September 2, 1926

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liaone knows* •ihe "price of . By AETHUB' OH GIKLS:—. . " The summer social season most successful if thepinnin aternity pins on girls means ^ ^ Several fair maidens have blossomed out -with pins recently, most of. them being diamond-shaped. A visitor r from Iowa 'carried away a pin last •



























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Entered as seeood-dass mall matter on January 27tb, IU21, At postofflce at OmaBa^KebrBSka, under tbe Act of March 3,1S79.



VOL. V—-No. 39


~ The engineer with his. hands on the throttle -was eager to manipulate the mechanism that was to start the big iron liprse on its way over the rails. Crowds-jammed their -way into the railroad stations to bid their loved ones farewell. Parting kisses and heart-breaking embraces were in order as sweethearts bid each other good bye..

ever* 4 <Jrl'-O





| Increase in Activity is Jewish Community Center Ball Team Will Tangle Pith St. Joe Club Sunday se '26 1,643 Patients Taken Care of During First Six Months of Fiscal Year

Going South, yes siree, and;we don't mean maybe. • Saturday, afternoon, at 4:30, the Jewish Community Center baseball team together with the Julien Chevrolet nine, and managers and newspaper scribes will board a train for St. Joseph, Mo., where Omaha will battle St. Joe on the baseball diamond. : ^ '•''•' The two respective teams were selected by the governing moguls of the Omaha - Amateur association to uphold the name of Omaha in the state of Missouri. .Following the two games Sunday the Missourians will return to Omaha in a couple of weeks for a play-off affair. — Captain Somberg and his hustling Jewish ball crew, are in fine fettle for .the melee.. After a strenuous practice Tuesday evening the Jewish boys look like they are in pink condition. The infield with Konecky back at the shortstop job, seems to "be rounding into its old reliable form. ' -....' The Jewish boys will roll into Joe-town around 9 o'cjock in the evening. Early Sunday morning they ars carded to go through a brief practice on the Missouri playground. It is uncertain,as who will get the mound assignment for the Jewish team. "Lefty" Handler -ps in fine shape and should get the first call. Following are the men who will make the. jaunt: Captain Somberg, Syd Corneusatv Leo Konecky, Leo Weitz, Aaron. Weitz, Joe Turner,. Johnnie Rosenblatt and Phil Gerelick. Tooch," the-official scorer for the Jewish boys, -will be on hand r with the score book and thejbld reliable pencil. Horace Bosenbloom will represent The Omaha Bee at the games. ? . •" .Johnnnie "Dynamo" Dennisoh, premier umpire, director- and -whatnot of the Omaha Amateur association, will make "the journey with bis respective baseballers Saturday afternoon -vdien they depart for .St. Joe. Dennison .has been one of the most active boosters for the Jewish squad this" year. According to an eleventh hour statement, Dennison was quoted as saying that the Jewish boys would in all probability return home with a victory tucked away under their belts. "The playing of the Jewish nine has been one of the bright lights of this year's amateur play,", said Deimison.



David Sher, University of Nebraska debater, and Marvin E. Treller, former Kemper Military Academy officer, are in charge of the actual formation of the "Walter W. Head Troop," the first troop of Bey Scouts to be formed at Father Flanagan's Boys" Home. "This troop is the first of several troops -we are to form at the Home," said Father Flanagan. "I was always in favor of forming a troop, but I left it to the boys. When they read aiwit Mr. Head being elected national president they began. to insist that a troop be formed." •iThe Walter W. Head Troop" wil] be ,'uniqque in that it will be one of the few troops in the •world to have its own band. Nearly every lad in the troop is a trained musician, having received such instruction- at the Home. Father Flanagan's Boys' Home is planning to form a "League of Nations Troop" soon. Each boy in the troop will be of a different nationality, race, color or religion, providing t"hat -he_ home is non-sectarian. Much credit for the Boy Scout work rnnst be given to Mr. Sher and Mr/ Treller. They meet with the Is HopefnJ of. Better Prospects For youngsters every Monday and ThursJewish .National Home day evening.

