T The cynic is one who" knows the price of every i b i a -g and the v a l - a e -of-1'nothing.— Oscar"Wtldc.
By ARTHUR GREEK OFF TO DENVER Many prominent Omahans together with persons- from twc**"^other states., "will board special\.-{"*<§* over the Union Pacific on /.Vrl^Sr'sday, September 2, for Denver, Ct %3|*here they will witness the -de.dVsr.ft \ of
Entered aa second'Ctasa mail 'matter on January 27th, IUZL. a t poatofflcs at Omaha Nebraska", under'tbe Act at March 8, 1870.
the National Jewish hospita p^JS, The Omahans -who are &*{*"% vto make the jaunt' to the Rocky.fi.'- 'nTALMUD TORAH DRIVE "EQUIPMENT FUND . . tain villa are as follows: V^ " y Plans are completed whereby • . . PLEDGES PAST DUE" Lapidus, William Holzman,\- -"' '\r an appeal will be made, for the Malashock, Harry Wolf, Joe Wc^_._ Another appeal is being made City Talmud Torah in the synavin Stalmaster, Dr. A. Greenberg, by^ the Committee of the Women's gogues on Rash Hashonab, instead Harry, Silvennan, Sol Rosenberg, and Auxiliary of the Jewish Comunity of Yotn Kippur. The change in Henry Monsky. Center to those who made pledges the date was.necessary due to the t —1~* Delegations from Iowa, North and To Hold Fall Campaign For drive which.is being sponsored by to the equipment fund. All pledges National-'Speaker- to. Come Her? * | *:~s v...£ South Dakota, Indiana and Missouri should be mailed to the office of the United Palestine Appeal.5430,000 Needed to Care for Mass' Meeting; Ban-' . will arrive in Omaha Wednesday, Septhe Jewish Community^ Center. for Thirty Agencies. Mr. A. LKulakofskyy represent-qiiet Also-Planned; • tember 1. Dr. Boris Bogen of Cining, the Keren Hayesod and-Mr. S. -V * v cinnati,. Ohio, International Secretary HOLZMAN AND MONSKY TO Ravitz,4 chairman of the Talmud CAMPAIGN; TO CONTINUE of the I. 0- B. B., and Judge Charle BE ACTIVE IN DRIVE Torah, were the two officials who . • , FOR TEHEE- DAYS Aarons, Robert Hess of Milwaukee, brought about the change. and Alec Bernstein of Chicago, are Fred White, as chairman of the T»l-With the election ofc W. S. Leonard some of the distinguished visitors that to the governing board-of the Omaha estine Appeal; A. I. Kulakofsky «* - are expected: • Community, chest; the- board has.been chairman: of the Keren Hayesod; H*V-\ completed with' representatives of Zach&ria Wins After Hot Verbal J. B. Kobinson as treasurer; plans Fo^ every group in the -city of Omaha, a • whirlwind campaign lasting thiw Encounters by Voters DEAR DOCTOR ready for the fall campaign for 430 days, a mass meeting and a banqwi. Before' sailing for Sweden a' few thousand dollars' for-1927 chest needs, Eolitical campaigns may come and to be addressed by a speaker of i>«weeks ago, a young Omaha business and ready also for the administration Jewish AdmirW Watch Prodige go but the political battle that was tional prominence—these are the outMorris E. "Jacobs Sam Wertheimer, Sr. Edward Trellcr Make Good With Burch Rods man swore by the stars that there of the expenditures' of the thirty waged at the Jewish Community standing'results'of the series of conwasn't a blonde in the world that lie agencies that belong to the chest. Mr. "Edward Treller, Sam Wertheimer, sr., and Morris E. Jacobs were Center~Monday night was one of the ferences" that were held dvsring ths. "Smiling" Sammy Kaufman, who initiated into honorary membership of the Hai. Resh. fraternity by Ves hottest ever waged around these past few days in the interest of •<h& particularly cared for. He went on Leonard will speak-for union labor. further and poured forth his love for A glance at the list'of .members of hails from Chicago, and the young chapter a t the. Hotel Fontenelle Tuesday night.-The initiation was followed parts. f.25,000 campaign for the United P»i: brunettes to his many friends who the governing board reveals the well- man who hurled the Jewish Commun- by a banquet at the hotel. ,. If you don't believe it just ask estine Appeal. ity Center baseball team to its league had come to bid him farewell ar« rounded character „ of„ its personal. The initiation is the first of any honorary Hai Resh members in Omaha. those who attended the Y. M. and Y. The United Palestine Appeal viii bon voyage Mayor Dahlman -may well be said pennant, proved a big success as a The.three men to be highly honored are all active in Omaha's social life M. H. A. semi-annual election. No be one year old on September 30. £>:•The other day while sitting in his to be the representative of. the city 'drawing card" with the Omaha base- as well as in civic affairs. political speeches were in order but Stephen S.'Wise is the National Clmi?^ ."""** ball club Sunday . afternoon : a t ; the elaborately furnished offices his com-at large. Ves chapter of HarResh renewed its activity in Omaha about six months the. candidates were not announced man. Omaha Jewry could not parti;-.;panion walked in and asked him if he South Side" finds representative in Vinton playground. until" the voters had balloted several pate in this effort for the Eretz-Isr»«: ago and has carried an ambitious social program successfully. By playing sensational ball in the . The Hai Resh magazine, national publication of the fraternity, is being times. had altered his mind as to blondes. . J. B. Watkins and G. A, Cushman. and dedicating the Jewish Community Mrs. John 1W. To wle',- Mrs.' James T. pinches the rest of the Burch,; Rods published in. Omaha, this. year. Why John/'He burst out, you know sooner, being preoccupied in erecr.iTijr After much wrangling and yelling ' : well that 1 always adored blondes, Wachob and '• Mrs. Arthur Mullen, re- helped Kaufman make his successful on the psrt of the voters, Sam Zach- Center. ' But now, after a lapse o£ »K presenting the-women "of- Omaha, professional debut. The former sand-? especially; the ones with blue eyes. aria, Creighton University student most three years, the local Jewish 1* IT C : And before his friend could speak, speak also for humanitarian work of letter, though a trifle uncertain at was elected president to succeed Isaac community v-ill be placed on the honor ; times worked like a demon on the the man whoi before had: despised many welfare agencies.V Stemhill. Miss Grace Rosenstein -wras roll with other loyal and liberal J?v• • Walter W. Head, president of the mound. chosen to fill the shoes of the vice ries that have heeded the call oC the blondes broke out in a la Irving BerJewish sports lovers were /out in Omaha National bank is also national president. lin style: Jewish homeland. " president of the Boy Scouts_of Amer- full force to watch their prodige strut Gustave Amsterdam and Gabriel La- 1,218,480, Immigrants Admitted In Zacharia, besides being active in Attention was called the past fcv. "Champagne and Vodka his stuff. And Sammy, on the other ica. "Y" activities was a member of the days to an article in the New Af*1914 While In 1920 Only vine Victors in Spectacular TourSmetine and Tea : Charles C. George, realtor, has long hand toiled like he never toiled before championship debating team. He al- magazine, official organ of the SS". . - • - , . 304,488 Entered nament in Philadelphia A Beautiful Blonde been identified With ' boy. ~ work in in order that his many friends would so carried a part in the operetta Degree Scottish Rite Masons (No. ,S Made a Sweed outa me!" . not go home^ disappointed. many phases." - -. . ' ., Washington.-^Immigration to the "Windmills of Holland," and is the August 1926) dealing with Jewish »-> Two Philadelphia Jewish boys were James, E.-Davidson, vice-president -At the bat Sammy displayed won- given an ovation /by 300 spectators United.States,Tias decreased seventy- president of the "Y" Glee Club. Miss eomplishments in Palestine- Says; t\-.t of th&; Nebraska Power company, has derful skill. In five trips to the rub- last Friday afternooix at the Wood- five .per cent since 1914 according to Resenstein is c member of the dra- •writer of the above mentioned: ALL ABOARD! long been -identified with: a score, of bers he amassed one double and three ford Courts, Strawberry Mansion, the: estimate of the. Department of matic club. "The Jewish efforts in Pal«»:inr , ^Sunday, September 5, at 12:03 a. major projects for the advancement sharp singles. On top of that he when they won the Bational municipal Labor.- - •-• . --Z- - . - - . . . Other officers chesen are ^K fol-were given official recognition <>•* *. while'most of Omaha win be slumberscored; two runs.' and drove in two doubles championship held under the of Omaha. In\1914, 1,218^480 immigrants were lows: Eva Katzman, secretary; Stan- quasi-official character when, on .uC' ing, twelve hustling, ball players, ac- Henry, Dporly, and markers. In ike nine^ innings he jraspices-of the; Nsrtkj^al Lawn Ten-- admitted, into- the United States as ley Levine, treasurer, B. C. Morgan, 1, the Jewish Palestine society V>J»J S.-S.V companied by their manager, 'will Herbert ^siaes speaking for pitched he allowed U hits and walked )ds Association' and\/thi. Sesqui-C®i- compared with S04.4S8 during the reporter, Morris Givot and 'David admitted to the International Fed«;>board the fas{. Midnight Flyer, which various business groups^' have been s i x m e n . ' . •.^>-':.- .•-•;—'• ; . ;fiscal ^ear ending June SO, last, ac- Fisherman sergeants-at-Erm. Morris tion of League" of Nations Societies'" tennial-Exposition. ':^^ii•.' . -i-., ? will carx^ ^em^toJ^ J o s e p ^ M active W^ten^Sannny left rth,e field M f e a ; Gustave" Amsterdam -and -Gabriel cording.-to;:a: statement, issafedr.b^tb -"Alpira.- -and-"' -Fred , &ErtsnBan were Eef-ei-ence .-is made to the- njemwau:Once inSfcJdiseph; the Jewish GonJr td "1 victory to his credit'.many Lavine emerged the'^ictors in , the Department- of Labor.- Jhe. number elected to- the' ...Executive' '• fcorastltieetiuHi" £ubnutted-fc»- the -.League of Nf». past. ,.,..„ munity Center <miie, winners of -the •fWV L. Holznvan, • vice president of fans* could be seen leaving the ball finals of the spectacular tournament, of emigrant aliens .departing in, 1914 and Isaac Sternhill w^s appointed to tions showing that in 1925 there v/«w date.City, bunting will waste no time p a r t i . It- was plainly evident at that staged last week on the Woodford were 303,338 -as against 76,992 during the Jewish Welfare Board to repre- admitted to Palestine the nurhbfit <>: tlie Nebraska Clothing company, in getting ready for the Missourians, sent "Y" groups. leader: in Jewish Communityr cente? time'that Kaufman lived up to his Courts. They defeated Harry Scba- the past fiscal year. SS,801 immigrants, as compared *'>'•+, who are touted'as a real ball crew. aelivities has also been prominent in expectations as a "drawing card" in berg and Ted Drewes, of St. Louis; The fiscal year 1914 was chosen.for 12,856 in 1924, and 7,421 in 192S. Tiv Following are the -men who •; - charity and sqdal enterprises, andr Omaha. ' • the latter has been the winner of the comparison • because- i t immediately large" majority of. these Jews cnu.t make the_trip: Captain - Lou Sombergi one"of; jthe_,n\os^T5>yal"of T&ie~%uppoi>' national singles championship for the preceded the outbreak of the world from Poland. .Fxirthcr the author Dave leicher, Lester Givehter,Syd ters of-^nierfene'st.'