A., false friend, like - -a sliadow, 1 attends onlv while .tfa e sun. sbines.* ' v SHE ; ^SHED-:AN0f?'ii . :y:'^rrl • A N D " T H ] ^ - ^ ' ' { . It was the inaugural address ol the evening. The new set of officers for •tie Y. M. and Y./Wi BL A. were being strongly impressed by the oratorical effusions at Sara Beber. His words rolled out, slowly at* first, then ^gradually increased their speed.. His [grik,listeners, sat enthralled with open
• m o n t h .
,; - • • " _ • • . ' . • .
ISutered as second-class-mall matter on January 27th, li)21, at postofllce at Omaha. Nebraska,.under the Act of March 8. 1879.
Vol. V—No. 42
••;' : ? ' ; .-•;-'-.-.
.And then—a door knob was heard rattling, very "softly. The rattling turned to loud creaks, as a young lady was attempting her best to open the door leading from the chamber. The door xesisted her every effoTt. Sara kept on orating, casting chilly glances in the direction" of "the young lady, whose face had turned a beet red. ; . ; Enter the would-be hero^—Dan "Greenhouse. He too, pushed. But still the door made but noise. And then came Mr. Fishxnan. One push $25,C00 Quota Will Be Reached — Voice Workers for of his strong arms and the door ffew This Cause. open. Out went the lady, her face a flaming color. And then Sam conFifteen to twenty teams out soliciting in a pre-campaign cancluded his speech. vass, feverish-preparations on the part of an active Banquet com-
Omaha Jewry Will Launch Campaign For Funds Sunday
CAMPAIGN CALENDAR Reception and—Banquet— Monday, 6:30 P. M. Mass Meeting-— Tuesday-8. T. M. Campaign Committee Meete— Sunday 10:30 A. M. All at the Jewish Community} Center.
- •
Community Chest Seeks Pledge From Brery Worker
Paris (J. T. A.)—A joint plenary Every Worker Will Be Asked To Give meeting of the directors of the Keren A Day's Pay Hayesod,- the Palestine Foundation Fund, the Executive of the Zionist i The goal of at least a day's pay Organization, and the directors of the j Speaker Launches Into Xmmifrom every worker in Omaha for the Jewish Colonial Trust and the Anglogrant Issa&—New York \ Community.'Chest, will be sought in Palestine Company will take place campaign this year as in the past, here on Sept-ember IS. It was stated Newspaper Say Klan but with the added endeavor to se- that the purpose of the meeting is Loses Grand. cure payment at once "in cash' and in- to outline the plan of work in Palfull, it has been announced by W. W. estine" for the fall. mittee, painstakmg- publicity for a stupendous massraeeting on the Tesple Israel Sistorhcoi 13.000'KLUXERS MARCH ON TO HARVARD Holler, chairman . of the industrial The bookkeeping and treasury deday following the banquet, a reception committee preparing to give To Present Style IN SECOND PARADE Now that. Dave Sher has decided a suitable welcome,to three honored guests whd will visit Omaha division for the drive. partment of the Keren Hayesod vail The opening affair of the Sisterto enter Harvard", that school can Jewry next wee|c,-i—this in a measure describes the activities of the Mr. Koller points oat tliat it will, be removed from London to Palestine Washington.'—Absolute exclusion of hood of Temple Israel will be given decide to find a place for a debate Omaha Commission for the United Palestine Appeal. : in the end, be easier for the -workers next week. The other departments of immigrants within a very brief period Tuesday evening September 28th at : if the payment is' made at once in- the Keren Hayesod will be removed was predicted with assurance and controphy. . Every Jew in Omaha concerned 8:15 in the new auditorium of the stead of in installments over a period to Palestine during October. fidence by one of the anonymous orawith this drive, whether as giver or Temple. of a year, and that it will also result BABIES AND A BACHELOR tors of the hooded Klan of night ridworker, or both, is'keenly anxious to AGUDAS ACHIM TO GIVE . an elaborate Style Show in a considerable saving to the chest ers at a Eu Klux Elan meeting' toJerome Heyn, though a bachelor, see • ..the- coveted r. goal of "§25,000 DANCE THIS SUNDAY .andBesides dance, the feature of the evening, ^ ^ o f c o l l e c t i o n . B ^ ^ the night, marking the closing of the probably knows as much.about tak- r e a c h e d . •' ""'• ••"" ' .. will be a solo dance by Mias Annette j n m n b e r rf s m a l l i t e m s p a y a b l e o n the second day of a gathering in the Naing care of babies (infants) j as any Mr. M. Kulakdfsky' will open the The annual Agudas Achim. dance EickKn,, recently of " the Mascagno tions Capital, which opened Monday bach in Omaha. He attributes his mass meeting and introduce the chair- will be held Sunday evening at the Ballet of New York. Miss Ricklin installment plan, the chest headquareknowledge in baby-handling to the man of the evening. . Invitations for Jewish Community Center. : This -or- now has a dancing studio at the ers may be able to elininate one clerk To Care For Another Orphan This;I with a parade of pome 13,000 memW s o f t h e order_ lor the period of a number of times he has had to take the mass meetnig_haye been issued ganization is one of the oldest Elackstone Hotel. Other profession-! This is the second national demtheir pictures. Jerry can make a with the signatures of Joseph L. charitable organizations in the city, als will take part on the program and. year. i n t m e n t to solic|t ] ori'stration and parade of the order If?-' baby smile TrbUe it "looks at the Wolf, Mas Promkin, A. Goldstein and having been in existence for more all kowns and wraps will be displayed ,, *'* K o ] ] e r , s a A meeting of the Junior Hadassah. c o n d u c t e d j n Washington under a -perfactorieg i?_%_ j_i_ l tne birdie" better, than any other photo- Fred White. Reservations for the than thirty years, according to mem- iby. living models. Thursday, September SOth, at the mit granted by Washington aurhorihouses for employes' subscriptions, grapher in. Omaha. : dinner must be in the hands of Mr. ftjers. Tickets for this affair can be purj Jewish Community Center will mark; PhiladeSphia J.jve Irvin Stalmaster, 301 Peters Trust Gilbert Jaffe and his orchestra chased from Mrs. Nathan Mantel or along with that of A. j the opening of the busy winter from the Klan for I S I T THE MOVIES?. building, no later than Saturday. Rosenstock. play for this dance Sunday W. Gordon, chairman of the commit-j of the fifth year of the Omaha '£•• . • -. or JU tee on initial gifts and" Frank ~ " Camp-} ~ er of Junior Hadassah. From a Coo]idge not in Washington when "-" IS IT THE. CHURCH?, i. bell, Jr., and Harvey Milliken, joint handfcll of girls this club has bein progress. J chairman for solicitation of the busin- come one of the most active of young •4_' '^' le parade, according to a count Just read an article about a rabbi ness district from - Twenty-fourth women's organizations m Jie city j a n n o u n c e d b y t h e N e w - y o r k W o r W f in Los Angeles resigning his posistreet to the river, Coming and Lea-j with a membership of nearly included only 13,101 marchers, altion as a spiritual leader to enter the venworth streets. i hundred girls. j though preliminary Klan announce4 movies. (They do get 'em sooner or Harley G. 'Moornead had already. • This club has supported one O r P i : ments voiced the hope that 100,000 • later.) But then he'says he can do been, named chairman of: residence in Palestine for the past five years,) would be in line. Last year the num! as much "good"for"the betterment- ofsolicitation, and is at_work preparing! and .has this _ .,jrear adopted, .• s - a•••second + • i >t)er in l i n e w a s between 30,000 and humanity in the movies as in the the card, index list of 80,000, who ^ . N e w Yorfe T i m e g a n d ? rpharu rB^des entirely mamtain-j ^ ^ synagogue. -, be solicited.". •ing these children, the gals supply' ^ ^ ^ N e w y o r k Rm_&u That question seems to be wortbr] a a m - ^ t o n e . t o . t a i l e d toys for | w - o l M v . ^ . a fei . d , fa , •. ^ arguing. ness •district.has not yet been named.