March 25, 1926

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* The CJfTOC is one who

Success or failure in business is caused more by mental attitude even than by-mental capac-

knows the price of every i.bin g and the v a l u e of nothing.— *• Oscar Wilde. i

ities." — Walter Dill Scott;

VOL. V—No.

;Iass mail matter on January 27th. 1921, at Nebraska, under the Act 61 March 3.1879.

postofilce at



JEWISH COMMUNTTY Jewish y IN ROME OPENS HOME Merger of New York's Ex N. Y. Immigration Jews to Obsene PassFOR JEWISH STUDENTS Center to Collect Two Largest Charitable Rome,—A "mensa", a home for over Holiday Beginning Jerusalem,—One of. the most bril- Commissioner Favors solution Jerusalem,—Three problems, - the Jewish students from Poland, Rouof which determine the sucliant State* functions, given in PalesOrganizations Formed manian, Iithuania, and Hungary, Monday Eve.,March 29 tine in recent years took place in the Wadworth-Perlman Bill cessful upbuilding of Palestine as the studying" at Italian universities beDEBS' ORDER GIVEN STATE RECEPTION IN PALESTINE


Jewish national home, are outstandcause of the numerous clausus in their Directors and Trtxstees to Collect Subscriptions Appeared Before Senate Immi- ing, in the opinion of_P^rofessor Franz United Hebrew Charities—Jew- countries, was opened here. Local Synagogues and Temple ish Social Service Assn. to pppenheimer, agTicnltural < expert gration Committee, for to Hold Special Services Attorney Angelo Sereni, president be Known Under from Berlin who arrived here. , Adoption of Measure During Holiday of the Jewish community in Rome, MONEY NEEDED IMMEDt Latter Name Profssor Oppenbeimer came to PalATELY TO CONTINUE opened the home with impressive AMERICAN LEGION ALSO estine of agriculture, the labor quesWORK ceremonies. j "SEDERS" HELB IN HOMES tion and-the Arab question, Prof essor SUPREME COURT JUSTICE SUPPORTS BILL "Italian Jewry feels its solidarity PROSKAUER SIGNS Oppenheimer stated ia an interview "More than $40,000 in pledges for Passover, the Jewish holiday that •with its persecuted brethren and is ORDER with the representative of .the Jewish "Washington, D. C—Henry H. Curcommemorates the deliverance of the ready to extend to them its help", he the Jewish' Community Center must be collected immediately before work ran, until recently Immigration Com- Telegraphic Agency. Jews from slavery jn Egypt more New York, (J. 'T. A.)—An order declared in his address. can be continued on the completion of missioner at New York, appeared as thau 4000 years ago, v?ill begin with permitting the merging of the United The Jewish students present at the the building." This ultimatum was the.principal advocate of the Wads, ' • ' - ' , • • • " • - . , special holiday services in ail syna- t o d a y . ceremony despatched a telgram of Hebrew Charities with the Jewish worth-Perlman bill to admit as nonissued-to all directors and trustees of gogues and temples' on Monday evenSocial Service Association, to be thanks to th Italian Minister of Edu- the Jewish Community Center at their quota immigrants the fathers and ing, March 29. known in future -under the latter cation for its hospitality. mothers and minor children of resimeeting Sunday morning. SubscripThe five Omaha synagogues, namename, was signed by Supreme Court dents of the United States, when Hi e tion cards were issued to every direcly, the B'nai Israel, 18th and Chicago measure was taken lip today by the Will Leave Omaha in September to Justice Proskauer. -Leopold Plant, tor to help in the collection of outstreets; the BethHa medrosh HagodoL Begin His Study With Victor President of the "United Hebrew .CharSenate Immigration Committee. standing pledges. 19th and Burt streets; the Adass : Kuzdo and Leopold Auer ities announced the change, which is "Before "we «an. continue the work Those who entered this Yeshuren, 25th and Seward streets; Omaha, Council Bluffs, and Lincoln immediately effective. on the building' these pledges must be July 1, 1924, and are citizens or have Members to Attend Convention Harry KononovitchV - well-known the B'nai Jacob, 24th and Nicholas The change reflects- the drift from Committee Obtained Several Enter- paid," said Harry Lapidus. "The applied for naturalization papers, at Kansas City, April 2-3-4 violinist, was selected as a pupil of streets; and the Congregation of- Istainers For Affair would be allowed to bring over their Victor Kuzdo and Leopold Auer, of charity to social' work during the contractor of the building demands rael, 25th and J streets; "Will hold the fifty-two years' of the organization's parents or children under the terms this sum of money immediately and New York City, Taesday; night, when existence. As the word "charities" first -of the Passover services on Kansas City, March 25.—(By SpeThe Omaha chapter, No. 1, of the unless these subscriptions are paid of the bill. It would also similary Monday evening, beginning at six cial Correspondence)—Final preparaimplies alms-giving, it was decided A. Z. A. will hold their biggest vent immediately other methods will be o'clock, and Tuesday and Wednesday tions are being made this week for admit relatives of those served in the that the old title no longer accurately of the season, when the third annual i u ^ ^ ^ i n " the" collection of these American Army during . tho ' World morning beginning at 8 o'clock. the second annual-midwestern region- War. described the work of the association. A. Z. A. dance is given at the Black- pledges." : • • • • • Temple Israel, on Park avenue and al conference of the Zeta Beta Tau 11 Another reason - for the changej it stone Hotel Ballroom this Sunday eve"So many inquiries, he said, ''have "These subscriptions are more than Jackson street, -will hold services held at the Ambassador Hotel was announced, was that a certain ning, March 28. The committee in come to me about the Wadsworththree years old and are far past due," Monday evening, beginning at six April 2-3-4. More than seventy-five stigma attached to the word "charity", charge has been -working for the last Perlman Immigration bill in Consaid Joe L. Wolf, secretary. "The are expected to attend. ' ' o'clock, and on Tuesday morning, hewhich causecT-embarrassment to those few months preparing novel enterbuilding ie nearing completion and Two entire floors of the hotel have gress, asking my opinion of itfrom ginning at 10 o'clock. Eabbi Frederick helped by the organization, and pre- tainment. the point of view of administrative the quicker this money is collected been' leased by'the fraternity for its vented many "proud" families from acTuesday Cohn's sermon topic on They have obtained the services of the sooner the opening of the buildexperience, that I want to say pubmorning will be "What the Lord Did program- of events^ which include licly that I am wholly in favor of .this cepting its services. It was also felt Sam Friedman, entertainer from the three dances, a banquet and .other that the new ~ name would give the coast. A novel drumming exhibit will ing." For Us." bilL In fact, I went over it very More than six hundred of the subfunctions. .'-. . . community a better idea of what the also be given by Mr. Penny PeimingOn-.Monday and Tuesday night, the' -carefully with Senator. Wads worth beCommunity scribers to the Jewish organization does, and prevent misA unique event -will be the opening ton, theatrical drummer on the stage. family "Seder" is held at all Jewish fore he introduced it and- later with Building hsve paid their Center interpretation that has sometimes They have also prepared specialty j homes. At "these family gatherings, service at the .temple where three Representative Perlman." • The building which jg^g jn full. fu proved an obstacle in winning outside the "Haggodah," ;the script that re- rabbis, all honorary members of the Senator Wadsworth and John programes forthe ladies. according to many who have seen it, interest- and co-operation, especially lates the story of the Jews, when fraternity, will conduct the special Thomas Talor'of the American "Legion" is considered Besides-this they have Ike Baunder's jdered one of the finest of its cons among- employers. • • they where slaves to King Pharaoh, services. orchestra which has obtained the con- kind in the country, being equipped also.spoke for the measure.1 Mr. Cur• The United-Hebrew Charities was tract to play for all Krag Park dances Reservations. for the conference ran said the bill would affect about and their deliverance from Egyptian organized in • 1874,, when there were 4 this summer. Another novelty fea- with all the latest Jacdlities and conbondage is read. On the table at the have. been received from Tiouisv Som- 40, aliens who would be admissible only €0,000 Jews in New York City, <ture will be balloons, which are to be veniences. It is up to the other three "Sedar" there usually appears pieces berg, Jack Newman, David Sher and- despite the quota restrictions. . : as a; central relief organization for attached to the ankles, with a prize hundred subscribers to pay their of better herbs' to Temind the- Jews of Nathan E.' "Jacobs, Omaha; Clde No opposition to .the bill developed 7 Jewish - charities" as a result of much to be presented to the one who keeps pledges immediately BO this building their ancestors hardships and exile in Krasne, Council Bluffs; Harry Dia- Mr. Taylor said the bill had the backbe open to the public, voiced a ;Harry;fionJraBvitcb criticism <>f overlapping by the cur- fthe balloon from -breaking, the longManuel Iseman, NeEgypt. ; And because of the Tiasty mond, Lincoln; of the directors of the building of the American Legion and -esti: ^ Inthe . thB^^ca^jmiiBidaJl' Egypt,X_the .Jews braska Cit. OtherE~from Omaha and .-. _J-3fcaied-it-would :afford ^relief *to some hearing. The try-out followed tHe ^ y last ten-or fifteen years the movement"] The .committee could only 'niijke nnle^ei?e3''i3ire'a3i XSicoln are .'also expec£ea~to attend. have been | ^ 15,000 Telatives of _ war vetrans. T coilect the $40,000.00 begiimJng called L'MatzojijBo during the eight State' Department estimates were that banquet of the Nebraska Music has crystallized'in such-a: way as Jto" working to make this one of Omaha s day noon. Teacher's Association at the Blackchange the entire nature of the work largest affairs ^consists of, Fred Broddays of-Passovet, the Jews eat Matzo the" measures would admit more than to characterize the "bread of afflic60,000 aliens. Mr. Curran character- stone Hotel, at which Kuzdo was a' of the organization and lead to the key, chairman; Louis Hiklin, Harry Sidman, and Max Givot. tion." -;. ••.:.;;•• ized this estimate as entirely Tin- guest of honor. He -was brought here decision to change its name. to conduct master classes in violin The organization is one of the The A. Z. A. will meet Sunday at founded." : . " . at the Convention of the Association ninety-one constituent societies of the 3 p. m. at the Jewish Community More than 500 people attended the which was held in Omaha for three Federation for the Support of Jewish Center. Congregation of Israel second Grand days, closing Wednesday. Philanthropic Societies, -which conBall held Sunday evening, March 21, Jewish Press Aids Cantor Was Leader of Hansariam Conttregmtributed $628,059 • in 1925 • for • the Kononovitch will go to New York -at the City Auditorium. Gilbert Jaffy in Locating Relatives Here tions; Last Wish Was That No maintenance of this organization. j in September to begin his study with and his orchestrar-furnished the music Eulogies Be Made At Hi» Great Temple to be Erected: by Both -The bridge lamp that was- reffled "Cantor Shaia Kahanowitch, who the famous instructors. Among celeThe petition to' Justice Proskauer Funeral Congregation on "Astor SUe" at the ball was won by-Clara Katz- will render the Passover.Services at brities who received much of - their to permit the change said that the With Chapels and Schools the Beth Hamedrosh Hagodol SynaUnited Hebrew Charities had , total training from Kuzdo and Auer, are man, who donated the lamp to the Eleven Jewish students are memNew York, (J. T. A.)