•'--' -.'•••' •last three years. war, when the immigration to the makes this. significant remark: "Tht. Corneman, Leo Konecky, Leo Weitz, Henry Monsky: and W. C. Fraser, opportunity given to.the Jews to ?*— Phil Gerelick, Joe Turner Johnny RoBoth Philadelphians have had nota- country was more.: normal" under the lawyers, have been" respectively, Jack W. Marer, member of the ad- create as home for themselves in 'Pui.senblatt and Aaron Weitz. ble and sensational tennis careers. old immigration law. than at. any time leaders of' chest,* and of Knight of "Gus," the popular racquet wielder until the new quota law was adopted. vertising staff of the Nebraska Power estine, after 18 and a half centii:>*«*, Columbus and Jocal Boy Scout work. According to. additional statistics of Co., has been appointed editor of the of exile, was probably the most ib-i-The first B'nai B'rith meeting of of Strawberry Mansion, is the singles GYMNASTICS , Rev. John Albert Williams speaks the year will be held Thursday, night, and doubles champion of Southern the Labor Department, both under the "Corn Cob" the weekly magazine is- matic of all the results of the Wor-'i In an official bulleten issued by Ed for the colored people of Omaha. September 2 at tiie Jewish Conl- New Jersey, the Atlantic City cham- old and new law, New York State sued by the. Junior Chamber of Com- War." Howard Kenedy has been one of munity Center. Burdick, head physical director of the the center of immigrant merce. The magazine will carry'news • : pion, the Woodford Court Club cham- dominates as ; Jewish Community Center/gym clas- Omaha's best known authorities on Since .1914, however, of the Junior Chamber and its activiOfficers of the lodge have com- pion and formerly Fairmount Park residence. ses will get under way September 1. benevolent and .philanthropic work, pleted plans for the remainder of the champion. Michigan had. displaced Pennsylvania ties. The physical department officials for many years. season... Many unusual features. will Gabriel Lavine, a youthful lumin- for second place and Texas had dis- Mr. Marer will be assisted by Dr. A. C. Stokes is the president of be brought to the front starting at have been harping all year around ary, holds the championships of the placed Illinois for-third place. The Harry Burkley chairman of local pubabout the gym program for this fall. Omaha Chapter of the Red Cross. the' inaugurating gathering. Philadelphia Municipal Park singles, number of 344,663 immigrants settled licity, and JohnJ Metzger, chairman Harrj?. Kononovitch, local v»oHni Women are urged to enroll in the Rev. James A. Crain, executive sec The smoker next Thursday is ex- of the Eastern Pennsylvania juniors, in New York State.in 1914 as against of National Publicity. and instructor, left-Tuesday evsnfr various classes that will be opened to retary of .the Omaha Council of pected to be one of the best ever of the interscholastic, of the Seigle 74,019 during the past .fiscal year. for New York City, where he v : members only. churches, speaks for the whole pro- staged. • *'••'•• . Courts and was formerly captain of No person will be taken into a testant church group.. LOCAL AGUDATH ACHIM TO study music under the direction the tennis team and champion of the ANTI-SEMITES ATTACK E. F. Folda* first treasurer of thi gym class without a doctor's certifiGIVE ANNIVERSARY DANCE Leopold Auer and Victor KKM JEWISH STUDENTS West Philadelphia High School for cate showing that they are physically chest, Rufus E: Lee, capitalist am KOSHER RESTAURANT AT famous eastern instructors. Kowofl IN JUGO-SLAVIA former leader of the Y. M. C. A. cam J. C. C. CATERS TO PARTIES Boys. In the fall, Lavine will enter fit. The Agudath Achim club of Omaha vitch will be in New York for fV the University of Pennslyvania, where paign, and C. M. WilHelm, 'president are making plans for their 25th an- years,t and during that time he *.Sarajevo, Jugo-Slavia.—An attempt The Jewish Community Center Ko- it is expected he will reap farther Orchard and Wilhelb, bring three niversary dance to be given on Sun- also open a class to teach. by a body of. anti-Semitic students to SMOULDERING F I R E S of sher Restaurant caters to banquets, laurels. different points of view to chest Kononovitch is well-known Rtnot day, September 26, at the Jewislt institute anti-Jewish excesses here Propogahda regarding the swim- emment. parties and weddings. Unusual delimusical circles here. He htm H Community Center, Gilbert Jaffy's was frustrated by the intervention, of ming pool at the Jewish Community A. H. Richardson, president of the cious foods are prepared for these af- J. C. C. HANDBALL MEET peared on a number of public 'y«f orchestra will furnish the music. the police. ; . , Center is dying out rapidly, according Standard Oil Company of Nebraska fairs. BEGINS WITH BIG RUSH grams, . He was director of the Y, Anti-Semitic students broke up a Each entrant ticket entitles the to Ed. Burdick. •"Make arrangements to have your is the presidnt'of the chest. and Y. M. H. A. orchestra last ye*?-. theater performance.arranged by the holder to a chance for a Round-trip The younger children are beginnext social affair at the Jewish ComThe handball tournament to de- Jewish Students. Association, Kadi- ticket to the Philadelphia SesquiHe will, stop off in Pittsburgh «ning to take instructions more easily munity Center, we will" be glad to cide the champion of the Jewish CANTOR SINGS OVER RADIO Philadelphia while enroute te lv> mah. - , - • • . , , • • centenniaJ or to Los Angeles, Calif. and it is only a matter of time and serve you," said Mrs. S. Nathan, man- Community Center got away to a York. Twenty one of the anti-Semitic stuthings will be running more smoothly Cantor Kohananowitch togethe ager of the Kosher Restaurant.-. flying start early last week. -Wi- dents were arrested. When.they-were than ever. with a,choirof-"l4'people sang, over zards of the four-walled game are -searched, • it was found that -one of JEWISH DEMOCRATIC PARTY "But if the persons who are spread- the WOAW broadcasting station last 18,077 JEWISH IMMIGRANTS * rapidly rounding into fine fettle 'TO • BE 'FORMED -IN POLAND Mutual Loan Association them carried a-bomb. :, , •• ing the "dope" around that the pool Tuesday night. • • "• ©rgatiked in ENTER PALESTINE DURING , , for the hard grind. The event -caused - panic • among the is unsafe would only quit singing the PAST EIGHT MONTHS The cantor drew much applause for Warsaw;—The establishment of a According lo newspapers scribes Jewish population here. "blues" everything would be hotsy singing the traditional holiday numThe Mutual Loan Association, -?i"» Jewish deaoctatic party, the nucleus and Ed Burdick, head physical ditotsy," said Burdick. cently organized under the state }*•«' Jerusalem.—Jewish immigration to rector the following are considered ber. Roumanian Jewish Senator, of which exists in the district of Vilof Nebraska, has been corporate;! f.->r Palestine during the year 1926 will to be among the best handballers na, now appears as a strong possibilDisqualified Because Of Name, ANTI-SEMITIC LEAFLETS $25,000. The • organir,ation8f -fc*t 1 JULIENS AGAIN equal the volume of Jewish immi- in the J. C. C. organization: Joe ' To Run For Re-EIection ity in the development of Jewish OF RED CROSS IN SLOVAKIA gration for the preceding yQar, acStockholders Meeting and election t£. Sunday afterndon at 1:30 the Jew : party life in Poland. Levey, Saul Levey. l«on MandelCAUSE SURPRISE cording to figures made known to- son, Jules Gerelick, Paul Goldish Community Center nine will Bucharest.-^-Ilic Mendelsohn, wh. This step is a result of friction officers will be held on Monday f*.*-day by the Palestine Zionist Execut- stein, Carl Sokoloff, Herman was unseated in the Eouiaanian Sen- which arose within the ranks of the ning, August 3G, at 8 P. M. »•'•:• ••>»* tangle with the Julien Chevrolets at Prague, (J. T. At)—Much surprise tive. . .'• •%-'" _.-'_-.. Port Omaha. A defeat for either ate to which he was.'elected as the re Volkspartei, extreme nationalist party Labor Lyceum. . .._ Segleman and Phil Fellman. at anti-Semitic propaganda carried on The' Association has been mgahi't-i^ team will eliminate that Tsquad from The Executive states that doring ' Ed Burdick's will issue a gen- presentative of- ths Jassy Chamber advocating cultural acthonomy for by the branch :of .th« Red Cross in the last eight months, 18,077 Jewish to loan raoney to needy £ami!i«.% fel * the city running. eral call for boys between the ages of Commerce^ will again run for elec- the Jews in Poland and the recognismall rate of interest on weekly f*g> After a two weeks layoff the Jew- Slovakia was expressed by JevVisTi immigrants came into the country, & of 16 and 19 to partake in another tion on September 6. tion of Yiddish as the national lanment plan. . . • • . ish -boys should be in tip top form. leaders here. - ' . ; ' number equal to that of the same handball tourney. The winner of Mr. Mendelsohn was disqualified as guage of the Jewish population. Noah' The branch of the Red Cross in period last year. Handler will be flinging €am from the v this meet may be paired with the a Senator, it was stated, because his Prylutzki, Warsaw attorney elected 10 CHALUTZIN RELEASED '.' mound. "Larry" . Gepson will un- Munkacz distributed throughout Slochamp of the senior division to name was given differently, OB the to the Sejm for the second term as m vakia a great number of'leaflets and iotibtedly hurl for the automen. -w, Warsaw.—(J! T. A.);—A concession decide the J. C. C. championship. election ticket than it appears oa his representative of the party and lead- • , PRpM JAIL IN brochures designed to combat the con- Jewish locksmiths, desirous, of emibirth certificate.. In the September er of the party. until now. was the Caemowii*.• (J. T.'A.)—Ten y sumption of alcohot and urging the grating to Palestine wa* Announced election he. will run under the name ceater of the storm which developed. Chalutzim from Poland, who **?