December 2, 1926

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A false friend, like a, shadow, . attends only while the sun shines. Following Signs is Allright— If You Know Where They Lead. Seemingly-some of the signs ignating -what's what a t the Com-^ >» munity Center, should be -written i a S S " larger letters and in a more striking^ § ™™ way.

rrm^»»c +v« i l e x e s t n e reason.


SS K* tnterea as second-ctas* moil matte* on January 27th. UI21. at |2. JJ aiatofllcg at Omnha NehrnBfca. under the Act oT Mnrrb 8 1PTO



VOL. V.—No. 52

Jeixy Diamond has the eyesight ofjSL Modern Woodmen Elect Officers ZIONIST MEETING TO BE an average person. The other day he was "f oolin**«L ** HELD DEC. 14 AT 3. C. C. At a meeting of the Modern Woodaround" the gym, until he becamecr men of America held Wednesday eveThe local Zionist Organization have exhausted, and decided to call i£ning at the J. C. C, the following postponed their. monthly meeting to quits. were elected to, oSce; Dr. A. GreenTuesday evening, December 14, at the "Now for a swim," says he. "Me berg, Council, John Feldman, -worthy Jewish Community Center, on account for the locker room." advisor, Barney Feltman, treasurer, of the J. C. C. Chanuka program to be He started to follow out his words, Sol Rosenberg1, secretary. held December 7. Plan one ©f Most Entertaining and entered a door -way he thought Many Districts Pledge ThemThese officers will be installed at The importance of the Zionist meetAffairs of the Year led to the locker room. It did but— •an open meeting on January 5, at J. selves to Raise Quotas ing Decemberl4, will be the prepara"Hey I Where d'ya think 'you're 'Take Advantage of our Thirty Day Offer" C. C. tion for.Cowan's coming to this city ALL PROCEEDS WILL GO going!" These words from Dave on December 21, when the Zionist The Jewish Press, is now entering its sixth year as the TOWARD J . C. C. LIBRARY I. STALLMASTER WILL BE Chesno, gym instructor. Organization will launch a memberofficial organ of the community. The Jewish Press has NEBR. STATE CHAIRMAN Jerry stopped, looked at the door, The Kai Kesh benefit ball for the ship drive. strived to-be-of service to every organization, every man and read: Library of the Jewish Gommunity and woman ia the city. Cincinnati—Response h a s come LADIES LOCKER ROOM. Center will probabaly be the largest from all parts of the country to the The Jewish Press gives you all the local news, social and Wiping the sweat from his brow,; :appeal of Henry Monsky, chairman oi dance of the year if the advance sport events and feature articles written by nationally Jerry hastened from the gym, watch- the Wider Scope, Committee of the ticket ssle Is a criterion. The dancs prominent men and women. Also latest telegraphic dising, however, that he entered no "more Independent Order B'naiB'rith and is to be held st the Genter auditorium District Debates, Basketball and Orapatches from all parts of. the world. Sunday, December 12. , doors before reading the signs. Alfred M. Cohen, President, on behalf torical Contests will be Held Mere More than 250 tickets have slready of the ?2,000,000 campaign of the Your subscription for 1927 is due now. As a special been EOM by the members of the fratOrder. District and State Committees BE CAREFUL! WILL RADIOCAST MEETanniversary introduction we are offering all subscribers ING HELD IN OMAHA ernity and E large group of volunwho will partake of our "thirty day offer" a discount of Another man fell victim to the it was reported today have now well Hebrew Songs and Talks of Chanteer workers. The committee is deadly fumes of monoxide gas, when under way the steps of preliminary oh Program iifty (50) cents in the renewal of their subscription. The he left his garage door closed and organization which will assure the Every available chair is being nning to entertain about 250 ccraplos subscription to the Jewish Press for one year is $2.50. support of every lodge and the cooper- CENTER SYMPHONY the engine of Ins car running. brought down to accomdate the re- at the dsnce. We are dispensing with all contests, prises and the hiring ORCHESTRA WILL PLAY Let's take a warning from this ation of its members for the camcord crowd -which is expected to atThe dance will be one of the most of solicitors and are offering this discount direct to the tend Chanuka Celebration on Tuesday elaborate functions of the year. Thf and- remember to always keep our paign. The campaign will be consubscriber: Mail check for $2.00 and your subscription night, December 1, at the Jewish auditorium. is to be decorated am". garage doors open even when ducted through seven districts, each National A. Z. A. Day, and the diswill be renewed for 1927. embracing several States in the United trict basketball, debate and oratorica Community Center. changed, to differ from the eecene r.f "warming up" the motors. THIS OFFER WILL BE HELD OPEN FOR THIRTY States and Canada. District chair- contests, will be held in Omaha under The program will open with selec- any previous dance. * * * men •• and • State chairman -have been the sponsorship of the local chapter, tions by the Center Symphony OrThe plan of the committee is Xr What? No Eggs? DAYS ONLY chestra consisting of twenty-five make this dance different from tb? Sam Bialic has heartburn,' causing appointed and campaigns will be run A. Z. A., just a month apart. / JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY pieces, under the direction of Ru- ordinary benefit balls by planning1 >'< Mm hot a little -•worry in the food during the succeeding months in cities On- Sunday, December 19, thei A. Z. dolph Seidl. This will be followed by on the style of the novel social frtihe choses to eat, "A Reader" writes from coast to coast. A. Day, being held in every city hav-, Fill out this blank and mail check now! The first answer to the appeal came the singing of MO-OZ TZUK. (Rock emity dances. It is to be a. brillis.'t>< me. ing an A. Z. A. chapter, will be held Name ~~_. ;—'. : of our Salvation) the traditional affair, for much time and thought, is-: :— The other day Sam entered a res- from District Number Six. "which held at l i e Jewish Community Center. At Char.uka hymn by the combined glee being directed to make it the mns-»: taurant, according to the reader. a meeting at the Edgewater Beach that time Edward Baron, prominent dubs, under the direction of Mrs. popular dance of the season. Address With him were "Chuck" Feldman, Hotel, Chicago. While this meetin] Sioux City attorney, will give an adwas ostensibly held to call together Samuel Beljer. This hymn will be The dance is to be informal, on I, Ed Pill, and Jules Gerelick. dress. A varied, and novel program the Ben Brith of Illinois and plan th -Statesung in Hebrew. j according to the committee, many .'».'. City _ _ "Gee, I don't know what to order," has been planned for the day by the There -will be a candle drill by the those "who have purchased tickets &«"• Sam said, after scanning the menu. District campaign, its effects were committee in charge. ! Henerietta Szold Girls with Kose Se- planning to attend in the pop^U.: "Everything gives me heartburn but: more widely felt and it served as the One of the novelties planned is a gal as leader and Mrs. Irvin Stal- Tuxedo. eggs. Ill have to order eggs again." j opening "gun" in the national cam radio speech to be delivered by Sam paign. Eight midwestern States and master as accompanist. A unique setting' for Arthur R^n When he completed his egg-meal, Beber, president of the Supreme Central Canada sent their delegates Ssm Zacharia -will speak on the dall's Eoyal orchestra is to be JW: Sam suddenly sat up and exclaimed: i Advisory Council of the A, Z. A^ and significance of Chanuka. ranged. Dance music will aUiV, SOME REMARKS TO MY CRITICS "My God, I've got the heartburn." who heard the purposes of the cam- founder of the organization, over paign outlined by the national chairThere -will be a dance by the Junior promptly at 9 o'clock. The danef* By REUBEN BKAIN1N, Dena of Hebrew Author* Now whatil he eat? man, Henry Monsky, Rabbi Louis L. radio station KOIL., A radio set and Folk Dancing Class under the direc- are to be numbered. Special <Brstr>* • .* Mann, James H. Becker, David Kom- amplifiers will be installed in the tion of Mrs. Irvin Stalisaster. There tainment is to be featured. QsEP! tght i828 by Ssvea Arts Feature Syndicate, Inc. PIN POUNDERS Ss the fisafc el a series of articles against Jewish colonisation in Russia, will be a play under the direction of iss, M. E. Greenbaum, and others, B'nai B'rith. lodge rooms, where the >yThis "I am glad the dance is so popular,'' eminent Jewish.'author sn«l journal The Jewish Community Center is and pledged on behalf of their con- A. Z. A. day'program will be held, Bt the on Jewish life ia {Knssla. In this cr it has always been the policy of the Mrs. Mas Fromkin; a dance by Miss said Dr. Samuel Gerson, director "' Sir. JBratnin rep ies i a most fcscefui going to" have "a Txjwling leagne. And stituent lodges to raise: more than so that the speech can be heard by ticle, Btyle to those -who-ilk e criticised him tot Zionist World Executive to keep Its Annette PJklin; readings by Sylvia the Jewish Community .Center. "''<. what a team it should be. They're 800,000 within the next two months. all attending^ This is the first time endorsing Jewish agricultural -relief work hands off in Jewish affairs In every Silvexman; Ch&nuka Songs by the is for such a noble purpose, i.!?.': Xtnssis. all, or most of 'em," anyway, "dyed- Of this sum, Illinois has volunteered that such a stunt will have been tried ia The dar gives t i c lie country except Palestine. That is Zionah Girls under the direction of development of our library. If anyVeteran Son: " ;o those -W;3M» insist v. .'emiag_ asy conflict _ in-the-pjeg? pin knockers. Here's a ^ Kiss Huback; a play fcy the Junior one has two feet s.nd can dance, the;' ^ J)avid Komiss is at the Center. etween tbe. »cm»Btsia<stioa twn*; of Palee- what Dr.'Weizasnn l a s done is relist of some of them: " chairman for the District, and his i 5 f e ifc| -to-, Jewish •colonisation, is Eassia. Daughters of should certainly attend. And if thtjv Russia; be consteers'the tetter ill the same "Doc" Stein, Lou Nathan, Reuben aides are the following State Chair- Both are open to the public . If there are 21oiasts here and there urgency as Jewish relief -work in Knsfcia e&ri't 'dance,'."they »houM buy •*• S;W*'i!'