Success or failure in -business is caused more by mental attitude even than by mental' capacities'.,1 — Walter Dfll, Scott. -
V—No. 3
The cvnic Is one who fcgows the t price of etfety I h i n g and . the 1 u e of nothing.Oscar, Wilde-
Entered AB second-dara \ O S fitfer'on January 27th. 1321, at ". ppBtqfflce at. Omaha Nebi& infertile Act of March 3,1STO.
Omahan's Win Hotly Contested Debate From Quakers Wednesday Evening at the Brandeis Grill " ' - •
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Ben KazJowsky Starred for Omaha and- J5^onard- Orloff Carried Off the Philadlphi Philadelphia H^icS T H E 300 T H A T A T T E N D E D
PRUZE REFUGEES POUUUR IOTO PALESTINE Jerusalem,—(J: T; ^ ^ the ' Druze -''soldiers.'-' carefully^-avoid^ crossing into' Palestine, '•'the: Druieaged, with the. "K-omen and children are obliged Jcr : evacuate r.fije 'villages bordering on'the'Palestin TbocndTy, where the French operations-against the rebels are snccjegdih'g;)ran'd:jgeek. shelter ?n the Palestines territory particularly Sn the Huleh area. Thousands of Druzes came alsoJ from, -$auran, northeast of Palestine while/'the Christians are returning to their villages in the territory which H the French have occupied. • V '..'
Stafflslaw Steiger ^
Contestants i i Jewish Fress fepa'arity Contest Are IkisWcek
Freed After Fifteen
Meld Bee. 22 in N. Y.
-(J.'-T. -A.)—Stanislaw Steiger,-irnprisaiisd for fifteen months on the charge «f; having thrown the bomb at* the jpresident of the Polish Republic on "^September 5, was set Jake Mal*shock Re-Elected President at Meeting Held December 10. [ free immediately after the verdict of riot" guilty was" brought in by "the Mr. Jake Malashock was re-elected jury. The^ state attorney declared ithat he; will.not'appeal against the president of the B'nai B'rith Lodge No. S54, at its election meeting held decision...' .••-,'•!.The- court was besieged by tremendous- crowds-froiii 'early this morning. Great interest in* the trial was displayed ,no't.. only, by the press and public of Poland, but by public opinion i j in the European countries. When the ' court assembledtliis morning to hold its nnal session," many prominent per- i sons from.all-parts of Poland were] .present.- A-dramatic scene occurred when Stanislaw Steiger was asked by Presiding Judge" Fxa'nke to say his last word before the. verdict was rendered. Steiger,. in. Ms- last, word, protested his innocence, declaring- that his arrest 1 and ^accusation -was' due only to "at chain 'of tragic "circumstances, but Ibe was ±i_iio way involved in the attempt
New YoA.—The Question of religi* ous educational work among Jewish Jn a hotly contested debate' William G. 3Jsu|^ijgs_- of the District students in the universities was conOmaha's Y. M. & Y. W. Hebrew: As- Court of Nebraska,"Doctor H. Von sidered at a conference held last sociation Debating Team defeated the W. Schulte^ Djjaj^>f, the Creigtiton Votes for The Jewish Press conTuesday at the Temple Emaiut-El, atpick Philadelphia Y. M. & Y. W..H. Medical Cpllege^afjd Irving Gerdy, test are "obtainable by securing tended by representatives of eleven Association Team in a 2 to 1 decision Regional Director of the United Jew] subscriptions to Tfce' Jewish Press. national .organizations. Wednesday night,, at the Brandeis ish Campaign, with headquarters in Pi Tau Pi Fraternity Makes Reserv- All subscriptions -to The Jewish. Dr. Daid Philipson of Cincinnati, .Grill. Again and again the 300 that New York. Henr^ jlonsky was chairPress are .due now. The, renemal vras chairman of the conference. The ations for Thirty Guests. [. ; • of old subscriptions will count the attended the debate were thrilled Jby man of the debated The timekeepers organizations represented at the conthe culture, erudition and oratory; of were MaXrFJroinfcjiiLiEbr the Affirmsame as new: suscriptions. ference were the "Union of American The reservations for the Highland both teams. This was the first inter- ative and Fred White for the NegaHebrew Congregations, the Central The contest wiff' close on FebCountry Club New Year's eve formal sectional debate by Jewish organi- tive. • , '.'-.' • *." - • the Conference of American Rabbis, the ^ . ?* Blackstone hotel ruary 15..1Q26. rT . zations held in the West. Precedmg^the^e^ate^ a dinner was "United Synagogue of America, the United to 250, according to . Among, the contestants already The question of debate was "Re- seryed'in thleJBraadeis^Grill to near- j : Independent Order B'nai B'rith, the i Abe Herzberg, chairman of the arentered are ,Miss- JGeone Novitsky, _ solved that religious instruction in ly one hundred _ "guests. , Included Union of.Orthodox Jewish Congrega* the' public schools with safeguards among - these ~wer,6 tiie members of rangements committee. About 'half a representative tff .-the Omaha Y, tions, the Rabbinical Assembly, the would be conducive to the moral the advisory' board." of~the ,Y. M. & of the number has been reached al- Miss Fannie Katelaan; representJewish Welfare Board, the Jewish welfare of the state." Philadelphia Y. W. H. A., the debating teams, and ready and the committee expects ±o ing Council/Siuffs^ . Miss Sylvia Cha-uteuqua- Society, the Intercollegiclose the reservation list within, a few upheld the Affirmative, being repre- the judges of-the" debate. Feldman, the-Auilelrang Club repate Menorsh, the National Federation ' .;• '. : sented by A. Allan Goodman, Leonard resentative, and Miss Mildred HarGflbert Jaffy 8jid his orchestra days. of Temple'Sisterhood, the National Orloff, and Elias Magil, speaking in entertained the Iruests during dinner Several large parties are being ris, the contestant entered by the Federation of Temple Brotherhoods, the order named, all University of with several numbers. Harry Eonono- planned, the largest being- that of Poali-Zionv ;'_the Women's League of the United Pennsylvania students. Omaha's team, -vitch, violinist" BOTonapanied by Albert Mr. and Mrs. Morris -Milder • for Synagogue and the Young People's WHO WILt -BE . OMAHA'S taking the Negative, was represented Finlcel, also : jgaw:8e^l»l musical twenty-six guests, most of them beLeague of "the United Synagogue. ing out-of-town guests in Omaha to HOST POPTTLAS GIRL? numbers.. '• .• •'•, <S^: ' • \:~; by iMorris Block, Sam Zacharia, Reports were submitted on the ae* attend the Stalmaster-Lapidus wetl:Ben l&ifliowsky,speaking in fhe.oraer. tivities at present carried on by ding. ' /".. ."•'; ;.-.:' . ".''"•'.. "; ]i"; naraed.. These young men; are 1», brin^ _ the. The ^Highland has the ^exclusive; use j student in Contact bF the top floor of the Blacksfone dent. When he»fmished his siatement The consensus of opinion was* i&at Jewish social and spiritual life. hotel this year. Music is to be 'fur-; he broke-dowtrittKi -wept. . Many, in Ben Kazibwsky starred foT Omaha, nisBed by Gilbert Jaffy (himself) arid the court roo[m_shejl.tears.. A sub-committee wnich was ST>-> while Leonard' Orloff carried the Isaac pointed, submitted the following reDuring the" time' when the jury was Philadelphia honors. Presentation and Kahn, age 67. piejaeer resident of a ten-piece orchestra, The supper. Charleston Exhibition one of Feature solution to the conference: ''Eesolvpd,, out, -the- ceurt-building was under JAKE MAI*ASHOCK delivery were the chief factors in Omaha, who died suddenly Saturday concert is "to start at 10:30 pi m Entertainment. giaard of the 'police.- An order issued last Thursday evening, December 10, that the sub-committee suggest to thft the power of the Philadelphia team, evening, were" held 'Tuesday after- Dinner is to be served at 11 a. m. the" Wojewadar governor of Lem- at the Jewish Community Center. Mr. general conference the adoption of while arraignment of argument and noon at 3 from the HoffmpnrCrosby and dancing is to start at midnight, _ . . -. , > . .. . by the The largest social event this season ;,berg, .prohibited • >-t-1 i- the IT. .holding i_ -. JJ. de, William Altierts was the of- a policy of cooperation among all the effectiveness in rebuttal was the bul. „ , : , , , , • .-••.i of club is planning a novel feature •will funeral home.>BaJjbi-^Frederick Cohn, I ill be the annual dance to be given 1. /• ~ ; " T . ., monstrataons.