April 1, 1926

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Success or failure in business is caused more by mental attitude even thanby 'mental capac-

The cynic is one who knows the price of e v e r y t h i n g and the v a l u e of nothing.—Oscar Wilde.

ities. — Walter Dtt.1 Scott.




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Jewish Community Center tJrges Payment of Pledges Delinquent Subscribers Urged to




Hebrew University in •' American Jewish Committee Issues • Jerusalem to Unite ' East and West Annual Report

Warsaw (J. T. A.)—A plot to instigate a ritual murder accusation ) '•:,:., _i • 1 1» ' against the Jewish community in Badom was discovered in the nick of | ] time last night when two Christian [ Condition of Jews Throughout I To Develop University Along ' Omaha, Nebr., March SO, 1926: The Highest Intellectual Poles "were seen attempting to leave i t h e World I s Surveyed. Dear Subscriber: Standards lite body of a dead Christian boy in a: Registered Letters: Being Sent To Delinquent Subscribers Jewish matzos bakery. i President Coolidge This letter is of great importance to yoa, and thereof Building Fund , >. . DOING GOOD WORK OF REThe two. Poles were carrying the fore is sent by registered mail. Lauded in Report CONSTRUCTION sack" containing the body -when they! ^ BUILDING WILL B E OPEN W H E N PLEDGES READ IT CAREFULLY. were arrested by the police. j New York.—The Nineteenth Annual 1 Berlin,. (J. T. A.)—A better underYou are indebted to the Jewish Community Center ARE COLLECTED :: The Jewish population considers it Report of the American Jewish Comstanding' between the East and West ihthe amount of $^.____^_ This money is long past due a miracle that the plot was discovered, mittee, made public by Louis Marshall, will result from the establishment of •' Subscribers to the Jewish Community Center Building who and many bills and requests to pay have been sent to thus preventing any Passover riots, i its president, surveys the condition of j the Hebrew. University in Jerusalem, have not as yet paid their pledges in full are "urged to do so you* Jewry throughout the world during j which will unite the East and West immediately in order to continue the work oh "the building. The We must pay the contractors. Our funds must come the past year, painting a canvas' with strong spiritual bonds, declared remaining amount of money that is due by the pledgors is from your pledge. We cannot have the contractor delay darkened by the situation in Eastern j Prof. Albert Einstein, author of the necessary to finish the. work. The contractors have issued a the completion of the building. You must, therefore, and Central Europe, but pointing to theory of relativity, in outlining the call for money immediately and this must be-met,-'is the opinion PAY UP AT. ONCE. a future -betterment through the Lo- program of the Hebrew University, of the officers and directors of the Jewish Community Center. This letter is sent to you so that you may be adcarno treaties, the Polish-Jewish to the Board of Governors of which Declares That Disparaging ExpresOn this page is printed a copy of a letter that is being sent vised of the necessity of. a PROMPT. REMITTANCE. agreement and the $15,000,000 Joint he was recently elected. sion Does Not Refer to Jews to.delinquent subscribers urging them to pay their pledges imIf same is not forthcoming it will become pur duty to Distribution Committee campaign. In an interview here he outlined mediately or other methods will be pursued inJ collection,: of the proceed as we did last Spring—to collect on pledges thru Operation of the 1924 ImmigraPittsburg, Pa.—(J. T. A.)—A reply the program of the University, depledges. ' the court. to the criticism voiced against the tion Law forms the major part of the claring that the school is being deThe Jewish Community Center Be assured that it is not our desire to pursue such a Secretary of Labor, James J. Davis, report's su*-vey of conditions in the veloped as an institute of research Building at Twentieth, and Dodge course, but your indifference requires drastic action. You because of an expression contained United States, in which the commit- rather than a center of teaching. streets is nearing completion. The inwill have yourself to blame for any unpleasantness. "The University," according- to in one of his articles which was con- tee's president calls attention to sevterior work of the building and the eral cases in which the quota law was Prof. Einstein, who is a member of strued as one of -anti-Semitism, was furnishings require a large sum of IT IS UP TO YOU NOW! made by the Secretary of Labor in a misinterpreted by the Department of its Board of Governors, "is to be money before the building con be Country Will Shortly Enjoy, Prospercommunication addressed to David Labor, with the result that severe devoted, on the one hand, to the study PRES. HARRY H. LAPIDUS. formally opened. This work must be SEC. JOE L. WOLF. ity; Friction, Gradually DisapAlter, publisher of the "Jewish Cri- hardships would have been suffered if and restatement of the Jewish culdone. . pearing, He' Tells Candian the courts had not reversed, its de- tural heritage and to the revival of I terion," a weekly paper here. "We must have the money immediZionists--cisions. Jewish spiritual traditions. It will j "The Jews are tie beaver type. ately," said Harry H. Lapidus, presiv ' ,j t» i i rm. i. "IJ J.-L. it. i ^ ii "Evidence as to the unscientific concentrate also on scientific invesYniiHl PrMtlam They build up rather than destroy," , ^ , _ . , . dent. "These subscriptions are past Montreal.—Lord Allenby received lUUiil iivBlSEl ._ j[_ _^_A __,_ „_ v _ iV _ c.__ll character of the quota basis of re- tigations of the whole range of is the statement made by the Secredue and should be paid. here a delegation, of the Zionist striction is accumulating," the report Oriental civilization and through this tary of Labor Davis in his letter to "The ; sooner the money is paid the Federation of Canada • composed of states. It quotes the findings of ex- research lay the foundations for a Local Synagogues to Hold Special Local Young Judaea Meets Every Mr. Alter. - • . sooner we" will open the building," A. J. Freiman, Louis'Fitich, A. Levine, perts which reveal that 55 per cent of new spiritual relationship between Services. Thursday Evening. i An article of the Secretary of Lasaid'JoeL. Wolf, secretary. Lyon Cohen, H.Wblofsky, Rabbi J, the foreign-born white paupers in Orient and Occident. bor in a recently published book, More than six hundred of the sub- L. ZIotnick, Rabbi Abramowifz, Rabb:' almshouses on January 1, 1923, came Tuesday, April 6, will be the last 1 "The natural science institutes of The problem presented by the Am- "The Iron Puddler," contained scribers to the Jewish Community Berger and Rabbv Samuels. Freiman day of Passover, the holiday celebratfrom Ireland, Germany and England, i the University, on the other hand, are eriean Jewish youth following his Bar following statement: Cenfer Building__: have paid their President of the Canadian Zionist Or- ed by the Jews, for more than 4000 Mitzvaa J favored by the law, while an average j or lias been ; now investigating' those problems or confirmation confirmation .has pledges in< full. The building which ganization, welcomed-Lord Allenby on years, when Moses delivered the Jews! ^ Are Rats. j of 3.2 per cent came from Poland, ~ Youag Judaea, national accepted by which are of considerable importance according-to many who have seen it, behalf of Canadian Jewry. Mi*. Louis from King Pharoah and Egyptian | . j , - . Some men are by nature beavers, Russia and Italy; and that during the for, the development of the country. . .^ j ^ ••.„•„; ^ . ew sh T?fint1i Jewish youth.. •is cons&ereti-srae /of. th^'feest-^rf* Its- Fitch,^^ vice-president, 'presented -tp-the as '•are"Tatsryet-tfeey,:all--bc--.P*st twe»*y years.. annalgrants-,.Jram .^..~,^™,..,..= ,,...,, . _ , j M , # w ., < s , l . own particular kind M" the etfu&try, being equipped distinguished guest,- with an-addres: With the ^ te .•»«,« *e •*<*« that-**On Monday and Tuesday, April a; to the human .r,ace. The people Northern ard Western Europe seek-' ^ Hebrew sch&ol •with all the latest facilities and con-. in, which was;pointed but his achievthe United States I «"»*•«« o f e x a c t scientific ing admission to and 6, special holiday services wiU be ^ ^cstiatL-tnm the that came to this country in the early c a r e rf i n which Veniences* <%It as up to the other three ment and the appreciation of the Jew ° " r / ' h o e " o d , e m «™hmheld, m the Synagogues. The Syna- he is old enough to learn of Jewish d * y s ^ * e the beaver type and have shown a higher proportion ..of'I tion is rooted hundred subscribers to pay their ish people' for '-• the ' conquering* of and which must cergogues in Omaha to hold special serv- customs, manners, history and the , j it was mental diseases, showing that America tainly be a basic fact in the upbuild, .,. pledges immediately so this building Palestine by Lord-Allenby. ' / ices on these days are the B'nai Israel, im- ing of a new Jewish cultxsral life in Hebrew language until he arrives at ^ e i r ***** t o b u i l < L Then the rat- problem of fairly selecting our can be open to the public, voiced a "During the war it was given to began coming here, to house the Bar Mitzvah or confirmation age, number of the directors of the build- me to take.charge of what was apPalestine. th ing as they began their campaign to parently a side issue in the war," Lord Adass Yeshuren, the B'nai Jacob, and there remains a great gap in the under the roof that others built. And e social groups may rest better upon The development of the University e the Congregation of Israel. ' selection than upon racial along the highest intellectual stancollect. Jewish education of youth until he is ^ try. to undermine and ruin it individual or I Allenby stated.'"And one of us should Rabbi Fredrick Cohh will give a because it is in their nature to de-s national group selection." dards is "the most difficult task set be satisfied with his role in.the con- special sermon at the Temple Israel old enough to affiliate himself with They call themselves anarj The report, brings to light for the to the present generation of Jews," struction of an edifice. What is im- on Sunday evening, April 4, His sub- one of the several youth organiza- c h i s t s . " • -• -. _... ~ - .. ... ji first time the ceaseless activities of tions in existence for several years portant, is not the' laying of any par- ject will be "Passover and Easter". Mr. Marshall in demanding a fair and according to Dr. Einstein. "It is Tn his letter to Mr. Alter, Mr. Davis f and doing excellent work. This probticular stone, as.long as each stone is non-descriminatory administration of of the most important pillare in . The Passover, falling at the be- lem of the adolescent youth, which d e c l a r e d : entire work of Jewish reconstruction well and truly laid. I for myself felt Some Jewish people have said that the naturalization law, revealed in the in Palestine, for the University is tHe ginning of spring, had originally a has been more or less neglected until George S. Steinberg was elected that I had my reward knowing that 1 | pastoral and agricultural character, this paragraph refers to the Jews, many letters which passed between symbolic expression of the true meanAlderman of the Sixth Ward a t . a laid one stone well and truly but my which in time was overshadowed7by now, is at last receiving the atten- but you will note, if you read not M r - Marshall and various officials ©£ ing of the whole upbuilding procity election Held in Council Bluffs, reward is increased -by your presence the historical event associated later tion of Young Judaea with