February 11, 1926

Page 1

, ,T3ietcynic isone who knows ' the • price of every, t h i n g , apd the v a l u e of nothing.—

Success or failure in business is caused more by mental attitude even than by • mental capacities. — Walter BUI Scott.. .

VOL. V-^To. 10

Oscar Wilde.

Ted as second-class -mall-matter on January 27tli, 1921, at Sice at Omaha. Nebraska, under the Act ol March 8, 1879..

Rabbi JL Hillel S r $ Will Speak in Om? Tliursday^ February 18 Rabbi SUver is Touring" Country for Palestine Fund Campaign HE IS LEADING ORATOR OF THE JEWISH PULPIT

Musicians to Broadcast . Sunday Afternoon A joint concert.-will-.be broadcasted by Karl E.' Tunberg,; pianist,. and Harry KononoyitchjiT violinist, from the .Schmoiler & Mueller" Auditorium, Sunday ' afternoon*-February 14, at 3:30.


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The program has been especially arranged by them. They are both well-known in musical circles in Omar h




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Give Series of Annual Tournament of Thorpeiahs Sunday Matinee Dances Oa?id A .Brown W I Be Here Friday as the Aleph Zadik Aleph to be In four more~days the Jewish Press Popularity Contest Held in Lincoln Friday Guest of Omaiia Jewry will close and on JNIonday: evening the tabulation ofvotes will

Four More Days Lett To Obtain Votes For Popularity Contest

The fourth of a series of Sunday matinee dances sponsored by the Thorpeian Athletic Club will be given this Sunday afternoon, February 14, at Kelpine's Dancing Academy. The committee in charge of these dances are Joe Krestul, Joe Raduziner, and Sam Friedel., Ron's Collegiate Orchestra furnishes the music for the dances.

begin to tell who will be adjudged the;most .popular Jewish Omaha A. Z. A, Basketball Team He Will Speak at Temple Israel <2irl. Votes can be cast for the contestants until 6:00 p. m. to Compete for. Honors Friday Evening Monday,1 February 15,.'1926. These votes must be brousfct TOURING 14 STATES IN ZACHARIA TO ENTER by the contestants to The Jewish Press office. Votes that SAM IN ORATORIAL CONTEST BEHALF OF UNITED DRIVfl are brought in later than alloted time will not count. David A. Brown, chairman of the A. Z. A. enthusiasts are toAll contestants are making their final dash £OT the prize dayOmaha $15,000,000 United Jewish Campaign making final preparations to at- Noon Pay Luncheon Club offered by The Jewish Press. The contest which is one. of tend the. second A / Z . A. besketball and one of America's most distinthe largest ever conducted in the city has met with general oratorical .tournament, to be held at Organized by Actiye -Omakans guished Je\n-iSh personalities, will be the guest of-Omaha Jewry on Friday, favor from the large number of subscribers to The Jewish Lincoln,., starting tomorrow and end-

