October 7, 1926

Page 1

A false friend, like a shadow, attends only while the sun shines.



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R XmEpOfcLAR ;.-;..•-:•-.';^i Last Saturday V night I drbpped-irl on the dance given by ,. the> Jewishff|§i Community center. The music was good—more than good, thefloor"was jerea as-secund-elass mail'matter on January 27th. I1C1. ai OMAHA, NEBRASKA, THUESDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1926 perfect, tHe environment of the best, _ ;ofllce at Omaha Nebraska, under the Act ol March 8. 1S7U. but t i e crowd-was small-—very smaH.{f§§||§| •i '. I alEo "had the occasion to drop-in Heads Palestine. Appeali ' o n another dance. The music was : rotten—alwost; worse, the floor was mediocrje, the environment just wasn't but the crowd was extremely large, * so large that tiiey; jostled into one another. .

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. ••:. - ';•.;.';

Judge Win.E Lewis of Philadelphia Elected Chairman of U. P. A.

- .".;•

O.andY.W.H.4 First X C C to Sponsor Saturday Overwhelming Success Nite Dances at J,C.C as Hundreds Pleased


Will Speak Here

VOL. V.—No. M

Matiiial Known'Orafor WlLectarelerefn Tuesday October 12

National Prominent Men to Special Admission Prices Have More Than 800 Attended Open Oh I forgot to mentioii. The Jewish Appear Here on Lecture Meeting of Organization Been Made by Committee Community center in attempting to Will Head Campaign for, $7,500,000 Together With Dr. give a real dance, charged one dollar. Course PLAN PUBLIC "RALLY" JAFFE'S ORCHESTRA .. The other:dance promoters, atteaaptStephen S: Wise ing to give nothing, but get all they DR. NATHAN ERASS ONCE A MONTH TO PLAY FOR DANCES NEW CHAIRMAN HAS LONG could, charged only fifty. cents. HERE TUESDAY EVENING "Let's go to the dance? with this More than eight hundred people CAREER OF JEWISH --Now the Jewish Community center, slogan in mind more than one hunoverflowed, t i e large Jewish Comstriving always for the betterment SERVICE The first of a series of lectures to dred member of the Y. M. and Y. W. munity Center auditorium Tnesday : - of Omaha's Jewry, has .reduced the be sponsored by the Jewish ComH. A. are making plan& to make the evening -when the organizations meetprice of their Saturday night dances, At a meeting, of 1he Board of Dimunity Center will be held Tuesday regular Saturday evening dances at in in the Jewish Community Center equal to that of the other, :dance, so rectors • of the United Palestine Apevening October 12, when Dr. Nathan the Jewish Community Center one of participated in t i e -"rally". that our young people canienjoy the peal Judge William M. Lewis, promKrass of New York City will be the the feature attractions planned by the : Each number presented by the :-' b e s t . ..''••••.. , . . . ' ; ' ; inent Philadelphia jurist and commuprincipal speaker. According to Sam entertainment committee. members met with... hearty approval nal leader, was unanimously elected Beber, Chairman of this committee,^ ;; ! According to members of the com- of .the large audience., Harry H. ;: - : ;" .•'•: WHICH? .' :.' . '" ' ' - national chairman a£ the United Palmany prominent men such as Rabbi Lapidus, president of the Center, -was mittee these dances will be held every .The question is not -whether; or not estine Appeal to-head the campaign Stephen Wise, Clarence Darrow, Saturday evening. Gilbert Jaffe and introduced as chairman of the eve' Harry iLapidus has a^ good - looking for $7,500,000 throughout the. country. Rabbi Ablja Hfllel Silver and Judge William Lewis his orchestra will play for these af- ning by Samuel Gerson, superintenfoot, but rather if he was: thinking Dr. Stephen S.~Wise, the previous Dr. Stanton Coit of London, -will addent. " fairs. Special entertainment, musical of tnose good old by-gone days, when chairman, who was unable to assume dress gatherings in Omaha at the stunts are being prepared by the com- "This Center, is your Center", said}' he put his foot upon the foot-lights. the burden of chairmanship, a second Jewish Community Center. mittee to make this affair' Saturdas Harry Lapidus. ~ It is the meeting time owing to the state of his health, Dr. Krass is RahM of Temple evening a success. place, the home of all Jewish activity"." DR. NATHAN KRASS WHAT OUR PEOPLE was elected honorary chairman and Emanu-El of New York City, one of Previous to this dance, Saturday We want every Jewisli man and woABE DOING a resoulidon was unanimously adopted the largest congregations in the man every boy and girl to become evening, the affair was arranged country. His subject Tuesday evening Bead an article by Dr. Morris, at the meeting expressing the grati- Campaign to be Held Week of Nov. 15 a couple dance, but now under super- members of this institution. We point will be "Tryin to See the other Side". Fishbein, prominent Jewish editor of tude of the organization for his leadvision of the Y. M. and Y. W. H. A- with pride. to this wonderful building No Omaha man or woman can af- other plans are in effect ,wath prices bat unless we have members this From reports of the committe memthe American Medical association's ership of last year's successful camford to shirk the obligation of aiding for boys, fifty cents, for girls, thirty building cannot operate." bers the advance ticket sale has met journal and Hygeia, a health maga- paign. United States of Europe Would •with success. There are only six Federal Judge Julian W- Mack and the Community Chest fall financial five cents and for Y members twentyzine, in which he tells of the wonderThe chairmen . of each committee Eliminate Racial Hatred and hundred tickets to be sold for this ful work being done by workers in Babbi B. L. Levjnthal, formerly presi- campaign, General Chairman J. E. five cents. operating in the Jewish Community Economic Rivalry. lecture. the Home for Hebrew Infants in New dent of the Union of Orthodox Eabbis, Davidson, said in a public statement , "We are not planning to raak Center made short addresses outlinwere elected honorary, vice-chairmen. this week, in which he called the money on these dances", said Harry ing the work of the separate comDr. Nathan Krass is regarded as York City. Vienna. (J. T. A.)—Several Jewish one of America's most brilliant ora"Eecently," Dr. Fishbein writes, Hermann Conheim was re-elected na- drive, "Omaha's big job." Lapidus, president of the Jewish Com- mittees. One of the feature enter"they have been studying the effects tional treasurer, and Emanuel Neu- "Scores of Omaha citizens, men and munity Center. We want the boyi tainments of the evening was Jack European leaders took a prominent tors. His talks contain a force, a of ultra-violet light, similar to some mann, who was the general director women of every race, of every creed, and girls to meet in our Freiden and His Gang, -who presented part in the first Pan-European Con- vigor, that make people who have li of every color, are now organized for of the rays- of the sun, in preventing last year, was" chosen chairman of the several musical numbers. Members gress which opened here Sunday, heard him want to hear him again under proper environments. Omaha's big job," he said. colds and other infections of the nose executive committee. Bernard Stone of the J. C. C. Baseball team were when the movement to establish, a and again, and his audiences, where"These citizens represent all walks "The dances given in the Jewish: presented with the official medals for United States of EuErope, modelled ever he speaks, are constantly inwas elected executive secretary. throat. Community Center are far better than; Six vice-presidents were elected, of life, people of wealth, people of those in other places," said Sam winning first place in the Gate City after the United States of America, creasing. "It had been their experience that reputation hhe has earned not This reputaton children suffer but little with these each, of them the leading officer of the very moderate means, men and wom- Beber, chairman of the. .entertainment baseball league. Several acts were took definite shape. The keynote of the Congress ^as{ O I 1 iy b e c a a s e ot h i s , infections during the summer months, organizations associated in the United en, business executives and laboring committe. "You can datfee to one of presented by the boys and girls of as sounded, by Paul Loebe, president of speaker, but because he is a man of \Jnrfc are likely to develop them in Palestine AppeaL They are as fol- men, all working for Omaha's big the finest orchestras ia €he city and the organizations represented. * spring, autumn and winter because IOWB: Louis Iipsky, president of the ob. That big job is the annual finan- participate in the fun". According to plans now being made, the German Reichstag, and Francis great dynamic power. He not only cial campaign for the Omaha ComLaisi, a a Frenchman,, Count Richard speaks; he does. As a scholar, he has of the lack of 'sunlight." . The first of this series of dances these Zionist' Organization ' of -America; munity chest. ese rally raiiy meetings will wm be ue neia oucei^e Laisi, held once given under auspices of the Y.. M. month. The next meeting •will be< Condenhove Ealergi, an. Austro- appeared before many learned bodies, Morris Rothenbergr chairman of the "This is Omaha's big job because and Y. W. H. A. will ^e held Satur- presented in Yiddish^ with Yiddish \ Japanese, who launched the rnove- discussing principally topics pertainA BIRTHDAY -WITHOUT PATS board of the,Palestine Foundation Abe - -HeEzberg had s birthday Fund; Judge Uernard" A.' Rosenblatt, no. man or woman wants to or can day evening, October!) at ffiet JetF5sh' •aefcir-and- -music.' ••ment-is 1S23, Sadslph Goldscbeid sud ing to Biblical and post-Biblical Wednesday, but nary a paddle-did president of the Jewish National shirk his or her obligation to do cha'r- Community Center auditorium. The following participated in the] Bronislaw Huberman, who delivered literature. As a man of action he has he get from his many Omaha Fundj Mrs. Irma Lindheim, president .ty and welfare work; because failure the principal addresses. Many, in- —in addition to his work in the war— program Tuesday evening: founded a forum for young- men and friends. "No, not because they of Hadassah; • Rabbi- J. Levinson, to care for its charity and welfare A First Call . Scouts dividual Jews are furthering the Pan- young women in one of the most concouldn't flnd any paddles.or could chairman of the' executive committee work would be a serious reflection on European movement by giving it Musical Selection •___ : jested, sections of New York City and not over-power ftftn, but because of the Mizrachi Organization; and the city; because the Community financial support. chest i s organized to do the -various . •„ Jack Frieden &. His Gang brought to them a powerful spiritual Abe left the city. Dr. David! J . Kalisld, chairman of the kinds of charity and welfare work Opening Remarks Mr. Lapidus Among the messages received from message. Hebrew University Fund. efficiently and economically. The _Samuel Gerson various countries were those from Greeting _ THE JEW .. At the $33,000,000 Dinner, given Judge Lewis, who through his ele- financial campaign will be held the Prominent Speakers to Appear on Sketch -Henrietta Szold Girls Luigi Luzzatti, Leon Blum, Geofg under the auspices of Mr. Hoover in IS A TALKER vation to the national chairmansbip week, beginning November 15. DurProgram Girls' Work-Plans Mrs. Ph. Schwartz Brandes, Geoxg Bernhard, Harry New York, hewas one of the princiThe Jew may be losing his religion, of the United Palestine Appeal, be- ing that