A false friend, like -while the sun shines. Community Center Programs Bwwr t a r g e Crowds^ L : Chalk dcFwu another victory for the Jewish CommunityCenter! The ^ Chanuiah jceleljrstiau Center Tuesday was the it was* for the simple reason t b i i g ^ brought more people .i^JQraaha's I Jewish gatherlngf; placed than.program yet attempted; p??« •'
.. ••:-"• • ' . . • ' ' - ' - ' . ' • . 7
The tiiree programs given be^a," the Chanuka celebration, ^ e r e : also victories. Therefore other •victory^'; •;
..Entered a» second-class mall matter on January 27th, 1II21, «t postofflce at Oraaha ^eh_ra*ka__nn<ler_ttie'_&et_of_MarchJS 1K70 ' $ ' ' ' • ' - ' •
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fepkle Lectare ^ d
The Omaha, alumnae members of. the Sigma Delta Tau Sorority will have a benefit bridge and man jongg party, "Wednesday evening, December 15, at 8 o'clock at the Jewish Community Center. This will be for both men and women. The committee Rabbi Stephen & Wise Will Lee- in charge are the Mrs. Ben Lustgar. ture Here op Pro^frim ten, Mrs. Abe Somberg, Mrs.. I. Goldstein, Mrs. Irrin Stalmaster and :FiHST ENTORtAinpiENT Miss Lillian Margolin.
Mpre-Thaii Your Banker For. You
\ "East Gesundt" is open now, To you as patron makes its bow. ; Oh, that menu, sure is good j] And you ought to taste that food. i ' Once we had gefillte fish, 1 How they gobbled up that dish. Proceeds •©! !Hsis Dance Wil Then we had "Kotlyeten" too, \ Borsht and Kasha, Herrying new. • • Go to J. C C Library > ; We're open daily, twelve to two, SOUVENIR'PROGRAMS AN» I ] Service de luxe all for you. ENTERTAINMSKT FEATURE j; Don't forget us, and wait too long, Come right novr, you won't go wrong. All is ready for the Hal Besh benefit dance for the Jewish Community —The Ladies Committee. Center library to be given at ths Proceeds go to the Jewish Com- Community Center Auditorium Sunmunity Center. day nifbt. Music.by- Arthur Randall's Ucyal orchestra wfil start promptly at 9 o'clock. The darice will be one of the most; popular of the year, as is indicated by the 'large advance sale of tietete, It is not to be on the order of the Auditoricia snd Gymnasium regular benefit dances, but more in for Program the nature of an informal fraternity; -party, according' to the committee. The Chaxrakah Celebration at the The members of the fraternity Jewish Community Center on Tuesday had the folljrRing girls form a "night, December 7th, was so well Kt- Belling commjttees which has met tended that it was necessary to have with mueh success: Misses BoFalinf: •an overflow meeting in the gymna- Goldstein, Kathcrine Blgutter, Pransium. Conservatively figuring, there ces Simon, Pauline Berzberg, M»»were 700 people in the auditorium dred I^ew, Eeva.Siey, Ruth 2iev,-Ruth and at least 400 in the gymnasium. Kulakofgky, Pauliixe Koppel, Bev*. Mr. Irvin Stalmaster was Chairman Kulakofsky, Charlotte Heyn, Florenwof the Auditorium and Mr. Beber was Wolf, Helen Eofrn and Ruth Kolm. assisted by. Mr. Joe. Wolf and J>r The list of patrons and patroness?.* Philip Sher who did hero c work in will be • in the dance program ants taking care of the surging: crowds. •will also . be announced in the next Sam Wolf assisted in the Auditorium, issue of the J swish rress, also.Shrolly Goodman. EandaH's Royal orchestra -is t« hr The program -was so well carried seated on & throne of ferns nvsi out that it brought forth rounds of palms, forming s hwitiful decorativf enthusiastic applause and the people scene on the stag® of the auditoriusti. refused to leave their seats at.' tire Special entertsinment *nd the soeconclusion of the program. venir program .are also to be features. Both Mr. Stalmaster and MT. Beber Members of the fisi Besh frsternitr delivered Etiring addresses on t i e are to be designated hy their fr»j:need of additional members. ernity colors of blue &nd gold. The program was as follows: All of the procetds of the dan.-? are to go to the library fund-'of thf (A) -"T&eaths" Owrtnre ^ _ E . \ * . |E) Black HtHse Troop John Jewish Community - C^nte:. Philip Scrasa:., Ere- f 1-50 -per.-
These -programs being given through the efforts of Sam Gerson are gradually winning over the Jewish public to make use of their, building—built by them and for them. The Jewish Community Center, under the able WILL BE^MUSKJALinjMBER supervision of Dr. Gerson, is certainly one place "Omaha Jews should be The complete lecture and concert -proud to call their own. course arranged by, the Jewish .'Community Center has been' announced MOB OR WHAT? io the public during the. past week. The Jewish Press is now entering its sixth year as the The way the people crowded and The first" of these Trill be held on official organ of the community. The Jewish Press has Edward Baron of Sioux-City Will be jammed and pushed and heaved to December 2 1 ' when • Elizabeth Gutstrived to be of service to every organization, every man Principal Speaker. get inside that auditorium at the man, famous soprano, will sing. and woman in the city. Chanukah doings was interesting to Eight presentations have been arNational A. Z. A. Day, to be celewatch—and the sight of so many ranged by the committee in charge. brated by the local A, Z. A. chapter The Jewish Press gives you all the local news, social and Jews seeking to see.and hear someAmong those who will appear here in the B*nai B'rith lodge rooms at sport-events and feature' articles written by. nationally thing Jewish {lied my heart, with are Rabbi Sttphen S. Wiser of New the Jewish' Community Center, Sunprominent men and women. Also latest telegraphic dispride, and I saw, not a cramming York City. Rabbi Wise is considered day, December 19, will be carried out patches from all parts of the world. mob, but, my Jewish brothers aird- a s one of the greatest orators of the in much the same manner as the Your subscription for 1927 is due now. As a special sisters looking for the betterment of day, and Rt. Rev. Irving P . Johnson, special program days held by the anniversary introduction we are offering aH subscribers my race* D. D., of Denver, Colo. Community Center. who will partake of our. "thirty day offer" a discount of Tuesday, Dec. 21—Elizabeth- GutA novel and varied program has "CANDLES OUT" fifty (50) cents in the renewal of their subscription. The man, Soprano, in a conceit of Rus- been arranged by the committee m"When the lights went, out at the sian and Jewish music. subscription to the Jewish Press for one year is $2.50. charge. celebration I heard a little tot in We are dispensing with all contests, prizes and the hiring' Thursday, Jan. 13, 1927—Rt. Rev, Edward Baren, Sioux City attorney* back of me exclaim: of solicitors, and are offering this discount direct to the Irving P, Johnson, Bishop, of the subscriber. Maijgcheck for §2.00 and your subscription "Oh, mother, someone, blew out all Diocese of Colorado, will speak on nationally known, for his eloquence speech, will give the principal adwill be renewed fpiy.927. the Chanukah candles!" "Religion, Science and Reality." dress of the evening. A speech, to' Tuesday, Feb. 1—Maximilian Rose, be broadcast over KOIL by Sam THIS OFFER i p L L BE HELD OPEN FOR TWENTY"Get off the light switch on the left Beber, president of the Supreme AaV hand side of the doorl" as yelled by "Violinist, in a violin recital. 6J MORE DAYS ONLY Irvin Stalmaster, chairman of the Thursday, Feb. 3—Professor Hartley visory council of the .V. Z. A., viT be Burr Alexander will speak on the received during the 4 program by JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY evening, lit the "candles" again. three great Jewish philosophers, means of a radio receiver to be inITill out this blank" and mail check now! Tuesday, Match 8—Frances Homer stalled in the room by courtesy at Thanks to'"Shrolly" Goodman, some twenty additional people were able to in a. dramatical recital. Sol Lewis company. Name „_ Tuesday, April 5—Dimitry Dobkin, squeeze into the . auditorium. He Prior to the program in the B'nai crowded together the first few rows Tenor, former soloist with the Petro- B'rith lodge rooms, a "Get-to-gether" Address of seats/ and was- thus able to put grad Opera Company. banquet will be held in ths lunch another row next to the orchestra Monday, May 2—Jay. Gorney, the room of "the Center. City _State_ Pianist, in a lecture recital on the Reservations for'the. banquet should Pit., Evolution of Jazz. be made at ones by -calling Jackson Monday, May &—Rabbi Stephen S. 3808, or by seeing any of the followTHE ORCHESTRA .: Speaking of the orchestra — the Wise.. ing committee members. , . -Jewish Commxmity Center orchestra* Harry ~Rubenstein, chairman; Max composed of some twenty-six Jewish Givot, David Belier, or Hymen Shrier. : boys an4-^g!ria—I-feell-araist-passxm .'