Success or failure in business is caused more by mental attitude even than by mental capacities. •— . Walter Dill Scott.
Entered as postofllce -
The .cynic is one who knojivs sthe". price of everv t h i n".g. and the v a l u e of nothing.
BS roaH.mattfer,on January 27th, 1821, at Nebraska, miaec tlie Act of March 3. 1870
First B'nai B'rith Central Conncil Convention Will Be Held in Omaha; Delegates From 3 States to Attend
BUSSIAN JEWISH . SCIENTIST CELEBRATES" 25 YEARS OF ACrTYTTY M o s c o w , (Jewish ^Telegraphic Agency ).—Representatives" of * Bus-sian. scientific institutions" will join this .week in celebrating" the twentyflfflv^anniversary.-of"*the. activities*of Professor Michael Averback,- chief physician in" Moscow's greatest eye hospital. ' - . " ; ' " •-.' The Moscow eye hospital,-«-hich is considered one of the greatest in the world, was organized by Professor Averback, twenty-five years ago. A quarter of a million patients attend the hospital each year, it was-declared. Professor Averback' is considered Russia's greatest oculist and j recognized leader in social "work. * j
Trip to Europe For Winner of Jewish Press Popularity Contest
W a r s a w , (Jewish Telegraphic Agency).—A black list of . bride"A TKIP TO EUROPE FOR OMAHA'S grooms who disappear on the eve of MOST P O P X ^ AR G1RL'% this is the prize offered the wedding, is now being prepared by the rabbinate of Lodz and will be Passes Resolution Advocating to the winner of-The Jewish Press popularity contest. published soon. Entrancev of Relatives On February 15, 1926, the winner will-be awarded the : • V - ? . " v "•'..-••'-"•':'••- — — — — — '- J : , : •/ This measure was decided upon by \ .jby Citizens above mentioned prize. Two other prizes will be Complete Prograrii Announced in This Issue of The the rabbinate in view of the increasawarded to the winners of second and third places ing1 number of caset where young URGES J.B.C. TO ANNOUNCE Jewish Press1. Henry Monsky- Pjqiiplpaj ^. r . respectively. .. . >_:..;'. • . BUDGET men become engaged to the daughters '•;--• • Speaker --^ ,•'.!•.••> of well-to-do parents, obtain the All contestants are working earnestly to win the York — (J..T. A.) — In the bride's dowry and disappear several] various prizes; offered by The Jewish Press. Each courg days before the date set for the wede of his statement before a ENTIRE DAY WILL BE DEVOTED: TO I O. contestant assisted by a large number of friends are meeting of the executive committee ding. B. B. ACTIVITIES—BAKQlJET' of the American Jewish Congress Dr» canvassing- the city for votes to enable them to be the The names of the bridegrooms will Wise, the chairman of tills body, de* :•'•'•'" •'•.'" / I N E V E N I N G ••::.• : :-;"re.: winner. j be circulated among the rabbinate of dared: ' Several of the contestants are being backed by or- various towns. "Up to this time there has been no Next Sunday, December 13, "will "be wholly and completely ganizations, thus enabling the organization to receive response to the suggestion of tha "B'nai Bi'ith Day" for Jews of Nebraska, l o w and-South ^Dakota, Congress at its Philadelphia session the prize offered. " meeting in Omaha in the First Annual Convention-oftfte B'nai that the joint distribution committee Brith Central Council. -v v -. The votes for this contest are secured by obtaining give out a budgetary statement indi« Reports from the cities sending delegates, to" Omaha' indicate subscriptions- for The Jewish Press. AH subscriptions j eating in a general way the proporthat there will be nearly ninety delegates and\fisi£ors:from Sioux ~ ~~ „ , tions in which the moneys to be colCity, Des Moines, Council Bluffs, Fort Dodge; Sioux Falls, S. D., Body of Mrs. Sol Goldstrom Tor Be for The Jewish Press for 1926 are due now. The subZiomsts To Bring Maurice Samuels j l e c t e d a r e to *„, e x p e n d e d ^ eastern; scriptions for The Jewish Press are payable in advance. Lincoln and Omaha. ..-•-• ?* - -:,.-> -. >:;.-Brought Here Sunday for Burial. • Here January 17. 1an<j c e n tral Europe, particularly with •* =£ The girls entered in the contest are Leone Xovitsky, Several other Jewish organizations reference to the project of colonizaWord was received ".Wednesday Fannie Katelnian, -Sylvia Feldman, and Mildred have postponed regular and special The local branch of the Zionist tion in Russia. The congress has not morning from Miami; Florida, of the meetings for that day so as to make Harris. organization will hold its next regular requested the joint distribution comdeath of Mrs.' Sol S. Goldstrom, age meeting Tuesday evening, December mittee to prepare a minutely detailed it possible for all Jews of Omaha to 50, former resident of Omaha. High 15, at the Jewish Community Center. statement regarding- the proposed take part in the activities of the day. blood pressure was the cause of the Mr. Joseph Rosentnai, secretary of budget. It has the right, in the name The following committee has, been death. . .. .. the local branch, wil be the principal 1 of the American Jewish people, to officially appointed by the B'nai According to friends here," the speaker of the evening. His subject make inquiry valong which lines and, B'rith "Ladies Auxiliary to entertain body Is being brought to Omaha for be "Intolerance, How It Is View- above all, the proportions in which the women accompanying the deleburial. Mr. Goldstrom and children ed By the Elan. How It Is Viewed the work "is'to-be carried on, more gates and visitors to Omaha: Bess •will accompany the Tsddy to Omaha. Stock, chairman; Celia Coopjer, jviceThirty-three Chaijters To Be Repre- Baxtquet Will Precede Debate and from the Jewish Standpoint." An particularly in view of the fear still They are expected to arrive Sunday. entertaining number on the program entertained • by many that an undue Dancing Will Follow. chainnan; Edith Covich, Bertha sented At Conclave. Funeral services will be held from the will be violin selections by Gilbert proportion of funds may be devoted Grodinsky, Rebecca 'Wise, Ann Hoffman-Crosby Funeral home. _ . Omaha has been chosen. for the Plans are now under way f«r the# Jaffe, director of the Brandeis Res- to what has come to be. known as 'the Schwartz, Helen Beber, Rose GrodinMrs. Goldstrom was well-known 1625 Fi Tap Pi Conclave to be held Philadelphia-Oinaha Y. M. H. A, de- taurant Orchestra, Russian colonization project'." sky, Bess GJreenberg and Uebeeca here having been a resident of Omaha December 27-30. Headquarters will bate to be " Wedriesday e v e | .-The ©air'-a Zionist District under : ~ W o l f ; V ; •' :: ; ; v • ; • • . ; ' ., . " ' Y ' Dr. Wise said that "it is not too for a number of years. She was be held'at the FonteneBe"Hotel.- The oiitg, oiitg December 2S 'at the Brandeis ^^ ll e da d hr s hi i p «f ff John JJ h F l ed l , late -t$ reawaken the confidence of December. 2S, -- :Heray-~~~Monsky, .the ^.principal leadership « h F Feldman, protninerrtr-gnd. • an'••active -mexttberr. of Conclave- banquet oif-SSnttey. speaker at the banquet, who has just Joseph Rosenthal, s e c - American Israel In the program*; ofthe Temple Israel "Sisterhood," the will be held at the'Blackstone Hotel "Resolvedr t h a t "Religious•'teachings \\retary i returned frontj Cincinnati where, to' t h i ' F H the joint . distribution committee, commenced Coundl" of Jewish Women, and other and'the Omaha-Athletic Club has In Public Schools With ..Safeguard ' which unfortunately is being jeoparmost" gether with S. J. Leon, president Zionist" • organizations. been chosen for the Conclave ball, Would Be; Conducive to the Moral Omaha'rfrorii^beth -a membership [and dized by the regrettable stress upon of District Grand Lodge No. 6, Besides her husband, Mrs. Gold- Tuesday evening, December 29. Welfare of .the State." The Omaha propogaridic standpoint. . This -gsfeat fone phase thereof." "But," continI. O.^B. dJ.,-he attended the meeting strom is survived by three children, Pi members of thirty-three chap- Y team is to take the negative. of the Executive Committee of the success : fias been made possible ued Dr. Wise, "if the work of relief Lucille, Marie, and Melvin, and "one ters will be in Omaha .for the conThe Omaha team of debaters are is to be carried on in a broad and Constitution Grand Lodge, extended sister in Louisville, Kentucky, and clave. Mr. Leslie Burkenroad, who is Sam Zacharia,- Ben Kazlowsky, Mor- through-°a. series of interesting pto^ beneficial way, the most adequate HENRY-MONSKY; to Alfred M. Cohen, president of the grams arranged at each semi-monthly one sister in Charleston, South'Caro- general chairman of the conclave, an- ris Block, Ben Morgan, Louis lipp be made for the one International Order, an invitation to meeting. The meetings consist of de- provision must 1 lina. • » nounces that an elaborate social pro- and Morris Alpirn. Of this team of bates and lectures on Jewish national outstanding and hopeful opportunity attend the celebration to be held next for the evening follows: gram has been arranged to entertain debaters, three men will be selected . Harry, H-^Lapidus, toastmaster. and international topics put on by of creative settlement, namely, in Sunday. the visiting members. Of importance to defend the'Omaha Y against the Mrs. Henry Newman, 67, a resident Community Singing, "America." prominent local talent and interwoven Palestine, and it must be made •More than two hundred reservaof Omaha for forty-seven years, died at the business meetings will be the Philadelphia 'team. The Omaha team with musical numbers to do away clearer than it has yet been made, The Order, addreps by S. J. Leon, tions for the banquet have been made. President District iGrancI Lodge No. 6. Monday at the residence of her election of officers for 1926 and the will not be known to the public or to •with the usual monotony of a purely that the extension of Russian Coloni Because of the-limitation in the seatViolin Solo", by Gilbert Jaffy, ac- daughter, Mrs. Louis Sommer,. 