April 22, 1926

Page 1

cynic is one wHo knows the price of eVery t l i i n g l a n d tHe v a l u e of nothing*—» I Oscar Wilde* •

Success or failure in business ijc^^sed more by meni£|^||2de'even •.

than jbyfi^cll "rapacities; — WM~m- DM



Entered as second-data mall matter on January 27th, 1021, at postofflee at Omana. Nebraska, under toe Act or March 8, 1879.



U. S. Zionists Urged To ^ Women s Organizations Widen Ranks During to Hold Annual MotherWarsaw,— Difficulties were enOrganization Month Daughter Gatherings countered by reppre'sentatives of the Club oiT Jewish Deputies in asking for

Burden of Reconstructing Pales Three Jewish Women's Clubs the fulfillment of the Club's demands tine Rests Mainly on Zionists, for the Jewish; population in the ecor Wai Observe .This Annual Dr. Weiiman Says nomic; field, in conference with repreEvent sentativ.es of the : Polish Ministry of 125,000 M E M B E R S H I P IS ' \ • GOAL UNIQUE P R 6 G R A M S AT Commerce.[' '•~ ; '.-" Deputies Hartglass and Farbstein THESE AFFAIRS New .York (J.-T. A.)—A call to

Twenty-two "names are this week added to the list of,Paid in Full Pledgors to the Jewish Community Center. Those whose names are announced this week are as follows: D. Crounse Morton L. Degen B. Gross -. Daves Stein Louis J. Kingle M. Adler, Jake BwKovki Ab* JFeltenstein Morton Whitebra* . Joe Schiffer >' Sam Theodore Bernard Theodore A. White -i- ; ; I. Rosenberg: j J. Brenner A. J.. Jacobson B. Fleishman '••;' J. Eadman • P. H; Chudacoff • Mamie H. Newman J. Cohen '-'.'•


kation'WeekOT^f Flares Show Large (J. T. A.)—A manifesto Community Center Ttf Increase of Jewish toBucharest the Roumanian nation, urging comorder in. the country, was issued Be Celebrated Here Students at Harvard plete by the new Prime Minister, Averescu, upon his assuming office. ROUMANIAN GOVERNMENT DEMANDS PEACE IN COUNTRY

Complete Program For Every; Figures Indicate a Gain of 650 First of all, complete order must Nite of Dedication Week be kept. Any attempt at disturbance Percent in 27 Years of the peace will find the government N D B A L L TO BE PROF, G O O L I D G E PUB- compelled to take all necessary meas- G R AFEATURE AFFAIR ures to suppress it, the manifesto LISHES STATISTICS ON states. RELIGIOUS AFFILIATION Plans are now under way for thU The manifesto contains no menOF STUDENTS tion concerning the attitude of the many affairs that will be held during,