* KA-DEE-MO DANCE population to abstain from drinking by the controller of enugrataon to on his birth, certificate, which is Sid As a result of the friction, PryitstEki sentenced to eighteen monfcM imART DEALER PAYS SUNDAY AT KELPINES alcoholic beverages. Palestine stationed at 'the British JEWISH dismissed the old executive and creat- prisontnerit. "for .crossing the T&m HIGHEST PRICE FOR PAINTING M e n d e l . * ' .';''., V . V • , •'• /• ''"' '• ; The leaflets "contain anti-Semitic Consulate General here. ' ; ed .an executive of his own. The old nian frontier without passpofUi,• '• The Ka-Dee-Mo Club will give their The disqualification of.Mr. Mendel,ast dance of the.season on Sunday, charges stating that ''the Jews are the The controller notified the PalesLondon.—The highest price paid in sohn with this-excuse caused resent- execBtive called a party council to released 'by' aft "order of this August 29, at the Kelpine Dancing only ones who are responsible for dis- tine Office of the Zionist Organiza- Great Britain far a painting was paid meat. in ma?jy Jevish quarters in consider xtie situation and took steps ministry, • - ' ' • < • easing the people -by.alcohol. They tion of Poland that locksmiths will be yesterday by Sir Joseph Duveen, well Rottmaaia. and it is felt that his re- toward the establishment of a demoThe request' to r^loar-e thr.o? Academy."Al Lipsman and Joe Roitstein have hate work and seek light gain by the granted visas for Palestine if they known Anglo-Jewish art dealer. election is a, question of -prostige cratic party which would absorb the utzim was pro^cnted to thp m Sir Joseph bought Romey's portrait Many leaders of the Jewish com- elements grouped around tlie VoSks- by the JeViiKh community of O l i n charge of these dances and sale of alcohol." - Many, of the will show that' they possess the brochures and leaflets were "distributamount of £250 instead of the usual of Mrs. Davenport, for which he paid munity in. Jassy have enlisted in the partei. The new democratic party witE.' The" ten Chshrtsitn have plans for unusual entered among school children. would be led by Dr. Schsbad'of Vihuu fifteen months of their terra. sum required of £500. the sum of £60,90*' \% the closing affair. campaign- to secure his re-election.
ProminentJewish l e u
On Goyernflig Board of Cofhsnttnity Chest
Kaufman Big Success As ) ^ m Omaha
Two Jewish Boys Wia NationaS Tennis Title
B'naii'rith to HoM Meeting ofYear Thursday
-io u. 5. Decreases 75 Pereeet
Omaha Violinist' Te ;, • Stnif It New Ye
' _ •
Pnfclia&ed e*e«r TUnraday at &S*B«; fcebrtiifi. bf
- .< " TflLB'JEWISH -PBE3S PUBLISHING CbftPAtflf , ©meet 490 prandeis Theatre Building -^ Telephones Atlantic 1450. " " NATHAN & GREEN, Manager. Subscription PriceS one yes .Advertising rates furnished on application. _ CHANGE OP
g ^ give 66tB IBS MS and give y oor naroe..
Shrotly Goodman Joins * Empire Cleaning Urn t P. &rfolly dtoodSftm has beeottie associated with I. Schoenwald,as a member of the firm of the Empire Cleaners and Dyers, one of the
The Jewish Press is supplied by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency (Jewish Correspondence Bureau).with,cabled and telegraphic Jewish newBrin addition to feature articles and Correspondences from all Important Jewish centers. Inquiries Regarding, news ftghis credited to thte Agency r&til be gladly answered if addressed to Jewish Telegraphic Agency, 6£l BMadway, New York City.
, *A GALLANT BATTLE FOR FREEDOM OF THE PRESS • IirMtinice, Indiana, where sonie men are ttien but others are Klansmen, George"R.,DaleJ editor of the Munice Post-Democrat to-freei Vagifig a gallant battle againt the.sinister forces arrayeff against him. JLike'the late Don RrMellettj who was the inexorable foe of- the underworld "Junge". at Canton, Ohio, until an assassin's bullet'laid-him low, Dale has successfully ekpoSed the evil-doings of the Klan in his home town* AB a result the antagonism fie aroused by his utterances took the f o?m of both legal and extra-legal measures. At present he is appealing to the United States Supreme Court against a sentnce for contempt of court imposed by&local tribunal. The Case of Dale emphasizes the fact that certain Constitutional rights are in danger of being nullified in practice through public indifference. 'The New York .World/' always an organ of liberal opinion, has interested the press of the country in fighting Dale's battle. ,In doing so it recognizes that the tactics used against Dale today may be .used against any other editor tomorrow, SattlUel Untermyer recently sent his check for $100 to 4<ThB World" and an accompanying let* ter in which he points out that all citfcerik ittUSt be mkde aware of the grave issues; at, stake. "I am not familiar with the merits of the ease," he says, Vbut I am deeply concerned for the preservation of our precious Constitutional rights of freedohl of the press! and of lawful assemblage, the first and last df which ate, of late years,.being: "more and more set at naught." The_Klan is responsible for many evils but none is of graver public import than its denial to our- national minorities, religious and political) of the right to exist* - * ' "American Hebrew".
I. F. GOODMAN largest establishments of its kind in the city. "With, offices at 3163 farnam SL and at 110 South 18 St., so centrally located that enables them to give good service" to tneir patrons, and they have the most modern equipment in" order to. give satisfactory quality in all their cleaning ajid dying -work. "It wil* be tier ainr to please our patrons and to_give them more than they pay for," said THr. Goodman.
Jewish Sports Notes By GEORGE JOEL
chance for a championship match is Europe but that is an em|»ty hondr dependent on tftsfffe. For some myster- and as yet he has no reputatiM to ious red&jn, the crowd disapproved of America. The odds are strongly in the decisoh to-night. To a close ob- favor Berlanbach. Charies' showing server it was Rosehblultfs fight, all against Berlanbach will" be the indica' 1918-4687 the way. Towards the end, of the tor of the Frenchman's ability .Sept. 9 Tishri 1—First Day of New Year bout, Burns got in some heavy punchTishri 3-^Gast of Gedallah BEST SELLER FILMED es but Maxie's early lead was to great .Sept. 18 Tishri lO—Voro Kippur to overcome. Shortly after the publication ol K. C.Phil Kaplan had a nice work- "The riastic Age," Percy Marks' senout at the expense of a young man sational novel of college life, the book called Dick Evans of Philadelphia. had reached the best seller class. And season which has hardly begun has fcvans was racked to sleep by feaplan now the B. P. Schulberg film version already brought victory to the WandThe Treasure Hunt of the Marks' novel is meeting with in the second round. erers in both at the contests that hart In four fenud contest, Sol Kano- the same widespread popularity. The been played. Last Sunday they de- Eager, and 'mid gales of laughter, witz of the West Side had the un- picture which comes to the LAK.fi feated a team of picked players called Off the merry party starts, Knowing not what will come after, pleasant experience of being knocked THEATRE Sunday, is one of the bigthe Montreal Maroons. Merry moods* and happy hearts. down in the first round and saved by gest box office attractions of the seaIf soccer continues to enjoy the son. The picture was dh'ected by popularity that it has recently tasted, What's the clue? They stop, and the bell, t>ly to be knocked out in the Wesley Ruggles with a stellar cast, second. Sammy Romson also of the credit mUst be given to the most puzzle, including Clara Bow, Donald Keith, colorful teatn of them all—"Hokoah". Soon they find just where to gos West Side was the cause of Mr. Kan- Mary Alden, Henry B. Walthall, GilWitt's misfortune. This bout was Off again to find the treasure. BASEBALL. How hardened and Sparkle 1 banter! 'cause they know. called an emergency fotif-round con- bert Roland, David Butler, Joan blase we become, a year ago the test for botfing. We cannot see what Standing, J. Gordon Edwards, Jr., and thought of a big league Jewish base- Found 1 and also first to reach it the emergency was for. Felix Walk. ball player was greeted with much Who dan (Jueetion joy or bliss? Tomorrow night ife the night i>f the JEWISH POLITICAL PRISONERS are the ones who found anticipation. Now we impatiently Gladsome • it, big bout. Thr<N>£h the kindness of await the day when we will have our Road's end reached—But what of RELEASED IN LITHUANIA Promoter Fugacy the Jewish Comown Babe Ruth. The latest addition this? munity Hottse of Bensonhurst is to be Kovno. (J. T, A.)-"—Fifty political to the Jewish ball players is a young the beneficiary. The proceeds of the trials which were pending in the What of Hfe and treasure-hunting, man that gained a reputation for him- Hunts each boy and girl must fight are to ga to the Center. Thirty Lithuanian cccvt marital ^vere canself as a linguist at rinceton Univer1 start, to forty thousand people are expected celled as a result cf the political sity. Mos Berg is th name tinder Who will find the greatest treato fattend this fight at Ebbets' Field, arerecJy granted by the new governsure, which he performs for the Chicago Brooklyn. The card is headed by e ment. Arnor.g the cancelled cases, White Sox. He was given a try-out Who, with gay and happy heart? ten round bout between Paul Bet-Ian- was that of the Jewish Cultural by Brooklyn but was found to be a Who can wear a pleasant smQe, bach and Francios Charles, & French League. One hundred Jews were weak hitter. Since Eddie Collins has When the road is rough and long, Jew. Charles is supposed to hold the among the 400 political prisoners rebeen laid up with bad legs, Berg has Who can search for their life's light heavyweight championship of leased by the new government. treasure been put into the game. Atting is till Berg's foible and although he With a cheering, bright life-song? fields gracefully and is actural ball can puizle Out their life player, his weakness at the bat, keeps Who clues him from the regular lineup. Whe nthey're up against it all, always find the right Bad news greats our ears. Andy Who canroad, SHROLLY GOODMAN Andy Cohen may be sent back to the Whd can hurry,, and not fall? minor leagues for a little more seasannounces his association oning. Andy misses being big league Who can search, for Heart's xvith the Desire, calibre by the proverbial hair. A Who can grope along life's way season or two in the "big sticks" For the real ana worthwhile EMPIRE CLEANERS & DYERS should give Cohen the polish" he lacks. treasure Rosenthal looks the most promising When they're not so glad nor gay? of the Jewish players.