5009 selection of a city for the next con- the debaters until the evening of the intellectual meeting. This sort of zation is not to become the dominant ing capacity of the banquet hall, only j Capitol Avenue. Besides Mrs. Som- clave. debate. • ' . feature of the relief program of the a limited number of reservations are companied by Harry Braviroff. Mr. Ralph Cohn is president of- the Preceding the debate, a banquet program has met with such an over- Joint Distribution Committee. The she is also survived by a son, Remarks, by visiting delegates, whelming success that a great numavailable. The chairman of the banSigma Rho, the local chapter. Offiquet committee, Dr. A. Greenberg, -Vocal Selection* Mrs. Myrtella Julius. The funeral was held _at 2 cers of the national order are: Mr. will be held at 7 o'clock, and dancing-: j>er o f p e o p i e are coming to these Joint Distribution Committee is exby Mrs. Harry., o'clock Tuesday from the Sommer will follow the debate. Reservations \ meetings and by this method the or- pected, by American Jewry, to con* has requested members, non-members Eonayne, accompanied - : •' ; - : r j residence. Burial was at the Pleasant I. Edward Tonkon, of Houston, Tex., for all>" three- affairs are $1.00, and ganization expects to double its mem- tinue t o . function primarily in the end their wives, desiring to reserve Trustin. president; Mr. Eugene L. Lerner, of reservations for only the debate and fields of relief, save as was stipulated plates for the banquet to call him at ' T h e A. Z. A., Safe Beb^r, director ™& cemetery. Memphis, Tenri., vice-president; Mr. dance will be 50c. Ifo one will be ad- bership of two hundred members in a at the Philadelphia conference of of Auxiliary ..Organizations, District very short space of time. Mr. Maurice Jackson 3409 not later than Friday Mrs. B. Shames, 65, died on Friday Alfred S. Mayer, Omaha, secretary; mitted for the dancing only according Samuel will be in Omaha on January September 13th, with respect to tha Grand Lodge No. 6. evening, eight o'clock. Community singing led by B. J. morning at her home. She was well- Mr. Max Good, treasurer; Mr. For- to the committee in charge. Reserva- 17th to conduct a membership cam- continuance and reasonable extension The program of the banquet and Stiefler. known in Omaha, having-lived here rest Berg, Junior Counsellor; Roy G. tions should: be" made at the Jewish paign and from the great enthusiasm of agricultural settlement in.Russia Music by Gilbert Jaffy orchestra. * o r more than fifteen years. Burial Rosenthal, of Seattle, Wash., editor Community'Center office. that has been created here he is as- and with respect to the supremely At half past ten"iriVthe'morning the w a s in Golden Hill cemetery. She of the Pitaupian magazine, and Mr. important constructive relief, oppor-s sured of success. * tunity for which is offered by the ne\? delegates will convene at the Arthur, leaves her husband, - Mr. B. Shames,, Albert Auer, of St. Louis, Mo., na- Sommer's -Open 'Food Shop ] conditions in Palestine." Building'and-will continue in session, I a"<* t w o brothers, Mr. A^ B. Alperin, tional historian. at 16th and Douglas Streets j Mr. Carl Sherman, former AttoT* the ,initiation.,iollbvrfrigf: tintil after o f Omaha, and Mr. U . Alperin of St. CHEIICII BIEIIS More than 150 new members joined adjournmerit'Jat the Fontenelle hotel TLouis. (Coiifcbaed on page 4} -nTi5B Another Sommer Food Shop has j the Omaha Lodge, , No. 354, of-, the at 5:30 o'clqcV in the evening. opened its doors at 16th and Douglas I. 0. B. B., during the inemSership streets, in • the former Fry Shoe Co. Auflebung Club to Present Play drive held this term. The memberlocation. The new ^shop will specialize • At an election of the I. O. E. B. Sunday Eve. at Labor Lyceuttt Mr. Fred White was re-elected ship, committee is making efforts to in light lunches, "• pastry goods and Lodge No. 688, of Council Bluffs, on1 1 'Tragedy Through Fun" will be the president of the Omaha Hebrew Club delicatessen foods. These' specialties Wednesday evening, thfe following have all newly elected members initiated at the special initiation to be President, and everything-served at the Sommer officers* were elected: play to be presented by the Auf: held Sunday afternoon at the tri-state Harry Kubby; Vice-president, Leo Food' shop" are appetizing arid satisA public concept will be given by ^bung Club Sunday "evening, DecemLocal Clubs snd SynEgagaes Elected : B'nai Brith Central Convention. Erasne; Eecording Secretary, Jack b € r 1S a t factory. " ' . . . the South Side Talmud Torah Sunday » ^ Labor Lyceum. The cast Eepresentatives For . Mr. William Alberts was in charge "Good Things to Eat" is the slogan Freiden; Financial Secretary, O. evening, December 13, at the Con-v ** a* foltows: Freda Rosenblunv Mary Torah Board, of the membership drive. carried out by this new food shop and Hochman- Treasurer, Max Steinberg; gregation of Israel Synagogue, 25th Katz, and Messrs. Eli Lewis, Dave Steinberg; Monitor, Sam Sam Steinberg; •«,.„.«,. ™ i_at the-Soinnier- Food shop at 1614 Assistant Monitor, and J streets. j Feldman, Oscar Taub, Harry Crounse Guardian, znd Dave Kubbv; Trustees, I Ofhcers-of the City "Taanxid Tor»H Farnam street. ' Cantor Hoffman," of Chicago, .HI.,'! ^ Toub. . . t Louis H. Katelman, Ben Seldin, were elected at the annual meeting will be one of the*feature entertainers j Including the play, the committee Nathan Sudow. The delegates for held recently at the Talmud Torab; in of the evening. Another interesting' charge will present, several literary the next B'Nai Brith District No. 6 Building. number to" be-pres'e'nted will be sel- , a n d musical numbers. . Dr. Philip Sher was elected honConvention are Max Steinberg and Offictrs ThMiy, The Twelfth Annual Flag Day for ections by thirty-piece Jewish ! orary president; Mr. S. E. Eavit? Louis Steinberg. the benefit of the Jewish National Community Center Orchestra, under' was re-elected president; Mr. A. G, Election of officers for the ensuing Fund will be held on Chanucka Sun- the leadership" of Professor Harry Weinstein, vice president; Mr. N. S, term of the B'nai: B'rith lodge and day, December 13. Kononovitch,' well'-known Omaha vioYaffe, financial secretary; Mr. K, election of; delegates- to the' District The local committee in charge and linist. ; Musical ,an'd literary numbers Weinberg, treasurer; Mr. E. B!ochf Grand Lodge convention will fee held •volunteer workers will meet at the will be presented by talented pupils { Chanucka, the feast of the Lighting recording secretary, and Messrs. A, Thursday evening* Decembfel 1% at Jewish Community Center on Sunday of the Talmud Torah according to of the Candles, will be celebrated; by Cohn, A. B. Alpirn and M. Blank, the regular meetifig' in the',Arthur morning, at 9 o'clock, when the Mr. H. Marcus, president of the the Omaha Y. M.' and • Y- W.-H;- A. The B'nai B'rith annual dance of directors. building. The next district ceftvenworkers will be assigned their routes. Talmud Torah. the season will be held Sunday eveorganization on Monday evening, "DeThe following represent the various tion will be KeldT in- Milwaukee. The Junior Hadassah and Hatikvoh ning December 21 at the Foneenelle organizations to serve as directors bjf cember 14, at the Jewish Community This meeiing will be one of. import; members have pledged their support ANTI-SEMITIC Center. .. - ;--at its last regular meeting held Sun- ance as many-members have express- hotel ball room. The B'nai B'rith the Talmud Torah: in this drive, and members of the p dance is generally held as one of the Omafea EXCESSES BREAK OUT IN The program arranged forf«ve- day afternoon, December 6, a t the Club—M. Civin, Jr. kin, M. Bramle. local Zionist organization will give VIENNA UUNTVERSITY xiing's entertainment is as'follbws t." Swedish auditorium. Mr. J . Eiklin ed themselves' as- -candidates for main affairs during the winter Aguilatfc Anhtm—H. TTeiner, B. Ferer,- 5", the use of their cars for the trans", '•" ; : •• ": . ; months. A committee consisting of K b l t t Lighting of the Candles^—Harry •was, for the third time, elected vice- offices. Local EiooSsts—A. XUchards, H. Freejnnn» portation of the workers. Harry Trustin. chairman, Abner Ksi- B'nai Israel—»T. Kisemnn, Vienna, (Jewish Telegraphic Kneeter, president. . . J . .. president; Mr. Sol Rosenberg was reA. VToff, Deborah Society eteetfed Beth Hsanedtesli—S. BSekes, M., A man, and Jack Alberts are planning Mrs. M. F- Levenson, chairman of Agency).