• -• "... ..-,.! . XBTICSJE;33.' .'_• Folios-ing^^dosely^^oa.4he ieels"of a comment I overheard. the National A. Z. A. Daiy <^e'Omahaf S. C C Svmpliony Orclreotrs, "AhlXopk.at those boys and girls chapter will sponsor, the district basConditions in Soviet Russia Seldl, director, Combin«<l vith Glee Clubs, SIrs..Seni ,Betoer,.lender playing so many instruments at once. ketball debate and oratorical eon* By RECBES BBAISIX, Besm of Hebrew And for their ages'they're good/Hcrw Organization^ Contributes f 500 to tests to be held Jamsary 29 and 30. Canflle I>rI13 Jessie Satnpter •Henrietta Sswld Girts, Hose Sepal, I wish I i a d a young boy or girl United Jewish Campaign Six chapters will btf represented. Leafier. Mrs. Irrln Ktalmaster, Accojnpanisl playing hi that orchestra." It was an 1836 by Seven Art* Feature Syndicated They are, Lincoln, Des MONIES, Fort ShameB . Bess Cooper In this.article of the series on the life of Russian 5rwry | » O»iww Alexander D. Frank of the H: A. Dodge, Sioux City, Council Bluffs and old, be-whiskered."zade" talking to a Fltst Cnndle Sylvia. W«iner Charles A. :C©wen ' Sere U Sir. Bralnls sketches only the outline of bia impressions cf the Jewish baekSecond Candle _ _.. Cyril I*<m Wolf Company was elected president Omaha. The winners in the district i i young man sitting next to him. Auspices of Zionist to-tbr-!M>fl moTement In Russia- I t tanas a- backcronnd -for the mrtleles that Thlrfi Candle ......Esther'Spa* of the Omaha "Hebrew Club at the contest will go to the National tourFonrth Can tile ,,, JTeanette Turner * • * are to Tollow, which win depict the various aspects and eeneeQuenera of tbe Fifth Candle—^-, lids. Bercovid annual meeting of the organizat on nament to be held in . Chicago in Bxaaxtng battle being taschi by the Jews ol Kesaift BE&liMit Those That Dance Sixth Candle Jwnette Resnick Charles A. Cowen, nationally physical sad splrltnal. EDITOR Serenti Cnudle Martha Wppett February. ~" „ , Should Pay the Piper. orator and statesman, is coming ix Eiphth Candle .. .. IJnth Marks All programs,-like the four already Significance of Qiamifcnli —^..Sain Zach- Omaha on Tuesd&y, December 21, ?s Hymen Shrier is chairman of the It is doubful whether history has selves to s. slow starving process. aria, President Y. M.—X. W.H. A. record of a more drastic metamorphos- Hundreds of thoasands of hongex-ar-' given,'at'the Center, will now be for district tournament in Omaha, Unnce ___«_Jimior Folk UancJng Class address a mass meeting that evening is than the one being undergone by tiste have been produced by this enSirs. Irvin Stalnsnster at tbc PiEnn members and their families only, Musical Selections ._J. C. C Symphocj- at the Jewish Compiuriiiy Center, n:-old Eussia changing into the new forced idleness. Gerson and Stalmaster both anOrchestra • • Cowen is coming here under the *.«>r(A) DancittE Dolls, Gavotte _ JnliuB Russia. To those who are unfamiliar But gradually, when it became obnounced. The policy is .very good. pices of the ionist Or|faniiatioii. ; S. Scndy • with Bussian life up to 1917, it is im-vious to these thousands of •unfortu(B) Meimet^^From Opera Don Juan For why, as Irvin said, should memMr. Cowen is.better knows in tJ'f Mozart possible to realize that an abyss sep- nate city-dwellers" that in -&e .present bers be required to stand outside or (C) I>obrvflzien east having been bora and r&isecl in arates the czaristic Russia from the <D) Wollach go to the gym to see a program they New York City, where he now .reMartin Kahan and Hiram T. Jones, Lenin Russia. Within lesstirae than economic structure of Kussia—espe(E) I>er Rebbe Hot Gifllelssen Lustig cially in the small iowns--£he small are paying f6r, in a sense of the sides. He is novr making: & to»sr •<>'< of the Silk Shop, Inc., Monday anFencinjr ExktbitSon, Slg^ior Manoli word, while others, who don't give a the large cities throughout the nounced they will establish their sec- half a generation the political, social trader is doomed, irrevocably, conFlilma Peterson "Pictnres Oat of th« Pnst" cent to the Center, sit comfortably try. '. • ond store in Omaha next February and economic structure of such an im- demned to starvation, the Jewish willBy liouis WJtt to-live asserted itself. mense area as Soviet Bnssia has been enjoying something they help Hot in Mr. Cowen was associated 15 in space now occupied by Bittner . Ctutt the least to bring about ? Justice Louis D. Brandels, and ;t>r. & Bittner - on the -first floor of the completely destroyed and rebuilt onj1 Tired -of the - uncertain, dependent, Grandmother _ — .Grsice Bosenstein Stephen S. Wise in organising t-b** .* * Mother City National Bank building; Six- an entirely different basis, a basis •. hopeful waiting a nsmber of towri Helen Leviuson Esther .) which has no precedent in-any other) decided to make s determined J e w s ACTS AND ACTORS EerlK?rt" Kisplnii ProvisJe««l Zionist Conntiittee 4tt?ttiC teenth and-Harney streets. Pariii „ .„ Sylvia. SUverauut country of the worlds Helen attempt to change' their life. WithLittle Jerome Marcus proved himLease <m the property for, a 10X/eo ; „.. Jerome, 3SaTTWE the World'W«r.--He'was one of Shf "Daring this" necessarily chaotic and Coacfe. Mrs. Max Fwrnkin, Swrfor Afl.- orgaia?,era of the Jewish out much .ado, they settled *.n stretchself a real actor. When he was supyear period "was signed Monday by rl««r «? the Sanim- ~ . posed to trip and fall, "he tripped and €3i*ptwr- o* Omsha, Ts*i«Bii Tte- "after the* Kishineff p©gno Kahan and Jones with George^ &r Co., transitory period, during those years es of land. Thei©~were wivole areas member .of the coraraitt«e <ws fell, even though it did get his pants and B. V. Clark, representing Rufu's •pf complete revaluation of all stand- of unwoiked soIV^hids belongea to Usuec _^ I ^:..*Mls8 ..Annette thm. for {be Araericaij Jewish dirty. E. Lee company, owner, of the build- ards, when a new order fought strea- no one. . Here the disillusioned trader, S.. Smsb Biklin, But, what's a pair -of - trousers to Sunday at the Jewish' Community ing. Minimum' rental for the 10-year j~uously to a finish against centuries of or -other discouraged .unemployed,, g * Z i o « Mtrt«m KubacSt. Swider Center. Other officers elected were period was announced as 108 thou- traditions and habits, what happened without any outside help, and animate art? "The LnRt Csnctles" Jessie Sampfer . A. I. Eulakofsky feeadis the to the three million Jews who lived a by the true "pioneer spirit, started Ben Minkin, vice president; Sol Rosen- sand dollars. *JUElor DRBKhtprg of Sion, Mina F d tion committee ior Mt. Cowen, mnn, Leader gagged and uncertain esistance under! primitive settlements in order to esSome good directing was put into berg, re-elected secretary, •and John of the czazistie Cossacks?, cape the nerve-racking esistsi<ce of the play, "Pictures Out of the Past," Feldman, re-elected treasurer. Fol- at 1517 Douglas street - about five; , u 3e-wish goldier ...... ' by Mrs. Max Fromkin. And all par- lowing were elected trustees: Hark years ago by Sahan, Jones .and "Abe * Has this political-economic earth- the city. Thus, life itself initiated the Preedmnn Kachel Perets, ap> IS Sfirsli Slnrpan ticipating acted their parts in 'com- Long, Ben Civiri and B. G. Shapiro. •Goldstein. Kahan and Jones, for years quake given them the finishing blow gigantic back-to-tte-soB movement of Micbne! Peref& age 11 _ J^eo Benwtpin mendable .fashion. I'm going to men- The re-election of-Mr. Rosenberg were ideniafied with two of the lead- :and wiped out those that survived the j Tehndnh Ha-iiHcfabee _JSen»ett Cobn Conch. Sylrin BefiiBtvin tion their names here, because they Sunday, makes his " 14th • consecutive ing stores iri-Omaha, and are known barbaric and bloody pogroms of pre-j It svas then that the Russian Xtmnc Judaea Clubs BRperriseS bx More than two p l war and post-war days? Mrs. jtf, P. l emment and the Agro-Joint (Russian honestly .deserve it- Here tehy are-. term. as experts in the silk and textile Juden CJubg filled -the;B'naf. Israel md Beth ;^ What hasbecome of the ..Russian 1 ] iSTganization of the -Arflerican.Jewish Rose Lazarus, Grace Rosenstein, Following an appeal of Harry A. lines. - They •••will-'' supervise the aew medrosaHafodol SyH&g«g^fe ; Jew? Joint Distributloa Gosaiajttee;!: devised Helen Levinson, Herbert Kaplan, Wolf on 'behalf of the; joint -lUstr - shiopjbut the shops will have-geperate 6^y evfiaiiig'-to./listsn to the Sylvia Silverman, and little Jerome. buting committee,- the club voted $500 identity, according to the aTmounce- It was" to seek -an answer to this S ways and meanE- to • facilitate ;.this kah concerts arranged by the question that I Went to. Russia. rnatoral solution ddscovexed Jby the While credit is being given, praise to further the .committee's work. ment.;.' '; .