A false friend, like •» shadow, attends only while the sun slimes. ' HYMIE MILDER PASSES THE CIGARS. ', '. pymie Milder became the proudest father, yes daddy, in Omaha last Thursday, when " the stork presented his wife with a bouncing eight-pound baby boy. And was Hymie proud --> • He spent the entire day, and much of the week, in distributing- cigars. The more "smokes" he gave" away; the more he seemed to have. No matter how freely they disappeared into the vest pockets of the congratulators.-Hynue,always had more, and whenever I saw him.he was lugging around "a" big box of the "fifty centers" under bis arm.
"I WANNA.BE POLICEMAN!" Knowing -the wims of a little boy. Papa Milder, soon after the" doctor said "It's a boy," called Inspector of Detectives Ben Danbaum and said: "Ben, I want a police star for my
as aceoodrelas* tnaU matter on January 27th:l»21^s« > at Omaha Nehra»kn. iindet th» Aoi of Mnrrtj S.'1OT»
Heads Boy Scouts
Speaks Over Radio
aitiary28 Six Cities Will Send Teams to Omaha for District Tournament—Winners go to Chicago ^
Committee Appeals to-Secretary of State Against Persecutions of Jews in Roumania : - ;
. With the local contestants already chosen by the Omaha. Chapter A. Z. A., and the tournament committee, headed by Hyman Shrier, working energetically and tireless, the district A. Z. A, basketball, debate and orotorical contests to be held at the Jewish Community Center, January 29 and 80, promises to be the finest combined sthletic-intelectu&l affair ever held by a Jcvdih groi^p iit,
Washington, (J. T.-A.)—Secretary of State Kellogg.declared that he was deeply impressed with-the gravity of the charges regarding, the persecution pf Jews in Roumania atHhe conclusion, of •boy." . "What boy?" asked Danbaum. pleas presented .to him for the intercession of the United.States Then followed the explanation and government by.a delegation headed by Dr. Stephen's.'Wise," rer ."congratulation. " presentingthe American Jewish Congress. <-
Omaha.. . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . / ' . , . . . . " . . .;.. . .':• r .-, , •. groups in denouncing Roumania's anti-Jewish persecutions.. He,told the The local basketball team, which j ing well groomed teams to coiajjel® Secretary that he was overwhelmingwill compete against five other strong J in the contests. . ' .! Henry . been elected ly convinced as a result of his inves- president \oi} £he. executive board of teams, representing A. Z. A. cbspters' The winners in each division willlgo ' tigation in Roumania, of the. ill treat- the Omaha icpuneil;-of Boy Scouts. in as many mid-western cities, was to Chicago in February to compete-i«« At a "meeting of the Executive ment of the Jews in that country and, He succeedsN William! E; Reed, wha aimgunced as follows: the national A. Z. A. tournament. Committee of the Jewish -Welfare the failure of the Roumanian govern- becomes s<!out commissioner. .• Dave Bleicher, and Dave Beber, The first event of the district tourFederation, it-was decided to have ment to take proper preventative forwards; Edward Alberts, center; nament will begin at 6:45 p. m.» the- annual meeting on Sunday, steps. This information, he declared, Other counql members elected were: Bud Levin and Bill Gerelick, guards, Saturday, January 29, when the first February 18., An-appropriate prowas not obtained., frpm Jews vth o did Ray Low, vice-president; W. Dale Ed Burdick, athletic director of the and Louis Riklin, substitute. Accord- round in the basketball section will gram, has been arranged. not dare to complain' because of-fear Clark, treasurer; ~W. C. Fraser, court Jewish Community Center, has be- ing the team, the boys will put up a be played in the gvmnasium of the of government retaliatory measuses, of honor;' F.*H. Sudiolz, organiza- come nationally known as an author- stiff and fast battle. Jewish Community Center. At 9 p, m, Jack Freiden, performing in the which usually follow any Jewish pro- tion; Dr. E. "C. Kfenry, training and ity on physical culture, by his recent The team is practising almost daily the first round in the debates will be test, but by certain" Christian minis- reading; W." W. Head, finance, and J. addresses' on -the subject of WOW under the direction of Burdick, and held in the lodge room of the Center, Minstrel show held at the Center last ters in Roumania.who pleaded with H. Beveridgc, education and publicity. radio station. Burdick talks on physi- has. played a number of practice Tuesday, is responsible lor this one: The nest morning, Sunday, at S:3§ him to use all his,efforts to secure Melvin Bekms, G. >W,.- Hamilton, C. cal culture every Saturday, evening. games' I'with outside teams. " H a d a dream last night, he said. a. m., the tournament will start ofi? American intercession, particularly on W. Minard/J/W. MonaghanJ and J. Since joining WOW staff Mr. Burdick "I-dreamt that I was walking up a Ben Kaslowsky and Maurice Alperin with a breakfast for A, Z. A. and, behalf of the Jews who are in such W. Welch, complete the executive has received numerous requests for were chosen to represent the Omaha B'nai B'rith members at the Center, long line of steps towards heaven. • . great danger, although the other mi- board. printed copies- of his addresses. On" each step I had to write with chapter in the debate contest. In the After the breakfast the ssmi-finals of norities are also persecuted. white chalk, my various sins. When oratory division either Lcruis Lipp or the basketball section will be played It is understood that the Secretary I got near the top I met Sam Gerson Hyman Shrier will" uphold the local and then the semi-finals of the debate, of State will request a full report coming down. 'Where you going?' I speaking laurels. The debates and The oratorical contests will be 'held' from the American Minister in Buchoratorical contests will bring out a at S $>. m., Sunday, in the Center asked him. •Down to get some more arest, Culbertson, of the situation. •wealth of interesting and educational auditorium, after which the final chalk,' Sam answered." What forma] position America vrfll be material on Jewish problems and sub- round debate will be held in the lodge able to take cannot-, be forecast in Nationally Known Interpreters of Proceeds Go to Settlement in Russia jects, \ according to the, tournament room. Folk Songs view of the various international techchairman. The final basketball scrimmage Some time back Harry Malashock, The Shuinsk; Relief Society second nicalities regarding'American-Roumawill be held at 7:45 p. m. in the gym. Other cities to be represented at chairman of the B'nai B'rith budget Al Harris and Clu Kaieliansky of annual ball will' be held at the City the " tournament are: Denver, Sioux Tickets- for the event will be sold at nian relations. • The Secretary - discommittee, was talking to Dr. Abe played such sympathy and interest, York will appear in one of their Auditorium Sunday evening. Accord- City,- Des Moinesj Council Bluffs, the door, or a season ticket may be Qreenberg during one of the meethowever, that, it; was plain he will celebrated'-programs at t h e J . C C , ing to the' committee in charge this Lincoln' Bud SorJ; Dodge. All are send- purchased from any A. 2. A. member. ball premises "to be one of the best ings-' . take such steps as may be possible, "Sunday; evening; at •§. s'dsel£ •.-. - As. [& iesgtere of Abner Kaiman jv* should "bfSdal -rei»orte'ijep-'©ulr" tbV These' two 'ariistvgaased recogni- affairs- <if? its kind- ever -'held in the -Omaha, ctapter will hold its annual the. meeting ~and wa delegation's charges. ' " '• tion in' the 'Jemisk world for their "city- 'Arthur RaSaalfs/ KoysV- "or.dance iii,..th.e Center suditoriam after chestra will, furnish, the music for ports of the. various committees; H e Secretary Kellogg requested' the natural impersoftifications and for the the finals have . been playud ©nd • called on Harry/ asking for a detailed delegation to submit .full data.