~~ Success or failure in fciusipess iscaused more ;\^i^en.ta1/atfittide:.eyebthan by mental e^pac--
The cynic is one who knows, the price of y t h i n g sand the v a I u e' of' nothing.— 'Osctir''Wilde.
ities;,— Walter iBitt
Vv O T J
V—-No SB " : EJatered as Becon|i§|Ml|mall matter on jannaty 27th, 1921, at • y ' postofflce at Oma|?lg^faBkai;:nndOT that Act or March 3.1879.
0 J. C, C Baseball Team
Plans,. Completed F§r 1 s Picnic
Noteil Zicmist Leader
Grants of Nobility Prove Undoing of Rich Jewish Families Thus -Verifying Prophecy Made by Premier in 1882; Husband of Maria Jeritza Another i Famed Author. Dies Suddenly , Glaring Example Sunday at. His Home
Play Julian Chevrolet , Nine Sunday in First Game'of
;'•••''^--"''•••'•;.'•'•• J n t e r - C i l t y - ' S e r i e s
' "Erger, Berger, Schlossbergcsr!^'
More Than 5,000 Persons pected at Bennington Sun-. day Afternoon
' ; -• -:: • :••>'•>..• ;- -••'•-
CARDED- ON PROGRAM .-••- .The mocking'refrain/xarriea to me at 6 o'clock of a'tedrnhig in June. London.^-rJews. alL over the world I looked, out of the window: of ^my room in the Hotel Hungaria, facing on By Arthur Green Final arrangements have been the Quai:of the Danube* and 'saw platoon after platoon of troops briskly mourn the. death of Israel Zangwill, completed for the thirty-fourth anNOTE:—The Jewish Community marching to its rhythm. Thus is the rallying song of Hungary's first anti- famous Jewish' author and dramatist, who died'. early Sunday at his home nual Omaha Hebrew club picnic, Center baseball aggregation,"the Semitic party perpetuated.r •' ' '.""-' which is to be held Sunday afternoon, winners of the Gate City League The origin,of the melody? Surely. It traces back to 1882 when for the in eastern .Preston. August 8, at Bennington, Nebr. Ac* He had been under treatment in pennant, will play the Julien first time a Jewish family,'Schlossberger by name, was granted the title of Cantor Abraham Schwojczfcin cording1 to the committee in charge, a hospital in _ Midhurst, Sussex, for Chevrolet nine Sunday afternoon baron. This action on the part of Emperor (and King) Franz "Joseph inthe 1926 frolic will surpass all othei-s two months," but his condition did not at 1:30 at Fort Omaha. The concurred-the wrath of the anti-Semitic of its kind in the history of Omaha. become serious until!. about a week test Sunday is expected to be a element. Organized propaganda" fol- K., who belongs to "the "New Chrisago, when he gradually became worse. Officials estimated that approxireal treat for amateur baseball' lowed and with it came the song tian" class, was true. He died .at the hospital at 3 o'clock mately 5,500 persons are expected at followers. which we have, mentioned. ~ "Why, no," she exclaimed indig- Sunday afternoon, the direct cause Bennington Sunday. The $1,750 dot Loyal backers of the Jewish nantly. "I would either marry a nated ' to the Jewish Community; "Christian Class" Distinction. ... 'Genuine Christian,' or I would' prefer of death being .given, as pneumonia. Cantor Abraham, Schworczkin To team should' appear to cheer, for Center by the Hebrew clnb will be —Cotrtesy Omaha Bee. Ironicallyeno: ugh the Schlossberger a Jew to a "New Christian'." Israel Zangwill, .whp was perhaps Render First Services Saturday the sqquad in' its first inter-city paid from the picnic proceeds. the greatest .contemporaneous comfamily since the. World War^as be• Morning •* game. Sam Kaufman will be on Congressman Samuel von Mandy, mentox.on Jewish Jife, being an arIn order that the Omaha Jewiv come converts to Christianity." Which", the mound' against the winners with whom I had a common great; may attend the picnic, the Jewish Reverned Abraham Schworczkin from. the . chronological." standpoint, grandmother, is another example of dent Zionigt and founder of the interof the American League. national Jewish .territorial organizaCommunity Center pennant-winning; places them in the; 'aNew,Christian" has been engaged by, the Congregayour typical "Old Christian." As Hail the new champions! baseball team will play the Julian tion of B'nai, Israel?Synagogue, 18th class. For Hungary's twenty thou- member of parliament he voted for tion, made his Hterary reputation with After seven years of strenuous, ef- and Chicago Streets, as cantor for sand converts may be listed under a novel, "The Children of the Ghetto" Former Central Athlete Carries OS Cheverolet team at 1:30 Sunday forts, an all-Jewish baseball team has-j their" congregation for'the next two four categories: "Genuine Chris- the numerous clauses which permit in 1892, and v with his play, "The afternoon at Fort Omaha. The game Three Firsts but 5 per cent of Jewish boys and Melting Pot,?' dealing^ with American finally engraved its name in the an- years." " ". " ~ : - * '-' \ was originally scheduled for 8:30, tians, "Old Christians," "New Chrisgirls to enter high school and college. nuls of Omaha's Amateur Sports AsMembers of the J. C C. ball team Cantor Schworczkin is a "graduate tians," and "Opportune Christians." Men of this calibre unwillingly re- life. He was the. author of many JewMore than 350 persons witnessed sociation. from the Conservatorium of Music in We would define them as follows. By mind me of Phillip D'Orieans, better ish plays, some of which were prod- the Inauguration of the Jewish Com- will be guests of the Omaha Hebrew uced in New ..York. in English and club at the picnic. The Jewish boys, led by Captain Russia and posessesa beautiful tenor "Genuine Christians" we mean those munity Center swimming pool lastLou Somberg annexed the Gate City voice.THe succeeded the.World's fa- who were born and raised in that known in history as Philip'D'Egalite, Jewish. . . . ' . Thursday evening. Twenty members The festival grounds at Bennington league gonfalon when they defeated mous ^Cantor Joseph,Rosenblatt, as manner. "Old Christians" are those who, as a member of : the French Zangwill. w.as^ born in London, of the J. C. C. were participants in are in fine shape for the athletic the Castle Hotel nine last Sunday at cantor of the largest, congregation in converted prior to the war, "New National Assembly in 1792, voted for February. 14, 1864, spending his early the initial tank meet. stunts that are to be reeled off. The Fontenelle.-Park. The final count was Preshburg,, Hungary,, for y sixteen Christians" those converted after beheading his cousin, Louis XVI. childhood and school days in Bristol Individual honors were carried • off B'nai B'rith and the Omaha He*brew 8 to 3 in favor of the Jewish crew. years. Cantor Schworczkin comes to 1919,. and "Opportune Christians" and Plymouth,. After" entering the by Joe "Spud" Turner, former Central club .members will swing1 bats in a A Distinguished;Catholic's - , Only with a fightings heart did Sam Omaha from the Congregation" Poale those who, born Jews, -take- their ••-•-• profession of teaching at Spitallelds, high school baseball etar. . Turner hotly contested baseball game. Track Viewpoint^ .Kaufman succeed; in: staying" on, he Zedek Schvris -Israel" of'Philadelphia, children for reasons of expediency to "New Christians," or post-war con- he deserted , it for^ journalism, sub- copped firsts in the 40-ysrd free style, events and acrobatic stunts are aUo mound for thV Jewish' team. Sammy P a . '.. V \ --•--•---••-•-' r verts, are, for the most part, mem- sequently founding the editing The 40-yard • back stroke, and 100-yard carded on the prograrra. entered the game with a sore .arm, To make his first public appearance the church for baptism and on-obLiterary .Journal, Ariel, and the free "style swim. . ^Cen Cadillac sedans will be stationtaining a copy of the desired, certi- bers of the Awakening Magyars, the London Puck. this fact being known only to a few ed at the end of the Benson'street. Cantor Schworczkin will ficate take these same children to a anti-Semitic party --cf'.; the nation. The spectators were given a real car line to transport the people to the persons connected with the team. in Omaha> T chant the "services"" this Saturday Something of the government's attiLong before .the establishment of rabbi to be entered as Jews. thrilH when the 40-yard back stroke fun-camp at. Benning-ton. The hipvh Despite the fact/tthat he allowed ten Such has been the effect of anti- tude toward the "New Christians" a Jewish .homeland . in Palestine, swim was reeled off. Turner, Graetz, powered automobiles will bring thp fafe hits,. Kaufman :pitched masterly morning,; at" the B'nai Israel Synawas expressed by Dr. Joseph Vass, Zangwill had made, several efforts to •and -Kohn, who finished in respective .-... ball ivi$h'men.on. the sacks. It was gogue.: The Public is invited to the Semitism. services;•'• -I.:ri-."l.ll~,y..::"''.'.''~". vice-premieE~: of Hungarjr and a papal create settlements abroad for his swam neck and neck until the final people to the very gstes of the' shadLet us consider the various _classi-tJj& Af^i^f^atfr^^i^i^-'iforvitite^ boy "" s^SS"fh6nors^-rscCyr&uITciiiig'f roui p^rsocTi&fSEr^finssrT KVfe^rdfe,"-w1rere'TtErner'wi1ii:* burst .wsfc"grove, jjs •.aroi '.around tlw tw^fjBt.^jiE. ----- - —--.--:•----.-Tr-p—~— a';'choiri from Chicago.