Success or failure in business is caused more by mental attitude even than by mental capacities. — Walter Dill Scott.
The cynic is one who knpws lr the '., price of even-1 b i n g and the v a l"'u e of nothing.—-
Oscar Wilde.
ass ma» matter'on January 27th. 1021, at Nebraska, und« the Act of March 3.1870.
V—No. 26
Dedication Exercises
Evening For Public
ROUMANIAN QUEEN FORMS RELIEF COMMITTEE FOR BAKAU FIRE VICTIMS Bucharest, (J. T. A.) A relief committee to help the victims of the fire which broke out in Bakau, Old Roumania, destroying five hundred Jewish houses, was formed under the auspices of Queen Marie of Roumania. A donation of 200,000 Lei was made by the royal family. Four hundred thousand Lei was subscribed by the Kehillah of Bakau.
Banquet to Be PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE Kosher Held in New Building We have finally approached the day when we may say there Monday Evening is actually a Jewish Community Center. The magnificent edifice
To Present Pupils in Piano Recital Harry Braviroff, pianist and . instructor, will present the following pupils in a piano recital at the Schmoller & Mueller Auditorium on Monday evening, June 7, at 8:15: Lylian Chudacoff, Ruth Reuben, Libby Abramson, Sara Levine, Jean Manley, Rosaline Holdsberg, Sadie Wolk, Fanny Witkin, Mary Kirshenbaum, Rebecca Kirshenbam, Minnie Frobm, Betty Fellman, Ann Gitnick; Albert Finkel, Fay and Joe Goldware, Morris Dansky, and Joe Horwich. Irving Chudacoff will assist with violin solos. The public is invited to attend.
FLOWER DAY ON JUNE 6 Annual Flower Day for the Jewish National Fund will be held this Sunday, June 6. Committees will meet at the Beth Hamodrosh Hagodol Synagogue, 19th and Burt St., at 9 A. M.
of it in Council Bluffs, to send to Palestine to purchase land, to supply educational and medical facilities and to care for the sanitation of thousands of Jews who have poured into Palestine in the-past; several years. A mass meeting of the local Jewry was held Sunday afternoon at the Chevra B'nai Yisroel Synagogue when prominent workers were in the city. Mr. Samuel Lapidus of New York City, and Louis Oransky of" Des Moines, Iowa, who is the state chairman of the drive, spoke and outlined the purpose of this drive. • Louis Bernstein has been chosen chairman of the local committee for the drive. Louis H. Katelman has been selected as secretary, and Sam Meyerson as treasurer. Other members of the committee are: -Messrs. Morris Grossman, Leo Krasne, Herman Meyerson, Max M. Steinberg, Phil Sakfc, and George Krasne.
New Cantor at Beth Iowa Boy Wins Honors Hamedrosh Hagodol at Junior High School Maurice Nahanson, 12 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Nathanson, of Estherville, Iowa, graduated with 94% average grades from the,Junior High School. He was also . selected from' his class to deliver the Freshman Class address to the High School assembly. He. is the only Jewish boy of his class. Young Nathanson was also awarded a medal for having made second/place in a History contest, and anso the only boy to win a Final Palmer Certificate. Maurice • is leaving next week for Council Bluffs, la., to study Hebrew during the summer months and be Barmitzvoh in October. He will be the guest of relatives.
FEDERATION OFFICES GETS FOUR MONTHS NOW IN JEWISH COMSENTENCE FOR DESCECRAT MUNITY CENTER BLDG. ING JEWISH CEMETERY The Offices of-the Jewish "Welfare Federation are now in .the New Jewish "Community Center Building at twentieth and Dodge streets. The office is one' of the beauty spots of the building being thoroughly furnished in walnut and conyentiently located on the first floor oof the building.
Berlin, (J. T. A.) A sentence of four months imprisonment was imposed by the court on the twenty-year old music student, Fritz, for descecrating the Jewish cemetery in Kallies, Pomerania. Fritz confessed his guilt during the court proceedings.
Local Hadassah Represented , at Southwestern Conference
Riga, (J. T. A.) The trial of 23 Latvian J6ws charged under article 122 of the Latvian code with spreading "religious and racial enmity", for attacking a group of anti-Semitic students, ended yesterday. . •; The court rejected the contention of the district attorney that the case came under article 122, but sentenced 12 of the accused to prison terms of from three to twelve months without counting the period already spent in prison awaiting trial. Eleven were acquitted. The counsel for the defense will appeal against the decision.
The Omaha Chapter of Hadassah was represented by four of its members at the first Southwestern Regional Conference held in Kansas City, Mo., on June 2. The Omaha delegates were Mrs.J. Rosenberg, Mrs. S. Robinson, Mrs. Harry Gross, and- Mrs. M. F. Levinson. A former Omaha girl, Mrs. B. M. Achtenberg, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. Robinson, was chairman of the conference committee. Mrs. M. G. Wohl will represent the local Hadassah at the National Convention to take place June 27 at Buffalo,: N . Y t , / •'•.:.?"". : - ' '.''
. • * -
Women Complete Plans
Jerusalem, (J. T. A.) The government of Palestine has given 2,500 Immigration permits to the Palestine Zionist Executive on account of the Reservations Can Be Made By April-September labor schedule, leav- Reception And Swimming Exing it to the discretion of the Exehibition To Be Held In Calling at Office of Comcutive to distribute these permits as The Afternoon munity Center it sees fit among male and female DEDICATION BALL TO BE BANQUET TO BE NOVEL skilled and unskilled labor. It is contemplated by the Palestine LARGEST EVENT OF AFFAIR OF WEEK Zionist Executive to consider, in the WEEK On Monday evening the New Jewish first place, the claims of the dependThe women workers have completCommunity Center will hold its first ents of residents in Palestine. ed plans for the Ladies' Day recepbanquet during the. Dedication week. tion and swimming exhibition in the This banquet Will be absolutely Koshafternoon, and the Dedication ball in er and will be one of the novelest banthe evening. quets ever held in this city; according Tickets for the ball are on sale now* to the committe9 In charge of this and as a limited number h«s beon affair. The banquet will begin at seven o'clock and will be held in the RABBI ISADORE ISAACSON! printed, it is advisable to purchase PRINCIPAL SPEAKER them this week. new auditorium: Because of the Mrs. Nathan Mantel is chairman limited' number of people that can be ; As a special attraction for Dedicaof the Women's Committee and Mrs. served in the auditorium, the committee requests those who have not tion Week, the Omaha Lodge No. 354 j Harry A. Wolf, is vice-chairman, made reservations to do so immed- of the B'nai B'rith will present a pro- Thote assisting are as follows: TICKET COMMITTEE iately by calling at the new building. gram and swimming contest on ThursMrs. B. A. Simon, Mrs. A. Silver"The program planned for this ban- day evening, June 10, in the new Jewman and Mrs. H. Lapidus. quet will be one of the novelest ever ish Community Center Building. Rabbi Isadore Isaacson, of Sioux DECORATION COMMITTEE held", said H. A. Wolf, chairman of City, la., will be the principal speaker. Mrs. Philip Sher and Mrs. Ed the banquet. No one will be burTrailer. dened with on speeches. Eceptional His subject will be "The Relations of REFRESHMENT COMMITTEE talent has been secured to make this the B'nai B'rith and the Jewish ComMrs. Harry Rachman, Mrs. Wilaffair one of the most unique events! munity Center". An all-star program liam R. Blumenthal and Mrs. Harry is also being scheduled for the eveever held in the city. Malashock. The committee is with-holding the ning's entertainment. PUBLICITY COMMITTEE Members of the Thorpeian Athletic names of the members of the.program Mrs. Sam Wolf and Mrs. Irvin and plan to surprise the audience Club, the Y. M. H. A., and the A. Z. A. Stalmaster. will compete in the swimming contest. RECEPTION COMMITTEE with these entertaining numbers. Dancing -will conclude the program. Mrs. Frederick Cohn, Mrs. N. P. I T.Kenyon's Melody Boys will conclude Feil, Mrs. William Holznian, Mrs. Reuben Kulakofsky, Mrs. I. RosenPaid in Pull Pledgors to the Jew- the program. thai, Mrs. D. Rosenstock, Mrs. Kish.: Community - Center announced Rabbi Isaacson is considered as one Tatlc, Mrs. Charles Levinson, Mrs. S this week axe as follows: of the leading orators in the pulpit Frohm, Mrs. J. Slosburg, Mrs. l.«on and is known to many B'nai B'rith Graetz, Mrs. A. Greenberg, Mrs. Max J. W. White ' Isadore Forbes Fromkin, Mrs. D. Sherman, Mrs. Sam members throughout the district. Isadore Goldstein M. Wohlner Nathan and Miss Blanche Zimman. S. E. Gilinsky M. Oland
of which we have long dreamed and for which we worked unProgram Will Be Held In Audiceasingly is completed. torium and Gymnasium True, it is a beautiful structure, comparing favorably with anything of its kind to be found anywhere in this country. But ELABORATE PROGRAM TO what burns itself more deeply in our hearts and minds than the BE GIVEN physical beauty of our new Jewish Community Center, is the The New Jewish Community Center thought that within that Center will be continued a work albuilding will open Sunday afternoon ready begun, representing the finest and noblest sentiment within The entire week of dedication will be Hebrew Club Dedication us, and from which will go forth a philosophy of Jewish life aftaken up with programs and meetings that are open to the public. the ideas, ideals, and the mode of life of all those comingProgram on June 9 fecting The building will be open for in-. under its influence.. spection Sunday afternoon from 2 to Judge A. L. Suttbn* to be Principal The product of the generations that will follow will reflect 5 p. rn. The feature event of the Speaker the effectiveness of. the work by which we may measure our afternoon will be the Flag Raising ceremonies to be held under the ausJudge A. L. -Suttori will be the success. pices of the Jewish Boy Scout Troup principal speaker at the Dedication Our Jewish Community Center will be interpreted in many at 4 p. m. program of the Omaha Hebrew Club ways. It will be considered by some as a recreation center, and The dedication servires will' begin to be given on Wednesday evening, by others as a place for the development of social and cultural at 8 p. m. when programs will be held June 9, in the new Jewish Community in the auditorium and gymnasium of Center. Others speakers will be Wil- values; some will look to it for religious and spiritual work; to the building. Because of the large liam L. Holznian, Max Fromkin, and some will appeal its possibilities as an educational factor; to a great number its physical culture facilities will seem most imcrowd that is expected to be at the Fred White. <:-'-'•*;. dedication -exercises Sunday evening The musical program will consist of portant; and to others its greatest function will be in the direcplans were made to use both the audi- a piano selection;by Albert Finkel, tion of Americanization and in the development of our future torium and gymnasium. The speak- vocal solo by Ivy Siegel accompanied ers will address the audiences in both by Rose Davidson, and a violinn num- Jewish social leaders. But whatever may be the view taken, upon one thing all will rooms. The program will begin ber by Leon Katz, pupil of Frank promptly at eight o'clock, and the Mach, accompanied by Mignon Mason. agree: It will be the heart of the men, women and children of committee has requested that children The Hebrew Club members and bur Jewish Community, beating with a regularity and beneficence under fourteen years of age be left their families are invited to attend. that will preserve and perpetuate the highest and noblest in at home because of the large crowd Judaism particularly, and in our local Jewish life generally. % expected.