October 28, 1926

Page 1

A false friend, like a, shadow, attends only., while the sun shines.

By B. fl.fi. PERHAPS TWAS MUSIC, AND WONDERFUL, TOO. "A Reader" writes in to tell me of an incident vrhich happened the other - day. "A number of us were walking passed the city auditorium," she writes. "We noticed an advertisement on the building telling that the Omaha Symphony Orchestra -was going to play on November 4. Just -then -we heard some music. " I s n ' t that music •wonderful!' one of my friends exclaimed. She thought the symphony was practicing. "But with the music along came one of those loud organs on a truck, advertising a downtown show. My friend decided that she needed to take a course at the Jewish Community Center in music appreciation." What incidents did you hear or see, readers? Write 'em in and give us a laugh.


Enter s - £ . EC'Cond-dnsi mail matter on January 37th, t e n . at posto( r n rpinaba Nebraska, under the Act of March 8. 1879.



VOL. V.—No. 47

HE MOANS FOR A NOSE Full Details of Banquet ' AND FOOTBALL "It n?ay be comedy to some folks .'.•' •. '•••"*'• Jewish Question Is Raised Because of the banquet and mass but i f s no picnic for me," Aaron meeting heldin honor of David A. Davidson, newspaper man and one Brown, national chairman of the The King is Fond of the Jews, She Replies; What Happened to the time star basketball player moans. United Jewish Campaign, ThursHe moans because as it reads, "one Pride of the Jews? Socialist Leader Asks day evening, this issue of The time star basketball player." Jewish Press iff delayed, so as the Through no direct fault of his own New York.—(J. T. A.)—The Jewish nounced officials of the city, State and Relief Abroad Causes Neglect of readers of this paper will have the has Tquit basketball. I t resulted when Home Institutions Says complete facts of the news a t the question in -Rosmania was brought to Nation for what he termed their "unhe accidentally collided with his the attention of the American public due zest in groveling before the Queen Ludwig Vogelstein banquet. young nephew while playing his interested in the visit here of Queen of the most corruptly governed counMarie by a representative of a New try of Europe." favorite sport. The nose of his Omaha Jewry responded to the plea of David A. JBrowB; na1 REDUCTION OF TEACHERS York Jewish newspaper when 200 nephew was broken. AM> STUDENTS LIKELY tional chairman of the United Jewish campaign: when at the ini"The citizens of this • democratic • press representatives met the Queen Bepublic," he said, "must stand agThis fact worried Aaron as such a tial meeting of Omaha's campaign, $25,000 was pledged by the New York, Oct. IS.—(J. T. A.)— on t i e Leviathan. • •, fact would worry any good uncle. He hast at the series of maudlin genumen and women who listened to Mr. Brown. Omaha's quota for "I am the representative of a Jew- flections by our elected officials which That American Reform Judaism, afresolved then and there to give up t e r m o r e t h a n fif tjr basketball. To date he has kept his the period of three years is $75,000. ^ e a r s o f continuExcellent Program Seeing Arranged ish- paper. We would like to know must have made the good Queen j ous your .Government's attitude toward With much enthusiasm these contributions were announced resolution. Marie of Roumania wish she could snvrth, is facing- a financial crisis by Committee -the Jews in Eoumania", the reporter spend-the rest of her days basking in w h i c h m a y b e t h e turning point of its # * * by the committees following the elloquent eye .picture of condithe Queen.. BOY, PAGE THE GOLD DUST tions existing in Europe was made by David Brown. the adulation of 'democratic' Ameri- development, was emphasized in a The first open meeting of Omaha asked For a Lodge No. 354, I. O. B. B. this year moment there was an opca's officials rather than with her own j s ; a t e ment made public by Ludwig TWINS! "We Jews in • America "who . are wiil be-held Thursday. November 4, 'Passive silence. The reporters' had rebellious and dissatisfied peasants. Vogelstein, chairman of the executive Cleopatra • and ' Mark Anthony fortunate to be here gather together board of lhe 1926 at 8:30 P. M. at the Jewish ^ e n informed that the Queen would "It is a far crv from the davs of V™on o f American BeRomeo and Juliet, Mr. and Mrs. Noah to be of service—to give—to do for answer l ) r e w Community Center. This meeting will *° Questions on political sub- Washington and Lincoln, who d e - | Congregations, Mr. Vogelstein Ad2m and Eve, Skeezix and Jean others," said David Brown. eclar 3^ f , and it seemed that one of her nounced King's in no uncertain terms, j ^ ed that the Conference of LibGeorge and J o Bungle, Andy and inaugurate the series of monthly a i d s "The Jews of Europe as many aboat to the days of 'Jimmie* Walker and ,€ r a l * Jews h e l d recently in London open meetings held by the B'nai Brith m t e r f e*** *°•**** forward and Min, and the rest of those famous know have been pushed from pillar to r each year under the auspices of its e . Bat Queen Mane, appar- 'AT Smith, who boast of their r i s e ! h a d £ i v e n a decided impetus to reduets will all .be present . a t the pillar from comer to corner, they / ' ^ ^ embarrassed then replied: rlied from the 'Sidewalks of New York', j ] i ^ o u s movements in America. But Intellectual Advance^/Committee. special dance next Saturday, being know -what it is to suffer. They know one is treated in our ccun- and yet 'Kot-tow' to a representative j a t t 5 i e same time, he said, the Union The meetings will offer mucfe in the j given by the Y. M. and Y. W. H. A., •what it is to starve and they know 1 t h e same of this royalty system. What wordd j o f American Hebrew Congregations way of entertaining Th? & I ^J* **?•" so I am told. Just how these lovers what it is to be without sleep or rest." . " » * the Jews are not permitted Washington and Jefferson say were {which gives direction and developwill be brought together was un- - Stretched across the sea to the Jews j to study in the universities", l i e re- they alire today?" ment to Eeform Judaism in the Unitof-mate and .talks explained. of America are thousands upon, thoui porter persisted. ed States is confronted with the nesands of bands—raised in-supplicaNorman Thomas, former Socialist' to this 1 *** know there have been difficulties, A FOODLESS DAY for curtailing the budget rejpASdet& tion, pleading for a «han$e at.life, candidate for Mayor and Governor,! to do' with that perfor its activities because ot t that the meeting "because of I t happened the other day when •clutching at • the-'flame' ti Jewish said: "If I were Mayor- onlv for this i Csnstitutibnal Grand Lo%e Wider «oa3lT. The Jews have been most «*»• , , , , ,. Ithe inadequacy of funds. T Miss Ida Azorin went to get lunch. charity -which Twill > give them food, n J-. ..... ... <e*-*w - I •fncnfTlv t n Tn*» r>Tirf T Vi<v-«> ^Y.n-r vnV\ *•'"*••' Scope Casnmttee b «»»f •_^. $500.* I*™*?? to m^and I hope thsy will | ^ » ^ ^ Z * w u ^ l l Mr. Vogelskr, declared that the The noon ~1i6ur\Miacr "approached: shelter, and a~ chance, half a chance. She left her work and entered a Those.children as .I"see them, they f ,-- • . , . ,. .-. -i ' fhp Jptc! T>TI pf-^ciHp-Mr iMf-m *iia pened to tbe pride or the Jews in. this. cafe ready to appease her ravish- are jnobody*s children—the war and lodges in this district showing the \ i n e • I e w s **" a C C i - l R f c r e u e ! 3 i a s : i « &•?+„,. *n +v,o i*™.; ing appetite. She- was about to the pogroms which followed it snatchlargest attendance at the B'nai Brith j children the just as his other ; r^Zl,J, ^ ? lll,PlTj mawtenancM of the Hebrew Union heresubject,. in t h , ^ CoIle And the officers and mem- U n i t e d S t a t e sRoumanians order when for some reason, un- ed their loved ones.. from them and they raise a t least a mild protest?" ^ a t Cincinnati, two teacher ve3 bers of the local lodge are desirous i ' « « T many known to her, she says, unless it left them lonely, and" alone. Let "your } training schools at Cincinnati And a n d l s h a U Ioo& David A. Brown that Omahashall again demonstrate | forward to meeting was her seventh sense, she decided eye of imagination travel from their A' meeting of protest against the N e w Y ork. the Hebrew Union them. I shall.be as glad to seejthem its leadership in B'nai Brith activities to take stock of herfinancialcon- hands to their faces, see their hollow Queen's reception as the Nation's library and museum, and a as any one else." Mr. Brown stated that a person's by vanning first prize in this Attendition. guest was held at Union Square Mon- ment of Sj-nag-ogTie and School Excheeks. No roses bloom here, but life is measured by service to humandance Contest. Consequently, an extension through the use of a reserve She left the cafe hungry. For the fatal •finger of starvation and New York, Oct 19.—<J. T. A.)Jus- day night under the auspices of the' her pocketbook was empty. Some- disease has sketched its seal of doom ity and that the accumulation of cellent program is being arranged in tice Jacob Panken, Socialist candidate International Labor Defense. The fund which has now been wiped out. where, sometime, she had lost her in their stead. See the sunken eyes, material things is not success unless order that this meeting shall be the for Governor of New York State, de- meeting -was attended by about 500! At the last meeting of the executive there. is. thought for others. largest that Omaha Lodge has ever persons. board of the Union a budget calling entire capital for the day. glowing -with heat of fever. Look Harry A. Wolf was chairman of held. . for $600,000 for the Union's activities upon the \rat€d limbs that drag themthe evening and urged Omaha Jewry . .The meeting is open to the public was presented, snd it was necessary selves along the streets and byways ON HALLOWEEN | to respond. William L. Holzman, and everyone is invited to attend this to cat this by $100,000. The wider of the cities of Europe." Halloween is again with us. No state chairman told of the work be- programm. Remember . the date— field of development opened to liberal doubt many are planning to celebrate "These are not children. These are ing done in. the state for this cam- Thursday, November 4, 1926, a t 8:30 Judaism by the organization of a the holiday. Parties are being given lowlier than the beast of the field. paign. John •Sonin, chairman of Fre- P. M. at' the Jewish Community World Union, Sir. Vogelsioin declared.. Help Welfare Federation Members of Effort Viewed as Factor for Closer Closer and a general feeling of "raising They do not laugh, they do not-play. mont, Nebr., announced that the cam- Center. Chest cain" will reign during the holiday. It is a long time since that have had paign in that city will start soon. Abe Union Between Jews atid Christ- and the imminent possibility of detrito th the U Union's isns in U. S.; Movement Unsolicited jj To we younger Jews Halloween is cause to play, they have forgotten Goldstein, city chairman asked for coi ' presentt work k bv All Omaha is looking forward to | curtailment of its budget, make it Highland Comtry Ckb generally thought to symbolize pump- how to play." by Jews, Dr. Cadman Ssys. operation and assistance from work! the opening of the Community Chest I imperative to call up on the Jews of kins, witches, black cats, and things "It is this picture that drives me ers to help put Omaha's quota over campaign on November 15, when the New York (J. T. A.)—Plans f America to support this work, spooky. It's a holiday and so we join on to carry on the work of helping the top. o people of this city will show that the American Christian Fund for *XTP t o thc Present time Reform in to celebrate it as so. Weeks ago our brothers and sisters in Europe," Everything is in readiness for the there is a heart in Omaha. People Judaism has mnde profittss without I was told to save the date for par-said David Brown. gala Hallowe'en Hard Time party' of every race, creed and color •will Jewish Belief were discussed at a an luncheon Fridav at the Yale Club at J r unusual effort," Maf. Vogelsteiu ties to be given. Mr. Brown heartened the local which Trill take place Saturday eve-t cooperate in making this "Big Job", declared. "It has succefjded because, I wonder how many realize that committee in their work. He stated at 8:15 o'clock at the Highland of Omaha a success so that an opti- which Dr. S. Parkes Cadraan, Pres- in the nature of things^ it is the RT?» A special meeting of work- ning ident of the Federal Council of Halloween means something «lse be- that "he" has been going to. Europe Country Club House. Excellent prizes mistic spirit will again reign in the to those who are seeking a wa,f Churches, and Judge Victor J. Dowlsides black cats and witches. for 25 years and knows'of the condi- ers, men and women, will be •will be awarded for tfco best costumes city. held Sunday morning at the Many Jewish people are donating ^ . P»ainent Roman Catholic, were;** adjusting Jevrish trtditio* to t t e At one time this-.much celebrated tions of the Jews there from firstand other dance prizes will be given. r e joint Chairmen of; necessities of of modem modern .life life. Refos-rtc jP 3 ^™ 1 ?*** sare i°™4 Chairm fnecessities Befott* holiday was a pagan celebration. The t hand information as well as through Jewish Community Center. A new ppeppy orchestra has been entheir time a n i energy, to put ppy "It is important that every said to be the first na- Judaism has developed an the ancient Druid priests used to light reports. He explained that the fund gaged and there will be a special j drive across.. They realize that this fires on the evening of October 81 for of $25,000,000 now being- raised- in man and woman do their catered buffet supper served from is *cOmaha% Big Job," and needs the: tional organization of Christians for tion which is complete in its share in helping put this drive but its leaders are now realizing that the dead spirits. This custom was this country will accomplish only a Harry Sommers. A big crowd is ex- help of the Jewish--people of Omahs philanthropic work among Jews. over", said Abe Goldstein.. later utilized by the Christian church minimum of relief, because the needs pected arid a -wonderful time is as- as well as the; other nationalities of The Christian Fund will soon begin the carrying out of this program ?rWe need more workers. The are so great that even $100,000,000 after the ^conversion of the pagans. sured. Members may bring guests. the city. a campaign to raise funds for the ejuires more than 'general* intere«3~ Eeform Jews have been content tcThereafter the day was recognized as from this country would alleviate the meeting will be held at 10 The annual Highland New Year's • There, is no distinction of races in United Jewish. Campaign. a. m. 'vote the Jewish ticket' bat now realAH Hallows or All Saints' Day, a situation only to a degree. Party will ba at the Blackstone Hotel.- the .Community Chest. All are aided A mail canvass will be made by the day on •which mass is said for the "Europe before the war, had a The chairman wishes to announce equality. The Jewish Welfare Feder- Christians Fund, and it is expected ize the necessity of organizing a wonderful socialized life so far as the' martyrs and saints of the Chrisitian FRANKAU ATTACKS SCHECHITA that all members should please-make ation one of the agencies of the Coin- that the effort to raise money will form Jewish party which is to s«pnl<r the sinews of war for an aggressive church. It is a distinctly Christian Jews were concerned," Mr. Brown London, (J. T. A.)—An attack on their arrangements and reservations' munxty Chest gives'aid to needy Jew-i until the first of the year. No campaign. • . , - T Z*.*. -\ I and pagan holiday that many of us said. "There is a wrong impression the schechita, the Jewish method of _now. ish families. This agency goal has been set for the campaign. that the Jews of Europe are of a low slaughtering animals, is made in the "The unusual number of cauw* are preparing to celebrate. an old people's home and carries on On the committee in charge of it type;' they are intelligent and they * * * many activities in the new Jewish there are seven Governors, six United calling for assistance in America," h* anti-Semetie "Morning Post" by Gil-Hai Resh Fraternity Will are religious. I wish that the Jews of bert Frankau, Anglo-Jewish novelist, Have "Father and Son" Dinner Community Center building. It has declared, "and especially, the mptem* NATE OR NATE? States Senators, four Bishops, one a national reputation for its good Cabinet officer, eleven college presi- cause of Jewish suffering in Nate Green, .one day recently, en- this country" felt the same necessity Mr. Frankau, in. summarising his for maintaining their religion that impressions of his recent visit to the Ves chapter of the Hai Resh fra- work. The Visiting Nurses associalands, has for s number of yettf* tered the office of Nate Jacobs. the Jews of -Europe feel. They cling United States, attacks the schechita, ternity will celebrate "Father and tion, is another agency of the chest dents and the mayors of several cities. overshadowed the real problem wbifffc "Hello, Nate," greeted Nate. to the priceless possession of Juda- making particular reference to the Son Week" with a dinner at the which carries on much good work for At the luncheon Dr. Cadman was faces the American Jew, namely, tfcfe "Hello, Nate," answered Nate. ism. slaughter houses in Chicago. He de-Hotel Blackstone Sunday, November people of all nations. It sends nurses the principal speaker. After making [ problem of providing 1st Ms Miles Greenleaf in the office turned "The Spanish inquisition pales into scribes the slaughter houses of Chi-7. About 25 members and fathers to the homes of the sick, who are too] it clear that the movement "began preservation, not only for the h pre9??;?-> his head. WEI attend the banquet. Marvin E. poor to afford a private nurse, aadj among Christisns and -was unsolicited •ration of Jewish bodies tot for £H* "What's all this Naten about?" he insignificance compared with the cago at"blood baths." pogroms in Russia, where Je.ws were Treller -will be toastmaster. A definite maintains baby stations over the city by Jews who, he said, were always in preservation of the Jewish soul. 1*i»* asked-ii». a surprised tone. slaughtered by hundreds of thousands. program has not been arranged yet. where mothers go to learn the proper the van in charitable movements, Dr. •time lias come when sdecp&te preciJEWS ATTEND INAUGURATION * * * We were not able to get into Russia OF FIRST MOSQUE IN LONDON sion must be made for that part «** manner of caring for their little ones. Cadmax! said: ADDED CALAMITY Many other such helpful agencies are . • 'PRESENT CONCEET Selma Levin tells me that in the with relief "until the American relief "The Jews are not responsible for otsr heritage -•without which ' the $*•• London (J. T. A.)—Jewish dignimembers of the Commonsty Chest. the terrible conditions in which they servRtion of hisnwjs bodies is apt tfecollision described within these col- commission was established there. We sent two of our men to investigate taries and representatives of the Jew- The daughters of Zion will present They all rely apem the chest for the umns last week, she received a sore and they were murdered. find themselves in Eastern Europe tarn into a tragic thing," In the Grand National Concert at the continuation of their g-ood "work. ish press were present yesterday at shoulder, as well as Pearl Marcus a today. They were merely cang-hf in ing- the probable effects of the the inaxigaratioii of the first mosque Beth Hamedrosh Sagedol Synagogue "The work of our committee is to getary cartBilment ttpon The quota •«* this ?esr fey the i flowed f the , sprained ankle. the - m a e l s t l . o n i w h k h at 19tfc and Burt, Sunday evening, Te-estaBIish Jews in coanfiries' where erected in England. activitfes of t Union, M.r.VojgeK; chest is $480,000. * * * war, and are suffering as a result of they live, and there is nothing in The mosque was erected in South- November 14, at 8:00 o'clock. The^ stein said: • A LAST WORD . £j# T^ AT)— A protest | circumstances over which they have ', if this movement which is opposed to fields, a suburb of London, and wa?test musical talent of the ci+y of< Hebrew Union College, •. Tuesday we're going to vote ~ " ameliorating Palestine. Zionists who are standing built under the patronage of Emir Omaha has 02ea procured. This! against the- continued practice of the ditions In Europe today by the cancel-! requested $318,0(16, may have to . ftj're much, that old. One vote may not but one vote added ' to | aloof are doing .an injustice to their Feisul, son of Ibn Sand, victorious program will "be presented tinder the j numerous clauses in. Polish colleges lation of debts is futile—it is like put-1 duce its teaching staff. H may * direction of the well known Cantor j 'was issued by the Je"vrish Alomni Aid 00 other, such votes may make a ' own people because Palestine can't leader of the Wahabis- and ruler of 1 (ContHswed on page 6) ting s plaster -on a cancer Mecca. 1 Society take them all.** v^winner S. Kaixanowftch.

