THIS A false friend, like a shadow, attends only while the sun shines. ~
By H. H. R.
—FRANKLIN DR. NATHAN KRASS AND MEDIEVAL KING£ """^"; Like the kings and pr$ „• S>* t the old medieval days, so did" ir ; ^-"ithan Krass meet two newspapj, * •£• >rters at his ruling chamber a t ; gp bnteEntered as si-cond-class wu)| matter oo January 27th. iwn. at OMAHA, NEBRASKA, "THURSDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1926 SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, A YEAR, $2.50 VOL. V—No. 45 postofllce at Omaha Nebraska, under rbe Act of March 3. 1870. nelle Hotel where he v>{, *"* jr while here. Wish Enter first one you reporter. He knocks on 1 "*?. nber door.. "Who's there?" comes from within. Plans for the dedication services '"Tis I, one who seeks words with for the Annex of Temple Israel are thee," comes the reply. being formed. The dedication exer"Enter." cises will take place Friday evening, The Jewish newspaper man enters October 22. Rabbi . Julian Morgenand finds himself gazing on the athstern, president of the Hebiew Union letic and well formed figure of the rabbi, clad but in the royal B. V. D.Rabbi Krass Delivers Lecture to More than Five "Omaha Jewry Will Respond to This"Speak thy request," the visitor Hundred People at Jewish Community ; • Helping Put This Drive Over" stated, much as a king or prince Center . ' —Henry Monsky would have done in years gone-by. Clemsnt Walsh Players Present During the conversation which folSpecial Performance of "Welcome. lowed-another knock is heard. BEGIN SPIRITUAL TEACHINGS WITH THE YOUNGER BROWN WILL - BE THE GUEST OF OMAHA' Stranger" for Benefit of Hadassah DAVID A. "Who's there?" CHILDREN JEWRY OCTOBER' 28 "'Tis I, one who seeks word with On Sunday night, October 31, at thee." Declaring that the great issue of Christianity was not the Plans and preparation for a United Jewish Campaign in the Brandeis Theatre, the ClemantEnter then a second newspaper problem of evolution, fundamentalism, or babtism but that of Walsh Players will present a special Omaha are being formulated by the committee in.charge. David man. " performance of Aaron Hoffman's A. Brown, national chairman of the Twenty-five million dollar keeping the ten commandments, Dr. Nathan Krass, rabbi of Dr. Krass talked to the two Jewish comedy of Jewish life, "Welcome campaign will be the guest of Omaha Jewry on October 28. reporters much; in the same manner Temple. Emanu-El, New York, the largest and wealthiest synaStranger" for the benefit of the as was the medieval style, when gogue in the world, held over 600 persons at the Jewish CommunThe executive committee of this campaign headed by William Omaha chapter of Hadassah.. kings and princes performed their ity Center, Tuesday evening. He spoke bit "Trying to See the L. Holzman,state chairman and Henry. Monsky, local chairman, This is the" first time Hadassah business while breakfasting, dressing Other Side". met Thursday noon at the Jewish;Community Center. At. this has made anappeal to the general -. "'• \ \: "; or in some' other -manner making public to participate in its work, if meeting William L. Holzman gave a brief report of the Chicago " 'If ye love me, keep my commandments/ that's the great themselves ready for a hard day to it may be termed work to attend an Conference. follow—but then after talking to Dr. issue in Christendom today. Keep the peace of the world and enjoyable; performance by an exA meeting of the committees and Krass one is convinced that he too is the spirit of internationalism. Seek ye will all your heart and cellent company of players to see a workers for this campaign will be ana "prince"-of-a fellow. sould the kingdom of righteousness and all things will come to ye." play which every Jew and Jewess in nounced in later issue of the Jewish the city will want to see. By attendExplaining what the phrase, "The Press. Omaha's quota for this camAN ATHLETE AND SPEAKER ing the performance on Sunday eve-' Chosen People" as applied to the Rabbi Julian Morganstern paign is $75,000 for a period of threeSam Beber says that Dr. Krass is ning, through. Hadassah, you will be Jews should mean, Dr. Krass said: College will be the principal speaker literally sending health to the Jewyears. truly: a tireless athlete as well as a "The: Jewish ideal of a chosen at the dedicatory exercises. "Omaha Jewry will respond to this tireless speaker.' Proof of this fact ish pioneers of Palestine. people is that of serving humanity The new Annex •which will, house campaign as they have in the past", •was shown when the rabbi played a These men,. women and children ' Only in the eyes of the inferior Jew said Henry Monsky. "We will raise number of the boys to a hard game More Synagogues Being Built Now is the 'superiority complex' reflected all Sunday school classes- is equipped who are the trail blazers in the Jew- j with class rooms and meeting rooms. ish home land have come to Pal- • our quota." of handball. in either race or religion." ' Than Ever Before The annex was built at a cost of estine in a weakened condition, due. The United Jewish Campaign COR* He pleaded with his audience to $40,000. ference held in Chicago Sunday was to the sufferings and privations WHY ST. PAUL? RABBI JULIAN MORGANSTEIN try and see the other side on every "Rabbi Morgenstern is known to a one of the greatest conferences ever which they endured in the lands from , question. Phil Klutznick was forced to go number of Omahans as he delivered held. The conference was one of which they came. They are much in "Seeing the other the most to St. IPaul the,last week end to By H. H. R. an address here on previous occa- need of the hospitals, the infant wel\ • unity. A complete report of the concolossal task of humankind," he said. attend to some A. Z. A. business. 1 ditions existing in Russia, in Ukraine That a "finer feeling of fellowship "We are all too prone to see just sion", said Rabbi Frederick Coh fare stations, the convalescent home, His plans were all made for the and in Poland was given by Dr. and comradeship is arising between our own side and overlook .the activ- The dedication exercises are open to and the institute for the Blind, which [ trip, when two other members of Rosen and Dr, Kahn. These investthe Jews and Christians, was stated ities of others which are just as the public " Hadassah maintains. this "Three Musketeer" combina- igators brought back eyewitness facts "by Dr. Nathan Krass, Rabbi of noble and great as ours." Mr. Win. Walsh, of the Clemantfcion decided that it was unthinkof the conditions of the Jews in these Temple Emanu-El of New.York City, Rabbi Krass stressed the point Walsh Players^ is in'sympathy with able to allow Phil to travel alone. lands and told of the rapid improvein an exclusive interview at his room that children should be taught to the work of Hadassah and generously! These two thoughtfuls were Dave" ment that is being made by the Jews in the Fontenelle-hotel, prior to i i s love other countries as well as their arranged this benefit performance at' Beber and-Max Riekes. It is supthrough the help of their American lecture at the'-. Jewish-Community own;. -> , the Brandeis Theatre. Mr. Walsh! posed that, they desired tovaccambrothers, sisters, and relatives who •Center, v ' VV > - "The •chad v -..r,. - ""i J * > believes while this made a special effort to-.get: the ' pany Phil, but just "why is not" SEE -enjoying,.lif e in tMs country. of play that the" Jewish" public would "I find this feeling to be true in country is great, other countries are ing Better Business. known.