* . , The commencement of our Jewish Community Center work GIRLS, Now is your chance The committee in. charge of the to show yonr spirit for the new in an organized way is comparatively recent, although our hope Dedication.' Week .'exercises consist oi William L.x Hohsman, Dr. Philip Sher • Jewish Community'Center. Girls for a Center in which to conduct it dates back many years. Under are needed to assist at the Monand H. A. Wolf..- J! ; • most trying circumstances and lacking proper facilities we have rWilliata ^Holzrhahand. Harry.B. •- day evening-banquet. -Mrs.-S: "managed successfully to develop the communal life of "the Jew, Nathan is in charge; call. on' her Zinman will act as chairmans of the both old and young. , at the Jewish Community Cenmeetings. 'To make, for a stronger faith in the ideals for which the ter. Do it Now! Jew of the past has given his very all; to prepare the spirit, mind, "Windmills of Holland" to and body of the Jewish womanhood and manhood, of today and of tomorrow for the betterment and advancement of future genBe Presented on June 13 Council Bluffs-Jewry Starts erations; for the realization of these and other wholesome in- J. C. C. BALL TEAM Drive for Palestine Aid fluences in the life of our people have we striven in past years, LEADING LEAGUE AT To Be Last Event Of Dedication Week A drive has been started to raise and in the future our Jewish Community Center must be dedicated FIRST HALF OF SCHEDULE $100,000 in the-state of Iowa, $5,000 to a continuation of that program of service. The Jewish - Community Center "Windmills of Holland", the "Y" operetta which is being presented on the last day, June 13, 1926, of the Dedication Week Exercises at the new Jewish Community Center Building, bids fair to be one of the. most interesting and amusing features of this remarkable week. The Y. M. and Y. W. H. A. in presenting their second annual operetta under, the direction of Mrs. Ricklie Boasberg are putting forth their best talent to make the play a success. Rehearsals indicate a keen enthusiasm and a marked snap and finish to the work of the cast which boasts of some of the best voices in the community. As an added attraction to the young folks, dancing will fill in the program after the show is presented. The nominal charge of thirty-five cents is being made on each admission in order to secure the best orchestra music possible for the occasion. Tickets are now being sold by members of the cast and all members of the "YV executive board.
Cantor Isaiah Kahanowitch. Rev. Shaiah Kohanowitch, of Winnepeg, Canada, signed a contract Tuesday to be cantor of the Beth Hamedrosh Hagodol Synagogue, 19th and Burt Sts., for two years. Cantor Kohanowitch rendered services here during Passover and Shevuoth. This Friday evening and Saturday morning, Cantor Kohanowitch will render special Sabbath Services. Trial of Hungarian AntiSemites, Involved in Counterfeiting Plot, Ended Budapest, (J. T. A.) The trial of the Hungarian counterfeit plotters, leaders in the anti-Semitic movement in Hungary and figures in the antiSemitic international, was concluded here yesterday. The verdict will be made known on Wednesday evening. Dr. E. Nadossy, Chief of the State Police, and Prince Ludwig WindischGraetz, in their last plea asked the court that only they be punished and that their colleagues be freed. Windisch-Graetz added that he failed also "politically"„__ ,
Ladles Day Program
Local B'nai B'rith to Give Program Thursday Evening
Council Bluffs B'lai B'rith Held 'Sabath Introduces New Open Meeting Last Wednesday
Immigration Bill
The Council Bluffs Lodge No. 688, New Measure Would Let in 22,350 of the Independent Order of the Additional Persons as NonB'nai Brith held the first of a series Quota Immigrants. of open meetings at the. Danish Hall baseball team is still holding the lead last Wednesday evening, May 26. The Washington.—(J. T. A.)—Congressin the Gate City League by having' program included several readings man Sabath of Chicago, introduced won the first seven games played. and musical numbers. Mr. Harry '•a bill for the exemption of relatives The first half of the schedule is al- Kubby, president of the local B'nai [which would admit 22,350 additional ready completed with the Jewish boys Brith, spoke, and Mr. O. Hochman: aliens instead of 35,000, as proposed holding first place. i gave a speech on the foundation of i by the bills introduced by Senator The Jewish Community Center the Order of the B'nai Brith. After; Wadsworth and Congressman Perlteam will meet the St. Francis team the program refreshments were man. The bill will admit as non-quota Sunday afternoon at 1:30 p. m. at served. i immigrants the wife or husband and Riverview Park. i A regular meeting of the local lodge ; unmarried children under twenty-, will be.held next Wednesday evening/ one, the father and mother over fiftyJune 9, at the Danish Hall. j five of American citizens, and wives Eleven Pupils to Be Confirmed and children under eighteen of those in Council Bluffs Sundaywho have resided in the "United States Afternoon June 13: STUDENTS TO ARRIVE more than three years and who alFROM SCHOOL FOR have filed their declaration of The Council Bluffs Talmud Torah' SUMMER VACATION ready intention to become American citiSunday School will confirm eleven children on Sunday afternoon, June Nebraska Students will arrive home zens over one year. 13. at the Merriam Block Hall, at this week-end to spend their summer However, the bill restricts the num2:30 o'clock. The confirmants will be: vacations at home. Those who are ber that would be permitted to come Marian Katelman, Helen Steinberg, coming in are the Misses Sara Sora- as non-quota immigrants to 100 when Ruth Shyken, Ida Hoffman, Sara So-^ berg, Kate Goldstein, Louise Rosen- the quota of such nationality o>." lomonow, Toby Katelman, Harry thai, Ida Lustgarten, Sara Faier, country is more than 100 and below Rosenthal, Seymore Cohn, Leonard Pearl Sherman, and Messrs. A?+.hur 300, and 250 when the quota is more Krasne, Paul Hoffman, and Joe So- Green, Arthur Goldstein, Phil Gere- than 300 and below 600; 500 when lomnow. lick, Leonard Herman, Bonny Theo- the quota is more than 600 and beThis is the first year that a con- dore, and Harry Cohn. low 1,000; 1,000 when the quota is firmation is being held here, and Mr. Max Guttman is- arriving home more than 1,000 and below 2,000; I. Morgenstein* who is in charge of Sunday and Lester Slosburg will be and 1,5CO when the quota is m#J* the Sunday School, plans to make home about June 10, both from the than 2,000. • this a precedent and hopes that con- University of Michigan, at Ann ArNet Annual Increase of European firmation' exercises will be held every bor, Michigan. Immigrants Under 100,000. j year in this city. Eeveryone is inIn a statement explaining his bill vited to be present. REUBEN BRAININ Congressman Sabath points out that ARRIVES IN MOSCOW the total of the European immigrant? Omaha Chapter No. 1 of the Order of Moscow. (J. T. A.) Reuben Brainin, for the fiscal year 1025 was I4S,36<>Aleph Zadik Aleph American Jewish writer, arrived here, Of this number 75,064 departed, leaving a net increase of European imaccompanied by Mrs. Brainin. Omaha Chapter No. 1 of A. Z. A. migrants of 72,S96, including the adMr. Brainin will study the general will hold a regular meeting Wednesditional number of those adinisabift day evening, June 9th at the Com- condition of Jews in Russia and parunder his bill. The net increase of munity Center. The meeting is called ticularly the colonization work, it was the European immigrants would bfe for eight o'clock. It will be one of the stated. He visited the Moscow under 100,000, which is smaller than few meetings of the Chapter before Kehillah. the immigration from Canada oxthe Third Annual A. Z. A. Convention Mexico. Congressman Sabath'a bill which will be held in St. Paul July 9, Ancient Candlestick would also permit the importation of 10 and 11. Unique in appearance is en Iron skilled labor at the discretion of th& candlestick owned by a Los Angles i Secretary of Labor, where same canThe Jewish Community Center Or- girl. This was given her ance«?toi« by : chestra will hold a regular practice Henri II of France. It was usou u tbo ' not be obtained here, restricting the Tuesday nite at 8 o'clock at the Com- doughty monarch's hunting lodgs, and number to ten immigrants for any munity Center. Practice under direc- Is made of sturdy iron spirals set vjpea one enterprise. a round base on three bent lejrs. T"*v» tion of Mr. Seidel. candle fits down in the spiral, j-nd there is an ingenious Iron kno* or Hebrew Club Election Sunday We have not wings, we cannot soar, handle which, when twisted, rs»ses the The semi-annual election of offiBut we have feet to scale and climb, j diminishing- candle a spirRl at a cers for the Omaha Hebrew Club will By slow degrees, by more and more, time, • so that the light may be k«pt be held Sunday afternoon at thfe The cloudy summits of our time. 'even as the wax melts Swedish auditorium, »v Longfellow:.
