-Success or failure in business is caused more by xneotal attitude even than by mental eapac-
The cynic is one who knows- the i price of every-tla i n'-g "aad . the v alu f e of nothing.—Oscar Wilde.
rpfis* — Walter Dill Scott.
VOL. V—No. 31
Entered ar §-4?*',d-cIasB mall matter on January 27th. 1921. at poatofflce Vfl> .. -Aba. Nebraska; under the Act or March 8, 18TO.
CROP IN KH Klux Han Protests Lois Lipsky Elected RECORD BARLEY PALESTINE THIS YEAR Jerusalem.—According to present Jerusalem—Nahum Sokolow, "chairOrder Barring Them Zionist President at indications, this Mill be a successful man of the World Zionist Executive, year for agriculture in Palestine. The will visit Palestine during July,> desFrom Sesqiri-Centennial Gonveption in Buffalo barley crop has pro wen to be the patches received here state. "" " biggest in the history of the country,
^Imahans Take Ac in District No. 6 Convention Special Praise Given to Work ofi President, Sam Leon— Local Delegation 100% in Attendance N E X T M E E T I N G TO B E H E L D I N
Mr. Sokolow is returning from; a visit to South. Africa whe.re he worked Fiery Crosses Burned All Night Election Held, the Last Day of according to reports. F a l Campaigns Sure.To Bring Summer crops generally, are develin the interests of the Keren HayeTotal To $25,000,000, Says 29th Annual Meeting in Philadelphia As oping very well throughout the counsod. Mr. Sokolow is expected to arBrown Protest and on Lipsky's 50th try. rive here the.end of J u l y . - . . Birthday
J. C. G. Team to Play Hardest Philadelphia.—<J. > T. A.)—Fiery Contest of Year This Week crosses were burned Wednesday night
State Golf Xoinmeit Starts Monday at Buffalo, N. Y/(J. T\ A.)—The Pres-
New York City.—The largest sum of money ever raised by the Jews of oh the outskirts of the city by Klans- idency of the Zionist - Organization of Meet Castles at Miller and Kinneys at men in protest against Mayor Kend- America, an office-which has not been Eight Jewish Men Have Entered this country for any purpose, and, Meet Fontenellerwith the exception of one or two warrick's order cancelling the proposed formally filled since the Cleveland time philanthropies in which the whole Klan celebration at the Sesqui-Cent- convention when; the split with the Eight Jewish men have entered the American population participated, the • . With only^ three more, games left ennial Exposition. 9?he demonstrar- Brandeis-Mack group occurred, was State Golf Tournament to be played on their schedule, the Jewish, tion took place not far from the place restored and-the title of President was at the Omaha Field Club. The first largest sutn of money ever raised in , America in one nation-wide campaign munity Center baseball team.'is now where a waysfde Catltolic shrine was given to Louis • Lipsky. matches -will be held Monday of next for a humanitarian purpose, has been This was the'climax.of the twenty- week. facing one of its hardest tests of the burned a few nights ago. obtained in the United Jewish Camninth annual convention of the Zionist Mayor Kendrick cancelled the peryear. Sunday afternoon the Jewish Indications are that this tournament paign. boys swing bats with the Castle Hotel mit issued to the Klan for a three- Organization of America, which ended will have the keenest competition in This is set forth in a report issued At the annual election of District special reference, to the. large; increase nine at Miller lark. Wednesday eve- day celebration with the announce- its sessions at the Hotel Statler June the history of the classic. An entrant by National Chairman David A. No. 6, Julius Zahn of Chicago was in members and.the educational work ning at 6 o'clock, the undefeated lead- ment that such a demonstration would 29th. ' .* * • who plays a good game is Ben Brown, in which it is announced that elected president to succeed Sam of the order. ers of the Gate City League gneet the be "dangerous" and contrary to the The twenty-ninth annual convention, Yousem, contender for th« city and ?15,772,730.68 has been pledged thus The order of Aleph. Zadik Aleph re- strong Kinney Shoe Co. team at.Fon- spirit of the Sesqui-Centennial. The which was termed the convention of state title for three years. Other who Leon- of Omaha; Robert Lappen of Des Moines was elected first vice- ceived much praise when Phil Klutz- tenelle Park. Mayor stated he h&d not been in- self-assertion of the democratic ele- have entered are A. H. Brodkey, far. , ~ Toward the ultimate total of $25,president and Godfried;D. Bernstein nick, Grand Aleph Godol of A. Z. A, Sunday's game with the Castle formed the Klan had been given a ments, in the Zionist movement, took Jerome Heyn, Bud Wolf, Seamon Kulof Chicago was appointed second outlined the growth of- this order dar- Hotel crew is expected to be a tough permit. this action following a day of im- akofsky, Earl Kulakofsky, Marvin 000,000 campaigns that will be ended • 'X in the next fortnight are expected to •vice-president. Harry Silvennan of ing the past year. "The Mayor's statement regarding portant discussion and adoption of res- Treller, and Bill Yousem. encounter for the I Jewish "willow raise a minimum of $1,026,930; to this : Omahans who attended the conven- wavers." Still smarting under . the his knowledge of the intended event olutions outlining the future course of Omaha was elected trustee of the Dr. Gene Slattery is present state tion, are expected home during the defeat handed them'by;the American is untrue", said Paul W. Winter, the policy of the orgaiazation and golf champion, and has entered the will be added §6,928,291 in campaigns National- Jewish Hospital. scheduled for next September, and : : . .. At the convention a resolution was week. Business College team - last Sunday, Kleagle of the Ku Klux Klan in this plans concerning the extension of its tournament to defend his title. §1,322,048 in local "repeat campaigns" passed to erect a new Cleveland Orthe Castle contingent is cut for sweet city. "I will publish, within the next activities in the immediate future. The first two days will be given in 1927 and 1928. phan home. District No. 6 and 2 will revenge. Thus far the hotel-boys have few days, photostatic copies of cor- The nomination, announced by Louis over to qualifying, eighteen holes a The magnitude of this effort is emsoon build a two million dollar orphan been accounting for. .themselves>" in respondence between -us and signed Levinthal of ^Philadelphia, chairman of day. The first and second rounds -will phasized by the fact, it is pointed out the Nominations Committee, was home on the outskirts of Cleveland. by him which indicates he did apgood style. > ":, ;j be played Wednesday over the 18- in the report, that there are only 3,The home will be built on the cottage On July 14, the Center-Kinney con- prove of the KJan plans at one time." enthusiastically received by the dele- hole route. The quarter-finals, semi- 500,000 Jews in the United States. On plan. Mr. Winter has appealed to the gates who rose' and applauded Presi- finals and finals will all be thirty-six Championship Tourney Will Be Held test is the featured twilight attraction national officers of the. organization dent Lipsky for nearly ter. minutes. hole matches. The finals will be played that basis the contributions to the The Hillel Foundation centers are' of the day. The shoeman, who have Latter Part of Month. United Jewish Campaign, if figured attracting attention from all leading lost but one game, and that-to-the in Washington for advice, as a con- In the midst of the enthusiastic ap- Saturday. on a per-capita basis, average ?7.15. colleges in the country that have a The finals in the Highland Country Jewish team, are out to make "up for sequence of Mayor Kendrick's action proval given • to the nomination, In the United War Work Campaig-n to * . ...... Emanuel Neumann, who took over the largo Jewish enrollment. Plans • are Club golf tournament were played last their loss. If the Center.nine romps it was stated.' -raise funds for •welfare work among Baltimore.—(J. "R A.)—Declaring chair, introduced a motion asking the under way by the Independent Order week. Mr. Heaney, pro at the High- home with a ;victory\ they : will;inthe soldiers of the American Expediof B'nai B'rith to launch a campaign land, 'announces the following winners cidentally romp home with the league that he "would nof- countenance un- Executive Committee of the Zionist tionary Forces by such organizations clean methods in Maryland," Frank j Organization- to consider a fitting for two million dollars to carry on in the meet: pennant. ' . ; : >) • • ; '.;.•;. \. as the Y. M. C, A., Y. W. C. A., H. Beall resigned "Wednesday night i manner in which to honor the election the work of Hillel Foundation CentBoth managersare expectedto use Knights of Columbus, Salvation Army, Seamon Kulakofsky, is winner of ers, the Mexican'Immigration problem the .first flight having defeated Dr. B. all available strength in order to win as; grand dragon of the Ku Klux Klan. of Mr. Lipsky, to the Presidency, Heads Delegation of American Jewish Jewish Welfare Board, Red Cross and and the work of the anti-<3efamation T-. Friedman/in the.finals.-Thfe winner this game. Since'losing'to the Corh- in Maryland. He aaBmaaeed that he which coincides with his attaining the Congress ,Whkfe Will Meet in. London 'Quakers, the per capita contribution wf-Laying- Bssi« fat' Re- from,the 110,000,000 American populahadi severed all connecirons^with the age of fifty."' Mr.'.Neumann's, resofti-. of-the secondvflight is. Hyman Ferer, *munity: toys, the Kinney jojanagexiieilf In a special resolution presented to who defeated Ben Stiefler. I. B. has added new players to its .roaster. organization. It is expected to lead tion was seconded by ^Joseph Baron- orgsRiiaIiofl"T5f*C©HiB4itte of Jewish tion averaged §2.10, and in the Hoover Delegations. the District convention by Gustavus Zimman defeated Carl C. Katleman in The Kinney infield is said to be one of to a split among klansmen in Mary- dess, Rabby Abba Hiilel Silver and campaign for children in Germany, Loevenger of St. Paul, chairman of the finals, of the. third, flight plays, the strongest in Omaha amateur land. Dr. Schmarya Levin who, in glowing Poland and Austria the American conSailing for Europe last week on the: tribution per capita was S3 cents. "All I care to say now is that the terms, paid tribute to the service committee on President's message, the circles, and is "doped" to give the national officers wanted to propa- which Mr. Lipsky renders to the Zion- "President Harding-", Dr. Stephen S. work of Sam Leon was launched with and Justin Robert Wolf won the final Center sluggers plenty of grief. match from Reuben Xulakofsky, in The largest individual contribution Wise, President of the American JewAll Jewish boosters, should ,"M~6ut gandize the State along Iine3 that ist movement. the four flight match. to the fund was $1,000,000 given by ish Congress, will engage in a number were objectionable to me and I reWith ..the .simplicity and modesty -The^ Highland Championship tourna- to Miller Park Sunday and root for the fused, to permit it because of my past Julius Rosenwaid of Chicago, the secof conferences with European Jewish characteristic-of him, Mr. Lipsky, in ment will be held the latter part of Center team at Fontenelle Park Wed-r experiences," Mr. Beall said. ond largest, §500,000, by Felix M. his reply, declared that he sees no leaders for the purpose of arriving at Warburg, and the third largest, $300,this month, and many members have nesday evening. Sam Kaufman, leadmore effective methods of cooperation This propaganda is said to involve already" indicated their intention of ing hurler in the league is expected the collection of $10 a year from a difference between the title of Chair- between European Jewish agencies 000, by William Fox, both of New to carry the hurling burden for the Book to Contain Biographies of Men entering the tournament.