August 19, 1926

Page 1

THIS is ooe who Uie priee of every*t*ii l a g sad .the • v a 1 a c of nothing.-— J




Oscar Wilde.

Mademoiselle Suzanne"i "§5.«*^n has entered "the ranks of p w ^ ^ a l i s m . This time she serves at:'%'•!£ 1 the "meal tickets" for Cash "g." t»^arry Pyle, that erstwhile p r o i ' ; ^ ^ has as Ms other protege"'%,? "Tich talked about Monsieur Hai,'.l| •' red" Grange. ' "';^ The -writer at -this time,;-" -'-i^Jsrs •whether Miss Lenglen can •fEind *np "before the cannon ball WnSce of "Big" Bifl Tilden. Think itlgver.

Entered as eeco&d-qlaqs man mcttei on January 27th, 1U21, at postofliee at Omaha. Nebraska, nnflsr ttra Act ot March, s. <1K».




VOL. V—No. 87


LauncSt National Drive;

New York. ( J . T . A . ) — The ar. Washington. (J.T.A.) — Naturrival of "the spirit of- Locarno." alized American citizens returning consolidating the various factions on a visit to their country or in the Zionist movement, was hailorigin are liable for military serEver "heard David Sher, Nebraska ed by- Emanuel Neumann, general in such country despite the EicliardsoR Appoints Btidget Boris Brasol, Importer of. Pro- vice University student play "Brown director of the United Palestine fact that they have become AmerCommittee Which Will Con-' tocols, Acted as ^HiTver" Eyes" on a piano? Appeal and member of the Actions ican citizens and the United States sider Demands Made By King's Representative Committee, in a statement issued government -can protest,' **but can Well folks to tell you the actual Welfare Societies at the Zionist headquarters, on the give no assurance that any objectruth, why I don't "believe youTI ever ; AGENT HIRED TO SUPPLY basis of special cable advices retions which it may make will re- J. E. DAVIDSON TO CON* have that opportunity. ANTI-SOVIET DOCUceived from London by the organsuit in a remission or release," acHow about it, Davie? . MENTS DUCT 1927 CAMPAIGN ' ization concerning the results of cording to a declaration made by the just condnd«d sessions of the the state department here. At Preparing for the fourth annuftl Moscow. (J.T.A.) — New sensaZionist Actions Committee. least this is the case in regard to campasgrs for the Community chest tional revelations concerning Heaiy In compiling the batting .averages • Mr. Neumann declares that the yftl countries with which the this fall, when about 430 thousand Ford's connection ' with, tlie antiof the pennant-winning Jewish Comresults of the Actions Committee's United States has no natnraliza- dollars will be asked of Omaha for oIsky, J. H.; Knlatotsfcy, i L ; Semitic movement in Eiirope were A t a preliminary meeting in the} munity Center baseball team, Ed Xapidus, Harry; Leiboyici, H.; Levey,-Dr. deliberations "exploded the rumor -tion treaty whereby American the thirty charities and welfare somade here by "the "Isvestsa,"tije.oSLevise, Dr. Victor E.; l^eviugon,ilrs. Green, official accountant and what Jewish Community -Center, Thursday Phil.; which had been spread in' certain '.naturalizatioQ is recognized. M. F.; Lindeabauut, B.; Lintxican, J.; cieties in the chest, Pretidrat A. H. not, discovered that Captain* Lou evening, tmder the temporary chair- iintzman, ilrs. J.; Lustgarten, Benj.Lnst- quarters about a breach between cial organ of the. Soviet government. ~ The announcement was made by HicHmrdson last week named the -memgarten, « m . ; ilaicus, • H.; Meister, Kat; The reTelations. were made in conSomberg topped the "willow wavers" manship of Mr, *A. 3> Kulakofskyi Meadelson, Gemach: Meyer, Jdoritz; ililder, Dr. Weizmann and The American -the state department in connection bers of the budget committee whkh chairman of the; Kexean HayesDd in Morila; iliukin, Louis; Miutin, M.; Mlnklu, nection with t i e affair of fhe agent with a .418 batting mark. Zionist leaders." with inquiries regarding' ihe case •will fix the limit of funds nny indiviMorris; Alonsky, A_; Monsky, Beary; provocateur^. Jirtiszelowsky,. who is The 1926 season is beyond doubt 1924. a number-of the Omaha friends MuBhkin, Dr. Nattuui; Orkin, Philip; OsoE, 'Of Louis Dsvis, a French iirnni- dual -charity may secure for 1927. He explained the ^details of the of the Eret-lsraei i a v e accepted the Pepper, Jos.; Polonsty, U.I Kavlta, a ; now being, tried in. Moscow on a the greatest year for the Jewish cap- plans for the JL926 .campaign for $25,- H.: Bavitz, Dr. Sol.; Kiekes, A.; Rlekee, Cart; required §10,000,000 Zionist bud-. charge of fabricating anti-Soviet j . giant who -becsse naturalized and C. M. Wilhelin is the chairma-n of. Jacob: Hobinson, Harry; Hobinson, tain. Consistent hitting enabled Som- 000 for the United "Palestine Appeal. Kiklln, then returned on a visit to France the Budget committee, Mr. Wilhebn J. B.; Hoblnsou, Sam.; Komia.lJr. A.; |fet, Tegarding whlcfe'London desdocuments, , including the famous berg io creep to the top of the line. Komm, Mrs. A.; Rouioneck, J . ; Koseff, and was there impressed into the headed the reorganization coitemittlsc patches were not entirely clear.'Ix "Zinoviev .letter," because of which Kosefl, Morris; ltosenberg, L ; KubMr. Charles X' Cooper,"; director of Jacob; Xipn bats and throws left-handed and military service. There is so of the chest •which recently laid -dowR nita, Dr. A. S.t Schlaifer, A.; Shalton, B.; appears that although the regular the Ea-msey McDonald' Labor gCTernShamberg, A. J.; Shapiro, B..C-, Sher, Dr. 5s considered by many sport scribes the United Palestine Appeal for the Philip; naturalisation treaty -vritli France. s general outline for reoigaaiz&ii&n working budget • adopted for the Shukert, J.; Simon, B. A.; Simon. 1 to be the classiest .first baseman in southwestern .region -of the United J.; Simon, M. J.; Simon, Kat: Stalmaster, Keren Hayesod amounted to $3,- raent in England fell. of the charities groiip, stressing; th« • The Isvestia - states that DraszelStates was present.r*iHe reported that Irrin A.; Steinber?, Dr. A.; StJefler", Ben; the Gate City circuit. Tatle, Ben; Tatle, Mrs. Kate; Theodore, A;^ 000,00, the larger $10,000,000 budimportance of rigid econoiuy on the owsky confessed, that when he was Trustin, Harry; Turner, M.; Weinberg, Dr. Following are the. averages of the since the Balfotir Declaration 100,000 Joseph; get involves • all the funds and part of all the Epencies, Weiner, H.; Welnstein, A. G.; other Jewish players: Handler, .417; Jews from eastern .aba-central Europ? White. Fred; Wohl, Dr. M.. G.', Wolf, H. operations of the Zionist Organ- arrested last year .in Berlin he v^as Others on His committee sr?visited in . p r i s o n , ^ . Eoris Brapol, "Wolf, Jos.; Well, Sam.; Wollson, Turner, .409; Corneman, .391; Kauf- were settled in Palestine; that the ac- :A.; Judah; laffe, Nathan; 1'anr, Dr.'Herman; ization in Palestine. ' " • • " . Charles C. George, Ktifus E. Lee, Mrs. well-known -anti-Semitic moTisrcMst -' -man, .340; IJ.Weitz, .339; Rosenblatt, complishment' of the'Jews in "Palestine Ziegler, Isidor. • Arthur Mullen? Henry Monsky, S. S. Russian leader, who imported the in.333; Bleicher, .323; A. Weitz, .316; has aroused' thfe_' Jadmiratibn of the Caldwell, and Mr.. Richardson »*nri faxnons falsification, "The Protocols world; that the movement for a JewGiventer, . 195; Konecky, . 160 and Foreign Delegation Give Walter W, Head, the latter tvro bejnjr of the Elders- of Zion," into the ish Palestine means tiie spread of Gerelick, .125. iTes Big Welcome ex-official member?? because they atr r United States, and who was in close Correct tabulations show that the "western civiliza.ti on-t6 the near east, the president and the treasurer of fbr relations ;with • Henry Ford's "Dear-J team as a whole batted at a .314 clip. the reclamation. of .a land that nas Belgrade, Jugoslavia.-—(J. T. A.)—~ Community chest. :—~ ' »boni Independent.". Druszelowsld The Internationa! Conference of StuThe Center aggregation "piled tip 152 laid waste for*ten centuries. The budgyet committee will Jewish Delegation to Participate The B'nai Ami swimming team] 5t ated that -Brasol ask^d him in bo- dent Bodies opened Monday at KsrTravellers to Palestine " h a v e runs to their opponents 61. All in all careful -consideration to the in Congress of National captured first place honors in a tri-\ h a l f o f , Henry Ford to "provide" is was a great year for jthe Jewish brought back remarkable accounts of lovci. Conrad. Hoffman, an American that Ere to he made by all fhe agency Minorities -angular swimming meef held at the d o c u r a e n t s which---would clear the the ^transformation "that l a s taken nine. * •• " Jewish Community -Center riatatorium Esissian monarchists •from the charge Jewish student, was elected chairman, j niembers for 1827 fumis. Each chaff-. place in the traditional land of the The case of the Jewish student j ty -will di-aw up in detail a forecast. London,—(J.T. A.)—A plea to re- Wednesday evening before an esti- of being gailty , .of anti-Jewisli was presented to ihe conference by Jews. Mr. Cooper referred to the of its probable expenses for every organize the Committee of -Jewish mated crowd of SC The B'nai Ami -pogrcms.—rDraszelow£k>- agreed; to Miss. Haber, a delegate to the con- purpose its 1927. Thes** will be conEnmors have been flying thick and statement of Isaac Marcosson, prona- Delegations, first established a t the t i r totaled 'JS) points for first Gelxver *SQC5I - *^ocii.u icsts", -wlncii ference, who •urged that ihe confer- sidered separately;, and then considfast concerning the "water,inthe Jew- inent American Journalist, in a l e - conclusion of the World War and "Hie plate; Aleph Zadefc Aleph, 25 points, show, that the pogrom charge ence adopt resolutions urging- the recent issue of the Saturday Evening! ered -with reference to the financial negotiation of the Peace Treaties in ish'Community Center pool. Some second place, aSi^f 33'aai Israel, 6 ifte ."HiassiaH mouErcMstP was moval of numeras clauses againsttotal that Omaha •will be aslced f o t ~ ; persons aver that the water is impure Post,/wheiin iigVpraise is expressed Paris, so as to constitute a "Jewish points for third pl&e. sia-&rmislea,- and.