PAGE 2—THE JEWISH PRESS—THURSDAY, JUNE 3, 1926 an even greater master of the gloved t I versity failed to place in either of his tennis tournaments within two or as positively "soft". His third fight fist than was Benny Leonard." was against Irving Shapiro, and he | two events at the North Central Con- three years. Despite the fact that, put him away in two rounds, in Sandy Wiener, he hasn't the supTHE MILLION ference track meet last Saturday at like ' ' ' 4?ubllBlied every Thursday at Omaha. Nebraska, by port and experience of Big Bill Tilden Leonard's comparative list of opponents there was no such calibre oi DOLLAR PLAYER Sioux City. Krasne has earned enough in back of him, he has kept on win- bovs on the whole as Augie Pisano - .". - THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY by "STAN" points however to give him his letter ning by sheer racquet merit. THE LINE-UP bovs on the wh g Office: 490 Brandeis Theatre Building — Telephone: ATlantic 1450. J M l e Red Not long ago Seligson won the na- Spencer Gardner, Joe in track. Malone, Red John McGraw, who wanted to give NATHAN E. GREEN, Manager. The Jewish Community Center basetional junior indoor championship. Wilson, Bud Dempey, Billy loi- a million dollars for a Jewish ball Dave Bleicher, the slugging catcher And now he has gone a rung further Cap lock, Pop O'Brien, and Tony \ ac- player, now definitely has him in ball team won their seventh succesive on the Central High nine and the lock. Pop §2.50. Subscription Price, one yearvictory last Sunday afternoon when Jewish Community Center team will up the ladder by winning the Hudson carelli. Whether Goldstein will be able hand, for Andrew Cohen, the Texas tennis title by defeating his Advertising rates furnished on application. they.defeated the Holy Angel nine by be back in the old harness again this Valley to stay in the 135-pound class with Jewish lad, is shortstopping for the opponent in the final rounds, 6:0, 6:2, his coming of age next October, is a Giants. The thing to do now is to CHANGE OB1 ADDRESS—Please cive botb. tbe-old nod new address: the fairly close score of 11 to 8. 6:0, on the courts of the New York Sunday after a fourteen day layoff Military be sure and Rive your nnme. question. Making the lightweight watch the box-office for the income of Academy. Sammy Kaufman pitched four in- due to an injured digit. limit is now no easy task for Ruby, Jewish shekels. ( The Jewish Press is supplied by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency (Jewish nings during which time he Allowed whereas Benny in his first few years The first athletic event to be staged SELIGSON'S RIVAL (kirreEpondence Bureau) with cabled and telegraphic Jewish news, in addition the Angels one hit., and one run. The in the ring fought as a lightweight. Supplementing our remarks about to feature articles and correspondences from all important Jewish centers. Angels scored their first run on a in the swimming pool of the new -- - continue to improve Live peaceably with all, so shalt thou Inquiries regarding news items credited to this Agency will • be gladly single and two Center errors. Kauf- Community Center will be a triang- Eddie Jacobs that we had in this lead „ ,. ^ollowing1 the Mandot column last week, Joseph Falk, sports fight,"then"Goi'dstein will prove to be A happy life thyself. —Goethe. answered if addressed to Jewish Telegraphic Agency, 621 Broadway, New ular swimming meet between three man then went to second base and writer for the Baltimore Jewish York City. Jewish boys clubs of the City. One of Times, gives the following boost to Al Handler took up the mound burden •with a four run lead. Al held the the three clubs is the A. Z. A. Marion the Oriole City contender: DEDICATION outstanding amateur athlete Angels in the palm of his glove 'till Graetz, Fred Brodkey, Dave Bischoff of-"The Baltimore 'today is Eddie Jacobs, and the Levin brothers are the mainFor well nigh a quarter century the Jewish people of Omaha he last of the ninth inning, when they seventeen-year-old Jewish lad ana of the Fraternity team. The meet aa third year student at the Baltimore have looked forward to this realization of their hopes, and aspira- hit his offerings all over the diamond. stay ISADORE ABRAMSOX will be held Thursday evening June City College. This youngster is alThe Angels belated rally brought tions. For twenty years or more, we have planned and worked ready a well-known national figure Public Accountants and Auditors score up to eight runs, making 10. in the tennis world* and bids fair to for the establishment of the institution which we behold today, heir he score stand J. C. C. 11, Holy attain a ranking in the very near i6 all its magnificence and splendor.' Angels 8. . . future that will eclipse the hest efThe symbol of the virile and vital Jewish spirit in our com- Handler walked a number of the forts of any of his co-religionists in Systems—Audits—Investigations the past and present . munity- the embodiment of the dreams and ambitions of all of Angels and gave them five hits and "The future is bright for Eddie. 490 BRANDEIS THEATER BLDG. Orhsiha Jewry; a physical and tangible manifestation of com- seven runs. Seven J* C. G. errors aided By HAUUY CONZEL He is not the type that is swellAtlantic 1450. headed and refuses to take tips as to (CopjriKbt 1025 Dj Seven Arts miHUty spirit and grojip co-operation and solidarity; all these and the Angels in amassing their eight Feature Syndicate.) how to improve his game.-He knows counters. even tdore, is.'the new Jewish Community Center. his deficiencies and almost daily hies The Jewish lads garnered eleven hits 1 himself to his favorite park, where, ~ More than brick and mortar; more than a monument to from the slants of the two Angel AL MILLER unceasingly, he tries to correct them. architect's skill and builder's craft; more than a testimonial to hurlefs. The Angels gave their "Incidentally, Eddie is not the only good tennis player in the family. His unselfish; and self-sacrificing effort on the part of those who moundsmen good support and only AIDS HARVARD Last fall the sport pages were full brother Billy has already annexed a labored so enthusiastically and gave so generously, that it might chalked up three misplays.: of the miracles accomplished by A couple of "boy championship" titles bje"built—:yea—-more thaii a budding; it is an institution with a Joe Turner, the ace of the Center Miller, Harvard's 205-pound footbal and his other brother, Harold, is also Again and again he stood out away up in the list of good boy tennis fpul. Hi represents, and is, the physical manifestation of the outfield led the batting barrage with star. two triples. Syd. Coreman performing as the foremost man in Eastern Foot- players!" soul of our community. ; Only his co-religionist Benny a first basei, n the absence of Capt. ball. Friedman put much over on him, as WHAT IS HAPPENING V Whatever be the activities, social, cultural, moral uplift, wel- Lou Somberg earned several rounds of far as the gridiron game is concerned. fare service, physical betterment, anything conducive to a finer applause by making six sensational Now Harvard's Jewish champion has TO BENNY'S FAME? The fistic world is well known for his Alma Mater tremenand better Jewish community, will find its home and its inspira- catches of foul balls back of first base. obligated its fickleness. Perhaps there is no dously. Even though Harvard came tion in this new "power house" in which shall be" generated and Syd had to hurdle a three foot high out on the short end of the score other sport in which the fans forget fence in order to do so. Coren- after the dual track meet between their heroes so quickly. There are from which shall be sent forth forces that shall make for a higher* wire man in addition to making a good Harvard and Yale, the main points some fighters, however, who establish themselves so firmly that nothing can better and nobler standard of living, a truer conception of civic showing in the field starred at the bat. were piled up by Miller. FROM FASHION PARK dislodge them. Among them, for duty and responsibility, and a more profound desire for social He placed one ball far over the head There was only one-third of example, are Fitzsrmmons, Jeffries, point difference when the meet was usefulness. of the Angels centerfielder for what over, 67 and 2/3 to 67 and Corbett and Levinsky. We had thought Miller on both the sprints, ty- that surely Benny Leonard had set We dedicate the Jewish Community Center to these ideals. was thought to be a home ran. But 1/3. ing the dual record of 9 4/5 seconds himself up as one of these immortal Syd failed to touch third base in his We consecrate ourselves, and our future efforts, to the propaga- hurry and thus his fine, bit of work in beating Norton by two