its wealth only "the paragraph, but any other the Department of Labor. The report gram." Iowa, on Monday, March 29. This is and kind remark's. The entry of with the feast. Freedom and its oblig- of- experience in educational matters portion of the. book, that there is no also tells of the committee's activity "In the work of Jewish reconstructhe first time in eight years that a" Britain in the war^was based on the ation is the keynote of the celebration. and its thousands of workers from disparaging statement about any race , in opposing registration and drastic tion in Palestine, the Hebrew Untvtit" principle of justice and freedom to one end of the country to the other. Jewish man in. this city has been 1 or religion. Under these circum- [ deportation bills, regarded by the cornYoung Judaea until very recently stances,-when one states that 'rat' in! mittee as unjust and un-American, | sity is , as I believe, today one of thf; elected to such an office. Mr. Stein- all and the day when I entered divided its efforts between the Jewish the paragraph quoted refers to Jews, | President Coolidge is highly lauded most important pillars for it exberg was victorious over his oppon- through the gate.. of. Jaffa into JeruThose who paid their pledges in presses clearer than the other phases salem I issued a proclamation to the boy and girl of all ages, organizing cntent by a large majority. Mr. full this week for the Jewish they classify - the Jewish people as for his addresses at the cornerstone of this work the true object to which inhabitants to the effect that each one clubs of children of eight or ten or Steinberg's is at 1428 West BroadCommunity Center are as follows: anarchists, for in direct language it laying of the Jewish Center in Wash- the entire Jewish effort in fifteen or eighteen years of age. ' way. . He has taken an active part should' continue his i occupation as in states that reference, is made only to ington, D. C, and before the American is directed. For this very rearon, E. V. Lorig I. Schlaifer providing programs for juniors, inin the community and is a member peace'time and from that day to this anarchists, and does not limit the de- Legion in Omaha as the leading factor however, it presents, on the oths; Joseph HayHn Jack Bramson no obstacle has been placed towards termediates and seniors. As one step of the local B'nai Brith. nunciation to any race to "which they in the collapse of the Ku Klux Klan hand, one of the most difficult probAbe Falk the upbuilding, of the country: and to toward a more complete unification | and the end of widespread anti-Jewish may belong. the participation by all to justice and lems in this work of reconstruction. of its work, the" intermediate classij propaganda in this countrq. KING OFFERED liberty. ' . ' . ' > ,'• ^ For its existence and its task is no>; "Anarchists Are Enemies of fication was dropped some.time ago [ "Although symptoms are rot 3ack-PEERAGE TO SIR rooted simply in the realities of PalesHebrew Race." and the program work confined to j ing of the existence of religious bigot, HERBERT SAMUEL "I was in Jerusalem; last May. when tinian life—as a 'Palestinian nations: | what it termed junior clubs, which "My experience among the Jewish > Ty a n d ^ ^ discrimination in the Lord Balf our .opened the' Jewish Unirould, indeed, especially at aim, Beginning rnaay included those up to the age of nfpeople is that they, are as a people toward the survival and University Vrdted stateS) London (J. T. A.)—Sir Herbert versity on Mount:Scopus and there I at *the present stage, hardly have any • —r • I teen years, and senior clubs, those precisely the opposite to anarchists.! g r o w t h o f w h i c h «w'passage of the "" Samuel was offered, peerage, when he heard Lord Bolfour ' repeating the "His People," the Universal-Jewel ] a b o v e fifteen years. The standards They are law-abiding citizens and be- j .immigration Law of 1.924 indirectly right to rxisienee.—but in the spiritual was received in audience by the King, Balf our Declaration, - that Palestine 1 production • in which Rudolph Schild- were raised and this had the result lieve in law enforcement, not the j COntributed, there has been no wide- position of the Jewish people aP s. according to a report published today was.to become a homeland for. the whole, which requires a concentration In the "Jewish World", London Anglo- Jewish people. I noticed on the oc- kraut, famous European stage star, of making even more clear the fact destruction of property and govern-- j sp rea( i anti-Jewish propaganda during of its spiritual forces and the reconmakes his American debut in picthat the adolescent youth was being merit.. In fact, (the .anarchists are : t ^ e Jewish weekly. ••- • " , casion of that. visit the remarkableyear in the United States," struction of a new centre. In uruk'rtures, is the next, feature to be v-.'oefully neglected by everyone inter- enemies of the. Hebrew race as much Sir Herbert respectfully declined, process that the country has'made I the report states. "By this it is not taking this great task, the University shown at the Sun Theater, commenc-r ested in educational matters. as of any other people. the paper stated. It is probable, how- since 1919. In 1918-1 was in Tel "Aviv. •meant to imply that Jews are not becomes the symbolic expression *>.'. ing April 2. It is a powerful story While the younger boy and girl will"Apparently this reference is be- victims of social ostracism and of disIt then had a -population of three to ever, that he will be included in the the true meaning of the efntire work four hundred, whereas now it hat a of the life of a plain Ghetto family— not be neglected, the greatest em- ing used in a political way. So far abilities in the matter of securing em- of Jewish reconstruction," Prof Einnext list of baronets. the patriarchial father, the patient, phasis in the future will be placed on as I personally am concerned, it can- ployment. Ignorance and bigotry alone population of over thirty thousand. stein declared. not do me any harm, because when can account for this condition. This When I was there last May, I was submissive mother and the two sons,e this great group of boys and CONSTANTIN FEHRENBACH, one an ambitious student, and th between the ages of thirteen and the statement is read it speaks for! is a problem, however, which only (Continued/>n page 4.) Entertained at a tea on the same spot FIGHTER AGAINST RACIAL other a prizefighter. How the. fam- twenty, who have received so little itself, but when the statement is' PREJUDICE, DIES which in 1918 was surrounded by sand years of education, leading to the dunes and which now is in the midst ily finally .achieved happiness after attention at the hands of Jewish said, to be an, attack upon the Jew greater spread of a fair and liberal Cantor Sings Over Berlin, Mar. 27 (J. T. A.) — Dr. of a street large and as nice as any a series of mishaps is graphically, educators. One of the means by it creates a ,semblance of prejudice j American attitude can solve. . . . W. O. A. W. Kadio Stalin* and humorously depicted under the which Young Judaea is contending because the .American people, Jews j Constantin Fehrenbach, ex-chancellor in this city. "It is gratifying to note that the -capable direction of -Edward Sloman.' with ^the problem is The Young of Germany, leader of the Centrum, Cantor Shaia Kohanowitch, WPU "The influx of the Jews in the Supporting Mr. Schildkraut are Rosa Judaea Magazine, a monthly publica- included, are' bitter against any form ' opponents" Tf~" "the " new nativfetic who -died here yesterday, w an active known cantor of Minsk, Eussia, «."h<» of anarchism or .communism. I have p M l o s o p h y h a v e f o u m i a c o u r a g e o n s figure in the movement to combat country was considerable. Of all I Rosanova, George Lewis, Arthur Lu- tion for the Jewish youth, the March many acquaintances, friends and asand redoubtable opponent in the Pres- is rendering the services at the Bei.h anti-Semitism and racial prejudice in have seen.and I have heard the new bin, Kate Price, Blanche Mehaffey, issue of which is off the press. sociates among Jewish people, and 1 ident of the United States, who has Hamedrosh Uagodo) ByvBgogxm durJewish immigrants are proving them- Nat Carr, Otto Lederer, Bobby, GorGermany. :; Mr. M. F. Levenson recently orfeel that if this is made a political utterly demolished some of the most ing the Passover holidays, will *nn£ 1 Dr. Fehrenbach was vice-president selves to be very capable and: fit to don and Albert Bushalano. _'.i ganized a local Young Jndaea organmatter all the Jewish people will cherished of the pet notions of Ku over the W, O. A. W. Broadcasting of the Association to Combat Anti- do pioneer work to reinhabit the unization in order to tackle the Jewish suffer to some extent thereby. They and Nordicism. Mr. Coolidge station this evening, at <J:30. He will Semitism and originated the slogan, inhabited places in Palestine. The Great Britain will never go back on you*h problem in Omaha. This club ought_ to be. spared tins embarrass- Kluxism d e l i faow^iVplain'terrns that | be accompanied by Al Finkel. h a s m a "Anti-Semitism is a dangei to . the self denial of the Jewish pioneers is its promise to fulfil the Balfoux Dec- meets every Thursday evening at the he was entirely out of sympathy, with ment.* sufficient assurance^that the progress German People." the New Know-Nothingism and that and bigots and of those who of the coutry.will continue and will in laration and helping the -Jewish Jewish CommTinity Center. Those a short time restore to the country people build a home in Palestine. At who desire membership in this or- Zionist Special Meeting he appreciated the debt which America it to be for their interest to tlftrJEWISH WOMEN'S WELganization are invited to attend the the opening. of the University last seminate hatred, suspicion and «ni-~ the prosperity that did exist in the Tuesday Evening, April 6 owes to the Jews. FARE TO MEET APRIL 7 days of King Solomon. This prosper- year I met Dr. Weizmann and others i ext meeting or call Mr. Levenson at "In view of these exalted pronounce- j mosity." A special meeting, will. be held by ments of the President which have i Turning to European Jewry the reKathan Bernstein will address the ity will be shared by all the inhab- of the Zionist leaders and was pleased Atlantic 3507. the local Branch of the Zionist Organ- reached into every corner of o\ir land, j port declares that "Though lit*!* members of the Jewish Women's Wel- itants, the Jews, Arabs and Christians at the great progress that the Zionists fare Organization at 7ts next monthly and any little friction which may are making. Now 't is the spring, and weeds are ization, on Tuesday evening,. April 6, the committee can not help feeling- change has taken place in the entrat the Jewish Community Center. . confident that the traditional sense of | <!ition of our br< thren overseas meeting to be held Wednesday after- j have existed is dying out and will be shallow rooted; "I am glad to have played my part A full report of the ball given re- fairness and justice of the i.merican the past yeai, three events have hj noon, April 7, at the Jewish Com- replaced by amity and friendship and and that it was my happy lot to help' Suffer them now and they'll o'ergrow the garden," •nunity 'Center. His subject will be \ that they work shoulder to shoulder. your people return to their ancient cently by the Zionist organization and people has not and will not be weak- them potentialities for a distinct And choke - the herbs for want of 'Our* Government' the Daughters of Zion will be given. ened by the outpourings of fanatics lasting bettermen* "You know as well as I do that country after centuries Qf Buffering." husbandry. —Shakespeare.


