^Success or failure In L| "IrasinessIscarrsetf-riiore ' by f i l i a l attibide even ,' than by mental capac-
:. The cvnic is one knoiis«" the. price of f evcW t!b i 'tig and the v a 1« V of 'notfaiug.—
M^f-; Walter -DM I Scott.'!...
^ Oscar Wilde.
'vEntered a s Eecdnd-eliiBs ma Hi njn Merlon January 27th 1921, nt TK)8tofllco at Omaha j J?ebraska r onaet The Act of March 8, 1873-
JEDDAH, LA^ST ^ " OF H U S S M ; DYNASTY, ' - -m; •J A&DUT TO FALL Jerusalem,-^J s *' V3^y .'A.£—Jeddah, the last stronghold ,of the Suseian dynasty, vrMcft. resisted-the advance of the Wahabi: tribesmen,'is expected to faUdxmngithe 3iext few. days. Mound City Squad Seeks* To Jeddah ^completely; surrounded by. Avenge Last Year's the Wahabis.:) IGhg-Ali is itnable to ^Defeat. sendreeo3force.me.nts: to; the: garrison MANY CITIES ANGLING, TO and is preparing for flight on steamers waiting in 'therJedSah' harbor. MEET LOCAL ORATORS
Simday, January 10th
Rabbi Wise Offers"His Resignation From Ch^nnan^ngj of Umted Palestme Appeal as Result of Jesas Sennea '
Jewish SclMars Duabt
Increase. Votes. F *
Paris—Alice Heine, dowager princess of Monaco, died here yesterday at the age of ST. Alice Heine, who was a relative of Heinrich Heine, was born in New Take 'Advantage of Holiday Suggest Further Investigations Orleans and was married to the late Vacations in Obtaining to Establish Probable Facts Prince of Monoco in 1889. She was : Subscriptions. the first Jewess to mount a European DECLARE INSCRIPTION throne. CONTEST'WILL CLOSE FEB<
Jewisl Press Contest-
New York, N. Y., Dec* 26 (Jewish What of it? Is all your life of serTelegraphic - Agency).—-A letter- of- vice for Jews and for America to be fering bis resignation." as Lchairman ignored by those people who take a of the $5,000,000 United, Palestine, newspaper headline and are prepared Appeal, has been received from Dr.; to' destroy you and are ready to Stephen S. .Wise, - by Mr.. LouisJLips- sacrifice your usefulness In connection ky, Chairman of the "Zionist Organ- with our great work for Palestine? I ization of America. - ." '.-- can hardly believe, the newspaper TeWRITERS NOT JEWS Mr. Iipsky., in making 'the', letter ports that a lot of rabbis, in good '-RUARY.15. public, stated that a meeting- of -the: standing, should condemn a man like Philadelphia, i (J.T. A.) — "The you, with your record and-your posiExecutive Committee of 'tKe "United I Taking advantage of the 1iolid&3r •. Fresh' from a victory over the Palestine Appeal would. be - called tion, without; giving you a, chance to, statement from a staff correspondent ;©p@ to vacation? the contestants for The shortly to'take' aetibn. in tMe'mattex. explain what you. meant.. They should of: the New York Times, indicating the PhiiadetpMa. debating teain,, another have known that.no word would ever Dr. Wise^s letter to'Mr.'lipsky,. Jewish Frees popxilarity contest have Omaha IV M." H. A. ' debating team Arizona, that : come out of your; inbuth. thai would general belief "in-Tucson, 1 issued fromnis-office at 40West! strengthened their hold in the Taca •Kill" debate; the St.Louis Y.M.H.A. except for small-" groups, no one benot have the effect of making Jews 68th: Street late yesterday, afternoon, still stronger. Jews and better team in Omaha an Sunday, January Convention To Be Held in Chicago for first place. The contest which is lieves the. Story-that the articles were readt .. _ r Americans, and that, if you said i left by Europeans who preceded Co^ the largest ever laxmched in the city, 10. The Omaha team met the St. Annual Event Givien: For Benefit Of January 17. "You will' recall that at a:meet-j anything, at all about Christiaiiity, it j Palestine^ Institutions ing of the administrative committee would only is attracting much attention. from Louis,team at tSt. Louis last year, and to America^ is a sound conin order to remind 1 to' - the -^Zionist Organization- - of j Christians, asbeyou •was victorious. . " ' local arid non-local subscribers to The The United Synagogue of America, and I always tie, ' Dr." Cyrus 'Adler, president Omaha Chapter; Hadassah will hold America last Monday, I placed j n your j the first thing for them to" do of Dropsie-' College^ declared to the a national organization consisting of Jewish Press. The Omaha team vrill consist of Hs annual linen—shower Wednesday hand my: resignation as chairman, of. that is to be just to Jews. , Fred White, Ben Kazlowsky, and Louis afternoon, January;IS,, at 2;30 o'clock the. United Palestine' 'Appeal on the correspondent- «f 'the Jewish Tele- Conservative Congregations through- • A trip- to Europe is the first priZB ground that in view of -theprotests "In-order to show you how deeply graphic Agency here." out the country, is aiming to advance offered in this contest, which is th« Iipp', The. Bt. Louis debators are at the Muse" Theateri ^ and Farnam that bad -arisen, because-of--a misI feel in the matter, I authorize you the cause of Judaism In America by largest ever launched in the city. Two Miltbil Yawitz, Bernard : Fischlowitz j street. ; "The illustrations which appeared understanding of my sermon of .Sun- as Chairman of the United Palestine " ' , \ . ". -'*'' maintaining the historical continuity other valuable prizes are offered to and. Merle Fainsod. day morning, it might be in.the' inin the "Times" are not sufficiently Appeal, to announce that, in addition "' This evenVyhaV fecoine an annual The question to be debated upon is affair of the 'organization, providing terest of the Appeal if I-should with- to having created a trust fund of fee clear to enable me to express any of-Jewish tradition; to further the ob- the winners of the second and third thousand dollars ($500,000), servance of the Sabatth and the prize. "R?poi?ed, That Religious Instruction jif3 it does, one'of "tlie'mdst important draw from its chairmanship; ~ ~ -_ hundred the income of. which is . being and independent opinion. The likelihood of "I have come to feel that'.I' must dietary laws as the means for Votes for The Jewish Press contest in the "Public Schools, -with Safe- of HadassaH'irneedi.~~'. '.'. . . now insist that you _. present; my.2 re-, shall in perpetuity be used for wel- a pre-Spanish settlement in South1 western Aiherica of any except Inj strengthening and deepening- the are obtainable by securing subscripguards, is Conducive to the Moral fare purposes among all the people The four ferger^hospitals^ and dis- signation at a meeting to be called: of Palestine without regarc to raceWelfare of the State". The Omaha pensaries, comprising 450 beds main- without delay of the national. execudians is extre'mely- slight. It is gen-1 Jewish consciousness^ to preserve in tions to The Jewish Press, All gob* or creed, I herewith set aside- an ad'• • • scriptions to The Jewish Press are team.'Will uphold the negative side of tained by Hadassah; inr Palestine, de- tive committee. ditional sum of one hundred and fifty erally accepted that the American the Service the reference to Israel's "I must, however,, make It: clear: thousand doe now. The renewal of old sub* past; to keep alive the hope for the question. .-.--....continent was-peopled f rom Asia, with dolars < $150,000), of which pend almost, Bplely, on/the chapters in that I do. not wish my resignation to i Omaha-X. M. H. A. teams have America for> their rlinensi . Besides bo construed as assent on .my" part j amount one hundred thousand dollars which there was a land connection, Israel's restoration; to retain the tra- scriptionE will «ount the same as new ($100,000) shall be devoted to the but there is no likelihood that they ditional character of the prayer book: subscriptions. • •thus far taken part in two debates, these, there, arejid; other, benificiaries to the justice of the ' attacks" 'whichj early erection of the Nathan Straus have been made upoaTme, culminating j to foster the study of Hebrew as a The contest will close on February one with St. Louis last year and one such as orphan^c^omes, -maternity Centre of Pa- brought any such objects with them. the incredible edict issued 'by the: Welfareforandall Relief its-needy people and "About'18-50, a similar excitement medium of linking the Jewish people 15, 1926." •vrftij Philadelphia-a week ago and homes, convalescent .iomes, and in Agudath HaRabonim. ;the • Union of', lestine the housing of the admirastrative was created'by the" finding of Hebrew the world over into one brotherhood, Among the contestant* alreatSjr have won both of ffiese "contests. The chaliztzim settlement&^i. -,--Orthodox Eabbis. _'_ >...: ;.;..;. . | for offices of the Hadassah—and fifty inscription- and sculptures very deep and to promote Jewish religious life entered are Miss Leone Novitsky, «, team "wjUjteayel east next year xneet> '1 am grieved to think chat a body thousand dollars ($50,000; to be deAttendanre'atPfhip" showers has aling a number of teams enrpute. Many ways been large, due mostjy to that of Rabbis' in deliberative. assembly \ voted to the general purposes of the down near Newark, Ohio, containing in the home and in the school in a c representative of the Omaha Y, Mi»» hare done the un-Jewish;thing,' of i requests have been received by Wil- •wonderful faculty Jor reinemberin passing a -verdict of condemnation United Palestine Appeal under your among other -things, the Ten Com- cordance with traditional observance^ Fannie Katelnian, representing Coun» liam R. Blumenthal, executive director the sickr the orphan, and the needy, against -a. man upon; hearsay.Ievi- leadership." mandments.-- -After- a number of years In order to further the realization i cil Bluffs, Miss Sylvia Feldmaa, the of the Y and coach of debating teams that is the .born inheritance of every dence, without the hearing of wit-j it was shown that tbese finds were a of these ideals, as well as to consider i Auflebung Clufa representative, and nesses, without inviting -his : own j r San Francisco, Dec 26. (Jewish fraud perpee&atedin the endeavor to- ways and means whereby the United Miss Mildred Harris, the contestant from many-T>ther Y M. H. A» organi- Jewish woman.;- ~i '•' - ~~ testimony, even though it-were : npt j Telegraphii Agenhy.)—The following Synagogue may help solve the probzations to debate the. Omaha team. The programspfesented each year necessary for him to offer a defense • resolution was adopted by the Board prove that tlie American. Indians were lems with which American, as well as entered by the Poali-Sion. the descendants «f a lost Israelite The'judges for the debate"-wiH be have also'been'a^nerinspiratibn, of any word of his" before;,the. ;bar of Jewish Ministers. of Northern WHCTWILL BE OHAKA'S MOST of Jewish opinion in America!tribe. In any event, an archaeological world Jewry is confronted, the United POPULAR GIEL I , announced in the next issue: «f The can be attested by_th,e following California today: - Synagogue has called a Midwest Con"I should have thought that,thirty • *We npte with- regret the mis- trial by Jewish Press.-. / _ • . : ... : gram for thisLyeafi *'-• y the' newspapers p p will not settle vention to take place on January 17 , years and more of service-to Jewish1 constructions which "kave been placed question,"* Dr. and IS at the Hotel Sherman in Chicalife in. all its aspects and to all tKosej upon the recent sermon by Rabtd this archaeological causes which lie near to the'heart "of Stephen .S. Wise_ concerning the Addler:stated. • Singing «f "Hatik?sh" snd ''America:•* a Jew, should, In the "scales of justice, modern'Jfesrfsh atto'dude toward Jesas. "Regarding-the' discovery of leaden go. There will be present delegates by the audience^ led; by 'Mrs. Mas •have outweighed" misleading: news- "We b'elieve the attempt'.