I -
Success or failure in business is caused more by mental attitude even than by mental capac->]
The cynic Is one wBo knows the price every t h i n g and the v'a 1 u et of * nothing.—
ities. — Walter Dill Scott.
VOL. V—No. 28
Oscar Wilde.
Entered aa mecond-dsicj poato&lce at Omaha. Nre'
11 matter on January 27th, 1021, at ka, under the Act ol March S, 1879.
r Workers Will Canvass City To Obtain Memberships For Jewish Community Center Building
Thousands at Funeral of Meyer London, Killed in Auto Accident
BealBniSSt Annual leJa Held Berlin (J. T. A.)—A motion intro-
Paris (J. T. A.)—Three physicians were charged by.Magistrate Peyre Pay Tribute to Late Socialist Broadway. He came to the United duced by the anti-Semitic group in States from Southern Russia when he Congressman from New tiiScT ic/.w k r l with the examination of the mental was eighteen- years old, studied law the Prussian Diet to withhold state condition of Sholom Schwartzbard York credit from East European Jews and became a leader and the attorney who killed Attaman Petlura, leader of resident in Prussia was rejected by More Than 200 Dc!:.T for several labor unions. Middle West Ar.: the Ukrainian pogrom bands. LOCAL MEMORIAL MEETING Mr. London was-the first Socialist the Diet To Attenu The monarchistic anti-Semitic newsWorkers To Make Their Reports Every "; Noon At paper, "Action Fxancaise", commentFRIDAY EVENING sent to Congress by an Eastern State. The anti-Semitic VoeUrisehe group introduced a motion, according to He served in the • sixty-fourth and SAM _J. LEON, PRESirENT Building ing on this decision of the magistrate OF CONVENTION sixty-fifth Congress in 1915-1919 and which the Schechita (the Jewish The untimely death of Meyer Lonaccuses him cf attempting to minimize again in the sixty-seventh Congress method of slautering) is prohibited don, the first Socialist Congressman More than two hundred delegates EVERY PERSON SHOULD ENROLL, AS A the Schwartzbard case. '•-••- in Prussia. The motion was supported from the. Eastern States, came as a i n 1 9 2 1 - 1 9 2 3 . from the middle west and Canada by the Deutsch Nationale party. MEMBER TO THE BUILDINGgreat" shock to the thousands who Mr. London opposed the entrance of will attend the 58th annual convenknew and admired him. The former the United States into the World War tion of District No. 6, of the IndepenSocialist Representative from the and went to Congress with the deThe Jewish Community Center membership campaign was dent Order of B'nai Brith. The conTwelfth Congressional District, New clared intention of proposing to launched Tuesday evening when workers met at the new building vention is this year being held in MilYork, died in the Bellevue Hospital e"make war on war," to force Europe to discuss plans of the campaign. More than fifty workers were waukee, Wis., on July 4, 5, 6, and 7, organized into two teams to canvass the city for memberships. Ephraim Marks Completes Tech High last Sunday night, as a Tesult of in- to come to terms by staring out the with headquarters at the Pfistel Hotel. juries suflered earlier in the day when warring nations- and refusing to furCourse with Honors These teams, headed by Sam Beber and Abner Kaiman, are Sam J. Leon, local attorney, is preshe was struck by an automobile. The nnish war materials -by which the Jewish Lads Play Business College ident of the convention. Other officers to report daily at the Jewish Community Center. The team Nine Sunday at Miller Park obtaining the most membership will be treated to a dinner by At the graduation exercises of the accident occured at First avenue and fight could be "maintained. He was are Julius M. Kahn, first vice-presiEighteenth street, New YoTk City. denounced on the floor of the House Omaha Technical High School held the losing team. dent; and Robert Lappen, second viceWhatever might have happened last "This building has more to offer Tuesday morning at the School Audi- Mr. London was rushed to the hos- when he voted alone against the reso- Sunday at the Omaha Western president. The Jewish Community Center lution make war an Austria-Hungary. building according to the many who to the man, woman, or child than torium, Ephraim Marks, 16 year old pital and his brothers, Louis and Har- He carried on the fight to oppose con- League Park didn't happen because The convention will open Sunday at ris London; his wife, Mrs. Anna Lonson of Mr. and Mrs. J. Marks, 2130 have viewed it and who witnessed any building of its kind", said Harry of rain. The soaking was so thorough 6 P. M. Judge Joseph A. Padway and Binney St., won the scholarship award don, and his daughter, Isabella, were scirption., the exhibitions of file many activities A. Wolf. Mayor Halan, of Milwaukee, will be given by the World-Herald each term summoned. They were with him when Mr. London was torn by two emo- the the scheduled game between the the principal speakers. Response will during the dedication week, is one of tions when he voted against oud de- Jewish Community Center baseball be given by Sam J. Leon, president, the student graduating with highest he died. the finest centers of its kind in the The campaign slogan is: to ilaring war dn Austria-Hungary, he team and the Kinney Shoe Co., runWitnesses told the police that Mr. honors. Marks was given the award country. During the past week many Monday evening, at 8 o'clock, the "Every . loyal ' citizen in London was crossing First avenue explained . One was his desire that ners up in the Gate City League, was initiation of about 500 new members for scholarship and school service. applications have been votdantarfly Omaha of the.Jewish faith Marks has been a consistent honor when Louis Greenspan, of Newark, the action of Congress be unanimous called off before high noon. received at the office from men by the crack degree team of Grand should be. a member of roll member; president of the Senate swerved to avoid striking an autorai- «.nd the other that the philosophy of Perhaps it was fate that came to Rapids, Mich., will take place. Henry and women who have witnessed the the Jewish Community club, member of the physical bile driven by Jack Applebaum, of the the people he represented, which was the aid of the Jewish lads, who are Monsky, Omaha attorney, will be the possibilities of the Center and what Center."—Harry H. Lapi- Debating science compound; member of the In- Bronx. The two care crashed togeth- opposed to the declaration of all war, now undisputed leaders of one of the principal speaker that evening. it has to offer. Activities in the builddus. . . . . " • . fastest juniors cirucuits in John ter club debating'team, 1924, 1925, er and Greenspan's was thrown to the he expressed. ing are in full bloom, the swimming "Dynamo" Dennison's amateur circles. Tuesday, at 4 o'clock, the Milwau"I have professions of loyalty," he right, striking Mr. London, who was classes are being organized, the handkee delegates will take the visitors on "This campaign' for memberships in the middle of the street. ' Although said; "but I believe I am as deeply in On the other hand Jupiter Pluvius a tour of the city, by auto. ball courts and gymnasium is ready must be brief, let us1 put it over and suffering severe paia, London asked love with the United States as any may have robbed the Gate City for action.- Persons desiring of par- -establish the Building as a permanent that no charge be made against man who can face his ancestry to the Leabue leaders of their ninth con- The convention banquet will be held Tuesday evening. Judge Charles edifice to be proud of-and-to maintain secutive win. Greenspan, and he was not arrested. Mayflower." .Aarons will act as toastmaster. The it .as such", said Harry B. Zimman. Now is time to join the Th« funeral .services were held last Mr. London, said from the beginn- Captain L. Somberg will lead his speakers that evening will be Boris I. Many other workers present at the Jewish Community Center. Wednesday noon, from tbe Forward ing that communism had no place in boys 'against the American Business Bogan, of, Cincinnati, O., Julius M. meeting voiced their approval of Applications will be reHall, 175 East Broadwayy New York, this country, and • he refused to make College team Sunday afternoon at Kahn, Chicago, 111, Rabbi C. E. Hillel starting immediate work to put this ceived for memberships at where thousands cameifftnn all parlti speeches favoring the Soviet. Onlyj MHkr Park. The game scheduled at K*uvar, Denver, Colo., snd Ben (membership campaign-over. the office of- the building. year "ago hfe-inade a speech .1:33 is of greatim portance. The'col1ST - of theTJnited States to lodHieirlast kel, director cf the Hillel Foundation. "Lef s get. to work immediately!', Duty of every Jew is- to be upon the features of the once brilliant before the Young people's Socialist lege cohorts have already defeated Among the outstanding and vital said Nathan S. Yaffe. "This building a member.-—Joe L. Wolf. the "strong G&stle Hotel team, and are League, in which he advised the mesi•orator, lawyer and communal worker. questions to be brought up and disneeds no introduction to; the people now in third place in the leagne standbers to "keep their noses to "the grindTelegrams and leters of condolence * Jl cussed at the convention will be the taking of these activities should en- of Omaha, they have witnessed the - ~Iwere received from prominent per- stone," >to gorget idealism for. the ings. work of the Hillel Foundation, the roll immediately. . dedication ceremonies and have visittime being and to work out' their After the brief layoff Kaufman and ' 1 - sons in all sections of the .country, At the meeting held Tuesday eve- ed the building."—Morris -Micklin. especially from Congressmen who had problems in an American way, also to Handler J. C. C. hurlers should be in means of raising the $2,000,000 for ning, which according .to the many served at the same time -as Meyer convert America to- Socialism . in the fine fettle for the melee. The Jewish the new Cleveland Orphan Home, and who were present was one of the More than fifty, workers London. He was buried in Mt. Carme! light of existing facts .and not fancies boys are expected to do some heavy the Mexican Immigration problem. Word has been received by the local peppiest meetings of its kind ever attending the- meeting stick work in Sunday's tilt. Cemetery, near the graves of Sholom angenlered by the Bolshevik.."'