THIS A false friend, like a sliadow, attends only -while the sun shines. ?
By H. EL K. HOW BISHOP JOHNSON <JOT INTERESTED IN JEWISH PROBLEMS \ Often times it is that Utfle things have a great influence on .our lives. Take the Bishop Irving P. Johnson, who lectures tonight at the Jewish Community Center . on' "Religion, Science and Eeality." The Bishop is quite a friend of the Jews, and Has often spoken in Jewish temples and synagogues. His strong friendship for the Jews began some seven years ago when he made the acquaintance of a Denver "Rabbi in a religious club of that city, the Rev. Thomas Casady. of the All Saints Episcopal church here informs me. The Eev. Casady is a very good friend of the Bishop and will introduce him tonight at the lecture. Bishop Johnson and the Rabbi got discussing things in general one day a long time ago, in the club rooms. The discussion continued, getting more interesting and gradually drawing the two together in friendship. Never did the argument reach heated words, because, the Rev. Casady tells me, one of the rules of this club was that "no one was to get mad." From this chance conversation in the club rooms the Bishop Johnson and the Rabbi became strong friends. This led to the Bishops gre~J knowledge of and friendship for the Jewish race.
Entered as second-class ranll mntter on January 27th. t n a , »t poatoBlce 81 Omiilm Nebraska "nntler the Act of Marrb 8. 1S7U
FORWARD DOCUMENTS SHOWING SUFFERING IN American Jewish PETLURA POGROMS Congress Committee Moscow. (J. T. A.) New documents the Paris court which will try. Meet at Washington forlura, Sholom Schwartzbard, slayer of Petwere forwarded by the family
PALESTINE IN RUSSIA By EEUBEN BRAININ, Dean of Hebrew Writers. (Article IV)
VOL. VI—No. 4
EUROPEAN MISSIONS ' COUNCIL DECIDES TO ' EXPAND ACTIVITIES 1S27 Vienna. (J. T. A.)—All attempts of the anti-Semites in Europe to solve the Jewish problem by anti-Jewish persecutions have brought no results, in the opinion of the International Missions Council, according to "The Evangelist," the organ of the council. In expressing this opinion, the organ of the missionaries announces that the council has decided to extend its campaign to convert Jews to Christianity. during the year 1927. The extension applies particularly to Poland and Hungary -where Christian missions to the Jews are in operation. The purpose of this campaign is, the newspaper states, to solve the Jewish problem through missionary activities.
it JIB* 29th
in Copyright 1927 by Seren Arts Feature readers prefer to stretch out on the Winners Here Will Represent Syndicate floor. Few books, "but practically all District at Chicago The thirty five documents for- After returning from a visit to the the Hebrew newspapers of Palestine. warded _ through official - channels re- old and new colonies in the Kherson Of course these papers are old; some PLAN MANY FEATURE PROTEST ANTI-JEWISH the fact that more than ten district, Prof. "Kaffcfne of Paris and I bear dates of a year ago. The "libra. ENTERTAINMENTS EXCESSES IN ROUMANIA veal households of the Schwartzbard fa- set out to look over the new Jewish ry' serves SISG as a debating room. Final plans are well under way for New York. (J. T. A.)—A delegation mily perished or otherwise suffered colonies in Crimea, accompanied by An impromptu discussion about Palesthe district A. Z. A. basketball, debate representing the American Jewish from the pogroms during the Put- Dr. Joseph Rosen, liead of the Joint tine arises. All express regret that and oratorical contest to be held at Congress and the organizations which lura regime. Many of the Schwartz- Distribution Committee's agricultural their successful work cannot be transthe Jewish Community Center on cooperated in arranging last Sunday's bard family were killed, wounded and work in Russia, Lnbarsky, the -emi- ferred to Xaiestine. This same life nent agronomist, Dr. Maurice Hexter would be ideal if lived in Palestine. January 29 and SO, under the sponprotest meeting against Roumania, robbed, and the women violated. The documents concern only six of Boston, Fochs, the prominent lawsorship of the Omaha chapter, No. I, will go to Washington this week to Among others in tie colony, I met A.Z. A. Seven mid-west cities — present the resolutions adopted by branches of the Schwartzbard family yer an recognized leader of the Mos- Rubinstein, the agronomist who conDenver, Fort Dodge, Sioux City, Linthat meeting to the Secretary of who live in Balta, Goloskov, Krivoyo- cow Kehillah, Dr. Lander and Dr. Ro- centrates his energy on cattle-breedj Cotmcily Bluffs, Des Moines and1 State, it was announced following a Oziero, Tchwelnik and Savron who senthal, Zionist leaders of Moscow. I ing. He is a prof otmd TalnnKiist, am enumerating these names because who, while attending to Ms stock, ........... Omaha—-will be represented in this meeting of the Administrative Com- suffered most. . much is donMed these days when it reads tractates from the old and aew tournament. mittee of the American Jewish Conconcerns Jewish colonization in Rus- Hebrew literature. The eows, by the gress held Thursday evening. The Denver chapter A. Z. A., which sia. The Angro-Joint officials includ- way, have Biblical names, as for inwas t i e last to enter this division,, The delegation which was named ed in this group did not attempt to stance, Rachel, Ruth, Esther, etc one cf six over the country, gives at the meeting will consist of Dr. guide or direct our automobile trip Tel Chai is the only Jewish colony Americanization Classes Aid Immi- added interest to the tournament. Stephen S. Wise, Max D. Steuer, Carl through Crimea. Their function was in Russia where swine are raised. grants Denver, in Ell probability, will enter Sherman, Dr. A. J. Rongy, Judge Thirty-Three Receive Certificates for merely to facilitate our traveling. i When I took leave of the colonists of a strong basketball team and a forBRIDGE AND GOLF Gnstave Hartman, Grandmaster of Attendance Ous first stop was Jankoy, a small Tel Chai and kissed Rubinstein, the Over 128 people are now enrolled in cible orator and debate team, all of For the benefit of those who may the Independent Order Brith Abrathe Americanization Classes at the which "will fight hard for the district desire to entertain the bishop during ham, Martin O. Levy, Grand SecreJewish Community Center, under the championship. The other cities also his stay here, I'll Tepeat what the Rev. tary of the Independent Order Brith Casady told me about him: orthodox, shuddered, "How can you auspices of the Council of Jewish have groomed hard-fighting' basketSholom, Leo Wolfson, President of teer Training School on Wednesday 350 families. We met the leaders of: kiss a swine-breeder?" Women. Weekly attendance has been ball teams, debaters and orators. "Bishop Johnson," the Rector said, the United Roumanian Jews of Am- night January 12: the Jewish community, a very busy as high as 100. Classes are held at The Omaha basket-shooters arc "is a 'bug' on golf and bridge." The fact is that the colonists of erica, Elihu D. Stone of Boston, BenWilliam Alberts, Mrs. Wm. Alberts, Perhaps this is • an out-season for jamin Titman, Bernard G. Richards Ula Alberts, Tina Altschuler, Sam personage. In addition to starving, Tel Chai do not touch any of the the Center for beginners on Monday practising steadily for the tournagolf, but bridge is still played. night at 7:30 and for advanced pupils ment. They ere being coached by and a representative to be designated Beber, Dr. Meyer Beber, Lillian Beber, he carries out the functions of shohet, j swine for food purposes. *. . * • * Tal-: T ^ outstanding differe rabbi, cantor, Scriptiftal reader, .Tal on Wednesday night. There are also Ed Burcb'ck and Dave Chesno. The outstanding difference between by the Independent Order B'nai Esther Potash, Mary Claire Shames, mud Torah pririctpal, ab& 6nly teach- j T e l Chai> t classes on Monday and Wednesday local debaters and orators are also Ike Sterhill, Bess Kirsehenbaum, Mrs. B'rith. er. The salary .-«*. his multifarious visAm afternoon at 1 o'clock at the Center. earnestly working to bring the diso Russia, is that the f Rose Cohen, Esther Faier, Dave FishMAX FROMKIN The resolution to be presented by activities is the magificent sum of one f o r m ^ . Mrs. Henn. N- JahT is Chairman of trict championship to Omaha. All in ^ jaxaa^Se, being fa IS ALMOST MADE the delegation provides that "we urge man, Ethel Gladstone, Ann Greenberg, rouble bl k ] per week. ] ready the Americanization Committee. Miss all the competitive contests of the to sacrifice even communist B'NAI BTHTH OFFICER our State Department to take such Bess Haykin, Gertrude Horwich, Grace Here again all the^isery and hope- p r i l 3 C ip I e s j n s t to f u r t h e r Elizabeth Hart is in charge of begin- tournament will be strongly fought Rosenstein, Rose Rosenstein, Mildred Max Fromkin has a way of get- action compatible with diplomatic lessness of Jewish life; in a small town cause. Tel Chai will follow Zionism ners and Mr. D. M. Newman of the for by fast and hard-working1 teams. Shrago, Stanley F: Levin, Fred Kurtzting himself ALMOST elected into dignity as will impress upon the were unfolded before bur eyes. Noth-, ^ j o n g . ^ n o t their cem- advanced. The following ladies are. The winners in the three divisions an office of the B'nai B'rith, in Roumanian-government the desires of man, Lillian Schwartz,' Fayte Klein, ing interests the people you meet hereprinciples is attacked^ These giving a great deal of time to the" of the district will go to Chicago in Beatrice Langfelri, Mrs. M. F. Levenwhich organization he is very the American people foT the just and except the inevitat»le| qusfibn: thoroughly in- work: Mrs. L RosesthaL Mrs. Sain February to compete in. the nationnl son, Clara Lewis, Celia Moskbwitz, activs. humane" treatment "of all minority will we eat today I S Wolf, Mrs. Harry Wolf, Mrs. Irvia A. S. A, tournament. '• dependent, critically thinking, are both HaTry Bubenstein, EsteHe Stalmaster, Somehow or other he can't seem groups in Roumania, whether of JewIf I wese to describe the physical valuable adjuncts to the Jewish ranks. Stalmaster, Mrs. Henry Rosenthal, Ida Turner and Irvin Stalmaster. As sn added drawing card to the able to actually be made an officer. ish or of Christian faith, and for the ©f Isumanity,' They are building' a generation which Mrs. John Beber, Mrs. James Goetz final basketball game E match may of this small There were thirty-three in all who Inesda He came mighty close to it last preservation of such a "spirit of tolerwould perforce, hav* :to use-the voand Mrs. JL Kulakof sky. Thursday when the B'nai B'rith ance and conciliation ajs will promote attended all1 but one of the lectures cabulary of a propagandist. Facts •will serve world-Jewry well. arranged with two strong outClasses .