Queen Mary Embarrassed Wkem

Omaha Jewry Respond f o Appal Of Jewish

£§iege Faces Se?ere

Raise $25,000 On Initial Night Of CampaignQuota Is $75 000. ;

B'nai 8n!h Ops Meeting Thursday Eve







Jewish People Unite to Help Community' Ctest







KLEBELSBERG REASSURES TO TRAVERSE ANTI-SEMITES THAT NUMRPATRIARCH'S ROUTE IN OUS CLAUSES IS INTACT AUTOMOBILE IN 3'/z DAYS Budapest.—(J. T. A.)—Anti-Semitic leaders in Hungary were reassured yesterday by Count Klesbelsberjr, Minister of Education, with regar.l c the numerut clauses. The Minister published a "reply to the memorandum of the anti'Semitic student Race Purifiers complaining against the recent modifications of the uumerus clauses law. It is not true, the Minister wrote, that the Hungarian government plans io set aside the numerus clauses. Asto the modification providing that the numerus classes is not applicable to baptised Jews, the Minister stated that the faculties will inquire into each particular case of a baptise*! Jewish student applying for admission to the universities, so that the numerus clauses will not be evaded by a mass baptism of Jewish students.

Deplores Present-Day Campaign Methods Bui Says They Get Re suits..

Jerusalem <J, T. A.)—The route covered by Abraham the Patriarch on his wanderings from VT of the Chaleans to Palestine will be shortened by the "ntroduction of American modes of communication. A regular automobile service was established between Jerusalem and Bagdad, the capital of Mesopotamia. The journey by. automobile will take three and a half days.

—Effectively —Accurately —Promptly Printing Co.


807 Howard St. At. 8028 ". Deprecation .of the necessity for a great story throughout this country. Omaha, Nebr. present-day fund-raising campaign Every newspaper in the United States methods wa? one of the features of of America will carry the story of the address delivered by David D. this conference. The Jews of the Brown, national chairman oi the country will be informed of this conUnited Campaign of the'• conference ference. - They 'will have a, reccrtf of of ,1 that organization held at the every speech that is made on the Standard Club, Chicago, during the floor. session on Sunday afternoon, Oct. , "I believe in the American Jewry., I wish to announce to the Jews of Omaha that I have opened a There are no more generous, people 10th. Business at my Home, 2429 Decatur Street, with a full line of . Mr. Brown, cheered again and again in all America, generous with-'their Jewish Religious Books such as Daily Prayers, Machsorim, Jewduring the course of his talk, said money and time and energy. 1 beish Rituals, Scriptures, Talethim Silk or Wool, Mezzuzahs and among other things: j lieve that and so no one can dismany other articles. ~*l wish I had the time to tell you,| courage me, when they tell me they ladies and gentlemen, the immense can't raise fifteen million dollars, M. SOMIT, WEbster-3527 William L. Holztnan '. Abe Goldstein anfount of detail there is in the build- They give a thousand causes as to I also ha\-e the agency for the "Sefer Tora" that anybodv wants "Omaha Jewry will respond to tliis O you, that have the charge of Love, to order. iftg up of a mass organization! why we couldn't raise ^wenty-f e mi!- "The Jews o£ Nebraska -will respond throiighout the country." One of the|tibn'dollars/Wd taoretho\isr-ds of to* the appeal of their brothers and call. I feel, that they know the Keep him in rosy bondage boand. —Moore. things I have tried to impress upon'causes. I believe that all the2: wsof sisters across the sea," said .William needsi_of''those-' unfortunate ones in all* my workers (and they were all ai America need is "to. know that 'here L. Holzman, .state chairman of the Europe," said Abe Goldstein, city MTICAI- ADYERTISEMEXT8 ADVEHTISEMEXTS POMTICAI- ADVERTI8EMTRKT8 "*"J .>;; chairman. loyal band of workers) was that one are no other people WHO can pi -". *4e "United Jewish Campaign. of the qualifications for association for their nefed, tund then there V?u. be: •rath our organization was that each a perfect flood of money. "We hav« conducted campaigns all'- PALESTINE JEWS -"-: ' must make a sacrifice; any man "I appeared before the Joint Disrrl WILL AID SCHWARTZovc.: America. We have the :pjedgesj who wanted to become attached to bption Committee only V few weeks now, 'iut, yovc can't send - these 1 ^ ^ BASH'S Hb't'ENSE oar organisation must be willing to ago. There were sitting there a pledge^:'tcscJs. to Europe. That i«i do more and "take. Jess than any in group of men who had ghreji themimpdsklbie. We can" tell the Jews of j Jerusalem <J. T. A.)—Steps to asany other organization in which he selves unselfishly since. 1914. They 'Europe, «"?pu. bet, we have §15^000,- sist the Echwsrtzbard defense commight be engaged. "When a 'man re- had before them the requirements foi 000 in pledges.. God bless you';; mittee v ia Paiis will be taken . by • fuses to do that, I know he does not .the battle of fliis year. It ran intc Palestine Jewry,.it was learned here. feel as keenly as he must feel if-he is some, .three million of dollars. We bad A Palestinian committee, was orgoing to give and get the best out of Ifouc thousand-dollars in the treasury. "if ganized here for .this purpose. It is nec1 The question is: How can we go on? his time and energy.. Europejin probable that two prominent Palesr"The thing I tried to. impress uponl^ How ..can we^pos^ibly plan .to spend there :«annot tinian Jews will be called to appear when sye^only ^ :< _ c these men isethafcjvhile theyafe back ihr^il|nillion|^|iars.. wheiT ntoheymnst • at the trial as witnesses. "rfcfour huitdjreU thousand ?dolthrs? of- the, scensis, I want",them," to Tejlize 5 that back -pi aH-jihis .effor&Miere is a i; hav^ been , incensed io'ftietJtties of seriousness and a great responsibility speiidmg my money long before l'ever ( ) - H r A strike of the : resting upon every man associated get it. Some of these bankets, you in tlie :centeferies of Berlin know, only spend when thay have it, •with the organization. ^ ^ yj by the""Vor-. ...... and^not betag a bafrker rsaid fp^theni * "I wish it were ,possible, and I have waerts", the Geratste-'. Socialist 'paper.' < To Jewish Voterss— ;_ said this time and tfme again,:without; just'before'I left them 'that day, *Go •>• The -- pspffr- icv^rely - criticises the ; letters, without telegrams, without! and- spend your money. - Make all ''MtniMstiXtionoi -thfc-Berlin Kehillah. Miss Grace Berger is a oandidate for the Office of County Clerk at campaigns, without great mass meet-! your plans. You needn't •worry about Ifor its fajlute tdrejrclate the wages j the coming election on November 2, 1926. The public service rendered ings throughout the country, I wish? the Jews of America. They will corns of the workers in the Jewish" cemeit were possible we might cry out,i through with three million dollars be- teries. in this important office requires the strictest efficiency and an authentic ' ; tere are millions | fore December 31,1926'. Am I riglit, 'Jfews of America, there knowledge of- the law. of people suffering in Amerfca for the men and women? (cheers). No one is better qualified for the Office of County Clerk than Miss essentials of life. We need twenty- - "There has bean;.more money raised, DIAMOND fiye million dollars,' and that Ameri- in America for every possible type Grace Berger. She has had twenty years of actual experience in the can Jews would arise as one person /kind of-'social ecorts since 1914 You have "to-talk and cry. There atfd statement), in all the yaars the be millions upon millions of] Jews have lived in America. "Ih&ve v.- *s through the press. We have to beenJn,.city.aft^r,,city, in two cam: .• or.: • cveryr possible known need. ^o\ 'iKugns ;;jthere !.bejng iaiseb* ?i<D0JQ0O. "brln'j out the natural within yon, be- §2G0.000, §500,000 and a million, and - cause naturally we are fine and gen-they said thsy could do apything. ^J That is the natural human T-. quality. Man is fine, but the manner' in which we are living, the selfishness \,-'surrounding us, has to be cut through V '. • 'to get to the- human heart and so all J BUTTKK and K(iGS ..this effort, this tremendous^ effort pf{ / Coondl Bloffs. la. 's,'r\ '._ "conferences in every ptate in thej . • United States, of campaigns in.' every *.' city, with two thousand campaigns conducted already, sending of speakers to stimulate the community, teleFRIED'S . . grams, publicity, every possible thing KOSHER DELICATESSEN. must be done to arouse people. It 1509 North 24th Street ; takes a mass organization, an imAll foods kept in Sanitary cases .meEse amount of effort. I "This conference was necessary. A complete line of smoked meats and fob. . . People said, *Why this conference?' -^ and my answer is that this conference ' yr&s essential as any other part in one great effort. We have gone on now for nearly a year. Questions have come in. Well, what about the work Futlic Accountants and Auditors '• in Europe? Is there any more need for work in Europe? Is there any ISADQJIE ABRAMSON ' TnoreiJiesd for work in Europe? Do '• ' you need all the money you are askINCOME TAX SERVICE 1 -ing for"? This gives the answer. Yon SYSTEMS—AUDITS - represent hundreds of thousands, milINVESTIGATIONS lions of people. Yon are the ornbas; sadors to &e Jews of America. 490 Brandeis Theater Suildins "You carry the message back, but Phone ATlaatic 1450 the Btory "of your camming has been




p -




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when cured ' | S '.

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Secretary-Board cf County Commissioners oader MisB iGrace Berger, .County Clerk




County. Clerk's Office, being seren years Chief Deputy under Mr. Frank Dewey. Upon tlie unexpected death of Frank Dewey, she assunied the duties of County Clerk and has proven without doubt that she is! competent and reliable. , - I liave been enjployed in the County Clerk's Office for the past six at l^ °^v? always found !SIiss Berger very fair and considerate to our fc I wo^ld appreciate your vote for MISS GRACE BERGER CLERK and shall deem it a personal favor to me. TJEO ABRAMSON

Don't forget "o yets i?or ike candidates. They


A MERICAN voters *™"liave found, through long and/sometimes bitter experience, that a second term for aa lionest and successful public servant should bd; cffantsfl as a measuto of common sense.



KM E l

Votelhe Republfcan Ticket

SfRAI^ Don't throw your vote A scratched ballot is nothing more than trad* ing votes. Make YOUR vote count—-make it a record of progress and good government.

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MANY YEARS OF" SUCCESS. M O A N B S PERMANENTLY CTIRED by Dr. B. K Tarry*s ttme-trted stt«raBte6d method at coring Piles, Fistula and other Rectal-DUeases.

W K g T R E A j r a m W I I T H Q O T SEVfflWa SUIWSICAIJ OPERAioROFOBM or other «enena «a»esthetlo «s«J. fflel«nt service. Patients wnfc&B ttoovt «a«r. ABANTEED In. any cane accepted. No hospital. _ _ XAMWAHON FIU3O. DR. TARRTS ^QARAIJTEWr> METHOD of treatment bfta drawn patient* from many BUtd. A»" tor FRKra BOOK. coominms names »nd tesUmoaiai* oC thousands of BftrnsaatUyeurea patients. *l«»W*«I>0«»v«r*tJlu«rt«»t«C«itifltv .