- Phil Yousem Jewish boys. Both Giventer and Gere- member, the national officers to get man and President. and the American Jewish Congress in York. John D. Rockefeller Jr. gave • (Continued on page 2) And Women Who Have • Distin- is present- champion of the Highland lick, Jewish utility men are expected $5 of it. This is believed to be only the important task of safeguarding $100,000. In his report to the national exequished Themselves in Profession Country Club. . one feature of the program Mr. Beall and protecting Jewish rights in East to see action in these two games. cutive committee, Mr. Brown states And Pnblic Service. found objectionable to him and a large Young Jedae CQSECO European countries. group of his friends in the Order. Dr. Wise will be joined in Europe. that the communities which since last Omaha Man* Elected . Elects-Animal Officers New York7—All factions of Ameri Krasne Wins Foarth Place "I will not go down the line with by other members of the Administra- September have organized and carried can Jewry—Orthodox, Reform, Con^ anything that is not clean," Mr. Beall Fraternity Counsel Editor in National Oratorical Contest Plans for increased activity were tive Committee of the American Jew- through to success local campaigns, servative, Liberal, Zionist and Antiasserted. He added that he expected developed at the initial meeting of the ish Congress, including Judge Hugo for this fund number 1,132, and that Nathan E. Jacobs, employed by the Zionist, Jewish Scientist and Ethica to make a full statement in a few Grand Council of the Young Judae Pam, David Shapiro, Morris Dlugasch, 109 campaigns v.ill be held in the Philip Krasne, son of Mr. and Mrs. fall, .making."a. total'of 1,241 camCulturist^-have cast aside partisan Herman Krasne,; of Council Bluffs, la, advertising firm of Bozell & Jacobs, days. • clubs Saturday, evening. The Council views and differences and joined won fourth place in the National Ora- has been elected counsel editor-of the Mr. Beall joined the Klan in 1918, consists of the sponsors and two rep- Dr. Joseph Tenenbaum and Mrs. Ar- paigns by the Jewish citizens of that hands in a common spirit to aid in torical Contest held in.Los Angeles, national magazine of the Hai Raish having been the ninety-ninth man in resentatives from each of the Omaha chibald Silverman, Honorary Vice- number of cities, towns and villages President of the American Jewish in the United States and Canada. the compilation of the first authorita Calif., on June '24. Of the seven con- fraternity. The election .took place Maryland to go into the Order. His Young Judae organizations. Congress. at the fraternity's conclave, in, Des tive "Who's Who" of American Jews. testants in the National ' Contest', "Hundreds of Christians are. includfriends indicated some time ago that The result of the election of officers Moines. This means the national The representatives of the Ameri- ed among our contributors, in addition A manifestation of this spirit is th Krasne was the youngest man entered he was out of sympathy with the were: president, Abe Fellman; vice- can Jewish Congress will haev s series numerous letters of endorsement o He was awared a cash prize of ?450. magazine will be printed in Omaha. national officers, but his resignation president, Louis Lorman; secretary, of meeting's with Dr. Leo Motzkin, to Mr.. Rockefeller, whose munificence the Jeiwsh Biographical Bureau, 140C was a surprise to them. Krasne is a, Junior at the UniversiSylvia Bernstein; treasurer, Ben Chairman of the Committee of Jewish took us by surprise; many non-Jews Broadway, New York, sponsors of th ty of Michigan, where he is enrolled DAUGHTERS OF ZION PICNIC Sheanin; and reporter,; Frank Acker- Delegations as well as with spokes- gave in sums running- from £10,000 work, frorm leaders of the various in the College-of Law. . On a number down to the 'widow's'mite,' and many SUNDAY AT ELMWOOD Absopure Fiiferator is man, . ; . ' " .. . men of Jewish communities in various took an active and even a leading part brandies of American Jewry, in re- of occasions, he has won honors in : A joint meeting of" all the Young countries. A general conference will sponse to a letter urging them to lend various school events* in a number of local campaigns. But Sold by Omaha Ccscern Judaens The fourth, annual picnic ol:. the will be held' soon. AH Young be held in London on July 25th.* . their aid in the work of Collecting on the whole, the $25,000,000 comes Daughters: of Zion will be held Sunbiographical material for the only ROUMANIAN JEWS TO The Absopure Frigerator, manu- Judae clubs wishing to affiliate should from the Jewish citizens of America, It is expected that as result of day, July 11, at Elmwood Park. get in touch • with M. F. Levenson. dictionary of biographies American factured by the General who must be credited with this Necessities these negotations definite steps DECIDE NATIONAL PARTY Various contests will be held with Jewry has ever-contemplated. have been taken, for the convening of achievement, which is without parallel QUESTION BY PLEBESCITE prizes for the winners .in every event. Corporation, of which David A. Workmen's Circle.Picnic Sunday a large European conference next in the history of philanthropy the Educators, Tabbis, editors, doctorrs, Proceeds of the picnic will go tor Brown, national known in Jewish , is head of, is being sold by the lawyers and professionals in the other Summer, at which all the Jewish com- world over," said Mr. Brown. wardsrthe.Jewish National Fund in Bucharest.—The question whether Electric Refrigerator Co. of Omaha. A picnic for members of Branch No. munities in Europe will be represented arts have, in addition to providing the Jews zn Eoumania are to form n sep- P a l e s t i n e . •-,;.•.. States that have already reported The Absopure Frigerator cannot be 173, of the Workmen's Circle, will be by their democratically chosen and "over the top" are: Bureau with material pertaining to arate national political' party which surpassed in material, workmanship held Sunday, July 11, at Elmwood authorized spokesmen for tue purpose themselves, evinced surprising avidity would urge Jewish voters to exercise Alabama, which exceeded its origand quality for it represents the prac- Park. to render service by preparing lists their franchise- in - favor of- Jewish' ECONOMIC CRISIS IN of considering the problem of the inal quota of $100,000 by $40,000! Arof the most eminent in their parrtic- candidates, members of the party, PALESTINE DISAPPEARING tical expression of 25 years' experrights of Jewish minorities in'-all its kansas, which raised $75,244.50 «PALESTINE ADMITTED TO ience by famous refrigerating authorular fields. phases and reorganizing the Commit- gainst a quota of $75,000; Indiana will be submitted to a plebescite. FEDERATION OF LEAGUE Bucharest.—The opinion that the ities.. While the book will contain mainly The plebescite will' be conducted by tee of Jewish Delegations. raised $37,600 above its quota of $300,NATIONS SOCIELTIES economic crisis in Palestine is disap- The Electric Refrigerator Co., lothe biographies of men and women the Union of Roumanian Jews. Dr. Wise and his colleagues will re- 000 j - Kentucky passed its ?200,00C? pearing^ and that the political; situa- cated at 1808 Farnam St., are sole who have distinguished themselves in port the results of their activities as yoal by $38,969.77; Michigan went its ; This statement was made by Horia ' the professions, due cognifiance is Karp, noted Roumanian journalist tion there is good was expressed by agents for the Absopure Frigerator. Aberystwyth, Wales. — Palestine well as the present conditions of 1400,000 quota $S2',251.11 better; Chief Mr. Abraham Greenspan is manager was admitted "as a member of the European Jewry at the next session Ohio's original quota of $1,000,000 hafe being taken of those whose lives have League of Nations Societies, a volunRabbi of Palestine, who disembarked of the local branch. been devoted to public service. been "exceeded by $16,681.50; Oklaof Roumanian Jews in an interview at Constanza on his way to Carlsbad. tary union of bodies advwcateci the of the American Jewish Congress homa with an original quota of $125,That there will be no discrimina- with the newspaper "Politika." •which is scheduled to convene next A delegation of Jews and non-Jews, JEWISH DEPUTY CHALLENGED League idea, according to a decision October. A number of Delegates to 000 raised $151,547.21. Texas voluntion in the inclusion of women may "I have no faith .in the successful of the juridical commission of the headed by Rabbi Schechter and Priest be noted from -the list of Jewish work of a Jewish national party in BY UKRAINIANS FOR tarily increased its original quota of International Federation of League this Congress Session have already women chosen from the ranks of the Eoumania. ' The Union of Roumanian Grigorescu, welcomed the Palestinian ARTICLE ON PETLURA of Nations Societies at a plenary ses- been elected in various communities $250,000 to $350,000 and they i National Council of Jewish Women, Jews will submit -th'is question to a Chief Rabbi. A banquet in his honor but most of the delegates are yet to about raised that figure. The Province whose names have been submitted by plebescite of Roumanian Jews for was arranged by the Jewish com- Czernowitz, (J. T. A.)—Deputy A. sion here. be chosen" in elections which will of Quebec hag exceeded its quota of; The decision was taken following held in September. Ebner was challenged to a duel by Mrrs.' Estelle M. Stemberger, Execu- their decision. If the voters decide munity of Constanza. . :'"-.}.'•." ' ?100,0CK> by .-$25,820. considerable opposition within the tive Secsetary of the Council and on the formation of a Jewish national When interviewed - by-the "corres- the chairman of the Ukrainian Many other states where campaigns Editor of the "Jewish Woman". The party, we. will submit to this deci- pondendent of the Jewish Telegraphic Societies in Bukowina for an article commission, lead" by the delegate are drawing to a close are sanguine Agency, the; Chief Rabbi stated that published in the "Oestjuedische Zeit- from Italy. Mr. M. Dize'ngoff, former KA-DEE-MO DANCE SUNDAY list includes, among others, such sion", Mr. Karp declaf&d. that they, too, will go over the t»t> I mayor of Tel Aviv, presented the case the political situation, in Palestine is ung", in which Ebner condemned Petnames as Mrs. Alexander ohut. Mrs. the next few days.' New York <S The Ka-Dee-Mo Club will hold Its for Palestine. good, that the administration of Lord lura's pogroms. William D. Sporborg and Mrs. Jacob with an original quote of $4,009,0$? With the advice thst the Palestine first of the summer dances this SunH." Schiff. Other/ women .Wof fame Warsaw.—Stanislaw Steiger, the Balfour has not disappointed Pales- Dr. Ebner replied to the challenge, increased its allotment to ?G,OO0,O0d whose biographies have already been central figure of the Steiger trial tine Jewry and that the economic stating that he is ready to "give satis- Union should endeavor to represent j day evening, July 11, Kt Kelpine's and raised over $6,8000,000. Th* secDancing Academy, 25th and Farnam obtained, include Sophie Irene Loeb last year, has returned to Lemberg crisis is disappearing. Afiked con- faction" to the Ukrainian people, who all sections of Palestine, irrespective ond largest city quests fnised to rate •vriter and welfare, worker, Mrrs after an absence of many months cerning the existing relations between he does not accuse of the pogroms, of race and creed, the Commission, Streets. Special slants have been in Chicago, $1,000,000, exclusive ot the Sephardic and Ashkenafiic Jewish but he is not ready to give it to their decided unanimously that from the prepared for entertainment by LSpt>; . ,'.Sydney C« Borg, Miss-Jessie Ans- abroad.. Mr. Kosenwaid'soutright gift of $l,« bacher, noted painter and ethcer. and Steiger intends to re-enter Lemberg communities, the rabbi stated that leader who bears the responsibility of juridical standpoint nothing prevents man and Roitstein, who are managing the dances fo* **>» «•' « *• _ _ _ , i000,0fiP these relations, were excellent,. admission, of Palestine. • others. - ~. University to continue "his studies. the
Omaha delegates to the District-Convention.in.Milwaukee again took an active part in the affairs of the B'nai B'rith. The Omaha delegates were the only representatives who answered one hundred per cent present at all roll calls. ' : '. The convention held in Milwaukee was one of the best ever held according to the delegates present. More than .200 delegates representing lodges in Nebraska, Iowa, Minnesota,'Wisconsin, Illinois, Michigan, North and South Dakota and • t,wo states in Canada were present.
