Success or failure in business is caused more "by mental attitude even than by mental capacities, — Walter DiU Scott.
VOL. V—No. 30
The cynic is one who knows, the price of €very t b i n g * and the v a 1 u,-e of' nothing.
Oscar: Wilde.
Entered as second-. poBtofflce at Omaha,
'ill matter on January 27th. 1021, at -jkn, umjer the Act or March 3. 18TO.
Many Volunteer Services To Center Membership Drive At Meeting Monday Evening "Are You a Member of The Jewish Gommunity" Slogan Adopted by Workers
Classes Organized at Jewish Community Center Piano Instruction Instruction in piano is one of the latest courses to be offered at the Jewish Community Center. The class will be under the direction of Miss Nora Perlmutter, pupil of Cecil Berryman and Harry Braviroff. The lessons are free to members of the community center. A nominal registration fee will be charged in order to defray the expense of sheet music and incidentals. It is planned to have a" public recital for the pupils of this class about the 1st of February, 1927. This class is open to youngsters between the ages of 6 ; and -14. Registration is" on now and will close on the 5th'of July.
Sholom Schwartzbard B'nai B'rith 58th Annual Trial to Take Place Convention To Be Held Next Year, Is Reported In Milwaukee July 4-7 Jewish Committee Will Send Milwaukee Members Plan Entertainment for Delegates Commission to and -Visitors Ukraine DELEGATES WILL EMINENT JURISTS TO BE OMAHA LEAVE SATURDAY EVE WITNESSES
SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, A YEAR, $2.50 400 Seek Relief From Heat in J. C. C. Swimming Pool Splash! Splash! Splash! With wave like strength the cool waters of the Jewish Community Center pool rolled over the outer brim of the new J. C. C. "water hole" wihh thunders of applause from the participants. For Monday afternoon, when the temperature soared to a recordbreaking mark of 101, more than 400 persrons sought relief it the Jewish Community Center. The newly devised swimming Jewish bgfwky iigtigfitfiigtfiin4L pool drew practically all of the visitors. Even youngsters hurledd themselves into the cool waters though they were carefully watched by the physical directors. The newly organized swimming classes are now going at full blast. All of Omaha's youngsters should seek to enroll in somef'if the variious classes, in order to protect themselves from the scorching rays of the blaing summzer sun. Now that "Father Summer* has made his official appearance, the new Jewish Community Center swimming pool should be well filled at all hours of the day. The cool waters always welcome you at the J. C. C.
Congregation of Israel Annual Picnic Sunday
Wiltiam Alberts Elected B'rith President
Local A. Z. A. Elects _ Semiannual Officers
Annetta Riklin to Study Dancing in Los Angeles
J. C. C. Meets Crane Co. At Miller Park Sunday
i- -•-
Accepts Position as Director of $1,000,000 Center in Cleveland W I L L L E A V E OMAHA ABOUT SEPTEMBER 1
Omaha's delegates to the B'nai Wm. R. Blumenthal who for over Paris, (J. TJ ^ e trial of B'rith convention at. Milwaukee will two years has been Superintendent Sholom Schwartzbard, who killed leave Saturday evening. The convenof the Jewish Welfare Federation and leader Attaman Petiura, of the Executive Secretary of the Jewish Ukrainian pogrom hands, will prob- tion roll call Will begin Sunday evening when. Sam" J. Leon, president of Community Center in Omaha, reThe Jewish Community Center Membership campaign will ably not take place this year, it the District will: sound, the gavel for signed his position last Friday, effecreach its goal of one thousand members. This~was indicated developed following the first court the assembly of delegates. The presiMonday evening, at the first membership meeting* when more examination before Magistrate Peyre. dent's message, will be read. Henry than fifty new workers volunteered .their services" to the camM. Henri Torres, counsel for Monsky. member of the executive comFolk Dandhtc paign. Each worker was assigned the number of members they A class in folk dancing has been Schwartzbard, was present at the mittee of the order will bfe the princiwere to secure and from the enthusiasm shown,every worker organized to meet under the direc- first court examination. pal speaker at the meeting Monday tion of Mrs. Irvin Stalmaster, : will exceed their quota. . ':'-•.*" \ "I killed a murderer," was the evening. declaration which Sholom Schwartz- Rabbi Hllel Kauver of Denver, Additional workers . who have • "Are you a member of the Jewish .'"'"Sewing' J-: ".," x'; ' bard repeated in court. After the Colorado,,will be the principal speaker Community" is the slogan adopted for pledged their supporj; to the campaign A sewing class to be conducted this campaign, which is being headed are:Louis Sommer, ; E; •* Meyer, Dave by Mrs. Nate Mantel, assisted by examination, Schwartzbard was per- at the banquet to be given Tuesday by Max Fromkin, who. was appointed Cohn, L. Harris,,S. Ravitz, S. Freed, Miss Sylvia Moskowitz and Mrs, I. mitted to speak to his wife. evening. Many entertainments are The court examination will probab- planned for the delegates and their Major. His Captains are Jake Slos- Harry Robinson, Louis .Somberg, Her- W. Rosenblatt, will meet every . :" ly last 12 months. A committee of wives. burg, Iryin Stalmaster. B. G. Shapiro, bert Goldstein, I. • Sternhill, Isadore Monday morning. Abramson, Dr." V. "Romonek, Ban ewish citizens was formed to place c Dr. M.'E. Stein, and Robert H. KOOB- Yousem, Maurice •' Micklin, Harry Omahans who are lfia\ing for the Current Event > efore the court all the pogrom data. convention on a special cay are: Mr. er. ' ; • • _ . Silberman. ' ' -All those interested in joining Other workers and the number of The drive will close Wednesday, a current topics class will meet The committee contemplates sending and Mrs. Sam J. Leon and son members they pledged to secure arre July 21. A complimentary dinner for with Irvin Stalmaster on July 14. an independent commission to the po- Harvey, Henry; Monsky.Harry lapi.^ grom areas in the Ukraine. listed below: dus, Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Stalmaster, the workers will .be given that eve- at 8:30 P. M. Mr. and Mrs, r Sam Beber, Nathan PromineVit Russian Jewish leaders, QUOTA ning. In addition. to. the dinner, Dramatic • __~_C_ 25 prizes donated by local business men, . Abner Kaiman including lir. Leo Motzkin, Dr. Hein- Bernstein, Harry MalashocV, Mr. and The Dramatic Class- under the rich Silosbei'g, Max Vinaver, Vladimir Mrs. Harry Trustin, Abner Kaiman, . ^__ 25 will be given to those securing the B. G.-Shapiro Judah Wolf son ,-. ... 10 mots members. The: prizes of the direction of Ricklie Boasberg have Tiomkin and Dr. S. Goldstein of Kiev Harry Silverrman, Dr. A. Greenberg, been meeting every Monday "night. Max Fromkin ' , - _ - ^ . _ 25 • will be called as witnesses in the trial. I. F. Goodman, Jack Albets and A. B Ed Kraus -•Kv - . S campaign are as follows: " "< •'.'•• Glee Ike Levy . ;—..;—.... • • • • • • . . • • • . 1 0 Christian Rakovsky, former president Alpirn. $10.00 gasoline boiok —'U.S. Oil Entertainment in the Afternoon and : Dr. A. Greenberg . The Glee Club, directed by Mrs, works. , 10 f the Ukraine, will probably submit Louis Katelman . and Wax SteinEvening William Holman ._ Sam Beber will meet on Wednes- the pogrom data which he has in his berg, delegates from Council Bluffs Bottle of Perfume,— "Levenson . 5 William Grodinsky day of each week. Chemical Company. WM. R. BLUMENTHAL Lodge I. O. B. B. will join the Omaha ossession. Harry Lapidus — . 10 Plans are completed for the first . $5.00 Article Household use tive September 1st, to accept the „ 5 William Alberts Omaha Fixture*& Supply Co. The "Action Franc s," well known delegates onT their convention special annual picnic of the South Side Con- directorship of the Cleveland Jewish : .5 Sam Leonn „ „ One dozen watermellons-for dinM. Och of Lincoln, Nebr., will meet gregation of Israel to be held on Sunmonarchists and.. a-Semitic news-5 Fred Greenberg _^~ ner ......._...'...„.„; Jake Robinson the delegates here and also leave on day, olyJ 4, at the German Home Center. apar, is conducting propaganda -5 Louis Katleman ...._. 500 Letter and'Letterheads priThe Cleveland Jewish Center is one the special. Park, IS and G Streets. Dr. Sher-Malashock - 5 ,gain«t Schwartzbard. The paper vate use ~™~1 Nathan Yaffe of the largest institutions of its kind 10 Abe jLevey : '" Silk Shirt ~~; * Mark Leon The- picnic will start at 2 o'clock in the country, ranking next to Philastates that the investigation is a farce Abe Goldstein 10 Hat ,-. ..;-..- -- •• r JOA Wolf in the afternoon and entertainment delphia Y. M. and Y. M. H. A. BuildA. Bolker „ 10 Cuff Links Harry,Malashock Installation of New Officers Thursday and that Schwartzbard killed Pfitlura VICTOR EQSEWATER will be provided- until midnight. ing. I was erected at the cost of on the order pi the Soviet embassy. WRITES STORY OF Earl Lapidus — _ — L ~ _5 6 Golf Balls ~:Jake^lqsburg, Jr. Evening Jujy 8 , : Tables have been, placed in the park •$i,eQ§,Q80. The Glevetaiid -Center-is Hi Monsky-H. A. Wolf . The-: paper urges the authorities. to LIBERTY $5.00 .Service j - ^Douglas Tailorsr"' 5 J. Cohen ,~:i..._—.—— •'for ifcosajsho^will desire to serve the celebrated for its Public Forum in Philip Salatuchin, :Prop '*C T: r William* Alberts will head the Oma- look for Schwartzbard's accomplices. 5 H. Delrough _ _—. "The Liberty Bell," a book deal- evening meal on Qie picnic grounds. which men and women of national 5 ha Lodge of the B'nai B'rith for six Eminent non-Jewish jurists in Dave Ffeeinah .-*• Besides the large playground for the ~ * Kooper . 3 months, having been elected president ranee are questioning the right of ing with the life's story of the bell children, a program for the entertain- and international fame participate. Dave Greenberg 3 which proclaimed freedom throughDenikin, Balachowitz and other poThe spiritual leader of the Cleveland last Thursday evening, at one of the Jake^Slosburg Jr. . 