THIS A false friend, like a shadow, attends only while the surs shines.
By EL B. R. AS DAYS OF YORE \ % J •A contraption long unseen '/"» ^ its appearance a t the Jewish > -" -g presented last Sunday by the 1 ^ I s Zaonist Community Center. I t vr! ST prompters box, set in the orche, *•*• pit. The last time I remember^ seeing a regular old-fashioL-u prompters box was a t the. Brandeis theater, I believe it was last year, when a demonstration of various orchestra leaders -was given. A quick change artist at that time represented himself as JBethoveen, Mozart and the rest of those old famous musicians and orchestra leaders. Seldom, in this day, do we see the prompter's box in "use.' The prompter today is usually hid behind the scenes on the stage. Incidentally, I was told that the play didn't come to - a finish until 1:15 a. m. * *- * A FALL AND A SPRAIN E. F . informs me of an incident which happened in the J , C. C. gymnasium the other day. It seems Selma Levin and Pearl Marcus were playing basketball, when unexpectedly the two collided into one another, Selma landing on Pearl's foot. Pearl's little foot hurt and she discovered that her ankle was sprained. She'll play no more basketball for some time. * • • ART The Jewish Community Center is certainly bringing added culture to Omaha Jewry. The young Jewish
• Entered us eecona-clasg mall matter on January 27tb. i c a , at . postofflce at Omaha Nebraska, under the Act of March 3. IS79.
VOL. V—No. 46
The free night school at the Community Center under the auspices of the Council of Jewish Women is being held every Monday and Wednesday evening at seven-thirty. Arrangements have been made Present Immigration Less Than with the board of education to 1 One-Fourth of 1907 furnish textbooks free to the pupils. AH branches of English taught by ' MANUFACTURERS ASSOCfcA'We Will Respond to the Call of Our Brothers and . TION FOR BILL Miss Elizabeth Hart. Sisters Accross the Sea"—Abe Goldstein • : The attendance has increased Detroit, <J, T. A.) — A resolution three hundred percent since the condemning the proposed Alien classes opened. Begistretioii bill was presented at the DAVID A.-BROWN WILL BE GUEST OF convention of the American Federation of-Labor here by J. M. O'Hanlon, OMAHA JEWRY OCTOBER 28th . delegate of the New York State Federation of Labor, Omaha's drive for $75,000, its quote in the national United The resolution points oat that th» Jewish Campaign for §25;000,000, was inaugurated by-a-smokerproposed legislation for the registraMonday evening at the Jewish Community Center" in Konor of tion of foreign born "workers would William L. Holzman, chairman for the state, who gave a report permit photographing and finger of the work of the'national Jewish Conference recently held-in Proceeds Will go to Rehabilitation of j printing and make it impossible for children and aged grown-ups all can Chicago. Those present at the smoker appointed themselves a Palestine the foreign born to participate in find something of benefit at the cen- committee of .workers, and pledged themselves enthusiastically the struggle of American, labor for ter. . to reach the goal set for Omaha. Abe Goldstein, local chaiman, MR. AND MRS. M. KULAKOFSKY On Sunday morning, October 24,; a higher standard c fliving. The latest constructive idea being presided. • '* . . at the box office of the Brandeis • , _ .. „ _ Herman Cohen,' of Keneseth Israel HOURS put into practice by Samuel Gerson, "It -was like a •wonderful play," smoker by Rabbi Frederick Cohn, What beauty In this life.of ours isew York, (J. T. A.)—Cyras 5. Beth Shalom- Synagogue of Kansas Theater, the seats will be placed on ^ ' o f *tlie " I m m i g r a t i o n ch&irm&n supperientendent of this Mecca of said Mr. Holzman of the Conference Harry A. Wolf, Dr. Philip Sher, WTien in the dawning: JOT the hours City, and son-in-law of .Mr. and Mrs.! s a I e f o r t h e special performance c ^ a beauty in. t i e fciss Jews, is an art class. This class, i s "The actors were Dr. Bernhard Kahn, Harry Lapidus, and Nathan S. Yaffe. 1Ofsee fifty years of wedded bliss. Kulakofsky will deliver a special! "Welcome Stranger", to be given by open to all, will educate those attend- European director of the Joint Dis- "We expect Omaha to respond with of Manufacturers, in his report I touch her hsncl_thSt sweetheart mine, sermon. • ! t ^ e Clemant-Walsh Flayers for the ing of the fine things behind art. tribution Committee, -whose main its -usual enthusiasm and generosity.," And close Bjy eyes and arink the -wine to the annual convention of the asyooth that, never finSs amiss A number of- out of town guests benefit of the Omaha Chapter of sociation in session at the Waldorf They mil learn to appreciate a good stated Mr. Goldstein, local chairman. Of In fifty years of wedded-Bliss. will be present for the golden an- Hadassah. picture, and be aided in drawing, if At this time and for the following Hotel, expressed the committee's Ana -when t i e night has left Its veil. niversary celebration, among those they are so inclined. They will learn Will Organize Committees doubt of the And golded ships have spread their sail. who here are: Mr. and Mrs. week up until the performance, SunOh bless us God .nod bear us this, of the famous Jewish artists,and of upon for United Jewish Campaign Our fifty years at Trended bliss. their wonderful works. A flags simi Joe Kay and daughter Shirley Ruth! &a? sight, October 31, the tickets it to become effective in 1027. A. half century of wedded happi-! f.. . o f B e r l d e v > Cali B a b b i a n d M r s ilar to this has never before been inpurchased from members of Hadassah j Constant intermarriage, he saiA, Committees of workers will be or- ness will be celebrated Sunday by; Herman Cohen and son Ellis of l e b a d stituted in Omaha. may be exchanged at the box office i ganized during the coming week to M it dubious whether we hsv© the M Mi^sael M i ^ l Kulakofsky K l k f k j|| Mr. andd Mrs, "Miss T.fnirm Bubenstein, prominent for regular theater tickets. For the ! d a t a C i t y . Mlm a n d M r s - B> help put Omaha's quota over for the with a golden to predicate even at,the Jewish j j benefit cf those who were unable toj to ^ and daughter Omaha-artist, and a graduate of the ^ ^LCityj L Pollack Pollack and daughter United Jewish Campaign." Plans are Community Center*bInvitations have;j ^ aanndd ^ racial origin. Mr. secure the tickets from Hadassah i «PP«min«tely ork Mr. and Mrs. I . of New Y Chicago Art -Institute will be in now being made by the chairman in been members, there will be on sale at the Chine recommended that the regisb f issued c d tto moHfthan f th one n hundred b d e d -: charge of ,tbe class,-, . , c f Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. charge for one of the most systematic aliens should be made i tration of and sa*saty-nve pes ead friends • box ofSce, a goodly number of seats *• * * • campaign ever conducted in this city. for that by law. at the: on the main floor GATE-CBASHERS, LOOKI ' 1 am sold on this campaign", said The —Noticed qeite a crowd attended' the . Abe Goldstein, dty chairman;;. The sha^pei table" "and the" appomtmeate Brodkey of Sioux City, Iowa. choicest seats' in the house.'; last "Y" dance a t the Jewish Comthe cause is one of the most worthiest o f the dinner will be carried out in' --••-.. cent'of Hadassahsproceeds Hadassah's-proceeds ' the convention declared that Every centof , munity CenterrJ.But "Y" dances al-| ever confronting the American reseT!t golden wedding decorations. Mr. from ites performance goes to .the P restrictive policy of thei govways did gather"the crowd. It's, a ' "When men like David Brown, Louis Harry A. Wolf, family friend, will be work of rehabilitating Palestine.rNot eraiDent on immijnrstion should be pleasure to