Vote tlie RepubliGan Ticket



i' V


PAGE 3—THE JEWISH PRESS, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 28,1926 Bud. Levin .pjaye;d a neat game and form a permanent,, institution in j This growth of critical, experienced •can Ufe. It-wili enrich the American and even \& playwright with successes tackle and o punt formation got off the community, the economic and theatre goers will give,a new impetus traifitiohT It will stimulate a new in- as recent as those of Charles Klein some long boots that held the Techsocial importance of which is not to to the theatre in America. At the terest in the theatre which will really and Eugene Walters are unknown sters in thefr tracks. Orris Donovitz , , , be lightly regarded. / j present time,- our ' stage . is surfeited be much a part of American life as names. By. Stanley F. Levin. : got' in for a quarter replacing Pope It is the stock company who salHowever, the social aspect is the I with plays by foreign authors. • Their baseball is now. at fullback while" Harold Pollock vages them from the dusty shelf, remost vital one because of. its far The Revival of stock companies is popularity, is due in part,-to the fact Many of the best plays never leave Crane College, Chicago. played'a half replacing Parley Hyde one of the unexpected turns the theat- reaching effects. Th& road shows ! that the insistent, theatre goers have New York. Other great plays of vives them, and keeps alive the AmerSam Bender,'letter man on the 1925 at tackle. Pollock showed up well er has taken today. Due to the ex- which come to a city are available teen in iSepastr persons, fortlVe most I yesterday, perhaps a little old fash- ican tradition in the theatre. Central." High football team, is play- j cessive cost of taking plays on the only to a limited group because: the part, .of .superior/education, whs.were ion6d now, .^nevertheless worth ing a brilliant game at right tackle ! All true science begins In the love, • foreign .modes. of i whilefi are nuknown to young men on the Crane College varsity team. Hyde as a regular. Donovitz's lav-k I road, stock has one more come into prices are prohibitive.' This is due to not the dissection of your fellowthe great expense of taking a/show of knowledge of the signals handi-{ its own. The effect on the theater thougfrt/sfnd;liyjng'.>But Jgs the, n£w land women of this ' generation, beSam-has been-dubbed "Cowboy Ben-: creatures; and it ends in the love, not Ruskin. der",by his coach and team mates by caps him greatly. Al Fiedler", Milton ' and on the audiencec are likely to be on the road and also, since the road audienee/attains/its growth, it will de- cause we have no repertoire theatre the analysis of God. show stays only a few days, the price mand plays which embody experiences to keep alive the bert works of our reason of his Nebraska home. Crane Altshuler and Henry Weiner will don marked. The stock company occupies a of seats is fixed by the law of supply and emotions; with which • it is .famil-j theatre. To many, Augustus Thomas, How poor are they that have not College to date has won all four of the purple togas against the North —Shakespeare. High freshman in a loop encounter. unique place in the world of the and demand. iar. It-will demand-plays of Amen-1 Clyde Fitch, William Vaughn Moody, patience! her games thus far played. Sam will On the contrary, the stock company theatre. The ,. members, forgo the enter either Northwestern or Chicago Technical High School. TOI-ITICAT/ ADVEKTISE5SENX POLITICAL AtJVESTIS^MENT FOLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT pleasures of the strolling troopers, plays1 ten performances a" week and University "next term. Battering Benny Block is one mean being dependent on a steady, patroncuss." Nightly he sends many a age, charges a modest admission fee Omaha University. The A. Z. A. and B'nai Ami teams with significant results. There is bruised Tech second stringer to the •_ Dave Chesnuu, veteran tackle, fought each other up and down the generally a season of thirty-six weeks played a powerful game' last week showers wondering why he ever demorning to a no-decision with a new play each week. Such a ' sired to play football and especially'_ when the "Red Wave" fell before the 1 exhibited against the best fullback in the season gives the of th< of mor ;he reserves j A. Z. A. he proper feeling fo- the second lines to pieces in a man-week when the Omaha eleven again a nice plunging attack with Bud Le- | er. It requires continuous theatre In the Primary Election you were told by many speakers, among i ner that bodes ill for Lincoln High, goes into action as he received a vin and Billy Gerelick carrying the going to be able to permit oneself to them some of our leading Jewish citizens, that Charles B. McDonald number of injuries of various sorts. ; claimants to the national prep foot- ball while the Bnai Ami countered j let go emotionally in, a crowd. To j Wave" is showing improved ball championship of the nation. had the klan backing and should not receive your vote. with a rain of passes that almost ! obtain the full benefit of what is hapLouis "Weiner is daily displaying daily as evidenced by her opsnowed the Fraternity gridsterp . pening on the stage one must be acSays McDonald Endorsed By scores. 73 to 0 in the first one hundred and one reasons why he under. The two teams will meet again 1 customed to the language and deis the logical man to, replace Captain • 22 to 0 this Sunday morning" in a retrun vices for stimulating these emotions. . On July 23, the Omaha World Herald carried a news item Maasdom at' the pivot posi- j






- which stated: "At a meeting of the Omaha Ku Klcx Elan held last night at Forty-first and Faraam, Charles B. ' McDonald, candidate for sheriff, was endorsed."



;;' •:.: TAKE NO CHANCES! .. - '' McDonald may or may not he a klansman. He has the backing of the klan, however.

e that an audience must be told Nebraska University. gains against tie first team the other show up in time thus causing their a thing three times before they hear ' Leo Fried of the Frosh was one of, teams to forfeit their games to their the thirty odd first-year gridsters j night when^^-^e "reserves;andn ethea nreg-j opponents. The games that are it. ! ^y played are crackerjacks. The boys _ The stock. company, besides mak' who journied t o Kansas University j ulars Nate hel_4:iu* may "'see^P°^°fc?F .part/ of '.-tfie^ l'South, last week to witness the Nebraska Uj Tech gaitfe * Friday 'from < behind theplay with vim and abandon utterly ing it possible to feel the atmosphere the theatre, present enough plays and Kansas U teams in their annual ^•BeefrTrasi" line.^ .".[/5;"// | regardless of life or limb. It is not of during a season to »jive the inexbattle. Leo may see action on NoTechj/a *fayprite,rshouiii/beat the uncommon to see half of the men on perienced theatregoer a background, vember 6 when the Husker and Kan- Packers, but only after a tough four- the court on the floor after a lively j so that he may form critical opinions -sas Aggie freshman meet a regular quarter fight. / ' * scrimmage. Come on you fellows, of plays and acting. T.ierein lays scheduled game. Amateur Football. . . j show up for your games and put ' the only hope of the growth of naThe Jewish ^Athletic Club eleven; your team around the top of the tional drama in -America. For as a Central" High School. . . . . . . . j nation the drama has no integral part Captain Elmer Greenberg and hia captained by Jjester; Giventer and loop. ; in our -lives. - Most people "go to a coached by Lester Giventer opened klan journey to Beatrice this week-; T h e Junior basketball league" is • show" to' kill time, because they are end where they will meet Harold \ their 1926 football* season by defeat- traveling along at a merry clip. The Frahm and his Orange and : Black/ ing the South Omaha eleven by the youngsters are showing real form ! not trained- in theatre^going. ' The .•warriors. The odds are even as both score of 13 to 0 at Athletic Park last and some of the teams could take ' stock company is the public's training .teams have played erratically thru- Sunday afternoon. some of the older quintettes into j to intellectual honesty In criticism of j out the season. . The J. A. C scored both their camp without much exertion. I the drama. - People' who 'go to the j • A battered and bruised Central touchdowns via the air route. BulletThe girls are taking to basketball theatre are not content to ape the second team went down to defeat be- • like passes from Lester Giventer were fore their traditional and oft victori- j largely responsible for the victory. like ducks to-water or shiek3 to cake-j words of a critic on the Value of a j ous foemen, Tech High, Tuesday A pass Giventer to Lou Marks was It will not belong before the weaker play .Nor are they satisfied to see only night. The purple klan minus the good for a touchdown in the second sex (I wonder, are they) have a loop ! plays endorsed by jjnfe of the many services of Clyde Clancy, her best quarter and again in the fourth quar-. of their own and hold some "hot • groups for promoting/renewed interjground gainer and triple threat quar- ter a heave, Giventer to Johnny Ro- games. "A number of the girls shoot | est/in the' drama* /They become adterback, fell'prey to a long pass that senblatt, was responsible for the sec- like old campaigners 'Anile others ' venturers in the theatre/and map .netted the gray-jersied junior "Beef ond marker. Giventer passed to Ro- have ideas of their bvm as how tn J their own way through She" 'seas of j plays that surround themTrust" a touchdown and. the game. senblatt for the try for point. ; f-hoot a basket.•.-.. ~

This Ad Paid for by Jewish friends of John Hopkins




. ' Y o u KNOW where he stands. Put your personal interests above party politics. None of the political leaders who are asking you to vote a straight republican ticket ever voted the straight ticket in their lives.



I .')




I Better Business Re-Elect Adam McMlen

During the Republican Administration of the past two years, 1.700 miles of road have been gravelled.

Keep McMullen Two More Years A n d Nebraska will b e lifted out of t h e m u d The Republicans have decreased taxes, eliminated the former deficit, and have operated the business of the state efficiently.


The MeMullen Administration is doing everything in their power to eradicate tuberculosis among cattle. Pure Cittle meatp Pure Milk and protects the children from disease.

Better Roads Ilelp tMe Farmer Better Roads Bring More Business

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Adam I^cMullen h a s been an excellent governor. AI\yays fair t o ' all people, regatcjless o f race,, creed or religion. •-,- .- -..,;- / , - ' ,



Consti tutioiml Guaranties

The Republican Party re-affirms its unyielding devotion to the Constitution and to the guaranties of civil, political and religious liberty therein contained


x-AGE 4—THE JEWISH PRESS, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1926 The book is written in BO clear and chaun is, how Boston, Mass., is the of agricultural land. The troubles real capital of Coiuiemara, and what the farmers are having now are theeasy a style that the average man or

THE JEWISH PRESS Pabthbed ever? Thursday at Oumha. Nebraska i>> THE JEWISH,PRESS F O U U ^ H I N U (X)Ml'ANY


Office: 490 Brandeis Theatre Building — Telephone: ATlantic 1450.. NATHAN E, GREEN, Manager. Subscription Price, one year. Advertising rates furnished on applications


CHANGE OF A!)DtlESS— 1'lease «l»e both the old und,oew be eare and (tiro roar name. -. ,-

" The Jewish Press Is.supplied by the Jewish TelegraphictAgency (Jewish Correspondence Bureau) with cabled and telegraphic Jewish newa, in addition to feature articles and 'correspondences from all important Jewish renter*. Inquiries regarding news items credited tft this Agency will be gladly answered^ if- addressed to Jewish Telegraphic1 Agency, 621 Broadway. New Yorlc City. • -


5687—1926-27 Rosh Chodesh Kislev 1st Day Hanuldtah Rosh Choriesh Tebeth Past of Tebeth :


1926 -.--Sunday, November 7 ..Wednesday, Dedetnber 1 .......Monday, December 6 Wednesday, December 15


Rosh Chodesh $hebat -..Tuesday, January 4 Rosh Chodesh Ada* .Thursday, February 3 Rosh -Chodesh V« Adar ...Saturday, March 5 Purim — -.-..Friday, March 18 Rosh Chodesh Nissan —• ..Sunday, ApnL 3 1st Day Pessach — Sunday, April 17 7tif Day Pessach •--•—Saturday, April 23 Rosh Chodesh Iyar -.--.-—-Tuesday, May 3 Lag b'Omer • Friday, May 20 Rosh Chodesh Sivan •—...Wednesday, June 1 1st Day Shabuoth .........Monday, June 6 Rosh Chodesh Tammuz ._ .....Friday, July 1 Fast of Tammuz Sunday, July 17 Rosh Chodesh Ab — ~ ~ Saturday, July 30 Fast of Ab >-•— Sunday, August 7 Rpsh Chodesh Ellul .....Monday, August 29

James Joyce, in the arrogance of his results of a-.-la-ck.6f such planning. Woman will probably be surprised to youth, said to Y^ats, the veteran poet. Miss James therefore takes up notfind himself reading, itt with'absorbed He writes of Dublin and her great only city planning, but national and interest. Dr. Albert' Shaw has writ,' ; •men, arid of the Abbey Theater, of r state planning—-the . planning of ten the Introduction. the farmers; the country boys and fosest lands, recreation areas, agri-' girls, the wandering poets, and ! the j cultural lands, wter rfesoutces, and How many new advertisers this fairies. There is'humor, too, in his land communication. week? illuminating character sketches of Irish patriots and -writers—Griffith and Cosgrave atid £adraic Pearse, Yeats, James Stephens, A. E. John Synge, Geo Moore, James Joyce, Seumas O'Sullivan, aftd Sean CCasey. He knows and loves every county and its people, and he makes the At flute player of Kerry, the harassed cottagers of Connemara, and Lord Dunsany in hia castles as real to us III as the people we see every day.

Big Hallowe'en Dance BY ORIGINAL KA-DE-MO'S

T W O NOTABLE! UNIVERSITIES Among the outstanding and noteworthy events of the year \vill be the seventieth birthday of Justice Louis D. Brartdeis, on SHALL WE LOOK November 13th, and1 that "of Mr. Louis Marshall on December 14. BEFORE W E LEAP?— What these men have meant to American Jewry is a matter of The theory that owners of land common knowledge. may do what they please with their own property has been utterly exJustice Brandeis, who is one of the outstanding jurists in ploded. To restrict all owners in the America, was very active in the Zionist movement in the United uses of their land and buildings gives States prior to the Cleveland convention of 1921. He played all owners larger enjoyment of their We are, therefore, not particularly interested in the historia prominent part during the Wilson administration in laying the property, as Mies Harlean James political foundations .for. the new .era in. th.e.,Z;oni&t movement city of Jesus. It may satisfy antiquarians and historians to know points out in her new book, "Land that he was real or mythical, but hardly anyone else will be af-Planning in the United States, for the which started with the issuance of the Balfour Declaration^ fected by the knowledge. City, State, and Nation." But, while Mr. Brandeis has,been immeasurably helpful in the. As long as man is faced by real and fancied vexations, quandThis book marks an advance over Zionist movement, Mr. Marshall, has.: been- .fdr\ years, .and aries, problems and difficulties, for which he can find no solvent, earlier works on city planning, for deservedly so,\ the recognized and acknowledged! lay leader ofcall he will seek messiahs and saviors who will ease his burdens and Miss James realizes that agricultural American Israel, His counsels, emanating from sagacity, erduiprosperity and consequently the prosCALIFORNIA REVIEW. perity of the country as a whole de-! tion-and devotion to hia people and his faith,-haye long guided relieve his distress. pends on the well planned utilization the Jews of Ainerica in theit conduct as regards matters that •who lost his life in the Titanic dis affeci Je\7 and Judaism here and.; abroad. No matter affecting aster, served. American art devotedly the sause o£3<aw or Judaism—whether it was the Case of an ^ d i for many years. Daniel Frohman, PAXTON-MITCHELL CO. president of the Actors Guild of vidual immi^ifant,;,or a:reh'e£*drive^^rd*is i n f n % ^ e i t u|»6n the*7tb * Martha Mtu. Harney 1662 America, still remains a figure of Omaha. Nebr. minority'rights-of bur-people abrpak^htseverlb^een; too small or Soft pray Iron, brass, bronxe end aloprominence in theatrical affairs. too large a task to edicit his interest, attention and endeavor. American Jewry" mtnmn ca«tinc». Standard sizes bronze Who's Who Other Jewish names prominently and iron bushings, sewer manhole*, Gives History of Jewish Contribution rings and covers, ond ck'nn-out :Such leaders must be regarded'fas Gc»d*s gifts to his people associated with the American theatre cistern lours 1D stock. to Dramatic Art are Shubert, Harris, Erlacger, Klaw, and (the prayerful wish of every «hericao\ Jew ascends heavenIn studying the contemporary ar- Solwyn and Woods. ward: thai? they may long be preserved in Health and vigor for the tistic achievements of Jews and their Additional important information good of all Israel. ' •• • <• '• * : contribution to dramatic art, the Jew- bearing on the contribution of the Let Us Help You "Keep Clean" ish Biographical Bureau of 1400

Keep's Dancing Academy Sunday, October 31st, 1926

Ryan's Orchestra

Jews to the other arts and sciences

arbiters of the world's dramatic ? destiny are Jews. The trio consists of -Franz Molnar of Budapest, Europe's most .eminent dramatist, LEWIS BROWNE IS IN RUSSIA— Max Reinhardt of Vienna, ablest Lewis Brbwrie, author of "Stranger stage director in Europe, and Morris Than Fiction" and of "This Believing Gest of New York. World", -which has just been published ' instructive and illuminating facts by the MacMillan Company, is now in releasing a flood of light on the his- Russia studying the religious develtory of the American drama, cover- opments theraunder Communist rule. ing a,period "of a half century and He stopped in-Germany on his way, .showing the important role the Jews to examine some unpublished source bscqtne so attenuated that Ift our own day thefe-Hvoutd not be much iaye played in America's contribution material* on the life «£ Hsiarich •vyorld culture, will be contained in Heine, in preparation for a biography lass!relief in the efficiency oT individuals tofe&dto'happiriess and •some of~the biographic sketches de4 sof the poet wSJch "he 4» -writing in contentment, cs? ^ ~j£ \ •scribing the achieveriients of out- collaboration with Elsa Weihl. Div

higher criticism, he produces evidence which to him proves exclusively that Jesus- was a myth.: ' ' ' Whether Jesus was mythical or real is to us of little consequence. His influence has been and is a persistent one since man has-been faced with problems which made for despair and pes"-" simism. ' - •, * , ' ' . ,--"" :The messianic wish is'as strofig today W i t was in the centurywhen Jesus was supposed to have performed miracles, through'



is true tBat Jesus wasf\accepted as sc:njessiah among the standing- figures in ths theatre, to! Browne is expected back in America >e included in "Who's be American Jewry".