10 grom leaders to remain in France as out the land on July 4, 1776, has ment of both young and oldd is being Center is Rabbi Solomon Goldman. Irvin'Stalmaster _ 10 political refugees, contending that the just appeared from the- pen of Vic- prepared Mr. Blumenthal came to Omaha ,vDr. Stein „— . 4 Dancing will be held in the after- from Los Angeles where he was ExeMarion Greatz was elected prresiinstigation of pogroms is a criminal tor Rosewater. Mr. Rosewater is 10 Sara"Bliss 10 dent of Omaha Chapter .No. 1A.Z.A. I.' Rosenblatt. act. They demand the expulsion of the son of the late Edward Rose- noon and evening. A Prize waltz cutive Director of the Federation of 10. Fred White at the election held'Wednesday evewater, founder, editor and pub-- dance in the afternoon and a Charles- Jewish Welfare Organiations. After ;he pogrom leaders from France. 3 ning. P. Zalatuchin ton dance prize in the evening will be a lapse of sixteen years Mr. Blumen* " The archives containing the history Usher of the Omaha Bee. 5 "Jake Robinson given. Other officers elected are: Harry Mr. Rosewater is a former resi_6 Meyer Beber _._ thal is returning to his native, Cleveof the great Ukrainian massacres of •- Thewinner of the living room suite land, where he will have the oppor_ 5 Sidman, vice-president; Stanley ShaJoe Himelbloom the Jews, describing the fullest de- dent of Omaha, having moved to _ 3 piro, secretary; Norman Green, treasB. Korney i . tails of the horrors of this slaughter, Philadelphia, Pa., where he now to be raffled off will be announced at tunnity to do educational social work 3 urer; Sam Zacharia, senior sergenat' Ben Shafton <. :: , 10 o'clock that evening. undder most auspicious conditions. will be opened to the public for the resides. 5 at-arms; Sol Miroff, juivor sergeantJoe Greenberg "We have completed all plans for Mrs. N: P. Feil is a sister of _ 5 Dave Greenberg _ first time as a means of defending In this letter of resignation to the 6 at-arms; Louis,. Ricklin, reporter and Nathan Yaffe Schwartzbard, a Berlin dispatch to Mr. Rosewater, and a cousin, Mrs. this picnic and from indications it Executive Committee Mr. Blumenthal will be one of the largest affairs ever 10 David Beber,'KohenTGadol. Sam Beber Isy Rosenthai, also resides here. the New York Times states. 10 _ Mark Leon given by this organization", said A. said: "It is with great regreat that I tender my resignation, because I 10 Alex Frank _ Schwartzbard has obtained permisLipsman, chairman of the affair. 5 have developed a profound interest H. Katskee . sion to use the Berlin East Jewish -10 Rube Brown in the work and admiration for those Historical Archives to convince the _ 10 Jack Alberts .. with whom it has been my pleasure Creighton Fraternity 5 French court that his act was justifiMathias Levenson . to work in the several institutions Entertains for Dr. V. E. Levine able on the ground of Ptlura's report with which I have been connected." Miss Annette Riklin daughter of Council Bluffs Chapter No. 7, Order on the pogroms in which thousands of Mr.and Mrs. M. Rikjtin, who visited in of Aleph Zadik Aleph, held its regu- The Phi Delta Epsilen Fraternity In reply, the Executive Committee Jews were murdered in cold blood. Omaha after touring the Keith Orlar semi-annual election. of . officers of the Creighton Medical School, en- stated: "Your resignnation was acMore than 12,000 pages of reports pheura Circuit as a feature dancer Tuesday evening. In the closest and tertained Saturday evening at the cepted with great regreat and the and descriptions of the slaughtering with Masconia Ballet, left Wednesday most contested election in the history Spooks Club in honor of their Past Executive Committee is profoundly are contained in the collections. of the Order. of Aleph Zadik Aleph, Consul, Dr. Victor E. Levine, who v.-ill sorry hat another opportunity makes Manager Green Signs Philip Gerelick for Los Angeles, Calif., where she Among the 500 documents are miliwill take a teacher's normal course the following officers were elected for soon leave for the Artie region with it necessary for you to leave Omaha. to Bolster Team. tary orders issued before, during and WILLIAM ALBERTS We desire to express our personal apat Ernest Becher, school of dancing. the ensuing. term of six months: ' —Daily News Photo. after the pogroms, said to implicate Aleph Godol (Pres) Harold Cherni- a scientific expedition. At the completion of this course, Missr After safely tucking away their The annual installation banquet of preciation of the splendid service Petiura directly. The register of the tenth straight win of the year, Cap- Riklin plans to open-a dancing school largest election meetings ever held names of 20,000 killed is also included. ack; Aleph Sgan (Vice-Pres.) Arthur the fraternity was held Tuesday eve- which you have rendered while in Omaha both in the work of the JewFriedman; Aleph Mazkir (Secretary) tain "Louis Somberg and his undefeat- in Omaha. She was accompanied by by the local Lodge. Abner Kaimen According i\*to evidence in the Abe L. Katelman; Aleph Gisbor ning at the Jewish Community ish. Welfare Federation activities and was elected vice-president; Isadore her sister, Sarah. / 1 ed Jewish Community Center baseball Abramson, was re-elected secretary archives, Petlurv" personally instigated (Treasurer) Albert Fox; Aleph Sr. Center. Louis E. Lipp was toast- in those of the Y. M. and Y. M. H. A team will attempt to make it eleven master and talks were made by Ben and supported the unwonted slayings, . in a row, when they swing bats with Daughters of Zion Picnic July 11 for the third term; Harry Friedman which were carried out by men direct- Shotaire (Sgt-at-Anns) Harold Saks Kubby, Isaac Sternhill, and Isadorre and the Jewish Community Center, one of the. oldest members-of-the We hope that we shall be able to seAleph Jr. Shotaire (Asst. Sgt.-atthe Crane Co. nine at Miller Park The Daughters of; Zion picnic will I lodge will serve as treasurer for his ly under his command while he was Arms) Samuel Shyken; Aleph Sopher Oberman, following the installation cure a successor, in whom will be . Sunday afternoon. ceremony. Covers were laid for be held Sunday^ July 11 r at Elmwocl .twentieth term; trustees are Fred the army chief in the Ukraine. found the happy combination of heart; (Reporter) Maurice Friedman; Aleph twenty guests. The playing of the Jewish team Park. Prizes vail be awarded to win- Greenberg, Jack W. Marer, and and mind that you possessed, so One of his aids, Colonel Korwenko, Kohen Godol (Monitor) Louis Rosenhas been the sensation in the Gate ners in the various contests to be held Greenberg; D. A. A. Steinberg: will b necessary for efficient and conscienthai. . ; who headed the political police, orCity League! With "the exception of that day. Proceeds of the picnic will warden; and Sam Wolf,7guardian. 7. tious service in this work." HAKOAH PRESIDENT DENIES ganized, w i ^ Colonel Palients, in the Vinton Athletics, no other team be sent to the Jewish National Fund Abe L. Katelman, Grand Aleph Installation of these officers will be 1919, the massacre of Bardischev and THAT MEMBERS WILL JOIN in Omaha amateur circles has yet to in Palestine. After several weeks' vacation, Mr. -'-. . held Thursday evening, July 8. Nove Chelomir. Colonel Patrow, who car- Sopher, was elected delegate to the . AMERICAN TEAMS Blumenthal will assume his new taste defeat. Mainly for this reason entertainment is being "prepared "to ried out the pogrom of March, 1919, Third Annual Convention of the Order should all loyal supporters of the duties in Cleveland on October 1st, that meeting. Committee appoint was made minister of war by Petiura of Aleph Zadik Aleph, which will be Vienna, (J. T. A.)—A denial of the team come out and help cheer the GERMAN JEWISH COMheld in St. Paul, -Minn., on July 11, ments by the President for the-najyv and a reward for the successful outMUNITIES FEDERATION team on to victory. 12, 13. Harold Cherniack and Louis report issued by the United States MANDATES COMMISSION term* will be announced that evening come of a massacre in which more DRAFTS CONSTITUTION Captain Louis Somberg and his Rosenthai were elected alternates to Football Association to the effect that members of the Hakoah Soccer team EXPRESSES SATISFACTION AT than 300 Jews were killed, it is said. employes are.playing a mighty good the convention. - REDUCTION OF MILITARY which recently visited America, will Berlin, (J. T. ~A,)^-A constitution JEWISH COMMUNITIES The archives were brought from the brand of ball and deserve to hold A special meeting will be held next FORCE IN PALESTINE join American teams for the forthfor the Federation "of Jewish. ComUkraine by foreign diplomats about the undisputed league leadership. . CONFERENCE CALLED Tuesday evening for the purpose of coming season was made by Dr. munities in Germany has been drafted five years ago and classified by ProfesBy signing Philip "Gerke" Gere.-•>..IN7R0UMANIA Geneva, (J. T. A.)—Satisfaction sor Dubnow. They were collected completing plans for the itinerary and Ignaz H. Koerner, President of the " lick, Manager.Green has added to the and adopted, by' a committee of fifthe convention proper. Already nine Hakoah Club. with the peaceful situation in Pala\ strength of his infield. Gerelick, a teen appointed for this purpose. Bucharest.—A conference <>f Jewis from various parts of the Ukraine by Council Bluffs AZA's have signified tine was expressed by the iermanetit It is possible that Guttman will go The committee was appointed at a communities in Old Roumania will be Jewish communities and Jewish wel- their intentions of making the trip to student at the University of Nebraska Mandates Commission of the League to America inthe fall, Dr. Koernexpossesses no mean ability as a base- conference of representatives of the convoked shortly, it was" stated "here fare organizations from 1919 to 1921. the St. Paul conclave. . of Nations following it sexamination stated. ball player. Coming down to brass Jewish-communities held on April 25, t o d a y . • • • • ; ' • of the report of the Palestine governtacks, Phil is in excellent condition 1926, in Berlin.. Paris, <J. T. A.)