yards in heroes. But apparently, his few years' the 100- and surprising the entire absence from the ring is counting tion of greater spiritual values in our Jewish community. In single or double-breasted models. Favored came' to nought. The Angels center crowd by beating Norton in the 220. heavily against him. Ed van Every, who probably mirfor both business and general wear. Unfinished fielder robbed the Hebrew lads of sev- His time was 22.4, the race being run the sentiment of a great many eral long drives by snaring impossible against the wind. There is no doubt rors worsteds, plain and fancy weaves. Tailored at that if Miller feels like making the followers of the fighting game, has balls that -were over hi3 head. AN EXCEPTION Fashion Park. voyage across the Atlantic, he can this to say about the respective merits ball team will start on the sec- participate in the Olympics for of Ruby Goldstein and Benny Leonard: The Jewish sense of honor and self-respect in Al Jolson endThe "Ruby Goldstein promises to excel and final round of play this Sun- America. Benny Leonard as the greatest lightreacted in the expected way, when the celebrated American day -when they play the St. Francis weight this world has produced; he is Jewish comedian refused to remain in a club which explicitly Club at Riverview .Park. The game A JEWISH certainly far superior to the latter declared that Jews are not welcome within its confines, and that will start as usual at one-thirty o'- CHANNEL ASPIRANT when their records are compared up Gertrude Ederle can keep on trying to the present stage of the brilliant clock. Sammy Kaufman will do the only for him—Jolson, that is—had an exception been made. to cross the Channel for about ten Ruby's career. Goldstein engaged in and Lester Giventer will re- years more. If she doesn't succeed in his twenty-third professional bout r No Jew can feel comfortable in a society which locks its hurling ceiye. him. that time, there is going to be one when he stopped Tony Vaccarelli. It doors to Jews, and certainly no proud Jew will permit himself " thirteenth' ..-._-—«- knockout * 1—^ to ^ his i. : . The girls of Central High School entrant who will. Little Ann Morgan- was the to be a companion of those who would degrade the whole Jewish have succeeded in repelling the stern won the children's one-length credit, and, strange to say, Leonard A group of fine quality woolens assembled from racs, (12% yards) at the May Meets knocked out thirteen of his first athletic invasion of the four other for people. our tailors at Fashion Park. Presented in menbers of the Women's Swim- twenty-three opponents, according- to Omaha High Schools, something -which ming Association. Her time was 24.8 record books, though twelve is the Such an "exception" no Jew must be. newest spring styles for discriminating choice, ;; boys were unable to accomplish. secdnds, while-ifce runne* tip, Edith correct count. But with Jolson's resignation does not end, the deplorable te Evelyn Grimm, made 32-seconds. Later In the "Of Benny's first twenty-three opAdler and Ruth McClenagan chapter of anti-Jewish social discrimination in- America. This meet little Ann swam a one-length ponents, however, he did not stack up battle for the City Tennis Cham- back stroke against time, and return- against anything as severe in the way instance is not the only one. What occurred;to Jolson, will pionship on the clay courts Thursday ed 32.4 seconds, a truly remarkable of opposition as has Goldstein. Young probabaly happen after him, so long as the Jews^in-America are morning. Both young; ladies fought showing for a child of her age. For, Goldie and Frankie Pass stood out as all, Miss Morganstern is only boys of promise in 1912, when they not more careful, and—why play with words-^more Sensitive their way thru the cream'of'the local after four years old. were stopped in five and three rounds high, school girl racqueteers of the than they have been up to the p r e s e n t / ^ ^ ^ - , respectively by Benny. The best boy City and will now endeavor to deter- CLIMBING TO A faced by Leonard in his first year of For, let it once for all be made clear: Every Jew,- who mine who shall be the "Helen Wills" fighting was "Special Delivery" pushes himself into a purely Christian society without finding of Omaha. The two girls are very NATIONAL Hirsch, who made Benny step at his speediest in a ten-round no-decision OMABA. cut beforehand what the attitude in that particular society is active in the gym and athletic classes CHAMPIONSHIP CORRECT APPAREL FOR MEN AND WOMEN Julius Seligson, the New York boy, contest. of their school.' : towards Jews in general, plainly begs his way in as an exception. is slowly but surely grooming him- "On Goldstein's record to date there It is no excuse that the constitution of the society does not Marcus Krasne of Creighton Uni- self for a definite place in the national is not-one .victim who might be classed
Our Sporting Column
Serviceable and Trustworthy
differentiate between Jews and Christians. The social antiSemitism does not need any written laws; it works in different ways, and does not have any lesser success. And so long as social anti-Semitism still exists in America, it must be reckoned with as a possibility in all purely Christian organizations. And until this possibility is carefully looked into there is always the danger that it will in time manifest itself asan actual condition; a deplorable but nevertheless actually existing state of affairs. If all American Jews had enough appreciation of self-respect not to wish to join any American society whatsoever until it,-of its own accord, had made clear its attitude to all the groupings in American citizenry, there would, first of all, not be any Jewish "exceptions" and, secondly, we would be spared miany instances of open discrimination. Jews themselves would then know what conclusions to draw from the silence regarding this matter of each non-Jewish organization, and the wide world would then not echo with Jewish complaints against disrimination. That would be both a great deal simpler and a great deal more honorable. If any organization does not want any Jews, then Jews should not go there until they are specifically invited and assured that they are welcome. Such an attitude would probabaly riot have made possible the large Jewish membership which is today to be found in well nigh anti-Semitic clubs, but it would be more dignified and more worthy for the whole Jewish people; - For the best opportunity to avoid becoming an "exception" . one has before joining the "select." After that one must wait until he is thrown out, or leave of his own accord.
Several accounts have been opened on our books since our last week's advertisement appeared in this paper, and we appreciate them. We can take good care of a lot more business, however, and hope you will send your friends to us
t i":
JEWISH CALENDAR 1926-5686 Tammuz-wRosh Chodesh .......... Tannmuz VI—.Fast of Tammuz Ab ir-]«o $ h Chodesh — Ab 9—Fast of Ab Ellul—Rosh Chodesh . 1926—5687 Tishri 1—First Day of New Year Tieftri 3-rGast of Gedaliah Tishri 10—Yom Kippur —.............
June —'.July July Aug.
29 12 20 10
-..Sept. 9 ..-Sept. 11 ...Sept. 18
• " • '-•
V* i
; JUKE 3 , 3325
UTaur lioctil JfjEnmsh Students to Heceivs UntDcrmtij Diplomas JTids June
i'b\ t*iM%W 3 Q C S T I D J S K C ^ A T GCDB; TiAi-UifflS CB&GA3OZED
* * trust nothing: walk* with aimkre i&ret. TChat 3not nne life shall bE destroy'd Or cast as rubbish to the and Kpill 3R Mriijtitfrti by the Wtem Gofi batb madr the pite EOIHTennyson.
