Success or failure in business is caused more by mental attitude even than by mental capac-
"• Th'e'cvnic is'one wbo knows i. the , price of everr t h i n g Sind ihe j vVa 1 u e : of nothing.—
ities. — Walter Dill ScotU
YOU V—No. 13
-Oscar Wilde.
Entered as second-class mail matter on January 27Ui, 1021. at post office ot Omaha KebraBka, under the Act or March S, 1879.
Foremost Palestine Jew to be Guesi of Omaha Jewry onMarch 11-12 Ben Zevi Will Deliver an Address Thursday Evening at Swedish Auditorium
.UMBUS, NEBRASKA, i'. AN PAYS IN FULL !r g e Jewish Community- Genii, jfiust received a check from E. w. Teller of Columbus, Nex g.kaT in full payment of his jL n ge for the cojnpletiori of the gCommunity Center Buildat 20th and Dodge Streets.
Anti-Semitism In Hungary linked
Report efPresident, Harry H.Lapdus^ Made at Annual Meeting of Jewish Community Center, Marcli I, 1926
Qrganiz a t i o n of Hungarian Ladies and gentlemen, while it is this meeting was; held, Saturday Anti-Semites Control customary at the annual meeting that, night, and we would not sign the conState the president read a written report tract during Saturday, so the contract STARTLING FACTS OF PLOT or speech on behalf of the administra- was signed "Saturday night after sun REVEALED tion, your president desires not to down with Alex- Beck and let me tell
Talmud Torah Special Meeting Sunday Morning A special meeting is being called by the directors of the City Talmud Torah for this Sunday morning, March 7, at 10 o'clock, at the Je'vrish Community. Center. Business of importance will . be transacted. Everyone is invited to attend.
President of Jewish Commmtiiy .Center Other Officers Re-elected at Annual Meeting DIRECTORS. ELECTED BV SUBSRIBERS
Harry Lapidus'vras re-elected .presifollow the usual custom here- tonight. you we made no mistake. dent of the Jewish Community Center? Budapest (J. T. A.)—Information I have no written speech prepared I' am.- giving -you the high spots I. Ben Zevi, one of the foremost at the annual meeting at the Center concerning the connection between the but I am going ta\ give you a brief now of the administration. On May Jews of Palestine will be the guest headquarters in the Arthur building., Hungarian counterfeiting ' plot and resume of what tihis administration 10th there was a. meeting of the buildof Omaha Jsvnry Thursday and Fa- New Officials to be First Y Officers the anti-Semitic international were has done. Personally, I feel that this ing and site committee (and by the Monday night. in New Building day, /Map*'ll and 12. Mr, Zevi is learned here from reliable sources. Other officers elected are: Hcmy administration has been able to ac- way that committee met nearly every Fourth Annual Event to be Given at .frv'Tjig'.the.United States in the inCity Auditorium The revelations were. made follow- complish more*—not because of its day at .noon) but on May 10th the Monsky, vice-president; Joe WolC* Ike SternHU was. elected president ing the attack of two members of the terest of the Palestine Chaluzim Desecretary, and Louis Kirshbraum, of the Young Men's «nd Young Wom- Awakening Magyars on Joseph Vas- president—but primarily because of members of- this: committee together velopment Fund. Plans are complete for the joint its secretary, Joe -Wolf, and I mean with the Board of trustees and diBen Zevi wall deliver an address at en's Hebrew Association a t a regular ; zony, Jewish le?der -of the Hungarian every word of it (Applause). And rectors unanimously: decided on dras- benefit ball to be given by the Omaha the Swedish. Auditorium on Thursday meeting held last Monday evening,' liberals and former cabinet member. also because of the other men, but I tic action to' be taken for the collec- branch -of" the Zionist Organization March'-1, at the Jewish Community , It is,revealed that the white gaards am not going to mention names as tion of the money pledged. Upon the and the Daughters of Zion on Sunday {Center. -—-••••--- . , _ . . which were ^suppressed when .order you all know who" they are. ; As to roll call'I do not, recall a man who evening, March 7, at the Municipa The following is' a l i s t of t h e new was restored in Hungary, and particAuditorium. The committee have secthe part done by ijhis- administration voted that such action should not be officers: ," ularly with the arrival of Jeremiajt I think it has actually- set a record, j taken with those, who had refused to ured W. J. McKinney and his 16piece orchestra to furnish the music. Leone Novitsky, Vice-president; Ida Sinith, the special commissioner of the Sidman, Secretary J. Ella Marcus, As- League of Nations to supervise Hun- Our annual meeting was held a year) pay, so as I say the vote was xtnani- They are building amussment booths sistant secretary {Stanley F. Levin, gary's finances, an anti-Semistic un- ago, on the 13th <a£ March. We had tnoasly in favor of suing theni. Now in the Auditorium and have prepared Treasurer; Marion tjraetz, Reporter; derground organization, which con- at that time in cs-eh^6,000.00. We this was passed on May 10th but noth- unusual entertainment for this affair. The proceeds of the ball will be J. Melvin Levin, Athletic Director; trolled the state apparatus, consisting have tonight in- cash including a few ing in the way of- lawsuits was startJennette Levinson^ Assistant Athletic i of a large order nahied. "The Double 4ated checks .Some #11,000.09. We ed until on - November - 1st, -when a sent to the Jewish National Fund in Director; Hyman. Levine, Jeannette Cross," which embraced a great major- have Collected IB «a&k in the city of motion/was made by Harry Silverman Palestine. Malashock, Sergeant-at-arms; Ben ity of state ofucials, including those: of Omaha,—and I \ : f e s t ; to. emphasize and seconded by Mr. Wolf directing . .The committee in charge of this Kazlowsky, Sana Zacharia, Executive high jarik, and the association, of so- Omaha—because ,_yoa know some the officers to' bring suit against the affair is headed by John Feldman, Members; Louis_Lapp Representative- cial fraternities. This association was people say Omaha is liayingS an eeo-.delinquent, pledges if payments were chairman, and consists of the follow to the Board of Directors of the Jew- comprised of 47 organizations, the en- nomica] depression-—*I say. in this not lrsade-within three days after they ing members; J. B. Robinson, S city of Omaha we have-collecte<l f roai had bea-notified by-letter. I want to ish Welfare Federation." tire system was popularly known as Jews-alone .^tf 66,000.1)0 in cask withro say loyou iBeuAers-here to-night that Robinson, M-. -Braude, J. Biklin, J These officers -will hold their offices the "race purifiers," whose chief aim the last twelve ]month's'. I- do net .the-Board of trustees and Board of * Mrs. J . Xintzman, Mrs. M. ;n the new Jewish Community Center- was "to" protect the Hungarian race think that record lias ever been reach- Directors-realize and appreciate that Braude, Mrs. T. Sherman, Mrs. .S. building now, being completed at fronr the Jews" and "to develop an Mrs' J. B. Kobinscm, and ed before. I t be some we have been -cussed and distrassed, Celia Braude. Twentieth ^tnd Dodge-streets. irrenda program." . HARRY K. LAriDUS. abused and misused, and everything In a statement; Mr.;_' Sternhill says, -" The counterfeiting plot was arigin- follow for every-ftown the size of else heaped upon us but we have stood •"The ball this Sunday will be one treasurer. Trustees for five •,.,-.-''* • "The; *Y' is preparing to' establish it- ated to provide funds for these activ- Omaha. of the largest ever given by the orImmediately sf^r the election of by the efforts of this administration. ganization, and the committe has been are : Dr. Philip'Sher, Harry A. Wn.'f ities-.^ It was financed: by the" postal self as a center Tvhere, Jewish young The administration felt as it was also and • Abe Goldstein'. Directors far men and women may. meet in'a strict- sayings, which is under the control of this^ administratie^ there was a cam- the opinion of the Board of trustee? working on this affair for the past three-year terms are: Sam Beber, !