September 9, 1929: Rosh Hashanah Edition

Page 1


-A -false-friend, like &* shadow, mttends ; only the Sim shines.



Those persons who wir S>§. " the baseball game between ir^-% Community Center team aj.tfiS Joe Gardeners Sunday, wiJ*L; an unusual treat in the t h i r - ^ With Captain Somberg c- •. base and another Jewish second, Lester Giventer came to the plate to do or die. But lo and behold Somber gave Giventer the signal to bunt in order, to work the "squeeze" play on the Josie infield. Little howevr, missed the tip-off and things looked mighty bad. Sensing the danger, Rosenblatt, who was coaching on third was jumping around like a maniac. Taking things *into his own hands, Little Johnny yelled in Yiddish, "laig-esanider." Lester, understood the words and laid down a bunt that scored Somberg. Well that's what you call a good Jewish head.


tered as second-class mail matter on January 27th, 1921, at postofiico at Omaba.. Nebraska, under the. Act ot March 3. 1879.


Omtk Hebrew Club To

Lincoln Tank Team To Compete With. B'nai Ami

The B'nai Ami tank squad, -victors in the recent triangular swimming with with the A. Z. A. and the B'nai Israel will engage the .Two Triangle club of Lincoln, Nebraska, in a dual swim at the Jewish Community Center natatorium Saturday evening, a t 8 o'clock. * ; Although the local boys will muster full strength,- the capitol city lads have a strong reputation, and the competition promises to be keen. Frank Ackerman, who was unable to HERE'S HOW TO REDUCE— Isvin Heller, formerly of Omaha swim in the triangular" meet on acand now a resident of Columbus, count of eye trouble, will "strut ihs Nebr., reports from his old home town stuff" with the Omaha lads this : -•:'•* that he has found a very pleasant week. Ed. Burdick will referee the conmethod of reducing. : Mr. Heller has test, to which the^ public-is cordially been laboring with a road gang in invited. Waukegan, 111., for the past two Sunday morning the two clubs will months. Three hours of juggling logs, and five hours of hauling dirt clash in a friendly baseball game on The cbmpromisees the day's program. "I one of the muny diamonds. lost about 13 pounds during the sum- B'nai Ami team has won five games mer," Mr. Heller wrote to Omaha out of six this season. friends Wednesday.


raw V

The Jewish Press

extends to all its readers sincere wishes for a . -. .

The Omaha Hebrew Club will hold its annual Memorial meeting Sunday, September 12, at the Jweisb. Community Center auditorium. Members and their friends are cordially invited. J. J. Friedman, who is chairman of the meeting, has several appropriate numbers on the entertainment bill. Max Fromkin and Judah Wolfson will be the principal speakers. Cantor Schwarszkin and his choir will give several musical selections.


Prosperous and Happy Year

Jews In Spain Hiding Origin, Scientist finds

Warsaw School Opening Delayed By Sickness

American Criticism Stirs Turkish Jews


Grand Officers of Aleph Zadik Aleph


Lloyd George Urges .1 Jews leep light of Civilization Aloft Compares Hebrew, Welshman as Triumps of QualitjT Over Quantity RECALLS RECEPTION GIVEN BY AMERICAN JEW*

Bangor, Wales. (J. T. A.—Recollections of his American trip, the reception accorded him by American Jew* and high praise for Jewish patriotia qualities were contained in the address of David Lloyd George, former Prime Minister of Great Defeat Crack Gardener Ball Team by Britain, at a garden party given by 7 to 3 Score the summer school of the Interuniversity Jewish Federation. Note—Sunday afternoon at 1:30 the "You belong to a great race which Jewish Community Center team vail has made the deepest impression on B'nai Ami Glut Elects play the Julien Cheviolet nine in a the destinies of humanity," Lloyd Officers for New Year city series game. The contests will George stated. "The influence of your Abe Fellman, Central High Warsaw. (J. T. A.)—The opening be played at Fort Omaha. Paris. (J. T. A.)—The texts of race has been great through the student and^ star debater, , of the school term in the public Hebrew inscriptions of twelfth cen- School ages, and the impression created by was elected president of the (By A Staff Correspondent) tury Spain were arranged for scien- B'nai Ami Fraternity at its semi- I schools of Warsaw has been postJewish ideas and teachers will deepen JUST A LITTLE SLEEPY— tific study and brought from Spain annual election Thursday, Septem- • poned because of the scarlet fever further. We, like you, are a smalt -Here's one for the books. Western League Park, St. Joseph, race. You number fifteen million, by Louis G. Zelson, professor of the ber 2, at the Jewish Community . epidemic. The date for the opening Miss Lillian Margolin of Omaha, Center. Fellman succeeds Frank was set for September 15, provided Mo.,—Despite the bitter cold and the University of Wisconsin, who has ar- Ackerman while we number four million. Howas head of the organizaone of the bright law students is the that the epidemic will have subsided sloppy battle field, nine hustling boys ever, the quality is good. rived here. tion. sole cast of the event. Lillian, after Professor Zelson commented on the Other officers elected were as fol- by that time. The governmental com- representing the Jewish Community "Your prophets, kings and heroes finishing her work in the Journalism lows: vice-president, Frank Acker- i missioner of Warsaw, General Sklad- Center and upholding the standards are better known to Welsh boys than life of the Jews in Spain, whom he department, tucked her law books First of a Series of Entertainobserved. Spanish Jewry, he said, man; secretary, Harold Pollack; kowski, paid an official visit to Rabbi of the Omaha Amateur association, the names of our own heroes. under her arms, and traveled over to treasurer, Morton Richards; publimerits t o be Given | has fallen into a state of lethargy. city manager, Isadore Perimeter; I Perlmutter, former member of the grave the crack Gardener baseball Great Patriots the law library to study. H e h a d t o l o k five da and sargent-at-arms, Ted Turner j Polish Sejm, thanking Mm for his team one of th neatest lacings ever ° y*Vhe .«**; **Lillian was so entranced with her PLAN ELABORATE AFFAIR . j "I have never met a people with and Chester Rosenberg. . initiative in urging an improvement recorded in Joe-town. The final count Te work that she didn't notice the jani- . . AT* F I R S T - D A N C E found a Jew. Spanish Jews The installation, of officers will of sanitary conditions in the Jewish was 7 to 3 in favor of the Jewish greater patriotism than the Jews for tor padlock the doors. •• i still hide their origin and it was be held in the near future in the the country in which they live," i quarter of the city. A large crowd "willow wavers". Before Lillian awoke from her The first social function of the sea-j even proposed to the professor by form of a banquetrat the home of Lloyd George declared. "It is a mis' awaited the commissioner when he The odd 550 persons who oozed ' ice she found herself locked in for son will be held Saturday evening* some that he should not reveal his Harold Pollack. ™ take to imagine that an international Announcement was made a t the tho evening. Thinking the matter September IS, a t the Jewish Com- Jewish, origin. He saw two syna- meeting that negotiations were ; entered the rabbi's house, greeting their way through the the turnstiles race can not be deeply national." saw the Jewish, boys unleash their over, Lillian just decided to spend munity Center Auditorium. The Jew- gogues in Spain, one in Madrid and under way to schedule basketball him in Polish and in Hebrew. Mr. Lloyd George reiterated his The health authorities have issued heavy artillery attack in the very first ish Community Center will give its another in Barcelona, but neither of the night behind the portals of the and football games with Jewish previous statements with regard to first • dance of the ~ season on this eve- them bore any inscription • on its boy's clubs in Lincoln, Sioux City, a warning that indications of a frame. To show the locals how to library. the role of Dr. Chaira Weizmann in hydrophobia epidemic have been amass runs the Omaha visitors confacade which would indicate that it and Council Bluffs. It was 2 o'clock in, the morning mng. the issuance of the Balfour declarafound. The authorities declared the tinned their heavy fire in the second Plans are now being made by the was a synagogue. before: the janitor;-canie to her restion. He paid high tribute to Dr. and third cantos and then decided to d t y in danger of mad dogs and a All the Jews with whom he spoke contmittee in charge of this affair to cue. .'•:• •.."• .'••• :" : \ ••-'*. . , Weismaim's work at that,time, .stat"Mexicans have beeafcwfhejTTffifejs of k i & -defensive d f i H off i b i & plage® -ujjs take sHe make it one of. the most elaborate en- expressed their sympjalhie.s_.._; wjth. 1 ing," In the Zionist Declaeation I -wa* this sort of prejudice *ni the part of affair. tertainments ever presented in iffie' Zionism. started. GOING TO SCHOOL— } guided- and directed by Dr. Weizthe misnamed 'superior races.' I am city. According to members ; of the Al "Dutch" Handler, who flings 'em mann,than whom there is no more In a few days the campus gates of sure that this attempt on the part committee this dance is the fifst; of a PRESIDENT CALLES NOT OF over from the crooked side baffled the noble and unselfish man, whose dis^ y ^ ^ y e j r ? university in the of 'L'Action. Fransaice' will merely series of entertainments that will be tEWlSH ORIGIN, MEXICAN Josies -with his peculiar southpaw covery of an ingredient essential to country will be thrown open to the react in favor of and not against the 1 given by/ the Jewish Coinmunity CONSUL IN NEW YORK SAYS slants. Al had his "stuff" Sunday the production of high explosives thousands of students who are exMexican people, who are struggling tenter. ' an pected to attend. Creighton Univerhelped to save the nation. Members of JbA cornsaittee in j N e w York." (JJT. A.)—A denial of to attain that life, liberty and happidrops that had the locals on their Received Only Kindness from Jews sity will start the year's wotk on charge of this affair are Sara Bebeiyj the assertion of the French anti- ness which is the goal of all selfheads BO to speak. In nine innings Monday, September 20, while Nebras1 "I received great kindness from chairman, F . J. Alberts, B. G. Sha- Semitic newspaper, L'Action Fran- respecting people." Gad Franco Says Adoption of the Handler fanned 7 batters and allowed ka Uni will get under full swing, your race in America. I think the piro, Louis Somberg, Eugene Blazer, caise" that President Calles of MexSwiss Code Made Minority the Gardeners to nick his offerings Thursday, September 16. most eloquent short speech I heard Bam Yousem, M. Micklin, S, A. Bliss, Clauses Necessary. for 11 safeties. At bat this same The Omaha girls who are going to Morris Milder, M. Katelman, A. Sil- ico is of Jewish origin "was made by URGE WORSHIPPERS in America was made by a young TO REFRAIN FROM Handler crashed out two hits. Arturo M. Elias, Consul general of attend Nebraska are: Kate Goldstein, 'erman. Jewish, doctor in Philadelphia," he Constantinople. (J. T. A.)—The SYNAGOGUE ATTENDANCE The Jewish boys, winners of the said. Mexico in New York City, who is a Ida Lustgarten. From Sioux City will criticism by Louis Marshall, president Gate City gonfalon started out to win half brother of the president, in a come Misses Alice Shoeline, Lillian "The responsibility of guiding is of the American Jewish Committee, the game in the very first inning Warsaw. (J. T. A.)—All Jewish., Geneva. (J. T. A.)—A resolution communication to the Jewish TeleRosenthal, and Sara Moscow. From of the act of the Turkish Jewish Rosenblatt cracked the first bal that of your race. Hitherto you have children and the parents whose chil-i ,„ , ., , Norfolk, Nebr., will come Miss Fran- dealing with the possibility of re- graphic Agency. had the spiritual leadership of west"The article of 'L'Action Francaise' dren are affected by the Scarlett fever j s t a b l e s , m e m b e r s - of the Jewish pitched to deep left center for two ern civilizations and it is still in your ces Robinson. Miss Ruth Riseman nunciation by. national-'- minorities of that President Calles is the son epidemic were asked in a proclamaproclama-1 *National Assembly of^ Turkey, in re- bases. A hit batsman, a walk and keeping. It is essential that yon « « -v.. will Ieav Elk Creek, Nebr., this Sun- the national minorities rights guar- savs s a v * va- t . x C a , u c - « . » Corneman's timely one ply-jolt to the tt cli m anteed to them under the peace day to start her'college career at of* a Jew," Consul General Elias > n issued by the rabbinate of t h e l™ " minorities °.f Twlosh Jewry o "U * ie* n « rights middle pasture accounted for two continue the great guidance of hum*"°"<" HIUIU«U«, xign^ treties was adopted by r the National writes. "This does not happen to be city of Warsaw to refrain from a t - 1to the national Lincoln. anity, especially as a great inter* « m V , in tending services in svnatm^pc synagogues Air-' dur guaranteed to it under the Treaty of markers. Again in the second the national race. It lies in your power Following are the Omahans who Minorities Congress, .which concluded true, but if it it were, I am sure tending Lausanne, found wide echo among Omahans pushed over a run and will attend Nebraska Uni: Lester its session here recently. that he should have no cause to be ing the coming High Holidays. The Turkish Jews. clinched the contest in the third spasm to extend in the future your contribuproclamations advises that temporary The resolution declares null and ashamed of it. Why any one should Lapidus, Ed Rosenthal, Eddie Grsen, tion to humanity, which is incalculaMr. Marshall's accusation of cowwhen four men crossed the platter. Ear] Kay, Joe Krasne, Art Green, void every decision of any national make such a statement as a charge "minyanim" be arranged in the ble." ardice directed against the Turkish Once in the lead Handler had his Uhfl Gerelick, Harry B. Cohen, Her- group renouncing* its minority rights, frankly the writer cannot under- houses affected by the epidemic Jewish notables has created conster- old confidence back and behold vrhat A special service for the welfare bert Neveleff, David Fellman, David whether or not these rights are em- stand. nation in the Jewish Turkish com- pitching the youngster turned in for INTERMARRIAGES IN Wohlner, Henry Rosenstein, Edward bodied in the international treaties. "It may interest you to know that of the children was held in the Great munity. HUNGARY INCREASING the approval of the local fans. Not Alberts, Carl Sokoloff Albert Batt The resolution also- denounces as a President Calles has a most prof ound j Synagogue on Tlomackie. Dr. Schor Gad Franco, well known Turkish until the seventh were the Gardeners Ellis Shafton, Arthur Romm, David ^violation of public order, the at- contempt for intolerance of any kind officiated. Budapest. (J. T. A.)—Intermarriage Jewish lawyer and former president able to count. In the eighth the Jos" Forman, Joseph Turner, Frank Blot- tempts of governments to effect re- and particularly that sort of intolerof Jews and Gentiles in Hungary has of the Jewish communities in Turkey,- Eddie . JJrodkey and Fred Bred- nunciation by the national minority ance that articulates itself. in the Consider pleasures as they depart, key," when interviewed by the cor- ies nicked Al for four hits and two reached an alarming height, accordruns. groups of their rights. c k e y . - . . : . ' •.• ' . ' " * . . ' •-' . expression of race prejudice. We not as they come.—Aristotle. ing to official figures made kno\co. respondent of the Jewish Telegraphic JEWISH COMMUNITY CENTER Agency took "exception to the stateAccording to these figures, during WILL HELEN JJACOBS ab. h. po. a. e. the months of April, May and Junfe, ment of Mr. Marshall. , RT>latt cf 4 2 TURN PRO?— ten and one-half per cent of sill "While I regret the immoderate K'ecky ss 3 1 Now' that the famous Cash and Jewish, marriages were with no~cand certainly ' unmerited term used Turner If 5 2 Carry Pyle is signing up nationallj Jews. by Mr. Marshall in Ms criticism of Cor'an 2b 5 S known amateur athletes as profes~~. 3 the act of Turkish Jewish leaders, I S'mVg A. W'tz rf 5 sionals, "the Jewish sports fans are can only attribute this to Mr. Mar- L. W'tz Sb 4 wondering whether or-not, Miss Helen Officers will Be shall's desire to defend the Turkish Giv'teer c 3 Jacobs of California, only nationally Installed at Open Meet Jews from themselves, although -Mr. j Handl'r p — — 4 known Jewish tennis player, will enter Marshall apparently'- knows«little of .. .Totals 36 11 27 9 1 the ranks of pro together with Su The Y. M. and Y. W. H. A. or- \ the present actual conditions ""of* JewGARDENERS zanne Lenglen and Miss Harry K. ganizations will install their new J ish life in Turkey/ Franco stated. ah. h. po. a. e. officers at the first open meeting \ Browne. Rights Have No Legal Standing 0 Haidns cf _ 4 Miss Jacobs is noted as one of the which is to be held Monday eve- \ 3 Lewis 2b _ 4 Mr. Franco expressed the opinion flashiest woman racket swingers on ning at the Jewish Communit?.v j 3 Waller 3b 5 that the Jews of Turkey;.have re- Young rf the Pacific coast. Though just out of Center. I 0 nounced their minority rights guaran- Syman If 0 university. Miss Jacobs has been a Following are the offcers who f 12 teed by the Treaty of Lausanne but Forbes l b will be installed: Sam Zachaiia, | warded several Coast tournatnen 0 Litz ss 4 not unconditionally. "These rights president; Grace Rosenstein, -vice*- j trophies. 9 Gilbert C - - 4 have no longer any legal standing in Will'ms p president; Eva Katzman, secre- I 0 0 0 Turkey in view of the recent decision Rueg'es p "DYNAMO" DENNISON TALKS-— tary; Stan Levin, treasurer; Ben- j 4 of the Turkish government to apply nie Morgan, reporter; David Fish- j johnny "Dynamo" Dennison, head Totals 36 11 27 17 4 man and Morris Givot, sergeants- I the Swiss code, which recognizes the mogul of Omaha Amateur baseball 1 2 1 4 0 0 0 0 O'O—7 at-arms; Fred Kurtzman, athletic I equality of all Turkish citizens irre- J. wishes to congratulate the Jewish spective of race or greed." Mr. Franco boys who journeyed to St. Joe last Two-base hits — Rosenblatt : (2);" director, and Maurice Alperin an-3 t added that the bill concerning the Hits—Off Williams 6 in 2 : innings Louis Lipp, members to the execu- s week-end. Dennison, claims that the | status of Jewish communities in Tur- (none out in third); off Ruesegger, 5 live committee. Jewish boys behaved better than any key, of which he" was one of the in • 7 innings. Left on -bases—Jewish "The Deceiver" directed by Mrs. i ather athletic organization that has Community* Center Club 9, Gardeners, authors, contains the request of 9. Passed balls— Gilbert. Double Ricklie Bosberg, will be presented I made" d trip for Omaha. Turkish Jewish leaders to the gov- plays—Konecky to Weitz: Coreman at the meeting, under the auspices j t ernment for certain counter guaran- to Somberg. Hit by pitched ball— of the "Y" dramatic group. Hym«m j by Williams (Konecky). Wild pitches Jerusalem. ( J / T . A.) The largest Shown above are the new Grand Paul, grand s'gan; Jack Weiner, Harry S. Shedlov, Minneap- tees of Jewish prerogatives and —Handler. Stolen bases—A. Weitz, Shrier, Bess Haykin and Maurice | number of Jewish emigrants to leave officers. Reading from left to right Grand Rapids, Mich., grand aleph council; I olis, elected a junior member of the rights. Mr. Franco further expressed Lewis. Sacrifice hit—Giventer. Bases Alperin make up the cast. Palestine in recent years was re- in the front row are:_Jaek Moskovitz, senior shotare. supreme advisory council; Jacob M. the hope that this new information on balls—off Ruesegger 3, off WilMr. Samuel Gersen, newly ap- j Kansas City, Mo., elected t the junior ported for the month of July. In the rear row reading left to right Finkelstein, Lincoln, Nebr., grand will induce Mr, Marshall and others liams 2, off Handler 3. Struck out— pointed director at the J. C.. C, During1 that month 989 persons supreme advisory council; L. Glaser, are: Ben Salinsky, Sheboygan, Wis., aleph godol; George Libles, Des who believe that the Jews of Turkey By Handler 7, by Williams 3, by •will give the principal address <rf * Fort Dodge, la., grand aleph gizbor; grand aleph junior shotare; Marion la., elected grand aleph sopbRuesegger 4. Losing pitcher—Willeft Palestine, 840 of whom were A. Paper, Fargoy-N.-D.-j grand aleph Graetz, Omaha, Nebr.,-•elected a Jun- Moines, er; Leo Peller, Maywood, BL, elected have been betrayed to revise their liams. Umpires—Weldon and Zack- the evening. kohen godol; Noltcn Lieberman, St~ Jews. ior member cf the supreme advisory aleph mazkir. opinion. ert. Time of game—2:00. "v,

