' "Success or failure in business is caused more by mental attitude even "than by mental capac-
The cynic is one who knows the price of every,thing and the v a 1 u e of nothing.— Oscar Wilde.
ities..-— W.alter Bill Scott, .to
Entered at postoflice t
l-class mall matter on-January 27th, 1021, at ' a Nebraska, under the Act or March 8, 1S73.
Chaim Nachman Bialik, PtaUic - Dedication,, «f • Hebrew Poet, Tals t§ Jewish Funeral Home Jewry inNew Y©rk Will Be Held Sunday
ay Welfare Federation Noted Non-Jew Win LEONENQVITSKY WINS JEWISH PRESS CONTEST —GIVES GIFT,TQ JEWISH COMMUNITY CENTER Annual Meeting Will Be Held Sunday Ive on
American Jewry Has Strength Present Program Sunday Afternoon at 3 P. M. at the Home Enough to Rebuild Palestine 1912 Cuming Street 4,000 GREET FAMOUS GUEST
Chaim' Nachman Bialik, poet of the ' OF WOMEN Hebrew renaissance, gave his first message to the Jews of .America WedA formal dedication of the JEWnesday night at a public reception in Complate Reports of Federation Judge Joseph Rutherford Will his honor given under the auspices of ISH FUNERAL HOME, established Speak Here Under Auspices '.mii'.S;;,;'.'^ the United ' Palestine Appeal. Over by a group of public spirited Jewish Will Be Made - of BibUcal'Society four-thousand persons filled the Mec- women Omaha, is to be held with ca Temple where the reception was appropriate ceremonies at the new PUBLIC IS INVIT/ED held. O t h d td home, 1912 Cuming Street, Omaha. ELECTION OF OFFICERS away. • . TO HEAR SPEAKER C FOR 1926 WILL BE HELD Louis Lipsky,'chairman-of the'Zion- The establishment of this institution ist Organization of America, presided is the culmination of repeated efforts ' judge Joseph F, Rutherfo>d. of New in the -absence of Dr. Stephen S. Wise, over a long period of years, and repThe annual meeting" of The) Jewish York City, noted~leCturer wilL. deliver chairman of the United Palestine Ap- resents the realization of the -dreams •Welfare-Federation -will be held Sun- an address ..in;. Omaha Thursday peal; Nachum Solokow, president of and aspirations of many of our leadthe World Zionist Erecutive, Judge day evening at t h e Fontenelle; HoteL evening February 25:at the Fontenelle Julian W. Mack,'chairman of the Bia- ing Jewish men and Women who have ball room. The meeting will begin Hotel. Judge Rutheftord'will deliver lik reception - Committee, Abraham on numerous different occasions felt promptly,;:at .8:15. -All members of an address on J"Palestine, for; the Jew. Goldberg, president of the Histadruth the great need for this character of workers from her organization the Welfare.: Federation and their Why?" Judge Rutherford has been Ivrith, the .organisation of Hebrew was far in the lead; during the writers, Yehoash, S. Blumgarten, well institution in Omaha. friends ', are invited to attend this in Palestine and.made"thorough, visit entire count of voiesl known Jewish poet who translated the The organization of women, which meeting. , ' ' through the Holy Land as the guest The first prize offered to the Bible into Yiddish.and Dr. Schmarya something - over a year ago, was At! thisT meeting nomination and of the Zionist' Organization when the Levin, lifelong friend of Bialik, greetwinner was a trip/to Europe or ed the guest.. Mr. Sokolow and Mr. brought into assistance to perform election of officers for the ensuing steamship President;Arthus made its $500 in cash. Miss VNoyitsky Goldberg read Hebrew poems in hon- this service in the community, a servfirst voyage to, Palestine. .'<' year will be held. Complete reports took the latter and irrirnediately or of the guest. A message of greet- ice which represents one of the imof the work of the Federation durturned the check oveir. to the During, his .many., lectures Judge ing- -was read from Dr. Chaim Weiz- portant and fine manifestations of mann, president of the World Zionist ing the past year will be made at Rutherford has «oniihued to, address Jewish Community' . * Center Jewish life, is known as the CHESED Organization. this meeting.- ; A discussion of thehis audiences, both. Jews and non-Jews Building Fund. Missi Pannie SHEL EMES. The officers of the "I rejoice.at the opportunity to add 'future plans of the Federation will on "The Jews of 1 Palestine'-. Judge Katelman of Council Bluffs was T Chesed Shel Ernes, are as follows: my w elcome to that, of thousands of be held at this meeting. , awarded second' prize. Miss Rutherford comes to Omaha.in behalf American Jewry assembled to greet Mrs. H. Levey, President. Katelman had secured, all of her A program of unusual interest of the Biblical Society of Onjaha. Bialik. I know American Jewry will Mrs. J. Milder, Vice President share my own humble but very great votes by personal solicitation. will be .presented at : this meeting The subject of the Jews' return to Mrs. Weinzweig, Secretary. admiration for this great poet and which has-, been designed to aquaint Palestine and; their "endeavors to re"The Jewish Press, Contest Mrs: Baum, Treasurer. great Jew who leoves his literary prothe Jewish Community of Omaha build it and make it their homeland was the best I had ever enterductions to throw himself with arMrs. H.' Levey, the President of with the advance made in social is one of universal-interest. -This redour and devotion into strenous Zion- the Chesed Shel Ernes, made the foled", said Miss Novitsky. I wish ise work. May this work of the singservice,; through the Federation in markable movement: among that ancito thank all of my friends who er and messanger of Zion be blessed lowing statement: 1925. worked for me and; I now wish ent and interesting people. is more "From time immemorial, the funcwith success", Dr. Weizmann's mesto turn this check, over to the •At Sunday evening's meeting all and -.more -engaging the attention of sage read. tion of looking after the burial of Jewish Community Center as a Omaha will have the opportunity of intelligent people. It- has. been studied A rising ovation which lasted for the dead, in accordance with the Jewover ten minutes was accorded the gift from the members of the receiving, the- entire report of ,trie and discussed "from-various- angles, famous poet by the large audience. A ish rites, has been considered a,mitz-< Y. M. and Y. W. H, A. I enWelfare Federation during the past but the most interesting phase of the feeling of suspense prevailed in the; vah of the • highest order. This is eountered no difficulties in sec- ~ .; FANNY KATELMAN year. • , •' -subject-is the one which is furnished hall when the guest of the evening manifest in the. large number of uring the subscriptions for The - As a result'; of this contest rose to' deliver his message, interrupt- groups of what is generally known in-ancient- prophecies whose-significLEONE NOVITSKY Jewish Press." The Jewish- Press has secured ed with cheers of admiration and ap- as the "Chevrah Kadishe", and time ance' is only now becoming clear. plause. . Miss Leone Navitsky repres- '-'Practically eyerr. , Jewish a large number of new sub. ^ j g ; f t * . ; . y . yij .. :.."By-.the,x»rj|inance, *f our entative of the Y. M. and Y." W. home-in Comrcn-BlultS*mTiLOW:a; scribers -both in tDmaha-and-in w:hen one- faces" large g "niSsses,, one" '6'Saha," cases'"arise" that ""requSFItfcli H..A. was adjudged the winner subscriber to The Jewish Press neighboring communities. The iriust i r i t repeatt the-,.pray.er t h B .'Blessed l be •service wherin there are no relatives of The Jewish Press Popularity because of this contest," said Jewish Press now is read by He who understands -the' mysteries*. and in many cases where there are no Mrs. . A., Bourn, president of the psychology:' of -masses comprised Contest Monday evening. * Miss Miss Fannie Katelman, • .winner practically every Jewish family The Omaha-Chapter of Hadassah, anof single individuals, :is a. mystery. •funds;.-As distinguished from the old in the city. • • of the second prize. Novitsky aided by a ' score of riounced the appointment of the comThe existence -of the\ Jewish -people order 'of.making a special collection has been a mystery.. The rising and j f Y o h m t a r y contributions to take mittees for this term a t an executive development of the Zionist movement board meeting: held Tuesday afterhas been1 a mystery. The growth and care of the case that presents itself RABBI SILVER'S noon, February 16. development of the American Jewish under such circumstances, this incommunity is not less amystery. Those who will serve on the'comADDRESS POSTPONED .Stitution has. been established." "When one sees these tree mystermittees are Mrs. J. Rosenberg, Milk The - facilities of the Jewish Rabbi Abba Hillel Silver noted ies and faces the large Jewish masses Funeral Home.are of such a charactfund committee; Mrs. B. A. Simon, Charles E . H u g h e s Will Preside; i Proceeds for Jewish National Fund in America, one. must, in conformity orator will not deliver an address chairman of Card parties; Mrs. M. Kashruth Observed . . . with the ordinance, repeat that prayer er, however, that not only are they . in Palestine in Omaha. Early Thursday morn- I F. Levenson, publicity; Mrs. Max 'Baruch Chacham Ha'razim'," Bialik able to .care of the cases referred to ing word was received by Henry began his address in a low voice. Fromkin, program; Mrs. Charles in Mrs. Levey's statement, but it is New York,—Six hundred: nationally The Omaha Branch of the Zionist Monsky informing him that Rabbi "I come to you from Palestine Levinson, membership; Mrs. R. M.prominent men among .Christians., and Organization and the Daughters of where mystery is being unfolded. It equipped in a manner so as to make Silver would not be able to be in Schlaes, finance; Mrs. Sam Peltz, Jews, presided over by .Charles Evans Omaha because of an unavoidable Zion will give a joint ball on Sunday is indeed difficult' to understand it it acceptable and useful in all cases Mrs. Meyer Friedel, and Mrs. S. Hughes, former United States Secre- incident. The luncheon for Rabbi evening, March . 