Rabbi Abba Hillel Silver one of the leading orators in - the Jewish pulpit will be the guest of Omaha Jewry Thursday February 18,! when he will speak at a public gathering : ing Sunday."; Quite a number are ex- Will Meet Every Friday Noon— February 12, and will deliver an ad-. • : - • ; > --•" ':.• : •"•'"-''' at Temple Israel. Rabbi Silver one of Will Continue Drive Uutil ?30,0(HK is P r e s s . • -•'• • dress Friday evening- at 8 o'cluck at pected-to .leave from Omaha, to attend ~ Prominent Men to Speak at the leaders of the. reform, movement - Raisedj Temple Israel' on "Jewish Problems this second j biggest event' of the A. ; Every^subscription' turned in by the contestants will / . Luncheon in America is now touringr, the: counA. calender. Close to 200 are expectin Many Lands". try in' behalf of the Palestine Nation-' "Up*to noon Wio&esd^y^-more-than:. c6unt as .250 votes. ' ~ JTeSy subscriptions wilf count the same : ed to be in. attendance. Br. Brown, who is making a 21 On Friday, February. 5th, 1926, at l 1 / \ al Fund campaign for- Five- Million- $10,000; has been raised 3 ^ the-.workThe; Lincoln chapter A. Z. A. has day trip in which he is covering 14 at the Brandeis •i luncheon given Dollards. • • ers in-the~330,000-drive tabuildv a been working diligently on "the .meet; Restaurants, by former, members of states for the purpose of oi-ganizing1 : The girls who are making their final dash toward the Rabbi Silver according to many new. annex .for: the Temple IsraeL and have had the co-operation of their the B'NAI AMI CLUB, there was American- Jewry'.-.for the "Overseas prize and. "«rh<> during the next four days plan to increase various who lave heard him is known as the.Sunday School. Jewish organizations. Joe formed a nooii-day club consisting of Chest" to relieve the desperate plight The drive will be continued until their votes^are Leone Xovitsky of the Y.M. and;Y.W.H.A.; Mozer, member of the Lincoln chaptsilver ton gued orator of the pulpit. the following charter members: Ru- of East European Jews, and also to His congregation.in Cleveland is one the entire amount will be raised. .Miss Fannie Katehnan of Council.Bluffs; Mildred Harris er, is .in charge.. ben Vasin, '• Moe Iinsman, William finance the gigantic back-to-the-soil More volunteer workers., are needed of the Poali-Zion Club;and Miss Sylvia Feldman of the of the largest in the country. Sam Zacharia^ is to be the Omaha Pearlman, Morris Vsim, Max Fromk- movement of Russian Jewry, will At this public gathering Rabbi to put the drive over.. Those who will Auflebung Club. representative, in the Oratorical sec- in, M. E. Handler, David Cohen, Alex arrive in Omaha Friday morning and .;•;,, .----. ; Silver will outline the needs of the volunteer their services, and the use tion of the tournament. Eight men Frank, Sam Cohn, I. Schlaifer, Fred will be met by & reception committee Jews in. Palestine. No funds of any of their cars call Harry Z. Rosenfeld, The winner ouf the; contest Mill, be announced in the next are in the final running for berths on White, Sam Bialac, Sam Schwartz, of prominent Omaha Jews. At noon at JAckson 4306. . ; • the local basketball team which trav- Julius Abraham son, Ernie Meyer, . " F u l l y half of the, pupils of the issue of The Jewish Press. els to Lincoln. -' Only six men, how- Harry Frankel, J. J. Greenberg, AlTemple Israel Sunday School are the ever, are to be' chosen,'according to bert Wohlner, Dr. M. Stein, Archie children of non-members and the parStanley F. Levin, manager of the lo- Jacobs, J. Gerelick, Ephraim Yousem, ents of these are sending, subscripcal A. Z.' A. team. "The eight are: and Immanuel Yousem. tions. Inasmuch 'asthis is the first Morris; Riess, Max Altshuler, Melvin A committee has been appointed by opportunity that these non-mebers "Bud" Levin," Dave Foreman, Herbert the President Max Fromkin, to bring have had to contribute.to the Temple Election Of Officers For Ensuing! Sixty Members .Attended: Meeting Foreman, Billie Gerelick, Sam Bender in. a recommendation of a name for I ^ since it's erection eighteen years ago, Year Will Take Place Tuesday Evening at Blackstone, and Dave Bleicher. the new organization together with a and' particularly, since no tuition is The first;day'of the tournament, constitution and "by-laws. charged, we would greatly appreciate More than 60 members of the HighThe annual meeting of the Jewish The tentative officers are Max if those who have not yet done so Welfare Federation will, be held :Sun- land. Country Club 'attended the an- Friday, is to "be taken up with ptewould send in their donations a t once, day evening February 21; at the Fon- nual stockholders meeting held Tues- liminary basketball gaires, with the Fromkin, President, Dr. M. Stein, Secand as liberally as possible," said tenelle Hotel. At this "meeting com- day evening, February 9r at the final game to be" run off late Saturday retary. .afternoon. A "dance will be held SatThis club is open to all professional Harry Z. Rosenfeld, chairman of the plete reports of the various commit- Blackstone Hotel. .-;.!.' • urday: night :. Sunday, the last day of and business men in the City of Omadrive." "We have granted: a period tees of the Welfare Federation will Ed .Treller, Harryv A. Wolf,-- M. the meet, Vwill be given over to the of three years to make these pay- be made. . ;: Herzberg,. and Sidney Manley- were Oratorical division. A- number of in- ha and applications are now being receivfed by iSe membership committee. ments and we are confident that the The' annual • election of: officers to elected, trustees to ^erve/for the cidental programs have also been, arThere/are no dues. Meetings are Jewish people.of Omaha1 and Council the Jewish Welfare' Federation will period of three years.. ~ s ; . . held each Fridajr noon-at the private BiaffE.:wiil*^eethea^bd of this Adr take* j>lace. All" subscribers of/ the -The financialandpxestefent^ report ranged for 4h« Lincoln boys, ; ; r At the!;: first tejirnament, held in i BuiJarng ^and 'arevjised edition .y last yt&Xi ; Kansas':. City platcejl The club has «xitKned -» very intery^ \ Press. •meelipg. which "ik of utmost import* issue of the first in. the two evejits,: faking, both ,speakers:for thesjE; g i g j p Those that have inot^ilready been. ancey_-according to 'officers, of the Following the business' meeting, a main cups.: At. that time debate was : : noon-day meetings. . The purpose of called upon _ can maif- their s Federation. • ' stag- and midnight supper was,.served scheduled in place of oratory. Second • David,A. Brown the Club is the social and educational tion to> Mr. Lotiif Hiller, 1436 First at the; Blackstone. A' complete program will' be, presplace cups, were- won' by Garyl, in RABBtHILLEL SILVER advancements of its members. National Bank- Building, ';or •phGne :tb.j ented .to the audience with' music by Friday, a luncheon will be given foi basketball, and : Council Bluffs, for kind will be asked at this meeting. any one of the solicitors who will be" the" Jewish Community Center: or- Program at Y.M. and Y.W.H.A. debate. Omah is hoping- to win honMr, Brown at the Brandeis Grill, and A large jreception committee has glad to call personally. ' - : Meeting Monday Ey«ning ors this year in both- divisions. Tochestra. '--.:.•>•-will be attended^fey. 100 Jews from been appointed in honor of Rabbi The new- annex to be built will be Nebraska and lova. . " ';. ~"*••••• ward that aim Stanley Levin has been Silver by the chairman of the local used to house the classes of the SunA regular meeting of the Y. M. and endeavoring to put the Omaha basketThe following men are members of Auflebung Club Masquerade Zionist District. A luncheon will be day School, and to furnish the.proper Y. W. H. A. will be held Monday the Reception Commitee ' for Mr. in good shape. Marcus Krasne, Ball February 21 evening, February 15, at 8:30 P. M. eers given in honor of Rabbi Silver facilities for-religious instruction and Creighton football star^ is coaching Revised A. Z. A. Constitution snd Brown: Thursday noon. The following men social spiritual recreation. The "modern girl" will tell her likes the team. Ritual . • • The1 fourth annual masquerade ball Harry Z. Itopenfeld, chairman; have been appointed as members of The new School House will be erect- of the Auflebung Club will be given and dislikes where the young men of In oratory, Sam Zacharia, has been Rabbi FTedirick Cohn; N. P. Feil; A. the reception committee: ed directly in the-rear of the present Sunday evening, February 21, at 8:30 today is concerned. Not to be out- putting every effort in finishing -with The constitution and ritual of the Goldstein, H. S. Heavenrich; Win. L. Harry Z. KoBenfeld. Rabbi Frederick Temple and wfll be three-stories high. Aleph Zadek Aleph was revised by Holzman: Barry H. Lapidus; J. H. at Kelpine.'s Dancing Academy. This done in this respect, the "modern a well polished- speech. Colin, N. P. Fell, A. Goldstein, H. S. Heavenrich. "Win. L. Holzman, Harry Lapidns, It will contain nine- large airy rooms, is one of the largest events given each young- man" will present his views Omahans who are leaving for the the commission that met in Omaha Kulakofsky; Hany Malashock; HenJ. H. Kulnkofsky. Harry Malashock, Henry with specially arranged ventilators, so as faT as the young lady of this day tournament are: Sunday, and Monday, February 7 andry Monsky; Henry Rosenthal; Dr. P. Monsty, Henry Eoseuthal, Dr. Philip Sber, year by the club. J. J . Slosbnrp. Ed; Treller, Harry Woll, Judges- will be chosen to pick the and age is concerned. Other subjects A. Z. A. Basket ball squad, Marcus 8, at" the Fontenelle Hotel. Joe Wolf, I. ZiPEler, John Feldmon, Max as to safeguard the health- of the Sher; J. J. Slosburg, Jr.; Ed Treller; Fromkln, Fred White, J. J. Friedman, Dr. children - with perfect ventilation. three most original' costumes. The for discussion will be Jewish topics of Krasne, Coach, of the team, Stanly The first business meeting of the Harry A. • Wolf; Joe L. Wolf; 1. A. Roram, J. B. HobiiiEon, A. I. Kulakofs- Each room will be equipped with its ky, J. Katlemau. Dr. M. G. TVohl, Dr. Vicclub is also giving three prizes to the day led by "thinkers" of the "Y". F. Levin, Manager of the Omaha de- commission was opened at 9:30 Sun- Ziegler. tor LeTlne,.J«athan Bernstein, Joe IJosen- own black-board, will have flat-arm Musical numbers will complete the en- legation, Max Altshuler, Morris Reiss. day morning. Sam Beber, Omaha, those selling the most-tickets. thal, William Blumenhtal. Mr. Brown is one of the outstand* tertainment. chairs, so the children can take notes, Dave Bleicher, Dave "* Formf.n, Sam was elected permanent chairman of ing Jewish figures of our country, A regular meeting of the club will as well a- hooks for their wraps, and be held Sunday, February. 14, at the Bender, Billy Gerelick, Bud Levin, the commission, and Milton Schayer, and is devoting his life to the soluother conveniences. I. O. B. B. Auxiliary to Give Sam Leibowitz, Sam. Zacharia, Harry Denver, was elected secretary. Other tion of Jewish problems. Mr. Brown Jewish Community Center. Musical 100% Subscribers to the Jewish Sidman, Louis Riklin, Dave Bischoff, members of the commission were has just returned from a trip around and-literary numbers are being'preDance February 16th Community Center Building Fund Solly Myreff, Meyer Freeman, Jerome Archibald. Hillman, of Worcester, the world and has a very interesting pared for the program. The Women's Auxiliary of the J. Abramson, Diamon, Marion Graetz, Mar Givot, Mass., Julius J. Cohn, Chattanooga, and important message to deliver on H. H. Auerbadr B'nai Brith initiated twenty-five Tenn., Phil Klutznik, of Kansas City, this occasion. and Harry Rubinstein. Temple. Sisterhood To Give ' Elihu Block candidates last Thursday evening at Mo., and Meyer Freeman, of Omaha. A. Cohen Evening Benefit,Card Party No funds of any kind will be the Jewish Community Center. Ula The commission was appointed by '' . Samuel Cobn The Board" of the Jewish Women's Febr. 17 At Blackstone solicited al the meeting Friday eveAlberts was chairman in charge of 'Welfare' Organization have' invited, . . • • • J . Rayman President Alfred Cohen, af the I. O. ning. This .will be a reprasentativ* the initiation. A program was also the members of,the "fourteen Jewisb. •-;••... ,.--_• H , Marcus B. B., pursuant to a resolution adoptThe Sisterhood of* Temjle Israel Nebraska gathering, and every Jew Louis "Ziev presented. ed by the Constitution Grand Lodge Wonien^s Organii;ations : to^ a - tea, to will entertain at a benefit card party Max Kurtman in Nebraska and Iowa is invited to Fifty couples are expected to at- be given Tuesday afternoon, March Mrs. A. Romm was re-elected presi- of the I. O. B. B., at its 12th Quin- attend. •Wednesday evening, Februarq 17, at • : • ' - • Margolin Brothers tend the Valentine dance to be given 2, at the Blaclcstone ^Hotel; Edward Luback dent of the Omaha Chapter of Hada- quennial convention held last April at by the club Tuesday evening,-Feb- , This is the second annual social the Blackstone Hotel.' Cards and Harry Wilinsky saah at its annual election held Wed- Atlantic City, N. J., At that conven- JEWS RELIEVED OF Max Shames ruary 16, at the Hanscom Park Pavil- gathering of all Jewish Women's or- MaH Mah Jongg will be featured and nsday afternoon, January 27, at the tion, the L O. B. B. officially endorsed prizes will be awarded. Refreshments Louis Lustgarten COMPULSORY SUNDAY ion. Mrs. Sam Wolf is chairman of ganizations, sponsored by the JewJewish Community Center. Other the A. Z. A-, movement, and underREST IN LATVIA the dance. She is being assisted by ish Women's-^Welfare Organization. will also be served. officers elected are: Mrs. J. Rosen- took its sponsorship. Sam Gilinsky is head of the PICA SENDS GIFT Lillian Kooper, Berdie Berger, Berdie" At this affair, the president of each After the meeting, a luncheon for berg, first vice-president; Mrs. J. circle giving the party and the women OF PALESTINE FRUIT g—the Jewish population of the Selicow, and Ann Greenberg. 25 guests was held at 12:30 at the of the fourteen organizations give assisting her as hostesses, are MesLintzman, second vice-president; Mrs. TO LORD BALFOUR Republic of Latvia will not undergo short talks, oh the wiork of their club.j dames Samuel Katz, Ed Merritt, JulDavid Cohny third vice-president; Mrs. Fontenelle, followed by an initiation the hardships imposed by the compulUNION OF ROUMANIAN A program of unusual talent is^be- ins-Newman, Reuben Kulakofskv Has Palestine Interests At Heart, A. Silverman treasurer; Mrs. M. F. of seven candidates to the Omaha sory Sunday rest law, it became ing prepared' for the afternoon's en- Fred Rosenstock, Charles Schimmel, Author of Balfour Declaration Says Goodman, financial secretary; and Chapter A. Z. A. Those initiated known here today following a meeting JEWS ISSUES PROTEST Mrs. J. J. Friedman, recording ser- were: Sol Myroff, Louis Winstroub, of the Judical Committee of the LatAGAINST MISTREATMENT tertainment. Two' talented- musicians- Louis Sommer, Isador Ziegler, Emil Stanley Shapiro, DaVe Bishoff, Simon who will appear on the program are Ganz, Louis Goldsmith,,S.;H./RosenJerusalem,—Appreciation of the retary. via parliament. Persecution Has Lasted Four Years; Gilbert••; Jaffe,_ well-known violinist, berg, and Samuel Sommer.: Tickets gift of Palestine products was ex- The Board of Directors and the Green, Billie Gerelick, and Morris r Reiss. Demand Redress and Charlotte - - Abrahams, ' pianist- may be procured from any members pressed by Lord Balfour .in a com- committees to be appointed will be At 2:30, the members of the com- PALESTINE SECTION AT . Other numbers will also be presented. of the circle. munication addressed to Col. Freder- announced in a later issue of the Jew. . DUSSELDORF EXHIBITION mission held another business meetMrs!, Max Frojnkrh^isin charge' of ish Press. Bucharest,^—A protest against the ick H. Kish* political representative \ ing. A banquet in the evening at. B'NAI BTBITH IN GERMANY At noon, January 27, the officers ti-Jewish excesses in Roumania and: the affair. of the Zionist Executive in Jerusalem, and directors of the Hadasaah enter- tended by 100 guests was the con- Jerusalem,—A Palestine section at . ' tha attitude of the Roumanian govmade public here today. TAKES MEASURES AGAINST • ernment toward the safety of its Jew- PLANMEMORLAIJTO SUCIDE EPIDEMIC The gift, several cases of oranges tained at a surprise luncheon at the cluding event of the meet. The follow- the International Hygiene Exhibition in DusseMorf, Germany, will be arJEWISH SOLDIERS WHO^ _ ish citizens was issued yesterday by and grapes grown in. t h t Jewish col- Brandeis Tea Rooms in honor of Mrs. ing program was presented: Toastmaster—Dr. A. Greenberg. ranged, according to a report of t i e FELL m POLISH WARS Public Gathering Makes Anti-Suicide onies of Palestine, was sent to Lord Room, who recently moved into her the Union of Roumanian Jews.. Welcome—Max Givot, Aleph Go- Zionist Executive here today. . An appeal signed by "the Executive '•"•••..•• . P a c t , ' • . . • . Balfour by the Pica, the Palestine new home. dol, Omaha Chapter A. Z. A. The Exhibition will be opened the "Warsaw,—A memorial to the Jew.Committee of the Union declares that branch of the Jewish Colonization Songs—Jack Frieden. COUNCIL TO MEET FEB. 22 "for> four years Roumanian Jews were ish soldiers; who fell in! the" wars of - Berlin,—Measures to prevent the Association. Remarks—Phil Klutznick. Grand beginning of May. attacked and insulted in the universi- the Polish-Republic; will be erected spread of the suicide epidemic among " I require no fillip for my interest The Council of Jewish Women will Aleph Godol, A. Z. A. Piano Solo—Miss Ida Newman. here, according to plains formulated ties, theaters, and railways. Syna: Jews in Germany, were considered at in Palestines affairs. However, I meet Monday * afternoon, February Dr. A. Greenberg, chairman, Sim, Responses—Miltoa Sch&yet, Dengogues and "cemeteries were desecrat- by Dr. Mizes^chief Jewish; chaplain- a huge mass meeting called by the take this specimen of Jewish enter- 22, at 2:30, at the Jewish Commun- ver, Archibold Hillmsn, Worcester, Wolf, F. J..Alberts, Dr. Phillip Eod, Jewish houses and property de- in the Polish army. German lodges of the Independent prises as an indication that things are ity Center. Mrs. Carl Furth is in Julius J. Cohn, Chattanooga. monek, and Dr. A. Steinberg, were The memorial is" to be erected at Order B'nai B'rith. Members of seven pprospering with my Zionist friends," charge of the program to be presentSketch—Hyman Shrier. stroyed. The. perpetrators of these the members of the banquet commitRemarks—Sam Beber, Pres. Su- tee of the B'nai B'rith, and the memcrimes have gone unpunished; the the Warsaw cemetery in the section lodges were ppresent at the .meeting Lord Balfour wrote. ed at the meeting. preme Advisory Council, A. S. A. on the Jewish soldier's graves. The Wednesday night. damages were not repaid." Saturday morning,, February 27, The Melody Boys—Harry Green bers of the A. Z. A. committee in The appeal urges the Roumanian memorial will cost several "thousand . The entire gathering took an oath charge of the banquet were Fred Love, when true, faithful, and well hCouncil Sabbath -will be held a t and Sam Minkin. government to take immediate meas- Zlotys. An. appeal, to. the. Jewish' com- to withstand the sacrifices, the needs fixed, is eminently the sanctifying Temple Israel. Mrs. IFV Rosenthal Address—Harry H. Lapidns, Brodkey, chairman, Harry Sidmsn, ures to punish the perpetrators and to munities in' Poland to support the and the persecutions which they have element of human life: — *itfaoui it, will read a.paper, and a musical Member Supreme Advisory Council, Louis Rksklin, Leon Mandelson, Louis the soul cannot Teach its fullest A. 2 . A. indemnity to. ths Jewish victims. fund has been- made. Diamond, .and Sam to undergo'at present. program will also l?e'given, height or holiness. Address—Irvin Stalmaster. j .

