February 4, 1926

Page 1

Success or Failure in business is caused more by mental attitude even than by mental capacities.; — Walter Dill

v *£%e eynic is one ^vno knows •*. the price of

every,t'b i n g/&nd the v a l u e of nothing.— Oscar-Wilde, ' ' :


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''IT' En 5L -j * second-class niaJl niatter^on January 27tb, 1021, at pot g ^ at Omaha Nebraska, anaer the Act or March

National I . L i ! mmission to Meet Here Sunday; io Adoptfe Ritual and Canstitutkn for Hationai drder Entire Day Will Be FiUed With Meetings, initia_ tion, And a Banquet In The Evening SAM BEBER I S TE1SIPORARY CHAHB1AN OF COMMISSION ::• -




Twenty-one Jewish Students On Central High Honor Roll The following students of Central High School are on this semester's honor roll, having received three or more A's. 4% A's—Evelyn Adler, Louise Simon, Oscar Kozberg. 4 A's—Freda Bolker, Louise Zeigler, Frank • Ackerman Abe Fellman, Joe Fellman, Sam Friedman, Harry Weinberg. 3% A's—Tobie Goldstein, Frances Simon, Ida Tenebaum, Sheffel Katskee. 3 A's— Eosaline Pizer, Tobie Steinberg, Adele Wilinsky, Seaman Jiulakofsky, Joe Iinsman, Sol Fellman, Milton Himalstein. : "

Chaxnish Osher B'shvat Celebrated Sunday Morning

| Entrants in Jewish Press 1 | Contest Making Final 1 I Dash for First Prize | = Ten more days and the question will be answered 2 as to :who is the most popular Jewish girl. The 5 Jewish Press Popularity Contest whidT has been the 5 . talk of t h e community for the past-two months is 5 Hearing t h e closing time. All contestants are making = their final spurt in an effort to win the first prize of = a Trip to Europe or the other prizes that are being s offered.

Final preparations have" been made for the National A- Z. A. Commission, which will meet in Omaha, Sunday, to 'adopt a new constitution and ritual for t h e National Order of Aleph Zadik S Aleph. Plans haev been formulated to make Sunday a n "A. Z. A. js Day." The entire day will h e filled with business meetings, a E dinner, initiation, and a huge banquet in the evening, at the 5 Fontenelle.HoteL The public is invited to attend-the banquet, = Was President Emeritus of Hebrew which starts a t seven p . m . '.' ; L Union College = The Commission, appointed by Alfred Cohen,'president of t h e E I. 0 . B. B., pursuant to a resolution adopted, by the; Constitution Rabbi Dr. Kaufman Koehler, presU s Grand Lodge of t h e order, a t its 12th Quinquennial Convention dent emeritus of the Hebrew - Union a t Atlantic City,'New Jersey, last April, was the"; official adoption College and honorary president of the = : Central Conference of American rab- S of t h e Aleph Zadik Aleph by the B'nai Brith. ' bis, died Thursday. January 28, ac-S The members of the Commission a r e : cording to word received by his frinedt S Sam Beber, Omaha, temporary CHAIRMAN OF COMMISSION in Chicago. Rabbi Koehler -was one chairman; Milton Schayer, Denver, of the outstanding Jewish scholars ir. S temporary secretary; D. Solas Cohen, the United States. Death occurred in E Portland, .Ore.; Joseph. N. Reisman, New York, following a brief illness. S Atlanta Ga.; Joseph Herbach, PhilaThe funeral will take place Sunday S delphia, Pa.; Julius J. Cohen, Chatfrom Temple Beth-El* New York of tanooga, Tenn.; and Archibald M. 1 •which he was honorary-rabbi. Hillman, Worcester, Mass. . In 1879 he became rabbi of Temple E Beth-El, New York City, and in 1903 S The "A. Z. A. Day" -will begin at

Dr. Kaufmann Koehler, Noted Rabbi, Passes Away

Council Bluffs residents are assisting their candidate Miss Fanny Eatelman in attempting to bring the prize to Iowa. During the past week Miss Katelroan has been carrying her campaign id" every organization in Council Bluffs. •••-•Miss Leone Novitsky, entrant of the Y. M. and Y. W.TLA., who is contributing her prize in case she wins to the Jewish Community Center Building Fund, is receiving the co-operation of many members of the "Y." Teams have been organized to canvass the large number of people in Omaha who have not as yet renewed their subscription to The Jewish Press. a Miss Mildred Harris and Sylvia Feldman, representatives of the Poali-Zion and Auflebung Clubs, are making a canvass of the members of each .organization. ." « On Monday night, February 15, the contest will close and on the following Thursday 'the winner will be announced in The Jewish Press. -

The children of the City Sunday School and the Talmud Toraa were entertained at a Chamish Osher B'shvat party Sunday morning at the B'nai Israel Synagogue. Dr. Philip Sher, chairman of the board of directors of the Talmud = Torah, gave a short talk. Mr. S. = Newman, formerly of Palestine, now instructor at the Talmud Torah, in = an his talk, pictured the celebration of E the holiday by the children in = Palestine. = The Deborah Society, the auxiliary = of the Talmud Torah, of which Mrs. Tatle is president, provided the = M. fruit which was distributed among = the children.

= E = ^ = S is 5 E E E E S E E S E s

Jewish Welfare Federation Animal Meeting February 21 Election Of Officers For Ensuing Year Will Take Place The annual meeting of the Jewish Welfare Federation will be held Sunday evening 21th at the Fontenelle Hotel. At this meeting complete reports of the various committees of the Welfare Federation will be made. The annual election of officers to the Jewish Welfare Federation will take place. All subscribers of the Federation are urged to attend this meeting which is of utmost importance, according to officers of the Federation. A complete program will be presented to the audience with music by the Jewish Community Center orchestra.

Temple Israel In Raise $31080 for New . Sunday School Ames Campaign to Begin Sunday; 100 Workers To Help in Drive NEW BUILDING TO HAVE NINE MODERN EQUIPPED ROOMS A drive to raise ?30,O&0 te build a new annex, wfll be launched by Temple Israel beginning this Sunday, February 7, and will be continued until Thursday, February 11, The new annex will be used to house the classes of the Sunday Sehool, and to furnish the proper facilities for re« ligious instruction and social spiritual recreation. The new School House will be erected directly in the rear of the present Temple and will be three-stories high. It will contain nine large airy rooms, with specially arranged ventilators, BO as to safeguard the heilth of the children with perfect ventilation. Each room will be equipped with its own black-board, will have flat-arm chairs, so the children can take notes, as well as hooks for their wraps, and other conveniences. The New Building will permit tha enlargement of the downstairs Auditorium, a new hardwood floor will be laid, the stage with dressing-room •wi'.l be extended the full width of the room the kitchen will be greatly enlargeii, so that conditions will be greatly improved for holding affairs of the Sisterhood and the Brotherhood, as well as the assembles, dramatic exhibitions, entertainments, receptions, etc., of the Sunday School, The members of tlie Sisterhood and Brotherhood of Temple as well as the teachers of the Sunday School arc cooperating with the Board of Trustees