>:*, paign put on forfjjads, and on March '. • ' ' ly: Jewish environment. The. new the state. \ and Board of Directors that we were several weeks and have made unusual Abe Greenberg, Fred White, W&K building holds put high hopes for us ; The close connection between- the 2<th, which was fthirteen days after carrying ; oxit-the directions of the plans to make this affair one of the Fromkin, Jake Malashock, Abe Lev.v - - — B E N ZEVI and it will serve as^ a means for in- counterfeiting plotters and the inter- tha election, the.-secretary- read a re- Board of trustees and the directors. most successful ever given," said Harry Trustin und William GrodiivT port that there-had-been $32,000-00 evening, MaiciEll. His subject will be vigorating - up ithe 'Y\» national congress of anti-Semites collected* and all; of. this within thir- Although it • may be the opinion of John Feldman, chairman. skv.' ' "The, Chaluzim arid their accomplishThe regular semi-monthly. *Y' which took place in Budapest last 0c-* some others tha$ they have not realJy teen days. The c^fpaign continaed The directors of the Jewish Corr* ments in Eretz Israel.*' Dance -will be held next _Saturday; is pointed, to. - Represejitafives En.3 functioned • .nmnity. Cefites,,..»:iiosft,^tena& .-did. ml of the Bavarian, Houinanian, Austrian bjdsthe-general-contract for I want to"ten-yo-u-that=«ve*yone-of expire are:' Nathsn Bernstein, AT>£ of the; greatest* authorities on PalesThe Y. .lI:A? officers Hungarian antirSemitic City Cohn, J. J, Greenberg, Abe Herzbfsrj.',. tine, -whose statistics are beng quoted; arid executive "members" will'- hold an; tions participated in j that Congress. the building were opened by the com- that committee • has perfortaed his - . • • • . . • ' • Abner Kaiman, Harry J. KulalcoM;',, by the: greatest diplomats of England •executive meeting "Monday', evening, The anti-Semitic international con- mittee and the general contract .was d u t y . awarded to Alex. Beck for ?199,000.00. For the benefit of raising money to Sam J. Leon, Mrs. Philip Schvrnr:^,. I want to say to yon regardless of and whose name is frequently men- •March 8, at the Jewish Community sidered Hungary, where its organizationed in the British parliment in con-r Center. ~ The: .meeting iwill ..start: at tion was best equipped, as the van- He was the lowest bidder, regardless any statements that have been made rebuild the Congregation of Krael Harry Sih-erman, Irvin. StaLmast'-;.. of any statement to the contrary. I that if it had-not-beenfor this drastic Synagogue, a-ball will be given Sunneetion; Tvith. Palestine. • eight o'clock. guard of its. plans. According to the challenge any one to refute that action we would not have collectetJ day evening, March 21, at the City The trustees whose terms did not <*v« When Lord Balfour of England This meeting" willjbejthe first meet- plans- formulated by the anti-Semitic, statement—and I have, heard other- this amount of money and the build- Auditorium. This is the second annual pire arc A. B. Alpirn, N. P. F«iiM. Kulakofsky, Harry MfilaFhcwVk, .'.. visited Palestine, Ben Zevi was one of ing under the new. administration. international, Hungary was to assume but I say to you that the Ales. ing would not have been up as far, as event of the congregation, J. Slosbm-g, Isidor Ziegler, Harry ?V his guides who showed Balfour the a role in the white terror similar to Beck bid was the lowest bid of any it is and you would not be in a posiGilbert Jaffy and his Brandeis work of the Chaluzim in the colonies I _ . _ -_ _ ,.• that of Kussia in the red terror. A submitted and his bid was $199,000.00. tion to proceed as- you are now.- It Kestaurant Orchestra wili furnish the Zimman. 1 Six more directors will bo appoini-.pd and highways. Zevi is also an inti- 5001011) AieClieZQ UUD EjCCtS dictatorship was to be proclaimed in On March 28th, the Board of Trustees was because of this that we have col- music; by Harry H. Lapidus, president ul Hungary in 1926 and the sceptre was in connection •with the building com- lected in round numbers approximatemate friend of Kamsay MacDonald, A. lipsman is chairman of the ball the Jewish Community Center. to be given to Albrecht, who, coinciex-British Prime Minister. mittee awarded the contract to Alex ly $50,000.00. -A great many other? and he is being assisted by H. Dwors7 dentally, shortly before the disclosure Beck. On April 4th—and by the way paid because-they knew they would ky, L. Cohn, E. Bleichei", A. M. Kas- The center has cash assets oi #f "> Under the administration of Her792.41. Total current assets were fund Will Meet 'Every * Friday Noon of the plot, was named governor of the it happened to be on Saturday that bert Samuel, High. Commissioner of {Continued -on page 2) low* Ben Roitstein, A. Rachinsky, A. organization. . Palestine, Zevi served as Secretary Jacobson, M. Katzman, Philip Os- by Joe "Wolf, secretary, to be $4<i*,More than- fifty TCembers of th& of Labor. He has been instrumental For the candidacy of Albrecht to trovich, S.'L. Kaplan, L. Woolfson, 657.15. All records for a community cpnt^-r to. obtain contracts from the Govern- Sholom Alechem • Club met Wednes* the throne of Hungary, Professor Jacobson, Alex Lipsman, J. Coredaro day evening "at the organization's raised br popular subscription >^ ment of Palestine for the building of Alexander Cuza,- leader of the EouAlex Lipsman, J. Corenman, and Omsha wei-e broken, according to >•;' railroads, highways, and other gov- stag dinner held at" the Blackstone manian anti-Semites, made directarid Lillian Dubnoff, Gertrude Horwich, ernment utilities. Through this work Hotel. Following the dinner a pro- lively propaganda following his reficals of the organization, Fannie Sacks, Clara Katzman, Sarah thousands of immigrants obtain work gram of entertainment. was held turn from Budapest anti-Semitic con- Suit is Brought Against Secretary Mr. Lapidus in his yearly r<!tw>'.'< Iiami- Woolfson, Rose Lazar, Esther LefAdmit 577,450 Bills Would in Palestine. • . under auspices of the entertainment gress. Kellogg said thai although but $45,521.96 *•*!•-. grants kowitz, and Eva Katzman.The reception committee for Ben committee headed by: Jack Alberts. collected from October 1922 to FebItalian Fascisti leaders are said to Zevi will meet him at a luncheon at Washington, Feb. 25. (J. T. A.)— The organization was permanently; have refused to join in this moveruary 1, 192ii. the campaign corn^'rWashington,—Five hundred and ROUMANIAN STUDENTS 12:15 Thursday at the Rome Hotel. organized and- elected officers. Max Possibility of a court order being is- seventy seven thousand, four hundred THREATEN GENERAL STRIKE tee "had raised between February ^.. Those whowill serve on the commit- Fromkin was elected president and ment because it was declared they ob- sued for the first time to compel the and fifty additional immigrants would 1925, and. February'10, 1926, ?7W.« jected, to the anti-Semitic features, of IF NUMBER CLAUSES tee are: Dr. M. Stein secretary. The organiza- their view that Fascism is a specifical- Secretary of State to instruct a consul have to be admitted to the United' IS NOT INTRODUCED 086.54. There is still to be r s i ^ d •Tmiah Wotfson -Xuthan Bernstein "Hoh "will "mee't every. Friday, noon at ly Italian proposition which cannot be to issue an immigration visa appears States under the Perlman and similar $48,70§.42. The coat of Henry Monsky S. Davis likely as a result of mandamus the Brandeis Grfll: private room. internationalized. Harry XnpldiiB Jewish Students will be Sar>,000 of which $11,27 Five 1 Fn-il "White bill for the exemption of the "wives, "Wni. Holzman A. I. Knlakofcty ceedings brought by Lewis Friedman minor children, parents and husbands Every Jewish -man is eligible to join Dr. A. Koium University Riots II. Mnlashpt ' been provided. ]»r. S. Knhnitz Sam Beber this organization, which plans to take of "this city against". Secretary Kellogg of both citizens and declarants, acDr-rhlUp Sher Sam Leon active part in philanthropic arid so- Thorpeians to Hold to obtain a visa from the American cording to the estimate submitted by Bucharest, Febr. 13..