- Perhaps it was to take "The effect of the improvement of particularly enjoy and; decided ; on care of him and see that he -was my travels," Dr. Krass, who travels not. We have everything that is the conditions in the Jewish colonies greatest. That is the kind of patriotextensivly said. "This is due to the "Welcome Stranger", only; after careOmaha citizens- in every walk of not misled, or perhaps in--Russia is cyclonic", said Dr. Kahn fact that Christians and Jews are ism that is taught the children to- life will prove their faith in their ful consideration. This play hat had in his message to the conference. learning to know each other from a day." city, and demonstrate to the world a phenominal run in New York and In an interview with Dr. Nathwr, WORDS FROM A PEDDLER WHO spiritual and moral'side as well, as Then bringing up a simile Dr. at large its progress, by subscribing Chicago. Krass who delivered a lecture in WORKED UP TO A STATE from the purely commercial side. Krass continued: As for the cast' who is presenting in full the 430 thousand dollars Omaha Tuesday evening, Dr. Krass TREASURER. Christian ministers now preach be"Does a child: love his mother less sought for the Omaha Community it, there remains little to be said. The _ pointed out the importance of the. Solomon"" Levitan, a Jew, recently fore Jewish congregation? and visa because she isnt a Florence Nightin- Chest in the campaign to begin No- Clemant Walsh Plapers are firmly elected statettreasurer of Wisconsin," versa, thus bring the-message of the gale? Do you think a child should vember 15, in the opinion of James established in. the affections of Omaha Committee Planning Special Hallow- J e w g i n A m e r i c a helping those in een Stunts for October SO : ^ ^ o r ^ a n y o t l i e r COuntry that says something which I think is two faiths properly before the atten- like a country less because he likes E. Davidson, general chairman for and needless to say, they will give might need assistance. The Jews of worth repeating. The story of his tion of the listeners." not the literature of that country? the dtive. their usual excellent performance "Maximum quality at a minimum A m e r i c a h a v e endorsed this Twertyrise from a peddler to. one of the Dr. • Krass himself made a tour in The practical way to teach children Last year Omaha raised $420,000 and -careful production. price" is the slogan adopted by thei K v e m i n i o n d o l I a r d r i v e a n d t l h s v most important positions in the.state the east last winter preaching in theto see the other side is to teach it for the chest, when the budget for Y. M. & Y. W. H. A. in describing ^ r e s p o n d throughout the country5 •is a romance of kindly politics. When Christian churches on "Jesus," giv- the good and fine things had in the the drive had been set at a higher campaigns are started i* Hsdassah President Gives large its Saturday night dances held in] Sol went to Wisconsin he Was 18 and ing the Jewish point of view on the other countries as well as his own; figure. This year the budget comthe separate communities", said Dr. the J. C. C. Ballroom. With the first] Sum for Palestine Hospitals dance sponsored by the organization Krass. there were few Jews in the state. He subject. "This doesn't mean to surrender; it mittee carefully guarded against any grew up with Gentiles. unnecessary expansion of activities When asked about, a recent article means to understand." a pronounced success intentions are appearing in the Success magazine He praised the Locarno conference and the goal of $430,000 is the mini- Cleveland (Jewish Telegr. Agency.) to continue dances regularly every • Here's what he says: —A gift of a diamond tiara, valued "Honesty, tact and kindliness are askingi "Is. the Jew losing his relig- for its physical attempt to.. disarm. mum amount that the thirty member Saturday night. The committee in "But before we disarm physically agencies can get along on next year, at $7500, has been made by Mrs,charge reports that those who attend the touchstones upon which to build ion?" Dr. Krass said: Irma Lindheim, president of the "The Jew is not losing his religion. we must do so spiritually," the rabbi and do their work properly. . success—and toleration. The opeu the dance this Saturday night are to open sesame of opportunity for a In my travels I see so many- new said. "Fear now produces this neces"I know of nothing that could do Hadassah Women's Zionist Organiza- get a surprise in music and enter-! tion, towards of 11,000,000 for Jew, i t ' seems to me, is to make synagogues being erected with all sity for physical armament. You canmore for the spirit of Nebraska and Judge L. B. Day and Prof. T, S tainment. himself a part of the people with the Jewish pride in the building. And only have physical disarmament if Omaha people, or nothing that could building hospitals in Palestine. Mrs. It is' rumored that one of the Sullenger Will Speak. whom he lives. It is up to us to the demand for rabbis is always in- you have spiritual disarmament first, give the city better advertising to Lindheim presented her gift to Dr. classiest orchestras in Omaha has overcome all prejudice and mis- creasing, as is the membership in and. this can't be begun with the the world at large, than for the word Nathan Ratnoff, chairman of a joint been sgneid up. A record crowd is jhe training course for representing the American Jewunderstanding and the only way wethe synagogues. Thus in a material old folks. This must begin with the to go forth that the 430 thousand body Jewish ^,......~ Community . . . . . . . , ~ ... . . . expected to attend. The committee I e a u e r s a t Uthe ! e „*„„-,„ can do it. is to give more than we way the Jew is not losing his relig- child. We must teach the child to dollars had been raised in a short »fr Physicians Committee and the a j m o u n c e s that i t i s w o r k i l l g to m a k e !| C e n t e r v i U begin Monday evening have admiration for the other countime," said Mr. .Davidson. expect. We must not strive to be ion. Hadassah Womens Zionist Orgwua-j t h e Halloween dance October 30 one! O c t o b e r 1 8 . A complete program | . « "The variety of synagogues, the tries in the world." different. "Every business map, every finan- tion, under whose auspices the under-! o f ty.p m o _ t e]at,Oratp affair-? of thp L A V. O ™««I r>««mr Dr. Krass declared that the Nordic cial authority,-reports Omaha enjoy- taking to raise the $1,000,000 has'season. "While I believe in becoming orthodox, reform, and so forth, give of the JewishGersan. elaborate affairs of the bsuperintendent e e n a m m g B ( ? by Sanwel Americanized I do not believe in the ample scope to the different type of dogma, "that every race is inferior ing better business than nearly any been launched. munity Center. A complete course i<> false pretense which .prompts many Jews. When they outgrow the ortho- to the Nordic is the most dangerous other section of the country. We now being offered to those interest*^. A fully equipped modern hospital, ¥. H a i i X W. I . A. Will doctrine that could be advanced by must prove the soundness of this Jews to deny their race. Many join. dox they can change. The course will be in session ewt* to be part of the medical department "There is no doubt, however, that any race. report, and give the world an: op-of the Hebrew University at JerusaGentile churches to gain prestige. Monday evening until December %1~ toning tt J. C. C. "This race can neither prove the timistic view of Omaha and the lem is included in the committee's Such false pretense will win nothing Judaism is changing. The troubles of when at the end of the course ««N will be presented to thos*1 but disfavor. Our Jewish people believes, though, do not touch Juda- fundamentalist point of view nor themiddle west, by completing this big program. In addition, smaller hospi- For all those who attend the evolutionist's view-point that it is the job." have so much to be proud of that ism as seriously as they touch tals are to be built in the other cities meeting of Y. M. and Y W. H. A . | w h o ttended a l l s e s s i o n s . Speakers under the direction of of Palestine and in the large agricul- Monday evening at the J. C. C. there they should not be ashamed of their Christianity. The problem of funda- superior race, with power to domifet lecturors will be race, and other will look down upon mentalism, for instance, does not nate the other races of the earth. The Anan Raymond are carrying the tural centers, particularly in the Val- will be entertainment a plenty since Bible nowhere declares that the other arise in Judaism, because Judaism is L. B. Dsy, head who of the chest message to every organization an unusually excellent program is KelallonT'court," will talk ley of Jezreel which, in the past four them for so*doing." not based on a believe of literary races were made of ordinary dust and during the current "weeks. Mean- years, has been covered with a net- n s edule< B e c a u s e o f t h e 8 6 These are the words" of a man who inordinacy of the Bible. Judaism the Nordic of gold dust. And nowhere agricultural ° f I f ! "The Value, of Training Courses fts: agricultural j C r ( w d e x p e c t e d t 0 a t t e n d | t h e B'nai V o l u n t e e r s » a n d Prof. T. Earl S«V has won his way from the rank of fosters the freedom of thought, even can I discover that the simian ances- while* chairmen of various divisions settlements. I Brith lodge room has been secured an unknown Jewish peddler to a posi- in the interpretation of God. Thetors of the Normic cracked cocoanuts for the drive are marshalling their "Mrs. Iindheira has added one I for the gathering. Announcement as lenger, University of Omaha, forces. These chairmen are Harley tion of great trust. pronouncement of science and modern or extracted the fluid of that nut finer G. Moorhead, aided by Mrs. Arthur more to her many benefactions," Dr. to coming "Y" activities and social talk on "What is Social Work." "We have more than 125 philosophy cannot shake the founda-. than any other simian race. Nowhere "Mullen and Mrs. Harvey Newbranch, Ratnoff stated. "We expect other functions are to be outlined. tions in the office for this courwe -*STIE HIM TO "YOUR can I find where the nordic race has women to f o l l o w e r example which t ^ will tions of Judaism because there is no Preceding meeting there residence; Frank Campbell, downready," said Mr. Gerson. "We'espsct that "superior complex.'