November 11, 1926

Page 1

A false friend, like a shadow, attends &n\y'while the sun shine*. More Ankle Warmer T/l Ed Strauss, the Krauss in \^ '%. im of Krausa and Trustin, after! 3? 3 ig in last week's "This Week" jf.'&'nn, about David Brown and Ott^ §* wearing spats, decided that! ,^ g two gentlemen" weren't the onj£ who could keep their ankles w;J£ With the coming of the suddi*5 i spell, Ed left his office;-' ent< • men's clothing store, and about; fifteen minutes later came struttin' out with a pair of spats covering his feet. '' . , The style has been set! * .* *

. -_ Our Secret Ambition


Entered as Btcund-clasg mull matter on JaDtiar? 27tb. l t d . at postoflleo at Omaha Nebraska, under the Act or March 3. 1871*.



United Workers Conference Mass Meetim Large Crowd Attends Meeting at Labor • Lyceum Friday-Evening

Dear Contributor:

Remember when your greatest ambition was to be able to reach the straps on the street cars? Remember the time you first touched the straps j With all the fire and enthusiasm of ah "old-time" mass meetby stretching on your toes ? | ing, members of workmen's organizations raised $2,100 for the The other day I saw a little Jewish, United Jewish Campaign at the Labor Lyceum Friday, November girl on the Harney street car, who 5th. The meeting was conducted by representatives of organizahad just reached the size where, by tions comprising ~the United. Workers Conference of Omaha and stretching, she could reach the straps. by members .of.-the Executive Committee of the United Jewish And though there were plenty of Campaign. Harry Sheanin presided, empty seats around, the little lady Elias Kipnis, speaking: in Jewish, pointed out that the reason was so proud of her accomplishment that the race has not perished long before this, in spite of" all that she stood up, holding a strap, •the persecution of centuries, is that always, somewhere in the until she came to the street where world, there were groups of Jews "who were living in prosperity and who willingly shared their material, wealth that their less she got off, with her-folks.- - -

November 11, 1926

The purpose of this letter is vital to your good name and to that Of each arid every Jew in our Community. Your subscription to the Chest is the same as a subscription to the Federation. "If you do not subscribe to the Chest, the Federation suffers. We shall be guilty of the unpardonable sin of permitting Jewish chaanSies to be supported by funds derived from nonJewish:sources;-'''.


VOL. V.—4?

J. C. C. Charm School Announces Opening Lecture All ladies over sixteen years of age are invited to attend the opening lecture of the J. C. C. Charm School on Tuesday night, November 16, at 8:00 o'clock sharp. The subject vrill_ be "Kow to acquire and express personality m dress". There will be a fashion show to illustrate the lecture. Gowns and accessories will be by Brandts Inc. There will be f ocr other lectures on consecutive Tuesdays. Subjects and full details to be announced.

Dance at Center Entire Proceeds Will £© Librsr;- Department Randalls' . Orchestra Will

