Success or failure in business is caused more by mental attitude even than by mental capac-
The cynic is ODC wlio knows the price of every t b i n g / and the v a l u e of nothing".—
ities. — Walter Dill Scott.
second-elan mall matter on January 27th, 1921, at Omaha. Nebraska, pnder the Act of March 8.1870.
Jewish Community Center First Membership Meeting Will Be Held On Monday Evening .Workers of Membership Campaign Will Make Their Reports 1,000 MEMBERS IS SLOGAN OF CAMPAIGN
GIRLS CLASSES TO BE ORGANIZED AT J. C C. Sunday is, registration day for all girls between the ages of 9 to 16, who are interested in organizing Classes in Dancing, Dramatic, Sewing, and other activities that they desire to join. Registration will be held from 2 to 4 o'clock, for all children who are independent members or whose • parents are members of the Jewish Community Center.
I Letter Sent to Jewish Community Center Members Omaha, Nebraska, June 24, 1926. Dear. Member: The first General Meeting of the members, of the Jewish Community Center will he held in the Lodge Room of the Jewish Commnnity Center, Monday evening, June 28, 1926, at 8:30 P. M. This meeting is very important as reports of committees and of the membership campaign will be presented. We want each and every member of the Jewish Community Center to feel that they are a part of the institution and we urge your moral as well as financial cooperation for the success of the Community Center. The responsibility does not belong to any one group of -men but to the entire membership. You are wanted and needed at the meeting. Please show your interest by your attendance and make your desire to have the Community Center a success known to all and felt by all in Omaha.
NO CAMP THIS SUMMER Because of the many athletic activities scheduled at the Jewish Community Center this summer, there will be no summer camp this year. Next summer there will be a camp for boys and a camp for girls.
Young Judae Gabs to Be Organized in Omaha Sunday
$2,000,003 to Expand Cultural Activities Henry Monsky of Omaha Appointed National Chairman of Campaign, and Dr. Boris D. Bogen, Director CAMPAIGN WILL BE LAUNCHED THIS FALL
Cincinnati, Ohio.—A Two Million (Dollar fund to aid in cultural development of Jewish youth in America Young Judae Clubs will be formed' ™d j 1 0 ™ 1 ^ j n P y a l f t i n e j rt A in Omaha Sunday. A meeting of girls reised b* t h e dependent Order of the new building. At this meeting, reports will be given by Committee in-Charge Prepares Probetween the ages of 12 to 16 inter- B'nai B'rith by a campaign carried the committees of the membership campaign/ grant. ested in in organizing Young Judae on in the United States. The camWill 1,000 members attend the and gymnasium are ready for addon. paign will be launched early this REMEMBER, WE ARE EXPECTING YOU AT THE FIRST -Clubs in Omaha will meet at the Fall, from the international headA program is being arranged for. meeting? The committees have been Persons desiring to partake in these GENERAL MEETING AT THE JEWISH COMMUNITY CENTER Jewish Community Center Sunday working continuously on the campaign activities should enroll immediately. the Herzl Memorial Meeting to be afternoon, at 2;30. The meeting will BUILDING, MONDAY EVENING, JUNE 28, 1926, AT 8:30 P. M. in order to secure this number, and "You can participate in these activ- held Thursday evening, July 1, at the Omaha, has been :r, be in charge of Mrs. M. F. Levenson, Henry -Very sincerely, to date, they have secured more than ities by becoming a member of the Jewish Community Center, appointed chairman of the Campaign former Supervisor of Young Judse 500 members, and are out to complete Jewish Community Center. Call at Entertainment prepared "by the comHARRY LAPIDUS, JOE X. WOLF, Committee, and Dr. Boris D. Bogen ; Clubs in Omaha. the goal set. the office for application card," said mittee in charge. is composed of President. Secretary. •will direct the drive. Alfred M. The Young Judae Clubs enables the Cohen musical, instrumental, and speeches on The •workers have been divided into Joe L. Wolf secretary. i boys and girls to acquaint themselves > o f Cincinnati, is national prestwo teams, headed by Sam Beber and ident of the Order "The workers are canvassing. the Herri's-life. with all phases of Jewish life, and Abner Kaimen. The team obtaining city to obtain- the. goal set and we The Y orchestra will play several More Than 200 Members ? serve as a training school for future ™ s i s t h * first campaign ever Plans Made For Picnic of Jewish numbers. Abe Felhnah, repthe most members will be treated to must get the support of every Jewish undertaken by the I. O. B. B. to Jewish leadership. Side a dinner by the losing team on Mon- citizen in Omaha in order, to 'finish resenting the Young Judaea Clubs of at "Y" Meeting Monday . T h e first to enter the ™se ftmds f° r purposes which, do Omaha, will compare Theodore Herzl's club day evening at 6:30, at the Jewish our job," is the appeal of Abner KaiMore than 200 young men' and Plans are nearing completion for' Young Judae ranks is the Junior ™* specifically come within the xunge Community Center Restaurant. men and Sam Beber in behalf of the plans for Palestine, with the present young women attended the last Y. the First annual picnic to be given by! -Daughters' government. MrSi J. Rosenberg will - of Zion, under - the •- leader- of its regular philanthropic ana Q | O members at the workers of the campaign. "We want a fraternal the South Side Congregation on Sun-'ship of Miss j Freeman. The boys' fraternal eactivities. As M. and Y. W. H. A. meeting held give a talk on "What Hadassah is B y night. If yon Lave meeting 1- °; »• doing to make Palestine a healthier Monday evening, June 21, in the day, July 4, at the German Home clubs under Young Judae leadership 8 0 0 0 0 not already joined, you can enroll now. Park. 1 are the B'nai Ami Club led by ' members m this country. *upJewish Community Center. place in which to life". This great institution belongs to orte hospitals and orphan, Other speakers will be Rabbi Eisen- William R. Blumehthal, who gave Besides special entertainment, the' Bennett Cohn, B'nai Israel, sponsored hfP mes eevw*! every Jew i n Omaha, therefore it is snd t a s committee will raffle a living-room; ty Dr. I. Stemhffl, and the Shada > ' "****& " ' " " ^ the s4dr«E3 of welcome, substituted berg, of Lincoln, who will talk on everyone's duty to help support it," suite. Ryan's Melody Boys will fur-1 Chib, of which Ben prcsifor Wsa. JJ. Holzman, who was Herzl, the man, and Mr. Judah Wolfsaid Harry Lapidus, president. establishing Rillel nish. the music for dancing which will j dent. M. F. Levenson is in charge of During the past week many applica- Will Play 24th Street Merchants son will speak in Yiddish on Herd and absent on account of l i e death of be held from 2:30 to 11:45. Universities to J the Boys' section of the" Young Judae his mother. Other speakers on the the National Fund. • Sunday at 3:30. tions have been secured voluntarily at Jewish collegiate youth in obtainingThe picnic will be one of the largest; Clubs, Cantor Shaiah Kohanowitch will program were Mrs. M. Burberry, of the. office women who knowledge of the historical and have viewed the new building and Nine scrappy baseball players, rep- render El M61 Rachmim; in memory., Philadelphia, Pa., and Louis Lipp, events ever given by the South Side cultural background of his race. Eaclt Creightbn Law Student., Congregation. of HerzL ' "witnessed _ the possibilities of the resenting the: Jewish Cknmnunity 1 HilM Foundation has & director who The program concluded wrEh TesdCenter and what it has to offer. Center," -mO. atteinpt«to; pocket their ; • JY J..' Friedman will preside. organizes study aiul *«ods3 activities Berlin, (J. T. A.)—Acquiring ^ Activities in the building are in full tenth straight victory- when they met —The committee in charge of " the ings by Kate Goldstein, violin selecfor Jewish students. Hillel Foundabloom, the swimming classes are be- the strong Twenty-fourth Street program are M. F. Levenson, chair- tions by Al Hook, accompanied by virtue of patience in the same degree i tions have already been Fiiccessfully Merchants Sunday afternoon. The Al FinkeL as exercised by the English in dealing \ Hopes House Will Pass Restrictive established at the University of man, assisted by Mrs. J. Rosenberg, ing organized, the hand ball courts game, which will be called at 3:30, and Dr. O. C Goldher. Relief Resolution. ; with the resettlement of Palestine was University of Wisconsin, ANTI-SEMITES THROW (Illinois, wiH be played off at Twenty-fourth the advice given by Dr. Cnaim WeizWashington, (J. T. A.)—CongressUniversity of Ohio. The fund to br BOMBS AT JEWISH HOUSES • Mrs. S. Nathan, in charge of the and Martha* Streets. mann, president of the World Zionist the raised bythe proposed campaign will. IN BUKOWINA TOWN The Center"infield'is now rounding Jewish Community Center RestauOrganization, in an address delivered man Perlman declared that chances "for securing favorable action enable the I. O. 15. B. to extend rant, announces that Dairy Dishes into perfect" form. . The boys, who Bucharest, (J. T. A.)—Anti-Jewish last night at a huge reception given on his relative quota exemption relief these centers to Eastern &nd Pacific will be served beginning next make up the first line of defense, are excesses occurred last night in the in his honor at the Philharmonic Hall. bill during this session are slight, Coast Universities und to provide for playing brilliantly around the infield week. . _ . _, . t town of Arbora, Bukowina. The ex- "We must learn from the English after the action of the House Immi- their support. corners. Sizzling grounders rarely Accused of D e s t r o y i n g Wooden j •„„_„„ cesses were by «the fol- the virtue of patience, continue to gration Committee in tabling his bill. _ o r a Mperpetrated «at«t«i w « *«i. The two million dollar fund i Cross. trickle through - for" safe hits.. The live peacefully Vith the Palestine lowers of the Cuza party. also be used to further the work The only remaining hope is the posJewish infield is made Tip of Captain Bombs and hand grenades were' Arabs, as well as with the neighborFuneral For Automobile Louis Somberg,' Syd Coreman, Leo Warsaw (J. T. A.)