'south, says,that Goldstein is.one of idti Elven taken into consideration. Eleven probably originally those who d welt rauged by errors in your department. gortfyv kil aft inininir rtiU'uwljtg g y kilflwttttm aft of ^ t h ^ H i v e r Ifenis. Uiymoaenr-Etrrft, Ytmmgj; ^ t SYSTEMS—AIJDI T*S—INVEST sure has seen some-fine ones iberlan thus means sometimes the pop- desk tomorrow, and Td advise tbat 12.O00L vol'ts. however, it oses only and especially'those-we havechos^, -Miller 1 the same'amount of water formerly 490 BRANDE1S THEATER BLDG. fepresenta combination that would be in action. In placing Friedman at ulatlon of the peninsula in general yon complete your. business college used by seren 5,u00-horsepower uniti tackle, we have taken' him out-of his nnd "sometimes the peoples of some course before, taking another. poslHon." Omaha ; ootba11 Phone AT lantic 1450 " W d to beat boftjn.i ^
The Jewish Football Stars
Omaha Lodge No 354
E. E. Bruce & Co,
American Wet Wash
Baker k e NacMnes
—Effecii?ely —Accurate!!
Interstate Printing Co.
K 'eeater,-,iufe£taefile-is" ^
.,-Action md bra$power.^eJewish. not new to him. Friedman at Syraj ithlete ha^ evep"been-consiaered.thej
one element
- -Indignant, yet TvTDrtroaxfeing'of the and' dejivers eijirsy" eijaivsieat'to-tli* exaltation of. tha ntseatcateA heroin«». output <jf "|ourteen such units.