—Dr. Philip Throughout New York Congregation, who auctioned it off at gogue, has found several relatives in Mischa Elman, Jascha Heifetz, Tas- property amounting to $735,565, of rs of the March graduating class of Klein, Pvabbi of the Ohab Zedeck ConOmaha through the aid of the Jewish cha Zeidel, and Efreim Zimbalist. which 5447,814 was in bonds and ;he Omaha Technical High School. the ball.- - ' " ' New York, March 19.—(J. T. A.)— Kononovitch has appeared on pub- $287,500 in mortgages, the remainder They received their diplomas at the gregation and leader of Hungarian The committee in-charge of the ball Press. By reading the Jewish Press, Jews in America for the past thirtyThe amalgamation of Temple Emanu- extend their thanks to the various of the announcement that Cantor Ka- lic programs on many occasions. IJe the value of a lot in Yonkers. El andTempleBeth-El.the two largest firms who donated gifts for the ball. hanowitch is in Omaha, Mrs. Clara is director of the Jewish Ccmmvnity J Lenities o f $12,259 included an over- :ommenceraent exercises held Tues-, five years, died Sunday afternoon *t day morning, March 23, at the School the age of 77. The funeral, attended temples in New York, is now under A. Iipstnan was chairman of the ball Cohan, 2130 Sherman : Ave., recog- Center Orchestra.. His office:- arc at) of $9,771. The general contri- Auditorium. by many thousands, took "place yesterconsideration, according to rumors re- and he was assisted by H. Dworsky, nized the name as that of her family's the Tnnberg Studios. Professor Karl butions to the organization last year Harry Freshman, who was . the day. His widow is lying ill •with ported by the "American Hebrew" in L. Cohn, R. A. Bleicher, M. Katzman, in Europe. Cantor Kahanowitch has Tunberg -was instrumental in bringing amounted to $682,545, of which ?627,its last issue. Committees repre- A. M- Kaslow, Ben Roitstein, A. also through the aid of the Je'wish about the hearing of Kononovitch be- 842 came from the Federation for the commencement orator at his class ex- pneumonia. ercises and has had the distinction of Rabbi Klein's last wish -was iJ»«t his senting both liberal congregations Rachinsky, A. Jaeobsen, Philip Ostro- Press, heard from Mrs; J. Fregger fore these Nov.- York Artiste. support . of Jewish Philantnropical making perfect grades in four quartbody should not be taken into the have already met and have tenta- vich, S. L. Kaplan, L. Wolf son, J. and Mrs. Philip Schlaifer, who are Societies, and $13,829 from legacies. ers of his school career, is graduattively agreed upon a plan of action". Corenman, H. Soorpin, G. Sherman, also relatives of the Cantor. T Of total contributions of $97,690 dur- ing with honors from the school. He synagogue and that no eulogies be Among the activities which the con- and Ben Kazlbwsky. The women's ing the year the largest item, $24,872, is a member of the school debating made at his funeral. He also asked Those who have this week solidated congregations will ^under- committee was. headed, by Mrs. Joe GERMAN INHABITANTS that if some memorial is to be made came from The New York Times team and prominent in \*arious school for him that a Talmud Torah be joined the list of paid in full take, as these are'being discussedby com OF ROUMANIAN VILLAGE . activities. •Neediest Cases Appeal. pledgors to the Jewish Com, l Sherman, and she was assisted by erected in his name, BAR JEWS FROM VILLAGE Other Jewish students of the class munity -Center are M. Leaf, Ula members of Emanu-El and Beth-El, Mrs. S. Canar, Mrs. N. Lazor,'-Mrs. D. Babbi Klein was honorary president are Ethel Epstein, Lillian Levey, Lil- of the Union of Orthodox Rabbis, vicewill: be the erection and conduct of Flomich, and the Misses Lillian DubAlbert, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Faier, "REBELS RELEASE Bucharest,—Great, interest has been chapels and religious schools undeir noffj Gertrude Horwlch,: Fannie Sacks, and Morris MinMn. KIDNAPPED JEWS lian Nachschoen, Sol Krizelman, Har- president of the Union of Orthodox aroused by events in the village of the auspices of the new congregation ry Shukert, Minnette Singer, Freeda Congregations and treasurer of the Clara Katzman, Sara Woolfson,-Rose 3e Maldur,- recalling the practice of the in various parts of the city. These „. jLazar, Esther Lefkowitz, and Eva Russian government in establishing Jerusalem,—A number of Jews who Weiner, Dorothy Klein, Dave Katie- Ezrath Torah Fund. will be maintained from the great en- j Katzman man, and Goldie Wezelroan. BRATIANU GOVERNMENT were kidnapped "by" rebels were reHe is survived by his wife, six sons a pale of settlement for Jews. dowment fund which the amalgama•' -' " POSPONES RESIGNATION leased today without ransom. The village,, which formerly betion will build tip. U. S. EXPORT OF AUTOMOBILES and two daughters. The kidnapping took place during.a longed to Hungary and is now a part Among Hungarian Jews in this; The present rabbis of Temple Em- ROUMANIAN JEWS PROTEST TO PALESTINE GROWING AGAINST CORPSE LAW of Eoumania, is inhabited mainly by Bucharest,—The Bratianu govern- Jewish funeral procession here. country Dr. Klein was often called anu-El are the Rev. Dr. H. G. Enelow German Catholics. There is only one ment, which was expected to resign and the Rev. Dr. Nathan Krass, and London,—The United States in the "the Moses of Hungary". A native Bucharest—,A protest against the Jewish family in the village. In order today, has, according to reports in Y ISTEWS the present Rabbis of Temple Beth-El principal country exporting automo- of Bratchka, Hungary, he showed us The Y. M. & Y. W. H. A. win-hoi biles to Palestine,. according to a & child strong predilections for R are the Rev. Dr. Samuel Schulman Roumanian Senate's making Jewish to keep the village "pure German," the Bucharest papers posponed its rea regular bi-monthly meeting this statement made today by Arthur. rabbi's career, and at 11 years could and the Rev. Dr. Simon Cohen, : students admission ^to the medical col- the inhabitants induced the - Jewish signation until April. Monday evening at the Communit; Samuel, Secretary of Overseas Trade, recite the Talmnd by heart. Alter Mr. Ben Altheimer is the President { leges conditional."--upon the Jewish resident Jo sell his house and move Alt of Temple Beth-El; David M. Bress- community supplying corpses for disr away. After the Jewish resident left, Sit at home, unless ou wa n t to have Center. The meeting will start a' in- the House of Commons. studying at the University of ler, Honorary ^Secretary; OttoE. Dry- section was made by the Union of his house, was burned down. . an exuberat time—the A. Z. A. dance, eight o'clock. Business of important During the year 1924, 305 complete he became an instructor in the Univerfoos, Treasurer. The trustees are: Roumanian Jews. will be discussed. Soon after, however/ another Jewish —Adv. motor cars were imported into Pales- sity of Berlin and studied there at the Felix M. Warburg, (Honorary). Saul | " T h e l a w pas - t fcy the'Senate several family moved to the village. The p tine. The figure during the first ten Poibbinical Seminary, receiving hte Bernstein, David Dinkelspiel, Jacob family was urged by the German in-" days ago compels-the. Jewish commonths of 1925 amounted to 656. The ordination in 1871. He obtained Ms L. Frankel, Max Kalter, Mrs. Wm. habitants to move away, but "this remajority of these were imported from degree of Doctor of Philosophy tv.'p SKngenBtein, Benjamin S. Moss, Carl munities to deliver-,corpses to the quest was refused. ,The comitfonity medical 'colleg'es-for dissection. Otherthe United States, the Secretary de- years later. Rpsenberger, Leopold Stern, Myron then appealed to the chief of poKce wise, Jewish students will not perclared. From 1874 to 1891 he was in .En*Sulzberger, Ludwig Vogelstein, David 1926—5686 sia, first at Kieff then at Libau, where A. Brown, Sydney H. Herman, Mor- mitted to take part in the anatomical to expel the Jewish family. - The de_Mar. SO Nissan 15—First Day of Passover he held an important position as rabbi. TTTHE WILL DE ris H. Rothschild and Hoger W. clinic work. The protest of the Union cision of the chief of police is awaited _Apr. 14 lyar—ROEIT Chodesh __w , declares that the law constitutes a with great interest. With the increase of anti-Semitism 1r, Straus. -May 2 ABOLISHED IN PALESTINE Iyar 1 is—Lag B*0mer _ _ — — breach of the., constitutional rights _May 14 Russia, he was forced to leave thit Mr. Louis Marshall isthe President Sivan 1—Rush Chodesh _ _ • AVERESCU _May 19 Jerusalem,—The tithe, the ancient country, accepting the invitation of tJtr of Temple Emanu-El; William I. granted to the- Jewish citizens of GENERAL Sivan 6—First Day of Pentecost — -June 12 WILL FORM NEW form of taxation on agricultural pro- late Rabbi Jacob Joseph to come tc Tammuz—Rosh Chodesh Spiegelberg, Secretary; Henry M. Roumania. _June 29 R0UMANL4N CABINET Tammaz 17—Fast of Tammuz —.. ducts still prevalent in Palestine, will the Congregation Ohab Zedeck, th*m Toeh, Treasurer. The Trustees are: -July 12 Ab lr-Rosh Chodesh __^. , be abolished and a modern system of in Norfolk -Street. He began his lohs: _July 20 Henry • JJ« Bernheim," Philip J. Good- NEW FLOOD VISITS JvOVNO; Ah 9—Fast of Ah™., . — Bucharest,—General Averescn "\cill _Aag. 10 taxation will be substituted. EIGHTEEN' DROWNED service rabbi of this Ey -Daniel Guggenheim, Irving Ellui—Rosh Chodesh — — 1891 as anda continued in charge probably be instructed with the task A special commission to inquire inLehman, Benjamin Mordecai, Sanrael . •• V 1926—5687 Berlin,—A new flood has visited of forming the new Roumanian caM to the methods of substituting the the merger in May 1923, with M. Newburger,. Adolph S. Ochs, Ednet, it was stated here today. __Sept. S tithe was appointed by the High Com- Elijah Congregation. He -was ward Schafer, WilBam I. Spiegelberg, Kovno, -the capital of Lithuania, causTishri 1—First Das of New Year — . . The four year mandate of the ing greater hardships to the popula—Sept. 11 missioner. Mr. Johnson, Assistant dent of the Kojef Shomre H*eho««*'lenry M. Toch, Arthur Zinn. Tishri S—Gast of Geclaliah tion, according to a report from Ifov- ent government will espiTe'on/March _Sept. 3S Treasurer of the Palestine Govern- In February, 1823, soo friendw ol t>K Tishri 10—Yom Kippur 27. In the meantime, the government, was appointed chairman of the Klein gave, a dinner in •*»»« jNf^r-•*«. Attend the Congregation of Israle Ino to the Mil-European Press Bureau. Broadway Cenia^VHoteU , . The railway ;station was -<teluged ment is rushing through parlimen cimmissio-'" the electoral reform bill. ^.-™. —~-^, Eighteen persons were drowned. Government House last night when British pflgrimsV-Knights of the Order of St. John, were officially entertained by the Palestine Ifigh Commissioner. The initiation of new members into the Order of St. John took place in the Government House -with medieval pomp. Several new i- members were initiated, including Lady Storrs, wife of Governor Donald Storrs. The British pilgrims proceeded to Haifa

