A false friend,, lite a shadow, ^ attend* wHIe the sun shines. ^ Jimmy Valentine had Nothing on This Sad Gene Konecky is an announcex S' the "WOW radio staff, so of he dabbles with radio a bit during11? J~ i offliours. The set he ha ~ Entered ae second-class mnil matter on January 27th. 1021. at now, is noe of those one one->< ffi O OMAHA, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 25,1926 SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, A YEAR, $2.60 equalizers, so simple in opera' that Gene's 4-year old son, does the tuning -when, music is "Esst Geznndt" Sandwich Chanukah Greeting -wanted. Shop to Open December 1 The Board of Directors of the So adept has this younger Konecky Jewish Community Center andEsst tresundt, trinkt gotten in the art of turning the dial, Chicago Jewish Attorney "Father" of Cooperative Marketing Ktimt en THIS areiri the Welfare Federation wish and so much enjoyment does he get Est enserp san&wiche* Movement Prepared For Trial of Liberal Suit Against " Welt ihx tich fielen iein. the readers of this paper a very out of fooling -with the dial,.that any* * * joyful Chanuka. Owner of Dearborn Independent thing having the appearance of a Under the auspices of the women The first day of Chanuka is By LOUIS POPKIN radio dial must be investigated by Expect Changes to be Made of the Jewish Community Center, Hsi Resh Memfeyrs Plan one of . Wednesday, December 1. The this youngster. the restaurant is to have a grand Most Entertaining Danees When Congress ReconThe U. S. District Court in Detroit New York Courts by keeping out of Feast of Dedication or ChanuThe other .day Milton went to th« opening on Wednesday noon, Deof Year • M , venes will on March 7th hear attorneys for the State or coining and going by kah . is to commemorate the Piggly "Wiggly store -with his mama. cember 1. Sandwiches will be Henry Ford and the Dearborn Pubstealth, so that process could not be dedication of a new altar and This store had a safe standing near STATE DEPARTMENT ISlishing Company endeavor to prove! served on him in the State. The served daily from 12 to 2 o'clock, ALL PROCEEDS OF DANCE the purification of the sanctuary the door. It was locked, and young WILL--GO TO LIBRARY SUES FIGUERS ON QUOTA that Aaron Sapiro» young Chicago at- Dearborn Independent has in fact except Saturday and Sunday. in the Temple at Jerusalem, Master Konecky began "tuning-in" The ladies are planning to retorney hailed -vverld-Tride as tLe leadsucceeded in escaping the jurisdiction. •tw-o thousand twenty years agor •with the safe dial, -while Mrs. Kon- . Washington.. (J. T..A.)—Secretary The Hai Eesh fraternity benefit ing exponent qt the Cooperative In 1924, after the early attacks decorate the dining room. There according to the Jewish calenmade her shopping t o y - When of Labor Davis and Commissioner of dance for the library of the Jewish vdll be small tables Eccomodstrng Marketing moveitjent, -was deliberate- against the Jews had ceased, the dar. It glorifies the spirit of she came back to her son, Mrs. Kon- Immigration Hull will submit to Community Center- in the Center parties of four. Everything will ly organizing aad dominating the Dearborn Independent launched a ecky, much to her surprises and mor- Congress, when i t reconvenes Decem- . the Macabees and the cause for auditorium SoBd&y. December 12, be done to instill an atmosphere farmers of America-and Canada as series of articles on "Jewish Exploitawhich they fought. tification, saw the heavy iron door of ber 6, certain recommendations for (promises to be one of the biggest of coziness and hospitality. part of a great Jewish conspiracy to tion of Farmers' Organization," menAs you distribute Chanuka the safe had been opened, and the proposed changes to relieve hardships The opening is arousing a great social silairs of the season. The large control the food sources of the nation. tioning Sapiro by name—calling him cheer, please give thought to opener starting to crawl inside. She in the present immigration law, it deal of interest and it is expected early ticket sale' proves an enormous And -white his clie-at Jubilates that s i a betrayer of the American farmer. your membership dues to the grabbed the little radio an3 safe dial was learned following s conference interest exists in the derelo|H»eat of 'thai a. great many -will attend. last his case has come to trial, WilSapixo-.had been requested by the lafe Community Center. In making turner by the aim and -roaflp a hasty between *" gressman Perlman of *' Further details -seiH be an- .the library. . liam Henry Galagher, attorney for Harris Weinstock to organise some of out yottr Chanuka checks just exit from the store. New York and these officials, at The list of pa.trons aa3 |»atrone88es" Aaron Sapiro, -will ssk the court to the- leading farmers* cooperative nounced m the next issue of the write one-for the Jewish Comwhich Assistant Secretary of Labor promises to be sn imposing list, ao* exact from the Detroit automobil marketing associations in California, Tress. munity Center duesII WORTHLESS THERE Husband was also present. It is uncording: to the committee. Most of -manufacturer damages of one million and since that time has established on San Francisco, who-had derstood that fiiey 'expressed the view fee leading and representative Jews dollars for libelous statements made a legal and-constitutional basis, "co-faeen'living in a cheap lodging house that Congress should pass some of the city have been selected for the against Mr. Sapiro. All this will' operative organizations of fruit growand walking, he said, to save car fare, amendments to the immigration law, patron list. happen on March 7th, if—and the "if" ers, wheat growers, tobacco growers, was found to have, ?70,000 "at his so that the hardships caused by the is usually the important part of every poultry raisers, and other types of *1t will be wonderful to have law to separated families be minimdeath, the other day. statement. In this instance it is agriculturists which successfully mar- Slnch Impressed With the Building Omaha tell the rest of the country And to think that he, can't take it ized. especially significant for the trial will ket cooperatively millions of dollarsthat in its Jewish Community Center snd Work Done Election Held at Triennial Convention take place only if Senator .Reed and worth of products annually. During •with him. building sre not only itne lodge As soon as Congress convenes, af Washington other attorneys for Henry Ford do the last two years he forcnalated the Congressman Perlman'vrill continue Members of the Greater Omaha rooms, a wonderful gymnasium «nS . Pony Coat not succeed as they have for more plans and sustained the legality of the : Committee held their regular meeting swimming1 pool, but also a marvelous his efforts to have Congress pass the Washington, (J. T. A.)—New of- than two years, in obtaining succesHarry Kneeter dresses neater library," said Dr. Philip Sher, who is Wadsworth - Perlman-. Immigration ficers of the National Council of sive postponements in an effort to largest cooperative organization in' an<2 luncheon at the Jewish. Com- in charge of the library department, Than a bunch o' guys; Bill now on the calender in the United the -world—the successful Canadian mUnity- Center Wednesday noon. The But to the whyfor of his. pony States Senate and. pending in the Jewish Women -were elected-by the break do-wn and -exhaust' the plaintiS Wheat Pool, including in its member- j entire committee inspected the huild- *The library -will mean much tc coat, House of Representatives before the eleventh triennial convention of the in what promises to be one of the ship more than one hundred thousand [ i n g thoroughly and according- to all Omaha, if its bookcases and shelves . I'd like to be put wise. Committee on Immigration and Na- Council here, at its last session on most -widely interesting legal cases of farmers of Western Canada. A sur-j were deeply inpressed with the beau- are stocked -with good books. Every Friday. The nev? officers are: recent years. turalization. prisingly large percentage of the laws | tiful structure. General