Success or failure in business is caused more by mental Attitndeeven than by mental capac-
ities. —'Walter Scott.
VOL." V—No. 22
lie is one w£o • fcoows -i* JC price *jf ' ey'eiyt l i i n g and the us £ nothing.— Wi
Entered aa •econ«-eJi|»S~:3J' matter pn January 27th. 1021, at postofllce at Omaha. • ^ ^ | r 3 t a , coder the Act ol March 2, 1879.
IS^aSMAN^KILLED'.- '•''Iscar Solomon Strauss, ^"""^"iKINiatETH LACK Jerusalem.—(J. T. A.)—Three fishStatesman, Diplomat, ermen -were killed in a quarrel between two fishing boats on the Lack Died Monday Morning of Kinereth.. The .fight broke out at
Y.M. and Y.WJLA. to London.—(J. T. A.)—The Marquis Present Operetta of of Eeading was honored last night at LOBD BEADING FETED BY PILGRDIS IN LONDON
a dinner given by the Pilgrim Society, under the presidency of Lord midnight Sunday between the two Desborough. Honored By Five American boats, one belonging to a Jewish merThe United States Ambassador to To Be Staged Daring JewisM chant, Massaud, conveying Arab fishPresidents; Was Twice Community Center DedicaEngland, Lord Birkenhead and Sir v ermen and another boat belonging to Member of U. S. tion Week Joynson Hicks, British Home Secrea, Jew, Goldzweig and the Arab ScheCabinet tary, and four hundred other guests chade conveying fifteen Arab fisher.TWENTY. VOICES TO TAKE were present at the dinner. PART IN THIS PROONE OP THE OUTSTANDING :menl The. attack "was started by In his address Lord Eeading paid those' in the latter boat. The "men DUCTION FIGURES IN AMERICAN tribute to Lady Beading who, he statwho -were' killed "we're, in the boat by JEWRY, ed, did much to cure the racial ani: The members of the Y. M. and Y. Massoud.. . mosity by her work among the -women W. H. A. are again working on the New York (J. T. A.)—Oscar S. in India. Straus, American statesman and dipoperetta "Windmills of Holland", lomat, and one of the outstanding presented last year, to be given as an figures in American Jewry for half a additional entertainment during decentury, died suddenly Monday momdication week of-the Jewish Communing from a heart attack. Mr. Straus ity Center. The operetta is being was in his seventy-sixth year. entirely directed by Mrs. Ricklie BoaeProceeds to go Far Equipment Fund berg, who also directed the opera last Oscar. Solomon'Straus, -who -was of Community Center To be Installed at Des Moines year. A careful. selection has been honored by. five American presidents, Conclave •was twice member of the United made by the director who has selected The Card Party to be given by the States cabinet and -was United States Omaha Chapter of Hadassah, Monday The Compeers, an organization of some of the best voices in the city to Ambassador to Turkey, the first Jew afternoon, on May 12, .at-the Brandeis Omaha young Je-wish men, has affil- take part. to hold, Because of the success of the operGrill, promises to be one of the iated with the Ivre club, an organizaHe was a colleague of President largest parties of the yjar. Resertion having chapters in Des Moines, etta last year, it is being presented Roosevelt in the formation of the •vations for over.'one" hundred tables Sioux City and Lincoln. The Omaha for a second engagement. was! All participants in the operetta will Progressive Party and in 1912 have'already .been, made, and many organization will be known as the g be dressed in old Dutch costumes, more are expected/'"to'-attend. The Compeer Chapter of the Ivre. the candidate of this party for goventhusiasm and -favorable • comment which make the very quaint picture ernor of New York. He -was born The members of the Compeers are: December 23, 1850 and when he came which this party is receiving, speakes Ben Shapiro, president, Robert I. of the presentation. Boys and girls m Georgia, •well for the papularity of the Hadr to this country Marer, vice-president, Sam Newman, will be dressed in the old wooden living at Talbotton, Ga., and in Col- assah and the friendly attitude tosecretary-treasurer, Morris Linsman, shoes. umbus, until 1865, when he came to •ward the New, Jewish Center, since The persons taking part have been Abe Vanger, Jack Melcher, Wm. A. proceeds derived'.from'this party, will New York. Levey, Morris Vanger, Jack Fleishr rehearsing daily and, from all indicaHe received the degree of Bachelor go to furnish a room in this building. man, Abe Gross, Morris Micklin, Sam tions, this operetta will le even a betof Arts from Columbia University in The Hadassah is ^giving a series of Wolf, Robert H. Kooper, Lester ter performance than last year. 1871, LL. B. in 1873 and his Masters parties' to raise funds for the Hadas"The boys and girls are doing their Meyer, Isadore Levinson, Norman degree in 1874. He also held degrees sah Medical Unit which i s doing such Harris, Herbert Goldstenand Jack W. part wonderfully," said Mrs. Ricklie from Brown University, Washington splendid work in : Palestine. VisiMarer. The out-of-to-wn members Boasberg, director of the operetta. and Lee, University of Pennsylvania. tors- i n that" cqunfey are impressed are Nathan Sudow and Robert A. "We hope to make thie a leading event In 1882 he -was married to Sarah! •with the high standard ~of medical in Omaha." ain. Lavanburg. ' • aid djspenced by Hadassah hospitals, , By GEOEGE The Compeers will be initiated at He practiced law in New York from clinics, .and baby stations. the annual conclave to be held in Des 1873 to 1881, following which hebeld The" hostesses "who are - assisting Moines, May 30 and 31. The crack knows what bitter memorie If you have a gray-hairefi mother various'"civic and' governmental posi- Mrs. B. A.*Sim'oit-with this affair are Sioux City chapter degree team will Hay haunt you if you wart? In. the Old Home far away, tions, being appointed Ambassador to TheMesdames • ' "i •[' l-i"•;:;.' be in charge of the initiation -work. So make your loved one happy Sit: you tdown and write the letter. Turkey in 1887,-whiej* post he held B. Brodkey Morris Mlder Before it is- top. late. • ' . You put; aft from;rday to day. It is predicted this wmclave will be Propoese to Admit 35,00© Nesr Rplauntil 1901. He was appointed a mem- Ii.-BlotBiy " " WinT~MlJder ihe biggest ever liekl "by the .Ivxe. ; ber of the "Permanent' Court of Aibi^ S. 3ercoidti. _ J. *": "Dotft -vrat Tinfii her weary s t ^ s * re additifBr T>f tht_ Chiutha. chapter Samuel tration"af The" Hague in 1902 to, Sam Frohm The letters nerer sent/ ! Nathan MnnttlfReach Heaven's pearly gate, " to brings the membership Washington, D.C.—ASiofcher amendP. Fell, ? Harry MalaBbock .fill th£ vacancy-of ex-President Harri- N. I. of tbe-^tDup But show her that you think of 1:. The long forgotten .messages, H. Ferer. .. . . . : S; KaUian, the Ivre club to more than one ment to the Immigration Law, proson. He was reappointed by President 0. C Grtdiier" Siiiion- Pizer Before it is too late. V The wealth of-love unsi>etit. hundred active young Jewish men in viding -for the admission outside the J_- Greenberg --. '•&. Hubnltj; Roosevelt, -Taft arid Wilson. Oscar J.: G. E. Gflinsky Dare KosenBtock the four cities. Nearly all of these quota of the wives and children Under 1 J.-RoseBblaft Straus was secretary of Commerce •M. Gordon' For these some hearts are breaking, If you have a tender message, • ••"• members will be in attendance at the eighteen of aliens who came to this Abe Goldstein Abraham Konun and Labor in the cabinet of President Abe Hertzberg Dave Sherman For these some loved ones wait; Or a loving word to say. ' conclave at Des Moines. li. Holtzman Nathan Sherman country legally prior to July 1, 1924, Roosevelt and -was Ambassador to •Wm. Show them that you care for them Don't wait till you forget it, Harry Knlakofsky Philip Sher Abe Silvermon. will be introduced by Senator WadsTurkey again in 1909. 1. Kulakofsky But whisper it today. Before it is too late. LonlB Knlakofeky __ worth of Nw York. Senator Wada•He -was chairman of the New York M. Knlakolsky - Hurry Wolf Sfeimsk Relief Sosiety •worth's bill provides that the number lteoben KulakofBiy-AiWolf Public Service Commission in 1915 M. KatJeman "ATL. WoMner under this plan be limited I». Wohlner and held various positions in the Na- Abner Kalman To Give Dance M&y 16 toadmissable Iilpsey XL YonBemthirty-five thousand. This bill will tional Primary League, the American J. Morris Levey Blanche Zimman A meeting of the Shimsk Relief constitute Senator Wadsworih's promS. Zaltzman Social Science Association, the Na- Harry Lapidus Society was held Sunday, May 2, at ised final effort to obtain relief for Zeta Beta Tau tional Civic Federation, the Interthe B'nai Israel Synagogue. $150 was the relatives of aliens, despite the national Law Association. He was Medal for Wise sent to Shimsk, Russia, for the poor Senate Immigration Committes's represident of the New York Board of Jewish Community Center Boy cent rejection of the Wadsworth-Perlones of that city. Trade and Transportation. Scoots "Win honors In Rally Eleven P r o m i n e n t Jewish man Bill. Mr. Reuben Ferer, chairman of the Younger Mants \1ews Held to Be Out Mr. Straus was the author.of many Will Play Strong Team Sunday dance to be given by the club on Editors Confer Award On Wadsworth intended originally to The Community Center's own B03 •works, including, "The Origin of the of Accord with Zionism Afternoon Sunday evening, May 16, at Keep's offer this bill as an amendment to the Republican Form of Government in Scout troop, No. 62, -was awarded Noted Rabbi Academy, gave a full report. bill for admission of alien veterans the United States"; "Roger Williams, high honors in the Bally held by New York (J. T. A.)—James WaterTlie .Jewish Community Center New York (J. T. A.)—Eabbi StephLetters are being sent to all the of the World War and their wives and the Pioneer of Religious iiberty"; District No. 9, which included three man Wise, who has just announced baseball team -won its third game o: awarded the Gottheil the season when it defeated th< members to attend a special meeting minor children, passed by the Senate •The Development of Religious liber- -troops, namely No7 62, NoJ 93 and ins -withdrawal from preparation to en S. Wise • .