—The University .of Vienna - Jewish Songs, featuring" "Rock of elected secretary, and Mr. John FeldM. V«ng«c." '' • • • '• Offers Tafisiay Afternoon this affair. 'the drive, who is interested in seeing was the scene of anti-Semitic excesses the Ages"—Harry Marke. " ' " Aciagg "Seglioren Synagogue—B. man was elected treasurer. Trustees f. Kiraliejibaum. B. lAitdenbunm., this Flag Day a success, is offering 10 against Jewish students. A number Jewish Folk Songs—Harry Konono- ejected are Dr. A. Steinberg, A. Kap- Mrs, M. Tatle was re-elected presiA special attraction will be a E'nni • Jacob ---SSj-HRKOgue—H. Turek, -A. Himh. • bottles of perfume to the 10 most of Jewish students were brutally vitch, violinist. lan, and BenMinkin. dent of the Debor&b. Society at their Charleston contest. "This dance will successful workers. beaten. p . K. K . A. W£, Wol£, Harry y lya yl Talk on "Chamicka"—Mr.-William Installation of these officers will be regular meeting on Tuesday, Decem- be one of the best ever given i>y the Debocah—Mt«. U U. Tfttlt, T l M Mrs. A. v . ..Those who are assisting Mrs. Le- The excesses brake out when it B. Blumenthal. held at the first meeting in January ber 8. Other officers elected were local B'nai B'rith lodge," said Harry Krs. S. EssftteJu, Mrs. n . I^>vej-. Mrs S» .•vensb'n in this drive aTe Mr. John was discovered' that -a cross in. the Dancing will follow the program.- to be held Sunday, January 3. Com- Mrs. A- Wolf, vice-president, Mrs.lL Trostin, chairman. "We have secured 5 t b i n , Sirs, A. B. AlpVrn. iffft.dink, n, Itfrp. M. i/cnjsr, Mrs. s. Ri>vir^ Feldirian, Mrs. A. Homm arid. Miss lecture hall had been taken from its There -will be no dance on Saturday mittees who will serve for this term Fromkin,. secretary, and Mrs. Charles the services of Gilbert Jaffy -and his ,!Jip «J(«r, Mrs. M. Ka»eeT«>c. Mrs. .T. PiukeV Airs, Sum Frohin, Mm. jr» .Mary Maizel. place.' • , evening, December 12. — will be announced then Lennsos, treasurer. orchestra for this iW •J j
igrants; Stand;
Former Prominent Omaha Woman Died in Florida
Principal Speaker
Pi Tau Pi 1925 W a v e
ia ¥ Debate Dec. 23 at Brasdeis Grl
B'nai BVith to Initiate 150 New Members Sunday
1.0. E. B. Elects Fer Eisiiig Year
Fred White Re-Elected President o! Omaha Hebrew Club
Sooth Side Talmud Torah Public Concert Sunday Evening
Flag Day For Jewish National Fund This Sunday
" A, Program Monday Evening
®f I.HB.B. 17
i'sai B'ritis Auma! Smdiy, Dee. 11, at
PAGE 2-^.THE JEWISH ERE&S-^THURSDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1925 Lewis Cutler, the club will enter(Nebraska Power Co. New Mr. tain at-a -dancing'party at Hanscom h Joint Recital Electric Shop to Open Dec. 10 Park Pavilion on Saturday, December 12. The party is for members only.
Cantors Appear Here
THE JEWISH PRESS Published every Thursday at Omaha, Nebraska.- by
"Queen Esther" Marian Fonarow "Ihe Prophets"—.Florence Whlteboofc "School of Instruction" JBrnest Ross "The Tem-ple" ......^ Pauline Bernstein "Modern Judaism" __ Helen Saltxman
at the K. C. Hall, at Eighth and Broadway.
Mrs. Charles Endelman entertained fourteen children and their mothers June Meyerson A musical treat, the like of which The-'committee in charge are Gladys Reading at her home on Saturday afternoon, Offices Will Be Moved to Former Piano Solo ......... . Ruth Shyken has not been heard in Omaha, will be. Bernstein and Barbara Truehaft. in honor of the sixth birthday of her "By the Light of Chanwkah." Burgess-Nauh Bldg. on Jan. 1. offered to the people of this city, Dec. daughter, Sylvia. The children spent A May in Three Act*. 13th when the Odessa Cantor (Mrs. The Daughters of Israel Aid So- Mr. Fleischman, the mother _ the afternoon playing game's, etc., : Toby Katelman The new "Electric Shop" of, the ciety wiU hold their regular meeting while the mothers played bridge. Esther, her daughter... Helen Steinberg CHANGE OF ADDRESS—Please give both the old and new address; Nebraska Power company will open on Tuesday afternoon, December 15. David, her elder eon SeTmore Cohn be sure and give your name. son in its new quarters at the southeast There will be an election of officers Benjamin, her younger Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Braunstein enter. Joe Solomonow : The Jewish Press is supplied by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency (Jewish corner of Seventeenth and Haroey and members are urged to be present. Samuel, a cousin of the children . . . tained their Evening Bridge Club at .... , _ _ Maurice Meyerson Correspondence Bureau) with cabled and telegraphic Jewish news, in addition streets, Thursday December 10. Hannah, S*muel'« slater „ their home on Tuesday evening. to feature articles and- correspondences from all important Jewish centers. ... .... ;—.—i. lx>Train Krnsne The new shop is located in its The children of the Sunday School Messenger Inquiries regarding news items credited to this Agency wiH b© gladly Boy „.__., Donald Bernstein newly remodeled "Electric Building." of the Talmud Torah will again paranswered if addressed to Jewish Telegraphic Agency, 621 Broadway, New Mr. and Mrs. Ben Kooler enterBy Audience Y o r k City. _•• • ' • . / . - , • . . - : ; -• . ; :...-./• -.. • The power company will move their ticipate this year in bringing Cha- Hativoh — — tained at bridge Wednesday evening The Public is invited to attend. new offices into the building on Jan-nuka gelt for the Penny Luncheon at their home. uary 1. Fund. The children of Palestine are :: : - . - y / . : ••••[ • , .; .; C H A N U K A H .•; . . • :; •;•.. ..':•• : Leonard Krasne, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Gilinsky has returned home " T h e new 'Electric Shop' will be provided with one warm meal at noon Is there need for a Feast of Laghts in these days? The Jew one of the finest and most com- for the price of one cent. The differ- Mrs. George Krasne, will become Bar after a short visit to her mother, Mrs. will answer this question in the affirmative when he lights one pletely equipped in the middle-west, ence in cost is supplied by the con- Mitzvahed on Saturday morning, Brinn, in Webster City, Iowa. candle on'""Friday nightrDecember 11, and adds one candle for This shop has been constructed.with tributions of the American children. December 19, at the Chevra B'nai eight successive days. This ememorial for the victory of the the view to make shopping by the Last year from six to seven thousand Yisroel Synagogue, at 618 Mynster Gilbert Jaffy and his entertaining Maccabees over Antiachus Epiphanes of Syria brings a message customer very easy and convenient," dollars was collected in America for street. Mr. »nd Mrs. Krasne will be orchestra will play at the B'nai Brith for these- days of intolerance and religious bigotry. There are at home <m Sunday afternoon, Dec. dance December 27 at the Fontenelle said K. P. Goeway, salesmanager of this fund. many men, who like Antiochus, would force mankind to a com20, from two to five o'clock in honor Hotel Ballroom.—Adv. the company." mon faith and there will.always be Maccabees ready to challenge The Board of Directors of the of their son, Leonard. No cards are Besides operating the new "Electric them and-proclaim freedom of worship. This light of religious Shop" at Seventeenth and Harney Chesed Shel Emeth will meet on being issued, freedom may be a weak flame from a single taper, but the Jew streets, the Nebraska Power company Tuesday evening, December 15, at the MADAME M. SIMON hopes and prays that it will increase in time t a an eight fold Mrs. Ben Kooler entertained twelve maintain its present shops at home of Mrs. Harris Levey, 111 South splendor, 'fin holy things, we always increase and never decrease" M. Simon) and Cantor Louis Gohen will 34th street, at 8 o'clock. There will guests at her home last Thursday Fifteenth and Farnam streets; also say.rjbhe rabbis in'explaining the: gradual increase of lights sach appear • in , a\ concert a t . Brandeis the'.•'•Electric Shop" in South Omaha be another meeting on Wednesday, afternoon complimentary to Miss Well located luggage store. night rather than the opposite, Perhaps that thought is needed theater. at 2314 M street and the West December 23, at 2:80, in the building Estelle Lapidus of Omaha, a DecemOwner has been in business today! Madame Simon bears the unique Leavenworth Electric Shop at Forty- recently bought by the organization. ber bride-to-be. distinction of being the only woman The candles are kindled in the home, with the master of for ten years but must sell and Leavenworth streets. "Chanukah" will be Mr. Morgenthe house, surrounded by his dear ones, reciting the special among the Jewish people who hasthird Expert clerks and a complete line because leaving city. For stern's subject for his speech Friday benediction and all joining him in singing the traditional hymn of electrical merchandise, especially COUNCIL BLUFFS \ evening at eight o'clock sharp. Everyfor the occasion "Rock of Ages, le^-our; song, preise. Thy saying information write Box 255, useful Christmas gifts, will be mainone is invited to power." " '• •• :-.''