confered with Minister of Commerce American. Zionists to set >aside the the dedication week of the JewisH More;, than 400 reservations have Osiecki, with the particippation of {he month. Iyar, April 15 to May 15, as Cambridge, Mass. (J. T. A.)—The nev? government toward the Jewish Community" Center, According to department heads, 'particularly conbeen made for the Mother-Daughter proportion of Jewish students at Har- population, probably in view of the members of the committee in charge Zionist Organization month during bridge-tea to be given by the Wom- cerning the pending industries bill. vard University has increased 650 fact that Octavian Goga, the Minister of arrangements a complete week of No greement was' reached at the which time efforts are to be made to en's Auxiliary of the B'nai B'rith on per cent during the twenty-seven of the Interior, a member of the anti- programs will be held during dedica-* increase the membership of the Zionist .._ 9, at the Black- conference with regard to any of the Organization o£ America and to.enroll Mother's Day, May years from 1895 to 1922, according to Semitic party, in his manifesto prom- tion week. There will be affairs itt stone Hotel." I t will be one of the! questions. Minister;Osiecki pprora- at least 125,0001 members was issued statistics compiled by Julian L. Coo- ises to secure and to extend the all parts of the building with num< largest "social; events to be given by ised, however, to consider-some of the by the American Zionist- Executive r lidge, professor of Mathematics at "rights of the national minorities for erous athletic contests. this -organization thi3 yter. The Jewish demands, Committee of which Louis Lipsky. is Harvard, published in this week's is- a free cultural development, the One of the feature affairs will b9 maintenance of their schools, etc." A i M u s h k i r i • *. •• committee in charge, headed by TSxa. : chairman. . .-; . • • . : - r --.:. . ••„_-„ sue of the.Harvard Alumni Bulletin. held in the Jewish. Community Center! Sam Wolf, and assisted by Lillian Of the class of 1895, 2 per cent was The last issu&of the."New PalesAuditorium during this week will be Kooper,Birdy Selicow, Esther Katieof Jewish faith, while in 1922, 13 per tine," the ofScial organ of the Zionist a grand formal ball. Mrs, N. Mantel man, and Anne Greenberg, have been cent of the graduating class professed Organization, of which Meyer W. elected chairman in charge of working continuously for the past was it. Prof. Coolidge adds that one-fifth Weisgal is the managing editor, was this affair and according to temposeveral weeks to make this event one 1 Prominent Speaker to Address This devoted to the Zionist Organization or 20 per cent of that class were rary plans, this social function will of the outstanding affairs of the sea- j Open Meeting Month. The call was isued.in con- King's Representative, Meets Ex- classed on graduation as Jews "in a Miss Meyer is Representive of Men- be the greatest ever held in the city* son. orah Journal Viceroy on Arrival.in England. formity with a decision of the World broad sense." Other members will be appointed to: In memory of thje'deceased mem- Zionist Executive, urging all Zionist "We are planning to make this a In an article on the religious statisMiss Harriet Meyer of New York assist with this affair. London (J. T. A.)—-An expression unique affair and unusual gifts will be bers of the organisation, the Omaha federations to observe this month. Actics of Harvard, Prof. Coolidge, in adThe members in charge of thd presented to the winners of the gath- Lodge No. 354 of the B'nai Brith will tion to this effect was taken in Eng- of thanks on behalf ..of'the Jewish dition to showing the enormous gain City, field representative of the Monorah Journal will be the guest of the Dedication Week affairs are William community in Great Britain and on beering; Reservations' are still open observe its annual Memorial meeting land, Germany, Holland, Poland and on the part of the Jews, also shows half of the Board of Jewish Deputies that during the same period the num- Sholom Club at their noon luncheon L. Holzman, chairman; Dr. Philip] and can be made with any member of next Thursday evening, April 29, at other countries. Friday at the Brandeis Grill room Sher and Harry A. Wolf. to Lord Reading, reiring viceroy of Inthe committee," said Mrs. Sam Wolf. the Jewish' Community Center. addressed "to the ingdia, was rendered at the monthly ber of Congregationalists, Presby- Miss Meyer will address the gatherIn a message Mrs. Sam Nathan will speak in be- A speaker ofpfominence will deliver terians, Baptists and Methodists de- ing on "Shall Jewish Genius Be En- During this week there will bS American Zionists, Dr. Chaim Weizspecial guides appointed to take the can Zionists, u r . V/naun rrcw,-1 • half of the Mothers at the, Jewish an. address at this'. special. occasion, creased from 28 per cent to 19 per many guests through the Jewish Com* lastofSunday, meeting the Board of Jewish Dep- cent, that the number of Unitarians couraged". W o m e n ' s Welfare Organization and an-appropriate]program is being mann described the need for the Or- j1 uties "The Menorah Journal is the only munity Center building. ganization Month. „ "" Mr. D'Avigdor Goldsmid, president was cut in two,'that the number of Mother-Daughter gathering to be held prepared. _f work of Jewish Literature that is as "It is well that from time to time | of the Board, in commenting upon Episcopalians • remained constant and Tuesday afternoon," May 4, at the The program is being prepared by Jewish Community Center, and Fran- the Intellectual advancement commit- we rehearse and restate our ideals lest the arrival of Lord Reading and the that the proportion of Roman Catho- sisting the young Jewish men and ces Simon, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. tee, headed by Abner Kaimah, -who is in the absorption of our practical -la- reception accorded by ithe city of Lon- lics rose from* only 4 per cent in 1895 women in furthering their work", said Miss Meyer today. It encourages the Louis Simon, will speak for the being assisted by' Nathan S. Yaffe, bors for Palestine we lose sight of don, stated that* thinks are due to to 11 per cent in 1915, the days of young college students to contribub those eternal truths which have given Lord Reading fortfie honor conferSamuel Beber, . William Alberts, Daughters; Brickley and Mahan at Cambridge, Nathan us the strength till now, and -which, red upon Briton Jgwery by the way and then showed a sharp decrease to their writings. The Menorah Journal "We will present an unusual Nathan Bernstein, and Dr. as acclaimed the attention of the liter- Will Celebrate 25th Anniversary Sinc« with the help of God* will give.us the he represented the King in India. • ;•- ! musical program and other interest- Muskin. ' - . 7-per cent in 1922. ary people of America -and has es continuing strength to-crown-our laJ. N. F. Was Established. .x . Lord Reading, returning to London ing numbers; at this annual affair', "In order to make this one of the In his table Prof. Coolidge includes pecialiy attracted attention of Glen Tbor with success," Dr. Weizmann deafter five years, was not at Victoria said Mrs.. Max .Forqmkin, chairman in largest memorial-ineetings.ever held under the title "evangelical:' the mem- Frank, president of Wisconsin Uni New York, April 19. (J. T. A.) —• charge of; the prograni. bythe B'nai-Bnth.-we-invite the pub- clared. It is this purpose which-rab- Station by_Ix>rd Colebrooke, on behalf bers of the Congregational, Methodist, versity." • • • A call for the first national conferCo-operating /with . the, jwomen's lic, to attend," said) Jake ;Malashock, tiviated the Executive to call upon the Of King George, and by, Lord Birken- Baptist and Presbyterian Churches. "The Journal represents the de- ence of the Jewish National Fund w«9 Zionists throughput the world to obk Wateriouse, oii dubs throughout the! city, the .Junior local al B*na^JBrith. ,^ The''table follows: " " -~ veloping and the eTrcouTsgiirg-of Jew- issued fey Judge Bernard A. RosenTgamratibnMontfc duriiig-'IyarV bfehatf of'Prime Minister Baldwin. * HadaraaiTwflt-lra^e a Moffier-DaiigM"In Zionism, we Jews have found Church 1895 1905 1915 1922 ish genius -and the Menorah Societies blatt, chairman of the iiFnd. The con* Interviewed by newspaper men er gatheringWednesday evening, May is represented in" a' sphere of intercol- f erence which wil take place May 9th, the one possibility of a final solution abroad the Channel boat from Prance, -——-—Per Cent B, at the_v Jewish Community Center. 21 22 legiate circles." • •. . at the Hotel Pennsylvania, New York, to our problem which we present'to Episcopalian _.:..2O 23 ex-Viceroy said, "All's well with / The B'nai B'rith Auxiliary members Pamphlet Beginning April 25 the nations, t l is the law of survival the 20 19 Evangelistic 28 23 occurs on the twenty-fifth anniversary India." i and their mothers will he among; the 17 10 Two lews Beys to Represent Unitarian!. ........20 19 which has driven us to Zionism, > We of the organization of the National He declared that the years he spent ) g u e s t s . .. . •..•.'•••' • ... The first fssue of^'The Toreador'-', 11 7 6 Fund. One hundred delegates, leadSchccls i s Oratorical Contest The theme of mother and daughter the official publication of the Omaha are Zionists because we .want to .live there were a time of anxiety and hard Roman Catholic 4 8 13 4 ers in National Fund work throughout; companionship will be carried-out. A Chapter No. 1 A: Z." A-> will be issued —and Zionism was the inevitable ex- work, but added that affairs there Jewish .... .... 2 4 3 pression of the will to live. Zionism Scattering 5 5 the country are expected to attend. Philip N. Krasne, son of Mr. and were better than when he arrivel. "I talk on Mother will be given by one" of Sunday, April 25^ It will be a four 18 27 Mrs. Herman Krasne, will represent 20 The conference, which will cele* the daughters and the response by one page^ pamplet aid , will be issued was not an eccidental phenomenon; in never knew trouble was coming," he Not interested -21 Jewish life. What to close and imme- said, 'or from what quarter it would "The increase of the Jew is even the University of Michigan in the brate the silver jubilee of the National of the Mothers. As an added feature monthly. the committe has secured the services ' David E. Beber, Creighton fresh^ diate observers look like chance, and come. Day and night I was at work." more striking than the Unitarian de- State eliminations of a National Con- Fund and re-view its various activi* of several professional entertainers. man law student* was selecte*l editor- seems bound up with irrelevant events, Lord Reading remarked that he did cline. This is the only body that does stitutional Oratorical Contest on the ties for the upbuilding of the Jewish, : Every girl is invited to attend and is in-chief. Louis Rickiin, Creighton is to the historian a part of the vast not go in for riding on elephants in not show a drop after the war; the 9th of April in Detroit. He won the National Homeland during the past rate of gain is pretty much the same right to represent his university by twenty-five years, is expected to. urged to bring her mother. Rose pharmacy freshman, received the po- processes of* human and national.des- processions. Lazarus, Jeanette Levinson and Grace sition , of business manager. Other tiny. Zionism may apear to«some to winning the All-Campus Contest a a(jopt an extensive program for the "The hardships of the Viceroy's life throughout. he the result of a fortuitous .chain,of "It might seem at first sight that Rosenstein are in charge. are in the sheer drudgery of what I few weeks ago. His subject is "John J intensification of Jewish National members of^ the staff ate Louis E. circumstances; actually, it is part and the proportion of men who are remight almost call 'office work,' he 1 Marshall and the Constitution." Fund work throughout the United Iipp, Edward Shafton, Harry Rubin- parcel of the predestined evolution of stein, - Morris Alperin, Max Givot the Jewish People. eW are Zionists said. "I have done my best to bring ligiously indifferent is greater among Krasne is a Junior at Ann Arbor, and States and the widening of its activi* the Jews than among the Christians. and Lester Lapidus. : because yre must be, because in Zi- peace to India. Things are better About one-fifth of the class of 1922 left Sunday night to resume his ties in Palestine. there now tlien live years ago. For studies after spending his spring The planting -of 100,000 trees i«. The puruose of the paper will be onism we have found the channel of were broadly classed as Jews. Why one thing, the evil spirits aroused by Palestine by American Jews during vacation here with his parents. to publish the news of the Omaha our continuity. should they show but 13 per cent of the war are dying out. The Indian's the next nionth is one of the varied chapter and. the other chapters. Short Abe L. Katleman, son of Mr. and activities of the Fund, which "will ba "Organization Month '; reminds. us emotional unrest is departing. People believers? A more careful analysis Weizmann to Confer With Abdullah personals concerning the Omaha forcibly that the burden reconstruction are looking at things in a calmer reveals that there is nothing very Mrs. J. Katleman, will go to Sioux dwelt upon at the conference. Thus fas and Jouvenel membership will be featured. rests chiefly, if not entirely; -upon light. Constitutional methods are striking here. The 13 per cent of City, Iowa, on Friday to represent the Fund has planted over 300,00$ Zionists and the Zionist Organization, coming back. . Jews among the believers represents the Abraham Lincoln High School in| trees in Palestine in its extensive af« Jerusalem, April 13 (J. T. A.) — and as this work dare not "stop "for about 10 per cent of the total class, the District eliminations of a Nation- forestation campaign, it was stated. "India is being more and more The voice of Palestine Jewry will be Publish Specimen Volume one single moment, American.Zionists Since its establishment twenty* self-governed. We could .not stop self- and the Jews, ethically speaking, come al Constitional Oratorical Contest for heard for- the first time in internaschool students only. His sub- five years ago, the National Fund ha* together with their European brethren o! New Jewish Encyclopedia must patiently and faithfully carry government even if we wanted to. In to perhaps 20 per cent of the class. high tional councils next June when the It appears that about one-half of the ject will be "The Constitution of the invested over §6,000,000 in the purPermanent Mandates Commission of New York (J. T. A.)—A specimen the burden as nobly as they* carried fact,, we have promised the Indians Jews were religiously inclined. On United States". Katleman is a Sen- chase and improvement of land in, self-government," he said. the' League of Nations will hold its volume of the Encyclopedia Judaica, it hitherto. The very guarantee for Palestine, which at the present inthe other hand, of the non-Jews about ior at the local high school. sessions in Geneva. the new Jewish encyclopedia in He- the upbuilding of Palestine rests'only These orations that the two boys creased values, represents a total of 54 per cent profess and call themselves Besides the annual report of the brew and German, published by the in one thing: in the sustained and conwill give are original, one of the rules over $10,000,000. Over 250,000 dunant Christians.". World Zionist • Organization on the Eskol Publishing Company of Berlin, tinued effort of the Zionists i » go on of the contest being that every con- have been purchased by the Fundj progress in Palestine, the Vaad Le- has been received in the United with the work. Iyar will give Ameri testant has to write their own oration. which is held as the inalienable propumi, the national council of Palestine States.• ' ' can Zionists the opportunity to dpmMinneapolis Cantor to Render erty of the Jewish people. Upon this Jews, will send its report directly to • The encyclopedia, which, it is plan- j strate their strength," Dr. Weizmahn Bill Proposed to Admit Near Relatives Services at Local Synagogue land many of the colonies of the Keren? Jewish Education Conference the commission. It is also possible that ned, will also appear in English', will j stated in his message. as Non-Quota Immigrants. Hayesod are located, as well as puba special delegation of the Vaad Le- consist-of'ten volumes of 800 'pages Cantor Max Levin, of the MinneaM&y 16th is Philaidphia lic and school buildings throughout "If-we: are to achieve the-tremenWashington D. C. (J. T. A.)—The umi will proceed to Geneva at-that each. Preparations for the issuance of dously difficult, task of creating a Jew- Wadsworth Bill to admit as non-quota polis Knesses • Israel Synagogue, one the country. In addition to purchastime, it was learned here today. the new encyclopedia have been under ish majority in the Jewish-National immigrants, the parents, wives and of the largest Synagogues in that New York (J. T. A.) -— The ing land in the name of the Jewu* movement for the promotion of JewDr.Ghaim Weizmann, president of way for the hist two years. The edi- Home, we must ensure our future; and city, will render Friday evening and the World Zionist Organization, is torial staff, consisting of prominent this can. be done only* by turning back husbands, and minor children of Saturday -morning services at the ish education in the United States, people, the Fund prepares the land tttt American citizens, the measure looked launched by the Zionist Organization colonization by the Keren Hayesod proceeding today to Amman, the capi- Jewish and non-Jewish - scholars, is and engaging, even ^as in the ^artier B'nai Jacob Synagogue, at 24th and of America, will take definite shape at through drainage, irrigation, clearing forward to by many families in the tal of Transjordania, to visit Emir headed by Dr. Jacob Klatzkin, Profes- years, in the task of making Zionist Nicholas streets. The Friday eveAbdullah, the ruler of Transjordania. sor I. Elbogen, Profesor M. Guttmann, idealism the predominant responsibili- United States suffering the hardship ning services will begin at 7 o'clock a national conference which will take away rocks, etc. Its drainage Work Dr. Weizmann and Col. Frederick .Professor'Weil, Dr. H. Torczyner, Dr. ty of larger circles of American Jews of the present immigration: law, was and the Saturday morning service place on Sunday, May 16» at Phila- has led to a considerable reduction in delphia. Final arrangements for the the maleria in the country. H. Kisch will go to Beirut next Sun- Nahum Goldman and Dr. M. Soloweit- in order that, as our numbers in- rejected by. the Senate Immigration will begin at 8 o'clock. conference are now under way. Committee. The National Fund is of the coloday to confer with the French High schik. Professors Louis Ginsburg, Is- crease, the, distribution of obligation On Sunday evening, at 8 o'clock, Seventeen other bills concerning imA meeting of the provisional com- nization agencies associated with the ^-Commissioner, Henri de Jouvenel. real Davidson, Alexander Marx, Harry may not be so heavy upon each inCantor Levin will give a concert of Wolfson, and Louis Mann are among dividual, and the sum total ~6t the 'ef- migration matters were also rejected. Jewish Folk Songs and Opera Slec- mittee has been called for Sunday, Keren Hayesod, the Hadassah, the HeException was made by the commitApril 18, at the "Pennsylvania Hotel, brew University Fund and the Nizrathe American contributors to the en- fort -may be strong enough to overOBITUARY ted of a bill providing for the admis- tions at the B'nai Jacob Synagogue. New York, when final plans for the chi, in the ?5,000,000 United Palestin« cyclopedia. come all obstacles-and accomplish the Cantor' Levin was formerly associFuneral services for Jacob. Cohn, -» ) Dr. Jacob Klatzkin and Dr. Gold- aim of the movement. Our outstand- sion as non-quota immigrates of hon- ated with the Herev Zadik Synagogue national conference in Philadelphia Appeal. age 77,- a resident of Omaha for orably discharged . soldiers in the will be adopted. mann, who are in this country in the ing task is to deepen an understand26 years; 'who*"died Friday morning, American army during the world war in New York, as assistant cantor to Invitations to the conference are be• April 16,.after,ah eleven week illness, interests of the encyclopedia will be ing of the ideal of the Zionist move who are not citizens.- There are about Joseph Rosenblatt. ing extended to Jewish organizations Two Local Clubs to Present Four-Acf Play Sunday Evening were held that afternoon from the honored at a reception on Sunday, ment, and to increase the number of 50,000 - veterans who will be affected and to leaders in Jewish public affamily residence at 105 North '30th April IS. Addresses will be delivered enrolled members in the-Zionist Or- by this measure, it was stated. SOVIET ARRESTS fairs throughout the country. Street. Burial took place at the Gold- by Louis Lipsky, -Professor Wolfson ganization to at least hundred .andI The Committee also recommended A four-act play "Yankcle Dei? PROSPECTIVE EMMIGRANTS and Dr. Max Raisin. The reception twenty-five thousand," Louis Lipsky legislation for cne year to admit as Zen Hill Cemetery. Schmidt" will be presented by the JEWISH FARMERS MEET Riga,—Many persons, the great \ Mr. Cohn is survived by his widow, will be given at the Hias, New York, declared. non-quota immigrates American-born IN BUENOS AIRES Poali-Zion Dramatic Seetion and the Auflebung Club on Sunday evening, \three sons, Morris and Joe, of Omaha, under the auspices of the Histadruth women married to foreign prior to the majority of whom are Jews, were arBuenos Aires.—An all-Argentine and Max, of Council Bluffs, la., four Ivrith. Abraham Goldberg, President JEW ELECTED PRESIDENT OF Cable Act, without, however, restoring rested in Leningrad and other Rus- Congress of Jewish farmers will be April 25, at the Swedish Auditorium. sian cities by the Communist authoriThe proceeds will be sert to the daughters, Mrs. I. Klein, and Mrs. of the Histdaruth, will preside.- The SWEDISH ACADEMY OF SCIENCE them to American citizenship. opened here on April 27. The Con- Chaluzim of Palestine. ties, according to reliable reports re• . „ David Manvitz, of Omaha, Mrs. HarT specimen volume contains a number of It was not known how this action Stockholm. — Dr. Gustav Cassel, ceived here. The r«is;on for the ar- gress, which will last several days, Xy JKrasne, of Council Bluffs, la., Mrs; treaties on the subjects of Jewish of the Immigration Committee would Herman Zuber* of Hastings, Nebr. Arts and crafts, the Alexandria Jew- Swedish Jewish scientist, was elected affect the Perlman Bill pending be- rests was that.these persons applied has for its object the creation of a federation of Jewish colonists, • _ ^ J i PATRONIZE OXJR ADVERTJSBRL1 „ „ is.„ also survived by_. 21 ugrand- ish community, Alchemy and the Jews. president of the SwedisTi Academy, of | He • fo? .visao'.to OTA »K*««.'l iore Congress, 1 Science for this year. . _ '• Jfkt children and .two greatgrandchildren. The* volume is profusely illustrated.