Jews Are Builders, Says Secretary James J. Davis

Glad I Helped Jews Return To Palestine—Lord Allenby

Young Judaea Tackles Tuesday is Last Day of Passover Holiday

Council Bluffs Jewish Man Elected Councilman

"His People", Jewish Play


PAGE 2—THE JEWISH PRESS-^-THURSDAY, APRIL I , 1926 Yiddishists? Of what concern is it Actors to to them that an insignificantly Email group of Hebraists are continuing to at Swedish Auditorium cultivate Hebrew t Who are those Hebraists? Whom have they? The Mr. and Mrs. Elias Eliazaioff, el Yiddishists will tell yoa: the Heb-knewn Russian artists, together with raists have none. Not a single talent. their company will present the Jewish The entire thing is but a movement of Melamdim. Whence then the wrath of the Yiddishists? And where is there sense of Justice ? Can they not make up their minds to suffer that small group of Hebraists to cultivate their dead language in that little desertdesert Palestine?" The writer concludes by pointing out that more cultural work has been done in Hebrew than in Yiddish, that the two millions of assimilated Jews in Western Europe have given more than their share to all tranches of culture in the tongues of their respective countries, while the eight or ten million Yiddish speaking Jews have given none. Forty years of Jewish labor movement on both sides of the Atlantic have not produced an Eduard Bernstein. The issue is not now Yiddish versus Hebrew at all. The real issue now should be peace between both ELIAS ELIAZAROFF languages. They ought to combine their efforts in an attempt to save whatever can be saved. The Hebraists play, "The Jewess," in four acts, on blame the Goluth for all our troubles, Sunday evening, April 4, at the even for our illogical reasoning. What Swedish Auditorium. Mr. and Mrs. Eliazaroff played' at explanation can be advanced by the Yiddishists who praise the Goluth?" the Karsh's theater iu Moscow for In the "Forward" S. Yanovsky, for many years editor of the anarchist "Freie Arbeiter Stittime," and then of the "Gerechtigkeit," official organ of the International Ladies Garment Workers Union, touches in his column "A Word In Time** upon the question of Yiddish and Yiddishism. Mr. Yanovsky finds that Yiddishisir. has been the cause of many of our troubles here. "With all due respect and sincere love for our Dr. Chayira Zhitlovsky,— thewriter continues,^-! must say that he is largely responsible for our Yiddishism. Many years ago, even longbefore Dr. Zhitlovsky ever thought of being a Yiddish writer, we wrote Yiddish here, a Yiddish which was intelligible to the masses of the people here. But Dr. Zhitlovsky has elevated Yiddishism to a theory, a principle, a cult. Yiddish became a fetish. One •of the results is that some Yiddishists MRS. ELIAS ELIAZAROFF \ are writing a Yiddish which hot a single Jew will understand." eight years. Mr. Eliazaroff is I In the "Day" S. Niger repudiates graduate of the dramatic school ther* the charge of intolerance made by Dr. and was director of movies in MoSGinzburg. Two things were demanded cow. Mrs. Eliazaroff was. known as of the Yiddishists: manners and toler- a great singer in Moscow, and is a ance. The former is to be discarded graduate of the Conservatory of Moson such solemn occasions, as it would cow. :....- ; really result in banality and insincerity; as for the latter, the writer would1 There are three Immaterial things, much rather have both sides openly not only knows, but essential to life. No one knows how to live "till he has intolerany than to hide under the ; got them. These t.re Admiration, masque of tolerance. Hope, and Love Ruskin.


