Success or failure in business is caused more by mental attitude even' than by mental capacities. ' — ^Q Scott.
VOL. V—No. 27
The cynic is one wEo knows the • price of every t h i n ' g and the - v a l u e of nothing.— Oscar Wilde.
->d a t aecond-dass maJJmatter on January 27tt>, 1921, ai Office at Omaha. Nebrtsfca, under the Act of March 8.0879.
More Than 5(Lv People Visit New Jewish Community Center Building During Dedication Week Exercises Crowd Filled N e w ' A u d i t o r i u m to Hear Opening Exercises BANQUET - ,
MOSLEM CONGRESS OPENS IN MECCA Jerusalem.—The Moslem World Congress, called by Sultan Ibn Saud, victorious leader of the Wahabis, was opened in Mecca yesterday, dispatches received here state. ~ The purpose of the Congress is to restore Moslem religious unity and to abolish the differences between the various Moslem communities. regarding certain rites and beliefs which have caused friction among the Moslems for many centuries, it was declared.
Jewish Hospital American Zionists Will Series in fldy Convene in Buffalo Land is Planned June Twenty-Eighth
Fruma London Bequests To Social Welfare The Jewish Welfare Federation has recently received $300 from H .Sussman, Administrator of the Estate of the late Fruma London for bequests to philanthropic and charitable institutions. The fund was divided as follows: $100 to the Omaha City Talmud Torah $100 to the Omaha Free Loan Society; $50 to the Jewish Consumptives' Relief Society in Denver and $50 to the National Jewish Hospital in Denver,
Hadassah, American Physicians' Twenty-Ninth Annual Convention Will Note Entry of First Committee Combine to 100,000 Jewish Settlers Into Raise" $1,000,000 . Palestine Since the War. MEDICAL DEPARTMENT IN FOUR OMAHANS WILL ATUNIVERSITY FIRST TEND CONVENTION
ii 1 C . C. Auditorium Cast of 20 to bo Drcsr-ii in Dutdi Costv:-.? • DANCE r OPEi-r A The
f i r s t , drama 1 .:• }••?'.•"~r:~.\:;-:?3
staged in the auiliur •.. < ;' .he i;c v Three Omaha men -will attend the New York City. — A joint hospital Jewish Community •'..•:!:• r : t; be committee composed of. representa- twenty-ninth annual vonvention of the given Sunday evening ,''<" ' •'<•'>, when tives of Hadassah, the Women's Zion- Zionist Organization of America that the "Windmills of Hoin <, ' will be More than five thousand people success, as it is bound t o . be, then will this year "be held in Buffalo, N. ist Organization of America, and the presented under the ausp;ccs of the jave visited the new Jewish Com- every Jew in Omaha will have been American Physicians' Committee has Y., for three days beginning Monday, Y. M. and Y. W. H. A. It will be one munity Center Building, during the successful," he saidv ;_ been organized for. the purpose of June 28. Those "who will represent of the feature entertainments of the first four days of the Dedication Week In expressing the felicitation and initiating a movement to' raise ?1,- the local Zionist district are Dr. M. Dedication week program. excercises; All who have viewed the congratulations, Dr. • D. E. Jenkins, First Tournament Ever Staged by 000,000 in America for the erection of G. Wohl, John" Feldman, and J. J. Isadore Oberman receives A-ward from Mrs. Ricklie Boasberg is directing building_ expressed complimentary president of Omaha university, speakJewish Women. a series of hospital buildings in Pales- Friedman. Mrs. M. G. Wohl will reCreighton and Lillian Margolin the operetta. She has secured some of statements for the building and for ing to the Jews of the. city, who attine, according to an announcement present the ' local Hadassah chapter from Nebraska Uni. the best voices in the city, who have those -who. were, instrumental in com- tended the ceremony, said, "You have Women's activities at the Highland made by Dr. Nathan Ratnoff, chair- at this convention.' They will leave practiced daily in'order to make th© pleting the building," . real- Country Club will begin with a man of the committee. • - . Saturday evening, "June 26, for Bufgreat reasons to be happy One Jewish student at the Univer'play a success. "A wonderful structure to carry on ization of your dream. The forces of Woman's Golf Tournament on Tuesfalo. The plan includes the establishment sity of Nebraska and one at Creighton As an added attraction, dancing the good work that is being -done in such an institution-.should be mighty day morning, June 15. The players Preparations for the. convention of Omaha", this is the statement that is in contributing to the social, cultural; will begin their matches at 10 o'cloek of a medical department ii. connection the Zionist Organization of America University vrere graduated with •will follow the performance. All participants in the operetta will made by all who have visited the moral, and intellectual uplift of the followed by a luncheon at the Club with the Hebrew University on Mount are now fully under way. The Buf- honors this June. Scopus. This project will serve as the Lillian Margolin, daughter of Mr. be dressed in old Dutch costumes, building. " city. • • -" . ••- • — house at 12:15. In the afternoon, falo Zionist District, in cooperation The dedication exercises began "You have: been- idealistic in the cards, man jongg, tennis, golf, and cornerstone of the hospital' program .with other Zionist bodies, is prepar- and Mrs. J. I. Margolin; was graduat- which make the very quaint picture Sunday evening when more than one construction, of, such, a center," he other recreational sport -will include of the Joint Hospital Committee. ing a rousing welcome to the dele- ed from the College of Law at1 the of the presentation. The boys and girls Originally the project was the aim of thousand people filled the new audi- stated, "but idealism has marked the in the entertainment, . . gates, more than 800 of whom are ex- University of Nebraska receiving her will be dressed in the old wooden the American Physicians' Committee torium to listen to the speakers who Hebrew race since very earliest days. Reservations for this affair should pected to participate • in the sessions LL. B. cum laude, the highest honor shoes. which was organized in 1921 "with the were on the opening program. No other nation has adhered to the be made by Saturday .June 12, with The cast of characters are as fol* representing-Zionist districts, Hadas- awarded to law students. This entitles aid of Dr. Chaim Weizmann, president William L. .Holzman was. chairman clean-cut, lofty monotheism. of., the members of the committee in charge. sah Chapters and Camps of the Order her also to membership in the Order of lows: •)f the evening. Jews, and a stu^y of history reveals Mrs. Michael Katleman. is chair- of the World Zionist i3rga.znza.tion. Sons of Zion. Additional interest at- the Coif, national honorary law frater- Munherr. Hertogenosch (a rich HolBabbi Frederick, Gohn. of Temple that it -was in terms of idealism, man, and other members of her com- Through its aid two institutions, the taches -to the present convention in nity. Miss Margolin, when she received land Farmer) .....Jack Friedman Ivy Siegel Israel, pronounced the, invocation, rather than : militarism, that they mittee are Miss Hazel Degen and bio-chemical and the micro-biological view of the fact that for the first her A. B.. degree in 1924, was elected Vratrw followed by the singing of America, thought." '. ;: T \ the Mesdames Herbert Heavenrich, laboratories at the Hebrew Univer- time since 1821, active participation to Phi Beta Kappa, national honorary Wilhelmina, daughter, Bess Greenberg Hilda Helen Levinson and the presentation of the key On speaking- of the "red letter day' Sidney Manley, M. E. Handler,* Mor- sity are now being developed. in the deliberations will be taken by scholastic society. She is a member of Bob Yankee (American Kappa Beta Pi, national legal sorority of the building to Harry Lapidus marking the dedicatory exercises, ris Ferer, N. Mantel, Milton LivingIt has also provided the university former leaders of the movement inSalesman) Sam Minkin president of the Jewish Center. Rabbi Cohn stressed.the real signi- ston, Harry Rosenf eld, Harry A.'Wolf. with a medical library which consists cluding Judge Julian W. Mack, and and is ex-president and one of the or- Hans, (A Student of Music in love : ganizers of the-Nebraska chapter of •with Wilhelmina) Harry Green In accepting the key Mr. Lapidus ficance of w h a t the building "will This is the first tournament ever of 10,000 volumes, and it is now co- Dr. Stephen -S: Wise. Sigma Delta Tan sorority. For the Sranz, (A rich Farmer's son in love declared that it was on the behalf mean. Herpointed out primarily that staged by Jewish women and prom- operating with Hadassah to build the The Convention this year follows with Hilda) Sam Zacharia of the Jewry of Omaha that he did it offers an opportunity for the ma- ises' to nave a large turn-out.* It' is university X-ray laboratpry. The uni- close upon the heels of an announce- last two years she has won law Katrina . »..Xilyan Chudacoff so. "If the .Community Center is a turity of Jewish social work, and sec- the first year of golf for.. some of versity medical building, when com- ment contained -in -a -special message scholarships, amounting to remission Chorus Jeanette Levinson, Jeanetof fees. I te Sherman, Leone Novitsky, Cle ondly that ifcr gives to the .Jews of the -women, still the tournament will pleted will serve as the Snedical center from Wr. Weitzmann to Dr. Wise, as Braude, Fay Klein, Bess Haykin, Miss Margolin is the only Jewish Omaha the chance to fulfill the.func- not lack interest for .'a number^ o{ the for Palestine and the Near East.. Chairman of'the United Palestine Apand Lillian Slutzky. woman to be admitted to the Nebrastions and mission of Jfudiasm. Hadassah is already supporting a peal, reporting that statistics just women play a good game. Rev. W. J.' Grace,'- president of the "We will provide entertainment for medical program in the Holy Land. compiled -reveal the fact that the first ka bar. She plans to practice in . .__ oniiniversyyi hundred -.thousand new Jeiwsh settler? Omaha, maintains ^the* xcnrrm-n ^tpfttimg -fofa sffairr -It Catholics of : the: dty, expressed.: the •will; be one of the gayest, social Unit and is practically the only agency have entered Palestine since the conIsad«ee_E«. Oberman, son of Mr. and ,' •. More than four ,hundred people at- sentiment"thatJ. those" "whom,he Tepr events ever given at the club," said for the health development of the clusion of .the War. That event is Mrs. H. Oberman, a member of the tended therfirst"K6sher banquet given sents rejoiced—with- Omaha- Jewry Jewish communities in the Holy Land expected to play a prominent part in June graduating class at Creighton in the Jeiwsh'Community Center Mon- in the satisfaction.