The cynic is one who knows Hhe" price of ;. every t h I n g j and the ' y a Itfe of nothing.—" -Oscar Wilde.
rSuccess^or failure in 7 business i£ciiusecjbiiiore ^ byiitehbjtii H JtudeeweD ; thiin by tfientaii i'5pac• S c o t u
.'•;'••:'• - : , .
VOL. V—No. 23
• •••
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Entered poRtotliee
Oraaha Represented at Social Service Conference in Cleveland William R. Blumenthal, to Represent Jewish Welfare Federation and J. C. C. WILL READ PAPER ON OMAHA AGHIEyEMENTS AND INVITE DELEGATES TO SEE OMAHA CENTER
S aiail inatter'on January 27th. 1921, al Nebraska,: under tbe Act ol March 3.18TOYet-
UBLIC INSPECTION 'i, OF JEWISH COMMUNITY CENTER A public inspections! the new Jewish Community Center Building will be held Sunday, May 23. The building'will be open all day and all visitors are welcome. Special guides will' conduct the visitors through the building. ' .The work .of completing the Jewish ' Community Center' is progressing rapidly.'"-'.'
Tp Book Lovers The Jewish Community Center has decided to have in the new building an up-to-date library consisting of. English, Hebrew and Yiddish books. Many new books are rbeing purchased and no effort will-be spared to make th'e library as complete and as fully equipped as possible. We want to be proud of our library and,to make it one of places of the new building, as well as an inviting place to read in and study in. ' ' ' . . * There are any number- of important Hebrew, English and Yiddish books that itf is difficult to obtain from the boofcTsellers. We know that, among the pioneer families in. the ) ci£j, there., are a number of various Mnds of rare editions, especially of Hebrew books, thatlwould; help enlarge and enrich our library. These citizens and all other book lovers, we call -upon t a present ~to the new library as inany books as they feel they can give to our communal-.literary collection. We will appreciate, it greatly i t during the next week books are sent to" the Federation • office tin the Arthuc- building. : •- : ...'*". Proper credit will be given to those-who respond. '-
World Migmtion Congress to Take Place in London Will Proclaim Principles of Free Immigration at Congress URGE CO-OPERATION OF TRADE UNIONS
Remodeling Started On Wise Memorial Hospital -Work has been started today on the remodeling of the Wise Memori&l.. Hospital which was made necessary by the widening of Harney street fourteen feet. This work destroys the north half of the north wing. . The work should be completed before July 1. The hospital will continue operation while this work is. going on. - The A. H, Brodkey Company are the contractors for -this work.
Battle of Religions in Schools Again Before Court Justice Staley, of White Plains, Rules Against Free Thinkers MAY CARRY FIGHT TO SUPREME COURT
London. {J.T.A.) A world migraAlbany, N. Y,—{J.. T. A.)—The tion congress under the auspices of right of boards of education to perWilliam ' R. Blumenthal, superinthe International.Federation of Trade mit release of school pupils for certendent of th Jewish Welfare FederaJ Unions and the Labor .and Socialist tain periods each week for religious* tion and executive secretary of-the International, willrtake place here on ous education in churches selected bjr May; 18 to 21. Jewish Community Center, will leave their parents was upheld by Supreme Omaha" Mpnday "for Cleveland, -Ohio, Delegates from, the National - Trade Court Justice Ellis J. Staley. 1 •where he -will attend the National Union centers "affiliated to the InterIn denying a mandamus which •-• v \ ••!•'.- •:.-. — ..'. , Sincerely, ' • • . '' national" Federaf ion" of Trade. Unions To "Devidc Players yers Jirto "Tyro flights— Frank Ackerman has a Record of 28 Joseph Lewis, president of the. Free V : : -andc the..Labor. ..and^Socialist-Inter"J E m S H O O M M t J N i T Y C E N T E R LIBRARY COMMITTEE hip And Presidents Championship Thinkers Society," had sought against A's During Foor-Tcar Course" national,- the- -International -Trade '" "' ""'* '"*"- ; • ' " - ; ^ - ' . - D r . P h i l i p S h e r ' ; * " * ' ' the commission'of education to com\Secreteria-ts,—-and- the -National Sec -* --•'." ':....-- - —•*.'">.•,•-••*W m . L . H o l z m a n ' J' V ' pel the latter to force discontinuanca Frank Ackerman, son of Mr. and Harry A. Wolf tioni- of the^Tlabor. and Socialist, are The second ..annual - Golf TournaHenry Monsky Mrs. Louis Ackerman, 115 North of the practice in the schools of White expected. "to".rattend the congress, ment of the JocaT B'nai B'rith Lodge graduate this June Plains and in many other cities of the Labor . organizations . in Australia 33rd Street, will start next .Sunday morning> May state whose school "boards are coopBritish "Guiana, British India, Cuba, 16, at Elmwbod Park."- This year the erating in giving religious instruction Czechoslovakia,^ Dutch East Indies golfers -will —be— divided~ into -two the Justice held that not only had Egypt, Estonia, Finland, Greece, Ire flights, according to the ^ability of the} he no right to issue such a mandaand, Japan, -> Mexico, New Zealand pla\ ers. The: first: flight to he known mus but the local educational authori* Norway South. -Africa and West Inas the Championship flight and the ties were clearly within that audies have been:" invited to send dele second flight will' be - known as the thority. gates. President's flight.- The winner, of the The Free Thinkers Society has an; Team is Now in 'First' Place Championship '• flight to receive the H. Leivick, Author of "The Goilom,* Prominent Personalities nounced its intention of caiTying the Lecture on Jewish-Life in B'nai. B'rith loving, cup for one. year, The congress will be held unde: matter to the Court of Appeals and The Jewish Community Center' base' Poland and Russia.' - and the -winner of- the President's he chairmanship..oi the Rt. Hon."J, perhaps to the United Supreme Court, ball team won its ' fourth straight flight-to rceive-an appropiate. prize. H. Thomas, M.-P,,- British ex-Colonia game when it defeated the fast 24th Quotes Supreme Conrt H. Leivick, well known * Jewish Twenty-seven L nien - • have already Streets Merchants team;hy a score Minister. 'J; W. Brown, secretary o After quoting- an opinion of the dramatist, author of "The' Goilom" entered ; the. tournament' an^ are as the Internatjorial Federation of Trad Sammy Kauffman, ace of of 7nited States Supreme Court in the and-other dramas portraying Jewish follows. ' '-'••> - -•--• Unions,,.the secretary of the Oregon state law case that "the child life and culture, comes to Omaha for the Center pitching staiL, tfave the congress.—The-Agrenda includes ad-' FIRST FLIGHT s not the mere creature of the State"' a'lecture at the Labor Lyceum", 22nd Merchants but four hits -and whiffed dresses and .reports on the Regula' ._,. : Joe Ro'sehtbaV-Jake' Malashock, '. and Clark streets, on Thursday, May fourteen men. and that "those who nurture him and Harry Malashock, Jack" Alberts, by tion of. Migration by L. Jouhaux, direct his destiny have the right, « • -. - - •- .' Three home runs were gathered Dr. M. E. Stean,~Sam Leon, Sam 20, at 8 p.m. is, •vice-president of the Interna-' ,- WM. R. BLTJMENTHAL the Center men,' Somberg,v L. Weitz, oupled with the high duty, to prepare Green, Moe..— linsman, —Harry - • Mr. Leivick has just'returned from Conference of Jewish Social Service arid Johnny Swartz- were the home tional Federation of Trade Unions him for additional obligations, "the Truston,. Abner Kaimen, Nathan an extended tour through-Europe, and the National Conference of Jewand the Labor and- Socialist Interna- , FRANK ACKERMAX E. Green and Ed Kraus." ustice stated. including Poland and Russia^ He has run bitters. Community Centeriearo tional and secretary of French Naish Community Renter Secretaries as The "The board of White Plains, or any from the Omaha Central High School SECOND FLIGHTmade a close study of the'economic, delegate from Omaha. will play the Crane Company- team titmal Trade Union "Center; Restric- with' a; record of 28 "A's", during his school board, and the commissioner, J. J.. Greenberg, Dave Greenbeur, social and cultural life' of the Jewish The Jewish 'conference will he held Dr. A. GreeubergJ.'MiiuTice D. peoples in the:difEerent countries and Sunday afternoon' at; AlhleSsc' park, tion, Exclusion i and Assimilation by four-year course at that school. n their exercise of direction in €he May 23-26, which will tie'followed-by C.-T. Cramp,' London, member.of exMicklin, T>avi^ GreenberK, Irvinx is now on a lecture' toxir that* iricindes 22nd and' L streets. * ~> determination that a rule which acAckerxnan is one of the three stuStalmaster, Sam LBeber,. Ihr. N. nc5. from May 26—t ecutive Labor and : Socialist- InternaCjntfr_ cedes to the request of parents to j?x-_. ter. t«aa3-is tea June'fC' Headqnartevsof tfie'-confer- MusMn, Dr. ^c Bomonekt tsadore. , all "the ! prradpaV centers- iii'- Atnerica." in first place having won four: games tioal, industrial geaeral/ •"-secretary: dents who -wSL ^rradoaie"with 'Perfect'- rase their children thirty minttiiliS^'i Weiner, Leo ,Abram£pn, Reuben ^scholarship record; it is the first time ^ Hisartas a dramatist enables him ences will be held at the.Cleveland National Union of Ratlwayinen • The in the history*-of *the school that such week for religious instruction constiH. Brown, Harry Robinson and to give a -portrayal of -the -life' of his and '•• losing none. ' Hotel. 210 social service organizaProtection of, the Immigrant by: A. perfect grades have been made. William Grodinsky. :' : . tutes an absence not amounting to people in- present day Europe- and tions representing 91 cities'.'in '36 Rnoll, Berlin, ' member- of : executive irregular attendance in the fair mean.Dr. Morris E. Stein is chair atan of Ackerman is also prominent in Russia that brings to-view the pathos, states and -£our organizations will asGensan National .Trade Union Cen- activities in school. During the last ing of the term, may properly givt the Golf Tournament and will accept tenacity and heroism of the Jews semble" in Cleveland for joint sessions ter; The Position of the Immigrant consideration for their guidance and , ef Welfare organizationf- and Com- entries into the tournament by calling under the changing-.conditions- now irt Respect of Social L. semester he was sporting editor of sound judgment to the utterance of him at AT lantic* 9707.' rapidly taking place in Europe. His the school paper, and is at the present munity Center worker.?. knowledge of Jewish history "and Hears Report of Economic.Distress in de Brouckere,'Brussels, member -of time associate manager of the O-Book, the United States Supreme Court A review of the year's -work will be executive Labor and Socialist Interabove referred to and to appealing culture,- together with his studies of Poland ' presented by Louis M. Cahn, Presinational, member Belgian senate; and on the Purple and White hand- weight of the following propositions: economics enables him to present the book committee. He represented dent of the Conference, in his annual "facts from* the simplest incidents to New York—The twenty-fourth an- Economic Factors in Migration by J. Central in two divisions of the state That the right of the parent to direct report, at the opening session, Sunthe sweeping changes, in the world's nual convention of the Agudath Ha'- W. Brown, and Labor Migration Pol- scholastic contest at Lincoln last the training and nurture of the child day night, May 23. l)r. Maurice B. rabonin, the Union of Orthodox Rab- icy by C. ~Mertens, Brussels, viceis a fundamental right; that the obliHexter, of Boston, Mass.". will deliver Discovers Seven Blocks, of Stone Dis- economic and political structure. bis, opened at the Kensington Gar- president International Federation of Saturday and ended, first in Latin gations of citizenship require the proMr. Leivick is also popular as a dens Hotel' in Far Rockaway on Tues- Trade Unions, secretary Belgian and second in History, having placed the .principal address at the opening posed in Semi-Circle with Broad Jewish poet. This has added to his day in the presence of 200 Rabbis Trade Union Center.' first at the school in the fourth year motion of a spirit of patriotic and •ession, on. Evolutionary Tendencies Stone in the Center ' civic service and the fostering In popularity as a lecturer. fa Community Organization. DisThe joint preparatory commission Latin division, and senior American children of moral ss well as inteldelegates to the convention. Goilom," one of his best known history. cussion will he led by Rabbi Abba Philadelphia. — (J.