Highland Golfers Play Finals In Flight Tournament
American Jews Unite to Work on First Jewish "Who's Who"
i S'f
^ "
THE JEWISH PRESS Ptiblltbed evetj Xhursaaj at Omaha, fiebraifca. by •
•tffcE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY Office: 490 Brandeia Theatre Building — Telephone: ATltatic 1450. NATHAN E. GREEN, Manager. Subscription Price, one yeai
Tentative Daily Program of Activities—Fall Season 192<
CHANGE OF ADDRESS—Please give botb tbe old and new address: be sure and give your name.
SUNDAY— EDUCATIONAL, SOCIAL, AND FRATERNAL ACTIVITIES Omaha Hebrew Club „...„.._.. 3:00 P.M. Kompeer Club A........ — » 2-.30 P. M. A. Z. A. Fraternity ...~—3:00P.M. K. B.-.X. Club Juniors.. . ...2:30 P,M. Monteflore Club Juniors 2:30 P. M. Daughters of Zion Juniors . .— 3:30 P.M. Hatikvoh Girls Juniors . -3:30 P. M. Senior BiMe Class, Study of the Prophets....5:00 P. M. Y. M. and Y. W. H. A. Choral Society, Community Singing .... .......... .—8:00 P.M. Moving Pictures of Jewish Interest..™ 8:30 P. M. library open................. L.10:00 A. M. to 10:00 P. M. PHYSICAL DEPARTMENT ' Gymnasium—Swimming Pool —Handball Courts Classes:— Business Men „.„..............:. ^ 10 to 12 Boys and Men ............... 12 to 3 Women _ 3 to 5
DISCRIMINATION A distinguished member of the British Parliament who is on . a visit to this country takes occasion in an interview with a representative of the '* Jewish Daily Bulletin" of New York to express his great surprise at the social discrimination against the Jew in the United States. The gentleman in question, we hasten to add, is not a Jew. He assures us that in England Jews and nonJews of the same social level mingle freely and there is not the slightest suggestion of not inviting a person because he is a Jew. It is interesting to note that leaders of social life in this country who will not include Jews in their invitations to their affairs will, when.they go to England, accept invitations from Jewish sociaL leaders and will also be happy to extend them to the same Jews. MONDAY— EDUCATIONAL, SOCIAL, AND FRATERNAL So it is quite in order that a visiting Englishman occupying a ACTIVITIES high place in English society should be surprised at the petty dis- Meeting Board of Managers, Jewish Community Center 12:30 P.M. criminations practiced. . Board of Trustees , Jewish Community We would be perfectly satisfied to let the non-Jews huddle Center, 2nd and 4th Monday of • the month ..„ „....:._ 12:30 P.M. to themselves in their social affairs but when this discrimination Y. M. and Y. W. H. A. General Meetings, is extended to> include hotels in popular summer resorts to the 1st and 3rd Monday Of the month— 8:30 P.M. extent that it makes a real problem for self-respecting cultured Y. M- and Y. W. H. A. Leaders' Group, 2nd and 4th Monday of the month.... 9:00 P.M. • Jews to find accommodations, then it is time to protest. It is Y. E and Y. W. H. A. Classes-.— astonishing when one considers the type of Gentile who objects to Hebrew Literature, -Biblical . 7:80 P. M. Debating ....„:._.... .....— - 8:20P.M. the presence of Jews in the same hotel. We know of a specific case Dramatics ........... . 9:00P.M. where a prominent Jew was travelling with his family in the Board of Trustees and Directors of the % Jewish Community Center, 2nd MonAdirondacks and his wife was taken ill. He had the utmost difday of the month - — - 8:00 P.M. ficulty in securing accommodations in one of the finer hotels. Of Jewish Welfare Federation Board, 1st Monday of the month 8:30 P.M. course that sort of thing is provincialism gone wild. Men and Council of Jewish Women, Omaha Section, women who are really cultured would not employ such methods in 1st Monday of the month - 2:30 P. M. -....2:00 P. M. to .10:00 P. M. order to strengthen their social position. But it is unfortunate Library open .. Science Department:— that such a condition exists, for in many instances it works a Domestic Class in Sewing ... .—_ 4:00 P. M. Gass in Cooking -;...._ 5:00 P.M. definite hardship. —Jewish Times.
i Eleven Wins In a Row i
By "GAG"
(Continued from page 1) man Executive Committee; Herman "I don't think that one is entitled Conheim, Treasurer; Vice-Chairmen. to speak of sacrifices made by this or Louis Lipaky, Zionist Organization of that individual for the Zionist cause. America; Morris Rothenberg, Kii'en The Zionist movement is so rich in Hayesod; Bernard A. Rosenblatt, Jfewspiritual values and satisfaction that ish National Fund and Dr. David J. no matter how much one gives to it Kaliski, Hebrew University Fund. The convention was closed Tuesday or how much one does for it, lie is PHYSICAL DEPARTMENT after midnight by Rabbi Abba Hillel doubly rewarded," Mr. Lipsky deBusiness Men—Gym, volley ball, Silver, vice-president of the Organizaclared. "We have in the Zionist Organswimming 12:00to 1:30P.M. ization a democratic movement tion, vrho urged the delegates to greatJunior A Boys—Gym and swimming . -. — 4:00 to 5:00 P.M. marked by mutual understanding and er activity during the forthcoming Business Men—Gym and swimyear. Maurice Samuel, Rabbi Eiehier, mutual respect," he stated. ming .„. 5:30 to 6:30 P.M. The following officers were elected Dr. Schmarya Levin and Chaitn NachJunior A Employed Boys—Gym man Bialik delivered the final adand swiranang _ 6:30 to 7:30 P.M. by acclamation: dresses, Dr. Levin and Bialik taking Senior Men—Gym and swimming.. 7:30to 8:30 P.M. Hon. Vice Presidents, Miss HenrietSenior Basket Ball League - 8:30 to 10:00 P. M. ta Szold, Joseph Barondess, Reuben leave of the convention before their Brainin, Dr. Max Heller of New Or- departure for Palestine. THURSDAYleans, La., Rev. Hirsch Masliansky EDUCATIONAL, SOCIAL, AND FRATERNAL OF and Judge David A. Lourie of Boston, URGES mSCONTlSVASCE ACTIVITIES FUND RAISING IN HER BEHALF Mass. Y. M. and Y. W. H. A. Classes:— Vice Presidents, Mrs. Irma LindEnglish Literature . 7:30 P.M. heim, Mrs. Archibald Silverman, Paris.—A request to discontinue American Poetry L 8:20 P.M. the raising of funds for Sholora Providence, R. I., Ab. Goldberg, Judge Hebrew Literature, Post Biblical 9:00 P.M. Omaha Lodge No. 854, I. O. B. B.._ 8:30 P.M. Bernard A. Rosenblatt, Max Shulman Schwartzbard's family was expressed B'nai B'rith Ladies Auxiliary 8:30 P. M. of Chicago and Rabbi Abba Hillel to a number of Jewish organizations. Junior Hadassah Organization, Omaha Mi's. Echwartzbard declared that Silver of Cleveland, O. Chapter 8:30 P.M. she had heard that some organizaHon. Secretary, Dr. David J. KalisB'nai Ami Juniors „ „ _ -8:00 P.M. ki; Executive Secretary, Meyer W. tions had started to raise funds for Ladies of the Golden Hill Society, last Thursday of the month 2:30 P. M. Weisgal; Treasurer, Issac Melster; her. "I can work and while I thank library open -2:00 P. M. to 10:00 P. M. Associate Treasurer, Harry P. Fierst; you for your good intentions, I must Domestic Science Department:decline to accept any relief", she ..3:00 P.M. Administrative Committee, Herman "Wrote. Ladies Sewing Circle Conheim, Jacob Fishman, Boris GrabPHYSICAL DEPARTMENT elsky, Judge William B. fLewis o 1 Business Men^-Gym .volley ball, Philadelphia, I. D. Morrison, Emanuel JEW KILLED DEFENDING swimming : 12:00 to 1:30 P . H . Neumann, S. J . Rosensohii, Morris FRENCH WOMAN Women—Gym and swimming 10:00 to 11:00 A.M. Women—Gym and swimming 2:00 to 3:00 P.M. Rothenberg, Maurice Samuel, Loiiis Wotoeh—Gym and swimming ~ 7:00to 8:00P.M. Topkis of Wilmington, Dela., S. J. Paris.—Israel Marcu, a Roumanian Girls 12 to 15—Gym and swimWeinstein and Benjamin Winter. Jew, was killed last night by two ming _„ 4:00 to 5:00 P.M. Algerians on the Rue Jiivoli. A budget of ?223,000 for the forthJunior B Boys—Gym and swimming ...... 5:30 to 6:30 P.M. coming year was also adopted by the Marcu came to the defense of a French -woman who was being anGirls Basket Ball League 8:00 to 10:00 P. M. onvention, : noyed by the Algerians, -who turned The recommendation of the commit- on Marcu and killed him. FRIDAYtee on Palestine funds, headed by Mrs. EDUCATIONAL, SOCIAL, AND FRATERNAL PATRONIZE OUR. ADVERTISERS. Archibald Silverman of Providence, to ACTIVITIES the effect that the quota of the forthOpen Forum for discussion of topics of coming United Palestine Appeal be J. HURWITZ Jewish interest ..- ~~8:30 P.M. not less than seven and a half million Classes for Juniors:— dollars, was endorsed. The following Experienced Hebrew Teacher Folk dancing 3:00 P.M. officers were recommended for the opened a private Hebrew school Piano ' . 4:00 P.M. Sewing 4:00 P.M. United Palestine Appeal: at Synagogue, 24th and Nicholas PHYSICAL DEPARTMENT Streets.—Phone We. 1235. Dr. Stephen S. Wise, Honorary Business Men—Gym, volley ball, Chairman; Judge Julian W. Mack, swimming 12:00 to 1:30 P.M. Junior C Boys—Gym and swimming 4:00 to 5:00 P.M. gnttntmntt
Advertising rates furnished on application.
