July 29, 1926

Page 1

^ or failure in business is caused more by mental attitude even tftpjK by- mental capac-

The cynic .is one who knows »the * price of 'every'i •hi'n'.g.. and the Va'lu e of nothing.-— Oscar Wilde.

it|s.;— Walter BUI

Vol. V—No. 34



on January 27th, 1021. at the Act ol March 3. 1879.


"Mt Popular; Work Out


J. C. C. Team Creeps Nearer Pennant. I Stranded by Defeating College Athletes. 2 to 0

£; \re sweltering in the blistering - *, members of the Jewish ComC - ^Center are finding relief at" the'newly constructed swimming pool. • • Attendance in.the pool has increased from 200'to- 300 persons svery day, according to Ed Burdick, head physical director. : The newly formed businessmen's class has taken ^the-physical directors by stornv-The-group, when started, consisted-of- about 3 or 4 men, but to date there are more than 15 enrolled.: ?; Basketball, volley ball and..calisthenics make up the noon day; program. •'.-.. .



Hoop Stars Getting in Trim For Mid-Western Cage Meet

Knowing that the Mid-Western ;Bjr Arthur Green A. A. TJ. basketball tourney will be Syd Corneman|s mighty: bludgeon enabled the Jewish Community Center held at the Jewish Community baseball aggregation to. travel 'on the road to Pennantville. Center this fall, local stars on the Enthusiasts of the great national pastime who neglected to lamp their Petlttra Witness Embarrassed glimmers on the contest flayed at Miller Park Wednesday evening, can Transjordania To Be Opened hardwood court are working out Magnificent Half-Million Dollar daily in the J. C. C. gym. When Testimony Was Proven blame only themselves,. For; the benefit of those who were not present, the For Jewish Colonization Structure Exclusively For Leo Konecky, former Central ^ Incorrect Jewish^ boys took the American Business College nine into camp -with a Far-advanced Cases 2 toO score. . >c ENGLAND " DEBATING ON high school hoopster, is sinking the leather with consistency. Konecky HARRY LAPIDUS WAS CAMMADAM PETLURA ATTACKS With peerless Sam Kaufman toiling on the mound the game was replete QUESTION' OFSETTLEhas had a good deal of experience MR& SCHWARTZBARD with thrills from, start to finish*. I t was Kaufman's thirteenth: victory of the • PAIGN CHAIRMAN on hoop squads and should prove a season, and he celebrated it by whiffing nine College athletes. The opponents Paris,,(J. T, A.)—A number of witfound Sammy for five* scratch, bingies during the seven cantos that the ; London (J. T. A.)—The question of valuable man to the Jewish squad Denver, Colo. (Special Correspond nesses testified in the second hearing the 140 Jewish families from Iraq in the fall. "smiling" hurler toiled on the OTbund. ence.) The B'nai B'rith Infirmary of the Petlura-Schwartzbard trial Syd Corneman, one of Coach Building of the National Hospital at ' "Rudy", Grossman,, who was <lishing 'em over the platter for the College and Kurdistan: who axe desirious of which was'held here before Magistrate and who are Schabinger's Creighton University Denver will be formally dedicated to contingent hurled one of the sweetest games in his long but impressive settling in "• Palestine : Peyre who is conducting the investigacareer as a pitcher." The Center boys connected with Grossman's assort- now stranded "in Bagdad was raised proteges, is also expected to play the service of humanity on Thurstion in the case.ment of curves for six safe". hitsV' Four of these bingles were garnered by for ' ^ third time in the House of with the J. C. Q. team. Corneman day, September 2. Friends of the Dr. S. Goldstein, Petrograd atCommons v day by "Commander Ken- proved to be one of the main cogs Handball; enthusiasts are still Johnny Rosenblatt, who "promenades in the center pasture, johnny had a worthy. The question'.was also raised in the Blue and White defense and National Jewish Hospital will attend torney^ whpjlived in the Ukraine durperfect day with the "willow" getting two doubles and two singles out of from all parts of the-'country. offense a few years ago. , ing; the pogrom period, former chair- congregating amid .the four-walled four trips to the plate.. ' \ by Col. Josish•• .Weflwoo'd. The opening of the magnificent Along with Konecky and Corne- B'nai: B'rith Infirmary Building dyeman of the Jewish Commission to enclosures in border that they, may Col. Leopold? H. Amerj', British Corneman, after breezing^the ozone in his first trip to the plate, smacked investigate the Ukrainian pogroms, in be in fine trim for -the coming hand- a home run to left field to".put':the Jewish boys in the lead in the third Colonial 'Secretaryj in his reply de- man there are such men as Sam ing the week immediately preceding -. ; , his' testimony declared that Semion ball meet. inning. Again inthe "fifth spasm Syd hoisted the ball over the center trees clared that he received reports con- Kaufman, Harry Kneeter and Phil Eosh Hashona will be both inspire'Petlura organized the pogroms in the for three bases, but ThiroN Baseman Panuska muffed the throw from the cerning this matter from Iraq and Gerelick. Both Konecky and Gere- tioual- and symbolic. For not only is The B'nai Israel youngsters have Ukraine, as a result of which 50,000 outfield and Corneman galloped home with the second and last tally of the Palestine to th'e effect that the Pal- lick are experienced basketball the B'nai B'rith Infirmary the endurJewish men, women and children were been making .basketball fans; sit up estine government 'is -investigating players having donned uniforms ing evidence of that spirit of servk-r • -..-.-.. . . massacred and tens of thousands were and take notice. The hoop team is game. the cases-of these. families and that with Creighton and Nebraska Uni- to which Jews everywhere dedicate The Jewish team Wednesday afternoon looked like a different squad than doubt exists in the mind of the gov- versities respectively. wounded and crippled. • The pogroms •considered to be one<qf the flashiest themselves on Rosh Hasliona, but nfthat which lost to the Kinneys last Sunday at Fort Omaha. At the Soldiers' ernment as'to whether these prospecWith this brilliant array of each recurring New Year brings a. in the Ukrainian towns and villages around the J. C. C, Some of the were everywhere carried out in the boys, oh the squad are:' Jake field the Jewish mate3 played r fagged ball in the field, but Wednesday the tive immigrants 'possess independent prospects for the hoop brigade, the renewal of faith, so through tb' means necessary'to. qualify them for physical directors at the Jewish years will the B'nai B'rith Infirmary same manner and were apparently Schriebman,, Harry Stoller, "Red" fielding job was considerably .better. When the game was called" Wednesday evening it looked as.though the admission to - Palestine. Community Center should have give to those whom it will serve, reunder one direction. The same me- Greenberg and Jacob Kasowski, the thods of incitement were applied and speedy boy from'- Nebraska Uni- Jewish athletes would have little'trouble in solving Grossman's peculiar side The resolution . authorizing the little trouble in putting out a newed strength, bringing them from / •• ( ' • . arm delivery. Rosenblatt 'socked the first ball "Rudy" pitched for a double Chancellor 'of, the •* Exchequer to winning basketball team. Well, even the same slogans were used. The versity. the shadows of suffering and misery to left. But mates, .Johnny died on the sacks, when Giventer struck out, guarantee the ?22,500,OO0 loan of the that's that. slogan, "Bey Zhidov, Spasay Ukrainu" into the " sunshine of health an£ Turner popped to the infield."and Corneman also whiffed the ozone. Palestine government* will be sub(Kill the Jews, save the Ukraine), happiness. The Jewish boys have-their opportunity to clinch the Gate City flag mitted for debate in the House of was everywhere the motto of the poThe B'nai B'rith Infirmary is the. Sunday afternoon at 1:30 when they meet the Castle Hotel crew at Fontenelle Commons Wednesday. grom bands. "The famous fals rumors fulfillment of a dream of many yea^s Park. Loyal backers of the team should turn out and boost the squad to were spread in various towns and vilIt was, learned today on good and its dedication will mark the "bevictory. Sam Kaufman, leading hurler of the league, -will probably get the lages, as for instance, Attorney Goldauthority; that during-the debate Col. ginning of a. new era in the fi£'"i mound assignment for the Jewish team. . stein-stated, the rumor was spread; by Kenworthy will raise the question of against tuberculosis. Erected at; * the obstacles put by the Palestine the pogrom leaders in Proskuroy.that Many Expected t : ai: Bennington cost of §500,000 it will be a powergovernment in; the way of Jewish im- Youngsters To Finisfe Tests This the Jews of Felstin had stolen the : Sunday,: August-8 : house of health and happiness, * •migration; to-Palestine, on the allocachurch bells and installed them in the home of healing from snSerers from tion of state and waste land foT synagogue, while \ in Felstin. they With only nintedajrs; left before the the Great "White Plague. Jewish colonization•,and -on the posspread:the rumors that the Jews of Six Jewish boys may receive the eighteenth annual" Omaha ^Hebrew Districts Nos. 2 and 6 of the Indesibility of opening up Transjordania American National Red Cross Merit Proskurqv had- stolen t i e church bells club picnic will7gel;7unde> ytay, the pendent Order B'nai B'rith took the for Jewish colonization. and installed-them in the synagogue Badge in Life Saving, according to entertainment committee" has. cominitiative in making the B'nai B'rltb. in "Proskurov.' _^ }~ •-•-•• •.'..'-. _; E. Burdick, head physical director at _ .New York, (J. T, A.)—A nine^yearThe first round in tihe Highland Infirmary Building possible. Generous : Attorney^ Goldstein ~ descrlbea the fun festival eyeirheld iri'Omaha. •'^;-' •bld <hild inay not "bring 'in'-- her Country'~€lub Golf Tournament was •tte '.Jewish' "Comiatmifcy Center. : Tfaef men and women throughout the is'iVcruel massacres by Pethrra's-bands Local A. Z.:JL youngsters wh5~ TSTV ---between the XthTefic events .will be one of the mother -to the United States; and played o2 Sunday morning on the and stated that Petlura's soldiers used main features of the'3ay.~ It wouldn't thereby avoid compliance with 'the club links. Phil"" Yousem, the "1925 ages of 12 to 17 will probably finish teen central and western seates conprising these two districts, reaH??ri to kill Jewish children and carry the be bad for Johh-J^ McGraw t6' send literary test; 'was the" ruling^ of the Highland champion is out to win the their last tests this week-end. bodies on the tip of their rifles "with one of his .many "scouts-to- choose a Second Federal Circuit Court of Ap- title this year. In the match Sunday - The Omaha chapter of the Aleph According- to Mr. Burdick, it is no the tragic situation among the ar* the inscription, "Trotzky." Petlura, Jewish ball player from the flock tiiat peals in New York, in- a decision made morning he defeated Marvin Treller. Zadek. Aleph "held its regular installa- easy matter to obtain one of these re- plicants to the National Jewish Hospital, who where compelled to wnU he stated, did- not punish those who will battle.atjthe lub's- picnic. : The "public h e r e . •-'• - • • - • - • •• f . • > : In other matches Sam' Wertheimer tion of officers at the last meeting held wards. Only those boys who can con- many weary months for admission were guilty of the pogroms. B'nai B'rith and, the -Omaha Hebrew The court alsoruled that •"religious beat Mike Katleman, 8 and 6;Bill at the Jewish Community Center. form to. the rules and pass certain because of lack of room at the HosWhen asked by the magistrate club nines will swing mean ''willows" persecufidh,1* another ground. of lit- jYousem won from Louis Kulakofsky J u l y 2 9 . " • •••-•• swimming' tests can ever hope to be pital. : whether the entire Ukraine considers for the benefit of the spectators.. recognized. by default; Sam Herzberg beat Ed Marion Graetz, who was elected the eracy test exemptibn,' is to "be" strictly Under the leadership of Edwin -J. Petlura guilty for the pogroms,. AtNorman Komey and Sol Weiner, Cadillac machines will be stationed