Ves chapter of the Hai Resh ternity will sponsor a large dance' Sunday' night,, December IS, Our tradiftonal pride in the matter of charity, our sense at the Jewish Community Center, f,V: of honorao& justice, our reputation in the Community forbids entire go to the library any coursees&pt givitigtlie Community Chest the same supdepartment of the Center. port that.Sve Jiave been giving "the Federation. The big. benefit ball is to be one ot the largest charity dances of the yea." , '-\% \' Yours for a successful drive, and the 'largest to, have been given todate in the Community Center. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE, JEWISH WELFARE Randall's 'Boyal orchestra has .,( ; : FEDERATION fortunate brethren might be. saved. Today, he-said, we Jews of engaged. Several feateres are Program Arranged for "Dads" end Dr. Gerson's Feature Nights America mustassurae the birrden of caring for the stricken Jews arranged by the committee in Mrs. R/Kulakofsky I"! "Lads" of Europe; for we"have more than, enough and they have nothing., • Draw Great Crowds of the affair. ,' .'"•': Harry H. Lapidus A. B. Alprrn That it is a pleasure, to see tha Some examples of - tnelorrible con-' "I.think.the idea of the Hai Re«V, Mrs. Nate Mantel Harry Friedman The fifth annual Father and Son hugefraternity to sponsor this large charg crowds attendingg the feature | ditions in Russia, Poland, and Galicia, Henir Monsky JLHerzberg Banquet under the auspices of t h e ity ball is a wonderful one", s^ifi nights being instituted at the Jewish } where Jews are facing death by S.Ravitz Wm. L. Holzman Social Service Committee, Bnai Brith Harry Lapidus, president of the CoinCommunity Center by Dr. Samuel i starvation, was told by Louis Witkin. J. J. Slosburg, Jr. C. C. Katleman and: Welfare Federation, will be held njunity Center. "It promises to -b* 'Harry A. Wolf Gerson, superintendent of the center, He told o*f' sickness aijd squalor, Dr. A. Green berg on Sunday night, November' 14, a t one of the largest social affair of £h~ Mrs. Harry A. Wolf need not be stated. where mothers must sit by helpless Joe L.Wolf 6:30 p . m . sharp. year and should be well attended". The "Organization Night" held while their • children -undergo all theWill Meet Sunday Morning, November The program will consist of sing14. at J. C. C. " The library' of the Jewish Comsome time ago, filled the center audi- torturous pangs of hunger before ging, speeches* stunts and movies. munity Center has many empty booktorium overflowing, with many people death relieves, them of suffering. More than fifty workers of the fcdwin Brodkey win represent, thej c a s e s > b u t ^ b o o k g > a c e o r d i n g t o 0 , crammed on the outside. The night- "These Jewish people iorm;erly used United Jewish-Campaign attended the Sons and Harry Silverman the fath- p h i l i p s h e i v V h o ' is in charge of thr ,was a grand success.' The program to'all the luxuries of life;~live in' dugers. Kathan Bernstein .will speak on library department of the Center. •was novel and- well worth attending. outs- and in trenches, unable to help rally and banquet held Tuesday evening at the Jewish Community Center. "We need books", said Dr. Shn:. "The "Yiddish Night" held under themselves," said Henry-Monsky. He Complete Program Presented in Elaborate Musical Program Being "Pals." The movie has been furiiished through the courtesy of the All who. attend the benefit dance will These workers have united to attempt the direction of Dr. Gerson, Tuesday, told of the children .who, like little Prepared Yiddish Fontenelle Motion Picture Company, j c o n t l . i b u t e t o - t h e establishment »n*t was gratifying to see. I happened to beasts, ragged; unkempt, with the to put Omaha's quota over the top. "We need more workers and- we come a bit late, and so crowded was protruding bellies and the swelled More than eight hundred men and • Plans for the -completing of the Rabbi Cohn will pronounce the bene- j u p k e e p o f o u r library and will holf, the auditorium that, regardless of heads of the undernourished, infest need more. subscribers", said Abe women crowded the auditorium of the program to b presented at the con- diction. Henr>- Monskjr will; be. toast-I u s i mme nsely. Everyone should conmy squeezing" and pushing, I was the streets, their parents either dead Goldstein, city chairman. Omaha has Jewish Community Center Tuesday cert for'••_ the benefit of the Jewish master. Orchestra selections will be j t r i b u t e t o t h i s d a T l c e i e v e n sf thcy (if, able to get' only as close as the audi- or unable to care for them> whom the always responded to the appeal of our evening to. witness the Yiddish night, National Fund have been made, ac- furnished by the J. C. C. orchestra' t p l a n to attend." brothers across the 'sea and we shall under Sam Epstein. Tickets for the dance are to be ?•) .00 torium" door. - • people of American can gave at. a continue* to'respond to them "as long program. This 'program arranged If you havent yet made your reper couple. . It really gives one a thrill of pride cost of $36 a year. He spoke of the as they are in need. The-people of under the supervision of Samuel Gerservation, phone Jackson 1S66 at. once. Nathan E. Jacobs*is chairman o. to see such a great number* of. one's new life dawning for the Jews in Omaha will contribute if they .are ap- SOD, superintendent, of the Jewish " The banquet is being arranged by' the committee in charge of the danr*. own people in their own" Duilding, Russia, wHo, willing and happy to proached". Community Center, j .• the 'Social Service committee of the Assisting him are Marvin E. TrelJci,> enjoying'the talent of-their, own race. undergo all the hardships' of pioneer "The need of the help for the men Tha program, tas first of its kind} ,L O. B. B. and Jewish Welfare Fed- Louis Somberg, Lester Simon, .Sr»rr, Here's hoping that Mr. Gerson will life, are being placed on the land, and women in .Europe is of vital im- ever to be presented by local talent, eration'with the following* in charge: Wertheimer, Fred Fischer, Earl Kutacontinue the finer constructive Jewish which! mean's for .them a chance to- portance to all American Jews", said met with ke&xiy approval of the large DrJ. Phillip Sher, chairman;" Rabbi kofsky, Manuel Iseman and Bud Wo!;. work he' hasthus far been . carry- live, .with, the certainty of'bread-from William Holzmari,, chairman of the audiencej ^According to tiie commitFrederick Cohu, Henry. : day to "day.'"" , tee in charge, more ih'^n two hundred ing on. state of Nebraska- appeal. -; Ua^an Bernstein, Harry' Silverm&iv These -workers -attending theban' Dr«:-,Niatiian- Maskin, with Mis.- Philip '-Harry-A- Wolf,-*3io spoke rin -Yidlie Holds His Audience Sher and Mrs. H&rry A. Wolf, repdish, addressed the group "as" com- quet will meet again Sunday morning various Mcts because o£. the capacity . Harry A. Wolf has gotten, such -' rades, feeling that his early affilia- at the Jewish Community Center. All house. resenting the Council of Jewish WoAH acts, songs, and recitations a good reputation ,of being the tions and interests entitled him to the men and women who are interested in men. ! right man to give speeches on be- privilege. He told..of conditions in the" worif. are .J requested to come and were presented to the people in YidThe following program has been; Cantor Schwacr,Wn End Choir . Conduct Series. A feature of the program was half of campaigns, that he should his own home town in Russia, where join the jcank.of workers. prepared for the Dads and Lads. The the Yiddish folk songs, prepared by be given the title of "official cam- the friends of his youth, people" of music for this program has been arThe Feast of Chanukah will \vSamuel Gerson, who scored a hit : paign crier.".. ranged by Samuel Gerson. wealth and influence; who had had celebrated by the Congregation B'tis.; with the large- audience especially in Regardless of the audience he is everything life could give, were now Program Israel on Sunday evening, Decembf-t one of his numbers where he was » .«. .-%» „ -&**•, essHssnv.. .-.-••-< .»-«—». to address, Harry forms an ap- asking for bread, for bare sustenance. Henry Monsky, Toastmaster 5, at the. B'nai Israel Synagojei'i; assited by Mrs. Sam Beber. Mr. Gerpealing speech to fit the. crowd. The philosophy of the government of 1. Orchestra Selections. J. C. C. Or- 18th and Chicago streets. son explained his Yiddish folk songs J cording to the committee in charge. Thus far, in one week, he has Russia, he said, now demands a com- Tryouts Will be Held for Y Debut chestra. Sam Epstein, director. This concert will be given Sunday Rev. Cantor A. Schwarakin «J«; in English to his audience. spoken before a group in English, plete change in the habits of the 2. Invocation, Rabbi Frederick Cohii. ing Team . The following program was pre- evening, November 14, at th Beth S. Something New ,. Fathers choir accompanied by 8 selected oranother group in Jewish, and if Jews; for/ whereas" before the war Hamedrosh Hagodol Synagogue, un- 4. Our Dads ....Edwin Brodkey chestra will chant the Chankah pt>^ asked, I'll wager he could even any manual work was looked on as There will be no?'Y" dance this sen ted: der the supervision of Cantor Kaha5. Singing .". Sons vices and will partake in the coiw--; The executive Saturday evening. Harry H. Lapidus, Chairman stand, before a group of deaf and degrading, now every "person Imust be 6. Boy of Mine Harry that will follow the services. Acdumb people and make them feel a producer, * or else he cannot live* committee of the Y. M.-and Y. W. H. 1. Der Tois (The Mistake), Manishe- no-witch.'/ _ Audience cording to the committee in All the musical numbers on the 7. Community Singing vitz. A Play in one act. Aufle^ that it would be an honor and It is up to us, he said, to furnish the A> plans to give their dances bi8. Pals — Nathan Bernstein program will be featured by the ac- 9. Jack Frieden's stuff by himself | an elabo'rate program is being i»^ bung Club. pleasure to give to the campaign means so that the Jews can learn to' monthly, that is, the first and third Mendel „„....... Eli Lewis companiment of Al Finkel, who has 10. Surprise Saturdays in each month. In this ranged with- a number, of for which Harry was appealing. be tradesmen, to be" productive work- way it is hoped that those dances Rossie _i_.™«..u. Sarah Taub partaken of a number of concerts in 11. Movie. presentations by local members. Die Maidlach ...JEdith Lewis, ers. He urged the Jews of Omaha which are held will be, excellently at12. America Audience this city.The concert and services, are Sarah Markovitz not to turn away-from the cries of tended. The conseensus- of opinion is An addition to the program will be Our Own Debaters Berel ..._..:. Joe Feldman to the public, no charge being Song leader, Samuel Gerson. the little children, from the despair- that the dances so far sponsored by 2. Vocal Slection .......... Nathan Yaffe a talk on "The Jewish National Fund" Just to prove that- speaking is more Pianist, Mrs. Charles A. Theim, for aditfission. ing moans of the men and women of the "Y" have been a huge success and 3. Yoche und Yochteche (Rosenfeld>, by Mr. I. Morgenstern. or less heredity; at the teachers' conEurope, who have no one else to rely with the changed plan the outlook is Rosalind Richmond. Participating in the concert will be Operator- and screen, courtesy of the vention held here last week, a no4. OiFn Bosiro Fin Yam_...Rosenfeld: Morris Lazerowitz, gifted young on for aid. National Theater: Supply Co. even brighter. There will be a- big decision debate was held before the Harry A. Wolf. Coraedv reel, courtesy ©f Fontcnelle violinist;* Miss Bessie Greenberg, dance a week from Saturday evening. visiting teachers," at the Technical 5. Yiddish Folk Harry Lapidus and Irvin StalmasFeature Film Co. Next Monday evening there will be 6. A Gate Nacht (Pereta). .Sylvia ^easing soprano; Miss Ruth, Win-' High school, by the champion debate ter assisted in conducting the meetSilverman. .."... [trcosb^ former stodent of the Cljicago a closed meeting of the *Y'\ On teams of Central High and Technical ing. . - . i Tlie first open meeting of the Juni^ : School of Expression and Dramatics; Tuesday a meeting of all those in- 8, A Pfey in one act. Poali Zioa,. 'PIONEER'OMAHAN DIES High schools. The members of the United Work- terested in' trying out for the Omaha Under the direction- of EUasor Hadassah.was -held .Thursday, NoMiss Sara Rae Fish, who has w . Notice the names of the debaters: ers have also undertaken to work in Mr. Samuel Spiegal died at bis Der Shadchen, Aaron Goodbinder ceived,; instruction: on the piano front home 2421 C&ldwell St. on Nov. 4th vember 4, 19?8r at the Jewish ComFor Tech:, Morton Richards. and 'co-operation' 'with'"the' TTnited- Jewish T. M. and Y. W. H. A. debate will > munity Center. Several pi?iiio eoto* Der Ufgekomener Gevir~.~.J aul Eleanor ^.Jane; tear, ilarie Mikora and Anne Rothenburg. For Central: Jus- Campaign committee in getting sub- take place. At the present time neafter a short illness. Mr.. Spiegal; was by. Miss Sara Rae Fish (and a group;** gotiations are being conducted with Nurenberg. . . . August M. Borgium. tin Wolf and Abe. Fellman. sixty-eight years of age and was well readings by little Miss,Sylvia Silverscriptions; and" a "number of districts Kansas- City Y. M. and Y. W. H. A. in Die Tochter....Rosalind Richmond •; • ' ":""'- \ ... . ' •' known in Omaha having resided here man were very well received. * have been alloted to. them for inten- oredr to arrange a duel debate to be Dem Gevir's Weib_.......B.- Kipnis TI A •***»v r n P # T M A Tsir Continue With the Show for the past ; thirty-three yesrs. He sive work. jjie ljienst . — ivuss tiuryiiz Miss Rose Fine, chairman of -fh*. held in the near future. ' Mis<? HUrvitz -JtiAKKX LUrHrL.jMtA.iN Omaha Jewry has it's share of was a member ©f many organisations Benefit Bridge Party committee, rsDer Sunn .... .._.._ i^.. Cohen. SULV/lipbUK-1\> prodigal actors and actresses. having organized several charitable ported that the girls are enteringSamuel Beber to Speak Monday, institutions which are now prominent into the -work before them with When the • Clement-Walsh players JOENS CANDY € 0 . * Local Girl Has Exhibits ' Harry" Cppelmani formerly of Kan- in Omaha. • Mr. Spiegal was also a November 15 at the Brandeis theater needed a girl enthusiasm. The first party held. • ;• : > a.t Annual Exhibition sas City, has. purchased the Joens member of the B'nai Israel and B'nai the home of Eose Pifte, Sund&y, The training course for volunteer to take a part in their staging .of "Candy Company,: 918' Farnaro street. Jacob Synagogues. Mr. Spiega! is leaders conducted at the Jewish Com"Welcome Stranger," "they found vember-?th, Wi» very .pucofessful. Miss Lillian; Rubenstein, who in-The fira* will-be'known as the t -.At a meeting of the newly, elected, Center-under the auspices of mtinity survived by his wife, two sons Chs. The "foll.Dwinp girls are. planning Jeanette Levinson, who took .the part structs the-art' classes at the Jewish directors of the City Talmud Torah the.Y.M. & Y. W. H. A. is proving ma'ri Gaudy Company, featuring high of Essie Solomon, and played her together Community Center and has a Com- grade candles throughout this terri- Spiegal, of Davenport, Iowa, and .give- partly in the, very near tu%v with, representatives of the m o r e p o p u l a r e v e r y w e e k > g , p part well, indeed.mercial art Studio of her own, has tory. Ofte of the features lines -hand- Joseph Spiegal, of Omaha, and three! at their homss: Ann and Bfcss G ue and and organizations organizations of of the f In spite of inclement weather a fine daughters, Mrs. S. Gentes and Mrs. berg, Tina *. Altgchul«r, Ida and synagogues the , Agafn, when the Jewish troup, who three black and" white drawings exhiplayed at the Community Center, city, officers' for < the ensuing term group turned out to hear- Edwin W, bited'at the. Omaha Art Guild's elev- led by this "concern is the famous Meyer Coren of Oraaha and; Mrs. Jack Bishoff, Fair, Ula Alberts, needed an actor—one who could act were chosen. The .following, officers. Pierce, general secretary of the Y.M. enth annual exhibition on the: tenth "Romance Candy." . "In .taking over ] Sussman, of Council Bluffs, Iowa. Hahn, Rose Rasenstein, Ann j the Joens: Candy Company, 1 will, be exceptionally well, and take the part were elected-at'the meeting last C.A. He spoke on "The Club" and floor of the Brandeis Store. Ida'.Minch'oiff and Marie Klein, >^ . - •-... -J {i , Camp Fire Group Joins J. C C with very little rehearsing, they dis- Wednesday: S. I^avitz, president; A. its relation to the Center. He wns „ . Weinberg-and Grace RosensteJn. •& v t • t. . . i pleased to be. of continued, service to Fsmily covered Hyman Shrier, who, though a G. Weinstein, vice-president; E. Wein- followed by Miss Shamp, executive in ceeds fronj these Benefit Bridge Miss -Rubenstein has received a „ ' , „ . , v» „ i of the Camp Fire Girls' work. exhibitions born actor, plans to waste his talent' berg treasurer; held in Chicago. Her ex- all our customers," said ^Ir. Copel- Mrs. Wm, Alberts, chairman of the ties are.uBesi to support the secretary; E. Bloch',. recording- secre- S h e g a v e a moiSt interesting talk on hibitions at the Art Guild are: "Study by becoming a mere lawyer. man. Mr. Copelman has been in rtte Girls' and Women's Work Committee, •which the, HadMsah hi*? in th tary. Dr. Philip. Sher .was re-elected the principles of her work. | on Silver," "Lady with Empty Wine • * * candy business': for the past seven announces the organisation of a ren's Village in Palestine. honorary president. Samuel Beber, director of' Junior Jug" and "May." • " ' . ' . . ' A Last Word years, representing a nuir;ber of large Camp Fire Girls' group. Miss Eeva Auxiliaries, Bnai Brith Grand Lodge, Lecture at Labor Lyeetim • As this is '.'Book Reading" week, houses in this territory. The Copel- Kulakofsky is to be the guardian. The will speak on Monday night, Novemgroup meets every Monday afterMESOPOTAMIAN JEWS SEND man Candy Company will also handle J let's all take a look at some of our A lecture by Dr. E. Art Classes Increase noon at 4 p. m. AH girls over 11 HOLY SCROLLS TO PALESTINE ber 15, on "The Club Program." Jewish .books, by Jewish authors, and prominent Omaha physician will Now that people are realizing-that a complete line of beverages and years of age are eligible. drinks.Classes Multiply see how really interesting they are. g-iven at the Lebor Lyeewm hall. £ - •' Hfbrew,.' Jewish History Talks the Art Classes are free, the enroll- fountain' Badgad.—(J. T.~A.)—The surplus and Clark Rtrfift, next Monday | -Like the tribes of Israel of old, What's the Matter, with, the Rabbi Cokn will continue bis talks ment is certainly increasing. The Last Sunday afternoon and .evening of Holy Scrolls in Mesopotamia will nisig Kcvembcr 15. Tb<? subject w& the-Hebrew classes under the direcBallet Class? the Ches3 Club had their first session. be ^sent f qr the use of Jewish congre- on Jewish History every Thursday i classes meet for children on Tuesday So f&r only four girls have signed be "Labor and Marrinpe CotidWfl»»* night at 8 p. m. Those who have. afternoon and for adults on Tuesday tion of Mr. J«dah Wolf son, are gainYoung, and old* now ioin in figuring gations in Palestine. ing in members daily. The classes up for ballet dancing. Unless we get • in Russisjt o-day". This .lectww i* The .gift will" be made in "response^"been attending the course speak very nights. Misss Lillian E. Rubinstein out the different chess problems. If at least ten applicants there will be,' under the auspices of the Ladles Inyou a r t inte&^tfed join the, crowd. to, requests forwarded by ra_bbis of, enthusiastically about it. The enroll- is-in charge. Subjects taught are:} meet on Tuesday nights at 7:30 p. m. no ballet dancing. Come on, giris,! dependent dub-. Admission i«. fc y be obtained at the Tei Aviv, Jaffa and of the Sephardic! ment is limited, so join before it i& drawing, composition, designing, for-.beginners, and S:SO p. m. for ad-| here's your chancel ' and the public is cortiiftUy Cnfestr iseia {too late. •poster work- and commercial art. I vanced. community in Zichron Jacob. desk, Ik