—The funeral of The purpose of the conference wil Recent reports published in New ment and the explfuiations of Colors annd should aid the team tremenThe draft adopted ;by the committee be to discuss the manner of represen- Semion Petiura took place under Moscow, (J. T. A.)—The region of York following the departure of the George S. Symes, civil secretary of dously. He may appear in Sunday's will be submitted-to another con- tation of the Jewish faith in'the Rou- police protection. the Jewish settlements in the Crimea frame. .. efrence of representatives of the manian senate. The appointment o3 ipt been affected by the invasion Hakoah Socce Team stated that four the Palestine Government. Many persons who wished to enter various communities "which will be Rabbi Niemirover as member of th' the church and the cemetery weirf of grasshoppers, according to ad- of the Hakoah players, Neufeld, The report, as well as the explanaThe jRonah Club elected officers at held here the middle of July and senate seems to be certain. not admitted. No speeches were de- vices received here by the Agro-joint, Eisenhofer, Schoenfeld and Drucker tions of Col. Symes made a good imthe Agency of the American Jewish had signed contracts with the Brook- pression upon the mandates c6mmlfetheir meeting Wednesday. The fol- which is expected to;take- definite acThe conference will also discuss-th< livered. lyn Wanderers during the forthcom- sion. Particular satisfaction was extion on the constitution. It is planned Joint Distribution Committee. lowing were elected: Rose Stein, preA representative of Marshal Pillegal status of the Jewish Communi sident ;Ruth Greenberg, secretary; that the Federation of Jewish Com- ties in Roumania and Che rights of sudski, friend of Petiura, and former Energetic measures have been ing season and that Captain Haeusler pressed in the fact that the militaty Tobie Flax, treasurer; and Dorothy munities, and its new."constitution be- the Jewish schools to grant diplomas members of the Petiura government taken to prevlnt the spreading of the and Guttmann had signed to play with forces in Palestine have been reduced i 4he New York Giants. gin functioning on January 1,1927. . Margolin, reporter. to their students. were present. pest
Wm. R. BiumeEthal Resigns as Head of Community Center
Council Bluffs A. Z. A. Elect New Officials
'AGE 2—THE JEWISH PRESS—THURSDAY, JULY 1, 1926 ,| thirty-three hits and thirty-nine runs •while the Center lads were piling up one -hundred and thirteen scores. Syd Published every Thursday at Otnn&a, Nebraska. «>r Corenman,' Joe Turner and Johnny - THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY Rosenblatt are leading the team in By HAKKY CONJJEL Office: 490 Brandeis Theatre Building — Telephone: ATlantic 1450. "Babe Ruth" blows. Syd has amassed Kht lira t>y Seven Arts NATHAN E. GREEN, Manager. Feature Syndicate.) four circuit clouts while Turner and ff Subscription Price, one year™. .$2.50. Rosenblatt are tied with two apiece. Advertising rates furnished on application. Sammy Kaufman is credited with seven victories on the mound and no GENE DISCOVERS CHANGE OF ADUKESS—J'lease Rive bolb tbe old and new address*: A PROSPECT "be sore ond cive youf name. losses. Gene Sarazen, the professional Isadore Shriebman, speed outfielder American golf wizard, considered by ' The Jewish Press is supplied by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency (Jewish Correspondence Bureau) with cabled and telegraphic Jewish news. In addition on the team, has also severed connec- many the best of American golfers, to feature articles and correspondences from all important Jewish renter*. tions with the squad. Shriebman last reports that at his new club Fresh inquiries regarding news items credited to thus Agency will be gladly Meadow a t Flushing, L. L, he has answered if addressed to Jewish Telegraphic Agency, 621 Broadway, New week left for Chicago where he wili discovered and then developed a make Ms home for some time. iorl£ \*Ity • ' ' woman player, wha is liable to make . T h e team practices every Tuesday •woman golf history. The name of his und Thursday night at the Central promising' pupil is Mrs. Edward Goldberger. Now Gene does not claim SPRING SLIPPED US BY BUT SUMMER IS HERE High .school baseball cage. Practice that Mrs. Goldberger is ready now to at six o'clock. It's unanimously agreed that spring step up and bust up any kind of g p g evaded aded uus this yeaiv starts competition. It is .underth t i f d l i ^ i ^^ ; ami ^ t . ani mi it The Community Center team de- tournament stood that the lady needs some more But the time for deploring that sad fact is ^ feated the Hai Reish fraternity team is of no avail to think or talk about it. And anyway blessed (spiked with a number of amateur experience and more tutoring by the American champion. At the present summer is here; so why worry? ball players) last Thursday at Cen- time, she never falls below 100, which ; Sophisticated people sneer at the weather and change of tral High schooly. Joe Turner and is considered a fair score at the course seasons as a topic of conversation or any other form of discussion. Sammy Kaufman hurled for the of Fresh Meadow. The important is that Mrs. Goldberger shows And by doing so they only prove -their mental myopia and lack ^Center and allowed the fraternity tiling undeniable qualities, which will in the of understanding; These smart folks think that nothing it worthy men to garner two runs while the very near future bring her—with a was tallying eleven,times. bang—into the tournament class. We of consideration- unless it-be intellectual caviare to the masses-^- Center The swimming pool at the Com- have so much confidence in Gene's thereby, proving the shallowness of their own insight. For in' munity. Center, is one of the most judgment that ,we greet Mrs. Goldberger as the future Jewish golf truth it is the universal, the ubiquitous and perennial subjects, popular places in town these days champion of America. the subjects which touch and affect every man, woman, and child for the femine members of the Cenof us which are most absorbingly interesting and; most worthy of ter. Dave Chesnau and Ed Burdick, AGAIN HE BREAKS swimming instructors at the Cen- INTO PRINT consideration. Montaigne, the father of the familiar essay form, the ter, say that the women take to the Within recent weeks we have wrote about plain everyday things and how his sensibilities water like ducks and that the classes written quite profusely about that reacted to them, and as a result his discourses make delightful are, growing by leaps and bounds. ambitious tennis youngster, Julius Seligson. After having won the reading to this day. Charles Lamb wrote about the atmosphere At the present time there are about Junior National Indoor Championship of the building in which he toiled for many^ years as a bookkeeper, 40 women in the classes. A num- this year, and after following it up consistent good playing on grass about his favorite scenes in his beloved city, London, about the, ber of the girls are rapidly rounding with this summer, he was generally looked into form as competent swimmers. victuals which were most pleasing to his palate, and about many The business mens class at noon is upon as the best junior player of the Well—that was quite an other homely objects. And all good readers of books stiH hold the most popular hour for the Dusy country. achievement. He deserved credit and Charles Lamb dear. William Hazlitt 'wrote about going on a man. Every noon one may see fam- got it repeatedly in this coluinn. Now we had just made up our mind journey, about going to a fight, about Indian jugglers and coffee iliar faces and figures in the swim- that to place a ban on Seligson news, we track house politicians. And. that is one of the main reasons why his ming pool, „on„ the • _running . . T. and- receive the dazzling information tbat in the handball courts. A number of | S e U g ^ defeated Cranston llolman, "Table *?alk" is even now included in "Everyman's'library." the> enon are a » developing «i«»-i7*>lrtTiinB' athletic concon- i the Leland Stanford University star, All of us are on intimate terms with the weather. And the tours, to replace their well rounded in straight sets—and what As more important—the eighth ranking player change of the seasons has a telling effect on the lordly as well paunches. the United States. Th^, vail at as the most lowly of us. A cloudy day makes us gloomy and a The three arbiters of the physical in once, puts Julius Seligson in/the ranks sunny day dissolves the gloom. And when summer comes the department, Ed Burdick, the athletic of the ten best senior players of this It also classes him as the hearts of all of us expand. The luminous and glorious sun has director, and his assistants, Dave country. Chesnau and Sammy Kaufman, are. best Jewish tennis played we have. a healing and soothing effect on both "our bodies and our minds. having their hands full taking proper He is now playing in ihe Delaware and will have to beat Manuel A summer's day in the country with the birds singing, the cattle care of the large classes and indica- Tourney, Alonso to win the meet. His defeat of grazing in the peaceful fields, the sparkling brooks trippingly tions are that more members are Cranston -Holman made us break our to leave Seligson alone for a flowing along, the azure sky soft and clear, the flowers in full pouring into the building daily. .- decision while, but should he trim Alonso-— bloom, the grain growing by the minute, the fruit ripening in look for some more Seligson news in PItOeEED the next column. the trees, and the very airringing aspng^ of thanksgiving and JEWISHTODEPUTIES OPPOSOTCfN IN praise is one of "God's masterpieces.: "Bfe who has' not lazily and JUATtlAN PARLIAMENT JEWISH INTER-
languidly passed at least one such day in the country does not know what life is. And he who has Tdiows that after • ail most precious gifts are the things which bountiful nature'lgives :r.tay free of charge. Thank God, summer ishere,*' .
