November 4, 1926

Page 1

A false Meod, like 4 shadow, attends only while the sun shines.

By H-flLB. •tfu?--Nune, not no. Judah Wolf son, the instructor of Hebrew at the Jewish Community Center, •was taking a young lady through the "Hebrew alphabet as the letters "were •written on a blackboard. He pointed to them, while - she pronounced. "Aleph . . . baze . . . gimmel . . . etc," pronounced the young lady, until Wolfson pointed to "nune." "Nu," she pronounced. "No, no," corrected Wolfson. "No," replied the girl, thinking that •was the pronunciation. *







fcona-rloss ma)] matter' on January 27tb. M21. at Uuiaba Nebraska, nndei Tne Act at Mnrcb S. 1870.


AH Yiddish Program Tuesday Night, November 9


Doctors Can Stretch Words As Well as Their Bills. Dr. Meyer Beber, chairman of .the open B"nai B'rith meeting Thursday, had to get a new&item in the Jewish Press about the meeting. Not that alone, but the news item, he was instructed, was to take up at least-onehalf column of space. Meyer had only two facts to work with—that it was an open meeting and was to be held Thursday. He thought, .used Jbis fertile immagination, and finally -ground out a Tstory of just one-half column. And It was news, and made the first page of the paper.


Those who attendtt the first rally at the Jewish j Community Center, toll be to know that another treat |* in store for them. Tuesday jjfight, Nov. 9, will be Yiddish Kight. The program will ceissEbsi of one act plays in Yiddish; Tocal selections in Yiddish; aa illustrated talk on Yiddish Folk Songs; recitations * and declamations. Those taking part are: Eii Lewis, Sarah Taub, Edith Lewis, Sarah Markowitz, Joe Feldmaa. Nathan .Taffe • Rosalind Rich-, mono, Harry A. Wolf, Syhria SOvenaaa, Aaron Goodbmder, Paul Nuremberg, BJiOpais, J i Kipnis, S. Harwits, aria A*Cofaen. The program is tjjpe"- first of its kind given at the Center and a good crowd is expected to attend. '


VOL. V.—No. 48

Braimh^Reaffirms Faith Ciiiclses Failure Religion, Has Strong Hold on Jewish Farmers Says Veteran\ .• - ~ Zioiusi sad Scholar. Lieutenant'Commander Edward