. Harry Hubenstein is chairman of during the war. Brown, Horace Rosenblum, Aaron men: Rabbi Louis L. Mann, Illinois j The Young Judaea Clubs appearing- anyway, for everyorite should suppo^ who have opposed Jewish of Mx. Davidson, Sam Greenberg, Dr. Nate Robert Lappen, Iowa; Aaron Droockj the National A. Z. A. day committee. win fleai^ -with hisarticles impressions of Jewish in Russia, there are more non-Zionists on the program are supervised by the "library." in the cities and in the a RuEs, h life la Mnskin, Max Promkin, Dr. Abe Michigan; Arthur- Brin, .Minnesota; He is assisted by Max Givot, David lfe i colonies, as he has observed them during who view with disfavor the baek-to- Mrs. M. F. Levenson. "We hope to be able through »*«•• Doors will open early to accomodste proceeds of this de.nce to make 'th* Greenberg, Dave Greenberg, Jake Irvin "Stalxnaster, Nebraska; Harry Beber, and Hymen Shrier. his recent trip thronsti White Jtossia, Gi- the-soil-moveraent of Russia Jewry. Enssia. the crowd, so be sure to get there on library really mean sotnething," **»Malashock, Sam Wolf, Ben Shapiro, Lashkowitz, North Dakota; Joseph The district tournament will he held raine, Crinea and Central THE EDITOR. But this opposition is based on anyat the Jewish Community Center) time. There will be no admission Dr. Phillip Sher, in charge of ite-. livingstonj South Dakota; Ben SaltbBen Bavitz and Jack Alberts. thing but Zionist principles. It might The two most important countries stein, Wisconsin,: and Max Stein- January 28 and 29. ~ be disbelief in the stability of the charge and everyone is welcome. library. "It will be wonderful to *TC Six A, Z. A. chapters, from six on the globe today are, undoubtedly present Russian regime or it might be Whose? Hooze? Whoze? kopf, Central Canada. Jaines E. our new, empty bookcases with Palestine and Russia. Both countries This has probabaly happened to Becker and M. E. Greenbaum head the cities, will be represented. They are are working out a new social order, based on the belief in the legend that books." Fort Dodge, Des Moines, Sioux City, Chicago committee. you sometime or other, too. Jews are not adapted to agricultures! are creating human types. Both are At meetings which are being held Council Bluffs, Lincoln and Omaha. still in transition states, their organ- work. As to the first argument, no Miss Ida Adler was typing off a letter at her office, when she came throughout the- state of Pennsylvania Each chapter is expected to enter a isms still shaken by birth paine, the discussion, is possible. I might tell On Tuesday, December 21, Omaha to a word that stumped her. She Joseph L. Kun, the District chairman basketball team of six boys, two rebirth of an old nation and the birth you, after a most conscientious in- Jewry will have as its guest, Charles wrote it one way, but it didn't and the Pennsylvania State chairman, debaters and one orator. vestigation of conditions in Russia A. Cowen, well-known orator and soof a new social-economic order. The question of debate will be, look right. She spelled it another "Leonard S. Levin, are arousing enAs an old Zionist I visited both* that the present Russian regime (per- cial worker, who is coming here under way; still it looked wrong. . She thusiasm and mustering strength for "Kesolved, that the Johnson act be countries, and as the same fervent haps not exactly in the same form as the auspices of the Zionist organiza- Cantor A. SchwazMis and Choir be Featured tried again—and then in despera- the Wider Scope Committee's cam- repealed." The oratorical subject will Zionist, I left Palestine and Russia. now) is as stable as any government tion. He will address a mass meeting tion yelled out to someone else in paign. One such meeting was held be "Hebrew Heroes." in the world. But everyone is entitled at the Jewish Community Center that at< Allento-wn on November 9th at The winners of this district tourna- When I visited the colonies of Uk- to his own opinion. If however, one evening. An open/chanukah celebration the office: •which leaders of the Jewish communi- ment will go to t i e national tourna- raine and Crimea, I took joy in the insists in one's attitude of disbelief, "How do you spell 'whose.'" Mr, Cowen is visiting all the large concert will be held at the B'nai vitality of our Russian brethren. I ties in -what is kno-wn as the "Lehigh ment to be held at Maywood, Illinois never felt that I was sacrificing an he is entitled to his opinion and op- cities in the United States and is Synagogue, 18th and Chicago Valley"—Eastonj Heading, Chester, during February. iota of my Zionist principles or my position; although detrimental to Rus- coming to Omaha tinder the auspices Sunday evening December 5. There's some pretty high figuring Bethlehem, Lancaster, and Allento-wn Hymen Shrier was elected chairnationalistic conception of Judaism. sian Jewry it is a political attitude of the Zionist organization in order program is being- featured by C going on with the plans for our —pledged themselves to assist in raisA. Schwazkin who will sing man in charge of the tournament. "*««»jcipal aviation field. ing Pennsylvania's quota of ?125,000. His committee has not yet been ap- It never oceured to me that when I which it is not in my domain to in- to organize a membership campaign. numbers accompanied by a Mr. Cowen was bom in New York embraced my Russian brother and en- fluence in any manner. * *- * The Wider Scope Committee's plan pointed. City in 1SS1 and received his early orchestra." An -elaborate progratn couraged him to hope for a better The other argoinent that we Jews Chanuka Review. for the extension of Hillel Foundations education in that city. He was one been prepared for this occasion. are not-adapted for productive work dawn, pledging myself to bring Ms Chanuka is the Jewish festival of among the Tiniversities of this country On Saturday morning of the organizers of the Jewish Deon the soil will find in me a -wholeplight before his more fortunate Mnslights. For eight days candles are to was greeted with especial enthusiasm Schwaridn and choir will chant; ^ • v Council Bluffs Launches Drive men of America that I failed in my souled opponent- It seems to me that fense after the Kishineff program and be burned in the Jewish homes. ?ind acclaimed as one of the greatest ices, for the Blessing of the Soi^i, a member of the committee on OrganFor United Jewish Campaign duties as an old and loyal Zionist. the Palestinian Homeland has already Starting with but one light, last needs of modern Jewish life. "Mevorchen Achodesh". The pubB.- i* ization for the American Jewish Congiven the most .glaring denial to this To be a Zionist has always meant Tuesday, one more candle is to be lit President Alfred M. Cohen and Exinvited to'attend the Saturday servgress. He was associated with JusThe United Jewish campaign, of century old. lie. We Zionists have in my vocabularly to be a Jew in the daily until the last day, when there ecutive Secretary Boris D. Bogen ices and the program Sunday nth degree, to be more Jewish than fought against this misconception of tice Louis D. Brandeis, and Dr. Stephshould be eight lighted candles. spoke at the conference of District which Mr. David A. Brown is Admission free. Chanuka commemorates the victory Number Two at St. Louis on Novem- National chairman, was started in any other land of Jew. In other Jewish characteristics since the first en S. Wise in ©rg-ani&ing the Provisional Zionist Committee during the PROGRAM Council Bluffs, Iowa, last week t days of reconstruction work in Erez words, to be more human. of the Jews under Judas Maccabeus, ber 7th, at which Emil Mayer asraise its quota of $2,000 a year fox a World War. Israel. MB Torn, SalswrCantor A. when tEe forces of Antiochus Epi sumed the responsibflity for leading Russia has given its greatest perChoir Orchestra period of three years, totaling $6,006. Mr. A. I. Kulakofsky heads the rej This Russian back-to-the-soil-movepenus were defeated; and Jerusalem these w.est and southwestern States sonalities and minds to .world Jewry. Piano oecompaiUed b$ 1'rof. Jlnrtj. iro£. reconquered. After the battle, when- to successful accbinpKshiJjeiit in the Mr. Ben L Seldin is Chairman in It is Russia that saw, the .birth of the ment is not an artificial phenomemon ception committee for Mr. Cowen. "Lighting the Chantrtsnh Candlee...— Council Bluffs, with Ben Kubby a Jewish national idea. I owe my early produced by skilfall propaganda. Life Sctrwssfcjti and Choir. Maccabeus entered the temple, h< campaign.' Haneroth Haiulu : OftntOt Secretary, and Julius Rosenfild as and most significant years of intel- in Russia is whipping the Jews from CAMP FIRE GIRLSfound a cruse of oil, according to Choir -Orchestra Witn pian<* Treasurer^ Committees .have already the cities to the land. ,-„.„.... tradition, sufficient for one dcy^ bu' ELECT OFFICEES A ess lectual formation to Russian Jewish Sup"fc. ilewiBh Community K i been organized and the campaign The luftmensch* type of Eastern which sufficed the Jewish troops fo J. C. C.Or|amzes Its First atmosphere. That I- have to defend Muoe Z\\T Xeshuodsoi «_ Cantor The newly organized camp fire now in progress. According to th my present day interest in Russian Europe is vanishing everywhere. In Choir end OrcbesttA ftnfl eight days. gro-up •which meets at the Jewish Basket Ball League chairman, the pe'ople of Council Jewry is a paradox, an abnormality. the social-economic structure of pres- Community O~ter -held its first elecNora * • * Bluffs have generously responded s ent day Russia, there is no room for That there should be a group ready . „--.. Nathan s That's the Way The first Jewish Community. Center far, and are all willing to help this tion of officers Monday, Nov. 29th, rv.-Ut, that fcy MtgR Mftrgret'-Hii type of person. The to sacrifice nearly a fifth of our race It's Done Here. basketball league will start its season wonderful cause. The officers are as follow^: just because the political regime of f has had to descend to earth When the tax collector appears a next Wednesday evening when teams Secretary, Sarah MaiThe executive committe includes Solo Melanesia, • off the east coast o playing in the Commercial league will Ben Seldin, chairman; Louis Bern Russia is not to their liking will al- and it as sntafrax that the Russian \ ^ ^ T r e a s l i r e r > m h d K l b e r g i a y OrclK>stra ways Temain one of the most painful Governraent an3 the Agro-Joint are Ne-wspaper Eeporter, Janet Graets. A Australia, a tom-tom is beaten t begin its first Tound of play. - Cantor stein, Herman Krasne, Louis H. surprises of my life. F« e«g ready and able to make the descent F«lk The group is making scrap-books Adonoi Sfcehnruwe ..—....••Cantor warn the villagers who run to the At a "meeting of managers of the Katelman, Ben Kubby, Ben Ross, Sam smoother and safer for him. I'Jano onfi Owlmtitra We demand loyalty'of Jewish citifor ths "shut-ins" for Christmas. teams held Wednesday, evening, Na- Meyexson, Prank M. Krasne, Julius woods and hide. Cam or Jemsh' colonisation in Russia is not Miss Eeva KulakofEky is -guardian of HatikroChoir, Orchestra antl I'i zens no matter the flag they may be than E. Green was eleeted president, What cowards I (with contempt.) Rosenfeld, and Morris Grossman. an issue -which has been injected into the group. subject to. Why should: the Sassisn Aaron Davidson, secretary and Ed Why don't they just pull down the Afimltted to the State Bsr Jew be less loyal to his government Jewish life by any organization or blinds and pretend they're not home. Burdick executive director. A special human being ostside of Russia. It. is Sam Klaver was the only 3**-: Moscow. (J. T. A.)—Ziaovieff and Kishinew. (J. T. A.)—Consider- than fee American or German Jew to meeting of the managers and officers * * • a factor -which &ss forced itself upon person to be admitted to the Eameneff, members of the opposiof this league will be held Sunday able interest centered around the hia state. Have not we Zionists proJewish life. as an organic necessity. A Last Word State. Bar at th« fall meetings tional group of the Bolshevik party, morning at 10:30 at the J. C. C, to entry of a Koumanian proselyte tc claimed ever since Hexzi's days that If .any elemeat is responsible for this •were appointed to new posts by the Klaver .is' & .gradcate of .the i GeetiBg into the habit of patron- draft rules. there us no cbmfiiet between the eitlJudaism. issue, it is the Zionist one. fcecsuse Soviet government. sity of Omaha and was izing the Jewish Community Center, The following managers will present Eensbip of the Jew and his Zionist John Dinescua, the owner of th without the successful experiment in was sppointed Soviet am- deputy countj' assessor. with it's Jewish things, is not a bad teams in this league: Jacob Stoler, Kishineff national theatre, embraced affiliations ? Palestine, the Hessian Government bassador to Italy, ZinovieiT was very prominent In common*} habit to get 'into. It is a calumsny against World Max Altshuler,- Harry Haykin, Bud Judaism in order to "marry- a Jewish -would never have dared attempt tbe named a member of -the praes and inttnds to open Ms lew It ,ia to_ your benefit, to patronize Levin, Prank Ackerman, Isadore girl, Miss Soloscia. Dmescca -changed Zionist leadership to create the imof the State. Planning Commission. soon. Gereleack. his name to Jancu David. pression that organized Zionism is (Ccmtisaed en page our^itiyfilt"