••• : •.• ••• • ' . ; - - . / _ • • • -,•;.-''\ r \ ' . . '. .,.;•'. Council Bluffs Sunday School to tained in all four shops. The Jewish Press. Present Chanukah Program ''Because of their beauty and useThe Agudas AcWm society will • Sunday Afternoon. ! fulness, electrical gifts are very much hold a meeting next Monday evening CAN THE PROSPEROUS BE RELIGIOUS? appreciated. They are good to look The hardheartedness of the rich is proverbial. Nearly every The Talmud Torah Sunday School at and at the same time very useful religious reformer has "been known to direct his invectives against will present a Chanukah program during the whole year," said Mr. the rich and complacent. The Hebrew prophets frankly denounced Sunday afternoon, December 13, at Goewey. Harry Kononovitch the rich of their own day as oppressors of the poor, the widows two thirty o'clock at the Danish Hall, and the orphans, while the Christian religion, too, has made it VIOLINIST at Broadway and Park Avenue. The •well nigh impossible for the rich to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. following program will be given: Talmud Torah Pupils to Hold And what is our common • day observation ? Our own observation Adress, Mr. I. Morgenstern A master teacher, unusual opportunity for Chanucka Celebration Sunday Opening is that the struggling people are a more accessible, a more feeling, beginners »nd senior students of violin, Piano Solo Sarah Solomonow and more responsive lot. In proportion, the man of mediocre Beading in Jewish Ida Hoffman A few open periods available. Chanucka will be celebrated by the "Lighting of the Candles." means gives for humane and benevolent purposes more than does children of the City Talmud Torah on "Abraham" ~..x the man of great wealth and competence.. He seems to be more Robert Enaelman Phon*. Atlantic 2015 for appointment. .Take Fox Sunday afternoon, December 18, at 2 "Moses" democratic and more susceptible to altrustic appeals. Moreover, Price ?2, up to §5 per lesson. '.„ Herbert Bosentbal o'clock at the B'nai Israel Synagogue. our observation is that in the measure as the poor man grows A program consisting of three richer he experiences a corresponding hardening of heart, as TUNBERG STUDIOS playlets to be presented in Jewish, though it were within the nature of prosperity to corrupt the Hebrew and English by the children heart. Out of our personal acquaintances we could point out a Lyric Bldg. 19th and Farnam Sts. of the Talmud'-Torah will be the number of individuals of whom we could say that they were more feature entertainment. Several vocal, generous, relatively, when poor than after they had grown recitation and .'musical numbers will opulent. also be given. The history of ChaIs prosperity a dehumanizing factor? If so,.like the good CANTOR LOUIS COHN meii and women that we are, we should pray that prosperity ever appeared in the role of Cantor. nucka will be related by a student of . . . Attend... should never fall our way, but that God keep us poor and Due to an early environment which the Talmud Toriih. by the Deborah wretched, that we might maintain the integrity of our souls. continued up to the time of her ar- Gifte, contributed :; THE SPECIAL CHANUKA Indeed, better a morsel of bread and righteousness therewith rival in this country, Mrs. Simon was Society, will be presented to every I child enrolled at the Talmud Torah. than a house full, of feasting in wickness.v Better poverty of the a Btudent of ieligious chant music. Si: purse with a rich 'heart than treasures of gold with a shrunken This, no doubt, occasions some surheart. If there" be somethingg inherently Corrupt C p about o riches, it _prise_o;. the part of^the average perr CL-UBS ought "thinking?person astr-an son but "one can readily understand ought to to be" be" denounced denounced by by every: every: ri£h^ "thinking?personThei/Whitfe •.'jSffcr Club held their evil. this. tendency when one appreciates SPONSORED BY THE But is it? To us it seems unthinkable that poverty and the fact that both Mrs. Simon's meeting on Sunday, December 0, misery ^ should in themselves constituted virtue and- that man father and grandfather followed the Funds were raised for a Chanukah FOR ::i should have na other approach; to goodness, except poverty. We profession of Cantor in the old party to be held at the home of Elizabeth Dolgoff, 2615 Blondo street, lenow t~hat such has been the opinion ox! the Renoundation of country. ' i nearly every religion, and that in Judaism there has developed, Cantor Louis Cohen, who appears under the stress of oppression, the slogan of *Taeh aniytha li' together with Mrs. Simon has no lees New members voted into the B'Nai CONGREGATION OF ISRAEL yehudai," meaning, poverty is the fittingportion of the Jew; but a distinguished record of success Israel Club include Sam Fishman and SYNAGOGUE somehow we could never acquiesce in the binding truth of that throughout the United States and Jacob Barmish. A debate was held philosophy and that slogan. It is unreasonable to condition Canada. Cantor Cohen, besides being on the question, "Kesolved, That 25th and J Streets goodness and religiousness upon poverty, for it would be throw- recognized as a Cantor of marked parents are responsible for the crimes ing out an impossible!challenge to the people whom we wish to ability, is one of the.very few Can-committed by minors." The affirmabe good and religious, a challenge which they would not-accept. tors who enjoys the distinction of tive, won over the negative. This And long ago were we' counseled by our sages not to exact of having a cultivated voice. The late. dub is again opening the basketball people things they could not give us and iiot urge upon the masses Mr. Conrad, who before his d»ath was season.- Ben Rosen was elected cap7:00 P.M. ill a course which we know they would not follow, or, in the language manager of the Metropolitan Opera tain. Any club or team averaging EVEKYBODY WELCOME iii of our wise, "Davor sherein hazzibtir yecholin laamod bo," a thing House, offered Cantor Cohen a propo- 125 pounds and desiring a game can arrange for it by calling Wa. 8995* in which the populace cannot abide. III sition which called for, a three years* What, then, of our experience with the newlyrich whose period of study abroad, at the end of ^:KinSSnSi::!»Sninn:nK:n:»ai::5:iH!tH::min!:m»»:UU:Kn»t;inn:n:Hi»Hi!:»:K;::i!!li!inm!li;n}}ii generosity seems to fail with the rise of their fortunes? which time Cantor Cohen would have, "The Hatijcvbii Club held their PHONE Personally we think that the fault lies, not with richness been prepared to make his debute in regular meeting m December 0. Mrs. and pprosperity per se, but rather with the:: quality of bur p piety the operatic world. A desire to please M. F . Levenson gave an interesting qy p y p we are poor Whe think that the piety of most of the his. parents, who were opposed to his talk on the Jewish National Fund and while w re po W py think that the piety of most 1of the while we are poor. 1X8 South 17th-Street poor folk who covet riches as a goall is bid leaving the ministry for the stage, enlisted the aid of the members for i frequently f t l merely l abid Flag Day, December 13.' In honor of for prosperity, a method of ingratiating themselves with God. It was the cause of his refusing the is like the Jew who pleaded with God that, if He were to grant offer. Shortly after "this, Cantor Miss Minnie Margolin and her fiancei him thVfortune of one million dollars, he would be most generous Cohen left for Chicago. . While there to the. poor, more generous than any of the millionaires whose he studied under Professor De Vries. contributions to the poor is'but a pittance of their rich fortunes. After- a stay of one year; he returned He would, in fact, give away one half of the. entire million for to New York and enrolled in the New charity. "But if You do not trust me, O God,™ pleaded the Jew York Conservatorium of Music from; j further, "then take off Your half of the million at the outset, which institution he graduated. Cantor Cohen -posses a baritone' and give me but the remaining half v . *"'«" Perhaps more to'.'the atthe point would be the story of the, pious middle-ag^d wom^n .who, voice of- remarkable range, quality on her journey,..•was"confronted with "the t task of crossing g k and mellowness, and after hearing:' j n y , . tturbulent b l t crek k ith b t l k it Sh t him -sing, one does not wonder at the narrow plank across it. She was not turbuln wit t^ p n acr i creek with h hazardous, h d P f l statement attributing him as possesssure of step,, and thi affair seemedd to. her; Prayerful she vowed that, if the Lord bring her across the turbulent.waters- ing one of the> best baritone voices in | in safety,'she would donate ten dollars towards Rabbi !^ayer| the country. . - ; • • -_, ; ' THE JEWISH PEEgS' PUBLISHING COMPANY Office: 490 Brandos Theatre Building — Telephone: ATlantic 1450. NATHAN E. GREEN, Manager. $2.50. Subscription Price, one year ... Advertising rates furnished on application.
