May 20, 1926

Page 1

Success or failure in business is caused more by mental attitude even than by mental capacities. — Walter Dill Scott.

The-cynicis one wEo knows- the.; price of every;things and the .v a In.e^of nothing.—* Oscar Wilde.

r£?&* VOL. V—No. 24

post off "

tndJI tnat|er on' January 27th. 1021, at Nebraska, under tbe Act of March 3. 1879.



Inspection of Comraiinity Center Sunday Public Invited to Visit New Jewish Community Center Building On iction Day Sunday, May 23

The New Jewish Community Center Swimming Pool Open For Inspection

Board of Jewish Deputies T* Congratulate Samuel At Monthly Meeting

Visitors Will Be Shown Entire Building By Special Guides Who Will Act As Escorts JEWISH i



London.—Sir Herbert Samuel, former High Commissioner of Palestine and chairman of the British RoyThe hew Jewisli,Community Center bujldingfwili be open al Commission, is acclaimed as a for inspection to the public Sunday, May 23. Letters have;been national hero following tl:c conclusion of the general strike. sent to the subscribers of the Jewish Community Center building "The British Worker", the offidai inviting them and their friends to visit the Community Center : organ of the strikers, reports that Sir building on Inspection Day. .:'; vl'T.' Herbeit returned from Italy \vhere he Special guides will be appointed to take ,the. large crowds was on a vacation tour, and offered through^ the building. Every corner and room-of-the. building his services as mediator. He immedwill be shown to the people. ••>»•" ; : : : i . iately got in touch with the government and strike leaders, discussed The new Jewish Community; Center their demands with the workers and building is nearing completion for the prepared the memorandum which emTo Give opening week. The interior work will bodied the compromise proposals to B'nai Israel Synagogue soon be completed and will be ready which were accepted by the Trades for the opening week of June 6. The Union Congress and the government. Mrs. H. Levey announces to her boildipg, according to those who have Following this acceptance, negotia- many friends that on Sunday afterviewed it, is one of the finest buildtions were resumed and. were successings of its kind in the country. Every noon, May 23," 3-p; m., she will fully concluded. Throughout the medpresent a SofarTbrahin her name modern convenience for such a type iation, Sir Herbert emphasised that . and-in the memory of her. beloved Special Program at Zionist of building is found in the Jewish National Worker Spoke On he acted not in his official capacity husband to1 the'Bnai Israel Syna5 Community Center building. as chairman of the Royal Coal ComMeetiag Tuesday Evening Hadassah Work in Palestine The swimming pool and gymnasium gogue, 18. and Chicago Street. . : mission, but purely on his own iniShe requests the'pleasure of the MVs. Archibald Silverman, of Proare already, completed and are two of A special program in honor of Rabbi tiative. First Place in presence of :att' of a her. friends. Gate City Holding vidence, R. I., who is' making a westthe finest athletic accomplishments Members Active on School Campus Hirsch Masliansky, who is celebrating League The monthly meeting of the Board Several of Omaha's most prominent, ever built in the city. his seventieth birthday, will be given ern tour of Hadassah" chapters, was of Jewish Deputies, which was to speakers will-address the audience At the last regular meeting, the Pi by the Omaha branch of the Zionist in Omaha Tufesday,'May 18, and adThe Jewish Community Center take place on Sunday and was postafter which a musical program will Delta Sigma, Creightpn SociaV frater- Orgfaization at .their next meeting to dressed the* members' of the local Baseball team won its fifth straight poned on account of the strike, will be presented. Refreshments - will nity, held its faiinual- election; Isaac be heM .Tntsday eyeing, May 25, at chapter" following a luncheon at the game .••when it defeated the Crane Co. take place on Sunday as originally also be served. Sternhill, Med^ne^ '27^ was elected tb,e Je^sfsh iCqmmu^ty;; Center. All Fontenelle> Hotfel." score of 7 to 2. The Jew- scheduled. It is understood that this •: Mrs. .Silveriaan~ described the. con- ish Community'Center .team is. leadChief Counselp^Silhe,: following are Zionist^organizations throughout tifcjjethe .Bew-officeis": ^ -David *€ahn,~VicTS country are* giving programs ialronor ditions "of^Palestine' and the Avork: of ing'tfee Gate City Deagee; TheCenter representative body'of. British Jewry First •win congratulate .Sir Herbertr in "*• r Couflsblor; Benirie C, Mofgan,"Crerk of "Rabbi Masliansky, -who is one of the National Hadasskh in; that • cauri5-., :: :; >Iay 30 lay^the fast Castle Hotel j r e s o i u t i O n similar to that adopted*in" of 7the Rolls; Sam Zacharia', Clerk r ' the outstanding .Zionist ^ leaders and try. I - ' . ' ~; " , " team Sunday afternoon a t Fontenelle^ h § n o r o f t h e Marquis Reading, exthe Exchequer; Louis' E. Iipp, Crier; an orator. "The National Hadassah was.organPark as one,6f the feature games of pressing the thanks of the Jewish Entrants in the B'nai Brith Golf Samuel Z. Faier, Guard; . and "Ben ized 14 years ago with 29 members Election of delegates to the 29th tournament will hold practice for two Kazlowsky, Chaplain. Ther new officers Annual Zionist Convention to be held tinder "the "leadership of Henrietta the week. The game will begin nt community in Great Britain for his weeks, and will play the first match Discuss Z i o n in t . Work in Pales- will be installed at a" banquet at the services to the country and for the Szred, .for tre' purpose of sending 1:30 p. m. : at Buffalo, N. Y.> in June, will also on Sunday, May 30, at the Highland Sammy Kauffman, ace of the CenJ honor he renders to the Jewish name. • Fontenelle Hotel. * * medical aid to Palestine. During the tine take place at this meeting. „ » m Country Club and Elmwood Park. first year 2 nurses were maintained ter's pitching staff, will do the hurl-| The program during the closing ing, and Bleicher, will do the receiv-j . _ "With five additional entrants into Washington, D. C. (J- T. A.) Chaim school year of the Pi Delta Sigma B e r l i n T h e r o ] e o f S i r Herbert from funds received from Mr. Nathan ing for the Jewish Community Center the tournament thirty-two men. will Nachman Bialik was received by fraternity has covered a. number of Samuel in tie settling of the British The following- pledjrors to the Strauss, philanthropist. Today the boys. compete in the contest. They are as President Coqlidge at the White social functions. Among its annual Jewish general strike is emphasized by the Hadastali organization has 30,000 Community Center have ! -follows: House yesterday. leading German newspapers. members, and expect to spend $500,affairs are: The Get-Acquainted paid their pledges in full: Marks Lorig, Sam Wolf, Sam. Bliss, Following Bialik's greeting in He- Smoker, to which all the Jewish studHarry Rubenstein 000 in Palestine in 1926 in the mainThe "Berlinner Tageblatt" declares : Hyman Borsky Morris Katleman, Sam Ziegman, Joe brew, the President replied: tenance of four hospitals, twelve that England is indebted to Sir Herents of Creighton University are inH. Rosenblatt. :KosenthaI, Harry Malashock, Jack "I have followed with interest the vited and introduced to one another; cild welfare •' stations, thirty-five bert Samuel for the conclusion of the Harold Farber 'Alberts, Dr..M.'E. Stein, Sam Leon, Zionist work in Palestine. I have The Fall Rush Dancer the Pledge clinics, staff of visiting nurses, a strike. Harry Rothkop Sam Green, Moe Linsman, Harry seen pictures recently of the present Smoker; the Graduation Dance, and a supply sta- To Promote Good Feeling Between The Socialistic "Vorwaerts" deJ. Rosenblatt nurses training school, Truston, "Abner Kaimen, Nathan E. situation in Palestine and am de- the Installation Banquet, besides numtion , for supplying: clothes to the clares that Sir Herbert Samuel has Children of Different Races Green and Ed Kraus. lighted to note the success,and pro- erous fraternity parties. needy, and one of the best X-ray made an honorable settlement possible - ; J. J. Greenberg, Dave Greenberg, gress of the work. I certainly trust The members have been active in laboratory in the East," said Mrs. New York (J. T. A.)—Announce- for British labor. Dr. A- Greenberg, Maurice D. Mick- that the undertaking of upbuilding campus affairs and are represented * * v Silverman in the course of her ad- ment of the establishment of a $50,lin, Sam Beber, Dr. N. Muskin, Dr. the Jewish National Home, will con- upon the football team, the - track dress. • - - >'.•-' 000 trust fund by Mrs. Bertha V. London.—The Marquis Reading will P. Romonek, Isadore Weiner, Leo tinue to be successful." Guggenheimer of Lynchburg, Va., to probably be chosen as the impartial team, the debate team,-and the uniAbramson, Reuben H.- Brown, Harry In his'greeting Bialik stated: establish playgrounds in Jerusalem, chairman of the new committee for versity publications.' •..-.•>: FLOWER DAY JUNE 6 Robinson and William Grodinsky. "I have come to extend the thanks The fraternity loses two • men Racial Characteristics Making for Annual Flower Day will this year be Haifa, Tel Aviv and other cities and the reorganization of the coal in"Isolation" Are Part of This year'the golfers will be divided that the Jewish people owe to the through graduation this year—Ben E. held all day Sunday,-June 6, under the colonies in Palestine, was made by the dustry, one of the conditions on -which into two flights, according to the United States Government and to Kubby, Past Chiefs Couselor," and Student's Record. auspices of the Zionist Organization Zionist Organization of America. The the general strike was concluded. ability of the players. The first flight yourself, the President of the Uniteid Isadore F. Obennan receiving their playgrounds will be operated on a Lord Reading conferred yesterday and the Daughters of Zion. to be known as the Championship States, for approval of the Balfour Law degrees next month* Boston.—Race and place of resid- ; ; r' Proceeds are sent to the Jewish strictly non-sectarian basis so that all with Premier Baldwin with regard to flight and second will be known as Declaration.; Palestine is being reence are to be part of the qualifica- National Fund in Palestine to buy the children of Palestine, irrespective this question. the President's flight. The winner of built with additional interest and zeal tions of candidates for admission to " Harvard College under the new rule land for the Chaluzim of Palestine. of race or creed, may have the opporthe Championship flight to receive the because of the sympathy which has Thorpeians To Hold Picnics tunity to play. During Summer Months of "character, personality* and prom- OXFORD UNIVERSITY B'nai Brith loving cup for one year, been shown toward'the Zionist moveAlready one playground is in oper- Council BIGKS Boy To Leave and the-winner of the President's ment by the American people." Mr. Abner H. Kaimen, representing ise," according to Henry S. PennyTO HQNOR READING ation in Jerusalem, established by Mrs. for Nat!. Oratorical Contest flight to "receive an appropiate prize. Rabbi Louis.J.Schwefel of Wash- the Jewish Community Center, gave packer, chairman of the Committee Guggenheimer after a visit to PalLondon (J. T. A.)—The honorary Dr. Maurice E. Stein is chairman of ington, who with William Edlin, Di- a talk on "Membership Subscriptions" on Admissions which administers the degree of civil law, honoris causa, will estine last summer, when she saw the Philip Krasne, son of Mr. and Mrs. the golf tournament and will accept rector of the Keren" Hayesod, accom- to the members of .the Thdrpeian rule. need of play and recreational facilities I Hennan Krasne, who is a Junior at 1 entries into the tournament by calling panied the poet,- translated his address Athletic Club at their: last -meeting Mr. • Pennypacker's statement was be conferred on the Marquis of Read- for .the children of Palestine. i the University of Michigan, won first him at ATlantic 9707. to the President;'"~ rcontained in the Gadfly, publication ing by the University of Oxford, on held Wednesday evening, May 19.. In addition to providing play f a c jplace in t h e ^ ^ ^ s t a t e D i T j e k ) n ' ", " . The appointment was arranged During the summer months the club of the Harvard Student Liberal Club, June'23. ilities for the children, the playPresident Ddumergue of the French i n t h e N a t i o n a l Oratorical Contest through the. British-Ambassador, Sir will hold picnics and a committee on Saturday. Ka-Dee-Mo Dance grounds are expected to prove of in- held Tuesday evening, May 18, at Republic and a number of British This Sunday Evening Esme Howard, who also received consisting of Schoal Freeo% Jake A committee of six undergraduate statesmen will at the"" same time be .valuable service in promoting good Detroit,- Michigan. He will go to Lbs Bialik prior to his call at the White Davidson, Ernie Rubin, Harry Chu- and graduate students, all members feeling between the children of differA special orchestra arriving from House. The ^ Ambassador, during the dacoff, and Sam Katzman were ap- of the Liberal Club, interviewed Mr. honored' by Oxford with the confer- ent races who, mingling together, in Angeles in June to participate in ths ence of this 'degree.*' National Oratoricau Contest. He will Chicago, iU., will play at the Ka-Dee- course of conversation which; was held pointed to make plans for the first PPennypacker recently and asked play, will break through the p r e - ; j o i n M s p a r e n t e ( w h o a r e v i s i U n g (n him the following questions: ; Mo Dance this Sunday evening, May in German, expressed "hope that Pal- picnic to be given in .June. "Candidates" should bear in'mind judices that now often keep them Los Angeles. "How far are the new regulations 23, at Keep's Dancing Academy, 19th estine will not become a commercial apart. cener but an agricultural and reli- ACTIONS COMMITTEE designed to preserve a balance be- that in all admissions to the univerand Davenport street. sity regard is given to • character, tween racial groups? Between social TO MEET IN LONDON Several unique dance selections have gious enter of the Jewish people. ZINOVIEFF, COMMUNIST personality and promise as well as to HILFSVEREIN CELEBRATES IN JULY groups?" been arranged by the committee in LEADER, DEPORTS HIS scholarly attainments." 25th ANNIVERSARY TODAY Mr. Pennypacker stated that the charge of the dance. SISTER TO PALESTINE PALESTINE GOVERNMENT The committee asked him what London (J. T. A.)—The meeting of traditional policy of freedom from APPOINTS COMMISSION TO factors would' be taken into consid- Berlin.—The twenty-fifth anniverSTUDY ECONOMIC SITUATION the Actions Committee of the World discrimination on grounds of race or eration. HUNGARIAN JEWISH sary of the establishment of the Hilf s- Jerusalem.—The tragic division oil - . - - - . Zionist Organization, the legislative religion is still of binding .force and DEPUTY CHALLENGES COUNT verein der deutschen Juden will be the question of Palestine in Jewish "All available factors concerning families in Soviet Russia was demonSZECHENYI TO DUEL Jerusalem.—A commission to study body of the movement between Con- effect. He then declared: "Race is a part of the record. I t the boys wUl be taken into consider- celebrated on Sunday at a meeting strated in the case of Gregory Zinthe economic situation of Palestine, gresses, will take place here the end of July, it was declared today. is by no means the whole record and ation. We wish to look at the boy's under the chairmanship of Dr. James ovieff, leader of the Third InternaBudapest.—Deputy Bela Fabian as suggested by Dr. Chaim The presence of the American del- no man will be kept out on grounds fintness for his job in much the same Simon, the President. The work of tional, and. his sister, who is a deJewish member of the Hungarian par- mann, president of the World Zionist egation at the committee meeting is of race. But those racial character- way an employer -wants to look at the Hilfsverein during the past 25 voted Zionist. liament, challenged Count Szechenyi Organization, during his last visit years will be reviewed and « report istics which make for race isouation his employer." " ••-;• ~ to a duel today, following a heated here, was appointed by the govern- expected. submitted on the position during this According to reports received here, "Under the new rule all candidates will, if they are bome by the individiscussion which took place in parli- ment yesterday. period of the Jews in Eastern Europe Zionovieff caused his sister to be kin» dual, be taken into consideration as a must include a photograph with the tenced to exile from the Uoion eft The commission consists of Mr. WORLD MIGRATION ament. and in the Orient. CONGRESS POSTPONED part of that individual's character- application blank." Mr. Pennypacker The Hilfsverein is issuing for the Socialistic Soviet Republics for parThe discussion developed when the Davis, a high official in the governistics under the test of character, was asked the purpose of the question was taken up. Deputy ment treasury, Col. Frederick H. occasion a special publication' contain- ticipating in the Zionist activities. His graph. Fabian charged the government with Kisch, political representative of the London (J. T. A.)—The World Mi- personality and promise." ing contributions dealing with its ac- himself signed the order to deport "For purposes-of Mentification," allowing anti-Semitic propaganda in Zionist Executive,.' Georg Halperin, gration Congress, called by the Ams- The new rule which the Committee he said, "as evidence of character, tivity by Dr. Paul Nathan, Dr. Bern- here to Palestine. Her husband, Wit* the school system. Count Klebels- head of the Anglo-Palestine Bank, terdam International, which was on Admissions" will interpret and personality and promise, only - very ard Kahn, Prof. Moritz Scbaefer, and ensky, who is already a fanner in berg, .Minister of Education, and Mr. L Kaplatisky, Jewish labor leader, scheduled to take place here on May which it is alleged will result in dis- vague in the case of candidates not Dr. Vishnitzer, the General Secretary Nathalal, proceeded to Berlin to bttng bis wife to Palestine. v Count Szechenyi interupted the speak- and Mr. Hofien of the Anglo-Pales- 18, was postponed. The Congress will crimination particularly against unof the Hilfsvereir Sf «favored races reads; convene on June 22. tine Bank. . : • w with insu