- This masterful interpretations of .the the ball sw.arids given on Sunday. report of what the budget • committee The Shumsk Society of Omafcajwas • - request was compiled with by'tht del- Jewish folk songs. All events, according1 to Mr. Shrict was doing and planned to do. organized.several years ago and have gatlon which submitted material which Among the types that Al Harris 1 Will '.Address Judaesn OnW Here have been planned in detail, ami Thfe call caught Harry unaware, had been prepared.' Supplementary will impersonify will be the well? since aided in the care j?f, the_peoplet -*. • > " : : - i r . ; . - : . r ; , _ . . ' / . - ' c : . s . ' ? =' ; • ; ; : ' < • should be put over in good fashion. who, as I said, was busily engaged data win be submitted to the Secre-' known humoresque -of :"Shololm of, Shumsk, Russia,: through their an"Th« success of the entire toumRMr. Samuel Eorowsky of New York in conversation with Abe, but knowtary, it was stated. Aleichen" and "The Jewess and the nual ball given at this time of the City,: executive secretary of tHe' ment, however," Mr. Shrier said, "lies. ing he was expected to say something Jewish Press Team'.won First Game Dr. Wise, in behalf of the delega- Geese." Mr. Katiliansky - will sing year. A special souvenir program has national headquarters of the Young' not wi'.h.. the tournament committee, 39 to 26 about something, Harry answered: tion, presented to Secretary Kellogg, and interprete Jewish folk songs of been printed for this occasion and Jndaea Clubs will be in Omaha Satur- but b with h the people off Omaha, h Tl "I can report jfcrogress."will be presented to the people at the The' Jewish Press basketball team a' set of resolutions adopted at the which he is very competent'and is ball Sunday evening, day and Sunday, January 28 and 29. local chapter A, Z. A. is the mother won its first game of the season when mass meeting held recently-in- New one of the very few, who made a life The following people will serve on A children's mass meeting open to all i chapter of the order, and has alwaysl HE HELD HIS HEARERS it defeated the .American College team York. Dr. Wise told* of the efforts study of them. This program will be members of the J. C. C. as well as j been looked to as the example. Wht» >Dr. Herman Vbn Schulte, who gave Sunday evening at the J. C C. Gymri* made to rectify'the abuses—constant, concluded by a one-act play entitled the committee in charge of the affair: the' Omaha A. Z. A. does is always, the final lecture at the Volunteer by a score of 39 to 26. Sammy Kauf- promises and evasions on the part of "The Zelbst Herder," in which both J. White, chairman; Miss Nellie Ferer, members of the different local young registered, in the minds of the oth«r Judaea clubs, will be held in the J. Mr. and Mrs. H. Weiner," Mrs. H. Leaders Training class Wednesday man, captain of the Press team, was the Roumanian government. Citing artist will take part. chapters as what Omaha is doing. evening, certainly has the power of high point man, making thirteen various instances of the interest-which White, Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Ferer, C C. auditorium Sunday afternoon "Jewish people in some forty fivr; at 2:50 p. m. There is to be no adholding his audience. Mrs. J. White, Mr. and Mrs. Win. points and was closely followed by the United States government has cities are anxiously watching1 the out* mission charge. The program will • He was describing how a sinful man Art Swartz who tallied eleven points. shown in assuring fair play and JusWeiner, Mrs. H. Stern, Mr. and Mrs. Hadassal Committees Are • Wm. Tennenubaum, Mr. and Mrs. A consist of various numbers illustrat- j come of this district tournament, was pronounced dead by a doctor, The Press team played a spectacular tice to oppressed peoples, Dr. Wise the activities of the center for j there are five other district tourn«though still living. The man was tak- floor game-and at—all times outi made a fervent plea for action.. He Appointed for Year Ferer, Mr. M. Seiner, Mr. S. Ferer, ing children and young people under 18 j merits, but the Omaha tournament i* en to the morgue for an autopsy oh played their opponents. G. Soiref, Mrs. H. Albert, Mr. S. said the continious and never~ending years of age. Mr. Borowsky" will be that of the mother chapter— ti At a meeting of the Board of Weiss, A. White. the body. J u s t as - the knife was1 maltreatment of the Jews in Routhe principal speaker. chapter from which sprung1 the InOn Sunday nigh$ January 23, the brought- down to cut the man, supmania was a- blot upon our civiliza- Directors of the Omaha Chapter HaThe Young Judaea clubs in Omaha ternational Order of A. Z. A. of ths posedly dead, i e rallied and managed Jewish _ Press tean» will play The tion and stood in the .way. :Jf that ad- dassah held on Wednesday afternoon, are supervised by Mrs.. M. -F. Leven- I. O. B. B. to utter a faint "stop,'.'-thus saving Blair, "Nebr., Independents, a team vance of peace and human fellowship the following committies were chosen Each d u b having heir own leader. | "This tournament should not conhimself from' being wrongly chopped composed of former Dana College for which the large masses $i people for the following committies were J. C. C. son. An advisory council consisting of cern merely A. S. A. and B'nai B'rith players at - the Community Center! here - and abroad are < working and chosen for the following year: up.' ' Card parties: Mrs. B. A. Simon. The Local Zionist Organization will older persons interested in the work j members, but should concern t>m with- Dr. Von The Blair, team is considered as one praying. Simultaneously of t h e strongest, independent teams in. Publicity: Mrs. Herman Yahr. hold its monthly meeting on Tuesday will be formed by Mr. Borowsky wbile! entire Omaha Jewry." - Schulte's -words* -of "and the man ut- the. state. As a perUminary to this B e Cornish stated that Christian I ^ ^ following is a complete list of Educational: Mrs. J. Rosenberg, evening, January 25, at the Jewish here. tered a faint stop," the door of the fellowships in the United States, Mrs. M. Woal» Mrs. I. Kulakofsky. Further details of the mass meeti committee chairmen on the tourrmgam&-ihe B'nai Israel team wOl play Community Center. - Business of ^im-room was- suddenly -slammed open Lutheran, Presbyterian* Roman Cathing will "be given in next week's Press.' raent as announced by General Chairthe Omaha Sflents. This game promMilk Fund: T4rs. J. Stein, Mrs. M. portance will be discussed and voted causing- the' entire audience to jump, olic and Unitarian, having religious Lerner. • • •»' ' man Hyman Shrier; ises to be 'one of much interest. on at this meetings as though a shot had been fired. Business manager of the prograw The Jewish Press team is at pres- affiliations with the - same - denominaSewing Circles: Mrs. J. J. Fried* * * The Executive Committee is mak- 5,©fi©,©0<8 -UKRAINIAN INHABITANTS BELONG TO booklet, Louis Kiklin; .editor of tkir> ent minus the services of Dave Ches- tions* in Roumania, were intensely in- man, Mrs/ S. Robinson, Mrs. J. B. ing arrangements for a program to - NATIONAL MINORITIES booklet, Harry Rubenstein; add:staff. nau, - Omaha University guard, who terested in the welfare of' the Jews. Robinson. be given following the business transA LAST WORD Isadora.Elewitg, Mas Givot, Stanley wrenched his knee-in. a game Satur- As a Christian minister, Dr. Cornish Financial: Mrs. A. Silverman. actions. . •„' . . The Roumanian question is flaming day night. /The Jewish Press team isi said that he represented the ChrisKiev (J. T. A.)