May 27, 1926

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Success or failure in business is caused more by mental attitude even "than by mental capac-

The cynic Is one knows the";. price of every i; h i n g and the

valu e of nothing

ities. — Walter Dill Scott.

Oscar WOde. _


VOL. V—No. 25


Entered as •econd-clasi'-S-^^.atter on January 27th, 1921, at postoffice at Omaha. fieiT'rn & nailer the-Act of March 3. A879.

Dedication Week Progrr Being Completed for Opening of New Jewish Community Center Building Programs. Will Be Presented Every Night of Week Commencing June 6th ; KOSHER BANQUET MONDAY EVENING WILL BE FEATURE AFFAIR


PASTOR MUENCHJ4EYER, ANTISEMITIC LEADER,' FORCED TO LEAVE THE MINISTRY Berlin. (J. T. A.) Pastor Muenchmeyer, leader of a campaign • of bigotry in Borkum, the popular German summer resort on the North. Sea, was compelled to leave the ministry following a court sentence against h






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The sentence created a great sensation in Germany where; Pastor Muenchmeyer is noted for his antiSemitic agitation in connection' with the Borkum hymn, an anti-Semitic song over which a' legal fight" developed among various -authorities. The pastor was sued for breach of promise "and for fraud. He was found guilty of seducing girls.

John D. Rockefeller, Jr., ^Windmills of Holland" Workers Will Meet in Jewish Community Gives $lin),i)0010 To Make Second Ceftter Building Tuesday, Jone 1 Public Appearance United Jewish Campaign The membership campaign for the new Jewish Com\

munity Center Building will be launched" Tuesday evening, June 1, when workers will meet in the new Jewish Community Center Building, Twentieth and Dodge streets, to discuss the-campaign. , . , "We are urging all persons interested in the Jewish Community Center to join with us and help us put this campaign oyer," said Harry Lapidus, president. "The building is one to be proud vof and every Jew in Omaha should be a member." ., ; Letters have been sent to those workers who have participated in former campaigns but this call includes every person willing to serve. Come * and 'attend this meeting. The campaign will be shorthand snappy and will last only five days, "The campaign will last for five days only so that the membership campaign will be finished in time for the Dedication of the new building on June 6," said Joe L. Wolf, secretary. Every loyal citizen of Omaha of Jewish faith should see that his ior her name is included as a member. The following are the group chairmen: , Mrs. Philip Schwartz, chairman of Ladies Division. Dr. Philip Romonek, chairman of Group B, male, . . $6 Division. .r . . Fred White, chairman of Group A, male, ,' ." " ! •_'.;, •-. . • $12 Division. • . , " J V Abner Kaiman, chairman Senior Group*' $18. Sam Beber, chairman Active Membership, $50. - Harry Malashock, chairman of Donor Group.

Says In Letter Accompanying Will Be Presented Sunday Nite, June 13, at New Jewish Gift That He Finds ProCommunity Center 3 gram of Distribution Wise DANCE "WILL F O L L O W OPERETTA CONTRIBUTION WAS NOT SOLICITEp