*wTB be organised at the difheld during the season. held installation of the!newly elect- friendly relations between Roumania side teams, according to Hyrosm cannot tell the sad -wtoty. A' cark, ed- officers. — r - „'—•- -^ •and -all. eriHghtenejl peoples." ~ _- -• Mr. Irvin Stalmasier-iKas dunraan in number. There is roemfms. -good trict toumstnent. .' Terans ar« Sam Wolf, who was elected "guar- '-' It is understood that 'the" delega- of the evening" and Mr. -Harry H. you many at the classes now "being held under consideration , but cannot b© dian, was. absent .from the installa- tion will, during its stay in Wash- Lapidus awarded the certificates. We also met Dr. Levin, formerly at. the Center. Come any Monday or made public as yet. In all probability, ThVSpeaker of"tKe evening -was \Dr. tion. Sam Leon, conducting the ington, confer with influential politichief agronomist for Baron GinsWednesday night. ceremony, asked Max to substitute cal leaders with a view to deciding" Herman Von W. SchuRe, Dean of the burg's estates, which are situated in? according to Mr.. Shier, one team will College Players on Jewish for Sam Wolf, and be installed upon the necessary steps to be taken Creighton Medical School and PresT- this district. Shapiro, another agri- F o r f f i e r be a "top-Eotch" Jewish quintet cf: Team guardian in Sam's stead. the city, and the otiier a gent-Hr further to relieve the Jews in jRou- dept of the Council of Social Agencies. cnlfciral instractor 'who joined ourj Ha gave an inspiring talk on the value team, new starring in basketball Max now contends that he should mania from persecution. party, told us that the German and) Jewish Press basket-ball, team of social service.' ' . circles. . rightfully be the guardian—being Russian peasants are daily: amazed will make its first appearance SunThe music was furnished by a trio at the skill Jewish -farmers exhibit The annual Omaha A. Z. A. danws that he was officially installed "as day evening whea they -will play the The annual Shumsk Belief 'hall composed of Harry Robinson, violin; such by the official installer. be held on the final <ky of the. Bernard Culek, cello; Charles McGur- with the imported American tractor, fast American Business College team, be held Sunday January 23 at the tournament, with s leading orchesta**machines. They still regard these play- Municipal auditorium. Plans Ere be- of the city furnishing music, Harrj ney, pianist.' tractors as mysterious infernal m a - , e r S j a t t h f i c jf e wf oi sr hm e r Center ing made to make this one of the Sidman is chairman of the NO CHANCE OF TURNING chines which only supermen would .gymnasium. As a "preliminary to this Rally Tnesday Evening—Old Minstrel largest affairs ever held in the city, committee and has plans for a OVER TO SLEEP AGAIN dare or know how to handle. Songs and Music game a feature game will be played according to the committee in charge and entertaining dance. WHEN ONCE OUT OF BED It was early in the morning when fey ^ o r^ls basketball, teams. of arrangements. Plans are now be- A "pep" diimer for A. Z. A. memHere's a remedy for that old, old 1 The next Grand Rally of the Jewwe reached the colony Mishmar (He^he Jewish Press team has signed ing made to secure a primisent or- bers only -will be held Sunday to "getting up" problem. ish Community Center will be held on The two artists, Mr. L. Harris and brew for "On Vigil"). . It is an e x - j ^ e following men to play: Coach and chestra to play at this dance. boost the tournament, and also to Safe to say we have all been bother- Tuesday, January 18th at 8:15 in the Chaum Katilinonsky will appear in clusively Jewish colony started and. P la yer Ed Burdick, Sammy Kauf- "The entire proceeds of this ball introduce the new members recently ed with alarm clocks. m a r 1 evening. The program will consist of their program Sunday evening, Jan. carried on by Chalutzim, Zionist ideal' captain, Leo Konecky, . Art go towards the Shuusk. Relief," sand elected to membership and the newiv The general bother is that we hate orchestra selections, clog dancing, 23, at the Jewish Community Center ists who are unable at this tame toj Swartz, Davr Chesnau, Johimy Rosen- Mr. J. White, chairman of the affair. elected set of officers. Dave BisehoSt to hear them ring and after they be- quartette singing, black face numbers, Mr. Harris is known as one of the ' blatt, Sid Corenman asd PhJL Gere- Arthur Sandal's Eoyal orchestra is in charge of arraug-emenis. gin to ring we detest turning them harmonica solos, songs-by the Girls' best inpersonaters of types of the go to Palestine. The colony was U c k C o r e n m a a founded'by twelve families. Of these | and-GexsilidK vdH jedn will play for this sffair. Housing for the many visiting A. off, being little anxious to be dis- Glee Club, under the direction of Mrs. Jewish Literature, especially of those original settlers, eleven families have'- i M s t e a m at the end of the Z. A. members expected to attend tW turbed from our pleasant slumbers. £ c h o o f Sam Beber. Al Payne's Minstrels will of Shalom Aleichem. tournanseBt here is under the cars Usually we place said alarm clock furnish most of the entertainment. Mr. Katilionsky is an interpreter of already migrated to Palestine. Mish-j E t a r ' schedule. Sammy ^seban player p l e r and former of Mas Givot. within arm's reach so that we can The Royal Vagabonds will furnish the the Jewish Folks songs. He is respon- mar counts about 125 souls, less than professional. basketball player will f Mike Freeman is chairman of the easily and' with as little trouble as music A movie will be shown, sible for "the Jewish folk-songs being half lf women. possible turn off the demon. ' After through the courtesy of the Independ- so popular to-day. He has made a "date" committee, LOUIB Riddra ieWere I able to shut out my experi-1 l e a d 'rhe Jewish Press Seam' on the fio or stopping the ringing, six times out of ent Film Company. mentioned players Alex FrsnS: newly^ elected president in charge of program advertising life study of them, assembled them ences of the last few months andj - - AH toabove 1 •basketball seven, we torn over and fall asleep switch off for a while the horrible I t t • b k t bll f a of the Omaha Hebrew Cteb has an- with Issdoie Elowitz assisting . Admission wfll be limited to J. C. and appliea proper^Tnusic for -each of Jewish iifeiir again. (The seventh time is Sunday C. members only, since the seating song. -for towns of Eussia, I would believe my-].4 i^yeral fast so we don't worry.) .We then'awaken, capacity is limited. Please bring your suing term. **In appoiBtiagmy comto be played here. On Jstmary as usual, late, and have to rush out card as it will be asked for at the door. These two men. are'well known in self in Palestine. The same human' Pres mittees I have selected men who will New York and all the eastern states. material. -Young, intelligent, strong; s team will play the Blair. of the house breathless and breakfast; work for the interest of the Club", It is said that no important event . consisting of fermless. said Mr. Frank. in a public program •will pass with- boys and girls forking with a song e r D a n a Plans are now tinder •way by t This was the story, also, of one, Choral Society Elects Officers out having these two artists; partic- on their lips, proud of their Jewish- \ m o a t h College players. During the The following men were appointed: Deborah Society towards raising ness, eager to learn, many of tiwml of February The Jewish Press Dr. Meyer Beber. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE—M RX FroinThe last meeting of the Jewish ipating.. conversing freely in Hebrew. . j team will play a home and home tin. chaJrmaii: Irrin Stalnsnster. Fred fund fOT the erection of a mew Gi But no longer does the story stand. Community Choral Society was held White, Ben Mtakin Dr. A, Gi«eenlK>rK. •"' Life is hard in Mishmar. There i s i series o f games with the St, Joseph, •^CDICIABT Now he bravely places the "Big Ben" January- 11, with the following elecC-OXMIimSE — 3. J.. Pried- Talmud Torah building. The Mo •man. ctairraan; M. F . IiCTenson; Mnrk affair for this fund will be given Souin a room besides the bedroom, thus tion taking place: litle time to mediate. But the Chai-J -> Gardners. perlnmnary game will start iitzim of Mishmar go t>n dreaming, j The., -necessesitating his gettin& out from Th l 7:30 p. m. Sunday eve- IXTXHULECTCAI. AftTAJTCEHSINU—M. V. day eveniiig March 6, 1927 at £h? Mr. B. Korney, president; Miss at They dream of Erez Israel. I met a! L#venson, chalnnnn; H. L. Wall. $. 