—Five per- g h a p i r 0 5 N o r m a n G ^ e n and / j sons in the Ukraine belong to the up much heat. Let us hope that the at present ncgotjtating with several tian interest in the United States on . Membership: Mrs. C. H. Levenson. Junior Hadassah: Mrs. Max From- CENTER. ANHUAL MEETING national minorities, according to a Givot; tickets, Jerome Diaino?u!: fire dies down to cold, harmless em- travelling1 basketball teams to play behalf of-the Jews. In conclusion-he kin. dance, Harry Si&roan; officials,'1 Dftwreport submitted to the conference of stated that before Roumania took . TUESDAY, -SEARCH'T,..,... bers in a .peaceful and natural man- here in' March. "I- am very well Bischoff; budget, Dave Beber; breakNational. Fund: Mrs. J.- Linzmaiu the national minorities •which is now fast, Louis Diamond j swards, M&'ioR ner. pleased with the play of the boys in posession of new territories, particuThe board of trustees'and directors 1 Courtesy: Mrs. A. I.- Kulakofsky. m session in Charkoff. According ' to the first game", said ^Sammy Kauf- larly in Transylvania, Jews, Cathoof the Jewish Community Center held the "ngureo, 2,300,000 Russians, 1,- GraetsJ; "dates," Mike Freeman; ho»i.--Printing: Mrs. M, F. Levenson. lics and Protestants had lived togethMAKE DOUBLE man. I know, that after another week Mrs. J. Rosenberg, who was chair- an interesting meeting . on' Monday 400,000 Jews and 400,000 Poles live itig, Max Givot, *md publicity, HIUTV of practice we will be one*of the top er with mutual respect and good will; man of the Annual Linen Shower this night, January 18, 7to% outline vthe in the Ukraine. Rubensteirs. RESERVATIONS NOW teams of the city.'f r r ' (Continued on page 2) . year announces that she is still ac- program for the coming annual COUNCIL BLUFFS A. Z. A, Solemn ceremonies will inaugurate On Tuesday, February 1, Maximilian' cepting linens for that affair. meeting. Council EIwfTs chapter No. 7, A, 5L SOVIET GOVERNMENT the establishment of a chair for JewRose the famous violinist, is to play Plans are being made to haye the ish science' and culture at the AH A., will enter a debate team anil Hadassah will hold a regular, meetALLOWS 300 ZIONIST EXILES at the Center. On Thursday, Febru- • RALLY WELL ATTENDED TO LEAVE FOR PALESTINE ing on Wednesday afternoon, January annual meeting on Tuesday nigfet, Ukrainian Academy of Science, The orator in the district tournament. tA ary 3, Professor H. B. Alexander is. 26, at the J, C. C. A cultural pro- March 1. All active members will fee inauguration, will 'take" place : 'this be held in Omaha next week. j The January rally, held on Tuesto speak. 1 day night, January. 18, at the Jewish Abe .Katelman and Sal Warsaw (J. T.' A.)—The Soviet gram has been prepared for this oc- notified and are expected to be pffes- week. "The department will be divided This is .the time to make reserva- Community, .Center, was well atcasion. ent. Further details sbotst the pro- into three sections, philology, history will comprise the local debate government'has granted permission tions for the two at the same time, tended. and literature. The philological sec- while Abe Katelraan will also to three hundred Zionists, including , Hadassah will print its annual gram will be announced soon. Season tickets have been reduced This was the first affair held for members of the He'chaFutz, and the booklet, which will be ready for distion is preparing an academic edition the dual role as representative. or*t«r / to $3.00 for the six lectures and members only. From now on all ral tribution February 1, including all JEWISH SOCIAL. CLUBT- of a Yiddish 'dictionary^ • ' ' ' of the chapter. = Zeire Zion, now exiles in Siberia and recitals. There will be no further lies will be limited to. members. members in good standing. The Jewish Social Club, a-nfewty other regions, to leave for Palestine, The Council Bluffs entries are rath** reductions. The price to the" Wise get-to-gether. organization of the DR. IIOSEN- ARRIVES IN MOSCOW strong this year in view of their. The program cdnsited of selections according to a report received by* the lecture is $2.00. Get your season by the Royal- Vagabond Orchestra. Warsaw.Yiddish daily, "Hajnt". yoang Jewry of Greater Omaha, wish ••"•Moscow (J. T. A.)—-Dr. Joseph A. experiences in A. Z. A, HEBREW CLASSES FOR ticket now if yon want choice-seats Solos by, Helen Levenson. and Jack to announce that they have leased the Rosen, head of the Agrojoint ^ A condition, however, is attached the .in addition to yielding an upper HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS Kelpine Dancing.-Academy, -SSth and agency of the Joint Distribution 'Com- in the saceess of the local high Freiden.. Movies through the courtesy to the permit. The newspaper underSCHWARTZBARD V TRIAL IN MARCH of Stenu-Brothers and Al Pajtne's stands that' each -person must pay By special request, classes in He- Farn&m street, for • the purpose • of mittee..in Soviet;Russia, arrived here school's debate championships. 2R ^Minstrels. $110 for' his" passport,' The passport brew for High School boys and giris running continuous dances every Sun- yesterday. the last, A. 2. A, debate Paris (J. T. A.)—The trial of : The next rally wilt be held in Feb- charges and the expenses of the are to be arranged. The work is day night, starting January SO. When interviewed by the represent- Council Bluffs chapter represented fcf Sholom Schwartzbard is expected to ruary, details to.be.announced later. journey for the group would araount under the direction of the education, A Grand Opening Ball will be ative" ©f the Jewish Telegraphic"' Abe Eatelwan and Joe Krasne, s«(t>begin in Marck It is understood tha It will-be a general -exhibition of i the to $75,000. The newspaper issued an committee, Dr. Philip Sher, chairman. staged on Sunday, January SO. There Agency, Dr. Eosen stated that he was prised the entire oixier by their Magistrate., Peyre will submit to the .work,done in the-gymnasium.. • • • appeal to the Zionist public to collect Judah L. Wolfson will be the in- will be confetti, noise makers, and sure that enough .Isjnd for tire settle- Kminary victories, only to be court a report with his comments on • The March; rally .will 'be a Purim this sum,. A public subscription has structor. All those interested can hottchi ketefaie -hats. Watch this ment work for this year will be 'al- is? the final round for national the ewe.-, : t ~ * - x program.. • •"• ' -• . -•>•-< been opened by the paper. - -. • . , • -- pionship . . , , paper for further ffianouneesaeat, •*•*•- lotted in the Crimes register at the J. C. C. office. * "
"Washington, _{ A.)—Secretary K of S State Kellogg -declared that he was. deeply impressed with the gravity of the charges «regarding' the persecution of Jews in Koumania at the conclusion of pleas presented- to him for the intercession of the United States government by a delegation headed by Dr. Stephen S. Wise, representing the American Jewish Congress. "This is abhorrent to every American," Kellogg-said in. referring to the persecutions. Secretary Kellogg promised to reply to the delegation after making a careful study of, the protest. He added that he had every sympathy "with the ideals of Ireligious liberty and racial and cultural equality." The secretary of s^fcate gave a lenghthy sympathetic hearing to the delegation at the State Department. It was declared by members of the delegation, following the , audience, that .the hearing,given to the delegation at the state department was impressive and dramatic in character both because of the impassioned plea of pr. Wise and the recital of Rev. Lo^jis C. Cqrnish'of Boston*, .vice-president of the American .Unitarian Association .and twice chairman of the Anglo-American 'Christian Commis3Sons>"to-"Eouniania^ Bev. "<Jornisli all' Christian spoke in.,the^nam£
Jewish 'Press tsam Will Play Blair Independents
" *
Celebrated- Jyrtkis Will Appear k Recital Sunday
, JANUARY-20, 192V
THE JEW? ISH PRESS* Patuubed every ihnnijlny at Omaha Mbrrtba,'6jr
^HE"j£VVisB:'TOE^;PUBU4titK^:cai#| ;
Office: Adit BrasdeS;Tfaektr« Beilding *-~'Te!epnoh&'"ATfentic:146b.: .NATHAN E. ^ " '" Subscription.Price, one yeai • r~- j Aebrertking fates furnished OD application.
