Success or failure in business is caused more. by mental attitude eyen than by mental capac-
The cynic is one who j knows « the- price of e^efy't h ing" and the v a l u e , of nothing.— • OscarWilde.
ities. — Walter Dm Scott.
-ANO- 12
.Entered as 6econ<f-class inaH matter on' January 27th, 1021, at postofiice at Omaha Nebraska, trader the Aqt of March 3. 1S79.
Subscribers to L.icct Trustees and Directors for Ensuing Year; Building Open During This Term
CRISIS AFFECTS TOURIST TRAFFIC TO PALESTINE Warsaw,—(J.-T. A.)—The tourist traffic from Poland to Palestini during the Passover season will be greatly affected this year i y the economic crisis, it was learned today. Last year 5^000 Polish Jewish tourists left Poland to. spend the Passover season in Jerusalem. The Central Palestine Office in Poland announced today thairso far it had not received •a single application for a tourist visa to Palestine. •
ANTI-SEMITIC Jews Have Ifight To Delegation of Declarants ROUMANIAN EXCESSES SUREAD TO JASSY Bucharest,—(J. T, A.)—The antiTheir OWE Schools Appears Before House Roumanian Semitic excesses carried on by the Re-elected President students, have sprad to of Welfare Federation city of Jassy, acccording to reSupreme Court Rule Immigration Committee the ports received here today. |
Anti-Semitic demonstrations took AH Officers of Welfare Federaplace in the streets. Hundreds of tion Were Re-elected students of the University of Jassy participated in the demonstrations. R E P O R T S OF OFFICERS A Complete Financial Report Will Be Made at Acts of terror were committed. Mcny READ TO AUDIENCE Jewish houses were smashed. Jewish The Meeting Monday Evening- a t : More than five hundred members people were attacked in the streets. Arthur Building- / , ^ , of the Jewish Welfare. Federation atcommunity of the Province of QueWashington, D- C,—The House tended the annual meeting held Sunbec greeted with satisfaction the. de- Immigration Committee heard an apday evening at the Fontenelle Hotet. cision of the Supreme Court of Can- peal from the victims of the present William L. Holzman was re-elected PROGRESS OT ada, the highest tribunal in the quota law, whereby husbands are j president for the ensuing year. All country, which held that the jews of separated from their wives ancPchildDATE AND UPON OPENIKG Made! °ther officers were also re-elected. the Province have a right to the ren, when a delegation of six Jewish Contributions For Institution I They are: Randall's Royal Orchestra to Furnish j British North American Act of 1867. declarants, representing the Alliance At Ceremonies The annual meeting of the subscribers, to the Jewish ComHarry A. Wolf, first vice-president J Music which is the constitution of the of Declarants and Future Citizens, munity Center will be held Monday evening, March. 1, ; at the More than 400 attended the dedicaDominion of Canada, For many New York, appeared before the Com- tion ceremonies of the Chesed Shel Arthur Building. The meeting will begin promptly-at 8 p. m. All plans are completed for the; years a dispute has been going on in mittee. This annual meeting will be one of importance to all the sub- B'nai B'rith dance, to be given this Emes, held Sunday afternoon, Februscribers of the building^ as election of officers will take placfe for Sunday: evening, February 28, at the the Province of. Quebec. between the A striking impression was made by ary 21, at the new home, 1912 Cirmthe ensuing year* Election of three; trustees: and board of direc- Fontenelle Hotel ballroom. The com- Protestant and Jewish communities as the delegates. Their English was ing Street: : to their respective .rights in educators, will also be held. ; ' Mr. Harry Lapidus was the princimittee have secured Randall's Royal tional matters. By a contract made surprisingly good for having been in pal speaker of the afternoon. He A feature of this annual meeting Orchestra to- furnish the music, and in 1903, which was^ incorporated into this country so short a time. Conwill "be when a complete detailed are also arranging, several vaudeville an act of the~ legislature of the gressman Dickstein secured permis- stated that an institution of this nature is essential to a city with as statement of money received andstunts and other entertainment. ' Province, it was agreed between the sion for their appearance before the large a Jewish population as there is money expended as prepared by the Committee." • - • • • in Omaha. auditor Reuben Brown will be presentdaSe 6 are" FitteTe S h ^ ^ ° f ^ **» sections that Jews will be conObservers declared that the poor Generous contributions were made ed. -The by-laws of-the Jewish Com-, English of these humble immigrants "by a number of persons present, munity' Center will be. adopted and Herbert Heavenrich Will Head the increased ^ e a r e m a k r a g p l a n s f o r u n u s u a l Jewish' %•.*• community ^ ™ ^ had uj ™ , 1 ^ to t.« had been inore* impressive than the manifesting the great interest on the Club This Tear [ reports will be made by the president, entertainment and according, to. the practically the ; same size M !as ; fiery eloquence of others. Congress- part of the Jewish people of Omaha the Harry H. Lapidus, and secretary, Joe amount of tickets already sold for man Dickstein^ stated folio-wing the in this new institution. The total Protestant community, the latter apHerbert S. Heavenrich will head the the dance, it will be. one of the.largest L. Wolf. hearing that the appearance of the amount of the contributions made was plied to have the 1903 Act rescinded.. Highland Country Glub this year. He events of the season", said Mr Al, "We are now entering the most imThis the Jewish community opposed delegation had made such an impres- $878.50: ' portant period of the Jewish Com-- was .elected president- at the annual berts.. and further requested representation sion: that* he now has no doubt relief The -establishment of this institumunity\ Center," said Harry Lapidus.' meeting of the Board of Directors oa the school boards^ The demand of •will be granted. ' > • ' tion is the culmination of repeated "The men that are elected to office at held Wednesday evening, February ths Jews for representation was The men vrho appeared before the efforts over a long period of years, this meeting Monday evening will be 24, at the offices of the club. Other denied them. The Jewish- nationalistic committee -were Joseph Danowsky, and represents the realization of the "the ment"who - will serve during the •officers elected at this meeting were Meeting Monday :E?eiring section of" the coffinranity then camej president o f the Alliance of Declar- dreams > and aspirations of many of } opening of the building which we Harry; A. Wolf,(vice-president; Sam SepajBte-} ants and Future Citizens^ a. Hebrew our leading Jewish men and women 1 j & i e o n , xfr-elected -secretary; and forward with a hopejpU." z^..;. _„; of •officersof- the4Jnia^ ^a^S^ss^oeSsme irom'-'BoIand, who-left- bis "mnnerous different x?e-j "At this meeting a complete^ report MbselHerzbergVtreasurer, r' :' ~*r •; Ed Treller, the- first president of ha Young Men's and, Yoqng Women's desire to beg from no one and are. wife and three children is Europe; casions^jfglt.the great need"-Tor this! - \TM. L. HOLZMAN of the progress of the building will, Hebrew AssosiHtion will be held on opposed to having their children Paul Schochet, vice-president of the character of institution in Omaha. be made"* Said Joe L. Wolf. "All the Highland, who has served for next Monday evening, March 1, 1926. taught the Christian gospel. A group, organization, who came from EsthonThe officers of the Chesel Shel Emes I A. B. Alpirn, second vice-president; subscribers to the building should at- three years, retired .as officer of the The new set of officers will hold their! hfeaded by Peter Bercovitch, a deputy ia where he left his wife and two club. A stair party,, is being planned are as follows: Mrs. Harris Levy, I Mrs. N. Mantel, third vice-president; tend this meeting." respective positions in the new build-j in the provincial legislature, asked children. He" declared that he had by the board of-directors to be given President; Mrs. J. Milder, Vice Presi- i Miss Blanche Zimman, fourth vicenext month in honor of Mr. Treller. ing. Competition bids fair to be keen; that the status quo of 1903 be main- never seen :his youngest child who j dent; Mrs. Weinzweig, Secretary; and j p f l l ^ ^ I ^ ^ ^ l ^ ^ " ^ ' of the executive committee; Carl C This entertainment will -begin the this-time for the following offices are tained and that Jewish children con- was born while he was on board ship I Mrs. Baum, Treasurer. to be filled: President, vice-president, tinue to be considered as Protestants on his way to America, *-He is a spring activities of the club. "The spirit made evident at the Katleman, secretary, and Harry secretary, treasurer, reporter, two and to be subjected to Protestant dealer in general merchandise. Hy- dedication ceremonies was exceeding- Friedman, treasurer. The Highland is the only Jewish sergeants-at-arms, Ivo executive In an impromptu talk Harry Lapiman Abel, a Hebrew teacher, William ly gratifying to the officers of the Country Club in Omaha, and was or- members athletic director, assistant curriculum. dus arraigned members of the federaPrinz, a vest-maker, Moses Liebman, The matter was taken to the Court Author off "Conventional Lies" Was ganized four years ago. The financial Chesed Shel Emes, and was ample athletic director, and assitant secretion for permitting a deficit of $12.who came from Galicia, an importer of Kings Bench, the highest court in Misunderstood; Was Idealist Not proof of the feeling in the community statement of the club, and the presi- tary. 000 to occur in the annual fund, deof Swiss watches, Philip Reiss, a the Province of Quebec, which deSceptic, Daughter States that "there was a. great need for this dent's annual report appear in this cided that separate Jewish schools are salesman of pianos and phonographs, character of activity, said Mrs. Harris claring . that the federation "is now issue of the paper. unconstitutional. An appeal was who came from Vienna. South Side Congregation New York,—(J. T. A.)