7, at the Municipal from a distance; the greatest achieve- requiring Orthodox Jewish funeral ment of the Jews throughout the ages Robinson on the courtesy committee; tary of State and expected'to attend Silver and the puMic meeting Auditorium. This "affair -will be one of in the Diaspora was the fact of their ritesi when circumstances make it and on.the visiting committee will be a good will dinner which? will\"take which was to be held at Temple ' the largest charitable events of theexistence. This, however, was only a necessary that they be performed the Mesdames J. J. Friedman, Meyer place at the Astor Hotel on,February passive vigor. In-Palestine, we areaway from the home. iseason. _ _ ' . ' ' Israel is postponed. Friedel, S. Robinson, J. B. Robinson, displaying an active vigor. Pales23. The dinner is being,held under The ceremonies on Sunday afterThe proceeds'of "the'affair will be tine exists not only for Palestine Jew- noon will begin promptly at 3 p. m., S. Frohm, Sam Meyerson and I. the auspices' of a committee composed sent to the'Jewish National Fund in Krasne, of Council BluffB. Those who of leaders of the Federal Council' of and a program of considerable inter-. Palestine. '.. will serve on the Board of the Hadas- JUDGE JOSEPH- RUTHERFORD the Churches of Christ in .America,' '?Palesttee'was'piaced >J inlhe scales • est has been arranged in which will Mr. John. Feldrnan is chairman in sah are the Mesdames M. G. Wohl, The. Jews' right to the land of Pal- and of. tHe Orthodox, Conservative charge, and lie is being assisted by of history with the issuance of thebe addresses by some of Omaha's Max Lerner, M. Mayerowitz, Dave estine has already'been acknowledged and Reform Branches of American Balfour Declaration. leading Jewish citizens. The public is i J. B. Robirtson,' S. Robinson, M. "The Jews have existed as a sep- invited and it is expected that the Cohen, I. Grossman, and J. Lintsman. by the greatest nations-of our day. Jewry. " '•" - ;" ' : David Sher, son of Dr. and Mrs. I Braude, J. Riklin,- J;-Lintzman, and arate entity by reason of the hatred The Omaha Chapter of Hadassah Both the Senate; and, the House" of The dinner will be kosher,- in acPhilip Sher, a sophomore at* the Uni- Mrs. J. Lintbman," Mrs. M. Braude, toward them displayed by their en- Jewish community of Omaha* beis making plans for an active year. Representatives of ithe^ United States' cordance with a special' arrangement versity: of Nebraska, made the Uni-| Mrs. T. . Sherman,'Mrs. S. Robinson, vironment; should we, God forbid, fail cause of its .intense interest in this They now have a membership of 400, passed a resolution to. the effect: that with the Hotel Astor. A speciarcomin the reconstruction of Palestine as i Mrs. J: B. Robinson, ' and Celia the Jewish National Home now. the •new institution and what it repand Will this term hold a membership "the United States' of America favors mittee headed by Rabbi Leo "Jung and ' Braude; " .; : : • -.•" ; future Jewish generations would have resents, will" attend in large numbers. drive in order to raise the meniber- the establishment - in' Palestine of a Rabbi Max Drob is' "supervising' the "We will have'one of the best or- to face an environment not only of ship to 600.The "next regular meet- national home/for the' Jewish" people." kashruth; of the dinner.. .. . .,. chestra'in the city-to furnish the hatred, but also despise and no race ing of the Hadassah will take place Tiie British Government^too has sighas ever survived such an -environThis •will be. the. first • time in "the music, the. committee-is already work- ment." Wednesday afternoon,;. February. 24, nified its purpose" *to; aidtfthe Jew in history of the Christian"' Church that ing on plans,fprtheball and we hope These were the high spots in the at the Jewish Community Center. re-establishing;, themselves iji Pales- such consideration has b'een given bj e-verjone ; will "reserve Sunday eve- address of Chaim Nachman Bialik, tine. Tha committee in charge of the the Christian Church. to the convicning. March 7, to-attend the Zionist which lasted an hour and a half. B'nai B'rith dance to be given Sunday tions of orthodox Jews onjthe Jaws of (Continued on page 2) ball," said" Mr: Feldman. evening February 28, at the FontenKashruth. f. elle Hotel, have--secured Randall's The .dinner was initiated'„ by . the Royal Orchestra, ' to furnish the 'Federal Council of Churches through music for the tlance. They are also the Council's Committee on Goodwill A contest between the members of making plans for vaudeville stunts the five upper classes of the City Council Bluffs Lodge jNb, 68S of the between Jews and Christians' The Young Judaea Clubs will soon be and other entertainment. object of the Committee,is to promote Talmud Torah on the reading and Independent Order of the B'nai B'rith • The annual''.mid-yvest regional con- re-organized here under the auspices "From indications this will be x>ne. translation of the Story of Purlin is going . through a r rejuvenation mutual respect and friendship bevention1 :of.the Zeta Beta Tau frater- of the local Zionist organization, and of the largest dances ever given by and ;Queen Esther will be held process, and ^in its activities, is con- tween Jewish and Christian^groups nity will be hela in Kansas City April also a • training class for leaders the B'nai B'rith," said Abncr H. Thursday, February 25, in the as-templating several affairs of interest and individuals, and to encourage co2.-3-4. .Tlie Alpha Theta chapter of featuring Jewish history, modern Kaiman, a member of the committee 1 sembly room of the Talmud Torah to the Council fluffs Jewry. This operation between the two religious, . Zeta'Beta Tau at" the University of Jewish problems and club leadership in charge. 1 The members will be examined by coming Sunday,, a-'city - wide -tlrive' for in .social service. It is working-with Nebraska and,the Omaha Graduate will be started in the near future. similar committees of "the" Jewish F. J. Alberts is chairman of the the Principal, Elihu Bloch, who rep- members "•.•will- - be "• conducted. This Club are-bpth included in the midwest The young Judaea Clubs-.will be orcommittee. orts that the pupils have been re- membership • campaign-is. being con- bodies. The Committee, numbers' Dr. region region aand will send delegates to the ganized for girls between the ages viewing the Megillah for severa ducted under the leadership of Charles John H. Finleyi Mr. Raymond B.Fosof 10 and IS years, and the training versity team, it was announced yesj weeks in order to perfect their Saltzman, Simon' Steinberg; Beri I. dick and other leaders of religious terday at the school. The subject of jC0Iiference. class is being started for Jewish l Several O.rnaha ar.d-Nebraskamemt d t th h l Th b j t f and "civic movements, on its memberknowledge of the story and to trans- Seldin, and 'Harry Kubby, who will debate at the try-outs was "Child University students and others who of rthe.Zeta.Beta Tau .fraternity head the teams, canvassing the entire ship. Dr. Alfred Williams Anthony Labor Law". The team will debate late it word for word. are interested in this work. are expected to attend. It is planned The winning class and the in city for members. Interest among is Chairman. Among the'mernbership the South Dakota University the lat- to have a . special ".car made up at A program has been prepared f«W Mr. M." F. Levenson, Zionist, has of the Jewish Committees "are" Mr. •dividual winners in the contest will the various • teams':is" intense,'owing to 1 ter part of March. the next meeting of the local Zionist Omaha, consisting of Zeta Beta Tau been requested by the National Roger W. Strauss, Mr." Julius Rosenthe fact that:the!"team bringing in be anno'unced in the-next issue of Young Sher is a graduate of OmaJ bers.£rpm Nebraska and Iowa. Organization to be held next Tuesmem Young Judaea officers to undertake the most members .will be jruests at wald, Rabbi Louis Wolsey, Alfred M. ha Central High School, where he was "Jewish Press". day evening, February 23, at the the leadership of the clubs in Omaha. Cohen. . . . The Zeta- Beta Tau recently held a Banquet to be held for the candia member of the debating team and Jewish 'Community Center. He will be assisted in his. work by Among .the speakers • will be the its annual • national ' convention in dates at the time of> the initiation. won honors in debate on a number 16 Give: Social Card Party An open meeting'us being'planned Reverned Dr. S. Parkes Cadme,»Pre- "* occasions. He is a member of the Montreal ^during- the -winter vacation Mrs. M. F. Levenson, who was super- Fred White,will give an address period. Each- year the various re- visor of the Young Judaea Clubs here on "Woodrow Wilson", Cantor J. for the first meeting, in. March. The sident of the Federal Council" of ° Zeta Beta Tau Fraternity. Malek will render several Vocal The Congregation B'nai Sholem official date and program to be- ar- Churches, the Honorable' ~James~J. gions of the fraternity hold their re- about six years ago. Will give a social card party Tuesday ranged will be.-announced in the "Jew- Walker, Mayor of New York; Dr. "The aim of Young Judaea to in-numbers, and the Bischoff si&ters gional conventions. Last year the The biggest dance of the season sulate in the Jewish child a love will entertain with several vocal and evening, March 2, at Sommer's Hall, ish Press' at a later date. ; Cyrus Adler, President' of the'Je'wish midwest region met at St. Louis. will be the L O. B. B. dance February for its' people and a desire to heJp piano selection. . 28th and Farnam Streets. Members ; The next - meeting -* of the B'nai Theological Seminary and Mrs. Alex28, a t Hotel Fontenelle.—Adv. Sir. J. Feldman is.chairman of the in the Jewish cause, and also to in charge' of the affair are Adolph B'rith will be next Wednesday even- ander. ' Yonr 1926 subscription to The JewMoskowitz, - J., L. Pregler, Julius ing,- February 24th,-at eight-thirty Remember the Zionist ball March 7, ish Press is due now. Please mail teach them to be proud of their an- local branch of JMi Zionist Onranizatior • . ' ' I : " - , " ' ' i : -. f ' h. Rayman, *nd William Pollack. sharp at the Danish Hall. i»ATBONlZE OUB ADVERTISERS. at the Municipal Auditorium.—Adv. • it in __ cestors," said Mrs. Levenson.