-' .-. •; '. •; - • , of each -GoiagregEtiott, At the . I visited the Email and the big,7j e w s themselves—ef becoming a promust be handed to Mrs. Meyer Beber Plans have been under \cay. for'., dties "of White Russia, Ukraine, ductive, agricultural people in Russia. * letael Synagogue net even for her stirring and heart-appealin§ Local Zionist Organization some time, for the opening of the new; Crimea^ and Central Russia. Condi- True, this adaption of the town Jew •"The regular meeting of the Coun- < room was Available for all those tableau pictures used in connectionto Meet Tuesday Evening shop, but a location could not be de- tions in these cities, especially in, the to the land does sot solve the problem cil Blues lodge I; O. B. B. held Wed- I desired tp iparthe.^refram .d with the play. The regular monthly meeting of the cided upon. Another city -was -first small towns, struck me as hopeless.] ot ^e Bnfort«ii&te economic status of nesday evening at' the Danish hall i by CsRtor A. Schwwkin. The but the' owners agreed The Jews in Rusia, to an overwhelm-, Russian Jewry, "M best, (at the pres-j "with the election of officers snd dele- | gram was ' one of the ' finest rwz -_iT J J.J 111 i 1L_1J considered, Miss Annette Riklin did a nice' local1 Zionist*organijsation will be held that Omaha was the most advantage- ing extent, had earned their, liveli- e n t time) it affects directly and in-j gates to the coming convention of presented in.the c i t y . . ' | Tuesday,December, 14, at "the Jewish dance number. ous place. 1 hood by trading, as small merchants, directly a snnH- J^rcsntag-e of the the District. The following men "were ' kin-was ably awisted'by a Community Center, .. " I consider this oneof thetoost storekeepers,; peddlers, commission' Miss llina Freedman put in some ii The importance of this meeting will Jewish population of Russia. I elected to office: Ben I. SeMin, presi- and' symphony orchejrtta. attractive leases made in Ojnaha .agents and middlemen in other comnice work on directing "The Last j be for the plans and preparation for however, in this bsek-to-the-soll dent; Ernest Nogg, vice-president; ' Cantor Kohano-ftitch feftd cboit t*Candles.1* Leo Bernstein knew what Charles A. Cowen's visit to Omaha for some time," said- Mr. fioldsteic. mercial fields. Private trading in movement a renKjralization of the dis- Ben Kubby, recording secrstsiy; O. ^ t h e r "with orchestra ' presented **•• "With the opening T)f Tthe sew Or- Russia of today is extremely difficult, couraged, idle trader of the small Hochmsn, financial .secretary; Max interesting "progratn to more he .was 'Supposed to say and said it. on December 21. pheum theater, which will have its often impossible. M. Steinberg, treasurer; Morris Gots- •eight' hundred' people who town. A s a J whole the "whole thing was League Commission Welcomes entrance just; south of the store and diner, guardian; Louis H. Katelman. the- Chmmkah' scrrices *t the_ What is the Jewish trader to dot The agricultural relief which the '- commendable and every single parits exit to the east, .and Twith, the Dave Subby, Sam Bubb, trustees; Hamedrosh Hsgodol SynagogBe, ' At the'beginning, with characteristic ; Russian goveramest furnishes to the German Jewish Representative tidpant^deseryes praise. newTKresge stores, Carman's "and the Jewish optimism, he looked at the Jewish settlers fey supplying free land, Harry Kubfcy, monitor; Phil Fried- «nd Burt strcelR- Cantor 7vV ' 7 ._' '-';.-.; -':' * . .• 7 7 7 * . . ; ••" ••'. '.'• . : . ' Vi-Hoh scng spwraj folks sonjn0 Genova. (J. T. A.) Dr. C. Melcbior, new Nebraska* Power and vM«!tro- fihange witS ite restrictions against reduced rates of traKsportation, free man, assistant monitor. •'-•• •-••• s7---V: & I, AST WORD ":^V-;-.'•.;' 7 ; associate of Max Warburg, was wel- politan Utilities headquarters n§arby, trade as at a passing depreciation. lumber and even femndal credit^ toThe delepates elected to the con- Yiddisr and vns heartily Quite true it is that the American^ corned at the opening session of the the location is one of the most desir- Things would soon be different. In gether 'with -the' assistance' of the vention are : LouiE R. Katelm&n, by the l&rg? auditoce. ,the usairwhile he hoped. A hope American Jewish Joist Distribution Harry Kubby, and Max K. Steinberg. JewisH children know more about i League of Nations Finance Coiamis-; able we could find. Omaha-made; •SantaClaus and Christmas trees than sioni. Dr." Melchior was appointed j tures will be installed in the shop, without actioiu Some received help Committee, is, according to my obOn December 19, the iod^e will Dr. Hirschmsn and daughter they do about Chanukah and the representative of the German, govern-1 Details of the type of stock to be from relatives in America or South servation, the most constructive and hold as open meeting in connection returned from a two weeks' Viidt ** ment America; others simply adapted them-j filaccnbSi • "*° ^e commission. ' carried will be announced later." vrith the local A. 2. A New (CxH^oed on page 2) ,
Omak Chapter to Take Part m National A.Z A. Day
"21 Days Left'For Our Special Offer"—Worth While— Save the Difference
rFhe.Trufh- About -tibe Jews of-Russia,
of Omak Hebrew Ckl)
S2k Shop Signs Lease at: Sixteenth aid Harney
THE JEWISrTPRESS •THR JEWISH PRESS PUBLldHlNG COMPANY Gfficef>;490-Brandeis Theatre 'Building '— Telephone'; ATl«ip AThintiV145O. f f t " - i t ••• — NATHAN E. GREEN,-Manager. *\ - . ' '
fused to cease their pogrom" activity. and evening, Dec. 12, for all of their J delson, Bernard Balahan, Donald her daughter, Sylvia. The afternoon Roumanian Students Start Many Jewish . persons were - also relatives and friends, in honor of their | Bernstein, Jake Fpx Marvin - Fitch, diversion was games for the children, wounded hi kalaras/despatches re* son's Bar Mitz^ah. No cords are be- Sidney Maduff, Jake Gordon, Dave while the metiers played Bridge Pogrom on Jews in Kishineff ing'issued. Perlmutter|. and Ernest-.Ross. r
_ Mr. -and Mrs. Nathan Kramer enMr. Harry Kubby returned home M n L o u i s **• Katelmah spent the tertained their Evening Mah, Jong Saturday evening after being confined. P a s t *eek-enti visiting in .Kansas City, club a t their home Tuesday evening. Mo., and Leavenworth, Kansas, the > . . . . - . . . . . , . ; , , . y » y , . . . . . . »»« at the Edmqndson Hospital for three .$2.50. ..Subscription guest of his sister, Mrs. Abe Bear, weeks following: an operation. "The Happlnesa Hot>o6y" Knows" Vienna, Dec. 3 (Ji T. A.)—A reAdvertising rates furnished on application. and Mr. Bear. port of serious anti-Jewish excesses will be Rabbi Conn's subject Friday Plans are now being completed for in. the city of Kishineff, capital of the evening, November 10. This is onethe 'National A. Z. A. Bay which will CHANGE Off AUDKBSS-tl'lejw «Jv« Jjotb the old tod-new «<tfrcut Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Adler enter' b? «£HJ and ijlyp yqqr BUTTEK an* ECJGS province of Bessarabia,; now part of of-a series "of Copies'under the" gen-i bV observed on Sunday,-December 19. tained their Evening Bridge Club at e*a^ sublet' "What"Nobody Knows.'.' Roumania, was just received here. _ thsir home Sunday evening. Council Blu&s la The local chapter of the A. Z. A. will The Jewish Preas ts supplied by the Jefwfsh Telegraphic Apency < Jewlen 1 Rabbi Cohn's hold « combined celebration with the <Jorrespi,nt}Qnce Bureau)- with t?bl«d and telegraphic Jewish news,-in - • " ' " " • JKjshineff, .which is known for.Jts "Saturday morning <l Be Sure to attend the Talmud Toanti*Jewfsh pogrom in 1905"~ lived Buljjcct will "be Th8 Power Not Our- B'nai fcrith which will be in the form to feature artMes and correepondenfees- from all important Jewfsh rah Dance next Thttrsdty at Eagles inquiries: pgardfng news items credited to tiite- Agency wfjt..be, through a dayrof panic xhen 300 Rou- selves." of an open meeting which wil) be held answered if addressed to Jewish Telegraphic Agency, 621 Broadway," New manian students-attacked the Jervriph , Book Review Club • j that evening at the Danish Hall. Mr. Hall.—-Adv. Y o r k P i t y . ,:\ * " : ' , < * , " • . • - * - - *'* qcjarter three times, in "the morning, On Tuesday, December 14, Rabbi Sain Iieon of Omaha wJll be the pyiaHER MAJESTY, THE CUSTOMER at; noon and in .the evening, Many Cohn will discuss A. Hamilton Go b's cipal speaker of tbe evening. A gooa RULES THE EMPIRE. HA. 8398. Successors to Jones Candy Co. 7 -T.