Two •.Omaha Students -will receive j-eceive their sheepskins a t gradBighland tluuntry Club l&s dgjlntnas sn Eastern Col- uation exercises t o be "held Monday plans i a r "fire Saturday Evening dance. lege. One Trail JRcetvext diploma -from evening, 3une 14. : A golf iournament will ;bs beld this ^ a r r y Hosemieia, MMXI$ girlfe college an tthe South, cand mre IPauline Herzberg, daughter nf 3Kr. WAKTED Serbert BesvenriEh,, 3J. i and -rail i e graduated from-Nebraska Uni- and Mrs. M. Herzberg, "will ffraflimte TEhe ladies x££ the Sigiiland Coun3ES5 SHS^I IDegfin. tlhey .are planWonain t© take care of house. this June -from Mt. De Chantal School -versity. ning a LadiesE' golf tournBtnent and t r y Club iave ed for summer To tto CTckmg and housework. rganized for Girls a t "Wheeling, ^ of aSarrs 5or t h s {Children. Ifiarhey Sen "Ravitz, son of IHr. and Mrs. '£. activities. and IHrs. -Reuben 3Lulnkafsky, -and iByron 3H;at£ky, :son of 3fcr. .and airs. 3iavitz, attending the University ij£ Character i s higher than 3 "L. Hlotcky, both, attending 4HB Ilni- ^Nebraska, -will graduate after taking travel ^is jseset by A ^aneat sotfl "rail -be^rtroB£t» live. the summer course nf sis -weeks. •verkity -.•of JSSnthigan ^ffr Ann ^tiif} ^nangerfi. TOBII WB to think. —S^aaranx WEDDINGS ENGAGEMENTS IRotnBchild tradition, i e Aevotes 1 JHr. Aaron G. Eatleman announces 3Sew "Xork, where she -vdll -^risit -roth • i.irtw^.and ^jVI^^H^Hr t o p n O a n Q i r o p i c mont P a r k Tuesday After conclaves comes new anthe engagement of his daughter, [ W.UTKB* - ^ ^m*j ;£uunded yufi '-endo-WEd f "month. nouncement. A s a surprise to friends ^Esther Ann, to Mx. Morris I . 3?ickus ong t h e sixth brriiuiay of iber jam, ^relatives UP "Tl I rO^T pflH md he ; .and .relatives, iis the announcement flf of Chicago, HI., Hon of IRIr. -N. "W.32ngene. 3 private and :jn the -wedding of JSliss IRaEe Guttman, l?ickus of Sioux City, Iowa. ^tctdents nf "the TIni vjernlLy tff Mrs. -Mollie Carlson and small stm, and vclnnc, Vvlncb Ixe attends Good in Eat' daughter of Mr. and JKLrs. S. Gnttman, Miss IKntleman is a graduate of the iEflward, ramveS Sunday -from ILos Iowa, Twill aarrwe y 1» ^ffind rfire •perfinnally -wben lie i s a t imms. kmkmheTmm "to "Worrits "T.i-n^TptiTij s o n df TMrr, a n d Omaha Central High School and ihas: months with "fiierr ^parents, JB siaturaQy interested rmainly in :in±o •visit 3 m ; J&XE. 11. lanzman, which -was solemn- been active in Jewish communal Ate ftm f tcnir Set jir chfldren'E disesises, and 3ttr. a n d "Mx&. 3E9nlip Triedman. izetl on lEuesday afternoon, June 3., in affairs. jMr. IPickus attended t h e "Pr ~Q&& Imspitals "and. anjylums -^Evenings and Sundays. -Che TDes !BIaines, l a . Babbi IRivman, officiat- versity of Chicago and graduated "be »^>*s mounded ^or -*vitb w 1 iji'Ti ft California rbonr B*. STBS JEWELERS Tnrah ieia si "meeting Tuesday ing. IOBS i s cannscted, patientB are treated the 3iew ITark University. a. m. yrmrRovB. Trap. the lome of 3Hss. Diamond Importers Although mo definite date i a d been TThB wedding vdll "take place :free of About twenty yearfi 214-216 City list*! Bank Sidg. set, "the "wefldnMr -WHS scheduled September. . ago lie -was IhonnTed -with t h e Cross IktabliBhed 1B94 an .nffmt of the latter patt .of June. of trbe Isgiim of Honor i a r ius many Mrs. ~3SL. Bolflrnig iff Angeles, The couple i a d been attending the Mr. ana JQTE. 3 . 3tribat3t 3Rorhscbud ifaan*nrn?nf.?fir and -phifatrfhrnpir activitiss, TThe ^position ^arrived Hast ^to p nti Ivre Gonclave held i n that city Sun- the engagEment of rtheir anfl sam &&£? the Breat "TWar -was her daughter, JMrs. JE. jSarcus, and oly in ^he JewrieB tn? -fee 'warlfl lin 3he Dur motto i s SIGH QUALUT II Sara, i o . J i r . Mern-y CDoner, af day and Monday. Mr. 3fliarcus. last -century i s tunigue, miuarallelecl made an nfiicar of "the liegion, in -city, formerly n£, Hiiladelphia, IPa. and His ..bride returned recognition jof ius aenrices dnring the -Mr. any Dther ifamfly :m t b e di i k jplace f& &iis: Miss Beten ^Whitebodk, stnaient •to Omaha yesterday, and -will leave Mie -wedding war. xourEe.of ^3EwiBb^^stoT3^. U "the latter part of "the imonth on a ^summer. TEhonras Jefferson *TTigt» Schnbl, •nf , t h e exof tae Baneymoon -trip. tEar I'astaria, altefl jju&liion wbicb ite •:3.. The resolute vdH xK. m strong men, ;tjf Use local Hand <Qnin. eas a nceujiao' 3n t h e capitate trf j struggles rofe-formerly nf Missouri Wsilley., i gg nomy BEST^J |j "' Iox the new bride are ;num9B3i *t^w^^p .your 'xiici "who 'will jjarticinate i n "the ^National ihirope, ithe close TebrtionEhrp =exiBt^«^great deeds. 'Bnnoxtnce t h e ^engagement T T F emus. Wednesday afternoon, M r s . packBt—wsitdi -or wrist GonteHt tto ibe 3ield tflnsre •Ing1 among Urn 'VBTWOB brancbes nf watcb far a 35EW DUE. Moe "Vann •fintertainsd s t luncheon .fit daughter, Ann, tm 3Efcr. 3Sax (Gefberv the ianffly a f t a r ^ la^ae af^nore r&sax "When 3nen vaxe xtgbfly occupied, :£he J^ontenelle. ISxs. Abe ICeinstem son of ZBIr. IDave Gefber, -of this xity. Mrs. I k e Gilford and -children, then* mmiMMnwmt growb out of tbeir j H jffiittnry, "flseir ^extensivE Hi Tvork, a s tthe cohntr petale nut tif a j |i •will be ihostess a t luncheon a t i s r In honor of IMisB Kaplan and i e r 3Qvelyn, and Sam, a r e Heavmg 2224 St. jfliruulc activities -and tltfiir uuiluiin fruitful Slower. fiancee* JSx. and Jflrs. 1H. ^Chanflter —^Euskhx. 1226. PhotH -will ihmne Friday noon and a part of aiext -week. Jbar mirrwrt feith of -will entertain at-dinner ^Sunaay be given by Mrs. S. G. Saltzman a t ITexas, tto Join 3Hx. Giifaru ancestor, 3iave 3Earmed -&B topic nf rimg a t their --home,-and Mrs. Hrvin' iisr home ^Sunday evening. "HoRtesaes Marsh -will entertain a t Tbfidge a t !ber "where "they jntend -to make "their ^speculation xS. T^Mny -an -sxC&ox. The for ~the coming -week will be "the THesiuture ^hmne. Jive "^^mtliwi1**, wbo laid the home IHonday-Evening. S-Hoom newly dEumiEhed anart-: dames G. Margolin, L . Margolin, _N. foundation nf tflie "great international £ . 3Tafie, and 31. Horwich, who ^will iSaiiye Mrs. 3 . ^Kxamer left -Sunday 4:or bankmg establHannent, -were n o t ment i o r four months. Heferencesi The .engagement xb?; BLTTEK and give~aluncheon-at "the PxrateneUe next satchanged- Call JAEteon 4S32. scholarly men, b a t imong -Soar ^Wednesday afternoon, and other JioslElniaakv, <nf Itee 3ioines, Ha., jto ISIS CaiiiarDJa Street Gooncil BluSs. la. cendants, HDW numbering im t h e 3uro-; leHsss will be Mrs. Morton Marcus, Mrs. Dave 3!avitz, «on nf Mr. and Mrs oreaE, -Ihere -werje quite a fe ISLrs. 3. -Gorby and Mrs. TTobnan IKap- S. -Ravitz, .of ibis city, JB announcea. of a r t • anfl Uteratnre, ^Bome also c&lan, Mrs. iEmil Ganz, MTB. 2. iantzdate has baeii -set 3or Jlif^weddimjJ B1OOSE TOR ME5T pbiying an 3ntersst i n 3ewmh literaman, :and Mrs. S. -Heyn. -A ninner: "ture. There -TOBS ^tone, "liowever, ""wzbo aB-modern. Garage. CATCET A CCTMI'IiETE H 3 J E OF Oiarty 3tar ibe innnediate ar Mr. and Mrs. Ilanife^irilDihrfeem gave bimself up entirely t o scaentifiE 2323 Seward St. be ^ivan 3jy Mr. ^nd Mrs. 5 . Guttman' small stm, 3ialpii, rif -QklahDnia 'City,' Webster 1255. a ^veal breast and "have •wnfk as did Saron Benri tie Ineir Thome Sunday evening, June Eturnfifl liome isEter ,a Iwu -WEek. schild, 3prho is u6"w 'visiting "tbis jyour hutchet' Tnalrp a 3>ocket. Stuff CSSNEINE «CH»lMa3: HEKETKG AStD «»€8KfIB _L3. . and Mrs. prieket with ^ynur iavnrite dress- country. : 3T. 3Ieisfaer acnd Mr. and Mrs. IKeuben iing. Sew tup «nde. and all I>elicatefisen [ * * • .;-. MELCHEE—32E35E]E. lake Ery on iaking ?pan orreer liot^firfi : IBaron, or, as ire pwiTgrv to be Another -wedding; crif anterest tfi^t] until jiiw «nd brown. Place in 1 and l TTR aft" ,BUTpnse t o fnends .and 3Sr. and Mrs. ^Reuben iEulakdfsky nven. Reason -well -wirb salt, 3«p- -vailed, Dr. Henri de SEQ-SmcbilQ , is Has relatives -was siitemnized "lEnesdsyj 'axeleHvmg Manday anorning rto anatnr jper, a litfte allspice, and bay leaf, son of 3aroes 31donard 8te 3iothschil rmnrning, i n ZEtes MriiTies, Ha., -wnen; &ma. J&fbor, 3Ecn.r ^wbere ^they ^wHl; a littlB -water nr tomato Jjuice sand a acion vS. the Tjnglrah liransb of the ^feilrp -until tender, i o r about "two -fg-rr^y, <B. aapnE\r uf ILnrfl rRoseberry,Sadye 3Levey, daughter -of Ibe ^TT^^^TI^^mrn ^exercises -ox hnnrs. Webster 3HIa. 24fli St. 1414 :and Mrs. A . ELevey, iecame i b e tfafide: r&eir ;daugbter, 3ieva, twno 'is IUJJMBI -BwnuHi' xff 3Elngland. B e "was fnmi MwsKkni'* Meat Market.) ! -al Mr. Jack Meliher, son ccf Mr. »nd ing ±rmn i b e Thiiversrfcy of Michigan jihorn im Saris i n 3B72 anH"was gradMrs. S. Melcher. aiabbi lEivmin nfv ousted >as a pbysician J3x J S ^ S . TIP- 'be* 1 1b. lean "beef 13b. lean TOBI dfciated. TEhe xnujile Jiad ansvinnaly. JHrs.XIE. Stone,nf ZDesMoineB, la.. ! came /passionately loud aff ^fee •scMnce Triaiting her mnthsr Mrs. X, S tablespoons fat announced their wedding date as June 1 large unitm Barmiah. 20. atrics, in •:whicb 3*B Jbas ;becnme a 1 teaspoon jEcognizeii anthority. Jle has been Mr. Melcher and bis bride are leavMr. and MTB. A. Herzberg are IB- "3. gjint j a r tamstaee ing "this evening -for ".the "Blackhills, turnnig "today irom a aeveral Cut meat i n small gflaEffi, Ijrown the •editor of ,tfae 3£BVUB dilygitJiiE de .in i a t Add "tomateEB, cook one l a IRsthologie l"nfantile 'Sat 3 -iiiiihfaer -where -fhev -will sjiend Iheir loney- -Stay i n Chicago, HI. bour. Batf 3uurr ibeOars iHeevliig uf drears .anfl is "ftm caufbnr of several moon. They -will leturn about June 15. add same Bina.ll giOtatoeB iand let Miss ILoae jsodk xmiil »3oiiE or ttwjo cupB boiled anmortant tmedical ^WBTIEB, includmE K—BAB10E. 111., arrived Wednesday "to rmake ~hBT trice jnay "be added. 3Serv£ vary :fierieE of Ones ibnlky un ^ daughter uf Mx. borne here "with i e r mster, Mrs. fi. bat. utrition of basket Sunday, Siathmi, and Mr. Jstaflian. and 3ttxs. S. Of Thiilk an aiet. 3n a ipaEBCtical June i27, a s "her "wedding date ±0 Mr.