-—-'" Benninpton. an obedient Jew more than one con- the czarist,regime, in Eussia.; : of speed finished first. of JL6 boys whowiirtsing atjthe High In the nineJnnings that he worked, Holiday Services at the Synagogue.: we are not particularly concerned. verted to Christianity. Dr. Vass, be At the Zionist congress" in. Basle in The Hebrew club vntt raffle off «. The final event of the program, the While differing from them in religiKaufVnan; struck , out nine men and round trip-ticket to Los Angelas, of a British fancy diving proved to be one of the "Thrtmgh j W selection of the com- ous belief, we can accord" them our it known, is - the most liberal member 1905, he urged acceptance 1 Boden Whifred eight. Both hurlers Calif., or Philadelphia, Pa. A second proposal regarding a Jewish settleof the cabinet today and one of Hunfeatures. After running" a close race, walked f out then, but the Castle play- missioners of the Congregation, we full respect as sincere followers of gary's best speakers. , prize will be a ticket to Denver or ment in British. East Africa. Later Dan Greenhouse bested Morris Ep—ers were credited with five bobbles were, fortunate "to" pbtain the services their particular faith". "• Your last class, the "Opportune he. advocated a plan .to settle Jewish stein in this event. At the end of Pueblo, Colo. Contestants in bcth of such a talehte"d_ cantor, said Nathan while. ..the""' Jewish contingent .was A Lady Waxes, Indignant Christians," present an interesting families in Galveston.Tex., and in the event both men were tied at 82 contests should attempt to sell se S.. Yaffe.' This" will- be-' a real treat guilty, of only two "misplays. "Old. Christians," or those of .preproblem. We defined them as those 1908, he suggested Mesopotamia as points each, but Greenhouse added many tickets as possible. The Castles drew first hood in the to.OmAha Je-wrry/." z.1'.,;'.. — -."' According to President Max Fromwar vintage, are those who lay claim who, born J,ews, take their children the place, for a: Jewish homeland. two «xtra points to win the contest. first half of the initial canto. Thorpe kin, the picnic, will be the best Omaha to William, the Conqueror as his an- to the church for baptism and on Zangwill .visited, the United States Summaries: • . . • singled arid;went to second on a sacri- J. C. C;: EQUIPMENT FUND cestor. . I spoke to a .young; lady obtaining a copy of the desired cer- in 1904, 1908 and .1923. During his 40-yard free style for men: First has ever witnessed. fice hit." vHe~took third on an infield PLEDGES'ARE PAST DUE whose father is a member of tKe Hun- tificate take these same children to last stay .he created, a heated contro- Joe turner; second, Dave Wechiner; out and scOrfed when ,L. Weitz made garian Parliament and who is a so- the rabbi to be entered as Jews. versy over the 'political status of third, Saul Graetz. Time: 24 4-5. a low throw to .first. ACTIVITIES AT THE J. C. C. Pledges to the Jewish Commun- called "Old Christian", asking her if Zionism. He.declared any movement 50-yard breast stroke for men: 1 When the Jewish boys came to bat ity Center. Equipment Fund are the rvunor that she was to marry Mr. to make the Zionist question a polit- First, Saul Graetz; second, Dan (Continued on page 4.) The Kindergarten class was orin the first inning things began to now past due, and -a\ committee of ical one was hopeless. Greenhouse. Time: :39. ganized recently for children behum. Rbsehblatt, poled out a triple women .workers, headed by Mrs. The Jewish man of letters was an Ladies swimming exhibition; Given tween the ages of 4 to 7 years, by to right center. Konecky worked R. Kulakofsky, will begin Monday early champjon. of woman snfferage. by Eunice Eosenstein and Helen HeMiss Esther Faier. One class Bodeii for a walk and then stole sec- morning to collect'-the outstanding In the gre,at war,, he appealed to all cox. meets on Monday afternoon at ond base. Kaufman singled to left accounts, until the'.entire amount Jews to support the allies and urged 40-yard back stroke for men: First, 2 o'clock and. another class meets scoring Rosenblatt and Konecky. In is collected. i . the formation of a- Jewish foreign Joe Turner; second, Harry Kohn; on Wednesday afternoon at 2 the,.fourth frame the Jewish team Checks to the Equipment Fund Must Enter Before July 1, 1927, To Man Cheered as He Risks Life in legion to fight against the central third, Saul Graetz. Time :34 4-5. o'clock. There is room for several scared twice when Konecky and can be mailed to the: office of the Flames to Save the Torah powers. Avail themselves Qf Th,e ; — 100-yard free style for men: First, more children and applications can Comeman singled and Joe Turner Jewish Community: Center. : The body of Zangwill. will be- cre- Joe Turner; second, Dave Wohlner; Privilege be made at the Jewish, Community doubled to flE!ep; right. . Philadelphia.—(J. T. A.)—A light- mated Thursday. His ashes will be third, Milton Altschuler. Time: Center office. From the fourth spasm on the Jewning bolt destroyed the B'nai Abraconveyed to " the Liberal Jewish Washington, D. C",—ThVwives an.d 1:23 1-5! ish boys were .never headed. CorneThe Boys Glee- Club was organunmarried children under eighteen of ham Synagogue on Lombard street cemetery. . Fancy diving: Firsst, Dan Green- ized Tuesday evening with Mrs. ,man and Captain Somberg received Babbit or'other ministers and profes- early Saturday morning. The syna- Local Jews Mourn Zangwill Death housse; second, Nathan Fine; third, gobs of applause from the onlookers Sam Beber, as director. The club sors of colleges, universities, gcadem-. gogue was one of the oldest in the "Zangwill. was .distinguished look- Morris Epstein. for their Spectacular fielding. In the elected the' following officers: Sam city. The three Yousem Brothers, Phil, ies and seminaries who entered the ing and impressed one at once as befifth, inning Somberg scooped up a Abram, president; and Maurice The building burst into flames alUnited States prior to July .1,-1924,' sizzling grounder that fairly burned Bill, and Ban, will play in the semi- must enter this country.prior.to J.aly most immediately after it was struck ing a great man," said Lapidus. "He SPLIT IN ROUMANIAN ANTIGivot , secretaiy-treasvsrer. Boys SEMITIC PARTY EXPECTED between the ages of 17 and 21 are up the' path. Comeman -showed the finals of the Highland Country Club 1, 1927 in order to avail -themselvis at 2 o'clock in the morning. An alarm seemed to closely resembel the porspectators that it is possible for a Championship Golf Tournament. The of the privilege granted by/ the was turned in, but the flames spread traits of George" Washington." invited to join the Glee Club. semi-finals will be played before next Bucharest.-—An early split in the southpawVto play in; the infield. The closest' association %rfth Zang.amendment to the, Immigration Act so quickly that it was necessary later Lou Somberg sent one of Boden's Sunday morning. Phil Yousem will passed before the adjournment of to turn in second and third alarms. will could probably be claimed by Christian" League, the anti-Semitic play William Yousem,'and Ban Youparty under the leadership of Alex- HORTHY GRANTS CLEMENCY curvesf^for ia long ride to right, center Congress. A general order to this The densely-crowded district was .Lapidus, who spoke from the same for a home rttn; But in the excite sem will oppose Jerome Heyn, in the effect was issued by the Commissioner aroused and thousands poured into platform with the author at Minne- ander Cuza, is predicted. TO NOTIOUS HUNGARIAN The split is the result of opposition apolis during the latter's most recent nient Lo'Ud'neglected to touch third two feature'matches. • • • • ' • • ' POGROM LEAD&ft In the matches played last Sunday General of Immigration. These wives :the streets, braving the terrific rain visit to the" UnitecF States in 1923. which developed against the personal base and .Umpire Twin called him out. which had no effect on the flames. and children will not be admitted if dictatorship of Professor Cuza. Lead- Berlin.—Mi Zbona, notorious This was a hard knock to take but in the championship .flight Phil You- they attempt to enter after July }, Sammuel Parker, who lives near Mr. Lapidus was" campaigning in the ers of the opposition protest against of Hungarian pogrom bands who sem beat Sam"* Weftheimer, 6 and 5; interests of • the Jewish hospital at the fighting'Jewish captain continued the synagogue, rushed into the fire, Bill .Yousem' beat Sam Herzberg, 5 Denver while Zangwill was on a his methods and express distrust in responsible for the death of to play a: steady game. and 4; Jerome. Heyn__beat Dr. B. T. It will be recalled, that the above risking his life despite the warnings lecture tour. his policy, declaring that he would of Jews during the Hungarian White • .•* • ' ; '• JEWISH C. C. r of firemen, and brought out the crolls sell "the war against the Jews", terror reign in 1921, was xeleasar! B. R. H. O. A. Friedman, i6 and 4 5 and Ban' Yousem mentioned law was passed by ConSam J. Leon, past president "of the of the Law. He was cheered by the 1 ttosenblntt .^-.—,__._.-. beat Al Mayer,;3 and 2. ,. gress in order to provide for: the ^ . 1 district grand- lodge' of B'nai B'rith, which' he advocates so fervently, in from prison by an act of clemency o* Kdiiecky Cc .:i .™U0 In the President's 'flight, Sam J. wives and children of .Ra^bjj^nd. the crowd. .3 the part of. Admiral Horthy, regent Kaufmatt p __ .— met Zangwill; twice in" 1923, once at exchange for political power. 3 _4 Core'h 2h .S Leon beat J. Harry.Kulakofsjcy, 1 up; other above mentioned classes ^who 3 Cuza, it was charged, is ignoring of Hungary. Turner If..., Cleveland and * another time at a '4 0 A. Wcitz rt William Grodinsky beat Jake Spiea- came to the United States leaving CESARE LEVI, ITALIAN Zbona,-together with a, number ftJ dinner in Chicago. Zangwill's play, the executive committee of the .4 •11berger, 3 and 1; Mo?e Herzberg beat their families behind them prior to .4 0 other pogrom leaders, conducted thai? League and has personally directed JEWISH AUTHOR, DIES "We Moderns,".."was"being produced. 9 Jo Glvtnter c _—;—~Joseph D. iJpkin, 3 and 2; and Harry July 1, 1924. • Dr. Philip Sher .met Zangwill in an inquiry to all branches of the atrocities in a forest near OrgovstsjrL Totals -,—..—. -. _3t 8 10 27 12 Malashock beat-Lpste Heyn, 1 up. The immigration quota act;nbw in Rome, Dr. Cesare Levi. well known Philadelphia in 1902 and when his League, asking for their attitude in Several of his accomplices, who •••-..-••'. ••: . :.•••. ' C A S T L E S V • force provided only for the exemption Italian Jewish editor and author, died first famous plays ."Children of the the controversy. In his circular he arrested • Math him, w6re B. 1n. H.1 O. A. 4 1 of the wives and children of the above here at the age of 52. ACTIONS COMMITTEE S3 „;.. Ghetto,", the work' .that first made insisted that all replies must be made some tire.?-ago.. 4 1, 2 3 Carpenter 2b to him by August. 