-. T. A.)—The The first session was taken up with appointed by .the executive. ,of the lectual qualities; that religious conHillel Silver, of Cleveland. altar that Joshua built at the com- dramas was produced, on the screen the addresses of Rabbi Israel Rosen International ..Federation of Trade science, conviction and accountability : A joint session of the Conference mand of Moses after-the Israelites in Germany and proved quite a sen- berg, chairman of the Executive Com Unions and the Labor and Socialist are the last dispensable foundations of Jewish Social Service and the Na- captured Jericho and Hai, is believed | sation and pleasing to American, mittee of the Union, and Rabb: International consists" of L. Jouhaux, for good citizenship and real patriottional. Conference of Jewish Center i to have been discovered,-accoxding a u d i e n c e s . „.. -.-..__•_- .._.,:,...,.,..._. Ezekiel Idpscbits of' Kalisch, - presi- C Mertens, Jahn_W.= Brown, L. de ism; that moral growth and intelSecretaries -will be held Monday night, to a dispatch received here by the The- subject of Mr. Levick's lecture dent of the Union of Polish Rabbis Brouckere,. C. T. Cramp and Dr. HT. lectual growth go hand inT hanct "W" 'the two organizations meeting in the "Catholic Standard and Times" from .will be "Jewish Life in Poland .& who is the guest of the convention Diamand. Alpha Chi Chapter of the Phi Delta make the essential elements of charRussia." Branch 626, Workmen's Rabbi Rosenberg in his address resame city for the first time since 1923. Jerusalem. The creation; of an International Epsilon fraternity of Creighton Uni acter and good citizenship; that thfe James H. Becker, of Chicago, will The Rev. Raphael Canneau, archae- Circle is making the arrangements. viewed the activities of the Union versity Medical College vrill entertain right of the state to enforce school (Continued on page 4.) preside, and Harry L. Glucksman, Ex- ologist ; and professor at the Ecole during the past year. Ha pointed otr for its graduating seniors at. th attendance does not mean that the ecutive Director of the Jewish Wel- Bilique de SfEtienne, who is now in that the Union of Orthodox Rabbi; home of Samuel Faier on Saturday mental and moral development of all fare ' Board, will act as co-chairman. Palestine, after examining -authorities children mu-rt be'limited to a common of America was the first organized evening, May 15th. 1 Jack Nadel, President of'the' •Renter on" the' subject,, and • .traversing ; the body of Rabbis in the. world. This At-.this gathering the following mould and that all children must be Conference, will open the sessions ground, observed. -a valley that runs became necessary in America in 1902 newly elected, officers will be installec standardized that the regulation does with a talk and Rabbi- Max Kadushuu up to the. two,flanks of Mount Hebal Mrs. Arctribald Sflverman, of not create a union. between church because of conditions. -Following Has their by Dr. Leviae, past Consul: The Shimslsr Belief' of New York will deliver an address and Moont Garizim; forming;,an am- idence, E. I., will be in. ^©maha and states, or teach any sectarianism example, the rabbis of Poland organ Consul—Meyer Greenberg. on The Place,of the Jewish Center in phitheatre. '•-'..''.-' . *" : Tuesday, May 18, as the guest of. the ized into a union for the_ purpose of first dance of- the season on* Sunday Vice Consul—Maynard Greenberg. in the schools or invade the religious evening at Keep's Dancing- Academy. American Jewish Life, with rliscussion This seems to correspond to the Omaha Chapter of Hadassah- To strengthening religious life. freedom or conscience of any indiScribe^—Samuel Faier. Money raised from the dance ill be b by Ezekiel J. Londow, Field Secretary Bibh'cal account "of "• tiie location of honor Mrs. Silvermanj, the bo^rd'of vidual." Rabbi M. Z. Margolies welcomec sent to Shimsk Russia for. all Chancellor—Ben Sliitzkv. lor New Jersey, of the Jewish Welfare Joshua's altar, since the people, seated the. Omaha Chapter of Hadassah are the,convention and Rabbi D. A. Levin the Historian—Isaac Sternhill. Power To Schools ' Board and Charles Nemssr, of Cleve- in this amphitheatre,'with the-ark arid entertaining at a .luncheon; Tuesday thai of Philadelphia introduced Rabbi needy ones. . ~ • r Chaplain—David Gross. The justice pointed out that in the The following are on the Dance and land." Samuel A. Goldsmith. Secre- altar at the base, would be "by\Mount noon at the Fontenelle. Following the Lipshitz who is his cousin. Rabb city of White Plains the arrangement tary of the Social Service Conference,] Garizim". and. ]^by Mount HebaL" luncheon, Mrs. Silverman" will; speak iipshitzin his address described th Arrang'eineht. Committee: ;Miss Nellie Ferer, Chairman; DR. WEIZMANN HONORED by which . children attend their speak on National and Interna- Father Canneau found near*the'spo£ a£ 2:30 in.the ballroom, to which the condition of the Jewish population i churches during the ordinary school Messrs. Reuben Ferer, Harry Weiner, tional Social Work. . where he had theoretically placed the public is invited. AT PARIS RECEPTION Poland and stated that ninety percent hours is entirely voluntary and that Dr. Louis I. Harris, Health Com* altar,, seven great 'blocks of stone, dis- Tuesday evening, Mrs. Silverroan of the Jewish population' are on the Neyer Ferer, William Weiner, Max churchs of all denominations, includFox, Jack Brieff, H. Ackerman; Mesmissioner of New York: City, .will de- posed in a semi-drcjej with a broad will speak at the Zionist meeting at verge of ruin. Credit is needed more Paris.—The amount of 200,0(K ing Catholic, Protestant and Jewish dames: Harry", White,. Harry Weiner, liver the principal addret&( at the stone at the center. The central stone, itiie Jewish Community Center. . than charity, he stated. Francs for the Palestine Foundatio; are participating in affording the closing session Wednesday morning, the archaeologist -saad, was of such :iMrs. Silverman is an active" Zionist A resolution was adopted that "it Reuben Ferer,. William .Werner. Fund was raised here last night at means of instruction. After quoting on Co-Operation Between Public andj height that it-might serve as an altar. and Hadassah worker. She is just-re- is the duty of every Jew who is not reception given in honor of Dr. Chain from the provision of the educational Private Agencies. Promoted at Cincinnati Uni Examples of Semitic altars have al- turning from a tour on ^ the Pacific a recipient of charity himself to conWeizman, president of the Worl Mr. Blumenthal "will real' 3 paper ready been found, but this is believed Coast, where she organized a number tribute to the relief funds for East Dr. SaurB. Arengon, formerly of the Zionist Organization, who was de law, showing that local educational on "The Technique of the Jewish to be the first example of an authentic of Hadassah Chapters. She was one European Jews." department of Chejnistry at the Uni- talned here on his way to London o: boards have the power to prescribe • necessary regulations for all social, Community Centers", in which he will Israelitic altar. . . "• of the principal speakers at the last Rabbi Lipshitz also declared that versity of Nebraska, has beenTecently account of the British general strik educational or recreational activities emphasize the necessity of makir.g promoted to Assistant Professor of convention ofthe National- Hadassah. of the 3,000,000 Jews in the Republic The reception, which took place a under its charge, he continued; "Th© the Jewish Community Center more THORPEIANSof Poland, 2,500,000 adhere to Ortho- Chemical Engineering at the Univer- the Hotel Continental was attended hour of opening and closing the Jewish, in order that the greatest ELECT OFFICERS] JEWISH LABOR GROUP dox traditions. He deplored the fact sity of Cincinnati. He. was also elected by 300 prominent French Jewish citi- schools is not. fixed by law, but is contribution to (American ideals may that because of the direct economic secretary-treasurer of the nevrly in- zens. Dr. Zadock Kahn, son of late subject to regulation by the board of MESSAGE OF SYM- need, be achieved. v ; The regular meetihg""of' the Thorpe- j SENDS many Orthodox Jews are com- stalled chapter of Sigma 32 at the Rabbi Zadock Kahn, and chairman of education which is directed to mainPATHY TO STRIKERS Due to the fact that: the dedication ian Athletic Club was held at the the Keren Hayesod, presided. Pro- tain school sessions for. at least 180 pelled to send their children 'to the University of Cincinnati. ; of the new Jewish Community Center Jewish Community Center Wednesday Warsaw.— The sympathies of Jewsecular Yiddish schools where, he He is a member of the Zeta Beta fessor Victor Basch,M r. Corcos,1 days. The petitioner asserts that the : Building will take place on June 6, evening, May 5. ••' ' V--* " "-' ish labor in the Republic of Poland charged, hatred of Orthodox tradi- Tau fraternity. . French author and organizer of the mandate of the statute requiring atMr, Blumenthal" plans to leave CleveAfter several orations and heated for the British Trades Union Con- tions is being implanted in the youth. French Palestine Committee, Dr. tendance upon- instruction for the land before the- convention closes. arguments, the following members gress in the general strike were exFilderman, president of the Zionist entire.time luring the school shall be Some excitment was caused at the Three more names are added He is expecting to return to Omaha were voted to take "office for the com- pressed in a essage sent by the Exe- convention when a resolution was subFederation of France, Mr. H. Zlatop- in season, is absolute." by May.30. to the list of 100% "pledges to ing term. olsky, Mr. Ascher addressed the gathcutive Committee of the Bund, the mitted by Rabbi Novinthal, of PhilaActing upon the advic? of. the President: Henry' Weisberg; Vice- Jewish labor party. the Jewish Community Center. "erin'g. delphia to exclude from membership Omaha Chamber of Commerce and President: Leon Mendelson; Treasur- The Jewish Labor Party, Bund, of in the Union Rabbi Friedraan-Jt was They are as follows: Dr. Weizmann in his address stated The Community Center orchestra. the Social Worker? Club of Omaha, er: Eddie Ruback; Reporter: William the Republic of Poland, wishes to ex- charged that Rabbi Friedman, in a Dr. B. M. KuIIy that the most important problem of under the direction of Mr. Sklel of Mr. Blumenthal will invite the nation- Raduziner; Athletic" Director; Abe tend to you its enthusiastic expression published leaflet, attacked Rabbi A.L S. Spiegel & Sons Palestine today, is that of immigra- South High School will practice thia fcl conference • of Social Workers to Meyers; Sergeants at Arms: Gershen of support and wishes for your vic- Kook, chief rabbi of Palestine. This N." Slobodinsky tion. *'Our Telations with the Arabs Tuesday evening, eight o'clock meet in Omaha nest ycer. VShermun:aml Sam Katsman. at the Centej -^ resolution, was accented. tory, the -message .rea«i
B'nai Brith Annual Golf Tournament Starts Sunday
Jewish Boy to Graduate With Honors from Central High
Noted Jewish Dramatist . Community Center Ball Team Will Lecture Here Wins Fourth Gsme of Season
Union of Orthodox Rabbis Meets in 24th Convection
Joshua's Altar Found
Phi D. E. Medical Fraternity To Entertain for Graduates
National Hadassah Worker to Speak here Tuesday
Plans takte ier SMissk
^, he,stated.