see them dancing in their the toastmaster of the evening. one ceift is deducted for any expense h e l d H e own building, howeyer. Gate-crash-, ^ recommended the Mr. and Mrs. Kulakofsky are well J incurred in r-raising- funds. This exers were quite common at : the" old ^ 2,000,000 to 8,000,000 aliens now known to many Omahans, being one 1 pense isboroe by Hadassah members. i n dances, but not so at their Saturday, this country who are considering of the pioneer Jewish families of the 1 Mr. William Walsh of the Brandeis night dances now-, with Dave Fishman themselves citizens and will only community and taking an active partj has set a beautiful example to every \ guarding the door. Don't think he's 3e in Mr. and Mrs. Ku-! Committee- -lAppaisted - by Newly Jew and Jewess in Omaha by his gen-; *rn f « the first time that they are immune from bribery, though, forhe's. erosity in making possible this b e n e f i t ^ -should they' leave the country lakofsky migrated to this country! Elected Presidefit like the rest and can be "talked to". . perfonnan-ce, for not only has he giv-' s n d attempt to return. He eaid that from Slutzk, Eussia, in 1887, coming' " • •' - - - ',, * - .* * the ABE- GOLDSTEIN directly to Omaha. Being a student! little boys i en the fullest measure of co-operation, government by cutting down M GRANDPA OR A COLLEGE BOY? City, -Chairman ««* »or»l support, but he has also"«issi«zi of aliens had done away with of the Yeshiva of Slutzk sn^. .The young high school and-college . . _ da, in s e l ^ Mr. Kulakofsky confronted out * . work "rah rah" boys arent the only ones » relieving the untold _suffertheater at this performance to Hacks- ft« present policy is insuring the « American living started a grocery f e a t e r e d a p r o g r a m given bewho go bare-headed these days, i'ing of the thousands of.Jews m eastd i i d l prosperity it of f our workers kers store thirty-five years ago at 13th fore a c r c m Q bf OTCr 100 at the open sah at a figure which means health, dividual 11 saw, an old gentleman, with a heavy i^ Europe; Dr. Joseph A. Eosen, sanitation, and life itself to the pion-:"Bd protecting: American interests. and; Fierce Street with but a small m e e t I head ofthe A o f the y . M . ^ n set of gray whiskers, as thick as the S * ° - J ° ^ the.division . " j e e r s in Palestine. j "Present day immigration is leas capital of ?200 ] a s t M o n d a y m e e t ffi f .-~ rabbi's, and a thick head of gray hair, of the Joint Distribution Committee, much more must every Jew'than one-four ft of that ^ for 1907, the How Having settled with the task of were The n u m b e r s tte prognun "walk down sixteenth street near Far- whose work is the .settlement of Jews peak year of immigration,*' said the to making a livelihood, he then started aTid Jewess feel ........ . . , entertaining. nam, the other day, in regular col- on farms principally in Bussia, givcommissioner. "During the past two ing them the chance they want to the formation of a Spnagogue from ^ ^ s o l o b y ^ Buckiiig- her share. f o n o w s : legiate style—No hat, no coat, and fiscal years erring- June 1925 .and help themselves; Julius Rosenwald, what was at that time a "minyen" h&m a c c o m p a n i e d b y L y l y a n Chuda-: a little mahogany pipe. 1526 respectively, 294,814 and 304,whose subscription of $1,000,000 * * * at 13th and Pierce Streets. The ^ a iea^higl)y M ^ Dorothy Eeo-' 488 immigrant? were admitted to the started the campaign; Mrs. Eehekah' Synagogue was later known as the ^ v i ^ . ^ b y Master' Kate, acPAN-HANDLERS RISING United States.1 In the fiscal year 190? r Kohut, leader of Jewish women; Beth Hamedrosh Hagodol which was c o m p a m e d b y Miss ^guni, vocol solo, immigration reached a total 0* Nate Jacobs is used to being David A. Brown of Detroit, national organized thirty-two years ago and by Miss Helen.Levinson, accompanied! 1,285,349." "touched" by pan-handlers, while chairman of the United Jewish CamTO. L. HOLZMAN of which Mr. Kulakofsky was its first b ymss chtidacpff. ' j walking along the street, he says, but paign, who is giving all his time and The commissioner discussed the State Chairman t© Cohn Moniisy president. The Synagogue has stead-. A t tfeig -..y^ m e e t m g a i s 0 &e f o l . he tells one about a "down and outer" effort to alleviate the destitution of 1 problem of dealing with the cft&efeEvening and Julius fly. grown until it now is one of the l o w i n g . standing-committees were se-i Felix that takes the cake. Nate was work- unfortunate Jews of the world; and j ship of women. "Prior to September _ l u c ulltS OX l u c erection Ox t n e new -. f^vM^.;.*-*.,.*.. tr* lipp, T : . « m_*.:« ing energetically in his office. The - , , . .. M«^^M E. Committee: TLouis Chair-•; The Leader's Training Course c o n - ' ^ 1922, on which date the Cable *u< it Amer- contribute liberally to this campaign, . . , j . „ , . , , . , ifive hundred other Sam' Faier,2; Marian Graetz. ducted under the auspices of the Y.: 'was - passed," caid the commissioner, the entire I feel that Omaha Jewry will respond Synagogue at 19th and Burt Street Mr. Kulakofsky was again its presi-. Publicity7 Committee: Bennie C M. and T. W. H. A., at the Jewish -"fte nwrriage of m alien woman -to door opened and in walked a shabbily' . _ . .. when the campaign will begin." dent and at the present time holds Morgan chairman Stanley Levin. ; Community Center, opened on Mon-"» citisen of the TMited States made . j• • 1 ican Jews, representing he f "The state of Nebraska has always t«._ . f«f i .c e. °. -f c.h, a. .i ,r _m -a .n o-* ..^_:-.._.s._ : Corsstituiimal Committe'e: Maurice day, October IS. Professor T. Earl her a citizen^and conversely the tmi> ° «Hnn2ssumdressed man. 1 „ erS resided to the u.nn.1 « f - N o t a I o n e w a s h e content with in, chairman, Louis Lipp, Grace Sullenger of So- Tiage of an American- citizen * COLUILITV g of .the Department p ^and S ' in aCtfTe affairS "Could you spare 2. dime for a poor i _ . , . .. _ . Eofenstein. *" treasurer of-?* iie cf Omaha, openedship. to a Since foreigBer f Conference quota of $25,000,-' William L. Holzman, state chairman. Synagogue, but was the' ^ 0 ^ ^ Committee:-Grace Rosen- t<**o**. course.diversity He defined "Social Work that forfeited date an America* hungry man?" he asked Nate. Img? the ! S campaign ^ T ° "We will put Nebraska's quota over tated ol2ma d largeJ portion of which Ws al- the top." Omaha Hebrew Club, president of the j Nate looked at him and wondered! !000, a ^ ? - ™J°. and its need in the Community." He woman who -married s forces f o r final SoTt m : Reports on if he was really in the sanctuary o f i ready been* *subscribed. " * B'rith Abraham and at present C. Morgan, .Leona Pollack, G e r - ™ followed by Jud^e L, B. Day, (except in.-certain cases where the the expenditure of the sums collected his office. trustee of the Jewish Community' trude Horwich. of the Eee<l Juvenile Court, who emphasied husband i s ineligible to become s. °* trained volunteers.". citizen) ddes not lose her citizenship,1 "They're getting high class now," were made, eye- witnesses telling of T Dances Saturday Niget Feature Center. Membership *„ .Committee: Fred During his years of residence in Stalmaster acted as Chairman' nor does the American confer dlaaen ' Nate said. "They're not satisfied the unspeakable conditions in Euro-; chairman, Isaac Sternhill, pean countries — the huge death tiie at Jewish Community Center Omaha, Mr. Kulakofsky, encouraged Kurtzman, with stopping one on the street, but rate," augmented" . by starvation, meeting. Nearly one hundred ship on his foreign wife. As a result Dave Fishman, Ella Marcus, Stella come into his office, as well." in all work by his devoted wife, took Harwich. people took this opportunity to learn of this situation we have bad sows typhus and other diseases, and suicide * • • m Saturday night is becoming recog-j an active part in the business world i very harsi "cases before the Dance Committee: Leone Novitsky, °re about social work. —which the Joint - Distribution Com- nized as Omaha Jewish young folks' A LAST WORD next lecture will be given on ment on appeal. We had to regtfrt! and at the present time is president! chairman, Fred Brodkey,.Ella Marcus. 