January 7, 1926

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>WBmt The cynic is one who knows jthe prjce of e v e r y t h i n g and the v a l u e 1 of nothing. OscariWilde*

vli?i«siK*&!<t*tci ^•sjtfcpi*! Vftr^v*»->' I''-'*-!


; <_ I

- Eaferea tO8 %ect>K, . po&lQfflc&atf Oma^

VOL. V—No. 5 t t


:ronttcj_on.January 27tb 10S1. at * the Act ol March a. 1STO.




Dr. Stephen-Wise s: Resignation Not Accepted By Zionist -Executive Committee

MERCHANT OF LENINGRAD SENTENCED TO B'nai B'rith Lodges JEWISH DEATH install Officers For cy.)—The Moscow, (Jewish Telegraphic Agenson of Simon Pliazky, Russian Jewish conNext Admmistrafion tractor and metalmultimillionaire merchant of Lenin-


j Berlin, (Jewish Telegraphic Agency;.)—Dr. GregoitoJ~~-Itelsojin, •well Americani Zionist Executive'Committee Votes to' Uphold Leadership of kidwn" Jewell vtna^ematician and Dr,. Wise, Charged^With' Heresy; Wise Startles Committee scjentist was/ attacked last night on With Confessjon.of, Faith; Stands for Oneness of Good^ahd Oneness of Jewish People. Kurfuer'stendainniatrasse by Baron Omaha . Lodge . and Women's grad was sentenced to death on The Jewish Community Centet Organize'Committees to Canvass Engelhardt, vGerjijap.. anti « • Semitic 1 Auxiliary Presidents Appoint charges of bribery, speculation, cor- Orchestra to Play; Dancing , .City for Subscriptions ruption and damaging the state inleader, " Committees New "York; JanVi* ago you- registered their as well as Will Follow Debate terests. » Baron EngelhardC shouted- as he —(J. T., ,A t )r-The - your, own decision that niy resignaCONTEST WELL CLOSE JOINT INSTALLATION tion "as Chairmafi of the' National beat Dr. Itelsohn, • "Knock down the resignation .' of .'Dx*:. Thirty-seven empl .ees of the ; Stephen ' S . " Wise,' Executive- of the United Palestine government iron works, "Bolshevik", JUDGES SELECTED TO FEBRUARY 15th Jew! Kill him." Leaving Dr. Itelsohn HELD AT OEEN MEETING Rabbf: of^the^Free/i Appjeal/be not'accepted. • OFFICIATE AT DEBATE unconscious and' .covered with, blood, A joint installation of Lodge No. were involved in' the case. Many reSynagogue: and' Na'fJ kelied On Justness Of '. Organizing committees, of, workers, the Baron,tried id,'escape, bat a taxi ceived severe sentences. ; tipnal •Chairman'-of ! 354 and the * Women's Auxiliary of The Omaha Y. M. H. A. debating : •-;•-._ '. ;>.-• Jewish Opinion e&cn entry'^ driver prevented hini and handed him Three hundred other persons ho the Uiii^ed,P.alestjije' ;-."Npw the B nai Brith w i nbe heId this thatjthe. decisionhas, been I team will meet the St. Louis Y, M. ' laxity^ contes^will'lauijeh-an?extensive aver to. the police.,;; • . Appeal, Iwhich'seeks reached,.I may"confess"fp you that', ning at the Jewish Community are in some way connected with the H. A.. team in a second contest on this year ^6400^d00 it^ campaign forM^scriptions and votes • Dr.- Itelsohn,-a Russian Jew, settled Pliazky speculations in differc would havebeeij th^ rncst grievous Center. ' "..... .''. ' for the .irtconstrue^: hour to•••: enable'•*eachxontestaiit" to^bidfor in Berlin in* 1885. and' is well known :df' my -life if yotr. had concluded government organizations are await- Sunday evening, January 10, at the: tion: work..: in/PalesOfficersof -the men's lodge-to be Brandeis Grill room. The Omaha otherwise.;»Not because j&£, hurt; that the pirizesofferedxi ".;e mnners. Th.e in'scientic and- social' circles; . tinei'was not -agcept- -I.^.-Rjoulji installed • are . Mr." Jake Malashock, ing .trial.. . . . thave . suffered**^ul -because team won the debate held in St. Louis ; contest,.; i whijchais \ the!-, largest^ ever ed, 4espiteTtfte";pro- any .action o-Uier -thanjihat', which you president;-Mr. .William Alberts, vicelast year. launched, iri. the, city, is atti^cting tests. .of-a vnunjber' of .^aken# would have ^involved a] president; •• Mr. Isadore . Abramson, r •orthodox"*---^ra:b0i&,; .have ratfcli'attentionKfrom local Tan&;.nonThe Omaha team will consist of ', grave impairmeht oh that f reeclfcm r Iwho have . cn^rge'd. *f i'opinion -v arid r utterance' which; is secretary;.. -Mr. ' Harry Friedman, local'aubsc^beV&t'd> The JewisH; Press. Fred White, Ben • Kazlowsky, and him jrith-Heresyjiand essential; * to; Zionism. Nor^dor I feel treasurer; Dr. A. Steinberg, guardian; ' " • A' trip .toy.Euroge, is "the," first tprize Louis Lipp. The St. Louis debitors misguidancei. . „-..-—' >-:.that you••> have based your decision Mr. Harry .Robinson,, warden; and qffeired in thls';contest,: vriich5 iiithe. are Milton Yawitz, Bernard FischloTie decision, by a'vote of Ttagainst 1 chiefly, uponjmy senHce to tne Zionist Messrs.- Alex . Frank, Robert H. largest ever'launched.in the^'cityl'Two Aleph Godel Announce? Committees 1, was taken by the ^Executive GOTOwitz and Merle • Fainsod. ' To Broadcast Over W. O. A. W. on Kooper, and Louis .Simon, trustees... mittee of the Zionist Organization fofi For This" Term "other,- valuablevprize&tareIJq5'eiBd. to January 19 ^Theodore Herzl. No service however The question to be debated upon is, America, which met in • session: ye^ter-! The Auxiliary officers to be installed the winners of the second and third day at the Hotel. PenrisylvaniajrNev? I great by any~ Jew to Zionism could be are -Miss 'Edith. Covich, president; "Resolved, Tiiat Religious Instruction. Installation*^ officers' of the Omaha York City, and by a "vote-of ^9r.tp i&\ suffered to stand in .the balance • as '-.'• p r i z e d - y • * • • - • ; • • » • ' . . • • . ' • - • ~ ; . - v - < • : > <, ! . ; . . . • • any. disloyalty, on his part to Miss Ula • Alberts,- vict-president; A radio entertainment will ~be given in the Public Schools, with Safe- • Votes fpr;The Jewish Press contest Chapter of this A'l^ph Zadjk Aleph by the Na.tional Executive -of^-the: against" by the Omaha Lodge No. 354, of the guards, is Conducive to the Moral the Jewish faith, to Jewish life, to arei obtainable bV^securirig •subscrip- was' held Sunday afternoon,' January United Palestine Funds'Appeal^at *a j the JewiBh' people. -I- have-?felt con- Miss Esther., Katleman, secretary; I. O. B. B., on Tuesday evening, Jan- Welfare of the State." The Omaha at the' Hotel* Pennsylirania' fident:: from • the- beginning that, Miss Ann Wintroub, treasurer; Miss| tions to. The Jewish: Press. • AH sub- Si at the Jewish COrnmunity Center. meeting, uary 19, over WOAW. The program team ,will uphod the negative side of in the r afternoon. One '-'member;.T re- whatever the tension, of • the hour, to Fan Ackerman, guardian; Miss Goldye will begin at 9 p. m. scriptipM-toKTlie Jewish Press' are Nathan Bernstein, grand,treasurer.of frained from voting, c . :--"i;t'.- f • ' the question. extreme.of ill-founded Marcus, guide; -Miss ,Bess Greenberg, due. now.{ T^B renewal biE old sub- the Order of A." Zj"A., .installed the The decision not 3 to j accept - JDr., what.eye^;the Several new artists will appear on and unjustifiable judgments certain Omaha Y. M. H. A, teams have monitress; and the Misses Celia scriptions will count the same as new following officers:'Max Givqt, Aleph Wise's resignation .was., facilitate'd* by.; groups in Jewry might for a" time the program. Musical, vocal and four thus far taken part in two debates, a, dramatic ' statement ,which." 'was; Kooper, Bess Stock, Mrs. N. Greensubscriptions.—— r•- Godel; - Louis" Lipp, Aleph. Sgan; minute addresses by prominent B'nai termed to be a confessioh ;of ;1falth,)' be led, whatever exploitation; .might : The'confest'will close on February Stanley F. Levih,7Aleph Maskir; Fred delivered by Dr." Wise' at" the ^Execa-] be -attempted of , a misurideistood borg,- trustees,, and Leona Pollack, Brith members will be feature enter- one with St. Louis last year and one word,. ultimately the .sanity* and with Philadelphia a week ago and, Aleph•"'"Gisbor; - Marion tive Committee of the -United - 'Pales- i justness .of Jewish opinion would reporter. . . . ' " ! . . * . l ^ K ^ ; \ - \ : v ^ : - - - \ : : J •;••"'•;•.' . Brodkey, tainments. Those who will participate have won both of these contests. The : : Presidents of,these two organizatine Appeal. _ • ,. ->•' « . . . Graetz, AlepTrSejuor~Shotafe; Harry r . Among"..the ^ contestants already make itself • felt, and thus save in the four minute talks will be Mr. J entered are Miss Leone Novitsky, a Rubinstein, Aleph (" Junior Shotare; "Vote Embodies Confidence of;; > American- rIsrael from*; perpetrating tions announce their committees to Henry Monsky, who will talk on team will travel east next year meeting a number of teams enroute. Many an act 'of deep injustice against a reDresentatiye of ^ the"-Omaha Y, Miss L'eon Mahdelson,' AJeph Soffire; and American Israel In. My.ioyalty • fellowrJew, and again avert t:he in-serve this term,. Mr. Malashock an- "I. O. B. B." Mr. Sam Leon will requests have been received by Wilnounces the .following appointments: As Jew And Zionist," Says'.Wise. tjx>anction of the spirit of divisive and Fannae' Katelman, fepfeseritiiig Coun- Jerome .Diampnd, •Aleph Kohen GodoL speak on "The Struggle for Tolerance," liam R. Blumenthal, executive director FI.VA.NCE- COMillXXiiK Following thelvbte'rejecting.his re- destructive. schism into the ranks of cil Bluffs, Miss Sylvia- Feldman,: the - Committees f9r;the ensuhig term and Dr. A. Greenberg will speak on of the Y and coach of debating teams Dr. A. Urtieuberjr, ciiairmau: Wm. AlAufleDUng1 Club' representative, and were chosea: by, Max. .Givo^, Aleph signation; Dr.. Wise declared: ". the lovers arid rebnflders of_Zion. berts, Vice ' Ciiiurutttii: ADiier 1-s.aiiuan, Ike "The National Jewish Hospital in from many other Y. M, H. A. organcannot convey-lioW-deeply i»evy, f'red oreeuuerg, Morris Micklln, Miss "Mjldfed7.ffar|is,; the' contestant Godel. The following'will serve dur- I "Words am moved by therexpressiohsi of •'"Israels Faith' is My Faith," He Dave tireeuberi,-, -ilari-y Weiuer, IJV. A. Denver." izations to debate the Omaha team. ing the next" six months: • entered^ jt>y* the'Poali-Zion. Steinberif. ; J . ' J.' Slosuurg. Ut. Katlian ••• -• -.. confidence and trust, which, have come D e c l a r e s : -•':-• Mr. Abner Kaimen is chairman in Judges for the debate will be A. L. MusKin, -Morris "Kutlemun, t e o Abraiusou, to me during the past fortnight* from ' "If I could bring myself to believe Program Committee: Fred Brodkey, IWHO WILL^BE OMAHA'S MOST charge of the program. Those assistMEMBliiiSlUr COS151IXTKK chairman; Louis Lipp, Maurice Al- my fellow-Jews and fellow-Zionists that you have refused to accept my Nathan laue; Oaairmdii, Harry Xrustin, ing him are Nathan Bernstein and Sutton, Judge of the District Court POPULAR GERL? ^ the land and even of .other resignation because of a sense of Vice CUairmaii; Alex l'Tujik, li. iierelick, of Nebraska, Mr. A. V. JShotwell, forpirn, Louis Riklin, Jerome Diamond. throughout lands, culminating inthe-deciiiojt; of indebtedness to one who has gi"ven Joe Grecnberpr I'r. I'. Homanick, iiOUis Harry Trustin. mer County Attorney, and Mr. Balr Simon, Herbert:. Goldstein, Juck Alberts, ' Membership Committee: Ben Kas- your body not to-accept -my;iresigna- thi.best part of his life to the Zionist liJcklin, Harry Kbbiuson. lard Dunn, Editor in chief of the lowskj', chairman;' Leon Mandelson, taon.. This I; placed tjieihandsiofithe causfter because "you h a ^ been ready l!ob Kooi>er,%J. SOCIAL SEBV1CE CO»15UTTEE Omaha Bee. Chairman of: thec Zionist-Organizat>r. Phiiiip -vSber,- Chairman; HenrjNorman' Green, Marris Givot, Sam tions of America? notLbecausetof^any to^waive the question" ef niy ;toyalty Monsky, William Blumentbal, Uubbl Fredas/ Zionist and jJ^ew b©|ause of the Preceding the debate, Mr. Harry Zacharia; Meyer Freeman, Al Green.- sense. of wrong-doing,,- not -because; ser^yice, real .or~'imagiifed>:! which. I erick Coha. p r . i A." (itveuberg, in-ing •, Leo Koseuthal, Mewr l?