John L. ticket purchased for this dance prac« President, Mrs. Joseph E. Friend affecting agriculture -which have been j Webster, Harry Lapidus and Henry tically means another book for tke He Put One Over Congressman Perlman says he will of New Orleans, La.; first vice-presiWhen Henry JFord first began to On Himself make efforts to have the quota Im- dent, Mrs. Alvin L. Bauman of St. publish his series of libels against the some Monsky -were the speakers-. General library." : "I think the icfea to give the JewBen Somberg r u n s a delicatessen migration Law amended so that a Louis, Mo.j second vice-president, Jews of America and the •world f°rty-two states of the Union -were Duncan, director of the Greater Omaish Community Center a bigger and. store. The other.day when a customer mon-quota status be given to parents Mrs. Alexander Wolf of Washington, American Jewry stood aghast, out- drafted by him. His achievements ha Committee was chairman. raged by the absurdity and malice of have . been" hailed as an outstanding!, sre proud to have this building better library is most 'commendable paid him fifty cents, Ben r a n g up just of citizens of the United States, D. C ; third vice-president, Mrs. and should be supported by every the c&mpaign, but by tacit agreement; contribution both to agriculture and' i Omaha not for its beauty cs children of citizens of the United n thirty cents. Edwin Zugsmitb. of Pittsburgh, Pa.; Jew in Omaha,'' said Abe Goldstein, _ economics in American life. States between the ages of IS and structure but for -what is being done "Hey, whatcha doing there," the treasurer, Mrs. David M, Greenwald, that the statements were not -worthy At first Mrl Sapiro was inclined to "Give the Jewish Community Cen-in this buildingin the way of making: customer asked Ben, thinking he -was 21 years (the present quota places of the dignity of a defense, no reply in the non-quota status only children of Milwaukee, Wis.; recording secre- •was made, save in the case of Mr. take the-Dearborn Independent's ser- better citizens for this community", ter a -vronderfnl librarj' and you will trying to "cheat" the boss. tary, Mrs. I.. -K. E. Prager of Boston, ies of find better Jews Wing developed in as the rhe rest of: Harry Lapidas.. We sre "Shhh!" warned Ben, winking signi- of citizens who are under 18 years Herman. Bernstein, the asthox and Mass.; and executive secretary, Mrs. the Jews save Mr. Bernstein had; taki>etter"'men and •women foere -so fimtithe commonity," mid Dr. Abe <5reeit of age), the husbands of citizens of ficantly. •;'• iC! Estelle M. Sternberger of New York journalist, editor of the "Jewish TriFord .propaganda— Uiey may carry tm the -work." ' "Kerc «Tt. -wondertal idea." "berg. It is a wonderful The man" walked but of the store, the United States Xthe present quota Mr. BemstfVs suit sues'- -present-..-at---the iBBcheeSJ- '"'Q'sod hoolzs '»re sure-ihat BenJhad p u t one -over_on "the immigration law gives Xt TKHwroota as Hr. Ford Honorary vice presidents: Mrs: 1 Bui Mr.,,S&jpir© is .an at- which -was-prepared snd_ served by!! Jewish Comimnuty Center libmrj-v •status to the wives of American citboss. . . . . ' made" to bring Mr. Ford toaccount izens ' "but places the husbands of Martin Barbe of" Chicago, DL; Mrs. and is now -pending in the U.S. Court toxney in Chicago, -he ie sssociated t -wives of members of the Jewish Com- said Henry Monsky. "I think it is American citizens in a- preference Herbert" Ottenheimer of 'Louisville, at New York, has not yet come to with Judge Robert :S.-Marx,*ArgoiHie- TOxmity Center were: W. T. Baxter, B. wonderful idea for m group to give clas5), and the non-quota status be Ky.jVand Mrs. William D. Sperberg trial. It has been delayed :by all sorts hero ..and wearer of the distinguished! Thomas Eilpatrick, Co., M. G. Col- such sn affair to raise money v> And She Left Him given" to the wives and minor child- fcf Port Chester, New York. of dilatory pleas and motions and service cross. Mr. Sapiro' soon dis-1 petzer, Chicago dumber Co.,- F. H. develop the library." BlUshing • Directors: Mrs. Maurice Goldman finally by asking- for a roving Com- covered to Ms, amasement that the '• Davis, First Nati- Bank, Gould Diets.' The plans for the big dance &">"* ren (unmarried), of those aliens who While walking down Farnam of Houston, Texas; Mrs. George ^ ^ to examine all sorts of people Dearborn Independent had many j c JJ. Diete Lumber Co., Hemy. Doorly, progressing splendidly, according street the other day, Art Robinson, were admitted jnto the United States Goldsmith of Los Angeles, CaL.; Mrs. j ^mission 1 ^ "^^t prior to July 1, 1924, when the new pomts— readers, that some of them actually .! World Herald, General Duncan,' Di- •fee. committee, Arthur Randal''*: the "drummy" drummer with the Charles D. Long " of" Wilkes-Barre, I ~ believed the fantastic tales they had rector of Greater Omaha Committee, orchestra, vv-bich. will play at thp£Cattered over the continent of Royal Vagabond orchestra, -which law went into effect, and who declarread, and that the confidence of many Ballard Donn, Omaha, Bee, E. C. Ep- dance, is arranging1 s new ©rcbestwiPa.; Mrs. Ignace J. Keis of Chicago, I j ^ p Europe o r d h&s plays at the "Y" dances, suddenly ed their intention of becoming citcareizens of the United States and who 111.; and Mrs. Sara Messing Stern ol t ^ jurisdiction of the pley, Eppley Hotels, E. Flynn, C. E. tion on an original song written by ful]jr e T a d e d found himself walking along -with (Continued on page have taken out iirst papers. Terre Haute, Ind. Q. R. R., W. A. Fraser, W.O.W., Carl Kiss Anne Rosenblatt last summer-. a good looking young lady, who R. Gray, U. P. R. R., W. L. Holzman, Mrs. Friend,-the new elected presiTickets are being sold for $lJSft had slipped her hand through Art's Joe Wolf, Harry H. Lapidus, Harry per couple. They may be trarehas«2 arm. State Department Issues Figures dent, had served as national treasurer ' A. Wolf, Henry Monsky, Irvin Stal- at the Jewish Community of the Council during the seventh on Status of Quotas "Boozy," as he is better known, i master, H. S. Heavenrich, Frank W. Schadell'B Millinery, and trienniel period of 1914-1914, and has looked down at the girl with surWashington. (J. T. *A.)—The De- been president of the New Orleans j Judson, Pittsburgh Glass Co., Eufus Shoppe. prise. partment of State has just announced section for the year of 1926-27. She The stage is being set for a grand Tuesday, December 7, will be a red^ E. Lee, C. Louis Meyer, "Concrete "Oh! pardon me," exclaimed the the status of the immigrant quota athletic exhibition in the Gymnasium, letter dky in the history of the J. C. C. j Engineering Co., P. F. Peterson, has held a recognized position in the girl, as she looked up at "Boozy," during the period" from June 30- to : "I thought you were someone else." approximately the end of October. state of Louisiana because of her on Monday night, November 29. There The entire Jewish Community will Joseph Polcar, Daily News, A. H.| will be plenty of smokes and a "Hot" celebrate Chanukah. There will be' Richardson, Standard Oil., J. A. Sun"That's all right!" answered big In the cases of some Asiatic coun- active career of public service. program, consisting of boxing bouts, the kindling of Chanukah lights.- The! derland, A. B. Warren, McCord Brady, hearted Arthur." That's all right!" tries which require considerable time dumbell drill, tumbling, a volley ball j glorious tales of conquest by Judas'Eugene Holland, a'guest of' Mr. Jud- ; for reports to come in, the period 20,000 JEWS APPLY FOR •exhibition game and parallel bar dem- Maccabeas . -will be retold in Play: son. General John L. Webster, and C. This Year »g Silver J«MJ«« ©1f ended in early-October. ROUMANIAN CITIZENSHIP onstration. form. The famous Chanukah chant! E. Mickler, district manager of Wooltiwnal Day PARDON YOURSELF, GOVERNOR The immigrant statistics show that Admission -will be limited to adults —"Moez Tsur"—will be sung. •wortb. Stores, a gnest of Henry Kishinev, (J. T. A.)