1, otherwise he will CONTINUES SESSION mentioned classes who arrived "subseyv 3b _... him famous, was being-staged. Cesare Levi was the author of num.4 1 11 0 ngh l b — quent to July 1, 1924, making no pro- erous works on the theatre. He Here are some expressions of lead- dissolve the branches. RUSSIAN -ZIONISTS .IN TEL. . . 1 2. 1 M'An's If ...i—_— /Koutfeky. c X ~ — 0 1 6 4 vision for two wives and children of translated the works of Moliere into ing Omaha "Jews on*Zangwiirs death: London, (J. T, -A. )WThe sessions of • AVIV FETE JUDGE: FlSttfefe .Wltslg <!f^4*f~i—~_.3 0 0 0 v 0 p. _3 0 2 0 3 the Zionist Actio"ns "iCommittee con- those who were admitted to America Italian. He was the editor of the William -Blumenthall,^ director of Zionist, but non-Zionist _ affairs." 0 1 0 0 tinued Thursday, night and Friday un- between the time of the .old immigra' Wnchtler rf — journal "Nuovo Gismale" and was re- the Jewish welfare board: "ZangSam J. Leon: "I met him here three Tel Aviv. (J. T. A.)—Judge,Hft«# _35 3 10 24 10 til late afternoon when the session tion law and the new quota, act. The cognized as the leading theatrical will was the foremost Jewish citizen years ago and he deeply impressed M. Fish,er, Zionist lender of Chicagft, Totals rustle-' Hotels ~..^-~——l Q 0 0.0 0 2 0 0—3 was adjourned. for. the Sabbath. A amendment was passed in order to authority in Italy. of England* jsince r Prime Minister me as brainy, intellectual and very was feted here last night at a 1Mb* C6ininu5ty Canter- — 2 0 2 0-2 O i l x-rS 1 take care of this situation. : Levi was born in Triesto in 1874. Beasonsfield/'-: quet given by, a. group of sixty &uewitty in conversation." • '~ Errors* Jt; Weitz,: D, Weitz, McCullough general debate on the' financial and (2). Dempsey, Kotitsky, Thorpe. Three- agricultural situation ' in Palestine The amendment also legalizes the He participated in the Italian War of • ..•...' Dr. Philip Sher: "He was not only s i a n Z i o n i s t s . •• . . . , Henry .Monsky, member executive base 'hit: Boaenblatt. Two-base hltst permanent admission of Wives and liberation and served as a volunteer council international' order of B'nai a Zionist but was interested in every Turner. "Somtoefgv Koutsfcy. Sacrifice hits: developed at the session. It was through Judge Fisher's 8f< Carpenter, Oivenfer. Stolen bases: McCnlMr. David Eemes, representing the children of the above classes who in the World, receiving many decora- Brith: "M^n of Zang-vill's type make movement for the betterment of the forts of - the Joint Distribution, Cortt* louKh", Witllg, Wacbtler, Kaufman {3), I*. •••AVeltB." DouW6"i)lay8:LThorpe to Carpenter Palestine Labor Federation, presented were temporarily radmitfced unde tions for bravery. mittee that , these sixty JRussi*4£: real contributions to the advancement people." to' •, McCullou'glf. ••••-. Hit by pitched - ball: bond pending Court and Congression- Messages of condolonce from lead'Thpifoe. . Passed ball: Koutsky.- Struck to the Actions' Committee the plan Plans have not yet been made' for Zionists were released from the Moejof civilization.". , ou£:'lffcKaiifiiianri, 0; by Boden, 8.. Bases for floating, a Jewish -Palestine loan al action. ing personages in Italy, including a Max Fromkin, Zionist leader: "Jew- memorial services in Omaha but an cow prison. , Speakers at the(.bW-. --en^bdHfSjiOiC'iKa'Wnian, ^4-::'off - Boden, :4.JiJ'fV bntilSKiif Commtihlty- Center. 4 ; to the. amount' of • $300,000,000 in message from Minister of Education ry throughout "the ".world has lost one announcement will probably be- made quet emphasised that, the ^ Sovwjt " s,-Alli ;-UlnplTefl::^Knappiand Twin. JVmerica. PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS | Fedele, were received by the family. of its greatest- leaders in not only this week
Famous Hungarian Cantor at B'nai Israel Synagogue
Turner Stars In-Swim Meet Held atXommamty Center
Immigration Clause Admits Lightning Bolt Strikes Rabbis' and Prof essoh*Wives Quaker City Synagogue
Yousem Brothers to Play . in Highland Semi-Finals
VAGE. Z—THE JEWISH PRESS—THURSDAY, AUGUST 5, 1926 visit in St. Paul and Minneapolis,, Shenandoah, Iowa, ...spent the week- Michigan, for the past months, js exhoffe'r. They come **> Join the BrookMinn, lend here visiting Mrs. • Baron's par- pected home the latter part of the lyn Wanderers o*' the American Soc• ents, Mr. and Mrs," B. Markovitz. week. cer League. Hafeoah has done wont . Pqtjllsfcetf *re*y 'fftqrsijsy at Omaba. Nebraska, by Mr. Sam Snyder returned home ders in popularizing soccer in Am/ : TJBB jEwisg. ?BJ3ps PUBLISHING COMPANY Mr. Joseph. Ban off returned home The Bar Mitzvah of Henry Mendel- Sunday from a week's visit in HutchVienna.—The Student World Conerica. from a two Weeks'jbuying trip in New / Office: 490 Bipndeig Theatre Building — Telephone: ATlantic 145Q, son, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jake Men- inson, Kansas. gress was opened at Karlovci near r The famous lacrosse star, Vic Ross, 1 York Citff" '' NATHAN E. GREEN, Manager. delson, will take place Saturday Belgrade, Jugo-Slavia, on Sunday. Mrs. Philip Friedman left Sunday told us that when he played soccer in morning, August 7, at the Chevra for St. Joseph, Mo., to visit and from .-.§2.50. Subscription Price, one-year. Miss Cicil Snyder who has been the big leagues he was the only The World Union of Jewish StuB'nai Yisroel Synagogue, 618 Myn- there she will go to Denver, Colo,, be- visiting "her sister, Mrs. Sidney LightAdvertising rates furnished on application. dents is represented at the Congress Jewish player in the league. Vic ster Street. On Saturday afternoon fore returning home. 1 stone and Mr. Lightstone, in Detroit, by six delegates. played only a few years ago. CHANGS OB ADDRESS-fleaee give both th« old and new address: Henry Mendelson will entertain about -1>© qpr? »n<J give yow name. * • * thirty of his boy friends at a Theatre Mr. and Mrs. Herman Krasne reA TRUE GOLF STORY, A Jewish Party at the Broadway. The Jewish Preaa Is supplied by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency (Jewish turned home Tuesday evening after CorreSponcJence Bureau) with cabled and telegraphic Jewish news, in addition golf star has yet to be found but A week later, on Sunday afternoon, spending the past three months in to feature articles and correspondences from all important Jewish centers. here is an instance where a Jewish Inquiries regarding news items credited to this Agency will be gladly golf player, and not a very good one, August 15th, Mr. and Mrs. Mendel- Los Angeles, Calif., where they visitson, 10 North Twenty-eigth, Street, ed Mrs. Krasne's sister, Mrs. Ben answered i* addressed to Jewish Telegraphic Agency, 621 Broadway, New made a hole in one. Down on Long will be at Home from 2 to 6 o'clock Hirsch, and Mr. Hirsch, Yoxk CSty. Island there is a colony called Free- in honor of their son's Bar Mitzvah. port. I t is a colony of theatrical Mr. and Mrs. Isadore Chapman and ARE JEWS OVERCROWDING THE PROFESSIONS? people and boast3 a golf club. One Many attended the Clark's Farm Mr, Jay Chernisch returned home One of the leading Yiddish dailies hap stirred up a lively day, last Friday to be exact, Jess and Sunday afternoon at the Agudes Sunday from a week's visit at Lake discussion by "publishing inr its. English department an article Charlie Freenman were playing golf. Achim Association first annual picnic, Okobojii. setting* forth "the contention that the American Jews are over- Charlie shoots pretty good golf and Races and games were held J n the Mr. Nathan Adler left Sunday for getting along nicely. Jess was afternoon and many prizes were crowding the prpfeisipns? In a later issue the same paper was averaging six or seven on the hole awarded. Mrs. Charles Saltzman won New York City, to be gone about two published a symposium of replies to this charge by a Jewish and was pretty sore, On the fourth the §225 Radio which was given away weeks. physician,' dentist, lawyer, accountant,* school<! •tfiiaehejy and hole Jess attempted to tee off and • during the evening as she held the Mr. and Mrs. Jake Krasne who hospital employee; These professional people claim that taken missed the shot completely. Being lucy number. The Agudes Achim have been spending the past three by and large the Jews in-tiie-various., professions are at least somewhat of a philosopher he simply are planning to make this an annual months in Los Angeles, Calif., returned home Tuesday evening. as honorable and public-spirited as non-Jews in the same profes- shrugged his shoulders, took a few event. practice swings and let go. The ball sions and that there is'room and actual need for more Jews in sailed off towards £he Tough, hit a Philip Krasne returned home Fri- Mr. Ben Scharf of Minneapolis, the professions. ' . ' . - • ' day after spending several weeks in Minnesota, arrived Tuesday to visit mound of dirt and started for the To the intelligent, observer this debate should be highly in- green. I t rolled Jn a curve and fin- Los Angeles, Calif. He participated his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. the finals of the National Oratori- Joseph Scharf. teresting; for this "is. not the first time that young Jews have ally tricjded into the cup. Jess didn't in cal Contest out there recently and been admonished agjajns.t a grand rush to the professions. As see it go in and started to search for won fourth place, receiving a cash Mr. and Mrs. Sam Gorelick left but the caddy was unnaturally everyone knows/ the Jews have for generations and generations it, prize of $450. He joined his parents, Wednesday morning for Lake Okobosuspicious. He walked up to the Mr. and Mrs. Herman Krasne, who jii where they expect to sspend the given-much time' to "study and other-forms of brain : work. They the ball in the hole. were spending the summer in Los month. developed a strong attitude for this ; kind of activity, while, due green and found * * * Angeles. to antirSemitic ordinances, remaining unacquainted with'most of FIGHTING. The Jewish sporting Mrs. Arthus Snyder of Hutchinscn, the skilled trades and other forms of manual labor. This in time world has heard of Henry Goldberg Mrs. Etta Cherniss and her daught- Kans., spent the