THE JEWISH PRESS Ijubllabed every L'bursdajr at Omaba. Nebraska, by

.,{ ^r

THE JEWlSB PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY Office: 490 Brandeis Theatre Building — Telephone: ATlantic 1450. • . NATHAN E. GREEN, Manager. . Subscription Price, one year—...-.. Advertising rates furnished on application.

. j ' '• :


CHANGE OB" ADDRESS—I'lense cive botb «be olfl and new address: be sure nnd give your name.

The Jewish Pre£3 i s Supplied by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency (Jewish Corre$pt)ridenceBurea\i) with cabled artd telegraphic Jewish news, in addition to feature iartfclea arid correspondences from all Important Jewish centers. Inquiries regarding news items Credited to this Agency will be gladly answered if addressed to Jewish Telegraphic Agency, 621 Broadway, New York City.


"SYNAGOGUE AND CENTER" The following inquiry, addressed to the editor of the Jewish "Day" was written by a group of Baltimore men, Who are anxious to hear the editors' point of view in regard to Community Centers. M As we are about to erect a Jewish Center here in Baltimore, costing over a half million dollars, several persons, including myself, are interested to. know whether such ah institution is in reality a necessity for the Jewish Youth of today." Respectfull, Dave Schneur. And Baltimore Jews are fully entitled to know what they will get in return for their half million. They are also justified in asking of what benefits such an institution could be. : There are Jewish settlements aplenty, that know as little as Baltimore about the problem in question. They declare a Jewish Center as useless and harmful, and therefore refuse to contribute anything towards such an undertaking. For example: In a small town near New York, a number of pious Jews raised a terrible tumult when a community center was opened and succeeded in driving out the community center Rabbi aut of town. And why? "A center is reform" they cried. "Our fathers knew nothing of centers and we need none. No changes for us." V. If the truth be spoken, the Center as a Jewish institution is not a new idea. Only the name and the method adopted to fit in with our American Jewish life is new. The purpose is traditionally Jewish. The Center, as it is understood by the Jews of America, is the revival of the old Jewish Synagogue as it was and as it ought to be. And what was the old Synagogue? . In the time of the prophets irhtil the days of the sages-of the Talmud, the Jewish Synagogue was called Beth Ainni; peoples house and what is known today as Synagogue, in those days was known as peoples house, and this name prevailed throughout the middle ages. The Synagogue was the,birth place of all Jewish activities,'whether social, economical or political. It. was in the Synagogue that all important meetings took place, where all rulings,.decisions.for the welfare of t h e public were adopted.- It was also in the Synagogue;that strikes were 1 settled and where a Jew found justice and shelter from his enemies.'-




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Through all hie; life, from the cradle to his grays,; wether in sorrow br-rejoicing, : the Jew tumedftoivav^ his Synagogue. I t was his home, His fofitfessj his place ofjL'e|uge;.'and above all, i t Was the Synagogue where' Jewish; learning was- given to Jewish children. There.;ihey placed,, Aold each o|Ker|h^s^wonderful children tales. There^n'ey "weiie raised as Jews an<J inibSeS with traditions of their fathete.i:

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This was the Synagogue of old, the peoples house, "where every ayuyviy3.vT>T>x nyi tajjn individual found his inspiration. I t was here that parents^and children congregated each with his own'-thoughts, but all together ::!.\'!.':?!!.*:."j:."."!jKBssjS!f in a purely Jewish atmosphere. Then many years later, we seethe a^ w S -yi ijrfj»p.-jte«^M. wa WE HAVE OPENED A old traditional Synagogue in America, the peoples house, changed, losing its significance and glory of old. The Jewish Synagogue in this country (and we are not speaking of the Reform", but of the Orthodox) is no more than a given to honor a guest and of the tone I strument, then Hebrew would cease to to Palestine and see Jews at work I to supply, the housewif e with all kinds of Smoked Meats j | "Temple". I t is built not for the people, but for the President and and manner in which that discussion be our national tongue . . . Hysterical there, see how they sanctify the soil 1 a n d Fish and & complete line of Groceries. jjj trustees. I t is a cold lifeless building, closed constantly like the Was carried on and asserts that the Yiddishists should be made to see of Palestine. Then they would gain walls of a prison, opening only once a week on Saturdays for a Yiddlshist participants of that discus- that the Yiddish which is now allowed quite a different understandinf of what sion were right there and then defeat- and used in-Russia has nothing na- is happening in the life of the Jewish couple of hours to conduct "Services." Outside of this it has noth- ed by Bialik. The writer stresses the I tional in it for the masses of the Jew- people." |j 1414 North 24th Street. Webster 3815. jjj ing whatsoever t o do with Jewish life. fact that in refuting success—Bialik ish people. The Yiddish which is per- In an article in the "Jewish Morn- !{' (Across from Mushkin's butcher shop.) i: Visit the majority of the Synagogues which have not as yet never^for; a; minute deserted the point mitted by the Yevseks • is in reality ing Journal" Mr. Ab. Goldberg writes: deteriarated into, Kadish factories. We mean the ordinary syna- of view of Jewish history for a per- hostile to Yiddish and destroys Yid- "One can understand a Yiddishist who dish as a national,.language." gogue. I t is very attractive to the eye, but during the few hours sonal-or individual standpoint. believes that Yiddish ought to be the "He has thereby given an example, Dr. S. M..,Melamed in a polemical national language of the Jews, that that are opened to prayer the Jew finds himself in a strange Mr. Shelvin,—of how one.' article in the "Daily Jewish Courier'' it possesses all the qualities of a naatmosphere. I t is. hot the Synagogue-of yore, children are not —says should be modest when one speaks of , of Chicago tellsihovr ','Bialik in his re- tional language, that Hebrew, on the allowed there, for-they may loaf. • |the interests of his people . . . . There joinder to the Yiddishists brought to other hand, is a dead language which Then.what is left for the Jewish children to do? Where shall are among the' Yiddishists such as their attention the fact that in Pal- can never be revived. Surely such they spend their Jewish energy? But is the Shul president con- have come nearer to Zionism. For estine Hebrew is not^a problem. The Yiddishists iiuve a right to their concerned? Let the youngsters go to Y. M. C. A. or the Y. W. C. A. national Jews, and especially for Jews main thing" there is work. Hebrew as victions and to propagate their views. or join the various Christian societies, or even loaf on, the street attached to.Eretz, Yisroel it is simply the national tongue of the Jews of But using force in an attempt to imHE choicest productions of the finest clothes a. crime to, go hand in hand with the Palestine is a national product. To corners. Such is the condition of a great many Synagogues of to- Yiddishists of the, Yevsok camp, who protest against.Hebrew in Palestine pose that language is quite a different makers in America. matter. And whence the. wrath of the day, in this country. I t has nothing in common with National Jew- fail to see anything, in Eretz Yisroel would be as absurcT as to protest Stocks are at their peak today—alterations can be ish life. I t is a "Temple Judaism"' Which is entirely foreign to the and Who, on the.'other hand, have against rain in summer or cold in made and "on time" delivery assured. found a holy land,in Soviet Russia, winter. The .Yiddishists who assert Here you get the limit of value at every price. A But the Jew longs and craves for the "Peoples- House"j and all where a Jewish culture is being creat- that they speak in the name of the 'ediri a Katzap Yiddiss. Those and people the Jewish masses, know really saving of $5 to $15 due to our year-round No Sale WHOLESALE this he now finds in the Jewish Community Center. In the so- the Jewish past mean nothing to them, nothing of what is going on in the life policy. called Jewish Community Center, pulsates Jewish life., Here all and they make no secret of their of the Jewish people, are not aware Druggists and Stationers J01-403-4O3 Soatb lOtb Stt>«t Jewish forces are being united and everything that is! specifically wis?! Jo get others to ther convictions of what is transpiring in Eretz Yis by means of Yiddish as an instrument roel. Bialik bade the Yiddishists come Jewish and beautiful is being promoted. The Center houses: a Talmud Torah'for children, lectures for o£ propaganda.. •. The nationalistic ^iiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiinimmiiimHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiininnimiifnimiiiiinimti. Hickey-~Freeman, Jews, however, are deceiving themadults, a library for all of them, and even amusements which are selves when, oh the one hand, they Fashion Park, specifically Jewish. believe in Eretz Yisroel and, on the Kuppenlicimcr, The Center took on the form of a Jewish Academy, a Jewish other, they go hand in hand with Hart Schaffncr and Marx Goluthist Jews who undermine the Peoples House. Choicest of Fabrics, Finest of Both the old .and the new generations meet in 'the Center, very foundation of the faith of those Tailoring1 and Utmost Value nationalistic jews. The J. L. Peretz — l o r — where is fostered a sound Jewish Life. And the Jewish City of Verein incident ought to open their Baltimore, which anticipates spending a half million dollars for a. ' e y e s . " - " - . • . • ' "' .• ' .' Center, is'still getting a grand bargain. In an editorial in the sait-.e issue, For, with no treasure on earth can you estimate the great "Das Yiddishe Volk" says: "When a gain for the Jewish spirit through a true "Peoples House", which national group is forbidden to use a Nebraska Special Suits the Center aims to become.—This editorial,reprinted from The language at its will and is being forced to write and to speak the other Day. Children must be accompanied by their ; | language after a definite test, and if I Extra Trousers May Be Had Chaim Uachman Bialik. Yiddishism for th6 "crime of using the former I I r parents, or else children m a y come them§