—Mile. Maxa Levy, at the close of the ceremonies. one of the props of the Community Chest, and must regain its former taken to the highest court in Canada Nordau, distinguished French artist, All the men have saved money sufSecond Annual Ball March 21 standing- as one of the foremost nd t h e and daughter of the late Dr. Max Noted Cantor to rSmgJrt:-/... ficient to bring their families to AmerThe second annual balVof'the South! ? Judgment, hddihaf-the Jews charitable organizations in the city." t0 Nordau, addressed a large audience e w i s h ica. All have been studying English «""? / the B'liai JaCOb Synagogue Side Congregation of Israel will be schools Several selections wore played b;* when she gave her first American court held ttat J e w S and American government. given Sunday evening, March 2, at the Community Center orchestra unlecture at Town Hall on Saturday. Before Dickstein introduced the deare not entitled to representation on Services and a concert will be given the City Auditorium. der the leadei'ship of Harry Konr>« Most.comment was passed on Mile. legation, Chairman Johnson read the the school boards and that Jewish Proceeds For Jewish National Fund The proceeds of the affair will go novitch. Nordau's Temarkable English, extra- by Rev. Isaiah-Kohanowitch, Jewish following statement submitted by the teachers cannot be forced upon the In Palestine cantor of Minsk, Russia, at the B'nai towards the rebuilding of the South Minutes of the previous meeting ordinary for, a born Frenchwoman. delegation. Side Synagogue. Mr. A. Lipsman is Protestant board. The committee in charge of the were read by Sam Beber, and thr Speaking on "Reminiscences of My We, a committee representing Mr. Peter Bercovitch declared that chairman of the affair. financial report for 1925 was subseven hundred declarants having pro^ i i°int ball to be given by the Omaha Father", Mile. Nordau described the an appeal will be made by his group cured through your kind consent this branch of the. Zionist Organization mitted. William R. Blumenthal, superlife and works of the great Jewish to the Privi Council in London. Friday Evening Dances to philosopher in personal, intimate do herby offer for your con- and the Daughters of Zion on Sunday j intendent of the Jewish Welfare fo<l-» Be Given at Labor Lyceum A meeting of the Jewish national hearing, climp'ses of his private life; His mostleaders of the community, was held sideration some information which evening, March 7, at the Municipal | eration, presented his report. , intimate companion for. many: yearsy announce that it will be! Several vocal selections were sung The Friday evening dances that are yesterday, where a resolution was may familiarize you with our organi- oAuditorium, ne of Nordau's.-daughter was able 'to rethe largest charitable affairs | by Mrs. Myrtella Eonayne, accomgiven a t . the Labor Lyceum every presented by Mr. H. Wolofsky, pub- zation, the Alliance of Declarants and j t o panied by Mrs. HarBy Trustin. veal many hiiterto unknown incident Friday evening will now be sponsored Usher of the Canadian. Jewish Daily Future Citizens, which is now organ- i *« given this season. The proceeds of the ball will be .sent j Max T'xomkin spoke on the "Rein* in .the life of one who is universally j ized for more than a year and a half. by; Harry Green and Sam; MinMn,' Eagle, requesting the Prime Minister regarded as one of the most colorful better.known as the "Harmony boys." of the Province of Quebec, Mr. Tas- It is composed.; of men and women to the Jewish National Fund in Tal-j tionship tionshp of Jewish Welfare Federspersonalities of the last half-century. Special songs and vaudeville stunts cherau, to introduce legislation for who have declared their intention and estine. h " & tion to the Community C Chest." Mile. Nordau spoke of her father's Mr. John Feldman is chairman in urged greater support of the chest sf. who have organized for the purpose will be presented at these dances. the establishment of separate Jewish desire to come to America because he of educating the foreigners to bring charge, and he" is being assisted by one of the chief means of administraschools. was of the belief that American Jewthem nearer the American ideals and J. B. Robinson, S. Robinson, 3T. tion of charity funds. LODEZ TEXTILE WORKERS TO ry had become the richest spiritual thoughts and to help them to procure Braude, J. Riklin, J. Lintzman, and A dance was held following EMIGRANT TO PALESTINE center. more easily, their citizenship papers. Mrs. J. Lintbman, Mrs. M. Braude, | meeting. Omaha Hebrew Club "Generally, mistaken for a sceptic We are all foreigners who have chosen Mrs. T. Sherman, Mrs. g". Eobinson, j Warsaw,—(J. T. A,)—A number of Members to Inspect Jewish and an ironist, in reality my father land as the, place of our abode Mrs. J. B. Robinson, nnd Celia Braude. • Jewish textile workers of Lod?, the Community Center Bldg. this 1009c Jewish Community sacrificed everything for ideals", said "We will have one of the best or-. by choice and not by accident of Polish Manchester, will proceed to Center Pledgors Mile. Nordau;. "All his life he stood Jacob Synagogue; 24th and Nicholas Palestine shortly. A special program will be pre- birth. We have, however, left all chestra in the city to furnish the! against "prejudice. If the world re- streets, on Friday evening at 6 o'clock m-isic, the commit+ee is already workj sented to the members of the Omathat is dear to us on the other side. Preparation for their departure are members his as a destroyer, it is be- and Saturday' morning- at 9 o'clock. being made in connection. with the ha Hebrew Club Sunday afternoon "We are in a financial position to ing on plans for the ball and we hope J Nathan Benistein M. G. Cohen cause his first and more destructive On Sunday evening^ at 8. o'clock, he textile city being erected by the Man- at its regular meeting. The pro- provide for our families and we are everyone will reserve Sunday eve- ] M. Colnic books have had a wider audience than will present'a- service and Purim or Society in Jidrah near Haifa. gram is being prepared by Dr. eager to give our children the proper ning, March 7, to attend the Zionist j L. his later, more philosophical, more concert. ., . . " ' - . - i Nathan Dansky. The principal American education. We are eager balL" said Mr. Feldman. Harry Gross «onstructive "writings. My father met speaker will be William L. Holz- to plant in their yoxmg hearts and -Cantor. Isaiah .Kohanowjtch- is a URGE SOVIET TO LEGALIZE Kozberg & Soskin Palestine Author to be all accidents with a stocial shrug of former pupil- of Prof. I. Bernbaum, man who will give a travel talk of minds the love we bear for America EMIGRATION TO PALESTINE J. H. Kulakofsky the shoulders; he tried to change the of Warsaw. .. * • his recent trip through Mexico and to raise them in the true spirit : • in Omaha March 11 and 12 I. Levinson face of the earth, but accepted his Riga,—-(J. T. A.)—An appeal urg- ilustrating his lecture with view of America. Mr. Ben Zwi, of Palestine, the own fate with outward equanimity. "Most of our money, in fact, all we author of the book "Eretz Israel," A. R. Muskin ng the Sovet Government to legalze of Mexico. .A.-.Z. A. NOTES When he was deprived by the French Omaha Hebrew Camp, Sunday morning members of the can spare, is sent- to the other side, will be in Omaha March 11 and 12, Omaha Chapter No. 1 of the Order the emgraton of Russan Jewg to PalGovernment of a fortune during the of Aleph Zadik Aleph. will hold a reg- estne wa's made n a proclamaton, s- Omaha Hebrew Club will meet at whereas,' it could have remained here. under the auspices of the Poali-Zion Modern Woodmen >var,r he bravely looked to his pen to ular meeting Sunday afternoon at the sued by the- Central Commttee of the the new Jewish Community Center The outcries of our families are great. Organization. of. America recoup his losses." '.;•.. ' Building and will make an inspec"Our organization has also received < ^ 2 wi is former Labor Minister Albert Eabinowitz Jewish. Community Center. The meet- Pole Zion Russia.' Mile. Nordau is in America for a ing will start at,3 o'clock. The proclamation was issued in tion tour of the building. The letters of appeal from wives, whose J o f p E i e s t i n e , and is prominent of the Harry Z. Kosenfeid short lecture tour and are exhibition, Professor Nathan Bernstein -will connection with the present elections members will be shown : through husbands have given up the hope of j chai^jm organization in Palestine, Jake Shyken , which is being held in New York be- deliver, an address to the members. to the Soviet. the building "between the hours of bringing them over, who have all lost j P l s m s ^ g j ^ ^ g ^ade by the Poali Harry L. Sommsr ginning March 1, sponsored by some 10 and 12 o'clock. their ambition, consequently they ! Z i o n f o r a p a b l i c meeting during Mr. t>f the most prominent patrons of Art Berlin, Febr. 13,—(J. T. A.).—The have been left to suffer there aba*. lz*i>s-visit Sn'Omaha.. Your VJ26 subscription tr> The JewIn America. Her art work has at- Musicians to Broadcast Central European countries may be"unprotected and unguarded. There-' • .. , , • s. ——~ ish Press is due now. Please rt OverJLO.I.L. Station come a good market for Palestine tracted favorable comment from New SISTERHOOD TO MEET fore, honorable lawmakers, we have; suffering there and for us *who are it in. York are critics. Special piano and Violin solos "will vegetables, it was stated here today. There will be a meeting of the come to lay before you our terrible suSfienng here, to give us your sui>Do not make any other be given over K, O. I. L. broadcastins The first shipment of early Pales- Temple Israel Sisterhood in the problein in the hope that you -will port." The biggest dance of the season station on Thursday evening, March tinian vegetables has arrived in Ger- Temple Vestry Room, Monday after- find. some solution for it. You are There is hope in Washington that meats on March 7, it win be the will be the I. O. B. B. dance February 4, by Karl Tunbergr pianist., snd and Austria and was sold to noon at 2:30 o'clock. A program will our last hope. Again we "beg of you, the tears r^iedby the delegates may of the Zionist Ball *t :3ft. at Hotel Fontenelle—Ui. Auditorium.—Adv Harry iDnonoyitch, T4aliiust. follow the business meetingtoe-best for the sake of oar families who arc not have been shed in vahv
Requested Representation On Thrift and Adaptability of DecSchool Boards larants Make Great Imprespression on Lawmakers MATTER HAS LONG BEEN IN DISPUTE PLEADS FOR UNION OF FAMILIES Montreal (J. T. A.)—The Jewish
Many Attend Dedication of Jewish Funeral Home
B'nai B'rith Dance Sunday Evening at FonteneBe Hotel
Highland Country Club Elects Annual Officers
f t i o n
Maxa Nordau Lectures on Life of Her Illustrious Father
Zionist Annual Ball March 7 at City Auiiorkii
u l i h q§jy 'f barsday at Omaha, Jfebraaka. e j THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY' Office: 490 Brandela Theatre Building — Telephone* ATlantic 1450. E. GREEN, Manager. Subscription Price, one rajes furnished on application.