The Style Aristocrat

Blue Overcoats Largest Showing in the West OR Warmth, Smartness, Comfort and Style men are choosing BLUE this season — Nightshade Blue, Norge Blue, Middy Blue and other rich shades in warm, pure wool fabrics tailored by the foremost makers in Ainerica.


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Who in. for a lecture tour this winter.

ceived the same scant consideration as did Jesus, while iiofce" of Of noteworthy interest; is the "ROAD ROtn*!p) IRELAND!!— In Padraie dfelum's new boolc about thkiothers aroused the-feeling of antagonism among the Jews in career of Morris Gest, producer of Ireland he will tell you what a leprethb "Miracle", acclaimed as one of

Palestine and the .diaspora-as-did Jestts. ..The.reason is obvious, the moot magnificently staged silent ABVEKTISEMENT for-no man has been responsible for as much Jewish suffering as dramas ever presented and •which has the man called savior by the Christian world. created such a profound impression ' In the western worldvthe figure,of,.Jesqs has had^ a hold upon upon the patrons of the American the/imagination of the peoples superior to that exercised by any theatre. Bom in Vilns, Russia, he to this country in 1893. For other figure in isOC years. During all the centuries Christians migrated more than twenty years this Jewish havea ccepted other redeemers* messiahs,. saviors and panaceas, refugee from Tsarist persecution'has but the simplicity of the creed of- Jesus has drawn tftem back been a prime factor in the developwhen the others failed. A creed of love, selfishness and sympathy ment of the American stage, patiently calls for little explanation from those who propound it and little nurturing the artistic -talents embryonic in this country. Some of his not•mental efftict is. required from tnOse "Who accept it. able • successes include the "WaiideiS ; ,The cyeed of the Hebrew prophets contains all that Jesus er", "Chu Chin Chow", -"Mecca", and offered, but in addition there is more iron in ft, for toth em Were numerous others. Whife recognized belief will not open thegates of heaven, where all is light, warmth as.eminently successful from an artistic view, few of the productions have and comfort. financially remunerative to Since the war a crop of saviots has emerged. All of them proven this creative genius, whose apathy to^ tough minded men. There is no note of love, comfort or wards the commercial side has teft sentimentality in any- of the creeds offered. The men who offer him virtually a poor marl. His satisrelease fteffi the impass^which beset men's lives are Lenin, Mus- faction ih performing Bis artistic solini and Henry Ford. Communism, dictatorship and industrial- mission has been his greater deward. ism' ar2 the panaceas.- During the transition period/ as they are He has the distinction of introducing Fofcine, the fam6us ddncing pleased to call the period of control, they are all autocrats. One Michael ballet master, and Balieff's Chauvelfitist follow a messiah with blind faith, otherwise one is really &ouris company to the American Meeting of Jewish men H6I5 accepted^ as a messiah orsa^vior.;., Lenin at ,the height of hispublic. and Women who favor power was willing that half of the Russian people be annihilated almost a half-cefitury David John Hopkins f o r sd #ha$^a "worldly'paradise be - established- oif 'earths Mussolini Belascof' father-in-law of Gest, has sheriff will be held at has-deiiied every form of expres&idn. so that the Italian pedple occupied a place of ^pre-eminence in the theatrical profession as an imHopkins f o r Sheriff iake its rightful position at the head of the procession, of-the presario, director and dramatist. His club, 1408 No. 24th nations. productions date back from .the time St. at 8 p. Ei. Sunday Henry Ford, who unblushingly admits h e is an industrial he presented E. 1H. Sotherh in "Lord Chumly" in ifiS ? and include such night. aiifocrat, would have more and^niore production' with, gxeatel* famous successes as" "The Heart of gpe'ed and efficiency, for through such a metKod all our problems gp y, g p Maryland", "Madame Butterfly", "Du will Wliquidated. All of these have messianic attributes for they Barry", "The Girl of the Golden dd i t not jfar themselves but-for humanity. Ford, and Mus*st)lini West/' have not itie' appeal whicfr Lenin has foi* they-are interested Conspicuous for yeafs has been the Everyone is urged to pTJimarily in''their own nation, while Lenin has offered food for name of Frohman in the American theatre. The late Charles Frohman, attend. the hungry and drink to the thirsty of the whole world. ' Outside "the ^esternjworld, thefe is a messianic figure, Mahatma'^aijcS <& jndiai He, too* has evoked an unquestioning Itegtilar Election November 2, I92§ faith ainongihisfollowers. Itowev.er, living in & world differing' essentially irtJ Its political and economic developments and per-1 gpectitfe he falle back upon the ancient creed of love, non- resist-1 anceto'evil.and sinipHdty. | FOR These figures prove that man's hunger for the savior has not ( ibeen lessened. His problems are multifarious and often adtite,' Ife&n's knowledge'of the'lawS" <*f life, ecoHomics and "politis are not^ ' - adeaiiate to solve ihe;dilemmas witK'which he is-faced, therefore, H6 'seeks escape. .There are-^nany^rms of escape from reality. Your Vote Will be Greatly Appreciated Fiction, the-uage, narcotics and drink serve many, but the vast ' t have something more tangible, concrete and human.




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I! :


Jews Leadin

Broadway, N. Y. C., compilers of the will be available at the completion of BRANDES WRITES ON JESUS first authoritative "Who's Who" of the biographic dictionary, "Who's Georg Brandes, venerable Danish critic, has written a book American Jews, points out an inter- Who in American Jewry." i .. . . » on tiie question of the historicity of Jesus. In the manner of the esting fact—that the three foremost i •" •

Admission 25c

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Packard 6 Sedan, less than one year old, used little, very fine, $1,200 off new price. •

Chevrolet C<s«pe; ready to

Packard Sedas Twin six; gSod «ond. Alt neKr tir«i;

Overland £edan« t»»ed «n!y 60 day*; wift ta<erifS««



...S200 «t«ral 1?eTy tf p

ing c»fi» em., -ST5>. $ 1 0 0

Na«h R««d«t«r« '23; very good; ifiitjsfy looker; $o~ lag at ._.•,,• *.,.._. > «_.Sg8S Jorelan € Pliketcti; '22 rtiod,; Cadillac Phaeton; wire has fe«d wonderful esrei wheel, S190 tnappy lotAe? and rant tmPaige 6 Sedan; '22 mod.; tr« well, tet e»ly.. . 8 2 0 0 rum very good; new paint; Oai-ftttt Coope; rat in**fc«*« only .....8390 * and roa* *trf. well, . fJjSSSO Studefeaker Special Six; '25 Una 4-pat*. Cenpev refismod.; like a new car; per* Ufeed; so&4 Ur*H turn manent top; lot* of extra*; fj 5 0 Per cent off new prite. «. Cotipe, '£ Willys. Knight Coupe, '25 model; extra fine; just like new; a'fine ear; real vntkp tittm at ._... . . . . .. . .8800 Chevrolet Sedan, late 23; re- Cirttwoki « look, afld fiaished; extra f i n e . 8 3 9 0 U Coape, ' « Chevrolet Sedan, '24 mod.; tar ia «*««lktat good tires; refinished; bar* Cadillac Sedan, 59; been •»«ry well eated for; tires extra fine, o n l y . . . . S T 7 5


Ford Touring, ftews $7fi le»* than new regular price. M**well Sedan, '24; repainted; f>n« tires; one of our


Chrysler SS Cctape, '*«*-SJ* * new c a r . . . . . . <. • S8'< 5 Chrysler 58 Sedan, '25?•Very




Chrysler 58 Roadster; '26 n>oid.; l«ok» like sew, snapPT job_• •_. ,. • • S 7 7 5 _ Chrysler 70 Sedan, early '28; refinUhed; special Ktiarantee; •, .-• •, - L n v - g g S O • Chfy«ler 70 Sedan, '24; refinished; special ««*«»**•-

.*. ..SStS

3 > o r d Coupes, '23



T«ddT Sedan, Ferd 4-diwer



For* Co«p«s« '26 tt

roia S475 «o S500 "sll like new.

All of above car* are much bitter than average run. I4th and Jackson

Chrysler Distributor

AT. 4411


Council Bluffs News


The B'nai Britli Lodge.No. 688 entertained at 20 tables of bridge at the Banish Hall Wednesday Evening. The party -was under the auspices of the Intellectual Advancement Committee. . tthe.. committee consisted' of Mr. O. Hochman, chairman; Ben Kubby and Louis Katelman. Short talks were made by Ben Kubby, Hochmsii and Hatty Kobby, •who is president of the local lodges


,J cups stewed apples. Bake and serve president of three Nebraska Urm*er- ANTI-JEWISH DISTURBANCES IN sity organization^ Silver Serpent, BUDAPEST CONTINUE Junior Woman's honorary, Gamma A delightful new sweetmeat is a Alpha Chi, and the University AverBudapest (J. T. A,)—The disturbchocolate covered fig, that can easily tlsing Club. Edward Rosenthal and be prepared at home with sweetened Lester Lapidus sre both members of ances in Hungary's capitol over the appointment by -Count Klebelsberg of chocolate. the Zeta Beta Taa fraternity. Dr. Adanij Jewish physician, to the Shotrald your soup be to salty, add a sliced raw potato and cook a few Miss Ida Lustgarten spent "the chair of surgery at the Budapest University continued yesterday with minutes longer,, as the potato wiL' •week-end in Omaha. increased violence. Students s t the absorb the surplus salt. Frank BJotcky and Irving Heller veterinary institute yesterday attackIt is said fruit is less liable to spent the -week-end in Omaha. ed Ur# Georg, a Jewish instructor, settle in cakes if it is thoroughly beating him with sticks and tearing mixed into the creamed sugar and Miss Laura Berek. of Frermont, a his clothes. He was left in an tm» butter before the other ingredients Sophomore at the XJniversitj" ©f Neconscious state. are added. braska, went horns for the week-end.







- • " • - *

Soak one quart stale bread in cold water, squeeze dry, season with salt and pepper to taste, add one half cup melted fat, about a quarter of a medium sized onion, run through the grinder, (livers and tender parts of gizzards ground make it much richer) WEDDTNGS ENGAGEMENTS two or ihree eggs slightly beaten. POSKA-SIEGEL Mr. and Mrs. A. Forman announce Mrs. Sam Gross recently returned Mix well, and last add some chopped . Mr. and Mrs, Sol Siegel; announce the engagement of their daughter from a months visit in Los Angeles parsley, the marriage of; their' daughter Hose, Dorothy, to Mr. Harry Copelman of j-with her daughter and son-in-law, Lincoln News STUFFED BAKED POTATO to Mr. Sam I'oska of Lincoln. '£he Kans&s City, son oi Mr. and Mrs.! Mr. and Mra. Shostak. Bake potatoes in oven until soft. wedding took place last Sunday eve- K. Copelman of that city. Mr. and Miss Kate Goldstein of Omaha, was Tiing, October 24th, at the Beth Mrs. Forman will receive in honor Mrs. Harry Kubby entertained the cut a lengthwise slice from each po- elected president of the Junior ConHaraedrosb' Eagodbi, Babbi Grodins- of their daughter on Sunday October Afternoon Club at her home Wednes- tato, scoop out pulp and pass through gregation, an organization of aH the a ricer. Add two tablespoons butter, ky read the marriage lines. Miss 31, from 2:30 to 6. No date has been day afternoon, . one-third cup grated cheese, one-half Jewish students attending' the UniBelle Siegel, sister of the bride was set for the wedding. versity of Nebraska, J. Edward Bo~ the maid"of*honor and Miss Bertea Mr. and Mrg. M. Blend of Denver, teaspoon salt, a pinch of cayeime, senthal of Omaha, is vice-president; Siegel, cousin of the bride was Tier a t the Jewish. Community Center. The Colorado, announce the engagement slight grating nutmeg, one tablespoon Violet Ellinger of Lincoln, is secrebrides maid. Mr. Sidney Polaky of following officers -were elected: Pres- of their daughter, Lillian, to Mr. Ed- plmentoe out in small bits, and one- tary, and Lester Lapidtts of _ Omaha, lancoln, cousin of the groom served ident, Mrs. J. Iintiman; First Vice- ward Hokman of Council Bluffs. half cup hot milk. Beat until light is treasurer. as best man and Mr. Ben Eoisdn was President, Mrs. S. Cohen; Second The wedding will take place the latter and fluffy. KefiH potato shells, Kate Goldstein is a member of the sprinkle with grated cheese. Bake groomsman. Miss Ivey Siegel of Vice-president, Mrs. A. Wolf; Eecord- part of January. Sigma Delta Tau soTority and is in oven until brown. Ghicago, sang " I Love You Truly'" ing Secretary, Mrs. A, Shafton; Finaad was accompanied by Mrs. Sam andal Secretary, Mrs. Dansky; The Ladies Auxiliary of the Talmud HOW TO COOK RICE Siegel at the piano and a- violin Treasuref, Mrs. E. Weinberg; and Torah will hold a meeting next Five quuarts water, one tablespoon obligato by Miss Dorothy Lustgarten. Mrs. J. Hahn is Chairman of the Wednesday afternoon, November 3, The couple left on a Western honey* card parties. The next public card at the horns of Mrs. M. Krasne, 242 salt, one enp rice. Put water in a very large kettle and put salt in it. moon tripjand will be at home after party will be held Wednesday, Nov. Park Avenue. When it is boiling hard take a spoon November 1&, at: Creston, Nebraska.; 3rd, a t ;fche J. C. C. Mrs. S. Cohen Among the out-of-town guests, who and Mrs. "M. Brodkey will be the Mrs. Philip Friedman accompanied and stir it .BO that the water keeps by her son, Lester, "will leave next circling. Drop a little rice in at a attended the wedding were Mr. and hostesses. week for Iowa City to visit her sons, time so that the water keeps Mrs. E . Fredericks and sba Carl, The Junior Hadaseah is starting Maurice and Arthur. Friedman, who boiling and moving in a circle around Mrs. A. Bessel and Mr. Louis Green the Iowa University Home*, the kettle. The rice is cooked in of Creston, Nebraska and Mr. anfl their series of benefit bridge parties. attend e TI n { Miss Rose Fine is chairman and her i ° ^ S y on November 6th, and twenty minutes. Mrs. Bsn Polsky of Lincoln. { committee is the Hisses TJIa Alberts also, the Phi Beta Delta fraternity BAKED RICE and Eosa Eosensteia. The first of dance. SHARGO-M1TTELMAN Pat into a baking dish one- cup of these parties will be given b y the A pretty home wedding took place Mr. and Mrs. M. Bernstein enter- rice, a teaspoon salt, a teaspoon TrotSunday afternoon Mthen. Miss Benlali Misses Hose and Ida Fine at their tained their Evening Mah Jong Club ter, and two quarts milk. Cover and Mittelman and Abe Shargo were home on Sunday, November 7th. at their home last week. set in a moderate oven for one hour. The different members of the Jununited in marriage. The marriage ior Hadassah volunteer to give these Mrs. Abe H. Marcus entertained at Do not stir but if it gets dry pour lines were read in the presence of parties and have them at their homes. a Bridge Party last Wednesday af- warm milk over it. A cup of raisins one hundred guests, Babbi Grodinsky makes this dish delicious. officiating. The bride was gowned in The money received at these affairs ternoon at her home in honor of Mrs. are given to the organization. S. JL Adler of Los Angeles, Calif., white georgette with a long train. APPLE PUDDING The Junior Hadassah will have a who is visiting, her daughter, Mrs. She wore a cap shaped veil, i e r Three quarters cup sujrar, shortenThanksgiving party for all the old, Saltzman, of Omaha. ing the size of s walnut, three quarters cup bread crumbs, one quarter dinner /was served. A reception was^ Miss Berdie Berber retained from Mrs. Max Steinberg was taken to cup chopped almonds, one lemon, two the Mercy Hospital Tuesday to underheld between 8 and 11 o'clock and'a -risit to Kansas City. While there more than one hundred friends called s he visited with her cousines Mr. go an operation* . to offer congratulations to the. young and Mrs. Ben Ochtenberg. Mrs. M. Passer underwent an opercouple. Mr. and Mrs. Shargo left for ation Tuesday at the Mercy Hospital. Mr. Joseph Kay of Berkely, Cat., a lioneymoon trip to Chicago and •who arrived in Omaha to attend the! will be. at home after November 84 3esr» of Honest Merchandise !s golden , wedding of-his.: parents Mr. Items for these columns can be ytmr Gaarantee el a Sqtrare Deal at 210SXothrop.- ' • -' to ATlantic 1450, not arid Mrs. M.; Kulakofsky left Wednes- telephoned later than Wednesday noon. 1419 Douglas Est. 2S90 The out-o^towniueste a t t b e w e d ; . ding were the bride's sister-inrlaw,' Jay morning for his-"home. MrsMrs. Harry Mittelman and daughter' ^ e p h ?*y^ York. While enof Portland, Oregon, and Mrs. Sam Wednesday for ) route she will attend the Tn-Annual _Poska of Lincoln. ^j Council of Jewisn at Washington, D. C. "Mrsl Miss Helen Kohn is convalescing at b e g o n e : f 0 r three weeks and the .iordJLdster Hospital, where she . Q ^ return io Omaha will visit was "operated on'last week' for ~ hef6 fot several-weelcs before returning t o ^ber


Miss Esther Suisl<rr£lty visited in Columbus over the wees-crd.

iaraey 7545 J

Mrs. B. Blotcky and daughter Mrs. Sidney Fisher sre speeding a few weeks in Excelsior Springs.


