January 6, 1927

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A false friend, like a^ shadow, attends only wHIe the sun shines. ^ sisb IN iouifc RESERVATIONS EARLY . Gitls! Here's your chancel . _ Not very, often is it that "we" girls get-the opportunity t a "date" out Entered aa si •with ready-picked out-ofrtown f ello'ws. 38 tnnJl matter on January 27th, l»2l, at OMAHA, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, JANUARY 6, 1927 SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, A YEAR. §2.50 VOL. VI. -postoflioe at ?«,-, ibraafca. antler the Act of March 8. 1879 But now comes the chance. When the A. Z. A. .holds its district SMALL BANKS IN POLAND POLISH JEWISH COMMUNITIES tourny in Omaha on Jan. 29 and 30, PKOTEST AGAINST ROUMANIA LIQUIDATE BUSINESS seventy five or so young eligible men •will., come to our city from the surWarsaw, (J. T. A.)—Twenty Polish Warsaw, (J. T. A.)—Resolutions of rounding territory. . They must be credit institutions will be forced to protest against the Roumanian, goventertained, and for some reason the liquidate their activities beginning ernment for allowing the continuous foolish youths, as they are,, desire the January 1. . Certificates Will Be Awarded anti-Jewish excesses in Roumania are To Sis Cities Will Meet in Contests pleasure and company of a young The liquidation is a result of the being adopted by many Jewish comRegular Attendants Here lady, when going to the games. Escoming into force of the government Election ©ne of Most Harmonious munities in Poland. • One of Leading Orators of the pecially do they desire the young The text of the resolutions are be- WINNERS WILL GO TO CHICAGO Harry H. Lapidtis Will Award Cer- decree requiring an increase in the . Ever'Held . ' ' ' West ladies on the eve of the grand dance. capital of such institutions to a miniti§icates. ing received by the praesidium of the ; FOR NATIONAL TOURNAMENT Therefore, to gratify the young mum- of one million Slotys. Club of Jewish Deputies, with; revisitors' .desires, a special "date" com- SECOND NUMBER ON J» C. The closing exercises of the The decree afiects small Jewish APPOINTS COMMITTEES " that they be forwarded to the Omaha will be host to six A. Z. A. Volunteer Training Course will take / FOR • ENSUING TERM mittee has been appointed by Hytnan C. LECTURE COURSE quests Secretariat of the League of Nations. chapters from as many/cities on Jan. place on Wednesday night, January banking houses. ' Shrier, chairman of the district tourOne of the most harmonious meetThe second number on theintelnament here. 29 and 30,. when the local chapter A. 12, 1927. There .will be SO candidates ing ever held, by the local B'nai Brith. lectual advancement program being Mike Freeman is chairman of that . Z. A. will sponsor" tlie district basket- for certificates. lodge on election night presented itsponsored by the JEWISH COM"date"'committee. ball, debate and oratorical contest at Dr. Herman Von W. Schulte, Dean self last Thursday evening1 when ofMUNITY CENTER will be given in Already, I . am informed, he has the Jewish Command'Center. of Creighton Medical School and ficers were elected for-the ensuing collaborated a list of more than two the Center Auditorium- on Thursday - Cities to be represented are Denver, President of the Council of Social hundred Omaha Jewish girls, who are Sioux City, Council Bluffs, Des Agencies, will give the principal ad- First Omaham To Be Elected Of National Organization. Hyman Shrier New President of Local Moines, Fort Dodge, Lincoln and dress. Mr. Irvin Stalmaster, \riho single and have no attachment. Now girls, here's where you come Chapter" Omaha. The winners^ in each of the has been in charge of the Training Alfred Mayer.was in. If there is - any particular size, three divisions of the tournament will Course, since its inception, will act elected national shape or sort of man you're - after, Hyman. S. Shrier, a Creighton law go to Chicago in February to com-Chairman .of the evening. There president of the call Mike and tell him. Or if you student, was elected president, of the pete in tfe national:A. .2. A. tourna- also be several musical selections. Pi Tan K fraterMr. Harry H. Lapidus, President of ment. : think your name might accidentally local chapter .of raty at the natiothe J . C. C. will award the certifiA. Z . A . a t the have'been left off this.precious girlThe district tournament here, which nal: convention held Tegular meeting - list, better call Mike again. * His is one of "six being'held hy A. Z. A.cates. at Washington on of the group" The Training Course opened on number is At-7159. chapters over the country, is under December 29, 1926. Sunday at the the' direction of Hyman Shrier. Monday, October 18th and closed- on Don't Rush! Mayer • has been' Jewish ComMonday, December 20th, with twelve Elaborate plans have Seen made by active in the namunity Center. Mr. Shrier to make this one of the lectures held during that : time. The HEBE ARE REAL tional fraternity best, if not the best, district contests average attendance at , each one of "He is promOFFICE GIRLS during the past 2 being held. . - . these lectures was 50. Those who will inent, in school years and took an receive certificates on that evening Talking about getting up' early, we dramatics and "Through the hearty ^cooperation of active psrt h. the have the Misses Sylvia and Alice other activities every member in" the ^organization," have attended 90% of the lectures. Alfred Kaycr lational convention It is hoped that this experiment Adler. . both at the Mr. Shrier said, "therfe is no doubt will lead to the organization of a'', held in Omaha in 1925. Mayer is one school and in I have -never inquired as to how but that we should put this tournathe A.Z.A. He they do it, but, believe it or not, they ment over with flying colors. We more intensive course in-social work of the leading bowlers in the city and was champion bowler last year. is a member of hope to make this an aifair to be ap- the coming season. get to their offices at 7:30 a. m. And Other officers elected 'at the nathe Pi Delta preciated by the entire Omaha Jewry, they're not due until one-half hour tional convention are: David Bhstn, year and drlcgate? elected for the Sigma, • Jewish BOOK REVUE CLUB and are striving towards that end. later! Energetic they are indeed. BISHOP JOHNSON fraternity at MEETS TUESDAY i Washington, vice-president, Albert next convention. Fred White was "We want the Omaha Jewish public to I hesitate to say what Sylvia ansee what their local youths are doing, •The Book Eevue Club will hold its Auer, St. Louis, secretary, Howard elected president of "the local • lodge swered when I asked her the whyfor evening, January IS, 1927, at 8:30Creighton, and P. M. It will be a lecture on "Re-chairman of, the and we hope for the cooperation of next meeting Tuesday afternoon Jan. Weiler, New York, treasurer, Lester and Dr. Meyer Beber, vice-president; of her early arrival. ligion, Science and Reality" by Rt.A. Z. A. basket11 a t Temple Israel annex. Dr. Sherrick, Norfolk, historian, Julian Isadore Abramson, secretary; Harry all." Freidman, treasurer; Maurice MikRev. Irving P. Johnson, Bishop of the ball, debate and ~ m S. Shrier H y m S A feature of the tournament will Frederick Cohn will lecture' on" the Lewis, New York, junior counsellor, lin, warden; Sam Wolf, guardian, SALT OR SUGAR? book "Her Son's Wife"-by Dorothy Dr. Buehstaber, Harrisburg, chaplain, Diocese of Colorado, of Denver. oratorcal conbe the annual Omaha A. Z. A. chapter Salt and sugar -just won't mix test to be held in Omaha on January dance, which will be-held on the final lanfield. The public is invited to the Roy G. Rosenthal,' Moatessno, Wash.f AH the above named men were elpcted Bishop Johnson is reputed to be one with pleasing results. book revues. editor. 