A false friend, like a sHacIow, ' attends only wMle the sins shines. Touches His Toes and His Knees Stay Stiff ' No one attends.,thft-,Snnday morning' gym. classes f. »*, •. Jewish Community Center xn £j %• *gnlariy than Harry Lapidus, %'Cg ; 'oes through the various preseri%.t£ /erases in a most earnest mann »\-tp He is now one 6^-^f^.ew in the class who can touch. i|i their finger tips witi4g Seating.' I t must be confessed, , ,,/ver, that at the beginning Phyt,. strnctor Ed Burdick had to holu Harry's toes to keep him from "fudging." * * »
Patience May Be a Virtue, But—
• •' '
Entersfl as necos<!>cUsa, taa\\ matter on January 27tb. 1921. *t
-DDStotQce at-Omsb* NehraskB. under the Act at Mnrrb S. 1P7B
lake United Effort To Complete Omaha's Quota For United Jewish Campaign Fund Urgent Appeals for Funds Being Made by David A. Brown to Help Provide for Winter
If • B
flSl K.8SH'
Berlin, (J. T. A.)—The Habima, the Hebrew art theatre of Moscow, made its first appearance here in a performance of "The Dybbuk." j The Hebrew players were entausi-. astically greeted. .Newspapers today E n t i r e Proceeds Will go topraise the performance, declaring that ward Completion of it displayed "he genius of the actors library and l i e nu. gsment for the rhythm j and enchantment. The Habima will GIRLS Y O L t l N T E E R soon leave for the United States. TO HELP DANCE
J. C. C.Beael
VOL. V.-—No. 50
SOFIA SYNAGOGUE BOMBARBED ON YOWL KIPPUR Sofia.—(J. T. A.)—Anti-Jewish excesses took place here on Yom Kippur according to a report of the Bulgarian paper, "Narod". The paper states that members of the nationalistic organization, Rodna S&stila, attacked the synagogue in Sofia on the Day of Attonement, bombarding it with stones and smashing all the windows. Many of the worshippers including the rabbi were injured.
Justice of U. S. Court Prominent American Leaders Praise Achievements of Noted Jurist sad Champion ©£ People's Eights A
Celia Moskowitz certainly patience, I am told. It seems Lillian Rosenblatt was conENDOWMENT FOND IN versing over the telephone -with CeL NAME, JUSTICE BRANDEIS Preliminary plans "have been comSome one knocked at Lyl's door, "OMAHA'S QUOTA OF $75,000 SHOULD BE RAISED" pleted for the big benefit dance for while she was talking. She told Cel Washington, . D, C," Nov. 13.—(J. — SAY WORKERS the library of the Jewish. Community to "wait a minute while I go see T.-A.)—Lotus'DembitE Brsndeifi, outCenter, to be given Sunday, December who's at the door." standing American Jewish jurist, As"Omaha's qutoa for the United Jewish Campaign will be 1 12, in the Jewish. Community Center She left the phone and went to th sociate Justice of the United States raised", thus, voiced more than fifty -workers who are attempting Poles and Jews Experience Untold auditorium, by the Hsi Resh fraterdoor. There, she was greeted by twi Supreme Court, champion of justice HardsMps in Soath American nity. Everyone Should Contribute to the young- men who, she says, wanted to to complete the campaign being conducted in Omaha. A large and friend of the people, was the reHe Says. •--. The committee in charge of the Chest see her brother. Of course courtesy number of people have not yet contributed lib this cause. cipient of many congratnlstory mes— . • • - • ' dance has definitely dsdded against forbade her to leave the boys at "We have just received a message from David Brown urging Warsaw. {J. T. A.),—An urgent ^ j ^ g -g raffles, candy end cigaret A friendly greeting for sJl the sages from prominent American Jews Q once, though, her brother wasn't at Omaha Jewry to complete their drive as the needs of the Euroasd non-Jews today -on the occasion warning to divert the wave of.emi- sale, ©r any "of'the'useal methods to Cbsrmunity Chest workers next week, home. Finally the boys left, and Lyl pean Jews at this time are greatest", sand Abe Goldstein city of his seventieth birthday. Due to gration of Poles sad Jews whi&,is extract money at the" usual charity w5i®a they begin tiieir canvass-of goning • over to" her father, sitting the wishes of the 'aeptegenariaa, the now directed to Argentine, was issued affairs. Omaha homes for the 1827 chest occasion was not permitted to be mad* comfortably reading the, evening chairman. here by Mr. Masurkiewicz, Polish, The big-dance-is to be conducted. funds, was besought by .J. E, DavidOmaha's quota of $75,000 is allotted] an event'of wide public celebration paper, began talking with lira. minister at Buenos Aires, who has after the fashion of the xisual frater- son, general chairman of the camfor a period of three years and should although many demands coining from During all this time the. clock kep' "be oversubscribed according , to the arrived here. | nity parties) the only money to be paign, in a statement to the various quarters urged this. moving as usual — meaning timi amount that Omaha has given in the Under the present -conditions, Pol-" raised for the library will come only "When the Community Chest workThe remarkable career of the Ken1 flew. by. ish emigrants should, not under any from the sale of tickets. ers, come to your door and ask yoo past The workers will comb the city tucky Jewish boy who, as s, lawyer in circumstances proceed t o Argentine.; One of the features of fee dance to help the many unfortunate and It BO happened that Lyl, after some during- the coming week in the atTryouta Will be HeH for Place Boston, played a prominent part in At present about SQ.0 , Polish emi- will be the list of patrons and patron- distressed, people of Omaha, «io not time, accidentally glanced over to- tempt to complete the-drive. the fight fox the introduction of new At a meeting of the Debating So- grants, half of who are Jews, are ar- esses, which are to be published in turn a cold shoulder to them," said standards in the administration oi wards the phone and saw the receiver Throughout the country at the. prewas off the hook. And suddenly it sent time aH efforts are being made dety held at the J. C. C. on Tuesday, riving in the country monthly. The the December Ninth issue of the Jew- Mr. Davidson. public utilities in New England, since Poles, who are mainly peasants, find ish Press and in the dance programs. "Tliisg1 of the suffering' and misall came back to her. to ,raise. the money immediately be- night, November 16th, it was voted it impossible to obtain work and ex- The patron and patronesses represent fortune they are worldng to relieve, then emulated in other parts of the She rushed to the phone. cause of the winter coming and the to accept; the offer of Kansas City perience hardships * which were un- a list of well known men and women among the poor of Omaha. Omaha country; hie work in investigating the HELLO!" she cried in desperation. needs. of the poor in all parts of "Y" for a joint debate to be held be^ principles of modern insurance and, known to them.in Poland. The Jews, who are:supporting the benefit dancs lias no slums, and it must never be fore long. "Hello," answered Track a weak Europe and Palestine. their application for the benefit of th? allowed to have any shims. Soch deThose present were Phil Klutznick, are mainly artisans and their posi- by contributions. voice. working masses, his championship for "The people of Russia, Roumania, tion is equally bad. Argentine has Tickets win not go on sale until pressing conditions can only arise Miss Moskowitz had been waiting Poland and practically all parts of Maurie Alpern, Bennie Morgan, Ike the protection of women and minors few factories and unemployment is Monday morning. They are to -oe when the more fortunate people reSternhill, Sam Zacharia, Louis in industry and his part in settling . at the other end of the wire all this Europe are facing winter without Europe a g fuse to heetl the outstretched isasste Abe Cohn, Dave Fishman, Hyman very great. In Buenos Aires alone §1.50 per ccaple. time. ±1^. i l&bor ~disputes,, was praised by out any clothes, -without any shoes, -what ' Shrier, Sam Kaiman, Milt Abrahams, there are now 100,000 -unemployed. I Randall's Royal Orchestra will play. and the grieving hearts ©f ' * •EtaBifesp leaders of America nn> of are we The minister '^expressed his.couvic- Arthur Randall has promised several neighbors." and Ben Kazlowsky. • ~ American Jews, in statements made do?", said David Brown in an.urgent When the "Scrubs" Did Try outs are to be held before very tion that the shipping companies are new features, some especially arraag- 'The chest campaign begins Novem-' public, including Earlan F. Stone, APmessage to. the Jews of the country. the Scrubbing long to decide who is to represent the misleading the Polish emigrants. He ed for t i e benefit dance Other enter- her .15, with $450,003 as the goal fox of the We cannot let them- starve—they are the drive. The city been divided Here's one "A. D." writes in to local J. C CV The judges will be also blamed "the newspaj>ers for tainment will be given also. States, Col. people worthy of our help and we tell on Bob Zooper. Henry Monsky, Irvin Stalmaster and spreading the impression that Argen-i A group 'of fifteen girls cf the into three divisions for t b . drive: House, Louis Marshall, president o!i should be proud that, we can help residential, Industrial tine is-a-ceostry- of good opportun- school set were guests at an informal "Bob Kooper picked an All-Star Samuel Gerson. the American Jewish ek>ratmit*e*3r them. Let us combine and finish, Each division" Is'.headed'"by capable itks. The fact of the matter is, he P^rty given by members of the fratervolleyball team," writes A. D. /'and Federal Judge Julian W. Mack STW. iaisipg the quota- throughout the hundreds of the enri- , mty'st the hmae pf.Saar-WerfteiaaeF men,. and., is;, .the. 257 Attend Father and Son Banquet sent out a challenge to take on : Ilpsfejv.presii'eat of the lionearnest yremtBs- •w5ll-<w©Eir--'bxEcl m anjp other team in the Q>mzacadty grantsist Oxg-snisffitJon of binCf of w t e r s **[:' hand with the.men, to raise' the sum their services to- s^JtaeketsMfot the Center. ~ Jake~MaIsshock heard "tixe| ^ j served on Sunday f Many messages were also sent b\ their efforts Monday ttOB«W|"W dance. "They: will. start-4h«ar~ .