Success or failure in . business is caused iraore -by mental attitude even than by mental cans'*Ities*. • —. WaUe\ f'Scott.
every* t h i n g » and?the ii e **>f nothing.-^
XTtix \T XTA. Q 1 —^-'fired «• second-class mail matter, on January 27th,-1821, at VyL». .V-—JNO. o i ^ - ; j o a i c e at Omaha: NebraBharubdertbeActot March 3. 1878.
B'rith ,To. Give Dance National A. Z. Arw B'naiFebruary 28 At Fontenelle The B'nai Bfrith \yjll entertain at a Commission To Meet dance at the Fonteriejle" Hotel on Sonday', evening, February 28. This-will In Omaha February 7 probably; be one pi the. largest"social-
Y Meeting To Be Held Urge Coolidge To Monday Evening Jewidifederation-' . program is being prepared Ctmmiiiiity Chest Support liberal forAthespecial -Y..M. and Y. W. H. A. meetMonday evening, February 1, at Dri?e Is ItFii Swing Immi^ation Bill ing the Jewish Community Center. Mr. William R. Blumentlial is in charge of
events of the late winter. F,J. Alberts
To Revise A. Z. A. Constitution is chairman of the cotomittee »n charge And Ritual And Make Plans and is being as'dsted ,by A. j>. Frank, Abner Kaiman, and. Harry Trustin. . For Future Work LOCAL I. O. B. B. AND A. Z. A. ARE MAKING ELABORATE PLANS FOR THIS DAY 'The National-Av Z. A. Commission Which was recently appointed by President Alfred Cohen of the I.O/B. B; "will hold its-first meeting in Omaha,-beginning, February 7. The p^ur- - pose of the-meeting^ will be to revise the constitution and Jitual of the A. Z. A. -and to Iay-;plans for the _ future w[ork off this order." The commission 'was appoiniigd'iy ^President Cohen pursuant to EU resolution adopted by tlje" Constitution Grand Lodge of the I. O.B. B. at its 12th Quinquennial Convention-held last April at Atlantic City,-New Jersey. At that Conven.-. tibn,,.the I. .0. B. B. officially endorsed the- A.-Z. A. movement and undertook its sponsorship... On this Commission there is dne member from each of the. American Districts of the B'nai B'rith. The members of this Commission-are as followsl Sam. Beber, of Omaha, temporary: chairman; 'Milton' M. Schayer, Denver, temporary secretary; Archibald M.Hillman, Worcester, Mase., D. Solis Cohen, Portland, Ore., -Joseph''Herbach, Philadelphia, Joseph' N. "Reisman, Atlanta, Ga., Julius J.' Cohen, Chattanooga, Tenn. .Omaha Lodge,'No. 354, I.O.B. B.! and .Oraaha - Chapter No. 1, A. Z* A. have appointed committees to plan for, February. 7, in honor of the visiting delegates. The joint committee elected Di'. A : Green? berg" as its cfiaifman and they have alrea"dy_ Qutjingd many events for the day.'. 7 : J _ V "'••;;.. .'. .'- ' :'
'ft ;45t^^^;.^,vv-'^'^-\.>i'K ^; '
AH contestants are orgaiuarngfto help them in their race for- the prizes offerje^t On Sundav morning; l|tie:Y."Mi, and. Y. W . H^ A. wUl;hold iumass meeting at : tpi Community Center in behalf of^their candidate Miss Leone Novitsky. - ; --The Auflebupg- arid the- Poali-Zioi*. organization-will hold ,special meetings for their respectl^.c^didates^ Miss. IVIildred Harris and Miss • Sylvia Teldmarir - r~ ' ' .„, Xot toc be outclistanced by Omahans, Miss Fannie Katelmany the: Iowa contestant, has already organized a number of-workers who are soliciting their friends for subscriptions to the Jewish Press. AI.L -SUBSCRIPTIONS TO T H E J E W I S H PRESS FOR T H E YEAR 1926 ARE D U E NOW. ; Every ; subscription obtained, by the contestants counts as; .250 votes. Renewals will count the same as new subscriptions.^ :.-. The Jewish Press contest is. the largest ever launched in" this city and is ottering three prizes to the first three girls who are adjudged the
Proceeds, For Jewish National Fund In Palestine* The. Omaha.'Branca-of the Zionist Organization.: will give-'its fourth an^ n'ual balf on-Sunday^ evening* March 1, at- the Municipal, -Auditoriumv-This affair • will••'be-phelo'f the- 'largest charitable events*of -the'season-."The prpceeds-orthe affaij- will be sent to the' Jewish"National-Fund in Palestine. -.-'-> '.' T r - _: '' > .Mr. .John Feldmah^is chairman in charge; and h£ is ^being assisted:- by J. B. Robinson, S. Robinson, M. Braude, J. Eikliri, J* • Ldntzraan,- and _ Mrs. J. Lintzmanl- :Mrs." M.* Braudejj E Mrs. ,T. Sherman/ Mrs..-S.- Kobinsdn; Mrs. J. B. Robins6n,ranii CelfS. Braude. '-•"We will have one^ot the best orchestras in the1 "dity.: to' furnish: the music, the conimittee'is already working' on plans:for"the.Ball an^ we hope everyone will Teserye-Sunday 'evening, March 7, to "attend-the Zionist ball," said Mr. Feldmani "j•.
~ -
Bialik, Poet and Famous Figure, Arriving in New-York February 9 for Extended American Visit
Federation Received Its First, Senator -Wadsworth, Introduces the program. Members and their friends are inAllotment. From The } Similar Bill "As That of vited to attend. Community Chest / ; Perlman's
GIRLr?—-This' question will be answered in two weeks. At this: tijn£,_the girl who, qualifies and wins -the Jewish Press popularity contest .'will be awarded.the"first prize of a trip tcr^Europe.
Local Zionist Annual Ball March7atMunyAnditoriuni
New -York,.- Januaryy 25.--Chaim. achmari Biajit:: - isV; Nachmari isV; conning conning to to America. -i*i,.~ iniThe greatest of.all ^ tiation ^candidates by the Degree poets, ra.nUeaTa"s~oi^e7of the. fotemqst team of Omaha • Chapter, A. Z. AJ lyric poets in'the .wpfldrwiii;arrive in v; , this^iftitiition will take place at the -york^FebruajryVi $°r an extend) Fpnteneit'e Hotel and will be open only ed American'visit,'liis first visit to f:-:' ta!members.of the B'nai B'rith and of this country. He is coming, under the the A.-Z..A.. In the evening there will auspices, of the' United Palestine Apbe a* banquet at the Fontenelle Hotel peal and wijl ^ deliver addresses in at which the visiting delegates wil various parts ,,pf the. country on the : each i make a few remarks. Omaha Jewish revival" in- Palestine; . will asol have an-opportunity of listAmerican Jewry, Jjas been thrilled ening \ to Philip Klutznick of Kansas at the announcement that Bialik, poet City,, who. is the Grand Aleph Godol of the Hebrew-Ilenaissance/-whose . of the A.Z.A. and who is coming to golden voieelhas .heralded thje Jewish Omaha especially for the occasion. revival throughout^; the world, will Further details of this important conr make his first visit to America and . ference will appear in the next issue will aid here the- rebuilding of the of the Jewish Press.' Jewish Homeland wJlich has' been the inspiration' of his vgreatest- work. The first ,:public~ receptipn in his honor will be- a- great mass -meeting in M^cca Temple_FjBbruary, :10, whftn the Jews of New York will have their The Intellectual Advancement Com- first opportunity to see and- hear the mittee of the Omaha Hebrew Club eloquent singer1 of the Jewisjirevival. Will present a program at the regular The meeting will be ,held under; the meeting Sunday afternoon, January auspices of the United Paleptine Ap31, at the 'Swedish Auditorium. peal and many of-; the* foremost liteJudah Wolfsoh will; be the principal rary figures of- Neyv York,' together speaker, he will talk on •'Jewish Say- with outstanding jmblic inen will be • ings". Musical selections will be rend* present to greet the chief personality ered by the Jewish Community Center in the modern-revival of thp Hebrew Orchestra, and several song- numbers language and literature, 'j will be given by a talented vocalist. A conference of : National Jewish Dr.- Nathan Dansky is chairman of Prgaiiizations, was-held- this' week at the Intellectual Advancement Commitr the Penhsylyariia"rHptel,.; under. the: tee, and those on his committee are auspices of the 'Zionist Organization Dr. A. Steinberg, J. Wolf son,. Dr. A. of America, to ^plans further details Greenberg, and Ben M. Minkin. regarding .Bialik's arrival, and his reception. Thousands" of American Jews will be at the .pier to greet him at a Ladies Progressive Club public reception, while Mayor, Jame? Masquerade Ball February 7 J. Walker is appointing a committee to The Ladies Progressive Club •will receive him officially on behalf- of the give a masquerade ball Sunday eve- city. Leading-American poets 'are ning, February 1, at Kelpines* Danc- also organizing a reception committee ing Academy. Proceeds will go for to welcome one of the greatest of r the benefit of ihe Folk Schul. It is living poets to this-country; announced that prices will be awardChaim Nachrn&n Bialik has been ed for the. best -masks. called the greatest Hebrew, .poet since Jehudah Halevy. "His work' has been Junior Hadassah Open translated into'French,, Russian, GerMeeting Vebruary 3 man, Italian and other languages and he is widely. acclaimed in literary The Junior Chapter of Hadassah circles throughout Europe. A special will hold an open meeting WedneS' English edition of his poems is being day evening, February 3, at th< published by "the New Palestine, the Jewish"Co'mmunity Center. They pre-: weekly organ-of the Zionist Organizaviousiy announced that they .would tion of America, in honor of his ; hold i the' open; meeting February 4 American visit. , ^ , but naya changed the .date on accoun Most of Blank's life was spent in V of tnl ;B'nai Brith open meeting tha' Odessa. Here" it was that" he wrote "-,l_ . e * « f i i | | ^ ; ^ ; ; ' . ; ;";" ; •••••-\ ' . : ; . ; . - y . / his-immortal poem, en the Kishineff / ;N|fl^" fleeted officers will be in- massacre whicfi1 brought to 1$e Jewish \j--; stalled and committees tvilll i e \ art world the tefror arid anguish of that : Qwiunc^ bloody event.- A-few y^ars ago the Soviet government /gave him official ^:u^^i^dfibent;,J;Av^rograniJi^;;^e^^ J ^ g e ^ - and &e- public is^roeitea* to permission to; leave* Russia and he r : ;;; ; moved to Berlin. After a few years
Program at Omaha Hebrew Club Meeting Sunday Afternoon
• • • •
' - : ' • • ' -
The contest will close on Februaiy 15, 1926.