Final Plans Being Made For Z. E. T. Regional Conference

Kononovitch Chosen Pupil of Hew York Famous Instructor

A H Third Animal Dance Sunday at Blackstone

Many Attend Congregation of Israel Ban Held Sunday

New York RaWri, Kes

Temple Emanu-el and Beth-el to Amalgamate

Eieven Jeuisk Studcsts Grdnate From l e d Ei|Ss





caps, Hakoah ~*rili overcome them campaign Would be a failure. That's A t the present the black haired husky easily, in t h e the answer of the no joke. is also a member "of the school wrestlenthusiasts. r ing Iteam. ••< ' Published, ever? Tbcrsd»y at Omaha. Nebraika. Dy We, however, disagree and"' more ARNOLD HORWEEX Sol Yaffe, a diminutive iad4 is t h e T ^ E JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY than that-we fear that this overcon- ACHIEVEMENT by "STAN" By HAREY CONZEL smallest youth on the squad, but what fidence of the Jewish camp might Office: 490 B;randels Th«*tte Building — telephone: ATlantic 1450. Arnold Horween, Jewish boy, hasi prove disastrous to their team. riKbt ' y 3 °? Seven Arts Sol lacks in size is made u p in de» • J NATHAN E. GREEN, Manager. been selected as head coach of the < DID YOU KNOW THAT? Feature Syndicate.) American fighting spirit is at its Harvard football activities. This is termination. Yaffe is also trying The Jewish Community Center ball ^ A highest when meeting an invador. A t one of the most important athletic po..52.60. his hand a t the discus. H e has sevSubscription Price, one year. such special occasions, the American sitions in America; once for all Harteam will take the field April 18 -Advertising rates furnished on application. eral more years a t t h e purple and athlete suppasses himself. He is— vard is established as fair and •unpreagainst the best teams in the Southwhite school and by the time the cur- The Hakoah team is arriving on what is called in sporting language— judiced. CHANGE OF ADDRESS—Please give both the old and new address: ern League. The Southern League . . .•......, ba sure and fiivej your name. tain is rung down on his prep life he the I7th of April.* On the 25th of a "money player", which means he is Our best wishes t o Harvard ami plays-class~B baseball," but this sear month, this all-Jewish famous at his best when the stakes are the Horween. The ^Tevfish'P^s# ig au)ppUed by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency (Jewish son's roster shows many ^ class A men may find himself the possessor of a that highest. big purple " 0 . " Determination and soccer aggregation will meet a picked Correspondence Bureau) with cabled and telegraphic Jewish news, in addition on Southern loup •rteams. team of American players. The match studied training have wrought great- will be played in New York a t the CONCLUSION to feature articles and correspondences from all important Jewish centers. Odd "Rertitution" T h e , ! . C. C. team will be one of Inquiries regarding news':itenj3* credited to this Agency will be gladly er miracles than making an athlete Polo Grounds. This is the terse anWe believe in the Hakoah. We are There is on record one the strongest nines in the league and answered ft addcesaed t o Jewish Telegraphic Agency, $21 -Broadway, New out of a stripling. Good luck to you, nouncement which comes to us from hoping that their class will overcome iunt, who played a rather dirty trick should cop the bunting for the trophy York City. " the able American manager of the all the handicaps, unnecessiraly put in on his only son. It seems that the old Sol Yaffe. case in the new building. The squad their path. But we are convinced that ?ectleman hefi one time •wronged anHakoah team, Mr. Tuvin. Frankly, this arrangement amazed, it would have been wiser to give them other man—had beaten him out of a will be captained by a man who A number of Jewish lads are playPASSOVER more time to acclimate themselves baseball from A to Z. Captain ing in the Y. M. C. A. basketball us.- We think it is a very risky sched- and iarge sum of money and otherwise -,\ The Jewish feast of Passover falls on the 15th day of Nisan, knows get into good physical condition. ule for^ t h e prestige of the Hakoah tournament a t the Y. M. C. A. this worsted him. The fellow had died, but Louis Somberg is one of the classiest Secondly, to pick for their first opreputation and dangerous for the correspondingr this year with Tuesday, March 80th. The celebra- first basemen in the city. Lou,' when week. finanancial success of the Hakoah ponents a weaker team so that the Hunt's conscience still troubled him. tion begins on the eyening of Mai'dt 29th with sundown. The attending Nebraska University, was I A group of Jewish lads entered a venture. There are certain physical Hakoah would get accustomed to When It came to dying he decided he manner of. its observance was deteraiined largely by. the Biblical a member of the Varsity nine. Some team under the title of the "mysteri- conditions which should not have been American playing methods. As it is, would make some kind of restitution, we warn the management to insist on so he ordained that his twenty-oneous Five." The Mysterious quintette overlooked. • ordinances; coricei*ning the feast. It is ;to ^fee observe^ for a period of the boys who have signified their was The team gets here the 17th of high class referees so that the team year-old son, in order to fall heir to so unfortunate a s to meet t h e of seven days.: Those who cherish customs that originated after intentions of putting their John former State High School champs in April. Most of its members have will be enable to give its best. his fortune, must hunt out and marry Henrys on the dotted line a r e : It would be a calamity from the never crossed the ocean before, and Bible times will keep the feast eight days. the first round. (Creighton Prep of will surely have a hard time to keep financial point of view if the_ Jewish the daughter of the other man—that Is, if the daughter existed, ana if not Leo Konecky, who made his letter 1924.) The Jewish boys were defeated in condition on the boat. Eight days team would draw—or—lose its first a daughter, then a niece. The ceremonials are such as ai'e calculated to bring home the at Omaha Central High School. game a t the Polo Grounds. We wish their arrival, the team is asked historical evept which .the feast,commemorates, namely, the new Harry Haykin, a veteran sandlotter by t h e somewhat lopsided score of after The young man did as he was bidHakoah team success in their gi31 to 14. The victors playing under to meet all-star American eleven the born freedom of oppression endured under Egyptian tyranny. The of previous " Y " fame. picked from the cream of the Ameri- gantic task. If they win they are den in his father's will and found tha the colors of the Paxton Billiards football association. To say the the greatest soccer combination ever daughter, but she was fifty-five yearn eating of unleavened bread is enjoined a number of times in the Lester ^ Giventer, a. member of. last were strengthened by the services of can old. He was a good sport, however, least, it is a gigantic task, worthy of essembled. • Biblical regulations touching the observance of the Passover feast. year's "Y" Junior team. and, with the woman willing, carried another Jewish boy, Sammy Kauf- the marvelous Hakoah, and sufficient Dave Bleicher, veteran catcher a t man, the Creighton.U star. THE SECRET OF to give them the most crucial test. •tat his father's wishes. Unleavened bread is characterized as the "bread of affliction," Omaha Central High School. 7 DAVID A. BROWN Mysterious Five antf is" also 'referred to'in'ihe'Bibleas the bread that Was un- Sam Kaufman, Creighton. Varsity David A. Brovrn, t h e Chairman of Best Way to Ute Phone . F.G. F.T. P t s . leavened because of the enforced hasty departure jfrojn JEgypt. athlete, and former Minnesota amathe United Jewish Gampaign is r e Telephone companies for many years Shriebman, F '. 3 2 8 In post-BUbUcal:time8.the:earaestid^sire"to keep the Injunctions teur pitching ace. But beside this lack of time to get J ' cognition by friend arid foe alike, to Giventer, F 1 1 3 proper condition, there is another be a physical superman, for whom have reiterated the advice that users mosfr scrupulously led' the teachers of" Israel to enact laws, such Al Handler, pitcher on the "X" Altshuler, C ...... — 1 1 into difficulty to overcome. The difference fatigue does not exist. For human should tclk directly into the transmit. Ban, G ™..-.._....™— — — as the use of special dishes that had been guarded from contact Junior team of l a s t year.. in American and European football vitality, Brown is a phenomenon. The ter, but recent tests have for the first 1 Max Altshuler, member of the 1925 Leibowitz, G ......»»....— — regulations. There is a vast differ- greater the strain, the more intensive time set forth in concrete terms tne rewith leaven and resetyed only for the Passover season. Reiss, G „ .— — 1 ence with a great many details to r e - the work, the more energy he devel- sult of disobeying the injunction. It "Y" Junior team. member. We are advised that this ops. The other day we discovered was found that to talk with the lips A charmingand effective feature in the celebration of the Leo Weitz, former sandlot star. has been discussed by the European the secret. The eminent communal six inches Irom the transmitter was feast is the special:Seder. service around the festive family board Aaron Weitz, brother of Leo and Paxton Billiards and American representatives and work was in his youth a pugilist. We equivalent to inserting another 200 on the evening of the feast, to which the Orthodox add a second also a cracker-jack ball player. F.<5. F.T. P t s . t h a t a vray out has been found. Both have i t from good authority that miles of line between the speaker and parties have agreed to accept a com- Brown was a first class man in the the listener. The best results were 2 . 