Dance of Season on September Eighteenth



J. C. C. Baseball Team Victorious in St Joe






i wish you a Joyous Holiday, and a: full realization of your anticipated progress during the New Year

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You are cordially invited to visit Omaha's Snow V/hite Bakery (largest west of Chicago) and see how IT EN quality Crackers, Cakes and Cookies are made in a modern baking plant. I*



- r\


Best time to come is between 9 and 1 1 in the morning, or 1 and 3 in the afternoon, when all departments are running. Just come to the office entrance, 13 th Street and Capitol Avenue.

Snow White Bakeries (Reg. U. S. Patent Office)

t-' PAGE 3—THE JEWISH PRESS, THURSDAY, SEPT. 9, 192ft -*• 4-

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Mr. and Mrs. GeorgeKrasne and family, of 125 South Eighth St., Council Bluffs, la., extend best \ wishes and heartiest New Year., * Greetings to their relatives and friends.

Personal New Year Greetings


Dr. A. A. Steinberg, 430 WorldHerald Bldg., takes this opportunity to extend heartiest greet- I ings and best wishes to his rela- • tives and friends for a Happy * and Prosperous New Year. «

Mr. and Mrs.. J. Milder, 2860 Capitol Aye., extend heartiest and best wishes to their relatives and friends for a most joyous and prosperous New Year.

i •t-


Mr. and Mrs. Tsadore Abramson and daughter, Lorraine, 4315 California St., extend tiieir best wishes t o their relatives and friends for a happy and prosperous year. •A







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Mr. ..William ..Grodinsky, 752 Omaha National, Bank Bldg., wishes all his friends a Happy and Prosperous New. Year.


Dr. and Mrs. J . M. Erman and son, James, 2517 Laurel Ave., extend their best wishes : to their relatives and friends for a Happy and Prosperous New Year.

Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Alpirn and family extend their best wishes to their relatives and friends for a Happy and Prosperous New Year. •

Mr. Morris Arkin, 61? North 21st St., extends heartiest New Year Greetings t o i i s friends and relatives.

Mr. and Mrs. L. Harris, 2859 California St., extend to their relatives and friends a Happy and Prosperous New Year.

Mr. and Mrs. John Fcldman and family, 1319 North 35th-St., extend their heartiest greetings to their relatives and ^friends for happiness and prosperity for the coining year.

3Ir. and Mrs. A. Herzberg,. 3871, Farnam St., extend to all their friends heartiest greetings for the New Year.

Mr. and Mrs. Meyer Friedel wish , all their friends a happy and prosperous New Year," •

Mr. and Mrs. M. Herzberg, .106 South 52hd St., take this opportunity to extend best wishes to their friends for Happiness and Prosperity for the coming New Year".

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Mrs. Sarah Arkin, 610 North 21st St., takes this opportunity to •wish all her friends and relatives a Happy and Prosperous New Year. .

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Mr. and Mrs. Abe Bear, of Plant- i | Dr. and Mrs. Benj. Ti Freidman ers Apts., Leavenworth, Kansas, and family, 5106 Capitol Ave., extend heartiest and best wishes wish to extend: to" their friends to tiieir relatives and friends for and relatives a Happy an dProsa Happy and Prosperous New perous New Year. , . Year. 1






Mr. and Mrs. M. Bernstein, 210-1 Park Ave., Council Bluffs, Iowa extend to all their friends and relatives their heartiest wishes for a Happy and Prosperous New Tear.

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Dr. and Mrs. H. Hirschman, 304 ' North 36th Ave., wish a Happy ! and Prosperous New Year to all their relatives and friends.

" • - • ' • - - - - " • " • • - - - • * • • • -

Mr.and Mrs. Louis Bernstein and family, of 222 Frank St., Council Bluffs, la., extend their best wishes to their relatives and friends for a Happy and Prosper- } ous New Year.



Mr. and Mrs. S. Hirschberg, 2758 ', Chicago St., extend heartiest wishes to their relatives and friends for a Happy and Prosperous New Year.

Mr. and Mrs.. JV J . : Friedman and family wish ,t2ieir- relatives and friends a Happy 7$ew Year. •

Certainly Was Dumb In Lancashire the victim of nearly 1 : v j every funny story is the "tackier," am Mr. and Mrs. Ai I. Kulakofsky, I Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Eichman and } • Mr. Fred White, 906 First Natl. \ onlooker in a mill. He is invariably 3154 Lincoln Blvd., wish all their i family, of 1528 Ave. B., Council j j Bank Bldg., extends the season's J made out to be an extremely stupid 1 relatives and friends everywhere Bluffs, la., wishtheir relatives j » greetings to his relatives and • fellow. The following is a typical exa Happy and Prosperous New and friends a Happy and Pros- J • f i e d « ample ss told by Whit Cunliffe: Year. | perous New Year. < friends. "Two tacklers, dressed in their Sun•t.. . . . . . . day best, met in the street, and one remarked to the other: " 'Why, Bill, how nice your suit Process of Growth Mr. and Mrs. Philip Saks and | looks. Ton only had it new the same Mr. and Mrs. M. Kulakofsky, of Human Language rime as mine find look how mine has family, of 120 Third St., Council • 4907 Dodge St., wish all their Bluffs, la., extend their best j An artificial speaking machine was pone out of shape.' friends and relatives a most joywishes to their relatives and i demonstrated by Sir Richard Paget. " 'Well,1 remarked Bill, 'you should ous and Prosperous New Year. friends for a "Happy and Pros- } By blowing into it and fingering stops do the same as I do; get one of them perous New Year. t he mechanically produced complete coat hangers.1 words and sentences. "His friend's face brightened and He used this device to illustrate his he departed full of glee. They met afrain some time later. Mr. and Mrs. S. Nathan and fam- { theory of the development of human ily, of Nathan's Lake, extend » language from the unintelligible roars, " 'Well,' snid Bill, 'did you get that Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Kulakofsky ' heartiest greetings to their rela- } grunts, squeaks, howls and whistles oJ coat hang-er I told yon about?* and family wish their relatives " Tes,' replied the other, 'but the tives and friends for a Happy • our prehistoric ancestors. and friends a very happy New In those early days, he said, ac- blooming thing made my shoulders and Prosperous New Year. { Year. cording to the New York World, man sore.'" t used his larynx to roar, to grunt with -f and at the same time he communicated Very Cautious Indeed his ideas to others by grimaces and J Mr. and Mrs. Sam L. Robinson } the movements of tongue and lips. He—Would j-oo say "Yes" if 1 asi'Vl Mr. and Mrs. A. Leibowitz and I and family, 823 North 50th Ave., j The next step was the discovery thai you to marry me? family, 3122 Myrtle Ave., extend • take this opportunity to wish i by blowing air through the moctli She (stSll more cautlo-ast)—Would their best wishes to their rela! their friends and relatives a t while he was grimacing the move- you ask me to marry ytm if I v.-o;ilrt tives and friends for a most joyhappy and prosperous New J ments of his tongue and lips produced say "Yes" if yon asked me to marry ous and prosperous New Year. Year. . . . J changes of whispered sounds, so that you?—London Answnfs. the various grimaces could be recognized even when his back was turned. Raising the Ante The last stage in the great invenShe—A penny for your thoughts. Mr. and Mrs. J. Robinson and { tion of speech came when our primi- Mr. Staylate—I was thinking of gc. tive ancestors discovered that by roarMr. and Mrs. Morris Levinson, ! family, of Norfolk, Nebraska, I * 3107 Mason St., wish their rela- J extend best wishes to their rela- { ing and grunting at the same time as ing. Her Father (at head of stairs)— • tires • and friends: a Happy and { tives and friends for a Happy 2 they whispered the audible grimace F New Year. ; " / •" * j became recognizable ten or twenty Give him half a dollar, Yiola—it'8 PraBperous New Yeay. • . 1 tiines farther off than before. Thev worth it!—Tit-Bits (Londoni. •


Mr. and Mrs. Morris_ Milder, FairacreSj extend best wishes to their friends and. relatives for Happiness and Prosperity for the coming New Year.


Mr. and Mrs. William- L;. Holzman extend-their best wishes t o - j their friends for a Happy New J Year. , V

Mr. tmff".Mr8_ ErBi, ^Goldman, 4159 .vWakeiyt >Sfc?;: expend; -their :heartiest jC^ew i-ifear .Greetings to all .their' relatives !and friends.

Clouds Vary Greatly in Their Composition

i Air is viscid, like molasses, but of Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Stalmaster, t course not so sticky. Not only is it Birchmont Apts., wish to express • viscid, but its viscosity varies greatly to their friends best wishes for | with temperature and pressure. On the a Happy and Prosperous New t ground clouds diffuse rapidly, higher Year. j up they are ropy and still higher they are granular, like sand grains on a •tbeach. There are cloud levels and -f clear spaces in the air where clouds are rare or never go. These levels Mr. and Mrs. Ike Krasne and t jtij.. and <uiu Mrs. nils, William nuuam iuuuer, t family, of 415 South Ninth St., {< Mr. Milder, Mr. and Mrs. M. Turner and fans- * were determined before the earth Council Bluffs,: la., extend their j 4815 Davenport St-,-extend their » ily, 1702 North 24th St., wish f took its shape. They are fixed by the best wishes to all their relatives heartiest wishes to the relatives } everyone a Happy and Prosper- \ dynamic laws of the globe, says the ! and friends, for a Happy and and friends' for a Happy and • ous' New Year. t Kehoboth Sunday Herald. prosperous New Year. » Prosperous New Year. • The lowest clouds lie at less than 1 5,000 feet above the ground, and they would float there if this world were all gaseous, like the plnnet Jupiter is. Mr. and Mrs. Jake Krasne and • stormy days they do, in fact, come and Mrs. H. A. Wolf and ! On \ niece, Miss Cylia Gershun, of 519 » Mr. and Mrs. Harry Miller and \ \ Mr. as near to the land as they can, and son, Justin, extend to their famie Oakland Ave., Council Bluffs, la., family, of Manhattan, Kas., wish } ly and friends best wishes for a j hug the ground so closely that they extend their best wishes to their their relatives and friends a } Happy and Prosperous New \ make the day dark. These cloudr relatives and friends for a Happy t are heavy rolling billow?. i Year. and Prosperous New Year. i J Happy New Year.


Mr. and Mrs. A. -Diamond and family, of 736 Mynster. Street, Council Bluffs, :1a;,; "wish everyone a very Happy and Prosperous New Year,-. V•"'-•'. ~

1 Mr. and Mrs. William Alberts |f o f 107% South 35th St., extend ' heartiest New Year Greetings to their relatives and friends.

, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Krasne and son, Philip, of Apartment No. 3, Oakland Court, Council , Bluffs, Iowa, extend best wishes j to all their relatives and friends ! for a Happy and ProsperousNew < Year. '

Dr. and Mrs. M. Grodinsky, Nottingham Apts., extend to their friends best wishes for a Happy and Prosperous New Year.

The Daughters :.of ..Israel Aid Society extend ; the Season's Greetings to all' the Jewry of Omaha. . : "•:'.

also found that they could vary the note of their roars and grunts without interfering vrith the recognition of the grimace. And so they invented the art of song.

' •










•+ 4-


Mrv. and: Mrs. rA.,VGoldstein and family,- aO2jiM*hr-54tb;;.St., extend inost _;3iea#iest ;and b est wishes to their - relatives and friends for a Happy and Prosperous New Year.

Mr. and Mrs. Sim A. Bliss, Tjdnceton Apts., Wish their relatives and friends happiness and prosperity for the coming New Year.

Mrs. E. Jacobs and family,'4910' Dodge St., wish their relatives and friends a Happy and Pros, perous New Year. '.•'-'."

Dr. Philip Romanek, 454 Bran- ! Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Levenson { ' deis Theatre Bldg., dg., extends best • and daughter, Judas, No. 10 j that-the } and most sincere wishes thatthe Milton Apts., wish their rela- } !' New Year may bring joy and• happiness to all his friends and i tives and friends the fulfillments I relatives. ' i : of all their wishes. J

Mr. and Mrs. Abe Jacobs, of Norfolk, Nebr., wish their relatives and friends a Happy and Prosperous New Year.

Dr. Philip Levey, 561 Brandeis { Theater Bldg., extends his heart- • iest wishes for a happy and pros- J perous New Year to all his I friends and relatives. j

•*. , . . . . • • • . . . . . - •

, . . - . ;


Mr. and Mrs. D. Blumenthal and ' i family, 1023 Mercer Blvd., extend - Dr. and Mrs. M. I. Gordon extend heartiest and best Greetings to heartiest and best wishes to their their relatives and friends for a relatives and friends for a Happy most joyous and prosperous New . and Prosperous New Year. Year. :,....... •





-f +• .

. . . . . . . . y . . . . . . . . . .



Mr. and Mrs. Ben Brodkey and family, 2812 Dodge St., extend heartiest and best wishes to their relatives and friends for a Happy and Prosperous New Year.