... office, that preparations are being held in the city, districts were asTuesday evening responded Aleichem, Morris Rosenfeld, Morde- A memorial .meeting for Mr. Lonmade by the Milwaukee B'nai Brith to signed to the workers to obtain, memto the call for work on this don will be held'Friday evening, chai Spector and Philip Krarati entertain the delegates and visitors, berships. . . campaign.- -More . -workers June 18, at the Labor'Lyceum, under Meyer London was fifty-five years with special entertainment for the "There are many men and women j are needed to-help: put this Ephn:i:n riF"'*-. old. He lived at 308 East Eighteenth the auspices of the Workmen's Circle, women. ._ in this town who are desirous of campaign bvet.: These~mefl; 1926; member of the all-school debat- street, and had his law office at 302 Branch No. 173. Omaha delegates and visitors to the obtaining memberships in the Jewish should call either Sam ing team, 1925, 1926; member of the Community Center Building, but these Beber or Abner Kaiman. is t a t e W g h BChool championship debatWilliam Hoizm&n Principal Speaker convention will leave Omaha on two Council Bl&ffs Boy to Compete special trains at 6:10 Saturday evepeople must be seen", said Harry Blumenthal, Finkel also on . ' i ing team, 1926; president of the wel- First Annual Picnic of ning, July S, and go direct to MilwauLapidus president. "This building "Let us organize the workers into! f a r e c o u n c f l > t h e hig h e s t office i Program in MkM Oratorical Contest So. Side Congregation July 4 kee on the Omaha-Milwaukee train although one of the finest in the two teams and see which team will; gift of the school; editor-in-chief of •ountry cannot succeed unless the bring in the most members", said Tech Daily News; has been a member Philip Krasne, who recently won On Monday evening, June 21, the arriving at 9 A. M. Sunday morning. Plans are being made for a number 'people respond with memberships". Henry Monsky. | of the school Glee club and a member of special entertainment for the. first first place in the Central States divi- Y. M. and Y. W. H. A. will hold its ' Omahans who are going to the con"The building is completed—it of several important committees of annual picnic to be given by the South sion of the National Oratorical Con- first meeting in the new Jewish Com- vention should make transportation and hotel reservations with Sam J. needs members", Max Fromkin. j the June senior, class. Side Congregation of Israel on Sun- test on the Constitution of the United munity Center Building. Others" who spoke,-at the meeting' His .record as a member of „ the day, July 4, at the German Home States, left Wednesday morning for An exeptionai program has been Leon, at Atlantic 3171. were B. G. Shapiro, Fred "White, Ir- school has also been consistently fine, P a r t Los Angeles, California, to partici- arranged and interesting numbers The delegates from Omaha arc vin Stallmaster, Dr. Philip Sher, not only in scholarship, but .also in pate in the finals of the National have been provided for the entertain- Sam J. Leon, Henry Monsky, Harry Prizes will be given to winners in William Alberts, A. B. Alpirn. constructive leadership and service. race contests and stunts to be "featur- Contest, which will take place June ment of members and their friends. Lapidus, Sam Beber, Irvin StalVarious Classes Now Being Organized The workers are: Mr. William L. Holzman will talk master, Harry Silverman, Harry MalAt all times he has kept to the front ed at the picnic Dancing will be held 25th. Young Krasne, who has Just By New Athletic Director Abner Kalmen, chrm. Sam Beber, chairman the good of the larger social group of from 2:30 to 11:45. completed his Junior year at the Uni- on "The Meaning of the 'Y' to the ashock, Abner Kaimen, Dr. A. GreenDr.-Philip Sher Sam .Bliss Harry Lapidas which he is a part and he has been Picnic tables will be placed for the versity of Michigan, spent the past Community Center". Mr. Win. R. berg, Nathan Bernstein, and Harry Fanger Omaha's aquatic performers will be Max Joe Wolf David Greenberg __ Trustin. J. 3. SIosburg will be delegate not only willing but eager to set aside convenience of the family and group week in Co. Bluffs visiting relatives. Blumenthal will make an address of Harry Malashock pleased to hear that the gigantic Jew- Mark Leon J. J. Greenberg He will join his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kooper welcome to the new building, and he I from the Quincy Lodge of Quincy, 111. his own individual interests in order ish Community Center swimming pool Herbert Goldstein Dare Greenberg picnics. Herman Krasne, in Los Angeles, The states to be represented at the Alex Frank will be answered by a representative that the interests of any group might Ben Ovin is now officially opened for all comers. B. G. Shapiro Abe Goldstein . convention are Illinois, Michigan, have dominance, whenever a choice be- The committee in charge re A. Lips- where they.are spending the summer. member of the "Y". Louis Sommer Various classes are now being organ- H. Enbenstein" A. Greenberg A. Levx . came necessary between the two; He man, chirman, and S. JL Kaplan, H. As a musical attraction, Al Finkel Wisconsin, Iowa, Minnesota, Nebraska, ized under the critical eyes of Ed Dr. Win. GrodinBky. Moe Vann Dworsky, Ben Kazlowsky, A. Kaz- EXTERMINATION is 16 and lives at 2130 Binney St. will play the piano, and Mr. H. Aaaron South Dakota, North Dakota, ami Nathan E. Green B. Koraey Burdick, newly appointed physical Maurice Mlcklin lowsky, L. Cohn, S. Rachinsky, Ben CAMPAIGN AGAINTS ZIONISTS Marco, the well-known tenor, will Canada. Ben'Yonrem' Bea Yousem director. Dr. M. Beber Roitsteiri, Mrs. J. Sherman, Lillian A special guest at the convention Dr. !>billp Homonek N. S. Xaffie INBUSSL4. CHARGED sing. The rippling blue waters of the pool Judah BUND-DEMANDS" L. Wollson Dr. XL E. Stein. Dubnoff, Stella Wolfson, Clara Katzwill be Honorable Adolph Kraus, of M. F. Levenson" will surely prove to be a life-saver J. H. KnlakolBky Harry WSW KEHILLAH ELECTIONS man, Gertrude Horwich, and Esther RobiitBou' A. B. Alpirn Chicago, HI., who served as district Berlin. (J..T. A.)—More arrests of to some who cannot stand the swelter- Lonls Somberg Max Girot ' . IN WARSAW Lefkowitz. WORLD CONGRESS OF president for twenty years. He will Marlon Graeti Stalmaster. leaders of the Zionist Socialist moveing rays of the .tempting June sun. Irvin Jack'ilarer . -• JEWISH MUSICIANS TO BE Mai Fromkin install the newly elected officers TuesDr. S. Kubnitz ment in Soviet Russia were reported Ladies will be given access to the pool Henry MonBfcy "Warsaw.—The demand that the HELD IN PALESTINE day evening. Stanley. Levin Harry Wolf in dispatches received here from Rusonly on condition that they wear grey KehUlah Council, recently elected by CREMATION AMONG sia by the Central Bureau of the or black cotton bathing suits. the Jewish population of Warsaw, be" GERMAN JEWS SUBJECT Jerusalem (J. T. A.)—A concert According to Mr. Burdick classes Berzl Memorial Meeting dissolved, was pat forward by the OF NEWSPAPER INQUIRY Poale Zion party. The arrests were hall will be erected in Tel Aviv FOUR JEWS ELECTED alleged to have taken place in Lenin- through the efforts of Palestine Jewwill ber formed for all men, women Jewish Labor Party, Bund. TO ROUMANIAN SENATE; "and children who are interested in The.demand, which came-as a re- Berlin.—The question whether cre- grad, Kiev and other Ukrainian towns. ish musicians as a commemoration of SIX TO PAR1AMENT swimming. Various organizations are A Herd Memorial-meeting will take sult of recent events in Poland, is to ( mation is practiced among the Jews The Poale Zionist reports state that the twenty-fifth anniversary of the expected to enter tourney teams, which place Thursday evening^ July 1, at the the effect that new elections be held and whether the rabbis in Germany the arrests prove the inauguration of musical work of the composer Engel. Bucharest.—Four Jewish senator* will be coached by Burdick and Dave Jewish.Community Center; under the on the. basis of' a new democratic' officiate at the crematorial was ad- a planned extermination campaign The site for the proposed hall was were elected on the government list Chesno. , auspices of the local Zionist Organiza- election statue. dressed by Elsa Donnitzer, German against the Zionist movement in Rus- donated by the Tel Aviv municipality. in the Sentuc elections which took The first part of next week the tion. Jewish writer, to the 70 crematoria sia which is the chief opponent of the A world congress of Jewish music- place on Friday. The government Yevsektzia, the Jewish section of the newly constructed gymnasium will be The program will take the form of FORMER OMAHA GIRL in Germany. ians is planned to take place in Jeru- had a complete victory, the opposiDANCER RETURNS thrown open. The handball courts will a symposium, showing the exj£i<i. to The replies, published in the "Jued- Communist party, in Jewish life in salem during Passover of 1927. Prom- tion not having gained any seats. FOR BRIEF VISIT ische Liberale Zeitung" show that in Russia. be marked off and the numerous hand- which Herri's dreams have been realinent Jewish musicians from various Rabbi Zirelsohn of Kishir.eff, Mr. ball enthusiasts are expected to ized. Miss Annette Eiklin, Omaha dancer,1 49 of the crematoria, rabbis do offiEuropean countries and America have Guthnic of Chotin and Mr. Strejtman swamp the courts. This indoor sport The committee in charge of the has returned home after fulfilling her ciate, and that the organ is played ANDREY SOBOL, announced their intention of partici- of Bukowina were elected to the Senis ,expected to draw many admirers. meeting consists of Mr. M. F. Leven- • season's contract with Keith's Or- during the services. In 9 crematoria RUSSIAN JEWISH NOVELIST, pating in the Congress. ate. Mr. Elijah Mendelsohn was elctAll those 'desiring to enter these son, Dr. O. C Goldner, and Mrs. J. pheum Circuit. COMMITS SUICIDE ' j the rabbis have refused to officiate ed to the Senate by the Roumanian swimming classes must make out ap- Rosenberg. Chamber of Comweite. Mr. MendelThe piquant little Omaha dancer and in 12 no Jews had been cremated plications and file them with the athsohn is a citizen of Jassy and its may be remembered as the featured and therefore the question has not Moscow (J. T. A.)