•w••••••• SEE
Stationery Office Supplies Framed Mottoes
South Side Talmud Torah
JAckson 0770
Better Than the Price
Baal-Hanes. * With her step made sure by such benevolent resolu- The occasion now presents itself to tion, she walked the narrow plank firmly until past the bigger the people of Omaha of availing half of the creek. : But then regret entered her soul for having themselves .of this opportunity of vowed aso large a sum for so small a thing. Might not Godhearing these two distinguished Canhave.helped her for five dollars as well? And as if in response tors at a concert to be given Sunday td her shaken resolution, the plank just then commenced to evening, December 13, at 8:15 o'clock shaken. "O Lord, OLord," cried the woman in terror, "I was just at the'Brandeis theater. joking, I was. just poking; I mean to pay the full ten dollars!" A program tonsisting of Hebrew, 1 But if our piety and generosity are of the soul, and not German, English and Jewish Folk merely, .a bid for prosperity and happiness, then prosperity and Songs has been arranged and a dehappiness will not diminish them.' This is evidenced by the large lightful evening 3s "assured to those nurnber of philanthropists who have benefited mankind by their who will attend. wealth'. ' Fa?. fronr being a corrupt*ve influence, prosperity pro- Stanialav Jan Letovsky will be the vides the means for. translating .into actuality the good intends accompanist. of the heart; and while ifc'is true that richness is a test of ( the This concert will also be held in genuineness of opeVprotestattons of generosity while poor, it is Sioux City ne.xt Tuesday. not true that richness'is incompatible with true piety.—Advocate. Dance to the music of Jaffy's or-
,— Rcgina Klein chestra at the annual B'nai Brith The pupils of Temple Israel Sun* .Invocation day School will present a Chanukah $ly Chanukah Candles „ Millard Rosenberg dance December 27 at the -Fontenelle p r o g r a m on Sunday, December * 3 , a t •. ' • Golden' Light,...,.~Hadassah Silverman Hotel Ballroom.—Adv. '3;00. T h ^ ' p r o g r a m a s folSaxophone Selection ,.„.,. ,loW;- '• . - . . ' ' ,r,, , Oscar Mayerowich The season's social event—B'nai, Opening Blessing. ; ; r ........4tebbi Conn Recitation f...........~Reva" Malashock Service from the School ..Helen ' Lighting"*of " t h j Canai"es.;.::,....He1en ' • Lincoln,. - Stuart- .Ganz,, Peggy Friedman, Billy Shlaes, Marion Talle,' George Shaffer, Sorane: Meisel/ Selwyn Jacobs, r
Furth ^.^^Luatgarten Trio ^...Jtennie Sommer RecitationReading-.,- (IT,tr,...Jtempna Slosburg : Max Yaffe -Violin Solo.. Amfirica*.,..... School JBabbi Cohn.. Benediction.*,
Brith Annual dance—December 27—, Fontenelle Hotel Ballroom—Gilbert Jaffy's Orchestra.—Adv.
Of India's 155,000,OCO women, only I ?o per Tier cent cent'cati read " " **_ ' !•_-_ two can read.
BI^NDEIS THEATRE Sunday Evening, December 13, 1925 One Night Only New York Music Bureau presents the Two Famous Cantors
MADAME SIMON Popular Odessa Cantor and the well known American; Cantor
LOUIS COHN Graduate of the New York .Conservatory of Music, who is recognized as^ the Jewish Caruso will appearing program of
You'll Say That About Our — Two Trouser
Suits and Overcoats "The Nebraska's" Two-Trouser Suits and Overcoats have more style, more warmth and double the wear. That's saying it strong, but the values will speak even stronger. Compare these value* and be convinced—then buy your clothing at "The Nebraska."
Hebrew, German, English, and Jewish Folk Songs. Tickets now on sale at the, box office. Admission popular prices. STANISLAV JAN LETOVSKY, ACCOMPANIST.
Tids Week's 100% ^ to the Jewish Community Elaborate plans have been completed for'the national Pi Tau iPi Conclave j Center Building Fund
to be held in Omaha from December 27 to 30 inclusive. Mr. Leslie BurkenToad is chairman of the conclave committee. It is expected that over one hundred young men and women from all over- the iwrmtry -will attend the convention. The program that has been announced is as follows:
Sam Cohen Paul Eizenman Sam Fellman A. B. Finkel Morris Forbes Goldberg Brothers (Harry and Ralph) Dr. M. Grodinsky Sol Handler . Dr. H, Hirschman Nathan J. Horvrich J. J. Isaacson Mrs. Lena Mandelson Leon Mandelson Dr. Nathan Muskin • Sam Siporin Harry Steinberg I. Swartz
Sunday, December 27 Registration of visitors at Conclave Headquarters at Btotel Fontenelle. 3:30 to 5:30—Reception. Main-Ball Eoom,Hotel Fontenelle. 9 T?. m.—Opening Ball—The Affair Different".
The social event of the season DeSix Matrons To Be Hostesses At Sen!oi< Hadassah. Card cember 27, at the Fontenelle Hot*! Party December 10 Ballroom. Gilbert Jaffy's odehestra,
—Adv, . Mesdames Martin Eahan, Meyer Freidel, R. M. SMaes, J . J. Friedman, Tour 1925 subscription to The JewJoe Lewis, and David Cohn will be ish Press is due now. Please mail hostesses for the Omaha Chapter of tt in. Hadassah card party to be given at the Brsndeiis Tea rooms on Monday afternoon, December 14. These parties are given regularly for the benefit of the hospitals STV& 2429 Franklin St. other charitable organizations in Palestine. Mrs. B. A. Simon has charge •who has been an accomplished of all the parties. instructor in Hebrew in Russia and since making his home here, Don't miss the B'nai Brith Annual •will give private lessons in Hedance December 27 at the Fontenelle brew. 1 Hotel Ballroom. Gilbert SSMJ'B orFor further particulars call ! chestra will play*—Adv. WA-lnut 8755. PATRONISE OtIB ADVERTISERS!
B. M. Wolf son
WEDDINGS Hotel Blackstone. ENGAGEMENTS Monday, December 28 . BLOCK-CROUNSE Mr. and Mrs. Frank Slotsky, of The marriage of Miss Gertrude Sioux City, announce the engagement Business sessions at Hotel Fontenelle. Crounse, sister of Mr. and Mrs. Harry of their daughter, Anne, to Mr. 1:30 p. m.—Luncheon and Bridge for Visiting Gitii. Crounse, of this city, to Mr. Albert Eugene Wolffe Cooper; son of Mr. Hotel Blackstone. Block, of this city, formerly of Oak- and Mrs. David Cooper, of this city. 9 p. m.—Carnival Ball Nouvelle~-"The World Is Yours!', land, Neb., -was solemnized Sunday Mr. Cooper is in Sioux Falls, So evening, December 6, at the B'nai Dak., at present where he is filling a Pi Tau Pi Palace Israel Synagogue, 18th and Chicago nine month's engagement with, an orTuesday, December 29 Sts. Rabbi H. Grodzinsky officiated. chestra. No date has as yet been set Meyer. Klein Business sessions at Hotel Fontenelle—Election of Officers. EXPERIENCED MERCHANT desires cither control or a The only attendants were Mr. Abefor the wedding. 8:80 p. in.—Conclave Ball, Dinner Banner—"You'll ? e Surprised", Stein, who served as best man, and partnership in an investment. No retail business conMr. and Mrs. P. Shyken, of <7oun: Miss Anna Hahn, maid o f honor. V Omaha Athletic Club. " sidered. State all details in first letter. Box No. 350, Join your friends at the annual Following the ceremony, a dinner for cil Bluffs, asBeonee the engagement Wednesday, December 30 Jewish Press. B'nai Brith dance December 27 at the immediate family was served! a t of theirdaughter; Fannie, to Mr. .Business session concluded. ; Richard Gordon,son Sf Mr. and Mrs. Fontenelle Hotel Ballroom.—Adv. the home of Mr. and Mrs. Crounse. .8:80: p. xa.