-active BO badly needed'by OssAa. s charity chaUenge and took the left over, - ('night, November 14th, at the J. C. C. ZIONIST DISTRICT HOLDS leaders ' of Jewish campaign throughout find welfare ugendes. players to combat with- Hooper's v/hen they 7 ^ " ^ J 0 * ^ 0 ^ ! Father and Son banquet. The affair throughout the country, JewieJi or^ S P E C I A L MEETING : f a c k e t . , a and its "This, is Chnaha's picked team.;,. These workers v>iu. , ,, . •,. gsnization and individual Zionists, ! the-city--Monday. . • •.. Importance cannot te .over-stressed,"' of the ^ . - . - v was one of the most enthusiastic "The final result of six games was full of ever pep The administrative committee of th? A special meeting ofheld the Tuesday. Omaha fraternity Mothers are .of the members Mr. DaTidson said. . •. -. Zionist District will be to meet one afternoon ? report daily during fee ^nung.jeek. •was—Romper's All Stars won one Manypeope and was enjoyed by all present. The <! It makes no di^erence whst is American Jewish Congress, in th* given—these people * " *will • * ?be« seen " * ' *by * committee is very grateful to all evening November 23, at 8 o'clock at next week at the home of Mrs. Cora game; Malashock's Scrubs, five Many-peopleof the Jewish Community Center. Spe- Wolf to formulate, plans of bow best one's religion, his nationality or his work of "which Justice Bfcandeis took the committees. games." those who helped make the -affair a race, if he does notaad l i e chest agen- EH active pa-rt, adopted m. cial and important business will be to make-the'dance successful. As "was said: "The best of plans success. * at its meeting on Friday, felicitatingbrought _before -the ..assembly, All "There. is a large interest in the cies, he is failing- in •what of God and men sometimes go to Justice Branded. The resolution members are urged to attend. dance", said Harry L. Lapidus, pres the highest, as well -as the most enGERMAN JEWISH LEADERS forwardad to Mm, joyable duty of all, to aid those poorer ident of -the - Jewish. Community LEAVE FOR RUSSIAN TO Justice Brandeis wae very active IT,. and Isss fortunate than himself. DISSOCIATES ITSELF FROM Now Ain't It So Center. -"Everywhere I hear favorSTUDY COLONIZATION WORK the Zionist -movement in the Unitai. RESOLUTION PROMISING "Kegardless 'of the size of any able comment about the dance, and I Read about John D. Rockefeller, The annual Thanksgiving dance to JEWISH CORPES FOR CLINIC can tell right -now that the dance is gift, the thought that this donation is States prior tv the Cleveland the multi-millionaire, in case you be jgiven by the Ladies Auxiliary of -Berlin.—(J. T. A.)—Dr. Paul Nahelping keep . alive. and happy hun- tion of W21. He plsyed « don't know, giving away another one the B'nai B'rith" will be held Thursday than, president of the Hilfsverein der Vilna, (J. T. A.)—The Vilna Chief going to. be the biggest succes of the dreds of neig-Hbors, and. giving many part during the Wilson adminietratdnn of his famous dimes. The receiver evening at the Jewish Community Deutschen Juden, and Dr. Vischnitzer Rabbinate has issued a statement dis- year. The proceeds are going to of this ten-cent piece was tickled Center. A special program has been left for Moscow today to participate. sociating1 itself from the resolution noble purpose, lor we know of the children a. chance in this world, vrill in l&ying the political foundations for half to death. need -1or a complete library in certainly repay the pledge, whatever the new era in the Zionist tnovemw«;; •arranged by the girls in charge of in the conference called by tlie^Ozet,: adopted at the joint conference ofj the amount. which Etart«d with the issuance of the our building." Let any of us tip a waiter, a dime this affair. Hugo Heyn's orchestra the society for settling Jews on the Jewish doctors and rabbis authorizingBalfour Declaration. -"A much-needed spirit -of opfenism Those -wishing -to sell tickets for and he'd put ground glass and glue •will play for this dance. land, which will open in Moscow on the Chief Doctor of the Vilna Jewish will be the gain to the whole comNew York, Nov. 18.™{J. T. A.)— in our coffee. "We plan to make this annual JNovember 15. Hospital to provide the -University the dance are requested to see Dr. munity, with E successfol Community Wilson M. Ppwell, chuirrasn of th* Gerson. at the Community Them that hath can get away with dance one of the best dances ever They also intend to make a .personal, with the corpses of homeless Jews Chest campaign." S5,0QD,000 endowment ftmd Center. -• • » • it, but them-that hath not are .ex- given'by the ladies auxiliary", said study of the colonization work. for dissection purposes. for ' .the' HarvardLEW School, anpected to come across. Bess Stock, chairman. Dr. Singalowsky and'Dr. Lwqwicz, The resolution was adopted as a AGUDATH JtSRAEL ASKS J. C C Awardetl A. A. IT. CSsampfess- nounced a contribution of $5,000 b« * * * members of the executive committee means of pacifying ttie Christian med' ' SEPARATE COMMUNITIES ship. friends of United States of the Ort, left for Russia today,' ical students of the University vrho Clothes Make the Man? JEWISH REPRESENTATION IN Mr. Burdick, Physical Director of Court .jHstice .Loafe B. Brandcas in Jerusalem, (J,-"T. A.)—A petition •where they iritend to" sfey several' had previously attacked t&e Jewish Iz Abramson and Max Fromkin HUNGARIAN SENATE PART weeks, visit Sooth Russia for the.pur-; students, demanding that the Jewish asking for separate Orthodox Jewish ti>e Jewish Community Center, an- honor of'the Jostice who had a strenuous game of handball OF UPPER HOUSE LAW pose of studying of the activities of community should provide corpses for communities 71s •Palestine WHS scb- -ribuiices the award of the .Mid-Western his jseventietfe .birthday today. i some time ago. After the game was the Ort, :and examine, the progress of j dissection in proportion to the number /matted to the-High Commissioner by A. A. A. Basketball Championship; Brandeis is' one of tk® 4lstm guisk»£. over Max was so tired that he had Budapest—<J- T. A.}—The repreHandball Championship for singles alumsa:0f the ..school, having'-recdvec the Agudath Israel l«f Jewish: medical -students. to rest for two days, it is said.-Fol- sentaiaon of r the Jewish population, in t&e colonization work. •and doubles; also two swimming: his degree in 1877. lowing the period of rest Max was the Hungarian Senate was .secured by The dojjors expressed the hope thai events. again ready to play with Abramson. law, when' the Parliment yesterday Among the recent appointments; of the money might. form part *>f '*. He -was .all "duded up" with an en- afternoon adopted the fourth section the various A. A. U. activities, we BrandeiB" professoi^Mp. Until tire new outfit, from the shoes up. of the bill concerning the organization find Dr. Philip Romcmek serving on is one, the -income will be nsed to "Ill take 'em all, now," he told of the upper house. the Boxing," Basketball, Handball, port one or more 'research Abramson. According to the provision? of this Swimming, Eeconi and Finance -Com- bearing the mine of the *. '• • bill the Jewish population is to be re, raitees. Mr. Burdick is serving on the •Justice,presented "by. two rabbis elected to Sad; But True following committees: Handball, VolWashington, D." C, Nov. IS.—C*. Following is a paragraph written the Senatorship fox' life. leyball, Basketball, Indoor Baseball, The motion which was made by the )'__jfo function whatever • wss Track and Field.. He is also judge of by L L. Bril in the Jewish. Daily Jewish deputy, Paul Sandor, was une in honor of Joetice swimming and timer. Abner Kaiman News: animously adopted. Count Bethlen the -oStee. of the Justice stated to is serving 021 the Basket Ball com"Irving Caplan, an English immicommented oft "the vote stating that representative of the Jewish mittee. grant, who came here about ten years graphic Agency here. He received ago and settled in Philadelphia, has he was unwilling to yield to the deT " Dance this delegations and no statement just purchased a thirteen-million- mands of the anti-Semites who inThe largest crowd €3?er to attend sisted upon giving only one seat to made by him. -The Justise tefs»*« ' City of Brotherly s in the a "Y" dance is expected this Saturday receive anyone resjuagting to see Love. We quote "an. English immi- the Jewish population. night at the J. C..C ball room. This regarding his feirthday. grant," .because Cajplari does not is the first'of. the series of bi-monthly y, Eoumania.—(J. T. A.}— iclegrams -tst sound exactly ' English and Irving Among the dances to be sponsored fey the «Y". gntfulations received by Justke Eliyah Mendelson, the Jassy Chamber surely stands for Isaac—Yitzchok. It Stunts, surprise features, superb dels was one from the American is an old story. The nations always of Commerce candidate for election to music, accompanied by «xcessive ent- ish Physicians Committee for the get credit for the notable achieve- the Senate, was defeated by Tcherg husi&sm on the part cf the- YoungUniversity*' " • " ffl ments of Jews "but the never fafl to kess .the government candidate. Jewish Folk have all ted their part in saddle us with the bad Jews.' making this <lance Satsirdsy eveningMr.- Bril has certainly hit it with must "saddle us with the bad Jews." a. Tna£h disctissed, and looted forward' JOSEPH SCHWARTZ, * *. * this "English immigrant" story, .bat • -. • FAMOUS ' to event. A Last Word , thank goodness, or rather I should According to plans for entertainsay fhanks to" the untiring effort of The Community Chest campaign is ment -everybody, to one escepted, will the B'nai B'xilh end other likestill on. If you haven't given yet, hsve -a g-ood time. The committee in world famous baritone, died h«t« t-eganizations, the idea of, placing "a you can still show the generous heart charge would not make knew the day at the age of 45." \ Jew" after the names - of Jewish \ the. Jew is known for, by contributing Mr. Schwartz., who is the »cm 6? •*• exact nature oi' the propraisi but do criminals B^d tliscrimlnating in like to this worth-while cause, and feel say that it will be something differ- Jewish' family of Sign, Latvjftj In the Library of the Jewish Community Center is aa ample supply of bookcases, as may be seetf ia the above manner, wfcerffl, Jew has done some^ gratified that you are helping some picture. As fixtures, they are wry .good. The osiy trtuble at present is that most of the bookcases are empty. taken ill suddfeinly last week ftfid ent, tiling of jS:il»flrUct?ve nature, the poor little tot to grow into a finer They should be filled—and filled Srith good bocks. "The Library of any Jewish Community Center is very important Everybody is invited, A great time an operation perfermed en hte public informers are getting are get- and better citizen of your comman- to the community, to both old and young. Help fill these bookcases by supporting the Hsi Kesh Benefit Dance for aeys. is promised alL the library of the Jewish Community Center, to be givea at the Center Smtdsy, December .12* t u y away from the idea that they ity.