he was made president of the Hebrew 9 a. m. -when the Commission -will 5 . ' AH subscriptions for The Jewish Press for the year = Union college. • :. ' elect permanent officers. The meetings •will be closed to all but the The noted rabbi, scholar and educa- •5. . . 1926 are due now. Every subscription obtained by = Commission members; the local memtor.: was born in Germany,' and edu- = the contestants count as 250 votes in the popularity 5 bers; the local members of the cated at the. Universities of . Municn, S ••• c o n t e s t . ^": . --••;.-• E Supreme Advisory Council of the A. Berlin, Leipsig and Erlangen. He was Z. A., "Who are Nathau Bernstein, Har83 years old and left a widow and four ly E Lapidus, JJarcy . Trastiri, and children. .-. ' . " Tim;niHUiiiniiiiiuniiininiHniiiHiiuiiHiiiinHnnniiiuimiininiinnmuniuuiir; Myer Fireman; Harry H. Rubenstein, Denies Hojmors of Opposition editor of the Shofer, Nat^nal A..Z. A, Aj»pe»k -, _ publication;'"anil *~EKittp iput&cit,* Sinifisy Evening Grand Aleph Gjodol of the A. Z. A.' • t rumors t b i t l am tributions will be sought from memThe meeting "will adjourn at noon, The Ladies Progressive will give • ; . -SAM-BEBER opposed to the United Palestine Ap- bers and non-nnembers. Payments of The committee in charge of the these contributions will extend over a at which time" the members will lunch It is of. interest to np_te thje steady Would Legalize Residence and Open B'nai B'rith dance to be given Sunday masquerade ball Sunday evening, Feb- peal are absolutely false and un-j period of three years in quarterly inat'theFontenelle Hotel. Afterlunch, ruary 7, at Kelpines' Dancing Acadfounded." This was the statement' Citizenship to Aliens Who Entered evening February 28, at the Fontenelle stallments. the Omaha chapter of the A. Z. A. rise-'the Aleph-jZadik-Aleph has been Illegally and Make Registration of Hotel, have secured Randall's Koyal emy. Proceeds -will go for the benefit made to a representative of the making. Beginning-its life in March, will; initiate new members into their It is proposed to etart building imJewish Telegraphic Agency by VladiOther Aliens Optional. Orchestra, to furnish the music for the of the Jewish Folk Shul. chanter -before, the ' visitors. .Only 1924, when Sam "Beber gathered a mediately upon the completion of the mir Jabotinsky, noted leader of the E. Kipnes, of the Paoli-Zion, and dance. They are also making plans B'nai Brith and A. Z. A. members group of thirteen live-wired boys toDrive, the plans and specifications ara Zionist Revisionists, on his arrival j Mrs. H. Okun, of the Ladies ProgresWashington, D. C — A voluntary for vaudeville stunts and other enterwill be.allowed to attend the initia- gethev and organized'a small club in ready to be given to the contractors. in New York on the steamer "France." sive Club, are in charge of the dance. tainment. alien registration bill, the object of tion'services. Following the initiation Omaha, the A." Z.'A>* has grown to a Majors and workers in this drive Mr. Jabotinsky declared that .he which is to legalize the entry and "From indications this will be one Masques will be worn to represent the of the new members the Commission national organization of twenty chapare aE follows: Chaluzim, King David, and the Wandcame to the United States to deliver residence and enable admission to of the largest dances ever given by .•will'again take up the business ters over the: country, a' d now rec- citizenship of aliens who entered the B'nai B'rith," said Abner H, Kai- ering Jew. Prizes will be awarded a series of lectures and that his con- Herbert Hevtnrleh. Msijor: Eel Ab« Herzberp Jr., .Toe Pepper. I>r. Cohn, problems, until 7 a. m., when the ognized by the^ largest. Jewish organ- America unlawfully prior, to June 3, tract would not permit him to appear Pan! Sichnye, Clnrenee Bprjrmsii. 1S*T ROBman, a member of the committee in for the best costumes. banquet will be held at the Fontenelle. ization in the world. The organization 1921, was introduced in. Congress by charge. enthal, Blniser, Willinm Blumenon any other platform. "But if I ihaU M.Eusen» E. Handler, I. Jncobson, Hnrry Dr» A. Greenberg will be toast- will hold its sedond annual basketball Congressman John B. Sosnowski of MB In shock were not bound by this contract," he F. J. Alberts is chairman of the Auflebung Club Masquerade Hnrrj- Iinekmnn. Major: Hnrry Willngmaster at the banquet. Harry H. Lap- and oratory contest, next week, at Detroit. committee. Kate MumteL TT. I/. Holsmnn, MeyiT Lincoln, and plans are already underBall February 21 said, "I would gladly render my ser- ky, idus will present the priridpal address. Klein. Leon, I*ouis Sotnmer, I*ou!« vices toward the success of the $5,- Simon, Sum way for the third annual convention to The bill provides that such alien I«o Ronentha!. Morris Utibpimteln, A variety of entertainment has also The Auflebung Club will entertain 000,000 Palestine drive, which the Henry Monskey, Dr. Max Blook. Ed Abrfl1 "may apply for registration and upon Former Omahan Graduated been arranged for, including a num- be held in Julv. at their fourth annual masquerade ball American Zionist Organization is con- hnms. Hnrry H. LtipiduB, Arthur RoBeuexamination, if found admissible in Present members in the local From Nebraska University on Sunday .evening. February 21, ducting. Regardless of any criticism I-ouis Hillrr. Major: Henry Rosentbul, ber of monologues by Hymen S. I. ZiegieT, 8am Werthetmer, F m l KownShrier, member of the local A. Z. A., chapter number "around fifty with the all respects except that, he entered without inspection, there shall be isMrs. Max Shapiro of . Lincoln., at 8:30 at Kelpines Dancing Academy. T may have against certain activities stock, I>iive opeiiptock, .TtilinB Ro«eufel<l, " piano solos by Bess Newman, pupil following set of officers: Dr. M. I. Gordon. Moge Bernstein. Hetb«?rt Max Givot, ~A}eph~ Godol; Lotus suable to him, upon payment.of a fee Nebr., formerly Miss Helen Robinson, These dances have Been very success- of the World Zionist Executive, I am AruBtein, Sid Manlcy. Bert Uene, Horry of Cecil Barry man; ukelele selections always pleased to see as many Jews >VnJf. Jnkr Pirnon. ful and a special committee is endeavby Jack Frieden, and a number of Lipp, Aleph S'gan; Fred Brodkey, of $3 as head tax, a registration cer- tlaughter of Mr. and Mrs. «J. B. Kobin- oring to make this ball equally suc- as possible going to Palestine, and as Morton Hiller, Major: Al Mayer. D?. tificate which shall be acceptable for son of this city, last week received Friedman 5#glip Bnrkdirofi, Sttinicr songs r Sam Minkin and Harry Aleph Gisbor; Stanley F. Levin, Aleph Peiler, Ben KMeHpr. Victor GBUS. Ben much money as possible collected for cessful. ' ' rosier. Dr. TTeintwrsT. l^wrence Goldman, Green. Speeches will also be given by MazTdr; Marion Graetz, Alepb Senior naturalization purposes a s ' evidence her B. A. degree from the sociology Harry CSreen. M. L. Culm. At the dance judges will be chosen, Palestine purposes." members of the Cornn-ission Philip Shotare; Harry* Rubenstein, Aleph of lawful permanent'residence, of its department of the Nebraska UniverMrs. Cora WnU, Mnjot; Mrs. Abe Kom; proper holder under the immigration sity. •who will pick the three most original Referring to the -uprising of the Junior Shotare;* Leon Mandelson, berp, Mrs. Harry Kachmnn. Mrs. Harry Xlutznick, Sam Beber, president of iJipMns, Mrs. MRX Sommir, Mrs. Jnfe* ' •-'•• Mrs. Shapiro is now visiting in costumes. Three prizes will also be Druses in Syria, and the fear express- Jacobs. MTB. "WilUrrm Holzmim, Mr». 1, the S. A. C , and Max Givot, Aleph Aleph Shofer; Jerome Diamond, Aleph laws. awarded to' those who sell the most ed by some that the uprising would Omaha with her parents and -will rsjcler. Xohen Godel. The bill also provides that any other Godol of the Omaha .hapter A. Z. A. Mrs Carl Furth. Major: Mrs. ? • : •• affect Palestine, Mr. Jabotinsky de- RoBenfpld. Tickets for the banquet can be ob- alien. resident lawfully, admitted un- turn to Lincoln next week. Mr. Sha-tickets.' Mrs. Herbert Arnstein, Mrs, The Co" -aission '•*• "\ spend a great tained by calling Dr. A. Greenberg, der the immigration laws may of.his piro spent Saturday and Sunday in clared that there was no special dan- IiOlilS Ronuner, MTP. t.nuis Simon, Mrs. .Toe Rowirfetii. UTB. Max Biock. Mrs. part of the day in outlining a program at Jackson 3409. . ger at present. "It is true that there Hnrry Wilinsky. Mrs. Hnwy Wolf. Mrs, own voluntary accord -apply.ior reg- Omaha. Louis HIMPX, MisFlorence Ko*<>n8to<-ls of activities *— the A Z. A. and make istration,' the effect of which -would Five additional names are this is considerable explosive material in Mrs. Katp Mantel. Mnjgr: Mrs. Henry recommendations to the Central "AdMrs. Herbert Ilefwnrleh. nfr«. be to furnish such alien in the form week added to the list of "Paid in Palestine, but there is no reason to Konenthftl. I. Rosenthnl. Mrs, M. X, Gorrton. Mrs, ministrative board of the L O. B. B. believe that the recent occurences in of a registration certificate evidence New York Singers To Appear Clnrentv Bersrronn, Mrs. B. lieineom. Mr*. Full Pledges," to the" Jewish ComRosenntock, Mr«. Wave Kosenstoefc. fo*- future carrying on of A. Z. A. Syria -will cause any trouble in Pales- Florn of bis lawful residence in the United munity Center. They are as folVOLT'XTKBK!*: Mrs, K. J. KrnuR. Mrs, la Concert Sunday Evening work. The administrative board is to I.nwrpnce OolUinau, MrR. A. GrwnbPfe. tine," he explained. "The Arabs in States. A similar fee would be relows: Ram Snlramnn, Mrs, F, J, Alberts, meet in ^n-'nnati on February 8, the At an open. meeting of the Junior quired, the certificate to be valid only general are not united and there is Mrs. Mrs. S. Appleman, Mrs. 8. h. KohhiHon C. H. Goldner, Jacob Goodbinder, A grand concert by two New York day-folio-wing the XEeeting of the Hadassah field "Wfidpesday evening at one year and renewable at. the expir? no danger of their revolting: in Pales- Mrs. M. E. Stetn. stars, Mr. and Mrs. M. BudMn, will Pete Goodbinder, B. Kulakofsky. Commission. -.,-.' . "the Jewish Community Center, Miss ation of each year. tine as they have done in Syria." > • • '• • . be presented at the Swedish auditand B. Shames. The Zionist Revisionists will, howIn order to keep the administrative Anne Greenberg, president, announced Congressman Sosnowski, explaining orium, Friday evening, Febr. 5th. at laitiatisi ever, Mr. Jabotinsky pointed out, conboard posted on what takes place in the following committees to serve dur- his bill, said it would ;solve a serious 8 p . m. These stars are well known, JEWISH SOCIALIST UA tinue to demand that a Jewish genOmaha, Sunday a record of the do- ing this administration: problem for those aliens who entered rot only among the Jewish public of DEPUTY MAY JOIN POLISH darmerie be organized in Palestine ingrs are to be transmitted by tele- Intellectual Aavaiicernent, America unlawfuly and cannot thereAmerica, but also in various parts of COALITION CABINET as part of the British army. "We have The Women's Auxiliary' of the B'* Rose Lazarus,' Chairman, Zena fore apply for citizenship, although Europe, where they have given num- graph Jo them. This board will-then Nai Brith will give an initiation prodemanded, and we demand now, an<3 take final actions on -what the Coni- Maizel, Tobie Steinberg, Celia Raife. they have established jamily and erous concerts. Besides a regular Warsaw.—Dr. Hermann Diamond, we will continue to demand the re- gram ThursdBy evening. February Orphan Committee: missic has decided orr. business connections and would jriake concert they will offer a comic play- Jewish socialist deputy from Eastern 11, at the J« wish Commtani' • Center. Mary M- *zel, Chairman, Ida Stern- good citizens. ..'.,'. 1 lr' and other feature entertainments. Galicia, will join the Polish coalition creation of the Jewish Legion, as a The club vn" also cntcrtrin at * Courtesy -Committee:* * part of the English garrison, in PalesLORD AND LADY The general registration feature, of The concert is undei the auspices sorern—under the premiership >f tine," he averred. Valentine ^ance Tuesday evening, "Wilma Sterin, Chaorman, Rose Bein- his bill, Sosuowski believes,- because SWAYTHLING SAIL '. of the Omaha Brancher of the Work- C~unt * lesander Skrzynski, accord.p F O R TSTEW YORK stein, Mir_ DreeflihaTi.; of its voluntary character, as distin- mp-s Circle. The committee in charge ing to reports circulating today in the Mr. Jabotinsky was met at the pier Februar\' 16, at Hanscom Park PavEntertainr -nt: -'•''- = • by represenestives of the American ilion. Hoi "• guests will be ' • "de? guished from the compulsory require- is composed of: Harry Sheanin, Abe lobby of the Polish Sejm. Ida Greer.berg,..Chairman, Bessie : group of Zionists. He will remain in brides-to-be of the organization. London.—Lord Swaythlihg, - outments of Congressman Aswell's reg- Forman, and M. Selicow of branch Dr. Diamond is expected to assume America two months, during which Greenberg, Sarah Brobksteirr, Lucille standing figure ih British Jewry, istration bill, -would serve to counter- 173; A. Koltov, Pbilii Ginsburg, and the portfolio of Minister of Commerce. Marcus. president of the Federation of Synaact and be offered as a substitute for D. Kline of branch C'Z; and N. Mar- Dr. Diamond, who is known as "one time he will make a lecture tour un- AFULEH CITY Finance: •- j— --,—,-. . RENAMED JEZEEEL gogues in London, sailed for New the latter's bill. : ' * tin, Abe Roginsky, and Charles of the best financial experts in Poland, der the aaspieces of the Hurok MusiEsther W Inberg, Chairman, Celia cal Bureau. York yesterday, accompanied by Lady Sosnowski claims be lias Consulted Jtv" instein of branch 258. is a leading member of the Polish Te! Aviv, .Ian. 2!>, (J. T. A.)-— Braudc, T~2leri Levinson. Swaythting. a number of Jewish leaders' regardThe public is invited to attend this Socialist Party (P. P. S.) and has Afuleh, the city in the Valley of Membership: ing bis bill and that they have exLord Swaythling, Louis Samuel served on various economic missions Every right action and true thought Jezreel now in the process of $<mUla Alberts, Chairman, Ida Minkin pressed their approval of it, on the concert. Mon'tagiie, is the eldest son of the sets the seal of its beauty on person struction, will be known as on behalf of the Polish government !•'- Daytch, r-aoe Eosenstein. ground that it would not place oblig- Y DANCE SATURDAY NITE to England and other western coun- and face; everv wrong action and first iSaron Swaythling, and is active according to a decision taken foul thought its" seal of distortion. in communal work in England. Lady Y members watch the Press for ation or compulsion on aliens t o regtries. He is known to oppose the Club yesterday by the American —Buskin. Swaythling is also an active in com- all Y news as- no more cards will ister, but Is purely optional. Turn out for the "Y" Dance at of Jewish Deputies in the Polish Sejtn Commonwealth and other natioilfcl munal worker^ "Last year she "address- be mailed.to'the"members. Meetings the Community Center, Saturday eve- for its nationalist policy, as he is Oh vet we trust . . . institutions. ed -a letter- to President Coolidge will- be held the first and third Mon- aeli morning sees some task begun, ning, February 6, 1926. one-of the leaders of the assimilaiaon- That nothing -walks with aimless feet, That not one life *hall be destroy'd pleading for the admission to the day of every month. Dances will Each ^evening sees its-closes < The committee assures us that ist Toor lt«2€ subscription to, The Something attempted, something-done Or cast as rubbish to the void, United States of . .Jewish refugees bejheld^the first and third Saturdays Has earned a night's repose, the affair will be characterized by When God hath made tire p3e com- ish Press is due new. Please of every montb stranied at Southhampton. all kinds of pep. it ift plete. Tennyson. —iongfellow. OOE

