December 23, 1926

Page 1

A false friend. likeW shadow,, attends only while the sun shines.

By H, H. fi.

Quite an Impression Was Left In this Argument


Around noon time. "when one Hai Resh member wants to find another he usually looks first in the Loyal entered es u~.-~ _ ami) matter on January 27th, IB21. at hotel cafe—for that's often the noonOMAHA, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1S2& SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, A YEAR.'$2.50 VOL. VI.—No. % postcaice nt Omntia Nenrasbn. nnder thp Act oT March 3. 1879 day rendezvous of Morris Jacobs, Marvin. Treller, 3Tred Fisher, Nate TEL AYTV SEPARATED CELEERATE Jacobs, Allan Kohan, Joe Jacobs, and FROM JAFEA BY PALESTINE ANNIVERSARY- OF THE others.GOVERNMENT ORDINANCE YIDDISH -THEATER IN KUSSIA At these luncheons the great and the insignificant problems of the Moscow, (J, T, A,}—The fiftieth Jerusalem.—(J. T. A.)—Article 1 1 ' world are discussed—often with great •j anniversary of the existence of the of the Tel Aviv constitution which heat. "... i i Jewish theater in Itussia was celeentitles Tel Aviv inhabitants to parti] brated in Chark'off, •• ' The other day a couple of Hai Besh cipate in the Jaffa municipal elections ^ Representatives of the local Soviet, members and two newspaper men met National Values Cannot be Real- •was repealed in a special ordinance isWaati : of the social and cultural orgaaisa- Representative in the resaurant to eat and argued sued by the Palestine government, j ized as Individuals Fori' l# Bring' Charges 'Beunions adMarvin Treller and Fred Fisher were By taking advantage of our special offer, our sub- i tions and «f the trade The Ordinance ended; the controverfore Committee . dressed , the gathering1. Telegraphic the Hai. Reshers. Joe Jacobs and sy over the question whether Tel A*iv scribers are given the opportunity of saving fifty greetings were received from the Allan Kohan were the newspapermen. PALESTINE RAPIDLY IMPROVINGJDEVELOPMENTS residents can vote in the Jaffa eleccents on their 1927 subscription.* This-offer is being praesidium of the Ukrainian Execu- PRESENTS RESOLUTION The quartet had already decided tions as was demanded by some of the made to &B subscribers of the Jewish Press and will tive' Committee. • • T O CONGRESSthat slippery streets cause more ac.Speaking before a gathering at the leaders of the Tel Aviv population. be held, open for only seven more days, after which cidents than do dry streets, and "were Jewish Community Center Wednesday Washing-ton. (J. T. A.)—The de» on the subject of hats. the subscriptions will again be $2.50. evening, Charles A. Cowen, national ? mand that the XJnited States Congrese Treller claimed a hat of a certain, Zionist orator, characterized the probappoint a committee of seven to inMail your check n&w for $2.00 and your subscription make was the best. lems of the Jews throughout the counvestigate the. sources of information Fisher said he was "all wet" and try. Cowen is now touring the counwill be renewed for 1927. First PresemtRtiwtv ©E Lecture Course ' on which Henry Ford based his rethat a hat of another make was bet- try in behalf of the Zionist organizanewed charges several days &go that Your subscription for 1927 is due jnpw.1 As a specialRecital ter than the hat of a certain make. tion. . Active in Convention of Independent "the international Jew is in direct anmversary introduction we are offering all subscribers The argument became heated. '"I do not believe that the Jewish: control of all financial centers of govOil Men's -Association•"•.who will partake of our "thirty day offer" a discount of An enthusiastic crowd turned out ernment, including. the United States Konan and Jacobs merely listened problem in Europe* can; be. solved-by fifty (50) centsin the renewal of their subscriptioB. The at the first of the series of eight Federal Beserve System," is made in —not-being direct authoritiesonhats [relief work. It is the duty of the subscription to the Jewish Press for one year is §2.50. Morris Milder, president of the U. recitals and lectures, under the a resolution framed by Congressman Fisher and TreTler debated^ J Jews of America :tovaid their brethren We are dispensing with, all contests, prises and the hiring S. Oil Works was elected president auspices of l i e Jewish Community Sol Bloom of New York. -Trailer: became so- enthusedabout across the^ Atlantic in -order to secure of'solicitors and are ©feting this discount direct to the of t h e Nebraska* Independent Oil Genter, Tuesday xJght, December 23. his, certain hat ihat he arouse from a homeland for ihe^ many who are subscriber. 'Hafl -check for ?2.00 and your subscription In a statement issued here, th? Elizabeth Gntmaxi .was the performi i s chairaJiA leaning- over Ksher was' now destitute and; starving." will be renewed for 1927. Congressman declared: ing artist and Mrs. Henry Monsky trying t o impress, him with the good- " T h e development of Palestine must "There is a good old Baying th«l -was at the piano. ness of his hat. -•.••.'.-.:. " be regarded from a standpoint of an The Jewish Prfss gives you all the local news, social and 'money talks.' I believe that up to investment for all the Jewish people.' Mr. Borglum, music critic of the " -': So enthused did Treller become in sport events &%& feature articles written by nationally new Mr. Ford's money has been talkWorld-Herald, .says, "Miss Gutman 1 trying to make an impression for his "Doubtless many Omahans can reprominent men anS^women. Also latest telegraphic dising and that something else beside? has a dramatic soprano voice of symcertain i a t that i e accidentally push- member, back 75 years ago when an patches from all parts of the world* money will be heard from in tJiP pathetic, quality, vrtfrm and- vibrant, j ed Fisher over. Fisher in falling explorer, standing on or somewhere future. .and she uses it with skill, obtaining j crashed his head against a "wall, mak- near the site of this city, gazed west-MAIL YOUE CHECK NOW beautiful. shades and graduation o:jr | '"Mr. Ford has stated that the only ward and uttered a command: "Being an impression on ids head. « T r 11tones. She has, besides, exceptional ! competent judges were the American Then did Jacobs and Eohan come yond this point there could be no histrionic ability and interprets' with !| people and that it ie now proper for s id the aid. "They hurriedly picked np victor of man over the forces of V ^« * nature." • intelligence and feminine attractive- ! the-Jewish spokesmen to meet thr Fisher. Took -him to the l o r d lister ness. The classical numbers sung byi issue by addressing their defense $•<• " I t is only in Palestine that the. Jew iospital and: had the hurt taken Miss Gntman enabled her at once to \thfi American people. My resolution can live free from oppression and the : care of. I carries out his suggestion. Our govThei argument is stilt undecided, as pressure of • non-Jewish life," the [ show her great dj-amatic ability." CHAXTXCET BAUDWIX BY speaker asserted, "That explains to which.tat is the best. ..•-'..! Mr. Martin Bush, music critic of ' ernment is a representative form nf: why, during' the foQr thousand years., or the Omaha Bee, states, "The salient • government, with the Congress (To those Jews •#fet»*»ttej>eUeve that it SB -wise'trod desirabJe in AKHTJCB for 1 Jews t o mart their idetttits^to;iaalce a parade of "broadsaih^ediipss" lij- joining of Jewish history, the" Jew has never the United Statesrepresenting the points to the singer's credit were an IN A HURRY—. non-Jewisi orga.iusati>baK ia'i,jiteference to their own, the blsiEiuj; trorfis ol I>r, surrendered his title to Palestine. Of ISaldwio, Profearor rf»:;&flslijrk;I3tersf! t i e IlnJreraSty t>t Illinois, will t-otne animation -.-of style, assurance sense ' people. I am appealing to the peoplrWITH A W P ?TOGO, as a distinct sk«cS^"-'.!po titase.Jriro -vrhv Insist that 3etr* -win fireat^st Tespect hundreds of "^nations'; whose peoples of the. dramatic element and a fer- I through the Congress to decid" AND THEffi DATES MIXED by stan'ling out sS3»m>chip,r.coBrageousiy as Je-ws, irt. Baldwin's nTlicle Is a were driven from their own soils,-.the' powetful reenfottMESpt. i b e artidie itself, -woTthy of the. •fine Americanism nn& vency of the portrayal of texts and whether Mr. Ford's statement is cor^There isnothing more exasperating Jews alone iave Teturned. MORRIS MILDER •Chrlstlanfty of Its aWfcJior, lias been a powerful incentive to t i e B'nai B*T5ti. in . j Tect or not. stea<finess of vocal emission, tte extension oi 5t»; HWel FoBaaation. than getting jour dates mixed. "When Men's Association at its sixth annual I "In his statement Mr. Ford said he "Millions of Jews once lived in Henry Monsky's piano acglory of Israel, a s I see i t , is Montague's "Diseacnantmerl", for ex- "Mrs. you have-an appointment for Friday, } would direct those inquiring into hh Palestine, and can live there again in convention held fn Omaha last week. its practical idealism; I t s yotmg men ample. Here the sjithor, a n English- companiments revealed excellent or 3 meeting for "Wednesday, it's Fri- , Mr. Milder asjhead of, the F . S^ Oil of what scientific farming «nd discermnest in Eccorfl vdth j assertions to the facts. This ie « have Eeea-.vmEBSB sad- its.^sid-iaem have: maa of culture *nd formerly of H g b day or Wednesday .that yon expect to jmcSern j industry are able to do in a Works has bee^oite^ of the leading drsaroed dreams. Botargfebse-wtosavr 'idesls,, e s p r e s s o t h e -feriing of iope- the ..singer, added mast materially to chance for Mr. Fore, to direct tjie attend what-is scheduled to be at- restricted a,rea. ^Ehat work", however, figures during the'^iCDnventian. The committee proposed in my fhs visions tended. ; -is-jilways done by t h e govexinnentj U. S. Oil Co^-bsngTHiettf th© largest to the • serarces of OfS" Here wer have'._the sad case -of-two and i t falls to the more prosperous independent oil companys in the State dreains did -not lose consection. with who, ardently believing that, the -endhonors throughout." upon whicli he based 'his''Charges. of-the World War would mark the be-. The next number in the series thought Thursday • , . . , , , . young ladies, who the -world yf fact. They saw things "For the past few years, Sir. Ford 1 . • „ , , , ,, 1 TJews of America to play the role of of Nebraska. of one week was Thursday of the •' . * '. ,; , „ Milder is also active in communal as they "were. What I mean- may be ginning of a new and better era, stand be- a lecture by Kt» Eev. Irving P. •has been making errant ch&rjjfes; , ,., t _ , . . . the government in providing funds." •week after—or iefore. They hurried _, .- , ., ,f .* , ... exemplified by •» brief • comparison of today eynical, disillusioned sad hope- Johnson, Bishop of the Diocese of agtunst the Jewish people. More that, work and in Jewish circles. ., , ,, _, . „ ... \ „. I Prior to the address of the New Ne Colorado, who. will speak.on "Keligthe political idealism of Plato . h^ less. to attend the B W Bnth Auxiliary ;; y Miss Besg Greenb accom any other man today he is responthat of Isaiah, The former dreamed a All sorts fof panaceas are being re- ion, Science and Reality." Reserva- sible for' the increased wave of l'acisi . meeting, . «*eduled for Thursday., ^ ser sisterr Ethei, ILLINOIS ATHLETIC COACH dream of a perfect state, but it was commended'for this, the world's dis- tions msy new be made by calling hatred snd intolerance. Now he They arrived at the Jewish Commun- ! ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ . j[ F r i e d . TO VISIT IN OMAHA a dream that could never come true. ease. But no cue believes in the pan- Jackson 1366. comes, after most people, repardlew? ity Center breathless and hurried to ; ^ edM chairman> Indeed Plato himself frankly admitted aceas except the people" who propose I of their faith, had thought that this the meeting room. They dashed open j Morris Sogolow former Omahan, that i s was impossible of ^realization. them. The latest proposal I havej j wave of anti-Semitism, which has no the door of the room and entred, but now assistant coach at the University "I know not," he said, "whether there heard was offered at a recent meeting the room was EMPTY. j D ' n a : D'-JO. A n n n j | l DaiirP place in the United States, bad diet! of Illinois will Omaha during ever has been or ever will be sueh a of the Society for the Promotion of "Ooo gee, Oh goshl" moaned Lil the coming week. Sogolow former city of the perfect as I have described. Engineering Education. Here, the down, and revives his lian Dubnoff, as it began to dawn, director of -the physical department charges. But in-heaven there is laid up the pat- speaker, himself aa eminent engineer, "the -meeting isn't today, it's the at the Kansas City, Y. M. and Y. W.tern of such a-city; and to that pat- said -in effect that the engineer is Active Commusal Worker in Kansas "Mr. Ford makes a lot of Thursday after "this Thursday," Plan Entertainment' Program for H A. has made rapid progress as a but they lor the most »re irrelevant'. City, Mo. tern men mil more and more conf ora civilization's last hope. Every other "So 'tis, so 'tis," confirmed Ross This Affair coach at the Illinois institution. and arc without foundation and feel. their lives." Isaiah also saw a vision class he said, "had tried to .save dvQiKatzman, "and here we hurried so n At Illinois Sogolow coaches, foot- of a Utopia, a future golden age, sation and had failed—the clergy most At the annual Linen Shower of the His charge that the Jewish peopl?when we had a whole week to make • The annual B'rith B'rith dance will ball, baieball and basket ball. While which was to be a time of universal lamentably of alL Apparently he did Omaha Chapter Hadassah on Wednes- \ control the financial system of th-r. it in." be held Saturday night at the Jewish a resident of Omaha Sogolow was one righteousness, of universal peace, and not expect salvation to come from the day January 5, 2:80 o'clock at the United ' States is equally • # * ! Community Center auditorium Janu- of the leading amateur baseball play- of human brotherhood. For almost merely-technical engineers, though he Jewish Community Center Auditorium foundation and fact but this ie a, Now That They're i ary 1, 1927. Plans are now being ers in the city. three thousand years men have be- said that even the technicians, the Mrs. B. M. Aehtenberg of Kansas City specific and serious charge which II' ' made by the committee in charge of used to i t made against-the Catholics, the Buylieved Isaiah's to be an attainable builders of bridges, toads, and aque- will be the principal speaker. One never knows what ne cando j this affair to make it one of the most Mrs. Achtenberg will be remem-. tists, the Methodists, the i ideal. The Hebrew theocracy, the rule ducts, had kept tfee.Roman Empire inUntil he tries to doit. elaborate affairs ever given by the B'nai JB'rith to Elect Officers of the Popes in the Middle Ages, the tact long after it might reasonably bered best, as the former Miss Minnie j 1-ans, or any other people would deTake last Sunday, for instance, at local B^nai Bri'th and in" accordance Eobmsoh, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.mand, and should have, sn immedithe banquet held by.the A. Z. A. just with the holidays spirit of the New Omaha Lodge I.0.B3.*-wiIl hold its Puritan commonwealth in England, have been expected to break up. Sam Robinson of this city and is wide- ate investigation." semi-annual' election of officers and the early colonial government of New "Whafroay we not look for," he asked prior to the open meeting celebrating Year.-: ••-.;.;•.. • xielegates to the district grand lodge England^—all attest men's belief in the in Hs final peroration, "from liberally ly kncwni here. Mrs. Achtenberg is! Congressman Bloom's resolution National A. Z. A. day. " W e have engaged one of the best Thursday ev^ening, December the practicability of the prophetic ideal of educated engineers, from urea- who first vice-president of the newly or- j reads as follows: '. Waiters were needed to dish- out orchestra's in the city", said Harry" "Resolved, whereas, on corporate righteousness., Slmflarly, understand not only the fatigue of {ganized Southwest Eegion of HadasCommunity Charter. , the rfood. Immediately came forward Trnstin, chairman. 11, 1926, one Henry Ford-of Detroit the French Revolution in the- eight- •metals, but feat more deepseated and sah .and was general chairman of arH i k e Freeman, Lou Diamond, Si ; Special -entertainment is T>eing arMichigan, is imported to have rangements for the coufersace in Kaneenth century, and even the Russian fundamental •weariness and dis^ • ^ d Max Givot, offering their I r a n ^ d for t U s d a ^ according t o GENERAL CENSUS BEGUN Revolution in our own day have proved couragement of the' human spirit sas City last June. In addition to her the follewing stateroent: *Thi»t. a b l e ^ s i t a n c e , _ , __., .•;,. - : , Jack Alberts, a w n i b e r of t h e com' IN SOVIET RUSSIA men's persistent faith, renewed again which is today the world's, disease." activities for Hadassah, Mrs. Aehten- intemEtional Jew is in direct "We've never tried t o break dishes j mittee. . berg is vice-president of the Kansas of all financial centers of Moscow. (J. T. A.)—A general cen- and yet again in spite of repeated The address left me unmoved, or at City Y. M. H. A. and one of the out* including the United State* Fedsr&I like tiiis"before," they chimed, " h j j | ..-•'" : ' ; • "'"-'-- ')• _'-'-"•. ^ sus of the population-in the Union disappointment, in)the attainability of most -with the feeling that if the sal-standing speakers on the speakers Reserve--System-;' w e ' r e -willing t o try.'^ -•' ' • , \ • ••".-. "'•. •., of Socialistic Soviet Republics was Isaiah's ideal of human brotherhood. vaging of civilization really depends "bureau- of the United 4 Synagogue of; "Whereas such statement if tra«? They tried, -andRelieve it or not— . ( t a l k C!l§pteF 9gisSSah tO Today the world needs again to upon the engineers, even liberally ed- America. begun recently throughout the Soviet n o t a dish "W-as broken. . presents grave cliarges concerning : have its faith renewed. We are pas- ucated-.engineers, the situation is in-^ Union. :.-•.. -- - >; (This is a tip to the iioys f o l k s the operation of the government, Sb« Appearing also on this afternoon let 'em dish the food at home—they 4 fiadassah is now one of the largest r The questionaire which was pre-sing through a period of depression, deed, more desperate than I had hither-. -program •w&l be the following: activities of the Federal Reserve Eas."••-. • • •• pared includes questions relating to a natural reaction to the excitement t o s u p p o s e d i . ' f f i c e . ' i t ; ) - ; ' • ' • - . ; . . v - ; ' , . " " • . . r - •:•:,:••;••;• •-.]' .Harry Robinson accom- tern and-the Jewish people. and most active of tiie. women's or- the mother tongue and the nationlity and the exultant hope that flamed: in It is as a matter of fact highly'im- • Violin I might mention that Jerry Dia- •ganizations in the city, paving nearly • "^Resolved,' that a select committ** panied by Al Finkel at the -jnond, thotigh not serving any of the six hundred members. Although 1926 -of- th? inhabitants. Jewish organiza- the men's hearts during the period of probable that g^lvation, social, ecoof. seven" members of the House ol piano. lood, did set the table. (Get thib, was the mqsK successful year of i t s tions, the Soviet press and ther Yid-the World Wan Now the war to end nomic, or political will come- through Bepresentatives, be appoltited to its* "Greetings" Mr. Samuel Gerson dish Soviets are . assiting in the war has been followed by a peace that the organised effort of any profesMrs. Diamond.) ; . quire into the truth or falsity of m-& Piano Solo .Miss Ruth Hefner existences a number af affairgj already census. seems designed to end peace. People sional group. It must rather be look. . ,• Eeading Miss Ruth Wintroub statement and rjaconvmeatl such, a?^jlanned for;J927 point to tjie coin- . In many districts, the questionaires everywhere are questioning whether ed-for through a rebirth of nope; In And TKen She Took tip . Group of songs....Mrs. Myrtella tion'as it may deem necessary,. ing year being- even more successful are framed in Yiddish. :It is expected our modern civilization will not disin- some way or other our racked and beRonayne accompanied by Mrs. Resolved further, That said eom~ Hadassah starts the new year with :-•••.• -.;.V;-' BowUng that much valuable data" will be col-tegrate, and crumble-into social and wildered-earth world must be aade to Harry Trustin. nsittec is. also herefef authorised & T h e other day a number of t h e its annual linen shower •which will political chaos. So experienced a stuenjoy a' renaissance of faith in the lected as a.-.'result of ]the census and Address....Mrs. B. M. Achtenberg empowered to appoint sack married bowlers in the Jewish Com- take place in the auditorium of tha dent of economic mnd political condifinal triumph of good. Mrs. Joseph Rosenberg is chairman | nu'ttees as it m&y «epm advisable, inunity Center bowling league induced ] Jewish Community Center January "will show the exact economic situa- tions as M. Caillaux, former premier: Such a re-birth may most, reasonable tion of the Jewish population^ of France in his recent hook "Whither be looked for through the race "which of this affair and is;,'being ably as- the said 'Committee of any' -sub-copstheir "better halves to attend a 5, -with Mrs. -J. Rosenberg as chairBut seven days left to take ad- France? Whither Europe" "predicts first held such a* faith, and which us sisted by the officers and members of m j t tee thereof is herehj' man. On the.evening of Wednesday, game "with them. The wives were present. They ' January 19, they will entertain a t a vantage of asayings on your subscrip- that unless -something effective is most persistestii1 retained it. "To the the board of directors of the local to sit during the sessions of the promptly done to salvage Buropean student of "Jewish -history nothing' is chapter. House or during'any recess ©f-tlw» ~-; watched their husbands "strut their j card party for both men and women tion. civilization, it will break down com- more' amazing than that in spite of House, and to hold its sessions in stuff.' After the game they prac- in the clubroom of the J.-C. C. -with pletely, and Europe will become a tiny each places as the committee'' m*E' tically unanimously decided to take 'Mrs. B. A. Simon as chairman, pogroms, and massacres,, and .anti- FORMER OMAHAN HEADS SCmVABTZBARD TRIAL appendix to the Asiatic continent, a determine; to-require by BSilipoen*. «r -op bowling. • CHAMBER OF COMMERCE TO OPEN IN MARCH kind of Asia Minor, "dotted with Semitic outbursts of fanaticism everyotiierwise the attendsnee -of witn«JM?where,-the Jew through.'-centuries of This is not for publication, but— PLAN DANCE AND BAZAAR < Mr. Mose Steinberg, former. Omaha, es, the production of Paris. {J. T.' A.) ?-7 The trial nt Babylons and Ninevehs". persecution sad obloquy has kept Ms some of the, wives, hitting the pegs The worst feature of the situation faith in the c&ming of a better' day now of Borger, Texas was elected and dfteHBients to .administer The Deborah Society -which epons- Sholom Schwartzbard, slayeriif petfor the first time, beat their husers the City Talmud Torah is plan- lura, -will open early in Maren, the is the loss of the strong hope of our for humanity. :'¥et Bach is the fact. president of the Borgrer Chamber of and .sfflamntions, and to takeEcrger, B famous 0)3 rnonj'. i j :And then he; ^ye^>P bbivlint! ; : ning a dance and bazaar to be given ! Jewish " Telegraphic Agency "under- race in the ultimate triumph of good Through the darkest hours of its trag"Eesolved further, Thai the Speafcon the earth. One has but to read ic history, Israel has kept burning the •city in Texas has made rapid advance j ^ A : ~ - , - U ' ; - ; ' • - • . : , . * ? . r ^ " ' * ? * • y - \ . ^ '•.•:. ••'. •-. •'"' .• . March 6. Mrs. Max Fromkin is gen- stands. er is hereby authorised to issae V It is expected that the trial will the books that come daily from the undying fire of its inextinguishable in civic progress. eral chairman, Mrs. L £ulakofsky press to realize how deep-seated is hope or the world. Daily in his public Mr. Steinberg is head of the -Stein- poenaes t© witnesses upon the ^'-:^:^:^^m^M&gt. :is^w|irth-two. vice-chairman, and Mrs. Sam . Wolf last six days. Forty Tritnesses secretary. berg Department Storebe called by the Petlura-attorney&K the mood of prevalent distrust. Take (Continued on page 2} (Continued on 2)