-, t h a t , t h e documents Jewish students sad the granting of the 480- thtressn^ dollatE that a coteof the JBW, fo'Eretzrlsy iWiwld^<3onney»n. 3sas jmade - by " Dr. and that _the - impurity;Ms^icsnsini; .of Jthe work : • S u m m a r i e s : ••-" ' • • * ' • • ' 0 • • : , . ' _. f T ac«ss4rtgr' • the ..rapnarcliiktg'' * &f -.:thelt facilities' to •Jewish students easMing many of the children to contract soar j.rafel. ; •^" "V *V'-/i,-':•!.. ,';"--~--r. •"''. ~ •"• Stephen $. Wise, president of the - ' 160-yard relay:- First, B'nai Ami] guilt in ths pogroms -were^for-^ed and them to proceed from Eastern Europe Hiittec headed by J. E. Davidson, ytfti strive to raise in the fall. The United * Palestine- Appeal/; for; American Jewish Congress, a t con- (Mann, Richa-rds, Donovitz a i d Turthroats and ear aches. . circulated the" Co*m-m*sn|st Later- to study in .Western universities. * The chest org-anizations IF anerrtj" ner) ; second, A. 2L A. f-. third, According to Ed JJttrdick these which; the "present campaign is being'; ference. national. "..-'.. ' ; . - " ' - -Israel. Time: 2:10. An enthusiastic cheer'was accorded the finsisdal clearip.g' house for tK-= conducted, compromises the Keren malicious, slanderous remarks are . Dr. Wise urged that the "Jewish These -"dDCumeiits'' v^re to be scb- the Jewish delegation by the dele- welfare societies, Thrbngh the chew Fancy diving-: First, Altschtiler, Hayesod, the JeMsh National Fund, untrue and have BO sound basis. World Council" should consist of repB'nai Ami; second, Stern, A. Z. A.; mitted at a ,trial_ agamst the Com- gates from India, Japan and Korea, the officers and. directors and TOIPT Burdick claims that the youngsters the Hadassah Medical Organization, resentatives of the Jewish communi- Bishoff, third, A. Z . A . j ir.vrist Interns tiona.1 v'hifli was to be -when the declaration was made that teer workers are relieved of all the and the Hebrew UniTCrsity. ties of the United States of America. are over-doing their swimming. Fortyy fr le S T rn r •w«^ Yi?. ^JtS[ iirS? ^ ' ? ? :\mrtig*ated in-the-United States by the Hebrew University in Jerusalem work and worry of raising funds, afU; The Omaha committee has asked Argentina, South America and Palesfive minutes a day is enough swimHeni third, Kohn, B'nai Israel. Time: i 4 ; y Ford, Drusaelowsky declared. is intended to link East and West, and can give all of their time to helpful the New York, headjquarters for a tine. '• .. i • ming for anyone. seconds. accept also Arab students. labors for the community. The cJissi Dr. Wise, in his address, pointed The water in the J. C. C. pool after speaker of national reputatipn to be 40-yard breast stroke: First, Wolf,I p.-—-( W . | . fan Artm* headquarters peys out the funds, preDr. Kose, representatives of the being chemically tested was found to invited to come here for a banquet, out that American Jewry needs an A. Z. A.; second, Mann, A.. Z. A.; third, IOHMF V ™ " . f ?¥ «&™l venting* duplication of charity •work.. League of Nations Labor Office, in and mass meeting, -which trill be held authoritative body representing Euro- Blend, B'nai Israel. Time 39 seconds. be absolutely pure and not contaminhis address, complained thst the and making possible the expenditiin-40-yard free style: First, Turner, ated in any way. j sometime during the month of Sept. I pean Jewry to consult on matters of B'nai Ami; second, Levin, A. Z. A.; Ben Kubbyj formerly of Omaha, is League was not tept sufficiently in- of the greatest proportion of the Anh A campaign committee of 100, com- Jewish importance. American Jewry, third, Graetz, A. Z. A. Time SO secnow acting city attorney of Council formed with regard to the develop- lar given for charity for that prising the leading Omaha Jews was although it has given much to the re- onds. and the least amount to announced as follows: lief of the situation of the Jews in Plunge for distance: First, Troch-| B l a f f s w M I e ^ attorney P. a Eas ments in student movements. Pales- expense. tine, particularly the life of students L: Abrahamson, J.; Abrams, Europe, must also know the "opinions enberg, B'nai Ami; second, Abrams, nrussen is on his vacation, Again the women have come into D.:Abrahams. Abrams, Sol.; Abrarason, Isaaore; of European Jewry, which is unfortu- B'nai Ami; third, Bishoff, A. Z. A. Interest in the crime problem deEubby, who was" prominent in there, is engaging the attention of the Anton; Adler, MrB.^FerO.; Adler, JoDistance: 43 feet. their own. This time the members Adler, Labor Office, he ststed. veloped Et the recent convention "•** seph; Adler, Louis^ • Adler, AL: Adler. 8.;. nately, at this time, the recipient, he Jewish activities while in Omaha, is 40-yard back stroke: First, Trochof the fair sex have shown that not Albert, H.; Albert, Xbuls; Albert, W.; stated. The hall in which the conference the American Bar associateltm **• enberg, B'nai Ami; second, Abrams, now assistant-City Clerk of Council AlbettB, F. J., Alpirn, A.' B.; Altman, only men are able to hold swimming JnHns; is being held is decorated with many Denver and in other nations! pathM"~ Altman, *U.r AltBBler, Sam.; Babior, B'nai Ami. Time: 35 seconds. Bluffs. Kubby is combining his work The "Jewish World Council" is to meets. " • S-: Banm, JOB.; Baiim, 1 . ; Beber, Sam.; fiags, including the Zionist flag, the ings has stressed the gro-wth of criw*; 100-yard free style: First, Bishoff, of assistant City Clerk with that of Bercovice. M. A.V Berkofltz, S.; Bernstein, It is true that there arent any Jacob: Bernstein,. Nathan; Blank, ~ i t . ; consist of democratically elected rep- A. Z. A.; second, Rosen, B'nai Israel; City Attorney. _ Bloe and White. among youth, leading1 the chest ofP*Blazer.- Eugene N.vBloch, E.:;Block. Dr. resentatives. The* work which -was third, Altschtiler, B'nai Ami. Time: channel swimmers among the women Max; At s public reception given to the cials to emphasize this year the wort Blumentbal, liavlil: Blumenthal, L.; started by the Committee of Jewish He is a graduate '• of Creighton at the J. C. C, but judging from their Bolker, Dave: BonoE,'Adam; Breiideis, J. Delegations during the* War .period 1:40. Congress delegates, Bishop M&xmil- of the welfare agencies in the eh**;. -Judges: Sam Kauffman, Creighton; University, graduating from that It.: Braude, M.; Brown. Itueben; Chait, exhibitions last Thursday the women Ben; Chait, Julius; Civin, iLt Cohen, must be continued also under peace Johnny Rosenblatt, Tech EKgh; Tar- school this year. He is the youngest ian greeted the Jewish delegates in that prevent crime by developing Charles: ~ Cohen, J.; Cohen, Max; Cohen, tier,; Central Bligh; Ed Burdick, Jew- attorney who has held the position Hebrew. Professor Pareista, dean of ideals in boys and girls. will be heaTd from sooner, or laterM. G.; Cohn, Harry; Cota, Joseph; Cohn, conditions, Dr. Wise said. ish Commnnity Center.Eeferee: Dave Loyal: Cohn,'Samuel; Colton, M. D.; Some of the women who participDr. Leo Motzkin, Secretary of the Chesneaa. Timer: Bob Cooper." of City Attorney of Council Bluvs. the Theological Belgrade, in his ad- Although there is sometimes IP.BR Crotrase,. Harry; Cnterf - L-i Dansky, H.; ated in the meet are: Misses Ethel Dansky, L; Dansky, Dr. Nathan*; Denen- Committee of Jewish Delegations, dress, declared that Serbia has never popular appeal in snch R-rotipE ss th? D. A.; 'FeXT, N. P»: Felflman, Jacob; Greenberg, Clara Shriebman, Ida berg, known anta-SeinitiFin. "As long as Boy Scouts and the Camp Fire girl1; Feldinan, John; ; JPellman, Charles: Tell- opened the proceedings of the ConferBabior, Nena Horwitz, Selma Levin, -man, JV: *Fellman, Sanu; Ferer, Aaron: ence. He reviewed the activities of the Serbs will have the authority in than in. the agency that deals «»* Harry; O^lax. Sam.: E*]eifihman, Rose Fidler, _Naomi Cohn, Pearl Ferer, The Only Way to Be Sure of Greeting ALL Jugoslavia, the country vdV •never charity directly, the chest feels th»' Eey.," "Forbes, "I.; Forbes. M.; Forman, the Committee, "particularly its recent Forman, SBTO.; Freeman, David Marcus, Evelyn ChaDdn, aiid Pearl Abraham; Your Friends I •-! : • ' : . . know anti-Semitism, The Jews have the -welfare organizations -will prov*1 ;activity in connection with the A.; Preeman. H.:VFriedman, Dr. B. T . ; Sherman. _ . _ : - : Friedman, J. J.;;Friedman, Samuel: Gere- 'Schwartzbard case' and witiv the always been full citizens of Serbia., ultimately of more value to the comJnles L,; GninBky, Sam.; Giventer, Ethel Greenberg -was the-stair of lick, good patriots, appreciated by all," he munity than the charities, by Meyer; Goldner,:Dr. O.-C.;'Goiastrfn; X;' movement for National" Miilorities'.in. Gordon, Dr. M.; Green", M.:. Green, Kathan: Europe. the meet, copping three firsts and-one stated. the latter •utmecesssTf, ' -"* " " •' r E.^ Greenbers. Dr. A.:*"Greenberg, DSTB;: second. According to Mr. Burdick Greenberg, J.^P.: Qreepberg, E&iljp; GTOBB;* An international congress of NaOmah&'E juvenile co«rt B;-;- Habler, M. B.t •Hlmmelbloom, Ben i these women swim tourneys will be -D. prove that •where Boy Scout Hinnnelstettt, JoJs.: Hirsclima-p, Dr. H.; tional Minorities will take place in From One End of Coast to t h e Other They Will Receive held quite often at the Jewish Com- •Hoffman, Dr. -O. S.; Holnua", 'Williain'; Geneva August 25, where representahave been organized, or where snvt. the Announcement of Yoitr Isaacson, J v J.: Jaco!>8, Morris: Kaplan, munity Center. centers a s ' that of the Christ riuu" A.: Katlemsfn,'AT C : KaUetaan. j . ; Katie- tives of the Jewish communities in man, S.' Katz,'-S» H.: KulakofBfey. A. T.~; sodetjT are established, juvenile <?e«te-Kulakofsky, I.; Kulakofsky, J. H.; Poland, the Baitie States, Austria and Czechoslovakia ^111 participate. Prior Allen Rohan, .for. five years a re- qaency immediately vanes. The mnrf to this congress, the twenty Jewish porter on the' staff of the World- efficient the •welfare •metn'berfi of tw* if inserted in delegates will hold a separate conferSaturday night six Jewish boys Herald and who for : thirteen' years chest can be made, the more ence, he stated. , ,' , will be examined to see whether they has ~been actively editorial as u whole •will' appreciate their