Declaring himself heartily in favor' lessi! the Jewish synagogues are atEHsberg"Urged for of the Joint Distribution Committee's • tended, ss are the churches. The Jews Pi-emotion •colonisation work in Russia, Reuben • have their services, as they always Brainin, one -of the founders and did. There is a demand in the Jewish pioneers of £he Zionist movement, j colonies for TSikvahs' and one larger NAVY DEPARTMENT noted Hebraist and pounmlist, and colony already has a synagogue. The POLICY CONTRADICTED "vice-presidertt of the Zionist Organp g j agronomists in the colonies are all]] d r f l men. M f th ! Izatien of America,"" expressed astoa- ] wondErful Many--of .them a r e!! T-OKK—(J. T. A-—Failure on ishment that this movement should [; devoted Zionists. They work -besides;) the part" of' Secretary of the Navy not receive the complete sanction of. t 5 i e colonists, doing all -sorts ©f work! Wilbur to promote lieutenant Com* American Jews. E e stated that o p - ' * 3 **».'field and several Jewish col-j tnander Edward EUeberg to the rank The meeting is called for -8:30,p.m> ' •• •»• ••• TOE POWJER..DF OBSERVATION position to the J. D. C.'E a g r i c u l t u r a l ' o n i e s b e a r E n c h ' names as T e l Chai,* j of Commander inrecognition of -hte • i »•• r in •That was a wonderful speech sharp as the room can hold but a lim- I | work in Russia is "a crime against. ''Mishmar' M i h ' andd ' M ' " j heroism, and leadership in the salvagyou gave," Reuben Brown told his ited number of people. "We expect) «J€WISll l u H g 01 HOST the Jewish people." ' • ing of the submarine S-51 was sharpnamesake David Brown, following all members of the various organiza| ly criticised by Congressman Emanuei M r . B r a i n i n had recently seat a •the letters United Jewish Cam- tions of the workman's class to at r ;Celler of the Tenth Congressional cablegram from Moscow, in which he j paign Appeal at the Community tend," said Mr. Sheanin. District -of • Brooklyn, in a letter to praised the efforts that are being! Center. Among the'speakers.of the evening Lost Colossal "Fortune in Fight the Secretary of the Navy made made to help Russian Jews. In an i Against Chicago Wheat -•"Thank;, you, Mr. Brown," Dave will be Louis Witkin, Harry Wolf, known. interview hy .S, Dingol, managing Elaborate Musical Program BeingExchange Henry Monsky, H. Sheanin and others. Brown answered. The recommendation for the promoeditor of "The Day," who met Mr.j Prepared Eeuben stood dumbfounded, he The call for this meeting was voiced tion of'-Lieutenant Commander EllsBrainin on his. arrival at Montreal on < Budapest—(J. T. A.)—Emil Bachwondered how the visiting Brown by five organizations meeting at the and his comrades, Lieutenant October 18,; he was told that the] The 25th anniversary of the founder, King of the Hungarian flour inLabor Lyceum. remembered Ms name. cable had aroused great displeasure ing of the Jewish National Fund will Henry Hartley and Boatswain Richard dustry and one of the largest mill Jewish People WiB Kelp Support David Brown noticed Reuben among Zionist circles. . , be -fittingly observed by the Jews of Hawas, was. made • by the United owners in Europe; died of apoplexy Local Campaign . Brown's look of consternation. He "I am very'much astonished at Omaha,'with a concert of Jewish and. States navy authorities and strongly behind prison bars as a result of his; laughed. that," Mr. Brainin replied. "In my Hebrew songs, on Sunday, November' approved by Admiral Plunkett, in attempt to compete with the Chicago' *1 see you're surprised," he said,, 11 expressed • the opinions of 14, 1926, at the Beth Hamedrosh f charge of the Brooklyn Navy Yard Wheat Exchange. . . - | Again the cry goes out to the "but if you promise not to be ofthe station'' of the above mentioned fended m tell you how I remem] naval officers; Committee Planning Peature Numbers ber you." their ! In his -letttr to Secretary Wilbur, change of speculation, following rumfor Program. Reuben promised. Congressman Celler declared that unone.of the foremost leader?' ors which reached his London crediCommamt "By your ears," Brown said. campaign for \ rj less the Secretary 'will advance tire World. Zionist .movement, is & • ? rjn Jndging by the interest expressed, tors that his concern, i $430,000, which begins :15, : officers as recommended, he will inof the Russian i strung ihere will be a record attendance at twenty seven giant mills Jews of ons big ou1 1 trodnee into Congress 'a resolution aw~ one goes ti for many years as the outstanding) WHAT? NO SPATS! the Fathers and Son Bancpiet Sunday I thoTisiiig. the president of the United and sees it", for himself one cannot; •flour mills in Europe, was about'to be Here's another one on Brown — night, November 14, 6:30. ^o'clock". .Many of. j States - to 'advance Lieutenant ComReservations for" the banquet should declared insolvent." To prevent dam-] David Brown. • mander-.Ellsbcrg to the rank of two nights! While interviewing ike ^-visitor,, a i>e made-mow. _An .excellent,.program age to -Hungarian credit abroad, tl -i&Snuia&l. 'and- to -promote, the ' Hungarian" -government" " proclaimed i y p g reporter* began describing the dress hasV been- preparedtwo. Backer's mills uunder state control.) v? of Otto Kahn, who visited in this committee, consisting oi Dr. Sher, "It seems that the reasons advanced ToOT h e a r t Eimp3y ;leap£ •Prior to his downfall, Bacher accepted Mr. Nathan Bernstein, and Mr. Harry city about a week before. \ Yo ffl£rvel s t for this" failure properly to rewRTd a credit of £1,500,000 in his attempt ° &e genius "And he wore spats," the reporter Silverman. Mr. Henry Monsky will these heroes is. the Department's po'ithe Chicago Wheat Exchange, be toastmaster." "There will' be said. cy not • to , recommend the promo'' n to * having brined the opinion that J e j ^ , Omaha s "Hmmphl" exclaimed Brown, "hs speeches by a prominent father' and of officers as a reward for service. Chicago Exchange £ • » » » * the,j ^ ^ al! drcum son. The. main .address will be given had nothing on me." , It is difficult,to .understand this po??"price, of wheat in Europe. • In this stances. by Nathan Bernsteiji. Special "pep", He too was wearing spats. The Jewish Welfare Federation, one cy if any such existed. Already pon»r Zionism is neither war nor ' songs have been prepared for the fight which lasted less than a year, of the . agencies of the Community 20 of the enlisted mar •Baifour-Zionism.. My Zionist idealism] 1 ^ ^ ^ Bacher lost his colossal fortune, m the concert vill be affair. • have which he had taken fifty years to Chest,'carries on the Jewish connnuni- has always taught me to look with « jg; 0IT j s Is There a Santa Clans? gifted v Sam Epstein's J. C. C. orchestra j ty s philanthropic and social work not respect upon every effort in Jewish m ted nase , the record A local paper has been running will play. The following ladies have amase. ^ ^ t Greeiberg, jo f ^f i - w' h o ^h a v e^ Miss Bessie __ " , , T , .. . only systematically but also Eympa- .life which removes the Jew promoted : stories by children as to whether or been asked to serve: Mrs. William from: J. «» When rumor reached London that thetieally. ,, *. *. _ , _*__^ __ of. the . . . Fed_ , petty occupations" -from instability, [ p^l e a^s i n g s o p r £ B o ; M i s s E u t h W i The purposes I meritorious service is not not there is a Santa Claus. Much Holzman, Mrs. Morris Levy, Mrs. H* Bacher had lost his fortune, the def o r m e r EtudOTt of eration is to give material aid to the which gives him a foundation upon School of Expression anc „ gressman Ccller wrote. heated argument, pro and con, has H. Lapidus, Mrs. B. A. Simon, Mrs. mand that the British advance be paid poor and needy; to fed the hungry, of which to support himself. I do n o t j ^ "The recommendations for prowio gara "llae Fish, w h o ' T a s been manifested by the youngsters Chas. Levinson, Mrs. Samuel N. Wolf, was presented. Bacher submitted to mss tion of- EUsberg, Hart-Icy and Haw&i of this city regarding a really, tan- Mrs. Harry Rachman, Mrs. Nate the Hungarian government all his J beUeve that the Russian colonizatioa* r e c e i v e d i n s t r u c t i o n on --• ~ ' the piano to cloth the tattered and to heal the is a solution of .the Jewish problem. ! are so'.forceful*, that I must burden gible* Santa Claus. So to make sure, Mantel, Mrs. Philip Sher, Mrs. Harry private investments abroad in order i . , _, _ -, ,. . , ,, .• Eleanor Jane Lear, Marie Mi- 5 f . , . .. »«. j.-. ' sick. The Federation aids the unforl l t portions thereof. yon a number of them have invited Old Malashock, Miss Blanche Zimman, to meet the obligations. At the same But as a Zionist, as a Jew and .as a k o r a a n d August M. Borglum; and! tunate in becoming self-supporting Nick to visit Omaha—if there be .such Mrs. Harry A. Wolf, Mrs. Irvin Stal- time the public prosecutor* of Budahuman, being, can I help but rejoice j ^ R i n a ^ d s o p r a n O ) a c c o m . Captain -King- says, qf EUsberg: and self-respecting members of the "Not "only' — was his 4technical a one. when I see that thousands of Jewish p a n j e d b y jy pjjjfe]. " '"" "" v """ > ' 'master, Mrs. A. Sflverman, Mrs. A. pest was ordered to arrest the aged community. j families are leaving the towns, \ To these talented young artists will I ,.„ , , Prominent among the signers of Greenberg, Mrs. Wm. Alberts, Mrs. merchant on the charge of having , . ,. , x More than 487 individuals and f ami-1 their -haphazard oceupa- • this invitation stands out the name of Jack Alberts Mrs. Sam Beber, and paid too high a rate of interest on ie name of Cantor Kahan<&«erity but he displayed the lies were aided by the Federation durhis money and having failed to contions and settling on the land? To a Jew. orcle of Mrs. R. Kulakofsky. has manv admirers among f «««ersh,p. He Bet an exing the first six months of this year. sult the other directors of the combe or not to- be* was the question' Yes sir, the Jew is * everywhere, ^ g oolder This cconcert is ^ m p l e *° J h e d l v ^ h? lm™m% ** This will be the" first Father and pany. l d e r generation. The Home for the Aged at 4250 generation. Thk even in the Arctic ocean with it's Son banquet to be held in the new confronted-three million Bus- 1 m d e r t f a e E u ^ i s i o n of i dive End. by actually descending t^ Emil Bacher was a son of the!C h a r l e s street gives a home to many which sian Jews; and; the question had to be icebergs. d J to Jews; and the question had to be - c - u ^ Jewish Community Center building. {the S-51 .on the bottom BO less than Hebrew writer, Bacher, who trans-] a & ed J e w s * ^ ^ declining years. sian solved. To them it was a from this concert three times during the period April&e lated the German classics i n t o } A t , t l u s home ? £** a e comfort _ w _ _ LET US KNOW July, 1026.' Again,' on. July 7 Hebrew. J)uring his entire career he! a n d c a r e t o " w h i e h t h e y a r e entitled. 1 1 0 }n ega i trading—a thing that gsve i Did anything funny, strange, Man CTdl hel f : 1 of & r r i c k te of d eNo, was considered one of the richestmen! y ^ ^ P ^ agencies] t h e J e w g a ^ d . 3 ^ ^ ^ B t ^ 7 w ^ S P"while'workington **^' ™th t t e ^ dtop ' a ^ ^ ^ T ™ r a ^ odd, interesting, novel, or una of Hungaiy and on& of the strongest « ^ the Community Chest, all doing L a m e time . ^ j e c t i l g them-, to the f ^ t T ^ l f H ^ t ^ I l *** Btrap.«aye way, aw.d the IHRP. common befall you or your 'GoD" • on..the pontoon were in great leaders in Hungarian economic" life. S00*1 humanitarian work; heliKng the. d a n g e r , o f aT!!est and punishment. at poor and friends?. - ' gress, Another championship team? Commander All his large business transactions thejonfortunate.j the • colonization plan and the Herman The campaign this year is Omaha's Perhaps, yes. The Jewish Athletic were earned on with his own capital the J. JD.. C. which was a real Club football team is making a strong and he enjoyed the reputation of big Job and all the Jewish people of! And Then the Pain Returned. • i. do not see any COBof. a An elderly lady reader, signing her- effort to follow' in the foot' steps of never having borrowed money from Omaha who do not need help them- j ^J^' saving of the pontoon (on which tv>?' Zionism and Russian: f d selves, should feel it their duty to aid coloni aa^ O n" self "Mrs. JB.", tells one on herself as the Jewish Community Center baseball any one. •whole Job depended at that tiJ«f:)? those of hesitant w m ™ * * ^ ^ , - «««* .». — — - : ^ ^ ^ g ^ s o i I o f Palestine, laid the even to the extent of shoving" thumh*. those less fortunate. team that hung up such a fine record follows: belief can -think for one moment that;i xfoundation _,_*:.__ ,for . _ _„ ..^ all WZionist m j _ . . achieveinto the broken vent pipes, with thft "My arm hurt me, one of those j during the last seasonGrand Opera in English Erez Israel can be confused with anyI men!, of which we are so proud of pontoon awash, until wooden pains that show no outword mark, I The. Jewish Athletic Club football On Friday evening, November 12, thing -.f" else.' •-w - .••-.-• ; , . , .-, , -. v ," today, for through' the Jewish Na- could he secured. His- ingenuity M r . Brauun stated t h a t lie had • . , _ , , „ . % . . , , , but plays havoc with your nerves. team has to date scored two hard 8:15 o'clock, a very interesting protional Fund, t h e Jewish people bave I immediately took steps towards- the fought victories, winning from the gram consisting of scenes from famcriticised the J. D. C. on many .occa- Toecoine t h e possessors of 300,000 inexhaustible, his perse%-eraTice in thr medicine chest for a salve I usually South Omaha eleven by tbe score of ous operas will be presented by artist sions and that he was not always in .dunams of -land in Palestine repres- face of countJess setbacks was iifc-* -failing, and Ms ' determination swsifHa use. I thought I found it in a tube, 13 to 0, and winning from the strong pupils of Madame Moeller-Herms, at) accord with its' methods; but he feels Lincoln Aleph Zadik Aleph grid team mated and inspired all hands • One t£ which had the wrapper removed. So Mary Cooper's Studio Theater, 40th OmahTT' by the count of 6 to 0. his cojrtriinjtiosiB to the salvage Vesper Club. vastly useful work. He considers Dr. j I used it, rubbing the salve on my streets. was "the perfection of & high-spurn Last Sunday when the Club team and It is composed of youths of high Rosen one of the most wonderful men) paining arm, just before T went to Z. A,. DAY PLANED Scenes from the following operas under-wster cutting1 -torch, and he is school age, who have their own or- he has ever met. bed. The next morning the pain was • tangled with the Lindoln A. Z. A. team will be presented: 'DECEMBER NINETEENTH responsible for the development of ih*s "The cable you. speak of," Mr. Braiganization and social affairs. gone, and I was praising that salve' at 32 and Dewey, the Omaha Jewry "Marriage of Figaro," Wolfgang ! football fans were startled to see a #f Jowring -and placing nin continued, * * 1 sent to t&e *Day Following is the charter group of. planned to myself. One o£ the largest Amadeus Mozart: toons with, accuracy End facility, following a conference which I Jaacl the Vesper Club; Justin Wolf, son of When I entered the room to wash group of Omaha Jewish boys that for the .Jewish social calendar this "Tanrihauser," Richard Wagner. "Ehinegold," Richard Wagner. Mr. and Mrs. Harry A. Wolf; Hubert with fourty-f oar people, among them j season • is the national A. 2. A. day, erto not' known. •• It -is -desired to re* • up, T found ray daughter- there with presented a well-oiled football machine, the best team in Jewish football "Hansel and Gretel," Enjrelbert •peat that>to his efforts and skill *.t»$ and Edward Sommers, sons of Mr. rabbis, Slordsts and Representatives of to be celebrated December IS. - the tube in her hand. *What are you * Humpefdmck. history of Omaha; t o use tnat and Mrs. Louis Sommers; Nathan many other groups of Jews. I had not j The Omaha chapter A. Z. A. 3s si- suceessful .salvage of the S-51 ie g wonderful salve "Lohengrin," Eichard Wagner, The backfield which is composed of Mantel, jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. slept for-two nights deliberating as to reEcly making plans -for this day and primarily and unmistakably With the exception of " J i Wally Schreibman and Les Giventer, Nathan Mantel; Robert Eosenthal, whether I -otyfjst to send the cable. I Is arranging an 'interesting- program Lieutenant Commander Elisber^ itthe scenes will be staged and cosfor,' I asked her. -* halfbacks; Harry Kneeter, fullback; son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rosen- decided to "send it, thinkmg that it to last the entire <fisy. The purpose now cue o* the *enior Ijautcnanl com* "'SalveV replied my daughter. and Johnny Rosenblatt, quarterback, tamed. and Stanley Simon, son of Mr. would serve the best Interests of ffion- of the day is to acquaint the genera; mantlers of hip corps &n& I The pupils who will take part are 'Why, this is my toothpaste.'" have shown that they posess plenty of ism and the JewMt people. It is oec- public with' -the work of this junior swonply to and Mrs.-J. Simon. '' football knowledge^ The line inen on Henry Fleming, Bertha Greenhouse,' merit to the rar.fc of commander The of the junior chapter essary to have peace among American order of B'nai B'rith. A LAST WORD the team are: Max Altshuler, center; Dr. Fred Albertson, .Bertha Ccffey.i t}ie Jewry.The Jews "' New Tori to him of s The .committee appointed to take! It's hardly possible for us to realize "Bubo" Goldware and Bernstein, Assmann, Lebrane Wykoff, Grace and their fathers will attend the Hai have no coticeptioH -&E the gigantic Senice inedat in recognition of charge of the day consists of-: Hymsn that while we're enjoying ourselves guards; Sam Katzman and "Red". Leidy Burger, Esther Ulric ~ Sellner E e s h father and-son banquet to be problems that --eonfrant the Jewish. Shrier, David.'Beber., Max Givot End work OR the salvsjsrp of S--P1. ld at t h e Blackston hotel Sunday people in all countries." reading a good, book in a soft easy Reiss, tackles;-Max-Sacks and Lew and Vera Fullner, assisted *y the ^ _ . "The whole country Harry Rubenstein. chair, and warm,, comfortable room, Marks, ends. Subs are Mike Lewis, West Sisters String Quartet and Mrs. with the tterlng "How is the Jewish situation in that hundreds of out neighbors are Bennah Levine, and Meyer Goldware. Karl Wemdorff, pianist. upon the rescue of the ill-fated 8*1, Russia?" Mr. Brainin was asked. freezing and starving for a piece of In some good cause, not in mine own. "A new life is springing up there," Kot die; irut live & life of truest but at is readily ciiscernible it breath. A stout heart may be. ruined in To perish, wept for, honour'd, known, he replied. "The Communists are There are chords in the human bread. The •' CSrinmnnity. Chest is the heroism ef the three efftcers And teach true life to figM fortune -but not in spirit. And like a warrior overthrown. heart, strange, varying strings, which striving to give our neighbors a little tioned that made the rescue fighting against religion. Never-the-; mortal wrongs. Teuzt^aea. —-"Victor Hugo. —Tennyson. are only struck by-accident. -Dickens. comfort, too.