CHANGE OB* ADDRESS— Please give, both the old and hew address:
be snre and give your name.
,^TisU«fejjrirt Press i# supplied by g $ Jewish Telegraphic Agency (Jewish Correspondence Bureau) with cabled and telegraphic Jewish news, in addition to feature article? and, ewrespondences fro,m aU important Jewish centers. Inquiries regarding news items credited to this Agency will be gladly answered if addressed to Jewish Telegraphic Agency, 623 Broadway, New York City. ' "~
THE FEAST OF PURIM The Jewish festival of Purim or "Lots'* occurs on February 28th corresponding with the fourteenth, of; the Hebrew month of Adar. —This-festival--whieh will be celebrated by Jews over the entire world recalls the attempted extermination ©f the Jews underthe rule of the Persian King Ahashuems thro the plot of Hainan and their "rescue; by Mordecai and Esther.. The entire story is recorded in the Book of Estherl The great moral lessons brought forth by the story and its ~ annual celebration are loyalty, noble manhood and womanhood as typified in Mordecai and Esther, and the evil of intolerance. It also "brings out the truth of the law of compensation. Those who plot' evil receive evil sooner or later. To the Jew, who Has endured hardships and sufferings thru the centuries due to mis-. -understanding and bigotry, this festival brought comfort and ?hope. Ai; this season of the year it was the custom for Jewish people to send gifts to the poor. - . •' - -•"<
HARRY A. WOLF Vice-president
ED. TBELfER Re-iiring president
DID YOU KNOW THAT? Al Finlcel, the Junior King: of tennis in the State of Nebraska and the peer of many senior racquete«rs is going east this summer. AI expects to compete in all tennis plays while studying piano in New York. Al has held the Junior championship of Nebraska for four successive years, 1921, 1922, 1923 and 1924. He has held the Omaha Senior Municipal title three years, 1922, 1923 and 1924. He held the tennis crown at Omaha Central High school during 1921, 1922 and 1923. In 1924 he took a post graduate course at Omaha Technical High school where he defeated another Jewish lad, Al Handler, and copped the Tech crown to add to his rapidly growing list of trophies, Al's greatest triumphs were when he w*as the runner-up to the Sioux City interstate meet and Missouri Valley honors in 1923 and 1924. Al was inactive in the tennis world during the summer of 1925, devoting his time* to his piano studies. Al, by the way, is a competent piano instructor and has a goodly size class of pupils. Syd Corenman, former Creighton Uuinversity basketball player and recently a member of the Jewish Community Center quintette, is now making his home in Florida. Syd writes saying that he is pursuing his
favorite sport, basketball, during hi.3 that one hundred dollars has been leisure hours in * the land of real raised from these parties. The next meeting of the club will be held estate men. Dave Chesnau, a member of theThursday evening, March 4, Jewish Community Center five, is The Auflebung Club will meet Sunplaying a nice game as forward with day ex-ening-, February 28, at the Jewthe Omaha University basketball ish Community Center. A literary team. Dave is a good man at cover- and musical program will be presenting the floor and has a nice eye for ed. 4 the basket. _ Dave also plays football with the Bed and White school. LODEZ TEXTILE WORKERS TO Commercial League EMIGRANT TO PALESTINE Won Lost Warsaw,—(J. T. A.)—A number of Stik-Tites 9 1 Evans Laundry 7 2 Jewish textile workers of Lodz, the Townscnds ... 6 S Polish Manchester, will proceed to Jewish Com. Center .. 4 5 Palestine shortly. Preparation for their departure are West Leavcnworth M'ehts..~3 5 being made in connection with the Thorpian Athletic Club ._...2 7 textile city being- erected by the ManOmaha Commercials 0 9 or Socictj' in Jidrah near Haifa, The Jewish Community Center team drew a tie this week. The Thorpejan Athletic Club played the West Leav"Let Us Help Y M Keep Q t u n enworth Merchants and were defeated after a close and thrilling- battle. The Frontier Jewel & Lues final score was 16 to 15. 1S19 California Street Shriebman, diminutive forward on ATlantic 62stl. the Thorpeian quintette, was the highest scorer for the Clubmen. The Merchants lead the Thorps at the Wet Wash half.
The Jewish Ladies Free Loan Society will hold a meeting on Wednesday afternoon, March 3, a t the Labor Lyceum, 22 and Clark.
Semi-Flat Roag-h Dry _„ AMERICAN WET WASH 2808 Cuming St.
Harney 0881
WORK FOR THE LEAGUE OF NATIONS Harry H. Lapidus, Pres.-Treaa. The White Star Club held a meetW. G. Ure. Secretary. Roumanian courts have very- little regard for human rights ing on Sunday, February 21, and when* these rights are claimed by minorities. The, malodorous elected the following officers: PresiOmaha Fixture & acquittal of Codrianu, the student hooligan who assassinated the dent, Anne Tretiak, Vice-president, Supply Cow Libby Dolgoff, Secretary, Esther SilChief of Police of-Jassyl was followed recently by the acquittal OOMPIETB ETOEJ AMP verman, and Treasurer, Dora Dolgoff. of Lieutenant Morarescu, who was charged with the murder of OFFICE OUTFl'l'l'JESS 200 Jewish refugees who were crossing the Ifaumanian-Ru.ssi&fl At the last regular meeting of the border. The callous indifference to elementary- human d,ecency Junior Hadassah held Tuesday evening, ifc was announced that the club has catted forth a protest from the Council of the International Eleventb «nd f>»acla» HtTtell. has adopted a second orphan from Vhmmms Jsefcam ttt* Vnion for the Defense of Human Rights. The protest indicates Palestine. Miss Hose Fine, chairman OKA HA. ITRB. that not all of Europe has become savage in its disregard for the of the series of card parties, reported rights of minorities people. w Roumania may answer that its sovereignty gives it immunity "MOSE HERZBERG J. LEON in matters of internal judicial administration. No one can <feny Treasurer Secretary this, but just the same she has many minority groups within her borders. If Roumanian courts act with" that total disregard for time ifor their' efforts -which enable and about $1,250.00 was expanded for minorities which give rise to the impression that they are above us to enjoy tbe activities of the Club. shrubs and trees and I feel that furthall responsibility then it is the proper function, of the League of The Ladies gave a number of af- er, efforts should be made this coming' We are Authorized Agents Nations to call Roumania to account. This may be done by out- faixs. during- the past summer ""which year along those lines. Nothing apfor the siders? just as was done in the recent case of Hungary and the were successful and helped increase peals: so strongly to the members or tbe socialbility-. among the members, visitors as a beautiful view and the nunierus clausus. The subtle censure of Hungary has already and much credit is due to the Ladies first impression it the lasting one. brought results,, for from recent advices genuine efforts are being Entertainment Committee -who sponI rcecoramend immediate consideramade to settle this vexatious problem. sered these affairs. tion-of plans for a membership drive The day of national self-sufficiency is about past. No ,Our Social -Season as, a whole- has to b» held about t h e early part of ? dependent nation, can swagger along,, outraging ^offensive minor- beej\ ui*q«a:liS£d.".snpcess from -every March, which wi& enable us to la> and also for the ities and then hide behind the claim of sovereignty. International point of" view and, the vajious^Com- crease our revenue for the coming deal of praise year. New Victor good-wilt i& ajj-iKseirwhich no nation can ignore without seriously mittees desqrve a. gsea^this time from And in Conclusion, I wish'to ex- I Prof. Frank Mach I damaging it? prestige and economic stability. And no nation to"njty, personal expression pf press my appreciation for the high day is economically or culturally self-sufficient,.even, our,o\¥n, Concert Violinist ::...: appreciation,. honor you have confered upon me. ::: country with., its-Btnittess natural resourcesfind&itself jeopardised I;Irftigh:lyf a^pr&ciafie.the: earnest and It has been my constant effort to and Instructor by the rubber and oil controls of fcther countries. .. . , -- ^.