—Audrey Sobol, TWO LIVES LOST IN FIRE letic director. Bucharest (J. T. A.)—The second performer with the Mascagno Ballet, been considered. Russian Jewish writer, committed IN LITHUANIAN TOWN affiliated with the Zionist Organization, congress cf Jewish* students in Rou-1 which was introduced at the Orpheum Some crematoria reported difficult suicide here today. He was 37 years Kononovitch Plays at Concert will be opened in Czernowitz \ last January. because.of the presence of Christian old. Sobol attempted to commit Kovno (J.-T. A.)—Two lives were Among the deputies elected to parj After a few weeks stay at home, symbols in ths halls. An example of suicide during the war, but was then lost in a fire which broke out last liament on the government list are-si* Harry Kdnonovitch, violinist, as- on July 15. It was estimated that the number! Miss RikTin will return .east where this is the crematorium of Munich, saved by physicians. He became popu- night in the town of Salantey in the Jews. They are Messrs. Wurmbrand, sisted at the Mme. Schumann-Heinck concert on Thursday evening at the of Jewish' students in Roumania is she will resume her studies along where the rabbi officiates outside the lar in Russia since the publication of neighborhood of MemeL The town was Gutnic, Jaroslavitsch, Gluendrich, Auditorium. completely destroyed. Aron and Dr. Ebner. various lines in dancing. hall about 4,000. his novel,"Dust"
Jewish Boy Graduates Wins Scholarship Award
New Swimming Pool To Be Officially Opened Monday
Rain Keeps J. C. C Team And Kinney Shoes Idle
Jewish Comnnmilj Center Scene of Next T Meeting
PAGE 2—THE JEWISH PRESS—THURSDAY, JUNE 17, 1928 true Jewish spirit and positively ond place, Bud Levin of the A. Z. tired from tennis about a year agd calibre. Whenever he f*a|d a real t change. From fh«iris& Kaplan became his 1 appear against the challenger, Xl first-class man he was outpointed, I merciless and pounded the J«rsey y A. * after reaping an unbroken string of no doubt that he had the will. contender oil over the canvas. Kaplan, Jolson, at the end of this month. It Published every Thursday at Omaha, Nebraska, Djr Forty yard back stroke—first place, triumphs oti many a field. He metleaving but not the qualifications to become a j however, will have to meet many more will probably be one of the most in*Jfi WISH PRESS PUBLISHING COyMPANl ' Harry Trocktenberg of the Bnai defeat at the hands of David Davis top-notcher. But Maxie was stubborn, formidable opponents before he ac-tefresting fights in which Leonard has " - •••—•- ' tried -----J again. - - - - - Whenever «™tually establishes establishes himself himself as asa aserious serious been seen. The betting, however, runs Ami; second place, Dave Bischoff of the Omaha Tennis club last week He tually % .Office: 4^0; Brandeis Theatre Building — Telephone: ATlantic 1450, tried-• and two to nothing that the Jewish un: claimant for the lightweight crown. after giving Davis a terrific run forhe lost, he lost by a closer margin. - of tho A. Z. A. /•''• „' ' ' NATHAN E. GREEN, Managfjiv . •beaten champion will retire with his With only the relay left on the pro- his money. Davis is the senior tennis By and by he became a feared oppo- BENNY LEONARD crewn. Good luch to both of them— nent. Fighting managers hesitated and «$2.50. Benny and Al. gram the Bnai Ami.led the A. Z. A.champion of the state and one of the thought twice before signing their Subscription Price, one yearby three points the score being 12 to best recqueteers in the Missouri Val- man to meet the Jewish middle'ttreight WILL FIGHT! Advertising rates furnished, on application. That's surely a sensational story, ley. Finkle plans on entering all of the of New York. 9. CHANGE OW ADDKBSS—Flense give botb tba old and new address: after the long announcements, postRome (J. T..A.)—A tablet in mem\ be sore and give your noane. So, the other night, Shade got the ponements, and denials that have been Every .thing-depended upon the out- forthcoming tennis meets and will, if chock of his life, when Maxie Rosen- connected with the etory of Benny ory of the late Italian Jewish scholar ija his old form, cop" many a; victory. come of the relay. The picked fishes The Jewish Press is supplied by the Jewish. Telegraphic Agency (Jewish bloom took all that he handed him, LeonardVre»entT*ncE_into the ring. Alesanclro d'Ancona, famous authority fibrrespondenee Bureau) with cabled and telegraphic Jewish news, in addition of each club awaited final call atremble The temperature is around ninety. and then came back time aiuT agSlfito This time the fide The on Italian literature, was unveiled at ita: .feature articIesAand correspondences from alt important Jewish centers. with nervousness. The A. Z. A. quartet Of course, you are hot, tired and ir- force the pace and bombard him with il the University of Pisa by the Italian and n d there is Inquiries regarding news items credited to this Agency will be gladly composed of Billy Gerelick, Bud Levin, ritable. A sudden thought strikes you. rights-and lefts. To us the "upset" j ^ ^ P f * answered if addressed to Jewish Telegraphic Agency, 621 Broadway, New Marion Graetz and Dave Bischoff led Minister of Education, Pietro Fidele. fact. A bright ray of light in your dark bloom to improve with every bout. faCt YorkrGity. _ > . » _ the Bnai Ami "four" throughout the d o u d o f peevishness. The J. C. C.Now it looks as if he is reaching a And, furthermore: He is to man whe h surely r l y is isa top-notcher. entire distance and copped the race swimming pool. A modern, cool, in- stage where he will have to be reckon^ bigger men in the field j THE FUNCTIONS OF THE MODERN RABBI and the meet by inches. The finalviting pool of violet ray cleaned water. ed as one of the strongest contenders j his reputation is just as great 1 of his class. i DIAMOND Three of our \jRabbinical Seminaries will have graduated by score being A. Z. A. 14, Bnai Ami 12. An obliging - attendant to give you than Maxie proved the proverb: Success _next,Sunday about ^thirty-five young men, who have been trained Following the swimming meet were your basket which contains your comes to those that try and try again, Yes, Benny Leonard is going to I HEADQUARTERS fight • — • —Al Jolson. And, to enter the Jewish ^ministry. While not-all of them will adhere a number of aquatic stunts presented swimming and gym equipment, and PENNSYLVANIA'S afterwards, he will take on Louis J GIFT by local talent. Louise Rosenthal one two courteous, helpful swimming in.strictly to their calling, since many other fields have of late been Louis Mann. This will happen in some BOXING of the classiest of the feminine swim- strdctoti. What more could a man or NEW COUNSELORS hilarious exhibition matches to take f opened to the Seminarygraduate, such as' the Centre Superini- ming contingent entertained the large It did seem strange that in a realm place in New York City for the benefit woman desire. The very thing to put tendent, Y. M. H. A. Bsrector, or similar positions, .most of them audience with a bitof fancy dowidow nftw life in your sluggish veins. We where Jews do a great deal of work of the United Jewish Campaign. In » WHOLESALE AND RETAIL will probably enter, the?,pulpit and identify, -themselves with-the audience with a bit of fancy diving. will, teach you, free of charge, how to no Jew should be connected with the ] other words, Benny is going to make JEWELERS supervision of it. We refer to the box- a big contribution to overseas relief. usual work of the ministry. Even ?those who will be called upon to Dave Chesnau and Ed Burdick demon-1 swim and dive, if you can not do so.ing game. The announcement that There is no doubt that any exhibition Diamond Importers administer educational and social'ins titutioiis will be expected to strated the proper methods of saving A good swim will create a hearty ap- Prank Wiener, of Philadelphia, has match in which Benny participates 214-216 City Nat" Bank BIdg. been appointed by Gouvernor Pinchot these days is worth a lot of money to a drowning person, from a watery ; sanctify their work by ^hp religious inspiration which thiey ab ab- grave. Paul Enger of the Central High petite and an even temper no matter to succeed William H. Rocap as chair- \ the exhibitor. Benny dislikes exhibiEstablished 1894 how hot the.sun may be. Folks just sorbed in the institutions frorn which they are now being swimming team gave a few dives. come'' down to the Center, see Mr.man of the Pennsylvania State Ath- tion contests; but he is going to show letic Commission is an occasion for , . g r a d u a t e d . ....:— - • , ' • •-!',,''"•;.*-'.'' - > , ' *..'•••--' :\ •-• *• ^ - ; . :Jack Gridley of North .High and Rose Burdick or Mr. Chesnau, get your comment. . The functions'of t^e modem Rabbi ahav& become > greatly Weber made a number of dives. Miss raembershipcard and then dash for the The story that goes with the anof the appointment says diversified and considerably complicated* The" weekly seririoir will Weber is a pupil of Ed 'Burdick, the basketroom and the pool. Enjoy an nouncement that Wiener was keenly interested in j 3 ; athletic director at the Community hour of bliss and contentment. athletics .since his high school days; probably continue "to; be a feafaire of the Rabbi's work for soiiae Center. hie activities in boxing have been I time to come, but.together with that hei'is" called "upon jto deliver The J. C.C. baseball team-did not confined to the amateur side of the j game. "For years he refereed and araddresses several, times a ,wee^: at various communal functions,. meet the Kinney Shoe team last Sunranged the amateur tournaments held; Jewish or general* and to take,4 more intimate part in the life of day as per schedule^ -The game; was at the Philadelphia Athletic Club. In* 1898 Wiener was instrumental in thei the congregation thaii 3iis predecessor of a generation ago. I t iscalled off on account of wet grounds. By HAKBY CONZEL organization of the Interscholastic There, is a remote possibility that the true that the modern Rabbi has been relieved to some extent fronj two teams may: not face each other Basketball League of Philadelphia, (CopyrlKht 182& 6 j Sereft Art* Feature