An important gathering of Omaha Jewry -will be held Friday evening at the Labor Lyceum at twenty-second and Clark streets. This meeting is being called by the United Workers Conference of the city and according to members of the committee in charge this meeting will be of utmost importance to the members of the -various organizations whicVmeet at the Labor Lyceum- . Mr. EL Sheanin chainxian of this meeting has announced that there, will be raanxprominent loca speakers at this gathering and t h a t all are urged to attend.

Industry Dies in Prison


Jewish Member of Comeisiiy d e s !

Father and Son Banquet Arrangements


Jewish 607s Present

Jf « *?

Hal Eesli Fraternityy Finis Lsesl Jmbr Ckp-te? ° !






- r

rfiAGE~2—THE JEWISH PRB&& t^IURSDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1926 kowski, did net wfthdraW Qii& motion when the new ordinance 'was issued.

rbursdaj at <jinajm. &ebr»ia. tor'

' " *" TH«3 JEWISH* WtiESS PUB>I.SHiNG f&)Mi>ANY Office: 490' Brandeis Theatre building — Telephone; ^ """ ~" NATHAN E. GREEN, Manager.

GENERAL SECRETAX- ¥. j£> & A1450.


At the last meeting of the Volunteer Training Course Henry HJonsky gave $2.50. a most enlightening talk on the JewAdvertising rates furnished pn application. ish Community Center movement and its growth from tbe-Y. M. JC. A. He i* ftd nn8 new fcd stressed the important -part dbbse Jp id jrtw» yoai jsh .Welfare Board played* in" co-ordin-Theiewieh Presses supplied l>y the Jewish Telegraphic Agency (Jewish ating IHe 300 Centers in this country. Correspondence Burepu) with cabled and telegraphic Xfewish newa, in addition The lecture tffos well attended and a to feature artirles and, correspondences fnim ,all Important Jewish renters discussion took place in whicft many Jnpuiries jregardlpe r*e>vs items credited in this Agency will be fttadly ttt the members participated. ^ n m r e f l t t addressed to Jewish Telegraphic Agency* 621 Braaiwayi New xorR Cijy. > * Mr. Edwin W. Pierce, genital se6tary «f the \ . M. C. A.-wiH speak at the next lecture, Monday_ night, ...HJBQJHNI . ._ „ November 8. Hs -will speak on "The Sons of-rabbis have played many parts; Few of them fol- (Mb Organization."1

€OMS3S TOO LATE Jerusalem (J. T. A.)—The French Statement of the ownership, innnnj»>ment, circnl.itiou, etc^ of The .lewish acbnlStstrdtion of Syria •wfil have to Warsaw t ^ X ' A . ) — T h e .ordinance Press, published weekly n(. Omnhii. X«.i>r the. amo-ant of several hundred of the Polish Minister of Education required by the Art i)f i«giist '24, 1uri' esses are. becom^g l Otb 1 !i3(j m Nut htm K franc* "for damaged to the abolishing the secret circular of the Ureen, .Edit05; more Mnna«er, Owalm, N>hr. Uwnt-r, rintlmu K. K. tendance will pV|rve; Two new classes -property of Syrian jritisKpe, as a Grabski government concerning the oreen, Oinabn, Xebr^Khown bondholders. were formed th|s week, for ladies one result of the war in Syria. The numerus clausus against Jewish lBOrtga&'S. . njid othet security --holders 1 per ceut ol more of 4otnl umount meets at 9 a. ml Tuesdays and Thurs- Lebanese governmentJtias students .has not prevented the pro- hiding •« bonds, mortgages, or securities: ........ ori other other securities: 5 8 W o, r mortgages, n least five thousand" claims for. inf l ^ " * t db b &W» sad th U £ f o u l a y ao4 Wed the ^tber^oaday pest of .the Jewirfl population against! fl^"*5' , 8 W o r n t« nnd subscribed before me th« ^ % at_5:36 to 5:30. A.semor1m|iii| "aSffintty "from private fcitizehs." Eduea^h Minister '• r & "S"'"1 ^T^ ^ ^ class "which meets Tuesday "8 to 9 ami T h e "French High Commissioner th«The Club of Jewish Deputies,! commission expires May"e Public. (My ThuiSSty 6 to 7 is in operation and has--«stablished a special office in which introduced motion-tnto the! Paris to * take care of the economic Sejm to express lack of confidencegi! »»«dC5, iiuw ngjn, a cause may move the* attendance is growing. 1 The J. C, C. Walking Club, under interests of Syria an3 Hie Lebanon in the " Minister of Education So1j,. i Dissensions between hearts that love! 1 the leadership of Dave Chesnati, meets abroad. Moore. «very Sunday morning for a hike. There is room for a few more mem- RABBI LOUIS GROSSMAN "Uersf If interested caTF Dave. OF CINCINNATI D I E ?


i. Thursday evening a t S o'clock the Omaha Athletic Club and the If. Cihcinnsti (J. T. A.)—Tfi'e body of M. b . A. volley ball tssams will play the Dr. Louis Grossman, rabbi of the an exhibition volley ball game in tfie Plum Street Temple QjngrSgatkm in Admission is free and every this dly "for thirty, years and rabbi HJTls. Invited* >• * i emeritus when he died, will arrive fe4 Senior Commercial BasSet bail from Detroit today accompanied- by~ fii will start play about November 1?rr tJrossMian's brothers, Dr. Rcdbli>h of New York and C,. N" "AU teams wishing,.to" enter "Grossman d s"ee Mr. Burcfick at^onc at once. Game* iSrosaman of Chicago, and will lie

d the galling oj jth'ejj: .fathers. There ar£ xj$Bis* sons bnihe lowed JFOfi GIRLS ONLY .vaudeville stage, on the legitimate stage, in every walk of life—as November 16, is b i t aatyral.' .Rem^rJtable it ;lg tbnui^^iftl str&aiiy i-abbis* a group of ffiveTuesday, talks is planned under sons, shouldJiaye ehqsen the profession of public performer, * -Ore-auspices of the Girl's Work Com^Wlthput. doubt JJarry Houdini, who's death, all too /soon, is E by Mrs. William Alnow to be recorded at the age of only fifty-two, was.perhaps the most disinguished of rabbis' sons who chose the calluig-of-e«- _The jsubjects will be as follows : d«ss-for ^Il/occasiofl6».-with' terUining the pubii^ ., r : - - „ . . . - _ , . Proper rin _ state. in. the temple. p y S Wednesda£iiight' dfimon&trajtions; Poiser Hq«r, to,be a1 Ha'Vry Heuclinj's- name was Eric Weiss-and he waS born in Graceful Hostess and % Guestj Health .the Junior" l ^ about The ftmefal services .will bg con^ r Appleton, Wigy_as~the son of RaBBlfWgissr;Ai iW&Wbf nine and feeaut^Y the ideal Jewish^ Home. the sahfl* tim$: }jrKe B'hai "Aiaji, ducted by RalSi James G. £[elier, rabbi' of the /temple; i i s father, Isr&fel, A: Z. A.'^a^ofher clubs Eric joined a<jircus. - Thisr was the jbegiztfrijr efji career whK&'jvas " "Definite details will be announced be tefetesetitect fa this league. Game"* -Rabbi Sfax HeJjer of New Orleans, to make the boy internationally famous, feroni perfonniiog <oat&e soon. .ii'egts£tatoin is being taket^jat in this league-will be on Monday [ a classmate of- lie deceased in college fKe STewisK 'Cdmhjunity Center* ofiicei trapeze, he aspired to more difficult thisgs aaadin ctiursg of tinse, nights. " - ..... .-*. and 4iniversity";VPr.r Juliim Morgenwhilst .stall in his teens; he was known'as "th^Haaafcilff Kirtg." CBESS CttJB MkETS StJKMY ladies' leigde will start 5bon • ,-,as. j.Stern, President of the Hebrew Union ¥ M-u He eauld wiggle out of-everything. N6fefiaSfctes,Tib ttlStfer h\)w t a" sxlfficient ntifnb€f of girls ha^i College, and Dr. Leo M. Franklin. strong, no matter -how'intrieatfe, c'ptttd hold Iiim. \~,'*S- ' / ' \ Teti_fentK'usiastic'.men "are anxious |iossibfy D r . Grossman had been principal % tliatcH wits 3na solve ttie jctifferent and th<* t-ef-the-Teaeh^re^Institute of- the Heb\J?fom being "the Hjmdeuft King*', he^xten^e| .and .will be played ft^ Saturday j rew Union College from 1909 to chess irtov'es. Before tiaey get through performances' From i885 to 1900 i e jdayfid pl thee range of jus performances,' all famous La's^r will" have_ nothing 1921. V ..',].'.'.-. over the cqunjbry, ,bujb h,e could not break-into-Broadway. New -the* h Th h -jrte'efs" at the on them. The alone yriil not alirays reYork's Great White Way would have none of him.; Houdini was: Jewish" CommUhity Center' every duce weight; Diet alone will noti~ y PIANO FINISHING not m&dfc of the staff tliat yielded. If New-York would not have' Sttaclajf S t a l f night i h t ^ t t f e Bm<Jkmlg J k l robm. ob but a combination of both will work arid himhe yirbuld' fry his luck across* tke seas ^tid so:tb^liondbb he* ;t !J B S j y ftfnflshed by tii iwondere.'3_Only>.aJtriaJ will convince went. " The "experts of Scotland Yard, as the famous English; J. C. C office, llegisfeif nSw ^ t the you. Join .a gym class, says Mr. Bur- FURNITURE RfePAlklNG before^ places are made fo* dick. Bring yp& Jbtslth and exerase police department is known, handcuffed him.-_ "He made his escape, office,MORRIS NACHMAN tte ches's toarnanient.-" problems and lets hdp you soh-e them, i 2203 Bcrdette St. WE bster 7160 wjth the result that he received a long engagement'in the Alhambra r London's noted'music hall. From the British capitaliris fame* DO YOU KNOW THAT— HAIFA "TO flAYE. spread to-the Continent of Europe which he toured for six years.1 Art. Classes" :.nieet - Tuesday afterELECTRIC STREET His return to his native country was a triumph. He' had iio noon, and evening? ' in Jew-isfi "" History are Jerusalein (J. T. A.)—The first longer to beg of Broadway ao give him a hearing or-fc see electric streef car "system will be inFor Rent, Counc3 Bluffsr The managers flocked t» him.,. ' ,\;. , v .' stall^tf itt "Etalfd, it #as learned here Heb'retr Classed • fti^t every Tuesone of the best equipped buildtoday. ings. An A No. 1 location for . From the yeafr 1902io the day of his untimely death, caused Hay night? "- - ' ' The car* frfim Haifa to a_ grocery or furniture or deby-his refusal to break an engagement, Harry Houdini was the ; ' Americanization" Classes m€ef Mdh- MctdA' Carmel, "nlh partment store. Three full stor-r bfi" the eummis of •day 'and Wednesday afternoons and ies and a basement With electric aciaiowledged master-magician of, the world. -America, Europe, evenings?... " which is the Jewish residential* disfreight elevator. Modern store Asia, Africa.and Attstrialia' acclaimed him. By this lime, 1908, " " is tanght every TiursdaJ- af- trict; "Hadar Ha'Carnier. front. Building has-a full set The concessioil to inaugurate this of nice fixtures which will be he'Had dropped the handcuff tricks and electrified his audiences ternoon? - : ' rented or sold .separately... Ap-. ;SFOjphQny Oichestra meets system was" giTftri by ihe city to by:hjs more-daring and more difficult tasks.- There were many, pi to_S. Shykeii, Council Bluffs,' Engineer'Pachas' • Rattenberg, tfae Iowa. •••--. wfei essayed to' imitate him but they-all'f atied-miser&bly. Houdini «very_ S.undfty Palestine eledificaClasses - in- BM& Study ;are Jhdd- dn could not be" iiriitatea/ H£s' fertile "brain, his mechanical genius', -Sunday plsau • ' " tim afternoon^? -, - : hist' startling discoveries, made him unique. Theire^was only one -Classes in Sign* Making are being Houdini. And so niucli was this recognized that the Standard .organized? • Dictionary contains the word "houdinize," meaning "to release or . Qlee Clabs meet Monday nights? extricate oneself (from confinement, bonds, or thfe like). as by • «y»» -Dances are lreld . Saturday wjaggling out." A man who gives a new _ word-to his- native flights? , t . , - r --. tongue must have* to Hiseredit a record of great drid notable Drama,tica Classes are- held; Wedaes-