Creigbton Jewish Fraternity Elected Annual Officers

Jewish Community Center BaO TeamWins Another Game

B'nai Brith ^pnounces More Entrants in Golf Tournament

Bialik President at White House

$50,000 Trust Fund For Playgrounds in Palestine

Race Factor in Considering of Harvard Applications


Sir Herbert Samuel Heralded as National Hero k Great Britain


.. -A.

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PAGE 2—THE JEWISH PKESS—THURSDAY, MAY 20, 1926 encounter with the Central nine and JEWISH WRITER, HONORED IN UKRAINE AND WHITE RUSSIA the stocky blond" boy''"may turn the trick again. * ; PoblUUed every Thgrsday at Omaha, ffebntka, by Moscow ( J . T. .A.)—Instructions to '. %E$ JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY Herman Levinson, midget Central by "STAN" commemorate the tenth-anniversary ,. Office; 490 Brandeia Theatre'Building — Telephone! ATlantic 1450. second baseman on the second team is • 1926—5686 ••NATHAN E.GREEN, Manage*. • ' earning fame on the diamond. Herman of the death of Sholom Aleichem, the Did you know that? scored two. of the four Central runs late Yiddish humorist, -were issued by .$2.50. Tammuz—Kosh Ghodesh "12 Subscription Price, one year. The Jewish Community Center base- Tuesday night thus enabling his team the Commissariats of Education in Tammuz 17—Fast of Tammuz __ ....June 29 ball team won their fifth straight to triumph over their ancient foemen, Ukrainia and White Russia. rates furnished on application. Ab 1—iiosh Cbodesh . ......July 12 game last Sunday afternoon when Tech, who were undefeated previously. CHANGE OF ADDRESS— flea Be give both tbe old and oew address: Memorial meetings are scheduled to Ab 9—Fast of Ab . ..July 20 be sure and clve yoor oame. they sent the strong Crane Co. team Herman is only a freshman but hastake place on Thursday in Jewish and Ellul—Rosh Chodesh ..-Aug. 10 down "to defeat by the score of 7 to 2. played, in all; of the second team non-Jewish schools, clubs and factoTho Jewish Press Is supplied by. the Jev^isli. Telegraphic Agency (Jewish ( 1926—S^oT Al--Handler pitched the Hebrew games so far. Fellows keep your {Correspondence Buread) withi cabled'and telegraphic Jewish news, in addition eye ries. Many schools and streets in the lads to Victory and made a nice job on this kid 'cause he' is plenty good. Ukraine and White Russia will be to": feature articles and correspondences: froin all Important "Jewish centers; Tishri 1—First Day of New Year ...... ..Sept. 9 Inquiries regarding fnews items credited to - this Agency will be gladly of it. Al had great control of the Track named after the late writer. Tishri 3~iGastof Gedaliah ..Sept. 11 answered if addressed to Jewish Telegraphic Agency, 621 Broadway, New apple and held the heavy hitting Tishri 10-—Yoni Kippur ..Sept. 18 Marcus Krasne had a successful York City. ;•-._. •••. , " ' -._.- ;_., -,_ t..... . v " ^ plumbing boys to an even half-dozen week during the past seven days. In SHOLOM ALEICHEM, LATE bingles. Three Center errors combined the intra-mural meet a t Creighton PLUMER PROCEEDS TO AMMAN with the six hits gave the Crane Co. he pulled down eleven points for his two runs. 'principles which guided and inspired the pioneers who Jerusalem.—Field Marshal Lord college, thus tyeing for second highest - ~The-J.—€.- G. lads garnered-—eleven j scoring honors. Sas Keane the blue- Herbert "C. Plumer, High Commisfounded the American Republic 150'years" agb"were discussed by .hits- from the opposing moundsman. jay speedster and captain placed first. sioner of Palestine, proceeded today President .CpQlidge-in an addressrllo the Bishops of the Methodist Joe Turner4 clouted out a home run Krasne is expected t o cop a t least two to Amman, the capital of TransjorChurch, gathered at the White House May .6. v. , 33v BERNARD Gr. RICHAIIDS and a single for batting honors. Leo first places for Creighton this week dania. Rumor has it that his journey ^'Xt,w,a^ in accoyd with* basic truths of the universe that the Weitz got one hit out of one trip to at the North Central Conference to Amman is in connection with the signers of the-Declaration of Independence declared their reliance the plate. Sammy Kaufman who held Track meet. Marcus is entered in the proposed treaty between England and The story is told in the ancient. asked the Shamash to open the little down the second sack got a triple and upoin the protection of a Divine Providence," said the President. chronicles Transjordania. low hurdles, shot p u t and discus. of Prague. I t was the closet .under the Ark and where the "Founded upon religion, our Government has derived strength. and. Great Sabbath of the year 5510 andwine used for Kiddush and Havdalah then scored when he stole home. "Leon Formaii at the present time stability from the religious nature of its people. If we are toRabbi Jonathan Eibsitz,. or as he was is usually stored; Here, too, every- Shriebman got two singles and a seems to be the only Jewish boy out of five times a t bat; Giv- certain of running in the City High FOR SALE maintain our -natioiiaV existence we must continue to foster and better known; Reb Jonathan of thing was in order and again Reb double enter and Somberg pulled the first School Seventh Annual Track Meet 2420-2418 Maple Street cherish the spirit, which underlies all enduring achievements. So Prague, sat pouring over a volume of Jonathan remained standing lost in double play of the season in Sunday's Five nn<l nine room house. LargfT, this Saturday afternoon a t Tech High nil modern. Close to good school. long as we. adhere to the eternal yerities of religion we shall" not the Talmud late into the n i g h t and thought. I t could not be that the game. can occupy one and let other field. Forman place third in the one Buyer then fell asleep. As he slept he dream which appeared before him so pay income. Holf hloek to dirpct fail to keep that inspiration which has carried us through nearly dreamed a dream, and in his dream, The J. C. C. will play before what is hundred yard dash at the Council car service. 20 minutes from heart vividly was an empty, meaningless ilof Omaha. 150 years." ' 7 ; • . ; ':••••-; :-:' - • ' " " • ' [ • - he saw his father,, long •since dead, lusion. Surely some fiend mas men-expected to be one of the biggest Bluffs Relays. He was also a member ;' First of the basic truths which stirred the'founders was thestanding by his side in shroud and acing the Jewish community. But how crowds of the season next Sunday, of the North High School relay teams they meet the Castle Hotels that ran in the Medic Relays last pronouncement of the Fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of prayer-shawl. Laying, his cold hand was he to discover just what it was ? when (1925 Gate City League Champs) a t Saturday. Leon needs two more points Suddenly an idea flashed across his man,. Upon this.doctrine,which;Was enunciated of old by Israel's upon him his father said: Fontenelle Park. The game will start in order to win his "0". He will have prophets,; rests, the American Declaration that all men are created "Arise, my son, and hasten to the mind. Regular Meeting of a t one-thirty sharp. Sammy Kaufman tough sledding a s Missouri Jones, the great synagogue* for the Scrolls .of He bent down and took the bottle will be on the mound for the Jewish e q u a l . '• ' • "• - ''"' ' ' . . " " • •-. •'"'•• I ; : ".•". ." • ' . • '.• ' *•'.' ' state champion is entered and the the Law are on fire. Make haste, my out of the lower enclosure. By the nine. Dave Bleicher will catch his as- colored streak from Tech, Shakleford i The first -departure from that principle was the attack directed Bon,.the time is short!" dim light he peered into its contents. by 100 per cent Nordic members of Congress upon the stock of At the time when Reb Jonathan "Blood," he gasped to the Shamash, sortment of hooks, curves drops and will provide hard competition for any runner, much less a freshman, as Ame^ca^s of hon-Nprdic descent,!in a propaganda drive to bring dreamed his dream,, two men s a t in a and the bottle trembled in his hand. everything else that he throws. Dave Bleicher stil tlops the Central Forman. However the writer wishes about the passage of a discriminatoiy imfnigration measure. The sumptuous mansion impatiently wait- "One of our enemies, a foe of our sluggers at the Purple and White him the best luck and hopes that his ing for the. return of a messenger 1890 census law which was designed to permit hordes of British whom they had sent on an important people has emtied the bottle of its camp. Joe Turner is also raising his shoes will be shod with lightning. imrnigrants to "pour-iftto the United. States, with its national errand. One man was the Governor- wine and filled with human blood in batting average and may find himself order to revive the old ugly charge close to Dave before the season ends. BRITISH JEWRY origins proyision^ effective in 1927:, under which the British quota general of Prague, and the other was against us." Dave wields a heavy bat and is exMOURNS DDEATH O F is increased still further, was. approved by President Coolidge in the Priest Pserflnisky. The Shamash grew deathly pale, pected to lead the Central cruw to the SIR STUART SAMUEL ; i924.:77.. 7 , ; . . ' " ' • ••• 7 - 7 7 i ••". \ .'•: -.'•;. 7 .'•'• 7-" "Are you sure, Holy Father," asked and his voice failed to utter the emo- City \ championship. Central meets ; The doctiine of; Nordic race supremacy formed no part of the the Governor-general, "that our Ste-!tion that appeared on his countenance. South this Thursday and Tech. next London: ( J . _T.~ A.)—Funeral servpan will carry through the mission on "But he sleepeth not nor slumbereth Tuesday. I t was Dave's slugging that Relief of Washington and Jefferson and Lincoln. which we sent h i m ? " "the "Watcher'of Israel," said Reb Jon- sent Tech down to defeat in their first ices for Sir Stuart Samuel, brother of Every Thursday Evening a t Jewak Sir Herbert Samuel and late president Community Center Building. • It is no part of the spirit which underlies all enduring achev^- ••• "Yoir can^fulry rely on our Stepan,"- athan: taking courager"This is not the 3. M. MALASHOCK, President. of th« Board of Jewish Deputies, will | m e t t t s . '•-..".:'-. "' -* „; .-•_ '. - '• . / . • ... '. __^ -. answered t h e Prist, "he has the zeal time to use" ourselves-in despair, and ISADORB ABKAMSON. Secretary. .;.