New York.—The outstanding nonJewish gift to the United Jewish Campaign was made by John D. Rockefeller, Jr., who sent a check for $100,000 to Paul Baerwald, who is treasurer of both the National $25,000,000 drive and of New York's $6,000,000 effort. Mr. Rockefeller's letter, which was made public by David M. Bressler, C On Monday evening June 7, the Tatle,, Mrs. Charles Levinson,, Mrs. S. acting chairman of the New York Frohin, Mrs. J. Slosburg, Mrs. Leon first banquet will be held in the ISIew campaign, is as follows: Graetz, Mrs. A.'Greenberg, Mrs. Max Resignation is Protest for DiscrimJewish Community-Center Building. Fromkin, Mrs* ,D. Sherman, Mrs. San ination Against Jews. "Mr. Paul Baerwald, Treasurezv This banquet will be absolutely Nathan and Miss Blanche Zimman. United Jewish. Campaign, Kosher. H. A. Wolf will be the toastOmaha Hebrew Club-will present a New York. (J.T.A.) Al Jolson, New York City. master. An elaborate program is program on Wednesday, evening, June Broadway Comedian, resigned from, "Dear Sir: being prepared for this occasion. Res- 9. According tomembers of the club the aristocratic Westchester Biltmore "I have been following with interest the progress of the campaign of the ervations for the banquet can only an elaborate program is being pre- Country Club at Rye, N.' Y.,"because Joint Distribution Committee for the be made by .purchasing of tickets in pared. On Thursday, evening} June of the club's policy of discrimination relief <ff the Jewish people in Poland the new Jewish "Community Center 10, the local B'nai B'rith lodge .will against-Jews, according to a report and Russia, and have noted the genbuilding at the office. "The reserva- present a program. erous response with which the appeal " published in the "Daily TMirrdr."; has met. . From information which I tions, for tli banquet -will close on Friday evening,- June Hi a regular. Jolson has long been a member of have -sought, the program for the' dis-. Wednesday as only- a limited number Sabbath Meal will be -served, in the the club. Ever since his application tribution of this fund has been very of people can be taken care of,'? said Dining Room. Mrs. A. Silveraah will carefully and wisely worked out. for membership was accepted he has William L. Holzman. • "In a matter of this kind, there light the Sabbath Candles. been welcomed on his occasional,visought to be no barriers of race or Tuesday, June 8, will be Ladies' • The Dedication week will wind up its to the club. ••..'•'••••• creed. Therefore, although my parDay and the women are making plans with the Y. M. and Y. W. H. A^ Early this spring Mr. Jolsqn inticipation in the movement has not for a reception and swimming, xhlbi- presentation , of •"Windmills- of Hol- vited^ Harry Richman, a cabaret' enbeen solicited, I hope you will allow, tion in the afternoon, followed by'the land" oh Sunday evening,"June' 13. me to enclose herewith my check for tertainer, and one of his best friends, Dedication Ball in the evening, which $100,000 toward the fund, which I to the ,club. Mr. Richman was indo with best wishes for the Successful ' is also in charge of the Ladies Day troduced to the members of the More Than. 100^Guests Expected at Left Library to Hebre-ve- University fonsummation of the campaign. Committee. Tickets for the Ball are, members of the club. One of them, Opening Event Very truly, and Contributions to. Institutions on sale now, and as only'a limited Richman says, urged him to put in of Learning.. John D. Rockefeller, Jr." number has been printed, it is advisan application for membership. M.on than one-hundred guests are able to purchase them this week. Mrs. Mr. Bressler has sent the following When the club was formally opened Jerusaiem.~The erection of three New York <J.rT. A;)—The library letter of acknowledgement to Mr. IJathan' Mantel is chairman of the for the season two weeks ago,' Mr*, expectsd sft the -jjyening day celebra-large buildings at the Hebrew Unition of-the Highland' Country Club to of. the late Oscar S..Straus was left Rockefeller: •women's committee -and Mrs. Harry versity, which was^ dedicated on April Jolson invited Mr.Richiaan. to the Hebrew University in Jerusabe held.Decoration Day, May 80. "My dear Mr. Rockefeller: 1,^1925, .will be 'begrai on Mount ••j I was given aJQpte: from Roy Jack- " Reservations* i f o r t h i i affair will lem according- to bis will, disposing of l sisting are atf follows: , : Scopus during the'month of Jane; ^It affords me unusual pleasure to son, manager of, requesting an estate estimated a t between §750*- acknowledge, on behalfTof the officers close Friday morning. All reservaTICKET COMMITTEE The buildings on which the work me to call him on the telephone • as tEe'TJmted Jewish Campaign, your Mrs. B. A. Simon, Mrs. A. Silver- will commence; are The Hebrew Na- soon as possible. When I called him, tions are sent to the office of the 000 and $1,000,000,-field for probate. of The public- bequests are $10,000 to magtiifiennt contribution of $100,000 Highland Country Club, at 402 Karman and Mrs. H. Lapidus. the $6,000,000 fund we are endeavtional Library, for which a fund was Jackson requested me to ' cease bach Block. Brown University, to establish schol- to DECORATION; COMMITTEE oring to raise in New York City as donated by Mr. iDayid Wolfsohri, the bringing undesirable guests to the The following reservations were arships or to aid "indigent and de- part of a national 'oversees chest' of Mrs. Philip Sher and Mrs. Ed Einstein Institute of Physics and club. He meant Harry Richroan, made at the time the paper went to serving students"; $10,000 each to $25,000,000 for the alleviation of the Treller. •' ' • \ he Mathematics," for which Mr. Philip he explained, when I asked rwha^ press: A. Herzberg (8); L. Heyn (1); the United Hebrew Charities of New distress of millions of our co-religion; REFRESHMENT COMMITTEE meant. - in Europe, and for reconstrucWattenburg of New York donated a Marvin Treller (14); Chas. Kirsch- York and the Dfopsie College for He- ists, Mrs. Harry Rachman, Mrs. William tion, medical, cultural, child-care, "I demanded to know what was fund, and the Institue for Jewish R. Blumenthal and Mrs. Harry Malbraun (2); Carl Katleman (3); Dr. brew and Cognate Learning in Philasettlement, refugees and Studies, the T)uilding to be erected undesirable about Mr. Richman. Harry B. T. Friedman (2); M. E, Handler delphia, and $5,000 to the Authors' agricultural ashock. . : relief in foreign land. is an old friend of mine, one of the in memory, of Mr. Sol Rosenbloom of PUBLICITY COMMITTEE (2); Morris Ferer (2); B. Stiefler (7); Club of New York, of which Mr. "We appreciate your gift the more Mrs. Sam Wolf and Mrs. Irvin' Pittsburgh, Pa./--witii. a fund created finest, cleanest, straightest fellows I Dr. M. I. Gordon (2-; H. S. Heaven- Straus has long been a member, "to deeply in that it is an entirely volunStalmaster. . by his widow. Th»" total cost of the have ever known. rich (6); Dave Bialac (2); Paul Phil- be dispensed for such purposes as the tary contribution by you, and because, as you say, ito was not solicited by three buildings will be $700,000. ,. N RECEPTION COMMITTEE "If you want it straight," respond- lips (4); H. A. Wolf (6). Council may by unanimous vote de- us. Equally great is our satisfaction Mrs. Frederick Cohn, Mrs. N. P. The budget of the Hebrew "Univer- ed Jackson, "III tell you. Mr. Rich" ., that your contribution has been made Lester Heyn is chairman 'of the cide." Feil, Mrs. William Holzman, Mrs. man is undesirable for, the simpleentertainment committee. After giving 100 of his books to after an investigation of the plan of Reuben Kulakofsky, Mrs. I. Rosen- sity for the current year amounts to reason ihat he's a Jew," Mr. Jolson £3,430. thal, Mrs. D. Rosoenstock, Mrs. each of his three children, to be distribution of our . funds by the Joint Distribution Committee which is quoted by the""Mirror." chosen by them, Mr. Straus left the you have found to be very carefully "That flabbergasted me. I asked J. C. C. TEAM WINS remainder to the Hebrew University, and wisely worked out. RESOLUTIONS PASSED him if he didn't know that I, too, am SIXTH STRAIGHT GAME and directed that all expenses.of send- "But even beyond that, we are AT COUNCIL MEETING profoundly moved by the broadth of The Jewish Community Center base- i n g t h e books, there be paid by his spirit which your contribution dis"'Of course, I know it,' Jackson estate. At the Annual Meeting and Tea of ball team won its sixth straight game plays. It is good to have this very Bertha Greenhouse, Metzo-Soprano, the Council of Jewish Women Mrs. I. said. 'B'ut you are an exception.' Mr. Straus gave all of his house- concrete evidence that at a time when of thevseason Sunday when they de"Well, I told him then and there pupii of Mme. Moeller-Herms, will ap- Rosenthal was chosen -as delegate to feated the fast Castle Hotel team a t hold effects, silver, pictures and auto- large masses of human beings are ^ "pear in a recital of Grand Opera of the Triennal at Washington to be that I was most certainly not an exsuffering, no barriere of race and Fontenelle Park by a score of 6 to 5. mobiles, not otherwise disposed of to creed are strong enough to prevent Dramatic Art Musical Program on held November 14th to 19th, 1926. ception. I've always been a Jew and his wife, Sarah L. Straus, and beThe J. C. C. team is still holding the all "humanity from rushing to their Sunday evening, May 30, at 7:30, at Mrs. Sadie S.S Mayer was elected to always will be. I'm just, as much a queather to her ail of his real estate rescue." Jew. in the Westchester-Biitmore lead in the Gate City League. the German.Home. and three-fifths of tne residuary go as . alternative.. At this meeting The J^ C. C. team will pla ythe Holy Miss Greenhouse will sing selec- resolutions •were adopted1 an the death Club as l a m at home. The ne^tday estate.!. -. *' SOVIET ALLOWS ADMINISTERAngels Sunday afternoon ^at Muny tions from Grand Opera, Comic Opera, of the NationaJ.PMsident, Miss'Rqse I wrote to Jackson offering my resigThe remaining two-fifths of the ING TO RELIGIOUS NEEDS Beach. . nation. Mr. Bowman, owner of the Folk Songs, and Instrumental num- Brenner, as follows:-* residue were divided into three equal OF HOSPITAL PATIENTS Biltmore Hotel, called me to say he - bers. Mme. Herms will give several parts which went to his son, Roger "As we pause during the course of regretted incident. But the resigna- JEWS ELECTED TO SOVIET A oratorical selections. . W. Straus; his daughter, Mildred, Moscow. (J. T. A.) Administering our meeting^held May 'I4th,y 1926, LABOR DEFENSE COUNCIL wife < of Edward, Schafer, and : his to the religious needs of * hospital The entire program will be bp&ad- we bow our/heads in remembrance of tion was accepted. \i had to-be." ' casted over WO AW at nine o'clock our dear National President, Miss Moscow. (J. T. A.) Messrs. Soko- daughter, Aline, wife of Leonard A. patients was legalized by a decision , Monday evening, Mry 31. Rose Brenner, who passed to her last WESTERN FASHION ADOPTED . linoff, -Kamienieff j Skeinman and Hochstader, The shares of the two of theWzik, the Central Executive daughters are left in trust, the prin- Committee of the Communist Party. resting place- April-5th", 1926. BY PALESTINE-ARABS Frumkin were elected to the new JEWISH POPULATION FAVORS cipal to go to their issue. The decision of the Wzik,-declared Whereas, Almighty-God in His insupreme council of labor and defense GENERAL PILSUDSKI'S COUP, finite wisdom has called to her everMr. Straus also gave to his son "all that if patients who are inmates in Jerusalem.— (J. T. A.)- Western in the--Union of Socialistic Soviet OFFICIAL REPORT SAYS lasting sleep Miss--Rose, Brenner, a fashion is beginning to invade the my papers and manuscripts, also my the city or government hospitals deRepublics. % • - . sire to attend religious services or life of the Palestine Moslems. With leader of American Jewjsh WomanThe coauncil is considered one Of personal , property, including my Warsaw. (T. T. A.) The attitude hood, the arrival of the spring season, the highest institutions in Soviet watch which was my father's, and carry out other religious ceremonies, of tfte Jewish political leaders in the my diamond ring which was my their relatives are entitled to bring Whereas, Miss Rosfr Brenner, was young Moslems in Jerusalem are en,- • Republic of Poland toward Marshal ever mindful of the interests of thusiastically- replacing the Turkish Russia. mother's, and which I am sure he clergyment to on the Filsudski's coup d'etat was outlined Judaism and" the cause o humanity,— fez with straw and felt hats with will "treasure as I have always, as condition^ that the services will be GENEVA, CONFERENCE RECOMin an official report submitted to the a'bom leader. performed in separate rooms and not sacred and tangible memories." bands of red, white and green, the MENDS PASSPORT FACILITIES marshal by his aides. in the general wards. Islam coors. The will gave to Mrs. Shfcfer an Whereas, through Miss Brenner's The report, describing the attitude influence, much Council work was Geneva. (J. T. A.) Recommenda- oil portrait, of Abraham Lincoln, and At a meeting in Jerusalem of of the' various parties toward the done in America, also in.Europe and Moslem notables, it was decided that tions to facilitate travellers crossing to Mrs. Hochsader an oil portrait events, states that the Jewish popula- Australia: She was a member of the the fez was not part of the Arab the frontiers of European countries of Washington by Charles Peale Polk. BERLIN KEHILLAH ELECTIONS MAY AFFECT ICA POLICY tion is satisfied with the resignation Board of Education in Brooklyn, New national costume but/ was introduced and the issuance of passports visas ' Mr. Straus appointed as executors of Stanislaus Wojciechowski and of York, also teaching Sunday School by the Turks. were adopted at the .International his wife and "son. His will was made Berlin. (J. T. A.) The result of the Witos cabinet, because by this twnty years. She promoted many Passport Conference which closed its January 19, 1924. the new. elections to the'Berlin Kehilthey were rid of Stanislaw Grabski, other useful projects. lah, where the liberal majority "was MOl/NTAIN JEWS IN CAUCASIA meeting here. the Minister of Education, who was broken and a greater number of Therefore, Resolved, that a REINED BY WAR AND REVOLULOUIS UPSKY hated because of his attitude toward copy of these resolutions be- spread Zionist delegates were elected, may TION, CONFERENCE HEARS. SAILS LONDON the cultural needs- of the national upon the minutes of the permanent The Jewish Community Center,, affect the policy of the Jewish Colonminorities; including the Jews, the records oft b,e Omaha Chapter of Moscow. (J. T. A.) Ninety per cent announces the following pledgers 'New York. (J.T.,A.) Louis Iipsky, ization Association (lea). ' report states. * who have this week paid their chairman of the Zionist Organization the Council-of Jewish Women, a copy of the mountain Jews in According to the provisions of the v , - The Jewish population would gladly published in the Jewish Tress and a are .-paupers, according to reports pledges in full: , of American, sailed on the Maure- will of the late Baron de Hirsch, see Jozef Pilsudski at the head"-of the copy sent to her beloved brother-, Mr. submitted^ to the conference of Cau- J. A. Wintroub tania for London. founder of the lea, the council govstate if his administration would in- Arthur Brenner in Brooklyn, N. Y. casian Jews being held in Naltehik. L.W. Rosenblatt , Mr. Lipsky will attend the meeting erning the Jewish Colonization Asv:lude men who have an understandThe number'of the Caucasian. JewH. Dolgoffy 1822 No. 24th St. of the Zionist Executive in London sociation is to include representatives Respectfully submitted, ing of the cultural and religious ish community is, aithogether, -l0,00Q. Harry Frankel . Mrs. I. Rosenthal,' President,' which wilj last three days. He will from the Berlin Rehillah. With the needs 6f the Jewish population. Prior to the war.and revolution1 they Louis Sommer Mrs. Sadie S. Mayer, Vice-Pres. immediatey return to New York.'The election of a larger number of Zion- The Jewish commercial circles view , Omaha Council o- Jewish' Women." were mainly engaged in*the tobacco, I. Nathan meeting of the Executive will pre ist delegates, the possibility arises .-the situation %yith optimism, partifruit growing and vineyard Indus* D. B. Cohn pare the agendy for the forthcoming for the first time that a Zionist may ' cularly because of the stabilization Isadore Sokolof meeting of the Zionist Actions Com- be delegated as the representative of It is to your benefit to patronize tries. Only. 40 per cent of the children - of the Zloty, the report, states. eattend schools, the report states.- "•' the Kehillah on the lea council. mittee. • • :