—What is termed thrown at~- houses in the Jewish ing countries. Only the pressure of sibility of Senator Wadsworth's push- the Anti-Defamation League which if, ing through his companion bill in the one of the older activities of in Poland "anti-Jewish excesses" ocVictim Held Sunday Koneckyj and Leo Weitz. quarter. Several houses were demo- work will extend small Palestine into Senate. Senator Wadsworth has not B'nai Borlth. This League seeks to curred in the town RyM, district of It is uncertain as-to-who will be lished. A number of Jewish residents Transjordania and Syria", Dr. Weiz- yet been able to .secure action by the combat anti-Jewish libel. Funeral services for Jacob H. Ross. given the mound assignment for the Warsaw last night. mann declared. were injured47, who died Friday from injury reSenate but stated that he intends A third purpose of the drive will The trouble began when the ceived "while cranking his automobile Jewish team. j bringing his bill up before adjourn- be for a Palestine Housing Fl»i<1 Christian population learned that a at West Point, Nebr., were held Sunhomes vi'i j ment, which is now expected by July •which by building model wooden cross erected on the outskirts 1 day in Omaha. Burial was held at Koutsky Meeting Friday help to improve housing conditions in ••1st. of the town was demolished by. unthe Pleasant Hill Cemetary. By SUSAN BRANDEIS Congressman Perlman declared that the Holy Land. The B'nai B'rith »u: A,meeting of supporters of Jo- known vandals. Immediately the acMr. Ross is survived by his wife seph Koutsky, present Commis- cusation was spread that Jews were if the Senate acts favorably, the present maintains a centre in TeiSophia, three daughters, Mrs. B. F. sioner for Sheriff, will be held in the perpetrators. At midnight panic House Immigration Committee will Aviv, Palestine. It is also cooperatint; the judges of his highest court in Ohio The woman lawyer in the United Margolin, of Kansas City, Mo., and the Ballroom of the ; Rome Hotel prevailed among the Jewish popula- States has been with us since shortly —the first woman to hold such a posi- feel compelled to report the bill, with the Hebrew University. Agnes and Toby Ross, of Omaha, and on Friday evening^ June 25th at tion of the town when various per- after, our Civil War, the earliest ad- tion, and was elected thereto by the despite its present adverse attitude. The I. O. B. B. in addition to j'...'; a brother, Charles S. Ross, of Omaha. 8:00 o'clock. sons started out on an ahtWewish mission having occurred in Illinois people of the entire State. If the read- He admitted, ho'wever, that the Com- American chapters has chapters in The- principal speakers of the "crusade'V breaking the windows in about 1869. Under persistent feminine er will' pardon a personal reference, j mittee could refuse to act at this late Germany, Austria, Poland, Rowmams,, 17,817 JEWS REGISTERED FOR evening will be A. Shotwell, H. M. all Jewish houses, invading the'homes pressure all barriers to their admis- the writer herself was the first woman j period of the session. Congressman Czecho-Slovakia, Turkey, Palestine., EMIGRATION TO PALESTINE Baldridge, arid Henry Monsky. and threatening the lives of the in- sion have been removed. Women are to serve as special assistant to the Perlman also conceded that the and other countries. habitants. Many Jewish residents now admitted to all law schools, with United States attorney in New York, chances of favorable action by the ^Warsaw, (J. T. A.)—A large numCOALITION GOVERNMENT were beaten, many being seriously in- the exception of Harvard and Colum- and at that, was engaged in the Senate are very slight. ber of Polish Jews have expressed HUNGARIAN GOVERNMENT FORMED IN LITHUANIA, jured. • bia, prosecution of violators of the Anti- The House Committee -will act today their desire to proceed to Palestine in DRAFTS BILL TO SUPPRESS ; pn the Sabath bill providing for the In practising her profession, the Trust laws. The police took energetic measures recent months, according to the fig SECRET SOCIETIES to . put an end to the excesses, woman lawyeT is confined to a re-! Berlin.—A change for the admission of twenty-two thousand inuree of the Palestine office of th * * ' * Budapest, (J. T. A.)—A bill to sup- despatches received here state. situation of Lithuanian stricted field, for she meets with a; At present, there are supposed to stead of thirty-five thousand addi- S in Zionist Organization of-Poland. Dur- press secret societies in Hungary has is in sight, according to reports repronounced prejudice to her entering ] tional relatives, called for by the Perling this period 17,817- persons havi been drafted by the" government, it be about 1,600 wosaen, and about ceived here. many interesting and remunerative: man bill. It is improbable that the been registered and approved by thi was learned here today. PETLURA FUNERAL IN PARIS 100,000 men admitted to practice in branches of the law. It is, however,: the various states, which makes, it Committee will accept the Sabath bill The reports state that a coalitfon Palestine Office. In January, following the discovery Only a small fraction of this num of the counterfeiting plot, the govern- Paris.—The funeral of Semion Pet- comparatively easy for a woman to very evident how few women have after rejecting the Perlman measnre. government was formed in the ber is able to leave for Palestine, due ment issued an order suspending the lura took place under police protec- obtain a position as a managing at- tried to become lawyers. As far as Congressman Perlman said the- is a uanian parlhnent, coTiSMtfTig «•' torney in some of our small offices, Jewish women are concerned, it is, of chance of the House Coir ^ttee's People's Socialists, Social Democrat* to the lack of immigratio ncertificates activities of all secret societies. The tion on Sunday. Many persons who wished to enter for women have shown considerable course, very noticeable, particularly passing a restricted relief resolution and the natio-na! minorities. NGP?"issued by the Palestine government. societies,-, however,- including the the church and the cemetery were skill in handling the details of law in New York, that large number of for the admission of a few thousand tiations are said to be in prop?p«*: the J i s h de uti Awakening Magyars and all anti- not admitted. No speeches were work. ^ P f «mcernin* them have entered the field. This is additional relatives, and exempting *™> DELPHINER REOPENS SILK Semitic and terroristic organizations, delivered. the husbands of women who are the ^establishment of the Jewish n« • * * what one would expect, of course, FACTORY IN TEL AVIV did not heed the government's order. A representative of Marshal Piltional autonomy in the RepxsWte re Few of the 350 women admitted to when one realizes how many Jewish United States citizens. Lithuania, the reopening of the Jewsudslri, friend of Petlura, and former practice in New York State have es- men have become lawyers, and the Tel Aviv, (J. T. A.)—The Delphiner ish National Council, the EehSUahf member of the Petlura government tablished offices of their own with fact that we have a large Jewish FRENCH RABBIS MEET silk factory, the closing.of which re- WARSAW KEHILLAH COUNCIL and the Jewish schools. were present. IN CONTENTION cently attracted wide attention, and. WITNESSES STORMY SCENES their own clientele. Some, of these population. No Ministry for Jewish AtTai?* h criticism against the Palestine adwomen, have had sufficient success to < * • • Paris, (J. T. A.)—The annual con- planned. The Sejm will reopen «*. Warsaw.—^(J. T. A.)—Replying make it quite evident to the writer ministration for its tariff policy, will Warsaw, ( j . T. "A.")—Yesterday's It is, of course, still suffident of a ference of the Association of French June 2. be reopened. meeting of the" Council of the Warsaw to a statement eulogizing the "that in the not too distant future wo- novelty to find a woman trying a case, j Rabbis opened here today. Max Delphiner, Viennese silk manu- Kehiilah, the first democratic body late' Semion Petlura, issued by the men will be on a par with men in the It always centres the attention of both The conference will formulate the FRITSCH SENTENCED TO facturer, informed his representative elected on the basis of greater partic- Ukrainian National Committee in practice of the law. judge and jury on her work. While as attitude of the French rabbis toward PRISON FOB INSULTING here of his decision to reopen the fac- ipation in- the elections, ended in Poland, a general meeting of the Club In politics women have pressed the has been pointed out, we are still a the KehUlahs and toward the question j • JEWISH RELIGIOX tory. turmoil and disorder. ;The" disturbance of Jewish Deputies adopted a resolu- men more closely. This is shown in novelty to court and jury. Our breth- of accepting into the Jewish faith tion in which it declared that it conThe Palestine government recently was caused. by. the delegates of the the number of women lawyers hold- ren of the bar have become so ac- apostates who desire to return to the Berlin, (J. T. A.)—Theodor Frftsah, promulgated a new law exempting labor parties, Bund and Poale Zion, demns acts of murder. ing important public positions. One of customed to us, that we no longer re- fold. The agenda also includes the leader of the German The resolution, however* establishes these, Mabel Willebrandt, assistant at- ceive the favoured sympathetic treatcotton, wool-and silk yarns from im- and the people's party, Volkspartei. that "the murder of Petlura was an torney-general of the United States, ment, that the writer is informed old question of foreign Jews resident in against whom a libel suit brought >ort duty. The public which was present in the Max Warburg of Hamburg is ! act of revenge, for the hundreds of argues important Government cases in practioners invariably extended to us. France. The promulgation of this law was galleries participated in the quarrel, 1 On the eve of the opening of the ing-, was sentenced to one month's , elcometl by manufacturers as it is fighting with their political opponents. thousands, of Jewish •victims." the Supreme Court of the United My experience is that juries invariably conference a banquet was given in prisonment. xpected to result in an Improvement States, and also is in charge of prohi- apologize when they decide against celebration of the seventieth birthday The sentence was imposed Charity itself-fulfils the law; •t the position of the textile industry bition enforcement throughout the Unyou, and if they decide with you, do of Dr. Israel Levi, Grand Rabbi of Herr Fritseh for publishine insults ,We may always know what is right; And who can sever love from charity ? i the country. ited States. Florence Allen is one of so with an almost fatherly smile. hut not always what is possible. —Shakespeare. Francr *the Jewish religion
Herzl Memorial Meeting to The first membership meeting of the • Jewish Community Be Hdd Jiily 1 at J, t G. Center will be held Monday evening at 8:30, in^ theLodge rooms
Meeting Will Be Held at The J. C Sunday Afternoon.