-piebaum vrfll assist Mrs. ^Nathan 3n t a r the Cbaf ing SBOU Ihe !faas flone ifnr "flffi o!Hrtr2Hrfinn BEF "Hyman Brown, ^son -J£ -Mr. and "Mrs.xhe new Cafeteria D£ "the Jewirfi Com-pasteurized TnTQr ior^EBncb. jdbflilrc«,; . J. J . Srown, of Council JBlufis, 3a. "munity Center. ~Miss-&3rplebsam~vras !-wbat ISaiJian StrauB 3BSB ttane in "*a 3b. smoked aneafc 3n 'honor of Miss 3Bahior, JSIrs. S. connected -with "the "TTtJin«i^ ILnstrttrtE ;of fee wnflE. 1 egg "vrall beaten -Babior entBrtained at .a luncheon .at in Chicago, and was guardian m "the ±he 3?ontBnellelSLotel ior thirty £uestE CampfiiE girls. n tablespo0n ia±Jfcesfc ^ i a i t t o last lEuesday aftemoan. Bunduy afterzQeat -fat in chaTtng •auoon, Miss Mollie 3Fitz enteTtained m**»ti that .lias 'bee _ with « g g s n d jpepper. f unr Miss 3abior. Mrs. J . SBrown enter- Ten Wnmen Hrastesses a± xs a& -on nne ;side. .vl.iirri a n d ! Haflassah iCarfl SaEty June 3JB -.tained TCuesday .afternoon a t ibe -Fonun nther. Serve am !bread Brane ^pears iago, "iWTUrr m. >retnrn 2rom iEnelle ^Hotel. •Other entertamments TCen "Women "will ?be IbostaessBS a t ihe xx toast. Tea i s SHE 3or ifiiis. an 'Oriental "trig, ^ a r o n ^Bfenra are "being jin-rmed i o r Miss Bafaior. last of i b e Beasorife sard 3«Btfcy "to j rmTirb nnterefit ^in l£sx tfJUHLED SA53JINES ^bum 'by rOte 'Omaha. '.Chapter cor" KLIKE—S3STCTZER. -Ginok 32 sardhreB sin «3iafmg dish. J -wbicb 3BB 3ssaea ^witii jssgaril ±D -the Among t h e entertamments given dassah on ^Wednesday afternnon, 3UHE until ;heated. 3!tace on "dry rtoast liircEection Ufeeb? ±D cbe ttransnuttea b y xomplimentary t o IQiss ^Bess .Snitzer, 1-16, :at t h e "new Jewish 'Gonmnnnfe and ssrvfi wifb ^flus ssance. •variouB jriSgjecte ?nf 'OrtwuUfl s i t 3Put Mr cup butter in lowl anfl ^Europeans, -whose marriage to "Mr. 1 m , IB. "Klme Center, a t :20th and Dodge Sts. This iis one of the senes nf iCard cream, and ^ teaspoon salt, t e a •will dake 3>lace June Cth, was ispoon ^)Ergper, 2 tablespoon lemon lEarties given by the local Chapter for juice :and a little cbtniped i»rsley. aan^be traxsea tto tth bridge by i h e Misses ZEda and iugs ob^riBtihat"Eurimean xunSnitzer; a t e a dance by IMias Beulah the Irenelit of the 3Eospitals, and other Cream /well amd ^spread over ".hnt Bardines. This can alsD be Tised JUittleman; a bridge by TVTisp R»rnh ' medical units i n !Ealestme. BD acsidjy ;Beek t n nbtaba. .Slobodinsky; a bridge by JHIES Hose 1 l^trs. S . A. Simon bas lieen .chair- jfor a cdlH sandwich "wifhout ,1 card parties given this chafing dish. devoted t o "fee . season. -ner 'by Mrs. I . ^Plofknr; and :a bridge ^Hostesses a t tnne t o ^produce ^veral sne-; by Mrs. Abe Mozer. TDhsre are several 2, ccafeffi ifresh ^ ilesdames Juli ,& 3. arp 3niB: xcabiea ana 3JlKys, some of ^whlcb lisve affairs planned Sor this week. 3. arp ~warm TVKfcer been jpiDduced i n Paris, 3eflin TUbe couple will spend their lioney- 3. Carby, B . Zisgman, /Sam •"7 cups 31our Hionaon. IHIB Tnast KncceHsful pl .moon i n ILos Angfiles, Cal., nnd nnA. 3. Erilakofsky, J . ,-Spiegal, H tablrapoon sugar " 3EL ^ntitted "Croesus" sndftescribeBt h e their astnrn will stop off a t the Grand Tfinenbaum, Geo. IKxasne, ^ cun .sugar troubles of a -wealthy ^biywrigbt Cherniak, nf "Council Staffs, l a . Canyon and Salt l a k e - City. 6 tablespoons butter 1 level teaspoon isalt. ; wbose productions -would not be conMilton Shrago, son of Mr. and Mrs. Uissolve yeast and one stable- • sidered by any theatrical manager CGUHCILBUUFiS spoon sugar i n warm VVULKI1 and ij because 3$. Shrago, "will be Uarmitzvoh Saturof the prejudice ^against hfe milk. Add 8 cups flour and beat' j -wealth. B E is finally driven "to build day jnorning, June 5, a t the Adass another Milton Marcus, son of Mr. and smooth. Add butter and sugar Teshuren Synagogue, 25th and Seward \ his o-wn theater and the jolay nresenlIHEB made livE icputa .tioxiofKeBy-creamed and eggs -well beaten. Sts. Mr. ;and Mrs. Shraso "will be .at Xouiy Marcus, -was judged as the ibest rest of flour and salt, jnix "well, !-ed there meets "with tremendous BEanusician a t the Abraham imtaibj therr home t o "frifmds -and jrelatives un turn on board and "knead lightly. i claim by the large throngs that come High School, this ;year. He Plane in bowl in warm ^jlace. Xst > to see it. Tirst presented in Iiondon "here Sunday .afternoon, irom 2. to'-5, and stworthinc oi silver cup as his individual on Sunday ^evening, ±rom .7 -to JLO, JH He is a niember of the local Band rise and divide into -fcwt> ^jarts. I by the baron, under the pseudonym = for IRoll each part separately quite honor -of their ^sori's barmitzvoh. which jecently won first ,plac£in.ih.e thin. Spread -with sugar and cin- ! of ""Charles de Fontaines," I t -was y-Srnring&eid skin namon and xaisins. IRoll like jelly ! subssqusntly given in Paris, -wisre i t .Mrs. -L. Blotcky and son, I!rank, rare jcontest of tiie state of Iowa, and who :roll and cut in slices. -Place in butand lortg es5>crience building, jihad a n extended run. 3 t is Jumorefl leaving t h e 'latter apart of this week will compete i a r ^Rational itonors a t tered "pan, cut side rxp. list rise '"that "while in this country, -.the Jbaron IPostoria, Ohio, on IPriday. Toung the best 1 hour. Bake 2x> mimrtEs. to -attend t h e graduation of Mrs. i -will .arrange for the presentatinn of Marcus left "Wednesday .evening -rcith of material Bloteky's :son, Micron, -from the Unihat have i "Croesus" here. Besides this, lie BOTJSEaOLD SDsTS versity of Michigan, .at Ann Arbor, the Band for Portoria, Ohio. S e !is with To rid the bnuse of ants, buy at l'ihs :autlior of a number of Mich. !The exercises =will beheld Mon-: a anember of the graduating class, j -your drug: stnrE 1 package of j plays in French, German and but as the commencement exeersises ding day evening, June 14. Enroute Irome, iilagic Soodoo A n t .Paper. -Folkm- jlish, some 01/which have not yet been the thrae will :visit an DDetroit, Mich., are being held this IRriday evenhijr directions and ants -will disappear. also, lie Tvill not be able t o be present To Issep ants out of ice bos,j-presented anywhere. Chicago, 311. in Canada, although he -will receive His diploma place fruit ijar covers in under j a * * ' each leg of bos, fill these with 1 The-versatility of his mind is marii.iand Mrs. M.Merzberg left Sun- as usual. •-reater. "Wash icebox each week day "±o ;motor t o "Wheeling, T jfested :in "bis jnany interests, Espewith but "water and -salsoda. 3Ir. .and Mrs. Samuel M. Xatetaian attend t h e ;:graduation of their, daughcially in "matters pertaining, t o tiie. 3f you coyer ;your ice with newster, 2JauIine, JCrom tthe Mount 33d nnnnncE t h e ibirth of ra -son, born paper, the ice -will last longer, but I.,development of science and in sports. "Wednesday, May 26, at their home at ;it will :nat Jk?efip the "box s s JBOQI. Chantal Art "Schodl. After the gradua-' Aatusting Flaps, -nutm*S e is an enthusiastic -motorist and is. 3ake •shortcake ;m iiiE-Khane of tion vjexercises t h e Saniily -will motor :BQ1 Willow Avenue. The .baby i a s yattuxsil under Beaney patents said -to Joirvfi coverfid by automobite biscuits. Ton ~~ can fix ,a: bfeeuit for through the 25ew DElngbmil stares :and! been; jiamed Staiilev. each person .as they want i t and (.20000 miles in the extreme south of Canada. "They sxpECt 'to be -gone the Mrs. IBen lelpner entextainEd do a"way'wifh left over short -ca"ke. Algeria. TUTUF -and Trqroli. through "mniith .0? ''"twenty children at -sx -picnic i n laifJR. country -which :3sts -»o roads and
k I1EP1S
PAGE 4—THE JEWISH PRESS—THURSDAY, JUNE 3, 1926 he saw the suffering of Ukrain- standards. He entered the Academy of and' sixty were killed in Proskurov; The voice of Time cries to man: ian Jewry and witnessed many mas- Theology- Daring his studies in that 700 widows and 3,600 orphans resulted "Advance!" Time is for his advanceSimon Petlura, Leader where ment and improvement; for his sacres by Petlura's forces. He then institution he became an opponent of from the massacre, happiness, Jewish Cabarets on The East Side! of Ukraine Pogrom joined the: "First International Divi- the,. Czarist tyranny and, together j "Just as the majority of his officers greater worth, his greater Dickens. his better life. sion" which was organized by the with other students, organized a group were merely band leaders with no From Uptown-and Downtown, from Brooklyn and Brownsville the Crowds Bolsheviks in Odessa. With this unit to propagate Ukrainian literature. In' right to any special military rank, so Come Nightly to Delancey and Rivington Streets .to Drink Seltzer, * Bands, Killed by Jew he participated in various battles time he, developed radical leanings Petlura himself was never a general. Eat Roumanian Broils and Listen to Sentimental Ballads. against the. pogrom bands. T
and became a socialist.