J Mr. and Mrs. Saul Levey, 4910 ! Dodge St., extend best wishes t o their relatives and friends for a Happy and Prosperous New < Year. |

Mr. and Mrs. Joe Jacobs and son, Alan, extend t h e season's greetings to all their relatives and friends.


Dr. and Mrs. A. S. Rubnitz, 5016 { Burt St., extend best wishes for j the coming New Year to all t their friends and relatives. •


Mr. and Mrs. Nathan E. Green extend to their friends best wishes for a Happy and Prosperous New Year.

Mr. and Mrs. Meyer Green and family, 2047 North 19th St., extend best wishes to their relatives and friends for a Happy and Prosperous New Year.

Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Saltzman and ! son, Maryin, 1602 South 33rd St., \ wish their-friends and relatives • joy and prosperity for the coming New Year.

| Mrs. Ida Levin and family wish their relatives and friends a Happy and Prosperous New * eYar.

Mr. Morris E. Jacobs wishes to express to his friends best wishes for a Happy and Prosperous New Year.


Mrft M. Brodkey extends the season's greetings to all her relatives and friends.




Mr. and Mrs. J. Gordon, of Tel Aviv, Palestine, formery of Omaha, extend best wishes to their ' relatives and friends'for a happy and prosperous New Year.

Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Brodkey wish to extend their relatives and friends best wishes for a Happy New Year.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Z. Rosen- { feld and Daughters are pleased to extend good wishes for & Happy New Year to all their friends.


Mr. Nathan E . Jacobs, 4910 Dodge St., extends to all his friends best and heartiest wishes for a Happy and Prosperous New Year. •


- -i

* —

.Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lipsy of , 122 No. 35th St., wish their Tel- \ atives and friends a Happy New ' Year. ' ;

of Course?}^ :

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Schimmel and family of the Blackstone Hotel wish their friends a Happy and Prosperous New Year.

It is preferred in the New York Market by those who i want pure, richf sweet butter -—and in all other markets I where sold. You will like



Mr.and Mrs. M. D. Brodkey and family, 3429 Webster St., extend heartiest New Year Greetings to their relatives and friends.

Dr. and Mrs. A." Greenberg and daughters, Beverly Ramona and Renee Joyce, 308 North 38th St., extend to all their relatives and friends a most Happy and Prosperous New Year.

Mr. and Mrs. Abner Kaimen and family, 129 North 33rd St., wish all their relatives and friends a most Happy and Prosperous New Year.

j Dr. and Mrs. Philip Sher and son, Mr. Reuben Maizel, 2031 North ] David, wish to their relatives and 20th St., extends heartiest greetfriends a prosperous and altruings and best wishes , to his istic year. friends and relatives for a Happy and Prosperous New Year.

Mr. and Mrs. Reuben H. Brown wish their relatives and friends A Happy New Year.

Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Greenberg and Lee Jane and Barton extend to their relatives and friends best wishes for a happy and prosperous New Year.

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kay, Berke-. ley, Calif., wish their relatives and friends a most Joyous and Prosperous New Year.

Mr, and Mrs. Harry Malashock and family, 5202 Davenport St., extend to all their friends heartiest and best wishes for joy and happiness for the New Year.

•+• ;








• - . - - . - - - - . - - •-


Mi*, and Mrs. M. E. Chapman and family, 308 South 49th Ave., wish to extend heartiest and best ! greetings to their relatives and friends for a most joyous and prosperous New Year. - • -

• • » "



Mr. and Mrs. Julius Katelman and family, of 417 .Oakland Ave., ; Council Bluffs, la., extend theii heartiest greetings and best wishes to. all their relatives and friends for a Happy and Prosperous New Year. ,

Mr. and Mrs. Morris Grossman i and son, Marvin," of 1002 Fifth Ave., Council Bluffs, la.? extend their best wishes to their rela- | tives and friends for a Happy ; and.Prosperous New Year.

' "

Dr. Nathan Dansky, 482 Brandeis . Theater Bldg., extends his heartiest New Year Greetings to all his friends and relatives.

Rabbi and Mrs. H. Grodinsky and family, of 2639 Davenport Street, extend their best wishes to their relatives and "friends "for a Happy and Prosperous New Year.


Mr. and Airs. Samuel H. Katelman and family, of 601 Willow Ave., Council Bluffs, la., extend their best .wishes . to all their relatives and friends for a Happy and Prosperous New Year.

Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Sherman and daughter, 108 Austin AptsM extend best wishes to their relatives and friends for a happy and prosperous New Year.



! Mr. and Mrs. J. Mendelson arid ' family of 10 No. 28th St., Coun!|1 cil Bluffs, la., wish their relatives and friends a Happy New ( 1 Year. " ! •






Mr. and Mrs. J . Slosburg, J r , J and family, 5302 Davenport SL, J extend their best wishes to their ' relatives and friends for a happy and prosperous New Year.

Mr. and Mrs. Herman Meyerson ! and family, of 127 South Eighth Street, Council Bluffs, la., wish all their relatives and friends a } Happy and Prosperous New Year j t -r

whose swefet butter they eat —and ten chances to one the. answer


Mr. and Mrs. L. Stalmaster and • family wish their relatives and { friends a Happy and Prosperous • New Year. < ': . - . • -


- .

Ask your Grocer for it and insisti ~ upon having the Genuine

PAGE 4—THE JEWISH PRESS, THURSDAY, SEPT. 9, 1926 minyan," lie began, then stopped Kippur before Chayim 'would enter your Chayim left us." She answered him with difficulty. doubtfully. For Chayim the Sinner the synagogue. "Why do you mock me, Reb Josel? had opened the door softly while A weary-iooking woman dressed in It is at least ten years since you all they were speaking' and now stood plain dark garments staggered THE JEWIJ9B PBESS s drove him away, and from that day through the open door and threw her'before them.. Like the others he wore Office: 490 Brandeis Theatre Building — Telephone; ATlantfc 1450, A FOLK TALE FOR YOM iaPPUR Ms foot has uwer crossed this self at Beb Josel's feet. "You were his blue and "white praying shawl, . NATHAN & GREEN, By ELM A EHRLICH LEVTNGER the white garments of the fast dav his teacher," she pleaded. Don't tell threshold/' (Copyright, 1926, by Elma Ehrlich Levinger, AH Rights Reserved.) ..$2.60. "He came to as early this mornof Yom Kippur; but the draperies me it's too late even if Yom Kippur Subsmptiop Price, • Advertising rates furnished on application. were so huddled abort turn that they is over. Pray but just one prayer for ing/' said Eeb Josel, "and prayed CHANGE OS1 ADDliBtte-Weeae B»T» Doth" Ib? old »nd «<10rc*»; (Editor's Note: The recent play, you been these last two days that could scarcely see his face, very pale him. If you have any mercy, Jews, with tus all day, a tenth man to com(10 «gre And Klvp jroqr onine. promise me that before you go home plete our minyan- Don't you under"The Dibbuk," introduced to Amer- you did not see them carried out for and wasted with his late sickness. you will pray him out of the flames." stand? Then why don't you repoice "Chayim I" they cried in relief, The Jewish Press is supplied $y th« Jewish Telegraphic Agency (Jewish ican Jewry the idea? and the long- burial? Ah," with his usual oily "She must be overwrought with and thank the Name for sending your Correspondence Bureau) with cabled and telegraphic Jewish news, in addition ings of the Hassidim, that mystical deference, "I remember: you were "Chayim! You have come to make up to feature articles and correspondences from a)l Important Jewish centers, tending him in his illness," murmur- son to us, even from a bed of sickct of Jews in eastern Europe. In here praying and fastingl" our Minyan " inquiries regarding news Items credited to this Agency will be gladly this story the author has taken the ed Beril, but Hannah did not heed ness, a well man and a pious Jew Chayim did not answer. Tottering "But," persisted Abremil, bewildanswered if addressed to Jewish Telegraphic Agency, 621 Broadway, N Mm. She sat on the floor, swaying once more?" old legend of the Hassidim in Galicia as though from weakness, he groped ered, "on Rosh Hashonah there were York City. like a mourner in her grief. 1 The woman's hands struggled at as her theme.) two youths like me here, two boys his way to the bench a little apart ; from the others, the seat he had scarcely past their barmitzvah." 'He was Buch a lovely little baby," her throat; at last the words came NEW YEAR'S PAY USHERING IN JEWISH HOLY SEASON known in his boyhood. One wasted she went on, moaning a little, "with out, slowly, in great terror. "You say Beril's harsh laughter rang through They huddled together, in their The Jewish holiday season begins somewhat earlier this dingy hand stole out toward the little redsoft golden curls this long; he cried Chayim was here — in this room — little synagogue, nine raen in the little synagogue. "My sons," he year than other years. The first holy day is the New Year, or the white shrouds of the Yom Kippur sobbed hysterically, "my sons! Yes, bound Siddur. Reb Josel, tears of joy and made me cut them off because this morning?" They all nodded, tlosh Hashanah, which occurs this year on the 9th of September, fast-day, nine men, discouraged and on Rosh Hashonah they sat in that streaming down his withered cheeks, the other boys pulled at Cheder. How their faces white in the growing bitterly I wept when the first curl dusk. "I cannot understand. I put disconsolate since no man had come seat beside me, their smooth cheeks came toward him. the New Year eve being on the evening of the 8th. "God has heard my prayers," sob- fell! I never thought to hide his head his srroud on him with these hands; pressed against my beard as we read to fill their minyan. Only two among In the Jewish tradition the Rosh Hashanah marks the anniseemed unmoved: old Reb Josel, from the same siddur. Today I must bed the old man. "He has saved you, beneath . . " and she Eobbed bitterly. I sat with him all last night and all versary pf the creation of the world, supposed to have taken place them "God has forgiven your Chayim," today; but at last I couldn't stand it who sat a little apart, dozing with say kaddish for them for they will my son, and given you the great 5687 years ago; hence the Jewish year beginning with this New the weariness of his great age, and never pray with me again." mitzvah of completing our minyan.'' Eeb Josel told her, bewildered at her any longer, sitting alone beside his shrunken corpse . . . my Chayim . . . And he might have embraced the grief. Year's day will be known as the year 5687. •The dead pray also," murmured Abremil, the young student. StandRosh Hashanah or New Year is one of the festivals, ordained ing before the Ark the stripling Abremil dreamly. "Is it not written young man had Chayim not waved "She did not heed him. Was it my baby I So I came to ask you to say the prayers for him —kaddish in the Bible, Leviticus. -XXIII; 24, 25, where we read, "In the seemed unaware of the passing of that even out of the pit the dead look j him off and drawn back as though wrong? You arc a pious man, tell for Chayim." Their blank, frightened to the Honly One, Messed be He, j afraid. me, was it wrong? I know that on seventh month, in the first day of the month, shall ye have a the hours as he poured but his very { up faces struck new terror into her "He is right," cried Beril. "The and praise Fin name 1" in prayer. holy days one mast not touch the Sabbath, a memorial of trumpets, and holy convocation. Ye shall soul The Chazan gavi an Impatient plague may still cling about him. Do dead. But how could the flesh I bore shaken soul. Her voice rose high and The Gabbai, a man of not a little do no servile work therin." As we note from the biblical wording, power since he was the richest soul twitch to his praying shawl. "Why not touch him." Suddenly he turned defile me? So last night I wrapped hysterical. "Why do you look at me the. NQW Year's day is intended as a day of Memorial, of remem- in that community of Galician Jews, should we stay here." he demanded, upon the pale man his eyes gleam- him in his grave clothes and sat be- so strangely? Don't you understand brance, when not only God calls to mind everything His children held the floor. Now and then he ''welting for a minyan? No Jewish ing with passion. "You mocker," he side him, and wept for him until I —my Chayim died last night." have done during the past year, to pass judgment on them accord- glanced rather complacently toward traveler will enter vvtr village on the shrieked, "have you come to jeer could weep no more. Who else would Those who are prepared to prove day and the plague has spaied at me while I say kaddish for my touch a sinner like my Chayim, who ing to their works, but when the children of God should remem- young Abremil, lost in prayer. It holy was not every man, decided the only nine grown men; if Chayim the two dead sons?" He appealed to the else but his mother would weep for that things 'con't be done' are conber their deeds and properly evaluate them. Also, according to Gabbai, who had such a worthy son- Sinner had only been considerate others: "Drive this blasphemous sin- him? But he died on the eve of Yom tinually being interrupted by somethe biblical prescription, the Shofar or ram's horn or trumpet is Ih-law, a youth more pious than the enough to wait a little longer—"and ner awayl" Kippur and that should mean some- body vrho has done them. thing in the world-to-come. I said to solemnly sounded a number of times in the Jewish house of wor- oldest graybeard among them, and a he snickered in hia beard. "No, he has not come to mock us,' myself: 1 am only an ignorant wo"Chayim hasnt been in our syna[ declared Reb JoseL "My son," and great scholar in the bargain. "He has ship to arouse the conscience of the worshippers, DIAMOND prayed for three days and three gogue for years," cried several in« he turned again to Chayim, speaking man; I don't know Torah; but I bore In order to prepare for the solemn holy season, the Orthodox nights until he is ready to drop from dignant voices. very gently, "you know you have him, nursed him, I carried him to HEADQUARTERS Jew for some days before the New Year's day arises at earliest fasting that some miracle may bring "And we'd close the door in his been a great sinner. But perhaps synagogue that he might learn his GIFT dawn and repairs to the synagogue where penitential prayers are a tenth man to our minyan," he told face if he came," added the Gabbai if you have really repented . . . Don't letters in the Holy Book: maybe, if COUNSELORS severely. look at me that way," entreated Reb good men prayed for him before Yom intoned in a special mournful chant. This early morning service his neighbor proudly. Kippux is over, he might not be blotJosel, as Chayim, raising his head, continues during the ten days immediately following the New a Ihin, sallow- ; Old Rek Jop#l raised his head. "I ted out of the Book of Life.'" faced man spat out the '•word:half taught Chayim his Gemorah," he gave him the look of a soul bewildYears day until the da'y of Atonement. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL ered and in torment, "don't grieve «o Through the stillness one voice contemptuously. "Tell me on what quavered. "He had a head of Iron; he The New Year's day is one of solemn joy and the greeting Yom JEWELERS terribly." He sought to pacify the gasped in horrible terror: "What is should have worn the scholar's crown. Kippur I have not fasted. And of the day "L'shanah tovah," A Happy New Year, is heard on all have I not prayed three.times a day •When he was a very, little boy I used excited Beril. "See, he is weeping she saying?" Diamond Importers sides, in the homes and the synagogs. The festival is observed ever since I could lisp the Shema in to give'him a taste of honey to teach and ashamed." 214-216 City Nat". Bank Bldg. "So I left him lying there," went Established 1894 "You know tie Law," the Gabbai on the mother, "and came running my mother's ear? Yet did fasting him .the sweetness of the Torah." two days, the 9th and 10th of September, by the orthodox Jew. addressed his son-in-law. "Can such and prayer keep away the plague?" "And now the bread of sin chokes here: if you will air pray for him He shivered and drew his praying in his cursed throat," someone spat a sinner complete our minyan? Is it right here in the synagogue, maybe ROSH HASHANAH MESSAGE ON THE APPROACH OF THE shawl more: tightly; about his bent out bitterly. ; allowed?" God will have mercy on him and will shoulders. "My wife—my two sons But the old man did not heed him. NEW YEAR 5687 Abremil's eyes shone with a be like a monther and forgive everyready for the marriage canopy. If "I used to watch the sunlight on his strange light. "If the Name can open thing. Yes, pray that God will be (Issued by the New York Board of Jewish Ministers.) only one of them had been spared we when he stood there," nodding the gates of heaven for us today, like a mother! Say kaddish for my With Rosh Hashanah, begins Israel's most solemn season of might have had our minyan. But did hair to a bench a little removed from the surely we have no right to close the Chayim on Yom Kippur." the year, culminating in Yom Kippur, sacred Day of Atonement. my prayers save them?" others, "following the men in their doors of our synagogue against the Only the aged Eeb Josel could It is a hallowed usage in the House of Israel that this season is "We have only nine men now," the prayers, always lagging a little be- sinner," he answered. "Perhaps in speak. "My child," he told her. "I do Will accept beginning and n tijne.for. noting, and .estimating the.individual .and.the collective Gabbai told him severely. "Another hind the others, reading from a sid- praying his voice will rise above ours- not understand. Why should vre advanced pupils at her resifrom you> you scoffer, and we'll dur which nad been his father's, a and come first to His ear." He turned pray for your son; why should we; situation... . . . < word have to be satisfied with eight. little book with red covers." His old to the Chazan. "Let us begin." And pray for Chayim now that he is well dent studio, 2219 Wirt St. Crowded Synagogues will once more attest to the call of Chayim the> Sinner spoke like yotr mind wandered"' off into tfcs past. he would have seated himself beside and strong again and has shown signs Web. 1884 Faith which summons the Jew to scrutinize his soul and take in* and mocked at MS when we prayed "And his hair was so soft and yal- Chayim, but ~ the man withdrew to of repentance? And we have no the very end of the bench and turned longer a minyan to say kaddish since ventory of his spiritual condition. May the Heavenly Father send that the plague might leave our vil- low." tight and guidance upon the path of every sincere, supplicant who lage. And now he is lying on his The Gabbai shrugged impatiently. his eyes away. death; bed, burning with a. fever that implores help from On High. . . " So all that day they fasted and is like ice to the" fires that wait to "He is suffering for his sins now; The celebration of "the 150th anniversary of American inde- consume him in hell. And yet you today is a real'Yom Kippur ipr him. prayed in the little synagogue, reforgotten .feow to joicing that God had sent them a pendence brings vividly to mind the privelege as well as the mock: pious Je^s and., is learning to tenth man to complete their minyan. responsibility with which the Jew has been entrusted in this Holy One; fclessed "be He, could "not Now dusk had fallen and all rose to repent and to atone." blessed land. He has shared fully in the life of the nation, from raise one of the dead to sing. His "Perhaps," murmured Abremil, the return to their homes. But when they its beginning, having made many sacrifices and received many praises!"" looked toward the place Chayim had He turned from the now cringing young student, "perhaps he is the occupied, it was empty and they "were benefits. Among the patriots who achieved the success of the doubter toward his son-in-law, his j only one among ps who realizes what Revolution, the Jewish names were plentiful, though the Jewish blustering manner taking on. a cer-1 atonement-, and forgiveness really sure he nad' hurried away, ashamed to meet the eyes of honest, pious population was meager. The Jew therefore feels thoroughly at tain unwilling reverence, for though mean." -His boyish^ voice grew wist- Jews. Their tongues began to wag home in the land which he has helped to defend in times of wai a youth Abremil was already highly ful. "How can I know the meaning again: a Sinner in Israel, who had atonement and forgiveness when and to upbuild in time of peace. He appreciates the bounties, esteemed in that part of Galicia. IQfhave learned nothing-on his bed of sicknever sinned?" "You must go on praying for us,** material and spiritual, which he together with all American citi- he pleaded, "for ] yon are a great The Chazan, irritated because he ness and would probabaly mock at zens, here enjoys; and with the same fervor that he prays for his scholar, not like us ignorant pieces could not understand, broke in rough- them the next time they met in the personal well being, he prays also for the well being of the United of earth. Surely, if you pray for as, ly. "All this will never get tis our street. It would be many a Yom States of America, its civil leaders, its citizens, and its institutions. we may yet have our minyan for The collective situation of the House of Israel abroad gives Yom Kippur." The young scholar turned to him» promise of better things for the coming year. his large eyes heavy with dreams. He The lot of the Jew in Europe and in Palestine is showing came back to reality with an effort, measurable improvement. As the European nations regain their groping for speech. "We shall have composure, the Jew regains his safety. The Peace and Welfare of our minyan," he promised at last, Israel is intimately bound up with the Peace and Welfare of "There are ten grown men still Humanity. Therefore the Prophetic Proclamation of the Holy among- us, ten living sons of the Law." His quiet voice rose in Day season, "Peace, Peace, afar and near!" -is Israel's constant living ecstacyi "Although last night on prayer. • Yom Kippur eve we could not pray May the wounds of sorrow-and suffering everywhere be together, today we shall all be caught up as one sould in the joy and pain healed. ; union with the One who heareth May the New Year 5687 bring Peace and Blessing to Israel of prayer." and to all Humanity. . : In spite of his reverence for his ISRAEL GOLDSTEIN, President, \ Here you choose from the largson-in-law, the Gabbai's thick lips Jacob, Dolgenas, Jacob Sonderling, Committee. curled with contempt. '^Wiiere have est showing of "All-Weather