week it is our solemn obliRecitation. Junior. Dramatic Club Warburg snd Max Rhemhardt. as I discussed last week, but well comes a national figure in the Jew-gation to work and give." Count Coudenhove Kalergi, who is pal and most successful speaker. The training school for volunteers Silvia Silverman While Dr. Krass has lectures of an let that Test, however, the Jew cer-ish life of America, has been one of married to Ida Roland, a Jewess, Mrs. Arthur Mullen and Mrs. H. E. which is now being organized at the Library, Education Plans Dr. Sher inspirational type both for public tainly is not falling back in his in- the outstanding leaders in t i e work when interviewed by the representaNewbranch, appointed to assist Har- Jewish Community Center, is receiv- Folk Dancing Classes meetings and for grreat gatherings of tellect. tive ' of the Jewish Telegraphic for Paelstine in the past four years. ing a great many applications from ; Mrs. Irvin Stalmaster business men, he also has several I have been informed by Miss Ida He has headed with singular success ley G. Moorhead in residence solicita- young men and women, who are inAgency here expressed his opinion Sam Beber Entertainment dealing with literary and philosophic Tenenbaum, a prominent young stud- most of the campaigns in Philadel- tion, are at work appointing ward and terested in Social Work. precinct leaders, who will seek subCommittee Plans Dr. Greenberg that the pan-European movement themes. Few men can speak BO ent at Central High school, that the phia for the Keren Hayesod and the Some of the speakers who will Fa-Hon Girls scriptions along the campaign methJDance and Song ought to find particular support on authoritatively on s number of widely debate club of the school is com- United Palestine Appeal. appear on the program ore Professor ods of political parties. They will Finance Committee Sam Beber the part of the Jews who are scat- differing topics as he. promised almost entirely of Jewish tered throughout the various counSuUenger of the University of Judge Lewis, who is only forty- have a card index list of 85 thousand Orchestra.. students. Debate is one of our greatEabbi Frederic Cohn will introduce Omaha; Rabbi Frederick Cohn, ....Mr. Ed. Burdick tries in Europe. The creation of the Dr. Krass at the Tuesday evening Gym.-Gems est arts, for who was it said: "guilded two years old, was born in Russia, voters to work from. United States of Europe would be Temple Israel; Henry Monsky; Mr. words, the priceless gift, is given to where he received a thorough Jewish AL W. Gordon and Harvey Milliken, Pierce, General Secretary of t i e Y Presentation of Baseball lecture. Ssm Beber will be chairman education in the Chedfer and; Yeshiva. who will secure the initial gifts from ..Nathan E. Green beneficial to the Jews as it would of the evening*. There will be an adTrophy some men." M. C. A.; Sam Beber; Miss Helen eliminate racial hatred and ecoomic In this country, where he arrived in mission charge of fifty cents per Miss Tenenbaum went on further 1898, lie was edncsted in the gram- the largest chest subscribers, are al- Gauss, Omaha Social Settlement Acceptance of Trophy rivalry, he said. ...Mr. Harry H. Lapidus to say that at a recent election of the mar and high schools of Philadelphia ready at work. The idea advocated at the congress person for this lecture. The campaign with $430,000 as its Father Borer, Catholic Charities Individual. Awards and Athletic club, the entire set-of officers elected and practiced law until lie was elected Mr. Argetsinger, Boy Scouts; Mis . Committee Plans_Mr. J. Malashoek was the establishment of the United to this word-welding organization, judge of the Municipal Court in 1923 goal, will begin No. 15. Upton, Y. W. C. A.; Dr. Neuhaus, Y3L&Y.WJLA. Play—Miss Reuben States of Europe, excepting England were of our faith. Neurologist. Prior to this, he was elected for three Membership Committee^_-Mr. I. Levy and Soviet Russia. They are Abe Fellman, president; terms to the Philadelphia City Coun • The course starts Monday, October House Committee_Mr. • H. Silverman fills Tm- Benefit fUy Dr. Weizmann Sailing Fcr Polish President Reinstates Justin Wolf, vice-president; Lillian cil. 18th and wQl continue every Monday Stunt .J.A. Z. A. Frat Resigning Cabinet HayMn, secretary; Herman Rosenuntil December 27th. Judge L. Boys' Work Committee.._Mr. S. Wolf A special performance of **WelNew York 0 s Octeber 23 night In Jewish communal affairs, Judge blatt, treasurer and Frances Simon B. Day will open the course. eome Stranger" will be given by the ...Junior Hadassah Stunt __ and Joe Fellman, sergeant-at-arms. Lewis has been especially prominent Conferred with Mussolini during Visit Warsaw.—(J. T. A.)—The Bartel Clement-Walsh Players at the Brao« Certificates will be awarded tea' Restaurant Committee...Jfr. Holzman to Rome; Italian Dictator Wishes having actively .-participated in th cabinet, including Minister of Edu- deis Theater, Sunday evening, Octothose who attend the course. Success for Movement. cation Sojkowski and Minister of the! ber SI, for the Benefit of the Oman* SURE SIGN OF APPROACHING Zionist movement from his youth. H Registration is still open to a! is a member of the B'nai B'rith an WINTER Interior, against whom the Sejm vot-j chapter of Hadassah. Reserved seats TEMPLE ISRAEL B'rith Sholom, a .director of the Fed- London. — Dr. Chaim Weizmann, those over 19 years of age. ed lack of confidence, was reinstated' at S1.00 per ticket may be had from "You should see the lovely eration of Jewish Charities of Phila- president of the World Zionist OrELECTS OFFICERS by President Moeicki. xnuskrat lined coat Florence EL delphia and of the Associated Tal ganization, will sail from here for any member of the following COBTA mood of depression vras apparent mitee; has. Just gorgeous."—What four mud Torahs of Philadelphia. He i the United States on October 23, the POLISH MINISTER The regular selection of officers of CLAIMS MINORITIES Temple Israel was hald last moirfh. in parliamentary circles when the pre- Mr. Herman Yahr, chairman; Mm. young Jewish ladies were heard a forceful orator who combines Amer- Jewish Telegraphic-Agency learns. ARE SATISFIED The following were elected to office: sident's action became kno-w-n. It is A, Rororn, Mrs, J- J. Friedman, Mrs. discussing on the corner of Six- ican energy and common sense with It was learned that Dr. Weizmann Harry Rosenfeld, president; Henry stated that a Thursday's session of M, F, Ijevenson, Mrs. I. Grossman, visited Rome last week where he was teenth and Douglas streets, the ! Jewish learning and humor. 1 J. Linsman, Mrs. Sans MeyerLondon (J. T. A.)—The assertion Rosenthal, vice-president; Louis Hill- the Sejm, the parties •will again vote Mrs. received by Benito Mussolini. It is other day. son, Mrs. Sam 'Pelts, Mrs. J. B. Robthat he national minorities in the lack of confidence, this time in the er, treasurer; Emil Ganz, secretary; understood that the subject of the inson, Mrs. A. Silverman, Mrs* D. IF WOEDS WERE conference was the attitude of the Republic of Poland are well satisfied Sol Degen, Herbert Heavenrich, Al- entire cabinet, following which thej Cohen, Mrs." B. A., Simon, Mrs.' J. A. Z. A. FOOTBALL TAKEN LITERALLY PRACTICE SUNDAY Italian government toward the Pal-with the present regime was made fred Mayer, Harry Rachman, Dave only solution vrill be the dissolution' Rosenberg, Mrs. Cka"s» Levensca^Itri by M. Zaleski, Polish Minister of Rosenstocfei and Harry Wilinsky, of the Sejm and the holding of now M. G. Wohl, Mrs, I, Krasne, Uti estine upbuilding work. - "Get yonr tickets at the office IMMeyer. Friedel, Mrs. Max Frojnkni, Omaha Chapter No. 1 of the order elections. MEDIATELY!" Stated by Samnel Dr. Weitzman acquainted Mussolini Foreign Affairs, who represented his trustees. Mrs. S. Rotenson, Mrs. Sam Fw&m, country at the League Assembly in JBeber to an audience of over 800 of Aleph Zadik Aleph will practice with the present situation in PalesMrs. E, M. Shlaes. during the "stunt night" program at this Sunday morning at 33rd and tine, the status of the Arab-Jewish Geneva, in an interview with the repthe Jewish Community center, Tues- Cass streets. Practice will start a t relations and the development of resentative of the ""London Observer". LONDON JEWS Palestine Campaign J, J. FRIEDMAN HEADS . P .1*—* SUBSCRIBE TO JUDEA 9:30 o'clock and will be held, rain or trade between Palestine and Italy. It is a long time since any comday. LOCAL ZIONIST BISTRICT INDUSTRIAL CORPORATION Mussolini seemed to be well informed plaint of the national minorities in y,ou: immagine the mix-up j shine. . Contributors to the Omaha on all questions of Palestine and Poland has been made to he League k-which would result if Sam's words quota of the United Palestine At the regular meeting of the local Zionism and expressed his wish .for against the government. During the London (J. TV A.)—The amoun of •were taken as they sounded? .".' Appeal are informed that all Zionist District, Tuesday''ev OMAHANS: SEE WORLD the success of the Zionist movement. recent Congress of the Naional $10,000 was subscribed by a group contributions -will be receipted the Jewish' Community Center SERIES GAMES During Dr. Weizmann's stay in Minorities in Geneva, the Jewish rep- of London Jews "to the Judea In•t:--:\-< S K E DOESN'T COUNT :' •:••; for officially from the National following were elected to office: 3, X Home a reception was arranged for resentatives declared that they were dustrial Corporation, a company ^ ' • Now that William Holzman has Headquarters. Freidman, {president; J, Lmsmazu which controls the Judea lusurance Many Omaban's. feeling the lure him in the synagogue. ^ , well satisfied with the Polish rule, Anyone who has failed to get vice-president; A. I. Kulakofsky, Company in Palesiae and which was he stated. a xeceipt within a week from U small man standing: not mdre than of the World Series games as St. treasurer. Max Fromkin, A. L Kular organized tsy lie American Zionist Louis, left Monday evening for the date of payment of cash or S'^-'-jfi^r itt^t WtfIn i Ms stockJiiged feet, kofsky, and John Feldman, members CHASSIDIC RABBI OF fraternal order, Order Sons of Zion. Louis to see the Yankees play DR. BRAUNSTEIN, check, is advised to communiW~Jm&y yb^piafc^^:'the ^Restaurant St. of the executive comjnittee. SKEBRNIEWICE DIED the Cardinals. Among the OmaJEWISH SCIENTIST, DIES The. subscriptions .were, made at cate with Mr. Max Fromkin, The locai district vrill meet one* Iw^-commit^e^I^^^^^^11^^ han's who left to see these games a rpviate gathering held in the- home Warsaw.—(J. T. A.)—Rabbi Rafael Peters Trust Building. each month at which, time prominent at St. Louis were: Abe Goldstein, of Mr. Bassstassir, a prominent Checks are to be made pay:^last;-Tu^sdfiy :;|tig1ift: I heaiti someone, Morris Ferer, Abner Kaiman, Nat Simon Kalisch, Chassidic' Rabbi of Moscow (J. T. A.)—-Professor Lcndon Zionist, following an address speakers will address the gatheriag. Skierniewice, Poland, died yesterday Braunstein, prominent oculist, scienable to J. B. Robinson, TreasW/^'xv^r'&iiS^^Y'i^^ him, remark: The next meeting -wjU be held 3$«v* and Sam Meister, Manny Handler, at the age of 69. He was buried at tist and social worker in the Ukraine, by Judge Jacob Strahl of New Yor: ; urer. ii£:^ ^i''5^Bat^y0tt;sh6uid^see:-him: :eat/'::;":. ember 9 at the Jewish Community Dave Cohen and Reuben Ferer. the Warsaw Cemetary, in his family died in Charkoff. He was 62 years City, -,rho described the activities of •Center, ' . \ ffi^^^^pMb^y^^o^Jmore;;' ;about the Judest Insurance Company. lold. lot '
