For Good Appeariihce Now and for to

~Gt course, a Hiciqr-iFi-eeman Overcoat is -. built primarily to keep you w-arm—and it db"Ss—-btit most nten today expect some"thing more than mere -warmth in an overcoat In a Hicky-Freemaa they get it. * When Hickey-Freeman build for warmth ' tftf*y r:Qda't for^fet appearance—nor seTvicii We are. selling a lot .of .them these days hecattse they" are right in fabric -rightiirtailoring—and rigKt in Style.


J. "C.' C.' Orchestra meets Tuesday

. l u r i n g IfieTast few years Houdini enhanced his international aiwL Thursday ju'ghts? - - fame, by exposing fraudulent, mediums and all false claims.. in4;he F U Dancing Classes are. held on and Friday afternoons Z field of spiritualism., For nine consecutive times Jie jvis. elected Miursday The Walking Club hikes every Sunr president of the Society of American Magicians andjie was also . iaorning? " • . , ' T, prfesident of the1 Magician's .Clfibof London ^hd ar life member- o | I r : the Author's Club of jLpnc(6nr f dr Hoiidfail had ^ntten^a hilmber1 • ^ l H E SlOijfH^tJJ. QCTOBER QCTOBER— of iooks dealing -with* hisf art and*with spiritilansitt. HG was also F^Dlll'HE b i " '7btt iaaies attenHed tne'Pfiysfcal fif one.of the organizers «f the Rabbis' Sons Association, an brganiza- TJegartment... TJegartment _T T tr tiqn' composed of ifabbis' sons who had made-their mark on the 90D Boys attended the ^Physical Destage.' ' ~ ' * . : . : Jtmelit " r; meniltended 8ie Physil ^ e h a v e tojdin brief..tHe life-story of Eric Weiss, or Harry Department. Hojiaini, by wfiicH name he will be remembered for iHA. tiifle, because ifcis an interestingg speculatibn"ks^o\viiat p ^ ^ ^-*-"«»-«>-•—=-i ties.,Z attended'other Center activistrain, contributed to his pTieriomehal success. There was ffie Grellt-Hlefnian"/'another. Jewish niagician, of. world-note, and there BALLEf DANCIlfc~jbLAis AT fHEJ. C. C. C.C._._; _ hav^feeen other Jews who. excelled in "black magic." It is truly . , is nbw, op^etf to j . C. remarkable that this i should be the case and it may be explained V.,Kegis'tra£ibn ember ift a ci&sHn Pallet phB byithe.-^ense of the mystic which is part, of.theJTew'g make-up. members to'be fiefa' fevery'Tu^ay aiid This sense of' the- mystic found in Harry Houdihi a wonderful S Night" St. S d»elo'ck.l Miss outlet inhis bnginal aMiniimtabie ejcploits. /-, 4 , . . Aimife R^kHn^ifi ^ fn Ihkrgel J h e received ^ e r ( training ^ t h " the * Mag'ltAs c jewV^e^pay.ixi^ute'to .the.'memory.ofV.Harry iSgril "Pallet m~$JewvYork. She stM^i h l h Jewish J i h -riame in greatestt of altt logicians.r-He/shed lust^fi on; the 'led 'wfth' Ernest j^elchef' in Los' Atic thje profession; he had made his: vefy owit* and his people" *h'ave gelel.' The chafg^' will'be. SOc k leigood reason taMpnnid'of Kim. . . . ' , ; , ' , \ " ' , " . ; son to t members, g^ antt$l to \ "- ' '\ '"'.'••>,."' I. I^Efellvin Jewisfi. jfJaUy


njrs ;;J




w *•> » » A -


s ayf


have also closed the Jewish society DENIES JEWISH COMMUNITY .•', PERMISSION TO FUNCTION for! literature,- music and;-drama, Iv'hicti Kfii ixistedr fdi tfie' last 18 gftofhad-'legsl existerice evfeh lHarbinv (J. T^ A.) — The Jewish y coi&nttnity of Harbin,» now under tftfde'r^tKcrCfSrist fegimev 'The society possession b f ^ l a f g e Ubraty, Chinese rule, is experiencing^, hard rdoni JanbT maihlfilned seietHi times in. their "fight ^o maintain* their relfeious and. camnranal.*life: • j cultural institutions. 'Jhe J diinese authVfltiesThave' Refused CHURCH^ to* ratify tfe» ^tattites-of ihfe Harbin

V! of- B'nai Israel -Congregation

. Performs Marriages :' ih Jewish and English fe2'N8 Ui St. Atlantic


i do.

«7tb ft Unrtha Stn. ttarfiry i Omatta, t>tnss. _, QiIanin.castliiKS. Slnnrtijrtl el -«[ii<J fton bugbfncs, Sewe^ •

Hungary Js tings nnd covers, un* int toaay .cislern, 'Inftr* Iff htoc&.'' ^


; when „,--— church-bells-proc' ,^,-—1 •tne vic* ntf extfMerrl- 1 tory-o^the"a»iti-Semetic organization, , ~tb SRow the existence ,JSa.ce Purifiers, in he municipal elecin««« in«««tion with ihe > > "JTewisfi- institutions* * arid tions. ,The contest for ci£y mayor

ei|^an4;Uie,jdfimocrat, Be -., . -__.;, a^"s^ppor5ed" by the gqy? TI t 'ernmentl" ~ 1 • , • - . . , . / / ,„ /'!, .. Barjczy^recefved ,^i^tylO&t less jih^i-^ipoecz.* C"^J jt^?' forces ,pf the 1 .goveinro6nt3 nd ,S* tit^- &a4i-Semi^c parties were thro\ja»^jnto,jtlie battle It was stated JthaC?lh«.. Qutcome of he conegt would - determine the future


Friday Evg*, Ni^reitiber 5th

Frontier tswel & Liaen Supply

to disciiSB.a question pertaining to ihe JeWs all over the world A. Wolf, Henry Monsky and others;