-for.. or against the wark of the Omaha debaters. ' by the B'nai Brith this Sunday eve- monstrataonsfor or against the fice of vice-president; Mr. Isadore Jewish organizations interested in conducted the services. Internment BS he year is welcomed in. -of-Steiger. The jury waB Abramson was unanimously elected work among Jewish students at thr Philadelphia's chief argument was was held at the Pleasant Hfll CemeMembers of the club are permitted ning,' December 27, at the Fontenelle J d I ^ e d . , a s to the verdict; secretary, and was given a vote of universities. • that the home and church have failed t e r y . . to invite one local couple. The num- Hotel ballroom. •• : eight "replied ""ii6'* to the three ques- thanks by the organization for the "Be it further resolved, that thft in imparting religious instruction to Mr. Kahn who-iwaaB resident of ber. of invitations to out-of-town The committee in charge.has worktions. _o.f _Presiding. Judge Franke, good work he accomplished during' sub-committee recommend to thff the youth and as a result the coun- Omaha for more* fean- forty years, guests is not limited. f : ed harder than ever this year in while four were inclined, to bring a try was suffering from moral" in- was president 6$ "tE| iMegeath StationThe Pi Tau Pi fraternity has re- formulating plans to make this event verdict of-guilty, it.was learned. The the.past term. Mr. Harry Friedman general conference the creation of » stability. Since the church and home ery Company,*, '3$&.. died f.suddenly served a table for thirty-guests; who will again serve in the office of treas-' permanent national commission nr* had failed it was necessary to impart Saturday evening- in an ambulance will remain over from the; annual one of the best and biggest affairs summing up--by ^Presiding Judge urer; Dr. A. Steinberg was elected j Jewish .work, at the colleges, the saw* religious instruction in the public enroute to the Swedish Mission Hos- convention to be held here next week. ever given by the Omaha Lodge No. Franke • lasted' for- tiiree hours. guardian; Mr. Harry Robinson, ward- j to be composed of representative?; o* 354. Steiger'was^courageous during the en; and trustees will be Alex Frank,: all the Jewish organizations schools. They made most of the ar- pital,^tjack of ^apoplexy. Highland members-who_have. algument that it was not necessary for He was stricken W " a street car as ready made reservations are.the.-fol- They have secured Gilbert JafEe and last hours: of the "trial. His whole Robert H. Kooper, and Louis Simon. ed in this work at the universities-them to give a plan and to present he was about;to,"ge{.'off near his home lowing: Dr. A. GreenbergV:" Harry his Orchestra to furnish the music family -was- present. ..When the verThe following men were elected among Jewish students and that the safeguards. They stated that the at 2015 Sherman Avenue. ~ Two pas- Trustin, David Sher, Lester-Slosburg, A Charleston exhibition is to be one dict was -pronounced, Steiger's mother delegates of the local Lodge to the details dealing with methods, etc., te question took it for granted that sengers helped Mfflbfrpm J;he car to rf ^ f e a t u r e e v e n t s o f fte e v e n k s . f a i n t e d > next annual B'nai B'rith convention: worked out later." safeguards would be included in their the Spellman drugr' store, where Dr. Sidney Marley, Al 'Mayer, 'Milton The large Fontenelle- ballroom will I Upon nis release" Stanislaw Steiger j Irvin Stalmaster, Harry Trustin, resolution of the sub-coramUt-?* surrounded _ by crowds who Harry Lapidus, Harry Silverman, j ^gTlieuhanimousfy plan whatever those safeguards would BJchard Brady w^§ called; He was Livingston, Morris Milder* Sam "Herz- be'specially-decorated-for this ocadopted with «:>»*• v berg, Paul Schaye, -Herbert Heaven- casion. cheered andapplauded him and his be. ordered to the hospital. • : Harry Malashock, Dave Greenberg,! addition that " 1 . It should be rich, Mose Herzberg, -' Harry- 'Eula-j Messrs. Abner Kairaan, Jack Al- counsel., "He rode • to his parents* Dr. A. Greenberg, Abner Kaimen, Sam f unc tion of such a national The Omaha team insisted that the Mr. Kahn was prominent here. He kofsky, Lester Harry Trustin, chairman, house. • j " Affirmative make clear what the was secretary t>f the Wise Memorial Dr. B. T. Friedman^ Beber, and Nathan Bernstein. Kion t 0 ascertain the needs of J e w i ^ and they will be ' was not disturbed i .the' safeguards would be in teaching re- Hospital since its organization twen- Abe Herzberg, Phil Yousero,JSatfcan the the committee, Announcement of committees of the students and opportunities for JewiKli ^ ., # j . Malashock, Dr. A. in spite of'the fact that anti-Semitie ligion in the.public schools. Their ar- ty years ago. He was also a member Green, Carl Katleman,~Ben-Sbefler, ; aGsrsei es nt ebde r g JJ,.. ^ Steinberg, and L organization^ ..-issued proclamations organization will be made by the wo - r fc- m AmericaTi universities; 2. T<* gument war that religious instruction of the Chamber, of. Commerce. . Manuel Handler, Ed Treller Jacob ° , = > . . . • . . . . . . • president in the next issue of The ' inaugurate,, conduct and corci*.f* threatening^disorders- if Steiger were Jewish Press. in the public schools was fraught with Mr. Kahn is survived by his wife, Jacobs Harry Malashock, and Morris Abrahamson. Jewish activities at the various uni"This is one time in the .year when acquitted." ~ _' . " " . " ' the greatest danger to American two daughters, MrsV Samuel Alperson, Ferer. versities according to existing n?pri«!: B'nai Brith meet each other in any-, in the "evening; Steiger was the ideals of freedom of conscience .and of this city, and Miss Mabel Kahn, 3. To see to it that in all such »«~-thing but a serious mood, and I.urge guest of.honor'jat a banquet given by the constitutional guarantees of the who has been living in Delhi, India, tivities as 'it' may institute or upon all the brothers , and their the represeptativ-esof the Jewish absolute separation of Church and for. five years with Mrs. K. D. duct, all the interests cf the friends to turn out for the finest afpress "in"~Polajjd' arid foreign" corState. The Negative contended that Shasfati, an "adopted daughter of the group*; of Jewish students shaH fair ever given by this lodge. This respondents 'who attended the trial. they had no argument against religi- Kahns, a brother," "Myron ^ahn, and carefuly safeguarded and their is an invitation to all Omaha Jewry,", Many"_ messages;.; of congratulations ous instruction, but that it had no a Bister, Mrs* "Ba'rb'ara Levy, of New met insofar as it is in the power Max Gsrot To Head Local i were receivedSrbfn. Jewish newspaper says Mr. Trustin. "place in tax-supported state institu- York City. • -" Conclave to be held here "December J the-commission BO to do." .. • Vofficesin.-Polandand the Western tions, such as the public schools are. Organization r 27—SO. V .- .-: • Th^s resolution •will be sent to !»* European* countries. Judges of the debate were Judge various orgEnizatioiss represented *4 Joe Himelgt&ii'fo Leave for Additional 100%_«Pledges Steiger w^s i|rre«ted at three o'clock Max Givot was elected Alepli More than seventy-five delegates Extensile Buying Trip of the Pi Tau Pi will;arrive_ §unday • to the Community Center in the afternoon- on September 5,1924, Godol of the local chapter of the A. the conference for approval. The conference also adopted «. ?i*Arthur' Asher followingla,panic which occurred in Z. A. at a meeting held Sundaj-, DecMr. Joseph Hizsslstein, proprietor morning, December 27, ta attend the J. Berkovitz solution to send a message to Locies Marjacki-Square-when a bomb was ember 20. Mr. Givot is a student ofMrs. N. Greenberg of the Rialto- Music Shop, is leaving national conclave to be held here, for L. Littauer,expressing apprecii»i>«a hurled at'thejcarrlage of the president the School of Pharmacy at Creighton J. E. Kuklin Pittsburgh, Pa:, three days beginning Sunday. These who was- visitang-Lemberg, The bomb University. He was formerly Aleph and congratulations upon his fc«vi«£ Mr. Irvin Gerdy, of Minneapolis, about January 15,'for v A. Moskovitz . delegates will represent thirty H. Osoff Minn., is in Omaha this week as a and New York, on an extensive buy- chapters of the National or/Ier,, ; f caused no : Steiger was arrested Mazkir of the club, of which he has established the Nathan Littauer r-huit ing trip. . j H. Kadkevitz on the basis'of what perparted to be been an active member. Other of- ©: Jewish literature and representative of the drive for Mr. Leslie Bnrkenroad,-local chairHarry Segall The Rialto -Music. Shop have a the observatipn,J?f:Mlle. Pasternak, a ficers elected are the following: Louis at Harraril TJnivvrsity. $f5,000,000 of the United Jewish Joe Sherman man of the conclave,; and hag variety of specialties, the most pracPolish yaudefaiejactress, who declared Lipp, Aleph Gisbor; Marion Graetz; Campaign headed by David A, Brown, Among the delegates attending i ^ Tobie Steinberg that shecpuis identify Steiger as the Aleph Senior Shotare.; Harrj- Ruben- conference are: Dr.'H. G. Enelow••«£•{ to confer with Omaha Jewish Leaders tical for wedding %ii%S and furnishings tee have practically completed all Harrv and William Weiner one who teresr the bomb and fled. She stein, Aleph Junior Shotare; Leon' Mew York, Mrs. Maurice Steinfel& Dr. M. G. Wohl regarding the drive for Nebraska's for the home^ such~as bridge and floor plans for affairs, to be given. They lamps, pictures displaying the most Sam Zlegman stated that the one who threw the Mandelson, Aleph Shofer; Jerome St. Louis, Dr, Felix A. Levy quota, which will begin about Fe- popular scenes;. Venetian mirrors, and have chosen the Fontenelle Hotel for the conclave headquarters, the -Blackbomb wore- .American eye glasses and Diamond, Aelph KcKen Godol. bruary L Chicago, Dr. Jacob Kohn of an assortment of Russian and Arabian stone Hotel for the Conclave ^banquet a. grey.rain-coat,similar to that whica An A. Z. A. smoser was held York, Mrs. Joseph Herman of During his visit here, Mr. Gerdy metals, smoking- &tsj. card receivers, on Sunday evening, and the;Omaha Steiger were*~ - •» Thursday evening at the Jewish