CHANGE OB1 AUDHESS—Please c i w both tbe old and new address: - ---. ' i » wire *trtT-«twj TOUTaaajfc - - * - - : ^ ~ ~ ~ . —.•••
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(/btTespnndence iiureau)~witn Cfitle3~and telegraphic Jewish news- in addition to feature" artk-les and cofrespondenres from'all imprirtatrt' Jewislr centers, Inquiries regarding news items credited to tbts*-fcgenty win -be-gladly answered if addressed to Jewish Telegraphic Ageflcy, 62/ Broadway, New xork \ity '
joiiit'recitaP if' •£e'on'1£ats;, violinist afcd-"Betty PellmaiV pisaisi 'KalTbefc.eld at the Jewish Community Center Wednesday evening, January 26 at 8:15 p. m. - .. .-v Leon Katz, son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert -KatSfJ6JbO.N^21. S t is a promising violinist*-Musk lovers predict _.ja brilliant future, for him. He has played for the City C o n c « r t Club, Junior Chamber »f Commerce, Rotary Club and many others with marked success. He is an artist pupil of Leon Katz I^tok Jflach, Concert Violinist and Instructor. Betty Fellman, age eleven, daughter of : Mr. and Mrs.,,S. Fellman, 4860
Cream sugar and • butter well in a • Paris *4J% T. 2 cups chopped'jfigs pan. Place layer. o | wafers and layer! Senators were elected to,,.flift French 1 cup chopped J3H5es ' butftei. and siigar to 'which taave been Senate. They are Pawl' Strauss, L«zar % cup chopped citron ; Ml ^ ^> 1 «up blandbed _afid sliced almonds added other isgredients. 'Alternate; Weiller and Louis L. Klotz,£ former - ii i x . i until atl wafer are nsed Let stand cabinet member. Salomon Reinach, 4 ©sps flour 24 houre. 'Serve with wliipped cream.^ vrell known French Jswish scholar, I teaepobn soda Crefea Matter1 and sugar, add fruit was elected president of Sve Ibcadeoue & Hitoe *ad eggs. Add all the des Inscriptions et Bell^ Lettres. This HOUSEHOLD HINTS $th*r i^redienta &id pour into To remove gum from rugs, cover tions in regato! "Aunt *festher," Jewish that have been greased ftftd severed with moistened baking soda. Gum will' with wax paper. Fill about two-lhirds crumble off. Lincoln Blvd., S004—AtPress. full aMT>ake"Ih slow oven about two tractive rocwti in private Pour boiling water over oranges or bbttrs. "Allow to cool, retttrn to can, grapefruit before peeling. Frmt will) home. Either young mail -2 vapk VrowTTtfogar'"" -" •--"-• £tmsx and if kept in cool place this be free of Iseide piling'. or couple. HA, 7528. 1 cup winfe'or.fruiSr juicfe ^ r 'S cake will keep for several months. Melt a jar rubber and mend y«ur v ?s> l Note: Heat trait chopper and fruit leaky hot vestfef bottle. % "clip' 1etn6n S«tce' *' * ' will not stick "while grinding. 1 orange, juice *ad peel chopped 2 tablespoons vanilla' _x 6 eggs well beaten MEAT LOAF Vz teaspoon salt \ 1V2 lbs. chopped beef 2 teaspoons. ,' 14 lb. chopped veal The Ka-De-Mo Club will not hold a Dance Sun1 teaspoon 2 eggs well beaten day January 23, at Keep's Dancing Academy, 1 teaspoon : salt and pepper to taste 2 cups'choppeaxafi«» thus giving the Shimsker Relief Society a chance 1 raw potato (grated) . 1 small onion to hold a dance without competition. The Kaabled during the past year to extend 44 cup dry crumbs De-Mo Club will stage a special dance on .) anits life-jsaving Service farmer than 1 cup tomatos ever before \throu^i the erection of Beat eggs well and add with all uary 30, 1027. Watch for the announcement. the-B^al BMth ^jbatusnary' Building, other ingredients to meat, reserve wiiich was formally <teficated on Sep- tomatoes and add on top.- "Place loaf tember 2> 1926.. Erected at a cost of in. Kell greased baking pan and bake orer $500,000 the &hai Wtith In- H, Jwor^-KFJth hot fire, reduce beat firmary is the finest tuberculosis hos- and allow to bake % hour longer. pital bnilding in America. "May_be served hot or cold. Of the half-miUiori dollars required for ine' «reetida * arid'1 oompfcaaoit of ICE BOX PIE the Infirmary, Districts 2 and 6 of I lb. vanilla wafers the B*nai B'rith have raised $310,000. 1 cup sugar Districts:^.and 7, I / O . B. B., have % , butter eath pledged to roue $75,000, and chopped nuts pfinding tbe completion of tbe fund1 -can shredded pineapple raising .efforts ifrtfeess tw» idistrictej a loan of- $150,000 has been made against .the-building. -The E "nai B'ritb Infirmary,, wnkh is now. completely occupied, lias increased the capacity-of the -National Jewish Hospital, to -273. The operation -of the. Infirmary if adding 40% 'to the annual maintenance costs of the hospital.Harry H. Lapidus and Henry PAXT0N-M1TCHELL CO. llonsky of this city were invited and, « t b * Start h*. «t«! ttartwy JSS3 urged to attend this conference, but : #ajp Iron. t>t*s* ferotia* aofl kidbecause of other duties cannot do so. I Sort iHlnnin cattliiK*. Standard eises bronze «nrt Jron fruttiinpB. sewer mnr.tioles. Mr. Lapidus was chairman of Dis-1 clrtrrg tovst »M covers, *nfl cJcsa-oet trict No. 6 campaign for the erection { floors to stock. of the Infirmary building. ~j •"
>• Sag
' r t ,
ANOTHER WORLD-PROiSIST AGAINST. BOUMANIA 'We recall when one-time Secretary of State John. Hay had to tap Itouniania on. the knuckles because she wash't treating the J e w i n her country humanely. Now comes America once again, this time through theFederai"€omiciI-Dtthe-t3hurches of Christ, protesting against inhumane-treatment 6f thf J6wsln KoxlaSaniar Not so long ago .in'fUscussing the matter "with a.JEoumanian official we ^were informed-that sporadic :b^tt^urstii6n the part-of hoodlums against Jews"'in~Kfe "country should luit -fie charge/J against his government any in6re*;tftxin ^yjfichihgsl should%e, charged agranist the.JJnited States. i^vemmettt. *- '- • '" [ • But somehow or other the feeding' persists that the goverfiment of Roumania is 'either ,quitb'"a'sfeep^ or ^uite, willifig.that these attacks, pogroms, %tudeh^ks.and-what .not;against .the Jews^shouldcontinue. "- *liL'*•*^--^.'Sy^-j^^tx.^ ;;:.;.i.i-^^ The'Roumanian minister, at Washington, who we believe to be quite an able man, is incensed timt bis^goyernment "he" accused of collusion with the,thugs and feoj^diuips who are makicg life, miserable* for the Roumanian Jew1' ia~:Roumania, He in fact becomes so indignant in^ the matter that he fairly stutters. But stuttering will not relieve ;the situation though it may the minister's feelings- Coming from Jewish sources;there mgiht Jtie some merit in the contention that the Jews of ,_this country, perhaps are not intimate with the facts of the situation and are swayed-by emotion and prejudice. But when the outstanding churcK organization of this nation sees .fit' to go on record with>a protest against -outrages it must be taken for granted that the leaders of. this .body have, made their own investigations and j earning" Street, displays rem'arkable satisfied themselves beyond all reasonable doubt that Roumanta ; pianist talent. Her technlc and musical is guilty in some degree of this outburst against the Jews. So ' instinct would be exceptional in musicwe suggest to Cretziano, the Roumanian Minister to the" United j * ans of a moTe matare ag=. She is an States/that he camphor his indignation and recondle himself W ; a r t i s t p u p i l of M r : Braviroff with whom she has studied but three years. the facts in the case.. V* -PROGRAM. • It stands to reason- that students could not continue riot and Three •'•Chopin-. Waltzes-~: Opus'34, No. 3 "" do mprder unless the officials were criminally indifferent. Opus 34, No. 2 When in need fcf Passengers could not be "beaten up and thrown off trains, which Opus 64. by the" way/ has been for .some years an interesting hoodlum Betty 'Fellman. JEWISH PRAYER-BOOKS (a) Czardas -...Ssengor pastime iri Ro^jnaaia. « ''. ?' /. •. .