interpreted, and that it does/not in- Treller, 2 and 1; Jerome Eeyn beat Junior member to the* Supreme Adtorney Goldstein replied* "Three mil- at the end of the Benson street car clude' refugees from robbery and Carl Katleman, 5 and 4; Dr. B. T. visory Council ~ at the national con- both 14 years of age are the'young-i Schanfarber, Columbus, Ohio, **•& lion Jews hold him responsible." line to transport/ the people' to the banditry or political and social revolu- Friedman beat Bud Wolf, -4 and 3; vention recently' held in St. Paul, est in the group of contestants. These' Harry H. Lapidus, Omaha, Neb".,. A favorable impression was made shady.grove in^Benningtoiu. Al Mayer won from Justin Wolf by Minn., was' ihsfailed as president. two lads have been showing good campaign chairmen in Districts Nns. tion. . . " on the court by the fact recalled by default; Ben Yousem beat Herbert Other officers rinstalled were: Harry form in their swim workouts. The 2 and 6 respectively, and with B ' P « For the approval _of ttie' younger Attorney Goldstein that in 1921 crowd that is expected to attend the The alien mother who was refused Heavenrich, 7 and 6; J. Harry Kula- Sidman, vice president; ^Stanley Sha- other boys who are trying for the re- B'rith lodges and members at t*ir Schwartzbard asked the Jewish Or- frolic, he entertainment committee admission was an Armenian • widow kofsky won from Nate Sherman by piro, secretary; 'Nonnan Green, treas- wards are: Sol Graetz 15; Henry Wei- forefront of the task, a fund ''• phans* Committee of Paris to give him has acquired a special group of music whose husband was killed in -the default; William Grodinsky beat urer; Sam .Zacharia, senior sergeant- ner, 15; Ted Turner, 16, and Leonard $350,000 was raised for the erection of the building. District No. 4, una Jewish-orphan from the Ukraine to masters who wil play the latest massacres in 1917. She was debarred Dave Cohn, 1 up. at-arms; Soil' Miroff," junior sergeant- Komey, 16. because she could not read" or Verite. der the direction of its general comat-arms; 'Louis. Riklin, reporter, and c a r e f o r , a l t h o u g h h e w a s p o o r h i m - Broadway Here are the tests that the boys In the first round of the Presidance numbers. A 42 The child apparently passed-the litmittee and Richard E. Gntstadt ri. self. •'•'•. • ' . • ."-•••• •• - ' ' '••:••.:' piece band; will - also give a concert must go through in order to get the dent's flight Sam J. Leon beat I. B, David Beber^ chaplain. eracy test, and then the'mother's atSan Francisco, executive director oi Two witnesses for the Petlura party during the supper hour. Eed Cross badge. Zimman, 1 up 20 holes; Jake Spies, torney " unsuccessfully; attempted to berger beat A. B. Alpirn, 6 and 4; the district, is now engaged in tkU-were also heard. The first witness 1. In deep water disrobe and swim ing $75,000 for equipping the binlcPrize tickets to Los Angeles and SPECIAEMEETING - was Professor Roval of Prague. He Denver and Puebla, ; Colo., will be obtain her admission under the clause M. Herzberg beat Dave Greenberg, 100 yards. OF OSIAHA HEBREW allowing a child to bring in a mother. 4 and 3; J. D. LipMn beat L. Weiner, ing. District No. 7, at its 1926 contestified that" last April he saw raffled off ot. the picnic. 2. Surface dive in 6 to 8 feet, re- vention last, April endorsed a c*rn« CLUB SUNDAY The court in rejecting this argument, Schwartzbard follow Petlura from 8 and -7; Lester Heyn beat Dr. M. I. covering object S times, 10 pound paign within its district for funds tr The picnic grounds at Bennington, Paris to Boulogne in a motor car. Nebr., will be- in,readiness for this held it was absurd to say a child of Gordon, 6 and 5; Harry Malashock A special meeting of the Omaha weight once. complete the various auxiliary wit*; such tender :years could "bring in" her beat Fred Fischer, 4 and 3. •When asked by -the magistrate to annual event phlSundayrAugust 8.. 3. Correct approach and head car- of the Infirmary Building. Hebrew Club will be held Sunday afmother, and ruled that the "bringing describe Schwartzbard, Professor RoThe second round of the Cham- ternoon, August 1, at the Jewish ry 30 feet. in" must be actual. val stated that Schwartzbard was a This great labor of love by t** pionship and Presidents Flights are Community .Center/ ' ' 4. Correct approach and Crossbrunette and. slight of stature. Laugh- Council Bluffs Agudes Achim B'nai B'rith has given the Nations.! scheduled to be played off by next Chest Carry SO feet. "Business 'of ~ vital importance to ter was caused in the courtroom when, Jewish Hospital the most il Sunday evening. ASK FREE IMMI5. Correct approach Hair on Armevery member' of the' organization jPicnic Spijday :at;(3ar|s Farm : tuberculosis hospital unit in the magistrate asked the accused-to GRATION FOR "NORDICS" will be taken' up. at this meeting," Lock Carry 30 feet. rise and pointed out to the witness 6. Tired Swimmers Cany, SO feet, Every facility known to the said Max fFromkiri,. president. The Council-Bluffs-Agudes. Achim DB. ADLER HONORED IN BERLIN world for the treatment of fw(Continued on page 2) Philadelphia, Pa. (J. T. "A.)— preceded by 60 foot swim. A prominent" speaker has been seAssociation will .hold .a picnic Sunday, advanced cases of tuberculosis ><*>*• Berlin, (J. T. A.)—Dr. Cyrus Adler, cured to address the; meeting. 7. Release double grip on one afternoon and' evening,* August 1, at Amendment o the Johnson Immigrabeen incorporated in the B'nai B"rit>; KOHANOWITCH tion Act to permit the unlimited entry president of the Jewish Theological wrist. Left to Right. Clark's Farm and .th^. entire ipublie is Infirmary and its patients will be ininto this country of Northern EuroSeminary and president of Dropsie • 8. Front strangle Hold, L«ft and FAMILY IN OMAHA invited to attends Admission is Free. POLAND CHANGES sured of the most up-to-date *"<"Right. . Mrs. Fanny Kohanowitch, and two anaV there will" b'e* all" kinds' of sports. peansj although still matotainihg the College, Philadelphia, arrived here on ITS CONSTITUTION scientific methods of care. Distincth* 9. Back strangle Hold, Left and children, arrived from Winnepeg, Races will be held and prifies will be bars against the Southern and East- his European tour. features of the building are the inern Europeans, was advocated at the A reception was given in his honor Warsaw, (J. T. A.)—The govern- Right. Canada, to join Cantor Kohanowitch, awarded to winners.'I •' dividual rooms and sun porches, iv#tconvention here of the Loyal Orange ment bill introducing changes in the at the home of Dr. Bernard Kahn, 10. Resuscitation, 1*2 minutes. A Yellow Bus-will start from Main who has been appointed. Cantor of ful solaria, special diet kitchens, »wthe Beth Hamedrosh Hagodol Syna- Street and Broadway, once an hour, Institution, which consists'of-Amer- European director of the Joint Dis- Polish constitution was adopted today Prone pressure method. prevedX-ray laboratories and fep*1ican descendant of immigrants from tribution Committee. Dr. Paul Nain its third and final reading. The starting at two "o'clock Sunday afterThese boys, should they attain the gogue. Mrs. Kohanowitch is a ' -'••'.'•;- than, president of the Hilfsverein der Sejm also adopted "the bill granting badges, will be the first ones in the cious sun decks for heliotherapy :•(*«« graduate of the Hebrew University noon, and will take the piqicers direct the North of I r e l a n d . " treatment). It contains approximate!J in Warsaw, Poland, and was a direc- to the picnic growids-'at Claris's Farm. The expulsion of immigrants Who Deutschen Juden, Rabbi Leo Baeck, broad powers to the government. J. C. C. to receive national recogni- one hundred patients', rooms. tor of the Children's home in Minsk, For those-who go-by auto, there will have lived in this country for'ten leader of the Independent Order B'nai The aniendnjent of the Club of tion. Not only will the B'nai B'rith InRussia. The family are now residing be signs on the road directing the years -without becoming citizens, also Brith in Germany, and other promi- Jewish Deputies to the effect that the firmary Building provide incr*»»>** at thft^ Bernard Apartments, 2706 drivers to Clark's Farm. Drivers 'was advocated, and one resolution nent German Jewish leaders were broad powers be given only to the should take the Lincoln Highway -passed by the Orangemen demanded present at the reception. Bartel government "was rejected in CALL SWASTIKA FESTIVAL TO medical facilities at the Hospital, bet Burt, street. UKGE FIGHT AGAINST JEWS it will also enable the Research DeRoad and go to the end of the paveview of the fact; that these broad that foreign-language newspapers Dr. Adler will proceed to London to "We --want to thank, Mr. Harry Lapidus for his aid in bringing us ment on East Broadway "and then go publish translations of their contents, attend the meeting of the Board of powers would * automatically cease Bucharest, (J. T. A.)—The festival partment to extend the scope of i » work. The B'nai B'rith i f of the present to this country," said Cantor Kohan- about two blocks farther- where there as an aid to the Americanization of Governors of the Hebrew University, with the ' resignation of the Swastika, the emblem of the Building will be administered will be signs to turn to the right, and their readers. which will be held there in August. governments f owitch in behalf of his family. European anti-Semitic organizations the same policy that the N then follow for-about a mile and a which also signifies a revolt of the Jewish Hospital has followed half direct to Clarks Farm, which is JEWISH STUDENTS TRIED anti-Semites against the Jewish it was opened twenty seven also called Evergreen Farm. With FOR SELF-DEFENSE signs reading i(To • Agudes Achim elements in the Christian religion, was ago, as the pioneer instituti&n & declared yesterday by the Christian America for the national free -cairfe *tfi Bucharest^tJ. T. A.)—Twelve Jew- Picnic" it will riot be.difficult for the Leagues, the anti-Semitic organiza- the tuberculous pooi\ The motto <*f: of Omaha realized," is the statement people to reach the. Farm. Maxim Konecky of Chicago, 111., partake of the many privileges ofish students are on trial in TimLschora, Transylvania. They are acThere will be plenty of entertain- former resident of Omaha and well- fered at the Center Mr. Konecky felt expressed by Mr. onecky on his visit tion throughout Eoumania, under the the Hospital and its guiding leadership of Professor Alexander sophy has been, "None may cused oi attacking Christian students. ment both in the "afternoon and-eve- known here, mailed in his check for it his duty to help maintain the to Omaha. •• Coza. The triat-topfehed yesterday. It was ning. A $225 Five Tube-Radio com- $50 for active membership to the Jew- Center of his former home-tov/ii. who can pay — None m&y pay w The Center is still at heart with r The festival coincided with the enter." ish Community Center. Mr, Konecky Upon his recent visit to Omaha, Mr. stated th&t'thg Jewish students beat plete with a L6ud -Speaker will be ' a former resident o£ Omaha, then the Roumanian, students --in self- given away free to-the-person holding was one of the first workers for the Konecky was very much pleased with should not every JeW ii» the city feel Feast of Saint Mary Magdalene when the entire population attended chusth. Center thirteen years ago,-> when the the new Jewish Courcmiiiitj Center the lucky number* defense. it is his duty to become a member of The Christian Leagues arranged for Let come what.will! at laa,t th£ Y. M. and Y. M.H. A. organisations Building. Eighty percent of the students in the CENTER? The drive for memspecial services and meetings throughmet at the Lyric Building. . is sure, , . "The Omaha Center is an edifice to the graduation-examinations in -Buchbership is now on. • Thine be like joy,and treasure. out the country, at which the populaAnd every heart that loves with 'ftwh be proud of, and I am very happy Although he is not 3 resident of arest failed. Most of this percentage Peace, enjoyment, love and pleasure! is equal to endure. • ' tion was ureed to ficht the Jews* this city now. and will not*be'-able;-to to see the dream of the Jewish were Jews. r' —Burn?.