—(J. '. A.)— .7. Fe'Jmnn ITarry SHrerinan •M. M t o d t J)r. M. L. Gordon cial' activities in the community. Five Jewish students were injured Mei CmUf to Sing at -VL " o m k l n consul m Warsaw for hzs daughter, ^ ^ j ^ ^ c M e f rf ^ ^ -Take Malaahok office Initiation Banquet Sunday .i. X Frelilman Dr. D. Goldner j during the anti-Semitic riots at the Rose. .T. l.lnfczman A. Frank University of Bucharest. The injured -A. Cohn j of the State .Department, who testi•J. Kosenthal • Friedman went to Poland, to bring •the South Site Sywgegar The Thorpeian Athletic. Club will Sam. Cohn Herman ^Acerbach ZIONIST SPECIAL MEETstudents are Fischer, Mendrcrici, fied at the hearing before the House his daughter to America before she X. Yaffe hold an initiation and get-to-gether .T. B. Rohinson Rev. Isaiah Kohanowitch, ING TUESDAY EVENING banquet; on Sunday evening, in the became twenty-one, when she had a Immigration Committee yesterday. Machim, Slezer and Brotzki. .Toe Greenberg S. Kobiusou T>ave Greenberg cantor, of-Minsk, Russia, will fcrwlrr Irvin Stalmaster A delegation of Roumanian stuAVm. Blnmenthal preferential status for admissin. He Dubois based the forgoing figure II. Unmlarln Nathan Green A special -meeting of the Local banquet room of the Foritenelle HoteL alleges that by reason of misinforma- on cabled estimates received from all dents submitted an ultimatum to the the Friday evening and S«.*:K.> M: Mhikiii •T. Al»rnmson Twenty one members wiU be initiatS. MlUmnn day ' morning services at ih? Branch of the Zionist Organization .roe Wolf- . .. • . l>r. S. I-evin ed at this banquet. Irvin Levine is tion and failure to render assistance consuls abroad, in compliance with a Ministry of Education, demanding the Congregation Sam Wolf of Israel, Sru-;.h 7)r. I. D.iusky wfll be held Tuesday evening^ March A. Goldstein Dr. A Grpenberg •chairman of the banquet and initia- on the part of the consulate his request made by Dubois since his introduction of numerous clauses. Side. His Friday evening wr>~M. E. Cbnpiuan 9, at the Jewish • Community Center, Should the government fail to introI>r. K. Pnnskjtion committees. He has arranged daughter attained her majority, thus last appearance before the Committee l>r. A. Steiiiberg in the Arthur Building. . duce a numerous clauses within the ice will -begin at 6 o'clock, aiui. hi*, musical numbers, skits, and a' speaker losing her preferential status before a few weeks ago. Saturday morning services will b.<?r--~ A complete"'report of the amount her departure could be arranged. . The figures submitted showed that next ten days, a strike of students at 9 o'clock. On Sunday evening W for the entertainment. raised at the" Ball to be. given this all over .Rotunania will be declared. Two ComjcilBInifs Boys In a preliminary opinion filed today i aliens who would be entitled to ixnThe Sunday matinee dances at I£elwill present a concert at the i>j— Sunday the City Auditor * * * by Justice Hoebling, he intimates {mediate admission would number Dancing Academy, sponsored On High School Debate Team rium will be giyen,.and.the committee pines gregation of Israel beginning *;, S. Bucharest, Febr. IS,—(J. T. A.)— by the club, are being continued. that if the American consul was guil- 350,000 m.Italy, 60,000 in Czechosloo'clock. in charge of .the .Purim Collections : .— — . . S Ron's Collegiate orchestra furnishes ty of the conduct charged, an order vaM, 42,700 in Great Britain and Resolutions protesting against the at- Cantor Kohanou'itdi, who has H-v* for' the Jewish National Fundthat Abe Katelman, son of Mr, and Mrs. to compel the issuance of a visa would Northern Irland, 33,00 in Poland, 20,- tacks on Jewish students were adthe music. • J. Katelman, was a member of the was held in-all-Synagogues-will also be justified. "No good reason exists 000 in Germany, 8,700 in Eussian, dopted at public meetings arranged officiating during the last few vwrV* affirmative debating team' of. the give their Teport.- • - • • - • • EXCHANGE PULPITS why appropriate relief should not now 5,000 in Lithuania, 4,50 in Norway, by the trade unions. Similar meet- in Synagogues here, has arousal favorable comment by hig b t ' Abraham- Lincoln High school, which Eabbi Frederick Cohn, of Temple be afforded the father, since the 5,000 in Koaraania; 2,000 in Portugal, ings were held in other cities. rendition of the traditional defeated the Sioux City High school 33,801 JEWS ENTERED Israel, and Rabbi Isadore Isaacson, right to compel performance of a duty 1,200 in- Austria, 200 in Belgium, melodies. team on Wednesday evening in a •beyond the limit vxed by the present PALESTINE IN 1925, OFFICIAL of Sioux City, will exchange- pulpits should not in equity and good con- 1,250 in Bulgaria, 200 in Denmark, triangular debate which was held at science he held to be destroyed by the 400 in Finland, 1,700 in Greece, 600 law astonished the House Committees FIGURES STATE this Friday evening, March 5. Council Bluffs. The subject of debate Rabbi Isaacson will render an lapse of time within which in the first in the Netherlands,-1,000 in Palestine, and is likely to be used as an argu- A. Z. A.'Dance March 28 at Bkckstoiie was, "Resolved, that the Government London,—Thirty three thousand unusual interesting sermon and the place the duty ought to have been 2,500 in Spain, 900 in Sweden and ment in opposition to the Wadsworthshould own and perate the Coal eight hundred and one Jewish, emi- officers of -the congregation are ex- performed" he said. He declined, how- 1,500 in Turkey. Perhnan bill. ' The measure -will be Omaha Chapter No. 1 of the O?&» Mines." This total of 577,450. does not re- further consideration by the House grants entered Palestine during the pecting a large number to greet the ever, to make a final decision at this of Aleph Sadft Aleph will hoH *** Nathan Gflinsky, son of Mr. and year 1925, according-to the official rabbi of the neighboring pulpit time, stating that first Friedman present all the aliens who could be Committee early nest week. third annual dance on Sunday ;*•**Mrs. A. Gilinsky, was a member of figures off the British Colonial Office Congressman Sabath took issue must offer proof of his request for admitted, as the survey hy the consuls ning, March 28, at ^the V the negative team which defeated the made known here'-yesterday.' •with Dubois on the figure for Czechassistance at the consular ofBce in covered only-the countries named. Special Services at B'nai Israel H o t e l . • . ' • " • • Fort Dodge team last, week at Fort Warsaw and the failure of the con- The conclusion Secretary Kellogg, oslovakia asserting it -wass too high. Cantor J. Malek and his choir Two thousand one t.hundred and Mnsk will be famished ky Dodge. forty one Jews emigrated' from Pal' render special Saturday morning serv- sulate to render same and also sug- based upon the estimates, that a It was evident that restnicitlonists in - By winning these debates Abraham estine during the same perjod. The ices this Saturday morning', March 6, gested that the complaint be amended waivery of the quota allowance as to the Committee •wire surprised at the Bauder'e Collegiate OrchftBtra, Lincoln High school wins the silver net increase in the -Jewish population at 8:30, at the B'nai Israel Synagogue so as to includ as defendants, Com- relatives of resident aliens would ad- low figures from Poland, Russia and have the' contract for the cap •which has not been won for the for the year 1925 was ^1.660. ~ - - v • engBgeraent at Krug Fatk ball missioner Hull and Secretary Davis. mit more.than half a million, people Lithuania. on 18th and Chicago Streets. past three years.