29 and 30, in which seven A. Z. A.day M the meet unanimously. Th«* trustees elected For the last few weeks the of the best pulpit orators in America chapter will compete. , DPV« Frwnsn. and has lectured in all part of this were: Keiiben Snappy basketball games and hard ladies helping out in the lunch Isadore Elowitz, another, prominent country.. He was the principal speakand. Sam, Bliss, fought debate and oratorical contests, room at the Jewish Community The delegates etedfo' to represent Center, have been troubled' and er 'at the recent Dedication of the new Creighton student-and a member of are promised from the appearances of :i Omaha* lodge are: Inin Sia>mastots bawled out"" for putting sugar m Infirmary Building of * the National the Pi Delta Sigma; fraternity, was the competing teams. The foilowinj*...„-. theAsalfcrslsikers- Jaad*'&alt -in:-the Jewish JJosnitaL for ,Consumptiye_s. at l c t g j r i c r P ? e r . . . ; Hsxry ^Silverroas,; HR-try Melashock. men have been appointed by Mr. sugar bowls. The costomers, too, Beaver- andysceording to the .Omahans- Othet officeds elected are: Sam Beber,. Israel Goodman, Nathan who heard him then, he delivered a Joe Cohn, treasurer;, Morris Givot, Shrier thus far: noticed something wrong with the Bernstein. .. Henry Monsky and Sstn masterful -address. secretary; Louis Ricklin and Sol Tickets, Jerry Diamond; program OMAHA BOYS AND GIRLS NUMBER THOSE Leon go to the convention by virtue taste of their coffee "when they His subject is particularly opporadvertising, Louis Ricklin; judges for used the "sugar", and their potaMiroff, sergeant-at-arms; Maurice WHO TAKE LEAD of the office held as past-president ot toes after sprinkling with "salt". tune, because of tremendous upheaval Falk, reporter, and Marion Graetz, th& contests; Dave Bischoff; "dates," the district, Folowing a bit of secret invest- taking place in the Christian churches the retiring president, chaplain J . Mike Freeman; housing, Louis DiaIn ' 1926 Omaha Je-wish . students Moselle Kleeman (Austin, Texas) and "In appointing my committees tot as.the result of the controversy beDorothy Diamond, (Lincoln), UniInstallation of the new .officers is mond; program editor and publicity, have made remarkable progress in igating the "mixers" have been the ensuing adrainistration I intend tween the evolutionists and the fundHarry Rubenstein. Other committes "versity orchestra. to be held Thursday evening, in a discovered, one of the lady helpers scholarship and various activities at amentalists. Goldstein, (Omaha), Silver to obtain the heartiest co-operation tells me. joint installation ceremony with the' will be appointed later. the University of Nebraska. Most of Kate Serpent; Junior Harmony, presi- in bringing - Omaha lodge to ihs Though I am forbidden to use The Committee in charge has in-B'nai Brith, at the Jewish Community dent; Gamma Alpha Chi, president; front," said Fred White. "Specifil vited Reverend Thomas Casady to inCREIGHTON FRAT Center. names I'm told that they are a University Advertising Club, presi- plans will be made to enthuse the atdent; Daily Nebraskan staff; editor ANNOUNCES PLEDGES group of prominent business men troduce Bishop Johnson to his Omaha "Hints from Paris by Kay"; chair- tendance at the meeting snd who generally sit together during audience. The Pi Delta Sigma fraternity of man, Junior and Senior Prom.; Big the membership." Season tickets for the entire lecture the lunch hour at one table. Sister Organization; Y. W. C. A, The following men were appointed. Creighton University announces their course are now on sale at the office of staff; Dramatic Club and Univer- on committees for the ensuing term; pledges: Ephraim Marks, Milton the Jewish Community Center for sity Players. A CHARACTER SKETCH Abrahams, Sam Morgan, Daniel §3.50 and all those who merely want " Finance Committee From the Palestine -Weekly -ofOcEsther Freshman, (Lincoln), Big Maurice D. Miklin, chairman; Sam Greenhouse, David Robinson, Sam Lilyan Hayldn had to write a ticket .for the Bishop Johnson lecSister. Bliss, vice-ehalrmnn: Abnes Kninian; .TOP tober 8th comes, a„ notice, that the character sketch for her English work Greenberg, and Frank Ackerman. The Greenb^rg,. B . ' Koniey, Hurrj* -Robinfeon, ture will be required to pay §1.00. Lester Lapidus, (Omaha), Iron Emir Abdullah-visited Jaffa and was John Felrtmsn, Sam Green. I. 3. Goodmnii, at Central High recently. After much ;pledge ceremonial-will be administered Sphinx. F«arbert Goldstein, Dr. A. Steinberg. K«ni received by a number of Arab not- to. these men Sunday evening at the deliberation, she selected Jeanette All seats are reserved. Beber, Mnrk I.orig, Sam I>nnsl;.v. Keiib<?ti Irving Heller, (Columbus, Nebr., Iron ables who led -?the Emir and hisFontenelle Hotel. Following the ritual Brown, Dr, I*fon TV !1!ane ^- ^^* ^* ^jl Levinson as the most interesting Sphinx. Stein, S. ,T, Iieon, Dave Freeman. _ retinue, numbering fourteen persons; wilt be a theater party at the Brandsubject for her theme. When the COMING PICTURE Phil Gerelick, (Omaha), Basketball; Mentebrship Copitntttee • TO HAVE PROLOGUE to the Hartig Hotel in der German eis-Theater. N Club; Inner Fraternity Athletic theme was returned to her a few days Trrin Stalmapter, chairnwirs: P . J . AlBoard. berts.vice-chairman; David Greenlwru'. later, the grade received did not come Arrangements are now being made, Colony, whereithey were;the guests Harry Triistin, .Take MBlflshock, Wnt. Joe Turner, (Omaha), Baseball. Alberts, Meyer Beber. rbiHp <4en?1l<-U. Sp to Lilyau's expectations. She im- before showing the " picture "April of Omar AUBitar, President of theOmaha Workman's Loan Zolly Lerner, (Kansas City), Iron Alfred Kaplan. Sara Wolf, Ben Sbaj>!?<>, mediately approached her teacher to Fool" or "Yom Hadin", to have a Moslem Christian " 'Association" in Sphinx; Dramatic Club and UniKobert Kooper. . ' • • Ass'n. Elects Officers discover the "why" of the low grade. prologue, based on Zion Meyer's Jaffa. His Highness, attended by his versity Players. Hndppf €i)timiiU« Natban Bernstein, chnipman: Tlrtrr.v Lerner, Goldstein and Aach played LapWus.'Harry The teacher, much to Lil's dismay, adaption of the play, "An April staff, visited the - Palestine and Near " A t the annual meeting of 'the Friedman, Igaaore AbinmEast Exhibition and Fair~at Tel Avis, . in "The Auctioneer." Omaha Workman's Loan Association son. Fred.W^iite., told her that the subject matter was Shower". The parts will be taken by Aach, (Lincoln), Mortorboard; Senior • IntellectnnS. Advancement not'good. , prominent members of the Commun- where they were •-received • by the held Monday evening at the Jewish Honorary; Tassels, Girls' Pep Dr. A. Greenbers:, Max .Frotokin, acting Mayor of Tel Aviv;-and-Messrs. Community Center, election of ofNow Lilyan is - wondering why ity Center. Dramatic Club and University Beber. Nathan-Bernstein. -Abner Gordon, Chazan, and Brayerman. His F. 3. Alberts. .Tudnh WpUsoti." • ficers, were held with the following r Players; Big Sister and Y. W. C. A. Jeanette feels so insulted. Alexander Carr of Potash and PerlS?