Can Relieve the PreMen^ trf the Jewish People

A Special Saving Offered to Our Subscribers

Morris Milder President of Oil l e a





























Saturday Mile January-1

Annual Election c! Officers









































: ; :


' •
















•.-••''•. '•"'•






, irAGE! 2^-fHE JEWISH PRES^'imuKSDAY, DECEMBER 23,192< •a- -*,.-

at omflbo,

The3MraeroftheCity ' . * Without Jews Killed



*THB JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING O#ce: 490 Brandeis Theatre Building — Telephone: ATkntic 1450.. ~ ' , " " ~ NATHAN E. GREEN, Mahage*. ..$2.50.

. .Subscription Price, one ysar-

Advertising rates tarnished on application. yonr

"' The Jewish Press is supplied by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency (Jewish Correspondence Bureau) rWith rabled 4nd telegraphic Jewish fiewfi'i fa addition to feature articles and cortespondences frnhi All frnpoMftftt'lewibh centers. Inquiries regarding _news }tems .credited to this < Agency. 9ti\\ b9 .gladly answered if addressed t»r Jewish' Telegraphic Agency, JJJ&L Broadway, New ! Yorii rn**» . * i . • * . - - •

FORD'S INCURABLE FOLLY Some years ago we promised, our readers and ourselves not tto reyert^to Henry Ford and .his Jewittaniacy. Unfortunately, one of our :Ieadin& citizens seems' to have:fouiid it Necessary, at the recent Zionist -Conference in Boston, to ^eopen^th^deSd1 isktfe of Ford's anti-Jewish fulminations. . No good* can come of it, ^because Mr. l?ord i&"not4he"type-of recede an inch from his misguided ^-misrepresentations. Having .spent a fortune. 4o give publiciiy^to his peryerted-.views,- he is novTspending another fortune evading the process-of law which would place him'and his £o-w.oj?Jsers on^the witness stand," to reiterate uri3er oath his calumnies against the Jews. The answer to MrlFprd was given at the Cathedral'of St. John,'in New York, Qn,Dj3cemb(&fifih,<when Protes^int, Catholic and Jew, through leading representatives, deplored^igotry/hate, and misunderstanding among religious groups jn An^erica^and united for good-will 'and'co'ncerte'd linriiaftitariah action* •JFord, in his, mental astigmatism^ t)efoiigs to the4 Middle AgeSr~It were futile-one^inorfe-to attempjb/to,.refuse his^enighted with the-wisdom of'.the East, say there is no cure for folly. Jews have no cause to combat the already slain Frankinstefii'rof fear whichcMr. Ford conjured.tlp in the miasma of his mentality. .Enlight&fed Jews "and Enlightened Christians-can. only^regret the mischief his anti-Semitic inlrk has.-done. .Jews map weU leave it to Americans at .large ultimately to fasten on him the evil he has wrought. The credulous', alas, are still born one & minute. ~ —-V -- - • • - '• >~ " American Hebrew. '•

5687—1920-27 ". •-. > .. Rosh Chodesh Shebat . • -Tuesday, January 4 Rosh C.hod.esh Adar .. Thursday, February 3 Rosh Chodesh.Ve^Adar^...,..-^ ... Saturday, March 5 Purim .-.-.•»• —Friday," Match 18 Rosh Chodesli Nissan .'T-......, .,..., iguhafly,.April & . 1st Bay Pessach ».<.».«.......•.« .»...«n.«<».>.i»».«.;«Sundtiy 7th Day Pessach —..—Saturday,t April April 17 23 ..„.". ^:_TuBgday, May 3 Rosh~Ch8desh tyat r. Friday, May 20 Lag b'Omer —» Wednesday, June 1 Rosh Chodesh ,Sivan —-~......_Monday, June 6 1st Day Shabuoth ....,.......;.. Friday, July 1 Rosh • Chodesh T&mmus ~ Sunday, July 17 Fast of Tammut..._... . _ Rosh Chodesh Ab ,_ .........-«.l.»....~-..«..-~... ..Saturday, July 30 Sunday* August 7 Fast of Ab —Monday, August 29 Rosh Chodesh EUul

Buchare^tj (J. T. A.)—A «oncfi»slon IN RUSSIA CROWS, to the Jewish corrtntanity of Rouma. »' • FIGURES SHOW nia concerning its representation in the Roumanian Ssn&tS V,ras granted Berlin. (JVJT.V_A.)—Intermarriage, by the government, " • . v~ between Jetfs. and* ftofrjgws in Soviet The government hag fihdUy agreed Russia is increasing greatly, accord- to reserve* two'seats in "Wie upper ing to figures compiled by the Jewish house for Jewish religious represenScientific Institute here. The figures tatives f one for the moderns and one deal with the situation in 56 of the for- the Orthodox. Originally the largest UFwfti in' the Ukraine during government insisted on granting only one &eat for the Chief Rabbi of Buchathe year 1824. Ot the total of 10,80S Jewish men rest. who were married during that year, Bring your date to the B'nai'B'rith 490 to&k Chrfttian vviveL Of & total of 10,090 Jewish women who where dance Saturday night at the J. C. C. married in these towns during the —Adv. same period, 693 married non-Jews. Save fifty cents by sending in your The largefet percentage of intersubscription now. marriage in the Ukraine v,-as found in Elizabethgrad where the intermarriages amounted to ten percent. In Berditcheff and Bielozerkow, towns of large Jewish population, no interOne pair of t&n kid gloves at marriages were recprded. Council Bluffs Dance et Eagles' An interesting detail is disclosed Hall, f t e a s e cisll WE. 83911 by the figures concerning Leningrad. During the first years "after the. Bolshevik revolution, one-third of the marriages of Jews were with nonJews. In 1924 the number of interMgr. Saton La Charme marriages amounted to only fifteen Courtney Bidg-. percent.