- -'"" ' AN UNSCIENTIFIC REPORT Jews were cruelly,- beaten. Jewish novel, "Labels."" • program is bejng arranged and everyRomance Chocolates Thkonly thing of value in tfcxe report brought back by thr houses were destroyed and stores One of the interesting features of one is urged to make plans to attend Mr. and Mrs. Sam Bubb entertained Phone JA. 3986 S18 Farnam St their Evening Bridge Club Tuesday Pritcheft, .of the Carnegia Endowment for International Peace, is robbed. Thirty" Jews wer« seriously the club is the general discussion this affair injured and were taken to hospitals. evening at their home. \ 'the English translation of the Constitution of Egypt. The rest, Anti-Jewish-riots also took place which follows each lecture. , „ HER MAJESTY, THE CUSTOMER Modem Fireproof dealing, with Palestine, consists of opinions of a narrow-visionec injKalaras, a town in the vicinity of Those" desiring to join may register' RULES THE EMPIRE. HA 8398. Mr. Abe Gilinsky &pent Sunday in Omaha's MostPlant ? Webster City, Iowa, visiting Mr. Barmdividua],* without foundation in fact; without even the citatior IJijshineff. The students emptied the: with Lawrence B. Goldman. ney .Brinn who i$ eeriomly ilh A large crowd attended the Talmud Sisterhood. of a single official report on the development of the Holy Land Jewish houses, carrying all the furniTorah and Sunday School Chanukah during,$ie.past -decade, i t is. surprising that an institution, like ture and. belongings to- the market The Sisterhood will have a cafeteria program which was presented Sunday Miss Cylia Gershun has returned supper, "Wednesday evening, Decemhome"after spending a few weeks vistha'Carjiagie Endowment, whi?h should be based pn the foundation place, where they buVnedit. Panic .prevails in Kishineff, the Ues-, ber 15i at 6 o'clock. Mrs. Abe Som- [afternoon at Hater's ^Walnut Hall. iting relatives in Albion and ColumSHROLLY GOODMAN'S of*s<aenjfci£e reiearch^,should issue an .unscientific, opinionated patch says. The .government ordered berg is in charge of the affair. Mr. L Morganstern, chairman, spoke bus, Nebr. of Chanukah. A piano solo was given document such^as Dr. ,Pritchett sponsors. - * . ' " two regijnents, one infantry and one CLEANERS "by Sadie Endelman. Readings were Mrs. Charles Endelman entertained It ra indeed surprising that its name should be associated with cavalry; tp 'occupy <hp city.' - • • ~ n p i BE SURE TO-ATTEND THE given by June Meyerson and Pearl twenty-eight children an ten mothers the anti-Semitic effusion of one who thinks "No greater misfortune Pucharje'st, Dec: 4 (J, T. A.)—Con- COUNCIL * .BLUFFS TALMUD Pernstein. Violin solos were presen- J& t hex home last Saturday afternoon firmatroir of the reports concerning DYERS can compp $9 9 a people p or' to a nation thari to cherish the illusion that an anti-Jewish pogrom in Kishineff, TORAH. DANCE, THURSDAY, ted by Louisa Pitch and Florence in honor of the seventh birthday of 3161-63 Farnam St. HA. 8398 Whitebook. it is. chosen people, and §W*PJKPfch4favor of .-the Almighty beyond is; contained;, in ctesp4Lt^he& .received! DECU6—Adv. ~ •- . v A One Act play •was presented enhere frpin that city. __ I all othee~>peoples." What place li&s this affd' other statements of tirely in Hebrew. The play was enThree hundred Roumanian students its kindjn-the report of a&~-'-fexperts ? titled "Hannah and Her Seven'Sons," were delegates to the Jassy Con- j Council Bluffs News We^are asked atone^sweep i^o ignore the studies of scientist? who 1 and the scena was chown&t the King's ; ^ ty in the gress held this week, and who were Palace. The following cast appeared: like Dri^fdwood |ilead', ^the leading, colonization "authority the guests of Bishop Gurio, were the TALMUD. TOSAH DANCE TO S w e e t Pickles D i l l Pickles world. ask'ed Kinir was played by Marian Katelld -We^axf) W ' to blind b i d oursejves.tfr the unparalleled l record d perpetrators.of the pogrom, - Jewish . BE GTVEN*NEXT THURSDAY Quart man; Hannah, by Ruth Shyken; the Quart achievemeijfcbj the Zipni^ last eigh< eigh* passersby were- badly beaten, Jewish of achievemeijfc..bj ^pni§t? organization duringthe durin^the.last EVENING AT EAGLES HALL Guard, by Henry Mendalson; and the years^a record that has startled the civilized world with its sound houses were invaded, windows broken, •-L AT ALL GROCERS AND MARKETS completed for the dance Seven Sons were taken by Moms ness and.security. Dr.rWeiztnann at the Boston Conference re- stores looted. The army commander to Plans-are be given,, by the .Ladies. Auxiliary Meyerson, Ernest Ross, Donald.Bern-1 peated an invitation to any group of experts to appraise the work* in.Kishlrieff called out-two regiments j of the Talrnud^Torah and the Talmud stein, Jake Gordon, Sidney Madoff, i of infantry and cavalry. Five Rouin Psles&ne. Dr, Pritchejtfhas disqualified himself as an "expert' manian students were injured by theTorah" Socff&y^which will be gxvsn Bernard Balaban, and Morton AdJer. | V 3101 South 24th Street next Thursday,evening, December 16, Another one act play, "Too Much and has discredited the institution which he represents.' horses of the cavalry when they reat the Eagles Hall, 23 North Main Noise," was presented fn English by Dr. .Pritchett delights in misleading generalizations. His 1 Street. This Dance is given for the'. a group of boys. Those talcing part J splendid"" and harmonious relationship; statement that -the establishment of "villages by the -«naluta;im between the agricultural instructors' benefit of the* Council Bluffs Hebrew, in this play included; Henry Men"means the displacement of a certain-number1 of Arab farmers;** is" provided by the American. Jewish : School and daserves the patronage of j false and; is only intended to create bitterness beWe$n Jew and Jojnt Distribution Committee and the entire community. The committee with the p\»rp9ses"bf the these settler-pupils-Not the slightest! in' charge is working hard to make Arab, a function strangely in a very successful affair. Hugo Carnegie. for Peace. The entire' coloni- insinuation or hint denoting the func- this i Endowment Ed f International It Heyn's Orchjestrk will furnish the-mu-, A COMPLETE LINE TO zation program cby the Jews has not injured sc single Arab. What- tioning of a rejief roa.chjne. fhe^ re- j sic. Everyone x& urged to attend! • SELECT FROM presentatives of the Joint Distribution ever land was obtained was paid for at the Arab's price. The Committee have permeated these Jew-1 -. JWe have on hand a complete policy of the Balfour Declaration, of the Br'itish-Cloveraraent and ish colonists with the.conviction that' -The Bar-'Mitevah of Emest Ross, line of all Xmas Candies. Fancybox and package candy. Also of the Zionist Organization is opposed to any move that "willinjure the responsibility, of. Jthe. work is in son of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Ross, will a large variety of pail goods. plaee Saturday morning,, Decemthe Arabs in any of their Tights. their own hands. They, the Jewish' take l>»«tribntors tor ber 11, at the Chevra B'nai Yisroel .settlers, are not-receiving charitable FAMOUS ROMANCE DrJjPritchett apparently believes that only the bad, qualities Synagoguer at • 618 Mynster' Street. r assistance. It is fraternal advice-giv-' That CHOCOLATES afternoon hs will entertain about' of the Jews, such as "aggressiveness, acquisitiveness and egotism" to them as unostentatiously as. twenty-five of his young friedns at a Iiet onr salesman call on y«n and (terms which he uses "liberally in his report as a matter of re-'> humanly J-»u norne of our CandLr*. possible. j Theater Party at the Broadway theaI proaclO.-Vill be accentuated in "an "isolated Jewish,State," which 1 "I asked the young and old colonists ter. _ ' ( presumes! the wiping out or transfer of the Arab population. We if they were afraid of pogroms,-of j Mr. andJSrlfs/ffcosat will entejtaia at . SBCC*»»or* to JOMJS Candy Ca. would like to Igsow. where" there is such a thing in the world as anbeing attacked by the neighboring! a Reception if$ their, home at 896 JA. 3?86 «18 Farrifcm St. "isolated..State,"* andd whether the //'bad <jualities'' of an-intense Gentile Peasants. The settlers looker} •Georgia Ave., on Sunday afternoon d S , j q.\ me with amazement, as if they.Jhad. St off America. Ai suddenly discovered a freak tourist. nationalism are absent in the -model assimilatedd State "Afraid?» Why should they- be Corned Beef \S3JP pefilte Fish colonies;' which 'fhace proved successful In Faiestme u y reason o i ^fraia ? T h e b e s t relationships -ejOst |1J
Sorely Tried-City §i}jf«r» Recurrence * ' of 1905 Outbreak; Two Regiments-; Called Out to Suppress Riot
The Copebnan Candy Co.