<;ber. Konoxvoyitseli and his £5-piece Jewish berg. , ' . , ; 13- At _Ckanmariity..;,.Center ^Orcjaesfcea . To Be Initiation ' "'Coitmiitteer "" Marion my: instinctive unwillirigness^-^tb r United Palestine Appeal, I : Abner Katinan, JSathaii VaUe, Saninel Theatre make""'tKcir first public dangerr pr hurt, even "in the.slightest night, without one Moment of- re-Beber, Graetz, chairman; Louis Diamond, v William '.AlbertE, NatlSftu; BerBstfeiu, . to Attend Harry Block and render.several numbers, Dancing: qegree,"'tHe cause of Zionism.. ; / consideration, insist that my resignajjr. Jiathau Jlaskin. • .. - -. v • , Fellman.. , ../ '- .. ^ Funeral In Chicago ''"I will hot deal with theregrettable VIGIJLA>CJS CO3IMITTEEtion should stand. May I not take it, Word was received by the Omaha will follow the.debate. • : Property Committee: Dave Forman, controversy which, as f a r a s l ami however, that your refusal to accept William Holaiuan, : Chairman; Harry Chapter of-Hadassah that Mis Hor- chairman; Moms F&lk, Harry SaferWolf, \Vm;^BlunienthaJ, Morris iliicler, concerned, is now ended; I -have-no my resignation embodies the con-Louis HiHer, Henry Mousky. Funeral services for Mr. Charles S. tense Breckler, of New York, who is stein. criticism to offer, even of those: who fidence of American Israel in my JJAT'X, JEWISH HOSPITAL CO3IMITTEE Elgutter, 64, a resident of Omaha Jewish Workmen's Alliance now on a speaking tour on Hadassah ' Athletic Comittee: Stanley F . Le-have most deeply wronged" me;"As unimpairable loyalty as Jew and Harry ijuyiUus.CliiiVnxian; Joe JL. Wolf, Masquerade Ball January 10 work "will be in Omaha to speak at vin, chairman; Max Altshviler, Ed- against the misunderstandinK ;or-:mis-. Zionist, and the- recognition of the Wm. iSlunientliul, Ed Trelier, Louis Som- since 1S69, who died.last Thursday at interpretation of any word of-'mine^ obvious fact that. I could not and did the.Wise Hospital following a year's the annual linen Shower to be given ward Shafton. . COMM. I, might -well place the understanding not depart from the traditional at- I.EVI MEMORIAIJ r;,HOSPITAL The twelfth annual masquerade Chairruau; I-'r. M.illness, were held at 3 p. m. Sunday by the local organization on WednesOratorial Committee': Dave Fell- and confidence which have .been pvoked tidude of the Synagogue towards the O J.o it«Tky. Sloijbiirjr, , i lialr r jj - Gross. Kugeue Blazer, at the Brailey & Dorrance Funeral ball of - the Jewish National Workday afternoon, January IS, at 2:30 at man, Sam- Zacharia> Ben Koslowsky. from tens of thousands' of Zionists doctrines of other faiths. Dr. I. Dauskr, Harry. Braviroif. throughout the land." Of" their;, will Bt*O(iJ?T COJIMITTEK ' • Home. Burial was at the Pleasant mens Alliance, Branch E4, will be: the Muse Theatre. Her subject will Harry Mulahboek, Cbairiuan: Harry given Sunday evening, January 10,1 {Continued on page 2.) you were the voice,'when'a* moment be on "Hadassah." I»aj>i<lus, Sainui'l Leon, J. M. Malasbock, Hill cemetary. Rabbi Frederick Cohn J at 8 o'clock at Kelpine'e Dancing] Isadore AbrauiBon. conducted the services. Following the Miss Breckler has been active in Omaha Workmen's Loan Ass'n i \ - i u i w s COVOHTTEK Academy. " I Hailassah work in Palestine, has uo^e Bei>«r. Chairman; Wm. Giotlin- reading of the scxnptnres, Eabbi Cohn WHO'S WHO ON THE OMAHA-ST. LOUIS The committee in charge of Ode »£-[ sky, Harry SiUennau, eulogized Mr. Elgutter as a man of child welfare work in Europe, and Elected-Annual Olficers COMMITTEE fair announce that they will gjiv«* _ Y.M.H. A. DEBATING TEAMS SamuelINITIATION" America, and is noted as an authority Leon. Chairman, AI. Monheit, artistic temperament. prizes to the persons wearing1 Milton.Yawitz, Captain of jthe.Y.M.» Fred White, Captain of the Y. M. Officers were elected at, the annual Arthur .Hosenblum. "He was a lover of the beautiful," of social' service work. She has been A. Debating Team which will meet CLEVKi:A>i)»bBPHAN* HOME COM3I. said Rabbi Cohn. "He was a man of most original coFtemes, acclaimed a brilliant speaker during meeting of *he." 0<naba .-Workmen's H. A. Debating Team.whjch will.'rheet1j Hi Alpirn, Cbairuijtn; Henry Nwman, the "Y" Team of St. Louis, is a noted D. A.B. This affair has been am the "Y" Team of Philadelphia;', is; a Loan Association held Monday even; B. Gross. Harry Truatiu", Louis >'athon, letters, of art, and culture. He was a her tour in America. noted personage. Hip fame, as a deKrnest Meyers. \ *'. - '• • • personage. His fame as a debater event of the club, an<! pfajss »T* fee* ing, January 4 at the Labor Lyceum. r gifted Writer and a lover of dramOther interesting numbers on the COM3IITTF.B bator dates back to his > high : school dates back to his college days at FredRESOl>CTJONS ing made to make this yessr'f j Mr. Morris Forbes will serve; as presi.White, 'Chatrtaan; Max Kr atic a r t " program will be as fololws: a larger and better affair. . ^ dent for the third-term* Mr. Phillip days at Soldan, where:he attracted Creighton University, where he at-J. 3. Freiduiau. - - ' In compliance with Mr. Elgutter's CENTRAL COTNCH* C'OM'MITTBK —Program— Ginsbufg was elected vice-president; attention to his speaking abilities: tracted attention to his speaking abil- Irving. Stalmaster, Chairman; Jsathaii wish, Rabbi Cohn read "Lead Kindly Singing of "Hatikvah" and "America" Mri" L. Reuben, treasurer; and Mr.From an interview the writer learned ities. White is a' prominent Omaha at- Bernsleiii, Joieph "J. Greenberg. v Light" at the close of the services. Jewish Worfcingmen in Warsaw' by the audience, lead by Mrs; Max Benjamin Klaimen, secretary. Those that he acquired the'art /of refutation torney and very popular in local club •Jsathan Green. Ctaitman; Jack ilarer, Mr. Elgutter was one of the first Ask F«r Consideration, in Fromkin. who will serve-on" tihf! Board of Direc- by indulging in verbal .,tet'e-a=tetes and lodge circles. He is a past-pres- •Toe Jacobs,-Allan'Kohan. members of the Nebraska Bar Asso"Public Works Employment 1 v : HOrgE-COJIMITTEK with members of thefemale ' jdent of the Omaha "Y" and present Violin "Minuet in G ' Paderewski tors areMessrsi'K, Selicow,;H. Reslyco Abramaoii. Chairman; B. Korucv, ciation. He vras also author of two ton Ueveloped his oratorical-iPso president of the Omaha Hebrew Club. l)r, NathanParrisky.' hich, H. WejnzweiFi P. H. BatV and Loyal and Sheffel Katskee. Warsaw.—The demand that Jewish by studying the phonetic .modulations He was a member of last year's debate . Committe'e, appointments announc-. operettas. '••'-s.-.n--»'.•• y ; Piano ' "Caprice" Kreisler W . J o n i s c h t 1 Pallbearers were Messrs. Albert workingtnen be given consideration in of the newsboy "in front of the-Misteam that defeated St. Louis. ed by Miss: CqvicK are as follows: Miss Lylyan Chudacoff. This association jfkg brgK|iized sevCalm, Louis Simon, I. Rosenthal, the employment possibilities planned souri Theater. . . . ,. , c Ben Kaslowsky, a sophomore at MEMBEKSHIF ,\N1) TtSAXCE Reading eral years ago fof the purpose of Mrs. _i.nne Splicow* Sclivriitta,- cnairtnan ; Morton Hiller, T. B. Martin und I.by the City of -Warsaw, was presented : Creighton University, is debater of "As the Sands and the Stars" Frug making loans to. members'who are in Mr.'Yawitz, who is anattdrftey and Anil Wihtroub,' Kose Fried. Mrs. Sol. Novit- Ziegler. : to the Warsaw roayor today, by * Mrs.-Jwnuie Schwartz, Uuth Pollack, Raskin need. They have-recently .increased a graduate "The Fulfillment" d t of fW WashingfbrtUniyi hitfb I J i i t great experie'nse. He was a member Bky, delegation representing Jewish Celia Kooper., of the So. ~High' Debate Team and their Capital "gtockl-from 10,000\ to first attended the University of « Miss Ruth Wintroub Mr. Harry Block, age 41, of El ingmen. TJla Alberts." chairman: Mrs. N. GreeuCaptain of that team for two seasons. ?25,OO0. - Song "Israel" c&go where he gained a.place:on . berg, .Mrs. t>am. Beber. Lillian Kubenstein, Paso, Texas, formerly of Council In view of the prevailing1 unemploy-» More than" one^ hundred members Varsity Debating Team.- By* T«!sidi He was a> member of the Omaha team j-Beuiah Mittleman, Kel>ecca Wise. Mrs. Sam Beber. Bluffs, la., died Tuesday at his home ment, the municipality «£ Warsaw EKT3EBiAI>MKXT COMMITTEE Mrs. J. Rosenberg attended the "anriuat meeting. Hadassah In the. ' Windy. City for1 over'a"ye'arr"c , . , ^. • • x i j v ^ Mrs. Sam Wolf, chuirman: Bess .Ureen- after a lingering illness. Funeral took measures to conduct public worfes • • . « • • • • • r- •••- - - - •— , a l s o t o o k p a r t m i n t e r - m u r a l d e b a t - berg, BjTdle Berg^r, Mina Friedman, Byxbecame" a fluent s np e a k e r . j . , _, •;r . . . . . , _ ••, An added attraction will be" "The ; ••-• — m g a t Creighton being on t h e F r e s h - die Selicow; • -.Ann ' Greenberg, Lillian services will be held Monday at Chi- on a large scale, for the purpose of SlEMENS-SGHtJCitERT . . . cago, 111., his birthplace. He is sur- creating ' employment facilities. The Promised Land', a' story of the HomeMr. Bernard Fischlowitz, is a chem-, ^ n A r t s Team. Benny was the star Kooper. . - " BANCK CHARGED istry instructor at Washington^Uni- of the recent Philadelphia-Omaha Y land* a moving picture in! five reels, Bess Stock,-chairman: Ida Greonlierg. vived by his wife, Frances ' Simon delegation of Jewish. - ^EMtoC ACTIVITIES versity where he is dging graduate Clara Katirnan." Bess'Greenbere, Esther Avith. organ accompaniment. . debate. He is a member of the PhiKatleman,~ Bess> Hnykin,'Kon Ackerniau. Block, and two daughters, Ruth and headed by the Jewish Alderman M*'. Dorothy. worfc for his master's degr.ee>. By Attendance at the showers has alLev, emphasized the employmenS Berlin^ (Jew\sivuvTelegraphic AgenDelta Sigma- fraternity at Creighton. The program' to be presented this ways/been large, .due mostly' to that cy .—The Sjemensv^chuck^rt works, necessity of explaining such a difficult prevalent^ among Jewish workingmen Omahans who. will attend the Louis E. Lipp, also a sophomore at evening -will be a talk hy Dr. H. von •wonderful faculty for remembering the famous industrial work's of Ger- subject as chemistry to college stu- Creighton, is the third member on the in the capital of Foland.- The funeral are Mrs. Abner Kaiman und the sick', *6e orphan^ and the needy, many, which;recentl^cohcluded:a con- dentSj Mr. Fischlowitz. bas'developed team. He is active in organization W. ScKulte,' dean &1 the Creighton Mr. Louis Simon, and Mr. and Mrs. promised to give consideration to Medical College. -Slusical numbers by that is the born inheritance of every tract for buijd.in£i-a .new city • iri Pa- the. art of clearly ian work, being Vice-president of the local H. Aa'ro'n Marko/ concert tenor, who Ben Kooler, of Council Bluffs, Iowa. presented facts. Jewish woman. . ': lestine to be; the:-cerijeroft^e textile and propositions. Such practice will chapter of the A. Z. A., and treasurer » The four larger hospitals and dis- industry of—that; ?o;ont~y, 'is • being be of infinite value iri" presenting his; of the Pi Delta Sfgma fraternity at will give 'several song selections; Helen Saks, age three, died Friday pensaries, comprising 450 beds main? discussed by the German pr^ssV arguments1 in the debate. With a Creighton. He is a member of Creigh- Master ' Chudacoff,- accompanied by night at her home at 615 Benton st., UNEMPLOYMENT AMONG JEWISH WORKERS IN POLISH tained by, Hadassah in Palestine, de? Charges. are: fei^ omadei that the chemist on the- team' the opponent's ; ton's three periodicals, the Creightori- his sister, Lylian Chu'dacoff, will give Council Bluffs, of pneumonia. She is a violin .solo; and Miss Florence TEXTILE CENTER SERIOUS pend almost solely on the chapters in Siemens-Schuckert ?f orks. has become arguments-will be given the-add test. ian, the Shadows, and the Blue Jay survived by her parents, Mr. and America- for - their 'linens; Besides ^the center ofrthe'German nationalist -The "third member on the team,*Mr.,' Annual, and Art Editor of the Na-Whitebook, will give" several recita- Mrs. Philip Saks, four sisters, Esther, Lodz, (Jewish Telegraphic Agency.) these; there are'14 other benificiaries movement anU'that-the plot^to' assasf Merle Fainsod, in a s sojjhcfrnore at tional A." Z. A. publication, the tions. • • _ Sonia, Marian and Naomi Betty, and The unemployment of a great numbe? suclj as; orphan homes, maternity sinate Streseman \\fa,s .hatched there. Washington University. ..The. sopho- "Shofer." He is high in scholarship at one brother, Harold. The funeral was of Jewish workers tr the city 6f Lofe homes, convalescent homes. and cha- It is also cl^inied'tl^aVthe German Ku more's make it hot for the' freshmen. university carrying off second honors TRANSYLVANIA JEWISH held from the home Sunday after- the center of the textile industry h POPULATION SUFFERS lutzinlsettlements. Mr, •painsod has also; ha'd .niuch'tratfl- in the Sophomore class. Klux man was. 6rigUIate*l toere." , ; '\~ ; 'FROM FLOODS adon, with burial st Fisher's Farm at the Polish Republic, has created .'« >Mrs. J^ ftdsehberg, chairman, has South Omaha. ing in public speaking.\He ^ The' Central UnioiT of "Geyinan Citsituation " •which growa -worse fteMt been advisedI.-; by tlie national office izens of the J^wigji faith haf. received known high school debator, at CleveBucharest, (Jewish Telegraphic A•day to dey. that the articles most necessary are a number of complaints thai5 Jews are land and also won an Oratorical ConThe following have this week gency.)—Tliedaftiagp; caused by the Word has been received of the Difficulties have arisen ij) the 1*S! ^ blankets; ilheets, pillow cases, towelsV only rarely enjplby^d -in thei V?qrks ber test conducted by the'_GIobe Democrat joined the "Paid in Full" list to floods in Transylvania affected the death of Miss Jeanette Gidinsky, 18, few days, owing to a disagreement the Jewish Community Center: and accesorjes for infant layettes. „. . . -___.;.;.„••-.. cause of the ijnflu'Bnce of the chief t w o y e a r s a g o . Jewish" popUJatiori,~according to re- formerly of this city and now ofbetween the leaders of the Kehilltih A. LEVEY ; ,:d^nsiing Mrs^ Rosenberg in raak-" engineers and;the::^ssistant^directors. ports received here: Mr. Fainsod'a phonetic ~ training Kansas City, which occared last and the -leaders al the unempioyA<j ESTHER SHAPIRO ing^arrangements for this affair are. The Central -,iJnioB^hai repeatedly in- consisted in, studying, the peculaf jar- i The Jewish population ol Clausen- week. Miss Gidinsky is the (laughter over the lietribution d -elief. TU& • JAKE SF -.SBERGEH ;, theMesdaines ^ ^ o n i m , B. A. Simonr iteryeced w i ^ t h ^ ' ^ W W r s ^ ED WIRSHAFTER gon of /train callers at railroad staberg :suffered. greatly. The Jewish of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Gidinsky, for- leaders of the unejj.ployco refused to D. Abrams Gia^^Lteyinsoh, [ A. Silverman, J . JV were tol4 on eyer^tjc^asipn that tha tions. At the present time fie is takquarter, which is tn the lower part of mer. Omahans. Miss Gidinsky has participate in the relief vvork o[ thi ; . . JAKE BERNSTEIN the t«wn was 'flooded.. Trains passed been an invalid for several years. She Kehillah jlue to a disagreenent ove; I FS^dnmn,;: Max Fronikih; M; F> Lev- fitm cannot; inqinr^icRitp the^^'p'oUticaly ing" a correspondence- course in "public religious and miljjScfy activities of its speaking and will soon receive" the through the district with great dif- is survived by her parents and by a the "and extent of the relit. It is to# your benefit t<* patronize ficulty ' . {Rolnjisqib^^ni^Jv 'Ltatzmanl'-.",•'. v'•-•:•'•/.1'em.nloyees.;*-.^;; •'"l^;!.;'' : ':'}v' degree of Y. E. L. L ' . . ' . ' ' " . ' ' sister, Celia, csnd a brother, Harry, Further dreturban-ces arc feared; OUT advertisers. -*