Plans for the dedication week of the new Jewish Community Center Building are being completed. The committee in charge of the affairs for the opening consist of William L. Holzman, Dr. Philip Sher, and H. A. Wolf. . i' ^ The Jewish Community Center Building will open Sunday, June 6, and on "Sunday evening the Dedication program wUl be held. Every subscriber and every Jewish person1 in Omaha is invited to attend this program. i ;

Al Jolston Resigns From Aristocratic Country Club

Highland Country Club to Wffl of Late Oscar S; Stras is Made Known Ope$ Decoration Day

Work on Hebrew University to Begin in, The Month b! Jane

Bertha Greenhouse to Appear in Recital Sunday Evening



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As an attraction the Y. M. and Y. M. H. A. will present for the opening; week of the new Jewish Community, Center at 20th and Dodge Sts.f "Winmills of Holland", last year's operetta hit. A cast of twenty, voices was picked by Mi's. Ricklie Boasberg, dramatic Director. The operetta will be given on Sunday.night, June 13, in the Auditorium of the new building, followed by a dance. "The Windmills of Holland" is making its second debut to the public because of the success of the operetta last year. Mrs. Boasberg made a careful selection and has again selected some of the best voices in thft city to take part. All participants in the operetta will be (tressed in old Dutch costumes, which make the very quaint picture of the presentation. The boys and •girls'will be dressed in the old wooden shoes. The cast is working daily and from all indications this operetta will be even a better performance than last year. The cast of characters are as follows} Muriherr Hertogenosch (a rich Holland Farmer), ...„ Jack Friedman Vrauw Ivy Siege! Wjlhelmina, daughter, Bess Greenberg Hilda ..Helen Levinson Bob Yankee, (American Salesman).... Sam Minkin Hans, (A Student of Music in love with Wilhelmina) Harry Green Sranz,*(A rich Farmer's son in love with Hilda) ~, Sam Zacharia Katrina ™ Lilyan Chudscoff Chorus .......Jeanette^LeUlnSon^eStn&t* te Sherman, Leone Novitsky, Cele Braude, Fay Klein, Bess Haykin, and Lillian Slutzky. "The boys and girls are doing their part wonderfully," said Mrs. Boasberg,- director of the operetta. "We hope to make this a leading event ia Omaha".

Horseshoe Lake Summer Resort Opens Decoration Day Dancing Will Be Held ' ana Evening


The new Horseshoe Lake Summer Resort will hold its formal opening Sunday, Decoration Day . The new summer resort was especially planned as a Jewish Summer Eesort under the supervision of Simon Neveloff. The place is easy to reach, several new roads having been built to lead to the new resort. A large dance pavilion is a feature attraction at the Horseshoe Lake. Already several cottages have been built by the Micklin Lumber Company. Invitatiofls have been issued by The Horseshoe Lake Development Co. to the many lot owners to attend the opening celebration. Dancing will be held in the new pavilion both afternoon and evening. "This location makes i t an ideal spot for a summer resort and which is handy to everyone", said Simon Neveloff today. "Boating,fishingand swimming are some of the features oi Horseshoe Lake." 600 KILLED DURING FftENCB BOMBARDMENT OF DAMASCUS London. <J. T. A.) Six hundred persons were killed during the bombardment ©f the Midan quarter of Damascus on May 11, according to.s, cable report from Damascus to the London "Daily Express." Among those killed, 500 were civilians, including many women RTNJ children. Three hundred houeeB wers destroyed during the French atta.-.t; which lasted 15 hours. One 'huntim? and ten rebels succeeded in escaping. London. <J. T. A.) The of the French troops from Syria advocated by AriBtede Briand Paul Painleve, according to from Paris to the "Daily Briand and Painleve favot $te re* moval of Syria from the category T»£ mandated territories, t h e '