B'nai B'rith Annual Memorial Meting April 29

British Jews Thank Reading For Services in India

Harriet Meyer To Speak At Sholom

Jewish National Fund to in U. S*

Palestine Jewry Will Submit Report to League Commission

Immigration Committee Rejects Wadsworth Bill










Government adjured all its expenditure in accordance with the foreign Pabltsfatft eterjr 'Wor»«aj.at Omaha, Jtab&Mhu OJt '•' exchange market. Railway fares," THE JEWJSH VRES9 PUBLISHING COMPANY postage, and telegraph rates went up. Office; 400 BrahtJeis Theatre Building.-. Teiepiionej ATlantic 1450. The price of bread and other necessi«ATBAN E-GREEN^ ties rose. All the profits -went to provide for the bare necessities. In ..$2.50. Subscription Pripe, one yearaddition trade suffered from the effurnished on application. fects of the glut. Almost every CHANGB OF ADDftESS— Please jrivo botb the old and new address; family had a huge store of boots, Ue sore and give your name. clothes, \mderwear_j etc., and no one ( T i f JTeWfah Prejs i* supplied to th», Jewish Telegraphic Agency (Jewish was in a hurry to buy—the exchange Correspondence Bureau) with cabled and telegraphic Jewish news, in addition being stabilised no rise in prices was tQ feafure articles and correspondences from all Important Jewish centers. Expected. The shopkeepers were left Inquiries tegsrdina -news,-jtema- credited to thfe Ajreney vrtll M gladly with bjg stores of goods on their a ^ I t aadtesaed ^to Jewtsli Telegraphic Agency, 631firoadway,Newhands which no one wanted to buy and with-bills }n-Zlotys which did-not fall and demanded their face value. OPTIMISM AS A JEWISH On top of that, the Government in^ % t e n d e n c y of attributing to their race itiated an ersTof heavyy taxation which

JEWJSH CALENDAR -..May 2 lM»f«»W« !•*€••• ** £•!•*•••••' 18**Laj? B'Qwer Iy Si van l ~ R h Cbtf May 14 Sivan 6-^Firjt Day of Pentecost .... May 19 Tammuz—Rpah QJiodesh _.......-„., J 12 2 Tammuz 17-»Fa»t of Tammuz _ Juno 29 Ab 1—Rosh Chodesh . July 12 Ab 9—Fast of Ab..,.,,.,.,,..,,,..., ,„->, •• July 20 Ellul—Rosh Chodesh ....„...........: .......... ................. .........Aug. 10 1936—50JJ7 Sept. 9 Tishri 1—First Day of New Year K s h r f " 3 — G a s t o f Gedaliah ........... ,».,.«§ept. 11 Tishri 10—Yom Kippur .......Sept. 18

Majdal, Mea Shearim, Jerusalem, Begin Money Order Exchange Nablus, Nsaareth,- Pethah Tiqva, Ram Between hlestme endU. S.Allah, Er Ramie, Rehoyoth, Rishon le

Ziyqn, Roth Pinna, Safed, Samakh, Washington (J.'T. T.)—Ajdirect ex- Sarsfand, Tel Aviv,' Tiberias, Tul change of, international money orders Karm, Zikhron Ya'aqov." between the United States and Palestine has been opened, according to the ESPERANTO ASSOCIATION K. S. Kegar, Third Assistant PostHONORS FOUNDER master General. The text of the anWarsaw (J. T. A.)—A memorial at nouncement states that a direct exchange of international money orders the grave of Dr. Ludwig Zamenhoff, between the, United States and Pals- the author of the international lantine Was instituted on Aptil 1. Be- guage, Esperanto, erected by the InAssociation, ginning April I "postmasters will ternatipnal Esperanto draw money ordara intended for pay- will be unveiled on April 18. Delegations from Esperanto Associment inithat country as Palestine inations in various countries are exstead of British money orders. They pected to arrive here to attend the unwill express the amount in dollars and 0 cents only, deliver the receipt to the veiling. 0 remitter, mark the money-oi-der from 2 itself cancelled, and send it to the 65% OF JEWISH POPULATION IN UKRAINE PARTICIPATE 0 New York exchange office with the IN SOVIET ELECTIONS 01 duly completed coupon and avice 0 forms. Payment in this country of Moscow (J. T. A.)—Elections to the 0 orders drawn in Palestine will be Jewish Soviets in Ukrainian towns made by means of money orders reand villages were concluded, reports 7 gsued by.the New York exchange pfreceived here state.

