March 18, 1926

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• Success or failure in business is caused more by mental attitude even than by mental capac-

- The cynic is one who knows the "price of etery 1 h i ;n.g und the v a l u e of nothing.— Oscar iP

ities, — Walter Dill Scott. ?' r

m4> »


V—No. 15

us second-class maij matter on January 27th, 1321, at ! at Omaha Nebraska, under the Act at. March 3, 1879.

Women Hold C a n r / h For Jewish Community Center Equipment Fond

Jewish Community Center Officers,and Directors Meet Sunday Morning




of Judaica Comes to United States

SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, A YEAR, |2.50 j Zionist Meeting Tuesday ] ] Evening, March 23j

Warsaw,—Only one person applied to the Palestine Office of the Zionist A regular meeting of the local Members of the Board of DirecOrganization in Poland .for a visa to branch of the Zionist Organization : tors and Trustees' of_ the Jewish visit Palestine during the' Passover will be held Tuesday evening, March Community Center- building' will holidays. Today is the last day on 23, at the Jewish Community Center. Need $4,000 to Complete §30,000 meet Sunday Morning, March 21, $500,000,000 Goal Seems As- which applications can be made. A report of the ball will be given. Thousands of Aliens in America Hebrew Union College's Acquiat the Arthur Building. This Quota to Equip Last year, the number of applicants sured With Many Impor"All tickets outstanding from the sition Is" Most Complete Will Be Assisted by These meeting will be very important as Building was so large thafc-the Palestine Office tant Cities Yet to Hold ball should be turned in at this meetin World the new building-plans-are/nearing ProTisions was.forced to ask-for additional cerCampaigns ing or members will be charged for WORKERS HELD IiUNCHEON completion. ' V > tificates. The terrible economic situathem, as we are trying to get in all TO TAKE FINAL ACTION President Harry H, Lapidus ap- NEW YORK~1*AISED $1,- tion in Poland, is:\the • reason consid- TRACES JEWS' HISTORY outstanding money," said John FeldMONDAY NOON AT NEXT'WEEK FROM THE MIDDLE pointed the, following serve 000,000 IN THIS CAMBRANDEIS GRILL ered responsible for the disappearance man, chairman of the Zionist organias directors for the. ensuing year:. PAIGN of the tourist traffic from -Poland to Washington, D. C.—Two important zation here. •; A campaign to raise the $4,000 to Morris Milder, Ed Treller, S. Palestine. '•..--..•' amendment to the Deportation Bill New York.-^A unique collection of New York.—This week Dr. Stephen complete the §30,000 quota needed to Eavitz, Dr. P. Roinbnek, Sam N. S. Wise, chairman of the United Pair now before the House Immigration Judoica, •forming'• the-only rnuseum equip the new Jewish Community Wolf," Dave Greenberg. Committee were informally decided of Jewish cultural history in this estine Appeal; announced that AmeriCenter building at 20th and. Dodge upon by the committee. The .first of country and the most corapletein the can Jewry's greatest effort for the upStreets-sis being launched this week the amendments, which were proposed world> is: on its wayto the Hebrew building of Palestine had reached apby the Women's Auxiliary of the Jewby Congressman Dickstein of NewUnion. College -at Cindnnatu The proximately ?3,000,opO arid that if; the ish Community Center. acqaisftion of thre mnseurn tras a.n- J. H. Bereridffe, Superintendent of York, provides for the legalization of stirring response of. the early weeks : A luncheon was held Monday noon the status of all aliens who entered of the campaign continues with "the Ben Zeyt Says Project Possible Only noxinced' by:Adolph S. Oko, librarian Schools, Principal Speaker Through Efforts of Those at the-Brandeis Grill Roam to work the United States illegally prior to of the coliege, "K"1TD~ arrived in New same enthusiasm and effectiveness, the in America out ways andVmeans of raising the July 1, 1924, provided they meet with York after-a ten'week's ..trip, abroad, $5,000,000 goal seems assured. money, and it was decided at that Team to Meet Southi Dakota March 25 ] during which" he < completed the pur- The open meeting of the B'nai Brith the moral, literacy, physical and ,Ttan~ Ontstanding' in. the record-breaking' at CreightoiT Auditorium. Belief that the reclamation of meeting that workers should campaign r chase of-the collection. The museum lodge will be held Thursday evening, cial requirements of the law. The results of the United* Appeal'in, New Palestine for the Jewish people can every Jewish home in an effort' to was the property of S. Kirschsteln in March 25, at the Arthur building. The second amendment is to the effect that Two Jewish Students at Creighton York City," which has just "passed the be accomplished only through .the ef- Berlin," and itindudes tbe collections meeting will be in charge of Abner the present five year limitation period secure subscribers to the Equipment million dollar mark "and which is now fund. Harry Lapidus and William L. University are on-the- Varsity Debat- preparing for the lqst stages•; of its forts of the American Jews was ex- made by Mr. Kirschsteirt during Eaiman, member of the intellectual for the deportation of aliens be readvancement committee. ing Team that the Universpressed by I. Zevi,. noted Jewish JecHolzman attended the meeting. tained, thus rectifying the far reachcampaign in. which its leaders, expect turer, in his address", ."The Develop- thirty-five year? _and by Director ity of South Dakota: Debating Team The principal speaker of the even- ing proviso earned by the bill up to It was announced at the meeting: Franberg-er, of. the Dues^eldorf Muto surpass their $1,500,000 quota. ing \rill be Superintendent of Schools this time calling for the deportation, ment of - Palestine" at" the. Rome hotel that only 275 women had. subscribed m Thursday evening, March 25; at : • New.York's showing is typical of Tuesday night. Two hundred and seum. .-'•"'.' ;he Creighton Auditorium. '.: J. H. Beveridge, ^vho will speak on of aliens who entered the country ilto the fund, and that $11,000 had been practically every other' community' fifty Omaha Je\rs attended the meet."Progress in the First Quarter of a legally, irrespective of the length of Varied Objects The; Creighton Team . will uphold Taised from these subscriptions. The throughout-the United Statesv Not. a ing. Century."' Other numbers who-will their residence here. This woukl have . ;he affirmative side of the question, : This collection .tells in manuscript, men having pledged to raise ?15,000, city but has bettered all previous con"The gates o'f the United States pictures, decrees, books and ceremon- appear are Dorothy Lusgarden, violin- caused untold hardships and the sepleaves $4,000 yet to be raised by the ^'Resolved, That the Constitution tributions, to Palestine; while many ist, accompanied by Miss Ida NewShould Be Amended, to. give Congress women. communities' have raised five and ten are closed to thousands of Jews who ial objects the cultural histoTy of the man. Ukelele Jack Freiden will sing aration of families. the Power to Regulate Child Labor", are being, persecuted in Russia, ToJews of the"-world' from the Middle At a meeting of the Omaha Chapter The first proposal will be etnboidie<l The two Jewish students on the [times more than in any.previous year, land and Eoomania." the speaker j Age.-; to the present day. The -u-hole several song: numbers in Yiddish and of Hadassah on Wednesday after- Creighton University team are Ben in both the existing immigration Jaw Neumann, National Director declared. "Palestine is', the ..only coun-1 panorama of the Jews is represented English. noon, March 17, they decided t& give and the pending: deportation bill, it of the Appeal, declared in a This meeting is open to the entire is understood. This amendment will the proceeds of the May Card Party Kazlowsky, captain, and Milton Ab- commenting upon the. success of the | try that, is willing to receive them;-—all the objects used by him in "his •with, open arms.' But Palestine "is i s ( Teligioiis worship, from the Ark of public. The program will begin at also enable aliens whope status is so to the Equipment Fund. Other Jew- rahams. Kaziowsky is *a Sophomore at campaign. ; -" . ish Women's organizations will con- the University- and "Abrahams is a • "The announcement thatT New;York yet undeveloped, and is-not'ready to the Torah to the Passover plates, the 8:15 p.m. legalized to become American citizens enior. - " • •take them in."