Cleaners—-Dyers—TaBors Hatters—Furriers
Thiessen Vinegar & Pickie Works
Irish Wit Irish Courage
FOLLOW THE CROWD To the ORIGINAL KA-DE-MO CLUB DANCES Every Sunday at Keep's Dancing Academy
the character and ability "of'the colonists.'* "Thefe is 3 record i:o between the Jewish and non-JeWish oloniB s the-effect: however, that theXhalutafrn at Nahalol.and'dther col- <|maxe t - No" anti-Jewish feeling anfnnip* ^vttTpeedeff where these very Germans failed some time sigo. < s we v^x«ue peases, wot omy
.onies ^ g e q e a -wuere w p c v?ijf
._.»v 7 !
* » . . because anti-Semitism is punishable
The factihat the Arabs; "whQ toij ^ndl§ssJF and^witb a« their toil i s a n t i . g o v e r n m e n t p ropa g apdaj b u t are able to obtain.» meagye guVstance,0 is^tio criterion of ^e-faU-J si mp i y becavsa the Jewish settlements ure of modern -methods and modern; men and women, inspired by. help the«whole -region in which ±hey anideaHacHngintKebaelcwardAr^b; . " , . . ' . "- >rt';*""_ are situated. Their technical equip" TKe-flrst alarm feTt over the publicatipii of ,pr.-'Priichetfs| «wt is gladly loaned to their neighreport W;the New York Times should be, quelled among .Zionists. < m o ^ vtOBvetaa^ibB e n t l r e p , asa ntry. The realization of'jfoe nature of the report and the animus of^ the } yfiaj ., H o w rediculousI »
. Admission 25c
A regenerated, healthy Jewry has emerged in-the Jewish colonies of Prom the chaotic picture of ses of iTewsto rebmld their Homeland within this generation s< Russia. Jewish life in Russia there now stand that even Dr.,Pritchett will be convinced that the Jewisfrpeopl out evidences that those Russian Jews ' S are not ^'without ^capacity for cdoperation with.the rest of the who turned to the land, have won. Jn t ^ their, battle against starvation. world-"-^Jewish Times .> j
"EvetT Hill-and Every Vale iivPalestine: Demands-the, Co- ATTENji THE wvmu Operation atum ©rill Hpmelaift.''
2429 Decatur Street Webster 3527 "• •
I can offer now to my customers a full supply of
«t Bf«ea-'Tanpl«,
FREGGER-FOX DRUG CO, •'Careful Drjiggists'* "; 14th and Douglas St.
at very reasonable prices. Beautifully designed Art Wall Calendars *:.£
AT 0927
Prescriptions filled by Registered • FbarmurlMta only - ' ' Prices very rrnnonafilr—Oetlvery
»fb * Martha Wl»- '
E'RE constantly in the market buying new clothing. Unequalled price advantages Come to this store. Our "No Sale" plan of selling means thfit the savings' we make in our expert buying are immediately passed on to our patrons in greater values. There is no waiting here for' Special "Values.
tinrnry le«t
frrqy jro» t>pi»» nroow and nlnij cnnftngB . Stnnflnjit atte» Imiuie n tfoi>- tnishtnjj*,* ww«r monhpler lerij,fU)«8 and <;over«. and nrf In »ioek r •
ate sold exclusively at
JFumished Jloorn for rent
for young rtiaii.' Call A't-
FRESH SWEET ORANGES Fresh Sweet Orange^ $3 per box oi three.-Jiundred Jitrge size. Boxes , larger .tljan standard size. pqu,n§ "fruit'ahJ'sa.tlafaction guaranteedjor ' money bad?, We. pay e^piess charges, A boy of fhe§e makes an appreciated, gift, order! AC,ME ORANGE * FARMS, •j-LaGrange,,Texas *
Clwthing Prices
Lowest NOW!
The Supreme Value Treat for Men .:; ,.'.:.-- ..:,:,.: and Boys . ." .
Chanukah Candles and Chanukah Lights
Old Question In a New Way
19th and Davenport RYAN'S ORCHESTRA
EAGLES HALL, DEC. *6.-~Adv-,
Stions_ and tniflieu o f ^ would have clashed with their Jjabits and character. In the Jewistf millieu of our colonies, the same individual (Coatinued from page 1) finds himself sliding easily into this new mode of living.'" pernianenj^measure of relief ever at- ;-*"I convfocjed, mysfelf ijf tne.twth'of tempted anywhere.t this fanftous agTOnamjat'ft statement. I ; •", • * * -, saw simple Jewish wprVers of the soil, J>find tlje.happy to work and-earn their bread. nptes jegpfdipg jny \isjt to the Jew- An entirely vdi%rept Jiuniai} m ish colonjjtjonamed "j^rst.of May"-^ is being evolve'd h'ere. ? Afts* notes wh£h explain better than any few pick up" a pap_ei? ^V- a book. No generalised,- arguments my reactions discussions o r , debates are heard. ta the nei^ Jewish }ife created on the Early to,bed^nd ^a?ly to genuine: lovq for ji»er 6 0 f l y soil of, the,vNew I?us^ia: »(- , . "A^ter faurte^a hours of automobile qvjred," A ne^V JftfS{^f. 'l;{el* It" |s travel t f t ^ g h Ian<i worked by Jewish .oa^y a.tte^rinnjnff, byt ^'h'^aUhy,"norsettlers :/mth. the assista^e'of the mal PJIQ,' , JTO ptjJs^iipp of la ^trajlh.in Anierican ^[oint Dlstribytioii pommit- thft,adagtion pVp^s?.. NP ^iftoHur^ tee, we arrived'in' 'First 'oflkjay',* our and ^ay-dresaming'a.bput ^ne7futjjr^. " firsi; stpp $k the home' of the^ag 'Xfy pqriily^t'echnic^l'dlnlqultiea of th§; '• mist, Ppr^njk. ^ e .told r ine:" 'You wjrij; Ip^r tnem on-wjtb a Qe^ersatlg* sh,pufd Jiay^i "seen r our field" befpre the. ,perfecloV;. - harvest (I^Wfs »'|ew day--••"•— A - ^.^e^Bimple.^et £eal|hy life .of "thp. farmer : ^js qut 'thefr exjgtene.? Fot-oceap otyellpw. "TOeper^eiferajice of gotten, kre "tjig ldTtk^f!tj^idiii^ 'days^ of the city/ P&f a*1? *? wqrk onthfe fields, day a n | ftjght. ft wheri"they hadf"io[*tace"the hungry, jg ?aii actl»airbung§F for* ^d'rlr wtijclT starvingfami^aft.er a day ofiiystie^la'niSiates tfiVm. Th^y W6r]t y e p ^ l ? 1 ^ cai'wpmei, w|tho\jt tjje means t'o; buy .but they ^r>. hajipy.' gemarkalSe, the even ,a}oaf $>f bre?,dV _ : „ , ' ., -fill out, ^reskill and palJehcinibey exHjbit, These ^ H e r e ' the *^6urig8ters • °Tr^^2r ' ^^rv^ •» * ill* A s 4-1. gain their smiles' ~'s0'J £-'c-^1-^ ii-n same- coloropts you -watched in the * ifieids coi^^^rhaYe.iiiapted.themr;
The T A About J -'-~ "•?: the Jews of Russia
It Handles the Of Intermarriage
;fews Dr. Chalm
Pickled Hering
to when ctttecl MAN7 yiSARS OF SUCCESS.
guartmteod method of curing Piles, Fistula
We_..Fjsature Special Values Every Day in the Year
*35 And at $25 to $50 ,
k. '-
Dress up for tbe "Holidays—Lowest Prices ar« yann NOW I
anaesthetic i dally.