week-nd here visiting developed into a national or racial trait; so that after being who won his third fight in that many ers, Pearl and Mrs. N. Adler and two at the Sam Snyder home. emancipated the majority of Jews still remained shy of hand tries last night when he .decisively children, Morton and Marvin, Adler, Johnny Darcy, but how returned home Friday from a month's Mr. and Mrs. Julias Baron of workj Since the war' a considerable number of our brethren defeated many have heard of another Goldhave, for one rea^onl.or another, taken up agriculture and the berg of the same race but a different various manual trades. But in.the United States where prosperity tribe—Al Goldberg? prevails and opportunities .are still comparatively plentiful, a Al Goldberg is but twenty years greater and even greater proportion of our youth, year after old and weighs 126 pounds. Ha is a featherweight but as he grows older year, go to college and then enter the professions. he will add about ten pounds and The question "as to what, if anything, is to be done about fight as a lightweight. Up to date he it is an envolved one,. If the professions are truly becoming has fought over a hundred fights and overcrowded then • a general propaganda campaign should be has never been knocked out. He lost; started in the land to guide the ambitions of the whole of one decision and that wa a close one. says that it was too close. When 3i84_«By e Bye Blackbird" American youth intb" other channels. - If we make a purely Al 75c "Adorable" fourteen, and still- in knee pants he Jewish' question out of this, we are better or wiser than the won the amateur tournament at the Voice and Guitar with Piano ..... _ • . _ _ NICK LUCAS college authorities who wish to institute a sort of "numerous Crescent Athletic Club. He continued j 3196—"At Peace with the World" clausus" for Jewish.students. It is no doubt true that the.helter to fight as an,-amateur—as he was 75c "Tonight's My Night with Baby" Comedian with Orchestra....- .....AL JOLSON with CARL skelter, dog eat dog,' disorder which exists, in our educational, attending school,—until 1924 when he FENTON'S ORCHESTRA. industrial, professional; 'arid social institutions - is badly in need wort the Amateur State championship f New York state. This accomplishof attention.'and fundamental reform. But all that is a general ment convinced him that _b,e ^ a s S2Q&—"TalBng to the Moon" 75c "Tenderly" rather than a Jewish problem—and if there is a Jewish phase to fated to be a-fighter and he decided Piano Solo ™ LEE" SIMS it theBiitJiannqt be solved tijl.the- whole problem is solved. JSofessjooal.. Since J924i Al 8216—"I'm Just Wild About Animal Crackerp," Fox Trot, ; : ' " - * "'.. ' 'V —Chicago Chronicle. has been'ineeting all ^comers, in r fli? 75c "The Pump Song," Fox Trot -with Vocal Chorus. class and if you listen- to the boys • THE SIX JUMPING JACKS. around the gym you'll learn that, 'Park Champ." These players use there isn't anyone fighting that can 3157—'Td Rather be the Girt in our Arms," Fox Trot, Vocal Chorus. •what is called the "soft game," which "-take" Al. 75c "When I'm With You I'm Lonesome," Fox Trot, Vocal Chorus. ARCHER AND HIS ORCHESTRA. means awkward stroking because of "When Al was a kid he attended a the nneveness. of the court, and lobing school that was in a tough, Irish sec3170—'Teaching of the Moon," Fox Trot with Vocal Chorus. By GEORGE JOEI. That the Lake is .now one of the Finest Suburban choj£ strokes, an easily hit ball played- ,tzqh of New York. There was ~onlyL 75c "Cherie, 1 Love You," Fox Trot with Vocal Chorus. r •i - - • — • - — . . , . , . « . . ^ - i . for placement rather than speed, one way to get along" and that;was _.;••> -BEN BERNIE and HIS HOTEL ROOSEVELT Orchestra. Theatres in Omaha and that only the Best Pictures TENNIS. "One mo're* month' of When -players of this type meet' 3' to fight. This at first .didn't meet are being shown. ^ in Love with You, That's Why" practice tournaments' and- then ' the- fairly good tournament player their with--Al's-approval but his mother 75a '.'Pobr Papa" national championships 1 The men's game is" demoralized. The tournament told him to stand up and fight, and Singing Comedienne with Violin, Cello, Piano. ESTHER WALKER. singles and doubles and the junior player combines speed with accuracy fight he did much to the chagrin of. and boys' singles and" doubles are to of placement against the soft place- the Irish boys. After, a series of de3221—""Valencia" . be played. Among .the - new cham- ment of the Park champ. The harder vastating encounters, Al .decided that; 75c i 'fTeflMe Lou Love Me" hitter, if he is not wild, can' always he liked to fight and found that he pions that will be crowned, how many was-forced to pull .his punches go as Jews will there* be ? ' Ourf guess, is beat a sure slow stroking player. Tenor Solo .. . ...__„.... :... FRANKLIN BAUR not to- hurt anybody seriously., -He The younger generation' of the that there might possibly'be a "junior , WE MAIL RECORDS SUCCESSFULLY or boy's champion but in the senior Jewish players is making 'headway. becamq bored .•with the. lack of comevents, a member of our "race will not Most of the disabilities that faced/the petition and looked around for more, ' .Victrola Department, Main Floor. even reach the round' before the older boys Tiave been removed. If the fertile; fields. - Tbia resulted in his Jew cannot get into all the clubs'he joining a club and blossoming out as semi-finals. • an .amateur fighter. . The teaEon for this prophesy J s can at least play on excellent hired courts .and there develop sound .lias,t -week-Al Goldberg defeated based on the thepry that-the Jew is a" Harry London. His next fight will be comparatively newwmer f o the game strokes. In the boys' tournament* for the with Ralph Nischo, known as. the of tennis, and-tennis ii a game that must be learned in chjldhobd if one qualifying round to play in the Na- "hard guy." expects to reach the , championship tional Boys' .tournament at. Chicago class. "William Tilden.'-'the present next month, Blauer, • S. Seligson, SAMARITANS PRESERVE - OLD BtiLY SCRO7XS singles champion has-been' playing Wishnick and "Weisenberg have- surtha.game since he was five .years _old. vived the first round. In the Iuru'or Jerusalem.—A denial that a split exHe . was nearly twenty.-fivg "years event Blauer, Gross,]and Snitkin, are ists in the Samaritan sect was made r when he won his firsto champjonship. working their way up to the exclu by the High Priest of the Samaritans Bill Johnston, former\aiatio"nal title sive circles. in a letter published in the "Ha'aretz holder, began the" gaine when he was The annual Metropolitan Singles Hebrew daily. . barely- able to hold si racquet. Nprris Lawn Tennis Tournament is the first The "Al Jedid", Palestine Arab "Williams, another . exrcjiampion, important to bp played in the east newspaper published in Cairp, b, learned the game .when he was a this season. Seligson, Bernstein, printed a report that there was a chjld living in Switzerland. Vincent Feiblemann and Rosenbaum were Vast assortments of better tailored dispute between the sect and its Richards was only twelve years old entered. Bernstein played a hard clothes from America's foremost priests. The Arab paper stated that when he played in the more impor- match with Doeg of California and a family had ocmplained to the Dismakers. All sizes and all styles for tant tournatnents • and was considered was finally defeated, , Seligson, the trict Officer of an alleged sale of the BEAUTIFUL NEW every build of man. phenomenal because he had been peer of the Juniors, gained the third Scrolls of the Law. playing - only - live years. Ingram bracget but nothing short of a mirIt -was" proved that the .Scrolls Jones and the- Anderson brothers acle- can bring him a "win" as Til handed down to the Samaritans for Comfortable, Good Looking were brought up on the game. Their den, Richards, Chapin, King and J DIRECTION MAURICE MICKLIN W A innumerable generations, are intact fathers were all expert tennis play- Bowman are stilt among the surTropical Suits, Standard Fabrics in the old synagogue, the High Priest mmmmm ers and started teaching .the boys to vivors. ••••• • - A' THEATRE FOR EVERYBODY declared. Standard Tailoring play as goon as they were able to v;:';/.;-...PROGRAM... ' • negotiate a racquet. SOCCER. Although the soccer sea. Twenty years ago- tennis was con- son is far off the wires sing tales pf FOR -SATURDAY, AUGUST 1 sidered a "sissies" game which should the Hakoah. The latest song is an. ' 2 rooms for single or couple. be shunned b£ all real' *1ie-men." opus telling us of the departure from Call Webster. 3268. or' call a f Austria of four, formermembers of This idea- vfas slowly "dissipated and Palm Beach Suits $10 A SECRET SERVICE MELODRAMA IX Epsein's,' 1819 Locust street. the famous Vienna .soccer ciubt-Neu"tenn^gained the popularity it right' Iy. deserved. At. first it was played feld, Drucker, Schoenfeld and-EisenSUNDAY, MONDAY, AUGUST 8-9 only, pn private" or club courts. The FLAMING WITH THE SPIRIT OF YOUTH ' Jew W8.S barred, from-membership in Suitable for now and early fall wear the;, dubs and hence "had no" oppor1 "tmiltyi to meet" the real players. I wish to announce-tp "the Jews of Omaha that I hava trith MADGE BELLAMY and HARBISON^ FORD Public tennis courts were and still. opened a business at my fltome, 2429 Decatur Street, Sfee defied life's conventions in her search for thWlW ,. sre notoriously poof. They are usual-' with a full kne of Jewish- Religious Books such as ly made out °^. sand or cinders and TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 10-11 Daily Prayers, .Machsorim, prim, -Jewish Rituals, Scriptures, j > toe equipped with' cheap nets and A BIG THRILLING MYSTERY DRAMA >ol, Mezzuzahs; and many qther'. ! short,'backstops. The Jew, if he articles.,
Council Bluffs News
• are invited to the
Omaha Hebrew Club
18th Aimtia on
Cadillac buses to take picknickers to grounds, GOOD MUSIC—GOOD TIME
They came, they sawf they were
I Jewish Sports Notes
Men's New fall Suits Standard Fabrics Standard Tailoring
35 40
• i ' J.