0 , rf 4 0 0 Pftdgett,,cf., S I or people- their "purely personal characteristics, as well as the in order to cover for the past 0 Engler, ss .-...3 0 biame^for theft^ai'dsljips and misfortunes. This tendency works lean years, as".well. The result was 0 Conner, If .2 1 by "STAN'» | various ways. y To take a current an4 popular example there, that bankruptcy followed bankruptcy 1 D,.Mositua, lb 2 1 1 1 r , js. the th case of. Jaidwig Lewisohn. Up till l a few years ago Mi\ like an epidemic. 1 J. Bans, c . 3 0 Did you know that? business 0 Ije^sohn-lived :away from his people and its interests. He con- Only the old established trade in Local High School baseball—In the p 2 0 which had a steady sidered himself a JewJ.only by birth. , Then> seemingly, all of a bouses the past managed to!keep on tbeir game between Teth High and Creigh.-26 4 3 18 3 sudden, his Jewish consciousness, partly due to exterior pressure feet. Their., good name, however, ton Prep last Friday at the Tech sta- Totals ! Scow by innings; dium our own Johnny Rosenblatt finally proved their undoing. dl£d^^^ Fifty to sixty-five per cent of the 002 110 0—4 "The subjoined list gives the names Jewish population participated in the effort of t h e introduction Started the rally which resulted in six St. Francis .,....,„ ; v ^ ^ h d discovered, i d th the. sensational i l ffact t thatt hhe js a of Another the Zloty w a s the onening u p of Tech runs and the victory. Johnny Com'y Center 450 000 x—9 of the post offices in Palestine which elections. Jew of Jews,/or.as St, Paul put it,'% Hebrew pf Hebrews." Apd the country t o import i r a d e , chiefly }n his second time at bat socked out Jewish are authorized to issue and pay interSummary: because Mr. Lewisohn is a poet and an enthusiast this second from GermjJ*^, Austria, andCzecho- a vicioys. single bringing in one man 2-base hits: Somberg (2). Struck national money orders i "Acre, El Affule, A^ami, Jaffa, Al* birth of soul moved him to delve deeply into the psychology and Slovakia. If t h e cost of production and himself crossing the homo platter By Kaufman, 11; by V. Mosil ^ t ^S ^ a^f f ^' ^ p^r ^ S^i e n l ^ a ] ? Jewry,-aswell Jewry as Into the^history before-had been very ehonp and no. a moment later. Tuegday Tech and tus, 8; by Handler, 5. Bases on balls: lenby Hd. Tel. Aviv, Beersheba, Beicountry able :to compete with Korth High crossed bats at Fontenelle V.'Mositus, 8; off Kaufman, 7; san, Beer Ya'aquv., Bethlehemi Carbrought; a^d.-i&u|t^6;of thefjjewish |iasi This ^ l ^^i g to light g other Park. Johnny was inserted in the the Polish production, the stabiliation off Handler}" 1. Hit by pitched ball: mel, Avenue Haifa, G^s*, Haifa, fiebforl&.'I^ of t h e Zloty. a n d the susequGu* rise" in lineup in the sixth inning to pinch hit By Kaufman (K. Bans, Lankas); by ron, Hadera, Jaffa, Jenin, Jericho, Jein/ prices resulted in the cost of product foi.Cacciope, the Jech hurler. With Handler .(Conner); by Mositus rusalem, Lydda,. Junction, Lydda. El ^ h t i l lJews. i t bBeing ^ t ^himself K i an ^ intense ^ i idealist,,. to * j tjon t oa a.hitherto' uhdi'eamt of of two strikes andr BO balls already on (Bleicher}. Sacrifice hit's: Blekher, J. g , ionrising ising to hitherto imdreamt has evolved for himself the illusion th%t the Jewish extent Credits became dearer and him Johnny met tbe first ball pitched Bafts, V. Mositus. Passed balls: J. anation o£pure? Idealists,and jthat the Jews as a whole more difficult •«*«--«• to~ *- obtain. - ^ » - Tho ™-- Polish *-» *. for a single scoring the runner ahead Bans, 1; Bleicher, 1; Swartz 1. of him. Rosenblatt is a sweet little Pitchers' records: off Kaufman, 4 State Bank severly limited its credits 1307 Eow&rd St. At, 8028 are motivated a t d by, by the §iame principles principles, sentiments and philosophy and private discounts :rose up to 8 % , pinch hitter as shown Sunday when runs, 3 hits in 5 innings; off V. MosiOmshsi, Ncbr. a a ; W . i 3 . . " ;• ' ' • - ' ' • • ' • • ' ' . .':•'•'• • • ' " • • • ; / • • • . • • • • • • . . ; ' . " ' , • • " " • . • I t was impossible t o turn nut products he singled on his first time at bat in tus, 9: runs, 7 hits in 6 ^ innings; Jutfah L. 'WolfBon, Representative Every day one meets individual Jews who say, "We Jews at so high arate, of interest. A s f o rthe game between the J. C. C. nine off Handler, 0 runs, 0 hits in two inEquitable Ufa of New York (545 Omaha ?T«fl panic aM the. St. Francis Club. are too abstract to make,good engineers," or "We Jews are too giving goods on credit! ~ nings.; Winning pitcher: Kaufman. At. «8S5 Central High School sent' Creigh- Losing pitcher: V. Mositus. Umpires: serious to care for sport," or "We Jews are inveterate card Trade, therefore, centered around ion Prep down to defeat Tuesday aftthe importation of goods from abrcadl Munch and Bloemer. Time of game: players." And what the individual is doing in each case is holdRegular Meeting of To t h e ' Galician businessman t h e ernopn at Thirty-second and Dewey by 2 hours. ing the. whole race or people responsible for his own habits or changing round did n o t present a the cpijllt of 7-0. Oav? Pleicher and idiosyncrasies. difficult task. The foreign countries joe Turner took no mean part in the The J. C C team has a tough foe 4-Roorn Modern ApartYet, nevertheless, the. Jews have many racial characteristics; from which t h e imports came were purple and whits 'victor, Bleicher in to meet this Sunday when they fsce ment. Heat Furnished. $55. and, because the Jewish race has a long history behind it, these the places which.had been h k native the first inning ftied. out to left field, the Kieney Shoe. Store nine at Brown Call at 124 South 87th St. third inning itied otft to short stop, Park. The Kinneys won their first " characteristics are very deeply rooted, One of the most salient of country - before t h e sent a,hot single to left contest last Sunday when they defeatthese racial characteristics is optimism, This may, because the Prague, and Brunn had imported to fifth inning taking two more bases on an team, 14 to 9. Galicia before the War and were only Jews have suffered so much, seem paradoxiatr But that is a waiting for the chance to do business Thea standing of the Gate City by a Bluejay fielder. Bleisuperficial view.. For, as"a matter of fact, only, he who has suffered again with Cracow, Lemherg and Cher's.single in the fifth inning i scored League: much can really be an optimist. He knows life thoroughly-and at fftanielav.. So Boon as the demand a. runner ahead of him, thus, giving Team Won Lost 0 its worst, and nothing, therefore, can daunt him. On the other came they dumped their goods ihtc Central «. one-run lead over the Prep- Jewish Community Center Kinney Shoft Co, ,^tw.^,,..^^ 0 sters. In the sixth stansa Dave fiied Galicia giving a 3 to 6 months credit. Council Bluffs. la. hand, one who ""hTajfhad no" trouble and no travail is easily disQ Castle. Eotel .^.,..,,.,.,..,^,... out to the first baseman. -r\.:' Of course, credit was given only: to couraged and the first heavy responsibility, the first harassing 0 Turner in the first inning" got on 24th St^ Merchants ^,,.,, r . those who were Itnown in- prevyvar Every Thursday Evening at Jewish difficulty which-stares Vim in the face i s apt to make an incurable days I St. Francis Cl\»b ,„....„. -.,-0 thru an error, stole second ana came as honest and punctual in the Community Center Building. : _ . O p e s s i m i s t o fh i m . . . " ' • : ' • " • • - • i I repayments. Honesty was shown to ja home for the first scqre of the Holy Angels «.,..,,,,^.,^,,,.,.. 3. Si. MALASHOCK., President. PAXTON-MltCHELL CO. I AEUAMSON. So we feel justified-in speaking of Dr, Ludwig Stein's latest be the best policy, the only vwyjsl gaine, In,the.third Joeient up a> long American Bus, Colege,.....,— 0 :7tb ft Martha Bts. Barney IMS VI--.0 • •I Crane & Co> ,..,,^ -^,«..-^,. m book, ^Evolution ancGOptfnilsm" ^a^s^s>iibebT5;4ft1^fatitg^^s> -efOTjing-; a- living,-- -A-" tradesman who sacrifice fly to the outfield, scoring Omaba, Nobr. Glade;.in the sixth Joe srtucfc out, but Sort gray trop, grass, bronze and alnexpression to J)r, Stein's innate Jewishness-~age old Jewish enjoyed the reputation of honesty was evened minnm caBtincs. Slandsrd itzeg brpnze LOCAL TRACK . this by scoring in tha «ev«nth as much credit as he.Psked-for. end iron bnsbJngrs, sewer ronnholee, Meets Every Second and Fourth Wedoptimism. Dr. §tein, whp is perhaps the greatest German-Jewish given Foman, youthful Polar Bear 100- qistfcra rings 8Dd <3P?erg, *na clean-out nesday evening at the. Danish Hall after taking first on a fou>ball gift, The result was another crash. : doori {a stock. scholar and philosopher of the present day, has brought together Suddenly the exchange began to Greenberg, Central third baseman and yard dashman at North High, is show10. at 8:30 o'clock. in this volume from a-wide vange of eminent sources and author- vacilate^forejgn currency began to I outfielder, did not get into the game. ing .class in hi chosen specialty. Forities evidence ^rid proof that this life on earth/is^a good life and a1se. Tlie" stores wore crowded with ."Walloping thei St. Francis. basebaU man won the grade school title last .worth much, more than the trouble it takes to goihrought with it. foreign goods. There were bills; out liise la$t Sunday afternoon., at the year, running under the colors of :. against them in foreign currency, Riyervjew Park, diamond, the Jewish North Junior High. He ends with an expression of faith, though citing Francis dollars, Marcus Kra$ne is the only varsity Swiss francS, fitc. Bat the y Center baseball team Bacon, is also fundamentally Jewish: goods had to be sold for Zlotys, and out on the right foot in the weight man in training at the CreighON "No parliamentary decree can abolish the concept of God, so even if thejp got full value for them, City league. Kaufman held the ton Uni. «amp. Tank is expected to • • • • late - • of exchange, they S5t, Francis team to three scratch represent the Bluejays in the field deeply rooted it is in the soul. . . : Bacon's dictum remains true:- a t the" " new sure to lose about 20 to. 4Q?& of. tingles and. struck out 11-men in the events in the forthcoming Dakota, rea little philosophy may lead away from God,' but the deeper pretheir capital. So it happened innings he pitched. Handler al- laya.AT occupation with philosophical and socioligical problem's leads back all the hitherto stable finns ) five owed no hits and no runs in th,e two to God again/' bankrupt. Their bills are.heinj? pro- nnings he pitched and struclc put PQLISH GOVERNMENT tested, and the lawyers who lepresent § men. (19th and Davenport Sts.) # ANNULS WARSAW KEHILLAH foreign firms are busy prosecuting The J. C, C, squad garnered their Admission 25c, PRAESIDIUM ELECTION their claims without getting much, rona.thg first two innings of the money in return, because there isn't game on four Juts, geveral errors and . Warsaw (J. T. AO—New elections any,,to g e t bases on'baUss, The St. Francis to the 'praesidium of the Warsaw r J^r^icoir^ ; ;' . 'The confectionery, hwsery« hftbep. aggregation acjgred two rutis in the hillfth w§re ordered by the Polish : ••-.'<%&•••••: B yB . L A ^ B Y •.. : - ; : • - • : - - •_.. tlasher, and boot trades are co.mple.te-. third inning afafl one in each of the Ministry of Education and Beligions, ly ruined. Corp, merchantg, tpo, are ;vro fucceeding rounds* At a recent meeting of the , A good name is better than precious c.ouU\ afford timo/ to cut and-measure bankrupt. Hqw is -that?, you ask;. Captain ;Lou,;. Soroberg with two Deputy H. com an export article? corn. doubleB out of dfiree trips to the plate ointment; King Solomon. But in Poi his goods for thft-yftaU customer. J Feldstein, both Zionists, |hQrtCn^.th«ir batting attack. led land, and more so in Galicia, it is the There ^vas hardly time ^noygh. to s§l.l merchants surely did: npt iniport | president and vice-president KoseoWatt batting .for A. thed didj l*rt: year was a famine, good name whioh hag proved a case off thfe tq »nd take the respectively, n of. ruin to large numbers of Jewish Lodn or BieAit* for fresh goods, Th? yea?-, and there was a shortage of Weitj batted "JQOO percent (» e hit The Agudath, Israel protested g ^re.ad during the gflmmer, ...Corn had in one trip to the: platter). businessmen. It sounds like a para- railway. fares v?ere next to against, this election in a »i.emora,nSammy lSauf®an, steller pitcher dox, "hut we are living at a time when and so people-kept on travelling, Tha, |o,be imported from abroad on. suhmittpd' to the Ministry pf Ed-> average man tnade.- th.e Journey to the and jn dollars.. The, peasant got it for the Jewish Community Center p.aradoxss are true to life, and Religion. The Ministry •_At the. r present" moment we are en- factory «nce a jweak* and the mor n- on ci'editfoi' Zloty*,_ for there "was a nine, pitched excellent ball and tight- annulled the elections and order ERVICE st the greater Nebraska gaged in witnessfiig, the spectacle o"f entsrprising twice a_wcek, and. they good prospect of the next hat vest. ened up in th,e jjlnchea when opposing new elections to he held. means something more than giving The next harvest was indeed good, were on fcaswst." . » all bought: back goods half paid, for a new', fall in the exchange. The you better values mid better qualities. Th* fldding of t h i tekm at times #oty }s falling and the Dollar is and half on credit for two or three but the peasant has no money to pay his debts."" And *vert "if he paid them, was ragged but -first season mistakes It HieaUf. maintaining immense stoeks going up, At the tim? of the first months. ifc."ft'auld he/in Zlfttys, while the corn are readly forglyen;" | t : l s curious to of "all ?i?ea" to satisfactorily fit every FOR R E N T Ther^Twas another reason for- the depreciation of Polish currency, many merchants' owe theirmoney in. Dolnotice that theth.'C' C riine left five ..." type and build of man. big profits made at that -time, in that Jews go fabulously rich. Business 5 or 7 rooms. AU modem, n $ u stranded on th.9 bags, whereas •was flourishing and those who earned, only home produces •were being bought lara; I t is a 30 to 40% difference i rent, - ^ - Inquire Long. "Stout" Suits soldf The cos,Vo£ Jiving and - The Polish • financial exports are $en SV,Franci«;;club; m^n did on the ro eearned a r e d plenty' and grew richer North 25th Street. talking about a stable Zloty guaranShort "Stout" Suits from hour to hour. _ There were two •wages Tose^ in accordance' with the; Regular> "Stout" Suits conditions, which favoured" such a risi : of the .foreign exchange, and$$ teed by the -whole property of the JEWISH COMMUNITY CENTER it ,,ah "economic1 state of affairs. The' first was that home-, prodwet* v?ei« r muih iheapei\ Statev They "call ; >: ••': "'-'-.j ': A B : R ; H . P O , A . E . "Tall" Men's Sitits fkm import goods fisonv abroad, Bflls ZToty. -But it is with this "eeonomic there was next to no taxation, Konecky, ss.... ._4 0 0 0 2 0 Zloty that" they haver'tnanaged. te ruin machinery of taxation has not yet •wew? wadQ out fov- acceptance, by the "Short" Men's Suits Wash w l Sehreibinan, xt *«-•£ 2 1 0 0 1 m been, prepared and t h e ' Government, §tftio B i ^ j vh^c)vr aUow^d a big cred- the- whole Jewish, business world. It Semi-Flat ^ 1 00 Turner, ef ,.._.v._^,_,2 v o . "Regular" Size Suits existed almost entirely on tlie ebrttin i t to thev Wfai^u^ciiirtra, since, -the was the Jew alone wha was engaged b Dry rBleicher, c. rf . 2 2 1 10 O 1 in -the foreign; tradej The Christian uous printing of paper money. The Govenimfn,t v?<fts.4n constant fear lest 1 0 0 0 0 WET WASH value pf the, paper money, kept there- :th'ey should have to close dowi tlieir: mereliani bought mainly from the L, Weit5, ?b. . w ..^.-3 % 2 3 0 0 2808 Cumins Jew arid owes him woriey in SJlotyis, lb .., ^:..-3 w fore, fajling in value §nd, the value taeiprie.? whiqjv would. ha;y& ;thr6wn v .._^.,.2 i io oi Standard Fabiics and Tailoring of merchandise kept on rising So the^r; worker?rihtQ the lap t& the Comr l a 'fact, h& has made a good bargain, foip hekept his goodd while the Value §b « m w ,8- 0 1 2 0 0 T T everybody bought gopdh—officials 7 Pa^*; k<t manuiactvirer? i n Z l o t y B h a s * i s e f t > ' • •-.''•••' p. c% _ ~ 3 O 0 0 1 0 peasants,' artisan's—everybody whp good. Hse, pf this facility and- ac' Giventer, gb ,.,-^1 0 0 1 0 1 had any money a t all went t o the' cepted all bills', no matter: from, "whom, SOT the Jewish merchant who' go RegenWatt, U ..,-,-,-4 o 4 . . Q ' ° ° shops and exchanged it" for goods fteiy:: came. ; They were; sw?t that; the plenty of credit because of'his good Sw»rt?, c ,...,..„-..... 0 0 4 0 1 SJ, •Whether they needed them ox m\, iav biilg wortd b.e 5ai4. f<?? by the. tims name is suffering now because. qf his |S|4 Cnffitng St. Extra Trousers May be Had Handler, p ,,,_.^. ,o o Q 0 0 o ir!; - . —everyone viaa afraid tbajt, Later on th§ paymente' ca'nje dab. the, ekcj.aitg§ good name; Phone J A cketin 18 would have;-a^Otihei? ;bwmp ^gwivwaitli What is the use of being" wise, they would have-4o pay more for the Spring Topcoats—Windproof and Showerproof Totals ,;,._,»t?.:.2i 9 same goods. The -result: >vaa tbat .of- land a small piece.i^Clsth.wouldpay Solomon :?himself in-all his wisdon: ST. FRANCIS for. a vwhoia; fialei," ThefC wer« no has gone, wrong. A- good name, h ficials and peasants Oil .-had bjllsi were paid re- said, is ^better than pre«ioua ointment housaa. filled with .clothes, boots* fur* Q anti all ^tho trusted in Proji- But"with Q8 in-Polaind e good nami R. Bang, Sb, 2h 0 3. 2b, 8b spells ruin. The second part of th> H e ^ ^ o W t signed jiiUg, >nd'"bough^ . ^ S 4 e J(!wrished<: The ttujsfeei? i i a ^ B e p e i ' s • jnpreBiedr frcro Mi *° : a | a j n ; - 1. ; ; ' 7 7 . • ' " - • > . -• - V • ' „ ' / • :' " verse' is more appropiate ««and th epidemic of suicides among Jewish %ay : " Alrtfokt eypry private dwellinfiri ;, -With 'the iittr^4ufJtiQtf;of: the^Zloty day of 3#ath than th«? day of of ene's •--^-Kr-^'ji^o / birth"fo* thass Je\sptsh business men merchants befare. ^ ^ P ^ O i i e r 0iaTb§ld;:all ifliis waa, ^o4n^er|*owitfM!aTi, w ^ p n y e r t e d CORRECT APPARfit FOR MEN AND WOMEN .Q7210 c M r f g ^ . ? ^ ptarr.:w4fe tite ipcis^ of iaiSe:ihntft^Uflg 'suieide daily.* There But this, too, is vanity and yesatioo living became ; mote- expensive^ The has nevet been in 'Poland such •"'. an of spirit' v : . . - ; -*tr'