Published ever? Thursday at Omaba, Nebraska, by
: : I THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY J Office: 4{M) Brandeia Theatre. Building — Telephone: ATlantic 1450. NATHAN E. GREEN, Manager. $2.50. Subscription Price, one year, , Advertising rates furnished on application.
CHANGE OB* ADDHESS^-Please give both the old and new address: l)e sure and give your name. ?
r The Jewish Press Is supplied by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency (Jewish C-orrespohdehce Bureau) With, cabled f&4 telegrap.W$ Jewish newsf>in addition to feature articles and cprrespondences. from all Important Jewish centers. Inquiries regarding news Items credited to this" Agency win be gladly uriswered if addressed to Jewish Telegraphic Agency, 621 Broadway, New Y o r k
• : • : ' . ' : . .
The Jewish. Qommunity Center nine meets ,tb*< Crane Company: squad at Athletic Park this Sunday afternoon, on I {30 oclock. . : by "STAN" J. C. C. Baseball Practice Every Tuesday and Thursday Evening at DID YOU KNOW THAT? The Jewish Community Center Central High School, 6 o'clock sharp; Slugging Davei Bleicher and Joe baseball team emerged triumphant from a muddy field Sunday afternoon Turner found their batting eye in the after a hectic encounter with the24th game Tuesday night against CreighStreet Merchants. Sammy Kaufman, ton Prep. Bleicher <&ove"In jseveral ^3out>Si and 'two the J.' C.. C.. hurling -sensation, held tiie heavy hitting Mezcjiants to fear jingles - in fo«r trips to the plate. hits which coupled with -a -pair of Dave scored two runners with a hot Center errors netted them three runs. double in the fourth and himself Captain Somberg, catcher Johnny crossed the plate a moment later on Swart? und Leo Weitz hit home runs Fput's single. Joe scored earlier in which accounted for the majority of the game when the Bluejay hurler the Jewish counters, Somberg batting made him a present of first base and after stealing second came home .500 led th attack. when th<e Prep catcher missed Cox's Kaufman struck out.thirteen Merchants during the, seven- innings of third strike. Turner garnered one the game. A curious feature of the single pot of three times at bat. Bleicher is still nursing a smashed j . C. C. games is that of the four contests played, only one went eight finger suffered when playing under innings and np$ one went the full the. blue and white of the Community Beach several weeks route or nine frames, time being call- Center at Muny ! ed to allow the' second; games to. be ago. Art Swart?* the "squire." made his played on scheduled, time. \
SRABUOTH, THE FEAST OF WEEKS The cycle of the festivals in-the Jewish calendar which begins in the fall with- the New Year and the Day of Atonenient will close on Wednesday, May 19th, with the festival of Shabuoth or the Feast of.Weeks. It is celebrated at the fiftieth day"after Passover, the intervening days being called the £>ays of Counting or the Days of Oiner_or Sheaf-bringing., The latter term takes u s back to those early days when this religious festival, like most others, was a farmer's festival. This early character of the feast is shown in the injunctions for its observance as fotind in the 3ible. . "Seven weeks shalt thou-number fi'Qnqi the.,time; whenthpu puttest the sickle to the corn, and then thou shalt keep the Feast of Weeks unto the Eternal, Thy- Goa^i-JDent. "Scxi;J2L~-And. Ley, to xxiii, 15-17, enjoins that "ye shalt count from the day ye brought the sheaf of the wave-offering seven complete.; weeks." • Later, as again happens with most ^ festivals jwiginally connected with the soil, a historical' significance }v&s driven to the feast. The Giving-of thei/aw OB Mount Sinai was^spribed to that date, the 6th day of Sivan, and added new sanctity to it. As Passover Was the feast of the physical redemption of Israel, so the Feast of Weeks became the*feast'- of the consecration of a free people to the Moral &aw. ' ; . ; A new santity and appeal has been added to Shabuoth when it became the Day of Confirmation of the Jewish,youth to the faith of their fathers, when the young men and: women of Israel renew the ancient pledge of allegiance, with the words, "We will do and hearken." ; ; • ..'; :
Because of the recor-d -breaking crowds that attended the- Sun Theater to see "Cohens and Kellys," probabaly the funniest comedy ever written for the screen, the Sun Theater is holding1 the picture over all next week. In order to avoid the crowds, attend the afternoon and early evening shows. Vera Gordon, George Sidney, Chas. Murray, and Kate Price take the leads in this picture,
1926—5686 Sivan 1—Rosh Chodesh SLvan 6-*First Day of Pentecost Tammuz—Rosh Chodesh ~ « ^ . . _ Tammuz 17*—Fast of Taramuz Ab 1—Rosh Chodesh . Ab 9—Fast-of Ab Eliut—Rosh Chodesh
..May 14 ...May 19 June 12 June 29 July 12 July 20 10
" 1826—5687 Tishri 1—First Day of New Year Tishri 3—Gast of Gedaliah __ Tishri 10—Yom Kippur - .....
..Sept. 9 ..Sept. 11 ..Sept. 18
of Captain Sam Bender of Central High Tuesday night. The Central Court <*averers won one of the two jingles matches and the doubles dual victory. They had previously defeated North but lost to Creighton. Swenston of Tech beat the Central captain in a match that went the full sets. The scores being, 6-2, 4-6, 6-2. Lungren and Morehead of Central defeated Shoemaker, Swenson and Handier of Tech in the Below is a somewhat comprehensive outline of- the J. C. C. games doubles match 6-4 and 6-1. date: Jewish Community Center. Individual batting averages;—. A.B.H.E.P.O.A.E. AB. H. R. W. • iLK. 3.B. 2.B. E. Pctage Rosenblatt, C. P..-2^ 0 0 2 0 0 6 1 0 2 1 .500 Jjm gomberg, Captain 10 5 Schriebmaa,C.F..-^2 1 1 , 1 »0 0 4 1 1 0 1 1 .500 Aaron Wit Weitz 12 123 5 5 3 0 0 0 0 .386 Koneck, S. S. _; 4 1 1 . 0 0 0 Joe Turner l Dave "Bleicher 10 4 5 1 0 1 2 1 .400 Turner,,L,F. 4 1,-X 0 0 0 Is Shriebman 8 -3 3 1 0 0 0 1 .375 A. Weitz, R . F . . . . . 2 1 0 0 0, 0 11 2 4 2 1 1 0 2 .282 Leo Weite .... ~. Bleicher, C _.-2 0 1 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 :S - 1 Elmer Greenberg-.. .200 0 0 Somberg, 1. B. _ 2 1 1 2 1 0 Johnny Rosenblatt 7 1 2 1 0 0 0 .142 Lester Giyenter .... 1 0 0 o 0 0 0 .1X1 L. Weitz, 2. B. _..4 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 .....11' .090 Sammy Kaufman Giventer, 3. B. ....3 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 ..14' .071 0 Leo Konecky Kaufman, P* ,..,~:-3 0 .0 0 2 0 C. "™.™.:s:^ 1 14 0 0 32 8S -"21 4 2 5 8 41 strike-
Twenty-Fourth Street -Uerchants..
Palestine Labor Asked To Support British Strike
Simonowsky, a member of the com- Jerusalem.—The Jewish Labor Fedmittee, was sentenced to three years eration of Palestine urged lo lend exile in Siberia. Altschuler, Zeruba- its support to the general strike of bel and Yevserkhin were sentenced the British trade unions in a message to detention for three years in a con- addressed to the organization by the centration camp. Amsterdam International. Galperin. Kletchnosky, Calmansohn Frumkin and Misses Brodskaya, Robinson, Golaod and. Neida, members of the. Zionist Socialist ^roup were exiled to Sibera for a term of three years."
—Effectively —Accurately —Promptly Interstate Printing Co.
Vienna*—Dr. Paul Weisongrien, a .Zionist, bequeathed 20 percent of his estate to tne Keren Hayesod. . The estate of the late Dr. Weisengrien, situated in Roumania, is considered to be of great value.
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It is to-your benefit to patronize our advertisers.
In Omaha 350 Rooms—200 Uathk Good Rooms for C1.60 Operated by Eppley Hotel* Co.