3, City Auditorium, when the Deborah under the warm quilts to sliut the Margaret Margolin, treasurer; Miss Wi JJndsh d h Wlf Friedmmv. P Pred While. descendant of Israel Bal Shem Tov, Society "will, foster a Dance aurl & "darned" thing off.; After he is once Sarah Yaffe, secretary; Mr. Louis Rabbi Frederick Cohn Hvill leave K. S. Tnffe. Johti Fpiamann. The probable starting lineups for KEMBEKSHTP COMMITTEE—BeM Clrin, Bazaar. Mrs. Max Fromkin has beau. up, he stays up, and to date he has Margolin-, Business manager and Mr. Sunday night to attend the thirtieth the founder of Chassidism. The young this game wi!lbe: chairman; Allwrt KBPIEII. ^scob F i ^ Mark Lorig. M. F. LeveBSOis. M elected general. chairman of thttmanaged to get to his work on time, Albert Soffer, assistant business man- biennial council of the Union of Chalutz took me to a side: "You have Americ College B!an&,. A. Eicbaras. A. Monsfcr. U. ScbiK affair, just been in the Homeland? Tell me Jewish Press often much ahead of time* M. Bercovici. Sol Cobu. K. S. Ysiffe. American Hebrew Congregations ager. Konecky LF Narkowitz SICK • COM5SITTEE— Ben Minfcin. all about the life of the ., . "We #!id the needs for a new bHftftmnn: A. Richards. A. MoneikT. M. Scbiff. .The following committees were ap- which will be held at Cleveland, Jan. 'There was so much anguish in this Rosenblatt BF. Moylan RESULTS! SXVEOTIGATIO2H COMMITTED-Snm Alt- ing for the Jewish youth to stody is 16 to2(Lpointed: Musical, Mr. Schwartskin, Swartz C Dempsey sclittler. chnjrmaiv: Sol Cohn. 55, Bereo- of nmcli Importance", said Mrs, The notice last week about Mike choir, Ida Jacobsen, Sam Yaffe and Mr. Sol Bergman, Mr, Henry Rosen- request, and in the query of a. son Ksofman (capt.) HG rici. Kemp • who is separated from his family and PUBLICITY CO3SM1TTKE—Nathan Green, kin. The members of the Freeman making "dates" (for others) Margaret Hurwitz. thai and Rabin Frederick Coin will Chesnau chairman: Isnciore Abramson. WHHaiB LG Hoerens lives in spirit with it. ; • • ' for the district A. 2. A. tournament, Society are the first to start go as delegates from Omaha. Mrs. Alberts, John Fel&raan. Publicity committee: Mr. Nathan S. Life here, because of its primitiveSXSI»E r>tAB0-Abraham Ttichimls, kept Mike's telephone ringing and fond." Frederick Cohn will represent the TSTS'CRASiCE ITOO COMMITTEE—B. G. Mike himself busy jotting down the Yaffe, chr. Sarah .Jacobson, Mri M. Sisterhood and Mrs. Nathan Mantel ness, assumes a puritan character. NADIR PROCEEDS Shapiro, chairnwin: Mnrlc lrf>risr. Ben Seiner .and Mr. J. Selinsky. KBtba* EernstelB. I>r, A. Green- TROTSKY'S NEW BOOK The administration is managed, by necessary requirements. will; go as delegate from the State TO PALESTINE The next meeting will be held Tuescommittees who deal with all the acBANKED IN SOVIET BCSSSA day, January 18, at the B'nai Israel Federation of Sisterhood. A LAST WORD tivities of the community. One young Moscow. (J. T, A.}—Moishe Nadir. JEWS.'IN BUKOWINA Let us hope that the rumors of the Synagogue, 18th and Chicago street . .Moscow. (!. -T. A.)—The girl greeted me enthusiastically, and American writer, who has SOVIET GOVERNMENT AND BESSARABIA SOPE United States possibly having military at 8 P.M. Anyone over the age of confided to me that tlie Economic been visiting Soviet Russia to stedy book of' Leon .Trotsky, .-ousted •' MAKES NEW ARRESTS , FOR BETTER TIMES of -the Communist party, was-bwmafi Committee of Mishmar had approved entanglement with Mexico are merely 16, who wishes to join these classes AMONG BUSINESSMEN of her marriage, and the wedding was the Jewish colonteatioij work, win T may do so by attending the next meetidle rumors. Berlin <* . T. A.)—Hope for the by an crds? of t}ie soviet soon leave for Palestine. ing. to take place today. cessation of the anti-Je%vish excer-ses The book, -P-hich is entitled It was stated that the purpose of .Moscow (J. T. A.—Fears of the • Budapest (J. T. A.)—Two repforthcoming change in the economic From Misbmsr we went to another Mr. Nadir's Palestine trip win be to In Roumanian tov>-ns V.-SF -felt hy the tempting to Change Communist Titeresentatives of the Jewish commun- The Hague. (J. T. A.)—Three Jews policy of the Soviet government Chalutam colony, Tel Chai. This col- investigate conditions there and com- Jewish population of Bessarabia and tatorship," deals with the rweni ity in the Hungarian upper""chamber were appointed to the International loomed large today when new mass ony is approximately the same size pare the colonizatioii work of Pales- •"""•Iicvrina 'when it became known developments in the soviet governvvere elected yesterday. Labor Court here. arrests were made among the Nep- as Mishmar. In existence about tine with thEt of Aussia. that a Tiew high commissioner for ment and the policy ol Josef Stfa'te Koppel Reich and Rabbi Immanuel The new members of > the court are menj The arrests caused great fourteen months. Mr. Nadir is on the editorial staff these provinces was apoiuted, a des- to remove from leadership the «?£, patch from Bucharest received here Communist guard, including Loew chosen as the Jewish Professor Von Einbden, Miss Polas panic among the Jewish merchants I went to the library first A shack, of the New York Yiddish and Mr. Cohen. in the capital. state Jewish commissars, senators. with a few -comfortable benches. Thejiiaily, "FreiheU,"
Urge . State Department Schwartzbard Odessa.. Action on Roumania
About H e Jews of lissla MORE NOTES FEOM MY DIAKY
Certificates Awarded
Teani First Game Soniay
Minstrel Show Tuesday for J. C. C Members Only
Two Famous Artists Cosing ?o Omaha January 23
Omaiians to Attend Umoa of American Islrew Csaid!
the Foreign,Relations Committee of Bund, attacked Jewish p ^ the Polish Dipt. attack took place oq one ef the prinThe committee debated on the ciple streets of the «ity» Among those j statements made by Foreign Minister attacked were prominent * merchants Salegki on the foreign policy of the and *$urists. \ ' .government. Deputy /Reich urged "Shots were fired whisn the Band atthat the internal policy,with regard tempted to- roh thosg vil^m *|hey atto the national minorities in Poland taeksd. The policy -intervened. ; be regulated. He argued that the situation of the minorities reflects unBerlin, <J. T. A.)—The government favorably on Poland's prestige abroad. of axony is negotiating with Professor Willstaetter, winner of the Nobel JACOB WASHERMAN TO prizu in chemistry, to accept the chair LECTURE IN THE U. S. of chemistry a f the University of Vienna, (J. T. A.)—-Jacob Wssser- Leipsig, it was learned today. Professor Willstaetter, who remann. the well known German Jewish signed from the University of Munich novelist, will leave for the United because of the anti-Semitic attitude States the middle of January. It is understood that the purpose of of the university senate, plans to go Herr WaBsermann's journey is to lec-to the United Stateg in the spring to lecture at Harvard. ture ia American cities.
Badassafc Elects Officers
Published evejrj vnonday at Omaha.
THEJ'jEWlSB PRESS PUBU^HIN O$ce.} 49« Bwcteis T t a g p Buildings Tetephonei" AT\antic 145(\NATHAN E. GREEN,-. Manager, . . - . - • . - • • •
A. Romm-vfas elected dent of the Omaha Chapter of >Had.a.ssah at Us last meeting. All other officers were also re-elected. • -.$2.50. Subscription Price, one yearMrs.' J. Rosenberg^ First vice-presirates furnished on application. dent; Mrs. J. Lansman, Second viceprsident; Mrs. J. J. Friedman, RecordCHANGE OB* ADDRESS—Please irlve both the old and new addrcsi: ing: secretary; Mrs. M. F. Levenaon, Financial secretary; Mrs. A. Silver' The Jewish Press is supplied by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency (Jewish man, Treasurer. Correspondence Bureau) with cabled and telegraphic Jewish news, in addition Mrs, R.o,m.m appointed, the following to feature articdes -and correspondences from all InjnortffiM" Jewish, center* serve on the board of directors: Inquiries regarding' newa-items credited tq thfc Agency wiU b£ gladly answered it addressed to Jewish Telegraphic Agen,cj\ 621 Broa.dw.ay, New Mrs. B. A, Simon, Mrs. Chas. Levers York City. > . . < - . . • • ' son, Mrs. I. Kulakofsky, Mrs, J. B, Robinson, Mrs. S. Rpbinson, Mrs. CONNIVANCE THAT IS Herman Yahr, Mrs. Sam Wolf, Mrs. Mere hostility would not suffice to account for the protest Max Lerner, Mrs. Max Framkin, Mrs. Stein, Mrs. M. G. Wohl. that have arisen against Roumania's treatment of her Jewish Julius Mesdames, S. Meyerson and I. citizenry. It is. against actual discrimination pillaging, maimings, Krasne of Council Bluffs were re-apdesecration of. synagogues; even murders, that the .voices of pointed to take charge of finance in protestation are is the failure of the Roumanian gov- Council Bluffs in appreciation of their ernment to prevent these manifestations of benighted bigotry splendid work last year. The first Hadassah affair was the that constitutes overt connivance on her pait. The United annual linen shower which took place Roumanian Jews of America, at their' recent annual Convention, on January 5, at the Jewish Comadopted fervent resolutions of protest* The American Jewish munity Center, with Mrs. J. Rosenberg Congress on the same day likewise expressed its indignation and as chairman. Linens worth $350.00 arranged for indignation meetings in cities throughout the coun- were donated. try. The Independent Qrder-of B'rith Abraham at a mass meet- The next Hadassah affair is an evening card party which will take ing at Cooper Unjon in. New York City adopted a vigorous place February 6, at the J. C. C. The resolution to be transmitted to President Coolidge and the Con-date was formerly set for January 23, gress of the United States as well as to the/Roumanian Minister b'ut^ss postpbnd.1 Mrs. B. A.'Simon, at Washington and to the public press. The <Palesjtin§ League of chairman of the party announces that Nations Society has sent a cable to * the International of "the Kano*' painted kerchiefs will be given 'prizes! 'These kerchiefs are being League of Nations Societies at Brussels. Protesting against the as painted by Mrs. Harry-Perlie formerly anti-Jewish excesses in Roumania, the Federal" Council of Gladys Meyers and* by Mrs. A. D. Protestants likewise voiced its abhorrence* Frank. "Persons " wishing t o ' make The Qrder of whioh. Gustave Hartman is Grand Master reservation for this affair please call M. F. Levenson, AT. 8507 or any declares: "In Roumania, t h e Jews are being cruelly subjected to Mrs. officer or member of the board • of an insidious and deliberate "bampaign of constant agitation and directors.