A. Z. A. Installation • of Officers Held Sunday





Local B'nai B'rith to Give

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' •














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- •. Published every Thursday nt Omabd, Nebraska, by - TtllS J E W l p : PltESS PUBLISHING COMPANY Office: 490 Briuideis/Tllfeuttfe.. Building — Telephone: ATlantic 1450. NATHAN E. GREEN, Manager. Subscription .Price, one. year,......'$2.50.: Advertising rates furnished on application.


Df. Wise's ResignatiouNot Accepted (Continued from page 1)

Mr. Harry A. Wolf, Chairman Free Loan Committee, Omaha, Nebraska. My Dear Mr. Wolf: ; This will acknowledge with thanks your letter of December 30 advising that you have received from Mrs. Ida Malashock, mother of Itarfy and Jake Malashbck, check for $200.00 for the capital fund of the Jewish Free Loan Society. This is in addition to the $100.00 contributed a short time ago to the Free Loan Fund. We understand that of the present contribution of $200.00, $100i00 is in memory of her son, Sam Malashock, aftd the balance is her personal contribution. How proud we should be that we have such mothers among us and what a wonderful example this shoiild be to iiiatty other people in Omaha similarly situated, who by this method can create a living fund, which will be constantly before us reminding us always of their generosity and their self-sacrifice. Very sincerely, WILLIAM R. BLUMENTHAL, Superintendent of Jewish Welfare Federation.