* them ..and other orphans in trre Chila- j participation of marchers but the As• What do you think, readers? The drive will commence November ren's Village of -Palestine, j sociated Press claimed in its report of Is the movie picture field as power15. The'goal is-$430,flOO. ' "This is to be a very active year", | Sept 14 that ."many more klansmen ful in the influence for good as the says Miss Greenberg, the president.! marched than was the case a year ; *i church? J. C. C.toMM first -" - "We have much to accomplish now as ! ago." Write me your ideas on the subject. a second orphan means more work for j The Kluxer aggregation unmasked, It sounds interesting. r.r : M y AM^iiit Mglt everyone. We have also resolved to j but robed in gay attire marched down. • "' • * double membership and send a dele-j Pennsylvania avenue, the historic The.various clubs which meet reg. GUESTS OF IMPORTANCE ularly at the Jewish Community Cen- gate to the Junior Hadassah Conyen-; thoroughfare upon which hundreds of We're going to be host to three thousands of Jews, Catholics and Neter will hold their first. Get-To-Gether tion". nationally prominent Jews, next groes have marched as members of and Bally for all members on October Monday and Tuesday, when Maurice the Nation's Army and Navy forces 5 at 8:00 o'clock sharp. Mr. Harry H. Jewisl Fmtemiiies Leal Samuel, Dr. Felix A. Levy and Mrs. ! in wars of the Republic >t Lapidus, -president :of the J. C C^ will Dorothy Fuldheim pay us a visit. A kluxer speaker tonight evo&ed preside over the .meeting. They're going to be here to assist in ~~—•"•""" loud applause by advising delegates $ The following clubs-vvill take part the United Palestine Appeal drive Scholarship .ratings a t the univer- j t o « ^ e e p M S r o i t h " i n New York and in the program: The .Thorpeans, the for $5,000,000, of which our quota is A Z. A., B'nai Ami, Junior Hadas- sity-of Nebraska were released Sun-! B S S e T t i n g t h a t t h e EncharistJc. Con* ?25,000. 1 sah, Poros-Pro-On, B'nai Israel, Pa- day, and the Sigma Delta T a u S o r i t y , ! gTess in c h e a p o was a challenge t o Maurice Samuel will be remembered was learned, ranked! first with and = ^jnej-jea, _ . ! Hon, Y. M. and' Y. W. H. A., Boy it as the New Yorker who wrote "You index number of S06.8 f o r ' t h e first; O h i o , f 'representation was far l^ss No. 62,. Polk. Dandnjr semester, and S02. for the second se- j Mrs. Dorothy Fnldheim for many' Born in Koumama, educated in, S c a u t Tno DR. FELIX A. LEVY Gentiles," and Dr. Levy as the rabbi t h a n a y e a r m c j n t h e parade_ An France and England, American by j Q a s s ^ ^ j ) x t a B a ! & c years toured the country in the inssoap, Dr. Felix A. Levy, who will deliver me.ster out of a possible 400 points. ; A k r o n d e l e g - a t j o r , i n yesterday's paof Temple Emanuel in Chicago. Mrs. adoption, p , saw war service overseas,] , An speeches will be limited to three The Zeta Beta Tau, among fraterni- j1r a d e w&s heBded by a hand in SHildheim is that orator-who has been I the keynote address for the Omaha terest of the movement for International Peace*, in which movement she aT1 cc l bu b gg t t ^^ t o five. ^ aT1 war correspondent, brilliant literatuer. ^ ^ place the. In its description of the parade of heard so much on the subject of j campaign for the 'United Palestine ties, came up from became known as the modem • Joan -bnefly describes Maurice Samuel. J a c k p r i e d m ^ b e f u ] 1 o f Appeal, is Rabbi of Temple Emanuel, yesterday the New York Herald Trib"International Peace." Chicago—one of the" leading Reform d'Arc. She is a very po-n erful orator. attracted attention vrhen he -was at-', . une said: "The hooded hosts" of the She is one of the national officers their friends are " cordially invited.! ^ local from seventh place , K u mnx congregations in that city. He is a Mw demonrtrated thoir NO EUGS tached to the famous Stuart Samuel charge, j t o f o m i ^ graduate of the Hebrew Union Col- of the Hadassah. Last spring she Mission to Poland. The' work inj strength to the Nation's capital to.ege, in 1907, and received his" dpc- offered to devote one year to the cause which he is most distinguished is in day, and if comparison can be made Last week I told you of two new ;or's - degree from the University of of a Jewish Palestine. ENGLISH TO BE TAUGHT I with similar demonstration here a t h e field of letters. He wrote novels, Gddstem*Cbpmait" Cs, rugs at the Jewish Community Cen- Chicago. He visited; Palestine in 1925) AT COMMUNITY CENTER | y e s r a g O s the strength is muiing. ter. They are no more. Objections was for many years\ secretary of the LECTURE ON GEORGE BERNARD translated " A Jewish Anthology," .New Sictiii Friday translated Bialik, and wrote the faThe first English class for adults' W ^ r e a year ago, in August, the «in-were raised to them, and so they Central Conference i of . American The Economy Section of Goldstein SHAW mous treatise "You Gentiles. were removed as suddenly as they Kabbis. During the past summer he will be held at the Jewish Commun- visible empire* sent between 40,00© Chapman Co., will open Friday on lite ity Center Monday, October 4, under and 50,000 marching down Pennsjiwere placed. fourth, floor. This floor was recently attended the ; sessipns of the later- Rabbi Frederick Cohn has been Inthe auspices of the Council of Jew- vania Evewoe. in colorful procession, • * • Read about three agea Jewish taken over by the Goldstein-Chapman national Conference of Liberal Eab- vited to deliver a lecture on "George the Elan paraders today Tinmbereil,. EETTNOSCOPY AND A bis in London, at which sessions he Bernard Shaw" before the.literary de- folks, over the century nsrk, who Co. The floor has been remodeled to ish Women. according to closest police estimates, These classes will be held regularly RACCOON COAT was one. of the speakers. Dr. Levy partment of the Women's Club," Tues- refused to take advantage "of their, ba of service to all. ,Special fitting en Monday and Wednesday evenings! not more than 20,000 to 25,000. One Received a letter from Dr. Jack was for a number of years lecturer day afternoon, November 16, afc their age and be excused from ff'Kting on rooms have been installed. There will from 7:30 to 8:20 for beginners, and | newspaper, which kept a check, placedbe dress, coat and millinery departthe past Yom Kippur. , Copeland, that former Omaha boy for the Jewish Chr.utauqua Society. new Club House. ments t h a t will sell merchandise a t from S:SO to 9:20 for advanced jj the number at not more than 15,000." who went to Chicago to open a school Heraldd Tribune further noted: popular prices. - -. students. Beginners will be taught of retinoscopy and complete his reading and vocabulary and the more J "The Hangmen laarched down an "In adding the fourth floor to OUT new invention — an improved streak advanced students will learn vrriting; avenue _ strangely, -devoid of deeorabusiness we now have all four floors", retinoscope. (The dictionary explains and grammar. Every other Tuesday j t i o n s - ^e"^ business places put mt said Mr. Goldstein. A-separate staff it.) He tells me his school is well of buyers and salespeople will be in rdght will be devoted to citizenship more than a flag or two. Many had under way now, and already he has classes, when there will also be talks <io decorations.*" . charge of the fourth floor," appointed himself "dean of girls." The raijsiRg of the immigration isby prominent speakers. "Mrs. BermaTi The Goldstein-Chapman Co. first He seems to be pretty close to his sue at tonight's session indicates a Jarr is the director of this work. started in Omaha on F e b . 5, 1923 and first fifty thousand dollars already", new Klan effort to bar immigration have since steadily increased their for he says he's going to buy a from noa-Nordic regions of Europft. store space to one of t h e leading FORMAL OPENING OP raccoon coat for a friend of his here, That there will be any Klan demand ladies ready-to-wear stores of tha HRODKEY'S S A T U R D A Y . , , . .