Question in Commons

Plans Completed For Aanual Omaha Hebrew Club Picnic

Second Round of Court Rules Championship Gotf Tourney literacy Test WlBeflayed Sunday Ex^nptioa

Former Omahan Mails in $50 Check to J. C. C; < "Jewish Center Great Edifice," Declares Konecky

• -



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, -/


By Stan.

J.- T. A.)—David Bergelson, •well known;,Yiddish novelist, arrived her$ on a lecture tour of the Baltic states. The subject of his lectures is the Jewish colonization in Soviet Russia. . • - Several prominent" Jewish writers in Latvia refused to attend a banquet "given in his honor here, last Sunday. Mr. Bergelson, who at one time was an opponent.of Communism,.recently attracted.-wide attention in Central Europe arid in tbe Jewish press in the United States: by his declaration that lie-had changed hist views and is'now jjj 3feYfl£ a£ Communism*

Jewish Sports Notes By GEORGE JOEL

Al Finkle continues his meteoric comback. Last week at Des Moines Al defeated Louis Beckerman.A.Z.A. and Samsonian Club athlete. Beckerman fell before Finkle only after a long drawn-out bitter struggle. Monday Al won his first round match in the City .tennis tourney, being conducted on ,the Omaha Field Club courts. Al trimmed K. Roberts, Union Pacific system singles champion by the scores of 6-3, 6-2. Tuesday Finkle trimmed I. Fitzgerald 6-4, 6-4. The Jewish, boy at one time was rated as one of the strangest tennis players in the state of Nebraska but last year he .was inactive and now is striving to regain his lost laurels. • * * Sam Kaufman, has been working out with Barney Burch and the Omaha Western league baseball club during the Buffaloes practice sessions. As Burch, Omaha owner and manager said, "Kaufman is one of the brightest prospects that I have seen in many a day and is worth a small fortune as a pitcher." A Jewish pitcher "would be the choicest jewel in any baseball club owners crown and if Kaufman should enter the professional ball field he would be a valuable and much sought after young man. The .'entire J. C. C. team has been working hard during the past week and will be out for blood Sunday when they meet the Chevrolets in an inter-league city series game. Chevrolets are one of the strongest teams in the city but if the Jewish boys display the same form that brought them fourteen consecutive victorios they will add the Juliens scalp to their belt.