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JEWISH PSESS—THURSDAY, AEEUr 22, 1826 Supper To Precede Program at Junior Hadassah PLOTTERS AGAINST Brotherhood Lecture April 28 Card Party May 2 at Blackstone SYNAGOGUE SENTENCED


to Miss


Wise Memorial Hospital

Mr. L. C. Oberlies, of the State B Board of Control of Nebraska, will deliver a lecture at Temple Israel on "Wednesday evening, April 28, at 8 o'clock under the auspices of the Brotherhood. * The lecture will he preceded by a chicken supper at .6:30, prepared by a group of ladies of the congregation. Reservations should be made with Mrs. Harry Rosenfeld h.y April 25, The Brotherhood invites the public to attend the lecture.

The committee in charge of the Junior HadaBsah Card Party to be given Sunday afternoon, May 2, at the Blackstone Hotel, are prepaying a program for the afternoon'3 entertainment. Prises will be given at each table, Wilma Stern is chairman in charge of the committee. She is being assisted by Beulah Mittleman, Celia IJaif, Ida Fine and Grace Eosenstein.

CLOSE CULTURAL BONDS BEworkers was opened yesterday in the city of Simferopol in the presence of TWEEN PALESTINE AND TO PRISON EN LED?S1G 300 delegates. TKANSJORDANIA "URGED BY DR. WEI2MANN The Communist Jewish daily newsBerlin.—Sentences of five years at paper, "Der Ernes" reports from Jerusalem, April 2$. (J, IT. ;A^> — haid labor were imposed by the LeipCrimea that elections to this confersig court on Reinhardt and- Kirsten, Close cultural bonds between Pales- ence took place in an atmosphere of leaders of a gang which conBpired to tine anr Transjordania were nrged by hostility against the Zionists. In bomb the Great Synagogue of Leipsig. Dr. Chaim Weizmann, president of many towns and villages resolutions The counsel for the accused declared the World Zionist Organisation, during •wei-e adopted urging the Soviet govhis conference with Emir Abdullah, that the case would be appealed. ernment to close the agricultural colruer of Tr&nsjordania. * * * Dr. Weizmann, who was the guest lectives of the He'chalutz, the Zionist The conspiracy to destroy the pioneer society, and transform these Great Synagogue in Leipsig was dis- of the Emir at Amman, Tr&nsjor- collectives into Jewish agricultural covered by the police on November dania's capital, invited Arab scholars schools. 18 of last year, in time to prevent to come 1O Palestine to avail themthe plan being carried out. Members 6elves of the facilities of the Hebrew of the radical anti-Semitic organisa- University and the other cultural intions belonging to the Eight party stitutions. Dr. Weizmann «1BO inplanned to destroy the synagogue bby vited the Emir to visit hira in Lonbombing it." They postponed carry- don. This invitation was accepted by ing out the plan until foreign pass- the Emir. ports would be secured. In the meantime, the police learned about the plot JEWISH WORKERS REFUSE TO PARTICIPATE IN WARSAW and arrested two of the conspirators. RELIEF COMMITTEE