* ;>APRON STRINGS, NEXT TIME conflict at all." tTsAning town business; A. W. Gordon, aided is in line with the ancient tradition | b e t h e fast l e c t u r e o f t l i e many more to,attend these lectuww.** Ben Ravitz is usually immune Dr. Krass said • that there was a Rabbi Krass left Wednesday after- by Harvey Milliken, initial gifts; W. of the women. who brought their) c o u r s e s e r i e s f o r T o l r m t e e r l e a d e r s . from >viles of the attractive sex, but great deal of interest manifested in noon for California where he will W.-Kollerf-industrial; J. B. Watkins, jewels for the building of the taber- This course is under the auspices of ME. REES PRESENTS GIFf .a-"Campus Flirt" just got the better Judaism by • the, young folks, "con- direct United Palestine campaign executive committeeman represent- nacle in the desert." theY.M.H.A. TO J. C C UBRAVC of him. . trary to the misstatements constant- ' work there. ing the south side. Tt happened like-this:. Ben went to ly -being brought up." The young A JEW WILL GUARD Sam Beber was .chairman of the Dr. Phillip Sher, chairman of OMAHA HEBREW CAMP TO pee Bebe Daniels strut her stuff as peoples leagues, brotherhoods and evening. Rabbi Frederick Cohn in- BOYCOTT PROPAGANDA When Queen Marie of Roumania | J. . C. G. Library committee, HOLD OPEN MEETING the "Campus" Flirt," in a local movie sisterhoods being continually formed troduced the speaker. nounces the gift.of Graetz History c4 EXTENDED TO POMERANIA comes to America, a Jew, Harry theater. Her acting as well as her in connection with -synagogues, he Hirsch by name, will act as her of- The Omaha Hebrew Camp, M. W.the Jews from Isadore Rees -hi screen flirtations made Ben forget said, showed that to be true. of immortalicy, but rather teach men Thorn, Pomerania, Poland.—(J. T. fficial bodyguard. Hirsch was once a A. will hold an open meeting next Brooklyn, N. Y., formerly of all else. The picture unraveled to Dr. Krass told of the changes to live as if there were no immor- A.)-—The activity of the Rozwoj, the soldier in the Roumanian army and Wednesday evening at the Jewish Mr. Rees was connected with the end and Ben, deep in blissful taking place" in "all - religions. tality, by expressing in the; noblest organization carrying on anti-Jewish is now a'Kansas City detective. Community Center. This is the first Central High School and , is *. * # thought, got up and left the theater "Every living religion," he said, way the supposition that there is no boycott propaganda, was extended to of a series of open meetings arranged known to many Omahans. -nothing strange in that—but when undergoes changes. A new religious hereafter. In other, words, man must Pomerania when a branch of the orA LAST WORD by the committee. Cantor Kohanohe finally came back to this earth expression will sodnwin victory. It not shift his burden front this,, world ganization was opened here. A series of good lectures, as the witch will sing several numbers. He he-felt something missing. Then he will be not only a ritual worship of to the next. If he does his work well AiS those •whe hme not The Eoswoj branch announced that entertainment committee of the Jew- will be accompanied on the piano by their Jewish Community remembered—he had taken a "date" ( God but an inspiration to serve God here he need not worry about the the purpose of its activities will be to ish Community Center has planned, Albert Pinkel. Book can do so by calling at into the theater with him. She was best by serving mankind according hereafter, which, after all, would prevent the arrival and development seems a good thing for Omaha Jewish Press Office, 499 B in her seat waiting for him, when he to the highest Weals'. The religion only be a continuation of life on of activities by Jewish merchants Jewry. The first lecture, Tuesday, How many new advertisers this Theatre Bldg. earth. :-.urriedly rushed back. will by no means «ieny the doctrines from other parts of the Republic showed what may be expected. week?
Will Dedicate Let Us DoThings Spiritually Temple Annex Omaha Jewry Will Conduct Drive For United Jewish Campaign And Try ToSee TheOther Side Re-Settling Thousands Of Life-Dr. Nathan Krass
s Are Europe
Special Performance For Hadassah Benefit
"Jew is Not Losing His Religion"—Rabbi R Krass
Success of Oiest Drive for City
ioment at
* • • • •
THE JEWISH PRESS Published every Thursday at Oinaba. Mcbraika. by
i /.
THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANX Office: 490 Bfandela Theatre Building — Telephonei ATlantic 1450, NATHAN E. GREEN, Manager. Subscription Price, one year. Advertising rates furnished on application.
5687—1926-27 Rosh Chodesh Kislev 1st Day Hanukkah ,... Rosh Chodesh Tebeth Fast of Tebeth
CHANGE OF ilinnESS-I'lease Ktve both the old and new addreei; .be core and iflvo your ooene.
1927 .Tuesday, January 4 .—.Thursday, February 3 . Saturday, March 5 Friday, March 18 .—Sunday, April 3 . ...Sunday, April 17 Saturday, April 23 Tuesday, May 3 . < ^.....Friday, May 20 .. ~ Wednesday, June 1 . ........Monday, June 6 . ..........Friday, July 1 . .—........Sunday, July 17 . ....—. Saturday, July 30 Sunday, August 7 ........ Monday, August 29
Rosh Chodesh Shebat Rosh Chodesh Adar Rosh Chodesh Ve Adar Purim _ Rosh Chodesh Nissan 1st Day Pessach 7th Day Pessach Rosh Chodesh Iyar .._. Lag b'Omer ; Rosh Chodesh Sivan 1st Day Shahuoth ......... Rosh Chodesh Tammuz Fast of Tammuz Rosh Chodesh Ab Fast of Ab ................... Rosh Chodesh EIlul
'The "Jewish Press is supplied by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency (Jewish (torrRspiindence Bureau) with cabled and telegraphic Jewish news, In addition to feature articles and correspondences from all important Jewish renters inquiries regarding news items credited to this Agency will be gladly answered ff addressed to Jewish Telegraphic Agency, 621 Broadway, New York flity. " . ~
.--...Sunday, November 7 .—Wednesday, December 1 Monday, December 6 ....Wednesday, December 15
morning October 20, and had a very fins rehearsal under Professor Seidle. Meetings are held every Sunday morning. The plan of the orchestra is to devote itself almost entirely to Jewish music. Registration will be closed before very long. All those interested are urged to join.
FAVORITE RECIPES Sweetbread Cocktails Soak a pair of sweetbreads in cold water one hour, drain and put into salted boiling water; cook slowly 30 minutes or more, until tender; plunge into cold water and when cold cut or break into small pieces. Put four or five pieces in each glass and cover with highly seasoned lemon dressing and tomato catsup, one teaspoon of j each to a glass. Serve ice cold with wafer. Lemon dressing—Juice of a lemon, I equal quantity of water, salt and pepper to taste.
your noodles. Line a skillet with a Cover with thin slices of apples, rind rich pie crust, put in mixture, and of lemon, one cup of brown and bake for one and one-half hours. granulated sugar mixed, and a great many flakes of butter. Bake in slow oven. Tomato and Fish Appetizer For ten people get one pound Kennebec salmcn and boil until quite Kitchen Suggestions soft. When cool remove skin and bone Too many eggs will make waffles and put on ice until ready for use. tough instead oi tender. Put lettuce leaf on plate, than a Pies will be soggy if 8 et on top of half tomato, peeled, then email piece a hot oven after being baked. of salmon and a quarter of an egg A spoon should not be left in a and lastly a spoonful of mayonnaise. saucepan if you wish the contents to coo! quickly, since the spoon carries Apple Kuchen off heat slowly. line the pie pan "with coffee cake Baked potatoes are much lighter dough very thin. Let raise until light. if broken with a fork before using.