Plans- Complete' For Joint Sonist'BaD'Sunday Evening
Held Semi-Aimaal Election
Officers at Stag Dinner
Jewish Father Brings Suit Perlman-Wadsworth B i s to Visa Daughter's Passport Before House of Immigration
PAGE 2—THE JEWISH PRESS—THURSDAY, MARCH 4, 1926 those exceptions that I have named, t want to say furthermore that we -have not compromised a Published every- L'bai$day at Omaha. Nebraska by pledge with possibly one or two ex:•• TBEJEWISB PRESS PUBLISHING, COWANY ceptions. Every man has paid or at Office: '490 Brandeis Theatre Building •*- Telephone;' ATFlantic 1450. least has given us post dated checks, NATHAN E, GREEN, Manager. If he can jiot pay it at once we make _$2.50. Subscription Price, one yearsome sort of an arrangement with Advertising rates furnished on application. him. We have done every, thing within our power that is reasonable to give CHANGE OF ADDRESS—Please ffJve both the old new address: .: ..••:. .•'•.-, . be sure and cSve sour name. • every man and woman an opportunity to- pay" antf to cause- a s little hardshipT$i? Jewish,^^rpss^s ^upuHgd! by. the Jewish Teregraphfc Ageitcy' (Jewish as possible in carrying out Correspondence Bureau): witfc cabled and telegraphic Jewish news, in addition to fesfute: articles and correspondences:from allimBnrteo.t iewtsfe ttjnten* .pose-and in performing.our duly, but inquiries Regarding news 5t£ma credited to this Aggnfij will bfi. glarilx rwe m p i see that that building, is answered.if tulqresset}to, Jewish- Telegraphic 4g£ncyv 6511 Broadway^ New finished. Y o r k - C i t s . -•.•..:• . • • " ; • . ,-.-'.., - •-..... > . : . . .:' • ' - • • • ' . . ' . - . • ' • ' . • On May 26th bids, were opened for the wiring and that was let to the J^e Bron Electric Company. On June, MISREADING JEWISH bids were opened fcjr the plumbThe emiflgpt Jewish poet/'ChaimNachrat^pBiftlik, hailed as 3rd ing and that was let to the Yousem Israel's. Pdpfc Laureate, whose writings in the originalan<t in Plumbing Company as it was the lowtranslation ai'e eagerly read and pondered b# Jewish people^ every est bidder. On July 19th the laying where, is always^ worthy of respectful attention. His interpreta- of the corner stone took place and al! tions and criticisms of-Jewish conditions, his observations and of you know who the speakers were warnings on-matters- of Jewish duty and service^ his exhortationg at that time. We had with us GovMcMullen, Mayor Dahlman and and appeals in behalf ^of Jewish causes are interwoven into the ernor Kabbi Benjamin Frankel, and that • very-'textui'e of Jewish thought and feeling of the present day. distinguished orator young Baviti •His inaugural address on his American, tour before a notable Sher. gathering in New York City on February 10 stressed in striking Gn January 24th a meeting was held phrase's' a number of [important Jewish "subjects of great current of the Board of trustees and nominainterest. One of these is presented in the following passage: tions for officers and trustees were and those names will be 7'The capital of each nation and country- is the sum total of submitted submitted to you to-night;- - • the surpluses of each individual. This is true not only of the This is j u s t ' a general-resume of material "wealthybufcalsa of spiritual wealth. "TJhe misfortune..of what the administration-"hsis --done our people was 'thaV the surplus of our "material and', physical within- th» past twelve-niontns.' These weaffh, the result of our pain and laboi?,jwas;not credited to qur are? actual facts thafwe- stand by. I6-P1ECE ORCHESTRA I want to- say to you ladies and gennation, but went to the countries in which we lived." tlemen her& to-night that 1 you can *Fhe plain meaning of the passage records'^ condition which not' imagine what that building is that-in every dollar they spend they! In a very short time we axe going nearly $100,000,00p to its policyhoMis wgll known in Jewry. All over the earth we see Jewish men from its appearance on the outside; have .from nine to ten thousand eyes to put on a campaign for memberers and beneficiaries. A Uttle over and women- of genius making conspicuous contributions to the you must go inside; you must go around Omaha watching them; they ship because we want every man and $33,000,000 was set aside for payment financial, intellectual, political, industrial, philanthropic and through that building in order to ap- realize that some people are looking woman in the City of Omaha to be The sixty-sixth Annual Statement on Annual Dividend policies alone of the Equitable life. Insurance* So- during 1926. artistic departments of life. Their inventions, productions; inter- preciate it. I want to tell you that for something to criticize and I want a member of the Jewish Community ciety of the United States published you must go through that building to say to yov ladies and gentlemen Center. We are not ready yet to pretations and services have wonderfully magnified the spiritual because there are two stories below that they can look* and scrutinize be- proceed on that, but we will soon have today, shows gains iu all important A further improvement in the comwealth of society and multiplied the blessings of life. In their the* ground so that the building is cause for every dollar they have spent a real organization and we will uaye items. The assets on December Slst pany's mortality experience is indiby the decrease from 54.08% in labors for society many Jews have failed to appreciate the source realty a five story building instead they have gotten the most out of it. it divided, among different classes and last totaled $792,405,000, an increase cated 1934 to 52.14% in 1925 in the ratio of of tfieir inspiration in their Jewish heritage. In accepting their of three. You want to go through We have a record and we have a we* will see that this is a real cam- of $66,793,000 over 1924, which is the actual to expected losses. " contributions the world has not given proper credit'to Jewish that building and' if you are like some financial statement which will be paign. We hope to see every one of largest gain eve? made by the comThe outstanding insurance expediences and Jewish experiments in the moral realm -for a of "us you will look at it from the passed out to everyone of you show- our people become a member of the pany. Warsaw,—The plight of the Jewish top to the bottom and you will get ing our receipts and disbursements? Jewish Community Center. We are passed the four billion mark a few period of countless generations. This aspect of- Jewish service the thrill of- year life. There is; some- showing the contracts. These will anxious to have oui Jewish Com- months ago and now totals nearly war invalids in Poland was presented has its tragic aspects, as the history of the Jewish life- abundantly thing about tfiat building 'that'' goes also be mailed to every subscriber to munity Center function and we want to Duputy Isaac Schipper, by a dele; : right through you; you feel that it is the Jewish Community Center. We eve'ry Jewish organization, every Jew- .. The new insurance paM for during gation of the Jewish war veterans, is testifies.".': ; -'••..' •-.•: -.•'•.' -.''-. V T " "-;• ... ..... Poland. But it is misreading Jewish history and distorting Jewish a part of you for really there is have the record and we do not think ish boy, every Jewish girl and every the; past year aggregated $825,000,000 "Neither the government nor the something about it' when you • "go we have to apologize to any one; and Jewish man and woman to b© a part including $67^100^000 of Group Insurduty-to assume that a policy of isolation for the Jewish individual through that building -that will thrill we are not seeking the credit for of the Jewish Community Center. I ance,. Tfeis.\was.. the largest amount Jewish institutions take an interest in. the community in which he lives and for the Jewish people you. o* business ii^ any year in the history in the fate of the Jewish war invathis. All I want to say to you is this, thank you. (Applause.) in the midst of the nations would have brought better results for I am now making • this statement that we have used our best judgment ofj^he company and represents an in- lids", the delegation complained. what's the matter, Deputy Schipper promised to inteiv ciease of $158,000,000 over the Jewry aashfor huuiamty. Just the contrary, is 'the: case. .Like and I challenge aiiy one to disprove arid Just our best efforts and if Why, That you have such a February face, fcjnount paid for in 1924. : y vene with the government in the matany one before passing judgment will it. That building can not be duplicJoseph, who went to seek his brethren even though they Jeered S fulll of frost, f t d So off storm ter. Duiing the yeai'tbe company paid just go through the building and see ated for the amount of money that it cloudiness? —Shakespeare. at him, Israel has; been seeking the welfare, of the nations even been built. There is not a single it so that they really can find out though they do not recognize or reward the. service.::.As;the has contractor" on that' building- who** is aiid appreciate the facts then I say "Light of the nations," which it is our mission to-enkindle^ in the niakTng much money'arid I know that let them pass judgment as to whether hsarts and minds and homes of the human family, we are often som& of them who have taken con- or riot they really have any fanlt to made to realize that we are the suffering Messiah, the servant tracts are actually losing money. I find with -this administration ant? this bruised in the struggle for righteousness. If we are to be named can name some of them and defy building and site committee. Those have used all of the economy the "Priests of theLord" and '"ministers of pur God" we must any man or Woman in Omaha to dis- men they know and have done the best pute that. I have heard statements not be so sensitive to ingratitude as, to deplore the, good we canto the contrary. I want to say to you they, could and you will find the real S3S SEVENTH AVE5TOE, S E T TORE, H. T. do to increase the spiritual and material wealfe of the nations that that building, I mean that kind proof of it when you go through the : JL -Kstofl Comipttay Incorporated acder th» ZJBWV of the State ot Ifew York that we do SO much to create and preserve. of a buijding, can not be erected as building. I say this for one reason— OF In fact> we make the world safer and happier for us^ as well chsaply as this one because every yes, I think for two reasons,—first; CONDITION AT DECEMBER 31, 1925 because we have a real committee, man on the building and site commitas finer and securer for our neighbors, whe^^Q'la^Q^and sacrifice is doing- everything within his and second; because we have nine to °comfort all that mourn, to gives theni^a garlan& fop ashes, tee power day and night to get every or ten thousand eyfe in Omaha watchOUTSTANDING INSURANCE$4,394,848,901.00 the oil of joy for mourning, the mantle.DfpraisafOK the-spirit article at the minimum cost. I know ing us and talking about us. We 5 Total amount of the Fiaitjjjle's ea&cuiding ' - ' " '- * of heaviness, to build up the old waste places, to raise up the the efforts they have had to spend have our ears to the ground and we policy contracts. anil I'TtnftW for-what the money has know what is going on and we are former resolations, to renew the waste-Cities; tfee^desolationof many generations" (Isaiah 61). u " ; ; ; ; :; i : | been spentPT'want to say to you that going to try to give you the best INSURANCE RESERVE .-....$ 679,931,652.00 men "are" spending your money we can for the money you are spendThe qquestion of credit for such s 5 r vservices i c . e i re ^ i byr cqiern> ihbse' That portion of the Assets reserved to pay all policies and they are doing it with 'w">*' care ing and if you 'will agree with me That depends upon the justice, enlightenment;and.&bo.dwili of and economy .than they would if it that everyone of you has got his es they mature. This is. adequate because it will be increased by future premiums and interest. The Reour neighbors. It is for ;us to determine-:to. serve, .generously', were,#ieir pwn money. They reali?e money's worth. , •>, serve is determined by the Actuary, and verified by enthusiastically, hopefully, here, there and everywhere all the the Insurance Department of the State of New York.