to be hell Sutday Ef

Workers to Comb' City For Omaha's Quota

Present Public Concert Capacity House Crowds J. C. C. rcr Yiddish Nile for Jewish National Fine

m israe

y f to\be;Held ; Monthly-Plan Debates

City Talmud Torah Elects '"•-•. OfficersfarEnsuing, Year



tiiblts&ed'everj I'ljtindajr at


-'•(- THE JBWI3B'PRESS PttBLdHLtyt (JQMPANY r . ,Office: 490 Brandeis Theatre Building — Telephone; ATlautfc 1450. )•>' '" NATHAN-, fc GREEN. Manager. Subscription-j»rlc,et one year. Advertising rate? famished on application. •

One of Omaha's n«ai JPatHer and.So'n bferiquet ^iven ready-to-wear stores will open Satar-' day, when Miss Esther Shapiro, formThe fathers »f•Hai Resh" mefffbers and the fathers; of "'the members of the Vesper Club, the* new junior chapter


_ CIUNQE OF SHDRESS-1'leaee cl?e*botb tbe eld and new B)B sure and Kite, roar aara*. . .

r Trailer Sam" "VTertheimer, JT., welcomecTthe ^ l | r & Jj^inlSQtir.iipqfein^the interests of the younger members. Herbert Arnstein spoke as one of thef Hai Resh members, who is & father, Henry Eosentha) "and Soi"'Begen~ represented -the fathers. ,N*than E. Jacobs spoke on the responsibilities hi Hai R "

The Jewish Press js supplied by the Jewish.Telegraphic Agency (Jewish Oorres|3i»netei}re Bufeaji) .with cahfed and telegraphic. Jewish newa. i» aflditiofc; to fea»uj£ artides^arid jcgm-spprKfences from alt frnprtrf^Qt teWislf Inquiries regarding news .items, credited to this Agency W^K be I-»C«IIW HI iuu» regency, win ur ^lenity answered H. addressed id Jewish ~ " • " **-•* Telegraphic Agency.-621-Broadway, Ne* York City. , ,

NEED OF A LIBRARY UsualljLJhe.most important place in a building such as the. Jewish Community Center is the library." The younger folks will probably argue that th* most important place is. the gymnasium, or the dwee floor. Some of the older folks will claim the meeting and lodge room asjthe most important, / . . : . . j However, serious thought will favor the library, for^t isfin the.library that, the .most knowledge is kept available; foi those who wish-it.' In the library is always room for those who wish to concentrate, those who wish to learn something,) those, who wish to be entertained by books.. The library if it is a good-one, is not only important but also popular y The Jewish Community .Center in Omaha isiacking in good; books. It, of course, is just being established. It has little; money with which to buy books. In time, more atterition should be .paid to the library,'more books should be placed in the half-* empty bookcases, more money should be devoted to this depart-! ment of the Center. 1T . -


Green Pepper and Cream Cheese Salad Cut off the stem ends_.of medium sized gresn peppers, remove inside and dry. Fill with cream cheese, that has been mixed with cream and well seasoned, and presg down very firmly. Set en ice until very cold and than with a sharp knife cut them a.cross, making slice of cream cheese with an edge all around each one of the peppers. Lay on lettuce leaf and cover with French Dressing. . - ^ • Waldorf Salad' One cup apples, cut into cubes; one cap pecans and one cup" celery, mix vrith a cream dressing and arrange in nests on lettuce leaves.

flour for thickening* before mixing with water,-ten"ds to keep it from being lumpy. POLAND PERMITS DIPORT ": OF PALESTINE ORANGES

7 ENGRAVERS \ Ice Box Pudding Pnone ATLANTIC 0639 - Two cakes of German sweet chocolate, .melted in double boiler with ten teaspoons cold water. Add five CANTOR ABRAHAM teaspoons powdered sugar (put this SCHWACZKIN in melting chocolate), take off stove. Drop yolks of eight eggs one at a of B'nai-Israel Congregation time, while mixture is still hot, beatPerforms Marriages ing well. Let stand until real cold. Beat up the eight whites-until-very, in Jewish and English stiff; ^add to first mixture folding in 621 No. 21 St. AX latttic 5534 slowly.- Flavor with vanilla. Line spring form o r rrionld with lady fingPAXTON-MITCHKLL CO. ers, and alternately put in a layer of Nts. . Harttry 1062 lady fingers and a -layer of chocolate' *li\* & Uiirlhii Omulia. Nrbr. |' • filling. Keep on ice eighteen houis. Son Rray iron Drnsa. oronj^ pnd. oln-/ Serve with whipped cream. . mliinni costttiftr stnnrtnril'«iie» tironze, 'and *rdi>' bns&tnES. eotv^r* inpfitiole* nod covers, and. clcari-out '• ( loor» i ' - , , - - . ' < ' '. J . ^ Chocolate Cream Pie •»' ; r f' . . . . Melt 2 squares of unsweetened cIio" coiate, and one-half clip'Sugar, 3 tea-spoons cornstatch/3 egg yolks slightLet Us Help Yiu "Keep-CIwn" ly beaten, one-fourth 'teaspoon '.salt and 2 cups rnilkiJand mix well." Cook 'in d.ouble toiler ~untn\ thttkenefr (20) Frontier Towel & linen Supply 1819 California Street L, spring1 constantly; add" 2 lATIanU£-6£bI. - "; ; vanilla,'"Pour*into a deep " ' • "baked pie. crusl" sKell',spread with. meringue" made by.'beating~Whites 2, rtggs until, stiff/ adding" 2" teaspoons' powdered sugafi'Sp'rinkle witn"ghin-ulated, sugar and "brown["Sloven. r

.c:V:.t'. Kitdien;S.ugg:estions; :.c -Wh«6 sejpswrtirig1" whites "anil --"of egfS a "speck*** yolk:slips in'the -5wnit<SJ--to 'rtmstove - this - easily, dip. a

"-^reafflcldth into^watfn water; ;wring Wi' toiichrthe speck' with the.end of ii will clinfc to it' . . . .

Sixth Annual

at BETH HAMEDROSH HAGODOL, 19th and Buit Admission 50 Cents At 8:00 P. M.

FOLLOW THE CROWD To the ORIGINAL KA-DE-MO CLUB DANCES Every Sunday at Keep's Dancing Academy Admission 25c


Malashock Jewelry Co.