..-'-." . achievements of-the-Jew as an artist tribute to the fund. without producing a. certificate of Tiat passed the §1,000,000 mark'in its : The public is invited, to attend, the "There .is, a seriius question before and.craftsman, as "painter, etcher, artegal ..arrival,' without which it is now Following the luncheon Monday, the campaign for the United Palestine Apdebate, which promises to be interestus. now: 'Will the fates of Palestitne chitect, •sculptor, .mnsician, writer snd a Chain®®® of impossible to acquire naturalization. •women visited the new building that peal wiQ ba greeted with satisfaction ". By order of Chairman Johnson the , is being erected at 20th and Dodge ing as the South Dakota. teatu is throughout the country,.and• abroad," close?' The keys to ^Palestine are in philosopher. Packed, in. thirty-four cases are .proposed amendments will'be printed Sts. The ^ women present at the Creighton's hardest-opponent tliis Mr. Neumann stated, "for this is the yoxa hands, American Jews.** fine lectnrer painted out that Pal6,174 items ' of" artistic and historic in a specis! biH for formal approval luncheon and visit of the building are. y e a r . • ' •• .;• • - •• - •. .-..•• first time in the history of the Zionist as follows: Movement that-this sum has been sub-, estine was completely devastated by importance. They were purchased by Nahum Sokolow Visits America in by the Committee. ilrs. K. Kqlakofsky ^ 1L Ennan Behalf of Palestine Funds Jewish Mr. Oko with-a fund, raised from Thousands of aliens in America scribed in Greater Nej?v J¥ork. The the Romans, .Aim. .TT. Mjfashack.-.-. . pye.Egeit leaders' -of the' Union-of will be assisted and BSved'from don Mrs. .1. M&UBh<j«k Mrs. It. M. Shines same spirit of optimism and teter-Mrs. I. BoBeHtlial Mrs. M. G..V0U ; j . T. A.) — Nahum portation by these provisions, it mination, to succeed, that characterizes country during the last forty years. brew Union" Collejge" aftd. -its Mrs. E. Meyer Mrs. Sam TtOhm He compared the Jews of- Palestine Among the contributors to the special Sokolow, chairman • of. Ihe Executive deciared. Mrs. B. A. Simon Mm. Sam Nathan Congressman Dickstein the New York campaign -.prevails Mrs.. Charles I^evtnscra Mrs. . Philipp filer C s with the pilgrims who settled in this fund were Beii .Selling of Portland, of the World Zionist Organisation, made clear to the Commiees. that he throughout the country. The total subli H X i d lira. HnrryXapidos Airs. Abe-Somberg Mrs. J. XI. Tahr Mrs."Wm.X.Holzmnii Document Laying Down principle for scriptions toward the $5 000,000 goal country, saying that 40 thousand of. Ore., and Julius. Rosemvald of Chica- sailed for London on Friday night on does not ask that criminals or other 4 Mrs. B. Brodfcey - Mr8. A. Wolf Administrating $50,000,000 Fund Mrs. H. A. "Wolf. Mrs. Win. K. i s approximately $3,000,000r- to date! the latter had succeeded in establish- \ go, who contributed §25,000 each* the steamer Majestic. From London undesirable aliens be allowed to reMrs.' SI.,Katleman BlumentKal Over $1,000,000 has been received in ing the foundation for a great coun-' others who gave to' the fund were Mr. Sokolow will proceed to South main in America, but that his mespParis. "(J. T. A.) - The last will of cash by the head office and consider- try. "There are- 150 thousand Jewish"' Isaac W. Frank of Pittsburgh, Adolph Africa where he will lead in the work ure seeks only to come to the rescue Baron Maurice da-Hirsch, great Jew- able more money is on hand" in the 'pilgrims' now in Palestine," he said. S. Ochs and Lpchvig .Vogelstein of of raising Palestine Funds there. of such aliens as illegally entered but Chesed Shel Ernes Society ish philanthropist and founder of the local treasuries. "They have modern equipment. And New York; Simon Lazarus of ColamA farewell luncheon was tendered arc otherwise • perfectly desirable us Colonization Association (lea) with.the financial and moral aid they [bus, O.; A. J. Sunstein, Maurice Falk, Mr. Sokolow by the American Zionist residents and citizens. He pointed Announces Board if Governors Jewish "Until now our campaigns have deserve, they, too? will go far to- ~~ tihe largest philanthropic organization Bennie Neiman, Nathaniel Spear, all Executive at the Pennsylvania Hotel out what a terrible thing- it would be The Chesed Shel Emes Society has in the world, in which, the Baron be- been concentrated chiefly in the East- wards creating a foundation for a of Pittsburgh, and Ben Altheimer of on Friday. Many prominent Zionist and the tremendous task involved in New York. ; ' " 'completed its board of governors for queathed his .-estate of $$0,000,000 to ern states, but activity has now spread great nation." leaders and newspaper men were attempting to deport aliens who had the ensuing term. The following 6f- Jewish cauBes, is a document which throughout the country and has reachpresentbeen here for years, raised fami!i>.« Cross of Inquisition is not. to be. made. available to the ed its maximum intensity everywhere, ficers and directors will serve: When interviewed by the corresponfrom Maine to Florida and: from New Congregation of Israel Ball Outstanding; among the thousands dent of the Jewish Telegraphic Agency in America, established themselves ; Mrs. H. Levey, president; Mrs. J. Jewish pblic. . -, . of objects is a cross of the Spanish prior to his departure, Mr. Sokolow in business and become part of the. This is the opinion of the present York'to Los Angeles. Reports indicatMilder, vice-president; Mrs. WeinsSunday at City Auditorium ing vastly improved returng over preInquisition. ' This is the only Inqui- stated that Zionism in America must communities iji which they livp, vag, finance secretary; Mrs. Halpern, board of trustees of the Jewish Co- vious years come from widely sepaDickstein declared that if his proFor the benefit of raising money to i sition cross," the existence of which cease to' be -a doDar Zionism and be- posals were not accepted he •wouUl recording secretary; and Mrs. Baum, lonization Association in Paris. rated points. Boston, for instance, has When the Jewish Telegraphic already raised approximately ?170,000 rebuild the Congregation of Israel collectors are aware, and it testifies come a spiritual movement. treasurer. insist upon further hearings xtpon the to a tragic liistory., This cross, cenSynagogue, a ball will be given SunAgency here asked for a copy of The trustees: Mrs. J. Katleman, "There is no question that the deportation bill which the advocates and.has remitted to headquarters $90,turies ago, was pressed into the hands Mrs. Pinkie, Mrs. L. Neveleff, Mrs. Baron de Hisch's will, the following 000. Judge Mack has just returned day evening, March 21, at the City of Jewish martyrs as they walked to Zionist movement in the United States of the measure are very desirous tn Altschuler, Mrs. M; Turner, Mrs. M. reply was received:."We have the from a tour of Florida where he was Auditorium. This is the second an- the stake, and the men who preferred has increased in quantity tenfold avoid as this might delay the measure honor of acknowledging receipt of personally instrumental in raising at nual event of the congregation. Albert, Mrs. A. Rochman. to die rather • than. renounce their since my visit here four years ago. to such an extent as to prevent adopGilbert Jaffy and his Brandeis your letter of January 28, conctrning. Building and financa committee: various dinners approximately $110,faith were forced to hold it aloft in The understanding of the aims of tion. It is expected final action wfil Mr. J. Katleman, Mr. J. Milder, Rev. the forwarding to you of & copy of 000, a part of which goes to the J. P . Iteasturant Orchestra will furnish the their death agony. The cross bears political Zionism has also grown. The he taken on the deportation bill early the last •win"and'testament..of Baron C. Relief "Campaign.