Omahans Organizing to Aid Community Chest Campaign

Jews Participate in Pan

Many Register for J. C. € . Training Course











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llS^ioodr^iiait^be'' '.tets:":cm.-;" '••-. ~rf,










PAGE 2—THE JEWISH PRESS, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1926 spiritual forces to their utmost tension. What men need is not an opiate but the inspiration of great principals, Published every .Thursday at Oinnba. Nebraska, by an interpretation of the meaning of THE" JEWISH PKESS PUBLISHING COMPANY life. Because they do not have it, Offloei 490 Btandeis Theatre Building — Telephonei Atlantic 1450. they are restless, fretful, and unhapNATHAN E. GREEN, Manager. py." Here, truly, is great preaching, of,.$2.50. Subscription Price,, one yearfering clear guidance beyond the Advertising rates furnished on application. strife of tongues, for which we may CHANGE OP ADDRESS— 1'Ieaoe Klve both the eld and new address: give thanks. No wonder Rabbi Har•••• v b« tttw ana Btve yonr name. ~. rison has won a great place in his ! :.v. Toe Jev^islj Presa Is supplied by the Jewish feiegraphic Agency (Jewish own city and in the Jewish Church of .t'orfespiifideMcf fiureliu) with Babied afid telegraphic Jewish ttews, in addition America—he speaks with the insight to feature articles aTid Correspondenres from all Important" Jewish renters. of a prophet. irtquWeSvregfitafng^ news items credited tri this Agettey will be gladly ahgtfgfgd if addi r 6§sedto( Jewish Telegraphic Agency* €21 Broadways New


Y o r k

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JEWISH CALENDAR 5687—1926-27 Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan „ Rosh Chodesh Kislev 1st Day Hanukkah . Rosh Chodesh Tebeth Fast of Tebeth _ Rosh Chodesh Shebat Rosh Chodesh Adar Rosh Chodesh Ve Adar Purim „ Rosh Chodesh Nissan 1st Day Pessach 7th Day Pessach .. Rosh Chodesh Iyar Lag b'Omer Rosh Chodesh Sivan 1st Day Shabuoth . Rosh Chodesh Tammuz Fast of Tammuz ...„ Rosh Chodesh Ab Fast of Ab Rosh Chodesh Ellul

' ' •'"

Cooking Column


1926 .„_. Saturday, October 9 . „ Sunday, November'7 __.„. ..Wednesday, December 1 _ ..Monday, December 6 Wednesday, December 15

1927 .......Tuesday, January 4 .Thursday, February S ».—Saturday, March 5 „.....„...,. Friday, March 18 „ Sunday, April 3 , . Sunday, April 17 .... Saturday, April 23 Tuesday, May 3 _ Friday, May 20 — Wednesday, June 1 ...Monday, June 6 * .Friday, July 1 ; „ Sunday, July 17 . .„ Saturday, July 30 Sunday, August 7 « Monday, August 29