Diamond Importers 214-216 City "flat' Bank Bldg. Established 1894




Jewish Community Center Thursday, Nov. 25th

Call Hamey 7545 "Wet Wash . . . . 5 c ,; Send-flat 6c Dry . . . . 8 c Harney 7545


As Personal as Your Pfaotogng>li >'

Our People are- always welcome

Hugo Heyn's O'rthestra

. $1.50 pet ^Couple




Mother and other dear ones back home would be glad to hear from you occasionally by "long distance."^ Your voice is as personal as your . photograph. Both of diem are you. Just call "long distance" when you wish to enjoy & visit with anyone, anywhere, et $iny time. \

NORTHWESTERN BOJL TtUEPHONCj BEUL SYSTEM One Polkf - u ( i * System . • Vntvmal Seriic*

Chicken "Dinners and Sandwiche« Dancing and entertainment Open from 3 P . >I. to 3 A. M. 5408 Center Street Phones: WA. 5936—WA. 1691

To get the quality of fur you want at the price you want to pay!

Informal Daricing_


19th and Davenport RYAN'S ORCHESTRA


Seal Coats

$310 to $495 HE ^EZR of - this stqfefs--Stock .of "Special* Sizes" is an all itiipdrtant feature that assures complete satisfaction of everytpropor-


A most wonderful selection, carefully selected choice peltries and superior workmanship. Coats4hat represent the "latest word" in style and smartness—the kind that appears at the smartest fashion centers.

Y "

Stout Men

Slim Men

Tall MefcJ:^ Short Men Heapy]

Hudson Seal Coats trimmed with

and fit-Bet weens

American Mini: German Fitch Coco Squirrel

big selection of-|iiitterns!yoii'w!irH1te ia rich iooking;fahrics especially. selecte4for:fh:e. wear

The days are growing colder, the coats are smart, the values are truly desirable three good reasons why you will want to choose your "Hudson Seal" coat now.


; ; " pilferAJ^P

O ^ J R A S

Kolinsky Krimmer Fox


your ClintrnnirCbf a Square Oral

•-1419-Dduglas -

. . Est. .1890

PrANO FINISHING ••'' ' ' -

a « a' • - . . '


^tJRNlTUREI. REPAIRING MORRIS NAtttMAN ,",; a fowl- stuff the. :

2203 Burdette St...: WEfeier 7160

'potatoes j the "flavor is surprising.

Z Father and Son Banquet Wednesday evening, November 10, at 6:15, Father and Son Week was observed at the Temple under the auspices of the Brotherhood. The" banxjuet was served by the ladies of Temple Israel Sisterhood. Mr. Malcolm H. BaldrJdge spoke for the £&fh£ts and Richard Hiller spoke for the sons. Music was furnished by a young boys orchestra.



BrodkeyJ( Famous for Diamonds ' 36 Tieaza «f HonestftfetrlinnclfRpin



Warsaw.—(J. T. A.)—Temporary permission to import Palestine oranges to Poland was granted by the government. Permission was granted at the request of the Poland Palestine Chamber of Commerce, notwithstanding the fact "that-there is no commercial treaty existing between Poland and Palestine. . -

" • • > - • • " ' ' •


^ ? : TrA-ij-^A ravr edition of the prayer boolt #or German Jewish liberal .congregations ,will be issued shorfiy,- i t was learned following the erly cpttnecttd with otie^ofihe leading . appointnjeni - pf - »•• special liberal-" culladies Keady-to-tvear"shops: of this tural committee By the "Prussian- Fedcity, will be associated with the store1 ^ration -of Jewish Communifies. \~ Sisterhood Sociable known as Brandt's .Inc., 1617 Howarfl ,The purpose of the new edition is The Sisterhood of Temple Israel St, Acqaila -€otlrt bldgr. Miss Shapiro "tirintroduce uniformity in the prayers wiH entertain at a Sociable in the has Just returned,from the east, where in. ^ the liberal congregations. Rabbi l she-has befin oira'huyfngtrip. The Zeligtnan-waS elected chairman of the* store will feature advanced"1 styles. committee.

ARMISTICE DAY •' Armistice Day. Glorying the moment when all nations ceased :. their malicious, rapine to discuss the inevitable, toll.of destruction! It is ever a memory in the bosoms of those whose loved ones had gone over there arid who still survived onjthe battlefield. ~ Years of bloody warfare had terminated in the. dawning^ of a new day, November 11, 1917, and the world had repulsed autocracy in its contention for the domination of the universe. The martyrs to the great cause were strewn over no-man' make hot a city, not a country, but all the nations of the world safe for democracy. ... -. God granted our litany and in remembrance of that, glorious hour, this day has become every nation's holiday. I t is a hallowed sancutary to those now departed, and a tomb to the unteeming patriotic devoiion of all races and creeds; who unhesitatingly fought side by side for the greatest honor in history, the freedom of the world. ' . . . Let us remember this day, for every Jew played'his bit itLthe straggle, but "let us not forget that war as this war has been, should not only be a memorial to the^valorous, but a lesson to every heart that exists to that in the.fiiture there wilL never bd a price of peace. • % A/gfenerous pinch of salt aade'd to-


new auditorlura,.;Wednesday evening, tertainment is under preparatir November 17, at 8--6'cI6ck. Everyone This will take ,plaoe the. first Sontfii. ISRAFL is "Welcome. in December. * "> * The first Monday in December the A play under tbe supervision of ."The Book Nobody Knows" subject of Rabbi Cohen's lee Sisterhood will be hostesses at a Mah. Miss Madeline Cohen will/'be presented bv the confirmation • class., _. fare & t this" Friday evening will Be Johgg luncheon at the Temple. *T?ne BooW Kobody Knows." This k Sunday School Notes -*he third of a series of lectures' !o be A program for the Chanukah en- PATRONIZE OOH given on the subject "What N&bod^ Knows." The first of this series was "Tb« JStory Nobody" Knows," and the Second * was "The "Man Nobody TChows," The lectures ro follow will Given by be "The Book: Nobody Knows," "Thfi I Faith Hobodly Knows," "The l i f e No- j body Knows," and *The Happiness Under the auspices of the Daughters of Zion for the benefit Nobody Knows."' of the Jewish National Fund '*A Dream of Blessing" will be the subject oi Rabbi Cohen's service SatSUNDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1926 urday morning.

IT km* Can Be .Arranged if Desired

1814 Farnam St. A. C LOOMI5, Gen M«r,


PAGE3—THE/EWJSH PKESS, THURSDAY, NOVEMBEE 11; 192© . Jake by jljer:fiOH«:Lester, - returned home Monday evening after spending a few days in Iowa City visiting her sons, Mrs. S. Cohen and daughter, Mrs. Maurice and Arthur Friedman, who Meyer Stern .:«f .OraahK returned are attentiing Che* University of Iowa. home last week after ifiree; WMI& there they attended the Phi weeks in Chicago, 111., and Rochester,' Beta Delta dinner dance. Minn. ; / Little Miss Sonia and Miriam Saks, Mrs. M. L. Marks left Sunday for daughters of Mr. and Mrs. PMl Saks, Kansas City,' Mo., where she will of Council BluSs, entertained last visit her daughter, Mrs. John •Week at a slumber party in honor of riiheir cousin Shirley Ruth K.ay of ThS Ladies Aid ^Society win hold ley, and Mr. Quigley. a meeting nejd Tuesday afternoon, Mrs. Philip Friedman accompanied November 16, at the" home of Mrs. FEIED'S George Krasne, 125 South Eighth Omaha's Host Modern Fireproof Plant KOSHER DELICATESSEN street* CLEANERS—DYERS—TAILORS 1509 North 24th Street HATTERS—FURRIERS The committee in charge of the All foods kept in Sanitary cases recent card party given by the Ladies CLEANERS fE—«| A complete line of smoked meats Auxiliary, jof.the Talmud Torah were and fish DVEES the Mesdamts-Monis Grossman, Sam 31G1-G3 Farnam St. HA. SS98

for a few.<te$g before' Tet\|rning to ' Hisses her home. Mrs. Adler has been ex- ter,, - Gertrude pTatle, Lillian , Cooper, teRsively entertained daring her visit] YettS Wright and! Jeanette Katelman. in Omaha. Among her hostesses have! Miss Esther Shapiro who was; in been Hesdames A. H. Lewrnan, Jack' New"'York on an ^extensive buying Alberts,, A. ' . A Greenberg," g, , -for Brandt, Int., is* expected to trip C. Bergman, I. Levy, Ed'-Abraham,' arrive^ heme Friday moraihg. fl. WilinskyJ Somberg, Abner Kaiman, Ziegman, Sam Cohn, Malashock, Ldpsey, Abe Kohn, Hayward, Smith, Bfcfcffs News j A. B. Alperin and Harry E*erer, •

Arthur Rotenblutri left last Satur- Mr, and Mrs. Jf. Abranison returned day on a business trip to Kimbal Tuesday from an extensive . eastern Mrs. R. Shapiro'announces .the en-j and Western ftebrasfca. While there (trip,


Meyerson, George Krasne =and Hermaa

Berkeley, CaL The guests included Ethelyn, Beth and Dorothy Kul&kofffky of Be mercilat &£ pstiemt, and, ere long, Thou have more. —Longfellow.