Our Sporting Column
oblige our readers, inasmuch as we are in possession of exclusive information regarding the signing of these players. First, we wish to state that the Jewish Telegraphic Agency cable denying the signing of the players is 1926—5686 pure and unadulterated bunk. The following Hakoah players have signed duly legal contracts with the WanderTammuz— Rosh Chodesh .June 12 ers: Neufeld, Drucker, Eisenhoffer Tammuz 17—Fast of Tammuz ~-—June 29 and Schoenfeld. In other "words, the Ab 1—Bosh Chodesh July 12 stars of the Hakoah team will play on Ab 9—Fast of Ab •—......July 20 the Brooklyn team next season. We Chodesh —«~Aug. 10 defy anybody to contradict us, inasmuch as we have seen the signed contracts with our own eyes. This matter being settled, we will also Tishri 1—First Day of New Year Sept. 9 oblige those readers who want our Tishri 3—Gast of Gedaliah fc Sept. 11 opinion if the signing of the Hakoah Tishri 10—Yom Kipper _ Sept. 18 players is a calamity. In our opinion, it is a fine thing for which the owner of the Brooklyn Wanderers, Mr. Agar, who, incidentally, is also a Jew, should be com- showed. Still, we hoped against hope. LONDON JEWS FORM COMplimented. Mr. Agar, with whom we Better luck, next time, Ben. MITTEE TO AID MARRANO'S had a pleasant chat, told us that he Sid Terris, the Jewish lightweight, was out to strengthen his team, and is bent on forcing a title bout with EETURN TO JUDAISM that he had selected these four Rocky Kansas, the idle lightweight Hakoah players as the most colorful champion, sometime this season. If' London, (J. T. A.)—A committee to and brilliant performers of the All-, they ever meet, we predict another deal with the problems of aiding the Jewish team. Jewish world's champion. Marranos, the Crypto-Jews of PorHe also informed us that it was not The sensation of European soccer tugal, in returning to the Jewish his intention to break up the world- football at the present time is Konfamous Jewish soccer team, but that rad, a forward player, member of the faith was formed here at a meeting these players had made up their minds international Austrian team. Konrad at which representatives of the to come to America, due to unfavor- has exhibited a new way of dribbling Spanish - Portugese Synagogue and able living conditions in Vienna. the ball which has made him "carry" the Anglo - Jewish Association were Furthermore, that if he would not the ball between his feet and head have signed them up, they would have practically the whole length of the present. The meeting was called for the been obtained by some other dubs. field. Konrad has been surnamed the But the most important announce- European Grange. purpose of considering the report subment the genial president of the mitted to the Board of Jewish DepuWanderes made was that he was fully POLISH GOVERNMENT ties by Mr. Lucien Wolf, secretary of prepared to "build up an ALL-JEWISH THANKS J. D. C. FOE tbe Joint Foreign Committee of the WANDERER team, and he is taking RELIEF WORK IN POLAND Board of Jewish Deputies and the steps to that effect. Anglo-Jewish Association on the Soon we will be in a position to make some startling revelations. The Warsaw, (J. T. A.)—A polyclinic situation of the Marranos, following Hakoah team, as we are fully pre- for tubercular patients, established pared to state, will not come to this with the aid of the American Jewish his visit to Portugal. The committee which is composed country for some time. We are therefore of the opinion that the Brooklyn Joint Distribution Committee under of members of the Sephardic comWanderers will do much towards the auspices of the Polish Jewish munities in Great Britain and of the stimulating sport interest among the Society for the Protection of the Jews, and still mere toward popular- Health of the Jewish Population, was Anglo-Jewish Association will have the right to coopt other members who izing soccer football. opened yesterday in Otwock. are intei-ested in the matter. A JOE AND JOHN Representatives of the Polish gov- meeting of the committee will be Another Jewish athlete is due to ernment, the municipality and Jewish called shortly. step into the limelight. It is none societies were present as well as the other than John Alexander, former representatives of the Joint Distribu- PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS. Ail-American football star at Rutgers. John has decided to become profes- tion Committee, Dr. Jacob W. Newsional, and—strange coincidence—has man, Captain Frank Cannes and signed up with the professional New Maurice Hexter. The representative "Let Us BeJp Yra Keep d e i a " York football club, the Giants. Now, of the Polish government in its adthe Giants already boast of a brilliant Frontier Tewel & Liien Sapply Jewish player, namely Joe Alexander, dress expressed the thanks of tbe gov1819 California Street the formidable center. With John ernment to the Joint Distribution playing as tackle, we will witness two Committee for its relief work among ATlantic 62S1. Alexanders playing key positions on Polish Jews. the same team. The worst of the whole thing is that the two Alexanders are not related, and if the poor sport Harry H. Lapidus, Pres.-Treas. scribes will not be careful, and give DANCING AND - S P E C I A L W. G. Ure, Secretary. credit to John instead of to Joe, or STUNTS AT SOUTH SIDE CONvice versa, there will be no end of GREGATION PICNIC JULY 4 AT Omaha Fixture & trouble. We, for one, will avoid mistakes—because both Alexanders GERMAN HOME PARK.—Adv. Supply Co, are six footers.
Riga, (J. T. A.)—The amendments IN EUROPE to the citizenship law by which * Some time ago there was an interdtiienship would have been granted] Bnational Jewish sports meeting in BREVITIES U all persons resident in Latvia since! dubs p *o. all snce! « ^^ *» whkh Jewish sport Helen. Jacobs won tbe California Germany, Austria, LIZ/ 1st, 1914,' who < were in the l d tteams from. f G At August, i n l a n d a n d Sweden ^ —•ted.^ senior woman championship the other <*>ni^o%N6ve'nlbetl8th ,1918, 1918 when Looking over < the results of the day. With the absence of Helen Wills, was a more or lesb foregone conthe Latvian Republic was proclaimed various track and field events, we are it clusion. Still, it augurs well for quite disappointed. The results comwere rejected at the last meeting of pare disadvantageously with scholastic Helen's Eastern season. by G. ARTHUR GREEN j the Sejm. athletic achivements in this country. Suzanne Lenglen continues her The rejection of the amendments In the 100 meter sprint, the winner's march of triumph in Europe. NothLike Caesar of old, they came, they •was entirely unexpected. The Gov- time was 11 seconds and 4/5. In the ing and nobody can stop her. French saw and they conquered. . Al Finkel who at one time or other ernment parties had promised to vote 400 meter race, the recorded time was papers call her the outstanding woman since Sarah Bernhardt. Thus one .can thruthfully summarize was the possessor of the champion- .for the amendments and it was be- 53 seconds, 8/10—and so, down the Ben Stein, the lone Jewish profesline. A notable exception was the the Jewish Community Center's tenth ship of Central High school and lieved that they would be passed with- 3,000 meter race won by the Olympic sional golfer in the British open golf straight victory of the season. The Tech High school; the owner of lite out difficulty. At the last moment, competitor from Finland, Katz. Katz, championship has failed to qualify. victims last Sunday were the hard city high school crown and also, the however, the Government parties de- of course, did not extend himself, and He was the weakest member of the hitting twenthy-fourth Street Mer- pioprie$or" of the city and state cided to vote against the amendments. simply loafed. Still, his time of 9 American contingent, the results minutes, 12 seconds is worthy of our chants, who fought gaiiiely, but Sam johiot honors is fast" coining into his The result iaf that -thousands of Jews best amateurs here. This meeting is Kaufman's exceptionally good hurling own again. Al retired from the game in Latvia continue to be technically another indication that the Jewish was entirely too much fox- the. south- more than arvesu* ago with a aliens. The Jewish deputies have, as International. Sport Organization— KOCHBA—is more of a sportsiders. The final score was 11 to 5. full of medals and honors but tfce| protest against the rejection of the BAR stirrmlating body than a real com"Speed" "Steepe, who. flings them siren call:of combat was too strong amendments, gone into opposition to petitive sports organization. over from" .the crooked side., was toil- to resist and he once 'more has don^ the Government.' ing on tlie^ hill for the Merchants. ned the flannels and taken up the DID THE HAKOAHS Steepe seemed to have nothing on jstringed racquet. VASZONYI'S ASSAILANTS ENJOY SIGN? the old "apple" but his five fingers. -. Al' was just one of the -entries in FREEDOM IN HUNGARY We have received numerous inThe Jewish., boys found Steepe for 12 the Omaha Tennis. d u b Tournament quiries asking us to confirm or deny safe bingles and 11 markers. Budapset, (J. T. A.)