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Highland Aiuiflal Meeting
Co, SttffsLftB.8. President
Souis New Directbrs To: Be Elected Sam J. Steinberg Elected Secretary of Lodge The Board of directors rof the Highland Country Club- have1 invited The Council Bluffs Independent it& associate members, to ..attend' the Order of the B'nai B'rith Lodge No. annual stockholders meeting to be held 688, held a regular meeting on Tuesday evening, February 9, at the Wednesday evening, January 27, at Blackstone Hotel. . . . ; . the Danish HalL Mr. Sam J. SteinFour new directors will »be: elected berg was. elected secretary of the to serve, three 'years* , Those: -whose Lodge. Mr. Harry Kubby, president terms now expire are Ed Treller, Har- of the local B'nai B'rith, announced ry A. .Wolf, M. Herzberg, and-Sidney the following committees for the new term: Manley. L . •. : : Intellectual Advancement Committee A stag entertainment will follow, the Xonis H. Katelman. -rhnirmfln: Ben meeting. Those in charge ,«re: Ed Kubbx. Sam Steinberg, Phil Trochtenberj;. Treller, chairman, and rAT Mayer, D£ Entertainment Committee B: T. Friedman, and Sfdney. Manley. Simon Steinborjr, chairman: Sam Bubb, Ben SeJdin. Xtnx • Stetnbers. Sam GoreHcfc. "We want all members; to A Philip Friedman. Social Service and Americanization this annual event of the Club;" said Comittee Mr. Treller. • - -'- " O. Hochman. chairman: Herman Meyer-
The Jewish Community Center, "basketball team defeated1 the Thbrpeiari Athletic Club 22 to 11 in oni bf" the inost ' hotly contested' " games". ever played at the "Y".VThe Jewish ComBauiiity Center ^team 'took' the' lead in the'first half when" they scored 17 points against the Thorpeian team's 4. Sid C/prehman, star7pla"yer, of,the Center teagt scored, five".field ^goals. iMehdelson • of : the 'Thorpeian" ttetn starred for the losers." " The Jewish Community Center and Thorpeian teams are entered in the Commercial league which is composed of all star players.
Rec F. Atkins Moore to Speak Here February
Washington,' D. C.—(J.' T. A.)— President Coolidge was urged by Congressman [ Nathan ' D. Perlman, - Con- Public Invited to Hear Rev. Moore, gressmanr Mills .arid" Senator WadsWho Will Be the Guest of the worth, in an interview' -granted them Local B'nai B'rith. at the \^hite House, to exert every effort with Congress to "further the The public is invited to hear Rev. adoption of legislation exempting from Fred: Atkins Moore on Thursday evethe quota, the" wives, children, hus- ning, February 4, at the Jewish Combands ami parents of citizens and de- munity Center. Rev. Moore, who is clarents, in accorlian'ce'with the sym- "making a circuit tour of the B'nai pathy 'expressed, "by" him in his last J B'rith Lodges, in thi* district, is comannual "message toward the relief of ing to Ouatha under the auspices of the hardships caused'by the. separa- the Intellectual Advancement Comtion of families. mittee, of the local Lodge. The President, it is -understood, re- ' Preceding Eev. Moore's address, ceived the delegation very cordially short talks will be ^jiven by Henry and promised to give serious consider- Morisky and. Max Fromkin. Musical ation to Congressman Perlman's bill entertainment ort the program will be which was the. basis of the interview. violin numbers by Gilbert Jeffe, orIf the present Immigration Law, chestra leader of the Brandeis Tea J said the President, .deprives the people Eooms, and vocal selections by Mrs. i in this Country, "of "the. comfort and Mamie Block, accompanied by Mrs. j society.'of those bound to them by Harry Trustin. A unique entertainI close family ties, such modifications ment will be rendered by Prof. Frank | should be .adopted as will afford relief, Wood, Babbit Calculation expert. ! always in accorViance with the princiBev. Moore is Executive Director of ple that our government owes its first the Chicago Forum, and is in charge duty to "its own people and that no of the western headquarters of the alien, inhabitant~of "another country, Committee on Better Understanding has any- legal, rights" whatever tinder of the Federal Council of Churches of our constitution and laws. But we Christ in America. He "was one of the should not be forgetful of- the obliga- principal speakers at the last annual tions of common'humanity." convention of the B'nai B'rith. Eev. The.President.stated, however that" Moore relinquished the pulpit of one he could not commit himself to. any of the largest eastern congregations in definite points of liberalization, and be- order.; to -devote his life to the' promulgation, of the idea of & better «nder' fore'reaching a decision will take Davis.'-
Jewish Community Center Team Defeats Thorpians 22-11
son, Sam Steinberg. Philip Friedman. Leo KrnBne, Louis H. Katelman. Mas Steinberc • Penrer Hospital ' Sam Meverson, chairman: Kate Adler, Louis KsttOroan. Mar Steinbers. Cleveland Orphan Asylum Herman Meyerpon.T.hairinan: Phil Saks. O. Hochman, Lou Ivatelman. Leo Krasne, Ike Kranier. Joe Scharf, Ben Seldin. ; Kesolntion Committee O. Rochmah, chairman: Dare Kubfey. Alaoxice • Gilinsky, Herman Meyerson aud Nathan Xo£g. _ , Finance Committee Louis Katelman, chairman: Ben Seldin, Sam Steinberg. Nathaa Jiojrgr. Herman Meyerson. Leo-Krasne, Ernest Nogg, and Charles Saltiman.