—Twenty^ thouGovernor Brandon of Alabama was the greatest number of immigrants sand Jewish young men of the prov- only and as the seating capacity is will hear about the "Latkes" Monsky. The Annual Flag. Day of arrested for having brandy at his to date have come from Germany ince of Bessarabia who had availed small, it is advisable to get in early j "Draidlach" described by the children.] ish Ksiional "Fund, is this year to "be with, a total of 19,972. Great Britain fishing camp. j Our own Symphony Orchestra will jR C S S I A N MONARCHISTS BEEAK held ©a • Sunday* D-acembcr h* themselves of the provisions of the if you wast a seat. •What's this country .comingto when and Northern Ireland Hollows with Paris agreement have decided to apThe program will start promptly make its- initial, appearance twenty-' UP MEETINGS IN MEMOET OF will be" the. "clean-itp day*''ffrr even a goveriior can't take a EtQe 12,724 immigrants, aid the Iris3i Eree ply for the rescinding of their former at 8:15 P. M. five strong under the leadership of . LATE JEWISH LEADEB United Palestine -Appeal drive State sent the third greatest number, decision. According to the Paris drink? Professor Kudolph SeideL Many Omaha Jews have 10,888. The celebration will start promptly Paris.—(J. T. A.)—Russian' mon- as yet been seem for the Appeal, Agreement the inhabitants of Bes- ROUMANIAN EDUCATION A l ** Fifteen countries failed to send sarabia who refused to-become Rouat 8:15 P. M. archists, emigrees resident in Paris, •the local organization is inking tM* EVEN THE BEST OP TJS MINISTRY MODIFIES attempted to disturb a. meeting' ar- opportonitj' of completing' the Dr?v«, Maurice Alperin, I always thought, any immigrants'to the United States manian citizens, had the right to abide TEACHERS ORDINANCE ranged by Jewish leaders here in *The Flag Day thie year is of T W couldn't help being Tecognized by his during this period. BAPTISM AMONG HUNGARIAN by their decision, but had to leave the Among the countries listed in the country a year from the date when memory of the late Mas Vinaver, ticuJar'import, bcaase this- ie thegorgeous' golden locks. But my beJEWS GROWS ALARMING! Buchares.—(J. T. A.)—Belief for Russian Jewish jurist and former ver Jubilee year of tte Je-wish lieves were shattered the other day figures issued by the State Depart- they ofncially notified their refusal. Jewish teachers in Rouniania was in . ~ when a young lady, looking directly ment are: ' Several thousand of these young sight yesterday when new regulations Berlin, (J, T. A.)—Alarming fig- leader 'of'the Kadety, the Russian tional.-Fund. For this reaaon, at Morry, asked: Jewish' man and woman in men held a meeting' here under the concerning teachers -were issued by ures concerning. the spread, af. Bap-j const itutioiial democratic party. tism among the Jews in Hungary!- Eulogists to the late jurist-were de- should show their tree spirit and "Who's this Maurice Alperin I'm chairmanship of the former Kishinev the Ministry of Education. we're. made public here by the Ti^aivered Vv Rabbi M. Eisenstaat and tribute liberally to the cause. . hearing so much about." Prefect, Advocate, Oprea. The meetThe Ministry issued a circular an- dish Scientific Institute.; Heinrieh Sliosberg.' The Eussian monFrance "„". 3,954 1,552 2,412 ing elected a special • committee .for nulling the former circular promluThe workers will trsest ott Mr. Burdick" talked over WO AW X5ermany 51,^27 19,972 31^55 the purpose of approaching the Rou- gated by Angelescu, according to According to the data collected by archists who invaded the meeting in- morning, December fi, at the the Institute, during the period 1901- terrupted the speakers. The police last Saturday night on "Swimming." Great Britain manian Government with the request •which Jewish teachers -were barred 1905 4.6 of every 10,000 Jews em-; i n t e r V B n e d a n d s e v e r a l o f ^ i n v a d O rs Conmronity Center, v,-hefi csrds_ and judging from the correspondence • and Northern to grant a' three-months' period durbe given them for solicitation, from the Roumanian schools. Irland .34,007. 17,724 16,393 braced Christianity. During the per-jj w e r e a r r e s t e d . received, he will need the services of Hungary . rolttnteer workers .are needed and #«• J e w s w e r e irt 310 ing which all the young men who -473 The new circular permits the em- i d 19191924 M 4 f U jjj u r e d l n t h e fi ^ a private secretary. 1919-1924 M.4 of every te ten Uum23 77 had refused to become citizens should ployment of Jewish teachers in those iod Iraq 100 further-inforaaatioB get in sand left Judaism. During the 12 1 46 be allowed to apply for Roumanian schools where Roumanian Latvia •• 142 Mr. J. J. Friedman, chairman of years 189S-1S08, the-Hungarian Jewteachers A LAST WORD 123 221 citizenship. Lithuania 344 SUICIDE EPEDEMIC SPEEADS. are also employed. local district. • 77 ish, comm-axiity lost 5,790 through 23 Palestine :100 .- After all, we can all be thankful AMONG LITHUANIAN JEWS 5,982 2,319 3,663 Saptism, while during t i e six years Poland that we can fine something to be Roumania 194' 603 410 ENGLISH SYNAGOGUES URGED 1919-1924 11,288 were converted. Kovno.—(J. T. A.)—A public pro- PAJSt-PRESIDBNTS NIGHT COMPILES POGROM Russia, thankful for. test meting against the high taxaAT I. O. B.'-B. MEBMNCS TO OBSERVE PEACE SABBATH DATA IN UKRAINE FOR . S81 1,367 European Jl 2,248 tion policy of th' -Lithuanian governSCHWARTZBARD TRL4L WARSAW ifEBICAL COLLEGE The Local B'nai B'rith lodge CLINICS CLOSED BECAUSE • ment was held here trader the saspiRabbi Cohn to Speak on Middle " London.—(J. T. A.)—Rabbis and TWO KILLED IN TEL hold a novel megting on OF ANTI-SEMITIC DISORDERS ces of the Jewish Merchants' AssoAges. Moscow.—Many important docuAVIV BOMB EXPLOSION presidents of the various synagogues •evening Deceaiber % when past f ciatioii. • Speakers at the meeting emThe next lecture on Jewish History in England were urged to observe ments of the Petlura pogrom period will be held on Thursday night, DeTel Aviv.—(J. T. A.)—Two Jewish peace Sabbath on the Saturday pre- were collected ,and systematically ar- . Warsaw.—(J. T. .A.)—The clinics phasized that' the taxation policy is , dents will' be- the feature. All <*? ' the cosntiy. b occupied i d by b pait.-^iwa-*tf« chairs ^will be of the medical «oDege of the Warsaw reining the trade'o-f cember 2, at 7:30 p. m. Rabbi Cohu children were killed and a young man ceeding Armistice Day in a circular ranged by Bernard Lekash, dests, and the -prograre wil An epidemic-of suicides among the will speak on "The End of Middle was injured" when a bomb exploded issued by Dr. Joseph' H. Herts, Chief known French Jewish writer who is University were ordered closed for an in the courtyard of a house on Kal- Rabbi of the British Empire. touring Russia on behalf of the Paris indefinite time by -tie.university dean Jewish youth. 4» Lithuania has caused addresses by f ormet presidents • A g e s . " '•-••• lodge. much concern. During last week two isher Street. „ today. The rabbis were urged to dwell on Schwartzbard Defense Committee. The time has been changed from A part of the houses surrounding the Messianic ideals of peace, rightM. Lekash, who has arrived in Kiev The order was issued as a result of sukioes octrurred in KOVP.O, O3»e, at Tliis meeting vill bring 8;00 to 7:30 due to the Symphony Musical. This lecture- will be -at the the t:ourtyard were destroyed. -The eousness and universal brotherhood in has had access to the archives of the the continuation of quarrels'between teacher, Lerner, from the township many of the former preeidents Jewish Community Center. Members police are conducting an investigation their sermons on that day. The text Jewish relief societies in the Ukraine non-Jewish and Jesrish students con- ( of Vendzigola, and the ot3»er, Solomon haven't attended a tnesting for how the bomb- vr&s of a special Armistice prayer was f or- and has collected many important doc- cemlng the question of submitting | Gidinov, a tailor,, who -was seventy months. of the class Please note the change to determine placed in i^1** <* Jewish corpses for dissection. yea?* -* * • . . . attend this meeting. Waxded to all the synagogues.uments and photograph?