Vicar Shied at Sight of First Locomotive

A very email locomotive, said to be Beirut, (Jewish Telegraphic Agen- the first ever constructed, is prl>. "Whatever I may have been able to cy,)—Semi-official peace negotations served la London. It was bulk by •do in the past, whether for American between the French and the leaders of the famous engineer, Murdoch, ana la1 Israel or for the cause of Zionism, 14 inches high and 19 inches long, it has-befen made possible* uot because the rebellion are reported to be con- lias two driving wheels and a front tinuing. The disturbances which ocof any special gifts or powers, but solely because Israel's faith is mycurred up to last week have practically , steering Wheel fitted with a tiller CHANGE OF AIJDRESfe-PIsasw give both the old and new address; faith) because the people of Israel ceased. French aeroplanes are dropp- handle. ^ ' u B s u r q and give S'&ur ha'mg. This locomotive ran trials nt Ueiiare my people, because my will has ing proclamations signed by Henry de ruth In 17S4. The first experiment was .••'the i$\?lsh Press is' supplied tjy the'Jewish Telegraphic Agency (Jewish beeii and is, with the last atom of niy strength, to deepen the faith of Jouvenal, the new High Commissione- la Murdoch's own house, and then it : Correspotidence Bureau) with cabied attd telegraphic! Jewish hews, ft addition the Jew in the soul of his father's er, inviting the leaders of the rebellion was tried on the road, when, accord'.;' to feature articles'-and correspondences' from all important Jewish centers. faitli. Adbnoy Elohenu. Adotioy to negotiate peace. In case this invita- ing to all accounts. It outpaced the Inquiries regarding hewgitems credited to . this Agency will be gladly Echod. The Lord is our God. The tion is not accepted severe fig-hting- inventor. answered if addressed to'Jewish Telegraphic Agency, 621 firoadway, New Lord is One—I have endeavored to .York Gity. • • . - • . " • ..,- ; ' ' • One night Murdoch went out With lip what one man could in order to will continue, the proclamation dehis locomotive to an avenue leading bring about an ever finer and nobler clares. to the church about a mile from the A BELATED RECOGNITION unity of the people of Israel; wheretown. The engine Btartefl off and ever Jews dwell here and abroad, to is sjeciai ihterest-attached tb the bill introduced itito the inventor went after i t Soon disdemand for them understanding and tant shouts of terror trere beard. Justice, and from them loyalty and Epidemics of Disease the United States Congress byRfcfti'esentatiVe Moottey, of Ohio, nobleness; to-hasten the recreation Not Unusual in Fish When he came up to his machine he providing ;for the expeiidifttfe of fifty•. thousand dollars for a upon » high and spiritual plane of found the vicar in great fear of the Among the sanQ isBarks of Panama hissing, spitting little demon. montilneht to be erected to the mehiory of Haym Salomon; There Jewish life in the Jewish land." bay ichthyoid tuberculosis is very At this time Murdoch was In the is particular timeliness in the action of the Ohio Congressman^prevalent, while Spanish mackerel and isjl World" of Philadelphia shows that •—to a lesser degree—corbina suffer employ of the firm of Boulton & Watt, action which might have been taken by a Member of Congress the Agudath Horabonim must with- from trichina, the appearance of this and when they heard of the experifrom Pennsylvania, in .^hich State Saloirtbtt rendered his tmic(ue draw its hasty verdict against Dr. Sisgustlng white worm being very sim- ments they feared that Murdoch's energies might be distracted from the patriotic gervicie to his country and his pebfcle^smce his one ence in the face of the strongest tend'- Wise and that Dr. Wise, in his .turn, ilar to that so well known in swine. business of stationary engines. They httiutt&ittt and fort'y-^rst ^TTahfzeit" was observed Wednesday The veftebrafe of sharks (more Com- persuaded him to drop the project and encies toward assimilation, Dr. Wise's must withdraw his resignation of the inonly In the shovel nose) are subject b^ his descendants. an<i remembered by the Mikve Israel sermon on Jesus was a blow hot only chairmanship of the United Palestine to osteoma, a calcifies growth of cellu- he never took up the subject agnin. Congregation at whose synagogue he attended services and was for Jewish religion, but for Jewish Appeal. "His forced resignation be- lar structure, the Detroit News exCopyright—Jewish Teleg. Agency. Her Awful Mistake nationalism as well. "We will not cause of an utterly Unfounded accu- plains. This pathoiogicjil mass, which an acHye jmembeiv : ; " ...The Sermon of Rabbi Wise. The sation, Would remain a stain upon our Tim had met with the misfortune of permit a propaganda for Jews and : In a large shark occasionally grows to The jews of America will follow the fortunes of this bill with sermon of Dr. Stephen S. Wise on assimilation to be enwrapped iii thepeople and would fill every Jewish a length of four feet, by producing falling from the fourteenth floor ot the keenest interest. In the parlance of the day, Salomon might Jesus has resulted in an avalanche of banner of Zioii,*' declares the paper. heart with grief and shame," says local rigidity of the spinal column un- the skyscraper on which he was work* Ing. B,--"Ai Weinreb in the same "Jewish doubtedly causes partial paralysis, and be^ classified &s a Noi-die; having cbme as a youth to this 'country corximent in articles and editorials in We will not go to Nazareth!'* His fellow workmen picked up the probably by the destruction of the £^m I ' o l a M I t i s \trile, and even those of the Nordic obsession the entire Jewish press of the North In a signed article in the "Daily World." remains and started with them to berve ganglia fish Insanity may result. continent. While orthodox News", its editor; Mr. Gedatiah BubTim's home, sending Terry uhertd to •••; will n6t he.'able to gainsay iVthat in its most crucial days he was American A most remarkable case offishdis- break the 6ad news to Tim's wife. newspapers like the "Jewish Daily ik takes a few passages from Dr. Count. Klebelsberg, Defender ease occurred at Belize! The harbor one of the country's .greatest tra'nefactors. In those early Revolu- News " are condemning the Rabbi for Wise's statement after his sermon Terry thumped on the Malone door Of numerus Clausus, Acclaimed and canal contain Infitunerable cattion days, when i t might have paid him well to take a different his utterance, and such condemnation had aroused a storm of protest among National Hero fish, which act as Scavengers and con- until Mrs. Malone appeared. "Are you the Widow Malon^ thinT' course* ha threw in his.iofc with that devoted band of idealists is even shared by a few writers nn the orthodox, and the comment of a sume all the local refuse which is he asked. Budapest (Jewish Telegraphic thrown lito the water. Suddenly wh& laid flowh and fought for the principles upon which this papers of a more neutral attitude Christian pastor and arrives at the "And I am not," she answered. 'Tm Agency.') Count Klebelsberg, Hungarthousands Were discovered floating religion in general, and the conclusion that -there can be ho cbmi Mrs. Malone. but not widow." great Republic \vas founded. He gave of his kiiowledge, of his toward ian Minister of Education, acclaimed dead in the drainage canals and along of reform are strongly tip- promise between Zionism and Jesus "And are ye not?" demanded the ekjjerieifije^ of his Wealth:-—gave \in$tiht&j*ly of them all—in order organs hojdihg ~his views^ the bverwhelming propaganda. The writer also recalls as a ©ational hero for defending the the seashore, and a microscopic exam- bearer of ill tidings. "Will ye tell ination of their blood revealed the that "the land of the free" : might be permanently established. majority are defending Dr. Wise and the firm stand against any pro-Christ Hungarian numerus clausus law beme that and look what the byes are fact that It contained a micro-organ- bringin' tip the street f—Capper1* It is not a mere ex- parte statement that were it not fdr "the are at any rate opposed to his leav- propaganda taken by Ached Haaiil, fore the League of Nations, will be ism similar to the tiypo&osbnie, which if the campaign of HungarWeekly. Kindness of our little friend in Front streety neai* the coffee ing his office of chairman t)f the Unit- who was himself neither a Rabbi, nor rewarde"d or sleeping : causes tfyftonosoiaiasis, ian nationalists succeeds. fciefeness. In Mrts of Africa, a disease an orthodox. house," to quote & President of the tTnited-Statesj the coiirse of ed Palestine Campaign. Leaders of the Hungarian "race which bat! hitherto not been encounIn the "Forward", Dr. A. Ginzburg Citing a letter of a high school events miifht have taken a diffei-eht turn. purifiers" waged a parliamentary tered la Central points out that a sermon on recogniz- teacher who protests in Strong terms FOR RENT campaign to advance Count Klebels- j tn the last seveiity-flVk years various attempts-have• been ing Jestis should have been preached against the sermon of Dr. Wise, 1. L. All mortem 7 room hinse, furnishpil to the post of Premier. ' or unfurnished, or 1 or 2 rooms, on 8oth Courtesy of the Cirbus made to persuade Congress to refund to the descendants of this in a Christian church to Christians, Brill, in his English column in theberg Count Bethlen, the present Premier 1 "How did your little boy enjoy, his and Farnnm, AX.SO patriot the just debt which this coiintry bWes them. When these rather than to Jews in a Jewish "Daily News." remar'ks: "There Is denied today in a press interview that visit to the circus?* Store and fixtures with 4 room house, Temple for the simple reason that to what our correattempts proved Unsuccessful an effort was ihade to have Con- with the Jews Jesus has always been nothingg to he differed with Count Klebelsberg for tiny buslnpss. Kensonnble rent. "Oh, he Was highly delighted. A Call morning:, Ha. ."!2tt,->. gress reepgnize his devotion to the/lattd of his adoption in other recognized as a historical person arid spondent says except thisi traditional concerning the nurnerus clausus law. monkey offered him a ways. ThUs in 1893 his heirs agreed to waive their claim against even as a "friend of his people'V ac- Judaism is losing ground because its "We were both united in the opinion Louisville Courier-Journal. that the numerus clausus law cannot the United States if Congress would order a gold medal struck in cording to a passage in the Talmud, adherents lack backbone and the sta- be abolished now", he said. mina to speak out when the occasion recognition of the services, he had rendered to his country, but and "one who was preparing humani- arises." In another issue this writer ty for the coming of Messiah', aceven this failed, although the House committee reported favorably cording to Maimonides, etc., etc. As says that "Dr. Joseph Klausner should Thought tie Wat Singing in the matter. '• for the ethics of Jesus, a Christian never have been appointed to the HeFrtan the well-known big-game huntbrew University; Dr. Klausner, as To the Jews of America it makes small difference whether historian of Christianity, Dr. Roberter, F, C. Cornell, comes thefetdryof th« author of 'Jesus of Nazareth' has the bill introduced by Congressman Mooney will go the way of son, has shown that the ethics of how one evening he was fettiraibg to plaee there* The Hebrew Univer sity must he * Jewish of it Will be of tamp Jn South Africa from & prospectall.previous attempts, or Congress .act favorably upon it^ I t isJesus was the^thics of Judaism and no ,; j feipedition, unarmed unarmed and and alone alone, • • :the • • • -Jewish pedple.* - •- teg g feipedition little value-tp sufficient thatan those historic days it?^?as> gjyeh to a member of the Jews, ^ when, to his horror, he found himseli Similarly,-the "Jewish Daily Eagle The "Moening Journal" in. its !sl&l of"the Jewish'faith to-be of such signal ^ervicfe." "What he was eitalkea by three leopards. of Canada is wondering how a man of December. SO, fully justifies the "Knowing froni e±perience that able to do and what he did is part of the glorious history of this like L . . ,i • ij.r^ rkJwwjBg ixuin experience uiui Dr. Stephen S. Wise could supcountry. In the final analysis this is the best testimonial, pose that a sermon of this kind could stand, and action taken by the o^tho- m o s t w l l a b e a g t s a r e jri ghteilt jd by , dox Rabbis.. Admitting that Dr. Wise J ^ ^ tuman voice," says Mr. Cornell, J indefinitely better than medals, and marble and granite. O-—P-O HUBI I* be addressed to Jews. The paper was always saying what he said this 'i let ' eut a yell that "scared even my-! • It is also significant that the man who was able to do so much takes this as iiroof of Dr. Wise's not time about Jesus, the paper says it self, and repeated the dose every few intimate knowledge of the moral was a great disappointment to find yards ©if the way back, until I was aS cahie frofti a country whose citizens are now declared to betoo and philosophical essence of Judaism. that he assumed such a high h office fi in \ hoarse us a crow, and my yells fcegafc. undesirable in America. If the bill now before Congress will That the time for a revision of the the Zion , organization. This office • to lack vim. serve to accentuate these facts it will have served its purpose, "case" of the recognition of Jesus by he cannot hold any longer, thinks the "•Bit pleased Mth yourself, ain't yba?' was thy welcome on reaching and Congressman Mdtmey will have earned commendation.— the Jews has not yet come, and that, paper. ISADORE ABRAMSOX camp.. v\Ye he&ra you singing for thfe besides, Dr. Wise has in this matter Mr. Ephraim Kaplan, in another is- last hour or more. Thought you might "Exponent." ignored nineteen hufidred years of sue, of the ^Mpming Journal" thinks have struck someone with whisky.* "— history, is the opinion of I.#R. in his it most deplorable that a man like San Francisco Argonaut NOT AS DARK AS PAINTED column in the T'Eagle". ' Dr. Wise Should thus help the cause We do not claim for Judaism in America that it has reached "The Zionists of Canada have acted of intermarriage and assimilition, Belief Seems Justified ideal-heights. From time to time we consider it our duty, in a quite logically in anhouncing that Dr. which are'the inevitable results of an 490 BRANDE1S THEATER BLDG. A tlreenville (Me.) newspaper says "acceptance" of the carpenter of GaliWise -will be welcome if he chose to constructive manner, to point to the possibilities for improvePhone AT Untie 1450 Omaha that It is & Very old Indian tradition ment. It is impossible, however, not to feel that "Mentor," in come to the convention of Canadian lee. As for Dr. Klausoer, to whqse that all the bull moose of eastern a&d thinks the "Hebrew Jour- book Dr. Wise made reference in the ; Malnfe make Journeys to the the iondon Jewish Chronicle has gone a little ioo far in his Zionists," nal" of Toronto, Canada; "The Zion- course of his sernwwu "Ms pen, t6oJ w e s v .ihofes » uof u w ^ u ^ u •lake — «. ~.~ at the x .Moosehfead discussion-bf the future of the Jewish religion in this country. 'ist Organization is a political body should have-broken before it brought} close 8UWC of the year for the purpose of In the Communal Armchair," Mentor tells his English readers not a religious one". out that product of a dry nationalism casting .their lantlers. "Though the that "our fellow Jews there are becoming rapidly divorced from The "JeSviAh Daily Courier*' of under the guise of scientific objective story haa fcassed for fiction among the residents^ there are not a few old the ancient faith . . . . Eyery silly piece of sentimentality has to Chicago poihts to the fact that, while ty. Wfe were much too indifferent in "hunters aha wbodsmefl who believe it, it is true that Jesus' Sermon of the this Klausner ease, and many deviabe etnployfed to keep them even nominally within the fold. A Mount is based upon the ethical teach- tions from the path of nationalism ithd relate tales about the abundance Tkc Greater Nebraska s Policy antlers among the maple .Hanucca Metiorah decked out like a Christmas-tree, or-'Father ings of Rabbi Hillel, this does hot yet will "be the result and the penality". itt tatiofee "25 miles north, of this viliagfe." Mattathias* taking the place of Father Christmas . " . . . , The make the Gospel a Jewish book* as IS. Rosenfeld, in "The Day" o£ Delews of America are at best socially Jews—Knickerbocker snob- the spirit of the Ncw^Testament is cember 29j thinks that the resolution foreign to Judaism, which was always passed by the Agudath Hbrab,pfiim bery and American Chauvinism keep them thus . . . ." PAXTON-MITCHELL CO* accepting the teachings of a man wholly unjustified^ uncalled for Harthft Stls-. . ;•.. H a r n * y 1663 It is difficulb to understand what could have prompted an withoutv defying the person of thewas and even prejudiced. The views of O maha, Nebr. O -outburst such as this on the part of one who is as a rule a sane teacher* Dr.- "Wise should have fcl- Dr; Wise were for man? years kjiown Soft gray iron, brass, bronze ana aininlndro castings. Standard sizes iironze and philosophic observer. It can hardly be attributed to the fact lowed the good advice of the Talmud- to everyone and there was no. reason and Iron bushings, sewer manholes, Hngs nnd coTers, bnd cloan-0\St Every Day in the Year that the irian who stands at the head of the organized synagogue ists implied in their saying thai? "the in the world why his utternaces cistern' doors tn Etock. wise men are always cautious in should have reacted as unfavorably in England is a product of an American Jewish religious institu- choosing their ways". as they did upon the drive for Zioh HE AVERAGE man wants the limit of value whenever tion; that one of the leaders of the liberal wing in English That Dr. Wise has not discounted &hd the participation of the orthodox he Selects a new Suit or Overcoat and through it 'No Judaism, is a graduate of an American Seminary; that the latest the sensitiveness of the brthodoS J&ws Agudah in |hat drive . Sale" policy and larger volume of business the greater Neacquisition to thereligibUs life of England also Comes from our this question, or else he Would In an editorial in ft subsequent isbraska givfes this to you every day in the year. shores! We can sympathise With "Mentor," but we hardly think have abstained from delivering his sue, "The-Day* says that, although it regular Christmas sermon, is the must be admitted that Dr. Wise has we deserve the rebuke.—"Exponent." Prices at this favorite man's store are NOT high today and Druggists and Stationers opinion of Mr. Leon Zolothoff, in the Committed an ferror> hefehouldremain, low priced tomorrow—but low priced every day. MI-403-40S Soutb 1Mb Street The Egytian Moslems are said to 'Daily Courier". "He surely would at his post as chairman of the United: BREAKDOWN OF HEDJAZ Today-tomorrow-cvery day this store u offering-standard be favoring Ibn Saud. The Egyptian have thought that such a sermon Palestine Appeal. "Dr. Wise has KINGDOM WILL CHANGE Binned. But he has defended himself, might jeopardize the cause of the clothing far below the prices asked elsewhere for given government, it was declared, will send BRITISH POLICY-IS ARABIA even rnore for his rfeQualities and in a larger assortment of standard models, than its representatives to the Moslem Palestine campaign BO dear to him. and hfe Will^do On the other hand, the wording of the habiHatidn : by his activities in the Congress in Mecca. you'll find in any other store in the west. T Ibn Saud Favored by Egyptian ^GIFTS THAT LAST Ibn Saud, Sultan of Nejd, now ap- protest of the "Agudath Horabonim ' great -work ni the campaign^ To Moslems, will Call Moslein Congress pears to be the actual ruler of the was equally thoughtless and. tactless. punish him by accepting his resignaThusrfflm huy here a better suit or overcoat of in Aiec'ca. Dr. Wise is by no means what the or- tion would be too costly) and we canfa . London—The abdication x>f-King Arabian.peninsula, occupying the po- thodox Rabbis ars calling him in their ill afford it. We must hot" seek refiner fabrics and finer tailoring at $85* You Ali from the throne of the Hedjaz sition formerly held *by King Hussein. protest. He is merely a reformed venge, that would be unworthy of us Diamond Importer* is likely to bring about a ehange in Rabbi who said what • all reformed and would avenge itself on tis. In have this mme value advantage at any price you Platinum Specialnts the .policy of Great Britain in theLEADER Of RUSSIAN JEWS Rabbis are saying. However, Dr. the higher interests of the Jewish' v IN GERMANY CELEBRATES Arabian Peninsula, according to the choose. NEW LOCATION SEVENtY-*T*T& BIRTHDAY Wiss has shown more tact in thepeople the resignation - of Dr. Wise "Manchester Guardian" of today. ; wording of his reply to the Agudath should be rejected." 214-15-16 a CSty Nat. Banfc Bldg. "The Kingdom of Hedjaz, - -which Berlin,—(J. Tr A.)—Dr. J. Teitol, and of his letter of resignation to the "It is- tilhe ouf Rabbis stopped beja. 56 1894. Atf&fe4fie proud creation of. the Middle President of the f^eration'of'Rus- chairman of the Zionist Organiza- ing apologetic about their Judaism,.* Eastern Department of the Colonial sian Jews in Germany, the only Jew tion." says the paper in its English section, Office, Is ndW,dead'\ the paper saysv who has held the t>°st of a Judge The "Jewish Daily News", while referring to the flood of pro-JesuSj Ibn Saud willfenterJed- in Czarist Russias is celebrating his admitting that Dr. Stephen S. Wise oratory - in Jevrish synagogues on dah, reports from Cairo received here ^venfy-fifth birthday today. has rendered great service to Jewry, Chrismas- "Whether it takes the statfc, be will Summon an all-Moslem • Dr. Teitfel has for niany" years been thinks, howevet, that by his Christ- form of self-ftffacemefet or the shape Congress in Mecca to decide on the closely Jderifified with the lifte-of ina's sewrVcm tfe bag done so much of pride, makes little difference. The 1342 South 25th St. AT. 6637 i & florid p policy of the Moslems *ian jeyrty^ -As President of the harm to the' cause of 3adaisn» in A- inferiority complex is Just as evident. iWuJ h if it cannot be en" and ^p'oint an interhaeonal Moslem eratlon "of" Russian -jVifs in <Jerfflahy hieriea th&fe- ft -cannot be forgiven. It should «be"cured, COfefeBCT APtkRti he- iias-wofked-ioS; .t5« -jaeUef ,, 161S North 24tb St. WE. 6006. . The,p^per,"thjriks,.thaJt at this moment tirely avoided.1 cpmiaissfoh -for the *dmtnistration-ofr Jewish emigrants from Russia. when Jewry sijruggles-for-its existInthree .editorial articles, the"Jew. a « lioly cities, Mecca and.Hedina.