i8W Cfif^f«|giSf4

Arranged by the. United Wprkefs Conference of




•• i - ••

f \

3—THE JEWISH PRESS, THURSDAY, OTS?E3ffl3EK-4, Put in thick layer of xrumbs in bakffcoxfr' pans5~f31-^with- sfele" -titizerijfey-&><Jecivil0n of fhe <Sov-'' missal of "several gcn^eTiSSSelais. The trial lasted for over two yefcrs. ing dish, pour in tomato mixture and the following mixture. Spread with iet court. *. The Jewish Contmunist press accover.with remaining crumbs. Bake meringue find brown delicately in a Shulrufer was accused of being an in a hot oven until heated through s l o w o v e n . * • • • ' - • • : " accomplice in a conspiracy, together cuses Shnlrufer of being a "Zionist, and crumbs are .-browned. Filling—-Moisten 3 tbsp. corn starch witn other wealthy colonists, against contra-revolutionary." SUNDAY DINNER ; 3 tBs]S. cold water, stii* into one the village Soviet. Shutmfer inGrapefruit Cocktails and drie-half cups boiling water, Boil formed the authorities, aecteing the Lettuce with French Dressing fool always wants to shorten, Cut ths grapefruit in halves and reThe proportions of French dressing 2mmutes. Then cook in doable boiler Soviet of bribery and othfer crimes, and time; a wise man wants move each section of pulp whole. Re- are one tablespoon vinegar to three 10 minutes. Add 1 cup sugar, pinch which resulted in the arrest at»8 Sis^i 'to /lenjgthei) "t>pth;' IWskin. serve juice. Arrange sections of pulp of oil, one-half teaspoon salt and sng- of salt, 1 tsp. shortening, reasovefrom in chilled CDektail glasses; sprinkle ax\ paprika to make it a rich red. fire, add juice and grated find of one yolks of 3 eggs with powdered sugar. Finish each Mix the salt, sugarrand paprika with large 'lemon &nd the well beatea.i " • : portion with a Marschino cherry. .Chill the oil, which should bs very cold. The Tri-annual convention" of .the A special Ladies ^3ym class l a s Cbunril of Jewish" "Women wilfiiie held been organized which will meet every juice, just before serving pour one Then stir in slowly the vinegar. "The in Washington' Nov 14 to' 19. The Tuesday and Thursday between the tbsp. of juice mixed with one-half mixture should be so blended that it Wealthy Jewish Colonist tbsp. of grape juice over each portion. should taste of neither the oil or the in Ukraine Sentenced to Two Omaha Delegates are Mrs. L Rosen- hours of 9 and 10 at the J. C. C. Years land Three Years Exile vinegar. If desired a little onion thal, president of the local organizaUnder the auspices of tlie Daughters *$-ZUm for *be 4>ci»eSt should be grated in. Chicken Southern Style tion, an,d Mrs. Sayde Mayer -who is The Ladjes* Labor Lyceum Club • " . . • ' . : . Of 1 W l e w i s l s . N a t i o n a l . W i m d ; Moscow-(J. T. A.)—The Jewish-" Cut up two chickens (one year old will present' their first concert of the vice-president. colonist^ Shulrufer, of the conoly; / "Leinon F-auchonettes fall Sunday^ November 7,at8:3QpVin. or less). Sprinkle with salt, peppsr; Invert fiinali, individual pie 1 then dip in beatn eggs znd fine bread pans Novaya Poltava of the district of; Mr. and- Mrs. Sam Herzherg are at the Labor Lyceum dub.' " at BETH HAMEDR0SH..HA<3ODOlU 19th m«& Bart . 4 Nicholaif was sentenced to two years mb Ver "otitsidd with a_iich pastry, crumbs. Place in a well greased dripspending ten days in E x c e l s i o r The program includes musical and! cru s. : Admission-50 Cents,, - -. • - ' At -SsOT P, St. hard "SshoTj loss of all civil rights: i h a fork.^Se kS Prick top. off paste with Springs. dramatic numbers by some of the ping pan and bake in a hot- oven un- on si baking sheet, bake in a "q^rick and three yeaxs~exile as an ttndesir-til evenly browned; turn: often and foremost artists of the city, and the —Mr. George -Gohen- left Wednesday committee in-charge has prepared a baste after first 5 minutgs-'" cooking with one-half cup melted'"fat in onenight for Chicago. Mrs. Cohen will surprise for the evening. half cup hot vater. After fat is used join her husband next week in. ChiMore than three hundred tickets baste every 5 minutes with fat in pan. cago. ; have already been sold and a capacity If chickens are young it will require Fourth Floor Mrs. Ross has as her- guest her crowd is expected as the ticket com- | 35 minutes to complete cooking. ArCoats and Furs daughter Miss Agnes Hoss. of Kansas niittee is still hard at work. Proceed? j rangs on hot serving platter. "will go to the improvement fund of City. - • • the Labor Lyceum. French Eried Potatoes The J. D. Z. Club gave a Halloween • t» THOSE ATTENDING THE NEBRASKA STATE TEACHERS* Wash r and "pare ^medium sized potaparty Sunday afternoon at the J. C. C. toes; cut-Jengthwise in 8 pieces. Soak Prizes were won by Dorothy Cher- Council Bluffs News WILL FIND THIS SALE A NOTEWORTHY STYLE AND VALUl in cold water • to cover 2 or more hrs., niss, Rose GinsbeTg and Bess Bern-The Independent Order of the B"nai changing; water'3 times. Drain and stein. E'rith Lodge No. 688 will hold a reg- dry between towsls. Then fry a few hot fat. Drain on 1 - Mfs.J. Richlin intertained-Sunday ular meeting next Wednesday even- at a time in'deep 1 brown, paper and sprinkle with salt.. Afternoon at^cjfdjimrtjjjat their home ing, November 10, at the Danish Hall. \ The fat Tnust not be too-hot at first in honor of Mr. and.Mrs. Allan ZelMr. and Mrs. Harry Cherniss. had as the potatoes must Be cooked as wellldn. Mrs. Zelkiri was formerly Miss " . . as their guest over ths week-end Mrs. as browned. Minnie Eatz. August Dadanas of New York City. Scalloped1 .Tomatoes Miss Hermine Hirschman was hosMr. and Mrs. Frank Krasne and Season 1 qt. of canned tomatoes tess at her home Monday evening to family returned Sunday after spend«ight «f her friends in honor of her ing several months in Los Angeles, with 1 tsps. salt, a pinch of pepper, 2 tbsp. sugar, 1 tbsp. , grated -onion. fourteenth birthday. R^>< California. Place on stove and boil rapidly 20 "_llr. M. E. Chapman of GoldsteinThe Ladies Auxiliary of the Tal- minutes. Moisten 2 cups soft bread P&*\ Chapman is now in New York on aj mud Torah .held a successful Card crumbs with one-half cup shortening.; buying trip. Party last Thursday evening at the Omaiia's Most Modern Fireproof .Plant Miss Moilie Kxueger of Sioux City K. C. Hall, when about one hundred CLEANERS—DYERS-r-TAILORS guests were present. The committee is visiting Here with friends. HATTERS—FURRIERS in charge included Mrs. Morris GrossCIXAXKUS Mr. und Mrs. M. Herzberg and man, chairman,, and the Mesdames .daughter Pauline, and Mr. Ed. Treller Jake Erasne, Herman Meyerson and MPIR BTEES motored Sunday morning to Excel- Sam Meyerson. 31G1-C3 Fnrnam St. • . ' HA. SS9S sior Springs where they plan to stay The A. Z. A. Chapter No. 7 will "for two weeks. hold a meeting next Tuesday evenFRIED'S • Mrs. Moe Xinsman had as" her .guest ing; November 9, .at the Synagogue. KOSHER DELICATESSEN this past ;rceekr-encL\Miss Tetta- Kap- All Tnembers shonld ba present. 1509 North 24th Street lan of Des Moines. LINCOLN NEWS All foods kept in Sanitary cases Miss Esther Rosenberg, 1444 Vine Kappa Alpha'"Tau held its last street, Lincoln, Nebr., accompanied A complete line of smoked meats and fish ._ the home of Dorothy. Mar- -Mr. Morris Poster on the. piano a t an *" golin. "Bertha Margolin" composed a assembly recently given at the Whitclub song entitled K. A. T. to the tier school, -where they are both studtune of ..Baby-Face.- The. next meeting will be held Friday evening bt ents. They also played together at an assembly 'Tuesday* October 26, at the home oTTSTargaret" Hdrwitz. Barkroft school. The second Hadassah card party Teheran, Persia. (J. T. A.)—Oneof of the season will talce "place on the Jewish leaders in Persia, Hayeem, Wednesday afternoon, November 17, a former member of the Majlis, the Berner '^ ' •. at the Jewish C. C. "With the follow- Persian parliament, was placed under Velskeen ing hostesses in charge: Mrs. H. Sil- arrest.' " " Wvtf -_ Bolivia verman, Mrs. Sam Peltz, Mrs. A. He is charged, -along with other Barney 7545 Levy, Mrs. "S. Goldware, and the Persian'leaders, with complicity in an MontebcHj Mesdames M. Bernstein and H. alleged plot to kill Shah Eiza Khan Squirrel *t^ Downy Wool Krasne of- Coiijicil Bluffs. Pahlezi. ' Opossum *• Proceeds' derived" from these card Lustrosa parties goes without deductions to Veni&e the Hadassah Medical Unit which is introducing American..standards of Imported Pleads health and sanitation' in the Near' East. " announce to the Jews of Omaha that I have opened a Business at pay- Home, 2429 Decatur Street, with a full line of Mrs. Mike Karbholz of St. Joseph Jewish Religious Books such as Daily Prayers, Machsorim', Jewis'Visiting"with her parents,-Mr. and , ish Rituals, Scriptures, Talethim Silk or Wool; Mezzuzahs and many other articles. Jkfrs. Handler.




CaB Harney 7545

Wet Wash . . . . 5 c ,, Semi-Sat , 6c Rough Dry ..'...8c






M. SOMlf, WEbster 3527

Bie Pi -Tau Pi fraternity entertained last Sunday at a steak fry which took jplace a t Hazel Dell and which was followed by dancing at the Highland Country Club.

I also have the agency for the ".Safer ffora" that anybody wants to order. •

The Temple -Sisterhood was hostess to eighty-five guests on Monday, November 1. Mrs. Sam .Robinson wai chairman of the luncheon and Mrs. Frederick Cohen was in- charge of a very interesting -"Peace Program." Mrs. S. Adler~ read a paper on her "Travels Abroad." Miss Rina Snyder sang several numbers accompanied by Miss Janstte Gilinsky.


The Deborah Society-will hold its regular, meeting next Tuesday, November 9, at 2:30, at £he Jewish Community Centex* Mr. Samuel Ger son will address, th£ meeting.

'""i "-<••*

Evef y Sanday at Keep's Admission 25c .

19th and Davenport • RYAN'S ORCHESTRA


Malashock Jewelry Co. 9


Diamond I


214-216 City Nat" Bank Bldg. Estah Established 18.04

Coats that embody exclusive stffle featurm—Coats that give a maximum jif, wear and enjoyment* ETerzberg'S reputation for faiMon-rigliteess and erer-iietr stocks of quality merchandise—stands behind e^erj selling, special or otherwise, advertised tinder the'Herzs ~1>erg label. * • ..,- ^v^^.