DRUG IXM 14th tati-frfttigtosSt. ATD92? \ [Priam

gagement of her daughter Esther to 1 he will visit his father-in-law, Dan Yorirxg girl badly in need Harry Brandt, sou of Mr. and Mrs. Bergman, at Cheyenne, Wyoming. The City Sunday School -which holds of work for after schtKil ML Brandt of New York City. Daring i i s absence Mrs. Ro'senblura. their elasses at the B'nai Israel Synaand Saturdays. Call Jew* gogue, have been meeting regularly Mr. and Mrs. Sam Faier announce •will have as her guest her cousin, with a steady increase in enrollment. ish Welfare Federation, Miss Dorothy Veta, of Cheyenne, the engagement of their daughter Wyo. , . JA ckson 1866. The staff of teachers under the direcSara to Abe Preisman of San Frantion of E. Bloch are as follows: TUe sico, Calif. No definite date for the The daughters of Israel Aid Sowedding, has-been-set. ciety will hold its next meeting on • Me, and Mrs. C. D. Mendelson an- Tuesday afternoon, Nov. 16., at 2 nounce the engagement of their o'elodc, at the Old Peoples daughter .Harriet to .Mr. Harry Neas- 2504 Charles St. Mail and Phone Children's man of this city. No date has been Mrs. B. A. Simon- announces the Orders Given set for the wedding. Mr. and Mrs. following hostesses i o r the second IZippers Mendelson entertained Sunday eve- Haddassa card party of the season Prompt Attention Second Floor ning at theijthome, in^honor of their •which' -will take place" Wednesday afdaughters engagement. ternoon, Nov. 17, at the JL (£ C , Mrs. H- Silverman, Mrs; Sam Peltz, Mrs. Mrs. L. Wintroub announces the A. Levy, Mrs. S. Goldware,- and Mrs. engagement' of her daughter Ann, to S. Bernstein and Mrs. H. Krasnc of Moe Bercovici, son of Mr. and Mrs. Council Bluffs. M. Bercovici of this-<aty. It used to he expressed— Miss Jerry Wintroub, who has for Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Simon have rethe past yearbeen attending the ff turned, from .New York City where they visited for three weeks. They Chicago' Coll&ge of Physical Educa: are now making'-their- home tempor- tion, left Sunday for Atlanta, Ga., ; arily with Mr. and Mrs. J. Fishburg, =whexe she has taken a position as 1334 So. 26 St. After Decanter 1st, girl worker and physical instructor '•. i" .'• Mr. and Mrs. Simon, and their daught- at the Hebrew Orphan's Home. ers Lillian and Yetta will leave for Mr. and Mrs. .M&x Fromkin will New York where they plan to make entertain at a family dinner at their their future home. home Sunday evening-in honor of th< The Ladies Golden Hill Society w5U second birthday of their son Robert. f .,..; (We don't hsve many—we are f hold a regular meeting on Tuesday czrefal of whst we offer.) A young group of Jewish high afternoon, November 16, at 2:30 at school girls have organized a social of the offerings are repeated the home of Mrs.-Frank Tuehmari at sorority named U. T. The charter others are tmadvertisecL Tiiis lot -was bouglit from the Ererwear Company and 3432 Webster St. All members are members are Josephine Monheit, is tlie stocking th^y haYe priced at $1.75—pure silk urged to attend as this is to be a O/ Silk - All Silk president; Helen Sherman, secretary very important meeting. "with a lisle top. and.treasurer;' rtermine Green t Crepe 1 The Misses Dora Rich and Fay Rosaline Pizor. A pledge party was All axe the same "quality. Klein will entertain _ at a dancing held at the home of Josephine Monde Chine party n_ext_Thursday evening Novem- heit last Thursday evening. The new All Perfect quality . 26 states ber 18th at the Atheletic "Club Grill pledges are Dorothy Muskin, Evelyn AIUull fashioned A feature The $4&Q o y Uoom, in honor of Miss «Gertrude Green, Lucille Wise, Jane Appleman A. quality value at this A wonderfully neaVf qualworthy, of our "White, of Los Angeles, Calif., form- and Toby Goldstein. In the desired colors price ity with lustrous face and department i erly of Omaha. Invitations have been soft crepe back. Jungle, Mrs. Sam Adler of Los Angeles, >V. issued "to seventy-five couples. Clianel, Spanish .JtaJsin, California, who has been the house fjavr. Black. Sla% Blue, Mr. and Mrs. Bert J. Moskowitz at guest of Mr. and Mrs. Saltzman, is M o c k e r Goose, Grays, Toast. present have their home at the Corn- spending the week-end in Minneahusker Apartment Lincoln, Nebr. polis, on her return she will visit here Mr. and Mrs. Meyer Lipp left MonBegularly from $8.50 to $15 day iDT a* several weeks -trip through : out the e a s t . Enioute they will visit in New York, Wishington and several other cities along the coast. Channlng In their combination with black Telret, crepe satins, -etcT-Thelee STalx Floor two gnnrps ats at big savinss to & Mr, Ji D. Iseman of Nebraska City was in Chnaha Sunday to attend the Hai Resh Father and Son banquet. 61st Anniversary Special in Manuel Iseman came "to Omaha from Lincoln to attend the banquet.




More Than Ever—The Family Store


"A Child Can Buy\ MMheap-r as u Man .

Our PfceparaiionsfeeCoKt ff%ther Ate'- Bountiful

A Sale of Hosiery

Silk Sale

^killed by Motidaty's storm Heavy Satin Crepe



Satin" :; Charnieuse


On Sale Thursday—9 A. M.

Brocade Metal Cloths $4.95 and $7^0 ^

OPENING Supper Dance

The Misses Mollie Krueger and Eva Horwitz of Sioux City, Iowa, visited in Omaha last week. Mr. Reuben Kulakofsky is spending ten "days at Excelsior Springs.


GeoTge Macy, general secretary of the Zeta Beta Tau Fraternity, of New York City was the honor guest at a banquet given at the Hotel Fontenelle Friday evening,by the Omaha Graduate Club of Zeta Beta Tau. Clyde Krasne was toastmaster. Mr. Macy is on a tour of the chapters and graduate clubs of Zeta Beta Tail. . Mr- and Robert Nalibow, formerly of Oakland, California, returned after a five months tour of the East, where they visited with relatives. Mrs. Nalibow is a daughter of Mrs. I. Coren. Mr. and Mrs. Nalibow will'make tKeir home in Omaha.


Blackstone Hotel


For bag making and dress triinmin{r. Per. bunch.

. Main Dining Roon Saturday, Nov. 13 Dancing After 10 P. M.

Gilbert Jaffy


Dancing Every Evening Alter 10 P. M. (Sundays Excepted)

Outing Flannel Gowns At"Warm,"$L00ileeey" flannel in

,For Reservations Phone

HA rney 0945

~ stripes. Round Or T nrei; "- inches long, "-

Formal Opening

' •' . ••.. Select y e a r





The Favorite-—

It is well to "pick out your cards at this time while you hare a large assortment to choose from. Beady for yon also are attractive seals, wrapping papers, cards, etc. Stationery PcpsHmemt—$%t»ig Ftowr

Very^New Arrivals in

Smart Ties

$10 -.A "Ba^er' oxford for -women to be chosen in Ian ealf with trim- q. ming in reptile effect,.in *^~ "patent Mrith pin seal'trim, a n d . in Sartferne , Snake -mthjtan iKal trim.

Mr. Robertson has reeently e from New York—his coats hare jtist arrived—the last ifror4 style and luxurious warmth.

New Materials •"'•'. New Fur Treatments : Colors - •


One Lj Dial Grouping at L

ntaln Fluur -



While Our Stocks Are So Complete


Of "Arap^ieag ilannel in stripes - and. pretty color combinations. Mannishly tailored or slig-htly ' trinnneff. " 54 inches long.

Cmahh, Neb.,



At $1.95-

Omaha's newest popular ' priced ready id wear'^libp: ; < will be opened Kovehiber ; . 15th, managed by . MISS ESTHER SEAP1B(J -~


12-inch portable heater with heavy base. Gnaranteed. A limited cuantity. Eegiilarly $5 . . . .

O£ a hgatief "oiiting flannel in at, tractive «blors"antl white. Newly -' -teilore<3. 52 inches long.

"The Shop-of Personal Service"


Electric Heaters

Knit W>ar—SfnJn Floor

Art TtepaSttmeat—frlilrt Floor

Dinner Concert 6 to 8 P. M.

With the blue, gray or y e l l o w plate faces. G u a r a n t e e d 8-day movement. Specially |»ricefi at..

Each year the Carter people celebrate their beginnings with, some "Anniversary Specials," priced tovs at substantial reductions, to be passed to you. '"This y-ear we feature two numbers, priced at about half -their regular marking. Women's — - —Either the lmilt-up weight mercerized shoaMer or bodice silk gtrit>e aad top style in suits wool suits, with of taercerized Bilk; the huilt-up shouls t r i p e and wool der -and in the m l S t u r . e . Knee knee length, length. IVhite in in sizes 4 to 9. sizes 4 to 9.

Formerly Priced to $4.50 Many, many styles to cnoose from in silver and gold finishes......

and his Blackstone Hotel . Orchestra

Dutch Kitchen Clocks

Carter's Knit Under wear

Bag Frames

Music By


Aquila Court 1617 Howard

$1.75 $ Silk Hose-

See«|i4 Floot





•• -; mm

SHue&e Lined

Silk Gloves Wonderfully warm and good looking S Cuffs that flare or turn back, in contraistiiig colors or smartly embroidered. Grays, tans and black..


Suede Fabric Gloves Double Tex gloves—-•which means practically a double fabric-—with tiny turn "back cuffs, petite point embroidered, or in tfci favored slipon style. Fawn, gray, eocos, bisque and. other shades.