-and', gratification Mrs., Katleman. "The. women are ar- Beginning with an obstetrical service, creating the. atmosphere of the Con- University, is one of two pupils to get ranging for a number of. social activCentral Exercises Saturday and Tech day evening. : The entire program in the 'culmination of their dream. it has now grown into an organiza- vention, . since . it illustrates vividly his degree cum laude. Oberman inities during-the summer months." Commencement Tuesday was arranged -with Jewish music and "Knowing the~Jevs. oft Omaha to; tion which is carrying on activity the manner .in, which, the dreams of tends to practice law in Omaha. Folk songs. The Jewish Community be steady and reliable; we knew when Herzl are being realized... In order to qualify for the honor, throughout the entire land. Forty Jewish students are member* Center orchestra played during th it was first announced,; that the: proIt is understood^ also that the de- students at Creighton must earn of the June graduating class at evening. . - -. . ject would be carriedtnrough to comliberations are likely to bring to the grades of 90 or above in all their Central High School, and twentyThe banquet was a complete success plete realization." He - spoke of the surface a number of political issues studies during the six semesters they eig-ht Jewish students will receive according to all present and was ex interest that is shown in the older involving Jewish claims under the are in the College of Law. At the "Uni- tLeir diplomas from the Omaha Techceptionally favored by many of the generation, for. those, of the younger Palestine Mandate, vis-a-vis the versity of Nebraska, the honor is nical High School. Central will hold orthodox faith because it -was Oma- generation, commenting on the sacri- Game Will Be Played At Omaha Mandatory Power. The raising of awarded by faculty election to not its commencement exercises Saturday; Western League Park • Abe L. Katelman, 17, who graduha's first Kosher banquet. fices of Jewish parents: to" give their these issues is all ..the more probable, more than one-tenth of the graduating evening, June 12, at the Technical ated Friday evening from Abraham Harry A. Wolf toastmaster of the children advantages and of what the in view of the fact that the Conven- class. The • Jewish Community- Center Lincoln High School'of Council Bluffs, High School Audjioiium, ami the evening announced the many speakers Community Center will-mean to that tion occurs almost simultaneously baseball team won its eigth' straight Tech commencement will be held Iowa, was awarded a Medal at the of the evening. Cantor Shaiah Kan- younger generation., " game of the season when it defeated Commencement Exercises for writing with a session of the Permanent ManTuesday, June 15, in the school audionowitch accompanied by Ella Cohen David Sher, University of Nebraska dates Commission of the League of torium. sang several Hebrew Songs and El student, expressed the appreciation of the St. Francis Club team by a score the best Essay in the entire school Nations in Geneva,' -where a special of 32 to, 5. The Community. Center recently on a Patriotic 'subject. The Those graduating from Central are Mol Eachmim for the late Morris the youthful members of sach an orboys were hitting the ball all over the winning essay, "Reverence for the delegation of the Vaad Leumi of Palas follow?: Frank Ackerman, Frank Levy. Abner Kaiman led the -com- ganization, while Henry Monsky. in estine has proceeded for th purpose lot. • : Law", was based upon his Oratorical Blotcky, Marian Blumenthal, Euward munity singing. the closing address of the evening of laying similar" claims before the Jewish Deputies and Senators Voted Sunday afternoon, June 13 the Jewspeech on the Constitution of the I. Brodkey, Harry Fish, David ForDuring the course of the banquet eulogized the late Morris Levy, whose Moscicki Commission. Both the position of ish Community Center baseball ,tossUnited States which be represented man, Betty Furth, Donald Alloy, Sam at the instigation of the toastmaster first contribution made possible the ers will play the Kinney Shoe Co. at his school in the National Oratorical the Vaad Leumi and the World ZionWarsaw.—The votes of the Jewish Bender, David B. Bleicher, Edward toast was offered to Harry H. present building. ist Organization, it is' expected, will Western League Park. This game Lapidus, president of the Jewish ComRabbi H._ Grodzinsky closed the will be called at 1:30 p. m. and is the Contest which was held recently at be strengthened by action that may deputies and senators in the Polish Green, Dave Greenberg, Bess Haspel, Sioux City, Iowa. National Assembly were cast for Dt Jacob J. Kaimen, Helen Kohn, Morris munity Center who was called out of dedicatory services j with . a Hebrew be taken-by the Zionists of America, feature amaetuer : game of "the day, Young Katelman's average for the Ignace Moscicki in the second pre- Lazerowitz, Mitchell Lewis, Joe Lins* the city. Denediction followed by the audience The Kinney Shoe team is in second Louis Lipsky, Chairman of the Orentire four years at High School was sidential election -which resulted in man, Anna Lintzman, Leon Z. Mandel"Omaha can justly feel proud of singing a Jewish hymn, "Hatikva." ganization, has just returned from place in the league standing. 94.56%, the second highest average the election of Moscicki, with a ma- son, Rita L. Mantel, Ruth Kaplan, this building", said William R.Blum"The Jewish Community Center received. He was awarded a certi- London where,-it is understood, he jority of 280 to 200. Euth Kendis, Julius Margolin, Maurico enthal. It is a wonderful structure, team is one of the best on the city ficate of Scholarship for this. He conferred with Dr. Weizmann and The 280 votes cast for Moscicki in- Miller, Albert Reuben, Mac Riekes, but this building needs the body and lots today", said Nathan E. Green, "has taken active parts in all the other leaders of the- movement, with cluded those of the left and center Max Rosenthal, Harry H. Rubenstein, soul of the community and it needs manager. Every loyal follower of the school activities, and was a prominent respect to the .-proposed loan for Pal- parties, the Jewish Club and the Ger- Ellis N. Shafton, Gerakline Silverman, the support of all in the city". estine arid other uatters of great mo1 The Jeiwsh Community Center team should be at next Sundays' member of the Debate Squad. He man deputies. The 200 votes for Joe Silverman, Hershel A. Soskin, "This building is a monumental ment. It is expected that Mr. Lipsky game. was recently initiated into "the Quill Count Bninsld were cast by the righ Tobie Steinberg, Joseph M. Turner, "work to the many who have dreamed restaurant will .be. open. Monday noon The following men are members of and Scroll", a National Honorary Fra- will report to the Convention on these parties. Sixty three votes were blank, Rose Wilfson, Florence Wolf, Hyman of this building", said Joe L. Wolf. to serve complete kosher lunches and matters. • :. .* . including those of the Slavic national Riklin, Stanley Shapire. It was through the gift of the late dinners. The kitchen of the new the Jewish Community Center team ternity for exceptional Journalism Louis Somberg, Captain, Dave .Bleichstudents. During the past year, young Morris Levy that the building first building is; one of the finest in the minorities. The Technical High Graduates are started and through the untiring ef- country antl is in charge of the well er,Lest er Giventer, Sidney Coren- Katelman "eras a member of the It is believed that President Mos- listed below: Sophie Spar, Ethel Simfort of the energetic Harry Lapidus known cateress, Mrs. S. Nathan. The man, Leo Konecky, Leo .Weitz, Aaron Echoes Staff, the High School weekly cicki is a man of liberal policy and is on, Esther Cohen, Sadie Beber, Helen that carried on.the work. He was first Kosher banfluet".held" Monday Weitz,.Isadore Shreibman, Joe Tur- paper. friendly to the Jews. He is reported to Janger, Sam Warshaw, Etta Frischt Max Fromkin'-was -elected president have been a strong opponent of the Jennie Friedman, Sam Cutler, George constantly thinking of the Jewish evening met with approval of all who ner, Johnny Rosenblatt, Al Handler and Sammy Kaufman. Community Center and through his were present. of the Omaha Hebrew Club at its numerous clauses aerainst Jewish Stu- Cohan, Rose Kaplan, Rose Katzman, SPECIAL SERVICES leadership completed the best finansemi-annual election of officers held dents at the University of Lemberg Etta Cohan, Celia Wolk, Abe Weiner, "I am now ready to serve any numcial drives ever undertaken in the ber of people for any occasion", said Sunday afternoon, -June 6. Other of- when he was professor there. Lem- Ann Kuback, Dorothy Abrams, Mary, Cantor Shaiah Kohanowitch, will ficers elected are A. V. Frank, vicecity." : Mrs. Nathan. Special luncheons will Ka-De-Mo Dance berg- leader of the Zionist movement Claire Shames, Rose Shamberg, Harry special hymns for the Shabbos president^ Sol- Rosenberg, secretary This Sunday Evening chant and of the Jewish students, urged the Saferstein, Isadore Perimeter, Lucille Mrs. Morris Levy, widow of the be prepared every day". Rosh Hodesh Services on Friday evelate Morris Levy was presented with A feature entertainment at- the ning and Saturday morning at the John Feldman,* treasurer; and A. Kap- Jewish deputies to vote for him. Greenfield, Harry Grossman, Adelaide a life membership card engraved in JAMES N. ROSENBERG AND DR.; Ka-Dee-Mo Club dance to be given Beth Hamedrosh Hagodol Synagogue. lan, B. G. ShVpiro',' A. Richards, trustThe president will be sworn into Greenberg, Bess Goldware, Dorothy ees. ': " L . •. j •_ • gold.! office on Friday. KAHN ARRIVE IN BERLIN Sunday evening, June 13, at Keep's Cohen, Leo Moskovitz, Lillian FreeMoe than 200 members attended the Professor Moscicki studied for five man, Speakers for the evening were Sam Dancing'Academy, "will be an exhibiBerlin.—James-N» Rosenberg and tion of the latest dances by Don Mc- 25,000 ATTEND VASZONLI'S election.. The • installation of officers years in England. During his stay -Beber, Fred White, Dr. Philip Sher, Irvin Stalmaster, Nathan Bernstein, Dr. Bernard Kahn arrived here from Farland, who- is instructor of a dancFUNERAL IN BUDAPEST vail be held at the' next meeting- to there he was the editor of the "Ro; be held Sunday, afternoon, June 20, in botimik", the organ of the Polish So- Jewish Girls Elected OfH."Mageduas, director of the Kansas Moscow. They -received representa- ing school in the east. ' City Y. M. H. A., Harry Malashock, tives of the German .press on their cialist Party which was at that time A suction fan has been installed in Budapest.—Twenty five thousand the Jewish Community Center. . ficers of Tech Debate Club , : -'."'