Secretary of Labor
Expected to Oipge
Immgration Law
Council Jewish Women ~ Elects New Officers
Hoge Smoker and Rally Kg Cbunibh Fesfel Nigbt, MOY. 29
PAGE-2—THE JEWISH fRESS; THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 2S, 1926 formed""last week. This dft83 meets] The Walking Club is enj&ying some my head". (Editor's hote—It takes a a t 9 A* M. on Tuesday and Thursday,' wonderful hike* cir Sunday' morning. pretty level head to do that.) and judging from t h e increasing at- Seeing is believing. Hikes are held • , JPabllstjed* every rbnrs&y at Omatn,.*tebraskt. By tendance bids fair ih rivaling1 the eve- every Sunday. Call Dave. .1 '•] • THE JEWISH P&3SS PUBLISH WG COMPANX ZIONISTS CONFERENCE IN ning class. Office: 49Q Brandeis, theatre Building — Telephone; ATlantiq 1450. The Gym w.as cold the other day '• JUGOSLAVIA BEGINS SESSION NATHAN E. GREEN', Manager. 5687—.1023-27 Business Men Attention! and Dave £hesneau disappeared for 1928 . Zagreb, Jugoslavia (J. T. A.)—The 'You get tip early and play golf be- a moment and came back wearing a ; $2.50. Subscription Prite, Sn§ 1st Day Hanukkah ~ Wednesday, December 1 bnnual conference of the Zionist Orbright red bathing suit. Dave warmed ?or you go to work. Why not have a Rosh Chodesh Tebeth Monday, December 6 Advertising rates furnished on application. gym class and a swim before you go up and so did *he class. THE PSY-ganisation of Jugoslavia was opened Fast of Tebeth Wednesday, December* 15 here recently. Onfe hundreu delegates CHOLOGY OF COLOR. "" CB4NGB OF AbDHESS—Mease p)ve bofb the old anfl new 1927 -^ : "Squire Swartz" of the Physical are attending the conference, which Af"guirieht& in favor ate! ' . T • _ . " " . * ' ~ be Sore «nq .gHo you* oarae, Rosh Chodesh Shebaf ~.~ — ..Tuesday, January 4 Department staff pulled a good one was opened under the chairmanship -1. N& time lost to business. Rosh Chodesh Adar Thursday, February 3 The Jewish Press ig supplied by the Jewish .Telegraphic Agency (Jewish the other . day playing volleyball. of Dr Alkali. , ' 2 . More pep and energy for work. Rosh' Chodesh Ve Adar ....« Saturday, March 5 Correspondence, Bureau) with'cabled and telegraphic Jewish news, in addition Someone hit the ball and it bounced j , 3 . Better health and longer life. A Zionist Women's Federation of Furim .....t.~ *-..-.«. i...~-^Frfday, March, IS to feature articles and correspondences from elf frnpftftanr Jewish renters Rosh Chodesh Nissan. —— -—.......Sunday, April 3 off his head snd went over the net. Jugoslavia was formed in connection Inquiries regarding, news items credited to this Ageftey will be gladly Arguments against are: NONE. 1st Day Pessach Sunday, April 17 answered if addressed to Jewish Telegraphic .Agency, 6&1 Broadway, New The answer i s : COME. If interested, Art said, "That's-what I call using with the conference. 7th Day Pessach ........7. .::. Saturday, April 23 York City. ._• .. . call : Mr.:~Burdick, Jackson 1366, at Rosh Chode"sh Iyar .-...«——.._..... . Tuesday", May 8 once. Lag b'Omer -.—*.....» ~..-~ Friday, May 20 JEWS CELEBRATE FEAST OF CHANUKAH Rosh Chodesh Sivan _. : Wednesday, Jane 1 . Volley Ball is a great game for 1st Day Shabuoth.._—..™-_....-4...—-«.«..~—.«—..Monday, June 6 Chantik£f._the.E'east of Dedication, likewise known as the men, women, boys and girls. It is Rosh Chodesh TammuB ~ ..........—. Friday, July 1 being played in all classes and some Feast of-tights,-will* be usfterefTin by the Jews-onrTuesday.eveFast of Tammuz . ..—~ Sunday, July 17 1 inter-class games will soott be played. RoshChodesh Ab ...—....... > »—» Saturday, July SO ning!, November SO, The ^festival lasts for eight day£> and is one : Fast of Ab • * Sunday, August 1 Those interested in bdxing or of great joy and-gladness. , RoBh Chodesh Ellul „_...'. —.»_,.Monday, August 29 wrestling, please sign up. Classes SIXTEENTH AT FARNAM , The SyrianTQnJEf AntioGhus IV, or Epiphanes in.the .year will-fafe formed if sufficient interest is 168 & (3., had- decided to unify all the provinces and peoples of tnanifested. Ift fact, the J»hyeifcal DeWhen smart women and misses do their partment stands ready and willing to his kingdom. Following the idea of his predecessor Alexander after-Thanksgiving shopping. Goldsteinorganise and promote any and all the Great; he believed "-tfiat this dould be.accomplished: only by Chafcman's invite you to inspect these. compelling all his subjects to "adopt a eommoh religion, that* of tative of Mr. ^apiro"td"be present Four teams have, entered ift the athletic Activity that members are inhis opponents are taking testi- Jewish Community f Center Basket-] terested in at any time of the day or th$ Gree'y, Fo.r.this reason .he1 issiiedf a decree to the effect that while mony. This" process, exhaustive of ball league. This promises to be one in t h i evening. Call in and talk it only. the. Greelc gods were, to be Worshiped aiid only, the' Creek both time and resources, he's been con- of the best and fastest leagues ?n the over. religion. yr.m to. be. practiced* But "the polytheism'of the Greeks tinued for two years in Mr. Ford's city. The teams will_ be furnished did*not appeal torth'e Jewel who, ajdne of alt the peoples :of that effort to find a basis for the statement classy uniforms, bearing the names WANTED time, worshiped" the "Offe Gffd. tindatmted fey the persecutions' •which were joriginally founded on of business firms. Games will be Middle aged woman with played on Wednesday evenings and heaped uppnthemby the Syrians,undismayed by the profanation mere rumor. 1 a small admission will be charged to' best of references to do of iheir hoi/Tehfpie an^ihe" setting up "of idoTs therei&i t h r o w s , They are evidently- protracted in pay for officials and medals for the light housework, two in hope that Sapiro will be out-filed'.at first by thejaged priest Mattathias and-after-his death by the winners. Teams wishing to enter this. family. 205 South 82n4 nanced before he is permitted to ap1 hisison Judas.Maccabeus, successfully,resisted the strong.armies- pear in court. The trial, of-this case, league see Mrl Burdick at oiice. Avenue. •which" the" Syrians eent against them; defeated them repeatedly after postponement from March of Junior Boys' Basketball League! and .finally marched triumphantly into .Jerusalem. There they this year, was set for September 14 will open soon. Three teams have J to date. Games in this league ' rededicated-ther Temple jo^the service of the One God after it 1926, before J\Tdge Tuttle." -Attorneys entered WANTED Jewish Woman will be played on Monday nights. had .remained denied for exactly three years. The rededication for Ford made application in August who understands Kosher postponement-and Judge Tuttle The girls arc fast becoming experts took place on: the-25th day of the Jewish month of KisleV, in the for to assist with housework overruled it. The Ford attorney came in Basketball. They are learning the; year 16& B. C4, and i t is in jcommemoration of tjiis'glorious event informally to ask for postponement fundamentals and soon will be able to j and cookery. No washthat the Feast ofJ<3haiiukah, or Dedication, is celebrated today. and Judge Tuttle declared that the start team play. A league will be or- J ing. Call -Jackson 2346. was unethical. An affidavit of ganized and games will be played on _' The festival lasts for eight days, in accordance with an old action prejudice was filed against Tuttle by Saturday nights. legend which states-that a single cruse-of undented'oil found in Henry Ford, and the case was trans- The ladies' gyin, classes are :very the. Temple at the time of the rededicatfon burned for eight days ferred to Judge Benson- W. Hough, popular, as shown by the number of through the •miraculous intervention of .God. For this reason who ordered it postponed to March, classes and- the-attendance, Five the; kindling of^the lights i n the, home and in the synagogue is 1927, when the Congressional activi- ladies' classes, with an average attenWe particularly empha$h§ most distinguishing feature* of the'festival. 'One candle is lit ties of Senator Reed, Ford's chief of dance of about SO, meet regularly at counsel, would permit him to argue the J. C C. A new class for matrons ISADOftE ABRAMSON size the fact that these the first day, two x>n the,second-day, and so on until>eight are the case. Fraying that at last he coats and dresses are kindled pn .the last -day of the' feast. Special prayers and scrip- may have the opportunity next INCOME TAX SERVICE from our regular stocks tural readings are recited: in the synagogue, but the holiday is Spring to ask for justice, Aaron SaSYSTEMS*-AUDITS and the savings will neverthless regarded as a: minor one because there is no injunc- piro is-awaiting -^he early. Spring in- For Rent—to refined couple the expectation that the game of a two rooms with privilege of tion against labor "on-that'day. amaze you. very rich inan may be at last played sharing home. Call HA. 490. Brandeia Theater Building In modern times the festival, has^ssflmed* more-and more out.. - . . . , , 7342, 319 North 38tk St. Phone ATlantic 1450 He ,is, .So-friends "declare,,- in this, '21Z 1 case fighting ugainskall the forces t i t
New Low Price Coats, Dresses and Furs
deeds of tbetfewish heroes and martyrsx>f TO, afid'-herefey •tender apology* for same." The paper in addition agreed, at Mr. Sapiro's suggestion, and as an (Continued" from pagetl> indemnity for •damage" to his reputaof hia client {Jjad- heen undermined tion, to create a -fund which' would, by the malicious rumors. The entire annually, give a- farm boy a chancfe-to* farmers' . cooperative,-'raoyementt he get an education in agriculture. The episode made someWHat o f - a hero of
Aaron Saptta : Versus Henry Ford
to destroy~Xmerican~i<leata of gious and human liberties through the spreading, of • unfounded suspicion •creating, rumors. However, ignored by his people •whose battle he is -waging, he takes on somewhat the romantic air of a valorous Don Quixote, tilting at windmills. If he does succeed in bringing Henry .Ferd before the bat of justice {and there is much in his character and record of performance, to make this . a strong probability), a new champion, to be celebrated in history and legend will* have arisen in Modern Israel.