Com- Mrs. Herbert • S. Goldstein of bitmc. was one of the Judges in the debate florentien pottery*:. ::and the very Athletic Club for the Conclave- ball city for the next conclave. Mr. Ralph Cohn is president of the The arrest of Stanislaw Steiger was munity Center to honor of Philip York, Dr, Louis Mann of between the Omaha Y. M. H. A. and newest in colored tglass. on Tuesday evening, Deceiaber 29. Sigma Eho, the local chapter. Officers considered by*'tfae Polish anti-Semitic IQutzkin, of the University of Nebthe Philadelphia Y Team. They have a. complete line of radios, The entertainment on of the national order are: Mr. I. Ed- press as Si basis*on which to conduct raska, the Grand Aleph Godol. As a Mrs. Sarniel Spieg«} : specializing in Bruft5wick and Senora ing will be a carnival'at the* Peony ward Tonkon, of Houston, Tes^, anti-J«wis?j; gr^pag-anda against the feature of the entertainment, Stanley Professor Katfcan Issacs of Zionist Meeting January 5 llWS.j Dr. Aferam Simws the-latter^on first prize in Park Pavilon, which has been-named president; Mr. Eugene L» Lerner, of Jewish citizens: of Poland, accusing at Jewish Community Center Eadiolas, F. Levin and J. Melvin Levin gave a Washington:and Rabbi'George Sfe a California exhibition last year. Pi Tau Pi Palace for. the conclave. Memphis; Tenn., vice-presidentj- Mr. them of "^disloyalty- to the Polish Refive round boxing exhibition, in the < A program is being prepared by "We ask you to-tisit our store for The dosutg': .events-*-bf. the conclave Alfred S. Mayer, Omaha, secretary; public. r "'*•*y.~,'. form of a grudge battle. A mock] the local Zionist organization for its the selection of. gifts ior the bride. will be an Orpheum Mr. Max Good, treasurer; Mr. Forrest On September 13 a court martial court scene was -also presented, in' Don't rolse the B'nai B'rith nest meeting to be held Tuesday eve- To shop at the Rialto .Music Shop to be-followed by s midnight "frolic Berg, Junior Counsellor; Hoy G. tried Steiger on the charge of at- which ""Miss" MIkfc Freeman sued dance December 27 at th,e F«mtcB«ii«ning, January 5. Further announce- means getting quality for the most at the Fontenelle Hotel.'I •'-" T Rosenthal, of Seattle, Wash., editor tempted 'assassination and the penalty Sam Bender for breach *>f promise. Hotel MUrmvu Gilbert JatyV, «;> 1 tent will be given in the next issue reasonable price."" -i. Of importance at the business of the- Pitaupian magazine, and Mr. of ^eath-wis is view. Because the David Beber was "persecuting ' st*or- chestta w$S play,—AdT f the Press, according to Mr. Feldmeetings will be the election «f" of- Albert Auer, of SL Louis, Mo^ na- court could not reach a unanimous ney and Morris Atperin and Lonis J ' aim, chairman of the local branch.. PATSQNIZfi ^attornevs fox tn« defense, -PATBKJNI25E OtJR ficers for "1926 and the selfietu>n-«£ a tional historiap -/Continued on page 2.)
Reservations Bfing MadejFpr Hi^Jand New Year's Party
Sunday Erening at FoUeoeQe
Delegates to Arrive Sunday for Pi Ta^Pi C 3
David A. Brown Representative in Omaha This Week
Cupferepce;of g
Jerusalem.—T demand, to prohibit Jewish manifestations on the day when the King's colors will be deposited, was. made in the memorandum submitted by the Palestine Arab Question of Religious Educa* Jewish Youth-J\ T ot Guilty ©f Executive to the High Commissioner,' tiorsai Work Among Jewish ^Throwing Bomb at Polish Lord Plumer. Steiessts in Uiuversities ,d * : President The memorandum threatens trouble Discussion. -1 r if the manifestations are not proSTEIGEIl'S MOTHER hibited. DR. DAH> PHILIPSON, OF
No time is being snared this week by contestants In The Jewish Press Popularity'Contest, who are combing - the city ia order, to speed up their votes. • Friends of these contestants are co-operating with them to help them win the prizes offered in this contest. . • A trip, to Europe is the first prize offered in this contest, which is the largest ever launched, in the city. Two other valuable prizes are offered to. the winners of,the second and third prize. .
Aiepli Zadik Alepl Elected
Our Sporting Column
. Published etery Thursday at Omaha, Nebraska, by-
.THE JEWISH.PBESS PUBLISHING COMPANY Office: 490 Brandeis theatre Building'— Telephone: ATlanticl450.' KATHAlft E. GREEN, Mana"ge< . * ' Subscription Price, one year-.Advertising rates furnished on application. -OHANQ& OS-ADDBBSS—fl«a'«i> give both the old and new address; be sure and give your name.
Th& Jewish Press iasupplied by the Jewish Tele^phic Agency (Jewish Correspondence Bureau) vrith cabled and telegraphid Jeifrfidi news, In addition to feature articles and correspondences from all important Jewish centers. Inquiries; regarding: news Items credited to this Agency w#] be gladly answered if addressed to Jewish Telegraphic Agency, ,621 Broadway, New
. *WB qtight q g to have, no prejudice p j u d c e again»^an^ienibecausehe a l h Th t d d which h i h we apply to ottr inhabitants is is an an alieh. The standard that of manhood, not, place of birth. Restrictive Immigration is
provides good and healthy-conversation topics at the Y. M; H. A/s *nd other sporting dubs/' . . - -. We had better stop for Mr. Schwartz makes us blush.- "• -
(Continued from j a g e .1.) decisioti within twenty-four hours, as the law requires, the case was transferred to the district court.. Wifenesses in the district court testified that on. the day oi the court martial the Lemberg officials had .prepared a coffin for Steiger's burial. The trial in the district court began .on October 12, 1925. The trial took a new turn following a confession made to the Berlin police authorities by, Theophile Olshanski, a Ukrainian, nationalist, revolutionary who declared Issue Monthly Publication that-he threw the bomb at the Polish president on behalf of the Ukrainian Harry Hv Rubeti^tein has been military organization, a secret body chosen editor of' "The Shofer", the in Eastern Galicia which is opposed official organ of order of Aleph Zadik thfi-Eolish regime in that territory Aleph. Mr. Rubenstein is a senior at which was given to Poland under a Central High School, having been aptwenty-five year mandater by a deci- pointed business manager of the Register and advertising manager of the sion of the League of Nations. • Vienna,. <J. T< A.)—rThe news of "O Book"; He has also had the disthe aquittal of Stanislaw Steiger was tinction of having one of his articles received by the of appear in December's" "National Vienna • with . great satisfaction. Broadcaster," Canadian magazine. He Crowds assembled around the long 3s :the son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles distance telephone and telegraph sta-
, {Copynsht ynsht lUia by Seven Art* Fat SrtiU Feature
Additional members of the staff in tions, awaiting details of the trial. Many' messages,, of jeongratuiation| elude the following^Assistant Editors, we're despatchecbfe* Eembefg, lnclud-i Lester Lapidiis, of Lincoln, and ing one from ttie Jewish High School Charles-Shane; of Dea Moines; Art Committee, of J which Steiger was a Editor, Louis Lipp, of Omaha; Circti^ation Manager, Max Girot, of .Omamember whenjie lived in Vienna. ha; and Associate Editors, Stanley The news of the acquittal of Stanis- F. Levin, of Omaha, Harry Kanevsky, law Steiger was received in New York of St. Paul, Philip Wasserman, of City by urgent cable to the Jewish Grand Rapids, Herman Bronnstein, of Telegraphic Agency Thursday 11 A. Minot, Benny Salinsky, of Sheboygan, M. "The Day^-and the ;<fJewish Daily Sam S. Rubinson, of Des Moines, Jake Forward" tiubHslietf extra editions. . Finkelstein, of Lincoln, Isaac Ravinowitz, of Kansas City, and Meyer L. Rutz, of Fargo, N. D. Aleph Zadik Aleph to . The first edition will be issued next month. >
After Fifteen Months' Imprisonment
HAVE WE ERRED? Sam O. Smith, physical direct6r of the '" Bjston Young Men's Hebrew Association writes us: "I note that in your column1 you say -that you don't Know of there being a Jewish wrestling" chanipion.' For your infbrmationi if you will allow "me: 'MaxSudberg, of Rochester, IN. Y4f middleweight champ of the •woldt 1900-T-1906. A wrestler who was recognized as one of the roughest, toughest, fastest!, cleverest men that ever stepped on a mat. Met and defeated all comers and gave over 50 pounds in weight many times, in order to get matches.; He, is now .retired and living somewherein Pennsylvania. * We also', have many champs, and near champs,; at the, present time, •foremost among them, Max and William Bauman, better known as Max ^and Wm. Sandow, mangers of six of •the. -foremost heavyweight - wrestlers <jn the- world, and the brains of the "so-called wrestling: trust. . William Bauman, or. Sandow, was ^formerly' welterweight champion of ; America.^ >- ' •' We are indeed tiknkful to Mr. Smith for his information. It is new -and interesting to us. But we admit •that we are note 'quite convinced that 'littdbergi whose if airie does' not belong .to this •generation, ;or the Bauman brothers, whose chief claim to glory seems tp 1 lie in ithefr. business ability, disproves our statement, fin Mr. Smith. would volunteer -to name the m.uny champs and; near champs We have at the present time, we would 'acknowledge/our error.