Rabbi Cohn to Speak t» Philosophical Society
Rabbi Frederick -Cphn-will speak to the members of the Omaha- Philosophical Society at their meeting on Sunday afternoon, January-31.- His subject will be "Egoism and Altruthere he went to Palestine, settling; in] ism." Tel-Aviv, to. live in .the land "which has inspired his immortal verse. JEWISH MERCHANTS DECIDE To give an idea of the trem'endous TO SEND DELEGATION TO interest aroused in Bialik's' visit and SEEK CREDIT IN V. S. the way in which it has fired.. the Jews of this country, .Yehoash',* the Warsaw, (J;" T. A.)—A decision to great Yiddish poet, has written to send a delegation of Polish Jewish Emanuel Neumann, national editor of merchants, to the United States for the TJnited Palestine Appeal: the purpose of securing credit, was "For years.I have consistently re- taken at a general meeting of the fused to speak or appear in public. Jewish Merchants' Association held Neither my work, nor my health, nor here yesterday. my inclination, permit me. But all rules must be waived in honor of our! Bialik. I shall be delighted to greet Five names aie this week added him and shall employ the intervening' to the list of "Paid in Full days in prayer that the certainty of Pledgors" to the Jewish • Commy health may not ~pl»y m W t r i c k munity Center. They are zs follows: on the appointed evening." Ben Ross Mr. and Mrs. Jake Robinson A. Epstein . . Do not make anji other arrange" -. ments on March 7, it will be the night j ' . Herman 'H. Auerbach ! Sfihwartz . of the Zionist Ball at the 3funic!pal ] Auditorium.—£?*
' " "_* "•'.".'' '. "- " ., -"^
Following:.the*cbnfere|ice".vath Ihe President, Senator Wadsworth intro- So Ed Se CtiVto f&i?e duced into the"; Senate* a Jbill differing 1 from Congressman,.'Perlman's in that' - — a Ssries e! Wkte^ Pgnces the above "mentioned relatives of deThe So Ed So Club, a social club of clarants admitted to the United States young. Jewish boys and girls, which since July, "1924, should be .exempted meets each Sunday morning at the and relatives of declarants who came Labor Lyceum, is giving the eecond to America before that date should receive preference within the quota. of a series of winter dances Saturday Senator ' Wadsworth's buT would not evening; January 30th, at the Labor exempt children over 21, while Con- Lyceum, 22nd and Clark Streets. The gressman Perlman's measure calls for Original Collegians, one of the popular the exemption of all children, regard- Omaha orchestras, have been engaged for the occasion. The So Ed So held less of age. \ , ' ~• a Novelay Dance, January 16,. ) Two Bills Similar The So Ed So recently held election Senator -Wadsworth's action in in- of officers who are as follows: Ben troducing^ bill so nearly "similar lo Sheanin, President; Martha HimelPerlman's is'regarded as a great vic- stein, Secretary; Fannie Ruderman, tory for advocates of the liberalization Treasurer; and Mary Sheanin, Editor as Senator • Wadsworth has been and Vice-President. The club is sponknown as a restrictiohist, having voted sored by Eugene Konecky, well known Omaha author and announcer for radio for the present quota, law. " • Louis Marshall and Congressman station WO AW. The So Ed So bePerlman • appeared- before the House sides engaging, in social activities, anImmigration (Committee to appeal for nually presents a program of original exemption from the quota of certain one-act plays. , The organization edits relatives of. declarants, and. citizens, a club paper called the "Once-Over", namely, the wives, husbands, children which is mimeographed and put out and parents,' whichr is proposed by by the members of the club. Con-gressman ; Perlman's bill •. in the Plans *re being made for a valenHouse and Senator-Wadsworth's bill tine Dance at Kepilne's Dancing Acadin the Senate., -These bills were used emy on February 14th. The dance as the basis of consideration by the committee includes:, Frank Lipp, committee..,: '..* . < , .. Chairman; Martha Himelstein, Hymie . Mr. Marshall, who'appeared before Sheanin, Ja'rah Werner. the committee. on the invitation of Congressmaii - Perlman, i .spoke for ANTI-SEMITIC STUDENT RIOTS about an hour,: stressed-the. great harc!CONTINUE IN'BUCHAREST •ship caused by'the. separation of Jfamilies, due to the impossibility under the Bucharest,—The anti-Semitic excespresent law of- securing admission for ses against Jewish students in the the above mentioned relatives, of de- University of Bucharest and the colclarants and parents and husbands of leges and high schools here continued citizens. : At present only the wives yesterday.and unmarried "children under 18 of In the high schools the. excesses citizens are exempt from the quota. were directed against the Jewish inWhile no .open" opposition was dis- structors. played, .it could not be ascertained A Jewish student, Weinstraub, was from the questions asked by the mem- seriously injured. bers of the committee what .their ultimate attitude: It appsared, and impassioned appeal, brought out however, that some of the menibers of two main points, first, that it was a the committee :felt concerned as to the sound economic policy to unite relapossible economic-effect on America tives. America is built np on a family if the proposed, additional classes of and home basis, he said. An indicaimmigrants are admitted. In general, tion of the desirability of an immithe committee listened to Mr.'Marshall grant when industrious and conscienand Congressman Perlmah with great tious enough to desire to bring over attention." ', _ ' '/ - '••".' y ' . . his dose relatives, and seeondt that Inquiry was made as to the approxi- aside from this, practical assurance, mate number-the proposed "legislation the proposed legislation should not be would adroit, but neither Mr. Marshall treated as a mere matter of co!d nor CongresEinan -Perlman were in a figures but considered from the position to subajlt such an estimate, standpoint.of JjHBsanity, in the spirit although , assurance was " expressed of President Cooiidge's own expression that no unduly- large.number is in- of sympathy with this character of volved. Mr. Marshall, in u vigorous relief
DR. A. GREENBERG VICECHAIRMAN-. OF CAMPAIGN Despite the many campaigns now going on in: the city, the Jewish Welfare • Federation-Community Chest campaign for subscribers is going1 on in full swing. There are still a numbed of subscribers to the Jewish Welfare
—Heytt Vhoto,
' *"' Dr. A. Greenberg
CAMPAIGN VICE-CHAIRMAN Federation who have not as yet subscribed to the Community Chest. Mr, Hs£rry • Malashock, Chairman and Div A'..,G)rcenbfrg. Vice-Chairman of. the campmign are •using1 ss their "A,, subsmj^ion. . to. O R' u-, ttiie Jewish Welfare Federation." The Jewish Welfare Federation hw already .received .its first allotment, from the Community Chest. This allotment covers all the charitable and philanthropic work that the Federation has done in the past, the only exception being-. the Talmud Torah, TheFederation work is going on as usuaL all the Committees are functioning, relief is being administered in the samp way: the poor and helpless are beinj; clothed and fed and sheltered. Coal w; being sent to the needy and rent is hp-* ing paid for those who would othRj-wise be without shelter. The Campaign. Committee wante to emphasize the fact that if the Jevrs do not contribute to the Community Chest in the-same manner as .they, have done to .the Federation, then not only will Jewish' prestige and Jewish* honor suffer, but also that Jewish, needy will be deprived of help, - The reason for this is that the Chest, vd;i have to make a 20% reduction of the "budgets of all the affiliated organizations for lack of funds. This reduction will also apply to the Jewish Wfitfare Federation, unless the Jews o£ the city are able to do more for thtChest than they have done thus far. The gratifying thing is that during the past week there has been a g<vul response to the appeal of the Campaign Committee, and that even^ baiter results are in promise before, the Campaign - closes. "If you,have not subscribed to thsCommunity'.Chest, DO. IT NOW* 2*? it before the Committe calls said a member of the "You cannot escape your obligation,*5 Those who desire to save the solicitors the trouble of making personal calls can obtain subscription blanks tc the Community Chest by calling the Jewish Welfare Federation, Jackwir? 5377. All pledges to the Communiiy Chest should be addressed to the ?ev/-> ish Welfare Federation, 210 So.