Arrives m America

v Introduced mi Congress

Junior Hadassah^Announces Committee Appointments

1.0. B. B.








New Sunday School To Be Built By Temple Israel



Published every Thursday at Omaha, Nebraska, by

— :, ! THE JEWISH .PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY Office: 490 Brandeia Theatre Building — Telephone: Atlantic 1450. NATHAN E. GREEN, Manager. Subscription Price, one yeai Advertising rates Tarnished on application.


CHANGE OF ADDRESS—Please give both tbe old and new nddress: " ' " " be sure and Rive jour Da ma,

The" Jewish Press is supplied by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency (Jewish Correspondence Bureau) with cabled and telegraphic Jewish news, in addition to feature .artjcleg and correspondences from all important Jewish centers. Enquiries "regardipg news items credited to this Agency will be gladly answered if addressed to.Jewish Telegraphic Agency, 621 Broadway, New York City.

"THE LEADER OF AMERICAN CIVILIZATION" Under this, suggestive topic the New York Times of Sunday, January 17, gives jm epigramatic summary of the views, of fifteen leading Americans as to the most and least redeeming traits ol our American civilization, The notables, interviewed ate all outs landing-personalities in the realms of religion, philosophy, arts. and. sciences. Boiling down the replies of these etninent nien to mere slogans and mottos, the Times presents us with what, ; i aptly Styles" "A Balance Sheet of the Nation's; Mor^ Assets and Liabilities." On the credit side of the sheet are listed as assets! Tolerance^ Intelligent Discontent,Good Will, Generds-. i|y> Ability "to; Grasp Opportunity,' Passionate Idealism, Getting^ ~Ay?&y. Irqm. Unreality, ^nd ther Becbgnition of "bunk." On the; debit side"of"t\\e^bjlajice^free£ arelisted' a"s"HabilitiesrIntolerance,. Boastful iSelftOojifidence, jntolerajnce of Dissent, Jazz;r Mode' of Thought and Action; Pride of Ignorance, and last but not least, Self-Complacency mixed with Imperfect Information.. The latter epigram |s that of the:Revirend Henty Van Dyke, Author, Poet,,



The "Nation" for January 13th lists the most interesting books " published during the year 1925: An American Tragedy—Theodore Dreiser. Dark Laughter—Sherwood Anderson. Arrow-smith—Sinclair Lewis. The Venetian Glass Nephew— Elinor Wylie. The Grand Ecart—Jean Cocteau. The Professors' House—WUla Gather. ' • Other Provinces — Carl Van Doren. Mrs. Dalloway—Virginia Woolf. The Guermantes Way—Marcel Proust. Death in Venice - r Thomas Mann. Serena Blandish—Py a Lady of Quality. Bread and Circuses—W. E. Woodward. Letters of James Boswell — Edited by C. B. Tinker. Anatele France at Home—JeanJacques Brousson. John Keats—Amy Lowell. Adventures of a Scholar Tramp —Glen Mullin. Catherine the Great-—Katherine Anthony. Pilgrimage of Henry James — Van Wyck Brooks. Renoir; An Intimate Record— Ambroise Vollard. Deonysus in Doubt—Edward Arlington Robinson. Human Shows, Par Phantasies, Songs and Trifles—-Thomas Hardy. Processional—John Howar4 Law-





CONTENTMENT ... (The following is one of a number vf poems written by Al Handler, SO/J of Mr. and Mrs. S. Handler of this city.) In our moments of contentment, When we do not bear resentment For anything that lives upon this earth, ' We delight in thoughts of living. For each sorrow and misgiving Is outweighed when thoughts of love are given birth. -v.

We are happy in our Borrow., For we see the great tomorrow And the Joy of once more being in her arms, For all cares have lost the caring And all things are happy faring, When once more we are suffused in those sweet charms. It is thus we are delighted, For our hopes can ne'er be blighted While we linger with the one we lov« so well; We are blissful and dependent ' , On this one who is resplendent, For her sunshine will remain until death's knell. KLAN OPPOSES U. S» ENTRY INTO WORLD COURT Washington, (J. T. A.)—Reports that Imperial Wizard Hiram Evans of the Ku Klux Kian is personally directing that organization's fight against adoption ot th» WQ|4d Gfourt protocol by the Senate were in circulation here today. One of the rumors was that the Klan chief had taken the matter up with a member of the administration group, Senator Richard P. Eeast of Kentucky, a supporter of the Court. Many letters and petitions sent out by the Klan in opposition to the World Court have been received by Senators in the past few days.