Joe Wilkoff of Pittsburgh writes: "I would to notice the fact that the star guaiti of the Elwood City High School team—Western Pennsylvania champs for 1925—is none other than Arthur Appelbaum, a Jewish boy, ^Appele" has been varsity guard on the Team for the last three years and is the "life" of the Elwood team,! Appelbaum has also been picked as the all-scholastic guard- of the Western Pennsylvania Inter-scholastic Athletic League".
A CURIOUS INCIDENT A Berlin friefid calls our attention
* ' •
* -
Poali-Zion Biblical Ball January 3rd at Kelpine's
to a strange happening at a boxing to a large .degree fo_r.eoonomic^purpQsej5. ^ applied'ia order Plans are being completed for the affair- in Berlim- Two-featherweights that we. may not have a .larger 1lannual increment of good people had been mixing it up in rather lively biblical masquerade ball to be given within our borders than we can weave into our economic fabric -style. The contest, wa& very close to by the Poali-Zion dramatic section on in such way as to supply their heeds without undue injury to the fourth round, when one of the Sunday evening, January 8, at Kellittle fellows cornered his opponent ourselves:" • pine's dancing academy. and battered him down and out in a This, passage forms the concluding portion of that section Cash prizes will be awarded for the sudden and effective spurt. The reof President Coolidge's recent message to ; Congress, which deals feree walked-overiio the.victor and most original biblical costumes. Prowith- the subject of immigration and with the existing immigralifted his arm in acknowledgement of ceeds will go towards the Palestine tion law'regarded by" the" President as & generally .beneficial the victory, while the? announcer made Workers' fund and the Book Camknown that Alfred" "Cohen'"had won measure. . - -_ , ;" • , paign. by a knock-out. Th>rpublic started to ; Millions of citiidns who heartily, concuy ;ib_jthe t ^ applaud when : someone shouted; eclaration that Americans ought to hiave no prejudi declaration prejudice against "Raus nut denJuden". The audience iliiniiiiiiulliiuiiiuniiuiiiiiiuiiiiiiiuiUHiinnniiiiNiiuiiiniiiiiiiiinuNfiJiniiJinjiiJiiiHiiiuiiniiiitiniiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiniiiiiuint an*Iien pecause he i s an alien stress the further principle* that stopped short and began to hiss the brave little fighter, who had apthere should be no discrimination in the admission of immigrants., pearently committed a terrible breach based upon racial or:national lines. .>. of etiquette. He , had forgotten to .There should pe no prejudice against refugees. .se,eljing change" his name t o ' a good old admission* that are-based upon the slandrous contention "that Teutonic appelatiohi- So he had to I suffer., .. •;.-!.••' ,..'-. ; .,. immigrants who are' not of Nordic lineage cannot grasp the edeals of freedom which Washington and Lincoln :bequeathed t6 The same corjjespqnd.ent, writes,Us that several boxing .promoters are inthe Nation. " " * sisting that Jewish' boys adopt "Restrictive immigration,*' President Coolidge.declares in his pseudonyms in-order to avoid mch message, "is to a large degree "for economic purposes. incidents. Well—does that need any comment?, ..-.What economic needs dictate a restrictive immigration policy that discriminates against European peoples of Slavic, Latin and : NOT BOXING— TIIE WAY.. Hebrew" origins? ' Lester K. (Frenchy) Hanf, the Lester E. (Frenchy) Hanf, "We ought to have no prejudice against an alien because he Brooklyn Jewish lad, who made foot-BUT ball history for th R t e t is an alien." .ball history for the Rutgers team? J E W I S H H E R I T A G E So closely interwoven with this American principler'cpnclsely V. Blake, - writes from set forth by the President, is,the equally fundamental American about "Mushy, the c doctrine which opposes, prejudices based upon racial or national been ""™T° the most valuable w'"*" h iie he is generally rated a lines, that the two are almost indistinguishable. weight, c a n ' ^ r d i r i a k e; better been elected Captain for next 138•Americans who voiced emphatic protest against racial dispounds and must soon declare on. Hanf must have felt as proud criminatipn while the immigration bill was pending'in' 1924 drew fca Grange> when the red Iceman got as a welterweight. He will be heard of in that division. He is not only A upon both doctrines'for authority anh inspiration. fcls $300,000 for a movie,/contract. ptincher his K. O." over Moran inIt was their hope that in all things, including consideration of ,- Miss ,:Helen :WHls,: the American dicated) (as and a boxeri but is also a tennis wizzard, is going to Europe immigration and the immigrant, both doctrines would be regarded this winter,in an attempt to dethrone good ring general.. He knows when as inviolate. ' ' • ' ' our Suzanne Lenelen. Will the Jewish to punch and when'to get away. His "The standards which we apply to our inhabitants," the #ifl withstand the Californian bliz- straight left is excellent and he does not get hit much. This may seem be- _ aard? • President, points auk "is that of manhood, not plaee\of birth. by his flattened; nose, but he re- •= A law which applied that same standard-to the .immigrant - Joseph;''Chick" Talk, sporting edit- lied ceived.that playing, ,baseball. .He was' 5 " es lists chasing a high fijr" one day and— "Would'comform in every particular, with the fundamental Ameri- or of thfe Baltimore Jewish Times O t h th M h i f football the canism concisely the President. . a "ManhoodVndtT»lacfe of birth" is,the American standard. "knew that Oosterbean was a i Blake, why mob explain CalAn immigration quota system which grants three-fifths of Jew Tind don't know it yet. yet. it 31OW It It would WOUld lahaii's T1OSI» m a cimnlpr wn-wf^ TV.* = the total allotment for all nations to Great Britain and Germany indicates a radicalr departure front that doctrim 'Place <rf b«pth an*racial origin .are^thB^scwa _.„..__ • " If Y'6mvitfaWSchaefeC;^ restrictive- system which perirdts^hostS'^^b^dte iih: ; EMIGRATION F to continue to pour into this land and, redue«s the y yearly - B e M POLAND y qquotas 3ew. « t h ^ ^ ^ f f i a i ^ S n ^ .i noteVeri on^-half of one percent for*. lands removed from the. hi Nordic zones to a Jewish blood. Yes, he is * very fine POLISH POST few scattered thousands. fellow*. . • J ^Manhood, not place of birth. , Johnny Brown, the little Jewish Warsaw, (Jewish Teleg. Agency.) •Never wad the gist of American teaching more plainly set fighting machine: from- England is All emigration fr^pa Poland to the forth than in these five words, which are included in the Presi- arousing a lot of attention here. The United States of America will in experts predict that he .will make dent's message. • _ .->--good because he has a.real lighting fyture . have;" to go* Ifirough Gdynia, Because it strikes at that fundamental American principle, the hears. tf»e iiew Polish porfcbujlt near Danzig, ~~ * ' •" " immigration ---—•— — migration law is in need of immediate and drastic Miffa. }Veional S 5 5 t 3 ^ & £ ! i f f i ? ; according to a bill passed by the -
Starting Saturday,Dec. 26th 30th SemiAnnual
Half-Price Clearance of entire winter stocks of Womens-Misses -Girls
Goats*Dresses An opportunity> to enjoy genuine savings of one halt on garments of finest quality and unquestioned style.