Al Handler won 1 game and tost 0; 13 strikeouts in 8 2/3 innings; iL.F. O 0 o 5-room, all modern house 2 hits made off Handler in 6 2/3 innings; 3 runs made off Handler in 8 2/3 Truax, S. S. . 1 o 1 t t 522 South 27th St. Inijmings. ;: 0 l Hess> 3." B. —.. 1 quire at 518 South 27th St. tion,, Rabbi Lipshitz addressed the "Runs Opponents 3 2 Sturge. 2. B. . 0 . Teams standings; runs Pctage Won Lost scored JEWS HONORED | President in French, which was trans1 0 Stone P., C, F 1 12 1.000 „.. 4. -83- -Jewish? Community Center lated by the Anibasador. The IJJabbi O 17 .:. 3 .750 1 4 Borowak, 1. B. __3 0 63expressed to the President the appreSir Rufus Isaacs, known as the Earl Castle Hotel „.. '.-...v.~,...l. -: ! • 31 .750 . 1-. oj 0 -.87. Budny, R. F . , 0 of Reading, formerly Vice-roy of ciation of the Rabbinate of Poland Kinirey Shoes ,.., — ~ , ~ o FOR SALE 33 .500 Clinchard, Cv 49 0 India, has recently had confered upon and ofthe Jewish community of Po24th Street.Merchants 2 20 .833 2420-2418 Maple Street RasmuBsen, C F. 3 o o 0 St. SVancis Club ,•..—.-_...—. 11" Five and nine room house. LarBer, 33 him by the King of England, the land for his recent address of toler.333 all modern. Close to good school. Crane Company ............ . 32 s 16 .269 title of "Marquis". This is the.high- ance: The Eabbi gtated that the Pre Buyer can occupy one snd let other Aitfericaa rBusiness College. 12 51 .000 4 . W 4, 3 23 3 2, pay income. Half block to direct est hpnpr ever,confered by the Brit- sident's recent, utterances had. proven Holy Angels _....r:,..™.,.r—... eAr Serviee. 20 minutes from heart Summary*: .-:•..-.•--..-•:-. • ish Government upon a Jewish citi- of great comfort to the minority of Omaha. achieved nearbefore the home folks Sunday welterweight, &nd Home runs; Swartz, Weitz, Somzen. Even the. great Disraeli did not groups of all pefrpie and "he further greatnesB; ,with~ his stsJ. father and at League Park when he caught Budberg. Two base bits; A. Weitz, Base receive "the distinction of this honor. expressed a hope that the immigra son pupil, son were were tteacher e r and p p , ftne Tinning in the second game of a on Balls: by Kaufman 1, by Stone 1, The Marquis of Reading, the name tion bars may- soori'Tbe lowered ~W~th ydungster graduating into a perfect scheduled double header. Art looked by Rasmussen 1; struck cut by KaufLO.B.B. f t l ' i i aiid d children hild • wh h replica of the old master. ass!umetT "by* former Earl, was unfoitunale sweet behind the - bat but • failed to man 13, by Stone 9, by Rasmussen 4, Meeting of shortly thereafter honored at-a. dinner now cannot .conie-to. this' country to Sam was Benny Aaron; "Star of the "dent the horizon with any 'home', runs, FOR Riyen by the Pilgrim •Society. The joni their husbands and fathers now- East" was his fighting; name. A In hii only time at the bat he ground Hits and runs: off Kaufman 5 hits and 3 runs in 7 innings, off Stone 7 hits Uhltec] States Ambassador to England residing here. splendid lightweight, say the chronThe clouds emptied over the and 7 r^ins in 5 innings, off Rasmusiclers' of thatt period; p e i d ; Oheof his most •t!i.e Br|tish Home Secretary, and four ^ l ""battles^thouKh b t t l h h iin park in the third inning §CR$Bg the sen O aits and 0 runs in two innings. hundred other guests were present at % h f t §?; was j ii f at d fewi onlookers to shelter and th* pl&yers thip dinner. Arthur Mathewson, w, he. fighting g g to the club-house for the day. Art "Winnings Pitcher, Kaufman, Losing Pitcher, Stone. Time of game: two b k k * nt; This baskets-maker*' «ff Bi BirminRhant; tookplacejnearColnrock,' England, on will probabaly vget the call for the hours. Umpires Tolliver and Ring, "We haye heard sotmuch of .late of J 21 1824. 1824 Barney B June 21, "was k kk d will probabaly get the call for the. Scorer: E. Green. Ih2 anti-5emitism of the Roumanian-! (Cbpynjsht 192ft" t>y tfeen Art* out in one of: the. most terrific baie next doube-header but hardly before people that we welcome as a-distinct! Feature Syndicate.) knuckle bouts", eyer fpught^-in , the Meyers, first spring - catcher, is playitem of news any honor shown by the j fifteenth round, after a heroic attempt ing a bang up game and managerMANY SENTENCED TO Roumanian Government to a Jew. • A xr/-irii CXTO T> to win. , ,...-."• i owner Burch would hardly be so foolOther Jews of England to However, this week brings the news] A A O l . H E R EXILE AND DETENTION in . this period were .Barnard Iish as to jerk him from the line-up. that over on.e, hundred Roumanians, .• . ; . . ; . ' :.-:*cr;:r; i ' •• Isaac.Bittoon, And Dan Martin. Marcus Krasne made his bow be- Berlin.—Many members of the ExeJew3 have- just received decorations Remember the name Benny. Bass, So add1 all-these naes to the many fore the athletes from the North y 33j»rsday Evening at Jewish from the Government. These decora- Benny Bass is a * Jewish* lad in Phila- others on record. cutiva Committee of the He'chalutx, Community Center Building. Central Conference at the Dakota tions were for services to .the. country delphia, look'ed"upott.'by sport author the.tirganization.of Palestine pioneers J. M. MAUASBOCIi, PresidenL 'last; Saturday. "Tank" took in Soviet Russia, although the He'! PHONE and include the highest Roumanian itie3 as the comingsieatherweighi ISJOJOEB AEEAMSON. Secretary. champion of the world. ,A pro|fi]Bfirst place in the low-hurdles when ehalutz. is a legalized organization, distinctions. These Jews certainly sional boxer .for. only three years, must have distinguished themselvees Benny has fought such men as Pete At the.time ^-writing ^tiie:Hakoah two runners tied for first. O'Connor, were sentenced to exile and detention, in an extraordinary manner to re-r Sarmiento, Johnny Sheppard, Eddie has played" three games Fith- firsts a team mate, place first, ahead of according, ta reports received here a t 118 South n t h Street Americaii 'soccer teams. Of Krasne in the discus. Meets Every Second and Fourth Wedceive any recognition from a Govern- Anderson, Kid Roy, and Booby Gar- class the He'chalutz headquarters. these three the Jewish team won one nesday evening at the Danish Hall ment which has so neglected the cia. His recent knockout victory over lost o&e> and played one tie. This is a Sam Handler, tennis champ of Tech Lew Mayrs, who defeated Danny pretty good percentage, and splendid rights of our people. at 8:30 o'clock. High in '25 and now a member of the Kramer not long ago, has stunned the evidence that the Hakpah is all it is fistiO; universe. • -; up to be. We predicted after school's doubles team is upholding Now, here is the history of Benny cracked Jascha Heifetz, the noted the first Hakoah" game that the all- the Handler name on the courts. Bass, told in one round: team will h a w to srive at least Sam's brother, Al and sister Sophie violinist, was recently awarded the BUTl'EK and E«GS Bass was born in Kiev, Russia, in Jewish games of its schedule. It seems were tennis stars at Teca at one time Cross of the Legion of honor by the December 1904. He is. the second child two that Harry Conzel will be riuht. The BloSs, 1*. President of the French Republic. of seven, four girls and three boys, Chicago game, which will, have been or other. Handler's Jnareon and while in the family of Jacob and Pauline This distinguished Jew thus hecomes Bass. His parents lived a quaint played when these ' lines • appear in squad met the purple and white team Choose Nebraska's the youngest person on the civil list life in Kiev until Benny became nine print, but which right now/ is still a 'Customized" Clothes to hold the, coverted distinction. Mr. years old, and then they miiirated to matter of the futuie, •will be a very -game; the'Hakoah-should win it Heifetz has just returned to Paris, America, tending at Baltimore and close by 3-1 or 21, The games we are after spending several weeks in Pales- immediately going to Philadelphia, afraid of will be against Ben Miller.s where they have lived ever since. Boys in St. Louis, end asrainst the tine. While there he went frpnv colony PhiladelphisfSoCcer ClUbo n May 31st. to, colony, and entertained- .with his LEARNS TO FIGHT .. However, wefjjredict; only one'more playing. ."On one occasion this young j >fd?^ihe.«akoah'' Team, .which violinist played in the open air to! Even at that age Benny knew that loss would give "them would, ".them two losse losses ut off more than 10,000 listeners. Tmly, record of world 8 • « • gether with his older brother Louis, champions. Rabbi Stephen S. Wise was awar- he set out selling newspapers.' And ded the Gottheil Medal, which is con- to hustle papers in those days around come across a newspaper item VERY T Y P E and build o'f ferred by the Zeta Beta Tau Fratern- his home section, Second and Vine in which Joe Lohman, the welt-kno;\pn who light-heavyweight boxer, is described man can be faultlessly fitted to have the greatest service: n y succeeded in holding his own was as a German Jew. The item appears in a Nebraska "customized" suit at in an English-Jewish newspaper, and to Judaism. Rabbi u: «)•:„Wise ^ is the «.- ^---'proved first When he eventually became reads like paid publicity. There is leader of the gang. man to receive this medal, which will; & price within the clothes allowAt the ripe age of fifteen he nothing wrong in pubUshjMK upblicity hereafter be annually awarded. Rabitems on various events.: We object, donned-his first pair of trous.ers and ance of the man of moderate bi Wise was selected by a committee entered the ranks of amateur fistmen. however, to such cheap methods of labelling a boxer Jewish just in order means. _i of^eleven prominent Jewish editors. He fought as a simon purer two and' attract more Jewish sportinsr fans. Among the other prominent people a-half years, meeting with wonderful to Among the more noted scrap* Unless we are very - much mistaken considered by the committee for this success. pers he faced were Frankie Genaro Lohman is notJewJEh, and has never honor were Calvin Coolidge, Charles and Wilbur "Cohen. consented to pass as a Jew. This is Charging to Re«cmnect a Telephone Evans Hughes, Louis Marshall and Being well nigh past seventeenth the first time we read of him as a Jewish fighter. We would sound, a birthday, the "Fish", as BaBs is famDavid S. Brown, one of whom Keeps Down Your Rates iliarly known to his horde of admires, warning to managers and newspapers ha3 performed splendid services Tor decided alike. Don't play with racial feelings to-cast his all for srlorv tendYour retes for telephone scribers who seldom or never Judaism during the yeat 1925. The encies and go, on big time. Thefirst just for box office- reasons* It does ttxvxtt are kept lower than move, that« part of the erZeta Beta Tau Fraternity is an or- and best' thing he did was to tie up would otherwise be required, pense of connecting a tele* the sad case of King ganization of Jewish college men with with Phil Glassntan. because a charge is made to phone shbuld be metby those \ won't do it again, fof Now Glassman is undoubtlv one of hdp pay the co*t of fe-c6ft- who move frequently. undergraduate chapters in '32 unilearned his lesson. the best fight managers in the game. ftecttng a telephone. Even though a telephone i» versities, and established this Gott- This means that Benny and Phil are If we didn't make this already in place, nruch work SPORT BREVITIES Bsil'Medal in honor of Professor on the. way to a long, prosperous rharee, the entire cost .of re- ia required before seryice>ciaRichard.J. H. Gottheil, who for eight career. We hope that Benny Bass . Abe Silvefstein continues winnintc connecting a telephone would be given over it. Wiring has in middle distance races in New York. prestige to the have to be itiehided in the to "be donft in thfe central office years was the president of the* Fra- will bring g as Ttiuch p The other day "he-won a three-mile rate* charted all of ou* sub- and-informationr*cc6uittfaig road-wee, after losing-his wate and Jews as Jjenny Leonard and other recorda.fjnmt-be scribers. - Extra Trousers May Be Had therefore, having to run. over • three It Ts only fair to the sub- . qhan^ed. Thi» cosU^aoney. t NEW FACT& FOR JEW hundred yards more rthan/his comRabbi Lipshitz, who recently arpetitors. rived in this'country and who is' presi- ISH SPORT HISTORY NORTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY Gerany iosists-ji-flrsl-clasB bantamSamuel Elias, better known dent of the Union ,of R&bbfs of -J'oland . ' ' . . ' . OBU, SYSTEM - • , Dutch Sam pr "the terrible Jew".' had weight boxer. H e i s %hp .<:ham»ion of was recently received by President] »- son'- who--bfecaraS a fighter. His Germany?^f;his.clas$...His name is On«/o/icfv» Om Sgiten - Cninrnl Scrriet The Rabbi was accompanied' rwun* vraa Sftmuol Jlvans, and the Felix Friedman^ and with his fists he x, r * , , - » / r * . « " i n » k n e ^ " 1 S M Yonnsr-Dutch Sam. is doing mova to combat anti-SemiC o g = " CORREC3T APPAREL POR MEN AND WOMEN olish Ambassador and Con- Tr i nh { k n e i ^1S Mb i i i f th o o s ,r , , -»/r*.« " » ^" Yonnsr-Dutch Sam. tism in Germany than a dozen ne^YSby'the Polish Ambassador and Con-., T h a {w a g i n ^ b e f f i n n i n K o f t h e nine„.., ...... „ gresBHian Perlmpn. __ After his recep- teenlh, cei)tury; YoUng .Sam was a ^ piSfpermea-with-their pens.