- The sum raised music 15. Fleischman, Mr. Wm. Milder. a Spanish inscription which, translat- question, however, remains to be next week it will be taken on the deA. Iipsman is chairman of the ball de Hirsch. We ^re unable, to our Two years ago plans were made for for Palestine in the Florida campaigns ed in part', "says:" "Who holds yon, answered whether American Jews portation bill .foregoing modifications. The Perinmn-Wadswortli bills wiU the formation of such an organization regreti to comply with your request." to date is approximately $86,000—a and he is being assisted by H. Dwors- does not .have .the cross; who holds are to be the financial agents of for the city of Omaha and now the Baron de Hirsch died at Ogyalla, most remarkable result, when i t is ky, L. Cohn, R. Bleicher, A. M. TKas- you not has the. cross." The value Zionism^ and spend their energy only then be taken'up immediately. organization maintains a Jewish fun- near Komorn, Hungary, on April 21, borne in' mind that last year when low, Ben Roitstein, A. Rachinskj , A. of this cross is estimated at $10,000. in raising dollars for Zionist work or The 'Jewish Colonization As- business conditions in Florida were Jacobson, M. Katzman,. Philip Oswhether they should become true eral home at 1912 Cuming street and 1896. sociation was,,, f oundtd as an English much better we received in all a few trovich, S. L. Kaplar, L. Woolfson, Zionists. The time has arrived when ffoscow Ait Flayers has more than 400 people as members Jacobson, Alex Lipsman, J. Coren. iciety, with-a capital of, i?,000,000 |.;thousand dollars ^from that state. Zionist work in America must no of-the society. man, and Lillian Dubneff, Gertrude A. Z. A. Ealiosn Dssce and in 1892 Baron de Hirsch presentat U k r Lyceum longer have a money raising character "Campaigns are in progress Horwich, Fannie Sacks, Clara Katzed to it a further sum of £7,000,OOQ. but also a spiritual character. Msrch 28 i t Blackstone Last Sunday evening at the On the^ death of ^his wife in 1899 the throughout new.England,. Connecticut, man, Sarah Woolfson, Rose, Lazar, Shimsk Relief Society "Great educational work must be New YorkState, Nejw Jersey, PennLyceum, Mr. and Mrs.. Elisg Esther Lefkowitz, and Eva Katzman. capital was increased to £li,d00,000, Omaha Chapter" No. 1, A, Z. A., are begun amoung the youth and the sylvania, Virginia, North and South roff, Moscow Art Players, who pint to hsld a balloon dance at the BlackElected Officers Sunday of which £1,250,000 went to the treas-: Carolina, Georgia, Texas, Oklahoma, ury, after some litigation, in death UNITED JEWISH LIST stone Hotel, Sunday, March 28. Tha masses. The danger of ignorance in in Yiddish, presented «" program conThe Shimsk Relief Society, recently duties. The "shares in the Assciation Missouri,- Kansas, Ohio, Maryland, PLANNED IN LITHUANIAN committee consists of Fred Brodkey, things Jewish is too great to be sisting- of operatic and folk «onr«organized by a number of Omahans are divided betwperi thV Anglo-Jewish Mississippi, Oregon, et£. Activities PARLIMENTARY ELECTIONS chairman; Harry Sidaan,' Louis Rik- longer ignored. This is the task of and short one-act plays, .who formeriy lived in Shimsk, Rus-. Association'of London and the Alli- have begun in Chicago where Mr. Mrg, Eliszaroff rendered the pp*1^* lin, Louis Llpp, and Sam Zacharia. the Zionist Organization." sfa, elected officers at its last regular ance Israeh'te Univtrselle of Paris. Sokolow was the guest of honor at_a Kovno,—New elections to the Lithand folk songs, and acted as the nrvThe committee is angling for a meeting held Sunday afternoon, The Association is prohibited from j series of sectional dinners. Although uanian Sejm Trill take place on May good orchestra which will be sub,ly married wife in "He and She," Thorpeians Engage New Orchestra the campaign has not officially begun 8th and 9th, according to a decree is"March 14, at the B'nai Israel Syna- working for profit. Dramatic acting was enacted l.\<The Thorpeians Athletic Club is Mr. EliazaroiT." His portrayed tmi>there, already approximately $86,000 roed by the president of the Lithuan- sidiary to the rest of the program. gogue. Officers elected are S. Ferer, Tickets can be obtained from any continuing their Sunday matinee have been subscribed' in advance' sub- ian Republic. * president; Harry Weiner, vice-presiderev in "Is He to Blarae?" who hftK A. Z. A. member. dances at the Kelpine's Dancing murdered his wife and three chitdf*>u scriptions. From my own personal obA united Jewish list, instead of dent; M. 'Seiner, treasurer; and G, Academy. Dave Gross'orchestra will because "he cannot afford to give thfjir.. servations when I was in -;Chicago contesting Jewish groups, is being Soriff, secretary. Board of directors Brotherhood to Give Dance furnish the music for these dances the things he wants to. Charkoff,—The synagogue in Stcb'n recently, I am confident that they will planned by Jewish leaders. It is exappointed are Nelle Ferer, Mrs. HarSunday at Blackstone Hotel beginning this Sunday afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. EKazaroff will more than double their contribution pected that if a united Jewish list is was turned into soldiers barracks, acry White, Reuben Ferer, Aaron Ferer March 21. A membership and invitation dance over last year. . cordin to a report in "3>r Stern." presented, seven or eight Jewish depAaron Ferer, Joe White and William a new program of singing and is being given by "the Brotherhood of Yiddish,. CoTniOTn! Weiner. "While the campaign throughout the uties will be the Labor Lyceum, March 21, *» 8:00 p.m. - The next meeting of the Shimsk Temple Israel on Sunday evening, country is progresing most *a"£isfaetoHIGH COMMISSIONER Relief Society will be announced in March 21", at "the Blackstone Hotel. rily and in many instances surpassing RECEIVES AGUDAH LEADER Hugo Heyn and his orchestra win all our expectations, it must be borne HARRY RUBENSTEIN TO RECEIVE next issue of the Jewish Press. SLOVAK LEADEE furnish the music that evening. in mind that-the Keren* Hayfsod has Jerusalem,—Dr. Pinchas .Kotm, preSENTENCED TO PRISON : ROYALTY ON NEW CANDY BAR sident of the Agudath Israel, the OrMessrs. Herbert S. Heavenrich, suffered in its collections iii other FOR DEEIDINO MASASVK «Y" NEWS -The candy ban at Central High school has brptfght Harry RubeaFred Rosenstock, I. Rosenthal, Harry countries due to the conditions in thodox Jewish world organization, stein, advertising nxanager of the Senior. Class O-Book, some good - Ex-president Harry Kneter, for Silverman, L. B_ Goldman, Al Mayer, Central Europe. We have received let•«rho is visiting here, was received yesBratislava (Prcssburgr—The Slov«it 'mally installed the newly elected of Ronald Gladstone, Henry Raehman, ters from London and from Palestine fortune. teray by the High Commissioner, leader, Hlirska, was sentenced to eij?Hi When the so-called "bon bon bootleggers"-began-distributing candy ficers of the Y. M. and Y. W. H. A. Harry Greene, Morton Hiller, A. indicating that the Executive is serfrom hollowed put "Algebras," at the school,~the~idea-struck Mr. Lord Piumer, Eonald Storrs, Governor days imprisonment by the Higher at a regular meeting of that organ Herzberg, Harry Malashock, and iously embarrassed and urging extra Rubenstein to put out a candy bar calling It "Algebra:" He immediately of Jerusalem, and Norman Bentwich, Court here. The pentence m i imization' held last Monday evening:, Arthur H. Snyder, are members of remittances from America. 'This we went do-vvn to the Dreibus Candy cempany. who, after hearing the the attorney general. posed on HHnka for havSttjg -«ftll«l March 15, 1926. the committee in charge of the dance. shall be able to do provided-the cam- idea presented, agreed to .pay him a royalty on each bar sold throng-bMasaryk, the president of the C*?**It was understood that the High out the country. • The next "Y" dance will be given paign is successfully concluded and Commissioner promised Dr. Kohn, to oslovfeiriaTi Republic, " tateteten *. A contract was dra"vvn up for Mr. Rubinstein 'whereby the company . next_Saturday evening, March 20. *Y Kieff,—A. Jewish" department has provided onncofkers will make every is to manufacture and distribute the new "Algebra" bar, termed as the safeguard the rights of fbs OrQiodox (Yiddish expreeswn for faUwr *&«*$'}, jnembers and friends are invited to bees established at -the lueff Educa- effort to .secure and send in a maxi- "bootleggers" favorite. element in Palestine Communities Or- Masting a t the legend of tional Institute, ' ". •. i mum amount of cash." Jewish origin. . . , >.