-c .-.*-<,.,: : -;y,^ . m Hebrew or Englsh Traa^Lation aieditation, Thais " Massenet I For example,* there Is"1 a; definiteness in'this "statement which (b> ,Leon Katz ace. by Mr. Braviroff. I TALESIM, TPHILIM; or MAZUZOS roust prove embarrassing- to the apologists for the Roumanian (a) Mazurka Leschetitzky! (b) Rigaudon McDowell Let - . government: "One such.gang_ (students) waiteda whole hour for (c) - Scherzo- .„•_—..—i...MendeIsaob.ri the arrival of"Jfae midnfgljt train" ffom'Tas&y^aiiffiattaclc^d all Betty EeHman. \ \ 1UKATUEMAN ! ULii'Musin ' " ' - ' • fill your needk at the most reasonable price the Jewish passengers. The police did not ^interfere with the (ay Mazurka j£l ..Neruda ; H«adqqatter* for Jewish Books students." It- may be of further interesj;. to Jtatiow,- that. these (b). Berceuse Leon Katz. 1 ; vtEstabUshe4 iSB2 . • * students came.to the town of .Jassyto, hold an anti*Semitic Concerto i n D minor : ..Mozert 1108 No. 23 St., (rear of iSyaagogufr J24tb and Nicholas") . WE. 4808 congress and shortly after they .arrived they destroyed a part of . First jmavement. the town in which the Jews..lived,,and.again the' police did ndt Betty Fellman. Orchestal accompanim:! piano <i .„:. by.. Mr.' Braviroff. interfere. '-After all, dear Mr.Oretziano* the police officials are •on-second ••' .......Roecken (b)Old Reh-am surely ~a piart of the-official life of Koumania and if. they insist . Leon Katz. on io^^igrsomewh'ere". when "murder is--befog' committed,' the presumption;-i^ that the government is satisfied to see these, outrages continue. , -. , , So instead of your becoming indignant when these matters T violinist are called 1;o your attention "end.you seek to blame all these and stories,upon Bolshevik^^ propaganda and to distorted newspaper Gmaban* Urged\<o Attend National s,p pppg Conference accouiats from Hungary-an3' Auslria, ^du would be rendering ^ pianist your gdvertiinent a better geryice and earning a greater measure The annual meeting of the National present in Fublic Concert of respect for j'durself in "this country if you tried to use your Jewish .. Hospital i of JD^nver-will be good offices to persuade* your government that it is rapidly held January 23 at Buffalo, N, Y.! gaining the ill win p% other, nations by permitting anti-Selitic The. sessions will last throagh the' LEON-KAT2 entire day, and will be raorked by. 3 ' influences to gain the upper hand. ' , ' at the Statler Hotel in t h i ' We-are-inclined tp deny out of hand the charges .that the .banquet evening, • • i accounts of anti-Jewish attacks are sheer anti-Roumanian s>Opened in December, 1899, as the1 : BETTV FEIXMAN propaganda. If .that AveVe -true-.%hs& these stories^n^ld-havfi finet Sree '.Institution in".America for : been Vigorously circulated ,at the ,i;ime r the queerf"Was visiting the care of the sufferers from tuberWednesday Evening, January 26, 1927 this country in .order to coiinte^act whatever good vinfluence sne culosis on a national -scale, the National Jewish Hospital has a brilliant' may hhave: exerted ;,|orh-er^oantrj'.,. ^nstead 'these outbreaks t d |or h r ^ o a n t r j ' ^ n s t e a d qf «ecrice jto homev Which? convinces-uus that the^ ^ come after she returned hdjmev winch? con|in<5esttUS Roumanian" student-hoodiiflns w6re-held in" check by the govern-'^ though Supported . by Jewish philanment so ihat nothing "would be done to pTace""th6 queen in an thropy, its service has always been Jewish Community Center
Attend the Second Annual
Given by
Shumsk Relief
Sunday -Evening, January
noft-sectarian. Its medical and reseacrh 'work, and its service for! .tuberculous children and' those pre-' OUTRAGES.'—"Jewish Times. disposed to the disease, have .placed, .the National Jewish—Hospital in the" the cperpecutiona of .Jew*-in ^ H ^ t ifbont.rintr.'in_tthe gh Kellogg .faipiresaed With, rr nia at that tin^ett \ ^ » _.;~- •;- ,-. jculos.is', .Flea of Jewish X)eje^a Jiave Dr !v;The delegation'Jofiluded-Dr. Wise (Continuetl dxpm page 1) EQhtL-rXh Stone of Boston^ j^ssistant , With", a -record of 'ever 5,000 mezi. that this good vrill among the Chris- United rStates ' District Attorneys vronienV and'children treated lip to tian minorities in Transylvania tpday.- Emflnusl, Herts and Benjamin Titnjmn, July lji. ,1926, *• the Hospital was en-' found expression in, profound, sympa- members of the Execu#ve_CommUiee, Hollander, thy for the appaling sufferings of-^he ,Judge-iJartnian,. GTand FREGGER-FOX DRUG G d Secretary S t a of ,th«_independ6nt Jews. .'.., . '\ ^ . , ' [ - . Order Brith Abraham, Maurice D. ^of - C S l t l Drug^Sts" Following the "address pt t l5r; Cornish, Leo'Wt If son, president, pj Jne. s ,St. ;,' AT United HouXnanian^ Jews'.df America, Order B'nai Britft; called the attention of tW. Secretary g to the ihhumao treatment ol Jewish •Independent,.. students, in" "the Hoomaman universi- Henry J* ties, 'lie stated i h a f there hjxs been the Iiudepfinident . introduced by vthe JRoutnaiilan gchrern*"' .Israel, Mr. roent praclicafty~.V toimetus • «lausiis Bennett F» Siegelstein-aad ^Herman rtfiiS U i l K S " -which-has really turned into aTiutneir- S f i Frontier Towel & Linen Supply , Bernard JC. us' npllas," as in some colleg'ea^of the manlan Jews of Cslifofws Street uoiversifefea^.there-is not & single Jew- Eichards, JSxecUtit(£jS%cx0tary of the Amfiricari-. Jewiaft .dCtfigt&su Jud^e ish studWJ, ; tSus Hartmah, Grand Mas- .Miltcn.,S€iasburg2r of Washington,!: I Members of the House of iet pf^fire"Mlep^mdent Order ;p ^ ^ f A i S^r r^^n % p ^ .tatives, incl»ding> Isaac' B»efca?aeh » f : a-number
- ce^ebte?-Th~ tne' ifepartwent of 'Stale ll
fdr*ia*^®^^& tecbnhectjon cbnhectjon ^ i ^ i l l S k
seat to
Itj)chester; Florence <5; Kahnj t t h nia, Samuel 'Dickstein. of noteiwith and Nathan D. Perhnan -were also
with reference to. present at the hearing.
£? £. Bruce & Co and HtStio ttmtth lltlli mttr+t
/ "
Art Randall's Orchestra
Every Stoat ManSfronldKnow He Is Hot "Bard-to-Fit" at The Nebraska N OW is the time to find out about tniS store's vast range of special v&lues and special sizes in standard tailored clothes at extremely low prices " —real
Stout Metis Tall Men's Short Men s Big Men's
Special Size Suits Special Values;
A rare opportunity for lorers of pure arid beaiitiful art I Al Harris, well knenyu huiiioirlst and interpertor of types of the Jewish literature and CM. Katiliansky, masler of thfe Jewish Folk song will appear in their celebrated fthistpoes and cgiorf^l, prc^ram, i t the J. - ^ C ning, January 28, at 8:00 p T
Xij SS "cents.
at tISS'JL Cl^C.-
i s
Ticirtts c»tt be
Muiiy Auditorium
Admission Fres
Bon*t Fail to" supply yoursdfcwitJh and attend this exclusive 6 *
* - • • • • ; - :
23, 1927
• * . •
National Jewish Hospital Annual Meeting at Buffalo
I i
20 *2S -.; .-!•->
mfen of every \ ^ .. jght, every weight: a : X ;; ^ c^h.e&H3Surprfee of your life here.