J. C. C. Ballieam Won Ninth Straight Game
Perksaa B I Tabld fey
Jews Threatened in Polish TownfayAnd-Jews
THE JEWISH PRESS Published-ever:? Thursday at Ouintm. Nebraska. t>"
THE! JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY Office: 490 Brandeis Theatre Building — Telephone: ATlantic W5(>. NATHAN E. GREEN, Manager. Subscription Price, one year-
Advertising'rates furnished on application. CHANGB OF ADDRKSS— Hlease Rive hotb tbe'old'and new address: '..-.•
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The Jewish Press is supplied by the Jewish telegraphir Agency (Jewish Correspondence Bureau) with cabled and telegraphic Jewish h e m in qridition to feature articles and correspondences from all important Jewish f-enters. inquiries regarding news items credited to this Agency will be gladly answered if addressed to Jewish Telegraphic Agency, 621 Broadway, New
ON CRIME PREVENTION Most of the talk, on crime today consists of inventories of offences, trivial and serious,_by old and young. Most o.f the committees wrestling" with ""vice in ouiv cities compile statistics -and make comparisonsi with '•former days and other lands, in seeking a cure for evil. Most of the proposals suggested deal with new laws and new institutions needed to cope with a situation which both tantalizes and distresses all good citizens. There is no doubt that before we attain a satisfactory state of public and priyate morality, facts known, inventories of evils prepared, and legislation passed t h a t deal with the -conditions as.they -really-are. But i t is inexplicable to account for pur failure to apply «to t h e situation the safest, soundest and most satisfactory remedy for crime t h a i iras ever been known on eaith, the most powerful agency-for combating'sin and Vice in every form, namely, organized idealism or the purifying, -cleansing and inspiring influence of religion.
Joe Levey, half of the handball l&JLES AND "REGULATIONS GOVERNING THE doubles championship team of the f 'PHYSICAL DEPARTMENT state of Iowa, is now a tnemoer of the Classses provided for all: Swimming during June, July Community Center. Young: Levey Gymnasium all the rest of the year. hails from Des Moines where he was Gosttune: ^Regulation "white -sleeveless shirt -and white nmning .'pants and known as the peer of Iowa "four 'Wall, handball wallopers. Last year Tie •.--. '5:.'''.,'.••'.^^ rtl^r; sdled s h o ^ sHdU bd"wo*ii'%y men and boys while "usftfg gymnasium or hand t a l l co»rts.. -: •>r ,.../,,..•...,.-. . <iS ;.,,..,' ~'.V. journeyed to the national handbafi; Ladies gymnasium costume shali be white middy, dark bloomers, tournament at St. Paul, where he white Trubber soled shoes. • waged war on the Champions of every , Ladies required to wear eithfer gray, or black «ddtton bathing: suit state in the Union. He is a comand cap in swimming pool. parative newcomer to the game, 'hsv- j A shower bath mifct tteitakgh <by mi&r one before tottering ttte ing played the fascinating sport for f pool. . '. the short span of three years. -Jewish Supporters are required of all men and boys over 15 years of boys and men here in Omaha are age in swimming pool. rabid lovers of the game and will find a real opponent in the stranger from Seniors and Active Men members "may use the gymnasium, pool and Des Moines.
handball courts any time between 20 A. M.^and 19 P. M. except when a class is in session. <' • <&Mto .A Bbya, 16 to 19 may use "ihe gym bj&L pool Sriy f?me 'between 10 A. M. and 7 P. M. if not in use 4ry a crass.' Hand ball courts may be used only «hinhgiheT61lDW1ifg:h6urs: 10 24. M. to 12, and 2 P. M. to 5. P. M. Gym suit bfi&Yfitiber soled snocs hiust J be^drn while playing hand baU. Junior B boys, 12 to 15, may use the gym^ pool and hand 'ball courts only during -class -periods. Sunday tiftmioofi the gym, pool and Tiancfoali courts will be open to all men ^fttd 'boys 12 years and over. ^ -- Ladies and girls use gym and podl only durmg regular scheduled 'times. No one wffl be aDe^efl <Wi *hfe gs*m floor or liana bill courts unless 'lie hafc gysi s o k d n d cabbet tutted A o e s >*n. A number of Jewish boys won 'Enough aiEr^6iitacire&"pi'ds^aye'b_een.^pured to.-enatye us t o letters -and .awards' during tfie, past, - Only two games of band ball permitted if others -are waiting". Play foursomes and give everyone a ehanfce to play. We i a v e only two know t h a t most ciihiin&ls.haW never observed religions cere- term of afhletics. "John•worts. monials.; most youngipeople'who;show astounding familiarity with
immorality have never a t t e ^ e d T^^ous'.lchools; most of the leaders in Tadical movements, w i i ^ of public ^brothels of all kinds,";af€ counted among the ji'ejigious iconoclasts.. ; . " c. - r \ .• . ^ : > : ; _,. t , '. /This. fact, is sufficient .tofctiK decent citizens to conceited and sustained action to make rehgiori;forceful/in the lives of the people of^our age. I t is worse than useless to search t o r perfect classifications of ci"irflinals-and ^ new categories of crimes, because we may be sure that- they, 'vvill be multipHed, and magnified indefinitely unless checked by the only influence t h a t can withstand their allurements and'temptations, such as the vision of righteousness, the sense of personal dignity, individual responsibility and the asaurance t h a t we are accountable to a wise and loving God, offer to weak nature. As experienced physicians endeavor to prevent the spread of disease by studying the nature and source of the contagion, even while they administer to the needs of the victims of the plague, parents and teachers, statesmen and administrators must busy themselves'today to restore religion where it may have been banished, encourage religion where it may be neglected, exemplify religion.where] it.maj^ be unknown* to t h e «nd of checking: the tendency to loose thinking and'lax conduct, the order of the day. Religion outlines the program of the higher and better things to work and" live for. Religion disciplines the will and evokes-confidence and courage.- Religion restrains the appetite, controls the passion and crushes selfishness while it promotes the' pursuit of beauty, purity, peace and love.
Evelyn Adler, a member of -the JCommunity Cehte*, gained ^tfie-cdveted title of the high school tennis -cham-. plon of the «itylast -weekjwhen she •defeated her girl chum and neighbor, "Ruth McClenagan, for the title in a ^thrilling three game match, 4-6, 6-4, 6-2. Both girls are students at Central high" school. They- defeated *H comers in the preliminary matthes in which all girl -student* of- the "ftfe Omaha prep schools participated.
ny" Rosenblatt earned Jus 'Tech' high "T" on "tfie Slaroon and "White baseball nine. Nathan Marcus earned his "T" in wrestling. 'He is one o? the •city's wrestling champions. 'Marcus also pulled down a Tech award forbeing a member of the Maroon reserve baseball team. "Is*V Wiener also won a reserve award, his being in basketball. -
Senior Men .'. Dave Bleicher, veteran Central catcher, added smother **Q" to Ms crt-' lection. Joe Turner, Puiple outfielder, Boys 12 toJLSJ.JB. wcollected his second- "O'!_ in the. diamond sport. Elmer Greenberg and Herman Levinson earned reserve Boys J. B. EmpioyetCZ "R's" on the diamond. Greenberg was a substitute on the iirst team .while Levinson was a -regular on the second 16 to 19 J. A.:.....nine. . Sam Bender won another "O"> this time in tennis. In addition to his* "O" he also received a gold stripe demoting his .captaincy of the tennis Bays fan. A. Empl. — . — team.' Elmer Greenbetg, Dave Greenand Jake Sh««ibihart were inernbers of the Purple wrestling team. Gifls J2 HHRS(-• ^.^^Utol«* Each of the boys won matches daring the inter-school series but failed t« win a city championship, thfcs lo«ng Ladies, A. M. their chances of gaining a letter on «. the, "mat". None of the Centtal How dare we neglect it? Surely it will require years before wrestlers received -any recognition for s; P. -M -™ the fruits of religion will be harvested in the changed characters their work. of our youth. I t takes time to secure stable and progressive Leon Fofman, North Mgh school measures in the evolution of idealism, but-ther6 is Jio other way earned a Polar "R* as a | Ladi«s known to man. Let .us spiritualize our forties and energize our member of the ""Eskimo** track, tfeam. sanctuaries and be satisfied that good results'will foltow in time/ Marcus Krasne of Crdghton to the blessing of society.--Chi'onicle. , . versity added another "C" to his long Boys nnder 12 ..-_.~ Iftt of varsity" letters. Krasne earned, a CreSghtoft blue -sweater with each letter. -Girls under
J. C. G; Baseball Team H^mmers'Oat Ninth Gonsecutivetyictoiy,.IJJr2
The Ring andthe Crook
Jewish Community Center Athletic Activities Start Monday
"Miss Phyllis has gone out, sip," tho 'iaid Informed him. "No, sir, no word hat I know of." Then, because J e m as well known to Irer, "She left In n 'mrry with someone that catno tn n :;xi. Won't you come in and wnit,
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f to 11.30
But Jerry shook his head. He felt us II a brisk walk would be the very tiest way to clear his brain nnd, leavT E R E M T KING finished -with his tie, J hesitated, lifted a small velvet box ing his car at the "curb, Set 'off down from his .dresser .top, and summoned I he street. Around tlie block he strode rapidly, his thoughts in a tangled I (Copyright.)
"Pki'Ker,'' lie Baid, smiling out of the sheer friendliness he entertained toward everyone, "Thought you might like to see the ring I am taking to Miss Phyllis this evening." "Wdntffcrful, Iftr. Jerry. Wonderful, «tr. A. "happy aiid lucky girl, Miss Itfrlffe. AM yoii, too, Mr. Jerry." •Ptirker's Inferft # a s gdOQ even If his expression of it was badly put. "My congratulations, If I may." Now, strange though it may seem, If Jerry had been asked' to give a truthful answer as to just whom he held most TegSrd for In the world next to his fiancee, he would have had 'to nartfe'tfiis man lie employeQ. Jerry&'igeople were all <teM and the nomadic life he had led abroad since Rboel -days bafl not brOBght other ttwB casual friendships. But with hlhi since boyhood bad been Parker, sharing the experiences anfl •atfrenttfres of travel "ih Mr Tpla'ces. On top of ttese iaTd come i i s service in 'the Great war under Jerry as his <*aptain, when at least once he had saved the life of his superior officer. fQilrilifofe swmgwliat of * h tb
left Ms bedroom and went on into the study to telephone Phyllis and make sure that she would be at hone»ftt4he time -fee $rojftse4.<& rail.: They tatted together for eeveral i Ptii lint 'tha-tSna Tefry the fattHreTl for i«f*f pleasure of listening to tte «lrl's soft voice. He hung up the "receiver and eat 'frrfeatang et Her. rTh1s aftriiflg! a. *ottnd « t e « u p * e a Tils reverie, as of 'footsteps that •were Tamdng. Jerry rmbed *o his bedroom to find that the winaow was open and that the relvet box <ta his dresser was—gone. "Parker 1" Jerry "yelled it orer his But no fleeing- figure "ttfet Ws eyfe 4BSJ tbe fBS»*»cBpe. - • ClsApea i n *l« <?halr, Kerry's mind refimfi to letamine the erldence and accept -It as offered. The showing of the a-iaj; to a man to whom Its value could not but appeal. The ring left temptingly oh ills ifresser. T?he fddtsteps. The "tftttc* ^etaiVay 1n tbfe gathering TWHIgntr" TStreeaCe of his v a l e t
• • '•.-:.._. ,:._
••• , . - .