who will become the bride . Nurses* Graduation Exerof .feck Fleishman, of this city/ on dses to beheld April 29 Sunday, May 2, many social affairs Local Hadassah Will Public Card Party to be Held tm are being given. This week's parties Graduation exercises of the "Wise Elect Four Delegates April 26, at K. C. Hall for Miss Steinberg was a luncheon on Memorial Hospital Training School to Regional Conference Monday, April 12, when. Mrs. M. for Nurses will be held at the Temple •The Ladies' Auxiliary of the TalFour delegates will he elected by mud Torah will hold a public card Giyenter was hostess at five tables of on Thursday evening, April :29. bridge at- her home. The following A program has been prepared and the Omaha Chapter of Hadassah for party on Monday evening, April 26, afternoon, Mrs. M. Givot entertained the directors of the Wise Hospital the first Southwestern Regional Con- at the K. C. Hall. at bridge r.t her home. On Saturday invite- the public to attend these ference of Hadassah Chapters, which afternoon, April 17, Miss Rose Stein- exercises. will take place at Kansas City June Morris Meyerson, son of Mr. and berg entertained at luncheon for 2 to 4. These delegates will be elected Mrs. Goodman Meyerson, will be barJEWISH SOCIAL WORKEKS Warsaw (J. T. A.)—Representatives twenty guests at the Fontenelie Hotel Arrangements Complete for at the next regular meeting of. the mitareoh on Saturday morning, Maylof Jewish labor have refused to parPROCLAIM STRDIE IN VILNA honoring her sister. That evening, Omaha Chapter of Hadassah on^Wed- at the Shevra B'nai Yesroel SynagoSo, Side Auxiliary Card Party jie3day ticipate in a relief committee formed Miss Leone Novitaky entertained at afternoon, April 28, at the gue. Mr- and Mrs. Meyeraon will Vilna,—The distribiition of bread to by the city government of Warsaw bridge and a slumber party at her The Ladies' Auxiliary of the South Jewish Community Center. entertain at a; reception on. Sunday nuemployed Jewish workers was sus- for the purpose of coping with the home. On Tuesday afternoon, Miss. Synagogue have made arrangeA program consisting of musical afternoon, May 2, from 2 to'6 o'clock, pended here yesterday due to a gener- immediate needs of the population. Rose Korney entertained at an Or-1 roentB for the next monthly card and educational numbers will con- for relatives and.friends. al strike of the Jewish social workers. The Government Commissariat inpheum Theatre party, and on Wednes- party to be given Tuesday afternoon, clude the afternoon's .program. . The strike was called by workers in vited the Jewish workers to particiHelen Whitebook,* daughter of Mr, day ^afternoon,' Mrs. S. Babior was April 27, at 2 o'clock, at the Brandeis and Mrs*. S. WhitebooTc,' won highest the Jwish Community Board, the pate in the Jewish section of the comhostess at five tables of bridge. The Grill Boom. Proceeds of this affair COUNCIL TO MEET APRIL 26 honors, in the musical contest held at Orphans Home, the Oze, the Jewish mittee. In reply to this invitation Mr. •'• •-• first *f the next week's jaffairs for and of al card -parties given by th& A regular meeting of the Council the Thomas Jefferson High School, Charities, and the workers in the Jew- Alter, labor leader, stated that the Miss Steinberg and her. fiance will.be Auxiliary go towards the rebuilding Jewish workers are unable to particiand will represent that school at Iowa ish cemeteries. i ^.dancing party on-Tuesday evening, of the Synagogue in South Omaha, , of Jewish Women will be held Mon- City in May for state honors. pate in this committee in view of the The demands of the strikers are April 27, when Miss Tobie Stembergl Mrs. Joe Sherman is chairman of day afternoon, April 26, at~ 2:30, at fact that they cannot raise funds bethat the institutions pay up the past Miss Whitebook was also awarded the Jewish Community Center. will entertain forty couples at the all card parties given by the Auxili^ cause the Jewish workers have no due salaries and increase the salaries these honors in the contest held last ary. Hostesses far the April card MR. BEN TATLE money to contribute. In addition, » "Wghf House". ' of the social workers. year. party will be the Mesdames S. KolMuch' hardship is resulting from they would not use a bourgeois comMany reader? of this publication fe Mrs. Leonard Hochenberg, of Des nick, -A. Jacobsen, A. Lipsmanw, A. Mr. and Mrs. B. Balaban entert- the strike. Tragic scenes took place mittee for the distribution of the will recognize the. portrait of Mr, V The Daughters of Zion entertained Mojnes, la., who has been visiting , A- Schlaifer and B. Slutkin. Tatle shown above. He has helped | funds, Mr, Alter declared. at twenty tables of bridge at the ained thirty-five guests at their home at the cemetary when relatives had to for several weeks with her, a great many families in Onmha A prize is given to the winner of Monday evening in honor of Rabbi dig the graves for their dead. ; each table. home of Mrs. J. Iintzman, on Wed- and Mrs. A. Rubinsky, of St. Louis to establish cozy attractive homes COLONIES AND ARTISANS mother, MWL M. Zalk, is leaving SunI that have proved an inspiration to nesday afternoon. The bridge was Mo., who are guests of Mr and Mrs. CONFERENCE OPENS IN CRIMEA J them and made life worth living. I day for her home. given for the benefit of tne Jewish M. Somit, of Omaha. Mrs.; Eubinsky UNITED STATES QUOTA • For years Mr. Tatle has been coil- ; National Fund. Hostesses were Mrs. is a sister of Mrs. Balaban. FROM POLAND EXHAUSTED Moscow,—An all-UkraJfoi&n, confer- J nccted with the Hartrean Furni- \ Joseph M. Horwich, son of Mr. and? ence of Jewish colonies, artisans J. Levey and Mrs. E. Weiriberg. I tare Co. He was away from the : Mrs. Charles HoTwich, will be con-; " firm for a few months recently bin' | Warsaw. — Poland's immigration Mrs. Adolph Meyer, who has been firmed at a barmitzvoh service to be only for a few months and when be i The Attflehung Club is giving a visiting with her parents, Mr. and quota to the United States for the held Saturday morning, April 24, a t I returned it was in the capacity of (; dance on Sunday evening, May 2, at Mrs. B. Bernstein, in OskalooBe, Ja., fiscal year 1925-1986 has bbeen exLIMA BEAN SOUP I Sales Manager. Mr. Tatle has a e the Beth Hamedrosh Hagodol Synathe "Lighthouse." wide circle oi acquaintance!? { or a few weeks, will return home hausted, according to gp announcegogue. 1 cup Lima Beane « GIFTS THAT LAST ment by the American Consul Genera -througrhout Omaha and all will be j ..-2 lbs. boiling beef or chicken The G. W. C held a meeting Sun- Monday. » delighted to leam of the larger op- f here. Mr; and Mrs. Joe Batt were honor 1 small onion ' day afternoon, April 18, at the home portunities which have been opened t The B'nai B'rith No. 668 will hold guests a t an anniversary party Sun- ••• -3 stalks celery The Consulate today stopped issu| to him in his new position. Mr. % of Celia Kurs. A hike has been a meeting next Wednesday evening salt and pepper to taste ing visas for this year. day evening, at their home given by f Tatle will be very happy to havs i planned for next Sunday. - % cup well washed rice . April 28, at the Danish Hall. their daughters., in honor of their During the year 5,892 visas were ishis old friends call upon him at the !• Wholesale and 7lcta.il Pour boiling water over beans E •Hertman store on South 16th St.. i anniversary. ^to cover. Let stand ^0 minutes, The Jewish Community Center. Ortweni^nrth " wedding weddi sued, of which 3,000 were given to Mr. Louis Cornbleth, of Hollywood, Jewelers »near Harney, and assures theirs * Covers were laid for seventy-five pour off water and pour over cold chestra will hold a regular weekly alifornia, who has been in, this city the first category immigrants and the' all that he will give his personal t Diamond Importers water. The skins should then slip practice, this Tuesday evening at rest to those prospective immigrants g u e s t s . •'] . (attention and his best efforts to • off easy. Remove skins and add eight o'clock at the Jewish Commun- for a few weeks, returned home this who held numbers issued by the con214-216 City Nat"- Ban* BWg. their service should they favor hini t waok. . , Mrs. Harry Braviroff left this week beans-to "meat which has been put ity Center. I with a, visit.—Adv. \ sulate prior to the date when the Established 1894 oh for soup. Let cook slowly until for Sioux Falls, So. Dak., and Sioux beans are melted^. One half hour quota law went into effectMr. A. Rosenberg, of Hollywood, City, la., where she will visit with before serving, .add rice and celery Omaha Chapter No. 1 of the A. Z. 'alif., is leaving for his home today relatives and friends for a month. and onion cut in small pieces and A. will hod a reguar bi-monthly meetinased fine "with ha'ck of -spaon. If. ing this Sunday afternoon-at 3 o'clock after spending s, few weeks her*. Meyer Goldwareywho has been mak- a thicker soup is desired, use more at the Jewish Community Center. The Mrs. I. Fonarow entertained 20 ing his home in Chicago, HI,, for the- beans* regular drawing for attendance prize children at her home last Saturday past two years, is visiting here with money will be held. afternoon in honor of the eigth birthCHOCOLATE EGG MALTED his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. P. GoldMJLK Baseball practice will be held this day of her daughter, Bernice. ware. He will be here for a month. 2 tablespoons Malted Milk Sunday morning at nine o'clock at 1 tablesnooncocoft thirty-third and Cass Sts. A game Geneva,—The establishment of aa NOON Mrs. Carl Studna *nd son7«f. "Kang . with Lincoln Chapter No. 3 will be international students center was desas City, Mo., who have been Visiting , cups milk RECITALS Tield within several weeks. cided upon at the National Students here for the past several weeks with pinch Bait . •> - : ~ Conference which concluded its seslittle hot water. Mrs. Shiba's parents, Mr. and, Mrg. The B'nai Israel baseball team met sions here. Mix to n smooth taste, malted D. Blumental, left for their home. their first oppontents last Sunday at milk cocoa, Bait, and hot' water. They were accompanied to Kansas Beat egB light and add together Creighton field and emerged triumph- The conference also adoppted resoCity, by Miss Sara Blumenthal, who with Billfc to paste, Treating hard ant. The Club tract team expects tq lutions urging the governments to all the while. 1 tablespoon sugar meet the teamg, of several other clubs facilitate students travel and tie creawill visit there for two weeks. may be added, if. desired. tion of students'homes. .. : in a triangular meet soon. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Swartz are ASPARAGUS "AMERICAN expected to return home the latter The Montifipre Club, organized fpr jpart of this week after having spent Judaism purposes, elected officers re* Boil asparagap in salt water their honeymoon in the until tender. Reserve the water to cently with the following results: Abe use in soup, as it contains food Winer, president; Nathan Ferer, " Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Batt announce value. treasurer; Ben Wine, secretary; Chas. the birth of a baby son, Gerald Lee, Arrange asparagus on platter, born Saturday, April 10, at th§ Wise »n4 over it pour ^5 cun hot putter. Cuss, parliamentarian and reporter; Season with salt and pepper. antl Edward Wiener. sgt-a$-arms. The Memoria.1 Hospital. club nas organized debate, football, Serve hot. May be eaten with the finges as and basketball! teams. Boys between "Poetry and Religion" is the subject chosen by Rabbi Frederick Cohn for the stalks ar not to b& cut =offi the ages of 15 to 18 are eligible fo* membership. The next meeting -will his sermoji-thia Friday evening, April ESCALLOPEP CORN "be held Sunday, April 25, at the 23, at the Temple. On Sat^rd&y 1 can corn .' morning his topic will be "A Casket 2 eggs V ish Community Center. of Jewels". • 1 cup milk 6 medium sized crackers rolled , The Hearty Confirmation class Mrs. Max Wright, of Los Angeles, Baat eggs light- Add Jto com. elected the following officers: Dora Calif., who visited here with her Add rest of ingredients, season Jreshrnan, president; Ruth Fox, gall and pepper and pour lirto treaEurerr JIarriet Wolsky, secretary sister, Mrs. S. G. galtzman, for the with buttered baking dish. Bake one and ' GQertrude Guss reporter. The past four weeks, left for her home hour•"•• ' • • , . - • • ••;" ." nifttnbes will hike to Elmwood this Tuesday. Sunday., SPANISH PICKLES Mr. and Mrs. A. Herzberg motored 5 p T large dill pickles to Excelsior Springe," Mo., Svwdayto It is no jnan'B business whether he 1 small can pimento as genius or "Pt; work he must be gone for about ten days. 2 cups "brown sugar whatever he. is hut quietly and stead 1 cup vinegar j j y * •:• : KusMn. Mrs. Saul Levy and daughter, Mrs. 1 cup water Louis Kulakofsky, returned WednesBoil, sufjur, vinegarj and water day from a several weeks' "Visit in for 5 minutes. -Cut pickles in | burmottTlsHIGH QUALITY"** round slices, Ad4 cut up •plmentb .Kansas City, Mo. i and pour over them the hot; vinesyrup, Allow] to stand a; few Mr. .M..E. Chapman returned Mon- gar Sours "befor se.rving. These are day from a buying trip in New York nice for parties. iflUlU City. WHY NQT BUY THE BEST? CARROT CONSERVE Including Bench, Bench Mrs. S. G. Saltznum is le&yws Man* You can trade your old PHONE 4 cups, ground carrots, "raw" pocket-watch or wrist day for Kansas City, Motl to visit Juice of 4 lemons watch fpr s, NEW ONE. with relatives for a week. Juice and grated rind of 2 this ^eiifierfc! Balsy Chanel Outfit twiay, U you now small oranges i jpeaise JPIS a liberal allowance for it 118 South 17th Street Mrs. David M. Newman is leaving Boil carrots in a. little water un j OS a sew Jit*? S5JW4, T&« outfit Illastratea is ltrat o»e til tender. Add fruit juice and 2 Saturday for a. ten day trip to visit cups sugar. SOUARCDEJULJEWaUB jj mm? &at m< lefttprejl M R F <W Wgwtws iaJe of with relatives in Chicago, Hi. , Cook slowly, stirring no more Brand New Baty (kmti fiaiiM. is necessary until thick. Pour . .Mr. and Mrs. Harry J.j Haykin than into glasses. This is healthy and entertained at their home last Saturday evening at a bridgfli party folT H E F I R S T TIME I X HOUSEHOLD HJNTS lowed by a buffet supper.- Covers Wax the bottoms of your rock- ! The I*oali 2ion Dramatie Section apd Auflebung Club | were laid for twelve em end save, ypur polished flopT?i % will present a 4 act play from being marred. Miss Lucille Stern is the guest of her sister, Mrs". Jack Strauss. Waxed floors should be -washed; Y4NKEL D E E jSHMIT gasplipe and allowed tobe-t.Mrs. Harry J.' Haykin will enter- With come very dry before fresh wax is* tain at a bridge lgncheon.forjtwenty put on.. April 2PV- 1926, at the Swedish Auditorium \\ " >! . . I 1 guests- at hfer lame nWt 'Saturday _. , 16th and Chicago gts. Sag rugs will look nicer and.layl afternoon. ' :" flat on the floor if after washing Benefit-for the' Chaluzim in The wfi&en of Midland College ha.vP you starch them.. taken up archery as an outdoor sport.