The Jewish Press Is supplied by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency (Jewish (correspondence Bureau) with cabled and telegraphic Jewish news, in addition to feature articles and correspondences from all important Jewish centers. Inquiries regarding news items credited to this Agency will bo gladly answered it addressed to Jewieh Telegraphic Agency, 621 Broadway. New York v»ity.
B. L. Levinthan, Honorary Vice! Louis Lipsky Elected i Rabbi chairman; Judge William B. Lewis, Zionist President Chairman; Emanuel Neumann, Chair-
PHYSICAL DEPARTMENT Business Men—Gym Class and Volley Ball, followed by • swimming . 12:00 to 1:30 P. M. Business Men—Gym Cla9s, followed by swimming «. ..... 5:30 to 6:30 P.M. Senior Men—Gym Class, followed by swimming — ._ 7:30 to 8:30 P.M. Junior A Boys—Gym and swimining „•_. „ 4:00 to 5:00 P. M. Junior A Boys Employed _ 6:30 to 7:30 P.M. Junior Boys Basket Ball League.... 8:30 to 10:00 P. M.
SATURDAYAl Finkel was peremptorily halted By socking the ball at" opportune EDUCATIONAL, SOCIAL, AND FRATERNAL time?, the Jewish Community Center in his attempted comeback to tennis ACTIVITIES baseball nine, undefeated leaders of fame and his onslaught on the Omaha Building closed during day to all activities Tenais championship trophy. Al breez? the Gate City League, won their except the Library. ed through the first and second rounds eleventh straight game Sunday afterLibrary open ... , .12:30to 10:00P.M. TUESDAY— noon when they 5 defeated the Crane with comparative ease but met • disY. M. and Y. W. H. A. Social and Dancing, EpnCATI(3lN4L, SOCIAL, AND FRATERNAL * ~ Sad and 4th Saturday of the month....8:30 P. M. "; Co. nine • by &n 8 to 3 score a t aster and defeat in-the third sessiori ^ ^ • . ^ ^ / . - , ; Y , r A C T t V l T I E S '?••:*•:••: ' •"-' ~'s \ (for members of both tha "YM and the when he faced Arthur Scribner, Miller Park. community Center) Y. M. and Y. W. H. A. Classes:— The Jewish boys were on their toes Scribner lost the first game to Finkle Moving Pictures of General Interest 8:30 P.M. •' " Studies in Jewish Social Service 7:30 P.M. . from start to finish and gave a fine who played like the champion that he Studies in Yiddish Literature ..............8:20 P. M." PHYSICAL DEPARTMENT Studies in Jewish History — .9:00 P.M. exhibition,of ball. Kaufman was inwas., With the first game lost 0 to Gym and Swimming Pool open...—.7:00 to 10:00 P. M. Jewish Current Events ....9:00 P.M. Tare form and allowed the Crane 6, Scribner swamped Al in the next Special game3 and exhibitions. Jewish Community Center Orchestra 7:30P.M. two rounds 6 to 4 and 6 to 2. Scribner boys but four bingles. The Community Zionist Organization of America, Omaha •youngsters .garnered nine safe blows himself was eliminated in the setniiDistrict ...I............ . _~8:30P.M. INFORMATION finals, finkle evidently is in need of for a total of 16 base hits. Z. B. T. Fraternity ......_~-., _. ........8:30 P. M» PHYSICAL DEPARTMENT ™^_...8:30 P. M. Johnny Rosenblatt, who works in a good deal of practice yet. One can: Ronoh Sorority ......... Shada Club Juniors -; .-... ...8:00 P.M. Gymnasium and swimming classes for men, women, not lay aside a tennis racquet for the left garden for the 3. C. C. Jewish Women's Welfare Organization— boys and girls. Physical examination required of all more than a year and expect to make started the game off with a four-ply 1st Tuesday of the month . .......2:30 P. M. members given free by the Medical Staff of the Jewish jolt. The ball sailed through the tall a rapid comeback to old time form. Daughters of Zion Organization—3rd TuesCommunity Center. day of the month - ...2:30 P.M. The aim of the physical department is to develop trees in center field and before i t The writer expects great things of ... ..-2:00 to 10:00 P. M. the body by means of proper exercises and games for was returned, the J. C. C. midget had Al, Finkle before the lennia season Library open ...... the purpose of attaining good health. Each class will PHYSICAL DEPARTMENT crossed the platter with the first run wanes and feels sure that he will not contain enough body-building exercises to be healthful, Gymnasium -^ Swimming — Volley Ball be disapointed. • of the game! Konecky and Turner and enough games to be thoroughly recreational. Classes!— then went out but Bleicher was hit by BASKET BALL Business Men—Gym, volley ball The swimming pool in the Coma pitched ball. Corneman then tripled and swimming .....; 12:00 to 1:30 P.M. November 1st to March 1st to deep left scoring Bleicher. Corne- munity Center is'still holding its lead Junior B Boys—Gym and swimJunior Boys League, 16 to 19 .Monday evening man later tallied on A. "Weitz's single as the most popular attraction of the ming ..^...l—/. ^...............^ 5:30to 6:30 P.M. Senior League, 19 and over..... Wednesday evening Girls under 12~-Gym and swimsummer season but the handball courts through short., Girls League — .............. ...Thursday evening ming 4:00 to 5:00 P.M. The Crane -toys sent two menare making a strong bid for second Women~Gym and swimming—.10:00 to ll;00 A.M. Saturday evfcning open for Special Games, across the plate in their half of the place. The crowds in the pool during Women—Gym and swimming.... 2:00 to 3:00 P.M. Mid-western AAU Basket Ball Champions in March. Women, Employed—Gym and first frame. A single, a walk and a the hours set aside for the women are VOLLEY BALL swimming .;..........,..:........... 7:00 to 8:00 P. M. three-bagger accounted for the twoso dense that swimming is nearly imGames organized in all classes, Sept. 1st to Dec. 1st. Gymnasium and Pool open 8:00 to 10:00 P. M. chalkers. The losers scored their possible but every one is satisfied. INDOOR BASEBALL LEAGUE final run in the third on a double, a A number of women are- taking adJune to August for Seniors and Juniors. fielder's choice and another single. vantage of the showers during the WEDNESDAY-HANDBALL TOURNAMENT periods when the pool is closed to From the third spasm to the end of EbUCAtlONAL, SOCIAL, AND FRATERNAL Challenge Tournament always in operation. the game, Kaufman held his oppon- them, thus cheating Old Sol out of a ACTIVITIES Jewish Community Center Championship^-Nov. 15th. little pleasure, if it is a pleasure to , ents "with ease. Y. M. and Y. W. H. A. Classes:— SWIMMING • Syd Corneman with a triple and him, to Bee us mortals roast. Volley Dramatics ~.......:.7:30P.M. Thirty minutes swimming class following each single out of four trips to the plate ball nets' have been- installed in the Studies in Development of Jewish Culgym class. , . ture ^...;.....-.L..»i 8:20 P. M. ; was the hitting star df the game. gymnasium and are proving popular, Swimming classes leading to life saving degree, - Current Events .....—~~. •• ......9:00 P.M. Aaron and Leo "Weitz both batted especially among the stouter men. all summer. Instruction free. Thorpeian Athletic Club ....... ...._...,-..... 9:00 P.M. out two hits apeice. Captain SomWid-westem A. A. U. swimming championships: National Jewish Workers Alliance, Omaha Women—40 yards. Men—100 yards. berg," Rosenblatt and Bleicher also The Saturday nite life saving Section .-v.:-.^.-...............-.-8:30 P. M. fattened their "batting averages. swimming classes have not been very FOOT BALL Boy Scouts of America^ Omaha Troop With the game fairly sewed away, well attended and those men who are ~llo. 62 .................... .---...-7:00P.M. Team will compete with other teams in and out ^ of the city. Captain' Somberg retired from the able, to swim with proficiency and Pi Delta .Sigma Fraternity of Creightofl ...........-.>—.—8:30P.M* . game. Corneman then went t6 first wish to learn how to take care of PoaleUniversity •: . . TENNIS. Zion Organization, Omaha SeclSon....8:00 P. M. Jewish Community Center Tournament will be held and Phil Gerelick, newest addition to themselves and others in .the waterj B'nai Israel Junior ............— ...8:00 P.M. each year to determine the Men's Singles, Women's the Jewish squad made his initial should enroll soon. Instructions will be Singles; Men's Doubles, Women's Doubles; Boys Deborah Society, Auxiliary to City Talmud debut a t second base. Lester Givent- given by Mr. Burdick and Mr. ChesSingles, Girls' Singles; Boys' Doubles, Girls' Doubles. Tbrah, last Wednesday of the month....8:00 P.M. ner then relieved Bleicher behind the nau. Classes are held a t seven to eight. Hadassah Organization of America, Omaha DANCING mm* bat.-, ' Chapter, 3rd Wednesday df the month..2:30 P. M. Gymnastic, aesthetic, and ball-room dancing classes Library open 10:00 A. M. to 10:00 P. M. The game ended with-, a lightningRemember, baseball at Miller Park will be organized, with expert instructor in charge. like double play with Kaufman and Sunday afternoon at one-thirty o'- Junior Classes:—• LEAGUES Folk Dancing — 3:00 P. M. Corneman figuring in the "surprise." clock. Baseball at Fontenelle Park in the different sports will be organized during season. Piano 4:00 P.M. Wednesday nite at six o'clock sharp. Palestine Government Assuming Cooking " 5:00 P. M. days disciplinary confinement be- PARIS SEES "THE DYBUK" Soldier .Commits Suicide When ' Rule qver Transjordania Feisul, King of Mesopotamia cause he "conducted himself unCaptain is Punished For BY HABIMAH PLAYERS - Arab Papers Complain Expected in Palestine on worthily by shaking hands with a Shaking Hands With Jew Way to Europe Paris.—A special performance of Jew", referring to Fishman. Jerusalem. ~ The complaint that "The Dybuk" by the Habimah TheatJerusalem.—Em}r Feisul, King of Bucharest.—Jancu Fishman, a JewGreat Britair| is gradually assuming ANTI-SEMITIC STUDENTS er, Hebrew players of Moscow, was rule over Transjordania is voiced by Mesopotamia and son of ex-king Hus- ish soldier in the Roumanian army OBTAIN 64 SEATS IN BERLIN given here yesterday at the Madeleine sein of the Hedjas, is expected to ar- stationed in Bucharest, commited suiseveral Arab newspapers here. STUDENTS' COUNCIL Theater, for representatives of the Tha papers report that Mr. Beaton, rive here the end of the week, on hiecide yesterday. The reason for his press. Among those present were way to Europe., sucide, it was declared, was that he Berlin.—As a Tesult of the elections president of \he Jaffa District Court, outstanding journalists, artists and wgs- appointed judicial advisor to the King Feisul will be the guest of the was sentenced to four days disciplin- to the Central Students' Council, the theatrical men of Paris, who were Tranejordanfen government and Mr.High Commissioner, Lord Plumer. A ary confinement. However, in a let- anti-Semitic student bodies obtained greatly impressed by the performent. British Wright, "another Britx state reception in - his honor will be ter left by Fishman, he declares that 64 seats against 31 seats obtained by mance. ish official in Palestine, was appointed given at the Government House Sat- the reason for his suicide was that he the Jews and the democratic elements. The premiere for the public will \va3 subjected to persecutions be- The other seats in the council went to financial advisors to Transjordanian urday night. take place today. cause he was a Jew. non-partisan groups. government. British advisors to the In his letter Fishman relates that In the previous elections, the anti- Deep malice makes too deep incision; departments of Customo, Posts and Death closes-all: but something ere end Semitic students had lost their two- Forget, forgive; conclude and be Educators \yill" also >be appointed Same the work of noblehote, may yet athe Colonel of his regiment sentenced shortly, the paper s^ate. - . be done. Tennysoncaptam in the regiment to several thirds majoritv Shakesoeare. agreed; •
Arcadian Dance Orchestra will give a
D-A-N-C-E Sunday Evening, July 11 — at —
KEEP'S DANCING ACADEM\ 25c Admission. Announcement I wish to announce to the Jews of Omaha that I have opened a Business at my Home, 2429 Decatur Street, •with a full Mne of Jewish Religious Books such as Daily Prayers, Machsorim, Jewish Rituals, Scriptures, Talethim Silk or Wool, Mezzuzahs and many other