THE CHICAGO,RELIEF CONFERENCE The conference called by Mr. Felix M. Warburg and Mr. David A. Brown, the chairman of the Joint Distribution Committee and of the United Jewish Campaign, respectively, held in Chicago Sunday should be utilized notKmly to plan for the campaigns that are to be held in the course of the winter months; but also to clear up those misunderstandings which have caused so much irritation and ill feeling in American Jewisli communal life. When the first call was issued a little more than a year ago for a similar conferApple Sauce the children, who for some reason is entitled, "God, Man and the Devil", The apples should be peeled as ence in this country the atmosphere was charged with uncertainty all cannct attend the daily classes in and is written by Jacob Gordon. It and even with suspicion. Very little was known at that" time Talmud Torah, to have an oppor- is presented for the first time in quickly as possible to avoid becoming dark, or they can be kept in cold about the actual conditions confronting the Jews in the various tunity to study their own language, Omaha. water until all are pared. Cut into countries of Europe. The few who had visited these countries the Directors of the Talmud Torah • ,* * thin slices and cover with boiling were overwhelmed by the suffering and the misery they beheld. decided to open Hebrew classes in the JEWISH EDUCATION COURSE •water. Let them boil briskly, stirring School at 18. and Chicago STARTS . Theirs was not the task to survey, to study dispassionately to Sunday occasionally, and just before removStreet Synagogue, and are urging plumb "the depth of the despair; theirs was the mission to bring all the parents to send their children Dr. Phillip Sher, chairman of the ing from the stove stir in the sugar an echo of the cry to the ears of American Jewry. This they did, to bev, enrolled this coming Sunday, Jewish Executive committee, an- mixed mith cinnamon, allowing half that the first lecture on Jew-cup sugar and a level teaspoon cinand for this the Jews of America and oi Europe should be thank- October • 17, at 10 A. M. When all nounces ish history will be given by Rabbi namon to a quart of apple sauce. If ful. That errors should be made—errors of judgment, errors of the children are going to be divided Fredrick Cohen on Thursday October the apples are very sour they will emphasis, even errors of sentiment—was only natural. And it into classes. It is very important that 14, at 8 P. M. at the Jewish Com- require more sugar. the children who desire to get the munity Center. Mr. H. Woll will was only to be expected that those errors should call forth resent- all advantage of Hebrew instruction in speak on the Bible Sunday afternoon, Noodle Schalet ment on the part of those whose feelings or convictions were their Sunday school shall be present Boil noodles in salt water and1 let October 17, at 3 P. M. The talk will violated, or because they feared they .might be violated. this Sunday morning in the B'nai be given in Yiddish. them cool; then take about four apples cut in small pieces, raisins cut The past year offered ample opportunity to the men and the Israel Synagogue, 18. and Chicago • • . • • so the Board of Education in pieces, cinnamon, sugar to sweeten, women engaged in the service of their people not only to famil- Streets, of the City Talmud Torah will know PIANO TO BE TAUGHT AT THEand juice and rind of one lemon, two iarize themselves with the problem facing European Jewry, and how many teachers they will need CENTER large tablespoons chicken fat, & how to solve .them, but also how to eliminate those features which to accomodate these children. Beginning Monday, October 18, thehandful of almonds chopped rather Jewish, Community Center will have fine. Mix all these ingredients with were the cause of friction in American Israel. The numerous investigators who have gone abroad in the course of the last year, The various expressions of the hu- a piano department under the direcof a very capable instructor, those who went as the official representatives of the Joint Distri- man countenance afford a beautiful tion who is a graduate of the Damrosh and interesting study. —Dickensl DIAMOND bution Committee and those who went on their own initiative as School in New York. Every cne takHEADQUARTERS "unofficial" observers, were enabled to see the problem in its ening lessons will be given a training J . C C NOTES in harmony andjfcbeory of music. All tion Scheme.tirety. Last year, for example, preponderant attenGIFT those interested may get further intion was given to the so-called Russian Colonization Scheme. COUNSELORS CENTER COOKING CLASS formation at the office of the Center. Under the sobriquet "The New Exodus" an attempt was made to ORGANIZED create the impression that this meant liberation for the Jews of All arrangements are. being made WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Europe. That those early efforts to arouse the Jews of America completed for the cooking classes CENTER SYMPHONY AT WORK JEWELERS Over 20 members of the Jewish were unnecessary exaggerations, entirely out of proportion to the •which are to start within a few days. Community Center Symphony orDiamond Importers » problem as a whole is now common knowledge. They who have Emphasis will be .laid on , dietary chestra met at the Center on Sunday uiamona importers cooking and Yiddish food. Over fif214-216 Qty Nat'- Bank BIdg. f •.-one abroad as well as those who have studied the problem at: teen haye already registered. . Established 1894 | home soon realized that the Russian colonization plan as its best! In Omaha caa solve only a small portion of the problem facing the, Jew in POALE ZION TO GIVE YIDDISH F.Dstern Europe." Even if synagogues were "not confiscated; even if every effort were not made to undertermine and to annihilate Sunday • night, October 17, the 250 Kooms—«H) Itatht Good Kiiom* tor $1.50 religion from the land of the Soviets, even if the entire scheme Poale Zion will give a Yiddish play by Kpplrj Hntrli Co. at the Center auditorium. The play wsre not in the nature of an experiment, it has thus far affected only a small percentage of the three million of Jews residing in that country. Settling fifty thousand Jews on the land is of c6urse an achievement, but it must be remembered that fifty :•!. thousand is but a small fraction of three millions. It must be remembered, too, that in addition to the three million Jews in Rus- III At sia there are three millions in Poland, of whom a considerable portion still need assistance, not to mention the needs of the Jews residing in some of the other countries. . Learn to make Then, too there are the practical problems that will require 19th and fiavenport St. serious consideration/ When the United Jewish Campaign was Admission 40 cents first organized the'quota for America was set a fifteen million dolThis week we have in ova lars. Later it was found that this sum would be inadequate and art section, Miss Beatrice the'quota was raised to twenty-five million dollars. This sum is Midas, interior decorator to be pledged at one time and paid over a period of three years. If from New York. She is here to teach you to make there were no other demands made upon the Jews of America this hook rugs and charming might have been a very practical plan. _ A Value Achievement hangings. Hook rugs, Some of the best minds in American Israel participated m you know, have so many the Chicago conference. Its deliberations will be followed with uses these days in bed" rooms and for all the the keenest interest by our people at home and abroad. rooms of an early period home, or as scatter rugs over a plain tone floor Cxtstprn Tailored Character. I! si! Unity Our Arm of Strength" covering. This week you Without Custom Tailored Cost iii have the advantage of —Message from Nathan Straus Ii; ^ 3 | . II 10% discount
HELP HADASSAH By Attending a
Special Performance Of
Welcome Stranger Bythe
Brandeis Theatre
fflalashock Jewelry Co. (
Sunday Night, Oct. 31 For the K
BENEFIT v-,-;\: .