• '-..A. B. Alpirn.J. Malashock, I. Stern- arrival. prohibited in Russian Poland. the dance hall during the summer in persons attended the funeral of WilMr. Rosenberg a n d ..Dr. Kahn left order that the hall will be cool for liam Vaszonyi, Hungarian Jewish South Side".Synagogue hill, Max Fromkin, S. Ravitz, and All officers elected by the Cogide, for Paris. / V: : to Give Picnic July 4 FINISHES SCHOOL Mrs. N. Mantel. dancing. Girl's Debating Club at Tech High statesman, who died on Saturday. Messages of congratulations were HAIFA TECHIiTICtHUb The procession marched through The South- Side Congregation of WITH HIGH GRADES School, are Jewish girls. Anne Kotftenreceived from L. Kirshbraun, Sol the streets of Budapest,^ here all the Israel are- making plans for a picnic For the fourth consecutive year berg was elected president; Bessie TO BE COLLEGE 986 JEWS LEFT POLAND Brodkey, David" Feder, J. Katelman FOR PALESTINE stores were closed. Mourning ban- on Sunday, • July 4, at the German Elberta Cohen, daughter of Mr. and Spar, vice-president; Ida Babior, secA. Cohn and Ralph M. Holzman. Jerusalem.-—J; T; A.) The: Hebrew ners were displayed. The procession Home. * • . : Mrs. Robert Cohen, of Nebraska City, retary; Sophie Handler, treasurer; Miss Dorothy Lustgarten gave sevr Technicum of : Haifa be transWarsaw.—Nine hundred and eighty halted at the City Hall and the Great Proceeds of- the affair will go to- -has finished the school term with an Lillian Iipsey, reporter; Naomi Cohn, era! violin selections accompanied by formed into a tefcihnical college, ac- six Jewish emigrrtnts left for Pales- Synagogue in Tabak Street. Rabbis wards the rebuilding of the Syna- average of 100 per cent in each of parliamentarian; and Jeanette Levin» Ida Lustgarden. Miss Ivy Seigal sang cording" to a decision of the last tine during Ihe month of April, ac- Hevesi Ripka and Barczy Ripka eulo- gogue. '• ' ' her five studies. Elberta passed into son and Pansy Brown, sergant-atseveral Jewish Folk songs accom- meeting of the Board of Directors of cording to figures made known here. gized the late the late statesman. A committte has been appointed to the eigth A grade at Fourteenth arms. panied by Mrs. Henry Monsky on the the Technicnm. J The majority of the emigrants are All members of the Opposition party make arrangements for the picnic. Street school and will enter the High The club has a membership of thirty piano. Mr. Nathan Yaffe sane sevThe change will become-effective(artisans, agriculturists and skilled were present, including Vasz, Andras- A. Lipsman is chairman of the com- school at the Mid-year next winter. girls, and is one of the first g eral .son* numbers. •laborers next yeai sv and Pallavichini mittee. - 'Miss Elizabeth Boese was her teacher. debating clubs organized at Te«*-
Women's Golf Tournament at Highland Tuesday Morning
Two Jewish Law Students Receive Cum Laude Honors
Four Hundred Attend first Kosher
S i x t y - d g i t Jewish Higis- • ••=•
School Students lo Graduate
J. C. C. Baseball Team to Play Kinney Shoes Sunday Council Bluffs Boy
Graduates With Honors
New Polish President Has Liberal Attitude To Jews
Jewish Community Center Dining Room Open Monday
Omaha Hebrew - Elect Semi-Annntl Officers
PAGE 2—THE JEWISH PRESS—THURSDAY, JUNE 10, 1926 played baseball -with Waco. I t wasDETAILS IN MARQUIS HEADING'S BIOGRAPHY DISthere that McGraw's men spotted the Jewish boy. Those scouts had first CLOSED BY GERMAN' FIRM ' Published every Thursday at Omaba^ ttebttaaka. by decided to let him get some seasoning in the bush leagues. But when TraTHE JEWISH PEESS PUBLISHIjJG COMPANY by "STAN" vis Jackson was injured, and Eddie Cologne.—A contribution to tin By HAREY CONZEL Officet 490 Brarideis Theatre Bnilding — Telephone: ATIantio 1450. New York,—(J. T. A.)—The HaFarrell didn't make much of his shortbiography of the Marquis of Reading, (Copyright 11)25 by Seven Arts The Jewish Community Center base- koah Soccer Team was the recipient NATHAN E. GREEN, Manager. stop substituting, the boy from Texas the only Jewish Marquis in England Feature Syndicate.) ball team won their first game of the of many honors at the farewell dinwas hurried to New York to see if he .$2.50. Subscription Price, one year. couldn't help the Giants from slipping was made in an communication of t second round last Sunday when they ner given at the Hotel Pennsylvania to the bottom of the ladder. It isn't Jewish firm to the "Judische Liberate Advertising rates furnished on application. massacred the St. Francis Club to the on the eve of the team's departure ANDY COHEX, surprising- to see the confidence that CHANGE OF ADDRESS—Please give both the old and new address: tune of 32 to 5. The victory was the from-the United States. They were THE GREAT JEWISH is placed in Cohen; when it is known Zeiting." be sore and give your name. The firm Junker Heynemann, vegeeighth consecutive win for the Jewish presented with membership in . the tha't McGraw paid something like $20,000 and a seasond player for thetable brokers, furnished the following Sportsmanship Brotherhood and with BALL-PLAYER The Jewish' Press la supplied by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency (Jewish lads. Time and again the fact has been twenty-two year old wonder. Correspondence Bureau) with cabled and telegraphic Jewish news, in addition information concerning the early comThe Center boys hammered five silver cups presented by Abraham to feature articles and correspondences from all important Jewish centers. Club hurlers for 21 hits four of which Goldberg for the Zionist Organiza- bewailed that Jews don't seem to take mercial career of the Marquis. to America's national pastime. ReInquiries regarding news items credited to this Agency wiD be gladly tion, Dr. Henry Moskowitz, who precords are trotted out to show that In 1877 Isaac Rufus was sent to - answered if addressed to Jewish Telegraphic Agency, 621 Broadway, New were home runs. The 82 counters tied are top notchers in the realm of Germany by his father who at that the seasons scoring record which was sided, for the Ort and Dr. S. Mar- they - York City. ' It must be admitted that John Mcboxing, that they even cut a pretty goshes for "The Day". Mr. Waald- figure made by the Castie Hotel team. in running togs, and that theyj Graw isn't paying out big sums of time ran a potato and fruit business mir Jabotinsky in his address said Syd Corenman and Johnny Rosenare outstanding as basketball heroes money like that merely for an unus- in London. Young Isaac was sent for THE LIGHT blatt were the heavy stick wielders. that the service the Hakoah rendered and football stars. But baseball hasual minor league. It is safe to saythe purpose of purchasing potatoes. Among the eight hundred persons who attended the dedica- Syd garnering two circuit clouts to the Jewish people was to awaken few Jews on its roster. Innumerable that if Andy Cohen had been an Irish- While in Germany he went to Madgepsychological reasons have been ad- man, he would have had as much of! burg- where he decided to remain a tory exercises of Omaha's new Jewish Community Center building scoring runners each time. Johnny price in the Jewish youth. He con-vanced, as to why the Jew isn't warming the Giants' players' bench,! cluded with the wish, "Let there be were many non-Jewish representatives. One of the speakers was also socked out two homers scoring .particularly proficient on'the eliamond. as of being given the managership year to learn the business. During The fact remains that only two Jews of the New York team. But Newthat time he was befriended by GusRev. W. J. Grace, head of Creighton university, a great Catholic six runs. The work of the entire team many like you in Israel." have been anywhere near prominent York City has over a million and a tav Heynemann, the head of the Jewinstitution of learning. Another was Rev. B. ij. Jenkins, a Pres- was much better than that of last Dr. I. H. Koerner, president and in baseball for the last five years: half Jews. . .... ish community of Madgeburg at that when the fielding was miserable- founder of the Hokoah, expressed Sammy Bohrie of Cincinnati and Si byterian and president of Omaha university. Both congratulated week time. Mr. Heynemann died in 1924. Sammy Kaufman, the Center's gratitude to President Coolidge, Gov- Rosehth'ai"of Boston. Of course, there AMERICAN the Jews upon their enterprise and high aspirations, Both hurling ace, started on the mound for ernor Smith, Mayor Walker, the re-have been Moe Berg and Moe Solo- HAKOAH? Among his effects was found a picture predicted for Omaha a better and more intelligent understanding the Hebrew lads but gave way to Alception committees, the various or- mon^both of whom were tried out by We are in receipt of the following of Reading when he was seventeen. New York Giants and found want- letter: The picture was sent to Lord Reading among the peoples of different races and creeds as a result of the Handler with the score standing 28 ganizations and the Jewish press, the ing. "It seems to me that you a s the which helped to make the tour a sucwho was then Viceroy of India. This to 2 in his favor in the seventh inning. great social program now being formally launched by the Jewish John McGraw, the dean of Ameri- leading Jewish sports writer in this r cess. "The Hakoah has succeeded in brought an acknowledgement from Al v. as a wee bit erratic giving the can baseball has often said that he people of the community. country ought to be the first to take Saints three runs in the last inning. linking all groups of the Jewish pub- would-.-, give-$100,000 for a Jewish up the cudgels against the current the Viceroy, thanking the executors • Most rational beings have abandoned the idea of ever gather- Both pitchers batted well. Kaufman lic. I am happy that we have met player on his teana. The box-office propoganda for establishing a phot for the thought which prompt them on such an asset are urdn- of American Hokoah. I t may be necing all the peoples of the world under one religious banner. Race getting one hit out of one acredited Vladimir Jabatinsky here and I will -returns" magineable. He tried out various essary and certainly advisable for j to send him the picture. if nothing else would prevent it—and there would be plenty else. time at bat. Handler did twice as take back to Europe the message men, but they didn't-measure up toJews in Europe to organize their own big-league standards. Now he hassports club, in view of the fact that One might as profitable undertake, to change the leopard's spots well getting two hits. Every member that we have found our leader in found Andrew Howard Gohen, of El him", Dr. Koerner declared. He anof the Center team improved his majority of sporting dubs in CUZA ELECTED TO as to make a shouting Methodist out of a high-church Episcopalian batting average more or less., Thenounced that at a general meeting of' Paso,-Texas, who promises tofillthethe ROUMANIAN PARLIAMENT many of the Continental countries do . not permit Jews as members. The or to convince a Mohammedan of the indispensable necessity of St. Francis squad was defeated in the the Hakoah in Vienna* Nathan Straus bill. Hokoah is certainly a fine organizaBucharest.