Syndicate.) acting as its secretary. When Murray the general communal activities, which have gradually been given any .more on -the diamond. If- the managed the "Phillies," he travelled' over to laymen, and not always to the best interests of the inf Center wins the rest of her. games a good-deal with the team, just f 0* • pleasure, and frequently played with i -stitutions. The work within the, congregation has increased so and the TOnneyfi lose one then they ANOTHER STEIN theYanigans against the Regulars In4 wfll not meet. Such A happening -would : •greatly that it engages all his energy and attention to the ex-f W I N S • - • • / : • - • • . : the spring training trips. I the Jewish lads the pennant by elusion,of other activities. The religious school claims a large agive "Last year, when B«sn Stein won the :" Those who'know Mr. Wiener per-1 two~game-. margin. •'•: '•• "-•.C&nadi&ft championship in British sonally declare that his accession to t portion of the Kabbi's attention several days in the week. The f The Center team will meet' the Columbia, it was the occasion of many the - boxing chairmanship of Peftn ' adult activities su.ch as the Brotherhqqds, the:Sisterhoods, the cUmbing A'me«taR?BusihesB^ College remarks in this column about Jewish State, will do a.lot of good to the ring.; ECOGNIZED as one of the ten foregolfing champions—or, rather, .for in that.area. The deposition of Rocap, Young Peoples societies and a number of other organizations that niriwiit iilllferfFllrk thirSonday after- many most dothing stores in America in conjectures as to why there were is ohe" of the indications of unpleasant* ] "Volume of business -have grown up around the synagogue and to which the Rabbi is noon at onV^thirty o'clbckT Any" red none. Seasons pass, and great masters ness that has the state's i of-the Scotch game 6ome and go, but management of the fighting game. Wooded fan who desires to -witness a expected to give of his time and of his best thoughts, make it —maintaining & year 'round No Sale policy, baseball game should be on deck very few Jews are listed, and hardly Here's hoping that Wiener reorganizes» impossible for him to engage in any other work, even such as isreal" any ever rise to the very top. the Commission and puts Penp-i Qin« anita on on the r : fmflfl i ttkiftg t t a g < Q t h esmallest at ^ 6 p e n l n g whistle^ 'I The only victory in the gold world sylvania on a strong basis. j most essential for; his owji spiritual and intellectual growth. The profitmargin la the world, makes Xaufniah, :"twirfin£, ace- of that has come to our attention since conscientious Rabbi is freuently confronted by the problem as to the 'Jewish- Community ^Cente¥ base- the-triuniph of Bfen Stein is lhat of CHAIRMAN ^ . Nebraska Clothes the Greatest Clothing American professional golfer, Joe KAPLAN AIMS FOR which of his many duties may be neglected with theieast possible ball team made his debut into class the Stein. He was paired with Walter ~ Value You Can Possibly Obtain league circles last Hagen harm to the cause he is expected to further. While these activities - 'Metropolitan. LIGHTWEIGHT •••*•• -i. • • • • » H a g e n in i n Southport, Southport, England, E n g l a n d , last THE
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Our Sporting Column1
Dtmost Value
for Your Money in Good Clothes? R
k andd both b t h of f them th defeated d f t d S are all important and should be the concern of the Rabbi, it isThursday- nite. Kaufman donned ;a week, Sam GROWN ; MUrphy-DTd»It uniform and took the | Robinson and R» H. Hardrrian, BritishIt has been well known that Louis not fair to impose upon hini the duties of a purely administrative r (Kid) Kaplan, World's featherweight mound in theirbehalf against the j •»» seven up and six to play, in a character and the financial worries of the congregation, as is often S^der Electric^.crew. Sammy held! K ^ / S ^ ^ champion. Has been trying to get a the case in smaller- communities, inor 'should he be expected1 to the- Electric inen to no hits and no 1 sufficient indication of his ability, but crack at the lightweight crown for time. His fight against Billy shine in the Gentile:cojnmunity and tcPdeVote his'energies to be- runs" and made two assists in the'tn'ree ithat' he was one of the duo who sue- some White in Boyle's Thirty Acres in ceeded indefeating Robinson is-touch Jersey City was part of his program coming an "atrac|ion", a§ many of the;larger cqngregatidns de- inning^ ^hich he hurled: In~addition more-, to Stein'e creditshe struck out sut. men. Kaufman only toxeaeh that goal. Although the final ^here^is enough-wprk ;for ltim.to do with,mand of their ' outcome was never in doubt, there pitched'"three innings as lie Had to were times when Kaplan had hard d i h that of f building bd in his legitimate and;proper'domain; up the: face the: Klihiey Shoes Sunday at
' spiritual tone of hitf congregation and of influencing ifl a positive Jcfwish way, the'lives of the men and women, the boys and girls -"with whom he comej'iii* coh|act. He must not.be diverted from this great task by problems and worries that should be the lot.tjf the lay leaders, if he is.; to remain true to his calling and "faithful - t o the great responsibilities imposed Upon him'by his office. This applies to all Rabbis; whether graduates of ^he-most ortiiodox or . the most liberal iMti^tibns^.atid should be well understood and applied by the lea^ersqf-cong^egation&^^when engaging'the services of their ministfir&gr-Exponent. ' ^ ' n ' / , , - . ' / . ..J' J".'•'",/
W I N S ; : •. • V - -
League Park/ The Omaha WorldHerald" states that "the only interesting feature1 of the Murphy, Schneider tilt was thie pitching of Kaflfman and
During the early rounds of the fight White didn't show very much respect for the Jewish champion from Meriden, Conn., jarring the latter with hard lefts and rights from long range. The big advantage for Kaplan came when he was in close quarters. White made a terrible mistake when, at the beginning of the fourth round j taking Kaplan for an easy mark betause White, could stand three rounds, he considered of real championship met the champion in toS-to-toe ex-
*30 $3S
' " work to keep White in place.
. The other night-Maxie Roeenbloom, Jewish middleweight boxer,.. won a "decision over Dave Shade,' the Califothiaft, considerelf by: many the best of his, division, which is «omethe heavy hitting, of manager Ma- bcixeif times at other of the "Murphys;"- Inddentaly times, the Wjeiterweight class .Now, boxuig circles consider this the Murphys won 10 to 1. , Al Pinkie, who at pne. -time was the Rbsehbloom Victory s decided upset.
field artillery. After theAclouds p£ w had lifted he took up work at Beatrice; Nebr. He coached the Beatrice high school teams and worked in the "Y1 by "STAN" Three, of hig pupils from Beatrice have A few words about Ed Burdick, the made places'for themselves in th athletic director of the Jewish Com- braska hall of 'athletic' fame" Pid munity Center. Ed Burdick attended FUfdy was one 61 the greatest athletes Central High. School during the year to ever trod fhesdS of the highschbbl of. 1906 to 1910. He was one of thefields of the state^Purdy attended col-': -V few four letter 'athletes at Central lege at Beloit, .Wise., where he was during those years. He was captain of instrumental in winning a "number'of the basketball team during his junior their football games last" 'falL He "is and senior years and also captained now pas1>timihg^ jwith' "the Lincoln Baseball Club in' the "Western Legue. the track team in bis last year. Elbert Bloodgocid the secdnd" ofT tive While attending the Purple and trio was the varsity' quarterbaclc onWhite institution he worked after the 1925.XJniversity of Nebraska footschool at the local Y.'JM. C. A.,.where ball teamV'Bloodgood is now playing he served as assistant . physical paganized professional baseball on the director. . ' <- ' -: Pacific" coast. The Jast .of-the. triumIn 1911he moved to Hastings, Nebr. virate" js Keith Lloyd, a sprinter^j where he was the physical director at at onetime a member of theAmerican the "Y" and coached the Hastings Olympic track and field squad. During high school.teams. Paul'Schissler now the last four years Ed Burdick has head coach at . the Oregon, Aggies coached and' serve! as physical direcschool received his cpachingfronx Bur- tor- in a-' number - of Omaha grade' dick. While at Hastings Burdick schools. Thli year he coached the local promoted the' first State^ %r-M.^C.. A.Y. M. C. A. swimming team to the open basketball ^tournament, incident- state championship. • - > -" - • aly Hastings won the championship. /Omaha chapter No. 354 1,-0. B* B*. Later he Was transferred t6 Ciiiitoft, Bponsored -' the : first -tewirflirung-meet Iowa, where he setved as physical Jield in - the--new^ Community Center director a t the Clinton^'Y" and coach- jswimming. pool. . The meet was- in ed the high school teams. Duke Slater, iharge bfi<Sd Bufdicki The meet wkl all-american football: tactle at Idwa held last -feursday --nite-- before-'--' a U. received his early training from <rowd of several hundred people who Burdick.- Slater was a four lette*;m&n taxed • the floor -space, of the- -pool to at Clinton ^where he excelled ih-'all the utmest-capacity! The meet Was athletics.; ; • ;> i t: I a- dual-affairybetweiBft;the. Bnai-Ami Again he was transferfed this: tittie f faterhity ind the Qniaha Chapter of to Cedar Rapids, [Idwi, where -he the Order-of >Alei*-Zkdik coached the high school teams and ihere-uw*re^foB^-events,; ^fetiV niefi directed the physical education a t the entered in the -fi*stahree-%v^i local "Y".His gift to the • athletic two four men-teams in the last which v/orld while at Cedar Bapids was Burt was the-four, hundred-yard-r Ingwersoh, one" time shining-light of the University of Illinois and now Results of the .meet are as follows: One hundred yard dash—first place, head coach at Iowa U. In 1917 he accepted the,position of Dave Bischoff of the A, Z. A.- drniy " ¥ " physical director at Fort second place, Ted Turner of the Omaha. At the outbreak of war he enBnai Ami. listed and was sent to Camp Taylor; Forty yard dash—first place, Frank where he served in the Ackerman of the Bnai Ami; sec-
"«' The wtfld's leading makes pf good clothes Are heww-ithmisands of suits in styles and build 6f man.