There ha? been thousands of Jewish golfers without a real star among them. A really, prominent amateur Ah! It takes a sturdy hunter, t)r professional golf player could not to the platter, bringing in two men TENNIS. A.badwe ek. The near- One who knows at what to aim be found and there seemed little likeand scoring - twice Wcaself. Young est any of our boys came to fame on Then seeks but that yearned-for Mr. Kaufman all in all did his duty lihood of bur having a Jewish one the courts was a finalist in the Juntreasure, to liis country, and to his- team be- this season but the unforeseen has ior National Singles Tournament at Happiness—success—or fame. sides finding a berth in the tender happened and •we Triay now claim a Chicago. Seligson was defeated in There afe winners, there are losers, h&art of many a hard boiled fan who junior champion. This column pre- the-final round. He cause no end of dicted some time-ago "that if we were SWIMMING. Several nifty shim- could not help but liking the-smiling uneasiness to the other youngsters And you'll find some hunting still. mers were disclosed to the eyes of "Jewboy,"as some of his teammates to have a-Crack golf or tennis player, by pulling some startling upsets. The Hunters, don't give up your treasures, .the Jewish swimming public last aiTectionatly dubbed the lad. Sam- he would have to come from the jun- dope was correct this week and SeligWednesday nite in the'JewisK Com- my's batting average is now five ior" ranks and as though i€ had been son was defeated rather easily. This Try and find them—and you wlilt ordered Sam Alpert won the Western munity Center Natatorium when the hundred and* seven By Elsie Brodkey, out of four- Junior Championship. Youg Alpert column is of the opinion that Selig-: B'nai Ami Club, Order of Aleph 2a- teen timed up to the plate. Kaufman 3244 Jackson St, Sioux City, ta. son will never be a really great ten-| dik Aleph and Bfnai Israel Club en- will again pitch either this Saturday is iifteen years old- and plays left player. He lacks one element that handed. He is a student of Austin gaged in a triangular meet. or Sunday at the Omaha park. J High School of Chicago and has been is absolutely vital to a champion,— - -Justin Wolfe, little aquantic star * -m * playing" golf since he was eleven. In speed. Speed, unfortunately, is a Where are our Jewish representa"Iswimming tinder the colors of the The J. C. C. nine will meet, the winning the tournamnt it was neces- quality that cannot be acquired. Too tives? . A. Z. A. should have been lright point Julien Chevrolet • Go. team afe Fort bad the youngster doesn't go" in for man of the - even&ig. "Wolfe showed Omaha Sunday afternoon at? 1:30. sary for Sam to defeat boys much football. With his built, he ought to older than himself. In the final round, FIGHTING. At &adi«>n Square, \ his toes to the field in the forty yard The Hebrew lads enjoyed a two weeks make a fine line plunger. he defeated Francis Clary, a lad of Garden tonight,we saw Maxie Rosen-j "breast- stroke and forty yard back lay off and will enter the fray to do eighteen who appears to bfe about blum middleweight defeat Charley Where are our young Jewish . stroke besides trailing' Ted" Turner or die. Al Handler will twirl for the twice Ihe size of Sam Aljert. Alpert, Burns in the semi-final before the women, we -repeat. Forest Hills, T (B'nsi Ami) in the twenty yard free home team with Lester Civenter on the youngest •member of the Illinois Greb-Flower bout which Tiger won. where the Women's Single Champion', style sashay by inches. Ted Turner the otlfer ertd of the. battery. Junior Golf Association and the baby Maxie has already defeated Dave ship is being played, and there is not ~ clean cut youngster who captained HANDBALL. The J. C. C. hand .the B'nai Am; outfit "Was the ottt- ball tourney is being run oil in great of the" tournament, is the" first Jeft on© Jewish women among the entries. Shade twice and has blazed a path handed pplayer to win a major j asso- This is women's year in all sports. through the middleweight'class. Tis • standing performer of his squad. style a number of first around matches ciation tournament in the United Turner oozed his nose over the final having already been played .off. f he States in twfenty-five years. If, at odds still favdr the "Leveys.** Joe and . line in the twenty yard dasti, beating fifteen years, Sam Is a junior cham. out Wolfe of tjie A. Z. A", by ajioman auland the" tw(* Thorpian men, SegeU pions, at twenty-five he should be !n M. SOMIT probocis.. He__repeated__his perform man. and Mendelsbh. _ All fbur fav- a class with Bobby ones but any sort who recently opened at his home, 2429 Decatur Street, We. S5&7, formance in the forty yard free style orites came thru their, firfct. round ei a prediction would b bas\=d on. supmatches'in good shape. Other round jaunt when he led the" grten "suited A JEWISH BOOK STORE positions inconsistent with the facts. , Bud Levin of the A. 2. A. to the dark encounters resulted in . victories for ti> announce tbnfc he Ju*t t-eceivedl for the coming ttlfeh HoiIdftyB a Mg " line. Trootenburg of the BB'nai Ami. Harry l£nee.ter, thil Feldman.and fesortent of Mnchsorin with the best Ehgilib translation, beaiitlf&l]? bound, The prowess of women in athletics also a lull-llixe o£ New. Year Greeting cards Tvith nice envelopes at very a chunky youth "tucked, .away first Max Altahnier. -As yfet all matches has.become .a thing to ,be expected. d b l b tri - ' honors in the- plunge for distance have fun true to ibrin ho upseti-being Women 6f today are performing feats Tverj-one who so fat- p«fcBa*ed from roe Taletnim «llk and wool Tbiiirm, recorded. •when lie slid his bu\k/forty three MezUiOthee, ana 6c<HirIra tritb ar.d rrithout EnglSBh tfSftslatSon, have expfesied of stfenjgth; endurance and skill that feet' down the* limpid waters of the tlielr greatest satisfaction Trlth itie prices nnd qualities. rival the achievements of the men. . pool beating out liis' tfearti -Jiiate FOOTBALL.' THe open eeaspn for there is Tlo field o£ sport that has not " , 1 »m also expecting very soon Ethrogim and Lulovin for the holiday Of p fenccotn. . . . ' Abrams who; is "turn placed ahead of pri: "f&tbifll • p-ttarctiohs ' and toea* di h division.. Fighting, basestories will soon be on us. Ye editof ~ BisTioff of titfTX. p-kV '* • • 1 , football and crew can all produce 'Altshuler^Qf" the 8*ndT Ami Copped fa- n&t 'exempt- irbrft the' football 'tug female teams atraMn swimming it is i the diving contest from' Stern' of the and hibtt weekvwill have ^ : things a much mooted guesBbn whether the ;: of'interest, to <d!scOsBi -.Various tum. A. Z. A. by";ari'eighth of a'p^otttt, girls atg hot superior \o tnen. Where ' LAST DANCE THIS SUMMER J ors.-will be explained-dnd prospective ' Bishoflc of the A, & A': grbbited' the 1 HebreW pff-skin .-warriors- will be giv- has the ewish girt bfegn while aH this \ third place, banting.'' Bislioit; of "the was tatirig place? tMayi'ng bridge 6r -A.- Z. A. a .long lean>ojiatlcdf!nhfen en their- innlngSs' "• - .--- -. sitting ,on the beach in a- fl Keep'dut 1 of" the pool fan away, with", the , hUndof the\Water" bathing suit? fcegard- red yard journey when'he'negotiated HEBREW, YIBDI8H-WRITER K of where "sfie has'been, she has \ the stretch in one minute aiuf* forty TO CELEBRATE BIRTHDAY managed to keep away frond sports* t seconds. With the, exception of Helen acobs, Minsk, .White The meet_was_the_third held'in the The seventieth birthday of Isaiah girts' fjatidrtar tennis 'champion, the Center Natatorium. The _ first was Niseeri 'GbHijergV "HeBf ew ~6hfi~lTM- field has. b66n practically deserted, 25th ai»d Farnam St. _won by the'A-, zrA.,:the-fiedond was dlsh* writer fchdwri1 'under the peri th'e" first" report" of -feminine "athletic a' noti club "affair- and the third was name Yaknehoz,- will be celebrated activity by. a -Jewish girl that has Admission 35c Managed by LrPSMAN and ROISTEIN copped by theTJ'nanAmi fishes. in" White* Udssiar Arrangements for been received' In a long, lime was the " Swiftiming'-eTrtdfehtly ife "a gbpular this" celebration are bingmade by the news that FanhV'Sosehfftld of Torondish with thV Jewish fanfc'and rah-. Cerftral Jewish * Bureau' of the White to is actiVely. engaged on the cinder' hettes judgirig by the attendance. Russian' Commissariat' -of Education; pathe. Miss Rosenfeld finished third ' Such tneets-THH-Be heliT often in the Yakriehofc>was fine of the pioneers in the hundred yard dash at a meet futuf e, teattnlg'tft to the "big J. O. tr. in the Kussian'Haskalan movement, held for women. The winner of this ' ' Open" Meet"; ,,.that will be held later- i f e i i the author of over-five hundred event broke-the women's world record, doing the century-.in-11-1-1Q seconds, '• d n . * ' • ' ' short Btbrles'ifi Hebrew and Yiddish. which is only two seconds slower than r HH6 was "a" popular -writer-iii" the T3{immy -• Kaufman- Hebrew arid Yiddish pressr in th& the men's record. -We havfe a beautiful line of smiUttg youth, "who" hails frtSm St. arid "eighties -Recently the SOCCER. 