1 — evening. At this family sendee a special ritual known as the Isadore Shriebman, member" of the Monaghan. F promise. The rules and regulations ring and people who saw him in ac- obtained, the tests enclosed, when the Moylan, F ....... 3 5 11 1 1925 "Y" Junior team. ; : "HaggadaR." is read. This ritual contains the story of the which will be in force will be the rules tion claim that he persevered, he mouth was only one-half inch from the 1 Coffey, C .......——.— 1 Joe Turner, letter man on the governing soccer play at the Olympic would have made his work as a top 3 O'Leary, G 1 1 redemption from servitude,- certain reflections inspired by the Omaha games. But even so there is a danger notcher. Since then Brown has never transmitter find facing directly Into It, Central High School team. 2 ... 1 — Kaufman, G .... memories of old and certain psalms. This is followed by the Morris Reiss; Morris earned his Kuva, F that the European will be seriously neglected to keep in physical condi- tfcms avoiding deflection of sound 1 ...— 1 affected because the majority of their tion. If he were not, the $15,000,000 waves.—Popular Mechanics Magazine. 9 .„ 4 3 festal meal after which Grace is recited. The service concludes letter a t Omaha Tech High School. Dugan, F games have not been played accord2 1 — — with the reading••of additional psalms, the recitation.of prayers Sid Corenman, former; Creighton Markevitz, G . ing to Olympic rules. It will be necessary to have highly unprejudiced and the singing of time-honored hymns. To this home service Varsity sensation. . 11 9 31 8«»«n»n»i»ti»n»»imt and intelligent referees, or the Ha- 11 strangers and.homeless are cordially invited. On the table in Joe Bernstein; he made an " O " a t Another Jewish lad was Leo Kon-koah team will be crippled in quick High School several years ago, ecky, the J . C. C. basketball" ace, who order by disqualifications. I t is for front of him who presides over the : meal are placed object South William Herzog, former Sioux City is a member of t h e Max Walker the Hakoah management to take prereminiscent of the ancient service and servitude, such as bitter semi pro. - A former member of t h e team. Konecky played a bang up cautions, or we fear unsatisfactory consequences. herbs, reminder of the bitter lot of those who toiled in Egypt, Sioux City All Stars. game a t guard and dropped in a free roast, bone, calling to mind the ancient paschal lamb; a roasted Elmer Greenberg, member of the throw as his share of the scoring. A CLASH OF egg, memorial of the free will offering that was. brought in addi- Omaha Central High squad and mem- Leo played with the Hirst M. E. TACTICS church league team last week a t 1 Once the regulation handicap is tion to the paschal lamb; parsley and the bowl of salt water* ber of the 1925 "Y" Junior team. symbolizing the hyssop and its use in the first Passover observed First Practice Will Be Held Wednes- Lincoln when the Hirsts won the overcome, the Hakoah team will have to face t h e real fight. They a r e meetin Egypt, and a confection of nuts and apples to represent the day Evening, at 33rd and Cass Street. State "Y" basketball tile. ing an unknown foe, for the first time. Jewish boys arfe' making athletic All Those Wishing to Make the Team clay which Israel worked into bricks. When meeting t h e Americans, the history in Omaha these days. Must Report There. Hokoah is also meeting for the first The Passover falling at the beginning-of Spring, had origin- With such a n array of talent we at the time American mentality in matchplaying and American soccer strategy. ally a pastoral, and. agricultural character, which in time was may rest assured that the name of Human Instep Tells Story . The Hokoah plays a clean combina- 1 overshadowed ^y the historical event associated later with tho thejJewish Community jrill-be Man <raly oi-ihSSfewger primates baa tion play. I t depends essentially on j speed, head play and previously j feast. Freedp|n; and its obligation is the kejmpte of the celebra-f covered with well-earned glory. ! retained the long primitive instep bone worked out passing strategy. The H $1.50 COUPLE NOVELTY In spite of his large body development. ; tion. The Reform synagogs hold special sei-vices only on the Several more Jewish lads have team has always met aggregations As the bulk of the body develop*! with similar tactics. The tussle has first and seventh days, while the Orthodox 'observe also the donned the abreviated trunks a t Cen- science might suppose that the instep xsxrn been one of team play against tral Higs School. Bernard Shimmel, would shorten. This human develop- then second day and an additional eighth day. — team play—the best team winning. reserve football tackle, is out doing ment is accounted unusual in view of On the Polo Grounds it will be diflis stuff on the track and field squad. the development of apes and similar ferent. The American playing calls ale able to read the contents of the Berny is - of the-4ype- that succeeds bipeds, but is partially explained-in for rougher tactics. Speed is met by Haggodo in Hebrew, fluently, and the through determination. He has a that man used his heel and foot as he force. Team play is broken up by inpupils of the^higher classes possess fifty-fifty chance-to make the coveted now does, even before his body began dividual interference, and man-cover'if.-: to assume large proportions, and this ing has been developed to a high dethe, knowledge of the Hebrew Lan- "O"- in this year's team. Exclusive "Agents for Indicates that originally 'humans were gree. •By.ELl"HU ; BLOCH . guage to such -an extent that they This danger Hakoah supporters Elmer Greenberg, the husky first short of stature, but accustomed to 2*rincipal of City > Talmud Torah understand also the meaning of every disregard. They claim that soccer team footballer, has joined the base- erect posture. football as played and developed in word of the Haggodo, which consists ball and track squad. Elmer has an Europe is as superior to American Bible Text: "This 1 s , t o be much of 65 pages. ."-.,• Our affections are our life. We live soccer a s a n American bijj league even chance to make t h e baseball observed into t h e Lord v for bringing This Sunday morning, March 28, all our warmth. baseball club would be to an European We Carry a Full Line of Passover Supplies. them out of the Land of iSgypV to be the children of-the ten classes v.ill be. team. He held down third base for by these. They supply—Channing. baseball outfit. Whatever t h e handiobserved by ; all the children of Israel given their grade cards with the prop- the " Y " Juniors last-year and pos2303 Cuming Street. Atlantic 2710. throughout their generations" TEbcod. er grades in the following subjects: * sessed a good batting average. However, if Greenberg expects to make XX X n , 42. • "And.thou shalt tell thy Hebrew, reading and writing, Jewson. on t h a t day saying this is done ish Ethics, Jewish History, Jewish the team he must become reconciled to the fact that practice is essential, because of that which theXord did for Morals, Jewish Religion, and Bible. me \vhen I came out from Egypt." and plenty of it. Elmer is also takThe names of the children who will Exod. X i n , 8. "Proclaim liberty ing a fling at the shotput and discus. have more than 3 A's on their cardsthroughout the-land, unto a l l the inwilt b e given prizes. In giving the He h a s the brains and the strength habitants, thereof." Lev, XXIV,, 3.0. prizes, the attendance and conduct of that is so necessary to make- a sucThe passover Festival, or the -way the children will be taken in consid- cessful shot putter and discus heaver. it ia called in Hebrew PESACH, is eration. kept in honor of our Freedom, when Thursday,. April 1, will begin the we were delivered by Gpd from Egypt, enrollment of 'new children and will v where our ancestors were slaves for continue until May 1, -when all the ENGRAVING CO. INC. over 200 years. {3238 years .ago). new children will be properly organ^^v ARTISTS vp1 We are commanded to Heep alive the ized in classes. memory of this great redemption for _ / ENGRAVERS V alj -t^ne, and t o teach i t to our child; 3Y3 S6:i4-TH.ST. OMAHA. Where there is smoking there is en. ren from generation , to generation. • Every year we celebrate the d e p a r - anti-tobacco league. ture from Egypt." I t commences on PPEARANCE plays an important the fifteenth, day ,oi Nisan, (Monday part in a suit, but perfect fit and evening, March 29) and last eight lasting good looks cannot be achievdays. AH the striking events in that ed unless all tailoring in its hidden parts great delivery were t o be made clear •f* | H t Gmmem'jlSigns BEAUTIFUL itOOM in private is 100% correct. to the children by means of symbols. home." 3127 Cass street. Tiie Nebraska insures lasting clothes satisWe eat bitter herbs to remind us of Harney 1588. O729; faction by rigid QUALITY specifications the bitterness of t)ie bondage of our and utmost VALUE THROUGH tremenancestors. The haste .of the flight dous volume and a one-price-the-year from Egypt is to be recalled by eating 'round, NO SALE policy. bread, unleavened (Utatzos) as our We will pick them free while you wait. ancestors had no time to leaven it in. their hurried departure.. ' Rev. E. Fleishman will be available to kill them. The service which is held, the first two nights of the Passover Festival (Monday and Tuesday, Mafch 29 and 30) around the family table is commonly known a s the "Sedar" nightr, which weans, "order of service". The book from which the whole story* of OtJwr Leading Makes, $20, $25 and $80 the bpndage and redemption is read Extra Trousers May Be Had is called "Haggodoh", which means "relating". I t begins with a series of four questions which the youngest boy or girl in t h e family, on seeing Sec Our Window Display—Compare Our Values the strange preparations, asks the head of t h e family. Th,e whole Haggodoh constitutes an answer to the .four questions.