«._... . u . providing the last penny of the-fifty city. • j for barnng1 British immigration'. Ja -thousand is deposited in his bank Brodkey's Jewelry store will hold \ considered very remote as Klan efbefore the end of winter. i POALI ZION ORGANIZATION its formal opening Saturday in its : forts have been in entire sympathy He wrote me on real classy staTO PRESENT YIDDISH PLAY new location at 1419 Douglas street, j with the movement to establish tionery, with a picture of a twenty| The store, which is directly opposite i lo-Saxon Protestant supremacy* The four story building printed thereon. A four act..play, "Gott, Mensch j the Bialto theater, has been remodel-1 present law, which- is described by I wish it were possible to reproduce •tmdt Titfel,"'.written..by Jacob Gold, ed and is fully equipped to be of set- j the Republican party as a' EepnMicaa the stationery in this column. will be given by-the Poali Sion or- vice to all. .: s achievement, drastically reduces if»ganization Sunday.'evening, October * * • During its formal opening1 Satur-, migration frora lands whose popffllJt117, at 8:00 o'clock m; the Jewish day souvenirs will be given away to \ taon Is largely Jewish and Catholic. THE LAST WORD? Comixruruty^,Center, acditoriuia. Fur- all who visit the. store. j The Klan organizers- have openly . Isn't this a strange old world? ther details will be ssmounced. The .store is being: actively managr- claimed that this change in American First old mother nature beams upon ed .by • Isadore,,.Dansky," Eddie snd policy resaltfed"-'from 'Hail efforts.'• a land and we.people rush to the The oldest -university in Europe is Ered Brodlcey. ^ scene and prosper. Then she sends a ' - • ,,: •. . ; •the University of Pavis in Italy. It Ther are 8,800,000 Jews in • hurricane and wipes out Florida with i_ ••„.•.* _ - . recently celebrated its eleventh cenA stitch in time saves embarrass- America. Th total number of all the goodness-her first act brought in all the world is 15,12S,«Sd. . ment. tenary. .' ;,;"",.;'; \ :: ; f: .-_' : -;' ' • ABE GOLDSTEIN M.mJL£MOFSKV^ WM. h. HOLZMA1SL about. . "
Guests of Omaha Community
Local Leaders of Campaign
THE JEWISH PRESS « AJ1 - Fat)UstieA everj" Thursday at Otnoba. Nebraska, toy THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY Offlee: 490 Brandels Theatre Building — Telephone: ATJantic 1450. NATHAN E. GREEN, Manager. Subscription Price, one year. Advertising rateg furnished on application..
CUANGE OB" ADDRESS— IMease Rive both the old and new address; be sure and give, your name.
. The Jewish Press Is supplied by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency (Jewish (Jorrespondencip Bureau) with cabled and telegraphic Jewish nqws, in addition •to feature articles and correspondences from all Important Jewish centers. Inquiries regarding new? items credited to this Agency will ba gladly • answered it addressed to Jewish Telegraphic Agency, 621 Broadway, New York City.
Levinson, a rocldta, takes c « e of the light guard hole. Harold Pollack,'a member of'B squad of the seconds, alternates between the backfield and the line. Earl Lapidus may be seen in a line position on C squad of the seconds. Levin is the only man whose position is cinched any of the other boys may be switched to the first squad at any. moment or relegated to the third group. Four Jewish youths still pledge allegiance to the freshman army, Milton Altshuler.at quarter and Al Fiedler at guard are the most likely :andidates of the quartet. Altshuler has been calling signals for "Jfrrote" Bamhill's crew quite regularly. Henry has seen service on the line during several scrimmages and may make the grade. Harry Kohn, a senior and formerly a second team wan» has been switched to Coach Knapple's Senior team to provide cannon fodder for the regulars during scrimmages.
rise to the German Dreyfus affair in- a 100 Zloty banknote. The local 910 JEWISH IMMIGRANTS ENA. Z. A. COUDUCTS TERED PALESTINE IN AUGUST volving the Magdeburg Jewish mer- physician, Dr. Szyszewski, told the NATIONAL ESSAY CONTEST Jewish youth of Omaha have an opportunity to compete in the national essay contest being conducted by. the Order of Aleph Zadik Aleph, This contest is open to any. Jewish young man between the ages of 16 and 21, whether he is or is not a momber of the A. Z. A. An award consisting of a trip to the next annual convention of the order, which will be held at Des Moines, with all expenses paid, will be given to the winner of the national contest. However, if the winner i3 a resident of Des Moines he will be awarded a suitable trophy instead. The awards that will be given to winners of district contests will be determined upon by the chapters that will sponsor the contest. All Omaha contestants should "get in touch with Philip Klutznicfr, HOI Peters Trust building. The list of subjects follows: The Jew in the United States. The Jew in England. The Jew in Mexico. The Jew in Palestine, The Jew in France. The Jew in Spain, The Jew in Germany. The Jew in Poland. The Jew in Russia. The Jew in Africa. The contestants may choose any one of the preceding subjects for his theme and may enter more than one composition, providing they are written on different subjects. The theme must not exceed 25,000 words in length and must be typewritten on one side of the paper. Qmaha winners will be announced March 15, 1927.
chant, Rudolf Haas, wounded a jail guard yesterday in his attempt to escape from prison. Breaking oat of his cell. Schroeder fired at the guard and managed to reach the roof. He escaped across the Toofs until he was caught by the police. Schroeder's trial for the murder of Helling is scheduled to take place on September 17. Metropolitan newspapers expressed astonishment at the fact that Schroeder was in possession of a revolver. . The newspapers urge that Koelling and Hoffman, the two who were responsible for framing the charges against Haas, be tried speedily.
people in the town that he had examined the child' and that he believes her blood was pumped from her body. Christian shopkeepers placed pogrom proclamations in their •windows. The Jews of Golub, afraid to venture into the streets, refrained from attending the synagogue on Rosh Hashanah. , Schroeder Discloses Details of New Accusation Against Jew Was Framed Berlin.—(. T. A.)—Astounding details of how the accusation was brought against Rudolph Haas for the murder of his bookkeeper, Helling, were disclosed in the Magdeburg court today. The court started proceedings in the libel suit brought by Rudolph Haas, whose case devlopcd into a German Dreyfus affair, against Schroeder \vhp confessed to having killed Helling but accused the ew, Haas, of the murder. In court, Schroeder repeated his confession, giving all the details of how he murdered Helling. "I never knew Mr. Haas, but when the police told me, during the investigation, that I was only the last link in the chain of the murder plot and pressed me to mention the names of my accomplices, I uttered a name which came to me by chance: I said Rudolph. The police officials then stated, 'Rudolph Haas'," Shroeder testified.
Jerusalem.—(J. T. A.)—The slump in Jewish immigration to Palestine has continued throughout the month of August. According to figures madM known today, 910 Jewish immigrants^ entered the country during the month. HUNGARIAN UNIVERSITIES EMPTY, BUT JEWS ARE NOT ADMITTED
Vienna.—(J. T. A.)—The Freicpresse", the leading daily, comments today on the statement of the Hungarian Minister of Education, Count Klobbolsberg, made in an interview with Jacob Laudau, managing director of the Jewish Telegraphic Agency. Count Klobolsberg stated to Mr. Landau that the numerous clauses law in Hungary will automatically cease to exist when it will become unnecessary. The Freiepresse remarks that the Hungarian universities in the provincial town are disappearing. The paper cites an instance of the College of Philosophy at Szogedin, where there are only 27 students and a faculty ef 54 professors and assistant professors.