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for a, wife, and" not1 talking so~ much er. A tall, handsome' woman. She *'Well, let's have another drink for RUSSIAN MONARCHIST ROUMANIAN GOVERNMENT ; about himself .-and the dollars." was always.active and independent." the bride's health,'; Mrs. Levinsky CONGRESS ELECTS NICHOLAS MANIFESTO HERALDS NEW ' "Oh, get ovet spur; old country "How wonderful!" Mrs. Levinsky said. "Good luck to us all!" ERA FOR MINORITIES LEADER stuff! Let's talk business. What dress said. "Who expected it that we knew "Good luck!' Good luck!", they, aft will you put on tomorrow.? Perhaps each other1 in the old country?" repeated in chorus. * > Paris, April 7 (J. T. A:)—GrarwlBucharest (J. T. A.)—A new era •weTl get a new- one," asked Mrs. Le''Sure!' Such a : gfehtleWearned soul duke* Nicholas Tucolaevitch, an ancle of understanding and justice toward vinsky.' : , , as she was!- May "sheliest in peace," NO ANTI-PASSOVER of the late Czar Nicholas II. and the national minorities is greatei • By D. £OVE "No, auntie. I will go as I am now. Mr. Leyinsky said, ^ i ,, in chief of the'Russian Roumarda is heralded in a government CAMPAIGN IN RUSSIA £ ' (BEPBJNTED tfROM "JEWISH 1.BDGBR" I am not going to doll up myself." Mr. Levinsky was anxious to change THIS YEAR arifly during' the .World'Wai, under manifesto issued here yesterday. "All right; if you-will talk so nice, the conversation. He would rather not whose command many acts of "^antiThe manifesto states that a broadfi* ••Oh1,, don't^ talk f Uke"an>ld maid v niece, Mrs. Levinsky. He is in the he might change his mind," Mrs. Le- mention his family. He, a rich manuMoscow (J. T. A.)—No anti-Pass- Semitic terror and expulsion * were policy of understanding and justice r Yetta! / etta! .You You ought to Vet/Jnto oar clothing-business and is making fine vinsky said. "Just imagine such a facturer in America, with a father over demonstrations were conducted committed, was chosen as the leader toward the minorities and a favorablt American life .and you'd 'wake up," wages." happiness, and you don't even take the rdm Polotzk,-peddling tobacco and in the Union of Socialist Soviet Re- of the Russian Monarchists Emigres reconsideration concerning the ful« Mrs! Xevinsky said. "Tell me all aBout him, Mr. Vine- trouble to appreciate it." matches and boot grease in small vil. publics during Passover week, des- in session here. fillment of the demands of these mi"Well, everything is so very dif- berg. Who is he?" "You know when I married mypelf ages. There are only a few Jews among patches from all parts of the country norities will ensue, in view of the fac< ferent from' home that I don't know "He isn't one of these Americaners to your uncle," Mrs. Levinsky com-! "Well, Mr. Mirsky,. how did you the four hundred delegates who are received here indicate. wfiat to do," Yetta. replied.' "But I —he is a fine old country boy, from mented, "he,was only an operator arid /some here?" Mr. Levinsky asked after participating in the Congress, who that "the happiness of the racial com-> The only anti-religious .expression can't see why I must get marled to the Warsaw gubernia;" not a head cutter, and all he .-made was a while. claim to represent 2,000,000 Russian ponents of the country is a condition was given in the article in,the .Comget along in America." "What's, his business did you say?" ten dollars a week, arid look now how emigres in Europe, members of the for the welfare of the country." "How I came here ? Oh, it's a long" "Say nothing you Kke, but yqu will, asked Mrs. Levinsky anxiously. "Has we worked ourselves up. I • bet the story.- It was just before" registration, munist Yiddish press in which utter- Right parties. ances were made against the tradalways be shut out like a greenhorn he got something in the bank?" president in Poland doesn't live in a and my father did not want me to be , , -The Eatherlandish Union of Russian itional observance of the holiday. amongst American-born girls." "Sure! He is a fine cutter in Sam nicer home. And all the societies we a soldier for the Tsar, a black year Jews Abroad, with headquarters, in Meetings were held in Kiew and Berlin, sent telegraphic greetings to "I am studying hard now. I hope Cohen's factory, but as soon, as he belong. There, isn't • a child that on him! So I run away and I still reOdessa in all factories where a con- the' congress, wishing it success. So to' know English soon, and then I will marries himself to a nice girl, he will wouldn't know Mr.'.Sam Leyinsky. We member the day 1. got .j&ff the ship siderable number -of Jewish workers far, the Jewish problem has not been be able to find better work." go into business for himself. And he belong to. all the charities and'lodges, with my little' bundle" are employed. The meetings were arAT-1000 E.SCHERER "Oh, you old country people make is not looking for money. All he and your uncle can shake hands with "Oh, how wonderful !',VMrs. Levinsky ranged by the Communist committee taken up by. the Congress. me sick! Filled' with learning. In wants is a good cook and a fine girl." the biggest man in America. So take interrupted. America you have to be filled with "That doesn't sound so bad," Mrs. it from .me, Yetta, if. you will have "My first job I got .was as a driver to "explain-, the. significance-of Pass- JEWISH CHAPLAIN IN dollars." Levinsky said. ' "When can'you bring brains you will have everything. for a peddler, and I had to holler for over" and resolutions /were ad.>pfed"to LITHUANIAN ARMY DIES work during Passover" week*., The Tetia Goldstein was a poor niece him, Mr. Vineberg?" America is a goldenMand.". t him, 'Potatoes, carrots, cabbages.'" Charkoff Yiddish Communist papei, of Levxrisky, the cloaks and suits mil"Let "me see^—to-day is Wednesday. . "Sure! Sure! .Think only, I .never "How interesting!" Mrs. Levinsky ' Kovno.—(X. T.'A.)- —Rabbi Israel WHOLESALE lionaire. She had come over to this What aboit' next Friday? Does that yet went inside a school in America," said, "fiut how could y.ou manage .the "Der Stern" complained that/Tdiile Kapian, chief Jewish field chaplain the government appeals to the'popcountry a few months ago from suit you, Mrs. Levinsky?' Mr. Levinsky said, "and I have Ameri- Inglish words in the beginning?" Druggists and Stationers ulation for economy, the Jews are of the Lithuanian army, died here Poland, with the money her-uncle sent "Sure! Sure! It's-very fortunate, be- can-born college men" working forme fOt-403-406 Moatb 10?tl 0tTVM "My boss knew as much English as spending* many milTions' for Matzos at the. age1 of forty-six. her; cause Mr. Levinsky doesn't go to any as travelers and salesmen, 1 can hire I knew," Mirsky said, with a humorHis funeral- took place today with She- did not fit in somehow into her lodge meeting on Friday; night, sor he anil fire, them just as it pleases me. ous'twinkle in. his eyes. "I did not rendered fat and, wine. military honors. High government rich relative's environment. She came will be With aft their college-education, they say- it correct, but my- boss couldn't effifcials attended the funeral. to America too late to avail herself of And so. Friday was a very impor- haven't got the heads to make the teft the difference. And then when t Grips Imagi»8tioB of Many Stem MIDWEST Families Throughout Europe the gifts of an American girl, so her ;tant day- for Yetfeu ' Her aunt thought money your uncle Abe has." saved up myself a few dollars and ?HGRAViNC»CO. INC aunt thought. Had she been fifteen that she; should put a little paint on ' Yetta didn't like- the last boast of -wasn't any more a greener, I went V ARTISTS (T Johannesburg, South Africa (J. T. years younger, she would have'gone her cheeks to make herself look more this, but she had to listen. Mr. Le- into the clothing business' as a fin/ ENGRAVERS V A )—-The tale of a huge fortune left ; to school and imbibed Aemrican ideas. like an American girl. She put all her vinsky began telling .of his invest- isher, and now I am 'somebody." Concert Violinist in a country overseas by "a Jewish She had no style; no painted cheeks aunt's trimming on her face. Now she ments and business affairs. ;He pic"Sure!" agreed, Mr. Levinsky. 315 ••.-sp»i4-'T«.-$'ar. O M A H A and Instructor and lips; no bobbed hair.' She looked looked exactly, like the others. Bed tured the wonders o t himself and his 'Making money is the biggest game in immigrant from Poland has gripped the imagination of many members of just like those home girts, retaining lips,' red cheeks, a" new silk dress, fortune. America." has comments and praise from the family of Stern in various parts all their innocence from Europe. short to her knees. She looked like some of.the. greatest teachers in The next mornings Sam Vineberg "And nOw let's have some tea," Mrs. :ia of Europe. ••-•-•... the world. Give your child a The days she spent in her uncle's a young girl in the height of her came to the house. Levinsky said. "And t you, Mr. MirsChief Rabbi Landau, of Johannescorrect foundation. factory, working as a finisher, for - in bloom! But her excited feeling soon "Nu, Mrs. Levinsky, what do you ky, will taste a piece of real, old America everybody has to earn his disappeared. She felt queer and fun- say to the boy?" lie asked. "Am I a country pfan-kuchen that our Yetta burg has received hundreds of letters Studio 117 Vz North 16th St. "Manufactured in Omaha" from people by the name of Stern^ in living. At nights she studied English, ny, as if her painted' face did noc be- good matchmaker?' ' *' 304 Crouise Block made herself." Poland, Germany, Austria, Hungary and the position she occupied in her long to the rets of her. She felt like • "Oh, I think you are all right," Mrs BAKEK ICE MACHINE .CO.. Phone JAckson 1952. "Read pfan-kuchen! Did you make and England in connection with the uncle's home was not to envy. As a a dolled-up dummy. And when Mr. Levinsky replied. "What did he say V it yourself?" he asked Yetta. rumors circulating throughout Europe^ private' teacher in Poland, she had Vineberg came .to introduce Her new "What did he have to say?