PAGE 4^-THE JEWISH PRESS, THURSDAY, NOVEMBERS, 1926 1 met the.-haste.of. the .Jewish Ath-| LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES switched to tackle* and again LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES back/' ' * ' " ' - ' - - - • . letic Club last Sunday afternoon at HENRY BEAL, COCKTV ATTORNEY real names unknown); also .Lot Four ( 4 \ names unknown* having and claiming any hibits thereto nttnclied and by reference Orris Donovitz,- Earl Lapidus, and 32nd.and Dewey Avenue, The Links DAK GKOS8. ASSISTANT COUNT* Block Six (0) South Omaha 1st, nn ad- right, title or interest in the North Hall mnde a part thereof, awl that unless tin. ATTORNEY ditlon to the original City of South Omn- ol Lot Fourteen (14), Block Thirteen (13), same if. paid by you. or any of you, that Joe Leyinson all played .on the/ -line had their machine running on all four Court House hn, now-Omaha, In the Oily of Omaha, South Omaha 1st, an udciition to the origi- n decree will be entered in this Court \By Stanley P . Levin.- ' during one time or other.a I cylinders but evidently "they were no NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE OF County of Douglas, State of Nebraska, ns nal City of Sounth Omaha, now Omaha, in foreclosing nnd forever bnrring you and TAX LIENS The "freshman four" consisting of match for the Omaha.crew.who rode surveyed, platted and reei-rded and all the City of Omaha, County of Douglas, each of you of any and nil claims upon. In the pistrict Court of University of IUinokr " ,.:•" Altshuler, Weiner, Fiedler and Yaf-{ on the latest type straight eight Douglas County, Nebraska, EH>e. : Track and Field./" . ' To Albert J. Seaman, demised, : fee are important cogs in the. Central chargers. The Omaha boys outplayed rled, —'• Seaman, his widow, . . Marcos Krasne, former. Creighton true and real name unknown), Harriet E. Omaha 1st, an addition to the original their unknown guardians, asfjijruees am! to satisfy the plaintiff's lien, tog-ether with the Capitol men from start to finish frosh -machine. Altshuler- guides the Wolfe, If married,Wolfe, her hus-City of South Omahn, now Omahn, lu the personal representatives itheir true and costs, shall be sold in iiceordnnce with University varsity tackle and track band, (first true and real name unknown.); City of Omaha, County of Douglas, State real names unknown); if deceased, their law. and for such other nnd further repurple crew while the other boys are' and never were in deep .water. star made an impressive shewing last linemen. Weiner is the best looking! Letter Giventer, captain of the J. if living, their unknown guardians, as- of Nebraska, as surveyed, platted and re-, unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, aseign- lief np equity requires and us to the Court signees, nnd personal representatives (their ] et'8, trustees and persoiml representatives may seem just nnd equitable. week in the-mini yar§ity vs~Fr,osh prospect for higher honors next year.' A, , C . hurled . a pass to "Wally" true and real names unknown): if de- corded. Wakefield, if married. (their true and renl names unknown); You nnd each of you nre hereby notified ceased, their unknown heirs, devisees, legWakefield, her husband, (first true and also Lot Three (3), Block Twelve (l£i: that'you are required to nhswerUaid petitrack a'nd\field meet. Krasne pulle^ "Hank," is a nice tackier, a good; Shriebman for the winning marker. atees, assignees, trustees and personal repreal name unknown),. Elizabeth Bonrd-i South Omaha 1st, an addition to the origi- tion on or before the 13th doy of December, (their true and real names un- mnn; Martha T. Bonrdmnn; if living, their 1 nal City'of South Omaha, now Omaha, in 1020. down two \ seconds, one "'in "the; .shot bjocker and a charging fool. The' i . A." Cl*s try for-point was un- resentatives known): also Lot Seventeen (17). Block unknown guardians, assignees and per- the City of Omaha, County of Douglas, COUNTY OF DOUGLAS, Plaintiff. _ put and th«e other, in the discus.. The Two (2), Albright Annex, nu addition to sonal representatives (their true and real State of Nebraska, an suneyed, platted By HENRY successful. ' Giventer and 'Kneeter the BEAL. County Attorney, original City of South Omaha, now names unknown); if deceased, their un- and recorded and all persons, firms, co- DAN GROSS.3. Assistant Count'v Attorney. husky Jewish boy was beaten by none were the outstanding'men for Omaha. Omaha, in the City of Omnba, County of known heirs, devisees, legatees, assignees, partnerships, corporations (true nnd real! Technical High School. " State of Nebraska, ns surveyed, trustees and personal representatives (their other than", the Big Ten "Conference unknown) having nnd claiming any! The work of the.Lincoln ends stood Douglas, Football.. . plntted and recorded and all persons, true and real names unknown); Creigh names right, title or interest in Lot Three. (3),| champion and then only, by a few co-partnerships, corporations, (true Sons •& Company, a corporation duly Twelve (12) South Omaha 1st, an' Benny Bloch played his usual-bang. out rjn,ost .prominently in the Chapter firms, and real names unknown) having and organlted and existing- under and by vir-Block to the original City of South' inches. Marcus writes that he is in* 4 lineup. Both teams played a clean claiming any right, title or interest In tue of the Laws of the'State of Nebraska, addition ««= Omaha, now Omaha, in the City of Omaha, I , „«,_ OTUlu My Lot Seventeen (17), Block Two. (2), Althe best ofJbealth and Jiashigh hopes its assignees, trustees and personal repreof Douglas, State of Nebraska, as' High terriers making a number of j type of ball, penalties being iufre- bright Annex; nn addition to the original sentatives (their true snd real nsmes un- County platted and recorded. i of beating-*the1 title "holder in'/the City of South Omaha, now Omaha, in theknown); Banker's Saving & Loan Asso- surveyed, Prudential lleal Estate Company, a cor-] good gains .besides -tackling fiercely! City of Omaha, County of Douglas, State ciation, a corporation duiy organized and spring when the out- door artists -ofduly organized and existing Druggists and Stationers Nebraska, as surveyed, platted and re-existing tinder and by virtue of the Laws poration when the occasion demanded such. f The two teams will meet soon at of under and by virtue of the Luws of the corded. of the . State of Nebraska, its assignees, State of Nebraska, its assignees, trustees ficially open! their season. • «Ul-4O3-4«ft Month intti «tn«i Lincoln in a return engagement. - The find of the game however was




^tun.nnj..L . . L

E. E. Bruce & Co.

Albert V. Runzel,

if married.

trustees and personal representatives (their and personal representatives

(their true

Runzel, hie wife, (first trne and real name true and real names unknown); also Lot and real names unknown); also Lot one Louis-Weiner, Louie playing m unknown), Solomou J. Firestone; if liv- Seven ("), Block Twenty-three (23), Boyds Twenty-six (2t>), Block Twenty-live (25), Crane College of Chicago. his first big city series, scrap put up A. Z. A. vs Bnai Ami. ing, their unknown guardians, assignees Addition; tin addition to the City of Oma- Leavenworth Business Dace, an addition personal 'representatives (their true ha, ttf the City of pmahn, County of Dong- to the City of Omaha, in the City of Omaha Chapter No. 1,-of the A. Z. and Football. • . . „ - . - . - - - a wonderful game at the pivot posiand real names -unknown); if deceased, las, State of Nebraska, as surveyed, platted Omaha, County of Douglas, Stnte of Nethielr "unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, and recorded snd all persons, firms, co- braska, as surveyed, plntted and recorded Sam \ Bender,, former Central -'High tion vacated by ""All State" Captain: A..encountered the team of the Bnai assignees, trustees and personal represen- partnerships, corporations (true and real nnd all persons, linns, co-partnerships, ; names unknown) having and claiming any corporations (true and real names unlettemnan is making such agood show- Maasdam. ?The one hundred'and fifty-j Ami Club last Sunday morning. For tatives (their true and real names un- right; title or interest in Lot Seven (7), known) having and claiming any right, also -Lot Thirty-nine (3D) Charting on the Crane^varsity jelevexcilrat five pound lad held his own againV Ifie* second -"time in two weeks the known): sew .Heights, an addition to the City of Block Twenty-three (23), Boyds Addition, title or interest in Lot .Twenty-six (^G), his name has been^mentioned for all a much heavier South' opponent and. same teams .'battled to a nothing to Omaha, in the City of Omaha, County of an addition to the City of Omaha, in theBlock Twenty-five (25) Leaveuworth BusiState • of Nebraska, as surveyed; City of Omaha, County of Douglas, State ness Place, an addition to the City of! tie. . The ball rested in the Douglas, Conference..tackle .honors. The/ex- on one occasion-broke thru, and thru nothing platted nnd • recftrded • and all persons, of Nebraska, as surveyed, platted and re-Omaha, in the City of Omaha, County of1 n tirms, • co-partnerships, corporations ' (true corded. of the field most of the time. Douglas, State of Nebraska, u% surveyed, Omah&n ''has put on- fifteen pounds the Big Red backs' for a loss of sev-" center c ; and real names unknown) having and Mary O'Connor, it married, O'Con- platted and recorded. The game was enlivened by frequent claiming any right, title or interest in nor, her husband, (first true nnd real name and added abit.ta.his. height .some- eral yards. Weiner is only a junior, Prudential Real Estate Company, a corLot Thirty-nine (30), Charlsew Heights, Felix Haley, if married, poration duly organized and existing thing- he needed-badly last year and should be heard from next year tongue fights by members of both an addition to the City of Omaha, in theunknown), Haley, his "wife, (first true and real name under and by virtue of the Laws of the I teams. When the opposing elevens City of Omaha, County of Douglas, State unknp—n); - Patrick Haley, , if married State of when' playing under the purple and in no uncertain tones. Nebraska, its assignees, trustees' of Nebraska, »s surveyed, plotted and re-—'• Haley, his wife, (first trne and real and personal representatives (their true; -One youngster who has played a played ball." they played well but corded. •••-*'•_-•. white standard; •' * - ,— and real name* unknown); UIBO Lots.' name unknown), Martin Haley, if married. : lacked the old scoring punch. None brilliant game on the second: eleven George A. - Shearer, if married, — Haley, his- wife. (first true and real Twenty-three (23), Twenty-four (24), and V Shearer, his- wife, (first trite snd real name name unknown). Andrew Haley, if married, 1 Twenty-live <25), Block Twenty-five (25),, unheard of and unsung is Mr. Braude. of the men were outstanding in either unknown): It living, their uuknotm guar- ——*•?— Hater, his wife, (first true and real! Lenvenworth Business Place, an addition Central ^High Schools Uians, assignees and personal representa- name unknown). Sister Mary Basil, (true | to the City of Omaha, in the City of The .tall stripling playing half back 'lineup. tives (their true and real names, unknown); and real name unknown), General Outdoor I Omaha, Cocnty of Douglas, State of NeFootbalL" for the undefeated-"Gray Avalanche"! If deceased, their unknown heirs, devisees, Advertislnj Company, a corporation dnlyi bra ska, as surveyed, platted and recorded legatees, assignees, trustees and personal organized and existing: under and by vir-,aud all persons, firms, co-partnerships, . > Crippleti Captain Elmer Graenberg" has"beentonimportant factor ©ir-sev- Basketball. representatives (their true and- » a l names tue ' - - the - - - -Laws - •• - •of New of of the-State , corporations (true and real names ununknown): also Lot Twenty-eight <2S), its assignees, trustees and personal repre- known) having and claiming any right, f of the Hflftopper eleven made theon-l^ral occasions when the . Techsters' A number of the girls in the gym Charlsew Heights, an nddhion to the City sentatives (their true and real names un- title or interest In Lots Twenty-three ly score itor the purple -" last week j won by the skin of their teeth. Tues-' classes are taking up basketball. Artof Omaha, in th City of Omaha, County known), McGUl & Dawes Employment Twer.ty-four (24) and Twenty-five (25) Douglas, Stnte- of Nebraska,, as sur-jj ApeBCj-,' g , ApeBCj, a a co-partnership, c p a r e r s h i p , Mary" y Lynch:! y B Block c T e j f), l f25), l^avenworth Busiwhen they fe.ll beneath the'^ battering I day he intercepted a North High Swartz, Dave Chesnau and Ed Bur- of veyed^ y . .^ p a a 'a r r d e d and nd allp p e r ' E d d A. A Cudnhy: C d h John J h C. C Ketzer; Kt Ifl platted ana-'recorded per-'Edward Iflnesa Place, an addition to the City. of dii f attack of H.Wold Frahm'and*his-Beat-! pass and went over for a touchdown, dick- are the capable instructors in sons, firms, fi o p co-partnerships, t h i p rcorporations ti living, their nsEig-1 County _. unknown gnardlans. _ . .O m a.i m , _ n the ,,JCity of Omaha, . .. . . of (true and real names unknown) having nees and personal representatives <theirj DoiiglaaF State of Nebraska, as surveyed, rice huskysA Greenherg recovered a Braude is only a kid and next year charged Last week the gymn re and claiming any rlfcht, title or intiprest. in true and- real names unknown): if de- platted and recorded. Lot Twenty-eight (SB). Charlsew Heights, ceaBed. their unknown heirs, devisees, leg-fumble and- galloped forty-five yards should be a virile factor on the Ma- sounded "with feminine shrieks and an Albert J. Seaman, deceased, if married. addltioti to'the City of Omaha, in the assignees, trustees and personal repSeaman, his widow, (first true and to cross the goal-line. Bftrny Shim- roon and White first squad. He has yells as thegirls passed, ran and fell I City of Omaha. -County of Douglas, State atpes, resentatives (their true and r*-al names un- real name unknown}. Harriet E. Wolfe, if of NebrnBka;--a.8."8iirveyed, platted and reWolfe, her husband, (first known): also Lot Five (5), Block Seven j married, mel played 'his; usual game, at guard size 'and fight but lacks poundage. up and down and on the court. None corded. - . ' • • • • - • : •- •• -• (9) S (/t) South t h O Omaha h 3 1st, t an addition dditi to t th the j true and real name unknown); if living, and did will. Greenberg'is-the entire original City of South Omaha, now Oma-; their unknown guardians, assignees and of the girls. as yet. are outstanding Thomas P. Balfe; •- if married. — his wife, TBtst true and real name ha, in the City of Omaha, County of Dong-1 personal representatives (their true and Central line, without hirn the*once North High School. although some of them are showing BaKe. unknown); it their guar-.l| las. State.of Nebrnskn, as surveyed, platted j real names unknown); if deceased, their k ) it living lii h i unknown k .it-,, assignees' dlan, «».i™,,^,« ,-,,.i and -personal ^«.««««i -—"--i>=«»--' reprfgenta- a n a r e c c e d and all persons, firms, co- unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, assignpowerful Central! team .would b£ piti- Football. signs of-future skill. * •-" • tlvegi (their -true 'and real names un- partnershlps, corporations (true and real ees. trustees and personal representatives ful, a prey to eveiy team--onTite schedknown); If dc^easeil. their unknown heirs, names unknown) having and claiming any! <tneir true and real names unknown*; Forman of the Eskimos is pursulegatees,* assignees, trustees and right, title' or interest In Lot Five <5), also Lot Ten (10), Block One (1) Albright ule. Harold Pplfcck is'ably fjlling ing his headlong flight to fame on! .Vienna (J.*T. A.>—Two hundred devisees, personal representatives (their true and Block Seven (7) South Omaha 1st, nn ad- Annex, an nddition to the original City of names nnkntnvny; also Lot Twenty- dition to the original City of South Oma-' South Omaha, now Omaha, in the City of the shoes of Bud Levin at tackle while -'the second and "ffeshihan elevens.1 thousand persons joined a demonstra- real four (24). Block Ou<J-(l) Brennan Place, ha. now Omaha, in the City of Omaha, Omaha, County of Douglas, State of NeLevin is being-groomed-for. a fling Jfoeheady little back has seldom beention organized by anti-Semitic lead- an addition to the- City of Omaha, in theCounty ot Douglas, State of Nebraska, as brassa. as surveyed, platted and recorded of Omnha, County of Douglas, State surveyed, platted and recorded. i and ail ptrsons, firms, co-paxtuerships, at the fullback | position. -Pollock t 'takenlfrom a game by reason of in- ers here, in memory of Karl Lueger, City of Nebraska, ns scrveyed. plntted and re- Agneg Griffin, if married. Griffin,' corporations (true and real names unand all persons, firms, co-partner- her husband, (first true and real name nn-j known) having and claiming nny right, played a neat game Tuesday "against' juries;. he,-is a-tough- little bird, as-one of-the pioneers of the anti- corded ships, corporation's'(true and real names known); if living, their unknown guardi- \ title or interest in Lot Ten (10), Block the Junior Jays reserve eleven mak- "elusive 'as a feather in a cyclone, nnknown) bavins and claiming any right, ans, assignees and personal represents- j One (1) Albripht Annex, an addition to Semitic movement in Europe. title or interest 1n Lot Twenty-four • (24), tives (thefr true nnd real names nn- the original City of South Omaha, now ing several tackles ibehind and onthej •_ _.—. ___j_l • , .* The demonstration took place on Block-One (1) Brennan Place, >a« addition known): If deceased, their unknown heirs,•! Omaha, in the City of Omnba, County of to tlie City.-6t<-»>taaha, in- the City of devisees, legatees, assignees, trustees and' Douglas, State of Nebraska, us surveyed, line of scrimmage.! " . s j Amateur' Football. *fc i * -'the-WsasYori <rf| tie'unveiling of a.Omaha; Countjf' ot Doujtlas, State nf JCT>1 personal representatives (their true nnd j platted and recorded. Bad Levin started the game atiylUVik-A'.IC.- vs "Lincoln A. Z. A.-' -" • bronic* statue o1" Lueger, who wasbraska, an surv^yed^, platted and recorded. real names unknown): also Lot Tn (10), j i o n and each of you nre hereby notified „ , and o vhad-his'hands-fon'the-ball . J . i . ! - . i . . : i . r : - . ' i L ^™ -Lincoln-Chapter Number 4 of thenotorious for his anti-Semitic prop- The'Midway In-cesfinent Company, a cor- Sonth Omaha, n«w Omaha, in the City of 1 that on the 10th day of September, llCU, back poration,- fplace••"" of' Incorporation un- Omaha, County of Douglas, State of Ne-! the county of Douglas filed a petition in )i"'it« asslfcnefcs, trustees -and per- braska. as surveyed, plntted and recorded I the district court of Douglas County, only once during wiiich time he made- Qrder otf1A,- Z. A.- fre_h-front-»i^deeJ'-- aganda~r:*riuring his , mayorality of known sonal "representative* (their true Rnd real and all persons, firms, co-partnerships, cor-; Nebraska, against you and />aeh of you. the "ole .first in tenl" Later he was sive" Victory over Omaha Chapter No. Vienna from 1892 to 1910. names unknown): also Lot Four (4), Block porations (trw ami real names unknown) which cause appears on Docket 233, Page l