PAGE S—-THE JEWISH PRESS, THURSDAY, JANUABY20, HSx. JBen ,L Seldis, the of Omaha. Miss Bodice Richman, who ALL OUT new president t& the local lodge, will atb^as^the^iaversi^r' «f ;-f5ebisaai The Sisterhood •wifl ibave a matinee THE publicly annoimee i i s committees for came luncheon Monday, February If. Remewber -what toe& place « t t h t the' year. _-on Monday raoming. ERJTH . C. C. -Saturday -night, January £1 'BOOK Musical" numbers and readings _wfll tfeft-feteda^is^-l, Ttie .aext isetit&ig of the Sook 15*also be inclnSed ijKthe.*TeriSng*s proWEDNESDAY crowd? tot' gram -which prrisuses i© be She "best Eemember the visit 5, a t ' "St. <Cohn of the season, ..and .the est&e Jewry , Mrs* Rabbi Isaacssa «f Sioax Gty ijm S e n 'be- «Mt« to of Omaha and flp«Tin'l Biaiffis 5s in- Lightstone, and Mr. Lightness, fbgrfl -wSll gt*e a review «f George' Principal Speaker _ .SatinrdsF mgbt« SI. several weeks. ; vijed to )>e--presents, 0® PKbruairy ^ , " Dr. come! « iki Inflepenaent <3>r3er of the S'nai book, View" AMie Loage*Jo. «88,'w3i hoTd'an The Ladies .Auxiliary of the Talmud .«««t *open meeting iiext W«dnes3ay eve- Torah will give. a Benefit Bridge these pu%!ie t* the ning, January 2 6 % at' e%h't o'-doek Party next Wednesday afternoon, Jan, at 'Qie Danish HaB, at Broadway"-and J26, at the bpme"cJ Mrs. Abe Gilinsky,: ^ JTriday > P a r i Avtame. "SsHn Isadora Isaacson' 725 Mynsler Street Everyone is urged w,. Jaauary-'-21» -His subject TdH £ e f of Giaax <Sty, Ttrwa, -win be the prin- Ip attend. "Oriented Lives". Mr. W. I*. Holzcipal speaker -of the evening:, ^ Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Rkhmsa -enter- jnan -vriil •-coudticl the services. •wiU im the i&st opportunity *>f the •connntmity to "hear Rabbi Isaacson tained twenty ceaple et a Dancing •<2oihn is In Cleveland etteadSS Sess-e of Kcnest RJprcIianfTiMp Is prior ^» his departure -for ^California. Party at their hems Sunday evenli Iturtieia IMejsnisl C<mse3 ^gf tndfetlstioii'of theTiewly elected -of- in -honor of their daughter, Eva, aa&She* Union of American Hebrew Coaficers"^ the ioflgeTsill ^Jsotaise place her fiance, Mr. Mcrris P . -"Goodman HA.SSM
Council Blrfs- News
, Mr. and Mrs. A. Davi&on m e the «ngage,ment of their granddaughOn Sunday, Jasoary ^6, -$he ter Rose jEe3igson at Tulsa; Okla., t» mage $£ Miss MpllieBixhoon,--daagitfcM -Greenberg of Winfield, Kansas. er of Mr. L. fiqeboon »£ S •and Jack .son of Mr. I. Hassan announces the en33. f Has gagement of iier daughter Celia took place a t the hoxte of the .brides "Greenspim to Barry A. Cohen, seta. aunt and-nncle, Mr. and Jttrs. Shrago of Mrs. S. Si Cohen of this dy. Mrp. of IMs dt^r in the -presence -of only •Hassent.wiB 'ie atboxne 919 Lincoln the Immediate family. j!Boulevard oxrSrnia&y January 23 frojn The bride -was extensively. eufcetftwo o five and seven to ten. No cards taiaed isefoie, hex saaniage* i~1 i her hostess's •were MTS. B. entertained at a bridge Bncesii ss the engagement of her- daughter • *®- Elizabeth Shrago complimented J son ) * « t r i l t e a * a I * ^ ' ^ e a shower. J. Cohen was hostess at o, of-Mr. and -Mrs. , Gilineky of f dinner'party. Miss Eona Shrago enterCouncil Bluffs. iaiiiedjata HjiseeUaheoas sfcower/Miss -T*etiak- le£fc -for..Near Jiena MwMSeuBSi %as hostess " a t a i and Miss .Sarah <5oheh where she will epend the bridge* parity entertaineda t a surprise -dancing: d wiii&er .with -f-ei&aves and friends. party for fourteen couples.' Miss Miss Anna ITnfrT' -was hostess at a Eeldman. xomplimented the benefit bridge xoT^iiie ironior-Hadss* and the •sab.ai.iher ioaae -oa Sunday, January 1 Misses Eeva-and Missis hostess a t a theatre farfy.' •rgrooms raster, Mrs. J . Eothsteia -enMargolin and Barbara Truebaff. i tertained.the jyoung couple at a dinner
IQpeh a Charge. Account—Ftmrih Fl
z&adiating Every Pleat, Every Srfmll
\ Mr. Sherman ^daughter Saretai~have their .ho'me temporarily with. Mr. and feieir new h"ome'\il©93Iorth 66^Street,- Mwc B. Shraga. ' - •; The' J . D. Z. Club will have & ^ BLANK-GILINSKY Sunday, January,22..nt the. I . C. C., -GSinsky, daughter of Mr. S. Appleman and_Mr» Bpbinson J Mr. and Mrs. Barney Gilinsky, will Co. reths bride of Mr. Led' Blaids $f turBcS fromr stn~*extGBd<eti eastern fray- of Omaha, "son «f Mr. t&d Mi*. of Sioux City, Iowa, ing trip. '•'."'.. :°" I. Sajs^eT j next "Wednesday evening, January 28, t•» lunchfeon for 16 419 North 8th girls of the iTounger set in honor of -Street, in fhe presence i f "imly the her danghter, ~~ .immediate family. 2ffsah€rou& prebirthday. iiuptial aS&cs axe being £iven in i©n«r of this .popsiat briae-desi.'.' Members- of Hadassah and others Mr; anaifffis. J.-U: SilSsdk of 1MS j holding.itj&fets for Biitassah's,- i f t t 'wlil-^nwe ti evening •iara-'party, .will'.-please re- Angeles, California, r jnember thai'^the'jdate of the party has early part ©f t2ie tvsSiSc to sxtstta Oifc. _«^ ^ d ' w f l i ' h e the gneste toff been changed from Jafiusury^i&i^ to aianVEjJsrents, Mr:'arid Hrs. February 6. On this date Barney Gflinsky. " hopes to score another triumph.
Mrs. -H. J.':, Ab'rams and daughter. Charlotte fefl:-^ " *" " New
Iiafaiits' Apparel
Miss Euth Brodfcey returned from -"Chicago -where sh&
Mr. dfoT&arffiudd W.'-Br&at'iifiBrandte Brandte Inc. Inc.left lett Sunday bunday evening evening for tori i a two weeds'-.buying trip to "N "New ^ York. ; . , 1 —-rf.
Many Yahzs of Timzly Interest v ; 7: r; ' -.'. ' in Oar €3eaib/ice'.!Sa& of'.' - •
«i9*»»,*«<^) '
T H e n F % t o u c h , 4M sligJitly i^lsed waisfline andthe slim silhaaette—every important detail of the new mode is reflected in these chic frocks for afternoon, street and .sport wear. In the shakes that gayiy^oreeast spring—and, of ^coarse, the ever popular black and nary, -
of &e
h e r brotheri M r
P h i iip
Kewiaan. - ^ - .