JEWISH CALENDAR 5687—1926-27 Rosh Chodesh Adar Thursday, February 3 Rosh Chpdosh. Ve Adar Saturday, Marcfi g Purim „„,.._...... -.Friday, March 18 Rosh Chodeah Nissan ,..«•». ,..,.......,...,..Sunday, April 3 1st Da.y Pessach —, —, Sunday, April 17 7th Day Pessach Saturday, April 23 Rosh Chodesh Iyar _ Tuesday, May 3 Lag b'Omer Friday, May 20 Rosh Chodesh Sivan ., — Wednesday, Jvne 1 1st Day Shahupth Monday, June 6 Rosh Chodesh Taihmuz ...... Friday, July 1 Fast of Tammuz _ Sunday, July 17 Rash Chodesh Ab _ „..,, Saturday. July 30 Fast of Ah .1 ....Sunday, August 7 Rosh Chodesh EUul _ Monday, August 29
Joins Goldstein-Chapman
ity of the population of Minsk, which BreslEU, (J. T. A.)—Anti-Semitic numbers 121,956, are Jews. The White Russian Commissariat riots took place here last night when of Edacatiqn has decided tp open a a band of fifteen members of the HakYiddish section of the Workers Uni- enkreuzler organisation, Totenkopf versity here. In Mohilev, a collective pf unemployed cantors was organized for the purpose of settling on the land. In Attend order to secure funds fpr this collective, the cantors arranged a public concert. NATIONAL MINORITIES ISSUE JOINT PUBLICATION IN POLAND Warsaw, (J. T. A.)—"Natio" is the of the jofat medium for expression for the national minorities of the Republic of Poland which made its appearance here yesterday. The "Natio" is a monthly journal and is being published in Polish, English, French and German, It is the organ of the White Russian, Luthua» nia, German, Ukranian and Jewish minorities in Poland. The Jewish section is under the editorship of Deputy Isaac Graenbauxn.
demonstrations of hostility and Hatred; they are* being unjustly discriminated against and-barba,rrously treated; terrible assault POLAND HAS TWO QRPERS OF of violence are" periodically being made upon their property and „ CITIZENS, SOVEREIGN POLES ! very lives, resulting in wanton destruction and cold, brutal " AND OTHERS GRABSKI SAYS murder; the civic, political, religious ajid linguistic rights and Lemberg, (J. T. A.) — Stanislaw liberties fully, guaranteed to .them by,' the Treaty of 1?1? areGrabski, one of the leaders of • the FLORENCE HAMMJLI, being ruthlessly violated and denied to, them in defiance of that national democrats, former Minister POLISH FOREIGN QFFICE ' solemn expression of the nations of the world and the obligation of Education and one of the principals Miss Florence Hammill was form URGEP TO INTERVENE WJTH ROUMANIAN GOVERNMENT thereunder specifically assumed by the Government of in the Polish Jewish agreement negor erly connected with an exclusive apparel store in Des. Moines, where she tiations, charged the Galician Zionist Roumania." . , . - - . Warsaw, J. T. A.) — The demanl leaders with the failure of the agree- acted in the capacity of buyer of In the correspondence before us between .Lea. Wolf son, Presi- ment, in an interview with the repre- ladies? deady^toiwear f o r ; 11 year* that the 1Polish Foreign Officf interdent of the United Roumanian Jews-of America, and George intative.of a Jewish newspaper her& Miss Hammih.-TJyiil have charge of the vene •with the Roumanian government (l the anti-Jewisb excesses Cretsiano, Minister of Roumania at Washington, it ia abvlQUs ; The '.*Ugoda (the Polish Jewish buying for "^tl^X^ldstein-Chapiaan 'concernlrig was made by Deputy Leon Reich in company's tWr3-iio6r dress section, that the spirit animating Roumania's • representative at the agreement}"was not realized because Selling "only dresles: of high" character <tf the fact that'the Gabcirjv Zionists Capital is not one likely to redress the existing state of affairs. capitulated*.to the. other groups in for misses "aBd-.Jvomen at moderate He states: "I should rather .consider- the actual ;ptess-campaign, the Club of Jewish ' Deputies, he prices: -Miss H^tamlll" left Saturday Let Us Help You "Keep Cie£a" for Nev? Ydtiggn' hertitst -baying, to which you seem to associate yourself, as a real persecution of stated. ; . . Frostier Towel 8c Licea Supply Roumania by Jews,—certainly not all Jews, but some of them ' T h e former education minister then promising; gprfeous selections -fw 1B19 California Street who consent to be agents of Soviet propaganda: The unfriendly declared that in his. opinion, the. citi- early sprihg^?-^; " ~-<^ .-;>' • >-r. zenry of the Republic of Poland confeelings of Soviet Russia towards Roumania are well known, as sists of- two classes: the Poles who is known the great number of Jews who are .'predominant in itsi are the sovereign rulers of their coun- MAJORITY | N % H I T E ' RUSSIAN CAPITAL ARE JEWS organization, the influence they exercise over some of their try and all other inhabitants who are CO, FKEGGBR-FOX ^ brethren in foreign countries and their -powerful means of cOnly citisens of ths second order, Minsk. (J. T. A.)-r-Figute? pn the Grabski, in attempting to justify this Jewish population in the capital of propaganda."' . Douglas St. AT 092? division, charged that "Jewish patriot- White Russia were made public here To this rather paradixieal reply to the specific citation of ism is directed in the first nJace to on the basis .of an official census. Fbarmacistc only, Prices very reasonable—Dellrery aerrlee outrages and grievances submitted by the President of the Palestine.'' According to the census, the •majotUnited Roumanian Jews, we append his answer^ which reads-in part: "I resent your statement that because, of my protest you, BARMAT BROTHERS TKIAL consider that the Roumanian Jews have lost every feeling for BEIJAN 'JANUARY 12 Roumania. Let me say- to you, that neither you-nor-any government of Roumania, can enstrange Roumania from our hearts. : Berlin, (J. T. A.)—TKe trial of the "brothers," German Jewish^ . KA-DE-MO QhVB In spite of the persecution and oppression of _ which we and OUT Barmat hankers Involved, in the famous Prusbrethren have been the victims .we have carrjed with. u,s for sian State Bank conspiracy, began on v . IvEEB'S BA3SCING ACADEMY years and years an for the country of our birth. January 12. It ia expected that the The land is as dear to-us as it is to you, for-we have sanctified trial will last for nine months. The •••-•:-•.•- S U N D A Y , ; - • J A J f T O,HY 16, J927 it with .our blood and our dear ones are buried in its bosom. evidence which will be submitted at the trial fills a large room. Our protests have neyer been directed,against Roumania or her Admission'25c RYAN'S: ORCHESTRA : . - ~- •-•: people, but against t h a t group of small, .selfish., dwarf-like W I..J. , . i " . i i . , i ' i ' , V ' , - i liin. •'.".,..,.,1 „• politicians who govern, .bleed .and shame Roumania- before the world. Roumania-has never suffered by reason of anything we have done her, but has- suffered and will continue to suffer from the acts, of commission and omission on the part-of those who are responsible for h,eiT misrule within .an,d- misrepresentation - -
' -
to spend an evening in-a real Jewish atmospheres welcomed to come MonBl day, evening-at-7 o'clock in the auditorium of the City Tahnud ToTah and The 15th day of the Jewish month celebrate together -with - the children Shvat will be next Tuesday, January this holiday of Palestine or '.'The Jew18th. This is the time when the fruit ish Afbor- pay**. trees in Palestine begin to blossom. In Palestine all the • Jewish school ANGLO-JEWISH PLAY TO children are-going out on this day on NE.W WPROJPUCED IN JJEW:YORK the fields to plant treea. Early in the morning they begin to march -from London,.(I, T. A.) —''Israel in the their schools, flinging- Hebrew* songs, Kitchen," the English drama of Jewcarrying their blue white-school ban- ish. Jife wh^chwon the prue pf the ners and wearing flowers. When they Anglo-Jewish Drama League, will be reach the fields they scatter jn groups produced, in" the United States. all over the hills with "their spade and T^ie American rights have been actheir flags, planting trees. quired b*y a prominent New York pro: ' ' The. Entertainment • Committee' of ducer. the Deborah Society, the Xadies Aux- The author of the play, Noah." Eliliary of the City Talmud Torah, will stejrf, is, a v i o l i n i s t ^ a Manchester . entertain the, children of the- Sunday cinema. School,- 18th and' Chicago Streets Synagogue, on Sfuhday morning, Jan- DISTINGUISHED SCIENTIST TO tiary~ 16th," and the children of the COME FORJ3A&VARD LECTURES Talmud Torah, Slat and Burt Streets, Munich, (J. T. A.)—Proressor Will• on Monday night, January 18th. All staetter, winner-of the- Nobel prize in the jcbildrpn'will receive a package o,f chemistry,* 'will go to the United Palestine fruits such as, carabs, figs, States in the spring to lecture at Hardate?,, raisins, etc. .The children, ol vard University, it was' learned here the-Talmud-Torah will stage two plays today." - - • " ' >' in Jewish and Hebrew all pertainingProfessor Willstaetter,. ^resigned to this" eeJebratiQn^ The niBwly or-, from his position at the-' University^*? ganized cb^oir wiU [sing Hebrew and Munich because of the anti-Semitic I Jewish- Songs*.. Everyone who wants attitude -o£the : University- Senate.