Our Sporting Column




" • • • • • -








Don't Ever Go To a Dance —If You Miss . THE THIRD ANNUAL






Manischewitz Matzos



10,000 Pounds of Live River Carp and Buffalo

RioneATLANTIC 0639

At a special price, "fl fiV^*






Good Tailoring Counts in Clothes Standard Tailoring and Standard Fabrics Are Assured HereWith a Saving of $5 to $15


;(Thfe Kind You Nefed fcq- Passover);Live Weight, Q i f l - , ; , perlb jJvC


Absolutely Fresh Country EGGS Direct from Country to you Selected, per dozen


The World's Finest Cnsto??iized Tailored Clothes for Men and Young Men




35 40 5O

M Weather Topcoats, $25, $30, $35

People's Fish Market

1708 North 24th St.

The children of the Ciy. Talmud Torah 1 (Jewish religious school) are this year being provided with Hag godos.. Everyone -of r the 225 feJUi

Webster 4215

A. STOLLER/PROP.. . " , Open Saturday night and all day Sunday.



am :



A Happy Passover for the Jews of Omaha

Passover Cookery BEET & HORSERADISH RELISH 3 cups cold cooked beets %: cup grated horseradish ^4 teaspoon pepper • 1 teaspoon salt . % cup lemon juice 2 tablespoons sugar Chop peeled and boiled beets fine. Add all rest of ingredients, mix well, and keep in covered jar. "BORSHT"—BEET SOUP When using "Rose!", that is, beets that have been set to sour. Boil the liquid for about half an hour. Season to taste with salt, pepper,-and sugar. Pour while hot . over well beaten egg, beating hard al! the while. Pour slowly.


MARCH 35, 1926

&-!mE JE5WSH

Beat stiff 3 egg whites and the other half cop sugar. Add to cooked mixture and fill baked pie crust,

On a. football field a man witk *, loud voice was baastinc to a party of aSniirtng yor&gsters <d2 t*re •fioaghtf deeds he had clone on the football field in days gone by. Snaaeffly ae tUl*eS his attention to the band. "Ah!" he observed, "those fellows play flecently, "but they've TaJlen off y since I was a. member of thfe

I. O. B. B. Regular Meetine; of

Omata i^dge No. 354

"What:" ejaculated one of his hearers. "Xou plwed with that !ot2" •"Certainly," was the reply; "1 was with them tor years." The «row3 roared and the boastful onfe hastilj- fetired on leai^ng liat Che band to ^tiestioa was composed of harmless iasaates of the local lunatic asrluin.—Edinburgh Scotsman.

MATZO PIE CRUST 1% Matzos 1 tablespoon fat 34 cup matzo meal 2 eggs 2 tablespoons sugar li teaspoon salt Soak mateo and press dry. Heat fat and add soaked Matzo, when dry add meal seasoning and beaten eggs. Press into pie plate with hands. Bake until brown.