Human equality, not racial or, creedal distinctions or dis-Uu he is 24 years old. Figure it out Polish parliament yesterday.
crimination. Manhqod, not place of birth .The immigration law, because of its opposition to that doctrine, does not measure up to the standards of American teaching. It floes not meet the American test.- -"Independent," •o-t*
Unique Celebration of Chanuka Marked by Maccabean Spirit : Children at National Jewish Hospital Bring Inspiration to Pitients Denver, Col. (Special Correspond- with th«i disease, were, ^ith the ft ence.)—ThQ past week -witnessed the pott of the Jews of Ajnerka^ through ^celebration, in song and pageant, of tV~ National Jewish Hospital, win-' the'festival'of ChanukaVhy countout. less thousands of groups'of children In English and»in-Hebrew the cen^everywhere. But' rarely has the in- turies-old story was told and the, •BpiringstoFy, of Jewish courage and Chanukah songs were' sung by childdevotion b^en told by a' more unique ren who had come from all parts of group noc to a znor^ enthralled the country; brought to Denver by ---- audience than at the commemoration a common need, "finding at .the Naof ^ie Feast of lights at'the National tional Jewis^Hospftaft. thetopportunJewish Hospital here lagt Sunday ity for health and happiness they evening. , could not have elsewherS. For the, Jvfdas Maccabeas and his brothers^ children's ' service. lotX the National Maitathiaa, their courageous father, 'Jewish 'Hospital in unique—there id1 HainaH, npble mother in Israel and none just like it in the entire country. her, seven stalwart sons, all lived ' Adult patients of the Hospital, all again through the acting of3 children those who could leave their rooms, Vwho themselves exemplified the true formed the audience. They too had Maccabean - spirit—the will to carry come from all parta of tho land to forward thje faith of the Jew and this great Home of Healing—the first free Hoipltal in America for the na' Judaism. ' . . . Jip told by the children-patients of tional care of-sufferers from tuberli Many " creed* and diveno thtr-Hofheiper PreVentorjum of the National-Jewish HospiUl the Story ot f«ith* were - wpre<wnt«<l—for the ' •' -Jewish trial" and. xenewftd, faith in Hospital i» alt, Jewish* idealism to all who beard it, U - - For., these ^aterpretors of the Chanubeautiful ta)s and ' Ttali *iory .and" their audience had valor and " thexnBAlve? been beset by' mortal -' . p6nl,!-«nd with the h.eep Vf J«ws in : - xll" ti»f lapd, were > conquering1, w>d tfat mods un4 iictoBious.' • . mi . ll/>-. Antipchus Epiphanes m --,,thoge who'foregathered piihe * ^B|l4|^th&KLationaI tj»_c«leb»te g monarch . endangered the trm end the inen 80 k morS infildfous* a more first all. of f uge and of hope t# ftws* n prediaposed to tu- by'mortal foe, 1%# '
for -yourselves as to he started to use the gloves. g tour 1925 subscription to t h e JewThe head of ;the Si;. Louis Y. $£ H. ish Press is due now. Please ntall A; football coaching staff;, is none it in. .„ t>ther than FtaiiktSlick. Glick was the captain of the Princeton team ifr 1915. No wonder; th« Sti. Louis.boys '•won 7 gjames out of, 9 this season.
Why Worry About
Your A
"' Sonie time ago we put the following blunt question to our readers: "Are you satiesfied with our Sporting CoTumnrias-Jt is5.<?pndu<tedi;" We received, many answers" and the consensus of "opinion was that we should. not.change:purp6ficyi-'The letter from -JSCr. Schwartz is -a.'.typical one: 1 "At first a Jewish sporting column struck me as anything but a serious undertaking. Why;;&Jipuld there be a Jewish sporting : "column. Sport is international/ and ^3rely never Jewish, it seemed to. me;.':But-after reading your column week aftervweek, and-al-' .ways, finding fresh information vandentertaining comment:" I reversed my opinion. My.younger:wother, who is an expert reader'of tne^aily sporting page Of the 'Aoierilan^M'&itfilfor yppr column with'still "mor,« .interest. r I t Hiakesv hint", fejelr proud .»£ his Jewieh-
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; *nd Uum Sara Levy, chairGROVER M. MOSCOWITZ Auflebung Club man of music. APPOINTED FEDERAL Annual Officers Sunday Installation of these officers will be JUDCE IN BROOKLYN
Washington, —(J. T. 'A.)-^Grover Theone coming weekOn promises busy socially. the Hto be a most elaborate party, the Conclave M. Moscowitz of Brooklyn was apBall, at tha Hotel Fontenelle. The of Saturday, December 2$Mrs.i-Ai ig jparty to be given by the pointed Federal District Judge of the H. Brodkey and Miss Reva; Kulakofs* fraternity wil! b* tun Grpheum party Eastern New York District. He sucky will honor Miss Estelle Lapidus at followed by a dance at the Athletic ceeds Judge E. L. Garvin, who rea tea. at their home. On Saturday Club on Wednesday, December SO. On signed two months ago. The successful evening, Mesd&mes William and Mor- Kew Tear's _Eve the members of the candidate was chosen from about ris Milder will entertain at a dinner- Highland Country Club and their eighteen Aspirants. He was endorsed dance at the Brandeis Restaurant, guests will be entertained at a party by many. also to honor Miss Lapidus. Oil Sun- at the Blacfcstone. Many reserva- Judge Mo&cowitss, who for many day afternoon, December 27, the Pi tions hare been received up to date years served as Special Deputy State Tau l?i Fraternity will entertain at and a large attendance is expected. Attorney General in tha investigation ENGAGEMENTS their initial affair, a reception, at the Members of Hie Compeers, a social of election frauds in Brooklyn, was GREEN.KULAKOFSKY Mr. and Mrs. A. !P. Goldware an- Fontenelle. That night the B'nai organisation composed of young men, born in Hot Springs, Ark. He came Mr, and Mrs. A. I. KuJakofsky an- nounce the engagement of their Brith will give their annual dance »t East twenty-two years ago, was gradnounce the marriage of their daugh- daughter, Anne, to Mr. Sam Yoiisem, the Fontelle with Jaffy's Music, Elab- •will be hosts at a New Year's Eve uated from the New York UUniverparty at Mary Cooper's Studio for ter, Bunny, to Mr. Nathan E. <3reen, of this city. No wedding date has orate plans have been completed by forty guests. The Honoh Club, a sity law school in 1906 and was adson: of Mr; and Mrs. Meyer Green, been set. the committee in charge. On the same Central High School fraternity, will mitted to the bar the following year. took place on Sunday, Decemnight, guests of the Pi Tau VV& will He is- thirty-nine years old. Miss Rutti Ziev was hostts^ at her be entertained at a dance .*t the entertain, Saturday evening, January ber 20. The marriage was performed 2, at an Initiation banquet and smokin Kansas City at the home.of the home on Tuesday afternoon- at a Blaekatone Hotel with Randall's Or- er at the Hotel Fontenelle. Two new AMERICAN EXPIDITION WILL brides uncle, Rabbi Herman Coin, Mah Jongg piirty for the younger chestra. On the following afternoon, members will be formally initiated to SEEK RECORDS OF FIRST who officiated. Mr. and Mrs. Green school set. December 28, a mah Jongg luncheon the fraternity, which is very active. PALESTINE CONQUEST are now on their wedding trip and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Nathan and will be given by the fraternity to • <will-ieturn to this cityabout January daagMer.rjeariette, and son, Leonard, St. Louis, —(J. T. A.)—Records of honor the Visiting girls at the Back- TWO OMAHA B R I D E S the of Palestine by Joshua •X; to -make their home h^re. left Tuesday-for Chicago, Illinois, to HONORED AT ONE O'CLOCK Ben conquest Hotel. Peony Park, or'the Nun, pupil of Moses and the first -f OmahanB .who .were present at the visit with Telativfts,s LtJNCHEON ON SATURDAY commander of the Israelites, as well ," will be the scene of the jceremony were Mr. A. L Kblakofskyi Carnival Ball given by the fraternity as Of the life and law* of Moses will father-of the brides Mr. and Mrs. M. David Sher,.a student at the UniMiss Gertrude . Tatle was hostess be sought next Spring in Palestine grandparente Of the versity .of Nebraska, is visting with on Monday night The party promises - . . „t v h to bo one off the h most original i i l ever #;.<**.«* * loveliest parties to be by Dr. Melvin. Grove Kyle, President bride, and Mf.and ; Mrs. Meyer Green, his paWnte, Dr. and Mrs. Philip gher. staged by the organization. On Tues ? Tues- i ?