SEE ^*
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WEDDINGS KLEm-MAIZLISH Invitations have been Issued for the wedding of "Miss Etta Maizlish, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. Maialish, to Mr- Morris Klein, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Klein, of this iity, •which •will he solomnized on Sunday afternoon, May 23, at the home of the bride's parents. Upon their return , from their, honeymoon trip, Mr. Klein and his bride wjlLmake. their home wiHi the .groom's parents. '
Mrs. David Newman returned Monday from a two weeks* trip in Chicago, 131. _ Thirtyrfive members of the younger set entertained at a stag Tuesday evening at the FonteneHe .Hotel for Mr.;.. Maurice Linsman, whose w d ding to Jlj?s Bose Guttman will; t^ke placed this summer. . ..
Miss Anne Weiss has issued fifty invitations for an "at home" on Sunday afternoon, May 16, from 3 to 5, in honor of her: house guest, : Miss Bertha Bloom, of Mason City, la., and also.for two brides-to-be, Miss Rose Guttman, who recently announced her engagement to Mr. Maurice linsman, and Miss Sadye Levey, who will soon be married to Mr. Jack Melcher. The two recent brides who will also share honors at this affair are Mrs.. Jack Fleishman and Mrs. Jules Gerelick. Out-of-town guests who will arrive for the tea are Mr. and Mrs. John C. Levine, Miss Ede Slotsky, Miss Toots Agranoff, Miss Rose Baron, and Miss Euniee Sampson, all of Sioux City, la.
Sixteen Women Hostesses at South Side Auxiliary Card Party May 24
Monday Evening' Twenty-two children will be conThe Y. M. and Y. W. H. A. will be firmed at Temple Israel this year. Confirmation exercises will iake place conducted through the new CommunSunday morning, - May 23, at 10 ity Center this Sunday morning at o'clock, at Temple Israel- The child- 3.1:30 o'clock. The members will be ren who .will be confirmed are as fol- in charge of guides who will show them the new home. lows: . .. • . . Monday, May 37, the bi-monthtly Jane Appleman, Sylvan Block, meeting, Rev. Francis Reilley, head Ruth Cohen, Evelyn Chaikin, Helen Cherniak, Pearl Dansky, j of the English department at CreighRebecca Daytch, La Verne Febton "University, will address the memlowitz, Thelma Ferer, Harry bers and their friends on "Clubs and Frisch, Janet Graetz, Harold Karpin, Mildred Meyerson, Fran- proper qualifications for members of ces Meicher, Sheffel Katskee, clubs." Father Reflley is an instrucDorothy Lustgarten', Sarah Maltor at Creighton University. Musical ashock, MUton Mbskovitz, Maurnumbers of the program will be: ice L. Pepper, Leonard Posley, Violin selections by Leon Katz, minaElizabeth Radman and William Woolfson. tare musical prodigy. Bess Greeriberg popular songstress, accompanied by TEA AT CLOSING MEETING her uke will render a number of OF COUNCIL, MAY 17 songs. Tea will be served at the closing meeting of the local Council of Jewish Women on Monday afternoon May 17, at Temple Israel. . The committee in charge extends a cordiai invitation to £very Jjewish woman to attend. A program is being prepared for this closing event.
To Hash Murplijr: ' Ion »re hereby noti&eil that ia accordance •with Chapter 118 ot ttMJ havrs of 1DU3 ol the Stnte ot NebratsKa, the undersigned claims a lien on your Douglas 8 Automobile, Model 11122, Motor No. C301, for storage amounting to $49.00, and that the undersigned claimant has heretofore T^Tir to JTJB by registered letter, «<>coriJing to law, a aeinaud for payment of said enm, but j-ou hav€ tailed to mnke eaia pajinent, and in accordance" vritti the obore, said cUiraent wpl eel!, according to law, at pnblic auction to Ihe higliest biflder for cash, said automobile nt the pluee ot business of the claimant, 1102 Xo. ISih Street. Omaha. Sebrasta. to satisfy Bairt clnim anfl expenses on Moniiay, Msy 17th, 102G, at 10 o'clock A. M. Northwest Garage, OalmaBt.
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DOROTHY DeVERE'S SUMMER DAXCIXG CLASSES OPEN JUNE 1st Children's Classes in Russian Ballet Evening Classes for Girls Employed Ballroom Lessons — E N R O L L NOW — Studio: 423-424 Arthur Bldg. Phone: At. 6723
Sixteen women will be hostesses' the last of the «ar4 parties to be given The Lincoln Mothers of Sigma this Season by the Ladies Auxiliary of t)elta Tau entertained at a Tea for the South Side Congregatjpn, to be the out-of-to-wn Mothers on Mothers held Monday afternoon, May 24, at Day, May 9th.. The out-of-town Macaroni and Cheese the Brandeis Tea Rooms. Proceeds guests presnt were: Mr. and Mrs. William-Gimple an1 package macaroni will go towards remodeling the Syna Mrs. J. Berek, Fremont;, Mrs. I. nounce the marriage of their daughter %• lb. American cheese gogue. Goldstein, Omaha; Mrs. W. Lustgar- Attend the Season s Largest Rose, to Mr. Milton Gaspar, son of 2 eggs ten, Omaha; Mrs. L. Margolin, OmaMrs. Joe Sherman is chairman of Salt and pepper to taste Mr. I>, Gaspar, of Oklahoma City, ha; Mrs. A. Somberg, Omaha; Mrs. 1 cup milk. these affairs. Those who will serve ©s Okla. The wedding took place SatMr. and Mrs. Herman Meyerson Boil macaroni in salt water 20 hostesses at this affair are the Mes will be at Home on Sunday afternoon, J. Steinberg, Fort Dodge, Iowa; Mrs. urday, May 8. - ' •. Drain and rinse with cold; dames: A. Rachinsky, A. Baumer, L. N- Yaffe, Omaha. • Mr. and Mrs. Gaspar are making: minutes. water. Add cheese cut up, and well Lefkowitz, P. Gorelick, A. Roginsky May 23, from 2-5, and Sunday eve; their home at 2035 Fowler Avenue. beaten eggs a.nd milk, season to ning, from 7 to 10, to relatives and Miss Francis Robinson, of Norfolk, taste and bake in buttered pan one M. Lazerowitz, B. Sacks, L. London; friends in honor of the confirmation Nebr., who debated with the Norfolk • ongiven by ,' hour, M. Soorpin, A. Singer, M. Katzman JOn Mother's Day, a baby daughter of their daughter, Mildred, who will High. School Debate Team spent the or I. Katzman, A. Neesman, M. Dubnoff, be confirmed that morning from the the Shirley Marlyn, wasbo rn to Mr. and Boil macaroni until tender, drain and S. Colick. week-end at the Sigma Delta Tau Mrs. Abe S . Brodkey. Mrs. Brodkey j and rinse with cold water. Add Temple Israel of Omaha. House. was formerly Jliss Bernice Kulakofs- ' cheese, salt and pepper and 1 cup milk. Place over slow fire until .Miss Toby Katelaan, daughter of ky, popular member of-the younger-1 Miss Esther Swislowsky, of Columcheese melts. Serve at once. Mr. and Mrs. Julius Katelman, •will bus, who is attending the University social set. The Ladies Progressive Club elected go to Des Moines, Iowa, on Friday as was elected to Xi Delta, the .sopho* * * officers at their meeting held Monday a representative of this District in more women's honorary. Mrs. I. Conn, of Chicago, 111., ar- ' Rhubarb Pie — atrived this morning to visit here with Line pie pan with rich pie dough. afternoon, May 10. The following were the State Shorthand and Typewriting Cut rhubarb in small pieces and elected: Mrs. S. Maizel, chairman; Contest. She is a Junior at Abraham her sisterj Mrs'. M. Yudelson, and Mr. Mr. Abe Joseph Nefsky returned measure ~2 caps to a pie. Place in Mrs. H. Okun, financial secretary; Lincoln High School, Yudelson. from Florida. pan and pour over 1 cup sugar mixed with 2 tablespoons fiour. Put Mrs. J. Kaplan, recording secretary; Admission Miss Rose Guttman, who will soon on top crust, make a funnel in Mrs. S. Altschuier, treasurer; and Miss Rose Silverman, who has beenj "The Talk of the Town" 50c per couple become the bride of Mr, Maurice Lins>- center of dough and bak« in very Mrs. Morris MinMn, hospitality. making her home here with her uncle j hot oven, reducing heat after 15 man, will be extensively entertained and Aunt, Mr. and Mrs. N. SJolzman, f A tool Campaign drive for Palestine for the past two years,, left Sunday 19th and DBvenport St». Good Orchestra. prior to her wedding. The first of minutes. •will be held Sunday, May 16. Workers for her home in Oil City, PennsylRhubarb Sauce affairs to be given for Miss Guttman Wash rhubarb well and if the will meet at the Labor Lyceunu The vaniawill be a luncheon at the Brandeis are pink do not peel. Cut committee in charge are Morris MinTea rooms this Friday, when Mrs. stalks in small pieces and put.on slow •kin, Mrs. H. Okun and Mrs. J. Kaplan. Miss. Helen Whiteboofc,- of Thomas Victor M- Ganz will be hostess. Tues- fire with very little water. Add Everything Good to Eat Jefferson High School, and Milton . day morning, the office-force of:Gold- pinch of salt and sugar land tin*The Junior Hadassah will meet Marcus, of Abraham Lincoln High stein-Ghapman will ^h?B-"a breakfast namon to taste. Let cook until Thursday evening,- May 20, at the We specialize on Box Lunettes lor Picnics rhtibarb is tender. School, were members of the Council in honor of Miss Guttman. Open Evenings and Sundays. Jewish Community Center. The com- Bluffs Consolidated Band which won 33rd & California Phone Ha. 37S3 Cocoa Cream Roll izuttee of the club Card party held first piaca is the State Contest which Mrs. S. Nathan: is returning home I. M. WINTROtJB, Prop, Correcting last week's recipe. recently reports that $100 was raised was held during the past week-end at today from a ten-day; visit and busi3 eggs well beaten. Add l cup rfrom the affair. • Iowa City, Iowa. Thfe band will now ness trip to Chicago, HL ' r • sugar and, beat, add 4 tablespoon cold water and 3 tablespoon's cocoa. Bennett Cohen was recently elected represent tht state at th« National "True Greatness" will ; be Rabbi Sift 1 scant cup flour and 1% teaAfffftfortt nf New Arrivals in Dainty agoftsor, of the B^nai. Ami Fraternity, Contest which will be held at Chicago, L m&y be ctuwd . Frederick Cohn's t^ruHm-'topic. *for spoon baking- powder and ^4 teaIllinolE, in. June. :t,••---, | »t ttrt iplM by fc yhich is the first club in Omaha to spoon salt. Add to batter, beating this Friday evening at the Temple, hard. Add 1 teaspoon -vanilla and -•uun become affiliated with the Young The Ladies Aid Society hel4 a meetand on Saturday morning his subject 2 tablespoons hot butter. ; jjudea. Three new members, Harry ing Tuesday afternoon at the home of will be "Little Journeys.". : " Bake in quick oven, turn out on damp cloth, spread with' whipped Kohn, Samuel Weiss, and Charles Mrs. Herman Meyerson. Mr. and Mrs. L. Woolfson will en- cream or .marshmallow; ireing and Guss joined the organization at the IVEK last meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Krasne are tertain Sunday afternoon, May 23, toll as for jelly roll.