THE END OF THE SAGftED SEASON The month/of Tishri, so full of festivals, stands out at an exceptional period in the Jewish Calendar. Hallowed memories* PLATE TEASERS associated with home ceremonials and temple services, bring a CARMEL CARROTTS tone and color to life that gladdens and brightens the spirit of This is an unusual way of preparman. In its departure, the month leaves an influence and an ing carrots. Wash and scrape small • inspiration which -help make the rest of the ^ear all the more new carrots and cut them in eighths memorable for earnest efforts and highachievements; lengthwise. Cook them until tender, The stirring New IT^rk appeals to the conscience to contem- drain and roll them in sugar to which ! Miss Evelyn Goldberg, of Des plate the pa$t with its tragedies and to consider the future with a few grains of salt have been added, i Moines, Iowa, spent the week-end as itstiMtless^ Ibppdrtunities, call forth the latent powers of the Put 2 tablespoonfuls of butter in a Lincoln News the guest of Kate Goldstein. soiil, and invite it to resistance! to evil, to devotion to duty and frying pan. Whfn hot add carrots and cook them until slightly brown. to trust in the ideal that make life a glorious experience*- Then Turn with a spatula so they will be Phil. Gerelick, a sophomore at t h e | m&ses I d a Lustgarten and Kate the courage to enumerate the actual sins and real shortcomings glazed all over. Umversxty of Nebraska, was elected; Goldstein, of Omaha, Ethel Steinberg, to the Corn Cobs, a men's organiza-! o f Fort Dodge; Esther Sursbowsky, of the past year, without feigning regret or assuming a fictitious MOCK CROQUETTES OF TURNIP tion. Gerelick is a member of Zeta of Columbus, Nebr.; Laura Beek, of remorse, is a virtue to be credited to the sincere Atonement Dip half-inch slices of cooked turnip". Beta Tau fraternity, Fremont, Nebr.; and Elsie Posha and spirit, that isia, great econotni,c, social, political and commercial first in seasoned beaten egg to which Feshman, of Lincoln, will benefit, because it helps uproot the evil nature in man and thus have been added two or three table- Misses Rosaline Goldstein and Rae sEsther pend Sun ay in Omaiia ^ ' c°mplimenspares society the losses and pains caused by unrepentant sinners. spoonfuls of cold water, then in fine! Sara Iseman spent Monday in Lin- I tary to Miss Sara Somberg, whose coin. - After the Solemn and serious messages of the New Year and crumbs, and saute richly in fat. j wedding to Jack Chesen of Lincoln Atonement, the Feast of Booths follows with its invitation to Miss Ida Newman, of Omaha, was will take place Sunday. All are memSTR1NG BEAN SALAD model the hotne on spiritual standards and to recall the heroic Toss left-over cold string beans in the guest of Miss Ida Lustgarten last t e r s of the Sigma Delta Tau Soror! ity at the University of Nebraska. simplicities of the founders and builders of the faith. It com- a few drops of lemon juice. Lay in week-end. pels the feeljng of gratitude to God for the wisdom of the plan lettuce cups, Cover with a Roquefort ch66se ' dressing (French dressing with j RUDY'S LAST AND GREATEST— of life that offers so many blessings. To our ancestors we a r e ! I Which Roquefort cheese is mashed),' inspired to giv6 oflf thankfulness for the superlative way in and serve with hot browned crackers. which they embodied the plan of God in the practical affairs of ONIONS IN TOMATO SAUCE 4 Days Commencing Sunday, October 10 life, thus assuring a harvest of the finest social qualities of which Boil small onions in salted water, ATTEND EARLY SHOWS—PRICES 10c-20c. the heart and mind are,capable of producing, comparable to the drain, place in a buttered glass baking rich and liiscious fruitage of nature that is celebrated at this dish, and pour tomato sauce over. Top with grated cheese or crumbs dotseason of the year. •'-.:} In concluding the festive season, the appropriateness of the ted with bptter and set in a 450-degree oven until the top is browned. ftejoicing elver theLaw, as the climax to a series of wonderful Save onion water to use in gravies festive thoughts, is recognized, when we realize that the moral and soups, It is truly an excellent laws form the very essence of stable conditions in the past and addition. the real hope of steady progress in the future/ They are the DELICATE TURNIP I cohtinmng and sufficient inspiration to the good life, as they, " To mash cooked turnips, add one or explain andinterpret the best in agesgone. two mealy potatoes, mash and beat, : Happy, wise aid strong, Israel will always be, if the holy and season with salt and liberal but-j season will be fittingly welcomed, reverently observed and prop- ter. Heap in a serving dish, add pep-1 imrcra ARTISTS PICTURE erly remembered. - ' ; -'••> " —"Newark Chronicle" • per in rosettes, and serve. If one has

CENTER SYMPHONY HAS FIRST MEETING The Jewish Community Center Symphony Orchestra had its organization meeting n Saturday night, October 2nd with a good attendance. Professor Seidel is to direct the orchestra and all those interested are invited to join. The next rehearsal is Sunday morning, October 10th at 9 A. M. Come and learn all about good music • * • CENTER COMMITTEES MEET AT LUNCHEON Mr. Harry H. Lapidus, President of the Jewish Community Center announced the following names to act as Chairmen of the various Committees responsible for the activities of the Jewish Community Center. These Committees will meet a t luncheon every day at the Jewish Community Center and will report progress. Finance Committee, Dr. A. Greenberg, Chairman, meets Monday noon. Entertainment Committee, Sam Beber, Chairman, meets Tuesday noon. Restaurant Committee, W o . L. Holzman, Chairman, meets Wednesday noon. Membership Committee, Ike Levy, Chairman, meets Wednesday noon.

TJte Setrnon o/ the Month OUR RELIGIONS UNREST By flASBl LEON HARRISON, TEMPLE ISRAEL, ST. LOUIS: by JREV. JOSEPH FORT XEWDTOX, » . "»*. vKOTB: itta1 following what will satisfy these irresptessible r Article Article Is Is appearing in the; October Issue of Mct'all'a Mngazine ender the cravings V * ••'.• title al "The'Kernioji 6IJH MOtH" : " A r t is hot fi substitute for rt->

Malashock Jewelry Co.

Admission 40 Cents

Warsaw.—(J. T. A.)—Stops to meet the needs of the Jewish sufferers * : Poland during the wint.r were taken by the representatives of the Joint Distribution Committee here. The amount of ?15,G00 was allotted by the J. D, C. to provide winte* clothing for the poor school children in the city.


FOR RENT 5 or 7 Room House all modern with garage in Jewish neighborhood. Will rent reasonable to good party. Also 5 room new colonial Duplex furnished in fine neighborhood. Will rent reasonable to adults only. Call WE 6500.

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Courtesy of McCairs ligion," say's Dr. Harrison. Beauty, ••••.•' For thirty-fiye years .Dr.-Harrison as a n ideal i s not enough. I t was n6t has been Rabbi of Temple Israel in enough for the Greeks, whose downSt. Louis, Refusing many invitations fall Was due to their Moral degenera- THE PICTURE IN YOUR HOME td go to other: citiesi As a result of tion; Can science take the place of Now that paintings have been rebrilliant gifts and long labor he has religion? Hdwever, noble it aims, vived, it is a good idea to scan your a place of leadership and influence in however dis-interest, it is harrowing. walls. Do they look bare, drab, unHis city unique in the annals of the It is too highly specialized, I t inspired ? Then search in the attic pulpitfi in .- the meantime,^Temple purely intellectual—'with no quicken- for those, pictures that were put there Israel" has grown to be one of the most ing power for the heart, the ideal im- so long ago and are hiding there stifl, influential congregations in the coun- pulses, the mystical element in man's shamefacedly, and gathering dust. try, iuid' many benign activities are nature. Man is more than mind, Let us replace these pictures. We associated with .it* t a c t s are not his only food. will not overcrowd this time. The Born in Liverpool in 1866, Dr. HarEthics is too, a part of religion, but old portraits in the dining room, old rison graduated as first honor student by no means its totality. I t is the samplers in the parlor, Japanese of the schoolB of New York, ranking fruitage of religion. It does not prints for the hall, and etchings or the entire city. He was also an honor isfy the deep demand for faith, for photographs for the library. How man in Columbia University. At the closer relations with the Divine, - - . m a n y quaint and interesting pictures age of twenty-one he delivered an ask more from religion than cold are you hiding in your a t t i c oration . at the funeral service of duty. We must have some conception Pictures are hung no higher than Henry: Ward Beecher in Brooklyn in of our ultimate destiny, some inmi* the level of your eye; over a mantel behalf of /'the Jewish Community. tion of the mysterious Power a t the place, eight or ten inches above the Temple Israel has been his only parish heart of all, some glimpse of immort? shelf. No wife should be seen above and as an orator he has no one to ality., Only a vivid, vitalized religion them. It is not good tasts, to hang surpass .him in America.' One wishes can meet the heed.' ' . an old painting in the same room with that he "might be heard in every TheWha't is the matter with organized modern paintings. An oil painting ological Seminary in the country, if religion? For one thing, Rabbi Hari- may hang in the same room with good only to teach young ' p»-e8cHer8 the rison thinks the Church it too dog- strong watercolor but prints should tonal richness of the English tongue. matic about the wrong things. Men never be mixed with paintings. In'this, sermon, he surveys the pro- are tired of listening to dogmas they Frames a r e very important. Large found spiritual 'unrest of our age, do hot trouble to doubt, much less pictures should have narrow fratnes, taking as his text the words, of Jere- deny. The church, like the synasmall paintings wider frames in pro* miahi.'.'There is sorrow ori the sea;-it gogue, is out of harmony with; modern portion. The shade of gold of your cannofr be quiet." (49:23). The su- •thought-currents. Preachers must frame is very important in relation preme religious characteristic of our not only talk about goodness, they to your painting. Frames are usually age," says Rabbi Harrison, "is its must create it. "Men feel ,that the most charming when simple, and noi spiritual unrest. It, is- an age of Church should be a power-house too ornate, but modern paintings re- change, revolutionary as well as evol- where men .may go and get strength quire frames which are not t6o dull. utionary. Neither Synagogue nor to do the things that need to be done." Whether or not glass is to be • ChUfch is spared. The Church has As such it must serve all the people to cover an oil portrait is altogether its Modernists; the Synagogue its Re- —it must be democratic, not exclu- a matter of personal taste. Glas formers. In industry, in government, sive, as if it were owned by a few. ; gives quality and value to a picture in literature there is upheaval, and "What are we going to d6 about and may be used any time except On the tempest of change is shaking the i t ? " the Rabbi inquires. "What shall a dark portrait that hangs across ' ddor posts of the home. At bottom the church do to exercise again her from a window. •' ; • it is a restless, quest after a more sat- sovereignty over the spiritual and isfying spiritual reality. . ethical activities of mankind? First, "Such afe the symptons; are they it must furnish the dim religious light DIAMOND fatal?" asks Rabbi Harrison. "The and let the sunshine in. Align the HEADQUARTERS malady is.grave. Is it mortal? In church wih the best thought, so that a- wd?d, is religion played out? Are our modern.outlook may be spiritualGIFT ti sigtis of dissolution ? Is 6f- ized. t Men. need, a n interpreter, a raCOUNSELORS g8 rellglp^ bankrupt? Will re- tional philosophy of life and the uniiigloli 'dfegeinewte into a mere super- verse, into which their persona] needs stition fTbi1 ths Ignorant, and finally may fit, giving them sanction and supWHOLESALE AND RETAIL vanish?" It s0> w n a * Will teke ite port. Only the Church can give tuch JEWELERS p}acS? Human beings need religion, guidance. Business needs it. The i Diamond Importers t>t. ^fs eqttifaleftt—the very soul cries democratic spirit- needs it. Science 214-216 City Nat' Bank Bldg. iof a T)ao« .than-mortal Power to needs it. This is the mission of the N f o religion passes; church- 1 - to stimulate the fighting Estfihlisheri 1894 I