wanted 'to' play,. was '/forced to use '- — "' '.courts ynth the'result that his developed. _ friijte public courts developed a cer-
known., as a
20 2S
Medium Weight Suits $ $ $
25 30
M. SOMIT, WEbster3527
I also have the agency for the "Sefer Tora" that anybody wants to order.
Evelyn Brent in "SECRET O R D E R S "
.OF -GEEIIAICT'S "The "Mutual Loans -Association, xsr-' CE.WTEES, TOES jrariized "to aid members •in need oil her departure, iliss Eelma, "Ves chapter of TEIai Hesh enter-: money, meet every .Monday fjveitirarl of Cleveland, 0., -the tartied at a delighifEul picnic a t Taller, i Tiie "Daug-iitetE :of S o n -will .enterthe Xiabor Lyceum, "lir. 22. SeSi-; Beriin.—Dx. ILnri OppeBheiineT, the i guest oITMr. and."Mrs. A.jEferzberg, is ><ebr., Sunday afternoon, followed byj'taairi a t bridge on Honday aTtemoos., j C O T r j E temporarr chairnum of "tire I famoxsE authorltyon chlldreB's digestshonor jjuest at a number of social i -picnic supper a t "Waterloo, 3fehr., jj August I C . ' a i i h s Jewish; Community j Associstioii. * ' ^ BE. died at Hunieh at t h e a g e of -€S. functions. IHr. and 3Irs. Jalce Jacobs and an informal party in the eveninc;' Center. Hostesses for thiB aSarr will ST. Oppeiiheimer -was -ihe iniator t entertained a t dinner Wednesday eve- a t "the Highland Conntrj- Club. be the Ussuaraes .A. Homm, -E. "Wein- BE. HANTKE :KA"M33D | of tiie •oTgsmizstien nf Welfare Gerttning complimentary t o 3Iiss StemSiivermas. TroTOTi TALESTIKE P D S T j e r ? for Giiilnrer, ir, Germany, an -«sAt the party lit Highland, a n origberger. lilr. and "Mrs. 31. HeTzberg: inal H a i • • • I .tensive.-system of welfare centers , y T>addy, S Tmid Trill ire hosts this evening, .and on written by Hiss Anne Rosenblatt and ! t i o i m ] Palestine. TO.. 3uly SO.—^Dr. .Arfcur Hant-modelled after'the first center,-whidh Saturday evening, Hr. Sam "HETzberg dedicated ^o Tes chapter, ke ilormeT president of -the Eicmist Dx. Oppenheimer founded its "Munieh. :intro-1 1 .young -Judea. nhifa keld is entertaining xar -this 'Feaeration of Gsrins-ny, -will "be srpduced. T h e Kong is t o be -published useting Sunday a t t h e guest. in the S a i Tissh -ma^asine and in thB Jevdsh Comramirty Center. DSicers •pointed tv Mie Himctozshiv of the forthcoming Hai llesh son^booiof the '.nevvly organizsd "groxjp -were 3S.sreii Sayesod .heaiiqumJigus .in Seru-1 "FOR 3Ir. Heuben IFerer Tstarned the salem TKhere :ihey STE espscted. tc- be; . __ . -and "Mrs. ~SVTOTT.TS IMitileman _anliliHs Anne Eosenblatt and 3fiss jj sponsors at a p picnic "held ai p transferred from jLondan-shortly. I IChe-"first wadding-to -he-solernnEffiU imaurree i h e Tengagement of ^heir early ;part of ihe \reek ±rom a btisi1 "Modem .Hoom ir. nitre family,. Ttoselle Terbin wen a specialty Char!- > • .Park, .August .2. I t -was learned JjsrE- today "that, ifx, i Sus antmth -was tfhe -marriage d£ ISiss • -daughter, 33enlah, to 3Ir. .A. 3 L nEsstrip to St,Xauis,Ho. Call Webster 534G. or at 20IS eston contest. The rhaperones-were! Girls 11 or .12 years xn ag« are Uertiiald TeiwEl, -srhi? "TSTHF -siuxctui .of-1 33sthsr IBroukey, daughter of 3Irs. j-Shrago, of "this city. JNMD -wedding hasHQtii Street, 3Ir. and JHTS. Xd. Treller, 31rs. Cora! 3Irs. ~H. A. ZResnick Entextained at eligible f o r aQmittaitce into the lithe ILereii Hayesod IR "London, • "sdllI 3&Jrris "BrodTaey, nf this xrty, "to JBx. (ieen set. Wolf and -Morris ~E. Jacobs. Tes i a one o'clock luncheon Tassday at hsr ganizalion. ileave ".his post. - •• ' jBen SiiEiman, oi Ites IMaines, chapter -annoinxces the -pledging of] home in honor of Mrs. 3 . Gohn, of The ceremony took jlace at-the home." "The "Misses Tbbie StemierE :and of Israel Tte I 1S&-1 Xouis SombsT£?. \ ui-the bride's another, at "3322 "Web- jlda Cahn jare leaving Saturday -far Chicago, HI. "WEdnesday, 3Irs. Ixcietrv -will meet Tuesday . fternoon ster .St., on Sunday, -Angust 2.. Hub- j Chicago, HI.', .where iOhey -will ipenS -ving 3Iai3h entertained at bridge at U a g a s t 10, at i h e Jewish-Did Peoples' iher -home, and Thursday Jlrs. A. 31?hi 2 . Grodinsky oftiftiaten" in "the; friends. 13aome,:Ha04 Charles .St. i® SETA TAU
£3nb Aclxralies
rryff entertained at & farewell -party PABTY AUGUST .19! . Mrs. M. GHckzaan, of Califamki, ! {gs ".Neveleff and children, in "honor of Ilirs. Cobu, "who is leavInvitations are being issued for Ihe I l e f t ^zsfcy i o r l o s Angelss, CaltE., Jilt. -Shennan .and ' l i s bride left Herbert, -Burma, and Sydney, .are ing JSaturdav. annual summer rushing party of the | ^ J f ^ S ^ J f 1 6 TOth h e r : s i £ t e r '4i| y ffar an jestended licmey- toirring "the east -via auto. They -visUrs. JOE Jiabinbwits, of Oakland, Omaha Graduate Club of the "Zetc! trip ±o California, and nfter ited "with relatives and -f-rimrte :j n " *""' "her Beta TFan frarsrnitj- on the xoof of i Calif., is -visiting hare •September H, -they -will .make their Detroit, Tffich., vurioss -pD'ints in Canada, and .are ncrw at the TEaft another, 3Irs. £."J?ovitsky. She will the Omaha Athletic .club "Thursday,! home in Hess -Marries, l a . Hotel in 3S*e\r ^Haven. Conn. JJcrr -.remain .here ±ar "two -months.