. :
Omaha Chapter Hadassah
Sunday, Oct. 17
KA-DEMO CLUB D-a-n-c-e
JLOth Year—October Is Anniversary Month
Keep's Dancing Academy
Hook Rugs
' • A telegram of greeting and God-speed to the Chicago Conference .was sent from NewYork by Nathan Straus, venerable leaderm all It; =5 causes of-American Jewish philanthropy. The message, addressed to 55 i FeUxM. Warburg, chairman of the Joint Disfcnbutaon Committee, and read to the delegates at the opening session Saturday evening, Hi was as follows: . „ _. - "I am delighted that the .National Conference of the Joint Distribution Committee and the United Jewish Campaign has been called. I hope that our aspirations for union of all factions of Jewry will find r e a X i o n at this meeting. As I have stated on all occasions, only in unityof Orthodox and Reform Jews, of Zionists, ™fib™£*> : and anti-Zionists can salvation be brought to our persecute b r e t o . • to help them migrate from the countries where they are not -wanted and provide homes for the homeless, be it in the Cdmea*1he UKnune, or Siberia. And of course we must do our utmost for the rehabilitation of Palestine. We need all these havens of refuge and peace,^ of spiritual, cultural, 'and economic freedom for our distressed brethren - a b r S ' A n d for' this .we need the good-will of everybody. My prayers and wishes for an overwhelming success are with you. May unity be our crow, of glory.and our ^ - g j g j ^ S T R A U S >
VERY man who wants superior quality and finest tailoring at a substantial saving should see these "customized overcoats" from America's foremost makers. Hundreds to choose from. Magnificent fabrics—exclusive styles—tailoring as fine as fingers can accomplish.
=:EE=^^ •Would rather go without an extra meal and Bave every cent in order to pay "scharlimud" (tuition) for their children in "cheder" (hebrew school). .'. . ; By ELIHO BLOCH On account of that you could hardly "And thou shall teach them diligent- find any Jewish child, who was not .'* Jy onto thy children" Deuteronomy' studying'the Hebrew language. ,Ara we doing it now,the same way? lit -The existence of our nation depends a city like oura whero there are solely on the fulfilment of this com-j thousands of Jewish children attend"— Jl*' Obr "fathers surely realized it,-' ing .the public, school, there ate only p the reason why wo. could hundreds, who are getting any JewSurvive a s ; a riation even though ish Education and the great majority • exiled ""jfrom^our land'almost 2000,- are left.without any Hebrew instruction. In order to give a chance to years. .J&ny- >J»mes and families 1
Importance of Jewish Education
on all Columbia yarns, and on frames and needles as well. Second Flo*r
Very Lovely
yard 2 . ? 9
Nebraska Special Overcoats Standard Fabrics—Sandard Tailoring Biggest Values We've Shown in Years.
Lighter weight • Q satin crepes, yard. . K. o v
Very fine nainsook gowns, daintily made and exquisitely embroidered with charming flower designs. Each has a tiny Madeira scalloped neckline: round, <CV," square or jenny. Your choke of many lovely designs, including:
Street Floof
morning glory primrose butterfly apple blossom forget-me-not flower spray and a flower spray with hemstitching.
Narcissus Chapter of the Eastern Star.
When ordering by mail enclose ample pottage* state Mire and first and second pattern preference.
30 35
Madeira Gowns 1 39
Crepe Satins The most-used fabric of the season. You will find this an excellent heavy quality much superior to the price—but this is our anniversary.
Food Sale:
LINCOLN General Nekludov, who was former- partment of Education, it was learnMiss Alice Schuiein, a freshman at ly governor of hh-onia. andof the ed here today. Council Bluffs News the University of Nebraska, was Kovno district under the Czarist Sakalcini was formerly secretary of Instead of "The Pioneer,' sermon elected to the "Mystic Fish," the regime, is now living in Riga in great the Palestine Arab Executive. to be delivered by Rabbi Frederick;- The Talmud Torah Sunday School freshman women's honorary organ- poverty. In a request submitted to Cohn at Temple Israel Friday even-': have started their regular classes at ization. Miss Schuiein is the daugh- the Jewish deputy Kurock, he iming, the sermon has Y— changed to ' the Merriara Block Hall, but any ter of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Schuiein of plored him to obtain the aid of Jewish child who has not yet been enrolled "The Story Nobody Knows." philanthropic organizations for him but who wishes to attend the Sunday Sioux City, Iowa. She is a pledge as he is too old and weak to earn a of the Sigma Tau fraternity. The joint sisterhood and brother- School, may still do so by attending livelihood. General Nekludov submithood program which was to be held next Sunday morning at ten o'clock. ted proof in his letter that he had Oct. 18, where Miss Reda Each A Confirmation Class will also be OPENS ART STUDIO helped the Jewish population under Strauss was to give an operalogue, held-under the supervision of Mr. I. A commercial art studio has been the Czarist regime. WEDDI3STGS ENGAGEMENTS "Shewanis", will be postponed dne to! Morgenstern. opened in Omaha recently by Miss STERN-STERN Mr. and Mrs. Louis Kurs announce the illness of Miss Strauss. The datej Lillian Rubenstein, making her one Jerusalem (J. T. A.)—Mr. SakaThe Ladies AM Society held a Mr. and Mrs., Harry Stern of Chi- the engagement of their daughter ann(mnced a t of the few Jewish commercial artist.- kini, an Arab leader, was appointed | meeting"Tuesday"afternoon at^the cago, formerly of Omaha, announce Celia to Mr. Hyman Sherman, son a later date. home of Mrs. Julius Katelman, 417 in this section of the country. Miss rapporteur in the governmental Dethe marriage of their daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Sherman of this Rubenstein has been teaching art the Josephnie to Lester Stern, son of Mr. city. No date has been set for the A one o'clock luncheon and a j Oakland Are. last two years, one year at the Chicatheater party was given Sunday af- i and Mrs. Henry Stern of San Fran- wedding. go Institute, where she graduated. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Cherniack have 1 ternoon t y Miss Rose Rosenbaum i n ' cisco, Calif. ... ' • She handles any manner of work Mr. and Mrs. Ate Goldstein and honor of Miss Beulah Mittleman andi tfos t ? ? e d h ° m e fr f^, a * f w e e k s teP requiring an artist's aid, including t o Minnesota and Canada. Minnesota and Canad The Post" Confirmation Class of Dr. and Mrs; Gordon motored to her sister-in-law, Mrs. H. Mittleman j the painting of pictures, and greeting I{ Mis Gertrude Kroloff, who has been cards. Temple Israel with Miss Gratz as Beatrice, Nebr., Thursday to attend of Portland, Oregon. Young man or Young teacher elected the folio-wing officers the funeral of .Mrs. Bernstein. ' spending the summer months with lady to do temporary Her studio is at 301 Peters Trust Mr. and Mrs. Harry Chudacoff are for the year to come. The officers CANTOR ABRAHAM relatives in Los Angeles, California, Bldg. work. Apply in person All those interested in the organ- spending their honeymoon in Minneare as follows: President, Shaffel SCHWACZKIN ruturned home last -week. apolis, Minnesota. ' at The Jewish Press OfKatskee; Vice President, Sylvin ization of a Talmud Torah in Dundee of B'nai Israel Congregation fice, 490 Brandeis TheatBloch, Sec. and Tres., William Wolf- call Jackson 3967. Mr. Lou Bordy of Colombus, Nebr., Mr. Arthur Sriyder of Hutchinson, CZARIST GENERAL ASKS son; Sergeant of Arms, Edwin Brod-j The combined committee of Omaha was in Omaha Sunday, AID OF JEWS IN OLD AGE j j er Bldg. Kansas, spent last Thursday and Performs Marriages Friday here visiting at the Sam in Jewish and English key and Frances Melcher; Reporter,] Hebrew Club and the B'nai Brilh Complimentary to Mrs. M.. CohnSnyder home. Riga—(J. T. A.)