Chamisho-Osor Beshvat
BLOCH, V?lncipal ol City Talmud ToroU
¥1 Hk -N GIF
- -
E. E. Bruce & Co
, ,
Shumsk Relief Society ...'•••.•".••
O m s h a
' .'"
Second Annual Dance SUNDAY EVENING, January -23,1927
Randall's Royal Orche§frM
SOMIT-—-Jewish 'Book Store 242ft Beeatour Street WE bster 3527 i just received a full supply of Talesim wool and silk Tphilim and Mezusos, also fancy bags for Talesim and Tphiltin. I alsQ have anew supply of Prayer Books, Iloly scriptures and rnany: other Jewish books jn Hebrew and : :
'-" '['•::."
:_ • .."\
geautiful wall calepderg at very reasonable prices. ,
I Thiessen Vinegar & Pickle Works PFMr | 3101 Sonth 24th Street
The Time We Reduce Prices Is When the Clothing Comes Intftifce Store! I
and KW
HAT'S The Nebraska's idea of vsluegiving, giving ALL of its customers 4h*-b«aefit'of lowest prices ALL of
Uluffa la,
., «.•«;
FOP Reut-ia C^nciJ> Blqfls a three story brick building suttablerfor. a firocery-or JE^irw ture J Storer"' Building is equiped with-modern front, electricele-va£6r, 'and has fixtures suitable • fer Grpcery Store.
S. SHYKEN 1009 Second Jive Teh 75 Council Bluffs, Ia.
Time to think of. your- S
| PhotograpLs I j The TRUSSED
Fasiure taaiuire to to Hang Hang lip Up May EIocfe.Ycmr Teslepfepsje Dcjor
Tviicn. .your telephone tl*fi^T» iri-mr tripTjlinnpi receiver is off the hook, -y?u? "tcleyiione door" is tloeked and p'ioplc calling cannot 'resell you, ' Xt tfic receiver remains off the hook for some tinf& IUQ. operator will conclude' that your line is. out JD£ .order; and will switch it fron the regular switchboard to the tcstboard for inspection.
1 —Duringthis lime you DiiEincr- ihia time TO will be unable to receive or makc.~caIISj.thus cius-ing inconrenience to yo»r-* stit and those who tdsh to call you. •- You will help in our effort to provide you with the best possible service " by always hanging-up thereceiver when through talking and making-sure that It is all the way dc-am.
Lowest Prices NQW "A Wonderful Value Demonstration in
Men's Suits and Overcoats
20 >25 *36
PHOTOfJKAPHEHS 1312 Farnam St. Opposite W. O. W. BWsl . Phone, J A ckson 4562
•cJN^-.-:smiting::hei» until the season is over before prices sre jowered OR Suits an4 Overcssais, -Wfe are constantly^ in the market, new goods come in every day— and every dollar's worth immediately .priced to give jou :
Aunt Esther's Column
BAKING POWDER BISCUT and cinnamon about 34 teaspoon of each to crumbs. 2 cups flour % to 1 cup water HOUSEHOLD HINTS 1 scant teaspoon salt To refasten window shades on 4 teaspoons baking powder Tollers use adhesive taps. 2 tablespoon vegetable fat Gasoline will remove the most Sift dry ingredients, cream fat in-stubborn spots frsm rags. to this and add just enough water to If possible open -canned fruits or make a soft dough that can be vegetables % hour before using- to handled. If butter is used, add milk restore flavor. ; instead of water. Bake in very hot Gelatine is made from the shin oven. bone of cattle and is really a meat
LITHUANIA}** CONSUL DENIES MemeJ territory will be ousted from REPORT OF MASS ARRESTS January 1, 1927 and that a German OF JEWS IN KOVNG newspaper in Memel has been officially suppressed by the Lithuanian govNew Tork; (J. T. A)—A denial of ernment. the press reports that 150 Jews were "I am informed by my government arrested in Kovno on charges of Com- that there is not a word of truth in muniEm,''following the execution of a the despatch," Mr. Eabinavirius dedeath sentence imposedby the court clared. martial upon two Jewish workmen and two Christian workmen on a similar charge, was made by Henrikas FRIED'S Eabinavicius, Luthuanian Consul genKOSHER DELICATESSEN eral in New York City in a state1509 North £4th Street ment to the Jewish Telegraphic Ag-ency. All foods kept in Sanitary cases "I have been instructedfcymy gov- A complete line of smoked meats and fish ernment to emphatically deny the Warsaw cable report .published in the "New York Times" of Tuesday, Dec. Harry H. Lapidus, Pres.-Trea&, 28, which stated that 150 Jews were W. G. Ure. Secretary. ordered to be arrested and court martialed, that German officials in the Omaha Fixture &
SWISS CAKE OR KICKEL using sour cream. 6 eggs pinch salt | cup sour cream ENGAGEMENTS 1 teaspoon baking powder dish. ' • . ' • ' • BROWN BETTY KRASN^-SAMPSON • Mr. I. Fiedler announces the en; Flour enough to make dough same ' The marriage1 of Miss Ewice Sajjip- gageraent of his daughter Rose, to texture as for noodles. Beat eggs, add Using Gingerbread (stele). TEMPLE ISRAEL son, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. Mr. Arthur Swartz, son of Mrs. M. all other ingredients and roll out thin, Run gingerbread through food Sampson of Sioux City, to Albert Swartz. Rabbi Cohn has chosen for hie cut in any desired shapes and fry in chopper or roDout fine. Should have Krasne, son of Mr. and Mrs. I. hot oil; a little sngar and cinnamon 2 cups crumbs. Melt 3 tablespoons topic for Friday evening, January 14, Krasne of Council Bluffs was solemnmay be sprinkled on cakes as they butter and add to crumbs, add grated "This Believing World". "The Shortest Way" will be Rafcbi ized last Thursday January 6, at the Miss Helen Freedman of Des are- remove from fat. rind of lemon and spread a layer Cohn's subject on Saturday morning home of Rabbi Frederick Cohn. After Moines is the guest of her sister and of crumbs in buttered baking dish. a Jfcrip to Chicago the young couple family Mr. and Mrs. Herman Cohn. FRANKFUST SURPRISE Cover with sliced apples, sprinkle January 15. •will make - their home in Council for buffet lunch The Council Bluffs and Omaha with cinnamon - and sugar, add anBluffs.—' • - -SISTERHOOD Iiachowitj; Society held its monthly Make biscut <lough using vegetable other layer of crumbs- and proceed as The Sisterhood will have a matinee meeting Sunday at the home of Mr. fat for shortening. Roll out and cutbefore until all the crumbs are used. ... UHTBEG-BOSENBLTIM and Mrs. S. Shyken. of Council Bluffs. j dough in squares. In each square lay Add the juice of 1 lemon to % cupluncheon Monday, February ?. . The marriage of Miss Fannie Eosen- During the meeting M?. and Mrs. a frankfurt and roll up. Brush top water and pour over. Bake in slow blum to Mr,. Henry Luttbeg of J. Milder of Omaha donated $100.00 of biscut with cold water and bake oven 30 minutes or until apples are SUNDAY SCHOOL Chicago .was solemnised Thursday for the poor people • in Liachowitz. in very hot. oven until brown. These well done. Serve hot with plain or During the month of Bececsiber ike evening: January 13 at the Blackstone Forty members attended the meet- made in the morning and put whipped cream. Stale cake or dough pupils contributed to the Palestine Hotel.^'by Rabhr Frerick Cohn of ing. in a cold place until wanted, then bread crumbs may be Tised in place School children's Penny Luncheon ^Temple Isreal, in the presence of imbaked and served h of gingerbread, but add cloves, nut- Fund and the Near East Relief. The first meeting of the Bona Mica '.insdiate relatives. The ceremony v?as "was held last Tuesday evening, followed by a -wedding dinner for January 4. Ruth Swen,gil was elected those present. ' Miss itaspnhlum is the daughter of president; Gertrude Ourch, vice-pres.-a pioneer Jewish/ family of Omaha ident? Helena HahRj secretary,' -Marcy Monthly .