$1.75 to $2.25 Mate Floor—<3l<rre«









real names unknown); nlso kot Four (4), { names unknown) having and claiming any'hiblts thereto Rttnched and by referem^ Block SIX <6) South Oinaha 1st, nn ad- light, title or Interest lu th« North Half made a part thereof, and that nulesB tindltloa Cityy of South Oma- of Lot Fourteen (14>, Block Thirteen (13), (13), same is paid by you, or any of you. tht ltloa to the original o g ha cow Omaha," Omaha" in the City of Omaha - •'-""— -1 •ha, Omaha, South Omaha 1st 1st, an addition to the origi origi- n decrpe —"' will '-be —••—-entered in "••• this ~ Court •• Eleven stalwart gridders flying the County", ot Douglas, State of Nebraska, as; nal City of Sounth Omaha, now Omaha, in foreclosing on<l forever bnrring you nnd TAX JLIBN8, surveyed, platted nnd recorded and all J the Ciiy of Omaha, County of Douglns, each of yoo of any nnii nil claims upon. colors of-: the Jev^lsh Athletic Club In.-tbe District Court of co-partnerships, corpora- j State of Nebraska, as surveyed, platted Interest or estate in, right or title to, <>r football- team "turned in "a-brilliant -Douglas County; Nebraska, Doe. 2S3-UV,'J persons, tlomrCtrua and real,names unknown) hav- and recorded. lien upon, or equity of redemption in or to ' To Albert J. SSeanian, deceased, Kinar^; ing ana claiming any right, title or in- Joseph Zloch and Katie Z)och, husband said herein described real-estate, nnd that victory a t the expanse of'the Wilrled, - Seauiau, his -widow, inxstj terest la I/ot Four (4). Block Six (C) South and wife, i'rancis Hanousek; if living, the Knn.e or so much ns mny tie necessnTy liams Street Jackrabbits by_the score plaintiff's lien, together with true and real name unknown), Harriet"K.j Omaba 1st, — , an addition to the original „ their unknown guardians, assignees and! to satisfyy the. p g th shall be b s ld d Of" South Wolfe, it married, '*" " " " """" " '" Oniaha, " now Omaha, iiv the| personal representatives ttheir true and" costs so d ii" accordance costs,, shall sold with of 7 to- 0, Sunday aftetnoon at Riverband,'(first true"and real uame unknown};! City of Omaha. County of Douglas. State real names unknown): if deceased, their law, RTI(3 for such other ainl further ro3f il f If - living. ,tueir unknown suaraians, ns- at Nebraska, as surveyed, platted and re- •nuknown heirs, devisees, legatees, assign- llief ni? equity requires nnrt us to the Court view, park .before an.estimated crowd sifenees, and Der'sobal rtpreseatatives (their t corded. ees, trustees and personal representatives may eeem just «nfl pquitnliie. of 800 spectators. ,T«is " was ~the true and- real names unknown); If de-i Lizzie "Wakefiela, if married, (their true and real names unknown); You nnd each of you are hereby notifipd ceased, their unknown heirs, legher .»••.•-•-••••:•• . . . . devisees, • —• • — j JWakefield, - - •• - husband, *•""", ((first f i r s t t r u e a n d also Lot Three -(3), Block Twelve (12). that yon nre reqniretl to nnowcr snid petif<rarth.^bnsecutive win for the Jewntees, assignees, trustees and personal rep- real name unknown), EEiizabe.lizabeth B o a r d - South Omaha 1st, on addition to the origi- tion on or before the ISth dav of December, resentutives <their true and real names irn- man: Martha T. Boardman; if living, their nal City of Sooth Omaha, now Omaha, in 1026. . ish H&ds. . .'",.._ known): alss t o t Seventeen (17), Block: unknown guardians, assignees and per- the City of Omaha, County of Douglas, COUNTY OP DOUG CAR, Plnintiff. ' The; Athletic Club hoyJs - entered Two (2),' Albrtghf Annex, an addition to sonal representatives (their (rue and real State of Nebraska, as surveyed, platted By HENRY BEAL. County Attorney. the original Cftj of South Omaha, now I names unknown)-: if deceased, their un- and recorded and all persons, firms, co- DAN GEOSS,3. Assistant County Attorney. f the fray, with a "Do-or die"-spirit, Omaha, In »he City et Omaha, County of: known nelfs, devisees, legntees, assignees, partnerships, corporations itrue nnd real Douglas, Slate of Nebraska, as aurveyed. trustees and personal representatives (their names unknown) having nnd claiming any because, this-game, was to .Uecide the platted, and recorded and all persons, • true and real names unknown): Creiph right, title or interest in Lot Three (3), city junior football championship in flrms, co-parrrtershlps. corporations, <truej Sons & Company, a corporation duly Block Twelve (12) South Omnha 1st, an and real names unknown) having and organised'and existing under and by vir- addition to .the original City of South weights.from 130 to" 150 pounds. The claiming any right, title or interest in tue of the I<aws of the State of Nebraska, Omaha, now Omaha, In the City of Omaha, Lot Seventeen {17), Block Two. (2), Al- its assignees, trustees and personal repre- County of Douglas. State of Nebraska, as Jackrabbits were outplayed from the bright Annex, an addition to the original sentatives Jthi i trne and real names un- surveyed, platted and recorded. initial whistle until the Uriishr * ' . Prudential Real Estate Company, a corCity of South Omaha, now Omaha, in" the! known);"Banker's Saving & Loan AssoCity of Omahar County of Douglas, State elation, a" corporation duly organized and poration duly, organized and existing Druggists and Stationers ThVJackrabbits received~ih'e lackoff N Nebraska, as surveyed, d platted l t t d and dre- existing under and by virtue of the Laws under and by virtue of the Laws of the off and attempts,at the.Jewish, line corded. Month lotli Htn-rt of the State of Nebraska, its assignees, State of Nebraska, its assignees, trustees Albert V. Rumel, If married. trustees and personal representatives (their anil personal representatives, (their true failed'in' three downs and' were forced true and rail names unknown): also Lot Rnnzol. his wife, (first true and real name and real names unknown); also Lot unknown), Solomon J. Firestone; if liv-Seven (T), Block- Twenty-three (25), Boyds Twenty-six (2«>. Block Twenty-five (25), to kick.-. Atfer a punting- <".ue] being', their unknown.-guardians, -assignees Addition, nn addition to the CSty of Oma- Leavcnworth Business Place, an addition tween. Giyent^r and Tesar, the Jewish and personal representatives (their true ha, In the City et Omnha, County of Doug- to the City of Omaha, in the City of and deceased, . jas, state of surveyed, piatcea platted!j Omaha, County of Douglas, Stnte Ktnte of ISeNe team -got the ; ball in -midfield.' and uuu real rent names names •• unknown); unKnunn; j If 11 UKWUCU, ot iseDrsBKn.. as snrveyea, In Omaha l persons, persons firms, firms co-| c o | l»raska, b k d platted l t t d and d recorded d their unknown heirs, devisees, legatees,I and recorded and all aa surveyed, started a 'steady march down the field assignees, trustees and" personal represenj partnerships, corporations (trne nnd real I and all persons, firms, co-partnerships, r tatlves (theirr true nnd real names nnrj names unknown) having and claiming an? ij corporations (true and real -nan -names unfor a-touchdown. '. ''" ""' \: "V. known); also'Lbt Thirty-nine (39) Charl-, right, title or Interest in Lot Seven (7), known) having and claiming nuy auy right, 850 Uooms—300 Unthft e g s , an'addition a n a d d n to the h City y of j Block On. the? fourth down- Quarterback sew Heights, Bfock Twenty-three Twentythree (23). (23). Boyds y AAddition, d n , title or interest in Lot Twenty-6 ty-six t2U), Oond Rnnmf) (or Omaha. In the City of Omaha, County of an addition to the City of Omaha, ifl_ the Block'^Twenty-five .(20) Leavenworth BUBIJohnny- Rosenblatt faked* the* ball" to l by K.ppJf.v Hotels Co. Douglas, State of Nebraska, as .surveyed, City of Omaha, County of Douglas, State ness Place, an addition to the City of platted and recorded and all persons, of Nebraska, as surveyed, platted and re-[ Omaha, in the City of Omaha, County ef Giventerj ;QH?ian off tackle play and firms, co-partnerships,' corporations . (true forded. Douglas, State as surveyed, _ . of - • Nebraska, — . . skirled; rigl& end for a touchdown and real names" unknown) having and Mary O'Connor, it married. :— O'Con- platted and recorded. claiming any right, title or interest i n nor, Prudential Real Estate Company, a corher husband, (first true nnd real name with- noti a* man in the _ vicinity^' to Lot Thirty-nine (39), Charlsew Heights, poration duly organized and existing Felix Hnley, if married, an addition to the City of Omaha, in theunknown), tacklev.the 'lugger. under and by virtue of the Laws of the Haley, his wife, (first true and real name City of Omaha, County of Douglas, State unknown). Patrick Haley, if married State of Nebraska, its assignees, trustees of Nebraska, as surveyed, platted and re- . — Next Sun'day the Jewish te'am goes and personal representatives (their true Haley, his wife, (first trne and real corded. I name unknown). Martin Hnley, If married, and real names unknown); also Lots to Lincoln for a game. "Manuiactured ist> Omaha", George A. Shearer, if married, —-—- *—'•—-Haley, Ma wSfe- (first true and real Twenty-three (23),- Twenty-four (24), and Friday evening, Nov. 12 at 8:15 at famous comic opera "Marriage of Shearer, his wife, (first trtJe and real name name unknown>,'Andrew Haley, if married. Tweuty-flve (23), Block Twenty-five (25), .' i ; unknown); if living, th»lr unknown gnarHaley, hiir wife, (first trne and teaJ Leavenworth. Business Place, nn addition BASER WE MACHINE .CO A friend may well be recxoned the the Cooper Studio-Bertha Greenhouse ^Figaro", by Mozart one of. the operas dians. assignees and personal representa- name unknown). Sister Mary Basil, (true to the City of Omaba, in the City of out of which scenes will be presented. tives (their true and real names unknown); masterpiece "of nature* Emerson. , will appear as "Suzanna" in the arid,rfial name unknown), General Outdoor Omaha. County of Douglas, State of Nea deceased, their unknown heirs, devisees, Advertising Company, corporation duly braska, as surveyed, platted end recorded Miss Greenhouse lyill appear also as if legatees, assignees, trustees and personal orgnniasa "and existing, nnder and by «ir-jand all person*,' firms, co-partnerships, representatives (their true and real name* Gretal in the Fairy Op'era—"Hansel tne o£ the Law* of the State of New Vorfc.1 corporations (true and real names ununknown): also Lot Twenty-eight (28), its assignees, trustees ai*tt, personal repre-' " -- --. known) having and- claiming any right, and GreteP^by HumperdincK. Charlsew Heights, an addition to the City sentatives (their true and real names un- title or interest in Lots Twenty-three-(23), r Omaha, In to City ot~ Omaha, County 2429 Decatiir Street McGill &' Dawes Employment Twenty-four (24) and Twenty-five (25), The costume which Mfss * Green- of of Douglas, State of Nebraska, as sur- known), Agency, a co-partnership, Mary Lynch: Block Twenty-five (25), Leavenworth Busi-j veyed, platted and recorded and all perhouse wears in the above .picture was Edward A. Cudnhy; John C. Fetzer: if ness Place, an addition to the City of1 - - Webster 3527 son*, firms. eo-partn*rship8. corporations living, their unknown guardians, assig- Omaha, BUTTEK and iS the City of Omaha, County of: brought from Germany by her teacher (true and real names unknown) hnving nees , and personal representatives (their Douglas, in State of Nebraska, as surveyed, i and claiming any right, title or Interest In true and real names unknown); if deplatted and recorded. Madame Moeeler Herms. Madame Lot Twenty-eight (2SK Charlsew Heights, Council Blofie la. ceased, their unknown heirs, devisees, legAlbert J. Seaman, deceased, if married. Herms hereself appeared as "Suzan- an addition to. the City of Omaha, In the atees, assignees,, trustees and personal repSeaman, his widow, (first true and of Omaha, Cdnnty of Douglas. State resentatives (tbelr trne and rpal nnmes unna" in "Marriage of Figaro" in the City of Nebraska, as surveyed, platted and re- known) ; also Lot Five {5), Block Seven real name unknown), Harriet E. Wolfe, if •SVolfe, her husband, (first corded. (7) South Omaha 1st. an addition to the married, Court Theatre' at Manheim, Germany, true and real name unknown); if living, : original City of South Omaha, now Oma- their Thomas F. Balfe, if married, unknown guardians, assignees an<! and several other cities in Germany. Balfe, his wife, (first trne and real name ha, in, the City of Omaha, County of Douc- personal representatives (their true' and; unknown); if. living, their unknown guar- la», Stat» of Nebraska, as snrveyed, platted real names unknown); if deceased, their! dian, assignees and personal representa- amJU recarflfd and all persons, firms, co- unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, assign-] COMMUNISTS CELEBRATE tives (their' trne and real names un- partnerships, corporations (tru* and real] ees, trustees and personal representatives known) ; if deceased, their unknown heirs, names naknown) having nnd claiming any (their true- and real names unknown;; CONFISCATION OF, KIEV legatees, assignee!), trustees ami right, title or interest in Lot Five <5>, also Lot Ten (10), Block One (1) Albright SYNAGOGUE devisees, personal representatives (their true and Block Seven. (7) South Omaha 1st, nn ad- Annex, an audition to the original City of real names unknown): also Lot Twenty* dition to the original City of South Onaa- South Omaha, now Omaha, in the City of (24), Block One (1) Brennan Place, hat now Omaha, in the City of Oniaha. Omaha. County of Douglas, State of NeMoscow r (JJ, T. A.)