Surjday School League. Jt is indeed] high scoring dives hardly ever mastThe committee, represented by 126 quite a jump from tre Sunday School ered' by women, and though she still finish, fini: and consistency," due to citizens of Brooklyn who met at the loop t<> Class A, Cotnmercial League. lacks To. theJew the prpeedufe of soliciting the opinions of the insufficient experience, she should in Altehuler js the mainstay of the time develop into as great a fancy Brooklyn Chamber of Commerce, representatives; of culture as to the most-and least desirable by "STAN" . Omaha Chapter No. 1, A. Z. A., team diver- as the world has known. Mean- unanimously adopted a resolution not - traits of human conduct is not an .unfarniliar one. At once our this year. He will go to Lincoln next while , the same experts predict that only to attempt to obtain a privatelyshe will be a strong contender for endowed college far the borough but mind reverts; back ; about n i n e t e ^ when the DID YOU JvNGW THAT? week with the Omaha A. Z. A. quin- honors 1 national indoor title also to seek an extension of the The Boxing TournamentV pi- the tette' to engage -some of the best tests at inSt.the DotedV f^abbj ^pd S^gi ?,. Jpchan,an ben Zakkai, had asked. five> of Augustine," Florida next activities of City College in Brooklyn. month, Mi ]eajiiig jiis.siples ta'n^me, what each of them thought to be Mid-Western Ass'n. of t^e yVmateur Jewish teams in; the country. Union wil\ h s h e l d a t the In announcing his offer, Mr. Jonas the bestquaDty for a man to. cherish and pursue. Rabbi Eliezer Athletic BASKETBALL; A E, P. O. Elks No;;SD club; rooms: at indicated t© the committee he was the said:- A Generous Eye; Rabbi Joshua said: A Xoyal Friend; Omaha. JEWISH SPORT? anonymous person who recently offerRabbi Jo$e said: A' Good JNeighbor; Jlahbi Sirnepn said; The The two big nights are Monday, It is a generally accepted fact that ed $500,000 toward the establishment Gift of ^Qi'esjghi;; while, the last^ and. greatest ampng ^hem,, Rabl^i March IS, at § p. m., and Tuesday, Jewish athletes dominate the sport of of a college' in Brooklyn. By HAU«Y CONZEL basketball. In scholastic, collegiate llla?ar ben; Arach, sg|tf;'A Good Heart. Thereupon their master March 16, at 8 p. m. The tournament ,v (Copyright -102ft by Seven Arts A and other spheres, the Jewish basket- <'I shall be personally responsible Art, Glory, Freedom fall, but NaFeature Syndicate.) *» ball player is a familiar, nay, indis- for the sum of $1,000,000," he said, ture observed: ' 1 prefer the answer of Rabbi Elazar ben Arach to is open to all registered amateur v still is fair. --Byron, athletes in Nebraska, Iowa, North * • * pensable face. Why ? Why just "for a privately-endowed institution of those of the rest of you, for in. his words the rest are included." Dakota basketball. We haye made a study higher learning, payable at such a and South Dakota. Mercy . . . is an attribute to God Personally, we regard it of greater usefulness to. ponder over of this puzzle and without reproducing Himself. And earthly power doth The following classes' will be con- GLICK—WE time as a committee chosen should our progress of deduction, we hereshow then Ijkest God's, when mercy the h"abjh'tie§ of Ainefica.ii."Civilizationi than over its assets, just tested: . ' _ • ' • WELCOME ^ , > seasons justice. with submit the reasons: basketball is deem it to be wise." —Shakespear#% as ft|s lflpre irqpprtaqj: for the individual to first try and over- 1. FljTveighf Joe Glick, the Jewish junior light- the least dangerous sport. Basketball . • 112 Jbs. nutT/uncler. Bantamweight US lbs. and under weight boxer of Williamsburg has ar- requires more speed and rapid thinkcome the negative qualities of his nature before cultivating 2.3. Featherweight ... .: 12a lbs. nnd under rived. Less than two years ago, Joe ing than brute strength. Basketball 4. liishtweijrht 13^ lbs. and under Glick fought a certain Willie Clarkpositive ones. The leakage of a vessel must be stopped first, or 5. Welterweight : j -147 ATTEND THE is in indoor game, not effected by the IfrsJ and under. Middleweight . ICO lbs. and under son "in" a "New York armory for the rigors of cold weather, and the con-! there is "rio use pourings into it from above. Man as yet is by;na 7.(5. Light -heavyweight, 175 lbs. and under enormous sum of- three dollars. To- veniences of hot weather.. Baskethall means as cultured &s he appears to be civilized. By that we . 8. Heavyweight Any day, Joe is a headliner, who does not does not necessitate too rigorous trainlacs Jiis gloves for less than $5,000. ing. So there you are. It is not an niean t h ^ we hstve n o | jnwardly progressed at the same pace with ; PRIZES-rGpId and sterling silver How to be given by the happen 1 Very simply. Joe indictment against Jewish athletes; it our outward ^ good deal of the anti- medals, emblerriatic of the chanipions Gluck,dida itmost pleasant young fellow Ladies Progressive Club is probably a tribute to their intellih^Pi will be awarded to winners of made up his mind that he would gence. . ... _ on social within each of u s ; which unfits us tQ? practice the virtues Jirst and second in. each class. climb the ladder%ef pugilistic fame w& constantly, cari^y'on our lips. Wliat prevents us from being HIJLES o f the Amateur Athletic andd fortune. He is well built and SNAPSHOTS Sunday Evening, February 7 knows how to use his head, the inside •• --...•• ' at tolerant, neighborly, and loving, is not so much our inability to "Union to goyern..;.. The decision of Eddie Sears to take of it, we mean. He has a punch find ENTRY ^EE—An .entry, fee of 50c Ms coast championship—Mush Callarecognizethe 'Virtuesof tolerance, neighborly and loving conduct, fine footwork and besides that' lie KELPINE'S DANCING ACADEMY per persoii will be charged fpr each never gives up learning. So what han, the fighting Jewish newsboy, to J as our atavistic propensities to, disparage and disregard t Good Music Prizes for B«st Co»tujnt>s event. No entry accepted unless acr happened ? Glick started to bowl New York for a series of three fights, is not our own and is unlike ourselves. And it is those propen- companied by entry fee. Registration them over, one after another. In the one of which may be with Rocky Kansix weeks he won five battles con- sas for the title, is pleasing. There sities—the negative anti-social qualities of our nature—which we number must be stated. All entries last clusively. " He has been setting the are many of the followers of the the must first overcome, in order to make the cultivation of the must be in by closing date, March 12. pugilistic world afire, with his per- game who feel certain that Mushy State license fee of 2oc must accom- fectly conditioned fighting form. He can take the measure of Kansas and positive virtues possible. Your bring another championship to the is considered the peak of his class.. pany entry fee. Jewish race. Of all the negative qualities of our character which we should It would ask for Consumers' Prime "White Pjsroe" D|stiJl»tp other night-he met and defeatENTRIES CLOSE MARCH 12th, edThe Zuzanne Lenglen, when interviewed —the BEST OIL, We have the right oil far any m ^ S endeavor with all our might to overcome, we would name the one 1926, Rudy Stein by a knockout in the with R. R. Grotte, chairman, seventh round of a scheduled 1Q the other day, commented as follows burner. Deliveries made promptly through hose iroxn street. suggested by Dr. Henry Van Dyke, namely', "self-complacency Athletic Committee, Elks Club. Helen Wills, who is considered her round bout. Ruby Stein, another Jew- on Yes, we give free service on burners to our custpmerSf most formidable rival: "I admire mixed with imperfect information." As in the case with AH contestants must be, registered ish lad.who,hadjpersistentiy challenged Helen in every way; she is such a his superiority,'defeating Lucky Joe Try one fill of our oil. You'll profit by doing it. answer of Rabbi E)azar hen Arach, Dr. Van Dyke's answer seems in the Mid-Western Association of the on^the two previous occasions. Now' sweet, child. I Simply love her". This to us to include pearly the answers of all others, such as "intoler- Amateur Athletic Union. Registra- that Ruby is out of the way, we ex- does not augur so well for Helen. Zuzanne was terribly in love with Miss pect Glick to capture the world's Ryan, ance of dissent," jazz mode of thought, pride of importance, and tion blanks and cards may be obtain- title another American tennis wizard, from Ted Morgan, the California and never ed from G. P. Wendel, chairman of failed to trim her mercilessboastful self-confidence. Self-cqmplacency generally is an afflic- the Registration Committee, care of star. Now don't forget: we prophesy ly on the courts. tion but the self-complacency of the ignorant and the self-informed Nicholas Senn Hospital, Omaha. The the world's title for Joe Glick. The all-Jewish basketball team of \»is a positive pestilence. An imperfectly infonned self-complacen registration fee for one year's regis- PINKEY DOESN'T Columbia. University -.seems headed to a .victory in the race for the interman, is a fanatic par excellence, and vice versa: a fanatic is a self- tration, 25c. MEAN MAYBE collegiate championship. So far it has The champion of the bantamweight complacent man who suffers from imperfect information. Buoyed Joseph Gordon thusly comments on to its credit three straight games, and Soder's last triumph in the its perfect percentage of 1000. looms up by self-complacency from within, the fanatic disdains research elass is a Jewish boy, an Omaha boy^ Pincus Billy Giventer. Rumor whispers that half mile race of the Fordham meet big in the, league standing. Mannheim and investigation; but it does not prevent him from speaking with the Thorpian Athletic Club has sev- oyer Helffrich, George Marsters, and is playing the game of his life this cocksuredhess of things, as though he knew it all, as though no eral other entrants in addition to the Jimmy Connolly. The Fordham games season. In the' first 30 heavyweight and the opening-of the indoor NEW ARRIVALS IN other knowledge were possible. What is the knowledge pf the champion who of course will defe.nd marked track and field season in the New lightweight boxes as rated by Tex Yprk district, and Helffrich as you Richard, there are only two Jews; fanatic about religion, about history, about sociology, about the his crown.' know is considered one of the Maxie.RosenbloQc of New York and Stan and the Mid-West A. A. U, may . development of the arts, and the sciences? But just hear him best, if not the best of America's Murray Gitlitz of New Haven, Among the first 15 middleweights there is speak of Qoc|, of life in the hereafter, of our obligations to one an- would like to see more Jewish boys middle distant runners. in this meet as- there are a - "Pinkey Sober again, it seems that only, one Jewish ladl K. O. Phil apian other, of patriotism, internationalism, and universalism! There is entered number of clever, hardhitting boxers this promising youny.middle-distanc- of New York.. Well, no reason to not a thing he does not know in any of these realms, and he pan in the ranks of the Jewish boys of er is very serious about his preten- kick. "We simply have not the heavy to the half-mile throne of the material. prove to you that he is right, thathe cannot be wrong, because it this district. Any young man desir- sions Latest, 1926 Syring Models land. What looked like a flash in the Sid Terris, the pride of the Jewish says &o in the "good" book, because the good old'folk told him so, ing information or entry blanks can pan last Spring is beginning to loom boxing world has offered Rock Kansas as the real article this Winter. $20,000 for a crack at his lightweight and finally, because it is se» J Verily, if you should dissect the soul obtain the same from Stanley F- up Pinkey Soder is dead-on the level. , crown, but so far the Buffalo lad has At this time of the year nothing adds more to the Levin at the Jewish Community ofof a fanatic in order to get at the stuff it is made of, you will find refused. Kansas knows what a world's "Wise railbirds "shook doubtful fice any time after six o'clock. prosperous appearance x>f the well-dressed m^n than heads last summer when: Saber beat title is-worth, and has a wholesome it to consist of "self-complacency mixed with imperfect i ' " There are tvrcf Jewish teams entered Alan Helffrich, Johnnie Holden and respect for Sid Terris' fistic talent. a smart' looking, well tailored, weatherproof top' tion."—Advocate. in the Commercial League, the George Masters. -His victory over Abe Kaplan, the Jewish-wrestler, coat, strongest loop in action at the local tills trio was the talk of the town and followed up his. .victory over Joe Varga moat-of-this talk consisted of such last week' by holding Charles Hause.n, Y. M. H. A. this year. stands. DK. KAVFMANN KOHiLER, comments as "Accidents", "Racing the Minnesota Swede, to a draw after The standing of the teams are: • Luck" and "Let Him, Try Again./' PRESIDENT OP HEBREW 'At the Nebraska You'll Find He was married to Johanna EinSQ.mimites of pretty wrestling. Kap"The half-mile' race.jn the Fprdiiam lan is not a. topnptcher, but jsurely one UNJON COLLEGE, DIES horn, daughter of Df; David Eingames left little doubt as to Pinkey's of the most graceful and prettiest Hundreds to Choose From horn of Temple Beth-El, New York 1 Stiktites -.6 ability to" race "any half-miler in the matmen of today. Pupil 6t Abraham Geiger, Father and City, on August 2S,"1870. He is 2 Evans Laundry ,5 country. Helffricr won the race only 2 Sponsor of American Judaism,' Had survived by four children; Max J. Townsends .4 after cutting in on the field, and was RALPH: JONAS GEVES $l,0QO,0fl0 3 Jewish Com. Center _ 4 Long-and Useful Career as Scholar ^tohlei-j well-known New York atjustly disqualified." Whether he would And in addition to standard quality and standard FOR BROOKLYN COLLEGE West Leavenworth _... 2 and Educator. have beaten Sober in a straightway torney and communal leader, Rose, Thorpian Ath. Club ".. 2 tailoring you have the substantial saving that race only a return match will decide. NewYorfc, (J. T. A,)—I^alph Jonas, Omaha .Commercials I- 0 New York.—Dr. Kaufmann KohleiS Edgar J. and Lib". But there was no^ doubt about Sober's president of the Brooklyn Chamber of comes with our 'year 'round "No Sale" policy. The Jewish Community Center team. superiority over Jimmy Gonnoly and Commerce,'.Thursday, night offered at President, Emeritus of the Hebrew 1 Good looking styles for every build of man in rich • defeated the Omaha Commercials.' a Marsters." IJnion CbHege, died today f& the 8ge FIRE IN JAFFA HARBOR a meeting of the Brooklyn Committee pinkey's time for the half-mile >ras grays, blues, tans, heather mixtures, etc. CREATES PANIC team composed of Omahav University 1.593/5, and his victory game easy. { on Institjutipns of Higher Learning, of 82, in this-city.— students by the lopsided score of 21 We have no doubt- that had Helffricb j Which has been' seeking to obtain a Dr. Kaufmann Kohler, rahbi, scholar Jaffa.—Panic overwhelmed the and educator, \vho was horn in Furth. workers in tha-Jaffa port, the port tit to 4.' Sid Gorenman was the big star kept his feet on the: track he would college for Brooklyn, to give | 1 , EXCEPTIONAL VALUES AT - • OUOiQOQ Jot a privately endowed colBavaria, wa.s a pupil- of Abraham entry for Jewish immigrants to Pal in th& J . C. C. lineup. Sid ib one of never ijave outdistanced Sob^r. Geiger, lead^c of the Jewish' Reform" estine, when a fire—broke—out on a th.e highest scoring men in the Comlege, i t citizens of that borough and IIOSE League. The Thorpian Ath: movetaeni; in;Germany-in the Jtiitis? ship in the harbor. The pier anil the merciau others, gave $9,000,000 toward an Miss"1lose Boosseclr of CHeveland is Clul? team succumbed before the teenth oentury.U was under Geiger'a adjacent territory was covered with, letic initiaLeritlowment '110,000,000. expected to do great things this year uncanny shooting of Ike Mahoney, as a fancy diver. The defection from . Mr. JbnaV offer, of was. with influent thi^t young Kohjer went to smoke. former Creightnn University star. the amateur ranks of Miss Ai'een one by James.H. Eost followed president of America-** ^tively participate, in adp The fire broke out on an Egyptian The float gfjore was 45 to 10. - • •Riggin anS" Miss Helen Wainwris^if, the National^ Sugar Refinery, to giyp vocating * n e <!aUse o f E s f ° r m ^ U(1a » snl sailing -vessel _ whjch ..carried 3000 the winners of National Fancy Diving Ma* Altehujgr> cenfer on the Thor- championship in i925*hasdeafed tKe $100,000 toward such an 'endowment, in Ai»Mi<;a- He was one of the young- {ins of Benzine for the Vacuum Q\\ pian squad, ip also, a high pqwered path f o i h e i , : ::\;zit -/:"::-•-:••.-. *:.- arid,.Mr, Jpnai announce^ that his est members of the Philadelphia Jew? PoTOparjy.'-^Tber'-f:??^ 'wa"r 65-vS*'." i basket chaster, ,Mji£_Ji.M. a q c p a ? ^ ; Rqse js saidilaihaiy&inippoyed *aa- brother, ^athan Jonas,, pressidentT of ish Rabbinlcttr'Swrfewnfie-in 1869. In .juiripftig" into' ths'harbor»,:ThB ca: | for many of'the* Thorpiafl points ^Vn itemliy-sihfce-she., finished .fourth in .the Manufacturers Trnst.Company,] vened the "senior national classic from thp was lost,; 1885 he* * 4 n ' his brief career ID dass A basketball. iffie APPAREL FOB Ki3* ANB WOMEN iO-foot:- springboard last - August. haxl ojferea -tt, add J25.00Q to the I & b b i tn i c a t C o i r f e j p Remember the Zionist hall March 7, He held down theJ pivot position witft 'Competent judges who saw her action I proposed fan*' We famous "Pittsburgh Platform" on at the MuniciDal Auditorium.—Arv. the Y. M- H, A- ^K. last year in thfe recently declare her repertory includes ^ Reform Judaism- in America