CQOPER.SLOTSKYY Of social interest is the announceAt the Mt. Sinai Temple in Sioux ment being made this week of the Every Thursday Evening at Je City, la,, the marriage of Miss Ann engagement of Miss Esther Brown, Ill Oar "mottoTigHIGH QUAUTt Ceramemty Center ^Building. ill ' Sloteky, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B. M. 3. ISi. 7&A1ASOWE Pjaiik Slotsky,. of -Sioux. City, to _Mr. Brown, of this city, to; Samuel Swartz, MATZO MEAL CAKE Eugene "Wolff Cooper, son of Mr. and son of Mr. and Mrs. • Wm. Swartz* of 6 eggs Mrs. David Cooper, of Omaha, "was this city. The wedding will be an % cup matzo cake flour solemnised on Sunday, March 21, at event of the early summer. Mr. Swartz "BORSHT" 1, cup sugar WHY NOT BUY THE BEST? Meets Every Second and Fourth Wedone o'clock. Rabbi Isadore Isaacson and his fiancee are prominent mem34 cup potatoe starch Useing fresh beets. Wash well nesday evening at the Danish Hall You can trade your old • officiated in the presence of sixty- bers of the younger social set. Both lemon juice 5 or 6 large beets, do not cut. Boil pocket-watch or wrist at S;BO o'clock. 'cup nut meats five pueste, immediate, friends and are graduates of the Omaha schools. ontil tender in salt water to cover watch for a NEW ONE. about 15 minutes. Pour off water. We are glad to announce to the Separate eggs. Beat yolks well. relatives of the couple. Following Mr. Swartz is an attorney. Peel beets and cover again with Beat whites until stiff, add sugar, Jews of Omaha that we arranged a Wheresoever the search after trath the ceremony, a dinner was held at fresh boiling water, "beete may be lemon juice, and flour meal mixed begins, there life begins. Wheresowell-known. Minsk cantor, who has the home of the bride's parents. "Ernest Kenan and .Religion," the cot up fine." Season with juice, with nuts. Bake in slow oven. ever that search ceases, there life appeared here several tilnes. - Mr. Cooper and his bride are now last lecture in course on Modern salt, pepper, and sugar. Pour ceases. •—Ru«ftin, Cantor -Shaia K.ohanovdtch will >vhile hot over well beaten •eggs. at-Fargo, North Dakota. Upon their Masters and Their Master Themes,1 HOUSEHOLD HINTS •conduct services throaghout the return they will make their home at will be the subject chosen by fiabbi Can be served hot or cold. Prunes may be .soaked over Passover Holidays. Sioux Falls, South Dakota. •night and cooked a few minutes, Frederick Cohn for Ms Friday even; • ~' . EGGS T Tickets for all Pesach, only remove pits and stuff with nuts. Omahans. who attended the wed- ing sermon at the Temple, On SaturBoil hard as many eggs as deRoll in fine sugar. $1.00. We expect a large crowd sired. • When done peel and pour ding Vere Mr. and Mrs. David Cooper day morning, "The .Great Sabbath,' so reserve your tickets NOW. over them the raw "Bosel" or beet and daughter, Harriett, Mr. and Mrs. will be Ms topic The white of the egg is heavy. Juice. Let stand over night and the Tickets can be obtained a t the Abe M.ozer, and Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Beat eggs separately for all Passresult will be a pink egg, very following meat markets: Soskins,. Youli he sorry if you dortt so to over dishes calling for eggs. Horwich. tasty. Mushkins^ <jreenberg» Adlefs 'Delithe A. Z. A. dance.—Adv. Omaha's Outstanding ^Lppard Store One egg yolk, well beaten, will catessen, and from Mr. - COHN-LIEB PASSOVER ICEING make two cups of coffee light. Mrs. Arthur Hosenblum and sisterOfvrs <4 at the Spiagogoe. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Lieb announce 2 eggs whites . ' . - . . . . Seat egg yolk with a teaspoon of the* marriage of tfceir daughter, An- in-law, Mrs. D. K. Bergman, of Lusk, 1 cup sugar . By order, cold water and pour hot coffee A Brilliant Collection of 3 tablespoons "water to Mr. Sam Cohn, son of Mr Wyo., are spending a few weeks in over it,-stirring all the "while. President and officers. New York City. Mrs. Rosenblum, Boil all together over bofling and i&xs. Joe Cohn, of Dee Moines, la. Beth Hamedrosh Hagodol Synabeating all the while for Use potatoe starch for thickenThe marriage was solemnized Sunday who has been in Miami, Fla^ for water, about 6 minutes. ing gravy in place of flour. several months, expects to return to March 14. Remove from fire, add lemon Mt. Cohn and his bride are now Omaha with Mr. Eosenblum about juice, and beat until thick. ;• DeliTo make matzo balls for the It's an A. Z. A. affair—'nuff said. cious on passover cake. ~: " soup, separate eggs, beat -whites residing in Minneapolis, where Mr. M a y l . of Unusual Style! —Adv. stiff, add yolks, a little cold water, Cohn is engaged in business. Miss Mina Harris entertained a t a PASSOVER LEMON PEE chicken fat, and season. Add FILLING enough matzo meal so you can birthday-party for twenty couples at BOLLIS-FAIER I wish to announce to aU tire 3 eggs handle and make into small balls. Ax. "and 'Mrs. Max Y. Faier ari- her home in honor of Miss Bess ~Rojuice of 1 lemon • . Let stand about1 20 minutes and Jewish women of Omaha that I " . - . ' " . .. Itounce the marriage of their daugh- sitsky. % cup sugar -- • drop into boiling soup or water. ; have ter, Boslyn, to Mr. Max Bollis, of l e t cook 20 minutes. These will Over boiling water, cook 3 well beaten eggs yolks, a half cup of stay light for Saturday if boiled Kansas City, Mo. The wedding took JUNIOR HADASSAH TO sugar 'said juice of one lemon until and removed from soup until -place Wednesday, March 17, in Kansas :-" GIVE MAY CARD PARTY wanted. thick. Remove from fire. City. Please call me for orders and : The largest social event to be given - The young couple are making their same will be delivered through in May by the Junior Chapter of ' home in Kansas City, Mo. Mrs. Sam Snyder returned home' your grocer and butcher. ffarry H. Lapidus, Pres.-Treas. Hadassah will' be the.*'annual: card last Friday from Detroit, Michigan, W. G. Ure, Secretary. Dr. Irvin H. Stein, son pf Mr.' and party to be given Sunday afternoon, where she visited her daughter, Mrs. M. SOMIT Mrs.' Hi' N. Stein, arrived Monday May 2, at the Blackstone Hotel. Sidney Lightstone, and Mr. LightOmaha Fixture & 2429 Deeatnr St. Webster 8517 front Davenport, la., where he grad- Those in charge of this affair are stone, for several weeks. Supply Co. u a t e d from the Palmer's School of Miss Wilma Stern, chairman, and the Chiropractic. Dr. Stein will make hia Misses Celia JRaif, Beulah Mittleman, ., Mrs. Sam J. Steinberg entertained COMPLETE STOBB AKD sixteen guests at bridge at her home 0?nCE OBTFITTl home in Omaha. Ida Fine, and Grace Rosenstein. Protection for Your Family? on Tuesday afternoon. On Wednesday w* meeen An annuity when retired from tmeiiieeti? •nt sum n Mr. and Mrs. Sam J. SteinTke j»rt»j»er form «t n Xitr .Igjimnxree r«ilcj- will -covvr these seeds. moved to the Carbewy Apartments, Jrerg entertained thirty guests at «nrt I H o d u KUeets. Cafl JUDAH L. WOLFSON 40th-and Cass Sts. May's Saxophone Band of 40 will bridge at their home. »ck»oD E3S4 Atrnt of EQUITABLE LITE IXS. CO, play a t the concert" to be given by OMABA. of Xew Tork ' Mrs. A. Hirsch.left for New York Mr. and Mrs. Sam Bubb entertained 545 Omaha Xati. Bsnk Bid p. City» where"she will visit with rela- the Auflebung Club Sunday evening, their evening bridge club at their A miss is as good as her smile. At. 5353 Wai. 8755 March 28, at the Jewish Community -tives.' • - * " , home Wednesday evening. : Center. Other musical numbers will M£ss Lena Rehfeld returned home be given. Dancing will follow the ••• , ; » from a four months' trip to New York concert.. PAXTON-MTTCHELL CO. and other eastern cities. Tttii & Martha Sts. Harney 1663 The Poali-Zion literary TDramatic Omaha, Nebr. Came and enjoy the last A. Z. A. Section will meet every Wednesday, Soft gray iron, brass, bronie fttrd aluminum castings. Standard sizes bronze dance of the season.—Adv. evening at the Jewish Community anfl Iron bushings, sewer manholes, Center. Plans are ; Twang- made for cistern rings and covers, ana clean-out This week's hostesses for Mrs. Max literary and musical programs e t t h e doors In stock. Wright, of Los Angeles, Calif., who is m e e t i n g s . ' •;."• • visiting here with her sister, Mrs. S. G. Salteman, are entertaining at "Hotsy-Totsy," the A. Z. A. dance luncheons, theatre parties, and eve-is coming, March 28, at the Black* xdn§ bridge parties. Monday noon, stone.—-Adv. 'GIFTS THAT ±AST Miss Sopbye Fayxnan entertained at luncheon at the Fontenelle Hotel." Mon- The.Ladies Labor Lyceum Club will day afternoon, Mrs, Morton Marcus give a card party Thursday afterChildren must be accompanied by their Coats flaunt flowing sleeves and capes with was hostess at her home for Mrs. noon, April 1> a t 2 o'clock, a t the ! rrri 7 - i~ 3 T>_*—"7 home of Mrs. S. Zernovsky, ;2215 Wholesale and Retail beautiful embtMered and appliqued work. parents, or else children may come them.Wright. The following evening, Mr. Burdette street. Suits accentuate the subttoncss of manJewelers and Mrs. S. G. Saltzman entertained selves and they will be given an enrollment tailoring. at-atheat^e party at the Brandeis to At last, a real affair. That A, Z. Diamond Importers • car4 for the parent's signature. see "Stepping Stones". Wednesday A. dance.—Adv. Dresses ftftd frdeks feature every 214-216 City Nat™ Bank Bldg. noon, Mrs.'Abner Kaiman entertainec fcttrlbtite to aid feminine charm. It Established 1894 Mrs. Wright at lunch. Mrs. Herman A recording secretary was appointCITY TALMUD TORAM c be a joy tto be here tomorrow. Ziegxnari :tarid daughter , Mrs. A. ed :, by "the Junior Hadassah at its meeting held Tftursday eveiung, 21st ahH Burt Sts. . , J a c ^ — SED FLOOR — Pradell will entertain at a one o'clock luncheon Thursday at the Fontenelle March 18, at the Jewish Community PrincipaVHarhey 2119Hotel. Friday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Center. Miss Ida Kahn will serve in tmmSStiSSS^^ this office. A membership drive will H. "Hirschman are entertaining at soon be held by the club. Miss Tia their home, and Saturday evening, Mrs. Abe Somberg will be hostess for Albert is chairman of the membership committee. Mrs. Wright.

m§s U&gt He 688

Easter Ap

Kosher L'Pesacb Soap







Coats—Suits and Dresses

Registration o! NewPupils ;





- • .