Charles Cooper, Southwestern Director, Outlines Plans at Meeting; 100 Persons to Make Up Local Committee. - '


Rabbi Stephen Wise Y/ants B'nsi Ami Captures First "Jew Worlif Comci! Trisigslar Swim Meet





will receive National Eed Cross Life Saving certificates. After going through many physical requirements the boys claim that they are in fine fettle for the final examination. Following are the youths who will appear for. the test Saturday night: Norman Korney, Sol Weiner, Sol Graetz, Henry Weiner, Turner and Leonard Korney.

New- Year's Greetings

Americans Given Places On Hebrew Uni Board

London.—(J. T. AC)—The constitution of the Hebrew - University was finally approved by" thVZionist Actions .Committee which concluded its Regular. Friday evening and, Satursessions here recently. The Committee elected a temporary administra- day morning services will be resumed tion of the affairVof'the Hebrew "Uni- at Temple Israel beginning Friday evening, September 3, according to versity for a period of one year. • The administration is to consist of Harry Z. Eosenfeld, president of the a Curatorium "and- sa Academic Coun- Temple. The annual meeting of the Conr .};"". " OH EVELYN, LOOK! cil,The .following^ were elected to the gregation will be held Sunday afterLittle Evelyn Adler, demure Jewish Curatorium: Nathum . Sokoliw, . Dr. noon, September ,5, at 3 p. m.j in the racquet "wielder, played sensational Stephen S. "Wise, Ciiaim Nachman new Auditorium. Election of .officers ball in the jrecent women's net meet. Bialik, Dr. Brodetsky, Norman Bemv and other business will be transacted ." Evelyn was finally defeated by Miss wich, Dr. JL Eder, Shmarya Levin, at that meeting. Anita Currey, who Is tsar more ex- D"r. Arthur Ruppin,; Felix M. ;War- The date of the opening of .the perienced at the-gaine. burg of New York, Dr.'Cyrus Adler Sunday School classes has not yet On her stop in Omaha Teceritly, of Philadelphia, Judge Julian W- been determined on account of the Miss "Helen Wills, national tennis Mack, Walter 'Mayer,-,- Eoger W. incompletion of the new building. idol, declared that youngsters, if they Straus, Dr. Nathan Batnoff of .New Anyone desiring to teach at the Suncontinue to practice, will eventually York,. Professor " Si,gmund - Freud, day. School should send application Chief Eabbi Hertz, Br. Chaim Weitz- addressed to H. S.. Heavenrich, and turn into champkras. This is just a hint, Evtlyn, so. do mann, Br* Albert Einstein, Br. Jadah sent tO'Emil Ganz, at 2960 Harrip L. Magnes and Mr. Xdebman.' your stuff.

Temple Israel Ssr?ices : to be Resumed in September

Greeting Cards Will Take Tiiis Form: Mr. and Mrs. William R.. Jacobs and Family 4960 Lincoln Boulevard v " Extend their best.-wishes to their relatives and friends for a Happy and Prosperous New Year. MAIL THE COUPON BELOW: : , AT ONCE - ' - : ;•; The Jewish Press, 490 Brandeis Theater BIdg. ' Omaha, Kebr. Gentlemen; Enclosed find $2.00, for which please insert my New Year's Greeting Card in Your Eosh Hashonah <56S7) Number. . Name.... Address.

work on staffs of middle west news- sity. In this connection the heroic papers, • announces his retirement of two boys from Carter lake from the "game" to enter into the wholesale and brokerage business in week by Ceeere Zampese, Boy is cited as an example of the vatae Omzhsu training such as scouting. He will be a partner with George welfare agencies in the chest Allen in the Nations! Distributing eiiery 'rank of society fend every Company, with ©Sices in the Omaha dentisi district of Omaha, s Loss and Building Association buildguardian of th -morals of boys »*<4 ing, the company handling electrical g^rlis, and ' & constant 'inspiration 'tft and h<?s»vy chemical supplies. • them to strive to become Hn6, iiwtel i r . Kohan while at t i e Worldpendent, *esefal men snd womeh.

Herald "covered" various assignments but devoted most of Ms 'time in handling* crime stories. Mr. Alien was for many years & sales manager of the Northern Electric Company of Minneapolis and in the past year organised and developed Hie distributing company.

Ka-Dee-Mo .Otgb S«ies ' of Dancer to Beg-in

The Ka-I>ee-Mo G!nb hold a series of daneee at beginning Sunday, Atsgxist 22. The boys •will nave their own <>?cbestra kno%vn as the Ka-Dee-Momw; A rile whica bore the name Alex- sending forth strains of ander Selkirk <Eobi*nson Grasoe), atid xnelodtee. These fasces are tie date 1701, -was seld for more 13«n for the club by?Joe' E»rstein and JM at a, London suction.


THE JEWISH PRESS FubltB&ed every Thursday at Omaha, Kebraeka. oy

THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY Office: 490 Brandeis Theatre Building — Telephone: ATlantic 1450. NATHAN E. GREEN, Manager. Subscription Price, one year. Advertising rates furnished on application.

he could knock out, his days as champion. ar$ numbered. It is necessary for a fighter to be absolutely ruthless and heartless when he faces a man across the ring and then the word "Pug" has a nasty ring to it.


good ball with the Chadron team. it will be glad to, grant gratis. A Art is one of the leading sluggers in group of Arab peasant families has the League. already left for Turkey.