Palestine Appeal

Two Jewish Students on CreightoiiDebating tearn

To Deportation Bill

Jewish Lecturer Tells Palestine Reclamation

Executive Leaves H. S.



Committee Decides


JAGB 2—THE JEWISH PRESS—THURSDAY, MARCH 18, 1926 tice, our boys were fortunate to obtain, find itself also at home inv the so-rail- Miligan bubbfe so deftly in an arena ! fifths of seconds on varsity tracfc a place to practice once or twice a ed prize-ring. This particular ques- in Brooklyn SBeefitly. It was this! Greenberg, the Weismnller of ' the was not discussed, but the an-thrashing that probably prompt Mil- chapter, does his stuff in the 440 and Published every rturtday at Ouiaba. Nebraska, by month. The Jewish Community Cent- tion swer seems to be a reasonable con- igan to withdraw as a challenger for the realy, and guards on the water THE JEWISH PBESS PUBLISHING COMPANY er and tlie Thoipiean Athletic Club by "STAN" vincing one. Those of any race wlio the title, especially as he has been polo team. Johnnie Metzehberg, betOffice: 490 Biantjeis Theatre Building — telephone; ATlantic 1450. fives battled thru a hectic session be- have been forced to battle for a foot- having considerable dificulty in keep- ter known as "Mooze", is Chicago'? best bet in both the ow and high fore the J. C. C. emerged Tocttttfotis, JIOM or even an existence hare de- ing at the height. Did You Know That? NATHAN & GREEN, Manager. veloped hardy stock. We confess ignorance as to whygurdles. Jim Flexner, who is daily Dr. Phil Romonek, a member of the 19 to 9. Levine was not named as a logical risking his neck on the rings, paralSubscription Price, one year.$2.50. FOOTBALL: Y. M. and Y. W. H. A., is a vice- J . C . C . LINEUP lels and horizontals, looks like a sure contender. Advertlaing rates furnished on application. What to me is more amazing, rowpresident of the Mid-Western Amaconference winner. Herman KirchF.T. Pts ever, is that a Jewish te&in should HAKOAH MEMBERS B. heimer, is a candidate for the varsitv teur Athletic Union. Dr. Romonok j Kaufman CHANpE OF ADDRESS— Please give botb the old and new address: 1 5 teafc British champions at n<>cer, as nine. Art Schier is acquiring mat 2 be 8nre and Rive your name. undoubtedly • will do much to bring. { Haykin f YOUNG •a vhe Hakoah did. Here is an Angloburns with the varsity wrestlers of Brown c Mid-Western A. A. U. meets to the * Saxon game davaloped by Anglo-SaxThe New Yerk headquarters of the the 117 pound class. The Jewish Press-is supplied by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency (Jewish new Community Center. Kptiecky g •1-. 1 .3. oils",' who for age? have <'pve?oped Hokoah Sport Cfttb, the all-Jewish orMfipofltJeacS fctfredtrtwub cabled afitf telegraphic Jewish news, in addition Chesnau g o 0 a. s.T;orts t a a b i g : ; *ioint of proficiency. super-socer coTtbination, informs tis IV GIVENTER The swimming pool in the "Center" tfr fSatUffr aftiPled srttl correspondences frmn all important Jewish renters. Mitchick f i I a is a Semite race f'-r 2,000 that the team will consist of 2& playInquiries regarding new_s items credited to this Agency will be gladly is one in which any aquatic ace would KneetCT f 0 years Herded in airless MLtU ehet- ers, the ages ranging from 18 to 27 COMES THROUGH answered if addressed to Jewish Telegraphic Agencys 621 Broadway New be proud to awim in, and the floor tote, stepping out and heat'ng the years. William Giventer is the bantamYork City* British at tlieii own erame ard on Siegfied WortmaB, the c'ghteen- weight amateur boxing champion of space around the pool is ample ihwt home gfourds. It i=s as though year old memlner of th« squad, is thethe Midwestern A. A. U.. It seems enough to accomodate a goodly THORPEIAN LINEUP a -of -sciwjGl-teaehere ivere to only one of the grewp who is not an that Giventer, if he should retain his THE COUNCIL WOMEN Pts. playteam, crowd of spectators. Who knows? GiVenter f a per.nant-v inning basfball team international figure in the Eoropean title in the March competition and 1 2 4- ; and. tick them at the Polo Gn-unds. During the month of March there is to be an intensive cam-Perhaps the day is not fa? off 'till we Shreibnjaft f socei world. Practically every other then come through at the national 0 i player on the Hokoh eleven has championship in New York, would be 0 ..-:. 0 taiga for: itew members for -the Council of Jewish Women. Every may see such stars as Johnny Weis- Aftslwler 6 2 played on the national teata of Aus- selected to represent America in the Segelman g, 0 0 muller, the American sprint chamo... I agree with you that £jx;rt has tria in its chapter will strive to increase its ranks because of the consider* notable matches with Hun- South American matches later in the Leibowitz g * 0 1 ri torched the Jews, at east in America, gary, Szecho - Slovakia, Swedden, year. And if Giventer shoud still able work 'there Is' to be done* There are many Jewish women pion and -holder of numerous •w'orld Mendelson f (J 0 o more than a little- I tau&lH in a Switzerland, Germany and Eoumania. keep on winning, then 1928 would see cleaving the waters of our within- <mr community Who are not enrolled on its membership records public school or the east side for ten Two of the players, Alexander Neu- him Olj-mpic games representative— pool in competition with Arne Borg, >3 8 years and know wh:*.t Jewish boys feld and Alexander Fabin, are knov.-n and if he should well, we have given list. . '___..:the Swedish champion, Joe RaduzinSam KaBfhiati "jffayed his usual have done in Public School*, Athletic throughout the Continent, end have Giventer sufficient work in the meanThe Council of-Jewish Women has existed now for thirty-two er, our.local stair, and other noted btilliant gftffle at'forward. Sani shot i eague athletics. Ihen. too, an up-received much praise in the European time. years and ehttiijg these^three decades it has achieved h a distinction mermfin. two long counters in secession during State basketba!! championship was press. for several yealr by the RocnestNeufeld, who will captain the HoNow that basketball is over and the fifst hald- Sonecky, pint size iie!a that reflects the highest credit upon our Jewish women. lit should er Y. C. A. «n which team Jewish koafr team, is the most popular player The auditorium will be heated for track and baseball are reigning over guard played-hard and fast game a t , brotherM.played a big part. Ore ofin Austria. He is twenty-three years the Congregation of Israel ball SnnthusT-be regarded a-great privilege to participate in its various the athletic world it may not be a guard, his work was instrumental in thtTn fa. now in Congress* T Wonder old, a merchant by.profession, and in day, March 21, at the City Jmtiitotactivities which are of the highest altrustic nature. miss to say a few words about ons keeping the Thorpeian score down. •wtth you that so few J«ws are in socer one of the best offensive and ium.—Adv. baseball. Pcrhspr their defensive players in Europe. EeuThe activities, of the Big Sisters along the lines of social dr two local Paddocks; and Babe Most 6tihej.CC. baskets were professional inc-inatfon to g-o in for sev.c^Ury oc- feld » known as "Ncmes" among service,, and- the immigrant aid work of the Council, are two of Ruths. made on long shots. cupations accounts for th's'' his team-mates. Central High school is depending Leibowitz, lankyy g guard on. the its important features. The scholarship fund is a great factor in BETWEEN THE the veteran Dave Bleicher, to do FRATERNITY assisting" Worthy boyg and girls attain a higher education to th on Thorp quintette was a power of dethe catching for the first team. Dave fense for the Clubmen.. - Few men got ROUNDS GENIUSES benefit of the entire community. The Work for the sick and was chosen by many umpires and Louis (Kid) Kaplan, Meriden, The Z. B. boys of Chkago claim to past this big boy and he tossed a crippled,. the. various, auxiliaries, the sewing circles, and thespott • writers as" the outstanding gift shot in an effort to increase the Conitj featherweight champion^ ard have set up new records in campus Eddie (liid.) Wagner* Philadelphia, doings. - Here are some of the boasts: admirable educatienal work for the members of the organization, catcher in high, school circles "last losers score. Giventer had a tough fought'teri rounds to a draw in PhilaNasi Liiulwirth, who specializes Iti season. He is a man who can pro-time, several sure shots faling out of delphia. The have ail proved to be of lasting value. judges disagreed and the 440 and the relay, is chopping 1 duce base Bits when they are most the decision was given by the referee. The above is an incomplete and bare outline of the .Council's needed and his fielding average is the basket, momentarily throwing Kaplan's title was not at stake, the activity. ,There is enough wotk for many more Women; but ill high. He should repeat again this Consternation-into, the hearts of the meeting at catch weights. J/. C. C, supporters. - . Dan Lieber is one of the new heavy- W e t W a s h order" to achieve the many noble aims of the Council, there is a season. The score at.the.half waa 10 to-3. weight boxers who stamps himself S e m i - F l a t • , ;., - ~-_ 1 pressing need fen? funds; hence the urging demand fof & large Joe Turner is another Jewish letter* The. difference in'the score does not Hebrew heavyweight champion of R o u g h D r y ^——... .80 man in baseball "at the purple and indicate the closeness of the contest Harlem, New York. Lieber made a and sensible membership, AMERICAN W E T WASH pretty good impression on us the Help the w'dmen do work that only they can achieve success- white school.