*«* .&*» winter on Saturday noon of the Xenia Theological Seminary, parents of the groom. December 29, M MissE Es-' *t the Brande^ Tea Room. She had and other research workers, Dr. Ityle b 29 Marvin Treller^ will arrive from day evening, D * $ * girls as her gueste to announced here yesterday. New York on Monday to visit with telle Lapidua will become the bride , h«f t % — /-• KIPNESfLMtP l or M of Mivlrvia Stalmaster at «a» of t h e ' l « * Nathan E. Green, » * » « > ••«- Mr* arid Mrs. J. Karp,, of Bock Is* his parents, Mr. arid Mrs. Ed Treller, The explorers hope to locate and largest weddings ever to be given in ly Miss Bunny Kukkofsky, and Miss land, Illinois, announce the marriage over New Years. Mr. Tfeller is in g g h 58 116 unearth the lost "city of learning," Lapidus, who will be married M h d d I ** Lapidus the city. More than seven hundred I p ;of .--their daughter, Bertha, of this the millinery business in the east. Kiryath Sefer, which, the Bible Reinvitations h have been andd h the °P Tuesday evening. Th The guests were cords, was destroyed by Nebuchadb issued i «ity ? 't6 Mr. E, Kipnes; also of this Misses Sylvia Levey and Charlotte entire "tenth floor of the : Branded: *&ted at one large- tabletothe main •city;•" The ceremony was solemnized Hirschberg. are/leaving on the 30th has been leased for ; the evening. Both dining room of the Brandeis. Her nezzar 2,500 years ago, the town in in Omaha last Sunday. The couple they will spend 4CB Lapidus and Mr, Stalmasttr arc! « 1 « scheme, Wd and green, was care Debir, which Joshua took. I t had W making their home in Omaha for Chicago, B other names than the biblical one, New Year's Eve. Miss Hirschberg prominent in dub and social drcle*.!*^f ^ ^ j ? * ? f T * t at 70e North 18th street. Kiryath-Sefer, meaning "Book Town", decorations. plans to remain in Chicago indefinite- A number of out-of-town gueste wM ^ or a library town, according to Dr. i n *"»** VTCs". B. M. Ochtenberg and daugh- ly and Miss Levey will go on to Arrive iot the* marriage. Al*o on| **« Kyle. \ Miami and Cuba, where she wil be the 29th, the Pi Tau'B wfit stage their <&? ter,! Beatrice, and son, Irving, of Associated with Dr. Kyle will be two brides were presented with hand Kansas City, will arrive on Friday to the guest of he? sister, Miss Blanche Professor James L. Kelso of Xenia made French dolls, dressed in black . , • be .the guests of JMrs. Ochtenberg'a 'Levey... • ....T:;'v. •: . Maurice and Arthur Friedman ar- taffeta, and gold lace. Following the Seminary, Professor J. E. Wishart parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Robinson. Invitations have been-issued for a rived home Tuesday from Iowa City, luncheon, the guests were entertained of San Francisco and Dr. W. F. Albriant of the American School of tea to be given, by Mrs. A. H. Brpd- where they attend the University of v Mr, and Mrs. Ben Civin announce fcey and her sister, Miss Reva Kula^ Iowa, to spend their vacation with at Mah Jongg. Miss Lapidus has Oriental Research, Jerusalem. chosen Miss Tatle as her bridesmaid ihelbirth of a daughter on December kofsky, at their home on Saturday their parents, Mr. and Mrs.- Pilip for" her wedding to Mr. Irvin Stal19 at the Methodist Hospital.- Mrs. afternoon from S to 5 to[honor Miss Friedman. ; : master on Tuesday evening at the ISAAC FINEMAN, RUSSLAN ifeivin-. "was formerly Miss Rosella Estelle LapidugyjwnO-witf ^ married JEWISH JOURNALIST, DIES Srandeis Tea Room. Fingeret. next-Tuesday evening.-' Misa Kula* Mrs. Harry Krasne entertained her Moscow, Dec. 18—(J. T. A.)—-Isaac last Friday ANCIENT PROFESSION Fineman, well-known Russian Jewish Mr. and Mrs. John Feldman have I kofsky is isp'ending her vacation from Afternoon Bridge Club; = J\..'•./'-,• journalist, died here yesterday. as their guests Mr. Feldman's sisterjthe University of Michigan with her at her home. REVIVED IN HOLY LAND Mr, Fineman was for the past thirMrs'. P. Sherman, and sons of Boston, parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Kulakofsky. Miss Eudlce Ricliman arrived horn* ; "Stone-Cutters, Who Thrived During ty years a contributor to many RusMass., who plan to make their home Before her marriage Mrs. Brodkey Saturday evenings from Xincojn* Neb- Biblical Days, are again an essential JESB BernStse Kulakdfeky. . Itere.' .'",'" . "V 7-' * / „ - " " " • " • •*"•»•'•.».»»«.»imi't raska, /where she^atteftdi the Unl- factor in the building up of Palestine, the party who took by misSidney "Robinson antf infant • • - Mif;: andi^Ers. BfrMipiro entertain- Jwersity of Nebraska, ^to - spend two Photograph shows the stone-hewing take, one right ladies overshoe^, daughter, of Hill, Nebr., have ed at a dinner at their home on Sat* weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. of the Jewish Workmen's Or- size 6, and one right overshoe, size urday evening in honor of their son* returned to their home after visiting M. D. Rfchman. ' ganlntlon, which supported by the 4, Sunday night at the Gordon.Mrs. Robinson's mother, \ Mrs* Maurice^ and his fianeee^Miss Esther Palestine Foundation Fond, has been < Shyken reception at Council Bluffs;, Rosenberg, of Kansas City. •Ferery;,;";".;_.;. : ; : - s \ ' / , ; . ^ - - '•'"-' . "" About forty-relatives of Mr. and actively engaged in the modem de-J please call Atlantic 2129. We have ] Mrs. JSanv Rosenthal eurprised them velopment of the dties-of the country. taken by mistake.a;pair.of sise Sv .-.-Rosenberg accompanied- -h<* r ^ Rabbi F^derick Cofin wilt Bpeak"oii at their home Sunday evening, Decdaughter home. They stopped i n yiew of Jesus" a t ember 20, i n honor of their fifteenth, ujiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiinmiiHitiuiiiiniiiiitiiiiiiiiniiimiiiiiiiiiuiig sOmaha and visited. with-Mrs.• S. *'The /Robinson. • ...'... .;. Temple Israel on/Friday evening. On wedding anniversary. The evening Saturday morning his topic will be diversion was Bridge. /";'. Meet Your Friends at Dr. A. E. Harrison of Chicago Will "The Denouement," arrive; this week to visit -with her sisMr. and Mrs. D. Fox entertained _ Lester Eviaosburg is the guest of ter, "Mrs. J. Slosburg, Jr., and Mr^ their Evening Bridge their ] g ihis parents/ Mr. and Mrs. J. J. SlosSlosbttrg. : -home Tuesday. burg^ Mr. Slosburg is a junior at the -- - Mr. Harry Rothkop, of Corsican, •University of Michigan. _• . Texas," will arrive on-Friday to^be the Miss Ivy Cofea, ol Chicago* Illinois j ISuest of his uncle, Mr« Mendel 'Rothwill arrive on Sunday'morning to be kop; • ' --;.__;
the guest of Miss Reva ZievV Miss
Miss Anne Weiss will have as-her Colm will be wiaembered as a former gtieBt Miss Toots Agranoff, of Siou* City, who will arrive on Friday, to 1 A series of :Yanishing:« luncheons vislt-«ver the week-end. .iftfr. and Mw. Isadore Chapman returned Monday from a two weeks' •Weddiflg trip to Denver and : Colorado Springs. Mrs/ Chapman was formerly Miss'Gertrude Cherniak, of Council ^Bluffs. ;
will be given by the Daughters of The first of these series was Wednesday y afternoiai at the home of Mrs. J. Linsman. Mre. Linsman will also entertain at the second luncheon" to be given Monday at her
,i A -regular^ meeting of the Junior l)angniters of'^ion, sponsored by Miss Mina Freldman, was held Sunday, December 18. The public Is Invited to ^aiir open meeting and- • program planned for January S. Details; of the program will be given in next Omahans who will attend the wed* "Week's
•.••:'..•• Miss Rose Spring of St. Joe will ppepd New Years in Omaha aB the guest of Miss Berdie Berger. Miss Spring is well known, having visited here before. • Miss Lena Rehfeld, who is making ",. an extended eastern trip, will spend New Years in New York.
Wedding Gifts? If you are looking for Gifts of Qwslity that will b« ,\ ft delight to the recipient, Gifts that cure evidence ^ of your good taste, don't 'forget to visit ©«r shop. $\
Let Us Help in Suggesting Lamps They are different XJHUSUAI in design and. workmanship. Lovely colored etchings to p the most fastidious. Popular pictures such as "33&ybreak," "Garden ©f Allah,'* at prices lower than they have fever been offered before. Let us show you the nev^est picture, "Garden of Melody." It's a real work of art.