—Franz Mol- the report that .several Hakoah 1397 Howard St. At. 8028 that got under way Monday but is man on the other hand • whiffed 19 now one of-the strongest contenders nar, leader of the A-wakening Mag- players have signed contracts to play Omaha. Nefar. with the Brooklyn Wanderers, one of batters but was a litte. wild .'at .times for tie first place award. In the yars, who made an attempt on the the strongest teams in the American and issued, seven bases on. balls. first round he defeated J. Mclntyre life; of the late Wnhelm Vaszonyi, Soccer League. We are glad to Steepe started out IQce a real big 6-3, 6-2. He had harder opposition Hungarian' Jewish statesman, was league hurler when he succeeded in in the second round when he met that appointed to the state office of Chief striking out • John Rosenblatt and old "iron horse" of many campaigns, Controller. ','•'• Leo Konecky.,.Joseph "Spud" Turner, "Spike" Kennedy, the dean of Omaha Ferdinand Varnay, Mobaar's ac•who was supposed to be weak against tennis players. After a tough and complice in the attack on the life of * southpaw pitching, broke all rules of thrilling game Al emerged victorious Vaszonyi, was held by the?, police "dope" aiuf caught one of Steepe's by the scores of 6-4, 6-4. Finkel twice during the last few days for his slants that went for a home run. This meets Art Scribi*e*y several tiroes attempt to, identify Jews in the OF OMAHA, NEBRASKA momentarily upset the opposing hur- city champ in the third .round o f the streets and annoy Jewish passersby. ler and the" Jewish lads found little Tourney and if victorious will unJuly 1, 1926. Franz Molnar and Ferdinand Var. • O difficulty in compiling hits. doubtedly face Ralph Powell, state nay attacked the late Dr. Vaszonyi in Kaufman, was pitching masterly, champion for the title. the streets of Budapest last February ball up to ithe eighth inning. Up to The undefeated Gate City League while he was on his way to the ParLoans secured l that particular frame the Jewish estate -.~ by first. mortgages ,on Improved real :_$21,927,€70.00 leading Jewish Community Center liament Building to speak in connecpitcher hurled a no-hit-no-run game. Loans on pass-book security .._:...... 159,^5.78 tion with the forged franc notes afj nine and the hard hitting second But in the fatal eighth with the bags Accrued interest _...„_ 19,740.30 fair in which he ied the opposition Loans in process of foreclosure ..._ 100,115.02 chucked, Kaufman used his head and place Kinney Shoe team will play R*al estate sold on contract ................ 77,413.25 purposely passed one of the hardest their postponed game of June 13 in against the government.. The memReal estate . ;......„.,, . „.... . 716,097.66 bers of the Awakening Magyars inthe feature game of 'the evening, batters on the team. Then a couple Cash ..$850,686.17 of hits followed and the Jewish lads Wednesday night, July 14, at Fonte- flicted severe head injuries upon Vas816,558.50 U. S. Bonds ......-.—zonyi from which he never recovered. made two errors which gave the lossrs nelie Park. The game will undoubtMunicipal bonds and warrants ...._L....._ 534,500.00— 2,181,744.67 edly decide the leadership of the cir- They had been sentenced to six all their runs. months imprisonment. Total ..... .$25,182,016.68 cuit as a victory for the Jewish lads Syd Corneman, guardian of the would give them a two game lead, keystone corner for the J. C. C. handled himself creditably around the while a loss would place them on an MILITARY AUTHORITIES IN Credits to members' savings and paid-up accounts and•* . BUKOWINA TAKE MEASURES dividends added . ___.: -$23,864,516.38 middle sack. Syd poled out a four- even footing with their rivals. The AGAINST EXCESSES first encounter between the two Balance due borrowers on uncompleted loans ;...; 371,463.02 ply jolt and-a single. But "old" Reserve fund .._... -•-• 925,000.00 man jinx seems to be at Corneman's teams ended in a complete route of Czernowitz, (J. T. A.)—Measures Undivided profits :» ......-...21,037.28 heels. -Against the Amefican Busi- the the Center. Sammy against anti-Semitic attacks. were Kaufman, the Centers twirling ace, Total . .„...,. ._ - - -...$25,182,016.68 ness College nine, Syd pla'yed with a the Shoemen to three hits and taken by the military authorities of wrenched back. Sunday''he twisted theld Bukowina as a result of representahis ankle sliding into second, but the h e s a m e number of runs while his tions made by Deputy A. Abner. game youngster will be in fine trim mates were piling up ten counters. Attacks against Jews have been ocOur interest rate is the lowest—our terms the best— Since then the Kinneys have won all for this week's contest. curing in various Bukowinian villages our repayment plan the easiest—our service the quickest their games with comparative ease during the last* few days. Military —ever offered by a Building and Loan Association. while the J. C. C. was doing likewise. JEWISH CgMETERY W , guards were stationed in the various The Community Center boys have MEMEtSDORF DESECRATED We offer the utmost safety for savings. Small accounts clouted out a grand total of twelve towns in order to prevent further excesses. • . Berlin, (J. VT. , A.)—The Jewish home runs in the ten games that invited. cemetery in Memehfdorf Was desecrat- they have played white their opponOffice, 1614 Harney Street. ed by unknown van.dals, despatches re- ents have yet to send a men around He who respects himself is safe from - others; South Side Agent, Kratky Bros., 4805 South 24th Street. ceived here last night state.* A pumr the sacks,on. one hit. Kaufman_-and He w.ear6(a,.cDat'*of mail that none ber of tombstones were thrown 'over'.' ' Handler have held their opponents'- to can pierce. Longfellow.'
. C. C. Team Undefeated I
-Mectirdy —Accurately
Wet Wash \ Semi-Flat ., Rough Dry AMERICAN WET WASH 2808 Gaming St.
Eleventh and DcocU* Street*. n»M:
ItekMS 1724
Harney 6881
1 wish to announce to the Jews of Omaha that I have opened a Business at my Home, 2429 Decatur Street, with a full, kne of Jewish Religious Books such as Daily Prayers, Machsorim, Jewish Rituals, Scriptures, Talethim Silk or Wool, Mezzuzahs and many other articles..
M. SOMIT, WEbster3527
I also have the agency for the "Sefer Tora" that anybody /wants to order.
Interstate Printing Co.
71st Semi-Annual Financial Statement The Conservative Sayings and Loan Association
Select Your "4th" of July Clothes At The Nebraska and SAVE Money VERY man in Omaha knows the Nebraska through its No Sale Policy and vast volume of selling gives men the utmost in value—a positive saving of $5 to $15 on the finest of fine clothes.
. . .
Nebraska "Special" Suits
Standard Fabrics and Standard Tailoring
25 35 40
Men's Palm Beach Suits In "All Sizes $
Superb Tropical Worsted and Mohair Suits
Palm Btach Pants $4 Others at $15 to $35 Straw Hats—Smart Furnishings—Luggage See Our Window Displays—Compare Our Values Always
Extra Trousers May Be Had
We Loan On Improved Real Estate
PAGE 3—THE JEWISH PRESS—THURSDAY, - JULY' 1^ 1926 MADAMS POLLACK, DAUGHTER,! Miss Bess Seldin of'this city and Miss Amelia Blinder arrived last Bucharest.-—A proposal whidh, if OMAHA MEMBERS TO ATTEND HAI RESH CONCLAVE AND GRANDDAUGHTER,, TO RE-1 Mr. Irving Blecker of Omaha, Ne^ Tuesday from' Kansas City, Mo., and carried, would affect tens of thous-
TURN HOME: AFTER SP.ENDIKGjbraska, were married Sunday after- is visiting here with- Miss Famrie ands of' Jewish merchants in Rouat five o'clock at the home of Shyken, en route to her home at itiania was made at the last meeting TWO YEARS IN EUROPE. of the Roumanian cabinet. the groom's parents, Mr. and MTS. Osage, Iowa. Madame Alexander Pollock, her Joseph Blecker, 241S Ohio Street, M. Serker, director of the Roudaughter, Mrs. Dollie Pollock El gut- Omaha, in the presence of only the Miss Marcia Robinow of Sioux City,. manian Cooperatives Federation and ter, and her granddaughter, Miss immediate family. After the <eere- Iowa, arrived Monday to spend a M. Axente, director of the Peoples Katherine' Pollock, will sail July 29 niony a Dinner was served to twenty week here visiting her aunt and uncle, Bank, demanded that the peasants for New York, after spending 22 guests. Mr. Blecker and his bride Mr. and Mrs. L. Kroloff. should not sell their com to private months in Europe. Madame Pollock left the following day for a honeyPRIZES WILL BE GIVEN AT dealers, but to the cooperatives and was quite, ill in Madrid, Spain, re- moon trip to Lake Okobojii, to be THE PICNIC JULY 4 AT THE GERcently, but has now gained her gone about two weeks. Upon their the Peoples Bank, thus eliminating WEDDINGS MAN HOME PARK—Adv. health. On landing, the trio will return tbey will make their home in the Kiaddle man. PEROK-MEYER. spend several weeks in New York, Omaha. Rabbi Grodinsky performed Mrs. Sam Meyerson and children .-•-• Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Meyer anand .stop in Chicago, arriving in the ceremony. left last Wednesday for Schuyler, Ne-frounce the marriage of their daugh-« Omaha about September 1. These braska, to visit her sister, Mrs. Ben teri Gladys, to Mr. Harry Perlik. The Omahans went abroad October 1, j . HURWITZ Mr. and Mrs. Harry an- Gershun, and Mr. Gershun. ceremony was solemnized Sunday, 1924, and have enjoyed the privilege] nounce the birth of a daughter, born Experienced Hebrew Teacher June 20, Sabbi Frederick Conn ofMrs. Etta Cherniss and daughter, of remaining for weeks or months in' Thursday, June 24, at the Methodist opened a private Hebrew school ficiated. any chosen locality. Miss Elgutter Hospital at Omaha. Both Mother and Miss Pearl Cherniss, and Mrs. Nathan at Synagogue, 24th end Nicholas Mr. and. Mrs. Meyer -will receive Adler and her children, Marvin and Mr, and Mrs. Allen Kohan are Streets.—Phone We. 1235. Mr. and L. Fanger entertained at a has studied music and art in Paris baby are getting along racely. for' relatives and friends at their leaving July 4 for an extensive dinner Monday evening at their home and in several Italian centers. Morton Adler, are leaving Saturday home Sunday afternoon, July 11, motor trip, which will, take them to in honor of their son, Morris, and his Madame Polock is the sister of Mrs.- PRIZES WILL BE GIVEN AT evening to spend the remainder of the, THE PICNIC JULY 4 AT THE GER- summer visiting in St. Paul and Minfrom 2V to 5, and Sunday evening, Des Moines, Iowa, where they will fiance, Miss Pearl Moskowitz, whose Mattie Jacobson of this city. ::H::H:lH::HHu;HH:Hn::!Hn:!nnm:ns::n!!nn!ninr.