Sophie Kctcher of Sioux City, spent the Week-end -with Miss Tillie Rice. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Weinstein returned Sunday from a wedding trip through the east and are now st home at 2764 California street.

. . . . .


....8c I

Harney 7545

Attend the



Ordinarily Selling from $3.00 t® $5M0 in This Big Event at—



The regular monthly meeting of, A miscellaneous bridal shower was the Temple Sistethood' will be held given in honor.of Jliss Esther Krantz next pfcnday,' Ncrreinber 1, at the Wednesday evening at the Jewish Temple. A one o'clock luncheon will j Community Center. _Mesdames L. l«e served folldwed by a very unusual i Schwedelsoh, 3. Brookstein.' and T£ and iiitereEting program. Mrs. SamAbramson wers hostesses to about Robinson is3» -charge of the ltulcheoii. 100 people.

The Age Radio

Mi,; and Mrs. Bobinson have moved into thtir new home at 2405 Hickory street.: They; will entertain at :;i h*ms^ Warming Sunfiay-aftcrnoon for thirty; guests^

Mrs. ,Herman Cohen "Who spent the past week .in Omaha as the gnest of her parents Mr. and Mrs. M. Ku1afcofsfry; left Thursday for* her' home in Kansas City.


A {memorial meeting will be held Sunday, October 31, at 2 p. m. at the Labopr Lyceum at 22nd and Clark streets for ine great national Socialist trader,; 33ugene V. Dehs< There will ise bdtiL" Engtish' and speakers. This ^meeting has been arranged by the Socialist Verband of Omaha.

The Ladies Free Loan society will meet Wednesday afternoon Nov. 3rd, at 2:00 o'clock at the Jewish Community Center, • This society holds their meeting is the J< € . C. the first Wedaesday of every month.

We pay^particular attention to all details such as matching of tubes, correct equipment, anH proper installation.

OBITUARY The funeral of Le Eoy Kaskee, 21, MR: and Mrs. Jay Wright are visit' son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Katskee was rng in Des Moines. held Tuesday afternoon from the Eelatives of Mr. and Mrs. Jewish Funeral Home. Seglin surprised them at their home Tuesday evening in honor of their What men want is not talent; it 5s tweuty-fifth aniversary. purpose—'Hot the power to achieve, Mr. and Mrs. Mickey Katelman but the will to labor.—Lytton, •will receive Saturday evening at their home, 111 So. 34. St. for Mr. and Omaha's Most Modern Fireproof Plant Mrsi; J. Katelman "who are leaving CLEANERS—DYERS—TAILORS HATTERS—FURRIERS Sunday for California.

ID «

Thp Daughters of Zion held an election of officers at the last regular meeting, Wednesday October 20, S1C1-G3 Fatnam St. ABVEKTISEITEKT

HA. S308


Be Here When the Ektan Open.

alue-giving event made through huge purchases

Call us for a demonstration, its Free


We are aathorized agents for the Famous Eadiola SttperHetrodyae* Cros- ' ley, Fteed-Eisman, AtwateT-Keiit orthophonic victrolas and combinations.


The Hats— Hats with pinched crowm, with c&t«|siette cr©wiis, with tarn crowns, with receding crowns—bat« ol Velvet, satin* felt mscl charming combina•tians. Small fes-ts and large bats—f ©r miss and m&troa. lit &11 the colors l popular: ;' :-

Sand rota

Wood Copen Chattel Red Jungle Green Black Browns

—in this 3-day event

Easy Terms




• Hats fcT

Efrsssemd Bch-sst Wezr

J. "Jack" Alberts

A Hottof Attractive Little Styles

Talc's s. bsi for every rosy, ystttMal fac& in this prised group of little girls' fea'js. Yel-rsts xffih *£te t'atiEgs—ia pske &ad rolling brim ctyles. l a browfl, tmd, rzzir red, c-s^a aad blacls.


State Representative


1300 brand.new h&U—Kfttf that are jmt now being tmp»cke^—every one bought in a special purchase of srach scope that tbongb &c values are actually $3.00 to $5.00, it if possible to offer them here TSmnMi&y at $1.77. A tisree-eky event—but early selection is advised*


SOL LEWIS 180-1-06 North 24 Sttest

Wfibstcr S012

! I


3-Day Sale of 1,800

Brodkey Jewelry Co. for Diamonds

J f







Bernard Baron Gives $12p00toMeve . Palestine Situation


HBNKE BEAX, COUNTY real names unknown) ;• also Lot Four (4),(names unknown) having and claiming any• hlbits thereto attached and by reference DAN GROSS, ASSISTANT COUNTY-Block Six (<!) South Omaha 1st, an ad- • right, title or interest in the North Half made a part thereof, and that unless tLc I ATTORNEY dltion "to the original City "of South Oina-; of Lot Fourteen (14), Block Thirteen (13),' same is paid by you, or any of you, that I 1 Court House ha, s o w Onahti in the-• City'of. Omaha, i South Omaha 1st, an addition to the oiigl-; a decree "will • be entered in this Court NOTICE OP FORECLOSURE! OF County of Douglas, State of-Nebraska, as! nal City otrSouuth Omaha, now Omaha, in; foreclosing and forever barring yon and TAX LIENS surveyed; 'platted 'and :reeorded and all j the City of Omaha, County of' .Douglas,; each of you of any and an claims upon, In tb'c DlBtrict Court of persons, firms, co-pattnersWPB,- corpora-[State of Nebraska, as surveyed, platted interest or estate in, right or title to, or Douglas County, Nebraska, Due. 233-1C tions (true and real names unknown.) bav-; and recorded. ' Hen " ~ upon, or equity of . redemption . ,. . .in or to • London.—(J, T.-A.)—A contribu- To Albert J. Seaman, deceased, If mar„ . , ing and claiming ariy right,; title or in-j Joseph Zloeh and Katie Zlocb, husband said herein described real estate, and that Seaman, his v?idow, (nrst terest In Lot Four H), Block Six tl5) South! and wife, Francis Hanousek; if living,! the sanm or so much as may be necessarv tion of ?125,000- designated to-relieve „„,,,.> ™.,t.,«™,,i H«YTW v,. ^—.... ,-_i- . . . _.,.«*•„_ ^- t h e original' their unknown guardians, assignees and. to satisfy the plaintiffs lien, together with the present unemployment V. Omaha, in the! personal • representatives • ttheir true- and' costs, shall be -sold • in accordance with * Douglas, State real names unknown;; if deceased, their law, and for such other and further re-an Palestine was. presented platted' and--re- { unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, • assign- net as equity requires and as to the Court signee8.nrid personal personal representatives representatves (their corded.' j ees, trustees and personal representatives may seem .just and equitable. Inard Baron, Angto-Jewish philarfthro-j' signee8."nrid I trua and real names unknown); i f _de-1" JVakeneld; married. • ' " ; (their r_»ai i _ TV,. iTi._i^. nf_» „ _ ^ • I I trua «»"« ««« <-•«• uuuieo u i u u v m i i , it iazzie waKeneia; if' i i marneu, vuieir true itue and ana real real names names unknown); uunuvniij Xou and each of you are hereby notified and » real names unknown); if v»v-1 de-1" L ii piai;, t o u r . Unarm-Weizmajjn^ presir I ceaEed^lhelr unknown, heirs, devisees, leg- wakefleldi her husband, (first true and; also Lot Three (3), Block Twelve (Vi). that yon are required to answer said peti*dent of t h e World Zionist ^riraniza-1 "tees, assignees, trusteed and personal rep- ^^ n a m e unknown), Elizabeth. Board-; South Omaha lBt, an addition to the origl- tion'on or before the 13th day of December, * ' « « " ' « » • • y - i s « " ^ " ,, eesenhith-ea -{their true and real names un- man; Martha T. Boardmau;4f living, their; nal City of South Omaha, now Omaha, in ition, a t a-"farewell reception 'giveni,known); also Lot Seventeen (17), Block unknown guardians, assignees and per-! the City of Omahn, County of Douglas, COliNTI OF DOUGLAS, Plaintiff 8ona re r U( n By HENRY J..BEAL, County Attorney. ~in Dr..Weizmann's honor-last'night ?& JSl^WPCity of ^^f*^?™** L unknown):. P^ n t ?» v eif^».!: , ^ £real: 8tate^^NebrB.ta._ iM_«BtTejed.j ftatt*d the original South Omaha, now names deceased,,'their un- : and recorded and ail persons. Items, co- DAN GKOSS; Assistant County Attorney. prior t o h i s departure f o r America. Omalia, in the City of Omaha, County of thown heirs devisees, legatees," assignees,' partnerships, corporations (true and real Oiw * W - J ' » I J <. u , , , , Douglas, State of Nebraska,! as surveyed, trustees and personal representatives (their names unknown) having and claiming any Olf Altred Monet, Vrrio "Was SChedUI-; platted and recorded and all persons,• true and real names unknown): Creigli right, title ot interest in Lot Three (3), Twelve (ti) South Omaha 1st, .an rPi»PT\tinn wna « n - flrms' co-partnerships, corporations, (true; S o n s & Company, a corporation duly Block Tweh ed to preside at City of South l e t e p i i o n w a s un flud r e a l n a n i C 8 unknown) having and j o r g a n j z e d and existing under and by vir- addition tq the _ . „original ._ lSe of M s partici- Lclaiming any right, title or interest In t u e o f t h e t a W S of the State of-Nebraskn,'.'Omaha, now Omaha, in the City ot Omaha,1T able to attend because o t T~.~;UL:..I r>*~ Seventeen (17), Block Two, &)., Al- j t g assignees, trustees and personal repre- County of Douglas, State of Nebraska, as p d b i u n 411 v n e X g. -_—- wi.^u* AUIKA, «\u »uu«»«v.. »v . H k v . . e . M u . , genfaqyes ^[aeir irnc QUQ reu* numus mi-. Binrveyeu, inutieu 2i.ua recututu.. j cbright it S o u t n rtn addition to the original; 8e ntatives (their true and real names un- surveyed, platted and recorded. ference. JoseDh Cbwenimperial nefsided V,on' y o f Annex, Omaha, now Omaha, in the < k n o w n ) . B a n l s e r - 8 Saving ;& Loan Asso-1 Prudential Heal Estate Company, a cor-j -330 Koonis—sou Kntba lerence. .Josepn c o w e n persioea. . C U v o f Omaha< Douglas, State ' corporation dnly organized and potation duly organized aud existing County of clation a Good Buoms for tl^O the Handing-• t h e check for £25,000 . of Nebraska, as sun-eyed, platted and re-1 e x i g f j n g nnde.r and by virtue of the Laws under and by virtue of the Laws of ** Optnttti b? Rpplpy Hotflo Co. I off tthe" State of Nebraska, - Its < assignees,' State of Nebraska, i t s assignees, trustees h e Sta e of to Dr.- Weizmann, Mr. Baron termed} a l b e i t V. Runzel, If m a r r i e a , — ' trustees ? ^ personal *&™^ *&&*}&&?<'• *****-<*}*?***"•> its assisuee^ and representatives (their : ana personal representatives (their tn> true Runzel, his wife, (first true and real name true and real names unknown).; Jilso Lot and real names unknown); also it a talisman of good luck for his unknown), " "' " ~"~ Solomon J. Firestone; it'-illv- Seven (7), Block Twenty-three (23), Boyda Twenty-six (20), Block Twenty-live inp, .assignees journey to the United States. "Since ^.d their unknown • - guardians, _.— -...-,-. Addition, an addition t o the City of Oma-i Leavenworth Business Place, an addition Harry H.Lapidus, i^es.T ttiv (their true true nnd personall representatives Uheir n t h e C U y . o f Omaha,^County -of Doug-" t o the City ot Omaha, in the City of, W. G. Ure Secretary. I am interested in Palestine, I will and real names unfcn own K « deceased, hI ajSl i( l state of Nebraska, a s surveyed, platted' Omaha . C o u n t y of Douglas, State of Kesee the movement" through",. Mr. their unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, a n ( j recorded and all - persons, firms, co- braska, a s surveyed, platted and recorded trustees and personal rcpreeen-. partnerships .corporations (true and real and all persons, nrins, co-partnerships, •Baron declared. "I. wish to "see theassignees, * • '"•"'- *""" ""•' ~ " ' •"" • • " " - ' y V' v . _ ..*. corporations (true and real names unhaving and claiming any right, Jews settled in Palestine as farmers. interest i n Lot Twenty-six U!<5),» (23) -----I am proud of my Jewishness and,of - COMPLETE 8T0BE , „ — , -^tate; -of Nebraska,.us.surveyed; ; City of Omaha, County of Douglas .Stated ness Place, an addition to the City o t | the Jewish achievements i platted and recorded and uU persons,; o f N e o r a B i j a a s snrvej-ed, platted and re-! Omaha, in the City of Omaha, County o* OPFICB OUTFITTl co-partuershlps. corporations (true' .--.-•» . » » . » . ( .Douglas, . • „...- of. *-, . —.— as __ surveyed, J State Nebraska, "he stated. He also 'expressed hope firms, and real nan.es uiitnMrn) having and Mary O'Connor. It married. O'Con-; platted and recorded, « copj that the wealthy, aristocratic Anglo- claiming « y. - right _ . title or interest, in n o r , her husband, (first true and real name- Prudential Real Estate Company, a cor, _ _. Lot Thlrty-utnfr (30), Heighfa,J n n k n o m , ) , Felix Haley, if jnarried, » t h COTM*



in Omaha


Omaha Fixture &, Supply Co.