iimiai B'nai B'ritb lampaip is Rapidly Gaining Strength




Chanokah Program at J. C. C. Auditorium on Tuesday Kite, Dec 7

The Truth About the Jews,of Russia



- •-•• -





2 teaspoonful* Taking powder 8 halves of pefcbes



Tfffc JEWISH WIE88 FUBMrfrfi^U COBfPANV ; 490 Brendeis Theatre BufWSng — Tejepfibne; ATIantlc 1450, fcHAN E, GREEN Manager,

iti'th and

Mr. Nathan E.*Green, Jewish Press, Omaha, Neb;',


Subscription Price, one year* Advertising wte* furnfshed on appliratfon. CfUNGB

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Dear Mr, Green: • .^ OH'e appreciieh news from home ivhen miles intervene; The Jewish' Press is more than wfelcdmedby all of the girls. Herewith is my renewal for the cominjr year. With best v.ishes for its continued succecs, Sincerely, KATE ARtENE GOLDSTEIN November 22,1926.

... Tto? Jewteh Pr?fs Is wipplieato?the Jewteb relefrraphie Agency Contsptmfit-nm tturam) vim eabfed and telegraphic Jfewfsb rife we, to /to feature article? and corrfigpondenrep, from all fmp<trtanr Jftwteb Inquiries regarding ftewsjrem? created to this Afefiric? will be ftlaHly answered it addressed to Jewfsb Telegraphic Agency; 02! Broadway, New VgrkCity, , .