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I Enrollment of New PupilsS CITY TALMUD TORAH J




and Hebraism came to a clash at a banquet tendered by the JY L. Peretz Copyrlgbt—Jevvlsh TelcB. Agency. Verein of the Jewish writers (the J. The old con- L. Peretz Writers' Club) to the Heb- Yiddish-Hebrew troversity to rew Poet. The discussion was started Controversity Revived which of our rather sharply, at that banquet and two tongues was then carried \o the Jewish press. In "Das Yiddishe Volk", the Yiddish should be irecognized as our "national language" and ;which is to survive the weekly of the Zionist Organization, other was resumed upon the occasion Mr. B. Shelvin critidaeb the impropriof the coining to America of our guest ety of such a discussion at a banquet


Is Now in Progress

tongue the guilty ones are being punselves tod they will be given an enrollished with imprisonment or exile to ; | Siberia, then the'other tongue ceases I ment card for the parent's signature. to be.a national language, foi then it becomes an instrument of torhire. which dims all national consciousness and makes of the language an enemy 21st and Burt Sts. Jackson to the national will. And har* there I is no difference whatever betwein. or call Principal, Harney 2119. .Yiddish and Hebrew. Had the Yevseks I perpetrated'' "tHeir national nets of violence using Hebrew as their in- i iililWlWJWUllillliUW



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Statement ot bvttetatdp, g , attend the conference, i t was ..declared. pose of presenting to the government circulation, etc.. of the Jewish l J reas, pubThis action by the representatives its desire to renotipce • the minority lished weekly at Oiniiha. Nebraska, required by Art oi '•Congress vt August 24, rights.