JEWISH CALENDAR 192&—5687 Tishri 1—First Day of New Year Tishri 3—Gast of Gedaliah Tishri 10—Yom Kippur

..Sept. 0 Sept. 11 -Sept. 18


A JEWISH JOCKEY. For some Jerusalem.—A movement to sell Riga.—Rabbi Meier Simcha Ha'unaccountable reason one never thinks their land possessions in Palestine Cohen, famous Talmudic scholar and of the Jew as a horseman and our and emigrate to Turkey is making Rabbi of Dwinsk, died yesterday. CHANGE OF A DDR ESS-Hies Ee give botb tbe old and new address; be sure and RIVE yont name. race can boast of very few good ones. itself visible among the Fellahs, the Rabbi Meier Simcha was one of the About ten years ago th^re was a Palestine Arab peasants. outstanding rabbis in Eastern Europe. Brown, Max Altshuler, Isadora LevinT~ , The Jewish Press la supplied by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency (Jewish Assurances are given to the Fel- He was born in Baltrimantz, Lithson, Milton Malashock. Correspondence Bureau) with cabled and telegraphic Jewish hews, In adtiithSn jockey named Miller that was a Jew to. feature articles and correspondences from all important JewJsb centers. and In ourtlay we find Harry Wakoff The winner of the Center Tourney lahs that the Turkish Government uania, the son of Rabbi Samson alInquiries regarding news items predited- to-this Agency wilt be-gladly riding for the best- stables -in the will indeed be a crackerjack ball slug- possesses vast stretches of land which man. ranswered i f addressed to- Jewish Telegraphic Agency, 621 Broadway, New country. By Stan. ger capable of standing up with the ^York City. ' " ' &arry "Wakoff was''born in New best men in town in that line of sport. York City in 1898 and started in mak- Al Finkle, former State and City The writer is optimistic enough to SEEING AMERICA FIRST ing a' living by peddling newspapers. junior tennis champion traveled to visions of the next champion of • _-,The, railroads/ steamship companies and automobile touring He drifted' fnto" the' face tracks the third round of the State Open have the City of Omaha. He, in the writwho recently opened at his home, 2429 Decatur Street, We. 3527, ^agencies have been conducting for the last few years a rather and became a jockey. For. the last Tennis Tourney before being defeated. ers opinion will be a lad of Jewish intensive advertising with a slogan now becoming familiar to all twelve years he has been actively rid- He defeated his first opponent quite parentage. ..of us,-"See America First."- The average citizen is so apt to con- ing-and has ridden many winners. handily and then trimmed V. North•n-ishes to announce that he just receiver] for the coming Iliph Ho]j<inys a bfyr biggest event he ever won waswall in the second round in straight assortment of Mnchsorin Tvith the best Enpiisli translation, beautifully bound, clude that since the transportation companies profit by the public's The A number of friends of Sammy also a fnll line of New Year Greeting cards with nice envelopes at very the Coffroth Handicap at Tia Juana, sets, 6-3, 6-1. Finkle, in the third reaso-nable prices. habits of travel, he does not need to pay attention to the urgent Mexico. Elding: a mount named canto met his Waterloo at the hands Kaufman have asked the writer to explain why the former J. C. C. bail Everyone -who BO far purchased from me Taletliim silk and wool Tphflim, invitations with which he is bombarded to visit the scenic, marvels Atherstone he won the purse of §70,- of Ralph Powell former State and Meznzothes, nnd Sedurim with and without English translation, have expressed player has not been appearing in the their greatest satisfaction with the prices and qualities. of. America. "Itpfobably escapes most Americans that the failure 000 and a house and lot. Harry did City champion. Powell's strong driv- Western League line-up recently. I am also expecting very soon Ethrogim nml LulOTin for the holidny of "to appreciate the extraordinary.diversity and magnitude of the not tell us where the house ^vas lo-ing game wore his youthful oppon- Sammy as you know is now a member Suceoth. cated or what he did with it but he ent down and gave him the victory. mountains, lakes', canyons, parks, springs that are fouaid in many was part of the prize. He of the Omaha ball club, the hard luck Finkle paired with Ernest Stow team of the League. Kaufman while •different sections of our country is a reflection upon him and tiot is now!, riding for George Marshall won their first round doubles encounupon the companies which are now engaged in helping Americans and is entered in the events at Sara- ter from the Pease-Brody team of playing with the "Rods" against the Tulsa Oklahoma nine snstaiaed an ' get acquainted with America. When we consider all that is really toga Springs. Des Moines, 6-2, 2-6, 7-5. The young- attadk of sickness caused by the insters however, went down to defeat tense heat. The temperature at the 'involved in the movement which is drawing..thousands, o£-our -citizens out of the shell of indifference with, which Jthey have been A, LITTLE GOLF. This column in the second round. Stow is the Tulsa ball lot was one hundred and five in the shade. Boss Barney Burch -surrounded, we really owe.adebt of gratitude : to the agencies has found' another gplf star. '.John king of the Iowa Junior. Sherinafc, & "Student at Yale. He was sent Sammy home to Omaha to re«which, are responsible for turning the tide of. travel from* the East not 'consiB&fred' go6d enough to make Evelyn Adler, queen of the high cuperate. Kaufman will remain in 18th and Chicago Streets '"to'the West, from the West to the East, .and attracting the in- the Yale' go\f team but he reached school girls tennis realm and the Omaha till Sunday when the team rehabitants of the South. to-"see the North and ike NortHernersJto, the. ^semi-finals round; in, the inter- youngest player entered in the womand plays a doubleheader take a looka t the Southland. The profits which the companies collegiate golf tournament held last ens section of the Tourney defeated turns Amiounces against the Wichita club on the make from the traveling public are really insignificant charges spring. Incidentally he got farther her more experienced foe, Alice Pe- "Rods" lot, Fifteenth and Vinton Sts. to the Jewish public of Omaha of tte terson in straight sets, 6-3, 6-4. The • we should willingly pay for considerable benefits to us and to our **- t o 1 1 ? T a ^ t th*n Kaufman will pitch the first game the selling of seats for the members of the Yale team. diminutive prep school champ later in Sunday. Sammy has played first country. * .< Higji Holidays, beginning: the meet fell before the unerring base, second base, third base, short \ Imperceptibly we are unifying the sections and States of the BASEBALL! Andy Cohen may be racquet of Anita Curry, womens sop and pitched. He has never startSunday, August 15, 3 P. M... and on week days evenings the only^ Jew in the big league today Union into an homogeneous nation. As the people travel from champion of the City. Miss Curry is ed a game, always going in as a refrom 7 to 9. a woman of twenty five summers who but for tomorrow and for the tomorplace to place throughout the country, which, compared to lief pitcher. This will be his initial posesses a store of court knowledge rows to follow we have another'Jew• European lands, is like ten empires all in one, we get visible and ish boy who is headed for the major and used it to a good advantage. Miss call for mound duty and all Omaha The securing- of the well will undoubtly turn out to see him known Cantor A. Schworczkin • tangible evidence of the essential unity of the divergent groups circuit. George Macy, general secre- Curry had to play her championship make good. to chant the services at our .and numerous sections,.devoted to our flag, faithful to our tary of the Zeta Beta Tau Fraternity game to turn the trick as Miss Adler synagogue with a male choir . democratic institutions, loyal to our common welfare. One hastold us that when he was visiting was on her toes every minute. The of 16 people will sure be a Sammy Kaufman and Art Swartz • to talk with, the people in the cities and villages of the different Ohio Slate he met Jake MatusofF, match went to three sets before are two men to go up to Omaha of great enjoyment to everyone baseman for the Ohio State Evelyn was conquered, 7-5, 4-6, 6-2. States to be convinced how many ties of interest and bonds of third who will be present at these the Western League from an amabaseball team and he witnessed the services. ' good-will hold us together in tympathetic relationship. teur Jewish ball team. Sammy of signing of the contract whereby MatCantor Abraham Schworczkin To visit the innumerable scenes of superb natural beauty in usoff became a member of the Boston The First Annual Jewish Com- course is still with the Omaha nine, munity Center Handball Tournament . which our counti-y easily takes first place in the world, and to Red Socks. Jake signed to play under will be held the latter part of this Swartz was released outwright some Tickets $3.00 and $5,00. time ago. Art is now playing ball . inspect the stupendous engineering achievements, the magnificent the name of Mattes. month on the Center's two fourwith Chadron in the State League. 1 Come and secure your tickets as early as possible! philanthropic projects, the commercial organizations and the walled courts. Practically every male Respectful]}7 yours, Name your sport and we will find member of the Center who. plays Swartz is the battery mate of Bud industrial reforms which distinguish American above all other you one of our race near the top of Tinning, former Omaha pitcher. THE COMMITTEE. i peoples, is to receive elementary education in Americanism which the field. Even such an obscure sport handball has been practicing daily for Beth Omaha castoffs are playing the big event. As in every meet ' is not unknown to well-informed Europeans. The number of as trap shooting is not without its favorites are picked before hand. The Europeans who today are met inthe highways and by-ways of our Jewish star. Sam Isaacs led eleven lads doped to long way in the Room and evening meal land gives striking.testimony of the charm and appeal of America, other gunners at the traps of the meet are the "Leveys", Joe and Saul, 'Electricity Is'Cheapest In Omaha' Nassau Trapshooting Club last Sunwanted by two young ' which ought to bring sh&me to dur citizens who imagine that their day* He-was both high scratch and Leon Mandelson-'&Xd Herman Segelgirls with refined family. only opportunity fpr* diversion anct inspiration is to embark on a high handedj a runner with a card man. Some of the members already Atlantic 5811. of" 48-2-50. There were only two enrolled are, Bud Levin, Herman steamer for an European port. Corenman, Jake Malashock, Bert We need to travel more in. America to get acquainted with prizes offered and Isaac won them fellow c6untrymen,to bring distant places nearer together in both.