; ' PROTESTS TC| QUEEN MARIE . CBfeM POTATO SdtJP •Whether or not the visit of Qtieen Marie to America was 2 cups liruik 1% quart water motivated by the desire to negotiate a loan, two protests against 4 large white potttUs Roumanian discrimination, it not actual persecution, of ,her< re1 teaspoonful mlaced parsley t tablespoonfuls butter Jlgibug rtUitorlties will indicate America's attitude to her. One was 1 onion hjade by %M^Americarf Commission on Minorities through The Vk teiJpobnftsl salt Christian Register in wWcH the protestants said: "The AmefMri *A teispobnial pepper Pare l i e potatoes anei cook with the Commission oh.Minorities, composed of disinguighfed representaonion in the witter. Whetl done, te^ tives of the Roman Catholic*?, the Jews, this Lutherans* the Presi..cvc from the hire and ^discard |he LEAGUE t onion. Mash _ the _Eptatoes with the ' byteWahs, Me RefOrniedChUrch and the Unitarians,, with a com- Tfurn and Isnghffr nil my butter arid seasonings. Add the milk 1 Hm1n*t>«, lay, ar* turbotent, Tfie organization of a Jewish bMed mejiiberghip in Mb country of 24,D0G;O60 sdulg; hits made And (hfj're ?n Tny hrnrt-iitrlnen to two caps of water in which th^ Bowliiig' Beafetii was *ffSct*<i last potatoes. were cobke^. Bring to the " it Known, toiinfluential American .banjkerf? that it protests against Ifcart-Ktrlnfc* wllii emotion bent, Tdesddf evfeniiig at tfie Francisco Ai- boiling point, adti the potatoes, and •f any iargegs. in the form of a loan to Roumania untilihe cry of the1 Why ilie tpar* Bod wjiy'-the yg', 3td Fl66r'i to be kribftn as theboil ~ 2|T&jn for a inonierit: Strain «, co-churchman in that land | f heard,- and iiot only hestrd but heed- Wlilrh like jin»een force* rise, Jewish Commtmity - Center Bowling through a iieye, ipfiriHe with parsley, ed," The other fcroteitjm^de just :previoiis;i& tHib Queen's -de| FIJI me with atran**, nrlilnr League. The' following teams com- and serve piping hot. prise thfe^esigue: *' ' " ' Nurture b'y a greiii> of .sijity promineht AmeiTcans through The Truly t eafinoi twrial**, -• - -BAKED PEACH CUPS TrsMl of> wrrtrlirtlcjtmi of bcliic, ICaiman insurance',; Wolf Haber|$ehtstatecl;. ffW&knowthfltrh;ope|u!.p>p^jre£(s^'asalready Hrolifit oh Joy* if."llf« unit Jove, dashery/ Doc jSteins, Omaha ^"obaeco made by |He Roumanian Government toward, a solution o£ Hatilfi iiow &nd »l»e wllhiii roe;1 cup sugar '. -: (jo.; Alberta dolts, Maiosboek' Jewelrf problem; We rejoide that thfe Jbonditibri of-thtfseminorities Soar, us If to hf«T#1l 2 cups.Bour 1 egg has been1 bettered, but ntuch rertiaitis1 to : tie ddnfe; ana it is tftir Sow I'M iaoiiilni, how i'M 1% tablgspoaiisrul butter ^Arrangements have bSen made to • ^nvlctJonthdtJf your royal infiiieh6e. could be further exerted on Hurrly ihrrr'u iu»tif» rraaen p play every Tuesday, evening at 9 P. i OoU Or nian fa kaurd(n'c from me •their beliatttHfcir pregetit condition ^ u ( 4 be Vastly improved." And which I may nr»fr keep. The follp*fihg have sigried as mefe< ?he• iiiorality^^nationi, as philosophical historians have often bers of the league: Slyxtery l» In eroo.((ott. . )irns and alt styles of pointed out, .strikes.- a level much below that of'the average man. And .. Dr. A. fcrefehbelfg, I. Obendorfer, Latest s^s mide for ybu pmotloii'tt bnltllnr inc. Ddve Greenberg, j . Malashock, Max ( As mass discrimination between a benevolent; humanitarian policy Are not life and drnth liotli . iiptbt& ink ieiiUtieh Price* raiMB^ble, Finit rta'dn reference* SurMy "iiaii'i li Frornk% Leo Krasnex WillJam Lev&y, hnd mere ruthless ^^edifeneyBew^ begiii to deiriaiid y .MRS. LESTER SMITH A. Yenger, Dr.ftf.E. Ste>, Henry By EL31B BRODKEV, H i i fronii nations the acceptafifeeVboth within and without IIHeirb^uiiti 82-H Jackson St., Sioux city; ib\va. Grdbois, Louis ifathani R. Brown ^ i e $ j , of, cjyiHzed siandards, The great mass of responsibl Horace Rosenblum, Aaron Davidson. dhristian opinion in ihis country and elsewhere has condemned are saved; a propoftionate numb'er in Sam Greenberg, Dr: Nathan Muskth, RoUroania fo£ its brutally selfish attitude toward religious min- •the cities are feeling the effect of the Sam Wolf, Ben Shapiro, L Levlnsoh Its Tinie id thifife of fob* orities. I t would seem as if it could not hurt RoUmatiia—feven rehabilitated Jews on ifie land) Is of Ben Rayitz; Jack Alberts, Jack Kramer, A. Gross, Moe Venger, Erriiei nieasured by cdhsrderatlons of expediency only—to play fair with significance to our Jewish people, and Meyer; Sam Saltzman; Harry Raviiz, tHojsre,' of its" subjects who do not adhere to the State Church. makes Jewish colonization in Russia Abner Kaiman, Dave Cahn, Williani issue. Resentment, like goodwill, is cumulative, in this instance it may a world In Europe tfie great majority of Kaittian. prove, a stumbling-block in securing a loan that Roumania badly Jews understands the importance of a American Hebrew. strong, revived Russian Jewry. In needs; C o .


: - ' :



' - ' ;


Xmas Pktograpk


t)idvwnd importers iii-iit tetfM&l Bafife






DE-MO CLUB 's Dancing Academy

M. BOnlt




Thiessen Vinegar & Pickle

4 t>-



\ :

ufca» It 1^ these Ufowiwftil Events that tve aie to be wminft^l when \?o look tipoii th^ Htlle cancllw that beam in. jevrish he«ve.s <«K the

"*""" /• '•-••••



America too trie, wort of Jewish agrirael," X8th tfhd Chicago Stress. cultural relief ih fiuS&a has arotisec] Nicely ffamlsbfea front bed-room. Tho children are going to stage the sympathy and Ititbrcst of the JewOne or two Jewish gentlemen fiya Jn English, Jewish and Hetrcw, preferred. 103Q North 33rd St., 1 nU pertaining to the events of, '" Hornef x\':tici)iui of thn Omnha City Ttdmud HETl MAJESTY; THE CUSTOMElt (laye. . They- wfllf also sing. «iif tlVHES THE EMPIRE.~Adv. songs,' Each one of these children or the Festival of Peril, receive* Ch'anufca fcifts distributed btf on the j25th dBy of the ^ irjoniK'Kialev ancl is cele D.h -ipr .elffhi: days, Lights each' ^vening with apprQprlfltQ with one light the ^.^ 30th) and in-THE iXe number f>y -one each PWC» (Continued from page I)" ceeiling" evening untl^esJglit are lighted oh ihe casing -night, .(Tuesday, Pc- colonlzatlbn scheme on-axjch an "imi -•.'."" cembey 7tH)t, The lig^ta are not tomcn8d scale: I am ctmviricbd that It i s the iit-i be vaei\ ibrjllumimittan in coitnecU'ori iind Diivetiport with, any oC ihp «aua\ occupatioriH of mosphore credted by Zionist ideology the household, they are to Berve solely which has injected courage and ini« /^mission 25c IiYANfS ua reminderaffia jnesscngera b^ certain tiativo Into the tlojectcd form o'f the interesting and beautiful thoughta; Muftmensch' type, It ia tho Zionist What they are to remind wa of is thedoctrine which Has battered dbwn tho following» ' legend of ,the Jovj aa middle-man, Jecatii^ StrfeSi "B ,a It waij ln^he year 175 D. C. E,, 2000 parasite type. . iitt ,ia Zi Zionist jrlmariiy that I tako pride ixt The Jewish people lived irt Webstef3527 5 years ago. tho rehabilitation of the Russian Jew. Syrian dominion. Palestine In this mass current which forced came to tHa'- throfle > and compelled its way to the free and pure air of the I can offer now to my customers a full supply of every nation -under his rule to wor-land, away, from abnormal uncertain; Cfmhukah Candies arid Chrinlikafi Lights ship his g<Jdei Be wanted also the existence in tho cities is symbolized the will of our race, to live, its fitness! Jewa to give .up their religion ami at very' reasonable' prices abandon their . rellgtowa, ceremonies. to survive and its ability to adapt IN He spoiled and desecrated their mag- self to extraordinary circumstances. Beautifully tlesigiWd AH Wall Calendars g nificent Temple. .The Jews refused to That the three million Jews of Russid * abandon their noble fnlth and in apito may soon again become a vital factor of dreadful persecution • many were In. world, Jewry (it ia not only those! prepared to. be trufc to tHe Qod of their, who settle) on tho land in Russia whd f athej-pj, even tHdvigh it cost them their lives. When the. cau^ seemed almost Omaha's Most Modern Fireproof lost and the blefcd of many martyja Plaht bad been &b.etj, there arose the out S w e e t Pickles High Priest, Mdttdthiaa in defense of Quart ..;^,.:.;.^. hia people, He and Wa ilve *ena raised an army to oppose the Syrians. Soohj — AT A t t GiiOcfetts AM MASfeMfs hovrever, the old man,die,(U H,i3 br{tvGOODMAN'S eat pon called Judah th,e Maccabeb became leader, ,For thwe years h^ and hia iroopa fought i against thd 3101 South 24th Str^ei . M PI larger and better <squipe,d nrtniea of th» Syrians. But what the- J«\^a lacked DYERS in number* the ihadS top in heroism; 3161-63 Farnam S i HA. 8398 They knew that they were flighting for the iMght, and that grand thought gavg them courage to conquer their foea in battle after battle. And so Judsh and hia fqllovfer? i: Tt\ey droyethe enemy out of iialem and then ptirifled and cated the Temple,, They celebrated the tetle«Ueatiw\ eight days, Thfr tiebMW for Dedication is Chan*

. .