UNSEEMLY CONDUCT Special agreements made by Jews of Europe seem to be boomerangs. The ill-fated Polish-Jewish agreement brougt no KIEV GREAT SYNAGOGUE end of the trouble andno substantial benefit to Polish Jewry, Jt IS CONVERTED INTO is now hinted that the brave pronouncement of Hungarian Jewry WORKINGMEN'S CLUB anent the repudiation of-Anglo-Jewish, Joint Foreign Committee in the, matter of thenumerus clausus before the League of Riga. (J. T. A.)—The fight for the Nations was inspired by the Hungarian government. possession of the Great Synagogue in Kiev, the most beautiful of the According to recent advices only 190 Jewish students will TECH HIGH— synagogues in the Ukraine, was lost be admitted to Hungarian universities during the coming year. Benny Bloch and Nathan Marcus are playing a, bang up game of ball by the worshippers in favor of the This news .evoked a strong^protest from Alexander Lederer, presi- in the Tech Hi stadium during the Jewish communists, just on the eve dent of the Jewish community of Budapest and of the Union preseason workouts. Marcus, '35 of the High Holidays. of Jewish communities in Hungary. He is keenly disappointed freshman captain, is making fine The synagogue, having a capacity over the failure of the Betheln government to carry out the prom- progress with the first squad while of 1800, was ordered converted into a workingmen's club, as a result of ises given by Count Klebelsberg to the League of Nations, that Bloch will be a regular while chances a petition of two thousand Jewish are that Marcus will see enough seran honest effort would be made to abolish the odious numeyus workers in the city of Kiev. vice to gain hia "T". Louie Wejner, clausus. center on the Tech '25 second team, The fight between the Yevsekzia, If it is true that the strongly worded rebuke given the Anglo is showing lots of stuff at center and FOR RENT the Jewish section of the Communist Jewish Joint Foreign Committee was at the instigation of the end. on the Maroon first eleven. party, and the pew holders of the FURNISHED ROOMS — Hungarian government, it but proves that mendacity and dupli- \Veiner is handicapped by the fact synagogue lasted for three years, 2420 Charles St. We. 32S« Previous decisions to convert the city are not confined to the petty, but can be found among those that the Tech squad is made entirely of veterans while he, a junior, must synagogue into a club were annulled Geneva.—(J. T. A.)—-Georg Bernwho occupy the places of the mighty. * displace a. regular or rest content as twice by higher Communist author- hard, well known German Jewish Hungarian Jewry waa used as the cat's paw to pull the chest- a syb, He is making a game fight ities. writer and editor-in-chief of the Vcsnuts out of the fire, for when Count Klebelsberg appeared before and will profcabaly make his "T" as sische Zeitung, -was elected chairman the League of Nations in behalf of Hungarian minorities, he had first; string substitute. of tlie Club of International Press RITUAL MURDER AGITATION a very uncomfortable time. This happened almost simultane- NORTH HIGH— OMAHA CHAPTER NO.l, A. Z. A Correspondence attached to the CONTINUES IN POLISH TOWNS League of Nations here. ously with the bad press given the Hungarian representative! Leon Forman, Hebrew halfback in Omaha Chapter will hold a footbali The house and lot at to the Inter-Parliamentary Union, held in Washington. All these the North Hi Eskimo encampment, is l practice this Sunday Morning at 33rd Warsaw.—(J. T. A.)—The ritual and Cass Streets at nine thirty o'- murder agitation, started in Dobrzyn 2514 Caldwell Street receiving his share of work in the happenings conspired to help* Hungarian Jewry in its struggle to clock. Coach Ben Seid will be on by s, gypsy band, continues in the will be sold at a big bargain Norsemen's ilneup. Forman will face abolish the absurd numerus clausus, Hungarian Jewry chose deck to pick a team. ENGRAVING neighboring towns. by the administrator. the acid test this Friday night when to rely upon the promises of men who acquit anti-Semitic murNotwithstanding the action taken the Eskimos meet the Purple and Call J. J. FRIEDMAN derers and practically acquit a band of conterf eiters because they White of Central Hi in a practice RUSSIANS TO EXHIBIT by he police, he population in the At. 6S58 PRODUCTS IN PALESTINE neighboring town of Golub attacked are chauvinists and reactionaries. game. Forman's speed should serve the Jews under the pretext of the No doubt the Hungarian leaders were faced with a not too him well, Jerusalem.—(J. T. A . ) - •The vol- rumor. The mayor openly sided apleasant lidemma. They are living in Hungary and intend to re- SOUTH HIGH— ume of business between Palestine gainst the Jews. His wife sewed the main there. I t was no simple matter to tell the authorities that Sam Blend, gridster on the Central and Soviet Russia is continually in- shroud for the gypsy child who died they were not trustworhy or honest, especially when representa- Freshman squad of last season, is creasing, according to a statement of the injuries inflicted upon her by i making a bid for honors on the South issued by the now representative of her father, because she destroyed! tions were made that the abuses would be corrected. the races, Russian trading cooperaThe double dealing is now exposed. It redounds neither to Hi second team. Blend is an unknown tive, quantity to the writer. the sagacity and courage of Hungarian Jewry, nor to the decency SOSKIN & KOZBERG The business is being carried on by and honesty of the Hungarian rulers. The whole question of the OMAHA UNI— the Russian Eastern Company and Kosher, Fresh, Salt & Smoked numerus clausus is in the status quo of-last year when the League Dave Chesnau, Omaha University consists mainly of .timber and grain • ••'• ,-•• MEATS .. letter man, is being used imports. In order to strengthen besiof -Nations, rebuked Klebelsberg, .and. covertly, intimated that the three-stripe Given by the 1 Wholesale and Retail at every position on the Cardinal line, relations between the two coon- * Deliveries to All Farts of the City Wrong must be corrected* . .. .'.'-:-.j •>':'-A-•:'..--. \ , ."..•;-J:-.- ; :;: .;•••Dave combines .experience "with grit, ness tries, an exposition of Russian pro- | Phone AT 1342 922 N. 16th St. The members of the Anglo-Jewish Joint Foreign Committee head work and lots of fight. ducts will be arranged in Palestine i re no doubt just as ready to perform the same service for NEBRASKA UNI— at the shortly, he stated. a , Hungarian Jewry as they were before the gratuitous insult was The Fried brothers, ^ ^ Oscar ^and. Leo, given. The men on the committee know the tortuous paths, the a r e • aspirants: foV the University of Schroeder, Murderer of German Bookkeeper, Attempts back door methods an,d alley .approaches of certain types of Euro- Nebraska freshman eleven. Leo has to Escape From Prison pean diplomats. They know, too, the mood of Europen Jewry an outside chance to njaKe, the grade —a badgered, maligned, intimidated and coerced Jewry. A people hut Oscar will. have a tough time Berlin.—(J. T. A-)—Schroeder, the 20th and Dodge St. living under constant threat of discrimination and violence learns considering the -very promising men confessed murderer of the German vw;^; Admission $1,00 per Couple : ^ « out for the. eleven. , hgokkeeper Helling, whose death gave to smile and grovel; to become the sychophant and catVpaw. B A S K E T B A L L — MUSIC BY GILBERT JAFFE'S ORCHESTRA ._—<••-••.•Who among us can pillory them?. When have we been faee to Tickets good for E chance on a round-trip various leagues sponsored by excursion to the Sesqui-Centennial Expoface with such conditions? How many of us dared to oppose a theThe sition in Philadelphia. Community Center will soon be majority in time of crises? in action and fans and fannettes will Tickets may be secured from J. C. C. Dining Room Polish and Hungarian Jews, have learned much in the last see some fast and clever- games. The few years of the sinister and devious methods of reactionaries. showing made by the players during Roumanian Jewry will yet learn the same bitter lessons before the tourney will undoubtedly have considerable bearing upon the questhere, is a change for the better in that country. tion of what men will comprise the .* Fortunately for the Jews of Hungary, there is an interna- J. C. C. quintette. \ tional spirit awake in Europe today. The Hungary, which coerced or cajoled Mr. Lederer and his confreres to do a question- Jntroduce Hebrew Aa " able piece of work will again come to the League of Nations for Language Of Instruction in favors. It will learn-that it cannot blow hot and cold with imJewish Schools Of Esthqnia' punity. Out of the travil and broken agreements, there will emerge Reval Esthonia,—(J. T. A.)—The of all Jewish schools in a freer spirit in Hungary, which shall break down those silly Hebraiation r the Republic of Esthonia is proceed[Rule Number 1 in Salesmanship] barriers of race and religion, In the meantime Hungarian lead- ing .rapidly in accordance with, the ers will examine the offers made to them with greater care. Even decision of the Jewish National Coungift horses may be looked in the mouth in this day of the auto- cil in Esthonia. The Council recently adopted a demobile.