1 When a person tries to find too mittee is striving jto .control by feed- dance night in the J. C.- C. ballroom. of. the Central Markets lnc_ Thej Chumjny Qub committee: Isaac night, October 25, at S P. M., as aliens under the law women vhcmuch, he usually comes away with ing unemployed men and women and At the "Y" dance Saturday evening Central Markets' was formed in the j with Rabbi Frederick Cohen as the are ss much citizens as you or I &ni JEWISH GIRL YOUNGEST SternhEl, chairman., Louis E. lipp, taking care of the orphans. Dr. Rosen nothing. main speaker. His subject will be who have wanted to return from SENIOR AT CENTRAL HIGH told of the work of the Agro-Joint there is going to be music of the year 1905 when it was located at Maurice Alperixi. syncopating Kind as Ike.Bauder?s or- 16th and Capitol Ave.; it then later "Jewish Communal Service." There foreign residences where they Miss Jeanette Resnick daughter ol in settling Jews on farms, a pioneer- chestra takes the platform. A large moved to the old Masonic building. will be & brief discussion after the been living with their husbands. Resnick is theing movement; since heretofore-Jews gathering is expected. It was in 1917 when the Harney CITY SUNDAY SCHOOL lecture. think that in a case like that a had not been.allowed to be landthe senor class "Here's your date, Halloween dance street market was opened and in 1921 A certificate will be awarded at the, era! discretion should be confett©# '..-; STARTS SESSION iha Central High School. Miss holders in Russia. Mr, Brown spoke Saturday night October SO at thewhen the 16th street market was end of the course to those who attend upon the department to authorize tJife :k is only fifteen' years of age. of the campaign' work being done all J. C. C. Ballroom", says the commit- opened. Regular sessions '-of the City Sunevery lecture. readmission of expatriated native is a member of the National over the United States, in "which * tee which is working to make- this a • Mr. and Mrs. Kulakofsky have six day School at the -B'nai Israel synanaturalized <eitisens.*r huge army of workers are organized Honor Society and the Yodung Judea great affair. Plans working oat at children, nineteen grandchildren, and gogue have begun. Competent teachSociety. Jeanette writes for the Cen- to further the work of relief and the present time include preparations one great grandchild. Their children ers have been secured-this year for PRESENT CONGEST AM* tral Weekly Register and is taking a rehabilitation. for a packed floor. Every yonsg Jew- are A. I. Kulakofsky, Harry and all grades. Principal' Eliahxte Block JSWiSB EMIGRANTS Journalistic course. At the meeting it was announced ish young man and woman in Omaha Louis Kulakofsky of Omaha; Mr. Joe will be in charge of the Post Con- t h e Grand National- Concert at the that David A. Brown would be inare expected to be present -at "this Kay of Berkley, Calif- Mrs. Phillip firmation class, and in addition to the Beth Hamedrosh Hagedol Synagogue Warsaw.—(J, T. A.)—Coursee it? 28, when a gathering. The Annual Jewish National Work- Omaha Thursday,'October Saks of Council Bluffs aad Mrs. si 19th snd Bart, Sunday evening at regular Sunday sc&ool work, special English ,SB4 -Spanish'•• for prospective 1 man's Fund meeting will be held reception would be held in his nonor, Herman Cohen of Kansas City. lessons in Hebrew and Jewish will be 8:00 o'clock. The best musical taieni : Jewish emigrants were opened Jby Sunday, October 24. All committees followed by a mass meeting in the The Auflebnng Club will hold a On Saturday morning there will be taught. All children interested in of the city of Omaha has been pro- Jewish Emigration Sf«iety he*e. are asked ib/ieport at the Labor auditorium of the Jewish Community meeting and a program at the Jewish a public gathering in the Beth Hame- Sunday school work are urged to at- cured. This program will be presented Clinics for the treatment of Community Center on Sunday, Octo- drosh Hagodol Synagogue in honor tend the City Sunday School at 18th under the direction of the well known trouble among the Jewish emigrant* Lyceum, S2nd and Clark streets, Sun- Center. Short talks were - made- at the ber 24, at 8:00 o'clock. . day morning. were sta* t>xu**>f>d hv the> society. of Mr. and Mrs. Kulakofsky. Rabbi and Chicago. Classes begin at 9:45. Cantor S. Kahanowitch.
For United Jewish Campaip-f o . : Bring teliei to lews of Europe
: •
PAGE 2—THE.JEWISH PRESS, THUKSDAY, OCTOBER 21, 192* 'Handler, ends; Lou Marks and a horns run and score four markers* Levin has been holding down right thru the light Kearney Hne for a I Maurice Reiss, tackles; "Bubb'es" to retire Sammy in confusion? He did; tackle and will start in that position number of good gains while Weiner j Goldware and Sam Katzjnsn, guards; not. The might Alex struck out as! Saturday. Orris Donovitz has been tackled fiercly and blocked neatly. ', ' ",-Xi ,PiiblUDed every .i'harBCIay at Omaha. Nebraska, bjr "Mac" Altsliujer, center; Johnny ingloriously as many a Western'; alternating between fullback and left Nathan Marcus saw service as a half••'.'; - TUfJ. JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY Rosenblatt, quarter; M. Goldware, Leaguer had done before the slants tackle. Harold Pollock has seen serv- back, the lanky boy is- making good Office: 490 Brandeis Theatre Building — Telephone: ATlantic 1450. CHEESE APPETIZER— fullback; Lester Giventei and "Wal- of Smiling Sammy Kaufman. ice at left tackle while Joe Levinscm at Coach Drummonds-football fac. . - ' - . — NATHAN E. GREEN, Manager. Cut as many slices ^ of toast as you ly" Shriebman, halfbacks. The above and Earl Lapidus have beer doing tory. FOOTBALL have people to serve. Slice several guard duty. eleven is heavy and experienced and .:$2.50. Price,, one year-^.-_; Nebraska University. firm tomatoes, one green pepper and should cop the victory. • The Purple freshman have met reAdvertising rates furnished on application. Leo Pried is still sticking to the New York cheese. Put a slice of to- The Omaha A. Z. A. eleven for the verses in all of their games to date. DIAMOND mato on each piece of toast and sea- fifth consecutive time met defeat at Nebraska freshman squad. The boy Altshuler at quarter, Fiedler at ' ."_ -CHANCE Off AUnWBSS-flense Rive botb tbe old an<J new address: HEADQUARTERS , , " , . . , be Bore and give your Dame. fight, football sense and courage son -with salt, pepper and a little but- the hands of Uncoil! Chapter of the . - • . , , • . . i. i ,.M • l L .' guard and Weiner at end, tackle and the essential quantity _,.„_< vhave , . consistently. . . ., ter. Place several long, curly strip? o „ , GIFT were crushed but lacks ;• , „ . iT that „ ;j guard been playing s ...'T- The Jewish Press ts supplied by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency (Jewish of green pepper around the tomato, Order. The local lads 4 goes to make up a Missouri. Valley • ' beneath the driving attack of the COUNSELORS •Correspondence Bureau) with cabled and telegraphic Jewish news, in addition to feature articles and correspondences from all Important Jewish centers and cover with a thin slice of cheese. heavier and more experienced "Links'' center and that is weight. Fried ! Technical High School. only about one hundred and : Benny Bloch and Louis Weiner reInquiries regarding news items, credited to this Agency will be gladly Place in oven until the cheese is melt- whose assault was led by an Omaha! answered if addressed to Jewish Telegraphic Agency, G21 Broadway, New ed and serve piping hot. boy, Carl Sokolf.' Sokolf who lait sixty five pounds.