J.C.C. Debating Team Y/ili Debate Kansas City
LaiiesArfiar? 1.0. B. B. Dance Thanksgiving ?figlit
THE JEWISH PRESS Published every Thur*aay at Omnha. Nebraska br
THE JEWISH PRESk PUBLISHING COMPANY Office: .490 Btfcndeis Theatre Building — Telephone: ATlantic 1450. _ NATHAN Ei GREEN, Manager.
College Students Expected In Omaha Turkey-Day
By NATALIE BROWN (Staff Correspondent) Lincoln, Nebr., (Special)—Jewish society circles In Omaha will be somewhat peppered up next Wednesday when Nebraska1 University students start returning home for their Thanksgiving vacation. This year students CHANGE OF A DDK E S S - VIease Elve both the old and new address s attending Nebraska will be given the entire week-end, starting Wednesday be sure sod Rive ybar on me. noon, November 24th. The Jewish PfeR8js_suppIied by the Jewish Telegraphic Apeney (Jewish ' School supplies, mainly notebooks, "cram*' sheets and even the well Cdfrespohdence Bureau) with cabled and telegraphic Jewish news,- in addition known "college party date" will be cast aside according to advance feports to feature artTcles^arfif eofrespdhdenreB from all important Jewish centers Inquiries .regarding, ngw$Jtetns credited trt this Ag6My will b§ gladly from the students attending th& Scarlet and Cream institution of higher answered if addressed to Jewish Telegraphic Agency, 621 Broadway, New learning. York City* The gossip spreaders on the Cornhusker campus have already commenced to start the ball rolling in ANTISEMITISM AT UNIVERSITIES style. Groups of boys and girls Anti-Jetyiah prejudices-have of late found a fertile field in the teat gather together daily to talk over and -higher institutions of learning in Europe, affecting both the stu- plan patties for the holiday. But as Cranberry Jelly. dent body arid the teachers. The young, impulsive student has to this the writer is Unable to ascer- Wash, pick over, remove stems from been made the tool of fractionary political leaders in order to tain when the so-called social func- 1 gt. of crahberries, add one-half cup . create disturbances arid to" intimidate the Jewish Student as well tions are to be reeled off. water; place on stove and as soon as Soroity and fraternity honies will they begin " to cook add one-fourth as the Jewish population generally, and stamp dut their liberal practically deserted for three or teespoon of soda. Stir well and skim opinions. The fear «f liberalism is undoubtedly at the root of befour days; This yalone, can explain off all froth that rises to the top. tliis movement, which has embraced practically all the countries how earnestly the scholars are think- Cook Until berries are very soft, of Eastern Europe. ' The delusion th'at the Communist movement ing about the first school holiday of (watching carefully that they do not in Russia, and later in. Hungary and in Bavaria, was due to a large the year. Omaha, being well repre- burn). Rub through a strainer, throw extent to Jewish leardership has not yet been dissipated and many sented at the XT. of N. is expected to away skins, add 2 cups sugar, cook do her share in entertaining the fu- slowly until sugar is dissolved. Turn still .believe that the Jews govern Soviet Russia and that if given ture Jewish school teachers, lawyers, an opportunity they would convert the world to the ideals of doctors, business, men, journalists, into serving dish and when cool, cover to prevent a tough skin forming on Bolshevism, iri order to prevent this destructive spirit to pene- physical instructors and what have top. trata the institutions where youth is trained for" citizenship and you. for participation in the management of governments, the reac- Following is a list of some of the • Pumpkin Pie 'cups-milktionary forces endeavor to exclude, ^s far as possible, the Jewish students expected in Omaha over students who, in their minds, 'carry-.with them these pernicious Thanksgiving: Lester Lapidus, Arthur lYa cups Cooked ptittipkiii Green, Phil Gerelick, Joe. Stem, Ed 8 egga well beaten -principles, subversive of the standards <Jf.government which they Rosenthal, Earl Kay, Ed Brodkey, 1 teaspoon ginger ; seek to maintain. Ellis Shafton," Sam Ban, Albert Batt, 1 teaspoon cinnamon If this is the reason for the alarming spread.of antisemitism Frank Blotckv, Harry Cohen, David % cup sugar in the Universities of Europe, and We do not wish to be uncharit- Fellman, Dave Foreman, Sol Glaser, 1 cup brown sugar Goldstein, Ida Lustgarten, 1% teaspoon Salt able and to impute other motives, such as selfishness, jealousy Kate Maurice Moss, Herbert Neveloff, Na1 tablespoon melted butter and blind hatred, which may enter into the feeling, it is based oil than Eeiss, Albert Reuben, Francis Pastry. a false premise arid provides a quack remedy. It has been estab- Robinson, Grace Rosenthal, Louis lished in many instances which leave no doubt on the subject that Rosenthal, Carl Sokolofj Tobie SteinMAKE YOUR DATE NOW the great majority of the Jews, even in Russia, are bitterly op- berg, Dorothy Weiner and Sam Zager. FOR THE posed to communistic principles and that the ieaders of the move- Some of the out-of-town students BIGGEST DANCE OF ment, include but a-small proportion of-Jews. And even if the who wiil visit in Omaha are: David • THE YEAR Yabroff of Oxford, Kas.; Irving Helconterition.be true, the plan of making it impossible for Jewish ler DECEMBER 12 of Columbus, Nebr., George Geffin students to receive a higher education, and to come in contact of Albion, Nebr., Carl Gugenheim of j with the conservative minds of the teachers, "who are presumably Thermopolis, Wyo., and Joel Simon of ta the liking of the authorities, will tend .to further.embitter the Wellington, Kas. spirit of the Jewish student and make huh still more rebellious All in all- the university students Girl wanted for grocery against the established order. The Christian student if he is a are "doped" to hold the social spotstore and easy house light for a while. Well that's that! Subscription Price, one year. Advertising rates furnished on application.
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student at all, will not escape the influence of moderri thought, even, if he is kept.uncontaminated by Jewish influence while at ! TEMPLE ISRAEL j college. ; 4 In this country, the attmept to introduce discriminatory meas- "The, Faith Nobody Knows" will be ures, against Jewish students at some universities has proved the subject of Babbi Cohen's lecture abortive, and according to a survey made recently there is hardly at the Temple, Friday evening; No19. This is the fourth of a any prejudice against Jews in the various seats of learning in vember series of lectures tinder the general America. While there exists some prejudice against Jews in -stu- subject of "What Nobody Knows." dent fraternities arid other bodies, these are attributed mainly ttf Rabbi Cohen will speak flit ''Jacob's differences in social, standing, and to snobbishness, which, will al-! Slessing" Satufdaymorning, Novemways exist. American ^cqmmon sense anbl insistence upok fair ber 20. play -will not tolerate a condition, such as exists in many European Brotherhood countries, based on ignorance of facts and on faulty logic and Election of .officers of the Birothexnurtured by inveterate and inherited prejudices from which the hood field Ias6 Wednesday evening1. Dfj B. F; Ffeidman was elected presipeople" of the old World are tillable to free themselves.
Fortrier Orriahan -Writes "of Palestine . j_ : Mt, Abe Goldstein, • Omaha, Nebr.
Tel Aviv, Palestine, October 22, 1926.
Bear Friend: . . .1 suppose you will be greatly surprised to receive a letter frofn me but I was1 more surpised to see your picture in the Jewish Press as a Leadef in the campaign of the Uflited Campaign. "God Bless You/' This is the greatest "Mitzvah" you can do in your life. I would like to picture yoti a few of the tragedies of Palestine, but I am unable, because tears are flowing from itty eyes when I begin toithink of it. My wife and I find ft few other women havd started a "_ PubHc Kitchen to feed the poor starving people, for a 5 cent piece. The majority of the people do not even have the 5 cent peice to pay with, but we give them without pay. . What we need here is manufaetureres and land so that our people" will have worlc. Then Palestine will be independent. Now winter is coming and hundreds are goiilg around naked and barefooted. . No Clothes! '. \' If you and your friends can possibly send us any old clothes and shoes we will be more than thankfuli. Even old Stockings can be used, and you shall receive the blessing of all t$i6 Halted and starving people here., : 1 hope you arid your" friends will do the best you can to hjelp the starving people and with kindest regards to your family, I remain your friend JACOB GORDON. Opening of Cfeafm School Attracts - Paris has nothing on us. The sight rf attractive models, exhibiting gowns for different occasions, gave many a ri'a thrill! - - " ~ AltTthiS took plac6-at iHe Jewish - Jommunity Center : e a Tuesday night, tfbveinfoer i6tb; the'opening night of b&€Jhartn School..- • - - , .'Mrs. Morris. Milde* spoke-and ex' Gained the different goTfrns. ' T h e --Models wsrfe: Mrs. Isadore Hits: Sa«ra«l--W6lf,.
The gowns were furnished through the courtesy of Brandt's, Inc. The Hats were-^ furnished by the Aquila Court Hat ShDppe. Mrs. Myrtle Mason, editor of the Women's section of the Omaha Bee, will speak on Tuesday night, November 23rd on "Poise". She will be. in* troduced by Mrs. IJerman Auerbach. ' The Charnt SchopL is being conducted by the Girls' Work Committee with Mrs. Wrn. Alberts as chairman.
t ever-had -been BO, would be so. • Dickens. -sst'
work. .
Sisterhood The Book &eVi«sttf OluB under the auspices of the Sisterhood of Temple ! Isfael will hold its opening raeetliijr ' Tuesday, November 2S, in the flew .• annex of the.Teinpte at Z:SO p.m.\ Dr. Cohen will review the book "Sot- \ rel and Son." -All those who are in- | interested "will communicate with ; Mrs. Lawrence Goldman who is chairman of the affair. PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISING
Butterfly Salad 6 sliced canned pineapple 1% cup chopped nuts 1 cake cream cheese 1 green pepper 1 pimento. Cut slices of pineapple in halves. Arrange two halves, curved slices toward center, oh a bed of lettuce ou individual salad plates. Make small balls of cream cheese and roll in chopped nuts.. Place 2 or 3 in the center for the butterfly's body. Use thin strips of green pepper for the
WANTED Middle aged woman with best _of ..Reference -to _do light -housework, ...two _Jn family. 205 No. 32nd Ave.
Successors to Jones Candy Co.