—The generosity Harold Saxe. At this meeting a com- had a meeting last week at the Jew621 No. 21 St. AT lantic 5534 of Omaha, Mrs. Henry Maduff of of Jewish philanthropic organizations mittee -was appointed to take charge ^ ^ Community Center and plans Mrs. Sam Snyder who has been in Lativa was invoked today by Genof all entertainments throughout the -were m a d e for a Purim Ball at which Council Bluffs, Iowa, entertained at ["Electricity Is Cheapest In visiting for the past two weeks with eral Nekludov, former Czarist genthree tables of bridge at her home year. The commitee in charge will they intend to raise $3500. The ball her son, Arthur and Mrs. Snyder at eral. Sunday afternoon* be Harold Sort, Betty Daytch, h e ]^ March 20, 1927. The Hutchinson, Kansas, and also in -Mildred Myerson. . j money is to be used for the furui-hMr. and Mrs. Nathan Adelson who Kansas City, Mo., is expected home 1ings of the room which the Omaha left Monday night to spend a few the early part of next week. Rabbi Herman Cohen of Kansas; ^ e b r e w and the B'nai i t t t h days in Tulsa, Oklahoma, will conCity, - Missouri, spent Sunday in tinue to Houston, Texas, and then to Trifles make up or Omaha. He officiated at the Adelsonp the happiness p i t l lif off mortal life. Swartz Wedding. The Se Telh Ta Sorority will enter- Los Angeles, California, where they the misery 36 Years of Hotifnt MrrPhandlsf In will make their home. —Alexander Smith. roar Guarantee el a Square Deal Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kay and',**&•'at a tea given at the home of 1419 Douglas Est. 1890 Omaha's Most Modern Fireproof riant daughter Shirley, of Berkely, Calif.,'.Miss Ida Tenenbaum, Sunday Oct. Miss Bertha Batt spent the week- Shrolly Goodman say*, "Hbe beEt Is the are expected! to arrive here Saturday-j 17th. end in Lincoln where she visited with most economical". to be the guests of their parents, Mr. Miss Gene Breslow. CLEAXEKS—D1TEBS-TAItOKS Miss Lillian A. lipsey entertained and Mrs. M. Kulakofsky. While here MATTERS—TVK KIER S they will attend the. Golden Wedding at a bridge Sunday, October lOth^ in Mr. and Mrs. Morris Gendler of m honor of Miss Jeanette Levinson, Chariton, Iowa, spent the week-end CLEANERS •m m of Mr. and Mrs. Kulakofsky. who recently returned from her trip here visiting with their parent, Mr. "Manufactured in Omaha" HA. 8398 ! 3161 -63 rarnam St. and Mrs. S. Ravitz. Here is your Mrs. M. White and daughter Ger- to Indianapolis, Ind. 8AKER ICE MACHINE CO chance to own trude of Los Angeles, are returning Mr. and Mrs. L Shafer motored to to Omaha on Tuesday, October 12. Rock Island, HI., to visit Mr. and Mrs. The Daughters of Israel Aid Sograde, fully guaranciety will meet Tuesday afternoon, ENGRAVING Enroute^ to Omaha, they, will stop off Ratzky. teed, all-metal electric October 19, at the Jewish Old at San Francisco, to visit relatives. washer for this unusuENGRAVERS Miss White will also visit with her Mr. and Mrs. Sol Nogg will re- People's Home. ally low price. Alpha Sorority sisters in San Fran- ceive in honor of the marriage of cisco. On Saturday October . 2, ths their • daughter and . con-in-law, Mr. PATRONIZE ODR ADVERTISERS! »3i 3 so. i-f TH*ST. 6 M AJHA Theta Delta Sigma Beta chapter of and Mrs. Harry D. Haykin. They This Automatic elecLos Angeles, gave a farewell party ^ m be a t home to their friends at tric washer will do all in honor of Miss White, who is past 1627 Emmett St., on Sunday October FRIED'S •president, and presented her with a' 3.7, from 2 to 5 and from 7 to 10 P. M. KOSHER DELICATESSEN that any other w&dber gard, bearing the Greek letter of thej 1509 North 24th Street will do. It w a s h e s Limited sorority.- Mrs. White will remain in-! The Pi Tau Pi Fraternity enter- All foods kept in Sanitary cases BUTTER and KiiliS Harney 7545 clothes efficiently and tained its definitly in Omaha, but Gertrude will wil members and hew pledges A complete line of smoked meats Number Council Bluffs la. at 3 cleanly. It is handy to return to Los Angeles, where she has formal dinner dance last Saturand fish use and easy to clean. been taking dramatics for the past d a ? evening at the Athletic Club*. The At This Low Price two years. She will continue study- guests of the party were, Dr. and -Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Bud Cohen, Mr. ing at Egans, and will make her Block, 3 Mrs . t ^ * 3'imra^. Ambrose, Mr. and future home in Los Angeles. [Mrs. Leslie Burkenroed, and Mr. and [ Miss Helen Kohn spent the week- Mrs. Irving Klein. Messrs. and Misses Madoline Cohen, dli h end in Lincoln, Nebr., as the house Ethel Gladstone, M i Evelyn Marks, Ruth Kohn, Louise guest of the Sigma Delta Tau. Rosenthal,, Katherine Elgutter, : . g , Reva Teddy Turner spent the week-end Zeiv, Euth JKulakofsky, Reva Kulain Lincoln with his brother Joe, who fcofsky, Charlotte Heyn, Mildred Lew; is atter-dicg ths University of Ne- £d Rose.t'hal, Ronald Gladstone, Al braska. • Mayer, Stanley Feiler, Al Lew, MelMrs. Dollie Pollock Elgutter and **» Goldstrom, Bernard Schimmel, daughter, Miss Kathryn, have re- Jay Klein, Arthur Levy, Bill Feiler This machine is built for years of satisfactory serturned after a two years sojourn in and Hugo Heyn. vice. It is made of the same quality metal that high Europe, and are re-opening their The opening meeting of the Sistergrade automobile bodies are made of. Buy now and home at 3709 Jones Street.. hood -was held Monday, October 11, save the great difference. " \-;* •"*" preceded by a luncheon. A feature of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Schaye -will .e •'uncheon was the arrangeing of leave Friday for New York where they will make their future home.,,the .tables . , , to represent „ the different .
Brodkey Jewelry Co. Famous for Diamonds
Baker Ice Machines
Call Hamey 7545
Wet Wash . . . . 5 c ,, Semi-flat 6c RoughDry . . . . 8 c
V ii
Ten Can Have It.on Tlese Terms
Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Manley gave a ' J e w i s h t o d a y sMrs. . The following I. Zeigler on worn-J Bosh farewell dinner for Mr. and Mrs.Hashona, Mrs. Louis Sommers on Yon Schaye a t the Fontenelle Hotel last j Kippur, Mrs. Cora Wolf on Succofb,1 Friday evening. 'Mrs. Harry Kosenfeld on Chanaktth. Betty Steinberg spent Saturday Mrs. Julius Newman on Purim, Mrs. 'Nate Mantel on Passover, and Mrs. and Sunday in Lincoln. Leo Rosenthal on Shevoth. Mrs. I. Mrs. ..E. Weinberg entertained at Rosenthal and Mrs. Lawrence Goldfour tables of bridge Tuesday after- man wer in charge. More than one noon complimentary to Mrs. and fifty women attended. witch, -wife of Cantoi Prizes were won by Mrs. Jarohn Kul- president of the Sisterhood akofsky and Mrs. Minken. Mrs. Ko- : nanowitch was presented -with a | The first meeting this year of the lovely luncheon set. i B'nai B'rith auxilary will be held Thursday evening at the Jewish ComAmong the Omahans who attended munity Center. the Nebraska-Missouri game Saturday -were Messrs. and Mesdames H. j Mr. and Mrs. J. Epstein announce Lapidus, Irvin Stalmaster, J. Slos- the birth of a eon, October ninth, at burg, and Messrs. Lou Somberg, Mor-' the Methodist hospital. ~&s Jacobs, Nathan Jacobs, Jack New-] Mrs. Herman Auerbach man, Eugene Blazer, Leo Chaicken j M n guest Sunday, Mr. Samand Shrolly Goodman. J. Blaut of New York City. Mrs. Miss Pauline Herzberg arrived" Auerbach and Mr. Blaut served isitih home Monday after spending a few!the Jewish Welfare Board in France ; weeks with relatives in St. Louis, Mo.; during the World War. who con^ A meeting of the J. D. 2. w a s Mns. Hi E. Nathanson 5 held Sunday Oct. 11, fit the Jewish dacts the "Aunt Esther ' Column in Community; Center.'•-.; Plans for a; The Jewish Press, is recovering froni Halloween party -were discussed and, a recant operation at the St. Josepbi? a hike was planed for Sunday Mercy Hospital at Webster City, Ifl. ictbber 17. The next ineeting will bo ^eld^October 25; ^ | !