-;•;'•! President Coolidge's words addressed to the Methodist of a new convert and is faithful. He to indulge in speculation. I t is time "Hold!" he exclaimed with out- take place on Sunday. The monthly meeting of the Board stretched arms, "none but our hands iBishop3 May 6, 1926, were uttered in vain In 1924 by American will fulfill his mission even, if he has for action, for we must -save our shall touch these precious possessions; of Jewish Deputies which was to kill a few.of the unbelievers. And people." icitiien^ who opposed the discriminatory measure which the Presi- there be no great loss sustained. "Command mey Rabbi, and I will do we ourselves will search all you wish." scheduled to take place tomorrow, Meets Every Second and Fourth Weddent approved. " These will In-answer to a motion from the vras postponed out of respect to the nesday evening a t the Danish Hall wretched-people deserve no your bidding," said-Reb Feivelf recov: "So long as we adhere to the eternal verities of religion we shall better fate> I n our faith they do not ering his voice, " I am ready to sac- Governor-general the gendarmes rel- la,te president. at 8:30 o'clock. inot fail to keep the inspiration which has carried us through nearly believe, our Church they ridicule, and rifice myself for the welfare of Israel." uctantly withdrew. The Rabbi then if one of us, perchance merely touches •150 years. "To t h e brook!" exclaimed Red removed the Sefer Torahs, one after Race discrimination part of the eternal verities of a bottle of their wine, they will not Jonathan, «nd these words were hard- the other, and the Governor-general ly spoken' bfefore t h e tw'o men were carefully watching this procedure, religion, nor of the structure of Americanism which was reared deign to drink therefrom." And growing more chagrined he in- on their W«y to the running brook saw nothing suspicious. upon_the basic truths pf ,true .rfitigiog.jn.dignantly held "forth a t length on the which circled fQ'way at a short dis"Search here,'* the Governor-general prominence which the Rabbi of Prague tance" in the rear of the syaagcsxie. A motioned to one of his assistants a t was attaining in-government circles, few minutes later the blood was the "same time pointing to the lower on the high honors which were being poured o u t of the bottle into-the compartment in the Ark. bestowed: upon him, his alleged Water and flowed down with the high . Putting in his hand, the police ofhaughtiness and pride. spring tide of the rivulet. Reb Feivel ficer drew ferth a bottle of red wine By MRS. ISY ROSENTHAL "But we will soon put an end to all then thoroughly-rinsed the bottle. and handed it to the Governor-generaL : that," said the Governor-general, "his This address * a s given at the closing meeting of the Council of "Now to my home," said the Rabbi. The members of the congregation Jewish Women held May 17, at Temple Israel. wings -will be clipped. I will order the There - the bottle was refilled with suspecting some loud deception stirred police to invade.the synagogue on the good red Passover wine. nervously from, their places. Japan Tea V. MM^ ***** w QmmtPekoeTca first evening of their holy day; we "Not a word of this to anyone," "There i t is, there is the blood of vision I hope, of what the spirit of Omaha, May 17, 1926. | will make a public search r and then said Reb Jonathan. the child! 7 exclaimed the priest who the Council -stands for. This is not Dear Co-Workers: the gift which we have sent them will Passover eve-arrived and the great .As I come to t h e approaching end a Give and Take, b u t a Give and Give be unearthed and the infuriated pop- old synagogue was crowded with men stood near the Governor-general. of my first year as President of the game. Not according to the way of ulace will be let loose among the and women who came to say the eve- "It is not blood but wine which is Omaha Section, feeling that some of the War Relief Drive giving of funds homes and household belongings- of ning prayers. Suddenly the doors used for our ritual purposes," said the Rabbi, "if his Excellency will taste of the purposes for which our great or- —till it hurts—, but a giving of serv- these moneyladen Jews." I were burst-open and a throng of the wine he will soon know the truth." ganization stands, have been met, I ice until i t feels good, a service to As the enemies of the Jews sat j police officers headed by the GovernorAs. the sparkling wine was poured send you this message, not light- those in need not alone of charity but talking Stepan, the apostate, entered, general, entered, the priest and the into a cup, the Governor-general and a giving of educational instruction. heartedly nor .yet sadly, but with a "Well, how did you get o n ? " apostate following. in their trail. his assistants were quickly convinced mingling of both joy and regret,—joy Our Council has, however, failed to "Better than I expected," answered Stricken with fear the congregation that; i t was wine of the purest brand. for the much-that remains undone. attain anywhere neai? the decided sucStepan. "The'key of the spnagogue paused breathlessly in its service of When the priest realized the circumI am indeed grateful lor- this op- cess which we have a right to expect Was under the ..stone at.the. door as prayer and song. Some members stances, he grew pale as a ghost. All of it. Our aims and Objects are suref l t t h e things-accomplished and regret usual; I unlocked the door and enter- made for the door, but their way was his evil designs had come t y naught, ly most commendable, and it is only portunity qfjpaying tribute to the ed, and ^without any difficulty de- quickly Blocked by the sharp blows of and with bowed head he followed the energy and-devotion of my officers and co-ordination of service \ which is posited the gift which you sent in the the gendarmes. procession of the retreating company necessary to the fulfillment of our Board of Directors, to the Chairmen little closet a t the bottom of the Ark The Governor-general mounted the Of police officers-and their leader. •Worthy cause. and members of Committees,^ and to " . •altar and said: "In the name of the •; Stepan, the apostate, drawing close There is,' and always Will be, dupli- of the Law." tbe devoted women in our ranks whose •Having satisfied themselves that law I demand that you reveal to me to the Rabbi said, "Your God is a vision has been such a factor in the cations which the misguided zeal of their diabolical scheme would be carthe hiding place of the child whom magician; he turned the blood into development of -Council, activities, and certain of our co-religlonists bring ried through without any mishap and you have murdered and whose blood wine." But the Rabbi made no answer especially to Mrs. Carl Furth for her about,—added to • this' are petty feeing before them already the you have d.rawn for the use in. theand only eyed him scornfully. jealousies as to who shall' have • the m a n y acts of assistance during this HEN the "hard-to-fit" man comes to agonies of their victims, the two conpreparation bi you* Matzos." "He sleepeth not nor slumbereth, credit for things done. Let us lay term. this store he is assured clothes satisfacspirators as well as the renegade who The worshippers stood as if parathe Watcher of Israel," murmured Reb aside these little vices and strive t o To-day marka. the. close of another uplift ourselves, as we are elevating had become their willing tool- retired lyzed by dread and remained silent. ..-. tion, because men of every size and Jonathan as' the leading men of the year of the life, of the Omaha sec- our so-called less fortunate sisters. every "build of body are provided for in "Nebrasfor the night. "WheTe is your Rabbi?" thundered congregation crowded around him to tion. In the press of other matters ka's" enormous stocks. press-Ms hand. ' •• . . : And upon "all these "endeavors may -Reb Jonathan awoke from his sleep the Governor-general. that crowd each day, it is impossible trembling-with fear. •Reb Jonathan stepped forward ana ; . —Canadian Jewish. Chronicle^ there ever rest the blessing of our Tall Stout Short 'Stout to see the organization in its true Heavenly Fattier,—yea the wbrk of "It is surely not for nothing," he *aid that he was the Rabbi of Prague. - Average Stout Young Stout perspective. I n reviewing some of the our hands, Vnay He establish i t for said, to himself, "that xny departed - "Where is t h e dead child, and outstanding-activities of the past'year you. Tall Slender ^ Short Slender. father jhas warned] me of the danger, where is his blood?" demanded the : I will not attempt to give you a com- "Let us then be up and doing,that is.threateiung my people! I must visitor. •'• Short or ^Athletic plete account, inasmuch as my chairgo at'once ta the synagogue to see, "Our Torah," said the Rabbi, "proWith a life fof any' fate. Values are extreme, too. A positive saving of men will report in detail what I have ' Still achieving and still pursuing, what- is happening within the Ark of hibits us from Using the blood of even : $5 to $15 on every suit, due to Nebraska's onenot given.--I will merely touch some the Law." . ] an animal and to kill a human being Learn to labor and to wait." price No Sale Policy. of the high spqts of our activity. He at- once aroused Reb Feivel, his would be to violate our most sacred Respectfully' submitted, In the early fall the Omaha SecSTELLA S. ROSENTHAL, faithful Shamash, who was sleeping teachings/' tion entertained the Mid-West Conin an adjoining chamber, and told him "Since you make denial," said the President. ference. Some thirty guests came to that they must immediately betake Governor-general, "we Will have to our city for Conference, devoted to ROUMANIAN ANTI-SEMITIC Highest Grade, Hand Tailored Clothes themselves to the synagogue.. Reb search the synagogue for the blood of l3~07"Howard S t At. 8028 the study of our nlutual_ local prob-' Omaha, Nebr. MURDERERS ARRESTED Feivel, who was devoted "to the great the ^unfortunate Child. Woe unto all lems. The opening- meeting of the Gaon and accustomed t o be pressed 6f you' if WiS find you guilty.'' Conference'was our first gathering of ....Bucharest ( J . T,. A.)—Lieutenant into service a t all hours, asked no i; "YoU may "'search everywhere," exthe year. - There was A~ banquet a t MorSrescu, notorious Roumanian Jew questions and at once made ready to claimed the Rabbi, in his immovable •which "we" had a prominent speaker baiter and murder of many Jews, and accompany his master. confidence r.r.d ^pride. The Governor .from" the East-Kwho spoke on the"Zelea Codteanuj murderer of the-JasA" hasty walk" through a number of general then drde'rexl Hs-pblice-ofncers "In Omaha !£doleseehce of Youth, several musical fcy Chief of Police, Monchu, were ar-quiet and deserted streets brought the tptnake a thorough search of the syiiStandard Fabrics and Standard Tailoring n&fflbers followed -and the remainder rested yesterday. two aged men to the synagogue'. .From ajfogife" and like wild beasts -freed of of- the evening was spent in meeting Lieut. Morarescu was arrested in under a stone lying in the yard ' in theft fetters, they rushed in all direc•>iti Hooum—2UU Ifcltlis (ipoil iJooms (or $1.50 thg* various delegates.' ^touring their Djnet;, Bukowlna, where he incited front of the entrance the beadle took tions searching every corner of the Operated t>.v Kpplry H o l f l i Co. stay* we" 'had'.'several, luncheons and the population, to an anti-Jewish a large key and opened the house of building. Of course, they found noththi iadteS of thfe" Omaha • Section pogrom. He distributed throughout Jonathan walked to the Ark, drew ings Edim Trousers May Be Had helpedllentettalli'.theni during the eve- the city many thousands of pamphlets aside the covers and opened the doors*', : i 'S^afcli:th%re," - commanded the nirigs." Daring the" following months urging ah antf-Jewish pogrom. " I Peering into the Ark by the dim Governor-general pointing to the Ark w*>ad s«vteral'»6pthlV programs, and have killed 130 Jews. 1 Will continue "perpetual light," he could easily see of the Law. Two of the gendarmes a/Mather's S a y afternobtt> all of vphlcli to murder them", he boasted. Cod-, that everything was in order. BUTTKK attrt KUli threw themselves up,on the Ark'and i xegrii td report were very .poorly reatlu was arrested in Focsany, where "What then is the meaning of tbe attempted to remove the ?crcils -of Council Ulutls la. J CQtiUECl APPA-RBt FOK MEN AND WOMEN att&ntedY •" h i "threatened "to Kill the-local chief of drejun.?" he asjced^knitting his brows. the Law, but Reb Jonathan qutclrly t&ntedY - — - " , * Then "a thought struck him" and "he Scir c6tirccn ' ' s"'? .'"•''. This past year' ha& given me a