«Krl»l Servlpe Cvnoalttc* Highness expressed his 'keenest; satisresults: Philip Ginsberg, president; Dorothy Bervin, (Fairbury), Girls* mutter fame, takes the'leading part Dr. Philip Sher, chalrmnti: » r . -Fw<sCommercial Club. crick Cohn, Dr. Nathan 1Mnsfehi. Snmnt»5 in the latest screen production, "April faction with the exhibition and showed Sam Weinsweig, vice-president; Mor Joe Ginsberg, (Omaha), Debate <5ersota, Hhrify Jfalnshock, Henty Moneky. "HOW MUCH PER MONTH?" Fool" which will. be shown at thehis patronage still further T>y pur- ris" Forbes, treasurer; Harry SteinHarry Kilvermnn, team. When any member of the J. C. C. Community Center on Sunday, Feb. chasing many articles and receiving berg, secretary. The members elected KATE GOLDSTEIN David Fellman, (Omaha), Debate Harry Silverman, chalrmnn: Wna. Osrort gifts from the exhibitors. • • to the Board of Directors are: J.-P. office staff hears the question, "How 20th. team. lnsky. MarkSiIiorlfC. : f much is it a month?" come trinkling The Tel Aviv Fair, of which Jacob Bath, Max Shames, Louis Rubin, B, the Jewish scholars attending the Harold Shapiro, (Sioux City), Iron Initiation C.ommttt«< This picture is being shown through S. J. lieon.'M. MonheH. I. F . or otherwise, over the telephone, they the courtesy of Stern Brothers of the Gordon is administrator, has grown to Lindenbaum, Hyman Rasnick. state institution of higher learning Sphinx. . Max Ftomkin. don't ask, "why, what or which?" but Independent Film Company. are graduates of the Omaha high Henry Rosenstein, (Omaha), captain Jake Malashock, be a successful institution in the com- Publicity- Coitttnltte* in the R. O. T. C ; Art fraternity immediately make reply: schools.. . Nnthna E. Green. Aaron Jo*mercial life of Palestine. As a meet- SHUMSK RELIEF BALL Pi Sigma Alpha; Art Club, treas- Jacobs. ' . ' ; * Probabaly the most outstanding urer. "Our membership is recorded by BALLET^ BANCING ing ground for the merchants of East Ti«rtlan««i JANUARY 23rd Jewish student at Nebraska Uni is the year." Dave Zolat, (Lincoln), Pershing Rifle. WiUiatn I.. Holaman. cbaiiman.: Haw PROVING POPULAR and West, and a potential retail A, WoK. Harry So many'people phone in and ask market, the Fair has demonstrated to The annual Shumsk Relief ball wil Miss Kate Arlene Goldstein, a mem- •Mannie Eisman (Nebraska City), Henry Monsky.- B."Ziminan. x\be The Ballet Dancing Class attenVikings, Junior Honorary. that -question, when they're seeking the full the capacity of Palestine in be held Sunday January 23 a t tin ber of the Sigma Delta Tau sorority Central C«nn«'l CommH* Sam Beber, chnirroan; S. .T. Leon, jw. information as to the rate of member- dance has been increasing with each industrial output and in mercantile Municipal auditorium. Plans are be-and many honoraries. W. Zollie Lear- Dave Yabroff, (Oxford, Kansas), Xaffe. "'I. .Ro«in.blatti. $am liliss. . Sophomore Basketball. ship in the Community Center, that meeting of the cfass. There is still activity. In an interview given the ing made to make this one of th ner of Kansas City, has made pro- Edward Brodkey, (Omaha), Green J. 3. Slpabnrg, chairman: D P . •from force of habit they give the room for a few more members—if "Palestine Weekly" 'Mr. Gordon largest affaira ever held in the city, gress in the Nebraska Dramatic deGoblin. Dansky, T>r. S. Esman. A. B. you are interested/ register at the J. partment. He recently took a role states, "One of the remedies of un- according to the committee in charge '. Aoel Simon, (Wellington, Kansas), Joe I*. WoU. '. : ' , stereotyped reply. C. C. office. The class meets on employment in Palestine is as much of arrangements. Plans are now be- in the Kosmet production, "The JSaiienrf Jewish Hospital Commit*** Debate; Green Goblin. Harry* K. T.autdua, chnlwnan; »»••.*• Thursday evenings at 8:15. Miss An- the sponsoring of industry as it is of ing made to secure a prominent or- Dream Pirate," which was offered to George Geffin, (Albion), Wrestling. A REPRIMAND <3reenbe?K, .Ed . Krans, Morns' M»a"?s Ellis Shafton, , (Omaha), Awgwan, nette Ricklin is in charge. Omaha theater goers. agriculture. That is the main pur- chestra to play at this dance. Harry We}ner. « :> . Last week when 1 received a conhumor publication. ' Hoaue Committee•'•. ^ , pose of this Exhibition—to demon- " T h e entire proceeds of this ball The following students have taken Dave Veta (Cheyenne, Wyo.), Green t,eo Abratoson, tribution to this column I immediately Moreie -rotash.'I. Scboenstrate how Palestine's unique reGoblin. go towards the Shumsk Relief," sai an active part on the campus during* weld. •. . . . •, • . . .•- sensed it was from one of the SO Aunt Esther is Back Again Kcsolstlo^w Con*ittJt:tffft_ Harry Cohen, (Omaha), Accounting sources can be developed if only af- Mr. J. White, chairman of the affair. the past year: CALLED "weaker sex," by the typAlex Frank, chairman:. Assistant; Phi Alpha Dr. M. E. Stein. Junior Congregation—Kate Goldstein, Laboratory We are pleased to announce to forded the means and materials." ingv incidentally by the wording, too; Delta. (Omaha), president; Edward Sosour readers the return of Aunt Nathan. Bernstein. . ABfott and said so. The attorney for the litigant conenthal, (Omaha), vice-president; Louis Sombeirg, X.<niS» Sisnon. •»<» Today I find this waiting for me: Esther's Column' which has met ZIONIST EXECUTIVE RECOGWarsaw, (J. T. A.)—The Polish tended that the Zionist Executive in Violet Ellinger, (Lincoln), secre"The anonymous writer, referred to with favor am_ong Jewish houseNIZED BY PALESTINE COURT Palestine is not a legal entity. Th' tary; Lester Lapidus, (Omaha), government has instructed its Consul JEWISH PARENTS >RESBNT as the '"weaker sex", in last week's wives. Because of the illness of in Paris to visa the passport of Vla. AS JEWISH AGENCY court, however, ruled that by virtue treasurer. LABORATORY *TO Lustgarten, (Omaha), Dramatic dimir Jabotinsky, leader of the Zionist column,,strongly objects. The day of the author of the column, The of the articles of the Palestine Man- IdaClub; accompanied choir. Jewish Press was unable to furnLondon, -(J.- T.A:)— the "weaker sex" is long dead and Jerusalem, (J. T. A.)—The status date which designates the Zionist Or Ethel Steinberg, (Fort Dodge) and Revisionists, for a visit to Poland. gone. The light typing is due to a ish the recipes to our readers. The request of Mr, Jabotinsky for search laboratory to bo named of the Zionist Executive in Jerusalem ganiaatian as the Jewish Agency, th Lustgarten, (Omaha), .chorus. Many new kosher recipes and was denned by a decision of the dis- Zionist Evecutive has thereby bee- Esther Swislowsky, (Coluabia), Xi a Polish visa was at first held up. Da^d S. Cohen, was opened »t £h badly worn typewriter ribbon." valuable household ' hints will be trict court of Jaffa in a case where established az a public body and i Delta. Mr. Jabotinsky is expected to come to East, London Colleg-e of London U*i So there you are. written by Aunt Esther and will the litigant questioned the rights of not, therefore, subject to the laws for Alice Schulein, (Sioux City), Mystic Warsaw en January 15 in the inter- versity. The laboratory ropftesents Fish. gift from the. parents of Oavidc appear in The Jewish Press. the Executive under the laws of the the registration of corporations in Frances A LAST WORD Robinson, (Norfolk), Daily ests of the League of Zionist Revi- •Cohen in memory of their son, .." sionists. country. Palestine ive have them—corns! Nebraskan. '.'.- Tou:

Omaha Host to District J.C.C.TrankgC@iirse fedid Aleph Zadik Alepli Tournament Jan. 29th Dr. f on Sckilte to Speak

Bishop Johnson W l Address Gathering at Center January 13th

Local A. Z. A. Elects Officers for Next Term

Jewish'.'Students Take Active

Former OmafcaB,One of Committee To Receive Emir Abdullah








PAGE 2—THE JEWISH PRESS, THURSDAY, JANUARY 6,1927 place'on top. Bake one hour. | Season and cook until meat i s tender, j According to statistics published topating. Wealth and athletic prowess jAdd raw potatoes and citric acid and day, 1,123 attempts at suicide were do <not follow in close "order so that ICE BOX BOLLS {let cook slowly % hour more. Toj made in the city during the,year. Two at i t often happens that the major porthicken, brown 1 tablespoon flour with! hundred and eighty six were fatal tion of th6 star performers are not .';. " ""• T H E JEWISH- I*HSSS> PUBtKSBfcNtt' COMP&NY 2 tablespoons butter ;> 1 tablespoon fat and add 15 minutes', Sixty percent, of the attempts at suifinancially independent. To overcome % cup sugar • Officer 490' B^andefs Theatre' Building,— Telephones ATlsntic 1450., before ready to serve* Keep fire low" cide sverc made by women, thirty-two their inability to "make, the grade" 2 cups boiling watsr -• > A . NATHAN E.GREEtf/Manager,, . . . . . as this will burn easily. clubs pay expenses and to.throw in percent by men and eight percent by Combine mixture and when luke children. ...... a little pocket change is not considered -..^2.50. B A K E D M A C A B 0 N 1 A N D C k E E S E ' warm add 1 yeast cake dissolved in 1 bad form. As long as athletes pay HOUSEHOLD HINTS Advertising ratee famished on application. 1 package macaroni I cup warm water, 2 eggs well beaten, and bring money to the' college assoTo remove ink stain from washable teaspoon salt, 8' cups flour. '•'•_% lbv American cheese - I ciations and clubs that promote them, CHANGS OF 4DPHBt?*-l'tearertTe ttotb tb« eJ<J and new material, soak at once in milk. Mix well and add more flour if - . 1 egg ;.-';,,."• . . \ the, athlete, if he wants. }t or needs ~'_ '" t» sore on4 glvo SOOT name. Dough should be mixed until ' salt and pepper to taste "_ needed. '< it, will receive financial aid. Well " established general smooth. Put in warm place and let Run cranberries through food chop; beievisb Ptesrtrstrppltad ty-the Jewish relegraphfe Agency (Jewish '."&cup cracker crumbs Correspondence Bureau) ^nib-cabled and telegraphic Jewish news, in addition store for sale cheap. Reaper before cooking, they are nicer. r rise until light. Work down and put 4 tablespoons butter . to feature .articles and correspondences from all important Jewish centers. FIGHTING son for selling, owner has in ice box or cold place over night. 2 cups milk Inquiries regarding .jn&wa items credited to this Agency will be gladly Picking All American Football business in an other town. When wanted take off-as much dough Warsaw, (J.T. A.)—A large peranswered it addressed t& Jewish Telegraphic Agency, 621 Broadway, New Teams started it all. There now seems pinch of paprika aa -needed and put rest back in cold York City. " * ' - > . - • •"•" • - " centage of the suicides comraited in to- be an orgy of "pidrin em." The latA REAL SNAP Boil macaroni in salt water 20 minest stunt in this expert's pastime utes, drain and poor cold -water place. Make into any desired shapes, the Polish capital during the year Call or write to HUMANITARIAN INTERPRETATION OP QUOTA LAW is picking fighters on a point basis. through iti Beat eggs well, add milk put in warm place. Let rise until were Jews. light and bake in moderate oven. A. L. COHEN ; The-Senate has adopted the Wadsworth Amendment to admit The Bantamweight fighters were re- and with diced cheese add to maca- - To make coffee cake or rolls out cently chosea by a committee of fight Silver City, Iowa SJ5,000 aliens' ,wtves>nd^ children. Throught the efforts of Con- experts, promoters and sportsmen. roni. Season" to taste. Put to 2 of this dough, proceed as with any FOR RENT tablespoons butter in baking dish, pour coffee cake recipe for adding more gressmair Samuel Dickstein of New York and Secretary Davis of Leading the list is Charlie (Phil) Ro- macaroni mixture in and combine Furnished room,board if the Labor Department there is hope that thercrael separation im- senberg v?ho continues to hold the cracker crumbs anil rest of batter and butter, eugar and cinnamon to top of necessary, 2050 No, 19th DIAMOND dough. • '. posed by the working? of the i*resent quota immigration law will, in title regardless of the* acticr of all Street. HEADQUARTERS the future be avoided. -Whatever economic reasons may justify the J{taxing Commissions in the conn- asking the world and prep schools in GIFT try. Number,six. on the list is Abe particular for games to fill the footPOTATO AND. PRUNE ZIMES the selective system in use at present, and so "unnecessarily harsh Goldstein who i s closely followed by COUNSELORS ball schedule for next year. . A warnlib. prumes toward the families of immigrants and prospective United States Johnny Green." Honorable mention ing is sent oat advising future oppo2 lbs. brisket of beef citizens, it was never intended that in its actual administration it was given to Jackie Cohen and AInents that the National Farm School small piece of citric acid Established nice business should be the cause of inhuman hardship and hapelss misery.. Sec- Goldberg. A pretty good representa- team scored more points last season WHOLESALE AND RETAIL salt and pepper tion for the Jewish boys. JEWELERS than any other school in-Pennsylvaretary. Davis, in recommendations recently made, urges revision city of 12 thousand and a - Vz cup sugar nia, and that the team for 1927 is to in the interest of humanity. To avert needless separations he sug- TENNIS Diamond Importers . as many potatoes as desired large territory. Would made up of veterans. Intersec. 214-216 O f y Nat' Banfe BWg. » gests, "I would provide for preference to be issued to husbands, By the time this paragraph reaches be Put prumes on to boil with meat. sell part or % interest, tional games,. although nof desired I Estahlisheri 185)4 I wives and minoircbildreHc of alien residents in th^ United States. your eyes- the' National Indoor Singles mil; be considered. . I require some capital and Wnves?and unmarried children undec dghte£n;yeajs>)f a citizen"of Junior and Boys Tenjiis.ChkmpionsWp : It sefema, as though thje school have been decided.* -Since- the PAXTON-MITCHELL CO. Omaha's Most Modern Fireproof more push to enlarge it. the United States are nonquota immigrants under the act of 1924, will football season closed, this column wants to raise :# fond and among tttb «'Martha Harney IKSS Plant which is as it should be, but the class should be extended to include has felt the-need of prognosticating other things it was thought^ that the Omaha. N«br. Box 4775, Jewish Press. best way to do so was to g t t e good Soft gray Iran, brass, bronze and «Iothe husband of a a American citizen-and a provision, should be ad-, and-the -tennis-tournament gives as mlanrn catling*. Standard tixsm bronze football team and win sonie games, end Iron baching*, sewer manholes, our chance: We-are picking two Jewded permitting the entrance, if the quota be Exhausted, of minor which, of course, brings the publicity. ctwern riDgs and covers, end ctam-ont ish hoys to reach the final round, Ed1otrr» In stock. unmarried children and dependent fathers and mothers of citizens die Jacobs and Julius Seligson. Both This column thinks the premise is of theUnited States." This, in a nutshell, is the remedy! Of lads are in the Junior event and have correct and we sincerely hope the SHROLLY GOODMAN'S Our People course :much depends not only on the temper of Congress but on come through, to the fourth round with- money is raised. are always welcome CLEANERS the attitude of President Coolidge. There is a hint of the Presi- out meeting any serious opposition. As our readers know the National School is a privately endowed dent's ^position, however, in his message to Congress. "While Seligson' won the tournament last Farm DYERS agricultural school. The students are restrictive immigration," he says, "has been adopted in part for year and was the only, Jewish athlete all Jewish boys and come from the 3161-63 Farnam St. HA. 839b to win'or tiold a tennis title in the 38 Crara ft Hontst McrchaftaUfte l> the benefit of the wage-earner, and in its entirety for the benefit IasVyear: cities. Tuition, room and board are yen* Guarantee of a Square Oral . • of the country, it ought not to cause a neediess~separation of famil- Which reminds us—of alt the events free. Ths coarse is for three years 1419 Douglas Est. 1890 ies and dependents from their natural source of support, contrary held in ths year 2926 our athletes were and consists of a training in scientific C&cken Dinners and Sandwiches to the dictates of humanity." Congressman'Dickstein, ai&d'by able to win champiofiships only in and practical farming. Every SWrt Dancing and entertainment Guaranteed all butr the hopeless stand-patters who regard the. literal interpre- fighting and tennis- Besides Charlie Open from 3 P. M. to 3 A. M. Ycm Must Be Satisfied (Phil) Rosenberg we forgot to'men5408 Center Street tation of the present law as a bulwark against a host of imaginary 1 tion that Armandj £manuel won the Phones: WA. 5936—WA. 16S1 It BAYS to know danger should be able during the present session in Washington] heavyweight amateur title; Seligson Successors to Jones Candy Co. H SH5RtS to secure the necessary legal modifications* With Secretary Davis winning the only other event, Indoor Romance Chocolates Druggists and Stationers and President Coolidge lined up on the side of humanitarian, safe- Junior Singles title. Phone 4 A. 39S6 918 Farnam S i (0I-4S3-489 Mo«lt> 1Mb guards in the functioning'of our quota law, the outlooks seemsTto be that the sense of American justice will prevail. It is,:in ^he NATIONAL FARM SCHOOL "Despite our better intentions which spirit of that seer; Walt Whitman, rather than from the exclu- were, aimed at purposely neglecting sionist point of-'view of Senator Reed of Pennsylvaniarthat the Preparatory school athletics, we find Walt Whitman said it ,necessary to comply with, .the reIN QUARTS AND BULK become-not1 a-cpn- quest1 "of Sam Samuels, athletic direcB R ana MfliS — AT ALL GROCERS AND MARKETS — querorinatipn, but "to become the-TnosHriendly nation-^the"mQd|rn_ tor *»£'the National Farm Sdjoorind Bluffs, la. NO. (S?ST. I a$*a^back of the Massachusetts AgO72B composite, formed from alL welcoming all". American Hebrew ricultural Schools. Mr. Samuels is