Street. . Thorpeians Second Matinee Ranee Sunday a t H l i The Thorpian Athletic Club is sponsoring Sunday matinee dances. The second of these dances will be given this Sunday afternoon, January St. from 3"to 5:80, at the ing Academy. ' The committee in charge" *of affairs in Issdore Sokoiit. ~chai#1ffK>Ti,, assisted by Joe Krestu] and Joe Ti«Sasiner. They have secured'R collegiate orchestra to ftfrriisSmusic
?AGE S-THE JEWISH PRESS^-THUKSDAYrJANUARY 28, 1926 field many times for in a forty yard W y latga representation; from dash of a high board diving exhibition. almost... every Jewish tomniufiity of rumoTS of this kind. Joe won his state championship the Dominion. This is, indeed, a The Karaites in Russia ingeniously f '. •. POWlstejJ ivw/WHiKjlay at OmahtU SfefcwsJm,, 0? , •while attending .Omaha -Technical healthy symptom, and reveals the » Copyright—Jewish Tefeg. Agency. made use . of the ten tribes. to .avoid THE JE^WlSH'fPRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY by "STAN" High school in l923. He will repregrowing, strength of Zionism throughcertain*-- impositions- and disabilities, Office: 490 fifrandeis 'theatre Building -* Telephone; ATlantic U5O. sent the Omaha Y. M, C. A. at the Th€ $5,000,000 out the; country." which werfci the lot of the Jews in that THE ZION DRIVES Zion Drive, • NAT-BAS fi. -GREEN, Manage*. state swim meet in Lincoln this month Similarly,, the "Hebrew Journal" of Did you know that 2 country. They claimed exemption on AND PALESTINE the : $15,000,. ..$2.50. Philip Gerelick, the coming star a t . and is expected to bring Tiome h bacon Subscription Price, one yearToronto calls the affair a "practical the ground that they were descend000*1. D. C. convention." "If it was not an his-Nebraska University is a former Oma-Raduziner - • . spends * the summers -. Advertising, rates furnished on application. ants of the tribes which went out of Krug Park where he is the Capt. of Drive, the $250,000 Gewerkschaften torical event, it gave a. true reflection ha Central High performer. CHANGE OB* ADDRESS—Please give both the old and new address; Palestine at the time of Babylonian the Park's crew of life-guards. He Drive for Palestine, are being dis- of-Canadian; Jewish life. And when be sure and give your name. Phil has played basketball a goodly exile, and sop had nothing: to do "with has saved a considerable number of " The Jewish-Press is supplied by the-Jewish- Telegraphic Agency (Jewish the crucifixion of Jesus several hand-? cussed in the Yiddish newspapers from thriPresident of the Zionist organiza- portion of his lif el". He -was a member v&rioua angles. • • Correspondence Bureau) with cabled and? telegraphic Jewish news, in addition red years later*•-This; sort of racial tion declared that ninety five percent of the old Progresse team of years bathers from a watery death during Speaking of-the Chalitzim delega^ .of the, Canadian Jews are Zionists, he ago. . The Progresse Club--was spon- his two years service at the pool. to featnre articles and correspondences from air important Jewish renters. Inquiries regarding news- items credited to this Agency will bfl gladly alibi succeeded in getting them excus- tiofijust arrived here, "The Day** made aiv assertion that is born out sored by the Y. M. H. A: and includes j W i l l i a m (Billy) Giventer is the answered if addressed to- Jewish Telegraphic Agency, 621 Broadway, Hew ed from serving in the; arrriy. fillds that it is these Chalutzim, with York City. If there is one race which-seems their idealism, utter self-sacrifice, in- by figures." The strength of Zionism many of the present day prominent jB m a t e m . b o x i n g cha mpion of the Midmen. He later played > W e s t e r n A > A , v . He won his title inost justly to asa&fe claim to Israelit- exhaurtible energy and perseverance, -was* fully demonstrated at the con-Jewish young yg vention. However, one shortcoming Ish descent it is the Afghans, who as- that are the actual upbuilders of the ;he boxing tournament conducted THE BASIS OF GOODWILL with the Y. M.'H. A. team and his sert that their ancestors were taken Jewish National Home. Then pioneer was.equally outstanding, and that is guarding featured many of the "Y, by the Elks Lodge at Omaha last Recently in Detroit^ group of representatives of the Federal from Palestine and"banished to the the lack of Jewish intellectuals, which victories. ! March. Giventer will be called upon Council of Churches'-Committee on Goodwill between Jews and mountains. When the spread of Mo- work is sacred, and in this sanctity accounted for the poverty of expres- He was a sub on the Central High lis bantamweight crown at their ideal of self-liberation has found sion, while the convention was not Christians, met with a committee of rabbis. The- avowed- purpose hammedanism began, they say, a de-its team of ^l-'22. In '23-'24 he was one j t h e n e x t t o u r n a m e n t to be held Borne complete realization. of the meeting was to discuss the means of improving and putation was sent by them to invest- "The importance of the New York •wanting in atmosphere. True, we must of the outstanding guards in the State. time this coining March. Should he practical, but is not Zionism 'some- In '24-'25 Phil and Vinton Lawson stel- succesfully defend his title he will go developing a spii'it of goodwill between the followers of the two igate the new religion under the lead- campaign," says "The Day" in its be thing more than mere business?" lar guard on the Nebraska Uni. quint- |t o ership of one who traced his descent York where the national great faiths in the United States. For the "Protestants of America from. English section, "lies not so much in The "Jewish Daily Forward" is now et were undoubtedly the greatest pair j c h a m p i o n s h i p bouts will be held, and King Saul. have become cofice'fnea" over: the suspicion and ill-will that has The "British Israelites" who still the fact that the expected million and running a series of articles by socialist of guards in the entire State of Nebr. if he again wins and thus gains the been part of the aftermah of the war in this country. The hold conferences and issue papers on a half constitutes almost a third of the and labor journalists of America, Pol- Entering Nebraskajn the mid-winter national bantamweight title he will be entire sum to be raised as in the and and Palestine, in a debate over term he, easily made the Freshman Protestant representatives frankly asked the rabbis to offer their theory, base their claim more on axiom that as New York goes, so goes the ;recfcnt; Palestine articles by the team and immediately attracted the given a six weeks trip to South Amerprophetic" than on racial evidence. ica where he will meet the Southern suggestions as to how a better spirit might be fostered. the entire country. Whatever may be •"Forward" editor, Mr. Abraham Caattention of his coaches by his eagle champions. The Press wishes Bill the England, they claim, if regarded from Rabbi Leo M. Franklin, replying for his colleagues, drove Palestine, may be fairly described as said of "New York Jewry, it sets the han. .Two articles of this series, by eye for the basket and his splendid b e g t o f l u c k i n h i sc o m i n g b o u t S m straight at the heart of ^the problem. Re laid down three practical a far off island. The :e?ttenSiveness of pace for all the Jews of America/If Dr. A. Gihzburg, appeared in recent •floor work. I ___»» the million arid a half Jews of New planks in a platform 'of mutual- goodwill, which if the Federal The British Empire likewise coincides issue of- the paper. The writer Coach Berg of Nebraska plans fo | York respond generously and quickly thinks it inevitable that the largest Council is really nffearnest will commit the Council to a, program with the prophetic pronouncement, to .the United Zion Appeal, the other "Let Us Help You Keep Clean" use this blond Jewish lad at a guard i Yiddish newspaper rhould earnestly position with Ms former Central High while the, English'' language, bearing of far-reaching import. two million Jews scattered all; over which is admittedly mate, Lawson. Phil will not be eligi- j The first plank in a genuine program of goodwill, said Rabbi no possible resemblance to" Hebrew, the United States are surd to follow consider'Zionism, one-o± the most important, if not the We until the 26th of this month. He j is a perfectly strange tongue. Finally, 1819 California Street Franklin, calls for an unequivocal condemnation on the part of they assert, the people of England suit and raise the remainder of the five -most important, event in Jewish life. ATlantic 62S1. •will probably start against Grinnell or the rank and file of the Protestant clergy of the un-Christian worship the true God. All these points million