The Dream of Reb Jonathan


: :


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Council Work in Omaha

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Good Products

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—Effectively —Accurately

Customized Suits

Interstate Printing Co.





50 60

Nebraska Special Suits






25 35


3—THE JEWISH PRESS—THURSDAY, MAY 20, 1926 Mrs. I. Kosenthal Re-elated pectingto leave on May 28f for Los ZIONISTS AND AGUDISTS Omalia Girl Attending Radcliffe College ... President of Council of Angeles, Calif., tff^penii&e stramw* ACCEPT COMPROMISE IN Prominent in School Activities, and Local Jewish Women there. KEHILLAH DISPUTE Nebraska Student Elected to Honoi' Society Warsaw.—The conflict between the Mrs. I. Rosenthal, was re-elected COMMUNIST REMOVED Anne Rosenblatt, daughter of Mr.! Future", an anthology of modern president of the local Council of JewZionist and the Agudath Israel groups FROM OFFICE FOR SPREADand Mrs. Morris M* Rosenblatt, 401 verse chosen from work done at all ish Women at its annual election held in the Warsaw kehillah was brought ING ANTI-JEWISH LIBEL So. 38th Ave., was recently elected American Colleges, and her paper on



MILDER-GREENBERG !£he wedding of Miss Molly Greenberg to Mr. H. TlOlilderj son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Milder will be solemnized this Sunday, May 23^ at the home of the bride. Eabbi E. Fleishman -will officiate in *'•- presence of only the immediate family. Mrs. Sam Kneeter, sister of the bride, will be matron-ofhonor, and the MisBes Bess and Bunny Greenberg will be, bridesmaids. -The groom's attendants will be his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Milder,, and ushert will be Abe Milder and Mayr nard Greenberg. : Miss Ivy Siegel will sing, and Miss Rose Davidson will play the vredding march. After a honeymoon trip, Mr. Milder and .his bride will. make their home

Mrs. P. Levinson, of this city, formerly of Fort Worth, Tex., announces the engagement of her daughter, Jennette, to William Alberts, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. Alberts, of this city. The wedding will take place this summer. Although Miss Xevinson has been making her home here but a short time, she is a prominent member in club circles and is holding offices in several, organizations. Mr. Alberts is vice-president of the. local B'nai B'rith Lodge and active in other organizations..


•• —

• > • .- . • • - .





. : .

President of the Music Club of Radcliffe College, Cambridge, Mass., for the year 1926-27. ' This year being Miss Rosenblatt's first year a t Radcliffe, where she transferred from Wheaton College, in Massachusetts, has been one of musical interest, for she was elected to the Choral Society and appeared in their public concerts with the Harvard Glee Club and Boston Symphony Orchestra. • • • ' • • ' ' Miss Rosenblatt gave a solo piano number at the Music Club's concert last March and appeared in the Drainatic Club's play at college this week. A song she composed was chosen by her class as next year's athletic song. A poem of Miss Rosenblatt's was printed recently in this year's edition of "Poets -of the

the dramatist Dekker was awarded iirst prize in her division at Radcliffe. * * » Kate Goldstein, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. I. Goldstein, was elected to the Silver Serpent, the junior women's honorary at the University of Nebraska. She was recently elected to Gamma Alpha Chi, national honorary advertising sorority. She is the president of the University Advertising Club, is a member of the University Dramatic Club, is on committees of the Y. W. C. A., and is a member of the Big Sister organization. She was a member of Xi Delta, the sophomore women's honorary, this past school year. She is on the staffs of the Daily Nebraskan, the "N" Book and the "N" Directory, and belongs to the Sigma Delta Tau sorority. .