Brasses of the Orient —- Russian and Arabi&n i&et&te, Mh. trayg, smoking Bets, card receiveri. Florentine pottery with all the beauty and workmanship of the Italians — and the Very fewest cut work oil deal1 __ colored glass. y^^ZS^ "V
MIRRORS Of the finest pt&te glass, beautifully framed, or lovely Venetians,.—* Mirrors "worthy of your rejection.
'ighmlityf Variety, — VISIT THE—-
16th and Douglas—1014 Farriam
Delicatessen, Sandwiches, Fruits and Drinks
PIANO INSTRUCTION at her home studio 2219 Wirt St. # e . 1884
"Good Things to Eat"
Kiev, (Jewish Telegraphic Agency) file trial-of ten melamdim, Jewish religious teachers, accused of instructing1 Jewish children under eightfeesR yeftrt In religion and Hebrew, wae concluded yesterday before sian Jewish sad general Russian th« Viddieh Mutt here. newspapers, under the nota de plume Two of the aecu»ed were sentenced of Teneretao. He was very popular tc nix months imprisonment. The among the Russian reading public. other e!gt wete acquitted.
held ttffi SuSfley evening, December 2T, at the Jewish Comrinxflity Center. A literary and musical program will
141&18 Douglas Street
4$07 S<mth 24th
Take home a loaf of our Russian Rye Bread, it's the best in town. iiiiiiHiiuifiiiiitiitiiiiitiiiiiiitiiiiitiiiiiiiiifiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiinniiiin
Attend the Annual
< Mr. Robert A. Cain, Miss Rose •Cain, and Master Gilbert Cain, of Denver, Colo., and Mr. Max A. Davis, of -Cheyenne, Wyo., are visiting here with Mrs. Sara Cohan. Miss Cain, after spending several days here, will leave for Chicago' Where-she Will visit fora week before returning to Omaha: diiig of Miss Donna Sen* to Mr. Fred Ellman, of Pittsburgh, Pa., on Sunday, December 2?, at Siou* City, in* duSe ikis. M. "Brodkey and!daughter, "Esther, and the Misses Rose, Sara, . and Ruth - Brodkey, all cousins to Miss Seff. -
At the election of tint Aufkbung Club, held Sunday evening, Mr. M. F. Goodman was re-elected president. Other officers elected are Mr. K&rry Blacker, vice-president; Mr. Eli Lewis, secretary; Mr. Oscar Taub, aseas&ftt secretary; Miss Ann Tretiak, treasurer; Mr, Dave Feidman, chairman of dramatics; Mr. Joe Feldman, literary
Omaha Chapter of Hadassah
will hold their regular meeting on Wednesday afternoon, December SO, at the Jewish Community Center. Sam Fishman, Philip Lehr, Max Kreizleman,: and Louis Finkenstein, were initiated t into the B'nai Israel Club on Dcember 9. Joe Binsteln was voted into the club. Mr. William Holz^ man gave a very enjoyable talk to the members. Officers were nominated and will be elected at the next meeting. Any boys wishing for a basket? ball game should call We 6748.
Starting Saturday— Our Semi"AnnuaI
Sunday December 27
HALF-PRICE SALE Our Entire Stock of Fall and Winter Apparel offered at this great price reduction.
Fontenelle Hotel Ball Room
Coats — Dresses and Furs
Mr. Charles Berger, formerly of "this- city, and now of Butte, Montana, The Council of Jewish Women will is expected home this week to visit hold their first meeting of the season with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. next Tuesday afternoon, December BeHger. 29, at the home of Mrs, M. Bernstein, Mr. and Mrs. L. Baum were honor 210 Park Avenue. guests at a surprise party given at Mr. I. Morganstern has chosentheir home last week to celebrate "The Prophets'* for his subject for their twenty-fifth wedding anniver- his Friday evening talk at the synasary. gogue at eight o'clock this Friday
B'nai B'rith Dance
of such Stnartness—:- such Variety—sudi Qtiality-HPor which Goldstein-Chapman Co., have gained-an enviable reputation. Every Successful Fall and Winter Model is offered to you in this sale at exactly half price. (None excepted.)
Miss Esther Faier, who attends the evening. Everyone is •urged to attend. University of Nebraska, is spending Mr. and Mrs. Sam Rosenthal were the%vacation with her parents,"Mr. and'Mrs. Sam Foierl ''.. • pleasantly'^surprised'-at.;tbeir. taoma
AU Charge Purchases Billed February l?i
at~l330 Third Avenue; last Thursday ' JCss Baylia Frieden left today for evening -by members of their Even*. Chicago, where she wil visit over ing1 Bridge Club, t&e «eastsloS being tiieir Fifteenth Weddine anniversary-
Vs >
Exhibition Dance Specialty
PAGE -£-THE JEWISH PRESS-^-THUKSDAY, DECEMBER 24, "1925 Nbrdaji. liyed mostly 'in' Spain,' Maxa CONVERTED DAUGHTER MUST. Collie Certainly SUPPORT JEWISH MOTHER, T was 'continuallyt at" his siTJe;" acting Clever Though Crooked VIENNA COURT DECIDES 'as his secreiar^^his'copfitiapte. and iconipanJoB: Shei^sT > e ^ n t ^ n e T e ^P^ e n t "My Aryan Hnsband- Refuses to Sup- • Tba>dog' story the other day seems to bare-attracted considerable atteni" o£ ids most intimate',Confidences, and tion, says a'Writer in the'Montreal port His Jewish'Mother-in-law", • f undoubtedly • when' speaking" of hei Herald,* for, i s tils morning's mail t" " Daughter Claims ' father, will reveal a 'Nordau who received .the following from an achas not yet been described anywhere, <> Vienna? (Jewish Telegraphic Agen- quaintance: the Nordan who was one of the" most "A friend of mine Is ft butcher, who cy.)—An interesting decision was colorful,. figures of'his time. some' time ago noticed a big collie handed down • by the Vienna court come Into the shop, was Its tail and Mile.'.Maxa Nordau speaks with of an aged Jewish drop a letter at his feet The meat enthusiasm of her projected tour of The, announcement that Mile. Maxa Notdan, daughter of the late Or. Max ' mother against her daughter, who man opened the -note and discovered Itordau; Internationally fittnoiis'philosopher and critic, is coming to America, the United States. She - i s ' anxious for a lecture tonr under, th$ nnsplcet) of the Seven :Aits Lecture B Wean, "New was ; converted to Christianity. that -It was. an order.' (signed by the r York, has created*a stir lu literary add artistic circles, both Jewish and"non•to see the people of a new "country, • Hermine Berger sued her daughter collie's master,, for fa piece of sausage. JeVrisb. WTiite' In this country Mile.! Nordan wUT lecture on "The Feminist 1 ^become acquainted with'its .art/, learn Movement In the Various Coqn^ries of Europe"; "Modern Tendencies In Art and The dog was given the meat, and the Iilteratnro": she will also'give^intimate reminiscence* of her fntber, who-Is some of its mannerism, itv thorough Olga Hennig.for support. Olga, who amount chalked "up on the .master's . universally regarded JJB one~of:the most colorful personalities of the last Jialjfw,as .converted toJEJftristJanity and is •student' of American literature, 'Mile. account.'1 This occurred several times, century. The author here compares the illustrious-father and famous daughter; -married to a member of the ^general and brings out the- astounding points of similarity.—THE ED1T0H. and finally the-butcher ceased to un• Nordau has expressed "'a • -desire ' to "Critical 'Unconventional Pearlesb.j 'The propaganda .which permeated -nieet -some of America's novelists, s^aif of "the Austrian Army, .had re- fold tbe notes, knowing what they fused to support her "mother, declar- contained. , . • Accurate. Pessimistoptimiat. That. the United States during 'the' War .for some of -whom : she has" a '• great "The dog continued bis visits more •, "I have connections r was Dr. Max Nordau, whose, death t must have left some" smilrch"on the' admiration. Her particular interest Jewish . family and.. my or less frequently, and when tbe acearly in 1923 removed one of the most napie of .Nordau, even aAiidid on, ijes.ihrthe direction -of American Art j : refuses ta support his count went in tbere was a kick from colorful personalities of the last half- that, of >"-other. eminent Europeans. Galleries." I t is probable "that when its owner. There was something like p r : ten pounds o f sausages charged to century. Not that Nordau could be1 But Dr. Max Nordau is at .'last • to , coming io America she will try to The judge handed down the de- the anlnjaL Its "toaster cald he had categorized. Few were the real hu- be vindicated. The unuttered thoughts' borrow some of her paintings which „,,, man, activity into which he had. not he the French 2^* writings -have b ^ bought $15 monthly mother. •He. happened to be to the shop delved, and in most' cases 'become he collected "exhibition, purposes ^7;goverae ' the next,day wbeo his dog came In master of. Physician, by ? vocation, exile are .now t o A ^ j J ^ r-' tiie.. in . c o u y . in this .country. and dropped the usual piece of paANTI-SEMITES ATTACK •philosopher, by temperament, journal- first time, With -the' »ifafl«ncemeiit j Mile. Nordau is furthest, away from N per.r Then it was found that 'Nero,* DEFENDER OF HUMAN ist by circumstances, critic, by, racial that .Nordau's u's only daugmetv Maxa, /t¥ e average type of American feminRIGHTS noticing" that'the" butcher didn't read •inhertance, dramatist and noveli& la tovcome.