- , ' >' . For Miss 7 to 14 1 **£& ' win from 2 to 6, for relatives and friends Frank Ackerman and Dave Frank leaving Sunday foT Los Angeles, CaliRemove the . Cream Puffs in honor of the confirmation of their were elected track captain and man- fornia, to visit Mrs. Krasne's sister, • L J ^ E S Cause of 1 cup hot water sonr William, •who will be confirmed • '% ager respectively while Harold Pol- Strs. Ben Hirsch, and-Mr. Hirsch. ORGANS ' cup butter ' that morning from Temple Israel. lack was elected captain of the base- They" expect to be gone all summer. 1 cup flour ball team and Orris Donowitz manli teaspoon salt Mrs. Will S. Pips and Bon, Alvin Miss, jRose B^rron pf Sioux City, 5 eggs. ,-• '.- -..-- .-. . ,;. . • ' ager. Sam Steinberg was appointed Iowa arrived today io visit Miss Patsy Merle, of Duncan, Okla., are visiting Boil water and butter hard. Add publicity manager with Dave Frank Eosenthal. here with Mrs, Bips* parents, Mr. and fiour all at one time. Remove from as assistant. Arriving daily—are the beruffled clouds of loveliness— fire at once and add salt. Beat. Mrs. J. Adler. for the little lady's graduation—banquet and such event. hard until smooth. Add unbeaten • A sixth inning rally enabled th« , A Surprise Party was given Sunday Miss Evelyn Yousem, who was eggs, one; at a time, beating "doagfi" B'nai Ajni baseball team to win from •on Mrs. L. Meyerson by her children Frocks of sheer georgette, chiffon and heavier crepe in hard after each egg. Allow 1 heapat the home of her daughter, Mrs. operated on Monday at the Lord ing youthful tints—yellow, pint, orchid, green, rose, blue, tablespoon dough for each puff. the Monarch nine. The score was 10:7; 534 Securities Bldg. lister Hospital, is convalescing. and, of course, white. May be baked in greased muffin Li the'sixth Donowitz led off with a -Morris Grossman, and Mr. Grossman, the occasion being Mother's Day. A tins or on inverted dripping pan in Phones: Jackson "6540 Mr. M. E. Chapman is in Excelsior hot oven, reducing heat after they double and stole third. Weiss struck supper was served for twenty-two j Shop for your little girl's complete wardrobe in our r out. The next batter got on an error. g u e s t s . ----.,--. •-• Springs, Mo., and is expected to re- have puffed. , Res. Hamey 7883 \ convenient third floor department-—here are hats, shoes, Frank was safe on an infield hit. With * * .* turn the latter part of this week. coats and dresses in widest assortment. the bases full Steinberg hit for two Hours: 10—1 For Pilling Miss Eunice Sampson, and her Mrs..J. M. Baslow and son, Alfred „ 2—6 May be filled when cool with bases scoring all three men. He, him- mother, Mrs. S. Sampson of Sioux The Br&ndeis Store—Girls' Sept.—Third Floor «f Bwoklyn, N. Y., is spending the whipped cream, custard, or make self, scored on an overthrow. Gross City, Iowa, arrived today to be the and by appointments. summer months here with her parents, a hard sauce and add crushed scored- the last B'nai Ami run of the guests of the Ike Krasne family. Miss ] Mr. and Mrs. M. Lefkowitz. . '•'. strawberries. This last is delicious. inning; Sampson is the fiance of Mr. Al Hard Sauce The^B'nai Ami handball tournament Krasne. Mrs. Lena Bleicher returned Sunday li cup butter has progressed to the semi-finals. The from a year's stoyw New, York City. 1 cup powdered sugar two games are Frank vs. Gross and Mr. and Mrs. Jak« Krasne will leave Enroute home she stopped —oft at v Ir3 teaspoon lemon flavor Steinberg vs. Ackerman. Frank and Sunday Tnorning for Los Angeles, Cleveland, O., and Petroit, "Mich. . 2 - 3 teaspoon vanijla. Ackerman are doped, to be the finalists California, to spend the summer. Cream'butter, add sugar slowly Dr. and Mrs. M, Margolin, of Dyers- and flavor. with Ackerman winning. > Mrs. B*^SaltEtnan ispent the past ville, la., formerly of Omftfaa, an-j •-.-' '' ' .• • • ' * - ..-•• . x J •' ' •_ .The B'nai Ami track team will meet CustaM ~ nounce the birth of a baby son born the Monarch squad at Creighton field 3 egg yolks Thursday, May 6; : next Sunday morning. . ; 3 tablespoons sugar % teaspoon salt Mr. and Mrs. M. Yudelson are reAt the last meeting •:. of Omaha % teaspoon vanjUa ' •Chapter of A. Z. A.- fteld Sunday after-^ ceiving Sunday evening in honor of '1 heaping tablespoon corn starch the Bar Mitzvoh of their son, Milton noon at the Community Center Marion the only street railway company in the country 1 pint milk. No unusual request is being made nor unfair Harvey- Young Yudelson is entertainthat could or would render eervice under present Beat yolks and sugar. Add all 'Graetz and Jerome Diamond were advantage sought by the Omaha & Council BluffB ing 15 friends at the "World Theater other ingredients and let cook until elected delegates froni Omaha Chapter conditions. Street Railway Company in the franchise. thick, over hot water or on slow to the Third AnnuaHA.~Z.vA, ConSaturday afternoon. The company simply is asking that it be fire. Egg whites may be beaten tention which is to be lield in St. Inducing capital to establish a street car line , . r guaranteed the right to operate in Omaha during Mr. I. Chapman is in New York dry and added. in a city which has refused a franchise to the faul, .Minn.j ^iily 8; 9, and 10. ^Custard is especially good when the next forty years. It does tMs in order that City on a buying trip, established company is an impossibility these Dave Beber and Stanley F. Levin, mixed with whipped cream. .If it may go ahead with its refinancing, building and days. custard is cooked too fast it. will .were elected alternates. Mr. and Mrs. William R. Blumen- lump, extension program. ".."'.. The A. Z/A. tennis tourney which thal are leaving Monday for CleveThe citizens of Rockford, Illinois, learned that • A street car company cannot stand still, is being conducted by the local land, 0., where they will attend the some two years ago. Certain city officials decided HOUSEHOLD HINTS especially where it is rendering service to a Social Workers' Convention. Enroute To soften brown sugar that is Chapter is Well under way. they would not grant a franchise to the comprogressive, growing city like Omaha. It either to Cleveland, Mrs. Blumenthal will lumpy, place in paper bag, wring, pany which was operating the cars. They exmust go forward or it will go backwards In stop off at Chicago, 111., to visit with clean cloth out of hot water and' . Omaha jChapter; will play an untended an invitation to others to bid for a franorder to go forward it must be able to obtain new known teahi this-Sunday morning at relatives for several days, and then wrap bag in* Leave over night. chise. The only offer that was received came capital. It is not forthcoming, of course, unless ;33rd and 52ass JSts. The game will join Mr. Blumenthal in Cleveland. from a man who had neither a street car system Strawberries are delicious cooked start at nine thirty o'clock. a company has some guarantee that ft will be with rhubarb as a sauce or for pie. rior money to build one. Rockford's experience permitted to operate. Miss Rose Kuklin, of Chicago, 111., Use just a few strawberries. ; would be duplicated here if an effort were made visited '«st w#>r.;- v^*'» lier aunt, Mrs. There is no question but that Omaha must' to induce a new company to start a street car Place a generous-amount of salt HI Our motto is HIGH QUALITY S. Altschuier, ami is now visiting with1 have street car service. Who^ thens IB In a better line. the water"-you use to soafc/aii Mr. anil Mrs. Dave KukJiii. in Lincoln* •In position to render it than thft Omaha & leafy vegetables. Anything, conThe present company is ready to serve, and Bluffs Street Bail way Company? Its tracks ere iu vegetables-"will arise to Miss Sara Faicr uml Mirs Dorothy ' cealed is anxious to have the right to serve granted it top lind can TO easily m laid and its cars are in operation. It is in the Swartz will leave -this, weeb to visit ' I at the special election on May 18. best position to render service. The fact is it is indefinitely in Los Ancles San AtM a pinch of a l t and WHY NOT BUY THE BEST? Francisco, Calif. • Lablaspoon water to each egg white You can trade your tild
Shimsk Relief Society
Sunday Evening May 16
Keep's Dancing
Wintroub's Delicatessen
Graduation Frocks
* - .