—•Theatre Party,;MidnJg;ht Frolic—"Never Before Such Wonders". Out-of-town guests present at the N. Gordons -of Council Bluffs. No date has been set for the wedding. Fontenelle. • wedding were Mrs. H. R. Goldstein, Mrs. W. Wolf, both of Lincoln, Mr. December 31 Miss Sara Brookstein entertained at and Mrs. D. Rosenberg, and daughter, her home on Sunday -afternoon, De- .The Highland Ccuntry Club has issned an invitation to the members of Cecfle, and Mr. and Mrs. H. Rosen- cember 6, for the-Bridgets Club. Rose the fraternity to attend the Highland New Year's Eve pwtjrto be berg, and daughter, Bella, and Mr. L. Binstein and Anna, Finkel won th at the Blackstone Hotel. • Knlly, of Hastings, Nebr., Mr. Harry prizes. : Block, and son, Lawrence, of North Rose Fine on Sunday afternoon, DeMiss Charlotte liebo, of St. Paul- Junior Badassah Members Platte, Nebr., Mr. and Mrs. W. GeUer, cember 13. The Misses Eva Nichols Will Be Hostesses At Benefit, Minn., will arrive next week to visit ;of Creston, Nebr. Card Parties this Month and Freda Siegel will be the assisting with her sister, Mr&- Sam« G. Bialac, hostesses at this affair. On WednesMrs. Herman Ziegman left Tuesday arid Mr. Bialac. Members .of the Junior Hadassah day evening, December 16, the Misses for. Washington, D. C. to spend two will be hostesses at a series of benefit weeks with her daughter, Mrs.. S. • L To honor Miss Bunny Kulakofsky card parties to be given during this Wilma Stern and Celia and Rose and her j&ance, Mr. Nathan E. Green, Kurs will entertain at five tables of Comer I6th and Douglas Sts. TRTassermann, and Mr. Wassermann. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Saks, of Councils month at the homes of the different bridge at the home of Miss Stern. You are cordially invited to visit tMs new store, Mrs. A. Ginsburg has returned to Blugs, were hosts at dinner at their members. The committee in charge More than• thirty"girls have pledged her "home ;at Sioux City" after spend- home on Tuesday evening. On Satur- of these parties are the Misses Rose to be hostesses a t these parties. "Good Things to E a t " are featured. Wketker a luncK ing a week with her daughter, Mrs. day afternoon, Mrs. J. H. Kulakofsky Fine, Grace Rosenstein, and Tina diowntown or Good Food to take home, yon are assured •will entertain for Miss Kulakofsky at Altschuler. B'nai Brith annual dance December E. "A. Meyer, .and Mr. Meyer. of the best. Our policy of courtesy, service and quality, a Iuncheor at the Fontenelle Hotel The first of the series of card par- 27 at Fontenelle Hotel Ballroom,—Rabbi: Frederick Coin* has chosen followed by an Orpheum. party. On ties wil be given at the home of Miss Adv. ia this new store will predominate as usual. .*••• ns~his; subject for his Friday night Saturday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Hsrry L. "Sermon at Temple Israel "The Temple Archie Jacobs will entertain at bridge ; of the Maccabees." On Saturday at their home complimentary to Miss Our Store at 1624 F&tnam morning his topic will be "Stars of Kulakofsky and her fiance. On next St. will still be conducted Judaism'." "Tuesday evening, Miss Estelle Lapidus and Mr. Irvin Stalmaster and on the ssme high quality Mr. B. A. Simon returned Sunday Miss Kulakofsky and Mr. Green will from a business trip to Miami, share honors at a buffet supper to be plane as fee/ore. SWISS CHEESE —Finest f Florida. • imported, per !b.. . 6 5 ^ . J given by Mr. and Mrs. Harry MalaGet your Brunswjek Phonograph I IILWAIIEJEE G O O S E | shock at their home. Other preMr. and Mrs. A. H. Brodkey spent now when we can give you a big disLIVER SAUSAGE, per | the week-end in Sioux City with nuptial parties are being planned to count. Remember, we also have the 1b 55^ | honor these popular brides. relatives. . •wondtrful Sonora . a n i Edison phonoSILVER SPRAT — It's a & Delectable and appetizing. graphs, as wall as tb.e very latest and Mr. and Mrs. Isadore Chapman, Mr. and Mrs. Meyer Ledennan of great drink, dozen, . .SjSS *" A new feature every day. best hits oa records. who were married on Tuesday eve- Waterloo, Iowa, announce the birth CANADA DRY GINGEB- | Look for them. ning, December 8, have left on their Jof_a daughter. Mrs. Lederman; was ALE—Per dozen. 92,50 J wedding trip to Denver and Colorado formerly Miss Edith Eosenbanm of OXtANGES~.NCTv'Narels, | -Springs. They will return in about this city. . meditim eke, doc...35<^ g two weeks to make their home in SKINLESS TKESmYEb I Omaha. Before her marriage, Mrs. HADASSAH LINEN FIGS — Large jars, per ff SHOWER JANITARY 13 Chapman was Miss Gertrude Cher-i For the most exclusive and distinctive doz. $ 2 . 9 0 ; jar. . S 5 ^ AT MUSE THEATER niak, of Council Bluffs. collection of £ift articles, visit otxr art Small jars, per dozen, $ 1 . 7 5 ; per Jar... . 1 5 ^ department. :,.-. The Annual Hadassah Linen Shower Mrs. J. Adler has returned home ENGLISH WALNUTS will this" year be held Wednesday afafter a few weeks' visit in Toledo, New crop California No. ternoon, January 13, at the Muse Ohio, with her daughter, Mrs. Ben 1 soft shell, S';Ibs,..$l * Theater. Binder, and Mr. Binder. Mrs. Binder WOODWAED'S BUTTER f Fine Candies, Fruits, Mrs. J. Rosenberg is general chairwas formerly Miss Marie Adler of BEICKLE—Per l b . , . JJS1 j man in charge. She is being assisted this city. Pastries and Delicatessen by a committee who is making I arThese prices aiare prevail J' .Mrs. Lena Lipp left Sunday night rangements for a program to be preaf ecr 16x4 Farnaai Stmre |; for Salem, Oregon, to attend the sented at this annual event. 4907 South 24th Street 1416-18 Douglas Street ci wedding of her son, George, to Miss . Linens collected at this annual Martha Steinbach, of Salem. shower is sent to Palestine, where it — OPEN EVENINGS — A Most Appropriate Gift. —the finest in the city—spMr. and Mrs. Fred Horn spent a is distributed among the hospitals " A FEUTT BASEST FROM and other charitable institutions. few days with Mr. Horn's parents, petizlngly served. Take an Mr. and Mrs. M. Horn. They have order home. Order One Today gone to Des Moines, where they are •o-omain ng their home. They-were accompanied by Miss Bess Horn, who PUPIL OF will visit in Des Moines until Sunday.
Announcing the Opening of.• # • • • • 5
"Good Things to Eat"
Are You a Wise Bliyer?
Specials for § Opening Week f
i I i
Imported and Domestic Food Delights
Rialto Music Shop
Miss Rose Weinberg left Friday for an extended trip to Florida and points east. .-.._.Mr. Max Frank returned last week from a six months' trip to Europe where he visited his mother. While there he attended the wedding of hia sister. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Weisman entertained thirty guests at dinner at their home on Sunday honoring Miss Babette Zucker, of Chicago, guest of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rubenstein arid fiancee of Mr. Hyman Rubenstein.
Lodge No.354 I.O.B.B.
PIANO INSTtoCTMW 1 at her home studio , 2219 Wirt St. We. 1884
Why Worry About Your Washing? -
invites the public to attend the ceremonies and sessions of
The B'nai Bnth Central Council
The second post confirmation class of Temple Israel will entertain at a dancing party at the Blackstone Hotel on Sunday evening, December 20. Mr. Morton Hiller is sponsor of the class and Miss Betty Furth president. This is the first of a series of winter parties that the class plans to give. Mr. M. Brandt and son, Mr. Harry Brandt, of New York City, arrived in Omaha last week to remain indefinitely-
held tit the
Miss Sara Rae, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. Fish, has recently returned from New York where she studied piano under the instruction "of "Marie Mikova, "Omaha's Pianist". She plans to appear in recital on several J occasions in the neat-future.- • . ' \
My Daddy is crazy toi do it for you".
I j
i 1| I I
If. E. Cor. l e a &n& Bonglas Bts. Farmer Trj
«tere x>«e»««m
Silk Hosiery
Fontenelle Hotel Ball Room
Sunday, Dec. 13,1925
We carry a complete showing of every wanted weight and color.
L T atipnal Laundry.
MAX KAPLAN, Prop, i ' Homey 7545 ' "j
makes them an appropriate and beautiful gift.
Service Weight, $130 Thread Silh $i-8e CMfonWeight, $1.75 Sheer Chiffon, $M.5O
r. xy jj.'^J-^.-.n
"Good Things to Eat"-
HE day-Ja and day-oat dependability T of Hunsing hosiery—hose of lustrons silks—clear and even in texture
Mr. Al Gilinsky, of Council Bluffs, left last week for Chicago to spend a few days. Mr. and Mrs. S. Lou and family arrived last week from Jacksonville, Fla. They are the guests of Mrs. Lou's sister, Mrs. Charles Schimmel.
• »i.--vi-.