Hadassah Committees
Local Zionist Annual Bali March 7-at ManyAuditorium
Jews and Christian Goodwill Dinner Will Be Given Feb/23
Omaha Boy Member of Uni Debating I
B'ui B'ritfc Dmce
Talmud Torah Pupils to Hold Contest Council Bhiffs B'nai B'rith
Young Judaea ( M s Midwest Cenferenc* of To Be Re-0r|8Rij.ed lere Zeta Bka Ta« to be in K. C
Fregram i t Zionist Meeting Friday Evening
2WTHE JEWISH PRESS^-THtlRSDAY, FEBRUARY-18, 1926 limun^pf effort of all the creative JEWISH COMMUNITY forces "both material and spiritual, CENTER ORCHESTRA which are at our disposal. j ^_ , ~ Pt)b]f8tn>a>-«T«r^ Thursday at Omaba. NebrasBS. by "The Jewish people met with a mis-1 T h e j e w j s h Community Center THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY fortune that the Balfour Declaration' , T . . „, , , - „, .,„ , . . , 1626—5686 was issued simultaneously with the Musical Club and Orchestra elected Office: 490 Branoeis* Theatre' Building — Telephone: Atlantic I4E5O. complete destruction of the Jewish officers for the ensuing term at the Adar 13-F»st of Esther .—.. »••- •~ NATHAN E. .GREEN, Manager. community in Russia—this wonder- last regular meeting of the organizaAdar 14—Purim • • •— ••— L f ful source of national energy in the •• £j o n ..§2.50. Nissan 1—Rosh Chodesh ••~™ In Prieef, ofiS yeafprevious decade—and with the im-! J! . „ „. ,""', , Nissan 15—First Day of Passover _ _........Mar. SO Advertising rates furnished on application. poverishment of the other parts of i T h e following officers were elected: lyar—Rosh Chodesh —~.~ • — £pr. ** the Jewish people. American Jewry Sam Epstein, president; Harry Smith, aUDKESS— I'iease bol& tie « CHANGE lyar 18—Lag B'Omer May 2 :. ' : 4 * eur&, and. is, therefore;^at present the only part vice president; Sybil Adler, secretary; Sivan 1—Rosh Ghodesh „.....„«. •—• May 14 of Jewry.which can take upon itself I d a J a c o i i s e n treasurer; Selma Levin, Sivan G—First Day of Pentecost —... .•«May 19 The Jflwieh Press iseiippHedby the ^6.wish,Telegraphic. Agency (Jewish this task. It must do so because ' Tammuz—Rosh Chodesh J ^ e 12 Correspondence Bureau) with cabled and telegraphic Jewish news, in addition there is' no other redeemer. It must, r e P ° r t e r Tammuz 17—Fast of Tammuz i— - June 29 tp feature articles &n<&. criirrespbhlenifes frntti all important Jewish centerii. The Orchestra meets every Tuesfulfill not only its duty but the duty Ab 1—Rosh Choilesh — . .—July 12 Inquiries rfegaiding hews; Items .credited .fa thid Agency .will. bfe gl&dly. of the' other pparts. day evening, 8 o'clock at the Jewish Ab 9^-Fast of Ab........... ... • July 20 answered Al addressed to Jewish Telegraphic Agency, 621 Broadway, New Ellul—Rosh Chodesh —,-..».——.....—-Aug. 10 York<3Uy. ,• . •.. ' •• • .-.••/-.•, \ ' ; : "American Jewry is strong ami Community" Center. healthy. It has broad shoulders. The i A. , , . . 192C—5687 erson who la s a n i n s t r u burden which history has placed upon »y P P J' " Sept. 9 Tishri 1—First Day of New Year _ A StEl* TOWARD UNION them is in accordance with their ment or is interested in music is ...... Sept. 11 -Tishrr—8««€test-of' -Gedaliah „ .™.™=_™strength. | cordially invited to attend the meety bat Sul-'elythe" different Jewish gi'btips in America are ^ t IS Tishri W—Y«m Kippur "No danger! I am confident Amer-! i n _ s reaching, the stage of growth which will make unity of forces ican Jewry will bear this turden arid come out victorious. witHout |oss of character and peace without dishonor possible. "The 'eternal Ahaver' has glimpsed For a yfear the Orthodox, Conservative, and Reform Jewish organespecially having such few members his star which told him *here is your izations have beeii considering the desirability of forming an or place of refuge'. Will the Jew take! as they do. Services and a concert will be given refuge? Has he that grown so ac-iI "Manufactured in Omaha** castomed to wandering he cannot i t td bfe fcntfwn as the Conference of American Jewish by Rev. Isaiah Kohanowitch', Jewish Mr. Louis Finkelstein, advisor of this j«st? There is no Mother -way out. I the Lincoln chapter; was general Congregations, t6 provide the macfiiheivy for repfesehting United fcantbr of Minsk, Russia, at the Beth The only way left to us is. the path ; BAKEK ICE MACHINE CO. chairman of all events. of life prescribed to us by the history Israstiti all matters that call for concerted action. At the present Hamedrosh Hagodol Synagogue, 19. Joe Mozer, niember of the Lincoln of the Jewish people", the poet contime there a¥& many Voices raised when one authoritative spokes-' And BuTt Streets. Friday evening, at chapter, was chairman of the general cluded. 6 o'c\bck and Saturday morning at The choir of the Young Men's Hematt wo*tld be more impressive. Now the most trival occasion S o'clock, lie will present a. concert St. Paul Basketball Team De- committee. brew Association, under the leaderis seizfed ks proper for multitudinous and conflicting Jewish pro- And will be accompanied by Al Fin:el, ship of A. W. Binder, arid the Hebrew feats Des Moines in Final BIALIK TALKS TO tests, Wheti deliberate consideration would suggest silence. opera, singer, Myro Glass, sang severpianist. Cantor Isaiah Kohatiowitch is .. Contest NEW YORK JEWRY al of Blalik's poems. They -were enUr. Abram TSimon of Washington, D,D., who.as president a former pupil of. Prof. I. Bernbaum, thusiastically received by the audi(Continued from Page 1) ence. of the Gentral Conference of American Rabbis last year proposed of Warsaw. MAX KROLOFF WINS In his address he also attacked the the formation of-this conference, last week called together the ORATORICAL CONTEST sponsors of the Russian colonization SIR JOSEPH BUVEEN plan. representatives of the three great Jewish groups to discuss the ESTABLISHES FUND By Harry H. Rubensteln "It is inconceivable how Kussia or details of the new organization. It Was significant that ihe conFOR BRITISH ARTISTS Close to one hundred were in at- Crimean' colonization could have been ference took place in tKe Harrnonie Club, New York City* for the by "STAN" 1387 Howard St. At. 8028 tendance at the second annual A. Z. placed in the scale against Palestine," declared." Zionists have to be par- London, Febr. 13,—(J..T. A.)—Sir members assembled met together in the spirit of peace and conA. basketball and oraioiical tourna- he Omaha, Nebr. doned if they, to some extent, oppose you know that? ment held last weelc at Lincoln. Over the relief action in this form. We Joseph Buveen, famous anglo-Jewish cord, with the determination to find a way to effect unity in a Did Last week at our neighboring city, thirty Omahans were at the tourney, are jealous for Palestine because we art dealer, announced today the esnational Lincoln, the National Order of Aleph and many others traveled, to Ihe city know its permanent value in Jewish tablishment of an annual fund of CertHifi fundamental ideas were stressed by the represents- 2adik Aleph held their second annual Saturday to view the final game and life and its incomparable strength for £1000 for the purpose of .purchasing ' = the revitalization and continuation of the paintings of contemporary British ' 5 tive£ Assembled as the basis of unity, the sine*qua-non of a worth- basketball and oratorical tourna- attend the dance. Jewish life and Jewish -culture. A jS while organization. Recognition that each group is an integral ment. Although neither the Omaha persual of Jewish history will con- artists. WANTED Sir Joseph recently wrote to Prime ,;S This tournament should be, and basketball team or the orator, Sam vince every unbiassed: person that all part of the Jewish life, with certain' traditions to be cherished was, a great occasion amongst the Zacharia, placed in the contest, their structures erected in the Diaspora Minister Baldwin asking the support i s Young man for city work. with frositive teachings to uphold, but all within the heritage of Jewish youth of America, Last year p { sooner or later:collapse, leaving de- of the government for promising j E s it t o f p i a y ing and presentation plorable ruins. This ought to be a young British artists. Israel and -dedicated to thre preservation of Judaism, is the pre- a t Omaha under the auspices of the Was praiseworthy. I £ ' Must be well acquainted in lesson. requisite of group action. It was also agreed that no group will 4 local A. Z. A. chapter was held the The St. Paul chapter after downing "The capital of each nation and He hopes leading Englishmen '" *" city. Answer giving name, interfere in any way with the autonomy of the others, no effort first national Jewish basketball and for preliminary teams, came into Ihe country si the sum total of the sur- follow his example and 'will establish =E age, and address. Box 650 pluses of each individual. This is a permanent femd for promising £ will be ma-de to minimize the honor of the associated parties by debate contest ever stagexl in final stretch and with hard fighting true not only of material wealth but young British artists, Sir Joseph de- £ c/o Jewish Press. America. any one, not attempt to criticize or change the attitude of anyone In this year classic seven teams Won 27 to 9 victory over Des Moines. also of spiritual wealth. The misforof our people was that the sur- clared. to the Jewish heritage by any other, but all "together regarding, entered the finals at Lincoln, four The Des Moines boys played a good tune plus of our material and physical game and deserve the second place; iiiiiiiiniHiiiiiiiiiiifiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiir one another with respect, sympathy and helpfulness. -wealth, the result of our pain and others having been eliminated in the ctip they received. Jabor, was not credited to our nation, As a beginning, it was tentatively agreed that wheriever district meets. Chosing: the'-winner in the oratory but went to the countries in -which group action be deemed advisable, or a proclamation in behalf of The first round scores are as fol- division was Tiot as easy a task as in ye. lived. It is. true that at present WHOLESALE basketball. Each of the ten boys, if you sow in Palestine a pint of seed, • Jew. and Judaism be required, it shall be by unanimous consent or lows: MAURICE CIVIN a quart will not grow, but you masDruggists and Stationers Lincoln, 19; Sioux City, 17. representing as many A. Z. A. chapt- rest assured that the pint will be not at all. I0I-t03-4OS some Wtb Street Des Moines, 19; Kansas City,. 