Our Sporting Column


Oil Burner Could Talk





PAGE 3—THE JEWISH PRESS—THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1926 I Temple Si-terhootl T-« Give home o Mrs. Ike Gilford, 207 North j Evening Benefit Card Party Sixth street. Febr. 17 At Blackstone Mr. Ben Meyerson left Saturday \ The Sisterhood of Temple Israel night for Excelsior Springs, Mo. He ICE BOX ROLLS will entertain a t a benefit card party expects to be gone about a month. 1 cup butter Wednesday evening, February 17, at The Independent Order of the B'nai 5 yolks of eggs the Blackstone Hotel. Cards and Brith, Lodge 688, will hold a meeting Vt, teaspoon salt Mah ~ongg will be featured and 1 cake yeast next Wednesday evening, February prizes will be varded. Refreshments 1 cup luke warm cream 10, at the Danish hall at eight-thirty v will also " served. 3 cups flour . o'clock. Cream butter and add well beaten Mrs. Sam Gilinsky is head of the egg yolks and yea^t cake, dissolv- circle giving the party and the women -The Agudes Achim Society will ed in cream, then add salt and assisting her as hostesses are Meshold a meeting next Monday evening, flour and work into dough. Set in a cold place over light and when dames Samuel Katz, Ed Merritt, Jul- February 8, at the K. C. Hall. ready to b£&e, roil very thin, u s - ius Newman, Reuben Kulakofsky, ing 1-3 of dcugh at a time. Fred Rosenstock, Charles Schimmel, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Rosenthal enterSprinkle with cinnamon and sugar, Louis Sommer, Isidor Ziegler, Emil tained their Evening Bridge Club a t nuts ground fine, and small yellow raisins. Roll like a jelly roll and Ganz, Louis Goldsmith, S. H. Rosen- their home a t 1730 Third avenue last cut into slices. Place in buttered berg, and Samuel Sommer. Tickets Thursday evening-. pan cut side up-and leave in warm may be procured from any members place for one hour. Bake very of the circle. Mr. and Mrs. Sam H. Katelman slowly until brown. Delicious for entertained sixteen guests at Bridge parties. • " at their home last Wednesday evening. On Sunday evening Mr. and CARROT TZIMES Mrs. Katelman •were also hosts to 1Y2 lb.. beef brisket Yale Meyerson, son of Mr. and sixteen guests at their home. As many; carrots a s desired 2 tablespoons fat Mrs. Sam Meyerson, will be Bar 2 tablespoons flour Mitzvahed on Saturday morning, Mrs. Herman Marowitz was hostess 1 tablespoon brown sugar salt February 6, at the Chevra B'nai Yis- to her Afternoon Mah Jongg Club a t and peper to taste...... .. .. I Place, meat and carrots in kettle. roel Synagogue. Mr. and Mrs. Meyer- her home on Tuesday. Cover with."boiling water and allow- son will be at home to all their relaMrs. Nathan Nogg has returned to cook until meat is tender. tives and friends on Sunday afterBrown fat flour and slowly add 1 noon, from 2:30 until 6 o'clock i n home after visiting with Mr. and-Mrs. cup of liquid from carrots. Returrv Harry "Perimeter in-Plainsview,- Neb., t£ meat with brown sugar, salt and honor of their son's Bar Mitzvah. for two weeks. She was accompanied peper and allow t c cook i very slowly for'about thirty minutes. One Mr. I. Morgenstern will speak this back by Mrs. Perimeter who i s now may use-half rutabagas and half Friday evening at the synagogue a t visiting her parents here, Mr..and carrots if desired. eight o'clock. Everyone is urged to Mrs. M. Nogg. be present. . RAW CARROT SALAD Do not make any other arrange3a or 4 carrots ments .on March 7, i t will be the The Ladies Auxiliary of the Talmud /2 head cabbage .'. Torah will hold a meeting next Wed-i night of the Zionist Ball a t the 5 large "sticks celery nesday afternoon, Rebruary 10, at t h e ' Municipal Auditoriora.—Adv. mayonnaise." : Run washed and scraped carrots through food chopper, also cabbage and celery. Season with a little salt and mayonnaise and serve very" cold. Fine for children.




SgAPlBO-FEREB Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Kosenfchal of Four hundred invitations have been Council Bluffs announce the engager issued for the.marriage of Miss Esth- nient of their daughter, Caroline,-to er Ferer,- daughter of Mr. and Mrs.Mr. Ben Baron, son of Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Ferer, ,to Mt Maurice Shapiro, S. Baron, of Sioux City, la. No -wedson of Mr. and Mrs. Max Shapiro, ding date has as yet been set. both of this city. Miss Ferer has To honor their daughter and her chosen as her matron of honor Mrs. fiance, Mr. and Mrs. Rosenthal are Moe, Pessen, siEter of Mr. Shapiro entertainment a t dinner Sunday eve%tie bride's sister, Miss Mellie Ferer, ning at their home. Covers will be will be maid of honor and the brides- laid for forty guests. maids will be Mrs. Allan Kohan, anMr. and Mrs. D. Specter announce other sister of. the groom, and Miss the engagement of their daughter, Sophia Ferer, sister of the bride. Mr. Idith, to Mr. William Levine of Moe Pessen will be best man and Witchita Falls, Texas. Miss' Specter Messrs. Allan Kqhan, Sam Rochman, .t present is visiting in Teras With and Charles Fellman will be grooms- relatives. No date has been s e t for men, Ushers will be Meyer and Sam ;he wedding. ., , Stefli. Master Leonard White, son of Word comes from St. Louis, Mo., of Mr. "and Mrs. Harry White, will be ring-bearer and little Miss Ruth Ferer, the engagement of Miss Mollie Hbrdaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry M. wich, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, J . Hor wich, to Mri Mike Grossman, also o Iferef, 'will be flower girl. \ Mrs. Mose Krasne of Fremont en- St. Louis,' formerly of Omaha. T h tertained a t a bridge party at her wedding will be solemnized March 1. h^ome on Tuesday to compliment Miss Ferer.. The: color scheme was orchid the birth of a son on Friday, January and-yellow. . Other pre-nUEtial gar- 29, a t the Stewart Maternity Hospital Mr. and Mrs. E . A, Meyer announce ties, are. being planned to honor Miss

Ferer. '

Mrs. Harry Bravirpff is convalescing at the "Wise Memorial Hospital.