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JEWISH CALENDAR 1926—5687 Tishri 1—First Day of New Year. Tishri 3—Uast of Gedaliah Tishri 10—Yom Kippur

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Standard Oil Company of Nebraska


COOKING COLUMN CANNED TOMATOES Wash tomatoes. •- Scald, peel, and remove centers. Cut up and boil about 10 minutes. Put teaspoon salt in bottom of each-jar, can hot and seal tight. Keep in dark place.

September 2, 1926. Mr. Wm. L. Holzman, Omaha, Nebraska. Dear Mr. Holzman: On the approach of the high holidays I feel within me a special sense of gratitude for the blessed privilege of having been associated with you and thousands of other fine men and women throughout the land, in one of the greatest humanitarian enterprises in the history of Jewish life. To thank God for his goodness to us is usual at this time of the year. But a special prayer of thankf ulness can be added because God in his wisdom has seen to it that during a time of great trial for our people in other parts of the world there was in America a Jewry so circumstanced that they were able to avert the greatest catastrophe that ever confronted our people. In wishing you a happy and prosperous New Year, for you and your loved ones, I do so not only in my individual capacity but in the names of those countless thousands with whom I am in constant touch and whose blessings, I know, are being poured out to the Jews of America for having stood by during their days of trial. Cordially, DAVID A. BROWN.

exalted above the hills; and all nz-i tions shall uow unto it. And many people shall go and say, 'Come ye. and let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, to he house of he God of Jacob; and he "will teach us of his ways, and we will walk in Ms paths; for out of Zion shall go forth the law, and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem. And he shall judge betwin the nations, and shall decide for

many peoples; and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning-hooks; nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more.*" :.

Let Us Help Y «

Freitier Towd & Linen Supply

1819 Californaa Street ORANGE AND PEACH MARATlantic 6S»1. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Dates SchulENGAGEMENTS MALADE man, -who are now living in Chicago, 6 oranges Mr. and Mrs. A. Ginsberg announce DL, came in Sunday to spend the day 18 peaches • . • • . . • • the engagement of their daughter, with. Mrs. Schulman's mother, Mrs. A Well established, extremely sugar Music for all instruments at greatly Alice, to Mr. 'William Jaffe. son of E. Fleishman. They were accomprogressive., legal reserve old Cut oranges in eighths, sliec reduced prices Mrs. Rose Jaffe of this city. The en- panied by Miss Natalie Perlmntter, thin, and cook until tender. Skin line life insurance company, 180* Dodge St. Atlantic 2330 Home Office in Omaha, desires gagement vras announced Sunday at a assistant to Professor Judd, dirrector peaches, -slice and add to oranges. two experienced, reliable enerMeasure and to every 4 cups fruit dinner given for immediate relatives. of, the School of Education of the getic salesmen for service in add 3 cups sugar. Cook slowly Miss Bertha Jaffe of Chicago, Illinois, University of Chicago, and sister to until thick. Omaha and Council Bluffs. came to attend the engagement party Mrs. Schulman. The young couple GKAPE JELLEY An. exceptionally attractive comof her brother William and Alice left Monday for Chicago, where Mr. Concord or wild grapes-are used. mission and renewal contract is Ginsberg. Schulman -wilL attend the Northwest- Wash grapes and remove from available to you if you are the rr BOLES ALE At the same time the announcement ern University. Miss Perlmutter will from stems. Use no water. Place right man. None bnt those Druggists and Stationers was made of the marriage of Mr. remain here this week to visit with on slow fire and cook slowly until meaning business need apply. KU-4C3-40S Sooifc lOth Stnw* seeds are free. Pour into jelly Hyman Rubenstein to Babette Zuck- her .mother. BOX NO. 644. bag and strain. Use 4 cups sugar er, •which "was held in Chicago, a :wee_: to 5 cups juice.: Cook until it ago. Mr. Rubenstein was former!/ Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Seiner and jells. of Omaha. daughter, Charlotte, of St. Louis, Mo., Prof. David Werner Amram, as from Sinai, smallest of mountains, PLUM JAM USING ITALIAN arrived in Omaha Wednesday mornMr. and Mrs. S. B. Spring of St. ing to ipend the holidays with their University Of Pennsylvania Expresses the law was given to Moses, so from PRUNES Joe, Mo., announce the engagmenl of parnts, Mr. and Mrs. M. Seiner. They Israel, smallest among the nations, Wash plums and remove stones. Opinion Regarding Palestine Put on a slow fire, stirring until their daughter Rose to Mr. Sain New- will visit here; for several weeks. What will happen in the long run, peace shall be given to the world. juice forms. Add sugar, the no man can foretell, but many Jews "And it shall come to pass in the end man, son of Mr. and Mrs. A- Newman, depending on the taste. of this city. Ne definite date has Mr. M.-E. Chapman returned from amount Cook slowly and taste. Add more believe that it is the great destiny of days, that the mountain of the been set for the -wedding. sugar if needed. Cook slowly of the Jewish people and of the Jew- Lord's house shall be established as a buying trip in New York City. about 4 hours. Can be sealed hot ish State in Palestine to be the har- the top of the mountains, and shall be Mr. and Mrs. Sol Siege! announce Mr. Meyer Beber is back from Estes or cold. About Vz cup sugar to binger of peace to the world. That the engagement of their daughter, Park, Colorado, where he was spend- cup cooked-fruit. Rose, to Sam Poska of Lincoln, Nebr., ing his vacation. HOUSEHOLD HINTS PAXTON-M-TCHELL CO. son of Mr. Henry Poska. Ne definite To test jell raise spoon from JTtb & Slartha Bts. Harnpy 1662 Joe "Freeman spent the holidays in mixture date has been set for the/wedding. while cooking and if drops Omaha, Nebr. Kansas City, Mo., visiting with his run together and drop as one, the Soft gray "iron, brass, bronze end sinminnsn castings. Standard sizes bronze ''Manufactured in Omaha" jell is done. Miss Esther Goodman, stenographer fiancee, Miss (Delia Gidinsky. and Iron bushSnjrs, sewer manholes, W I T H THE renewed assurance that their rings and covers. End clean-out at the Jewish Community Center, will KA&EK ICE MACHINE CO. cistern iours In stopk. Can your fruit juice hot and Mr. Jack Copeland of Chicago, HI interests will in the future always receive leave the Center September 15th to and formerlly of this city, visited here make jell in winter as wanted. work at the court house for County Sunday and Monday with his mother, the same careful and personal attention Judge Crawford. Mrs. M. Copeland. that it has been our constant endeavor Mr. and M-a. Henry Nathanson and zcz. Maurice, of Estherville, Iowa, reMr. and Mrs. Harry Ravzin, and to render in the past. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Dates SchulMiss Gertrude Tunik of Chicago, Hi., man, who are now living in Chicago, turned home Monday, following the who were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. HI., came in Sunday to spend the day Bar Hitzvah of young Nathanson. Joseph Haykin this week-end, were with Mrs. Schulman's mother, Mrs. E. the honor guests at a dinner party Fleishman. They were accompanied Mr. Louis H. Katelman was in Lincohu Nebraska Monday where he atSunday, at the HayMn home. by Miss Natalie ePflmutter, sister to tended the St-ata Fair. We have a beautiful line of Miss Ida Shirly Adler returned to Mrs. Schulman, and assistant to Prof"Dependable Insurance since 1869" Mrs. Max S^einbsr-r and baby son, fesor Judd, Director of the School of Omaha Tuesday, from Chicago where and Miss liHian Steinberg spent the Insurance Surety Bonds sbe had spent the wek visiting with Education at the University of Chicago. The young couple left Monday ^week-end in Chicago, Illinois, where her fiance, Arthur Garfield. Phone Atlantic 0135 Our line this year is "well selected for the occasion. Oar assortfor Chicago) where Mr.Schulman will they visited relatives. ment is the biggest in the city. It isn't proper to have your greetMr. Isaac Stemhill, who is visiting attend the Northwestern University. ing put in a publication as the very person vchom you most desire in Chicaga, is expected home for the Miss Perlmutter will remain here this Mrs. L. H. Cohen underwent an to greet, may not see it advertised, and it certainly doesn't carry operation for appendicitis at the Jenholidays. week to visit with her mother. your message of thought ; besides your friends may be offended nie Edmundson Hospital Saturday. £a> see your name in print. T&.r. Maunel Iseman of Nebraska Mrs. L Beber returned Monday, af- She is getting along nicely. City will spend the week-end visiting ter ,,a month's stay at Excelsior If yon have any friends or relatives that you wish to reNathan Gilinsky returned to Sioux in Omaha and Lincoln. member them by, there is nothing better and much more Springs, Mo» City, Iowa, Monday evening after appreciated by them, th_a to receive a plain and neat card. spending the week-end here with his Mrs. A. Bolker and MIES Freida 1 j In honor of the Bar_Mitzvah..of ; parents; Mr."&nd Mr&'A. ' ' This year our line includes a large assort- * ' *BoIker are back m town after a ithree ment of imported folders from Germany. week eastern trip ^hich included Chi- their, son, Israel, Mrl and Mrs. Bercago, Philadelphia, Washington D. C , covici gave a reception at their home Charles Goldberg of Chicago, 111., Sunday afternoon and evening. ' spent the week-end here with his and New York City. sister, Mrs. Saul Suvalsky and Mr. The Misses Ida and Lea Fleischer Miss Ida Lustgarten entertained at Suvalsky. 1411 Farnam Street (Across from the Sun Theatre) several tables of bridge, Friday evespent the week-end in Chicago. 350 Rooms—350 Batlis ning, in honor of Miss. Louise Cuyler, Leopold Marks who has been visiting Miss Sara Mosow of Sioux City, la., violinist, who leaves shortly for Roch- for the past two weeks in Kansas is visiting here with her sister, Mrs. ester, New York* where sheiWill con- City, Mo., returned home Tuesday tinue her musical studies. The guests evening. Jules Gerelick. were Sarah Somberg, Kate Goldstein. Miss Sarah Somberg spent the Nora Perlmutter, Laura Berek of Mrs. H. Brinn of "Webster City, week-end in Sioux City, Iowa. Fremont, Nebr., Lillian Simon, Lil- Iowa, who has been spending two lian Margolin, Ida and Bess Newman. weeks in Excelsior Springs, Mo., ai• During Truncheon and Dinner. Miss Susie Finkenstein returnedTuesday from Chicago, where she had Mr. Morris Cohn, who left Saturday rived Tuesday to visit her daughter, spent the week-end visiting with her for Denver, Colorado, will be Ijack Mrs. Abe Giliasky, and Mr. Gilinsky, over the holidays. brother, ME, Finkenstein," and Miss next week. Bess Krakcrvsky. Wishes his Friends Harvey Green of St. Paul, Minn, and Patrons Miss Selman Kalis of Kansas City, star athlete of the University of Min- Wet Wash ___________ Mbii who is visiting here with her nesota, is visiting Joe Turner. Semi-Flat ' relatives, Mr. and Mrs. Sam AppleRough Ory A Happy and Prosperous N-ew Year man, will leave Sunday for her home Miss. Lottie Girenter spent the AMERICAN WET WASH 250 Rooms—900 Baths town. week-end in. Chicago. 2808 Coming St. Harney 0881 1511 No. 54th St^—Webster 6284. Miss Bess Farber is spending the Mr. Ben Coin returned Saturday from the C M . T.C. Camp at Minneweek in Denver, Colorado. sota, where he spent the summer. He Mr. and Mrs. Carl Studna and son, will resume his studies this fall at the Harlan, of Kansas City, Mo., are Nebraska Medical chool, where he is spending the "holidays, here with Mrs. a junior. Studna's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Mr. Harry Braviroff Mr. A. Saxe returned 'Wednesday, Blumenthal. announces reopening of his after spending two weeks at Excelsior Mr. Joe Levey motored to Des Springs, Missouri. PIANO STUDIO, Suite 14, Moines, Iowa, for the holidays^ Baldridge Building, 20. and

Baker Ice Machines

Happy New Year


E. E, Bruce & Co

A VeryHappy and Prosperous New Year ...:•'"


Jewish lew Year Cards n d


Meyer Coren's Book Store



Randall's Royal Fontenelle Orchestra



Opens Studio

Mr. Abe Goodman of Waukeegan, Ill.,was the week-end guest of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Rosenblatt of this city.