The Biography of Mose, Maimonides
zation.. A complete record of Olshan-1 Jassowicz brothers, Julius and SamHOTEL- TO OPERATE BRGAI>- ski's answers to the forty-three quest- uel. CASTING,.STATIO^ISXTIE^AXINE. FLOOR ions will be given, by the authorities Julius Jassowicz, 61 years old, and
to the correspondent of the. ewisli Samuel, 58, both bankers in Budapest, ' (Continued from page 1) I Telegraphic Agency. ney General of-New York. State, "was committed suicide by jumping from appointed chairman . of, the Administhe fourth floor of their bank offices; JEWISH BANKERS trative Committee of the "American It was stated that the reason for the IN HUNGARY Moses ben Maimon, also known as sicianato give expert testimony with Jewish Congress. double suicide was their financial difCOMMIT SUICIDE Maimonides or Eambam,.. Talmudic reference to the extent of physical inDr. A. J. Eongyr.was .appointed ficulties. Scholar, philosopher,- astronomer,-and jury-suffered by the plaintiff. The chairman of the Publications ComA note addressed by the brothers Budapest, (Jewish Telegraphic physician, was horn -at -Cordova, physician also supervised the extent mittee; Joseph Barondess/CommitAgency).—The Jewish community of to the kehillah asked that they be Spain, March 30, 1135. As was the of corporal punishment meted out to tee on Organizations; Hon. Nathan Budapest mourned the death'of the buried in one grave. custom of the day, he received his guilty individuals.- Every city had to D. Perlman, Committee, on. Immigrarabbinical training at the hands of have at least one physician. To live tion; Office Committee, George I. Ids father. When young. Mosea-was in a city, without one was considered Fox; Committee on Finance, Arthus ; , ; ".; "35 Years of Community Service" thirteen, Cordova fell into the hands a great risk. As is the custom to- M. Lamport. " ' of fanatical Mohammedans • bent. on day, a license was required in order The'Executive Committee instructforcing their religion onfall, the .in- to practice. ed the Administrative Committee to habitants. The family was therefore The Talmud, while in no parts a work out a detailed program for the forced to flee from their home, and systematic, treatise on medicine, publication of a bimonthly or monthly for twelve years led a nomadic life. nevertheless, reveals; the fact that and to report at the next sesIn 1160 the family fina«7 settled,at medicine and sanitation was a part of journal REFINANCE NOW! sion of the Executive^ Committee. Tez, hoping to pass as Moslems. the religion of-the Jew. .The methods The Executive Committee also deTheir real origin wasfinally"dis-of acquiring knowledge was the same cided to take steps in accordance with covered, and they were forced to flee then as it is today. In order to learn a resolution passed at the last sesagain. In 1165 they emharked ,to about the-human body, the Talmud S S, O A T I O N 1 [ Mom*, sion of the American Jewish Congress t 0 l/ *•LOAN What is declared to be an acoustic- from midnight to 1 a. m. Sundays. a rA r\ * CyI— Jerusalem and thence to Cairo, where tells us that observations were made Also, there is a special Sunday proMaimpnides and his parents finally on diseased people, that dissections for .the reorganization 'of ~the Com- ally perfect radio broadcasting studio gram broadcast from 1 to 2 p. m. In mittee,of Jewish Delegations in' Paris has just been completed and placed settled." ' were done on dead bodies, and that and . to prepare the ; convening' of a in operation on the mezzanine floor addition - to Randall's Royal FonteIn Egypt the .subject of our sketch experiments were performed on ^living conference :of. representatives of Euro- of Hotel Fontenelle, Omaha. From it nelle orchestra," :the following are a NAT MKISTER ..,. -..-.. I. O. B. B. experienced many personal. misfor- animals. . .-.,..„..,_ pean and.. other. Jewries -to - assemble all Omaha broadcasting over station Cew of-the artists who have already writes all kinds of To return to Maimonides. As a tunes. His father died during" the not later than August 16,1926. KOIL will be done. It is equipped be,en heard from the studio, or are Regular Meeting of first years. In order to support the practitioner of medicine, he was very The following resolution was with a $3,000 amplifier and the very scheduled, to broadcast in the near family Moses and his brother. David successful, to say the least. A.: letter adopted with regard'to ^immigration: latest radio devices. future: ~ SERVICE WITH EACH .started a trade in. precious4 stones. to his friend, Samuel ebn Tibbor, will ?U W. O. W Bids. Jaokfenn ISIS. , The; rating-of 100 per cent was WHEREAS, the -American^ Jewish Fattier'?. Flanagan's boys' band. give an idea of his extensive 'pracDavid, unfortunately, perished-at sea. given by Wheeler B. Davis, engineer Congress at its recent session in Orchestras: 'Francis Potter's Brahm's, . .• / _ '•• • • With the sinking of the vessel-went tice. : ; . ' Philadelphia adopted a resolution ad- for-the .Bell Laboratories company of Nautic&ls,' HeynV Saxaphone Shop, down the fortune of the two brothers, " L l i v e in Egypt at a distance, of vocating the humanizing of the New York,"which-installs all Western. Harmo-Jazz," Dixie Ramblers, Orioles and also large sums of money!en- nearly two Sabbaths' journey from present immigration Phone i A ckson 0043 laws of the Electric equipment.;'Following his in- and Imperiar banjo trio." Violinists: trusted to them by, others. The <Jairo,; where the Sultan resides. The United States by uniting in America spection, Wheeler; called attention to Miss: Lprjehda Skeen, Mrs. George SAM NEWMAN,. tragic incident affected Moses very' duty of my appointment demands the families of citizens and the fact that walls,,,ceiling and floor permaBerger, ;Mrs. Ernest Reese and Merseriously, and f o r ' a long time his regular attendance upon him every nent residents of the United States, are covered with'absolutely sound abPainting and Decorating win Tilton. LET DS BID FOR SOU health was extremely poor. ^, morning. If there is nothing amiss and sorbing material. "The hangings are ODR WORK GDARANTBBD • ': • • ' - • ; . . Other" prominent artists, pianists, After fully recovering he began to at the court, I return home toward of rich, heavy velour. 214 South 18th St. Omaha. Nebr. look around for a way of making a noon, almost famished for want of • WHEREAS, on pecember 1, 1924, KOIL is on the air from Hotel cellists," vocalists and entertainers are Congressman Nathan D. Perlman to'be on the Fontentlle programs with livelihood. Thinking that it was food. On my- return I find the apFontenelle daily except Thursdays, sacreligious to make-a. living-from proaches to- my house crowded with introduced in the House of Represen- between 6:30 and 7 p. m. In addi- the foregoing. religious practices, he turned towards Gentiles and Jews, men of all ranks, tatives of the United States, a bill tion it broadcasts from the hotel on KOIL operates on a wave length of Every Thursday Evening , at Jewish A RULE OF HEALTH the profession of medicineV in a few impatiently awaiting my return. As amending the Immigration Act of Community Center Building. WASH AND KEEP WELL 1923 which, if enacted, would admit Saturdays from 4 to 5:30 p. m., and 278 nieters.,3. M. tJALASHUCK. President. years he became very skilled, and'his soon as I have taken refreshment, I ISADORB ABRAMSON. Secretory. FRONTIER TOWEL SUPPLY examine my patients until I become as non quote immigrants the wives, fame knew no bounds.' He; was husbands, children, parents, sisters THOEPHILE OLHANSKI COMES HENRY FORD RENEWS 1819 California Street. pointed court physician vto the great so overpowered with the fatigue of TO ^BERLIN TO" MAKE CLEAN ATTACK ON JEWS Saladin, who showered . upon ~> him speaking and .prescribing that my and brothers of citizens of the United BREAST OF BOMB THROWING many distinctions. I t is recorded that speech almost fails me before I con- States and of permanent residents who have declared their .intention to "His Political Wisdom is Cheap and the renown'of Rabbi Maimonides as a clude." . Berlin. (J.T. T. A. A.) Theophile * GIFTS THAT LAST Valueless," Paper Remarks. physician became so great; that,he Not .only was Maimonides a very become citizens of the United States, Olshanski, the much talked of figure and -, • ; was offered the high office-of-physi- busy physician but he was also a very Berlin, Dec 4, (Jewish Telegraphic WHEREAS; Congressman Nathan Agency).—A new attack by Henry in the Stieger trial,, made a complete cian to Richard I. of England. „ He conscientious one. In a letter to a confession here yesterday of his part MALASSOCK JEWELRY CO. declined this honor, preferring to, re- favorite pupil he wrote: "You know D. Perlman will re-introduce thjs bill Ford on the Jews is reported in an in the throwing of the bomb at the 2224 Cnming St. at the forthcoming session of the main in Cairo, where he was honored how difficult this profession is for Diamond Importers interview with Mr. Ford by Max Jor- Polish president in Lemberg SeptemPhone JAckson 1226. Congress of the United States, now; by Jew and Mohammedan alike. one who js conscientious and exact, dan, American correspondent of the ber 5, 1924. Olshanski, who came Platinum Specialists \ ! "Berliner Tageblatt." The fame of a great man, does not and who states only, that which he can therefore, be it her for this purpose, replied to fortyRESOLVED; that the Executive NEW LOCATION depend upon the fact-that he'lived, support by •argument on- authority." to the correspondent of .three questions, in the presence of but upon the fact that he left to fu- It is marvelous, indeed-, how such a Committee of the American Jewish theSpeaking 214-15-16 Gtp Nat. Bank Bldg. "Berliner Tageblatt" in Detroit, the Berlin police authorities and repture generations a. strong influence busy, .mans'could .find- timfi to write Congress approve ahd endorse the Henry Ja. 5619—Est 1894. Ford is reported to have said: resentatives of XJkranian and Jewish for the good. In spite of his exten- books on, religious subjects, on-philo- amendments 1advocated by Congress- "You Germans feel the lash of the organizations. His answers show COMPANY sive practice, he found time xto take sophy, and on .medicine. His books, man Pertmari , and' be it further beyond a doubt that he threw the Jewish whip and suffer from Jewish RESOLVED, tnat -the AdminisE. SCHERER .