er, t a noted XJetroit- attorney, was en- katoon. • -' -• gaged to ^Ie^aL declaration in r the United States JJIstrict -Court f o r the | However, -tfhjle one libeling newsEastern UistridLof •Michigan, alleging paper recognized - the fcrror <of ita libel and asking on behalf jot his client" ways, the' Ddaftiorn Independent tonone million" dollars for the" damage tinued to seek evidence of the great resulted from/thj.t_Jibel. That was Jewish conspiracy against the" agri- PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS cultural Interests of the United States. two full years agoIn the two years;" that have followed Barry H. Lapidua, Pres.-Treas. the W.G. Ure. Secretary*
Omaha Fixture & Supply Co. at his command ihe Ford allegations of a Jewish* conspiracy, ^whicb helped
his case to trial. Mr
: 3101 South 24th Street
'All charge purchases billed January 1st. 3rd floor
.£lev«nib «nh Oatiglat Htreetc OSIAHA NEtt
18th and Chicago Streets
sqoan tat
he claimed strating: tbja^.pf 1538 directors of 98 associations^ there-were; but tw^ Jews t s Time to-thinkof your piro headed a n n g of Jew is h —bqth farmers. : He also pointed to the fact that in "many States the co- i n k e r s and business and prof eSsional had prganized the American operatives werg under the direction > of a public: director-appointed by the Governor of-th.e State? the Commis- Ford had allegSQ deliberate mismansion of'Agriculture, or the president agement of .cooperatives foi'.the beneV fit of their, organizers, and had deof the State .Agricultural College-,PHOTOGRAPHERS clared a failure the system of organ1312 Farnam St. Opposite A newspaper in-'the .eity of-Saska- ized merchandising of the farm protoon, in tlie'-Vheatgrowing State, of ducts of the nation, which has in the W. 0 . W. Bldg. Saskatchewan,'Canada, printed.simi- last few years swept from the fruit . Phone, JA ckson 4562 f lar articles attacking Aar6n-Sapiro growers of California to the tobacco and his connection with the Cooper* j farmers of the Carolines, • Qn the ative ' Movejiieht; "When this paper other hand, this plan hag been widelywas prosedute'd'far libal, i t conducted acclaimed to be both, constructive a rigid investigation and then pub- and profitable to all those partidpatThe lished the following-retraction: j ing. However, "in^ taking their' deposi"ThesS r^rtie]e"3, Wxe published • in tions the agenta of. Mri Ford,-it-is good faith, the .newspapers consider- * alleged, have taken testimony only to 1818 Farnam, 2nd floor ing it their d u t y a t t h e time of publi- 'prove that cooperative marketing does cation "to 'di^seritindte.the:contents-of rtot-"worlt< rather Jhan' \Q< prove- the these .-articles t a the. general,public- | source of the libel suit* that Mr. Sapiand The said t articles', contained; ;e«riou^ t ro is.ths agent t»f a Jewish 4jenspiracy« 1 charged against :the .qhaifacter . of : Depositions, have been .. taken in Aaron Sapirot [and. wa having ainco Minnesota* North a.hd, South Dakotaf the publication;of these v articles iw ; Idaho, Qregan (where are the. h,op Popular noonday, luncheon 50 cents j vefltigatedvrthe. ^matter" further . »ftd growers in whqse organization Sapiro -Table" d'hote dinner, 85 cents to found that 'there is no .foundation had n<r part) Washington, Colorado, $1,00, from 5 jto 8 Daily . for any" oft 1M dtatemerita which Jre- Oklahoma^ Kansas, Maine^ Kentucky, .Music at all Meals fleet npodi! Jtt&ty A i o n t Sapiro^- person-1 Cowiecticut,^ New,. York), and New -. Dancing Evcrdnga ally iereb^JiiJlrcsflrsedly-withdraw all Jersey^ apd are tp, ba taken;in North .Music by,Ambassadors.7 piece orchestra?,- - Jtto cover charger Btat^wentaC'iontsiried i n >the said- ati and-. Sottth Carolina^- Virginia,-Texas* - JForteser-Vations ^clea>whic|^l3BS3Ha^.ieaccted upim and'-New Mexico. In'all of- these places it is necessary for a represen-
:Jewish Public is cordialiy jnyited i» come and celebrate the feast of Chanukah on Sunday, December 6, 1926, at 8. p. m. at our Synagogue, 18 and Chicago streets. Cantor A. Schwazkin and choir assisted by an orchestra and many other talented numbers will nil the program.
Xmas Photographs t
The Commissioners. ADMISSION FREE
vcrc IVING you amazingly vast selections—everything that's new in fabric, model and color effect—, nothing like it elsewhere—compare. GIVING you wonderful values—thanks to our "No Sale" policy—a totally different system of selling—positive money savings for you. GIVING you more for your Overcoat money than any other western store is equipped -to give—that's the Nebraska idea—^profit by it today.
Nebraska Special Overcoats
Excellent Chinese American Dishes
Thiessen Vinegar & Pickle Works
Congregation B'nai Israel
npn 1
D i 11 Quart
bora-.Independent. .* to . . » Y -. , -He ' refuted -.- - the *. nim claims of a.-«JgwJish conspiracy to ex-j _ ,,
Sweet Pickles
It h&s been OUT policy, at the end of each season, to make a general' reduction of all earlier season apparel. .This policy in the past has effected unusual savings to our customers.
~"~ • & • £ ? SB - " £ 9 ' ^^^wt « 9 ^ . "
OF SUCC3SSS. f?L"% THOUSANDS PEBMANBNTl.'X CUJRED by Dr. SI B, Tarry's n i time<trled guanuitded rcettod cf curing Piles, Flstttli ana : k l other R e c t a l . M M M L . 1 _J OFEBA-
A t r i * l ^ Wvinee you, bat eonWaience. If you are in need was introdacefll^y^JSIrs, Herman.,' dtttiligf good-players^ A---league Aueriaeb.:,i *i-Xll...''l..../_ i if $&u want to knowitdw Art Swarfcs. fi®8**;. . . . ~ The-subject--fes-&a next meeting t h e - Business- Meifs Tslley B&H it ^wffl do you, ask Mr. Lapidus, Mr. Tuesd^yv November 30, League, -of^hrdi'the ?.- C C. Is « Malashpck or Mr. ; snd they" •••«t lliaceM,' Hostess, ".asd ;Saest", by | member, opens^'-^^^-^GeMtar Tues- ! wflltell you. Mr. Eose, iti *3iarge of: Halibut • required to take part ' Mrs. iNate ManteJt - — i ^ ^ & ^ i n b e t 1 ^ , % i : S f*. m. with this department, is EM expert iDak&eax \ • activity three times 2 lbs. Ivalibot -xi.- -.-.: & | ; ; ^ # ; ; ^ o ^ s x f e i n . • •Games -will; and we jare equipped t« take;ca¥e *>f j tTtie entire year. Hiss ".Gauss, at 3iaining 1 -cnpf.nl-tomatoes-'' ..'. ^piMy^'feac^S^iday night at the I as inatiy" as desire this service, ' ;< , "Father Boris- to Speak2 ta\>lespoonfuls flour X t l C r M l f l n i M j a ^ B bfethargedJ ^a-nksgtviBg Day sdiedole wall 1 ., Miss-Helen Gauss, Head J 2 1£bles]M*afiil£ butter . '. 2 Theri .a^eHkh teams;in-lKis feagae. \ the same as Sandsy. No 1 -Omaha--Social Settlesifint," ipoke fit ?'* teaspoon salt - ' : ' classes: f& teaspoonfat pepper. "' - .the i i C. C, Training .Cottrse.,Jor ... A,Mg '^yianasticJ rcxhlfeifcjon •will be Jiell'Tia~ "the-s^ii;_ S>«rat January 1. ^ Senior and Active men, 10 a.TO.to ;*•! Clean fish, season \tfth salt and Leaders, Monday night, I^ovember 1 0 •J5J The program HlltconsM of d r i l l s , ] ^ Ppepper, dredge with flour, place in 22, on "Problems of the Girls' Club : 12:30 to Sp. m. ^ ? 3 ^ \ finarnntee ot it tinnbling^ pyramiSs, horizontal and] 1 , ^ ^ ^ . baking pan, pour over, toma-, The lecture was well attended and Women, S to 6 pi. m. 141S Douglas £st. '1890 parallel bars,. boxing, vrrestling, and ] | highly appreciated. toes, and dot with batter. We carry a nssD line of gymttain fact, all activities .that we have Bake in a'modreate oven, basting J Father Borer, Director of the Cathsium clothing, aud shoes foT olic Charities, will speak on the o f t e n . ••.-.••• . - - . . . ",;..•. OmahB's ' M o s t !3o"«!erB "l?lrepir«ol %T«»>ft. re missing; soineSiing.If you; "Problems of the Clnb Leader," Monday,••.November -291 father,/Borer has have nojt slsited'our Massage depart-' Creamed Potatoes au Cratin been In Omaha, just a short time, but 2 tablespoonfuls butter 1 qt. peeled" atfd diced potatoes has made a host of friends. He is a fine speaker, knowing- the subject 2 cupfuls inilk•" . w e l l • • . . 1 tablespoonful flour 1 cupful grated cheese i Next "Y»_ Dance Saturday, 1 teaspoorifuTsalt December 4. -• *,4 teasp'oonful "white pepper Those wha attended the .last ?Y" Few breadcrumbs. " IS09 iRorth '24th Street dance Saturday nigfit," ffovemher 20, Cut potatoes in about 1% inch All "fooas Ttept in Sari5t»ry cs»?» all expressed their satisfaction that pieces, then boii carefully in boiling j! a most enjoyable time was had by all. A complete line & smoked salted -water; When done, drain, and} The next dance -will be held on J tori fish