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; -if <v-'



PAGE S—tHE JEWISH PRESS—THURSDAY, JANUARY 7, 1926 Jewish Women*8. Welfare President Honored at Luncheon Given by Board of Directors


Mrs. Nate Mantel, president of the 'dus, auditor, and Mrs. William HolzJewish Women's - Welfare Organiza- man, head of finance. tion, was honored guest at a luncheon Chairmen have been named by" given by the board of directors of the Mrs. Mantel to assist the officers. organization on Tuesday noon at the Mrs* Dave Sherman is chairman of Brandeis Tea Rooms. Other officers publicity, Mrs. Max Ffomkin, chairwho will serve for the ensuing term man of program committee, Mrs. include Mrs. Reuben TLulakofsky, Philip She* and Mrs. H. A. Woll, honorary president, Mrs. H. Rach- relief committee, Mrs. L. Graetz, man, vice-president, Mrs. I. Rosen- courtesy, Mrs. Sam Frohm, memberthai, recording secretary, Mrs. Harry ship, and Mrs. Abe Greenberg, social. Malashock and Miss Blanche Zimman, Mesdames Kate Tatle, B. A. Simon, financial secretaries, Mis. Charles Frederick Cohn, and Jake Slosburg Levinson, treasurer, Mrs. Harry Lapi- comprise the advisory board.

of the committee. Everyone is urged About twenty people from Council SCZONGRAD BOMB to make plans to attend. CONSPIRATORS AGAIN Bluffs are planning to motor to HarThe Ladies Aid Society will hold a lan, Iowa, on Sunday afternoon to BROUGHT TO TRIAL

regular meeting next Tuesday after-' attend a five o'clock dinner followed noon, January 12, at the home of Mrs. ] by an evening Bridge, -which Mrs. Abe .Budapest,—(J. T. A.)—The aiitiL. Cherniack, 152 W. Washington Friedman of Harlan is giving honor- Semitic bomb conspiracy is Sczongrad ing Miss Shirley Friedman of this is now being reviewed at the trial of Avenue. city and her fiance, Mr. Maurice the conspirators which began in BudaMr. I. L. Brandeis, age 65, died w * h l n c r o f O m a h a . pest this week. Wednesday afternoon at his home at j i The suit was brought against Lieu202 So. 10th Street. He is survived The Agudes Achim Association held t e n a n t G e o r g pj ri , s k 0) L;uHs>la\v Simby his widow; two daughters, Edith their semi-annual election of officers t o Nicholas Poloaenyi Anclor Fucand Mrs. Simon Steinberg; two at their last meeting- and the follow-j Johann Pirocfco, Joliann Saghy Maurice, of this city, and Carl Bran- ing officers were elected: President, and , Rochas Saghy, by those injured deis of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; Charles Saltzraan; Vice-president, when the bomb exploded in the main and one sister, Mrs. G. Whitebook cf Ben I. Seldin; Recording secretary, hall of the largest hotel in Srzongrad, this city, Mr. Brandeis was a well Max Steinberg: Financial secretary, where a Jewish charity ball was being known resident of this city. He was the late Mr. I. L. Brandeis; Treas- given on December 26, 1023. Those and Elmer Shamberg, sergeants-at- one of the organizers of the Agudes urer, Sam Friedman; Guardian, Satn •who were injured are suing for comarms; Morton Richards, parlimenta- Achim Association over ten years ag-o Bubb; and the Board of Trustees are pensation. rian; Frank Lipp, reporter. Dave and in all this time he was the Fi-Messrs. Simon Steinberg-, Philip In view of the fact that the HunBliecher, prominent Central athlete, nancial Secretary of this organization. Friedman, and Sam Rosenthal. garian Supreme Court acquitted the The installation will take place at bomb conspirators of the charge of is sponsor of the organization whose He was also Financial Secretary of purpose is to develop the social, men- the local Talmud Torah. The funeral their meeting next Monday evening, murder, the only way to reopen the January 11, at the K G Hall. The trial and obtain justice, was by bringtal and physical life of young Jew- will be this afternoon. organization are giving a public dance ing ish boys. suit against them. The Independent Order of the B'nai at the Eagles Hall on Thursday eveThe Ladies Progressive Club held B'rith, Lodge No. 688, will hold a ning, January 21. an election of officers at their regular meeting next Wednesday evening, PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS. meeting on Tuesday, January S. Mrs.January 13, at the Danish Hall. An Mrs. Jennie Schwartz is visiting in "f. P. Oktm -was re-elected president; installation of the new officers will, Kansas City, Missouri. Mrs. I. Levine was elected recording take place and every member is urged Aimcniiiccrncnt * Messrs. Maurice and Arthur Friedsecretary; Mrs. M. Minion, treasurer, to be present. man left Monday to resume their DR. M. B. STEIX and Mesdames J. Kaplan, J . Eesnick The Evening Mah Jong Club of this DKVTIST and I. Goldstein members of the exe-city entertained twenty-six couples at studies at the University of Iowa City, after spending their vacation Tn<m;d tr> cutive board. a Masquerade Dance at Blakely^s Hall with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. 560-562 Braudeis Theater Bids. on New Yeats Eve. This is the first PMlip Friedman. Atlantic 970?.