3>AGE 2—THE JEWISH PRESS—THURSDAY, $IAY 27, 1926 Delegates from 28 countries are Mr. and1 Mrs. E. Gilihsky, and I lian Simon motored to Lincoln last ANTI-SEMITIC INTERNATIONAL expected to attend. CONGRESS WILL BE "ARYAN daughters, Reva of this city," and Mrs. Saturday. The Congre&s is planned as an CHRISTIAN" DEMONSTRATION Frank /Walton of Plattsmouth, Nebr., FCDlimied tfwi» a'bursAay at Omahai KebrMka, toy "Aryan Christian demonstration" for Miss Reva Ziev -was the guest of Seven Jewish Students to Graduate and Mrs. Ike Gilinsky of .Omaha, * - THE JEWISH PRESS PDBLlS&lKG tOMPAMt . .Copenhagen.^ J. T. A.) The anti- the creation of a united anti-Semitic from Council Blufrs High School nexjt motored fco Kansas City arid Excelsior Kate Goldstein last week-end. Office 4So fifend&s ^ e a t r e Bidding — Telephones ATIantic 1450. Semitic World Congress, called by front. Week. Springs, Mo.> Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Miss Ruth Kaplan spent the week- the Viennese headquarters of the '-v NATHAN JE3. "GREEN, Mama great eternity! E. Gjlinsky will remain in Excejteior end in Lincoln wifh MrJ. Max Anti-Semitic International created at O gr y .$2.50. v Subscription Price, one years Our' little life is but a gust, "Seven Jewish studentswill graduate Springs all summer, while the others Shapiro. the last anti-Semitic conference, will That bends the branches of thy tic, Advertising rates furnished on application. from the Council Bluffs Sigh School are returning home today. in the dust. Mr. Joe Krasne of Council Bluffs take place in July at Sprinjsforbi And trails its blossoms CHANGE OF ADDfiBSS—Please give both the eld ana new address; next week at the City Auditorium. —Longfellow. near Copenhagen. Mrs. Oscar Greehberg left Tuesday spent the week-end in Lincoln. ** Miss lalljan. SteinKerg, daughter of L Angeles, Calif., where she •' Tbi Jewish Press is supplied by t&| JswisH Telegraphic Agency (Jewish Mr. and Mrs. George Steinberg, will for "Los will spend the summer •with her. Miss Elsie Poska is visiting. ih Des Cerrespimdeoce Bureau) with cabled and telegraphic Jewish .flews,. In addition .be the only Jewish strident to graduMoines, Iowa. ' isters. to feature ^articles and correspondences from all important Jewish centers. ate ffoin Tfibmas Jefferson Bigh Inquiries regarding news .items credited to this Agency will be gladly School, whose h Cdi Harold Shapiro is spending the CdmnienceMent Messrs. "Clyde Krasne and Ike answered if addressed to Jewifen Telegraphic Agency* 621 Broadway, New 1 ^ week-end with his parents Mr. and take place next" Thursday evening, * York Cjty. Solzman spent Sunday visiting in Mrs. J. Shapiro who recently moved June 3, at th6 City AudifcoHuiri. Kansas.- City, Mo. to Sioux City, Iowa. Six Jewish students will graduate A SEftMoN FOR THE ENEMIES O from Abraham Lincoln High School "Mrs. Harry OKubby entertained her " An Incident (Secured recently which,would give th& eneihies next Friday evening, June 4, afc eigEt Afternoon-Bridge Club at her home NODRAU'S# WIDOW AND DAUGH% of freer emigration to this country pause, Were they capable of O'clock at the City Auditorium. They Tuesday* afternoon. TER HONORED IN JERUSALEM are: -ML§5 Lydia Ross, daughter of being moved by high courage or by sound reasoaihg. It illustrates Mr. and Mrs. jBen Rosis; Abe L..EatelJerusalem. (J. T. A.) Madam Nor-jjE admirably the kind-.o^ persons thai are being refused admission man, son ofvMr. and Mrs. Julius Kadau% and Mile. Maxa Nordau were j 5 into thd United States* because they are considered undesirable. telman; Nathan Giliriskjr, son of Mr. honored here recently at a reception Mr. and Mrs. A-, Swislowsky and given by Col. Frederick H. Ki'sh and and Mrsi .Abe Gilinsky; Milton MarFollowing is the newspaper account of the incident: 1 An assortment o? flags—including every imaginable ; "An immigrant condemned to be sent back was standing on cus, son,of Mr, and Mrs. Louis Mar- family of .Cotumbus,; Nebr.j .motored Mr. Jacobus Kahn. cus i Albert Foxy Son of Mr. and Mrs. to Lincoln Sunday^ , • • ''. ; Leaders in Jerusalem social circles 5 size—whatever you want—you'll find it .here! Ellis Island in the midst of a group selected for deportation, await- Dave Fox; and Simon Michnickj son were present. . , ;...•,-.;;. :i' Miss Ida Lustgarteii speht'lh week / ing the arrival df the*ship. Suddenly a woman, Leoha IJeich, thirty- df Mr. and Mrs. E. Michnick. Cotton Flags on Sticks «nd ib Omaha. r; seven years old, juffiped into the sea. When a guard noticed that Two of these boys, Abe Katelman It is td jiour'benefit to patronize at - 5£ to 5O< the woman was drbVming, he jumped in after her and attempted and Nathan Gilinsky> have been Miss Bess Newman and Miss Lil- our adverfeers. Silk Flags on Sticks to save her. But he was soon overcome by craps and Was himself members of the School-Debate Squad at 5 ^ to $3.00 beginning to drown. The condemned immigrant then came out« and have taken an active part in all Flags for Poles and debates. Both, of them were also the midst of the crowd and dived into the sea. First of all he saved the Porches, 3x5 It. up to in the Senior Class Play, "Lightnin*", the wottjan, bringing her to shore. Then he swam out to the guard which was presented last Thursday 25 ft. and saved hiirfTtoo. In the meanwhile the ship arrived tind the im- evening at the Broadway Theater, Cotton Bunting. migrant, still wet, boarded it to go back td w-here he came from. young Gilinsky having one of the Moth Proof Bunting. leading parts. Young Katdman will It was not possible to-secure the inhnigrant's name.", -^ • U. S. Standard Buntgraduate " average pfs94.3S%> ing. One can well imagine what would" have happened had this feat Mvirig -received. go A's out of his [ — "All Sizes. Seasonof self-forgetfumess and avfe-inspiring courage been performed thirty-two Required subjects during ably Priced by some other person, by an American citizen. All the newspaper the entire course. Young GilfhsSy has an average ipf 93.03%. The Braiidels Store—AtMde would have carried his picture oh their front pages. He would have Milton Marcus will be unable to been offered a place in the.movies. Gold medals would have been b© present a"t the Commencement, albiiwimffliiiU^^^^ showered upon him. A nice fat purse from £ome hero fund would though lie will receive his diploma have been awarded him. He ,wd\ild, in brief, have btfen acclaimed as he leaves next Wednesday for Fostoria, Ohio, for .the National Band and honored and glorified. But as it happens in this case the hero was merely an "over- Contest which -will be held the same as graduation. Young "Marquota" immigrant, a piece of human contraband. Hence, he must evening cus is one of the most talented , go back to sorrow and suffering and poverty- and God oniy knows musicians in the Band. 'ji'his assortment includes a large showing * This is the first year that the two what else. \ fef Single and double .breasted styles^ Perhaps, as the1 law stands, nothing else could have been done schools have held separate gradua Tailored at Fashion Park. tions. Everyone is invited to attend about it. But this incident should at least put to shame the ptfison- these Commencements. •



Display the Flag Memorial Day



Unquestioned Values


mouthed congressmen who never tire of ranting against the undesirable immigrant How many of them woud have done what Leo Fbnarow, son of Mr. and Mrs. this "undesirable immigrant" did, without show dr noise, pdse or I. Fonarow, will be Bar Mitfivah Saturday- morning, -May 29, at S:30 assumption?—rChicago Chronicle.