Orchestra to Play at Zionist Ball Sunday Evening
Equitable life Statement
time. That is our whole duty as Jews. Some day the records of history will be reread and Mordecai, the" obscure Jew, will receive due credit for his noble services to ths world,—Jewish' Chronicle.
f\ b
Report of President, Harry H. Lapidus, Made at Annual Meeting of Jewish Community Center^ March ;1, 1926
Shower Proof
-' (Continued from Page 1) form its duty and collect the money. .have to pay; it was simply a condition •We told you last year "that" if "you that was staring us in the face-and wanted action this administration was that' was not under* our- controL We gojng to. give i t to you if, not.promised our people in Omaha that like that, action then you can change ] we would give them this building and the administration, But let me say promise this to you. We do not want to be ^ ^ p to us to keep p our p and'that is why I am making these compelled to do this but certain indi- remarks to you here to-night The viduals of this community have actmen' and women, who made their ual-ly robbed themselves of. the_ necespledges should realize that when they sities of life<—not luxuries—to " pay. make a pledge they must keep it and their pledges and I know of>some men • pay-it. We have yet approximately who have borrowed money at the $43,000,00 outstanding and we are bank and are paying interest on it; I going to collect* every dollar of that know of some individuals who have unless the man is bankrupt or unless had borrowed money on insurancehe has listed that as one of his liabili- policies in order to pay their pledges, ties in bankruptcy. We are going to and we have told these individuals;1 compel every individual that owes a that everyone must pay; therefore, we pledge to pay that pledge (Applause). must keep our word, and. we are. going These pledges were taken in good to do it. And_ if it is within their power to faitn", they we*& given in good faith, and we must collect every dollar of pay I want to tell-you that we are: going to s«& they 4* pay, because, we them* have not found it necessary just can_not Let jobs Jongs gay and then now.'tc follow with any more law suit?. let the others- g e t off, because, the We feel that for the 4ast-two or three will say to you y "so and so is a v>ce&s or » month we should to a r rich, man, why doesa's^he pay". In adr?ss'hut h vrejare bopim? that when this dition €o that you must remember we h d have the contractors * to pay, they ? F- these peopl&-e&mehthrough and r a y their pledges. We are hoping m.yst be paid as - ftey. go along. -hat' they wili really realize that this Every month.-we have * statement is s'rsai obligation and that they will from tfae contractor telling Us. that t>ayt their obligation without foi"ce. we awe so wwib money and we most Then if they will not pay it we wiJI pay him. But we can not pay our obligations unless we collect these have-^o collect 1MB money by imit." funds. Therefore, as long »s $2il»» . Unless some change in the adminisr tratwnris made i want to tellryou that 000,00;_hsve beeo-collected we must - this- fldminiftratien-is -going:,farper-J collect all the outstanding-
l^op Coats
.' -r
$ 694,969,344,84
Principally ~~i iterest and rents paid in advance, reserve for taxes, and commissions, rents, and office expenses due or accrued.
Qverplaids Cheeks
For distribution in 1926: On Annual Dividend Policies....... $33,400,000.00 On Deferred Dividend Policies..... 3,844,789.00 ^waiting Apportionment en Deferred Dividend Policies 481,194.00 For Contingencies.....;.....» 50,189,968.84
Blues Tans
NEW INSURANCE PAID FOR in 1925......$ 825,587,841.00 Novelty Effect*
AKE the hazard out of your clothes buying— choose your spring topcoat at the Nebraska —then you're certain it is styled right and priced right. Unlimited selections in smart, new fabrics and good looking patterns a man likes.
Gaberdines, $20, $25, $35
Ordinary Group (new groups only)
$ 98,483,113.0$
Comprising Death Claims, and payments to living policy^ holders under matured EndowmentSj Annuities, Cash values,- 4nd Dividends.
JUtfr .
..$758,436,268.00 $67,151,573 •©<>
F . X . CROXSOST, Agency Mansger, 545 Omaha Nations! Bank Bidg., CQRR£Cf-ApPAREi FPB
$ 704,489,154.70
and business properties, loans to policyholders, bonds, cash, etc., and are 887,915,951.84 in excess of Total Liabilities. This excess c o n s t i t u t e s the Surplus Reserves. ;
25 *3O 35 Grays
ASSETS $ 792,405,106.54 These Assets include mortgages on farms, homes
Super-Knit Texture Coats Herringbones Tweeds. Mixtures, Etc.
These include Claims and Endowments pending, Funds left with the Society at interest, Premiums and I^tsrcct paid in advance^ and Dividends not yet taken.
Rabbis of th© United States to present t o the Washington authorities the plight of t i e Jewish women in Luthuania who are separated from their husbands by the operation of the quota law.
Thanks to our March brides, -who ing afternoon, Mrs. L. Nathan \rill are keeping the social calendar filled entertain a t a luncheon and mah •with, luncheons, roah jangg, and teas. jongg at the Fontelle Hotel. On SatThe- two March brides, who' have urday, Miss Dorothy Goldstein is both chosen, Sunday, March -14, a sgiving a luncheon a t the Brandeis their wedding, day,"are Miss Bess Tea rooms for twenty-five guests. On Secretary Davis Favors Exempting Handler, whose weeding- to - Sir. H.Sunday afternoon, Miss Weinstein Children of Citizens and Mike Xoxbqlz, oi St. Joseph, will be will give her trousseau tea a t her Declarants From Quota solemnized, in. the presence of only home, and next Thursday evening, the immediate family; . and Miss Mrs. Irvin Stalmaster and Miss Bess Washington,—(J. T. A.)—SecretaMartye Weinstein, who will become Bess Stalmaster are entertaining a t ry of Labor James J. Davis, wil probt h e bride of Joseph Rubin, of San a progressive party in honor of Miss ably appear before the House ImmiAntonia, Texas, a t one of. the largest Weinstein and her fiance. gration Committee, before a vote will season's weddings. This week's pre-nuptial affairs for be taken on the Perlman and WadsWEDDINQS Mr. ; and !N[rs.BL R a t s announce t h e '_ Honoring Miss Weins&iin, the Misses Miss Handler was a luncheon given worth bills to exempt from the quota SHOSTAK-GRQSS ^Esther B^atelman. uncl Ann ?alk en- Tuesday noon by the Misses Esther members of the immediate family of r daughter*Mofi Mr. ' and' Mrs. Sam Gross • of' engagement of to MT; A.. S, Zaliin, L spn of Mrs. Libbie tertained a t a luncheon a t the Qmaha Katelman and Ann Zalk at the Pon- citieens and declarants. Council Bluffs, announce t h e enAJhletic Club; on Tuesday noon, Tues- tenelle. Thursday noon, Miss Ann The correspondent of the Jewish gagement of their daughter Reva, Zalkin;. No definite date, has day evening,. MTS-: Sam Cohn. enter- White is entertaining a t a luncheon Telegraphic Agency learned today to Max Shostak, of Lincoln, Nebr., s e ^ &*L t h ? tained-, at inah jong^ - a t i e r home. a t the. Brandeis Tea rooms. Saturday that in a conversation with CongressThe wedding will take place Sunafternoon, Miss Minnette Gross is man Dickstein of New York, Secreday, March 14, in the presence of to Be Hostesses afe Mrs. Meyer- Friedel - •Vwas, hostess giving a luncheon for Miss Handler tary Davis stated that this opinion Wednesday afternoon a t live tables of only the immediate family. safe Card Party Mar<?Ji & and invitations have been issued to badge a t her-home, ^ h a t evening, a,t- Braadeis l e a Room; Mr. Shostak and his bride will leave Jack Alberts, entertained a t 150 guests for a tea-dansant a t the immediately after t h e ceremony for Six-women w^ll; be hostesses a t the three tables of bridge a t her home. Blackstone Hotel to be given Sunday California, where they will make Regular Meeting of Jla.wh card . p a r t y of the- Qmaha Thursday BOOH, Mrs. J; :Cassman,en- afternoon from three to five by the their future home. -: Misses Rosella Verbin, Sally and The wedding is a culmination of a Chapter of Hadassah; on, Monday teriajned a t : luncheon and mahjongg Jean Krupp, of Fremont. school romance, both having attended afternoon, March .8, a t the Bfrandeis V t h e Eonfenelie HoteL-The foUowGriU, $h,Qse TKho will .serve: ar^ the the University of Nebraska'^ ik Mesdames J. ; Maiashqck^ M. ISrod^ej, 200 WOMEN ATTEND JEWISH WOMEN'S WELFARE Rs. M. Bjeicher, M. Levinsoii, L. Ktasne, ORGANIZATION TEA ON MARCH 2 AT BLACKSTONE Miss Ann Fanner returned from a O o u n # Bluffs, and S. SJeyerson, two •wreek>/""viiI2 with friends in Los CouncU .Bluffs. More than 200 women representing gave the report of the work that was California. The Hadassah, eard parties are giv.