*50 60 * JB^|m jTrontcrs May Be Had
leased ^f itB the tespts of ^out in tHis paper. ^ consider titxe money \vell spent 3|"1M -M
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PAG? 8
JEWISH PBESS—THURSDAY, JUNE 17, Mrs. M. E. Handler Champion ! against aU comem So.far! thisy«ar Mr. and Mrs. Sam Steinierg left movement, consisting of the so-called Woman Golfer at Highland the team has won-'-aU meets by ex- last week on a motor tppr to .New,general Zionists, without definite af-
Mr. and Mrs. David Blumenthal will York City, and other eastern points.; filiation with the right or left groups, tremely decisive scores. be at home Sunday afternoon from Mrs. M. E. Handler is the champion They will vMt in Rochester, N. Y, will open here on Ju'iy 19th. 2 to 5, and^ Sunday evening from 7 woman "^golfer of the Highland Coun- Prank ~ Atauitnian;-' pre^sidenT di~ the next week where Mr. Steinberg will The conference, which was called to 10, in honor of their daughter, try Clttb,- having won the match in B'nai Ami, was 1 S attend the National Grocers Conven- on the initiative of the American trorJc in tion. '•""• * r ~ "~"~" • r "~""' ' ••-" : Zionists, has for its purpose the conEsther, -whose engagement to Mr. the .finals of the tournament held at Paxtoir fiatni"award ' Vfrgif fins' Tear: Sam- Guttman, was announced last the -club- Wednesday afternoon. sideration of 'ways and means of Mrs. Jennie Schwartz returned strengthening the center groups with• Entrants; in. the tournament iwere t e t * * ^fife home Tuesday: from a ten day visit in the movement and provide these Mrs. Herbert Heavenrich,. Mrs. David Mr. and Mrs, A. Levey •will receive Rosenstock, Mrs. Sidney Manley, Mrs. The g»*ghter«jBf ^rajd w|th friends in Kansas. City, Mo. groups with t'ne possibility of forming at their home Sunday afternoonTfrom Paul Schsye, Mrsi. Morris -Ferer, and will meet Tuesday afterj»©«n at 2 o'clock;; at,--*he Jewish Old;: 'People's Mrs. E. L. AJperson" of St. Louis, a stronger' Zionist Executive, which 2 to 5, and Sunday evening from 7 Miss Hazel JDegen. . ; .•;,;."-• H o m e - ,v . • •.-,-. Mo., arrived Sunday to spend the would de'riVe its strength and suppoi-t to 9, in honor of Mr. and" Mrs. Jack A luncheon for twenty-five; guests week here visiting her sister, Mrs. from the center groups. Melcher, who were married June 1, was served following the tournament. The conference will also consider MiBard Krasne, and Mr. Krasne. WEDDINGS in Des Moines, la. Mrs. Melcher was ENGAGEMENTS COUNCIL BLUFFS the Palestine budget for 1926-1927 formerly Miss Sadie Levey. Mr. and Mrs. E- Gilinsky and and adopt resolutions with regard to -,. KATSKEE—DIAMOND Mr. and Mrs. 1. Abrahamson anCouncil Bluffs Sunday School CLUBS daughters, Seta and Gertrude, re- the strengthening of the present Tie wedding of Miss Bernice nounce, the engagement of their to Hold Picnic Next Tuesday turned home Tuesday from a motor, The Omaha Chapter of. Hadassah Diamond, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.daughter, Lee, to Mr. Isadore Hurvitz, Younger Set to Attend : . a t Fairmount Park trip to "Kgnsaa City and Excelsior Zionist' Executive at the meeting of will hold its last meeting of the season David Diamond, of Lincoln, to ; Dr. of Los Angeles, Calif. The wedding the Z?ionist Actions Committee which Weenie F^ast at Fremont on Wednesday afternoon, June 23, at Edwin Katskee, son of Mr. and Mrs.will take place in the early fall. The Talmud Torah Sunday School Springs, Mo. will clpen in London on July 27. RepA. Katskee, of this city, will be A number of the younger set are the new Jewish Community Cer.ter. will hold its Annual Picnic next Tuesresentatives of the American Zionists solemnized at 4 o'clock Sunday after- Mrs. David M. Newman is leaving leaving.to be guests at a weenie roast A report pf_ the First Souxhwestern day afternoon, Jiine,22, at €h.e. Fair- Miss Frances Denelsky of Des are 'expected to attend the conference. noon, at the' home of the bride's Saturday for a month's trip t© Des Saturday evening at Fremont, Nebr. Regional Conferenceof Hadassah mount ' ISfrifc." Alll .the. "Sunday School Moines, Iowa, arrived Sunday to "i S spend the summer here visiting her parents in Lincoln. Rabbi Frederick Moines, Iowa, Chicago, HI., and De- They are Byrdie Berger, AEB» Acker- Chapters: held in Kansas City will be children \ may bring feir friends. y Our motto is HIGH QUALITY Cohn, of Omaha, will officiate. Pre- troit, Mich. I man, Janet Gil frisky,. Fan Aekerman, given by Mrs. J^ Rosenberg andrMrs. New games are being; planned and sister, Mrs. Herman Marowitz, and ':''••• Mr. Marowitz. F. M. I^evenson,..two pf thVtfel^gaieK. ceding the ceremony, a 12 o'clock Bud Wolf, Ronald Gladstone, Alfred prizes wiTLbe gv?en. PTarfs are".'being Leon Greenberg and SOB, dinner will be served to the guests .Mrs. Mayer, Ed Rosenthal, Earl Kulakofs- A special inusical.prograni;has,been made tq!"have fcis "one "6f the/the best Miss Jennie Baron left Wednesday attending the wedding, and in the Walter, left Saturday evening for ky, Marvin Treller, Nathan E.. Jac- arranged, Mrs. and biggest pisSttic ever sponsored by evening a reception will be held atji New York, where she will visit her obs, David Sher, Joseph Hollander, Herman cJah-rfc.ipew ^chairma^^of the the Ladies Attriliary^of' the Talmud for Kansas City, Mo^ to spend the summer with friends. also attend the and Melvin Goldstrom.", the Diamond home. } parents. They Toirah. '" ":' "" 1;";1' ' :1; :; WHY NOT BUY THE BEST? asi You can trade your old Dr. Katske and his bride will leave wedding of Miss Rae Goodrich to Mr. The Independent Order Bf the B'nai CONFERENCE OF W. Fellman, which will be solomnized -". pocket-watch or wrist Sunday evening, on a ten day honey> ZETA BETA New York on June 27. Mrs. Green„ watch for a NEW ONE. ZIONIST CENTER GROUPS moon trip to Denver, Colo., after in SlLi nesday evening, June 23j'at the Danberg will stop off at Chicago to ~visit STAG-DINNER WEDNESDAY stem. CALLED IN LONDON which they will return to Lincoln, a sister Stella Greenberg, and will go ish Hall. where Dr. Katskee will be an interne on to Philadelphia, Pa., and Newark, The Omaha Graduate d u b and Ted Turner was elected captain (J« T. A.J—The-ccBferencei at the St. Elizabeth Hospital. After N. J. members of the Alpha Theta Chapter and Isadore Mann was chosen man- Seven Jewish men will leave Friday of London SQUARE DEAL JCWELEFi the center .groups within the Zionist ager of the B'nai Ami swimming team to attend the National Grocers ConJanuary 1, Dr. and Mrs. Katskee will Douglas St.£iT:U: of the Zeta Beta Tea Fraternity enleave for New York, where he will Mr. and Mrs. S. Gilman entertained tertained at a stag-dinner Wednes- which tied the A. Z. A. team lest vention which will be held June 21-24 at the Jewish Com-i at Rochester, New York. They are: enter the King County Hospital. twenty girls at their home Sunday day evening, June 16, at the Fon' '...;. Messrs. Simon Steinberg, Sam Bubb, A number of Omahans are motor- afternoon in honor of tfieir daughter, tenelle Hotel in honor of Dr. Edwin munity Center pooL Annoaiiceihent M. Bernstein, Sam Meyerson, Leo ing to Lincoln Sunday morning to Lena's graduation. ,. Prizes in - bridge Katskee, who is to be married SunI wish to announce to the Jew# ;of Omaiia that I have attend the- wedding. Among those were won by Betty SegaL Bertha day, June 20, ta Bernice Diamond, The B'nai. Ami tennis tourney will Fitch, Ben Kooter, and J. Mendebson.' opened a Business at my Honag, 3429 Decatur •who are leaving are Mr. and Mrs. A. Shaftbn, Lena Grossman, and Ruth o | Lincoln, Nebr. Among the out-ofr ;et under way soon with Mann, Pol- They will also visit Tn-Chicagq, Ph2slack, Ackerman, and Handler doped to with a full line of Je*ndsh Ejejigioug; .Books suoh as Katskee, the groom's parents, Mr. White." town guests were Harry Diamond, of be' the semi-finalists. Sam Handler delphia, Niagara Falls, New York, Daily Prayers, Machsoxiia, Jespph Rituals, Scriptures, and Mrs. E. Meyer, Mr. and Mrs. J. Lincoln, and Herbert Bernstein, of who was a member of ^the Tech High" and Canada. They expect to be gone Talethim Silk or Wool, Mezzj»ahs and many otiier Irving Heller, of' Cohnnhus, about three weeks.' Blank, Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Muskin, Chicago, I1L articles. ^,;^ tennis squad is favored to win the Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Katskee, Mr. formerly of Omaha, spent the weekMr. Joseph Scharf returned home tournament. end in Omaha, enronto to Chicago, and Mrs. L. Ziev, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. SOMIT, 3527 Tuesdayfrom a ten day trip in MinA. Gross/ Mr. and Mrs. B. Gross, where he will spend 13» summer. The B'nai Ami track team claims neapolis, Minnesota. I also have the agency for the."Sefer Tora" that anyMr. and Mrs; A. Gross, Mr. and Mrs. body wants to order. the junior "track championship of Miss Sylvia AbrahamEon and Miss The ladies Aid Society held a H. H. Katskee, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Nebraska and win defend its claim home of Mrs. D.,Fox. Simon, Mr. and Mrs. Max Gross, M. Rae Adelson.haye just Teturned home Gross, Gladys. Meyer^ Harry Perlik, from an extended trip to Los Angeles, SWISS STEAK Edwin Meyer, Louis Somberg, Lester Calif., where they visited with rela-> tives and friends. ' About 2 lb. piece of round or Meyer, Sam Theodore, Mrs. Anna shoulder steak about 1 inch thick. Diamond, Mrs. Anna Mendel, and Heine Rosenberg, Jack Chessen, Place on board and pound into sister, Dally.:' -Other, out-of-town Ben and Jack Pollack, and Merle Gor- meat os much flour^ as possible. gnesta •wfll-»be "Mrs. D. Baron, and don, of Lincoln,' dfbvec Into Omaha Brown steak on both sides in deep hot fat. Remove steak from pan daughter, "Mildred, of Chicago, DL, Sunday. ""_and into fat in pan (or i needed Mr. and Mrs. Sam Gross, and Mr. more fat can be added) add to Since 1881 : Miss Rose Stein entertained fourabout 4 tablespoons fat; three and Mrs.; E . "Meyerson, ,6f Council tablespoons'flour and 3 cups water. teen guests Monday in honor «f Miss Bluffs, IBL" • Ida"Weinzweigr~who graduated from Let boil a minute, season to taste with salt, pepper and onion. Put SEID—GIVOT ••••••• public school. * meat, back in pan and let cook on » The wedding.; of Mfes: Laura Giyot, slow fire from 1% to 2 hours. Mr. and Mrs. M. Rosenblatt returndaughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. D.jGivot, This meat is delicious cooked in of this city, to Mr. Ben Seid, of Los ed from a four weeks' stay in St. a nreless cooker. Also a good dish Angeles, Calif., will take place Sun- Louis, Mo., with relatives and friends. to lookjm JFriday foe the next day day, June 20, at the home of the They were