During the war he worked in the
"... * . *' * Ziemski Soyuz, doing relief work, but Killed to Avenge Thousands of Disappointed in the Communist regime, Schwartzbard left Russia and Eight hundred and nineteen po- he managed to organize around him Victims Who Where- Masreturned to Paris, bringing with him groms took place in the Ukraine be-j the Ukrainian soldiers who left the sacred by Petlura Forces Eldridge and Houston Streets — cabaret singing are observed. But
KOSE-N'THAL, ATTOKSEY Peters TruKt BUlg. FORECLOSURE Of ; MEN To M. C. Griffin: l o u are hereby notified tbnt in accordance « l t h Chapter US of the Laws of laua of the State of Nebraska, the unijersigueil clnim n lien on your Scrii'ps-Booth Automobile, Model 1010, lOugine No. 7 It. A. WX17-2. for storaRe ninounting l " JUO.llO, iind that the undersigned claimants have heretofore sent to you by registered letter, ncrnrilUig to law. ii demand l<n- payment of said snm, and in accordance -with th? above said claimants will sell, according to law, at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, enid automobile at the place of business of the claimants, 4501 Grant Street, Omnha, Nebraska, to satisfy xald claim and expeiiws, "ti Tuesday, June 14tb, 1926, at 10:00 o'clock A. M. J . 3. MvingKton, J. M. Itobinson, Claimants.
his memoirs of the anti-Jewish mas- tween October 1917 and the end of i front with rifles and ammunition, dispavements lined . with flashy shops those about her scarcely look up and youths. Eldridge and Stanton — from their plates. Is not eating the SLAYER GAVE HIMSELF UP sacres in Ukraine, some of which were 1919, during which time 156,000 Jews ' organized and demoralized. They published in the Yiddish weekly, were killed and wounded", S. Y. Ja-j joined him with the sole purpose of TO POLICE pale children squabbling in the slimy most important thing about amusing 'Arbeiter Freund", of London. He is cobi, organizer and commander of the robbing and violating the peaceful gutter. Eldridge and Rivington — oneself? One can get jazz in any Paris,. (J. T. A.) Simon Petlura, said to have had at one time anar- Jewish Self Defence Corps, Evreis- population", Mr. Jacobi stated. wash lines flapping before gaunt tene- cabaret—but not such food. A platter kiaya Boeviya Drujiui, of the region ment windows. Eldridge and Delancey of bread anticipates the appetite, and leader of the separatist Ukrainian chistic sympathies. Samuel Schwartzbard's wife, when of Odessa during 1917-1919, who is —a line of glittering Packards and abundant pickles, sour tomatoes and movement and Attaman of the pogrom the dazzle of jewels. Thus, through kraut. The waiters are generous with bands by the hands of, whom tens of interviewed by the police, said that now in New; York, declared in an interHe Mat Be Thin the avenues of poverty does one come suggestions, and disdainful of finicky thousands of Jewish men, women and she was ignorant of her husband's in- view .with the representative of the Scout No. 1—Li this new fellow very Jewish Telegraphic Agency. j tnln? upon one of those amazing paradoxes appetites. Eat, drink and be merry, children were massacred. in the Uk- tention. Scout No. 2—Thin! Say, be could Wet Wash "Nearly three quarters of those powith which the chameleon existence for tomorrow you're uptown again. raine in 1918-1919, was fatally shot by * • - * crawl through a flute and not disturb j Semi-Flat Samuel Schwartzbard, a Russian Jew, groms were perpetrated by Petlura's of New York's Jews is crowded. It was estimated that at least 30,000 , ' Here a man may talk in Yiddish or • note. Rough Dry . "Seeing the East Side" has been a the; most heavy-tongued English, and in the Boulevard Saint Michel at 2 Jewish men, women and children were bands, during the period between massacred -in Ukraine towns by Pet- November 1918 and May 1919, when diversion long practiced .by.tourists draw neither stares nor sneers. He o'clock Tuesday afternoon. Great thoughts, reduced to practice, AMERICAN WET WASH "Dirty dog, killer of my people, lura's forces. the government of the Hetman Skoro- become great acts. Hazlitt. and those who would go "slumming" may ask the obliging orchestra leader 2808 Cuming St. Harney 0881 : —whose, curiousity leads them to "to play his favorite Kazatske. He defend yourself", was the cry, of Sa- Petlura who was born in 1879 in padsky, established by the Germans gape on the sordid, spectacle of pov- may have his strudel and tea in a muel Schwartzbard as h& faced Pet- the Ukraine played an important role in -the .Ukraine, was changed to the' erty. The sorry side of the picture glass,' and, dance the Charleston after- lura. Schwartzbard then drew his in the Russian revolution. He was the government of Petlura, otherwise the ] A. L ife Insurance Policy j For Every Need is the familiar one. Bpt unless you,ward (if he can). He may laugh revolver and fired six shots,. Petlura head of the Cossack bands in the government. of the Directoria at the was taken to a hospital where he died Ukraine, which attempted to drive out head of which he stood, and also when j j J U D A H L. WOLFSON, Rep. loudly.and have no fear that anyone have seen Pnuiip's Russian Bavaria shortly afterward, the bullets having first the Germans and then the Bol- in the middle of 1919 the Petlura: j r h e E q u i t a b l e L i f e o f N e w York and its siter cabarets, you have not will talk' about those "noisy Jews." entered his brain. "Manufactured in Omaha" sheviks. Following the fighting in forces-were defeated by the Bolshe- J 545 Omaha xnt'i Bank BWg. seen the East Side. There is gaiety But he may not laugh too loudly or Wa. 5353 BAKER [CE MACHINE CO. as well as misery and longing east of Phillip, soft" stepping and ingratiat- Samuel Schwartzbard gave himself 1918, he occupied Kiev, establishing viks V Mr. Jacobi declared. "During up to the police declaring: "I have for a brief period a provisional govthe fighting between the two forces ing, will step quietly behind his chair the Bowery. There is luxury and and whisper a word about the neces- ldlled Petlura to avenge the death of ernment, which, with the. support of the majority of- pogroms were organfulsome pleasure.. the thousands'of pogrom victims'in the Allies, waged a war for the in- ized' mostly in the district of Volin, The Jewish cabarets. on the East sity for good manners. Indeed, al- the Ukraine who vwere massacred by dependenceof the country. Eventually, Podo\, Kiev and Poltava. Side present an interesting phase,-in though the revery lasts well into the Petlura's forces without his. taking Petlura was driven out by the Bolshe"When Petlura first entered Kiev WBOLG8ALB the Jew's adaptation to his American morning, decorum is the very essence any steps to prevent these massacres." viks and fled to Galicia and then to in December: 14,' 1918, he" behaved of the place. Druggists and Stationers environment. They represent a comThe large crowd who 'witnessed the PWand. When he was expelled from quite tolerantly toward the Jewish W1-4B3-4U8 South lOtb Htnwt The portrait of the Jewish bour- shooting- attempted,to lynch Schwartz- Poland.he took refuge in Western promise of standards, a step in his population, at least as his laws and geoise is here complete. He is lavishemergence from Old World ways. bard but the police protected him and Europe. Before he was expelled the edicts were not directed against Jews. Take the family which is separated ly indulgent of his appetite for food took him to the police station. Polish government maintained a great Later,; however, . he completely lost by only ten years of prosperity, in and furs and jewels, gross in his number of Petlura's officers and control over his bands and they were PAXTON-MITCHELL CO. furs and diamonds rrom the East material aspects, yet withal, viewed soldiers, with the hope that they at liberty to do whatever they pleased, j & Martha Sts. Paris, (J. T. A.) Samuei SchwartzHarney 1663 in his own surroundings, self-respectSide. Their purse is Rjtz-Carlton; might be used in an offensive against Petlura was -.directly responsible for Omaha, Nebr. their taste Delancey Street. Mamma, ing, orderly, and more than a little bard who/ shot Petlura .yesterday the Bolsheviks in the Polish march on at least one large pogrom, the pogrom' Soft gray iron, brass, bronze end aluL307 Howard St. At. 8028 afternoon, told his story -to: the police minum castings. Standard sizes bronze broad-hipped and broad bosomed, sentimental. * and iron bushings, sewer manholes, Kiev. at' Proskurov, his headquarters being cistern Omaha, Nebr. authorities. . :.,...;„ . .''