Mr. W. Krasne announced the en- JEWISH SORORITY AT NEBRASKA gagement of his grand-daughter, Ella UNI LEAD IN SCHOLARSHIP Jacobson, to Mr. Sam Nerenberg, of this city. No date has been set for Theta Chapter of Sigma Deltau members of the sorority are Sara the wedding. . . : Tau, Jewish sorority at the University Somberg, Kate Goldstein, Lillian of Nebraska, lead in scholarship at Margolin, and Ida Lustgarten of Miss Nellie Hollander, of Denver, the University -of Nebraska for the Omaha; Laura Berek, of Fremont; Esther Freshman, Dorothy Diamond, Colo., is visiting here with her sister, last semester. and Ruth Zolat, of Lincoln; Mary The scholarship rating of Sigma Mrs. John A. Beber, and Mr. Beber, Yabroff, of Wichita, Kansas; Esther Delta Tau -with no delinquents, while who are now residing at the Nottingthe highest scholarship index figure Swislovrsky, of Columbus; and Ethel ham Apartments. ...-•••• of the highest fraternity was 251.3 Steinberg, of Fort Dodge, Iowa. Mrs. Miss Bess Horwich will entertain with 2.9 delinquents. Irvin Stalmaster,. formerly Estelle the T. E. D. members at her home Sigma Delta Tau installed a chap- Lapidus, of Omaha,*is a member of Saturday evening. ter at Nebraska last May. The active Sigma Delta Tau.

Monday afternoon, May 17, at Temple Israel. Mrs. Sadie Mayer was elected vice-president; Mrs. L. B. Goldman, recording secretary; Mrs. Louis Sommer, corresponding secretary; and Mrs* Harry Rosenfeld, auditor. The election was followed by a tea for sixty-five guests, who attended the election. Mrs. I. Rosenthal gave her annual presidential address. The address appears in this issue of the "Jewish Press".

Moscow.-—The Communist chief of militia in Kanieq, involved in an antiJe'wish ritual murder accusation, was removed from office by an order of the investigation commission. The investigation found that the chief of militia helped to spread the ritual murder libel. Ee will be tried in the social-political court. The investigation was started against the militia chief following events which took place in K&niefF on Passover Eve, when a Ukrainian girl, Seventeen Women Hostesses Leschinsky, disappeared from her at South Side Auxiliary Card Party May 24 home. A ritual murder accusation was directed against Benzion LieberSeventeen women will be hostesses at man. The militia chief and eight witthe last of the card parties to be given nesses searched the home of Benzion this season by the Ladies Auxiliary of Lieberman but found no idications to the South Side Congregation, to be lead to such an indication. The acheld Monday afternoon, May 24, at cusation, however, spread. The <iay the Brandeis Grill. Proceeds will go passed in fear for the Jewish population. The next morning it was found towards remodeling the Synagogue. Mrs. Joe Sherman is chairman of that the girl was in maternity hosthese affairs. Those who will serve as pital, where she had given birth to hostesses at this affair are the Mes- a child. dames: A. Rachinsky, A. Baumer, L. Lefkowitz, P. Gorelick, A. Rog-insky, LINCOLN M. Lazerowitz, B. Sacks, L. London, M. Soorpin, A. Singer, M. Katzman, Miss Rae Poska, of Lincoln, left I. Katzman, A. Neesman, M. Dubnoff, for California Tuesday morning to S. Colick, M. Sells and S. Craft. visit with her sister, Rebecca Poska, whose engagement to Arthur Leonof Portland, Oregon, was recentCOUNCIL BLUFFS ard, ly announced. The B'nai Brith Lodge No. 6S8 Miss Ida Lustgarten is spending hold an open meeting on Wednesday the week-end in Omaha. evening, May 26, at the Danish Hall. Several prominent speakers will adMiss Helen Kohen is spending the dress the meeting, and a musical week-end with Kate Goldstein.

to a close yesterday -when both parties agreed to a compromise proposal. According to the compromise accepted by both, Deputy Kirschbraun, representative of the 'Agudath Israel, will continue as president of the Kehillah Council, while the first, vice-preident will be a Zionist and the second vice-president an Aputlath member. The president of the Executive of the Kehillah will be Deputy H. Farbstein, a Mizraehi member, while the first vice-president of the Executive will be an Agudath member and the second a Zionist. JOSEPH KOSKNTBAI,, AttT. Tutors Trust Wile.