Administrator's Sale
GRAND BALL 2Sft.AiDn?ersai; BaD ? .
Jewish Community Ceiter Aiitorimn Sunday Evening, September 25,
LOCAL SPORTS By Stanley F. Levin. BASEBALL— Denver's bounding Bruins clawed and chawed Sammy Kaufman and hia badly bruised Buffaloes Monday to the tune of 17- to 8. Sammy's defeat, bis third, of the season, i$ offset by two neat victories, The game Monday lowered the curtain on Western League baseball for the year and h .Qm.aha Oh l ddeparted t d fa players sundry shores, Kaufman hopped a ." rattler bound for Mount St, Charles •' college, Helena, Montana, where he ., ' will continue his schooling. Kaufman • is taking a law course, incidentally he ;- will devote .part of his 'time 'to ath : leties, ' iFp'i,' Turner, Kaufman's running : jnate, abandoned thoughts of enter'" -< ' • ing- the Montana school and instead : : . ' has entered the wide portals of ths - University of Nebraska. ' ", FOOTBALL— I'' • Marcos Krasne, giant Creighton varsity'tackle, enrolled at the Unilast- week where he yeraity. of
cision that Hebrew be the language of instruction in all Jewish schools. Hebrew ha.s already been introduced in the Jewish elementary schools in Dorpat. Hebrew is being progressively introduced .in the Jewish high schools of Reval. A request of the Jewish Educational Administration of Dorpat directed to the government authovites asking' that all Jewish children who attend the German and Russian schools be compulsorily transferred to the Jewish schools was rejected by the government, the authorities declaring that they have no legal right in the matter.
is taking a law and coaching course. Krasne writes that he is a. member of the freshman squad and will give all that is in him to make good. "Tank" jmjst spend this season on the fresh eleven before he will be eligible to do battle for a place on. Coach Zupke's orange and blue team. The husky Hebrew lad will be under the tutelage of Sogolow, a former Omaha youth, who is now assistant freshman coach at the Illinois camp Krasne last year was awarded a second team berth on the "All American All Jewish team" and two years ago received recognition on the "All Conference, eleven." DELEGATION TO STUDY ANTICENTRAL HIGH— REUGGIOUS PROAGANPA Elmer. Greenberg and Bernard Shimmel seem to be in line for first Moscow, Sept. 7.—(J. T. A-)—A team berths on the light Central Hi jstudy of the methods of the propaeleven. Greenberg, a veteran, has his ganda against the Jewish religion in place cinched, while Shimmel, a mem- Spvlet Russia will be made by a deleber of the '25 'second team, is making gation of the .Free Thinkers Internathe best showing in the "Hill Top tional. camp" at guard. The two Hebrew Twenty five represen^iives of the lads have been playing side by side Free Thinkers arrived here for the during, the past year. purpose of acquainting themselves Levin and Levinson are the Jewish with the system of anti-religious proboys on the first squad of the purple paganda in Russia, The effort of all second team..- Bud Levin, a veteran,;groups ,of Free Thinkers are to be holds* down the left Hank while Pbe study T>y the delegation • z-
Fried's Delicatessen•to serve you with a choice line of delicatessen both milches and flaish. Try our gefilte fish and manirta fish. A complete line of smoked meats, fish and groceries. CLOSED SATURDAYS—OPEN SUNDAYS 1509 North 24 Street
M, SO MIT who recently opened at his home, 2429 Decatur Street, We. S527,
Salesmen are taught that they must dress well to create confidence in their merchandise. But " every man has something to sell; ideas, talent, ability G o o d c l o t h e s will help sell "yenn* wares," too. Wear Cedarwood tan this fall— and a Four Winds topcoat
reasonable prices.
I »m alBo e S p e etii. 8 Buceoth.
with very BOOB Ethrogim and Lniovin for the Holiday of
Every JewinOmaha Should Give-and Give Liberally WEDDINGS
Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Hollander, of Mr. and Mrs. C D. Mendelson anDenver, Colorado, announce the mar- nounce the "engagement of their riage of their daughter, Nellie, to daughter, Freeda, to Mr. Abe Gendler, Mr. Edward lievenson, son. of Mr. cousin to Mr. and Mrs. A. B, Alpirn and Mrs. N. &evenson, of this city. of this city. No date, has been set for the wedThe wedding took place Sunday, September 5, at the home of the bride's ding. parents, with Dr. Kauvar of Denver Mr. and Mrs. M, F. A^rndt announce, officiating. Miss.Ethel Hollander was the engagement of their daughter, raaid-ofhonox, and Mr. Jules HollanFrieda, to Mr. Edward Kavitch, son der-was best man. . of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kavitch of Omahans who attended the cere- Grand Island, Nebraska. No date has mony are Mr. arid Mrs. N. Levenson, as yet been set for the wedding. parents of the groom, Mrs. E . Levenson, Miss Fanny Levenson, Mr. Harry The Misses Louise and Grace EoLevenson, Mrs. John Beher, and Mr. senthal are attending the University Meyer Beber. Other out-of-town of Nebraska at Lincoln. guests were Miss Sara Weinstein of Mr. and Mrs. Abe Herzberg reMidland, Texas, and Mr. Harry turned Wednesday from a two week's enson of Fort "Worth, Texas. trip to Colorado Springs, where they Sigma Delta Tsus Give Rush Parties, stayed at the Broadmoor Hotel. A Gypsy party Monday, a French tea, Mrs. E. Fleishman left Sunday for Tuesday afternoon, and an informal Chicago, IQ,, where she will spend party Wednesday evening initiated a month visiting with herson and. the new Sigma Delta Tau sorority daughter, Mr. and Mrs. George pledges at Lincoln into the hectic Kabrine. social Jife at the University of Miss Marion Blumenthal left SunThe ne.w. pledges are Ida Ruth day for Kansas City, Mo., where she iiogen of Lincoln, Mosel J&eeman of will visit for several weeks. Lincoln, Sara.Mosow of Sioux City, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Goldman of St. Iowa; Bath JUseroan, Elk Creek, Louis are visiting here with Mr. and Nebr.; Frances Kotrinson, 'Norfolk, Mrs. Abe Herzberg. Mrs. Goldman r^; Lucille Rosenthal, Sioux City, was formerly Miss Angela Herzberg, Alice SclroMn of Siaux City, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Abe HerzThe sorority house, this year, is at berg. 1604 South 20th street, and Mrs, j/Iadelein6 Baer pf Ian?oln is the •(/ After taking an active interest in Boy Scout work here this summer, housemother, David Sher, son of Dr. and "Mrs. PhilThe Sunday school of Temple Israel ip Sher, left Sunday for Harvard Uni\rill open Sunday, Sept. 26, at ten versity. Last year Mr. Sher attended * v -' O'clock. University of Nebraska. Mr. Ed Eosenstein and son Marvin returned Mpndiay after several weeks' J. C. C. NOTES ftay in Chicago. . Her is an opportunity for radio Miss Toby Steinberg left for Linpoln, where she will enter the Uni- work! Two basses and high tenors are very much in demand, and anyversity of Nebraska as a freshman. one who can sing may try-out-now " The Henrietta Szold girls had a for the House Male Qartette. Further visit in Seattle, Washington and Port- London.—(J. T. A.)