' RUBQf-WEINSTEIN •* Many social affairs are being plannOn Friday night a t Temple Israel, ed-to honor Miss Martye Weinstein Rabbi Frederick Cohn will speak on one of the prominent-members of the "Need One Be an Infidel?" His topic younger set, whose marriage to Mr. fc- Saturday morning will be "Who Joseph Rubin of San Antonio, Texas Is Wise?" il to take place on March 14, at the Mrs. B. Fleishman entertained a t Blackstone Hotel. her homr Wednesday for ^ve tables During the past week, Mrs. H. B of bridge in honor of Miss Gertrude Weinstein and Mrs. Max Fromkin enSteinberg, whose engagement to Mr. tertained one hundred guests at a tea «t the Blackstone honoring Miss Weia Jack Fleishman was recently anstein.* Mrs. Jake Malashock is enter nounced. Honors were shared by Mrs. taining at a luncheon and Man Jong David B. Cohn. formerly Fis's Lil; pt her home today, Mrs. Williaca lian Seidman of Lincoln. Boasberg will be hostess at a luncheon The Defiorah' Society riwill. meet a t her home on Saturday, and the Mis Tuesday afternoon, February 9, a t ses Pearl and Martha Cohen will en the Jewish Community Center. terrain a t their home on Sundap afternoon, all in compliment to Miss WeihMrs. H. Janoff was hostess a t h e | ' s t e i n . • • . • " . ' • '-••: • : • " • t • ' " • ' - •; home a t five tables-of bridge onTues* day afternoon. Proceeds realized a t Miss Fan Ackerroan left Saturday the party were given to the Jewish evenjng for Chicago where she will National Fund. remain indefinitely. Mr. and Mrs. Isadore Chapman ; Miss Rose Mayerowitch entertained have taken an apartment a t the •E.l six couples at bridge and dancing a t Beudor Hotel. Mrs. Chapman "was her. home on Saturday evening in formerly Miss Gertrude Cherniak of honor of her sixteenth birthday. Prizes Council Bluffs. ' • wera v o n by Evelyn. Adler, Betty Mrs. H. Shampainer, of Patterson, Forth, and Billy Gerelick. N. J., is the guest a t the S61 Handler Miss Sara Somberg, who attends home. She will attend the manage the University of Nebraska, will spend of Miss Bess Handler to Mr. Mike the week-end with her patents, Mr." Korbholz of St. Joe., Mo., which will ^nd M^s. A. Somberg. be performed.on Sunday, March 14.



AUNT ESTHER'S MAYONNAISE 1 tablespoon flour 2 tablespoons sugar ; % teaspo'on salt: ; . 1 teaspoon mustered ' % teaspoon paprika li cup Mazola, or^ther oil 1 cup water : 1 cup vinegar . 4 whole eggs. . . • Mix -dry ingredients." Slowly add water and vinegar, mixing all the time add oil and eggs, well beaten. Cook over boiling water, constantly beating until thicks •"....•


36 Inch


Bleached Hope Muslin For Saturday Only, Yard


8 tablespoons fat : 3 tablespoons flour 1 tablespoon vinegar . ••. • salt and peper t o taste ' 1 tablespoon sugar; " . ,;-•;-.-'•.' 1 small onion ; —. --••-:• Cut onion in small pieces and brown, lightly in fat. Add beans and water just to cover. Let cook until tender, or, if canned, about 15 minutes. Dissolve flour "and sugar in a little cold water. Add vinegar, salt and pepper to taste and add to beans. Let cook about ten minutes. . .


This excellent quality of bleached Hope muslin is especially desirable for sheets, pillow cases, fancy work and other general household uses. Of a firm, closely woven texture which assures you of long and satisfactory service. All new,1 clean, goods, sold from ^the bolt.


. . " • . - . . . , . .



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Perfect Karat Platinum Mountings



Unclaimed V4 Karat Rings ^ j & S or Better Money Back Guarantee JEWELERS 1514 DODGE STREET

HEAR Mr. and Mrs. M. Butkin of New York in a

JOINT CONCERT Friday Evening, February 5, at the Swedish AuStoriuni Sponsored by Workmen's Circle






3= 5=



For city sales "vvork. Prefer married man of large acquaintanceship in city. Must be ambitious and willing to work and learn. Compensation to be based on salary and commission basis. Answer giving name, address, length of time in city and names of last employers. Box 645.


The Brandeis Store—Bargain Basement. -


The Only Stock Fire Insurance Compfny Owned nnd ContioUed in Nebra&k* James E. Foster rrcsfdent and Treas. -





Lightning *L

W . L . WUcox Ylce President

Tornado Automobile

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Fire, Theft f, Collision

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Property Damage 1802 Dodge Street

SEVENTH AKNUAL STATEMEKT, DECEMBER 81,1925 LIABILITIES ASSETS Mortgage Loans $1,000,879.30 Capital Stock (Fully Paid).$ 967,000.00 Bonds and Warrants . . . 556,020.21 Losses (Unadjusted) 11/76S.77 Cash on Hand and in. Banks. 117,872.57 Ee-InsTirance Reserve 829,066.70 Notes Beceivable—Premiums 16.8S5.S7 TasEeserve S.500.00 Due from Agents... . . . . 22,435.33 Other Liabilities 1,603.21 Due from Ins. Companies.... 10,434.47 Surplus. 442,259.05 Accrued Interest 30,619.98 Gross Admitted Assets.. .$1,755,097.73 Total Surplus to Policyoolders, $1,409,259.05


Printing Stationery Office Supplies Framed Mottoes

—-Feb. 14 ~....*eb. £7 1' eii * 28 -— Mar. 16 &Iar. 30 A p r . 14 -May 2 May 14 -May 11) 1 - "ne 12 -June 2!» - J uly 12 - J u l y 20 Aug. 10

Blue White We ssieton



Muslin will be sold Saturday only to those persons ^presenting this ad. A limit of 10 yds. to a customer.

Melt one cup white sugar in iron pan, stirring with large fork until as brown as desired. Add one cup water and cook one minute.




HOUSEHOLD HINTS Make caramel syrnp and p u t away to have on hand.

Of interest to Omahans is the an- Misses Jean Krupp and Rosella VerSIGMA DELTA TAU NEWS nouncement .from . Los Angeles of the. bin ;pf Fretnon spent the .week-end in Sigma Delta Tau annpuce the pledg"bir*h cf a son, Leslie Miles, to Mr. Omaha. --••'. ing of Ethel Steinberg, of Fort Dodge, 'and Mrs. JIaurice Rubin. Mrs. Rubin Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Cooper enter- owa. Was., formerly Miss Faye Hirsch of tained a t a dinner party on Sunday Council Bluffs. Laura Berek spent last week-end in evening a t their home, 5553 Mason Fremont. Miss Bernice Ferer left Wednesday Street. The guests were Messrs. night for Ann Artcr, Mich., to attend and Mesdames J . Bernstein, M. KatzEsther Svislowsky spent the weekthe Junior Hop, the social event of man, I. Perelman, N . Perelman, and D. end in Cokznbus, Nebr. the season. Before returning to Miller. Bridge followed the dinner. Sara Somberg is spending this Omaha, she will visit in Chicago and Mr. and Mrs. Archie Krolopp of week-end in Omaha. Evanston, III. Miss Ferer will be gone Sioux City, announce the birth of a about ten days." son on Friday morning, January 29, Beserve- Sunday evening, March 7, at the Methodist Hospital. Mrs. Kroltt>*~ ftg" local"-Zionists iaall -at the off was formerly Miss "Rose Bloch of Muny Auditorium.—Adv; this city. Mrs. A. Ginsbufg of'Sioux City is the guest of her daughter, Mrs. E. AMeyer, an' 1 -"Ir. Meyer. The Hatikvbh Girls Club wiir h"o!< Mrs. Max Langman anc1 baby a regular meeting on Sunday, Februdaughter, Gloria J u r c* H P " r sburg, ary 7, at the Jewish Community - -. Pa., arrivr." this week to visit with Center. Mrs. T a. 'or in's prrentr Mr. and Mrs. The B'nai Ami Fraternity held ifa Jarohm Kulakofsky. While enroute to Omaha, they visited with Mrs. Lang- third regular meeting last Sunday at man's sis';r, Mrs. Lewis Spiwak, and the Jewish Community Center. The Mr. Spiwak, of Chicago, HI. While program consisted of a business meetthere Mrs. Langman was extensively ing and entertainment by Ralph Gross. entertained. They will visit here for The d u b basket ball team added another victory to its list by defeating a number of weeks. the First Baptist team 54 to 34. The Mrs. H. Smith entertained her team is composed of Ralph Gross, bridge club a t her home last Sunday Dave Frank, Morton Richards, Isaevei.ing. Prizes \vere won by Mrs. dore Mann, Frank Ackerman, Captain Kirschenba 1 -" and S. HiOrris ponowite, Sam Steinberg, an Harry Trochtenberg. _Mr. and Mrs. H. Hahn entertained at a family supper for thirty guests : The Shada Club held their meetin lr.st" Sunday " honor of Mr. and Mrs. on Tuesday, February 2. The followFred Hahn fifth wedding anniversary. ing members tried out for the orchesFred Hair- H: Chan" r. tra: Sol Yaffe, violinist, Harry Magzamiiij violinist, Sidney Epstein, saxMrs. E . 5Icv--- "-turned to he? home aphone, Elmer^Shamberg, piano, Sam Monday "ter speni'i !.f a , week in Pregger, piano, and Sam Friedman, Chicago. cornet. Dr. Nathan Dansky gave at Mr. and M r H. SI. Ferer and interesting illustrated 4ecture on h y daught — Thelma and liu*^ returned j giene. ^ The next meeting will be heli ;'merday from ^n extended "rcuthern ! Friday at the home of Sol Yaffe. trip, '"".cy ir-ade several stops, °nroute 118 South 17th Street to Jacksor .'" -. Fla., where they spent Good music at the Zionist Ball, about three weeks. March 7, a t the Auditorium.—Adv.