-- Joe earned his "O" last which was hotly fought. other night,, when we saw him de- 2808 Cuming St. Barney 0881 at first base,- occasionally taking feat Herman Heller of Jersey City, in fully", feting, ttris to the attention of your mothers, sisters and year a fling a t t h e outfield. Turner has a a ten- round bout in tJnion City. Liebwives. er was superior in every dipartmfcnt batting and fielding record, of which of the game, and won every round in he need show ho shame." Both boys Protection for Your Fantily grand style. wer6 members of the Y. M. H. A. JEWISH SCHOLARSHIP TN AMERICA annuity when rettr*a from business? By HAHUY CONJSEL Tcttimy MilKgan, th English welter- An The proper form of Xife Insurance weight, has withdrawn his name as a foliey The atthotincement made by Mr, Adolph S. Oko, the librarian J*. team in the Junior League which . „_. waft- Dj (Wren Arts will etrtrer these needs. Sunday ball. Bleicher also contender for Mickey Walker's -welof the Hebrew College, that he1 had just succeeded in securing played Feature syndicate.) Call JUDAH L. WOLPSON terweight crown because of his inabilcaught for the First National Bank ity to further make the limit of 147 Agent «f EQiriTAfiLE t t F E 15.8. GO. valuable collections of rare documents and books of Jewish nine in the Saturday Induustrial 545 Omaha Nail. Bank Bide. pounds. The Boxing Commission im- At. 5335 interest, -was received with gratification by students of Jewish League. Rumor whispers that Dave 1MR. GOtLOMB Wai. 3755 mediatey ordered that a match be EXPLAINS may play with, the Mickel Music made between Joe Dund«e of Balticulture in this country. It is true that a sad note is mixed with : time ago, George Daley in'. more, and Willie Harmon of New the jtitft, since it brings more concretely to the fore the im pover-fiouse aggregation in the Sunday hisSome Sport Talk, discussed the question i York, persistent challengers, with a league. (We have no .InStarry H. Lapidus, Pres.*Treas, d state ..offJfcurqpean il JeWry. During the last few years, American as to why Jews Should do so well in view to establish the real chalieng-er. W. G. Ure. Secretary. formation in" regard to Jewish ball No mention was made of George Leboxing rixtg. ^I>aley, who is very •uusaixla of.sare and valuable v&lumes and manuscripts have p l a y e r s o n t h eo t h e r c i t y h i g h s chool the clever journalist and a great author- vine, the Jewish lad, who pricked the ( Otaaha Fixture & \:^ti -innjJdrted 'to this country and made accessible to students, ^ eam §. We wil have more dope to ity on sports could not help remaining puzzled, and. dictate come to a defiSupply Co. •* tha great Bbi'dries that are being built up here, besides many spill jnext weelc.) nite conclusion. So, Josepf Golloiiib, i COMPLETE STORE AND &one'of'the high schools have is'• n s which came here through dealers who acquired the private OtrrPrTTSSRl sued an official in Europe, constrained to dispose dates""" as <y'et. W« •ccopy t h e m b i t e u s e v o f e c o n o m i c p r e s s u r e . W h i l e t h i s C o n t e m p l a t i o n - , . . suits - . . ,have been . • A *. sev™ *. issued,to i«Bth««al etttm 2324 Coming St. ^ d d e n m g . - e ^ e d ^ l y t o those who toiow lvow |> ?ec ioas t o tha ^ J S S a ^ i J S . S n £ X ^ V ;„.;„.• +. Eleventh inii lt«aela» Mtteett. Phone JA ekson 1226. US South 17th Strwt rbnli Vtti i. a »> 1 *u L ~L -it. i t a. - t eraL-T?rospective i^ocses ana ^aaaocKs. May I suggest their history as tae OMAOA fTEB. another thousand beforeand that tney is Bud Levin (the athleticearly director of' ahswre.' a n a HOW lOatttareh estill 16 tO p a r t eommtthitleS With them, I t .ISt Amongthe enterprising birds For 2,000 years perhaps •afcif>iflgr to Ifaow.' some were massaered ^by Asiatic tribes, ppreciate the- vtilue of such books and are ready to make the L. M. and Y. W. tt. A.), reserve B^jrpaima, Romans, Greeks, Spanfootball man and member of the Tech iat^a.,Sla^8f M&sSSOs, MohammSdans, -iicrifices to aequh'e them and give them proper homes where High freshman, -track team of last and what not. Such a race must they may be used to advantage. seasom Levin's specialty is the two-either die or figb.t well. The Jews **Maniifactured ir Omaha not-.-flffei'-lt i^'surptising, thereThese soMfectiens would be of little value in themselves, if we and four-forty- in addition to did fore, that %mt lighting ability" " do ttdt succeed in raising in this country a generation of Jews an occasional try at the mile. AEllAMSON that Will-make use of them in the extension of learning. Thus practice will probably be called next MID W E S T Public Accountants and Auditors far, all the Jewish scholars in America* with few exceptions,' week w h e n w e '? a . n loolt * > ^ M J - > promising speedsters from ENGRAVING CO. INC. received their training abroad ahd while their best work is being oyr ranks. •s*\ ARTISTS (7h . Prof. Frank Mach | accomplished here, the main impetus to study has beefc implanted Marcus Urosnt, .the Gteighton _7 ENCQAVERS KZZ Systems—Audits—Investigations in them" in the atmosphere prevalent in the old world. Even the Varsity footbal man, is the hope of Concert FMinist ' jjj Pnone ATIANTIC 0639 490 BRANDE1S THEATER JBLDG. graduates of our seminaries, who have turned to Jewish scholar- thfe blue and white school, in the 3»3 SO. 14TH.ST. OMAHA. ill and tnsttuctor II! Atlantic 14&0. ship, are in the main such as have had the early, stimulus given. shot put and discuss. Marcus garhas comments and praise from IP. nered several points last year in the td them, in thd intense environment of Jewish learning in their some of the greatest teachers in meets in> which he particithe world. Give your child a native lands. Perhaps it is too'early for us to expect native Jews various correct foundation. pated. Wtth the experience gained ; /In Omaha to beeoine attracted to Jewish learning. Hasdai ibn Shaprut, in last season let's" hope that the Jewisn Studio 117 ^i North 16tb St. the tenth, century, when he desired to create a centre of Jewish, giant pulls down several first places 304 Crounse Block 250 Kosms—200 Baths learning in Spain, also had to import scholars and books from the for the Catholic trtuejays this season. Gtroa QoofDa let tlSiO Phone JAckson 1952. Operated by EwMO Hotel* Ce. decaying centres in North Africa afld in Babylon, and most of the COMMERCIAL LEAGLE great scholars Of Spain in the early stage of the development of I, W 2 Jewish culture, there were foreign-borri. One, -howeyerj mtfst be Stiktites 10 2 Launtky .. .'.. 10 5 an inveterate pessimist not to discern Jn the present $ena!eticy fivahs Tdwnsends —»— 6 in American-Jewish., cultural life a ray of'hop^that in thVcourse Community —>.^ .-.....».. 6 of a-few decades ouf many splendid institutions of learning with WestCenter Leavenworth 6 the constantly increasing facilities which they -are acquiring, Will Merchants ................ 5 • FROM FASHION PARK 8 develop aloVe and ah appreciation of Jewish scholarship HereTso Thorpeins'.~.T;.".J.~* ."....L $ 12 Omaha Commercials 0 impel sTJffi§ pf o.ur youth t6 deVdte'their abilities' ahd their - The" Stiktites' ahd Evans Laundry energies td the-niost fascinating branch' of intellectual exercise, team are tied for.first place in the which. Jewish scholarship affords* The importation of .more books Commercial League whose schedule Wednesday Tiite. The two Jewand ot more manuscripts will whet the appetite of the student closed 1 New Spring Blues, Greys and Tans — ish teams as well as, could and -stihiulate him to produce greater contributions to the Vast be expectedfinished, tailored at Fashion Park in Royal Park when one considers the treasure-hottBe 'of Jewish achievement in the field, of the spirit, strong- teams catered in the League. StyleSi Preferred by modern men. the most important contribution that we have made to civiliza- Ail the teams but ours had well equiped jrymnasiians-in n-hich to prac-