'The interest that is now ' Paul, Ccnieago and Omah&' Btftlted 'White Rtissiah government granted being shown in so"ccer is greater than "his stuff before the casH'cUatoltters Him-fi p'enslohi ; Our line this year is well selected for the occasion. Our assortlast. Sunday-ai; Barney- Burch's West-* A dSciiion to JtOiwJr tKe-tnemerjr ever beforei. Two years aga a crowd of three thousah'd wa3 considered 5mment is the Ij'iggesl in the city. It isn't proper to have your greet, fern League ball parif. More than of DjgrjIwBKyi the idwfaf vi -thfe ing put in "a publicatitm as the very person whom you most desire '-'thirty-eight hundred'fans and their Chek&Y W§L6 tdltfen b y ' the Jewish mense.- Thtpikyers were only to greet, may hot see it advertised, and it eerlaijily ddestft «arrj>. •,* lady friends' -witHess&i .thfe double, bill tolohy, ShantfeB', ill the district of to the. close. followers -of the game. Tho sporting public knew in a vague your message of thought ? besides your friends may. bfe defended took the mound for-.the fi*a y th h BdVifebV, White RUBila; THe colonists way that there was such a thing af> "to see yoiif name iR"prtfit; -. as a startingg pitcher* (he had decided -to rfetiaffiS the colony th6 p a soccer game hut that was about as l lif if you have any friends or relatives that you wish to resetvSa duty "previously r.ss a relief UjetjjflSky far as Jtheirs interest-went. All this member them by, there is nothing better and ttiueh more ' hUxler) in the first game of tthfe dooblfe Johannesburg.—The-Sputa African happened before the -Hakoah Soccer - rheadef*"- He, did right ^rell In ye edi- CongtesB of the South. -African Jewsb Club of Vienna .made their first apappreciated by them, than to receive a plain and neat card. tor's humble opinion, allowing " the Board of -Deputies, has. been ri*ed This year our Iihfi includes a large assort-,-• ., ipearance-on. an American ^eld. Since "' W y hitting "WHy! Wichitas"- ten „>.„»„ l— f _ - r ^d ment of imported folders from German^. O b i O t definitely -for Sunday, October-.iiOin.jthat^ event Soccer has gained a place and Sammy an "walking six men*.TheCongress will be held at^thfe on the first page of the sporting eecth bbases but Jewish War Memorial Hall here and { tions.-,Four former ^akoah stars Sixteen men on the t 0 witeh S»w«d y " - -Sammy .Btartfedit>ne c ,1411 Farriahi Street (Across from the Bun/Ehefttts).^} of Jewish communities in all parts of ers, and a crowd of four'or'five ihoustwo asists besides, slamming South Africa. ' and at a game is considered fair. This a three-singles in. five t n
Ka Dee Mo Dance Sunday, August 29th, at Kelpine's
Happy Nvw Year
Jewish New Year Cards and Booklets
Meyer Coren's Book Store
Our Delivery Facilities Enables Us To Call At All Parts of the City "Call us and secure a service that consists of a little more than you actually pay for"
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FALL SUITS and Topcoats I T is a significant fact that hundreds of nifeh Who could well afford to patronise the most exclusive and expensive custom tailors prefer to wear "Nebraskas' clothes.
Customized Suits Clothes whose superior fabrics and fine tailoring assure you custom service without annoyance of repeated try-ons.
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Temple Israel Announcements 1
Mrs. I. JCulakofsky has as her house, guests, her daughter, Miss Lorraine King, of Chicago, HI., and Miss Mary Lapsky, also of Chicago. They will spend several weeks here and during their stay they will be extensively entertained. '
...Mr. and Mrs. Julius Sherman announce the engagement of their daughter•, Jeanette, to Leo Milder, son of Mr* and Mrs. Harry 3ttT Slflder, of this city.. No wedding date has been: set. " \. ••:..Miss Beatrice Hurwits, of Sioux Mir. and. Mrs. Sherman are enter4 taining at a family dinner Sunday City, la., will arrive Friday to visit evening at their home in honor of here as the guest t>f Miss Reva Ziev. their daughter and her fiance. Miss Esther Miller, of. Los Angeles, California, formerly of Omaha arMrs. Abe Gross and the Misses Ann rived Monday to visit with relatives and -Esther Scawarta entertained here. forty gu'este at a bridge-tea at" their Mr. and Mrs. Alec Bernstein, of home J3unda£ afternoon complimentary to Miss Syrdie Selicow and Miss Chicago, HI., prominent in B'nai Beaulah Mittleinah, who recently an- B'rith circles and well-known to a nounced ; their engagement. Miss number of Omahans are spending sevSelicow is the fiancee of Mr. Oscar eral days In Omaha this week stopWeiistieaij and Miss Mittlemah is en- ping at the Fontenelle Hotel. gaged to Mr. A* M. Shragb. Miss Rbsaline Pizer ientertained at three tables of bridge at her hoine Df. J. A. Wehiberg is leaving Satlast Thursday afternoonV Miss Vivurday, for New York City ito sail about September 1 for a two months' ian Moscow, of Sioux City, la.,.was stay tin Europe, fie ynil tour France, the out-of-town guest present. Prizes Italy^ ISnglahd, and other European were won by Miss Toby Goldstein Ethel Ackerman. countries. Mr. and Mrs." Ira Greenman and Mrs. A. Weinstein was hostess at daughter, Miss Billie Greenman, Mi*, bridge last Friday afternoon at her and Mrs. Mas Barnett, afl of Kansas iome honoring Miss Byrdie Selicow, City, Mo., visited in Omaha during a bride-to-be; the last week-end, residing at the Miss Evelyn Kaplan returned home Hotel Blackstone. Sunday f torn a weeks' stay in MisVes chapter of Hai Resh Will give souri Valley, Iowa, where she visited j a circus party tonight. with her brother and sister, Mr. and Mrs.':D. Kaplan. Manuel and Eee Sara Iseman entertained for several Omaha friends Mr. and Mrs. M. Oberman announce at.a buffett supper at their home in the birth of a baby son, Burton Leo, Nebraska City, Sunday. born Saturday, August 21, at Lord taster Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Braviroff returned this week from a three weeks' Mr. and Mrs. L. Witkin announce trip" to the Blackhills and other points ^Jhe birth of a baby boy last Thursday in Colorado* . t&t the Methodist Hospital. Mrs. L Grossman returned tliis Mrs. R. Snader is spending several week from St. Louis, Kansas City, weeks in Excelsior. Springs, Mo. and Excelsior Springs, Mo.> where she spent three Weeks. Mr. Gross_.|; Mis. _ Ac Salverxnan and.daughter 36ave returned from, a five weeks trip man "who left with" his wife, returned to Minneapolis and the Great Lakes. two Greeks ago. Miss Rose Gentis, daughter of Mr. -Miss Ida Tenenbaum will be hostess , to 18: guests at a bunco party given in and Mrs. S. Gentis, who is vacationJ^ honor of Mai Rosenblatt of New j ing Philadelphia with relatives is York City,. Friday night. i spending a few weeks at Wilwood, Out-of-town guests expected "at the j N. J. Miss- Gentis intends to spend party are Misses Vivian "Moscow of * the winter at Philadelphia. i, and Rose Zager of! Mxs.JB. Levensky entertained for her Lincoln, niece, Mrs. C. M. Kassmir of PittsMis? . £. Mandell and daughter, burgh, Pa., at the Fonfcenelfe Hotel R«se,' returned ^Tuesday from New Thursday. Dr. Kassmir Txrill Join his Y/ork where they spent two months wife in Omaha the latter part of the week. visiting with,, relatives and friends.
The opening services of Tenpple Israel will be held Friday evening, September 3rd, at 8:00 P. M. The regular Sabbath morning services will be held, starting Saturday, September 4th. The annual meeting of the Congregation and election of officers will be held in the new Auditorium September 5th. at 8:30 P. M. Services for the new year begin Wednesday, September 8th, at 8:00 P. M. Any member who expects to have an out-of-town guest during the holidays should arrange to secure admittance cards in advance. This may be done by Writing the Secretary, Emil Gahz, 29603Iarris Street, not later than September 5th.
. ' • ' , ' •
Brandeis Printing Dept.
Miss Rosaline, Rosen, recently inAt the last meeting of the Daughtjured in an accident, is convalescing1 ers of Zion held Tuesday, August 24, at her home. at the Jeyish GOmmunity Center* it Mr. R. <2ross,of Seattle, Wash., was decided to hold card parties durformerly of Omaha, will arrive to- ing the •winter season. The parties morrow to visit here for. over the will be given -every first Wednesday" week-end .with his brothers, the of the month at the Jewish Com-, Messrs Dave, Harry, and M. Gross, munity Center. Proceeds of these af* and with two sisters, Mrs." H. Rothkop" fairs will be sent to the United Palesand ;Str. H^ Dubnoff. A family din- tine Atopeal drive t6- be held this fait ner is being planned for Mr.- Gross in Omaha. on Sunday evening. The Auflebung Club will give a Sidney Meyer, formerly of Omaha, picnic Sunday afternoon, August 22,2 "returned.from Florida. at Miller Park. Prizes at the last picnic held AugSylvia and Sara Halpern, of-Sioux ust 15, were awarded to Sarah Taabj Cityi Iowa, is visiting with Miss Lena Mary Korney, Joe Soskin, and Harry Grossman. Glassman.