never tried this way of combining turnips with a little mashed potatoe, she ^ ^ , . _ „ . . . «, , „„ will be surprised to see what an im- [£":;::::""::---::":":™::::::S":&™:nH2:;KS«n:™ provement i t makes. Many people":I; who find turnip too pronounced and j :j strong a flavor for their* tasts will j I: like it prepared in this way. I t must be mashed and beaten until veryUi Sunday Eve, October 10 smooth, ami be served hot-and-hot. • H The middles•• of stuffed turnips mayij 1CEEPS DANCING ACADEMY be saved aiid prepared in this vray l?! v 19 and Davenport next day. Ryans White Mule Orchestra

Library and Education Committee, Dr. Philip Sher, Chairman, meets Thursday noon. Boy's Work Committee, Sam N. Wolf, Chairman, meets Friday noon. House Committee, Harry Silverman, Chairman, meets Friday noonfg Girls' Work Committee, Mrs. Ph. Schwartz, Chairman, meets Tuesday noon. The Athletic Committee, with J. Malashoek as Chairman, will meet a t 5 o'clock Friday afternoon instead of at lunch time.


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PAGE 3—THE JEWISH PRESS, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 7,1926 Operalogus and Lecture at Temple house guest last week-end Miss Raef Mr. Louis H. Katebnan left Monday COUNT TfSZA TRACED ANTIHADASSAH CARD Israel. Sara Iseman of Nebraska City, Neto. for Kansas City, ,Mo., and St. Louis, SEMITISM TO GERMANS PARTY OCTOBER 13