Temple Israel Raised for New Annex

Jewish Welfare Federation Four TrusteesElected at Annual Meeting February 21 Hiehland Stockholders Meet

A. I A. Commission Met k Omaha February 7 aid 8

Jewish Women's Organizations to Hold Joint Meetiag

(teak Chapter ©f Elected Annual Officers




FubHsbed overj Thursday at Omaha. Nebtaskt. t>y


son. While here they attended the entertaining their Evening Bridge Bar Mitzvoafr of their nephew Yale Club at their hfrme Thursday. • Meyerson.Mrs. B. Saltzman entertained' at a Mr. B. Markovitz has returned Dinner Patty last week at her home honor of Mrs. Aekettnan home from the Mercy Hospital where m he has been confined for three weeks of New York City, -who are visiting suffering from injuries received in an in Omaha. accident recently. Abe Katehnan will be in Lincoln, Nebr., Sunday to attend the National Mr. Leo Krasne left Thursday for A. Z. A. Ortorical Consett, as the Miss Minnie Friedman left Thurs- New York City. He expects to re- Council Bluffs representative. turn hoine Sunday. day evening for Kansas City, Mo., to visit her sister, Mrs. E. Ginsberg, and Vaudeville stunts at the I. 0. B. B. Mr and Mrs. Maurice Girdstnen Dr. Ginsberg. formerly of Manhattan, Kansas, ar- dance Sunday evening, February 28. Mrs. Leo Krasne fend daughter, rived here to make their home in this at Hotel Fontenelle.-i-Adv. Arlyn Louise, left Thursday for Cac- city, and have moved to 1002-Fifth ramento, Calif., to visit her father, Avenue. j ATTRACTIVE, COZY, WARM Mr. Gordsen, for about two months. ROOM in new, modern home. Mr. Joe Gilinsky returned home Mrs. Sani FreJden left Sunday for after a week's trip in Kansas City, Beautiful location, IVt blocks Sioux City, la., to spend the week Mo., on business. from carline. Suitable for 1 with her duttghter Mrs. Louis Heeger, or 2. Call WAlnut 7760. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Saltzman are and Mr, Heeger.

given in his honor was a Bridge Party given last Wednesday vening by Mr. and Mrs. J» Rosen; and a family Dinner Party given on Sunday evening by Mr. and Mrs. Abe Leibovlta at their home. Mr. Steinman is leaving Sunday, and will visit in Chicago, and Florida before returning to Canada. Mr. Steinman is making the trip by motor.