Money Uws! for. Cultural Undertaking Amossg Jews in -Col" legee $jnci. Cities. ^

This Is just the writer's' concep- GROUP'S SUPERINTENDENT LOCAL MEN ATTEND BIG tion as to how the Union and BarlingMEETING'AT CHICAGO OUTLINES* SCHEDULE ton stations, will look around September .14, when most of Omaha's yonngHenry Monster,* Ornsba attorney, The visiting Nurse,association has er set will return to school. Septem- compiled for the* budget committtee of who W8s appointed chairman of the ber 7; all of Omaha's schools will re- the Community Chest a report for the campaign of the Independent Order convene for another season. Accord- first six months' of: 1936, shqwing an of B'nm B'rith to raise, a national ing to early reports the high schools increase of patients i of 1,634 and of fund of two million dollars to be will be crowded to capacity. used in Jewish culture and relief visits to the sick"of 2;227, over the work, returned tt> Omaha Tuesday Following are the persons who "will same period in 1925;';. At this'rate the from Chicago to complete plane fot return to Nebraska University this nurses will take jcare of 10 thbusend the district meeting in Seprember fall: Ed Eosentiial, Pha Gerelick, Ar- patients during 1926. '".". when representatives vrili decide city thur Green. Those expected, to go to The nurses are being asked to write and state ..appropriations. Nebraska are: Earl L Kay, Eddie the story of their day's ^work," in order Brodkey,-Frank Blotkey, Joe Krasne that the association can give the -pubThe mousy "Will be used for an and George Geffen. of Albion, Nebr. lic a clearer idea" of-what the associaextensive cultoral undertaking among Irvin Heller of Columbus, Nebr., will "Kon does* Miss McCabe, the superJews m colleges and cities, and for return to Nebraska as will David indent of the association, has made additions! housing facilities in PalesYabroff of Oxford, Kans., and Carl public a typical *'day with a visiting tine, E need which has arisen through Gugenheim of Thermopolis, Wyo. nurse," showing how this chest widespread immigration to the old David Sher • will go to Harvard and agency is busy» , - - > . . - >Lcountry. Annie Rosenblatt will return to EadShortly before the close of the conThe nurse arrives at the office at Assumes Netti Duties diffe University. ference Monsky WES chosen perma8. a. m., receiving her. assignments nent chairman of the B'nai B'rith and planning her" work 'for ^the day. ZQWIEI...MEN SUPREME:— . •wider- scope committee, which will Her first visit is tp i little boy dangThis stunt of swimming the Eng- erously ill with-, •pneumonia. His extend the program of the organizalish channel is .becoming easier than- father and mother had cared for him Local Chapters Laying Plans For tion to activities along cultural lines District Elimination , crossing Farnam street at Sixteenth as ^best they could;" "but they, were not heretofore included, chief of between. 5J15 and 5:30. unable to give the, treatment ordered which is the establishment of Hillcl Geneva (J. T. A.)—An optimistic Jewish Youths of Omaha will be Not long ago, Gertrude Ederle by the doctor, so they eagerly awaited Foundations at leading universities. view of the .present situation in Palgiven an opportunity to. compete ill broke all previous channel, records the nurse's coming. Henry A. Alexander of Atlanta., estine and. the prospect of the future a national essay contest, being conwhen she succeeded in swimming the Ga., WRE elected vice-chairman, &wl The nurse's ^second visit was to a ducted by the Aleph Zadik Aleph. This development of the Jewish National breach of jrougti water faster than maternity case in "a happy family that Leonard H. Freiberg of Chicago, Home there, as well as agreement any -person . in history.. .Fourteen bad moved from, the south about a contest -will be_open to every Jewish secretary.with the present policy of the Mandays after Trudy" had accomplished year ago. The nurse found the woman boy in the nation between the .ages of of the Trider scope committee datory Tower, . was" taken by the 16 and 21 whether he is or is not a her remarkable feat, Mrs. Clemington had given birth to a baby just a few include the establishment ol at report of, the Permanent Mandates member of the A. Z. A. . Corson, mother of two children also hours bfefore, shut-lying1 -on a mattress two finch institutions each year •at Commission of the Leagne of Nations. succeeded in wading across the divide covered .with old quilts and rags. The An award, consisting of '• a trip to Los Angeles, Csl.—An announce- the major \maversitje6 for the Jewish The repoTt, which expresses the ment of interest to the entire Jewish between France and England. visiting nurse.,loaned,sheets and pil- the next annual, convention .of .the opinion of the Commission following community has been recently made students enrolled. Illinois, Michigan. —A. few -days" -ago,- Ernst Vlerkoetter, low * slips - and • a- neighbor- was shown order, which will be held at Des its%xamination of the various reports public, stating that Eabbi Ernest R Madison and Ohio State German swimmer swain the channel how to <sare for^the patient' during Moines, "with all. expenses paid, will be concemingPalestine at its last session Trattner, young spiritual leader o: liave Hillel foundations established given to the winner of "the' national and bested Ederle's time Jby 1 ionr ihe jaurse's -absence, ^;*:".-• : i . the report, of .the. the -Temple Emaim'-El, is to forsste by the order. -contest^,- However.,. S-^ihe-Binnec is a and"4S7Tfninutes.' By ~"tloin^ so; the "T'"J i Representatives-, of District" 2v*».;i»: British Government as the Mandatory the pulpit for'an artistic csrer iti-the resident of Des Moines, he will be faithful German brought the men r with a fractured tirm'"who "required in which Nebraska is included, w!H Power, the report of the Zionist World awarded a suitable trophy instead. back into the limelight. - ~ motion picture field. bedside care.^ Fourth was t<i demon- The awards that will be given to winmeet at Chicago in September. Thr Organization as the Jewish Agency The announcement came as a comstrate, a -baby feeding where the ners of district contests will be decidcampaign will start in November d and with the petitions of the PalDISGUISE:— DR. SAMLEL GERSON plete surprise to the many Jews of will continue until January. young mother,, quite,-overwhelmed estine Arab Executive, the Orthodox '•You speak English "because you with the care of Jier-first babyr, relied ed upon by the chapters that will Dr. Samuel Gerson, of Pittsburgh, Jewish World Organization Agudath Los Angeles. Starting with a group Sam Leon, prominent local member . ' . " ' . Pa., arrived in Omaha-: Wednesday to want /people to think you are not a upon the nurse'to fteach1 her what to sponsor the contest. of 28 members, Rabbi Trattner, in of the lodge, said that plans fof All Omaha contestants should get fill the shoes of William Blumenthal, Israel and of the delegation of the five years, succeeded in establishingJew," said one Omahan to another. in touch with Philip Klutznick, 301 who is now-director of the Cleveland Vaad Leumi, the National Council of one of the largest organizations on raising the fund had been in f«e "But the way you speak it discloses An expectant mother-received the process of formation fpr the past piv Palestine Jews. •' • " , . Jewish Community Center. your identity at once. • I advise you to .fifth visit. • She had ^n'ot before had ;Peters Trust BIdg. the Pacific coast. months, but that the first public *»*The report dealing with the memoThe list of subjects follows: speak Hebrew, because the way you parental instruction, and had-lost two Mr. Michael C. Levee, the head of nounceraent was made Sunday. 1-S>. randum of the British government First National Motion Picture Studios The jew in United States do it, I am :sure that even the Jews babies at birth> but she is hoping that said that Omaha's and The Jew in Poland maintains a general tone of agree- signed Trattner to Ms contract. will not suspect you are one of them." with care and supervision of the visitRitual Murder Riot The Jew in Germany quota of the fund had not yet ment with the policy of the Mandatory The Jew in Mexico ing nurse, the i baby that is to come | assigned, nor had local committees to Power, "Which" is fioing its best in ; Avoided In Lithuania a difficult 'situation.™ Although thej LEVINSKY COMING BACK:— The Jew in England will be strong and Tiealthy. the fund been appointed. The Jew in Africa Battling Levinsky of Philadelphia f Oil" to Give The sixth visit was'to give general Eight - states, Illinois, Nebraska, Berlin (J. T. A.)—The consequences Jews are justified' in demanding the New The Jew in Russia - ,former light-heavyweight champion care and surgical, dressing to a man North Dakota, South Dakota, lown, of the spreading of a ritual murder support provided for by the PalSeries if Weddy Ibices The Jew in Spain of the world and for a time the only with a tubercular'. spine.' The assoThe Jew in France Minnesota,' Wisconsin and Michigfcfc i " tale were avoided by the Jewish com- estine Mandate^ the Mandatory Power recognized Jewish pugilist among the ciation had spent; awheel chair from The Jew in Palestine The newly organized "Nite Club." are included in District No. 6, wh)."h munity of Sudarg, a town of Lithu- is acting -wisely in" its endeavor to heavier classes came back into his its loan closet. -In this family the The contestants can any onej ania, by a stroke of fate *£ w »«;t> « « . «choose . « » » *">..™?\ avoid serious' conflicts between the which is being sponsored by Messrs. has a quota of 500 thousand dollfcH own. He made a successful comeback mother provides thersupportiby day- of the preceding subjects for hisj A M _ t m.rf .„ +V/> A servant girl in the house of a two sections of-'the population, the Phil Feldman, Clyde Krasne and Mer- to raise. Wednesday night when he knocked time work in a.laundry, and works at theme, and may enter more than one edith Kenyon will give a series of Jewish baker, Joseph Jozefowitz, Sam Beber, young Omaha attorneyT report observes.' out Tommy Madden of Brooklyn, N. home in the evening7"The question of composition, providing they are writdances throughout the fall and winter also attended the meeting, represf?nrsuddenly disappeared. At the inY., in one minute and 20 seconds of building up the health of live little ten on different subjects." The theme seasons. All the dances will be held I ing the aclviiory council of fighting. Levinsky had not been in children is one of'the chief problems must not exceed 2500 words in length -vestigation of the local priest andd-! Jewish-Arab Peace Is at the popular Lighthouse Inn at Zadek Aleph, several monks, a huge crowd surbranch of thtthe ring since he lost a decision to in this home. : p and tnust be typewritten on one eide rounded the bouse of the Jewish \ Twentieth and Ames Ave. Aim -0! New Society Gene Tunney in 1922. Tunney, the B'nai B'rith, vrhich is also partisllj '••."- •• The seventh visit was to an elderly ol the paper. Meredith Kenyon's syncopators will baker, shouting- that the girl had "fighting marine" will dhange •woman, paralized, who lives with her supported from funds raised by ihtOniaha Winners will be announced been killed by the Jew for ritual Jerusalem (J.: T.:A.)—A new furnish the music for the first dance, li&tionftl feieiice committee, which *;punches with Jack Dempsey in a few husband alone in' a small house. The March 15. ' • purposes. They were about to storm society called "The Peace Covenant" which will be given, Sunday, Septem- so expends large sums for hospite?weeks. husband has opppsei sending her to •the house and lynch its inhabitants (Brith Shalom) has: been formed ber 5. Various novelty orchestras ization work, anti-defBmation work, a hospital, and the visiting nurses, f or\ MANY ATTEND PUKERAL when several pEasants who arrived in here, with'the object of arriving at ^ptill be featured during the season,.! and colonisation •work - among J<vw*s HE'S STILL SIDING:— months,-have given, h^r care. town passified the mob by stating an understanding • between Jews and according to the officials of the or- in Mexico, aside frotn "the SERVICES OF M. MIROFF Izzy was on board a train bound TThe final visit* of • the day was to .. that they had seen the girl in a neigh- Arabs as to "the form of their social ganisation. foundation, which niftiRteins for Los Angeles, Calif, Suddenly he return to the little boy ill with pneuboring village, safe and sound. Many attended the funeral services relations in;Palestine:-on the basis of centers for Jews at large state looked from the window.and, clasping monia, to give him a sponge hath, absolute political equality of two DECEEASE DUTY ON versities. • - • • - . his head in his hands, began to moan and make him-comfortable for the of Mr. Morris Miroff, 74, who died Thursday morning, August 26,. after HUNGARY SEEKS POLAND'S culturally'. autonomous peoples, and "Ai, ai,.aL" . night. JEWISH RELIGIOUS ARTICLES •'.. . . [ ' ] . ; , ' I•''••• :';• •-'•' ,.,' . a short illness. Services were held to determine, the lines of their coSUPPORT FOR CONTINUING All that day the wailing continued Miss McCabe-says that the average that afternoon from the Chessed Shel Berlin. (J. T. A.) A concession to ACCUSE "AUSTRIAN" MILITARY NUMEROUS CLAUSUS operation for the development of the and fellow passengers heard Izzy day of the "visitine iiurse, includes the Orthodox Jewish community of AUTHORITIES'OF ANTI-SEMITiC Emes Funeral Home and burial, took Budapest. (J. T. A.) International country. ; . * ' -* moaning, in his berth without cessa- eight calls. •*' ' " • . . •', ' - PROPAGANDA place at the Golden Hill Cemetery. Branches of the society may be was granted by the German governsupport f&r the continuation of the tion. ment. Mr. Miroff had been a resident of numerous clausus law in Hungary is established throughout Palestine and All the next day and even into the Vienna. (J. T. A.) Complaint th**The government ordered a conOmaha for the past fourteen .years. being sought by the Hungarian gov- also abroad. • .- • - , wee hours of the morning Izzy's. Little Musicians-Club the heatl^u&rters ©f • the Austria siderable decrease in the custom duty He is survived by his wife, Molly, ernment, it was stated here. •"A3; ai, ai," rang through the car. on "Ethrog and Lulow" (citron and army ei?pa|re in anti-Semitic two sons, Abe and Ben Miroff, of CITY GOVERNMENT URGED TO It was learned on good authority Finally one of the passengers grew ganda TO? ?oicecj by the Jewish Omaha; three daughters, Mrs. M. that a special representative of the IMPROVE HEATLH CONDITIONS myrtle bough and willow) from here. The jress quotes a •mi tired of the moaning. H approached All girls and boys are urged to Selicow, Mrs. A. Riklin, also . of Hungarian minister of foreign affairs IN WARSAW-JEWISH QUARTER Palestine for the forthcoming holiIzzv and said: order 'in which the soldiers join the Little Musicians Club a i the Omaha, and Mrs. M. Goldman, of left for Warsaw to seek the support days. "My dear fellow something seems, warned sap&ingt "Jewish '. of the Polish government for Hun- Warsavv. <J. T. A.) The spreading :| to be wrong. What seems to be the •Jewish Community Center. Miss Chelsea, Mass. tions." Nora Perlmutter, pisno instructor .at gary's attitude in the question of the of the scarlet fever epidemic in Po- ROUMANIAN ANTI-SEMITES trouble? the J. C. Cand sponsor of the club, ACCUSE EACH OTHER OF DRUZE DETERMINED numerous clausus which, it is expect- land's capital has directed the atten"Wrong?" Izzy answered, "three tion of the, city government to insays that members do not necessarily PARNERSHIPS WITH JEWS TO FIGHT TO THE END, ed,will come up before the meeting days already I am riding on the have to belong to the piano departROSH 1OSHONAE MEALS ARAB EDITOR REPORTS of the League of Nations which will quire into the sanitary conditions in wrong train. Ai, ai, ai. Bucharest (J. T. A.) Mutual acthe Jewish- quarter of Warsaw. ment. Anyone who.ig at all interested be held in Geneva in September. AT J." C. €. EESTAURAKT cusations of secret dealings with in: music is" invited '"to jouu Meetings The governmental'commissioner of Jerusalem, (J. T. A.)—The deterPLAN TO FORM JEWISH the city of Warsaw visited the Jew- Jews is on the calendar of the daily The high holidays have DEMOCRATIC PARTY IN POLAND are held at theV'Jfewish Community mination of the Druze to continue VIENNA ROTHSCHILDS GIVE Center very Wednesday from 4 to 5 their-fight against the French was ish quarter for the. purpose of in- business of Roumanian anti-Semites. on the Jewish Comtftunity $5,000 TO KEREN HAYESOD specting the sanitary -conditions. He The quarrels which started at the resaursnt. "Bwh Hofhonah Vilna. (J. T. A.) An attempt to P. M. The dues are ten «ents a month. reported by the Arab paper, "Meraat congress of the Christian League "will be eprvtdf accoriling to MSffe. established that; the' streets in that It is proposedto; have many local el Sherk". ' 'Vienna. (J. T. A.) A contribution organize a new Jewish party in Poland to be known as the Democratic musicians appear on the programs, The editor of the newspaper, who of the Vienna Rothschild house to quarter and the'yards of the houses held in Jassy last week and vrhich S. Nath^ii, manager of party, is being made here at a con- and a Halloween. party, is being just returned from Djebel Druze, the Keren Hayesod was announced were gTes'tly neglected. As a result led to the split in the party, continue eating, repdrfons, of this, the commissioner urged the in the press. Alexander Caza, irv an planned. ference of democratic leaders. stated that the Druzes have sufficient here by Baron Louis Rothschild. Those 4«si*ing holiday din»f»J* r 1 food and arms but that they lack The new party is to be constructed The gift of $5,000, which was the city government to- take immediate article in the "Apararea Nazionale," should * g^t in touch with M accuses the editor of the anti-Semitic physicians and medical instruments. second contribution of the Viennese steps to improve this state of-affairs, out of the remnants of the former ORTHODOX JEW APPOINTED NT&than 'in xtrdtr tlsat The Druze schools have been : closed Rothschilds to the Keren Hayesod, as well as to see to it that a greater paper, "Cuvirstul," of being in a bank may be. made. Volkspartei, of which Noah Prilutzky ITALIAN* CONSUL GENERAL and the pupils are engaged-in aiding is the leader. The. new democratic was earmarked for the. upkeep of the number of parks be- laid out in the parntnership with a Jew named Reiff. Special holiday banquets arc Jt, In reply, the "Ctdvinte!" accused the party is to be under the leadership of Berlin.'a(J. T. A.) Dr. Pamlo Wito the transport of the wounded and agricultural experimental station in Jewish quarter.' oi-der and the mansuemetit of b editor in chief of the "Apararea i Dr. Schabad of Vilna. It is stated Finchi, an Italian J«w, was appointed ammunition. The Druzes have decided Tel Aviv. A conference of Jewish press repJ. C. C.. sestEuyaist H anxious Nazioiiale," Vasiliu, stating that he that tlie new party is being formed Italian consul-general,in Dusseldorf. to leave all fronts and to concentrate • The Viennese Rothschilds were ! resentatives was called for the purthe public. , '( :> on the Djebel Druze front and to conis in. parnership to. remove Prilutzky from Dr. Finchi. is' known f o r his strict * T«w". Tjshlesv previously antagonistic to the Pales-1 pose of enlisting their support in a the fight to the end." . in a timber trus* observance of Jewish. DrthodoxL tine work. health campaign. .