Congregation B'nai Israel


understanding and .co-operation, and to prepare the way for a nobler* grander and greater America than we have ever Imown before, because by friendly contact and intelligent encouragement we will inspire individuals and groups to unimagified heights of effort'and achievement—Chronicle.

Louis Fink, veteran automobile racing driver met his death behind the wheel. He wa3 killed on the track at Langshore, Pa., when his car hit a wet spot and skidded into a fence. Fink has a long record on the dirt tracks of this country. Originally a heavyweight boxer he deserted the ring for racing and found that field- profitable. -In 1922 Fink was seriously injured at Providence, R. I. After his recovery, which took many months he again returned to driving, to find his death.

THE MYSTERY OF BUBY GOLDSTEIN. After Goldstein's Jdefeat, this column hoped - that Goldstein would come back. Last week' Ruby was scheduled to fight Newark and a few hours before the fight he disappeared - and has not been heard of LENGLEN-TTLDEN MATCH. since. This column received a. tip What -would happen if Lenglen "were that Goldstein, could be found out on The Golden,Wheel Cycle Race is to meet Tilden in a tennis match? the.Pacific Coast with his friend Joe This topic: of conversation has been Benjamin . and that they were both one of the important events of the played with" by all true discussidnists coming East with' a prominent fight bicycle, racing world. Yesterday this of the game. The •women are sure manager. In , the meantime Gold- much prized event took place at the that Lenglen would acquit herself stein's friends on the East Side have Veledrpme in New York City. There satisfactorily ^ind the men are equally lost patience with him and are loudly was one Jewish entry, Sammy Gastpositive that Tilden wouldr win with voicing the opinion that \Ruby is .a man. Gastman finished next to last little effort. It so happens that the quitter, yellow and will never fight but his performane on that night was men are /correct in their assumption. again. We believev' that they are not consistent with what he has done in the past. This race is a kind of Tilden was in England prac- a trifte too fast in condemning Ruby elimination event and Sammy won his ticing fof liie Wimbleton tournament and that the ring has riot'seen him way into the final heat before he was he found himself volleying /with Su- for the last time, but' we "do believe defeated. \ -/ : zanne. He was all for playing a, W that Goldstein _wHl^never be a chatnbut Lenglen refused. •Tilden 'then en* pion. ITALIAN EXCUSSIONISTS deavored. to .miss as many GREETED IN TEL-AVIV Tex Richard, fight promoter, is balls as possible without making his opponent think he was doing it on planning a tournament for the Tel-Aviv,_ Palestine.—A public reVurpose. After some- ten minutes of featherweights. The winner of which ception in honor of the Italian prowretched volleying on the part of is to occupy the throne voluntarily fessors and students visiting here Tilden, he again asked Lenglen to vacated by Louis "Kid" Kaplan. Four under the leadership of Professor play a set, with him. - She consented fighters have already been chosen to Julio Subak, was given here yesterand Tilden started to serve. For the participate and among this is "Red' day in the hall of the Gymnasia Ivfirst two. games Tilden threw the first Chapman' who despite his ' name is the Hebrew high school. three points away and then won the one of our very own. Hebrew students, Italian universinext fiye; points for the game. After ties, the Italian consul in Jerusalem the second game Lenglen realized Chicago and • Milwaukee are in for and Professor Subak, delivered adthat Tilden was toying with her and some good boxing. Charlie Rosen? dresses. 'A -street demonstration wanted- to quit. Tilden promised to berg, bantam weight and champion took place in honor of the guests, the stop his, horse-play and the . match of his class is to meet Joey Sangor participants declaring "Viva Italia". went on* , -Tilden won 6-0.- As Leng- of Milwaukee. Rosenberg explains It was learned here that the excurlen walked, off the courts a reporter this fight by saying that he wished sion was organized by the Italian asked what -the score was and she re- to be in shape for his bout with Bud Government and is part of its proplied, "Oh, I don't- know. ,We were Taylor. When he fights Taylor the gram to bring about a rapprochement - only volleying"." You can't beat a bantam weight title will be the Btake. between Italy and the Near East. player that won't lose. Several excursions are to take place The college man has been active in during the year. all the sporting fields as an amateur ,The National Junior Boys Tourna- or professional but he seems to have ROTHSCHILD HOUSE TO ment "is -being played this" week at shied at entering the ring. It is not LEND HUNGARY $10,000,000 Chicago.. Levinson," •. Erenberg, Pol- because he did not have the ability lack, Jacobs, Mosa,-Sigoloff, Gochak- but mainly because there is. still -a Berlin, (J. T. A.)—A loan to the whose r amount of £2,000,000 will be granted off and Sellgson are among the play- stigma attached to the manr 1 era who/eartfed the- right to- partici- profession 5 is fighting. -The associarj to Hungary by the London.Bothschiid, pate by winning" a.ioc&l-tournament. tions thati a:, fighter must niake,'.ara. hanging firm, according to press desSeligmmvwm his 'way;into* the serai- nsuaHy,.repugnantHt>\ the 'fcoltegeiitnfwilf^tratches tecelved from.Budapest *. final "quarter,.by ;defeating- Arthur To be a real champion a man- mU&.ib3 : "The loan is to be used for etreet Jf he lets men stav whom construction, it was stated. -" Kussman of Los Angeles, G.-4. 6-1-

KA-DEE-MO DANCE Sunday, August 22, 1956 — at —

Sot Music BY T H E



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Iddmission 35c

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With a motor-driven brash, if. picks ofi threads and loosens grk. With strong suction ie draws everything up into the bag. And both suction and broth work together. The Premier Duplex needs no oiling, Its motor and brash are ball bearing packed in enough lubricant to latt for years. And it cleans day in, day oat for s lifetime.

Come in and see a demonstration


We-will «ladly bring a Premier to year horn* and give yoo a fre« home trial. Just call AT. 3100 sad one of our representatives will call at your convenience. Ask to ie« the Premier attachment* too. They are great helps in keeping the home clean.

"Electric Shops" 17th and Hiuraey St&. 43d and Leavettworth Sts.

2314 M St.




Miss Annette Riklin, ' talented ] Omaha dancer, and former pupil of Miss Adelaid Fogg, will return from Los Angeles, Calif., this Sunday,, where she has been taking a teachers • course from Ernest Belcher's School of Dancing, and various other well known artists in that city. Miss Riklin will open a dancing studio at the Blackstone Hotel, this fall, where she will teach various courses in dancing and technique. Annette will be remembered as the featured dancer in the Mascagno Ballet, which toured the Qrpheum Circuit last fall. She received praise from some of the best known dancing masters in Los Angeles, and in the East, where she has been studying for the last three seasons. She was accompanied on her stay by her sister, Sarah. Annette is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. Riklin.


Council Bluffs News

Mrs. Ben Seldin and infant son, | nounce the birth ©f a son-torn Tues- Abe Friedman and family. He is exMillard, returned home Wednesday day, August 17, at the Mercy Hos- pected to return home nejxt -Sunday. from. Mercy Hospital. pital.

GORDON-SHYKEN Miss Frances Polsky of Lincoln, Mrs. Morris Gossman returned Mr. Abe Rosenberg of. Los Angeles, The wedding of Miss Fannie Shy- home Sunday after spending two California is here visiting with. Mr. Nebr., is spending two. weeks here ken to Mr. Richard Gordon, both of weeks in Lincoln, Nebr., visiting rela- and Mrs. Jake Krasne. visiting Mrs. Ike Council Bluffs, Iowa, was solemnized tives and friends. Wednesday evening, Aug. 11, at the Seymore Cohn left last Friday for Mr. and Mrs. I. C.ilinsky left last Jewish Community Center. Rabbi A. Mr. and Mrs. George Roffman an-' Harlan, Iowa, to visft Mr. and Mrs. Thursday to visit i/.i Fort Dodge, la. Diamond and Mr. I. Morgenstern officiated. Preceding the ceremony Miss Dorothy Lustgarten accompanied by Miss Ida Lustgarten played "At Dawning." The wedding march was played by Ruth Shyken, sister, and Paul Hoffman, cousin of the bride. Miss Rose Shyken, sister of the bride, was maid of honor and Mr. Roy Feltman, was best man. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon left for a honeymoon trip to Denver, Colo. Out-of-town guests to attend the wedding were Mr. and Mrs. H. Blinder of Osage, Iowa.