•.and, is sister of Arthur, Horace and Kadis, treasurer; and lobby Aramson, reporter. The next meeting will Gilbert Itosenblmn" of Omaha) Max Without Bosenblum of Lincoln and Morris be held Saturday evening at the home oi Ruth Swengil. The'meeting will iRnsenblum. of Milwaukee. interest The groom-lias many'friends in be.' foltowsd "Jay" a. 'dinner party. EVERY D.AV- EVERY W E E K ' E V g R Y SEASON -Omaha and is a brother of Mrs. The Junior Judea Club oi Omaha, Edward Kraus, Mrs. Ben Stiefler and •jack Luttbeg of this city". Miss Rosen- which is, sponsored by Mr. Goldberg : hlnm was honor guest a t a number and consisting of Jewish boys.rang~6f "showers and affairs prior to theing- fpom- the ages of eleven t o thir-wedding. The couple will he at home teen years held their weekly meeting at the Labor Lyceum. The meeting in Chicago after February 1. was followed by a boxing match. All boys that wish to join may come- to Mr. and Mrs. -Meyer Treedel and the Labor Lyceum, Sunday afternoon family have moved into their new at 2 P. M. home at 4919 California street. . Mr. and Robert Marsr announce Mrs. Abe Goldstein left Wednesday the arrival of a baby son, born Frifor Centerville, Iowa, to visit with day January 7, at the Nicholas Senn Alexander Smith's her mother,. Mrs. Chapman. Miss Hospital. Rosaline 'Goldstein who has been vis? Mr. and Mrs, Barry. K Milder enSeamless Axminstei iting-in Chicago,-and Mrs. E. Foldtertained at a surprise party in honor berg, of Chicago, will join g of the birthday anniversary of their stein in Centerville. They will all Bon. Hymie Philip, on Sunday evereturn-to Omaha Saturday night. ning. Covers were laid for eighteen Mr. ATOH EichaTds of San Jose, guests, the evening was spent with Cal., spent last week in Omaha visit- bridge and dancing. ing friends. Mr. and Mrs." M. E. Chapman left Mrs. Louis Kulakofsky entertained Saturday for an eastern trip. They at a farewell tea at her home Satur- will visit in Boston, New York and $55 Vduesr-9xl2 Sixe = day afternoon for her house guesti Washington. - * ; Miss Sylvia Fried of Milwaukee, who' There's newness of design, and left that same evening for her hpme. •unusual richness 9% color in these Council Bluffs News splendid seamless axminster rugs Mr. an^ltlrs. Bariy'Malashodc left of deep pile. JEtescnrned. for Xhax T last Priday "for~?s ew" "York, wRere long wearing qualities. The Ladies Aid Society will hold they plan to spend a few weeks. a meeting next Tuesday afternoon, Sixth Mrs. David Green has as her housa J3nuary~l8, at the home of Mrs. 8-3x10-6 Size, $50 Values $37.50 Floor jruest, her sister, Miss Klapter of Henry Maduff, 206 North Tenth St. ^ Kansas City," Tickets are now on sale for tfta Mrs. Sam Weinberg of Fremont Annual Agudes Achira Dance, which Heavy Printed Linoleum, in attractive beautiful pat- •|"'|" -will be given on Thursday evening, * and her siter, Miss .Rose terns and durable "quality. 12 feet wide, square yard. *-* of February 17, at the Eagles Hall. The joint hostesses at "seven taWes joint following, committee is in cfiarge of Boss—Sixth Floor bridge, Sunday, January 9, at Mrs. the arrangements for the dance; Ben Pebbles tea room's, honoring their E. Kubby, chairman; Sam Steinberg, brothers fiance, Miss Eva Bordy. Mrs. athan Nggg, and Charles Saltzman, Meyer Bsber, a recent bride, shared honors with Miss Bordy. P»*ea were , Mrs. S. Cohen left Sunday night won by Mrs. Joe Krasne of ^Temont for Los Angeles, Calif.» where she and the Misses Tina Altschuler, Rose in visit " her " daughter, Mrs. I. Richard Allen, and Mr, Allen. Siegel and- Eva Minkin. At the last meeting oi the Deborah ,Mr. and Mrs." Max 5|elnberg enterSavings of Unusual Worth s Society the following _oj3cers_ W« e . tained thsr Evening" Bridge Club a t elected: Mrs. Kate Tatle, president; their home last Wednesday evening. Plates in assorted sizes, egg cups, soup, plates, oatMrs- A. Wolf, vice-president; Mrsmeals, platters, gravy boats, and raps and saucers y Wednesday Mas Frrimkin, secretary; Mrs. Sam all decorated in attractive patterns. "Wolf, corresponding secretary; and for'Siou3» City, "lQ\ya» to visit -her Bmndeis daughter," Mrs." Philip Shermant and Mrs. J. Finkel, treasurer. Mr. Shertosn^ She expects to return " Mrs. Morris Levy left Wednesday home Monday. • •evening for a 'several weeks' "visit in Mr. and Mrs. Charles Saltzman are .New York. "being' hosts to their" Evening Bridge Mr. and Mrs. David- B. Cohn an- Club-Thursday evening-at their home. nounce the birth .of * spn Gerald , Morton, born Tuesday At the Metho- -Mrs- S. Freiden left Wednesday for .Sioux' City, Iowa, where she will visit dist hospital. her daughter," HrsT "Louis Heeger, Mr. and Mrs. S. Rips., entertained and Mr.' Heeger, -for several days. • four tables of bridge last Saturday Reductions o". Our Entire Stock • evening in honor of -their cousin, Miss Mollie Kutlef, " whose " en-DIAMOND gagement to "Mr. Louis Martanky Now in force—our annual 25% to 50% reducof Chicago was recently_ announced. HEADQIIARTERS -tions on our entire stock -of wall papers—even Prices were won hy Mis, A., Rosen, GIFT the very new spring shipments. and Mr. Martanky.- The out-of-town COUNSELORS • guests were Miss Reinhart of Baltimore and Mrs. S. .Lefoowitz of - Sioux City, Iowa, f ormeriy- Miss Eva WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Kaplan of JEWELERS Papers for dining rDoxa, tocdroom and parloT<— wjir nave"i i" Diamond Diamond Importer^ Importers I .The Daughters pi/Zion w enough for entire-r-oom, including ID rolls wall, ; ry 17. at I f 214-21B Oty Nat' Bajik BWg. " ! its regular meeting, January 6 rolls ceiling and 18 yards <£ border.. fin^.^ro- I Establisheri Ig3f '" .7 ' J 2 o'clock at the J. C. Cr. A/fi gram has been arranged and members axs-Tirged to Attend,
Famous for 86 Veaim cf Honest
MerpJinntlise Is yonr finHrnniee of a Sqnsire CX>B!
1419 Douglas
ftesehw tnrtet*.
Est. 1890
January Sale cf Now Geing On
High Lights from Our January Sale Home Needs Extraordinary Opportunity to Sane—-in Our
January Sale of
Exita Special!I—
L.35 Heavy Printed linoleum -^
Odd Chairs Left From S-Piece Suites
Branieis Regular Prices 'Are $39^6 to $49M Odd chairs left out of fine states are in this group. • Upnostered in various shades of J&eqtisrd velour. The loose spring filled cushions are reversible and rest on full webbed base. !We have just 25 of these excellent values. Monthly
Odd Lots of Attractive Chinaware
10c—15c—25C eat*
Two Important Features from Our Sale of
Fnm 25% tO 50%
Mafeyshacfc Jewelry Co.
Mr. Herbert" Goldstein left for New York- City to visit Tiis parents. 2£rs.~-I>af4«E N,£Wnmn will be hqs: tess at a bridge luncheon at TierTiome ' next Tnesdaj. noon complimentary to
Mrs. B CltlifKBB^CitEIl!
Omaha's Most Modern "fireproof Plant
Hatters—Fnrri^s • .- S5R0LLY GOODMAN'S
Ernia Gross, returned to. her MPIR home at Lansing, Michigan after DYERS spending &e holidays -with her aunts, .and ,Rose, .Gladstone. 3161-63. Faxnam St. HA.S3C8
Entire Room
Dainty and Refreshing
Rialfled Curtains $tJQto$!M Values fresimess and crispaess of these new curtains will-delight those looking for values in neW'ctfftatniirfs;'fa-plain OT colored dot patterns with full, generous ruffles and tie backs to mates. 2^2 yards long—reedy for immediate hanging.