• • ty in the United States"; "Reform in No.65. , ' .. become a rabbi, will not in; the future Medal which is conferred by the Zeta American Business College nine fcj- a on Sunday afternoon ct 3 o'clock, at this , week, but parliamentary objecthe Consular Service"; "United States Troop 62. won every contest excep deliver addresses on behalf; of the Beta Tau fraternity to the American score of 7 to 2. The College team the Synagogue, to complete arrange- tions were raised which prevailed upon Senator Wadsworth to offer his bill Doctrine of Citizenship"; "Our. Dip- the fire-by-friction. The boys started United Palestine Appeal, Emanuel who is considered to have rendered held the Center team to two runs until ments for the dance. as an amendment instead to the ttelomacy-with Reference to Our Foreign the evening by having the largest at Neuman, national director of the Un- the greatest service to Judaism. The the eiglh inning -when the Cominuuitj con bill, now awaiting action in the Service";" "The American Spirit"; :tendance for^-which^they received^ 42 ited Palestine Appeal, declared. Mr. medal, of which Rabbi Wise is the •Center boys donner their batting first recipient, will be awarded anPALESTINE JEWRY Senate. "Under Four Administrations". points. '•. Wise, the non of Dr. Stephen S. Wise, nually, in honor of Professor Richard clothes and netted five runs. The FORMULATES DEMANDS TO : "First" places-were won iri First: Aid, rabbi of the Free Synagogue, had been He was chairman of the arbitration J. H. Gottheil, -who was for. eight ,game was a pitcher's Battle between INTERNATIONAL FORtTM It is understood that discussion concerning the problem has also been commission„ to decide, the wage dis-; -Knot-Iieing and Signalling. The final quoted in dispatches from Minneapolis years president of the fraternity. The Handler of the Center team arid Olson taking place in the House Immigra-pute between eastern railways /and score read, Troop No. 62 with 1 as saying he intended to »continue award to Habbi Wise is made for the of the College nine until the sixth Jerusalem.—(J. T. A.)—The'views' their engineers in 1912. In 1919.le points;- Troop. 65 sscored 65 points speaking before groups of young Jews year" 1925, following his selection by inning when with one man out Hand of Palestine Jewry -with regard to the tion Committee, which indicates that was chairman of-the Paris Commis- and troop No. 93 reveiced 15 points throughout the country on behalf of a committee of 11 prominent Jewish I ler weakened and.issued a couple o: developments in the country and the if nothing else is done that committee sion of the League to Enforce Peace, ;The following are members of; th* the United Palestine Appeal. Manager Green then sent i necessary requirements for further •will at least be -willing to recommend editors throughout the United States, j and was a member of President Wil- -victorious teams: Knpt-tieing, So, Kauffman, the Community Cen progress -were formulated yesterday that the present fifty percent preferMr; Neumann said in part: "With In. a preliminary discussion the ence of the quota granted to agriculson's second industrial conference. Weiner, Herman Faier and Leonarc regard,to Mr. Wise's renunciation of editors suggested the names of Calvin ter's Ace hurler to the mound. Kai at a meeting of the Vaad Leumi, the tural aliens be reduced to ten percent The death of Oscar Straus, -was Korney; Signalling, Saul Graetz; the rabbinate, he expresses, of course, Coolidge,- Charles Evans Hughes, man true to form struck out the nex national council of Palestine Jews. and the other forty percent be allotted sender, Jim Burrough, receiver, am his personal viewpoint, which, is es- Louis Marshall, David A. .Brown,! eight men that faced him. mourned throughout the country. I^ave'Brodkey and Ben Stein, readers sentially out of accord with the spirit Stephen S. Wise, Dr. John W- Herring . The Jewish .Community Center nine The meeting adopted in priciple a for preference to wives and minor A. Z. A. News of I First Aid," Laiar fKaplan, Herman of the Zionist movement and its un- and Lewis Brown. President Coolidge is. in--a tie for first place -with-the memorandum -which is to be submit- children of aliens, "which -would enable ted to foe Permanent Mandates .ComOmaha Chapter No. 1 Leyinson, and Donald Diamond derlying principles." received serious consideration from Castle Hotel team. ' The Center team mission, of the League of Nations a-few more to come in each year. The A. Z. A. Fraternity baseball Fire by Friction" Jim Burroughs. the committee for his. Omaha speech will play the 24th street Merchants "t its forthcoming, sesdon in GeneA-a team. defeated the Thorpian Athleticagainst bigotry, which was regarded Sunday afternoon at 1 :S0 at the 32 k. June Iowa Boy W\m First Betters Club Sunday morning at Thirty-Third A. Z. A. MEETING SUNDAY Lester Lapidus' Condition as having done much to disarm the and Dewy avenue. The memorondum -will be"presented The local Chapter of the Order o and Cass StB. The Fraternity men Klan and thus indirectly of the greatto the Commission by a special delek Gratoricei Contest Is Reported Better est service to American Jewry. Beemerged oh the. long end of an 11 to A. Z. A. .rill hold a regular b'usines. gation of the council, -which will proNORDEAU CLUB DANCE meeting this Sunday afternoon, three . The condition of Lester Lapidus, cause of his advocacy of tolerance ex10 score. Philip N. Krasne, son of Mr. and SUNDAY EVENING ceed to Geneva. The delegation will Mrs. Herman Krasne, who representGerelick on the mound for the A. o'clock at the Community Center. son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lapidus, pressed in a speech before the Amerconsist of Mr. M. DizengoiT, former Z. A's was nicked for twelve hits. Election of delegates to the Third An- •who is suffering from blood poison- ican Bar Association, which was reThe Nordeau Club will hold its mayor of Tel Alh-, Rabbi Uziel and ed the University of Michigan, at the Meyers of the Thorpians was touched nual Aleph Zadik Alepft. Convention ing caused from a boil on his foot, garded as of great service to the Jew- closing dance of the season on Sun- Dr. Chainv Arlosoroff. State eliminations of the National ish peoplej former Secretary wf State day evening, May 9, at Kelpine's The memorandum also formulates Oratorical Contest which waB held for seventeen bingles. Ricklin, Maurice •will be held at the meeting. is reported better. Pairings, for the A. Z. A." tennis Young Lapidus, who is a student at Charles Evans Hughes--was urged for Dancing Academy. Givot and Gerelick did the heavy the demands of Palestine Jewry to the last Thursday evening at Detroit, won ' .stick -Wbrk for the victors. Meyers and tourney "will be announced at the sam- iiie University of Nebraska, was the award. Louis" Marshall, president first place. Now he will represent For "The Closer," as this final *-Iandatory power. meeting. The winner" of the local rushed to the Lincoln Hospital last of the American Jewish committee, event is called, elaborate plans are ." Davidson starred for the losers. Michigan State at a District Contest THe A. Z. A. nine and the - Shada tourney. will meet the Lincoln cham- Saturday morning when blood poison and David _A. Brown, chairman of the being- made,' according to the com- JEWISH COMMUNITY at Detroit on M»y 28, in -which nine United Jewish campaign, Louis squad will tangle this Sunday morn- pion at Lincoln. states will be represented. Young mittee in, charge. was setting in. Mrs. Lapidus has CENTER ORCHESTRA Krasne is a Junior at the ing, nine o'clock at the same grounds. been with i e r son since Saturday, Brown -was mentioned for his book, ARAB EDITION OR Mr. R. Seidel, Director of the Omaha of Michigan. :. Lapidus,'who had been in "Stranger Than Fiction", Considera- L ANTON TO LECTURE HERE and "PROTOCOLS'^ PROHIBITED Detroit, Mjclu, hurried to Lincoln. tion was given the Rev. Dr. John W. SUNDAT EVENING, MAY 9 Junior Symphony Orchestra and lead- Paris.—(J. T. A.)—Plans f«|r,|etThe Paid in Full Pledges to er of the South High School OrHerring for his activities as chairman Jerusalem,(J.' T." A.)—The Arabedi the Jewish Community Center, anchestra, has been secured to direct the tling 300 additional Jewish Mr. I. Antin, eastern lecturer, -will Nikolsburg, Czechoslovakia (J. T.' of the Committee on Good Will Benounced this week are as follows: tion of the ."protocols of the elders tr Community Center Orchestra. Mr. on the land in the Ukraine weflfc \ Morris Levinson deliver a lecture Sunday evening, A.) Over 100 houses were destroyed twin Jews and Christians. Zion", the anonymous, anti-Semitic Louis Feltman < pamplet purporting to be the plan in a-fire which broke out here lastj The Gottheil Medal will be officially May 9, at 8:30, at the Labor Lyceum. Seidel will succeed Mr. Harry Konon- nounced by the lea, the Jewish' Dr. A. Romm j awarded to Rabbi Wise at a banquet His subject will be "JewisH Theaters ovitch -who wiU soon leave Omaha to ization Association. ^ Lawrence B. Goldman the Jews to capture world power, was night. The district in which the continue his study of music in S More than 200 families remained of the Zeta Beta Tau fraternity mem- in America." prohibited by the French High Com Morris Giffin Abe Bolker missioner, Henri de Jourenel, advices roofless." The majority of the houses'bers at the Hotel McAlpin, Monday, Mr. Antin is speaking cere'-under York. Orchestei reheai^l will be held will be established is in the the auspices of the. PoaE-Zion. Chib. at «%ht o'clock Tuesday as nsoaL District.' . ' were located in the Jewish quarter. - j May 10, received liere from -Beirut state.
Sunday^ May Ninth
More Than 400 Reservations For &A Party
Compeers Affiliate With Ivre Organization
Wadsworth WS1 introduce Hew Immigration Amendment
National Director Says Wise Not To Speak For U. P. A.
Community Center Ball Team Wins Third Straight Game
Published e^er; Thursday at Omaha. Nebraska,'by THE JEWISH: PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY
Office: 490 $randeis Theatre Building — Telephone: ATlantic 1450. NATHAN E, GREEN, Manager. _$2.50. Subscription. Price,, one yea*., Advertising rates furnished on application* CBANGK OF
ADDUESS—fleaso give both the old and new address; " be «ure and give your name.