^ve- ,:^istencenjgiv6j4; me. by t h e hold my office worthily, to fill its ... has comments and praise from »! The, League, .of Nations may not be able t a function as_ its i^i^Ii^ria^ni pi; tbe? Board,- but in duties in a manner befiting it dignity ill: some of the greatest teachers is H-: Call us for a demonstration responsibility and whatever ~ the world. Give your child a s| %^BJB5 -sVbo'-. have realized and proponents' had. hoped in the event 'of hostilities .between njajor, plst&fe;ci&" at your home. theit? o W ^ ^ f o ^ a n V obliged to voice measure- of success I may have had HI correct foundation. powers> but there is no reason why thisfybdy^whicb.has at.lea&t is? •woSokojCJeen^itreTto-the!members of in this direction I have been greatly Trade in your old machine. limited influence cannot make the Balkanjzed states- Qf Europe: the-Roaid •whftseemed: to- regard their aided by the Board of Directors,, with 11 Studio, 1,17 yt North 16th St. ll 384 Croonse Block Reasonable Terms. whom it has been my pleasure tpact with some regard for the elementary rights of- human beings; D$ice?:a5*airhon,0ry roh&and: whose ef-j i| Phone JAckson 1952. 1 Ti-or,k, and, I hope that the efforts of forts were more honoredinthe breach: If the League of Nations can compel Hungary, Roumania, We have a Complete Stock of JJew President will meet with tire latest Jewish and Domestic Poland or .any other artificial state of Europe to respect the rights than, tlie observance. Ij cannot too your strongly impress, on/each^and every greater success than has been my Records. of minorities, so as to enable them to act with some measure of one of yqq: th& need- to- -choose, for pleasure to have enjoyed and wish good will toward each other, the league will haye justified its fitu^e/, those- who? wi'ik b© en-< you the- greatest possible success in Phone Wefcster 2042 1804-06 North 2ith Street MAURIGE CIVIN exi&teiice. - We do not expect impeccable conduct from these newly tireijf -active; in.r managing tjte; n&airs the. Future. Refipecfully Submitted, created powers, but yet there is no good and sufficient reason why o f t h e , C l u b i ' -.,•--, . •.„••.-:.... tcishes to announce E. L. TRELLER, President. 5ot the <8<piJB£ year, e^prtg; shQHJd they cannot act without crude barbarity. :t,evma4«>-1» bnildj. an additiftn^oil the that, he is no longer We- feel certain that were Roumania questioned about this •we_st. side of; ther.present; Club AflABS STUDX AT connected with the indefensible-happening at the next meeting of the league she 'as the-facilities for dancing HEBREW TECHNICUM • would-sooii find a way of stopping these practices which have ; < i ™ t e » ; v . : : . v ? ; ! ;" '••"• •<•' :;."• Jerusalem,—(J. T. A.)—A move disgraced her before that portion of the world that has not. I, recomniend: a service rpora-:be Welcome Auto Shots Visitors Horseshoe Lake good will between the Jews abandoned all, decent human values.—California Jewish Review. provided.-' for>: ;making- o«r : kitchen: toward and Arabs in Palestine was made by
SOL LEWIS M* Radio ta SuperHeterodyne Orthophonix Victrolas
. space •'l«r^fer»r .•.••.;.-':.. ..,...., . . , t wouWr alsoriftyite td»e-thpught a t the Hebrew TecWcum in Haifa, TO MEIERS Booster Fund';jbfc created and r each thji^tinieitip tfte. nejed% of ;a jjgating: The Te.chnic.uum opened a special muember b& ireqaested;; to, chip"" in a pianjb. iwMchi would ;mak«; civjbr J^cilh course yesterday for Arab carpenters. certain amountliiPbrdoi* to,ineei."t6iB ties more; asailablfe at certain jsepson&.; Instruction, is given in Hebrew. deficit>.^iid ujp* toidate 1 ^only ^510:Qtt -Yonr 'GiJoiiads Committee devoted Thirtteen Arabs who understand the Chair ' Grounds ....$18,307.77 has been-'pledged^' ana~i$4:b5.0()r cpK $Bixa&& t o beautifying^ the language are attending, the course. Tenriis .Court — ,. „ 488.75, Gplt' Ctousse, ,.„.,.,...„ 25>507.IS • We cannot affardi tol go back; and' I WaifiS System .,.„..:....,... -18,576.2$ h^ve every reason"tOi believe-that the Machinery <£ Equipment.,.. 3,144.74 members; wjli measure up* to* their full Othjerltems.*., ,; .-....> 1,310.11 responsibility lantif that "we wilj have ampl^ funds .by April 1st to meet * .LIABILITIES 1 Attend the Bills" Payabte".-."...--:.-.$ 1,954.77 i b i s deficit and. begin; the'season with: ~ .:• • .'•:•'• r.:.;./.;. y.:-~\. BoniT "Issue _.,..^.~^.«._J 25,000.00 a d e a n i i l t t h e i . The pastJy^r-tiie HSghland ebunThe book value, of each, share- o£ try Club, passed 'through rthc^»QQsij stock is $517.05. !critical ;.period ofv-it»' existancejLJijfe I t again becomes my pleasure to ) compie^ioife QSjm&gxseimrii&rTfi-s&Sflt'-': report to you" msttersconcerning rfn^oT^KerFairfWayfi,' tSe: drilling^ /of; the Highland Country Club, that have aiiptiier Wellj tie" Beaujafyinje of^tKei transpired'during the past year, as I Grounds with -Trees andr Sh*ub&' and deeni advisable, to bring' to your at- the Erectiori/of; ihs."Itennijp Couflt^^as; tention, and,fop your future guidance. neclegsary to enabliejr bur mgrnbers to acThe Club, "ojwing to deahts, removals ftake advanfcage: o^th© oat-of-door : r from t i e City, resignations and, sus- [ijvities..j:^::';'!yt:^J,:': . '• -l v .:I.' pensions, does not have as many ; Oiur investiggnt foj*rpg^jjianenii i m members today as i t had; a year-' njEdvemeinte »St this ;• time -L rspregeij<a y g l ' This .comb.itia.tibn ol circumstances has a^oji^^^ou|;$6g;(^0(k-; In: making mention of.iyie; Qftfe-lajr placed, the aifair&_of-±he Club for the you. that our comjiig year, ii^. a ptfsifcion' that? a |fc<.-js deficit of about fl'.SOO.Oe^fll face the at balance CJub by April 1st. The problems that confronts'iitf-Tiow is to meet this defi-
i B'rith Dance
Summer Resort Co.
OU 3LOSE more than money if you don't select from Nebraska's Spring Topcoat Exposition. You'll lose the opportunity of choosing, fcom scores of new spring styles designed by Amei1ica's; b#st kno-wtt makers—and you'll lose the lasting good; looks that is hand tailored into every Nebraska Topcoat.
Better still is. the positive saving of $5 to f 15 that the^ Nebraska's one-price-the-year-'round No Sales policy makes possible.
Sunday Evening,
February 28
Tjjerf StSTthHevBys to to increase inrease highly p oujt Teyeoiwj-^k to increase tlte, abilityy ^^ p g v thei*- flnancmg? d ( 2 ) to dues,(2), t have h tthe"members h " b ij .and'I'asic fdr'them'yovn-eettmBkas
voluntarily vr-tpt bur lighten their labors. At'a ^t 'atter/ was, ffought R The Grounds Committee, as-also the k place l .pn \ J&ttse and KrHJerfe^b e a discussion. %o(fk arid ; fctr'ano! ftwaVcfecfded-tnat-atotnmedatioB- a t ni«rit! the
Off ice Supplies
Belted Models ffliat are .-,• « s c ' " :: •..-... Showerproof, at — ! ' s - ^
*25 *30 * : Cttfltpare Ndtt«8iHi~*TaIue'4' See Our WinfliBSP Displays.
JAckson O77O US South 17th Street
Gabardines, Cheviots, Tweeds* Herringbone*.,, Kntiece, Muvturesy Piaids, Etc.—-Single 'or Double Breasted—Plain or ^ - r
Fontenelle Hotel
Spring Topcoat Headquarters Y
••".It C
in Dal- debate the Fort Dodge las, Texas. They wiH}be at home in team for the Triangular debate. Kansas City, Mo, after Maa-ch 15. Mr. Max StdmaB of "Winnepeg-, Mrs. Qu%ley was-f onserly Miss 2el<la Canada, arrived last Wednesday to Marks. visit Mr. and Mrs. Ben Telpiier, and., Mr. and Mrs, S. Whitebook enter- to join his brother, Arthur Stciman, tained their Evening- Bridge Club at who is also visiting h«vc now. Mr. and Mrs. J. Hosen entertained a t a their home last Thursday evening1. family dinner party Stmday evening Mr. and Mrs. Goodman Meyerson for those guests, and Mr. and Mrs. 1 entertained twenty-five guests a t a Teljmer are entertaining at a family surprise party Sunday evening- at dinner party on Thursday evening for their home in honor of the first j their guests, wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Attend the B'nai B'rith dance SunAdolph Meyer. Mr. Meyer is a brother of Mrs. Mej'erson. The eve-day evening, February 28, at Hotel Font eneH<>.—A d v. ning was spent playing bridge.