Bettauer, noted Austrian noveliat,. wrote a novel called "The City Without Jews," and received a fatal bullet as royalty on his volume. He constructed a huge metropolitan city from •which every single Jew had been expelled. He raised the curtain behind which this hundred per cent Christian city worked and played. He took his readers to the stock exchange, the, theatre, the great department stores, the night locales, the middle class" home, the Federal government halls, the cafes. Three months after the publication of this fantastic novel, Hugo Bettauer was assassinated by a zealous twenty-one-year-old "Nordic." "The city Without Jews" is naugurated when the national assembly passes a law expelling all Jews from the country. Not only Jews and converted Jews must leave, but also those of Jewish origin—that is, the children of mixed marriages. In this Utopian novel the law, which the most tabid Ku Klux Klansmen, Hakenkreuzler, or Anti-semitic could not have conceived more skilfully even in his -wild* e,st dreams, is rigorously enforced: "Unregistered merchants, retail »l talk on "hair Cult)irl\'' anfl "Cottect .Housing nml rowrterlng" at the dealers • and so-called commission HER MAJESTY THE CUSTOMER J. C. C. -occetuber ss. agents must leave the country within RULES THE EMPIRE. HA. 8S9S. i nfltll T Benntiful Insting Mnrcel 3U cen'tfi, 75 three months of the passage of the cents, feset free. Soft M'nter shampoo law; registered proprietors of firms, . or mnflicT!!* «W cents. Guerlnin l^rfmnes nt lowest prices. clerks, civil service employes and man- FREGGER-FQX DKUG CO. Try our Inclnl« ns nn ahl to. reducing. Fnt nrni« ftntl double chins rertuced nnd ual laborers, within four months; ar"Carefnl Drtsggists" heatitified by prn<!(mfe Swedish Mat> tists, scholars, physicians, cttomeys, 14th slid Dimglas St. ' ATCS27 BPUBC, iormerijf »R«ociarea with Dr. BalInger,. eminent inBfie. surgeon (he reand the like, within five months. Di1 Pre8crtptl6«8 filleft 'fcr RepSstered mort^led "DeninUWB ntise.) I'Jmples or rectors of corporations, banks, and Blackh<?n3s cored. AT, «8J8» industries that paid taxes on an in* Price* terr r««»»n«W«—Delivery nc*viee come of more than two hundred mil. ^^ lion kronen in the past year are given six months' time." The Bloch Publishing Company, which will sooa issue "The City With out Jews" in an English translation by Salomea Neumark Brainin, has discovered a startling fact about the author of "The City Without J«wa. Hugo Bettauer was himself a Christian, the scion of a good Protestant 19th and BavenikJit Strtet J- ,. Viennese merchant family. Not even Admission 25c Ryan's Orchestra a Jew—which his murderer had suspected him of being.


• •»

...r^ /. _-. i


Opera Stats Sing For1 Farm Prosperity] "i








't' :


Xmas AloQeliy -Dance-:

to -sell-their birthright, ,*It- is such things as these that have convinced (Continued from page 4-) me, o? rather confirmed my, conviction •>; . *•.! ' that something: should beCdone for the worship does the Jew offer this peti- ethical and religious training of these tion:. ^"O. may. .all created in. Thine Jewish youtjis if .their t splendid enerr Image recognize that they ate breth- gies are utilized. -IJot by mak" B o j r TTjTTilT liTl I'II n I I'II ••Illlllill* ren, so" that'one in spirit a^id.'one in ing of; them ialf-^heaitect, adherents fellowship, they may he foreydr united of the JCoung .Women's "£liristian As r before Thee.' Then shall Thy kingdom sociationV but by helping' $hem to bebe established on earth." ' '. ' / come.-better Jews' can, fh'fc -world be In viewof'the-Virorld's need to have fiyed-,; its faith renewed m the'.final victory , ^ o w 4ure_ they to"^ be .helped - to, this of good.-over evil,-and -in' view of the "end.?-; There is^tei^way.'I think opportunity and obligation of Judaism than-to . e s t a b l i s h ^ educational into mini^ter4o-ihat-neetl; I-venture to stitutions "where~a considerable »u&v erajid opdta e k r s o f !n- on a farm, todjfc full charge at , suggest.'that it is a good time to do ^er- jof Jewish students are enrolled rtcrnatltmal note have voltlh- baaciuet ana enlisted tho thelr^»ervlc6a to"• Md; the of Dornay a^t Miss Maxwell, to* more than has hitherto been dope, to. Jewish "foundations" where a deeper ^ m e . Marcia Freer.' 1 "Back-to-the-farm" movements and keep alive in Jewish '.hearts—particu- and ..richer Jewish "life may be culti- . Uhelr first jappearance £or'Uie"ca,\ise f voice is recorded In larly in_ the hearts of Jewish youth in vated.* The. University' of Illinois at |X^a3 at Si dinner KA two hundred of otfamoua phonograph re-; I New Tork's leading business men, ; f Bslogh, tho Hun-. our colleges and universities—the present enjoys the distinction of being :who plan to help julee p. $5,000,000 pianist \ Miss Maxwell also flame <jf. the undying fire, the great the first institution ofKigher learning T endowment fund for The" National ralffed t^'the out-of-doors, her tradition-of faith in the* coming of the at which an attempt has .been made to ll'arm School at Doylestown,-Po» -hood-ttSVJn* been spent on m day •Htheh al sense jofiiumdli brother- solve the jirpblem in tKe ^way I have - - i ITva. operatic fftats tvee Benia,mlno ranch, v.ot ' - i w t ' B,apld«, South! Riccio, barytone, late of tho Met- Dakota^. Jtlppttfce musicians, act-, hood shall 'da'vrn'tipon the earth/ ' suggested. Here "thisTall, the Hillel " 'ropolltan ~ Opera Company, "ffew uated Br a 2es)fo to assist The Nat-' This suggestion involves, a ^radical Foundation has been established under York: -*•- Miss Margery - - Madhwli, lonat V&ttti—fechool to «pand so* change in the attitude current toward the supervision of a board of trustees. • 'American prinia donna tar sljiycftrs l huadrcda of ad-,. ANDY is the gUt that is T?lth the JCWcago; Opera Company, , u .» r ^al. OeO^y city bi<ys and e,..«.j Jewish youth, for it involves a com- They have secured a'director of the always -welcoraed . . . . and I<ouls Dornay, tenor,' : lato of fof prosperous agricultural careers, plete abandonment of what might be Foundation, a young rabbi splendidly a"pk«^Age that everyone loots \ylli glve^tttfeiy services wh*n called' Cov£&i Garden; London.— forward to receiving on Christcalled the laissez-faire method of equipped both by, nature and training ^ T&l&pO. •Upon tftroUgbout «U the yeo.t. Whfit 1Vis mas morn. /.^*: _.... ' treatingthem. A change is needed. for the work he has undertaken, wno Our attractive holiday boxes Too 'long, -already- have' 'the"," Jewish by teaching and by organizing and speak your message, and each -{J: T.A'.))—The decision people, at ease in. Zion, been content directing..the activities of the Jewish datnty piece of chocolate helps on the'cbii£rovers}£ between* the Perto see this youth, for whos.e ethical student body, will attempt to build at to emphasize it. manent "'Mandafes' Commission .and anQ religious training' no adequate the state .university a Jewish center (Continued, from pagdJ.) _ Candy car- "~ the League^ Cburtdl over the jurisdicprovision "has been made, go forth .•where men and* women will be trained ries your Family A«MTtof the committee o r a n y sub-commit- tion' o?"tn^"iConn&ission -has been yearly by thousands from our colleges for religious leadership., thoughts of ment at Assorted postpones ^LtitiL March, when the hext love. F o r Chocolate*, Tint jtee thereof, at Jany, time', in eluding and universities admirably * equipped In this modest experiment *• at the Rolls and Bon mother, sisBanSf at the nnfor the economic .Battle.of life but University of- IMnois, 1 "made possible .any recess of the Congress; and the session of"th\s League'Council will be ter, sweethnunl ot low ' ' bankrupt, in" ,their gpuls/ Too 'often by the self-satriflditg devotion off a 3ergeant-at-arma Is hereby empower- held. heart, yrife. price -. -. . for they, graduate, riot ,ohly without pride few Jews,"movement tliatvrfll mark ah ed and directed to serve all subeveryone. in the great traditions of. their race era" in ..modern" Judaism. The success pqenaes and other processes put into for and without a desire to maintain of the undertaking 'and its success his hands Jby said committee or any .- . . The famous Chrlsto brand Nathem, but without even an elementary already seems assured, unquestionably sub-commitee * thereof. _ tural Stuffed Fruit* and Our knowledge of that Judaism Jreailjr is. will; be follqwetitby other similar 1 esI.ovely Fresh Fruit Baskets maks ".'Resolved "further, That said "select Public AccouUots and Acditsn - Id*al iEmaa Gifts, too. No membexs of Israel's; contribution tablishments at other educational committee shall h a v e , t h e right at ISADQRE ABftARlSON to thelLfep'f the.modern'world bflrden a n y t i m e to report to the House in thpir minds,'no' vision*"of ""vs-hat.Israel one or more .reports the results of its INCOME TAX ; SERVICE may yet accomplish stirs their pulses. initiates a.movement;of far-reaching inquiries with such recommendations 1522 Fxrnam Street Too often th'ey are ready to-seK for significance. l ', a»- ifc may=,deem advisable.'' , • , \ ^ . * -'*-.' - any mess 'of'jjottage that' ofIts preserif signiflcance is_ in shbw- • The t Tesolutiou-wa«jreferred,to thn fered their priceless heritage as Jews "ing that p'raclickl idealism Is not dead .Rules Committee, and Mr. Bloom will - - 2C NoHh 16th Street. —the high and holy things in the faith in Israel, that thefe are' still Jews seek an early* report tOj the House. and life of~ Israel? - * who see visions *and dream dreams, He said-he would rise-in ^e"^ House At .the" University of" Illinois, for and who can. make their dreams tome to a. .question of „ personal- privilege : example," and I instance this institu- true:.A s"to'i^s significance for^the -and. insist; c view- of, the .Charge tion only because I'am irfdst familiar future, perhapg ii is too soon after Us implicating' the, Federal Res^jar^-*^with conditions liere, irtre gathered over inceptioh to predict, with certaintyT I .tem- withj ju-Jsihistejr- coaitroL'ithat- £he five hundred JewfsK''youths:' Exactly believff.Tio'wever that as a'result of it House-should .take "cognizance to- ths how "many there are no on«S, knows there will burn,more brightly in.the tour Street WE bster 3527 because, upoivtheir registration blanks hearts.of.Jewish youth tKe undying "WEIZMAtfN-SEES-> I.--- " i - *, ~u: : 'r-jus*fedeceived a-cfull supply ofrTalesim wool and silk many"do not filHn the "space allotted lire, the great tradition, the unquenchr BRiANDBEFOKE SAILING TphiliM and ^MezusJosl. also fancy bags for Talesim and to the , fitaterrient" of t h i i r ; religious able Jewish' faith in the coming of c r f , ' -. 'FOK UNITED'STATES . .Tphilim. -I filsp have a new sup-ply'of Prayer Books, Holy Gad's" kingdom on the earthV"The affiiliations. This is'a sigViiAcarit an3 " ' J ^ ' — ' •• ••" • \~-\. .~. scriptui^i and-xn^ny other Jewish books - in Hebrew and • totaiceffect upon the life of the hvodern cbarseteristfff omission,-implying as it r c'- Fans ^ff.?'T...A.)—The cooperation ^English.- 1 i( '*-.-• ; ,0^ the influ^annually^from our does tlieir eva'derwhat they sftieS of thousands of •youths Hf; the French- government;-with,,the regard.Waii unforturtafe handicap'by Beautiful v&}\: calenders at very reasonable prices. Zionist Organization-j Jn..- ^creating : concealing their Idetitity is- tfews. who'se,heaTts are aflame with the nob- colonization.Jecllitiea.for Jewish^ setEven more deplorable is its effect with lest ideals of Judaism cannot be "over- tlers;-br^tenitoafy: adjacent -to-Pal* activities purely Christian. Scores of estimated^ Indeed such-a result ^wouid \ and-i nin'; Ubringing -. about, the Jewish., girls last ytiar 'iregularfy eri- go far toward fulfill the ancient prom.ih^;§ ofjthe Zionist •'rpiletJ in tfie Young 'Woniteri'g Ghristf- ise made to the Father of the race, movement werfc pj-otnlaetf by, Aristed$ ian Association, • though ttembetfship "I will bless'tKee .'. . . and thou shalt Briaad? Ftench. foreign-.Minister,-in in that organization involved tHe sign- be a blessing.. ; . and in Jbhee' shall ah'audience-lie granted„Dr. ,W«izYEARS OP SUCCESS. ing of an obligation'to live henceforth all'the" families of "the .earth be manifc on. Friday, i-prior:,'J|o, ; his ^dej THOUSANDS^EfiMA CURED by Dr.' B. R. Tarry's as Christians. It should be added in blessed." time-tried guaranteed aetHod of curing J»ilss, fistula and parture,foe the;;Unite<i-States. .-. • - « justice to the organization that-to m? otttef ftectil DiseftaeS. • — WAS J&ccptopanied by certain- knowledge -these memberships . Riga, i (J. Tz 'A.) --ilwelve agricul* t XOXitV 'WlTllOtJT^EVBafi' SCRGICAti OPJEBA leicder^>f the FrenA were iofr^ solicited; On-ihe contraryt "tural experts who were active mem' Socialist party r . w.hen he called on the secretary did.what she could tdcfr- ibersr.of .the Chalutsinli collectives in the Foreign MrniisteT.-'It-'isi-ujvjler51ihe'' Crimes^w*re arrested ' on: the stood, that X>rr .Weismann submitted the asHOciafloji, because she vas sorry charge of having conducted Zioniat 1 to-M,\Briand date:oh- the presept , p w p p w fthd.lthg policy, o | - ist movement.»o«n:er*:in fcraej Teadjr, even eager Kussia.