Cream the butter and sugar zni add tM egg;,then «tir in alternately .the ififflc Jtbd • the lour rfeifted with the BRAN GEMS baJdfig ^OwjSeK^aad salt. Better jp bran medipjnSBil^i^ fSfifBn •••iins. Pot- 3 2 tabiespoonfds Crisco 1 t&.blespoonful whole wheat spobnful of Saitef in cacfa, then hali a peach round side down. Cover with flpct more batter and bake in moderate % fcuiifiil *hiie flour oven thirty minutes. te cupful milk 1 teaspoonful salt 1 egg ^ ^ HER MAJESTY; THE CUSTOMER 2 tablespoonfuls molasses RULES THE EMPIRE^-Adv. s; 1 teaspoonful balling' pi&Aei U\x Cnseo Ifiofbughly *itK niSlISses, add egg veil, beaten, milk, saltj It 'fc.t? yoyr bdftfirto patrtHJl*e brari, floDrs, and baking powder: Uioar tiSvertil»ri; vide into well greased gem pans, and bake in hot oven from eight to ten miflutes. Sufficient for eight gems.

1312 Farnara St, Opposite WiO. Wifeldfi Phone. JAcfesbrt 4562


The IBIS Farnam, Sod floor

Eicelkal Ciiraese and ....,

American DLsbes 50 tents

Table d'hote dinner, 85 cents to tiM, from 8 w 8 Daily * Mosk at all Meals , * .. Danpflg ETenifigs. Music by Ambassadors 7 piece orchestra. No cover charge For reservations phone jAcfcsbti 6224

Estabifshert 1894

verc infly. tast ^ that*S hew ih ^_Dric, m&del and color effect—; nbtlimg; lite it elsewiifere—comipare. GtVlNG4i y8u wonderful r&lues—thanks tb «ur No Sale" policy—a totally different syst6fii Of selling—-positive mimey iatifits fbir y<ja. GIVING you more for your Overcoat money th9n any western stbre is equipped Jo ^iye—that's the Nebraska idea—profit by it today.

IB yy

Special Overcoats Sarfy iL, Lkpttiw, Pres.-Treas. W; Q. Ure. Secretary.

Omaha Fishare

1 •Wth inrt iVsatiap^ Mtrcetk. l>ti'an«>i i»ftiin_tJt4


The Right and the Wrong to Make Your Will men attesipi to dr&# their own wills, by filling in an M Setter be sure ihta ordinary stationer's will form; by, ytiiir iviU i$ fight, fhdti have your family suffer from

following the general style of a friead's vrill or by htifriedly writing out instructions. Thll i§ the wrong tray to ittakfe a will. Such "home Riade" wills are danseroua ftir they are written with littlfe knowledge of the l&git re^uir^. tttfetite find phraseology of will fealcIhgi Failure to comply with any ohfe ot the requirement! of thfe laW fh&f m&ke a will invaiid and thds defeat the maker's wishes. It "you have written your own will, it to your attorney and have him test it in oraer to^ma^e sure iMjb it compiles with «ll of the requirements ot the law and that its legal interpretation carries out your _Vjshe_s. The proper way to Aake £ will is id jtit fi&wn brief memoranda a§ fa nsh your estate distributed* Take them to your attorneygaida&ce in drawing y w r will. Only & competent attorney ever draw a will.

m mm w& MB mm mm m

We Print




Snsat €n» mattB Katicoal

A ( ^ 3-^EHE JEWISH PBESSj THURSDAY* DECEMBER 2, 1926 A dance given Council Bluffs H h§pi|GB

citizens of Cologne received numerous te; affair, which- includes-a luncheoni at! $ered .fight-against the National! GERMAN ANTI-SEMITIES chool will be one b/eTqcf: ffallowed fay a man jong,, •. Laun3fy tfiey have lowered their ADOPT FIERY^CROSS TO I 'afionyitriQUs letters during the lait E^pegjber party. _..'„ J ...,r .'» [ prices, and,,with, theif finance are alTERRORIZE JEWS' few weeks in which they are adBM ^ ,t -.^f&is- dance dressed as follows: SisterhoodJDistrict ?0( will hold its r temptiull: to' prsuade the regular Berlin.—The methods of the Attieri- j "Hebrew, we warn you for the first emg sponsoredfeytiierLSc annual convention, at c Kansas City? t f e i S * l B ^ lhat I have been recah Xu Klux Klan have been adopted'' time that when you see the fiery cross December 6. and.7; ^.Omaha ^ 1 1 . be by the anti-Semitic organization in represented by Mrs.-iWra,.,L." Hoharian is Mghi'is" JSemg carried on most- Germany if indications which came to | think of your hour of death. ful .and ;Mrs.\,Nate_-Maa,t^l,.-yi.;:-'. -... • ly in 'the"Jewish neighborhoods be- light in Cologne reveal the situation. HER MAJESTY, THE CUSTOMER cause of t&e Tairge amount of laundry BSok fieiriew: Ciab , The Independent Order of thg-B'niii A number of " prominent Jewish RULES THE EMPIRE.—Adv. that is sent'Ml;. Their representatives ;• The second-Mfe^tinlg^f tEe^ Book B'rith, Lodge No.-688,.wfli noia-lts last business meetingg"oftiBe ff Review C h $ ^wilPBe fegld BecimBex llljve" 'fcMlla^kt^e homes of the JewW 14; when RabB <3otih will; fflscii^s A.ish p%>!lje'6ii ^ i e Eorth side and have Wednesday evening', ITecenibet 8th; at L ! mad! stiaSenilnts to the effect that T Safeilton ' B obFS -hbvelr t e ^ Mr. and Mrs. A. Herman of Omaha \he Danish -Hall..- Ele'ction of bfeicers i «§; ibnger in the city," said Max those desiring to •Join •' may announce the engagement of their j fft "I. n i t e always made my ^fe i Bi b Convei tlo wiI1 daughter ; Rosalie to Mr. Cutler of ] ! ^ Qni^hl and have no intenattend-ttiis Chicago, Illinois^ Miss Herman and i tioni S Mlft .. X^ChanufeSi service i _ her fiance, a c , Mr* * Cutler,-^vrili , v arrive e vinr ,„ , , ^ , , r , . ; "I have always given the best of bniah^Detfember 4. The wedding wiH | Miss Gertrude Gilinsky; yrhtt has ioent jwiil fe given^^by^he childS|n of service &>. all^ family washings. Our tdke place December 14; Many affairs ! been visiting in i^av'ent?o?thrKansa«, Temple Israel Rijjffgious School, ^un- truclJ!; wili 'call for and deliver your have been planned for this riew^yj and in Kansas City, Mo>,;fpr the past day afternoon, December 5, at 2:30.] iaunclry. t ask the people of Omaha engaged couple. They mil spend* a j two weeks, is expected tp return home to stand pat with me so that I wilt ^ MAJEST%;ffiE. Given by the iiiSntii indriiaha befOrfe returning 'to- the latter part of > the_Week*; be able. ?p continue to be of service RULES! THE EMPIRE.—Adv. their home in Chicago; to you," said Max Kaplan.—Adv. Miss Eudice Richmian;;^^ student at ii£