Sunday School to Gnre Porim A popular bride-to-be is "Miss . The inariiage of Miss Bess Handler Program Sunday Afternoon Martye Weinstein, -vrhose marriage to to Mr. H. Mike Korboltz, of St. at Walnut Hall. Mr. Joseph Eubin, .of St. Antonio, Joseph, Mo., which -will.take place Texas, "Will-, b'e.-performed at the . March 14 at-tfaeskosie-of the bride, The Council" Bluffs Talmud Toraa Blackstone. Hotel, Sunday evening, has been the incentive for • many pre- Sunday; School will prese&t a Purim March 14«- This week's hostesses to naptial - -parties. Mrs. < honis - Turkel Program on Sunday afternoon, Febhonor Miss' Weinstein include Miss entertained"=in honor of Miss- Handler ruary 28, at Hafer's Walnut Hall, at Berdie Berger, who entertained at a at a. luncheon followed by bridge for 137 West Broadway, a t 2U2O;: o'clock. luncheon at the Fontenelle Hotel fol- eighteen guests at her home Tuesday Mr. J. L. Wolfson of Omaha, will be lowed by a theatre party Wednesday noon; This Saturday noon Mrs. R. J. the principal speaker. Aw program" afternoon. This noon Miss Sadye Nordahl will be a hostess at herhas been arranged and thei.' communLevey is to be a hostess a t luncheon home at a luncheon. Miss Handler ity is invited to attend. The! following Social Get-To-GetUer Of Z4.ll Jetcish Women's for- Miss Weinstein, and Mrs. Toll- will entertaiii her friends at a trous- program will be given: man Kaplan has issued. invitations seau tea at her home Sunday after- Hemarks b y the chairman:." MT. I. MorOrganizations March 2 at 'Blackstone Hotel The members of the Jewish Wom- solos by Gilbert Jaffe; piano selections for a luncheon and Man. Jongg to be noon. Mrs. Joseph Merritt and MTS. Benstern. "America." by audience: • " en's "Welfare Organization axe spon- by Charlotte Abrahams and song num- given a t her .home tomorrow. Miss Sam Smead will honor Miss Handler Address. 5Ir. jr. L. Wolff-on of Omaha. Mrs. F . Greenberg: and children,; Violin solo, Yate MeTerson,i accompanied Our motto is HIGH QUALITY soring a social get-to-gether tea to be bers by Kina Snyder accompanied by Belle Rosenthal will entertain at a at a luncheon and bridge party at the at the Piano bj- Leo .Meyerson. formerly of Minneapolis, Minn., arc luncheon, and Mah Jongg party at the Jrandeis Tea Room Wednesday noon. given this Tuesday afternoon, March Janet Gilinsky. "A PURIM INJUNCTION" now making- their home here at 420 A Sketch of a Courtroom Scene. 2i a t 2 o'clock at the Blackstone Hotel, Mrs. Max FromMn is chairman of Brandeia •oaturday noon. Miss Wein- The Misses Jean and Sally Krupp and East Washington Avenue. Judse „ Bernard Balaban and have invited the members of. all the affair, and Mrs. Abe Greenberg is stein will-also be an honored guest at Raselle Verbin, «f Fremont, have isChairetaih . Herbert Wintronb the tea to be given by the Misses sued invitations for a tea dansant to the Jewish "Women's organizations in chairman of refreshments. Passover _ Cyril (Garland Mrs. Charles Greenwald of Chicag-o, Sherotith , l«ster' Friedman the city to be their guests that afterThe fifteen women's organizations Faye and Anne Gerelick at their home be given at the Blackstone Hotel on HI., arrived last Wednesday to visit P-urim ;_;. Harry ;Ila8«ittiiil. WHY NOT BUY THE BEST? Sunday, March 7, .from three to five Suceoth Sidney Maduff noon. This is an annual event given to - whom invitations have been issued Sunday afternoon. her sister, Mrs. M. L. Marks, and atYou can trade your old 4r o'clock to-honor jVJiss Handler and Hemline.; ft~hy Benjy Ukes rnrim," by tend the Quigley-Marks wedding. tinder the .auspices of the' Jewish are: pocket-watch or wrist Pearl BernBteifi. • : watch for a NEW ONE. "Women's Welfare Organization for Council of Jewish. Women, Omaha Bernard Konn'a Celebrate Jewish reading.- Euth Shj-i«n. \Holin BOIO. Ha-rry Kosentlial. accomthe purpose of discussing the prob- Chapter of Hadassah, B'nai B'rith Nathan Gilinsky, member of the by, Snra ^olomono-w. Golden Wedding Purim, February 28, will be special- panied HGi Hannah Meyerson. lems that confront each organization Auxiliary, Junior Hadassah, Daughtnegative debating team of the Abra• aaet^aHning to work out plans for- the ers of Israel Aid Society, Deborah "A PURIM CELEBRATION" ham. Lincoln High school, was in Fort Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Kohn enter- ly celebrated by a play, open to the Hill. Society, Golden Hill Society, tained Tuesday evening informally at public vrithout charge, by the cele- A One-Art Play,-a Blofj" «f children -who D o d g e , I o w a , W e d n e s d a y e v e n i n g t o 1 ••;:::::•.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::•.::::•."•.::::::::::{•.::•."•.*:•.:;:::::•:.'': •betterment of the organization. had to miss.-a -Pjirim EartT, deckled to " -"At these social events, the presi- Women's Progressive Club, Temple their home, 1339 South Thirty-fifth brated Russian novelist and dramatist celebrate at home. - T h e - c a w is as fol•••••! dent of each club gives a short talk Israel Sisterhood, Ladies Orphan So- avenue, for their friends in honor of Leo Tolstoy", pTBsented-by members of lows: - • ••- - ••• Mrs. jncobsFlorenoe StetobeiK, on1 the work of her organization. In ciety, Y. W. H. A., Daughters of Zion, heir golden wedding anniversary. the Highj School Department of the Mai - ^ . Rttberf^Conn We hare a good line of S i*ah —M..; -.-i, _. SadJe addition unusual entertainment has Chesed Shel Ems, Jewish Community 'Mr. and Mrs. Eohn have lived in Temple Israel Sunday School, under Kitty. Rosa. been, prepared for this year's gather Center Auxiliary and Jewish Free Omaha for the last forty years. They the direction of Miss Madeline Cohn, S&m .,;... Ijeo Ponsfrow s : tiara — - . , . ...... -• Bessie Perimntter ing. Feature numbers "will be violin Loan Society. • were married -in Philadelphia fifty entitled '"What' .Men iavfe.'By." The K-nth __.._J___^_._: Eose Fox Jake ____t_--- Msnrice years ago and came to Omaha ten play has" humorous and musical numGet your Passover supply n o AV at a saving of years later. They have five children, bers and will be given .Sunday after- The Ladies' Auxiliary -of fee TalENGAGEMENTS WEDDINGS all of; whom attended the celebration, noon, February 28, at.2:30, in themud" Torah will htjld a ineeSng next An announcement of social interest eight grandchildren and one great vestry room of the Temple. The fol- Wednesday afternoon, March 3, at the SCHULMAN-PEELMUTTEE lowing is the cast of. characters: , Kgj*. and, Mrs. E . Fleishman an- made this week is the engagement of grandchild. home of Mrs. O. ffochman, 829 Fourth Simon : Joe nounce the marriage of their daugh- Miss Carita Constance Herzog, Avenue. Mrs. Walter A. Fleisher of PhilaJosephine M.onieit AMERICAN JOBBING HOUSE ilatrena ter, Xenia Perlmutter, to .Mr. M.daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis J. delphia, a daughter, and her children, AJvin Friedmnn Herzog, of Lincoln, Nebr., to David Mr. and MT& John Baird Quigley, Michael 1618 North 24th St.—Where Quality Prevails. Lucille Anna ATaloska Dates Schulnian, of Chicago, HI. The Miss Nancy and Herbert Fleisher, arRosaline Spnia Ivanich -who -were married last Thursday eveHerman I«evinson marriage "was solemnized Sunday, Blum of Washington, D. C. The wed- rived for the anniversary. Mrs. Eva TrofinofC "-Grace Dansky The Ar jyel — February 21, at the home of theding will take place in the early sum- K. Lowengrund of Philadelphia, anilorton KaymanThe-Devil mer, and Mr. Blum and his bride will ~ Oscar Slayermvitcli The Baron bride's parents, in the presence of other daughter, and her daughter. TheDxa • ' Hi chard Hiller reside in Washington. only t h e immtdiate family. Ser. Xikita XLaria.n ilajerowitch Miss Herzog is.a graduate of the Miss Joyce Lowengrund, are also I Her twin sister i___ Patsy Klein -Fleishman read the marriage lines. here. Margaret Lowengrund Shapiro University of Nebraska, class of 1923, Among the out-of-town guests A telegraphic Message .was sent to and a member of the Theta Sigma New York artist, and a. granddaughwere Tillie Polslcy, of Lincoln, Nebr.; Phi Sorority.. ... She was active in ter of the couple, is also here. The President Coplidge and the- United -i: Pred, of Bender, Nebr.; and David journalistic circles and served as art three sons are Leonard C, Eugene States Congress'Tequesting sympathy Nenhouse, of New York City. for the 800 women separated from editor of the. 1922 Cornhusker. Miss F. and Herbert C. Kuhn. Mr. Schulman and his bride are Herzog _has been doing advertising their husbands, who are declarents making their home with the bride's work in.. Omaha" for the past three RAI RESH FRATERNITY in the United States. This women, ' parents. years,, she is now connected with'a PLEDGES NEW MEMBERS Agnnoth, cannot he admitted under AND ELECTS OFFICERS the present law. The rahbis request local department store. NAMEN-BOBDY . Old