dollars, so sorely "needed for The trouble with anti-Zionists like Drake, two of the strongest teams in restoration of our national home." Zivipn is that they approach Zionism and un-American character of the Ku Klutf Klatt and all other are so easily arguable that one hesit- the"The the Missouri Valley. Jewish Daily News" shows organizations that batten on racial, religious and national ates seriously to examine. them and that the Palestine Mandate turned out with a measure of "pure reason", ig- Gerelick's display of basketball Wet Wash .entirely the essential element talent has caused veteran newspaper hatreds. The second plank, said the spokesman of the^ rabbis, yet the theory must have, a powerful to be a complete success and pays noring j Semi-Flat of emotion and. sentiment, which fascination, as it included among its Rough Dry _ tribute to the great' administrative plays & great part in life. To disre- men and coaches to say the following calls for a cessation of Protestant support of the old missionising supporters so shrewd a woman as the qualifications of the retired High gard it would be most unscientific. of Phil: AMERICAN WET WASH evil among Jews and the putting an end to the time^honored late'Queen Victoria; Altho Philip Gerelick is not a large Commissioner, Sir Herbert Samuel. Love,is.blind. The love of two individ2808 Cuming St. Harney 0881 encour&gejnent of renegades who in the past have been liberally On the flimsiest evidence, enthus- Says the "News": man he immediately stands out as a uals could, of course, be more intense subsidized to carry .on proselytising work that has had only one iasts on this theme .tried to trace the "The Palestine mandate is now recfloor general. He combines a vhirl, origin of the Australian aboriginals to ognized by the entire world, and it is than the love of the Jewish people for •wind speed with a remarkable amount result—the irritation of the Jewish people. of headwork, being- able to anaylze the lost ten. On more solid foundation, certain that Sir Herbert Samuel's ad- Palestine, but then this latter" love Finally, said the rabbinical spokesman, if the Federal Council the however,-were the.attempts to prove ministration in ^Palestine will go much more "enduring, as witness three opposing teams style.of play at once. through its constituent bodies is really in earnest in its avowed Israelitic traces among the Japanese. thousand years of its existence. Still He has an uncanny change of pace, WHOLESALE in history as amodel of mandate Zionism is love, and love naturally is desire to create a better and kindlier feeling between Jews and Apart from the recurrence among- down style and stamina by which he is able Dniggists and Stationer* government and will be studied with Christians there can be no better approach that* by way of the these people of decidedly Jewish, types great interest not only in Great "blind and partial. It is absurd to re-to go thru an entire game with out UU-40S.4US South tOtb BtTMt Zionism as a business proposi- apparent eSort. His floor work is deChristian Sunday School and the preseneation there of the story as regards facial features, there was Britain, but in other countries as well. gard tion,, as Zivion and other anti-Zionists ceiving to the opposing team, his eye a strange similarity bet- This, too, does our- people great honor, of the death of Jesus in accordance with the facts of history. undoubtedly ween certain ancient religious customs an honor that is connected -with the do. Nowhere but in Palestine do Jew- is sure, passes ..well timed and he is Here the rabbinical committee touched the real breeding ground of theirs and those observed before ish refugees become those idealistic always abl to outwit his oppontent. PAXTON-MITCHELL CO. of • the spirit of ill-will. If Christian teachers really wished it, the Babylonian exile.' lot only are the upbilding of the Jewish National Chalutzim, whom Ab. Cahan saw and Gerelick has every asset which goes S'th & Martha Sts. Hartley 1868 Home." described with enthusiasm. They beto make a finished basketball player, they, could wipe out iff-will between. Christians and Jews in a vestments of the .priests similar, but In another issue of the "Daily Omalia, Nebr. come peddlars, lawyers, journalists, namely—grace, speed, sureness and a Soft pray Iron, brass, bronze and »ln« single generation. The seed of an abiding prejudice has already the arrangement of the Japanese News", I. L. Brill writes of the ?250,- but minnm castings. Standard sizes bTODM not self-sacrificing Chalutzin, exdead eye for the hoop making a combore a strong resemblance to ond iron bushings, sewer manholes, 'been planted in the tender and impressionable mind of the child ttemples 000 drive launched by the United Heb- cept on Palestinian soil. •• cistern rings and covers, and clean-out bination of a maximum efficiency -with h e Tem le doors in stock. rew Trades to aid the workers' inwhen the story of the cross With' all jts harrowing detoils has j P in Jerusalem, Discussing Zionist policy, the "Jew- a minimum effort. American Con- stitution; in Palestine^ "A delegation been told in the Sunday School. " " ." " ~ " All parts of Jhe, twobeen .An claimed as ish Courier" of Chicago says: "The Phil has three years of athletic comof the ' Histadruth "floavedim, the ' . . . on tments have at times beer Modern critical scholars have been'- throwing a new light the final resting place of the lost omtral organization of Palestine Jew- Balf our declaration was a declaration petition before him and -will with out that man is not all ape and tiger, but a doubt create a brilliant career for the: jtfew Testament, 'They i'.h'aye raised up "grave 3aestionsr aS t$ tribes. In this connection Mariasseh• ish, -workers' unions, is now here to ; is.also _actuated, by the. sense of himself. He is a member of the Zeta ben Israel was so impressed with th e"j' the? genuineness and authenticity of the Gospel nattatfve^g'Kle^ assist the campaign. Jewish l&bbr by the spirit of Justice. Beta Tau Fraternity. . accounts of travellers, one of whom have shown • that the Gospel Stories, were handed down from claimed that he had met with natives which has given mil'tons for so mssny Tighteousness, It;was the moral right of the Jews "224 Ccming St. mouth to motith for years before they were committed to Writing. in certain .parts of America, -who causes, ought very "quickly to sub-to reconstruct their national home in Joe one time was the Phone JA ctmon 1226. scribe the entire quarter of a million •"fancy diving champion" of Nebraska. Modern scholarship seesTin the final form in whichthose stories recited the Shema, thatrhe used this Palestine that this Zionist policy for. It is "high'time that organsaughti"rand this the Balf our declara- Joe's dripping head, has leaded the were written down not the unbiased Work of a historian relating as one of his main arguments in favor asked ized Jewish labor in this country did tion bffered, -and the Mandate conevents he had seen with his own eyes, but- the hand of theof the readmission of the" Jaws to Eng- something1 for the Jewish people." firmed. If propagandists of the new Christian sect-eampaign writers as it the ^^ In anpther issue of the same paper, 1 preventing the fulfillment of prophecy Your Gewe'rkschaften a call iioth for relief were-^-to whom it Was perfectly tegitilnate to tamper with the to keep the Jews out of England when Dr. S. M. Melamed states that, while It would ask for Consumers' Prime ^Tiite Flame" Distillate original* text to" win a itonian Empire' for the' new*ehu&h by the Children of Israel had penetrated and for national reconstruction". "To the great'J; D. C. dxive has, for unJewish wanderers, the workers of —the BEST OIL. We have the right oil for any make clearing; the JJoman 'name; of the crime of crucifying Jesus and to all other parts of the word, thus' the known reasons, come to a standstill, _ , \ - T. •>•••• * T> • • » *. burner. Deliveries made promptly through hose from street, , . , . , , . •* , . . . . . Poland, of Roumania, of Russia, EretE putting it on the parent faith with which tK©:newrsect--was^at fulfilling t h e prophecy of dispersion. T 1 / ±t i , j \ . • , - • • - the Palestine drive has from the very -f i- o -4-u it! / > • * *t. ' I s r a e l i s t h e only land w h e r e they a r e beginning been very successful, for it Yes, we give free service on burners to oiir customers. J o s e p h S m i t h , t h e founder of t h e i ,- . , ,'• • •*••,-'•, . -\ wak- In this Way h i s t o ^ TUT * ,',. , ,u i ., XT ,, welcome and where .hard labor is at began with a sum of two million alTry one fill of our oil. You'll profit by doing it. in, Ilomati:'^ of; JWormonsi believed that the North least .rewarded-b.y bread and liberty . ready-collected; which leaves only European Jewisn masses cannot the'spriptuj'es. ' .'