3912. Editor, S. E. Grptn; Manager. S E. of the Jewish communities is being Publishers. 'Flit* Jewish ITCSS Pubwhich maintains hospitals, clinics, Green; lishing CO., Omaha* Kebr. Owner, Nathan taken in conjunction with the plan of baby stations, and visiting *mirse as- E. Green Oiunha. Nebraska Known bond- other national minorities in Turkey. Hearts that change not, love that holders tnortg'asfes. and other security sociation in Palestine. -; .• cannot cease, i holders holding 1 per cent or more of total A delegation of Turkish Armenians of bonds, itiortpages, t>f other And peace be yours, the peace of The first annual booklet of the II amount securities. None. SnliBcrilK-d before me has proceeded to Angora foi the purTennyson. soul in soul! 20th dnx of March, 3020. tSenl.! Omaha Chapter of Hadassah, which this Isaflore Abrnmson. 'Notary I'nblic. (Jly gives a report of the work x>f the commission eipires July 19, 1930.) national and local organization of the Hadassah anu names of the members JEWS IN TURKEY of the local branch, has been sent to TO RENOUNCE MINORITY RIGHTS every member of this chapter. This 1826—5686 booklet will be made up annually for Iyar—Rosh Chodesh Constantinople (J. T. A.)—The rethe purpose of showing the work of Iyar 18- Lag B'Omer ... SCHOOL, SET ARRIVE TO SPEND nunciation by the Jewish population Sivan I—K»sh Ch««tesh I the organization each year. ~: SPRING VACATION AT HOME Si van 6- Firei Day of Pentecost in the Republic of Turkey of its Tammuz Rush Chcdesh "minority rights" guaranteed under T Women's Auxiliary of I. O. B. B. The school set is home. the international peace treaty, will be Tammuz 17 — b ast of Tammuz to Give Mother-Daughter Tea The spring vacation has brought home a number of students from Ab 1—Rosh Chodesh considered at a conference of Jewish eastern colleges and the Nebraska University, and the social activities -will Ab 9—Past of Ab .. On Mother's Day, May 9, the notables which is to take place here Ellul—Rosh Chodesh frcbablyToeresumed during their stay, for during the month of March the shortly. Women's Auxiliary of the B'nai Bith social calendar.'always undergoes a dull season and awaits the arrival 1926—5687 The conference was called by the will give a Mothers' and Daughters' of the school .set to keep it filled with luncheons, theater parties, and dancPASSOVER COOKERY. Constantinople committee for the reBridge Tea. JSept. 9 Tishri I—First Day of New Year COOKIES ing parties, given by the younger set. '- . . Mrs. Sam Wolf and her committee organization of the affairs of the Jew..Sept. 11 Tishri 3—Gast of Gedaliah —..... Among, rthe. popular students who are home are Miss Pauline Herzberg, \k cup fat are in charge of the entertainment. ish communities in Turkey. The pur...Sept. IS Tishri 10—Yom Kippur 1 cup sugar who arrived -Wednesday evening .from Mount De Chantal College at pose of the conference will also be to Tickets can be purchased from any 2 eggs Wheeliflg, W." VaT, "to spend Tier vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. prepare a new constitution for the ' % ' cup potato flour member of the organization. Herzberg. Miss Ethel Gladstone is spending two weeks here with her % cup matzo meal. The Women's Auxiliary is sponsored administration of the Jewish communparents, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Gladstone. Lester Slosberg and Myron Blotcky % cup ground almonds al affairs in the Republic. Cream fat and sugar, add all and was organized by the Omaha will arrive home April 9 from the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor* A special representative of the B'nai Brith Lodge. The Auxiliary is other ingredients. Roll thin, then Miss Reva Kulakofeky and Max Guttman, who are also students at Ann Turkish Minister of the Interior will sprinkle with sugar and bake in a oneof the largest young Jewish Arbor, will not come home for the spring vacation this year but will visit hot. oven. ' - . ,. women's club in the city. Delicatessen, foreign-domestic, Fruits, Claeese, with schoolmates in the east. Ann "Rosenblatt, who is attending Radcliffe KISSES OR MERINGNES College this year will spend her vacation beginning April 13 in New Pastry, Groceries GREATER ATTENTION TO Our motto is HIGH QUALITY . Whites of 4 eggs "York City. " CHALUZ MOVEMENT URGED 1' cup granulated sugar AT DANZIG CONFERENCE Nebraska students who are scheduled to arrive home this week-end are Beat whites until very stig. Add Louise Rosenthal, Kate Goldstein, Sara Somberg, Pearl Sherman, Lester ' --. L M. WINTROUB slowly 2/3 of the sugar. Continue Danzig (J. T. A.)—The demand that Lapidus, Arthur Green, Arthur Goldstein, David Sher, Ben Ravitz, J. Edward OPENING DAY, SUNDAY, APRIL 4 beating for about 5 minutes. Add the World Zionist Organization devote the' rest of the sugar. Rosenthal, Phil Gereiicck, Leo Chaiken, and Joe Stern. 512 North 33rd St., 33rd end California Sts. Drop from the tip of a spoon V% r more attention to the needs of the WHY NOT BUY THE BEST? Harney 37S2 You can trade youi old inch apart on tins. I Chaluzim, the Palestine pioneer moveMRS. RICKLIE BOASBERG pocket-watch or wrist Bake in very slow oven 1 hour. j ment of the Jewish youth, was exTemple Sisterhood Will keep open evenings and all -day Sundays watch for a NEW ONE. RETURNS TO OMAHA pressed at a conference of the He'To Meet April 18 Remove from pan at once. chaluz, the international organization MATZO MEAL NOODLES Mrs. Hiclille Boasberg, dramatic iriThe regular monthly meeting of of Chaluzim, in session here. 2 eggs Btructor, returned to /Omaha, after a the Temple Israel Sisterhood has pinch of salt Twenty-six delegates representing SQUARE DCALJEWELEB !":! year's travel with the Frank Winiger been postponed until Tuesday, April 2 -tablespoons matzo meal St.••••;••••:•::::::::::;." various European countries, including Comedy • Stock Co. She played with 13, at 1 o'clock, at the Temple, Park M cup potato flour representatives from Russia and Add salt to eggs, beat well, stir the Arthur Gale Players at Aurora,. Ave. and Jackson St. There will be America, are participating in the conin meal and potato flour. Heat a Wis., arid Elgin, HI. luncheon followed by Mah Jongg. little ference. The necessity of continuing fat in a pan, pour in mixture Mrs. .Boasberg will Tesume her Reservations can be made with Mrs. when cooked on one side, turn and the He'Chaluz movement because it classes in dramatics, at her home, 136 Cora Wolf, president. cook on other. Remove from pan has proven the most active element in to flat surface. North 33 Street, Cool a little and roll as for jelly the rebuilding of Palestine was emMiss Rosaline Goldstein left Satur- roll. phasized in addresses delivered at the Cut into strips and drop into Mrs. J. Harry Kulakofsky and day evening for Indianapolis, Ind., boiling conference. soup 5 minutes before ready children left Sunday for Denver, Colo., where she will visit with her room- to serve. to visit with Mrs. Rulakofsfcy^e mate, Miss Fanny Burke, prior to MATZO FRENCH TOAST mother. leaving for Northwestern University, 4 large matzos 4 eggs Mrs. E, A. Levy and daughter, where she will resume her studies GIFTS THAT LAST salt and pepper to" taste Eugenia, of Lincoln, Nebr., are spend- after - having spent a month home Break matzos. Pour cold water ing the week with Mrs. Nathan convalenscing from an operation on over them and pour off a t once.' appendicitis. Mantel. Pour over well beaten eggs, salt .and pepper and turn into well. Mrs. Ferdinand Adler plans to greased pan. Fry or bake until Mrs. Hymie Milder left Wednesday Wholesale and Retail for Pittsburgh, Pa., where she will leave in May for New York to sail brown. Serve hot sprinkled with Jewelers " The Picture visit with, her parents, Mr. and Mrs. June 5 on the Lancastria. Mrs. Adler sugar. Diamond Importers will meet friends jfrom ..Cincinnati That Is A. Braunstein. . £iA3zq MEAL PANCAKES; and Baltimore in Paris for "a tour on 214-216 eity Nat^-Bank-Bldg;— •{ Rocking The 2_eggs separated Mr. and Mrs. M. Solomon, of the continent. Mrs. Adler will visit Established 1894 Whole Nation 1 teaspoon salt Chicago, HL, formerly of Omaha, are the home of her parents in Munich • ^2 cup matzo meal visiting here at the home of Mrs. G and Frankfort, and the home of her i 1 cup water Mix dry ingredients. Beat yolks Wright, while enroute to El Paso late husband near Vienna. She will and add water. Add dry ingredients Texas, where they will visit for sev- return in October. Protection for Your Family? and last stiffly beaten egg whites. An annuity when retired from business? eral weeks with friends. Drop spoonfuls onto well greased The proper form t>l a XJfe Insurance Mrs. John A. Beber is visiting in pan. When done on one side turn with. Pollry will rorpr these- nwds. The Misses Roselle Verbin and Denver, Colo., with her parents. She over and cover for few minutes Call JUDAH L. WOLFSON until brown. Serve at once. Sally Krupp, of Fremont, spent' the will visit there for several weeks. Agent of EQtlTABLE LIFE INS. CO. past week-end in Omaha stopping at t>l New York Miss Faye Klein returned home MATZO PUDDING 345 Omaha Natl. Bank Bldp. the Blackstone TJotel. At. 5335 Xa Sunday from a eleven months' trip in Break 4 or 5 matzos into quite large pieces. Pour boiling water Mrs. Carl Studna and son, Harlan, the east visiting with relatives. them and pour off at once. of Kansas City, Mo., will arrive today Among the places she viBited were over Add 4 well beaten eggs. Salt and to visit Mrs. Studna's parents, Mr. Chicago, 111., Philadelphia, Pa., New pepper to taste. % cup sugar. A and Mrs. D. Blumenthal. They will York, Atlantic City, Newark, N. J., little leman juice and bake 1 hour in hot oven in well greased bakevisit here for several weeks. and Wilmington, Del. ing dish. 118 South 17th Street COMEDY AND NEWS Mr. and Mrs. I. Dansky announce GATCHETT AND HOOPER ON THE STAG7: HOUSEHOLD HINTS the birth of a baby girl born Monday, If your fat tastes strong, put on March 29, at the Methodist Hospital. to boil again with fresh onion. Miss Sylvia Levy, returned last Council Bluffs B'nai B'rith to Hold Boil until onion is dry and comes to top. Open Meeting April 14. Sunday from a three months' visit in Strain and fat may be used. The Independent Order of the B'nai Miami, Fla., and Chicago, Hi* B'rith Lodge No. 688 will hold an Safe your potato flour that is left Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Kuklin announce open meeting on Wednesday evening, after Passover. We will publish the birth of a baby son born Monday, April 14, at the Danish Hall. The some recipes after Pesach using March 29, at the Methodist Hospital. Intellectual Advancement Committee Potato flour in our every day cookMrs. Kuklin was formerly Miss Ethel composed of Messrs. Louis H. Katel- ing. Potato pu pudding is delicious for Beitel, of this city. man, chairman, Ben Kubby, and b draining i i ff off all ll the h by d Philip Trochtenberg, are in charge of Passover by Mr. and Mrs. E . Meyer entertained the program. Further announcement water. Add well beaten eggs, salt twenty-three guests at the "Seder" will be made in the next issue of the and pepper. Turn into well greased pan and Monday evening at their home. "Jewish Press". The public is in* bake in hot oven one hour. vited to attend. To keep maltzo meal the year Mr. J. Borshevsky, of Sioux City, round/Sprinkle well with pepper la,, spent the past week-end in Mr. and Mrs. Harry Perimeter an- and place in a can. Will keep fresh Omaha. . nounce the birth of a son bom. Sun- for the hot months. Will not beday, March 28, at the Jennie Edmund- come moldy. The •members?of "the T. E. D. club son Hospital. Mrs. Perimeter was will be entertained at bridge Sunday formerly. Miss Frances Nogg. VATKON1ZE OOR ADVERTISERS by Miss Ida Azorin. Misa Bess NewMrs. Richard Allen of Los Angeles, man is a new member of the club. Calif., arrived last Wednesday eveMiss Edith Covich leaves Saturday ning to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. to visit with. her parents in Des S. Cohen. Mrs. Allen expects to remain here about two months. Moines, Iowa. Mrs. Adolph Meyer left Thursday Mrs, Jnles Gerelick left last for Oskaloosa, Iowa, to visit her Thursday to visit with her parents in parents, Mr. and Airs. B. Bernstein, Sioux City, Iowa. 8:30 P.M. for about a month.

The next monthly card party of the Omaha- Chapter of Hadassah will be given Monday afternoon, April 12, at the Brandeis Grill. Mrs. B. A. Simon, chairman of these social functions, announces the following hostesses for this affair: Mrs. J. Krasne and Mrs. H. Meyerson, of Council Bluffs, and the Mesdames Ben Brodkey, M. Horn, J. Friedman and A. G. Weinstein, of Omaha. • These parties are given once a month for the purpose of raising money for the Hadassah Medical Unit



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Friday, April 2


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RUDOLPH SdEDKKAUT "His People" is the first story erer written sboat Jewish family fife, and wffl gire the world a better understanding of the problems of the Jew k America.

We Wish to Announce to the Automobile Trade a Change in the Name From the


Saturday, April3

SWEDISH AUDITORIUM Sunday, April 4, 1926

Mrs. T. Frost arrived here on FriMiss Mollye Grossman had as her •week-end guest, Miss Mollye Levin, day from St. Paul, Minn., to visit her mother, Mrs. L Cherniss. of Sioux City, Iowa.