^ He is in the same ceived favorable commendation on WHOLESALE AND RETAIL /York City. year cavorted with the Nebraska Hni boat as Joe Reeves, another Omaha j their playing of last week when the JEWELERS SALMON LOAF— freshman team gained thru the line boy, who carries the same poundage' Maroon "Beef Trust" laid Kearney Diamond Importers : QUEEN MARIE'S VISIT TO AMERICA One large can salmon; drain off at will. The Chapter One men out- and aspires to the pivot post on the low. Bloch in the backfield and 214-216 City Nat" Bank Bldg. '• The "visit of QueeiTMarie of Rbumania is attracting a great juice and save for sauce. One-fourth. played the Capitolites during the first Varsity eleven. Weiner on the line played a brilliant Established 1804 and consistent game. Bloch punched j deal .of interest and arousing diverse speculative comment. Very cup crackers or bread crumbs, one-| half, missing a drop kick from the Central High School. fourth cup cream, two eggs beaten' twenty five yard line when their own ; few women of royal rank have made the contributions she has Crippled Captain Elmer Greenberg ttta butter,! line failed to h<nd. The home boys and his. purple hospital crew were to literature and the arts.- Aside from her personal beauty and lightly, two tablespoons Salt and red pepper [ paid dearly for their first handed the trimming of their young Charm of manner there is a degree.of solid worth to her which chopped parsley. If lead, lives last week at the hands of the JUSt.a^strongly to the free Citizens Of OUr democracy a s ! l e m o n j u i c e . B a k e iTQm twenty min-> Cnapter Pour athletes began reeling St. Joe Central team on the Missouri I wish to announce to the Jews of Omaha that I have opened a anking nobility of her h r country c u n t r y and her h r own ow court. t F r o ' utes to -a -half - hour - - -in moderate oven, j ff touchdowns in > the last half. in! h ols gridiron. The southerners ^to the ranking From o sc O Business at my Home, 2429 Decatur Street, with a full line of Jewish standpoint, however, she embodies an unsolved paradox, Sauce for loaf—liquid of salmon, dizzy fashion while holding the op- a fte r waiting sixteen years finally Jewish Religious Books such as Daily Prayers, Machsorim, Jewish Rituals, Scriptures, Talethim Silk or Wool, Mezzuzaho and ere is hardly a country on earth, not excepting, the plague one half-cup milk thickened with a position with ease.found themselves and proceeded to many other articles. . . teaspoon flour, four tablespoons cat- The entire Lincoln team played' run rough shod over the Nebraskans. pots of Hungary and Poland, where the Jew is treated worse sup, salt, pepper, chopped parsley. good ball no one man being outstand- - The Central seconds are the only than in Roumania../' There the Anti-Semites enjoy full power in m. SOMIT, WEbster 3527 For Omaha Sol Miroff, Marion undefeated and unscored upon outfit "shapingssocial^ economic and governmental policies. A beast of CANDIED SWEET POTATOES— ing. I also have the agency for the "Sefer Tora" that anybody wants Craetz and Stan Levin did well on in the school. The gold jersied lads to order. prey in the form of $ Roumanian college professor actually had Wash pare and parboil fifteen min- the line. Bud Levin and Billy fiere- will meet the Laurel High school team Drain and lick bore the brunt of the secondary'. this Saturday at North High school j Sj potatoes,.; Dram ; the affrpntery;'.to propose, in their parliament that extermination utes, .six-sweet potatoes, j'J of the Jews was the only: possible solution to the Jewish problem. cool slightly, cut in halves lengthwise.' defensive work besides making the! for the only game in the city. Arrange in an agate dripping pan, only Omaha gains. "Skipper" Bexten, second team To invoke murder and bjcmdshe^^ coach, has been giving the Jewish enemiesis evidence of TmMmkablebarbarism.. Whatever the.ills' f? r ^, ,f1 ner °vl y ^ w J ^ ' <,„.«.,. quintette a number of opportunities BASEBALL „ _. ':.,.—:•. * . * . ; ; - , . , • •••; -^ - - ^ ,-,- • ; . , - • « : - • : „ .kle"..thickly w i t h s o f t , broken s u g a r , of Rounmma>^nay;be .I^ie^ will never be remedied by the law of nadd; : on e^ U arte r cup hot water and Smiling Sammy Kaufman returned to strut their stuff this week. Bud the JUngfe. AU*thlS, we iee% mUStbepatentTto -ar -woman At •df- Queen]'bake . . . i .in ,moderate , oven „ ,until, potatoes , ,. • home in triumph faunday. little liberal antecedents. Yet. t,,h e very Marie's intelligence' exis- j are tender and well glaced, basting H e b r e w h u r l e r h a d b e e n maple tence qf-a Jewish problem-in Roumania leads to the belief either often with syrup in pan. Soft In Omaha Sft l from Mount St. Charles, college in sugar may be used. that the-Queen is unaware of what is going on (hardly a possiHelena, Montana, to pitch against j Grover Cleveland Alexander, hero of bility) 6£ that she sanctions the tactics of her countrymen in 250 Rooms—200 Uatha the late world series play. Sammy general tftnd- if not. in extent. Possibly her estimate of Rou- COCOANUT KISSES— Good Idioms for Sl.SO 19th and Davenport St. Operated hy Kppley lln(p|> Co. Boil one cup sugar and four table- pitched and did right well holding the manian Jews and Jews as a group is distorted by the lying propa- spoons water until it threads, add this, heavy hitting, spiked Murphy Did It1, ganda pi her advisers. We have faith in her, sense of justice' to the beaten whites of t'aree eggs,' team to one run in five innings while | Admission 25 Cents shreadded cocoa-'his mates were belaboring= the offer-; and we'h^ve hopes of winning her good will. On her visit to then one-half pound ^ FRIED'S liscoui^try she ^s sure to meet representative Jews and to learn nut in bulk and a teaspoon vanilla.'ings of Alexander for ten run. With KOSHER DELICATESSEN b y ' t h e mists Of Drop teaspoon on well • buttered pan a nine run lead Sammy eased up and 1509 North 24th Street allowed the Murphys to sock him for hatred tod ignorance in which her university professors dwell. and bake in very moderate oven. three runs in the sixth. Branitf was All foods kept in Sanitary cases Marshal ^PilsudsM on a visit to the United States last year was then inserted in the "Q" line up for A complete line of smoked meats TSIMPLEV sufficiently impressed to move immediately for the economic bet- VERY and fish Kaufman who retired to enjoy the CHOCOLATE CAKE— terment of Polish Jews and for an extension of civil and educa- Cream one-half cup butter, one and1 f""^ o f h i s light . Douglas Street tional privileges. Let us hope that Queen Marie will bring back one-half cups sugar, beaten yolks of i ?» Sammys work came in the fifth when Alex, the Great, stood a message to Roumania that .will affect the present notoriously three eggs, two squares chocolates melted in one-half cu R hot water, one- ™ the .home pUte with a wagon psrfidious and cruel governmental, policy.—American "Hebrew, half cup cold water, two cups flour,l tongue m his mijs^.bases choked and BU1TER and E(KJS two-teaspoons' baking powder, and ^ ° « | factlyjjbe same predicaJEWISH' EDUCATION LECTUEE three beaten Whites. ' ! ment which o t a ^ L a z e r n of the Council Bluffs, la. GIVEN . J C C. NOTES Yankees^in the ^<•«••-.•.»,• e only one . week Plain iceiiig—One cup confectioners *••-, xi. On Thursday night, .