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, THURSDAY, DEgpffiERj41926

4-«seasoned. Cut «ff the-tops M half committee meeting of the League •J-a dut th«transit cemmission held here. J-a dozen lafgepeppigrfe take •• dut Once more the local social spotlight Transit cki*s are planned for emis hB^ itdtft&ag held by*University. as waE'BUggested by the second the pepper^ i s * boili%-%affer for 10 passport conference held in -Geneva in minutes. Then £S the mixture, More than 260 «j?eservaiiaEs 1 have dJSys^ The greatest. iiutnber\.e£ «iu:SXtJFI?KD APPLES May. The .Conference recommended sprinkle over the "top grated cheese Jbeeii :re^eived^f«r-4ike::,B.Bnaal -New Mttts a t e front; Nebraska Ushfenitjp: leave and bread crumbs. Put a, bit of but-that the formalities of issuing idenity ZTear'a Eye celc'bratjon-.^and sapper T&e stale auhrersits's doors and caincatsl dons* P u t ter 6n top and -bake r IS mittutes or pspexs find visas to emigrants travelince of the-Highland Cjrai^ry-ClHb le hustle bustle with pulverizedon plate and ling in .Europe and to overseas counbrowned oWr the \vp. to be held -this year ^at-the Blackstonej reconvenes/ Monday - rooming, January sugar and set aside .until xeady to tries - be , simplified The commission : H o t e L \ • • • • • . . ; • : - , . , ' j i . • • , , . , - . , _.,..•<: , ; . . . . . . , ? . _ ; , Thg^iilL .with, jenBal; parts. of! 'LEAGUE COMMISSION w'es 'invited"-to draft .any agreement ' - • Final arrangements were completed ' Fbllowiag isjaa unccSdal list of the d dte d ih : concerning the sxibstitution of Consular with ' . SUGGESTS '.FACILITIES' • ' yesterdav--and<fit -was iestbnatedl-by Nebraska stsdents who are home 1 "whipped visas by transit ca'tds which isMr. H. S. Heavenrich, president- of FOE EMIGRANTS sued fey the navigation companies.. the club, that, the celebration is* to be . Arthur Green, Phil ,;...-• LOAF NUT;-CAKE Gehteva.—--{1. T.-AO^Measure's to the iHossjr^laborBte-crevent-. ever Gerelick, J o e Stern, Ed Rosenthal, WEDDINGS . ENGAGEMENTS one and one half xup facilitate the conditions bf emigrants Mail in your check for your 1927 tinder the auspices-fpf • fee- Highland Earl Kay, Ed flrodkej;, EffisShafton, ^ ©he,-half pup "butter i at-a epecial subscription now and s a w fifty -cents. C l u h . ' ^\.:.:Z.r..:':Z..--'ii'.' "•"'•'" Sam Ban, Albert Batt, Frank Blotcky, «n-rmite ZAUP-MAS^OWITZ " Mrs. F. S. Cohen announces the one cup nuts Included in the entertainment pro- Harry Cohen, David Fellman, Dave Miss Sara .Markowitz, daughter of engagement of her daughter Martha, whites of f eur eggs, to William %. Cherniss of Council Mr. .and Mrs". "A. Markowitz of Mary- gram will be TaudevQle numbers, Foreman, Sol Glaser, Kate Goldstein, two and a half cups of flour Omaha's Style Center land, Nebr.", "Will "become t h e bride of musical comedy sketches and traves- Maurice Mose, Herbert Neveloff, NathBluffs; son of Mrs. F . Cherniss. one cup milk Mr. Leo Zaup of this city* on Sunday ties upon eventt-of 1926. A ten-piece an Reiss, Albert Eeuben, Grace . . . two ,te&spoons Mking powder engaged.-to fur- Hqsenthal, D l r " 26, a_r 4 J F."SLh" The Tire •orchestra hex-.been LOuisse R^senthalV Carl q T Creanv-sugar and Tnitter. Add toilk, \ gagemen£^f"her daugliter Ceil Green*; the jnuaie f ordancing, . -•-•-• ^ ^jace a t the .Swedish .iSjid- baking .powder- sifted-.-.tdspan, to 18fyry-^*$oKen/ eon of Mrs. Auditorium, and "will be followed by > The roof ;<if the- Blackstone yhicb Sok'olof, Tobie J3tein|»erg,'vl>orofhy Werner, SamZager, and ^Toe Turner. gether, heaten whites then.. irate, ^•will be-the *cene of the celebration, reception and dance a t 8 o'clock. fioured. v Bake_in loaf .and, cover with is to be. deeorated:ifi"accordance:with icing. *" 1"1;_ _.."_ .'1"1._. ...L the spirit of welcoming the-new year. The Daughters of Israel Aid Society At aJaeeting.of the "2lon Fairies," Unique favors tax Vt> ifr presented to held their provision shower on Tues- held Decettbe**19, the tfollfcWing of.; FISH .HINTS 'Teace and .Good W a y ' will be 'day, December -21-,- -ftnMtoe' benefit' ot ficers vrere elected, Sarah TretiaK, the ladies. Other additional BprpriBes Rabbi Cohn's _sub|ect Friday-evening, A tablespoon^ of vinegar added to the_OldT?eopTes" Home. The program', j>resiclenti_lPhy]js Soiref, vice^presi- are being- planned by, fij!B:.ientertainthe water wijl make boiled fish firm! •was as-follows: YiolinI,Solokby Harry J-dent}~and Lottie Rips, secretary. All •ment! committee- of- ^rhichi Mortis "December 24, ... , ; £,..;1 .,•'Saturday morning Rabbi , Cohn's and white. >•-"- : ... .' : Robinson, accoifipanfdd by_I)ave Rob- girls of the agca from 8 to 10 are Ferer is -chairman. subject wilf W " T h e : Birth "of a NainBony- Readings by-Rose Stein, ac- eligible -to! membership... The Abe Herzberg, chairman of the reTo keep [Ssb from sticking to the g p servation cemmiteei ahMunces" the tipn." companied by Ida WeihzwTg. Those l I frying pan,rwash;the'>killet with vinefbUoWin-g Teservationff :abeady in 1who .have not already contributed to at meeting -will t e held January 2,192t, the J.C.C. entertain on gar before pctting'li the 1 S. Beavenrich, Henry Rosenthal, t The SisterhoodthigJ^idwer may -still -do «o* by -sendMr. aad &rs..S. Rips'entertained Harry 'Mald^hOck,' Morris Milder, 1 Monday, January_S, .fit a;one o'clock ing their articles to the Old Peoples ammonia water j jth'e" Sunday evening" bjddge ,«lub_ _at liUfiky j mah jongg IancJusoi^iii $hfn«w:;jKaHome" at 2504 "Charles street. " cy "KatlefflaTl,*Aber<}oldsteinr^Sid , remove -edore--fro«n hands-«ad I their hosa^On•Sunday/Decranber ID. Manley, Saul Levy, Hymie ~Ferer, nex of the Tempk. Tfee luncheon is Mr. Lester-Slosburg -whorls, ^attend- Prizes were, .wen by } Mrs^H. Smith Morris Micklin, Dave Bialac, Ed Trel- in charge of Mrs.ioais ing the University of -Michigan, ar- arid Mr. A . Rosen. .' ler,. Sam Herzberg,- Morris- Ferer, Mrs. Jake S i r " ^ rived-home last week to;spend the l f»EEPERT-TQMATQ JEECE • : Marvin Treller, Sam Brala*, Dr. The Gogide Society of Technical Christmas holidays .with his parents, mix with two The—ness tWBBtiEg~'Ot <*hb! Bsstk '•'"''Ctioi t^enp^of-'rice,High School elected the following of- Friedman, Louis Hiller, Louis KulaMr.,j ait\4 Mrs'; ;J.. Slosburg, Jr. cups of "cooked: teiiiatoes," Review: Club raiderr'the kofsky, Joe Lipkih, Bud Wolf,'-Carl ficers- for, the winter quarter: PresiMiss Tillie ZuBsman entertained at dent* NSomia jColoX vice-president, Kattleman, Abe Herzberg, Mose Herz- Teiapte tstaei Sisteifesffii wfll"te a party 'WednesJay evening a t . her Lillian Lipsey; eecretary^Ida Babior; berg, Mannie Handler, Abe Schiftnnel, Tvieefiay «f«rftoea, DeceTBbsg-28, in home for fight guests. - The evening treasurer, Pansy, Brownj jparliamen- S. J. Leon, Harry Wolf, Lester Heyn, tha of was spend "with bridge arid dancing. tarian,' Jenftive1" "thelkofl!; reporter, Max Chapman, Maurice Jacobs, Harry Sabbi-Cdhi <-*ill.. give e£ Latest gojrns &n6 &Hy : -> Creeses made for yen Rosenfeldt, Dr. Levey. the * American- Tragsdy^ by Theodsne FttH Ireliiied. TepsSrpa «od< HER MAJESTY THE CUSTOMER Zlasta Ti&bnkaf and >• seageant-atPrices seassnsble. First >Jo«s arms, Jeanette Levinson and Sophie vitt, to Mr; 'Ralph Wolf of Mason 'RULES THE .EMPIRE. HA. 8393. •" •' 'MRS/LESTER;SMITH Handler. City, returning _home the _ following 3414 California St. . . fiA g Mr. and Mrs. A. Levine were hosts HER MAJESTY T H E ^ C U S T O M E R The. P'n ' Brif^ ffif .Saturday night at their home. com- RULES THE EMPIRE. HA. 8398. The Council Bluffs Chapter No. 7 very successful dance Monday eveplimenting. Cantor and Mrs. Kohanof the A; Z. A. will hold an impor- ning, December 20, a t the K. P. hall. owitch. Mrs. fiarah Feldman entertained a t tant meeting next Tuesday evening, The Miss Mae Shapiro and Mr. Lou a farewell party for-twenty-quests at December 28, at the "Synagogue, and -eLry otr~the the dance Successors Co Jones Csndy Mrnffermajr-Horwidr of- Benyer, her home last'JTuesday. to.Jionor her. all members are urged to attend. An' t-contest. ~ Colorado, formerly of Omaha, arrived sister, Ruth Belser, who -will leave election tit officers for" the ensuing today to spend the^ holidays with rel-> HER MAJESTY THE CUSTOMER for New fXork City Tuesday, 918 Fansam St. -term will take place. atives. '. ' RULES THE EMPIRE. HA. 8398. Pheue JA. 3986 5 The next ^meeting of the Sigmet Mr. and Mrs. Abfi H. Marcus anMiss Kate Goldstein" Spent tfoe paSt Club '•will be held Wednesday, Jan- nounce the birth of a daughter born week end in Kansas City a s ; the : guest of Miss Selrlia Kalis and ar-uary" 5, at the 'home of Miss Rose last Friday evening at the Jennie Edmunstait Hospital.- The baby has . xived.;:h.onie|Moiiday evjnidg t o spend Spiegel. the holidays Here' "witlr her parents, ' The. Compeer Chapter of the Ivre been named Darline Louise. H r . and Mrs. t j Goldstein. Miss Gold- organization.' will entertain sixty Mrs. Ben Kooler returned home last is student %at couples at a New Year's Eve party Friday. from-ififaec"weeks*-visit in at Mary Cooper's Studio Theater* In- Chicago with relatives. vitations have been issued to forty The Council of Jewish Women 'willThe Agudes Achim Society will hold guests and the .members of the local hold a general meeting Monday, Dean election of officers nest Monday chapter; cember 27, at the Jewish Community" evening,-December 27, at the K, C. Center at 2:30. Mrs. I. Rosenthal will Excellent music* St the-B'nai B'rita give a report on ttie tri-annual con dance at the-Jewish Community Cent- HalL Plans' will also be made for their annual dance which will probvention in Washington. Mrs. I er;— ably he held. Rosenthal was one ofk the delegates Mrs.Louis Kuh of Sioux Falls, S.'!>., to the convention. iMr. and Mrs. Simon Steinberg had is visiting her parents, Mr. and their guest during the past week 1 5 Make your plats now* for the an- A. Bloch. end Mr. Sam Adelson of Philadelphia, nual B'nai B'rfth Dance'- January 1 at the Pa. ' Mrs. B. M. Ochtenberg of Kansas —Adv. City,^and Tier daughter Beatrice, and Mrs. Ma* M. Steinberg left SonMiss Ruth T3rodkey leftU son Swing-will arrive* Friday to visit day evening for Chicago, to visit her ? * cago, -where she -will with her'parents Mr.-.and"Mrs. S sister who i s HI. ' mas holidays. • - . . , . , „„ Robinson. L.; The Council Bluffs Talmad Torah Miss Esther !Weinberg left WednesMrs. Sam Gilinsky has returned Society entertained about thirty .• day* night 'for New York City to Jae from a two. months stay in Montreal ; —Entertainments— pupils of the Hebrew School at the : i thfe-guest of her: aunt Mrs. Rose Canada. Spring Dresses that give you matinee performance of the **WanMeizner and daughter, Miss. Martha the .pleasant feeling of wear* ; _"A_Poptilar Afaic" •; Meimer,,-whose -wedding to Mr. Davifl -Miss "Lois'- -Reichenberg -returned dering Jew" * and "The Eternal ing the new thing nrst. Freedman *of New Yof^pfifty:! 'Wifi last Sunday from, the -University, of Struggle," -which Tras showa at the HUGO HEYN'S ORCHESTRA ? take place on J&nuary 2._ MiBB-Weiij Wisconsin to spend .the* holiday with J. ,C. C. in .Omaha, Sunday," her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis RelchN-ete Tempera Tints arc featnrt&~~•will' gone for Miss Lillian Cherniss arrived from rg g enberg. "« . 7" -; ' Admission $1.5G"per Couple one mid two piece models in newest Dubttgue, Saturday to spend, two months- and will also visit in Boston weeks here risking her sister, Mrs. HER MAJESTY THE CUSTOMER spring colors. and Chicago. O. Hochmari, and Mr. Hochman. Miss $HE EMPIRE;^ HA."8398. The Ladies Golden HiinSaeieTy l Cherniss is BispmisoT of the elemenhold its regular' -meeting STufeBd^y Haary « i Wolf-enter- tary .grade school in Dubuque. ternoon, December ;28, at*2:30 gt^the tained at a diiiner party last Saturday J. C. C. Election at oficBrs evening, .at the Athletic Club in honor Simon Michnick, student at Draks held. ; ^ t - ' .,-.• .'b^? of Jitr'a." Joseph, itay of Berkley, Calif. University a t Des Moines, is spend: ing his vacation here with his parMrs. A. Silvlramin an^ f aatfghl|t L : , J ^^_Z"~ utii Brpdkevr left' for Chicago ents, Mr. and "Mis.E. Michnick. Elaine left Weflnesday evefifiigl'fii •wh'eri i l l i l t «ith ietatlvesBorgerj Texas,] to visit r ^dth,: i e ? •brother and sifiter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. AJ Muskin complimfented ifrs. DIAIMOND Mrst Mose Steiiberg. Joseph Kay of Berkley, Calif., at a IN QUARTS .AND.BULK HEADQUARTEHS ^ M o n d a y afternoon.• HER-MAJEgTT THE CIJSTOMKS — AT ALL GROCEES AND MARKETS — GIFT RULES; THE^^ EMPIRE. HA.^8331*