M. SOMIT, WEbster 3527 I also have the agency for the "Sefer Tora" that anybody wants to order.
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PAGE 3—THE JEWISH PRESS—THURSDAY, JULY 8, 1926 D. C. They will be joined at Washto its delegation to ington by Miss Esther Cherniss who presented the memorandum of Mr. and Mrs. E. Meyer "will receive is in the service of the government at Vaad Leumi to the Penr.ancnt Manat their home from 2 to 5, and 7 to that" point. From there they will dates Comnnsaion. 10, on Sunday, June 11, in honor of proceed to Philadelphia •where they 1926—5686 Mr. and Mrs. Harry Pexiik,vho -were will attend the Sesqui Centennial TRAINING SCHOOL Ah I—Rosh Chodesh July 12 married'Sunday; June 20. Mrs. Per-Exposition. FOR CANTORS TO COPE July 20 • Ab 9—Fast of Ah , _, ,. , lik was formerly Miss Gladys Meyer. WITH SHORTAGE 10 Mr. and Mrs. Eli Eobinow of Sioux Ellul—Rosh Chodesh „ City, Iowa, returned home Monday HIGHLAND ACTIVITIES Vienna,—Ths drain of American 1926—5687 evening after spending the week-end Jewish congregations on »he liturjriTishri 1—First Day of New Year ...Sept. 9 "A Family Dinner" will be given at here visiting their uncle and aunt, cal forces -of European Jewry has ...Sept. 11 Tishri 3—Gast of Gedaliah ; the Highland Country Club this eve- Mr. and Mrs. L. Kroloff. They were created difficulties; for many Jewish _Sept. IS Tishri 10—Yom Kippur _~~_~^__.-_ ning. Members, wives, and their accompanied by their sister, Miss communities in lilaKl European counchildren will eat the chicken dinner Mards Robinow, who had been tries. prepared by the cateress at the club. spending the past week here. WEDDINGS ENGAGEMENTS Because of the fact that many canThe regular dinner-dance will be LITHUAXL4N COUNTERFEITING TAAD LEUM1 CREATES NEW tors have left their posts ftnd. EmiThe engagement of Miss Thelma held Saturday evening. More than Mrs. Ike Kramer, who has been PLOT DISCOVERED FIN A NX}. »L INSTITUTION grated to America to accept the <?all Bessie ?erehnan announces Chan, daughter of Mrs. Esther Chan, fifty guests were at the dinner last visiting relatives for several weeks of American congregations, there is the marriage of her daughter, Ruth of Kansas City, Mo., to Mr. Benweek, and about 150 attended the in New York and other eastern cities, Kovno.—A Lithuanian counterfeit- Jerusalem,—A financial institution now a lack of trained cantors. It was Danbaum, son of Mrs. M. Danbaum, arrived home Tuesday. dance that followed. Harriet, to Eeuben Vann, son of ing plot, modelled after the Hun-for extending credits and financing j therefore decuXl to open a modern garian counterfeiting plot, the results public works v-.ilJ be created by the! school liere to train cantors for the -Mr. and Mrs. Henry Vann, of this of this 1 city, was announced Monday Mrs. Harry Kubby and infant city.. The ceremony was performed evening at a. dinner party in Kansas Several Jewish men who attended daughter returned horns Tuesday of which were to be "used for anti- 1Vaad Leumi, according to a decision j European corgcpftutiouR. by JBabbi Frederick Conn on Sunday, City, Mo. No wedding date has been the National Grocers Convention at from the Methodist Hospital of Semitic propaganda and acts of ter- adopted by that body. The purpose \ ror, was discovered here by the police. Rochester, New York, are now reJune 26. \ * set. of the proposed organization will be to a number of turning home after a three weeks Omaha. A Life Insurance Policy The central organization of the to improve tf.e economic situation, After an eastern honeymoon trip, Miss Chan is known 1 Miss Freda Eosenbloom left Satur- conspirators, who intended to initiate particularly to meet the problem of j For Ev©ry N®©d the douple will make their home in Omahans having visited here recently trip.. Messrs. Sam Bubb, Sam Steinwith friends. berg, and Jake Mendelson returned day evening for Chicago, 111., to make a Fascist! movement with pointed unemployment by creating opportuni- 3VDAH L. WOLFSON, Rep. Omaha. . anti-Semitic and terroristic features, The Equitable Life of New York Mr. and Mrs. Aron Hollander, of home last week. Messrs. Sam' Meyer- her future home thre. was raided. Several of the leaders ties for employment for woi-kers. son and Moses Bernstein returned 515 Omaha Nat'! Bank Denver, Colo., announce the engage* A cable of cDngratDl.Ttions II Sommer, of Hanoma, were arrested, the rest managed to home Sunday, and Mr. Ben Kooler been despatched by the Vaad Leumi j Austria Hungary, arrived on the ment of their daughter, Uellie, to Mr. returned home Tuesday evening. Mr. Christian Young Man, escape to Poland. OskilkoV Assassin, Commits Dlynipic Monday^ and will arrive in. Edward J. Levihson, son of Mr. and Simon Steinberg is expected home Sucide When Arrested It was found that the organization Omaha this -week to be the guest of Mrs. Nathan Levinson, of this city. today. He visited with Mr. and Mrs. intended to carry out a number of ashis brothers Louis and Harry Som- No wedding date has been set. Carl Brandeis. Warsaw.—The assassin of Valdimir sassinations of leaders of the demo-; mer. ;~ cratic movement in Lithuania, The. Mrs. Fanny Korney announces the Mr. E. Pill of Los Angeles, Calif., Oskilko, leader of Ukrainian pogrom plans of the conspirators were has-', Miss Eeva Kulakofsky is leaving engag&ment of her daughter, Sarah, arrived Saturday to visit his daugh- bands and aid of Petlura, was arrest- tened with the coining into power of j Sunday for San Jose, Calif., -where to Joseph Lehr, son of Mr. and Sirs. ter. Mrs. Louis Kroloff, and Mr. Kro- ed in Rovno, despatches received here the liberal government. she Twill spand the,.remainder of the I. Lehr. No date has been set for loff. He expects to visit here about state. AM PLEASED to announce to allraycussuinmejf visiting with Mr. and Mrs.the wedding. The arrester, a young- Christian, two months. tomers and friends that I have moved my; L. Jlichards, and daughter, Evelyn. when taken into custody on the Warsaw.—The branch office of the Mr. and Mrs. E. Pill, O f Los Anshop and office to my new purchased buildThe Kichards' are former Omahans. Miss Amelia Blinder, who has been charge of having murdered Oskilko, Hias, the Hebrew Immigrant Aid, geles, Calif., formerly of Council ing at S120 Cnming St., and being centrally visiting here with Miss Fannie Shylocated, I will give Prompt Seirice for Repair Mrs. A. Theodore is entertaining Bluffs, Iowa, announce the engage- ken for. the past two weeks, left for attempted to commit sucide by drink- Society of America, was closed here, j Jobs as well as Contracts at a very reasonable at a luncheon Friday for Mrs. Masment of their daughter, Rose, to her home at Osage, Iowa, on Tues- ing poison. He was taken to the The directors of the Warsaw branch'; left for Berlin. . i price. ShostjJc, of Los Angeles, Calif., for- Harry Rosenblatt, also of Los An-day. She was accompanied back by hospital in a dying condition. geles. The wedding will take place merly Miss Reva Gross, of Council I am also offering: Repair Mrs. S. Shyken who will visit at the Bluffs, who is visiting? with her par- this fall. Parts for your own use at Blinder home for several weeks. ents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Gross. cost price. Miss~ Helen Cherniss, accompanied Miss Tilly Faier was entertained Mrs. Abe Xiebowitz is, visiting with by her cousin, Miss Paula Gransee of on relatives and friends in Kansas City, by friends at a birthday surprise New York City, who has been visitparty at her home Monday evening, and St, Joseph, Mo. T • SUNDAY, JULY 11 July 5. Sixteen couples attended. ing here for the past two weeks, will leave July 9 for an Eastern trip, stopMiss Molly Grossman is entertain- Among the out-of-town guests were — at— ing fourteen couples at a treasure Ann Greenberg1, Ruth Robins, of ping at Chicago and Washington, KOHLEROFKOHLER hunt and weenie roast Saturday eve- Sioux City, Iowa, Nan Snyder and Kelpine's Dancing Academy 3120 Cumfng S t Ha. 7683 ning, in honor of Miss Anne Green- Marks Rosenbaum of Des Moines, 25th and Farnam Sts. Opposite Tech. High berg, of Sioux City, la., guest of Miss Iowa, and Lou Messer, of Lincoln, Managed by Lipsman & Roitstein. Nebr, ' Grossman.