-October I4th, - D . - . _, , . . „ , • sugar, two'tablespooiis boUing water,! b e f o r e - Bid the ^ r e a t Alex pole out fLESSONS START AT THE teresting Rabbi Frederick gave of a most in-, J*j^ ^ ^ ^ ^ yan^ birds Cohn eye view Jewish .;: . J. C. C. or lemon extract. Piano-"instruction is given at the History. He will give a lecture every J. C. C. on Thursday afternoons, at Thursday-night on Ancient and Mod- KITCHEN SUGGESTIONS— 3:30, The instructor .in charge is ern Jewish History. Registration is A tiny pinch of salt added to coffee Hiss Olga C. Sorenson, a. graduate open-to all J.'JC. C. members. r \\ Sixteenth at Farnara On Sunday:afternoon, Mr. H. WQ11> before the boiling water is poured Every value in this, our 16th and of the ijamrosch Institute of Music,save a talk on the Bible. He will I on will accentuate the delicious flavor greatest Anniversary Sale, has been She was^.pupil-of Mir. James Frisian Saturday— ...... so carefully merchandised that ihe who is al'graduate of. the Royal Acad-: give-talks on the weekly reading of and aroma. If the milk'used in making baked public receives more than the genercmy of LVndbn* and is now connected the Bible every Sunday afternoon. On Our Economy Fourth Floor or boiled custard is first scalded and * •* * ous percent of profit Herzberg's valwith the'iulliard. Foundation of Music ues always give. An opportunity to in New Vork City'..' Miss Sorensori J. C. C. PHYSICAL DEPARTMENT copied before Tising, the. custard "will, 1 be smoother,-._;.'.. ; . secure high type merchandise to sup- * has taught for a number of years and NOTES ' To cover the~pan in which fish is'. ply present and to winter needs— is highly'" recommended by the most - - Some interesting basket ball games j with no deviation from our usual prominent piano 'teachers in this city are being played' in the two pre- cooking will .make the fish soft. Air blowing on r bread sponge wilT courteous, prompt service. and New York.' 'Registration will be season leagues at the Center. ' keep it from rising and may spoil it limited to 10 "and each pipil will"be Thia ' week in • the Junior League | ; ; Now in progress — continuing up to and given individual instruction. , John's Kolts trimmed Turners entirely. If eggs are boiled in salted water Tumblers 13 to 7 in a closely" con.*' * • through Thursday, October 28 the shells will peel easily. VIOLJNf, INSTRUCTION. TQ BE tested game.-- Kohlbergs Kats and Altsuler's Antlers played a tie game, . GIVE,N AT.THE J. C;.C. Jt in planned to start a Violin De- and on the over time period Captain partment as soon as a. sufficient num- Antler scored a foul basket and won ber of applicants register for the ;he game for his team. By Stanley F. Levin. - WERE fortunate Further information may. be In the Senior- League Mendelson An Impressive Showing i securing over 500 defeated Richards 13 to 4, Altsuler obtained at the. office. Amateur Football. of Those Popular I these smart frocks won from Lohrraan 2 to 0 on a forThe J. A." C. eleven captained by at great savings. Realizing 'eit. Rosenblatts Shamrocks won ORCHESTRA that every woman and miss from Haykin's Hay Makers 14 to 3. Lester Giventer v; and coached by STRONG Harry Kneefer will ; open their .will want more than one, so Twenty fivecandidates for the The J,^ G. C. Symphony Orchestra schedule this Sunday afternoon with unusual are the values, we is meetuig. regularly every Sunday Ladies'.Basket'Ball League teams re- a Jewish team from South Omaha at are offering the entire lot ported for practice last Saturday morning- at 9 A. M. Professor Seidl Athletic. Park. The J. A. C's. opening on our new Economy Fashion night. — is in charge and Sam Epstein 13 PresiFloor at ;•' The girls will be taught the funda- lineup will be composed of the follow dent of-.4he Orchestra. Dave Robining men r. Benny JLevirie, and Allan mentals for a month before actual son is active Treasurer.. Special*,em phasis ia. placed on Jewish .music\n play will be started. talks are given weekly on the differ . It. is expected that at least eight ent symphonies. It is planned to giye teams will be farmed. Gymnasium ~ classes are becoming LUE is "fashion right" this seaa concert at the end of the season. m: Public Accountants and Auditors more popular every-day. The-Ladies son. There's a masculine dignity iold'the record of having the largest ISADORE ABRAMSON FATHER ANP SON BANQUET class 55 on the'floor at one time. and becomingness about it that SUNDAY EVENING, NOV. 14". .The Sunday'morning Senior men's appeals to the man who wants to look INCOME TAX SEKVICE classhas the record for making the at his best. On Sunday, ^November 14th, the SYSTEMS—AUDITS Social .Service. Committee,, is. ar- most Groans.' Ask Mr. Lapidus. The INVESTIGATIONS You'll find a vast selection of styles, ranging the annual Father andSori men are rapidly becoming Volley ball sharks.'. Teams will be formed 'and 490 Brandeis' Theater Building celebration.' The meeting .will be sizes and proportions, in single or double . Phone ATlantic 1450 in the form of a banquet. Speeches some out side teams will be invited breasted models with and without vel•wiU Ije delivered by prominent in to play. vet collar. • Mr. Burdick says "Systematic exerfa,th.erfi and eons. There will be singing 99d different stunts by the cise, a properly balanced diet, and .•••• 5 T % ^ • . ^ an,d sons. Much interest plenty of sleep, will give you perfect Nebraska's Policy and expressed in the" coming event health and your proper weight." and ft'.fine program is anticipated." Vast Volumne of Selling How many new advertisers this "What a delight . . to choose Assures Greater Value 1818 Farnam, 2nd floor week? a Dress that will be admired CLASSES .IN SESSION for its charming individual . session of the Hebrew ity . '. . that can go smartly Class of the Jewish,Community Cen and ANYWHERE . . . and never tervwas held on Tuesday night, Oct.' tell its price. 19th. :Mr. Judah Wolfson, in charge Popular noonday luncheon hi thd^class, gave an introductory Young man or Young 50 cents ta.lki stressing the importance of He Table d'hote dinner, So cents to lady to do temporary brew. &Her,Spoke of the'famous He §1.00, from & to 8 Daily Every Color—Every New brew pbet, Bialik, and compared the work. -Apply in person Music at, all Meals ,0 Chernokofsky with .that o Dancing Evenings at The Jewish.£ress Qf-, Style—Every Size 14 to 48 Music by Ambassadors 7 piece fice, 490 Brandeis Theatorchestra. No cover charge meet every-Tuesday nighi er Bldg, . . . . < i, ; For reservations phone " "Ooirfinunity Center. All I at —4th Floor.-. CORRECT APPAREL FOK MEN AND WOMEN JAckson 6224 eligible, both
Malashock Jewelry Co.
Sunday, Oct. 24
Keep's Dancing Academy
"Sixteen Years of Merited
A Special Selling o/
ORIENTAL CAFE Excellent Chinese
American Dishes
Blue Overcoats B
T *
- V
PAGE 3—THE JEWISH PRESS, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1926 Mr. and Mrs. Jack Chesen have •was accompanied by her daughter, returned from their honeymoon and Mrs. Meyer Stern of Omaha. are now at S426 Laura Ave., LinMr. and Mrs. Richard Gordon have coln, Nebraska, where they will make moved into their home at 750 Ave. D. their home. Mrs. Chesen was formerly Sara Somberg of Omaha. Mrs. Dave Cheroiss and children left Sunday for Lincoln, Nebraska, to TELLIN PELINES EDUCATION visit her parents. - - DEPARTMENT POST J e r u s a l e m . - ^ T. A.)™^* V*™* Mr. Ben Kooler was elected Presi- Yelim, Hebrew educator and philolodent of the Council Bluffs Retail | gist who was appointed to the post of Grocers Asst>ciation at s meeting director ftf the education department which was held Tuesday evening. of the Zionist Executive has declined Directors of the Association include to accept the appointment. Dr. S. Messrs. Sam Bubb and Joe Scharf. Lurie has been appointed to the post.
Numerous Parties for Mr. and 'decoration* were carred out in the! birthday flower of the month which j Mrs. Kulakofsky.