A number of -'matrons are entertaining this "week complimentary to Hi Our motto is HIGH*QUALITY"I this bride-to-be. Mrs. S. Kneeter and the Misses Bess and Bunny Greenberg entertained at a tea Sunday afternoon at their home. The Mesdames Morris Milder, William Milder, and Hymie WHY NOT BUY THE BEST? Milder were hostesses at a luncheon You can trade your old Tuesday noon at the Fontehelle Hotel. pocket-watch or wrist Wednesday afternoon, Mrs. N. H. watch for a NEW ONE. Complimentary to Miss Eose GuttGreenberg and Mrs.' Michael ILatleman, who will be married this sumParents Will Receive in man entertained at a luncheon at the man and her fiance, Mr. Maurice LUIB- mer, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Bliss -enterHonor of Confirmants pr0gram is also being prepared. Athletic Club. This noo'n, Mrs. IL tained twelve guests at dinner at the It is to your benefit to patronize Donovitz gave a luncheon at her home This Sunday morning,. twenty-two Mr. and Mrs: Morris Mendelson an- our advertisers. Fohtenelle Hotel Wednesday evening. Friday, Mrs. O. H. Greenberg will be from nounce the birth of a baby -daughter, Tuesday evening, the members of the children will be confirmed hostess at a luncheon at the FontenDress Department of the Goldstein- Temple Israel. The following parents Naomi Ann, born Saturday, May 15, 1 Elle Hotel. Chapman entertained fifteen guests at will receive at their home Sunday in' at Edmundson Hospital. FOLLOW THE CROWD an aluminum shower in honor of Miss honor of their child's confirmation: TO VEGETABLE SALAD Mr. and Mrs. Herman Meyerson Guttman. Last Saturday noon, Miss Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Ferer will be BERSTEIN-BLECKER. For Yetta Wright entertained at a lunch- at home from 2 to 5 Sunday after-" will be at home Sunday afternoon. Miss Evelyn Blecker, daughter of Mrs. A. A., Lincoln, Nebr. eon at the Fontenelle Hotel, and last noon in honor of the confirmation of May 23, from 2 to.5, and on Sunday Mr.1 and Mrs. Joseph Blecker of Omar Wednesday, the office force of the their daughter, Thelma. 2 cups cooked carrots evening from 1 to 10, to relatives ,ha, will become .-the..bride.of Mr. Jake 1 can peas drained Goldstein-Chapman Co., entertained at Mrs. Mamie Block will receive at and friends in honor of their daughBeretein, also of Omaha, on Sunday 1 cup chopped -celery SUNDAY EVENING. MAY 23 a kitchen shower for Miss Guttman. her home, 2435 Kansas Ave., for her ter, Mildred, who will be confirmed . evening,- May 23; at 7 o'clock at the 4 hard cooked eggs ; Other social affairs are being planned son, Sylvan. AT Adass "Yeshuren Synagog in the presthat morning" from Temple Israel in 1 cup thick mayonaise for this popular bride-to-be. ence of forty "relatives. After the Vi teaspoon salt Mr. and Mrs. L. Woolfson will be Omaha. KEEP'S DANCING ACADEMY ceremony a supper •will be served at . Mix all ingredients in order given at borne Sunday from 2 to 6 honoring (19th and Davenport Sts.) 'eserying. one egg for garnish. Miss Sara Cohn entertained the their son, William's confirmation. Mr. Samuel Pepper will entertain the home of the bride's parents. • "Serve very cold in lettuce cups. . ADMISSION £5c. • • i ••' members of the G. W. Club at her After . a short wedding trip, the In.lionor of their daughter, Pearl, at a reception for relatives and home Sunday afternoon. Prizes in friends on Sunday afternoon, May23, couple will make their k m e with the' Mr. and Mrs. Hans Dansky -will be at APPLE, CELERY AND NtJT bridge were won by Celia Stoler and home Sunday afternoon. from 2 to 5, at-the home of Mr. and bride's parents. >,,„-/. — ....^..J : Eva.Swarfcs. ., __-.- ,-,..., ^ .^ .__• r ^ I ; . J _ r .SAL'sirr~ • • ; ilrs. George. Krasne, at 125 South Mr. and Mrs. Ben Poslej£ TsUL.JeMr.. SamuelG.. Saltman leii T^ues~2 cups diced celery^; ?.: •8th street, in honor of his son, MauMrs. Sidney Morris, of San Fran- ceive Sunday afternoon and evening 2 cups apples • - .;-;.: day'lto attend' a. Coal Men's Convenrice, who will be confirmed at Temple for their son, Leonard. . 1. cup xait meats Mayonnaise cisco, Calif., formerly Miss Ruth tion' -in "Washington, D. C. President Mr. and Mrs. Leon Graetz will be1 Israel that morning. Place diced apples in bowl. Pour Rosen, of Omaha, will arrive Monday Coolidge is to receive-the .Coal Mem *•over juice ,64 % lemon" to-^revent at home Sunday for their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Krasne and Monday at the White House. Before discolprlftgi Add other ingredients for an extended visit with her par- Janet. daughters, Lucille and Margery, will returning Mr. Saltzman will visit in and'.enougb, .mayonnaise to hold. • 1; ents, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Rosen. Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Karpin, will other, eastern-cities. ; — • - ; -•;•-;. -cup -Whipped cream may .i^added For Friday evening, May 21, Rabbi receive Sunday for their son, Harold. leave Friday, May 28, for California^ to;the;]dressing. • , . .^^£ where they expect to make their Frederick Cohn has chosen as his Mr. and Mrs. Samuel- Appleman Mrs. Leon Cohn is leaving for Los future home. ; CABBAGE" SAL AD" sermon topic, "The Priestly Blessing", will receive at home Sunday afterAngeles and San Francisco, Calif., noon, May 23, from 2 to 5, in honor and^n Saturday morning, May 22, his Mr. arid Mrs. Ben Harding are exfor her health and will be with her 1 small head cabbage- -.chopped subject will be- "The Consummation". of their daughter, Jane. daughters,'Mrs. Hugo Crane and-Mrs.r fine - ' - - '.:C-1 small can shredded pineapple Joe Gilbert, and also with her sisterj 10 marshmalloWs _" ,^ Mrs. Sam Grossman. Mis. Cohn will DIAMOOT on Sunday, May 30, at the Labor 2 tablespoons mayonnaise'" CLUBS spend the remainder of the slimmer Lyceum. HEADQUARTERS » % pint -whipping cream The regular meeting' of the Omaha mo'nths there. ; Mix all ingredients. Add dressing GIFT Reappointment of committees were to stiffly beaten cream 'and add Chapter of Hadassah will take place Mr. and- Mrs- E. Weinberg and last. Serve in lettuce cups very Wednesday, May 26, at the Jewish made at the B'nai A mi meeting COUNSELORS Well chosen awnings add family have .moved into their • cold.. ' • •..-'••• Community .Center. Special order of Thursday night. A short program the" ultimate touch to at"home at 358 North 41 Street . business will be the election of dele- consisting of extemporaneous speeches tractive exteriors. Y o u BOILED MAYONNAISE gates to the National Hadassah Con- •was presented. Abe ellman and Ralph will be surprised and proud WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Mr. and Mrs. M. Rosenblatt, 1468 vention which will take place in June Gross took part. The question of givo! fee added charm our 2 tablespoons flour JEWELERS I Lothrop St., left for St. Louis, Mo., at Buffalo, JL Y., also a report of the ing letters was decided upon by the 2 tablespoons oil '••''-" awnings will lend to your where they Will visit with relatives Diamond Importers t 2 tablespoons vinegar -.•: •":• last card party given for the benefit h o m e . . „ . • dub. A "B" will be given to anyone and friends. . 214-216 (Sty Nat" Bank Bldg. | Vs teaspoon salt ...... - -••*' of the new Jewish Community Center. earning a letter in basketball, an "A" Established 1894 • I 2 tablespoons lemon juice Miss Freeda Weiner . entertained .1 cup boiling water . The Daughters of Zion will hold its will be given in baseball, and a comet 1 teaspoon Bugor . twenty-four guests at' her home Sunwill be given in track, tennis and % teaspoon mustard -•••--. next regular meeting, Monday after* day in honor of her sister, Esther's Awnings at your windows handball. noon, May 24, at the Jewish ComMix dry ingredients and, make a seventeenth birthday. Among the . majr 1* aomT NEEVES i and on your porches keep smooth paste with a little cold munity Center. tmt the «pia» by * wi-anattd v« The B'nai Ami nine defeated the out-of-town guests present, ; were water. Add boiling water and vinout the intense heat and Freeda Novey, of Chicago, HI., and egar and lemon juice andoiL Cook glare of the sun. They The K. M..A. Club, a newly organ- A. Z. A. team last Sunday morning for about 5 minutes- Pour onto 3 ized girls' walking club, chose the at Gifford Park by a score of 13-7. T Chiropractic Lou Xczberg, of Sioux City, Iowa. protect your rugs, draperies well beaten egg yolks.. When cool Florence River Road for its initial and other decorations from SWA In a track meet with the Monarchs add 1 cup salad oil, beating hard. Mr. and \ MrE. Nathan Weinstein Adjustments the destroying effects of hike Sunday, May 16. the B'nai Ami won out by a score of announce the birth of a baby son born continuous sunlight. RHUBARB AND PINEAPPLE * wm Monday at the Omaha Maturnity . The Jewish Community Center Or- 40 to 32. The meet was held at the CONSERVE Itanovethe Hospital. ;; ; ; chestra will hold its regular weekly Medic field Sunday afternoon. Cause of Comfort— r-, . 2 qts. Rhubarb, peeled and diced practise on Tuesday night at 8 o'clock. 'TMSMMOUHB Miss Florence Kalis, of Kansas 1 qt. shredded pineapple " - The Orchestra is now under the direcIt is to your benefit: to patronize Awnings keep you cool City, Mo., will arrive Friday to visit 1 large cup sugar to each pint Of our advertisers. tion of Mr. Rudolph Seidel, the directmixed fruit Used and well. When summer with her aunt, Mrs. Sam Appleman, Cook fruit and rhubarb for about or of the South High School orchestra. heat rules, there is nothing and Mr. Appleman. 20 minutes, add sugar and cook like coming from the with"The Talk of the Town" Omaha.Chapter No. 1 of A Z. Al Mr. and Mrs. Nathan S. Yaffe were until thick.' More sugar may be. ering, radiated heat of used" if you like'••it sweeter. Pour! -will hold "a regular bi-monthly meetr surprised Sunday evening at their into glass and seal. walls, sidewalks and lawns ; ing at the Jewish Community Center. home in honor of their seventeenth into a cool shadowed, awnThe meeting will be the last one to be inged porch, or into pleas* wedding anniversary. Covers were ANGEL FOOD CAKE held on Sunday afternoon. 334 Securities Bldg. ant, comfortable interiors, laid for thirty-six guests. . -. : 12 egg whites protected at every window Election of officers will feature the Phones: Jackson 6540 " 1 ^ "cups scant sugar Mr. and Mrs. Edward Gugenheim, w i t h . correctly designed 1 level teaspoon cream of tartar Closing meeting of the season of the -Everything Good i Bes. Harney 7883 and daughters, Delphine and Marion awnings. i cup cake flour ; Chesed Shel Ernes Socfety to be held ksks of Lincoln, motored to Omaha SunFlavor V ' Wednesday, May 26, at the Chesed Hours: 10—1 day." '. •' v ".-•• - ' .. ; \ • Beat egg whites with a.wire egg Shel Ernes Building at 1912 Cuming *"•'• Open Ereiungs and Sundays. 2—6 beater until foamy. Add cream of 33rd & California JBhpne Ha. 3783 and by appointments. Mr. andi Mrs«: Sam Beber have tartar and beat until dry. Fold in Street, .-'.;" " L M. WINTROUB; Prop. ; moved into, their new home at 2871 the sugar a little at a time. Fold The Ladies Golden Hill Society will in four same way. Bake in slow ••- :" • -to Y o u r H o m e ._ .. Iowa Street. V oven 1 hour increasing beat the meet Tuesday, May 25, at 2:30 o'clock A May Day fereakfast trill be held last 10 minutes. Allow pan to stand at the home of Mrs. L." Bleicher. At aa Amazingly Reasonable Cost! upside down until cake falls out,; by the Women's Auxiliary of the The Auflebung Club will present a May 23, at Elm wood Park. Miss EsHOUSEHOLD HINTS •; • >-. JUST CALL.AT-1492 literary and^ musical program on ther Katleman, chairman of the proSunday May 23, at the Jewish Com1SADOKE Angel food Cake will be much gram committee, is preparing games nicer if eggs arc beaten witli wire munity Center. and stunts. Public Accountants and Auditors beater. .The Tool Campaign for Palestine A baby boy was born to Mr. and If too much salt has been added which was to be held last Sunday has Mrs. I. Goodman on Wednesday, -May to' your cooking, add a .raw potato been postponed and -will be held Sun- ] 19. . ' . • •and let cook until done. The potato Systems—Audits—Investigations day. May 23. The committee will meet absorbs salt. .1601 Howard St., Omaha Mr. and Mrs. Harry Azorin are vi430 BRANDEIS TBEATEK BLDG. Sunday morning at the Labor Lyceum, j - siting in New. York City with relaAdd salt to rhubarb and you will Atlantic 1430. A concert and one-act play will be use less sugar. ? tives and friends.. Mrs. Azorin will given bv the Al Pcrtz Women's Club the first p a r t of-'June.

Platinum lomtings





Tn HUfrh -Murphy : You are lierehy notified that in nccordnnw Tvith Ohnpffr n < of the Laws f«f lfh'S of the fctnie ot Nel>rni<ka, Uie uuUersifrivuU clr.ims a lien cm your POIIRIIIP 8 Aufonioriilo. MfKif! 1!12i, Motor No. IWOa. Tor stornjre amounting: to ¥-(!).(}0. and (lint the undersigned clsiimniit: has heretofore gent to you by rppiBtered letter, neconiinp to law. n demnnd for payment of said sum. hut you hRvp ffif)e<] !o mute ft\Ul T'lynipnt. mul in BccnrdantH1 •vviili the nhovc, uuiil claimant will soil, ueooriiinp to Inw, fit T>lit>lic nnction to the hiplient bidder lor ca»h. Paid nntoumbile at- the place oi" business of the claimant. 1102 No. asth S>trft't. Omaha. IseUrat>ka. to satisfy said claim Hiid expenses on Moiulny, May 17th, 1P20, at 30 o'clock A. M. Northwest Uavape. Claimant.

"Awnings Make the Home fS Complete .

Malashock Jewelry Co.