Miss Mildred Soble, of St. Louis, Mo., left for her home Thursday after visiting here with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. M. Rosenblatt. Messrs. Sam und Herman ,iRosenblatt enters iained fifteen cou; *es at their home in honor of their c
Ruth Zolat, of Lincoln, Nebr., was the week-end guest of Miss IdaLustgarten.
2 lbs veal stew 1 onion . Mr. and Mrs. Ted Greenberg (nee 1 carrot or two Esther Zelikson) of Wichita, Kansas, .1 cup tomato are the guests of their grandparents, 4 potato diced Mr. and Mrs. A. Davidson. Morris 4 tablespoons fat ' ' Mr. and Mraf Herman. Smehoff an- and Rose Zelikson, of Tulsa, Okla., Allow fat to hear, when very hot, Bounce.-iho-bfrth of -a daughter, on .are also the gueets of their add meat-cut up into serving pieces. —Saturday, June 26, at the Omaha parents. Mr. Morris Hxmelstein, of Allow to brown well, add all other ingredients except potatoes. Some Matumity HospitaL Mrs. Smehoff was Tulsa, is also a guest at the David- water may be added and allow to formerly Miss Dora Dubnoff, of this son home. cook until meat r is tender: H hour city. ' • before serving add potatoes. This Miss Fannie Shine, of Chicago, ILL, is a.complete meal and with tomato Mr. and Mrs. Goodman PHI are re-is spending her vacation in Omaha . cup salad and a light dessert one turning Friday front Lake Okoboji, as the guest of the Misses Freeda has an easy dinner to prepare. where they spent the week. and Esther Weiner. TOMATO CUP SALAD FOR 4 Mr. and Mrs. J. Robinson enter4 large tomatoes tained sixty guests Wednesday eve. 1 cucumber Club Activities ning at their home complimentary to 1 cup chopped celery . 2 hard cooked eggs , their niece, Sara Korney, anu her 1 cup mayonnaise • fiance, Joseph Lehr. Mr. and Mrs. J. The Hatikvoh Girl's Club will hold -Holding tomatoes on end of. a B. Robinson, of Nagales, Ariz., and a special meeting Sunday afternoon, fork, place over gas fire for Mrs. J. Robinson, of Chicago, "111., July, 11, at the Jewish Community ameat few moments or until skin cracks. shared honors. Peel and place on ice, first -scoopCenter. . ing out as much of the pulp as posBess Blank left Saturday for Des Dave Frank won the handball sible. To the pulp add other ingreMoines, la., where she "will be the championship of the B'nai Ami club dients all chopped, reserving one hard cooked egg yold. When ready guest of Mrs. Irving E. Stone, and when ~he defeated Sam Steinberg in to serve, arrange tomatoes on Mr. Stone. the finals. The match was played at lettuce leaves and carefully fill. Do not Tise any more of the liquid Miss Ann Fanger, who was ill at the J. C. C. court-Tuesday morning. which the mixture has made than the St, Joseph Hospital, is .now con possible. Grate the remaining egg yolk over tops and serve. valesring at her home. . Miss Babe Sandier, of Des Moines, la., is the house guest of the Misses Anne and Faye Gerelick. Miss Sandier will spend two weeks here.
Council Bluffs News
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and op To b Z>e<rof<! The Ab»opur« Frfeera LOT De i-uxe line from t to 16 cubic ft- food space Finest quality cnbincts
or $260 Installed
2Vz od 3 Ib. ehickeh Agudes Achim to Hold Picnic Clean chicken and when ready August 1. to fry,h ave fat quite deep and if The Agudes Achim Society will possible chicken fat. Cut chicken - Mr. and Mrs. Jay Malashock an- hold a public picnic Sunday, August into serving pieces, dip in beaten nounce the birth of a baby son, Stan- 1, at Clark's Farm. The Committee egg then in matzo crumbs - and again' in egg and once more in ley Morton, born Thursday, July 1, at in charge of this affair include Mr, crumbs. Salt and pepper should be the Methodist Hospital. M. L.MarkB, chairman; Messrs. Ben in egg. Fry as brown as you like. Cover and let cook % hour or Mies Sara Mosow, of Sioux City, L Seldin, Harry Kubby, Sam Fried- •more. APPLE CAKE Iowa, is visiting here with her sister, man and Charles Saltzman. The committee are planning rates,' and. variMrs. Jules Gerelicfc. ous games and prizes "will be given % cup butter 4 egg yolks Mrs. Jake Rose, of Chicago, 111., to all winners. .-*••' ' 2 teaspoon bakeing powder left Monday evening for her home A' feature event will be.the Popul1 cup sugar after having spent a month here vis- arity Contest which will be conducted 2 tablespoon milk iting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. by the Agudes Achim Society. A 1 teaspoon vanilla 3 apples ,. * J." Cooper. beautiful diamond ring and a-platiCream butter and sugar. Add num wrist watch will be awarded to Mr. and Mrs. B. Korney and child- the winners of the Popularity Con- well beaten yolks and milk and flavor. Add flour (mixed with bakeren are in Exelsior Springs, Mo. test. Who will be the most popular ing powder) enough to hold. Spread Mrs. Morris Cohn and daughters girl?; Any girl who.wishes to enter with hands of mixture in large fiat pan. Slice apples over this are leaving Tuesday motoring to this contest should call any member buttered sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon of the committee at once. The win-' Excelsior Springs, Mo. and place rest of dough on top. ner will be judged as the one who Dot with butter and sugar and cinThe Misses Ida Minkin, Pearl sells the most tickets. A $150 com- namo and bake in moderate oven Brown, and Gertrude Perlis enter- plete radio set will be given away iintil brown. Can be cut in squares and served plain or with cream. tained fifty couples at a dancing free. party at Hanscom Park Pavilion There will also be dancing both HOUSEHOLD HINTS Thursday evening in honor of Miss afternoon and evening. Everyone is Gertrude Romm, who recently an- invited. L After peeling peaches, place at once in cold water to, keep color. nounced her engagement to Dr. A. 2. 1 level teaspoon soda and 1 Mrs. Oscar Greenberg arrived home Rotikin. teaspoon salt placed in an Friday after spending the past six level pan. Place your silver to Ernest Meyer is leaving Saturday weeks in Los Angeles, California, aluminum be cleaned in pan and pour boiling fcr Sioux City, Iowa- He will return visiting her sisters and other rel-; water over to cover. Will remove all stains. home Sunday, accompanied by ivlrs. atives. 3. Use fruit jars to store left over Meyer, who h?s been spending the Mrs. S. HarmelL Sr., of Omaha, ac- in ice box and save space. *;iast thr«e weeks visiting with her 4. Keep brown sugar in covered parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Ginsburg. companied by her daughter, Mrs. Joe con in icebox. Avoids lumpy sugar. Gotsdiner and son, Yale, of Council 5. Dissolve sugar and water over . Jake Davidson, of Chicago, HI., Bluffs, left Tuesday for Exelsior fire and keep on hand to make spent the Fourth in Omaha with his Springs, Mo., where they expect to lemonade. parents, Mr. and Mrs, A. Davidson. remain for several weeks.
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In materials, workmanship and quality it is not surpassed by the costliest machines built. And because of the manufacturing economy of its design and the volume methods of production, it holds outstanding price advantage in every comparison. Come in and see it in operation and let us show how easily you can have its advantages.
For a low first payment and term* to salt your convenience you caa enjoy the utility and dependable service of the Atsopure Frigerator in your present ice box or in any of the Taeautiful cabinet models of the A"bsopure line. You pay almost as you woold pay ftnr ice- And you add to the equipment ol your home & convenience of dailyand continuous usefulness, and of good housekeeping pride. You are independent of the ice man. You have lOQfo effective refrigeration at all times. Food and health are protected. A plentiful supply of ice cubes always ready. And scores of dainty desserts and salads, chilled or frozen are at your quick command with the Absopure Frigerator,
H u t B*v. U.fi.I'M. OS.