The Jewish Press'is supplied by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency (Jewish Correspondence Bureau) with cabled and telegraphic Jewish news, in addition to feature-articles and correspondences from all important Jewish center* Inquiries regarding news. Hems credited to this Agency will be gladly answered If addressed to Jewish Telegraphic Agency, 621 Broadway, New York City.-'-• :\ .. '
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Ab"9—Fast of Ab-. Ellul—Rosh Chodesh
-May 14 -May 19 .June 12 ..June 29 ..July 12 ..July 20 ...Aug. 10
1926—5687 Tishri 1—First Day of New Year Tishri 3—Gast of Gedaliah _.. Tishri 10—Yom* Kippur ._..........-„_—
-..Sept. 9 11 18
Sivan 1—Rosh Chodesh _ Sivan 6—First Day of Pentecost Tammuz—Uosh Chodesh Tammuz 17—Fast of Tammuz . Ab 1—Rosh Chodesh
RUSSIAN GOVERNMENT WARBURG LIBEL SUIT APPROVES JEWISH ... AGAINST FRfTSCH WILL \GRICULTURAL BANK BE REOPENED HAMBURG SUPREME COURT DECIDES Buchaiest (J. T. A.)—Candidates of he anti-Somitic Cuza party will run Hamburg.—The libel suit of Max for election in all Roumanian constituWarburg and Herr Melchior, Hamburg bankers, against Theodore encies, according to announcement i'ritsch, anti-Semitic leader and editor made public today by the Christian f "Der Hammer" will be reconsid- Nation Defense League, of which ered, according to a decision handed Professor Alexander Cuza is leader. The statement declared that the down in the Hamburg Supreme Court. The Supreme Court, on an apppeal program of the League is not only of the counsel for Messrs. Warburg anti-Semitism, but "the direction of and Melchior ordered a revision of the public life on a new, moral basis." formedil-bure— pju sentence, agreeing that the fine of 1,000 Marks iinpored by the court on Theodore Fritsch was too small.
"The Talk of the Town" SPIRITUAL STURM UND DRANG 2/3 Innings, by Olson 9 in 7 Innings. of the Fraternity Federation; assist- 2Winning Pitcher Katiffman; Losing Pit- SEPHARDIC JEWS CALLED TO : The only, reason why James Waterman Wise's ideas on Juant manager of the baseball team; cher Olson. Time of Game: two hours CONFERENCE TO ESTABLISH second prize winner in the Prentiss Scorer: Ed Green. daism make first page newspaper 'copy' is that he is the son of Hoyt Poetry Contest; class orator, MISSION FOR MARRANOS the eminent Dr. Stephen S.'Wise. :Young Wise repudiates formal Everything Good to Eat and secretary of his class; a partici- GREATEST OF JEWISH pant in the dramatic activities of the Jewish theology and is convinced that Judaism, as a religion, can college, and an active Menorah man. COMEDIES AT THE SUN London.—(J. T. A.)—A conference We specialize on Box not survive. He is twenty-three. He is one of thousands among Rev. Isaiah Kohanovitch, Jewish He has been a Varsity man in basketof Spanish and Portuguese congregaLunches for Picnics. Christians as well as Jews who, at this age, pass through the Cantor of Mensk, Russia, will conduct ball for four years, and in soccer for At last "The Cohens and Kellys" is tions in Great Britain to consider three; he is member of the Liberal, going to play in Omaha, the Sun ways and means of establishing a the Shevuoth services beginning TuesOpen Evenings and Sundays. spiritual "sturm und drang" period of their lives. Many of these Cosmopolitan, and Three Gables Clubs the picture starting Friday, Jewish mission to the Marranos, was find themselves at a.stone wall, surrender, and do npt return; day Night, May 18, 1926, at Beth and represented Clark at the Prince- booking 33rd & California Phone Ha. 3783 May 7. This picture is probably the convoked by the Anglo-Jewish AssoCourt Conference. others are fortunate enough to meet a guiding spirit who succeeds Haniedrosh Hagodol, 19 and Burt St. tonIt World I. M. WINTROUB, Prop. is unusual indeed to find a Jewish funniest comedy about the Jewish ciation, one of the leading Jewish in helping them through their serious and soul-trying struggle. many for their first taste and thus man of this sort'in one of our smal- and Irish people ever written or bodies in England. colleges. The representation of screened or placed on the stage. "His This decision was taken as a result Very few, however, give publicity to their doubts. It requires add nbugh converts to make the in- ler our people in the American universi- People" as you will remember, was vasion from Vienna worth while. It ties by students of the report of Mr. Luden Wolf, seca certain type of courage for young men of twenty-three to speak Icrtainly Sachs cannot will aid in helping to estab- fail to reflect somelike of the glory on all i wonderful picture, one of the best in setary of the Joint Foreign Commitwith-finality *qn a world-old subject such as religion. Some one lish international good will. act that Omaha has ever seen. There tee, who proposed the establishment should instruct the young man in the fact that formal theology "With 400 Hakoah clubs throughout the Jews. was a lot of comedy in it, much of such a mission following his reaiming to build up the physi- rhas no more to do with religion as a way of life than astronomy Europe pathos and a great deal of tear ele- turn from Portugal. cal welfare of Jews it will not be lone has to do;with ways of the stars; that the present reactions of before half that number are estabment. However in "The Cohens and in this country. No doubt this Kellys" there is more real comedy youth toward religion are neither unique to Judaism, nor a novel lished soccer team is a sort of an advance han anything else. Everybody knows Slow Poisons in Tea by "STAN" condition/in the history of religion's evolution. Young Wise is a agent to establish an entering wedge. that the great east side of New York 'I for ope am behind any organization When Improperly Made man possessed of ability as .a thinker; he might have become a .which aims to develop men in sports Did you know that? populated mostly with Jews and force in the Rabbinate;-under the circumstances, however, he is along wholesome and proper lines. Sam Bender, the only Jewish boy Irish. The story of this picture is all A slow and deadly poison can result Ther is fertile ground here for Ha- on the Central High School tennis about two families, the Cohens and from the incorrect brewing of tea, right to retire from the -theological seminary. Asked by a news- koah whereas, it is a harmless ana pleasant clubs. I do not agree with those has the distintion of captaining ; paper man what he proposed to do, Mr. Wise answered: "Perhaps who contend that sports have "barely team the team. So far Captain Bender's the Kellys and the troubles, joys and beverage if certain rales are adhered the Jews. On this side of squad has defeated North High and sorrows they have together in the to, explains a scientist in the Baltimore some time I might help start a new movement to give expression touched" the Atlantic, at least, they have taken lost to Creighton Prep. Good look tenement. Kelly is a policeman and Sun, to Jewish culture outside the synagogue. But I don't want to talk to all gams with eager appetite, Sam in your future atches and may Its stimulating effects are due to the runs a store. They have plenty about it now. I don't feel I am old enough, or know enough to be i "Naturally sports have touched victory often perch on your racket. ofohen presence in tea leaves of a powerful arguments, some fights and quaronly as individuals, but they are Sol Yaffe one of the smallest men called theine. 11 the pot is not ready to announce my plans." Had he acted in the first instance.: Jews adaptable to all games. Only in base- of the Central HighSchool track squad rels continually but in the end, the drug FOR to stand too long, only a small upon this sound opinion, he would have proved himself in truth: ball are they a bit backward. John J. is a member of the freshman relay Cohens and the Kellys turn out to be allowed quantity of this substance is dissolved McGraw long has been seeking a real team which will compete with the each other's best friends. a wise son.-—American Hebrew. > out of the leave% by the hot water, and star of this race for the Giants. Other other high school freshman teams in
Wmtroub's Delicatessen
SEE rm
imajor league managers have their the City meet' in the near future.
There is a beautiful love story run- the tea refreshes us without doing any
Printing Stationery Office Supplies Framed Mottoes
searching far and wide. Uo Sol is also a promising discus thrower ning through it too and although there barm. When the teapot is allowed to PLAIN WORDS ON ANTI-SEMITISM ! ,scouts remain for hours on the stove, an exJewish player of any promise is over- for the 1927 team. "The anti-Semitism barometer rises and falls; in sympathy looked. The drawing power of such a The quartett of Jewish boys, in the is much fast comedy with subtitles cessive quantity of theine is extracted at the gate would be appreciable. local high school baseball teams are that will create roars of laughter, from the leaves, together with a larger with the, waxing or waning of the forces of reaction. For anti- 'one •In basketball, football, track athletics, playing good ball. Dave Bleicher, the there is an undercurrent of serious amount of another semipoisonous subSemitism is a monstrous survival of the past: no progressive igolf and other sports they hold their Central High Babe Ruth is one of the ness. Real trouble comes up and stance known, as tannin. movement has ever incorporated this 'Socialism' of Idiots1,' as Bebel .own in skill. In boxing the excel." leading hitters -in the high school Cohen finds that Kelly is his t These two together'form a real poileague. once called it. On the other hand, no retrograde current has ever J E W I S H STARS friend and Kelly finds that Cohen i; son, affecting the nerves, the digestion The hot suns of Tuesday afternoon his true friend. The Jews and Irish and the general health. Stewed tea i been exempt from it. Anti-Semitism is wedded to reaction, and HAVE EMBLAZONED witnessed the overwhelming defeat of almost as harmful as opium or cocaine. the first place Central High nine at stand by each' other and everythin The habit of taking it in this way is no man can put these twain asunder. In politics, it has ever k eea iTTAT r s the hands of the last place North ends perfectly. soon formed, and the tea drunkard the most obedient, humble servant of despotism and monarchy.;"' Ed. Sullivan j.nationally known sport High aggregation. Dave