Jewish families will finally-turn their Lot Thlrtyuint (iO). C h _ ag in , thej J nH ) , Felix duly organiied and existing if (Haley, f i t t if jnarried, d n k nl o m , hi r poration Nlrertt. an ndditlon to the City of Omaha, in thej Haley, his wife, (first true and real name! under and by virtue of the Laws of the sympathies toward Palestine."" Vbmnikt JackNii tit* CityNebraska, of Omaha, ofplatted Douglas, State» Patrick Haley, if and married ••i State of Nebraska, Us assignees, trustees unfenown), of as County surveyed, and re-i. Haley, his wife, (first true real and personal representatives (their true Mr. Baron is one of the Wgest in- corded. OMAHA KF.U • I name unknown), Martin Haley, if married, * and real names unknown); also Lots George A. Shearer, If married, Haley, his wife (first true, and real. Twenty-three (23), Twenty-four (24), and ' dividual contributors, toCthe- Keren Shearer, his wife, (lirst true and real name < unknown). Andrew Haley, if married.~t Twenty-live (25), Block Twenty-five CJ5), n a m e ; ,.Hayesod. Up to the present he has unknown); if;llvlng, their unknown guar-1 _ _ — Haley, his -wife, (first trne and real; Leavenworth Business Place, an addition assignees and personal representa- j n a m e unfenown). Sister Mnry Basil, (true! to the City of Omaha, In the City of contributed the amountl of/ 260,000 diang, tlves^tbe^r true and real names unknown); a n d ^^ name unknown), General Outdoor; Omaha, County of Douglas, State of Kedvtii C p n a corporation r t i o dlyb k as surveyed, d platted l t t d and d recorded dd aeceased. their unknown heirs heirs, devisees devisees. II A Advertising Company, dolyj braska, outside of his recent-riny«stmenf-of iflegatees, Its Time to think of your ! assignees, trustees and personal, organized and existing under and by vir- aud all persons, firms, co-partnerships, | £100,000 in the Rutteiiberg"electric representatives (their.true and real n aines. t n eot t h e Xrixyva of the State of New VorK,'; corporations (true and real names unv untnowu;; also Lot lwenty-eignt US) i t t e s and a d pereonnl p r o n a l reprer; r p r e : known) k ) h a i and d claiming l i i ht lwenty-eignt. U S ) , , iits t s assignees, trustees having a n y iright, works. .-**^»T'- * V ; ' .untnown;; Cliarlsew Heights, an addition t o the Cityj sentatlves (their true and real names un-'? title or interest in Lots Twenty-three (SJ), th City of Omaha, County i n o w n ) , McGill & Dawes Employment Twenty-four (21) and Twenty-five (25), Responding to the 'introduction of of Omaha, in ^ S 4 * . ^ , recorded -^ ~ " ^ - ^ ? e n c y - ' a co-partnerShip, Mary L y n c h : : Block Twenty-ttve (23), Leavenworth Buslthe chairman who w i s h d J j j in America whereny . nobly responded to "»«»» ci ua ri es e u i i ^ i t n i e , a n i l real names unknown); if de-, platted and recorded. lsllt { £,ot • ' * | * w . H f B ° ' s - 1 ceased, their unknown heirs, devisees, leg- Albert J. Seaman, deceased, if married, PHOTOGRAPHERS tine", Dr. .an the Cny ot Omaha, in.the j a tees, assignees, ttiistees-and personal rep-j — Seaman, his widow, (first true and11 a County Douglas State t t l ( t h i t d l i l k ) H i t E AVlf If City of^Oinnha, County of Douglas, State j resentatlves (their true and,r*al names un-i real name unknown), Harriet E, AVolfe, If , " dress on the ^ j 1312 Farnam St. Opposite . - ^ l ^ i . l * 1 ^ 1 1 ' a s 8 u r v e y e < 1 ' P Jatte <l and r e - j . f e n o w i l ) ; a l s 0 L 0 t p i v e (5i, Block Seven | married, AYolfe, her husband, (first' Zionist movement a'^il in ;Fa{es£ine.' '"corded. , j ( 7 ) South Omaha 1st. an addition t o the-, true and real name unknown); If living, • W. O. W. Bldg. F. Balfe, If married, original City of South Omaha, now Oma-1 their unknown guardians, assignees and i. He laid emphasis oniSie^faci^ha't^Ks /iVfaouita Balfe, his wife, (first true aud real name ha, in the City of Omaha, County of Doug-j personal representatives (their true and • Phone, JAckson 4562 if living, their unknown guar- las. State of Nebraska, a s surveyed, platted i real names unknown): If deceased, their '"controversy between / the . Amer&an unknown): dian, assignees aud personal -representarecorded and all persons, firms, co-j unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, assign. Jewish Joint Distribution 'Committee tives : (their true and real names u n - and partnerships, corporations (true and Teal e e s , trustees and -personal representatives knowu); 16 deceased, their unknown heirs, names unknown) having and'claiming a n y i (their true and real names u n k n o w n ) ; _ • and the Zionist Organization of devisees, legaU'CS, assignees, trustees and right, title or interest i n Lot Five (51.! also Lot Ten (10), Block One (1) Albright!' personal representatives (their true and. Block Seven (7)' South Oniaba 1st, an art- f Annex, an addition t o the original City of I America has ended. This\opens the 're'al rihnfts unknown); also Lot Twentyt o the original City of South Oma-! South Omaha, flow-Omaha, i n the City o f l way for the future work cooperation fourr (21), Block One (11 Brennan Place, nditlon The a _ n D w Omaha, in the City of Omaha.] Omaha, County of Douglas, to the C.ty ofOmaba, m He County of Donglas. State of Nebraska, a s ; braska, as surveyed, platted and recorded! batween all classes of Jewry, he "said. Cit.vaddition of Omaha; County o f Douglas, State surveyed, platted and*recorded. • ._ ( a n d ail ptrsons^; Arias, co-partnerships, 1 Dr. Weizmann praised the achieve- of Nebraska, as surveyed, platted and re-, Ajmes Griffin, if married. Griffin, j corporations ; (true and real names un-i corded and all persons, firms, co-partner- her husbnnd. (flrst t r u e a n d real name nn-1 known)- having and claiming any right,} '•' msnts and contributions of American ships, corporations (true, and real names known); unknown R , _ . . if — living, ,=_,^_ their . ^^^ ,, H t l e o r i n t e r e s t l n L o t T e l l ( 1 0 ) > Block1818 Farnam, 2nd floor unknown) having and claiming any right,' One (1) Albriglit Annex, an a d d i t i o n - t o | Jewry. * and personal: representatitle or interest in Lot'Twenty-four (21), nns, ( i v e s assignees (their -tree and real names un- the original City of South Omaha, "I am going to America in an op-Block One (1) Brennnu Place, an ailditlon ,' tnown); if deceased, their unknown heirs. Omaha "in the City of Omaha, County '.of : to the City of Omaha, in the U t y _ o i devisees, legatees, assignees, trustees and! Douglas, State of;Nebraska, as surveyed. :: timistic mood and* will present, tb.e Omaha, and Cpuirfy o? DouRlas. State ot J*e- personal representatives (their true nmli platted and recorded.' ** as surveyed, platted and recorded, i real rp;, names unknown)-, also Ivot Tn (10). " You and er.ch of you are hereby notified facts of the situation to.'the American The a.Midway Investment Company, o cor- j sS ou t h Omaha, now Omaha, in the'City of that on the 10th day of September, 1U20, Jewish public. I have no doubt/that poratiqn, .(place of Incorporation . u t : Omaha, County of, Douglas^ State-1 of Ne- t h e county of Douglas filed a petition in known), i t s ' assignees, trnstees ana per- j brnskn a s surveyed, platted and recorded I t h e district court "-of Douglas County, i| Popular noonday luncheon | the response will be a hearty and gen- sglial rapresenUtives (their true and real^ a n < 1 all persons, firms, co-partnerships, cor-[ Nebraska,. against y o u and each of —•• - - - cause appears * . -on » •Docket _ . . .-.. erousfone, sufficiently s'trong to";brim> tames nj*riown)t; 50 cents t alSo bo^Fjjur M), Blpck, porations Ktrve afid Teal names unknown) which ^33, Page One (I).1: AlWigfe't jAnniJs:; aff addition ;toj h a T } n g nntf-'claiming; any right, title tor 16, of the records of ; tlie Clerk of the I Table 'd'hote dinner, 85 cents to | n forward the means which'are i fhe original'-City original •-City "of of Soirtlr Soutlr^Omaha, Omaha, nowj now-| interest in Lot Ten U0). U0).: Block " Seven (7) District Co>irt,.,of Douglas, o g a , County, y, UeN s c t Cou in the City of Omaha, Countyof- South Omaha 1st, "ah addition to $1.00, from 5 to 8 Daily . sary to further the progfess»of .th* Omaha, and prayer braska, b a k a , th«. th«. ftject a d p y r of which D»«igliw;', State of-'Nebraska, as surveyed, i n a i city of South Omaha, nov now Omaha, petition, titin iin accordance with ith a resolution lti Music at all Meals • Jewish national home." Dr.. Wejz-_ jpfattetl Jinjl recorded and all persons, firips. In the City of Omaha, County of Douglas. adopted : on March: #,: 1928, by the Board 'corporations ;(true and State of Nebraska,: a3 surveyed, platted of County Commissioners'fot the County Dancing Evenings mann then developed '^he program, by i co-partnerships;realwfiame8>. unknown). Tmving and claim- and recorded., . .. . . the ; | Music by Ambassadors 7 piece; of Douglas; State «1 Nebraska, \» n i t ing any right. tlUe or interest ln Lot Four Herman AV' TMlelke, It married, which the. Zionist Executive intends' ,(4>. >«£ tax llea»,"on: llea»"on: Lot : 3: • orchestra. No coyer charge strict foreclosure >;«£ Block One (1). Albright Annex, :an Thielke, his wife, (flrst true and real name Seventeen k <2) A l b i h t Two <2>, AlbSight ' to carry ,;on the work in the nearj iaadltion 'to *h? ^original pit* ^ of South unnnown): if living, their unknown fiuar- Annex, anto ~tlx&~* xH'igifial City For reservations phone now Omaha. In the City .of Omav dians, assignees an*- personal representa-1 0 I South Om ;ow Omaha, tn the City ... future..-A^t is jplanned", ha said,, •Omaha, * "• ^ JAckson 6224 ha. County o t Douglas, State^ot Nebrasta;, tlves tin- \ot . Omaha, e (their ( h e true t r e and real names e 1 Jr; maa, c % • of Douglas," State of o b k y "provided the means'aW available, tb 'as surveyed, platted ahii recorded. known); if flrceased, flrceased their unknown heirs heirs. N Nebraska, a s " platted, and 'Commercial Savings, fa Loan'- Assoclar j d devisee's, assignees, and i llegatees, t i ttrustees t d corded; -Lot TlHrtj-nine (39), Charlsewi , maintain a volume of Jewish immi- tion, a corporation duly orgamiea and ex-1 personal' representatives (their true and Heights, ah addiUM to the Cit? of Omaha, I

{ Xmas Photographs The TRUSSEL Studio

ORIENTAL CAFEI Excellent Chinese American Dishes

gration tto ist'ns andny by virtue virtue of theM Laws of • -real ^ j j names names unknownr, unknown^-, also also Lot Lot Eleven in the City of Omaha, County of Douglas,' , o fPalestine a l e s t i n e of between 25,000 18 «nj; under ana rame O T OI , . , oftnnft ii " " . , ' " ! the State of Nebraska, its assignees, tros-J <ii). Block Seven (7). South Omaha 1st. State,, of Nebraska, as surveyed,»pla,tted • ^ana dU.UUU annually. One third of ytees.- nn<t- persoaat-'repregeintativeg .jihelr ari^n^aaiHdn*(oi.the.original Pity of Sqttfh and recorded; - Lot Twenty-eight - (2S), tliia numViai. Tn-nc4- u «™«_,,iV.,_~i trxKr"nn.<r'real "names -unknown) r-Jawes-J.''O'mah'ar now Omaha', in the CStV of Oina- Charlsew Heights, an addition to the City! Fitzgerald, ha, County of Douglas, State of Nebraska, { o t Omaha, In the City of Omaha, County Fitzgerald, i f married, •«?orkers. who are to settle on the.land. AS .snrveyed, platted,and recorded and all o { -Bouglas, Statp-of Nebraska, as s u r - t ? wn). .TSenry Qiincle. Jr., - I f .M firms, co-partnerships, corpora- veyed, platte<I and recorded; Lot Twenty-1 "^he other two thirds- -will-consist of known)Quade, his wife, (flrst true and reali persons, tions (true and real names tmknpwn) hav- four (24), Block One (I) Brennan • tlace, • name unknown), John Algya and Rose! a n y right, title o r i n roen and women skilled in the various Algya^ husband and wife, Mr. Brown, (real ing and claiming addition to the City of Omaha, In the ' Eleven (U)> Block y of Omaha, County of Douglas,'.State trades. This system has been worked- name unknown), if married,' —;—'— Brown, 1st. an addition to the oi Nebraska, as surveyed, platted and re- ' his.' wife (first true and real name unLot Four (4), Block One (1) A1-; very successfully by r other govern- known). If living, their unknown guardi- the City of Omaha, County of Donglas. corded; bright Annex, an addition to the original I assignees and personal representatives State of Kebrnska, as surveyed, platted City ments in their colonization work. ans, of South Omaha, now Omaha, in the'. (their true and real names unknown): if and recorded. City of Omaha, County of Douglas, State; There is every reason to believe-that deeensed, their unknown heirs, devisees, " Herman A. Thlelke .It married. — of-Nebraska, as surveyed, platted a i d re-i legatees, assignees, trustees and personal Thielke, his wife, (first true and real name corded; Lot Thirteen (13), Block -Three! it will also work in representatives (their lrue and real names unknown), Tony Romis; Thomas Hoctor: (3) Jetter's Addition, an addition to the • unknown); also Lot Thirteen (13), Block if living, their unknown; puarclians, as- original City of South Omaha, now Omaha, Messages g of c^pd^W.»r "*Chree <31, Jetter'B Addition, an addition signees, i d personall representatives tati ((their t h i i n | h e city of Omaha, County of Douglas! and 'tOithe City of South Omaha, now reived by Dr. Weizmann. jfrojn Ispi ^Omaha,original and real names unknown)-:'ii- .,— oe-1 ; st«t« State ni of Vi>hn<vo Nebraska, «• as ntr»«u). surveyed, ninrtoii platted in the City of Omaha, County of true heirs, ceased, their • teg- and recorded; Lot Eighteen (IS), Block Balf our, Colonial - Secretary -«Leopold' Douglas, State of Nebraska, as surveyed, atees, t assignees, i trustees and d "personal rep1 One (1) Jetter's Second Addition, an ad p]atted and recorded and all 'persons, H Amery and and Sir S i r Alfred Alfed M d 1-* * . firms, co-partnerships, corporations (trne resentatives (their true nnd • real names dltion to the original City of South Omaha, H. Amery Mondi unknown); also Lot Twelve-' (12), Block now Omaha, ln the City of Omaha, County and real names unknown) having and na, e ujr i j a it. ' Dr. Weizmann *aIsa-pai*d"Tribute?to •claiming nny right, title or interest In o* Douglas State of Nebraska, as snr•So?t^ ; Lot Thirteen (13), Block Three (3), Jet


C l i Sccy




(Attorney General

o p

the work of the.-I^Je>trnV Ecori3omic

Conference recently ..held • in.- Ijontjon ter's Addition, an addition to th& original

y of of .Omaha, lnState e platted and recorded and -all~. persons, City of South' Omaha, now Omaha, In the J lender of Douglas, firms, co-partnerships, corporations (true City of Omaiba, County of Douglas, State lender the the chairm^rishfp; chairm^rishfp; ofof- ^ ^ i r ' H e r - •City -j £Nebraska, -S: °" t?1asOraCounty -aha' B— £ t o a —'and -—resurveyed, platted and real names unknown) having nnd of Nebraska, as.' Surveyed, platted and revbert Samuel. H e expifpssea tHi corded. dd . ' : claiming any right, title or interest in Lot Lot FourX4J, Block S i x (0)-South' that t h e Palestine i W Cpminercint S Cpmnercint Savings a g & Loan Associa- Twelve (12). Block Seven (7) "South Omaha corded; Omaha 1st, an addition to the original d ti d l organized and ex- 1st, a n addition t o the original City of City tion, a corporation duly the near future be of South now Omaha, i n the isting under and by virtue of the Laws South Omaha, now Omaha, in the City City, of Omaha,Omaha; County Omaa, C u t y of Douglas, g , State of the State of Nebraska, Its assignees, of Omaha, County of Donglas,; State of Cl t yN o business like basis. b r k a s surveyed, ed platted platted and and rerej ol Nebraska, a