FEmSTElN-KLEIN Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Ringle anMiss Dorothy Klein, daughter of nounce the engagement of their Mr. and Mrs. J. Kleins-will be mar- daughter, Florence B., to Mr. Louis ried to Mr. John Feinstein, son of G. Kaplan, of Denver, Colo. No wedMr. Max Feinstein, of this city* on ding date has been set as yet. Sunday, August 29, at 1 o'clock. The . ceremony "will be solemnized at the Miss Ethel Steinberg, of Fort home of the bride's parents in the Dodge, la., is the guest of Miss Kate presence .of only the immediate fam- Goldstein, ily.' Rabbi H. Grodinsky will xeadthe Mr. and Mrs. S. Rips and family marriage . lines. In the evening a have moved into their home at 609 .reception, for which invitations Lave North 21 Street. " been issued, v»-ill be given at the Mrs. Ben Harding returned home Miss Tillie Zusman gave a bridge Mr. I. Soref, who has been visiting last Wednesday from an extended vis; Klein home. Following a honeymoon trip, Mr. and dancing party at ner home on Mr. and Mrs. J. Wintroub for the past it in Los Angeles, Hollywood, and San • Feinstein and his bride will make Tuesday evening for ten couples, hon- five weeks left for his home in Mil- Francisco, California; Seattle, Wash'-- their tome with tLe bride's parents. I oring Miss Bernice Cohn, of Chicago, waukee, "Wis. On his way home he ington; the Canadian Rockies, and A number of pre-nuptial affairs are I 111., and Miss Annette Fishbain, of win visit friends and relatives in St. Winnepeg, Canada. She was gone being given for Miss -Klein. Miss] St. Joseph, Mo. Louis and Chicago. "While in Omaha three months. Gertrude Perlis entertained at three Mr. Soref was extensively enterMrs. George Steinberg and daughttables of yridge at her home. Monday. Miss Grace Levin, daughter of Mrs. tained. er, Sophia, returned home from ExSunday afternoon, Mrs. Morris Klein Ida Levin, is recovering from a severe illness at the Sti Joseph Hospital. celsior Springs, Missouri, where Mrs. entertained at six tables of bridge j Steinberg spent the past two months. at her home. The Mesdames H., Orach The Misses Ida Lustgarten, Sarah ' Miss Steinberg spent two weeks and . , . are planning a Somberg, and Lillian Margolin spent there. bridge luncheon for next Wednesday. the week-end in Lincoln. HADASSAH ACTIVITIES Mr. Louis H. Katelman spent the BERNSTEIN-ALTSCHULER Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Linsman rePlans for Hadassah activities for past week-end in St. Louis, Missouri. Mr. and Mrs. A. Altschuler an- turned Saturday morning from a the coming season were made at a nounce the marriage of their daughter several weeks motor trip. luncheon and meeting of the Board Mi. and Mrs. Ben Telpner and Helen to Mr. Paul Bernstein, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Malashock of Directors on Tuesday, August 17. children, Eugene and Audrey; and Mrs. B. Shames. The wedding have moved into their newly built The first meeting of the season is Mrs. Abe Leibovitz and daughter, originally scheduled for September 7, home at 4914 California Street. to take place-on Thursday, Septem- Maxine, motored to Grand Island, was held Tuesday at Des Moines, la., ber 30, and the first regular Hadas- Nebr., Sunday to visit relatives. They Rabbi ManhSimer performing the A dancing party was given by the sah card party on October 13. are expected to return home Friday. ceremony. Jjliss Irene Adelson of Hatikvoh girls club on Wednesday Besides its regular activities, the Mrs. Abe Gilinsky returned home Lincoln and Harry Melcher of Omaha evening at the Hanscom Park Pavilwere witnesses to the wedding. The ion in honor of Mr. and Mrs. John local chapter has been asked to raise Sunday from a week's visit with, her . couple will spend their honeymoon in Alexander, whose wedding was sol- funds toward the million dollar cam- daughter, Mrs. Philip Sherman, and Colorado and will be at home in ten emnized unday at the home of the paign that the National Hadassah is Mr. Sherman, at Sioux City, Iowa. days. bride's mother. Mrs. Alexander was putting on this fall in connection with the Physicians' Bureau for Miss Lillian Cherniss arrived last formerly Miss Dora Goldberg. '. XOWENTHAL-BERCU building hospitals in Palestine. The •week from Pocatello, Idaho to visit "Word was received from New York The Messrs. Maurice Micklin and local chapter is planning an affair her sister, Mrs. O. Hochman, and Mr. City of the marriage of Miss Selma Sam Newman left Sunday morning in order to raise funds for this drive. Hochman for a few weeks before Bercu, daughter of Mrs. W. D. Brown, motoring to the Minnesota Lakes on going to Dubuque, Iowa, where she of Omaha, to Mr. Mark Lowenthal, a fishing trip. The Junior class of the Folk Danc- has accepted a position as elementary of New York City. The wedding was ing club elected officers for this term. grade supervisor for the coming year. Miss Dora Rich teturned this mom- Pearl Monsky was elected president; solemnized Saturday evening, August ing from a four weeks' visit in St. Sylvia Silvermannfi ' vice-president; 14, in New York. Mrs. Philip Friedman and son, Miss Bercu had been making her Louis, Mo., Philadelphia, Pa., Wash- Libby Abramson, secretary; and Lester, returned home Monday from tome in New York; for the past year. ington, D. C, Atlantic City, and New Evelyn Green, reporter. a two weeks' visit in St. Joseph, Mo., Mr._ Lowenthal and his bride are York City. The new name of the Senior class and Denver, Colorado. ioneymooning Jin .AtlanticL . is ."Nyhphons,".. This, group will hike The DaugMers~6f Zion.wHTTfoTd" a and -will visit in Philadelphia, Pa., meeting Tuesday, August the to Florence, Nebraska, Saturday before returning to New York. morning. Other activities are being Jewish Community. Center. planned by both groups. Numerous affairs are being planned Miss Sybil Merlen of Sioux City, for the coming week honoring Miss la., is the guest of Miss Dorothy PATRONIZE OUB ADVERTISERS. Esther Katleman who will be married Foreman. • to Mr. Morris L Pickus of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. A. Weinstein anIlly Sept 5th Mrs. Philip Schwartz DIAMOND is entertaining at a bridge tea at her nounce the birth of a daughter last HEADQUARTERS home on Saturday afternoon; Mrs. Friday. GIFT Harry Rachman will be hostess Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Doris Pelte is COUNSELORS entertaining Monday. On Tuesday Mrs. Sam Epstein will give a bridge luncheon at home; Wednesday the WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Mesdames Max Davis and Aaron JEWELERS SWEET PICKLES Rips-will be hostess"1* *•+ the home Diamond Importers of the latter; and on Thursday Mrs. Select Email cucumbers. Wash214-216 City Nat". Bank Bldg. Meyer Stern is giving a 1 o'clock •well and pack in quart or .half gallon jars. Prepare brine, by, mixEstablished 1894 luncheon at the Fohtenelle - followed ing up 1 quart vinegar, Vz cup" by a theatre partysalt and 1 tablespoon dry mustard for every • 2 quarts of; cucumbers. BEAtTIFCL SEW this cold brine over cucumArthur Rosenblum, who was bper-^ Pour bers and seaL In -winter when ated.on at the Wise Memorial Hos- -wanted for. use, pour off brine and' pital for acute appendicitis about let cucumbers stahd in cold water two weeks ago, has returned to his for about 10 minutes. Do not refrom jars. Make ; syrup of apartment at the El Beudor. He is move 1 cup sugar to 1 cup vinegar and, recuperating and expects to be up boil. Let cool and,pour over cuand around in a week. . cumbers after cold water has been drained off. Let stand 2 days and S MATTRICE MICKIJN Mrs. J. Marks accompanied by her they are ready. , It Is Altvays Cool granddaughter, Miss Bernice YouKOHL-RABI "The Lake" sem,- left Wednesday for St. Louis, This vegetable is at its best now.' Mo., to visit with her son, Louis To prepare, peel turnip shaped SATURDAY, AUGUST 21 Marks. globe cut into small pieces. Boil BUCK JONES until tender about 30 minutes. '. Mr, and Mrs. D< B. Goldberg, of Drain arid season with salt, pep^ Denver, Colo., announce the birth of a per, and butter, or a white sauce baby daughter, Reba Lee. Mrs. Gold- may be used. berg was formerly Miss Rose GilinThe Story of a Lovable Loafer CHILI SAUCE WITH SPICE sky, of this city. . r COMEDT—CAKTOOSf 40 large tomatoes 12 onions Rabbi and Mrs. Frederick Cohn are SUN.-MON.-TOES. 6 red peppers expected to return home next Thurs3—Big Days—3 2 bunches celery ; day from a two months', stay in 3 caps sugar v THE KING OF HORSES Spring Park, Minn; 2% quarts vinegar In the Greatest Horse Photoplay 3 tablespoons salt Ever Filmed Mrs. J. J. Greenberg and children Scald and peel tomatoes. Kan REX in are returning the latter part of this all other ingredients through food week from the Mim^sota Lakes, chopper. Add to tomatoes. Add salt, sugar, and vinegar. Boil Where they spent the summer. slowly until thick. Can hot. If spices are wanted. Add to suit Miss Ida Minkoff entertained at s e l f . •', v • • ; . • • . •. . . four tables of bridge at her home •Tlie Devil Horse" win be shown Sunday afternoon in bonor of Miss COLD RELISH at our regular admission prices. Elsie Gfelfond, of Chicago, HI., and . 1 peck red tomatoes, (peeled.^ Brine the Kiddles, they wUl loi-e "The Devil Borse." Miss Myra Elman, of Des Moines, la. and chopped). Add 1 cuj> salt; and let stand over night. In the WED.-THURS. Mrs. Dave Stein and children are morning drain and add 2 cups chopped celery, 2 cups chopped! expected to return the latter part of 6 chopped red peppers, % this week from a several weeks' stay onions, cu mustard seed,; 2 cups sugar. at the Minnesota Lakes. 1 teaspoon cinnimon, 1 teaspoon doves, and 1 quart vinegar. Stir Mrs. Harris Levey and daughter, well and seal air tight. T h i s will Trith CBEIGHTON HAI^E. '] Mrs. Michael Katleman, who visited keep as well as the cooked.•;With the breathless thrill of a runaway -train—with the color nnd with Mrs. Harold Libby, and Dr. Libdepth of a great paintftig—"A Poor HOUSEHOLD HINTS by, at Providence, R. I., will return Girl's Romance" brings to the screen ..-•; Use : any cold cooked potatoes, an evening of suspense and delight home the latter part of the week. such as you have never before ex in your vegetable salad. "-;-.-• perienceai - Mr. and Mi's.'Fred B. Cnerniss an- v- top. -iot , .cover • cabbage: when nounce the birth of a "baby daughter boiling. It will have more .flavor. Coming "The Plastic Age." forn Saturday morning, August 14, o.zbf wg b mTO AO 0 O 0 DL N At the Nicholas S

Club Activities


Malashock Jewelry Co.