^O; America -for a lecture. ;istl Vivacious,: sardonic, which trait the order.-had been picking up stray Regular Meeting of •pieces-of paper, folding them, and avocation. Strangest of all, Jus years, tour, tour philosophers Kterary philosophers, critics, she'has inherited from her her, father father, in p p, y critics Vienna, (Jewish Telegraphic Agen- tbklng them, to the shop, thereby as'of dynamic activity in the general, artiste arid dramatists arc respect, a . modern, she duaging.bis sausage hunger." world, did not dim his Jewish- cqn*<ji-; the." peculiar- rights of a^otable foreman 3 " pusness. ' . ' * (' f r f £ ^ * - f o r u , who .is seventy- years old, was : , To-the. European, Max Nordai/was, Chivalry Roumanian students at • • ' pre-eminently philosopher and critic, It • was this which, without constation at mordant and fearless. To * worldhis. He various lands, ; foundlnfe-rank9. had produced a noble: report received Jewry, Max Nordau -represented^ an: equality..- , and - handed' It down outstanding champion of jttie, 'rights t through all the gradatlfins of social upon of Jhis people. To the average rasa Ey«rn\iivthe busiest"hour§. of• his life, tent'as ambassadress frontEuropean . . ? . a g mt S S We. Jt-was this ppinlon which mltignted kings Into companions, and ei letters, Nordau was -the' author he. found time to tell her /stories to' American womanhood, and i t is mJUTB^ raised private men to the fellows with <rf ''Degeneration", "On : Art'arid; which were> later gathered together expected" that she wiU 'speak on the' kings. Without force, or opposition, Artists", "The Conventional. Lies; of in thafcchildhood classier• .'.'Stories- I subject when she arrives:in'America. PRUSSIAN STATE ALLOTS It snBdned the fiercest of pride and Civilization", 'Taradoxes? V 450,000 MARKS FOR JEWISH told rny, Maxa ttpm the age of Four • As one becomes acquainted .with power; It obliged sovereigns to BUO•± COMMUNITIES numerable other volumes..To to! Seven.'? Maxa wigs always by the this,.bearer of '.ah iH'ustrious' liame, mlt- to the.soft collar of social esteem, Nd " h ll Nordan "was the colleague of Dr. side of her father^ Constantly travel-, 'and. as one leaves her, home, in'Paris compelled stern-authority to submit Every Thursday Evening at Jewish Berlin, (Jewish Telegraphic Agen- to elegance, and gave a dominating Herzl, inseparable leaders in -the ling* with him, she acquired almost i n the Rue Hennery one cannot but go Community Center Building. ange of languages aV W a y witl the f e e l i ^ .that, she-is ' c y - ) ~ A bill providing an annual vanquisherjrf law, to be subdued by iriolding of the ultimate,.destiny of as extensive a range J. M UAhASlHH'U.. PresidPDt. of ISiUORE ABRAMSON. Secretary. 450,000 marks for the-Jew- mannei^-Edmuna Burke. the Zionist movement. There vwere Nordau^himself. Always accompany- f S ' r e l i ^ r h a J o n ^ o J ' l M ^ N o ^ n ^ - ; - ^ ^ many, of course, to whom, Nordau, ing her father, .she ^ a s lived in al- Critical. Magnetic persoriality; Charm-! > ' communities of Prussia was ' . . 'Was, anathema, both among - Zionists most- every Continental country^—'. if>g" -_:.;. speaker. , , . _ TLogical. - _ . - . , \rr7xi..'trr. ;_ nassed, in ^its-^final reading by the How many-new advertisers this Witty.. Woman• I week?. Prussian Diet. and non-Zionists. The attiduder that •where she. stvidi^d music, painting, of the World. a minor few adopted toward :Nordau Art. and literature. She. finally! chose GIFTS THAT LAST is evidenced in an incident ,which painting as h>r vocajita. Her temper-^ London, (Jewish Telegraphic Agen"35 Years of Community Serrice" decuredin Paris, December'1903. At, ainent has attracted her to the most cy.')—-The decision of the Council of that time Herzl and Nordau -were modern. school, but Relieving with the League of give Mosul J considering the British Government's her father .that one can; afford ta be to the Kingdom of;6n' the con-| offer of land for a 'Jewish settlement modern and- original only after one dition thit. Great Britian rsne^ her Diamond Importers . in' East Africa. Both *men were im- has mastered the fundamentals,: she mandate over that country' for a Platinum Specialists | mediately accused of treason to the has gone through tSe,. most, thorough period of 25 years has created a feelcause of Palestine, and during-a classic training, "^hough-now "only ing of unrest in Mosul,.according to NEW LOCATION J; REFINANCE NOW! ; Zionist Fall in Paris, a Jew named twenty-six, her canvasses and etch- reports • received here today: by "the 214-15.16 Oty Nat. Bank Bldg. Lonban Chain Selik fired two shots ings have received; v very favorable London ''Star". ia. 5619—Est. 1894. | '• ' ' ' f; at Nordau unsuccessfully. . . „ comment in the Continental press and Numbers of .the Jewsti community" Nordau was not-by any. means a from some of .Europe's "most famous /SAVINGS & L O A N A S S O C I A T I O N ' of. Mosul are leaving T;for Palestine mere dreamer and visionary. BJs roje critics. in fea* of a Turkish attack" in Northas Europe's most^rnthjess critic^ did j, the-report state.s^=4 i._—.,-—-_. - . . not interfere with his intimate know)[ed«ce 61 world affairs. H e was^just and EGGS as much and as outstandingly | a pol>: v itician as a philosopher.' His reputaCouncil Biuffs. I*. tion along the former lines reached even to America. For'many-years before his death, he "was a regular contributor to the New York American on European politics. His keen insighc and analytical powers' no iPrompt Service Soft Water doubt secured for him the position Wet wash, semi-flat, of Paris correspondent of "the'Vienna rough-<iry. Neue Freie Presse, which position; 1 2808 Coming St. Barney 0881. was generally considered more inv portant than that of Austrian Ambassador to France. It was'the (< correspondent -who recorded French Call os for good public opinion and the attitiide^'of^ the Government, and thus- molded" sentiment in Austria. Those who MICK1 IN LUMBER CO. knew him -well remerber how his elaborate rooms *in Paris," before the 14th & Burdette Sts. WE. 5S55 War, Avere constantly viaited_ fcy. Prance's foremost men and women of affairs. "While he "was discussing philosophy with a member ~ "of tigs. In Omaha French Academy, there were'usually in the anteroom an eminent pointer A cup of steaming goiden brown Advo Coffee., at coming'to ask Nordau's opinion on every place for dinner will be the. climax iSSff Booms—200 Baths his! latest -work, a'duchess needing G««K1 Booms for %IJX) to the annual feast in thousands of homes. • Operated by Eppley Hotels Co. •the physician's care, a member of -1&e Advo Coffee is economical while good^—that's why. prevailing French Cabinet anxiou>eto .ask Nordau's opinion pn a ,certain [political matter," and a producer' off e r i n g to stage Nordau's-latest drama;
I. O. B. B.
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But above and beyond rNpr4au'a 6ther distinguishing characteristics vrri5" his-unsurpassed p'ower'of brator>; "Whether he was upraiding the/ modernists in art ' and: Utjr^ture, whether he was denouncing, the'., adopr tion of a new political program, .or •wether he was appealing to Jews fc© come? ta the aid of Z|on," he was al^ •ways' equally effective and-"conv{ftcing. There is not another Jew* in modern times, probably, who has achieved a reputation" equal to Nordau's for poyer of oratory.^Had ee' not devoted, most of I d s life" to ihe arts, Nordau -would undoubtedly have become one of Europe*s"leadjng < Statesmen. His labors, for his country, his zealous interest in <his people, -were miserably rewarded duringN the^Jast years of his lifev France; proveo, as fickle as Israel. Just, as the War I started, Nordau denounced the Ger"man* and their manifest program. Sometime afterwardi however; he at^ tacked the French"" Government "for tne' tactics-which he, had decried r when employed by the others.'For lil* ".^fearlessness, he was exiled^ to' Spain; Ms prop«rty,and all his pos> ^were'^eonfiscated ^(and1 have • •""- * ? - family *—•
E. E. Bruce & Go.
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1816 CaUfondB Street.
Omaha. Nebr.
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