• v

feridinsky of Kansas. City, Missouri;to . Mr. JosepliiJ'reettan j)f Omaha was solemnized "Sunday,' November 21,iat Kansas City.. 'Rabbi Herman : i&. Soheixiteaf^e service. Miss J. Bare. win sang at "At Dawning" and • " 0 Ptoiriiseij Me'*' acfcompanied by Miss Jennie Vile. Tnebride who vras given ;in nTayftage^br'her father, Mr. J.;B. .Gidihsky ttiie a-beaded gorgette gowii ;and her.*eil of tulle was held in Miss Reya Kay and Miss Reva Ziev thei University of Neferaikal retiirned •place by a crown of pearls. She fcar- will spend the week-enS in Lincpln. to Lincoln Monday'^ after spending a HER. MAJESTY, THE CUSTOMER r i e i a: slioweir b'oquet of brides roses While there they will attend the mili- few days here visiting ii'er parent, RULES THE EMPIRE.—Auv. : Mr. and i^i-s. M. IX.Si'cnMny ., jand UUfe§ bf ithe valley. -Mrs; J. ;Bj tary ball. :;•. : 18th and Chicago Streets? attended -her danghter Jks The Ladies AuSiaW of thg Talmud Mrs. A; Hi Diamottd^ announce the hoiyHE-and-Miss .Anfi. •Torah. field a inefeling' -Wednesday :man::acted tnaid of honor. Miss Bar Mitzah of her Son Donald, "wWyi afternoon, at the honie. of 'Mrs. -Gfeb. The,Nati6i?al_EaSnSry owned and |^ot place 6nS&ttirday,:Novenibet 27, jHarriett-Gidinsky^attended her cousin' The Jewish Publitt fe coroperated by MM Kaplan is still facKrasne; "' •' " • ::': <•'••'• -^•'-.:'- c..-" Jas ^bridesmaid. Each jattendent car-? at Congregation B'nai.Israel. dially invitSft to Strife, fiftE ing the unfair competition, that, is ' ried an arm boquet of roses. Little yonr (inarnntee of a Sqnare Dpal t d against i t ||h^t fir^i fi^i by J; D. Z. Club will hold its next ^ Mr. John Quig]|ey.;of,Kansas City, Seing centered, celebrate the feast of OiattShirley Jean- Gidinsky was the flower meeting, tin Sunday; December €. A Mo. -spent Thanksg^yjngjDa^here with ^ association of launlry o|lrUto^ DouglasEst. 1890 ukah on Sunday, Decesnber girl. She wore<4 raffled peach colored Vfery interesting prograni^ has ' been Mrs. Quigley who is spending a few a r e attempting to di§sMtie i 5, 1926, at 8. p. m. 8t imv 4 'frock afid earned tBe ring .inianest ^f ar5ajigei| Slid all-nieftjber^'are urg|d weeks: here visitiag-heHmrent^^ Mr. i cUeBleK " of t e tlsSSs Synagogue, 18 and Clifeafts Erosei petals Mn David Freeiflsri was. to attend; .ahid Mfs. M. L. .Laundry., jbest m ^ J^d^kKV^'Harry Gidinsky. strfeets. « „ . Dan — Hill" ^of Liricblh, , Nebf. ~™^ .-.^Ot: J « S e . colnV w ^ s s u g Mrs. Mr. ^rid Mrs. M. tT: Siihonl- a!id iserved a i / j ; * * false to tte effect that. J Cantor A. Schwaskin and < Following tM ceremonyfifty guests daughters, tiitian and Yfctta, who arrifed Monday td speritf a'week here' a ammn 1statements PtUk ftscssitiits mi Accitcrs . p f brother, Gross-1 ?P?,<loi.>n 5n e^* a%,. * f \ ^ ^ ? X yisitLigM bfotheiv Mr..Morris; Mn^ibrrisiGross-j choir assisted by an or» ;were. serveci &t:h dinner ;,which M i have left for j mairand Mrs! Grossman. Several a£- said Max Kaplan,^ b ABHAMSONI ^followed by ajrascention. Mr. and Mrs. bhestta arid inany ottiter fair's are" being given itt her hbttor. ganized and have lowered g '•Freeman left: ioK'*ah.eastern honey? been the-reciprocants of many fareialfeateS numbers will fill dUring her visit. INCOME TAX SERVICE so that it will force ,iae Irom conin6on_trip a^d will'be at home in well parties. the program. tinuing my business. In'iiie past the SySTfe-MS—AUDITS iOmana after December 1. the HER MAJESTY; THE CUSTOkER Mrs, B. A. Simon announces National Laundry has always. Been ' The out-of-town guests included the The C^ommisslohbrs, tNVESTUlATIONS following hostesses for the December RULfiS THE EMPIRE.—Adv. lower in price thaii any taundry in f Ann and Lillian Freeman, Hadassah card party which will take 'ADMISSION FREte the city but now because of tfie cenFreei ; Tneiief ' MiSsfS Sarry, David and ATtentie 1450 matt all of Cfeana and Mr. and Mrs. place ;ajb the; Jewish Community Center Wednesday; December &th; Mrs. Ben Turnb'ff Of Less Summit', Mo. FRIED'S p. Wqhhier, Mrs. N. linsman, Mrs.^S. TEMPLE ISRAELGreenburgj and Mrs. Sam Steinburg KOSHER DELieATESSEi* MAlSELiiilTKiN "SorreTI and Soil," by Warwick i509 North 24th Street The marriage of Miss Ethel LitMn Council Bluifs.. Deeping, will be Rabbi Cohn's subject All foods kept in SinUary cases tdifeEeubeiiMsasel tooij place SunThe annual Hadassah linen shower A complete line of smoked meats day f evening, Npvefober 28( at the wiil be given at the Jewish CJommuni- Friday, evening December 3. and fish Rabbi Cohn will speak Sa Saturday _..-_.. _. ._ Ihomerof the bride's father, 3119 "R'' o > in the presence of immediate Further Center auditorium January 5th. morningj December 4, onJ the details ebhbsriiihg the party tivar.of the Maccabees." ,, relatives and friihds. Rabbi Fleish- will be given later. CANTOR ABRAHAM .mair officiated. After December 1 Mr. Sisterhood SCHWACZKIN and Hrs. Maisei will be at home at Mr. arid Mrs. Louis Harris have reThe regular monthly meeting of of B'nai Israel, Congregation 319 North 38th avenue. turned after spending a month tour- the Sisterhood of Temple Israel will ing thfe East. At Brooklyn, N. Y., be held Monday, December 6, in the Performs Mafriages. [HER MAJESTY^ THE CUSTOMER they^ visited theiir daughter; Mrs. Jp6 new annex of the Temple; Mrs. LawIn Jewish and English Freidman, whose sbn; Herman was rence Gtildman has charge of this SRULES THE EMPIRE.—Adv. 621 No. 21 SU AT laitilc 5534 jMitzyah during-their stay> TheJ aj: ! : Mr^and*Mir^iA. Forniar{ and daugh- sor ^isited -withHheir son'Harry Har;^er Betty, and Mr. and Mrs. C. For-, ris Ssiid family. . : "itian and daughter ;Harriet returned 'Sunday after spending the- vireek-erid dii ^ansas City ag^ tb^ gue^s of Mp: and Mrs. K. Copeteia^i ^Iis§; Doro^By Doorman who also 'was the guest cf Chanuka Program to be Presented the CopeLman's, returned Tuesday. Sunday Afternoon at Wahiut Hall The Sigma Deltar Tau Sorority •will The; Council vBlu^s- Talmud Torah bold a benefit; bridge: and-maho'ongg Sunday SJhooi' will present a ^arty for men 'and -"women WednesdayT Ytm'iak hisy i t g l l y evening, December 15, at 8:00 p. in. Chanuka Program on Sunday afterLib«ral allowance ftn p6u at ttee: -Jewish Community Center. ' noon, DecemBer 5th, at the Hafer's bid vacuum cleaner. For the Walnui HMi, iz$ West BfoaM^ay, at '•-A'daughter "was born Nb*yembej?20 i:30 o'fclock. A play "Hannafi, aiifl to Mrr and-Mrs. J. W. Lax of Chi- Her Seven Sons", will be enacted encago, -III. Mrs. Lax was formerly tirely in Hebrew by members of the Of the : Betty ;Rothkop of this city. local Talmud.Torah, and it is being % directed by Mr. I. Morgensteni; AnfiCTv7 her—trith the gift that lightens Theiladies' Labor Lyceum club will other Chanuka play will be givefi in give a fcard party Wednesday, Decem- English, entitled, "Too Much Noise". cleaning tasks—shortens cleaning hotus ber 8V' at 2 o'clock at the home of Everyone is invited to attend. •^-iemoves dekhing fatigues—and adds Mrs. H. Shames, 2510 Charles street. On account of the Chanuka program hourk of gay leisilre! Give her a Premier There will be a prize given at each Sunday afternoon, no Sunday School table. Duplex. With its doable action—power* classes will be held that morning. The T. E." Z. bridge club which rial suction and a motor-clriven brush—she The Bar Mitzvah of Efhest Ross; meets,every two weeks held its last son of Mr. and Mrs.. Ben Ross, will can Clean thoroughly, quickly, easily. With meeting Wednesday evening at t h e , ^ p I a c e o n S a t u r d a y moraingt Sunday* December 12 De. its ball bearing motor and brush, she need home of one of its members, Miss c e m b e r ^ a t ^ cheyra fi'nai YisIn the feessie Lindenbaum. Prizes were won roel synagogue, 618 Mynst'er Street. never worry about oiling—and moreover, Centet Auditorium by the Misses Bernice Stein and Mr. and,Mrs. Ross -will entertain at inaf feel confident that her cleaner will Fannie Roistein. The next meeting a reception.honoringrtheir son on SunWill be held December 15, at thd day afternoon and evening, December Seep its efficiency For a lifetime. Randall's Orchestra home of Miss Bernice Stein. 12th, at tneir home', for all their" relaMrs.; Yale Du'bnoff returned home tives and friends. No cards are being r~7 a couple after spending • five months in Los issued. Angeles, California with her sisters Informal Mr. Ben Kubby returned home Mrs. Harry Kavich and Miss Florence Monday after spending Thanksgiving Shames. and the week-end visiting in Chicago, Illinois. Miss Helen Adler left for New York City, Monday where sh^ will attend the weeding of her aunt Miss Miria Rabinovitz. She plans • to visit with relatives in the east, and return in February. "•l