BRATsDT-SHAPIKO Mr^ and Mrs* CacTda-anran^ce the •..Miss Esther Shapiro, daughter' of engagement of their daughter Pauline Mrs. K. Shapiro, •will be married to to Sam L. Kaplan, son o f Mr. 4. Mr. Harry Brandt, son of Mr. andKaplan, of this city. No-date has Mrs. M. Brandt of "New" York ~City, been set for the "wedding. on Sunday, November 28, - at 6:30 Mrs! Harry "Slutsky wag hostess ~at p. m. at the -Jewish-. Community Center. The marriage will take place in | a bridge party and-luncheon at/her the presence .of just the immediate' home- last Saturday afternoon. Prizes family; Rabbi Grodinsky will officiate, j "were won by Mrs. J. Rosenthal and Mrs. George Lasky. Mrs. Leon Teale of New York City The Ladies' Free Loan Society will arrived last week to be the guests.of meet Wednesday afternoon, Deeemher parents, Mr. and Mrs. Phillip ber 1, at 2 o'clock at the Jewish Nathan. Mrs. Teale was formerly Community' Center, in Room C. Miss'Hattie Nathan of this city. * members are urged to.attend.fas this election of officers^ Mr. and. Mra. Joseph, .Eoomv'enter- j P t o tained eight.- "cou.ples. a£ biridge last week in honor of their ^fourteenth ^Sunday afternoon to friends of their ^ £ ^ 5 ^ till hoil'mg, Uien add cheese wedding anniversary. Prizes were Louis in honor of his Bar and seasonings. Pottr over;potatoes; won by Mrs. J. Robinson, Mrs. Eieh- son Mitzvah. grate a; little cheese ,over top, sprinards and Mr. Jack Fitch of Council; i Dr. Gordon spent Thursday, Friday ^ ^ with breadcrumbs., and bake five Bluffs. . • " . - , \ . % + '-;•. - t "and Saturday i n ^ c o l n ; >He attend- . minpteB in hot oven^ - r Mr. Abe Brodkey attended the ed Dental ConVentfdn*5, which1 took Apple Fritters Michigan-Minnesota game last -Satur- place'at the Cornhusker 'Hotel. capfuls floTix. day at Minneapolis, Minnesota. • 2 teaspoonfuls baking powder OBITUARY. Miss Ruth Kulakofsky left VWedM. teaspoonfal salt Mrs. Samuel B. Rosenberg passed^ nesday morning to spend the Thanks- away at her home at Hollywood, Cal., 1-egg giving Holiday with her aunt and Thursday, November 18..JilrsJRosen1 tablespooniftd melted butter uncle, Rabbi and Mrs. Herman Cohen berg will be remembered.by'pioneer. % cupful milk of Kansas City, Mo. 3 apples cut in % inch slices Omahans as ?iiss Dora ; Harding, 3 tablespoonfuls sugar youngest daughter!of Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Schwartz are 1 lemon L. Harding (deceased).- visiting in Chicago,HL Peel, core and slice apples, then
M Barney 7545 |
a Purpose
attend and bring your friends.
Mrs. Ben Sherman of Des Moines, J " ~ " ~ . ~ Ladies's Basketball class which j • Iowa, is visiting here with her moth- j T E M R L E I S R A E L j strained juice" of. the lemon over » . . - - . . • . - - * - - - . . - . . ' . . . . . , t them. Sift ilbur,' nbur? baking•' bakine ' powder,] nowder. \ meets Saturday nightsniehtS' is fast proDro-I er, Mrs. M. Brodkey, "The Land Nobody Knows/' will be sugar, and salt into bowl, add milk Mr. Abe Goldstein is in New York the subject of Rabbi Cohn's lecture to well beaien egg and stir liquid CANTOR ABRAHAM on a buying trip. He. is expected to at Temple Israel, Friday evening, gradually into dry materials, beating SCHWACZKIN return Monday, November 26. thoroughly, then add butter. Cover of B'nai Israel Congregation On Saturday morjjirig Rabbi Cohn's a p p i e slices with batter and drop The Ko Zee Club whichrhas recentPerforms Marriages subject will be "The Dreamer." j them into plenty of Crisco heated so ly been organized .had their first In Jewish and English * ~~ " that small bread crumbs brown in meeting last Sunday at the home of SISTERHOOD 621 No. 21 St. ATlantic 5534 sixty seconds. Fry for four or five Miss Fannie Colich. Prizes for high On December 1, the Sisterhood will minutes. Drain . and sprinkle with score were won by Miss-Bertha Slut- entertam at a l'o'clock ;inah jongg powdered sugar. Ajiy other jfruit may : skin and Miss Barbara Truehaft. This luncheon in the new annex of the substituted^l^i apples or a comclub is composed of thirteen girls, Temple. '. V"—":-"r\ xM' bination of ruits makes a delicious and meet at the home of its members On December 6 and. 7 l i e Sister- fritter. ' ' ' •*•'-- ; ' • - on Sunday afternoons.' The next hood, District^:20, wdl hold its conmeeting -will T35~held at-"£he**hotae of vraildn" in Xahia^ City, Mo. This • Sufficient for twelvei fsttersyIMtiss Anna Hahn. "". '' '•'' district includes Iowa, Kansas, Mis: The second annual card party given souri and Nebraska! This district is by the ladies auxiliary of \fhe South comprised of fifteen sisterhoods with Side Congregation will be given Tuesr, a total membership of two thousand And Now We Have a Girls* Debatiing and Declamation Tteam. day, November 30, at 2 o'clock at the women. Fifty delegates-.will meet in Jewish Community .Center ' Club Kansas City. The Omaha. Sisterhood ; Yes, sir! The^ girls weren't going rooms. The : proceeds of which goesl! "^^ ^ e represented by Mrs. Nate to let; the boys "be the only pebble on '-' a new synagogue. Mantel who is president of the local the beach. Mrs. Wm. Alberts, anto the building of The hostesses for the party will be organization and Mrs. "William Holz- nounces the organization of a girls' the Mesdames L. Lustgarten,-J. Kap- man, :wib will represent the sister- debating and declamation team. All -'•'.- ''•"'"" lan, I. Perman, S. Cannar, N. Bau-hood. girls-sixteen and-over are eligible. mer, A. Lipsman and D. Minkoff. A .number have already registered. BOOK REVIEW CLIJK) ' There is room for a. few moreMrs. Joseph Leibowitz and son A Modern Book Review Cliib has been organized under the auspices of Paul Arthur of St. Joseph, Mo., spent Wanted Girls over 11 Years of Ace. Sunday in Omaha with her mother, the Temple Sisterhood. These .classes We need a few more members to meet every second and fourth TuesMrs. K Tatle. complete organization for the Camp day of every month, under the superFire Group. All girls over 11 years A meeting of G. W. Bridge Club vision of Rabbi Cohn. Everyone is of age are eligible. Work has already was held at the home of Miss Sally welcome. These classes will meet'in started and* honors are now being Cohen last Monday evening. Miss the new annex of the Temple. The awarded. Sylvia Ollander was elected as the first of these reviews was held last new president and Miss Eva Schwartz Tuesday when Rabbi Cohn gave a Mrs. Mason at Charm School. splendid review of the book "Sorrel as secretary and-treasurer. At the second meeting of the J. C. and Son." More than fifty women at- C Charm School, Mrs. Myrtle Mason, Miss BexnTce Ferer is convalescing tended and every one was very en- editor of the Women's .section of the at the Wise Memorial Hospital where thusiastic and are- -anxiously/ looking j Omaha Bee, gave ^a'most interesting she was operated Tuesday morning forward to the next review. . ' talk on' Poise and'how-to squire i t for appendicitis.