Council Bluffs News

Council Bluffs Lodge No. 688, I. O. Mr. Meyer Beber has returned home B. B. and Council Bluffs ehapter No. after spending a month's vacation at 7, Order of Aleph Zadik Aleph, will hold a Joint meeting Monday evening, Estes Park, Colorado. September 13th at the Danish Hall. JMr. arid Mrs. Henry Horn of Los The Omaha A. Z. A. degree team Angeles, California, and formerly of will initiate five candidates into the Omaha, are visiting here with Mr. and Council Bluffs chapter of the A. Z. A. Mrs. M. Horn. " Past Grand Aleph Godol and assistant Mrs. ^ S. Ravitz returned Monday Grand Secretary Philip Kiutznick of morning from a two weeks visit in Omaha will be one of the main speakSt. Louis," Missouri, where she at- ers of the evening. Preparations have tended the bar mitzvah of her nephew been complete.! whereby this meeting will be one of the most important in Melvin Hertzman. *Jie his-tory of thn local chapter. - Mrs. I. "Beber returned Monday '!'_!.- will hi tiw opening meeting of after a month's stay at Excelsior tli-j season fo.* the L O. S. B. and Springs, Missouri. reports of the xcaior summer activities will be presented by the officials. . Miss Eva Cohn motored to Lincoln Sunday morning. She returned to Ihe Ladies Ao. dliary of the Talmud Omaha Tuesday. Torah will hoVi their first meeting of toe season nexi Wednesday afternoon, ^ Auflebung Club will hold its Knpl. 15, at th hom-3 of Mrs. M. lioiTfourth annual picnic at Krog's Park, imn, 221 So. .Main Street. Sunday, September 12th, at six o'clock. The picnic that was held Aug- Mr. and Mrs. Louis Bernstein axiust 29th proved to be a great success. no-ince the birth of a daughter born Winners .of the races, were_Mary and Tuesday^ Aujj^sl^ 31A at the, Jennie Gertrnde Kbrney, Sam Xrountze, and Ild'mindson iTt'?j.>'t:d The baby has Joe Soskin. Is IT. named £Tir:ey.

Farnam Streets. AT-8162 Beginners and advanced pupils

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Omaha, Nebraska






| The Jewish Homeland J


News and Views Regarding Palestine

The Morning isCome, Sokolow, | By Rachmn Great Jewish Sage

When, three and a half years ago, I had the privilege of speaking to the LUAGUE MAY SUPPORT , HE FIRST HUNDRED Jews of American, the situation was THOUSAND JEWS . JEWISH LOAN vastly different from what it is at Jerusalem, Aug J18.—Economic exDr. Weizmann, in Cabled Message present But I fear that not every perts, state bank managers and others have been consulted in connection with the projected Jewish National of the first one hundred that there are people who still speak Lq^n for Palestine. Unofficial con- thousand Jewish settlers in the new j of two categories of work for our versations have been held "with Palestine was announced in a cabled people—work for Palestine, and work League of Nation officials in order message received this week by Dr. to ~ help the Jews. It may have been to tuscover -whether the League would Stephen - S. Wise, Chairman of the the proper expression four years ago. give its moral support to the project. United Palestine • Appeal, from Dr. Today, the situation has changed, and Thfe impression obtained is that this Chaim Weizmann, President of the the_expression is no longer accurate. support may be given if the British World Zionist Organization, who ar- Today, Palestine is receiving Jewish representatives are favorable. lived recently in Palestine after a immigrants at the rate of 50,000 a The conversations were conducted year's absence. year. In the great immigration year by:members of the Commission, headThe settlement of the first hundred "America received 100,000 Jews. And ed! by Dr. Arthur Kuppin, which was thousand Jewish .pioneers in Palestine -whit is Palestine compared with the appointed by the Fourteenth Zionist since the war was bailed by Dr. Weiz- United States of America. Congress to study the problem. mann as a "fact of. prime historic What does it mean then, to help the A detailed inventory of Jewish importance,"-but at the same-time he Jews and to help Palestine? If &0,000 property in Palestine, in lands, plan- emphasized -the'imperative"- necessity Jews a year enter Palestine, if Eretz tations, buildings, industrial projects, of increased remittances from Amer- Israel has now become the only center etc., has been drawn tip, and the ica so that the forward work could of refuge :for the Jews of the world, question discussed as to what extent continue and the unemployed absorbed how can one separate these t w o would these properties and estates, into productive labor through the helping Palestine and helping the should their owners unite in a mntual creation of new settlements. Jews? credit, association, serve as security Dr. Wise, commenting upon the sig- I speak of 50,000 Jews going to for" the loan. • Zionist property: has nificant message flashed by the Zion- Palestine. Why should it be 50,0002 been similarly assessed, and proposal ist chief from Palestine, declared that It could be 60,000. It could reach drafted in connection with the expen the arrival of the first hundred thous- 100,000. It is only a. question : of diture of the loan, so that Jewish im- and "stirs the imagination not only means. Nor is this my opinion. It migration into the country niay of the Jew to whom it spells the be- i s the opinion recently expressed by a benefit. The total guarantee thought ginning of Jewish redemption, but to verygreat friend of ours, a man not; . to be available is E£12,000,000. Oni all men "who are endowed "with an known as an extravagant dreamer, as of; the suggestions is that a group of historic insight and with the capacity a prophet. It was Sir Herbert Sambankers and important financiers to apprehend that an important stage uel who admitted that he sees the should visit Palestine and examine th has been passed in a movement which possibility, provided the means are economic possibilities of Palestine is bound to have a profound effect on thera and they are well distributed, order to float the loan. the destiny of mankind." \ for 100,000 Jews to enter Palestine. Who then can separate helping. Palstine from helping he Jews? TOWARD A NEW ERA There was a time when we, the old A cable from Jerusalem to the creamers of Zionism, dreamt of a "Morning Journal", reprinted in the place of refuge. Yet -we refused to current issue of "The New Palestine," base the whole idea of Zionism on the reports that in the English section The government of Palestine has idea of charity, of helping Jews. We of the "Falashtin," the Arab organ of given 2,500 immigration permits to said that Palestine does not' intenid the most- anti-Jewish forces in Palesthe Palestine Zionist Executive on ac- only to help Jews. We wanted tine, a plea has appeared for cooperation between the Jews and Arabs of count of the April-September labor Jews, but the Jewish" people. We. the country, for fee benefit of all. schedule, leaving it to'the_ discretion want Israel. And this was • true beNo details are contained in the cable, of the Executive to distribute these cause Zionism did not come into being but the bare: news is of significance. permits, as it sees fit among male in order to compete with some other The "Falashtin," as the mouthpiece and female skilled and unskilled labor, place of immigration for the Jews. of the Arab Executive, has been con- states a report from Jerusalem to t h Palestine is Eretz Israel, it is history. sistent in its' opposition to the Bal- Jewish Telegraphic Agency. It is I t is the mother of the Jewish people fonr Declaration, to the immigration contemplated by the Palestine Zionist and you cannot change your mother. \ ] of Jews and to the upbuilding of the Executive to consider, in the first We protested against what we called Jewish National Home. It is impos- place, the claims of the dependents o: "philanthropic^ Zionism", which was based on the* presupposition of pi sible to say,,jm such scanty informa- residents in Palestine. Nine hundred and eighty-six Jewish We would not have it said tion, whether -the plea in question actually does represent a change of emigrants . left for Palestine during ihatfwe needep pogroms for Zionism. heart, a realization of the facts which the month of April, accordingto" fig-; always that the essence the Jews have persistently urged -up- ures made known in Warsaw, •The of ^Zionism is independent of what on the Arabs, namely, that the coming majority of the emigrants are they call a Jewish' problm in the of the Jews to Palestine is a matter artisans, agriculturists and skilled countries of or the •Diaspora. of right, that the rebuilding of the laborers. * Permit me to'look haek, in the mancountry is, for the Arabs of Palestine, ner of a historian, on the last thirty an opportunity as "unique in its way ; or;tbrty years. At a certain period as it is for the Jews, and that there We; were thinking exactly as we are is not, there never has been, any ini&inking today. We must help the tent to jeopardize the rights of the Jews! There was then a school of Arabs. From the outset the Jews thought which asserted that the Jews Forl the first "time in twenty cen- could not be helped hy migration. have been determined to win the good -will and the sympathy of the Arabs; turies the Jewis'back on his own They had to be helped only where in the face of much misunderstanding, soil. Now, its own soil is something they -were. The Russian Jewish probsometimes abuse and occasionally to a people that strengthens its bones. lem must be solved in Russia, the Gaeven of violence, they have never A people sucks strength from its own lidan Jewish problem in Galicialost sight of the fact that a successful soil. It is'what the mother's -womb And the Messiah of those days was— Palestine, a credit to Jews and Arabs is to an unborn child. It is part of it. ^Emancipation! Give the Jews the alike, can arise only on the foundation The- strength goes into the, marrow rights to which they are entitled, and of its bones. It is this strength drawn there will be no more Jewish problem! of. cooperation. from the soil of Eretz Israel that has No more Jewish tragedy. kept Israel alive during two thousand It was an idea—and a wrong idea. GROUP OF 250 IS LEAVING years of exile, misery and bondage. We have had to pass through these WARSAW FOR PALESTINE From its own soil a people draws years of trial, through these events, (Jewish • Telegraphic Agency) legends, superstitions, peculiar racial to arrive at the conclusion that Eman^Warsaw, Aug. 31.—Another group habits, art, culture, poetry, a will to cipation is not the answer to the ewof- Jewish emigrants to Palestine left work, a desire to grow. These are ish problem. I take the instance of Warsaw todky. the things that make a people, that Roumania. In Roumania you have The group consisted of 250 middle make a race. emancipation of the Jews—a copy of class emigrants who will cmbsrk at That is why Israel had to go back the emancipation which the Jews have Constanza. to his own soil. It was a demand of reached in France—but only a copy. unanswerable justice. To become a I was in Roumania a couple of years BERNARD BARON INVESTS great pople again, the Jew needed ago, and, speaking to the Jews of that 5500,000 IN PALESTINE Palestine. The Arab has no need of country, I complimented them, for I Bernard Baron, well known Anglo- Palestine to blossom forth again into have always been a believer in EmanJewish philanthropist, has. purchased a renaissance. He can bloom else- cipation. I have always fought, as shares in the Palestine Electric Cor- where. Other soil seems more con- every one of us has fought, the disporation, which .is a part of the Rut- genial to his needs. At least he did abilities imposed on the Jewish tenberg electrification and irrigation not rise to great cultural height on people.. I said then: "I congratulate plan for Palestine, according to an the soil,of Palestine. His glory dawned you that, instead of having to address official announcement of the Zionist in Mesopotamia, in Egypt, in Spain, you, as I did, yars" ago, as slaves, Organization here. The shares pur- in Marocco. Israel also rose to mag- bondmen, I can addrss you now as chased by Mr. Baron amount to £1.00, nificent heights elsewhere, but the freemen." 000. Mr. Baron is the largest indi- historic splendor of Judaea eclipses Somehow I received the impression vidual shareholder in the Palestine all of his'efforts on alien soil. that my words did not produce the Electric Corporation. He recently right echo. After the meeting I donated $125,000 to the Keren liaye- HEBREW LITERATURE A LIVE asked: "What is the matter? Did I not make myself sufficiently clear? FACTOR IN PALESTINE Hebrew .literature,is a reaTIy live Perhaps -you have misunderstood me. PAJ^ESTINE WOMEN'S factor in Palestine. It reflects life, But surely what I have said, it a fact. MAGAZINE PUBBLISHED being its verbal representative. It is I know the treaty which has been - The first number of "Ha-Ishah," the no longer a "luxury," nor a matter signed and which has made you freefirst w o n t ' s peridical published in of mere-national romanticism; it is a men. I even did some work in conPalesiin, has now been received fay piece of national reality. It is no nection with that treaty at the Peace Hadassah, Women's Zionist Organiza- longer the exclusive heritage of any conference in Paris." And their tion. The magazine is a monthly, in one group or faction; it has become answer was: "Yes, it is all true—butjj Hebrew, devoted to the lite activities the common possession of all classes we "don't realize it." of- women in Palestine, and is pub- of Jewry in Palestine. " Three Hebrew lished- jointly by the Histadrut Nash- dailies are now issued there, repre- CENTRAL EUROPE BUYS iai lbroit in Palestine and Hadassah, senting the three mumal social or PALESTINE VEGETABLES thfi^Wbmeh'jS Zionist Organization in political classes: "The Doar Hayom," The first shipment of early PalAmerica. Tb purpose of the journal representing the interests of the con- estinian vegetables has arrived in is;to make it the organ through which servatives, the "Haaretr."—those of Germany and Austria and was sold the -women of -Palestine could become the liberals, and the "Davar"—those to the best green-grocers there^ acorganized, and a t the same time keep of the workmen.! What points, more- cording to a Jewish Telegraphic Women throughout the world in touch over, to a hold upon the life of the Agency dispatch. It is.expected*that with Jewisn women's -work in Pales- masses. is the fac: that a number of j the Central' European countries may tine, through Hebrew, the common Hebrew folk songs have of late been become a good market for Palestine broadcasted in Palestine anonymously, vegetables. language.


2,5000 Immigration Permits for Palestine

Pierre Van faassen, fioted American Journalist, Says--



H I S P R O P O S I T I O N of a Jewish Palestine is no longer a theorv, it is no longer a subject for debate, it is a fact. Under • •- a League of Xations mandate, exercised by the government of GrgatrBritain, the':Jewish homeland" is with marvelous results beiisg established. *•'•' Hundreds of Jewish immigrants are absorbed weekly in Palestinian agricultural and industrial settlements, - .^ For the honor of the Jewish name, these efforts must be built upoH a strong foundation—laid deep and firm; we must provide the means for— \ - \ -%-—Economic Resist ruction —Education •**- —Agricultural Colonization —Health and Sanitation —Industrial Debclopment —Support of the Hebrew —Immigration i University. -.

, - • • '

The quota for Nebraska in response to thelUNITJED' PALESTINE APPEAL is $50,000.



All lands are barred against the Jewish immigrant except Palestine* -Tens of. thousands of them, who are obliged to flee from persecution, are finding a haven in the homeland of the Jew. ONCE F O R ALL", let usdo somehting constructive for the relief of our fellow-Jews, the victims of blind prejudice and economic chaos.

For the Jewish

' !• I

I 1 I I



In response to the appeal for assistance in the Jewish projects in Maker check payable to J. B. Robinson, treasurer, {\ Palestine embodied in the United Palestine Appeal, I hereby promise to h year'19266 and- please mail to 542 Peters Trust Company ' > 1 pay ffor the Building, Omaha. < the sum of >