excuses have been met and mastered! If urasic in tie home is necessary The Hai Resh fraternity pledged the President of the United States to The marriage of Miss Lena Bordy, to yonr welfare HAVE «b:e music. $10 Down and Five Years to Pay on /.NY make an exception of these women Mrs. Ben Milder is returning home two members at an initiation banquet ,-daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Simon Piano in thE house is moving hundreds of fine instruments. Yon,-too,- siiould and permit them to join their husthis week from a three weeks' visit and meeting held Sunday, February " Bordyi of this city, formerly of Coenjoy the cnltnre of a "Grand", "TJprigftt" or "Player". Any «?e:o£ Ox? 1 lumbus, Nebr., to Mr. Albert A. Na- in Kansas City, Mo.', where she at- * at the Loyal Hotel, followed by bands. three is STEIGTLY within yonr means now, if selected EERE. •{• imen',' son of Mrs. S. • L. Namen, «f tended the opening of the President dancing in the evening at Shanghai Hotel. . The two new pledges are Joseph Council Bluffs, la., was solemnized Sunday morning, February 14, at 11 Miss Cecille Leibowitz, of St. Joseph, Hollander and Lester Simon. •GIFTS THAT 1AST o'clock, at the home of the bride's Mo., is visiting here "with her brother Following the initiation, election of ^father, 3555 Dodge^ St. ; .Kabbi Fred- Abe Leibowitz; and Mrs. Leibowitz* • officers was held with the following r e s u l t s ; ". " •" -'•-••• teridc Cohn: officiated. The bride's Kahssock Jewelry Co. Marvin Treller, president; Sam "You Jews" will be the subject of mai^-of-honor was her sister, Eva Bordy, and her bridesmaids were Rabbi Frederick Cohn's address -at Wertheimer, vice-president; Morris Yotr Wholesale and Retail Elizabeth and Ann Kavich, of Colum- Temple. Israel Friday night. Satur- Goetz, secretaiy; and Howard WertInitial Jetcelers bus,, Frances Greenspan, Sara Faier, day morning his topic rwill be "Aheimer, treasurer. Outlay JJianiond Importers of Omaha. Mr.'.Louis Bordy,-brother Persian Romance". . . of Only UNION OF RABBIS IN POLAND of the bride;'-was "the groom's test214-216 City N a t i "Bank Bldg. Mr. 'Maurice Micklin is In Florida BEQUESTS PRESIDENT AND amur, and ushers "were Sam Werner, Established 1894 COOLIDGE AND CONGRESS Joe Goodbinder, Harold Midmik, and on a business trip and will return in about three weeks. ? "• TO ADMIT 800 JEWISH WOMEN -Harry Fink. Following the ceremony, a dinner The Hajabls Bridge Glub entertainWarsaw, Febr. 11,—(J. T. A.)— Brings •was given for 150 guests, followed ed last Tuesday evening at the home President Coolidge and Congress of FOR BENT music— For March 1, six-rpom new a reception in the afternoon for of Miss Jennie Krestul. Prizes were the United States were invoked to apreal more than 200 guests. won by Misses Shirley Eosenblum ply the principle of common humanity galow. Up-to-date in every way. Oak woodwork, book-cases, linen harmony : ,Mr. Namen and his bride are now and Bernice Stein. in the case of 800 women whose hus closet, with or without garage. Will where, making their home at Columbus, Neb., rent reasonable to a good party. bands are in America, in a resolution most after a short honeymoon trip in Kan- Mr., and Mrs. J. Milder, Mr. Ben adopted by the Union of Rabbis o: In a Jewish neighborhood. Call fikeiy, Milder, Mr. and Mrs...Morris Milder, We. 6500i sas City and St. Joseph, Mo. music Again the H. C. Bsfy Mr. and Mrs. William Milder, and Mr. Poland a t its annual conference here. Sale Price raake. The success of has Abe M i l d e r tan Only .The very well, and fa' Mr. and Mrs. Hymie Milder returned! « »ed home last week Sale Price "Bay" uprights and never £rom vorably known H., G. .Wednesday from their honeymoon] Kansas City, Mo. Grands is carried right Only been Bay "Upright "We make WE SAVE OPENED A into the "Bay" players. trip en the Western coast and a r e | tte i n t e n s e l y low Goldstein and daughter heard This player even at price possible only ce-< making--their home with Mr. Milder's K osa line, are arriving home the latter ?3G0 is ALL. that one before. c a u s e we sell so could ASK. .parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Milder, a t ^ p a r t o f t h e w e e k f r o m Chicago, 111 MANY of this style. >2860 Capital Avenue. [where Miss Goldstein was confined a to supply the liousewife with all kinds of SmoTced Meats jll the Lakeview Hospital having been, ThhH. Bey Miss Tillie Rice returned home Sat- operated on for appendicitis recently. and Fish and a complete line of Groceries. Tirday from a several weeks' visit Miss Goldstein will be. here for. sevASFO co., with friends in Chicago, 111. eral; weeks and thenh-eturn to resume • tenrotmore abont t h t Miss Florence Whitebook enter- hefi-studies at the Northwestern UniTian» mentioned Webster 3815. 0; . . ; 24th ^Street, y^ ^ tained twelve guests Sunday after- versify. in yoni anmrancement tSo. 6C. r^::-" il..." • (Across from Mushkin's butchtx chop.) noon, in honor of her birthday.... ."' \ Mr. and Mrs. Sam Elaver announce Mr. and Mrs. Victor Weiner and the Birth of a baby son Abraham : children, Sylvia and Leonard^ are Lincoln J» Klaver, born on Friday, even at ; leaving Friday for Detroit, Michigan. February 12, at the Wise Memorial this ' ; Several affairs were given for them. Hospital. Mrs. Klaver was formerly lew Monday evening, a number of their Miss Ann Eoitstein, of this city. price Used Piano Specials friends entertained forty guests a t a Mr. and Mrs. David B~. Cohn enripht, oak Ottt '.surprise party,. and on Wednesday, piain Etyle case...,...,, w i u 'Mrs. M. Weiner entertained at an tertained a t a liDUse •warming party KimbaJl TJ p r ig h t ebony <STQ Orphenm theater party followed by Sunday evening at their new home. case, ^.i..*.,^ 5 1 O Yes, a dinner at her home for forty E m e r s o n TTpriBlit plain r^ Mrs. Sam FeTTrhan returned home you may <5 guests. • Wednesday morning from S t Louis, cE^e....... S l i O vralnut.... « already •walH a m r i Fpripht have an Mo., where she visited with her brothIKiabe Grana, ebony ^%Q*> In honor of Miss Goldie Moment, of er and" other relatives for th& past nut case fl**5^£T c a s e . . . . . . . ^^JLvt} Rt... SOiO Th# pric« Piarrc Swt - Chicago, III., Mr. and Mrs. M. Jaco- .ten days. S c h-uti BTt -Cnrirfit ITCTS & Pond Grand esfe?n« too why not fuibow and the Taub family entertained low—birt fill"yeur tieart's thirty guests at a dinner Wednesday Hartford P l a ? e-r. clori't judge ties! re for a small size <?O./( 9 by price. evening followed by bridge. Prizes Hostesses Chosen F b r oak.. „ 2a*Ol Hadassah. Card P a r t y M a r d i & YDu mutt Why Jiat- hear tti ih», • were won by Mrs. D. Finkel, Mr. and Solo Concerto- PlayHear this "trade" : offer we are er, xrainnt |W)OA • Mrs. Sam Meiches, and Messrs. Sam Mrs. B. A. Simon, chairman of the "Grand" making it thfie tirfre* 'ease........ «KiOU Rochman and William Alberts.. Miss Hadassah card parties), annbunced the § •Moment is leaving Thursday for her hostesses for the nest card party-,, home. which will be given Monday after- ' Extra Special! Player Eolis at A quarter inilliDii dollars is represented in this noon, March. 8, at the Brandeis Grill "3taras tlflg •announcemeatis being sentts press-m'.are receiving a special select loi of 500 BlighVy The Kid Boots Club entertained its used PLAYER ROXiS. Tiese SJB good numbers, standard makes, and Eell regularly. ^ C * » great assemblage of new spring fabrics. Only members at a supper dance at..the. Boom. Those who will- -serve are the 75c and. $1.00. The eatire lot "wiE be. placed on sale at each only... feJJ^ the tremendous buying power of The Brandeis 'Fontenelle Hotel last Saturday eve- Mesdames J. MalashockT M. Brodkey; Store makes possible such an offering at such - ning. George Washington favors and B. M» Bleicher, J i ; Xevinson, Mrs. T, decorations were used. Covers were ;Krasnei Council Bluffs, and S. Mfeyeclow prices. son, Council Bluffs. • laid for sixteen guests.; The Hadassah announces the startWe are confident your highest expectations will be < Mrs. David Copper, and Mrs. -A.. ing! "of a study circle that will meet justified for never were assortments larger, colorMozer are leaving Monday for Sioux after, the regular meetings. The first ings lorelier, or patterns more -distinctive. City, where they will visit at the'of tirese will be at the next meeting, •Wednestfcry afternoon, March 31- " of M ALL' THAT IS NEW AND FASHIONABLE IN
Crockery, Aluminum Ware, China
F9is a Cfceeriess Place in. a "Pianoless" Home
You've Five Yeans in WMcK £& Meet the Very Low Price
These Player "Pianos Are Absolutely New
IJprfghts, Mind You, "Hpt Used .*
New and Kosher Delicatessen Store
Grand Piemo Is New
THE BRANDEIS STORE Now In Progress Our Annual Spring Sale of
Piano Co
1926 subscription to The JewRemember the Zionist ball March 7, ish"Your Press is due now. Please mail at the Municipal Auditorium.'—Adv. it in.