The Talmud Torah Sunday School will present a Purim Program on Sunday afternoon, Febr. 28. Further Did you know that? announcements will be made in the The national A. Z. A. basketball "Jewish Press " later. Subscription Price, one year——: • ...,,.....•—?2.50. and oratorical tournament will be Advertising rates furnished on application. held at Lincoln, Nebraska. The Mr. I. Morgenstein will Speak on CHANGE OF ADDBESS—Please ^ve both the old and new address; tournament will start today and con- Friday evening at the Synagogue at : : , be enre and give your name. eight o'clock and the entire communiThe Jewish Press is sopplied by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency (Jewish tinue till Sunday nite. The first round pairings will be as ty is invited to attend. Correspondence Bureau) with cabled and telegraphic Jewish news, In^dditioa to feature articles and correspondences from all Important Jewish centers. 'ollows: Mr. Philip Krasne Student at the Inquiries regarding news items credited to this Agency will be gladly incoln, Nebr. vs. Sioux City, lo. answered if addressed to Jewish Telegraphic Agency, 621 Broadway, New Kansas City, Mo. vs. Des Moines, la. University of Michigan, arrived WedYork City; ' \ nesday for a short visit with liig pat* Omaha drew a bye. The following teams won in the ents, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Krasne. MEETING THE NEEDS district elimination series: Gery, Ind>, lie is a member of the Michigan Deteam and debated in Gilford, Assuredly, there has not been a.-time in modem Jewish history defeated both Grand Rapids, Mich., bating HI., Tuesday He will return when so much thought and energy have been expended on Jewish and Maywood, 111. Saint Paul, Minn., to Ann Arborevening. to resume his studies eduatiori, principally in this country. In New York, of course, defeated both Minneapolis, Minn., and Monday. Wise. the problem is keenest. The Jewish Education Association, Superior, The first game will start fct ten Gilinsky debated in Lincoln, however* is busy with schools and children, and the Teachers o'clock at the Lincoln Y. M. C. A. Nathan , last Thursday evening, and in institutes of the Hebrew Union College and the Theological Omaha will play in the eecond round Hastings on Friday, as a member of Mr. B. Balaban left Sunday on busiSeminary are providing teachers. The work in New York is lim- which will start early in the evening. the negative team of the Abraham ness for SiouX City, Iowa; Sioux Falls, So. Dakota; St. Paul, and Duited' only by the means provided through the Education Associa- The Omaha A. Z. A. cagers have Lincoln High School. luth, Minn. Me expects to be gone put in a busy week in intensive tion. In Cleveland and Cincinnati, where the problem is not so Miss Ethel Goldberg of St. Paul, two weeks* training for the coming contests. asute, there have been organized Bureaus of Jewish Education. Monday nite the Omaha boys met Minn., who has been visiting in OmaThese propose to attack the conditions facing all shades of Judaism and defeated the Catholic SokolS, a ha and Council Bluffs for the past two Miss Reva Gilinsky returned home Perfect Karat in their communities, including normal schools for the training of Bohemian aggregation. The final months, will leave Monday, Febr. 15, Friday after a two monthB trip in the Platinum Mountings She visited relatives in Chica* teachers; At the forthcoming meeting of the Board of Synagogue score was 2i to 19 in favor of the for Cedar Rapids, Iowa, where she East. go, and in Brooklyn, New York. will visit about two weeks before reand School Extension of the Union of American Hebrew Con* Jewish lads. G. F.T.F.T.A.P.F.Pts turning home. Numerous affairs Mr. and Mrs. Ben Gershum of gregations, special attention will be given io Jewish educational 0 0 3 6 have been given complimentary ta Schuyler, Nebr., returned home on . 3 Gefelick ". conditions as they prevail in the smaller communities throughout 0 0 4 Miss Goldberg during her stay. Monday after spending a few days .-. . 2 the nation. The National Federation of Temple Sisterhoods is Reiss Among her hostesses this week here with Mr. and Mrs. Sam 0 . 0 4 Altshuler ..: . 2 working in this direction, and the National Council of Jewish Bender — . 1 0 0 2 2 prior to her departure was her cousin, Women devotes much effort in behalf of Jews living on farms. At Bleicher ...... , 2 0 0 2 4 Mrs. Harry Cohen, who entertained 1 0 at a luncheon-bridge at the Brandies the same time, the Board of Editors of the Union of American Levin .......... . 0 0 , 0 FROM THE* . 0 0 0 0 0 Tea Rooms on Monday. On WednesHebrew Congregations and the Central Conference of American Forman ...... day evening, Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Rabbis is applying itself to the same production of greatly needed 8 20 Cohen entertained at their home for 10 0 modem text books. On the whole, a mere survey of the Jewish Goldberg, and also in honor of Wednesday nite the A. 2. A. boys , educational situation in America points to a growing realization trimmed the Omaha University res- Mr. and Mrs. Nathan E. Green of Df the needs and increasing, organized endeavors to meet them. erveB 9 to 3 at-Omaha University. Omaha, who were recently married. These organizations, of course, require funds. Funds, however, as Max Altshuler made 2 free throws On Sunday afternoon Mrs. Dave made 1 free throw has been shown again and again during the recent "Drives" in Dave Beber ohen is entertaining for Miss GoldMorris Reiss made 2 field goals berg, and on Friday noon, Mrs. Joe various parts of the country, and especially in the large cities, Passen will be hostess at a luncheon seem to be available for every worthy cause; and in America at Billy Gerelick made 1 field goal Cost of Eating Jumps 12 P e r ] | Bud Levin, Dave Forman, Dave at the Bfandeis Tea Rooms followed this side, aside from the needs of relief .abroad, there is no cause Bleicher and Sam Bender were the by a Theatre Party complimentary Cent in Year, tJ. S. worthy than Jewish education.—"American Hebrew." other cagera who saw action against to Miss Goldberg. Figures Show. the University men. Mrs. Max Simon entertained hex The Jewish Community Center Afternoon Mah Jong Club at her Moe drew thirty-six passes and was ington. Jan. 11.—{Univ« retired oil strikes only thirty-three team and the Thorpian quintette each home on Tuesday. Tbe times. _ . . - . •••-_•. cc] lost to the league leaders in the laet year Well-^we.; believe Moe will rnafc Remember the B'nai B'rith dance. under observation toy th« Commercial League Wednesday nite. the grade. The date is February 28, lit the Fonof Labor, & report Sunday revealed. - T h e Community Center lost a liy HAUUY CONJSEL In spite of period declines In certenelle, with Randall's Royal Orchesttough game to the Evans Laundry fiKht Witt by seven Arts tain products, food prices have eteadra.—Adv. Venture Byudlcnie.) five "by the ecore of 13 to 9. The Uy increased, the figures show. Eating costs most In Wishingtoa :J. C. C. led at the half 7 to 3. The Yale Meyerson, son of Mr. and Mrs. and New York, bat Atlanta and Clnoss of Leo Konecky in the second Sam Meyerson, entertained thirty-five Sid Terris continues to run in the tfnnatl led the advaneliifc price lightweight division. The other night half caused the downfall of the Jew- of his young friends at a Theatre parade with Increase* of 13 per cent in Buffalo he scored a knockout over sh boys* Konecky was ejected after Party on Saturday afternoon in honor during 1925. Others were: Several weeks ago we prophsied Carr of Buffalo, in the fifth an j altercation -with Floyd Paynter,1 of hts Bar Mitzvoah. Ota&ha. 12 per cent; Philadelphia that Joe 6lfck, new. star on ^he fistic Luke of their ; scheduled:f\ 10: round : and fit Paul. II per cent: Ifldiaa; fivmament, would capture the Junior round EVahs Laundry captain. " , >i'•: - . ' - '•^,;w.:: . Kansas City. New fiaven and world? title. Some of you have smiled. bout; Mr. Ardrar'M. Steinman of Witifiett\ P«orla, 10 pef cent: Boston, BridgeThe sajh£. night Dave, Schwartz, Haykin, 1 basket It looked like a long shot, and the dis- b'antani, peg, Canada, has been visiting here by Frankie Garcia Mitdtnik, 2 baskets and l free throwport, Columbus. Louisville. Manchestant future. But now friends, it of tJticadefeated? in a fast 6 rounder. Swartz, 1 basket for about two weeks with Mr. ami ter and Rochester. 8.9 per cent: Clevelooks different, dosen't it ? Glick's Schwartz lost fight by a very narrow mai<Mrs. Ben Tilpner, Among the affairs Fall Elver. Memphis. New decisive victory over Johnny Dundee The Thbrpians were defeated by ,1 a land. ' ' ' Torlt. Portland* Me.. Providence and stnnips the New York East Side buy ^i Mushey Callahan tred the Stiktites by the one sided "sr has been matched . * the unofficial world's champion. After against Archie Walker for. March 1st.: of 25 to 11. The game during Hie 8 perR^ck, cent: 7Charleston. he gets through with. Ted Morgan, Mushey-wilt: vyitt easy .fashion. C. and Uttle per cent: j•Wa*hi*"rton, first half -was close the Stiktiteg Glick will be the official champion. ItJaMaa and Salt I*ake City. 4 per cent. Daiiny Kramer, one of the best 1 The Dundee-Glick .match in New ,«GIFTSTHAT LASTT During December, however, 18 of * boxers of Philadelphia holding a small lead over ihs Thorps York was a thrilling affair. Glick, featherweight ;he 26 cities teperted' decreases for at the whistle. The Stiktiter. hit their the victim of one of the strangest never in danger of losing, carried on was f hat 'tflOnth of from 3 to OHMi&tt of dicisions. In his bout against Leo stride in the second half and dropped an attack with which he swept aside Kid Roy, of Canada at Philadelphia. 1 per cent. all of Dundee's attempts. The youth* The fight had just begun when the baskets from all angles of the court. Six cities Increased: Dallas. 1 per ful and rugged Jewish boy outboxed referee declared that Kramer had hit Segelman, Shriebman and Leibowitz cent: Atlanta, . Coloabus. Omaha, Ct&il his rival, beating him with left jabs low, and awarded the bout to the played a good game for the losers Wholesale-and Retail Rochester ana St. Paul, oae:ft*!f of t'V 1 pel- cent and left hooks at long range, and Canadian. And so Danny, who would . Jewelers pounding 'the body with rights and have made ehort work .of the :"KM" lefts at dose range. It was a masterDiamond Importers to accept a defeat.- Too bad. weight wrestling champion; and acful exhibition of a scientific, clever had Izjjy Schwartz, the bantam, was de214-216 City Nat'1 Bank Bldg. cording to Bothner's.opinion, Kashner fistic artist. clared the victor in a hurricane thrug- should make good. If he does, he Established 1894 gle against Joe Boss of Brooklyn, It will be the first real Palestinian to was a remarkable bout and Izzy was make good in professional sport. happy when it was over. Izay looked Here is a news item which speaks as,though he had been to the war. volumes for the ncessity of good His left eye and. ear were cut, and he bled profusely at the mouth. You physical condition. v Miss Sadie Stein's fists were more can imagine h6w the hoxer looked. deadly than a gunman's revolver when the bandit demanded her purge soon after she alighted from the New COURT AUtflST THE JEWISH.PRESS PUBUSHING COMPANY Office: 490 Brandeis Theatre Building — Telephone! Atlantic 1450, —- . NATHAN E. GREEN, Manager.