A joint program hy the Sister- and Mo. He will return home Friday. The first Hadassah Card party of Brotherhood of Temple Israel will be OBITUARY Budapest. (J. T. A.)—The German Mr. Dave Freiden motored to Sioux origin of the anti-Semitic propaganda the season will take platie Wednesday given Monday, October 16, at eight Mrs. Eeva Katlernan, age S3, •vrife afternoon, October 13, at the Jewish o'clock in the new auditorium of the of I. Katlemati, died Thursday, Sep- City, Iowa, Sunday, returning home in European countries "was emphaCommunity Center* Proceeds from Temple. tember 30, at her home at 1108 Monday accompanied back by his sized in the writings of the late Count this party goes to help maintain the North 23rd street, Omaha. Besides mother, Mrs. S. Freiden, who has been Stephan Tisza, Hungarian statesman Hebrew Classes at Temple Israel. Hadassah Health Institutions in Palher husband, she is survived by one visiting her daughter, Mrs. L. Heeger, and premier at the outbreak of the and Mr. Heeg-er, for about three Hebrew will be taught at Temple estine which are the only organized daughter, Mrs. L. Morgan, of Omaha, weeks. World War. modern institutions in the country* Israel every Saturday morning before and a son in Minneapolis, Minn. In a letter dated April 1915 Just This year Hadassah is an under- the beginning of the Sabbath mornmade public, Count Tissia wrote "The Mr. jack Geneles, formerly of this taking a million doHer building pro- ing service. Those desiring to take CORRECTION anti-Semitic state of mind, •which I city, but now of Stockton, California, this course will please report at the gram as well. Three large hospitals Tthe announcement last week that have condemned, is of German origin. are being erected. One of the hospitals Temple Saturday morning at ten Miss Bess Weinstein, daughter of M* spent a few days with relatives here Even in Austria, anti-Semitism is enroute to his home after an extentie Belicoiv, sister of the bride -will be will be in connection with the medical o'clock. WEBBINGS and Mrs. W. Weinstein of Sioux City, sive visit to the East. mainly spread by the German circles. maid of honor. The ceremony vnS be school of the Hebrew University. Iowa, will be married on October 10, Dr. Cohn to Address Kiwanis KLEIN-HARDY followed by a family dinner which $25,000 has already been sent to Tel to Mr. Dave Chudacoff was incorrectClub. _ The marriage of Miss Bertha Har- •will be served at the home of the Avi to build an addition to the hospidanghter of Mrs. 0. C. Hardy, brides parents. After an extended tal there and a similar amount will Dr. Frederick Cohn has been invited Miss Weinstein will be married to Mr. Harry Chudacoff, son of Mr. and Mrs. id Irving Klein, son of Mr. and Mrs. wedding trip through the East the be spent for the Haifa Hospital. to address the Kiwanis Club of P. H. Chudacoff. eyer Klein, took place Thursday couple will be at home at 2764 It is the desire of the Hadassah of- Council Bluffs, Iowa, on Thursday, I wish to announce to the Jews of Omaha that I have opened a Srening at the home of the bride's California. ficials that Palestine becomes the October 26. Business at my Home, 2429 Decatur Street, with a full line of adparents, Mr. and Mrs. Simon On Tuesday, November 16, Dr. Cohn medical center of the near East. Jewish Religious Books such as Daily Prayers, Machsorim, JewCouncil Bluffs News ler. IRabbi Frederick Conn offiBATED?—NOGG ish RitualE, Scriptures, Talethim Silk or Wool, Mezzuzahs and Mr. B. A. Simon announces the fol< will speak on "George Bernard Shaw" ftted. many other articles. Mr. Mrs. Sol Nogg announce lowing hostesses for this affair: Mrs. before the literature department of The Talmud Torah Sunday School |The bride wore a flesh colored moire the marriage of their daughter Paul- S. Epstein, Mrs. B. Lustgarten, Mrs. the Omaha Woman's Club. began its new semester Sunday morngown, trimmed -with pearls, and ine to Harry E. HayMn, son of Mr* J. Sherman, Mrs. L. Epstein, Mrs. H. M. SOMIT, WEbster-3527 ing at the Merriam Block Hall. HowFriday Evening Subjects at Temple tulle veil of the same color was and Mrs, Haykin, of this city. The Milder and Mrs. J. Katleman. I also have the agency for the "Sefer Tora" that anybody wants Israel. ever, any child who was unable to to order. 3d in place with a peatl «idronfet,{ couple wer6 married Saturday ia attend last Sunday, may still register Oct. 6—"Our Brother's Keeper." er bouquet was of pink rdSfcS ar- Council Bluffs* Mr. and Mrs. Sam Siporin announce on Sunday xnorning, October 10, at aged in butterfly form. She carthe bar mitzvah of their son, Philip, Oct. 15—"The Pioneer." 10 o'clock. Mr. I. Morgenstern is in Oct. 22—"Dr. Julian Morganstern." a prayer book that was carried STRAUSS—MARTIN on Saturday morning, October 10th, charge of the Sunday School, and Oct. 29—"Anna Christie." (Eugene the bride-groom's mother, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Martin an- at the synagogue at 25th and Seward wants as many children as possible per Klein, at her wedding more nounce the marriage of their daughter streets. All friends are invited. Mr. O'Neal's play.) to attend classes Sunday. twenty-five years ago. Celia -to Mr. George Strauss. The and Mrs. Siporin will entertain at Saturday Morning Subjects at |:Mrs. O. C. Hardy, the brides moth- ceremony was performed Sunday eve- home from 2 to 5 for their immediate Mrs. Sam Snyder is in Hutchinson, Temple Israel. was attendant, and Meyer Klein, ning, September 26, by Rabbi Fre- families and relatives in honor of Kansas, visiting her son, Arthur Oct.9—"The Reward of Righteous-' ither of the bridegroom, was best derick Cohn in the presence of the eir son. Snyder, and Mrs. Snyder, for about ness." aan. Forty-five guests attended the immediate "family. Rabbi Cohri also two weeks. Oct. 16—"Being a Blessing." g ceremony. Mr« Klein and his performed the ceremony of the bride's The Deborah Society will hold a Mrs. Abe Gilinsky and daughter, ride will be at home at 304 Carberry parents twenty-one years ago. The Qieeiiflg Tuesday afternoon at the Oct. 23—"Justice." Jeannette, spent Sunday in Sioux irtrments, after a t>ort motor trip. young couple are making their home Jewish Community Center. _ AH mem- Oct. 50—"Mothers of Israel." City, la., visiting Mr. and Mrs. in Alexandria, La. ' bers are urged to attend. Mrs. E. Jacobs spent Sunday with Philip Sherman. SKOLNIK>MINKIN Mr. and Mrs. George Sherman an- her grandaughter Frances Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. Louie Minkin announce the birth of a son on Friday of Norfolk, who is attending the UniDunca the marriage of their daugENGAGEMENTS Given bj r versity of Nebraska. at the Methodist hospital. tsfter, Ida, to Mr. Leonard Skblnik of Of interest to Omahans comes news "AJJEtovenport, Iowa, on September 20th of the engagement of Eabby Gary J. Miss Esther Shapiro of GoldsteinDr. Emelie Brandt of Omaha will • —* Lincoln, Nebraska. August to Miss Ehrlick of St. Jo- speak at the Labor Lyceum Tuesday Chapman Compnay left Saturday on 36 Tears of Honest Merchandise ie JftJ A reception was held Sunday even- seph, Missouri. Rabbi August w evening, October 12, at 8 p. m., her a buying trip to New York City. j-onr Guarantee of a Square Deal at the home of the bride's par- be renjembeted here when he ad1419 Douglas Est. 1890 subject being "The Tender Age of Miss Rosaline Goldstein had as her! dressed the Omaha Hebrew Club an- Children." The Ladies' Labor Lyceum niversary celebration and also at the Club under whose auspieces her CHESEN-SOMBERG Among' the interesting -weddings 6f Weitzman conference. speaking has been arranged, anfall season is that of Miss Sara nounces that Dr. Brandt is a woman •'••V Mr. and Mrs. Victor K. Ganz and of unusual ability and personality. ;, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. soa Stewart, have returned from a A capacity audience is expected.. and Mr. Jack Chesen, son nd Mrs. Chesen, of Sioux visit to Minneapolis, Minn* Sixteenth at Farnam Mr. and Mrs. Jssac Levine announce Iowa, -which will take place on Mr. and Mrs. Harry Malashock and the birth of a son on September 30, -" ^Sunday evening, October tenth. The "Only by Comparison Can SuperiAdmissionand Mrs. Harry Silverman at the Nebraska Methodist hospital. &y. jamrriage 'will be solemnized at the Mr. motored to Lincoln to attend the 50c Gilbert Jafie ority beEstablished " HjL, Blackstone Hotel inthe presence of Nebraska Drake game* t Mr. and Mis. Abraham Greenspan Girls 35c j8F,'-.urly the immediate family. Rabbi and his Orchestra announce the birch, of a baby boy at YMembcrs 25c 2*.. .Frederick Cohn will officiate. Mr. and Mrs. i Chapman have •die Meth.-dist hospital mi October 2. ".ji.,; Miss Rose Chesen, sister of the have taken an apartment at the El* ,•.' * groom, has been chosen as maid of wood, 49th and Dodge. Relatives and friends participated ^-^-j iunor; Mr. Louis Somberg, will serve at a surprise party Sunday evening " '.-as best man. little Ruthie Somberg Mr. and Mrs* J. Abramsan 3eft- in honor of "Mr. and'Mrs.'.M.' Adelson "•ft ill "be .flower girl, and Jerome lijip Wednesday evening for Chicago, who are planning to leave Omaha the Pittsburgh, Philadelphia, and N< latter part of the month to make their i'mil act as ring1 bearrer. • After a trip to Chicago, and St. York. They will be gone for one home in Los Angeles, California. A r} t'aul, Minn., Mr. Chesen and his bride month. buffet supper was served to more i -will be' at home November first at The "Sisterhood and Brotherhood of than 65 guests, and Mr. and Mrs. •3426 Laura Avenue, Lincoln,' Nebr. Temple Israel will have a joint eve- Adelson were presented with many Out-of-town guests who will attend ning, Monday, October IS, At 8:15 lovely gifts. Bridge and Mah Jong tho wedding are Mr.. and Mrs. E. o'clock. Mrs. Reda Rach Strauss is constituted the chief entertainment of Chesen, of Sioux City, Iowa, Mr. and going to give an operalogue "Shane- the evening. The party took place at r,',Mrs. I. Racheskin and daughter, Rose, wis", Dr. E. C. Henry will give a the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. Kula" o f Yankton, So. Dak., Mr. and Mrs. talk on "Happiness". This will take kofsky. lh rman Michael of St. Louis, Mr. and place in the new aaditoritan of the Miss Tillie Rice returned home last -Mrs. E. Michael, and Mr. and Mrs. A. Temple. week after spending two weeks with chael of Chicago, HI. FROM THESE PRICES A bridge and bunco party compli- friends and relatives in Sioux City, Iowa. mentary to Miss Mary Claire Shames SHRAGO-MITTLEMAN T H e marriage of Miss Beaulah Mit- who recently returned from La&Ang- Mr. andd1 Mrs. Irvin Stalmaster and .tleman, daughter of Ml1.' and Mrs* eles, California, was given Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Brown motored Guaranteed Firt Grade Illinois, per Ton (Morris Mittleman, and Mr. A. M. evening by the Misses Celia and Rose to Lincoln last Saturday to attend the Kurtz at their hcine. ; ?hrago, son of Mr. and Mrs. Max Nebraska-Drake football game. hrago, will take place at the bride's Miss Beulah Mittleman entertained Jiome on Sunday, October 24th, at one Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Chapman have The best coal sold for stoves, per ton. „ o'clock. Rabbi Grodinsky will xeadj, 75 couples at Hanscom Park Monday, moved into their new home at 720 Octobet fourth, at a dance honoring North 57th Street. . " e ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mittleman of 5*J. A reception will be held the same Portland, Oregon. The Southern Wad, heavier, longer Miss Lylyan Chudacoff entertained ening from eight to ten o'clock. a brief honeymoon to'Chicago, Miss Nettie Kreuger of Sioux City, Sunday afternoon at a miscellaneous lasting, per ton ___ —~~ Ir. and Mrs. Shrago will reside i» Iowa, is visiting here with relatives shower in honor of Miss Bess WeinBteitL; of Sioux City, a bride-to-be and friends* was served to twenty girls, Genome Radiant with very little slack, Fo* Mr. and Mrs. Harry MittleMOSKOvTTZ«FEIR per ton — 'The first meeting of the Kappa Al'. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Feir announce man and children of Portland, Orepha Tan was held at the home of gon, a dinner was given by Mr. and ,e marriage of their daughter, Tillie, Bert J. Moskovitz, son of Mr. and Mrs. M. Shrago Sunday evening at Miss ; Margaret Margolin, sponsor Large size and Go&ranteed Deep Shaft, Louis Moskovite, on September their home. Covers were laid for Miss Pearl Feldman was elected pres ident while Miss Bertha Margolin was per ton . ..~» ——— yecond. Mrs. Moskovitz i« a twelve. elected secretary and treasure. Th duate of Central high school, and Mr* and Mrs. M. J. Simon left last Clnb plans a rash party which is to t. Moskovitz is a graduate of TechFriday for. New York City, -where take place in the near future. ical high school. . No Smoke, Soot or Clinker, for store or they will visit a month with relatives reception will be held at • the and friends. furnace, per ton , e of the bride's parents on SunOctober 10th, from 2 to 6 and Miss Lena Mittleman entertained 7 to 10 o'clock. ':•28 guests at a bridge and Mah Jong party Sunday afternoon, complimenHot and long lasting, per ten „_ ADELSON—SWARTZ tary to Miss Beulah Mifctleman, a e marriage of Miss Pearl Swartz, bride-to-be* • ! :hter of Mrs. M. Swartz, to an Adelson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Dr. and Mrs. Philip Epmanek reHigh grade; hot and long lasting, per ton. lelson will take place Sunday turned last week from a honeymoon Emphasizing Unusual Distinction and If your favorite coal is not listed, call g in the presence of only the trip throughout the "West, and are for a price. We handle all grades of Style Originality at a Moderate Price Harney 7545 linmediate family. The ceremony wD! now residing it the Austin apartgood coal sold in Omaha. -" be followed by a dinner and reception. ments. .The' couple will visit in Houston, Numerous social affairs are being Each ton of coal Is guaranteed to foe clean, ] Texas, with the brides sister and given for Mrs. S. L. Wasserman, of fresh from cars arrivteg dally at the yards, brother-in-law. Dr. and Mrs. Rips. Washington, D. C, daughter of Mr.' .and thoroughly rescreeitei before delivery After Nov. 1st, the couple will be in and Mrs. Herman Ziegman .of thiF! to yoxu LOB Angeles where they will make city. Mrs. J. Block entertained Mrs.! their future home. A very large and carefully chosen colWasserman Monday at a theater par-1 City scale ticket furnished on request—10c extra lection of all the smartest models the ty; Mrs. M. Fox entertained at home WEINSTEIN—SELICOW season offers—a selection emphasizing The wedding of Miss Bertie Sel- Tuesday for Mrs. Wasserman; Wed-: only the new and distinctive lines and ' icow, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. nesday, Mrs. J. Corley and Mrs. T. j fur trimmings—developed of •. richest Sellcow, to Oscar Weinstein, son of Kaplan were joint hostesses at a! fabrics in black and the approved colMr. and Mrs. Weinstein, will take luncheon at the Community Center,"DEALERS Ol GCMjD COAL* place at the Beth Hanedrosh Hagodol, followed by a theater party in honor \ ors. Coats of exceptional elegance and at 6:30, Sunday evening. Rabbi of Mrs. Wasserman; Sunday everiirg', MORRIS M. BOSENBLATT beauty at this moderate price. Grodinsky officiating. Mr. Max Mrs. G. Hoffman of Council Bluffs 4410 No. 20 3rd Floor. Fromkin, brother-in-law of the groom complimented Mrs. Wasserman at May Flanagan Orchestra will serve as best man and Miss Lot- four tables of bridge.