Wash Fabrics
PAGE 4^-THE JEWISH PRESS—THURSDAY, FEBRUARY125, 1926 Your sacred duty is to contribate Tahnud'Torahs; During the.past year -marking time and awaiting with ganizatjons in the community will necessity of continuing these efforts. generously to the Community Chest, We must have your support, and it is soon bf handsomely, rewarded upon the Federation contributed to both greatest anticipation entering the to enable the Jewish Welfare Feder» your duty, as citizens and Jews, to entering the new magnificienif home. Superintendent^of-Jewish Welfare Federation Talmud Torahs •$6,380.00/. Witii the Community Center;' The comfort and the reanimate and give your time and money to further ation to function properly. : end' of the' fiscal year 1925* theallot' given at tHe;Aruaual.Meeting, Febrary 21, 1926. Finances ( .: reinvigorate the community. A hew our ends and to further our work. Our superintendent; Mr. Wm. R. ments to the Talmud ^Porahs were During .the pastryear the'Federar Blumenthal, in his report, will give .' By'.William R. Blumenthal. spirit 'will arise! The community laWe, here in Omaha, are fortunate discontinued.' But the'-Federation is important events * have * hap- chief concern. With the acute unem- not abandoning tne' Talmud .Torahs. tion had three, different Chairmen-of bored and begat a magnificent Re- in having an organization so well you, in detail, the result of the past pened to the Jewish Welfare Federa- ployment situation and. business de- It is giving"the City Talmud Torah the Finance Committee. But for one wnrd and an inspiration for the Fu- equipped to handle this work. Yonr year's work. I bespeak for him your officers and executive committee give closest attention, knowing that it will tion and to the Jewish community pression in the city, our task has been advance loans for the * first three reason or the other they did not func- ture. / . tion asin previous years. , As a reduring the past year. One of them most trying, but, the aid and en- monthsi of- 1926 equal to allotments This report of the year's *work can- their time to alleviate suffering, and prove interesting and constructive, sult of that.and other causes, there T wish to express my thanks to all couragement of the Chairman and has been the decision of the-majority not be complete without an expression build up a better community. In this made to them for the first three of the members of the Federation %o members of the Relief Committee has'- months of 1925, so that-they can func- was a decrease of 30% in our col- of deep gratitude to the President of we all benefit. The demands on our the officers, directors and our Superaffiliate with the Omaha Community made the results achieved possible. tion* until -their membership 'campaign lections for subscriptions in 1925 as the Federation, Mr. Wm. L. Holzman, organization are very great But intendent who have contributed- their Chest. The desire on the part of the will be held.." Moreover, the Federa- compared with those of 1924. Ninety and to the Chairman of the Executive owing to the fact that some of our share in this magnificent-work; parFree Loan Work r percent of the funds that were relea'ders of the Welfare. Federation was The calls upon Free Loan Society tion will -.actively aid the Talmud Tor- ceived came in by mail, due to an in- Committee, Dr. Philip Sher, and mem- contributors have "slumped" on the ticularly so to the Chairman of our not to throw the burden of work and have been very great during the past ah in its membership campaign. bers of the Executive Committee, as job, we are now facing a deficit. You Executive Committee, Dr. Philip Sher, tensive mail campaign by the Federa- well to the members of the Board of men and women will certainly not under whose guidance we have acresponsibility ' on * the Community year,' but the work was-handicapped . .Home Eor The Aged tion office, which was an unusual Directors for their work,- enthusiasm permit our brethern and their*children complished much good. Chest, but merely to participate in the by lack of funds. Applications for The number of old folks at, the achievement. ; •••;::: ' >•• . and capacity for social service, which to suffer because of lack of funds— Respectively submitted, joint communal financing: and collec- loans approved by the Committee Our expenditures during 1925 were made possible the accomplishments a deaf ear to the appeals of the needy, WM. L. HOLZMAN, tion of funds, . The Jewish Welfare often had to wait for considerable, Home has of late increased'30%.' A ' President. Federation * stands separate and dis-time until funds were at hand. I . Committee of the .Welfare Federation ?51,440.75. To meet this $36,305.28 of the past year; During the coming usually brings its own reward. I cantinct from non-Jewish, organizations trust that an effort will be made to is working in conjunction with a like was received,for subscriptions and year, with the facilities of the New not conceive that the Jews of Omaha in the city as it ever has. Our Fed-, obtain, during the present year, an Committee of the Home, in providing donations, and $1,014.03 as refunds Building at our command, our team will permit our Federation to close eration cooperates - with the various increase in the capital of the Free our aged with necessities and with for loans and services, leaving a defi- woric and our accomplishments its year with this deficit. It is my comforts in their declining days. The cit of $12,300.00, -which was borrowed should, and social agencies before affiliation with Loan Society. I am •sure will be, even sincere hope that this will be made Home was granted: an allbttment of from Reserve Funds* These Reserve greater. up by those who have not fullfilled the Community Chest. But the logic The report of the Secretary of the their obligations. of the situation and the obligation to Free Loan Society: shows, that 131 $2,400.00 during 1925, and is now be- Funds are in a §lnse trust funds., 2224 Curning St. This year we are affiliated with the the general community neccessitated loans were made during 1925, anding subsidized by Community Chest They represent A pp. accumulation of! Phone JA ckeon 1226. Funds through the Jewish Welfare more than, ten ^dsfe fe they should Omaha Community Chest and your a more intensive cooperation and the that the amount loaned almost equal. . ,, be replaced. -. s> : contributions to that organization are development or social team work. Our ed the capital of the Society. Free Federation. Jewish conlriBuftons to the Chest, as necessary as were those to the - Wise- Memorial. Hospital joining the Chest has made no dif- Loan work is absolutely indispensable Members of the Jewish Welfare Jewish Welfare Federation. ference in the functioning of our to real.constructive philanthropy. If, The Wise Memorial Hospital con- the same as" itiatg of other groups, charity work. We are taking care of is a great aid to our relief work, tinued, in serious financial straits in have, not been- uji fe> expectations. Federation and Friends: It gives me pleasure to greet you the poor just the same, we are heal- for it'is a.factor in the'prevention of 1925 "due mainly to lack of support on Nevertheless, our;entire- budget, re"Manufactured ID Qmaha" ing the sick,'feeding the 'hungry and poverty and serves as out instrument the part of the community.- The net quest of ?49,850. for 1926 was ap- this evening-at our Annual Meeting BAKEK ICE MACHINE CO. cjothing theneedy,-in the samefash- for self-help. We have made a be- loss for 1925 was?18,Q00^QO, which proved by the Community Chest. For and report to you the work of your ion as heretofore. -We haveIriot low- ginning during the past year in mak- is ?2,0Gb.00> mor? than in the jnear Be- January we imposed upon ourselves a organisation during the past :year. BUTTBK and ttGGS ered or changed put stendards. ing. Free- Loan, work' -non-sectarian; fore. Thjs in spite of the- fact that voluntary cut; of 14%. Due to the Reports which will be furnished to Council Bluffs, la. Now that we have" joined' the 'Com-' be hoped that that policy will the contribution from the-Federation- failure of the Chest Campaign to you willr show the enormous amount reach its goal, it*will; be necessary of good-work which the Jewish Weimunity Chest, the_: only .difference is be continued. . .,. " : : ...: was .increased from ;$3»300.0d- to $ that instead of sending out^biUs for Too much credit--ca:viot; be'; given 000:00. Due to the widening of Har- for us to further reduce pur budget. fare Federation is doing. But illumthe year, and making of our office to the chairman and secretary of the ney Street, the north wing of the That will give us an increase from inating and interesting as the reports a collection agency, we. are able to Free Loan Gommittee for their earn- Hospital Building will shortly have to the Chest of $40,000.00 for 1926,—a may be', we cannot really appreciate devote more time and energy to the est efforts. be demolished. -:. This will probably cut of nearly $10,0Q0 0Q in our budget. the great work unless we come in \/EBSTER actual work confronting us,—that of necessitate, the abandoning" of the There is hope that the supplementary actual contact with it. NO.I8"ST O7Z9 Social Service Committee The relief work in our community^ relieving distress and of assisting in Hospital and perhaps moving to other campaign which'%ill be put on in rehabilitation. Last month we re- The Social Service Committee of quarters. The matter will shortly be April under the "auspices of the Coun- the many problems which it presents, ceived our first check from the Com- the Federation, has been functioning taken up by- the Board of Directors cil of. Social Agencies (in which the and the heart rendering details which munity Chest for one-twelth of the in the work assigned: to it. As you of the Hospital who are empowered Jewish Welfare Federation will do its must be listened to almost daily by know, this Committee is composed of to act. In Omaha share) will bring-in about $50,000.00 your officers and superintendent, make ' ', yearly allotment, To be sure; makrepresentatives, of the B'nai B'rith to the Chest. It" is hoped that it will the work a pleasure when we think of monthly involves ing out budgets National Institutions hot be necessary Tor us to effect such the good which is being accomplished. moi-e. detail and bookkeeping. But Lodge and of the Council of Jewish 1307 Howard St. At. 8028 250 Kooms—200 Baths During 1925 the Welfare Federa- a tremendous reduction in our budget Besides giving relief to the sick and Women, as well as of the Federation. that is much better than conducting Good Rooms for fl.50 Omaha, Nebr. tion contributed to the National In- is proposed. This Committee has a three-fold job: Operated by Epploy HqteU Co. the needy, our efforts build character a bill mill. Last year we made out stitutions $6,325.00 as follows: in both old* and young, and I cannot twenty thousand bills for the collec- first, the Juvenile Court work and. the New Jewish Community Center work in the county jail; second, the National Jewish Hospital tion of funds, or on the average I harp already Spoken of our. NewJ impress upon you too strongly the nearly twenty bills for each subscrib- administration of Student Loan ' Denver ...J..................,..