Jerry WAS so -stuflned %y the i*ossl7150 bttity i f farker'g perfidy ftat not for «er«iaf nilimtes ^W he rekiize that he to •7:00 would go to PhyHis-erapty-handcd that etwaing. 4Terry'« Inctofl* was such 3.U0 that, although»flie rfaig'B cost had to caused him to dig pretty deep into his 4.00 pocket. It was t y no means irreplace--f n able. \ - .. "When * little later he presented himself at Phyllis' door, he was tmpi*|>srea f«r a furtber CTfrprtse.
Returning only to find that Phyllis had not come back, he drove despondently home. Gloomily opening the door of his apartment, heOTWfirstthat the logs in the fireplace, unlighted when he left, were glowing brightly. His heart leaped. Fnrker must have come back with contrite confession or, possibly, adequate explanation. Then, as he switched on the light, he started in tremendous surprise. There in front of the fire, her cape thrown back from her shoulders, her slender feet on the fender, sat Phyllis. "Well—" and she smiled up at him. "I've been waiting ages." Everything had vanished from Jerry's mind but the overwhelming knowledge that Phyllis, the conventional, had so unconventionally come to see him. And in a moment he knew why. "Parker, Jerry. He's at the Jiospital. It seems lie chased a sneak thief down the fire escape and half •a block when he .lumped on him. The -police -got him—the thief, I roean^—but Tie •sliot at Parker who was carried off unconscious in the ambulance. Evidently at the hospital he kept moaning •** you but couldn't make himself Understood. Then he gave my name and an orderly was sent to find out It 1 knew anything about the matter. I thought it was you, dear, until I got there. Oh, Parker is going to get well, all right, but he was most anxious for me to tell you that something or other Is 'safe.1 Perhaps you know what he means." Good old Parker! Once more a hero—^and a tactful one. Not to dlaclose to Phyllis something which Jerry would want known only through himself. He, .Terry, had been •worse than a cad to suspect Mnj of treachery. "teull be going to the hospital, Jerry?" "Right away," he said. Then, hungrily, he held out his arms. "Darling," he whispered, as she let them close about her. ''Come with me," he begged. ""But TBrst," and he lifted her slender hand, '•let me prepare this dear little finger for that which Parker risked his to Bare."
"Ltt Us Help You Keep Clean" Frontier Towel & Linen Supply 1819 California Street ATlantic 62S1.
2.dO to 3.00-
2.00 : to 3.00 6v00
Meet Me At The
7.00 to 4.00
Sunday, June 27.
,2.00 to -3.0© 1-
DEFENSE COUNSEL WILL 1.39 RELEASE NEWS ON Lardrt* Tib" •••'•:• < B y G. Arthur Green.)-. SCaWAttTZBARD TRIAL By paying.sensational ball in the Paris, (J. P. A.)—Information conThe college boys were a t Kauf-] ,2.30 field tnd aided T>y the superb pitching man's mercy u p until t h e third frame. eemlrig^the proceedings in the trial of SaJft Kaufman, premier" hurler of T h e first batter that faced "Sammy"' of Sholom Schwartzbard for the as- Soy OcoutS' vi. ' lo the Gate City League, the Jewish poked a hit into right field that went sassination of Semion Petlura, Will be 9.TH> •Community Center baseball team for two- bases. On a fielder's choice issued by Henri Torres, Schwartz•wept the American Business College the runner ambled down t o t h e "hot"' bard's counsel for defense, through the title "Evrei" (Jews). OF NATIONAL athletes off their feet last' Sunday corner,... from whiph t h e later scored the Jewish Telegraphic Agency, M. The Myassoyedow Street in Odessa MINORITIES' OCCUPATIONS with a 12 to 2 victory. It was the on a n infield, out. N o t until t h e e i g h t h Torres stated today. will be renamed Sholom Aletchem ORDERED IN UKBAlNE ninth straight win for the Hebrew were t h e losers able to. send another -.'. He complained that' many, conflictStreet, in "memory of the late Yiddish man; across the plate. -. This w a s ing and inaccurate stories concerWng team. ' (J. Tv A.)—A »TK census humorist, according to a decision f While Kaufman was holding the probably d u e t o Kaufman e a s i n g up the life and activities of Schwartz- ofbthe..occupations of i-ne national the Odessa municipality. College youths under his so called a bit, with t h e g a m e safely- tucked bard . were published in certain in the,Ukraine was decided ;. ;••, European and American newspapers, hypnotism his teammates» hammered a w a y under M s jeans.,-, upon by the Ukrainian Centrall E Executhe sphere, to ail corners of the field. . A t t h e end of t h e fifth frame the which might prove harmf ull / .-. five .Comfciittee of the Communist It would be invidious, however, to" give score stood 2 and 1 in favor of t h e Riga, (J. T- A.)—A, moving picture Party. one man the credit for the win, be- J. C . C; "willow wavers". T h e spec- depicting the fights between the The census will aim at establishing "Manufactured in Omaha" cause the other hustlers were on their tators- were treated with s p a s m s of Bolsheviks' and the Petlura forces in the number of workers belonging to good a n d bad baseball. F o r a brief the Ukraine has been completed by! toes and performed in gilt>edged Style ICE MACHINE CO. the national minorities, including the during the entire afternoon. ~ :• •• " time i t looked, a s though t h e g a m e the-scenario writer Lipschitz. Jews. It will also gather data conJoseph "SpudV Turner, who prome- would end with the Jewish lads on t h e The film was based on historic docucerning their participation in the nades in the center garden for the l o n g e n d o f a 2 t o 1 count. B u t i n ments and statements of those who large industries j the smaller industries Hebrew contingent celebrated the win the sixth inning, Grossman retired participated on both sides of the and in the crafts. I DIAMOND by hitting safely in his ninth con- under >a barrage of bingles. Olsen, struggle. The scenes were enacted on secutive game. This is ho mean feat who .was rushed to • the. •. mound w a s the actual places where. the pogroms HEADQUARTERS Moscow, (J. T. A.)—The last re- ! Petlura, Tiutiunik and quest: of Andrey SoboU the Russian for any Junior Leaguer" to • shoot at also .pounded hard* ;A11 i n a l l - t h e occurred. j GIFT in Omaha. Dave Bleicher: and: Cap* Hebrew boys held a little relay all .by other leaders of pogrom bands are Jewish novelist who committed suicide COUNSELORS tain Louis Somberg also batted out a their lonesomes and scored eight pictured in the film. here last week* Was that his Jewish | chalkersi. A hit batsman> a sacrifice, couple of Safe bingles Sunday. stories be collected and issued in a Rudy Grossman was toiling on the and another hit scored t h e final run LEBANON JEWS TO COOPERATE separate volume, • according to the WHOLESALE AND RETAIL WITH NEW GOVERNMENT novelists's will filed here. mound for the College cohorts* "Rudy" for t h e College <rew. : JEWELERS According- t o t h e official scorer t h e pitched • & fairly good' brand of ball Sobol stated in his will that he deDiamond Importers with the exception of two innings Jewish crew played flawless ball dur- ^Beirut, .'(J.'.T. A . ) — A delegation sired th«jvoluffle to be issued under 214-216 City Nat'! Bank Bldg. when the Hebrew boys began to ing t h e g a m e with the exception of representing the Jewish community Established 1&94 JOSEPH H O S E N T H A I A ATTOKXEX . swing the "stick" with villainous two measly bobbles by S y d Coren- in Lebanon, headed by the fhief rabbi, v 6zi -vetim Trtst Biar. intent. Frequent bobbles -and bone- rnann, the "old" reliable. Syd played called on Charles. Debbas, newly NOTIGfc OP FORECLOSUKE OP head maneuvers also helped in the with a wrenched back, and consider- elected president of the Lebanon. CHAIXJKIi MOKTGAOB Notice is hereby giveuthnt the undering the- injury , handled the keystone The delegation assured the new J. C. C. win. siglied t\lH Jiio« 2CtB, 1920, at 10:(K) president that the Jewish "population o'clock A. M..on In the initial canto the Jewish boys sack in a favorable manner. at 467T Pacific Street, OiuaJia. will work for the welfare of the ^Nebraska, sell to tfie Highest bhhler tot started after Grossman. Rosenblatt cash: : : : ; • -.-•.. w •-.. .. -.. » / . country. The president stated that was the first to look over Urossman's PALESTINE IMMIGRATION One HBed Hudson Coacb. Model 1023, Motor N o / W C , tXfiitHnde?s, "" DIRECTOR GOES TO StOSCOW he intends to accept Jews into the coveK'd peculiar slants. Johnny, being a little telrte slBjrei »J b^ « chattel mortgase slBjrei »J government service, just as members W. H. Morris iu favor of theLincolu bit over-anxious, whiffed the ozone. Motbt Company and assigned to t i e CenKonecky then worked Grossman for -Warsaw, (J. T. A.)—Albert Hyamr of any other community. tral Jnvestnieuf Corporation and assigned to Joe Koseiithal. which said chattel uiortson, Immigration Director of the The new Syrian ministry, which is e Koseiithal. w b ' » t ttel a free ticket to the initial corner. lid U 1925mnd \ras ilnied Uecember' .1925,mnd Palestine Government, arrived here composed of the moderate elements, ffi of the County Jiled for record in ib« office t Turner then caught one of Grossman's includes Ouassek Moyad, Minister of Cleft 6T Dbtiglas Wtfaty ;fTebfaska, Ort the hooks and was credited with a double, today on his "way to Moscow. lath day of December. 1J>25... . , ;• Proven—RELIABLE It is probable that during" his stay the ,Interior> Shakib Mpjuyassar, Konecky took third on the play. An Said gate -will be for the purpose ol fore: dosing sai3 chalHe "mSrtfe.ige titfa Satreiy^ REASONABLE infield out and a bobble allowed both in Moscow Mr. Hyamson will take up Minister of Public Works; Abdulkader nig the atnimnt due ttoeteon, to-Wlt: the jol 51-17JI0-«i<l, a.ccrJiJBff cost*. ACCURATE men to cross-the riibber.ior ; thefirst the question, .of immigration of Rus- , Azm, Minister of Finance, and Shaker «i)n» • DattQ thiristiflaT of-June, 192(f. Hanbali, Minister of Education. sian Jews to Palestine. markers of the contest JOK EOSENTHAL, Mortgagee.