Rev. Ishaia Kohanowitch and His Choir Will Chant the Services during the High Holidays AT



BETH HAMEDROSH HAGODOL SYNAGOGUE 19th and Burt Sts. The first services, Slichos, will be held at midnight, September 4. Cantor Kohanowitch and his choir will chant the first New Year's Service on September 8, at 7 P . M., also on the mornings of September 9 and 10. Services for Yom Ivippur, (Day of Atonement) will begin at 7 P . M. on September 17, and will be held all day September 18.

You Should Attend

"Byrne Hammer Merchandise Fair" During


Merchants Fall Market Week


From Monday, August 23rd 'Til Saturday, August 28a



"Merchandise From All Over The World"

PRESS--THUESDAYV AUGUST 19, 1926 stallion who plays the villain in I - As the chunks J>£ machinery clanked {.midday -or shelter at. night, Unconquered Horse In "Black Cyclone," is similarly cast in against, each other, a number of chil-1 He had another five days of enDrama of Indian Days Congregation Shara Zion "The Devil Horse," in which La&y, dren came up from the"'neighboring forced idleness in' January, a blizwill hold services for houses and stood gazing at the beard- j zard this time. But i t was just as Hal Roach's Unique Star,-The Incom- the beautiful gray mare, is the equine ^ ' • : ? : ^ ^ 6 R ( ^ COHEN :,\New Year and Day of heroine. Fred Jackson directed this ed figure 6ft the wagon. They were well. The peddler by now had a stack parable Rex, Is Attraction Pathe picture. Atonement . joined by 'some older*' bpys .several of correspondence to answer. Specific In "Devil Horse" adults. Of the latter, one man step- conditions were asked. He answered •For* ten^—t*venty-rr:thirty., years a •and now and then lent a hand. ; — at — Rex, untamed, unrivaled, uncon- LIPSKY TO CONFER WITH When the last scraps had been ped upx-close to the wagon and en-accordingly. Yes, he infirmed, he • stream of machinery, had fbeen. pourLABOR LYCEUM SAMUEL ON IMPORTANT ing., into the \country surrounding cleared away and the peddler stood tered into a conversation with the was making five dollars a day; more quered, is the star of another unique 22nd and Clark. ZIONIST MATTER ' IincohvUEv'ery qth'er Wiring, or sum- mopping his" face and neck,' the farm- peddler—that is, the man did the talk-, at times. The old iron was turning film production directed by Fred — Tickets $1.00 mer saw a new plow, mower or reap- er glanced at the wagon and suggest- ing while the peddler stopped in his,;to gold. And there was room for Jackson. This is "The Devil Horse," London, (J. T. A.)—Louis Lipsky, Tickets at either M. Brodsky er go into the field while.the old one ed: "That's a pretty big load forgone work now and then tovanswer "Yes' others, for many others. The country at the Lake Theatre. It is the fiery, was vast. They were to let him know spirited black stallion that Hal Roach President of the Zionist Organization and Joe Baum, 20th and Gr^ce. was left standing \in the implement horse." Perhaps the peddler did not or "No".. found chained in a reformatory stall of America, left for Switzerland for shed against an eraWgencj. But no grasp; the .farmer's remark, perhaps "From Chicago?" the man queried. in advance when they were coming. emergency arose. Each new machine ^he did not quite know how to meet it. "From -New York", the .peddler an- The uncle from Baltimore was thedisplays his magnificent personality the purpose of conferring with Sir *With a last look around to make swered, and^surveyed the crowd at-the first to- arrive. He. was an old manin a story written for him by Mr.Herbert Samuel, former High Com•was better than the preceding. • The missioner of Palestine, who is spend•"..-.".... and brought his two grown' sons with Roach. old plows and mowers and reapers sure he had left behind nothing, the gate vwitlfa^iprehension. PAXTON-MITCHELL CO. : Rex plays the title role—that of aing his vacation at Titisee. were left-undisturbed while the farm- peddler climbed to his seat, uttered -"From., Hew -Vork'j, .the -man; xe- him. The cousins and the brother-in27tb A ilartha Sts. earney 16C2 r £K came all the., way from laws followed. huge stallion of the wilderness who -It vras stated that Mr. Lipsky, who Omaha, Nebr. _ e r kept "on-buying the latest models. a hasty good-by and pulled the reins. gray iron, brass, bronire and alnTime passed and the shed became The horse strained against the collar In the next few days the black- is feared by the Indians because of is accompanied by Mr. Bernard Feiwel, Soft mSDDSi castings. Standard sizes btonze and Iron bushings, sewer manholes, crowded. Then on a day when there and started off. It was indeed a heavy smiths ,in the vicinity of Locust Field his killing power. . Surely, they will discuss with Sir Herbert an im- cistern Yes." tings and covers, and clean-out was no more workun the field,'the load for one horse. The jpeddjer had no idea who thewere kept busy refitting.old vehicles. thought, in their superstitious terror, portant Zionist matter in which the -ioorp tn stock. farmer would turn his attention to The farmer followed the rig with,' matf^psaldn^it^|liim was;v For all he The neighborhood stables were this great beast who stamped out life advice and co-operation of the former the "place". From Vhe implement his eyes until it was in the knei^W^e^W^rpight bejian- official I of combed for horses that were old with his killing hoofs, was no ordin- High Commissioner is desired by the shed the old machines were hauled ! road; then he turned and walked enough*to be cheap, but not too oldary beast. He must be a supernat- Zionist Executive. out, given a final inspection and re-toward the house in an odd humor. Sing^'likeiplain^ citizens— to work. The demand for second- ural creature—a creation off the devil. Mr. lipsky will also visit Antwerp, moved to an out-of-the-way corner The brief, episode with the peddler But there comes into the Devil where the international conference of I:'the peddler, yranted him on thehand harness, too, had reached a in the rear of the barn. \ high Abater mark, and empty barns Horse's life a man—a. man he recog- the Mizrachi, the Orthodox Zionist had stirred unwonted thoughts in him. "Manufactured in Omaha" nizes as the friend of his babyhood— Organization, will open on Friday, In the kitchens of the farm houses, What a horse! The man plainly was Theman, however, was no official. had become scarce in Locust Field. new ranges were -being; installed. in^dire need. He wa& Michael Brenecke,« character Israel had pitched its tents in Lin- a friend of those ,happy, days before and where Mr. Lipsky will represent BAKER ICE MACHINE CO. Nice and large the^e ranges were; What poor people there were in the well known about Lincoln's saloons coln.—Ganadian Jewish Chronicle, i the Indians came and made war-on the Zionist World Organization. the little caravan of home seekers with hot water boilers apd spacious world! His own security and well and in the saloons he drank away his and left him desolate, and smarting ovens. Out came the, shabby looking Tbeing burst upon the farmer with a earnings; Prior to his coming to Lin- ANTI-SEMITIC NOTE from his first experience with cruelty stoves of an early- da^e and pattern. sudden warmth and content. coln, Brenecke had been employed in IN FRANCO-AMERICAN Harry H. Lapidus, Pres.-Treaa. W. G. Ure. Secretary. DEBT CONTROVERSY and pain. And Devil Horse and man But they, too, were nd|=at once: dis- In his seat on the wagon the ped-a stable in Chicago.. He never missed become comrads in dangerous events carded. They •. were kefet about the dler too was in an exultant humor. an occasion to display his knowledge fEfefic AccsEistfiGtf ss£ kn&tm Omaha Fixture & yard, covered with a;strip of old car- He let the ahorse plod along undis- of the world and pf~people, , Paris.—An anti-Semitic note in thethat follow—events in which figure ISADORE ABRAMSON ' pet.; Suppose something proved t*.be turbed, at the pace the animal chose "Jew-U_ Brehccke asked. s Franco-American controversy on thethe girl the man loves and the mare I Supply Co. the Devil Horse loves. the matter with the rangeV Nohting, while he went on thinking and figur- "Jew", the peddler affirmed. debt suestiori -was injected by the COMPLETE STQEE AKD INCOME TAX SERVICE however, was the inatter\ with the ing in a foreign tongue. YaTrima Canutt, Gladys McConnell, With that the stable man's stock ot newspgpi^iJOeavre". '^ £ « OFFICE OUTFITTERS 1 range,-and after some months' the" I Robert Kortman, Roy Clement * and Cobftnfijteing today on, Glemenceau's questions seemed to have become SYSTEMS—AUDITS «m rasoe H u n cut Yes, he had air of a ton of iron h a u s t e d ;-Brenecke surveyed the pile letter 5fo president CpoMdge, the paper Fred Jackson, Jr., play the leading stove joined the company of-the rusty INVESTIGATIONS. there and it .would bring him eight SmthwMt Cmrmc human roles in "The Devil Horse," old plows and reapers. „ •.;_,'>. of iron on the ground and retreated states:, -• . *t><i ftnnria* tftreet*. dollars. He had paid for it two, and The windmill came, towering high 490 Brandeis Theater Building "The American financial policy con- in which the entire population of the back to the crowd. Phone ATlantic 1450 ; over the well, and' the told pump was there would be a dollar in expenses cerning France, as directed by a dirty, Crow Indian Reservation is Montana "There's money in that,'^ he said OMAHA KT5B also appears. The Killer, the spotted discarded. I t lay about the yard un- for himself and the horse. That with a knowing squint ,to.the men and base, Jewish German oligarchy." til a chicken cut its, wing against its would leave him five dollars clear. to two or three of the older boys. " I jagged edges, or a child its'foot, and He had earned five dollars that day. had a friend in Chicago-in the junk then the old pump, too, was consigned Five dollars 1 business once. He is a. rich man now. A few weeks earlier he would have Maybe 111 go into it myself some day. to the scrap heap back o£. the barn. There these derelict machines and calculated his earnings in: terms of Maybe I will—yet."' " ' ' out-of-date implements lay year after rubles. Five dollars was ten rubles Brenecke walked ou and the small year, thich with rust. - Snow .covered in Russia. But he had a different crowd soon dwindled away. The pedthem in. the winter, to the-summer way of figuring in terms "of steamship dler, having finished, his day's work, tickets. A steerage ticket from Ham- started for his boarding,place a block grass grew high above them. An oddly thrown together one- burg to New York cost thirty dollars. away where his supper would be horse tig drew up in.thelroad along- He had earned one-sixth of a ticket warmed over for^him.. v side the farm. A man^alighted and that day. One-sixth of a steamship Winter came.- In I>ecember the first .' in an, alien accent 'inquired :T?1s there ticket! big snow storm «wept the country and He figured some more, added, sub- for a week the peddler was unable to, any, old iron for sale". ^ He was tracted, made allowances. There was venture out of the city. _ _"He stayed in buying old iron. • '• — - • ' - - : ' A peddler, then,ind-a:new. variety; five dollars a day here and a wife and the house and.wrote letters. Cousins one that had nothing to sell, but in- five children in Russia. With God's in New York, a brother-in-law in. Bosstead "was buying old iron. The farm- help his family should be in America ton,- and an uncle In-Baltimore, had er regarded tife man and bfiast* cur- in two years; long been waiting to hear*from him. ; fa' two years! "With God's help—! ; ipusly; ;•._. •••. " •••..^' . ' . C ^ ' J • ; • . • " ~ ; y p TneiS was was no no end end of of old old iron iron in in the the > Ot the_two, the! horse had the patri- hia family! And so on and so on the! country, he wrote,~tmd~the -people archal look. I t wasbig, bld_and bony. peddler figured and mused, mused and; w e r e ^ 4 to to the stranger stranger, in.4fceir in^their It was standing on three feet, resting figured. midst. They were selling this old Stores and "factories were closed j iron to the foreigner a t his, own price. its idurth, spavined leg." The" 'horse and there were few persons on the' turned ife head to one side and then Some declined ,tb take money for -it streets by the time the peddler altogether—they gave it^away. Never to the other, gazing quizzically at the heavy/ unaccustomed shafts, the ill-reached Lincoln. Through the raised yet had he been denied a meal a t fitting harness and the strange con- windows one caught a glimpse of traption of a wagon; with rattling box families sitting down to supper. Here and broad-sideboards. The droop of and there the odor of fresh corn the animal's lower lip bestowed a bread was wafted through the air, ripe experience, which, on this oc- and man and beast gave an involunPerfectly Sale For All casion at least, seemed not unmixed tary start. The peddler tugged a t i the reins and the horse Classes of Riders other w a r d only \ ™ t h a desperate indignities fate might choose to heap ^4 Mile South of Camp Brewster to relapse into the usual trot again a on Bellevue Blvd. upon it. .. moment later. Halfway through the Planned and prepared months in Once a year values, presented Beautiful Scenery-i-Gpod.. Roads j If the man had any-dignity, it was tow th e Experienced \Lady Instructor. secreted underneath a shabby e x t e r - , ? , P^dler turned off into a , advance, after an exhaustive sur- only in August, made possible by ior. His eyes were alert, expectant, section known as Locust Field. For appointment call j his every muscle tense and vibrant, as ALICE CAMERON, vey of the entire New York whole- a volume-discount purchase of Locust Field was a marshy stretch . Market 3576 if at any moment fortune might touch on the west side of Lincoln running 1 close to the railroad tracks. I t had sale fur market. Fur coats that New York winter furs. Bapidly him by the forelock and* he did not a few odds and ends of streets with j . intend to be caught unaware. reflect in style, in diversity of se- rising wholesale prices on fur "Old Iron," the peddler repeated. two or three dozen houses on them.) The streets were not paved and there He yras bnying cash for old iron. lection, in supreme value, the ut- coats since the sale opening em•>-:.'• ^ ^ • ' • ' • : : " - ' ' ' - : ' i i - . : ; B y ^ - ; ' ^ ' - ' ' " - - : - ' . ' : • • • • • • • .