-. the sixteen Jewish Women's organ- done by her club during the year. e o f or t h e benefit qf the. hospitals and izations i n this city attended t h e 1925. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Newman enter- ether charitable qr^anizations i n sociaf get-to-gether t e a Tuesday afterFollowing the discussions, a musical tained a t a Purim Dinner Party Sun- Palestine, La,st December the local noon, March 2 , a t the Blackstone program was presented. The parti day evening at their home in honor chapter sent $300, raised from these Hotel. cipants were Gilbert Jaffe, violinist, of their nephew, George Kahn, and benefit card parties, far the Palestine Charlotte Abrahams, pianist, -aa This was the second annual event his fiancee, Miss I d a SegalL Medical Unit, and t h e same, amount ETsponsored by the Jewish Women's Kina Snyder, accompanied by Janet will be sent in the_ near future accordEvening a t Jewish y Thursday yC Organizations, Affairs Gilinsky, gave several vocal selec- Every Mrs. Max Langman and daughter, ing to M.?s. M, F . Levenson, secretary Welfare C i t t g Bildi Community Center Building. of this nature will be given an- tions. Gloria, June, of Harrisburgh, Pa.* who of the local Hadassah, 3, M. nually for the purpose of working Mrs. Max Fromkin was chairman were visiting here with Mrs. LengMrs. B. A. Simon is general chair- out ways and means in order to bst- in charge. Mrs. A. Greenberg, Mrs. man's, Mr-, and M*s,. Jarohm man of all.card parties. • ter t h e work of each organizatioji. Harry Lapidus, and Mrs. B. A- Simon Kulakofsky, left Thursday for their The presidents of each organization assisted a t the entertainment. home. While enroute they stopped Meets Every Second and Fourth WedSeeing falsely is worse than blindoff at Chicago, 111., where they visited nesday evening a t the Danish Hail ness and speaking falsely than silence. for several days with Mrs. Langman's WoHner are at present making +heir at 8:30 o'clock, —Eusldn. sister, Mrs. Lewis Spiwak, and Mr. ho.n3e with the bride's parents.. NumHarry KUBB-Y, President. Spiwak. Mrs. Langman was extensThere are three things t o which erous affairs are being planned in man is born—labour, and sorrow, and ively entertained while, in Qmaha, COUNCIL BLUFFS NEWS honor of the bride. Mr. and Mrs. Kulakof sky also, had joy. . ' . . N Q J can any life, be right The Independent Order of the B*nai that has not. all three. 4-Ruskin. as their guests the past week-end Brith, Lodge No. 688, wil} hold a reg- RABBINICAL COUNCIL vtGlFTSTHAT LAST their son, John, of St. Louis, Mo. ular meeting next Wednesday eveFORMED IN LITHUANIA ning^ March 10, a t the Danish The Misses Faye and Ann Gerelick a t 8:30 o'clock. ; Kovno,—(J. T. A.)—A Rabbinical entertained eighty-five guests at a tea j Council for the administration of JewSunday afternoon at their home comThe Ladies Aid Society -will hold Wholesale and Eetail plimentary to their sister-in-law, Mrs. a meeting next Tuesday afternoan, ish religious affairs in the Republic of 1 CHILI CON CAKNE Lithuania was established b y the Jewelers Jules L. Gerelick and also Miss March 9, at t h e home of Mrs. Xoms 4 tablespoons fat Lithuanian government, " Martye Weinstein, who i s t o be a D,iamond Importers Cherniack, 152 West Washmgton 1 lb.'beef The Council has approached the March bride. Those assisting t h e a v e n u e . .::: .: • 2U-2JL6 City Nat*. Bank Bldg. 1 onion Minister of Foreign Affairs and diphostesses were Mrs. Phil Schwartz, 1 can kidney beans Established 1894 the Misses Byrdie and Lottie Selicow, Misa Cylia Gershua, lfeft- today for lomatic representative?, asking for 1 can tomatoes and Miss Dorothy Goldstein. Schuyler, Nebraska, t o -vfeit h e r permission for the Agunoth, women Salt and pepper to taste brother, MT. Ben Gershun, and Mrs. whose husbands went abr-oad during Chili powder. Mrs. David Newman leaves today the war and post-war-period, to emiPlgce fat in kettle, add onion cut Gersiiun. for a several weeks trip, t o Des up fine and let fry' slowly for ene grate. There a r e a.large .number «£ Monies, Iowa. minute. Add beef chopped, pr cut Miss fttjth, Krasne left last Thurs- Agunoth in Lithuania. i s small piepes. and fry for 15day for Des ^Qmes, Iowa, where she The Rabbinical Council has also Miss. Cheryl Sandier, of Des Moines, minutes. Add beans and tomatoes, \rtll l visit with, friends for about two decided to ask the Union of Orthodox salt and pepper t o taste"" and a s Iowa, was the week-end guest here of much chili powder as desired. Let Miss Ann Gerelick. cook slowly about 2liqurs, sidding Mr. and Mrs. Harry Krasne will lij Our motto is HIGH QUALITY H! water if needed. i~ Mr. Joseph Rubin, of San Antonia^ entertain their evening bridge club Tex., is arriving next Thursday t o STUFFED P B W S SALAD at their home next SRonday- evening. 1 1b, prunes be the. gyest of his fiancee, Miss % lb. pecan nut meats Martye Weinstein. The Uubin-WeinMessrs. Max and Arthur Steiman 1 hea,4 lettuce stein wedding will be the largest soof Winnepeg, Canada, who have been MafshmallQW cream. cial event' of this season. WHY NOT BUY THE BEST? Soak prunes over- ni^it, iu visiting .Mr. and Mrs. Ben Jelpner, You can trade your old merning put pn and hpil about 10 left Tuesday for their home. pocket-watch or wrist Mr, H. Mike Horhholz^ of St. jninntes. Cool and remove pits. watch for a NEW ONE. JosepTi, Mo., -is arriving Friaay t o Place nut meat in prunes, arrange Mrs. D. Friedman announce on £risp lettuce leaves and I wigi the, marriage of their daughter, Shirvisit "with his fiancee, Mise Bess cream. ley, t» Mr. Maurice Wohlner, son of Handler. Mr. E . Wphiner, p.f Omaha, which MARSHMALliOW CREAM SQUABCDEALJCSKIXA §j Mrs. Henry Shampanier, of Patter. Whites of 2 eggs J . I :i took place February 22. Mr. and Jlrs. son, N T ; J . , is the guest here of Mrs. 1 cup sugar .. ..... g. Handler, and, of the Mesdames A. 3 tablespoons water - . $ marshinallows. . M. Krupp and j . Verbin, of Fremont. Mix egg whites (unbeaten),, She has been visiting here for the sugar and water aod cook' over past several -vveeks and while here boiling - water 5 minutes beating win attend t h e KorbhoH-Handler with rotary beater" all" the; time. wedding to take place Sunday, March Remove from fire, add marshmal-' lows, 1 teaspoon vanilla and beat 14. until Tnarshmallpws are dissolved; Can also be used as a frosting for Mr. Carl Katleman is convalescing cake. -" . at (he Nicholas Senn Hospital, PAB^VA CHOCOLATE P i E Mr. and Mrs. A. Herzberg have as 1/3 cup cocoa their guest their daughter, Mrs. Dave M, cup cornstarch Goldman, of St. Louis, Mo. Pinch" of salt li cup sugar ^ Sam Greenwald, of Chicago, 2 cups hot wa^er 1 teaspoon vanilla. IlL, is'^dsiting with Mr. Eube Natel8 marshmallows. . sson. Mix dry ingredients. Add water Forty friends of Mr. and Mrs. H. a little a t a time and cook over a slow fire until th|ck and smooth. Trochtenberg surprised them Sunday Add flavor and Vz cup nut meats. evening a t their home in honor of Fill baked pie shell and place their thirty-third wedding anniver- marshmallows on top. Set in oven until marshmallows are slightly sary, .A buffet supper followed. brown. This can also be used in Mrs.. Morris Gohn entertained Wed- pastry cups and served -individually. . • ,; . " : Tiesday .afternoon a t four 'tables of bridge- and also eight children in HOUSEHOLD HINTS honor - of h e r daughter, Harriet Do not salt steak until done and Maxine, first birthday. removed from fire or i t will tend to toughen meat. Miss Rose Guttman is expected tome this week-end after a six weeks Beat white of a n egg stiff, add mayonnaise and chili to nrafce a {rip through the South. delicious 1000 Island dressing. Sftiss Yetta Nathan will leave Should .be served a t once. Thursday evening for an indefinite 2/3 of a cup of any cooking oil rtsit in New York City. She will answers for 1 cup of puiter in any stop in Chicago for several weeks to r e c i p e . ' • . , ' " . . ' '. ''. "•. ; visit with relatives there. Use tomato j e to sour ^ of citric, acid or Mr. Harry Lapidus srill address the bage in p r jnuch better for members of t h e Deborah Society a t vinegar "It children. its next Tegular meeting to be held Tuesday afternoon, March 9, a t the Place a apiece of-camphor ice in Jewish Community Center. silver drawer. Silver will not tarnish. The tidal wave of deeper souls When using oil for pie crust, add Into our inmost being rolls, war in" water in stead of cold. Crust And lifts us -inawares, will be more tender. Out of all meaner c&res. Longfellow.