±a: iforce articles bearing*7Hebrew asid Latin in- from its affiliated" Congregations, repiese3itsttv£*-©f &»-HfeteriKw&s- idestitj ; : psperHheadline& :of-what 3. said. ' " , Rabbi-"Wise from" 'the ieadeTKbip-of VCIO •.'::;,-•" '•' %?•£—'FwSdnf'v'' -'~ ~ fed with its Women's League and "Although. I know that the. vast] the United Palestine Appeal is the Violin -/"Minuet iff G" P^derewski jnMoHty of the Jews of-America j work jf a small group not -represent- would say that - the*'excavators' must also delegates-of the Young1 People's: Leslie Burfcehroad Elected Vice-Presi* * Loyal and Sheffel Katskee; : place entire confidence In my:.loyalty; ative of the masses of American Jew- be satisfied thaftlieir "so-called dis- Societies connected with its Young to* Judaism, to Zionism, ~ to'."' every. ry. We believe- the effort is a breach covery-should pass" the scientific tests 1''ientjMl Next ConclaveWilt ; Thirtjr. players have been picked fet 1 Piano ' ".Caprice"'-1 . Kreisler standard of- Jewish' life, : I - a m not • of the principles of free utterance for veryfication," ~ declared Dr. Na- People's League. S i at WaBnington. the Jewish., Community Orchestra* prepared to permit any_act. or^word of. in the pulpit and that it contravenes Miss "Lylyan "Chudacoff. mine to be used to the hurt of ;the the liberal and progressive, spirit thaniel Eeich, professor of Egyptology Among the paramount issues to be which was recently organized fey Mr. Leslie Burkenroad, Omahan, Beading Zionist cause. • . . • • - ^_" -* | which must guide Jewish and Zionist at Dropsie College, to the correspond- considered at the Convention will be Harry Kononovitch, well-known violin"If the Executive Committee ac-: affairs. •was elected vice-president of the. Pi "As the Sandsjand.rthe.'Stars" Frug ent of the Jewish Telegraphic Agency. the problem of Jewish education, the ist. A number of these players aie Tan -PI, national Jewish men's organ- "The-Fulnllraenih I;;: ; : EasMn cepts my resignation, I mean to con-1 "We appreciate the grief it must "Science-must always be on its need of carrying on Jewish activity talented musicians and have sfc tinue to-serve in the ranks-of that,' have caused Dr. Wise to offer to reamong Jewish students at the colleges ization, who held their 1925 conclave Miss Ruth Wintroub cause which I have sought to serve' sign from a movement so dear to his guard against possible forgeries of and universities, the problem of aid- several occasions appeared in public. in Omaha this week. Mr.-.E. Harry throughout my ministry.", • .. • 1 heart, and we • are cognizant of the such findings. I have my suspicions The orchestra is sponsored by th«i Austerlitz, of Cincinnati, Ohio, was Song The offer of Dr. Wise "to. resign' irreparable loss his departure would about those findings.7 I note on a few ing in the establishment of religious Jewish -Community Center. Rehearsal* r Sam'Beber.r -' : from the chairmanship' of the United mean at a time when Zionist affairs of them the goo'd English word 'Gaul' and educational facilities for small elected president. Other officers elected Appeal found" a" wide - echo are moving forward so vigorously. Jewish communities and farming dis- are held every Tuesday evening at th* are Albert Auer, of St. Louis," Mo., Hadassah ' ' '*J ' Mrs. J-Hpsenberg Palestine all over the country.- • - ' • | We therefore urge upon the Exe- for 'Gallia'; then,'too, the vocalization tricts, the religious and spiritual Jewish Community Center. secretary; Koy Rosenthal, Seattle, A dramatic element, entered .into cutive Committee of the United Pa- system used as early as 750 A. D. needs of Palestinian Jewry and the An added Kattracilon.will^ be "The Th follow! neg are members of th« "Wash., associate editor; ISortimore Promised Land",-a^8tory:of the situation when Nathan "Straus, lestine Appeal to decline to accept was almost -unknown' to Christians of the Home- famous erection of a Jerusalem Synagogueorchestra: Jewish philanthropist"""for his resignation and to go on record that period. ' Furthermore, the letters Goldsmith, Newark, N. J., junior 1 M. Frarik counselor; and Dr. Max Block, Omaha, land, a moving picture,- in .Sye reels, Jewish non-sectarian "and Palestinian as endorsing the Jewish leadership are always 'done; by the same hand, Center as a means of meeting those Al FmkeT ' . with organ accompaniment. purposes, sent the following letter; of Dr. Wise. needs. Fanny Fish Bill Brooksteln, Ute. national chaplain. "We deplore that a minor issue is during a period'of 125 years. Mrs. J. Rosenberg, • chairman-, has to Dr. Stephen Wise:.. Eose Feidlcr All of the affairs of the Convention Dave Robinson At the last meeting of the conclave been advised"byTth"e"jiational office "I recall" the story of the disco very "I saw with the greatest sorrow obscuring the real interests of the on Wednesday evening, Washington, that the articles most necessary are in this morning's newspapers that Jewish people and we call upon all of a large -scarab, which happened will be held at the Hotel Sherman Mrs. Ben Jslinkin Harry Smith JeanetteWhiteboofe Zionists and non-Zionists alike, which will serve as its headquarters. Max Yaffe D. C, was elected the city for the blankets, sheets, pill ow" cases," towels, you have offered your-resignation as Jews, to concentrate their attention upon some years- ago,--on which was en- The business sessions for the discus- Sam Epstein Jeanette Nathan Chairman of the United Palestine 1926 conclave. and accesories for infant layettes. Appeal. I wish, as a Jew and a Zion- the supreme task of rebuilding Pa- graved in hieroglyphics the story of sion of problems will take place all Leon Schall Mary Bailen Tttore than seventy-five, members ist, who have given a great Ipart of lestine for the Jewish people and the noted circumnavigation of Africa Harry Eobinison day Sunday. On Sunday evening there Ida Jacobsen my life and large sums of money to the world. representing thirty-three chapters atunder the reign of the Pharaoh -Nekoh will be three mass meetings in the Harry Holtzman Selma Levin Night Schools t6 Re-open Signed, Herman Lissauer, Louis J Palestine and to all Jewish 'and nontended the conclave in Omaha." The Arthur Robinson sectarian causes, to protest - against Newman, Rudolph I. Coffee, Midiael of which. ' we.' . are informed by outstanding sections of Chicago; one Nellie Marks Classes on January 4 your conclave opened Sunday afternoon Herodotus. Grammatical investiga- at the LoganSquare Shaare Zedek Ida Cohan action. I know that the -United Fried, Harv. B. Franklin." Hyman GersMn and closed with an Orpheum party Appeal will never:accept tion of the text proved it to be a Synagogue on the West Side, the Charles .Guss The Free Americanization Night Palestine Gllmar Kaplan your resignation and I know that they followed by. a midnight frolic at the Jerusalem,' Dec 26, (Jewish Teforgery..1- also remember other j B'nai Bezaiel Synagogue on the South Harry. Krasne Lillian Nachschoeii Schools will re-open-January 4, 1926, should not. legraphic Agency.)—Dr. Joseph hoaxes shown to me when I Fonlenelle Hotel an Wednesday eveMr. M. 'Llpsman Nathan Brown in the followmgischools: "Suppose you did. say .something Side and £he Ansb© Ernes CongregaKlausner, Hebrew historian, author ning. •:'.••.. ' : curator in" museums.'. with which some Jews did not~agree! Arthur Joseph : tion on the North Side. The submis- William Joseph (Continued on page 2) ComeniUB,~16ii and'Williams The members of the Pi Tau Pi -will "However, .to pass a final judgment, M. Lebin be guests of the Highland Country . .-Farnam,,29th^nd Farnam it is absolutely ^necessary to wait for sion of reports of committees, resoluKellom, ^23rdand Paul Pageantry at Poale-Zhra Club at its New Year's Eve party at the scientific," geological report, and tions and also elections will be held on FEENCE AND DRUES ASK FOR iTa'k ea "World Conrt" at . Lodg, 26tir9n^ Franklin the Blackstone Hotel. for the photographs, casts of the ob-, Monday and the Convention will close PALESTINE COOPERATION Masquerade Ball Sunday with a kosher banquet on Monday South: Central, 25th and "L" Zionist Meeting Tuesday jects found :and 'their insciptions. ."• IN .SYRIAN ' F A South FraBkJi^ 40tH and " I " A biblical masquerade ball, the-first "The writers ^ e r e certainly not" evening. "The World Court" will be the • West Side, 32nd andi ~U". of its kind ever presented in" Omaha, Famous Jewish Pianist j Congregations, Women's OrganizaLord Plirmer, Refases Request,^ ibject of the principal address to be Jews," Professor Keich declared. tions, Young People's Societies and will be given by the Poale-Ziori Dr. Richard-J. H. GottheO, profesIn order to ..continue these schools tt the next Zionist Meeting on Jerusalem* An appeal to' €he P S to Tour America it -will be n3ce?sary-i£at they nave an Literary Dramatic Section on Sunday • Tuesday evening, January 5, xt the sor of Rabbinical. Literature and the individuals that are in sympathy with tine' government that all Rruze mtin the aims and activities of the United evening, January 3," at Kelpine's Semitic Languages at Columbia Uni- Synagogue of America are invited to who cross the Palestine frontien h*; New York City,—Professor Juliusz attendance of 1 jit" least. 100. members Dancing Academy. l Jewish Community Center, by Profes* versity,, said he regarded the relics as participate in this Convention. In- extradited, was made to Lord PSumcfe Wolfsohn,; the famous "Viennese in each school..'.' Pageantry will be a feature of the fsor Nathan Bernstein. a hoax. ^ - • . • pianist, who is on the faculty of the A discussion will be held on the formation and literature concerning High Commissioner of Palestine,-ft*" balL A v o u p of fifteen persons "They arereither a. hoax," he said, the movement and the Convention Sultan El Ttrash, leader of the Dm». Conservatory of Vienna, "will arrive Kellom Schoool TPrindpal dressed to represent Moses and other "or something-of comparatively recent may be procured through the Midwest rebellion. in the.United States on January 14th, . To Address Jewish Women's biblical characters- will-depict the en K for a tour of eight weeks. He has date. They.certainly do not run back The .request was sent by special Welfare Uletting Tuesday flight of the Jews from Egypt, Convention office of the United SynaThe arrangement committee for the ; been engaged to appear in several to the ancient date attributed to them. messenger to Jerusalem. ' which is located In Koom 860, reception of Maurice Samuels, who .cities in "the east, south and west, in The January meeting of the Jewish Another group of fifteen persons -will be in vJr v - January ", will From a glance at the account I would 53 W. Jackson Street, Chicago, 111. The Frepch authorities in Sys**A will portray the return of the modern programs of Jewish folk songs, in Women's Welfare ^Organization will regard the thing" as a hoax." have asked the British Palestine coatigive their final report. This committee Jews to the ancestral home, under which ne excels. The crux of the problem appears to rnand for permission to tranrfer thsir be held Tuesday afteiRoon, January 5, the protection and aid of the "Zionist will meet Sunday morning at 10:30 at " Professor Albert Einstein, the at the Jewish - Gonj^aunlty {jenter. lie In the geological age of the forma- Roumanian Parliament Totes to troops vis Palestine territory Mas FromMn's office. movement. '_ famous scientist, who is a musician tion in which tie'articles have been Permit Jewish Private Seheols to Metullah. •.Mr. E. D. Gepsonf principal of Kel- Five cash prizes will be/awarded to '•ot unusual ability, is counted among lom School, will give ^ talk on "Boys". found. University: geologists will Teach in Hebrew or Yiddish The request of the Druzes sad Jewish Workmen's Alliance those wearing the most original* blib->the host of admirers that Professor Important businesa iwdll-be -transacted French were refused by -th* Masquerade Ball January 10 endeavor to '-determine whether the lical costumes. Proceeds~~of7tKis~ afWolfsohn has won -for himself in at this meeting.