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PAGE 5—THE JEWISH PRESS—THURSDAY, $UNE 24, 1926 '! *THRfcE- H&NOR• •$ Sir. Philip.-Friedman returned horns;, ;:r : : t /.:•_•:-'•, /: /ATTEA"^IJI^AY.'fnim''a ; ten- s dsiy- i 'tttp- ! to <Jfakago, .ilL|? 1
Good humour may be. said to be one of the Vferv best articles of dress one can wear in society. Thakeray. # * * . Be « philosopher; but, amidst all your philosophy, be still a man.
: Miss IiiEaii XooW Tia^iSsu^rcardsi h o m e Wednesday afternoon in h«ior •for a tea she is giving Sunday afterf o £ h e * ™eces Misses. Sara ^Babior,| noon from 2 to 5 at her home. The land Pauline Nogg of Ofnahfe, honor guests •will be her sister, Mrs. brides-to-be. Tarmmiz—Rnsfc ^hoil (Jack Rose, of Chicago, HI., who is YOUNG MAN OR LADY deTttfiitiiuz ll—btist of 29 at the Kooper home, Mrs.'* SfR HEB&ERT SAMUEL TO Ab I—jiieh Chwlesh " siring ' attractive furnished Ab 9—Fast qf -Ab.y^ Jack Mekher,^ recent bride, and ^ PRESENT JE&USAlEM SfftAi? TOOTH in nice home, call Ha. Ellul—Eosh Chodesh Esther Katleman, whose engagement] GG&UE WITH HOLY SCROLLS 7255. to Morris Pickus, of Chicago, HI was 1986—5667 recently announced. Jerusalem, {Js T. Je!) — A 1—Fifet Day of Ntiw Te&i ^i^« Torah, the Holy Scrolls, will be' 3-JGast <rf Gedaliih .-...,..,.i.^i^: ..Sept. 11 presented to the YeShunm Synagogue J WEDDINGS ENGAGEMENTS Our motto i s B1GH QUALITY T i s h r i K ) — Y o r o K i p p u r -•• -••'—•= ••< -Sept. IS of Jerusalem by Sir Bferbert Samuel, BROWN-BABIOE Mr. and Mrs. A. Somberg announce former British High Commissioner of BARON-ROSENTHAL The \vedding -of -Miss Sarah Babior, the engagement t)f their x2atignter| Miss Patsy Rosenthal, daughter *of J daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. Babior, Sara, to Jack Chesen, of Lincoln, -Sir Herbert informed the synagogue \ to Hyman Brown, son of Mr. and Mrs. Nebr., son of Mr. and Mrs. E. Chesen, Mr and Mrs.. B. M. Kosehthal of! board of his intention in a letter re- Kb %iB"t taTKin' none, Imt somehow A rtxtk&tit Sctftnnce Council Bluffs, and Mr. Ben Baron J. J. Brown, of Council Bluffs, la., of Sioux City, la-. the «toty-g«t otrt tinjtow. WSfiie—Have you ever laughed enW&Y NOT BUY THE BEST? of Sioux Gity, -were quietly inareied ceived here today. will be solemnized at 6:30 Sunday It "seems Eb was sbo-win' Elsie the til «*<KI cried? You can trade your old Miss Somberg just completed her Motieday motning June 21, .-«&_ the Professor Albert Einstein expressed Tarm xrittera ana SeA wbeii tliey coine B»llie—¥«s:i 1 did so this -moralBg. pocket-watch or wrist evening, Jane 27, at the home of the studies at the University of Nebraska, his hoi®i>f rerMting.Palestine in ' & ' . "watch for a NEW ONE. bride's parents. Babbi H. Grodinsky where she was -a member-of the Sigma Sdte! Foirtenelte at' 'Omaha. IBs^ti :6ininunicataon"tb the Palestine Teach- •on "Eb's yaller a r t fod tier Hfter ot k»•tens. FreJdelricfc Cohn perforined the-xSere^ ah a -will officiate. Following the ceremony Delta Tau Sorority. •<Oh, tTticle Eb, those tittens are all •atony. The ctfupte left tajfediatsly.ers Federation. Mr. Snid "Mrs.. Babior will entertain The wedding will take place tins for a .short trip \o Kansas tJity, M6., In Bending: them his portrait, Fro- "different colors," eays Elsie. Eb flraWs eighty-five guests at a wedding din- fall. up as Btraight as he can, him",] SQUARE DEAL UCWELEfe and are expected to -return here on essor Einstein writes that he hopes 'himself ner at the Jewish Community-Center. Douglas 8t.3;j; •havin' the rheumatism, and almost ptfk soda to join them as a member of the el«6fces on his chaw of "tbbaccer. Mr. and Mrs- 1)..felufaenShalan-l^dayntoy spend £he week-end_here faculty of the Hebrew TJniversity. Mr: Brown^and his bride -will spend "Well, yemufe laoy,?' lie says. their honeymoon in Denver, Colo. nounce the engagement',,ol .tibteir and tiien they will ^o to Sioux City* you try to cast no renedions. After July 15, they will make their this ifludh. Ma and me'Ve trfea to to <)nawa; Iowa, whirfe Resented Insinuation home at 1412 W. Broadway. of this city. The -wedding will take s" ^ojor «ats np r l g n t . " — ^ to ihdke their future hohre. Jake Simpson's middle girl, Elsie, Out-of-town, guests to be present place the latter part of the summer. l l ^ r l ' h that's bete brought up in the at the wedding are Mrs. S. Seid,.Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Scharf and ?itr, came down to Oat Holler thfe Mr. and Mrs. H.- Moskowitz an- family have iriftved into tkeit tfew J. Seid, and Mr. and Mrs. Ben Seid, niftier Stmtiay to look pver her TJnde Give me that man of Los Angele§t Calif., Gertrude Ben- nounce the engagement of ^their hbme" at 106 Franfc Street "durmg the Eb Simpson's ferm and it %eems that Tha£; is not passion's slave, Amyy. of • Chicago, I1L, and Mrs. S.daughter Pearl, to Morris Fanger, past week. Eb' got real het tip over her visit well weax^ffim " r > n*i " son of Mr. and Mrs. L.. Fanger, of •md trandted ber Tight off to town. In my heart's core, ay, in my heart Coleman, of New York City. <?f heart. Shakespeare. this city. No date lias been set for .Mrs. JL. Meyerson left Monday evethe "wedding. ning for Excelsior Springs, MiBsoiari, Miss Anne Rosenblatt," daughter of; where she plans to remain for Mr. and Mrs. Morris M. Rosenblatt, Announcement ~ Mr. and Mrs. Ernest A. Meyer and several weeks. a student of Radcliffee College, will family are motoring to Sioux City, la., I wish to aniKranee to ttxe Jewsof Omaha that I have arrive home the early part of next Miss Sara Noddle returned Borne Saturday. ' • . — opened a Business at my Home, 2429 ©66atHr Sfee^t, week to spend her -vacation here. Sunday from .a two weeks' visit vriih. IBlach) with a full kne of Jewish ReSgiottV Books sttch^is relatives in Chicago, Illinois. Mr. and Mrs. A. Herzberg have Mr. and. Mrs. Harry Matashock DaiJy Prayers, Matihsorim, JewTsh ,BH»als, Scrijfeires, entertained at a family gatherhiE: moved into their new home at 104 Mrs. M. Nogg entertained twelve Taletiiim. Sflk or Wool, Mezzasahs--fiiid irtaay, «fl»r at i&eir home Tuesday evening in North 55th Street. .articles. ^ " •'.?--• relatives at a Bridge Tea at her honor of the fifth wedding anniverMrs. J. Baron, o t Chicago, HI., who . The Agudes^ Acbim SoSety w31 sary of MJF. and Mrs. J. M. Mala- is visiting here with Mr. and Mrs. A. hold an election of officers at their I also have the agency for the i'Sefer Tora" that anyshock. To make this a Joint surprise Katskee, is leaving Sunday for Sioux next meeting which will' be held anniversary party, the guests also City, body wants to order. Ci Ia^ I b f ti before returning to her Monday evening, June ,28, at'the "KC surprised the hosts in honor of their home. Hall. Every member is urged to tenth wedding anniversary. ^ attend. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Fellman and Mr. and Mrs. Leon Weiss and will move Friday into their Mrs. H. Satrman and Mrs. B. Leonard Summerfield, of Duluth, home at S552 Cass Street. Saltaanan left Monday for Excelsior Minn., who were visiting here with Springs, Mo. Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Chapman, left Mr. attd: Mrs. ;B^ Xulakofsky and Tuesday for their home. daughter,^^^ Seva, returned Thursdsiy morning from Ann Arbor, Mich., Miss Sara Kind, of KWTTSKS ' City, where Mr. and Mrs.' Kulakof sky!s atMo., i s visiting here with Mr. andtended their daughter's graduation Mrs. Sam Turner. She wfll visit hfire from the University of Michigan. for a month. ^ . TUNA FISH LOAF Miss Gladys Meyer has issued 50 1 small can tuna fish Miss Leah Herzoff, of Sioux Cily, invitations for'a treaseau tea she is 2 tablespoons butter la., spend the past week here *with giving Sunday afternoon from 3 to 1 cup corn flakes her cousin, Miss Tillie Rice. . 5 at her home. : * ••;••>' 1 cup milk 2 eggs <t Mis. H. Zasson, of St. Paul, - Mrs. Saul Levey and Mrs. L.-KnlSalt and pepper to taste. , arrival" last week to spend two weeks akofsky entertained at a dancing Melt butter in milk which should with Mrs. W. Bischoff, and family. hot. Add fish andflakesand party Monday evening at Ihe High- be well beaten eggs. Season and Mrs. B. A. Simon is in Excelsior land Country plub in honor of Miss pour into well buttered pan. Bake Springs, Mo., and plans to be gone a Pearl. Barnett, of Milwaukee, Wis., in medium oven one hour. This is the house guests of Mrs. Kulakofsky. nice hot or cold. month. Salmon may be used in place of Miss Barnett is returning- to Iter Creamed peas ma/ be Mr. and Mrs. Sam Lincoln- enter- home next week. A number of lunch- Tuna. aerved -with this loaf. tained thirty guests Sunday evening eons and other social affairs are at their home in honor of Mrs. Lin- being given during her stay. PRUNE "ZIMES" coln's sister, Pearl Moskowit whose 1 Tb. prunes 1 lb. beef brisket engagement of Morris Fanger, is an- In honor of Miss Sara Ruback, a 5 or 6 potatoes bride-to-be, Mrs. J. Selinslcy enternounced this week. 4 cup sugar tained at a miscellaneous shower a t Tiny piece citric acid. The Misses Bernice and Harriet her home Saturday afternoon. Place prunes and meat in kettle Green, of Chicago, 111., are arriving with water to cover and cook slowFriday to be the guests of Mr. and ly until meat is tender. Season "with CLUBS salt and pepper to taste. Peel Mrs. Joe Eice, and Miss Tillie Eice They will be lere for several weeks. KA-DEE-MO DANCE SUNDAY potatoes and leave whole. Arfttnge in baking pan. Pour prune and meat mixture over them. Mix sugar Miss Bess A. Haykin left last week The Ka-Dee-Mo Club is giving an- and citric acid (sour salt), add with for Chicago, 111., where she will visi other dance on Sunday, June 27, at a little hot water to meat mixture. rerlatives. She will return about Keeps' Dancing Academy. Ioseph Place in oven and bake one hour or until well browned. July 1. ', 141 sqtMtre R E is a remarkable car of this type Bros. Orchestra will furnish the If potatoes are cooked wit the