The Bride How pleased she will be if your gift to her is one that will help her with all those perplexing new problems in housekeeping.. An electrical appliance will keep her as young and lovely as she was on her wedding day. I t will save her needless drudgery, wasted steps and weary backaches

Electric Iron ,': Electric Curling Iron Electric Heater Electric Lamps Electric Washer Electric Vacuum. Cleaner . Electric Hair Dryer Electric Range * Electric Ironer . Electric Vibrator


ns surveyed, platted and re-



, - . » • •




Albright Annex, an addition, to North B.lf

RWSTWB w i ^ i (prst true nnd real name


Tvklk hmmimU mi Auditors

5 p^r^r^^ &£ S3




Excellent Chinese American Dishes

ha. 1st, an nddltion to the "ijtnnl CHy

- .-



"£fec-ric Shops" 17th and Harney Ste. 2314 M S t


BU1TISK &irt iBUttS Coundi Bluffs. la.


Corns in and aee our very Taxied selections of fully guaranteed appliances. W« always nave tto newest and best.

- , _ fr •- - ~-i~*c •*..*' *"



All Appliance* Sold on Very Convenient Term*.


"Manufactured in Omaha" ICE MACHINE CO

I The THUSSEL Studio



Biker fee Madiines

Its Time to think of your

Wedding Gift


by Fpplry C5ntil» Co.