GSEENBERG-ZEUGSON.. Word comes from Newark, New Of interest to Omahans is the an- Jersey, announcing the engagement of nouncement of the marriage of Miss Miss Eae Goodrich to Mr. William j both of Newark. No date Esther Zeligson, daughter of Mr. J . Zeligson, of Tulsa, Okla., to Mr. Ted has been eet for the. wedding. Miss Goodrich has frequently visited in this Greenberg of Kansas City. Greenberg is the granddaughter" of city as the guest of her sister* Mrs* AUNT ESTHER SERVES Mr» and Mrs. A. Davidson of this city Leon Greenberg. Waldorf Salad Eggs and Cheese and has visited them on many ocBread and Butter Mashed Potatoes casions. Mr. Sol Degan entertained at dinCoffee Lemon. Pie ner at the Athletic Club on WednesLEVENSKY-COHAN day evening for eleven guests. EGGS AND CHEESE Announcement has been made of Mr. and Mrs. Irviri Stalmasterj who Break as many eggs as desired in the marriage of Miss Bertha Cohan, daughter of Mrs. Pearl dohan, of this are on an extended wedding trip, a well buttered baking dish. Pour over city to-Mr; Edward Levensky, son of sailed on the "Finland" from New 1 cup of white sauce, and sprinkle % Mr. and Mrs. Ben Levensky, also ofYork City. Enroiite to New York they 1b. grated American cneese over all. this city. The marriage •was per-made stops at numerous cities. They Bake EO minutes in moderate oven. formed by Rabbi Frederick Cohn on are now on their way to. Cuba, via This dish can be prepared in the mornJSTovember 12 and has been kept secret the Panama Canal. They will return ing. by the young couple until the present bout the middle of February by way The Junior Daughters of Zion will time an affair like this was held in time. Mrs. Ben Levensky will enter- of San Francisco. LEMON FLUFF PIE give a musical program Sunday eve- this city A midnight supper was tain thirty-five guests at dinner on Mr. and Mrs. Sam Eosenthal are Bake pie shell. ning, January 10, at 8 o'clock, at theserved. The Owl Orchestra furnished Mr. M. E. Chapman- left Sunday Sunday evening at the Home Hotel entertaining: their Evening Bridge 1 cup sugar 1 lemon Labor Lyceum. eggs the music for the dancing. The mem- Club at their home on Thursday. to honor her son and his bride. Mr, night- on a buying trip to New York Prof. Prank Mach ' Beat three egg yolks well. Add 3= The following program has t)een bers of the Evening Club that spontad Mrs. Levensky are making their City. cup sugar, juice of one lemon. Let prepared: sored this affair include the Messrs. Co?iccs'i Violinist home in this city.. " ATTEND THE ANNUAL AGUDES cook over boiling water until thick. Yonr 1926 subscription to The Jew1. Eag doll dance, Marian Morton, and Mesdames M. Bernstein, Louis end Instructor ish Press is due no*. Please mail ACHIM DANCE ON Jan. 21, 1926, Beat three egg whites stiff. Add accompanied by Mildred Shrago. Bernstein,. Frank Krasne. George it HOPS-COHAN in. at EAGLES HALL, at COUNCIL cup of sugar. Add to lemon mixture 2. Monologue, Hyrnatt Shrier. has comments and praise from Krasne, E. Marcus, Herman Marowitz, Mrs. Sara Cohan announces the BLUFFS, IOWA. some of t,he greatest teachers in 3. Charleston, Philip Siporin; and fill baked pie shell. Whipped Jack Sussman, and Dr. and Mrs. O. marriage of her daughter, Bertha, of the world. Give your child a 4. Saxophone solo, Milton AltsdmGreenberg. this city, to Mr. Joe Hops, of New Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rosenblum, cream may be served on this pie. correct foundation. ler, accompanied by Ella Altsclralef. York City, brother of Mrs. J. Glass- who have been spending the past fewStudio 117 Vz North 16th St. 5. Vocal solo, Ida Bischoff, accom- Mr. and Mrs. Philip Saltzman of HOUSEHOLD HINTS man of this city, on New Years Day. months in Florida, visited in Havana, 3(W Croiinse Block Sioux City, Iowa, returned horne Corn beef is delicious chopped with panied by Arm Bischoff. The ceremony was performed by Rab- !uba during the past two weeks. 2224 Cuming St. Thone JAckson 195S, 6. Recitation, Rose Stein. Monday after spending a few days sweet pickles and mayonnaise and bi Frederick Cohn. Mr. and Mrs. Phone JA cfceon 1226. 7. Dance, Euth Soref, accompanied here with Mr. and Mrs. Charles SatlzMiss Ann Finkel entertained the used as a sandwich spread. Hops left • Saturday night for a wedby Ruth Greenberg. man. ding trip to Niagara Falls. They plan Bridgets Club Sunday afternoon at 8. Violin solo, Sam Epstein, accomto make their home in New York City. her home. Prizes were won liy Miss Mr. and Mrs. Dave Whitebook of panied by Wilbert Hurwitz. Sara Brookstein and Miss Wilma CLUBS Chicago, Iiiinbis, left Saturday even9. Piano solo, Mildred Shrago. Stern. : Mrs. H. Rehfeld left Monday to The Poali-Zion Literary Dramatic ing- after spending several days here -visit with her daughter, MrSi Eugene "Liliom", a play by Franz Molnar, Club will give a banquet in honor of The White Star club held a meeting with Mr. and Mrs. G. Whitebft&k. Levey, at Lincoln. to be presented at the Community those who participated in the Biblical last Sunday, January 3. Two new The family of Mrs.Clara Gold- Play House on January. 12-13-14, will Masquerade Ball. The banquet will members were admitted into the club. given bv ilae strom, who arrived to attend, her be Rabbi Frederick Cohn's topic at be given Sunday, January 10, at 4 fiuth Tuchman is president and Ann I. O.6.B. funeral several weeks ago,, left last Temple Israel p.n.. Friday evening* o'clock, at 2314 North 21 Street. The!! Tretiak is secretary, ef the club. Jtegular Meeting of week for their respective homes. Mr.January 8. On Saturday morning his prizes at the masquerade ball were f Sol Goldstrom left on Saturday" night theme will be "The Children of won by the following: first prize, a pageant group, second prize, Abra- COUNCIL BLUFFS for Charleston and Louisville. From Israel." there he mil go to Florida to join his ^ Ivy Cohn, who was the guest ham and Esaac, represented by Harry j T|IS Agudes Achinv Association will daughter, Marie, who le£t;onrFxidaj?'i •of. d&iss Reva Ziev for the past ten Glassman and B. Tretiak, third prize, * their Annual Dsnce on Ihudits,represented by 2. H a s , fourth day evening, January • 21, at the Another daughter, Lucillej Has re-.days, returned on .Sunday toJier represented1" by turned. to^Oaldana, Calif.,-where Eagles' Hafi. ' This '& the first K g pifze, ""&, at Chieagw vf" ?S ::S *A Geridler, Abe Cohn and Earl Good- public dance of t i e season to be given has been making'her, home. Mrs* <Sidn;ey Fisher left ^last week binder and fifth prize, Kebeccah repre- in this city, and the committee in — at— Miss Jennie Krestul entertained the for Nashville, Tenn^ to visit with her sented by Esther Lagman. The pro- charge is planning several novelty Hajobols Club at her home on-Tues- sistet, Mrs. Aaxon Bergedai ceeds of the dance -will go to thestunts and intend to make this one of day evening. Prizes were won by Palestine Workers Fund and the Book the biggest affairs of the season. A Mr. and Mrs. Isidore Chapman-left Committee Campaign. Plans are be- first and second prize is offered for Lucille' Stein and Hannah Riven. Miss Anna Rosenblum will entertain last Saturday for a trip to New York ing inade to give a three act play for the two best Charleston dancers. 25th and Farnam Streets City. '• •. . . • the club at her home next week. the benefit of the National School. The Monarchs have been secured to furnish the music -for the evening. Every Thursday Evening at Miss Bert Mosow of Sioux City ar Valuable Prizes Given To The Best Masks ATTEND THE ANNUAL AGUDES The Auflebung Club -will give a Tickets can be obtained from anyone rived last week to visit at her home Community Centex Building. ACHIM DANCE ON Jan. 21, 1926, dance on Sunday evening, January 17, ADMISSION 50c Dan Desduncs Orchestra J. M. MALASHOCK.. PreBidentat the Arthur Building. A special > t EAGLES HALL, at COUNCIL of her finance, Mr. Jules Gerelick. ISADOEB ABEAMSON. Secretary BLUFFS, IOWA. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Ferer and six piece orchestra has been arranged for the affair. Plans for a program Mesdames. Henry Monsky and J. daughters, Thelma and Ruth, left and a two act play have been arKatleman entertained at a luncheon Wednesday for an extended southern ranged for January, SO at the Labor and bridge party on Wednesday noon trip to Florida and Cuba. They will Lyceum. make many stops enroute and plan to at the Athletic Club. remain for about one month. The Good Timers club, organized j (l| little Miss Isobel-Rita Katleman •daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Michael ATTEND THE ANNUAL AGUDES recently for social enttrtainment, R elected officers at its last meeting; K Katleman,.entertained at a party at ACHIM. DANCE ON Jan. 21, 1926held Tuesday evening, December 29. j at EAGLES HALL, at -COUNCIL her home for twenty of her friends in The following -were elected: Lillian i BLUFFS, IOWA. B E A U T I F U L new 5 honor of her fifth birthday. Goodman, president;, Bertha Cohn, 1a Misses Eose Baron and Eunice vice-president and reporter; Jean-} six-room duplex with d Mr. and Mrs. S. Liebowitz, of Sioux •Sampson, of Sioux City, were the nette Kosovrsky, secretary; Goldie' a City, spent New Years in Omaha with treasurer; S breakfast nook, and 4 their sister, Mrs. D. Silverman, and guests of friends ovfer New Years. Mr. Silverman. While here they were Both are well-known in Omaha, hav- program supervisor; and Bessie Borsgarage. Located in f sergeant-at-arms. entertained at a bridge by Mr. an< ing visited here frequently. Mrs. M. Kirschenbaum. Prizes wer Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Faier will be The Shada is a high school boys' West Farnam, and f won by Messrs. N. Weinstein and S. & t h o m e Q n gunday, January 10, in club newly organized here. The orLdebowitz. Mrs. Liebowitz was form- the afternoon and evening in honor ganization has already 35 members close to school and car. p erly Miss Eva Kaplan of Omaha. of the: BarmitSvoh of their son, Her-ranging from the ages of 15 to IT. Reasonable rent. For 5 At the last meeting of the organizaATTEND THE ANNUAL AGUDES man. No cards have been issued. ACHIM DANCE ON Jan. 21, 1926, Mr. and Mrs. F. Hahn entertained tion the constitution was .ratified and further particulars call 5 at EAGLES HALL, at COUNCIL at six tables of bridge in honor of Mr. officers elected; they are: Harry BLUFFS, IOWA. AT-lantic .1450. 8 and Mrs. Albert Block, ;who were re- Kohn, president; Hymen Ricklih, vice-president; Ben Sheanin, secreAdditional savings af&S mncii && cently married. Mrs. Block was Mr. Dave Cohn entertained sixteen tary-treasurer; Stanford Kohlberg formerly Miss Gertrude Grounse of guests at a birthday surprise Sunday t4O ter6O because cf tb.e Hew OeaersI evening in honor of his sister, Esther. this city. Out-of-town guests at the Motors Time ^ymenf Bates. : The evening was spent in playing party were Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Kaitzvas and daughter Ida of Oakbunco and dancing. land, Nebr. Prizes were won by Mrs. More than Mrs. Sam Appleman returned from H. C. Swengil, Mrs. Nathan Kaitzvas, Kansas City where she spent several and Mrs. Feldmah. These include -new'Bodies bv tisKer, Air Some folks will tell you that "Business is Business". But I weeks. She was accompanied home have found in.dealing "with my patrons that "Business is Cleaner, Oil Filter, Four-Wheel Brake Miss Esther Faier has resumed her by her niece, Miss Selma Kalis, whom Pleasure". 1 hvpe the pleasure has been mutual and extend refinemetits and The Harmonic Balancer—an to you my sincere wishes' for she has been visiting. • Miss Kalis studies at the University of Nebraska exclusive feaiore rendering the New OaHaad r plans to spend several weeks with after visiting -with her parents, Mr. Ssxtrtimaiidiediafreedomfromengiaevi^^ . A Happy and Prosperous New Year and Mr3 Sarnusl Faier, of this city. Mrs. Appleman. 9 t 7 $ (Old Price $1095) •X. S. Y A F F E Mr. and Mrs. Carl Studna and son, IOS5 (Old Price IO95) Word has been received by friends **t5 (^d Price _._.'.. (Your Printer). XO95 COM Price 1215) in Omaha of the birth of a son to Harlan, of Kansas City, who have AS been visiting -with Mrs. Studna*s par. Yntr cants&vmtx Rabbi and Mrs. Morris N. Taxon, of Dallas, Texas, formerly of Omaha, on ents, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Blumenthal, Tuesday, December 29. A birth din- left Friday for their home. While U ner was given on Tuesday, January 5, here, Mr. and Mrs. Studna celebrated of Community Service* S5 at 12:00 Noon at the Cong. Shaareth their sixth anniversary. Israel Assembly'Hall. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Siporin have as 2421-23 Famem St. At. 2929 their guest their daughter-in-laTV, Mr. William Holzman and son, Max L., left Saturday night for New Mrs. Nate Siporin, of Minneapolis. WINNING A S J HOiDtNG GOOD Wlhh York City. They will return the lat- Mr. and Mrs. Siporin honored their guest at a dinner a t their home and ter part of the month. REFINANCE NOW! Mr. and Mrs. j . Altaian also entertained at a'party at their home. Mrs. Mrs. N. Sfever and son, Paul, of Minneapolis, formerly of this city, Siporin •will return to her home next ^CONSERVATIVE and Joe Steinberg of Kansas City -week. 5§J) PRODUCT OF CEKERAL MOTORS ^SAVINGS £ LOAN ASSOCIATION* spent a week a t the home of Mrs. A. 1