—The annual nieeting Sunday afternoon at Tthree details .may be secured at the J, C. C. land, Oregan, and expects to be gone general meeting of the shareholders o'clock at the Jewish Community about two or three months. of the Anglo-Palestine Company was Center. Lena Gilman was elected Members of the Little Symphony held here today. The Agudes Achim Society will president, Rath Fox, vice-president, orchestra will be interested to hear The shareholders decided to pay a Jda Bercovici secretary, Rose Forman, the-work will be resumed within a hold a meeting next Monday evening divident of two and one half percent treasurer, and Bertha Shafton, Te- very short time. This is a chance for at the K. C HalL for the second half of the year 1926, porter. Any girl who wishes to join valuable orchestra experience under Mrs. L. H. Cohen who underwent an this makes a total divid for 1926 of may do so Oct. 3rd at the Jewish Capable leadership. Applications will operation for operation for appendici- five percent, tax free. Community Center. The girls of this be accepted at the Center office. tis recently, is now convalescing at club are from thirteen to fifteen years her home at 207 North Second Street. Special classes in boxing and wrestpf age. ling are now open for registration. LEVENSONS Mrs. Abe Bear of Leavenworth, MRS. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Franklin en- Young and old are eligible to the Kansas, spent Sunday here visiting MUSIC SHOP tertained Sunday evening in honor of Yiddish Folk Song class, for which her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Julius Hnsie lor an instruments at greatly Mrs. Franklin's brother, Mr. Philip registration is now open. The history reduced prices Stein of Los Angeles, California. 1807 Dodge St. Atlantic tSSO of Yiddish music will be taught at Milton Marcus, son of Mr. and Mrs, the sime time, and all songs fully exThe meeting of the Omaha Chapter Louis Marcus, left Sunday evening pf Hadassah called for Tuesday Sept, plained. | for Champagne, Illinois, to enter his 28th, will be postponed, due to the Mr, Burdick says; . I Freshman year at the University ol piass meeting of the Palestine Appeal MISS ANETTA which will take place that night. "The strong exercise, and grow Illinois. stronger. The weak look on and beRICKUN However, Mrs. M. F. Levenson, finanSylvia Zevan, of Kansas City, Mo., cial secretary, will be on hand to re- come weaker. Jn which class do you who has been spending the summer Announces the Opening ceive dues from those members who belong, and why?" of Her months here visiting her grandpas wish to pay up. The Senior pre-season basket-ball I ents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Friedman, leagues will begin a week from WedSCHOOL Mr. A. Singer has received word nesday. Captains will be chosen and left for her home Sunday. OF DANCING from Miami, Florida, - that his wife teams selected some time the foreJake Whitebook left Saturday night and children are all safe. They are part of next week. for Chicago, Illinois. Sept. 20,1926 Mrs. A. Singer, Mr. and Mrs. J. 1>. Stein, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Rosenthal. Two hundred persons learned to Blackstone Hotel PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS Mrs. Henry Q. Marx, and Miss Bella swim since the pool has opened. Singer. TOE^BALLET Dates for Reducing classes will soon SPANISH CLOGGING The children of the Sunday School be announced. Let Us Help Yon "Keep Clean" BALLROOM Vdll hold their annqal Harvest FestiRegistration to September 20th val this Sunday morning at 10 o'clock. Forty-eight Junior A boys are Frontier Towel & linen Supply 2 to 5 P. M. All members are urged to bring of. starting the first round for the Junior 1819 California Street Phone HA 0945 A handball championship. Junior A fruit to be distributed among the ATlantie 62sl. includes boys from 10 to 19 years of worthy poor of Omaha. age. • Mr. Bennie Bernstein of York, NebTaska, and formerly of Omaha, spent The senior handball tournament is Sunday here visiting with his friends. downto the semi-finals. The winner of the Jules Gerelick vs. Carl Sokolof Mr. and Mrs, S. L. Shostak and match will play Leon Mendlesohn for daughters, Thelma and Marjorie, Lin- the championship of the J. C. C. coln, Nebraska, visited here during ! WsR the wek-end with Mrs. J. N. Chapman, daughter to Mr. and Mrs. ShoCouncil Bluffs News stak.
to the $25,000 Fund oftheUnited Palestine Appeal. of Jewish Life;
Palestine Has Become The
It Is The Twentieth Century Answer to the to the "Coins" *
A ,
Before continuing on her trip to The Independent Order of the B'nai California, Miss ' Faye Shulken of B'rith, Lodge No. 688, will hold a «3 Sioux City, Iowa, is spending the meeting next Tuesday evening, Sept.1 week here with her aunt and uncle, 28th, at the Danish HalL j Mr. and Mrs. Charles Saltzman. Mr. George Fritzel of Chicago, 111.,' Mrs. M. E. Levine and Mrs. E. who has been spending several days Frederick of Preston, Iowa, gave a here as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. dinner Sunday afternoon for thirty Sam Friedman, left Tuesday evening guests at Mrs. Leviue's home in honor for his home. While here, Mr. Fretz- js of two brides-to-be, Miss Pearl el had a Stone set up at the local Sw3rtz, and Miss SiegeL cemetary over the grave of his father, the former Saul Fritzel, who was Miss Iry Siegel, formerly with the burned - to death here thirty-three Goldstein and Chapman store here is years ago. . now the buyer and manager of Lion's I store at Kaufman and Wolf, Ham-1 Miss Ruth Krasne left Sunday for mond, Indiana. j Los Angeles, Calif. She will also
Ask f or Gesuridheit at all Grocery and Drug Stores "A Smile in Every Can"
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1 4 1 9 D o u g l a s (Opposite Riaito Theater) We invite all our friends to attend theformal opening of ournew jewelry location at 1^19 Douglas Street, Saturday, September 25th. Handsome Souvenirs will be given F R E E . Make our store Your store forthe right kind of Jewelry at popular prices. In order to impress our new location 1419 Douglas Street in the minds of our friends, we are offering a number of Jewelry itms at the price of Fourteen Dollars and nineteen cents. 1/8 Carat Blue white perfect diamond rings in 18K white gold mountings
J7 Jewel Elgin, Waltham, Illinois watches, white gold cases —
Now In OurNew Location
$25 Delta Pearls ,
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15 Jewel man's wrist watches, special designs15 Jewel ladies wrist watches, 14-K solid gold eases ~ _ 26 piece set Holmes & Edwards silver with fine tray I
Where you can buy xdifi confidence and oicti with gride
PAGE 4—THE JEWISH PRESS, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 192« The proportion of students supportHAKOAH PLAYERS WANT FRED WHTiJChairman of Campaign Workers on a college team. While the famous OMAHA LOCALS ing themselves in the various RELEASE FROM CONTRACTS Dr. Joe Alexander did not even make American colleges is estimated as folThe Auflebung club will hold a big TO COME TO U. S. the Central High School Team of Syrlows: Yale, one-third; Princeton, onemeeting and program Sunday, Octoacuse yet when he got into college he quarter; University of Chicago, oneber 3, at "8:00 o'clock, at the Labor Vienna.—(J. T. A.)