o'clock "at the Chevra B'nai Yisroel Synagogue, 618 Myrtster Street. He backed up the shortstop on several wilj entertain thirty of his 'young occasions. Techs victory evened th friends at a Theater Party Saturday baseball score with Central as. thi afternoon at the Brahdefs^. Theater. Purple had won the game in theii first encountr. The Maroon are »ov The Ladies Auxiliary of the Talmud the city champions in football, bas Torah will hold a meeting next Tues'sc-4r "• '*- Sfhe Jewish Community Center an-ketball, baseball, track and swimming day morning, May^ 28, at their homfe """' ' " nejted ejtd their t h i sixth i t h consecutive ti victory ito Leon Formaii the Hebrew lad from at 601 Willow Avenue. in as many starts. The Jewish boys North High failed to place in th managed Id feke a hectic loosely hundred yard dash, his chosen even Mrs. Iv Richard Allen of Los Anplayed contest from the Castle Hotel at the City High School track mee jeles, California, who has been visitteam. The tval score was,,'6 to 5. last Saturday at the Tech stadium. ing her "parents, "Mr. and Mrs. S. KauMAh, the Center's hufling ace He places behind Jones of CeritfraU Johen, for over two months, left was in good form but his supjiofcfc at Shakleford of Tech and M'Cargle oi Tuesday for her home! Numerous aftimes was erratic. Hhe Center start- Creighton prep. The century mart fin- fairs 4*ere given in her honor during ed out with a run in the third inning ished in a closely buhch&d mass no her stay. ' wherf\_Lonecky who ha!d walked stole one runner more thati a foot behind Mrs. Jennie Schwartz spent Sunday second, advanced to third on a sacri- the other". Porman and his Polar visiting in Kansas City, Missouri. nee and came in home on BIeicher*s mates failed to place in >lhy of the double. The Castles tied the score in felays.jThis was'the initial tiifJck meet their half of the inning. Fromjhert for the Eskimo school and /consicleton the game was a nip an8 tuck af- ing the capaj>ility of their opponents fair each side alternating with the the" boys have no reason to feel lead; The Center /went toy bat the ashamed of their performances. Forflrtt of the eigth' two runs behind. man by the way-is only a freshman Manager Green substitued Johnny and Bas three onore years in which Rosenblatt for Schriebman with two to even tip the defeat. Marcus Krasne men on and two outs. Rosenblatt and his <5re,ightdn Varsity teammates tied the score when he singled scor- will race their last rice of the spring ing both men. Bleichet brought in this Saturday at Sioux1 City. Coach Jfche winning counter wh^n h tripled Wynne is taking a large squad of scoring Johnny. men to the meet. The North Central - Kaufman struck out ten men and Conference Track arid Field Meet is gave the Castles only one free pass the big thing j n feightoh circles. when he. hit Carpenter on the elbow. Krashe is in fih condition and should Kaufman in addition walked three drag clown several firsts. , times out of four trips to,the plate. The last knell of the High School The Castles gleaned six scattered g Athletic doings wiiLbe fling this week. •1 .bjngles from .Sammys. offerings. The Tennis is the list sport to-lekve the •Cester scored their runs on seven hits field to the encroachments of summer it: six errors and six walks. Dave and summer vacation. The High Bleicher was the only casualty of the School tennis tournament is now t P game when he owas spiked in the der'way and the only Jewish repfifth and broke a finger in the eigth. resentative front Technical High Dave "will be out of the lineup, for found a tduglCoppohenfc in Capt. Sam .several "weeks as the result of the lender o f Central. Thd Central lkd 111; damaged digit. made the ace of the maroon and white The J. p. C. will play the tail end squad work jf"rom start tb iinfih in iij Holy Angels this week at Muny order to win. Shoemaker wbn Bbth Beach. The game will start at one- sets, 6 to 4, 6 to ~4. The senil-nhals H thirty as 'usual'. "The Center has wiirlje run off this week and it would feignec} up hthree new recruits who not be surprising to see thd Tech may perform Sunday. Sid Corenman an^ outfielder. Sid is a former Creigh- aggregation make a clean sweep of the meet. ton University basketball star and is • Sol Levinsky former Central "High Yeputed to be just as good oh the football player and more recently ol diamond. Corenman is a slugger and the Navy team at Annapolis is now 'sholild make life miserable Tor )he the boifng instructor at the Quanticd Gate City piWhers* Marine .Corps^Aase at, Quintice, V&. Technical H i p defeated Central Levihsfcy was the heavy weight cham^ High Tiife'day at Tecfe- staunim. ,«t the Navy School during B?s Central was ihiliusthe setttces of dfaaysi He at one time 1foas cbnBleicher, star <-atcher.. Slug- sidered a future white" hope to ta&* t i)ave lfi. the Pufcle batsmen Jack Dem|lsfejr'B titlfe away. Levinsky fat'ted' the cleanup man in the is a dead ringer for Jack in both Uneup. His place was filled by Bill features and size. HIM brother Ed Cox" a sophgmore .who lacked the s the amateur taxing cham^idn el hitting an*'polish, tjf Bleicher. Joe Nebraska at one time. * Tinnier vwas' the only; Jewish lad td * " in the ganie on either team. Joe1 .^jtome. (J. X A.) the Italia* crown ground out three^ times, once> with prince, U^berto, ivtii-'dsit Palestine -Iwo out and men~on secpnd and third* early in Koveriiber, aecording to art' Turner was the* only"1 Central out official^a'nnauncenient toade Here.1 . fielder to play a cQnupendable>j£ame> Prince trmfeerlowiUgd to ^ l He ibade 'several' nice -putouts anil oiTboaird a \varship." t~

**&u$tamized'' Suits


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Fa^br«d at all seasons of the year. A "cusvtdnliai'd'* suit malces a splendid addition to vyour ^wardrobe.. Fine pure woolen^ in various weaves tailored at Fashibn Park.


cor at ion Day 1

We invite you ^ to Picnic in our Beautiful '

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Cool Grove With Big Shade Trees COTTAGES FOR EENT

*fake ftorth Road at Florence Water Works and Keep to the Right.



st of our new business comes through tHe recomffiendation of satisfieq customers. If you how have ^n account witti us r won't you please speak a good word about us to some of your good friends? Thank you