—Dr. Alexander Cuza, total immersion. But Christian unity by no means implies first round by the smaller margin of and Dr. Moskowitz were appointed tion and has given a remarkable dis- leader of the Roumanian anti-Semites honorary members of the Club. Natheological unity. Good will and brotherly love are not dependent 10 to 3. play of gentlemanliness and sportsin this country, anri has un-is among the nine anti-Semitic depuupon credal unanimity. Dave Bleicher> the slugging catcher than Straus, Jr. was appointed as- "The Jewish lad, who is only twenty- manship doubtedly done a great deal to en-ties who were elected to the Roumanwas elected captain of the 1926 p on the J. C. C. nine, returned to. the sociate member. Mr. Straus and Dr.two, hance the prestige of the Jews, but I ian parliamaent in the recent elecj J i & i t f A l b b b l The Founder of Christianity never ceased to stress the im- game Moskowitz are the first foreign hon..jJtiiT&rsity. of Alabama baseball team, think their visit to this country weuld after a layoff of two weeks due portance of worshipping the Father in spirit and in truth. He to an injured digit. Dave caught Al orary members of the Club. Mr. bW He couldn't return to his Alma be if anyone or any group tions.. Mater, because he wanted to help ©f regrettable persons was inspired to form a The other anti-Semitic leaders didn't like the high-hatting symptoms that cropped out now and during Al's brief period on the hill. Abraham Tuvin spoke of the need of his younger brother get through the similar cine. the Hakoah for better facilities, eselected include Zelea Codrianu, ProUniversity, so that his mother -who then among the more exclusively inclined of His disciples. They Dave will catch "Hurling Sammy pecially a swinmming pool. Mrs. An"There are plenty of fine sports fessor Shuittupianu and Professor keeps a small store in .El Paso Kaufman" this Sunday when the J. clubs in this country, and all of them, couldn't understand how He could, waste time with the adulterous Rosenberg who assisted Mr. Tur- wouldn't have to work so hard. without exception, admit and Poulesko. C. C. tangles with the second place na .woman of Samaria, but He could understand! vim in arranging the American tour Andy Cohen is now occasionally almost welcome Jews. There i s no reason Kinney Shoe team. The Kinneys have playutg- shortstop for the Giants, and the world why Jews should go back And more anti more as the centuries spin down the vast lost only one game to date and that of the team, expressed the hope of an they say-that he maintains the bril- in early return of the Hakoah Soccer liant traditions -set up by the greatest to ghetto life, when i t isn't a t all abyss of time men are coming to understand. They begin to see was to the J. C. C. during the first team. Dr. Julius Krausz stated that Jewish ball-player of all time, Johnny necessary. I should greatly appreseeing you stop this type of that if the love of God is to dwell with any considerable degree of round by the score of 10 to 4. Comwhile the moral success of-the tour Klifig of the Chicago Cubs, who was ciate poppycock and sutfely a great many parative and previous scores, mean known as one of the quickest thinkers •" permanency and effectiveness within the human heart, then the had been great, it had not been finanother American Jews -would like t e when two fighting teams tangle. cially successful. He stated that the who ever iked through a catcher's see an.. end of this, vicious type of ., love of man must dwell there, too. Of course it is hard for many little mask. Cohen's finest attributes as a Lester "Indian" Giventer who hasHakoah faced a deficit for its work VtBSTER exclusiveness. shortstop are.his coolness and poise. •'• a devout Catholic to figure out how the Jew can think as he does. been subbing for Bleicher behind the of providing physical education for "Stop the Jews from running away O729 Nothing rattles him, and though from everybody. •••.' It must be tremendously difficult for the dear old Baptist mother bat caught a nice game and proved thousands of orphans, many from under great mental strain he remains MARK HYMAN. , who was totally and unequivocally immersed forty years ago toto be an able substitute. Galicia and Russia, and in feeding outwardly composed and calm. We do not agree with Mr. Hyman His batting average of .320 for last Syd Corenman waa, an elusive and clothing them. Dr. G. Randolph understand how the Teosophist gets that way. It would be indeed a healthy thing is indicative of his ability as if streak of greased lightning in theManning also addressed the gather- aseason the Hakoah succeeded in forming hitter. With seasoning tie promises But this tempestuous old world will grow better and itsfield and made several hair-raising ing. branches country. The -»ew to measure up to the standing of the competing inasthis Public Accountants and Auditors a Jew does not r u t ' struggling inhabitants will ascend to higher and higher religious, putouts. other famous ex-Texas, Leaguers, away : :."••.: from himself, and what is more Th» Hakoah soccer team sailed toRogers Hornsby and Tris Speaker. ISADORE ABRAMSON moral and social planes in proportion to the growth of a spirit of Capt. Somberg played his usual fast day V ©n the Berengaria. Sevcrel The Jewish star is noted particularly important, nor from anybody else. Public Accountants and it is any case wrong to view it friendly .tolerance oh the part of every man for every other man. and heady game at first base. hundred admirers were at the pier to for his lightning-like defense work. But Auditors as running from everybody. Jewish The Center-Kinney game will be Andy is short and rather thick-set, Only by permitting, to each person the right to worship €iod in his bid"farewell -to the team. competing as such agairw INCOME TAX SERVICE with a broken nose as the result of athletes played at Omaha Western League ball nationalities help in a harmon« 5 own way can humanity at last grasp that peace which passeth park as a preliminary to the C. B. & his football work. But that didn't other SYSTEMS—AUDITS ious understanding between Jew and keep Andy from being one of theGentile. understanding. More and more we are coming to see the light. Q.—Murphy-DidJt tussle. The first FRIBNtT OF VASZONY* INVESTIGATIONS fastest shortstops in the South. COMMITS SUCIDE .—World-Herald. game will start promptly at one-thir490 Brandeis Theater Building Among other records he hung up Good name in man stuJ •woman . . . Phone ATlantic 1450 ty o'clock. The Jewish people of Budapest.—The stock exchange while playing with the Waco team Is the immediate jewel of their souls. one for double plays. Omaha should turn out enmasse to commissioner Varkonyi, a lifelong A L L d P ONE HOUSEHOLD . . __ Shakespeare.
Hakoah Honored at Dinner Before Departure
Our Sporting Column
cheer their Champions against their friend of Joseph Vasronyi, Hungarian
Dedication of the Jewish Community Center amounts to strongest foe. Jewish statesman who died on Satursomething'a little more than merely adding another clubhouse to day, committed sueide, jumping from Omahars rapidly growing collection of such edifices; More than The Evelyn Adler-Ruih McClenagan a window on the third floor. The a place for the Jews to meet, also. It was attended by such sig- tennis match for the girls* city tennis reason for his act was given as grief nificant demonstration as must impi'ess any with the actual pro- championship was calied off till the for the death of his friend, Vaszonyi. later part of this week due to in-athletic field and in the schoolroom. gress of the world. Catholic, Presbyteiian and Jewish were the speakers of the clement weather. Sammy is a Chicago youth studying at Creighton. occasion. Dedicatory exercises were.marked by ample evidence George Bernstein, former.-W. 6. W. that the old spirit of intolerance that divided the world along class A baseball star and now a mem- Arthur Swartz, former Tech high sectarian or racial lines is disappearing. It was made plain that ber of the Polish Welfare Club in the school catcher who was with Omaha mankind truly is of one family and household. That divisions Southern league, is socking the ball in the Western league last season and are more apparent than real, and that America truly is the melt- with terrific force and regularity of part of this season, was released seving pot in which the dross of prejudice is burned out> leaving the late and bids fair to make a deter- eral weeks ago. Art is still in town mined stand for Jeague leading but is planning on signing up with a pure metal of true relationship. v v * I slugging honors, ball team of lower classification than This does not mean that men will no longer divide on beliefs, oeneis, | ' * * : Omaha. Art is only a youngster and on creeds, or on policies. It does mean, though, that men are The athletic director and his as-has many years of good baseball BO longer held so far apart they can not co-operate on matters sistant a t *the Jewish Community ahead of him. He will probably be of mutual interest because of individual belief. Catholic, Protes- Center have their work cut out forseen in an Omaha uniform again next tant, Jew, find they have so much in common, so many interests them. I t seems as if the aquatic fame year or perhaps in a suit of some of the pair has spread f a r and wide major league club. tihat ran side by side, they are foolish to let any religious difference for nearly every new member of the Ijeep them from their high goal. . Center has to be taught how t o swim We congratulate Jewry of Omaha on the auspicious dedication and dive. The Jewish people of jfciur "motto "is"mGH "QUALITY ef a beautiful home. A place where they can meet, and from Qmaha are fortunate to possess such \vhich should radiate only good. Influence that will be the more talented instructors for their physical The director is one of the beneficial if carried forward in the spirit under which the home classes. most well known athletes in this sec\yas devoted to its future destiny. As a focus for their activity, tion of the country. He is one of the NOT BUY THE BEST? the Jews will find in it the actual presence of the liberty they few men in Omaha who have been WHY You can trade your old looked for in America. That should inspire them to the exempli- given the power to pass on and judge pocket-watch or wrist watch for a NEW ONE. fication of that liberty in'the direction pointed by the speakers on prospective swimming stars for the;':! American Red Cross life saving Siinday. Thus will the new home become a real center of good honors. He is also a past master in ;fpr all in Omaha.—Bee. • the four major branches of sport. ... w '
Andy Coheh is not only a sensation for Jewish players, but he is one of the most remarkable youngsters developed in baseball within the last decade. It roust be remembered that he is just fresh from college, and that he had only three month's experience in the minor leagues. His biographical record informs us that he was captain of the. El Paso High School Basketball Team, and led it to two Texas State Championships. He was no slouch at any of the major sports, and captured honors in all of them. He was signed by the Galveston Club when he was only eighteen. He next
CLUB DANCE a t — .