.- because of the Chanuftah Celebraand ^opiedjygts and olives to tion, It was necessary to -postpose the Spread mixture on grooves of celery. last talk, Mr. Burdlek -will speak SUGGESTING FOR HOUS WIVES may be hashed S latex in the season. ' " - :-*: tream and use Sprinkled with paprika The next speaker is Mrs. Sanrael CARE OF COOKING UTENSILS fa celery grooves. Na,than who will speak* on5 the :i 'tdeal ViRegfir aed ^»H will remove lime Jewish Home." $$_*£«#}«; also will dean SWEET AND SOUR STRING - The Charm School is- glad to an- from "cooking utensils, leaving nounce an additional speaker,- M4*s •"•- '•' ' ; BEANS J " •- -• '• * cleiitp without injurWash and cut beans in pieces. Cook Mildred'Levy, who-will speak-o«-the .._ _ in boiling wafer ; antil tender. Add The 7 Hadassah will have a linen Mrs. M. White and daughter Ger- skin"; scalp and nails. -Sfiss "Levy-lias 4ng.th£t$|ta1.V salt when almost done. Melt piece Shower on January 5, afj the Jewish trude, have been the incentive of lectured at the Y. W. <j» A.-_nd gave -;..j - -. p o B .MOTHS of butterj add one teaspoon fUrar and several-radio taHra.~ " Community Center. Mis, J. Rosen- many affairs since their return from tablespoon sugar, ""Ijrb'wn, add some Saturate furniture with naptha or Los Angeles, California .Mr. and Mrs. berg is chairman of this affair. Mrs. Mrs. D. B. Epstein -returned home benzine. Ammonia will remove white B. M. Achenberg of Kansas City, who SJobodisky .entertained at a. family Wednesday, after spending two weeks from Is a former Omahan, will be the prin- dinner in honor of Mrs. White and Chicago, Illinois, visiting her sister cipal speaker of the afternoon. The Gertrude, Mr, and_,Mrs. Kurt^njan and brother-iri-Iaw, M R and" Mrs.- S . FBUIT &TAIN&IK LINEN program -will haVe' numerous other complimented the'fjuests at a Thanks- Pickus. giving dinner party. Mr. and Mrs. I. To remove, rub t&e- pert on ©ach attractions also. = Flotkin vrere hosts at a bridge party Mrs. I. Boeenthal returned Iwme' side with yellow soap. Then tie op a Miss Rosaline Goldstein is leaving honoring Mrs- White and h.s* daught- aftet attending the Tri-Annual con- P«ce of pearl ash in Che cloth and : the last of the week for Chicago, er. The Misses_Paye Klein and Dora vention of Council of Jewish Women, s°* k w e D ^ h o t water or boil. After-' Illinois, where she will visit for sev- Rich wete joistJhfiStSSS St ji dancing at Washington. Mrs. Rqsgithal^visit- _war6rf expose"^he slaiaed part-*» the party at the AthleUc Club Grill room. eral, fi4 in iJew York, Clesslasdj JDavlQi),! sun and the aif ilntft removed. ••• Miss Rieb also eijtextained - at _ OW' *™t staiKa^nt-y be removed ; .-: ,~• .. • •"* i The Daughters of Israel Aid society Brandeis Theatre in honor of Mi4s Ohio,,and Chlcag<?, I from" linen as ^o1towsr~Tie up some will hold a--meeting and provision White. Others who lave entertained shower for the Old People's Home, for them are the -Mr. and Mrs. Tuesday, December 21. Everyone is White, Mr. and^ll*s. M.*Wbitft, Mr. ill cold jninutes: invited.*"~' " and Mrs. M. Rich, Mr. and Mrs. Saip i The local HadMsahlhas sent its w a t e r ^ stain jontribulaon; oTfl^WETtrthe^NaUonal ATTEND THE DANCE - AT Hadassah. This contribution is credit^ Segelman, Ann Fanger, Nell Snitzer, COUNCIL BLUFFS NEXT THURSVEGETABLE DISHES ed t<? 9maha,^s quota of the United XJla Alberto w d Bess ,Farfeer, DAY-EVENING,. DEC. 16.—Adv. Sarah Kurtzman will be hostess at her Palestine Appeal. ™ Wash mushrooms and place on buthome on Saturday Evening at a msh The Ladies Progressive Club celeSffd broiler and broil five minutes, jongg and bridge party in honor of SCHOLEM brated Chanukah with a fitting procap side dosraj ijmitog first half of ] Miss gram at the Labor Xyceum Dejjem_______ Scholem Aldchum met at luncheon broiling. i*]pt^smail iq»ce of butter in ber 6. Mr. Minkm told of the mean-J: Miss Anna Hahn entertained the at f the Jewish ^Comn^unity Cjgnter each cap, e witfealt and peping of Chanukah. Therp were several fmeinDsrs of *he^o-|see «lub last f^^ &eeeinber §. I t serve at'soon as butter ip musical .numbers assisted by Miss ^ y £ p $*tKin the future this bridge were ^ ^ a c i f s i d e ?P to keep in Epstein. The' annual report was giv- WQ9 by the Misses Fannie Cpliek and would; meet every Monday at t h j jujceg; servif oni_toast. I en by Mrs. J. Kaplan; secretary oJ Mbllie Kotler. The later will be hosC. Alberts, C.'for weekly noon the club. There will be a business tess to members of the Ko-zee club J. jack chairman"of the' meeting' next Tuesday at the home on Sunday, December 18. tainment committee, is working: out of Mrs. I . Cohen at 21st and Grant ' Miss Rae Borsky left Satruday for a splendid program for the next stag. Latest gowns and all styles of streets. dress** ma.de for you New York City on a, two weeks buy- Ail members" are requested ~to Attend ' ' these:- luncheons. -• - - - * - n Par* ^r?n«rd-, rrpalred and remodeled The_ Fa-Hon girls have been meet- j ing trip, __
_ ? _-___^
'• *
______ " _» — _• —p»4» J ^ J& -. ' l « w
^ a «
_ i . '
- j - * - ^ ^ p ^ _ *. -
water from the beans. Let corrie to AGED RABBI, POPULAR bpjjLand._add two tablespoons -vinegar. FIGURE IN TLNIS, DlEfc four saace on beans." Seasoji with a little pepper. . Goletta, Tunis. (J, T. A.) Rabfci Uess, oldest *afob! in Tanfe, CAULIFLOWER AU.-JS&AXIN • diefi here • at the age ©f 100. Ws youngest son is f? years old. Boil caulifiower in salt water and H«bbi UzaBj, wh® was a very popdrain. Place in buttered baking dish, ster ififureJs. Tunis,.'was cover with sauce made by blending two tablespoons butter, one tablespoon .the •flour and two cups of milk. Season with salt, cover with buttered bread .is , ti*. • fywagogue. crumbs and one half cup grated popularity estaaied,to i a r cheese, -and bake until crumbs are in Tunis, Ironi wber« mWF «»JSe to receira hie adyiee &nd benediction. . brown.
'Accessories J%JAy Accessories should t>e on sp^alcing terms with her dress. If both bear the libel of Brandt's they are, and their conversation is, doubtless, an exchange of comptime»ts. Popular prices.
Skf of Personal Service' IB 17 Howvmrd St., Aquil* Court - FREE PAKK&NG SPACE
• *
Expert Dressmaking
friers naMl}at>tr. First class references
ing every Thursday in the Jewish Community Center. This clnb is limited to a membership of sfcrteen young girfs and has as its sponsor Miss Sophie Ban. The girls _are planning to raise afund for the" benefit of the poor. At each meeting a oneminute talk is given.on th§ subject of "Help and Work"- of- the. club.. At the last meeting Miss Ann Goldberg gave, a short talk on "Conduct'' In addition to talks they also hare- some very splendid- .programs. Officers of the dub-are MissEose Stein, president; Miss Ruth. Greenberg, secretary; Miss Toby Slax, treasurer, and Miss Marjorie Kaplan and Ida Wien' zyeg, reporters. . _
were Mrs, Reuben Kulakofsky, Misa Yetta Wright, Miss Esther Blumenthal, Mrs. Sam' Saltzmaiu. Mrs. Berfha Klein and Mrs. Joseph Kay of Berkley, California. A party was given in honor of Jack Joseph by the so-called "our Gang," a f t h s home o Mis Ida Wienzeg.
' .
- -•
Miss Pauline Herzberg spent the past week-end in Lincoln.