% MAN HOME PARK.—Adv. neapolis, Minn. "from 1 to 10. visit with Mr. Kohan's parents, and engagement "was recently O u r motto is HIGH QUALITY jj§ vive. Sam Steinberg and the winner then they will motor to the Lakes, on All boys between the ages of 12 The Agudes Achim Society held of the Gross-Frank match will play to Minneapolis arid Duluth, Minn., Mrs. Al Hoffman, of Kansas City, NERENBERG-JACOBSON their semi-annual election of officers and 16 who are interested in a Jewish' Mr. W. Krasne announce the mar- and to Chicago, HI. They expect to Mo., is visiting her mother Mrs. for the handball title next •week. At Monday evening at the K. C. Hall. fraternity meet at the Synagogue riage of his grandchild, Ella Jacobson, return home about the middle of George Wright. Miss Pauline Good- the last meeting of the organization The following officers were elected for Sunday afternoon at 2:30. man, of Kansas City,, is also a guest Sol Yaffe was admitted as a member. to Samuel D. Nerenberg, of this city. July. the ensuing term: Presidnt, M. L. at the Wright home. WHY NOT BUY T H E BEST?. The ceremony was solemnized on SunThe Young Judae Council will hold Marks; vice president, Ben I. Seldin, SUNDAY IS JULY 4 AND SUNYou can trade your old Miss Caroline Diamond, who attendday, June 27, at the home of the Dr. A. S. Rubnitz is convalescing at a meeting Saturday evening at the recording secretary, Max M. "Stein- DAY IS THE SOUTH SIDE CONpocket-watch or wrist ed the Katskee-Diamond wedding in groom's uncle and aont, Mr. and Mrs. watch for a NEW ONE. the Wise Memorial Hospital from an home of M. F. Levenson, at the Mil- berg; financial secretary, Morris GREGATION PICNIC AT GERMAN Ben Goodbinder. Rabbi EL Grodins- Lincoln, visited there for a week, re- operation on appendicitis. ton Apartments No. 10. Brandeis; guardian, Abe Bromberg;' HOME PARK. DONT FORGET TO ky officiated in the prersence of mem- turned to Omaha Monday. Mrs. J. ldeb and daughter. Miriam, The Ladies Free Loan Society will trustees, Sam Rosentbal, Ike Kramer, ATTEND.—Adv. bers of the immediate family. Earl Mrs. David Benstein and brother, visiting in Minneapolis, Minn., meet Wednesday, July 7, at the Labor and Charles Saltzman. a r e .Goodbinder, accompanied by Celia Mr. Harry Rothkop will leave Satur-j Ideb's daughter, Mrs. S. A. Lyceum. The Agudes Achim are making PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS Stine, of Lincoln, played the wedding day for Chicago, HI., where they will Cohn. plans' to hold a picnic in the near march. Following the ceremony, a meet their father, Mr. Mandal Roth"future at which the entire public is dinner and ddance was held at the kop, whom they will accompany to SPEND JULY 4 AT THE FIRST invited to attend. The committee in Lighthouse Hall. New York, from where he wilil sail ANNUAL PICNIC OF THE SOUTH charge include Messrs. M. L. Marks, The young couple are spending for Palestine on July 13 to make his SIDE CONGREGATION AT GER- . An announcement of interest is Sam Friedman, Harry Kubby, Ben made by Mr. and Mrs. Julius Kateltheir honeymoon in Kansas City, Mo., home. Before leaving for Palestine, MAN HOME PARK.—Adv. man, 417 Oakland Avenue, of the Seldin, and Chas. Saltzman, and they j and upon their return they will make Mr. Mendel Rothkop will visit with Mr. Abe Fleischer, formerly of marriage of their daughter, Jennie, are planning to make this the out-J their home at 2016 FowlerAve. _ relatives in Pittsburgh, Pa., and New this city, is the guest of his parents, standing event of the season. Further AM PLEASED to announce to all my cusOut-of-town guests present at the York. He is now visiting a daughter, Rev. and Mrs, J. Fleischer, and will and Mr. Abe Bear of Leavenworth, announcements •will be made in the Kansas, which was solemnized at the wedding were Mr. and Mrs. A. Stine Mrs. J. W. Lax, of Chicago, formerly tomers arai friends that I have moved my, spend the month of July here/before]home of the bride's parrents, Sunday Jewish Press at a later date, and family, Miss Tillie Cohn, of Lin- Miss Betty Rothkop of the city. shop and office to my sew purchased buildreturning to Bock Mount, No. Caro-I a t six o'clock in the presence of about j coln. Mr. Ben Harding returned home ing at 3120 Cnming St., and being centrally The Misses,Lee and Ida Fleischer lina, where he is engaged in business. |i fifty immediate rrelatives. Rev. A. this week from a month's visit in Los Several affairs were given for the located, I will give Prompt Service for Repair Diamond of this city, and Mr. I. bride prior to the wedding. Mrs. A. will spend fourth of July in Denver, Mrs. Max Levine is visiting in LinJobs as well as Contracts at a very reasonable Angeles, Calif. Katelman of . Omaha, the bride's Stine, of Lincoln, entertained seventy- Colo. coln, Nebr., with h e r sister, Mrs. Ben price. grandfather, performed the ceremony. five guests at a miscellaneous shower Polsky, andd Mr. Polsky. After the ceremony a Dinner was I am also offering Repair and bridge, .and Miss Tillie Cohn, of DIAMOND served. The Bride wore a lovely gown Parts for your own use at Mr. and Mrs. M. Brandt have as Lincoln, was hostess last Friday evefashioned of Pink Georgette with HEADQUARTERS cost price. their guest their daughter, Mrs. L. ning. Goodman, of New York City. Mrs. lace set in skirt and a large picture GIFT Brandt will entertain a t a luncheon hat, and silver slippers. Mr. Bear and COUNSELORS Rabbi and Mrs. Frederick Cohn are today at the Jewish Community Cen- his bride left Monday by overland for MOULDED TUNA FISH leaving tonight for July and August a honeymoon trip to the Minnesota ter in honor of her daughter. 1 teaspoon salt ft be gone during July and August. Lakes and after July 10th will be at 1 teaspoon mustard They will stop at the Del Otera Hotel. Mr. and Mrs. William B. Kline have the Planterrs Apts. in' Leavenworth, 1 teaspoon paprika ,. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL % cup hot water have returned from their honeymoon Kansas. JEWELERS Mr, and Mrs. J. Harry Kulakofsky 1 tablespoon gelatine trip to California and are now making ZVZQ CurotRf St. Ha. 7683 Out of town guests. present were Diamond Importers 3 tablespoons cold water .announce the birth of a baby daughttheir t o m e a t the Flora Apartments My. and Mrs. Morris Cohen and Opposite Tech. High % lb. can tuna fish214-216 City Nat". Bank Bldg. e r , Ruth, Eva, born Monday, at the at 2557 Jones Street.1 tablespoon sugar and daughter, Dorothy, of Lawrrence, Wise Memorial Hospital. Established 1894 1 tablespoon floor Kansas; Mr. and Mrs. Leo Levine and Miss Laura Berek arrived Tuesday % cup vinegar " * • Mr. and • Mrs. M. Herzberg and 1. \rhqlejegg.„._„_..,„..'.. , -_ .„.: to jspend. several days with Miss Sara daughter Bess, and Mr. andd Mrs. A. daughter, Pauline, are expected home Starr, all of Leavenworth, Kansas; Mix dry . ingredients in order Somberg. the early part of/ next week after given. Add vinegar slowly. Add the Misses Lillian and Betty Bear of having spent the past month motoring hot water, and cook over water Miss Alice Shulein of Sioux City, Kansas City, Mo.; Mr. and Mrs. Max until thick. Beat egg and add to Iowa, is visiting Reva Ziev. through the eastern states. Katelman and" Miss Elizabeth Sandlothis above mixture stirring hard. I — vitch of Lincoln, Nebraska; and Mrs. Miss Eugenie Goldman, of St. Soak the gelatine in cold water for Mrs. Harris jLevey and daughter, 5 minutes" and add to ^above sauce Joseph, Mo., who spent v -~~l weeks Molly Karlson and son, Edward, of with h e r sister, Mrs. 3 sman, Los Angeles, California. Mrs. N. H. G^eenberg, left last Sun- and remove at once frotn fire. Add fish to sauce, mix well, returned to her home. day for P,rovidence, R. I., where they put in ice box to set. To be are .^sftlhg -with Mrs. Levey's daught- and served without any additional Miss Selma Kalis, < i City, " er, Mrs. Harold Libby, and Dr. Libby, dressing. Mo., returned to her h...•.._ after a and baby daughter, Paula Frances. two day stay with Mrs. Sam AppleCALF.S LIVER LOAF Mr. and Mrs. Sam Beber will enterman. Misses Florence and Josephine 1 Ib. piece Calf's Liver tain the members of the Omaba Kalis are remaining here. 2 eggs chapter-A. Z. A. at a picnic this 1 small onicn Miss Sara Somberg is spending the Vi cup matzo meal of crumbs evening at Miller Park. 1 scant teaspoon salt 4th in Sioux City .with her fiances's : % teaspoon pepper The Misses Rose Dolgoff and Marparents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Chesseh. 1 tablespoon vinegar or lemon garet Margolin are leaving Saturday Bake liver, until firm. Put Miss Dorothy Pickus, of Sioux City, morning for- St. Louis, Mo., where through food chopper. Mix'with they -will spend several weeks. other ingredients and put into well Mo., is spending the week-end with Proven- -RELIABLE REASONABLE greased pan. Bake in a moderate Kate Goldsein. Mrs- M. Gross left last Wednesday oven "1 hour or more. This is fine ACCURATE for Chicago, 111., where she will sliced cold or may be served hot. CLUBS spend several weeks visiting with her BAKING POWDER BISCUIT Miss Rose Kurs entertained the son, John, who is attending North2 cups flour members of the G. W. Club at her western University. 