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The assistant athletic director is a i*::::::iiiiHH:::::::1508 Douglas St.i-Uiii:::::::::::!-:-:: young man htill in college and who is able to devote part of his time to work of this tort. He id also a four letter athlete in school,
Our No Sale Policy Brings Super Values — at —
The sporting editors of the daily papers have been devoting columns of spuco to the prowcBS of one Andy Cohen, u former southern university diamond star, Cohen is being: given a try-out with the New York Giants in 1926—5687 the National League. He is a short1 .Tishri ' 1—First Day of New Year .—...............Sept. 9 atop of tried ability and has been ,,TishrL 3r-Gast of Gedaliah Sept. 11 inserted in the Giants line-up several ',l*Iifhii 10—Yom Kippur Sept. 18 times in the last two weeks. But [ right here in Omaha is a young Jcwl i s h ball player who has been offered • I a try-out with the Baltimore Orioles, SWEEPS TWO JEWISH destroyed. More than 200 houses* a class A team. But Sammy KaufTOWNS IN RUSSIA were burned, located mainly in tho man refused to turn professional and Jewish quarters. Several Christian thus we are able to use him to win our Jewish Community Center ball ,• '"'Moscow'.—Fires we're reported in children were, burned to death. games./, Kaufman is one of. the -fresh-: ida'i government-of Smolensk, and, In -Hurodok, 60 Jewish "houses' were .ilestr^yed., Many'^.inhabjtajnjts1^ werel^ap'-herpis^at,Creighton-University /cjrpa'pk;, • government, of; Kiev.t Zlb'e town of T"-Ma was practically injured* Cattle was fawned.,'"' ' . f where he-expects-to . shine; > h . Tammuz—>Rosh Chodesh........... Tammuz 17—Fast of Tammuz *. Al> 1—Rosh Chodesh Ab 9—Fast of Ab~. ."._, EHul—Rosh Chodesh ...,
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PAGE 3—THE JEWISH PRESS—THURSDAY, JUNE 10, 1926 Plumer is only a figure-head, the real Hadassah Card Party After June 15th, Mrs. Mary Omahans Return fnun Wednesday Afternoon at J. C C. Hadassah Convention in K. C. and son Albert, of Council Bluffs will ruler is Col. Symes, whom Sir Her-
EOHN—SEGALL More than one hundred guests attended the wedding of Miss Ida Segall, sister of Mr. and Mrs. Harry R. Milder, to Mr. George Kohn, son of Mr. and Mrs, Dave Kohn, solemnized on Sunday, June 6, at the B'nai Israel Synagogue. Miss Irene Kohn, sister of the groom, and Miss Jeanette Sherman, were the bride's attendants. little Miss Roberta Truehaft, niece of the bride, was the ringbearer. Leo Milder, nephew of the bride, and Fred White, were the groom's attendants. Miss Bertha Greenhouse sang "At Dawning", accompanied by Blanche Greenhouse. Mr. Kohn and his bride are making their home at the Chandler Apart: : ment. ' :. -••'
Mr. and Mrs. D. Blumenthal announce the engagement of their daughter, Esther, to Sam Guttman, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. S. Guttman, of this city. No wedding date has been
Miss Rita Mantel, who is graduating from Central High School this Saturday evening, will leave Wednesday for an extensive trip to California. She will visit there for summer.
s e t .
: ; , • / .
: '
Dr. and Mrs. A. Romm atmoufloe the engagement of. their daughter, Gertrude, to Dr. Irving• Rabton, of this. city. •? ^ Miss Romm is a graduate of the Omaha University,and Dr. Rapkin is a graduate of the Nebraska Medical school.";- ^ ' •••/ The wedding will takeplace, July 25. ; ' Mr. and Mrs. Joe 'Wintrdub and soin,
for Chicago, EL, where they will meet their daughter, Ruth, who is attending "the Chicago Dramatic Art and Expression ' School. From /Chicago m., Ithey: will leave to visit in other eastern cities. They will return home in about a month.
"AUNT ESTHERS SERVES , VeaJ Pot roast and noodles Brown pototoes Tomato- and cucumber salad Bread rolls Tea Strawberries and Lemon Coockies, Parva Pot roast, a 3 pound veal shoulder, add seasonings and let cook until done. Prepare broad noodles. Boil in salt water until tender. Drag in and % hour before serving add noodles to juice of veal or gravy and let cook slowly untiL hot. Serve with meat. • Veal is at its best in the months of April, May, June. BROWN POTATOES Peel as many potatoes as you like. Roll well in salt. Place 1 cup of fat in shallow pan. Place in thisthe potatoes and bake in hot oven until well browned. Sbpuld be turned after one side is * brown. Potatoes baked in this way do not absorb the fat and this may be used again. LEMON COOKIES, PABYA 2/3 cup any cooking oil Grated rind of one lemon and : juice of % lemon 1% cups sugar This mixture to be well creamed. Add to this 2 well beaten eggs; JA teaspon salt,. % tablespoons ..cold water, 3 cups flour, 1 teaspoon cream of tartar and % teaspoon soda. Shape into 2 rolls, chill over night and slice and bake in a moderate oven. .""
Mrs. Julius Wefl and son, Eobert, of Mr. and Mrs. M. Goldsmith, of DeHINTS FOR COOKING ON A Lincoln, are visiting with Mrs. Weil's troit, Mich.; formerly of Omaha, anLARGE SCALE mother, Mrs. Carry Livingston. nounce the birth of a baby daughter 1 lb. butter gives 36 pats. Miss Bluma Neveleff, daughter of born Sunday, June 6- . Coffee—-20 cups to 1 gallon. Mr. and Mrs. L. Neveleff, who was Cream—1 quart for 33 cups. Mrs. David P. JFeder and daughter, -recently operated on for appendicitis, Aileen Phyllis, vfiH arrive: Wednesday, Cheese—3 lbs for 100 servings. Ice cream—1 gallon serves 36. is convalescing at the Nicholas Serm June 16, fromMiamiBeach, Ma., to Whipped cream—1. quart when Hospital. visit here with her parents, Mr. and whipped will cover 5 large pies. Miss Bess Katz, who has been mak- Mrs. A. B. ^Alpirn, arid with Dr. and HOUSEHOLD HINTS ing her home in Minneapolis, Minn., Mrs. M. E. Stein. They will spend the summer months here. is returning to Omaha next. week. In making a one crust pie be sure that both crust and fillin are Mrs. Abe BoHter entertained at a cold and avoid soggy pie crust. Miss Rosaline Goldstein, daughter of Mr. and/Mrs. A. Goldstein, a; stu- bride-luncheon at the Fontenelle Hotel Water may take the place of dent of the IJbrfhwestern University, on Saturday afternoon in honor of her milk in any cake. will visit in Chicago, HL, for several daughter, Freda. Covers were laid for weeks, expecting to arrive home about twelve guests. In-warm weather strain soup to be used the next day as onion July 1. ; Mr. LouisPolsky, of Kansas -City, sours easily. Mrs. Cora Wolf is returning Friday Mo., is visiting here with his fiancee, Do not put fried fish in ice box. from Denver, Colo., where she visited Miss Rose Fonnan. Mr. and Mrs. Joe [f you are in a hurry to cut noodles with her sister, Mrs. Walter Appel. Baum entertained at dinner followed sprinkle flour over sheet before While there she attended the gradua- by bridge Sunday evening at their rolling. They will cut thinner. tion' exercises of her niece, Dorothy home in honor of the couple. Bell" Appei:' "Miss Dorothy Bell" Appel Mr. Morris Minkin returned from tary; MrsV H» Okun, financial secreis accompanying her aunt to Omaha an extended trip to Dallas and tary; Mrs. H. Rubenstein, recording to spend the summer months here. Houston, Tex.' While there he at- secretary; the Mesdames M-TatJe, M; Mrs. J. Blank is entertaining Satur- tended the State Zionist Convention. Rosenstein, M. Bienstock, J. Rnkel, day at a luncheon at her home in Enroute he visited in Kansas M. Fish and I. H. Weiner, will serve >: honor of her sister, Miss Gladys Mo.;'':': v-": - ' on the executive board, and Mrs. L. Meyer, who will be a July bride. Adler was elected treasurer for the Mrs. H. Ziegman and Mrs.;-A. Other social events are being planned fifth term. Pradell will entertain at a one o'clock for this bride-to-be. . ' . . . ' luncheon today in honor of Mrs.vjtt. Mr. Nate Mantel is returning home Goldring, of Los Angeles, Calif., Omaha Chapter of the Order of A* today from an extended Western trip. house guest of Mrs, E. Marcos, of 2. A. will hold business meeting Council Bluffs, and Mrs. J. IXKendis, Wednesday nite at the Jewish ComMr. and Mrs. William Wintroub an- of Sedalia, Mo., who is visiting with munty Center building. The swimnounce the birth of a baby daughter, her mother, Mrs. E. Pearlman. Mrs. Lois, horn. Friday morning, June 4, at Maurice Linsman, a recent bride, and the Clarkson Hospital. Mrs. Wintroub Mrs. Carl Studna, of Kansas City, was formerly Miss Anita Sorif, of this Mo., who is the guest of her parents, city.. ; • . . • • Mr. and Mrs. D. Blumenthal, will share honors. -Hostesses for Miss Sara Babior, who is soon to become the bride of Miss Ethel Steinberg, who was Hyman Brown, of Council Bluffs, la., visiting here with Miss Sarah Somare Mrs. George Steinberg, who gave berg, left for her home in Ft.Do3ge, a luncheon at the Fontenelle Hotel on Iowa. Tuesday afternoon; the Mesdames N. Mrs. Jack Hose, of Chicago, HI., is S. Yaffe, L. Margolin, L Hurwitz, and G. Margolin Wednesday at luncheon visiting here with her: parents, Mr. at the Fontenelle; and this noon, Mrs. and Mrs. J. Kooper. Mrs. Bose -will A. D. Givot is giving a luncheon at be remembered as Miss Hannah the Fontenelle Hotel. Others who are Kooper, of this city. She will visit J to be hostesses for Miss Babior are here for six weeks. the Mesdames B. Garrop, M. Polonsky, Mrs. Carl Studna and son, Harlan, it: and B. Fleishman. of Kansas City, Mo., are visiting with Miss Eosella Klein left Sunday for Mrs. Studna's parents, Mr. and Mrs. an extended trip to Texas and Cali- D. Blumenthal. While