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i Sunday Evg. Jan

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fflg Jews of 1925

A non-Jewish View of which five Jews have done ttie most for-them' : ' selves and-their-fellow-countrymen within the last year. -By JACK DARCY.' • • >-

mn By HABKY riKht tt» j Beea Feature Syndicated

(Copyright 1023 by SEVEN ABTS FEATURE SYNDICATE. Within the last several weeks, is reviewing tlie eventB ol tlie year 1&2S, many JULIUS SELIGSON periodicals and individual Jews havo selected n certain -group of Jews who In IS ARRIVING ^ : their estimation have EtooU out,during the year. In this article, a non-Jew, who is, huwever, coiivorsant with' many, of the facts In Jewish life, has selected. five One outstanding, upset featured the prominent .lews who, be btlleves, have done moat for the wtll-belng of their own raw aud Immunity In gvnerul. .These live are Jalius Koseawald, Ludwlg Xeirisobn, first day of the : National*.Inojoor JunBenny Friedman. Sophie Irene Loeb and Walter Oppman.—THE ED1IOK. " iors' and boys' tennis championships

Siegel, subsitute,- Rochester Centrals. m JMI. Kramer, having-picked hie Jewish Ail-American cage' team, comments on it as follows: "If the Jewish race were called upon to pick Ja basketball team,' what ajwow of a tlufa it could assemble.; i'ln Dave-Banks. Willie Marron and Passon they, would have three of the first ten scores in the Metropolitan Professional league. All of this trio are little fellows, none of.them being above 5 feet 7 inches. These men are fast, tricky and masterful dribblers. They are all excellent foul" shooters and are deadly if given any sort of a shot at the basket within scoring range, _ \"••"-, ..--.• ,. :. ..,.., :. . "It is not necessary' to point out the qualifications o f Nat Holman, great Celtic star He has everything. Davis is a very dependable man, and is the peer of Jewish tap-off' men. "Give this team of. mine a few week's practice, and I venture to say that they would take any club in the game."