A. Z. A. Will Sponsor National Essay Contest

Mandates Show: Complete Report on'.Son States

Rabbi I rattier Lea?es eies

d o . ' .

- . . • - • - . • / . . • • • . • . . - " . - • • . • . - - ; - . r - .


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2—THE JEWISH PRESS, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1926 given out for 1926. The Slotzky brothers won a num- again, next season. Her absence from* MOSCOW JEWISH LEADERS Feldman, one of the favorites Into the courst this season left our people EXPRESS SATISFACTION WITH "We unanimously agree that this ber of ribbons, in one instance comthe floor of the handball court. Max without a representative. J. D. C. PROGRAM FOR RUSSIA program of work in Russian is satising in first and second. . " was in rare form and in all truth *' PabUBl»e<$ every, Thursday at Omaha, Nebraska, by : This column saw Mrs. Mallory defactory in every way and axpresg apPhil was a bit off form but Max used ' . THE JfEW3a PEESS PDBUaiaiNG COMPANY feat Miss Ryan in the final round of Moscow.—A resolution expressing preciation to our American brethern the opportunity that presented itself Office: 490" Braria^Ja'Theatre Building — Telephone: ATiantie 1450. the Women's Single Championship, appreciation of the work of American for the great work that they are and handed Phil a neat trimming: by ,. /NATHAN E. GREEN, Manager. 4-6, 6-4, 9-7. The match proved to Jewry to ameliorate the suffering: of doing in behalf of Russian Jewry", the scores of twenty-one to eleven us an old theory that we have always Russian Jews was adopted here the resolution read. It was signed by .$2.50. and twenty-one to seven. Max by Subscription Price, one. year. By GEOBGC JOEL held, that women are far inferior to yesterday at a conference of leaders Drs. Lourie, Fiterman, Pevzaer, Verreason of his victory advanced to 'the Advertising rates' famished on application. men in tennis for two reasons, they of Moscow Jewry. . mel, Gran, Urisson and •. Professors third round. CHANGS OF ADDBESS—Please give botb the old and new address: are slow of footwork and akward of The Jewish Community House of be t o n and giro your name. Other hot matches yet to be playe'dThe resolution was adopted follow- Berkenheim and Steinschneider and Bensonburst is many dollars richers- stroke. Their akwardness is the out- ing a conference held between the Messrs. Schneeroff, Gorelik, Ostrowsare those between the Thorpeians' The Jewish Press is supplied by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency (Jewish come of women's natural physical deCorrespondence Bureau) with cabled and telegraphic Jewish news, in addition standard bearers, Herman Segelman The fight fans are happy and Promo- velopment about the shoulders. It is leaders of Moscow Jews and Mr. ky and Rabbi Siemens. to feature articles and correspondences from all important Jewish center* standard bearer, Herman Segelman, ter Fugazy has won the admiration of James N. Rossenberg, vice-chairman Jerusalem.—The slaughter of cattle Inquiries regarding news- items credited to this Agency will be gladly and Leon Mendelson. Segelman meets New York City. Last week, Mr. Fug- impossible for a woman to develope a of the American Jewish Joint Distrifree swing. The match was interestfor food was prohibited by the Palesanswered If addressed to Jewish Telegraphic Agency, 621 Broadway, New azy presented a boxing show that has bution Committee and Dr. Bernard little Saul Levey while Mendelson York City. • ." * not been equalled for action and di- ing through out and Mrs. Mallory Kahn, European director of the Com- tine Government due to the spread* encounters the two handed playing ing of murrain among the cattle imversified entertainment in many a played an uphill game to win, would 1 Joe Levey. The Leveys are expected day. From the opening bout to the never be tolerated in a man's match. mittee, who are now visiting Moscow. ported from Syria. OF THE JEWS IN RUSSIA to emerge victorious but only after A report of the program of work The Government has issued an apEver since the establishment of the Soviet Republic in Russia, the hardest court battles yet staged final the fans sat in their chairs and roard with excitement. It is hard, to . FOOTBALL. It seems as though of the American Jewish Joint Distri- peal to the population urying it to Jewish leaders have been perturbed about the future of the large at the Center. pick the best bout of the evening but this column cannot control its desire bution Committee and the Agrojcint, assist the authorities in the enforcenumber of Jews, still residing in the provinces of Russia. Events Sokolof in the lower bracket, Joe the honors must go to a little French to prophize. Our latest is a warning the agency of. the Committee for the ment of the measure to prevent a haye justified the .hope that politically the Jews of Russia have must play his brother Saul in the fighter, Andre Eoutis. He is the for our reader to watch John Fox of agricultural work in Russia, was national calamity. little to. fear in the new regime. The Soviet leaders have from finals of the upper bracket while featherweight champion of Europe the Univrsity of Southern California. must meet either Paul Goldhe gave Eddie Anderson the roost Fox plays center and is a second Joe the very beginning, made it quite clear that they would tolerate Sokolof setin or Jues Gerelick for the first artistic trimming he ever received in Alexander. Last year . playing his 1 no anti-Jewish excesses or anti-Jewish legislation of any kind. honors in the lower bracket his varied career. From the first bell first season of college football, he was Antisemitism became .identical with reaction and anti-revolution, * _» * to the last the French boy rushed and a sensation and was picked to head 1S2G—5687 and outbreaks against Jews met with summary punishment at The local Hebrew Benny Friedman crowded him all over the ring. There the All-Coast team. Another player -.Sept 9 and Red Grange are timingup for Tishri 1—First Day of New Year the hands of the Soviet :tribunals. The economic position of the was not a minute in the fight that! worth watching is Al Miller of Harfootball season which is just around ..Sept. 11 vard. Allie Wolf of Perm State is Tishri 3—Gast of Gedaliah Eoutis was not after Anderson. Jews, however, gave Jewish leaders much concern, and, as it the comer. A number cf local lads another promising youngster who will -.Sept. 18 Tishri 10—Yom Kippur appears now from the expressions of the opinions of the highest stand good chances to make the local It seemed as though the little merit attention. Bud Bergman last .officials as made public during the past week, the Soviet authori- university and high school squads. man was tireless. Anderson was year's fullback on the Penn State tired boy when the fight was ties were equally troubled with this.problem. As Kalenin put At Creighton 'Ae big bulk of Mar- one over and the only thing that kept teaafi has been shifted to the line and BmaKaiwwwaiSM it, forty-two per cent, of the Jewish Russia before cu Krasne may bee seen in a Blue | him from being knocked out was the will probably play one of the takles. . the .revolution were engaged in the mercantije.pursuits all of whom and White uniform for the third fact that he was much heavier and On the University of Pennsylvania LAST DANCE THIS SUMMER became economically helpless through the 1 ban on private prop- successive grid season. Kras,ne is a stronger than Routis.The decision eleven, Simon Kaplan will be the only 7eteran on *i>&- Catholic schools* linewent to Routis and the verdict pleased Jewish boy who has a chance for the erty. It is with aviety of assisting this large class that the plan and has been mentioned by noted crowd. The French boy is made. team. Kaplan is a 1 ineman and of colonizing as many of .them as possible on the soil in the South sport writers on several occasions as the If he can keep up the record he start- played with the freshman team last of Russia'has; beenevolved and met with sueh hearty support on beirg a nifty linesman. However, ed he should leave America with a year. • ' the part of the. authorities. there is still a bit of doubt about the nice bankroll. Ruth Freeman, a former resident of Syracuse and a dose follower of Jewish leaders have been troubled by a more serious problem "Tank" rumor, that flighty wench whispers that the big boy may enter 25th and Farnam St. B The Paul Berlenbach-Francois Chas. the University of Syracuse football presented by the conditions in Russia and this was how to preserve the University of Nebraska this fall fight was a big disappointment. As team, has this interesting story to tell Admission S5c Managed by LIPSMAN and ROISTEIN j ' the Jews in Russia as Jews. The crusade againt all religions has appearing as o member of the Scar- the French Jew walked to the ring, the championship team of 1919. somewhat relaxed in recent years, but as Kalenin himself admit- let and Cream freshman team this he looked as though he knew he was "We had a great team that year ted that the Soviet regime has already absorbed some 400,000 season and then blossoming forth as licked. In the first round aoter a lit- and the main rason for its greatness .Jews, all of them living as Russians and not as Jews, having no a first team Cbrnhusker in the fall tle sparing, Berlenbach unchecked one was the line. On the left side of this • interest in anything else but in the welfare of the Soviet rule in of '27. Marcus when questioned to the jaw and the Frenchman went line were three of the greatest players and says nothing. So gentle down for the'count. He got up only in the game; Joe Schwartzer, end, Russia, these apparently are lost to the Jewish people forever, smiles readers we must wait in suspense to have Berly sit him down again. Harry Siegel, Tackle and JJoe Alex5 and the generation growing up under the present circumstances and see what time discloses. When he regained his feet, Berly ander, guard. Schwartzer was not a to serve you with a choice line of delicatessen -is not likely to be-any more staunch in Jewishness than the early Dave Chesnau, versatile athlete at rushed him up against the ropes and Jewish boy but he had lived in the both milches and flaish. ; communists. Even the assurance given by Smidovitch to Mr. the XJniversity of Omaha, may be punished him with body pounches. At Jewish section of the twon and had -Billikopf that authorities'will not interfere in the religious af- seen galloping around the Omaha j that point the referree stopped the learned to speak Yiddish. The other Try our gefilte fish and manirta fish. as Charles was hanging on the two boys were Jews and very familiar fairs of the new Jewish colonists and will allow them to erect football field providing that he finds bout with the native tongue. During a time to don the mole skins and en- ropes helpless to defend himself. A complete line of smoked meats, fish and grotheir synagogues-should" they desire to maintain them, is not suffi- gage This column's opinion af Charles J game these three boys would keep up in practice. Dave is a very ceries. cient to allay the fear-that many-of--the Jewish colonists will busy youth these days with his has always been that he was a inudij a perpetual chatter of talk, about the CLOSED SATURDAYS—OPEN SUNDAYS 'gradually lose their Jewish identity and become.Russian peasants duties at the Community Center and overrated fighter. The Jewish press next play, the opposing players and 1509 North 24 Street * in every respect, divorced from their religion and their culture. elsewhere.