Mxs. A, I. Kulaltofsiy and daughter, ^Dorothy, and. Mr. and Mrs. Nathan E, Green "will ipotor to Sioux • - Miss Sadie Levey, daughter Of Mr. City, la., Friday morning to spend the md Mrs. A. Levey, popular member wefek-end and Decoration Day. of the^younger social set, has set Mr, and Mrs. E. felumtnSrihSay, June 20, as her -wedding date thal are expected-to return the early to Mr. Jack Mfclcher, son of Mrs. S. part of next week from Cleveland, 0., '"Mfelchter, of this city. \ .., where they attended the Social Service -Pre-huptial nffrdrs for Miss Levey x -lave been, numerous. The first of the Convention. many hostesses for Miss Levey -was Mr. and Mrs. Julius Haykin anMrs. Ben Newman, who entertained nounce the birth of a daughter, Joyce 1 fifty guests at a luncheon at the Eulh, born Wednesday/May 30, at the Blackstone Hotel last Tuesday after- Methbaist Hospital. Mrs. Haykin was - nobiu ' Miss Helen Altscnular, also a formerly Miss Alice Simon, of this ,y bride-to-be, share honers. Mr. and city. . Mrs. S. Idpsey entertained at dinner i k^ their home Wednesday evening. Mr. arid Mrs. Abe Herzberg have -" Miss Helen Altschulef h a d ^ foursroihe purchased a new home -at 104 North st the Fontenelle Saturday. Mrs. A. 55 Street. Theyynll takfe possession . Mazer will give a puncheon at her of their home about June •&. -fc'ojfcg tSday. Mrs. L Levy -will enter-' . Mr. and Mrs. Max Fromkin entertain tomorrow at a luncheon at her tained twenty guests at a surprise Gertrude Orach, 10 year old The Rose's Cup . . Ward-Stephens . Travers home. A bridge will be given by Miss party> daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hyman A Tliursh's Love Song Sunday evening at their home, ._ Wells "Iftinhetfc Gross that evening:.- Other in honor of Mrs!" FromMn'sjfather and Orach, will appear in.-.. a. recital on The Owl ...„ Marjorie Kathaft social affairs are being planned for mother, Mr. and Mrs. HT B. Wein- '("Wednesday evening, June 2, at 8:15, Miss Levey prior to her wedding date. steih, who celebrathed their thirtieth at the Schmoiler & Mueller 'Audito- Etode in A fiat ..TWollenhaupt Waltz in D flat . Chopltt rium. •-, ! wMding anniversary. : Song of the Boatman of the Volga Mrs- J. B. Kendis and daughter, Little Miss Oruch is a pupil of . Russian Folk'TSong, arranged" as Evelyn, of Sedalia, Mo., are visiting Vienna. (J. T. A.) The Hakbah unusual talent. This is the. second Piano Solo) „ Harriet Cady here trith Mrs. KBndis' mother, Mrs. Sport Club was victorious in the box- recital she has presented, the first Minuet in B flat .. Schubert Newland Elizabeth Perlman. They will be ing matches which have jdst Men one she gave last June. She is a Valse Caprice „ Tifere for a month. concluded here. Out of six cham- pupil of Karl E. Tmberg. Waltz Song—Nymphs and Fatms : . Bemberg pionships, five vrere awarded Ib the, Following is the program fro-be .„ Mrs. Dave B. Goldberg; of Denver, Hakoah boxers. Isabella Sullivan • . * •' presented by Miss Orueh: Colo., who was visiting here with her Duets, Valse Impromptu D'Ourville parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Gilinsky, Sonata . . ... Haendel Cavatine , D'Ourville left for her home; She was accomTwo Two-part Inventions, No. 5 and Two. Spanish Dances, No.4 panied by her sister, Miss Dena GilNo. 14 „.___*: i. ...~. Bach aiid No. 5 _i Moszkowski insky, who -will visit there with Mrs. Goldberg and another sister, Mrs. N. COMPEER MEMBERS TO LEAVE SUNDAY N. Brown. Mrs. Max SeirwaitZj also FOR CONCLAVE t N DES MOIKES BAKED PIKE of Denver, who arrived "with Mrs. Select fish weighing 2% pounds . Goldberg, will remain with hr parents or more. Place in dripping pan The,Compeers, local Young Jewish Esther Brodkey, Tillie Bice, Dorothy for several weeks. and dot all over with pieces of Men's Organization, will be initiated Goldstein, Mrs. Isadore Levinson, Aim butter. Salt and pepper to taste Mr. and Mrs. Harry Martin re- -ahd spi?»iMe generously with into the Ivre Organization at the Zalkj Ann Schwartz, Ida Shafton, turned Sunday from a ten days' stay- and sprinkle generously with National Conclave to be held in Des Jeahnette Gilinsky, and Mr. and Mrs. Moines, Iowa, oh. Sunday and. Mon- j . M. Eice. Mr. Eice is a member of :'. in Excelsior Springs, and Kansas paprika. Place in •very hot oven and let day, May SO and 31. The local club the Sioux City Ivre chapter. City, Mo. bake 80 inihujtss or moire. To be will be known as the Compeer chapserved a t once aiid butter in pen. ter of the Ivre. Every member of Mr. Ben Shafton, of New York CLUBS spent the week in Omaha' visiting to be poured over fish= the local will atteM the Conclave. * * * " with "relatives. He is the-house guest Dr. Olga Stasny, lecturer, will give The members' will iall motor io FRIED "CROPPDES of Mrs and Mrs. M. kulakofsky. an address on '-'How to Keep Young These fish should be fried whole. Des Moines, leaving Sunday morning, at 40" at the Labor Lyceum, on Among those who entertained for Clean well and remove head anS and are expecting \b return.Monday him during his stay here were Mr. entrails. IJ possible salt and let, evening or Tuesday morning. Wednesday evening, June 2. Admission is free and the public Is invited stand* on ice over -nijfht. t and Mrsl A. I. Kulakofsky, who enMembers of the Compeers who are to attend. To fry dip in egg and Ihen in tertained Monday evening at their home. Tuesday evening-, Mr. and Mrs. Bour or inatzo meal. Fry in hot leaving lor the Conclave are Ben butler, first browh on one side, Shapiro, Robert L Marer, Sam New- The Montifiore Club Membership B. Shafton entertained at dinner ai turn over and brown on other sid%. their home. Wednesday evening, Mr. Salt and pepper to taste, reduce man, Morris liinsman, Abe Venger, campaign will continue until Junej and Mrs. B. Stock entertained for Mr. heat and allow fish to fry slowly Jack Melcher, Wm. A. Levey, Morris when is planned for the new Shafton, and this evening, Mr. and until tender. Fish should never be Venderj Jack Fleishman, Abe Gross, members. „ Morris &cklih, Sam WSIf, Eobert H. Mrs. Meyer Green are entertaining at covered in frying. * * • Kooper> Lester Meyer, isadore Levin- The Blue and White Club held a their home. *'Auht Esther" was chairman;bf eon, Norman Harris, Herbert Gold- hike to Elmwood Park. Ann Bender v is president and Mary Cutler is Mr. and Mrs. J. Milder are leaving a committee that served 70 ladies stein, and Jack W. Marer. recently at a cost of $21.00 secretary-treasurer of the club. Girls % Sunday for Kansas City "and Excelsior Others who trill attend the conclave from the ages of 10 to 13 are eligible "" ' MENtT Springs, Mo., to be gonk, for about are Mrs. ftobert I. MarerrEose jGutt- for membership in the club. Poteto salad, in !eltuce cups. two months. While is Kansas City, Hot rolls and butter jam. man, Sadie Levey, Mrs. .Jack Fleishthey will attend the wedding of Miss Chocolate ice cream cake. _ man, Mrs. Abe Gross, Mrs. Sam Wolf, PATRONIZE OUR ADVEBTISERS Ruth Taxman, daughter of Mr. and Coffee. Mrs. J. J.-Taxam, whose wedding will There were ten ladies on that committee and the. tost jser lady take place the early part of June. was $2.10. * * * Mrl and Mrs. A. Starrels^ and son, POTATO SALAD, Serving 70. Murray Irving, of Lbs Angeles, Calif., Half bushel potatoes. are visiting in Omaha this week, Sells Lots on Beautiful Horseshoe Lake 5 bunches radishes. •while on their way east. They are for .'$35 and $45 including landscaped and allv •4 quirts salad dressing. tte house guests of Mr. and Mrs. D. privileges 4 heads lettuce. Alpirn. Mrs. Starrels will be remem' 4 cucumbers.:: "bered as'Miss Lottie Horn, daughter 6 dozen hard cooked eggs. > DEED" "'' of Mr. and Mrs.. N. Horn, formerly of > Boil potatoes in jackets. Let Omaha, who are now residlngln Cali- cool and peel. Dice potatoes, add Terns—ISxes aU fcaid, free and clear other ingredients and mix well. fornia. Mr. and Mrs. Starrels will all Three roads bring you there Salt and paprika to taste. " "leave Saturday evening. Shred lettuce and .make cup on In honor of Mrs. Starrels, Mrs. Isa- plate. Allow generous helping of This part of lake will have all modern improvements dore Levinsoh and Miss Lottie Alpirn salad, sprinkle with paprika and entertained at a tea, Wednesday serve very cold. ** * * ; afternoon, at the Fontenelle Hotel,. CHOCOLATE tCE CREAM CAKl ' Mr. "and Mrs. Ben Taxman and Bake devils food cake in Mrge Webster 0383. W b t 0383 children, jof Kansas City, Mo., who dripping pan so take will not be too thick when done. Cut In spent several days here with Mrs. squares _wheh cold. r Split each, ' Taxman's parents, Mr. and Mfs.^ J, square "through center and. plate .Milder. They left for thfcir home between, one- slice of vanilla ice v cream cut from brick. Each brick Monday. -^ **• of ice cream should cut 10 slices. Knfl E, Timberg invites you to attend the Jack Epstein, son of Mr. and Mrs. Place other piece of cake *n top Of ice cfeam; forming a s'andVhich. Sam Epstein, -Grill be barmitzvoh on Pout over this chocolate sauce and Saturday morning, June 5, at the serve at once. B'nai. Israel Synagogue, 18th and * * • by Chicago' Sis. CHOCOLATE SAUCE l%"Tcup browji sugar. Mr, and Mrs. Sam Robinson are 1 tablespoon butter. leaving today for Kansas City, Mo., „ 1 cup inilk. io visit their -daughter, Mrs. B. M. " 1 teaspoon vanilla. 4 tablespoons cftcoa. assisted by Achtenbeife, and Mr. Achtenbefg. Mix cocoa td a- paste -with a Mrs. Boblrison will attend the Hadas- iiltle milk. Add fritter, sugar and MAk jORtE K A T H A N a n d ISA8ELLE^SULLI\^N sah convention as a delegate from rest of milk ana COOK over hot water until creamy. Remove from the Omaha ChapterT t Pupils of Rre,, adu flavor anil a'few marshmallb*s if desired. Pour over ice LoiJiSE JA.N5EN WVLIE Among the affairs given this week cream k ^ # fc for Miss* Rose Gnttman, fiance of Mr. HdUSEHOLD HINf S Maurice Linsman, iwas a^luncheon- * "To ada^ a frfesh fish, press flesh mah jongg Monday afternoon, ;wheh with foreflBger afid'thumb. Flesh 8:15 P.M. the-Mesdamfes AT Silvennan, and H. ftiust be firm.. ^Silverman entertained for forty Use pipe straws to clean lemonguests'at th£ Blsdcstone Hotel. ,Mrs. e kippers ' S.JBabior etttertained: Tuesday after^ ^ » * 1516-1S Dodge St. . . Omaha, Xebraska, noon at the" Fontenelle Hotel for Miss To eleai fiae lacet -wj^h in corn <3uttmanr ;ahtf also for her daughter, stairch. as. you would water ^ h k


CITY SUNDAY SCHOOL CONFIRMATION EXERCISES " SUNDAY AFTERNOON AT B'NAI ISRAEL SYNAGOGtjE The City Sunday School will firm fourteen girls at the annual Confirmation exercises to be held this Sunday afternoon, May 30, at 2:30 at the B'nai Israel Sj-nagogue, ISth and Chicago streets. Dr. Phillip Sher will be chairman of the afternoon's program. Harry A. Wolf will speak. Miss Iva Siegel "will sing, and Mr. Judah L. Wolfson "will present the certificates to the confirmahte.

Miss Lillian Kooper, supervisor of the Sunday School and teacher of the confirmation class, anhbuniees the following list oj cohfifmsiAs who will receive their diplomas this Sanday: Ida. Blacker, Bess Cooper, Mildred Falk, Euth Fox, Doja Freshman. Gertrude Guss, Euth Eneeter, Cyril Leon, Elsie Eomm, Ethel Segal, Betty Segal, "Lena Shames, Harriet Wolsky, Florence Whitebooki

MUST LE&VE FOR ©ETRCHT IMMEDIATELY Will sacrifice an'S-room a?! modem hou se. Corner lot. 2-car garage. §3JD00 cash. No information over jib one. Call at 3402 Lafayette A

Regular Meeting of

Lodge No. 3S4'

JEWISH SPORTSMAN WINS of the team which eUminatea HollanS DAVIS CUP MATCHES and advanced"flie place 'of Italy in the International Davis Cup tennis Home. (J. T. A.) Mr. De Morpurgo, matches being plaj'ed here. an Ifelian Jewish sportsman, was one

Wintroub's Delicatessen


Everything Good to Eat

Makshock Jewelry Co.