Aunt Esthers Column

Wonderful Opportunity


lafeshock Jewelry Co.

Cleaners—Dyers—Tailors Hatters—Furriers

Brodkey Jewelry Co. Famous for Diamonds



The Copelman Candy Co.

E. Bruce &;Co



> • • •

Sweet—M—Soar Kckles and Relishes


i Thiessen Vinegar & PickleWorks

Council Bluffs News

week-end r.Iowa.


i n - Sioux j

Members of their evening, bridge, club Burpriser JU[r. and Mrs, Morris' B'nai Edith Open Meeting Postponed; HoS^nan at their home MondaSreareRegular N ^ ' d nin"g--in honor~of their seventeenth" The Jtndependent-'Order1 of the B'iiai: wedding anniversary. "- • Brith, Lodge No. 688, will1 not hold the public Installation of rtheir'new, officeTS-Jnext' Thursday evening as it has been formerly announced, but they plan to have their open meeting ' V B y G E O t t G H JfOEP :.;','.'• on January 26. However, the B'nai Brith •vrill hold a regular: meeting next Wednesday evening, January 12, PAID COLLEGE ATHLEtES Dr, Homer E. Warkj president of at the> Danish Hall. The. A- Z. AWest Virginii Wesleyan; seemed very chaptet No. 7 will hold .their installamuch shocked and slightly indignant tion atfithis- meetnngrateo. Watch the when he learned that the members of Jewish] Press for -iurtiier announce-, the football' team representing the rient about the open, meeting. university were paid. Let it be known at these boyftwere not given a wage , The 'school set have, returned during-the -past week-end to their vari- bltii were the recipients of a>scholarous colleges after spending their ship that included in its terms, room winter -vacation witn their, parents. «lnd board. Where the professor has Maurice and Arthur Friedman have fceenr the last ten years: is hard to returned, to Iowa City, to resume imagine because this colpnm has been then:/Studies at the University of aware of tHe; pa$4; college aih'Ieta. In Iowa. "Flora Marks has returned- to our pers'onaUaiCquailrtance we ^number, her studies at Chicago,-IU, EEanice a t ^ l e w t ^ n ^e^shibo^s 'w^o ^ade* Eichman left for Lincoln, Neb., wtiere their ^ a y thrbngh college, becafew 6^ she attends the. University of Ne- their athletic abiiiiy. in s n ^ ^ s y s braska, Simon Michnicknas returned tem we see no crime. After all» the fheiriespeetive to Drake University, at Des Moinss, boys itoore thaki*i>}iy : Iowa. ^ Milton Marcus* has departed institutions.: It is no secret that-the for the- University,; of Illinois-at first thing; a collegfe does when It is Champagne,- DpEfellip-Krasne is back making '.a. bid for recognitipn, is to, at Ana Arbor, 3fflc^an>1:o resume get together ja good:/ football; team. his stndies, at the "University of 1Viy; riot reward'-the boys who make ; : Michigan. .-* '• • ' r such, ajthing possible?; A flat suni of inoney is not given Mr.. Louis' H. Katelman -returned to the. average college athlete for hfs hone Tuesday after'spending several services. He i s given free tmtfon and days in St.Paul and' Minneapolis, a 30b. If; the college doesnotsanc- Minnesota. .' " • " . " . • i tiph conduct of this kind, rich alumni; The; Agudes Achim Association will alwaystoe;found ready to helpl a©Be ynH hold their annual dance' Thurs- deserving player tWo^jgh.college. : of oor greatest football stars; ,«!! tixe" day cyening,. February 17,~at 'the last; few seasons; J^was ^supporte^ Eaglet Hall. Plans ,are now"bemg joa&e hy the committee ia charge to through th?; first lew, years of co)« ' ham One one of the most successful lege' by a wealthy graduate. Wherein liea ithk h a m ? ; ; A bpy w h o i s wil-^ "• t d f i B * a c - « v i e r h e l d . ~ =•'•,- -•• .: x : Jing id- rlsk^hia^ Trteck and :tife; l»V««-: Sylvia Zevan freturned - to < her titled; to some coiirfderation. Find us the ic^lege Jtat^ntt rtafee cai« of; the • Home 4n - Kansas City, JMo.» Sund atMe&lCyfab;: 'Kas f"bfien ^rippled for after spending ten" daysrhere visiting her grandparents, Mr.? and Mrs. Sam 'ffiffi^X:^££i^ '&..v-:jr:.-.^

Jewish Sports Notes

i i <•



• , \

i t fj^''^moT^t^^a!S^eie}^, a, :?nyth,r •^tfe;':|to8^i^it^:&iatwefe: to reniain; £$i* ;^ifiat<^;:lrt:.tf«! ^foU^sinse • ;o£^;:f^s.i [i^^ingv^hTisguritif^hesgets: into the ' ;es^rt^^^;[;-;As^^;:;aS^fe.\h^ •p^to"tt;;^^i^b^b^"^eis^;tt^i^^ ^or ;tlie^a)ffilele||^l;give ^tip. ^evei^thj&ig ;b'u^nfe^po^in;;^Wch ^e^is^p'arUci-

3101 South 24th Street

Our Annual January Sale

Don't Forget

Linens - Bei^^s -^Vhite Goods


Now in Progress With Substantial Price Reductions

Every Sunday at Keep's Dancing Academy


All Velvet and .Velvet Trimmed Dresses •





Greatly Reduced for our January Clearance Sale 12.Evening Frocks .