• • • • .
Cat Company Seeks Power To Expand Its Service
Miss Esther Faicr, a r.iiulcnt at the university «•' £]>.1:UIKL. :, will ictmn in schco; ha tlrb. tJ. h'-dlzr.
osfore beating;.You-wil! have more and mennprus will be fluffy.
T.vo U;b!c;ipjsm« of .-ussr shculu oe; usoil-. fcr. e^alj ^egjf-. white anil " - cur" r.icr.nSue Vvtll TiS
Diamonds and
pocket- watch or wrist watch for a NEW ONE.
Omaha & Council Bluffs Street Railway Company
Baker Ice To Install Refrigerator atTerminalBldg.
his;ra«ianf little operate to establish a National Migra- I Mr. Rosenwald made his WORLD MIGRATION face. . . .. , . . tionr office.- In . addition, an Interna-j tion investigation Of the T CONGRESS T& TAKE 1 Ardently, 'lovingly, 'she had -been PLACE IN LONDON tional Migration office should be technical museum *n connection' with [waiting for hhn eleven years—in vain. created, with adequate trade union his plans to erect a technical institute (Continued from page 1} '"Until a t last hope began : to desert her. representation, to draw up interna- in Chicago. By MATILDA BENNETT office by the International tional regulations for migration. Tn, I t seemed to her that her wonderful ' The Baker Ice Machine Company, Migration £«6-»«». «««.* iv uic imeni»«onai son had died, inch by inch, "before her of this city hav been awarded the Federation of. Trade Umons and the' the establishment of the last named.' „ 0/ London, England 43 'eyes—died before he was bom, as it contract for installing the refrigerat- Labor and Socialist International will! t h e possibility of collaborating with SEMITIC CANDIDATES IK were. Bit by bit the pictures of sun- ing plant at the new Mail Terminal be urged in a resolution dealing With other bodies is to be investigated. The! '"* Gittel, the childless -one, stood at kept growing, taking root more shine and happiness which' she had Building now under construction for the problem of protection for the imROUMANIAN ELECTIONS machinery thus set up should he |"the little ".."window, watching the re- strongly and more deeply ia. her heart cherished-for~so many- years crumbled the Burlington Railroad. This build- migrant. 1 utilized to control or supervise the j treating'figure, of her, husband, Ger- from day to day. Anti-Semitic candiaway and "fell to pieces. • And she ing will be located across the street Other Resolutions. recruitment of immigration labor by'„ j Bucharest. from the Burlington Depot. gohn"; the peddler. She' watched him Out in the street, there were crowds realized that not only would she never for elections in the dates will run Other resolutions which will be sub- means of visas which, however, should The refrigerating .plant'will be used iurning-the corner of the quaint, dull, of children, all belonging to other krio^-theio've of : a child'.'but also that forthcoming parliamentary contest in mitted to the congress declare: "This poverty-stricken street in which they woman, whilst she herself was yearn- the affection of her husband was fad- to cool drinking water for the four congress declares that in principal be issued free of charge to the emi-: forty three election sections, it wafl lived. — ing and pining day and night for the ing out of existence. And despair filled hundred that will be employed. The migration should, be free, that: is to grant worker." ;. "The congress desires . to empha- learned today. plant is large enough to'-cool 125 galGersohn had been home for Rosh sound of one little voice, for the her veins as with lead. The candidates are...supported by 1 say, purely political .reasons should Hoshana and was now going away touch of one little hand. "If only I | «<pather in Heaven," she prayed, lons of .water per hoiir^to 45 degrees not interefere with-Jfreedom of migra- size its conviction that it is the duty the Cuza party, followers of the antiof altgovernment to .provide for the until Hanucca. , He v only"came home had someone to talk;, with!" she mur- "give me a.son. Almighty1 God, why Fahr. the; most -ideal temperature "for Ieader solution off migration problems in the *emitlc ' P ™ f e s s « Alexander ••conditions; "-•• Calorie' tion; economic at the festivals, and: went away again mured. "But who cares about me— do you^nlnish me so terribly? All the drinking .water.-Seven-drinking water Cuza. the balance when manner best conducive to' intema-| __ immediately'-• after; they were, over. who cares?" And she wrung her wonien around; me tiaSre children, and fountains will be located at conven- should weigh in decisions are being made, and only in tional peace and good-will, and to the' *.» ient place§..thr.aughautLthe building. . Gittel's brown eyes were heavy and hands, why have I none ?/"' very exceptional circumstances should protection of the interests both of the This installation very,clearly shows sad. Her pale features looked drawn, On one occasion she told Miriam • She dropped her:aching-head on. to "Let Us Help You Keep Clean" other factors be allowed to influence emigrant workers and of the worka i with pain. And her thiri lips were and Basse about her terrible loneliness the" table andTwept., Loud and bitter the attitude of the Burlington Railthese. decisions.". . : ers in the country to which they go." "tightly compressed. For a long while when her husband was away,-arid how a«d terrible'was the cry which arose road to use an Omaha made product -"The congress affirms that migraThe headquarters of the congress whenever possible. she stood by the •windtow quite motion- i nights; -brought terror to her from her melancholy isqul..\- ' 1819 California Street are at the International Federation; tion nroblems cannot be satisfactorily The-refrigerating plant, according jess. The.n she sat down on a chair heart ATlantic 62S1. Next door, to. Gittel lived Hinde, the solved without ^ the co-operation of of Trade Unions, SI Tesselschadestr., | 1 by'the table. The blood • rushed . to "When you are a. stranger in a Lean .One!! When sher. heard Gittel's to officials of the Baker Ice Machine Amsterdam, Holland. trade union organizations. These orin every Tier head, arid her temples throbbed town and. alone, your heart simply sobs she flew in to heiv "carrying, her Company, will be a model v way and will;-be' oneof ; the highest ganizations must have a voice in the ROSEWALD GIVES $5,000 TO tfercely. She felt that she, could' not aches," she added sadly. ' youngest child' nv her; arms: aht£- leadcontrol of recruiting and in the de: types of installations of this kind. , move. A, powerful wave; of loneliness. VIENNA TECHNICAL MUSEUM "Woe is ,,irie>.';<jried Miriam. "How ing her threefolder- bdys,"all"hand in termination of the general principles £tfGRAVING CO. INC. • dark as night and almost as crushing can a person live" alone* like a stone? haruL ,Gittel'4;.door-was open and she guiding-the national migration policy Vienna.^~A donation of $5,000 to as jdeath,: closed over her, leaving her I will come- to -see you, certainly, walked straight into, her house, with f their respective countries. It there- the Technical Museum in Vienna was j ENGRAVERS \yeak and helpless. • without a doubt.1' . '• ' " her little-family; :-;'- •> / fore considers that the governments given by Julius Rosenwald before hej r Eacbitime;Gersohn wenjt;away^:Gif: But she.neter came^That is tocsay, ;' Hearing'"-footsteps', Gittel -dried rher and national trade union centers of left Vienna, it was learned here to-j, '• *"" * moret deeply ^into.theo^ckshe did cbme-«iw, "oli; Rosh Hoshana, eyes.qufckly^arilstodd'Up^ofacehe'r ;he • -various* countries' should coof lethargy-arid depression: The True* He- •visitors; ' / J * •'-.'- .'.•'.''•:' "• ."V Tel Ayiv.-UThe remains of Dr. Max when-Gershon-cwas s : •house:she used/ to^ take saeh was in bed^fastasteipv.whenlMiriamiK "Goodtmorning, Gittel. God be; with Nordau werejaid to eternal rest-,here :pridein.when she firffc e^we into it no came. Stnii i t ;"was.:.not^ likej being! tyost.- Why, are "you": crying?" asked yesterday .with impressive ceremonies;' longer interested her. And at; times entirely alonep*5-I^; suppbsing-r--God; Hundreds of wreaths were laid on the ibeestuse-of-the fits-of excessive brood- :-"£•?,* "u"' s t<r take^-ill •and' cry! '•>-•• .;•.• , . . . . . . . , - . . '-v;'•••- • i o r b j a : — s h e an- grave. ' jng,.; she neglected not only the house out for Gershon, he would hear her, Col. , Frederick H. Kirsch, reprecrying! have I but'h^rself as weH. - She-scarcely ate although he was;a very sound sleeper.; to cry for? What a m i short of?" sentatvie of the Zionist Executive, M. Could she. ask Miriam and Masse! she asked, looking.Bearchingly into M. Usshishkin on behalf of the Vaad aiiything, for the simple * reason; that she did not want to etfett herself to again? Maybe she should kneel at Hinde's dulLeyes as.if:expecting to Leumi, Dr. M. Glikson, representing the food. And whenever she their feet and beg of them, to come .find some understanding: 1 in them. the Hebrew Writers' Association, M. d the impulse to do,something, she to see her? Who were they that they' "Well, really, say Jyourself, what am Dizengbff, Dr. Benzion Mosesohn and would check it, and ask sadly, the should except her to humble herself, I short of ?" she repeated, asher burn- Tftiss Maxa Nordau delivered eulogies. tears streaming fro'in her eyes; "For in the dust to them? ing eyes tested on the- baby, boy leapMiss NordaUj speaking in Hebrew, Gittel suddenly became conscious of ing and crowing in'his/mother's arms. stated that; she sees her how deep whom am I going to work—for whom? Who is there to say to me: the hushed stillness about her. And "Really, what— t " But/she could not was the love; for her father and how she shuddered. The eleven empty finish the sentence. She hurst into a his dream,-ofPalestine in being ful'It is good; it is nice?' " filled. She declared that in her sorIt was only when Gersohn was at years, the, long drawn out ghastly wild, hysterical scream of laughter. home that something of her old self nights she had experienced, and the Loud, 'terrible, 'fearful' was the row, she is happy that he is laid to - ' .