12. ers, presented strong and well polish- there and it will be "The direct cause While this'restriction mayy1 not ^ wisltes to announce q'adequate action-o£:the : h e Saint Paul, 39; Gary, Ind., 14. ed speeches on "The Contribution of for my arrival in America is the respeedy handling of xmr common problems^ is nevertheless.a step Second round scores: •establishment of the Jewish national that he is no longer, the Jew to the Civilization of Amerhome in Palestine. A great and. de38; Lincoln, 16'. "Jn the^ right direction, and if-ratified by the American -Jfewishvor- Des ifcjines, 38; 16. - - ica." connected with the cisive hour- has come in the history r Xrolof£ Sfoux City, -winner of of our people:. as in. the time of Cyrus, J PAXTON-MITCHELL CO. i^gam'zations involved,,will-lax the foundation of.ajdesirable ui^iy Saiftt Paul, 25 j Omaha*" &. : Enrney 1662 ! Final scores: '. a Vess*^ national High school oratori- the opportunity has been granted to" S7th * Slartbtt Sta. -an our American Jewish life. " 7" Qmstaa, Nebr. Horseshoe Lake Saint Paul, 27; l>es Moines, 9. cal contest, received the first place us to return to trar country and to re-- Soft Stay iroti, bronze etid Bln," .1 It was pointed out'that if in any situation unanimous consent The Saint Paul team tfefeated four cttp for his rating.. He .pointed i9ot Build our h«use. The Tedemption arid minaiB eastings. brass, Standard si2es brotize Summer Resort Co. the -reconstruction in the land of our and iron bushings, sewer manholes, ".. cannot fre obtained for any action contemplated, ea<sh of the Av -2. A. teams before meeting Des how the doctrine of Israel acted as a forefathers has, therefore, -been in- cistern tings and covers, find clean-out v \ - stituent groups is free, as at pre&ent, %o act^as i t ^ e s fit. ^ Moines in the last battle. The Saint light to struggling America in early trusted from now on into our hands. doors in stock. ".' with lceenr interest-and nigh hope the formal organization *>f ifche JPaul lads are students at the Uni- history. He also enumered individual It all depends on the will and ability National Conference of American Jewish ttongregatio'ns.- 'Jewish versity of Minnesota. Several of the Jewish-Americans, who contributed in of the Jewish people. The Jewish boys have -enviable records in the the realm of sederae, music are, comATTEND THE Ghronfeie," annals •of*Saint Paul high sckool merce and other branch t>f endeavor this historic duty -with love and ento America, their adopted country. FOURTH ANNUAL MASQUERADE BALL thusiasm, the duty toward itself, its athletic circles. BIALIK HAS COME Jake Finkelstein of Lincoln received past and toward its future, if we do The Jewish Press correspondent g,t to be given want to deny the substance of our American Jewry has put on its holiday gbwns to Welcome the Lincoln "1iad the very difficult task of second honors in the Oratorical divi- not life and of our historic existence. The great-Hebrew poet, Chaim Nachman Bialikj the harbinger.of new picking an "All-American" A. Z. A. sio"h. He told of the many contribu- sooner we fulfill this duty, the better Sunday Evening, February 21, for vrs. There is no doubt and brilliant dawn," the proclaimer of the revival of an ancient team. Several men have been shifted tions the Jews have made from time itthatwill.be th« Question of re-establishing at Kelpine's Dancing Academy their regular positions as fhe, to time to" America, climaxing his people, the •creator who has fused the spirit of life into the dry from the Jewish national home in Palestine oration with t h e "words: writer "knows that the change by the will, whether we .Want it or "not, hebones of a fossilized Hebrew, Bialik .'the enchanting bard, the not "hurt their skill or accuracy. "If the contributions of the Jews come a question cthonor for the Jewmagic singer of our people's lament, the eloquent -champion -of All "American A. "Z. X, Basketball were taken away there would be. a ish people and its -status in all the AUFLEBUNG CLUB countries of the diaspora. great vacuum in America." our people's hopes, the charmed weaver of words, Bialik the echo Players 1926. Three Prizes tor Best Masks GOOD MUSIC "The Jewish people which -seeks not The other contestants entered "were: of Isaiah and reincarnation of Jehudah Halevi, has come to First team. Reuben Askanase, Fargb, No. Bale.; Simon, f f <......St. Paul, Minn. America; ' Mmncs, Ia.;i Nathan Wreseman, this JCftrestion awd draw from Beclcerman, £ » .' .t)es Homes, la.. Oh Tuesday February 9, thousands of New York Jews waited to Abe "Katleman, Council Bluffs, la.; it the theoretic and ^Tactical conseGoldman, c .". TJary, lad. acclaim tfie national poet of'our people. To tnyriads of enthusiasts Edelman, g- (capt) ..*St, Paul7 Minn. Herman Brownstein, Minot, No. Dak.; j quences. The only and final conseof this consideration must lie Bialik declared on arriving in New York: "1 come to America Markman, g .......v....t>es Moines, la. Maurice Wienberg, Superior, Wis.; quence that the re-establishment of the naHarry Xevfrte, Kansas-City, Sam tional home imist, -at any price, bewithout any pretensions. I hope- my simple words will reach the Second team. the task of the entire people ,. ISioux City, Ta, Tatlebaum , Gary, ~Tnd.; and Sam come hearts -of American Jews. I sxa. not an orator. I am merely a man Harlow,, f „ without exception and that the reZacharia, pmaha. St. Paul, Minn. construction cannot "be delayed, but of letter-s. I hope, however, that in my own way I shall succeed! Abromevitz, f At a general -meeting, of-the -na- must be carried out with the greatest Williams, c <capt) ....Des Moines, l a . ih making my fellow-Jews appreciate the lofty values which are tional Aleph Zadifc"Aleph, • Sunday,- a t speed and eSMency possible, with treg St. Paul, entKusiasm and -with -a max* being created in Eretz Israel. If they will -appreciate the values Bosen, Klein, g ...:. St. Paul, Minn. Lincoln, Omaha chapter. No. ~1 bid for the next tournament. To date as I describe them they will come to know the kind x)f sacrifices Honorable JMention. no other chapter has asked fo* the they, who live under prosperous conditions, ought to make in order •GoldbeTg, f ........ St. Paul, Minn. meet, others are expected to bid later, Harry H. LapiHus, Pres,-Treas. ' that those who labor at the laying of the foundations do not feel •Shulman, f . . .Lincoln, Nebr. however. W. IS.- Vre, Secretary. ..., Omaha, TSTebr. abandoned but receive the strength to go on with their precious Beiss, i ,. The tournament -concluded Sunday Omaha: Alberts, c „ JLincoln, ^Nebr. night -with it liage bawiaet, a t vi-hich work for Eretz Israel," ..Sioux City, la. time tups atjd medals -were presented "We&towsky, c The*above is indeed a humble message from a great figure. 'Copland, f ..ipy ....Kansas City, Mo. to the rfespedave winners. HabM Bialik-the creative genius, happy in his literary labors, trould not Friedman, g ..~ COMPLETE STORE AND .....Gary, Ind. StHrrels,. presidfent . of th«. Lincoln OFFICB •OUTFrTTERS rest'because-of the difficult task and heavy burdens of our national Bender^ g E FIND that with most men The Nebraska Omaha, Nebr. Ei i B*rith, and SSaibM Herman Eiis noted chiefly for low prices on clothing leaders, $nd so has offered to break his silence, desert his labor lAnchor, g Des Moines, la. IintffeJn, botib g^v* speeches ; - due to its one-price, No Sale policy. .Kansas City, Mo. in -which they pYaisedrth-e work of the of love, abandon his art, tear himself away from his books and Wolfe, f .Lincoln, NebrJ Lincoln A. Z. A. and the organization t~2i manuscripts, and help in the material and practical work <of ifce 1Green, f Beckerman, classy little forward OMAHA. as a while. QUALITY, however, is more important Great -Cause, the restoration of Zion. 1 from Des "Moines was the high "point Sam B«ber, GTand President ©f the New York now has the opportunity to -do him Tionor. May ]>of the" toumamerit with, seven baskets Supreme Advisory Council of the A. to us than a Low Price oar btgfcren in th.at gi^eat iwetropolis not be found wanting in! and ten gift shots' • • Z. A., urged the members to do more There are few things more easily cheapened or deteriorated "next -wee:. things in every line and spirit of • dignity} dignity; self-respect,taid §df-r^pect,-and above all in self-sacrifice. selfsacrifice Boston Jewry tournament Jewry, M o w tournament"news Watch for it I than the "VITALS," the insides, the HIDDEN parts o£ your Judaism. He saH the A. .Z; A. was is to welcome the .sage and poet on "Wednesday, February 24. Let W trying to, develop aa A> Z. A. spirit ssit «r top costs. us clean "house, adorn our communities, don raiment of festivity, League g , -ConJmeTci&l dfc thB vt—or Jewish spirit, and'tfcat" gird our loins, inspire our young, encourage mv ©W, take new W* maintain {and it-cannot be disputed) that "inside confie the one oaths of self-sacrifice and utter "again vows of fealty. The .great Stik-Tite.s struction" is as essential to a roan's suit as is the iron organisation "which -could- Iboast -of .....-: 8 Evans guest is coming I—-"'Advocate." skeleton framework of our modem buildings. such a spirit of fraternafism and i. sportsmanship as the A. E. A. showed Jewish Communrfy Center....4 The perfect fit, or rather PERMANENT PERFECT FIT, T6 a t its tournament. .