Wintroub's Delicatessen


Awnings Add 100% More Beauty







PAGE, 4—THE JEWISH PRESS—THURSDAY, MAY 20, 1926 Grandpa rises as he offers, his com•'. Those who insist they know declare 1 Wobbly on his knees, the king grasped Coolidge yesterday by Senators Wadsfortable arm chair—the seat of honor, that Benny. Leonard appeared at the Tendler around the neck and spoke worth of New York and Butler of last, meeting of l i e New York State | loud enough for the scribes to hear:—- Massachusetts. as it were—to Afrom, his oldest and Athletic Association. One fellow in 1 "Hey, Lew, what's the idea? If you best friend. ." •" . ' particular tells us that Leonard wast insist on getting fresh, why -111 get Senator Wadsworth said such an • And while-stories: of long ago are By HAUKY CONJSEL accompanied by his attorney, who had fresh, too. Cut it out; don't lose your Amendment would go a long way By, JOHANNA -JMAYEB FKANKEL told, the snuff box again-plays the .requested the appointment for Benny head;" toward relieving a situation which (Copynjctir vxOt o j Seven Art* Feature Syndicate.) from the Secretary of the Association.! "During the conversation as they separated families. Under his proleading role. But they were men well The rumor, in concrete form, says:' stood in the middle of the ring- while posed amendment, tvhich will come -.He sat af his ease in' his cbmfort- placed his pipe in the rack where versed in the affairs of' state and "It is understood that Leonard plans the crowd was beseeching Tendler to aWe, arm - chair' and* puffed . away at many, others of all sizes and shapes country. And the world at large was RUBY A STEP NEARER to return to the ring this Summer for put over the finishing blow, Leonard up ir. the Senate shortly, this number his long.pipe.',"Was \it.not'Friday reposed. Anniversaries and birthdays discussed intelligently, -the. wonderful a bout against Mickey Walker, which not only cleared his head, but came would be admitted, provided their THE CHAMPIONSHIP will be held in the interests of a Jew- ]back in the closing few seconds to passports have been vised in the last had greatly, augmented their numbers. afternoon—th*e day" of /}ays when a strides that science had made in their Then he unlocked his old. writing times. There was the auto^-noJonger. Ruby Goldstein, the idol of the East ish charity, and it is more than likely j earn an even break for the i-ound." year. I t . is believed the President pipe" tasted better than any other day Side ghetto, who has almost replaced that his visit to the commission was may look with favor on the proposal. oJtthe week?. To thinkjof baving to be desk, a splendid specimen of fine wal- in its infancy; electricity was displac- Benny Leonard in tne affections of the in relation to this." separated from it . for twenty-four nut which many a connoisseur had ing the oil lamp; and,- wonders of Jewish. fistic world-, slashed his way Well, we don't take any stock in the JEWISH MINISTER IS . admired enviously/and emptied his' wonders, a.huge Zeppelin' had hovered very close to-the lightweight cham- whole affair—until we hear the glad hours, twenty-four long hours! CANDIDATE ON ROUMANIAN . when he. trimmed Ray Mit-word from Benny's own lips. In the GOVERNMENT'S LIST PALESTINE WOMEN JOIN As Grandpa continued to smoke, he pockets of their contents: There was, over their village only a. few days pionship chell, the Philadelphia boxer, at the meanwhile, somebody or other is .trySUFRAGE MOVEMENT turned to his visitor and said: "I al- .first of all, his, purse, for he wouldn't ago. They repeated again and again Pioneer Sporting Club, New York ing to get into the papers. be touching money until the Sabbath Bucharest,'May 15,—(J. -T. 'A.)— ways enjoy these few hours with my ' how they had stood in- awelat this _ap- City. Jerusalem, May 14,—(J. T. A.)— Mr. Yaruslavitch, the first Jew to hold pipe before the Sabbath sets in. Al-was over; next a bunch of keys, sev- parition, so that-their eyes had over-1: The; feature of a card of six bouts, WILL KAPLAN Madam Rosa Straus, president of the the post of assistant minister in the though I gladly refrain from smoking eral pencils, of which he always car- flowed. "The'Lord is greati": someone the Goldstein-Mitchell contest was one REMOVE FLOWER' Palestine Jewish Women's Rights Asried quite a collection, a little note Roumanian cabinet, was placed as on the. Sabbath, as long as it'is forsoftly remarked,, "to; letmian; invade CROWN? sociation, left for Palis where she will book'and other odda and ends—all of first candidate on' the governmental bidden, yet, somehow it's a bit of an the upper regions»">' It seems that negotiations are under Goldstein hooked, jabbed, cut and uppe g s . > participate in the teenth annual conwhich, he. deposited in a drawer, there effort to,put it aside." punched Ray Mitchell for the greater way for a,world's middleweight eha.n> list in the Duroster- district. Among gress of the International Woman's Knpwn as being the best teller of Sounds of sweeping and scouring to remain until he got back into his anecdotes among them; Grandpa keeps, part of their six-round bout, although pionship bout between Tiger Flowers, the candidates in the liberal list there Suffrage Alliance. title holder, and "K. O." Phil appears the name of" Sigmund Bircame from all over the house—a sure work-a-day clothes. From a tiny on until it grows dark 'in-3 the cozy Mitchell was there at the final bell, the Kaplan, for the benefit of some Negro m a n . greatly shaken and weary, it is true, secret recess, of whose existence only • -t sign of the approach of the day of charitable -organization. We be living room and individual, objects can but'fighting back cagily. he and the good wife were aware, he rest. ,But nothing disturbed Gradpa; Mitchell upset calculations that he pessimistic, but if .the Jewish boy ever The industrialist Frederick'' Kostno longer be seen,>That-reminds them he alone remained calm. The house- brought forth a beautifully chased that it is time to go ttf. evening pray -would be the thirteenth victim on enters the roped arena against- the: iner. of Bucharest is running Jfor eleccleaning was a woman's duty. All gold snuff box. His name and a date ere.--The men rorily^ of course, whiler Ruby's knockout list.- Those who colored lad, we don't. think there's tion, to the senate on the list of the I on fights hereabouts circulated, much chance -'of his. coming out the. morning he had pottered around the were engraved'thereon. This 'was a .the ladies wend their steps ;homeward, "wager among^ the capacity crowd in advance winner. In fact, Fltirwers is going to' Jassy Cchamber _of Commerce. The . garden, superintending ,this or that, ] Sabbath substitute.for'his pipe: •keeping an eye pn-the- sky*overhead. ofthe fight offering and^bettihg.eveh muss up the Jewish^contender quite a list, of the Roumanian Social Demo«u?«*ifm n Vinlninrp V»*IYWI ~ Vl O1* A <\nrl f li Qro' "Drj vnnrt(* li»ic- -iiici4- nnr-cin/1 -. :- . • crats; contains the name of Deputy giving a helping hand here and there. ' **T*V»*» .Parness has just passerby," And. as -soon -as -the Urst" star -makes money that Mitchell would not go the bit. . - -' He paid particular attention to his Grandma announced as she entered its appearance the lamps; are lighted, limit of six. Although he-won every TALKING A: MAX Gelerter. as ;~-a candidate , for Jassy. round of the spc, however, the East rose, bushes, which no one else was the room, carrying a pair-of candles but-not before. The list of the Jewish national bloc Side^ lad only carried the decision. OUT OF A B O U T allowed to touch. They were coming to light later on—$he Sabbath candles. contains the Siames, as candidates for When, later on,-Grandpa returns, Nat Fleischer, editor of The Ring) Bessarabia, of Buchs of the Hitach<HV finti; so were his young slips of "And there goes Schloma Loeh," of there isc the; little;"tray,-with a wax GOLDSTEIN FIGHTS the. professional boxing "paper, hapoleanders, arranged in rows in a whom she caught a fleeting glimpse taper, the tiny- glass, 'overflowing with FOR GROUND pened to get talking about the art of/luth, Weismann and Schecher for the "Let Us Help You Keep Clean" §unny spot. As far as he'was con- as she /happened to} look out o f a win- wine,.the pretty little perforated con- Goldstein and his enthusiastic sup- conversation in regard to boxers. Zionists; for Transylvania, Theodor cerned, his work for the week was dow facing the.main street. "itVhigh tainer filled with spices; alt ready and porters had many anxious moments, Some of-the'anecdotes he.tells of his Fischer and Joseph Fischer, Zionists. Frostier Towel & Linen Supply done.. Even the barber, had been,in to time when he goes," she- said'to her- only waiting for him;to bless the Sab- particularly in the first half of the wide experiences are interesting: 1819 California Street when Mitchell} quite the re- "Next to Joe Gans and Kid McCoy, trim his beard and, incidentally^ to un- self,'as by that time Grandpa was bath and the advent of; the coming battle, verse of an aniriiated punching bag probably the greatest talkative boxer ASKS PRESIDENT TO SUPPORT ATlantic 62»1. load the gossip ofjthe week. heard splashing the water and mak- ' w e e k . . - • . ' ' _ > • • • - . , - . for the lightning-fast lad, at times in history of- modern fisticuffs was • •' . BILL ADMITTING WIVES AND •A long silence ensued, during which ing hurried progress with his" dressEveryone sips of thewihe as Grand- made Goldstein extend himself in theBenny Leonard. Old-timers who saw CHILDREN OF DECLARANTS time .each one of the old men followed ing.' And in a very short while he ma says-a-short praye'r Shd'himself In- sharp exchanges .which marked ' the Gans:in some of his leading battles •first three' sessions. remember how foxy Joe' bewildered his own trend of thought. Grandpa >was on his, way down the cobbled haling the spicy- odor, "passes it on to The real. turn in' the battle came his opponents-time and-again- by - a Washington.—Modification of the employed the interval by, indulging in street, carrying a delicately • em- his better half arid "so "on it "goes the near the end of the fourth round when series of rapid fire'conversation, thereImmigration law to permit 35,000 several long-drawn puffs. Then he broidered' bag containing his talis.' Goldstein, after blinding and bewilder- by taking-the attention of his antagonrounds. Then'upon the;heads of the ing wives, and children under 18 years his rival through the first three Jp ist'away from his' main objective. stopped to inhale the fragrant aroma The next morning- Sabbath services old of declarants' to enter'the "United "Our own Benny-Leonard-was the j members of thehou-se'hold he lays his j roundT and^part'oT the'fourth with^a of his favorite brand of tobacco. are going forward as usual when L . f c ;_ to which each! rapid-fire attack in which left jabs nearest thing to Gans in ring trickery States _was.. urged upon President These good old-timers knew nothing Grandpa beckons to...a little lad across r e s p o n d s ^ and hooks predominated, suddenly in the matter of talking a rival out of «<a g b o d Veek." of restrictions. They smoked from the the aisle', and whispers: "Here," take '.'_' pp a left hook to the body and a victory. Supper follows, a -simple repast; whipped time they were recognised as having this over to Afrom Baer; I see he'sthen—and then—[ Grandpa; hies him crashed a right to the jaw. "Benny Leonard pulled this trick on become full-Hedged members of the waiting; for. it." Placing his treasured to his pipe rack, brings forth the pipe -Mitchell's body moved convulsively Lew. Tendler in their first -fight in I A Life Insurance Policy { DR. WILLIAM RADUZINER the battering and the Phila- Jersey City at a time when the Phila-i synagogue'. -The pipe was a solace-iii. snuff box in the child's nand, he said: he. had so painstakingly, prepared under delphian slumped forward into a delphia lad all but had Benny out. The • For Every Need | ; times of stress. Grandpa even went "Wait until he's taken a pinch-or two twenty-four, hours^ ago,'. twenty-four clinch. The house was in an uproar plan worked well and Lew, listening Chiropractor so far as to recommend a pipe while and then; bring it back to me." As the long hours! He ,' strike's!'