here they will attend the graduation of Miss Miriam fornia. Blumenthal from Central High School. Mrs. J. Berkowitz, who 'recently Mr. Studna will arrive to spend the broke her arm, is convalescing at her week-end here. home. Miss Esther Swislowsky, who was the guest of Miss Kate Goldstein, left In honor of her daughter, Mrs. J. for her home in Columbus, Nebr. D. Kendis, of Sedalia, Mo., Mrs. Elizabeth Pearlman entertained thirtyMiss Bernice Kully left Thursday five guests at a bridge-luncheon at for Los Angeles, Calif., where the Blackstone Hotel. Prizes were won visit with her sisters, Mrs. D. C. Goldby the Mesdames H. Hirschman, L. ware and Mrs. L. K. Shostak, former G. Kendis, A. Pradell, Simon Neveloff, Omahans. Miss Kully will visit there and Morris Rosenblatt. Guest prizes for the remainder, of the summer were given to Mrs. Kendis and Mrs. months. Goldring, of Los Angeles, Calif. Mrs. Mrs. Harry Eose and daughter, Kendis and daughter, Evelyn, will leave in. about two weeks for their Dorothy, of St. Joseph, Mo., arrived Monday noon, to visit with her mother, home in Sedalia. Mrs. Mamie Kneeter, for several Mr. and Mrs. Samuel I. Block of weeks. Venice, California, formerly of Fremont, Nebraska, announce the BarCLUBS Mitzvah of their son, Milton Gerald An important meeting of the DeBlock on Saturday, June 5 at Conborah Society will be held Tuesday gregation Mischan-Tephilo. After afternoon, June 15, at the Jewish services a noon luncheon was served to sixty guests at Mariana Inn. Out- Community Center. of-town guests present were Mr. Har- The Ladies Free Loan Society electry I. Block of North Platte, \Nebr. ed the following officers at their meetand from Council Bluffs, Iowa, were ing held Wednesday afternoon: MTS. Mr- and Mrs. J. Krasne, Mr. and Mrs. S. Altschuler," president for the fourth Herman Krasne, and Mr. and Mrs. term; Mfs. H. Rathkovitz, vice-presi,.frank.Krasne. .'.• ..'..^ ,.,,,.: „ dent; Mrsr S; Weinzweig, loaa secre-
h I
The last of the series of «ard parties given by the local Chapter of Hadassah will be given Wednesday afternoon, June 16, at the new Jewish Community Center. Proceeds of the affair will go to maintain the Hadassah Health Institutions in Palestine. Mrs. B. A. Simon is chairman of the card parties, and has appointed the following hostesses for this affair: the Mesdames Julius Stein, A. Lazerowitz, J. Corby, H. Ziegman, Sam Kaplan, A. I. Kulakofsky, I. Spiegal, Wm. Tennenbaum, and Mrs. George Krasne and Mrs. H. Cherniack, of Council Bluffs, la.
The Southwestern Region of Hadassah Chapters was formally organized at Kansas City on June 2, with ever fifty delegates from the various in the district. Mrs. B. M. Acatenberg, a former Omaha girl, was chairman of arrangements. Omaha was represented by Mrs. J. Rosenberg, Mrs. M. F. Levinson, Mrs. S. Robinson, Mrs. H. Gross, and Mrs. M. Knlakoisky. A full report of the convention will be given by Mrs. J. Rosenberg, who served as secretary of the convention, and Mrs. M. JV Levinson* who took an active part and served, on the Resolutions Committee, at the next local ming team of Omaha Chapter par- Hadassah meeting to be held Wednesticipated in a duel meet last night in day afternoon, June 23, at the Jewish the Center swimming \ pool. The Community Center. Fraternity men were led by Marian Graetz, one* of the most capable Mrs. George Steinberg entertained swimmers in the Chapter. sixteen guests at a luncheon .at the Brandeis Tea Rooms in Omaha last 1 The Hatikvoh Girls, the Junior and Thursday noon in honor of her Senior Hadassah members, were the daughter, Lillian, who graduated that volunteers in the Jewish National evenmg from Thomas Jefferson High Fund Flower Day Drive »ield Sunday. School. The Zionist meeting will be held Mx.s B. Brinn of Webster City, la., Tuesday at the Jewish Community left for her home Monday after spendCenter. ing a few weeks here visiting her daughter, Mrs. A- Gilinsky, and Mr. COUNCIL BLUFFS Gilinsky.-
Miss Jennie Baron, daughter of Mr. Confirmation Services to be and Mrs. J. Baron, entertained about Held in Council Bluffs thirty-five of her young frineds at Sunday Afternoon her home Sunday afternoon in honor of her graduation from Eigth grade The Council Bluffs Talmud Torah of Public School. The afternoon was Sunday School will hold Confirmation spent playing games after which deServices next Sunday afternoon, June licious refreshments were served. 13, at 2:30 o'clock at the Merriam Block Hall, at "Willow Avenue and Maurice Nathansom of Estherville, Main Street. Iowa, arrived here to spend the sumEleven pupils will be confirmed. mer with his ancle and aunt, Mr. and They are: Marian Katehnan, Helen Mrs. Abe Gilinsky. Steinberg, Ruth Shyken, Ida Hoffman, Sara Solomonow, Toby Katelman, Mrs. Jennie Schwartz left Sunday Harry Rosenthal, Seymore Cohn, for Kansas City, Missouri to visit lieonard Krasne, Paul Hoffman, and friends. Joe S o l o m o n o w . . •• • • . Mrs. George Steinberg will leave This is the first year that Confir- Sunday for. Excelsior Springs, Mo., mation Services are being held here, where she plans to stay for the sumand Mr. I. Morgenstern, who is in charge of the Sunday School, plans mer. to make this a precedent and hopes Misses Gertrude and Reva Gilinsky that conrmation exercises will be held motored to Kansas City and Excelsior every ye»r in this city. No Sunday Springs, Mo., Sunday, to join their Sehool will !>e held Sunday morning. parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. GiHnsky, The public is invited to attend the 'who are spending the month in ExConfirmation Services. celsior Springs. KESNICK-HpF FMAN The marriage of Miss Sarah Hoffman, daughter of Mrs. B. Hoffman, of Council Bluffs, and Mr. oe Resnick, son of Mr. and Mrs. M. Resnick of Omaha, was solemnified Sunday at si o'clock at the Chevra-B'nai Yisreal Synagogue in the presence of about seventy-five relativexs, Rev. A. Diamond officiating. After the ceremony a supper was served at the synagogue. The couple will make their home temporarily "with the bride's parents.
at the University "of Nebraska, arrived home Monday to spend the summer with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Richman. •••••:-"-
bert Sanrael appointed to the post of government secretary over the head of Plumer and against the priority of Sir1 Ronald Storrs, the paper states. CoL Symes receives Jewish delegations daily and negotiates with Col. Frederick H. Kisch, but Arab delegations find it difficult to interview him. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Sherman and This man cannot impartially repredaughter, Dorothy, oi Sioux City, la., sent the Palestine government at who were visiting during the; past Geneva, the paper claims. we«fc with Mre. Sherman's parents, Mr. XB& Mra. A. Gihndty, refcoraad AGUBATH ISRAEL AND ARABS home Monday. They ware accom- SUBMIT PETITIONS TO LEAGUE panied back with Nathaa Gilinsky who will spend the summer in Sioux Geneva.—A new petition of the City, and with Mrs. Maurice Gilinnsky Agudath Israel, the orthodox Jewish and small daughter, Jean, who will world organization, to the Permansper.d two weeks visiting the Sher- aent Mandates Commission of the mans. League of Nations was received here by the secretariat of the Leagpue of Mr. George Steinberg left-Tuesday morning for Des Moines, Iowa, to Nations from the British High Comattend a session of the Iowa grand missioner of Palestine. loddge of Masons. He expects to be The High Commissioner also transmitted the text of the memorandum gone about, a week. of the Palestine Arab Executive, ae» Miss Sara Noddle left Saturday companied by the observations evening for Chicago, Bl., to visit. British government. make their home for the summer with Mr. and Mrs. M. Somit, 2429 Decatur Street, at Omaha. Her sister, Frieda Rosenbloom, will spend two weeks. wiih tiie Somits before leaving for Chicag-o where she expects to make her future home.
He who believes every heart i* un'/teal, Arab Paper Protests Appointment Has something unsound at tfee core of CoL Symes to Represent of his own. —Elila Cook. Palestine Government at Geneva Leaving city for the summer.
Jerusalem.—A protest against the appointment of Col. George S. Symes, .civil secretary of the Palestine government, as the accredited representative of the mandatory power to appear before the permanent mandates commission in its June session wac voiced by the "Falastin", the organ of the Palestine Arab Executive. The paper states- that Col. Symes is a greater supporter of political Zionism than Sir William Deeds was a supporter of spiritual Zionism. Lord
FOR RENT My 5-room newly furnished apartment. Will share rent. References exchanged. Call Jackson 4632.
Baker Ice Machines "Manufactured in Omaha" BAKEK ICE MACHINE CO.
E. E. Bruce & Co, WHOLESALE
Druggists and Stationers Ml *K HB Month UU> ittrta*
Fancy Bands PAX1X)N-MITCHELL CO. fitb * Uariba St«. Hamey 1863 Omaha, tiebr. Soft gray iron, brass, bronze BD3 aluminum castings. Standard Bixes brense and Iron bnsblnps, sewer manboles, clsl*r» rifigs ana covers, ana clean-out doors in stock.
~%^*. '""".".'"'"'*'";
| Ladies Eats a Specialty i
i English Hatters 4 219 So. 14th St.
AT. 9092
I wish to announce to the JBWE of Omaha that I have opened a Business at my Home, 2429 Becatur Street, with a full line of Jewish Seligious Books such as Daily Frayere, Machsorim, Jewish Rituals, Scriptures, Talethim Sitk or Wool, Memtzahs and many other articles.