-;. •• • returned. - Her love, of housekeeping painful years which were her future laughter of Gittel the childless, and it - ''revived, and she found pleasure in —all these stood before her in a fell straight into the face - of the everything she did. ghastly nightmare. mother of the four handsome little 984 EMIGRANTS LEAVE Although Gersohn took very little It seemed to,her that she was once boys. .: .', . •". -... „.' " ! POLAND FOR PALESnotice of her work, she nevertheless again dreaming of the child who had "Because- she. is better off, she j TINE DURING APRIL •made the house look as nice as pos- never been horn to her—the child who laughs at my poverty,- into • iny very j sible for his coming, as a sort of wel- was going to he her solace and her face/' said Hinde t o \ herself. The; Warsaw.-^During the month- -.of conie to him. companion. At night, lying beside her, humiliation was too much,for.her. She 1 April 984- Polish Jewish Jn the early days of their married she would hear his breathing. And he bade Gittel a hurried "Goociaa'y" and,] Palestine. Thi majority of these eniilife, when, Gittel used to complain' would be her own—so much her own jii^^n. \,o~ +k™»» .'nt+.i -We: in'tfrnnt o in front g r a n t s beloffg to the iddle class and her three of her grea$ loneliness to Gersohn, he that no one could take him from of her, ran from. Gittel's,-heuse, clos- possess some means. used to her cheerfully: her. He vjpuld grow up to be a great ing the door behind her "with a loud The Palestine Exhibition -which was ' i'^What? little fool I What are man, a very great man, perhaps like bang. " '"""""~'-'~~~~.n^ • opened her^ for six months and. atjpu.shoTt of? Would y.ou like tp-be Moses or King Solomon. Who could like me—rin a different place .'every tell? Certainly he would be unlike • "Neveti never, never will she see tracted widef attention, returned to day? ,,Soon ypu- will get to know the any., other .child .in the whole wide me crossing her threshold again," said Palestine ye|terday. The Polish Govpeople, of the town. It will • b& al" world. He woud have no equal for Hinde when she-was insMe her own, erhmerit; ex|ended all possSie faciliright.] ,;i tell you it will1 be all right." wisdom and. beauty and • personality. house agaiiu She put the baby down ties for the. .import and export «f the ". '. And he w.ould comfort her by adding Her son! Yes, indeed, her own «on! on the' floor arid -continued talking to .exhibits. that.-it wonld not be so far for her For it was .indeed- true that the won- herself. "I should. like to know why "With whom then are child- ders of. God ,axe infinite. And she,- his she laughed at Tne. And another thing —^riother thing-^-why.was Gittel cry- Wet WasK ren ? With the father? No! Of mother, would he. envied' by all the Semi-Flat;' ' •. course not!. They are with the mother. mothers in the world.. Every single ing ?-"~Jewish Exponent. Rough Dry . . And then life is different—quite an- individual who ever heard of her JEWISH PAVILIQN OPENED AT AMERICAN WET WASH other sort of life then." would agree that she was the most DUSSELDORF EXHIBITION ' 2808 CunriVs St. His restless brown eyes looked Barney 0881 wonderful mother the world had ever happy, <. and full of contentment, as if known. And it would not be without Dusseldorf.-—The Jewish; pavilion he had a picture of something very cause, for she would take the most In the German Hygiene Exhibition pleasant before him. But whea sevwonderful care of his little body and was opened' here "yesterday with eral, years passed and they had no teach him the finest and noblest special ceremonies in the presence of children, his old comforting tone things in the1 world. many government representatives. changed to one of irritation. No; her son would never throw The pavilion is-erected in the style "Leave me alone," he would cry in 2224 Cuming St. Phone JAckson 1226, an angry, despotic voice, in reply to stones into windows, nor tear his of- Solomon's' Temple and contains clothes to pieces in climbing, walls. several divisions,- having -exhibits_ of her complaints of loneliness. And she would mutter, half to her- Above all, she would never allow him Jewish sanitary work, .social service, self, in a voice choking with emotion: to .be disrespectful to his rebbe. She Judaism and Palestine. Many per"What i3 the "use of. talking? Who would impress him so forcibly that he sons visited the exhibition. would never forget the greatness of cares about me?" • - -*• the man who taught the Holy Torahu Eventually she became very silent, Harry H. Lapidus, Pres;-Treas. "Manufactured in Omaha" If only Basse had taken care of and earned for herself the nickname W. G. lire. Secretary. them and taught them as .fth* should of "The Silent Gittel." The neighBAKER ICE MACHINE CObors- used to say: "What do you ex- have done—would her three boys have pect of Gittel? Words are precious been such wild animals? ' Of course OT an occasional triumph aiit loaf "fine ingredients." But of ingredients to Jier. You know that she values not. The mother can do whatever she with rich nut-brown, nut-sweet chosen more carefully than ever belikes with her children. And here were COMPLETE STOKE AND them,at a high price". DR. WILLIAM RADUZINER crust and fine-grained, delicious tex- fore. Flour tested three times before ' OFFICE OUTFITTERS Whenever a woman stopped her in scores of mothers all around her who ? turc. ' Not the*delight of thoroughly it is used. Milk analyzed for butter . :•. • •• W i peeopy '••' - ' the street to talk- with, her, Gittel were extremely careless about how ] T1000 wn«t» appetizing bread just once in a happy fat as well as for sweetness. Sugar and - • • their children grew up. All they cared ' U I C PALMEU GRADCATE would begin to search her mind for .634 Securities BIfle. "" ' while, as it was in home-bread-baking yeast and shortening selected not" only -something suitable to say—something1 about was their own- comfort. Hlreetc Phones-K)tBce| Ja. 6540; Res., Ha. 7883 Vbmwt times* for purity and richness but for baking r i outside of herself. In her eyes one ' As to Gershon—he would un, . ,..*. .'....Consultation .Fr$r.v* ,_ : OMAHA. NEB. could read the words: "Don't you doubtedly respect her, look up to her, But delicious, perfect loaves, fra- qualities as well, c - ... . • •. •• • "• know what my heart is longing for? because-she.was-the mother of his grant and delicate for every meal of You will appreciate Vhat such pains- : ; • It is longing for: a child." - But her child, that wonderful boy. every day! , taking care mea^^afiie'r ^yo_u:"have": *..'• lips uttered, no sound.. She was top ' And she herself would no longer PAXTON-MITCHEtL CO. ' That is the luxury thousands of cut into your first "fragrant loaf of proud to disclose the bitterness of feel that she ~was like a dried up, nth & hlartha St*.. " .Barmy 1663 families know today. For a baking Merit Bread—after you have satisfied WHOLESALE • • • Omaha.-Nebrt • - > . her soul* to strangers. So she would Jaarren tree, which only encumbered^ Sort, gray troo, brass,., hronzc onct aloskill undreamed of a few years ago ravenous little appetites with i t listen" to the woman for a few min- the garden, so to say. Having born nifnnin castings, SlanaaM Sizes bronze Druggists and Stationers assures you daily that satisfying goodafter you have seen its even white a son, she .could look upon herself as ahrt, troo buBhlngs^ sewer, manholes, utes: 'A good day'to you!" and walk «gl-4U3~tufi (South letb Slrmrt rlDgs aod covers, ana clcan-oat on* rather quickly, as if some import- the equal of any man, woman or child -cistern Bess of Merit Bread! slices on your own table. Get a loaf doors ID ' stock. - - - - - ant duty was awaiting here elsewhere. living. Merit Bread is not made simply of from your grocer today! 'After all, wha.t was. there for herl Bye, and bye, in many years to JAY BURNS BAKERY to'talk about? Fqlks always talked come, her son would recite the mourn(STANDARD BAKERIES CORPORATION) about themselves and their children. er's prayer after her. ALife Insurance Policy ( A daughter has to be provided with As fpr the .women, they talked more For Every Need a dowry. And h o w could poor folks ~ about their children than about themJUDAH L. WOLFSON, Rep. like herself and'Gershon hope to save selves. The Equitable Life of'New York up a comparatively large sum of O729 645 Omaha Nnt'I Bonk iHdg. "My^Bassalle,",one would say, "was - . WB. S73J. money, enough for the dowry,, the I t S3S5 born on the Passover eve, In time for wedding, the outfit, and the marriage * tne- Seder." Whilst a second woman broker as well. And the worst of a would be sure" to add,' hurriedly, as if daughter is that after one has reared Wrapped with Every Loaf of Merit Bread Friday fihis'were her one and "only chance her up, she marries and leaves her . _i be the recipe for French Toast, as it is served on board the Aquitania, the . hi imparting her wonderful piece of parents. And the son-in-law does not 1 famous flag-ship of the Cunard Line. This is one of the series of hitherto unnews: "My Yossall^-may he live a always pay much respect to his par. ISADUKE AHKAMSON published recipes of leading chefs, which you will find regularly «ach Friday hundred and twenty years! My Yosents-in-law; the secwith your loaf of Merit Bread. galle -was born on feri th Since the whole .world appreciates ofldeandle a son more than' a daughter, then; - %hat was there in Gittel's life to surely one can see that there are good in£rk> the passage p a s g of time? There £k> the grounds for it. Systems—Audits—Investigations was not, a single.landmark l l d k iin ttii e And Gittel made up her mind that y M ' lier, exint^tice. Every 490 BliAKDfcllS THEATER her child would be- a son. And she. V'tdjnsr'stnr Atlantic 1450. grew, Sept making plans for the festive day arrive-^-wben jshe_
The Silent Gittel-An Empty Life
Frontier Towel & Linen Supply
Remains d Dr. Nordau l\ Buried in Palestine
A baking skill
she never dreamed of—
HOISE & RIEPEN Funeral Directors
ias made an old-time delight possible again for thousands
Baker Ice Machines
Omaha Fixture & Supply C®»
E. E. Bruce & Co.
ABRAMSON AUDIT CO. Public Accountants and Auditors