4- teaspoons baking powder home Tuesday evening. • Prizes in % teaspoon salt Mrs. J. Baron, of Chicago, 111., who Pnblk Accountants and Auditors bridge were won by Jeannette Wein2 tablespoons butter was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. A. stein and Eva Schwartz. % cup milk ISADORE ABRAMSON Katskee, left Saturday for Tier.Tiome. Mix dry. ingredients. Rub in Public Accountants, and Dr. and Mrs. Harold" Libby, "of butter. Add milk slowly and : The J. D. C. Club will meet Sunday, Auditors ' turn onto board. Do not roll. Pat Providence, R. I., announce the birth July 4, at the Jewish Community INCOME TAX SERVICE of a baby daughter, Paula Frances, out the dough with the hands and Center. ' • - , . . cut in desired shape. Place very SYSTEMS—AUDITS born Tuesday, June 22. Mrs. Libby close together in greased pan and Most of the favorites in the B'nai INVESTIGATIONS will be remembered here as Miss bake in very hot oven. Ami Tennis tournament were elimin490 Brandeis Theater Building Sadie Levey, who was a prominent ated in the first round of play. Harold Phone ATlantic 1450 SOUR MILK BISCUITS member of the younger set Use recipe above. Use 2 tea- Pollack was the only favorite to snrLew Wintroub, a member of the spoons baking powder andd % teaOrpheum Circuit, is visiting with rela- spoon soda and sour milk. These biscuits are fine split and tives and frineds here. buttered andd used as a short cake, or spread dough before cutting DANCING AND - S P E C I A L with melted butter and sugar and STUNTS AT SOUTH SIDE CON- cinnamon roll as for jelly roll. GREGATION PICNIC JULY 4 AT Cut in slices and place cut side For nearly a half century the Omaha Loan down in buttered pan. Bake GERMAN HOME PARK.—Adv. and Building Association has been serving the quickly. . needs of this community. We now have assets of 'Mr. and Mrs. Abe Somberg left SUNSHINE STRAWBERRY Sunday for Colorado Springs and Yel$36,156,937.59, representing the savings of 46,311 PRESERVES lowstone Park to be gone for two shareholders, which sum is invested in first mort3 lbs. strawberries weeks. 3 lbs. sugar • gages on Omaha homes ^.nd income property. Wz cups water Mr. and Mrs. S. Robinson returned Place sugar and water on to We have funds to-take care of all demands Wednesday evening from Kansas City, boil. Let boil until almost candy. Mo., where they visited with their Drop berries in at once and let for building and refinancing. Applications are / | - daughter and son-in-law," Mr. and Mrs. cook until sugar has dissolved, invited. Our loan rate is 6%» We charge no comfive minutes. Pour at once B. M. Achtenberg. While there they about mission. Monthly payments $1.00 per $100.00. into large shallow pan, dripping Attended the convention of the B'nai pan of broiler is ideal. Place in B'rith, District No. 2 At this Con- hot sun and .cover with plate or Ask for free circular on our loan plan. vention, Mr. Achtenberg was elected window glass, 'Take in at night. to stand in hot sun for 3 or vice-president of that' district. - Dur- 4Allow WE WANT YOUR LOAN days or until berries are very ing the B'nai 'B'rith convention, the thick and plumped up. Can cold Midwest Hadassah convention was and seal air tight. If weather is held in Kansas City. Mrs. Achten- cloudly before berries are done keep in cold place. These are barg was General chairman of the just a wonderful preeeirve and may be convention. W . R. ADAIK, PUES. used as a candied strawberry. Miss Gertrude* Wintroub, who was The Oldest, Largest, and Strongest HOUSEHOLD' HINTS •'Ctepding the' Physical Educational' To peel tomatoes for salad, hold Savings Institution in Nebraska. College at Chicago, 111., returned to J over gas flame for a few minutes. loth and Dodge Sts. snend the summer with her parents, Skin will crack and peel easily. Mr. .and Mrs. Max Wintroub. Tlie entire Ves Chapter of the Hai Eesh fraternity will leave early Sunday morning on a. special train to attend the national Hai Besh Conclave, which will be held in Des Moines, la., July 4 to 8, inclusive. The convention proper will be held in the Fort Des Moines HoteL • Omaha's entire group will be present at the opening of the conclave. ENGAGEMENTS Mrs, B. Gomberg of Chicago, 111., The following Omahans are leaving: announce the engagement of her William Degan, Nathan Jacobs, Earl sister, Miss Lillie ldeb, to Mr. Charles Kay, Fred Fischer, Lester Simon, Bernstein, son. of Mr. andd Mrs. T. David Sher, Marvin Treller, BernBernstein, of this city. No date has i hardt Wolf and Sam Wertheimer jr., Manuel Isemin : of Nebraska City, been set for the wedding. Nebr., will also inake the trip.
Announcement— I
Malashock Jewelry Co.
PRDNTING and STATIONERY Phone Jackson 0770
First Annual Picnic Given by
TheSouth Congregation
Sunday, July 4,1926 At
GERMAN HONE 13th and G Streets Peppy Music
Admission 50c
Omaha Loan and Building Association
Dancing Afternoon and Evening
PAGE* 4—THE JEWISH PRESS—THURSDAY, JULY~-lj 1926 tion&of the Jew to American; civiliza- tions of learning. There will also be ROUMANIAN STUDENTS ANTT SEMITES DESCECRATE (gogue, demolished the Ark «* tion, notably the Bible,'the S-ibbath an account of the progress made by RENEW ANTI-SEMITIC BUCHAREST SYNAGOGUE j venant and commited other acts of conceived as a day of rededication t o national Jewish charitable organizaATTACKS. ON JEWS desecration. : fine ideals, the Jewish Conception of a tions showing the number of orphanBucharest.—;Further details of the ?" By'RABBI LOUIS I. NEWMAN Bucharest, (J. T. A.)—Anti-Jewash The Paper asks whether it ,s worth Messianic Age which is not a Golden ages,, old folks' homes, and other recent anti-Semitic excesses which cesses ' instigated .by the antiwhile for the Jewish community Age in the past but a Golden Age in charities. took place in Bucharest are disclosed Burcharest Semitic student group were renewed * " - * - " - to protest against the j .,. "Speak to' the earth,"-, say's Joh, tionship to man and to God. the future, and which 'if correctly today by the Roumanian Jewish paper j outrageous in,the last few days. I. ™ .shall*;teach thee"."' Luther] Luther Burbank soon after his conceived has contributed much to HUNGARIAN DEMOCRATS m view of the fac} that "Curierul Israelit." : Following an interval of several 'Burbank spoke to the 'earth and i t religious pronouncement was sum-the forward-looking concept of our PROTEST AGAINST The paper reports that the anti- prrevious protests led to no results. answered him. God. commanded jia- j moned into the presence of the Godmodern civilization. Other -gifts of NUMERUS CLAUSUS months, the excesses began on Thurs- Semitic students desecrated the synaday. On Friday evening groups of tire" to obey him' and : to reveal for! of Goodness whom he acclaimed on the Jew may be selected for'this part PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISED. Budapest, (J. T. A.)—A protest anti-Sehiitic students demonstrated, ; l him many of its'choicest-secrets. By-earth." The immortality of influence of the exhibit. ' 'against the numerus clausus law limit- marching through the streets of - reason of his inventive genius-Luther" in which he believed, is surely his '^Following this, there Vill be a few ing the number of Jewish students in Bucharest. " They bombarded' the Burbank typified uniquely and elo-, reward, for his name will live abiding- panels indicating the history of the quently the spirit of America, but by jj lyy in the history He who Jews in America, stressing' the fact the Hungarian universities was adopt- Jewish stores with stones, breaking y ofpprogress. g ed at the conference of the Hungarian the windows. • the^ same token he .belonged to all j loved every thing, and everybody must that a Jew constructed the maps that Several Jewish passersby were inmankind. His mind ranged along the have found the Creator of all Life to Columbus used, the fact that there Democratic Party. The resolution declares that "Hun- jured; The demonstrators invaded far horizons of thought: He pushed j be the merciful and gracious Being he were Jews on the vessels of Columbus, many leagues the boundaries of the sought to portra>. "The sweet remem- and the fact that the J,ew landed in gary's heart is deeply wounded as Jewish homes in Athens Street, threw unknown land in which Gregor Mendel brance of the just shall flourish when New York City (ISfew .'Amsterdam) long as Hungarian citizens are prohi- stones at the synagogue and broke explored. The world has been :made he sleeps in dust."—Jewish Transcript, only a few years after-the Pilgrim bited from studying at Hungarian windows. The students shouted, "Recolleges." more lovely, more radiant and fruit- Seattle, Wash. venge for the unfriendly attitude of Fathers landed at Plymouth Rock. ! > • • In ful through the endowment of the Bessarabian Jews." •OEUCKJUSASj Colonial history'will be"'treated by GOVERNMENT DECIDES sweet soul which was Goa-granted to indicating the early settlements. The TO APPONT JEW TO JOSEPH ROSEN Til AX, ATTORNEY Luther Burbank. 624 Peters Trust Bide- ' period of the founding of the Republic ROUMANIAN PARLIAMENT NOTICE OP FOKECLUStrtE OF ' .In a.less intolerant age than our will be indicated by the percentage of CHATTEL MOUTUAGE own, his statement of -faith, made Notice is- hereby given tbnt the underBucharest, (J. T. A.)—A repreJewish population, the percentage of signed will on June 20th. 1820, at 10:00 shortly before his death, -would have Jewish participation in " the Revolu- sentative of the Jewish religion will o'clock A. M.. at 4077 Ptfcfftc Street, Omaha, been hailed as a surprisingly religious To Show Value of Jewish Religious tionary War, photographs1 of a tew il- be appointed member of the Rouman- Nebraska, sell to the highest "bidder for cash: Institutions in Upbuilding of document. His address demonstrated One used Hudson Coach, Model 1023, lustrious men and women of that gen- ian Senate, according to a decision of Motor "No. 12WU2, six cylinders, America.