JM-fcoj» * » ^ t «
sixteen %aests ;<m ^uesaay at -« anfi, ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ faome ^ ^ o'clock Kidgep-«sncn6oH in- nomsr oxj her sister, MTS., H» Lohrman of Chi-1 - jjiss Tillie Bice is visiting in Des cago wfeo"Ss her house guest. The Hoines'as tfie guett eff Mr. and Mrs. table-appolntsments were carried out B. Sherman. in pink and white. , . •;-MTS.'H! Wells and daughter" Erma Mr. S. A. Bichman «fas-the wiimeT alft spending a few weeks in of a set of silver, which, was .raffled aelsior Springs. "" by the Jewish National Group * mis, Kaiierine Elgutter entertained January 9, at the Labor X {.last Satttiday; eveninsr at. a dinner The Ladies Independent-Gliib . party at her home. inviting the public to their -first «o& cert" at the Labor( Lyceumt January' ' M t . and Mrs. Joseph .Kofkey _en30Tfor the benefit^ th'e-iloak Braiers teftaiaed Sunday evening a t ' a party strike. A very interesting; program for twenty-five guests cotaplimentars fiaay i^enthal of will he given and ~ "' a ^ i g e ^ t o toISr.miA.ms. - j Chicago. .Mr. and Mxs. Eosenthal are . • „ rj .J«tarnxng to\4he£r home .after spendr Mrs. Nathan M^ftteT who lett".-last1 {ng the past three weeks here with week for Cleveland - as a ^Selegatfe relatives and*"friends. "_ ionYJ ; i A ^ : >--••• from the National-State'Fe3«ra«o^ District No. 20 go on to New York j spemLti«.^jemau^er of^ laughter Eita, who-is 1 ^;ife her daughter, Mrs. ©avid P.
A Special January Croup of
Chemise... Step-ins..
tNVfiStTGATIONS 480 Bifendeis Tfaeater
r^tli •»
*-*£ -> -»
'-"J3iam6riff Importers
g shades. As oils as you desire. Trimmed "with frothy, l a c ^ han4 appli-. qus and lovely two-ton« satin ribbons. Newest l i n g e r i e modes.
Full sized trunk with ized construction dust curtal® y g witJh ' zipper spearing. "Shoe bos, fire steel bound drawers, full length drawer locking bar. hat box. lined throughout with attractive gold or sihtfr washable Hartcx.
Priicfe^ $8.95 t o $35.00
1509 North 24th Street All foods kept in Sanitary cases A complete line, of -smoked meats • - - amd fish • • - K
Bmtnlels Infants' "WJBBJf—Thlsfi Flcot
4 Regular
Pnblic Accsantaats and AnSters ISApOEE
These eiSntQTtg coats of clstli,.elder-down and chinchilla.—that Ton seen here and admired B©-sa«giL --interlined and lined for assured warmth. I n sizes 1 to '5 years. ^
Bxqtifsife Lingerie
end $7$$ JZdme*
Renewed Opportunity to
Miss Hose G. Shapiro "formerly of \ fSAfiglt tiffr MACJHINifi CO
of the Sisvimgs
Apparel—Second Thrift
The Ladies Atfsalary1 «f the South' conipaJiied 2$m. AJpetn as -ftr as Side held their Section. fl£.. affieets Ghkago, wh«e''h€* tdll sepeaA a "week. Tuesday afternoou" a t th«honw ref ; -•? 'X^Zi" TITSMOTI <S ». P O I t o ZNewman. Officers elected for t PATRONIZE OUR AiyYEgTISERS the coming year ar.e, Mrs.. Joe Shermanr president; Mrs. M; MSyCtowich, vics-president and chaiman tit. card parties; Mrs. I. Perelamn, sec&etary, and Mrs. D. PlancikrJfcceasXtrea:.
Mr. and Mrs. Hymie Milder announce the birth of* "a " son, born Thursday, January G at the Nicholas Senn hospital.
Flat Crepe Crepe Jolly Crepe Roma Geotgetie Crepe and Satin Combination
Cheyenne, Wyonraig, who'has bean %-isiting in OmahVfor Beveral weeks with her sister, Mrs. John Sparer," is leaving for Los Angeles, where she will bs the guest of her brother Louis Shapiro.
Infants'^ETEaexits, liifle ^ r l f j ..eo8is.^icnd .hats and bonnets—all are featured at prices cated.' A drastic % | ffe Mothers will serve best their ©wn.interest by attending this once-S-yegr ewat»:- .••;^.
The Fvsvitrus Ctetch • Lock*»-a New Device Found Only on Higher Privcd Trunks
-Stem Hears P A. M> to 5:S$P. M.t
214-216 a t ? Net' Established ^
* ^
•>• V i
' t.
i '
Styles $36.75 to $I3QM
Ml I Hi 11 111' r
V, •'•
PAGE 4—THE JEWISH PRESS, THURSDAY, JANUARY 20, 1927 ELECTORS CHOSEN FOR Budapest (J. T. A.)—Johann Gom>ae- game. Smiling Sammy Kaufman reading 14 to 12 in favor of thematch game at the Francisco Alleys JEWISH SENATE REPREon Sunday, January 23, at 4:00 p. jaa. boes, a brother of Julius Gomboes, /who played a. magnificent ^floor trame* be-'Hatters. SENTATIVES IN HUNGARY the notorious anti-Ssmitic leader in jLou Nathan, Ernie Meyer and "Leo sides-, cjpntribututg ;with *a-.underhand : Hungary, committed suicide yesterKrasne vie for honors with, a particu2 -Won 'Lost P.\lieftiu .7 .'» (Nate; 5d^s;^p*l;:p!;:tbe I'^scser^Sp^L ] shot for two. points. Billy Gerelick :- •; Budapest, (J. Tv A.)—Four Jewish day. lar interest . attached. Competition 1 ... 5 Kaima insurance accounted .for £he?last: two".Leather * 5 <1 1 ' therefore is jvery keen among these electors to select the two Jewish rep- Johann Gomboes, who was a former Gross -Lumber TJoL. ^BASKETBALli Company; points with a, basket from resentatives in the upper chamber of officer in the army, took his life be; "4 2 " lads. Brodkey Const. Co;-: ;tei^v^jtote^vtha^[^er6 ;are;-seve^j i long -range'. "$ud Levin" played well Team ••S.-^-'SO': •4 2 Tully Hat CcL the Hungarian parliament, were chos- cause of his disappointment at the yacajridea that, should befilled;;;;AUat guard. ,,:>-. 2 4> Phila. Leather Co.. team en. They are Rabbi Immanuel Loewi failure of the anti-Semitic politics in 4 Li. anil coicked by fed'Bur- water sharks and minnows should get " The A. H. Brodkey 'Company to a Bnai Israel SOCCER of Szegedin, Bernstein of Nyireghaza, Hungary, it was stated. 6 Bnai Ami .;dfckiiwoi»-theirrini«aL-start" pf- the inv'touth: 'wittiviafth,^ ;Ed Burdick; or .dose; fought contest"thatrwas^decided Hie Orthodox Rabbi Strasser of De• The New York Giants Soccer Club seaj&n; last;: Sunday' 'tdjjfti :;\frt - the.Ted asytb the inecessary •information.' only in. the'last minutes pf. play by a breczyn, and Rosenbaum of Kisvarda. are winning the attention of the Jew•.'•' Bose ;Wefce^ was -the Comnjunity. J. C. € . Bowling league ish soccer fans. The Wanderers, after Chief Rabbi Simon Hevesi. who wasI Its Time to think of your one-point margin. The final * score fca Business^ Collegie" i?y...%e_score breaking a losing streak of seven endorsed for election to the senate by Standings being 15 to 14. Harry Haykin and «*>S6'to*2&r The boys Mooked-good, the last Amateur swimming meet held Lester Burkenroad tied for scoring games with two victories, were beaten Bishop Czernoch, was defeated in the especially-Burdick a t guard,* Konecky recently at tie-Nichplas/Senn-Hospi- Honors' with 3 baskets- apiece. The by the Giants in a game before 5,000 electoral vote. Reich and Fischer of . Won LostP ercent 'and' Ka\jfman\at the forwards and tal.