Romance Chocolates Phone JA. 3986
918 Farnam St.
Furnished Room for rent to couple. Kitchen privilege", all modern. Reasonable rent to proper party. CaUJAckson5062.
Brodkey Jewelry Co. Famous for Diamonds 38 Trarg of Honest Slefthflnillft* Ifl
your Guarantee of a Square Oral
1419 Douglas
Est. 1899
Omaha's Stout Modern Fireproof Plant
MPIRE 3101-03 Fnrnatn St.
1609 North 24th Street All fodds kept in Sanitary cases A complete line of smoked meats and fish
Call Haniey 7545 Wet Wash . . . . 5 c Semi-flat 6c Rough Dry . . . . 8 c
The New • - -
Diamond Importers . |
214-216 City Nat" Bank Bldg. Establishes 1894
j I
Evening Gowns for ihe Smart Omahan
The brilliance of Paris at night is cap, tured iB these sparklin gowns. Each is As individual ih its personality as the artiste who created it—as distinctive as the woman intended to wear it.
Given by
3rd Floor
JEWISH COMMUNITY CENTER THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 25th Hugo Heyn's Orchestra $1.50 per Couple Informal Dancing
T The Copelman Candy Go. has a carload of Candy on the way for . Christmas. A good many orders have been taken fof box candies also. All kinds of pail goods and peanut candies*
HA. 8308
Malashock Jewelry Co.
Sixteenth at Farnam
The Copelman Candy Co.
dent; Marvin Treller, vice-president; Ben SteifleTj, secretary^ and Max Holzinan, treasurer.•'•• Lawrence Goldman, Rani Saltiman and Leo tTnger •were elected as directors.
H&rney 7545 Love must suffer in this stern
amount of exercise, puts oft weight while Mr. Burdick loses weight* COMING! Big Circus and Gym Exhibition, J. C. C. Gj'tn, January 8, plate lined" with pastry, "ake slowly. Jing. (A very pretty salad for festive 1927. Rercember ihe Date! occasions.) There is a movement among the / Creamed Carrots and Peas seniors at Columbia University to % cup milk % cup water We have a number of 100% fam-abolish the freshmen regulations. 2 tablespoons butter ilies in the Gym classes. 2 tablespoons flour The Lapidus family is first* Every . 2 cups carrots member of the family is enrolled in 2 cups peas a gym class find is attending regTiTatchcd Canter Pleat ularly. WHO IS NEXT? salt and pepper to taste. Correct Sleeve Length Wash, scrape and cut the cafrots W<± would like to know why Dave in cubes. Boil in salted water until Chesneau who eats the same food as It PAYS t o fcflOW tender. Drain and mix with tftt> cuns Mt. ,Burdick ahd does the same it.OVS'S TAILORED 6H1KR5, of green peas, already cooked. Over this pour the cream sauce made with the butter, flour and milk.
Mix the spices, sugar and salt; add antennae and decorate the pineapple NEBRASKA UNIVERSITY SCHOLARS halves with pimahtft cut iti fancy pieces, to resemble markings on RETURN HOME THANKSGIVING DAY i Mix sugar thoroughly. Turn into . . wings. Serve with mayonnaise dress-
Copelman Candy Co. Successors to Joens Candy Co. J A . 8986 918 Farnam Street
COAL AND COKE Petroleum Coke Southern
Semi-Anthracite Lump .
HE SIZE of this store's stock M "Special Sisses" is an ali important feature that assures complete satisfaction for men of every proportion.
Stout Men Slim Men Tatl Men Short Men Heavy Men Young Stouts and In*Betweens There's a Mg selection of patterns you will like in rich looking fabrics especially selected for the wear you give them. OUR NO-SALE POLICY ASSURES SUPER VALUES IN "NEBRASKA SPECIAL" SUITS AND OVERCOATS
25 *35 40
THE JEWISfl PRESS, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 18,1326 The second annual c. party given | by the ladies auxiliary of the South' Council Blwfts News Side Congregation will bo given Tuesday, November 30, at 2 o'cl&ck at the Jewish Community Center Club A dance given for the benefit tsf the rooms. The- proceeds of which goes to Council Bluffs Hebrew School will be ihe building of a new Synagogue. The held on Thursday evening, December hostesses for this party will be tl-e 16th, at the Eagles Hall. ArrangeMesdames L. Lustgarten, J. Kaplan. ments are now being made by the L Permati, S. Cannar, N. Uaunier, A. committee in charge to make this a Lipsman, and D. Minkbff. very successful affair.
Do you know that the Jewish Com- line of work, and a trial wfll convince Mrs; Abs Bear of Leaves worth, Kansas will spend the week-end here munity Center has one cf the finest you that it will do you a world of visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Massage Department in the city? Mr. Rose, in charge, is an expert in this good. Julius Katelman. Settlement Worker to Address Training Course. Miss Helen Gauss, head resident of the Omaha Social Settlement, is to address the Volunteer Leaders on Monday night, November 22nd, at 8 P. M. promptly. Her subject will be "Problems of the Girls' Club". Sam Beber spoke on Monday night, November 15th, on "The Club Program". He emphasized the fact that in order to be a success, a club had to have an educational, recreational and spiritual program. He described the program of the A. Z. A. j in detail.
The Independent Order of the B'ftai Mr. and Mrs. M. Herzberg and daughter Pauline returned last week B'rith, Lodge No. 688, have postponed WEDDINGS ENGAGEMENTS from a ten days visit in Excelsior their next regular meeting from WedBREEM-ROSENBLATT Mr. and Mrs. A Siegel announce Springs, Mo. nesday, November 24th, until the folMr. and Mrs. H. Rosenblatt an- the engagement of their daughter. lowing Monday evening, November nounce the marriage of their daughter Bertha, to Ben Roitstein, son of Mr. Miss Lillian Margolin spent the 29th. • Sara, to Louis Ereem of New York and Mrs. S. Roitstein. No date has week-end in Lincoln. City, which was held Sunday evening been set for the wedding. Mrs. M. L. Marks has returned Daughters of Israel Aid Society home from a week's visit in Kansas at the home of the bridea parents. will hold a provision shower for the City, Mo. She was accompanied back Rabbi Grodinsky read the marriage OMAHANS GUESTS AT , Benefit of Jewish Old Peoples Home, by her daughter, Mrs. John Quigley lines. The -wadding took place in the SILVER WEDDING AT presence of only-the immediate famLINCOLN, NEBRASKA Tuesday afternoon December 21. An of Kansas City. interesting program is being arily. Covers were laid for forty guests. Mr. and Mrs. M. Gordon and son, "The couple left for New York City Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Levy celebrat- ranged. MAKE YOUR DATE NOW Jake, returned home last week after where they will visit with friends and ed their silver wedding anniversary FOR THE relatives and will return home after Friday evening at the Lincoln Hotel, Mr. and Mrs. H. Kolinsky of San spending three weeks in New York. BIGGEST DANCE OF Francisco, Calif., are making their December 15. with a . dinner dance- followed by THE YEAR Mr. and Mrs. George Krasiie enhome in Omaha. bridge. One hundred and six guests DECEMBER 12 tertained their Evening Mah Jong GIDINS&Y-FREEMAN found their places at a large table Club at their home last week. The The marriage of Miss Gelia R. Gi- in E shape, on which an orchid and Mr. R. Kulakofsky returned after a dinsky, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. silver color motiff was used in the dec- weeks vacation at Excelsior Spriiig3, Club will meet next Tuesday evening •*-* at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Louis JFREGGEit-FOX DRUG CO.i B. Gidinsky of Kansas City, Missouri; orations. Silver baskets of orchid Bernstein. to JJoseph H. Freeman of this city chrysanthemums and silvered milk"Careful Druggists" j will take place Sunday afternoon at weed'pots tied with orchid and silver 14th and Douglas St. AT 09271 Mrs. L. Wintroub will receive at her Mr. Harry Kubby underwent an the home of the brides parents in the malihe, alternating with tall orchid home on Sunday November 21, from Prescriptions fined by Begi stored i Pharmacists only j presence of only the immediate family. tapers in silver holders. Smali silver 2-5 to 7-10, in honor of the engage- operation at the Jennie Edmundson Hospital Tuesday, and is getting Prices Tery reasonable—Delirery scrrice J JRabbr "Herman Cohen will .officiate. wedding bells were the favors. N. ment of her daughter Ann to Moe A wedding reception will be held in Mantel of Omaha presided as toast- Bercovici which was announced last along favorably. the evening. After a short eastern master, and responses were made by week. : trip the couple' "will "return to Omaha M. Weil, M. Friend, Mrs. Sarah LehYoung girl badly in need MAKE YOUR DATE NOW where they will make their future man, Mrs. Carl Weil, Judge W. B. of work for after school FOB THE The Alphia Theta Chapter of the home; Rose, A. Herzberg, L. Hiller, M. Zet Beta Tau Fraternity of Nebraska and Saturdays. Call JewBIGGEST DANCE OF Meyers, and Nate Mantel, Jr. Miss wfll entertain their parents at a one ish Welfare Federation, THE YEAR Mrs. Arthur Rosenblum and her Laura Goetz sang "Oh Promise Me" o'clock buffet luncheon Sunday' Nov. JA ckson 1366. DECEMBER 12 to Joseph H. Freeman' of this city and "Call Me Thine Own", the songs 21, at Lincoln, Nebr. cousin, Miss Dorothy Veta, of Chey- which she had sung at the wedding of enne, "WyOi, who visited Mrs. Rosen- Mr. and Mrs. Levy twenty-five years blum last week, went to Lincoln last ago. She was accompanied at the Saturday to attend the Nebraska piano by Miss Ida Lustgarten. A football gairie, and are visiting rela- song which had been dedicated to Mr. tives there this week. Mrs. Rosenblum and Mrs. Levy. twenty-five years ago will return this Friday, and Miss by Doctor and Mrs. A. C. Simon of Veta will go to Kansas City, and Washington, D. C, was printed on cards tied with silver ribbon and Des Moines to visit relatives there. distributed to the guests who sang the Miss Esther Shapiro of Brandt, song at .the dose, of the program. Inc., left Wednesday evening for Bridge games occupied the later part of the evening. Chicago on a buying trip. Out of town guests included Mr. Mr- and Mrs. Samuel Guttman left and Mrs. H. Hehfield, Miss Ijena RehSaturday night for an extended trip field, Mr. and Mrs. N. Mantel, Mr. which will take them to the principal and Mrs. Robert Levy, Mr. and Mrs. cities of the east after which they M.Meyer, Mr. and Mrs. Charles will stop at Ann Arbor, to visit with Kirshbraum, Doctor and Mrs. James their son Max who is a student at Goetz, Miss Laura Goetz, Mr. and the University of Michigan. Then Mrs. Luois Hiller, Mr. and Mrs. A. they will go to Miami, Florida; where Herzberg, Mr. and Mrs. J. Jacobs, they will spend the winter. Mr. and Mr.^and. .Mrs. William Holzman and Mrs. • Guttman's daughters,- - Mrs. Nate Mantel, Jr., all of Omaha; Victor N. Ganz and Mrs^ Morris Bernard Rehfield of New loTk City, Linsman,- with Mr. Ganz and Mr. Mrs. L. Baum and Mrs. C. Scholss of Iinsman, will occupy their home Philadelphia, Mrs. M. Stieffel of during their absence. Salina, Kansas, and Mrs. A. W. Goldberg of Shenandoah, Iowa. Mrs. B. Green of Boston,' Mass., is the guest of Rev. and Mrs. M. E. The daughters of Zion -will hold Flesshman. their next meeting Monday, November Among the Omahans who witnessed 22nd, at the Jewish Community Center the Nebraska^Kansas Aggies game at 2 .o'clock. were the Misses Rosaline Goldstein, Ann Gerlie, Jahette Gilinsky and Minnie Wolf; Messrs. Leo Blank, Al MAKE YOUR DATE NOW Mayer, Lou Somberg, Paul Goldstein, FOB THE Herman Kully, Ben Ravitz, Art GoldBIGGEST DANCE OF stein, Harry Ravitz, Harold Farber, THE YEAR Bud "Wolf, and Mr. and Mrs. Nathan DECEMBER 12 E. Green. M
• " • ' •
. • . ' • • " . • ' •
- ' •
Why Buck the Line 9 'EARS ago "bucking the line" Used to be the only way to play football! But in those days the boys were dressed for it! They wore more different kinds of harness, mudguards and accessories than a sport model jackass! Pulling, tugging, tripping, socking . . .everything went! • But, like everything else, the rules of football have been improved. The old roughstuff is out! "Bucking the line" is gone! The intelligent "open game" is here! Years ago "bucking the line" used to be the only way to get your bargains at sales! Although women weren't dressed for it, pulling, tagging and every hold went in the clinches of a rush crowd! But, like everything else, the methods of marketing have been improved! There is no more "bucking the line"! No more scrimmaging! No more tugging and pulling in crowded stores for intelligent shoppers. They save themselves time, trouble and money by remaining on the sidelines off busy streets and patronizing: our side street popular priced shop. Try it!