.1..' *"-,;;\-':;"' \-'- '" '-:.::.'/.";.. X ; ;7'^:-"' '•..-.."• American Indians were descendants of The tlireer million: dollars for American Israel, while a large number of writ- but se6 in that one door that ri If Christian ininisters are really in earnest about establishing -ers have pursued this theory concern- stands o'pen before them," their only Jewry to raise during the campaign. a spii'it.of»goodwill let.them teach history as modern scholarship I ing various individual: Indian tribes hope for salvation. . . F o r the first This drive is being closely followed by Gewerkschaften "drive" and an... MORRIS M. ROSENBLATT (Owner). reveals it. Let them lOvSe-no opportunity of inveighihg against JlThe relics which have been unearthed time Jewish labor in America is be- the other small "drive" will be launched w w from time to time, ing called to participate in an activity, ! the''criminal folly of teaching innocent children that Jews are inscriptions, *— "~~ •"•"* - »"*" "**«•-« have afforded great enis designed to save the Jewish for a Xeshiva—both of them with all responsible, for a crime falsely charged to "their ancestors nineteen couragement to the believers in these which masses from, the degiading support of prospects of success. The campaign of centuries .ago. Preacher and teacher need not extoll the beauty theories. »For,, although these relics philanthropy and build up for them the Palestine Appeal, says Dr. and grace of Christian truth the less; Let them but permit tlw. <have been roundly denounced as forg- a, sound and ifirm existence in the land, Melamed, was greatly helped by the 'act, that the Appeal was thoroughly, light- of truth to shine m -upon a past mispresented* and the end eries, yet in a' number of cases the with which the most tender and most advertised, throughout the country, so denunciation has; been, more a. matter endearing reminiscences "of our people of ill-will for the Jew would come in a generation.—''The'Scribe." of opinion, than of truth, while there are connected*" hat there will scarcely be found a :'.'..'••••••. have always been recognized:authorit- , In an editorial devoted to the Ge- single Jew who does not know of the ies rwhb> have -steadily upheld, theic werkschaften campaign, the same Cle- United Palestine Appeal, As for the recent conflict, there is every indicagenuineness. veland paper says: "This campaign But, whereever. the. theories have1 '~""'~ *"*"' ~~J~r '"'^",:" •, tion .that complete peace lias been res-, rects a bridge between tored, .and that the Orthodox Rabbis arisen and whatever race, has-been elabor J3Y LEON'O. DAVIS 1 ' of the land-of idealsorganized and that the object of the theorists proof8, the of the land of materials. I t is certain will actively participate in the campaign 1 1B d oub u b l e d belief, sanely regarded, shows an un- that one will have a tremendous in<Thb "reUcs reUcs * fouiva recently i n O f iiiionnnn, tlie a uut h t ehnet iccti tyy ot i t vi t liti ibl e x iis tte nnc e of f a, Jewish,, g r o u p In doubted lack of aisense of proportion. b y scicutiqts, a ndd t h e implication ott a. possible A F T E R . a l l , it's VALUE-GIVING POWfluence upon the other. For, while A i Voo'*%rs ye l J f o l ^Columftti' Clumbu s i^e«fed'"the"'BiffetiSiatlon t w f e d t h e p U l t i n • 6if o n tt5e~ltfir tfie ldet J t i AmeHca jBo bilote fl"*That tribes that, .were lost,, if indeed American organized )&bcr has for the Remember the Zionist hall March ' groups ahdvtaatuially, thelostten Tfie author OI'tWsaitMcJe>toui g 6B oi ttibeB. fe *"* HER tliat looms up in. towering form when B^^^y^-KDltORi"-- — * ? PP tensive view.of thojegettd, fascinaUnjr to any definite tribes actually were lost, past' 30 years achieved very much, at the Municipal Auditorium.—Arv. store service is put to the final acid test as it Up to now none of those ^enthusiast- cised the mosi prof oun3 influence—-an •were.•.itumericaiLy ;insignificant—far there is still exploitation here, while it persons V?ho are always seeking to influence all?tKfe Mdrelsfenificant- bfE- too small to.survival an<if maintain in Palestine work is free and wilt be is today. connect the various races "of the world Icause eSterted" during','tM., period of their racial riilehtity; among s other free and may soon become an example GIFTS THAT LAST •THE NEBRASKA'S EMPHATIC VALUE LEADERwith "the lost tribes of Israel have put youth, when, tH? mpst" powerful j,pi- peoples,'* Had; they;:- dene, so,v the for the entire worid, an. example of phenomenon would have been suffic- human self-confidence and freedom.' SHI^ IS SHOWN IN THOUSANDS OF forward ariy theory involving the lat*In the Canadian "Jewish Daily est discovery of Jewish relics in Amer- Israel's, Jjeeaiinehc^ ; ainong * the iently remarkably to leave definite ica, "the problem of what" happened to pfeoplte hiis i|a;;its;^ffect;i0iji«! caniiot traceB instead of the flimsy threads Eagle" I. R. notes with satisfaction the ten tribes, who failed to return subconscioulsly' JidiMt the;'• SupeiiSrit^ which the theoriests seek to weave. the recent change in the attitude of - t)iamond Importers from Babylon has seemed to exercise of a different Tace. without/aiso sub : Most probably the whole notion of Jewish labor leaders toward Palestine. their having been originally twelve Piatinum Specialists "It is now recognized by all, exceptan'uncanny fascination for historical consabuslVj eith^f .^eUng |os_lility to thinkers. Strangely "enough, 'the - ma- or; seeking'sonie'folfia df idfehtificatiwi tribes was a post-exili conjecture ing the extreme left, that the workers ;NEW LOCATION jdrity of persons v)ho have sptent their with that gartaculat .race. Thus - I^e •which most likely had its origin in the communities inTalestine constitute an 214-15-16 City Nat Bank Bldg. y significance attached to the h idealistic experiment for a new social Clothes of Unquestionable Quality—the Standard of the energies in tracing the lost ten have host of UieMes Byi V * ^ f ' d i f e ^ t number twelve—a: significance "which Ja. 5619—Est. 1894. order in Jewish life, something of a ' World—at beeii non-JeXvs. - - '' nationals h^^^sc^hjC^t^pJfoVe their we preserve tocl\i3 <lay in the twelve synthesis between, the ideals of the Nearly every race at one time or descent Jr5m"Tsraelis"^^ signs of the Zodiac, the twelve months another has~been claime<ras descend- e^ with jfei spirit jttfanQ^Sendtism..; of the year, and the.duo-decimal sys- ancient prophets and those of scientific socialism. ants of the vanished ten._The Jewisn ;" JnC1 the J^d^l^ tAges^tife disappear- tems'in various parts of the" world. In another issue tne "Eagle" speaks - vspecalators of this theme,have most- !arice ot the ten/tribes, as repprted in. of the results of the recent Zionist ly sought to identify.some' of the the second iKiok^ of^.K|ng5^ /afforded and^Hadassah conversion in Canada Organizes New. Business scattered Jewish • communities with 'morethan; one^ traVeiler'ari opportunity MeftV Trousers of Standard Fabric r.t as most satisfactory, and demonstratfop a ^sensatiQna^ y4rii^|n Yn(jst;<^ses Charles ILriowies, for twelve years their early lost brethren. On the other •'"'"', $ 3 , 5 0 UP »» $ 7 . 5 0 d,, non-Jewish investigators "have i^ese itor>^ vrere; let^iied^fey. Jewish^ manager and director of the' Fidelity ing a practical spirit that will help greatly in making the Palestine cam ita«veil6rs^^anflJf*fer^d;to';j^0 com? Storage and Van Company, has oribl t t h ^ j j ^ ^ l ^ , :pet; «ut to. pirove _ that Our Window Todajr Hiuniti^I ^rnicii^yi^ Hatl:2 feetTuiwx^ ganized his own business under the paig-n a success. In its English De partment, the paper says: "A note 0ify'Gfivtiles are descendente;of •;the ^ectedly'in reinpie^corners'yofjitBe name of. the Knowles Storage and earth, ^fto^er ^ u ^ ' ; o l l u j c h stories Moving' Company.' The company worthy aspect of the affair was the Coll us for good ^choisefe"'" The psychological reasonfor the ac- "Was due to the traces K>f Judaism t started its operations Monday. Mr. Knowles has leased both office lang from Max Rapp, is better known land storage and warehouse space in j as the Shafer or Industrial buildding. 4OM*iBA ;ffie $cfla% ijttilcSng"'.-atl ^vehteeri|^! J Clarence A.. Brown and Qaude..H. M1CK1 IN LUMBER CO. CORUeCT APPAREL FOR MEN AND WOMEN ^^^^Sierenllghtehed^ countries the s ° m ** "I0?fC ^nt>e~ zneoryvp pocn m«; and Webster streets. flTT^buading, Watts \vill t e associated .rath Hr. 21th J5 Uuiclftte~S5ts. Wli. 5553