was that children under twenty-one address the Grand Street Boys Astqifi. New. X<?j;k. oja, f qbruary 21. of citizens and declarants should be exempt from the quota. As to the parents and wives of citizens and deWisdom never forgives. Whatever clarants, the secretary has reached no resistance we have offered to tier law, definite decision yet. she avenges* for ever;'the lost ho»r can never be redeemed, and the acSecretary Davis accepted the invi- complished wrong never atoned; for. ' " ' —- "Buskin. tation of Congressman Dickstein to
JEWISH CALENDAR 1926—56 S6 Nissan 1—Rosh Chodesh .'. , — Mar. 16 Nissan 15-nFirst Day of Passover . . .ftlar. 3© Iy ar —Rosh Chodesh .-., • ~—^™—Apr. 14 Iyar 18—Lag B'Omer . . —.— Majf 2 r Sivan 1—Rosh Chodesh . * . -.Ma j? 14 Sivan 6—Pirst Day of Pentecost . .. . «- 3Juiie 12 Tammuz—Rosh Chodesh ... ^ 28 Tammuz 17—Fast of Tammuz uly 13 Ab 1—Rosh Chodesh — Ab.. Ab 99—Fast F a s t of Ab y 2B Ellul—Rosh Chodesh ~~ -.._.... .... -hug.
\. O. B. B.
Tishri 1—First Day of New Year ..„.„ Tishri S—Gast of Gedaliah _, Tishri 10—Yom Kippur
Omaha Lodge No. 354
«\r—S4.*s" footwear
It!s impossible to tell of the varieel smartness offered for spring in ""Vanitti"—our moderate priced footwear. A host of styles in light colors—dark colors and combinations, in kid, satin and patent.
The Brandeis Store New Shoe Departraent
fflakshQck Jewelry Co.
Sept. S ^Sept. 11 ..Sept. 18
Unquestionably Smart New Modes in
Council Stuffs lodge No 688
« —
BRANOIIS STORI I »»3»»2*^»;*^«»3»J*!
Diamonds and | Platinum Mountings
Leader of Chaluzim in Palestine
Thursday Evening, March 11 at the
BYRNE & BANNER DRY Manufacturing Wholesalers
4 Cordial Invitation is Extended To Omaha
by "STAN'*. t)o you know t h a t ? ' ' The wrestling teams of Omaha . Central High School" and those of Omaha Tech number several Jewish lands on their rosters. "Wrestling recently was adopted by the' coaches and principals of all the Omaha High Schools as an inter"" school sport. . Elmer Greenberg, the Central High all. state football player wears the purple and white of Central in the heavyweight class. The Central squad has met only one. school on the mat as yet. Elmer thru his oppontent, Gridly the North High football captain after a tough tussle."Elmer"Has little science but loads of strength and should show a great deal .of improvement .in his next match;-Mynster^ the Tech heavy has wontwovictories in two starts and is probably the only. serious obstacle barring Greenberg's path to the heavyweight ; crown of the city. 5 The other Central bone crusher is f • a little 95 pound fellow .by the name of Shriebman.' (He. $s a brother to the former Y. M.ILA, Junior baskettall star and present. Thorpeian bas. ketball man) Shriebman: defeated his Eskimo foeman in jig tirne. He> showed much promise and should' defeat his future opponents with little trouble. , ,' . Tech High has Nathan Marcus, the 155 pound Freshman football team captain upholding her colors in the middleweight division. -Marcus -is long, lanky and full of fight., He is one of the most promising.wrestlers at Tech. This embryo Stechef has engaged in only one encounter, defeating his man quite hadtfy.: Nathan has not been in the best of condition since this mutch; old footbal injuries^ bothering him. He'.", will be in; good shape for his next meen and it would not be surprising to see him the possessor of the middleweight wrestling title of Omaha. Tech's two 95 pound matinen are not in the class of Shriehman off Central. Red Greenberg lost his first encounter to a superior foeihan/ He however may make ^ a surprising comeback.' Saul Graetz, the other ant weight wrestler also lost his "first" engagement. Saul however made a fine showing losing by a 35 second" time decision. He was handicapped by a sore hand suffered in training the day before'the meet. I anf makeirig another appeal to the maulers and leather pushers off Omaha and the rest of the State to enter the Elks Boxing Tournament which •will' be staged at the Elks Club. The Tourney will be held on March 15 and 16.-The entry fees are very small and anyone desirenng to enter should see Stanley F. Levjn at the Jewirfi Community Center, for" further information; Last year an Omaha Jewish boy won first place'in the bantamweight class. Medals will he presented the winner and he wil receive a trip to New York with the chance to make a six weeks trip to South America. Fellows please make arrangements to enter this affair. We have several entries but must have more. V
Commercial League . Won Lost Stiktites _ 10 l Evans Laundry -.....„ 8 2 Townsend Gun ........... .,6 4 Jewish Com. Center .... 5 6 West LeavenVth M'chts. 3 6 Thomeiatt Athletic Club- 3 7 Omaha Commercials .' 0 10 Sammy Coffman, stellar guard on Ihe Creighton University Freshman basketball team played a bang up game for the Jewish Community Center quint. Sam to'ssed the ball through the hoop for a total of five baskets. Harry Haykin also played a nice floor game for the J. C. C. team, making several points. - The J. C. C. team plays a wonderful brand of,ball during the first half of their games but fell down woefully in the last half. They would lie holding down the first place position at the present time were it not for their lack of fight- and offensive work in the final lap. The Thorpeian quintette showed up jiicely in their game with the Omaha Commercials, copping the long end of the count by a 24 to 16 "score'. Segeljnan, a veteran of several years Commercial league play made three baskets in addition to playing a good
ASSETS Current Assets Cash-. " First National-Bank r. Peters National Bank In -Drawer..: .-. : Balance:due from Conservative on Mortgage Post\ Dated Checks and Notes ReceivableSubscriptions .'Receivable —.'. ;— TOTAL-CURRENT ASSETS Fixed AB§ets ' Real Estate , . Lot 1 Building-(Upon its' completion) ,.....".—,. rASSETS.
$ - 554.63 60.18 : 1,5.00 44,631.95
% 45,261.76 8,732.23"• 43,798:42V
: ' '- • --
. . •'
r r
; . -• 77.49J.50 . 273,3^7.24 . 350,864.74 •/'•>
TOTAL ASSETS .....'. '. LIABILITIES ' f •~ Current Liabilities i , Accounts Payable (to Contractors).—.7. Dodge Street Grading Taxes !.
$448,657.15 -' :*
.'....* 71,425,97 ."! 5,28532
- • • « • * .
"* "TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES.... Fixed/Liabilities
-'201,711.29 1246,945.86
. .