. i rings n#d covers, and clean-out fitted periously into the slim silhouPhillip himself has as interesting Petlura came of poor peasant stock, a few miles from the city when- it i doors i s storJr. ette of the mode; papa, gray and a personality as his establishment. "I planned for many years to took place. One thousand two hundred j bowed with years of work and worry, Plump, middle-aged and gray-haired, murder Petlura for his guilt in the j but strove to attain intellectual massacre of many thousands of Jews tongue-tied in the unfamiliar speech, he is by day "Mayor of Delancey seeking a "good time"-of a Saturday Street," dispensing the largess of in the Ukraine. I never met Petlura night, find the atmosphere of the up- Tammany Hall. In the four years before, but I carried,his picture in my town night clubs strained and sterile. that he has been owner of this inter- pocket. I learned that he lunched every The Yiddish theater offers them com- esting development of East Side life day in a restaurant iri the Rue Racine. promise and enjoyment after their he has entertained many of the city's I then posted myself outside of the building. I saw him several times in own fashion. ..''"• great — including Governor Smith, the company of his wife and daughter, Just as Second Avenue has become numerous judges, Yiddish theatrical when I restrained myself from shootjournalistic stars. Celebrities in ing "in fear that the bullets might the Broadway of the East Side, so_ £ the district south and east bounded the political and philantropic world harm his wife and daughter. Today, -i: by Houston Street and by Delancey, are his guests each night. He moves when I saw him leave the restaurant has become the center of the. East along his tables quietly—a"haemish" alone, I asked him: 'Are you Petlura?' Side cabarets; Within a radius of a figure. He and his good wife, with When he answered 'Yes', I exclaimed, few blocks are Moskowitz's and Lupo- her white apron, and a' sleek, well- 'This will revenge my brothers', and I witz's Roumanian Rathskeller, Kum- fed cat, are strangely at odds with fired seven shots from my automatic." onin's, Perlman's Oriental,. Phillip's the carmined lips and brilliant shawls Petlura resided in Paris for thie last Russian Bavaria, and innumerable of the entreainers. Yet only such a year, here he published a Ukrainian lesser resorts. Of course, Schwartz's personality as his could bring the weekly under the name, "Tryzub", "Little Hungary"' on Houston Street, ends of the town together so—could having left Poland, where Jewish long famed for its-music and food interpret the cravings of his countryand gatherings of the elite, is the men, give them a place.where their eaders at one time demanded his exdaddy, of them all, but the center of social aspirations and their tastes ulsion for his guilt in the massacres night life has moved east today and might meet on a common ground of in the Ukraine. Paris,. May 26 (J T. A.) Samuei the "I^ittle Hungary" is already far enjoyment. Schwartzbard, a watchmaker, 32 years uptown. One wonders a little what the East For the most part, the rathskellers lide thinks of all this—whether the of age, is a citizen of France. He was and cabarets are dim, low-ceilinged, display is a gall or goad—a spur to »orn in Smolensk, but lived in Paris with a program of Yiddish folk songs envy or achievement.—Jewish Daily )efore the war. When the war broke ttfe, 19*6 )ut he joined the French army as a and American jazz. ' A blue seltzer Forward. V volunteer and took part in many bottle is their "cover." It is the battles. He was wounded and was management's welcome and invitaEnglish Law a Paradox awarded the Croix de Guerre. During tion. Here the more serious business One be fined for stopping a dof the Bolshevik revolution,. he went to it eating and drinking; the food most fight ormay not stopping a dog fight. But frequently Roumanian cooking with the post office can record something Russia and the Ukraine with a French steaks running high in favor. even better, the Manchester Guardian military mission as an interpreter, On Saturday and Sunday nights relates. At a seaside town a man the automobiles of uptown guests walked into a post office followed by line the curbs, and their owners, in a huge flog. A woman was already at In Omaha the crowded, smoke-hung rathskellers, the public counter, and she also had dog. The two dogs began to fight. beam :in the warmth of familiar a The man did not attempt to Inter250 Room*—200 Batht speech and countenance and gorge fere. He appealed to the girl assistGood Room* tor 11.50 Operated by Eppley Hotrl* Co. themselves on the delicacies /with ant, who was on the safe side of the which-no night club-lobster a la New- counter, to come over and part t!»a burg, can compare. After midnight, combatants. She declined, very natwhen, the dignity of living uptown urally. Eventually the turmoil ceased, Harry H. Lapidus, Pres.-Treas. -has "worn off, they dance in the aisles and then the dog owner lodged a complaint with the postmaster that his W. G. Ure. Secretary. between the rows of benches. ": subordinate had permitted confusion Phillip's Russian Bavaria is the ex- In the office and upset the public. Omaha Fixture & ception. Phillips' has all the features Supply Co. of the uptown cabaret, skillfully Famous Roman Monument COMPLETE STORE AND adapted to downtown tastes. LuxuriTrajan's column Is a superb marble ous and with a continetal atmos- column OFFICE OUTFITTERS in Trajan's forum at Home, phere, it draws its clientele from all erected In 114 A. D., by the senate and. W« occupy •*•* TMOO •qnan ftfit parts of the city. A uniformed door- the Roman people, to commemorate tenthwett C«m» man intercepts arrivals and makes the victories of Emperor Trajan (98Eleventh nod (Unrla* Mtreett. Fbonni 4acks«n »1S4 certain, for a consideration, that there 117 A. D.) over the I>acians, the KanOMAHA. NKB. is a • vacant' table downstairs, for sas City Times tells us; It Is 132 feet high and about 12 feet la diameter, Phillip's, like its competitors, is in a is constructed of 34 blocks of Southbound " S O O N E R " Northbound basement. Innumerable tiny lights and Carrara marble, adorned with sculpred, blue, purple and amber, cast soft tures in bas-relief. The summit, which lights on the crowded room. .Wide Is reached by a spiral staircase of 183 Ar. 7:25 A. M. 10:10 P. M. Lv. Kansas City Regular Meeting of mirrors, draped as windows, give it a steps, was originally Eunnpanted by a look of spaciousness. The blue seltzer colossal glided statue of the emperor; Lv. 1:50 A. M. 3:40 A. M. Ar. BartlesviUe bottle sits in majesty upon each table. but this, having fallen to the ground, was replaced by Pope Slxtus V in the There are fleshy backs above the Sixteenth century with one of St. Pedecollete • of crystal beaded evening ter, 11 feet high. The ashes of Trajan Lv. 11:00 P. M. BARTLtSVlLLC gowns. Fortunes in diamonds glitter rest beneath this column. 6:45 A. M. Ar. Tulsa on plump hands. An occasional tux• 'itedo lends a touch.of. sombre dignity. JOSEPH BOSENTHAI,, ATTOBNEY. An excellent orchestra plays, and 624 Fetera Traat Bid*. Lv. 11:09 P. M. 6:14 A. M. Ar. Cashing NOTICE OP FORECLOSXJBE OF there- is an infinitesimal space for CHATTEL MOKTGAGB dancing. Notice-Is hereby given that the under8:10 A. M. Ar. Oklahoma City Lv. 9:30 P. M. signed will 26th, 1026, at 10:« At half-hour intervals an enter o'clock A. M.,onat Jane 4077 Pacific Street, Omaha, TULSA tainer, a young woman of perfec' Nebraska, sell to the highest bidder foi cash: , decorum and pleasing." plumpness, One used Hudson Coach, Model 1923, Motor No. 120313, six cylinders, arises from the table where she has covered by 'a chattel mortgage signed b faithfully-served the management in W. -3.' Morris • in favor of the Lincoln Every Thursday Evening at Jewish Motor Company and assigned to the CenCommunity Center Building. the capacity of "night club hostess." tral Investment. Corporation and assignee J. U. UAliASHOCK, President. to Joe Rosenthal, which said chattel mort Her red satin slippers and..evening gage was dated December 8th, 1025, an OKLAHOMA ISADORB ABOAMSON, Secretary. gown are in" the uptown manner. Her filed for record in the office of the Count Clerk of-Douglas County .Nebraska, on thi singing and swaying between the 12th day of December, 1825. tables, too. Whether her song is Sold eale will be tor the purpose of fore said chatUe mortgage and satisfy -Eussian folk song,. a musical, hit closing nig the; amount doe thereon,, to-wit; tin Meets Every Second and Fourth Wedfrom Yiddish comedy or the lastes sum of 7147.00 and accruing costs. nesday evening at the Danish Halt 1st day.otJnne, 1»26. "hot mamma," all the-^inventions of Dated this a t 8:30 o'clock. JOB EOSKNXHAL, Mortg
Baker Ice Machines
E. E. Bruce & Co.
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