Mrs. Sara Goldberg and. duldren Marion and Bernard and Miss Julia Kosowsky of Detroit, Michigan, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs., 5. KateJman and family. During their four day stay in Omaba they were socially entertained by Mr. anil Mrs.-William Alberts, Mr. and Mrs. N. Leveoson, and Mr. and Mrs. C. Alberts. • Miss Kosowsky is a sister-in-law of G. Bablick, the well known author and editor of the Jewish Daily News.
A" regular meeting of the Deborah society, will vbe held Tuesday - afternoon December 14, at 2:30 P. M. in the Community Center. Election of . officers will be held.
Sixteenth at Farnam
An Important Event to Women Who Wear Dresses in Sh<>s .- 38 andAbove -
of Our Eittire Stock of High Character Individual
men s ion
Justin Time to Enable Every Smart Woman to Secure Tiieir Fashion Needs for the Holidays. '
Brodkey Jewelry Co. Famous for Diamonds
I •34 year* of HMect ^••Tir fipnrnpteir of M E E T YOUR FRIENDS A T T H E 141? Douglas DANCE A T EAGLES HALL NEXT THURSDAY.—Adv. \
HA rney 0854
Among the Omahans who went to Kansas City to "Bee the "Miracle,"
Mr. and Mrs. Lester Heeger andi M r < a p d W r s _ S a r o K a p i a n e n ter-; daughter, Maita Mirriiim, of Sioux. tained a t a bridge _ n d TOah jong par- j City, Iowa, who^were the guests of ty Monday evening complimentary to Mrs. Heeger's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Josep'j Kay of Berkley, Califor- ,! B. Grossman, have returned home. nia.
r H | t S . tESTER SMITH Biit California Sf.
_ter*handl»r l» t) f?«osrr Deal •
J >
At Regardless-o^Oost ftps fo Effect Immediate Clearance—N(M?>-Instead of After Christmas -
Est. 1890
For Street, Afiernpon^ Dinner
the Winter Season's
Formal Evening Gownsi™
Are at Brandeis
"The Dance with a Purpose"
fiai Resfa Benefit Dance _______
LIBRARY . Of the
.^ ^ B
Center •
Ifflmj/ 1 WM
Sunday, December 12
Jr lY'rfgmk
' f/]x\%____i
2 20
1. 5
' 4
6.B 7 -" 1 3 2 ~ _. r
1 - 1 '1 1 |
,2 1
j $17.85 4 §18.00 z 6 ' 13 ; .(. " s . ' $22.85 3 v . - -i_ $25.00 : 2 ' l $27.85 $32.85 2...| I j 2 i 4 L 3 f 5 '{• $37^5 -,I ' " " $39.5tt 1 1 2 $42.85 •$45.00 • & \ $47.85 5 - | .* 6 7 7 . 7 | ^ $57.85 5 1 4 " $67.85 2 1 2 $77.85 j -$87.85 1 1 j ?89.50 X 1 ) $98.50 j 5110.OC J 2 j $57.00 t— - 1" Third Floor
39.50 an& Up
42 i-
Randall's Orchestra
Center Auditorium
g Modes that sparkle with a Parisian ttsriy are exact replicas of French imports by su ^designers. Satins7 Chiffons, and Velvets ami' " mated wlth^ the new colors—flame, white, _ flesh, orchid, maize, chanel blue -and bl&ck. Scintillating .. creations! ; :
, A (As Illustrated)
B (As Illustrated)
For Madame
For Madamoiselle
A salome velvet govm of striking . simpUmty in fog karn bWf with Circular skirt, square low cut bodice., rhmestone shoulder bands and a lovely corsage in the new shaded blue*
A black tcJfeta Channel model that foUotvs the bouffant linm, is finished with a band of luUe al coUer and hemUm®. Pearl mud ivory beaded medallions doum the front lend brilliance.
LOCAL ' ; Bp Stanley; - i.
Nebraska University Phil -Gerelick, veteran guard on the Scarlet and Cream quintette will have "to. put out his best efforts'in order 'to stave off the advances of the gtel• lar guards, recruited" from ithe 1925 ' freshman ranks. Phil's strongest com1 petition* will come from two former high school opponents. Gerelick was " one of the few real basfeeteers on the '25 Nebraska' quint, "whose "recqrd was .,none"too bright. 1 This year things will be different, the" State school has "- a host of promising material and " Coach Bunny Black is .sure to> turn out a hummer of a team.
The Jewish' Connsunifcy' Center Commercial basket bait league opened its season oir^the Cotnnnriaiy' Center floor with three games, one of -which -was a. thriller from - start to finish while the other two resulted.in easy victories. In the best .game of the night the pjsi Mu squad trimmed the B. B. team by the score -of 26 to .23. From start tofinish"this gam. was evenly fought with the B. B. team holding a 15 to 14 lead at the half. Haykin, guard, starred for' the loseTs witirfive goals from the field and one" free throw for 11 points. Acker-' man' and Kacb'wsky 'of- tiie Winners' eachjqaged three field goals. •; Seven points' was tfie -margin by which the A. Z- A, team - defeated the B'nai Ami-five; the score being 14 to 7. There were no outstanding stars' in this game, .' „ ',' TullyV Hat»-iJrove_: * easy victims for the fast Kaiman •Insurance-team. The latter winning by the score of 27 to 7. laventer and'Shreibman starred .for the winners scoring nine and six, points, respectively. The box scores'iollbw:
J. C. C NQTES . [
Omaha University Dave Chesnau, assistant physical director at the Jewish Community : Center will hold down his old posi tion on-the Big Red five. Chesnau is a. good man at his-guard position, posessing nice floor work and.knowledge of the game. Dave has had many • months at the Center in which to'get in the pink of basketball'form' and should make things hot for the local Answered By Dr. GYM NASIUM B'NAI AMI schools' opponents. This i s . Ches"The man who is sound and healthy FQ. FT. F. Pts. Forman, If A nau's last year of school" and colle- Rosenberg,' steps oat' on life's highway, with a rt o 6 B_rrohs_«, c . l giate' competition. song, in his heart, looking forward Donowlti, If I 0 2 eagerly to life's adventures, curious- to 0 Mann, re 0, 1 Creighton. University - -- Cohen, 'tf .____ ...X 1 .see what is awaiting him around the Slreanln. 'If __, oa Syd Coreninan, the ace of the '26 Taffe, U ,conuyr. To him,' life's' struggle is 1 Bluejay five will round out-'his inter- Pollock, c1 stimul'atin^ly attractive." . collegiate days at the end of,the presTotals "The man lacking - health, fears ent basketball season. Corenman •every turn in the road. There is no played two .years on Creighton's team Beber, rf song in his heart, but a continual and developed into one of-the mighti-' Cohen, If flutter of * apprehension. He avoids c est guards to ever don the Blue and Alberts, rather than seeks the struggle that Gerelick, xg the White. - Corenman is easily the Ricklln, Ig life brings.', Blshoff, c most -polished guard in this part- of • "Good health is the foundation, not 4 6 15 14 only of-business success, but of sucthe- country, starring on the court, -Totals B. B. with" his flashy floorwork, uncanny FG. FT. PF. Pttf. cessful living. Its influence on perbasketshooting and ability to figure Itavits. t f :, 0 1 0 Lt 0 O 1 out the other teams plays as they are Meiidelsoi),' B r o w n , c -..^- ,, • ; • - . -S' 4 4 DON'T FORGET THE TALMUD S -.:2 called. Syd has a pleasing personali- Bnrken, rg _ : o o Knecter, Ig _ , ; _____0 4 T0RAH DANCE IN COUNCIL ty, making friends with everybody Haykin, Jg 5 4 -I BLUFFS NEXT THURSDAY EVEwhom he comes in contact with. 1& 23 NINfi—Adv. Totals' ! P8I HV Community Center FG. FT. PF. Organization Teams Lohxman. rf CANTOR ABHAHAM 7' * Frank, If" _0 O The B'nai Israel boys, those little Ackernjau, « SCHWACZKIN ..3 0 : 1 fellows who are destined to make some Klchards, fg, _ of B'nai Israel Congregation % Kosonskj-, lg _ of the bigger and older fives sit up Gross, rt Performs Marriages and take notice, knocked off another Totals— -,-•-.,-;. •" . . . ! » • - 8 - 1 0 J In Jewish and English Church league team last week.' The KAIMAN INSURANCE h No. 21 St. Atlantic 5534 First M. -E. boys were the' victims. FG. FT. I*F. Pts. 1 4 9 The Methodists led at. the half by the T,lventer, If 1 Kafzwan. ,11 2 1 I nifty score-of 12 to 2 but the Jewish Shrblhuinn, o r£ MID WESTT 3 G 0 kids got hot in the second half and Altschnler, c _. 2 * Marks, c '__ ENGRAVING CO. INC. tallied 14 points while holding their Labowitr, Ig 0 ? 