Bleicher die Many and fulsome were the praise; thinks nothing of consuming 20 or 30 all that one man could do for the vanin religion it ministers to the most odious prejudice and superb 'columnist, wrote us the following comquished lads by1 batting .333, driving of "The Cohens and Kellys" during cups a day. on the Haicoah-visit; ' stitions; in matters social, it savagely opposes the. ideal of equality !ment. PHONE "The corridors of sport have re- in one run and scoreing himself for the run in New York. The Jewish t first counteiv-ef the game. • and fraternity of which Israel was the herald arid first opponent^ jsoiindetl press of New; York was enthusiastii -to "the* tread- ofe Jewish:chaim)» the : Traced to the Beginning r J h ^ W shared ~in~ th : . "Anti-Semitism is the supreme protest of the spirit of slavery iipiis for the last three centries. Late Tech "High victory over tho Pecker over it. ' The Jewish Journal saj s, Percy—Did you ever try to trace 3ih' the eighteenth "^centuary Daniel 118 South 17th Street against the genius-of freedom marching forward to the conquest •Mfendoia, an English. Jew, :,was. con- nine at Tech field. In the sixth inning "Everybody who enjoys a real laugh back your ancestry? should see 'The Cohens and Kellys'". with South at bait, two outs and bases Adclphus—I did. It was very diffisidered' the* world's heavyweight j of the world. And hence, it is that it can never be destroyed;; swat sta: Omaha will have this picture as a sort cult, and at last I found myself com" Dutch vSam; whose real loaded, Owens, ;;-CPacker J save in a society whence slavery, however brought about—-^ ;champiofa. Iname was Elias Evans, was another slammed the bali puut to the deep out- of special event. That the attendance Dletel? up & tree. whether by the agency of men, or by; the fact of institutions, or. ;farnoug,English Jew who~attained dis- er gardens. Iotinny caught the bal will be big is certain. Photoplaygoers inches from th ground after a long "in Continental rings. by the oppression of capital—has forever more been vanished." tinction' utt "Space prevents the listing of the run with all the runners alread\ are urged to attend the matinees and across"the home''"plate. In his onl> avoid night crowds, because Omaha is Meet Me 14t The This'plain and unequivocal statement is-the peroration of an entire array of Jewish stars who have time at bat he .was out on callei going to turn out to see. "The Cohens •emblazoned the halls of sport. Joe article on Judaism and Anti-Semitism, the second installment of: Choyhski, Battling Levinsky, Benny strikes. KA-DEE-MO CLUB DANCE The Jewish Community.Center nin and Kellys". which appears in the Forum for May. Samuel F. Darwin Fox; ^Leonard, Kid Terris, and Ruby Gold- donned their batting togs in the sevstein are some recent brilliants. — AT — the author of the article, who, by the way, overtly declares—in "Benny I^riedman, son of a Cleve- enth inning of-their game last Sunda; the American Business Colleee Famed Navigator Gave order tp.get over the full effect of his admirably worjked out theory land tailor, won the All-American with Keep's Dancing Academy quarterback of the Uni- With the score tied, Leo Konecky Name to Mont Royal —-that he, "the writer of this paper is 'neither by' race nor' by versity (19th and Davenport Sts.) of-Michigan eleven, last fall. sacrificed Rosenblatt who had been In the late summer of 1535, religious tradition a member of the Jewish or Semitic peoples," Arnold' Horween, of. Chicago, famous given a gift of first base on balls. Jacques Cartier, a hardy, skilled navWith the score tied 2 all Rosenblatt — on — Harvard football star, who has been has done a real and telling service. Articles such •& his usually ^appointed Harvard coach, is a Jew, who- had -walked?advanced to second igator of St. Malo, France, sailed up Sunday Evening, May 9 1926 appear only in Jewish papers where their effect is.mostly wasted; Nat Holman, coach of City College, is on a sacrifice by Konecky. Bleicher, the St. Lawrence river and reached Somberg, Turnerand; L. Weitz drove the island standing at the junction ol the vhighest paid professional in the ADMISSION 25 CENTS. for, as is obvious, it is hardly necessary to persuade Jews that Olson, A. B. C. pitcher to the showers the St Lawrence and Ottawa rivers. game. Nat is"a Jew.\ anti-Semitism is wicked folly. ' "We have- treated, here aobve, with on succesive two-Jbaggers scoring five On this island he found a race of Inthe as an individual. We have runs before being retired by Middall dians in a palisaded town of about Of course, all the insidious forces who make capital of Jew- told Jew relief pitcher. 1,500 Inhabitants, and living by a rude you of his individual feats. hatred, by preying on the gullibility of the ignbrant and super- , "HoweverV'it is seldom that an all- Bleicher was the-strongest with the agriculture and fishing. This place garnering; two doubles-and called Hochelaga. On the day stitious, are not suddenly going to expiate their sins and become Jewish, team, is recruited. The Ha-big-sticka threw-bagger out of four trips to was Jcoah all-Jewish, all-star soccer team his arrival at the Island, truth-serving saints simply, because of an article published in of-Europe, will give Americans an the platter. Joe Turner got two out following Cartier, with a few companions and of three. Somberg one out of two the Forum. Nevertheless the influence of such articles when opportunity to view the Jewish sport and twenty mariners, left his boats and, L. Weitz one out of one. Elmer in a collective setting. conducted by three natives, visited they appear in such highly respected publications as the -Forum star "The history of the Jewish race, a GGreenberg walked twice out of two the town, which stood on rising ground at bat. is not to be dismissed with a wave of the hand; one trenchant and history of oppression on the one side, times Al Handler, gave the A. B. C. boys about half a mile from the river at "and gallant survival on the other, extransparently sincere statement such as this on top of another plains two hits, two runs and struck out about what is now the center of the the clanishness of'the Jewish and another and another, and the cumulative effect begins to make people. In oppression, the Jews long eight in five and one-third innings. city of Montreal. Cartier saw on all Samy Kaufman relieved Al when he sides large and fairly well-tilled fields ago learned of the value of teamwork. a : real difference. The Utmost In Value In Tailored "Teamwork, intensive teamwork, in showed signs of weakening and sent in which*were growing abundant crops to the bench in one-two-three of maize or Indian corn. The town More power to writers like F. Darwin Fox and magazines like the secret of the success of the Ha- thenj, Clothes Without Annoying koah club. • This sensational team has order. Sammy struck out seven bat- was fortified, and it contained about the Forum.7—Chicago Chronicle. • paraded through Europe, meeting and ters and'threw out the eighth, pitcher 50 houses made of wood and bark.
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vanquishing the most formidable opponents that could be sent against them., Wherever the Hokoah team has .appeared in Europe the fine sportsmanship of the Jew has been commented .upon and stressed. The team has left a trail of friendship and good will in its wake. "The Hakoah team's visit to this country will cement the bonds of friendship and attachment which exist between native Jews and their countrymen."
to first base in \two and two-thirds the town the visitors were coninnings. Seven-"Strikeouts: of eight From ducted to the top of tlie mountain batters to face him. Great work.- . The, J., C. C.; aifcj; the Castle* Hotel's which rose to the west of the towk. are still tied witn: three victories and "We named that mountain. Mont no defeats. Both teams play tough Royal," wrote Cartier, in his account opponents this Sunday and one or the of his travels. "Therefrom one sees other may drop from first place. The very far." J. C, C. 'will "take "on the' TwentyThe name "Mont Royal" with slight Fourth St. Merchants, one thirty o' corruption gives us the name of toclock at Thirty-Second and Dewey day, Montreal. The old name, HocheAve. The Castle's will meet the Kinlaga, is preserved in the name of one ney Shoes. of the wards of the city. Community Center
in Hollywood, so many crave and never encounter. • " I couMri't stomach the bluff, bunk and bangles of that insincer bunch, so I just up and quit them.cold turkey. I'm happier in the, whirl of the ring. By HAUKV CQNBEL (Copyrtuht (UV3_O$,B«s»en. Arts ^ It's an honest racket, and, as Jimmy 'tfeutur'e Synalcat?.&. Walker often said, It's the only game I,know where you've 1always got your man in front of you,' .. ."That's what Georgie Levine thinks PREFERS BLACK of the movie world—thinks of the 3SYES TO MOVIES maulie- worldi He niade his choice. A.B. H. K, P.O. A. E. He likes the choice and he's not doing SACHS MOST VERSA•Rosenblatt. C. P __0 0 0 O 0 ;Hype Igoe, boxing expert, tells an half badly,'.f or it was this Hollywood Schri^bman. O.F^,_J 0 1. TILE COLLEGE MAN No Mail in the Beyond o ; . o interesting story about the. latest bix- deserter who bombed the Tommy-MjlKonecky, y S.S. .....____3 O 0 2 00 The Irishman was walking along iiig 6ensation, Georgia Levine, the" ligan Turnr t F ; Although Clark University, of Wor2 2 0 •3Turner. t v 0 g bubble—made Milligan M g qquit us—4 3 2 1 fl the bank of the river. He was fumJewish welterweight. cester, Mass., is not very prominent Bleieher. C. made Milligan renounce the welter1 5 i a ing with rage, for that day he had s Isf B. _£i,.2 Says Hype,: 1 weight division both here and in collegiate athletic circles, it has A. .AVeitz. B. F_ ..^ _4 "He gave up a life of easy; money abroad." developed some excellent Jewish Giventer,. 2n(L B. .^;_.™3 0 ...0 0 VO dispute with a neighbor .over the Ii. -Weitx, 3rd B.-..;_i.^l oo and giddy comfort for the gentle art' athletes. 0 0 0 * 0 ownership of a pig, and things had of boxing his blocks knocked—oh, not Of these J. Yank Sachs, '26, is the Greenbemr. 3rd-B.•., _1 YORK WORLD n l n.; o not gone well with I.lai. Suddenly a ' ... off—but knocked about a bit now and most prominent. In addition to being Handler " I*. —:_.i..:..;2 o i' o .o cry for help rent the air and turning o • o around, he §avr a man struggling In HAKOAH the first Jew in the history of the then. ~T 24 Totals -.28 9 ."Georgie Levine, a fine-looking.chap .In a;letter addressed to us on the College to."' become captain, of the the water. American Colleg-e team, he is also the first was a movie Character mair!'