•was morningglories. Prizes -were 'won' Council Bluffs News Mr. and Mrs. M. Kulakofsky and by Ann and Sylvia Turkel and Minnie their guests, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Novey. The guests included Sylvia Mr. and Mrs. George S. Steinberg Kay of Berkley, Calif., have been the Weiner, Slyvia Turkel, Ann Turkel, announce the engagement of their reeiprocants of many social functions Xibby Abromson,- Minnie Novey, Ethel daughter, Sophia, to Dave Kubby, also during the past week. Monday eve- Green, and Naomi Gross. of Council Bluffs. No date has been ning Mr. and. Mrs. R. Kulakofsky set for the wedding yet. complimented them at abridge party. The election of officers of the B'nai The Ladies Auxilary of the Talmud Mr. and Mrs. Louis Kulaiofsky entertained at a buffet dinner Tuesday Israel held last week, Wednesday at a Talmud will hold a public benefit Card night, followed by bridge. Mrs. Saiil regular meeting' of that dub resulted Party next Thursday evening, October 28th, at the K...C. Hall, at Eighth Levy was hostess at a one o'clock WEDDINGS ENGAGEMENTS in t the following, President, Nathan Street and Broadway. Everyone is luncheon at the Blackstone Hotel on SEIGEE-POSKA. Mr. and Mrs. H. Markowitz of Wednesday and Mrs. Phillip Saks of Fine; Vice-President, and reporter urged to attend. The marriage of Miss Kose Seigel' Marion, Nebr., annonnce the engage~ iMunny daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sol Seigel, ment of their daughter" Sara, to Leov-uux,^ o»u«, « ™ ~ ™ ";~££ Ben Rosen; and Joe Bienstein. Aron Twenty relatives of Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. M. Gordon and son, day evenine. Thursday Mr. ana Mrs. ' . Jake, left Tuesday for New York City to Sam Poska, son of Mr. and Mrs.Taub, brother of Mr. and Mrs. Morris manager of the team an- M. Marcus surprised them at their to visit relatives. E, PoSka, of Lincoln, will take place Jaeobow. No date has been set for Harry KuLkofsky entertained a t Braude, home at C01 Willow Avenue last ta. Mr. and Mrs. M, Kulakofsky n ° a n c e d f o o t b a 1 1 V™^ F n d ^ at Sunday, October 24th, at the Beth the wedding. Thursday evening in honor of their are entertaining Friday nite at a 5:30, and a game Sunday with the Golden Wedding Anniversary. A dinHamedrcshHagodol, at 6 o'clock, j William Street Jack-rabbits at 10:30 Items for these columns can be 86 Y<*8J*H ot IRoneft Rabbi Grodinsky will officiate." The j Mr. and Mrs. H. Rosenblatt an- dinner for their family and out-of- A. M. at 33rd and Cass. ner was served, followed by a Bridge telephoned to ATIantic 1450, not town guests and Saturday night they later than Wednesday noon. 1419 Douglas Est. 1890 ceremony will be followed by a dinner nounce the engagement of their 1 1 Party. )-nrfll *&*» nn»sMTi entertain entertain,, a att a formal dindin The Club after finishing a successful at the home of the brides' parents. daughter, Sara, to Mr. Lewis Breem.i^ f j n e r p a r t y a t t h e Fontenelle Hotel. baseball season by defeating the B'nai j The couple are leaving on a western son of Mr. and Mrs. M. Breem o Tuesday evening, October 2 6 , M r . Ami has been practicing hard under: The Independent Order of the B'nai Omaha's Most Modern Fireproof Plant CANTOR ABRAHAM! B'rith Lodge No. 6SS, will entertain honeymoon t r i p and "will b e home j New York "City. and Mrs. A. L Kulakofsky will enter- Captain Jacob Stoler, to turn out a I its members and friends at a Bridge CLEANERS—DYERS—TAILORS SCHWACZKIN November 15th a t Creston, Iowa, j —— — HATTERS—FURRIERS -winning team. The club urges all] Party next Wednesday evening, OctoCLEAKERS—DVERS-—TA1IX>RS where they will make their future; Miss Beulah Mittleman bride elect tain; at dinner for the immediate of B'nai Israel Congregation boys from 14 to 18 years not asso-' HATTERS—TXKRIERS 27, at the Danish ! and her sister-in-law Mrs. H. Mittle- family and out-of-town guests. residence. ciated with any other Jewish organiCUSAXERS Performs Marriage* Miss Rose Seigel has been compli- man of Portland, Oregan, have been Miss Minnette Ziegman spent the zation to come to the J. C. C. on; Mrs. S. Cohen left last week for the incentive for numerous social afin Jewisfi and English mented at several parties this week. week-end at Lincoln, Nebr., as the Wednesday at 8:00 and join the B'nai Rochester, Minnesota, Chicago, IlliMrs. Max Levine entertained for Miss fairs. Saturday, Oct. 9, Miss Eliza- guest of Miss Lucfle Kosenthal, at the 621 No. 21 St. AT lantic EA. sons nois, on account of her health. She S1C1-G3 Farnam St. israel. Seigel at a bridge party on Monday beth Shiago entertained a t five tables Sigma Delta Tau house. and Tuesday Mrs. Frohm was host- of bridge, at the J. C. C. followed by ess at a party at the Jewish Com- supper served in the J . C. C. dining Mrs. A. H. Brodkey and Miss Eeva munity Center. Iffiss Adele Seigel, room. Tuesday evening Mr. and Mrs. Kulakofsky are entertaining Satnursister of the bride also entertained in: A, Mozer complimented the bride and j d a y afternoon. in honor of little Miss honor of her sister at a bridge party, j l e r guest at a Theater party at the, g y ^yy R u th Kay, of Berkley, Calif. Brand'eis followed by a supper party Thirty children have been invited. MisB Lucile Rosenthal "of Sioux "at the Athletic Club. Miss Mildred Mr. Micky Krupp of Fremont spent City Iowa, who is attending the Uni- Shrago was hostess to five tables of Monday in Omaha. versity of Nebraska, is visiting Mr. bridge on Wednesday. Miss Ann Lipsey entertained at bridge on Tljilrsday and Mrs. S. M. RushalL Miss Sadye Klimousky and parents, and Miss Sara Brookstein compli- Mr. and Mrs. Klimousky of Bes Mr. and Mrs. Max Slosburg of_Losmented the Mrs. and Miss Mittleraan Moines, Iowa, are the guests of Mr. EVERY DAY- EVERY WEEK- EVERY SEASON <S£flCef88l A n g e l e s , Calif., will arrive to-day t o at a t four IOUT tables vaauss of ox bridge u n u g e on w oSaturday. a m r u o f . •»«• J •»«• c? « . , «+- •?«•?».,. . -J. -A. KT J HT -r T rti -i. „ •. ,., » r . T -i TUT Mr. and Mrs. S. Kavitz. Miss visit with Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Slosburgr Sunday afternoon Miss Lucile Marcus , . _ r> -D.