THE JEW AND HIS JOB Jews, even in America, are not all money lenders or millionaires, nor do they dominate only in commercial lines, but are , in large numbers employed as artisans and in agriculture^ even 4 per cent of them being found employed in the Ford automobile plant in 1917, despite Henry Ford's pronounced anti-Jewish sentiments. This is the- conclusion reached by Rabbi Edward L. Israel (Hebrew Union College, 1919) of the Har Sinai Temple, Baltimore, after an exhaustive survey of the occupations of Jews in the United States. Rabbi Israel dwells at considerable length on the achievements of the Jew in.the arts and professions, and shows that on the stage, contrary to the general impression and despite the eminence of many Jewish stars, the Jew does not dominate, but that in all branches of the theatrical profession he constitutes only about 10 to 15 per cent of the total. "The secretary of the Jewish Theatrical Guild of America," says Rabbi Israel, "provides me with these statistics: Cantor, Jolson, Wynn, Mann, Bernard, Carr, Houdini a?id others lead to many faulty generalizations. I have heard itsAid that 80 per cent of the vaudeville actors are Jews. This is typical of the same, snap judgment whereby the Gentile world makes the Jew a people of petty merchants in thef ace of all the overwhelming evidence which I am now presenting. It is, however, an added comment on the interest of the Jew'in liberal professions that in a land where he is only 3 per cent of the population he constitutes about 10 per cent of those making a living in speaking or singing parts r on the English speaking stage." Rabbi Israel learned in his survey that commerce is only a single aspect'of the Jews' many sided economic existence, and that there is far more soundness to the fact of the occupational distribution of the Jew than is ordinarily recognized, even by some of our Jewish statisticians. - The economic bravery -of the: Jew is singled out by Rabbi •Israel'to4 explain the extremes'of prosperity arid poverty among - the trading element of our "people. The Jew seeras~ willing to take a chance, and this speculative couragelias stood him in good stead in combating the trials and tribulations of trade. His enemies have called it "speculation," but it is perhaps the contemplation of the transitoriness of material things that the many bitter epochs have taught the people which is responsible for this. Some scattering interesting facts of Jewish artisan life in America can be mentioned. There are six trade union locals-in Detroit, entirely or almost entirely Jewish—carpenters, painters, waiters, cup makers, barbers and bakers. There are many Jews * in other locals. At one time not long'ago the Jews were leaders in the auto workers' union. Despite the fact that the Jews are only about 6 per cent of the population of Detroit, their artisan population is 29 per cent of the total, " • -; Even in the Ford plant in 1917 the Jews were about 4 per cent of the total working force. In the'Cadillac automobile factory there were 300 to 400 Jews out of a working force of 6,000.. They are found' in all branches of the automobile industry, bench work, sheet metal trades, motor assembly and the like. Going back into history, we find the Jews preserving learning during the Dark Ages. In all branches, philosophy, medicine, astronomy and exploration. They founded the medical schools at Montpelier and Salerno. In the discovery of America it was a Jew who drew the map which Columbus used and another Jew who translated into Latin the astronomical tables which were the work of still a third Jew and which. made_the voyage"of Columbus possible. An interesting, indication.that the diversity of Jewish participation in the liberal professions is not limited to excelling in medicine or law is-the fact-that" the 1925 prize'given annually by Edward Bok to^'the" person serving- the. interests, of Philadelphia that year was awarded to. Samuel Yellin, a master wrought iron worker, who established the wrought iron department in the School .of Industrial Art in Philadelphia and has constructed most of the famous gates of America. The story of the organized agricultural efforts in the United States,beginning in,the year 1820 contains in its lack of great success the same elements of inexperience, initial poverty, poor land and lack.of leadership'that have characterized so many of these Jewish agricultural-efforts.- With the coming of modern organiza. tion methods, such as those pursued by the Jewish Agricultural Society and the National Farm. School, the difficulties are being obliterated. . In a single generation, the last 25 years, when most of the population was moving from the farms to'the city, the Jewish agricultural; population in America grew from 200 to 15,000 - families.i-rLedger. OSTRACIZE NOVELIST BECAUSE OF : ' - ' : COMMUNIST VIEWS



Published.every.Ttmraday at Omaha, -Nebraska, by '

THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY Office: 490 Brandeis Theatre Building — Telephone: Atlantic NATHAN E. GREEN, Manager. .$2.50. Subscription Price, one yeai Advertising rates furnished on application.


The fistic spotlight has been turned on our Jewish boys with full strength. After the performance of Euby Goldstein, Louis (Kid) Kaplan and George Levine comes Henry Goldberg, of Brownsville, who has continued his rise to pugilistic fame. He scored his second consecutive knockout by spilling Frankie Pitcher. Sammy Aaronson, another Jewish boy, was Goldberg's first knockout victim. As much as we would like to claim Sammy Mandeil as one of us, it is impossible to do so as Sammy is Italian. To mistake fighters who have Jewish names as Jews is easily explained. Many fighters of nonJewish extraction have adopted Jewish ring names, in the past. The Boxing Commission ha£ recently ruled that fighters must enter the ring under their own names. Hence, such mistakes are eliminated. The controversy over Benny Leonard's promised return to the ring rages with much gusto. Leonard, himself; says that he will come back. We are.of a mind that makes us believe that Benny has made bis last professional appearance. It wctld take a team of the proverbial horses to drag him into the ring again. The history of pugilism is replete with tales of retired champions who tried to come back. In each instance the story ends the satne way; the exchamp is licked. Benny has been out of: the game a couple of years and although he has taken care of himself and trained, he has had no fights. There are few fighters living who can stop fighting for a long period and then come back. The only way to keep in trim for boxing is by continually participating in regular bouts. Humbert Fugazy, the fight promoter who recently staged the BerlenLou Somberg, Center captain, was bach-Delaney fight, has arranged a the hitting star for the Center last charity fight show for the United week iri their ill-fated game with the Jewish Community Center of BensonKinneys. Lou garnered two blows hurst. Delaney or Berlenbach will be out of three trips to the platter. starred in the feature bout. Charles, The Jewish boys had. their hitting European light-heavyweight, will be clothes on their Ijacks Sunday but the challenger. failed to bunch their nine blows. Th& sporting world and its performers have done more than its share in other seven teams in the raising money for charities and league have averaged only four hats ^ c h u r c h e s fa t h e p a s t . T h e M i l b F u n d and four runs off Kaufman and Show has been especially fortunate in Handler in the'.fifteen games,that the having a strong attractive : boxing "enter participated in." While the card each year. The various tennis Center has piled up one hundred and clubs have put on tournaments for sixty-four runs. the purpose of raising money for * • * charity. Baseball teams often give up The three Yousem ine tnree "usem brothers wou«ni «at. fte p r o c e e d s o f a g a I n e f o r s o m e b e n e . Highland Country Club seem to be, fi. * r nfiWn w n p^h a r :^t i . s hh aa vv ee ii nn aa w a v having things pretty much.their own l t fa way. As things 'look now the fight commendable thingfc for the sporting for the club championship will be world to do and they do not have to confined to the Yousem family. wait long for their reward, which comes in the form of added prestige. Morris Schlaifer, Omaha's fighting fool, is once more in training, this The tennis tournament for the time with the object of seeking a championship of New York State has Teturn-fight with Pete Latzo, world's demonstrated Jewish achievement in champion. m Schlaifer knocked the this sport. Jerry Minster, Edward champion out for the full count at Feibleman, William Einemann, Dr. Latzo'siown home town about two Rosenbaum and Morton Bernstein years ago, Schlaifer claims to be in have all survived the opening round. training. The writer saw him at Lake Bernstein and Feibleman have reached Okoboji a short time ago and Morris the fourth round. Both players have looked pretty paunchy. *


• *







a good chance for the title. Bernstein and Rothstein have already won their way • into the second round of the doubles. Morton Bernstein is another of a long list of players who Is not at the top because of nerves. Bernstein captured the Boys' Indoor Championship of the United States when he was fifteen years old and showed promise of developing into a real champion. As he grew older and advanced into the senior events he developed nerves. In a match that would be moving along smoothly Bernstein would miss an easy stroke. His error would so upset him that his whole game would go to pieces. Because of this fault he has been beaten by inferior players. In the New York State Championships he trimmed Allen ,Behr 3-6, 6-4, 6-4. Behr is a veteran of the game and has ranked among the first ten best players in the country. Such a feat as this shows the excellent ability that Bernstein possesses. Stroke perfect and flashing, beautiful form, Bernstein needs only to curb his nerves to become a national high ranking player. •



1926—5686 Ellul—Rosh Chodesh

..Aug. 10

1926—568? Tishri 1—First Day of New Year Tishri 3—Gast of Gedaliah 10— Yora Kippur _ » .

WereKIed la fellura Pograms, Paris Court Hears (Continued from page 1) that Schwartzbard is a blond. The Prague professor, greatly embarrassed, admitted that he had made a mistake, but turned to another point, claiming that Petlura accused Schwartzbard of having carried on negotiations in 1921 with Jewish leaders in Paris to organize propaganda in the Ukrainian army against the pogroms. Sholom Schwartsbard, replying to Professor Rov&l's charges, declared that he never went to Boulogne by motor car and that he negotiated with Paris Jewish leaders after the pogroms took place. The second witness for the Petlura party was Prokopovitch, former Premier in the Ukrainian government. He declared that Petlura was opposed to the pogroms but the pogrom band leaders disobeyed him and acted independently. Schwartzbsrd, who was brought into the courtroom handcuffed appeared in good spirits. When he appeared he was applauded by the public in the courtroom. Madam Petlura and her Ukrainian friends waited outside the courtroom. When the hearing ended, Schwartzbard, who was taken back to the jail through the courtroom, remarked to the journalists, "Give my heartiest regards to the Jewish people." At-the close of the court session a lively skirmish took place. Madam Pethira rushed up to Mrs. Schwartzbard and started to beat her with a stick she held in her hand. The police intervened and removed Madam Petlura from the courtroom.

Sept. 9 Sept. 11 Sept. 18

URGE ATTENTION FOR SEPHAKDIC IMMIGRATION TO PALESriNB London (J. T. A.)—The of the growing Sephardic imiaigration into Palestine is raised in a petition addressed to the Zionist A c ^ n r Committee, which meets here «* Thursday, by the Executive of tfcft World Union of Sephardic Jews. *£!• petition states that the Sephardic immigration to Palestine now amounts to one-third, of the total Jewish immigration into the country and urges, in view of the distress among the immigrant Sephardic Jews, that the 10,000 promised by the Fourteenth Zionist Congress should now'be allocated. The petition emphasizes the inseparability of the Sephardic Union and the Zionist Organization, and the loyalty of the Sephardic Jews to Zionism.