being held in New York" City. The our collegiate football teams is ample upset was the elimination 'of Malcolm evidence of the changing of that com- T. Hill, one of the seeded.stars, by plex. Benny Friedman is. the crystal- Julius Seligson, De Witt Clinton High lization of the new Jewish attitude School captain, by *a" comparatively easy" score in' straight sets: at 6-1, toward athletics. , 6-2, in the first round' of ^play. ~ <•;' There is also this 'fact to-be conSeligson repeated :his .*. original sidered. Friedman's process as a triumph, in the,second• -.round-later, football star must inevitably reflect when .he eliminated' another star, Spencer Clayton, in straight sets at ! upon some Christians' attitude toward 6-0, 6-1. < ; " •"'• Jews. In proportion, to the degree : Seligson should be .watched. That NOTES which Jews stresseU their indifference he outclassed Hill augurs, well.' Hill Dave Mishel, quarterback of Brown, to athletics, in that ratio was the was looked upon _as'. a" serious con- deserves to be remembered for his wonderment of many non-Jews as to 1 tender, being the national-indoor and brilliant football record of 1925, turf court Junior ',dpubles ' champion. Michael iSalfe of Lynn. Mass. Remind the composition of Jews. One must Julius certainly made a good start. us. Ruby Goldstein, the lightweight, face the facts. The crouched, cringout George Day, of New ' - knocked: Haven, in the third round. Trvij ing Jew 'of a '-past"" day was • never. NOT SO BAD, Shapiro, the Jewish Junior lighta credit to his race, and was never KAPLAN < r';-::X- • weight knocked out Charley Rose, and ; regarded as such by his Christian; Abe Kaplan -made nis professional -looks promising. ' contemporaries. • . .•'-'.,. , \ •wrestling debut in NewcYork- thed a match -against > Joe This is not the first time that other^'night.'in; Vargan the 205, pound wrestles, from dire of Hair and Scalp. r : 1 Sophie IrenesLwb has:d6nejpraise .Cleveland. Abe - threw vVargan in worthy* work. : Heretofore.,'she," has ' • seven minutes,, ,10.• setjonds^with a -' (The.following lecture. A'ag delivered over th& Grain Exchange beeh connected with the most enter-; scissors and.body hold- Kaplan made! Radio-by Miss Mildred Levy, Mana good good impression im~—--•—-•--->-.^=.*.M.^_II_ and 'iras officially ager'of the-Salon La Charme, 315 prising verities of" welfare ' work, hbunced' as.;, the! •^Fewjsh--: heavy which. demanded expert technical announced Courtney BIdg.) . . . . ampion. He" champion. _ . "wears ... ^ /the«. . _; .star . , • of knowledge and also the most' rigid David embroidered on -hisv trunks. But disregard of self. Although she has all was not rosy that .night" for friend Hair is an appendage of the skin 5 done a great deal of other meritorious Kaplan. Some of the fans did not and is therefore epithelial. Hair is a work, all of which would entitle her think both of Vargah's': shoulders protection from heat or cold, and a touched the canvas at the same time. To my mind, thej mast prominent to honorable mention, her most out- Vargan himself resented. the - -verdict jshield" to t h e : head against blows. It ; Jews are those who have 'made some standing achievement during 1925- - and got so sore that he "chased after grows on all' parts of the body with . definite, concrete contribution to Jew- at least to a non-Jew—was her series Kaplan, who was going to-the comer »f the palms of the the ish life, who have enriched the gen- of twenty-five articles on Palestine for the bathrobe; said - thi»w him' hands and the' soles of the feet. The angrily down. But;the-.verdlet stood eral culture of America. The mere which, appeared in the New York hair consists of a minute columnar —and Kaplan won. . - • .• attainment of a public honor does not Evening World. Despite the revershaft, beginning beneath the surface 1 entitle Jew to recognition as-one of ence in which all creeds hold Pales- A N O T H E R J E W I S H of the skin -arid projecting above it. Jewry's great leaders.. • Following tine, it must be admitted that very W R E S T L E R . ; ; A hair is composed of three parts, the.se criteria, my selection of the five few of us are aware of just what poMaybe Mr. Blank,of Palestine will the cuticle, '-the fibrous substance, biggest Jews of 1925 includes: Julius sition modern Palestine occupies, come over one of these'day's, and chal- and the medulla. Rosenwald, Ludwig Lewisohn, Benny what its potentialities are, and what lenge friend Kaplan : for- the Jewish The cuticle is the outer layer and Friedman, Sophie Irene Loeb and it is accomplishing in the way of re- heavyweight wrestling championship. is -composed-of horny, colorless Here is an item transmitted by the "Walter LLdppman. Apparently an odd habilitation. Palestine has crept into J. T. A. cables: The "first-wrestling scales, arranged like shingles on a collection, and yet it represents the the public prints because of the mod- match in Palestine, between a Jewish roof. The second or fibrous layer condiversified manner in which Jews en- ern Zionism movement, but accurate and an Armenian wrestler , took place tains the pigment that gives color 1 rich their own life and that of their knowledge of just what was happen- at Jerusalem. The Jewish " wrestler, to the hair. Should there be a loss ing there was confined to those actu- Mr. Blank, weighed 218 pounds. The neighbors. Armenian, Yacobi,—weighed- 231 of pigment, the hair would become One of the few Jews who- has ally' connected with the movement. pounds. Great excitement prevailed colorless or gray. The third or midearned the perpetual right "to"head Upon her return from" Palestine, in the audience among the Armenians dle portion is "called the medullas,or the roll of honor every year,is Julius Sophie Irene Loeb gave an accurate, when Blank threw»Yacobi in two and pith. This conveys the liquid that one-half "minutes; Eolice^were called Rosenwald. His unstinted benefac- unbiased description, and most inter- to restore order. ~. " nourishes t h s ; hair. esting, of Palestinian development. tions to every worthy cause, fiom the I t seems to' us [that the Armenians The h a i r follicle is-- in reality establishment of negro institutions to Undoubtly there was a great deal of should not have felt* i?rj£ated dtr at the sac-like hollow, from the bottom material just as new and arresting, to n.-—Our pridefeat" of their the salvation of starving refuges, ; of which the papilla, in YW have marked him as one of. America's Jews' as" to Christians. ' Miss :L6eb's tory would .also have meant a Jewish which are the vessels which supply foremost 'givers'. This'year, his co'n- account ;of; what she calls t h e great triumph. -•the elements'necessary to the growth tribuion of $1,000,000 to.the" Joint twent?eth-ceh'£ury"experimentf: 'intro- ' ' of the hair, while opening into it are Distribution Committee campaign duces a great*Tnany^bf' us; "to ••one i the sebaeceou^- glands that provide again earns him the right to be count- aspect of the^ remarkable revival of Eddie Gratiey, tiie famous boxing the necessary5 oil to : make the 1 referee^ has picked h i s All-Time list ed among the great Jews. The "re- tKe Jewish people."" ' •'•'" of g*eat : fighters.; -The Jews in that soft and pliable. markable thing about Bosenwald's Each follicle, or sac is • provided The last of. these five big Jews of roll of honor are:-Joe Cjioynski, the benefactions is that they 'are" never 1925, but one whose accomplishments lightheavy-weight;' Abe-* Attell,;:4he with'a minufe muscle, called the grandiloquen , always given without have easily equalled, if not outbal- featherweight; Bpnny Leonard, the erectoj muscle, which, when contractflourish and bombast. I am .told that anced, the attainments of the other, lightweight. Graney could not have ed by cold or terror causes the hair /_ • •• • his speech at Philadelphia on Septem- is Walter Lippman, chief editorial been any fairer.to stand on "end. Tlie hairs are deber 13th was a model of simplicity writer of the New York World. Wal- ANOTHE JEWISH void of any feeling. However, very and humility, entirely devoid of "the ter Lippman has rarelyj if ever, affil- HERO delicate and highly sensitive nerves v T ~; proverbial philanthropic and;paternal iated himself with specifically Jewish Hyman J. Cohen, of Roxbury. tells are located in the hair follicle, so manner. The non-Jew is often told affairs. But his editorial policy on us: • " ' ' •' •' > • ' '• ' that wheneveirthe hair is pulled there that the wealthy Jews incline toward the World should be enough to make '(There's a college 'in ' Medforti, is a sensation'of pain. severance of their connection with the all Jews eager to claim him. His Mass., a few miles_frdm.Bofitoii, that ; "Gare of • the hair should interest members of their race. Julius" Rosen- broad-minded liberalism,his absolute has turned out some fine Jewish a^- every-man, woman and child. Neglect who haven't receivetf-the publicwald has convinced me that this as- independence, and his championing letes, ity and-fame ^hey-'ye-merited. Tbat of the hair and scalp during infancy sertion is a mis-statement,'notwith- , the cause of 'those who have had- in-, college is Tuffs, more familiarly re- and youth is undoubtedly accountable standing the actions of several other justice done them have, stamped t h e ferred to as "The Hill'.' ! for more •caused of baldness than all Among some of these best athletes men of Jewish extraction. New York World as America's most have been Carl Etelman; a^ member of the other catifces combined. Such disLiterature is invariably said to be significant liberal newspaper. Mr. Phi Epsilon Pi, Carl was a star in orders as cradle cap, later changing dissociated from life, and therefore Lippman has always steered clear of football, basketball;; and baseball. to thick crusts 'of dandruff, are directThis fall he turned in somje fine work ly caused by aeclect or improper hythose who write cannot affect our minor politics, and has always main- as quarterback of the victorious Saint daily life very much.,. and yet—I tained an attitude hostile to whatever Alphonsus professionals. Nate Share, giene. Therefore,'it is during infancy " - count Ludwig Lewishon as one of the was narrowminded or petty, whether at present attending: Hai-vard Law that the foundation of a healthy five big Jews of 1925. This distinc- committed, by one party or another, School, - was chosen. •All-Eastern growth of "hair'is'laid. The first part guards and also found liijie to be an of the body attacked by Father Time tion is due to his writing, of'"Israel", friendly .to what .was just and vight»- outstanding g figure ge in Dramatics^ This which, I believe will do more for the lio matter who was the person in- fell h l d witli itl • the th ii Providence P i d he play_ed proper estimation* of Jews by non- volved.' •.•..•.;_.'•""••'•'; '••-., ;...•;.-• Steam Boilers, and stopped "Bed" • Jews than- anything that has been, Grange vrheri the : latter! payled in OP Thus, each ef these five. Jews~,hW •Boston,- ...-.': />...":- .T ,-i -! " .' ":- - '.. written, for a long time. I am told by KEEK This year we have Hajry f^IteJmy Jewish friends-that Lewisohn, has done something. coOcrete, and-, spedfisteln, a "Phr B«ta Kappa njan, and caUy. noteworthy. Their attainments, not painted ' the - attitude of the PBONTIER, TOWEL SUPPLY winner of the scholarship of the? class average Jew, that he has described have not been limited: to Jews;, their of 1882, given antraally'^t?tbet njeriitSIB. Calif orals Strmt. the emotions of a disgruntled few. influence—for good—-has extended- be-- ber of the college who b$st exempliyond their own particular .race.. They fies, the combination <xf ability in athAnd yet after reading "Israel", I have and excellent jri scholarship."• felt it is the strongest and t r u e s t - have made America regard them as letes Henry Nussbaum, asonfy a sophothe five outstanding representatives description and indictment of the more, and has earned a letter in foot- Phone JAckson 0043 . centuries — old Christian attitude of the Jewish race in 1925. . ball. He is one of the njainstays- of the basketball five, in which sport he toward the Jew. He makes no evav sions, this Lewisohn. He is not afraid FESTAL RETURNS OF ELECTIONS excells. ' Painting and Decorating Hopping you will not overlook LET, Cfcv-BID FOK JtOO - to condemn us Christians—^and in a Tufts when searching for good Jewish TO PALESTINE NATIONAL s WORE QOARANTKK1> manner which does not smack of conathletes, I am ASSEMBLY MADE KNOWN 214 South 18th St. Omaha. Nebr Journalistically Yours, ceit and arrogance. ^ We. Christians HYMAN J. 1COHEN. feel that Lewisohn has done more for Jerusalem, (Jewish Telegraphic Ahis fellow Jews than, enumerable gency.)—The final returns of the elec- SPORT HELPS ART committees of good-will" "between tions to the Asefath Ha'nivcharim, the Samuel Dushkin, the-Jewish violin Christian and Jew. Jewish National Assembly of Pa- virtuoso, just back from a triumphant. European tour tells us: I Benny Friedman, the hero" of the lestine, were made known yesterday. BU'lTEK and MlliS An artist has to be in good physical Sixty five' thousand persons were condition. A violinist more than any gridiron, has done as much for Jews t]ouiudt Bluffs la. as for non-Jews. He is causing the eligible to vote, of which 33,000 cast other musician. A layman does not realize, that'handling the violin for votes. The returns from upper Galimembers of his race to revise the noseveral hours, is not only a ' great' tions of their, own ;physical compe- lean colony are not yet known. mental strain but also a physical ef_tence. Not, that Benny-Friedman is According to the final counting, the fort. 1 am just as careful of my * the first great athletic Jew of Ameri- labor organization. Achduth Ha'avo- physical condition as a tennis player. ca. There have been many others, dah, polled 8,863 votes; the labor or- Swiniming, J believe, is the most appropriate exercis-e to keep a violinist j ,- chief among these- "Benny Leonard. ganization, Ha'poel Ha'zair .5,320; the in Soft Water trim. It strengthens ^he muscles ! Prompt Service ' But the attention which has-been paid centrum block 2,983; .the Sephanlic of the arms, and loosens the joints. : Wet wash, semi-fiat, Friedman,by Jews and non-Jews has Jewish group 2,762; the Zionist Re- Yes, without swimming jt would be a rough-dry. \ centered the notice of Jews upon this visionists 2,528; ' the' woniens group hard life for us bow* artists". 2808 Cumingkt; Barney 0881. phenomenon - who • was -even . bonT. in 2,039; the democrats J.883; the agri- AX ALL-JEWISH '- the United States. Hitherto the Jews have stresser his intellectual' capacity; 939; the' Orthodox group, Tbrah VCall UB for good ..-(-.^lie^iias..derided, or perhaps has just avodah 782; the Communists f)89; the .r^.teenTindifferent to, athletir,achieve- Valley-bf Jeareetgrcupsr 544; a group* team.- HewTit'is: - '* * This' was* due ito a 'complex .of .Polish immigrants (Ttfts a group Banks,"forward, Visitatao^ Triangles; had/no justification in fact: as •ca!letl'*"A^KTuth.%Ha'bonii)f>^-704^-- tbV ^ssoni"fdrward, Pattersi»it N<J.; \ *. % G?|y??/ proved' -The prevalance of- artisans - group 180. -HQtP the WE. 'guard. Original ^Celtics; Sis. so inany Jewish, names on.many of Mistrachi 10£>. dt Yonlrers; ' ' ~ Marron, Eeven though 1 had been.utterly ignorant of events within Jewish life in America, I could not have helped noticing the many selections of prominent Jews made within the : last two months, somewhat after the fashion of choosing 'All-American' teams. Even the general press "has had to take cognizance of these rolls of honor. As 1 glance over these many lists, I am struck by the fact that some of the names are repeated year after year, as though' these1 men and - -women had earned the perpetual right ' to be counted among;American Jewry's foremost representatives.- Some, because of their position'or-prestige inevitably do worthwhile things during, the year. Tf^ese lists seem, however," to-be devoid-of discrimination. ,They obviously include the names of ;Jewa that recur tigain and again in'; the Englis-Jewish1 and general'press. 'No attempt is made to evaluate the -contributions of tiiese people^ to~ decide just how much good they arp doing for their fellow-Jews and for mankind in general—during a- definite period of time.

is the hair. It begjns to lose its_ luster and 'thickness. Then the gray hairs.] start coming and before long they seem;,to multiply' over-night. .Then the' hair.starts "to. become, overtired, and these.- are j unquestionably ^strong factqrs'.in,retardipg,-hair ; gtwth and inducing1 premature .gray, hair. Most conditions are directly;accountable to the general;circulation. Any inter-. ual. disorder that keeps the quality < f' blood • below normal affects;. the h a i r , j _•

. . ; •• ( .



. ,

Vigorous .brushing . and strong hand massage, in^otber,.words, a good scalp treatment .daily, have the. affect of stimulating the circulation. In ad'ditioii,' _they strengthen the erector., muscles which hold the hair ir. the- scalp. These muscles, thus strengthened, make it impossible for any healthy hair to fall out Often it is difficult'to-pull'them out by force. An interesting case was brought to my attention, and is one of the thousands, of' similar cases. A man complained that Tijs hair was coming out in hanctfuls arid he could do nothing to prevent it." When it first started .falluijf, he would brush and massage it,'regularly. However, as he found that this caused more hairs to fall out," h'e; gave it op and started to nurse his-hair very carefully, washing it only /when hec absolutely had to, and-arranging:-it- with such care that

no hair would fall. The method he pursued was just exactly of what he should have" done. When he found the ihair- was being pulled*out by. .brushing and massaging,-his hairdresser Jcould have told him .that these" were ;weakene,d hairs and could^ be better •pulled out, just as the ' gardener prunes • out dead or, weakened narts of a tree. Also the brushing would have helped keep out dust or foreign bodies^, keeping the "hair soft and clean. Had the proper method of brushing and firm massage, coupJed with -the - right electric current, been pursued, this man would have found that no hair would have fallen out after two months of such treatment and today he would be the possessor of a healthy growth of hair. Absolute cleanliness is necessary at all time. Shampooing is possibly the first thing that should concern one in keeping the hair healthy. Most people do moi'e to injure the hair by poor shampooing than by too hot a curling iron. If the hair is burned by a curling iron, it will be injured temporarily, but this will not retard its gTowth. But if one does not

shampoo properly, the caustic action of the alkali deposit, left in the follicle or- on -the scalp, will cau.e dandruff, extreme oiliness, graj' hair and falling hair. -When che-scalp is thick and freely movable, it is favorable to the growth of the 'hair. When it is thin and drawn tightly o\-er the skull, it cuts off the blood supply, thereby caus.ng the scalp not to function properly and in consequence, retarding the growth. That is why scalp massage is to beneficial as it loosens the scalp and increases the circulation ATTEND THE AN.VUAI AGUDES ACHIM DANCE ON Jan 21, 1926 at EAGLES HALL, at COUNCIL BLUFFS, IOWA. Adv.

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