- He "Sure I made it!" Yetta replied, concerning a Jew, Moses Stern, -who not been able to make enough, and so suitor, she grew panicky with self- thinks that the girl is a peach, that's blushing. • i is reported to have died in Johannesshe had come here with hope for the consciousness. She felt ashamed and all; Nu, what do. you say ?" he asked "I wish you.would taste our Yetta's burg in, 1919, leaving the amount of 1 better.confused with her false face. turning tp Yetta. "Am I not a fine tzdmas or Lugel. It melts in your £200,000,000 unclaimed by his heirs. Soon she learned what an American "Mr. Mirsky, meet, Mr. and Mrs. matchmaker? Girls are running after month," Mrs. Levinsky said. An investigation of the records in ISADORE ABltAMSOX cloaks and suits millionaire was! Her Levinsky,"i ntroduced Sam Vineberg, him with three and five.thousand dolNot only Mirsky's-month, but his aunt was shining with silks and the matchmaker, -"and this is Miss lars dowryrand.you ought to see them, eyes, watered as they mentioned the South Africa shows that no such '•*PjaBlic i^ccouhtants and A uditors estate existed, although it is possible sparkling with diamonds. But all the Yetta' Goldberg, from Poland. young, beautiful and born Americans. tzimas. that a man by the name of Moses jewelry her uncle' bought her was only "Pleased to meet' you, I am sure," They were begging for him. But he "Let's have first a. little drink, Mr. to show his friends how rich'he was. replied Ben Mirsky, and "bowed polite- doesn't care for these dressed-up, Mirsky.," Mr. Levinsky said. "What do Stern came to South Africa from They had a servant, a car, a nice ly and began to fuss with his tie,' to paint-up dolls. . He wants a wife that you take? -Now don't be shy; we have Poland. No trace of any millions left by him can be found. house. All they did in* the evening show the big diamond' that glittered could help him put in the. business." everything in. the house." - 490 BRA^ElS'UiaEATER: BLDG. was play poket. "Her uncle Abe could on his finger. "Sure! That's, why he wants your "Yes, Sam, you must shpwMr. *Mir- Nothing useless is, or low; "" Atiarttic 1450. U%e a few hundred dollars in one eve- There was something about- the cut will have it, if he gets our-Yetta—and sky our wine cellar," Mrs. Levinsky Each'thing'in its place is best. ning. of Mirsky's one-button, high-waistef! such a family!" Mrs.. Leyinsky said, said proudly. Longfellow. i• * "tThis is America,'1 Mrs. Levinsky sack suit that rather struck Yetta's "I don't have' have'to to tell'you-about our "Sure! Sure! I bet the Tsar in Ruswent on, "where everybody must look eyes. family., dp L~Mr. Vineberg ?" sia1; did not have a finer stock!" Mr. outr for himself. You can't always Mrs. Levinsky £egan to brag, all "Sure! That's what he want your Levinsky said. , ., slave in the factory, and don't forget about' Yetia's" smartness' and again niece for a wife. And believe me,' "Now, Mr. Levinsky, let's talk feui1 that you are getting* on in years. she spread' out the family tree.Mr. Vineberg went on, "that she will ness,*' said Mirsky. <iYou know what Twenty-eight is high time to get marAnd Mitsky, farmed "with" a glass of get him, such a boy!" for I am here. I like your niece Yetta, Tied." wine and'"Mrs. " Ifevihsky's word's, "How much has he got in th and I think she is just right,for me. "I don't care to get married. ,I've laugfied'and "told" all' about the sales bank?" Mrs. Levinsky agked. What do you say$-Mr.;Levinsky?' set out to do something, and I am go- he made in the garment and clothing ''Don't.worry, Mrs. Levinsky; he has "What do I have to say? I can only business. ing ' to" do- it, 'even if it Jails me." a fine bank book, and if they will haw say good luck to us-all!" With great "It may not kill you. But if you're "I know inside the whole clottiirifr brains they wUlJboth work themselves joy, Mr., Levinsy shook Mirsky's left an old maid," it's worse." trade. I was working already as a upj hand. "I will be glad <to have you in Late into the night Yetta was ab- baster, presser and operator. And "Sure I In America a man can ge our family, I am sure.' sorbed in thought. She had come to now I am already, the head of Sam rich quick if he only has a head foi "And-it is an honor: for me to have Montreal with cheeks like red apples, Cohen's factory, and I am thinking business. It isn't like in Russia, eh you for an uncle," said Mirsky with skin softer and finer than velvet, long, to start myself a shop." Mr. Vineberg?" . • great respect. braids to her knees, eyes dancing and "So you will be a manufacturer," "You bet! And in the beginninj They shook hands" again and wished shining with life. And such life as Mr. Levinsky said, puffing his'big ci- your niece could help him out in th themselves good luck for settling the she once had 1 And now? Her eyes gar. shop with the finishers." match so quickly. "It's a great.honor were tired and gazed far away at "Sure! But first I am thinking to Yetta sat listening to the conversa .for me," Mirsky said over and over nothing. A set sadnesB about her lips get myself married," said Mirsky. tion^as though a helpless stone. Sh< again. " • like those of an old maid's who has "You know, Mr. Levinsky, a business did not dare to say a word. Her aun "Here, Yetta, my niece," Mr. Levingiven up all hope of happiness. A man needs a wife." did all the talking for ,her. sky said, "why are you blushing?" gray face, turned to stone from not "Sure! Sure!" interrupted Sam Sam Vineberg was so excited wit! Yetta did not even look up, blushing living. Everything about her was dead Vineberg. "A man needs a wife that his success in getting Mr. Levinsky all the time. and gray. What had she done to h'er- could help him in the business, if niece a manufacturer that he wantet "She is still like the old country self to make her face look so sad and she's got a head.' to sjiow off his smartness. girls," Mr. Levinsky said. "Instead to cold? If she could only get away "That's just what I am looking for," "Nu, Miss, what you say?' from here! If she could -only break said Mirsky, smiling. "I like a plain Vineberg asked, turning to Yetta. " think of business they" waste their away-from all her rich relatives! She home girl that knows how to help save bet a big diamond will soon holle. time for learning." "Sure! Only dumbheads fool themmust live her own life, and she was the dollar, and cook a good meal and from your-finger. Isn't America a smart enough to look out for. her- help.me in the shop." golden land 1 I am sure you will thank selves that education and universities, Mlf. Yetta sat like wood; she did not Sam Vineberg to the end of his life. and all sorts of nonsense will push them on in the world," said Mr. LeAnd jthe next day Yetta overheard even look up, but kept playing Such a boy!" vinsky. "It's money that makes the her aunt and Mr, Vinberg, the match- mechanically with her hands. in r Yetta shrugged her shoulders maker. Mr. and Mrs. Levinsky- laughed and complete surrender. .She did not care wheels go round!" . "And such a fine girl she is", Mrs, talked and praised Yetta. Only Yetta for Mirsky,,or his shop, or diamonds. "Sure!" Mrs. Levinsky said smiling. Levinsky said. "And what a family, kept silent and. miserable with the tor- She did not care about any man at "If you got .the dollars, you got them Mr. Vineberg!" tured, frightened eyes looking at her all. But she was tired of her relative all under your feet, just because you Sani Vineberg agreed to this state- aunt and uncle. and wanted to get away. , got ,the money." •_- ment with a sort of palsied nodding of And before Mireky left he invited The same evening at precisely . 1 his liead. Yetta to the theater, -which Mrs. Le- o'clock, .Ben Mirsky, in a new navj "But don't forget, Mrs. Levinsky, vinsky took for a good omen. Buick can, and does Buick is selling "Let Uf Help. You Keep Clem" blue suit, entered the house. A smell that your niece is a greenhorn, and "Such fine theayters we have here! of perfume filled the "room as he cann build its cars the more cars today you ought to ought to know that our "Sure! We take her everywhere," in. 'He looked around smiling, much way ail motor car than ever before in boys like them with English tongue.' Mrs. Levinsky said with dignity. pleased with himself . 1819 California Street engineers would Buick history.* The "With the English tongue? Oh, Mr. As soon as they had- gone, Doth Mr. ATlantic 62»1. "Good evening, everybody," he said, Vineberg, I wish you a long life," Mrs. and Mrs. Levinsky turned to Yetta. smiling. like to build theirs, public wants finer Levinsky said, piously. "You ougthta "Nu? How do you' like this manu"Oh, how do you do, Mr. Mirsky! if their volume or transportation at •HT. ffnicfc"hi,lie* hear her talking, you wouldn't call her facturer for a husband ?" said Mrs. Levinsky. "I am pleased to m •ohmc «/ mi**, «B 1 selling price per- lower cost. And in number* ef the N«greenhorn. If I tell you she is a fine "I tell you I always know people see you; Sit down and make yourself In Omaha t<o*«l Automobile girl," you may believe.me,. Mr. Vine- from the first look/' said Mrs. Levins.- at home. Just a moment. I will get mitted. Buick they get it. berg. And such a heart! .She's got ky. "You will mark my words, that Mr. Levinsky." BUICK MOTOR COMPANY, FLINT, MICHIGAN 130 Kooms—SOU Batli* some day he will be a person amongst a lieart of gold!" "Sam, dear, where aTe you?" she O M I I Room* (or C1JV0 Divuion ef General Motor* Cotferatiott "Sure! Sure!" Vinebery said in people, and not an old country, hungry called. "Come down. Mr. Mirsky is Operated bjr Eppley Hotrls Co. vibrant, confident tones. "But I would looking nobody." here!" . "But you oughta change if you want like to see her myself. How old did "Oh, hello, Mr. Mirsky," said Mr. you say ahe' was, Mrs. Levinsky^" to get a husband in, America, and not Levinsky. "I am pleased to see you, 1 Harry H. Lapidus, Pres.-Treas. "Who, -Yetta? She is only twenty- sit like, a wooden stick,'* said Mr. Le- am sure!" He grasped Mirsky's hand W. G. Ure. Secretary. 1 three /* Mrs. Levinaky replied, as she vinsky.' and shook it vigorously. "Never mind," said Mrs.- Levinsky. thought it wouldn't do any harm to They went on talking about their Omaha Fixture & take off,five years of Yetta'a age, for «'I could see that Mirsky took to Yetta families' homes. To their surprise, Supply Co. the younger " they are, the better from the first minute," and turning to they found that they were iamlsleute COMPLBTB BTOBE AND her. niece, she added, smiling: "1 can (countrymen). They came from .the chance they have. OFFICB OUTFITTERS ' A f t e r the conference with the see that you won't have to bend over same gubernia, from villages only a riatcfimalceriand ft spreading out of the needle much longer, and the dia- few miles apart. H. E. Sidle*, P«fe». Ck««. Stuart, Sec. *nd Treat. Lee Huff, Vie* P r o . the i W f r tree*. Mr. Viaeberg took out monds on your fingers.- Nu, what do "And just imagine that our families The OUosi Established AutomotSI* Concern in the Central Weat. Established in 1903. Btenntb. «n*. Umn la* Ktccdt.

_ FbundiA Manufacturer ForYetta


E. E. Bruce & Co.

Prof.. Frank Mach

Baker Ice Machines

ABRAMSON AUDIT CO. l | | i ^ ^



with many motor cars

-hut its mine witfanone Because of the great number of Buidcs bought each year, and because every dollar of the savings of great volume goes back into Buick value, Buick's moderate price buys quality.

Frontier Towel & Linen Snppty


Nebraska Buick Auto Company

•Bs *otebo»k and proposed.* «ndi-l you say?".. ., , . ,. . xJateSeBad^stocIf. '" "I don't know. Perhaps. -----•-'tb©'n$ht boy for your jliko Win; 1


.lived so, near each other!" Mr. Levins\ s » d « ^ _ ^ ^. "Surefl Tememb^r well, your moth-



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