-_, V~ •': ;" \ : articles were "'planted" in the limeVienna—A decision in the Jewish Cimmiasioner, it- wag declared. fair -will be given to, the Palestine Europe. The forthcoming tour of The twelfth annual masquerade stone here within recent years, or, If school question in Roumania was Workers Fund and toTthe'Book^ Comthis celebrated pianist will be sponmittee Campaign. Mr. M. F . Good- ball cf the Jewish National Work- the discoveries iare'genuine, th'e ap- reached by the Roumanian parliament 3,794 JEWSENTEEED sored by Mrs. Alexander Kohut and DEAF WILLJBEAB' « :'• PALESTINE .DUKJNG OCfOBSSt THROUGa ECVEOTiON OF man, secretary of the. organization, is mens Alliance,. Branch. 54, will be proximate century In which they were yesterday, according to reports reMr. Ludwig "Vogelstein of New York ceived Irere from Bucharest. i given Sunday evening, January 10, left there.chairman of the affair. ." . -JEWISH SCIENTIST City. :' .', . - . . • • ' : I - - " . ' . T • . - - . . > - -. The deputies voted £or a comproJerusalem—Jewish immigrationi ' at 8 o'clock at Kelpine's Dancing Dr. C. H^! Marvin, president of the mise resolution, according to which of Palestine dialing the month University of Arizona, Is reported ; Moscow—TKe-""d«4£ will: ?n future ^Academy. A lioidoiij—(J. T. A.)—Sir Herbert bear all sounds* dpi" to an invention Additional Paid in- Full Pledgers Jewish private schools In Romnama f The committee in charge of this af- saying that-the university does not will be permitted to introduce Rou- kept pace: with the I To.Jewish Community;Center: y 3ainuel;-jformer High Commissioner shown here >yestei*iay«The device sponsor the..story*.: the previous months* According fair announce that they will give LOT3IS GOLDSMITH ' , of Palestine, 'i"R receive the title of •was invented Ijyva'jJewish 'scientist, "The university does sot stand manian, Yiddish or Hebrew ss the officialfigusWBpublished here. prizes to the persons wearing the ISIDOR ZIEGLER the civil engijjeer"-^tein2^it' of Len-. day 8,88$' fmiaigrants*«nte«rf sponsor for the story as presented," language of instruction. most original cortumes. : PHILIP GBEENBEEG• ^tttation is completed, by the Royal • ingrad and consistsV-ef aq electric iane dttiiBi^fAiatTBonth,' said. Dr. Marvin. **' O ur attitude is "This affair has been an annual B. GROSSMAN, rCoimra8#^,;of which Sir Herbert T ^ S j. auditory ^pparatas^Hjtli i the aid of 784' wer*:Jews. "Fifty.,owthat we .are .going to work on the lieepiBg -an 'open mind : event of the club, Jand plans are beS . MANUEL * . ;^poiiit^fCliairniaTi, according ±6 re-: fwhicheven^^iihe^toteiiir deaf wffl hear; •were refnsed fcAnissioa ing made to -make this year's erent problem to prove or disprove it. I •until we receive : : "^•circffla1sd!ifiia.^S::; ; "V--.-:'i v'.'*v"i jnonth' i,.:. think iaos1^ot-i*texpeople Interested evidence." alarger and -better affair. •
Hadassah linen "Shower Janu^l3^f:teeT1ieater
Thirty Hay««
i; ! I
•, PnbHabj^ £verj Thursday at Omaliiu Nebraska, Jby
•<. . .THE JEWISH. PRESS PUBLISHING COJfcPANY j Office: 490 Brandeis theatre Building — Telephone: ATlantic 1430. / . * /NATHAN. B. GREEN, Manager. Subscription Price, one yearAdzertisiugjates .furnished on application.
CHANGE OF ADDRESS— Please give both the old and new address; be sure and give your name. -
The Jewish Press is'supplied by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency "(Jewish • Correspondence Bureau) -with cabled and telegraphic Jewish news, in addition to feature articles and correspondences frost all -important Jewish renters. Inquiries. regarding news items credited to this Agency, will., be gladly ',answered if addressed to Jewish Telegraphic Agency, 621 Broadway, New Ifark City. • *. .
jtarturing Its innocent victim, «ven {after th'e Orshansky' confession and 31 the official announcement, of it by the Copyright—Jewish „ '. Agency. German Minister of the Interior in the German Reichstag. That the entire STEJGER, Almost Jthe entire Amer- affair was nothing but an anti-Semitic ican Yiddish, press, commented in cobweb could be seen even immediateeditorials and other articles on the ly after Steiger's liberation, when t h e acquittal of Stamslaw Steiger, who hooligan organizations of Lemberg was tried in Lemberg, Poland, on the were inciting to anti-Jewish excesses charge of .having thrown a bomb at in that. city. It is enough that the President "Wojoiechowski. Jews have to live ins such an atmosThe "Forward" takes the -a<xjuittal phere." : • ^ ••••as a sign that there is yet light in; i **Justice h a s triumphed," says t h e the world." The praiseworthy -action :"Jewish Daily Eagle". "The voice of of the Ukrainian revolutionary organ-•_. justice h a s spoken, and Poland h a s ization in Poland is proving that its been spared a n infamous -blood-stain. member, Olshansky was the one who After all, Poland \s a European coun-
:. . ; , A RATTER bF DOUBT If future investigation bears out the faith that one group of threw the bomb; this action of that try. How was sueh an intrigue posaw&§4ogN£ lias, manifested in the authenticity of certain revolutionaTy body was the ray of;, s i b i e ? I t w a s possible because in Pp. strange areheologicial finds reported from Arizona, drastie light through the darkness of thejia^d -to regard Jew-baiting revision, of. tEe history of New World exploration and discovery Steiger trial. While-tbis trial demon- a s a sort <s£ patriotic duty. But the strated'the unparalleled meanness of truth has emerged to the surface and •will !>e fn-prder. ^.nta-C mite- the the Leaden swords, spears and crosses bearing Latin and Hebrewjustice has triumphed with the aid w a s a heavy blow for anti-Semitism of the "better elements of the Polish inscriptions; which te!l~of a kingdom established in Arizona by g i y p in theryear 700 C. E. have been unearthed near in Poland. people." . • .; • "Romas " W e do n o t Delieve," sayg the " F o r - "The panic •which the Steiger acTucson; say, xfewspaper reports f from the th West. W T Archeojogists -who denounce the finds as out-and-out" forgeries •ward", " t h a t the acquittal was due to quittal has caused in anti-Semitic , andfak^Sr point to the fact that included in a Latin, inscription is a more liberal course, of t h e Polish circles of Poland stows the extent of the wfixd "Gaul,". ariEnglish form of the word "Gallia" that was government, although we do believe their dispair," the paper says in ant h a t t h e Polish people can show, a s othar editorial. "But the Polls' ~ mtinot .ugecl fn' jthe Latin, word. In" ejtplanatjon of the term "Roman Jew" used in the reports much beauty, kindness and justice a s SemiJ 3 dr nr* urid^. -'/-i. that '^er of the finding of the articles it is stated that ,all of the traders every other people. This verdict, how- all Poland has gained from the acof the early Christian Roman Empire were Jews, Jacobus, ever, was d u e solely to the fact t h a t quittal much more than the Jewish Israel I and Israel II "ate the monarchs of this prehistoric realm the entire accusation w a s too absurdly people. You cannot go too far with ya Arizona whose history, extending over a period of 125 years, built up by Polish anti-Semi-ic gov- lies. The truth is bound to come out is related' in the Latin and Hebrew inscriptions thus far de- ernment offic&ls a n d . no sane Jury eventually. The Polish anti-Semites could a c t otherwise in such a case. ciphered. have suffered a great defeat in Lemif more detailed examination proves the authenticity of "Although n o t so dangerous for t h e berg. The Steiger affair was their the find, in view of the" fact that purely Christian symbols were Jewish people a s was the infamous greatest hope. They, hoped to have in used, Jews generally will agree with the observation of Dr. Beitiss trial, it was akin to that trial the conviction of Steiger. a tew justifiNathaniel*Reich of Dropsie College that the writers of the in- in the purpose of those responsible cation for their agitation and persecufor the frame-up in both cases, and tion of the Jews. Hence their despair, scriptions "were certainly not Jews t " 1 consolation, however, they may And so,- in all- likelihood, the record which tells~of the arrival the Jews of the entire world, who folof Jewg to the Dutch-colony of New Amsterdam more than 270 lowed the trial "with keen interest, find in the fact that their victim is a years ago or of that epoch making moment in the year 1492 when heaved a sigh of, relief at the news physical wreck and suffering with tuberculosis, as a result of the inhuman Luis de forces, the Marrano, who had been taken along by .that Steiger was. free," . Similarly, the "Jewish Daily News" suffering and tortures he endured for Columbus as an interpreter because of, his knowledge of Hebrew and Arabic, sprang ashore, in order to be first to parley with the points.out the differences between the the past sixteen months. natives, a4d "thus became the first white man to set foot on the Steiger trial and the Beiliss trial, on "When a situation such as this new ground," will .continue to be used as describing the begin- the one hand, and the Dreyfus trial, arises out of a trial", says the paper on the other. While the nature of j in its English,section, "the original nings of the history of American Jews and Judaism. Jflgt what effect the Arizona discoveries may have, however, the accusation in the Steiger trial was j significance of the proceedings beupon the claim of Nordic priority in the New World, as stressed not so dangerous as were.the accusa- comes obscured. The innv.ence or by recent repetition "of the nebulous appearance of Leif Ericson tions in both the Beiliss and, the Dreyr guilt of a single accused becomes a on or near the coast of Massachusetts, is still a matter of doubt. fus cases, a verdict convicting Steiger minor issue; the future of a whole If the Tucson relics are upheld, certain theories concerning early would be a new weapon in the hands community is in peril.". and recent immigrant' stock and the alleged supremacy of blond of the anti-Semitic agitators in Po- The writer thinks that "as long as racial prejudice will continue to sway dolieocephalics in rugged pioneering ventures are bound to suffer land. "Out joy. at StejgerV acquittal is, the conduct" of "nations, the Jewish , rude jolting in the process.—"Independent."