™-*.. , , . , , „ , . . . ousky is fiancee of Dave itavitz. and "with Mr. and Mrs. E. Marcus of entertained and Sunday evening Mrs. Council Bluffs. Mrs. Slosburg and Louis Abramson was hostess at a buf- Mr. and Mrs. M. Horn had as their Mrs. Marcus will be joint hostesses fet supper. Mr. and Mrs. J. Kirsch- guests their sons and daughters-inat an informal tea Monday afternoon baum entertained at dinner on Tues- laws, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Horn, of Octobcr 25, from 3 to 5 at the home day evening. Covers were laid for . Los Angeles* Calif., Mr. and Mrs. of Mrs. J. Slosburg in honor of their eighteen. Saturday October 23, Mrs. Fred Horn of Kansas City, Mo., Mr. BwT&ixglu Herman Silverman will give a one; and Mrs. Joe Krasne of Fremont, and guest. No cards are being issued. Extra Help o'clock lunccheon followed by bridge, their son, Sam, of Cincinnati, and Street "Windows to Serve You The sixth annual dance of JJ'nai | their daughter and granddaughter, Brith Auxiliary will be given Novem- j Mr. and Mrs. P. Wintronb, 3044 Mrs. Levin and Harriet Phpliss of ber 25, Thanksgiving nite at the Jew- California street, announce the birth j Sioux City, I»wa. Mrs. Krasne enish Community Center. The commit- j of a baby boy. ! tertained the out-of-town guests at tee in charge are doing all in their ; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kavich of Los! her home in Fremont last Wednesday. power to make this affair a "howling Angeles formerly of Omaha announce success." Hugo Heym's orchestra has the birth of a baby girl. The Ladies Auxilary of the South been engaged for this occassion. The Side Congregation will hold the first __ _a series of card parties at the committee in charge is the Mesdames: \ Mr. Nate Karpin is convalescing of Ruth Greenberg, Sam Wolf, Sam ' a t the Nicholas Senn Hospital, where] j e w i s h Community Center on WedBeber, Reuben Brown.! and the Misses:, he was operated Tuesday for a p -|| n eys d atT } October 27th. The p proceeds Bess Stock, Lillian Reubenstein, Ann j pendictus. J fr o n t these parties will go towards ^Wintroub, Ida Greenberg-Ann A c k e r -The f ^ ^ Misses g ^ g MMarie i a * building of a new synagogue. ajde m d n and Klein Celia Cooper, Rebecca Wise, The hostesses for this party willbe -man, spent the week-end it the Mesdames, M. Mayerowitzr Chas. Lillian Cooper, Ethel Gordon, and Nebraska^ • Mason, S. Bernstein, Kazlowfsky, L. Erma Wells. Mr. Harry Lapidus left Tuesday Wolf son and A. Newman. Mrs. Joe The Pi Delta Sigma fraternity will j evening for Winnepeg, Canada. Sherman is the chairman in charge. hold its annual smoker, tonight, at!' :— the Creighton University Gymnasium.) Mr. and Mrs. Morris Brandt and Mrs. D. B. Gross entertained eleven The committee has made arrange- son, Ben, left for New York City, children at a birthday party in honor of her daughter, Una Vivian. Table ments for thirty guests and an elab- where they will make their home, orate program l a s "ben drawn up. Mr. and Mrs. A. I. Kulakofsky will Louis E. Lipp, is chairman of- the have as their week-end guests, Mr. PAXTON-MITCHBLL CX). affair. and Mrs. A. L Sacks of Sioux City, tttb ft Martha Sts. Barney J662 Omaha. Ncbr. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Kulakofsky ar- Iowa. Soft era? iron, brass, bronze and alnrived home last week after a three minrnn castinci SUndsri! slset branm Messrs. Abe Agranoff, Reuben Mil-1 and Iron bnshlnps, Bewer manholes, weeks' trip thru the east. ler, Ben Scht and Peter Hegger of; cistern tings nnd coverB. nnd clcan-out ioors tn stock. . Miss Berdie Berger is -risitdng Sioux City, la., were in Omaha last Saturday and Sunday. '. • • friends in Kansas City, Mo. Mr. and Mrs. J. Katelman nave, Mr. and Mrs. Harry J. Haykin en- closed their home at 2776 Webster St. Let Us Help Yon "Keep Clean? tertained 16 guests at a bridge party and will be with Mr. and Mrs. Mickey Tuesday evening at their home. Mr. Katelman 111 So 34th Street until Frontier Towel & Linen Supply and Mrs. Harry D. Haykin and Mr.October 31, when they will leave for 1819 California Street and Mrs. Harry Chudacoff were the California. Enroute they will visit ATIantic 62*1. honor guests. with friends in San Pranscisco, The Omaha Chapter of Hadassah! S a n J o s e > and L o s Angeles. While in will hold its first meeting . of the I1"*. Angeles they will be with their season Wednesday afternoonOctober s o n s Maurice and Jacob Katelman 27th, 1926, at the Jewish Community M r ' a n d ms' Katelman plan to be "Manufactured in Omaha" Center. The general business meet- gone for about one year. ing will be followed b y - a cultural Fa-Hon Club are planing to have a BAEEK ICE MACHINE CO program,. party at the home of one of their j The Junior Hadassah will give their members^ Miss Marjorie Kaplan at ( The smartest of new fall styles greatly underpricedl Dresses first Benefit Bridge at the Jewish 2422 Miami, October 29. Invitations, that make this an unusual event in the economy plans of Community Center, Sunday, Novem- have been issued to twenty-eight. ber 7th, 1926. Six hostesses have Mr. Gundell Goldansky of Denver, women choosing their new winter outfits. Models, exceptional I volunteered for this affair and they j Colorado, spent a few days in Omaha. in style—in fabrics—in quality—secured by us at an mmsTiplan to make this the outstanding ally low purchase price and offered to you Thursday in one "I event of the f alL ; Unique prizes have Miss Ruth Kaplan had her guests Remarkable Sale Group! been planned for every table and enlast Sunday the Misses Tootsie Agrarj•unusual program will be presented off and Eddie Slotsky of Sioux City,, "..-'••. ;" i after th^ bridge. This affair is plan- I o w a . ned to raise money for the activities Harney 7545 J. D. Z. Club sponsored by Miss of this coming pear. In addition to Mina. Friedman, gave a hike Sunday entirely maintaining two orphans in Cantons Flat Crepe Georgette Palestine, the Junior Hadassah gave October 17. The Club hiked to Camp Crepe Back Satins Chenile Pan Velvet Repps $100.00 to the, United Palestine Brewster. Poirei Sheens Twills Satins Satin Combinations Appeal. These Benefit Bridge parties will be given ence a month at the Jewish Community Center by hostesEvery frock is NEW—there arescores of styles in every shade—for from the Junior Hadassah organ- i every occasion—for every type—in every sire. Any frock selected
Brofcy Jewelry C®. hmms for DknKHuis
Silk and Wool Models Always Priced$16.7S to $25,00
Baker Ice Machines
New Styles andFine Qualities That Give Evidence of Super Values
Barney 7545
Wet Wash . . . 5 c Semi-flat..... 6c ...8c
Fine Materials—Sizes 14 to 52%
_^T&rs. H. B. Weinstein -and Mrs. Max Fromkin entertained twenty j guests at a Mah Jong and bridge \ party Saturday, complimentary to; Mrs. Joseph Kubin of San Antonio, Texas. Mrs. Eubin was formerly Miss Martpe Weinstein. The Misses ; Belle Eosenthal and Dorothy Gold- [ sfein, who recently announced their " engagement, shared honors. Mrs. Joseph Eubin who has been the guest of her parents, Mr and Mrs.' H. B. Weinstein for the past two weeks has returned to her home in i San Antonio, Texas., ,
from tMs group may be counted on to meet sports, afternoon, street, dinner and dance occasions fashionably—for there are tailored street dresses, charming models for afternoon and lovely party frocks in usual array. Clever trimmings of godets, tiers, jabots, fine i&eec, leather belts, embroidery, artificial flowers.
I wish to announce to my friends that I have purchased the Levinson Kosher Market at 1615 No 24th St. We will extend prompt service to all customers. A complete line of meats. Under supervision of Rev. E. Fleishman.