- * •
Brandt's Gowns
INC Wraps
1617 Howard St
Aquila Court
Hundreds oi Money-Saving Bargains, Every Single Article . . _, a Bargain. Every Single Bargain a Money-Saver ..•...._
Just 2More
n Brandeis Week
Only 2 More Brandeis Days
When the curtain rings down Friday you will be late for FRIDAY BARGAINS-~for they are for FRIDAY only, New Bargains—offered for the first time Friday
Evening Apparel tor the Winter Season Prettinesa is the outstanding feature "which marks every one of these gowns. No matter how elegant the fabric or how rich the color. PrettinesS of style is the dominant not£. •
2S to 189
Do Not Miss Friday's The hundreds of articles advertised at such unusual money-saving prices for Friday, were ptir* • chased specially for Friday during our weeks of preperation for "Brandeis Week".
// You Miss Friday's Bargains You Will Miss Money* Saving Chances That Will Not Be Duplicated The same conditions that made "Brandeis Week" possible—quantity buying from friendly trtanufacturers who made unusual price concessions—are the conditions that make Friday s Bargain Prices possible*
Umbrageous Chiffon
No C* 0. D., Mail or Telephone Orders
A new. note in Evening Apparel
Come Friday Without Fail!
This ne'Tfr, Evening gown is fashioned of varied < shades •. of Rose., and ..Tan also in' pleasing contrasting' colors.
* PAGE~4^-THE JEWISH PRESS, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 18,1926 LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES North High. Four times in succesion -Levin stopped" him at Fontenelle HENRY SEAL, COOSTX ATTOBSEI I real names unknown): also Lot Four (4), names unknown) liaring and claiming any! Wbits thereto attached and 'by £ark Tuesday afternoon. Several t Block Six (0) South Omaha 1st, an ad-right, title or interest in the North Half made a pnrt thereof, nnd that uuh-ss fl>< DAN GROSS. ASSISTANT COVNTY »<tttlon to (the original City of Sooth. Oma- of Lot Fourteen (14), Block Thirteen (13),| same is paid by you, or nny of you. that ATTOKNKV The Swartz Jewelry. Co., has opened times he felt the arms of Pollock and ha, , now Omaha, la the City of Omaha, South Omaha 1st, an addition to the origi-i a decree will be entered it) this Court Conrt Hnow By Stanley-F..Jtievin._ County at Do«sla's,~'statft of *NebTa8fcsr"as • Tial1 City xrf Sounth Omaha, now"dmnhu,°in) foreclosing and forever bnrrSng you mxl NOTICE OF FOIJKCLOSEBE OF its new store at 1401 Douglas street, Donovitz about- his- body - and was surveyed, platted and recorded and all; the City of Omaha, County of Douglas,I each of yon of any and all clalins upon. TAX LIENS checked in his flight. Henry Weiner the former-Brodkey location. The persons, firms. • co-partnvrshlpg, corpora-' State of Nebraska, as surveyed, platted interest or estate in, right or title to, or In the District- Court of ?€JOTBALL. . - .. ' _ Hen upon, or equity of redemption in or to Douglas County, Nebraska, Doc. 23S-1C. JtIons (true and teat "names- unknown )*bnv- and recorded.. is a member of the .freshman team To Albert J. Seaman, deceased, if mar-} Injr and claiming any right, title or in- Joseph ZIoeh and Katie Zlocb, husband snid herein described real estate, nnd tbnt technical ?Hij$h£fchool. '. • • the Bnwe or so much ns may lie neccBsnry Seaman., who was promoted to the second ried, _ , his .. _ wlduw, (finst, terest in Lot Four (4). Block Six,\d) South and wife, Francis Hauousek; if living, The TecV fiigh "Beef -Trust" will true and real name unknown), Hnrript E. Omaha 1st, an addition to the original- thetr unknown guardians, assignees and to satisfy the plaintiff's lien, together with eleven. Henry went well against Thos. Wolfe, if married. ——-Wolfe', her hus-City of South Omaha, now Omaha, in thepersonal representatives (.their true and costs, shall be sold in accordance with iwin& into action this week with two (first trne and real nnme unknown): City of Omaha, Connty of Douglas, State real names unknown); if deceased, their law, and for such other and further r»>Jefferson last week and against North band, If living, their unknown guardians, as- of Nebrafikn,..as surveyed, platted and rerunknown beirs. devisees, legatees, assign- lief as equity requires nnd us to the Court SK? possibly three'Jewish lads in her signees, and personal-representatives tthelr corded, on Tuesday. dd ees, trustees and personal representatives may seem juftt and equitable. ineup. The '25 City Champions -will true and real names You find each of you nre hereby notifiod if married, (their true and real names unknown) ; 1 unknown): If de- Llrale ceased, their, unknown belra. devisees,- h*ff- WakefteW. • ;=.Jiusbnnd, d (first true and also Lot Three (S), Block Twelve (12). that you. Ere required to answer tmid petimeet their arch foe 'Central, in theNorth High . . .. . School. , . , ntecs^ assignees, trustees and personnl rep- real name unknown l. Elizabeth Board- guUth Omaha 1st, an addition to the origi- tion on or before the 13th day of December, iiggest classic in'the sta^e-this-SaturFo'rinaari 6£'the; Eskimos Was Check- resentntlves. ttheir tme.and real names en- mini ; M»Ttha T.Bourdmnn: if living, their n a l c i t y o £ S o u t h Omaha, now Omaha, in 1020. . COUNTY OP DOUGLAS, Plaintiff. ,-..;in?i|%'*'i1i1--1i^:-v-iiii. ikn<iwu): also Lot Seventeen. (IT). Block unknown B»«riliaii8, assignees and per-t h e c i t y o f o m a hii. County of Douglas, day afternoon'on the sod~ field of , tTh, r o <2), , - , Aii.riput „....Aunex. _ nn Addition - , soiial.rt?prwseet«t!yes (their (rue and real| State ol Nebraska, as surveyed, platted By HENRY 3. BEAL, County Attorney. eduHiis-tnad das* to fame last Tues-f to DAN GROSS, Assistant County Attorney. Creighton -University's stadium'. daV nite b v ' f o u r Jewish bovs-'in-the * original City of South Otuahn,' now i name's unknown): if deceased, their un-' and recorded and all persons, firms, couay -_IUMS uy j.our u^wiau -uuj-s i n ^ O n l n h a > j n t h e c l t v otoroaha. County of. knowu heirs, devisees, legatees, assignees, partnerships, corporations (true and real ! uniforms joft*the-,Central seconds. The Douglas, * ~ —Nebraska, - • as surve3-ed. * j trustees, and - iwrmxnal- representntives (their names unknown) having and claiming any J?enny' BIdeh', the "Trusts" batterState of platted and recorded nnd all » persons,| true and real names unknown); Creijrh title or interest in Lot Three tS), ing" fullback will' wear "the " maroon fastest half back in. second, and fresh-' firms, co-partnerships, corporations, (true j Sons & Company, n corporation duly right, Block Twelve {12) South Omaha 1st, ani and real names unknown) having and I organised ami existing under and by virand white for the last .time*and in addition to the original City of South i man : team circles failed to gain a clnimin? any right, title or interest In tue of the Laws-of-the State of Nebraska, Omaha, now Omaha, In the City of Omnha,! what should be the greatest game of yard? jagainst::. the Jewisfi quartet and Lot Seventeen (17), Black Two, (2), Al-its assignees,- trustees and personal repre- County of Douglas. State of Nebraska, us' Annex, nn addition to the original sentatives (their true and real names un- surveyed, platted and recorded. his career. The husky Jewish lad has "on several • occasions • lpst:. ground. bright City of South Omnhn, now Omaha, in theknown); -Banker's Saving & Loan AssoPrudential Real Estate Company, a cor•Oniggists a n i j stationers City of Omaha, Couiity of Doufflns, State ciation, a corporation duly organized and been in poor physical condition the Leon however is no doubt the most duly organized aud existing, of Nebraska, as surveyed, platted and re-existing under and by virtoe of the Lows poration under and by virtue of the Laws ot the; iVt-4m-WR Saoth llltb Sttw! greater part of the current season and likely looking first team prospect to corded. of the State of . Nebraska, its assignees, State .of KebrnBkn, its assignees, trustees trustees and personal representatives (their and personal, representatives (their true Albert V. Runzel,' if married, thusly did not do as much as was exbe found- on-any ^ scrub team in the Rmizel, his wife, {iirst true and real nnme true and real Tiames unknown); also Lot and real names unknown); also Lot pected -of, him. "Two Yards" Benny city. His forte is end Tuns and re- unknown). Solomon J. Firestone: if liv- Seven (7), Block Twenty-three (23), Boyds Twenty-six (2<S), Block Twenty-live (25), ing, their unknown guardians, assignees Addition, nn addition to the City of Oma- Leavenworth Business Place, an addition was no flashing Blue Howell on the turning loose balls for-touchdowns. ha, ,„ inVHB the^, City of Omaha.-County of Dongand personal representatives (their true | „„, VJ w .v,i«»i.«,-x-..i...., •»» ^« u »- to the City of Omaha, in the City of offense but what a bear cat he was on and real tiames unknown): if deceased, Jas.-State.of Nebraska, as surveyed, platted Omaha, County of Douglas, Stnte of NeIn Omaha t-heir - unknown • hetrs. devisees, leg-nfces, and recorded and all persons, firms, co- braska, as surveyed, platted and recorded GERMAN. SpCIAL AGENCY the defense. He was a fit successor l t t d personall represen-j presenj partnerships, t i h i ti (t d reall and all persons, tirins, co-partnerships, assignees, trusteesrand corporations (true, nnd •-.