Oenuine O'Cedar Mops
A Special Lot of Embossed Wall Papers
Special , 2 9 C Roll for Wednesday
Usually $&c ~.< X)*cSSiat polish mop, triangular shape with s long, smooth handle. Ideal mop for floor polishing and in cleaning corners. If© telephone or mail orders received,
Embossed papers in newest designs and colors for living room, hall and dining room. -An opportunity to buy quality papers at reduced priees. Orders taken now for hanging wall paper at future dates. Brnnaeis Won FapeT—Tl«Ji Floor
' 1
PAGE 4-^-THE JEWISH PRESS, THURSDAY, JANUARY 13, 1927 T awhile. Just as we were leaving a In it fits closely a plunger equipped Captain Ackerman piled up ten and own, Tom leaned forward—lie was at the hotel where we were In Venice with a round knob at one end and a runners have round pupils. The frowho spoke Italian. He came bad eiglit .".poin'ts'--fbr' '.thV lumbermeri"; Itting across from me—and said: both hunter and hunted, has front-UK plston-liUe expansion at the other. " 'Em, did you notice the name of laughing fit to kill. Lohrman's.points being:'tallied by thp The piston end of the plunger is nlac-d eyes, but they protrude and " 'We were both right. Km,' he said uat town we just left? I'd like to gift- jraute-with'-the. exception of one! J dipped in tinder, which the native car- have crosswise elliptical pupils. 'And we were both wrong. One o now where we are on the map.' -,' By .Stanley, P. Levin.. , , basket from a distance. Jakey Ko* • ries In a moth's cocoon, which makes "It happened I'd noticed the sign Ibose words means "Entrance" and an absolutely watertight container. -By CYNTHIA: BLAIR owsky i at. running guard "played & .ver one of the doors. 'Yes, it was the other means "Exit."'" BASKETBALL. ' J magnificent game chalking ;up seven She laughed softly at the tittle pic- The piston' is placed in the pump and "ntrata,' I .said, 'orlntrata.* ' b&', Jewish Community - Center points,, all .but one long shots. , His< k Vi I • "When we got to the next town he ture • memory had brought up, andthe knob struck sharply. The compression of the air raises GirtsJBasketball League will open it's defensive game was superb. tJT Ned's wrong!" protested looked out, as we went right through. Helena laughed with her. the temperature to such a degree that - season,--this Satuwbty-rate—.at< -the ^ Captain Altshuler led his mates in Other thoughts came swarming to 3L> Helena Deland, dropping down That was Usclta,' he said, 'but I her. Grandpa'd been gone for fir. the tinder is ignited, and when the Center, The captains of the-eight on the top step-of the porch, and toss•an't find It on the map.' 1 defeat with six points. Lester Givpiston is withdrawn it is found to be Had Its Advantage* , „ . . Ing her big sun hat from her so hard "We didn't stop at the next town years now, and no matter how han teams ar.e. girls .who have.concentrated slowing.' The native 'blows on the Caller (to deaf old lady)-l t must granny tried to fill her days with hi •ither, but I saw .the sign over one j enter, the Kaimans scoring ace, wa? ^ ^ , ^ 0 ^ f petunias their effort^; on putting out 'winning t feU b e do afllicUOn t0 behard flowing mass, inserts it into his readyI terest in her- grandchildren and ho teams-r-and have themselves practiced ejected from the game early in the !n e a r b y . "He just simply won't listen »f the doors there. Tom didn't. ' Inid fuel; and presto! he has'his'fire. g " 'Why, Tom, you were wrong j garden and her charities, there we;-, faithfully jwith such, an object in view. evening on four fouls. The, Insurance \ to reason. We've' argued * for three about that last town,' I toid him j many times when she just sat looking This method is quicker by far than Old Lafiy-Eh? Not so bad as hay. men blew up when their opponents -days over this thing, and. I'm just p Clara, Shriebman, .captain of'num"This one we've just gone through was= at grandpa's picture and thinking of the friction method used by most ing to keep still and listen. him. She was lonely then; one look primitive races. team will lead the following took an early lead which they were about ready "to -tell him' that I'm Uscita.* through! It seems queer, when we at her sweet little face made that girls:. Lillian Swartz, Rose Segal, unable to overcome " 'It ceuldn't be; that was the name love,each other so much, that we could .' of the last one,' he answered, sort of plain enough. _ PAXTON-MITCHEIX <JO. Bertha Shafton, Lillian Eosenblatt, Wiame «> overcome. quarrel so over a little bit of a tiling. short with me. «th » Mnrthn Hts Harnry IWR Suddenly 'Helena jumped up. Nature Has Provided The lowly Leather Btoai Israels sank the Tillie Segal, Esther fiadusiner"' and Philadelphia Co. team with Bnt^wfien I realize how stubborn he( Omaha. Nebr. snatched her hat out of. the petunias, "Well, we argued about ft I told h h Eraricis. Turner. ' ' '". ' * the Eye Most Suitable Soft gray iron. Orass. Oroni* and alu a fierce barrage of baskets in the * ^ ^ ^ ^ but-iwell, just'listen' him I could believe my -own eyes, 1 and put It on hind side before withcastings. Sinmlnrt! sizes (>ronte Minnie Sherman, captain of number third quarter, holding the Tanners j t o a mt}e s t o r y t h a t r m g o i n g . t o t e l , The American' Review of Reviews uiinnm guessed, never remembering that hi- out even noticing that fact. «n<i (ron bushings, wwer manholes, cisiern mid covers, nnd clonnout two team will have the following to a point score in the last half. The ; y o t | . . granny leaned baclTin her low was sensitive about ielng near-sight "Thanks, granny," she cried, hast- quotes from th« Bulletin of the French lours *nnn^s stork. girls: Reva Goldenburg, Dora'Swartz, final.score read Israelites 14, Leather " chair, rocking gently back and forth ed, and he said he'd learned to rend ily kissing the old lady's cheek. "If,* Societe de Biologie some interesting Rose Forman, Bess Kirahenbaum Comrjany 8. The entire B'nai Israel ; for a moment, looking olTover the gay when he was five—he was always aw almost. lunch time and Xed will be facts about the shape and position of j the eyes in animals, according as to j and •Jeanette • Levinson. '. crowd shot baskets and played a little garden as if she didn't see it at fully proud of that—and he couldn't coming' home. I've got to get th«»re whether they hunt or are hunted. j first and make a shortcake for him— Leona Pollock, captain of number strong offensive game. Sadofsky at all, but saw for into the past instead. be mistaken. In the hunters, the eyes are in the and bte waiting when he gets there to "Well, finally, I Just stopped talk "This happened when your grandThe three team will have "the .following guard was probabaly. the most outfront of the head and close together; father and I were on our honeymoon," log. "Maybe I'm crazy,* I said to him tell him we're both rtsht!" girls': Bufch- Barrish, - Grace Levin, standing man on his team. they are deep in tlifclf sockets and she began-at last; the faint creaking *fcut I know what I saw. over thai Ethel v Greenberg, Alice Minkin, protected by dorsai ridges and by the Bleicher led., his. men with five Of a board'beneath-her chair made a door. Fm not going to talk about It Marian Frieden. and' Rose .Weber. any longer.' How Malays Get Fire masticatory muscles. Thus, the bisoft accompaniment. to her voice. "We points for high honors of the. evening." 1818 Farnarn, 2nd floor nocular field of vision of such animals Babe-Segal, captain of number four •Bleichers-game was, a bit off. form as went abroad,- though everybody told "He leaned back In his corner with From Compressed Air is large, while the panoramic field is team will lead the following "players: he missed several under basket shots us that it'was just tempting fate for the most exasperated look on his face The .inhabitants of the Malay penin- limited. Hunters that lie in wait for Ella Marcus, Lena Chesnau, Ann that ordinarily he would have made a newly married couple to take such that I ever saw. 1 don't have to talk and sula have a method of obtaining fire Goldenburg, Mermine Green, and with ease. Dave, by the way, set a a long trip. Travellng'is so hard on any more,* he said. 'I know that I which is probably unique among primi- their prey have pupils vertically elright.' < people's dispositions! We got along was liptical ; those that chase their prey Anne Kaiman. "When we came to the next town tive peoples. They .utilize the prin- have round pupils. new record for missing free throws beautifully, though, all through EngPopular noonday luncheon Adalaide: Greenberg, captain, of when he allowed 8 of his gift shots tand and France. * we were both pretty eager to see what ciple—that-the compression of air In hunted animals, the eyes are at number five team, will I^ad £he "fol- to go awry. Levin played a good raises its temperature, one known to50 cents the name of It was* We leaned way the. sides of the head and wide apart, "Then we went to Italy. It was lowing players: Esther sFatev Ida game at guard, since Bud got rid of pretty warm there, and pretty dirty. out of the window. And over the first every man who has ever pumped up a with shallow orbits and no protection Table d'hote dinner, 85 cents to "Well, we left Venice one jrery hot door of the station It salfi *Intrata*'or tire,* but one which it is most surpris- from ridges or muscles, so that they 11.00, from 5 to 8 Daily Hoffman, Ruth Greenberg, *, Libby his notion that football was played evening to; go to Florence. We'd ex- "Entrala,* I never did get that word ing .to find in the possession of a usually protrude Hence their binocMusic at all Meals Blacker and Rose RQsen^etn.') on a basketball court his playing has pected, to- have a. sleeping compart- quite straight In nay mind, and over group of aborigines. Dancing Evenings ular field is very small or entirely Bertha Hoffman will captain numMusic by Ambassadors 7 piece improved fifty percent. meht, but somehow; when we got on the next one It said 'Uscita.* A tiny pump of wood, hardly more lacking, but their panoramic field ember six team and the following girls: "We Just looked at each other as than three inches in length and with braces almost the whole horizon. orchestra. No cover charge the train there wasn't one. * Team Standings. Ida -Fine, Rose Hofner, Annette If we'd lost our minds. And then Tom "•How about it,,Em? your granda bore of about half an inch, is used, In the fast runners, the pupil forms For reservations phone W. L. Bender, Mary Shames and Josephine father, said.'