RECEIPTS Subscriptions (Collected Oct. 1922 to Febr. 1, 1925) ! Subscriptions (Collected f e b r . 1, 1925 to Febr. 10,1926) '--
Conservative Savings & Loan Ass'n (On Mortgage) Interest Received on- Deposit Subject to Notice
his convictions and he was never It is not so much the being exempt afraid\to do battle for them. This from faults, as the having overcome tribute must be paid him. But it them, that is an advantage to us. Copyright—Jewish Teicp. Agency. ! must, too, be set down that his con—Alexander Pope. jcepts were \ destructive to true JudaTHE LATE DR. KAUFMANNism.' 1 *The\ years that are to come, ' \ : KOHLED. — the writer concludes — may someThe - passing of Dr. Kaufmann- what temper the bitterness which Kphler" was the subject of comment Kaufmann,Kohler and the school he in the" Jewish press throughout the represented.engendered. They meant country, and" in editorial notes and well though' they built upon quickspecial articles tribute has been paid sands." , to the N noted Jewish religious leader "The Infcermountain Jewish News" ( and scholar.- ' "• •" • of Denver, Cplorado, writes: , "The The "Jewish Morning Journal" passing of Dr. Kohler removes frora thinks that "the late Dr. Kaufmann-, the ranks of Reform Judaism its •Kohler was more of a scholar than of outstanding contemporary figure in a rabbi/ and"- that his memory will this country- The question will be survive' a s that of a specialist in the asked: "Who will succeed him? And wisdom'of Israel rather than of a the answer must be, " a t present, leader in American" Reform "Judaism. none." T h e ' p a s s i n g - of Dr. Kohler His influence was exerted much more marks the end of the e r a ; the era of over rabbis and scholars than over the three gians — Wise, Einhom, the public;" For He could better work Kohler — who between them founded out a platform or a statement of the American school of Reform Judaprinciple than win his listeners. As a ism and worked out the route which learned Jew "his memory will ever be it should foulow. They were profound held in high esteem' even in such painstaking scholars. As such they j Jewish circles* which do not accept his were recognized by Orthodoxy a s well 1 teology."' as by Reform; as such, they influThe "Jewish World'? writes: "With enced Orthodoxy as well as Reform. the. passing of Dr. v Kaufmann-Kohler The 1 Reform Judaism for which Kaufthe old Reform school of Judaism has mann Kohler stood in his prime is lost its last- great representative." not unlike the Conservative Judaism The paper recounts the, facts of Dr. of today. Yet even such modest ReKbhler's life and* career and con- formers as Dr. Kohler fostered in the cludes: "His theological philoshoph- seventies and eighties required real ical treatises in the Jewish. Encyclo- pioneering. It may be said of Re~ pedia are testimonials of his real formJ udaism as of its three great greatness. There - . was, however, proponents, that from opposition something, else which : distinguished came strength." 118 South 17th Street this scholar, and t h i s . i s : a fact that he "was the niost consistent and stubThere is always room for-a man of born adherent of the view that Juda- force, and he makes room for many. ism is • not race, nor nation, but Emerson. * • • merely" a religious sect. He lived to see this faith of Jus crumble and O'er roses may your footsteps move, PAXTON-MITdHEtL CO. Your smiles be ever smiles of love, Jewry recognized here and there as Your tears be tears of joy! Byron. 87th * Martha Sts. Hartley 1662 "one nation," "Am Echod." He loved Omaha, Nebr. Soft gray iron, brns8, bronze and nluto see the beginning of that same minom castings. Standard sizes bronze Harry H. Lapidus, Pres.-Treas. and iron bushincs. Sewer manholes, Geulah, which he denied. But he had cistern rings nnd covers, ana clean-out W. G. Ure. Secretary. not abandoned his own view of Judadoors In stock. ism. History will forgive him all. For he was a giant in learning, in the wisdom of Israel." COMPLETE STORE AND "While it is".true that Dr. Kohler OFFICE OUTFITTERS belonged to the Reform wing in
45^2iik6 164^)^54
$20?,t)08;50 .123,000.00 • 2,337.98
*„..: I
$336,946.48 DISBURSEMENTS Payments on Lot _ $ 72,212:18Payments to Contractors .'. _• '20l.941-.27 • Interest Z 5,8(7139 Insurance, Stationery, Postage", Clerical Help, etc..... 3,427.05 ON HAND • • • ~ Cash in Banks .'. _. 62&81 ; Balance due from Conservative on Mortgage.......!.".. * 44,631.95 Notes Receivable and Post Dated Checks "8,732.23
1307 Howard St. At. 8028 Omaha, Nebr.
Stationery Office Supplies Framed Mottoes
53,993.93. $336^46.48
COST OF CONSTRUCTION AND CONTRACTORS' ACCOUNT ; Contractor Nature of Contract Contract Price . Paid on Acct. Alex Beck ..... .........General w:..:.....:....$192,584.20 #144^QQ.OO Yousem Plumbing Co.: .-...Plumbing and Heating ................ 36,871.77 31,050.00 XeBron Electric Co —U Electric Wiring .......... .<„.. 4,600.00 3,600.00 Johnson,,iNelson & Doudna.,..Hardware v. ,„.........„.......'...... • 2,-000.00 1,500.00 Otis Elevator'Co.. ,. ....Dumb Waiter ... ™ ^. .. 320.00 F . L ; Busche .....:. :.. ...Grading and Excavating ... ....* 5,944.50 5,944.50 Western. Contractors .:...:..™Wrecking :..-... . .„ . „ " 374.20 374^) Miscellaneous... „.. Survey, Permit, etc. • L : .... 360.51 * Metr. Utilities ....„„„ Water Service .. , ' 35000 35Q!00 Surety Bond Cos.............:..;_...Bonding Contractors ..._ „ . . ! 3,421.43 ' 3,421.43 Fuel Cos. and Help Heat During Construction . 840.53 846.63 James Allan—„._...._..— ...Architectural Service _..!... 15^)00.00 10,000.00 Estimated ........Decorating .......:........ - 5,000.00 -". Estimated ................._..._..._....Lighting Fixtures _. 5,000.00 Estimated -Weather Strips " 760.00
Balance $48,084.20 5,821.77 1,000.00 500.00 320.00 American Israel, he was revered by all "elements in American Jewry regardless of affiliation," writes Dr. J . Gaiter, in' the "Jewish "World" of Philadelphia. For presumably Dr. Kohler was a scholar; he was a Jew5,000.00 ish scholar who devoted his life to 5,000.00 research'and to study in the vine5,000.00 700.00 | yard of the "Lord of Hosts." Dr. Cyrus Adler put it very well when in • . . . , , , r . , . #273,367.24 $71,425.87 his tribute he said, among other _ thingsi "Kohler Avas a leader, not so st f furnis hin and y l ° v ° . / , equipping t h e building wttPbe $35 ,000.00," a ^ i n s t which'^TOn't the much "of men as of thought. I t was Ladies Omaha have received to date in contributions and pledges the sum-of $11,273.00. under his.ihspiration that the Reform 3 10 26 0 of ? ?w. A™ ' ^efjl ?™* books, and February 25 additional payments of subscriptions movement in 'America," which had were made ng the sum of $1,427.50. Respectfully submitted, * hitherto temporized, adopted a clear Harry H.Lapidus Louis Kirschbraun Dr. Philip Sher cut;- set of principles which has • not Joe L. Wolf Harry A. Wolf Harry Malashock Henry Monsky Wm. L. Holznian J . Sipsburg, J r . been -superseded and which a t the BUILDING AND-SITE COMMITTEE. same time brought about the consolidation of those elements devoted floor game. Shriebman, a youngster to-practice and that is one ' thing' last few months the emigration has to historic, traditional Judaism, and is the outstanding scorer of the. squad which our teams are in dire need of. assumed the... character of a mass the formation of the Jewish Theologa t the present time. Issy tossed four ...„. movement from the eastern provinces ical Seminary.? baskets against the-.Commerciais and JEWISH EMIGRATION which are suffering most both politicI. L. Brill -writes in his column in played well with his team mates. v FROM POLAND TO SOUTH ally and economically. the "Jewish Daily News": "With the The two Jewish teams are faring AMERICA ASSUMES Many, steatnships companies have passing ' of Dr. Kaufmann Kohler, better than might be expected/many LARGER PROPORTIONS opened special branches in these rabbi, scholar and leader of Reform of the teams in the league, which is provinces for the accommodation of Judaism, there passed away the last the fastest at the Y. M. C. A., are Warsaw,—The emigration of Jewi the Jewish- emigrants. of the group of pioneer Reform rabcomposed of former high school and from the Eastern provinces of. the The emigration off Polish Jews to bis who transplanted German-Jewish college stars. The other teams have Polish Republic to South American year 114 Jewish emigrants left for Reform Judaism to these shores . . . gymnasiums of their own in which countries has increased during the Australia. Kaufman Kohler had the courage of
JAckson 0770
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y e of the first Hebrew century, century the Built in the architectnral style the foundation of .modern architecture, the Yeshiva of America, a great institution of higher Jewish learning, which wilT include the ffrst Jewish, college established in America, is now arising on three city blocks on Amsterdam, Avenue between 186th and 188th Streets The etching: shows the; first gronp of three buildings now i n process of coBstruddos#'iiiebjdin8r:a* high- school, dormitory and auditorium,
We Print
—Effectively —Accurately —Promptly Interstate Printing Co*
occupying a block on the west side of Avenue. Across o Amsterdam Am A the street the remaining five build-ngs including the,Seminary, College, Library, Teachers* College and Gymnasium will shortly be erected on two city blocks overlooking the Harlem River. The entire cost of the eijrht buildings is $5,000,000. - The Institution, when completed, will be one of the foremost centers of Jewish learnings w the world
-IV2.O /j MO.lS^ST. /