Mr., and Mrs. Ben L. Polsky an mysic, and the committee in charge sos&ce prtmdfc-a "rjew-t57peofcar,diflFerent side-sway o and prunes they will become nounce the birth of a baby son, born have made plans for entertaining meat pie safety margia. too well cooked and crumble. jft peTfbnxi&nce, comfort or wandering . » . Hie car hugs Friday, June 11. Mrs, Poteky was stunts. " ~ »tyi fa^ft cf drivingfromany- theToad. It has more inside space, formerly "Miss Blanch Bessel, of this NEW CARROTS AND PEAS 1 bunch carrots city... ;••. • ' ; : • ' " • ' ' . ' ' " '"."' ybii have ever known cubic feet thaa4b&^erage 1 Installation of officers x>f the 1 lb. peas (before shelling). .. t j e f c r e . • • " • * . • • of toss price. Thiscaf has tremendous p Boil together shelled peas and Miss Hattie Margolin, of Philadel- "Sfaada" Organization will be held at scraped carrots cut into small phia, is visiting with Miss Sylvia the Jewish Community Center on pieces. Salt to taste. When tender It is a" complete new departure performance - ability — ability It is a car of' never obtainable in any car of The;big broad ioof<^'W Chait. She will be h'ere for twoThursday Evening, June 24. The brown 2 tablespoons flour and one : ««^- £ • *• ^'WBini^s <n automobile engineering. g ^ ^ are major officers of the club are as fol- tablespoon fat and pour carrot mixweeks. this size or price before. Pull lows: Ben Sheanin, President; Sam ture into, this while hot. Cook inches wide. 1km can get The whole car is designed as an 4Q-bnifcebors6po wer is delivered Mr. and Mrs. S^EIewitzentertained Fregger, Vive-President; Henry Mag- Slowly for 5 minutes, season to in or out with the utmost ease. integral, harmonious unit All in a straight line from its low nhieteen guests at a graduation party zamin, Secretary and Treasurer. Re- taste and serve hot. Nothing has been spared to Do not cook these fresh vegeparts are co-related with other swung engine through to the in honor of her daugher, Iibby, on. freshments will be served by Mrs. tables in very much water. Always make this car a positive comfortparts. It is unit-engineered to rear axle shaft The result is a • Saturday, June 19, a t her home. Nathan. The tournament, which was salt at once. Save the water as Prizes were won by Rose Forman, sponsored by the club, was won by the best part of the vegetables is meet modern performance traffic ability mat is positively Euth Fox, and Sarah Baum. A re-Barnett Abrams after a match with in it. standards. : Simply in fairness to yourscH If you want to serve this dish ception or thirty-five guests was held Sam Giltef. The club is now holding with milk, cook until almost all the see this wonderful car«i : >?' in "the evening. It embodies the major advantennis and handball tournament. You can drive the Overland Six water is gone. Add your milk or white sauce as you prefer. Carhour after honr at high speed tages of 18 of Europe and Mr.- and Mrs. Meyer Friedel were MISS BORSKY PROMOTED rots and peas may be cooked towithout excessive wear and tear Am erica'sfinestmotorcars, plus gether as above. Allow to become entertained at a surprise mah jong Miss Rae Borsky is associated -with cold. many others our own* engineer- OVERLAND STX Add hard cooked eggs and % on the engine. It was designed and bridge party at their home the Brandeis Stores and has been ap- celery and :t mayonnaise and servg in Tfae a«w WtlXTS FIivg experts developed. " ft«ran average road speed of 40 NAUCE K A N B M I I M Saturday evening by a number x>f pouitea buyer of the Linen Depart- lettuce cups as a salad. iMirf down, intllct to 55 miles an hour. mmnUTP«yiBent>i*nd the their friends. ment. •••-••••; The Overland ShrwiB turn in a IDWUI o»Uli-co«t ia tli* STRAWBERRY ICE CREAM Miss Borsky was formerly conXte lowgiavily center gives you forty foot circle. Rear springs Miss Ida Greenhouse returned for nected with the Burgess-Nash linen 1 quart and 1 pint cream the right «• ?*• 1 cup sugar the summer after having attended Department. 6 of security never found are xxndershxng and 52 inches 1 tablespoon vanilla. college in Detroit, Mich. Mix and let stand Vz hour. Pour into freezer and freeze until mushy. Miss Elaine Ber:owitz entertained MESOPOTAMIA^ JEWS Add 2 quarts strawberries that EMIGRATE TO PALESTINE sixteen guests at bridge at her home have been crushed and allowed to Saturday afternoon in honor of Mi&s stand ^/hour with 2 cups sugar. Factory Branch—Open Evenings i^-. Ruth Newman, of Los Angeles, Calif., Bagdad* (J.--T. A.)-^Emigration of Freeze until stiff. 2S62 Farnam St. J ^ & l AT laMie 3421. who is visiting here with her grand- Mesopotamian Jews to Palestine is in• • . . .• ' CITE »EAIJEKS ' ~*il^ HOUSEHOLD HINTS creasing, according to figures made : E . I. I-rnn Motor Co., S556-6S T>arenwortli St. ' mother, Mrs. A, Newman. :«fc To keep vases from tipping, fill Auto Co n 5915 Military Avenne. Wetland Motor Co., 2921 Sberman ATenue. known here. Underwood Garajre, SOU Faflrnrooa Are. to lower part with fine sand. KJS: The movement to emigrate to PalesMrs. H. Gross returned home MonJpweU AntomoihUe Co, £5 >~orth Main St., Cotmcil Bltttls, l a . _..:; day from Kansas City, Mo., where tine is particularly strong among the Use left over jam and jelly in she visited for the past three weefcs wealthy Jewish families of Iraq who the rice pudding and use less sugar. with her daughter, Mrs. Ira Eosen- are selling off their property. Last "'•• Add \k teaspoon cinnamon to bluro, and Mr. Eosenblum. week ten families left fox Palestine. any recipe for chocolate cake. You A plague is raging in Bagdad, 37 will be surprised at the fine flavor. Mrs. S. Greenhouse entertamed hist cases were reported during last week. Saturday afternoon in honor of the Put pepper in rolled crumbs you birthday »f her little daughter, The truths of nature are one eternal are saving and avoid being wormy. change, one infinite variety. Buskin. / M a r t h a . " * • . - — - . •• : . \ •• : -' . ' '"; :;:
Diamonds and Platinum Mountings
M. SOMIT, \VEUter3527
Good Products c4ft Ore Delicious
—throw an entirely new light Present-day performance sMndard$\
JEWISH PRESS—THURSDAY, JUNE24,'192S, have deposited me at the corner, you widow Liscombe became Mrs. Greg- string and pulled up, and finally , of Jewish athletes as box office attracory Matteson—and there was nothing rope strong enough to hold the tacklj drive right off. No spying, mind!" tions as follows: "Those who will cast their Gregory awoke the next morning unexpected about it at all. People bad which was arranged to hoist up A minds back a half year or so will with Ms head full of of his adven- known for a long time It was bound painter.—Popular Mechanics zine. remember the national publicityture. Hang it all I he wanted to be to happen. which attached itself to the doings By HARKY COX ZEL especially clear-headed today. He had of Benny Friedman, Jewish By M. IRVING KING (Copyright IB23 07 Seten Artt for several years been in the law Famous Old Highland Town "To Walk SpanUh" B T MARTHA M. WILLIAMS quarterback of the University of Feature Syndicate.) office of Judge Paiton; the Judge had Crieff was greatly beloved by Charles Michigan football team. The To mate a person "walk Spanish" decided to give him a junior partner- Reade, who said: "The habitable globe to make him come up to time, or Hebrew athlete gets publicity not ship and this was the day. The Judge because he is Jewish but because KrpHE trouble with life is that It was a frigid old chap who kept his possesses no more delightful spot tban make him act under compulsion. It rd T B N N Y iell asleep upon a mldsumhe is a Jewish athlete—and the ters to the old sport among boys l Crieff." A lacks unexpectedness. The same J mer night, doubly thrilled, If mildly. Jewish athlete is comparatively But the district is not only charm- Which one hoy seizes another by rolmd, day after day; the same people personal and business affairs as widefey a ring set "with topas—her blrthrare in American sports. over and over again," said Gregory ly asunder as possible. But today, ing; it is also of hoary antiquity. collar and tlie sent of the trousers stone, and knowledge that she was "Publicity, however, is valuable Those who remember Pierre WertMatteson to his friend, Jack Chappell, after the partnership papers were Stone and bronze instruments, records forces him along on tiptoe. 11 going to tomorrow'a picnic In Jessato the professional sports proheim, the French-Jewish racing master In the latter's bachelor apartments in signed, he said to Gregory: "I should of a bygone ege, have been found by extension, it means to valk jrin jDay*s brand-new car. It was dreadful who imported Epinard in an attempt moter. In the nimble hands of be glad of your company at dinner to- there. Muthill, three miles from Crieff, Iy. Apparently the expression o the ClaypooL the promoter of professional to wake and find the new son "draw- to "win American racing honors, will Is the site where the Roman legions nally referred to the manner in v. "Cheer up, old top," said Jack, per- night Eight o'clock." sports publicity quickly becomes tag water," sure sign of rain, with surely sympathize with James de Before dinner Gregory was pre- tinder Agricola defeated the British the Spanish pirates used to ha a pot of gold. And-so it is" that haps you will be arrested for violathtr mother complaining from the Rothschild, the English Jew who has the promoter has sought in the ing the traffic regulations and spend sented to Mrs. Paxton, to Miss Eleanor leader, Galgacus, end thirty thousand their prisoners while starting them o U | Abit: •'Wakeup" and hear the bad been dabbling more or less regularly Paxton, Miss Margerie Paxton and to men. The earls palatine of Strathearn, on the plank.