Yachting is a sport of antiquity and age has not lessened the interest that the sport attracts. The waterfronts are dotted with Yacht Clubs and the racing attracts the attention of thousands. Paul E. Warburg, son of .Felix Warburg, the renowned - Jewish philanthropist, has contributed aa arBERLIN JEWISH MERCHANT ticle on Yachting to the New York FREED FROM MURDER CHARGE "Sun". The article points out the difference in attitude and method that Berlin. (J. T. A.)—The murder exists about the Yacht Clubs today as charge formulated by the anticompared to the period before the Semitic leaders against Rudolph war. Now it is permissible for the Haas, Jewish merchant of Magdeladies to sail in the race and Mr. Warburg, collepsed when, a closer invesburg says that the girl skippers are tigation of the case was made. The as competent as the men. The younger charge was withdrawn and Haa8 was men are now given a chance to sail set free. Haas, a well known suptheir own skiffs and races are arporter of the Republican party in ranged for the juniors. New events Germany, was accused of having such as canoe tilting, swimming races murdered his bookkeeper, Helling. and diving have been added to the The democratic press stated that the events in the regatta. The most imaccusatio was nothing but a "frame portant characteristic of the clubs has up" of the anti-Semitic party, which not changed—social intercourse is still was assisted by the Magdeburg polthe thing. ice inspector, Tanholt, who is inown * » » as an outspoken anti-Semite, The prowess of the Jew in athletics is often met with a surprise that is not warranted by precedent. A Experienced Salesladies for perusal of the ancient records conGeneral Dry Goods Departtained in the Bible will prove beyond ' ment Store. — Star Store, Question that even in antiquity ath- MEET YOUR FRIENDS AT TEE 1935 North 24th Street. letics and physical development were CO. BLUFFS AGUDES ACHIM PICqualities, that were sought and en- NICAUG UST 1«—Adv. couraged among Jewish men. Samson the Strong is still the ideal .of the strong men of the world. Shamgar, Jonathan, Joab, Paul und MAURICE D. MICKLIN David were all men of more than average strength and dexterity in athletic events. The Tribe of Benjamin was renowned for the skill of its left handed slingers. This tribe OF had a group of seven hundred men of whom it is said that each could sling stones at an hair-breathand not miss the mark. (Copyright J. T. A., 1926.)

Announces the Opening f

Oiiak s Finest Hew Suburban Theater






Washington, (J. T. A.)—A ten million dollar loan to help Bulgarian refugees settle on the land will , be raised-by the League of Nations, according to reports received here by the State Department. The recommendation to raise the. loan' was made by the League of Nations-Financial Committee and its purpose will be to ..alleviate the situation of 120,000 Bulgarian refugees who were made homeless and landless by the inter-exchange of population in the Balkan countries since the war. The loan will be secured by certain revenues of the Bulgarian government. The League' has previously given financial assistance to the Greek refugees and to Armenian refugees through the Commission of Dr. Nansen. This action of the League is of considerable interest to Jews in view of ROUMANIAN GOVERNMENT the requests presented to the League GRANTS EXTENSION FOR that eome steps be taken by this body BESSARABIAN DECLARANTS to help the .situation of Jewish refugees. • Bucharest, (J. T. A.)—An extension of the term in .which application for TEL. AVIV TO HOLD Roumanian citizenship, may be, mad,e ELECTIONS IN OCTOBER .was granted to residents, of Bessarabia.. The term expires September Tel Avic, {J. T. A.)—New elections 1. -Applicants .must prove that they in the municipality of Tel Aviv will have lived in Bessarabfo since March take place in October. 27," 1918, when the Roumanian mili- . A building to serve as a public tary occupation of the country' began. school was presented to the municipalForty.thousand Besparabians have ity of Tel Aviv by M. Nassatisin. The already applied for Roumanian citizen- building'will house 500 children. Electricity was inaugurated yestership. Those who settleti in Roumariia day in Petach Tikwah, one of the after (March 27, 1918, will have to oldest Jewish colonies in Palestine.' submit documentary proof of their The "power is from the Roteligibility for Roumanian citizenship, tenberg station in Tel Aviv.


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For July and August Wear rj* VERY man knows he can save *"* $5 to $10 on a Suit here with the added advantage of cool conifort, lasting, good style and several seasons of service.


Tropical Suits

Unusually Good Values at


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Words cannot describe the beauty of this new Movie Palace. It is now truly one of the finest suburban theatres in Omaha. A place where you can enjoy the evening and be entertained by the World's greatest stars. The best pictures, the market affords. :



A PARAMOUNT SPECIAL With WALLACE BEERY, RAYMOND HATTON and MARY BRIAN Also & special comedy, "The Fighting Tailor".


The Palm Beach Girl •: . ; '..

See Bebe as the Speedboat Queen in Bryftn Morgan's Racing Romance ALSO A GOOD-COMEDY f :.



With MATT. MOORE and KATHEYN PERRY How to be Happy though Married, See the First Year.

The Blizzard Breezes Will Keep You Cool! W. H. "BILL" BERGfifANN, Mgr. s., CORRECTAPP-XREU JPOB Jk£EM ::AND HyO

PAGE S—THE JEWISH PKESS—THUB5DAY, JULY 29, 1986 at a picnic at Elmwood Park in honor of Miss Lillian Blend, of Denver, Colo., and Miss Ann Jturs, of St. Louis, Mo. . Prizes were won by Bess lindenbaum and' Lillian Blend, Eli Lewis and Harry Blacfcer.


Miss Beatrice Kurs, of Kansas City, Mo., is visiting here with her cousins, the Misses Celia and Rose Kurs. A number of entertainments are being given during her stay here.

ENGAGEMENTS Mr. and Mrs. M. Selicow announce the engagement of their daughter, Pauline Byrdie, to 22. Oscar" Weinstein, son of Mr. and Mrs.' H. B. Weinstein, of this city. No date has "been, set for the -wedding. Dr. Joseph Spikes, an honor graduate of the Creighton University, Dental College, is- now associated with Dr. M. X- Gordon. . Mrs, Eenben H. Brown was hostess at bridge Sunday r.t her home in honor of her chains, the Misses Esther Katleman _ar.d Esther BJumenthal, who a«s orit»es-to-be.* Miss Katleinan's marriage to Mr Morris I. Rckus, of Chicago, ill., will take place September 5. Mis'? BlumenthaTs engagement to Mr, Sam Guttraan, Jr. was recently annoanced. Mrs. J. Iieb just returned from Minneapolis, Minn,, where she was •visiting "with her daughter Mrs. S. A. Cohen, and Mr. Cohen. She also spent two weeks frith Mrs. Ii. Adelman, in Des Moinesj la.

Mr. and Mrs. David Epstein announce the birth of a baby son born Mrs. K. Tatle and daughter, Ger- July 15, at the Methodist Hospital. trude, left this afternoon for. St. Mrs. Epstein was formerly Miss Tillie Joseph, Mo., to spend the week-end, Meyer, of this city. and then leave for Excelsior Springs, J Mo., where they will spend several' weeks. They were accompanied by Club Activities Mrs. Tatle's grandson, Meyer Leibowitz, of St. Joseph, who was visiting The Ladies Free Loan Society held here. its annual meeting Sunday, July 25, Mrs. Ben Tatle is leaving Sunday at Elmwood Park. More than 200 morning to join them at Excelsior families attended. A meeting of the Springs, Mo. club will be held Wednesday, August Ves Chapter of the Hai Resh Frat- 4, at the Jewish Community Center; ernity will hold a picnic at Valley, Nebr., Sunday afternoon. The picnic A ' meeting and installation of ofwill be followed by an informal dance ficers of the Auflebung Club will be held Sunday afternoon, August 1, at at the Highland Country Club. Miller Park. The following officers Miss Ida Baum is visiting with re- were elected at the last meeting: Eli latives in Kansas City, Mo. She will Lewis, president; Abe Gendler, vicereturn home about the latter part of president; Sylvia Frieden, secretary; Ben Passer, assistant secretary; and August. Dora Lasarowitz, treasurer. The Misses Edith Lewis and Ann Hahn entertained seventeen couples

Honoring Mr. and Mrs. William Alberts, who were married Sunday, July 25, Miss Uia Alberts entertained at a dancing party for seventy-five couples Tuesday evening, July 27, at the Hanscom. Park Pavilion. Mrs. B. M. Achtenberg and children, Beatrice and Irwin. and Miss Molly Achtenberg and Mr. Nate Eobinson, of Kansas City, Mo., motored into' Omaha last week and visited with Mr. and Mrs. S. Eobinson. From Omaha the visitors accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Eobinson motored to Waltbill, Nebr., where they visited with Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Eobinson, and in Sioux City, la., with Mr. and Mrs. M. Iipschutz. _• Mr. and Mrs, William L. Holzman and son, Max, are at the Carter Lake .Club, where they will spend the remainder of the summer. Mr, and Mrs. Harry Braviroff are leaving Friday, motoring to the Black Hills in South Dakota to be gone for about three weeks. -_ Mr. and Mrs. Harry Martin and daughters, Cecelia and Min"? , -returned from a several weeks motor trip to the Minnesota Lakes, Mr. and Mrs. S. Abrams entertained at dinner Sunday evening, followed by a theatre party in honor of Mrs. D. S. Eissman, of Minneapolis, Minn., the guest of her'parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. SegaL Miss Eva Swartz entertained the members of the G.W. Bridge Club at her home Wednesday evening. "Prizes were won by the Misses Harriet Wolf and Sara Colin. Mrs. David Newman, accompanied by Mrs. Sam Berger, of Des Moines, la., are leaving Saturday to spend three weeks at Troutdale-in-the-Pines, in Denver, Colo., and also at Estes Park. Mr. and Mrs. Morris Iinsman lef t Sunday for a trip to the Pacific coast. They will visit in Los Angeles, then take a boat trip to Seattle, Vancouver, and Lake Louise. They expect to be gone and month and upon return they will reside at the Austin Apartments. Mrs. Linsmann. was formerly Miss Eose Guttman. BE SURE TO ATTEND THE CO. BLUFFS AGUDES ACHIM PICNIC AUGUST 1<—Adv. The Misses Eose Arnt and Anneare leaving: Saturday evening fr» spend two -weets in Kansas City, Mo.