Colorings: Chanel Red Wood Brown Valencia Blue Navy Black
H. Glassman Kosher Market 1615 No. 24th St.
WEbster 600G
Jungle Green Tans Grays Seawood Brandelf Basement—Bestir-
Styles: Straight Line Bloused Back Tierred Fronts Leg-o-Mation Sleeves &Txsto Pieced Styles SKPatted Sleeves Tight Sleeves
i f Your Brother Is Sinking In Quicksand andYou Help Bim Not You Are Guilty Of Murder" LOUIS MARSHALL
The Jews of Europe Are Sinking Sinking Because of Hate, Sinking Because of Non-Employment,
Sinking Because of Disease, Sinking Because They Have Lost Hope
Helping Hand Will Save Lives-Will You Stretch Out Yours
Seventy-Five Thousand Dollars United Jewish Campaign of Omaha William L. Holzman .State Chairman
Abe Goldstein
October 28th-November 10th
City Chairman
Headquarters 733 Omaha National Bank Building Telephone Jackson 1294
many people in many -walks of life, with American "goods'being shipped Dr. .William Raduzinor,. wh* since type at the World-Herald and waselected by more than 14,000 majority rights in damage suits so well that Community Chest Offers not a single judgment has. been Every agency in'the chest is a con-! on American boats, foreign competi- his graduation from the Palmer married. But he determined to fulfill to be county attorney. rendered against the county during His record in office has been restructive organization making foi a tion could be met with little-trouble." School of Chiropractic, Davenport, a long ambition to be a lawyer. He ; Aid to Poor and Needy better Omaha forall the rest of us. Iowa, has been located in the Securi- worked the linotype by day and went markable. He instituted the proceed- his term of office, thus saving addi-
ties Building, has removed his office to Creighton law school at night. So ing now going on by which$ 2,000,000 tional money to the taxpayers. He Every Agency of Cheat is Construc- "The chest organization furnishes Dora Clemant, leading woman of to 306 South 24th Street, where he well did he study that he completed in delinquent taxes will be collected. lost only one personally-tried , crimthe means of making' every dollar for tive Organization charity do its utmost duty for charity. the Glemant-Walsh Players, -who will will be associated with Dr. Lee W.the four-year course in three years. This means that the taxes of prop- inal case. Irvin Stalmaster, wellen iin n "Welcome Stranger" at bee se seen ""^come granger- ax Edwards, pioneer Omaha chiropracBut. law business does not rash erty owners in the city and county known lawyer and active in Jewish "The Community Chest campaign We are, indeed, selfish if we refuse to ° h e , affairs has been for a long time one help the man just out of prison who * Brandeis Theater. Sunday mght tor. Dr. Eaduziner finds he can serve rapidly to the office of a young man will be lowered by just that much. is a challenge to every ' Omahan to October 31, in the special benefit per- his patients better jn his new connec- who has just -hung out his shingle. ! He has defended the county's of Beal's deputies. wants a chance to go straight, or prove that he has a heart", according formance for the Omaha chapter tion because of the. additional facilF- So'Beal,' to take care of his family, to J. E. Davidson, general. chairman refuse to help the orphan, the unwed ties now at his command. These in- took a night shift of the linotype of the drive today. "It offers, the mother terrified at life's prospect^ the clude a complete X-Ray laboratory, and was in his law office by day. blessed opportunity to all to share aged, the crippled, the family on the pathoneurometer and pathoclast ser- After a year of this he had sufficient verge of starvation, the soldier disthe joy of caring- for the poor and vice for purposes of diagnosis and practice eo that he could leave the abled by the war, the poor man or the needy and the unfortuate, and therapy, and, other scientific equip- newspaper office. woman or child who is ill and needs, building bright hopes for the' future. |ment used by chiropractors. The new but cannot afford, a doctor's and ' a The; campaign will be Omaha's big Defeated by just 80 votes for the location, corner of 24th and Farnain, nurse's care." job. I am convinced that Omaha,will state senate in 1916, he was not disis very convenient for street car pareveal; its heart; that this city .will The drive will begin November 15, couraged. Abel Shotwell appointed trons, and provides adequate unrenot.permit the word to go forth that with a quota set of $480,000. hint" a deputy county attorney in stricted parking space for those who it willinot care for its own. 1919 and . then in 1922 Beal was use automobiles. "It has sometimes happeiied during Baker lice Machine Go. past campaigns that people have told A honeybee's work consumes about Receives Foreign Inquires us that they would not, give to- the half the hours vof daylight, the rechest because they did not 'approve' "The best evidence that the Baker maining hours of the twenty-four of the'Work of one or two agencies. Ice Machine Company could present being spent in rest, according to tests This is not a valid reason for turning before the Investigating Committee made by the United States DepartDruggists and Stationers a stony- heart toward the < suffering of the United States Shipping Board ment of Agriculture. 101-403-4(1* Wooth 10th of all the people of Omaha. The at the Chamber of Commerce last chest has many agencies, reaching Saturday, in order to determine the POLITICAL ADVEKTISEMENT attitude, of the middle west toward HENRY BEAL SUCCEEDED the merchant marine and inland water MID WEST POLITICAL AD1"EKTISEMENT IN LAW developments, was the number of POLITICAL ADVEKTISEMENT ENGRAVING CO. INC way foreign inquiries received by our comJewish youth, always inspired by ARTISTS { pany in one mail at our office after stories of success against obstacles, y ENGRAVERS \ my appearance before- the commitmay find inspiration in the career of Pnone ATLANTIC 0 6 3 9 tee", said J. L. Baker of the Baker WZO 1 Henry Beal, county attorney now up MO.I87ST./ Ice Machine Company today. for re-election. In 1913 Beal was operating a lino"Requests for quotations and agency connections were received from the POLITICAL •ADVERTISEMENT BRANDEIS following foreign cities: Its Time to think of your Hadassah. Miss Clemant, who is as Is it not significant that Curry, Alaska. .^ON-POCIT1CAL CANDIDATE FOR charming as she is talented, is the Port Said, Egypt, in the rising heat of Cleief Jastlse cf tbe Nova Goa, Portugese, India. most popular leading woman Omaha Colombo, Ceylon. has had since Eva Lang1 appeared at this campaign, the recSt. Kitts, British West Indies. the Burwoodwith 'tb.e • old • Burwood Calcutta, Inda. ord of t h e present stock. Miss Clemant'will "be^ seen to Cape Town, South Africa. County Treasurer has Johannesburg, South Africa. advantage in "Welcome* Stranger". PHOTOGRAPHERS Avocat, Belgium. never been questioned, 1312 Farnam St. Opposite Grenoble, France. A man's natare-runs-*itber to herbs Athens, Greece. W. Q. W. Bldg. even by his most ardent 1307* Howard St. . • At. 8028 Turin, Italy. or weeds; therefore "let - him seasonPhone. JA cfcson 4502 > Omaha, Nebt.. adversaries? Palermo, Itaiy. ably water the ^one- and* destroy the Ario de Rosales, Michoacan, I other.—Bacon. Mexioc. Cali, Colombia, South America. Tumaco, Colombia, South America. Berry H- Lapfdos, PreB.-Treas. Yara, Oriente, Cuba., . , _ ' _ , V W. G. Ure. Secretary. j ' Chihuahua, Mexico. MANY VEARS OF SUCCESS. •. Lima, Peru. > THOUSANDS"PERMANENTLY CURED by Dr. E,' R. Tarry's Budepest, Hungary. ..Oioaba Jt?«tur« & r time-trie*)* guaranteed method of coring Plies. Fistula and Chkrlea A. Oos* other Rectal Diseases. "No doubt whatever exists in my AN ENVIABLE RECORD Mit.n. TKICATMKNT WITHOUT SKVUllHJ KUUJ1CAX. OFKHAChaftn *, BOM WU kara In tuinburo. 0. mind', continued Mr. Baker, "'that if T I O N J N O ' CHl«OTlOFnitM or other Ki-trt-nil ajm esthetic used. > 'yttft Ho* Tl • ir»a»«t» or Mount Unrnii injiem ml*™inSdw of l»w In om«h» In ISS7: wst PleAsant elfKMent service, i'litlcntn walking about AaUr. the inland Water ways were developed, SlSSH |» » • WobMilm leshUtart ID 1893: wu »oC1IJKR fjIMRANTKRn In any ca»<« "CCRpted. N» h<>m>ital. even a small percentage as much as EXAM«N*ATIO>rimi^B. PR. TAKHY'S OUARANTRKH METHOD « « < w H <> tSIKi « u «n«lii«R of ti*atTn«'nt trim drawn twiten'c frnjn many Btntes • At* for FrtKB uiaeiatlsn In Idas »n« tt«i wvn they are in Europe, that this section iitmM and t^sHmnnlala - of thousawO or l j u J«dg* at th. «WfM MM' •JAM Wta^fwr M >«*"• J!••*»« Gon tim tun «f of the country would prospe» more ,than at anyy other time in' its history. " SS5rt'»» r. «. c. A, t The development of inland water ELECTION NOV. 2t 1S26 ways means lower freight rate* "and
ri i
E. E. Bruce & Co
are sold exclusively at
His Record
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Otto J.Baumari