A Republican free from control or influence. By a wise administration he has made the Attorney General's Office a power for the protection of the public.

trustees and personal representatives (their Nebraska, as- surveyed, platted and recorded:, = Lot Seven t (7), Block Twenty- { true and real names unknown), Mike Mnn- corded. dik. unmarried, if living, his: unknown guardian, assignee, and personal, representatives (their true and real names nnCOLLEGE FACES DEFICIT 1 known), if deceased, his unknown heirs. if married. Kavan, his widow (first j devisees, legatees, assignees and personal true and real name unknown), Josefa Ka- (5), Block Seven (7) South Omaha 1st, an; addition to the original City of South. I representatives (their true and.real names van Dworak, if married, Dworak, (Continued from page 1) •.•unknown): also Lot Eighteen (18); Block her husband, (first-true nnd real name un- Omaha, now Omaha, in the City of Omaha,; One (1), Jetter's Second Addition, nn ad- known), Fred Kavan, i f married. -—•— County of Douglas, State of Nebraska, as • to the original City of South Oma- Kavan, h i s wife. <flrst trae and real nnme surveyed, platted and recorded; Lot Ten ! have to reduce the number of stud- dition ha.• • now Omaha, in the City of Omaha, unknown), "William R. Kavon. i f married, (10), Block Seven (7) South Omaha 1st, addition to the original City of South ents applying for admission. The County of Douglas, State of. Nebraska, as r——- Knva.n, h i s wife, (first true and real an surveyed, platted and recorded and all name, unknown), Emma Knvan, i f married, Omaha, now Omaha, in the City of Omaha, College may have to cease trarchasine persons, firms, co-partnerships, corpora- —r County of Douglas, State Of Nebraska, as Kavan,; her husband, (first true and platted and recorded: Lot Eleven UOOKS for its librarv which bv reason I tions (tree and real nnmra unknown^ hav- real name unknown). Charles Kavan, If surveyed, (11), Block Seven (7) South Omaha 1st, -'- «„«,» o • •*• , * ing nnd claiming any right, title or Inter- married. Kavan, . h i s ' wife, (first an addition to the original City of South recent acquisitions has become est In Lot Eighteen U8), Block One (V true-and real haine unknown), Erail K a - Omaha, nowtQmaha, In the City of Omaha, van, If married. Kavan, h i s -wife, County of Donglns, State of Nebraska, .as America's center of Jewish culture. i r o (first true and real name unknown), Josle surveyed, platted and recorded;. Lot The college may also have to close! Omaha, . ci}\.°l . Kavan, If married, •Kavan, . her Twelve (12), Block Seven (7> South Omaha Omaha. of husband, ; (flrst. true and real It* „„„„_„ „! , , .. , , . Donglns, Stnte of Nebraska, asCounty surveyedt name un- 11st, an addition to the orginal City, of ltS summer school, and its school for platted and recorded. known), Llllie Kavattj if married,——:— South Omaha, now Omaha, In the City of h rl B flt e8 ajso Kavan, -• her • husband, (first trtie and. real Omaha, County of Douglas,. State of .Neteachers in New York City. The De- Bnteff, «5t ? f?-.?-:: . , ' *R2"?•:•.??. if Bates,, his ^ . 5ii 'I name: unknown), Louis Knvan, If mar- braska, a» surveyed, platted and recorded; if married. NON-POLITICAL. CANDIDATE FOR Kavan, h i s -wife, (first true Lots partment of Synagogue .and . School (first . — , . and — „ renl nnme unknown). ***/» .WU" *» \Irseu. .—:—*— Auvan aiB w u e . iiir&i true " i l Ten . <10), Eleven (11) and -r~-"true Ham G. Ure; if living, their onknown 'and real name Onknowa), Lyle Robinson,! Lots - - - -T - - ' a 2 , Block Ten (10) . Extension of the Union may have to y guardians, .assignees, and_ personal repre- if married, _ - ~ Bo.binson, his wife, (first | Half of • ' the-original " original Kentatives (their trne and real names un- true and: reaV name unknown): If living.! Q m a n a . l 8 t v v a l » addition to its field work as well as theknown) : If deceased, their unknown heirs, their uriknown guardians, assignees and V City of South Omaha, now Omaha, Jntte 1 1 ^ » . legatees, . . c . . « ^ . . _„„.„_ ,.assignees, trustees, and p^sonal representatives (their true and City, of Omaha, County of r """ "" s-*"f" number of its regional, rabbis, Mr. devisees, personal representatives (their true and' real names unknown): if deceased, their i cof; Nebraska, as surveyed, p names unknown): KouthiOmaha Loan, .unknown Half .ox unknown 'heirs, heirs, devisees, legatees, assig- corded: ° J d e a ' , t hthe ® NNorth <*th "Half ot Lot *ourreen Yogelstein stated. The department real & Building Association, a corporation duly nees, trwstees • " and - personal- representatives • • - - - * i «(1*)» « - mBlock^ . . i . . Thirteen » L . ^ . . - ,-.<.» (13) South Oniana may have to reduce its activities in organized ana existing under; and by vir- (their true and real names unknown); also! 1st. an addition to the original crty oi the field Of JewiS heducation. I t may !ltne of the Laws of the State of Nebraska, Lots Ten (10). "Eleven (11) nnfl Korth Half Sooth Omaha, now Omaha, in the City OP u « n a +,» ^«i^m,,VT, tx. - , , w ~n * i t s assignees, trustees ami personal repre- of Twelve, - • Block TenV South Omnha 1st, Omaha, County of Douglas, State of Nenave to relinquisn ,tne publication Of t sentatlves (their trne and real names un- an addition to th? oriKihal City of South braska, as unrveyed, platted and recorded; _. ^_. . . . . C h U y Of O m a . Lot Three <3), Block Twelve (12) South th"e teacHers' magazine and the chit- ( of Nebrnskn, Omaha 1st, an addition t o , the original „ and by virtue of the Laws as surveyed platted and recorded and all CUy of Soutb Omaha, now Omaha, In the dren's magazine called Young Israel. the State of Nebraska, its assignees, ' persons, firms, co-partnerships, corpora- City of Omaha, County of Douglas, State ; "At a time when problems of -re-' of trustees, and personn 1 representatives i tions (true and real names unknown) hav- of Nebraska, as surveyed, platted and re(20), 31ock true' nnd renl names unknown): also • ing and claiming any right, title or in- corded ; Lot Twenty-six |fef isand reconstruction agitate sym- (thelr % Lots Eight (8) nnd Nine (0). Block Three terest in Lots Ten (10), Eleven (11) anaTwenty-five (25) Leavenworth Business pathetic American Jevfry, we are(3) South Omaha 1st. an addition Jo the North Half of Twelve (12) Block Ten (10) Place, an addition to the City ot Omaha, " " " City of South Omaha, now Oma-1 South Omaha 1st, an addition to the In the City of Omaha, County of Douglas, la a iittle present },o. j n the City of Omaha. County of Doug-! original City of South.Omaha, now Omaha, State of Nebraska, as surveyed, P "fd i . _ . . . . . . ... »--• .._ — _..._-^.i «iof^.i l n t h e C J t y o j o m a n ( I i county of Ponglan. and recorded; Lots Twentythree Twenty-three A -.W»), j), needs of, the'Union of American State of Nebraska, as surveyed, platted Twenty-four (24) and Twenty-five-. (25), Block Twenty-five (25) Leavenworth .BnsU Hebrew" Congregations. Bue we feel, names partnerships, corpomtlons (true and real and recorded. nnnown) havine nnd claiming any Joseph Sterba and Kmma Sterba. hus- ne«s Place, an addition to the City «r Cfi«rte> A. Go**, i t t i L i E i h t (8) b d a if if l i i O h I t h Ci f O h a County of l t M 0 Afy "'ENVIABLE RECORD „ - , - CfcvfW A. BOM w»» tor* I* Edl»k«M. p.. •tout «0 *»»!*;•«»: to * trttfnt* *r Maast VtUa £pnfevement - , • , r.'5»"..,' " | ^ . j ' . ,. . of Omnha, Oonn-ly of DonglnB. State of devisees, legatees, assignees, trustees and the original City of Sonnlh Omana, now to »ht'««t"*»l* Iut«l«tur« In I8S3; urn »Pt~^'-""-JkbOT. thought, zeal and prqpnetic m- Nebraska. n« surveyeil. - plntted and re- personal representatives (their true and Omaha, In the City of Omaha. Counjy ol « . 8. diittiet «ttome» toe »•«»*<* iy Cv»b-Ui '.-2S." L ' _ - y,Axra trnnp ' will We 'forced «"ord<><}. ' . roal names unknown); also the North Half Douglas, State of Nebraska, as surveyed. preitd t Th«odor» H I M M K U 190S: m prnidtnt. Sir «uMUtl*« t* l » 8 ••)< ti»i of tin Keeil. Uis wife. (Bret l*u«» and renl- najme of Ix>t Pourteen (14). Block Thirteen (13), platted and recorded. ••• — • - t»» ififtrlet it : 'tiitA iJiBinteeration." M r . V o g e l s t e i n nnknownl; if living, their unknown South Omaha 1st. an addition t o the origlThat the Severn) parcels of real . ,1HK> u w u x ^ e x a guardians, assignees, nnd personal repre- nnl City of South Omahfr; now Omaha, in described herin were subject to..taxation f jn. tir'Tik. and w t * M » atttmlmr< ' • en ftbelr true and real names un- the City ol Omaha, County of Douglas, for State, County, City, Village. School)W B ( | i t Hie Y, M. C. A. lor y t t n . <Frs; if deceased, their unknown heirs. Stale of Nebraska, a s surveyed, platted Dintrict, Drainage District, nnd Municipal in tfn 1 ^iL. devisees, .legatees, trustees .._.. _,for -the several - assignees, --' ' — * nnd - and — *.recorded •—• and - all " persons, firms, - £ s c_o_. n n d Public purpowsa, Om.Withe-yeaTs exZ, 1»ZB


Two years ago the public re-elected him by a majority greater than any other on the ticket. His experience and courageous ability deserve continued support.

Vote tor

Adam McHu Republican Candidate for


Hon. Charles A. Gosa Chief Justice ot the Nebraska Supreme Court


fe^;Bjdraybtt,have gone,


peraonj»L.r.eBrepentatives (their true and .partnerships, corporations (true and real as enumerated In the petition