by "STAN"






DIAMONDS Unclaimed V4 Karat Rings $ 2 5 or Better Money Back Guarantee JEWELERS 1514 DODGE STREET

Jmaha Is Near Tow in Food Cost Race | |

Our Sporting Column 1

. thete has beenno increase in. the cost of



Malashock Jewelry Co.



punched him until he called lustily for


Kfc hS i? fflS'Sff K t

Rabbi Abba Hiller Silver



of Cleveland, Ohio

the mainstay of the ' p o p e ' s girl's, varsity basketball team of New 1 . _ . she can be York University. She is a fine'athdaily on the courts, during the lete who can surely "meet any man." seen season. She has even entered a num-


ber of tournaments. Maxa looks a lot like the Famous Suzanne Lenglen, and many times she has been mistaken for the champion. Mile. Nordau claims that tennis is the sport for •womeh, as it aids tremendously in developing graceful lines.

Much is expected from Moe Berg, shortstop oi the Reading team of the Internationl League, who will be, taken South this spring by the White Sox. Manager Eddie Collins expects Moe to ffiake the Maior grade; and t T i t m o t r

o « « n WANTS r«

the baseball fans throughout the J E W I S H SPORT

s 5

Thursday Evening, February 18



country will be pulling for the modest Vladimir Jabotineky, ex-lieutenant lad. In order to get an idea of Moe of the British Army, founder and Berg's value on the diamond and to leader of the Jewish Legion, which find out if all the compliments show- helped to conquer Palestine, believes a ered upon him are justified, we have n aR a,g 6 aboutiSHRHH looked up his record of last season: in a virile two-fisted Jewish youth. The official batting averages of the The other evening we told him international loop show, that Berg a b O ut our" sporting "column ."Tnd" he participated in l t e games,-wWch were commented: all his team played. He was at bat "As a Zionist, I would absolutely 645 times and poled out exactly 200 insist that physical training be given hits for an average of .311 Only great attention in_the curriculum of four other International League Bat* our schools in Palestine. Palestine S ters succeeded in waking tnore hits needs strong,. healthy and fearless than, the forme? Princeton Btar-and settlers. It is up to the Palestine one other player equaled his total, administration to develop good physiHzxg's wallops netted a total of 2?3 c a i specimens." Uses. He" was credited- Hrith thirty- ( W« agree with Mr. Jabptineky. Fir two baggers, five tripples ap£ nine s " h ne runs. - 3 That Berg- was one of the ynost -dangerous batters' in the League is George1 Kashner is a" Palestinian. shown in the record of runs batted over the plate. He drove in 124 tal- He is 24 years old and weighs 185 lies and came within an ace of lead- pounds. Out in the land of milk and ine the circuit in that important honey he was an amateur wrfisteler 1 tJhaie 'of sticTcWork, for tHe leader • and now-he-has conae to this country turned up In Bill Kelley" of Buffalo, to get himself rtady for professional 55 who batted 125 funs ov&r tflei pan; iff wrestling. He Is under the tutelage s , _ compiling his-good batting record of Gcorcc Bothnor, cK-world light- HtlllllllllltlllltUHUIIIIIUimillllllttlllilllillltlililtllltllllilltlilllllliiiitlUlUUtlllintI?

Temple Israel Park Ave and Jackson St.



Maintaining tm high standatas of service in the face of increasing costs of t>roductton has been the problem confrontingtheNebraska Powet Company for many, many months. This has been made possibte by the loyal co-operation of oiir employes and the efficiency of up-to-date machinery and equipment. During the past five years the Nebraska Power Company spent $8,000,000 for extensions and improvements in order to increase the efficiency of our plant and maintain our good service for you. And, too, we pay annually $500,000 taxes, every year—an average of $10 for every family in Omaha.