School Set Home for Vacation



Romame Chocolates

B'nai B'rith

Saturday Mi®,


For Street-^Aftemoon and


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Miss Charlotte Heyn left Minneapolis where she -will visit ipg the hoEdaya with her cousin, A* jiarge crowd'attended, the Talmud Miss Maxine Levy. -1 >** "Torah"--dance -which was held last Thursday evening at the-Eagles Hall. Miss Betty Forth, daughter of Mr. This dance was given for the benefit and Mrs. Carl Furth, arrived home of the Council Bluffs Hebrew School, from Chicago where she is attending and proved a big success. Hugo the Grace HIckoX Dramatic School. Heyn's orchestra furnished the music. A special*" featxffe^ of the evening's Mrs. Joseph S. Solomon and sonentertainment was the solo dances Marshall of Chicago will arrive Frfi given .by little Jdaxirie Leibowitz, day to visit her mother, Mr«. Belle young ^ talented dancer of Mn and Bolker. While here she will 1% at'ttu* Mrs. Abe Leibowitz. home of her brother and sister-in-law-, Mr. and Mrs. A. Bolker. _ . ^ -Mr. H,-Frankel-and daughter, Miss Anna Frankel, of Stanford,. ConnecMr. I. Miller, of Alliance, Canada, ticut, arrived last Tuesday to be the arrived Wednesday evening, to guests of j&r, and Mrs. Louis Cherhis mother, Mrs. R. Miller. . ;! niack for about ten days^ Novelties' and'entertainnient for the * On Sunday, Mr. and Mrs-. CherftJack annual B'rith Brith'.—AW."^ accejnpahiedbv-thdr guests and Mr. -and Mrs. I. Chapman of Omaha, and •»•• i * i.- • • Mrs. J i Erelden h"as a s j i e r house IMr. Isadore Cherftiack, motored .to guest Miss Ida Ringold of Mineral J Des ®feines,'Iowa, io attend the wedding of their niece, Mhes-Nettie -LeaWells. Texas.' ' = -' - -. I