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PAGE 4—THE JEWISH PRESS—THURSDAY, JANUARY; 28,^1926 "ELDERS OF ZION PROTOCOLS* READING OF TEN COMin the shape of a bite or,a- gxowL He gusto, and this laborious effort on be- RECOBDER OF-STEIGER INVESTRANSLATED INTO "ARABIC MANDMENTS IN NEW YORK 4 does,^ however, speai much of Qii- half o f and foj; a thing which by, its TIGATIONS BKOUGHT TO TRIAL PUBLIC SCHOOLS URGED pBantrs life: up to the'tifne";of their vexy nstoz^. fju&S'sfi. .pexmansice'and FOR TORGING DOCUMENTS Patriarch's Organ Recommends Arabs meeting (18?3)/ and from this sab*tsmtiality\ — nevs gatheong. — to Read. Infamous, Falsification , New York, (J. T. A.)—Jews, Protcount (granted that all that 15 related: would, be- utterly inexplicable to us but Lemberg,—Pan Piotrowski, who estants and Roman. Catholics will apthfiinn' is Gospel truth)'we learn" not for the apparent fact that the writer kept- the record of" the investigating Jerusalem,—An - Arabic translation (Busy Tiewspttpenneii-throughout tbe western world paused, for a moment on a little of the sort i»i"a"maij;£aat this of-this Credo had •uffered frJom- a authorities in the' Steiger trial, will of the "Protocols of the Elders «f pear January 25 at a meeting in the : v December St,.UB3,ftlfe.:H)0Ui ember a8,UB5;tlfe H)0Ui afluivewitty <rt*be blrtb o£ Heurl iTeBlowitz, to honor. rooms of the Board of Education, to -this t h s uunsurpassed'newspaper; B u r p s 8 e ( l u e p p , d i i iii,, faufoux fufou 1'ariu 1ariu correspuiideut corres oi the Londou "Times" dreaming, visionary was. We learn't suppressed Ego al&bis lifelong days to "explain the omissions and Zion", the -infamous 'falsification of urge amendment of the by-laws of the •who startled bis contemporary w world r l d {with {.with hi his skill; k i l l t f wit In tlie .profession'nntl' heiliad published a satirical newspaper and up to the time %f bis adoption of changes in the record, before a discip- Eureopean anti-Semitics, has just been board to permit reading of the Ten lnBtiUed admiration Ip in all/thOBe who followed him. all/ ' • " L-. called "The Owl"; that got'; him »into journalism when" nearing his fiftieth linary court. mea"/a( Tbe London "Times devoted a,uyeclul article to him ou this occasion. . SSin"'Beirut in' an Arabic trans- Commandments every week in public Was De Blowitz na Jsw as'wits openly spoken-of duringg his lifetime,, or was no end of trouble; that he had left1]his year. He, the man endowed with a The Lemberg authorities received lation, according to the paper "Eakib schools. he born b a Catholic i as he atatea ea In his his'memoirs memoirs This is dealt" withby the present This is dealt" the present native Britain for America as a <lis- most romantic temperament, with an instructions from the central govern- Sion", the organ of the Latin patriwriter.—EDITOK.) / .• 1 Leaders in the movement to have One hundred years.-' ago '• last. De- qf ,a tutor, and the myth- -ciple jof. .the "Prophei*Harris",.the adventurous streak running through ment to' begin disciplinary proceed- arch in Jerusalem. the Commandments read believe that The "Rakib Sion", in an editorial, cember 28th, in the little"' -town of ical Count (Hhe friend of his father"; founder ot a new; queer sect, that he his entire being, as well as the desire ings of the Steiger trial by the testithe prevalance of crime, or at least mony, of •witnesses." It was brought 1 recommends the reading of this falsiBlowitz, a tiny' Bohemian 'hamlet^in whom- he so providentially met in the lived for a time at tLe. colony founded to shine every -and to be in the limethe numerous crimes committed by ouit then that Kotrowski changed the :by.ithe fBrothersof a'New, Iife",the light, had been, condemned by. a jestfication to its readers. close proximity to the city-of/Pilseii, pipe-shop • of Marseilles, v whither • he youths, is due to ignorance of the "Every .Arab, and especially the long celebrated for its''excellent beer, had gone to repaa the broken stern followers of this JPrbphet,. performing ing, nature to become an obscure tesimonty of one of the witnesses at Ten Commandments. Without knowlthe man who in later years'came to be of a pipe arid who introduced him to hard and menial tasks' while there, teacher of languages, or a lecturer 00 the investigation,' -with a view to mak- Arabs of Palestine, should read this edge of ttie Commandments, it is said, ing'the court believe that Steiger was book, showing the vile aspirations of known to the world as Henry?Ge'orges<- the notables of France and thus start- just like every other sectarit. As inev'' Foreign literatures^ and to remain unit is not surprising that young men itably happens in all such" visionary known to anyone outside of his own a Communist. It was' shown that he the Zionists", the paper states. Stephen-Adolphe de Blowitz^ and who ed him on his great career. ' engage in crimes of violence. • substituted the word Communist for at the time this event took place,'most Where there is smoke there is fire, schemes arid Utopias'(rai^ heed>ut re- circle of pupils and friends. His soul Helen P. McCormick, president of "Kominuiijancy'Y: the Polish for one "Brook Farm',';.. "Harmony" pined for" adventure, for an encount-likely was known by a far; different says the wise old- saw.If these facts, call 500 JEWS LEFT RUSSIA TO GO the Brooklyn Catholic Big Sisters, will who is inclined toward Communism. and more modest name, was..born. The or. near facts, are not sufficient evid- Fourrier's famed "Phalanx" and other er with the strong., and for victory ON FOOT TO PALESTINE preside at the hearing. The speakers man" who lived to become', the Prince ence, then' there are:the many most such roseate fancies), d i p h a n t soon over them. 1 will be the Rev. C. W. Roeder, pastor of all newspaper correspondents, hob- current among his' one-time intimate's tired of ;liis discipleship "to,: JEWS BEATEN. IN Jerusalem, (J. T. A.)—Tales recallIf he could not lead an army in the • nobbled with Kings ,and \Emperqrs, >and .associates 'in public"life'. There is pTfe£~I,"bf carting .manure,^ digging field, lead An expedition to the North VIENNA THEATRE ing the medieval Palestine adventures of Flatlands Dutch Reformed; Church; John J. McGeeghan and State Senator knew all the hidden,secrets of inter- the 'story' attributed to Max Nordau, stones and the like "genteel tasks, left Pole| become the Emperor of Timwere described by four Jewish immi- Nathan Strauss, Jr. New, York, (J. T. A.)—Jewish national diplomacy' and • frequently telling- of his meeting De Blowitz at the xx colony o y aiid returned'to Europe, p buefcoo or do some similar heroic and grants ' from Soviet Russia who artheatre goers are nursing bruises and rived here via Bagdad. The four are JABOTINSKY SAILS FOR U. S. even beat the seasoned veterans/of the "the home of a celebrated actor who wh4r'ei.he became tHe' fcorresponde,n spo)cen-of deed, he could get himself John Galsworthy's "Loyalties" has members of a group of 500 Russian European Chancellaries at* their own was" looking^ for: a Banyan to say of. the London "Times" at; Paris, havParis, (J. T. A.)—Vladimir Jabottallied of and feared, from one end of been withdrawn, as a result of a .riot „ game, did indeed compose a fanciful Kaddish for his dead father whose ingfla- certain 'M*.; HaEdman>~as * nis. Eu^>pe, to the other, by means of his in a theatre, an Associated Press Jews who left Soviet Russia last year inski, leader of the Zionist Revision.. volumn of memoirs in his - old age Jahrzeit happened to fall on that day, assistant in this ; This•.Mr. Hardwith .the tintention of going on foot to ists, and organizer of the Jewish that is extremely- r i c h - i n - dramatic As they were counting noses for the man, being just then absent .from ferreting out of news, by loosing the dispatch from Vienna stated. - ; Palestine through Persia.Legion, which, with the English, tongues of the mighty, as well as by material, filled with all the intoxicat- •needed" quorum, DeT31owit£ is report^ Paris on ainief'journey, Mr. I)e BlowResenting the; depiction of a British fought during the World War for the Many were arrested by the officials enjoying their flattery and their genial ing episodes of the romantic adven- ed to haVe said: 'and hbwabout'me?'' itz was engaged to*-act aaliis subaristocrat* as" a thief and the- triumph on the frontier, and were exiled in liberation of Palestine, sailed on the goM.felldwship. . " _ ture novels of a.pumas fillsyln the of his Jewish- victim, Nationalist stuThereis.alsb the^taleihatatjtheJCpn-" statute '"f°r " f ' f ^ f f ? ^ ; "; V *U . "' • ; steamer France for the United States. This, alsoy was an achievement fax pages of his- fascinating boa£, we are dents beat up; alt the Jews .in the Siberia. About 150 of the group died . _ . . Bismarck.asked, . . _•-.