at tke Kai Resh BeseSt Bailee for
Physical Department Managers of teams'In-the Commercial Basketball Leagfle "Will meet in the physical director's office to formulate rules, regulations and schedule for the coining season, Wednesday night, a t 8 p. m. Any team wishing to enter this league should have a representative there. The league will be limited to sir teams. Teams will be furnished uniforms by local merchants. Three games will be played each Wednesday night. A small admission will be charged to pay officials and medals sprinkle 2 tablespoonfuls sugar and j fox- the winners. winners. ^~2_^ • " * - " " T " - ~ i apnaiue a taoiespooniuis sugar aau.ior-xne j
Jewish Ccitmiiiily
(kite iilrary Admission 25c
^ 3 ^ S * S ^ ^
Randall's Orchestra
| I can offer now to my customers a full supply of p Chanukah Candles and Chanukah Lights ; «•••
Tickets—$1.50 per couple
• \ " • a t very'reasonable prices.
• - '
Beautifully designed Art Wall Calendars t?KS^»»K»»K!!«S«S«M»
ALWAYS moment
Dr. H. Hirshman and /.daughter Hennine are leaving Saturday? for New York City to be gene fcr tw-5 weeks. The Hai Resh Fraternity entertained ata formal party at the Blackstone Hotel Thanksgiving eve. • The first bob-sled party of the season was given last Sunday evening. The group included the Misses Mildred Lou, Katherine Elgutter, Marion Blumenthal, Pauline Herzberg, Florence Wolf, Ann Gerlic and Messrs. Nate Jacobs, Edward Schicunel, Bad Wolf, Ronsld Gladstone, Marvin Treller, Bill Feiler and Max' Eolzman. After an enjoyabla rids through Flo^ Tence hillc they went to Max Holsman's cottage at Carter Lake for a -wiener roast. Mr. and Sirs. Harry Folsky of San Francisco, ;Califom!a, are ' making their, home1 in Omaha'. Daughters of Zion are haying a public card party- Wednesday"' afternoon, December 1, at the home i of Mrs. I. Kulakofsky, at' 2105 South lOih street. Mrs. S. A. Adler of Los- Angeles, California, who has been the guest ' of her -children,.-Mr.-and.'Mrs. Sam Saltzman, leaves' December 1, for: her home. While here Mrs. Adler'has been' extensively "entertained, being r.-parties..,.._ . .
\VTQT on streets with- the most dazzling lights, .IN nor on the boulevards with the greatest expanse, but more often^ 5just around the corner will one; purchase to- the best advantage, i vVliet;her one seeks that subtle thing called in-: dividuality in style orf a; little more for money expended, the secret; of success often lies in avoiding the beaten path./ >
A Tislt Here Will Prove to ¥011 That TMs Store Presents the Season's Sniartest Dress Fashions at S u b s t a 1111 a 11 y ~;, ;• . : .; liOwei* f * f i c e s .
The soft, velvety sole of GOLDEN CHAIN Hosiery, the sheer beauty and unusual wearing qualities, the •wide range of new and popular shades, combine to make GOLDEN CHAIN the favorite with every, vroman vrho wears them. ...-.—. .
Your'hosiery' dealer can now supply you h GOLDEN CHAIN AIX-SILK Hose, either in the serv. ice chiffon with lisle tops t>r the all-silk chiffon, 'Ask your dealer to match your . . . netv costume with the new shades in GOLBEN 'CHAIN Hosiery.
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Nebraska Clothing Co. Napier's Booterie The Subway Shoe Store
Council Bluffs John Bsno Co.
Thos. Kilp&trick Co. Hersbergs • •Burbon Hosiery Sboppc
PAGE 4—THE JEWISH PRESS, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 125,1926 SIR HERBERT SAMUEL number of inquiries was rarely re- The majority of the inquiries came [MAY IT API ART The other member? of the Israelites should and does marry the Jewish girtif, WIAA CONGRATULATED ON ceived over a six months* period. from Latin speaking countries, especnHTLftH were Rosen, Cohen, Stoler, Shrieb- and the Irish lad takes-his colleen.' v 5T4& BIRTHDAY These incpiiries -originated from the ially in Mexico. Such a picture is "Koshe* Kitty Kelman and Sadofsky. following countries? ly _" -which"the^Svm theatre has pur. *By~Stanley P. Levin. A.^Z.'Xt^iapter One ' Jerusalem.—(J» T. A.)—Sir Herbert . Argentina,, Morocco, Tunisia-Africa, chased.|pr^shQwing of onq week here Rumors of Change of; o Samuel," former High Commissioner Austria, Alaska, British Guiana, Bel• , .Omaha.Chapter of th A. Z. A. isstarting December 10.' - , -J *-••" : * ; -, \ Ownership are Not True of Palestine, was the recipient of gium, British Honduras, British West lineing up -a team to ^compete in, the .: VKosherJKitty Kelly'1' was a suc-School'' •• , *, national A. Z.< A.- basket ball touxna? cessfiilvNeW;ryork musical comedyv During the past two weeks there many congratulations yesterday -when Indies, Brazil, Czecho-SlovaMa, Ceythat "battering ram ment, the'local and district games will However, it's message which combats he celebrated his fifty seventh birth- lon, Panama, China, Colombia, Cook aivhose actiqfas .were- ably directed by be;, played here in Omaha and theintermarriage between Jew and Gen- have been a number of rumors spread day. Islands, Cuba, Dutch West Indies, "through the Jewish Community to the x It FAYS tO t | ^ ^ ^ ^ a i i a ; ; W h i t e ' quarterback, finals to be held in Chicago, under tils was Dr. Berendt Salomon, the oldest Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, i "effect that the ownership of the Nasuccessfully carried LK5KS TAIKHU3S rammed and crashed his way for a the auspices of the'A. Z.' A. Supreme to the public on the stage as it is on rabbi in England, celebrated his England, France, Germany, Greece, tional Laundry has been changed and number of yards last Saturday during Advisory Council and the several Chi- the screen. In film form, the producSpanish Honduras, Hungary, Haiti, "that the present owner Max Kaplan eightieth birthday. He has been in the annual'Te'ch'Central.grid classic cago Chapters of the Order. "V er^haye shown successfully and posi- is no longer connected with the the rabbinate for the last forty five India, Portugeese-India, Italy, Japan, Benny'drove through the purple lii\e Mexico,, Norway, Peru, Poland, Porto years. - , Harry Haykin of the JThorpian Ath- I tipeiy-'that the jJeisrish hoy could. do . for a touchdown early in the thirjd letic club has. been secured to .coach , nothing else ;than marry one: of his laundry and has moved from the city. Rico, Roumania, Spain, Straits setThese; rumors are false and are spread r quarter' but the score was disallowed thejfraternity men. The squad at tlements, Switzerland, El Salvador, BUTTER and KCiGS 'own race and that such••$• move was _as his Jbackfieid was in.motion before present time is large. Promising men natural and conducive to inartal hap- ^through the city in an unfair business Syria, Turkey, Uruguay, Venezuela, Cocndl Biuffe. In. . the play. Bloch was the .only Jewish are Max Altschuler, Bud Levin, Dave piness. It is also shown that the Irish method. Wales, Union of South Africa and boy from the Drominond camp to see Beber, Dave Bischoff, Phil Elutznick, boy and girl -iriarry, and*-that their : • "I have always been loyal to theNew Foreign Inquiry, Record for Australia. •"..', - .v r '; Baker Ice Machine service during the engagement, Wei- Max Riekes, Marion Graetz, Norman union with identical .racial -and1 reli- "city of Omaha and have here established my home and my business," ner and Marcus - being -kept on theGreen, Louis Riklin and Billy Gere- gious ideals was; also more, apt to FREGGER-FOX DRUG CO. said Max Kaplan, proprietor of the All records for receipt of foreign sidelines during the entire game. lick; make for a peaceful and\ happy home. ^National Laundry. I have strived to inquiries were broken last month for **Careful Druggists" \ These plays glorifying Irish-Jewish Second Team the best of the Baker Ice Machine company, with 14th and Douglas St. AT0927 Successors to Jones Candy Co. marriages have beep so numerous and _ Harry. Braude .and the Tech scrubs, BASKETBALL. M !