Supply Co*

wants an,electrical gift


230 Konma—2(1(1 BtitiiM G o o d ISiiom? f o r SJ,5(I

One (1). AlbrlBht> Annex, an addition \a having nnd claiming any right, title oi 16, of the records of the Clerk of the INCOME TAX SERVICE the arigitial CH> of South Om.iio; now inteMist. in Lot Ten (10). Block Seven (7) District Court, of Donglas, County, NeOflah«, In the '43ty of Omaha, Cftunty of Sonth Omaha 1st, an addition to the orig- braska, the object and prayer of which SYSTEMS—AUDITS Douglas,- State of' Nebraska, as surveyed, inal City of : South Omaha, n6w Omaha. I petition, in accordance with a resolution platted antPretorOsd and nil persons, firms. in the City of Omnha, County of Donglas. adopted on Mnrch O, 1026, by the Board INVESTIGATIONS co-partnershipB. ^corporations (true and State-of Nebraska, as surveyed, platted of County Commissioners for the County real names Unknown) having antf clnim- and • recorded. of Douglas, State of Nebraska, is for the ingr any rlght.vHtle or intere-t In 1*1 Pour Herman A. Thielte,. ~t. married. strict foreclosure of tax lieus on: Lot €9<5 Brandeis Theater Building ( « . Block; One*;'{l). AlbriKht Jjintx; fen TSielke, his wife, (first Trne and real name Seventeen (IT). Block Two (-), Albright Phone ATiantic 1450 addition to the original City of South nnnnown): if living, their unknown guar- Annex, an addition to the original City Omaha,-now Ouiohn. in the City of Oma- dians, assignees and personal represents- of South Omaha, now Omaha, in the City hn, County o f Do%las, State of Nebraska, tives (their true ana real names tan-iot Omaha, County of Douglas. State of. as •surveyed, "jplirtted and recorded.known); if deceased, their unknown heirs. | Ne?>raska, as surveyed, platted and re-; Coauo^trcial SnVinirB -& l^o^tt - Association, 'a cofrporaHoir auly organized and exBsrry H. Lapidus, Pres.-Treas. isting under and fcy virtire of the Laws of W. G. Ure. Secretary. the State of Nebraska, Its assignees, trustees and peraonaV representatives Ttlieir an naaitlon'to the original City of South and recorded; Lot TweBty-eight (28),' trne and real-names unknown); James 3. Omaha, now Omaha, in the City of Oma- Cbarlsew Heights, nn addition to the City I Fitzgerald. ha. County of Douglas. State of Nebraska.a of Omahn, in the City of Omaha, County Fitigerald. If mhrrica. his _wife, (first trtte and real name un- as surveyed,* platted and recorded and oil of Douglas, State of Nebraska, ns sur-j known), Ilenry Qniide. Jr.. If married. persons, firms, co-partnerships, corpora-' j veyed, platted and recorded; Lot Twenty-: Quade, hlswlf*. (first true and real tions (true and real names unknown) hav- four (24), Block One (1) Brennan Place, COMPLEm STOBE .... _ „„ to _ the ._„City _ . . , of ... Oinnhsi, ._. addition in the, name unknown), .John Algya sftd Hose ing ana claiming any right, title or in- an Algya, husband nnd wife. Mr. Brown, (real terest'inXot Eleven (II). Block Seven (7), city of Omaha, County of Donglas, Stnte OFFICE OUTFjTT ; name unknown),' if married, — —'• Brown, South Omaha 1st, an addition to the orig- j Of Nebraska, as surveyed, platted and reWe xpf , his. wife (first true and real .name un- lnal City of South Omaha, now Omaha." In I corded; Lot Four (4), Block One (1) Al- '• TCQOO »<!O«r» known). If living, their unknown gunrdi- the City of Omaha, County of Douglas, j bright Annex, an addition to the original S««thwm« C nxts,. assignees and personal representatives State of Nebraska, as surveyed, platted | city of South Omaha, now Omaha, in the (their true and real names unknown): if and recorded. " J City of Omaha, County of Douglas, State cnth f i m «>»uria» Mtreet*. deceased, ' their unknown heirs, devisees, Herman A. Thlelke ,lf married, "lot Nebraska, as surveyed, platted anil ret*t"«i»m>! l«»ph»f> legatees, assignees; trustees and personal Thielke, his wife, (first trne and real name!.COrded- Lot Thirteen (13), Block Three OMAHA NKB representative* (their lru» an* renl names unknown), Tony Romls: Thomas Hoctor;i ,-g) Jetter's. Addition, nn addition to the' unknown): also Lot Thirteen (13). Block if living, tneir unknown guardians, as- original City of South Onrahn. now Omaha, Three (SV. Jettefs Addition, nn addition signees, and personal representatives (their in the City of Omaha, County, of Douglas, to the original City of Sooth Omaha, now I trn« and real names unknown): if de-State of Nebraska,1 ns surveyed, platted Omnba. in the City of Omaha, Coontj of ceased, their unknown heirs, devisees, leg- and recorded: Lot. Eighteen (IS), Block Douglas, State-of Nebraska, a s surveyeiL atees. hssiguees. trustees and personal rep- One (1) Jetters Second Addition, au" adp l a t t e d - a n d recorded and all persons,; resentatives (their true nnd real names dition to the original City of South Omaha, firms. co-partn#r»bips, corporations (true" anknowii); also Lot Twelve (12). Block now Omaha, in the City of Omaha, County j and- real, natnes unknown) Tmving an4^ Seven ( t ) . Sonth Omaha 1st, nn addition of Douglas, State of Nebraska, ns surcWlmlng a n y rignt, -title o r interest J«r to the .original City of South Omaha, now v e T e ( ] platted and recorded-, Lots Eight Lot Thirteen <13).. Block Three (3). Jet- Oraabs, In the City of Omaha, County of fgJa n d j j i n e ,0) Block Three (3) South ter's Addition," an- addition to the original Douglas, State of Nebraska, as surveyed, ©mnhn 1st, an addition to the original City o f South Omaha, now Omaha, i n the platted- an* recorded and all persons, City of South Omaha, now Omnhn, in the rCityvof Omaha. County of Donglas, State firms, co-partnerships, corporations (true City of Omaha. County of Douglas, State' of Nebraska, a s surveyed, platted and re- and teal nnroes unknown) having and of Nebraska, as surveyed, platted and reLoan Associa- claiming nny right, title or interest in Lot corded; Lot Four (4). Block Six (6) South corded. tion, a corporation duly organised and ex- Twelve (12). Block Seven (7) Sonth Omaha Omnha 1st, an addition to the original Commercial Savings & isting under and b y virtue af the Laws 1st, on addition to the original City of Citv of South Omaha, now Omnhn, in the of t h e State of Nebraska, i t s assignees, South Omaha, tiow Omnha, In the City City of Omaha, County of Douglas. State 1312 Farnam St. Opposite trustees and personal representatives <theJr of Omaha.- County of Douglas.,,State of of Nebraska, as surveyed, plntted nnd re-, true and;Teal- names unknown).- Mike Mnn- Nebraska, «s surveyed, platted - and - re- corded: Lot Seven <T), Block Twenty-) W. O. W. Bldg. dlk. unmarried. If living, h i t unknown corded. . ._;•- _, , I three <23> Boyds A<HK5on, nir addition tof gonrdian, assignee, and persona! represenCharles F. 3!nncl, trustee. UMnoxttea. t h e c i t T ^ Omaha, in the City of Omaha.) Phone JAckson 4562 tative* (their true anA real names j i n — KnncL his wife, (first true and real ountv"oE Douglas, Stnte of Nebraska, ns ; known), i f deceased., hi* inakuown heirs, — name unknown), Joseph Knvan. decensed. Csurveyed, platted *nd recorded: Lot * devisees, legatees;, assignees' a n * personnl if Mtarried." Kavhn. his wiflow (first (5). Block; Seyen (T) South Omnha 1st, an representatives (their true ami real names trne and real name nnknown), Josefa Kn- addition to . the original City of Sonth irnknown): also Lot Eighteen (IS), Block Dwora*<, Omahn, now Omaha, in the City of Omaha, van Dworak. if married. OneL (1), Jetter's Second Addition, ai! a d -her bosband, (first true nnd renl name un- County of Douglas, State of Nebrnskn. as dition t o t h e original City of South Oma- known), Fred Kavan. If married. :— surveyed, platted and recorded: Lot Ten hai-now Omaha. Jn t h e City of Omaha, Koran,- his wife, (first true nnd rear name (10), "Block Seven (7) South Omnhn 1st, County of Douglas, State of Nebraska, u s unknown). William E. Kavan. if married. an addition to the original City of South • ; surveyed, platted and • recorded and njl Kavan, hl« wife, (first true and real Omaha, now Omaha, in the City of Omnhn, | £ persons, firms." co-partnerships, corpora- name nnknown), Emma Kavnn, If married, County of Douglas, Stnte of Nebraska, ns •* tions (true and real names unknown) hay- ;———- Kavan. her husband, (first true ami .surveyed, platted and recorded: Lot.Eleven ing and claiming; any riffbt, title or inter-, renl name unknown). Charles Kavan. if ,<11), Block Seven (7) South Omaha 1st, 1818 Farnam, 2nd floor est in Lot KiRhteeTV US). Block One (1) married, — Kavan, his wife, (first an addition to the original City of South .Tetter's Second Addition, an addition t o true and real name unknown), Emil Ka- Omaha, now Omnhn, in the City of Omaha, . i M - - _ _*__'r _. j* ' ' .. L*"*» «#* «H %*X n ' vr*$ f& the ; original CItv M South Omaha, now van, Knvnn, his wife. if married. County of Douglns, State of Nebraska, as Om&hn. in the Gltv of Omaha, County of (first trne and real'name unknown), Josie surveyed, pintted and recorded; Lot Donglas, State of Nebraska, ns surveyed, Kavan, if married. Kavan, her Twelve (12), Block Seven (7) South Omahn and platted and recorded. ' '• " " • husband, (first' trne nnd real nnme un- 1st, an addition to the orginsl City ol known), :~liillle" Kavan. if married. • Sh O h Omnha in the City or South Omaha, now Omaha, of Douglas, State of NeCharles S. Bates, also known a s C. S. KnvanV'her"husband, "(first true nnd real Bales, if marrted. • Bntes, h i s wife, if Popular noonday luncheon (first true and real name unknown). William G. C r e : if living, their nnknown nnd real name unknown), Lyle 50 cents guardlnns, assignees, and personal repre- lf married, now Omaha, in the• | Table d'hote dinner, 85 cents to sentatives (their true" and real numes un- true nnd real name nnknown): City of South Omahn, now l SStnte tt k n o w n ) : Jf decensed. their uiiknown heirs, their unknown guardians, assignees and City of Ci f Otnaha, O h County of Douglas, $1.00, from 5 to 8 Daily devisees, legatees, assignees, trustees, and personal representatives (their true and of Nebraska, ns surveyed, platted and reMusic at all Meals real names unknown): if deceased, their personal representatives (their true nnd unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, assig- corded: the North Half of Jbot Fourteen Dancing Evenings real names unknown): South Omaha L°nn nees, trustees and personal representatives (14). Block Thirteen (13) South Omnha & BnOdlng ARSoelation, fl corporation (tuelr true and^ real, names unknown): nlso 1st, nn addition to the original City or 11 Music by Ambassadors 7 piece organized and exlstlnc under and by virTeh (I0>. Eleven <11) and North Half South Omaha, now Omahn, in the City ol orchestra. No cover charge tue o t the Laws of the State of Nebraska, Lot« of Twelve, Block Ten, South Omaha 1st, Omnhn, County of Douglns, Stnte of Neits ^assignees, trustees and personal repre- an addition-to the original City of South braska, as surveyed, plntted nnd recorded: For reservations phone > llth setitatives (their trne and real names un- Omaha, now Omaha, in the Chity of Oma- Lot Three (3), Block Twelve (121 ^" . , knnwn): Commercial Savings & Loan As- ha, County of Douglas, State of Nebraska, Omaha 1st, an addition J***!-.01}* 'g JAckson 6224 * ~ nmniii inth the sociation, a corporation duly organised and ha, county or uougias. state oi iNenraBKH, v. i f » S tVh « O .hva. « ow Omahain s ' s n m y l d platted and recorded and nil CHy J* & » * W " « K i n s State l existing under nnd-by virtue of the Laws a nersohs. firms,' firms. oo-Dartnershlns. County oo-partnershlps, corporacorpora City Cy^ of Omaha,, ^ ^ ^ «*_£»»«'»_• t t ^ a n l ° r? r| of the' State of; Nebraska. Hs BBsignees, persons, trustees, and personal representatives tiohs (trne nnd real names nnknown) imv- corded: Lot Twenty-six &h Block ins and elnimlrijr any right, title or inftheir trne and real names unknown): also Twenty-five (25) Leavenworth Bnsiness Lots S i g h t (&) and Nine .<»)• Block Three terest in Lots Ten (10). Eleven (11) andriaee. (in addition to the City of Omnha, (3) South Omaha 1st, an addition t o theNorth HBlf of Twelve (12) Block Ten (10)in the City of Omaha, County of Douglas, original a t y of Sonth Omaha., now Oma- South Omahn 1st. an addition to theState of Nebraska, as surveyed. pla««« ha. In the City, of Omaha. County of Doug- original City of South Omaha, now Omaha, and recorded: Lots Twenty-three (23), las, State of Nebrnskn. as surveyed, plntted in the City of Omaha, County of Douglas. Twenty-four (24) and Tweiity-hve (*»/«' firm, c o - State of Nebraska, as surveyed, platted Block Twenty-five (25) Leavenwortli Bosiand recorded and persons, firms, d Ml Mp t h i i (tr«r and and real. real rind, recorded. corporations PInce, «n addition to the City of

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known): If deceftseiT; their

Omnhn. now.


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i l e of N

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d « « . b - d hem, were subject. to


and all -person* firnVs" if-' and Public purposes, for the several yents corporations (true and'real as enumerated in the petition and the ex-

307 Howard St. At. 802« Omaha. Nebr.


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