Miss Hannah" Iinsman, accompanied by Mrs. 2. Osheroff, left Monday to spend two weeks with Dr. and Mrs. S.,Osheroff, at Erickson, Nebr. - In honor of the birthday of .Mrs. S. G: Salfzman, eighteen friends entertained at the Brandeis Theatre Tuesday evening followed by a midnight supper at Murphy's Hut. The guests presented Mrs. Saltzman with a -gift. Miss "Kose Gentis left ior an extensive trip. She stopped off at Davenport, la., where she visited wi Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Spiegal, formerly of Omaha. Miss Gentis will also .visit in Chicago, HI., and Philadelphia, Pa. Miss Dorothy Forman returned . Monday from Excelsior Springs, and Kansas City, Mo.

Council Bluffs News

AUNT ESTHER'S COOE1G C O M STUFFED PEPPEBS WITH BEEF Pour boiling water over peppeis after cutting off stem and removing seeds. Let -stand 5 minutes. To stuff 6 large peppers, use 1 lb. beef ground and prepared as for hamburger. Slice onions in stew pan with 3 tablespoons fat. Place peppers in pan and bake in moderate oven until well done.

STUFFED PEPPERS WITH RICE Boil 1 cup rice until done. Rinse with cold water, season with salt and pepper and 2 beaten eggs. Fill peppers and treat as above. POTATO BALLS Boll mashed potatoes into good sized balls. With a spoon, hollow top of ball and stuff with ground cooked and seasoned meal. Place in greased pan and brown in lot trven. CANNED BEET PICKLES Boil without cutting, as many beets as desired, until tender, time about one hour. Peel as soon as you can handle and slice into jars, not too fulL Prepare pickle as follows: 1 cup vinegar to 1 cup sugar and 1 teaspoon mustard seed. Pour over beets hot and seal air tight. Do not pack beets too tight in jars as they will not keep so well. FORT HE ICELESS ICEBOX FROZEN SALAD 1 cup diced pineapple 1 cup seeded white cherries 1 cup seeded red cherries Vz cup sti salad dressing % cup whipped cream 3 tablespoons sugar 4 tablespoons lemon juice. Mix all ingredients and pour into sterilized freezer and freeze stiff. Serve in lettuce cups, topped with whipped cream dressing. ~ To Serve with Iced Drinks DATE BARS 3 eggs 1 cup sugar 1 teaspoon vanilla 34 teaspoon salt 1 cup chopped dates 1 cup chopped nuts 1 cup flour 1 teaspoon baking powder. Beat eggs until light. Add sugar and rest of ingredients. Pour into large fiat pan. Bake about % hour. Gut into bars and roll in powdered sugar. OATMEAL COOKIES % cup shortening 1. cup brown sugar . 1 egg • 1 cup milk 1% cups rolled oats 1 cup chopped raisins Vs. cup nuts IVs. cups flour % teaspoon, salt % teaspoon soda % teaspoon cinnamon % teaspoon nutmeg % teaspoon ground ginger. Mix- in order given. Drop from a spoon on a well greased pan. Bake until brown.

Mrs. J. Eesnoff of Louisville, Kentucky, is spending the month here with her brother, Mr. M. Passer, and Mrs. Passer. Mr. Passer and his sister have r»ot seen each other for thirty years as at that time Mrs. Resnoff left Eussia and came to America, and about fifteen years ago, when Mr. Passer came to the United States, he TJTOS -unable to locate his sister. Mrs. Passer entertained - eighteen guests at her home Tuesday afternoon honoring her sister-in-law. Mrs. S, Harmell, Sr., of Omaha, accompanied by her daugthter, Mrs. Joe Gotsdiner and young son, Yale, of Council Bluffs, returned home last Wednesday from a two weeks visit in Excelsior Springs, Missouri. Mrs. Julius Katelmanj accompanied by her daughter, Marian, spent the week-end visiting her daughter, Mrs. Ahe Bear, and Mr. T3ear, in Leavenworth, Kansas. •

The program of activities of the Jewish Community Center for the season 1926-1927 has been pubfished in booklet form. The bosklet is now ready for distribution to those who will apply at the desk. The program is arranged by the day of the week. First, is given the educational, social and fraternal activities and then the Physical department program including the Gymnasium, Swimming Pool and Handball Courts. A class schedule of the Physical Department is also included. Library The Community Center library is being rapidly organized and prepared for use. An invoice of Yiddish and Hebrew books has just been received from the publishers in New- York City. Reference books in English of a general nature and especially on topics of Jewish interest are being added daily. There will also be included in the library books of fiction of interest to the Jewish youth. Dr. Philip Sher, chairman of the library committee, is making every effort to have the library thoroughly and efficiently equipped. Classes A class for adults for the study of the Hebrew Prophets, to meet Sunday afternoons at 5 o'clock, is being formed. Begister with. Mr. Wnv R. Blumentha lat lie -Genter. . A Jorum for the discussion of Jewish topics will begin early in the fall. All those interested are asked to see Dr. Philip Sher. The Current Events class, conducted by Mr. Irvin Stalmaster, metts Mondays at 8:30 p. m. A few more students will be admitted. A class in Jewish History for boys and girls of High school age will be held Monday evenings from .7:30 to 8:30. Adults interested in a class to read English literature will beet Tuesdays at 8 o'clock. Y. M. H. A. Leaders Group meets Mondays at 9 p. m. An evening adult class in sewing is being formed. Those interested may register at desk. Schedule of Clubs and Classes Monday: Glee Club 2:30 Children's Sewing Cl.. 1:30 to 3:00 Dramatics .-—-—3:30 to 4:80 Current Topics _ ..„ 7:45to8!S0 Tuesday: . .4:20 to 5:30 Folk Dancing .8:00 Glee Club _.. ._ ...8:00 Literature Wednesday: Dramatics 10:30 to 11 :S0 Literature —_...2:00 to 3100 Dramatic Club „.— Thursday: Children's Sewing_._I0:00 to 11:30 Friday: Folk Dancing „.„.„ l;30to2:3Q

JEW APPOINTED IN FRENCH gates to the World Conference of NATIONAL UNION CABINET Jewish War Invalids •which is now j meeting in Daiutig. Sixty delegates, Paris, (J. T.. A.)—Maurice Boka- J representing all parts of the world, known French, lewisfa are in attendance, including many wh© "The Lake", North-Omaha's newest financial expert, was appointed Minis- were terribly raeimed, some having and most modern theatres will open ter of Commerce in the Cabinet of Na- lost arms, legs and eyes in the war. Sunday,'August 1, at 24th and j tional Union formed by Raymond' AT> American delegate, Mr. SitrinStreets. eky* opened the Gongress with «n adThe Theatre has been equipped with 1 Poincare, following the fall of the dress in vhicjh .he. declared that the Herriot government. the best of picture show devices, and M. Bokanowski was originally con- idea of a world federation of Jewish Eidered for the post of Poincare's aid] war invalids originated in 1924. The in the Ministry of Finance, plan was heki up in the hope, that * * * Jewish public bodice would interest Maurice Bokanowski was born in j themselves in the fete of the invalided 1879 in Havre and has been elected war veterans who are neglected in «31 several times to the Chambers and the countries and are being victimized Departments of the Seine. His elo- because of the prevailing anti-Semitic quence and financial logic played an tendencies, he declared, Mr. important role in. the overthrows! of j sky urged the conference to send ft the ministry in 1921. I delegation to the United 1States for the purpose of acquainting American Jewry vdtb the guering of the Jewish JEWISH WAR INVALIDS vrar invalids. DEMONSTRATE IN PROTEST AGAINST NEGLECT MAURICE D. MICKLIN Jerusalem («T. T. A.)—Five Jews and one Arab were wounded in « Danzig, (J. T. A.)—A demonstrahas «. seating- capacity of 500. They skirmish which took place last night tion of Jewish war invalids from will snow the latest in pictures and in the village Afa. various European countries took place present well-faiown Paramount stars. The riot broke out when an Arab yesterday in Zoppot, a resort near A cooling system has been installed group . attacked the village, which for the summer months for the com- here. is near the Jewish settlement, AvoThe •grounded veterans vrho particfort of the theatre patrons. i ated i a t 3 i e dath Israel. Mauriee D. Micklin, president Gfj P demonstration are delethe Micklin Lumber Co., is the owner!l and manager of the theatre. He is 1 being assisted by W. H. "Bill" BergAnnouncement rnann, well-known in theatre circles. I wish to announce to the Jews of Ctaiaha that I have "We have built this model theatre opened a Business at my Home, 2429 Decatur Street, and will -present only first-class with a full kne of Jewish Religious Books such as pictures and entertainment. -Sunday Daily Prayers, Machsorim, Jewish Rituals, Scriptures, is opening day, and I want to see .Talethim *Silk or Wool, Mezzuzahs and many other •everyone there to enjoy the amusearticles, ments we have prepared," said Mr. Micklin. M. SOMIT,'WEb«ter3527

Maurice Mickim Announces •;; Opening .-«fi Mm Heatre

Oh, may Good Lack the whole rear thro' Above your door nail up her shael

I also have the agency for the "Sefer Tora" that anybody "vrants to order.