The measures of precaution, wei taken in view of a report yrhicl, reached the police that a great quantity of dynamite disappeared at the Temesvar station, and it _ was declared that the dynamite fell into the hands of anti-Semetic groups who intend to e x p l o d e t h e synagogues in the city. In one of the city synagogues recently the arc of the Holly Scrolls was destroyed. Many valuables and the tapestry adoring the Scrolls disappeared. The police are searching for the culprits.
[ COUNCIL BLUFFS Agudes Achim To Hold Annual Dance On January 21, At Eagles Hall
An «tectioH *»d installation of officers was held at the last meeting of the B'nai.dlSrael. Jacob Stoler was Dave Greenberg rice-president -and reporter; Morris Fellman, Secretary and treasurer; and Jake Schreibman and Harry Rosenberg, sergeantsrat-arms. Philip Hirsch -was fleeted -Psrtiansentari&tt. A program •was laaift <up tfor the «ntertaittraent committee which consists of drill in. parliamentary law, discussion of the T$ves <>f gtfcat Jetrifeh men, PATROMZ*] OtTR ADVERTISERS debates, ;and Selections by the club orchestra, lihyolig wishing games with the B'naiisraelTjasketball team call M. Fellman; "Walnut 8&S5.
DR. M. E» STfilN
SAM TARNOFF Painting and Paperhanging
. Miss Sara Kesselman is visiting relatives and friends in St. Louis, Mo. Mr. Louis Feblowitz is leaving
Thursday evening for Chicago, HI.,.] therefore, threefold: first, because an people will be fofceci to make sacrifices to spend a few days with his son, Ike. innocent man ..was freed; secontly, for the crimes ah'd offenses, real or j JUSTICE .OBTAINABLE IN POLAND that erven in Poland a new framed up imaginary, of iti ^members"; Neither Mrs. Frank "Walton of Flattsmouth, Justice to a Jew- may be done in Poland, despite the anti- accusation against Jewry -has been will "the doctrine involved in being Nebr., spent the week-end here visitSemitic press and the cries of an artifically infuriated populace. .miscarried; and thirdly, that all foes b e t t e r than our-neighbors" do. Hfe ing, her parents, Mr. and M r s ! £ . St^oiislaw- Steiger, the Jewish student falsely- accused of an at- of Israel in Poland have thus-suffered sees the only logical solution of the Gilinsky. tempt on .the life of the President of Poland, was acquitted .in a great disappointment/' problem, on the otte hand, in "buildLemberg last week .after a trial that began on October 12. What "The verdict in the Steiger trial,?' ing up our distinct political unity in Your 1926., subscription t« The Jewthreatened to become- a Polish Drey fuss case terminated iaiKtLsays the "Daily-News" -=in another Palestme''and-orTtRe other, in powerr ish Press is due now. Please mail triumph of justice for the innocent. Steiger continued to protest .editorial, rial, "'hks proVfen1 tHat there fe! Jui"jewiEh "cdmTt§inities in cbuhtrie* it in. his innocence from the day of his arrest. A court-martial dis- still' 'law and justice in 'Poland. The ,jj k f e t h e Unifed: ^tates and England agreed ; but the District Court of liemberg tried Kim. In the face fact Is not only ily a source of joy forj for'i bt,eeit aembcratlcaiy and permanentDermanent- and consistent system of policy directi n,_ g democratically of an .anti-Semitic agitation aimed at Steiger, and through him at the Jews, but will also be a benefit to j ] y organized to de'tnahd justice to Jews ed against the Jews and dictated: by the Jews of Poland, the course of justiee was" Veering against tlie the Poles. It has spared Poland a; blood hatred. The writer then analyses ..-•.,.* .. •accused until the real culprit, who hadHed to Germany, confessed great infamy ,.and saved her reputa- in, every the case of the orosecution In the his crime to the Berlin police. Even then great fears were entej> tion. _„ For a time it seemed to Polish '•The existence'of the American Steiger trial and concludes: tained by. Polish Jewish leaders that the" young man would be politicians that Jew-bating is a profit- and Canadian Jewish Congress made - ''Steiger is free, and this is, indeed, saefifieced, on the altar ,of anti-Semitism. 'Fortunately for t h e ' aHe political policy. They are now Be- possible the perpetuation of. Jewish a great relief for all Jewry. The Jew cause of justice, the Court stood its ground against the wilful and ginning to realize that it is not so iminority, rights.at,yersailles. The in- is triumphant, because the truth must tercession of Anglo* and. Franco-Jew- triumph.in the end. Steiger is free, pernicious agitators and handed"down"adjust and true-verdict. — from -» a financial ^_:_-.-_i standpoint. _,.—J—•_* ™_J The | i s n p u |,ii c bodies only last - week ^ Pole ' i not " ee fror. her heavy All of which goes to show that anti-Semitism may be destroyed acquittal of- Steiger is, therefore,] b r 0 U ght Hungary before the League guilt for thus prosecuting her Jewish in Poland,, aa elsewhereVby the strong arm of the law and the' •beneficial to Poland as well as to the • t o a c c o u n ^ fOr the constitutionality of population. And Poland pays the penJews." her "numerus Qausus" legislation and Twill of the government.—"American Hebrew." • alty of her guilt." "A different verdict in -the Steiger evoked her promise that steps will trial could not even be • imagined," soon be'taken to amend it. An effisaya the "Jewish World" of Philadel- ciently organized Jewry, prepared to phia.^'' What As to b6; wondered at is force; the League to act when necesthQ persistence,of the Prosecution and sary, should .3nak$~ the possibility of a GIFTS THAT LAST of thfe entire department of justice^ in Steiger or Dreyfus trial an absolute Poland in continuing the trial and anomaly," ' ; r "When does a poor man rejoice? ine Oriental -Society, who translated (Continued from page 1) of the book, <4Yeshu Ha'riotzrt" (Jesus Pr. Klausner's book into English, reported clearly and definitely the When he recovers .what he has lost," I Diamond Importers statements writes Mr. L. S. in his column in the of Nazareth), the first book on the when Interviewed today T)y the corre- subjects of his sermon and ; spondent of the Jewish Telegraphic which he made and wh h he never "Jewi$h Daily Cqurier" of Chicago^ \ Platinum Specialists life of Jesiis, raised his voice in the controversy: which resulted from Dr. Agency in Jerusalem expressed his denied. He has on seypral occasions "Our people is poor among the peoples Stephen. S.. Wise's sermon "A Jews _yiews on the subject in. the follow-, publicly preached against the divine authority of the Bible (Torah Min of the world, and we are. rejoicing at "View pi Jesus", based on an English ing manner: •' . ' ""JTr. ^Klausner's book I S ^ direct re- Ha\ shamaim). Because, of, this, he: the mere fact that an innocent Jew. I 214-15-16 City Nat. Bank BIdg. translation ofDr. Klaifsner's b l ' oni i I Ja. "5619—Est. 1894. While was from our point of view a priori ith the h corre- •'suh^of-th'e success In an interview with thfe-j Jewish -was itv considered harmful to be p l a c ^ ; at | spondent .of the Jewish Te'cgraphic Jew dreaded 'any serioua the head of a national Jewih Jewish move move- ™5re quite near losihg him . lms Agency, thet author of the' bpok.which contemplation of thepersons .ve jrise to the controversy now would have been" hqlding. toe attentlon~of~the Jewish the- accused one a public in- the Unitid' States, defined his views, of Jesus of Narareth as ence.'Now, Pole. This shows how many "Regular Meeting of f, Jewish, national life in Pa-1 ft TeatiJt."Qf his research" -work- "over i assured, the Jew has no kept silent, with pain in our hearts, j Poles there are yet who will go to any s a period of twenty years in old Heb'li ttojthe j t h old'manner l d ' of; f and hoped that at least during the] extent, only to bring a Jew to the' rew, Aramaic, Latin and Greek need to'.cling sources; as weir as in "the writings defense. Dr. Klausner laimS Je"sus as, time of, his chairmanship-of the cam- g_nu '^ » of the reaily Fathers of the Christian an' outstanding'-Jewish -figuW. There; paign he would feelhis responsibility, H^ ;, others, who- will ,agree; hint', to the Jewish Jewish^ community community" and ~ton-l f o r l d " of Cleveland gree; with Wnilto con^ . The ^ e "Jewish "J chw<?h. 1 ; much-of Jewish JIfe comes nears'Jdfir thei** htfly ifAeliflcs and would recounts all the .famous anti-Jewish that 1 "£' never said that the Jews should er-,"to "Jesus' 'an'd hfe"fethical-ideals 1 trials and blood • -accusations from not affend them. c : M accept 'Jeius as a Jewish teacher," thari-does hfef6ricaI Ghristianity, he "It; is "nusst regrettable, however,1 to" 1925 aiicT-arrives at the conhe declared. "I said in my'book that 1 that in in addition addition to to his his sermon sermon ' on there.iare: in the teachings of Jesus declared. "- *"• ' • ' . ' < '-. that on , . nowhere has a-false acMany jChristian : missionaries iff Sh of JSassT^th two parts, One consists Shevuoth against the divine apthori-j. cluslon ^ _ Jerusalem, regard Df,\ Klausner's h h h thi h i h ' i i l of the high ethics which'are similar book" as an attack on Christianity, it ty of the Torah, he surpassed him- cusation been frought with danger to the teachings of the Jewish sage t t d hhere. self .last Sunday ana preached on a for the entire Jewish community as of the Second Commonwealth, Hillei; was stated subject which threatens ta tt&r dowql ^ t n e j a s t steiger' trial in Poland, these teachings a r e . entirely Jewish • New York, Dec. 26,* (Jewish: Tele«thi<*se ~The~ second-^part consists, of. Jew^afi • ethics carried by\ Jesus of graphic' Ag$nc,y.)