Safe-Sane-Sound Re-Elect Him



I the Jewish Community Center. Both PHYSICAL DEPARTMENT NOTES Mr. Burdick will talk over WOAW: activities a complete Batb. and Mas• beginners and advanced players are Thirty-two teams of doubles will Saturday night between 7:30 and sage Equipment, with a skilled opereligible, provided they are members start this week to play for the J. C 8:00 P. M. on "How to be Healthy, ator in charge. In Sanitariums and Happy and Efficient". Mr- Burdick Turkish Bath, establishments, a com1 of the Center. There will bt no extra C. Championship in Handball. Because to a majority of the duct entailed. The same rule applies RABBI COHN DELIVERS cia fe a n d says, "If men are to be rerorraod, plete sweat bath, salt glow, thorough JEWISH HISTORY LECTURE) fS > special room will be Junior and Senior pre - season of America the use of the word * in 13te case of other religions; if a body massage finished with an »kohol . they mast be well fed." assigned to the Club. Registration is Basketball League are going full force or .^jfewisbT*: as, a qualifying""adjec- Boihair $athpli£ o r - a -Protestant is rub, cost a customer ?2«50 per treatnow on at the J. C. C office. •' . and some interesting games are beTwenty-five Wise Memorial Hospitive vin either a laudatory or derog- convicted of a ct&ne,'he is notjalOn Thursday night, October 21st, ment. At the J. C. C the total cost ing played. A big Basketball Bally tal nurses ere fast beconroig e atory' sense, r^" both: incorrect and iuded to as a '^Catholic criminal": or Rabbi Frederick Cohn gave his secfor this .complete service is only ONE w will be held in the near future at A CHARM SCHOOL FOR GIRLS swimmers under the tutel&fre of Dave highly ofiensive, the Anti-Defamation a '"Protestant crimlhal . In view of ond lecture_ on Jewish History at the DOLLAR to members. If you wish which time the regular leagues for •Jhesneau. Leaguue of the Independent Order the mediaeval opprobrium still sur- Jewish Community Center. He epoke Girls! *>ar you answer the folto get rid ©f sHperflncus flesh and all the season vdll be formed. There wlllj on "The Second Hebrew Commonlowing questions? B*mti B'rith today, through Its presi- viving in connectaoa "with the term Some of the members liave asked aches and pains, the Center's Sweatbe a Junior, Senior and Ladies) if tire Physical director's -office ina3 How to be a perfect hostess? dent Alfred M» Cohen, made public **Jew", it is the more just -and im- wealth" from the year 500 to the Bath and Massage Department is at What to wear for different oc- Leagne. Juniors will play Monday' fcegn turned imo a restatr-ant. The rules .for the proper use of those two portant, therefore, to avoid a similar Christian Era. Be brought out the y©ur service, If yow suffer from following fects: Re-building of the' nights, Seniors Tuesday nights andj answer is "No". But m class in casions? words. Prepared principally with re- unfairness in speaking of Jews. fatigue or that tired feeling and want Temple; Establishment of Judaism;] Ladies Saturday nights. j "What to eat and when to eat it" is What tt servz? ference to usage of these terms i n 4. The "word "Jew" is a noun, and mate pep &ad money-making energy, Gymnasium classes are getting. m session. The class inclsdes a public print, these notes «n the word should nerer be used as an adjective Production of the Bible; Winning of How to be beautiful and charmpartake of the Mas±sge Departmeat •well started and some interesting practical demonstration. "Jew" carry a •wide interest to the o*/verb.' To speak of "Jew girls", orj political and religious independence ing? facilities. Mr. W. J. Rose, formerly r e a d e r . ' : :\ . .•: • \ / • • ' • • • • - •.'. • ' : 'Jewstores" is both objectionable and! under the Macabeansj End of the If you cannot answer these work is being done. A gym exhibition HEALTH DEPARTMENT ©f tbe Hill Hotel Bath House is in is being planned in the near future. Reference is made .particularly to vulgar. The '.word "Jew" is a noun;] Jewish State; The Rise and spread of questions, then join the Charm charge of this department. OPENS SEASON AT J. C. C All ladies interested in Basketball the fact that foU&wing the barring of 'Jewish" is the- adjective. The iisei Christianity. School at the Jewish Community should come in Saturday evening and Mr. Ed Bardick, the genM and deJews from reputable professions in of the word "Jew? is! a verb—"to Jew' Because of the David Brown •Center. Further details will be anMen are apt to be more concerned learn ths game. Thirty candidates re- servedly popular physical director of the Middle Ages, a hint of oppro- down"—is a slang survival of the Banquet coming on Thursday night. nounced before Jong. for their credit than for their cause,— ported last Saturday evening. the Jewish Community Center, has brium has attached itself to the same, mediaeval term of opprobrium, allud-i October 28th, the next lecture will be added to bis department of physical Penn. Ladies interested in forming and the passage of centuries bas ed to. above and.should be avoided held on Thursday night, November TRAINING COURSE ATTRACTS Sunday Morning Walking Club should MANY not wholly obliterated it. "Of recent altogether. . ' ^ 4th, 1926. POI.TT1CAXleave their names at tbe Physical years, the better class of Jews have Henry Monsky to Speak 5. The word"Hebrew" should not' JEWISH EDUCATION COURSE Director's office. adopted the policy of boldly identify- be used instead of "Jew". As P. noun, The attendance at the lectures of CONTINUES The Ladies' gym classes are so ing themselves Trith-the ,*erm "Jew", it^connptes rather the Jewish people the Volunteer Leaders' Training The Jewish Education course, now Course is proving how popular the popular that already one class has with the hope of thuswearing down of* tJifi aistanV pas^ as "the ancient the mediaeval association connected Hebrews": I t is :used also as an ad- going on a t the J. C C. is attracting course is. Rabbi Cohn spoke on Mon- had to be divided because it -was too large. A new class is added to the with it." jective—"the Hebrew language", a good deal of attention. Mr. Woll day Sight, October 25th, on - the schedule. It -will meet Monday and spoke on Sunday afternoon on the, "History of Jewish Communal Serv- Wednesday 5:30 to 6:30 P. M. followThe Anti-Defaniation Tjeague "was' "Hebrew literature", etc.—connotaorganized by the I. O. B. B. in 1918 tion; one cannot say "the Hebrew rel- weekly Bible reading and Mr. Wolf- ice". He followed the development of ed by a swim in tbe pool. son outlined the purpose of the Jewish Social Work from Biblical to defend the good name of the Jew igion", but "the Jewish religion". Hebrew classes at the session held times to the present. He spoke briefly in the public prints on the stage and SPECL4L FEATURE on Tuesday night, October 26th. screen. Its program has become so on the charity organizations in the On Thursday, November 4th, the 1H far-reaching and ^widely accepted COUET SENTENCES United States and finished with a crack Volley Ball teams from the O. jjj THEODORE FRITSCH IN that this'League has /been made one glowing account of the local charity A. C. and Y. M. C. A. will play an |n ALL SET FOR «Y" V-\\\WAi&u]& ; UB£L--sun > of the'outstanding purposes of a exhibition match in the J. C C Gym' fs HALLOWE'EN FROLIC work organization. 000,000 fund for cultural activities Henry Monsky will speak on Mon- at 8 P. M. Every gym; member |§ Hi Everyone is looking forward . Hamburg <J. T. A.)—The final which the I. O; B. B. vdll shortly raise eagerly to- Saturday night, October day, November 1st at 8 P. M. His should see this. Admission is free-!i§ verdict in'the'libel suit of Max Warthrongbout the United States. burg against Theodor Fritsch, leader 27th, when the first annual Hallo- subject wall be "The Jewish Com- Come and learn the game. The statement in fall on the usage of German anti-Semites, was rendered we'en Party will be held in the munity Center". This will be the third Joe Turner of Nebraska University Is of the "word "Jew" is as follows: bere JFriday_night..by. the court. ! J. C. C. Auditorium, under the lecture of the season. 'and "Smiling" Sam Kaufman were S 1 "The ivord Tew* Implies primarily Fritsch was sentenced to a term! auspieoes of the Y. M. — Y. W. jkj An open meeting of Omaha Lodge, Physical Department visitors. a person professing the JeWisb reli- of four months • imprisonment for H. A. Snappy music, hot stunts "Deacon" Swartz, husky f ormer i§j No. 354, I. O. B. B., will be beld ril libelling Max "Warburg. : Giving the< are promised as added attractions. certain historical gion. Owing .;• Tech athlete, is now a member of the ig Thursday, November 4, 1926, at 8:30 causes, t i e adherents of this creed reasons for the sentence, the judge i There will be prizes offered for the physical staff of the J. C. C. Art j | are almost exclusively of one race, declared thac, the house of Warburg funniest costume and for the elim- P. M. at the Jewish Community n will assist in the coaching of Basket- • j | Center. The meeting is open to the of persons wbo for bas been established in Germany for ination dance. Don't miss the time or,-at; any ball and -will nave charge of "" ~ the most part believe themselves to the. past four hundred years and that of your life! Come early and stay I public and everyone is invited to Junior A. Employed Boys' class. be descended from the. people called Max Warburg has done great service late! IKE BAUDER'S COLLEG- attend. by the same .name in the Bible. Hence •for Germany.' Max Warburg has been IANS will play. POMTICAL ADVERTISEMENTS rCVLITICAI. ADVEKTISEMEXTS thete ; is a-secondary tise of the the econseUcT and -xpert for the "Jew", Implying" that the German government on important. longs to a particular race or psople, economic ^questions.and at Versailles. MUSIC NOTES Vote for Your Present quitei apart from bJs^religions be- "Hie action of Theodore Fritsch in' Miss Sorenson will meet her piano I VOTE FOR Congressman liefs. ' '--, ' '.•'./-V. ,••: > \ \ . . asserting that Warburg was guilty pupils every' Thursday afternoon '"There is, "however, a. third use of of treason to the country and that he from 3:30 P. M. on. Please make your the word "Jew**, owing to the delib- gave preference to the interests, oft. appointments through the J. C- C. I jfs erate policy of fee callings to Jews, Jewry over the interests of Germany. office. so as to impress upon Christians the is condemnable", the court declared^ Professor Seidl has still room for! Republican candidate for i-H II! superiority «f t i e true ••faith. Hence, a few instruments in the J. C. C.I a certain touch of opprobrium and i Symphony Orchestra, vrhich meets j contempt bas attached to the very ANTI-JEWISH every Sunday morning at 9 A. M. J EXCESSES IN BUCHAREST, Mrs. Sam Bebefs Glee Clubs are] Served as deputy under five treasurers, "Jew"> which, bas lasted to some f extent down to the present day among! Hennings, Fink, Fun-ay, Ure, and Endres. getting more popular every day. The' the eommon people, and even among \ Bucharest (J..T. A.)—Anti-Semitic Senior Girls* Glee Club is preparing Experienced, able and courteous. Candidate for Re-election some -of the better educated, not one student excesses and demonstrations a very" interesting .program. . t Will reorganize the office so thai it xcill be possible of whom could probably trace the took place bere on Tuesday and It is planned to give a concert "by Wednesday last week. Many Jewish the Center Music Department at the real origin of his prejudice. to pay taxes or secure auto license without xcaiting in if "However, unjustified and obsolete pasEersby were attacked and injured. end of the season. • , " live for hours. REPUBLICAN TICKET the prejudice thus' attached to the Fourteen students were arrested and, WELL RECEIVED .In word "Jew*' may be, it exists in amrany it was declared, will be tried by Miss Lillian Rubenstein, graduate minds and bas to^be .reckoned with by military court. 1 the moulders of public opinion;. Jews A despatch from Czernowitz states of Chicago Art Institute, announces are naturally and deservedly more that Minister of the Interior, Goga, the following schedule of classes to sensitive to this unconscious prejudice replied to the Jewish Deputy Meyerj be held at the Jewish Community and have a t times attempted to intro- Ebner of Czernowitz that the trial i Center on Tuesday afternoons, and duce instead of the word "Jew" othc-r of the twenty Jewish high school stu-i evenings: 400 toi5:30-r-Children's ^ Art Class. terms, such as "Hebrew" or 'Israel- dents on the charge of their having)] 4:00 profes 7:00 >to9:00-^Design. ite" an order to obviate i t . ' But these made an attack on. Christian profes-j have failed to xeplaee the more fam- sore in. Czernowitz, must be con-( 8:30 to 9:30—Sketch Class. It is planned to teach drawing, iliar momenclature, and of recent tinned. composition, designing, poster -work years the better class of Jews have and commercial art. adopted tbe policy of boldly indent!f ying themselves with the term "Jew" JEWS WILL NOT JOIN TERRITORL4L MINORITIES FOLK DANCING CLASS VERY with the hope of thus wearing down CONFERENCE POPULAR the mediaval associations connected AH roads lead to the Folk Dancing with it. Warsa-w (J. T. A.)—Another con- Class which meets at the J. C. C. on "With a view to meeting this senti- gress of national minorities in East Thursday afternoons for Junior Girls ment among Jews and to avoid cater- European countries will be beld and" Friday afternoons for Senior ing to the" prejudice which all fair- shortly. The conference is to em- Girls. Mrs. Irvin Stalmaster is in minded persons, whatever their creed, brace those minorities in Europe charge which accounts greatly for would like to see disappear, rules are which demand changes in the present the popularity of the class. offered for guidance as to the proper frontiers. The initiative for the calluse of the words "Jew" and "Jewish" ing of the conference vcas taken by CHESS CLUB FORMED AT THE CHAS. B. MCDONALD in the public prints: J. C. C the Ukrainian and White Russian 1. The words "Jew" and "Jewish" minorities. The Jewish minorities All lovers of a good game of FOR can never be objectionable when ap- having no territorial claims will not Chess will be glad to learn that a plied to the "whole body of Israel or participate in this conference: SHERIFF Chess Club is now being formed. at to whole classes within the body, as,}









- fox instance, ^Jewish' -wives", "Jewish children.", "Jewish young men"/ and thSk 2. There can be no objection to the use of the words "Jew" or "Jewish" when contrast is being made with other religions. "Jews observe Passover and Christians Easter"; "Jews are less susceptible to tuberculosis than other races", these two are perfectly fair and proper subjects of public comment. However, 3. The application of the word "Jew" or- "Jewish" to any individual " is to "be avoided unless from the context it is the facts to call attention to his religion; in other words, unless the facts have some relation to his being a Jew or to his Jewishness. This rule should apply equally whether the word is used in a scandalous or d'jscreditable connection or when it is Ub'ed in connection with some praiseworthy or honorable act or achievement. Thus, if a Jew is convicted of a crime he should not be called 9. "Jewish criminal", and on the other hand, if a Jew makes a great medical or other Bcientific discovery, he should not be called a great "Jewish physician" or an eminent "Jewish scientist"." In neither case had the .man's-. Jewishness any connection with his conduct or with the tlisgracejor' honor -which that con-




His Record Is it not significant that in the rising, heat of this campaign, the- record of t h e '-present County Treasurer has never l)een questioned, even "bv his most ardent p.dversaries? . ...

Otto J.Bauma CountyTreamrer This Ad Paid for by a Friend.

Mr. McDonald has always been a friend of the Jewish people, which can be verified by the many Jews who have constantly come in contact with him while in business in Omaha. The selection of a Sheriff at the coming election should be of vital importance to all the Jews in Omaha. Charles B. McDonald is a man of principle and pledges, if elected to the Office of Sheriff, to: : 1. Enforce the law without fear or favor* untrammeled by obligation to any individual or group and only responsible to he will of all the people. 2. Faithfully and impartially perform all the duties pertaining thereto. 3. Conduct his administration in a courteous, efficient, economical and businesslike manner.

PAGE 8—THE JEWISH PEESS, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 28,1926 and Tatars are at hand. Flight fol- Poles the Cossacks gain admission to is presented vividly and colorfully. lows, against the protests of the de- the town. The scenes of Nemirov are The fair at Lublin lives before one's vout Mendel, who had placed his faith repeated. Mendel and Yocheved eyes. Throughout the book one feels the in the Lord and remained in the syna- perish. Meanwhile, Debrah and" Maruha sense of insecurity, of ever impending gogue. cheved, his son Shlomele, and daughtAt Nemirov the refugees are re- have been .captured. Deborah, the disaster, that constantly hung over er-in-law, Deborah. The action takes beautiful, is about .to be the prey of the Jew. Throughout also permeates place'first J n . t h e town of Zlochov, ceived by their co-religionists with the the'Cossacks, but she appeals to Jewish spirituality, the belief in and charity and hospitality that have be later in Nemirov and Tulchin. Yerem, and he saves her—to be his reliance on the Eternal, the laying Mendel is a pious innkeeper and come proverbial with the name of bride. He is barbarous but decent in aside of the material, of the goods of practically the only Jew in his com- Jew. The Cossacks gain entry into the light of his environment, and De- this world, in order to follow tlie munity. By voluntary self-degrada that town by a ruse. A scene of borah promises to wed him after hav- guidance of ancestral faith. The tion he obtains permission to erect a savage pillage follows. Rape, mur- ing been informed, mistakenly, that loyalty of the Jews to their religion, synagogue of which he becoras Par- der, torture and ;masscare decimate Shlomele is dead. Through playing their unwillingness to forsake it nas. The group grows into a thriv the. little band. Mendel . and , Yo- on Cossack superstition she inveigles force of threat or inducement or ing body. Shlomele is bethothed to cheved escape, Deborah- is safe for the Yorem into shooting her, deliberately through force of threat or inducement Deborah .at tender years, and sent to time being, through the Joyalty of the choosing to be the bride of death in- of bribe is revealed in innumerable Lublin where he spends six years in Russian servant,. Marusha, Shlomele stead. Years after, only Shlemele, instances. The Jews of Tulchin are is captured by Sossacks. the Yeshivah. survives, in a life whose activities are offered liberty instead of massacre if The remant gather at Tulchin longing, searching and pondering. On his return he is reunited to Dethey will embrace Christianity. Mendel borah. The childish friendship ha where with the Poles they braverly "Kiddush Ha-Shem" is steeped in is offered his synagogue if he will ripened into ideal love. Pictures of beat off the Cossacks. They fight the brew of Jewish customs and man- untter Christian words of adoration; happiness ensue but are interupted with the desperation of terror ond the ners. Many ceremonies are described, refusal is universal. The saintly Rabbi during the celebration of the Feast of bravery of righteousness. Through a at the synagogue, the bethrothal, and at Tulchin, exhorting submission and dastardly, treacherous betrayal o Weeks by messengers bursting in trust in the Torah, is the idealistic with news that the warring Cossacks plighted faith on the part of the elsewhere. Jewish life of those days

MODERN YIDDISH NOVEL OF CLASSIC MERIT - Sholom Ash is well known to read* 3T5 cf the Yiddish press." and has re? :eived attention and favorable com; ment from critics in general as one of the most valuable anil noteworthy sontributors in the field of Yiddisr action. It has been recognized inat :here is growing in that language a respectable addition to the worfd's iterature. In publishing - "RWdush Ha-Shem"- the Jewish Publication So-; "jiety is rendering accessible to general readers a novel which is worth per-' usal both '.because- of- its -intrinsic merit and the'interest of the story it narrates. ' • \ " The scene is laid in "Russian Poland during the middle years of the seventeenth century, when that land was still an independent kingdom. It tells the story of Mendel, .his wife Yo

figure of traditional piety and aloofness from normal human consideration. The characters are well done and generally realistic portrayals. Mendel and Yocheved are a pious couple, devoted to their family. Deborah and Shlomele are idealized types of the scholar and maiden of story and fable. The tailor is an enigmatic, all-seeing figure, whose exact nature is not mythical rather than actual. -. Sholom Ash narrates his story with simplicity and directness. His sincerity and sympathy are inherentl5evident. His descriptions are graphic but unhysterical. The events are dramatized but not melodramatic. He is fervid but unsensational in- manner and his style evinces an unaffected realism, homely sometimes almost to the point of naivete. There is a subdued undercurrent of emotion and fellow feeling. His literary talent is shown among other things in his

adoption of the modern episodic method, telling his story by significant incidents rather than in a continuous naiTative. Much credit is due Rufus Learsi for his excellent translation. "Kiddush Ha-Shem" is representative of the best currents in modern strictly Jewish fiction, and is an interesting moving tale to boot. BEGIN COLONIZATION FOR ARABS Jerusalem (J, T, A.)—Colonization work for Arabs in Palestine was undertaken by the Moslem Supreme Council, a religious body. It was announced that the Council will establish an Arab colony at Rubin, near Jaffa, on a strip of land of 32,500 dunams. The land is Wakf land, religious property bequeathed to the Moslem religious authorities. The council plans o establish the first Arab agricultural school there.

The Decree of the Rabbis With torn hearts and eyes blinded with tears this decree was issued—*.." .The Rabbis, panic stricken, met in conference praying for guidance Death from starvation, death from pogroms, Death from any cause, if it must be, but Death from one's own hands must be prevented. Oh, Jews of Omaha, you too can prevent death. Let the love in your hearts for your suffering people guide[~~~ • , :.V you and God will answer the prayer of the Rabbis. ... ^,-


Our People Must LiveWill Live!

ft|^rt^-ftv# Thousand Dollars WILLIAM L. HOLZMAN '__ State Chairman ABE OOLJJSTEIN City-Ch^nnan _ . ';

wish Campaign of

HEADQUARTERS 733 Omaha National Bank Building Telephone JA ckson 1294

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