Frances Benak Gardipee Is .Now With

Sixteenth at Faniam

—where she will he phased to serve her many friends and patrons with newest FOSMOTIS.

Mr. and Mrs. Max Steinberg and son, Lawrence; Mrs. Sam Steinberg and daughter, Beverley, and Miss Lillian Steinberg returned home Friday after spending two weeks in Excel- HUNGARY WILL NOT ABOLISH NUMERUS CLAUSUS IN EALL sior Springs, Mo. . . Prizes will be given at the Agndes Budapest, (J. T. A.)—The promise Aehim Picnic August 1 at Clark's given by the Hungarian Minister of Farm.—Adv. Education, Count Klebelsburg, to the Council of the League of Nations that Mrs. S. Shyken returned home last the numerus clausus would be aboweek-from a two week's, visit in lished, will not be carried out in the Osage, Iowa. fall, according to former Minister of Mrs. Molly Karlson and young son Finance, Dr. Tibor Kallay. The ex-Finance Minister, who is in Edward, of Los Angeles, Calif., left Tuesday for their home after spend- close contact with the present governing the past two months here visit- ment, declares in an article published today that the government will not be ing her mother, Mrs. M. Saltzman. in a position to fulfill its promise Miss Sophie Steinberg • left last given in Geneva to abolish the Thursday for Exelsior Springs, Mo., numerus claasus law in the fall. where she will join her mother, Mrs. George Steinberg, who is spending PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS. the summer there.; :

ts Best

Misses Anne and Reva Goldberg of Chicago, Illinois! who "have been vis- Ill Our motto is HIGH QUALITY IS iting lierfr/fforrOTer, two••'weeks, left Tuesday evening' foir their iibme. SGss Cylta Gershun returned home Friday after visiting for over two weeks in Schuyler, Columbus and Albion, Nebraska. I do Iov6 ' ; My country's good with" a respect more tender. More holy and profound, than mine own life. —Shakespeare.

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The Absopure Frigcmto? A-5-2 food space, b cubic feet, handsomely lined, cork ina*lated. Price ?26£> installed,

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Bus Service Direct to Picnic Grounds.

1S0S FAENAM ST., OMAHA, NEBR, Phone Atlantic 2424—Wahmt 5077 ABRAHAM GREENSPAN, Manager