„ BinBtein Theory Passes Club 2 to Professor Ernstem by.J, U . Jeans, Tiiorpia^AthleUc J of oar rsoits and topcoats rests entirely on their inside conHarry Lapidus, who was a gttest at : I n Omalia fBtol Test With Acceptance fey tShe president of the society, -who de- Omaha •tTr>irr Camnier«&ls.. O thfe 'banTiuet, tin being catted upon to •strusction. . British Astronomiral Society spite -the inability of Brofessor EinThe- TfrbTphm Athletic -CJub, one • y-. " tein to be present, delivered an ad- <tt the two JerrbSi. teams, entered in speak said: Beware of nice appealing, but cheapened inside clothing. -558 Koon»»—200 Ii»tha • * London, Ffibf. 13,—(J. T. A.)—The dress in praise of. the noted Jewish the CoHSffRSTCial Dsagne drew a bye "Judaism aird good-arersynohomtras; Boms fer ? l i 0 For yemr protection, we often rip garments open to make Co. by You should go tiadk -and Iraild xtp 3XB iheoty «n relativity of% Professor Al- scientist. onr investigation of quality more thorough. . something good for your *ommmtity, bert Umstfein, which, started a new Tie conferring bt the medal i a a n standing-»6t diartgemg. ; Community Center If you have -deterrrirnaticta to ^win, go e*a i n th« science of physics ana indication of the acceptance of t h e The"back and you will put it over, and shdDk-the'ftwndation «f the principles theory by the Saciety, the president team -^tftyed'Stik>-Tites; ihs League A. St. A.'^nd-Stfcer Jewish of "Newton, passed its final test today declared. "He farther stated that the -leaders" in S"iSatd and fast game. The works." Stik-Tites defeated- - t h e ' -Community -When, i t .was accepted by the British address delivered by him, although Center quintette b y . the very dose Philipp Klutznick, Grand ATrepi OK4S*. Professor Einstein ."was absent, -was ! d the Lincoln i . Soy«i-A4r6nimical Society. . • , CORRECT APPAREL FOR WEN AND WOMEN dol vf tAe A. Z. A. praised "kanrvey-Tipbn him- tfa&-; ©core " of 20 to-18. v Pfeone J A ckson 1226. ch^)ted^for^ott&ig:«ver5ihe- touma- The goty medal, the highest dis- ^greatest honor to -winch an astroiio-l f ATRONWB OOB ADVERTISERS! ^ e n t in such a commendable fashion, tinction of the society, was awarded mer can aspire.
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WEDDINGS BURKENBOAD—FOX Announcement is made of the marriage of Miss Sylvia, Fox, to Mr. Leslie L. Burkenroad, son of Mr. and llxs. Max Burlcenroad of this city. The ceremony "was solemnized Sanday afternoon, February .14, at 4 o'clock, Rabbi Frederick Conn performed the ceremony. The bride wore a lace gown trimmed with "handmade roses and a long tuHe' veil fastened -with orange blossoms. "She carried bride's Toses and lilies of the valley. The bride also carried a nandkefcirief 'which was carried by the groom's mother at her wedding forty years ago. Mr. Burkenroad and his bride left Sunday evening for Avenel, N* J., •where Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Fox, the bride's parents, will hold a reception at. their home Sunday evening, FebTuary 21, in honor of the couple. T2nroute the couple stopped off at Chicago, "where they entertained at a reception at the Cooper-Carlton for members of Mr. Burkenroad's fraternity, the Pi Tau Pi. They "Will also entertain his fraternity brothers at Hotel McAipin, in New York and Washington. Mr. Burkenroad and his bride will reside at the Blackstone upon their return in March,
Members of the fourteen Jewish' women's organizations in the city have been invited to a tea to be given Tuesday afternoon, March % at the Blackstone Hotel. This is the second annual social gathering of aH JewisTi organizations, sponsored by the Women's Welfare Organization, the largest and oldest Jewish Women's organization in the city. These, social gatherings are given ENGAGEMENTS Mr, and Mrs. A. Krestul announce to discuss and work out plans in OTthe -engagement of their daughter, der to better the work of «ach organiJennie, to Mr. Sam A. Rosenblatt, of this city. No date has been set for PI TAU PI ENTERTAIN the wedding. .
Miss Esther Blumenthal has as ner guest, Miss Estelle Arenson, of Tulsa, Okla., Miss Blumenthal entertained at bridge Sunday afternoon at her home in honor of her guest. Miss Arenson is returning to her home Sunday.
Sixteen couples were entertained at a Valentine Party Monday evening in the Oriental Eoom of the Blackstone Hotel by the local Pi Tau P i Fraternity. Honor guests were Bob Hall and Ida Levine, members of the Orpheum Circuit, who entertained the other guests with song •numbers. Hugo Heyn's orchestra furnished the music for the evening.
The Council of Jewish Women will meet Monday afternoon, February 22, at 2:30, a t the Jewish Community Coiter. Mrs. Carl Furth is in charge of the program to , be .presented a t the meeting. Saturday morning* February 27, Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Chapman re- Council Sabbath will fce neld at turned Wednesday from a visit to Temple Israel. Mrs. Isy Sosenthal New fork, Washington^ D. C. arid •will read a paper, and a musical Chicago, 111. program will also be givenu Mrs. A. H. Brodkey has as her guest, her sorority sister, Dr. Minnie Brelson, of San Francisco, Calif. Dr. Minnie Brelson formerly of China, is now doctor at the University Hospital KAHN-STEIN VEAL BIRDS SERVING SIX The marriage of Miss Sadie Stein, in San Francisco. She was a school 6 slices veal steak daughter of Mrs. M. A Stein, of this mate of Mrs. Brodkey, when both, at2 cups bread dressing city, to Mr. Abe Kahn, son of Mrs. tended the University of California 4 tablespoons fat ' Sarah Kahn, was solemnized Tuesday at Berkely. While enroute to Omaha, To Prepare afternoon, February 16, at the home Dr. Brelson visited in Chicago, where Place one heaping tablespoon of of the groom's mother in the presence she attended the wedding of her bread dressing on each, slice of of only the immediate family. Kabbi cousin, Miss Anne Zimmerman, also veal. Roll up and tie. Have fat a sorority sister of Mrs. Brodkey, Frederick Cohn officiated. in pan hot and add veal steaks and Mr. Kahn and his bride are making and who visited here on several oc- brown well on both sides. Kemove from pan and to the fat in pan add their home with the groom's mother, cassions. two tablespoons fiour and one at 3010 Lincoln Blvd. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest A-Meyer have" small chopped -onion. Slowly add as their'house guests, iBrs. Meyer's two cups water and stir until thick. GERELICK-MOSOW Add salt and peper to taste. Put sister, Mrs. A. E. Levich, arid dauglt- J veal steaks in gravy and put in In the presence of only the immed- er, MarceUe, of Sioux City, Iowamoderate Oven. Bake for one hour iate family, Miss Bert Mosow, daughtand serjpe at once. er of Mr. and Mrs. S. Mosow, of Sioux Mr, and MTS. S. Rips entertained f City, la., became the bride of Mi. t3ieir~ evening club*"SanSay*eVfenifig at' Jules L. Gerelick, son of Mr. and "Mis. their home. Prizes were won by Mrs. As Tnany pears as desired, al. lowing two halves to a per"L. Gerelick, of Omaha. The oere- D. Silverman and Mrs. A. Rips. In son mony was solemnized Sunday even- the afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. Eips enCrisp lettuce leaves ing, February 14, at the home of the tertained a t a birthday party in honor % eup-whipping cream bride's parents in Sioux City. Rabbi of their . daughter Molly's ninth 2 talbiespoons maydnnaise Isadora Isaacson officiated. birthday. Prizes in games were won Vs. ctq> chopped nuts Mr. and Mrs. L. Gerelick, parents by Mary TCirschenbaTun, Molly Sosen,' 24 cinnamon, drops 1 cap water of the groom, were the only Omahans and Irvin Taffe. 1 cup sugar who attended the-wedding. Miss Hannah Filvin was hostess Boil sugar, water and candy cinMr. Gerelick and his bride are now namon drops for five minutes. last Tuesday evening to the Hajabls on their honeymoon in Kansas City, Add pears and cook slowly until Mo.r and will, arrive in Omaha the "Club. Prizes being won by the Mis- as pink as desired. Drain (resses' Jeannette Krestul and. Shirley erving syrup to use again) aTlatter part of the week to make their Eosehbloom. range when tool oa lettia* Ifisyes. home here. Whip cream stiff, add mayonnaise Do not make any oth*r -arrange- and place one tablespoon full on KORBHOLZ—HANDLER each pear half. Sprinkle with ments on March 7, it will be the night Bess Handler, daughter «f the Zionist Ball at the Monldpil chopped nuts and serve «old. Mr. and Mrs. S. Handler, who will Auditorium. Adv. PURIN PASTRY be married Sunday, March 14, at her ; Teiglach home, to Mr. H. Mike Korbholz, of Mrs. Jarohm ELulakofsky entertain4 caps flour St. Joseph, .Mo., has chosen as her' ed Monday evening a t her home in 1 teaspoon baking powder maid-of-honor and only attendant,! -honor of her daughter, Mrs. Max 3 tablespoons oil Miss Carey Korbholz, of St. Joseph,' Langman, of Harrisburg, Pa.., and 4 eggs . . - • ' . sister of the groom, and Mr. Phil also for Miss Martye Weinstein, a Mix and knead these ingredients Handler, brother of the bride, will March bride-to-be. • unta smooth. Form into roll % be Mr. Korbholz's best man. The' "Anatole France and the irony inch thick and cut -off into small ceremony will be solemnized at the pieces. Boil % 1b. honey and % home of the bride's parents, in the life" will be Rabbi Frederick Cohn's cup sugar. Pour into large dripsermon subject this Friday evening ping pan. Add pieces of of doxtgh presence of friends and relatives. at the Temple. On Saturday morning and place in hot oven. When his subject wil lbe "The Purpose of a •dough is well -puffed and beginSHAPIRO—FERER ning to brown. Add one cup nut In the presence of four J hundred Sanctuary." meats and ginger to taste. Take guests, Miss Esther Ferer, daughter from oven wet with cold water. Mrs. J. Feldman and Mrs. J. RadinSpread out on board, pat until of Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Ferer, was fiat and cut into pieces. married to Maurice M. Shapiro, son owski will entertain at a benefit card Kuchen Dough of Mr. and Mrs. Max Shapiro, on party Friday "evening, February IS, 1 pint scalded milk . Sunday evening, February 14, at the at the home of Mrs. RadinowskL-The % cup butter Blackstone hotel. Eabbi H. Grodzins- proceeds will go towards the upkeep of the Jewish Folk Shul. % cup sugar ky officiated. 