}. •
PAGE 4—THE JEWISH PRESS—THURSDAY, JULY 8, 1926 deserved, to win and I have no forty to seventy-five opponents at a The pictures in this -volume are excuses to offer". In. all faitness to time. :_One of the best known chess magnificently vivid and real, executed Shade, i t should, however, be record- statisticians of this country has calcuwith superb craftsmanship and a pained that Rosenbloom had an advantage lated that Lasker has played -over staking attention a& to detail as well . By of nine "pounds, a fact /which -might five thounand opponents otr his last .HAHOLD BEBMAN I as accuracy.- Each one of the pages Jilf H.ARliY not Have anything to do with the American trip. Out of these fivee final results. thousand games, Lasker has only- lost (Copynutit >iCT> o j feeven Arts is alive, vivid-in its colors and actually Ffeature S y n d i ^ e ) ' 48 games. In other words, the JewThou Israel .by Charles" Francis Stockthrobbing with life and reality. BRAYQ ISADORE! ISAAC-5IEISTER, ish chess master has created an ing. Chicago, The Marstro Co. 1925. The Jewish reader, while he may Isadore Zarakov has been elected unique record for simultaneous play. Founder of" American Venice captain of the Harvard baseball team, ing, and when it is considered that This is a religious—mystical novel be moderately interested in the pic- A MAN MAY BE OUT * * and the sporting pages have sun the Lasker is well over sixty, we can'onlv thefe heme of which is -the world-war tures of the historical places and BUT }*OT FINISHED merits of this extraordinary callegiate wonder at his young, flexible ches's .By Z. ALRO.Y, and-the heroes of which .are the Rev. ruins of Arabia and Syria, intimately R uy G , , g athl Ruby. Goldstein, the clever, grace-: "who has a most brilliant re- mind. We spoke to Lasker before M. Whittier. his wife, his daughters connected as. these countries and their ful Jewish lightweight, looked up to athlete cord a hockey player, and as a he boarded the steamer, and the old l J i h l h t h t l k d to b many, as also l yours truly, t l andd by asjj football ; half-back. Only Marian and Ethel, an upper-class peoples are with bis own people and hlfbk O l 23 years chess king told us that he would not The' road of" civilization as dethe coming wold's champion, ha? been old, young Isadore has demonstrated care to meet Capablanca in a series Englishwoman and her" son Alden, a past history, will most naturally find veloped by .the inhabitants of this out. It happened suddenly. a n exceptionally cool-head in every of games for the world's title. "What Jew, David Barach, .and many,others. the center of his interest placed on knocked, in dramatic fashion the other•night,} branch of sport. It is his quick think- is a title mark of the great Lasker, a • globe is, on the surface," a short one. The action of the "story—if mental those photographs depicting his own when he met Ace Hudkins of Omaha, j n g an<j splendid co-ordination of unique figure in chess history. Originating in the cabes, it preceded g p reactions and endless discussions of land—Palestine. And he will find in Nebia'ska, called in boxing circles the mind and muscle that makes him such to ,.the. village, from' the village to abstruse subjects may. be called "ac- these more than an ample sufficiency "Nebraska Wildcat". The fight at- a feared atlete on the diamond or SPORT BREVITIES the town, from the town to the "city Captain Hausler of the Hakoah tion"—takes place" in • the American of mental and emotional satisfactions tracted- a large crowd at the Coney g gridiron; That's what hits him so and—in its present stage—;from the Island Stadium because Hudkins had well captaincy. He is the team has duly sigend a contract ll for f the h ti H i town of Crestelridge in the year 1917, for the time and effort spent in percome to the East with a tremendous ' city to the residential section. who never gives up g p with the New York National League just prior to America's entry, into the using these superbly-executed series advance reputation and, <o£ course, born leader,, fighting and who always k keeps on Team, the Giants. Unless he breaks fihi d Life is probably the same as it was war. Some little of it takes place of pictures of the land of our dreams whenever-Ruby fights, a big emigra- trying till the last man is out, or the his legal promise, he will be seen in when it started, it is new forms, adtion from New York's East Side fol- final whistle blows. We. look forward a giant uniform next season. Hess, also during and after the great con- arid longings. ded comforts and increased beauty lows him, betting their last cent on to a brilliant season for Zarakov next another brilliant Hakoah player, was flict, -with the - resultant change his victory. It is always considered year. that history has accomplished.- . very anxious to sign up with an wrought in men's hearts and view- Laughs from Jewish Lore, by Jacob a safe bet to back Ruby. The young American team. He has very near In the early records of this process points. .••••* ' ; . '••;" relatives in this country, and* would Richman. New JYork, 1926, Funk & ghetto idol had fought (until the Hud- LOOK F O R MORE of. building, usually-laconic, the ankins affair) twenty bouts and lost j J E W I S H BALL STARS have liked to come back. No manager The author's thesis is not entirely Wagnalls Co. cients never failed to add to the *enone. however, could do business with him, Sicl S. Cohen, the clever Jewish clear. Indeed, he he seems to have Tis is a book of Jewish humor that That fateful night we were seated sports writer, is very much impressed because Hess insisted that a special ,cord of this or that hero that he more than one in this book. During is slightly different from most other comfortably in a ring side seat, pre- with the attempts of Joe Wall, former clause be inserted in the contract, "lived.—had children and "Va* livei? the' first few chapters there are some compilations in this field. There is pared to applaud Goldstein at his 21st big league baseball player, to find which would keep him free from travIir* (and he built a city)". outspoken and quite radical, words very little here of the usual ''Jewish victory.' The beginning looked very ~ ' " " ' S i d eling on the Sabbath.—Orthodox. The building of a city was .a mile1 au^picius GoldsWs cleverness be-! ™ ^ W T f ^ o ^ d T re^usaid on War, on out civilization and Joke" that frequently degenerates in- wildered the wildcat from the West. £ » j 5h stone in the progress of this globe's la b a b u hool to creeds'But the.latter chapters soon Warsaw.—The Club of Jewish to buffoonery and even occasionally in- In the first round, the Jewish wizard n l a v p r i ! *__iho w _ _v_\_. \vall kv,nv,.s population* slip into prophecies arid visions, Deputies in the Polish Sejm will be to libel, but is rather a collection of sent Hudkins for four seconds to. the S f ^ T s "doiS " A £ SffjSXh ." The Jewish, people-in- Palestine, as r bi prophecies of the Jews coniing into represented at tha .National Minorianecdotes taken from the folk-tales of Si-fi^rtLSSS S j °£nA' league worth ad fortune to •well as in their later wanderings over the fight changed Icompletely., Hud- t & ^ hstar is he u W m tl the fold of Christendom, the triumph ties Conference which will take .place the Jewish people. As such, they parthe various continents, have been kins "got used -to Ruby's cleverness, ± . Brooklyn, New fa hjm c of Christian Science,New Thought in Geneva during the month of take more of the nature of the anecand repeatedly penetrated his guard. ^ J ' Y o r k w W a l l b a s h i s h e a d ( u a r t e r s ! builders, if not of cities, which they and what n o t ' dote and the humorous tale—a tale •were not often permitted'to engage can see dozens of scholastic and August. " In Prologue contains a striking that carries "a sting in its tail"—than long well-timed and directed swings;) At a general meeting of the Club in, at least of quarters, later to'betrainhe indeed looked dangerous to us. But! piece of imaginative' description of it was decided to send a special deleof the joke, which usually comes off come known as ghettos, of-'. synagoGoldstein went about his way with; Father Abraham-.in the'valiey of the gation to the conference. with the rapidity of lightning and the the* same careless smile, wide openj gues and of commercial enterprises and just intent on shining and satisand industries. This circumstance re- Hias Affords; Protection of Young Jordan, just prior to his battle with sudden crack of the whip. a tryfying Kedalaonaer, King of Elam and his yg his friends who had come to seel sulted in an impression • which - was These anecdotes took longer to de- him Immigrant In the * fj •• f „ ;fi outclass, his opponent. m t h2 t tprr r hiti(>T subsequent meeting with Melchisedic velop the humor or laugh in them c , pp quickly picked up by the anti-Semites, f t h fatal f t l round, d Hudkins H d k i sent overi fourth King of Sholem. They discuss Thecthat the quality of the .Jew is nqt in immitating the roll of the snow-ball smashmg rights which so dazed our;; ^ n b e e a g e r , e y e s w a t c hing the oxtt"Where's my Papa and Where's my ology and Egyptian magic. WHO1.ES4U, 1 confe of creating or in building!, but in making coming down the hill. But the laugh l i it^fh^f this trj-out and should Lipp Mama?" were the first words uttered to last that ^ ^ . ^ ^ ^ ^ Instead of sense. Nn a story such as this one there m n t l o tntohbuj^ v Druggists and Stationers use of things already"built. make <rnnr1 good, vre could nnt notf nnope by little Meyer Kogan, 7 years oldj as must be at least one Jewish character, is there just the same, rewarding the round, he.- jumped up after each an interest in Wall's baseball school! one who has had the patience to listen south lotb knockdown, till he received a last for less than a hundred, thousand d The latest chapter in Jev.-ish his- he was brought from Ellis Island by and we have him" here. This is how swing that caught him flush on the to the very end of the tale. One does, tory, which is unfolding before our his guide to the Hebrew Shelter- he is introduced to us: "a-tall, thin eyes today, the" achievements of ing and Immigrant Aid Society Build- man' poorly dressed and with a shock however, need an acquaintance with less and hopeless on the canvas m a American Jews, is a striking example ing, 425 Lafayette Street, New York of black hair and features that were Jewish laws and customs to enjoy kneeling - position, unable to move, "lei Us fielp Yen Keep Clean" of the lack of foundation of such an City. This was last Friday morning. unmistakably of Hebrew origin" And these anecdotes, as otherwise most of with glassy eyes and a pathetic ex- L A S K E R I S NOT them would be entirely lost. pression around his mouth. He was i THROUGH opinion. The record at the achieve- By this time little Meyer is a t 2131 "it was the shabbily dressed blackp hi comer ome crying. crying He had lost The author has divided his "laughs" led to his ments of many Jewish men in the de- North Robey Street, Chicago, ; with haired man with the* Hebrew featEmanuel Lasker, former world s 1819 California Street into various departments- seventeen his first professional fight. He had velopment of American sections and his Papa and Mama whose only child ures" who first. steals into the been halted his ttriumphal of the chess game has deb h l d iin hi r i h l march h champion ATlantic 62B1. in all—covering all the various phases to the championship. cities, investing • huge' capital in im- he is. chamnionshiD. His friends had had!f of Pfrt«d from these shores after visited a visit fashionable woman's pe\v and afterseveral months. Lasker lost their savings. This night would prroving land properties and turning f k Eight years ago the father, David wards mocks at the sacred Commun- of Jewish life and activity, and has over fortyl cities hand Lplayed over d a forests and the wilderness into places Kogan, arrived here from Bialystok ion Bread of the Christian when the provided a fairly-good glossary of be a mourning night in New York's hundred games. Most of the games East Side. Ruby Goldstein had lost of habitation, awaits intensive study settling in Chicago. He worked hard rector had dropped it out of his hand Hebrew and Yiddish words employed his first fight, and that by a knockout. he played were simultaneous g-ames, Wet Wash _ - _ and an able pen. It beggars, descrip- to" establish himself and five years during the services The Jew stnps in the telling of his anecdotes, at the Will Ruby- Goldstein come back? which means that he played from Semi-Flat __ tion. later, that is, in 1923,-the mother; came forward, picks it up, looks at it con- end of his book. This ought to prove Will he forg'et those fateful ten secRough Dry __ —. --'-. v-Vmn he sat helpless on the This- charge which was forwarded over, Theboy was, not allowed to go temptuously, and crushes it between of great assistance to the non-ghetto floor and had to admit his opponents AMERICAN WET WASH against Jews in general" has- 'been wjth the brother because there-was his fingers, to the horror 'of-the entire bred reader of this volume. superiority? We don't know. Only 2808 Cuming St. Barney 0881 the future will tell. stressed in particular against East something the' matter with his eyes congregation It this symbolical of Roumanian Communities Elect European Jewry. This prejudice so he was. left with hi& grandparents what/the Jew is doing to Christianity ROOSENBLOOM Uabbi'tSiemiro'wer to Senate AFFIRMS HIMSELF found expression not only in the Im- in Bialystok. Finally word came that today, and iriay do tomorrow? Per-; Harry H. Lapidus^ Pres.