- Chesnau in his. day has was too quick in proclaiming him a sundry topics. All this conversation! ,• . Kalenin's plan of having a. Jewish republic established in Sibe- played with some mighty good pig- champ. Proclaiming champs has got- took place in Yiddish. Their opponwarriors. Chesnau a few years ten to be quite the thing by some of ents found the talk most discourag; ria some time in the future may solve the problem to an extent, but skin ago played football at the University the Jewish sport writers. In our ing. On one occasion, when it was s this isan ideal which will take a long time for its realization and of Illinois with the mighty Red eyes, Charles was a "Bust" and it is necessary to perform a trick play for "many will doubt, its wisdom should it become feasible. The pos- Grange and his boy friends. He also very unlikely that he will amount to which . there were no signals, Schwartzer directed the movements sibility wanes into insignificance with the increase of Jewish colo- played football • at Ames with the anything in the American ring. Especially Priced Full Fashioned Chiffon Silk - - Behm brothers, stars of the Missouri The Cleverest bout of the night Was] of his side of the line in Yiddish, nization in, Crimea and in theUkraine. The only hope, for the "ORIENT" Galley Conference. Dave is a light between Johnny Dundee, the little old. These three men were ach six feet "NOTASEME' I: preservation of Jewish solidarity there is through mass coloniza- man A superior chiffon and for the line but that is his fav- man of the ring, and Fred Brettonel,] tall and very husky. The word Jew A graceful silk to the semi-chiffon silk to the - tion in those districts in' which Jews have already gained a foot- orite osition and he plays it well. another French champion. Dundee] was used with much care and respect hem stoefcinjr, of sheer hem stocking of the beauty and unexcelled finest grade thread silk. •hpld where they might be able to maintain their Jewish individu- While attending Central High school broke his right hand in the second by their opponents" •wearing qtioHtj-. Shown In all : the leadingin Neptune, Eoality in the isolation that- farm life will make possible for them. Dave made the "All State" team as a round and for the remaining eight Our prediction last week that Maxie CD lo r 8 to : nianee, Ottoman, m a t c h the It istherefore of primary importance for the leaders in the pres- guard when weighing only 140 Tounds he~ used one hand. One hand Rosenblum would soon have a chance Gypsy, D o v e Autumn sounds. at the middleweight title has become was more than enough to beat the G o w c s. — ident colonization scheme to insist that the Jewish settlements Grey, and other Gatirnnteed a reality. On September 8th, 1926, Benny Block, plunging full back champ. Dundee hit the Frenchman new colors. — and featured {should be alowed to become concentrated in definite districts where "rom F u l l y guaranthe-1925 Tech High school grid fourteen times in sucession without Maxie will fight Tigers Flowers, the at teed will be able to form compact communities and.thus preserve machine Will be back in his old berth being hit once himself. It was a present champion. Our next predic/their distinctive religious and national character. this year. Block is a good ground- beautiful exhibition and it was Dun- tion is that Flowers will win easily. SECOND It is not necessary to become alarmed over the opinion of the gainer and 6 bearcat on the defen- dee all the way. • FLOOR 'Polish ambassador at"-Moscow, reported in the press last week, sive. Benny is a senior. DUEL BETWEEN TWO GOLF. It does seem as though McCRORY BLDG. • that there is danger .of anti-Jewish excesses as the result of the Nathan Marcus, captain of the some people take this column to JEWS, FIRST IN HISTORY, 16th & FARNAM Maroon and White city championship TO BE FOUGHT IN ROVNO j disagreement existing now among the factions in the communist freshman team, has thoughts of mak- heart. Last week we moaned the : party. Under the Soviet regime there will be no pogroms againt ing a backfield berth on the varsity fact that our young Jewish girls were Warsaw (J. T. A.)—What' will Jews. The economic situation of the Jews will also find its solution .earn. Nathan is .a long, lanky, unusually inactive in athletics and. to probably be the first duel between .either in the changed policy of the Soviet or in the increase of shifty halfback but is quite light for show us we were wrong, Miss Beat- two Jews in history will take place Gottlieb stepped out on the links "the Jewish farming class, as fostered by the government with the usual heavy Tech varsity squad. rice •in Bovno as a result of a quarrel Bud Levin at. the present writing is and won the New York Municipal between two Jewish communal lead.the aid of American Jewry. The religious and cultural problem the only Jewish lad who can be given Golf Association Women's Champion••• , . •of the Jew.s, however, requires .deep thinking and careful study serious consideration for a first team ship. Miss Gottlieb is not exactly ers. . : . : • . ; • The forthcoming duel will be j on the part of those who seek, the welfare of the Russian Jews, rating on the- Central High school new to the sporting field but this was fought between the president of the i and are at the same time concerned to have them remain Jews eleven. Bud is a left-over from the her first big "win" Kehillah of Rovno, Attorney Leon . in the religious and cultural sense of the term. (Jewish Exponent) Purple and White 1925 city cham- In all fairness to the girls we must: Kahn and-the son of a Jewish physpionship second team. Levin Was a report that in the Park Tennis Cham-j ician,: Dr. M. Siegle, as a result of brilliant man on the "cake-eater" pionships there were a flock of Jewish cranium, he was rudely interrupted line where he made a name as a fast, girls entered but not one of them got ,a controversy between these two In America Contribute To Our by a raucous shout by Mr. Fielder end. His snappy, playing in the very far. A Park Champion is no men, which arose at a meeting of the Rovno Kehilla. Remarks made by Fall Displays o£ the Saints^who was^ the gentleman Central-Thomas Jefferson game gave champion. The best players in the sitting on "number one base; (by rea- the Central lads'the victory over, the parks would not rank in the first the Kehillah president in connection By Stanley F . Levin. son- of Mr. Kaufman's Big-heartedness Jellow Jackets. Levin is six foot tall hundred. In the west, we were told, with the question of appointing Dr. Suits and he had been issued a free ticket) and weighs 163 pounds. He is in his the parks hove eome good courts. Siegle to head the Jewish Hospital in Rovno were regarded by the Sammy Kaufman;" the' smiling Sammy turned to see : what ailed Mr. Topcoats offer the greatJohnston and the "Red Comet", Mcnttundsman ,from St; Paul and else- Fieldervand:; committed a balk ".'which sophomore year at Central. Leon Laughlin both got their start in the doctor as * an insult to him. est clothes value it is possible Learning1 of the remarks made by where, stared the .grim; guider of allowed ;the man on first • to trot in Forman, speedy halfback on the parks of California but as soon as North High school'ireshman team, is defeat in the face last Sunday at home with the; winning run. Omaha to produce. they started to play good tennis they Mr. Kahn, with regard to his father, 'League Park -'Where'"the : Omaha in Jher half of; tnfe tenth failed to do the only boy-of his faith with a deserted for the famous asphalt Dr. Siegle's son, who is also a baseball team was-.making- a des- any more tharf fly out and whiff the good chance to make a place for him- courts. Asphalt courts are responsi- physician, challenged the Kehillah perate stand against the hard hit- air in a fruitless attempt to give the self on the Polar eleven. Forman's ble for -the .development of the ..high president to a duel. assets are a speedy pair of legs und The rabbis of the Rovno Jewich ting St. Joe.;hirlings. Sammy smiled Kid another Aactory.bounding American service and for a quick thinking head. community are making. an effort to in 'defeat as' well as in victory for If everything goes well we will the shoulder drive. A court as hard bring about a reconciliation between Sammy will again hurl for the ^wo reasons. -First because he is a as asphalt will naturally give -a ball "good eport. and-plays the-game as it :Omaha Buffalo herd this Sunday have- an opportunity to see some a- high bound and a chop was found the two mey.' In the meantime^ the - should be played and second because when - the horned ones meet the worthy successors to" the splendid to' be effective. This fact made it incident has aroused a great deal of he .has himseHLto^tliank. for. his loss bounding Bruins from Denver, home list of Jewish football players who necessary for the players to develope interest among the Jews. • to the Saints* For eight long in- of, baseball; jtayera and consump- havfc gone before these boys leaving a driving game. Maurice McLaughlin, nings Kaufman toiled on. itie mound tives. Sammy voWs that he will ad an enviable,.name.behind them. ex-National champion was the first JEWISH BARBERS IN GREAT * • • 'with a one rqn lead.,.onjjr to see a the;hideg ofnnine;or. more big brown BRITAIN PERMITTED TO bearo to his list <at trophies when he Herman Fajre, chubby little young- player from California to come.east KEEP OPEN ON SUNDAY t teammate make a.njisplay and allow that a man can buy here and take the singles title. He was •tbe'Joe Joesr^o tie-tfte/Bcme in the faces them:atittieiold \0\ pn' Fifteenth ster, a member of,the J. C. C. Boy looked upon with askance when he blindfolded and be certain of < Yinton ?:; streets.; Incidentally Scout troop,, hung up a new competi1 ninth mining., Omaha failed to put London.—Jewish barbers in Great stepped out on the soft urf court and Kaufman was ^the jfire|>l?maha^pit -tive swimmic|:'record for the plunge drove the ball round with such amaz- Britain will be allowed to keep their getting utmost clothes satis- \thti game sway in her half of l ninth stanza, and so the contest contst went w n cher to last an entire game for Bos; for distance last, Wednesday when he ing speed. His numerous victories shops open on Sunday, provided they faction. f to extra innings. The middle of the Blatney; ^BuTrch- r)since ^-a^[Veek^.:ag glided three-fourth the length of the convinced the other players that per- observe Saturday, according to the Skt oon first fit ^ e s d ^ y L evelry- one;; o i his huxUn; pool or 45 feet during the Novice haps there was sorothing in this driv- Hairdressers' Sunday Closing Bill fterith f'terith inning s a w^^ , Sakt Customized Suits $40, $50 and $60 jbask and another Heavenly, one hold mates: jbeing;;jfirked[before ^.tiie ^liintj swimming meet. ing game.. The result was the devel- which passed the House of Commerce, ^n|nfir;4fil^eto^und v«eriience jfiac copped individual Nebraska Special Suits $25, $30 and $35 Justin Wolfe down the third cushion, two men opment of the American service and which passed the House of Commons. rolled arimniy honorswith five firsts." He was* far 'ancl Smith of. Saint Joe -up to shoulder drive. These two Btrokes The passage of the bill was assured superior to the-rest of _ _ _ the entrants, .have done much to advance. America as a result of & compromise between Tbaii Sammy had struck* out Mister Sp:;rte(B>aJeW^SjC«nimtt^ the Hairdressers' Association and the d during i th iaridbalK&tbu^ey^ ris/^^earlyV' ; :in^ the :t6 the peak *>£ the Tennis world. "'Smith' twice alreadyt|^ghrwit^[;^t teft^wori^; bufe 'i^:/\ Saul yGraetz ;p»11ed|ctow» two I firsls 4,Helen Jacobs,,the only woman Jew- Jewish barbers. The Association f i e., T&T. T&T. Sipith by .the way p a r e d : ; the&jiopsj ©u£ three" home" runs, only/the" day Sii|n)i|iairo^feh! ;inriiltce;- J6rfi^^JSax i^nd.'a^flodc^f; secdnd^>and:;gird's. ish tennis player that amounts to agreed to the principle of the'&jiopsj l d one dday a week, e k permit-j rmitj ,before, a dangreous hitter JJti^^fAi!Z;]Ai;;^^ anything has matriculated for the being: g closed CORRECT.APPAREL FOR MEN AND WOMEN b t k r i ting the Jewish barbers to k A