—;A - reply- to the 1900 years—which may drive our.'the trial so absurd and so . J as it was in this case. While in such h <|e bj^Dr. Wise children to conversion, mat,, -^^j-. Stephen's. F Nazarejh to the extreme which have charge Ui "Othd Rb off "Orthodox Rab"Dr. Stephen S. Wise made his cases as those of Dreyfus in France tendencies likely' to destroy" the Jew-' against the Union Ssh-national-trait .and,the. Jewish re- bis for adopting their-resolution of statements before an audience of a i l d o f BeiUss in Czarist Russia the Every Thursday Evening at Jewish -• . . . . .. _ ; „ . „ the first part, as I protest without " Investigation was 3,000 persons, old and young. Some z, ligion, Community Center Building. • Jewish,.tlje. second made in a statement issued from the' of them have told us the contents of Governments were at the time interptated,. is,. JMUALASHOCK. President. headquarters of the' Union'. his a^dares^-^e haye.-algo .seen his ested;to suppqri "the prosecution apd part* contains"" tendencies- destructive "Having noticed in the newspapers statements in the press which do not their respective anti-Semites, in -the Secretary. to the, state and socieffy.'-These two parts * ate connected. and. interwoven the statement of B,r • Stephen S.." lessen the impression that -.uch words c a s e o f Poland we have something Wise in whlch'he. offers'His resignain the teachings of Jesnsi tion from the chairmanship of the "We' therefore have*-no ground to United Palestine Appeal as 'well as' churches, fqr^the yojuth. j very beginning, of Tolish independenQe 1 take.-Jesus as our teacher. It is, how- expressing his astonishment at the "W "We tiiewfore tif found f b d it necessaryJ ! thtcthii '' ''vritteii vritteii^ laws l&Vfs secin secin to to have have „ everj' impossible to deny- that Jesus action of the Union of Orthodox to demand his immediate resignation.' bee n incorporated in the very political II •was Jewish, 8andr othathe took all of Concert Violinist || Rabbis, the Union finds it necessary from the United Palestine Funds ;_. <_»„„, Af+i,» r^hrn-m^nt of PAlan(i^ ' h a * m Jewish- purees. tb declare: ' --- ' •• •->0 o £ e o v e m m e fm a 1 Appeal in order to avoid the danger- P ^ ^ *» 9 f ° . l ] j * !| . . and Instructor ,j| i Kfizareth cannot b"e held re"On more- than' upe occasion Dr. ous influences which such an address;• boycotts of Jews, .exclusive laws fj>r everything which St. Wise spefeehea on the sawe sub- when jt is tttered b y * Jewish leader^ against them and calumnies and false has* comments and praise from jjj S u i t «upd-- trie other of HM followers ject, .made a preaching abput-Christianity mmay some of the greatest teachers in jjj " ' ^b^ "on -the" masses, A t ' the" accusations. The writer recounts -the wb(t >«*» 'mainly - pagans 1 did with' the .world. Give your child a jjj ~ Drt-Klaiisnerdeclared. publicly, which are".harntful"'to the correct foundation. jjj
RabbiI Wise Offers His Resignation From Chairmanship of United Palestine ; Appeal as Result . of Jesus Sermon,
1926 Some folks will tell you that "Business is Business". But 1 have found in dealing with my patrons that "Business is Pleastirew. I nope the pleasure has been mutual and extend to -youray ^sBhoKMs wishfes for
Omaha Lodge No. 354
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I : Prof, Frank Mach I
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Harry Kononovitdh VIOLINIST 'A-master teacher, T»IUSUE1 opportunity for beginners and senior students of violin. A few open periods available. Phone, Atlantic 2©15 for appointment. Price ?2, up to ?5 per lesson.
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secretary of the Palest- temple. The newsjta^jers at ttmt^tirae .of the United Staiejs njid, .Canada,
jjj Jjj jjj
and Prosperous New Year
The first big dance of the season will be the Annual Agudes Achim Dance which will be given an Thursday evening, January 21, 1926, at the Eagles Hall. The committee in charge are-Messrs. Ben 1. Seldin, chairman;: Harry Kubby, Jack Freiden, Sam Bubb, Philip Friedman, Simon Steinberg, and Charles Saltznian. •They-have secured "The Monarchs", who. are frequently heard over the radio stations KOIL and WOAW, to furnish the music. A Charleston exhibition, -is-to be one « the feature Omaha Chapter No. i of the Order DENTIST eyents of the.evening. A first and of Aleph Zadik Aleph will hold 3 moved to second prize will be awarded to the regular. meeting «nd installation of 560-562 Brandeis Theater Bldr. two best Charleston performers. officers Sunday afternoon a t the Atlantic 9767. J«wiish -GomaraBaty Center* The meetATTEND THE ANNUAL AGUDES ing will start proaifjtly at three o'ACHIM DANCE ON Jan. 31, 1926 clock. ;; at EAGLES HALL, at COUNCIL In the last edition *>f the Press the BLUFFS, IOWA. Adv. name .of Stanley F-. Levin -was omitted from the list of newly elected ofThe Ladies Auxiliary of the Talmud ficers of Omaha Chapter. Aleph LeTorah will hold a regular meeting via was rie-elected AJejph Mazkir or next Wednesday afternoon, January 6. secretary. at the home of Mrs. Abe Gilinsky, 1114 South 28th Street 725 ,Mynster Steei. The Ladies Labor Lyfceum Harney 3968 » will entertain at a }«ckage party Mr, and Mrs. Maurice Grossman ^of Sunday evening, January 3, at the Save Money by Letting Us Manhattan, Kansas., arrived last Fri- Labor Lyceum* ; Do Your Work. > day to visit Mrs. Grossman's mother, Mrs. S» Ravitz -was re-ieWeted presiMrs. L. Meyerson. While here they attended the Stalmaster-Lapidus wed- dent of the Daughter cf Israel Aid Society, at their election held last ding. ' week, Mrs. A. Wolf was elected %iceMr.'and Mrs. Sam Bubb enter- presiderit; Mrs. £ . Tatle, treasurer; tained" their Evening Bridge Club at and Mrs. A. Farter, secretary. PUPIL OF their home Tuesday evening. Hungarian Police Guards Synagogues In Temesvar Fearing Explosions ATTEND THE ANNUAL AGUDES WILL GIVE EXPERT ACHIM DANCE ON Jan. 21, 1926 Budapest—Speciil protection for at COUNCIL at EAGLES HALL, 5yiiag>og«fes and Jewish houses of Adv. worship in the «ity of Temesvar, BLUFFS, IOWA. TransyltaniaV was ordered t>y the at her home studio . Miss Ethel Goldberg of St. Paul, police, awcorilft^ %o * report received Minnesota, is visiting relatives i n h e r e . 2219 Wirt St. We. 1884 - •--• *'•'•"•' •-••"•' Omaha and Council Bluffs,
Most elaborate was the wedding of Miss Shsteile Joyce Lapidus, daughter The January" car3 party of the BLUFFS, IOWA. Adv.. , of Mr. and Mrs. Harry H. Lapidus, who became the bride-of Mr. Irvin StalOmaha chapter of Hadassah will be master, son of Mr. and Mrs. I*. Stalmaster, on Tuesday evening, December given Monday afternoon, January 11, J PATRONIZE OUR ADVKRTISKRSl Aunt Esther serves d 29, at the Brandeis Restaurants. More than 1,000 guests attended. at the Brandeis tea rooms. Hostesses Pink and silver was the color scheme carried out In the grill room, a$Bim are: Mrs.LB.;SteiB, Bits. I. GrosEman, where the ceremony was held. The wedding aisle, made of many overiiead Grape fruit ana* hoineyV Mrs. 5L ;Tuchman, -Mrs. A. L. Weinarches of orange blossems, lead to the floral canopy. The «ereinony started Chicken noodle soup. " Bfein, Mrs. L. Margolin, Mrs. D. -Eeisat 8:30. Mrs, Grace Poole Steinberg sang "At ©awning," folio-wed fey tfee : Stuffed celery. inan. wedding march played by Gilbert Jaffe and a five-plfece string orchestrai. Roast young goose with chestnut Refreshments consisting of homeRabbis H. Grodinsky and .Frederick Cohn, officiated. dressing.; Hiade cakes and coffee will be served The bride wore a white satin gown fasnioned 'with a plain bodice and a Cranberry