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business without license from the RabRABBINICAL LICENSE FOR binate, provided the Mosaic law is SALE OP KOSHER MEAT NOT REQUIRED, PALESTINE scrupulously observed by them. SUPREME COURT RULES

Jerusalem,—Rabbinical supervision YURCHENK.O, POGROM About fifty years ago in ; the small the cries; and saw her son in his a faLEADER, SENTENCED TO. of the sale of kosher meat is not remarket village of Cacioz, in the dis- j ject state, supported by his friends, DEATH II RUSSIA quired, in the opinion of the Palestine trict of JPlbtzk, Poland, oldMeyer, the She ran straight to him, crying as she Supreme Court in a ruling handed woodcarver on* the! day. of Ws eightieth • placed her arms en his shoulders, Moscow.—Yurchenko, leader of down yesterday. birthday died. AES? in his life he had j "Shejan, Shejan, what is wrong with progrom bands, will be executed for The case arose out of a complaint been universally respected for hist you? What is the matter 1" murdering Jews during the civil war against, the order of .General Stores, " piety and 'great integrity, 'so in his Shejan turning agonised eyes on his in Soviet Russia. acting on the complaint of the Chief death he was mourned. .... mother was only able to murmur huskAt his 'rial, which ended yesterday Rabbinate, to close the shops of JewThe Jewish cemetery lay about three ily, "Old Meyritz is holding me fast." in Zhitomir, the death sentence was ish butchers in Tel Aviv who - are miles' distant from the village; and Dragging and pushing him indoors, imposed upon him. slaughtering animals without license here Meyer; was buried. The cemetery the young men explained briefly to* the For sever&l years during the civil from the Rabbinate. The court ruled was 1situated in a large, open field j anxious mother all that had happened war he terrorized the entire district 1 that the Rabbinate Council is not enused for cattle-grazing , a deep, and that afternpon. Seriously alarmed, for 1 a'-" v/as responsible for many mastitled to interfere in the matter. wide ditch had been dug around the full well the mother felt the enormity Butchers are permitted to pursue their sacres of Jews in tha region. cemetery. At the point opposite the of the crime of profaning the dead, main road a bridge forded the ditch no matter of what denomination, Pana and a rough wooden gate provided Naloska placed both her hands on her entry. ...':. "35 Years of Community Service" son's face, and turning it towards her, On the Sunday, ten days after Mey- asked Shejan, in voice beseechingly er's death, a group of Polish lads tir- gently, to try to stand alone. The ing of\ their sport in the forst, came friends let go his arms, and Shejan into the open ;• field. Sighting the fell on the floor, a crumpled h^ai>, cemetery they looked at one another moaning. . . - - • knowingly. With much difficulty, the mother* REFINANCE NOW! "Come on," cried one, a dark-haired with the help of the young men, suc-r Chaim Nachman Bialik with the Major Stars of the Jewish Literary Firmament: Left to right: youth about sixteen years of age. Mendele Mochar Seforim, Sholora Alechem, Ben Ami and Bialik. ceeded in placing him on the large They approached closer to the ce- wooden settle that did service for a metery and than hesitated, glancing bed. There he lay,, incapable of moveAmericar Jews must hear and realize, SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION 1 t 6 I 4- •/* a r n the while at one another. y but no Polish Jewish delegation will J j ment. Eyes and tongue only moving WINTER IN PALESTINE "Come on, come on," urged another, i Eyes feverishly rolling in their sockets even tell them .this. A delegation ;•-•;"'•• By A B B I - S A M U E L •tall and fair-haired, "let's see what old and lips ever moaning the same would, riot .strengthen the enthusiasm Meyer who', died last week is doing;" words. of American Jewry for relief work, rang with the sound of but would rather~\veaken it." Yet closer they approached - and Pana Naloska, a devout Catholic, As the last Chanukah candle burns fortifications, an end, the Palestine summer which the Shofar when the Jewish banner scrambled through the ditch, over the was convinced that evil _ spirits pos- to The "Forward" publishes a strong has continued' for' over ten months was raised aloft! Regular. Meeting of ditch-bank, and into the ' cemeterv sessed her son. Before applying for passes finally awa'y and winter is BUTTER and Jerusalem welcomed the flag in a appeal issued by ihe Federation of where they found themselves among spiritual aid, she called the village here! The rains have;started. Not in manner worthy of Jewish tradition. Polish. Jews in America, of which Mr. ; Council Bluffs, la. the graves. doctor in, and when he had failed in vain has the parched earth been wait- Thousands of Jews went out to meet Benjamin Winter is president. The the legionaries and marched together ing for the rains, theyj have come, The tall fair-haired young. Pole, Wis, attempt to arouse Shejan, after pour down in torrents bringing with with them along the narrow, steep paper says: "No comments are needShejan by name, was the most spirit-j applying ointment and lotion to -his them ice-cold, biting winds. The skies streets. Through our ancient city of ed. The story of the present distress ed of "the band. He moved forward, for' lin.bs, she decided that the prieil was have become unrecognizable. For ten Jerusalem, the Jewish legionaries of the Jews in Poland reminds us of NAT MEISTER months they have beenblue,—drench- marched, and in the old synagogue the first'years of the World War. The religious superstition caused the the man to be consulted. where day and night the Jewish Sheked with the lucent glory of the fiery writes all (duds of others to lag, stepping between the Seeing She Jan.confortably placed on sun; now they are black and sinister- hina weeps for the exile of the Jewish only difference is-that in those times graves, till coming to the newest grave the settle, the large feather pillow looking—and it rains! It is winter. nation, the banner was greeted by the the calamities and^distress were new •with its mound of earth above the or-j under his head, now. heavy as lead, A few weeks ago we were celebrat- High Commissioner, and by the to us and, as a consequence, the apSERVICE WITH EACH POLJCX. dinary level, he stopped. He turned to j Pana Naloska threw her shawl about ing the arrival of the colors of the Consuls of the Great Powers and by peals were attended by. much speedy Jll W. O. W. Bids. Jackgen HIM, the venerable Rabbis of Jerusalem. Jewish Legion—the Jewish flag. They his companions crying, "Look! D'you j her shoulders and ran to the priest There were speeches and prayers, and action, whereas now the appeal quite brought them from England—and see this?" He pointed with his finger j Tearfully she begged him tc exercise there were rejoicings and, ceremonies a tremor passed over the assembled often falls upon deaf eara." to the mound of earth. "This must be; the, devil that possessed her son; and speeches, and people thought mass: had the time come? "The..Jews of .Poland cannot wait," And now we have winter, and rains says the "Day" again in another issue. the grave of that dirty old Jew crossing herself aevoutly and weep- about things. It may be that those people, are and cold winds . . . . . Meyritz. He used to live next door ing as she spoke of her son'd sorry The sea is angry and wild, the The question is not an academic one.; Every Thursday Evening" at Jewish right who say that thjs is not the but one to us . . . I've always had a plight. time for the Jewish flag. On the! skies are clouded, and heavy and the The-Jews-of Poland stand on the Community Center Building. grudge against him." Solemnly, the priest entered the borders of Palestine there is bloodshed heart is sad. verge, of an abyss, and if relief is J. M. MALASHOCK, President. 2224 Cnming St. He paused, then suddenly struck house, and solemnly he recited the and fighting. In Palestine itself the ISAUORE ABBAMSON." Secretary. There is unemployment all over the to come at all, is must come now. In Phone 1A ckson 1226. winter has come, and unemployment •with an idea, he thumped his thigh prayer of exorcision. But Shejan was world. But here in Palestine it fills the Lodz -region alone there are two is rife. It is not the time for1-festi- us with terror. Tel-Aviv has 2,000- hundred thousand Jews starving. •with his hand, and gleefully cried loud- . deaf to the voice oi the priest and lay vities, they say. Maybe they are right. unemployed. The ships, bring, more "»"»«« «.„«=«_«.«-»- , ' 6" Un" er still, "111 dirty his grave!" • moaning, not even noticing his near There may be something in what they workers, and it is "winter, it is rain- employment increases, together with Meets Every Second and Fourth WedCall us for good Saying this, he sprang 6nto the rais- approach. : sayr they may have justification for ing and- cold. ' "--. bankruptcies. Vilria is a dead town, nesday evening at the Danish Hali ed earth, while his. friends laughing,] Pana Naloska explained to the their anxiety and their continual fear and so "is ' Bialystok. And Lemberg The elections to the Assifath Haniv• • "_':,. stood watching the defilement and de-' priest as he sat beside her son, all and_sense5of foreboding. Some will say c h a r i m a r e c o n c l n d e d > O ur highest lives through . times reminiscent of a t 8:30 o'clock. £ iV Galuth mentality, but, i , e g i s i a t i v e asse mbly is about to be the worst days of Russian occupation. secration of a Jewish grave*. Harry KUBBY, President. that had happened. Learning of the S l l w e aare m sstill t i l l ronly m l v oon n tthe h p ______ j .TTT.. •_ .. __. . _._•__ after aall--we opened. Will it be strong and wise Something must be done at once by MICKLJQS LUMBER CO. -Shejan commenced jumping on the desecration of the-Jewish grave, ne threshold of national freedom, and enough to combat unemployment? 24th & Burdette Sts. WE. 5555 grave, shouting the •while. "Dirty looked at his hands which were finger- patience is a praises-worthy trait. American" Jewry, "by the "Joint" by How long will out winter last? BeJews!-You", you old Meyritz," then ing,; the crucifix and said gravely; The Zionist Executive >iri- London hind the black clou'ds there is the sun the Polish and Galician Verbands, by v decided to trahgfer. the banner of the trying to treak .'through. Another stamped first one foot and then the fPana,,this is,<not within the province Jewish Legion : to Jerusalem". If a month and the spring will come d*3m the ;various Landsmannschaften and GIFTS THAT LAST other as his cries grew more; frenzied. • of my power. You must see the Rabbi; banner is just a matter for national- from the mountains and the valleys by American Jewry in general, with"You Jews, go back to your own land, and beg him to quiet the spirit of ists, for fascists,-then this'one could .