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• . ' • .

. • •

Biker Ice Machines


Great Event of the August Fur Season

at One Low

Saddle Horses for Hire


themselves chose to lay in be „some iron about the :place. I tenants _ . _ . „old _ .~ ^ to faciUtate the approach to r..--rry.r.^_..t.m*.. There were a couple of .old mowers'J.v_._1.__^__ _ _ „ . _ _ j _ . _ ; back of the barn; there was also a t h " r STna binder that was as of no account, and a! a!.. . \ \ dwellings " f disk plow, Did the peddler w a n t | l»ved street cleaners, watchmen, railroad •workers. There were several these? "Binder, mowers, disk plows". The boarding houses in the district which peddler was listening open-mouthed. were noted for the amount of drinkHis' stock of English did 'not extend ing done in them. Once or twice a ta these. He was only' six months year, wKen a robbery had occured or but of Russia, and five and a half the lailroad company's warehouse had •of these were spent in'a-sweatshop been broken into, the police would j of the East:Side of New York. He come down to Locust Field to interhad been in Lincoln a week, and. it view certain of its residents. -Every house in the neighborhood was his first day on the road. * had a bairn arid some of these stood "OldiRm." The man's voice sound-1 y a c a n t Q n e s u c h fearn t h e d d l e r e4 uncertain now, and his <yes darted J ,,„,, „„„,„,, W a ArHM .^n „,„ M w l from place to place as if in search had rented. He drove into the yard, of something wherewith to make him- unhitched the horse and put it up in self understood, to supplement his the stable. With the horse attended to, the peddler got on the wagon and . meager stock of English phrases. -~The farmer, surmising his predi- began to unload it. - -cent, lea the way to the. barn. Here he spread apart the weeds and rusty WPT Wash . old implements became visible. The SemV,Flat - ^ ^ ~ - ^ _ . . peddler's face and eyes underwent an intantaneous' transformation." Yes, Rmifrh Dr;yv that'was old iron—how much? AMERICAN WET WASH * The farmer was staring at the ped- 2808 turning St ;L Barney «881 dler. The man's excitement, Jus enthusiasm over the scrapped machinery, ' was amusiugr—and uncomfortit) ()maha able. .He did not at^once answer. The peddler reiterated: "How Z&O Kuom»—200 Halbs -much?" "Oh'anything.1;' The-farmr flood HnnniH for tlJ50 bv Rpplcy Hntrl» Co. . er dismissed the njatter. The stuff( •• was- of-no consequence" to hint; was ": jnerely cluttering up .the yard. , -;; "Two.dollars?'. • - . The\iartoer nodejed. assent and the - - ^peddler brought, Ms. jig. around. He Jpoui&ed a t the-Joint? of the machfhes ledfj^'^ainmerunti^Oiey. carte nd i li£te%4fce*pie«a -into, the Tfee ^ i f r ' ^ •«sfa»od nearby,



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phasise the values provided.

most that $135 can buy.

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£. E. Bruce & Co

NATURAL PONY with brown fox ^

Druggists and Stationers tot-MIS-UK' Month inth 'Mtr<«>

The Styles Straight, s l e n d e r line coats with crusa or bolster-shawl collars —for dress wear.


Tailored coats with double fur collars, square, standing or notched. Tomboy sport coats for the school girl.


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The Linings

PkorteATLAHTSe 0639

Flat crepe with brocaded velvet border . J . crepe satin with reversed border . . . all WDol linings . . . Skinner's satin with wool border.

We Print

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Now The balance, in three other monthly payment" of 33.75, is easily handled from your allowance or pay check. You have the luxury of a fur coat without any undue drain upon :our pocketbook.

August Savings Are Guaranteed A positive assurance that so extra-, ordinary an opportunity will not be available again. Rapidly rising prices on fur coats manufactured since the sale's opening emphasize the values provided during this sale. Savings from


Every Fur Goat at Augurt Sale Prices


son'When Sales Are Never Disappointing",

Free Storage Until Cold Weather

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