- *

. . . ,

PAGE: 4—THE JEWISH PRESS—THURSDAY,- JULY? 29r Dr. Muskln,'.Dr. Moe Stein, Bill Gxo-. and actual statistics show that more medical examination bureau, with ' lamps,,th.ere:is a-careful unfolding of dinsky, Dave Greenberg, Mas JFrom^ people make use of the facilities American physicians in charge, will I iron cots an'd mattresses brought into kin, Sam Appleman, Sam Robinson. daily than at the Y. M. C. A. or atbe opened at the Consulate, begin* use from hiding places in the. closets. 1 Leon Mendelson -and Shoal Freed are the Omaha Athletic Club. Five hun- ning September 1. As likely, as'ftot, there it a heated arBy S. F. L. > " ' _" ' •. ^ By Leo Bobbins , a few of the "fifty eleven" who may dred members daily is the average All emigrants, whose state of t gument every night arnoiig thes membe seen in the cool waters of theattendance. bers of, the, family as to who is health is doubtful, will be refused Strolling through the Community natatorium almost any. time or day. • Imagine two friends meeting in a rid" prices of the beauty salons, the responsible for the unbearable situavisas unless they pass the examinaJewish "stenos" have a hard time of tion. As - usual, the girls win the Center last-week I: paused a moment subway-train: "" -'• > - '. * Warsaw Consulate to Make tion of the medical bureau. ..-_•..to "peek inside the confines of ' the •;"IJello, Ben! I hear your-wife gave it—nebach! If you should chance to overhear Medical Examination of Emigrants debate. .• • , ,;.. • Presently the question of new fur- However, when feuestsVare in thehandball courts. Joe and Saul Levey, the" conversation of a group of girls' PATU0X1ZE OUR ADVERTISERS. birth, to pr baby boy- Good luck, old to United States of America niture comes up. The family budget is house, -it's a modern, cozy, well-fur- the twin stars from Des Moines, were and it should go something like this, hoy! .Shake!" . : . . - £ . "Say, I'm'the proudest man in theagain-boosted, the mother once more, nished apartment. So it is to all ap-taking a duo of ball maulers into "Oh, Bess, I can swim half way Warsaw {J. T. A.)—Examination world,',? replies the 'father,' and shakes pleads with the son: and brother. pearances. No one thinks of sleep, camp. Tis a rare pleasure to watch across the. pool." "Lil, I can float of Polish emigrants to the United hands..on it with his friend. "Some kid! Wouldn't he give a couple of hundred when visiting or stops to figure where the Levey boys when in action. Their on my back." "I can dive three dif-i States will be made in Warsaw, acI- expect. hell lick -me any day soon. dollars for a wedding for his sister six heads might lay down for rest in lith brown bodies are all over the ferent ways." "Ruth, • isn't Dave cording to an .announcement of the The,, doctor says - he weighs 'eight out of his savings? Well, let him con- that apartment" when the clock has courts at all times.' Fortunate indeed Chesnau a fine fellow, so patient and American Consulate General here. pounds, and he's.some baby, take it tribute thefirst payment on a living struck twelve. are opponents if <••they take the boyscalm even if we do act .terribly dumh' The statement declares that a / room suite which the girls -have selectme." -! In connection with this, I am re-to a, trimming. When playing to- at times." Don't scratch your head " .And.npw imagine the-'same friends ed. The girls will make the subsequent minded of another home in similar cir- gether they are well nigh invincible. and wonder what it is all about. I t meeting under slightly different cir- payments out 'of their salaries—-may- cumstances. In that family there is > • * • is merely a bunch of girls who have be. She bargains and haggles with an only girl, and three stalwart sons. cumstances: * f* ' Later the four inseparables, Jask been initiated into the mysteries of ,"£[elloV Ben! My wife tells me the male members of the family and The mother is ambitious for her Marer, Bob Cooper, Bill Levey and the pool by Dave Chesnau and Ed,: "Manufactured in Omaha" Proven—RELIABLE you're the father of a girl. ' Well, succeeds, as usual. The girl has joined daughter, and is forever pacifying the Ben Shapiro took the floor in a slug- Burdick. REASONABLE Maw&Tov." • " - • - the local Jewish Community Center boys in their grudges against the girl. ging, socking match. They in turn BAKER ICE MACHINE CO ACCURATE and has made new friends, and she is The boys,'two- of whom are,the main were followed by Phineas Wintroub, ,Th.en the father speaks: Members are pouring in every day '.'Yesr—thanks anyway. The same to waiting for ano pportunity to invite support of the house,-share a dingy Ed. Alberts, Iz Rosenblatt, Paul GoldPOLITICAL. ADVERTISEMENTS POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENTS POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENTS you, old chap. Why-do you grin? Of the boys to the house. As a rule, she bedroom, while the girl has the best stein, Phil Feldman und Bud Levin, arranges •^"uso-icailed.i sjirgrise> party i course I expected a hoy, but a girl is room in the house" to nerself. The who took each other through a numjust as .good. I'm glad i t is a girl*. She rnother wants her. occasionally to in-ber of hot sessions. . .. It' if"" looks «xactly like my wife.". vite a'girl friend to stay over, in order viies" l that the girl in her turn would be in-"Banana oil!" the friend- mutters to- visit her-more ,orjess ' j ^ The J. C. C.j .handball tournament under his breath. ".." - - ' •. • The length to which Jewish parents vited to the' girl's, house and make the will soon be held and the local sharks . And this even in the age of boyish go-to provide the ;proper home en- acquaintance of the brother who is a are polishing up their fins in preparbobs, knickers and, Lucy Stone Lea- vironment" for their "million dollar prospective.medico. In addition to this, ation for the big event. Of course, guers. baby girl" are quite extraordinary. I the girl is boss of the parlor, and she the Levey brothers are favorites but Why .this calamity of girls? What know-a family which moved years persistently refuses permission to her the old "Y" members are banking is it that causes ,the,fatherNto .rejoice ago to Flatbush from the.East Side younger brother', to make - his bedon Leo Mendeson andl Herman SeiPRESENT COUNTY CLEEK at the arrival of a.male child and to for the sake of their oldest daughter, there. gelman to keep their colors to the if feel, apologetic for a daughter? and recently moved a* second time to But worst of all, is: the mother's re- fore. ,Ypu have often heard a father say an even more" expensive apartment iterated demand that the: sons bring he wouldn't .give away his newly born house in order to help their younger their boy friends to theh ouse, so that The swimming pool still continues changes. sister might get acquainted with to be the greatest center of attraction daughter for a million dollars, and you daughter's matrimonial feel he. meant it. You also feel she Every few years the parior furniture "those awfully nice j boys". Mother especially during these beastly hot vail cost,him,a million dollars before is changed. Do you wonder • that the never tires of throwing out sugges- days and nights. N. Levinson, A. G. "old man" .of the house is. almost tions when the girl is-jut, and theWeinstein, Harry Lapidus, Dr. Sher, she gipws up. •• . . - » .As my Aunt Bessie used to say:driven wild by financial .worries?: boys give all sorts of excuses why She is efficient, competent, and economical in the administra"Es jjeht aroys die nschomeh ayer men • A few years ago the mother scraped their friends seldom come to the house. tion of her office. derlebt , chasunah' zu - machen a together some money and bought a Father is just' a patient sufferer. tochter!" , pianos No one in the house plays-the He is the scapegoat. : ....-„ . 20 years' experience in County Clerk's office and 7 years WHOLESALE Father.-mother and the entire fam- piano. It's for the girl. She can't play "Pa, I want you not to bring thatj Chief Deputy before she became County Clerk. ily seem to exist for the sole purpose the piano and has never tried, but a man Ginsburg and his friend to play Druggists and Stationers of catering to the needs and caprices 1 piano looks good in the parlor. In pinochle here", mother says. "They MI-4O3.4OA Hoolh IWh She is best known for her courteous and considerate treatof,the girl members of the household. case of a party, or something—you always" walk right into the living ment of all people who have business with the County Clerk's Especially is this the case in Jewish know how these things are. room and it isn't nice to tell them to office. homes. The girl made use of this noble in- play in the dining room. Shirley Many girls will probably deny- this.'1 strument on only one occasion. Theworks so hard to keep . everything ENGRAVING p p . INC A vote for her on Primary Day, August 10, will be an But let that pass. Modern parents, no t family had a visitor, a distant relative clean, and they sit right in the easy less than their parents, want to see j from Cleveland, who was given the chair and throw ashes on the carpet." proval of efficient and good^government. ENGRAVERS ri and. modern i gj r y s - bed, and the girl slept two -What can poor Pa say to this? their daughters.married, Indeed; what Father thinks e:-plains gjrte/oo less,than their wethers, want j n j g hts oh the piano lid, where the tp get married. For which, of course, bordered velvet piano cover .-and a why, when he learns that his business {lib, they should .not be blamed. Think of elay bust of Chopin usually repose. partner became the father 01 a babyyour own home or the homes of your Now that they have moved to a girl, he merely says: "A girl, eh? . . POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT ADVERTISEXTENT friends, and you will admit-that'the Washington Heights apartment, .are well, cheer up, Maze! Tov, anyway . . " activities, pf the entire family center they more comfortable; than before? around the girls ofthe family.- T«ch- Not on your tintype! They have ,a lcss is the one thought uppermost in brand new parlor suite, and a folding PATRONiZB OUR AIIVBHTISERS every .Jewish, mother's mind! . . . , bridge table for the bridge parties ^U. it were not for the girls in the w h i c h t h e gi r , gives for her stylish family, so many^Jewfsh'ho'uspnold* n e w friends. Bridge is all; "the rage PAX'1X>N-MITCHKIX CO. Xon-Partisan Candidate wouldn't be . forever, mpving from o n - t n e Heights." They have also a n i b * Mnrfha Ht« ; Hsrm-r 1GG2 Cherry, Street to Second Avenue, t o j ^ y [&Tge p a r i o r with French doors, --•'.'• -•' - O m a l i a . N e b r . " " - • Sort -gray iron, brasa. bronze.and alathe.. West,. Bronx, Jto" Washington b u t o n t y o n e bedroom. And sleepers in uitonm caslinKS. Standard alzes bronze ^eights, to Riverside Drive, t o W e s t : t h e h o m e t h e r e a r es i x ; o f -three ind' Iron "bushings, setrer manholes, for rings and covers, and clcnn-oai End.Avenue. It's the girls that compel I distinct divisions—father and mother, clsiern (oorf In stork. _. .-..•• . the family to move>s rapidly" as,they jt w 0 daughters and two sons. One son save .a few dollars to the better sec- jh a s m o v e d t o a new-fangled bachelor your Vote.Will Be Appreciated tionaof the city. Even in cases where a p a r t m e n t , father and the other son the family fortune remaps stationary, •s l e e p o n f o i d i n g beds; while the) Let Us Help Yon "Keep Clean" Primaries .August 10th For the voters' information, exodus from the past Side to" the •m o t h e r m i two daughters somehow i Mr. Joseph Koutsky started West Side goes on just the same. A jt r y t o s , e e p i n t h e i a r g e b e d i n the I Frontier Towel & Linen Supply life in a sod house in Saun« girl .doesn't stay eighteen longer than .s m g , e b ed ro om. After the bridge) 1819 California Street ders County, Nebraska, in a twelvemonth, you know. The older. rtieSj a m i d s t t h e profusion of floor ••-•-. ATlantic 62s».l. 1875, his parents being among the girl gets, the more panicJfly the the first homesteaders in the mother grows. Says the mother to her ! »_ state, and he has lived in "old man": . , . j ft W e t W a s h ...,., ..'.,'.;'. Eastern Nebraska all of his , "Mrs. Goldberg, who used to live K S e m i F l a t — ;, ..;i,;..... life. here, moved to Flatbush five months'. R o u g h D r y £,',- .„.„. ago.- Her daughter already has a nice ' AMKRICAN W E T WASH boy friend, and they're to be married ' are invited to the JOSEPH KOUTSKY in^June. Such luck;!" -j REPUBLICAN 2808 CuminK St. Harney 0881 Y Candidate for Sheriff on the Kepublican Ticket, is now ..The father recognizes a hint when A CANDIDATE completing his second term as City Commissioner in he .hears it. "Bent is awfully ' lgb £j for charge of the Department of Public Improvements in there, and we can't afford it," he * A remonstrates. the city of Omaha. During Mr. Koutsky's administration, there has been laid over one-half the paved streets ] And so the family decides to .move .move a Public Accountants aad Auditon within the city and this was accomplished at from to Flatbush. Late a t night," when the R ,n t h e- ^ Primaries August 10 . g 25 to 40 per cent less cost than in any other city son,, who; has- the. greatest jeaming ISADORE ABRAMSON capacity in the fapiily, comes similarly situated in this country. the mother casually comes into his. INCOME TAX SERVICE If Mr. Koutsky is elected sheriff, he wants the room before he goes to bed, and skillSYSTEMS—AUDITS voters'of Omaha and Douglas County to know that fully gets him into conversation about he will be the real sheriff, and will take full charge I3STV ESTIMATIONS his;older sister and how the younger, of the office entrusted to him. No individual or orone is "quite a big girl already," and '490 Brandeis Theater Building ganization will dictate the policies of the sheriffs how their father ig growing old, and Phone ATlantie 1450 office. a, lot .of other "sob stuff.*' Finally, in quite a casual way, she discloses to Mr. Koutsky will conduct his campaign on the him the plan for moving \o a better following principles: neighborhood, and how the duty deFIRST: Everyone connected with the sheriff's volves upon him to make, it possible Harry H. Lapidus, Pres.-Treas office must be honorable in his performance of duty. by voluntarily increasing his, weekly W. G. Ure Serretai-y. BUTTKK stipend toward the maintenance of the SECOND: No inhuman treatment of prisoners home. "It's for yohr sisters," is th,e Council. Omaha Fixture & la. will be tolerated. note,which runs through the entire THIRD: No home will ever be entered for the Supply Co. conversation. "Am I asking anything purpose of making a search without a warrant properCOMPLK-i'E STORE AND for myself? Your qwn sisters."And if ly issued and based on reliable information. OFFTCR OtTTFTTTERS I, were to ask you for two hundred W« u In Otiialm FOURTH: Mr. Koutsky guarantees to protect dollars to help ma,kea~ wedding for or»r TO.rw t*qn*n the rights of citizens as provided in the constitution Dora, wouldn't yo|i give? I know Carnv you're a .good child. Blood is thicker of the United States to all American citizen regardless larhMin ttz* than water." . of race, color and creed. IMIIIIt VltH Of>rrntri) liv . Kp|i|«<V ' CoAnd, usually, despite his half-heartFIFTH: "A square deal for everybody" will be —at — ed protest that-he doesn't in the' least j given under the personal supervision of Joseph mind living in the old section, the son Koutsky. gives in. The girls,* you may be sure,'«— DIAMOND .don't have to be convinced of .tfie adIf you believe in these principles, vote for HEADQUARTERS vantages, of, a svjfeil neighborhood. Xb€X 3 r e wildly enthusiastic,-anil imGIFT mediately set out jooking for~ a new COUNSELORS apartment. They promise to contribCadillac buses to take picknickers to For SHERIFF ir earnings to cover the Malasboftii Jewelry Co. grounds. irffhe cost of livingV but their WHOLESALE AND RETAIL are usually wor^hj&s, for In^rstate Pnaiir.?» To. JEWELERS GOOD MUSIC—GOOD TIME tnphfgJTl ever pays. for% her. At ' f)itctu(nrrr Im part cm • board? What with the styles in We Want You to Patronize the Advertisers that appear ir N'chr t i t y Nat Bank BI«JR. eietfaes chan^ng; ever? week, the. '«ig'h 5 t«f4 the Jewish Pro • "Jv > x^=^ £^^K^^ k, the- "h •Ji \-.t


Daughters' Are A Nuisance


Baker Ice Machines







Phone Jackson 0770


Miss Grace Berger

Is a Republican Candidate for Re-election


E. E. Bruce & Co



• ' " • • '



Municipal Judge




J. J. Friedman!

| Director Unties District 4 ABRAMSON ADDIT CO.




I -Effectively i —Accurately

eiinmgton, Nek.






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