-.:•. A W A B D E D i G O L D M E D A L i tntives (their true and real names un- names unknown) having and claiming any corporations Urue and real names unto another great defensive Tech fuhknown): also Lot Thirty-nine <20) Charl- right, title or interest In-Lot Seven (7), known) having and claiming any right, *50 Kooni»—am) Hnttif -(3.T. %.)T~A gold back, -Art "Squire" Swartz, who is sew Heljrats, ah addition to the City of Block Twenty-three '(23),.. Boyds Addition, title or interest'in Lot Twenty-six (2C>, (>o»d linomts for KS..r>1 In'the City of Omaha, County of an nddition to the City of Omaha, in the was awarded the Central Relief In- Omaha; 1 Block Twenty-five (25) Leavenworth Businow employed at the Jewish ComOperated by Epplcy Hotels Co. Douglas, State .of Nebraska, as surveyed, City of Omaha, County of Douglas, State ness Place, an addition to the City ol stitution of German Jews by the ad-j platted and re«>rde<l and all persons, of. Nebraska, aa surveyed, platted and fs- Omaha, in the City of Omaha, County of munity Center. co-partnerships, corporations (true coryjed. Douglas, State of Nebraska, as surveyed, : . •ministration of the Duesseldorf Hy- linns, and real names unknown) having and Louis Weiner is the second member Mary O'Connor, it married. •— O'Con- platted and recorded. claiming any right, title or interest In nor, her husband, (ttrst true and real name gience Exhibition. : Prudential Real Estate Company, a corof the Drummond Clan who will meet Lot Thlrty-ulne (39>, Charlsew Heights, unknown), Fellx-Hnley, If married, poration duly organized and existing The management of the exhibition an nddition to the City of Omaha, in theHaley, the Purple this Saturday. Weiner is store is furnished with -mahogony his wife, (first true .and real name under and by virtue of the Laws of the Omaha, County of Douglas, State1, unknown);. Patrick Haley, if married State of Nebraska, its assignees, trustees .only a junior but has been:.playing fixtures, equipped with large, wall cas- where the. Jewish s'osiety had an ex- City.of of Nebraska, as surveyed, platted and reHaley, hia wife, (first tree and real and personal representatives (their true name unknown), Martin Haley, if married, and real names unknown); also Lots nice-ball during the latter part of this es affording an elaborate display of lubit awarded the medal "for inval- corded. "Manufactured in Omaha" Haley, his wife (first true and real Twenty-three (23), Twenty-four (24), and George A. Shearer, if married, uable help rendered". " ' ^ season, alternating at center and all merchandise. Sfcearer, his wjfc\ (first true and real name name onknown). Andrew Haley, if married,! Twenty-live (25), Block Twenty-five (*5), BAKEK ICE MACHINE «*.] i unknown): if living, thelc unknown guariHaley.'-hii wife, (first true and refill Leavenworth Business Place, ari addition f*We have expanded and have guard. Weiner is the^ lightest linedians, assignees and persona] representa- nnme-nnkJJOwn), Sister Mary Basil, (true- to the City of Omaha, in the City of tives (tbeir true and real names nukaownj;. aiMl real name enknown). Genera) Octdoor Omaha, County of Itougrlas, State of Neman in the Tech camp Iratvmaket up opened, store No. 2, with the same if deceased, their unknown beirs, deviates, Advertlslnjj Company, a corporation duly braska, as surveyed, platted and recorded PAXTON-MITCHK1X CO. in fight for. his lack of-poundage. pqlicy of handling our merchandise as legatees, assignees,' trustees and personal organized and existing under and by vir-and all persons, firms, co-partnerships, iTJtb s HARba Kta.' ' ^ • H n r w j 1667 representarives (their trne and ri-al names' tue of the Law* -of the State of New Vorfc, corporations (true and real names unNathan Marcus, the. .freshman has always been maintained by us", Omaha Nebt. unknown): also. Lot Twenty-stsht (28), its assi|rneei, trustees and personal repre- known) having and claiming any right, sensatioa of 1925 i has leen on the said Sam. Swartz. By operating both Son gray iron: brnss/bronze and alu- Charlsew Heights, an addition to the City sentative* (their true and .real names un- title or interest in Lots Twenty-three U3),| Omaha. Jn th ,City of Omaha, County known), McGill & Dawea Employment Twenty-four (24) and Twenty-five (25),' n)Junm. enstiufrs. Stonrtard ei^es/bronze- ot sidelines for several weeks with in- stores, the Swartz. Jewelry Company of Douglas, State of Nebraska, as sur-Agency, a "co-partnership, Mary Lynch: Block Twenty-live (25). Leavenworth Busi-j1 and iron bushings, sewer ' manholes, veyed, platted and recorded and all per-Edward :A.- Cndnhy: John C. Fetzer: if ness Place, an addition to the City of juries which may keep him out of the will have a larger display of mercistern rings and covers, and cirnn-out BUTTER and E sons, firms, co-partnerships, corporations living, their .unknown guardians, assig- Omaha, in the City of Omaha, County of Inors In stork. (true and real names' unknown) having nees- and -personal representatives (their Douglas. State of Nebraska, as surveyed, j big struggle this week end. Should chandise at lower prices. and. claiming any right, title or interest Jn true and real names unknown); if de- platted and recorded! Council Bluffs, ta. Marcus be able to play he will hold Lot Twenty*elgkt'42S). Charlsew Heights, ceased, tbeir unknown beirs, devisees, leg,Albert J. Seaman, deceased, if married, an addition to the City of Omaha, In the atees, assignees, trn«tees and personal repdown the vacancy caused.by the loss • Seaman, his widow, (first true and City of Omaha, County of Douglas, State resentative* (their trne and real names unof Nebraska, aa surveyed, platted and re-known); also Lot Five (5), Block Seven real name unknown), Harriet E. Wolfe, if j of Joe- Prerost. Marcus is a shifty has played heads up football all thru Wolfe, her husband, (first (7) Soutb OtDaha 1st, an addition to the married, corded. man- in - the backfield and -has made a the season and, has made a name forj snd real name unknown); if jiving-,. originarcity of Sooth Omaha, now Oma-trne Thomas F. Balfe, Sf married. their unknown guardians, assignees and)1 himself: as a dogged relentless tackle ha, in the City-of Omaha, County of Dong- personal representatives number of good gains against the Balfe, his wife, (first true and real name las. (their true and Stale of Nebraska, as surveyed, platted and a clean sport. tbeir unknown guark ) w i ) t ; ' l t i n i e , t beir b i k k o guar unknown); regulars during practice. and recorded and all persons, firms, co- real oaines unknown); if deceased, their! di dian, assignee's, i and personall representat unknown heirs, devisees, Jegrstees, assign-' corporations (trne and real 1819 California Street tives (their ., true and , real tiames ' un- partnerships, names unknown) having and claiming any ees. trustees and personal representatives known) ;. if deceased, their unknown heirs, Central Second Team. , ATlantic 62^1," right, title or interest in X^ot Five (5), (their true end real names unknown); devisees, legatees, assignees, trustees and Block Tecfc Second Team, v" ; (7) Soutb Omaha 1st, an ad-also Lot Ten (1O>, Block One (1) Albright personal representatives <their trne and dition Seven Bud Levin,-Harold Pollcck, Orris Annex, an addition to the original City of to the original City of South O Theigray jersied T^ch seconds made real names unknown): also Lot TwtntySouth Omaha, now Omaha, in the City of Donovitz, Henry Weiner, Earl Lapfour (24). Block One (1) Brennan Place, ha. now bmaha." In t b e ' a t y of Omaha, J OniaharCounty""of Dongia's,*"stote ~oi"s~e~off with' the-. bunting embleinatic of an addition to the City of Omaha, in the Cocnty of Douglas, State of Nebraska, a s ' - - as surveyed, - platted . ^ . .and . . _ . recorded .._._., braska, City of Omaha, 'County of Douglas, State surveyed, platted and recorded. 'the, reserve championship .of Omaha idus and Joe Levinson are members and all ptrsons, firms, co-partnershfps, of Nebraska, ng surveyed, platted and reof the -Purple .reserve squad. All', ENGR^INGICOIINC Agn?s Gri®n, if married, Griffin, corporations (true and real names unand Council.- Bluffs with ease. The corded and all persons, firms, co-partner- her hutband, (first true and real nnme un- known) and claiming any right, of thfe men except'Levinson and Lapships, corporations (true and.real sanies known): it livine, their unknown guardi- title or having In Lot Ten (10), Block junior maroons won-five ^cand unknown) having and, claiming any right, ans, assignees and personal representa- One (1) Interest idus will be among those who%will Albright an addition to title or Interest In Lot Twenty-four (24), tives (thpfr true and real names un- the original City Annex, Jost; only one, leading South by three Omaha, now Block One (IV Brennan Place, an addition known) ; if deceased, their unknown heirs, Omaha, in the CityofofSouth play the|lau"|^'H^h;fst(*ool*riretifceJm Omaha, of j g a m e s f o rfirst:,honoTs-: - ••••'•:•••.