We have various selections and print names free of charge with each order.
MRS. LEVBNSON'S MUSIC SHOP Mnslc for all instruments at reflnced prices" »od K e St. atlniiUc S3S6
ian nationalist leacler, who testified in the. Schwartzbanl investigation. ,'Ko\*i askeci' Biag-istrate' Pe3rre to call Jewish leaders who can prove, he saM, that in 1921 he conducted negotiafiHnS ott." Pellttra's Jjehall; to organize propaganda against tbe pogroms.
LAKEIHEATER Twenty-Ionrth »nd X-mke Street* Phone Webster 6S78 IT'S AIATAI'S COO1. AT THE LAKE
BARC MYSTERY A Free Ice Creatia Soda tb tVfery Child attendiing tt*e firt chapter. SUN* MON., ATJGUSA 29—SO
The PUSFfC ACE CLARA BOW" DONALD KEITH A flnrinfe.. Baniinff pictn're. ovei-fiowing TS-ith. trti'th, Koofi atad Irart —nbout the nioiiern IMSJ- and girl. " O t B GANG" COMEBT — KEffS
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MUTUAL LOAN ASSOCIATION Recently organized tinder State -Law of Nebraska Corporated for $25,000
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LABOR LYCEUM, 2201 CLARK ST. Money Loaned at aBeSmall Kate of Interest on Weekly Payments one of the first
Charter Merofeers
18th and Chicago Sts.
Diamond importers
2i4»2i6 d t y Nat'! Bank Bldg. : - Establiehed 1894
Club Arctivities
Miss Reya Kulakofsky is returning A regular^ meeting of the Omaha home ~ Sunday from a seven weeks' Chapter of the Order of A, Z. A. will stay* in California. In San Jose, shS be held this coming Wednesday nita visited with Mr. jand Mrs. L. Richards, at the JewishConmun ity Center. fornfer^Omahans. ' "" "* Matters-of the utmost importance to' Mlss-fcena-Grossinan entertained -at [the Omaha Alephs will be transacted* a farewell' party at her home Monday | Plans are being fonnolated for a big evening-in honor of the Misses Sara physical era in the history -of the and Sylvia-Halpern, of^Sioux-Cityj la. .,Omaha
j are teing-issued.*':• l>een visiting for the p&gt week With •More than fifty couples were enterrelatives and friends in Omaha and tained afr the annual summer party! Mr. Sam Snyder left Saturday Council Bluffs, are leaving today fof given by the Zeta Beta Tau fraternity night for Detroit, Michigan, wheie their home. Thursday, August 19 at the Omaha he will visit his daughter, Mrs. Sidney Mr. Philip Friedman is fexpected Athletic club. Fanned by the cool Lightstone, and Mr. Lightstone. home today after a week's buying breezes that Swept the roof garden, Mr. Simon Steinberg ^and daughter, the guests danced merrilly to the Helen, motdred to Excfeisior Springs, trip in St. Louis, Mo. melodious strains of Randall's Royal Mo., returning home 'Monday evening The members of the Confirmation orchestra. accompanied back by Mrs. Steinberg: Class of the Talmud Torah Sunday Prize dances proved to be one of and children, Florence and Esther, School held a Werner Eoast at Fairthe best features on the program, who spent two weeks there. mount Park Tnesday. •while the many stags lent pep to the Mrs. W -Solomonow and children, INVOKES EVIDENCE OF gala affair. Some of the out of totrn guests at Sara and Joe, Who have been visiting- JEWISH LEADERS IN SCHWARTZthe party were: Joe and David Nef- with Mrs. Solomonow's sisterj Mrs. BAKD INVESTiGATtON sky, Albion Speire, Harry Diamond Ben Gershun, in Schcyler, Nebr. reand Dorothy Diamond all of Lincoln, turned home Monday evening. Paris, (J. T. A.)—A request to Nebr., Manuel and Ree Sara Iseman Jewish .leaders to substantiate his bf Nebraska City, Nebr., and Emilie Mr. and Mrs. I. Fonarow and contention that Petlura v,-£s opposed family are. leaving next. Tuesday, Ruth Greenman of Kansas City, Mo., Jean Krupp and. Rosella Verbin of August 31, for Corpus Christi, Texas, where they will make their future Fremont, Nebr., also attended. Congregation Shiara Zion "home. '-.•'. The chaperones at the party were will hold services for as follows: Mr. and Mrs. A. Goldstein, Mrs.-' L. K. Harding' entertained New Year and Day of Dr. and Mrs. Philip Sher, Mr. and fourteen children at her home MonAtonement Mrs. R. V. Pepperberg of Lincoln, day afternoon in honor of the twelfth — at — Nebr., Mr. Henry Mohsky and Mr. birthday of her daughter, Leona. Morris E. Jacobs. LAB0£ LYCEtM Mr. and Mrs. Richard Gordon re22nd and Clark. turned home Tuesday from their — Tickets $1.00. — Council Bluffs News hone3inoon trip to Denver, Colorado. Tickets at either M. Brodsky and Joe Bauin, 20th and Grace; Mrs. M. Laiden and her daughter, Mrs. Blanche Krasne, wife of Har- Mrs. Gordon and small daughter, ry Krasne, 2119 Avenue D, died early Wednesday morning at the Edmundson Hospital Wheir She underwent an operation a few days ago. She was 35 years old. Besides her husband, she is survived by three sons, Milton, j Public AccauEtsnts mi Anffiters MT: HdrryWraviroff 14, Lloyd, 8, and Bernard, 5; her } ISABORE ABRAMSON i Mother, Mrs. J. Cohn, of Omaha,; and anndufices reopening of his three sisters, Mrs. David Manvitz, of I INCOSIE TAX SERVICE PIAKO STUDIO, Suite 14, Omaha, Mrs. Herman Zuber, of Hast- • Baldiidge Building, 20. and SYSTEMS—AUDITS ings. Nebr, ahd Mrs. J- Klein of Oma- { Famanl Streets. AT-8162 INVESTIGATIONS ha; and three brothers, Max Cohii of i Beginners and advanced Council Bluffs, and Morris and Jde | 490 Brandeis Theater Building pupils Cohn of Omaha. Phone ATlantic 1450
In the past years, it Has been the habit Of permitting local people to attend the services, providing there Were, seats left fifteen minutes after the services begin. However, this year the rule 1* that anyone desiring seats ift the Auditorium should become a member and in that way they will he sure fcf getting a seat, as only Enough members will be accepted that can be seated comfortably. I)o not delay applying for mem* bership. Arrangements have been made For a double quartette Wednesday, Sept. 8th, 8:00 P. M.> also for .Friday, Sept. 17th3 whiail will render special music appropriate for these holidays. It is a duty of everyone wno has hot yet joined the Temple that is Misses Fannie and Toby atelnaati, eligible to do so, and not wait un- spent the past week-end in Leaventil called upon by the Trustees. worth, Kansas, -visiting their sister, S ,Temple Israel Sunday School Mrs. Abe Bear, and Bear. S | wili open Sunday> Sept. 19th, at 10:00 A. M. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Meyerson, 600 A special meeting of all Sunday Roosevelt Avenue, are receiving at. a School Teachers Will be held Sunday, Sept. 12th, .at 10:00 A. M., at Farewell Receptioh Sunday afternoon, which time assignments Will be August 29, from 3 to 5 o'clock and made of the different rooms in the Sunday evening, from 7 to 10 o'clock, new building. z at their home in honor of their sister The new $40,000 building is and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. I. practically completed. However, Fonarow, who are leaving soon for the opening celebration will be de^ •5 * layed until the nd of September, Corpus Christi, Texas, to make their at which time a definite announcement Will be issued. Rahbi Frederick Cohn has reBUY YOUR turned from the two months' vacation in order to be present at the opening service Friday, Sept. 3rd. President Harry. Z. Rosenfeld announces.that the membership at the^ present tirne is larger AT THE than this time fast year although we can still accotndate about tWenty-five.new members..
Miss -Rose Fromkin of Milwaukee, " Mr. irid-Mrs.- Ml "E. Chapman and Wise., is visiting her sister, Mre. D. childreii jretmaied-"^rdni ainotor trip to Duluth, St. Paul, and Minneapolis, B.- .Gross. Miss Fromkin who has • been extensively entertained has • just returned from a trip to Yellowstone they-spent-tw» \eeeks.— - National Park. After ajbrief stay in Mr: E." A. Chapman left Tuesday ! Chicago, -Miss" Frdmkin will return evening on a buying trip tb New • to Milwaukee. Milwaukee York City. Miss Molly Liederman, of St. Louis, Miss. Charlotte Heyn entertained Mo., is "Visiting here with Hiss Dora thirty-five -couples at a dancing party Hich, and other relatives. -at the Highland Country Club Mon» In honor" of two brides-to-be, the - day evening;•" j Misses Esther Katleman and Sara Mr. J. Rosen returned hom& -f rwn-a j Somberg, wno areTto.be married soon, two weeks stay at Excelsior Springs, Mf&. .Phil Schwartz entertained at a hridge-tea at her home Saturday afternoon. The Pi Taii Pi will entertain at a dinner danco Sunday evening at the MisB Lottie Selicow returned from Highland County Club. a two_ weelc's visit in Sioux City, la., Mrs. D. Pred and son, Marvin, of •with Miss Sara Mofecow. Pender, Nebr., spent a -week visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. Berek, of Fremont,
Anyone over 21 years of age il eligible to membership, regardless if they reside within a member's home. Anyone desiring to become a member before the holidays should request an application card from the Secretary at one so that it may be atted upon by the trustees at the meeting of ttoe Trustees Sunday, September 5th> at 10:00
MORE THAN 100 GUESTS AT j future homer and all their relatives. Eeva Gordon, and'ter son, Mr. B. to the pogroms was made by ProfesZETA BETA TAU & | and friends are .inviteH,'.No'"taids Laities, of Chicago; Iffliiois, vrhii have sor Koval of Prague, "former Ukrain-
tight House but Ames Ave. & Florence Blvd. IS
Every Sttiiday l i t e
Beginiung Sept. 5th
Sponsored By
Scih^^orczkin comes highly recommended by the Cantors' Association of America as one of the leading Cantors' in their profession (not as a se!instiled chiei cantor). He possesses a first class dramatic Tenor Voice and is leading a choir of well selected voices of sixteen people.