Jewish SportsNotes


Ka-Dee-Mo Dance j

Sunday, September 5, at Kelpine's\

Fried's Delicatessen




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PAGE. 3—THE JEWISH PRESS, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 192& : F pared Harvard Authorities Greet Jewish . Encyclopedia on Silver Jubilee]]

to allocate a special fund, HIS is understood that it will be $2,000,- Josepus' "Jewish Wars", which is sup000 or over, as this city's share in posed to be translated from Aramaic and to prove that Josephus mentioned the national quota of $7,500,000. Preparations for the New York Jesna of Nazareth in his original Professors More and Wolfson, Eminent Scholars at the Great University, i v v a s arrested under.the suspicion of campaign are already under way at text. Send Letters of Congratulation to Dr. Isidore Singer, Manning ^ d u c t m g wlute slave traffic ; the headquarters, it was announced. Professor Zeithln, left for LeningEditor of Monumental Work of Scholarship. BRITISH COLONIAL MINISTER rad to take up the study of the manAmerican Jewish Scholar RECEIVES REPRESENTATIVE uscript at the Academy of Science. DR. GEOEGE F. MOORE, Arrives In Moscow To Study OF PALESTINE JEWRY Professor of History of Religion, Harvard University. Slavonic Text On Jesus The approaching completion of the twenty-five years' since the publication of the first volume of the Jewish Encyclopedia reminds me of an earlier London (J. T. A.)—M. Dizengoff, stage in the inception of that great undertaking when I was privileged to former Mayor of Tel Aviv and mem- Moscow.—Professor Solomon Zeithmeet with a small group.brought together to discuss and shape plans tor the ber of the delegation of the Vaad in, professor of ancient history at Two Furnished Rooms enterprise, and of the sessions of that committee on Lafayette Place in which Dropsie College, Philadelphia, arrived • ' At. 0489 Leumi to the Permanent Mandates Doctor Kohler, who has so recently gone from among us, Professors Deutsch, Gottheil, and others canvassed the whole subject with the representative of Commission of the League of Nations, here yesterday for the purpose of 2419.Woolworth ' the publishers, the shrewd and kindly Doctor Funk. examining the Slavonic text of sailed for Palestine today. My contribution to this discussion was naturally small; the only part of Prior to his departure, Mr. Dizenit that 1 remember distinctly had to do with the adoption of a simplified transliteration of Hebrew and other Semitic languages. 1 may confess that goff and Dr. Chaim Weizmann were the proposal of twelvq volumes for a pioneer work in this field seemed to received by Col. Leopold H. Amery, : me more ambitious than cautious, and I remember suggesting that more British Colonial Secretary. Mr. Dizenmodest ditnensions-^perhaps six volumes—might on more than one ground who recently opened at bis home, 2429 Decatur Street, We. 2o27, be advisable. r;That my estimate of the space requisite for "the subjects to goff also called on Lord Balfour. A cordial reception was accorded the be included in the Encyclopedia and my doubts about the possibility of securing matter of a necessary quality for the larger plan, were entirely mistaken, Palestine Jewish representative by the Encyclopedia itself demonstrated. But what made at the moment the the. Colonial Secretary and Lord wishes to announce that he just received for the coming High H o l l t e s e bigassortment of Machsorin with the best English translation, beautifully bound, greater impression upon me was the lesson in the business side of publication Plumer. also a full line of New Year Greeting cards with nice envelopes at Tery which Doctor Funk gently administered to me by saying that a work in twelve reasonable prices. volumes could be better sold by subscription than one of six, so that my consideration for. the publisher's risk was misplaced. NEW YORK TO HAVE Everyone who BO far purchased from we Tfi'ethSm silk and wool TpWlim, Mezuzothes, and Sedurim with and without English translation, have expressed My own, hands were at that time so full of engagements to the En$2,000,000 QUOTA IN NEXT their greatest satisfaction with the prices and qualities. cyclopedia Biblica that I was tumble to take part, after the first volume, in U. P. A. $7,500,000 CAMPAIGN 1 am also expecting very Boon Ethrogim ana Irtilovin for the holiday t>£ the actual work of preparation either as editor or contributor, but I have Snccoth r»nfhalways appreciated the honor of having had a share in the preliminary conNew Yor:. (J. T. A.—The United sultations. 1 followed the progress of the Encyclopedia with great interest, and the appearance of the first volume completely dispelled any doubts I Palestine Appeal campaign for 1927 might have entertained about the success of the editors in enlisting and will te started in New York in the retaining competent and often eminent contributors, and in securing from early part "of January, according to them articles not only of "high intrinsic merit but—a more difficult t h i n g - an announcement issued by the headadapted to the different-and what might seem incompatible, classes of readers for whom the Encyclopedia was -designed, and, finally, in carrying it to quarters of the Appeal. While the quota for New York completion -within an an unprecedentedly unprecedentedly brief brief p period of yyears. pletionwithin has: not yet been definitely fixed, it I have had the Encyclopedia in my bands almost d^Y since the volumes were successively issued, and can bear testimony to its incalculable usefulness as a piece of learned apparatus. Jewish scholars, brought up in this 1 learning, and Christian scholars who have come to their studies in the field since the beginning of the century, may not sufficiently appreciate what it was to work with even the best apparatus previously available. To mention only one feature, the biographical articles made ready reference possible for names and subjects which before had to be laboriously and not seldom fruitlessly hunted down in collections not to be found in every library, aand many HOTEL BLACKSTONE of them long out of date. ., _ , ,. To students of the New Testment or of Church History the Encyclopedia Opens Studio September 20 opened sources of information otherwise inaccessible to them; and it may REGISTRATION perhaps be added, the neglect of these advantages made less excusable the September 10th to 20th, perpetuation of many errors still current among them on. these subjects. (exclusive at Herzbcrgs)\ Between 2 and 5 p. m. each day Cambridge, Mass., ._ .._.,._,...•-.....•.- . ,;... _**


Many Guests Entertained at Herzberg Lawn Party Thursday More than 30 guests -revelled under a bright moonlight at an extensive lawn party given by Miss Pauline Herzberg Thursday night. The Hetzberg. lawn- was bordered with unique Japanese -lanterns-and the guests danced merrily to the tunes of a popular orchestra. Following is part.of the guest list: iMisses Louis Rosenthal, Flora.Marks, : Anne Rosenblatt, Riva Ziev, Caroline Levey, Mildred Lou, Rae Sara Ise::man, of Nebraska <3ity, Louise Wessle :of Nebraska City, Rosaline Goldstein, 'Alice Adler, and Messrs. Harold Xherniak, Max Holzman, Billie Feiler, Marvin Brodkey, Nathan Jacobs, Bud Wolf, Earl KulaTjofsky, Lou Somberg, Al Mayer, Fred. JFisher, Art Levey, .Marvin Trellerr Edward . Schimmel -and Lester Slosberg.