. 'Are you game to go on, went Into the next compartment, says the JS'ew York World. This pump a horizontal ellipse, which assists in. JAckson 6224 1 Kaimans 5 where there was a man who'd stayed is open at one end, closed at the other. broadening the field of vision; poor Alexander. . * ' -> anyhow?* / . . : ; ,. . x 1 5 Gross "I said I was. We were going to Selma. Levin, captain v of, number 2 stop in Florence just a few'days, and Brodkeys ,— S seven team, will lead the following 3 then start home, and I was getting 3 Tullys . girls: Lillian Haykin, Grace Rosenanxious to go. I wanted to come back 3 Phil. Leather Co. 2 stain, Sara Morgan, Lillian Lipsey, to my new little house nere, you see, 3, 2 Bani Israel Rose firick and Leona Del Rose.'' and really settle down. So we went 5 Bani Ami : 0 Rose Fiedler will captain number right on. It meant sitting ^pp all night, as there were two other pereight team and-the following basJewish Athletic Club sons in the compartment that we had keteers:' Ida Tennenbaum, Pearl The J. A. C. whose football team Marcus, Ethel Hurwitz, Gertrude carried their colors through a victori- to take, which was big enough for six; we could just sort of lie down, but Gerber, Leone Novitsky, Pansy Brown ous season will take the floor within that was all. and Nena Hurwitz. a few days against some of the "Well, at first it-wasn't so bad.! A number of the girls have had ex- strongest teams in the city. Their though the train was pretty dirty. Af tperience' in basketball at Tech and lineup will include members of Jhe Central' High in addition to their Kaiman team of the Center league. robe learn, while the Kaiman Insurcoaching under the supervision of Max Altshuler,' Lester Giventer, Id ance won two of the three contests Ed Burdick, Dave Chesnau and Art Shriebman, Harry Kneeter, Sam Lei- from I the Maiashock Jewelry five. Swartz. Announcement was made that none bowitz, Morris Reiss; L e w Marks. Adalairie Greenberg, Dora Swartz but members of the Jewish Communand, Selma Levin are probably the Most of the members of the five have ity. Center will be. eligible to the memmost outstanding "forpj|rds"~i4 * tn~e gone through five successive years as bership in this league. league. Selma,has.a nilty eye for the members of the same outfit;-' The Kibatzers and the Shmoosers - basket chalking up many goals durwas the only contest in the women's Swimming ,, ing an evenings play. Leona Pollock "The Community Center swimminsf league and ended with the Kibatzers' and Hinny: Sherman have excellent team-is out in full fqree. Any and all winning-three games from their., opfU?jpr skill, covering the ground In the aquatic aspicants are urged to get in ponents. Mrs. Bluma Greenberg and manner of feminine Syd CorenmariB. touch with Ted Turner or Ed Burdicfc Miss Ruth Greenberg and Mrs. Alex. Promising placers are many, among at the Center gymnasuira office. The Frank comprised the winning squad. them .are Jeanette Levinson, 'Grace men are now taking" up the most in- Their, opponents were Mrs. Ann SilverLevin, Babe Segal, Clara •Shriqbman teresting sport of water polo. Fellow man, . Mrs. Sarah Cohn' and Mrs. J and others. " ' Ted has 'more room for some good Esther Braviroff. r swimmers and divers.' Turn out and CREIGHTON U. '• •• '' Syd' Corenman continues t o drawt swim for the Center water team, Scarcely twelve months Now, with its position sethe undivided attention of the crowds I The Levey Brothers, Saul and Joe, ago Oakland was only one curely established, Oaklandattending the Bluejay games.-Syd's of many manufacturers strivdemonstrated their handball ability Pontiac bids for new and Public Accountants and Auditors playing unquestionaly is magnificent, ing for preeminence. Today Tuesday evening at the Jewish Comgreater heights—for over seldem has a man appeared -on an IS ADORE ABRAMSON munity Center, when this duo defeatit ranks among thelargest 1925 Production . . 43,018 fifteen millions of dollars are Oinaha court whos playing <»an be Hi* rbuilders of motor cars in the ed Herman Segeleman and Leon compared to that of the incomparable belnginvestedto provide for INCOME TAX SEKVICE Mendeleson, two out of three games world. Responsible for this 1926 Production . . 1 3 4 , 0 8 9 greater production. Corenman. Syd-pokes shots.thru the SYSTEMS—AUDITS for the doubles championship of the tremendous growth have Oakland and Pontiac Sixes leather when ever the Jays "are be« Community Center. This staggering sxsm—the INVESTIGATIONS been a continuous series of hind, many times tying the score and The games were well fought and combined cost of a new PoncomDineacostoranewro often putting the Creightonians ahead. triumphs resulting m a record-breaking 490 Brandeis Theater Building only in the second game were the Corenman and Kaufman what a beau^ S i x plant, with a capacity of 1,000 cars a Phone ATlantic 1450 212% increase in business over 1925. Levey brothers outplayed. Segelman tiful combination that would be. dayesand of important expansions in the fadlplayed a high brand of handball both With the advent of the past year* came the * *f devoted to die manufacture of Oakland in the second and third games. JEWISH PRESS TEAM introduction of the Pontiac Six. So great Sixes—definitely assures Oakland-Pontiac The Press team will meet the 1926 JEWISH COMMIINITL CENTER was the demand it created, that in six buyers of even greater value in the future* Creighton Prep team Sunday nite at LEAGUE months Pontiac Six production had exceeded ^m° r ^ snakes possible the employment of even the Center in the feature game of Standings January 12, 1927. the greatest full year record previously scored o*e efficient methods of production—even the current season. The Press team "Manufactured in Omaha" W L Perc. j i s the strongest Jewish team ever by a new make of car. And by the end of the greater precision in construction—even more 4 •777| RAKEK ICE MACHINE CO 14 to take the floor, in this city. Sammy Kaiman Insurance year, with Pontiac production reaching exacting standards in the never-ending in* 7 .619; Colts —— 11 Kaufman will captain the aggrega- Albert 8 .555 t The Wardrobe .!..'. 76,523 cars, that record had been surpassed spections which govern every phase of Oaktion. Kaufman will be remembered, Doc Steins „.-.._'....: 8 10 .444 by more than 100%! In July came the land-Pontiac manufacture and which have 6 12 .333 as the boy who pitched the Jewish Omaha Tobacco Co. Greater Oakland 13 akland Six with 77 refinements, refinements, been soinstrumental in achieving worldwide 5 .222 Community Center to a Gate' *City Malashocks .... f d b h hl quality Sixes. featured by that epochal engineering develop- good will for these two qy championship in the muny^ baseball - . _ BOWLING NOTES memv-the Rubber-Silenced Chassis. Again In the strictest sense, I the h strictest sense, this league, Sammy is under contract with ' Ab Kaiman, anchor man on his In this huge huge investment investment bowling squad, secured the highest America paid a wholehearted tribute to Oakrepresents more than an expression the Omaha team in • tjie' h i of f contotal for the evening with a 582 score. J league as a pitcher. He has spent land engineering vision. And again, in every fidence by General Motors in Oakland prindJack Kramer was next with a 559( thfr-.pas^ month; in Chicago playing section of the land, Oakland sales leaped up- pies of design, manufacture and distribution* professional basketball with some of total which .included a pair of 200. ward,necessitatingtheunprecedentedproducIt stands as a tangible pledge to the public at -.the-strongest fives in that city. His games,- while. Malashock with a 228 tSpAof37,566 Oakland Sixes-^-nearly 15,000 large that in fundamental goodness and funda"game Sunday, nijte will mark his de- scored the highest single game. more than in 1925—ahdsurpassinganyprevimental value Oakland Six and Pontiac Six 1307 Howard St. ' At. 8028 but-in <, Omaha basketball circles for -. The -. Alberts Colts grabbed the ous record in Oakland's twenty year history. will continue supreme in theirfieldsI '27. Besides Kaufman the other mem- entire" series from the Doc. Steins, ' Omaha. Nebr. bers are ;^ Sid Corenman^ Ed, Burdick, their opponents. The Omaha Tobacco Pontiac Six, $825 to $975. Oakland Six, companion to Pontiac Six, $1025to$1295. Ail prices ' Leo .Konecky,' Dave" Chesnau,! Art Co. dropped three games to the "Wardat factory. Bodies by Fisher. Easy to pay on the liberal General Motors Time Payment Plan. Swartz', Johnny Rosenblatt. ' :
Lover'* ~
T ? ""
Sftangki Gardens Excellent Chinese
to Meet the detaand for Oakland and Pontiac Sixes
2 1 2 % ^crease
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We Print
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The AvBLBrodkey Contractors took a.^25 to 'if "contest from -the-TUlly -. Hatters Wednesday night in the first jgame of the Commercial league.' . Captain Bnrkenroad led the, Brodfceys .vtfth 10 points. Harry Haykin ' and Herman- Coreman trailed fbehind with. Ijf «a<i 4 respeetively.- '; Rube'Brown's'guarding was'excellent, the Jank veteran capturing many "balls that might-have meant,? ppinln l the-Hattjers.. [ lei.hi? men with i soul -Ifr counters.-being the Jieart^a>id ' O £'^^pdn1fet t 'bo%'on-fte offensive;
In Omaha
HOTEL ROME 450 Kooma—200 Bntbo 'flood Itnnm* lor $1.60 ' (lprrnird by Kppl«>jr Hotel* Co.
The Copelman Candy Co. Successors to Jones Candy Co. .
Romance Chocolates x
Wonderful Opportunity Well established general store for sale cheap. Reason for selling, owner has business in an other town. A REAL SNAP ,r,Call or wri|.e to r
A. L. COHEN Silver City, Iowa
Phone JAv 3986 ,-..918 Farnarn St. ••-••"- • • • M I D 1
NEBEASKA It, BK Wnndcrllch, Vfataoo. Ifarlira* Nelson, Ashland. AnderMm Motor Co* Weeping Wi.tcr. Win. Brckmeyer, Arlington. Alvln Browulnj-, Bancroft. 2421-27 F a r n a m S t .
IOWA Ksira Auto Co., Eilra. Lftrson & Turin, KIron. Emery D. Bass, Shenandaah. AT-292S-2930 l*nox Auto Co., Lenox, mnmblrj- * Sylvester, Andy Anderson, Aoitabon. John U'epiM, Fnnnm<t. F. W. Pierce, Boating*. Clarence IJnn. IS
Paul Gerhard Motors
CUItan * Blotzer, Dattsmoath. Bend Battery Co., North Bend.
ASSOCIATE DEALERS Sinton Motor Co, 5017 S. 24th St. Gillnsky Motor Co., Council Bluffs.
H K. Bares. Pracnf.
II-ZO 353 SO. 14 TH.ST. OMAHA.