—a eve of the;first Hakoah gae in Amer- b'asketball A.B, H. K. T.O. A. K. Seeing Mike on the bank, the man and only Jewish bov tn plav Varsity ypungf blooil, we g ^^T^^ ifoyJMl!of blooil, "well grooshed «nd===ee*sL V soccer at Clark. BesidesyTie organ- Slorris, L.F. -.... tain to climb the ttop of the ladder3 l i b tto th f the ladder tiie New York World," wrote: 3 1 "There is a significance in the visit ized the college's first boxing team, Knezacefe, C.F. in that strange land of makebelieve. shouted: K.F. 0 "Georgie Levine, intelligent, -with to this country of>tn avowedly nation- which he managed successfully for Schmidt. "Hey. mate, drop me a line! ..4 1 B. 3 0 the world's goods at his beck and call, al teani: of Jewish soccer players. two years.' Poneska, S.S. In a flash the man on the pant 0 HanBen, 1st B 3 deliberately'turned hjs pack on Holly- This gaine has never appealed to the Sach's extra-curricular activities ognized his adversary in the pxg dis 0 C, —..:— - 3 wood and went* out into the world to masses as in England and other coun- have, furthermore, been more num- Krsijack. f> pute, Thrusting his bands in his Olson,> P. outdo other fellow with his fists. • Ha tries. Its virtues are recognized only erous than-thqse of an.y other man in Jtidall. P. _0 _ __ _ pockets, he made to resume his walk, cnose to- he a fighter in the flesh iij-< by the few. Soccer football,,of course, the history of the school. He has Totals.. 23 2 2 24 8 1 remarking over his shoulder; stead of pretending to fight in the, h£!i followers, many of them. It is edited the "College Monthly", has "Sore, but there ain't no pest office a''goo4 gamei,to play and a good one '• Summary: Three base hits:: t . Weltz. beeni secretary' of toe student body for silent drama. He had,ability"as a T BH B l c h r 2 •where ye're goin* to 1" leicjter. T*ro base BH»: screen actor." When he turned his to watch;, but; for alt that i t does riot two yeais, and Varsity Debator for Soniberg. Bleicher Doue Schmidt. Double Pj heel into the earth and -went away grip the imagination Amricans in a the same period, gaining membership SchmiUtto Hansum; Bflfihtwell to Ha ShiUt H way to command the promiimce so' in the Tan Kappa Alpha, honory inBase on Balls.By H a n d ' " 4l *>* * f ° " * Errors, like straws, upon the surfac from all the tinsel ami «Uent tomfool* Olson 8. by Middall 1. Hit iy blow,' ery he shocked Hollywood. It is not weft dserved, It is quite possible tercollegiate debating society. He is man 1. by Ball: B p ^ G e b He who would search for pearls, most "flavor of the also Chancellor, of Phi Lambda Psi, K J , ^ (B like handsome young men to \valk out that theinternational r 'dive below." r—Dryden." izs^'off KaufCman 0 In oOpp6itunityrthe~ opportunity; that: 'approaching1 ~jttatche"s'" will attract''a new fratrmty.. at^lark^a^'aieifiber 2 'in 5 a/3
Our Sporting Column
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PAGE 3—THE JEWISH PRESS—THURSDAY, MAY 6, 1926 NO JEWISH FARMERS European- director, oiLtbe Committee,, tjie Polish Senate, Dr. Klumel and Mr. Ounger, director of the Jewish colonileft today for Moscow." DELEGATION TO COME TO U. S. FROM RUSSIA Prior to their departures reception zation Association. in honor of Mr. Eosenberg WEB given JEWISH CEMETERIES IN Plans are completed and the pro- Mrs. A. Geenspan, who will respond Moscow.'—(J. T. A.)—No delegagram has been arranged for the for the mothers and Miss Rose Segal* tion of Jewish colonists in Soviet Eus- at the home of Dr. Kahn. The reGERMANY DESECRATED Mothers and Daughters Bridge Tea to who will respond for the daughters. sia will proceed to America, according ception was attended by prominent Be-rlin.—(J. T. A.)—Further desebe given by the Women's' Auxiliary, Miys. Henry Monsky will give a talk to an authoritative statement issued Jewish- intellectuals of Centra! and crations in Jewish cemeteries are re* Eastern Europe. Among those pres1.0. B. E. No. 354 at the Blackstone on the History of Jewish folk songs here. The statement also denied the Hotel, on Mother's Day, Sunday, and will be accompanied by Miss Iva reports that the Cossacks in the Don ent were Dr. Albert Einstein, Dr. pox-ted in two'towns. In the town of Kallies near Stettin, May 9. Siegal, vocalist. district have protested against Jewish Hildersheimer, James Simon, Dr. Paul a number of tombstones were de« More than 400 reservations have In addition, Kenyon's Melody Kings colonization. Nathan, Dr. Oscar Cohn, Dr. Brodnitz, molished. In Filaumloch, Wurtenbeen made for this affair which prom- will play. The land offered for Jewish coloni- Professor Sobernheim, Dr. Blumen- berg, sixteen tombstones were overises to be one of the largest of the Mrs. Samuel Wolf is in charge of zation in the District of Saalsk, which feld, Mr. Teitel, president of the As- throwTi. It was found that eleven season. was given in agreement with all the sociation of Russian Jews, Mr. EaZ. B. T. Graduate Club to ENGAGEMENTS An interesting program has been the program and reservations, which local authorities, was declined by the phael Szerszewski, Jewish member of pupils of the evangelical school committed the crime. Hold Stag Banquet Sunday Eve arranged, which will start at 2:30 are still open, can be made with her Comzet. Mr. and Mrs. E. Meye- announce p. m. sharp. The participants will fce or any member of the organization. the engagement of their daughter, The Omaha Graduate Club of the Gladys, to Harry Perlik, son of Mr. Zeta Beta Tau fraternity will hold Mrs. Harry Rosenfeld Elected TEA AT CLOSING MEETING "HELP YOURSELF"—SLOGAN arid Mrs. J. Perlik, of Chicago, HI. stag /banquet on Sunday evening, OF COUNCIL, MAY 17 OF POLISH JEWS President of Sisterhood Attend the Season's Largest Miss Meyer is a graduate of , the May 9, at the Blackstone Hotel. This School of Individual Instruction, and will be one of S3 similar affairs that , Mrs. Harry Eosenfeld will head the Tea will be served at the closing Warsaw.—The American slogan, also attended the Chicago Art In- are being held by other Graduate Sisterhood . o f Temple Israel next meeting of the local Council of Jew- "Help yourself", is being adopted by stitutes where she met her fiance. Clubs. It will he the beginning of season. She was elected president at ish Women on Monday afternoon, greater numbers of Jews in Poland, No date has as yet heen Bet for the annual frat festivals to bring to- the Sisterhood closing meeting held May 17, at Temple Israel. according to a report of the loeal Jewgiven by the -%. wedding. Monday afternoon at Temple Israel. The committee in charge extends a ish relief committee which was gether the "Old Timers." Members of the Omaha Graduate Other officers elected are.Mrs. Henry cordial invitation to every Jewish formed recently in order to coppe Mr. and Mrs. Edward S. Friend, of E Club who will attend the stag ban- Eosenthal, vice-president; Mrs. Clar- woman to attend. A program is be- with the emergency casas. Minneapolis, Minn., announce the eni ,— on — The committee reports successful gagement of-their daughter, Helene, quet are Nathan E. Jacobs, Herman ence Bergman, secretary; Mrs. Dave ing prepared for this closing event. Sunday Evening, May 16 activities. Every day new voluntary to Mr. Morton Hiller, of this city, son Kully, Louis Somberg, Clyde Krasne Eosenstock, financial secretary; and Mrs. Abe Somberg, treasurer. Millard Krasne, Ed Katskee, Jack Ka-Dee-Mo Club Dance May 9 obligations are received by the com. < —at-— of-Mr.; and Mrs. Henry Hiller. The mittee from individuals who underwedding will take place Tuesday, Newman, Meyer Beber, John Beber A unique event at the Ka-Dee-Mo KEEP'S DANCING ACADEMY and Leo Chaikin. take to make weekly payments toHadassah to Hare Guest June 1. Club dance to be held Sunday eve- ward the relief fund. It is expected 18 Out-of-town guests who are ex (19th and Davenport Sts.) at Luncheon May ning, May 9, at the Keep's Dancing that practically every Jewish house The engagement of Miss Dorothy pected to attend the banquet are LeAdmission 50c per couple. Good Orchestra. Mrs. Archibald Sflverman of ProAcademy, will be the "Duck-your- in Warsaw will contribute a regular Klein, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. land Goldberg, Shenandoah, la.; and vidence, R. I., will be the guest of the Dance". The gentleman who makes tax toward the fund. Klein, to Mr. John Ferenstein, son of Micky Krupp, of Norfolk, Nebr. Omaha Hadassah at a luncheon to be the neatest appearance during this Mr. M. Ferenstein, of this city, is anThe committee intends to issue a given in her honor May 18 at the dance dressed without his coat will nounced. . To make your children capable of black list of those "givirim" (wealthy honesty is the beginning of education. Brandeis Grill. Mrs. Archibald is receive a prize according to the com-persons) who decline to give aid. Mr. and Mrs. "A. Altschuler an- Make them men first, and religious returning from a lecture tour on the mittee in charge. nounce the engagement of their men afterwards, and all will ~he sound. Pacific coast where she was greeted with great enthusiasm. Further in- More than one hundred members of J. D. C. REPRESENTATIVES daughter, Helen, to Mr. Paul Bernformation regarding Mrs. Silverman's the Y. M. and Y.M.H.A. attended stein, son of Mrs. B. Shames, all of LEAVE BERLIN FO EMOSCOW visit will be published in next week's the last regular meeting of the Y, Omaha.- No date has -been set for the Jewish Press. wedding. when Al Payne's Minstrels-was the Berlin—(J. T. A.)—James N. ice-chairman of vthe headline attraction on the program Rosenberg, COCOA CREAM ROLL Miss Rose Davidson arrived from I American Jewish Joint Distribution The next Y meeting will be held COUNCa BLUFFS [ 3 eggs New York City, where she has been | Committee, and Dr. Sernard I£ahn, Monday evening, May 24, at the JewTHE 1M teaspoon baking powder The Independent Order of the ish Community Center. making her home for the past year, 1 cup sugar B'nai B'rith, Lodge No. 688, will hold to visit here with her parents, Mr. 1 cup baking powder a regular meeting next Wednesday and Mrs. A. Davidson. 