and the balance on •Signed


Adress Business Address



i • t s




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JEWISH PRESS, THURSDAY, SEPT. 9, 1926 In spite of the direct suggestion of had for over four nundred years se- present promised to reform in this ] political affairs. The Liberal party, President Coolidge in his annual mes- cretly observed Judaism, although respect. according to this man, is really a" sage, last December, that the immi- there was no lack of interest in the The only other "western" country closely-knit clique of big business gration law should be so modified as work of European relief and in Pal- which must have a place in this men who control ninety per cent of to make possible the early union of estine reconstruction. review is Norway, because a move- the Roumanian banks. This. control families some of whose members are In the Union of South Africa there ment was initiated there only a few- enables them to remain in political already here, the Congress appeared was much laughter aroused by the months ago to prohibit Shehitah, \ power, to adopt legislation to fortify DERMAN. Editor loath to take any action, the immi- organization of a so-called "League the Jewish method of slaughtering their interests, and to ruin all their gration restrictionists, who have the of Gentiles" the avowed aim of which animals for food. The effort did not rivals. Though their mismanagement upper hand just nok, being fearful was to transfer the anti-Jewish boy- succeed due to the protests of Jewish of the country's economic life tends r ;• -••••'-•- Copyright 1828 b y Seven Arts Feature Syndicate-"' Filderman, president of the Union of lest a little liberalization may lead to cott from Poland to the British organizations in England, France, to give Roumania a bad name abroad I n t h U ext«a»lve~ article, the editor of t h e J e w i s h Tear Book reviews Jewish Roumanian Jews; Dr. Jacob Klatz- more. In December, at a convention Dominions. • and the United States, and the de- the Liberals do not care as long ss lite and events i n all Its major, and minor phases throughout the world. Sir. Sehneldgrman's reriew i s t h e most authoritative and complete -review' o l the Jewish Mn, author*and editor, Berlin; Vlad- in New York of the Allied Patriotic An event which cannot be passed fense of the Jewish method by the they enrich themselves. Pointing out year published, regardless o t l a n g u a * e ^ - T H E KDITOJB. " ' . . * . . imir Jabotinsky, Russian | literature Societies, the absurb suggestion was over, even though it was more or famous Arctic explorer Nansen. that the misrule which enables them and Zionist leader; Rabbi Ezekiel made that all foreign language news- less strictly personal, was the elevato fill their coffers is responsible for > INTRODUCTION ' ' >-> • III. South European Countries. Since tiie dose of the World War, each year, except 568,6 just Lipschitz, president of the Union of papers, "be compelled by law to print tion of. Eufus Isaacs, • formerly Lord A year ago, the Jews of Salonica the political despotisrti obtaining in passed, has been for us Jews similar in ldnd if not in degree to that Rabbis of Poland; Leonard Merrick, in ooth English and the language of Chief Justice, and Viceroy of India;' w&*e in a sad plight. For centuries that country, the observer goes on to which preceded it. The -war had left in its wa&e, for multitudes, English novelist; Anita Mueller- the paper articles on the constitution to a Marquis, only one step removed they had been free to observe the Bay: hardships too grevious to describe, and that, in addition,, let loose Cohen, Austrian feminist'leader; Sir and government of the United States from a duke. In accordance with the time-honJewish Sabbath, following their oca tempest of hatred and cruelty, a disproportionate jshare of-which Matthew Nathan, former governor of to be supplied by the government. Of France there is little to be said cupations on Sunday. But in 1924, a ored recipe, the Liberal government smote the jews in many lands, disorganizing their cominunity life, Queensland, Australia; Maxa Nor- As antidotes to these poisonous at- more than to call' attention to the Sunday closing law was enacted tries to compensate or rather to and tearing: away from under theirvery feet therein many cases, dau, talented daughter of the late tacks we had the famous dinner ar- fact that the naturalization of aliens which placed them at a disadvantage drug the people by policies of exalready feeble foundations of their economic- existence; in one Max Nordau; Baron Henry de Roth- ranged by the Committtee. on Good has been made much easier, and that compared with a new influx of Greek treme chauvinism. The oppression of country, Russia, even their religious beliefs and practices were, schlld, surgeon and phflanthropist, WflJ Between Jews and Chrisitans of a great many Jews who have come competitors. During the past year, the non-Roumanian minorities, such along with those of other sects, derived, ndiculed> and burlesqued, Paris; Boris Schatz, head of - the the Federal Council of Churches, on to France since the War are becom- General Pangalos, the president of as the Magyars, Jews and Transsyland there, t&e very preservation «f the traditions oftheir faith has Bezalel School of Arts and Crafts, February 23, 1926, --at which Judge ing French citizens. the Republic, agreed to permit the vanian Germans, chiefly serves as a Jerusalem; and David Yellin, the Charles Evans Hughes presided; the] There is a great deal to be saidj Jews to keep their shops open f j camouflage for the Liberal regime's been and is now in jeopard. ,:. or vice-mayor of Jerusalem. , declaration of Judge Augustus N. about Germany, however. That is has j three hours on Sunday. This will go' economic transactions. The wave ©2 And just at the time when these parallel movements was inevitable, Death deprived the community of Hand of the United. States District not yet recovered from t i e War a n y j long way to solve this vexing- j violent anti-Semitism now sweeping a dire misfortunes befell, a conntry and much bitterness "resulted.. On the a number of its distinguished mem- Court against alien-baiting and that Roumania also is artifically nurtured which had for generations justifiably other h a n d , i n ' many communities bers, including: Rose Brenner, presi- "the greatest criticism of the spirit more spiritually than economically is problem. Most of this section, however, will by the government in order to make prided itself upon being a haven, for Zionists and non-Zionists joined for- dent for many years of the Council of the hour is the -prevalence of race shown by such events as the desecrathe oppressed and which had already ces and prosecuted joint drives. Both of Jewish Women, New York City; prejudice;" and the telling plea "Let tion of the Synagogue at Karlsruhe have to concern itself with Rouma- the people forget their -wrongs and welcomed almost two millions of their campaigns were.gratifyingly success- Sigmund S. Hecht, Rabbi Emeritus, us cast off our hatreds" of President and the Jewish cemeteries at Erfurt nia, ' A great deal of light on the shove the blame on the Jews." There we hare not merely a plaubrethren, practically closed its doors. ful, and, according" to the-latset re- Los Angeles; Philip Klein, rabbi and Coolidge in his address before the j and at Kallies in Pomerania, the out- situation of the Jews there was cast About half the Jews of the world ports the sums sought-have been leader of orthodox Jewry, New York American Legion at Omaha, Neb., on cropping of a "ritual" murder accusa- by a correspondent of the New York sible, but also a reasonable explanation in Breslau, the strike of the Times in Vienna, quoting a trained tion of recent events in Roumania, found themselves in a condition of oversubscribed. City; Kaufman Kohler, author,. and October 6, 1925. students at the Technical College of observer conversant with Roumanian great wretchedness ; and profound (Continued on Page 11) Other important events within the formerly president, Hebrew Union In general, it may be said that the Hannover against Prof. TheodorLesmisery which would have been ac- Jewish community were the organiza- College, New York City; Ephraim Jews of America were, comparativecompanied also by despair had it not tion, in November, of a Council on Lederer, lawyer and communal lead- ly, so free from harassment from sing because he .made some slurring remarks about leaders in the monarbeen for two facts of such miraculous American Jewish Student Affairs; the er, Philadelphia; David Leventritt, without that they were able to movement, but really because coincidence that they cannot but be formation in "May; by -the Union of former judge of the supreme court of Let The New Year Bring almost undivided attention to their. there is t e is a j e w > regarded as emanating from the American Hebrew Congregations, the the state of New York, New York community problems. pitiable situation of the Russian "divinity which shapes our ends." To Our Friends United Synagogue of America, the City; Meyer London, Socialist leader II. Western Lands refugees in. Germany. Their difficult On the one hand, the hundreds of Union of Orthodox:Jewish Congrega- and former member of Congress, of thousands of Jews who had come to tions, and the rabbinical organiza- New York City; Julius M. Meyer, It will not take very long to cast plight, due largely to restrictions the United States during the preced- tions affiliated with .them of the Federal judge, New York City; Igna- a comprehensive glance at the out- against aliens; .was called to the ating seventy years, most of them Synagogue Council of America "to tius Mueller, rabbi, Louisville; Max standing happenings of Jewish'inter- tention of the International Labor penniless refugees, had grown into speak and act iinitedlyin furthering Pari, lawyer, civic and communal est in "western" or more progressive Office of the League , of Nations. a large and comparatively wealthy such religious interests as all their worker, Chicago; Sol Rosenbloom, lands, other than the United. States. There has also been noted an alarmEngland, too, has its anti-alien ing increase in the number of suiJewish community, able and also constituent national organizations manufacturer, philanthropist, and psychology and the present govern- cides, due to business failures and( willing to help their brethr^u out of share in common"?.the' founding in communal leader, Pittsburgh; Colonel ment strongly favors continuing the economic distress generally. the Slough of Despond. On Ihe other May 1926, under" the auspices of the Moses Schoenberg, civic and comhand, due to the fortunes of war, a Zionist Organization' of America of munal worker, St. Louis; Oscar S. drastic restrictions in force. So per- And yet there was considerable culgreat government found itself so sit- the Association Lfor- Jewish Culture Strauss, diplomatist and historian, sistent were the charges against the tural activity in Germany during thej Home office of discrimination against past year. Two Jewish Encyclopedias uated as to be able to promise to do and Education "to foster in American New York City. is the wish of everything in its power to facilitate Jewish life an appreciation of Jewish Coming now to a consideration of Jews that Sir William Joynson Hicks, are in preparation as is also a Gerthe establishment in Palestine, from cultural values; to create a better general events outside of the com- the Home Secretary, issued a chat- j man-Jewish • translation of the Bible. whose soil the Jewish people had understanding of Jewish traditions munity which have interested the lenge to members -of the House of An interesting event was the meetbeen exiled for almost two mfflenia, and aspirations; to promote an active Jews of the United States, we note Commons "to give one single in- ing held in Berlin in May in which of a national home for the Jewish interest in the rebuilding of Pales- that during the. past year the move- stance in which there has been any protest was raised against Jewish ,' , 16th and Farnara St. people. Were it not for these two tine; to spread a knowledge of the ments for bringing about the read- anti-Jewish bias shown by Home artists in the cabarets and theaters who act in caricature plays ridiculing V factors— the help of the Jewish com- Hebrew language and literature; to j ing of the Bible in the public schools Office officials." KICHOLAE PETROW. MITCHEL GIANKOW. The British community has evinced Jewish life, and thus help to spread :f£- munity of the United States, and the develop a positive attitude towards and for excusing pupils for a certain '. hope which resides in the prospect all creative effort, for the renaissance period or periods to enable them to intense interest in ..the Te-Judaization anti-Semitism. Several Jewish cabof; the existence of a corner of the of the Jewish .• culture and ideals;" secure religious instruction outside of of the Marannos of Portugal, who aret directors and actors who were earth which would be a national the celebration of the one hundredth the school continued although with home-4what might not hare become annieEEsary of;- t h e - Congregation slackened intensity. As to the first ^f. the-Jews;:o£ Russia; oi Ppland,*f B'nai Jeshurun ^of iNew Lutheran Missouri Sy"Honmania, of Austria, i n d of Hun- opening of a new playhouse for the • node of Northern California and Ne; -; • g a r y ! . . . ;,;•••.'•'. -' ' • Yiddish Art Theatre in New York; vada declared that "the state has no But all those who have watched the succesful campaign for a build- right to teach religion in any way •v t i e events of the past eight years ing fund of $5,000,000 for a Jewish wnatever or even to do anything that sy with attention and study must have college — the Yeshivah College of smacks religion as does the study of -. .. come to the realization, with the America, where young men desirous the Bible in the public schools," and present writer, that the Jewish: year of doing BO may£obtain an academic the general assembly of Virginia re5685 just closed, has differed essen- education in a Jewish environment; jected a bill calling for the reading tially from its seven predecessors, and the silver^jubilee of the Jewish of the Bible after a Baptist clergy. that it had witnessed the' beginning Morning Journal, the only Yiddish man of Richmond delivered an eloof a turn of the tide of misery and quent and cogent argument against suffering which had all but submerg- morning newspaper in the United the proposal. Nor was much headed half of the Jews of the world, al- States. : In addition, the Federations for way made by the proponents of though there remain some "low" Jewish charity: all over the • country "Blue" Sunday legislation. countries from which it will take a Similarly there was a considerable raised their budgets, aggregating longer time for the tide to recede. let-up in overt evidence of anti-alien over $16,000,000. judged by these The careful observer of the events of, feeling, and the Ku KIux Elian, largefacts it would be quite-safe to asthe past year could not have failed ly due to internal dissension and a sume that, aside, from special donato note (1) a hopeful trend in the falling off of public interest, is betions and bequests, the Jewish public : Baltic republics and in Greece, (2) lieved to have suffered a huge loss of the United States laid upon itself what is very likely to prove a permaa voluntary tax aggregating upwards in membership. Much attention was Bank With the nent improvement in the political of $50,000,000 during the past year. given to the alien registration and status of the Jews of Poland; (3) the The Jewish community was hon- deportation proposal and protests beginning of better times, economored, during the past year by the ar- against both measures were voiced in ically at least, for a large portion of rival of < a-number of distinguished many quarters. It is likely that the the Jews of Russia, and (4) a more "visitors from -abroad." These included registration 'scheme will be abandon:••. earnest and more purposeful attitude Chaim JJachman.Bialik, Hebrew poet; ed at least for a time; the deportatoward the rehabilitation of Palestine Dr. Solomon Ehrmann, director of tion has been considerably modified on the part of both the British govthe Palestine Bureau of the Agudath in the direction of greater liberality, ernment and the Jewish people. Tsrael; Babbi Mouses M. Epstein, .although, in the form in which it dean of the Yeshivah Keneseth Israel passed the House, it still retained I. The United States. In commercial affairs, the outstand- at Hebron, Palestine; '-Dr. "William many objectionable features. ing events of the past year in the United States: were the renewal of interest in the conditions of Jews ^abroad, and in the intensification of the existing interestin the rehabilitation of Palestine. The revived interest in the fate of Jews abroad beAll Deposits in This Bank came dynamic at a" conference held in Are Protected by the Depositor's Guarantee. Fund Philadelphia on September 12 to 13, 1925, at which representative Jews of the State of Nebraska expressed their sense of obligation toward 'their brethren by agreeing to launch and "support a campaign for fifteen million dollars for relief work during the next three years. Toward the end of November, the .':• Zionist Organisation, of America held a conference in Baltimore, at which "%, the\ collection of five million dollars ! '%',\ras determined upon, to care for the ^ f needsof the various American agencies engaged in constructive work in 'Palestine which had heretofore followed the practice of making individual appealsj to wit, the Keren Mayesoi1 (Foundation Fund), the Jewish National Fund, the Hadassah, • WHOLESALE FRUIT AND thei Hebrew- tJniveisity Fund, the PRODUCE MIzrachi (the orthodox wing of the Telephone ATlantfe 4707 lift' and Howard Sis, Zionist .movement) and the Junior Hadassah. Thajt the two drives j the United Stafce?|.|fefeish Campaign "and -theUnitedr^S^.:.^^tsBtine:Appea!l--': ; ; ^o1)Jd»^ i ?ii^i|^ft ; rters, : ; have : been instead of •
