Under Au&Dices of Local Zionist District



ElectricIiqht Rates Here ,HaveBeenLowered 21%


Nebraska §§ Power €. CourUsy^-Service-^Low Rates



PAGE 3—THE JEWISH PRESS—THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 11,1926 Monday evening; The funds of the The report shows that during the club vrill go towards; the upkeep of year 1920, 2081 Jews imigrated to CLUBS M- Ej Handler will .entertain In-honor of Miss Esther Ferer, who 'Mrs. the Jewish National Folk Shul. Palestine, in 1921, 4636 went to PalesA special meeting! of the> Board of is 'to- become the bride of Mr. Maurice at a tea at her home in honor of this tine, in 1922, 3053, in 1923, 31000, in Directors of the Chesed Shel- EmethShapiro on Sunday evening, February bride-to-be- ••' An important meeting 6f the 1924, 7987, in 1925, 17,731. will be held Sunday, February 14, at Daughters of Zion -will be held Mon14, at the Blackstone Hotel, a number This week's entertainments for 2 o'clock at.tfce Chesed Shel Emeth day afternoon, February 15, at the of pre-nuptial parties are being given. Riga, Fet>r. 4,—(J, T. A.)—Jewish Martye Weinstein, who will be home, 1912 Cuming Street. Every, Jewish Community Center. Mrs. Maurice H. Pessen entertained Miss" emigration from the Republic of Latto Mrs. Joseph Kubin, of member of the Board of Directors is at a one o'clock luncheon followed by married via to Palestine has trebeled during Antonia, Texas, on Sunday, urged to be present as important matThe Junior Hadassah trill meet bridge at the Brandeis Tea Room San the last year, according to figures of Thursday evening, February 18, at March 14, at the Blackstone, have Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Harry M. been numerous. Sunday afternoon, ters will be transacted. the Palestine Office hfere. the Jewish Community Center. Ferer was hostess at a one o'clock the Misses Pearl and Martha Coha While only 254 Jews left Latvia for The "Shada", a club for boys beluncheon followed by inah jongg and entertained at bridge at their home. The Jewish National Folk Shul is Palestine during 1924, the number of bridge at the Athletic Club Wednes- Prizes were won by Miss Weinstein, tween the ages of 15 and 17, meets opening a Sunday School beginning emigrants to Palestine during 1925 day afternoon. Wednesday eve- Mrs. Max Fromkin, and Mrs. A. L. every Tuesday evening at the Jewish this Sunday morning. Classes will was 640. Center. At the last meetning, the Misses Nellie and Sophie Weinstein. A luncheon was given Community * * * ENGAGEMENTS ing, Dr. Nathan Dansky gave a talk be taught from 10 to 12 o'clock. Vienna, Febr. 4,—(J. T. A.)— One ^&7^rQ-UiGLfiY--MARKS' ; • - .! The engagement of Miss Sara Ro- Ferer entertained the bridal party at Wednesday noon followed by man on "Hygiene". This is the first of a Children between the ages of 9 to 16 thousand and twenty two persons re^wvIifHtations Jiave been issued to rel- senthal, daughter of Mrs,. J. Korisky, a dinner-dance at the Fontenelle jongg at the Fontenelle Hotel by Mrs. series of talks to be given by Dr. will be admitted. gistered at the Palestine Office here i;tft^fes> and friends for the wedding to Mr. Herman Holdsberg, of this Hotel in honor of Miss Ferer and her Morris Vann. Saturday noon, Mrs. S. Dansky. A pin committee wSs apThe Ladies Labor Lyceum Club ";.<•£?; Miss Eelda Marks, daughter of city was announced this week. The fiance. Saturday afternoon,- Mrs. Al- Frohm is entertaining at a luncheon pointed. An election of officers will will celebrate its fifth anniversary on their wayy to Palestine during* Five hundred and fifty four of Mr; and Mrs. M. L. Marks, of Council wedding will be solemnized this len Kohan will entertain at a one at the Brandeis Tea Boom followed be held next Tuesday evening. Sunday evening, February 14, at the these were Chaluzim with o'clock luncheon .and bridge at the by an Orpheum Theatre Party, and Bluffs, la.,.to Mr. John Baird Qaigley spring. •.'._ Labor Lyceum Club. A musical pro- Office certificates. Brandeis Tea Boom. of Kansas City, Mo. The wedding will Miss Ida Greenberg will be hostess at The Modern Topics Class of Temple gram is being arranged. Thursday evening, Milder-Taxman Engagement ; be . solemnized Complimentary to Miss Bess bridge at her home Sunday afternoon Israel sponsored by Morton Hiller, V February 18, at the home of the Dinner Elaborate Social Event Handler, who is to be married' Sun- complimentary to Miss Weinstein. BRITISH GENDARMERIEIN will-meet Sunday morning, February EMMIGRATION TO ^bride's parents,-and Rabbi Frederick PALESTINE REDUCED 14, at the Temple. The chairman day, March 14, at her home to Mr. PALESTINE CONTINUALLY ' Cohn will officiate. . . An elaborate social event' of the H. Mike Korboltz, of St! Joseph, Mo., FROM tM TO 200, tS REPORT that morning will be Dahiel GreenGROWING, FIGURES SHOW The truths of nature are one house. "Jews and Philanthrophy7' *V^ Mrv Quigley and his bride will leavfe season was the dinner given- by a number of hostesses are entertainvariety. •'••^pn.an eastern honeymoon trip and and Mrs. M. Taxman, of Kansas City, ing prior to her wedding. Last eternal change, one infinite Jerusalem,—(J. T. A.)—The Britwill be the topic of the day. The 38,5S8 Left Poland for Palestine in 5 —-Rusknu J?-upon their return will make their Mo., in honor of the engagement of Wednesday, Mrs. Louis Epstein enish gendarmerie in Palestine, which public is invited to attend. We have much to enjoy in the quiet Years; Emigration from Latvia ^ fioihe in Kansas City, Mo. their daughter, Ione,^ to Mr. i Abe tertained at a luncheon and bridge and retirement of our own thoughts. recently reorganised, was reduced Trcbeled —Longfellow. The Daughters of Israel Aid SocieMilder, son of Mr.1 and Mrs; J* at her home. During the past weekfront 760 to 200 men, according- to reMr. and Mrs* M. Jacobow enter- Milder, of Omaha. ty will hold its regular meeting Tues•>?• Warsaw,—Thirty eight thousand pbfts from tellable sources. end Miss Handler visited in Lincoln, " tabled ten couples at their home SunThe dinner was given at the;jiew Nebraska. While there, Miss Minnie The earth hath felt the breath of day afternoon, February 16, at the five hundred and eighty eight Jewish After" the reorganization, the Brit'-*. day evening in honor of their cousin, Hotel President^ Kansas City's -$3,- Greenstone entertained at bridge Jewish Old People's Home. spring,. ;.., .. emigrants left Poland to settle iti ish gendarmerie will not constitute a -•>Miss Goldie Moment/of Chicago, Ill.( t)00,000- hotel, operatfedf by-Mr. ^ a x - Sunday afternoon honoring Miss Though yet on. her deliverer's wing separate force,, but will be included frosts of winter cling.- The Al Peretz Women's Club, a Palestine during the last five years, in the Palestine security forces as a who is visiting here. Other social en- man. Covers were laid1 for'Sb gflsts, Handler. Friday evening, Mrs. Sarii The lingering according to an official report issued | -JohnGwenleaf-Whittier. organized chlb for X g . are being planned for including many Omahans. Among Epstein will be hostess for : Miss i here. British unit.' a n d social by the Central Palestine Office PATRONIZE Otm-ADVERTISERS! Purposes, will meet every them were Mr. and Mrsr^jV^ Milder, ttfe Visitor. Handler, and on Sunday afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Milder, Mr. and - " Prizes will' be given for the best Mrs.' William Milder, Mr. and Mrs. .masks at the Auflebung club ball Feb. Morris Milder, H. B. Milder, Joe 21 at Kelpines.-—Adv. Jacobs, and B. F. Danbaum. The couple have been royally enterMrs. Fanny Ackerman, of New •York City, who has been the house tained during the last -week. On f guest of her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Thursday evening, February 4, they -Mrs. Sam Fellman, is leaving this were honor guests 'at the opening of [evenihg for St. Louis, Mo», to visit the new Hotel in Kansas City. The couple will be married this there while enroute to her home. Mrs. ' •• J Ackerman will be accompanied to St. April. Louis, by Mrs. Fellman, who, will B*nai B'rith danceflotei Fontenelle/ -visit with-her brother and! other rela- Sunday evening, February 28, with 'tives there for several weeks. Mrs. Randall's Royal Orchestra.—Adv. • Ackerman has been extensively enterI taiaed during1 her visit tiere. Mr. and Miss Lottie Alperin retidmed Tues-t - Mrs. Fellman entertained at: a fare- day from Florida, where she was Well party Tuesday evening at their visiting with her brother, Isadore Al1 home for fifty guests. perin, who is making his home at Datoa Beach. Miss Alperin was gontf The monthly card party of the La- for three months, and while enroute dies Auxiliary of the South Side Con- to Omaha she stopped off at Chicago, gregation will be given Monday afternoon, February 22, at the Brandeis m. Grill Room. - Invitations have been issued for a tea to be given by Mrs. David Kline Rabbi ^Frederick* Conns' Saturday and Miss Lottie Stein, on Sunday morning sermon subject will be "The afternoon, February 14, from 3 to 6, Ethics of Judaism". David A; Brown at the home of Miss Stein, to honor of will be Irt-Omaha Friday and will formerly Misj^

Hostesses Entertain for Thr_ee_Brides-to-Be



Mr. Abe Hettsbferg ^returned home Randall's Royal Orchestra wilt Tuesday from a four weeks' trip ia furnish the music at the B'nai B'rith York and Florida. , danee, Hotel Fontenelle, Sunday eveMiss Kesaline Goldstein is con- ning, February, 28.—Adv. valescing at the Lakeview Hdspitafin Chicago, DL, having been operated Off t6f~ appendicitis last Saturday* Mrs.. Goldstein is now in Chicago with her daughter; : SWEET AND SOUR FISH A group of frieflds of Mf4 J. MorClean and cut up about-3 lbs. genstein, who is leaving Monday for of fish into serving pieces. Put on New York r entertained at a farewell to boil With just efiough water to party in his honor. cover and 1 tablespoon vinegar. When fish is tender, add: Attend the Auflebung Club mas, 1 onion sliced fine . 4 ginger snaps dissolved "in 1 querade ball February 21 at Kelpines. cup- cold water —Adv. • 1 lemon peeled and sliced. . %. cup raisins.'".r.:'y-'."-vMft and Mrs* - Iryin , Stalmaster Va cup brown sugar • i returned Sunday afternoon if dm their %. cup vinegarV five weeks' honeymoon Spent in New Sait and peper to taste. J : TTorkj Ctfba, atid California. They are Let cook slowly about half an J .now ulaidng their" hotne fit the Birch- hour. Serve either hot or cold. v wood Apts. CABBAGE SALAD ' "'"'I' small head cabbage \ Mr. and Mrs. Barry -Miller, of 1 small can _shredded pine^ Manhattan, Karis.,, are visiting with apple . Mrs. Sfiler'B mother, Mrs. E. Jacobs. $ xnaTBhmallows -. - •• While- here they will attend!, tfle , %, pint^ whipping cream ' StaapiroVFerer wedding; Mm Anna ' 2 tablespoons' mayonnaise > •Chop cabbage fine. Add all other Miller, of Anles, is., also arrived to ingredients tad cream beaten stiff. attend the wedding. Serve very.cold. May be gar* oished with pimentos. • Meet your friends at the Auflebung Club masquerade bdll February FILLED KIPEL 21 »t Kelpines.4...Adr. Make rich coffee cake dough. Roll out thin and cut in square. Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Chapman left In eeatef 6f each square place on Saturday evening for New York, At* teaspoon of your favorite" jani. lantic City, Washington, D. C. and Pinch ends together and let raisg. Bake in moderate oven. other eastern cities to be gone two weeks oa a pleasure trip. FILLED KIPEL Miss Esther Shapiro is in. New Using Walnut filling Run one pound of walnute York City on a buying trip. through food chopper. Add cream Mr. and Mrs. Harry S h « will arto wake a paste, sugar to taste and flavor with vanilla. Place one rive next week from their home in teaspoon of filling ifi center of HollyWoodi Calif.» to* be the guests each square of coffee cake dough of "Mrs. Sher's parents, Mr. and Mrs. and proceed as for the above. M. L. Goidenberg. After visiting here, they wili lfeave for New York HOUSEHOLD HINTS City, where Mr. Sher is going on a Add one tablespoon of vinegar business trip. to any boiled fish when it is put on to Boil.. Fish will be more tender Mrs. Harry R. Milder entertained and firm. at a birthday party Sunday afternoon Add a ])inch of salt to any apin honor of her sister, Miss Ida fiegall. ples iot pie or sauce. Prizes In bridge were woh by Ella Rosen, Rose Segall, and Florence Ringle,Seour knife that has been used, and prize; in roah -jongg was won by .to. cut onion-with -a-little damp' l Odftr Will disappear. Jeannette Sherman.



h i?