—AH members -By GEORGE JOEL , developed into the greatest player of l haif; University of California ana the Lyceum. of the Hakoah soccer team who visitthem all. Our theory is that a high College of the City of New York, ed the United States last season, outschool star will become a college star Mrs. Carl Studna and son, Harlan, sixty per cent. The self-supporting SUZANNE side of those who joined American only if he has not reached his full who spent the holidays visiting with teams, are anxious to return to student is eighty-five per cent of Tufts NOT JEWESS. developement while he is in prep Mr. and Mrs. D. Blumenthal, have and sixty-eight per cent of the UniAmerica. . It is beginning to*Jk>ok-as though school. A player must leave room returned to their home in Kansas Negotiations have been started by versity of Washington. this column.; has become an agency for improvement so that he will be City, Mo. They were accompanied for. correcting, false- .impressions in able to expand under the tutelage of the players wiith the directors of the by Miss Marion Blumenthal. What a man does is the real test of -the' Jewish , sport "world. For some some college coach. Viennese Hakoah to release them w*hat a man is; and to talk of what time we.-have noticed various articles from their contracts in order that Many parties are being given for Three weeks more and the stadiums .gTeat things one wouid accomplish, if in the.'.Jewish papers which pro- will be ringing with the shouts of the they may join an organization termed Mrs. J. C. Seiner of St. Louis, Mo., hehad more activity of mind, is to claimed-Mile. Lenglen as Jewish. It football crowds. Our young men will the American Hakoah. It was stated who is spending the month with her say how strong a man would be if he is difficult to' understand just how this be found on practically all the teams. there that those players who are now mother, Mrs. M. Seiner. Mrs. Seiner only had more strength.—Mathews. widespread. members of the Brooklyn Wanderers Cornell has a fine back in Lester Roentertained at four tables of bridge and the New York - Giants will join A number of years ago when Mile senberg. Rutgers will use Chick BerMonday afternoon in honor of her Subscribe For The Jewish Press Lenglen came to' play Mrs; Mallory kowitz on the line, and Ted Rosen the proposed new organization. daughter; Sunday afternoon Miss i at Forest Hills, this column was cov- in the backfield. C. C. N. Y. will The Viennese directors of the HaAnna Brown entertained Mrs. Seiner ering: tennis. We remember an in- continue.to rely upon Tubby Raskin koahare unwilling to release the Wet Wash , . .5%* at five tables of bridge; Mrs. Ida terview "she had with-a representa- to call signals. Harvey Levy and CHAIRMAN CAMPAIGN players from their contract. Semi-Flat : Rosenblatt gave a luncheon at her tive of the Jewish Daily Bulletin.' The Bus Friedman . are assured of line __ home for fifteen guests, and Mrs. Jerusalem,-r<J. T. A.)—The inter- Rough Dry question of her nationality came up positions on the Syracuse team and William Tennenbaum was hostess to FIRE DESTROYS JEWISH AMERICAN WET WASH vention'of the League of Nations in JOE L. WOLF and" we heard her deny that she was Jonah Goldman is already a utility a midnight lunch Wednesday. A QUARTER IN ROUMANIAN TOWN the present situation in Syria was in- 280S Cuming St. Barney 0881 a Jewess. At that time we thought back. Beny Friedman is captain of luncheon party was given at the home tured by Bass' flooring Herman five voked by the Noslom Christian asno more about the matter but since •Michigan and ".will be'seen in the east of Mrs. William Novy Thursday Bucharest.—J. T. A.)—Fire de- sociation of Palestine. we have been conducting this column this year when his team ylays Har- times during the fight. Prior to the afternoon. stroyed the greater part of the town fight the New York Boxing CommisThe association despatched a cable many-people have asked us why we vard. It'looks like a gala year-for PAXTON-MTTCHELL CO. Hushi last night. sion had considered both fighters as to the League,1 urging its immediate 81th £ Martha 8t». neglected/ to .consider, I^englep, when the Jewish-football players. Barney 1668 Miss Ida Lustgarten spent the logical contenders for the crown, Bass' I h e homes o r 200 Jewish families intervention to stop the bloodshed Omaha, Nebr. we were'-;writing about Jewish athweek-end in Omaha. "victory places "him next in 'line for were burned: An appeal for help for in Syria. Soft grrsy' Iron, brass, bronsse an<5 »luletics'and when we replied that she SOCCER. '*minnm castings. Standard sizes bronce Lillian Margolin was the guest of the victims of the fire was issued. and iron buBbSnps, sewer mnnholeB, was not Jeweish we were anet with The latest report from Vienna a chance at the title. rings and covers, an<J clean-out On the same card Lew Tendler beat the Sigma Delta Tau sorority house Hushi, the capital of the departinstant denials*' After a1 host of peo- states that Hakoah are coming to Yon cannot dream yourself into a cisterjj doors in stock. Joe Reno in ten fast rounds. Tendler ment of Falciu, has a population of in Lincoln last week. ple told Tis we were wrong we be- America in the spring with a new character; you must hairLmer and 15,404, about one fourth being Jews. forge yourself one.—Froude. came a little uncertain and we sent; soccer team. This new team has ; just is a real old timer and: is a master of Mr. Philip Stein of Los Angeles, It takes more than a promisa cable to:$e': Paris office oFthe Jew-" completed a tour through Poland and boxing. 1 California, who has been visiting ing youngster, to make Lew nervous, ish Telegraphic Agency, They im- j Latvie and they • scored eight suchere the last three weeks with his HEBREW SCHOOLS IN PALESmediately> interviewed Mile." Lengien / cessiye victories. Evidently the dis- pressed its opinion on the reason for mother, Mrs. R. L. Finkenstein, and TINE HAVE LARGEST the lack" of college-bred prize fightand sent;, us; a cable which states,! intergation was not complete. Hokoah ers. NUMBER OF PUPILS his sisters, Mrs. H. Franklin and Mrs. It is perhaps strange that Jack had about three hundred men to draw "Lenglen. not Jewess.". Druggists and Stationers J. Batt, will return home Sunday, Dempsey has as one of his sparring "ManofactiEred in Omaha" This colurbm has •ialways followed from for the team and whoever did partners a young college graduate, September 26. Jerusalem.—(J. T. A.)—A sum of the policy o£ caution -in-proclaiming the picking certainly knew his busi- Charlie Anderson, from the UniverLE. 107,373 was spent by the Govern- BAKER ICE MACHINE CO athletes as members of our race. We ness. The reputation of the Hakoah sity of Chicago. Dempsey has been Miss Fannie Levenson will be at ment on education in Palestine durfeel that the Jews have plenty pf well team, which played here last spring, pounding the boy "unmercifully and we' home Sunday afternoon from 2:30 to ing 1925-1926 as compared with the known athletic stars and they.do not seems to be permanent.. wonder just what changes Anderson's 5:30 at a tea in honor of Mrs. Ed- LE. 103,10 in the previous year, acneed any non-Jews to increase the Vieberg claims that the Sparata philosophy-is undergoing. ward Levenson, her sister-in-law. cording to the Annual Report of the team is a great team and is almost Department of Education •which has BUTTER and EGGS Murray Levine who was formerly Mr. Max Guttman, who spent last just been usseued here. Victor Bienstock, with Feds Fea- as team-perfect as Hakoah. the amateur flyweight champion of week in Chicago is visiting this week The Brooklyn-Wanderers continued ture Syndicate interviewed Julius SeCouncil Blnfi'E, Is. In all Government schools the total ligson and told us that Young Selig- •their string of victories by defeating the A. A. U., has gone into the pro- in Detroit where he was an usher at number of pupils is 19,881, of who son, the tennis star is going to enter Toronto City 4-1, in the last game fessional ring. He knocked out a co- the wedding of Carl* Steinbler,a frat 14,322 are Moslems, 1,748 Christians, religionist of his, Phil. Diamond, in brother, which took place at the Lehigh University in the fall, after of the International series. the first round of a scheduled ten Book-Cadillac Hotel. Mr. Guttman 14 Jews, and 263 Drusos. In nonturning down a scholarship for BartGovernment schools the total of pu\ ...