. ^ Mis3 Sara Fellman received fifty guests at tea Sunday afternoon, from Frontier Towel & Linen Supply 1819 fiatifbrrtla Street3 to 6, at her home, fa honor of Miss ATlaiitJCBeulah Mittleman, a bride-to-be, and for Mrs. Harry Mittlernan, of Portland, Ore., who is here to attend the Shrago^Mittlemah wedding on; Sunday, October 24. -;.;': ittb I- SI ort ha Hi*. .
Items for these, columns can be telephoned to ATlantic 1450, not later than Wednesday noon.
.;• . . • •
•• - : , > ; •
A Revue of Fashions
Presented by ''Living Models" from NewiYork at 10:30 A. M. a?2^2:30p. M.
SALE of dresses specially designed by New York's A leading fashion creators in slenderizing styles for 1
the larger woman. This event is planned to demonstrate the advantages of this specialized service which is devoted exclusively to serving the apparel needs of the larger women. The distinctive lines and slenderizing effect of our dresses will be shown to advantage on "living models from New York."
Prices range from $2o 00, f 39.50, $59.50 to $ 110.00 '
You sit down to iron with this Thor electric iroaer. It does all the hard work of ironing—--you jest feed — the pieces through. H: This ironer will iron the sheerest of laces as neatly as the heaviest of blankets. It irons sMrts, dresses, and everything that you cass iron by hand—but it does it so much better.
Sold on Convenient Terms 66
Sizes 38^ to 54%
Electric Shop®*'
SATURDAY THE LAST DAY ! 10:30 A.M. and 2:80 P.M.
Iron In Comfort
— Second Floor
17th and Harney Stc.;" 2314 M Si. ;. '
O m n h a .
Sufi gra? iron, hniss tiriuiz* and alu niiniiin easiin^s. JStnndnrd »)ze* Uumzt •ind trott bushings, setter mnnliules iiisiern rlnps and covers, nnci ck-nn-ont Irtirrn it\ stork
l\Cowriess—Service—Low Mates':
i. '-r. ,
of his former mates over his South \ They meet the William street Jack- Under way last week with some go ••'* the opposition to' pass him. Weiner High seconds while he occupied a rabbits this Sunday morning1 in a games. The Seniors play every Thursis a neat tackier, a good blocker and prominent seat on the side line game that will usher in the first at- day night while the Juniors tangle : fast on his feet. Milton Altshuler bench.* ' tempt of an alien team to remove with each other on Tuesday evenings. By Stanley F. Levin. does most of the signal barking for Jewish Millionaire, Mprisioned at Age of Seventy, Ponders Over the crown of junior champions of the All games are refereed by Leo * - •- * . the Purple first-year men. - That Proverb. . - ' ' ' city from the brows of the Rabbits. Konecky. Amateur Football Fpotball— , . * ••. * The B'ain Ami' of Omaha defeated The A. Z. A. eleven c aptained by The Jewish- proverfc "If you don't rupt Jew and everybody in Hungary Central.High School Technical High School the Two Triangl Club of Lincoln at Louis Riklin and coached by Ben Seid Plan Thanksgiving Dance "give it to Jacob, Esau will have it" has lost respect for him. When a Jew Captain Elmer Greenberg of the Benny Bloch, veteran fullback, is Lincoln, by the margain of 6 to 0 last The B'nai B'rith Auxiliary will give will meet the A. Z. A. team of Linhas come true in the case of a bows his head, it is a sign that his Central High gridiron- gang covered still suffering from a wrenched neck Sunday on a wet and muddy sea of coln chapter of the Order this Sun- its regular Thanksgiving Dance at the famous. Jewish milJionairef in Buda- complete ruin is at hand. On the one himself with glory last week during received in the tussle with Abraham mudge. The Omaha aggregation day afternoon at Lincoln. The game Jewish Community Center on Thankspest; '-"who-£»•-'the- course.' irf a very hand the government advanced him the Central-Abraham Lincoln till at Lincoln two weeks ago. Weiner has showed up well and withstood thej will mark the fifth encounter between giving Night. Plans are being made short time has lost the whole of his money, and on the other it whispered Council Bluffs. It was Elmer's open- been seeing service at one of the battering attack of the Capitol City j the two elevens. The Omaha lads to make this an elaborate affair. vast ^fortune of" over 15 million dol- to the. public prosecutor that he should ing'of holes throigh the "Presidents'" ends due to the dropping of school lads nicely. Forman of North High have never, carried off the palms of l a r s , and now in bis seventieth year go through Bacher's books. And the Una that enabled Johnny Wrigh4, the by one of the flankmen. Lanky Nate stook the' ball across the last white Ms' a convict behind prison walls. public prosscutor ordered the arrest Purple back." to punch over for the Marcus is galloping along in grand line after he and his mates had car- victory from the Red Jersied lads of The of the seventy-year old'Jew. Bacher first score jf the game. Shortly after style and will see . service against ried the oval to the Lincoln six yard the Capitol. Former Flour King * * ' * It is the Hungarian Flour King) celebrated his seventieth birthday in the first touchdown was chalked up, the Kearney crew this week end. The line. -The youngster won the game Emil Bacher, himself an old Maskil a prison cell. The public prosecutor "Dude" Love, the colored bit of light- big Maroon eleven had an off-day by the skin of his teeth, time being . The Community Center basketball leagues both Junior and Senior got 1818 Farnam, 2nd floor and-a son of the Hebrew writer, is accusing him of having paid too ning took to his heeis with Greenberg last week and played no game." called as he hit the ground. * • * • high an interest on his money and of running interference and raced sevenBacher, who translated the German The B'nai Israel scrimmaged the classics into Hebrew,. After fifty having failed to consult his fellow- ty yards for another, counter. The North High School A. Z. A. last Sunday in a .beneficial and Forman of the Eskimos has been years of. tireless -work, Bacher directors. But the fact is that the tackling of the Purple captain was • scrimmage to both sides. The honors grew to be the richest .man, in Hun- government is only trying to get rid short of being sensational and he is dropped from the Polar first Squad favored .the heavier A. Z. A. men but gary and .the strongest man in' Hun- of a Jew who once was a force in at the" present time the "outstanding due to ineligibility but has been ac- the Israelites had no reason to feel Public Accountants and Auditors Popular noonday luncheon garian economic life.* He' was the the country, and; it is going the best lineman among the local schools. The tive on the second and freshman downcast as they will show up well ISADORE ABHAMSON 50 cents •director of the largest milling ^con- way about it to clear Mm out-ofv the Central leader will take his tribe to crews. He held down a backfield Table d'hote dinner, 85 cents to " - • [St. Joe,'Mo.,'.this week end for the berth last week when the North and j against any team of their weight. cerns in the world. It .was. never way for-good. -" $1.00, from 5 to 8 Daily } INCOME TAX SERVICE This is the story of the old Jewish annual intersectional tilt with the South seconds tangled and witnessed iaiown that Bacher should "have had Music at all Meals • SYSTEMS—AUDITS Dancing Evenings need to borrow money' ^from' any- multi-millionaire, Emil Bacher, now southern school. the routing of the Northmen. The Music by Ambassadors 7 piece where. All his big business .trans- a convict who in an evil hour thought INVESTIGATIONS Bernard Shimmel, tHe • old reliable following day he played on the freshorchestra. No cover charge . actions were carried on by his own of fighting