•••• to the City ol Omaha, in the City of devisees, legatees, assiirnees, trustees and Douglas, State of Nebraska, asCounty surveyed, at Laurel' TnankssgWhg day. iJonbvitz Omaha, County" o t Douglas, State of Ke^ personal., representatives (their true and Harry Brandy-, was "the ,only Jewish brnska, as s\irve/yed. platted and recorded. real names unknown): also Lot Tn (10).platted and recorded. who has been going great guns at fiblis Accountants and Auditors S!ou and each of you ere hereby notified The Midway .Investment Company, a cor- South Omaha, now Omaha. In the City of lad on the championship eleven but on the 10th day of September, loeo, fjillback jWill finish his'rfootball days poration, <pjaea . of . Incorporation un- Omaha, Connty of Douglas. State of Ke- that %uc he i was good. Braude made •& number the "county Of • Douglas filed a petition in* known). Its assignees," trustees" and per« braska, as surveyed, platted and recorded j j j , e district ISADORE ABRAMSON afterj" t$e .^LjMiref g i i r r i e ^ ' h e is Ja the district court • of Donplas County, CANTOR ABRAHAM of touchdowns and . jpn' two ;pccajions soual representatives (their true and reall and all persons, firms, co-partnerships, cor-! Nebraska, against you and each of you, senior, the rest of the'bbys Have from names, unknown): also Lot Four (4), Block porations <trx>e and real names unknown) which-cause appears on Docket 233, Page scdredi the only: ^points of the day. INCOME TAX SERVICE One (1). Albright.Annex, an addition to having snd~ claiming any right, title or 16, of the records of- the Clerk o£_ the cvheitt£three,inore;years-in.- thepurple: Harry is only, a sophomore 'and the original City of Sooth Omaha, now interest Is Lot Ten (10). Block Seyen (7) District. Court,, of Donglas,- County, Neof B'nai Israel Congregation - SYSTEMS—AUDITS institution. The Central crew has the Om»ha, In the City of Omaha, Connty of South Omaha 1st, nn addition to the orig- braska, the object and prayer of which be in there next year fighting hard Donglas, gtate.of Nebraska, as snrveyep, inal- City of South Omaha, now Omaha. petition. In accordance with a resolution Performs Marriages" honor of being the only second team INVESTIGATIONS In Hie City of Omaha, Connty of Douglas, platted and recorded and all persona, firms, adopted on March 0, 1926, by the Board for a berth on the first team.* co-partnerships'..'.' corporations (true and Stft«f*'Of : SebraskSj- s s surveyed, platted of County Commissioners for the County in the "city who were able to stop the ' Jin Jewish and English real names unknown) having and claim- arid recordedof DotiRlas, State of Nebraska, is for the 490 Brandeis Theater Building scoring spree of Leon Forman- of 621 No. 21 St. AT lantk 5534 ing any right, litle or interest in Lot Four ^Herman A, •-Tb.lelke, It. married, —: strict foreclosure of tnx liens on: Lot Central High! School. (4). Block One" (1). Albright Annex, *n Thielke, Wf wife, (first true,and real name Seventeen (17),-Block Two (!2>, Albripbt Phone ATlsntic 1450 addition to the original City of Sooth unnnown): if living, their unknown jruarAnnex; an addition to the origifial City • Captain Elmer • Greenberg will lead Omaha,».now Omaha, in the City of Oma-jdians, assignees and personal representa- of South Omaha, now Omaha, in the City a fighting Central eleven, th^sijSahirha. County of Doupjas, State of Nebraska,! tlves (their true and. real- names un- of Omaha, County of Donglas, State of as surveyed, platted-and recorded. {known); if dt-ceased; their unknown heirs. Nebraska, as surveyed,- platted and red a y i n combat with a five times vie_ . legatees, assignees, trustees and corded; Lot Thirty-nine (39). Charlsew Commercial Savings & Loan AstmctaHarry H. Lapidus, Fres.-Treas. tlon.. a corporation duly org-anited and ex-personal representatives (their Jrue and Heights, an addition to the City of Omaha, ' iorious Tech team at\Creighton stareal • names unknown): also Lot Eleven In the City ot Omaha. County of Donglas, isting under and by virtoe of the Laws of : W. G. Ure. Secretary. ; dium. The Central eleven^,of this State of Nebraska, aB-surveyed, platted(11), BlocTc Seven (7). -Sonth Omnha 1st, the State of Nebraska, its aiisSKnees, trusf and recorded"; Lot Twenty-eight (2S),! a-n addition to the origriual City of South teeij and personnl representatives (their^ " " ' • T o t l % . „ „ , . -"Saturday• willt i e , a different . crew true and real jinnies unknown): James J. Omal^a.' n o * Omaha, in; the City of Oina- ChaTlsew Heights, an addition to the City I Omaha, in the City of Omaha, County J : /than that of the earlier part of the Plttgerald. if married. Fltigerald, ta. County of Douglas, State of Nebrnska, of of Douglas, State of Nebraska, as surhis .wife, (first,,true ;ind real name nn- ns surveyed, platted and. recorded-and all veyed, season. - The Purple 'SEagles" have platted and recorded; Lot Twentypersons, firms, co-partnerships,, corporaknown). Henry Quade. JrM If married.: -- — —: Quade,. hU wife; (first true and real. tions (true and real names unknown.) hav- four (24 — - found a new spirit flowing't1- -u their inname unknown^ John Alsrya and Kose veins and thru the minds and hearts i t Aljrya, husband and wife, Mr. Brown." (real o«£t y of: Omaha Cotmtyot Douglas State - Omaha 1st name unknown), if Carried. Brown, Nebraska, JRS surveyed, plotted and reof their, student body. A da or die « * a » > his wife (first true and real' name un~b rri d eh td T £ o r F o u r U > r o (» ( known). If livinjf, their unknown Buafdi;• "spirit • pervades the Central", campas S Annex, an addition to the original j 19th and Davenport , ans, assignees and personal representatives State of Nebraska, as surveyed, platted ^ y, oof maha now Omaha inthej now Omaha, f SSouth o o t n OOmaha, for'the .first-time in many years* The Eleventh .salt t»t»ogtaV (their,true ana real names unknown);-if and recorded. City of Omaha, County of Douglas, State Admission 25c deceased," their' unknown beirs. devisees; RYAN'S ORCHESTRA PtMIKfit' *BC of N Nebraska, as surveyed, platted find re' Herman A. Thielke ,lf married. iCentral student body has suddenly of e a s k a , y , p legatees, assignees, trustees and personal Block Three * •'• O M A H A Thielke, his wife,(flrst true and real name representatives .(theft inte and ren'l names! unknown), Tony' Romis: Thomas Hoctor: corded; Lot Thirteen (IS), , come to life and will be back of their to the unknown); also Lot Thirteen (13). Block! if living, their unknown guardians, asOmaba, d •i; "team one hundred percent this SaturThree (3C Jetter's Addition, an addHioxi| slgnees, and personal representntives (their to the original City of South Omaha, now (ruf and real names unknown): If de-! State ; l ; ; . d a y . v ; . . ; - ' : [ • ; ••<:•' •;'• ^ V ' ; . . : ' / : * .'' ' • • ; ' Omaha; Infthe q t | . of Omaha. County of) cSSed, their ^ k W n heir,, devisees, teg-1and i .. • ••• Elmer- Greenberg, a mesmber of 41ie Douslas, Sta<e. ot' Nebraska, as' sorveyed, atees. assignees,^trustees and personal rep- One (1) Jetter's Second Addition,' nn ad2429. Decatur Street' resentatlvei <tnelr trne and real names dition to the original City of South Omaha,! I Its Time to think of your i platted and recorded and all persons, Central team for. four years and this firms, co-partnerships, corporations (true unknown): also Lot Twelve (12). Block now Omaha, in the City of Omaha, County Webster 3527 . and real names „ unknown) bnvlnjr and Seven (7), .South_ Omaha 1st. ^n addition of Donglas, State ot Nebraska, as sur;.year the leader of the worst team'in i claiming any right,' title or Interest infto foe original City of Sooth Omaha, now veyed, platted and recordea; Lots Eight 4fte history of the in^titiiitidii will en-1 Lot Thirteen. (13K Block Three (3). Jet-Oraajin* In the City of Omaha, County *f (S) and Nine (0), Block Three (3) South! ter's -Addition,; an addition to the original Doug'tia, Stat$ of Nebraska, a* surveyed, Omaha 1st, an addition to the original <d«avor to endhis Kgh^school'-playing City of South Qmahn. now Omaha, in theplatted and recorded and all persons, City of South Omaha, now Omnha, in the City of Omaha. County of Douglas, State firing, ^co-partnerships, -corporations (true City of Oraahn, County of Donglas, State days in a burst of glory, in a victoyy i of Nebraska, as surveyed, platted and re-and real names unknown) having and of Nebraska, aa surveyed, platted and reover the oft triumphstnt; maroon and clalming-«ny right, title or Interest in Lot corded; Lot Four (4), Block Six (6) South ( corded. Savings & Loan Associa- Twelvj} (12), Block Seven (7) South Omaha Omaha 1st. an addition to the original riginal I white of Tech High. Greenberg has PHOTOGRAPHERS I jj tion. Commercial a corporation duly organized and exin the ; been twice chosen as a member of the . istlng under and by virtue of the Laws Douglas, State • 1312 Farnsm St. Opposite I I of the State of Nebraska. Its assignees, and re. : Omaha AH City team and twice has [ trustees and personal representatives (their TwentyW. O. W. BIdg. I ! true and real names unknown), Mike Mun(23) Boyds Addition, an addition to , been picked for the second All 'State Charles F. Kuncl, trustee, If married. three dik, unmarried. I t living, his, unknown the City of Omaha, in the City of Omaha, Phone JA ckson 4562 f ; • Tefarn.He; undoubtedly^ will again, 'be Kunrdlan, Assignee, and" personal represenKuncl, his wife, (first true and real County of Douglas, State of Nebraska, ne tatives (their true and real names un- name -unknown), Joseph Karan. deceased, surveyed, platted and recorded; Lot Five t a member of the Qmana 'All -City known), if docea8«d. his unknown heirs, if married, ———Kavan. his widow (first (5), Block Seven (7) South Omaha 1st, an devisees, .legatees,' assignees and personal true and real name tinkno-wB), Josefa. Ka- addition to the original City ot Soxith :i Team this year but can hardly hope representatives (their true and real : names van •; Dycorak, if nsarried. Dworak, Omaba, now Omaha, in the City of Omaha, -i for muck recognition " on""ir the ^AU unknoicn): also hot Eigbttna (1S). Block her husband, (first true-and real name nr.