'nai Israel

Declares I t e

fer^kif Jewelry Co. Famsiis lor Diamonds



The Dance witha


Jewish Community Center



Mr. and Mrs. Morris Bernstein announce, the birth of a baby daughter on Thursday, November. 25. Mrs.'A. L Kulakqfsky left Wednesday for §joux City where she will spend a few days with her ..sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. A. I. Sacks. •Miss,Mollie Nits who is to be married to Abe Brdoksteih has chosen January 2,. for her wedding date. •


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For Unu&Ual Valued in

DANCE FROCKS This Is the Place!

Premier is an IdcaJ |iftfor"Me>tl3er. Sister or SArct will bring Her mueli happiness anft comfort.. It is a gift for rears and years.

We are prepared to take care of the imminent large demand for dance frocks. Christmas is approaching—the theater, club; prom and party season is at hand—Girls and women will have to begin buying thejr dance £rpcks—and.we have them!—A most unusual collection, al art exceptionally big value. Popular Price*.

T?bme in and learn about our very easy-owning plan. And Besides we allow you $12.50 for your old electric vacuum cleaner.

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161? Howard St. Aquila Court

Free Parking Space

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PAGE 4^-THE JEWISH PRESS, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 2, 19»i "KOSHER KITTY KELLY" Viola Dana when her Irish lover de- "Raggedy Rose." Miss Normand is at the same time serving candy, fruit, there are classes for all ages, and you Some Wild Oats to be Shown serts her to take up with a Jewish better than ever the critics say and COMING TO THE SUN ice-cream, drinks, cigarettes,- and ci-can start any time. at the "New Lake" girl and you will laugh win her when her pictures offers her unlimited opAn Irish girl" to spite her Irish beau, gars. Boxing and Wrestling. she wins him back. You will road e.t. portunities to be funny all of which Those who missed, the downtown becomes friendly with a young Jewish ' The dining room was gaily decorat- Classes in boxing and wrestling will l L'Hadlik ! Nair Shel Chanukah . ed with bright curtains and flowers. be formed as soon as a sufficient showing of the sensational photoplay doctor and is about to marry him. A Miss Dana's real Irish fighting in- she accepted to the fullest degree. The big program opens a t the Sun In -ISnglish^ the • above • heading Instead of the long tables, small number sign up. Both ,ot .the sports attraction "Some Wild Oats" will have young Jewish girl having a quarrel stinct which crops out in numerous • theatre December 10. means, "to light the lights -of- Chan- square tables, seating four, are now are v e r y g o o d f o r e x e rcise for the another opportunity to see it a t the with this-same young Jewish doctor, comedy scenes. New Lake Theatre next Thursday and to spite him, takes up with the young ukah". ' ' " . . , . usec. All in all, "Kosher Kitty Kelly"! younger and more active members. Friday, December 9 and 10. l which is really a, very big and im-i Irishman.A -very pleasant sight that greets Mrs. A. Silverraan.Jn charge of\the Walking Club. Owing to the delicate subject with There you have -a situation that portant" production will give you an PAXWN-MITCHELL CO. one _in" the "lobby of the J."4C".". is a "Esst Gesundt" announces the names stand witft a Sfenorah and Chanuka of the following ladies who will serve: A very enjoyable hike was held last which this "picture deals, men andthreatens to develop the worn theme hour and three quarters of genuine 37tb & Martha Stn. flflrn*? 1WK Sunday morning, when? twelve Health Omflha. Nebr. 6^ at the opening—Mrs. A. Greenberg, Seekers tramped the woods in thewomen will not be admitted together. of Jew marrying Gentile again. You enjoyment. gray iron bross. bronze and alti Special shows for woman have been feel that this is to be another one of In addition to "Kosher Kitty Kelly" Soft The Jigiffs will ^be kindled- every Mrs. Jack Alberts, - Mrs. Irwhr Stair mlnnm castings. Stnndnrfl sizes bronze ghtr durTng thanuka," and" will re- master, Mrs; John'' Beber, Mrs. Sam neighborhood of Elmwood Park. You arranged. . Thursday December 9 those Irish-Jewish stories wherein the the Sun will on the same bill offer end iron hnsh)n*rs, «?wer manholes. cistern rinss nnd CoverB. nnfl clonn-out 1 Ht'^dd the evening. Nathan, Mrs. Harry Lapidus. Those are missing some good exercise and has been set aside for women, and Jewish girl is left a t home while the Mabel Normand in her first new loors to stock shows will be held as follows: Matinee picture since her return to the screen, young Jewish lad marries an Irish •who' will serve later wilL be announced a good time by not getting out Sun, ; >M&ti&£Slae to Charm School day morning. If interested call Dave, at 3:30—Nights at 7 and 9 o'clock. girl. in the next issue of the Press. Friday December 10, will be men's The "third lecture" o f the" Charm Circumstances so twist things that Jackson. 1366. 1 School on Tuesday evening, NovemDr. Gym says: "To be efficient in night with ; showings at 7 and 9the Jewish" couple see the error of ber BO, attracted an unusual large J. C C. Physical Department • Notes. your business you must have health. o'clock. their way and so do the Irish couple. nl Hesilth c a n b e number of ladies who"" are taking adDr. Kopnian, well known authority The result is satisfaction all around ? ? ' By DR. GYM NASIUM. and systematic exer- on sex and'social Hygiene will lec- to everybody. vantage of t h e splendid helpful talks . . , delivered a t each class. Mrs7 Nate The J . C.',C. Commercial basketball, CISe _ ture on sex at each and every perAside from this angle of the picture league composed., of six teams will! ' For , health, ^appmess, and a formance. Dr. Kopman advises that Mantel, -who spoke on "The Graceful 1 o n e r l l f e : J o ma G y m d l a s s "Kosher Kitty Kelly" is a roaring ^ Hostess and' Guest", in r a very -charm- start the'season's play Wednesday The Like showing will be the last and comedy filled to the brim with Jewish . .Handball. ing manner, explained many difficul- evening, December 8, > t 8:30 p. m. Three games will be played'each eveThe singles champion of the J . showing' of the famous film in humor and Irish wit. You are bound ties the'modern hostess has to conto fairly scream at the antics of Nat ning. The admission will be 15 cents C. was finally crowned, the title going Omaha. SO DON'T MISS IT! tend with when entertaining. Children under 16 positively will Carr who owns a delicatessen store on for those under 16, and 25 cents for to Herman Segeiman, who defeated The fourth lecture qf-.the Charm not be admitted. the lower east side New York. You School will be on Tuesday ~evening adults. This small charge is made to Carl Sokblof in the final-round) in a and to furnish medals hard-fought three-game m a t c h ^ T h e SOVIET GOVERNMENT ORGANS will smile a t Vera Gorden's lovemakDecember 7. Mr. Ed Burdick,. |iur pay officials Ing and you will thrill a t handsome winning teams. If you want scores of the match were" 21-12, rl 1-21 URGE FIGHT AGAINST J. C. C ' physical director, will delraer for ome fast basketball games be | and 21-14. Segelman's superior,, conANTI-SEMITISM Tom Foreman's Irish courage when a talk on Health' and Seauty." T h p e to see some he rushes- into the delicatessen store d attend ttnd. I dition enabled him to overcome'iCarl sure and •who were fortunate enough to" hear ^Jsoys are, forming -a',"who -has jw>t been in the be^t of High Time*to Combat Anti-Jewish and fights off a gang of hoodlums v-rho The Mr.- Burdick speak over the' -Jraliio ^e.:^l&eiteams-;hai'e->shapfc'; " : " ^ ' ? /• Feeling Among Russian Workers are annoying the Jewish owner. You some "time ago, know, that he'is.tfujte will be sympathetic with pretty little The doubles tournament is again They Say. capable of ^treating this, subject-in tlie entered-to jtette* and "three more teaijis in session, all players who have most' 'helpful, manner. Seats will .fee are wanted ' before the .league can growth of anti-Semitism among the [ signed^ up -please arrange with their woTldng masses in Sdvief Russia and FREGGER-FOX DRUG CO. JeberY>d .afc'.the Chaliukah celebration start." opponents for the ladies.who are attending the Xlxv Ladies JUclUica basketball Mdoiwfcuau league l e a g u e will «AAI « ™ — • - » for * — their matches" —~— so —"that the urge that'steps be taken to comThe "Careful Druggists" start" abtfut December 15. The girls \ we can run_ this tournament off inbat this growth were sounded yester- 14th and Douglas St. AT 0327 Charm School. -.Sy" day by the "Pravda", the official or• — - • - * •" . •. •_.: '> are showing" UD fine under the able grand Prescription* filled by - Registered ' After 3Jie. doubles tournament their gan of the Soviet government, and coaching of Dave Chesneau.. Meet > Pharmacists only is going to be in operation a "chalthe "Emes", the official oTgan of the Prices very reasonable— Delivery The, opening meeting of the Girls Volley Ball. lenge tournament" whereby all playDeclamation and Debating Society Volleyball * is becoming a popular ers will be listed according to their Jewish section of the Communist party in Russia. will He' tield on Thursday evening, The newspapers call attention to December'9, a t 8 P. M: We have "a game. All the gym classes now haye; a D i l i t y ^ challenges will be hurled splendid speaker for the meeting so teams and some inter-class .games j a t t h e "m a n w h o ranks t h e highest, the growth of,, anti-Semitism among will be played in the near future. . | . v . Successors to Jones Candy Co. all ladies over 1& years of "age please the working men and declare that it The Business men's team, which, is THORPEIAN ATHLETIC CLUB attend. *• "" is "high time & combat it." a member of the City Volleyball The TJborpian Athletic Club held a 918 Farnam St league, plays every Tuesday evening. banquet -and election of officers a t the HER MAJESTY, THE CUSTOMER Phone JA. 3986 Prairie Flowers ,' RULES THE EMPIRE.—Adv.. Do you know any little-girls over 11 To date we have won one match with Rome" Hotel. * on .iSunday, J November years of age who have not yet at-the Omaha Athletic Club,, and lost 1 ^ / - T h e .following will hold office for tended a Camp Fire group a t theone to the U. P. Shops. Some inter-, t h e e n s u ing r "term, tsadore -RosenLet Us Hdp-Yea "Keep Clean" Community Center? If so it is your- eBting- ^ames are. being played.^Comc j y\att, ,'president; Abe Meyers, viceduty t c inform them that we have a in- some Tuesday evening and see. t p r e s e n t ; Sam Freidel, secretary' and BUTTKK and BKUS treasurer; Maurice Franklin* reporter. group that meets every Monday, at. The admission is free. , Council Bluffs, la. 1819 California Street 4 o'clock a t the Jewish Community Gymnasium Classes. The banquet. wa,s followed by. ^ 62*1. Center. Miss Reva Knlakofsky is the There are at-the present time nine! speeches and entertainment.. guardian" of the group and the -work regularly organized gym classes run-! ThiSsseason promises to be one ofis very;interesting. ning in full'force. Four for men and t the peppiest and most active in the' boys and, five for women and girls. I history of, the club." The select memChanuka Dance So far the ladies "hUve manifested| berjrin'it/are actively engaged in the The "Y" announces a special Chan- the most interest as'Hhe^ attendance! biggest,/.work ever undertaken and j uka dance on Saturday night, Decem- 'and enthusiasm" will prove. Each j which "will be announced shortly to . ber 4," in. the Lodge Boom. A great "class is followed by a swim in the the general public. : many surprises have been prepared 3>ool. ' .v , ! - . . ' ' and those who have never attended The type of work given is of a body. HER • MAJESTY', THE' CUSTOMER j any of the "Y" dances are cordially luilding 'ana recreative nature ; : and .RULES THE EMPIRE.—Adv. • _ 1 invited. *