* the complete concordance' between eration, Jewish' publications of" the the Council .of Ministers here yester- covered by a chattel mortgage signed by religion and science. It proved that a day. This decision, was taken in ac- W. H. Morris in taror ol the Lincoln period, e t c " • ' Motor Company and assigned to the Cenbeliever in evolution can also, be a be- A pictorial survey of the contribucordance with a recommendation made tral Investment Corporation and assigned Another part of the exhibit will be to the government by the Congress of to Joe Rosenthal. which said chattel mortliever in God. It emphasized the af- tions of the Jew towards the upbuildgage was dated December 8th, 1025, and finity between the spiritual quality in ing of America will be a feature of devoted to the period of the Civil War; Jewish Communities in Roumania. filed for record in the office of the Connty the Jewish exhibit at the SesquicenClerk-of Douglas County .Nebraska, on the another part' to the modem, period • science and the scientific-quality in 12th day of December. 1Q2.V tennial Exposition: The exhibit is and there will be in addition topical SPEND JULY 4 AT THE FIRST Said, sale will be for t i e purpose ot fore religion. The mood of the laborer in closing- said cnattle mortgage and satit>fythe field of natural science is essen- being planned through the recently displays showing the* development of ANNUAL PICNIC OF THE SOUTH nlg the amount due thereon, to-wit: the of $147.00 and accruing costs. ; tially that of the quester after^ the organized Synagogue Council of ational Jewish religious and educa- SIDE CONGREGATION AT GER-Bum Dated this 1st day of June, 1020. truths of faith. Scientist andi America, formed by the Union of tional organizations as well'as institu- MAN HOME PARK.—Adv. JOB EOSEXTHAL. Mortgagee. Congregations, religionist are hpth engaged in a American Hebrew research magnificent of mind and with representatives of the Orthodox, Conservative and Reform national heart. / , -. Jewish organizations in America. The Mr. Btirbank's credo was fundaexhibit will cover;the Jewish religious mentally simple and uncomplicated. achievement .in,this country. ' ; He avoided the language of theology, .but criticized the'dogmas and-creeds - Space tptalling-1600 square feet has of established religious .institutions. been assigned by.the,Sesquicentennial To many his viewpoint seemed authorities for religious exhibits. The iconoclastic, but it merely-represented space' is divided amoijg the Catholic, the attitude of the liberal religionist Protestant and Jewish religious orin all denominations... When he re- ganizations. The Jewish exhibit will marked that he loved humanity, his occupy four units each about HO words recall the "phrases of the square feet. prophet Mican: "Have we not all one The plan of the exhibit is to show Father? Hath not one God created the value of - Jewish religious instituall?" When he paid-tribute to the tions in the upbuilding of America. miracles achieved by nature in her A general outline is as follows: creative processes, he reaffirmed the "The four nits that are assigned for words of the Psalmist: "The heavens the",Jewish "exhibit are'^ta be topped declare the glory of God and the firm- by!a frieze;'to_Sicatitig.-.tHe^topic' |TJne ament showeth His handiwork." When Path'vjay.'of "&Jfe J e V . ' The'samt i s t o he urged us to read the Bible "just as consist of^Hiriens'feHi^pjc^reV^Ja^d o f ^ ^ we read other books, using our own'Exiles', interspersed 'tfy map of Palesjudgment and reason," he revoked tine, -Babylon,- SpainfCentral Europethe plea of countless progressive be- an countries, Russia, '"'Poland and lievers for many centuries. Luther America. Burbank had little patience with the The remainder of the exhibit is to literal, unscientific interpretation - of consist of panels. There is to be one the" Bible which accepts the miracle set of panels indicating the contribustories of Scripture as unerring and dogmatically correct. He rightly demanded that we discriminate between poetry, history, myth and moral lesson in our Holy writings. In this way he reinforced the opinions of the friends of the Bible who refuse to see it twisted out of its true meaning by ll'ZO / O72B the' literalists. ho. !8~ST. / I
of Luther Burbank
Jewish Exhibitat Sesquicentennial Exposition
Japan Tea {green]
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<All are Delicious
ie new prestige in
Hupmobile Eight Becomes'the Center of a Rising Grpuped Around Its Superior Principle
True religion does not shackle but emancipates the mind. If Mr. Burbank wished to call himself an "in- A Life Insurance Policy fidel" iji order to* awaken.the,blind For Every Need leaders and their blind followers, we JUDAH L. WOLFSON, Rep. might well say: "Would that all men The Equitable Life of New York •were infidels such as he." He re545 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bid*. Wo. 8766. jected a belief in infant damnation, \U 5335 jn the devil, in hell, thereby taking his place among forward-looking believers- of modern cults. He insisted MID WEST upon personal responsibility, -saying ENGRAVING CO. INC. Hhat no. "salvation can come from any/ ^ ARTISTS /T^ thing' or anyone outside ourselves," / ENGRAVERS V!_ thereby re-echoing the view of the Pnone ATLANTIC 0 6 3 9 Biblical prophet Nathan who cried to King David: "Thou .art the man I" In some - theological circles, Mr. Burbank's views would have a devastating effect, but .among religious humanists they are welcome doctrine. When he repudiated a belief in a God who damns mankind 'to perdition, he Druggists and Stationers speaks as does\the ancient Psalmist Wl-403-400 Soutb lotto .gtnwl concerning the God "who pitieth* like as a father pitieth his children!"
E. E. Bruce & Co
Mr. Burbank found God through the medium of science. To him God was not a machine, an automaton, an impersonal l a w , but a Being with whom the human spirit could commune. The many vexing problems involved in the relationship between science and faith . , were bridged by the simple, almost * mystical faith which Mr. Burbank de•"clared in the God revealed "by the demonstrable truths of our savior, science." He reformulated his ideas ' concerning immortality. He underscored a . belief in the value of per- sonal influence, thereby issuing a challenge to each individual to lead a j righteous and serviceable-life so that) luV contribution, to eternal values' - . migiit be a source of blessing and cheer. _He made an appeal for love ' and, compassion, in human relations, . 1 knowing that "God is gracious and slow, jfo anger." Were therwords of ". JliivSjurbank to be taken seriously by ".- ^ hosts. of ; the. professing leaders of ~-' eccleeiasticalism in all groups, a veritable revolution in the life of faith 1 ' would-be ^'achieved. -Ho openminded, "%,-biarrianei religionist could quarrel with • -%J^tiiei?;Butbank*f "Apologia,1-'for i t i s
" ,a^erttte andteri^.apJPf?1 forunder-
PAXTON.MITCHELL CO. & Martha Sta. Barney I«62 1 • Omnlia. N*br. t -Soft gray iron, tirusa. bronze and alu ailnuui castings. Sinnflnn] sizes bronze and Iron bushings, .sewer lunnhnlcs . cirfiern' rings mid covers, and clea'n-our' doors. in stock.
"The day"is pasang^hen price alone are'reasoiis enou^t.for distinction inmotor car owoershipi?->v
But alsoforitsmagnificentperfornumcetandthefacttkatemi' nent engineers pay it the honor of terming it the most perfect development of the straight eight principle in America.
It began to pass with the coming of tht beautiful Hupmobile Eight—the new interpretation of a superior engineering prinThe first time you drive the Hupmobile ciple—and its going is being accelerated with ;every passing nwnth;-^ •-'•'•—- Eight yourself,you will understand the subtle change that staking place among buyers of the finer cars, and why it is taking place. There is a rising aristocracy of motoring, now, and it centers arcfcfiicV the HupmoFor you will find in this beautiful Eight pile Eight. ^ the final luxury of smooth motoring— It is an aristocracy which grants allegiance A rhythm of engine action and road action to a principle—to the newest and best as that leaves you eager to go on, even at the - expressed in. super-excellent quality and end of a long day's tour-performance—aswell as to a fine and disA car sofi"<»in every phase and detail of ' tinguished name. behavior that you would invent reasons for \ Its ranks are made up of those who instincquite unnecessary trips here and there, in ' tjwely take unto themselves the finer and town and country, just for the pleasure of - better things of life. driving it or riding in it. ; • And it has given over the idea that mere You still are subject to the thrill of being "high price, unsupported by other eminent and superior elements, is the beginning and the end of prestige. * . • So it is today a mark of distinction to own ' and drive a Hupmobile Eight. Not alone for its illustrious name. '; Kot alone for its beautiful coachwork.
Baker Ice Machines
away first at the traffic signal; of sailing up a: hill as though it wasn't there at all, of taking; the rough stretches surely and smoothly without relaxing your pressure on the throttle. You still like to swish in and oat and around—when you can—and the quickfootedness of this Bght means all of that; with brake deceleration the full match for its remarkable acceleration. Even if this Bght were not thesfeek, beautiful thing it is, its magnificent smoothness and performance would give you pause, were you to consider some other type at some other price. But tff&h its beauty, and tuith everything drat its perfected straight-eight principle means in luxury and in distinction, there remains no akernatwe-—everything points to the Hupmobile Eight for your car.
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Detroit, pfa icwaw
In the fintraa 042, tttt trend is
"Manufactured in Omaha" BAKEK ICE MACHINE (JO
(Joundl Bluffs ia.
Stewart Motor Company
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Southeast Corner 20th and Harney Sts. , ATlantic5242 Associate Dealer: Gilinsky Motor Co., Council Bluffe
HOTEL ROME £Ui UwiatM—iUU Ifulbs ,
(iooit ItituiuN fur tlJjn • IllirrulPd by Kpplry Hutrlf -Co." •-ft-.1