-Treas. migration Act of the United States, little Meyer was quite well and could haps the author thinks so, but ho'onej W. G. lire. Secretary. A day after Goldstein's defeat, Bucharest. —^ Dr. 1. Hiemirover, but also in several undeveloped coun- pass the immigration onedical examinief Rabbi of Bucharest and noted Maxie Rosenbloom, the New York East Side midleweight, defeated the tries • which have. set- up barriers ation. The Hebrew Sheltering and knows anything at all of the Jew arid Hebrew scholur^ was redoubtable Dave Shade of California against those, immigrants who are Immigrant Aid Society of America set f his tolerance. elected represemntive of the Jewish »^. a 'rnifrrp bout which had been ar-j Supply Co, not, as the Secretary of Labor re> | its inachinery in "motion through its * * faith in the Koiflnanian Senate by the ranged on the insistence of the Cali-I COMPLESTE ETOBE J tfently termed it, of the "beaver type.'.' Warsaw Office: From Warsaw the boy Here are a few examples of the Conference of Jewish communities in vorsusiri, who clamored widly that he|1 ,>«!* OFPICT CUTFITTERS had been robbed of the decision in the A testimony to just this "beaver traveled to: Antwerp where he was sentiments of the characters entertain Old Rdumania. = We first match. : After the first fight, we 1 BUTTER and E type" is the life story of Isaac Meis- taken in"harid by Hias- representative. towards the* Jews: were the only sport writers who re-j The conference &U: adopted a reter, builder of American "Venice. He was put on the Red Star liner Council Slugs, la. "Oh my Lord", cried Ethel,' *'to solution protesting against the lecent •-£r! in F-~C in Maxie's victory an'up-; and The treasurer of the Zionist Organ- Zeeland, in charge of one of the set. We declared in our column that mention the Jews to Alden is like outrages cuaivftittd uy tvnti-Semitis Rosenbloom had reached his best form ization of America began his career stewardesses, traveling second class. ©KARA, KTHJ. waving a Ted flag at a bull" students in Bucharest and that he would have to be counted in a'wanner similar tothat of tens of He;was the pet of everybody on board upon as a contender in the middle"But the Jews are —-.. thousands of people. Born -in -Tep- ship arid Chaim Brenner, an 18 year] weight class. This last Jight con"Hogs!", Alden finished abruptly. BI5GRAPHV OF MAX XORDAU In Omaha Iik, in the dark Ukraine, where he old immigrant, made it his special firmed out judgment and affirmed the! WILL BE PUBLISHED And again: Our motto is HIGH QUALITY grew to manhood, in a vicinity where* business to look after the little chap. splendid form of the Jewish fighter, i "I hope it will have sufficient visThere could*be no doubt or hestita-l brick houses are rare and well paved Upon his arrival here Meyer was £30 Rooms—300 Baths Jerusalem.—A book containing the tion as to who deserved the verdict.' roads are not to be trodden upon, taken to Ellis Island for another ex- ion to strike out from the Prayer Good Booms for ¥1.50 The fight lasted the scheduled 12, Book that clause which classifies the biography of Dr. Max Nordau, the Operated by Eppley Hotpl* Co. where elementary education was the aminfttion, which he passed with flyrounds.The going was fast from the; privilege of the few, Isaac Meister, a ing colors. Then with an ice-cream Jews with Infidels and heretics", said famous writer said Zionist leader, will start. Rosenbloom showed himself said Marion. be published shortly by Ms widow, the more aggressive and cooler boxer. young man, attracted by tajes of cone in one hand and a bag of candy WHY NOT BUY THE BEST? who recently brought Dr. Nordau's He outpointed Shade consistently and Alden Cragg turned sharply upon Amejca, went, unaccompanied,-"to the in the other, Meyer Kogan, future You can trade your old even-floored'his rival with a sharp her: "Is there any difference?" he remains for burial in Palestine. - new world. I American citizen, was taken to the pocket-watch or wrist right uppercut in the tenth round. demanded coldly. The book, wh.'ch will be based on watch for a NEW ONE. Single-handed, he made his way inj Hebrew Sheltering and Immigrant After- the -battle was over, Shade "The Jew is not seeking the Christ" Dr. Nordau's voluminous correspond- grabbed Maxie's hands and told him: the new environment. Starting as a Aid Society Building, leaving at 2:10 laborer and jewelry peddler, he soon Friday afternoon'for the Windy City. she gently answered And that set- ence and othsr documents, will be tles i t . % . published in French, English and Hediscovered America for himself and, The little traveler looked the picSOUMRC DEAL JEWEIEB The book closes on a mystical note: brew. PAXTON-MITCHELL CO. .without jewels to finance his project, ture of health and while waiting to The prophicies of Daniel are fulfilled; j •J'th « Martha Sts. Barney 1663 but equipped with powers of observa- take the train to the City where his 'Omaha. Nebr. tion, enterprise and honest of purpose, parents live, he marched through, the the Pyramids have given up tf'eir Jewish Deputies Advocate Soft gray liWJ. brass, bronze ana alosecret (what secret); Ephraim and American Procedure in Polish minom .castings. Standard sizes bronze he concentrated on that which many building giving it a close inspection. DIAMOND Manasseh are united, Jew and ChristPresidential Elections ana iron buchings. sevrer innnholss. .previons generations had been kept Aafeed how he liked it r he said; "Sehr cistern rings *B4 covers, sntl cleao-oo* ian are one, and everybody is happy, 1 HEADQUARTERS •tows In stoe*-irom,' on developing and building. schon; nur ich will huben mein Taten . * • * Warsaw.—The American procedure Many a high -structure that sup- un men Mamme." GIFT Picturesque Palestine, Arabia and of electing a president was advocated ports the symmetry" of-New York's COUNSELORS Syria, by Karl Groeber, New York, for Poland by the Club of Jewish skyline, many a virgin forest in which Deputies in a motion introduced by Brentanors. "v "the traces of the Indian tribes were JEWISH DEPUTIES IN the Club in the Sejm, which is now LITHUANIA SUPPORT This is an exceedingly beautiful still discernible, were transformed inWHOLESALE AND RETAIL considering the project to change PRESENT GOVERNMENT volume, containing more than 300 to places of habitation through the ef"Manufactured in Omaha" JEWELERS' pages Octavo size, illustrating the contemplated in the constitution is forts .of Isaac Meister. Diamond. Importers calculated to increase the power of HAKEK ICE MACHINE CO 1307 Howard St. At. 8028 "Trading in real estate in the United • Kovo.—Jewish deputies in the beauties and charm of all the sacred, the president,. to enable him to dis214-216 City Nat'^ Bank Bidg. Omaha, Nebr. States today is no longer a new enter- Lithuanian Sejm yesterday, joined the historical and scenic beauty-spots of solve the Sejm and to veto the bills Established 1894 majority-bloc supporting the present these" three countries hallowed in the prise. Projects for development and opening up new districts for the government, voting -for a resolution history of man, the cradle of three passed by the house; faiths and the scene of so much of branching out of the urban popula- of confidence in the government. Warsaw.—-The assassin of Valdimir Former Prime Minister Voldemarasi human material and spiritual activity tion is common. While serving, no Oskilko, leader of Ukrainian pogrom doubt, a necessary need.and crreating declared following the vote that he and past, and yet ever-present ages. bands and aid of Petlura, was arrest'thanks .God that we have found, a new values highly desirable from the A brief introduction, treating of the ed in Rovno, despatches received here common language with the Jews who communities' viewpoint, they dp not history and tradition of these hallowed state. contribute . anything substantially have assisted in the creation of the lands, these lands so full of poetry, The vision and mystic lore, the deeds of . a^ester, a young Christian, new. The builders of the .old cities Lithuanian state." " had this distinction,that they were inspired men, heroes, legislators and when taken into custody on the charge of having murdered Oskilko, comprehensively planned and each BILL TO ABOLISH prophets, preceds the volume. fiuttepKutl attempted to commit sucide by drinklocality was given a peculiar touch "From our very childhood", says NUMEROUS CLAUSES IN Proven—RELIABLE ing poison. He was taken to the .of its own in conformormity with the HUNGARY PREPARED the author, "we have been familiar • oaicious h*±l hospital in a dying condition. REASONABLE geographical and ethnological condiwith the scenes of Biblical events. tions, so the structures which werre JOSEPH ROSEXTMAL. ATTOUNEY ACCURATE Vienna,—A bill to practically abol- Each of us has created for himself 63* PrtcrH Trurt Bldf. .raised on the new sites represented & ish the existing numerous clauses pictures of the spots which he has NOTICE OK FORKC1-OSUUE OF CHATTEL MO11TUAGE '/new1'.'style or followed a particular law in Hungary is now being pre- read about in the Old and New Notice Is hereby given ifcnt the under'shade of an old style in architecture, pared by the Hungarian Minister of • Testament. But most of these pic- gned will on June Utith. l«20. at 10:00 A. Oinnhu, A M.. M at 4U77 77 I'sicitiC I ' i t i Street, O •thus creating new values in art and Education, according to a report of tures are based on the recollection of o'clock Nehraska. eel) to the nlchest bidder for cash: vbeauty, in addition to utility. those. in our school books, which, the "Magyar Orszag". j One used Hudson Coach, Model 1023, Public Accountants and Auditors * f* Isaac Meister had a. new idea. It .The numerus clauses law, • which though they are indelibly stamped in Motor X© I2t<31ii. six cylinders, ! covered by n chattel inortpice signed by . ,was not enough for him to open qp limits the number of ^ Jewish students the memories of childhood, do not in W. H. Morris In favor of the Uncolu ISADORE ABRAMSON 'a district or to erect a new skyscraper in the Hungarian Universities has the least coincide with actual scenes. Motor Company and ftsslfined to the tentral Investment Corporation and assigned INCOME TAX SERVICE >He looked for a. development with an been in force for several years. At The pictures in this volume show us to Joe Hosen'har whleh unid ehimel mortjrngre wan dated neeemter Btb. 1023, aim theplaces made immortal by those the last session of the Council'of the • 'idea of its own. - SYSTEMS—AUDITS f»ed Cor teeoril tn ttw office of toe County j " On hiK way to Palestine, he stopped Xeague of Nations, Count Klebels- who are spoken of in the Bible, as Clerk of Doujrlns County Nebrnska. on the INVESTIGATIONS of Deremfc>eJ\ 192^. a« all innta which niaved! tbe . Minister of Education, as > f f i n Italy. /Pot centuries Vie say, au_ . . , . , spots wmen piayea ,. , le will be for the purpose or foreIII.Biblical countries Since the closing «aia cnnltle mortgage and satisfr190 Brandeis Theater Building V "See Venice, arid ditf' faas been pledged the ' Hungarian government Phone Atlantic 1450 Meister, headed.fot Fatea* to abolish this, law when the'Situation days of Antiquity", and so indeed, they Dated tl»ts l8f day of June. 1928. counirv do» -
slightest- intention of dying. He wanted to see* Venice and live and not only * live himself • but to let others live in Venice. There the idea came t<y his mind; why not an American Venice? '" ' Venice, the beautiful, was the result of its own geographical situation. How could there be an American Venice without a similar situation? The enterprising Meister is not afraid of geography. Zionism is a fight against greography, Dr. Weizmann has ?aid. Why cannot a Zionist fight geography on Long Island? The comer stsip of land on Long Island on the shores of South Bay presented the opportunity to him. Water was on two sides of the site of the future city. All that was necessary was an investment of millions of dollarrs, tihe. making of canals similar to those in. Venice, the erection of bridges in Venetian style, the placing of Venetian gondolas in the canals. .With thirty yeans of experience in. developing American land, with directness of purpose and constructive ability, Isaac Meister proceeded to the task. American Venice is now a reality. Some have been fond of referring to the Jew with a hint at "The Meis chant of Venice". They will have to change. Here is the builder of American Venice.
Jewish Book'Review I
From Bfalystok to ChicagoRecord of 7 Year Old Boy
E. E. Bruce & Co
Frostier Icwel & tisen Suftpiy
Bakej Ice Machines
Mat&skjeis Jewelry Co.
Interstate Printing Co.
food Products Mil are Delicious
JO1B. fcOSEKTHAL. B£orttae»«-