Store and Fixtures. Suitable for Grocery store. 5 modern rooms upstairs.—420 East'ffcrbadway, Council Bluffs. Call H- Saltzman, C. B. 2676.
WE, 3527
I also have the agency f6r the *'SeferTora" that anybody wants' to order. :
No individual can get along without friends and so it is with any business institution. If you are banking with us, we would appreciate your visiting with our officers frequently. If we know you intimately, the time may come when it would to your advantage, as it always is to ours
PAGE : 4-^THE' JEWISH PRESS—THURSDAY, JUNE-iO,- 1926 of peace, contentment and happiness. The love that keeps it all going. The love that surmounts all the difficulties; the love-; that transcends the hardships; the love that makes all the wort seem easy; the love that makes a game out of the giving up and doing without. • That is marriage. -A- peace, a happiness, a contentment—and love. JEWISH LEDGER.
According to the Mendelian theory,l this theory I s not borne out by starefrigerating plant will of necessity fairness, and particularly blue-eyed- tistics. Were it correct, we should make a decided change in the amount ness, is what he terms a recessive find the .highest percentage "of redand style of clothes worn by any qua'.ity in heredity. That is to sax» haired Jews in those districts /winch native who is employed in the cold like the qualities which sutldeUy ap- had. suffered .the worst persecution' Not to he outdone by selling- a storage room. JBy Janet Purpin Mange pear in pure-bred animals ?al!ed and the greatest economic oppression refrigerating plant some time ago for "throw-backs" fairness maylia dor- with a consequent result of malnu? reindeer meat storage, at Teller, London.—Israel Zangwill, noted mant for generations and the^ sud- trition. . But this not so. "Before one enters the gates; of mat- patience and a clear understanding it i•; Alaska,'Y 75 miles from the Artie Jewish author, is again ill, having denly make its appearance. On the rimony one : anticipates, Weeks upon will be the most magical of situations. suffered a nervous breakdown. It is necessary in these days, when other hand, the quality of brown- beards are unfashionable and the hair .Circle^ and where the celebrated weeks, stretching ^ out in endless con- But in that it resembles much else. On the order of his physician, Mr. eyedness is dormant, and if present at is frequently darkened by pomade, to Norge airsliip • landed, the Baker. Ice Zangwill has cancelled all engagefusion, of thrilling happiness- And It is not so "different" as;one might all, must express itself ir. the inoivid- make allowances for these facts in Machine Company have today receiv- ments. after one has entered those gates of expect. ual. Frons thi* it f-.HOWE that ac- estimating the percentage of fair and ed an order for a refrigerating plant matrimony he experiences the "weeks There have been so many times in cording to Mendel, or. 10 there be red-haired Jews from observation. In to be installed for the Malamulo Misupon weeks of thrilling happiness. It the past three months that I have felt formed a blue-eyed rac* nothing but many communities, the percentage sion in East Africa. The mission is is uncanny, what insignificant things precisely as I felt in the days before the introduction o* extraneous blood has reached twelve, while the cqrrc located in "Darkest Africa" where can create such thrills. I ever met my husbandJn fact, I INC. By LEON O. DAVIS i could produce* brown-eyed specimenssponding percentage of the nativeT the, \vhite is trying to inject So many move away from the cities have felt so very much the same at Christianity into the native negroes. in that race; w.v)e a brown-eyed race times that I have looked at myself j in which we were reared. Until that population'was only a little over one. timej young ones take their native long and searchingly in the mirrorj There is a firmly rooted opinion in which at some time in the past t\n.r\ Surely these are unusual figures, and Those in charge of the mission are Pnone ATLANTIC 0639 town' for granted; they like it, but and asked myself, "Just what IS mar- many European countries that Jews intennarri-'o with a bhm-eyeil race call for some adequate theory to ex- native Englishmen and their demand for butter caused the necessity for a after to produce plain them. they never talk about it; it was there; riage? For, in those exotic engage- are essentially a people of black hair would be Jiib'i ever j refrigerating plant to arise, the temits opportunities, especially if it was ment days, when the world seemed and swarthy complexions. But how occa-ionaMv bJi> -eyed specimens. Taking all the facts into considera- perature being so hot that natural JOSEPH KOS15NTHAI,, ATTORNEY a large city, were always before one, unusually rosy and bright, I had far is this idea founded on fact, or That the proportion of red-haired 624 Peters Trust JBMft. " so that they too were taken for grant- many warnings just like any other how far is it due-to an opinion auto- persons ~ among Jews is abnormal'y tion; there seems to be no doubt; that ice .is never obtainable. The result NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE OF the quality of fairness haslurked •was that the. mission sent a repreyoung girl receives admonitions. ed as if they could be presented in matically attached to a people who high is an observation whijh has freCHATTEL MORTGAGE .Notice is hereby piveu that the underany other town in the country.^ And When things .seemed so easy, I was come from the East, and whose an- quently been made, and which is well from the earliest times in the Jewish sentative to. the Baker Ice Machine signed will on June 2lith. 1920, at 10:00 then perhaps the girl moves to a told countless times of the readjust- cient homeland is several parallels of founded in-statistical fart*. . This is race. Whether this was due, as Company to purchase a refrigerating o'clock A. M.. nt 4G77 Tnctiic Street, Omaha, Chamberlain suggests,-to the; absorpplant that would pr&duce an Arctic Nebraska, sell to the highest bidder for ment of life that I was facing, of the smaller city. ;' lattitude nearer the equator than the very probably the reason "»vhy, during cash; tion of a fair-haired race, or •whether like temperature in torrid Africa. trials that lay before me, of the task great European countries? One used Hudson Coach, Model 1023, - The smaller town certainly cannot the seventeenth and eighteenth cenMotor No. 12KJ12. six cylinders, boast of the so-called opportunities of giving more than taking, of com- To go back to Bibical times, it turies, Shylock was always equipped the Jews in common with all human- The plant must be transported 350 covered by a chattel mortgage signed by ity are developing a tendency towards miles inland->by ox team to'the mis- W\ H. Morris in favor of the L,in<yilu that are in such a place as Chicago. promise and of surrender. To some seems that in those days the maqority with a red vrig. In medieval are one Motor Company nnd assigned to the CenConsequently if one originated in Chi- extent these things had been in my of Jews hatt black hair, but that there notices how frequently Judas Iscariot fairness which is gaining impetus in sion, over roads that most automo- tral Investment Corporation and assigned to Joe KoeentLal, whiehr^aid chattel niortcago^ Chicago is no longer taken for routine before, but not much. were nevertheless frequentexceptions is portrayed with red hair, and for accordance with the Mendelian theory biles would turn their noses up in pag-e IVHS dated Decetnbct Stb, 1025, an/1 it is difficult to say, but these two scorn. Officials of the Mission state tiled for record in the office of the County granted, and a visit to it creates one More than that, I was warned of When Samuel chose the fair-haired many years this disinguished charClerk of Dousrlns County .Nebraska, on the of these thrills. .Yet, I do not want .the irksomeness of housework and of David from among the many sons of acteristic was never omitted from the seem the most likely solutions. It is that nearly 900 native negroes are 12th day o£ December, 1020. obvious, however, that as time goes now attending school. to emphasize cities in marriage. They cooking, things I had not hitherto Jesse,, the fact of the youth's ruddy make-up of the actor who took that Said sale will be for the purpose of foreeaid chattle mortgage and satisfyplay, after all is said and done, but practiced. I was duly told of the complexion is mentioned as something part at Oberammagau. There is on the popular conception, of the From a description of native wear- closing nijr the anionut due thereon, to-wit: the minor part in this -twosome^ One tribulations of doing without the lux- distinctive. To go back still further, great difficulty in accounting for this black-haired swarthy Jew will become ing apparel as given by the Mission sum of Si47.00 nnrt accruing1 costs. 1st day of J^une, 102tt. i-epresentative, it is certain that the Dated this does not need theaters;to bo happy. uries to which I had always been ac- Esau's hair is described as rd, so that high proportion of red hair amonp less and less prevalent.' JOE KOSENTHAL, Mortgagee. I have known of many . successful customed. And as a result I was the quality of fairness among Jews, Jews. Some declare that a marriage marriages in town^ that did not boast really prepared to be a tired-out sober if not predominant in ancient times, between two persons, one extremely of a stock company,and even in towns individual a few.-weeks after my vred- nevertheless dates back very far. dark and the other blond, frequently that could not keep up a movie house ding. produces red-haired off.-prlng. To The fair-haired Jew has been the every day of the week^ I have'gone Is it that I have not been married source of not a little discussion among back up their theory they show that even further andt known successful long enough to sense the complete dif- the. anthropologists. Some attribute when a fair-haired people have abmarriages on farms and ranches miles ference from the life I used to lead? the feature to the introduction of sorbed a large number or Jews, among from civilization. And if a girl feels I do not think so. I do believe that I Aryan blood into the Jewish race. whom the proportion of black-haired that, her marriage cannot be happy have answered for myself the ques- Thus the Pan-German anti-Semite, is high, there is a high percentage because she is forced to give up the tion that I asked myself in the mirror Houston Chamerlain', suggests that of red hair. Furthermore, there are attractions of a certain place ;then all a few days ago. Moreover, I think the Amorites who were absorbed into quite a number of historical^* famou Piano selling here during the past week has been spirited and widespread; I can say is that she'had no right to that, as far as I am concerned, I the Jewish nation, were an Aryan people, whose red hair can be atrisimply because folk REALIZE that a FREE mtssical education is WORTH get married for in all probably her have answered it satisfactorily. tribe, tall, fair and of ruddy complex- buted to the opposite extreme in their • WHILE. Competent instructors give the lessons, piano or vocal, the only marriage -would not have been happy Things have not all gone like clock ion. Too much reliance must not be parents, the Emperor Nero; England's feqiurement being that you buy a NEW Upright, Grand or Player Piano. anyplace. .