accompanied home by their and reheated. bride's; parents. The ceremony will be niece, Mildred Soble, who will -visit MEAT CAKES solemnized at one o'clock, Rev. E. witJuthenj •for,several weeks. Roll pie crust very thin and cut Fleishman officiating . Miss Anne Karsh, o£ St. Lords,-Mo-i in squares. On each square place spoonful o cold meat, chopped Invitations have been issued for a wiQ arrive Saturday evening to spend a' and. seasoned. Fold and pinch : reception to be held Sunday evening the 5ummeriracation with her cousins, edges together. Bake in a very hot at the Givot home. Mr. and Mrs. Max KirBchenbaum. oven., Any left over nleat may be Mr. Seid and his bride will leave for a short honeymoon trip, and make Miss Bess JE. Haykin left for Chica. UNJQITE SALAD : their home in Omaha until September go, IH., where she "will attend the _4 large, bananas wedding of~Miss~£dna SehulmanlShe 1, when they will JeaVe to make their 1 cucumber will be gonF "for~ several weeEsT She home in Los Angeles. % cup'salad dressing; ' Among the out-of-town guests who was accompanied by.her. mother,.Mrs. • 1 cup "whipped cream ' Vt. cup chopped pecans. arrived to attend the wedding are the Joseph Haykin. Soak cucumber in salt water 1 bride's_mother, Mrs. S. Seid, of Los Mrs..J. Jacpbs and,Mrs;i D,.R.:C3ciin hou*. Drain and cut in cubes. Mix Angeles, and Mrs. J. Seid, of Los An- entertained at a luncheon-^ah rjongi; with bananas and dressing to whichgeles, formerly Miss Jeanette Simon- Wednesday, afternoon "at the Jewish whipped cream has been added. erf, of Omaha. A number of guests Community Center in honor: of- Mrs. Serve in lettuce cups very cold.. from Sioux City are also expected to Monte Greenblatt. Covers were laid Sprinkle chopped nuts on top. arrive for the wedding. CANNED RHUBARB for twenty-one • Rhubarb is easy to can and will Miss Byrdie Selidow returned home iaste good next winter. Wash and Mr.'and Mrs. Louis J. Horwich, of Denver, Colo., formerly of Omahaj Thursday from a months' visit in peel rhubarb-and. cut in one inch Hats that are surprisingly -motored into . Omaha to * visit with Chicago, BL, Detroit, Mich., and pieces. Pack in jars tightly. Pour smart-fet' this very low water in jar until full.- Let their father, •Mr. K.-Horwich and several other eastern" cities, where she cold price! New! Youthftd! stand. one minute. Pour off this visited with relatives and'friends. family, for a shor while. water and re-fill with cold water. Chic! Every summer frock Adjust" rubber and1 seal tightly. Be must have a matching hat David Fellman, Dayid Wf>blner£Al- >eure the oars are .air tight and Mrs. Carl Riekes entertained Wed—and "we offer the woman rhubarb will keep. When wanted bert Batt, and Cart Sokolorj, meml)efs nesday-afternoon for sixteen children for use pour off water and cook as who would be well but of the Kimett Fraternity are back in in honor of her son, Irvin's " sixth Hair Hats • • - - . -economically dressed a Omaha to spend the summer vacation. u s u a l . — --- •' •-.birthday. Silk Hats real opportunity. Due to The Kimett men placed seventh in CANNED STRAWBERRIES Miss Rosaline.Kohn. left Monday to scholarship standings at the Nebraska a special purchase we are Milan Allow 2 tablespoons water and 2 spend the summer in Minneapolis, University during the past term. The cups able t& offer these unusual sugar for each quart of fruit. Hemps TVffrvn.' . values,. There are the record is" remarkable "Considering that Allow sugar and water to boil one Add berries that have These Hate small sport hats of closeMiss Ruth Newman, of Los Angeles, j there are thirty-six fraternities at the minute. been carefully washed and just let fitting-; smartness — wide boil up. " Can at once. Keep all Calif-, is visiting here with her grand- school. brimnjed hats approved by the surplus juice and by' adding mother, Mrs. A., Newman, and other Mrs. E. Meyer is" entertaining at jpectin make jell. Fashion for wear -with the xelativesr '. a one o'clock luncheon today at the After "canning berries and when sheer «ummer frocks. Hair are cool, roll on their seide Miss Eugenie Go! dmatt, of St. Jewish Community Center in honor jars hats r— silk hats — hats every day for a week and berries Joseph, Mo., is visitihg her sister, of four out-of-town guests, Mrs. H. will not go to top. that are charming1 for imMrs. Phil Grossman, who entertained Goldring, of Los Angeles, Calif., Mrs. mediate and all summer STRAWBERRY JAM WITH eight •couple at her home Monday L. Hyman, of Minneapolis, Minn., wear.. Come early 1 Such Mrs. J. D. Kendisj—of- Sedalia—Mo., PECTIN " evening" honoring Tier guest. values will go quickly. and Mrs. David P. Feder, of Miami, 4 cups berries ., 7%.cups.sugar., Fla. Miss Ruth Kendis left_ % cup. pectin. visit with relatives in Wash berries well - and crush. Mrs. Nate Mantel is returning toAmong the hostesses for Miss Sar- day from Lincoln, Nebr.,: where she Measure with juice. Place on fire, ah BabioTf-flHmre—of ~ Mr. Hynian visited with her sister, Mrs. Julius and boil hard iof 2 minutes. Add pectin. Mix well, remove from; Brown,:Mrs.S."Smith gave a theatre Weil. fire when lightly , cool, skim, and part; Saturday - afternoon. Mrs. B. pour into hot glasses and seal. Garrop entertained at a luncheon at - A' dance in honor "of Mr. and Mrs. STRAWBERRY JAM WHOLE her heme <ra-;ld«>nday afternoon. On Sam. Friedel was given Thursday "Use 2 tablespoons water for Tediif^MtfienjfMrA 'MVl*olOR8ky evening, June 17, at the Hanscom Park Pavilion, by Irwin" Levin, Leon \ every 2 cups sugar and allow to tt^-aJi-^a* luncheon Mendelson, and Schoal Fried. Fifty I boil hard, add one quart washed Fleishman will enterand :allow..to cook over slow couples attended. Music was furn- berries tain at a-.brldge'on Tuesday, Jo»e'22, fire until thick. Should be sealed Small hats "with pert -tszned brims TOT? demure mushroom '• and Mx6.M."N6gg will hold a bridge ished by Joseph Brothers Orchestra.! hot, styles. In a rainbow of soft tints—one to raatcfreaci dressat her home on the following afteryou possessr£Y€r$~tablB--in;«ir Basement Millinery l)e" HOUSEHOLD" HINTS noon. ' Card Party Tuesday is gltea overto Do not allow, damp clothes to remain tolled too long in hot weather has Miss Ethel Greenberg, who A card party will be given Tuesday, as they will mildew. The Outstanding Basement t Millinery been attending school in Chicago for June 22, at the Jewish Community Clean' wax candles by washing the past year, is home for the sum- Center, for the benefit of the Jewish carefully with a soft cloth dipped Event ofthe Season The Brflntfti* Ba«ement «tt>r* alcohol. • : -ier. National Fund. Hostesses for this in PianoJceys are best cleaned with Mr.. Ben Ravitz, who is attending affair are Mrs. I. Kulakofsky, Mrs. J, a soft .-cloth, .dipped in-grain (not ST.T he summer session at Nebraska. U«J- < lintzman and Mrs. Meyer Coren. wood) alcohol. f gpectthawcck-TOd-frrOniahn.-'j^rhe -pnblic-»--in*ited:—.'. --/ ;
Platinum Mountings
• • - • " • • - • •
; -
3,000 Trimmed and Sport Hats Many Worth $3.00 and $4.00
,. _*i<5E 4—THE JEWISH PRESS—THURSDAY, ~JUNE 17, 192G strative and understand such a prod- IMPRESSIVE CEREMONIES ' "Why do you ask.?" .retarne* the rr-nm-iirT MARKS LONDON'S HONOR ! igious meaning. She is goaded to a bewildered tailor.-"What: has that to TO LORD READING final, supreme effort. She fixes me do with the book?" with a long look and bursts, out: "I'll tell you right away. Just anBy Abraham Bursteik London (J. T. A.)—The remarkable "Shema Yisroel!" swer my question. By Marion Weinstein „ J__§ "One thousand dollars-^at least:'* I walked slowly back to the car in career of the former Rufus Isaacs, The doctor took out his checkbook. the empty, sunshine. I glance back at the first Jewish ^marquis in England, The little bookshop \made a brave book, apparently a chemistry; little "Hhere is fifteen hundred dollars—" the queer Jewess, whose glowing eyes Was told to the people by a herald of showing among the dingy clothing Sammy held an algebra; and the Call it race or religion or nationalof the Red Sea divide . . . I Jewish 1 follow me from the doorway. Why am the city of London yesterday when and grocery stores that were its street single daughter read a soberly bound! lie began. ity. You and I and the rest of us From America ? I must have coffee at I reluctant to leave the bedizened, the freedom of the city was conferred "Wait—what' isthis 1" ' was the long neighbors. Its window display of story book. His eye, shifting to a each have our favorite name for it. once and I must have a present! I am Arabized stranger? Jew has met Jew upon the Marquis of Reading in the bricktly jacketed books shone like a corner, met an old bookcase, stuffed alarmed querry. ' "Just this," explained the doctor. But whatever it really is, the impor- alone? Shema Yisroel! What can he in a Moslem wilderness. It is the presence of British statesmen and lone star in,encircling darkness. One solidly with brown volumes of varyPrinces of India. Sir Herbert Samuel, "I collect rare books. Here you have tant fact is that it unmistakably do for me? God bless me for going Miracle!—Jewish Tribune. spot of culture seemed to\gleam in ing sizes. exists, that' subtle something, that to Palestine. Thereafter I cannot pass former High Commissioner of Palesa copy of Sir Isaac Newton's Principia, the. dusk of the ignorance associated The father suddenly closed his tine, and Dr. Joseph H. Hertz, Chief in Latin. He was a great scientist, mighty miracle that makes Jew and his door with a mere greeting. It is with tenement homes and crowded Gemara. Jew—meeting from the uttermost always choice sweets for me and his OSKILKO, PETLURA'S Rabbi of Great Britain, were among and I am paying you a small price for streets.' ] .. "Excuse me, Mr. Gordon," he said, ends of the earth—brothers under the ASSOCIATE, THREATENS REthose present at the ceremonies. smiling Egyptian man servant must Horace Kellerman, physician', self- "I was in the middle.of a Tosephot. his book. I'm getting the better of the skin. VENGE FOR ASSASINATION bring us tiny cups of Turkish coffee. In reciting the details of the career designated dilettante, and lover of rare Excuse me, doctor—you see, we must bargain. -What do you say V "Shema Yisroel!" Jewish—from America—and going to of Marquis of Reading, the herald By now Sammy had sat up. The rest old.books, was paying his bi-weekly all study. That's my chief pleasure in Before these magic words I have Palestine!-1 have a friend in the City Warsaw (J. T. A.)