—Brodsky*s four nn addition to the City of Omaha, in the County of Douglas, State of Nebraska, as braska, as surveyed, platted and recorded H0.I87ST. / [.Synagogue, of Kiev, the largest City of Omaha. County of Douglas, State surveyed, platted and recorded. and all persons, firms, co-partnerships, A. Griffin, if married. of Nebraska, as surveyed, platted and recorporations (true and real names un. Griffin, [synagogue' in the Ukraine,- was of- corded and all•• persons, firms, co-partner- her husband, ...(first true and ceal name un- known) having and claiming any right, corporations Htrue and real- names known).; if Jivinc-their title or interest in Lot Ten (10). Block ficially turned into an artisans' club ship*, unknown guardiunknown) having and claiming any right, assignees and personal representa- One (1) Albright Annex, an addition to when the',Kiev Soviet handed the title or interest in Lot Twenty-four d'4). ans, the original City of South Omaha, now tive* (their trve and real names nnOne (1) Brennan l'lace, an addition their unknown heirs. Ogaaha. in the City of Omaha, County of keys; of the synagogue to the man- Block to the City of Omaha, in the City of kiwwn>;iif*-deceased, Douglas, Stairs of Nebraska, as surveyed, legatees, assignees, trustees and Omaha,. County,of Douglas, State of .No- devisees, agement of the artisans'club.' personal • representatives (their trne and platted and recorded. brasia. as surveyed, platted and recorded. real Vou and each of you are hereby notified names unknown): also Lot Tn (10). ^.',-TOA ;celebrjae; Jiis- seventy ^prfltaps of j F E M C Accountants and Auditors The Midway Investment Company, a cor- South -Omaha, now Omaha, in the City of that on the 10th day of _ September, 1020, j Omaha, County of Douglas, State of NeiI Jewish artisans and . -workingmtn poration, (pla*e •• •«* Incorporation unw the county of Dbugfas tiled* a petition in ISADORE ABRAMSON i- i its itssfgnees, trustees and per- braska as-surveyed, platted ami recorded j t£e di8trict"co"urr"of "Douglas'" County" demonstrated before the Soviet build- known), sonal'representative* (their true and real an* all persons, firms, co-partnerships, cor- Nebraska, against you and each of you, p&ratlons (true and real names unknown) appears on Docket 233, Page namei unknown): also L«t Kour (4), Block whJch cuuse ing, .expressing their gratitude for Qne'(l), Albrig'ht Annex, an addition to Kaving and claiming any right, title or 16, of the records of. the Clerk of the INCOME TAX SERVICE the action of the Conuriunist. author- the original' City of South Omaha, now Interest in .Lot Ten (10). Block Seven (7) I" District Court, of Douglas, County, NeIn the-Cit#' of Omaha; County of Sooth Omaha 1st, nn addition to the orig- braska, the object and prayer of which SYSTEMS—AUDITS ities. The red flag was raised over Omaha, Douglas, State'of Nebraska, as Bnrreyed inal City of South Omaha, how_Omnha, petition, in accordance with a resolution the synagogue building, indicating platted ana recorded and afi persons,-•flrms.l in; the City of Oiaoha, County of Donglas. adopted on March 0, 1920, by the Board INVESTIGATIONS (true^ and. State o? KebrasSa, as surveyed, platted of County Commissioners for the County j that it has become a bui]ding;housing co-partnershlpJF-corporations teal names aUknavFti} having «nd c t i and recorded. of'Douglas, State of Nebraska, is for the any rights title or interest In .Lot Four Herman A. Tblelke. it married, strict foreclosure of tax liens on: Lot 490 Brandeis Theater Building a Communist institution, jSersjSecuiI inc <4). Block On*; <1}. Albright Ann«, an TJiLelVe, his wife, (first true and real name Seventeen (17),- Block Two (2), Albright Phone ATlanlic 1450 committee was appointed to rake over .addition to tfi5' original City of South unnnown): If living, their nnknown. guar- Annex, an addition to the original City Omaha, now' Omaha, in the City of Omi-dians, assignees and personal representa- of South Omaha, now Omaha, iu the City the property belonging tto the syna- ha. County of Douglas, State of Nebraska, tives (their true, and real names . nn- ot Omaha,' County of Douglas; State of as surveyed, platted and recorded. known); If dtceased, their unknown heirs. Nebraska, as snrveyed, platted and regogue. , Commercial' Savings • & •' Loan Associa- ScirUees, legatees,, assignees.' trustees and corded; Lot Thirty-nine (39), Charlsew j The Kehillah has lodged a protest tion, a %>rporatJon d~uly organized and ex- persona] representatives (their true and Heights, an addition to the City of Omaha,} Harry H. Lapidus, Pres--Treas. nnder-antl by virtue of the Laws of real- oames unknown); also Lot Eleven in the City ot Omaha, County of. Douglas, i1 against its "being turned int;o a purely isting W. (I. Ure. Secretary. the" State of Nebraska, Its assignees, trus- (J,l), Block Seven <7). South Omnha 1st, State of Nebraska, as surveyed, platted Teligious community. - : '-• tees- anU persnnnl representative* (their an addition to' the original "City of South and recorded; Lot Twenty-eight (28),! true'and real itaiiies unknown)"; James <T. Omaha, now Omaha, in the City of Oma- Charlsew Heights, nn addition to the City: Fitigerald, ha. County pf Douglas. State of Nebraska, of Omaha, in the City of Omaha, County j Fitzgerald, jf-married. platted and recorded jnd " Douglas, State of Nebraska, ns eur-J hls^"wife, -(first true and real name nn . . . platted-and recorded: Lot.TwentyHenry"-<jnnde. Jr., true if and married', "'firms. tions (true and Teal names unknown) hay- four (24), Block One (1) Brennan riac*\! —i^—' Qnade, his wife, (first real j persons, COMPLETE 6TQEE AND. name unknown)^ John .Algya and -Rose Ing and claiming any right, title or in- an--addition to the City of Omaha, in the i Algya, husbnnd ntrU wife. Mr. Brown, (real terest in Lot Eleven (11), Block Seven (7), City of Omaha, County of Douglas, State j OFFICE OUTFITTE^I name unknown). If .married. Brown, South Omaha 1st. an addition to the orig- of Nebraska, ns' surveyed, platted ond reW«s occupy inal .City, pf South Omaha, now Omaha, in his wife' (first' trne and reaf name uncorded; Lot Four (4), Block One (1) Al-, TO,ooo •Qo«r» CMS known). If: livihs. their nnknown guardi- the City of Omaha, County of Donglas. bright Annex, an addition to the 7original: e*Bthw««t Cent** ans, assignees and personal representatives State of Nebraska, as surveyed, platted, city"of"south "dmaha,,'YiT"the c i t y o f s o u t h OmahsT.'now OmaT. (their true and real names nnknown): if * pnth tnfi IVn C^v Ntrcrtf. JS^ C^v of Omaha, O a h a County of Douglas, Douglas State deceased, their unknown heirs, devisees, l Nebraska, as surveyed, platted and re. I*bt»n»: - I n r l legatees, assignees, trustees and personal "Thlelke, nt« wife, (first true and real name r i t ( l KBlock l l m OM.ABA representatives (their irne and real names unknown), Tony Komls: Thomas Hoctor; (3) Jetter's Addition, an addition to the unknown) ; • aJUitx Lot Thirteen (13). Block If living, their unknown guardians, as- original City of South Omaha, now Omaha, i Three (3), Jetter's Addition, nn ndditltfn signees," arid personal representatives 1their In the City of Omaha, County of Douglas. | to the original'Clty of South Omaha, now true and real names nnknownl: if de- State of Nebraska, ns surveyed, plattedOmaha,-In the-City of Omaha. County of ceased, their unknown heirs, devisees. leg- and recorded; Lot Eighteen (IS), Block Douglas, State 'bf Nebraska, as snrveyed, atees, assignees, trustees ond personal rep- One (1) Jetter's Second Addition, an adplatted and" recorded ond all :persons, resentatives ' (their true and rpnl names dition to the original City of So\ith Omsha, i Its Time to think of your firms, co-partnerships, corporations (.true unknown); also Lot Twelve (12), Block now Omaha, in the City of Omaha, County and real names unknown) having and Seven (7). South Omaha 1st, an addition of Donglas, State o£ Nebraska, ns surclaiming; any right, title or Interest In to .the'original* City of South Omaha, now veyed, platted and recorded; Lots Eight | Lot Thirteen (13). Block Three <3), Jet- Omaha, In the City of Omaha. Connty. of (S) and Nine (0).. Block Three (3) Smith I ter's-Addition, nn addition to the original Donclas,- State of Nebraska, as-surveyed, Omaha 1st, an addition to the original City of South Omaha, now Omaha; In the platted ~ nnfl. recorded and all persons, City of South Omaha, now Omaha, in the City of Omaha; ..County of Douglas, State firms, co-partnerships, corporations (true City of Omaha, County of Douglas. State of Nebraska, ne surveyed, platted and re- and Teal >names unknown) having ond of Nebraska, as surveyed, platted and reclaiming any right, title or Interest in Lot corded: Lot Four (4), Block Six (C) South corded. Twelve (IS). Block Seven (7) South Omaha Omahn 1st, an addition to the original Savings & Loan AssociaCommercial .an addition to the original City of Citj" of South Omaha, now Omaha, in the PHOTOGRAPHERS tion,-a corporation duly organized and ex- 1st, South Omnha, now Omnha. in the City City of Omaha, County of Douglas, State isting- under and by virtue of the Laws of Omaha, Connty of Douglas. State of 1312 Farnam St. Opposite of the State of Nebraska, Its ~ assignees,- Nebraska, as surveyed, platted and re-of Nebraska, as surveyed, platted nnd recorded; Lot Seven (7), Block Twentytrustees and personal representative* (their corded. ' ••»•» i ' W. O. W. Bldg. three (23) Boyds Addition, an addition to true and real names unknown). Mike Mnn- - Charles* P.. Faster Washing Kuncl. troatee, Jf married. dtk,unmarried; 1* living, ; his unknown Phone, JAckson 4562 in the City of Omaha, : Most tnrbulen guardian, assignee, and personal represen-— KnncI, Ms' wife; (i * • « . ' cS"uit"y"'orDouglaZ Stste of Nebraska ns tatives (their true and real names no ~ came unknown), Jospjiti T S S I B ' " ' ' * ^ Platted and recorded;J-ot.^lYe Sn»wn), if deceased, bis unkno-tcn ••-*— tf .marrjed. • Hasan, his -w-ldsw^ * S ? (5). Btoct Seven (7) South Omaha.1st, an derlsees,, legatees, g e , assignees and peTSenal J true afijl reaitiaine oninown), Xosefa' K»**" »a.j»i«n tn tlio oricinal C»y of representatives (their (tieit trne trne and and real real names Dworafc, representatives n m s f Va»' Dwpr»k, if married, — nnknown); also Lot Eighteen (18). Block her husband, (first true and real name un- C S S S T «£ Douglas, State of Nebraska « s One (1), Jetter'n Second Addition, n n a d - known), »F"red- Kavnn, If married, •—•— surveyed, platted and recorded; Lot Ten The coiutantly protected against wea dltlon to the original a t y of South Oma- Kavan, his wlfe,"{8rst troe and real name (W), Block Seven (7) South Omaha let, ha, now Omaha, in the City <>f Omaha, unknown), William E. Kavsn. it married. an addition to the original City ot:*>«;»"> County of Douglas, State of Nebraska, a s ———* «ft\nB. lua^^c, (first tcise and lep'l Ouaahfl. now Omaha, in the City of Omaha, surveyed, platted and recorded and allname wikriownl.*Emuja Kavnn. if married, County of Douglas, State of Nebraska, ns persons, firms; co-partnerships, corpora- ——— Karan; her husband, (first trne and tions (true- and teal names unknown) hav- real naiijft. ; unknown), Chnrtes Karnn, Jf 1818 Farnam, 2nd floor ing and claiming any right, title or Inter- married, ,——— Kavan, his wife, (first i^idd 3?n fo the ofiginal City of South true and real name unknown), Emil Ka- Omaha, now Omaha, in the City of Oniaha, est i n Lot Eighteen (IS), Block One U ) Kavan, his wife. Cmmty'of Douglas, State of N e t a i t a ^ Jetter's Second-Addition, nn addition -to if married. (first the original Cit^ of South Omnha, now ^ - trne,and - , f - „ „real . „ , , -name unknown), Josie surveved, 'platted and recorded, i>oi Kavan, her Twelve U2), Block Seven <7> f°« t b r ?tTof Omnha; in the City of Omnha. County^ ot | tKavan.. If married and , h n, t rtrue l and renl nrime unDougiaa state State o*-Nebraska. ofKeb>aska «8 « s «urveyed "" » ''- ' « " * " 1st, an addition to the _or£lnal_ CHy^ of Douglas, «\irveyed, • husband, K f i d known),LHHe •Kavnu. if married. South Omaha, now Omnha, la the City "of | g platted and recorded. '-".--' Kavitn, her husband, (first true nnd rpnl S. k) Douglas, Sfahe of Ne-: g Charles S./Bates, also known as wife. C. name unVnown), Louis Kiivnn," if mat- Omaha, County of Bates, his e n Bates, if married.his wife, (first true Mr-at* anT!9KSttiiil Popular noonday luncheon g Lyle