^, In Omaha The Jewish Daily Bulletin reports rounder. will return to Ann Arbor Sunday, pils is 44,885, the total number of mouth. Lehigh has never been noted that a new record in a marathon enwhere he will resume his studies at for its tennis team and it is hard to schools in Palestine is 804, with 64,1307 Howard St. At. 8628 Miss Beatrice Gottlieb, who was the University of Michigan. see what Selingson can gain,-in.the durance automobile drive was made S3G Eoom»-~aoo Baths 764 pupils, distributed as follows: Omaha, Nebr. Go««l B m n e for 51JHJ way of tennis by choosing a. College by Rosser J. Newman who drove for reported in this column as having Mr. and Mrs. D. Blumenthal enter- Moslems 21,136; Jews 25,580; ChristOperated by Fppley Hofrele Co, won the Municipal Women's Golf 171 hours without sleep, in high gear. of that kind. This same human dynamo also holds Tournament, has shown herself to be tained sixteen little guests at their ians, 18,048. FOOTBALL. the marathon dance record,, having; a player of unusual merit. She re- home Sunday afternoon in honor of The news from Providence, R. I., danced 217 hours and 50 minutes | cently won the Wolf Hollow Tourna- their grandson, Harlan Erwin Studna, who celebrated his fourth birthday states that Frankie Eisenberg is out without stopping and just to show'I ment — with a score- of 89. Golf is on that date. The guests were Jerome ( Omaha's Style Center. for the Brown University football: his versatality he roller skated for another one of the games than worn- Milder, Edwin Milder, Carl Milder, team. Frankie played quarterback 7 2 hours without resting. After the' an, because of her physically handi- Bernard Epstein, Marvin Taxman. for the De Witt Clinton High School automobile drive Newman was exam- capped swing, will not surpass man. eleven and was a more than usually ined by a physician and then went Try and imagine a men's tournament Norman Ripps, Leslie Davis, Milton good back. How will he do at Brown? to sleep. of any importance being won with an Katleman, Isabelle Katleman, Barbara Taxman, :. Elaine' Katleman, Frankie had a brother named'Rdy EiMr. Newman is not the only Jew 89 ? Men are "ten to "fifteen strokes Phylis Milder, and Janeth Boaowitz. senberg who was also a star on the better than women in golf. same high school team. He too went to startle the world with his endurv PALESTINE TO to Brown and became just another ance feats. The Misses Zitenfield, Mr. and Mrs. Judah Wolfson anaged twelve, twins, gaily jumped from EXTRADITE SYRIAN REBELS quarterback. Roy was one of nounce the birth of a "baby boy Thursa boat anchored in the Hudson River best , . . . proceeded , , OMAHA, NEB. , prep * * school , , backs. we ever, ,taw . , at, „Yonkers and. .then calmly Jerusalem.—(J. T. A.)—The de- day evening at the Omaha Maternity play. He could pass, run and lack I hospital. ; the Battery which is at m a n d t h a t t h e and was real triple threat man. He I,. . . _. ,. , — =government XT v tip 'had offers from a number of colleges I * * °* New York City a distance e x t r a d i t e t h e l e a d e r s o f t h e S y r i a n purposes are worse than those which j les S an B r —Dickens. and finally chose Brown, but he was nice ^ . fZitenfield ^*^ ™ -_ ™the \ 1 long _ stretch l f J. T e b e l s ' w h o h a v e s 0 U S h t r e f u S e i n t h e are naturally bad. covered country, was repeated by the French a big disappointment in college. There are a great many high "school in the remarkably short time of six administration of Syria. and a half hours. After the swim The demand concerns Emir Adel stars J get to college! b 7do" notwho " amount " when T to . they iV7 " the water with DIAMOND Arslan and Abdulhalim El Jourdi and anything. Ber.ny , girls came, from . . the ., , ., . I HEADQUARTERS Moses was a great star-when h e ! only one complaint, and that was that is based on the Syrico-Palestine extradition treaty. played with a high school team in their noses were cold. GIFT Toledo, but when he got to Syracuse FIGHTING. The New Bolero Waists! New collections indicaCOUNSELORS Self-abnegation is that rare virtue Benny Bass, featherweight, one of he barely made the team. Dave WolThe New Blouse Waists! tive of the best types of per and Danny Lake were well known our very own, defeated Babe Herman that good men preach and good prep school stars who were failures in' a, ten round bout which was fea- women practice.—Holmes. Smartest Coat Style Dresses! fall dress fashions! I WHOLESALE AND RETAIL j JEWELERS Skirts in Tiers of Pleats! —Color assumes great importance in the fall Diamond Importers Pleated "Aprons on Dresses? 214-216 City Nat'- Bank Bldg. mode, read leading. Chanel red, Burgundy red. Estahliphen 1894 Georgemisly Mais Sleeves! Dahlia red! Browns in rich graduations of colors tinting, from the beautiful sand shades to wood browns. Greens in entirely new tones! Navy ad Black!
Jewish Sports Notes
Baker Ice MacMies
E. E. Bruce & Co.
Interstate PrkSig Co.-
The Smartest Fabric of the Hour
j Malashocb Jewelry Co.
Burning Zeal For Homeland Makes Successful * Farmers Out of Ghetto Jews In Palestine
SARA RAEFISH Piano Teacher Will accept beginning and advanced pupils at her resident studio, 2219 Wirt St. Web. 1884.
Harry H. Lapidus, Pres.-Treas. W. G. Ure. Secretary.
Omaha Fixture & Supply Co. COMPLETES STORE OFFICE
AT .
f: '-
nunn it.
for the rebuilding of Palestine will in Palestine is the remarkable be made thia year. With good Back-to-the-Soll movement among grounds for expecting the unpre- Jews who came* to the country with cedented immigration of 60,000 little or no agricultural experience. during the year, the Palestine Foun- But flred by a burning zeal and undation Fund (Keren Hayesod), Jew- daunted spirit of self-sacrifice for ish National Fund. Hadassah and the Jewish Homeland and aided by Hebrew University Fund have join- the various funds now- united in ed forces as the United Palestine the $5,000,000 appeal, these Jewish Funds Appeal to raise $6,000.000 pioneers have achieved unbellevas the minimum amount required abl results in converting barren for immigration, agricultural col- lands Into thriving farm settleonization and upbuilding activities ments. With American Jewry unitduring the year. The $5,000,000 ed for the first time for the upfund will be centered chiefly on an building of the Jewish Homeland extensive immigration and land set- in Palestine, the present $5,000,000 is expected to provide tlement program to assist the great campaign funds to extend the farm stream of Jewish pioneers from sufficient colonies on a scale enough to the leadership of Dr. Eastern Europe in establishing absorb a large part wide of the present _ W l a e ( A m e r i c a n themselves on the soil. Outstand- greatly-Increased Immigration. goacerted effort ing in. the great Jewish renaissance
« accupr m i TO.O0O taoars foot Boothwect CarM* KW>vniti> <••<• o . n e i n . Mtreett. * Fbanri 4»rltMi« t OMAHA NKR
ABRAMSON AUDIT CO. Public Accountants sr.d Auditors ISADORE ABRAMSON •
INCOME TAX SERVICE SYSTEMSr-AUDITS INVESTIGATIONS 490 Brandcia Theater Buildinp Phone ATlantic t450