—Revenge for the said: Lord Reading has made a great of the family stood about in, open-, call to .the bookshop. At first having life." ' assasination of Semion Petlura, leader name for himself as a lawyer, statesseen Americans and Turks^ French- of the Pharaohs. gazed disapprovingly at his environs, "It must be a hard struggle," Dr. mouthed excitement. of the Ukrainian poprom bands, was man and diplomat. men arid Germans, Italians and YeGordon, examining the volume, ashe had now become callous to v the Kellerman was expressing his first threatened by Attaman Oskilo, leader menites, shed the veneer of wealth And again I am midway between The Marquis of Reading in his adsured them that the doctor, had'been desensitizing dinginess about him. He thought on the family's situation. or poverty, Occidental radicalism or Jerusalem and the Dead Sea. I am of Ukrainian pogrom bands and at dress, declared that his pleasure in correct and truthful. .The* check was waited at the door until the proprietor, "Very hard,"-murmured Mr. Mosone time an associate of Pethira. Oriental superstitior, the mental and the civic distinction conferred upon Moses Gordon, deigned to lift his head kowitz. "I work all day and part of signed and placed in the trembling physical habits of generations, and on my way in a Ford to the River The threat was made in the -last him is enhanced by the fact that he Jordan. My chauffeur has stopped behands of the father. ' from his supper table in the rear. the night for just enough to eat. I fore. "Neby Mousa," ahuge-limestone issue of the Ukrainian newspaper, was born in the city. However, in "I remember," _said. Dr.. Kellerman, stand revealed: Children of Israel. This meal, though it consisted of rye was a student, though, once, and I In the swift pace of American life pile, the reputed (among the Arabs) "Wblynskaya Zhizn'V which is- pub- those days I had no premonitory in"one thing you saidto .me when I bread, sometimes a herring, and milk, want my children to lear." we seldom pause to think of Jewish Tomb • of Moses. Barren and sun- lished in Royno. Oskilko, who is editor dication of today's honor, he declared. was. a sacred rite, not to be interYou have a large collection of was here last week. 'Our family do. brotherhood. Most of us have only a scofched/stretch the hills • of the of the newspaper, in an issue which rupted by the best or most insistent books," commented the doctor. "How not sell books.-They are as necessary vague, subconscious sense of this wilderness of "Jericho. There is a was devoted entirely to the Petlura as food.' For you, Mr. Moskowitz, they and net harder, in the customers. can you afford them?" solidarity. We are rather aware of humid, heavy silence, no sign of man assasination, calls on the Ukrainians Grew stronger, are food. Good luck "to you' in your strife, "How do you do, doctor?" asked "Those? They were my father's, to boycott Jewish merchants, urges our countless differences, of the inMoses,'.nodding. "Go fight ahead and most of them. And nearly all are new shop—come on, Mr.'Gordon, it's, roads of apathy, of the lure of as- or bird orbeastl We almost pity the an anti-Semitic action and declares j Filling each moment with a noble act. soldier dead, each asleep under his growing late." _ . . ,-..'. look around." His head was again Hebrew and Talmudic books." JOSEPH KOSEKTHAI, ATTORNEY similation. For us of the American little white cross or the Star of David. that Petlura will be revenged by the 624 Peters Trust Bids. turned indifferently away. "Couldn't' you .sell sonie of those Ukrainians. generation there is no vital external We: turn "from the desolation of the NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE OF The doctor, conscious that the ap- you don't need ? That might help you." EXHIBITION OF JACOB CHATTEL MORTGAGE force: to keep us within . the fold. tomb. , . EPSTEIN'S WORK IN. LONDON Nottce JR hereby given thnf the underparently never-touched shelves were ! "Sell? Our family do not sell There is only "the still small voice," The Arab, guardian exchanges signed -will on Jvme 20th, 1020, at 10:00 ATTRACTS WIDE" ATTENTION always receiving accessions, walked books. They are as necessary as food." often very still and very small. We friendly greetings with my companion German Education Minister Threatens o'clock A. M., at 4G77 Taeific Street. Omaha, to Close College Because Students Nebraska, sell to the highest bidder for about the dusty rows. The book-seller '; The doctor nodded, appreciatively. mix so freely with our Gentile neighMistreat Jewish Professor cash: had learned the importance.of making He had never properly, judged the /London (J. T. A-)—Wide, attention bors, especially in the hinterland, that and takes his .proffered cigarette. A One used Hudson Coach. Model 1923, few paces forward and we hear Motor No. 12P3I2, six cylinders, the purchaser believe that" he could soul of the Jewish tenement dweller. was attracted by the exhibition of the only a crisis reveals the barrier. by a chattel mortgage signed by Berlin.—The closing of the techni- covered delve treasures out of bibliothetic ob- But; one thing he wished to be en- work of Jacob Epstein,- famous Amer- Many of us, with that very Jewish strange music. It is a wild strain, as TV. H. Morris in favor of the Lincoln of dolorous tombourines. A crowd of Motor Company and assigned to the Cenican Jewish. sculptor, which was openscurity. If at any. time he purchased, lightened on. agility of nimble wit, leap and caper Mohammedan women have come to cal High School of Hanover was tral Investment Corporation and assigned ed here, yesterday. The exhibition inthreatened by Minister of Education to Joe Eosentbal, which said chattel mortin some library sold to him, a really "Why," he asked, "instead of workon the. dizzy heights of internationalgage was dated December 8th. 19.5, and valuable volume, the seemingly apa-. ing for someone else, don't you do like cludes a bust of the artist, one of his ism, agnosticism, atheism. We are celebrate the Moslem Sabbath, Fri- if the students' demonstration against filed record in the office of the County day, with their prophet, Moses. Here the Jewish professor, Dr. Theodor Clerk for of Douglas County .Nebraska, on the thetic merchant would. be - sufficiently the others, and open up a store for wife and daughter. - . 12th day of December. 1023. Jews only "on" the Holy Days. is a page from Rider Haggard come Lessing .do not cease. The English press publishes lively learned to offer it to some wellknown yourself?" Said sale will be for the purpose ot foreI have mingled with almost every to life! ~ closing said chattle mortgage and satisfycomments on the exhibition. The collector. An investigation was started by the Moskowitz laughed resignedly. nig the amount due thereon, to-wit: the type of Jew in America. I know the In the sensuous sunshine in the of $147.00 and accruing costs. Dr. Kellerman,' though himself a "My friend," he replied, "for every London "Herald" says that Epstein's Jew in his infinite variety here, in the inner court of the Tomb a score of State Attorney against the students sum 1st day of June, l»2ti. who were guilty of mistreating Pro- Dated this collector, still preferred to hope that thing one needs capital. As much as name will live for all time. The well province, in the metropolis. I myself JOE ROSENTHAL, Mortgagee. young girls dance in a weird, undulatfessor Lessing. The case assumed volumes of great value might be dis- I suffer, as much as I work," I spend known critic Konody comments on have been now close to the pulse of -*• . covered in the recesses of this out of every penny on my children. Can you Epstein's choice of Asiatic and exotic things Jewish.and now on the edge of ing step. They are as vivid and lovely new seriousness when students of the the way. shop. Often he found rare save a thousand dollars that way?" types. He terms Epstein's treatment the fringe. But I must confess I never as the Eastern dawn, their smoulder- Charlottenburg Technical High School "Let Us Help You Keep Clean" ing eyes aglow with religious frenzy, I books, which he purchased at less The doctor was silent. He glanced rude and offending to'classic beauty, fully sensed the. Hebraic miracle in their' little bare feet caressing the sent a telegram to the students of the Hanover institution,applauding their than the .estimated worth, but in a once more at the studious family, and criticises what he terms Epstein's my native land. My Gentile friends \ Frontier level & Linen Supply year or two of ' browsing, he had bade them adieu, and departed with perversity in accentuating vicious have been as near to me as my Jewish holy ground, their full throaths emit- attempts to interfere with Professor 1819 California Street ting cooing, bird-like notes, while Lessing's lectures The Republican charactericts of his models. However; pounced upon_ nothing that might be Moses .Gordon. • ATlantic 62S1. friends. One or two have been perhaps their countless bracelets and bangles papers severely criticise the students, called priceless. After all, he ponderDuring the ensuing week Dr. Keller- he states, Epstein, is a powerful artist. nearer. It" was only when I became a play eerie melodies. It is a pagan while the Right press treats their dised, hot could not" expect' a store, cater- man pondered on this manifestation wanderer in'the travels that took me] picture in. every sinous line. order lightly and endeavors to show ing, .pi^esumably, to the people of the of the Jewish spirit of learning. A SIR HERBERT SAMUEL to the Neaf East and Palestine that Suddenly a dark, buxom, velvet- that the Ministry of Education is neighborhood to be distinguished for Jew himself, only now had he seen TO COME TO_U. S. the still voice became a clarion call, clad woman moves toward me. She is overstepping- itself its remarkable collection. IN OCTOBER j ,, t h e c a l l of the "blood." As I relive my bedecked with Oriental jewelry, even the devotion of the old-fashioned famAt this thought he interrupted the ily to the Torah. He wondered whether 'awakening in memory, there flashes to her .sleek, black hair. She over"Manufactured in Omaha" bookseller's after-meal revgry with a it might be possible for him to' help London (J. T. A.)