We specialize on Box Lunches for Picnics We Abo Have Picnic Sets Open Evenings and Sundays. 33rd & California Phone Ha. 3783 I. M. WDJTROUB, Prop.

y tPharsday Evening jit C6iimtnjity Center Sfildi 3. I t

*IAi,ASBOCK, iBEAKSON, Secretary


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You can trade your old pocket-^atch or -wrist watch for a NEW ONE. ^-


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1414 Isorth 24th St. (Across from Mu'&htxn's Meat Market.)


Webster 3815.



Horseshoe Lake Gardens

SUMMES RESORT CO. The Opening of its Beautiful Sum* met Resort at Horse$h®t Lake> North of Florence* Sunday^ May 30, Dmoration Bay* ~r - Free Dancing, Afternoon aiid Evening, in the New Beautiful Pavilion '-. !






fellow the ^Washington Highway^—Signs Marked \ "Horseshoe Lake'

Horseshoe Lake Gardens &Realty Co.


% e Will Build Them lot You or Furnish th^ Matatial

Gertrude Oruch

Cash or TetMs

/ Wednesday Everting, inae % 1916 Schraollcr & Mueller Auditorium


Sard. S i f e , m f c f l



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Summer Cottages


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See Sample Cottages atid ako Dancing Pavilibh Built By Us. lor ;

Horseshoe Luke Summer^Resori Co*

MICKLIN LUMBER CO. 24th dhd Burdette St&


- Websier


PAGE 4^THE *JEWISH^PRESS—THURSDAY, MAY'21, 1926 DR. FILDERMAN GOVERNMENT nok it is a circumstance which will CANDIDATE FOB THE SENATE only Kg-grevate the position of the ELECTIONS IN BESSARABIA Jews.

Does Judaism Need Rabbis?




Bucharest. (J. T. A.) Dr. William Filderman, president of the Union of Roumanian Jevrs, will bo the government candidate in Bessarabia for election to the Roumanian senate, instead of Rabbi Zirelsohn, in accordance with an agreement concluded between the g-overnment and the Union. Professor Nicholas Jorga, antiSemitic leader, in an article published in the "Namul Romania" warns Roumanian 'Jewry against inviting- intervention from *. abroad. Referring to the journies of Roumanian Jewish leaders to America, he declares that "some time ago it was a mistake,

JOSErH KOSENTHAL, Atty. rptPt-b Trust Bl<lp.

FORECLOSURE OF LIEN. To IIuf.h Murphy Xou are hereby notilied that in accordance vjth Chapter 118 of the Laws of 1Q23 of the State of Nebraska, the undersigned claims a lien on your Douglas 8 Automobile, Model 1922, Motor No. 6301, (or storage amounting to S-JO.OO, and that the undersigned claimant has heretofore sent to von by registered letter, according to lair, a demand for payment of said Bum, but you h:ive failed to make said payment. and in accordance with the above, said claimant ivill sell, according to law, at public niiction to the highest bidder tot cash, said automobile at the place of business of the claimant, 1102 No. 18th Street, Omaha, . Nebraska, to satisfy said claim and expenses on Monday, May I7th, 1926,' at 10 o'clock A. M. Northwest Garage, Claimant.