The Jewish pttblic of Omaha are cordially invited to come Saturday, September. 4, at 12-midnight* when Cantor Sellworczkin and his • choir Will chatit the services of SLICHOS, and on KfeWj .YEARS, (September 9 and 10) YOBtKIPPtTR, (September 18.)
YOUR TICKETS EARLY—JStOW. Tickets on s?le at the Synagogue daily from 7 to 9 evenings
$1.00 C6TJPIJB
* . .'
;o Famous Art institute
American Stage f f e Quit litaKng Jews
By ALAN" DALE Famous Dramatic • Critic Of The York American
' Why-do-children/tarn, out .badly? Structure to Be Modeled After This question "ip -asked; and answered Munich Museum in . at.the same time by .Judge Samuel " Germany. p.- Levy, who, has been dispensing justice at the .Children*?- Court of PHILANTHROPIST HONORED New York City* since 1916.' Twenty FOR $1,000,000 GIFT TO JJ>.C. thousand children'have passed-before him and so Judge Levy ought to Julius Rosenwald, the famous philknow. ' * '."".•.» anthropist, of-Chicago, has just> given Judge' Levy has broadcasted his $3?000,000 for the establishment in views. Addressing • his • invisible the.Windy City.of a great industrial audience he said; • • museum, to be modeled after the '"The home is the primary source, Munich Museum in Germany. of power and authority. It ig the The benefactor, who has always all-essential foundation of govern- been interested-in industrial activities, ment.' Good homes, with good par- has been contemplating the gift for ents and good children, make, a good a long time.. He .announced at a state and a good nation. The source luncheon given by him at the Union of power which supports,.the strte JS League .Club, attended by a group of not ••he- school or. church but thej Chicago* civic leaders,- that he wanted home. If this is bad, Loth school and not only the-natives of the city, but 1 all the people of the world to profit church must' fail. " "The church is entitled to have a'by the exhibition in the edifice, which clean, decent home and to.- live in an'is to be known as the Hosenwald Inatmosphere of love and sympathy, dustrial Museum, with careful, and serious paternal The South Park Board, in a fervent supervision. It is • entitled to have; 6 *? 16555101 ^ thanked their donor for fairly intelligent" .parents, ..possessed his magnificent gift. Plans are nuder of clean-thoughts, a.'place of worship, way for the reconstruction of the who attend and send: their children beautiful Field Museum in Jackson there."The child is entitled to be^sent Park, erected in the days of For the rebuilding of bond
New York theatres could scarcely continue to multiply and grow fat if it were not for .the tremendously enthusiastic . patronage of the Hebrew theatre-goers. New York audiences look sad and lean., and monotonous when anything occurs to keep the Hebrews away from their favorite pastime. They go to see everything-— and particularly it'seems to me they go to see themselves parodied, libelled and rendered ridiculous .and ugly, in the cheap tawdry, unrefined and garish affairs in which .their race figures abominable caricatures, .of .the sense-' They never seem to rebel at the abominable caricatures, of the senseless jests, at the obnoxous-'characterSun-treatment -will be clvrn pn five! Solaria (nbOTt li one for izations, and, curiously, enough, when npaclonii Jjcllcrtherapy deek». men) Bive r o t and recrentlon. the- Jew is—as very rarely occurs-— treated in a dignified -manner, there is no response. Therefore, it must be concluded that the. Hebrews tike to see themselves burlesqued; and have no scruples. . "; : Some- time - ago - the Irish rebelled emphatically a t certain burlesque: of their race, especially at the indignity of green wiskers!! There was quite' a pow-wow about it, and the result was that green wiskers were elivuinated from the gaiety of nations, and the protest bore fruit. The Irish' were right. Why should they buy theatre home, or for any other, reason except When the ***a n d d v i c I e a d e r s o f tickets for the privilege of seeing personal illness. No'mother has the Chicago meet shortly to discuss the their race insulted and he'd up rediB'nai B'rith Infirmary Buildmg right to go out to work wljen t h e ' d e t a i l s o f t h e P l a n s f o r t h e m u s e u m > cule? Playwrights' and managers'go National Jewish Hospital at Denver §« father is working, leaving the child, lt i s exP^tec! that the most prcm^ charily on the Irish" question. They wiU confer or children, from morning to night,! i n e n t i n realize that offense is easily taken to the mercies of their "lax neighbors j pished artists have shown a ikeen and they are not looking for trouble. or—what is still worse —to paddle\™te™st i n t h e proposed structure, for With Hebrew theatre-goer?, it is their own" canoes, for 'these condi-! 11 "^ b e l i e v e it will be one of me otherwL-e. They ' recent' nothing: tions invariably work' our badly. I f i n e s t o f i t s Und w h e n . c o m P l e t e d They go to see plays in which they; "The child should be neatly and! Although the details of the building are held up as a jargon-speaking cleanly clothed during, at least, i t s ' a r t n o t d e f i n i t e , i t is known that it people, innately commercial, hideously scholastic career and should be per-!™11 c o n t a i n m J n i a t a r e r e p r o d u c e s shrewd, each "ready and anxious to mitted to join clubs for athletic d e - o f industrial systems now used. There "do" the other. They are set forth velopmemVand allowed to indulge in ™H b e m o d e l s o f * ? m™5' h o w t h e y as bargain hunters, as money-mad, those things which wUl hold its inter- a r e - ° P e r a t e d a n d j ^ P r o c e s s e s as coarsely funny-and indelibly illittet and permit** to give, practical t h ™ g h which the product passes be- erate Moe, and Rachel ^nd Abe, and t~ ;t . '.fore it-reaches the Anished state. The Rebecca, and Izzy, and others are nexpression n w « t « » too .Uf«~,i;i,~.f its bent. -It should neither be nagged nor transportation^ systems and the pro- placed*in a set of "situations" that badgered, nor liye-*-Hfe where the ««•? *""? the old-fashioned stage give certain traits full scope, and word 'Don't* is a standing-menace to «»«J 'ttooJ the the modern modern ajrplane ajrplane mil mil be beruthlessly ignore any worthies traits. its proper, healthful and hormal self: • r i l l t a t o L ^ detf,ls:of ***"*£ The "sympathy of the audience" expression, but where correction will fconveyances and their modes -will (saving the mark) is secured when o n n n e o f o n n ° n e o f ^ p n n c i p d attractions be'made fairly, kindly and in an in-jfat attractiwill the Hebrew popper declares, after he the museum. Manufactures telligent and healthful manner; 'comprise a major portion of the ex- has sampled the doubtful joys/of life rooms with private porcbe* ne flood* absolnte re«t «utd qciet. a&joSrains patients' Central Entrance to the House "If a child is brought up by par-n i b h i o n a n d i t i s p ] a n n e d to make it °? Riverside drive and Park Avenue, of Hope. trets who- neglect- their, duties and o n e d f t n e j ^ - j n th e -country. that he prefers Christie Street," and bring It up unwisely,-if follows al- - W h e n t h e .^ ^ w a s . a i m o u n c e d it yearns for the dear old days, in "the When t h e w a s aimou most h t th ti f Bron-ix! Could anything more idiotic most inevitably inevitably tthat the reactions of w a s emp hatically stated that the inThejB'nai B'rith Building of the National Jewish Hospital at Denver, to be dedicated "Sept. 2, is the most modern structure of its kin* the child will be of an_anti-social st itution Avas to be maintained entire- be imagined, by the most fertile playin America.,. Exclusively, for. far advanced tuberculosis cases, the B'nai B'rith Building will increase the capacky o£ the Hospital h% approxcharacter and it will hardly; be to l y . without profit Mr. RosemvaM wright? The artistic sense of the imately JjTOO- patients,-j&n<3: will'enable ;it-tp extend its huiaanitarian service. ;: .- - ;, . - . - - . •A .. blame for^^ its outbursts,-whatever w i s h c s .ttiiiiee pp oo oo rr tt oo revive the rrfuli Hebrew is deeply 'ingrained; his love Districts 2 and 6/ £ 0 . B. Bi, bave raised ^350,000 for this magnificent structure. I>istrict-4 is raising-f7S,0001 for equipment, v form they take h take, and We 1mow that b e n e f i f c s . of the exhibition. He feels of beauty, and- charmr and refinement 7 nas ei^tcitsed.a canapaign f(fr $75,000 for auxiliary^ units-lor the Infirmary. : ; : \ " ' '. T . Jewish Jeaders from: all parts of the" cooutry will-attend fee Dedicatipa. »' ' ' •••• :• they will take the Oblique form of tt hh aa tt fl^ cc ll aa ss ss that forms thethe great is beyond cavil, but it is confidently d i l i b f l i t and d tiei a n n y oi industrial workers would be believed in the theatre that to secure waywardness, incorrlgibflity linquency. Then it is the parents m o r e appreciative of the structure,,' "sympathy" for the Jew, he must be who are to blame more: than the ^hich should be made available to] Portrayed aa lothing the "fleshpots" brew, that ha.W-rendered -him eminent from—qualities with which they have - Jerusalem.