Put a piece of camphor ice away In honor of Miss Ethel Goldberg,' of St. Paul, |ktinn?>,whp. JSJ visiting; with your silver. It will keep it f irith relatives here, Mfss $tt^k ?M^1«-" -tfronv tarnishing. lee entertained eight couples nt a Coffee may be reheated without dancing party at Peony Park Thurs'., »spoiling ^ ^ vtaste if grounds are r «« iA , 6 the 7 : .: -4s7- "iJBvenmg,^fol|owed^;by a dutch 11 removed first. lun«»W A t Jiar

h o m e . " ' •;•'''';••' .-.->' '••'• -•^y'*--*-*--^*^----'-'

Invites Your Inspection




H. l l L I I 0 1 v U L " " " o f sincere service tod friendly co-operation that has endeared the former Burgess-Nash location to the *pasi generation 6T shoppers—-will be tihere. This beautiful new store at Siisteenffi ahcl Harney Streets —comprises two HoorS^ xcovering, every phase of 'Woi/nssi*-S^AKB MISSESJ APPAREL. . •

It will fee a"jpleasurfe ai#Na %Sv^ ege to show youthen courtesies that will prevail ~ rr always. "V-

You Will Find this New State a Comfortable Place In Which To Shop

16th and Harney Sis.

Omaha, Nebraska

Former Burgess-Nash Location -

• * < • : .


. , a >, .-', & \ ~ ,-*,,., . >„ •»


Newest Store m i Its Managers

Ghayirti Tihe Landowner f CARMRL

And so, when,' Cjhayim was asked • Chayim Eosletz was a strange fellow.. People used to speak of him as about his.wifejby the woman where an eccentric "A- bit - of a msghag- he' lived, Chayim changed his lodg-ganer' r 'was -what they called him. ings. but then, he had been through some Yes, i t was something to have a queer times before he came to Eng- master like Kreen—even though he land. did not wash. And the land that Experience had made him secre- Chayim owned. Somehow, one evening, he had tive. • Not that he had ever suffered from drifted to a large hall in London and letting his tongue wag too freely. had heard one of the first meetings of Chayim Kosletz was not that type. the, Jewish, Nationlists—Zionists. they But he found that people had a habit called themselves". Chayim, inspired, of repeating things he told them. Not wanted to work for them, but there to other people. Chayim "would not were difficulties. People always asked have minded that. "But-to Chayim questions about the old life. So himself. Once he had told the wom- Chayim decided,to work on his own. an where he lived in London that he He would save until he could buy a was a widower. Time and again she bit of land in Palestine. I t ; would had turned i t over and wanted to be something,, he thought, if every Jew did that. And. from the day know all about it. Chayim changed his,lodgings, and, when.he had heard,,the speaker at at length, when this episode had been that meeting, things, began to fit into repeated many times, finished.up in his world agajn with something like . . . ' ' • a garret somewhere in the neighbor- shape. . hood of Nitting Hill, where he spoke ' He would ..save money. He would no word about himself, f This lodging pecome a landowner,,. .In-the course was conveniently near'his remploy^ of. months the scheme became part of ment, which was that of a bootmaker. his life,-and he; had to-telT somebody, His employer, likewise, was to .his so he told",Kreen.-.. Kreen listened : taste. • ' ". ' _ _.._. ___;.; ';^;_ '. / " and Chayim dreaded of ~aIT things a Kreen the bootmaker was a flortu- smile. He got a little tangled in his guee of" an original-turn of nuiuL talk, and said 1that he had actually That cleanliness was next; to 'Godli- boaght some-of his ness he did not believe, and made a bit of land in Palestine. He ^exboast of the fact that he had not plained to Kreen how the things that washed for thirty years. In no way happened before could never repeat did this impress Chayim and when themselves there. In Palestine a man scoffed at for working for such a man would not be afraid. he had replied that there were worse And Kreen did not smile. "So," he people who washed themselves more said, " y ° u have 'already become a often. • landowner?" • • - - For a number of reasons Cayim And Chayim said "Yes". He was stayed on with his queer employer. beginning to believe it. From that In the first place they could neither of day he began to feel happy. Life, for them pronounce English correctly; him, was moving again. , As. his secondly, they never asked each other meagre savings of .land.*/ b e would questions about the past; and thirdly, talk to Kreen of his orange trees that when Kreen swindled Chayinv out of were just beginning to bear; of his fair wages paying him far too little, olive trees that had been planted but he tacitly admitted his ;wrong by the were not doing' so \veH;; and of his. oft repeated and mysterious state- vines, far-reaching' and' purpie with, ment: "111 put the rest down to your f r u i t . - ,-•••••..'.•-• - • ' < • ^ ' •;; ; account." f Otherwise- Chayinf TecT a solitary' 'After all as Chayim realized it is life. He" took care when "he went "to' Carman's Store-- io Feature not every employer who would have school not" to get "• mixed ' up with put it as nicely as that. - •.. / Ready-to-Wear, Millinery friendships betauSe—well—he Bad. And then," after nights when Chay much to thinkrof.">"And peoplfe openly, ' ^nj Shoes; Live Models im had dreamt of his old life and had called-'him mfashuggar. There- was" Be Vstd. :r"~ gone to work nest morning unstrung little to be wondered at'in that conand trembling, there was no' question sidering the -way -'which*he talked. ' Carman's" "pmaha's riewest^ready-L of what was the matter. Kreen ,m( Then came the ttaiir, anil Chayim as toi-wea'r^"' inillin'ery and' v women's ly fixed him, with serious eye. anda big> landowner was filled with wor- arid; Aiisses* store, opened for bnsisaid; "In' the. night you dined with ried-: thoughts 'Later, 'when'\&gh'ting ne's's"-Tuesday morning. This store will, .cater. to Omaha -woyour fellow landowners; your people took place in Palestine, he Was1 fn a men" In rea'djJ-lb-wear 'clothing, hosiery, ate great feasters." And. he gave continual state of puzilemerit to'kriow silk lingerie, millinery t io.llet -articleshim double the amount of work to do exactly how he stood;'0He' was more the best-of linens and toilet sundries and kept urging him on. Not every worried1 than ever'he had been in his from, the inexrkenaive to the'mifet exclusive ' articles, both domestic and master would have been like Kreen. life. He could not even'talk to" kreen.' f o r e i g n . . - . ' . . ' - ' • • • ' Chayim a landowner! TKe phrase Then came'the event that bathed The store will occupy the storeclung'tb his mind. There,was some Chayim's mind in glorious' heeling room at 416 South Sixteenth. _streei conspiracy in that. And those dreams .sunlight. England had spoken to the and the entire second floor i of th« former BurgesE-NashrTJuUdlris-.^ • _\' always the same! Confused glimpses •world. England had said " that she The opening of tile new store bring! of boyhood.' He would be back at the would see that'Palestine once agaih revived' optimism to Sixteenth anc Cheder again, or going through the should be the motherland of the Jew- Harn<ey'sCreefsj for,years a principal v tradinjj'mart of the citj.. i t means woods to the neighboring - village ish people. - ' • •• ' ' that the' entire corner, closed many where his aunt and her husband lived : A strange almost painful joy sang • months in 1923, vrill again be made a the Husband always at the house of ' • . in Chayim's heart. For the first time trading- center. learning, or sitting at home mubeling •-"• l i v e Models Employed. he realised to the full the'glory that over to himself the wisdomj he had The entire second flodr ii^i" been was Zionism. All day long he bent been reading; his aunt always1 mend• converted into a - large _ salesroom over his work stitching at boots. No deeorated_in. a dark gray -and- -with ing clothes and , , • . , • : longer were they prosaic boots de- ; dressing^"tn^r-fttthYg" rooms entirely J', But the dreams always ended upjn stined for the mud of London streets, 'circling -th^i-floor.> '. '.•"' the same way. Clearer and clearer but boots that would tread the newly • O n thls.^loor -live .models will * dis-"" they became until he would be once ploughed furrow of the Holy Land. play the nianyj frotiks, BC(me .of _ them of dollars;"'On- tine again in his own house a young man And every movement of the needle costing hundreds" ; floor will"1'. Be xooni for 3,5.00 froeks . now and married, with a fine Kaddish, put in a stitch of joy. . and dresses. Resides the dresses there v such a clever boy,"always"asking • will., be it -lairge ' selection; of. c'qats, Chayim had much to think about.. suits and cjpa^s. The department ocquestions and never forgetting the things he was. told. What'aTschplar Even the olive trees were.doing4well cupies more- than 6,000 square £eet.V/; he was going to be! And Chyim,.his now* he said. So contented, was his wife' and' little Schmul sat so cosily, mind that the horrors of the old days with the white Sabbath clotlr on and had not of late recurred. the candles burning. Until one night those pictures of Yet, all the time Chyim knew, what Russia floated uppermost in his terrible thing was, going to: happen. dreams again. They were terribly It happened over and over again. vivid. The big soldier rushed in at Dreams one might call them. But he the door just as ; he always did, yet knew all the time that he was not suddenly Chayim was not afraid. dreaming. No, h e was back again in And Anna, his wife, only smiled. his own house,' sitting waiting in ter- What had .happened?, Chayim was ror for the clatter of hoofs, the oc- perplexed^ Yet uppemost in his feel. casional cries like a dog in sudden ings was righteous .indignation that pain. But Chayim knew it was not this ruffian should dare invade his a dog. There they sat, motherland house. Was he not Chayim the land. . father cold with horror "and'the child owner!. '...... . looking from one t o . the other and "Get out of my house," he cried. asking what was wrong. The shouts "I am Chayim the landowner, Chayim and cries drew nearer. A voice the Jew. And the soldier, huge perroared out in Bussian: "Open, open." sonification . of brute • forced, shuffled Then the door flew open before the awkwardly, then slunk away like a huge shoulder of a Bussian peasant. beaten dog. A man in uniform came in, and yet Kreen, the bootmaker, was working another. .The furniture was dragged in his shop alone, opposite him a vaabout until at Ia$t they found the box cant stool and some tools covered with •where Chayime kept his money. Ten a thin layer of dust. roubles it held. No more. They reKreen sat and stitched. A shadow viled Chayim for a cunning beast who darkened the doorway. had laid a bait to trap them and try "Well", growled Kreen to the youth and make them think that that was who came in., "About Chayim Kosletz, he worked . ' all. -4 Then little Schmul, the boy, went for you?" "Maybe", said Kreen enigmatically. .-• t o rescue a wooden toy from beneath "I'm his landlady's son", said the the-heel of the big soldier, but the soldier red-faced and:aflame with youth and we found this among his Vodka, seized a chair and aimed it at things." He handed to Kreen a piece '""" the child. There was a dull c r a s h - of paper that was written in a shaky er r ' ^ aalways l w a y s -&e""s^e-^ndrfh~e other 'hand- "It "was Chayims willj leaving - 118- South VJth Street t to a nephew his land, ~ with' its soldier* startled-by the' noiqe,firedhis oranges, olives and vines. r > v