3 tablespoons cocoa DR. WILLIAM RADUZINER 1 cup flour evening, May 12, at the Danish Hall. HEBREW SCIENTIST JOINS 4 tablespoons cold water Chiropractor Twenty-five relatives of Mr. I. OCKEFELLER COMMISSIONR 1 teaspoon vanilla Mrs. Louis Feblowitz, 68, died sud Katleman surprisd him Sunday evePA1MEK GRADUATE TO WEST AFRICA li teaspoon salt. denly early Tuesday morning at the 53* Securities Bldg-. ning at the home of his son, Mr. S. AND 2 tablespoons hot butter Ja. 6540; Res., H*. 1883 Mercy Hospital. She is survived by Jerusalem, Apr. 29.—(J. T. A.)— rhsne*—Office, Katleman, in honor of his s.eventyConsultation I'ree. Mix ingredients in order given her husband, and three sons, Ike, who eigth birthday. beating hard. Bake in large drip- was called home from Chicago; Dave, Dr. Kligler, director of the Hygiene Department at the Hebrew University pan in quick oven. Turn out Mr. J. Berek, of Fremont, Nebr., is J ping on damp cloth. Spread with seven of Omaha, and-Alex, of this city; and on Mount Scopus, left for West Afriin Chicago, 111., this week on a busi- minute white iceing in which 10 two brothers^ Lewis Rubin, of Omaha, ca yesterday. ness trip. marshmallows have been" melted. and Sigmund Rubin of Berlin, GerDr. KDgler was appointed member Roll up and leave in damp cloth 15 many. . of the International Commission sent with VERA GORDON, GEO SIDNEY, minutes. Sprinkle with powdered The name of Freda JBolker, sopho"Manufactured in Omaha" The body was taken to Omaha for to West Africa to investigate yellow more at Central High" School, was sugar. ' • CHAS. MURRAY, KATE PRICE burial. Funeral services are fceing •ever and other diseases, sent by the BAKEK ICE MACHINE CO. erroneously omitted from the list of COCOA QUICK ICEING held this afternoon at 2.30 P. M. International Health Board of the members who were admitted into the 2 tablespoons cocoa You enjoyed "His People" but well Rockefeller Foundation. 1 cup powdered sugar honor society at that school. Mrs. Leo Krasne and daughter, joinch pf^salt ..; j. guarantee you'll laugh five times as hard Miss Freda Novey, oir Chicago, "HI., Mis well "and add just enough. Arlyn, returned home Friday after spending over two months in Sacraboiling water to make a paste. at this picture. formerly of this city, is visiting with In Omaha a«GIFTS THAT LAST Mrs. L. Baum, and other relatives This iceing will stay soft onxake. mento, Calif., visiting her father. She ; ON THE STAGE — spent one week in Los Angeles, also here. COTTAGE CHEESE PIE as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Ben ' 23Q Kooms-200 Batbs GATCHETT AND HOOPER Make a rich pie dough. Cut into- Hirsch. . / Mr. Louis Sommer returned the fiood Rooms for S1.50 good sized pieces. Place cottage Operated by Eppley Hoteli Co. IN HARMONY SONGS latter part of last -week from a ten cheese (that has been mixed; with Mrs. Maurice Wohlner entertained day's stay in Excelsior Springs, Mo. a beaten egg, salt and pepper and Wholesale and Retail NAT YOUNG AT T H E PIANO a pinch cinnamon) on each piece twenty guests at a luncheon followed Jewelers Mrs. S. Gaifman left Sunday to of dough. Fold over like an enve- by Bridge at the Fontenelle Hotel at Diamond Importers spend two months in Excelsior lope. Pierce with fork and bake in Omaha Wednesday complimentary to "Let Us Help You Keep Clean" Comedy —News — Felix Cartoon hot oven until brown. her cousin, Mrs. I. Richard Allen, of Springs, Mo. 214-2X6 City Nat'! Bank BIdg. Los Angels, Calif., who is visiting her Frontier Towel & Linen Supply Established 1894 RICK PIE DOUGH •Mrs. J. Rosen entertained fourteen parents -here, Mr. and Mrs. S. Cohen. 1819 California Street 1 cup flour children at a birthday party in honor % cup shortening ATlantic 62»1. of her daughter, Betty, who celebrated Miss Eudice Richman, who attended %. teaspoon salt sixth birthday. the University of Nebraska at Lin1 teaspoon sugar coln, arrived to spend the week-end Ice water to mix Miss Tillie Zusman entertained at i Cut shortening into flour with here _with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. » : bridge and dancing party for ten knife, add ice water a few drops at M. D. Richman. On Friday she visit a time until mixture comes away couples at her home Friday evening. from the bowl. Turn out on floured ed the University of Omaha as it was Miss Byrdie Selicow left Friday for board. Place small pieces of butter Dramatics Day. 2224 Coming St. all orver" dough and roll 'out thin. a four weeks'. visit in Chicago, 111., Bake Phone JA ckson 1226. The Omaha and Council Bluffs in very hot oven. Butter -Detroit Mich, and St. Louis,.Mo. should be very hard. Always place, Lechovitz Society will hold a meeting piein "very hot oven. Let stand next Sunday afternoon, May 9, at the about 10 minutes and reduce heat. home of Mr. and Mrs. Win. PerlxnutCLUBS You will avoid tough pie crust. : Wet Wash ter. ,The G. W. club will hold an all-day Semi-Flat QUICK BREAD (Useing Yeast) hike Sunday. Messrs. Die Krasne and Lawrence Rough Dry D cups flour' •~ " ' . • ' • • ' The right to restrict the street car The rights of every- citizen of Omaha, Krasne left Saturday night for New 3 level teaspoons, salt ,* t AMERICAN WET WASH The Deborah Society will meet Tuescompany to operating only on such streets York City on business, to be gone as well as the rights of the Omaha & 1 level tablespoon-sugar day, May 11, at the Jewish Commun2808 Cuming St. Harney 0881 2 tablespoons vegetable fat or about ten days. as approved by the city council. Council Bluffs Street Railway Company, ity Center. oil are carefully safeguarded in the proposed 2 cakes compressed yeast Mr. Abram Cohen and sons, Jacob The right to purchase and operate the The Independent Ladies Club will • 1 quart warm water and Harry, who have been spending street car franchise. Our motto is HIGH QUALITY give a joint concert, package party, Dissolve yeast in 1 cup luke several months here visiting Mr. car company at any time without paying and raffle on Sunday evening, May 9, warm water. Add salt and sugar Cohen's parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. a cent for its franchise. Probabaly never in the history of at the Labor Lyceum. Proceeds will and shortening to flour. Make a Cohen, left Tuesday evening for Cana well in center of uour. Add yeast franchises has an agreement been drawn go to the Icor and Passaic, N. J., mixture and.keeping the hand in da, where they will make their future The right to assume control over rates strikers. more openly nor the public given greater the. flour start .adding warm water. home. of fares, service and extensions in case;; Mixing well" withrthe hand. Knead opportunity to express its views. NegotiaWHY NOT BUY THE BEST? The Auflebung club will give a dough, until it'w31 not stick. they are relinquished by the State. Helen Whitebook, daughter of.Mr. You can trade your aid tions between the city council and the Caver with (cloth and put in warm and Mrs. S. Whitebook, left this ical program at the meeting on Sunpocket-watch or wrist day evening, May 9, at the Jewish place for one hour or until dough morning for Iowa City to represen company have been under way since The right to continue all present pavwatch for a NEW ONE. doubled. Push down, do not Community Center. : has November 2, 1925. Every step has been ing and occupation tax requirements or knead again and let rise again un- Thomas Jefferson High School-in thi double. Turn out on board. Make Musical Contest. She is also a mem taken in the open. relieve the company from them if the The first meeting of the Jewish til into loaves or any desired form. ber of the T. J. Band who will com Juniors was held April 25, at the Let rise in warm place and bake in people desire. SQUABE DEAL JEWELEB pete at Iowa City for State Honors. home of Miss Ethel Green. The fol- moderate oven. As a result of the care which was exer1508 Donelaa Too hat or too cold a room will lowing officers were elected: president The right to demand and receive statecised by both sides, it is believed the frankill the riseing quality of the yeast Ladies of Golden Hill Rosella Ferlis; vice-president, Lillian 80 keep always in just a warm ments of the financial operations of the chise is fair to all concerned. Donates to Equipment Fum Miller; secretary, Ethel Green; arid room. . . company. treasurer, .Libby Abramson. Announcement was made this week Particularly there can be no question TO MAKE "BAGLE" This franchise should appeal to men of Jake Stoller was elected track Rol} .bread dough in small pieces, that the Ladies of the Golden Hill as to the rights of Omaha citizens being captain of the B'nai Israel Club. The the width of your finger aJnd twice Society contributed $100 to the Equibvaried views. It provides the city may safeguarded. beginning of the oratorical contest the length. Shape into rings, rolling ment Fund of the Jewish Comrnunit; : buy the line if it wishes, it protects the 13 J 3\,S o.;Y*;TH; ST.- b MAH&f; ends between the hands to make Center. will start neht week with Stoller and •firm. Let stand about one half hour. city's rights and it gives the company a Here follow some of the rights which Cohn first speakers. Any boys be- Drop into boiling water. Cover, let square deal. Vote for the franchise on are expressly reserved to the city in the tween the ages of 15 to 18, are eligible boil a minute and turn over and let boil again a*<minute. Remove it for membership in the club. May 18. franchise-: F'Hcavmsake! Don't Miss It!! once to" a very- hot oven and bake, until brown. It "is not necessary to THE NORDEAU CLUB'S London,.—(J. T. A.)—There is" no grease pan. bar against the importation of HeHOUSEHOLD HINTS FINAL. FUN FROLIC brew books to Soviety Russia without If you water glass is cloudy, reference to their contents, according wash well with gasoline. Rinse with THE CLOSER to a statement issued by the Soviet soap and water and then clear water. There will be no odor and Embassy here- to the Jewish Tele• Sunday, May 9,1926, Kelpine's -glass will be-clear and shiny. graphic Agency. '" HOT MUSIC! $1.00 COOL DANCING The Embassy denied- a newspaper - -Tt> sweeten, canned fruit or wine, and water and let coo'L This is the last Club Dance of the season. report to the effect that such aprohi- boil-sugar Never add the raw sugar. bition existed.
Z. O. Bi B. Auxiliary-Bridge-Tea- On Mother's Day Largest Social Event Of The Season,
Schimsk Relief Society
Starting Friday May 7
Biker Ice
HOISE & RIEPEN Funeral Directors
Malasfaock Jewelry Co.
City's Rights
Diamonds and Platinum Mountings
•, A' 5 xX.