Mr. and Mrs. B. Remgold, formerly of Sioux City, Iowa, now ^residing at Portland, Oregon, are in Omaha visiting with Messrs. and Mesdames N. S. Yaffe, L. Margoline, G. Margolin, I. Hurwitz and Frank Tuchman. Mr. and Mrs. A. Friedman and Mr. and Mrs. J. Greenberg, of Sioux City, Iowa, are visiting here and will be accompanied home this week-end by Mr. and Mrs. Reingold, who will visit with them. A number of social' affairs are being planned for the Reingold's, daring their, visit in Sioux City.

Miss Esther- Cherniss left. Tnesday • evening for Washington, D. C , •where she has •accepted a government posi-: tion.



The Y. P. H. C. Is holding a Social meeting.. Thursday afternoon at the home of Seymore Cohn., A Passover program will be given. Munich-' <J^- T. A.)'—The one hundredth- anniversary of the establishment of the fifstsynagogue in Bavaria is celebrated today by the Jewish com* munity of Munich. .

Mr. and Mrs. Elias Eliazaroff The well-known Russian Artists

from Karsh's Theatre, Moscow Together With Their Company in


RP1TKT0? IN FOUR ACTS The. biggest world's success from Spanish-Jewish life in 1400 Spanish Inquisition.

W. J. POWERS CO. gffective April 1st

The steady growth of our business during the past ten years and its broad representative character embracing a number of the best nationally known automotive specialties, as well as batteries dictated this change, and we believe you will be glad to know that the personnel of the company remains the same—the change is in name only, W. J. POWERS CO* will continue as factory distributors of the following lines:

Swan Carburetors Vesta Batteries Perfection Heaters Vesta Trickle Chargers United Air Cleaner ATlantic3394 2212 Harney St.

JEWISH PRESS—THURSDAY, APRIL L192G I New. Theater to Open Saturday reached such high ethical sublimity, in at 33rd and California Streets the expressions and life of its Master, yet"'it barely influences the actual Circle," Omaha's newest conduct of Christians,-,so that,-farI by "STAN' neighborhood theater, will be - open from?practicing" humility .before all Saturday evening, April 4, a t 33rd ;men, they are generally.so uriforbearDID YOU KNOW THAT? and California streets. ant and so unforgiving, continually at The expediences of-the-past decacfe • may only be regenerated through the "• In the City High. School Wrestling Gilbert Jaffe, violinist, and' Nat war with one another, and ungenerous have served to accentuate the great regenerations of the race or group, meet now being held at Tech High Young, pianist, will give special enand• unchivalrous to"unoffending minparadox of modern civilization. One although the very logic of the necesneed not be a student of history, to ap-! sarily so, for, while it is inevitable ority groups'inr their midst—if we are School, five Jewish -lads were among tertainment on the opening night and during next week "Behind the paradox the - contestants.. '•: .. ... ... preciate the/fact that theydawn of j.that the group as awhole should asked!tMs,~we reply~that"the ; : Four, of the bpys wore: the purple Front," a feature movie attraction, is made 'possible; by, the fact that; the modern/times has-brought in its wake . benefit by the acquisitions of its inand .white of Central High while the will beshown. 'great and Uofty teachings, of, the iMas-j unprecedented opportunities for the dividual members, it is not at all 1 fifth bore the maroon and white of ,ter of. Christianity, represent•'{but a This new theater will be managed inevitable that the individual should spiritual enrichment.of the race. In choice, view and mood, whereas, the Tech'High. by Henry J. Hower, arid will feature benefit by the collective acquisitions ancient history it was the lonely extiulk of Christendom, 'having, incorporfirst-class movies. Mr. Hower is a In the first round matches J. Arception, prophet or phislopher, who of the group. The economic wealth ated Christian idealism in an abstract well-known Omaha Theater manager. mentrout of Benson won a fall over •would occasionally , rise to lofty of the United States, for instance, "Church", and having.credited the.n> Soskin of Central in 2 minutes and was never so great as inth e years heights of moral vision, while the five hits in the entire afternoon. Art, bulk remained sunk in idolatry and comprising the aftermath of the selves with the contributions' of :their 39 seconds. tribal chauvinism.- It was the excep- World War; but precisely then, not- inspired'men, havingi.been ;prevented, Van Valkenburg of Tech won by a j last week pitched for the rookies fall over Red Greenberg of Central against the regulars but did not fare tion, the visionary and prophet, who ably in the year 1921, the individual by the.yerypride and spititual"chau; vinism which they =have" thus develqpin minute and 57 seconds. so well. . He is one of the freaks of workingmen into the hundreds of would formulate the whole duay of ed, from making the required individBrewer of Tech won by a fall over baseball, playing both behind and in thousands have suffered from unemman to the deity in terms of upright individual and social conduct, just- ployment, and the breadlines in the ual effort to live .Christ-like... <. ' ' ! Levine of Central in 4 minutes and front of the bat. Not until we rectify the great error 48 seconds. The Jewish Community Center ness,, kindness, and modest walking big industrial cities were as long as in "our mora^religious7 philosophy, in Marcus, the Tech star, threw Ke- baseball team is coming along as well with one's own God. while the multi- during the crisis of 1907. Perhaps, a tudes continued to sacrifice to their more striking illustration would be which the group; and not the i n d i - | h o I m o f N o r t h m 4 ™mites and 25 as might be expected. Practice was (called for Friday night. LouSomberg .gods and tear their flesh in 'frenzy the great wealth of the Russian em- •vidual, is' made the objective, will we seconds. In .the. second round Musselman* of ' will be the captain and also will aid of worship. And surely, the.populace j pire under th Czar as related to the clear up the great paraclox of modem was in no receptive mood; for such J abject poverty of the individual mem- civilizatipn-rrthe paradox of a wjoTld Tech won by fall over Shriebman of in coaching. Nate Green will handle preachments as common brotherhood ber of the peasantry. idealism within an oflealless" world.; We Central in 1 minute and 40 seconds. the managerial reins. of. man and universal peace. Such And here we -have the key to the must shatter the idol of; "heritage" Altshuler of Central won by default The Bnai Israel Club (boys between the . ages of fifteen and sixteen) prophetic idealism invariably re- great;. paradox; the poverty-stricken for; .theSiriregenerated individual, for from Young of North. Marcus, of Tech won his second awarded letters to their basketball mained a voice calling in the.wilder- unemployed American and the land- it is this idol which inhibits his will ness; indeed, they 'were uttered by the less Russian peasant would pride for spiritual uplift. A wealthy man is match of the Tourney by taking a men - and are making plans for a exceptional individuals as "latter day" themselves upon the economic great- not-he who belongs to a^wealthy na- fall from Sayre of Creighton Prep prophecies, as if in admission'of the ness of their respectice countries, tion,'but he who possesses wealth of in 4 minutes and; 10 seconds. The semi-finals will find only two utter incapacity of their generations along with, the plutocracy and the his own. Likewise, Jews, and Christo assimilate such fetching1 idealism. landed nobility! The' American- in tiansare entitled to, the pride of their Jewish lads. Marcus of Tech meetThat is the rpeaning of the/caption of the bread line would glory in the ac- names only insofar as they are them- ing Wenninghoff of North. Eerlier "Vehayah b'acharith hayominj"—and quifation of a Ka'rs, a Tiflis, or even selves possessed of the spiritual treas- in the seasonrMarcus lost a match to 2224 Coming St. by a time deciPhone JAckson 1226. it will be at the End of Days, with a Mantchuria himself forever grow- ures of Judaism and Christianity, but his Polar opponnent :: :. . which the great/prophicips of the ing landless. Such was the force of not by reason of their being born with- sion. Altshuler of Central will meet W. universalists Isaiah and Mkah begin. pseudo-patriotism which has had the in the Jewish or the Christian fold.— • But since the. dawn of modern his- abstract "nation", and not the indi-j David Goldberg in the Jewish Advo- Barron of. Creighton Prep. Elmer Greenberg, the Central High Wet Wash ___ tory, the number of inspired individ- vidual citizen, for its objective. But School heavy weight, did not enter Semi-Flat . uals has been so much onthe increase the Russian revolution- has shown t s cate. the tourney for 'some reason. Per- Rough Dry _ that they coulid^no longer be designat- conclusively that the Russian peashaps he found baseball, track and ed the exception, nor their preach- ant's veneration for the empire's Hebrew University in Jerusalem AMERICAN WET WASH wrestling too much for one man at 2808 Coming St. ments a "voice calling in the wilder- glory in which he was noit permitted Harney 0881 to Unite East and West the same time. .. ness." Indeed, whole groups of people to share was not of the genuine kiud; (Continued from page 1) have responded: to the clarion call of so also were thestrikes and the genArthur Swartz, the former Tech "From this basic' definition there High school athlete now playing these spiritual or ssocial prophets, eral upheaval among -the laboring PAXTON-MITCHELL CO. of and have organized with a view tc classes in the United States, following follows, in the first instance, that the ^ ^ f — f " b a s e b a l l . ^ t h . Omaha ; Barney 1662 embody into the conditions oflife the the crisis of 1921, ample warning that University must be developed in the ft Western-League, caught his first Mtb & Martha Sts. Omaha. Nebr. teachings of their masters. For s the pride which the poverty stricken first place as an institute of research f u l I g a m e : o f the season early this Soft Cray iron brass bronze and aln tima it seemed as though the whole citizen evinces at 'he emblem of the rather than as a centre of teaching. w e e k . Omaha's opponent was Hous- oiinnm castings. Standard sizes bronze and Iron bashings, sewer manholes, world was suddenly filled with a national dollar is an artificial pnMe It shall be devoted, on the one hand,, to^of the^exas"League. Art made cistern rings nnd covers, and clean-out •ioors in stock. knowledge of man's duty on earth, which cannot be relied upon indefinite- to the study and j re-statement of the. n n p W t o u t rf t h r e e t r i p s t o t h e p l a t e , ^ Qne QUt rf t h r e e t r i p s t o p and with a thirst for justice and up- ly, asit is unnatural for one to forever Jewish cultural hentage_and to'Jhe Omaha^by^way^only garnered revival of its spiritual traditions. It rightness. At what time in ancient acquiesce in a system which leaves will further concentrate on the scien-| or mediaeval histories have 60 many one out of consideratioi;. tine investigation of the whole range' people been affected by the teachings Harry H. Lapidus, Pres.-Treas. Now, in the ethico-spirftual world of Oriental civilization, and through W." G. Ure, Secretary. of a Bergson? And at what time in the situation is-analagous to that ex- this work of research lay the foundathe history of mankind have great isting in the politico-economic world. Omaha; Fixture & tions for a new relationship