- County of Douglas, State of Nebraska, as One (1), Jetter"8 Second Addition, an adkno-wn), Fred Kavan, If married, — — surveyed* .platted and recorded; Lot, Ten {^State Team by reason of:the poor dition to the original City of South Oma- Kavan» his wife, (first true and real name (10), Block Seven (7) South Omaha 1st, ha, now Omaha, in the City of Omaha, unknown), William E. Kavan, if married, ysWowing of! his crew in state enan addition to the original City of South County of Douglas, State of Nehtaska; ns. • ;• • -•• Kavan, his wife, (first true and real Omaha, now Omaha, in the City of Omaha, surveyed; plattei! and recorded and . «U1 same unknown), Emma Kavan, If married, County of Douglas, State of Nebraska, as ;/v c o u n t e r s . . - V ;• ' V V ; . ;•;.;• . . - ; - . - ; - v ' , : '.••.; persons, firm», co-pnrthershlps, corpora- — (Kavan; her husband, (first true and surveyed, platted and recorded; Lot Eleven '.' •• 'Bernard Shimmel,' GreenbefgV.Tijntions (true nnd nnd rreal names unknown)) hav- real -name -unknown), Charles Kavan, ,11] (11), Block Seven (?) South Omaha 1st, io (rue 1818 Farnam, 2nd floor r i d claiming l i i « T right,titleor iht'titl' ffnterKavan/ his wife, __ (first an addition to the original City of South f. ning-mat a t the other tackle will also ing and right,'title'or and f t r mrfrrled. true -ind tesjS name unknown),. EmU 'Ka- Omaha,, now Omaha, In the City of Omaha, e t In L t Eiht 18) B l k O (1) jest Lot Eighteen (18), Block One (1) • i Vwiite>fiius -to hisplaying' days this Kavan, his' vrffe, County of Douglas, State of Nebraska, tm Jetter's Second' Addition, an addition to van, if married. , the original City of' South Omaha, now (first true-and real name. nnknow,n), Josie surveyed, piatted and recorded; Lot t Saturday. Shimmel has had the honor Kavan, her. Twelve (12), Block Seven (7) South Omaha l Omaha, in the City of Omnha, County of Karan, If > tnarrledi. and ' u,-bf^ playing one yeat on, the Central j Douglas, State of Nebraska, as surveyed. husband, ffirgt true and renl nnme un- 1st, an addition to the ordinal City of known), Lillle Kavan; if married, • — South Omaha, now Omaha, in the City of ' plntted and recorfle'd. ' ' r = t fie^hman: team, twice on -the second Charles S.'. Bates, also known as C. S. Kavan, her husband, (first true and real Omaha, County of Douglas, State of Ne: Bates, bis wife. name unknown), -Louis Kavan, if mar-braska, as surveyed, platted and recorded; Bates, 'if married. S s teain and winding.up his senior year Kavan, his wife, (first, true Lots Ten (10), Eleven (11> End North (first true and r*al namcunknown). • Wil- ried. Popular nooaday luncheon ; # - .asvia ireguiar: on the first team. Berny liam O. TJre: If living, their unknown and'seal name unknown), Ly)e Kobinson, Half of Twelve (12), Block Ten (10) South Robinson, his wlfei (first Omaha 1st, an addition to the original guardians,' assignees, and personnl repre- If married, 50 cents sentatives (their true and real names un- true and real name unknown): It living, City of South Omaha, now Omaha, in the Table d'hote dinner, 85 cents to known): If deceased, their unknown beirs, their unknown guardians, assignees and City of Omaha, County of Douglas, State devisees, .legatees, assignees, trustees, and personal representatives (their true and of Nebraska, as surveyed, platted and re$1.00, from 5 to 8 Daily MAKE YOUR DATE NOW personal representatives (their true and real names unknown): If deceased,, their corded; the North Half of Lot Fourteen Music at all Meals FOR THE .. real names unknown): South Omaha Loan unknown, heirs, devisees, legatees, assig- (14); .Block Thirteen (13) South Oraahn Dancing Evenings & Building Association, a corporation -«uly nees; trusteel and personal representatives 1st, an addition to' the original City of BIGGEST DANCE ' OF (tbeir.truelind real names unknown); also South Omaha, now Omaha, in the City of organized and existing under and by virMusic by Ambassadors 1 piece Lotg .Ten-'(10). F.leven (ID and North Half Omaha, County ot Douglas, State of Netue of the Laws of the State of Nebraska, THE Y E A R - ' ' orchestra. No cover charge • Its assignees, trustees and-personal repre- of Twelve, Slock Ten, South Otnaha 1st, braska, as surveyed, platted and recorded; DECEMBER 12 j sentatives (.(heir ;true'-and real names un- an- addition t o the original City of South Lot Three (3), Block Twelve (12) South For reservations phone known); CommeToinl Savings & Loan As- Oipafca.'joo'w.Omaha, In the Chlty of Oma- Omaha 1st, an addition to the original sociation, a corporation duly orgnnised a»d ha. County of Douglas, State of Nebraska, City of South Omaha, now Omaha, in the JA ckson 6224 existing under and by' virtue of the Laws as surveyed .platted and recorded and MlCity of Omaba, County ot Douglas, State SSSSS persons, . firms, co-partnerships, corporaof Nebraska, &» surveyed, platted and reof the Stdie of Nebraska. Us assignees, trustees, and persona 1 representatives tioQ« (true and real names unknown)' hav- corded: Lot Twenty-sis (20), Block (their trne and wal names unknown): also ing and clnltning any right, title or in-Twenty-five <25) Leavenwortb Business J,ots Eight (8).'and Nine (0). Block Three tereRt In Lots Ten (10), Eleven (11) andPlace, an addition to the City of Omaha, US) Block H f of Twelve- U) oc Ten (10) () In the City of Omaha, Connty of Douglas, (3) South Omaha 1st. an addition to theNfl'tth Half O ddii t t& 1st. an addition to t&eState of Nebraska, as surveyed, platted original City of South Omaba. now Oma-South. Otnaba ha, In the' City of Omaha. County of Dong- orijHfial City of South Omaha, now Omaha, and Recorded; Lots Twenty-three »(23), MANY YESARS OF StTCCESS.* " las. State i>f Nebraska, as surveyed, platted in the City of Omaha, County of Donglas. Twenty-fonr (24) and Twenty-five (25), nnd recorded and all persons, firms, co- State ot Nebraska, as surveyed, platted Block -Twenty-five (25) Leavenworth Busimfc T H P ! H S S I ^ | P E R ^ A N B N T L Y C U R E D b y D r .B . R ^ T a r r y ' a ness Place, an addition to the City of partnerships, corporations (true ana real nnd recorded. S p . - | v ' - ' t l ^ 1 i ^ ' ' ' - ( ^ r l n t e i ^ ' * ' ' ^ e t h 9 d - - o f cnrlng••• Pflesi F i s t u l a a n d names unnown) navinir and claiming any Joseph Sterba and Emma Sterba, bus- Omaha, in the City of Omaha, County of : : ; : [^ V^bffi(feHectai>'Dl9eaae8. - ; \: '-v.^: ,:'.^'-:y.-,.~.. ::'•'••.; '. •,.:••'..•.'-• ', right, title or Interest In Lots Eight (8) band and wltei If Iiv4ng, their unknown Douglas, State of Nebraska, as surveyed, nnd Nine (9). Block Three (3) South Oma- gsiardlsns. nss'snees and persons! repre- platted and recorded: Lot Ten (10), Block j n t— O TREATMENT* TREATMENT WITHOUT SEViiHia SEVfcJKa Sin^UCAJLi' SUlrfllCAli OVBRA 6i»ERAha 1st, an addition to the original City s«|8t8tlves-(thety-«true und real names tin- One_(l) Albright Asnex, an addition to TION.-—NO CHliOROFOItM or other general anuesthetio .used. Fleasflnt efficient oervlca. -Patients walking sibout dAtty. of South Omaha, 'now Omaha. In the City knows); if deceased, their unknown beirs. the original City of Sounth Omaha, now CURB GUARANTEED In any case accepted. No hospital. ' of Omaha, Oonnty of Douglas. Stnte of di j t sssisne«s, trustoen nnd Oinahti, Sn the.Ctty^ of Omaha, Connty of EXAMINATION FREE). DR. TARRY'8 GUARANTEKD METHOD Nebraska, pa enrreyed, -, platted and re il&li^wiche^: ot treatment tuts drawn patient*-from many states. As* for PB.BEJ cordedreal nioM.niwnownj; RIHUIK «wia B a " , , ;? r ^ ',.>„.» iteitSinttient BOOK containing names and testimonials of thousands of 1307 Howard St. At. 8028 Heed, his wife (first ;t«je and real nntne otiLot Eatitteen i\i). Block Thirteen CSS?., platted and recordea. permancntly^cured patients. ;Omaha, Nebr. Established ov«r a Quarter of & Century
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asslirneen. trustees (their true and