Regular Saturday Nite


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rjPAGE 4—THE JEWISH PRESS, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1926 and will probably face.Lincoln in a I Neil Sullivan,' who is already a foreign brothers are also active in the links with a bag of golf clubs CANTOR RECEIVES his arms. He is an important TWIN GIBLS MAY week or two. T h e J . A. C. has some NUMEROUS PLAUDITS student at that school. Fred Mercu, the ring. Kid Froggy, a Jewish boy, over asset for the player as it is a caddy's good men signed up and should fare another young tennis star, is also a has been making a name for himself ATTEMPT CHANNEL duty to aid and advise the contestwell in their ventures. Lehigh man. < inside the ropes. He recently defeated Philadelphia. — Phyjlis - and By Stanley.F. Levin. The'practice held last Sunday beFrank Harvey, Ted "Kid" Lewis, also ant. In championship matches it is Bernice Zitenfield, -tweive-year- > twin the A: Z. A: and the Briai Ami BRITISH Over and over again has one of us and well known in the not unusual for the players to have - '• ' FOOTBALL old, twin daughters-of Mr. and boded ill for their future opponents. SPORTS this column-stressed the American ring, was the referee. Joe pome experienced golfer caddy for Omaha Uni. ' " "','"' Mrs. Julius jZitenfield,' of 207 Both elevens showed signs of stuff point that if we are to Bloomfield is another British _ Jewish them. If Weinstein can play golf Dave Chesnau is once-again in West 98. Street,, Philadelphia, ; and will 'be heard from. have champions in golf it must be fighter who is actively engaged in like he can caddy we are going to fighting "trim' and wHl Be' on ' recently.swam seventeen and a add another young golf star to our from the • junior ranks that we shall pugilistic circles. when the "Cards"-open*'-up • their half miles from Yonkers to the B'NAI AMI FOOTBALL slender lists. gain them. In America this season ' season" October 16.'- The-Omaha .crew The B'nai Ami, leading junior athBattery in seven hours, plowing we had Sammy Alpert who won the • fortunate'in.posseting' a~ larger letic" 'dub, will inaugurate its - footthrough the water against the A LAST WORD When Von Eelm defeated Bobby Western Junior title and in England .supply* of material from"'which to ball season Sunday, October 10, heavy rain and, for 'a portion, I wonder, could the Bible be taught Jones for the National Golf title he there is a 'fifteen year old boy who is chose a team 'from than has .'graced rgainst the Two' Triable Cltfb'of of the swim", against a" heavy in the public schools, purely as an was aided by Ben Weinstein. Ben marching up the line to the junior ths Uni field in many moonsl tide, according to .the Jewish example of fine literature, witlnut was the demon caddy for Von Elm. Lincoln, 1'^braska. The contest is to title. Cyril Simon is the young BritUniversity of Illinois.' '."Exponent. They' combed" from touching somewhat upon the religious A caddy in a championship match take place on a Lincoln gridiron. isher who has set the English golfing side, too? is not just a boy who walks around Marcus Krasne, Omaha's contribuUnder the tutelage of Lester Given- " the "water and'had'ljttle* to say world by the ears. He recently detion to the camp of the Illini played ter, former Tech High basketball '• about their, experience " except feated McAHily, champion of Scotland, that .they were cold.""-. thru the entire first half of the Var- star, the local boys have gathered toin the third round of the Boy's chamsity Freshman game last-week. Kras- gether a strong and fast aggregation. Both girls are V large and pionship. This fifteen; year old lad Office Hours— Phones— ne held down a tackle berth' and The main scoring hope of the Oma^a . strongly built for * their age. goes around the Alwoodley course in 10 A. M. to 1 P. M. Office JAckson 3445 reports that his linemates were all lads is Leon Fbrman, North High ""They"have blonde bobbed" hair eighty. A ninety for this course is 2 to 6 P. M. and by appointment of his size or largeri.The "Tank" School sprinter. Combining his un- and blue eyes,-are five feet four Res. HArney 7883 considered very good .golf. Eighty may give up freshman, football in usual speed with a, clever < shiftiness, ' inches' tall and weigh ISO ' Cantor Isaiah Kahanowitch. is superfine golf on any course. In order to put him self in nifty con- Forman is a dangerous man on tin? pounds. Cantor Isaiah Kananowitch of Beth England they are pointing him for 1 dition for track. At the present time < "ense. In a practice scr" -image with Their next swim, Mr. ZitenHamedrosh Hagodol Synagogue has international matches End we can the holder of the Conference record the'A. Z.-A., last Sunday, hef broke I wish to announce that I have moved from my field saitl, will be "either around received, numerous plaudits from expect him over heje within the next for the shot put is a';fellow student away tv.Ise'in a short time for touchoffices at 534 Secruities Building and have taken Manhattan, or.' from, tfie Batmembers of the community for his two years. of Krasne's. Perhaps we may see the downs. Among the other backfield tery to Sahdy' Hook/- which offices with Dr. Lee W. Edwards at 306 So. 24th ability and skill in chanting during In Dublin, Ireland, a cricket match big boy 'on an American Olympic aspirants, all of whom show much Gertrude Ederle made, two Street. Corner of 24th and Farnam. the recent Holidays. Cantor Kahano- was played between the Carlise club track and field squad'before long. promise, arc Irving Perimeter, Chesyears ago. If they make that witch although but twenty-eight and the C. Y. N. club which resulted Central High. 7 ter Rosenberg, Orris Donovitz, and swim, he said,-he wonld'prepare years of age had conducted his choir in a "victory for the • former. The them for" a trip tb Europe next Captain Elmer Greenberg, if you Frank Ackerman. Tie B'nai Ami of twelve voices with the skill of a Carlise club is the only Jewish sport year and a try at the English please. "Peanuts" as the big gridster line will also prove a stumbling blo'-.t veteran. dub in Dublin and the team has Ch iroprac tor Channel. ' . " is known, was elected to captain the for the capitol city lads. Last funBefore coming to this country Canreachedthesemi-final round of the Purple eleven for the current season. day it proved its effectiveness by holdtor Kahanowitch studied voice under Crcket League tournament. Z-Ray and PathoiieiirometeF Service For the last two years, Central has ing the A. Z. A. to a mere handful Professor Berombon of "Warsaw Po- ••Jewish -boxers in America are of two and three yard gains. Harold been leaderless on the football field Lady Attendent land, as a cantor, at the Kozatziah plentiful but it is news to hear our as far as a captain for the, season Eollack "featured among the forward Synagogue of Katerinislay. Last year was concerned. "Too much club wall men. he was cantor . at the Ahavastiah politics", was the reason and so a The "starting lineup for the" local Synagogue at Detroit, Mich. captain for a few day was appointed. boys will be as follows: According to the Cantor, he has However club politics had nothing to Forman QB arranged various musical ....RHB The, promise of this column to set do with Greenberg's gaining the Perimeter ^ -FB Rosenberg down a list of. the greatest Jewish h o i r d u r i n t h e honor, as his appointment came di- Donovitz (cap't) ^11 be himself and .....LHB athletes of modern times cannot be cthat S presented comingbyyear. rectly from Coach Schmidt himself. Richards C . fulfilled this weekl We have received Elmer led his charges to their first Mann game of the scheduled season last Altschuler ._ ..JIT go many communications suggesting top that the symbol is in order. names and events | that we have week "when Central met Fremont on Ackerman — —~— ___. JL. ___ LG deemed it feasible to- .let another t The last tennis news of. the season the latters home ground. Central Abrams Pollack XT came, saw a lot but failed to conquor. U.ohn LE week slide before our final choice*.is brings to ' Iiig$it.. another, defeat for Captain Elmer's playing however was Frank Our correspondents "have woe- Julius .Seligsdn.,/Seligson was trim_.. Sub made. fully neglected baseball, golf, rowing, med in straight sets r by the veteran up to "all state" standard even if the Gross. 