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mm .-.PAGE 4—THE JEWISH PRESS, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 23,1926 Goo4^wish swimmers are as "rare a w 'cherem", ~T6xcmranunicating allfof "securtngr^ the support of Ai RobesOnwas an'Alf-Am4erican"end on as the Rutgers football team for two Jewish: polo players but this col- parents who send their children to Jews for Polish Jews, in order to enyears. He, played basketball and was umn reports one of. each. The swim- the Tarbuth school. As a result of able them to proceed to Palestine to active on jthjs;tr^c^s^He. was; a nieni- mer,' is Solomwi; Adler, .of \the Coyer] the., "chergm/V.a number of 'panenis •settle on the land. and,^ngagefinother ber of Phi Beta JStppa, the honorary naijt Clull'of Chicago. Mr. Solomon withdrew their children from the productive activities. scholastic society, pjcesident of the is a long[ distance swimmer and hasschoolt debating club at Rutgers and a hold-* been a regular winner -for his dub. er of a law degree; jfrom Colujnbiaj In the annual' marathon' race... held in POLISH JEWS ASK AID TO i.: ?? M***°?Mft'VJIJ*, .-7. » the Chicago River h'e finished second '. EMIGRATE TO PALESTINE ; "University. c, veteran ,guard on the ; . - . - " ' . 7 • _ • • " ; A f t e r n o o n s • " ' - : • ~= ;." .• '• to John Weissmuller. Weissmulfer* is 'By. popjuila? r e v e s t , the Hebrew Add to the ^roster of Jewish footWarsaw.—(J. T. A.)—The aid of U w r d p y s : • : . . . ) : „ ; : • ( • . ^ : ' y _ \ : ':''•• -.: : ,••' r classesi. will nli>w meet on Sunday af^; ball players Goldstein who plays perhaps the greatest swimmer in theAmerican Jewry for Polish emigrants | Wfednesday, I)ecember ?2;: a t ^fi45 1 world today ;and to be defeated by going to Palestine was urged in a rep; in j. Commercial league, Tullys "vs. •'ternoons' a t JJ:30 instead- of ^Tuesday guard for the Newark team. him is no great mark".against one's niglits:'^y3ariC5?udab» -Wolfsoh ansolution adopted by the Zionist Party X BnaiJ Israel, BnjEd^A^ni. vs. Kaitnan, v ]f;h^n^"if;his-fi^^te^^st;^PoT;^. ; r: nounces that there "Is room for sev-Fighting. We can't make out this ability.. . • Council which concluded. its sessions, Brodkey:'ys. A>?I. A. : ^' .••• , -'/' |;fir^ t i ^ ' t Maxie " Rosenbloom per- !HER" MAJESTY' THE! ^CUSTOMER here yesterday. Sunday,-'December 26. Lincoln '2 eral rnprje. sjt^d^nts. - If interested ap- . tRquintette; vill, be,-rmanned" by^jprac-: ply atjthNEroMce^ .V' ; " • .' . . . ; The Party Council urged the exeson at alL One week he loses to an^RtJLES1 THE EMPIRE: HA.1 8398. liVtically--^^^ Omaha,crewv-r - '•••••• l Tri vs. Bnai IsraeU-3 p . m. cutive of the Zionist Organization of ordinary fighter of no particular merit ^Esst -Geftadt" ^Prospering 4 ' ; : ; S iV Sundj^ l^eml*r v26.^Lincoln A> ; i ^Crtfgh^^Tfc" : ~!::;-- H ~ : ^ - : ^ " Poland to get in touch with the exeand then turns around and trims a Orthodox: Rabbi in Lithuania ip ? Sy<* Go^ienmah.'^BieJpeer .of alphas; Z. A., v^jr J. ^ » *p.» andJLihcoln 2 Tri \y The>aW?sphere:;of\coxdiali^^exi^tcutive of the Zionist Organization in l Orcj^ists and Ststtonen good one. The latest curve in Rosenvs.;Bn^d"Aioij;fcatj8 p«n^. „{• ng &yok£ &st -Gesundt" "Saniiwich Issues' "Cherem" ' Against ^j A betto^ ! ^ the United States, as well as the Hebloom's career was a victory over ! • ' Modern*. Hebrew School brew Immigrant Aid Society of | ;??lousw skjW .jbefgije,, the!. >yes^o£ the Tuesday^-pecember-*28. Volleyba^i Shop is contagious. New faces are Johnny Wilson, former middleweight seen daily and everybody seems ^Grinnett J^egejflaen«lastvW^ America, to take steps for the purpose nanu'el^^clliS^^fc-fOmaha ' |j lyi^ieaSeu^^Fservin'g 1 ft Basketbau. ^ S i b ^ City.-^al champion. The victory was not too (J.-T: A>)i-The -fight be:if i h e Creigh,t<?n 4ooyv w h j ^ he c|i^Qce<|C Jon? Jte;thJ^JU(dLes. of the. Center. All decisive but Rosenbloom . won by va tween the" Orthodox'Jewish elements ! jip .eight points to ^e^priii^^swjring':; 1 proceeds._.&£&.,.turned qvpr to th!e comfortable margin. ,We ^are still i and the 'modernists»in LitHaania came •-: Bluejay ^honors* (^rennMui.- sanJtKtwo ? ^h^ef^an^^<w(r f^Jtaroyrsjbutpf playing* som«"cla8sy«basketball.«ad. a, Center, '-'doinie iand visit us onc4 and waiting to see him,"climb" into the ito aclinia'x-iri T«lz, for many years ',;;Jfiyev^hai^egw' vHis !flo^r.*wbrjc -was you'll'n^" ottr 'customeralways. !" ring and hold up hjjs #hands -before the seat of orthodoxy**- and Talmudic BUTTEK and "Tiger Flowers," t$£ .p^eBen't cham- learning in- Lithuania. "Manufactured in Oma^a'f sk n^avrte^Svaridxhis. ey> ^wis wel^Ht^ t ^ Goundl BJnffic. Is. pion. •• : J \ < ^ r •*. v •"••;." i ^;Q£juot§!;-aa. Ojaiahii daifyj:pap$rj r RecentlyJT the Zionist group in the 'JEWISH .COMMUNITY CNTER BAKEK ICE MACHINE CO. •: ''Syd Corenmari was^^jaie'lifeTana^soTiJ' The Pioneer A . | C ; will opeti. Its. •town" opened a Hebrew school of the ? / EfOWlilNGLUAGUE , I: :lqf th^.en^re\<^ghtoji defense.and doors for the fir^t time^iii •-. nta^f•type maintained by the Tarbuth, £ "offense.. I t was^his •wjork'jjlurtag.that Standings moons. The star b|ut of the evening hvhera insruction is given in the FRIED'S ^ > V o n . L o » t Pet. will be between Henry Goldberg ^and Hebrew language and where a secular Jbtectis,-fir^t half that kept • thV morale! m "Tvalnmaii' Insurance 3 »._!^j In Omaha attitude* is maintained Jtowara all KOSHER DELICATESSEN ;i tof.! tibe ;.demoraljz^d. Bluejays ^from Andy Devodi. This column has seen stre'n8«hene*aTtd£«il^ve ; Oronhu Tobacco Co...__; 8 3 3 Cottn •„_._•,..„•....,3 .raw subjects. Hithero, the town•• had no ; ! : ' * ' . i o T C e V » ^ b ^ ^ ' . d i ^ v ^ ^ / i ^ ; ' ^ ^ ^ an account of itself in the next gamp. -•: Albert*; 1509 North 24th Street both boys go and if they are not 4 Wardrobe . ,, -5 .555 I hoopjsters were, swampjng . the^local afraid of each other it ought to besecular schools, except the- Orthodox All foods kept in Sanitary cases The Junior B boys are having a -Doe'Stein* u_-~i-. - S 68 -133 EM Room*—200 Baths .ill ; i»en^under,a hail of free' throws; it vacation basketball league under the MaiMbock Tewelry - ~.l A complete line of smoked Meats a whale .of a bout. Goldberg is a school, Boneh. Following the. optsiG«*d Boom* tor %UB» bf Epplpy Hotrlf Co. ; {vras Corenman who kejrit^bis t e | m in leadership'of Dave Chesneau. Teams . Bowling Note* streak with his hands and feet but ing of the school, Rabbi Bloch issued and fish : the running by his timely counters." have been chosen, and captains elected There is a possibility' of a-ladies' Devodi hits like a hammer. . ;lV;,Te4^:H^:Scfco«U^ :::;^2:-^: and. are! playing every morning- be- league being, organised' comprising , ;:;,[ ; the wives of members of the' men's ; :•/•'• L^ui^.jtfemer,. and [Harry Braude tween 10 and 12. The lastest Jewish polo player is 25th Are and Cumlngs Its Time to think of your -* . Girls, who desire to. play on., a league. j .are theo.$jy Jewish; b ^ s ; ^»n; tiie Andrew Bacaraeh. Mr. Bacarach was 2 stores and 2 cottages. Income The high single- game of th,e eve- brought up on a ranch in Texas* and ' • Maxopn and - ^ h i t e / squad and in-league • basketball' team should. sign $1020.00 per year. Small ex,«9dently the.only b^ys ofh09r*fefth up how.' Captains will; be appointed ning was registered by B,. Ravifc with learned to ride a. horse at-,the age of pense. Nets 15% on the money invested. Cumings street is sure j. >who have ascrappjug ^hance to make and they will chose .their players. a score of 222 and a total of §97. four. When the -war broke-, out he to increase in value. Price There .is a ^three-corner tie for first was twenty yeacs.pld and decided to I their letters bn-thelhard wood! courts This .will divide the players, so that 17500.00, only ?2000.00 required ; : thii?