sherbet. by the hostesses, and prizes will • be skirt inset with godets of real lace, embroidered in silver. Her long Veil Island gifea at every table. H«ad lettuce salad, 100 ) WEDDINGS was of duchess lace and was fastened to a coronet of pearls. Her bridal dressing. Mr. and Mrs. I. Pearlman announce bouquet was of white roses and lilies of the valley. Miss Bess Stalmaster, , COHN-SEIDMAN Irish potatoes roasted with goose. Members of Crusaders Order - Miss Lillian Seidman, of Lincoln, * the engagement of their daughter, maid of honor, and the bridesmaids, the Misses Gertrude Tatle and Elsie Will Make Pilgtittiftge t» Sweet potatoes earameL. Nebr., has set Tuesday, January 19, Betty, to Herbert Polsky, of Kansas Stalmaster, all wore gowns of pink chiifori. Palestine in Msrch Coffee, t e a . i s her wedding day to Mr. David City, Mo; No date has been set for the Mr. Robert Glasser, of 5fort Dodge, ttfwii, served as Mr. Stalmasterrs Pineapple sherbet, date bare. .... Jerusalem. See of the time of the B* Cohn, son- of _Mr. and Mrs. Morris tvedding. bestman, and Messrs, William.;SfeImMt# and Lester Lapidus were the early crusaders will be reenacted next Cdhn, of this , city. The ceremony TO PREPARE groomsmen. Mr. Joseph ^ p l f was,Jin|ister of ceremonies. Ushers were •will be solemnized a t the Lincoln ; Mr. and Mrs. • Herman Auerbach Messrs. Samuel Wolf, Sam Bfeber,M^riris Jacobs, Samuel Leon, Earl Lapidufe, March when members of the Order of Grape fruit should be prepared the Hotel- a t Lincoln, Nebr. left Wednesday for Florida and Cuba. and Morris Stalmaster. Little Mi'gs Pearl Monsky was flower girl, and night before. One hour before serv- St. John of Jerusalem, known also as fee Knights of Rhodes and the SovMany social affairs are being given' They will return in three weeks by Master Carl Milder was 'thei ringbeijirer. ing, pet one heaping teaspoon ereign Order of the Knights of Malta, in Itooor of M s s Seidman and herway of New Vork. The bride presented her .attendants with butterfly thinestone bucMes in 'centfeir, chill. will visit the Holy Land. fiance. Aniong the hostesses are Mrs. Were gold pocket knives. Mrs. John Robinson, of Norfolk, and the groom's gifts to his attendants ; Morris Cohn,, who entertained a t a It was learned here today that sevFollowing the ceremony, a buffet-supper was served in the main STUFFED toe o'clock luncheon followed by N,ebr., is visiting lier mother, Mrs. dining room. eral hundred Knights and Ladies, . ' • 1 feunclu celery. members of the Order which is 900 j bridge Tuesday afternoon. Wednes- 1S. Jacobs. 1 cup cottage cheese. Mr. Stalmaster and his bride ieit that evening for an extended wedding years old will make a pilgrimage to day afternoon, Mrs, JB.'. Korney was V* cap iweet or sour cream. gone to New "STork,, stepping 'Bess Lindenbaum has a s hertrip. They y have g p p g at all large g cities enrotite. the crusaders' ancient strongholds in 'hostess* at bridge. Mr. and Mrs. B. guest Miss .Ann Fishbimij of St. Joe Ih p Salt and pepper to taste* iil sail il on the h "Finland" " F i l d " febrii febri New N York Y k on January J 1 iiti C b 'Ihey wiil 1, visiting Cuba Palestine. The steamer which will 1 -small piece "pimento. Mo. Miss Fishban, t a s been extensive- and passing through Jthe Panama'Canal on their way toSan Francisco, Gal. carry the crusaders will ffy the old , Friday afternoon at their home in Wash and scrape celery. Allow to They expect to returntoYGmaha.in about six weeks. standard of the Order. *• honor of the couple. That evening, ly entertained xturiiig- her visitg the mo$t $ pron^eiit p ^ Aniong lout-of-towti g guests Were Governor and Mrs. stand in cold water for onefetniror The Order bad its origin in JerusaMy Daddy is crazy to - Mr. "and Mrs. David Wells are en- Miss Celia Gidinsky, of Kansas Adam McMullen, Mr. and S£rs. Roberts, of Lincoln, Rabbi Isadore IIsaacson J longer. Mix cheefefe' iand cream and lem during the first crusade. Medaetertaining a t a dinner at their home. City, Mo., formerly of this city, do it for you". of Sioux City, la., RabbiJC53./Starrels, of Lincoln, Rabbi William Friedman, seasoning and allow one teaspoon to val legent set back the beginnings of •" Saturday afternoon Miss 'Eva Cohn visiting with friends^ each piece celery. F31 hollow part i'of Denver, Colo., A.; M.JK*eiisky,William Sultan, of Chicago, Mrs. Ben M. the Order to the days of the Maca\ "will entertain at bridge at her home 1 Miss Mae Sherman arrived Thurs- Taxman, Miss lone Taxman, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Studna and Mr. and Mrs.and serve Tsith soup course. bees. for Miss Seidman. Honors will be «ay *> be the guest, of .: Kate Max Studna, all of Kansas City, shared fey Miss Ethel y, Mo., , Mr. and Mrs. John Robinson,, of NorMAX KAPLAN, Prop. CRANBE«St SHERBET folk Nebr., Nebr Mr. Mr and andMrsViJ. S SlatC of Miss Lois Reictenberg entertained , St. Paul, Minn., who is visiting rela- Goldstein over the week-endf. Miss folk, S< SlatCj of De% De% JSoines JSoines, Iowa Iowa, 'and 'and Miss Miss Rebecca Rebecca 1 quart cranberries. Harney 7545 seven couples at her home Wednesday j - tives here. A bridge party will be Dorothy PDcus, also a guest of Miss Rositzky, of St. Joseph, Mo. 2 cups water. ' •. ... : evening. given Sunday afternoon by Miss Goldstein, will return to Sioux City The Misses Anne Greenberg and Mrs. Harry Levine, of Sioux City, % cup orange juice. : . - Erma Wells at her home. Monday Sunday. Miss Goldstein will return to Mollie Levin of Sioux City are the with daughter Harriet Phyllis, is 1-3 cup lemon juice. zmsssz afternoon. Mrs. M. Giventer will en- , Lincoln to resume her study at the j visiting at the home of her parents, guests of Miss fitollye Grossman. 2 "cups sugar. tertain a t ' a one o'clock luncheon fol- university. ! Mr. and Mrs. M. Horn. Cook berries until soft. Mash and lowed by bridge. The following after.,.._. -_ Helen Garson, of Lincoln, Nebr., is Miss Grace Rosenthal- entertained j add sugar and cook one minute. Add "noon, the Mesdames Henry Maduff the guest of Miss Pearl Sherman fen iioupfes last Saturday eVehing ilij JHiss Ethel Goldberg, of St. Paulj is rest of ingredients. Cool ahd freeze • and Charles Saltzman are giving over the week-end. fiofi&ic of Miss Delphine Gugenheiin of visiting with hfer coiisinj Mi-Si Harry very stiff. To be served with meat liricoln', Nebr. | C&hn> oi Council Bluffs, and relatives luncheon end bridge, and on Wedcourse. ' I in Omaha. nesdey afternoon, Mrs. J. Cohn will Miss' Rose Forman entertained six '- : .: bo hostess honoring Miss Seidman. couples at her home on New Year's The Misses Tillye and Ida Segal DATE BARS Mrs. D. Dimond and Miss Bernice e v e . .•:'"•'•-.' ' • ' -.-. ' : ' have returned home after visiting 3 eggs. Dimond, of Lincoln, are visiting at the : •; relatives in St. Joe, Mo^ for about KATZ-LORKIS 1 cup sugar. . home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Katskee. Miss Sarah Sbafton left this,week tyro months.. Miss Bath Lorkis, whose Miss Dimond is the fiancee of Mr. Ed- 1 teaspoon vanilla. to Mr. *oe Katz was solemnized Sun- | f o r New-York, wfae« ^ :. Mrs. J. L. Slate, of Des Moinesv la., 'wiri Kaiskee. tlie Vi teaspoon salt. . .' day, December 27, in the presence of , remainder of the ttfntfer visiting is visiting her mother, Mrs. A. ^ 1 cup chopped dates. fo -Jtaly the immediate family, was ex- ends and relatives. Friday evening. Rabbi F. Cohn will On Wednesday, Mrs. Sam Wolf was 1 cup chopped nuts. Itensively entertained prior to her We'have a truly wonderful collecPhillip Sherman and son, ofhostess to sixty at a one o'clock give a review of,Joseph Klausnar's 1 cup flour. i h ; marriage. Mrs. L. Epstein had a < g i o u x city, are the guests of Mrs. A.luncheon at the Brandeis tea rooms "The Jesus of Nazareth'. This book, 1 teaspoon baking powder* tion of pictures and gifts—novelwritten in Hebrew by the famous Zionhonoring her sister-in-law. luncheon for twenty guests', Miss Shafton. Beat eggs until light. Add sugar ties. We want you to visit our ist, Klausnar, was what caused the ! Adela Epstein and Mrs. M. Siegel enMiss Ruth Kulakof sky i s having a agitation in regard to Stephen Wise. and beat two minutes. Add rest of * tertained a t a buffet supper for thirty Miss Evelyn Kaplan has returned Ingredients and pour into cake pan shop FIRST. 1 guests for Miss Lorkis-and fiance, from a short visit to Sioux City where Mah Jongg party Saturday-for the Jabbi Cohn will talk on i ^ i ifced with wax paper. Bake in mod; li|ij Ms teacliings, and his interpretiori erate oven for thirty minutes. Cut ^ Mrs, Ben Lustgarten had five tables she was the guest of her sister, Mrs. younger school set. t of bridge and Mrs. F . J. 