Stationery. Office Supplies Framed Mottoes



Here is Omaha's newest store and its managers'. *sThe store- is located at 416 South Sixteenth street and its managers are 1. Chapman and R. Natelson. The store opened Tuesday. I t occupies a part of the main floor a s shown above and the entire second flpeir of the fqrmer Burgess-Nash building. .. .- . • .- -. ....-,.-_-;... ,._,.-•- •'-- The nialn floor will bie'deVoteia 'to; display of hosiery, gloves, neckwear,' handkerchiefs, finished linens, jewelry; leather goods and toilet sundries. :













NAT MKISTER writes all kinds of '


Blaffs l

SERVICE WITH EACB POIACY. 711 W. O. XV. Hide. Jackgen 1313.


Ditplay Window Unique. . Regular Meeting of t«adinsr into th« store'is 160 feet . of display window*, forming.. .a,n ar-. * cade with a background of Cainstone rinish. The display. windoiTC* *re dupullcation* of a prominent Fifth ave• nue establishment. • * AH the fixtures in the store, •which. . ; Miss Cora Barker will have charge •were, made in Omjiha,^ are of a finished -walnut. Carpets for the second of ;the dress department, while Miss floor cost tlO.000. Minnie Moore wilt have charge of the The store will have a centralized1 icoat and. suit department. "wrappingftattonr •<<• ; 'M«J*.,IH- -y.'-:'On the second'floor also will be loXatelBon; who recently arrived from CDted the • mHlitrery dei«.rtmeiiT, to be New York City to aid in the manageDmnaged by Julius F. Keiser, formerly ment of the store, has tor the la»t oi . Hartzfeld's Parisien of Kansas few weeks been- selecting;^ c«irps ^©f Gliy. This department will occupy 4.000; square feet of space. In tha de- ippTOxlmately 10" salespeople for the entire store. He is -wen known In eastpartment will be a French salon With ern mercantile circles.-'=v-^ ;c. ;v«an exclusive showins of hats at mad* James T. Allen, Brandeis Tliattcr Every Thursday rEyening at Jewish crate prices. In addition, the depai-tDulldlnff, drew the plans tor this new; Community "Centfer Building. laent will operate a workshop for r f h o p . .. .. ' . ,-- . . t - • . • • • - ~ > . J. &£ MA:^'*SHOCKi-'f resfdeia. the designing-"of hats. " ISAUORB ABUAMSONs Secrelory. Shoe Opening Delared. The shoe department in the store, giiiiiiiiiiimiiiimmiiiiiimiiiiiiiiimiiii: which will be opened March 1, •*rill *>e under : the; management of E.- G. Cushman and will be of the "parlor Meets Every Second and Fourth Wedtype" and will- occupy 2,000 square nesday evening at : the Danish Hall feet of space. S Young rqan for city work. 5 The delay in. qpening the shoe deat 8:30 o'clock. nartmefit,K the sodfe-managers'^ay. is 5 Harry KUBBY, President. JIust be well acquainted in E 1 due to the fact that a special brand : of shoes will b e manufactured for tha = city. Answer giving.nanie, 2 store. '/ ''''.'v..1'".; 5 age, and address. Box 650 ""ss The lingerie department, occupying 1,600 square feet, will be managed by S c/o Jewish Press. ,. s Miss TVnlker. The second floor also WHWLE8ALB will have rest roonis for both .men and women, to be l'inad&:-available during Druggists and Stationers shopping .hours.;;-;- .-..;>;. _ -_ «01-4U3-M» Sooth tOUi Stnmt fiimiimiuiHiimii(nmmiiuiHiiiiiiiinrJ

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E. E. Bruce & Co

PAXTON-MITCHELL CO. tUb « Kartha Kts. Harnrj 1603 Omaha, Nebr. Sort srray Jron, brass, bronze and aluminnm castings. Standard sizes bronze and »ron boshlDgs, sewer manholes, cistern rings and covers, and clean-out doors in stock.

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Public Accountants and Auditors








The Cadet's Prayer

Tne cadet at West Point learns what It means to struggle for an ideal. H« Haifa,—Jacob H . ' Schiff the late gstns a.thorough grounding of moral American Jewish philanthropist,' and principles. A cadet knows he will rethe late David Wolffsohn. former creive the treatment he merits. Ha president o i the Zionist Organization may grow tired, but he never quits. code of a ciuiet Is perhaps best of America, and the late Mr. P. W. The summed up in the cadet prayer, which Wysocki, Russian Jewish philanthro- concludes: pist, were honored yesterdaay when Help us tn our work and In our memorial tablets of them were un- play to keep ourselves physically ifeU.^atLthe Hebrew Technicum here. strong, mentally awake and morally Reuben Brainen, Hebrew writer of straight, that we may the better main, America, M. M. Ussishkin, director of tain the honor of the corns untarthe Jewish National Fund, and Mr. nished and unsullied, and acquit ourHecker," director of the Technicum, selves like men in our effort to realize the Ideals of West Point in doing our delivered addresses. duty to Thee and to our country. "On April l i , 1909 Jacob H. Schiff All of which we ask in the name.of •r'gave $100,000 for the establishment rhe Great Friend and Master of m?n. of the Technicum in Haifa. kmen.—Cadet Frank I,. Lazarus in th« New York Herald Tribune. y evening, March 7, Good music at the I. O. B. B. dance for the local Zionist ball at the Muny I.-. February 28, at Fontenelle Hotel,— Auditorium.—-Adv. Adv. Remember the Auflebung Club masquerade' ball Feb. 21, at Kelpines. I never did repent for doing good, —Advk i Nor shall not now. —Shakespeare.

"35 Years of Community Service"


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