Admission 25c

Every Day We Sell Better Clothing for . Less Money ORTUNATELY for you and for us, The Nebraska's economic position enables it to do what it aims to do— Sell Better Clothing for Less Money than any other store in America— Get the proof here any day—save time and money in your clothes buying—


25 Afternoon Dresses

•Inl yelyet and the combina• tions..; Black, red, saphire, . 'canary green;" Sizes 16 to 42. , Formerly, priced $49.50 to

Of soli caiffon velvet—copies after the foremost designers. Sizes 16 to 46. Formerly $39.05 to $95.

$39:75 to'$79.50

$29.75 to $59.50

All Our Jersey Dresses ' ' ' " Selling formerly from $19.75 to ?25.


<31pfaiiee Groups in Coats V---f-S:^;wUh''eifov.&rt.a bargain o


Women's Coats

Juniors' Coat^ \Kiddief Coats

Sise» 14 to 17 Good looking rtripes, checks and Plain ma-3 . Remember, these are coats from terials—-belted sty** , i our own stock—coats whose qual- and straight - l i n e s . trim. i t y of materials and making i« ap Many, with fur ; mings. ' to our usual standards.


: $9,75


5ixe« 2 to S Cunning double-breasted styles and box coat? in chinchillas: and nor-. elty- -tweeds, warmly lined and interlined.

19th and Davenport RYAN'S ORCHESTRA


Men's Suits and Overcoats




25 35

Incomparable values need no /" comparative prices



PRESS, THURSDAY, JANUARY 6, 1927. The Deborah Society will hold itsj BASKETBALL .. , HUNGARIAN SiSHOP t&e Jewish cownwnity, nevertheless, regular Meeting •. Tuesday/afternoon The men's Cfcfcimereial Leagae^ is as a Hungarian, he considers that SUPPORTS CASDISACt at the Jewish Onnfiuiiity Center. playing- three games each Wednesday OF RABBI FOR SENATE Rabbi Havesi is the worthiest of th« evening, starting « t T:4§ P. M. is at* candidates Md that his election to the "In service there ' i s happiness". Mr. and Mrs, S« J« Cohn of Minne- tracting a large group of enthusiastic r Budapest, (J. T . A.)^-The Candida* upper house should be unanimous. This was the theme of the talk given apolis are visiting here with Mrs. cy of Rabbi Simon Hevesi to tftS Hunto the Junior- HadassaH gathering- Cohn's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Leib, spectators. Games are fast and clean garian Senate as fhe representative and are very enjoyable. An admisPATRONIZE OUR Tuesday evening- at the Jewish Comof the Jewish community, was urged Mr. and Mis. Joseph H. Freeman sion of 15c is • charged to make the munity Center by Mrs. B. M. Aefct*h* by Bishop Czernoch. entertained at a bridge party last leagae self supporting. berg of Kansas City. In a private conference "with Dr. Time to think ©f Before a larga group «f' Jtmior Wednesday €V€fiing in honor of Mr. A representative J. C. C. team is Spiegel, chief rabbi of Esztcrgo, the &M Mrs. & J. Cofci of Minneapolis. Hadassah members and- their guests, being organized and will play games Bishop stated that although he does Mrs. Aditenberg related briefly the Prizes were won by Mrs. Cohn and with similar teams from Des Moines, not wish to interfere in the affairs of history and accomplishments of the Mr. Harry Peertik and Mr. Harry Kansas City, Sioux dity, and others. ^ COPELMAN-FOKMAN Mr. and Mrs. H. Frankel of Stan- Hadassah and Junior Hadassah.-She Cfcudaeoff. The first practice will be 6:00 P. M. Mr. and Mrs. A. Forman attnaunce ford, Connecticut, announce the en- stated that like Thomas'Edison* she Sunday evening. FRIED'S gagement of their daughter, Anna Miss May Shapiro of Lincoln was the marriage of their daughter Doris a staunch defender, of -the- modern PHOTOGRAPHERS KOSHER DELICATESSEN othy, to Harry Copehnan, son of Mr. Mae, to Mr; Isadora Cbemiack, son girl and pointed out that the new the guest of Miss Hannah Habkr Ladies basket ball league captains 1212 Fsmam St. Opposite 1509 North 24th Street and Mrs. K. Copelman of Kansas City, of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Cherniack of freedom has given the girl of today over the week-end of New Year's. will be appointed find teams chosen All foods kept in Ssnif try eases W. 0 . W. Bldg. on'Friday December 31. The wedding Council Bluffs, Iowa. The wedding will I a broader viewpoint and higher inSaturday night at 7s30 P. M. Games A complete lint of smoked feseats J A cfcsors 4562 was solemnized in the presence of the take place in New York City in telligence. This i s shown by the fact i REMEMBER THE SHUMSK REin this league will be played on Satand fish February. immediate family., that the Junior Hadassah has grown j U E F B A I L JANUARY 23.—adv. urday night and Sunday afternoon. in so few years~fronr a small group Mr. and Mrs. M. D . Richman of [ Messts. Ben and Robert Glazer of Council Bluffs, Iowar announce the of girls in the East to a national FortlJodge TPere in: Omaha Monday engagement of their daughter, Eva,! organization of over, seven, thousand and.'Tuesday. w b o j to Mr. Morris F. Goodman of Omaha,! &xls • » finding : Miss Mildred Lew entertained six No wedding date has been set as yet. through giving service- and whpr ate guests at luncheon on Thursday at Mr, and Mrs. Richman will^be at home. vitally interested in Jewish Culture n to all their relatives and friends at by the Junior Hadassah.- > the Biackstone Hotel. ; > • Immediately before ' the.' > talk Mrs. •their home at 1528 Avenue B. on - Mr. and Mis. Joe Krasne of Fre-. Sunday afternoon, January 9th, from Max Fromkm, Junior, Hadassah raont spent the past week-end in two to five o'clock in honor of their sponsor, installed the new officers. Omaha visiting with. Mrs. Xiasne's daughter and her fiance. Later theyj Rose Fine, president, Ula Alberts,, parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Horn. will entertain at a Family Supper vice president, Ida Cahri and Tobie Steinberg, secretarys, Rose RosenParty. No cards are being issued. The "Women's '• Auxilary of the stein treasurer, Grace Rosenstein, B'nai Britb; will hoTd election of ofMr. and Mrs. D. Silverman- an- reporter," and Pauline Shapiro, sgt.ficers a t a special meeting Tuesday, nounce the Engagement : of. their a.t-arms. , •••••January 11, a t 8.o'clock P. M. at the sister, Evelyn Kaplan to Mr. Joe Nitz, - A short musical .entertainment conJ. C. C. son of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Nitz.' cluded the program.1 A typical demonstration o£ this store's deiermm&tkm to present complete new stocks at the opening of each ee&sosu A period of The Fa-Hon girls held their regular Mrs. Jennie Kotler announces the stock disposal when all thoughts of profits and costs have been Mr. and Mrs. A. Rosenthal entermeeting last Thursday night at the J. bejrothal of her daughter, Mollie to cast aside in the interest of an immediate disposal* C. C. Bertha Shafton and Dorothy l M r > L O T ^ Matansky, son of Mr. and tained Tuesday evening at dinner . Pitlor were the new members voted Mrs. L Matansky of Chicago. complimentary to Mrs. H. Rosenthal . into the,club. of Chicago who is the guests of he* Mrs. I. Beitel announces the en- parents, Mr.,and Mrs. Fred Goodman. Mr. and Mrs.; Sam Leibowitz of gagement of her daughter Martha Mrs. Rosenthal was formerly of" Sioux'City spent New Year's/day at Kohn to Mr. Marcusi Krasne, son of Omaha. the home of their brother and sister, Mr. Max Krasne of Council Bluffs. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Silverman. While Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Canfield enterhere, they attended the Brookstein- . Mr. and Mrs. Aba. H. Brodkey and tained thirty-five guests Sunday, eve-^ Nitz wedding. 'Mi; Leibowitz left for Miss Revs Kulakofsky' spent last ning in honor of their daughter Sioux1 City on Monday. Mrs. Leibo- Friday in Sioux City. Helen's, sixth birthday. Games were witzIwill vfsit here during the week. played by the children and cards Miss Yetta Wright spent the New formed the entertainment for the REMEMBER THE SHUMSK RE- Year's Holiday in Des Moines. Scores of coats that arc cert*]* to from the incomparable low parents. Mrs. S. Lagman winning first win your immediate favor are pries* hi e*eh of these croups, LIEF" BALL JANUARY 23.—adv. to be had in each jproiipt a, Master Jarohm Marcus visited with prize at bridge. ye« find style desirability; complete six* range* JB first qoality, the most exMrs. B. Schwartz at Des Moines • ••ft Miss Molly Brown has Teturned - Miss Ethel Steinberg of Fort Dodge are beautifully lined. ; -workmanship. during t h e past holidays. from a ten days visit in Chicago and spent the week-end in Fremont, as the guest of Miss Laura, Berek. Sun- - Miss Bettie Daytch entertained 12 Calumet City, HI., where she visited with friends and relatives during th^ day rthey were joined by Miss; Esther guests- at a-bridge party at her Svislowsky of Columbus; The Misses .Sunday afternoon in honor of her Christmas and New Year holidays. ; Steinberg, Berek .undSvislowsky. left; birthday anniversary, ' . Miss Ruth Kaplan returned home oi^ -for Lincoln Sunday to resume their Monday frpni Sioux City after spendMrs. F. S. Cohen will be at home studies at the University of Nebras^ ' 'holidays' with friends. d at 925 Lincoln; Blvd. on Sunday,