^-year^fo^anpo£:the local prep all the good players will not be onplace m!.j3S" standing between Kai- join the army. While-so engaged he to handle. PHOTOGRAPHERS • : : s c h o o l s . v ^ '•••'• t^v\s: •. • iy~ i:-'-:.^;_\':-^- "• ':: the same teamV'Games will be played man ^nsu^an"ce,*"Omaha Tobacco Co.. I had an opportunity .to try his hand Call GL. 0132 or JA. 4223 ask •::. i ^jWeiner,;^'junior, • is makihg a on Saturday nights and Sunday af- and Albert's Colts. 1312 Farnam St. Opposite j at polo and proved" to t be exceedingly for Wn. O. Larson. Ben Ypusem, of golf fame, bowling I clever with the mallet. After the war : strong bid .for one of the gqard posi- ternoons. Every girl member of the W. O. W. Bldg. 1307 Boward St. At. 8628 may do on the Wardrobe five, is pressing was over Bacarac^i .remained - in. the TUKEY &; SON , tions'-andMshould make';^he' ^radeV J. C. C.;'iwho wants to play Phone, JAckson 4562 - y • Omaha, Nebr. ^ - . . signing up. - • * ; : ! •- ! Ravit^.fbr, higii .honors. Yousem shot army and is now in the cavalry", and EEALTORS i Braude^ >a: sophomore," has sif e; rand so by % ': Vacation Schedule. a'total of:586." handles, the. ball fairly well, but lacka ' a member of his^comp'any" polo 'team.' I ; experience. A vacation schedule has .been ar- A meeting will l>e held by the manranged so as to giv,e the school chijd- agers' of the'league Sunday afterLocal Amateur Teams noon "at* '2:B0* at ~tKe Francisco Alleys extra time in the gym. The j ; A. JC. ioys wfll meet tha ren some when plans will be made to strength; v' * Junior "B" Boys. fast.' Lincoln A. ?L A. five Sunday at '" en the weaker teams. Mon., 10 to 12, 4 to 5, 6:30 to 7:30. the Center in what should be a good game'1 with the odds favoring the JCues., 10 t a l^.Wed., 10 .to. 12, 4 to loeais.'"'The writer has seen ' both 5, 6:30 to 7:30. Thur., 10 to 12. r-. quints in action-and .believes that the •• fJunii)r«.fA"r'Bbjrs x^, >?••." Omaha aggregation _. possesses 'the ^v-BjandbaH dourts''4mlyvfe»* dayTlO ::.»y best team work and-the better shoot* to 33. MOT;, 1:30' t*.4> 6:30;t6 8t30. e'rs. Lester. Giv£&ter is probably -the Tues^, 5L.'to 7. Jffe^izSO to 4, 6:30 outstanding jnan^wlxen i t cp'meaito MJ&S& Thur., 6 to 7. fri., 1:30 to 4. Student ' I t \i common to- hear tales locating] the haop. » * AthWW of fhVacaderaic failings of > •"•• r v ; ? ' - ^ - " ' ; ' " - ' : L a d i e » ^••-i-:- ;r«. ' \ u : : f Qmaha Chapter of the A. Z. [A. wi,l : )•'•'«''• -"aailetea and some of the ! entertain .their, brothers from;<|h&pter ;". Mon., 5 t o 6:S0. Tues., 1:30 to 5, tatS is^'notf^withbut basii^-'liat there 4 Monday evening: at the Cente*. This 17 to; 8, & tb 10 %. >m. Wed;/ 518 6:30. are many instances where th'e Greek gan« .will .be,, a .tgss. up. as • both- .teams t i ^ : i ^ to 5, 7 ^ 8,n & tp ibain». idea Has been"ibllftwed.* Two of-the F r L , - * t 6 6 . • ; ; • € - . : • • ; . - & - - ? : : ' S f i ' : . " "'-' a pap, / Rhodes scholars' from this'country This. schedule • will- continue until gre* ''former -football"' stars, Pfenh' of naj hja\ and a'team from -_^- ^ ' i'>->'. Cbrn'elt ana Parker 'of Dattmoutttl p ^ , City- wil^be.the other attrac- J§njuyjy % . B i " ;' ^ tion on 'the.basjce.tbaU- flopr1-Siunda<y.r.7«"--V'.; so .;VoUeyball i^\ •:</ \ r•',".• Ouit-Jewish- athletes •haye not-been The. local t#ain should. cop. the. deci- i ^: NS> league. -vo'lleybBll^gam^ ^was far behind. Phil Rakov, basketball sion, from .'.the Sop^ unless^ the' out; pWeUJffift Tues&^'.N staters are mighty good. evening preliminary, to>the Psi Mu» —- — - • •Sioux City ball game/ the;J. C. ('. -7 —, cr-*-.-s»—-->.--. the best eight students in the medHigh Scorer ',"", : f ,„ r ^ and ImanueT i volleyball : teams will ical college..Bud. Bergman, football Johnny "Rosenblatt, a "forward on p l a y a ' m a t c h . r. '•<• • ,. .., . .| player on the Penn State team stands the Bell 'telephone Company -team a,t the Y. M. C. A. league .has' the. honor Mr. Bloom Issues Chess Challenges high in scholastic standing. Dr. Harry Kallet is" another who won praise for of being ^tied with^pne other m'a.n for Now you can Have your de~2&rl'Arthur Bloom issues a chal- his ability both'in the class room and top scoring honors in, his league. lenge to .all crack.,chess players .to on. tne g*idjron.'"'Drr Joa. "Alexander John in'addition'has the distinc posits and securities safeguarded meet with him Sunday afternoon at coach" of the New York Giants proof having/made two bgsketB for 24 hours a day, Sundays and holiopposition: Several we^Jcs- ago-Jawn- the J. C. a B> will then explain die fessional football team, is both a future program' of chess tournaments igood doctor and athlete.. The greatest got ho^and-excHed and during his days included. •' feverish period turned and -sank* two to-be held. " If you play 'chess, come athlete'and scholar of them all was ^^^ consecutive baskets for the other side over and meet Mr. Bloom, or register Paul Robeson', the, negro actor, Mr. "' ' This is made possible by tKe 24giving:them the game by twp points. at the' office. Closing, Lecture of Charm School Big-hearted Rosenblatt. liouir protective service installed After a very successful .season, the exclusively in Omaha by the First .- WRESTLING* -'•)-- Charm School wijl close its season Frontier Towel & Lijjpj} Supply ; Illinois IT., ' • ' , V on Tuesday, December, 28 t with Mr. National Bank. •r .'1819 California Sftreet .Marcus Krasne, whose'hug^ bulk Burdick and Miss Levy as the speak•-•" ' ATlantle fi?M. has often been seen on local fields in ers. "Health and Beauty" is the sub- The Right Depository Safe Device Is various branches of sport hag*enterffd ject and you will learn a great deal . located conveniently on the sonth side ajnew line. Krasne-is now a wrestler* to youc advantage, if you attend. i one_of those mighly pachyderms, who —Dr. Neab*uff~Spea]cs of the Sixteenth street entrance. I t Ctt. hail,from most anywhere but-"Amerconsists of, a patented rotary an<l Dr. .Gejprge Neuhaua, neuro-psychi- »it> * Marttw Wt» - : : ica. • Krasne encountered ""^Captain T atrist of Creighton Medical school, chute leading to one of.our safes, fuiv ioft aron. hr«?8. brun>« and t i n the IUinjJast,we«k jn ai\ l ti ff B i r niii t i *1 »^^ interclass. meet and succumbed to the gave a~ very-interesting talk on-the *n<l iron husblnm, i o m r - pinnholes, nisliing; you the same protection as if clsiero ttotaf and coyert, and clcan-oat varsity captain, due, to.a .two-minute, lo«r» 4n «t«pk •. ' you handed your deposit to G|ne of our time decision. - - - .MID WEST bank tellers. '; Shively is .performing .on "ItKe vac-1 ENGRAVING CO. INC. sity scpiad for hisjhird an.d.lajst?year; /7^\ ARTISTS /TT\ He is the same, man.who w a ^ ~ There is-no^need 6l"t&king /ENGRAVERS: A for niany "AH Amencan" teaips ch&ncei" by leaving,, your dePnc^ ATLANTIC 0 6 3 9 yeaij. -For .-fifteen ..mimites thev posits in your own safe over . men^struKgled and^tugged . i s . what $$ trAi* of ^ ih% school-paper described ,f&- ,the0ight. Come in and lei our 14^9 .Douglas , . . jmost linteresting ,and. hard'ioflht officials expl&in this extraorbaftte pt the-entire "card. -Marcus t,'Vt^8.-Tveaa. dinary service to you. ali?p. a m.ejnber of i h e ijeshman. •:i~£.i';j.'A' A ball team aqd^orkerf out in "th* fall .with.'the track candidates. , r •Aliitormal ;Child" jfincf ltow"*% rec-^ ^gn|se^one v - £he; ; lecttire was ;WJB11 attended and a discussion followed. j This .>|a^^fe;:eiey^^';an^^^^^to iectau^'iof^^ki-yeoaxa^r::^e'i<dixang: . ,.. t T B A S ^ T B A L t ; exercf««|vnU;Vbe} held ^before vety r ^ ; ^E^; : b^fcitb^;;Ee^on7-isi>i r , ,,5.^.. l(fegi| da^^^ibfe announced later^ Hebrew Classes- to Meet Sunday s ^ 5 a^tii£Vc&^












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