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PAGE 10—THE JEWISH PSES& THURSDAY, SEPT. 9, the Jewish Homeland but also for all It stimulates the growth on American only to football in theTramber of Jew- j Jews in- the countries of the Diaspora. soil of a new Jewish generation fired ish- contestant Nat Holman, B, veter- j Besides these funds there operate by a love for its people and eager to an of many court battles is still one; investment funds in Palestine. The work for its honor and welfare. of the greatest stars in th game. He j most important of tirese investment The star of the Jewish people has* By JUDGE WILLIAM M. LEWIS plays with the Orginal <Jeltics, a pro/ ; '.By GEORGE JOEL enterprises are the Zion Common- risen. The eyes of all Jewry and the fessional team and also coaches the "C. C. "N. Y. five. Among the outstandEditor's Note: Judge Lewis, one of Philadelphia's outstanding citizens, for many wealth of America which purchases entire world are fixed upon it. From years has been a lender in the Zionist movement. At the last Zionist convention lie large tracts of land and develops them all parts of tbe world there stream ing college players were Rakov,; The past year in sports is distin-1 substitutes who permitted themselves was recommended to be the national chairman of the forthcoming United Palestine into garden cities and colonies and the into Palestine, thousands of imroiBrown, Goldberg, Waterman, and guished from the previous few years to be banged around for the glory Appeal, in view of his successful wort as •chairman «I previous Palestine i Palestine Secrurities, Inc., which j grants fire^Kby an indomitable pionLevyonly fay its lack of: startling achieve- of their Alma Mater. fund-raising effort* In th« Philadelphia region. markets the bonds issued by the First! eering spirit 'with which to recreate Baseball has been a sport that in A panoramic view of the entiTe ments. Jewish athletes were present in ever increasing numbers and they the past has known very few Jews sporting field for the year gives the The American people, always feel- and 16,000 pupils. Besides assisting Mortgage Bank of Palestine as well] the ruined Jewish National life. By could be found among the winners in but this year has seen the entrance impression that the Jew has become ing warmly for all oppressed nation- labor through loans to labor institu- as other bonds, thus making possible] the beroic toil and spirit of self-carall events.' It has gotten to be quite of two Jewish ball players into the firmly imbedded in American life. The alities, have regarded with the great- tions it also has other useful activi- the extension of building loans and, j rifice they are rebuilding' the country. the tbiug for our athletes to distin- major leagues; Rosenthal, with the last phase of communal life that a est sympathy the national aspirations ties to its credit as the General Mort- as a consequence, tbe considerable The Workers' Bank in Tel Aviv guish themselves and ;we are no long- Boston Red Socks and AJndy Coh^n people adopt is the sporting life. I t of the. Jewish people for their Home- gage Bank which finances building elimination of -unemployment in Palreports a clear profit of $2f.,500 for er able to become excited over their with the New York Giants. Both is only after all the vital needs of land in Palestine. This sympathy be- construction, the Rutenberg Conces- estine. achievements.- In fact the whole these boys came directly from college. life have been met that a people find came articulate when the Congress of sion which provides power and light, Industry and Commerce are grow- the year 1925, which has enabled the to declare a 59h dividend world has come to take the Jewish Jake MatusofF, who played third base the time to turn their attention to the United States, in joint session the Mizrachi cultural institutions,-the ing by leaps and bounds. A vast mwn-j oDirectors n snares ull promotion of commerce and industry, assembled, resolved; "That the United j for Ohio State has signed a contract ber of factories and business estabj * F paid up by January 1, athletics and if this theory holds true athletes as a matter of cpurse and 1925 T h e s h a T € assisting the Jewish Fund and the States of America favors the establishments are springing up, making-/ capital of the Workeyebrows aTe not raised in .surprise with the Boston Eed Socks and will there can be no doubt that the Jew ers BaT * ^ S&00.000, of which the when a Jewish boy is a star athlete. probably be seen around the "hot because of his athletic propensities lishment in Palestine of a national Palestine Land Developing Co., and the wheels of material progress whirl! ' The old cry that the Jew is not inter- corner" next season. Matusoff will has qualified as an active participant home for the Jewish people." This co-operating with Hadassah in main- on. New industries are constantly Zionist Organization has acquired, ested in athletics has been split into play under the names of Mattes. Sam of every section of communal activity. resolution came as an endorsement of taining the Hadassah Medical Organ- rising, in part aided by the funds through the Jewish Colonial Trust in the Balfour Declaration calling for ization. made available by the United Pales- London, shares to the value of S200,so many little pieces' that not even Bohn who was the first Jew to break the establishment of the Jewish Nain the big leagues is playing with the ISAAC MARCOSSON, WELL The second of the gift funds, the tine Appeal. The country hums with! °^°" an accusing echo is heard. tional Home in Palestine by the aid Jewish National Fund, buys tbe soil Despite the fact that there are Brooklyn Dodgers. He is a veteran KNOWN AMERICAN PUBLICIT the sonud of reconstruction and the{ F a l e s t 1 n e vrill have the facilities of of Great Britain. of many seasons and was a member WRITES IN THE SATURDAY of Palestine as the eternal property new Jewish life, and the foundation j t w o rt>s t h a t o f H a j f a a n d J a f f a > Jews taking part in all sports there The American people are watching of the Jewish people. Besides purch- of the Jewish Commonwealth is made are still a number of. games that can of the Cincinnatti Reds for many EVENING POST AS FOLLOWS: i according to a decision of the Palesboast of very few prominent Jewish years. College base ball might kake America's leading weekly, as well with deep interest the progress of re- asing land, it improves it by reclama- firm and secure. tine Government. It was stated in stars. Polo, automobile racing, cycl- mention of Raskin, Klein, Goldschmidt as the world's in point of circulation, construction going on in the Holy tion, draining swamps, clearing the Because of the great economic up] Jerusalem, according- to a Jewish ing, swimming, -cricket, trap shooting) and Ferguson. These boys although the "Saturday Evening Post," pub- Land. The memory of the United land for cultivation, installing water heaval in Eastern European coun-j Telegraphic Agency, that in addition bowling squash and racquets are some not big league material were stars at lishes in its last issue an illuminating States' own struggles for independ- supply systems, and engaging in ex- tries, America has become the princi- to the construction of the port of of the sports that cannot boast more college. Isadore Zarakov, of Harvard article on Europe's mandates burden ence is still fresh in the minds of the tensive afforestation work. The pos- pal source of support for Palestine. Haifa the Government has assigned than one or two Jewish players of who was elected captain of the Har- by Isaac Marcosson, the celebrated American people and it is a spirit of sessions of tbe Jewish National Fund American Jewry is gallantly ccmlng the amount of £110,000 for the purnote. In polo the only Jew we know vard nine was also active in hockey American publicist, who has made a warm friendliness that they regard are valued at about ten million dol- to the forefront and with its ever in- j pose of enlarging: and improving the of who has made any name for lim- and football. As a hockey player thorough study of the problem he the growth of a Jewish national life lars. creasing generosity it is closing the; Jaffa port. The work at Jaffa -will self is a young man named Levy who Zarakov was awarded the medal for deals with. Iri commenting on the in Palestine, free from persecution The Hadassah Medical Organization breach. \ start shortly, it was stated. played on the University o* Arizona being the most valuable player on the Palestine Mandate, he makes refer- and creating the possibility for Jews with its chain of hospitals, clinics, While American Jevrry is doing so! ence to the Zionist movement and to living their lives in security. polo team. He came east with his team. Child welfare stations and sanitary much for the upbuilding of the Home-! This sympathetic attitude on the service, guards the health of the pop- land; the Homeland is also doing a: team when they played the* Yale four. Golf is still without its Jewish star. the Jewish accomplishments in PalesBUY YOUR Sam Isaacs is the one' trap shooter Bachacrach of Atlantic City and John tine. After reviewing the problem part of the American people towards ulation in Palestine. It has succeeded great deal for American Jewry.! of any fame and his fam'fi is. local. Sherman, a student at Yale are about from its various angles, international, the Jewish National Homeland has in largely eliminating the danger of American Jewry supplies the Home-; - Soloman is a cue artist of some the only Jewish players of any notp. financial, economic and racial. Mr. had a marked effect on the American Malaria and Trachoma among the land with the material means where-; prominence but he cannot be consid- Incidentally the Jew is comparatively Marcosson arrives at the conclusion Jewish mind. Jews regard this en- population and is helping the growth with to carry on the work of National' ered a real top notcher. Our only a new-comer to Golf if we are to that "viewed generally, the results in couragement as complete evidence of of a healthy and vigorous new gen- Renewal. Palestine however, through' AT THE well-known bicycle racer is Sammy develop a star it mus be among the Palestine have been more favorable an aroused world conscience which is eration. its emissaries, such as Nachum Sokothan in any of the other important prepared to do justice to the Jewish youngsters. Gastman. Crowning the cultural life of \ low, Chaim Nachman Bialik, Dr. It is but a question of time before Marty Bernstein, Ernie Kuhn and mandate regions. This has largely people and help it in its aspirations Palestine, is the Hebrew University Chaim Weizmann, l»r. Schmarya Levemanated from the zeal that has atfor fulfillment. we will find Jews prominently partici- Julius Seligson are the three outWe have various selections and will standing Jewish tennis stars. Sslig- tended the consummation of the Jew- The extent of the enthusiasm for in Mt. Scopus in Jerusalem, whose in End others brings its cultural treas- print names free of charge with pating in every field of sport. development is being furthered by the ures to the Jewish masses in America. ish ideal of nationalism." This genThe-collegiate sporting-world is re- son has the best chance of the three eral statement is preceded by a more the work of reconstruction in Pales- Hebrew University Fund. It promises The great gifts derived from their each order. plete with Jewish performers. It to really make a mark for himself. detailed report on Jewi:& achieve- tine on the part of American Jewry to be not only the cultural center for visits can hardly be over-estimated. seems as though the college teams He is one of the ten best junior play- ments in the field of reconstruction, in can best be gauged by tracing the growth of the various funds operating were just r made for the Jewish ath- ers in the country. the course of which the author of the lete. Footballs the king of the col- The outstanding sporting sensation article says: "At the close of the war in America for the Jewish Homelege sports has always had a large of the year was the Hakoah Socer there were less than 50,000 Jews in land. They reveal a constantly growISWARTZ JEWELRY number of Jewish players and this team, from Vienna. This team was Palestine. Today, thanks to the Zion- ing interest in the work of upbuilding past year has brought out an espec- composed,of Jewish boys playing for ist movement, the Hebraic population among ever widening numbers of out ially good quota. The peer of them a Jewish cause. They came to Amer- is 150,000. Extensive areas, includ- people. From year to year the conall was Benny Friedman of Michigan.' ica after having trimmed some of the ing the rocky hillside where once the tributions to these funds increase in Friedman was by far the best quarter best teams in Europe, and met the Biblical heroes wandered, have been number and generosity. During the back in the'.'Big Ten" and he was best we had in the soccer field. Ha- put under the plaw. thus dispelling past year, with the advent of the United Palestine Appeal which was chosen by many coaches for a place koah toured the country and drew re- the common legend that the Jew was created by the merging of all the on the All-American team. Not only cord breaking crowds where ever incapable of dealing successfully with principal funds engaged in the upwas Friedman a wonderful field gen- they played. They won a majority of the land." This tribute to Zionist ac- building of Palestine, the income has eral but he was also a tower of the games and did more to make the complishments in Palestine on the been almost doubled in most sections strength on the-defense and a cun- sport. popular in America than . any part of such a distmguisHed organ as of the country. These funds saake .jiing broken field runner. He'will play other,,one agency; A return tour i& the "Saturday Evening Post," an- it possible for the Jewish Homeland again this year-and there seems to expected this coming year. Four of swers best the criticisms and doubts to be established- The nature of fce no reason why he should not star. the men of the Hakoah are now play- of many an Israelite regarding the these funds are'of two kinds, gifts -John Fox was another Jewish star of ing with the Brooklyn-Wanderers. possibilities and results of Zionist funds and: investment funds. The cinder tracks felt the flying efforts. Ynore than ordinary ability. He ' The first of the guft funds includ•played center for the University of feet of Al (Truck) Miller this past ed in the United Palestine Appeal, the "Southern California last season. Fox year. He won the hundred yard dash Lond on. — Thirty - three thousand Keren Hayesod, engages in the work jwas called the best center in the West in the Inter-collegiate Meet at Cam* eight hundred and one Jewish emi- of immigration and colonization, bridge last fall and has been a consistand he has been compared to Joe grants entered Palstine during the trains the colonists, assists labor, and ent winner all season. Al weiglis Alexander who was the greatest Jew-ish and one of the greatest players in over two hundred pounds and it i year, 1925, according to the official is the main support of th Palestine •the game. Fox plays what is called most unusual for a man of hJs weight figures of the British Colonial Office Hebrew School System. In the last five years it has spent almost $10,"a "roving center", a position that re- to be so fast. Josephs and Sokolsky made known her yesterday. Two thousand one hundred and 000,000 on its various activities. It of Syracus.were also prominent on th quires a player to back up the line forty-one Jews emigrated from Pales- has given assistance directly and inand diagnos-plays. John is enter track-and field. Ing his junior year and will again be Prize fighting is a game that is tine during the same period. The directly to most of the 100,000 immi; :seen on the gridiron this fall. In the well populated with the Jewish stars. "net** increase in the Jewish population grants that have arrived in Palestine in the last seven years. I t has estabeast, Al Millet of Harvard played as During the year we had three cham- for the year 1925, was 31,660. lished 43 colonies which it is helping a regular and won his letter. He is pions, Louis (Kid) Kaplan, Charlie Palestine has ceased to be a Jewish along the road of self-support^ It a brother of Vic Miller who played at Rosenberg and Phil Rosenberg. Our Harvard some years ago and won a near champions were many, George question. Palestine is not a Jewish maintains agricultural schools, experiplace on the late Walter Camp's AH- Levine, Red Chapman, and Henry question. It is the Jewish answer ment stations and training farms. It American Team.. Goldstein at. Dart- Goldberg made and still are making The work of relief can and should be supports an educational system with mouth is worthy of some mention as a bid for the crown in their respec- done. The work in Palestine can and 188 schools in the dties and colonies all over the land about 600 teachers "he played a bang up game all season tive classes. The rise and fall of must be done. •for the Hanover eleven. At Syracuse Ruby Goldstein was an event of much Earvey Levy -and Bus Friedman interest to the fans and they still guard and center respectively. Al hope that Ruby will come back. Benthough they were not in the All- ny: Leonard remains a retired chamAmerican class, their playing was pion and the coming year will find who recently opened at his home, 2429 Decatur Street, We. 3527, •hard and • consistent. Jonah Gold- him in this same position. Lew Tendman was the outstanding player on ler fought often and successfully and 'the "frosh" team and is slated for a although his chances for the chamwishes to announce that he Just received for the coming High Holidays a big assortment of Machsorin with the best English translation, beautifully bound, backfield position with the varisity pionship are nil he is a leader among also a full line of. New tear Greeting cards with nice envelopes at very reasonable prices. this season, Levison of Colgate, the the lightweights. Our only heavy -only Jewish boy on the team played weight is Yale Okun who is a "white Ereryone who so far purchased from me Talethlm gilt and woo! TphlUm, Mezuzothee, and Sedurim with and without English translation, hare expressed end for his third season and received hope." and only a fair one at that, but their greatest satisfaction with the prices and qualities. •some favorable comment from the he is a young fellow and may develop. 1 am also expecting very eoon Ethrogim and Lulovin for tbe holiday of football critics. Colgate never had We mentioned that if a Jewish Succoth. the reputation of being too friendly golf star were to arise he must come •to Jews and when a boy makes a from among the junior players and as -team up in little Hamilton, N. Y., he we go to press'the report comes to us must be very good. At N. Y. U. that Sam Alpert of Chicago won the psHSHnLnr&ssnsuHno^^^ Pearlman and Skudin played on the western junior golf championship at Hi varsity and Columbia had Segal as a! Edgewater, Illinois. Lefty Alpert, III substitue quarterback. Cornell, has; the name under which he is known,! bad very few Jewish football players i s - h u t fifteen years old. He has' and among this select group we must been playing golf since he was eleven ii! add the name of Rosenberg, who years old and his defeat of Francis' |;j Wedding Gifts, Special Railroad ^played half back last season. Rut- Clay, an eighteen year old boy, marks' jj! Unredeemed Wrist Watches, Garanteed one Silverware, 'gers used Jewish boys, Berkdwitz at Lefty as a real conuner in the Scotch j jj| Watches, $50 Diamonds, a few 14 karat, 25-year !jj Samples, Platinum guard and Goldschmidt at tackle. Pep game. year, $2 Watch $10 values, at white gold, Mountings rail values, at Lewis, former star on the Lehigh has diamonds, Our- young- Jewish women have' jjf regular $12, now or Alarm Clock, S3.95 Ask for S20 and S25 :been retained as assistant coach of the distinguished themselves in the last' ill l-Karat Diamond at S I . 1 9 S5.S5 Bins*, $300. Gesundheit at all Grocery jteam. Benny Moses coached' Toledo year by their ,obvious absence from jij ^"University and scouted for Syracuse. .the- sporting field. Helen Jacobs .of . |j|. and Drug Stores i Among the southern colleges a Andy California won the girls' champion-' jij "A Smile in Every Can" n, the. same' Andy who is now ship of the United States last fall jjj Jwi the New York Giants, represent- and her exploits since then have not jjj "OUR BEST AD IS INSIDE THE CAN" e d the University of Alabama. He amounted to anything. The only gj ;svas chosen with. Syd Bosenberg and others that deserve any mention are jjj lid Goldstein for positions on the AU- Miss Fanny Rosenfeld, of Toronto, jjj iSouthern team, a mythical eleven who placed third in a hundred yard jjjj LOCAL DISTRIBUTOKS iVhJch i 3 composed of the eleven best dash in which the world's record was Iff '•players in the entire South. Honor- broken by Rosa Grosse. The winning Hi SHERMAN MERCANTILE CO. able mention must be given to Sbul time in this event was 11 1-10 sec- is Ijj SOLE WESTEEN DISTRIBUTORS •^lein, Bernie Shulitis, Mike Meister onds. I i Basketball retained its place as the '/of Syracuse. Al Pokras of Chicago, V i j J ajld ' ^ e h o s t • l great Jewish _s?I«>*t,. It ranks second £i^Kn:»S»?S