___.. i Will our fears go with out .looking for any delegation to come here .and present to us a report Take your carcases and bones away the revengeful .Jew. Jew to Jew MALASiOCK JEWaRY CO of ruin, suicides and b-..,I;ruptcies. The from our country. Go away, you dirty Highly strung, credulous, supec-. liberation, the visible merpento of the sum-allotted to Polish Jews out of the Jews. You old rotting Meyritz . . ." stitious, yet withal a mother, the Pol- heroic days when our Jewish youth *Diamond Importers $15,-000,000 fund -will be of much aid As he uttered these words he stood ish woman now well-nigh distraught, fought for the liberation of Palestine ' { Platinum Specialists o to them, of course^but something has still, stock still. His face, usually of a rushed to the house of the Rabbi and in a manner reminiscent of the Mac- * KO.IO^ST. / cabeans, then the banner is a symbol { to.be done for them now, and not a healthy ruddiness, was drained of scarcely pausing for., breath at the of great things, an'object^of-pride, r I. Copyright—Jewish Tele NEW LOCATION minute should be lost." blood and turned dead white. A strain- door demanded an audience with him. They brought the banner to Tel- ; 214-15-16 City Nat. Bank Bldg. ed look appeared in his eyes. . The "Jewish Daily Ja. 5619— Est. 1894. The Rabbi Simcha Joel Rosenfeld," 'Aviv, the Jewish city, and they kept j "The situation of the Jews in PolIn Omaha Alarmed at the change of expres- in after years Rabbi of Petalcowa; it closely "guarded in the Town Hall J RELIEF FOR News" in an editor- and is at the present moment much sion, his companions called to him to listened quietly to Pana Naloska's and thousands of Jews had to go. and POLISH JEWS ial of January 29, worse than it was during the war," their neck to -catch- a glimpse praises the decision declares the "Forward" in another descend. They had stood watching tearful statement. He sat stroking his crane of it. 250 Rooms—ZOO BnthB Shejan's antics from some little dis- long black beard, quietly lost in Good Rooms for $1.50 Why wasn't it taken out in the of the Jewish Sejm Club to send to is?ue." In the region of Vilna alone Operated by Eppley Hotels Co. tance, too; fearful to approach close thought when_ she finished speaking. streets ? Why did it ndfflutter bravely America a representative delegation about twenty thousand Jewish famthe ojpen? And where was the Jew- and thus do away with countless ilies are doomed to starvation with to the, grave, The average Pole is The mother looked at him, as he sat in Legion?—had it been hidden commitees coming here from different superstituous by nature, and is thus quietly and her agony burst forth ish Druggists and Stationers away? The revisionists liave protest- organizations, groups and towns to no aid forthcoming. Soup kitchens have been hurriedly opened , and specially credulous of the power pos- afresh. With a terrible cry she threw ed against the slinking fashion in Harry H. Lapidus, Pres.-Treas. (G--4O3-4U5 8ootb lOtb gtr**i herself at-his feet, imploring absolu- which the thing was done. We are not gather relief sums for their respec- emergency relip* org&niz.J for those sessed by the dead.. W. G. Ure. Secretary. With a visible effort Shejan tried to tion for her son. "Oh, Rabbi. Speak seelcing to provoke the Arabs, tmtjtive communities. A delegation rep- who cannot avail.themselves of the should we degrade ourselves? rresenting e s e n t W the niove, but could not. Tie look in his with Meyritz. The Father says that why the «.«_•„ entire j«wrv Jewry of of Poland Poland kitchens. The schools are being dosed, Om&ha Fixture & But is was different in Jerusalem. eye became frenzied as the will to only you can speak with Meyritz. There it was given a brave reception. and made up by the Sejm Club with as well as the hosj-itals. The same PAXTON-MITCHELL CO. Supply Co. move was independent of the power to Speak and beg him to cease torment- Tl 2 legionaries who took" it to Je- the addition of some other members, situation prevails in the entire region, t.tb & Martha Stu. Barney 1662 COMPLETE STORE AMP ing my son who only did wrong in the rusalem, showed themselves proud of would be by far more effective and where there is a Jewish population of be able to do so. Omaha, _»ebr. OFFICE OUTFITTERS their flag! They did not provoke anyAgain his friends called to him, heedlessness of youth. Speak with him. one, but neither would they degrade would obviate the demoralization, about a quarter of a million. Similar Soft gray Iron, brass, bron2e end alnW« occupy castings. Standard"sizes bronze "Shejan! Shejan! Come down Shejan Tell him 1 will burn candles for him .themselves. In Better—_ust outside chaos and waste attending unorgin- reports are coming from other parts tuinnm 10,000 (quart IMt and Iron bDEDinps, sewer n_nnlio_es, in church, say mass for me. Only let Jerusalem—the legionaries;were met ized separate campaigns by towns of Poland, from Warsaw, Lodz, Bialy- cistern riDgs and covers, nnd clean-out h and away from the Jew's grave!" Elevontti «nrt O»nel»» Ktrectf. stok, ..Lemberg, etc The need is in- doors In stock. by the members of the Jewish Opera and organizations. ,And Shejan in a voice hoarse with the spirit depart from my son." " rbnnci J«ek»«o Company, and—after thousands of terror replied, "Oh, I can't! I can't! Gently the rabbi bade her .rise* and years Referring to the call issued by the describable, and speedy relief is most OMAHA. N"EB. of foreign domination—the Old Meyritz is? holding me by the legs depart in peace; he would do the ut- Bether mountains, the Bar Buchbah Joint Distribution Committee, Mr. I.; urgent-, asked. Some organizations; and I can't move. Oh! Oh! Meyitz is most that lay in his power. "Let Us Help Yen Keep Clean" L. Brill, in his daily review in the in America have already taken the in the relief work, but the pulling me by the legs. I ca'nV come He visited Shejan and tried to a- bloodshot and vacant; and the lips "Daily News" says: "Mr. Warburg initiative of individual organizations is Frontier Towel & Linen Supply down." rouse him, to encourage him out of dark and cracked. He could not eat, is not in the habit of making senti- action insufficientA.united effort must be His friend entreated him to try a- his disorder, but all he succeeded in neither could he drink. He could only mental statements and what he says 1819 California Street made by e Jewish masses in America m u gain, while their alarm grew with was in Shejan recognizing that he was roll his eyes, while-ever and anon the ATlantic 62»1. s t be taken to the heart, and action to cope with this extraordinary situa"Manufactured in Omaha" their dread of approaching too near the Jewish priest and in begging him words "Meyritz is still holding me by must" follow without any further posttion. The "Forward" calls upon all the dead. Again, and yet more anx- to pray to Meyritz.* ponement." • •'.'- the legs"* would escape-him. BAKEK ICE MACHINE CO. ^ Jewish labor, organizations to do iously they called to Shejan, but still The Rabbi, pious scul, had some be- For three days he lay thus, his life "More cannot be said," declares the their duty and. combine into'a single Wet Wash . the same reply, "Meyritz is holding lief in good or evil spirits. Or per- ebbing, white the- mothe^sat solitary "Forward" editorially/xeferring to the Semi-Flat : ~ eqneentraited'. effort to this .end. me by the legs, pulling me into the haps, in the event ci his refusal, fear- in her grief. Watching she was beside same statement byith'e ^Chairman of Rough Dry ___._._ -.— r grave." ed some anti-Jewish rising. While her dying son; Thmrgh otners- spurned the' J. D / C . "No i'time • must now "Whither i shall " they~lemigrate?" AMERICAN WET WASH As the horror of his position became Shejan lay groaning on his bed, the him, yet .be ;lost. The sp'eediei ihe; relief-action writes.the/"Jewish Daily, Eagle" of ^hers,Harney 0881 2808 Cuming St. ^ , more evident to him, Shejan called Rabbi and the Chevra Kadisha^ the 'will ;be;.:taken, the" gregtgr will be-the Ganada, '<"" iissing the', plight of the She watched', ^ever* h'oping against chances'-of saving the Jews of Polandv JewisTi-. population of Poland.- "With again to his friends, begging them to most respectable 'men of the communpull him off the grave; he was him- ity whose duty was to attend to all hope that Siiejan would become well Bessarabia and elsewhere from the the doors off all countries' practically self incapable of movement. They the requirements of the dead, rode out again. Perhaps-; a mffalHe^wouTd take1 worst.. The speedy relief is the best closed, with Mexico, Brazil and other place, if enoughs onl$»' sKe: -prayed would not come nearer; but the cries to the Jewish cemetery. Over the sincerely iWi^h handsdevoutly clasped',, relief. We -must not no>v^ enter upon Central and South American States enough J :Wi^hi hands of Shejan becoming more frenzied grave of Meyer they held a service; sincerely and head bentJshe.ptayed yet clasped' once a- discussion.- as to who is r to blame, for proving to be unfit for Jewish mass Interstate Printing Co. COMPANY and agonized, with a sudden spurt of and the .rabbi exhoited him • to free gain, that Meyritz .would Telent an-1 the long delay. We must see to it now immigration, even the everlasting at1307 Howard St. At. 8028 courage they crossed themselves and the Christian youth, to depart from so release her son;. Slie-pr^yeti earri- that th- be no -further loss of time.'' traction of Palestine cannc' solve the AT-1000 E.SCHERER 1 -rushed toward the grave. Present problem of t" . Jews.of EastOmaha, Nebr. "Delegations are superfluous," says Shejan for the sake of the holy name, estly too t.red tb &e freriziea, for frehBy main force, with the strength But the cemetery was silent, and the had spent her physical strength. the "Morning Journal!', "and Dr. ern Eu-crean countries, '.however . that their terror oi the unknown lent earth unresponsive., • In the 'mia'st- of'her 'devotions, she Bernard. Kahn, European director of willing the masses of Jewish small FATRONIZli OUR ADVERTISERS them, the six youths dragged Shejan For three days the mother sat be- heard, in a low, clear tone; ''Ah, Mey- the J. D. C. was perfectly justified in traders*and othefelements would be from the grave or to level ground side her son, caring and tending him. ritz, released at last!" advising the Jewish "Kolo" not to to Settle down in Eret- Israel." The She caused candles to be lighted for while he cried; "Oh, Meyritz is holdWith a-glad cry the mother "sprang send any delegation to ;America. We paper'notes, however, with'' much -ing me fast. He won't let go..Meyritz Meyritz, she prayed to .him, and in to her feet. She bent .towards,the bed, have had enough of politics, and a satisfacticm the progress of Zionistic ' " " ~ .; ;' her heart was the hope that her son exultant to think ot an answer to her delegation is nothing but this. Relief activities. - won't let go.1 ISADOKE ABllAIMSOX It was a sacl company that stopped would recover. None of the neighbor- prayer. * "' -•> * which can be had .from America must outside, the door of Shejan's home.' called to see Shejan. he was ostracised Shejan was. released.' Aye? released be as little political or partial in any The best strength of ; a ' man is Public Accountants and Auditors The young man perspiring with exer- "His • sad• state -—- was considered -•...„_• by nil.. in death. way ac possible. No one need come shown in his intellectual wofk.as that of a woman in" Her daily deed and - tion, and trembling with superstitious to be the result of his im._iGUs defile- The church "refused SKejan the rite here to tell .us what Sve know. If the character. ' " ' —Euskin. -.. "fear of the .evil spirit, supported the ment of the sanctuary of a dead man; of sepulchure. In the.dusk, of evening Jews here were not to divided in theii „ , # • • * fear of Systems—Audits—Investigations the coffin was carried out of the little attitude toward" certain relief organ' h ith hite f d and in dread, they remained away. • '„ &£;;Shejan, Miho with white face and Oh yet we trust tkat somehow good 490 BKANDE1S THEATER BLDG. house lo the Christian cemetery where Shejan lay as a log—immovable. izations and divided-among themselves was moaning i& eyes w s moaning His color was gone, .caving the face a piece of'ground was grudgingly giv. ? MalosAtlantic 1450. h f .the. ^ £ , f ikeAoans./Shfr mshed fo Kaggard and drawn, while the eyes en to receive the earthly iem'a£n_t" uf grcupings, much more could have , jjgf^jg o f doubt, and taint? «f blood. door, to learn.the-cause.of were deep sunken in their sockets, the youg Pole. been accomplihed. This truth the-»^ .J,; , . . _ . « . ' —-Tennyson.



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