'Alberts and Sam Leibowitz, and Mr* L i i * " ^ - Mr. and Mrs. Mw Goldenberg fenter- of the teaching of, Jesus.;The Satur- in bars and roll in powdered sugar ' We Cater to People-Who Care. day morning sermon wfll iib« 'An when cool. Mrs. A. Greenberg gave a luncheon i Mis. i*ibowitsp i»as formerly tained twelve couples at 4, New R«rva Kaplan el^ this city. at the Brandeis Tea Room. Estimate of LdfeV- : eve party a t their home. JSx. MoiifeTtolEIItkiis, school set will be returning J o Miss Ethel Hollander, of rtenver, Mr. and Mrs. William Cooper, of resume their studies during the lat-is visiting here with Ms sister, Mrs. Chicago, arrived last week.to be the!Colo., who was the.guest of her If recipe calls for sour milk and ter part «f this week. The Nebraska J. Glasman, and Mr* Glasman, is be-guests of Mrs. Cooper's grandparents,! grandparents, 1 teis*er, - - Mrs. John Befcyv- has returned there is none, add two tkblespoona , T ^ e r s i t y , students are leaving Sun- ^ , extensively entertained. Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. J. H. C. Hart. Before ; to her home. She, was extensively en- vinegar to each cup sweet iMk. The a surprise 1416-18 Ddtiglas St. 4907 South 24th St. dKy^and, those.attending^eastefn col- Mor r8 > result is the same. marriage last spring, Mrs. Cooper tertained during feer visit. in honor of tiieiy -1J^.L- gfj^J leaving ...Saturday. Miss • OPEN EARNINGS Noriaa Feltenstein, of St. Joe, To keep left over pimentos, heat a . Rosaline Goldstein, daughter of Mr. b r o t h w o h Thursday evening. Sunday Was Miss Mitiam Mosher of this eity. small amount of mild vinegar, pour s the guest of her aunt, Mrs. and'.Mrs.! A- Goldstein, Hita, « u a evening Mr. and Mrs. M. Weiner en- Al Handler who attends the UniJ Rosen. Monday evening Mrs. over pimentos while still hot and seal • student afc Wisconsin University: will' ^rtained, and Mr. and Mrs. S, PineDame,: & p stcin ve a p a r t y o n entertained six couples at heror cover with paraffine. The pimentsj Mr; and and; to Madison, but will leaf* ^ Tuesday. Mr. his vacation with his parefttsi tos will keep a long time. 1 honoring Miss Feltenstein. Mrs. S. Handier. .. ." , . 1 . 1 " for rNorthwestern Unrvarsity, to re-Hops was honor guest at a New ; year's evi j>arty for thirty, given by sume her studies; '-•-..••. Sunday school 4at Temple Israel will Mr. and Wts. E. Meyer e "35 Year* of Community Sett-ice** Mr. and Mrs. Victor Weiner a t their M.-resumed Sunday morning after a at a iamity' dianer" io* 2S j 'Miss Rebecca Rositzky, of Si,' Jo- home. A theater ^arty,foil6ired fey week's Vacation. seph^ Mb.^ is visiting here with Mrs. dinner, at the Brandei? restauranti is Friday afternoon. Harry Malashock and ' M r s . Abebeing; given oi Miss Errria Grbss, of L2nsing, Mich., i. Miss Hermine Hershman^ vvhb is Mrs.- H. Glassburg, is tiie guest bf "her aunts, the Misses «onvalepidftg at her hoWe.rvbis ^SSt*^ Eva arid Rose Gladstone. Mr. and Mrs. S. Fellman have as Canar are honoring Mlv Hops at therr to two tables of bridge last Sunday. R E F I N A N C E . N Q W i ; "•." their house guest, Miss Fanny Acker* home on. • Saturday, jevenjjig, „ and - on Sunday evening Ms. an3iMr&-AV loo- •• Mr. aha Mrs. S. Babidr nave as their Miss Rosaline Kbhan has as her .man, of New York City. sen are 6ntertainingv/Mr* Hbps Is as* guest their neice, Miss Gertrude Ben- guest,.Miss Fanny Latta, of Lincoln, The Omaha .graduate club of the turning to New Yorkneit week. of Chicago, She is a student Nebr. 'Bflta'Tau Fraternity entertained at Northwestern. ; SAVINGS £ LOAN ASSOCIATION 1 BEAUTIFUL new Dr. J. H. Growat, who is an intern at a luncheon at the Elks Club Tues- •Mr. and Mrs. Karr#:FranSet' an* dr.. noon in honor of the members nounce the birth of a feaby: hoy* •:-:•- | Miss Evelyn Adler was "hostels 'at at St. Paul, Minn., visited here last of the Alpha Theta Chapter of the Mrs. J. Berek and daughter, MiSs her home last Saturday; aiftetftfOri to week with his fiancee, Miss Rose Fine. foup tables of Mah Jong. University of Nebraska. breakfast nook, and Laura Berek, of-Fremont, Nebr., ar^ Miss Edith Newman, of Detroit, Mr. Harry Dimond, of Lincoln, also the guests of Mrs. Berek's sister, The ladies auxiliary 6f the South attended the luncheon. garage. Located on Mrs. O. Oberman. On Sunday Miss Side Cbj&glfegaitiDn of IsraelJ|ield fiieir Mich., is visiting With her sister, Mrs. Joseph Stembergj and Mr. Sternmonthly card party last ifonday at -Bere.k*will leave f or ,Lincoln, where On Monday- Jan-aary; 4thv - 1926 y West Farnam, and th B d i §riii roomi'' The Th hhOsti t i berg. Brandeia there will be a meeting of the Temple she will resume her studies a t the the esses were the Mesdames Ben and - Israel Sisterhood at the Temple University of Nebraska. close to school arid car. William Lustgarteni M» SiMpn, ;Ji Vestry Room, a t 2:80 pi M., followed Among the visitors in Omaha this Tattleman, L. Wohlner and'Charles Rev. E Fleishman Reasonable rent, For by a social afternoon. week is Fred Goldstein, of Berlin, Nathan. Mrs. J. Sherman is iflrcharge "MOML" J ME. Sam Brandt of New York City Germany, and Nebraska university. of all card parties arid there are further particulars call Goldstein is president of Kimett, prizes given at each table. 1342 South 25th St. AT. 6637 - arrived this morning to imake Ms Mr. j s A a n t i c l45O. Omaha. Mrs. Brandt and a Jewish fraternity a t the.--University. home jp A t1l -lantic 145U. | Miss Bess Newman entertained the Fleishman's Kosher Meat Market telephon daughter, accompanied by their He is. the guest of Herbert J System. , ». mother, Mrs. A. I. Kulokoal'-.', wiH also a student at Nebraska and a Ki- members of the Sigma Delta Tau so- 1615 North 24th St. WE. 6006. mett member. They try ha* tw rorijy a t alt' Orpheum party last! • arrive in Omaha during the month. SStt school on Sunday. i'stdepkc Saturday afternoon, followed by din-] Miss Ida Minkoff entertained at a ner niost cstchsivel «* * ? W g ? » restauxaftt. Those ; Attend the A joint bridge party was given! bridge party at her home Sunday in Tuesday afternoon by the Mesdanies honor of Miss Rose Kaplan, of Des lin, Sara Somberg, Ida Lustgarten, Moines, who spent the Veekrend at S. Cohn and P. Hoeffner at the home Kate Goldstein; Ida Newman, Esthjr of Mrs^ Conn. The affair was givea - her home. for thfe benefit of the Jewish National Swislowsky of Columbus, and Laura ^.; Dr. M. E. Stein, dentist, has moved fund. Prizes were won by Mrs, H.Berek of Fremont. j his offices from Aquila Court to. SsaxoSi J. Lieb, J. Simon, and B. (first time in Omaha) Miss Edith Skalofsky, of Sioux , 560-2 Brandeis Theater Building. Minken. A dance and recitations were City, is visiting Miss Befe Horn over BY' In honor o-f Miss Babette Zncker, presented by Sylvia Levy and Bernice New Years. '.""•." of Chicago, 111., the fiancee of Mr. Silverman. Mrs. Ernest Meyer gave a 1 o'clock I Hyman Rubenstein, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Phillip Nathan is visiting with luncheon f olldwed by Mah Jongg at Philip Ginsburg and Mrs. Rose Jaffe relatives in Chicago. • ON her home last Wednesday honoring entertained last Friday evening at Miss Lylyan Chucadoff has as her her sister-m-law, Miss Gladys Meyer, their home. Miss Zucker is leaving 0 m e ra n tfl -• Friday for her home after visiting out-of-town guests tha Misses Bess '''h ^ ho ^ ^ e Chicago Aifclns ; hare for several weeks with Mr. and Bess Weinsteln and Leona Cohn, of' stitute. Among the out-of-town guests , Mrs. Harry Rubenstein, parents of Sioux City, la. Mjss Chucadoff enter- j were: Misses Ivy Cohn of Chicago, AT tained at a dancing party Monday guest of Miss Reva Ziev, Toots I her fiance. evening at the Hanscom Park Pavilion Agranoff, guest of Miss Ann Weiss, Miss Mina Gerstein entertained the J Dorothy Pikus, guest of Miss Kate in honor of her guests. TTajobls bridge club at her home } Goldstein, and Bea HtirWit^ aU of Tuesday evening. Prizes at bridge Mrs. I:~ Friedman of Chicago, 111. Sioux C J -ere won by the Misses Rose Gimple formerly-of this'city, is visiting here 2 Pageants Will Be Proceeds to Palestine <! Sb'rlpy Rosenbloom. Miss Jennie with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M.*R. Mrs. Ben Boasberg, formerly of this Presented. • Workers' Fund Vosiul will entertain the club a* her Wolosinsky., .She, will remain-for two city, is the guest of .her sister, M. Handler and Mr. Handler. weeks. tmtmz
ionai Laundry
Getting Married? Playing Bridge ? Birthday Gifts?