' •








Our Sporting Column

Printing Stationery Office Supplies Framed Mottoes

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JAckson 0770

Baker Ice Machines



ROYAL PARK SUITS Substantial Values

Militaty unit with armored «Sars ttfere UKRAlNLA despatched .to Amman. » • • London,—The Cdlonlal Office has no eliarterfegy ^ informatiofi Vith regard, td the" Uprisiets were ratified by th« "AH ing in Amman, tng Je-fflsh Telegraphlafi^SMtttivc. ic Agency learns. . the g*vi«s inekte 38 saaii The report with "regaM to the upd9 vittaggfer ahd rising should be treated With eafftfrm* Attend the G«mgrygatio« of Israel the etatenight df tlie Cfelonlat Office — Ball Sunday, M««6 «t»"« the Citjr declared. ~ t h e aualtoriua wilt be n6al6d for the Congregation df Israel ball SuftUPRISING IN AMMAK CAPITAL flay. Mardh 21, at the" City AiiditbrOPTItANSJORDANTA, REPORTED inta.—Adv. „ •_ 82 JEWISH


Jsr^SalefflrThe poblh* here is much ' efarmed over "reports *hteh rfeached'Jerusalem bf an Upriaff AihnS«i> the"uapital of Tram& th^re iis little ihfofmBtldn , be .seriotts.i


Telephone Quickly Brings Help to Victim of Auto Accident A tfian in a mid-wftStfcrti city recently saw an atlt&mdfeile accident iroin a Windbw in his


Realizing that someone had been hurt, he called a doctor, an ambulance and a garage wrecking crew by telephone. -Within 15 minutes the injured men was to hi* Way to the hospital* and the wreckage, which obstructed the street, had been cleared


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Parktown Worsteds Parktown Worsteds are popular for Spring. Serviceable cloths ft*om fine quality mills. T&ilol^d at Fashion Paik.

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PAGES^-THE JEWISH PRESS-THURSDAY, MAKCH 18, 1926 JEWISH WOMEN'S WELFARE ANNUAL I CARD PARTY MARCH 23 AT BLACKSTONE j The annual card and mah. jongg party of the Jewish Women's'Welfare Organizatipn will be given Tuesday afternoon, March 23, a t the Blaekstone Hotel.' This affair is an annual event of the organization, and



Mr. and Mrs. A. Levey announce RUBIN-WEINSTEIN One of the most elaborate and the engagement of their daughter, largest of the season's weddings was Sadye, to Jack Melcher, son of Mr. that of Miss Martye Weinstein, daugh- and Mrs. S. Melcher, of this city. ter of Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Weinstein, Mr. and Mrs. H. Maizfish announce -who became the bride of Joseph the engagement of their daughter Rubin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sol Rubin, Etta, to Mr. Morris Klein, son of Mr. of San Antonio, Tex., on Sunday eveand Mrs. J. Klein, of this city. No ning, MaTcli 14, at the Blactstone date has been set for the wedding. Hotel. Rabbi H. Grodinsky officiated. The bride had as her attendants, her sister, Mrs. Max Fromkin, as matron Mrs. David Newman returned Sunof honor; her cousin,. Miss Edith day from a ten-day visit in Des Stone, of Chicago, as maid-of-honor; Moines, Iowa/ and bridesmaids were the Misses Bella Rosenthal, Dorothy Goldstein, Rose Stone, of Chicago, and Pearl Cohen. Mr. Kubin selected Mr. Oscar Weinstein, brother of the bride, as his bestman, and chose Sam Cohen, Fred White, Sam Swartz, and Charles VEAL POT ROAST Stone, as groomsmen. Ushers were 3 or 4 lbs. Veal shoulder Messrs. Abe Weinstein, Jack Kauf4 tablespoons fat I "Use a heavy kettle, allow f a t t a ! man, Harry Cohen, Moe Lmtzman, become very hot. Add well dried i Sam Newman, and Bennett Cohen. meat and allow to brown -well on The bride's gown was sleeveless both sides. Reduce heat, pepper and of white flowered taffeta, was well, and allow to cook over slow made in the new mode of the full fire about 2 hours. Add water 2 cup 1 onion and a little skirt with the accentuated transparent 'about celery if desired. Allow to cook hem. ' Her veil, which was made of Vz hour longer. silk tulle1 head, was edged with real You may thicken the stock with. Venician lace which has been in her a tablespoon of flour dissolved is family for a number of years. The a little cold water. Veal chops, "unless broiled" veal lace was formed into a cap for the steak and cutlets should always" "head and edged the veil on both sides be fried brown on both Bides and to the floor. The gowns of all the then covered and'allowed to cook attendants -vere of pastel shades in a slow ly for at least 20 minutes or will be tough. similar mode as the bride's gown. they Veal is less nourishing than beef They wore hats of tull of a cor- or muttot and must be well cooked responding color with their gowns to be digested. and carried tall shepherd's crook. CRACKEB BALLS The bride gave her attendants gold 6 tablespoons cracker crumbs Dorin's and Mr. Rubin gave his legg groomsmen leather cigarette cases, 2 tablespoons fat and to each usher the young couple 1 tablespoonsoup or any stock % teaspoon peper, 1 pinch gave a leather case containing a nutmeg and ginger. comb and file. Melt fat and remove from fire. After, a three weeks' honeymoon in Add well beaten egg, -seasoningChicago, Illv-and New Orleans, the liquid- and enough crumbs to shape couple will be at home in San Antonio, into tiny balls.' Let stand % hour. Drop into boiling: soup or gravy. Tex. These are- delicious with veal pot


r o a s t .


Mr.-and-Mrs; Joe Bauni entertained ~at dinner Sunday evening in honor of their sister-in-law, Mrs. Dave Baum, of Chicago, HL Covers were laid for forty guests. -T "Outward Bound", the play to be presented'~by the Community "Players will be the sermon topic of Rabbi Frederick Cohn, Friday evening, March 19, at the Temple. On Saturday morning, Rabbi Cohn's subject •will be "The Spirit of Sacrifice." Dance to the music of Jaffy's orchestra at the Congregation of Israel ball Sunday, March 21, at the City Anditorium.Adv. Cecille Leibowitz left Monday for her home in St. Joseph, Mo., after •visiting here-for several weeks with her brother, Abe Leibowitz, and Mrs. Leibowitz. Jaffy's orchestra will play at the Congregation of Israel ball Sunday, March 21, at the City Auditorium. —Adv. Miss Pearl -Eisen, of Kansas City, Mo., is visiting here with her sister, Mrs. M. Finkel, and Mr. Finkel. Miss Eisen is planning to visit here about four weeks and during her visit a number of affairs are being planned in her honor. Miss Blanche Levy returned to Miami, Florida, Wednesday, after spending three weeks here visiting her- mother. Miss Levy was accompanied to Florida by her sister, Florence. Dr. "William Raduziner, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. 3taduziner> returned home Sunday morning after completing his course of study on Palmer's School for Chiropractors at Davenport, Ia. Complimentary to Mrs. Max Wright, of Los Angeles, Calif., the Mesdames H. A. Newman and S. G. "Saltzman entertained sixty-one guests at a luncheon and mahjong, at the Athletic Club. Thursday noon, Mrs. Tully Kaplan and Mrs. John Corby are giving a luncheon at their home. Saturday afternoon, Mrs. A. Greenspan -will be hostess in honor of Mrs. Wright. Mrs. Harry Malashock is entertaining Saturday evening at her home for Mrs. Wright, and on Sunday v-- evening, Mrs. Wright will have din\ ner with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rise^~man. Mrs. Wright is visiting with her sister, Mrs, S. G. Saltzman, and is well known as she was formerly Miss Tolly Adler, of Omaha. Other entertainments are being planned to hnnox &"* visitor.



•'•• ; - \ - v

. ""• • "

•'' ••

' •••'-

cemetery. She is survived by one daughter, Bess, and a son, Ben I., of CLUBS this city; and a son, A. V., of New The members left to tryout for the Eaymer, Colo., and another son, Mordebating teams as announced by Coach r i s of Denver, Colo. Isaac Sternhill are as follows: Louis Miss Seldin left Sunday for New Lohrman, Philip Schultz, Morris Blacker, Dave Slobodisky, Nathan Raymer, Colo., accompanied by her Mendel, and Isadort Kosofsky. brother, Mr. A. V. Seldin, who was Thursday, March 11, the club sent its here for two days, where she will basketball team to Lincoln to play spend about two weeks. the Two Triangle Club: and defeated The Y. F. H. C entertained fifteen the Lincoln team, 19 to 8. of its members at a party last SaturThe Auflebung Club will give a day evening at the home of Miss musical concert Sunday evening, Helen Mae Saltzman. The evening March 2Sr at tht Jewish Community sras spent playing games and prizes Center. The Melody Boys' Saxophone were won by Bessie Perlmutter, MaBand of 40 will be the feature enter- rian Katelman, Seymour Cohn, and tainers. Other numbers are being Ernest Ross. prepared for the program. The proMr. and Mrs. Jack Sussman enterceeds of the affairs will be given to tained their evening mah jongg cl charitable institution. at their home last Wednesday evening. The club will meet again on A meeting of the Junior Daughters Tuesday evening, March 23, at "the of Zion will be held Sunday, March 21, at the Jewish Community Center. home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Krasne.