$2,000.00 Community Center. Just another Orphan Home 1,000.00 er. All this work will be more ex- Funds; and third, sponsoring of social Cleveland word in closing.^'A week from toJewish Sonsumptive Relief enterprises; such as Father and Son peditiously and satisfactorily done by Society, Denver .......... 1300.00 morrow evening will be held the An- PAXTON-MITCHELL CO. the Community Chest- Collection^ De- Banquets and the like. The CommitHarney 1662 Jewish.Consumptive Relief nual Meeting of the Jewish Com- titb * Martha Sts, tee entertained the visiting delegates ' Ass'n., Los Angeles '....: 350.00 : Omaha, Nebr. partment. munity Center. Omaha Jewry will Soft cray Iron, brass, bronze and alnto the American Legion Convention Ex-Patients Tubercular castings. Standard sizes bronze Another important event since our and delegates to the Disabled1 War -.- Home Denver ,....:....... 300.00 soon have an opportunity to meet mlnqnv and Iron- bushinps, sewer manholes. last report is the building of the new. Veterans convention. There were 14 Leo N.TLevi'Hospital ;' ' " *' in the new Community Home. That Cistern rlnsrS and covers, and clean-out Hot Springs,'Ark. -— 300.00 Community Center. That long, long cases handled in the Juvenile Court Home represents the efforts, the doors Is stock. , Hebrew Immigrant -Aid cherished dream, has at least-become during 1925, 39- cases of prevention money, and the .spirit of the entire Society, New York"...... 250.00 a magnificcent reality. .The- slogan, handled outside of the Court, and 11 Denvei•"Sheltering'Home Jewish community. During the past " "Must be built in 1925" has achieved jail cases. The Student Ldan Fund year the campaign for collection ^netfor Children .. . 250.00 National Desertion'-'* results, and due. to the great;. sacri- work was begun 'with three';loans ted "a huge sunrwhich will be reported Bureau :_..„_„..:. .25.00 fice and indefatiguable work of the made to worthy:students! in need"7 of onby the Presid^jb of the Community Btfreairfoj? Jewish Social officers of the Community Center, -we temporary help. The Annual Father Center. All of the funds were handled 25.00 Researchare to enter the building this spring. and Son Banquet-has been postponed- National Conference Jewish by the Federation office! This saved While this report, strictly speaking, this yearV so that it may later be Social Service ...;......,_. 25.00 the Center all overhead, including Must be well, acquainted in should be of past achievements, it is held in our-new building/ This represents a, .substantial in- rent," telephone,. administration, etc. city; Answer giving name, necessary for us to think of these This Committee is planning to\do crease over thejamount'granted them All -work was-<fqne by the regular achievements in terms of the future, more intensive work inr obtaining the' previous • year. Omaha is. indebt- Federation workers, putting in extra age, and address. Box 650 for otherwise the* past is meaningless. scholarships for worthy boys at>var- ed to these national institutions for time and effort. ' . c/o Jewish Press. , With the completion of the Communi- ious trade schools, arid-especially, at aiding us in rounding * out our social The Federation; as well as other orty Center some of the functions of the National Farm School, where the service program. Based upon serthe Federation will necessarily be boys get free instruction, in agricul- vices rendered us, our contribution modified by the Community Center. tural work making them self-sustain- to these institutions should be nriich There will perforce be a, shifting of ing, efficient farmers. larger. To take one instance: there the center of gravity from Federation Contact was'kept during the entire are at present 27 Omaha children in to Community Center. It was the year with Jewish inmates in city arih the Cleveland Orphan Home. If we COMPANY • i • spirit that animated-the Federation state institutions as well as with had to take care of them'in Omaha, AT-1000 E. SCHERER which made the Community Center the cost" to us wouldTbe much more in largest measure possible. We must those in the Jewish National Institu- than the amount we have been giving tions, especially with the Omaha have a happy marriage of the Federathe Orphan Home. The expense is tion and the Center, where each will children in the Cleveland Orphan mainly bonv by the Cleveland Home. Home. Appropriate ; gifts were sent take and hold the proper place in the Similarly,, the "Denver Hospitals - rf community. There should be no dom- the inmates during the Jewish holi- render us services in excess of our days. ination of one over the other. It is The desire for character building contributions to• them. 'Happily we just possible as time goes on that the Druggists and Stationers as well as for physical:development are able to continue-our .allotments 'i c Center will include functions that tOl-404-iOS Sooth 10th 8tN«t to these institutions * through Com* of our youth prompted the Committee have heretofore belonged to. the Federation, but' the two distinct ideas to open our first Summer Campv— muunity Chest funds. • y rY and ideals must remain. The Federa- CAMP MORRIS LEVY. Since the Young Men's and- Young Women's funds at disposal of the Committee tion stands for philanthrppy; the Hebrew Associations . Center for character building,: recrea- were not sufficient to defray the,, ex'Regular Meetini? of Y'.'KEljL has just tion and education. Both functions pense, a contribution by the President finished a remarkable year. Kemarkare necessary and shoulft be harmon- of the Federation made possible the able'in enthusiasm,' in interest shown, Our recent issue of preferred stock has work on the scale it developed. Forty iously blended. ,:; ;v" .. and in things accomplished; The probeen over-subscribed andwe shall not be able, boys, most of whom never had t h e grams, of its cultural as well as' social opportunity before, enjoyed the blesRelief Department , ' to allot to each applicant the full number of .meetings- have, been rich, in content The work of our Relief Department sing of out-door life. They- gained and' promise' much" for the • future. The shares applied for. last year was chiefly characterized in health of body and mind, in know- meetings of the "Y'* are more decoras constructive work. There have ledge, of the put-doors; and in develop- ous than ever before/ are more ably . W e regret exceedingly our inability to been more cases in actual rehabilita- ment of finer boyhood.. This invest- conducted,' and "augur well for the fumeet-fully the demand for this stock, but ment in boys is paying the communition than during any previous year. ty dividends that cannot be evaluated ture. An index of the rwork of the want all of our patrons to know that we During 1925 we gave material re- in money. "Y" are the three intellectual condeeply appreciate this expression of confidence tests during 1925 with other Y.M.H. lief to 47 families, which included 59 A. 's. In these" contests, Wo of which adults and 136 children, and extended Jewish Women's- Welfare- Organin our Company, its employees and its manwere held in Omaha, and one in St. temporary aid to 378 thansients. We ization ' agement. nursed back to health 119 at our local Auxiliary to the Federation is that Louis, our boys won eight decisions hospital; had 19 treated at National fine group of women, the Jewish of Judges and lost one,—a remarkable Every Thursday Evening at Jewish W e have received many thousands of Community Center Building, Hospitals', and extended medical aid Women's Welfare Organization, 700 high record. Our boys .are also up subscriptions from our patrons in the five j &L MALASHOCK. President. . to 63 persons at home. We took care strong. They have been in existence and doing'in physical activities'. The IS ADO BE) ABEAM SON. Secretary. states where this Company operates, and it of 126 personal service cases; 26 Im- more than twenty years, and now new "Y" Basketball Team, in anticiwill require several days to check the applimigration cases; and investigated 23 more than ever before is this organi- pation of entering our new building, cases for other cities. We' handled zation needed. Its-membership makes is called the • Jewish \ Community cations and make allotments. As soon as ^ 21 legal cases and' secured .employ- a cohesive group, that for the sake Center Basketball Team* In spite of Meets Every Second and Fourth Wedthis can be done, information will be mailed ment for 48 individuals. Our office of the community must be kept intact. the hadicaps of not playing in their nesday evening at the Danish Hall to applicants advising how many shares can averaged 45 telephone calls and 14' During 1925 the Jewish Women's own building, they"achieved'victories at 8:30 o'clock. personal visits per day, pertaining to Welfare Organization turned over great odds. The"Y^' members be allotted to them. Harry-KUBBY, President. relief and social service work. the Parent Organization $1,200.00. The number of transients we took For 1926, the Women's Organization Please make no payment until notice _ 4 care of is happily subscribed $1,000.00 to the Communiis received of your allotment and a in previous years, due to our-inten- ty Chest. A Committee of the Wombill is rendered by the Company. sive work with the worthy and our an's Organization serves on the Relief ISADORE ABHAMSON discouraging of the. unworthy,- -the Committee of the Federation and con' professional tramp. stitutes the visiting and case-working NORTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY Public Accountants and Auditors Relief and social problems'go hand staff. These workers are without-, in hand. Progressive family welfare doubt about as fine a group of volunBELL. SYSTEM agencies, are functioning more and teers'as are tqjae found anywhere far OnePoUcj; - One Syitem more- in seTraw-andrlesff-nr actclal-re^ the country. Ijef 490 BRANDE1S THEATER BLDG. Ijef "giving g g The- giving of relief is Talmud Torahs , t id . . Atlantic 1450. not .an erid in. itself,—-it is an incident Still another investment in. our. youth:) -fail adjustment. Adjustment which is-theJewish«ducatioiugiveir,by the: • >' tends toward the renabilrfcation-is our
> .
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President's Message
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E. E. BrUce & Co.
Omak Lodge No. 354
Council Bluffs Lodge No. 688