< ^service, and I intend to remain in 108 letters from forty-seven different filled feby rfe Prescriptions go welKadyertised.that 'the general . undefeated reserve - "Champions - of Creighton University-' Romaiice Chocolates on{s' rhnr ttiis city .to be of further service both countries. A few years ago the same public has come to tine Relief ihat no Tjhe lost sheep has returned to the Prices.very reasonable Delivery Omaha and Council Bluffs, will -enin a communal way and in a business Phone JA. 3986.. SJ8 Farnam Stan •*the prodigal, son,-has. returned Jewish boy marries anything^ bpt counter'the Lewis High School * first fol ; way." "' , Irisi^,giri and vice v e r s a , i t is gratiCorenman who by a team; Thursday .afternoon a t the -lat- honSe. Sydney *< The National Laundry is one ,of the'! ters^Hpmergraundi.'. Braude "should-go vote cast last year was dubbed one fying to note that in "Kosher tfiitty most modern plants of its kind in tho^j ; Kelly" this sort of thing is effecfively nifeefyvproyiding. that" the .ground-is of he greatest guards in the 'history WHOLESALE , Catholic school- returned- to the combatted and> that a picture mky be «ity being fully equipped with latest! HEADQUARTERS no't'tob soft as."he is "not""what" "you of the improvements thus affording ..every! Druggists and Stationers. several weeks .highly successful , w,herejn religious would 'exactly, call a first Icass mud- Blue Jay encampment GIFT MI-4US-4M rinqtb lOtb Mtnwt ago- and reported v for basketball ideals of the two races are .conserved. jConvenience for the benefit of the .housewife. Our delivery trucks will COUNSELORS Nat Carr, Vera Gordon, Viola "jDaria practice. With the return of CcenCentral High School man the .Blue, and White will put one .and Tom Foreman are the principal call for and deliver^ your.laundry.. Captain Elmer Greenberg' played a of the greatest basketball teaus in characters. The story -$s -ft, gripping, '?" "I take this method of explaining to bang up game at tackle last-Satur- the country on the hard'wood courts absorbing romance roif youth and; lore the Jewish Community of the atWHOLESALE AND RETAIL In Omaha JEWELERS. day when the Purple came close, oh, thi^'year. Our ciip of contentritent and the "scenes in the delicatessen are tempts, being' made to obtain business from my regular clients and to cleariso close to defeating, their ancient would-be,fiUed to overflowing if that filled.'to the brim wlttivftnW .J07 Howard St. M. 862S Diamond Importers ;fy the statements that have, been S30 Kottoo—too Uatt» rivals; Tech, for> the first time in the other mighty Jewish basketball guard Om&ba, "This HEbrew^flibernian comedy is made with reference to my being out 214-216 City Nat' Bank Bldg. flood Kiwnu r»r |>I.CO history of the two schools.' Elmer was togged out- in Creighton. colors. affilariojds jpiece of funnmking and it Operated by Eppley Hotel*. Co» Established 1894 H9f the city," said Max Kaplan.—Adv. was a power on defense - bringing- I mean none other tfian he who. is ^ i.^JiM'U^sK^^r^. arid finish" said down the Maroon, backs time''and for< all time , to amateur athletic •?, Los' Angeles /Times. again. On the offense he opened Smiling . Sammy' Kaufman. -KauTmaii mighty holes through which Tiis backs was a regular on the Creighton fresh- SCHNltZfcER REFUSES ripped off large gains. It- was his, man team of last year. A team.:V"iiar. IJUNGAKIAN INVITATION van wagon holes through which: Cen- was. more,Jjfiah a match for th?. '25 tral made both of her touchdowns. ^varsity quintette. ' •*.'".-1 jtWen-nW5(jT'-T.- -A\)— Arthur II Captain Elmer is the only Central Schnitzler,* V-fapous Austrian-Jewish jl man to be chosen on the World Herald j^ipvelist, refused to yM^^uhgar^ be- J "All City" team and - incidently the ^ u s f i ' i ^ the; anti-Jewish; attitudevpre-. only Jewish boy to receive-the cov^[qp^if:€h$fribuniry., . ; V eted "honors. Elmer will riot attend Photoplays wherein .the Irish*'HeKr| J^p'gi^^i^ter QU|le Vas; invited, to deschool during the next semester' but married the ^Jewish gyrl and vice livjer a?seri6^of ries?af lectures' in Budapest.;] will enter the University of, Nebraska versa have-been-so commoh, since invitation Schnitzler de[ EVERY DAY- EVERY WEEK • EVERY SEASON • SlDCO 1881 in time to participate for Freshman advrat of "Abie's Irish Hose,"that thei clared that he,is unwillingly on prinfootbalL I • pubftc has come to look upon every, ciple, to holdtjectures in Budapest Bernard Shimmel/ Central left Irish-Jewish play or-pictu]neta's:a',detackle played well and took care of his fense of intermarriage. • position in a manner which was gratiNow comes a photoplay which confying to his coach and to his^student troverts the propaganda'of intermarbody. Berny was an iron man on the You'll Be Amazed at the Coat Quality to Be Had in This Group of it, defense and pulled down, his man on •HVr tthe offense. , Shimmel -will enter Uni- poiiSs imm iKiij MACH IN B C iSs oufe^th§ natural apd3 uthfil versity next semester. ending, din thS? r^ that the-'Jewis i boy".
The Copelman Candy Co.
E. E, Bruce & Co
Malasbock Jewelry Co.
bterstate PrmikgCo.
Baker Ice Machines
Fur Trimmed Coats
BASKETBALL B'nai Israel vs Immanuel Baptist •The dimunitive B'nai Israel, quintette met and defeated-the tall'rangy lads of the class B. Y. M. C.'A. church league Monday night in thei Community Center gymnasium by the close score of 17 to 14. Goldware led the B'riai Israel scorers with two baskets and. two free throws, he might have added to ids total had he not been ejected from ths. game on four personal fouls. The team /work of the small fellows was of high degree for this early in the season when most basketeers have poor sense of distance and judgement. The boys took the ball down the floor like veterans and just at neatly took the ball away from their opponents when their own goal was in danger.
Recognized Values at
INTER"cbats at only $35 is a special at anytime—but the quality in this group is particularly exceptional at $35. Every coat is lined Tvith crepe or brocade satin and warmly interlined. The materials are "the leading favorites^—lustrosa, suede velours, novelty "weaves and sport fabrics. The styles are straight lines, Moused .bnrl-:<\ ;,."WTapp,y.and tailored sport...-,-.
Furs richly > trim • .the callarf?. cuffs •and^ appear in novel treatments dov«%- f3ie front, around the bottom, etc. ij...
PAXTON-BHTCHELL CO. 87th & Martha Hts. Harory 166? Omaha. Nebr. Soft gray Jron, brass, bronze and sinminnm castings. .Standard sizes bronze and Iron bushings, sewer manholes, cistern rings and covers, and clean-oat doors In stock.
I SB. *
Braadet* Coafa—Second Floor -
Let Us Help You "Keep Clean"
Frostier Towel & Linen Supply 1819 California Street ATIantic 62»1.
Pnone ATLANTrC O639 3J3 SO. r4 TH.ST. OMAHA.
Cook your foods electrically for it is. cleaner.'and more healthful. All original flavoi's* and juices are detained-when yoij co.ok foods electrically. -•?'"'
A Select Group of 200 m
Makes Ice Cream—Keeps Foods Cdd
It also makes ice cream and will keep foods, hot or cold for hours. I t is, very handy about the home all year through. IFulIy guaranteed . . .,.'.-
Chicken Dinners and Sandwiches ," > Dancing, and entertainment Open from 3 P. M. to 3 A.-M; • 5408'Center''Street Phones; WA. 5936—WA;*i69i*-
Sold on Easy Terms •--'•-~-'Coaiftesy—Service—Low Rates,. .* .
Distinctive Frocks Formerly Priced at $39.75 and $49175
Foods can,be.baked, boiled, fried, stewed or -broiled in this fine electric .cdoker.. I t connects to any light socket—easy to use and economical .to operate, ''"•'•- ' * - -
Our People are always welcome
Rich Winter Shades Grackle and Ma. rine Blue, Wine Shades, Rust and Copper Browns, v Winter Green. Platinum and Black.
Reduced to
NLY in higher priced models do y'.ou ever find such lovely heavy silks—^ such individual style notes, as every frock , ' in this group presents. Satins are embroidered in colors and bead trimmed. Georgettes combined with velvets. Crepe He . chines and flat crepes use novel trimmings.
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Frocks for Miss and Matron for Every Occasion Daytime Wear Evening Wear Sizes 14 to20 and 36 to 44