0 showing of the majority of the squad Yaffee . Sub wrestling, hockey, bowling and swim- M* ? artist. Wallace Johnson.; A few Turner Sub ming. There is much to .besaid about more decisive-lickings for Seligson was mediocre. the Jewish players in these sports i^ 111 teke the cockiness out of him, Bernard Shimmel played thruout 1,500,000 REFUGEES ARE ' and if we do not hear from our read- and that won't hurt his game at all. the better part of the session and did STRANDED IN. EUROPE ers we will give our personal choices Seligson was .another victim of too right well for a green man. Shimmel much publicity and praise. As soon will get the call again Saturday when r> * \ n_ and J , , . in . those,.sports Geneva. ST (J. m' T. A.)—On , -which readers have as he" had won matches from Kyn„ . a half-, \not mentioned. the Purple meets Abraham Lincoln million refugees of. Russian and • " Wk ston, he was hailed as a ture chamatLKJVIUI\.H Council uiuxia. Bluffs. . . - , , . Armenian nationalities a r e now .scat-j pion. Naturally; the boy believed it Six months ago the -Bud Levin and Orris Donovitz held i. •:•, . , , . ,, . I RUBY and imagined-he was already on top. , , , , ,, ,. , tered throughout the various coun-' I »« J * Ji dawn end and tackle respectively on' .. _, ' , ., -. , stein was being head- When Doeg beat hir.s frr the junior ., „ , , ., . . tries of Europe, where they find, the Second team m their opening . • ;" • • • * 4GAIN lined all over the title and Johnson trimmed him in encounter with Council Bluffs a ^ ^ m s e l v e s in a most deplorable con- AGA11X their last match Seligson began to dltlon Abraham Lincoln. Neither, man ^ v Jl ' °\ according to Albert Thomas, * h e International Labor press. He was called the next light- realiz* that there was something left played the brand of football of which ]weight d a successor to h a m t ramHo nf ^ w ™ " v " i Office of the League of Nations. champion and Be learn. Such an attitude he was capable of playing. Earl w described the situtation I ™y Leonard. Then came.the rueful M S d B c n b e d t a 1 0 to th Lapidus and Joe Levinson were t h e L , - ~ . ? ™ * " rignt that found Ruby' — ' ' on reported some weeks ago, g with a referee cdunting him entering Lehigh": University this fall. lines due to lack of experience-1 Nansen Passports granted to t he J m t ' Even then Ruby had many He has been playing doubles with and Harold Pollock the fifth member of refugees by the League of Nations j back. the quintette failed to hurdle the' w i l 1 "improve their legal status, this1, does not • back fight he disappeared scholastic barrier and-was kept at.. solve, the .problem. It is; 1 0 3 home. ' .{important to secure employment, for j ^ ™ ^ ^ . a n d °ff t h e We said that he had gone to ti ei U t o now the w ,A1 Fielder, Milton Altshuler and . \ P:., P » International " *""' California to train for a return to Henry Weiner are the youths whose | Labor' Office has succeeded in finding Drnjjgists and Stationers the ring. He has made his return faces will be seen in the.starting line-j employment for 35,000 refugees, <OI-4O3-4OS Sooth Ifttfc 8tr»#J up when the Central freshman* crew mainly in France. Indications . are and in so doing has probably blasted takes on the North Hi freshman this n» w . pending with the French gov- any chance there might have been v.-eek at the latters battle ground, i ernment to place a greater number for a successful fighting career. In Sol Yaffee and Sol Levine afe two [ of refugees in France, particularly in a ten round fight held in San Franothers who will see service during agricultural work there. Efforts are cisco against an unknown fighter named Billy Alger, Ruby was licked the fracas. . -•' also continuing to settle a number of so bady that the bout stopped and v Tech High. refugees in South America. Certain Alger won by a technical knockout. "Battling Benny" Bloch played an difficulties are encountered, however, Ruby Goldstein was a promising important part in &e Tech High win; in S o u t h America, in view of the fact youngster but his handlers- brought, over Abraham Lincoln last Saturday that there "Russians" and "Bolshe- him along so fast that his resistance at the Tech stadium. Benny chalked viks" are regarded as synonomous. to punches was weakened. It is just up one touchdown and aided in push- The Russian refugees experience par- another Jimmy Slattery case. ing over the others. Bloch last year ticular . difficulties in traveling to • * * was used mainly on the defensive America. Too many refugees have already Red Chapman, our leading bantam being given but few chances fot- carry • BUTTKR and KfiUS weight was presented with a gold the ball but this year, things .are dif- become unaccustomed to regular belt emblematic of the championship. Council Bluffs la. ferent and "Battering Benny" will work, he stated. The gift is a trifle premature but have his chance to show his stuff on well placed. Red is so near to the JABOTINSKY LEAVES numerous o c c a s i o n s . . . . . Nathan Marcus, '25 freshman capFOR PALESTINE tain and half back"replaced Kdopman SOSKIN & KOZBERG Paris.—(J. T. A.)—Vladimir Jabotdaring the second period of play and Kosher, Fresh, Salt & Smoked did right well. The lanky halfback insky, leader of the Zionist Revision' MEATS •'Manufactured u^ Omaha" , ... came up to the expectations of the ists, left for Palestine yesterday. I» Wholesale and Retail. Mr. Jabotinsky will, during his writer and reeled._ of several nice 4AKEK ICE MACHINE CO ! DeUTerie* to AH Parts of the City gains. Each succeeding game should stay in Palestine, direct a new Pales(Phone AT 1342 922 N. 16th St. see improvement in his play and by tine film, and will also study condi! • • • • • • • • • • • • ' ' • • - • the time that November 20th reels tions there. 14 Karat 25-year White around should be able to step into PAXTON-MITCHEl.L CO. Gold Wrist Watches, $35 diamond rings 18 k. In Omu|ia the shoes of Joe Prerost.— Regular $12 d»e QC « t b * Uurtha t*t» Hnrn^y I6«a mtgs. hi k. • " Louis Weiner ably supplanted Capvalues now.. «P «J«O«J .•'.;'. .. Omnha NrUr size dia..... tain Maasdom on the pivot position A fully guaranteed Sort pray iron * nruss. hroozf and stu *SO Kovmit—«il»r Hath* riiinuui eiiftiiiKS Stnndaril B1W» brotue White Gold 16-Jewel and held op the center of - the line Good llnoim** fflt »1JS<I Public Accountants and Auditors 'ind irou hushlnBB. w'wer omntiole*. $30 diamond rings,18k. Wrist Watch. Small Oprrntrd 3)» K.pptfy "-Hotfl» Co. in fine style. ,Weiner is light, shifty _-ialei:tJ rin^s niifl covers, anrt clt-ari out tonneau shapes. 25ISADORE ABRAMSON loor> in K k mtgs. l/5k. and devoid of fear. He will see much year guaranteed case. size dia. .. service- alternating between center Regular $16.50 selINCOME TAX SERVICE lers, now and end. Beautiful 1-1/8 karat at . .... SYSTEMS—AUDITS North High. ENCRAVING CO. INC. Elgin, Waltham, White Let Us Help You "Keep Clean" diamond platinum enINVESTIGATIONS Forman of the Eskimos will face or Green gold filled Wrist Watches. 3 popgagement | £ 1 0 the foe this week end' for the first 490 Brandeia rheater Building ular shapes to choose rings time in a schedule^ game when the Phone Atlantic 1450 1819 California Street from. A big savPolar Bears attempt to chaw up the and better ing now < £ m 7 C ATlantic 62»1. 313 SO. i4• TM. ST. 6MAHA; invaders from Pla'ttsmouth. Forman at $ 1 «F» I «J has-been doing nicely in practice and with a strong line'should Have a good Harry H. Lapidus, Fres.-Treas. day'at the expense of the out state W. G. Dre. Secretary. gang. ' ' ' ", ." - Amateur Football. Omaha Fixture & Harry Stoler and Tsadore ShriebSupply Co. The house and lot at mari tackle and half back respectively 2514 Caldwell Street STORK on the Julian Chevrolet amateur machine s_aw service Sunday.- Both 0FP1C8 OOTn will be;sold, at a big bargain men-Were handicapped by lack of t by the administrator. TO.ono aath knowledge of the signals of_ their 30l_ Howard St. At. 8028 Klrvrnib tnii u.ii«l n > Call J. J. FRIEDMAN team*'; - . " ' * ' \?A OOD6E ST. Omaha. Nebr. At. 6858 OMAHA • Lester .GjyecterV J. A. C. eleven has a comfortable schedule drawn up




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