"presencE JO£ nnly .the -immsSiatE rfam-
of'Jffrs. INev- 3irs. J . Cohn Iisndall Is ZEioyal orchestra -rail play.: eleff. They "will -also visit -with Ittrs. JNebr., with -her daughter, l&rz. GerSeveral novel aestures are "beinj'i "mother, Urs. Harris Xe- man Zuber. . and 3Trs. planned aor the dance this year. The ! an"Vey, and sister, jSIrs. Harold libby, birth of a baby daughter, Toof will be specially decorated forj and U r s . Philip Zollatuchen a t Providence, 31. X, before returning-on Thursday, July the evening. i annormce ;ihe .bar -mitzYoh xrf rfheir irome.
ZRa3enbla.tr., of -Ne-w"3iGrk City, is "cisitinjr -with ids grandparents, and 3Srs. "31. TtoHenhbitt.
son 3 e n , which -will be held SaturitErs. 31. GTOSS is leavbig1 Baturdny "Harry 3tose and daughter, day -morning .at ihe IBeth JSamidrosh. Cleveland, Ohio., "to visit -with -jel- J Itarothy Unfh, left Sunday -far -their atives. jEnroute .she -will stop -off at i Hagodnl
home in St. Joseph, Ho., -sfter spend- Chicago, IU., to visit -with hsr -son, j
HSIrs.tS. . Celia, ing ihe .past TWO -months "with 3Hrs. returned, "home irom a -two -weeks* ' -mirther, Mrs. jilamie Eneerer. visit in 'Chicagn, HI. They -were accompanied 'home by "their cousin, • 3Iiss lillsis -Galfond, 'who "will -visit ! liere i o r several weeks. i . 3trs. "31. Ulayerowffcch entertained at a one o'clock .luncheon and bridge at her iome "Wednesday honoring .Sirs. Joseph Habinowitz, of Oakland, Calif., and U r s . "Wiliiam Le-vine, of 'Wichita Tails, Texas. JPrizes -were won .by Urs. Xevine, Ulrs. TFnrry Gdldstrom and 3irs. Arthur 3JatskeE. ^Ieyer and Jack QrlikofL Teturned lilonday ±ram s. -tRn -weeks' •stay at the Slinnesota ILalres.
ZMrs. J- liosen and children, Uetty xmd Hosalme, left .this morning ifar ji. several weeks stay in Hock Xsland and Chicago. 111.
-- Jars."Trank"'.Ginsberg, anS Jordan, of Sious City, la., is .here .at ihe "horns of 3Ir. and 3£rs. Ztfiss ^Helen Gould, of Kansas City,, _3Io., "w-ho iKras "the .house guest _of 3Irs. 3- Tkosen, left -for her home 3Ionday onoxriing. liliss IFay Schulkm, of Sioux City, la., is visiting here .at the home of Mr. Janxl IMrs. 'E. THeyer. l e s t e r jileyer and Sam Theodore .are Jeaving Sunday morning by motor tfor Chicago, HI., to he gone for several -creeks. •IMTS. Hlorris Cohn jand daughters, ".and "iBarriet, -returned xrom .a -three -weeks' motor trip "to lExcelsior
Springs, and iiansas City, Mo. ZMrs. ^*- -Sfceiribers .ana daughter, 'Betty, left lilonday -to spend 'in. JExcelsior SpringB, "Jtto. Jin Jionor of "Miss "Esthmij who -is -to be s. .September hride, Hesdames Xouis jEpstein and iamis Turkel -will -entertain twenty guests oat s. ^luncheon idHoTKEd i y iiriilge -at ±he JPontenelle 'Hotel .on .Saturday" afternoon. ' "
IMrs. ~J." 3L I5aslau- and son, xsf Brooklyn, 3H- "Y., T»ho Jiave been 'here-Tsith IVTTS. Jlaslavr'^ pari, "Mr. and Jttrs. 3 1 . Leftkowitz, ihe past three -.months, -left .Sunday :Tor-th;eir horns. Sirs. "Easlaw -was faxmerly ."Miss IBextha f i t USs. and ZMrs.:H. Alberts and family '.have mov£d -into "their home -at £2.0 13?arth'34':Straet. IMrs. ~3. 'B. Hobinson and jttrs. Xouis ^Berger left "Wednesday -morning .for -a imonths' -stay uit Excelaior BpringB, .The "Kappa Heta ISi fraternity Eniertained s t JX lavm -party -Sunday Evening xcfc -±he .home of J)avid .^Brod"k?y. \Out-of-ttrwn quests a t tJiis aTi ^ r , were Sylvia -Cysson, of -St. Tanl, 23Hinn., .and lilairrice 3$yerson, of "Wccrth/Tex. ,!EhB .-piano -class, iiesdetf -by JSIoxa IPerhngter, met "Weanesdqy afternnon and elected -ihe ^following oSicers: Sylvia •Silvsrman, :president; _A-un Bil.sscreLafy; -and !Eeva ilalatreasurer. The class every ^Wednesday -tufternoon ifrom -to "5 r'dock. -.•and JBZETS. ^Herman '-winter i n JIacksomaIIe T nn., i n -Dmaha "Visiting -with 3ttr. JKx. jmd "Srs. S.
John. ZMiss IBetty -Spigal, of Chicago, HI., c£ormerly of Omaha, is spEnoing two -sreeks here with i e r jiaients and Telatives.
Eelphand motored from 3inkton, So. Dak., to Minneapolis, DILL TICELES llinn.. Sun day to attend _fhe tredding Cucumbers (as many as Ben llaTcus, Jcarmerly of \ of desired) 5 or £ stalks of dill grape Omaha, to 3essie Talk, of Tffinneapoleaves. lis. jMarcns is weU-kno\m in Dmaha 1 tup salt as -manager of the American ITilm 4 -quarts \yater Distribnting Co., and '-ma.de his Ixsme PeppeTs (if desired) 1 -clove garlic (may be om- in Omaha -until recently. mitted) Arrange xaicumbers and dill i n layers in open crock. Make brine of .salt and vrater, boil and cool and pour over -cucumbers. IPlace grape leaves on-top. Weight vdtfa -plate to keep under brine. Cover TCTUI .cloth .and .set in warm :plaee t t ^ferment, liinse off scum every day in hot -weather. 3Iay ."be :eaten i n -week nr 3.0 days. lUgy also be: packed in quart jars -when BOUT .enough and -sealed for -wdnter -use. UILL 1»ICKLES (Par Winter) "Wash cacambsrs "well and kpaek in hat j a r s (not too -tight) jadd dill and gree or Jed -peppers. Garlic "may be used. "MnTr»» brine a s above and ioil. Pour hot but -not boiling river -pickles. Seal tight -and j u t array .far -ranter. I3ANNED .EE£KS (Cold 1 3>eck ijeans, "vrar or green 1 pint -Bait 1 -pint sugar "Wash string beans and .cut in pieces, jilix -with salt .and .sugar" and let .stand over might. 3n "the . morning pack in .fruit jars, brine and alL -Seal. When aready "to use,' drain, jinse, add±resh -water. Cook' o "minutes. Drain. -Ajdd Eresh •water .and .cook »tendsr.
"FOR ^
.2 SleepingTwoorns 'and Tsrnished Apartment in "West •'.iarnam District. Call at "-S02 South .'SSth-Ave.
have inovefl Irom ike Xabor Lyceum to t h e
nn account of "being- unable l o obtain insurance at ihe .Labor Lyceum.
"He is- sitfl alwsys fes 'teeits .a :fem !.'be3ievcr In the •Jewish cause."" '"-_ " H E i a s 'the "knowTe^e-"aBfi "experience fhst 'fits Wai lor -fhal .plfice. • H-e.iias -Evefi. xa -mid 'boastBfi.f ex Omaha and Douglas (S) CountF -sli .Ms .life. •Be has faslpai fe -.janiid sstfi ee-relop Dnsahii. throngh
A regular meeting of payments on loans Trill be held JUonday sX 7 ^ 0 J . M. at the Jewish -Community Center. .IC. TOPHUS. President. B. ELAISEN, ^Secretary.
^raxioiis crvic ••eBterpxises.
He is a sssm of ciiExa.ct.Br. aMIity antl experience. This. Aid :paicl -for "fey » Groap rrf .fewiBK Cttisens.
jyidmond Importers 214-516 Established .1S9
Experience CAHDIDATnE far
PrimiuiEB -August"
cal I D Opftrate
SAUCE CAKE "^ cup any shortening 1 cup .sugar 1 J. xup dates, £Utup J.^2 -cups apple -sauce 'J. cup nuts 11 .cup raisins \i& .teaspoon cinnanoxci " ^ -teaspoon ilovfls 1 teaspoon vanilla -2 cups flour- 2 -Xeaspouns soda. Cream 'J£at' 4Uid .sugar. Add -whole egg, T?ell beaten. -Add all other ingredients. Turn into large -pan. and -hake -uslovrfy xme hour. This cake inay '-he -served JOE a , -pudding ynih -whipped cream or eaten jilain. TILLED COOEDE3 "% cup "VEgetabJe =£at •feb tsxp butter
1 cup sugar 14 cup sour 3nilk 2 cups Hour -2 cups '.osLtmcal * 3. "teaspoon vanilla -1 level ^teaspoon Eoda Cream 3Ugar .and i a t . -Aiid ^11 other ingiedients .and place ;by the
:HDUSEHQLT> "When :your nsape calls -for red per ,in csmaing/anid jrou can't -arjy, -use -canned Tiimento.