•whjch; were« written.. in . AT-1000 an intensive and scholarly interest in The'Jews govern Ger- bomb a t the Polish president on beM E T . ;'"' the Talmud. His ambition.was to Arabian, are being translated in trative Comtnittee of thV American exploitation. half of the .Ukranian military organimany. The Catholic Church and the Congress" is .^directed' to cosystematize the laws and the. learning Hebrew,; English, .French^,.German of Nation^ were responsible exemplified in the Talmud.' He'wrote an<t. -Italian, evear; this very operate with' citizens of'the United League BUTTER and BGGS for the Ruhr war.'The Jews deprived States and 6rganizations\ of citizens "Misnah Torah," which'is in,reality Among, bis • books «n medicine • may CotincS BluSs. la. a code embodying the cream and-es- be. mentioned :"On -J Various Poisons itt'a campaign to "mobilize the public S"tinnes of his money. The Kaiser opinion of the. ^American people for a WHOLESALE was also a Jewish hand." sence of Talmudical lore. . . ' ' . . . and Antidotes,'? Asthma;-. HemorrPublishing this interview, the "Ber- 1342 South 25th St. As a philosopher, • Maimonides hoids; Essays*, on- Hygiene,, and a bill to permit the close: relatives of AT. 6637 Druggists and Stationers sought to reconcilei the • teachings- of very famous book on, the art of heal- citizens and permanent residents of liner Tageblatt" adds, "The political • 401-M3-40S Bootb 10{h the United States to be admitted as wisdom of old Ford' is as cheap and Fleishman's Kosher Meat Market the Scriptures with the philosophy.of ing, known as "Serfer-Refuoth."valueless as an old'Ford car." Aristotle. To the great Jew;of the} This"Sefer Refuoth" is one of the non quota immigrants. - "\1615 North 24th St. WE. 6006. Middle Ages, philosophy and science ! most remarkable books, of the Middle Prompt Service Soft Water served not as contradictions. to his \ Ages. - Modern medicine is turning Rialto Music Shop Receives PAXTON-MTTCHELL CO. Wet wash, semi-flat, religious beliefs. On the contrary, away from curing diseases, its ideal S7th & Martha Sts. Harney 1662 rough-dry. they served to strengthen ".them; To goal being to prevent disease. In the Omaha, Nebr. 280S Cuming St. Harney 0881. Soft grav iron, brass, bronze and aluhim, Judaism was the -expression - of history of medicine we are approachThe Hialto Music^Shop has just reminum castings. Standard sizes broirse' human intelligence, and .there was ing an era which-will strongly stress ceived an entirely'new sfiipment of and iron bnshinps. Fewer tnacboles, cistern rings and covers, and clean-out nothing in the Scriptures or in rabbi-, the ideal of prevention. We are,be- gifts 'of every variety. Mr. Joseph doors in stock. Call us for good jrical literature that contradicted, ginning to realize the extreme value Himmelstein, proprietoii announces J philosophy and science. Judaism was of the age-old, half-accepted, half- that he will be able to meet your r e - ' j | a rational religion that needed not to rejected idea that an ounce, of pre-quirements, whatever they may be, Electrical appliances are very pleasing fear the onslaught of time, progress, vention is better than a pound of in the', line of gifts. : I MICKLJN LUMBER CO. for they bring added comfort to the home. or any earthly change. cure. Sociology, psychology, hygiene, He also carries a complete line of! ^ 24th & Burdette Sts. WE. 5555 and nutrition are fast becoming very Maimonides differed from many of Brunswick machines 'and records, as "Manufactured in Omaha" his contemporaries.. He'was" a man important subjects in the medical well as the newest' in Edison and t of indomitable courage, who was n^t curriculum, for each one of them Sonora phonographs. At this time, BAKEK ICE MACHINE CO. afraid to express his opinions. He emphasizes the point of view of pre- the Rialto Shop:is able to "offer a sub-i was far ahead of his times.v When vention.stantial discount on, these machines, most .learned men, including physiThe purpose of medicine, according so a purchase at the' present time cians, firmly held to the belief that to Maimonides,; is'.to- teach humanity Sot. Peptwr, Vlee astrology was a science, he pro-the causes-of ill health, the correct would be wise, according to Mr, Him- j 350 Rooms—350 Baths W. 6 . Crs. Secretary. claimed that'it was anything but; a dietetic hygiene, the methods of Wak- melstein. science. If astrology were true, then ing the tody capable "of useful labor, Oinaha' Fixture^ & man, indeed, he argued,'was a slave how to prolong life and how to avoid Don't miss the BiiaLBrith Annual Supply Co..". • of destiny, and unable to unfold the disease. Like the modern physician, dance December 27 at the Fontenelle COMPLETE STORE AKS. ; J 'divinity embodied in him:~ he did not" believe in many drugs or Hotel Ballroom. ~GilbertSFaffy s orOFFICE OUTFITTERS ! Maimonides was so manyTsided. a in overloading, his patient with too chestra will pla^.^-Adv..• _~.~*-.'~ We ocespjr •' ' f vnr 1GJ00C «coam CMC . genius, that he was not only a great many: prescriptions* 1 He believed in S k OOTB<B Percolators Toasters Grills Talmudist, and a great philosopher, simple treatment, and, he was a great cians, knew his medicine, but he also Painting and I ant) n»ncl»f Six or eight cup size. An inexpensive gift but.a great astronomer, and a great believer in nutrition. He put more possessed great insight; into human Nickel finished; a apkBno 2184 We have many kinds; that is used many •gift of many uses. OH5ABA KTJR. Paperhanging physician. In fact ha was the great- emphasis on diet than on drugs. all guaranteed. nature. A great Arabic poet paid times. ^ est physician of the Middle. Ages.. In 1114 South 28th Street Maimonides maintained that minor him the-following tribute:. . the history of early medicine three ailments, Nature cures the body withHarney 3968 "Galen's art, heals only _the body, to and up great names stand out pre-eminentt out the need of medicinal remedies, but Abri Imran's (Maimonides).the and better Save Money by Letting Us Hippocrates, the Greek; .Galen, the if .the patient follows only certain body and soul'with his • •wisdom he Arabian; Maimonides, the. Jew. Do Your Work. dietetic remedies. When, however, could heal the sickness of ignorThat the Jew has always had a the service of» a> physician is required; ance." • • great regard for medicine was evi-he should see to it that he aids Maimonides lived t o . the age of dent even in Bibilical times. Joseph Nature in her beneficial cause. Most sixty-nine. This may be considered a Our New ' employed a house physician. Isiah of the doctors err in their treatments, very long life, in vie*' of the fact employed a wound dresser,-or sur- for in endeavoring to assist Nature, that physicians as a rule do not live , jgeon. Unlike other priests of the they weaken the body with their to a very ripe old age. They get Interstate Priatiag Co, time, Jewish priests did not monopol- prescriptions. little rest and their lives are full of 1367 Howard St, At. 8028 17th & Harney Sts. ize the science of. healing. The Bible In his book, "Sefer Refuoth," hard work, anxiety and responsibility. Omaha, Nebr. does not mention, a single .instance of Maimonides writes: "I assure the He die- at Cairo, December 13, 1204. opens O729 a priest having formed the functions person who will follow my precepts So keen was the loss felt that Jews Domestic Irons of a physician. In case of contagious that he will not suffer bodily pain and Mohammedans declared -a period A little gift-that any.housewife disease, the priest exercised police and that he will not require "the of three days devoted to mourning, can use. We have many kinds, supervision only. Some *. of ~ the services of a physician. He wil re-and the people of . Jerus .lem proall guaraiftee'd. prophets, however, did seem to prac- tain his powers and his faculties an claimed one whole -day of lasting. tice the art of healing. Elijah brought through a long ife, and at an exThus lived and died many centuries to life a child apparently dead. Isaiah treme, age he will die a- natural ago a Jew, a. great, map," a' man of ISADOEE AERAMSOX , cured Kingr Hezekiah of an inflamma- death. These regulations are always character and ability,'who lived for valid. They, however, . who since service and whose'death was but of 15th and Farnam Sts. Public Accountants and Auditors ~ lion. 2314 "M" St. -The Jew from time immemorial has birth have suffered from bodily ail- the flesh, for his great spirit dom- \\ 43rd and Leavenworth 17th and Harney. Sts.^ Income Tax Consultants always, in times of illness/enlisted ment, or who in youth have accus- inated Baruch^ Spinoza, 'Solomon tomed themselves to evil practices, Maimon, tMoses.M-endelsphn^.'Alber±us. SYSTEMS—AUDITS—INVESTIGATIONS will da" -weli, to read. Sefer.Refuoth Magnus, and continues, to i dominate I: c 490 BRANDE1S THEATER BLDG. (Book of Remedies) which I am' now hosts of great men alive working in 1 Courtesy—Service—Low Rates _ Phone ATtentic U50 . . _ _ _ preparing,' Was delivered by-.Dr. Yfctor-E. Leviae- afe tfee-regular meeting of the. LocaL Zionists, held Tucsd»y.€>TeniitK,f December I, I, , . - : '.at the)*Jewish. Community Center. •
.••""•; . L O A N S 'ON H O M E S
Omaha Lodge No. 354
i U l S E & RIEPEN Funeral Directors
E. E. Bruce & Co.
Rev. E Fleishman
American Wet Wash
* °'"* I Give Her Leisure For Christinas j
Convenient Terms If You Desire "Electric Shop" Thursday DECEMBER 10
"Electric Shops
NebraskaM Power €
^ fields of-phiipaophspjrare-science and-medidns. ~ -- • •