The Screaming International Comedy Sensation






The Copebnan CandyCo.

.. Romance Chocolates


Frontier Towel $ Linen Supply



Father Borer Speaks " Scout Executive Coming At the eighth lecture of the J . C. C. Training Course, Fathar Borer,* Director of the Catholic Charities, gave a mosu enlightening talk on the "Problems of the Club Leaders".- I t was voted as one of the best talks of the series. . .. There are. three more lectures before the course is over. Certificates will be presented to those who have attended all but one of t h e lectures. ' The next lecture will be held on -Monday night, December 6. Lebn J. Argetsinger, Scout Executive of the Omaha Council of Boy. Scouts, will speak on fKnowing the Boy".




AND MANY--OTHERS The Same Terrific Success That Kan a Year In New York W T U A I MABEL NORMAND IN d A . £ i \ A . I "RAGGEDY ROSE" Normand's Return to the Screen WEEK OF




^Adroit .Departure Fxom the Usual Featured in r




net Walker 122.50

The Tailored Girl Mode

"Esst G«sundt" over the Top " "Esst Gesundt", the J. C. C.Sand, widr Shop, made its bow to the public. on. Wednesday "noon, December!. The sandwiches were so .well liked that .the , supply was quickly exhausted.






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Elegantly simple and tailored to the last, inch—these dresses of 1927 smartness offer a new combination of heavy silk crepe and jersey that admits of many possibilities for chic. Many other striking combinations are also featured. —

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Our People are always welcome at _ . .


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Contrasting piping is again a feature— this time -formiHg a vestee and panel back extending just below the. .Waist. line. Raglan sleeves are smocked above the tailored cuff, as are also' the shoulders. In tan -"#ith brWn trim; aavy vrith red or light blue trim; bine trimmed in navy or sierra-in tan. Sizes 14 to 40.


L a k e l n e a t r e DECEMBER9 and 10


MANY VBAKS OK SUCCESS.' THOUSANDS PERMANENTLY CURED by Dr. El R. Tarry'e time-tried guaranteed method of curing Piles, Fistula and other Rectal Diseases. » < ,

MltiD TREATMENT WITHOUT SEVUK13 SUUOIOAU Ofi3RA» TION. NO CHTiOROFORM or other general aiiHesthetlo tued. Pleasant efficient service. Patients walking about daily. CURB GUARANTEED in any case accepted. No hospital. . JSXAMINATION FREE. DR, TARR7*S QUARANTEKD M^THOZ> of treatment has drawn patients from many states. ASJt for BTtEB BOOK containing names and testimonials of thousands of Dermanently-curea patients. -- , " * ' Csl»bUsb«4 ©v«r • Quartet of * C«ntury

Model 217 as illustrated Contrast is achieved by means of crepe stripes at the jersey waist. The crepe collar may be worn high in Chinese coolie style, as a closefitting Peter Pan, or in tailored V. In navy and light blue, bine and grey, brown and tan, caravan and henna.

Model 208 as illustrated A unique bolero effect, tiny pin tucks on the shoulder, high-fastening collar, double cuffs and deep kick pleats at the side of the skirt to complete the boyish theme. Color choice of sierra, rose, blue or green. Sizes 14 to 20.

Brandeis Janet Walker Frocks Second Floor

Store Hours—9 A. M. to 5:30P. M.:

«. -

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