J?AGE 4—THE JEWISH PRESS—THURSDAY, MAY 6,1926 - No. sooner had ^ he-finished portant part. Jazz and' rag-time danc- Theatre, Moscow, aa& at the Kiev Dance is evolved,—rediscovered, he (•speaking thaa as thoUgn-anxious to ing lias been developed and its. popul- Theatre, is in a position to speak with would probably express it. Meanwhile. J forget what had passed, he broke-into arity- produced by-the music conceived authority on the subject. He has Jewish dancers will continue to Bpend } a merry song accompanied by fervent, in Jewish brains; music composed studied the c h a s s i d i c dancing and their talent in the Diaspora achieving. By rhythmic movements—of the, body, very, often by Jews who know nothing evolved the wonderful dance "Rebbe and thit is no mean success, the enter-r . LEON" O. DAVIS which those i-esenf began'to imitate, of the theory and" writing of music, Natha", iri which he so wel; expresses taimnent and the artistic elevation of ~ Passages'from a Traveller's Diary ' chQdren as-well. Leaning against the and who catch their inspiration while the spirit of the East European Jew. the many nations among whom they . Recently the magistrates, in a pro• The Chassidim—-orthodox Jews of a mystic sect—are taking up \ wall shame and joy'chased through moving rhythmically up and down, But a section of Jewry is not (and its are dispersed. But wherever true vincial English, town refused permisfarming, in the Valley of Esdraelon. Reb David's heart. A sense of personal sion for a cafe to be used for a Jewish transposing the ideas of the "born creator was the first to point out this traditional Judaism maintains, there The< settlement of fa Nachlath-Jacob and Avodath-lsraeJ, have been discomfort in that;bright/ cheerful established;by the Chassidim of Yablon and Kusinitz, jwedding celebration on Sunday be- dancer" into the catchy omes that set fact) t h e Jewish dance which is to will be religious conflict between the room'sent him out and" hurrying along joyous .exercise of movement and the the'Keren Hayesod participating in the • cause they understood that dancing all Europe dancing. In the sphere of express the soul of our people. until he came to an empty! space bei upbuilding of these settlements. In the search for the soul of Jewry, voice of the Divine Praise which .e was to be indulged in. The parties theatrical production the Jew has done fore, the administrative office- of the contesting this decision pointed out to much to teach his audience the joy of in whatever, branch of "art, all roads the eternal song of Jewry. Only when, settlement.? He sat down on a boulder. the magistrates, that dancing in honor watching expert dancers, while he has ead to-Zion. Only - in ,: the land of occasionally, Jewish religious leaders One of the settlers volunteered to look upon-the land to straightway The singing soundedfaint: 'He heard] of the bride; was held by Jews to be a educated them to understand and ap- Israel can the purely Jewish) in art imagine all Jewishness to have been show me round the settlement, on feel the desire to adorn her with trees .which his fellow settlers were and flowers. The soil clamoured for the taps which watchmen gave on the matter of piety* Perhaps this piece of predate the artistic gemiius of the take root and flourish. Elsewhere the in, and sprung from, the Judengasse I confess my guide interested me more it. Yes, so it is . . . . We sat on this ground with their sticks, - and felt information reminded the British great Russian dancers, and has helped results are bound to be heavily in- will the voice of the "kill-joy" be than the sites he, was pointing out. hill for about an hour, yet 1 never glad at the thought of haying no more magistrates., of their . Old Testaments more than any other to establish and fluenced by the surrounding national- heard in the land. «He was a Jew, aged about fifty, red- tired of listening to his trustful, naive to expose himself~as~a~Watchman to and the frequent and close connection reward the uo-caljed "classical" danc- ities, a fact which makes the Jewish artist in the Diaspora, be the music- PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS. ....".. iaced, with slightly grizzly beard, chatter, a' quaint contrast t*. his. wild the cold and ..dangers of- the - night. which, is often referred to .therein be- ing as a high art. . He would; go home,'. reopen his. shop ian, painter, poet or dancer, incapable There is good reason to believe that tween Judaism' and "dancing. Perhaps '. . .short of stature and rapid • in his beard. and be a man as other,men. One can of scaling the topmost. heights of also it may have shown them in a one -of the world's greatest danseuse .movements, merry arid:voluable as a . Among other things he told me of be a good Jew and >rrieriteternity genius. . . , is of pure Jewish descent, although vivid flash one aspect of the vast gulf woman. From the first moment of an experience he ; went through during even in the Diaspora. ; Only from a Jewish race upon a t : the vicissitudes of childhood cut her which separates the Jewish from the our encounter he rained words on me his early stay in Palestine. He had WHOLESALE Suddenly it sejemed a fir©-broke out Christian attitude to "religiousness". off from her people. Jewish soil can great Jewish masterand in as openhearted a banner as if been so very happy on starting but for Druggists and Stationers he had known, me for years- He was Erez Israel, dancing a' the railway in the sky opposite him.. The moon . A people. vwhpse religion takes up The question has often arisen, "is pieces be produced, and thu Jewish •O1-4O3-4IU Sootb lOtb 8tn>#* burst forth large and slightly reddish. soul express itself -untroubled by the very much ttiej attitude" of "all things there an essentially Jewish dance?" not tilling that day/he told me, be- station, dancing on the train, on board He did, not know from what mountain constant fight fo,r its individuality for the,best iri the best of all possible cause, it was his turn; to fetch -the Were they not coming to live iii People have sought to find in the .water from the distant spring. "01 the holy land, to sit 'each man under the moon was rising,-. whether the worlds", whicfi in essentials Christ- c h a s s i d i c dances some peculiar against the seducations of surroundHamon or the;Lebanon,- but was ianity •denies^ is naturally - one which artistic form as the germ of the spec- ing national influences. Hagadati ?a .terrible business'.', he,exclaimed, ?M his own vie and fig tre;! Alas, 'the; am surprised I have not had any bones first time he walked among the glorious;, . everything ;had become will .encourage; dancing, the physical ifically. Jewish dance. Dancing, as is found this to- be so in the art of dancbroken by the jolting of the cart over : miserable houses, saw th> desolate silvered over, animated and friendly; and rhythmicaj expression of joy and well known, plays an important part ing, which, with its twin sister music, the execrable roads. -But patien/ce, in country, felt the'great-heat, the devil the. mountains appeared to be bowing well-being. Heme/vforall his outward in Chassidic religious custom. They is so closely connected with national. , . —-*-*— due time the Zionists will'have had within him spoke in bis heart. He was their heads before .therDeity; and in conversion to Christianity, described revert as it were to type, anti express ity. the deepening gloom it was possible But time is necessary, and generadancing so Jewishly as "praying with their religious happiness as did our the water brought up to the* settle- sorry he had ever corns. And he H2.O / O729 ments and relieved us from these suf- thought: Oh! Reb David, why are to imagine the sky janding; the great- the legs", and it is only necessary to people of old, as the Mishna tells, tions may have to pass before Hagaferings. In Poland my new friend you so sad? Are.j'ou not fulfilling the: ness of God. Wrapped -thus in fear read the many references to dancing when they went up to Jerusalem bear- dati's dream is realized and the Jewish used to be a shopkeeper; he had never Commandment which orders you to' and adoration there carne; to his re- in the Bible to realize how Jewish this ing the first fruits to the Temple. in his life been in a village, still less dwell in Palestine? Are you* feet not collection' such another night in his point of view really is. There seems to be good ground for worked on the land; but on coming treading the soil of your ,wn country 1 own -town during-a Pogro.m, with a stating that the genuine Jewish dance Rhythm is the: essence of dancing as to Palestine: had learned overnight But all to no. purpose. like a ghost moon as large and-white as this one, should express its ; individuality by a as it were, the intricacies of farming the sadness—Gotl save us from s u c h - shining on; the slaughter, of Jews; the it is also ^f music, and this connection movement of the arms and hands, a Concert Violinist and husbandry. Was I surprised; He moved about in his head and heart,1 plunder of nouses. He and his family is seen in the fact of the Jews being means of expression among Jews and Instructor .was surprised himself. It was a as did theimosquito,.which legend says were hiding in an attic, peeping probably the most musical of all the which has been the gibe and jest of races. There was "nothing of the "killwonder deed. How in his day did entered"\>ne day'the brain of the through the gaps: in the planks, curshas comments and praise from Gentiles for many years past. Not some of the greatest teachers in Joseph the Just accomplish his won- Emperor Titus, never t j come out ing the light of the moon which they joy" attitude towards dancing among that this ridicule can be regarded, as the world. Give your child a der of learning seventy languages in more. He began to. tie homesick after feared might betray teft; presence to the great Jewish scholars or Talmudic of any critical value, for it is akin to correct foundation. times. Rabbi Judah ben Illai was the murderers. The memory of that one night, as tradition relates? He his old shop and his old haunt where the antics which monkeys make with Studio 117y2 North 16th St. assured me he could .now drive a cart reposed the graves of his fathers. A night- assailed him:ihr force. Those known to have indulged in this healthy | their mouths in derisive mimicry of 1307 Howard St. At. 8028 304 Croonse Block like any carrier, dig like a born farm- melancholy settled on him. And now have' been awful mimitesv and hours, and joyous pastime, and the great man's powers; of speech. Omsha, Nebr. Phone JAckson 1952. er, keep guard at night like a regular, could he, Reb David, a sick man and crouching in the" attic "fearing for'life, festivals were invariably marked by The famous Jewish dancer, Baruch and eat tomatoes and olives like a sorrowful, whose health was at the and bloodcurdling had beenJthe cries—- dancing, which was approved and apHagadati, has established an academy plauded by the sages. Even the dark the cry of th« daughter of their blackborn Palestinian. The last word was mercy" of every gust of wind, of every accompanied with a ,lqud, hearty bodily affliction,—how could he ex- smith neighbor, the cry pf another] days of the Middle Ages and the ter- in Erets Yisrael and has definitely set laugh, so pleased was he with his tract his daily .bread from this hard, neighbour Reb tzar,.who .was tortured rible period-(of ghetto life-were un- himself the task of discovering, the saying. I looked into hih bright, cruil soil? How live in an...arid desert, and hanged, at his door, A sense of able to quench the Jewish love of Jewish dance. Hagadati has a very greenish eyes. Their honesty made me like a savage accustomed to. wilder- satisfaction fell upon -Reb-David. He: dancing, andmost ghettoes were pos- thorough knowledge of the technique ISADOEE ABEAMSOX believe that this wonder had happened ness. His anger went out against was happy to be living jtmong friends, sessed of some sort of dance hall of. his subject, and, as "a former leadasr he said. those who bad persuaded him to come among the" faithfuli; far far away .from where young and old.male and.female ing dancer at the''imperial Art : that attic. The sense of satisfaction ^expressed their joy in life, that Having seen the settlement we to Palestine; the, heajls. of the Keren grew stronger every- minute; a love flame which their religion kept burnwalked some distance to observe the Hayesod; the Rabbi—his leader, and' pervaded.,him for this, country, this ing and .which, neither persecution nor colonists-at work. They were draining Haya, his wife. They were highway new. home. A new heart had been privation was able entirely to exrobbers who took Jews from their 7."