- • - • • . • • - . • • •


Will Begin Thursday, April 1st

Malashock Jewelry Co.

•»••••••• SEE

Meet your friends at the Black* stone, Sunday, March 2&—Adv.



The Council Bluffs A. Z. A, chapter Miss Belle Goldberg returned from No. 7 will hold a meeting Sunday a several months' visit in Pittsburg, afternoon a t two o'clock at the synaPa., with relatives and friends. gogue. Abe L. Katelman, Aleph Sopher, - who spoke at a meeting of Mr. and ,Mrs. M. Kulakofeky re- the chapter No. 4 of the Aleph Zadek turned from a winter's visit in Cali- Aleph which was held last Sunday fornia with their son, Mr. Joe Kay,afternoon at Des Moines, Iowa, -will and Mrs. Kay, of Berkeley. give a report on A. Z. A. conditions in the various chapters. Yoa won't have to drag your "sugar baby" to the A. Z. A. dance—Adv. Mr. and Mrs. Millard Krasne announce the birth of a daughter, born Mr. and Mrs. L. Goldberg, of New Saturday, "March 20, at the EdmundYork City, are stopping at theJFon- son Hospital. Mrs. Krasne was before tenelle Hotel, while on their way to her marriage Miss Sara Rfsemari of California. Mr. Goldberg in connected 331k Creek, Nebr. Mr. -and.Mrs. Sam with the Jewish Telegraphic Agency. Eiseman, parents of Mrs. Krafene, They will leave Omaha the latter spent the past week-end here, and part of this week. * will motor here again to -visit their daughter for the coming week-end. Sam Friedman is goi"g to be at the A. 2. A. dance.—Adv. • Mrs. M. Bernstein entertained at four tables of mah jongg at her home Rabbi H, B-_ Eablnqwitz, of Siqux last Wednesday afternoon. Mity, Iowa, was in Omaha.this week. While here he addressed the members Mis<!~CyHa Gershun returned home of the B'nai tsraer Synagogue on Monday from Schuyler, Nebr., where Wednesday evening. she vis.Vj*» her brother, Mr. Ben GerSpecial entertainment at the A. shun, and Mrs, Gershun for the past A. dance,—Adv." - two weeksr "—


Office Supplies

Gray Kid Gloves from Tr efousse 3.50 •—for the charm of gray is in its matching accessories. Yon know the quality of Trefousse, and 3.50 is reasonable for even ordinary kid g l o v e s , •white Trefousse are imports. Street Floor *