-. gress, of. _Berlin, him - Things begaii\t0 bapEen right there •frnni iTigi£jiffi«*gjit,- Pi«4ia.pS > o n e WOUld en route, the new arrivels declared. Mr. Jabotinski is the audience, thei-dispatch states.: told in drcumstantaaLand/xainute:de> why: Be was; so: solicituous about th# 'arid then, The other, surviving jBembers are ex- United State* to make a lecture tout be.inclined tofifefca^tinge-'of-:Semitismv ~Ministers;' right"of the Jews,'tcf wKifeR hei^is "supU" tail, all the~eyelite*'cCf'^at ' through the country.. : QOR ADVERTISERS. pected, to arrive- shortly. tnarkable life,:-—even rto^the, details a£ posed' to. haye, .replied that"it was on- Tnade King^ .of'',SparnT before anyone the first day-or-two of-thatriifel-^the accounfrof his Jewish* origin: /An>i had r bWora«-awarfe ;: pf : iul"a^^ birth at the ancestral chateau, the there are many other stories and anec- the publication of the^Treaty-of Ber family .tree and the/coat of arms, the dotes which tend to confirm the belief lin at London, at the ;^ery-. moment baptism and the name of the priest that this shrewdest of all newsmen, when it was being signed, i deepest who performed it,/as well" as "a grave this man who outwitted Kings and secrecy, -it the former placeman inreference to the parish register and Prime Ministers in the. course of his terview with no less a personage than similar events. labors as. a news-getter, had reserved Abd-ul-Hamid, Sultan, of .Turkey, and "At the same time," " gravely, the his greatest coup for his old age when, so on and so on "stung" 1 following writer informs us in these fascinat- retiring from the journalistic game to stunt to the very last day ,of his caring, memoirs,, "on the old ^register of a in private life he eer, at 78 or thereabouts.' And it could the church which contained the names' penned those memoirs that are still not well have been otherwise. For, the of all bis ancestors, from Signeur accepted as Gospel truth by most read- man who had knocked about jri various Kaspar de Blowitz ~of the Fala,tine ers. The sly old fox, standing on the ill-assorted occupations," till close to who founded the village school, to very, brink of his grave, has out- his fiftieth year, following everything {•Signeur Marc Opperde Blowitz whof Munchhausened Muhchhausen and in turn from the" teaching pf .languages .owned the ancient• Chateau, entered perpetrated a hoax upon the entire to lecturing on European, literature at the newborn child under'the name/of civilized world! various colleges, seemed as if cut out Henri-Georges-Stei .en-Adolphe: / a n d Thus far for his antecedents and by nature for just" that career, found promised to say a Mass in order that ancestry, and now for the more auth- by a mere accident so late in life, and God might allow him to live" (Mem- entic and less mythical part of his re- for that career only. One can easily oirs, page 4). And he assured us once markable career which is full of ro- gather this from the manner of his more and at greater pains than the mance, and unheard-of achievements in speaking of "the career which was to case to all appearances would warrant, the field of journalism. And it is not be the veritable passion of my life1' that "I should riot be tellirig. the truth only; the unsurpassed "stunts" in news and from the various'maxims scatterwere I to say that I recall-all these getting of/this man; unequalled before ed throughout his autobiography, of facts, for however good f my memory 'or since" his day, that, one ,must,.ad- which the following may serve as anmay. be, it is not capable of that. But toire^tas the fact that'he ."began his instance. "I consider," he says, "that have been affirmed to me so journalistic career when close^ to fifty a journalist is first x)f-all the servant often by my mother, repeated by the yearsr o^ age, that' he; had niot.'prer of his paper and the public. I consider venerable Archprist and denied by the vBdusiy1 rfohe any'.newj^writing and that all he knows, all he-sees, all he doctor that finally I am absolutely that'this turn in hiscareer^fiame about feels, belongs to"ZUis"pap"erl and that v% persuaded they; are true. TBe' paris by jSe mere'freak of fate«,He had been there is- only one-single law in the register may, however, be "taken as Professor; of 'European;literature, whole world which should prevent him r ; evidence, it leaves nodoubiasfto.rny first' at Angiers and later *at Marseilhaving been born a Catholic/baptized les'.under the Second Empire, had lost from speaking— of honor." This great passion, amounting al24 hours after ifiy birth, f and that i it through his. opposition to one of the most to a religious frenzy, this great did not have time to become a Jew. I Emperor NapoiebnV "candidates for regret it, woreover—for; Israel". Parliament-arid was now, after ^he fall (Memoirs, page 4). Of the Empire, looking about for sorne: In Omaha- ' ' Now, all this, painstaking, elaborate thing to do.'"" President Thiers had and minute effort" to deny "the'rumors promised to appoint-him Consul atj that were current as ' t o his Jewish Riga/Russia, which appointment was 250 Kooms-»00 Baths' , Good Room? for.?l.SO . origin would, to.the Freudian disciple: obstinately and persistently being held up by the Council. While cooling his Operated by Eppley Ilotrli 'Co. indicate most. conclusively '" the fact that the writer of the meirioris indub- heels day after day in the presidential itably- wa a Jew, felt himself to be a reception room, he chanced to make Jew, and was all the time thouroughly the acquaintance of -Laurence Qli aware of his Jewish origin,-else, he phant, then .the Paris correspondent would not have been at such; great of the London "Times" and^who afterpains to deny it and with ; such cir- ward received- undying fame as an "ManufactureiLiiuOinaha" cumstantial detail arid'_ elaboration, impassioried .pleader for the/return of and, one may say, with.fanciful;«m- the Jews to their ancestral Palestine BAKEK ICE MACHINE CO. broideries upon the actual; facts.' One by the aid of £he Fowe'rs, and .whose does not usually devote > so much of dramatic effort on behalf of this aim serious , efforts to the denying; of; a as well as his: trip' to Palestine., (acmere rumor, and. more : especially/ a companied by the author of the HatikHarry H. Lapidus, Pres^Treas. W. G. .Ure." Secretary. rumor that does no.taffe'ct5 one's-well jrahyNaphtali HerzV bnber) are known * being and -.comfort infthis~ life, -:thats tor all' who are-interested in, the his-' does' not^ and/did.}not;in'\past.,daysi tory- of>the -modern'movement for Pal-' } y ] i\ affect one's career andthe 'successful estiniari Tesettlement.affect one's career iand..the .'successful COMPLETE STORE ASP prosecution,of the same,.but tou'cEes .Needless to say / that De Blowitz, OFFICE OfiTI'l lightly upon-it. if/rat: all and brushes does 'riot a,t all. aliide' to this later ~» i Wt occupy it aside like a cob-web. Iri; this case phase in^ the romantic life bf OHphanti &000 Possibly it lay outside of the scope we have," moreover, de Blowitz's indubitably Jewish facial appearance, of this work of-his, which was. conb; «nn Ooiieli aside from the testimony, of-various firmed to his own" autobiography, pos-, Pbonri Inrkton ' OMAHA NKH meni .and women who claim relatidn- >siblyV like" the Marranp with; the crime ship-with him and to have known his of his ancestry re'siin'g heavily on hisj " r K father, his mother or other near or conscience', ne' sought .to.avoid any-' distant relatives of his. _ thing Jewish. He believed, no doubt, There is one recent writer, for in- in letting'a ^sleeping dog sleep in stance, who, claiming near relation- peace, and not to wake him up by givship with this famous journalist, as- ing him a kick that may be returned serts that the latter was not born at the chateau Blowsky, but at the small ' town of Blowitz, the he was descended of a-family, Opper by" name," that had lived for many, generations there, that his father was the rabbi'of the hamlet, AT-1000 E. SCHERER 1307 Howard St. " " * At. 8028 and that he himself had lived the life Met Omaha.. Neb'r." of all-the Jewish boys of the townlet, including an education at.the'Hebrew PATRON IZlfi UU K A I)V EKTISERS ' School up to the age of .eleven when GUY L. SMITH, Pr«s.^Sen. Mgr. 2523 Farnam. f he left Bohemia,'embarked upon his gfeat ^career and changed 'bis 'faith . as .well as his-name at,one and .the MICHIGAN !. same time. Relatives'of De Blowitz F L I N T M O T O R C O M P A N Y • F L I N T » were, according to. this authority, ISADORK AB11AMSON ._'__. still living in. various ,parts ,of • the •-. , United States, all/bearing.the~ name of Opper, a brother, of : his dying tecTle'ritly in the city ot New York, while , e the,Seigneurs', the ancestral chatena, Systems—Audits—Investigations ~ V Waae^. -his Bourhon.«Uncageiil 490 BKANBE1S~ THEATER - •'-'Atlantic 1450W *
*• or of,- a Bohemian.Nobleman?
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