•".Y: : .Systems—Audits—investigations marshes* The words of their leader, tinguish. given-him, .by Go<I. And the longing a s pale,£abbi with dreamy,»benevolent homes to fling them into desert. The : • - 490 BRANDEIS THEATER BLDG. for.his old home turned^ipto a.loathTrue, it was found necessary to eyes, filled me with enthusiasm for others worked with'a joyful"will, so Atlantic 1450. ing. Unto this day Reb David wonders guard against" the many abuses, to AT-1000 E.SCHERER the manner in which the. men toiled too their Rabbi; hey Reb David, alorie, w Met. without . understating ™Jj? this which dancing like all other human in, the fields in, the' sweat of their was spiritless. Each day he decided to change came upcnhini. It was another pleasures is subject. The Rabbis in gqHb his le^er'andaskfor his'.mohey ^ while all in the small, bare huts wonder deed; He.quickly got" up from this Middle Ages laid down that only was yet in toho vabobu. "We already to, be returned, to enable Hm to go towards -the syna- certain near relations, nude and fefeel something of the glory of the back, but ^againjand agam shame Held gogue., "Rabbi", lie -shouted on enter- male, were permitted to danct tohim back.. Then came a night during first day of creation." , ; ing, "I will not leave!" Once. again gether,, such as husband and "wife, The workers; standing ankle-deep in the.Feast of Tabernacles. The-Syna-.| "Was he -stared & in .silent, surprise. brother and sister, but this ruT was the, watery clay of the canal bottoms gogue booth was lighted; bottles of Sitting^ close to'.his •leader-lie: told him more of an admonition than a strict they .were digging, were half hidden wine, arid cakes, stood on the/table; outside the womea pressed their what had.overtaken him. The Rabbi's] law>hd was clearly the result of the by the ancient shrubs with which the field was covered,—the middle aged ifaces against the" window; children f a c e b r i g n t e n e d / S e s a w i n i t a t o k e n j t e ^ e n c y to bigotry which immurefrom God. His light :tiad dissolved the ment in ghettoes was bound to proJews, with long beards, and coatless, ran about eating; nuts and playing r noisily. The men, ;among whom were hard;covering of &:heart.which-had duce. their "zizioth" Sapping 'gaily over A well-known non-Jewish writer, mud stained garments.' The dreamy- visitors whft.had come'on foot and by been as those.belongingjtp.that gener<: eyed Rabbi was right; something of train from Haifa and from settlements ation of the desert. The.>Rabbi called dealing with the subject, remarked the .glory of the first day of creation in the Valley of Esdraelon, listened to «ut -for liiore wine'. Reb 'David; drank recently: "The Jew is a borne dancer", resounded in the strokes of the spades, the Rabbi, who. spoke of the grandeur deep' that. nighti' NeVer had. he felt and went on to describe the large proin the swing of the hairy arms; a. of physical labour, of the divine spirit happier. The. others-.were jglad with portion of Jews to be found in present; something which tempered the broil- surrounding every newly built Jewish him, were rejoiced that a heert of Is- day dance-halfs and" their generally ing heat and desolate air of the place. house in Palestine. Alone he; Reb rael, had been .-saved,.'.and no.ohe inore excellent performances, as though the statement quoted were axiomatic. For a long while. I was happily em- David/ sat in his ^corner Uhmoyedby so-than thjeiv Rabbi.. _ . T Whatever branch of dancing we ex« Ending; his story'my guide assured ployed, looking at them and looking these words or by the inerry. singing a t . the black fertile clods, while the and, drinking; which only served to me he* had never changed his mind \ amine, we find the Jew playing an imEabbi expounded on the science of heighten his yearnings iov bis; old since that night. He--knows now he drying marshes. I noted,' too, that he: house. He thought;h$ftr the cpuntry i has a country and that the Keren knew a great deal about building outside te door of the booth yt&i^ sunkKayesod will help him with credits Regular Meeting of work, and about mosquitos and mal- in night and decey, liow jacals wiihecl1 for erecting his house ajjd developaria. He had been twice down with like little children, and how sunrise ment his farm, and more important malaria but considered that of no would see Mm .at work again. A short still, he knows that the Watchman consequence. He asked .e whether I sleep,- unsatisfactory meals, snort over Israel sleeps not nor dreams. He realized) fertile and-beautiful'the sur- pfayersT-^andv work. .While; thus con- repeated the saying: "On my right rounding country could be made, once scious:, of sinning in las heart and Kand -is Michael and -Gabriel on my it was drained! In'dne spot he visual- meriting the punishment of that whole left". And began^ to laugh, CSQ pleased ' 1 1 riE tmpresskm is current that all cats *old ized an orange plantation', in another congregation, in the/wilderness who was ne.with himself fpr this quotation. X at approximately die same price give approxia wood. They hoped on the.slope to, would not .believe GkK&, wolrd,. the mately the same results. But there never was raise stone dwelling, houses for them- Rabbi's voice was suddenly iieard call- 4 JEWISH STUDENTS a time in motor car history when there wa» selves, the present settlement being i n g t o him. Amid a general silence he WOUNDED K>; A>Tf r-SEJHTES* but a temporary one. The Rabbi had approached the Rabbi, ciowncast .and less basis of fact for such an impression. .. IN BUCHAREST. UNIVERSITY many other schemes, the success of trembling." Looldrig "straight at him the Today, there are two ways of building motor which, he told me, depended on the Rabbi spoke: "I see you ar^filledwith Buchare^t.—(J.^T.-A.)—-Four Jew^ cars. One is to forget quality and build cars for health -of the community, for which 'sorrow, Reb David. I understand.the Ibfr stutlentfL were.vsetiqusly woutideil Every Thursday Evening at Jewish trading purposes. The cost of production is cut he prayed to Heaven, and on, te fin- reason for it, but you must know that in ah. attack-of anti-Semitic students Community Center Building. to the bone, so that dealers may offer you move ancial assistance of the Keren Haye-. it is a sin to be; sad on a, Feast Day, made "Wednesday" at *.he .Uhiversi ty of J; 41. MAUASHUt'K. fresident. tSAO(JUK ABUAMSON. Secretary. than die market value for your used car. Bucharest. The/attack" was ma-ie sod.' and a far greater sin here in Erez IsStandard Six My erstwhile companion^ and I re- rael. Be strong,; Reb David," he com during a lecture iii the The Buick way is to build for quality's sake—to $1125 turned to the Settlement, where on tinued, raising his voiceV'as he, Reb of.Natural Sciences.- .:>" 1150 give owners a better new car—full of value—with 1195 a hill >not far from it, we sat down to David rernained with his eyes fixed on. IVlinister of Foreign. Affairs Mitilin- Meets Every Second and Fourth Wed4oar oarS«ba 1195 every modern feature. OOC Sedan 1Z95 eu yesterday received Dr. Olschwang,4HJOOC rest, refreshed by a cool breeze that his feeti "sit me' and iet us nesday evening at the Danish Hall, 1275 Coop* was blowing round Mt. Camel. The drink and sing. Yours is the ein of the er_A representative of-the" Zionist ^r- at 8:30 o'clock. Compare Buick design wkh that of other carsofthe huts afr the foot of* the lull looked Spies. Tbu'areweakenmg the resolye ^anixation., who.arrived here in the same or higher list price, and fix Bukk superiority Matter Six . $1250 more abject than ever; yet the dreams of'the congregation"; and how lie saw interests of the^Zipnjjst"Organization firmly in your mind, before you spend your money* 1295 .of my. companion invested them for the* Rabbi's kind eyes hardening like Months. The;-Minister'expressed his, S^m 1395 5-j»n.4-<loor Sedan 1495 BUICK MOTOR COMPANY, FLINT, MICH. him/with a special loveliness. Just steel* At last i e madeanswer: '"Rabbi; j as well as the governments sympathy 4^an.Coop« • • 1795 7-pan. Sedan . • 1995 Division of General Motors Corpormtitm -wait and'see what gardens they would I know; but- -what can I do? I amj for Zionism and -promised, protection BUTTEK and KliliS plant after their house's. were once weak. I cannot conquer my longing for the Organization;.iy!onth; acthdties; Council Bluffs, la. built, jwas the. tenor of his. talk. Not tor my old home. It is probably the an inch of the-soil "left uncultivated. devil in: me»butI^ cannot help-it." A Life Insurance Policy Palestine must "be adorned' like a The .Rabbi-gazed downwards as if: "bride* Long -enough had she worn her Ustening to far away voices. Looking For Ev$ry~Nced ^widow's weeds. Yes, long enough! up he replied in, a quick,, dry voice: JUDAH h, WOLESON, Rep. Harry H. Lapidus, Pres.-Treas. When Better Automobiles W. G. Ure. Secretary. Following this outburst came_ an "If^so,'do-you want to go back?" The Equitable Life of ~New York are <Built--• BUICK 545 Omaha Naff Bank Bid*. angry glance at me, in case I had A ,Reb David; remained silent. ; \t. B3M W8. 8753. 'will Build Them «- - • mind to- contradict here. 1 marvelled ^So^fsaid the Raibbi^his voice fUled afe-his/dreainsv How had they come to with. a;|tender:t sorrow,^ "You are riot this Jew of the Exile, this Chassidic .Wprt&y£KjeB David.^^Yoii^^ belong'%':fhat; OOMPLETB STORE AND " shopkeeper? How came1 He-to occupy genewtion-of th6 desert which would OPPICB OtrrnTTBR8 fl CO. **!*,, Stu. ' tfnrnrr 1862 •hia imaginat'oa- with/trees-and flow- tfot vbelljeYe^God'si wbr/i^ Do n o t be f!th' St Uarlba W* •eespy n > l r Nrl»r. •*•* 1B.000 . N U N CM H E. Sidles, Pres. Chas. Stuart, Sec-Treas. Lee Huff, Vice Pre* Soft stay iroar ' l d t eajplaimthe; li h downcast; you:ja^notjj&u^tyytnere^is Mrcnze ai«t aluInthVMt Cmttm :p||^f^bimiel^6^ttc^' i QCMtiiigs, Q t i Jilnitc^n? siten Uroattr The Oldest EstaWisbed Automobile Concern in the Central West t^edecre^ of, heaVenmtnis. Tomorrow m 3 Clrrratb «»it Oanslai- Mtrect*. anil trott bushings. at»wer manholes ^^^^oiS3# tte^Gdiu&c^cfc I ^K^ffltT^g^^itorv; a(^unts^and re- cUtera. tins* add covers. »ntf elrna-out ' Vbmnmr JmrUmu, zn* iMogkttiig.w y __ . daarm in -stock.'
Jews and Dancing
E. E. Bruce & Co.
We Print
—Effectively —Accurately —Promptly Interstate Printing Co.
Prof. Frank Mach
ABRAMSON AUDIT CO. Public Accountants and Auditors
have heardjb- th&
I. O. B. B.
Omaha Lodge No. 354
Council Bluff? Lodge No 68S
Omaha Fixture & Supply Co.
Nebraska Buick Auto Company
I ~ creed, iut;1n\-PaIcstine hKneed only I tunryoayour money" and you can. go i;i&^
Established in 1903