Lowest Hrst -Cost— Terms
: payment .aafi'tenas^D ;sait
: JO y e a r -pgesgzit :iee ''bzx,-xa in Tsny -^ff itg'ihsannf^'t ssifainctniDiSdte xS the Abscpure &sz. ^STon '.pay 3innsEt ras :yau -would -;pay:£ar:ise.
gtu? tm&( tirass. breeze ynfl 'a^D* mMstiissa. Standard sires treemze s iron busiilnss, eswex l cistern lings -and wsrers, daois te Eta£k.
old -WJithBUt teaafcfc cr muss. zzng xfaaia-ctsrisfe: of the
3Hake afresh ^Tuit^iies "in -summer :by .baking 3>ie shell amidBlirngTatli -any • desired ^reph^mit svesetenen i o Pastes.
p •tonil,:taecaagemast-«ources,B* troiiBSessoe . definitely elinauatea. .in "tbls assign. -.ft
is Trot .ssEpasssifl 'by i
k. q&nd its sjjssiatiaii is
li piioa
luwsl Ic Bum SHUly
1319 California Street ATlantie B2S1.
To Pit Yttqr Brasettt Ice
Alsr E fiill law uf selfcontahieti mute in -sU sues from S260 up instaffed.
in 'Omaha" MACHINE
'Can California grapes -now ' -^JSE .next -winter-Jn-fruit salads. 'XIII iruit;juices "an3 Jise -with -water un making -iced drinks.
in everj- aaJwaucemsnt ol ctemical aai" fcisiasE reft ifs Ttae .A.bE3taare Ttigststor is She matui* -product rat mil & is ; » 4 fi i .i5g cgjerfcscc—« wnxpie. i hi f H 3n-hundred81£ tests it
i j ^ csmsnisiid with the '&&JS3>-
•teaspotinxul on TTEII {rreased pan.
^Flatten "out -with a knife and bake -brovm. When all are .baked -put backs together -stith -this :filiing. 1 -paclsee dates cooked •slorply -wiri -is cup "water u n 3 1 cup -sujgar until ^ihick Enon^h t o spread. Children .love "rthese. ^EJeep in tMvexed, air thjht can.
£. E,. Brace -& Co
EUECTMC 1805 TASKAM ST« OMAHA. K Flume Atlantic £324—Watanit SOTT
Ihmgglsts Saotfc .ntb Stew* .{.«•
-V : .
PAGE-4-^-THE JEWISH PRESS—THUHSDAY, AUGUST 5,-1926 [League ball team during the past j game at short stop. The diminutive stein are the most proficient among It was stated that the budget askeB \tvro weeks. Sammy; says, that the} Hebrew lad is- also improving with the girl' swimmers and divers. Rose £600,000. Fiedler, Leone Novisky and a number \ workouts- are, valuable tor him:. He ia' the sticks of the, girls . are rapidly. learning the I was also stated that Dr. Weijquite a -favorite with the Buffalo manB's forthcoming visit to America finer points of acquatic efficiency. Lea and Aaron Weitz are both band of Maria. Jeritza, known to evplayers and is -picking up-much valu- r T ' (Continued frcnqrr page I ) in October has been finally decided ery lover of the opera. But whatever able pitching, knowledge. The Omaha batting about.350.. They are playing upon. Whether Sir Herbert Samuel dealing? • Of a certainty! Income l;he couple have is due to the Last week the writer predicted that manager and owner, Barney Burch, a neat game in their respective posiwill go to America with Dr. WeizCOMMITEE RECOMMENDS : earnings of the feminine half of the the -Yousem- family, of. golfing; famo is- a man who can teach Sammy tions of-third base and field. .. Bat doestb.e end justify mann is doubtful. £600,000 PALESTINE BUDGET wo.uld ,he much, in. evidence at the many tricks of the professional trade. ' *' * * partnership, The Popper fortune is • I'": Question of-Ethics," ' • Highland Country. Club .tournament. Kaufman occupies a box seat for all Lester. Givenjter and Dave Bleicher, squandered. London.—A recommendation con• ,'jCountei-balaiice. this, if _ you. can, Ben, the most famous of the trio, of the Omaha home lot games as the catchers, are both holding the offerBaron Morris Konig'sWe have cerning the budget of the Zionist Ex- Wet Wash w£th parental love and with .devotion warter, for instance. President of a defeated AI .Mayer, 3 and 2, thus guest of Burch. ings of Kaufman in great style. ecutive in Palestine for the forthcomtti'Israel. Investigation discloses the Jewish congregation in Vienna, at his giving him the right to meet Jerome Kaufman is still leading the other Giventer is bearing the brunt of the ing year was submitted to the Ac- Semi-Flat that these "Opportune Chns : death he left a fortune to his son Heyn in the upper bracket of the hurlers in Johhny Dennison's circuits. work these .days as Dave is troubled: Rough Dry tions Committee by the Budget Com( are sti^l, loyal"Jews at heart. Herman with the understanding that semifiinals. • -Heyn defeated Dr. Ben Kaufman has fourteen victories and with a bad finger. AMERICAN WET WASH " '".<'.'.. mittee, it was learned here. Tfhjsy. are, however, anxious that their if he intermarried he would have to Friedman in his second round match. one defeat charged up to him. 2808 Cuming St. Barney 0881' children be properly educated. By pay a million gulden, then $400,000, Phil . trimmed • Sam - Wert* * * EdBurdkk, physical director jr^ducing the baptism certificate ^the to the congregation. It so happened and 5, thus giving him The four leading batters on the | Center, has. hope of turning, out child" is admitted to such institutions that the son did intermarry, his wife the right. .;&>„ meet his- brother Bill J. C. C. nine are Sammy Kaufman, good Hebrew swimmers in the near as are resticted to Christians.' This being a member of the famous von who sent Sairi'Herzber'g'to defeat to Syd Corenman, Joe Turner and future. Ted Turener, Joe Turner," BUTTER a n d K(iGS device, it is true^is not always -effec- Blaskovits- family. - He' intermarried .'thWiune of- 5- and 4. The Phil YouDan • Greenhouse," Milton. Altshuler, Johnny Rosenblatt. tprjj. For the Universities, of Buda- and he paid the sum—paid it from5 sej^-Bitt>'Yousem match "is also an Council Bluffs, la. Piblic AccoButsnts end indhers Corenman is rapidly acquiring Dave "• Wohlner and; the! Korney boj'S pest and Szeged do. not admit even the ample estate bequeathed him by -HiRpeK bracket "match. • The semi- theSyd title of Babe Ruth by reason of are. all displaying signs of future ISADORE ABRAMSON 'fftew Christians." "However, there^ is his father, a fortunes estimated a t tfinalS; vvil} ,be played before Sunday. his many circuit clouts. Corenman skill. ' : . -.'. ; . / . - . , : no' such restriction at the more lib- some six and a half million dollars^ has six home runs to his credit in .,*: INCOME TAX SEHVICE eral University ,of Pecs and Univer- before th^ w*r; -Toda-y; the^ inoney Clara Shriebman and: Eunice Eosen~ "AdleV-girls high' school addition to a number of long three \ In Omaha SYSTEMS—AUDITS sity .of Debrecen*_*-" *" '; *•• all a l l gone. gone ~ ' ' ---•*• || t^nn^'c^anfptohiyas "eliminated- in J base bingles. ^"Erger, "Berger, Schossberger V INVESTIGATIONS" Truly a witch-like prophecy. thV~^«fo;:?i:oiin<i of the" women's The troops march past my window. Joe Turner is the boy who poles "Erger, Berger, Schlossberger." ^ ^ fourney' last week. .Evelyn is £30 Kooms—SOU Batbs 490 Brandeis Theater Building '" The Schossbergero—how they- have .The troops passed on. Thus, is the probably*one* of the youngest racquet out those long timely doubles thatGood liimme tor ¥1.50 Phone ATlantic 1450 Operated by Fpplry Hntcle Co. declined, I mused. Even as Koloman rallying song of Hungary's first anti- w i e i d e r s i n the city city engaging engaging in so often bring in a run or two. von. Tis?a,. premier- of Hungary / at Semitic party perpetuated. • » * tournament competition. She wields the time the first Jew was made POLITICAL ADVERTISK5EEXTS POLITICAL APVERTISEMENTS Johnny Rosenblatt specializes in a mean racquet and will be heard of 'Baron, -had predicted. In attempting three baggers. Johnny is lead off within a few years. to silence the anti-Semitic opposition Madgre Bellamy man in the lineup and fulfills his to this fact, he had declared that' the position in a creditable manner. Becomes Saucy The Communit y Center nine, fortune of any Jewish family seek• * * ^ T I Fl .ingr 'nobility"' would .diminsh in three j c h a m p s o f ^ G^te cit y league, AVUI Captain Lou Somberg is playing "generations. For, he>argued; Ion at- ^-. ~. ' journey to Des Moineg, within three first base with all the skill and taining1 the coveted honor, its mem-. Demure Fox fiFiliiis. Star has Hair weeks to engage the Samspnian Ath- manner of a seasoned Metro League Non-Partisan Candidate I, ^-would" adopt an easier mode* of Bobbed 'and /Learns Jto Charleston j letic Club in ah inter-city contest. veteran. existence; lose the persistency.•'•"•and . ' • . - ' . ' '•'•'••1;1 .... i The Samsonian A. C. is a strong for ••'" I energy of their ancestors and finally Leo Koneccky is playing a nice •Madge Bellamy "has joined the factor in the Jewish athletic life of dissipate their; fortunes. Grand Army of .Flappers. In the Fox Des Moines. ' filmi "Sandy,"-Madge • waves good-;/ The, C^ter teajn also has a ten~ Weakened Fiber.... „ > r bye to ;the perfectly-behaved heroine • ta'five g^me arranged* >vith an AU-.;"• -The prediction, in the case of the Your Vote Will Be Appreciated \. ENGRAVING tCOilMCi whose every ac^ is a model of correct Star Jewish team at .Kansas City, Schossbergers, proved^ true.. .The .an307 Howard St. At. 8028 te-A ItTJ STS'S fc/J eestor twho' received the distinction deportment; In. this picturizationUof Missou^, t TheC game;,will; probably i.'