JAckson 0770 118 South 17th Street

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PAGE4—THE JEWISH PRESS—THURSDAY, MARCH 25,-1926 "The Jewish Record" of S t Louis duties in relation to Jews coming to effective watch around the colonies, so venture is. But there comes the time points out the significance of the fact build up the country than the Pales- that in case of a recurrence of the when the son of the household starts that, while ignoring the Arab comt- tine Government is willing to admit. events of a few years ago, the hooliout on'his own evening^ ventures Copyright—Jewlsli Teles. Agency. plains against the Balfour Declara- And yet, the very utmost that can be gans should be met in a proper way and then,.unless we have held so close "By JENNIE FRANKLIN PUIIVIN said against the Government is that even before they have time to apto our children that their confidence (Eepriijted from Jewish Ledger. > '• "The Jewish Daily tion, Lord Plumer has at the same i is too cautious lest it give the Arabs proach any single colony. As long time enumerated ~ all , thereforms is still ours, our true worries begin. Palestine and News" discusses the cause for the slightest aggravation. as there were Jews in the gendarFor with the coming of the autonew request of the which the government intends to car- But no one has any doubt that it merie, we could perhaps ignore the Upon the home of one of'the boys of her daughter's or her son's child- mobile into the lives of our children the Arabs ry out in the nearest future, such as Arabs, addressed to in the neighborhood school consterna- ren? She is completely relegated to has come also that spirit of restless.seeks to be just to all. Proof of this revisionist demand for a self-defense. the League of Nations, that the latter the absolition of the old Turkish land was given by the recent arplies of the Now, however, the situation is such the background with the old trundle tion fell recently because a note canie law and the encouraging of local inness which is the great concern* of from the teacher to effect tJiatyWillie bed. And if she dares to say "I used the modern parent. Here we -are send a commission to investigate con- dustries. This last reform, while it Government to the representations of that we should give serious thought had a bad case of adenoids and would to do so, or so" she. is reminded that face to face ^without greatest diffi- ditions in Palestine, and shows the ab- was announced for the Arabs, is very the Vaad Leumi, in the matter of to Jabotinsky's demand." not the mother do something with a new generation is upon the scene. culty; we,do not know how to handle surity and futility of such a demand important for us. A great change smaller subsidies to Hebrew schools htm. Willie, being a n / otherwise Nevertheless she is tempted to ask* the situation. All the old ideas about on the part of the Arabs. There is must be made in the tariff laws of than to Arab schools, in the question good child, the mother, did not know how much more the modern mother spending an evening at home with a not the slightest chance for the Arabs the country, in order to create more of distribution of crown land, of perhow to meet the situation so she re- knows about things infantile than she group of one's friends seems to have to have their request granted, the favorable conditions for the develop- mitting the Jewish Agency to control turned a counter note to the teacher did. Maybe it is no longer true that vanished. By. twos our boys and girls paper argues. It is clear that should ment of industries." the Jewish immigration. These rewhich read: "Dear Miss:.1 ain't had "the hand that rocks the cradle is set out; zy twos, possibly four, they the League appoint a commission to "The Daily Jewish Courier" writes: plies may not satisfy us, but we have Druggists and Stationers no quarrel with,. Willie; you settle the hand that rules the world" ^be- start out in the auto for an evening's investigate things in Palestine, that "In the way of civil and religious no reason for accusing the govern401-403-4UB 8ootb tOtb Mtrret fact alone would be an insult to the cause .the cradle is no longer rocked. enjoyment. The story ;runs,'that tothis adenoids business yourself." liberty, there is no group in Palestine ment of being insincere, and this is Mandatory Power, and for this reaObviously, here was a task for a Maybe it is no longer true that the day-when a young man calls upon a son, if for no other, the new step of that has any cause for complaint. of more importance than anything parent-teacher association or perhaps soothing syrup and the castor oil young lady she will meet him at the the Arabs will be ignored by the With regard to economic rights, the else." a visiting nurse, if the school was bottle are quickest remedies for all door with hat and coat and the ques- League*.. Once only was.a commission Arabs are treated with the same conThe "Jewish Daily News"- discusses and physical, be- tion^'Where do we (go tonight?" ! fortunate enough to possess one. For childish ills, moral the importance of edequate Jewish sideration that is given to other ; sent to Palestine, and that was the . here was a mother who needed to be cause soothing syrup and castor oil participation in the gendarmerie and groups. But. it is the duty of Great Of course this is disconcerting to Wilson Commission. That CommisCOMPANY told not only adenoids were but also no longer stand on the medicine chest the parent..,' We .want oug.-children sion had done enough harm. Britain, as the Mandatory power, to police of Palestine, in connection with what great advantage lay in having itself. And maybe it is no longerij Sfcith us in the-evening.' We want to "The; Arabs ought to understand", aid in the establishment of the Jewish the news Colonel Wedgwoodw and AT-1000 E. SCHERER MOT. them removed. "A generation, ago true that grandmother's ways for do- enjoy the hours of leisure with them. the "News" continues,. "that what- National Home, and to help create then Ramsay MacDonnald questioned Willie would have struggled through ing things were the right ways be- How can we keep up with these rest- ever arguments they could not ad- such conditions as will make it pos- the British Colonial Minister in the life plus his adenoids, tfae while cause in her day there were not so less, energetic, flitting young people vance, 'such arguments • can never sible.for the Jewish people to develop Parliament on this point. everybody wondered why he, was so many wrong ones floating about. who are never satisfied-to sit in change the position of Palestine in re- the Jewish National Home. It is idel The "News" suotes from a letter of In Omaha meek and dull. Today, with the aid Now-a-days, even for our children orderly fashion in the living room. lation to the Mandate and to the Bal- for the Arabs to complain of the im- the "Ha'olam" correspondent where of ^science and mothers more advanc- life is a process of cancellation; we What science will' help "us so to read four Declaration. In this connection migration of Jews into Palestine, or the circumstances are described which ed ;than Willie's, the boy will have a no longer have to reckon with what this problem as;to find a satisfactory Plumer's reply to the Arab Ex- of the recognition of the Hebrew led to adminishing of the number of 350 Rooms—200 Baths fair chance along, with of we will do—we must give thought to solution? WhtfTis ready, to. tell us Lord language in Palestine. Lord Plumer Jews in the police force of Palestine. l.oo<3 Rooms tor Sl-50 ecutive was quita clear. And it is the things which we will do withOperated by Eppley Hotels Co. his: mates. And perhaps through this is a soldier, understands haw adminisSays the paper: "It is possible that what to do to check up on this disso much what High Commissioner episode his mother will be drawn into out. And even after we have decided turbing ; situation ? « We: know all not said to them, as the tone and the tration, and authority may be made the same conditions prevail in the for ourselves, how much harder it is the group, ever growing, of those right that things are never'going to of his reply. He told them that effective and he speaks in no uncer- gendarmerie, serdvice as in the police women who'recognize that there is to tell our children that this or that! move backward. The aato. and the form England is primarily interested in tain terms. It is clear that unless the service. We are not in a position Wet Wash more to the rearing of children, than thing may not be done. Indeed, how movie and the dance hall.are here to. having peace in the country, and that Palestinian Arabs adjust themselves to pass any opinion of our own before Semi-Flat merely, giving them birth and three many of us still remain who have the stay. If they have inveigled our naturally implies that no agitation or to het methods of negotation adopted we know the facts. At any rate, the say to a child haphazard meals a day., . moral courage to And if we did) young folks jnto leading artificial, propaganda would be tolerated in Pal- by civilized groups, they will be pre- question of Jews in the gendarmerie Rough Dry Thanks to the careful and.' special- "Thou shalt not"? AMERICAN WET WASH enervating lives then our job is to estine which aims at inciting one part judicing whatever just cause they and the police force of Palestine is ized work of some doctors, of children say it, how would the child psycholo- find something which will be-equally of the population against another. may have for.grievances, if there be very important, and much attention 2808 Ccming St. Harney 0881 gist look upon our arbitrary method - we shall soon be able—indeed we are enticing but nearer our idea of what From this alone the Arabs might have any—The time has come, we believe should be given to it." of deciding for our offspring what already able—to,-; tell any parent, we would like them to do. inferred that they cannot expect the for the Reasonable Palestinian Arabs "The Jewish Eagle" of Canada in father or mother, much about their they should not do? Yes, indeed, to assert themselves", the paper con- analysing this problem thinks that Government to enter upon a discusgrandmother's task was by far an One thing is certain. .It is this: if "Let Us Help You Keep Clean" own offspring which'until "this day sion of their unfounded complains. cludes.' "the problem of protection, insofar as has either been taken for granted or easier one than is our own. She had we are to keep firm' hold on our own So much have the Arabs of Palestine . In another editorial the same paper the Jews are concerned, reaches much we must begin very" early in overlooked entirely. We used to ac- no need to keep up with her children; j children the"*g*ame'."lt"wTll not do to' wait'uritil gained from the British administra- says: "—Jews in Palestine often feel father than the Palestine administracept these young accessions to our she was always ahead of them in the 1819 California Street ' tion that, complaints on their part are that the Balfour Declaration imposes tion could provide at best. The probATlantic €2bl. family as natural results of the stage race. The whole thing was a simple they find other companionship' more simply absured." .;«• upon the British Government greater lem is: to provide for an adquate and of marriage. We used to think that j proposition. There was authority in interesting than ours; by that time the game is well on the way to being their coming was inevitable and that the home and that was all. Indivibeyond providing for them the ordi- duality? Who knew anything about lost. Our big job is now -to take adnary n^eds of life no further respon- it? Every child was supposed to be vantage of every trick known to and all the other sciences sibility was ours. Such a theory like every other child and one method, psychology identified with the study of childhood workel well so long as children re- of bringing up was supposed to suf-J a n d adolescence arid with their aid mained in the background of the fice-for them all. I make up' a real • study of our own household. But modern conditions Well, that was in the good old j youngesters, from, their earliest years and modern life have upset out earli- d a y s before the movies appeared er notions and we know now all too, upon the scene. What we did before up.- For' we have come the pass well that the pendulum. has swung • w e did not "do" the movies goodness when in order to be successful parfe must be intelligent parents, too far forward the other end. For ( only knows. This much we now know, ents ->5;}.:*' too. And if we mean-to- reproduce on the one hand the factory has en- namely that the cinema has gone a men and who shall some abled too many young boys and girls j long way toward breaking up the! worth to become wage earners and there- evening family circle and by its while then must- 'what every fore independent people far too early presentation of all themes has i other seriously minded! professional in life; on the other hand it has so'awakened ideas and thoughts and abnormally increased the incomes. of created habits among bur youth person is doing, - study out-Jjob in an the families of other boys and girls which have turned our methods of orderly and thinking Tvky. 'Parenthood IS a profession than "Tfrhich no as to spoil their chances for simple, j living topsy tarry. The young people other is of greater importance." "Let normal development. Our youth of( are so sophisticated as the result of us all go t<* school then to the men . . . . . . . . . us all go to! school then to the men the present day have therefore trvall they vatness in the movie houses a n d WOmen who are experimenting eled onward at to fast a pace that that finally we poor parents are ob- ^th o u r y o u t h , men and women who : we mothers and fathers have found liged to keep our own thoughts keenhorative way just great difficulty in. keeping tip with ly ahve in our effort to know that can - t e l l - u s i,n a n aut to do. ' " them. And therefore' weshould wel- j our children are thinking about. But w h a t AVe o t g R t ! that is not all of the story: Factors f come the help of anybody who in a - - -- •- t Rome,—Sir Herbert Samuel and genuinely tactful and correctly scien- more destructive of companionship,Lady Samuel arrived in Rome today. tific way will aid us to study our { o r understanding between the genera- Lady Samuel is proceeding to Palesyoung folks and bring us to a realiza- tions are at work. When we were tine. tion of what is best for them and j young it was easy to stay at home for us, and how this, best idea can a t night because transportation was be carried to fulfillment. It will n o j s i o w a n d difficult and home was by PATRONI?,iS OtJR ADVERTISERS longer do, nor is_'it any longer pos- far the most comfortable place there | jfjU»SHs=S sible, to discipline with the rod or was in which to' stay. • Therefore it v the iron rule. Youth has not that was the easiest thing in the world for j {{: respect for authority •which once our grandmothers to keep track of ill Concert [Violinist settled all arguments. We' are now their children. Nobody ever got very. Hi and Instiikctor • obliged, if we would guide our child- far from home and nobody was ever \ ;'•: ren at all, to do so by methods which very much concerned with the movehas comments, and praise, from |jj the student of youth psychology is ment of the clock. For when the firse Hi some of the greatest teachers in fg introducing. In faith, if we wish to burned low and the lamp turned dim === the world. Give your-child a j'jj correct foundation. jj: be the guiding hand at all we must our thoughts turned toward r ??? learn : quickly the act and unaer-:; and that; was'all! Stadio 117 /i North; 16th §t. We are moving into larger and finer quarters at 1617 Harney St., standing today's .young generation ; But today t It isn't until the moon 304 Orou'VBe Block W demands. " ' • - •-•- '•...'•• ^stands high in the heavens that the and we find that our stock is too great and in order to reduce it quickly Pnone JAcfcson »•»*' ^ These boys and girls of ours, even "auto trail grows-interesting. What:a we have instructed Mr. F. B. Powelson to come in and sell it to the pubin the most youthful stages; are strange perversion of intelligent use lic at their own, price. compelling us to take, notice of their theautomob ile sometimes takes. I t individuality. Here is a five year old is at the same time the family's best - This is your opportunity of buying the finest jewelry obtainable whose mother oh a busy Monday friend and its greatest enemy. So and paying just what you want to pay. Mr. Powelson has instructions morning asked her to take a bar of long as father can pick up his group j BU1TER and"-klJI to the laundress in the base- and pile them into the machine for n j to close out as much of this stock as possible within as short a period as Council Bluffs, la. ment: I don't care to," responded day's outing how wonderful the ad. possible, and we have turned over all merchandise to him for that pur: 'I her young hopeful. "Well," said her pose. If you want good jewelry this is your opportunity of owning it. mother, "if you won't dp a favor for me of course I can't, do any for you the next time you ask for one." "A pairof big blue eyes grew bigger as •'Manufactured in Omaha" the child rejoined: "Would you do a ^ Doors Open IS Minutes Earlier favor for me if I did one for you?" UAKEK ICE MACHINE CO " O f course," answered the parent. ''Then you take the soap to the laundry please," said thechild. And I have wondered ever since v hearing • this story just what the mother did To the first twenty-five ladies who enter our store before each 1307 Howard St. At. 8028 • do. Was she, because of her j undersale starts, we will present a beautiful silver souvenir standing of child nature or her work Omaha. Nebr*-..':-[ 2224 Coming St. tin. JchUd study groups 'prepared to • Phone J A ckson 1226. y ^ i ^ t a moral emergency of this sort? ^<3ould;she properly seize the golden i ^portunity to ^utilize the pcciirerice ^ good advantage; or did she per£ lisps 'lose it by merely-"giving in"? Let Mr. Powelson enWhether you need a -• Or did she merely leave the incident tert»'" and sell you. JSADORE AHKAMSON . pair of links or want a ^•''pass^ and : : wish/f that bringing up Let him show you what carat- diamond set in Public Accountants and Auditors ^ h U o ^ V*^ as; sample; as it used to platinum yon can buy your dollar will buy. 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