—Exchange. past the unusual among athletes the night in a prison cell." nevrs—long distance says the Cranes in horses for the last five years. "My daughter, Mrs. Liscombe!" for the publicity they could bring "leaders of the Celtic party In ScotThe Claypool was on one of those are comln* all three, bag and bag- It was at the Royal Ascot, in Lon- him. 1 "Tou see," said Emily Liscombe land—tribal kings In their own rigbt" side streets where you are allowed to gage, t o stay till we're tired of them. don, the great annual race event "It is only recently that the leave your car for a brief specified when she got an opportunity to talk held courts at Crieff from the earliest PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS Hhat wouldn't be long If folks told which exists to give society an opporJewish athlete has been contime. Gregory's sedan was waiting at apart with Gregory, "I married an time of •which -we have any record, but truth—I'm good and tired of .'em right tunity to patronize the horses and the sidered among the unusual. BeEnglishman six years ago and went to dressmakers, and which is always now." fore this he was simply not con- the curb. Opposite the Claypool was live abroad. My husband lived only a modern Crieff may be said to date its notable because of the presence of the the "exclusive" dressmaking establishrise from the opening of the first rail"And you can't Bay so!" Jenny King: and Queen and other members sidered at all. But this is the ment of "Madame Leonore." The year after our marriages But I stayed way in 1836.—London Post day of the Jewish athlete, especimoaned. "But however will I get my of the royal family. It was Rothchild's on with my mother-in-law until her madame was of an inquiring mind and ially where the public prints are iclothes done right, and In time, with chance to win one of England's classic possessed a fund of interesting facts death. Last week I returned to the concerned." • jail of them snoopln' round? Maybe the stakes, perhaps even the golden vase about the young men in the bachelor States. Last night I resolved to go to Climbing a Tall Smokestack xaln will stop 'em." . given by the King himself. He had When a huge steel smokestack of a apartments across the street When the Tan Dykerman reception. Mother j Her mother growled outright: "An entered Vionnet, who had been conand Mrs. Van Dykermaa don't speak. power bouse needed painting and It Gregory alighted from his car she •earthquake wouldn't stop Lucinda sidered a very likely winner for the looked over .the low curtain of her To avoid a row I arranged to dress at was found rather difficult to arrange (Crane when her megs are set to go." day's prizes, in the Ascot Stakes. Julius Seligson defeated Frank window and remarked to a customer my dressmakers and go from there. a tackle to haul up a man, the fireman But an unfortunate accident oc- Shields, the national boys' champion, j Rain came In sheets. So did .not I have a latchkey, the family would 'Jesaamy—too careful of the new car. curred. Soon after the start, when 6-2, 6-1, 6-4, in the first junior tennis upon whom she was waiting, "There all be; abed when I returned; so that i made a parachute that fitted snngly j inside of the stack. He attached a goes Gregory-Matteson to seeJack The Cranes came by the auto-bus. the horses were bunched, there was tournament event of the season. It part "would be all right I engaged a ! string to the parachute and allowed a scramble for the lead. Near the ChappelL Why I perhaps you know was a stiff fight, but the Jewish lad (Mother Luclndy was greedy and stand, where the King and got up sufficient confidence to beat his him"—and proceeded to give a brief car from a public garage to meet me the draft in the stack to carry it up. WHOLESALE prying, Fee and Sal, the daughters, royal' at Leonore's but it did not show up. Queen were seated, Vionnet, ridden by formidable opponent. A small rope •was next tied to the biographical ,sketch. breezy, to put it mildly, also frank J. Sirett, fell and broke his back in a Druggists and Stationers -When Gregory went to get into his "It-was getting late and I was gethusband hunters. "Trot out all the collision and seriously injured his •O1-403-40S 8ontb tOUl Street car be sprang back in amazement ting-desperate when, you drove up to business beaux you can scare up!" rider. The horse had to be shot, and Seated on the back seat was a most the 'Claypool. Leonore told me who 'Jenny answered with a toss of the the jockey was unconscious for hours. beautiful lady of about thirty in eve- you were and that you were In faWad:. 'T don't understand that sort I t seems that the Rothschilds should We have been proclaiming the ning dress. "Please, Mr. Matteson," ther's office. I took it for granted of sport. Unless men come here just have stuck to their banking trans- championship calibre of Julius SeligPAXTON-MTTCHELL CO. because they like to, I hope they'll actions and to giving huge amounts son, the national junior indoor tennis said she in a most winning voice, would know who Mrs. Lisfor philanthropic purposes, and to champion, and he.consistently follows "drive me at once to 2\"o. 36 Fifty-So- combe was and commandeered you never'come at all." S:tb ft Olsrtba Ms. Barney 166Z and-So street." and your car." ' Omaha, Nebr. "Victorian. Pre-Tictorian 1" the sis- saving governments at crucial mo- up our predictions by sterling perSon gray Iron, brass, bronze and aiufarmances. He was the cause for one He had been crying out for the on- I "I am awfuly stupid." said GregO720 ters chanted together. . "See her fin- ments by miraculous loans. minnin castings. Standard sices bronze of the biggest upsets in Eastern tennis expected—here it was. "Madame," ory;, "of course I knew the judge had and iron bushings, sewer manholes, jish. right now. Stepmother to nine history when, during the games being said he, "yon have the advantage of a daughter who was married and cistern tinge and covers, and clean-out •children—preacher's chHdren, always doors ID etoctt. playedfor the New Jersey State men's me; but I should be delighted to be lived abroad, and must have heard the 'the worst sort—a real petting party open lawn tennis championship, he name Liscombe as that of her husHere is a game that is indoor, and would make her drop dead!" defeated Anton E. von Bernuth, 1923 of service." band. But you see, you rather rattled I Which made Jenny's lip curl—until nothing else but! Billiards is surely New Jersey champion. Von Bernuth, "Oh, yes," replied the lady. "I am me by your—er—^unexpectedness." 'she found in dleniay that Jessamy a game at which Jews ought to shine. a veteran of many seasons, was ex- Mrs. Liscombe—bat don't tell." But except for the amateurs who like Harry H. Lapidus, Pree.-Treas. "And I suppose the unexpected rath>liked It. He brought over his phono- to waste time, there is hardly a cham- pected to be an easy winner, and much JUDAH L. WOLFSON, Rep. As they approached the number the W. G. Ure. Secretary. er shocks you?" igraph and was prodigal in the matter pion who rhe Equitable Life of New York who is of the „ Chosen People. ^ , surprise was expressed at his defeat strange lady said: "I see that you "Xo, it is what I have b«en lookof the newest records. Of course he Yes, there is one exception: Harry j at Seligson's hands, 6-4,. 6-4. are dressed for the evening. Perhaps • 643 Omaha K a t l Bank Bide;had to be taught all the new dances Schuler, New York State champion. \U 6335 Wa. 8755. champion, j Seligson hasn't been getting much you had better go In with me as my Ing for all my life." It .was nearly a year later that the —-he even tried to coax Jenny into Even he has done nothing more than national attention, despite his junior escort." illkewtee learning them. indoor championship. Only those •win a few inconsequential tourneys. Before Gregory knew it he was beOPKrUSTB STOKE AND ' She wouldn't be coaxed. Indeed The other day, however, he accom- closely watching his work can see ing Introduced to people whom he had OFFICE OUTFITTERS =she had turned strange in many ways. plished a notable feat. It isn't sd that he has the will, and that he has never seen before. Wet Wash the stuff behind that will to make it iWbuldn't_ be kissed, even in the notable, "however, when one reflects He caught n name here and there 'strictest privacy, nor lean fondly'to- on the fact that almost everybody effective. We're willing to bide our but not distinctly. But on every side time, knowing* that Seligson is goingrecently has been beating Willie ward him the rare times when she Dry Eiorentb « o a Danelat Mtreett. It was, "My dear Mrs. Liscombe; so •sat beside him In the car. Worse— Hoppe, former world's 18.2 balk line to be one of America's great tennis glad to see you again. When did you Fb«Bef 5M)M«B 1724 2224 Coming St. AMERICAN WET WASH her. eyes questioned him, though her billiards title-holder. Anyhow, Schuler i men. O3UEA. N"EB. Phone J A ckwro 1226. return?" 2808 Cuming St. Harney 0881 lips never did. And never by any won from Hoppe in a handicap three- j When, at last, Gregory managed to block three-cushion match. The game chance did she talk of their wedding. was not brilliant. In the first, the Good Stories Golfers steer her a little apart he said: "Did Before she had loved to prattle art- victor made a "high" run of 7, while you,enjoy your, trip abroad, Mrs. LisTell of Royal Game lessly, planning every detail.