against America, against played his • usual heady game at man team against the Central frosh 490 Brandeis Theater Building For reservations phone capital. He was veritably king of the American capital. Wisdom is of no guard. Shimmel is not the type of and chalked up one of the numerous By Phone ATlantic 1450 wheat market in Europe, and many avail and against bad luck there is player whose work stands out as touchdowns which his team made JA ckson 6224 LADIES' FIRST PRESa .time he even dared''to dictate no. remedy. As an old Maskil Bacher sensational, he plugs his hole and that day. Several days later, he. jourBYTERIAN CHURCH prices to the Chicago- Wheat. Ex- should have known the old Jewish gets his man when the-occasion de- nied to Lincoln with the B'nai Ami EttttiMt change. .Emil .Bacher..was. a. man .of adage: "Wisdom is of no avail against mands it, otherwise he is just one of team where he punched across for Thursday and Friday hig"h repute. The City of London, the iiriuck." only score of the tussle and gave the j the eleven. -• . * October 14 and 15 ... center of the British financial, world, I Bud Levin, Central' second team Omaha pack a victory over the Two 1910 Farnam Street offered him on its initiative credits end, has been switched to left tacktai Triangles of Lincoln. Tuesday night I wish to announce to the ..Jews of Omaha that I have opened a COME EARLY to the amount of millions of pounds, NIGHT SCHOOL AT J. C. C. where his strength, size and weight} he sped sixty yards down the field to Business at ray Home, 2429 Decatur Street, with a full line of P but he would only laugh at' the' proJewish Religious Books such as Daily Prayers, Machsorim, Jewi ^ ^ will bolster up the line considerably. defeat the reserves of Creighton Prep night school at the posal and turn it down.' He was a ish Rituals, Scriptures, Talethim Silk or Wool, Mezzuzahs and The lenghty Levin showed much im- to the tune of 6 to 0. His touchdown many other articles. hard working Jew with & tenacious Community Center under the aus- provement over his play of a week again being the only score of the unyielding character. He would work pices of the Council of Jewish ago when, he was .handicapped by an game. M. SOMIT, WEfoster 3527 for more than twenty hours', a day Women is being held every Mon- infected leg. Tuesday night in A * * * and had no time to think of charity day and Wednesday evening at league game with the Red Jersied I also have the agency for the "Sefer Tora" that anybody wants South High School to order. seven-thirty. or of anything except ubisness. men of South Hig Bud got off two Sam Blend, a former Central fresh- 303 Mickel BIdg. JAckson 4774 Arrangements have -been made miitiiimt with the board of education to nice punts that traveled a bit over man gridster, witnessed the victory War on Chicago: Exchange" * forty-five yards. . : ; Suddenly Bacher took 'it into- his furnish texbooks free to the pupils. Earl Lapidus played a nice game head to declare war against "the^ Chi- All branches of English taught by 5 at'^uar^d'ISt we^k""wlLen~ the frosh Harry &. Lapidus, Pres.-Treas. cago Corn Exchange.: Jf3e got-an idea Miss Elizabeth Hart. W. G. Ure Secretary. I and the reserves tangled. ,,He broke The attendance has increasscd that the American - corn'speculators j thrpugh the' first year, boys to break were raising wheat pric'es in .the. whole t three hundred percent since the up.several plays. " Omaha Fixture & ; Announcing Program DR. WILLIAM RADUZINER, Chiropractor classes opened. of Europe and that this meant that Supply Co. Orris "Dbnovitz; Harold Pollock and of'Russianr Music his own twenty-seven giant mills were : Joe Levinson have been-showing a COMPLETE STOaS X-Ray and Pathoneurometer Service from Radiocast Station W. A. A. not bringing him the profit^ they j " ••.' • ".. " ~~ ~~~ ~ OFFICE bit of improvement over their preW; Grain* Exchange, wave length Lady Attendent should be bringing,' so .he" embarked A. Z. A . FOOTBALL T E A M :; k prob3bal « xnpj 383.3 meters, Monday evening OcmA nT TfXT/ t m TOO . OO iqn»r» TO' SLAY'AT ™US J** '.W ^ * . . 306 So. 24th St. Corner 24 and Farnam on a campaign against tte Chidago • v : " r n ISNCOLN "' tober 18, at 8:15 p. m., central Sa«t1>**c« C m * Corn Exchange. But-America is a TO PLAY AX LliNCULIM, get a fling a t " a ' t a c k l e p o s t i n t h e standard time. «" Phones— Office Hours— 4od tionetat Mtrrrtt. The football team of Omaha chap-j1 next game. He had been working out:: Office JA ckson 344"? very rich country arid it. was* hardly 10 A.M. to 1 P.M. We will appreciate' your criticism 1 Res. HArney 7883 2 to 6 P. M. .and by appointment of. Our program. ; • this Sun- at the tackle post that Bud likely that it would1 allow-itself ter will journey' to Lincoln NKB J 1 over. The trio lack the size of' dictated to by a European;niillionaire. day to nieet the gridmen of Lincoln took most of the j second stringers who This the'seventy-year oldlmillkin'g-ofj chapter No. 4 of the Order. The fol- have been receiving the first call Hungary did' not^undfifstand' &nd the! lowing men will probabaly start for during "the games. result wa« that, his campaign cost Omaha: Left-end, Dave Bishofl; left"Chubby" Al Fiedler and "Hank" him the whole of his fortune. ' {tackle, Simon-Green or Milton Mala_ . _ . . _,_ , . „, ... , , . - - , e „ »,. « i. i Weiner are two fellows whose work Sstablislied But Badier is a stiff-necked'Jew.} shock; left-guard, Soil Mzroff; center, \ ^ ^ treshman teamPied. in. 1870 If was not enough,for him-tha,t.he !Marion Graetzy. right-guard, Dave j * , ler tackles nicely and seldom allows had lost biff fortune. ^He was, deter- Bleicher; right-tackle," Isadore Elemined to fight to the.very end. r So witz; right-end, S. F. Levin; quarterhe accepted an English* crediff of'one back,- Maurice Givot;1 right-half, end a half million pounds and went Louis Riklin; fullback, Bud Levin; on with the fight "againsJ "Chicago. left-half, Bill Gerelick or Joe Cohen. \VH«»».KMA1,B In a short time the borrowed' money" Louis Riklin is the captain of the Druggists and S was gone to the last "penny arid rum- local aggregation which is coached •01.403-4119 Knmh StrrM ors began to spread in Hung&ry by Ben Seid. about Emil Bacher being on the verge Berlin.—(J. T. A.)—Tribute to the of bankruptcy. These"rumeft^ memory London and Bacher's- creditors , ^ J e w i s h of Hugo Preuss, late German maided fte~ M e d i a t e r ^ p T y ^ 7 n t ' ' o f ! statesman and author of the their advance. To prevent - tuiitog ! c o n s t i t i l t i o n o f the. German Republic Hungary's credit abroad, the Hungar- w a s P a i d la83t M & h t m Waldock. ian government .procIaimed-Jfecher'sL A ™ e n i o n a ' m . e e t i n / w a s arranged mills under,state control and repaid * / , t h e democratic.federation of WalBacher's debts. - d e c k o n t h e anniversary of Preuss's death. All Inside of a Year The whole decline and fall of Emil Bacher took less than a year from ITH agrmtlml beginning to end. In 3 twinkling he of gratification** had lost the colossal fortune he had amassed in fifty years of hard "-work we submit this huilditg "As long as Bacher is alive and works io your service. he will accept money from > nobody," 1804 No, 24 people had. said. He was the only Jew Hi whom the anti-Semitic government did not dare to touch during the time of the pogroms. Even now. the government has already repaid most of I his debt to England. Bacher remained honest to the last. He; gave up to the government all his fprivate invests abroad. -- " •! -, { if
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