1 teaspoon salt Table decorations were valentine The Misses Rosella Klein and Lil6 cups flour colors. The bride's gown was an lian Kooper will entertain at the 1 whole egg 2 cakes compressed yeast import of white, made of silver Brandeis Tea Rooms Saturday noon Warm bowl and flour. IMssolv* lace and studded with brilliants. followed by an Orpheum Theatreyeast in % cup luke "waim milk The bride's attendants were Miss Party in iionor «f two March bridesand one teaspoon sugar. Cream Nellie Ferer, maid-of-b.onor, Mrs.l to-be, fee Misses Martye Weinstein, flour with butter. Add salt and Moe H. Pessen, matrpn-of-honor;; and Bess Handler, who will both be .sugar and well beaten egg. Stir yeast mixture into rest of lake Miss Sophie Ferer, and Mrs. Allen; married on Sunday, March 14. ' •warm milk and stir ..Into flourKohan, bridesmaids. Mr. Moe Pessen; 1 Knead withVihands until smooth. was the groom's bestmam; and; Mr. and Mrs. David B. Cobn moved Set in f a r m place to 2ise. When groomsmen were Allen Kohan, Sam1 into their new home a t 1109 North. double iri-bulii torn -otft on board arid make into any desired shape." Rochman, and Charles Fellman. 50 Street , _Let .rise, again .in .-warm place. Ushers were Meyer Ferer and Sam Harold Sare, -son of Mr. and Mrsli | 5 k : in-moderate-eveni •" ?.'_ Stern. Master Leonard White, was A. Saxe, 3557 Jackson St., -v\-itl be con-" ring-bearer, and little Ruth Ferer, firmed at a barmitzvoh Saturday Household Hints was the flower-girl. Add one tablespoon chili sauce morning, Febroary 20, at 10 o'clock at .to hamburger before frying., I t Out-of-town guests who attended the B'nai Israel Synagogue. gives a new fiaror. the wedding were Mr. L. Kochman, •" Mr. a&d Mrs. A. P.. Muskin enterof East St. Louis, 111., Mr. and Mrs. To *waTtn roHs, place, tfiem in a Max Duitch, and Mrs. Annie Miller, tained at a faJnily dinner Sunday evepaper bag and they will be crisp : and not dry. of Ames, la., Mr. and Mrs. Mose ning at their home. Krasne, of Fremont, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. Jaiius IE. Newman left Sunday To slice boiled' eggs, dip knife Harry Miller, of Manhattan, Kans./ in cold water. for New Orleans and Havana, Cuba. and Miss Mary Koban, of Des He will be gone for two months. Moines, la. To cut fresh cake, dip knife in hot water. ' Shake off water be^ Mr. Shapiro and his bride are Miss Rose Cain, of Denver, Colo., fore each cutting. making their home a t the .Hanscom .will -spend the week-end in Omaha Apartments. . .with her mother, Mrs. Sarah Cohan. To remove spots from mahogany, apply iodine with a small - Good Music at the Zionist Ball •Mr. Harry A. Wolf is- in Florida brush. "' ' ' " March 7- at the Auditorium.—Adv. on a business trin. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Guttman, who spent the past three weeks in San Antonio, Dallas, and/Corpus Christ!, Tex., and while enroate home they stopped off for a visit in St. Louis, Mo., returned home this week.
Ladies Auxiliary of the Talmud Terah to Give
zation. At this affair, the president of each of the fourteen organizations give short talks on the work of their dub. • r A program of unusual "talent is being prepared for the. afternoon's entertainment. .Two talented musicians who will appear on the program are Gilbert . Jaffe,: -well-known violinist, and Charlotte Abrahams, pianist. Other numbers will also be: presented. Mrs. Max Fromkin is in charge of the affair.
Mr. and Mrs, M» Herzberg entertained sixteen guests at a buffet supper at their home Sunday evening in honor of their twenty-first wedding anniversary. •'•.'•'.
'•'- ••" - - / ' C a r d P a r t y
The Xaaies Auxiliary; of the.*T&brm<2 Torah .will ..give a. Public^Card.. Party nest Tuesday "afternoonJ'F^raary 23, at rthe. :home-of .Mrs; Abe-(Siiinsfcy., 725 Mynster ; Stl This is their '• first public card parly of the season:"'
twenty-four guests at a Bridge Party Club Masquerade BaB February 21 attheJhome of the latter on Thursday evening, complimentary to Miss Bess Seldin who recently 'announced' i-ier The fourth annual-masquerade ball engagement. of the Au'fiebimg; Club will be given Sunday evening, February 21, at £:30 Mrs. M. Bernstein entertained at at Kelpine's Dancing Academy. This Bridge at her home on "Wednesday is one of the largest events "given afternoon. each year by the club, Judges will be chosen to pick the Mrs. Boris I. Cohan and snia'l son left Monday evening for Los Angeles, three most cwig-inal costumes. The Calif., to visit her brother, Mr. Maur- club is also giving- thre« prices to ice Ivubby, and Mrs. Kubby. They j those selling tlie most tickets, expect to be gone about two months.
The Talmud Torah Sunday give "a Purim Program on The biggest dance ©f the season The Agudes Achim Society will afternoon, February ,28th, at Hafer's hold a meeting; next Monday evening, will be the I. O. B. B. dance February Walnut Hail, at 1S7 West Broadway. i at the K. C. Hall. 28, at Hotel Fontenelle.—Adv. {The program will include a play en1 titied, "The Purim Celebration," a PHILADELPHIA JEWISH Benefit Card Pariy sketch, "The Purim Injunction,"-.sev» WROUGHT IRON WORKER Monday Afternoon musical numbers, and readings. AWARDED $1MM PRIZE at Brandeis Griil eral •GIFTS THAT LAST The complete program will be announced in the Jiesrt issue of the Philadelphia, —(J. T. A.)—The Hostesses for the February "Jewish Press.71 The teachers of fbe Edward Box price of ?10,0OQ, awarded party to be given by the Ladies AuxSunday School are holding reSearsels annually to the person serving the iliary of the ;South Side "Synagogue; with the Play cast. best interests of Philadelphia, was on Monday afternocn.'Febxuary 2.2, at Wholesale and Retail 2 o'clock rat, -the -BraJtwleis - Grijl, are rs. Mar Cohn entertained her given to Samuel Yellrn, master Jewelers the Mesdames J, l«evey, S. Coreiiinan, Afternoon Bridge Club at her horhe wrought iron worker. Diamond Importers 1S.T. Yellin has constructed most of j L. Wolfson, M. Moskovitz, S. Braun- on Tuesday. 214-216 City Nat'l Bank Bldg. the famous gates in America, includsteln, and A.~ - ScWaifef. Mrs. Established 1894 Mr. X Morganstern will speak to ing the gates of the Federal Reserve Sherman is in charge of all the csrd the Community -on Friday evening, Bank here, the Ctmard Building in p.-trSes given by the Auxiliary.. Plans are all completed :£or tlie af- February IS, a t iiie .sf-nagogne at £18 New York, the Eafkness Memorial at Yale University, the Packard Buildfair. Prizes will he given, at each Mynster St., at ing- in Philadelphia, the entrance to *%ti Hi Hslj? Y<m Ktef Cfean" table. Mr. and Mrs. Mi-Bernstein enter- the Pierpont IVIorg-an Estate and the tained their Evening Mah Jong Club gates ..of the Cathedral cf St. John Ifwitations for' at their home last Wednesday even- the Deviire, in New York. He has ! 1819 California Street Tea Sunday Afternoon ing, J": •:*:-- V : t.'~- .•"•:;• : won numerous honors, among them, ! ATlantic the gold medal of the American InstiMrs. Jennie Schwartz returned Invitations have been issued by tute of Architects. He established a Mrs. Philip Schwartz, the Misses Byr- home Stonday ev«nia^ after viatmg wrought iron department of the die and Lottie Selicow, for a tea to foT several weeks in Kansas City, and School of Industrial Art in Philadel- f Wet Wash | Semi-Rat . be given Sumlsy afternoon, February St. Joseph, Mo. phia. Mr. Yellin i s thirty nine years 21, from 3 to 6, at their home, 2872 Mrs. Max M. Steinberg entertained old. He came to America from JR-as- I Rough Dry Chicago Street, in honor of Mrs. twelve jgceslti Bt?. a luncheon bridge sia at the age of seventeen. AMERICAN WET WASH Maurice E. Stein, formerly Miss Eva last Thursday sftemoon, ai»d •enter|28PS Alpirn, Miss Martye Weinstein, who tained a similar number of guests at will be married March 14, to Mr. a luncheon followed by bridge again g!B Joseph Kubin, of San Antonio, Tex, on Monday noon. and for Mrs. Jules L. Gerelick, formProf. Frank Mach BUTTER and ECJQS erly SSiss Bert MOBOW, of Sioux City, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Perlmutter enIowa. Concert Wiolinist Cocnrfl tertained twenty guests at their home la. | Those who •still assist at tiHs tea at a Dinner Party on Sunday evenand Instructor will be Mrs. Morris Levey, and ing. Robert Endelman, SOP of Mr. lias comnrcntB -and Tiralw. frotrs Misses Lottie Stein, Anne Schwartz, and Mrs. Charles Endelman, who just some of the greatest teachers in and Ann Gerelick. recently recovered from an operation, the world. <3iye your child a, was the honor guest. Txie evening correct, foundation. Mis. Harry Braviroff ictarned home was spent playing card=. 'Studi© IVVz Sotik 16th St. from the Wise Memorial Hospital, Mr. and Sirs. S. Shyken entei-tained where she was recertly operated on AT-1000 aSCHERER Phone lt5S. forty meiabcrs of the Omaha and for appendicitis. .; • Council Bluffs Leachowitz Society nt Mrs. Morris Seidman, of Lincoln, a Diraier Party at their home on SunP^ is the house ! guest' of her day evening, February 7, in -onor of daughter, Mrs. D. B. Cohn, and Mr. ns Club's first anniversary. A pair l of Pillow Cases Jtnade by Mrs. H. iGolm. " WlitteWessleton adoff, -were Tiiffled." Mr. and Mrs. Augjjsi Badanes, of Ci.e h-undi^a dollars was «ent to j York City, dawgliter and-SOB^ iJ.e Poor Fe ;v-}e in l,eachowitz, ;law of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Konecky, j of Omaha, celebrated their second Mounting j wedding anniversary at a dinner Missss Eva and Rosaline Pvichman given at their New Y-ork home Stm- spent the -week-end in Lincoln, Nebr. ttay February 7. Among former visiting their sister, Eudice, a student Omahans who were guests at the din- at the University of Nebr. ;ser wejre Rose Davidson, Gertrude Misses Fannie Zuker and G oldie Wintroub, Faye Kline, Dora Chesno Isabelle and Frances Palais, Selma Finkelstem of Omaha are entertaining | Bercu, Mrs. B. Zangwell, formerly Lillian Robinson, Paul Konecky, Louis and Samuel Frieberg.