Council Bluffs News Mr. and Mrs. Henry Nathanson of Estherville, Iowa, announce the BarMitzvoh of their son Morris Saturday afternoon at the Synagogue. Sunday afternoon a reception will be held in his honor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Gilinsky. '••""; Max Kramer, who has been spending the past two months in Fairbury, Nebr., returned home Friday. Mr. Isaac Solzman is in Rock Springs, Wyo., W;here he has accepted a position with the Union Pacific, ;The I. 0; B. B. Lodge No. 688 -will hold its first meeting of the year Monday, September 13, at the Danish hall.


Mr. and. Mrs. Nathan Adler and family spent the week-end visiting in In honor of Mrs. C. M. Kassmir DesMoines, Io-^a,. ^ I Lof .Pittsburgh*. Pa., visiting .here_with her aunts,^ M r s / 5 , Levens- ^^Mrs»'J/X^y.,ofrChjicaJBo;an4- Mrs. Icy and Mrs. J. Adler, Mrs. B. Lev- Sam Harding of Kansas City, Mo., iensky. entertained, at; an elaborate arrived this evening to visit Mts. ilunciedn for twenty-six guests at the Levey'^ daughter, :"Mrs7" Philip Fried. l" tJFontenelle Hotel Thursday after- man." noon. The luncheon was followed by Mr. and Mrs. I. Fonarow and famfsix tables of bridge. ily are leaving Tuesday- for Texas, •' Mr* Kassmir will join his wife where they will make their honie. and small son Gerald. Allen,, the, lat- Previous to their departure they were ter part of this, week to accompany entertained by Mr. and Mrs. Sam them to Chicago where they' will Meyerson at a reception Sunday af/spend a few days before returning ternoon and evening at their home. home. Mris.' Ben Gershun of Sehuyler, Neb*., entertained twelve guests at a theaMr. Rube Gross of Seattle, Wash., ter party Monday afternoon, and Mr. who spent the week-end in Omaha and Mrs. H. Meyerson entertained at visiting with his family before con- six tables of bridge in honor of the tinuing on an extensive business tlip couple. Saturday afternoon Mr. and east, was* entertained at a dinner Mrs. Fonarow were the honor guests Sunday evening at the Jewish Com- at a bridge party given by Mrs. H. • munity Center. Covers were laid for Racusin at her home. : thirty guests. Smart Hosiery, Moderately Priced-<Mr. and Mrs. S. Hirschberg will Burbon & Company. _ . return to Omaha in two weeks after . M r . Joseph- White, manager of the an extensive trip abroad* hosiery department, at Burbon & Mr. and Mrs. Leo Fox announce Company, announces a new feature • the-birtk^of «-=baby boy, bbrnEriday in;, -Hosiery,,fojiv.jthe_ £ndst .critical morning at the Methodist Hospital. dresser. "We are stioWing," says Mr. White, "all the new fall shades^ <so .Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sussman have you can be among the smart dressers moved into their new home at 3551 at "a most advantageous saving. Our Davenport street. inexpensive location, on the second The - Congregation B'nai Sholem floor of the McCory building, makes •will hold Kosh Hoshonah services a t these values possible, A visit to:the Sommer's Hall, Twenty-eighth and Burbon hosiery department will more than convince you." ~. •) Farnam streets. The Misses Ann and Annette-Fan- TURKISH EX-OFFICIALS TO ger entertained at a bridge luncheon RECEIVE PALESTINE PENSIONS at their home Sunday afternoon, Jerusalem, (J. T. A.)—Annual penhonoring - - their sister-in-law, Mrs. sions to former Turkish officials who Morris Fanger; a recent bride, and are now resident in Palestine will-be M s s Esther Katleman, whose marri- paid by the Palestine government, it age to Mr."Morris Pickus of Chicago will take place Sunday September 5, was officially stated here. The former Turkish officials will benefit to the at the Blackstone Hotel. anlount Tjf £14,000 annually*as a~TeMr. and Mrs. Ladon, and daughter, sult of the pensions ordinance recently : guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. Meyer for enacted by the Palestine government. the past ten days, drove back to : Chicago, 111., last Thursday. They .were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Gordon and Mrs. Abe Kaiman.




Annette RiHifi School ofDancing

March 19, 1926.

• , v



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"Elsie Dinsmore"

Phone Harney 0945

tern. As the situation is now, two DISSOLVE FARMERS RELIEF COMMUTE IN BESSARABIA separate school systems, Catholic and Protestant, are maintained. The Jewish children encounter difficulties Kisnineff. —• Bessarabian faimers in both. In addition, the Jews are not will enjoy greater prosperity this year than last, because of the expected represented on the school commissions and no provisions are :uade for ingood crops. . The good crops will also improve struction of religion for Jewish childAT THE the situation of the Jewish farmers ren, except frequent compulsory atin Bessarabia. In view of this situa- tendance during Protestant or Catholic tion the relief committee formed in religious instruction. the fall of 1925 was dissolved. JEWISH WOMEN'S COUNCIL OPENS BOOTH AT SESQUI | Ames Ave. &. Florence Blvd. POLISH GOVERNMENT GIVES RELIEF TROM New York. (J. T. A.) The Booth TAXATION BURDEN of the National Council of Jewish \ Warsaw.—Relief for Jewish • merWomen in the Educational Building' chants, artisans and smalltraders of the Sesqui-Centehnial Exposition • from the heavy ' burden of taxation at Philadelphia is completed. The September 5th will result from, an ordinance issued arrangements for this exhibit were by the government here yesterday. Meredith Kenyon's The government ordered a cancel- executed by a special council Com- • lation of part of the taxes still un- mitiee of Philadelphia women. Orchestra paid by those merchants who were A reproduction of the council seal, ruined by the economic crisis. It was six feet in diameter, announces the Council of Sponsored by also predicted that the government motto of the National ; Jewish ".Vomen: "Fa th and Humanwould order a milder treatment of property owners who have been un- ity." The twelve snovr white pillars are surmounted by white electric able to pay their full taxes. globes, which bear the names of twelve departments and committees j PHIL. FELDMAN QUEBEC COMMUNITIES TO MEREDITH KEXXON into which the councils program is CONTEND SCHOOL QUESTION CLXDB KKASNE BEFORE LONDON COUNCIL divided- Illuminated pictures, portryar'ng every feature of council activity, are shown. Montreal (J. T. A.)—A final deADHISSIOX PRICE ?1.00 COCPLE cision in the Jewish school question in Imposter, Claiming to Represent the Province of Quebec is expected to American Relief Committe, be rendered by the British Privy Arrested in Poland Council at the trial which will take place in the presence of representaWarsaw. (J. T. A.) An imposter, • tives of the various Quebec commun- pretending to represent an American 1 ities. The trial will be held before the relief committee, was arrested in} Privy Council in London in October. Plubeshi, near Pinsk, and sentenced | CORN RELISH The Protestant Board of School to three weeks in jail. 20 ears raw corn Commissioners of Montreal chose 4 large onions • The imposter, going under the 1 head cabbage their representative to the trial lately. name of Dr. Kochman, called a meet2 red peppers He will now proceed to London. ing of the outstanding citfcens of the 2 green peppers A section of the Jewish community village and promised to distribute 2 cups'sugar •which is not in favor of establishing $30,000 for relief purposes. He also % cup salt 1 tsp, celery seed or salt Jewish schools in the province have announced that he would give medical 1 quart vineger Cut corn fro cob, run all other also chosen their representatives to treatment free; He received a numingredients thru food chopper; set the trial. The nationalist Jewish ber of patients, particularly women. boil about 15 minutes and add % group, which is contending for its He stated that he detected symptons cup flour, 3 tsp. dry mustard, Vs right to establish separate Jewish of tuberculosis among many of the teasp. Turmerie. Boil slowly 30 schools, have not yet selected their women patients and advised the minutes and seal hot. : young women to proceed abroad for delegates. cure, for which purpose he was preQuebec has no national school sysFRIED EGG PLANT Peel egg plant and cut in thick slices. Lightly salt each- slice and cover. Let stand 15 or 20 minutes, then pour, off any juice. Dip slices in beaten egg and then in cracker Sizes crumbs. Fry in butter until brown.

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The Nite Club

A "Girlie Nook" specialty

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for well-dressed Little Girls

S to $9.05: "Elsie Dinsmore" dresses axe the kind you "just can't resist," so cleverly desigped and made are they, and so lovely in color. The nice part of it is, they're' so modestly priced that most any little girl may have the two or three her heart desires. In wool crepe, fine jersey, novelty tweeds and lightweight twills •—always. beautifully tailored and finished. The neto fall ones may be one-piece or iioo-piece, and there's a broad choice of colorss Mcd, rust, green, navy, tan, blue and gray. Sizes Six to Fovrteen



. Mrs. M. Horwich was hostess to thirty-six guests at a luncheon given at her home Tuesday. : Mr. and Mrs. Harry Malashock :were surprised by their- relatives 'Wednesday evening, in honor of their ] tenth anniversary. : :

Mrs. A. Monsky, who has been in Colorado for the. past several weeks, is expected home for the holidays.