^ r Hoppe's best' was 6. Forty innings t The Cranes spread social nets that were required for the game. The In 1921 on the course at Kirkfield, combe ?"' She started; and stared, at him for knew no discrimination. The nets victory is just a bit tarnished, since Ontario, P. McGregor and H. Dowie brought in callers sever before .seen the former chatapion gave" 50 points were all-square going to'the home bol« a moment "My trip abroad?"' she inside the Wilson door'—-what Squire to 35 for his opponent in each block. in the final, and when they reached said. "Why. yes," he replied; "I gathered AVilson dubbed *The little short the green McGregor netded to sink sort"—and never, asked to stay to dina : long putt to win the match. He from what your friends said that you ner nor overnight Peg warned him, played the ball cleverly, but it rolled had recently, arrived from Ssrcpe." "So you don't know me, then* said ess you quit beln' so choosey of ' Dave Lewis, veteran of the roaring around the Hp of the hole. It seemed to have stopped, when a large grass- she. motors, won the. 250-mile automobile company here, you'll maybe find your- race by a" scant margin during the • hopper landed squarely on the core "So," replied Gregory, "Hat I feel self put one son-in-law. We'd rather classic races' at the Altoona, Pa.,' and caused it to drop into the hole and that I should .like to." not do more than kid Jess Terrell, and Speedway. Lewis' average for the 250 decide" the match in favor o£ M^ "We had .better go now," said she. make him run errands—but If you j miles was close to 112 miles an hour. Gregor. "Drive me to the corner of Fifth avewon't let us have other chances we His time was 2 hours, 13 minutes, 24 nue and—" she named a street in the Crows and sea-gulls frajuentlv carry raay^-draw straws as to which 6hall seconds. Batten, who came in second, Fifties. "Leave me there; It. will be have" hlmJ* -. '•'••• crossed the line only four seconds be-! but a few steps hom& And when you ball actually on the green, a stroke ' "If he's to be had for the taktng— hind Lewis. of fortune for the player, and it Is A victory is "a victory, especially jfo to It," said the squire with a since Lewis got $9,000 for coming in quite a common incident a cow swalchuckle. • but his time was not much-to lowing a golf ball. • Jenny was her father's, child. In- first; brag about. There is • something to A golfer at Newark in May, 1907, stead of pining she bloomed— congratulate him about since Peter de her sewing, the fine filmy lacy things Paolo, the Italian champion, was also drove the ball into the river. The ball BU'lTEK and MMS in which she had taken" such Joy, im- in the races. Harry Hartz also de- struck a trout two pounds in weight and killed it. proved mightily at bridge and made serves mention; during the first fifty Coundl Bluffs la. The Montreal yarn about the squira stagger at learning mah-jongg. miles he was one of the three in front jAfter three weeks of the Cranes she of the main grandstand; at 154 miles rel that stole and hid sixty-odd golf Jtoofc.oK the topaz ring—In another he was in the lead, but motor trouble balls against a hard Canadian winter is more than matched by a report from she went alone to a dinner at the El- caused-him to stop at his pit. E. R. Dickover, American consul at lerts, and came back telling of the In Omaha Kobe, Japan. In commenting on the innew man she met there-Judge Jencreasing popularity of gold In Japan, Mags, of whom Tony Ellert had been Consul Dickover tells solemnly of the .always talking. A widower—but not crows that infest the links of the Miko 330 Kooan-S00 Bath* «ld—under forty, handsome .and fasr.ood Rooms for $1.50 The British open championship will club and make away .with.the balls, .cinating—so much so^he put the other Operated by Epplry Hotel* Co. be held at St. Anne's on June 23, 24, even those sticking to the fairways.— inen in the shade. Thls-at the.lunch and 25. Our great hope is that Joe Golfers' Magazine. itable—with Cranes agape, silent nntll X,uclndy piped up: "I wonder Is he Stein, the American professional, will at least the luck of coming out the rich Jennings that-just gave'a have one ol the ten-best scorers. He would TRU-PE-DIC SHOES are unquestionably the most scientific "million to thatJ poor White Mountain have to go pretty strong for that^how- Mirage Produced by contribution to shoe-making and shoe-fitting that has been made jschool." ' ~ - - - - - - - - • ever; he is only one of eighteen AmerPassage of Light Rays. in this generation. They are the practical development ol the j ican golfers and has such competition ; '"Tea—Tony whispered me about it The* mirage i s an optical illusion in .—but said I mustn't inention it," as Bin Mehlhorn, Joe Kirkwood, Bob- which images of distant objects are research and stedy «i the American Posture League. This na"Jenny returned. • ' "".• ' ~ • • •.'. bie Jones, • Walter Hagen, and Jim seen as if inverted or raised in the tional health organization, consisting of 1,000 foremost orthoNot much chance, we guess, • With one voice Meg and Sal crfed: Barnes. after looking at that dazzling array of air, says the Detroit News. This phepedic surgeons* doctors and physical trainers, has positively "Lead us to him. He'* what' we're names. nomenon was first explained by a proved that there are T H R E E distinct types of feet, instead of been waitln' for all these'years! "Say frenchman ivho went-with- Xapoleon DELIVERY SERVICE g —Isn't he" comitv' to eee you? o f only one, as generally has been taken for granted—INFLARE, on bis first expedition In Egypt, where didn't yon ask him?" . - , ' , - • • mirages are very common.' STRAIGHT and OUTFLARE. "I asked him^-he's coming in Oc- Johnny Keyes, Mayor of New The phenomenon, is due t o the rays ttober—to see my chrysanthemums," York's Chinatown, and well-known of light being changed in their direcAT. 9092 j Jenny answered smiling—then with a manager of boxers, lets us know that tion when passing through colder or' jf 219 So. 14th St. roguish glance at _ Jessamy^ "You he has just added another to-the "big hotter strata of air. Layers of air in know the eighth is our wedding day— parade" of fistiana, as he styles his contact with the surface of deserts beThe Tru-pe-dic Shoe is the only shoe in the world ma^de on the so'he will come to see my .new home crew of mitt-wielders. Here's what come greatly expanded and rarefied, three-flare principle—Inflare, Sfc-aight and Outfiare—corJohnny says; about Frankie Fink, as well. The flowers can be moved he calles the Yiddisher Cowboy: while those Immediately above remain responding to the three types of normal feet. This shoes is not mighty easy—all in pots—and* they'll whom "Frankie Fink, the Yiddisher Cow- denser, thus causing the light rays to show so beautifully against the gray boy a "freak" shoe, but a stylish looking, anatomical, arch-supporting; be bent upward. However, over water from Dallas, Texas, and a recent stone walls,' and* along; the: terrace. arrival from the-Pacific Coast, has the condition is just.tue reverse. The Pubfic Accoantmts uA Auditors and muscle-developing shoe, designed to give correct distribuMammy and dad must,be there, too— met all the best boys on the Coast, layers above are warmer than those IS ADORE ABRAMSON tion of weight and by its proper balance and construction to aid I want him to see a typical blue-grass J^mong them Dick Hoppe, Pee Weenext *o the water. When an object apPublic Accountants and the normal action of the feet so that each bone and ligament and family." " Jonnny Kaiser, Babe Picato; he beat pears to be lifted above its real posiAuditors ', 'T Call that real kind of you," Jes- Johnny Adams, the boy who beat Ace tion in the phenomenon it Is called muscle will do its own proportion ©! work as nature intended. Bamy said sighing. "To show him all Hudkins; also boxed our own Joelooming. In the ease of looming the INCOME TAX SERVICE The official label of the American Posture League will be he's missed—when be came oh pur- Joe Lynch, ex-bantamweight cham- reflection is from the sky while in orSYSTEMS—AUDITS . found m every pair. pose to get I t Say, though—am I to pion." • dinary mirage it Is from the earth. Johnny is sure that Fink has "met Mirages are common in Egypt, Persia, INVESTIGATIONS Ire "In the picture? Or are- you sending me on a wedding trip all by my- all the best toys"; he isn't saying Turkestan, California, Nevada and 490 Brandeis Theater Building / / you have not already received ewr booklet ivery much, however, as to what kind Alaska. self?" . , " " Phone ATlantic 1450 of introduction he had. He's not telling the complete Tru*pe*d$c storv we shall ' ''"Not a bit of it," Jenny flung back, bragging very much about K. O.'s or Trademark be very glad to supply you with with her'sauciest smile. "You -have point decisions. Fink will have to I tend r. S. Fit, one at our Office. shown yourself such a maverick show his stuff before he gets a good Financial or Otherwise? store. It is »ell xportk reading. henceforth I shall drive you hard and hand, despite the fact that he is the The tongues of the gossips were busy Yiddisher -Cowboy. In the suburban town, over, the latest steady." . .* marriage. "Have you seen'the bride?" Peg sprang up, her cheeks aflame, asked one. "Has her husband any her black eyes snapping, ran to JesmoneyT* , samy and flung her arms about him "I doa't know about that," replied " McGraw's business acumen in singlcrying: "Don't let her, boy! Take mel I love you! I need you—as tliat ing up Andy Cohen as shortstop is the other with some reluctance, "you only typical of a movement started by know he didn't live here." ice-eat never can—or will." "Well." said the first speafeer. "you 7enn7 a*50 TOSe - " * f a k e <*ft'«« big ^and small sport promoters ami impresarios to acquire avowed Jewish know she said she nev«jr would marry Sera-are tree," sne ,*aid steadily. , At. gS28 1307 Howard St. Jessamy JnntHa* Peg's *nns almost athletes. The business interests back- & poor iuan:"~ ing-sport are convinced now iiiat a "1 know, my dear, but she hasn't Far Men Omana. Nebr. Jewish following means huge receipts. been married a month, yet everybody For Women time ago—««» t «*all Allen W. Groobin, well-known New Is saying, *poor man.*" YodE aiortSr writer, explains the value
A Typical BlueGrasc Family
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its Opening on Wednesday, June 23, at 1815 Farnam Street (Wellington Hotel Bldg.) With a Complete Stock of the Famous Tru-pe-dic Shoes for Me n and Women
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—Effectively —Accurately —Promptly Interstate Printing Co.
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Which Foot Is Yours?