I Frontier Towel & Lira
A regular meeting oJ the Chesed Shel Emeth will be held Wednesday afternoon, February 24, at the home at 1912 Cuming Street. A full -report will be given as to the result of the opening of the home which will be held Sunday afternoon.
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The Junior Daughters of 2aon will meet Sunday afternoon, February 21, at the Jewish Community •Center, A program will be presented.
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Zionist Party Council situation at a special conference Sbpw "Capital Miss Hay had'wanted-to visit the from other .fiarjs of Poland,, children Urges Return Of Gruenbaum •which was convened by the Party floor1 above." She had heard of"it be- of workmen, who, starving' themPi Picturc To Leadership in Sejm Club Council for March 7. fore she came to Wilna. For the selves, were unable to send them anyfloor above is occupied by the Yiddish thing. And here > they are, studying "Capital Punishment," a .motion Teachers' Seminary; a'school with 141 under the most incredible hardships. Warsaw, Febr 11',—(J. T. A.)— By MAX N. KKOLOVF students. "Tales1 of the brave spirit 30 had to be sent home last month. picture with, a gripping story which Deputy Isaac Gruenbaum, former I. O. B. B. both educates and entertains, is to be Had to be ordered home because, such of these- young people had .come to me ..Editor's Note. — Max Kroloff-'of' Slonx the ' -masses • and. shajjioj; . their long before I ever expected to be in is their spirit that they do not sur- shown at the Brandeis theater for president of the Club of Jewish DepRegular Meeting of City, Iowa,- tauanber of Stonx'OUy A.Z. A , | thoughts. It is interesting to note Wilna, and I wanted to,see them?, render until they collopse. Besides— eight days starting Saturday. There uties in the Polish Sejm, who was sucyno the winner of tbo Rational A.Z. A. • as one said—what is the use of going will be four performances daily. OrstorlsT 'eoate«t held at Lincoln, Nebr.. that in these 'seimons origovernment- she writes. ceeded in his office by Dr. Leon Reich, Ltat week. Xounr Kroloff Is tlio. boy who al policy, not only the clergy, but home. Things are worse there. But, "On the floor below, the police were : •won third place In. the - National High some of the most eniment orators, The picture has been reviewed by author of the Polish Jewish agreewith all their fine spirit I am afraid High'School contest In which * njore than restoring order amongthe hungry, ment, was urged to return to his poone /million. Bleb School boys nnrtldpated.' scholars, and' patriots"' of" t h e : day, half-maddened mass.'. Men had for- of what will happen to them. Most Dr. Victor Levine, chairman of the The followlnrls the address wlijch Kroloff dwelt in eloquent discourses' on* the gotten their manhood.. They had of the girls had swollen hands and Nebraska Committee for the Study litical work -within the Club, in a re, delivered at Xdncoln. , . . .• teachings of Hebraic culture. A few struck women and ch'Hdren. Women feet—that ugly swelling from mal- of Crime; Mrs. W. E. Johnson, presi- solution adapted by the Zionist Party the leading men'of the time-who had forgotten themselves.- They had nutrition. - And how the teachers live Council, following a two day session The yearl926 marks the one hund- of made particularly impressive addres- trampled on other women, on the is a'mystery they don't reveal..•: They dent of the Nebraska Federation; of devoted to the consideration of the red-fiftieth anniversary of-the Amer- ses against' government, Women's Clubs, Sheriff Mike Endres of other mothers—a drama- haven't been paid in seven months. ican Declaration of Independence. A going to themonarchical for thein di- children "I was shown the answers to a and several others interested in the political crisis within the Club of Jewtic, realistic demonstration -of the centuary and a half after it had been rect political Scriptures ' authority, were James eternal urge of self-preservation. psychology test. The students had abolition of capital punishment.:' The ish Deputies. conceived and made possible, we, the Otis, originator" of the idea of .'the . The Zionist Party Council, in other been asked to write down what they "Here, in the room: above, all was American citizens of today,, find our- Committee of Correspondence, Samuel discussed the evening before. group unanimously agreed that the resolutions, criticised Dr. Isaac Schipselves possessed of the "blessings of Langdon, president of Harvard Col- calm, serene. The fire of intelligence had that blazed from.the eyes of these Every other answer paper described a picture should be recommended be- per for withdrawing from the Club liberty" in a land of tolerance, justice, and considered a fit successor to young people caused you' almost to discussion of various . methods for cause of the powerful message ,jt car- following a-disagreement with1 the and equality. Endowed with, as its lege, John Locke, who proved by the exforget the pallor of-their faces. It self-deception, of convincing one's self ries. • fundamental basis, a truly republican ample of Israel that the "divine rijrht Reich.- group on the question of-the hunger is Just a mere mental atform of government, an American of kings" was ait unfounded doctrine, was the lunch hour-rand the" students that The leads in the picture are taken Polish Jewish agreement. The reso- Every - Thursday Evening at Jewish titude.:.." •;, , ''• crowded around fireless s,toves civilization has been developed. the Key. Samuel West, wiw npplied were "But I. have found-out about the by ^George Hackathorne and Clara lution urges Dr. Schipper to return to Community Center Building. and debating. The.'"stoves -are mere .During this auspicious anniversary the adomition of Jethro, to Moses, to J. M.VMALASHUCK.. fresident. of the Birth of our.nation,..whe.n .some- the Ame ican people in their devel- subsonscious symbols "of warmth, and teachers. 'They have been getting, Bow. They are ably supported "by tire Club and' also expresses dissatisISADOKE A.BRAMSON. Secretary. what unsettled conditions havq result- opment of a government, and Rev. Dr. they gathered around" them out: of these past seven or eight months, an Elliott Dextor, Mary Carr, Alec B. faction with "the action of the Jewish ed in, the questioning, by certain Ezra Stiles, president of Yale Col sheer force of habit, They hadn't average of 20 jzloty a week, about $8 Francis,. Eddie Phillips and several deputies from"Galicia who resigned r a r*onth, and Jheyand their families groups or persons, of the -contribu- lege, who compared tho history of the been lighted in weeks, : though,it : h from the Zionist Party Council due to been below zero for days at a time. live on tea, black bread and potatoes: other' vyeN known stars. tion of particular peoples, or even of Hebrew Commonwealthwith, the trend I think everyone should see the their disagreement on the question of particular religious denominations, to of American life... These,and count- And the lunches—they,-too, were al"Hygienic conditions in Wilna are Meets Every Second and Fourth WedAmerica's civilization, and consequent- less others helped greatly in the crea- most nothing more.than-symbols of awful. The lack ofs oap adds to the picture," said Dr. Levine. "The east- the Polish Jewish agreement. nesday evening at the Danish Hall ly a 'questioning of their • right to tion of the spirit which enable;!-the food. They consisted of a glass of awful. The lack of soap adds to the ern critics who lauded the picture are at 8:80 o'clock. tea, furnished by the school authoriAmerican citizenship, it behqoyes us, colonists Final action is expected to be taken to declare and maintain ties, and a few slices of. blacH bread. to dry because it is instantly stolen. absolutely right. It is more than a out of a spirit of fairness, to give the their rightful Harry KUBBY, President. with a view to clarifying the political Indoor drying has increased tubercu.independence. Not so much as a slice' per-person. losis. From 35 to 40 per cent of the message. It has a sensational rommatter careful"and just consideration. But even with the coudusion of the And these slices, thfe luckyvones were Jewish children are'Suffering from ance which keeps the specator inter"With that objective then, rather than any intent of belfishly showering vain Revolution the new nation faced great breaking up into morsels ,and,dividing gland tuberculosis.•'; The local hospit- ested until the very last minute." difficulties. Government under the witfi the. unlucky ones. , jt«tpqk=but a als are-closing for lack of funds, and glory on my own race, I"shall "atCritics ..wherever" the picture has tempt at least to skim the- surface Articles of Confederation was inef- minute for each, to devour his share. the people cannot afford to pay" physir fective; unfed and iH-clothed soldiers been shown have said it is one of the of the subject of" the contribution of "fit a- little while-^asr stood- among dans -' fee. •- Instead- they : call in the ^ew to the civilisation of America., demanded payment for their' services, them—they engaged, toef in .conversa? quacks who "killmore than they cure greatest.in carrying a message since ISADOBJ2 ABRAMSON -Our first thought when •we reflect and the credit of the nation was fte- tion. They wanted to* know, about "The Birth of. a Nation," which was on this-subject is of the Jewish pa- strpyed by failure to pay eventfift fii- America—about its - diaracteristics, "There* is about 90% unemployment distributed ,by_ the same company. Public Accountants and Auditors triots who have given even their lives terestoa the public debt. People who its: customs. Some one asked .me among the Jews of Wilna. The knit- toward'the advancement of. America. had imbibed for a time a democratic about » city h& had heard of—Los ting industry that gave work to 5,000 "We think of the Jews who gave their spirit, demanded-that.as a last resort AngrfcK. I said- it i was always warm is at a standstill. Of 2,000 globe Nor" lore thy life, nor hate! but what thou liv'st, services and unlimited support in all Xo relieve conditions an elective mon- there—and could have r bitten^ my makers only 200. have work. Butchers the wars of American- history. We archy be set up. Anticipating the tongue off. It seemed so cruel to talk have no money to buy meat—and if Live well! how long or short permit Systems—Audits—Investigations ' to Heaven.. —Milton. think of the American Jews who have distress that such action would brinjr of warmth so far away.