—Asher Ginsbarg, He- Actions. Committee - addresssed . the child and they. then can truly" be them. ' and going back cheerfully to the in literature/ music and - ill - "arts" been saddled' for ages—traits that brew philosopher and essayist known gathering, including several" 'Amerneed not he: f^crificed for the sake have led to anti-Semitism all over the under the nom; de plume -of Achad icans. The Actions Committee, at charged "with contributary negligence.] Chicago, rejoicing in the, gift, has! sweet, domestication of the—ei of some che&i^; jokes on "fire insur* world. It is the theatre that keeps Ha'am, was the recipient • of many one of its sessions, decided. :to despatch "If parents prove themselves real acclaimed the great philanthropist, Bron-ix! fathers and mothers they" may rea- ( for all recognize the donation as a We see him driving bargains in ance", ham sklidwiches and the ex-this illiteracy alive; it is the theatre congratulations yesterday when, ac- a message of congratulations to sohably expect, and will in all prob"-, benefaction of great merit, clothing, jewelry and other so-called quisite complications of the cloak that, refuses to let it die; it is .the cording to the Hebrew calender, his' Achad Ha'am, in which;he;was given ability receive, the utmost from thej Simultaneously with the prcsenta- Hebrew commodities, and viewing and suit '^profession". Plays might theatre that is responsible for certain seventieth birthday occurred. Manyi the traditional Jewish .title :of *Moreichild in love, respect, "obedience' and tion, Julius Hosenwald was made the with anguish the gradual-emancipa- be written" v4t$v$he attempt to appeal low-brow^ entertainment that has nomeetings were held in Tel Aviv- in*nu" (our teacher). • • j honor and their children will be a godfather of an • agricultural colonv tion of his children "irom his foolish to the dr,aij&tic approval, of the. merit other than. a crude appeal to honor of the occasion. '..'•! great asset to the- community and of transplanted Russian Jews in teachings. This theme, which it is higher Hebf^^^those who do! things, the box office. , . . , , T state. The action and conduct - of Crimea, according to a report received quite possible to render pathetic, think things^ write things, compose It is the theatre that will ultimate- London, July 29,—(J. T. A.)—The Wet .Wash ;..•-,,-•..• '. parente: toward the children and, the this week by the United Jewish Cam- true-to-life, and instructive, is merely things, addifcgitV the world's treasury ly "offend the very patrons that keep seventieth birthday of Achad Ha'am. Semi-Flat '__—;—~~Lrecipxocal acts and conduct of chil-' paign from its representative in Rus- used for the introduction of baffling of refinement '•'• and refusing to caterJt alive, for there is no doubt at all was celebrated .here at a public meet- Rough Dry „——:—— dren toward parent? are inter-related' sia. inanne "comedy" at which the leoak- to its low-brow element. Eebrew that these plays have-started on their ing: "arranged by the World Zionist AMERICAN WET WASH " and' correlated and the father ahdi The great honor was conferred up- ing and suit--patrons laugh noisily, theatre-goers . might appreciate this downward path, gathering a momen- Organization-Many '. of the Zionist 280S Censing St. flamey ©SSI 1 - ' • . . ' , tum that will land them'in the pit be-i leaders present at the session of the mother who fulfill their duties to on Mr. Rosenwald by the colonists, in and the Jew-in-name-only considers delicate attention. , their children' generally find -them' appreciation of his gift of $1,000,000 most entertaining! and excruciatingly As a sop to the insults catapulted fore very long. Ike and Moe and responsive, appreciative and dutiful.!to the. United Jewish Campaign for droll. toward the Hebrews' the characters Izzy -' have still the "joke book" in : "I have rea*m to fojow, that t h e l r e l i e f a n d reconstruction work- in American Jewry,has no objection in these; plays are always placed. in which to - flaunt their • festive humor The Only Way to Be Sure of Greeting ALL great majority of parents do' fulfill ( Eastern Europe, to all this. It seems to appreciate it, some "situation" supposed to call and":their brilliant repartee, bat the 11 stage, a? time goes ,on,-will become Your Friends! their duties and that^jnany make the ' their duties, and t h a t W n y make the as an. honor done to .the race. You forth tears and .compassion. The sit^ greatest possible sacrifices for them; BEER SHEBA INHABITANTS never hear of any protest against uations of this, ilk are all foolish, and more difficult. In the meantime the STRIKE IN. PROTEST but, on the^ other hand, there are The refined, garish, and ludicrous. Either the son educated; Hebrew shouM put the kiAGAINST RAILWAY many' indications that the' functions Hebrew, must embezzles, and dear old Popper has bosh 'on these plays, and "drawing of parenthood are breaking down. In take offense at these ribald inper- to give up his hard-earned savings-to himself up to his full height," reject • many cases this is due to over- Jerusalem.—The population of Beer sonations, but you never hear of it. save, his chee-yilo!, or the daughter^ is them. / From One End of Coast to the Other They Will Receive Sheba ^went "on strike" as a protest indulgence of the child, for by this Perhaps he stays away from the about to bring disgrace upon., his '. :"." ' " ' the Announcement of Your method it is more completely spoiled against a decision of the Palestine maudlin and silly shows that make a family-by wedding a counterjumping" Tears are not the' orily proofs of Railways Administration. than by any other. feature of these burlesques, but heGentile. It i s all so silly" that it distress, nor the,best ones. Dickens. The Railways Administration had "Giving it too much money to recently announced its intention to does it quietly, instead of denouncing makes one heave. One's gorgftrises ia revolt at such { spend, pampering' it so that its life liqidate the Beer Sheba railway line the whole proceeding. if inserted in is one inordinate desire,, craving al- because of the deficit it incurred. The These plays merely advertise a cer-j an extravaglnce ..of stupidity: You ways the things it has not and dis-Beer'Sheba population feels that the tain "type" of Hebrew that assuredly cry Mercy a t these unvarying offer-WHdLBMU contended with that which it has and liquidation of the railway line would does exist, but the "type" is adver- ings that tread the same path from^ sts and Stationers; allowing it. under the peculiar and bring economic ruin to the entire dis- tised to the exclusion of all others. start to finish, and are* presumed, to' Our theatre would have us believe blend "tears -with; laughter.". All the, latter-day terms of 'self-expression' trict- • Greeting Cards WiE Take This Form: that the only Hebrews wortK while time, the Hebrew, race is:getting it in;, and 'freedom of action' to live riot-, are those that thesep lays emphasize. the neck, and doesn't care a contioiisly or abnormally, to become in Mr. and Mrs.- William '.R. .Jacobs; and Familj^ . . 9 ~'-;i. .'.'.-- • i And it is thk '-'type" that does the nental. time so spoiled as to have practically j 4960 Lincoln -Boulevard M J s Help Yea "Keep Oean" damage. It would seem that the box Tliese characteristics are propaoutlived its usefulness. Giving chil-. Extend their best wishes to their relatives and friends: office demands it,'ptherwiae it would ganda for: the very things that redren the use of a, car, "nbn-interfer-1 for a Happy and Prosperous New "Year. not continue to be so inevitable. My fined Hebrews are trying to get away ehce with its late"hours," plus the! ?1819 California Street contention • is that the bos office flask on the. hip, have .done incalcul- ; One step won't take you very far, • - - .- "• , '"• MAIL THE COUPON BELOW "' You've got to keep on walking; [shouldn't demand it,rand"flia't the HeATlantic 62sl. able harm. • -* -.•. .- . - . - . : • • - A T O N C E ' •• ..- One word won't tell folks who you brews, constituted -otherwise, should . "It is well that the-kind" df mothers are You've got to keep on talking; cease, to endure such 'ur.fimitigatedj and fathers. wh<$se .training,-influence The Jewish Press, .... '" ' ' • Harry H. Lapidus, Pres.-Treas. and religious teachings are such that One inch won't make you very tall, insults offered so p'eraiatently and iin-j ••Manufactured «rt Omaha" ^.'G.-Ure'. Secretary. 490 Brandeis Theater Bldg. , . ' - -> :; • ; ; ' .pudently. ' , . , pave' the way. for fine citizenship are, ] ' You've got to keep on growing; Omaha, Nebr. ' • ' -: BAKKR ICEJVIACHINK The Hebrew ..characteristics in" One little ad won't do it all, still in the majority. However/ there, v Omaha Fixture & You've got,to keep them going. which these plays dabble,' the ugly Gentlemen': \T ^» » is yet" much to be done to interest" , Supply Co. traits that they capitalize, need not Enclosed find $2.00, for which please insert tnyNew \<arBi, parents in making a more earnest r The constant, drop of water COMPLETE STORE AND be ignored entirely. They can be efGreeting Card in Your Rosh Hashonab (5687) Number. effort to understand^ the psychology ,- Wears away, the hardest stone, OFFICE OUTFITTERS PAXTI1N-MITCHBIX CO. fectively used; for Vflavdrihg" pur^af the younger generation and create 0he constant gnawing Towser W» •ceupy «?th * Marthn f«t» Hnrwy Masticates-the toughest bone; poses, but they need, not, b> the alpha Name the kind of home atmosphere that 19.000 iqnai* feat n QnuUutt*r\tt. andthe'omegjTo* tfie Heifrew"drama t h r t Onuw nnrt HI« makes for . character development. The constant cooing lover • Son it raj iron hruss M-O Address., Kl«>et». <n« mlntiin casUriKS Slandnrfl ciies i.ronw Thisi. is -of great importance in thfr Carries off the blushing maidj. —so called. It may be advisable to tud i • Tw trpn »nistrtiiw:»- newer ni(ni»i«le» introduce a" few types, from the "lower elcienr ritigs nnd cover*, and elenn out progress^ andf prosperity of the na- And the constant advertiser OMAHA KF.Ti East Side" for- purpose of contrast, -Innrc In. stocft., tion '' than:' aft ' tfcV "commercial and ' Is the one who .gets the trade but surely the*_ qualities "of the He•
Yearns Greetings
Bruce & Co
Keep At Em
Froatiir Towel & Linen Supply
Baker Ice Machines