.; Mr. Phil. Monsky is spending his •.vacation in Denver, Colorado. Mr. and Mrs. Max Fromkin returned Monday from a ten-day excursion through Chicago, Milwaukee and Wisconsin lakes. ; • Miss Ida Lustgarten will spend the • week-end in Chicago. Lillian Margolin and Ida Lust=garten spent Saturday in Lincoln. Beatrice Horwich, who has been : the .guest of Reva Ziev, left Wednesday for her home in Sioux City. : Sara Somberg spent the week-end ;in Sioux City> Iowa. The Hatikvah girls will, hold a "meeting September 5 at 3:30 o'clock, ,at the Jewish Community Center. :. Mrs. Bernard Baron and son Lawrence, of Sioux City, la., spent the -week-end visiting Mr. and Mrs. Reu,ben Kulakofsky. : Mr. Lester Davidson of Sioux City, Iowa,- spent a few days with ~Phil Krasne of Council Bluffs. .'ATKOMZfii OUB ADVERTISERS

FANCY PICKLES 4 quarts sliced cucumbers 3 sliced onions . 2 red peppers, chopped 2 green peppers, chopped 1 int vinegar '• Vz cup sugar % cup salt ' . . 1 tablespoon white mustard seed 1 tablespoon celery seed • Mix all together until sugar and salt are dissolved; can cold; seal air tight. . -HOUSEHOLD HINTS To remove fruit stains from linens, wash in glycerine, let stand 1 hour, and wash, in warm soap suds. •. . . To remove stains from the inside of a vase, pour in a little vinegar, and after it has stood a while, wash out.

Happy New Year


Who Sizes


We have a beautiful line of

Jewish New Year Cards Our line this year is well selected for the occasion. Our assortment is the biggest in the city. It isn't proper to have your greeting put in a publication as the very person whom you most desire to greet, may not see it advertised, and it certainly doesn't carrv your message of thought ; besides your friends may be offended to see your name in print. If-you have any friends or relatives that you wish to remember them by, there is nothing better and much more appreciated by them, than to receive a plain and neat card. This year our line includes a large assortment of imported folders from Germany.

MeyerCoren's Book Store 1411 Farnam Street

. (Across from the Sun Theatre;

Youthfully styled dresses that give the pleasing slenderizing lines. Beautifully designed in distinctive manner,..and with the. same care for details and finish that one finds in the decidedly expensive frocks. Many models to choose from—all well c u t all new and different—-all daintily trimmed with buttons, embroidery, belts and other new. features.

The colors reflect the new tones of Browns, Greens, Reds and Black$ Satin Canton Georgette Brocaded Satins ALTERATIONS WILL BE MADE BEFOEE THE HOLIDAYS