RED AND WHITE CABBAGE SALAD Chop as much of both kinds of cabbage as desired. Mix each color separately with . mayannaise. Plac6 white salad on plate, arrange red salad all around it and. a little of the red salad on top. Serve very cold. • UNCOOKED MAYONAISE This method is sure and tiressing. will "not separate. Ip a cold dry bowl place 2 eggs yolds, %_ tea-spoon salt and mustaroV % tea-" spoon sugar, 3 tablespoons vineegar or vinegar and lemon_iuice mixed. Beat about 2 minute%adtl ice cold salad oil and' continue beating. This will thicken at once if oil is added slowly. Takes about 2 cups oiL Can he mixed- •wlrtsi wanted with chili sauce. ._..„ PARVE STRUDEL •'6 eggs ...^ ... ._'.. .... 7 1 cup sugar 1 teaspoon salt 1 cup any oil . - •'"3 teaspoons baking powder "••'•• Flour to make stiff dough. Beat eggs, add oil, Sugar, salt*, and flour" mixed with." baking powder; with the hands work into dough that, canJb4 handled. .. : Roll on floured board and spread with 'Jam,, raisins, chopped nuts; Sprinkle well with rixminron and sugar and roll. Bake in moderate oven, mark slices and wSen done cut and remove from pan at once. HOUSEHOLD HINTS Turpentine and. salt mixed will remove, discolorations irom bath tub or bowL Wax bottoms of rockers and they will not mar your floors. — Never throw away juice of canned berries or cherries. To be used1 for pie add 1 teaspoon corn starch to 1 cup juice. Cook over slow fire until clear. Add to fruit and fill p i e .




Use tiiick macaroni as funnels to prevent pie Juice escaping.


I wish to announce to all the Jewish womejt of-> Omaha that I have

Kosher L'Pesach Soap Please call me for orders and same will be delivered through your grocer and butcher.

M. SOMIT 2429 Decatur St.

is always one of the largest social parties of the dub. The chairman of the affair is Mrs. A. Greenberg. She is making novel arrangements for tMs affair. Women of all organizations in the city are invited to attend.

Webster 3527

The following officers were., elected J - Abe Katelman, member of the by the Hatikvoh Girls club Sunday, Abraham Lincoln High school debatMarch 14: Gladys Bernstein, presi- ing team, left Wednesday for Des dent; Marie Kline, vice-president; Moines, Iowa, to participate in the Alice Stern, secretary; Minnie Mar- state debating tournament which golin, treasurer; and Barbara True- being held at the Drake University haft, reporter. Installation will be for the remainder of the week. The subject for debate is, "Resolved, That held at the next meeting. the Government Should Own and Operate the Coal Mines of the "United Dance to the music of Jaffy's or- States." chestra at the Congregation of Israel Mrs. Sam Bubb entertained twelve ball Sunday, March 21, at the City •guests at a luncheon followed by Auditorium. Adv. bridge at her home on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. <3eorge Boffman'entertained sixty of their relatives and The: Independent Order of the B'nai friends at a bridge party at the E. C. Brith will hold a meeting next Wed- hall Sunday evening in honor of the nesday evening, March 24, at the tenth, wedding anniversary. Danish Hall. An out-of-town speaker will be present.


The" Council of Jewish Women Trill hold a meeting next Thursday afternoon, March 25, at the home of Mrs. M. Bernstein, 210 Park avenue. Mr. Herman Meyerson was in Des Moines, Icwa, on Sunday to attend the State iZonist convention. _ Mrs. MolBe Seldih," 62, died" suddenly early Friday morning, March 12, of heartfailure. The funeral was held that afternoon, at three o'clock, and burial took place at the Oak HiD


1926—5686 Nissan 15—First Day of Passover Iyar—Rosb Chodesh Iyar IS—Lag B'Oraer Sivan 1—Rosh Chodesh __—_—_. Sivan 6—First Day of Pentecost Tammuz—Rosh Chodesh ... Tammuz 17—Fast of Tammuz Ab 1—Rosh Chodesh Ab 9—Past of Ab____ Ellul—Rosh Chodesh

_Apr. 14 -May 2 -May 14 -May 19 _June 12 JFttne 29 _Jaly 12 -July 20 -Aug. 10

192ft—5W7 Tishri 1—First Day of New Year Tishri 3—Gast of Gedaliah : Tishri 10—Yom Kippur — _™_

..___JSept. 9 Sept. 11 Sept. 18

Mr. "Win. Platt left Saturday eve- 420 JEWISH EMMIGRANTS ning for Chicago, Illinois, tcf visit PROCEED TO SOUTH AMERICA with relatives. He is expected to Warsaw,—Four hundred and twenreturn home the early part of next ty Jewish emigrants left today on a week. special train for Danzig where they will embark for South America. KEREN HA YESOD RECEIVED $170,000 DURING FEBRUARY WEIZMANN SAIUKG FOK London,—The Keren Hayesod, tie Palestine Fund, received the sum of $170,000 (£34,180) during the month of February, a statement issued from the headquarters of the Keren Hayesod declared.

PALESTINE ON MARCH 14 London,—Dr. Chain Weizxnann, president of the World Zionist Organization, •will sail for Palestine March. 14. He vrill be urconipanied by his family.

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PALESTINE GOVERNMENT LIFTS DUTY ON EXPORTS Jerusalem,—An ordinance abolishing- the duty on all goods exported from Palestine vas issued today by High -Commissioner Plumer. The ordinance does not include tobacco, and antiquities. Much importance it attached to this ordinance an Jewish circles. It is believed that it will facilitate the development of the Jewish industry in Palestine. The recent closing of the Delphiner silk factory in Tel Aviv is believed to have been among the reasons which convinced the government of the necessity of immediate steps to facilitate and encourage industrial cntei-prises in the country.



There are Coats for dressy wear, street vrear, sports wear and school wear. Coats in a delightful array of cetare 4 very jaunty styles. . .•..

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The newest, the very latest styles in beth dressy said sport Coats—such values are almost unheard of at this time ef theseason. Just come, you are the judge of r the values. ••'-•-Kashmireen Checks Carina Fancies Jterringboncs Roman Stripes Rcrltsliirc Plaids Ttcilh Kunhardt Novelties



Spring Dance of the Season

The Congregation of Israel

Grand Ball Sunday Evening, March 21st at the

City Auditorium Admission SOe

Jaffy's Orchestra

An Invitation For You! * / E WANT YOU to visit our art department, • / to look around and see some of the lovely things it contains for gifts and home decoration. You will find in this shop-the newest and finest of art objects. Bronze figures that are electrically lighted. The most novel lamps and statues in marble Mid alabaster. Appreciated gifts of inspired design in..metal jnovelties. This handiwork of the native craftsmen of India possesses rare beauty and charm. ' Exquisite, fragile, iace-iike porcelain figures^carefully worked out, truly expressing real artistry and charm in color. ^ -- . ...... Floor lamps 1of character and individuality, striking and unusual in design and color. An art lamp selected from this shop will always be a center of attraction "in"the home. In our picture section you will find & mbst carefully selected stock of all the best pictures, one of the most important things ia home decoration. Our buyer, who has just returned from the east, has filled this sh^p with articles or rare beauty. We hope that all our friends will pay us a v.Vit.


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AW7 S. 24th St.