. -. Omaha. Nebr. iPriinaries August 10th _ 7 ENGRAVERS V was S. W» Schossberger. ,The_S. "W. the latest serial by Elenore Meherin, be playeS wliile the J. C. C. team is author of "Chickie" and other sue- enroute to St.Louis, Missouri, to play ATLANTIC stoodd fox '.'Shaje S h j Wolf/' Wlf/' -Wir Wi furchten i h nur Gott and Shaje Wolf" used to be cessful stories, you will se her trans- the amateur champions", or.that city, POLTIipAL ADVERTISEMENTS POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENTS POLITICAL ADVEKTISfiBIENTS into a high-powered dynamo The team is given the tripto St. Louis the by-word after : ^ e iwellrkri'qwn formed hereby tendered as a reward for winning pep. Warning is hereby winning the Gate •" of pep. Warning German. proverb. And indeed tivey to Colleen Moore, Clara Bow and. City bunting. All expenses will be j POLITICAL .\D\EKTISEME.NT. feared"him/ for ne -absolutely ton- Dorothy Mackaill to keep a watchful payed by the Omaha" Muny Ball trolled the sugar and- tobacco, crop eye on.the laurels they have collected Association. ._ ;..-.'.'".. • of Hungary—one of "the wealthiest fast-stepping their way through * /,*_*..„',. men of the nation. That was in 1882. recent productions that exploit -, the Sammy Kaufman' has been' workThrough the combined causes of lav- younger generation. , . . . .ing ou^; "witfr;-"ithje Qraaha "Western ish living and the inflation" of the Preliminary to - changing a den\ure currency last year the family has lost J into-flapper fire; Madge than a tiuhdred newspapers, reaches its,entire fortune. ,. not only perfected the latest Charles1 r : Incidentally, it was through a ton technique,, but sacrificed to the the screen under the direction of —AS— Beaumont. "Leslie Fenton, u member of the Schlossberger family barber's -shears the Bellamy curls, tHarry T " ? - - - - - ' > ^""l "^ "' ib,at Hungary's most famous duel leaving tight, . w - Harrison Ford and 1 !«,,*.» in ;- .thejr A . : . place „!„„„ a„ •i.j.V Bardson Bard took place. in . 1885." The Baroness flapper bob. By- the approved: and play the leading masculine roles while-, other film "favorites are seen Elsie „von Schlossberger had, been popularized of eating: lamb eng a5 ed to_a young Jewish lawyer, chops and pineapple for breakfast, next Dr. (Julius Hosenberg. A day before lunch.and dinner,^she watched;;the comes, to) the • • • ^ . ' - ' / V - - — V • •:'-• ( N Q K - P A I I T I S A N ) , •. r T ' and Monday, August 8 and 9. lier weeding she eloped w^th Count weighing scale 'indicator move grad-r Julius Batthanyi, one of the scions of uallp back until she lost 15 pounds the oldest Hungarian nobility' and a —for flapping* requires a lithe figure. BOTH OF THESE MEN HAVE BEEN TESTED Harry H. Lapldus, Fres.-Treas. Sjsechenyi, The. ,role -of Sandy is a radical cousin to Count W.G. Ure. Secretary. jAND HAVE DEMONSTRATED THEIR ABILITY. who married Gladys Vanderbilt and departure-for this young player- who Omaha Fixture & who is at present Hungarian minister has -always been the- casting .direcrTHEY ARE ABLE AND ARE ENTITLED TO at Washington. Dr.' Rosenberg chal- tor's first'- choice for a crinolined Supply Co. lenged Count Batthanyi to a pistol \ leading lady, She-now proves that '' COMPLETE STORE AND To the~ Republican Voters of . duel. The first shot took 'effect'-and * clothes do make the woman—at least Omaha "and Douglas County: . OFFICE OtnTt the count died instantly. Dr. Rosen- that an ; ample hoop-skirt makes an As a candidate for the nomination occupy of sheriff, I:fefii5it my duty-to submit berg was sentenced--to si^ months in old-fashioned girl while a kneeTO.OQO t to the voters the. policies which I exprison, but the king was lenient with length dress can turn her into.an pect to carry out if nominated and l*lr«rtrhim. He later became very famous advance 1926 model. elected. -.anri Inrknon in Hungarian life and married a "Sandy," the serialization of which i I am at this time serving my sixth OMAHA Jewess of an old Holland family/ I year as City Commissioner and I feel is being followed by readers of more (This ad paid for by some of Judges Dineen's and Neble's Jewish Friends.) g thaT'I couIdi'aQniinister the duties of Five Millions and a Pauper's Grave. POLITICAL ADVEBTISBMESTS the sheriff? office along the same busiPOLITICAL ADVERTISEMENTS ness-like lines that I have effected in . Von Tisza's- prediction ' proved all the department of public improvetoo true in many other cases. • .. ments, of which^ have had charge for AH Hungary knew of the »Wahrthe past five vearS, The-last year in mann family. Moritz was the. first particular, fiftyVone miles of streets were paved.:'r7rnis was accomplished Jewish member of parliament of ~th"e a t a very teascatable price, for in:comnation. He left an estate ^valued; at} parison with other cities similarly sonie five million dollars in American ^ situated, a saving of from twenty-five currency and,'two-Rqns4"who," after, his i Always a Friend of to forty per cent was made for the taxpayers. These are statements of de'ath at' the close of the last century, [ the Jewish People facts that can be verified. became Christians.. Qne of _them. died ! During my term as City CommisDEMOCRATS VOTE FOR HIM a'suicide; the other was- buried < in a { sioner of Omaha, I have been absent r pauper's cemetery. •: ' I August 10, 1926 from'a regular council meeting only, 'Popper, Hungary's lumber king, | two times, a fact which makes it YOUR VOTE WILL BE evident that I have been on the job. •waff made a baron-; Today,-there .is-, I.have always been ready to take my APPRECIATED. •' but'one descendent of that-illustrious:[ part in any and alL matters that came i line. "He is none other than the husbefore the council and have never t Judge Sears is chairman of a bloc of 125 Conshifted my duties or responsibilities to [ gressmen from Louisiana to N. Dakota. This another commissioner. Every person coming in contact with the present bloc is organized for the purpose of compelling council will confirm this statement. In making my decision 1 have always had legislation for the West which includes 'the J , . i. .. the best interest of the public and the l a. taxpayers at heart. \d. improvement of the Missouri River for naviga1= If the citizens of Omaha and Doug- j 2 tion! The "Missouri River improvement will las County will go to the polls on g August 10th and nominate me for g save this locality millions of dollars through sheriff, I will devote my best efforts jg' lower freight rates and will cause millions to to carry out the most business-like ad- j g ministration the sheriff's office of » be expended for labor annually in this district. Douglas County has ever had. j MY POLICIES ARE: FIRST: Everyone connected with the ' Standing in Congress is only attained sheriff's office must be honorable in - the performance of his duties. SECOND: I will be on the job at all through pears ofservicetimes and the office of sheriff will be under my personal supervision. To carry out this program I shall protect the rights of the citizens as provided in the Constitution of the United States regardless She is efficient, competent, and economical in the administrasuccessfully— of race, color or creed. tion of .her office. THIRD: No home will ever be entered for the purpose of making a search without a warrant properly issued 20 years', experience in County Clerk's office and 7 years and based on reliable information. Chief- Deputy before she became County Clerk. FOURTH: There shall be no favoritism shown and no person or persons, She is best known for her courteous and considerate treator organi?ation whatsoever will be permitted to dictate the policies of ment of- all -people who have business with the County Clerk's REPUBLICAN Candidate To the sheriff s office during my term. office. . " •— . If you believe in the foregoing principles, give me your vote and suppprt at the primary election and 1 asA vote for; her on Primary Day. Auprust 10, will be an apsure you that you will have no occasion to complain against n i y ^ " ' !i proval of efficient and good government.
Fprom. a> Five JfrilUon Dollar Estate to ••[.;• . PatipeFs-Gra-ve Case of Hungarian Convert
—Effectively —Accurately —Promptly
Municipal Judge
Interstate Printing Co.
Judges of the Municipal Court
Don't Forget to Vote for Dineen and Neble on g August 10th. Vote for Both g
Republican Candidate to Congress
ttMtitnumtumin: iH
RtnTiwuuii i inn iBftui ttimniif f ift/n "f^rti if ft nmiitfp tttnntitti ttmi t&otitn twrttttrttPt nvtitttiht^-t
11 m tin t iin niit• mnnninrmn HTUD t JT* *
rrtttn i ttn m n : 5 i
Is a Republican Candidate tor
-—.--- Wti^Mfiitfi* t.unuta p l l t ,. llwm,,^,alm .w _ __ DltqlllfUMni]IttH A fii]| f miuui||t Iun |i|iHj|iii«t|l|.initt]|nMhHtM.^ftnmiUtWUt,tiiii«illlilfaitui»
Joseph Kcutsky