Style withoutExtravagance

Omalia women areloud in their praise for the extreme values afforded through our


No where will you find an equal for these two extraordinary clearance offerings in

Richly Befurred


January 9, from 2—-5 and from 7—10 . . . , . . . . . - Vfirbin.. im~n?ziav-<6£~the- engagement pf her of rFifemonfc, /were* in Omaha on tVed-! aau^iter - Martha to . WilKain Z. nesdsiy, to attend the Hadassah. linen Cherness, son of Mrs. Etta Cherness rshower. j of Council Bluffs; No cards have been issued. ; ,-," Miss Freeda M. Weiner gave, a Surprise Graduation Party in honor --Mr;.' A. Borsky arrived home from of Miss Esther. Marcus. Among the Miacu, Florida. . out-of-town visitors pregent 'yere the Mr. and Mrs. M. Kulakofaky left Messrs. Tom arid Ben Ivener and Abe Sadolph, all of Sioux City, Iowa. • Thursday far Kansas City to visit with their daughter "and son-in-law, Miss Barbara Truehaft entertained Rabbi arid Mrs. Herman Cohen. the members of the Ko-Zee Club and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rosenblum their friends at a New Year's party ars planning- to leave Omaha about at her home. January 15 for an indefinite stay in Mr. and Mrs; S. Epstein entertained California. They will be at the El 'at a party New Yo^s eve in honor of Beudor Apartments until they leave. her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mr. Louis Brown of Kansas City Mrs; S. Goldberg of New York. Mr. and Mrs. Goldberg plan to make their arrived last Friday to . spend New Year's as the guest of Mr/Dave Free future home in Omaha. man. Mrs. B. Himelbloom returned Monday- evening from Chicago, where she •fFREGGER-FOX DRUG CO. hks been visiting with her sister. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Slate of Desi Moiries visited in Omaha last week j with Mrs. Slates parents, Mr. • and ' Mrs. A. Wolf.

REMEMBER THE SHUMSK RELIEF BALL JANUARY 23.—adv. / Mr. and Mrs. R. Kulakofsky and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Kaplan spent Sunday in Sioux City, wnere they attended the Golden Wedding Anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. M. Sacks. Mrs. A. Radinan will be hostess at a card party for the Daughters of Zion next Wednesday afternoon, January" 12, at 615, 32nd Ave. Mrs. Joseph Kay and daughter ShirleyRnth o^ Berkley, Cal., left for their home last Sunday after spending the past three months here with relatives. ' Mr. and Mrs. A. Kirshenbaum entertained seventeen guests at .a. dinner party Sunday evening January 2, in honor of Miss Eva Keinharts of Baltimore, Maryland, who is the guest of her cousin, Mr. and Mrs. Max Kirshenbaum.

Omaha Fixture & Supply Co. "j

AT 0927

Prescriptions filled by Registered Pharmacist* only Prices very renBonnhle—Delivery service


Baker Ice Machines "Manufactured in Omaha" BAKER ICE MACHINE CO

In Omaha

HOTEL ROME S5O Uooms—!t0O Until*. Good Uooms for $1.50

Operated by Kppley Hotel* Co.

that were priced tosellto$79j5Q

thet were priced to sett to $10Q

for>tr!mmej coats; cTep fr«m fabrics of the hour; all tlie v « s t * j colors; both sport dressy models. - -.

Coats that «r* cerf RIBS' f« r to the woman who is content with aothlnff less than the best. Mas? exclusive styles; all select l ity coatisfs.

1307 Howard St. At. 8028 Omaha. Neb*. -

Let Us Help You "Keep Qean"

Frontier Towel & Linen Supply 1819 California Street ATIantie 62*1.


ORIENTAL CAFE 1818 Farnam, 2nd floor

ExceDent Chinese and American Dishes

Popular noonday luncheon 50 cents

Table d'hote dinner, 85 cents to . $1.00, from 5 to 8 Daily Music at all Meals Dancing .Evenings Music by. Ambassadors 7 piece orchestra. No cover charge For reservations phone JAcksoh 6224

Any Fur Coat in the Hpuse

Any Fur Coat in the Howie to Go at Vz Off

Two Great Clearance Specials in


Specials which should prompt the woman who lias need for a new dress or two into quick action Friday.

Up to $35 Dresses N o w Charming frocks for evening, afternoon, street and business wear. Delightfully pretty silks, all colors* an, endless variety of styles. No values in the city to match these.







Harry'H. Lapidus, Pres^Treas. W. G. Ure. Secretary.

—Effectively —Accurately —Promptly Interstate Printing Co.

"Careful Druggists"

14th and Douglas St.



We Print




Up to §50 Dresses Now Dresses of unusual loveliness developed in choice silks, every color that h-as met with favor. A dress for every occasion; snd while they can he had for but $21, it behooves you to pl»n an «»rly attendance Friday.

Dresses—Sixth Floor-

JTaebsoa CTS4



PAG1? 4—THE JEWISH PRESS, THURSDAY, JANUART'6,1927 and e^ery place is held <iown. 6y a ;JsviisliJ lad.:, Laub and! K(>thenfeld of Columbia arji; a ^ ^ e ^ r y a r d M ; Manfc heiia p l 4 y & ^ n t e r ^ l L o e b ^ I ^ c e t d n (nq% D&k^ilioeb))7sM ;<3|?!dblatt ,flf Pennsylvania are the 'barricade^xneiu Basketball ^is 6ne jgame^ wheref .tiie Jew^sl?; youths oJE: "Ame^ca shinfe brilUantJ^'i^inati 'need'inot'•: be" a^g^int in physique totplay basketball bat he does ]|have to: be ;in s the pink.vof pysictfl condition 'coupled witii '-$he /ability; ^o^;thiiik^ia.s£; iaiid ;have^a > ijsw|ceis.;A ;<kfprom8j^;:'?<>s^;^^oido^ knbw](edge'*of ttie' scien'ce of the gatpe.