PA6B-4—THE JEWISH PRESS—THURSDAY, M^RGH>18r 1926 Fascist! '-Semitic bands on the FUdermann,-&nd the President of the Cenence of Polish Zionists will be AGAINST ROUMANIAN ANTI- Jewish students, in which we preceive Bucharest. Jewish community, M. Ber- opened here on Sunday. About 300 JEW1SH DISTURBANCES a hooligan aggregation against the "covicfr'said that he would do what was delegates representing 150,000 shekel freedom of -education. The working possjbj(e,,i?ut added, "lean do nothing. payer- are expected to participat in Bucharest,—The Labor Syndicate class of the capital condemns the stu- The* Police and the Gendarmerie are the conference. . ; \ t , ,By,'ISAAC BOSENGARTEN Particular importance is attached here held a mass demonstration to dents- for allpwing^-their • enthusiasm anti-Semitic." - Editor -of The Jewish Forum to be exploited-b'y\ our oligarchs." • to the proceedings of this meeting in deal with the question of'the contin{Reprinted from "The JevrisU Forum," February; 102«)view of the problems to be considered M. Tartarescu, .the' Secretary ,of :.:.CONF^BENCE OF ued anti-Jewish ilisturbanpeE at the . • POLISH ZIONISTS OPENS in connection with the political situaState of the Ministry of the Interior, The over-emphasis of • some com- Jews, as well as lack of interest in his University. ' . IN WARSAW TODAY tion within the Club of Jewish Depureplying to n deputation of Jewish A resolution adopted by the metmunal activities and the underestima- past? ties and the Zionist Party Council. students headed tet'.'the President of ing says: "We protest against the tion of others, seem • to indicate a Can we, then, expect the heirs of Warsaw,—The second general conthe Union.of Roumanion Jews, Dr. Three groups contested in the elecwrong sense of proportion in Jewish these rich Jews to be Jewish at all? barbaricattacks carried , out ,by the life in America. ' ' Do they do anything not to be too far ; :. ..-.-. We have been treating the body, of removed • "rom Jewish' thought, from pur Jewish community-for ills on the Jewishidealism? Do they so much as * .«: surface, in spite of the fact that the read the greatest work of literature "',--* symptoms indicate internal deteriora- in any language—the Bible, or, for tion. We have'been spending the major that matter, any Jewish book or mapart of our spare money on hospitals, gazine of weighty thought and infor•\K-~ homes for the aged, and.other institu- mation? Do they take interest in the tions of charity; but "what have we solution of any of the Jewish problems done for the strength forming institu- or feven of those that affect the welfare of their country, and learn what tions of Jewish education? • qj made We can tell from the results. Let us, are the institutions and movements the lor for instance, take the home for the that'make for the greatest good, for the longest period, for the most huaged in which our charities are so tl~I?«V ?*•'••• 4 3 ' much engrossed. Would there be a man beings? V How can Jewry develop the proper necessity for such homes had our children been properly educated ? In sense of proportion in Jewish life? former days, when God was still in the • First of all, it must separate the >'" I c home, at table as well as at prayers, work of and for Jewish education'from in>joy as well as in sorrow, we knew that of so-called' 'philanthropy. Surely nothing of a home for the aged. This no Jewish federation of philanthropy has become' ;ecessary"only'in latter would want to form a" chanty trust to days.* And why should the old people establish uniformity in. the religious' be secluded from the life jof a world life of a community by gaining; con• which they helped to create? The trol of the purse strings; And no , .hardships they suffered in'order to' adequate .provision for' the expansion ., bring up greats children,: are they to of religious and educational work can •be forgotten? '-They find-room for b e made so long as it is dependent butlers and maids, for dogs an-.i for upon a federation of charities. cats,, but .for their parents, whose Pittsburgh, Detroit, San Francisco, blood and life is in their veins, there have their educational institutions inis not room, but a sort of confinement. dependent of the federation of charDuring the hours when youth is sing- ities. The Cleveland Bureau of Eduing, these o'A men and women must cation, too, conducts a separate camgo into a home where they hear groan- paign for funds. In the wilderness oif ing and tales of sadness. They see New. York City, the Jewish Edufuneral.after funeral, and from their cational Association has begun to hearts an echo calls, "My turn is next" perform this function in limited meas—like sheep in the slaughter house'- ure, and it has met with considerable Who would say that every such b'Jild- success because it has treated the ing is not an indelible blot upon Jew- problem of education apart from all ish pride? The Fifth Commandment other problems. 4. has not only been disregarded but No city has its department of edudesecrated. cation connected with its department Why is it that the one million Jew- of charities. Such connection would ish children of school age in this lower the dignity of education and - ^s country, 800,000 never see the inside make it unfruitful. Educational work of a Hebrew school? Why is it that must be .placed in the: hands of .those. of the four and one-half million dollars ..sincerely, interested in its promotion. V just raised by the Federation of Jew- . Only they caa cause education to be ish Philanthropic Societies . in New ; more intensive in guali^y and mqre York City, less than five per cent is \ extensive in.scope and quantity* Only devoted to religious instruction ? This they will,secure the ampler funds necsum, raised within but a few monrhs' essary for the organization, equiptime, is probably not raised for all the ment, and the proper manning -of Jewish educational, institutions in the schools with teachers suitable for the Hot beaten hiicuttiinadejft home entire United States during a whole sacred task. Only r they will prevent year! The most godly people leaves the appeal for education from being, too many of its children without a drowned in the appeal for medical, social,, recreational, or other charitable God, without a religion! Does this not show that the things And since, Jewish. communities .in valued by our people for the past two thousand years and more, are losing this country are dividedjas to religion, their importance in the eyes of the as to language, social habits and culr Jews themselves? Our rabbis tell us: ture, each community 'must treat its "Upon three things the world depends own problem separately, locally. The —upon learning, labor and loving- religious institutions of a neighborkindness." Torah has ever taken first hood must form a local school board palace with the Jew, but in America ii for immediate organization problems, and these school boards should send takes third place. . \ representatives to the central body Catholic schools make Catholics vf which is to raise and apportion the their children—do Jewish schools in funds for educational purposes. this country make Jews of theirs; A proud people of over 3,000 years A s y o u o p e n a t n of H i U s BfQs Catholics utilize their schools tjie standing should not be contented with whole day. Have we such economy in the case of Jewish schools? The doling out charity! Philanthropy is not thri]I y o u r v e r y b e n g w i t h . Catholic school system in j America the outstanding achievement of Jewish Jnistory, and no people has a monopoly provides for 2,000,000 children in 7,000' r ch> r a r e a r o m a Brew a cup and "over it. Our greatness depends upon 1 .V; parochial schools; about 200,000 pupils our remaining the "People of the in over.2,000 secondary schools; 11,Uft h t0 yoar ReveI in Book," the source of inspiration for •000 students in 75 normal training the achievements of the soul. schools; over 13,000 students in 162' Our concern must ever be for the marve seminaries; and 121 colleges and 22 future. As the historian Graetz puts universities caring for 61,000 students. The Jewish population of this country it, "A people which disdained its presis about one-fifth that of the Catholic, ent, but has the eye steadily fired on its future, which' livca as It were on H o wtomake a e r f e c t CU o f coffe<s lii what proportion to these figures hope, is, on that very account, eternal, have we established Jewish schooltls? like hope." Investment in education is is toId in The answer is quite "obvious. chiefly an investment in the future. TJhe so-called charity for which j Keeping this in mind, we shall regain, m millions are raised, can at best benefit our sense of proportion, and again the limited few who are in trouble. take our place as spiritual leaders of But there is not a Jewish home in the nations. United States that is not affected by the problem of Jewish education. •+ Spend more for proper Jewish educa"Let Us Help You Keep Clean" tion and less will be needed for hospitals, for poor relief, for juvenile delinquents, for the undoing of im1819 California Street moral habits. While the Federation of ATlantic 6231. Philanthropies is not entirely palliative, curative and transitory in character, Jewish education is essentially spiritual and constructive. And even* when it comes to the support ,of eduHILLS BROS., MERCANTILE WAREHOUSE CO, l l t h and Jones Sts^ Omaha, Neb. Phone A T . 9 8 7 t cation, why is it that hundreds of thousands of dollars are given to coll"


" " < ^ " '

tions in Warsaw of delegates to t conference. The Gruenbaum grwiJ Al Ha*mishmar, n-ained 0. delegate, the Levite-Gottlieb group Eth tjvit oth, 7; and the Zionist Revisionists 2. Stormy election meetings wer* held in many town throughout Poland. Jaffy's orchestra will play at the Congregation of Israel ball Sunday, March 21, at the City Auditorium. —Adv.



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eges and' universities for secular instruction under the auspices of sectarian denominations, by the same men who give only hundreds of dollars or less to theological seminaries, and pther institutions of Jewish learning? And not. only in the fields of education and charity do these rich men act without a sense of proportion, but "-i-they are found- wanting also in the field' of the rehabilitation of the Jew I • in his homeland. We are told-that more - than 95 per cent of the J5I0,OPOQ,O6Q ^th>s--£ar raised .for. Palestinian, inj-.;


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