•'.''''"' work. Sometimes things have not placed on Chamberlain's theory, as second William, to mention but two "Steinway," "Steck,"-:^Weber," "Steger," "Ivers & Pond," "Schmoller .But this theory does not help us to For what can a mere place mean in planned out as I expected and wanted; no doubt he was obliged to introduce for the high. percentage of & Mueller" or any other one of our famous twenty or more makes—it . •••;• (comparison to a home? A home built sometimes things^ planned have not a strain of "Nordic" blood into the account red-haired unless one drags in the matters not—the lessons are YOURS, FREE, if you buy a NEW piano. - ;• i turned out at; all.' And yet not for Je\vish race to account for some of by: two people together. A home to much used story of the inter-marriage one moment has there been doubt or Israel's undeniable excellencies.. harbor the thought of joys and the ^yitb that.Tartar tribe, the Ghazars unknown sorrows. A home to con- disillusionment. There is a theory which is steadily in the Ukraine. tain the many, many surprises, pleas- It is spring today, not a brilliant gaining ground to the effect that mar. - At one time a thory was advanced ant and maybe otherwise, that are in- spring day; but early May with the as a species was originally invariably that redness was.a direct' evitable in marriage. One might cite thunder rumbling away in the dist- blackhaired and swarthy, and that suggesting result of defective in the1 so many different kinds of "surprises" ance and grey clouds hovering in the change of climate and migration parents. This was nutrition supposed to • acWe feature NEW Upright that arise even in the firstfew weeks misty sky. It is cold and raw and porthwards have produced the fair- count^ for . the, frequent .occurrence Pianos for as little as of married life. I know of the young damp outside. But within my sun haired blue-eyed type. That would among Jews hvilistricts such as Symbride who was busily engaged in pre- parlor a cocky red celluloid bird in a account for a phenomenon noticed by rna, Bosina and Tunis, where, interparing her first real company dinner; red wool bird cage is carrying on a many observers that the proportion of with fair-haired persons she was at the stage where the soup desperate flirtation with the patent fair and ruddy Jews in the northern marriage was extremely improbable. However, •was simmering with inviting" odors leather pussy-cat on the 'window seat. countries is decidedly on the increase, and the potatoes •were boiling merrily; And the bronze elephant that holds quite apart from those Jews who are, At $1.50 Weekly at that point where the candles were the clock which ticks too loudly is not of pure Jewish descent. lit upon the table laid with shining trying to reach the Ankiron puppies How much the complexions of the First r Class NEW Player new silver and linens. And just when before the fireplace. And that, to people among whom they dwell react ' Piano at as low as the doorbell should have rung to an- me, is marriage. No matter what on the Jews in the district is also a nounce the guests, her husband came kind of weather without, inside my question of interest, especially to | in all bandaged up. Ten years ago doorway there is sunshine and joy, so those champions of the "prenatal in2224 Coming St. Phone JA ckson 1226. the bride might have fainted. She much so that even the celluloid dicky- fluence" theory who see in the infludid turn •white, but she managed to bird becomes alive in his ecstasy. ence of their surroundings the prime keep her equilibrium enough to disr At $2.50 Weekly There is plenty of giving in mar- cause of the vaiiation in Jewish types. cover that her husband had caught rage, and there is plenty of taking. Thus they will quote the figures of his hand in a machine at the factory. But there is no irksome work. Pleas- certain statisticians to the effect that Lovely NEW Grand Pianos The bride had heard that marriage ure only is there is the task of forcing England, which may be considered a as low as BUTTEK and KiHiS \7&s full of surprises, though she had the dirt to fly early in the mornings, moderately fair-haired country the not exactly counted on the surprises and in making for a self and a hus- percentage of fair-haired Jews is as; Council Bluffs, la. being of this particular sort. She band a pretty home. Fun is the pre- high as twenty-five. was calm and she was philosophical; valent note in cooking the dinners But the supporters of this theory If you already HAVE a Piano, and want a Better One, "trade she lit the candles, and when the com- and breakfasts, of concocting new have several hard nuts to crack. Virit in"—and get lessons FREE as well. At $3.00 Weekly pany arrived a few minutes later, dishes that wil{ bring praise from chow made careful investigations in they found a white but smiling hos- him whose praise is one's greatest different parts of Germany, beginning In Omaha tess.: The company dinner was a joy. I, for one, have found no get- among the blodest inhabitants in the huge success; the food "was good; ting readjusted; I am no different north and northwest, and pursuing 350 Rooms—200 Baths there was an unusual topic of conver- than I was three months ago, nor is his researches through various' disGood Room* for SI £0 sation. The hostess was worried; the any other girl who has been married tricts, finishing up among the darkest Operated by £ppl«-y Hotrlt Co. host was in pain; no one ever new twelve •weeks. We may all be doing peoples living in the southeast. The either. And when, three weeks later, different things, but we are all in- result of his collected figures shows the young man wiggled his fingers for trinsically the same. We still play as that the influence of the surrounding Never yet has a stock of "used" Player Pianos been thinned out so speedily. Harry H. Lapidus, Pres.-Treas, the first time in-twenty 'days, the we played before we had the respon- people is not the all-prevailing factor But, then, small wondtr, for the word "used".in this instance applies to W. G. Ure. Secretary. young woman received therefrom sibilities of husbands. We still read which some hold it to be. For whiie REBUILT Player Pianos; player pianos as handsome as NEW; player pianos one of the biggest thrills "of a life- the same kind of books and' enjoy in "blond" Germany the percentage Omaha Fixture & that play, operate and SOUND perfectly. . And, think of it, $198—a mite of time. them. We still find pleasure in the of dark Jews is high, in Silesia, where a price when cne considers what it EUYS. Supply Co. Again—the thrills. And again the same people we used to like, the same the native population is almost -withCOMPLETE STORE AND uncarfniness of their difference from conversations, the same food, and the out exception dark, the proportion of OFFICE OUTFITTERS what one imagines before one is mar- same pastimes. We have given up blond Jews is abnormally high. Even W* occupy ried". Could one dream that one would nothing. . in Syria and Persia andNorth Africa i m 70,000 m a i n (Ml do'a highland fling about a well-or- And we have gained many things. one frequently comes across fair Jews feothwwt Conor dered apartment merely because one's We have gained the richness that although fairness among the native Clerenlh inrt Danrlar Htrcett. Pfeoiivt Jacksan STC4 husband wiggled .the third finger of comes from sharing everything with population is unknown. OMAHA. KEB. his left hand? It a single girl had someone else. We have acquired the such thoughts, I am sure she never! dignity that comes only with one's DOWN — $2 a Week—Fine gave vent to their expression. own home and possessions. We have Wet Wash __________ Bench and P l a y e r Rolls Of course there are times -when discovered in ourselves a poise which Semi-Flat „ DIAMOND such things happen; they may not all we could not have, had •we not been Rough Dry FREE. ..„ be serious as the smashed fingers;5 placed in .the position •where we must HEADQUARTERS AMERICAN WET WASH It's hard to excel that offer. many of them may be much-more decide for ourselves, where our own GIFT Barney 0881 serious. But I have found out that judgment is of prime importance. We 2808 Curaing St. COUNSELORS if one smiles even in the darkest mo- young marrieds have -watched reliabilThink of owning excellently conditioned "Solo-Concerto," "Knabe-Angelus" "Cable" ments, things generally turn out all ity creep up and take stand along "Foster" "Bellman" and similarly famed player pianos at only $I9$< Instruments that right. One cannot expect marriage with the irresponsibilities and frivolir A Life Insurance Policy sold originally for $550, $600~Yes, some sold for $700 when new. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL to be any more perfect than one ex- ties of pre-married days. For Every Need JEWELERS pected single life to be. One cannot Thus with most of us who have So expect merely because he has taken recently proved that we are able to JUDAH L. WOLPSON, Rep. Diamond Importers You cannot recall any similar "$198 offer" on GUARANTEED a wife or she has taken a husband carry on without an older force be- The Equitable Life of New York 214-216 City Nat". Bank BIdg. v 645 Omaha Jfati Bank Bids. Established 18.94 Player Pianos can you? And WE doubt if WE shall ever be that all the problems of life are aut- sides us. We have not forgotten how M. 6355 Wa. 8755. omatically solved; Perhaps - that is to playl We have not become only able to duplicate this event Better buy your Player Piano now. the cause of many disappointments of sedate; we are still the flappers who JOSEPH HOSENTHA1., ATTOBNETC Peters Trout Bide. marriage; young people:expect the loved pretty clothes and good times; FORECLOSURE OF LIEN To M. C, Griffln: impossible. ". They expect that they we still do love it all. We have kept You are hereby notified that In accordcan -merely sit back and because they all those qualities; only we have adance with Chapter 13S of the Laws o t liKM If It Relates of the State of Nebraska, the undersigned Immediate hav©iassumed different situations, the ded to them. Life does not stand still claim a lien on your Seripps-Booth Autoor Pertains mobile, Model 1«J1U, Engine. No. ? U. A. rest will .be easy^ "Without effort, and we have only kept up with time. Action C0O7-2. for storage uinouutiuj: 10 &J0.M, things will be solved. and that the uudersigued claimants have After all, have we done anything but to Music on Outheretofore sent to you by recistereU letter, And why should marriage solve repeat history. according to law. a demand for payment of We Surely said sum, and In accordance with the of-Town everything? Why should, life be so Above all else is the home; the few above, said claimants will sell, according to law. nt public auction to the highest explicable that one mere act should little rooms that belong solely to the Have It. Inquiries bidder for casb. said automobile at the answer all things, but it does not sup- two young ones starting out; the Place of business of the cZntiu.iHfs. 4501 1307 Howard St. At. 8028 Grant Street. Ouiah.i. Nebraska, to satisfy 1514-16-18 Dodge St., Omaha ply, the answer to everything.,It must furniture, picked out together; the «aid clulm and expenws. mi Tiiemlny, June Omaha, Near. 14th. 1920, at 10 .(X) o'clock A. M. be thought j about' and- spoken about j things from people they both hold .1. J. .Livingston. •. long before it ever-takes. place. - With dear; over it stealing gently, a feeling <T. ii.. BoiiiusoQ, Claimants.
So Tfiis Is Marriage
Baker Iceto Install Refrigerator in East Africa
llhe Fair-Haired Jewl
Immediate Response
Your Free Lessons May Be Piano Lte Vocal Lessons
Funeral Directors
We Are Entering the Second Week 'ofOur
Malashock Jewelry Co.
We Print
—Effectively —Accurately —Promjitly Interstate Printing Co.