PAG 4—THE JEWISH PRESS, THURSDAY, SIfflFTEMBER~2, 1926 bolio of all the Jewish.communities hi to be mediators-between the various ing to the Chairman of the Hebrew diary,- fri>m which it is evident that papers devote considerable space to among them erection of the building Central' Europe during: the middle elements-as welt as disseminators of University Fund has reached: the the German-JewisH merchant knew in praising his patriotic services to the of the Ministry of Finance and th« ages* The- Frankfort' Jews were, all legends. Many legends the Jews'have stage of growth when it can favor- advance of a plot directed against him country. Meuseum of Geology. the time, until the final emancipation in common with the Christians because ably compare both m the rare quality by the anti-Semitic ring. "The days Daring the Italian War of liberaHe was the founder of the Jewish in the 19th century, actual slaves of they found their way -into the church and in the number of books and docu- of anxiety which I live through are tion of 166 Angelo Tagliocozzo dist- Hospital in Rome and of the Jewish Jewish: Book&< Renewed various overlords and whenever the through Jewish -channels. - The mate- ments in its possession, with the li- ( a greater burden, than the months inguished himself for his bravery. Home for the Aged. . . By Maxiine ' free city of Frankfort was at war the rial is. so> classified that the student braries of the leading European and spent .in the trenches on the battleHe was one of the leading enginfirst victims were the Frankfort Jews. who is interested in a certain legend American Universities. front," Haas wrote in his diary. eers in the country and carried out He who knows most grieves most t Martin Buber, Sein Gang-in die Wirk- It often happened that-the Frr~ cfort or in a- certain group of legends can many important works in many towns for wasted time.—Dante. 3 •- lichkeitr-'von ^Wilhelm Michel, Jews were compelled to raise their orientate himself: very quickly. For SENTENCED TO PRISON JEWS PAY TRIBUTE TO '•>• .* Rufteri "andr Ijoenihj^ Frankfurt cemeteries at the behest of the in- instance, one group of' legends is FOR IMPERSONATING NUN FRENCH UNKNOWN SOLDIER vader. They were often enough po- centered on the-personality of Abra- a/Main, 1926.". "" \ ' x AT MASQUERADE BALL v Paris. (J. T. A.) Tribute to the Geschichte 'der Juden in Frankfurt gromed, robbed and massacred. Every ham, another on the personality of ' • a/Main, -von I/'Eracaner, Erster once in a while their property was Noah, a third on the-creation, etc. etc. Warsaw.—A sentence of one year Unknown Soldier of France was paid confiscated. " Although their lot was Because of the purely technical imprisonment was imposed by the last night by a group of 100 Jewish Band, 1150-1824, ^ - ^ '-*-- hot an enviable one and despite all thescholarly nature of the book it does district court of Czensto Chowa upon volunteers. •Main, 1925. The light over the grave of the Herausgegeben vom Vorstand der trials and tribulations they fought not make pleasant reading for the a' Jewish young man for masking as : Unknown Soldier was kindled by the bravely for their existence as a coma nun at a masquerade ball. Israel. Gemeinde, Frankfurt a/ layman and the author is aware of it Jewish' volunteers at seven o'cl~?k munity and never made any com- when he says in the preface that it • Main. • t -. - * The trial attracted wide attention The Legends of the^ Jews,- by Louis promises and never yielded to the will be mostly used by students. throughout Poland. Juda Weinstrabb, Sunday evening, at the Arc <_ _• WILL CONDUCT T H E I R SERVICES 'Ginzbuxg, Notes'to'Vol." I and II, enemy. The Jewish Publication Society of who went to a masquerade ball last Triumphe. Large crowds of Jews • from the creation of the'Exodus, Few Jewish communities in the America can congratulate itself upon February dressed as" a nun, was ac- gathered to witness the solemn -Philadelphia, The' Jewish" Publica- world have such a colorful past as the publication of this -book. The cused of desecrating the cross. He ceremony. AT ROME JEWISH that of the Frankfort Jewish com- authoT who is one of the most out- was released on 200 Zlotys baiL • - tion Society of America.-" > : COMMUNAL LEADER DIES " These three books, have nothing in munity and this past, rich in events, standing Jewish scholars of our time SOIMGVIER'S HALL—28th & Famam common, except that all three are of mostly tragic events, is of fascinating has rightly eanred the-gratitude of all RUDOLF HAAS RELEASED Rome.—Anglo Tagliocozzo, Vicegreat interest-to the'-Jewish' reader interest "not only to-the historian but students.and scholars of the various BY DECISION OF COURT President of the Rome Jewish Comand especially' to Jewish men of to the layman as well. For it rep- branchesof-historical learning, for the munity! died here. The Rome newsresents a Veritable epic. Fortunately, compilation of this volume which Berlin, (J. T. ' A.)—Rudolf Haas, i . Admission $2.00 : letters. , . . \ . t , ' The first book is an attempt at a the historian of the Jewish community testifies to his' industry,., ability and German-Jewish merchant,' held on a Tickets may be secured at Sottnner Bros.,' better understanding of Martin Buber of Frankfort," the late Dr. Kracauer, vast knowledge of the subject matter. frame-up charge of "murder, was re- Wet Wash , , and at Rosenbery & Co. leased from jail as the result of a Semi-Flat Che founder of neo^jiiasSdisral and a high school teacher, but a historian (Copyright "Jewish Telegraphic by profession and temperament was in decision handed down by the Court Rough Dry -.tine of 'the most brilliant German , Agency 1920.^. „ of Appeals. The Court invalidated contemporaries. ItJis^wriJten by a possession not only of the political but AMERICAN WET WASH the order of arrest issued against (jkintile admirer and disciple of the also of the economical facts and data. SYRIAN REBELS Rosh Hoshanah Yom Kippur 2808 Cuming St. Barney 0881 master and it is in the nature, of a So much so, that he was in a posiHaas. . ."• ATTACk^ONGOUTA Sept. 8-9-10 Sept. 17-18 literature dissertation. like all- dis-tion to give a complete account of the It is expected that the trial of relationship of the Germans to the sertations of this kind, i t is actually London.-—The renewal of Warfare Schroeder, the confessed murderer Harry H.- Lapidus, Pres.-Treas. more in the nature of a eulogy than Jews in the city of Frankfort for the at Gouta is reported iij a despatch and robber of HeUing, will reveal the : W. G, Ure. Secretary. a 'learned dissertation. What the last 700 years. His book is packed from Jerusalem by-Jamal' Husseini, entire plot of the anti-Semitic ring in author of this book,says 'about Martin with historical material which he dug Secretary of the Palestine-Arab Con- Magdeburg. . . . . Omaha Fixture & Buber is already indicated in its title. up in local archives and from private gress Executive, .to the London Na- The metropolitan press published 1 The Only Way to Be Sure of Greeting ALL sources. Owing to his efforts we He tries hard to prove that Martin Supply Co. today excerpts from Rudolf Haas' tional League. *v Your Friends! Buber has gene among the practical know exactly how much taxes the COMPLETE STORE AND The Arab leader reports that the Frankfort Jews were paying at one mystics and as a practical "mystic is OFFICE OOTFITTEBS less concerned with theories than with time or another, prior to the eman- Druse rebels have concentrated on We •ecopj PAXTON-MITCHELL CO. , «rar T0.O00 ion»r» Cast the performance of duties. All that cipation and what part they played in Gouta and launched- a- counter-at- « t b A Martha Hta. Hnrnrr 1662 Swihwtmt Oonur tack on the French. -The Damascus Omaha. Nebr. Martin Buber is teaching .today is the economic life of the city. The rebels report that the French have Soft gray iron, Eleventh *nrt Oancta* Utreeft. brass, bronie and alu t 4»ok»Bn VSt4 From One End of Coast to the Other They Will Receive performance of the-duty on the"part t author was in a position to give'us suffered.. > . a loss- of . 700 dead and IQIDQUI castings. Stnnrisn) sizes bronze Iron bushings. w»wer mnnho1es> OMAHA. the Announcement of Your of the individual, no matter -whether]the detailed account and statistical wounded. The French, following' de- ind cistern tings nnd covers, and elenn om loorn In stock. the "duty is important or not. The'tables pertaining to Jewish economic feat, have, cut off the water supply of gist" of the entire - argument" Vf" the | life of the 13th and 14th century, Gouta and.caused intense suffering author is that mystfcilih is _ quite [ Upon the perusal of Kracauer's to the population. Trees and crops DIAMOND compatible with reality of \ life . and j book we gain the certainty that even are being destroyed for. lack of water. if inserted in that the mystic can be a realist and-in the darkest ages of European hisHEADQUARTERS Tttartin Buber, the great mystic", did%tory, the Jewish-Gentiles relations GIFT achievebest a close relationship with i were, for the most part, governed by , PROGRESS OF HEBREW COUNSELORS ... UNIVERSITY REPORTED mysticism' and realismr—'To-'-bus-] economic consideration. The author Mr. Harry Bmviroff stantiate this theory he quotes from gives; remarkable illustrations how r.New York—Jewish scholars . and Buber's' chassidic books and other pujfely^yjeconomic^causes • helped > to announces reopening of his Greeting Cards Will Take This Form: sources and arrives at the conclusion! determine the fate^ol entafe^Jewisff students^n, European countries reJIANO STUDIO, Suite 14, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL gard- with interest and antrcipation Mr. and Mrs. William R. Jacobs and Family iJaldridgeTJuilcung, 2U. that' the famous German Jewish; generations in the- city oJEIFrahkfort. the growthof the Hebrew UniverFaraam Streets. AT-8162 thinker has'rendered »a. great-service This would* g o t o show that '-a so- sity in Jerusalem, according to a Diamond. Importers Extend their best wishes to their relatives and friends lo the cause of mysticism by his<new' felled religious aspect of the Jewish statement issued by Dr. David J. 214-216 City Nat'1 Bank Bldg. Beginners and advanced for a Happy and Prosperous New Year. relationhhip to reality. ' question-in the middle ages is much Kaliski, -the Chairman"-of-:the HeEstablished 1894 ' The book, as it" is, makes pleasant exaggerated •by modern historians, brew University—Fund who has reMAIL THE COUPON BELOW reading, but all those . who 'knew Nlit religibus 'convictions or the'al- turned from London after .participatAT ONCE •: Buber would like" to hear something.' feged '•"pious superstitions or fanatic ing in the International^ Conference BUY YOUR more about the founder of neo-Chas- Christian' believers; but questions of of the World Zionist Organization. The Jewish Press, sidism. Martin Buber .'occupies a great profit and loss, questions of< economic .These-students-and scholars, states NEW YEAR 490 Brandeis Theater Bldg. position in 'German Jewish literature. advantage contributed more to deter- Dr, Kaliski,.,see in the University a Omaha, Nebr. •- • As a German writer, he is .considered j mine the 'attitude of the Gentile to spiritual force which* elevates Jewry Public Accountant! and Auditors GREETING CARDS a'master and is one of^the most ex- [ the 'jew,-than a- purely religious ques- to new intellectual achievements. It Gentlemen: ..' . ISADORE; ABRA&1SON q'uisite German stylists.". He is also'. tion.' Jewish" historiography will be will.tend to ;regenerate the Jewish AT THE Enclosed find $2.00, for which" please insert my New Year's an original thinker a scholar of, very grateful -to the-learned author spirit and make_ Palestine again a Greeting Card in Your Rosh Hashonah (5687) Number. INCOME TAX SERVICE v»ide experience. His':philosophy of I for the digging up and classifying of canter of learning. _..-,• SYSTEMS—AUDITS life deserves to be discussed at these 'economic facts because they Name Dr. Kaliski reports that the DepartINVESTIGATIONS ' length and the author has only picked [ help us to understand better Jewish We have various selections and will out a minor problem of 'Buber's philo- i history of the middle ages than all I ment of; Jewish Studies in the Uni- 490 Brandcis Theater Building print names free of charge with Address.. sophy and has not given us a presen- the elegys and lamentations. In view veraity is constantly being expanded each order. ' Phone ATlantic t450 tatiori of all the do'ctrines and teach- • of the facts presented by Dr. Kracauer and that similar progress has taken place in the Chemical, and Microbioloings of the famous German Jewish' y?e just begin to understand how helpgical Institutes as well as in the BalWriter. The author, betrays in hisiess Jewish historiography was a four-Einstein Institute of Mathematdissertation of Buber his lack of j generation ago. Even to a man like ics and Physics. The Agricultural acquaintance with the sources from! Graetz, Jewish history of the; middle Experiment Station of-the University which Buber drew and which inspired J ages "was largely a history of per- is carrying, on important-experiments him. When one spells' chassi den in- J sonalities, beliefs, convictions.etc. It the results of which are calculated stead of chassidim; one pnly'indicates did not dawn upon him that with a to be of the greatest value to the his lack of familiarity iwith Hebrew i good dose of Marxism that is to say agricultural development Jof the counand the background of Buber's philo- without an economic interpretation of try. The University Library, accord•••.:;••• 1 8 t h a n d Chicago S t s . sophy of life. I imagine it is for this history, medieval history cannot be reason that the author, who is a understood at all. staunch admirer of Buber has preferKracauer's work issued by the Jewred to deal with one problem "of his ish community of Frankfort is an im-1 philosophy, than with all the problems portant contribution to modern Jew-,, in which Buber is interested and ish historiography although his book UruRgistsTand Stationers which he discusses in his own rway in'deals' only with- local history for, it mth his books. "^ * I shows Jewish historians the "right [ Buber is only known among Ger- method of dealing with the problems j mans and Jews. The world knows ; they are facing.' I little of Buber for the -reason that his I Kracauer's book is so crowded with j Let Us Help You "Keep Clean" Books cannot be translated so easily facts that it is more a collection of ( 1 and in the German original are 'not raw material for a history of t h e ' Frontier Towel & Linen Supply accessible even to those wbe are fam- Jews of Frankfort than the history it1819 California Street iliar ' with German. Their' under- self. One must be both a regular ATlantic tiZwl standing requires more than a kn'owl- German bookworm, a'nd a bom afcha*dge of the German language and of ist to dig so deeply in all documents philosophy. They require :a thorough and to marshall such a vast mass- of understanding of chassidic Judaism facts to prove a certain point. To and Jewish mysticism and also a cer- students of Jewish history this book tain familiarity w|fh Hebrew "and it is indispensable. It is unfortunate "Manufactured ir^ Omaha" is understood that there are very few that the author passed away before Gentiles who could * do - justice to he could put the finishing touches HAKKK ICE MACHINE CHI Buber either as translators or ex- upon his work. This task was left to his widow Mrae. Redwig Kracauer ponents of his philosophy. ' . But this booklet is interesting" for to do and she did it splendidly. • • • the reason that it indicates a "tendency § MRS, LEVEWJSON'S m German literature to honor Jewish The fifth volume of Prof. Ginzauthors in this manner'and to1-con- burg's "Legends' of the Jews" is a MUSIC SHOP sider their service "to the^'caupe of veritable monument to Jewish scholar* Mnslc for All Instrument* at ^really Jewish /culture a service.-to*thie Ger- ship in America. It is* actually a book reduced price* man culturfe as'well.;', . ,; .'-" J •, Atlantic 2330 of sources and used mostly by 180J Dodge. St. ' The Jewish public of Omaha are cordially invited Rev.* Schworczkin conies highly recommended by j Buber has-gained-for iam- schools because it contains the notes to come Saturday, September 4, at 12 midnight, 5 the Cantors' Association of; America as one of the Aelf sn unshakable position in" the arid explanations to the previous Jitt A* the volumes. The material is so classified •offG ^German letters, when Cantor Schworczkin and his choir will chant leading Cantors' in their profession (not as a selfs Congregation Shara Zion same time be is not only) a' ; ^.ut a that it will interest the representathe services of SLICHOS, and on N E W stiled chief cantor). H e possesses a first class drawill hold services for " Jewtete- theoretical) (jnd. ,a-Zionist tives of the various branches of learning" because it throws a glaring light YEARS, (September 9 and 10) YOMKIPPUR, matic Tenor Voice and is leading a choir of well New Year and! Day of " ' " it is on many •- problems of history, or Atonement (September 18.) . selected voices of sixteen people. lii hl t It also exreligion, theology, '—la*—1"'" Bu|fi| a p present plains' how many' legends have originRESERVE YOUR TICKETS EARLY—NOW, LABOR LYCEUM ated and now "often.general,Jegends , Tickets on sale at the SjT»agogne daily from 7 to 9 evenings havfe* assumefl ' a purely. 'Jewish feV'-' " character' and- vice-1versa.;* to the THE COMMITTEE

of Jewish Lore


Rosh Hashonah 1926

New Year's Greetings

Opens Studio

Malashock Jewelry Co.


The Jewish Press


Braiideis Printing Dept. *•



E. E. Bruce & Co

Baker Ice Machines


and Joe Baum, 20th and Grace.


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