The PriBe of Heritage as Check to Individual Effort


<IUISF & RIEPFN Funeral Directors

The Omaha Chapter of the A. Z. A. New Delicatessen Stort to are also going to have a baseball Open at 33rd and California A new and up-to-date Delicatessen store will open Sunday April 4, at 512 North 33. St. (33rd and California Street). Mr. I. M. Wintroub, who will own and operate the store, announces that he will carry a full line ct foreign and domestic delicatessen goods, as well as pastries, and groceries. "We will always maintain quality, and service, at reasonable prices," sair Mr. Wintroub. baseball and track team. The Bnai Israel basketball squad met some of the strongest Sunday school- and Church league teams in and about town and defeated them all. They met the Two Triangle Club of Lincoln and defeated them by a nice score. It is boys of this sort who are doing much to make the Jew an athlete as well as a scholar and to make the name of Greenberg, Cohn, etc.,' as prominent on the sport page as that of Kelly and Anderson, etc.

team playing independent ball. The A. Z, A. boys have splendid material for a good team and probably will have a crackerjack nine.

God sent His Singers upon earth With songs of sadness and 01 mirth, That they might touch the hearts of men, And bring them back to heaven again. Longfeilow.



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ing .visions t S , are mM.K, and. their schools! :*#*• & i a S f c S : , ™ ^ desrttet hthe e imi Z S * ! 5 S ^ , 5 ? ^ " ™ S l l ! S S

e mense : vestigating a t present especially those what time in the past had interjiatioal J wealth of t of . considerable idealism reached :the lofty height it phenomenon had reached—alas! in words only— ual spiritually poor just before the Wilson points were f itual wealth of the group. The eco- country, will be able to evolve that atmosphere of exact scientific research scrapped? ' " Who ever 'heard' of" a nbmically poor are tairght'-to g o find fin corncom in which our whole modern civilizapeace without conquest, or of the pensation for their own misery in the right of small peoples to determine collective wealth of the nation, and tion is rooted, and which must certaintheir. own political destiny ? Withal, the spiritually poor are likewise ly be a basic factor in the upbuilding our economic and national and inter- taught and,encouraged to feel them- of a new Jewish cultural life-in Pales.. . .... ' .. . national situations 'today are rel- selves compensated by the rich acqui- tine." atively as unjust as they have been sitions of the -whole; "heritage". The-., in teuecniai eaucawon consists in Intellectual education consists of in in the days when idealism was the result is, politico-economic incompe- j giving the creature the faculties prerogative of the solitary individual. tence and indolence for the ono and admiration, hope and iove v —Ruskm. We have hardly recovered from the spiritual incompetence and indolence ! throes and woes of the greatest war for the other. in history, and already there jswasrbeFor centuries we have been talking Prof. Frank Mach tween France and ruffian" Arabic to the individual in termsof group tribes of Northern Africa, war be- concepts and abstractions.; We have Concert Violinisttween the same natives and Spain, been talking of THe Synagogue and and Instructor •war between France and Syria, war THE Church.as of institutions existand rebellion in China, expatriation ing aside and part of the Jew and has commenfs and praise from some of the greatest teachers in of Polish Germans by the Poles and the Christian, and we demanded of the the world. Give your child a of Germans Poles, by Germany—aye, individual recognition of and acquiescorrect foundation. and there are landless stragglers into cence in these concepts, without, howthe tens of thousands, people without ever, sufficiently insisting that the inStudio mVz North 16tit St. a country of any sort, above-quota dividual Jew make the idealism of the . 304 Crounse Block Phone JAckson 1952. immigrants, who through no crime prophets his own, or that the individor fault of their own, have been ex- ual Christian lead a Christ like life. : eluded from the one place and not ad- We have been preaching to the indiemitted to' the; other j innocent and vidual in block andgroup concepts., •smharmless being sacrificed at the altar with the result that we have inhibited of the selfish and sinful complacency his own individual effort at regenera„.• of the rich and strong peoples! We tion. are thus "witnessing a disheartening It is the sublimation of the "heriparadox: A race 'full''of verbal ideal- tage" of the group as something that ism .in guilty of ideal-less conduct; a reflects unquestionable credit upon the people who learned to speak so <=uper-•• individual who in posh is i nott himself hi latiyely of justice, humanness and session of it, this whole undue "ankindness, is in actual conduct neither • cestry pride," that makes the great the great 1307 Howard St. At. 802is just, nor humane, nor kind. ''--'-' "- ' " of- modern- civilization posparadox Omaha* Nebr. This disheartened aspect of an sible. If .we are asked, for instance, idealless world that is in possession how, with so rich a spiritual heritage, of great ideals could only be no neces- the rank-and-file Jew of today, is so sary organic- relationship between notoriously unspiritual, we reply that what people know and. what .they do, that is because the rich spiritual herno necessary. • connection between : itage of the Jew is in reality but the theoretical and practical idealism, be- ' creation of a number of inspired ntween collective truth and individual dividuals, while the bulk, having .napplication, between the group and corporated this "heritage" into a nathe individual. It is thus that we tional wealth, and having duly credited may speak the truth without pursuing themselves with that wealth, have been it and propound a high s ounding idel- i prevented thereby, that is, by the ism without living it. Weare a race ' pride over the heritage from making of morally ineffective and incompetent the necessary effort to soar up, individually, to the spiritual height of their individuals. ,.. The seeming contradiction of high seers and prophets. - If we could but ethical concepts on the part of the impress the individual Jew with the race with the low ethicalcqnduct on impropriety of so thoroughly shielding he part of the individual may be himself behind the acquisition of his traced to one fundamental error in chosen few, and with the necessity of our moral philosophy which has been reaching out toward the great teachin the habit of sublimating the race ings of his masters from within, the at the expense -of the individual, paradox of. a prophetic Judaism with religtous",agenEve» onr-spiritnahand, p gg \-ar crass materialistic Jewry would discies, such as the 'Church and. the solve itself. likewise, il we are- asked how it is ' " Synagogue, have, been working on the ' postulate- that- the individual member -that,-While abstract-Christianity had

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