• a match, and Goldstein, with the lust for vic- to Benny's jabbering, forgot all about {JUDAH L. WOLFSON, Rep. PALMER GKADUATE Equitable Life of New York: 531 SeruritiCR BUlg. trading -with an obstinate customer. lad walks off, he adds, still in a hushed touches it to. the'tpbaCco^-takes one ,tory and the frenzied shouts of his the weakened condition in -which he ! 1 The 545 Omaha Nut'I Bank Bltlg. had-the champion, with the : result j admirers urging him onward, leaped I'hones—Office, .la. 6540; Res., Ha. "8»:t He said it gave him leisure to consider voice: "Be very careful: not to drop good long puff, leans back in his arm in for a knockout. 4t. 5355 ffa. 8755. Consultation Free. that-Leonard lasted through a most the other's offers and his meanings it."'The men ate seated; according to chair; and is oblivious to; all[.that goes But by holding on to-the East Side crucial period and came back- with back .of them. Often he claimed he their, ages, the oldest in the front on about him., He. is blissfully, ecstat- lad in clinches Mitchell managed, to enough strength to turn the tide and ' I last through the round, and through win. had won out because of his.pipe. And rows and so on to the youngest at j ically happy.—Jewish"Ledger.. PAXTON-MITCHELL CO. the fifth. Thereafter his experience "In the eighth round of-that classic as if there had been no interruption the rear of the building. His eye's j H m w y 16GS stood him in good stead. He kept his Lew electrified the .tremendous crowd' S7th * - M n r t h a Kts. whatever, he continued in his conver- followed-the little fellow up the aisle, Omaha. Nrt>r. .; jaw but of range of Goldstein's dart- by nailing the champion with a" tergray Iron, brass, bronze and s i n . VFHOLESALB sational way: "You'll be astonished to 'past'the huge stove. "That -was aning, whiprlike Tights and countered to rific left to'ihe body: The force of the .Soft •tuiiVnin tastings. StnUflard ;slzes •hronzfe the body'himsel? in-spasmodic attacks blow, rocked Bennyrfrom the top oi ana trctn bushings,'sewer .manholes, hear" that I've been using this tobac- .other fine idea of my children," 'he' Druggists and Stationers which were, hovrever, completely-over- his. head to-the soles of his feet. cistern rings and covers, s a d clean-out co^' mentioning the renowned.maker's thinks, "to fefverthe congregationsome WI-4U3-40B Houtb lOtb StrMt ----- ' ' •' whelmed "hy the consistent work of Benny's title was hanging by a thread. doors ih stock. " name, "ever 3ince the time, of the : means of heatihg the synagogue.'" Goldstein. . f'''•:•'• ''•';•••• "Leonard's brain came to his rescue. great revolution in 1848. Yes, sir," he. Still wat? 'Ruby'is moving along pretty speed•the child as hetiirns : YicerChairman Rosenberg of J. D. ily th,ese daysr'in his search for a went on,,"from that time on, this one down,the faraisle/arid at'last lands crowti.' Of the twenty-one fights he a,nd no other." at -his- journey's end, he' continues has indulged in; Goldsteia hat Jt. O.'d Jew.isfr Tragedy; . V(hen two such old friends get to- musingiy: "My boys remembered twelve. Those interested in th« future gethe.r, conversation flows uninter- those, cold mornings of their youth no lightweight king will be glad to give ! James Rosenberg, &ew York at- jj glance at the Jewish lad's fight ruptedly; there is no dearth of topics. doubt, when brie could s6e one's breath "•'But the afternoon began to wane and ejected in columns of steam. Afrbm torney and vice-chairman'of the Joint j record: Distribution Committee, cabled last Al Vano .-«.'-. E.O., 2 rounds so they weren't surprised when Grand- is having a regular ory" of taking week to David A. Brown, chairman of Eddie Markat .„,...—.....K.O., 1 round ma came in-to remind them that i t snuff.'While he indugels, a. liberalIrving Shapiro 2roumls SIXTEENTH AND HOWARD STREETS would soon be time to get' ready for pinch on this sictej the one on tbe other the ?25,000,000 United Jewish Cam- Joe J E Eppy ^.......^........K.O., 1 round paign that • the r number.jof "Jewish the evening services. . he gazes across.' at Grandpa, acHarry Herron -— .Won, 6 rounds Now Grandpa set to, work with a knowledging, his appreciation with a children in'Poland injactual .want of Augie Pisano ...........»...Won, 6 rounds daily bread is over-100i000iHarry Nelson .*.,... K.O., 1 round will. He emptied the pipe of its ashes, friendly nod. Spencer Gardner . Won, 6. rounds " Of the three milion Jews in Poland, scraped'and cleaned the bowl, and They have 'not disturbed the servEarl Gray ,s .K.O., 4 rounds 75&,o6o are in desperate jtraits," Mr. while he filled it afresh, tapping the ices at-all. It is-not an'unusual oc-. Freddie Jacks ,„„. ....Won, 6 rounds K.O., 1 round tobacco down with an expert thumb, currencej and after a while,the snuff Rosenberg's ; cable" continues; "Eighty Frankie Albano . Won, 6 rounds he admired the Spanish beauty, her box is. returned to. the; proud possess- per cent of the Jewish. workmen of Joe Malone .... Jackie Coburn .... .Won, 6 rounds iphapely head draped with a lace or. : He taps it gently, gradefully, just Poland-, are unemployed; land this is Red Cap Wilson: Won, 6 rounds true also of fifty per cent, of the entire shawl, who adorned the side of. the as -they' did in the days of lace;-ruffles Earl Baird ...i,....,...,...K.O., 1 round Won, 6 rounds bowl.. Grandma often teased him be- at the wrist—throws back the lid, working-class o f the country. This Bud, Dempsey c. cause of his age he still admired the takes a copious pinch and as- he;-does dreadful situation '-is .due .to the eco- Georgie Day ..„....„.,.... K.O., 3 rounds Cecolli Won, 6 rounds pretty young girls who came to their so, emits a long-drawn "Ah!" of pur- nomic crisis andjthe fall ofthe Polish Johnny Harry Carlson .J....i.......K.O., 3 rounds zloty from five to-about ten -per dollar. house, especially if they had red est pleasure. Then off he sends the y Pollock .^:. -K.O., 3 rounds cheeks—the redder their cheeks, the beautiful golden receptable, off on its If we cannot save all the"victims of Pep O'Brien .._.....:. K.O., 3 rounds better he. liked them. And the simple weekly pilgrimage to the others—the this disaster, we must at least try to WHOSE PUBLICITY little country lasses never, objected impatiently waiting devotees of snuff. save the children.'^ _ ' when he pinched their cheeks and oc- Ensues a veritable tornado of sneez- ' Mr,, Rosenberg, who sent his cable IS THIS ? The old. rumor Has-again raised its casionally stole a kiss. It kept them ing, a volley from -tihs direction, from from Berlin after-Tstudying" the statisDespite al sorts of protestations, in practice during the week. - All the the front, from the back of the audi- tics of distress compiled by Dr. Bern- -head. and denials from Benny himself, the bard Kahn, European-Director of the young men were in the nearby cities torium—from all over. wiseacres insist that the retired lightand jonly came home on Friday just "Yes," nods Grandpa to a grateful Joint Distribution Committee, and weight champion of the world is going in time for evening prayers, and left and appreciative neighbor; "it's a new conferring on the situation, with Prof.) to fight Mickey Walker this season. We have persuaded again before daybreak on 'Monday. kind of snuff, supposed-to be the fin-'Albert Einstein, Dr. Paul Nathan, SecPoor little, red-cheeked country lasses! est on the market," adding as an retary of the "Hilfsverein defr Deutthe Voss Co. to give . H e surely was in a - reminiscent afterthought: "One of my sons "got it schen Juden," Kurt Blumen&ld, Rabbi j these tubs with mobile Hildesheimer and others who are' mood this particular Friday afternoon. in England on his way over here." conversant with the Central and East.i benches, for the bal"See this scraper," displaying the "Ma.nufacttjred in Omaha" Up in the ladies' gallery sounds of European Jewish situation, ends up .narrowsilver blade with which he had a concerted risin on feet is slightly ance of: T§IS EEK cleaned, his. pipe bowl. "One of my heard; faces appear behind the latticed his cable: "These* nren"~a~rid others' BAKtiK WE MACHINE C(). sons, brought it 'over from America, enclosure. Smiles of recognition with equally, prominent and reliable realize chased* v and this cigar cutter," a pretty prna- husbands, fathers, brothers and sons that David Brown, Louis Marshall, Benches Felix M. Warburg. and: many, others ment of gold, attached to his watch are exchanged. The ladies' faces are Worth *60 chain,/'another son brought it over living question marks. One very are doing your utmost to, relieve the Wet Wash __________ $14.00 ' 70 from there." While testing his pipe plump little matron, standing on tip- situation,, but .nevertheless implore Semi-Flat you to do even more, because it is imRough Dry __> .with,a lighted match to. see if it were toe, soon discovers the cause of the] uuftt condition for the morrow, he disturbance and announces to those possible to exaggerate .the appalling AMERICAN WET WASH • told .his visitor that his' gold ,watch nearest to her: "What else can it be distress. It is acase not 'merely of 2808 Cuming St. Harney 0881 and -chain had also come from over- but Grandpa's gold, snuff box going people not-having>enough, but actually dying of starvation. 'This is not seas. That was during those first the rounds ?" With Nickel Plated 22>Vith Genuine Cypress years when his boys had gone to seek Gauge Copper Tub Grandma nods delightedly and to an campaign talk, but a liberal stateCorrugated Tub their fortunes in the new world. admiring and' friendly grougs re- ment of fact'based on the statistics "And this photo,'* proudly, as he marks: "How much pleasure he hasbefore us.' opened the old-fashioned timepiece," been able to give his friends since our !'is _aur oldest son's' wife and their children brought it tol him on our PALESTINE MOSELEMS2224 Cnmirig St. first born-r-our very-first grandchild.-' fiftieth wedding anniversary!" Pbone J A ctoon 1226. PARTICIPATE-IN CAIRO Compare With Washew . "How the years roll by!" giving the Of a Sabbath, right after dinner, it CALIPHATE CONGRESS Up to 150.00 Compare With Washers finishing touch' to his weekly prepara- was the custom from 'way back to in*- • Up to 125.00 tions. -*t can hardly believe that I dulge in" afternoon naps. The grandCairo.—Palestine Moslems are re- Harry H. Lapidus, Pres.-Treas. teas four score and five last Septem- parents always took advantage of presented at .the aliphate Congress W. G. Ure. Secretary. ber:"-' ' . . . . . . : those quiet hours and only when which opened here yesterday. The From the adjoining bedroom, where coffee was announced at 4 o'clock did sessions of the Congress will be priOmaha-Fixture & she had* freshened upand_donned,her they turn up. Then in fine weather, vate because of the religious charSupply Co. best' scheidel and a black silk apron, I as on this very Sabbath, tfiey took a acter of the.' proceedings, it was de-~ OOMPLETS STORE AND came the good wife's voice: " Your i leisurely stroll along the winding clared., OFFICE OUTFITTERS You not only ge the No political question will be disffii You ffactory efficiency. - W« aeentry STowejt p r t o on high grade « * cussed at the Congress, it was stated. notn A riyal congress is to meet shortly machmes we know of. i>oaettw the horizon, the. pleasant living' room in Ueeca at'the call o^Ihn Saud, vic-There.was m a STZ4 roice; thtt, friends.' bad© each other a began- to fill with: Grandpa's oW- torious leader-of the -Wahabis -andhaaty adieu after,^ that, - Grandma cronies and their wives. Courteously, pretender to the caliohate.



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