Rialto Music Shop
Biblical Masquerade Bill Poa!e-Zion literary
Sunday evening, January 3, 1926
i K elpine's Dancing Academy
~* i'fl,^
•*l -' - "
amazing to nwte the"failure", to-men, The "colors "arrived at the Jerusalem of the National Council of Palestine ing of Jewish writers and cultural amohg"sll,the baseball Cohens resulted tion David B%Kefstar jKeb.star-,,-^artCTbael? —,-, railway station at 9:1Q in«the morn- Jews, and "Rabbi Uriel"on belMf;^packers ;.washeld here in the Solomon in the^discovery that it was Andre* of Bfown of tKe tKe B fon yJniversitj? y g Aieichem Club to honor Dr. Alfred tfeam 'during ing and were' saluted by'huge "crowds the Chief Rabbinate. Cohent of' Waco. When this evidence th the pastt year, and halfback the year arid Jewilh' ex-sofdiers who gathered j ' A- message of welcome was sent by Landaa on his seventy-fifth birthday. J 'was 'p'reaented -to" Secretary' Tienujy before. ' he-refused taiina&e^any comment. The - 'For your information "Mishel hails the Palestine Jewish leginnaires to Lord Plumer - Witnesses Impressive from -all over the country for the'Vladimir Jabotinsky, organizer of the ^Giants have .signed Cohen but;they, from occassion; > ' Lynn where h* made an enviable Ceremonies. refuse to admit it. •A' . '.:record ii - ' interscholastic - activities. The Jerusalem'police band and the Jewish legion, and Col. Margolin. The reason for-this mysterious ac He playeo? brilliantly" on-the- FreshJerusalem. — An official statement tion is that Cohen 'will not report un- man team at Brown.. The-(following Jerusalem. (J. T. A.(—^The colors British armed gendarmerie escorted issued yby^the, government, with regard til 1927 a t the very earliest, and the season heljwori a berth on tthe\Yarsity of the-Jewish, battalion which /ought the colors. The march, -winch was HANF CASE Waco and. New York clubs /wished to. -and last >ear • when'Coaches during the .World **#ar with'.Great headed by Jewish .ex-!egionnsures, to. the arrival, ef the colors of the 2224 Cuming St. ' Lester E. Hanf, the sterling end and keep the deal a secret until well inco tmckfield Fortieth Battalion declared: Robinson and Reggie - • Brown >• were Phone JA rlceon 1226. captain-of.-the Rutgers football team, next year. Unfortunately the publica' looking Under the leadership of the assitant Britain's forces against the Turks for around for a.quarterbaik^th'ey "The colons of all disbanded batta•who was selected by'Sidney'S.'Cohen tion of Cohen's name on the Giant re chose Mjsjhel the liberation of Pafestine, ,were de- chief of police of 'Jerusalem, .protheir field general. on the 'AlWewish, All-American foot- serve list spoiled these well-laid plans: This seasonasBrown lions were deposited in the various ceeded to the Great Synagogue in the has,.bad ope' of ball team writes: - -Cohen's boosters are jiodestV-They the hardest footbal' schedules'in^the posited- recently in. the -,,great syna- Old City. Huge crowds lined the cathedrals... Whereas the Fortieth '- "La'fKis"morning's paper, I noticed say he is only several •. shades better collegiate world. Peririsylvarii* gogue of Jerusalem with impressive streets cheering and applauding as Battalion was composed of Jews in that I -was picked ori^your AlMewish A RULE OF HBAI/l'H ~ -Bancroft, Glenn Wright Yale, Harvard, Dartmouth and Col-ceremonies. . Palestine, its colors should be depos^-American, football . team. -1 apPeclonpaugh. They admit gate almost on consecutive-Saturdays. WASH AND KEEP WELl The ceremony took place in thethe,parade went by. -No disturbances ited in the Jerusalem synagogue." not much better than Honus In each "fof these games' the' playing presence of the High Commissioner, occurred,' despite the warnings of the * » % * • yer^ttHtch tei-g Picked on FRONTIER TOWEL SUPFLt rAmerican-.team but I-must in- .. _ a I t is predicted "that when of Mishe;Kwas brilliant ".and" note Lord Plumer, representatives of thePalestine Arab executive. worthy. A fast runner, the-be'st dropAndrew "prances into the majors he • 181B California Str««*t. DR. ALFRED LANDAU ' ^ ' •--•-- that is kicker on -the team arid ah. accurate^ civil administration, the' military and The Bishop of the Anglican Church YIDDISH PHILOLGGIST, forward passer he contributed much air forces and the foreign consuls in was,present'at the ceremonies in the to the success HONORED ON 75th BIRTHDAY ucc of o Keefer.an'd; e e f a n d ; tBtod'a^ d ^ Jerusalem. Mrl Nashishibi, the Arab synagogue. Rabbi Kook offered ^ic h h have'been'.'tnore-'widely b ' I t seems only fair to both of,US whose names c special,prayer for the occasion and mayor,of-Jerusalem, Chief Eabbi A. is rectified. broadcast.' On the defense he stbpped Vienna,—(J. t . A.-/M. S.)—Dr. Al- Phone JAckson 004S Sineerelv vours minor -leagues.. since '-Bobby Wallace with his'nne tackling many:<ai.play I.::;Kook and t o£her notables were preached.a sermon. The cantor sarig l LesterE Hanf" | was a kid! He is said to..be a, sen- headed toward Brown's:gbaj-pqsts. fred Landau, the leading authority on appropriate psalms. >•-•••• present. •*- > . .-<•- * SAM NEWMAN Well,- it seems as, though Lester fational fielder, a^good^hitter and_ a Such a,; record by this ^Jewish boy old and middle High German in rela•would have to be left out of it. How- level-headed lad with the right land is certainly worthy of "mention. It is tion to the Yiddish language, was Painting and Decorating Tel Aviv. (J. T. A.)—The colors of ever, there is a justification in the, se- of disposition. ;.-•-. a source bf regret to "those who have New York State Athletic Commission, honored on his seventy-fith birthday. LET O!» BID FOB tOU seen Mishel in action-that" he should which is the first step of his entering the Jewish regiment arrived here in lection of Hanf on the All-Jewish xr x -pf /A-V'•TvF/RPS* * * OriK W<JEB GOAHANTEEO the professional arena or rather stephave beefi overlooked in ;>your - selecteam,vand if we are going to .disclose ™ T ™ ^ T ping on the pro mat. Caplan, »we un- the morning. The flags were exhibited '-" Berlin,—U; T.. A. M. S.)—A meet- 214 South 18th St. Omaha, Nebr. tion. • • ' * " . . . ;'.;,:•, • ; the Jewish percentage of Hanf's an^. AlllliJiif.',/.;..:>r'> : / ) ; / .--- */-• derstand, has quite a reputation in in the- Gymnasia Ivrith, the Hebrew --Very truly yours, cestry it is not that we insist on There can be no further disputing : the Far West. For the past few years high school. Crowds came to salute ' L " B claiming him despite his will. It is •t h e supremacy, of Louis (Kid) Kaplan, ;\ o he has held the Inter-mountain and NAT MKISTER merely .to vindicate the author of the world's featherweight champion, over You arfe positively, correct; Mishel Pacific coast championship. Abe'comes the colors. A public meeting -was All-Jewish team. ' •»» * "—" "•---• *"•-•«-'—-~ -1--11— deserves''at least an ^honorable men- from Los Angeles, but was born in arranged on the" campus of the high writes si) kinds of tion. ,' • . 1 , Lester's Russia. The Jewish matman weighs school -in the afternoon. M. Smilonsky ish parentage pounds, is heralded as a fast per- addressed the'gathering on behalf of ABE KAPLAN ;' ,"-: .' 205 COMPANY grandmother' on his father's\side is o f fight fans that he is Herformer and his many admirers claim the Jewish. legionnaires, Mr. BograJewish. This information comes to us UIXM B 11KKJMBi . master, TO BE PRO / SERVICE WITH BACB F(M4Or. that his muscular development is exAT-1000 E.SCHERER from no* less an authority-than Les-, . withoutt detracting ,'from " the vic- Abe Caplan, the aitodteur-wrestler, traordinary. Caplan was a blacksmith choff on-behalf of, the Tel Aviv munn i n o. w Bids. <ra<*»«i» tai*. tor's own mother, who declares herself t o r y o f Kaplan, or Ms ability, i t can has- forwarded his- application ;to the at one time. • ", < icipality," Dr.'David Yellin on behalf a Catholic. Now, if-the granny of-the o n j y b esa id-that-he :s the-best of a great American athlete is a German l o to f featherweights that does, not Jewess, and if, his father belongs to c o m p a r e favorably- with the galaxy God's chosen people, doesn't-it follow o f former stars, DQHOC that the Rutgers end is: not entirely i ,.,-r,^ ont of place on Cohen's All-Jewish; G E R S H E ' B E A T E - A team. Yes, we know _that Lester has: B V \ W O M A N not been raised in a" Jewish"atmos-j •D-1—"—W-AyiTJ^s.^.... phere, and that his Jewish education The other night, fighting as a 1 * .' . leaves much if not everything" to'be ' feather ,-Eddie Shea-knocked out Bendesired. But we think, with all due re-, ny Gershe of Cleveland, the promising spect to the brilliant gridiron star, Jewish lad, in the fourth round of a that his rejoinder was uncalled for. It twelve-round fight. Gershe had been might' have been jnst as1 well 'for beating every featherweight he met Hanf to have accepted gracefully, the in the Middle West, and Eddie Shea's honor bestowed on him, without tell- victory is~ a sad "• disappointment to ing us that "I must inform -you that Gershe's followers. Mr.-Alvis is supposed to be the I am ineligible". manager of 'Shea. I t is Mrs. Shea, T H E HANF MORAL however, who is the actual manager So the Hanf case is closed for lis; of the Italian fighter. She has always but we, must confess that this-incident been interested in the fighting game, leaves-us disappointed. It reminds us She keeps a file of all fighters he is of the'Pogany affair, which filled the apt to meet, together with notations i...-,' newspapers recently. I t recalls the of their style of fighting, weaknesses,;
Deposit,Colors of. Jewish Battalior
W S F & RtEPFN Directors
* « | i
**+* P^nilonflw ATi-c
nan liATSruvc.
makes us and why should a straightforward and _-,.--. J _. -,r „ - „„ , , , . , sympathetic fellow like Hanf-insist on Eddie turned to Page 68 of Mrs. Aldenying a substantial part of-his an- ;tvis'sjndex, read her .observations, and cestry? ' - - -| h en stuck across the kayo'. "' The moral'is: An athlete is only "rjAVTjV " a Jew when he wants to be one, "Jew- •LJ*i-».+-H * L. J . Balatow of'"'Providence' calls] ish" features and Jewish ancestry to our attention" *to} si'- deficiency in the; the contrary notwithstanding". All — Jewish football teain. His com-1 plaint follows^;- ' '• $ \. A JEWISH HONUS -
. •'..,
: :
3 i,
James B. Harrison informs VB->A1. All-Jewish- A41 .American, team, it, is though Secretary Jim Tierney of the New York 'National''Baseball' Club' would ^neither, affirm nor deny, as the r saying goes, it was definitely" learned that the Giants have signed a'brandnew shortstop. His name "in "Andrew Druggists and Stationers Cohen and he hails from the -Waco club-of the Texas League. Andrew is only nineteen, but he is described as being1-the gaudiest shortstop-in-the. • younger minor league set. . . . . j "The cat was let-out-of-the-bag when Cohen's name appeared on the PAXTON-MITCHELL CO.
E. E. Bruce, & Co
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WJE. 5555
w0 o
ed to give present and future distributing center andin pro- White Bus owners a transportaviding for the steadily increas- tion service of exceptional ing demand for^ White Trucks promptness and efficiency. A and.Busses, the White Company large stock of parts vA\\ be kept lias established a-direct-factory constantly on hand and factoryfeygtiich in Omaha, located at trained men are in chlarge of the 1310-1316 Jackson Street Dean Service Department: ty[, Gillespie has been: appointedNever far from interested care, n&nager. ; White^ Trucks and Busses are a The installation and mainte- lasting investment. They connance service heretofore ren- tinue to roll up money-earning , dered by Andrew: Murphy & miles over a long period of Son, Inc., is being developed years. Highly to meet the irequire- Only a great organization could ments not only, of-Omaha but give the transportation in a surrounding territory. . truck orbus you get ip a White. *
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Good Booms -for »uso . , c
Op«nttcd by Epplry Hotels Coi
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1307 Howard St. At. 8028 Omaha, Nebr.
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