2 0 opponents scoreless. Rosen and Gold- H. Seldelman, rg TJ • 5 man again led the' Israelites in the TotalB 13 27 , TCM-V8 HATS scoring column.' The B.' Ps Witt finish ' ' ' ,' * FG. FT. ptsr high in the standings of the Commu- S. SeJdelman. If , I O 3 ** O 2" nity Center Commercial League, in IVolf.'rf 3 i SWAftZ^ C —_~:.1 1 the estimation of the. writer; as their- MJehnilc, lg 1 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 team work i s second to none while LevlDe, *g f their, basket eyes are-well lit and-find 15 TotaU . ."-5 3 the hoop often and accurately. SWIMMING A. J. C. C. Swimming Team is beThe Omaha Chapter of the A. Z. A. junior Order of the B'nai B'rith has ing formed-and will practice on Monentered a team in .the' Commercial day evenings at 8 P. M. Meets will League. The fraternity men "will ijeed be arranged with'other teams. If inlots of practice if they expect to win terested, sign up. the district A. ,Z, A. tournament '.307 Howard Mt A t 8028 which will be held here, the winner Omaba. Nebr. of which will go~to .Chicago to play . Our People in the National A.Z.A. Meet. .The are always welcome fraternity men are handicapped due to the* fact that some of "their men" are.playing on other teams in the Its Time to think of your League. Bud Levin is center,on the Tully.Hat team, Mac Altschuler holds, down the same'Job with the Kaiman Insurance five, while Morris Reiss is a team mate of Mac's., Dave Bleicher Chkken Dinners and - Sandwiches Dancing and entertainment is out of basketball for a while and Open from 3 P. M. to 3 A. M. Dave Beber, '24, captain and forward, PHOTOGRAPHERS j 5408 Center Street works nights. 1312 fflrnam St. Opposite | Phones: WA, 5936—WA. 1691 Billy • Gerelick and. Eddy Averts . .," * W. a W. BMjsv .} are^ the only man. on the squad with' Phone, JA cksop 4562 „f any .experience to speak'of! Gerelick played on the Central High second team while Alberts was a member of the strong Lincoln A. Z. A. team of Harry H. Lapidus^'.Pres.-Treas. last season. Druggists and Stationers - -• W.*f. Ure. Secretary, Art' Swart_, former Tech High four ' letter- mart and "catcher with Omaha Omaha Fixture & in,the Western League is a member Supply Co. of the TuHy-Hat team. COMFLETS 6TORB Harry Haykin of the 1925 Commuin Omaha OFFICE OUTFTri'l nity Center team and former Thorpian star now1 leads "the Haykin All Stars in the, Commercial League. •, <S50 lluvm*—2W) H n t b V Good Itnoros fo? flXO • Lester Giyenter, Mac Altshulef and Mir«rt*. tH hr Kppl<-> Hnfrl* Co. Is Shriefeman • of the '25 Thorpiari OMAHA team are members of the Kaiman five. Sammy Leibowitz, .whose fiz was fatniiiaf to Y.M.C. A. Church League . fans, 'ia now a member of the Kai-•=- The Tnahs.' "Manufactured in Uniaha" Harold Cherniak and Mitchnik of the Bluffs, both former, Abe Lincoln «AKKK ICE MACHINE CO Jettermen, are members .of the Tully " 181ft Farnam, 2nd floor team. •' * The' B'nai Ami -team * boasts of a number of football players in, their" ; a n d , gang, Fonnan of-North High, Wei•ner," Doiiovitz arid Pollock of Central Public Accs_ntaDt» md Anditm High/ ' • - • _ - " Popular noonday luncheon ISADORE ABRAMSON - 50 cents Table" d*tiote dinner: 85 cents to jLemberg. (J. T.-Ar) Herman Minz, INCOME TAX SERVICE „•• $1.00, from, 8 M Q Daily v holds vthe. distinction of- being the . Music at all tMeaIa SYSTEMS—AIJUITS T first Jew in • Eastern Galicia to be r Dancing Evenings INVESTIGATIONS , \ elected to a- nigh' monidpal position. Music by Ambassadors 7. piece orchestra. No coyer charge At the election''held recently in Tar190 Brandeis rheatei; Building - F o r reservations phone ^W fo elected, vke«mayor of Phone ATlantic 1450 JAckaon 6224. the _-*. _
. ,
"Kosher Kitty Kelly" NowatSunTbeafre
sonality is profound, and in urging that one^ health, be.mafotained to the highest degree. Through out physical Department- we 4xe seeking to • r accomplish that which wiH make life . •••, BASKETBALL Nat Carr as" Moses Ginsburg and -The girls team will xnake its first more colorful, more satisfying', and in Vera Gordon" as Mrs. Feinba-m in the public appearance 'Tuesday evening, every way more livable." laughable comedy "Kosher Kitty KelDecember 14 at the Immanuel Baptist ly" running at the Sun theatre. Mr. Church against the tear* from there. CERTIFICATES TO BE AWARDED Carr as a delicatessen store owner TRA.NING SCHOOL One of the boys' teams will also play has his funiest character and Miss Only two more lectures remain be- Gordon as the amorous widow perthat flight. The Junior; boys league will start fore the end «f the Volunteer Train- forms in -finished and comical style. next week. Three more teams are ing School. Those who attended all The leading juvenile parts are in the but one of the lectures are eligible, hands of Viola Dana, Tom Fonnan, needed to complete the league. for a certificate. j Kathleen .Myers and Stanley Taylor. Miss Marjorie Upton of the Y, W.j "Kosher Kitty Kelly" -goes into a VOLLEY BALL The J. C. C.«team, composed of C. A. will speak on Monday night,! new angle, of the international quesKooper>; Browir, Cerinson, Segelman, December 1Z on "Knowing the Girl." j tion of marriage. It is a complete Mr. Leon Argetsinger, Scout Execu- j surprise from this angle. Yoi think Altschuleri Malashock and' Swartz, administered a defeat to the Y. M.-C. tive, spoke last Monday night on' that it is to be-another Jewish-Irish " . j marriage but the finish surprises you. A.,5:15, coastsvpTuesday evening, at the "Knowing the Boy". The next lecture will be the tenth" There are1 also thrills a well as laughs "Jewish Community Center in a regular-league -game. Games are played of the course which started October' in the picture. • Jewish pathos and every Tuesday evening at 8 P. M. and 18th,. , drama balances Irish wit and Irish There will be graduation exercises, the admission is free. The "girls of the .Monday and date to.be announced, at which time "Wednesday j£:30" class have a Volley the certificates will be, presented. Ball Team and have issued a chalLetUsBeip Yea"KeepG*£B" ' lenge to" all comers. MAKE YOUR DATE NOW FOR Frontier Towel & Linen Supply COUNCIL - BLUFFS - TALMUD 1819 California: Street WHY DOf WE HAVE A PHYSICAL TORAH DAISCE*, THUKSDAY EVE- Atlantic G2sl. .-> BjiPARTMENT AT J. C C
courage and the big- thrill scenes especially * the ' free-for-all 'fight in Ginsburg's store and the tenement fire will send you home tingling with excitement. One of the crucial high-lights in. the picture is where the young Irish officer must choose between his duty, which in this case is sending the brother of the girl he loves to jail, and keeping the -love of the girl whom he wants to marry. On his choice rests another decision; ..hat of the Irish lassie -who transfers her affections to the young Jewish doctor.
With this emotional net-work busily in action, the story arrives at a surprising climax which introduces a novel finish: for screen entertan&mnent.
Sold I only at * Stores in Lincoln
- • «nd Ommha
ialashock Jewelry Co.
1509. North 24th • Street All foods kept in Sanitary cases A complete line of smoked meats ' ' and fish
* "- Diamond. Importers 214-216 City Nat' Bank Bldg. Established 1894
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Xmas Photographs i
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The G r e a t e r HOOTHI electric cleaner is proTteff itseU to be s m s l e r clcftjier. It i s cre» .«_«-! efficient than other Eoorer models.
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does eTery, housewife ijit.n' Thor ironerf A rerr WOTAS will answer that fines* tion and yon, too, will agree. A* Thor ironer will sare her strength, her time and the clothes. The Ironer does all the work—she merely guides the pieces through. It Irons ercrything bcanttfallf.
Electric Waffle Irons ; Waffles are an enjoyed, dish at this time of ibi' *\ year, especially. * • H . jriTe "feer* «: waffle she will be happy.:
Come in and see this Ironer and" yon will quietly agree that It Is ait Ideal gift.
$10 _ $18 "Electric Shops" 17th and Harnej Sts.—2314 M St.
Nebrdskd M Powe Courtesy—Service—Low