Lohrman* Ackerman and Koslowsky were the point getters for the losers. Lohrman tossed in two baskets and four free throws out of the same number of attempts. Captain Ackerman and Jake Koslowsky played a head up gamfe with"5-^nd 3 counters respectively.. ;„ !;• •-

Sanding of the teams:

The final match for the Doubles Championship of the J. C. C. will be played on Tuesday night at 8:30 P. M. Herman Segelman, winner of the singles tournament, paired with Leon Mendelson, compose the Thorpian entry, who will oppose Joe Levey, coholder of the Iowa State Doubles Championship and Saul Levey, runnerup in the Class B Singles Tournament held at Des Moines, Iowa. All those interested in this particular sport. are assured of a real evenings entertainment, there is only a limited space for spectators, those wishing to see this match are asked to come early.


Won Lost 0 4 Kaiman Insurance . 1 3 Gross Lumber Co. , By DR. GYM NASIUM 2 3 Tully Hats ;. Efficiency in business, in pleasure 2 and what not, is dependent on your Philadelphia Leather Co. _.2 2 health. You cannot "hit" on all six Brodkey Construction Co.....2 3 cylinders in any endeavor unless you B'nai Israel 1 5 are 100% healthy. B'nai Ami .... .„._„.....—.——0 The gymnasium classes at the J. C. C. are conducted with this object in JEWISH COMMUNITY viewand any member who is not CENTER BOWLING LEAGUE availing himself of the opportunity is losing efficiency in health and busiSTANDINGS Won Lost Pet. ness. __12 3 833 Kaiman Insurance You owe it to yourself, your family 533 .8 .7 Alberts Colts 533 and your business to keep in good Doc' Steins J& 1 460 Jl 8 Wardrobe — 400 health. _6 9 Omahn Tobacco Co. , . 200

The Tully Hatters took a 19 to IS game.from, the lowly B'nai Ami hoopsters .Jiolding;: <t>n to. their one point lead throughout the fracas. Johnny RosenWatt,and--"Squire" Swartzjweie bpj^rtujnll^^ BOWUNG. - r ;^: •> the shining lights'for the Hattets. Jaa 'closif: totyJPgthe score.:iUv;ih^:' lasj. •; •*;• :hX Ben Jlavitz still possesses the honor Swartz featured with his long shots ^6-B)?cpn<is" of ^ a y wlw^ ^ 3 Threa ;;qUariCT'court effort^h% :th£ hoopi of leader of the > Community "Center and-"neat guarding while Johnny -tolled iaround and f^ intoitliclwnfe bowijngr circuit. Ravitz • with an aver^ played a good brand of all around ball. Maloshock Jewelry . _4 1 1 "Flash" Forman of North High ;v£ a Kansas^ man; /S0.<taiHe# -..seven age of 195 would be an outstanding Bowling Notes league capable of stand- school fame ran up 12 points for high ; points, three long field goajjs and a man in any The "Big" Bens-Yousem of the 1 :Sift;tossi:;}it7is-a shame i|irt >^nia$ ing: /side by • side .with Al Mayer scoring honors of the evening* Kohn Wardrobe's and Shapin of Alberts and Donovitz gathered a.basket each. ; ; ^ C«nreninan's ability ia unable to dis* (192& City champion j and" Joe Rosen berts Colts were high on totals for play Bis prowiess; iiv tlie- sxUt of! spnre berg; (ruMerup). If Benny retains Mann's floor work-was commendable. the .evenings Yosem secured 573 and ; Eastern! teamwherer h ^ oswe-^wndil his present form and average he will shapins 561. ;be;x»jftae:lipsof every hardcourt fan. be aV power to be reckoned with, in The Abe_J$roflkey 'five took the Moe Venger of the Doc Steins refuture .City chamyidriship- meets. diminutive B'nai, Isfael's-into camp by turned to the game securing a nice •;* l^bri^to^niirereityi; - " ; 7'^J' ; .' : ''y. 'the Community Center bowling an 18 to 12 ^cqunt., Herman Coreman total of 460 for the three games. i u Phil GereHcfc- was amoflg- the five ieam;which is composed of 'the nick with three sensational baskets led'the Moe's injured finger has handicapped '\ Huskers whb; started against the-.^Bllrr of the "Ceriter niaple" tossers broke Contractors • scoring .attack. Captain him somewhat. ; >yardfteiun ;lkst y^eK. wlif^ thevN^-- ^ven;in their twoi recent competitive Haykin and that- old veteran, Les Jack Alberts the "pep" leader of Burkenroad tallied twice each- from Alberts Colts trimmed the highly toutthe floor. ed Wardrobe. Five two out of three Benny Rosen and Benny Goldberg games. led the B'nai Israels in theirfighton The Women's -League contest bethe twice.as tall Brodkeys* wi,th, 5 and tween the SHMOOSERS and the KIB« ! 4 points., The, Israelites started off BITZERS resulted in two games being ; and JiGjoaghton, into ^amp for a;t^no game trimming. with a rush chalking,up six points in won by the latter five. Mrs, Bluma r: 5Saturdayv ^;-";v .as many minutes but were "soon head- Greenberg was high for the KBBITZed by Corenman's individual, efforts er's with a total of 305 in t h e 2 games Technical High School. V • 5Che; • Philadelphia^j' !Lea.ttier- * House and %iever again saw the front of the —while Mrs. Gertrude Kaiman reLouis Reiner will be one^of the quihtette-composed' of" Omaha Chapter scorers, figures. The B'nai" Israel se£ gistered high score for the SHMOOSMaroon men who -will face lancoln 1 r, handea the- hereto- a new record when they missed 14 free ERS. shots more" than enough to have given The Kaiman Insurance team coathem^m easy victoryfive game a t guard, on the sisting of Harry Silverman, I. LevinWednesday night in the son, Aaron, Davidson, Dr. Nathan Over fifty fouls were called in the Muskin, Leo Weitz and Ab. Kaiman up well.ta practice but is s o m e w h a t . ! ^t hfe : l o n ???•„?£ threes games played in the ; Commer- will meet the Burgess shirt team of o f 19 handicappedV lack of experience." I«**"? * ""* * .*? " r ¥ v cial' league indicating that the refer- the Ladies League in a special match * 4* __ |combat, a game that was nip and tuck' eeing is of the best arid that the boys game at the Francisco alleys Sunday Speaking-4>f basketball it is aston- * the .entire roujt. Billy Gerelick and ishing to notice that the Liberty Dave Bleicher poked in seven points show plenty of fight never hestitating 3:00 P. it. '• magazine lists the mythical all star a piece to lead .Davey Beber for to give their utmost in an effort to aid the home team. PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS eastern collegiate team of last year scoring honors. ' • . \

Ladies classes are growing in popularity. Their attendance far exceeds the men's. "

VOLLEY BALL T h e J. C. C. team captained tby Art Swartz will journey to Florence Thursday evening to tangle with the Florence volley ball artists. REMEMBER THE SHUMSK RELIEF BALL JANUARY 23.—adv.

M. SOMIT—Jewish Book Store 2429 Decatour Street WE faster 3527 I just received a full supply of Talesim wool and silk Tphilim Mid Mezuzos, also fancy bags for Talesim and Tphilim. .1 also have a new supply of Prayer Books, Holy scriptures and many other;Jewish books in Hebrew and English. ; .Beautiful wall calenders at .very reasonable prices.

' HAND BALL The J . C. C, Doubles Handball tournament, is rapidly coming to a close. By virtue of their defeat of the Gerelick-Malashock duo, in straight sets, 21-14 21-14, the Levey Brothers, formerly of Des Moines, Iowa, moved into the final round of the tournament.


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