Cover' them over with, beautiful flowers, ! ' Claude G. Montefiore, nephew of must stand above all parties, and ^-Sir-Moses Montefiore, and England's sometimes he. must find words of seDeck " them with garlands,' those brothers foremost Jewish scholar, -was invited venty to say about all. What, then; • • - • > • • ;. o f o u r s , . .-. to deliver, an address at the first grad- about social evils and social abuse, Lying so silently by night and by day," uation excises of the* Jewish Institute Sleeping the years of their manhood away. of Religion, which took place on May about industrial wrongs and conflicts, 20. At this time Mr. Montefiore was labor problems and ideals, socialist Give them the meed they have won in granted the "degree of Doctor of He- and individualist panaceas ? The Rabthe past; '/• brew Literature, as was also Chaim bi must undoubtly have the right to Give them the honors their future forecast; Nachman Bialik, the poet. The fol- speak his mind, and he must make. lowing article is an exporpt which Give them the- chaplets1 they "won in the was read at the Jewish Jnstitue ex- use of the right: only let him be exr f •;.• ;.; • . • • . ' • s t r i f e ; • . , ; . ' . > , ' cersises because Mr. "Montefiore was tremely > careful to avoid exaggeraGive them the laurels' they lost with their unable" cb come t o America on account tion, claptrap, flashiness. Let him be .', : l i f e . • • " ' •' ; • " •' .'-. of illness at the last moment. Mr. absolutely sure of his facts. Then, if Montefiore herein deals with the task of the modern rabbj, and, his field of it has to be, he must speak out bojdly i Cover the hearts that have beaten so high, and fearlessly, and if he will make activity. Beaten with-hopes that were doomed but an enemy, well, i* suppose he riiust THE EDITOR. to die; HC CO. INC. J make one. Amos did not hestitate to Judaism, whether Orthodox or IdbHearts that have burned in the heat of i , end, stands and falls with one great speak, out, and he must have been exthe -fray; ceedingly annoying. Only let the affirmation. Judaism stakes} all upon Hearts that have yearned for the home the "belief in God. "Abeenu, Malk- modern Babbi;,remember/that-he' is 2224 Cuming St. far away. Phone JA ckson 1226. aynu;" our Father and King,.,He who probably a lesser- man than Amos, Once they were glowing with friendship' cannot say as much in bumble and and that the problems of modern soand Iove^^ yearning faith may be a mUch better ciety are ^enormously more complex Now their grea.t souls have gone souring DR. WILLIAM RADUZINER inan than he who can; God knows it than the problems with which Amos above; FOR SALE is a terribly difficult thing to say; was confronted. Chiropractor Bravely their bloood to the Nation they 2420-2418 Maple Street God knows that the* reasons^ for not I do not propose to say anything PALMER GRADUATE gave, Five and nine room house. Lnrgyr, saying it seem sometimes appallingly about Liberal Judaism as such. I 534 Securities Bldp. .nit modern. Close to jrood school. Then in her bosom they found them a Fhones—Office, Ja. 6540} Kcs., Ha. 7S& Buyer can occupy one and let other real and heavy; but yet he who cannot .would only beg of you to regard it as Consultation Free. pay income. Half block to dirpct grave. prevailingly say must^ not be, and is a living, developing, positive ^religion; car service. 20 minutes from heart of Omaha. not fit to be, a< rabbi, a Jewish min- td think of itpostively and not negaWhen the long years have rolled slowly away, Cover the thousands who sleep far away, ister or clergyman, whatever term or tively; to think of it not as opposed E'en to the dawn of earth's funeral day; Sleep, where their friends cannot find they today; terms yen in America employ. I have to any other sort of Judaism, but When at the angel's loud trumpet and tread; '•Let Us Help You Keep Clean" -They, who in mountain and hillside and dell, implied that the Babbi no less, and rather, quite simply, as. your form, Rise up the faces and forms ofv the dead. 1 A Life Insurance Policy { perhaps much more, than "any other your: conception, of Judaism; to think Rest, where they wearied, and lie where they fell. rWhen the great world its last* judgment awaits; Frontier Towel & Liscn Supply men must have-his seasons of agoniz- of it as Judaism (minus, any label), Softly the grass-buades creep round their repose; When the blue sky shall fling open its gates, For Every Need } 1S19 California Street ing doubt: the Everlasting No will lay appears to you, and in no wise as Sweetly above them wild flowret blows; And our long columns march silently through, ATlantic 62S1. JUDAH L. WOLFSON, Rep.; siogo to him, and it will assail Mm Orthodox Judaism minus X (where Past the Great Captain for;final review. Zephyrs or freedom fly gently o'erhead, The Equitable Life of New York all the more because his duty it is to "lX may be some few shed dogmas and E45 Omaha Nafl Bank BIdg. • . —Pittsburgh Times." Whispering prayers for the patriot dead.; face the facts, to think about them some shed observances and rites. Libi t . 5355 Wa, 8755. and to enquire; bu ever hrough he eral Judaisih must stand before the doubt and the No must come surging world, as a whole, a whole is growing, _ up the asseveration and the Yes; faith a whole which seeks to become more must keep triumphing and it must consistent, harmonious and- manysidseem still more difficult to explain ed; as,the years roll on. Liberal Ju- the God of Righteousness, and Love/ THREAT ON LIFE OF FOCSANY, police, Monchu, who was arrested in WHOLESALE without Him. That faith is the test daism; is for you and me the Judaism all adherents to the war cry.' of CHIEF OF POLICE, RELEASED Focsany for threatening to kill the Druggists and Stationers II'2 O which each candidate for the Jewish of-tomorrow even more, than it is the Abeenu, malkaynu, as our .associates local chief of police, has been «01~t03-40S Sontb tOth g t m t HO. I87ST. ' Bucharest. (J. T. A.) Celea Codriand our allies. We are Knights of ministry must impose freely, secretly, Judaism of today it is for us the only . . anu, murderer of the Jassy chief of released. ' * ;. . sincerely, upon himself. possible Judaism at all. But I cannot Theism; we'bear a special banner and device; sometimes we have our conFor, as the great scholar-saint von here enlarge upon, or seek, to justify, tests with other Knights whose banHugel once humorously said to me, these assertions. Yet before I finish ners and devices " differ from ours: .'^Religion is more than drains." He these' somewhat disconnected observar yet far more constant and fiercer who is interested in social reform, in tions I would like to say a few. words must now be the combats we wage jn eugenics, in the right solution of in- about Judaism generally, and veen alliance with those others than the ' dustrial problems, in national and in- about the Jews. combats; we wage against them,, far ternational morality, in the ab'olition The;Jews, to me, are one of the re- graver is the.fight in which we enter of intemperance, 6l war, or any other ligious companies, or brotherhoods, the lists by their side; arrayed^as we evil, must not just use religion as a who in Europe and its offshoots, are against foes, heavily armed and means whereby more potently or America) Australia, and so on, carry brave, who. wage war both against quickly to achieve his desired ends, forward the fight for Theism. As a them and; against ourselves. , No doubt, religion and Judaism have Jew^I hold that our Jewish Theism1 something to say about all these mat- is at once the richest; and the purest ters. No doubt that a religion which Theism; as" a Liberal Jew, "I hold that PAXTON-M1TCHELL COv does not concern itself with them is it can, and will, become still richer « t b * Marina Sta. . Barney 1682 not a religion for the modern man. and purer than now it is.. We cannot :. Omaha, Mebr. " ^. But, in itself, religion is not one of prophesy the future unless we or- Soft gray iron, brass, bronze and alii-, castings. Standard tlzet bronze them or all of them. Religion may ganize in the"present; unless we work, tninam a ad ' Iroo bushings, t&ittx manholes, include them, but religion;—theistic in the -present and for the present. ..cisiera rings and coven, and clean-ont i - • ;' religion, Judaism—has its own special Otheriwse, I agree with Cicero and cjoori In stock.' field beyond them all. That special George Eliot Longum illud . terapus field is' OUT relation to God and'His quuin non ero inagisjme movet quam relation to us, and if religion includes hoc exiguum. We ews are Knights; all those other matters I have Just of "Theism. We think ourselves chosen Wet Wash mentioned, it includes- them largely Knights;' perhaps even, still. more Semi-Flat 'because is envisates, and has to en- daringly; the chosen! Knights. AH be- Rough visage, all things in His light., AMERICAN WET WASH yond our:pale think those two extra 1 words false and extravagant. We 2808 Cuming St. Barney 0881 I would like to say a word about the subjects of sermons. In my cling to and believe in them. But, young days, and, in fact, in my mid- however, this may be, our position dle life, too, the sermons I used to as Knights of Theism in unassailable. listen to dealt very rarely in deed If we take up, or continue to occupy, " \ with the' topics and questions of the that position, none can deprive us of "Manufactured in Omaha" day. So far as I am aware, industrial it or deny our right and what of problems, political problems, sexual those .who in Europe or America also BAKER ICE MACHINE CO problems, were hardly ever d|scussed believe in God? (As a European I from Jewish pulpits in England. Such limit my gaze. Even if I. put Asia on 1 exclusions would be undesirable, now, one side, and cost of Africa, the reand most of all, I should-imagine, in maining three continents are suffiAmerica. The Babbi must be some- ciently large). What of Christianity? thing of a leader and a prophet: he I seem to-perceive two distinct duties must touch upon abuses and denounce or. calls for ug Jews-in relation to.the, them: he must deal with living prob- Christian Churches- and td Christianlem? and not only with dead ones. He ity. The .two calls are, in a sense, , must propound the right as he sees opposed and contradictory; yet they it. Some-people say (in England). must be combined: Both are real, 7 t What dessert shaU the hard-to-please hostess choose for the special "No politics in the putpit". But what justified, reasonable. But, -sometimes, we do not combine them harmoniously occasion? ADVOpeache«—fresh, aroma-fufl, and lusciously sweet . are politics? Most living issues toADVO PRODUCTS: arid we get into difficulties, or become day are political. The preacher must from ^ ^aa—exactlyfcilfiU your desire to provide a perfect dessert 1307 Howard St. At. ^028 Coffee Tea , not-be limited to the issues of yester- one-sided. The rst call is a separatfor even, the most formal dinner or luncheon. Topped off with Omaha. Nebt. Mayonnaise Jell . day/Nobody objects to slavery 'being ing call; the second is an associating, whipped cream—a red o r green maraschino In the center—their denounced in the pupit. And yet at call. Our first duty ( r speak dogmatChaw May amber-gold slices captivate die eye as well as the appetite. one time, both in America and Eng- ically for brevity's sake: add to each (Sandwich Spread* da!ntv land, it was very contentious and po- sentence' "as'if seenis to~me"), is to ADVO caMedfirdtt,fireshi n d ^ - r i p e ^ ChiU Sauce litical problem. No. The Eabbi must maintain our religious distinctiveness fcuiu»ndve«et»bU« Ices, toothsome pies, cobblers, tarts, or delectable parfiaits, are 100 t>fer cent cat poeiible eualicr. be free. And yet some cautions and and separateness, with all which this fit for any occasion, from simple between-meal lunch to pretentious dinners. warnings are desirable. So far as implies. We have' to refuse" intermarriage except with proselytes; we Stock your pantry with a fall line of ADVO Pure Foods todav. _Keepboth. BUTTKK and EtiUS possible, the synagogue should stand ADVO fruits and vegetable* oaliand in plentiful supply at all tunes. Then above all parties and be a house of have to make clear, and press the exCoaadJ Bluffs, la. cellence of, our own type of Theism, honor guests and femUy alike will always eajoy the best Unexpected prayer for all. In England we have our own religious ethics, we have even vbltorsfindatruewelcomeintheADVOhousehold. For healtk and balance a t present three parties, one of them in every menu, include an ADVO Pure Food—either fruit or vegetable. being small^ the other two being big. to put forward and explain the points on which we differ from the various • We have a liberal party, a labor Your grocer will be glad to hear you my ADVO. He is ready party, and a conservative party. It kinds of orthodox Christianity, and In Omaha to fill your order—for a can, a dozen, or a do&n doscn. how we think it well to maintain our would be a profound misfortune if s liberal Judaism, or any particular separateness even oyer against all 850- Booms—200 |»th» • Liberal Jewish synagogue, became forms of non-Jewish' Unitarianism. Good Bttomi for $1.60 identified with any one of these three That is the one call to which we must Operated b j Epplej BotrW Co. be faithful. Yet scarcely less imparties. In one and the same ayna, gogue, as worshippers and members', portant is the other call, the' call, there should meet together men andnamely, which bids us recognize all /V O \f O women of all three parties^ The Rab- non-Jewish kinds of Theism as our Harry H. Lapidus»Pres.-Treas. Vbi, therefore^ who, like, every other allies in the common fight against , W. G. Ure. .Secretary. -man, must have his own political af- whatever is not Theism, against any Omaha Fixture & filiations, and whp is to be free \o system of thought which cannot say speak ids mind upon the problems of "Abeenu, malkaynu," Our' Father Supply Co. the day, is'in a very delicate and dif- and King" these two calls have to be COMPLETB BTOgg AND 'ficult' position. * It iS not, a matter of combined. OFFICB otrn offending X or Y, the rich.' or poor. It is something much'bigger than We have to cherish our own special CHISYENNB SHERIDAN USAD ;'. BOCK SPRINGS ,- that ' I t 'arthe question1-of. ke§j>inff mission, we • have our own speciaol OMAHA Elenutb and * 'all p^rties-witWis^e synagogue,-and type of Theism to maintain, to deof avoiding partyTjirit.'- The Babbi velop, and to spread; but we h^are-also to regard alt TKeiste, all believers in ;


























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