- But it they did there 'would be no one to 490 BRANDEIS THEATER BLDG the nation, Thomas Paine inhis contributed to its progress in literabrought me back to the sight around whom to sell it. . The bakers are Atlantic 1450. ture, music, science, and 'are. We pamphlet "Common Sens.e", which me—those half-frozen, -undernourish- ruined because flour is no longer sold The world is happy, the world is wide, dwell on the names of Jews! who have acted as a deterrent, resorted to the ed boys and girls. Suffering but too on credit, and people cannot afford to Kind hearts are beating on every side. < —J. R. Lowell. " influential in America's economic de- Bible for an argument against it. proud to whine. AH of them" came buy even black bread." velopment. We turn to education, Paine drew all his evidence from the Hebrew " Commonwealth. He • said, law, or other lines of endeavor, and •we take not that the Jew has gener- "Monarchy is ranked in the Scripture as one. of the sins of the Jews, for ously done his part. which a curse in reserve is denounced But let ns. briefly consider a dif- against them." After statine the ferent phase of this subject-apppro- warnings of Samuel, JPaine concluded priate in this birth-year of. our hist- ;n this way: "These portions of the ory, and highly important because it Scriptures are direct and positive; deals with America's greatest asset— they admit of no equivocal construca Jewish contribution to the American tion. That the Almighty hath here Republican form of Government. It entered his protest against monarchiis impossible in this short discourse cal government is true,, or the Scriptto trace convincingly the details of ures are false." . America's governmental growth, and There is little doubt-that, the so I shall be content with merely' out- sessions of the legislatures inwhich lining the beneficial effect that He- acted on the adoption of the Constibraic culture had in the formation of tution, this •. Jewish - influence again the American Hepublic played a prominent part. The indication of a Jewish influence It is not necessary to conclude that on the future America began with the landing of the Pilgrims. These early the American ;Republic- is-the-dfrfect settlers brought with them to the descendants of the old-Hebrew -Com New World the Jewish Bible as their monwealth. 1vBnt we most admit that inspiration and guide. We have evi- history. of early, ;Israel served" as - a dence that the early New IJnjrlanders guide and inspiration,to the^trug:had: become quite completely Bebraiz .- gling American colonies, and that'the ed, and that for both their social and lessons Israel learned andth£adbmfrpolitical life, the Mosaic code had be- tions she received were influential in the breaking down, in America 'oftfte come the model. • • - • Thus far a Jewish spirit and influ- Unfounded - doctrine •: of the : "divine ence had served: only to give the right of, Wngs,» and the monarchical r people strength and courage ina new oppression which . accompanies i t environment;; but it-remained for it Without a doubt the Jew- ha&' contrito play an important part in throwing buted, at Jeast his* share.to 'America's off the yoke of the mother country most precious possession—her Repub' and the establishment of a democratic lican form of Government; republic The Hebrew "CommonBut let us remember, as we proudly wealth, which existed about 4,00 review the: Jewish influence on Ameryears before under the administration ican civilization, that we must guard of Moses, Joshua, and the Judges, against a spirit of complacency in'the and which incorporated the essential achievements of our forbears. Though principles of democracy under a writ- the history of the Jew records a Count the many superior features you get in the ten constitution, was held up by the struggle for the highest of ideals, New England Fathers as a fit pattern and though he has left an enviable Overland Sedan —Molybdenum steel axle shafts, for them to follow. It must be re- record of service to_ humanity, it remembered that in the time of which mains for.us-to take not glory, from Chrom* Vanadium steel springs, honeycomb radiawe speak there were very few news these accomplishments, but rather inpapers, communication was alow, and spiration. Let us then, filled with the tor; heavy channel steel frame, Auto-Lite starting, only a limited number, could afford spirit of the glorious past, attack higher education. As a result, the vigorously the' problems of the preelection day sermon, which was given sent, that we may in turn hand down lighting and ignition, Tillotson carburetor, Stewart once a year and then printed and unimpaired, the heritage that is ours. spread broadcast, constituted one of This shall be .our greatest contribuvacuum feed, gasoline tank in rear . . . These are all the most effective means of educating tion to the civilization of America^ •
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Men, Women and Children Trampled On In 'Frenzy for Bread In Wilna Irma May Eye-Witness of Mad Straggle For Black Loaves Hafc Narrow Escape From Personal: Injury . . ; Fists of frenzied, starving men and women, struggling to be the first to get bread tickets, struck Miss Irma May, special commissioner "tor Poland* of the $15,000,000 United'Jewish? Campaign, . _ . during_ a recent-visit to the offices of the Jewish Community Organization (Kehjlla) of Wilna. Back and forth the hungry, mob milled, fighting against the gendarmes vainly trying to get some; semblance of drder, fighting to save themselves from being trampled under dhe. feet of hundreds of frightened," hysterical wretches who feared that the supply of bread tickets would be exhausted before their turn. Shrieks" filled the air, and eyes glared half-insanely, while babes screamed with terror. The president of the Kehilja, and the others who were guiding :M$ss" May about the "dead"city" as she calls Wilna, had all they could do to get her out of the place without serious injury. They had heard the road of the' jfrenzied mob while they were , still a block away from the Kehilli office. ' 'I Starvation stalks the streets of Wilna. The streets of this charming 'old town, cultured center of PolishJewish life, and thronged wjth living wraiths, with men and women who see?a to have emerged from graves, writes Miss May, in a letter dated January 21st, addressed to campaign chairman Brown, in which she described/jEhis incident, and tells just one chapter "of the' trgedy'that has overwhelmed the 3,000,000 Jews of
Polandw* women' sit^bfefore rude shacks, off^rjng-^lienwg, and'green a d green |iSt- -II - shacks 7 -apples l for sale—with no"one to buy," . Miss May writes. "Seldom does one >" ,,' ge& any- other, merchanafse in the l that- line the nawowrpictures1» stalls ^ W streets. B t « * * « " * * • » **W
their wares? A zloty—a dime'. " But though-they- never sell anything, there they sit. That is all they can do. Go home ? What difference would that make. Their'hovels are as cold, colder than the snow-filled thoroughfares. "Here and there, little groups congregate. Tragic groups Pale; shivering, with, bloodless - lips. Yet, save for these groups, save for these freezing women; m front ..of. their futile shacks, the streets are deserted. Most of the Jews- are huddled- around cold stoves in their homes—suffering in silence. Many are too weak to emerge. But the offices of the Kehilla are crowded. There bread tickets are distributed. Not since those awful days following the 1918 progrom have I witnessed such heart-rending scenes. "We passed by the Kehilla offjc* again in the evening. There.was \ Dlacs mass-waiting—waiting for the morning when the next distribution would be made of bread tickets. They" used to distribute bread there, but that has been stopped. The sight oi the bread—ugly, black, " one-pound loaves, drove the - starving crowds wild. If they didn't get a loaf, they would have to go hungry another/ week. Several times there was bloodshed. They had to discontinue it-Jand distribute tickets. Now, they may have to discontinue the distribution of tickets, too." .,This raw, primitive frenzy, so vividly portrayed by Miss May is but one of many scenes described in her letter. It is followed by a picture of idealism* of ^modest, heroism enacted, daily, hourly in the very same building* on the floor above to-which she and hec guides .hastened,after they had extricated themselves from the L:..-- _ ~ " -J—=•- -****
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