America And Palestine

The Year In Sports



Co. |








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YFAR 5686 1 I £LMI\ ->OOO

to be fair and just is ali Leon Mendelson defeated another Boxing is a sport all men should at- VIENNA IJNIVERSITY v the Jews no less favorite, Saul Levey, 16 to 21, 21 to tempt to master and there is no rea- IGNORES DR. FREUD'S its fOontinued from Page 9) party came into power three years than with the Arabs. There 20, and 21~to 17, the hariest played i son -why. the Centex jshould us* «ffer; BIRTBP4¥ CELEBRATION some difficulties about duty on raw j classes in the manly art of self debattle seen on the Center courts. This explains the bewildering succes- ago. By Stanley F. Levin. materials and about the enlistment of • fense and the science of bone crush- Vienna.—The entire Austrian press V. Russia The champion, who ever he may sion of student liots at the universiing. Wrestling would be a big help yesterday extended feliciations to Dr. be, will indeed be a peerless player, According to reports prepared by Jews in the gendarmerie but those BASEBALL— ties, the beating up of Jews on railto some of the saunchy members of Sijrund Freud, noted psychoanalyst, were satisfactorily smoother out. A judging from the surviving contestway trains, the firing on synagogues the Council of Nationalities in the fall The J. C. C. nine came, saw andants. the Center. It is a form of exercise on the occasion of the celebration of new community ordinance has been —all these offenses going •unpunished. of 1925, there then lived in the Union conquered last Sunday at St. Joe, that aids all the muscles in ones body his seventieth birthday, devoting The government throws up its hands of Socialist Soviet Republics a total promulgated which confers autonomy Mo. The Gardeners, Saturday cham- FOOTBALL— and specialy rids one of all surplus lengthy editorials and artcles to deand moans! "They are top strong for of 2,800,000 Jews; of this number in religious, educational and social pions of St. Joe were the unwilling Apologies are in order to—Elmer fat. scriptions of Professor Freud's scienmatters upon the Jewish community; us! Juries will not convict those only 980,000 have any steady means of victims at the hands of the Omaha Greenberg and Bernard Shimmel. tific achievements. plans for modernizing the fiscal syscharged with anti-Jewish attacks, as livelihood—850,000 being maintained Last week the writer discussed the Hebrews. The Jewish community of Vienna these are regarded as the result of by members of trade unions, and 130,- tem are being made; and the Govern- The "Enfante" Al Handler twirled possible and probable candidates ,for BRITISH WARSHIP presented Dr. Freud with an address INTERVENES IN excess of patriotic zeal." Conditions 000 living by fanning. Of the re-ment, only a month ago, increased the his op and going mates to a 7 to 3 the local High School teams. The of congratulations. grant-in-aid to the Jewish school BEDOUIN FUED have become so outrageous that the maining 1,820,000, about one-half victory over the St. Joe boys. Al in names of the foregoing gentleman Considerable comment was evinced Union of Roumanian Jews -which has {905,000) follow -the precious occupa- system from $5,679 to over £12,000. addition to dishing irp a nice pitchers were -unintentionally omitted. Jerusalem, (J. T. A.)—The protec- when it was learned that the day The opposition of a small faction theretofore confined its protests to tion of Kustari or artisans; who do tion of a British warship at Akaba, passed by with oat any congratulaconcotion topped the repast off with petitions to the government; last petty manufacturing in their ownj among the Arabs persists but is nota pair of one base jolts. If Lefty Al Elmer Greenberg "Peanuts" will be the Transjord*«ian port on the Eedtions from the faculty of the UniverInstanFebruary, issued a public jprotest in serves the Julien Chevrolets the same playing his third year under the Sea, was invoked because of a fued sity of Vienna. 915 000^c a u s i n S a n y graver concern. which it summarized the situation. are traders and others without any ces of violent encounters were rare spheroid dinner this Sunday and his Purple and White colors, irtcident&ly between two Bedouin tribes. and unimportant. mates give him triple plated support he is th only "All City" and "All The most amazing miscarriage of definite occupation. This gives us aj The warfare is being waged by ajA N T I 1 S _ 1 ^ I T I C INTERNATIONAL clear picture of the economic status, State" man m the Hilltop camp. •nothing short of s n earth quake or a ADOPTS ANTI-JEWISH HYMN justice was the Morarescu case, in Bedouin tribe, subjects of Egypt, and We cannot conclude review typhoon will stop the Center lads Elmer is SL likable chap, quiet, good the Bedouins of the Akaba region. which a court martial acquitted Lieut. of the Jews, and shows what a stu-i without paying the -tribute of a brief Morarescu and 21 accomplices who pendous task their brethren in Amer- mention to those outstanding Jews from knocking the Juiens into black natured and a pillar of ice in the hot- Emir Shakher was intrusted with the Berlin. (J. T. A.) An international ica and elsewhere have undertaken test crisis. He will have no difficulty mission of making peace between the anti-Jewish song, modelled after the confessed to the killing of 200 Jewish of. European hands who died during oblivion. song of the French revolution, the in order to help ;them turn to agri-; in retaining his tackle position on tribes. fugitives from Russia who. attempted the past year; Israel Abrahams, Syd Corenman,. the gent with the Coach Schmidt's eleven. "Marseillaise," was adopted as the culture, for that, all experts admit, to cross the Dniester river, many of 5 scholar and lecturer, England; Leo lightning heels, led the J. C. C ' s bathymn of the anti-Semitic Interis the only hope for the rapid reBernard Shimmel is a graduate of GERMAN ZIONISTS ting barrage with a trio of singlets. whom came over-with his permission national, according to Count Rewentadaption of the Jews to the conditions Fall, composer of operettas; H. S. Q.Corenman in addition to being the| Coach Bexten's 1925 City Champion-1 MEET IN CONVENTION low, leader of the German monarchafter he had taken bribes from them. in the Socialist Republics. Heariques, Jurist and communal ship second team machine. Bemy is fastest men on the club holds the Not only does the government perThe Soviet Government is not, inleader, England; James Adolf Israel, record for long distance blows. a player of the bulldog type, aggresErfurt, Germany. (J. T. A.) The ists and anti-Semites. mit the anti-Semites to beat, burn, the meantime, neglecting other means famous surgeon to. royalty, -Germany; Count Rewentlow writing in the sive, always fighting till the last annual convention of the Zionist Fedand kill with impunity, it also at- of helping the Jews out of a condition Sir Sidney Lee, Shakepearian author- "Central High" Joe Turner tore off whistle and never knowing fatigue. eration of Germany was opened hers "Deutsche Tag-eszeitung," reports tempts to harass the Jews by dis-which, it admits, is the result of the ity and biographer of long Edward a couple of neat one-ply bingles thus Shimmel saw service for several Sunday in Kaisersalle. Mr. Felix 1 that some time ago a secret criminatory legislation. Thus, last Bolshevik revolution. It is trying to VII of England; Ephraim Moses raising his average a few points. years on the "Yellow Jacket" eleven Rosenblueth representing the World Semitic international congress was March, it introduced a bill providing help the kustari by permitting them Iilien, painter to the Jewish people, Konecky and Aaron Weitz grabbed (reserve team) and with a bit of Zionist Executive, delivered an ad- held, in vdieih Englishmen, Frenchthat licenses to sell, alcoholic bever- to hire 2 apprentice; the Ukrainian Berlin; Guido Manasd, poet, author a safe smack apiece. "Kony," by thecoaching should fit into one of the dress in which he reviewed the pol-men, Germans, Poles, Hungarians, ages shall be issued only to Rouma- Government has established special of liberetto of Mascagni's "Caval- way, made the only error chalked vacant positions of the first grid itical situation of the Zionist move- Roumanians and Caecho-Slovafclarm nian citizens who can read and write courses for the kustari helps them to leria Rusticana", Italy; Hugo Preuss, against the Hebrew lads, an excus- squad. The Central football team ment. participated. * Roumanian and who are in good obtain raw material, has reduced tax- author of the draft of the constitution able misplay. Brother Leo Weitz was badly riddled by graduation and Kurt Blumenfeld, president of the health. The many loopholes in this ation on small retail traders, and hasof the German Republic; Sir Stuart went hitless for the first time in doubtless <will find need of a brawny federation, submitted his annual re- The librarian of the University, of Samuel, Philanthropist and head of •many moons. act are obvious. In the same month, opened technical schools for the Jewport. A representative of the gbvera- Pennsylvania says that the college of Shimmel's stamp. the senate passed a bill for the ex-ish youth. At the same time, the the British Mission to Poland in 1919; The sterling Simon Pures from ourj fighting snent and the city mayor xrelcomed student of today reads five times as clusion of Jewish students ". from Ukrainization of the republic is in- Wilhelm Vaszonyi, Hungarian states- own Community Center all in all I t is high time that definite action the delegates. The conference will many bosks as the student of twentylaboratories in medical courses unless creasing the difficulties of the Jew,man and minister; and Israel angwill, played a real game—a game that be taken a s to whether or not thelast three days. " five years ago. the Jewish communities furnish their : as few of them and only those who the incomparable interpreter if the any team might "well be proud of. Jewish Community Center should or Manager Nate Green may strut his proportion of corpses for dissection. iave lived in rural sections know the Jewish soul. is going to p u t a n amateur football Furthermore, the Ministry of Edu-Ukrainian language. The assassina- The foregoing brief though com- chest with pride in his team for h e team on the field. I have failed to cation reinstated Alexander Cuza, for tion in Paris of the former Ukrainian prehensive survey will convince the had a goodly bit to do with their see t h e name of the Center mentioned a generation the fanatical leader of leader, Petlura, by a Jew is also likely thoughtful reader that though there victory. Congratulations — Manager when discussions take place in the the anti-Semites, in the faculty of to make things harder for Jews in the are not a few dark spots in the Green and the Boys. — T e Editor daily papers as to the advisiability picture of Jewry today, there are wishes you a Happy New Year and and possibilities of an amateur footthe University of Jassy from which Southern republic diamond success. many which are flooded with th& light further he had been expelled by colleagues inner oiamona success. . C3ub « While creditably energetic in its d t h a t C!n b a year ago because of his pernicious economics policy, especially in the of hope, thanks largely to Jewish Smiling Sammv Kaufman succumb- b a I i lo °P- ^ « ? , v o m e s OTt influence on the youth. ed to Jupiter Pluvious and the D e n > «?* ***** that they fcacka direction of settling Jews on the land, self-sacrifice and Jewish idealism. « « proposed loop Will. but ver Bears last Sunday when the j Recently there was a change in the Soviet Government still maintains umps called the game in the has the matergovernment, the Liberal party being its anti-rligious attitude, and there PALESTINE GOVERNMENT inning with the home team at the superseded by the People's party, but were.'during the year, quite,a number PUBLISHES-BUDGET FIGURES abt and the score reading Denver 2, ial and posesses the skill necessary to 1509 Xorth 24th Street put out -a cracker-jack eleven but—j events since .then have shown that of arrests of Jews who "maintained ilOmaha 1. Sammy gave the Bruins * not much hope for a brighter outlook legal Jewish schools; several syna- Jerusalem.—The Palestine Govern- six hits and issued only three tickets what does the athletic committee say? ment will spend on the administration gogues were confiscated a n d turned Will the J. C. C. have a team or not? can be pinned to this change. Wishes his Friends and Patrons * over to workmen's.clubs, or commun- 'of the country during t h e 1926-27 to first base. Senor Elliot, a big brown Bear, spoiled the day for the IV. Slavic Countries the amount of £2,524,034, according ist-headquarters. :'.•..;••BOXING AND WRESTLING— A Happy and Prosperous New Year The political outlook is much Zionism and Zionists a r e also being to the budget estimate published here Kid when he poked one of Kaufmans Boxing and wrestling classes should curves over the fence, giving thej brighter in Poland. "When 5686 be- persecuted a s before, out of solicitude today. soon be started at the Center. Clasgan, a young Jewish student, Stan- for t h e Jews of Russia-lest they fall -The new budget includes the follow- Denver hirlings their one run lead ses might be held in one corner of islaw Steiger, was on trial charged into'/the power of-.British or. Jewish: ing items: £307,656 for public works and the victory margin. the gymnasium on the padded mat. Day by day Sammy grows b«Ster with having thrown the bomb which captilists in^Palestine!, There is alsoi department and t h e payment of had been aimed at President Woiji- a strict ban on Hebrew. Iii April, the loans; £322,826 for the maintenance and better, his control is approachechowsM during a visit to Lemberg committee on minorities rejected a of the police prisons; £177,223 for the ing that of the Western League i in September, 1924. There was really petition signed by 10,000 Jewish child- maintenance of the Palestine-Trans- standard and his nerves are as steady j no evidence against Steiger; in fact, Ten asking that Hebrew be taught to jordan ronties Force ;£121,378 for ed-as an an iron man. Barney Burch, j we dare say, has no regrets over I ; a Ukrainian who had escaped to Ger-Jewish children in the elementary ucation. signing up the idol of( the Omaha many confessed to -,the authorities schools. ,;• .„; "•_-:v» ball fans. Kaufman is probabaly the there that he had -thrown the bomb. * The Government h a s consistently BERNARD BARON INVESTS most -{jopolar man on the Omaha Nevertheless Steiger was in prison i t s policy of mercilessly HALF MILLION DOLLARS IN team -with the fans judging by his for eleven months, an don trial for stamping oat all outbreaks of ar.tiELECTRIC CORPORATION receptions. Sammy Kaufman — Ye nine weeks before he was acquitted. Semitism, not so much out of love Thi3 fiasco 'showed the attitude of for the Jews as out of desire t o main- London. <J. T. A.) Bernard Baron, Editor wishes you a Happy New | the government toward the Jews,, an taine i t s pesiage a t home, and abroad. well known Anglo-Jewish phil- Year and may weBee you in the j attitnde prompted by the wish to getBut a great part of the Jewish popu- anthropist, has purchased shares in big leagues soon. rid of them. This was the object of lation remain apathetic to commun- the Palestine Electric Corporation, HANDBALL— the clandestine numerns clausus in istic principles. We have BO complete which i s ' a part of the Buttesberg The mighty have fallen. Joe Levey the colleges and universities, of the statistics, b u t -we know t h a t out of electrification and irrigation plan the heavily backed favorite in the legislation to take over as state mon- 139.950 Jews in Kiev, only a little for Palestine, according to an official J. C. C. Handball tournament, fell opolies the production of commodities over 2000 (1.4%) are members of the announcement of the Zionist Organ- before Herman Segelman by the izations here. scores of 4 to 21, 21 to 14, and 21 which gave many Jews a, livelihood, Communist Party. The shares purchased by. Mr. Baron to 19, Joe romped away with the of the discharge of Jews from facVL Palestine amount to £100,000. first game with ease but allowed tories thus taken over, and of many Great strides were made in the Mr. Baron is the largest / Segelman to stage a marvelous come other oppressive measures. And these work of rebuilding the Jewish nation- shareholder- in the Palestine Electric back to win the next two games and things have been going on in spite al home in Palestine. During his reof the famous Polish-Jewish agree- cent visit there Reuben Brainin, the Corporation. He recently donated the match. Segelman is slated to meet Leon Mendelson in the semiment of June 1925, in negotiating veteran Hebrew author and journalist, $125,000 to the Keren Hayeccd. final tipper bracket round. which, it has transpired, the Jewish declared that the reality he found surCarl Sokolof tacked the old Indian j deputies listed a total of 42 major passed his fondest imaginings and Jerusalem, (J. T. A.)—CommunicaThe power to stand the gaff abuses which they desired removed. that if the American Jews could know tion by train between Beirut and sign on Max Altshuler to win to the ] of years of service rightfully Damascus was restored yesterday folThe net result of these policies was Palestine's possibilities, it would be lowing .the successful conclusion of tune of 21 to 16, 21 to 17. Carl adbelongs to Baker. Records to create an economic crisis in thenecessary to solicit funds/ According the French oensive at Ghouta. Two vanced to the semi-finals in the lowcountry from which the Jews were to a recent computation $50,000,000 hundred of the Syrian rebels were est "bracketshow that 87^° of plants inAnother good game is that schedthe greatest sufferers, and which af- have been invested in Palestine by killed, tw6 hundred and eighty-six of uled between Jues Gerelick and Paul f stalled in 1910 were still operfected the Jewish communities of oth- Jewish organizations and ihdividxials .the Syrians "were taken prisoners. Goldstein. er countries, and caused many Polish since October 1317. Further testiating" at the end of 1925. • Jews t o ' emigrate to Palestine while mony a s . to Palestine's economic cutting off from the Palestine move- soundness is the fact that the British ment of the contributions of Polish Government has expressed the willingness to guarantee both principal ' Jewry. The political situation was entirely and interest of a loan of §22,500,000 If you deal in perishable changed with the advent into power of the Palestine Government for railfood stuffs Baker System of a government chosen under the in-way, road, and harbor development. Itefliberation -will afford .fluence of Marshal Pilsudsld who had The water power concession for the A wonderful place to have a 5 Ruttenberg electrification scheme was 5 a real saving for you. grown weary of the bungling rule of formally granted last March, and ~" wonderful time s the various cabinets, and had marcher | on Warsaw and deposed the Govern- within a few years electrical energy ment. The present cabinet shows j will be available for domestic and inevery desire to beat the Jews and ] dustrial use in Palestine. A modern other minorities justly and impartial- water supply system is being installed ly. At the same time, however, the in Jerusalem, work on it having comeconomic situation remains very bad menced on July 15, 1926. Last De^ and is likely to remain so for some cember, plans were perfected for a • time to come, as it will require much j network of telephone lines linMn This Sunday Nite, September 12 | effort for the present Government to j up Jerusalem, Jaffa, and Haifa, in repair the damage done by its pre-Palestine, with Alexandrit, Port Said, s Suez, and other cities in Egypt. decessors. Of course, Jewish immigration has In the Baltic Republics, Lithuania and Latvia, the political condition of increased, Palestine now being, the (Florence Bird, and Antes Ave.) £ the Jews has improved also, due tochief country of Jewish immigration. OMAHA, KEBR. changes in Government. In Esthonia, During the United States fiscal year Sponsored by— § -the Jews have never had anydifficnli- ending June SO, 1925, only 10,392 PHIL FELDMAN ties, thanks largly, we believe, to the Jews were admitted to the United MEREDITH KENYON " fact that "they constitute an insigni- States, whereas 29,142. entered PalesCLYDE KRASNE ficant numerical part of the popula- tine in • the • same period. In 1S25, tion. Tn Lithuania, the change in a total of 33,801 Jews were admitted Admission $1.00 per couple Government has brought the liberal to Palestine, an increase of §1% -over (2= elements into power and theJews are the immigration in 1925 when only t 5 MEREDITH KENYON'S ORCHESTRA being given back the cultural and Te- 12,356 Jews entered. Hgious autonomy which they pos- The Government under the new 5 ".'•:-;sed;-)jefare-:the conservative-clerical





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