E. E. Bruce & Co





snr CO.


9 ......

;B;\-^^^ptifolIy^;4!^igI>edv Art Wall Calendars



2 afe

Omaha Fixture & Supply Co. •

f The TRUSSEL Studio j


tS%!i~0^i*£* S4y of ^

I ORIENTAL CAFE Excellent Chinese


Lumihoid Cylinder: known)r if deceased, their unknown h personal representatives (thoir true and y dl devisee*,, legatees, gtees, assignees, a g e , trustees, and real name* unknown): if deceased, their of Nebrnsft". as fot[;' ,f tti personall representatives (their true^tid nnknown heirs, devisees, legatees, nsslgreal names unknown): Sooth Omaha trustees nnd personal representatives & Building Association, a corporation dttly .neeB, (their true and renl names unknown); also organized nml existing under and by vtr- LofR Ten Eleveo fll) and North Half tue of the Laws of the State of Nebraska, of Twtlre,(10f. Ten, South Omnha 1st, its assignees, trustees and personal repre- nn addition Block to the original City of South sentatives (their tru* and real names un- Omaha," now Omaha, in the Chlty of Omaknown): Commercial Savings & Loan As- hn, Cflunly of Donglas, state of Nebrnskn, sociation, a corporation eorporaHon umy duly nriiumwu orgnnlaed and sociauon, a auu. • •«». %»....,»., «• ~, County •existingjindcr and by; virtue1 of the I^iwsJas surreypd platted and recorded and all of of the State of *» --—* assignees, persons, Arms, co-partnerships, corpora- S'^ebra^^sJurVeyedT - -Nebta**». - - • • • - ••trustees. ~ and pefsima I representatives tions ttrqe and real names unknown) hav(their true aivd real.luiroes unknown): also InR and culmlnpr any tSjrbt. title or lnte're»tf la Lots Ten (10), Eleven (11) and LotniElffht (8>-and- Nine (0). Blotk^ North Hnjf "f Twelve (12» Block Ten (10) (3) south Omaha. 1st. an nddltlon t South Omaha 1st. an addition' to the original City of South Omaha, now nriginal City of South Omaha, now Omsha, ha. In the City of Oronha, County of In the Clty'of Qinuhs, County of Douglas. las. State of Xebrnska. as •nrreyed. • co- Btnte of Nebroskn. as 8tir\-eyed, platted and recwrded an,4 «n P*1*???.' flrmiv nnd » a i nn<V teeorfled, parttaershlps^rtorjporatlon* t» nny names undowo) hnrinc nnd Joseph Stfrba and Bmroa Sterba. hus(8) •" Iftle ' ' '•"*• «nft wife; It living, their unknown and personal rep're-


50 cents

Table d'hote dinner, 85 cents to 8 $1.00, from 5 to 8 Daily Music at all Meals Dancing Evenings Music by Ambassadors 7 piece 8 orchestra. No cover charge g For reservations phone JAckson 6224 State

platted a n d^ Block

We | - I , of

P .

> —Accurately

rant t

interstate Wl Howard St. Omatta. Nefer.

Co. At. 8028


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