—Sir Herbert through my mind a series of dramatic whelms me with a torrent of Arabic. quick query. BAKEK fCE MACHINE CO. them, but dismissed the thought when Samuel, former High Commissioner of I look my blank amazement. There is "How is it," he asked, "that you he considered that money—the only Palestine and mediator in the British scenes. It is night in Malta, that rockbound something she must get across to me, opened a Tiook "store, here, where no- thing he could offer—would hardly be general strike, .wilj visit,the United British fortress in the Mediterranean, 1 sense, as she wrinkles her puzzled body reads?" acceptable to the tailorwhd had been States next October, it was learned with its handful of Jews. In a bare, \ brow. Wait! She will try once more. Gordon looked at him uncompre- a yeshiva bochur. here today on good authority. candle-lit room atop the steep island j She knows- a few words of another hendingly.. Then he drove again to Moses . Sir Herbert's visit which will be his we sit, a curious company. We are tongue—;Hebrew. "Nobody, reads?" he , marvelled: Gordon's shop. This time the proprie- third to America, will coincide with four Jews and a British naval of"Yehudi?" she questions, peering "Why, our libraries have the biggest tor, on seeing him, rose with an un- the journey to the United States of ficer, who has brought us together. into my eyes. "Yehudi? Yehudi? Oui| circulation in the city! The Jews here usual eagerness. Dr. Chaim Weizmann, president of the There is the Rabbi, a Palestinian Yehudi!" in a rising crescendo. Seizare.as much people;of the' book as "Oh, doctor—-hello!" he exclaimed. World Zionist Organization. It was refugee; his lovely Egyptian wife, j ing my arm she drags me into a dark anywhere else." WHOLESALE "Quick—you remember the Moskowitz stated that the.purpose of Sir Her- pale from the fight with want; his! "You'd hardly think; so," spoke the family. Their Sammy is sick, arid they bert's trip will be to aid the Zionist rotund Turkish friend, prosperous cavern. She points to a shrine before Druggists and Stationers which flickers-tiny tapers. "Moishe doctor. "I don't know much about the can't afford a physician. Please do me leader in extending the Jewish from garrison trade. •01-4O3-44IS South lOtb Street Jews today—you see, I wasn't brought a favor, and take care of him. It will Agency, in conformity with the pro- Each of us, Palestinian, Egyptian, Rabenu! Moishe Rabenu!" she pants. 1' indicate that I understand, that I Proven—RELIABLE up that way. But this is such a poor be only for a minute!" visions of the Talestine "Mandate, to Turk and American, bears unmistakam Jewish, too. But my sign language benighted tenement district!" REASONABLE "Of course!" assented the doctor.! include representatives of non-Zionist able marks of his native country. Our Gordon, for answer, beckoned to a "No physician asks pay from the very Jews in the United States, According features, our dress, our tongue loudly fails because of my Western restraint. ACCURATE PAXTON-MITCHELL CO. No one Jewish could be so undemonlad bouncing a ball against a blank poor. Come!" to the mandate, the Jewish Agency is proclaim our differences. We commut'tb Si tXartha Sis. Hartley 1662 •wall opposite. Omaha, Nebr. They entered the poor tenement recognized by the Mandatory power nicate only with difficulty in a desperSoft gray Iron, brass, bronze and alu"Do you see that boy?" he said! without knocking. The mother, smil- and the League of Nations as an ad- ate mixture of Yiddish, Hebrew and j minum castings. Standard sizes bronze and Iron bushings, sewer manholes, "That's Sammy Moskowitz. His father ing anxiously, ushered them- into a visory body to the Palestine govern- French. We barely understand one an- Wet Wash cistern rings and covers, and clean-out Semi-Flat _ 1 lives in three rooms with-three child- room containing a bed, a cot, arid a. ment in all matters pertaining to the other. Yet what is that peculiar glow, doors in stock. Public Accountants and Auditors ren, and he' works for a tailor twelve chest of drawers. On the rickety bed establishment, of' the' Jewish national that sense of kinship, of reunion, that Rough Dry _ hours a day. They never seem to have lay Sammy, pale and flushed in turn. home in Palestine. AMERICAN WET WASH lights up the wretched room? A ISADORE ABRAMSON enough, to pay their way, yet the moment before I had been perfectly 2808 Cuming St. Hamey 0881 Dr. Kellerman, bending over the Public Accountants and children are being educated, and the lad examined him swiftly. at home with my British friend in Auditoi's NEW LITHUANIAN . father still, reads and studies." our' common tongue, our Anglo-Saxon INCOME TAX SERVICE "No diphtheria," he said. "Pulse a PRESIDENT PROMISES LIBERAL "Remarkable," agreed • the doctor. little irregular—excitement, perhaps.! A'Life Insurance Policy p Cleaned, Bleached, Blocked SYSTEMS—AUDITS TREATMENT OF MINORITIES | outlook. We had chatted easily and "But what can they study?"/ Temperature high. Tqnsilitis and a I INVESTIGATIONS For Every Need | enjoyably. No more than mere curiosg Beautiful Fancy Bands "Everything! The children go to touch of bronchitis. 111 give him a | Kovno (J,T. A.)—A change ibruhejity had brought me to the Rabbi. A JUDAH L. WOLFSON, Rep. 490 Brandeis Theater Building Hebrew school and to public schools. prescription. i better in the situation of Ukrainian { chance remark on .shipboard; "The lite Equitable Life of New York Phone ATlantic 1450 The father was an old yeshiva bochur. At the last word the father, who Jewry was promised by the newly_| Maltese are so shrewd, no Jew can S45 Omaha Nat'l Bnnk Bide. They aren't an isolated'case, either." had quietly entered the room, beckon- elected president of the Lithuanian live on the island," had piqued me to i t . 5353 . Wa. «753. 4 DELIVERY SERVICE Dr. Kellerman was becoming inter- ed hopelessly to Gordon. The doctor Republic, Dr. Kasmir Grinins.. investigation. But now as we talk esting. noted the gesture. • In a press interview :.he stated that lamely of Malta and America and Pal"I didnt know," he declared, "such "Don't worry about .the medicine/' his program -would'be -to satisfy the estine^—inconsequential talk—I am at pi 219 So. 14th St. AT. 9092 things happened. I'm out of touch he. assured them. "111 get it." As he demands of the national minorities in home with these Orientals, these with the Jews of this neighborhood. touched the bed again, it shook tipsily. Lithuania and to bring about a modi- people who talk:and look and act like It ought to be interesting to see the "This is no bed for "an invalid/' he fication of the compulsory Sunday ob- utter strangers. The Goy is now the people you speak of." 2224 Cuming St. declared. "Have you got anything' to servance law, "by which, the Jewish stranger.. By the time the Rabbi has Phone JAckson 1226. "Slumming, eh?" smiled Gordon. put under that short l e g ? * *•* Bring population would, find relief. proudly shown me the pathetic im"Well, I'll take you on a different kind one of thise books." ' Dr. Grinins held the office of Prem- provised synagogue with its Sefer Interstate Prilling Co. • of slumming • trip. When' you're "But," hesitated the father, "they ier of Lithuania-from 192Q to 1922. Torah, there is a catch in my throat. through here, we'll close up for a few are'Hebrew; books." 1307 Howard St. At. 8028 The Rabbi smiles at my sudden minutes and drop in on the Moskowitz silence. He is a wise Rabbi. He looks Omaha, Nebr. "Then find something else." Polish Provisional Government family." at me kindly and murmers cryptically: "Wait, papa," murmured Sammy. Shows Indications of Liberal - BUTTER and EGGS The doctor's remark had been taken "There's a little old book on that pile "America! Shema Yisroel!" Policy Toward Jews up with surprising suddenness. in the corner. Use that. • * * Council Bluffs, la. Though without: real relish^ for- the "The English book?" inquired Mr. "Warsaw.—The Eolish provisional And now it is noonday in Cairo, I proffered visit, he Consented to ac- Moskowitz.' • '.••' , ' . - . • • government is showing indications of am looking at Egyptian scarabs in the company the; bookseller. "It's Latin!" proudly explained its more liberal policy toward the little shop on Kamel Street, opposite Sammy had preceded the two men Sammy. "I saw it!" Jewish population. Deputy Hartglass, that famous haunt of American homeward. When, after books had In Omaha The book was lifted from the corner. president of the Club of Jewish Depu- tourists, Shepheard's Hotel. Unbeen examined .and purchased, arid no Ere the father could slip it tinder the ties has been notified by the Minister mistakably Oriental, of old and gray, other customer appeared in the offing, bedpost, however, the doctor's biblio- of Justice Makowski that during the is the owner of the wares who is disButtepMi ' ' 250 Rooms—300 Baths they had progressed to the rear flat philiac habits came into play, arid he last few days he has nominated 12 playing them to me in o flood of Good Rooms tor II.CO Operated by Epplry Hotel* Co. occupied by the poor, tailor's family, took the volume into his hand. Jewish court* applicants,-candidates Arabic upon which float wrecks of • DEUCtOUS ASj it was already seven-thjrty. Gordon: English phrases. The astonished father saw him halt for admission to the bar.. * having knocked; walked in familiarly. and straighten up. He .waited while The Minister of Education MikaMy universally welcome American "Don't disturb yourselvesl" he at the doctor, his eyes bent avidly on the lowski-Pomorski permitted the stu- accent stirs his garrulity. They have Harry H. Lapidus, Pres.-Treas. once requested. ''I just came in with title page, examined his find. Then the dents of the Hebrew;high, school, Jab- waited so long — four years—for W. G. Ure. Secretary. my friend E>r. Kellerman on the way physician turned again to the anxious- neh, to take the state examinations travelers from the land of plenty. He to get some new books. Omaha Fixture & ly waiting father. in the Hebrew language.'.An. examin- sees in me an advance guard, harbing' "Sit down," \ said Mri Moskowitz "Do you want to sell this book?" ing commission-has already been ap- er of returning golden days. At length Supply Co. amiably, in Yiddish. "We're busy just he asked. he draws from me the information pointed. COMPLETE STORE AND ' now.'' "Sell i t ? " deprecated Moskowitz. Recognition to. the Provisional Po- that I am going to Palestine. OFFICS OUTFITTERS It's only an old book. We had it in lish government came today from the Unbounded in his joy. "Palestine Th e doctor, however,, was already jBTei •CCBPJ r VSfiOQ t Q _ n ba* gazing in pleased astonishment at the Europe. It isn't even'English, Sammy Vatican when' Cardinal Kakowski my country," he confides, his eyes •rath* family. Only the mother was on her says." | transmitted a message of blessings alight. "Me Turk, but me Jew." and l»»nel»» Htreett. "How much," continued the doctor,'from the Pope to Pilsudsld, express-! "I, too, am Jewish," I volunteer, feet. The father, sat over a large TalFbmet tmektmn tTXt 1 OUAHA laudical treatise: One older lad did not with seemingly irrelevance, "do you, ing wishes for a brilliant future for The heavens have opened, the sun need to operiVstoxe?." 'the Bartel government. stands still in its course, the waters trouble to. look up from a large "red
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