- Miss Weber "cbnipeted against a \ fans a t the New York Oval, 5-4. Gut- Budapest were also defeated. • Kaiman Insurance..-lJ.6 ,5 ..762 entire 'Brodkey team played well • 'Axt Sssrarte atr cefttfer; " Big: Fvibfr, .chamber - of vthe speediest swimmers ini ; man, Heusler, Schwarz and Gruenl: Albertsiw,Colts'. 14 tw,»i, i<i 7 \666 n Brown played a neat, game at guard, therity indudingj&ff- world Tchampib^i - fr*m-start to..;fcfish.-.';:. wald played for the Giants; the long : 8 r to say that Rose • ^ 0 5 • * p ™ B ^ M ^ l l ^ ' • • M ^ • ^ f t ' • : • ^ ^ { • ^ ^ ^ ! „ " ~ * ?" „ 8 .619 and limber Heueler scored one of the Einldag several long shots- from back Wei would like Doc Steins ..„ 9 ; 1 : PHOTOGRAPHERS .430 goals. For the Wanderers, EisenhofWTtette'centefr of the* ^oonjThe p/to kid •^t'-but^i .' di4^o.t^-'-^i^p^nf.; ;kets. and a gict shot.; Ponbvitz. at Omaha Tobaccc Co... 6 12 1312 Farnam St. Opposite Condon copped^ the honors and ;in-^rupning^ ^ a r d plumped in 3 long it Sdfk ' .247 fer and Drucker, were the only exSuccessors to Jones Candy Co. Malashock Jewelry 5 15 : W. O. W. Bldg. cidentlybroke 'the: world's ^rerord^fpr ^hotsfor six points.^ "Harry Kohn *la^^v|^^Ir^^^ieCi^ ^*$ 16 ,247 Hakoah boys to get into the game and Phone, JAckson 4562 t i e feature event of the evening; Rose fought like a bearcat•"throughput the Romance Chocolates •: '.-.- • - • ' Notes ... '" . ~« at that Eisenhoffer scored a goal.., As fo^ **" Phone J A. 3986 918 Farnam St. ,Saii£in^':'|nH^^rt2.:v:ie^c( is one whc^felieves Leo Weitz of the Kaima«» was high soccer games go, this one was full of 4jSRy» ^ ^irisifl^g;; sit? of try again .till a t last you do suc-lengthy Burkenroad at center. „ man for the evening with a 557 total. fast spectacular team work. The th'^t - -The ,,,B,'nai~ Israel* emerged" "from I-Izzie Schlaifer and Maryin Treller Giants clearly outclassed their Brookceed. Sri: _ ^ - ^ ; ^ ^ i ; ^ r o ^ - ^ s I j ^ | ? ] f thing andj we tfeei confideS| |that it lyn opponents but not enough to make wont be long till she shows "the field tn"eir contest with the first;-'place i 'also smashed the,pins forcSOO;totals! the battle look uninteresting^ ^ ^ ^ p ^ J Gross -Lamber team on the short endu The race for the leaderfhip isrWaxb&r flying feet and1Mngs tti6^'Bacon passed jwhen guarded greatly tft- his of the: score, "Hawkshaw*' Epstein^j ing hot with three'teams separated-by t|u the; Jewish Community Center. team% advantage.. 2429 Decatour Street WE bster 3527 a close margin. The Alpjerfe Colts celebrated "'»•' W i r W nil T ' celebrated his his return to the; court and the Wardrobes cleaned Qie series HER MAJESTY THE CUSTOMER I just received a full supply of Talesim wool and silk •,•••••• Wr11*1* »A^ j game after ari abscenceof two years RULES THE EMPIRE. HA. 83981 Tphilini and Mezuzos, also fancy bags for Talesim and The girts encountered^ female hur- * The CommunityVCenfeY-'volley.bant \>y-p;ia^ii^ a i bangup' game from with their respective opponents. ~ *' * Tphilim. I also have a new supply of Prayer Books, Holy ric&e last'Sunday .evening when they ^am^ which; j a a member of the Y. .J y^wfe.. to whistle. Epstein led his: Among the young bowferS -w'her bids scriptures and many other Jewish books in Hebrew and were blown away to the tune of'23 M.;C. A. league piays.every Tuesday j m d t e s i i n the scoring column with aH fair to future greatness is Ed'-Meyer In Omaha English. ' to 2' by a sextette representing the night in : the_.Center. Game* stiart-1 ^ o f baskftts^ tolmaanand Kososky' of the Alberts Colts. Dave Cahn, and Sammy ircthe Lumber! Greenberg •Unwersity ;of Omaha. The college promptly a t &\o'clock. and are-w6rtk beenr improving steadily,Horvrich and will have soon Beautiful;wall calenders at very reasonable prices. attending-* The. sextette u^eap, while- attending* The. Center Center sextette .girls passed-and shot a t will, scoring •while| be ripe- for faster company. eso Kwom»—SOT llalb* Good Kiwns for $tJSO 12 potatetiin.the-firjffShalf and 11 u|»is .wdl .up in. the^ standings.and with Be instein l Sidofsky and*Roden were Harry Silvermait,.,the"only southled hy Eppley HntM» Co. j ^ ^ y s , ""the,. Israelites, the last.iialf. -Xeah JJaubenheyeT a-crowd of well wishers in the stands fh& j ^ ^ y s , dd ff the,. Israel paw, bqwler in the league .rolled 'confh& aredo jj brid b siderably below his usual form. likescored 20iof hsr teams points by^.her might might play play better better than than they they aredoS a d o f s w s w o r k a t the barricade lonesome tshooting over the- heads of ing-at present. Any team in. order to ^ esp ecially commendable. Coach wise Doc Muskin who heretofore has Harry H. Lapidus, r*res.-Treas. the"' Center, guards'.and • dribbling a.- do its lest must have supporters, to ) D a T e g&esnau started his shock been performing in a steady manner. W. G» U re. Secretary. round'the Center forwards with wild encourage them when they show signs troops'; but quickly withdew them" The Kaiman Insurance will meet the Omaha Fixture & '•9':.basketsfa^'^,fxee of faltering. when the Gross men started on a',Francisco Ladies squad in a special j 1 thrcrtts. "However tjie Jewish ?;h^aies scoring spree. -Supply Co. COMMERCIAL BASKETBALL need not feel^ so downs hearted ^when IN QUARTS AND BULK COMPLETE 8TOBB i LEAGUE Tully^ Hatfeers difew^a. bye in; '•'^y'''s^';'tp\lppkioy9r-.'^ct''^eco^';of. OFFICB OOTFTm — AT ALL GROCERS AND MARKETS — The first place. Kaiman Insurance^' theJCombercial League hut, took on i^e'ir^.ppiron^tsw-]Eiast"week-.^-{>maba acettn iplayers scared 56 pohit^ottihe.Y.>W: team retained, their hold for a tie for^ihe /Attertciui Business College five, "~C.:->^:rti^mv-^hjae-';Hold^^^e,\ex- lop place honors when tkey .defe^tejd; and handed;them their second defeat, BU1TEK and «ud ItaatU, HlrceU. the Omaha" (Xapter A. Z. A ^ ponents of clean living ;.s4preTess.'. Fbcnrt Jsek*SB tTZi Coundl Bluffs 1ft.' 3101 South 24th Street ball team playing underthe; colors ofi f irah&garttes^Swartzlead tne Hatters •';': Minnie ^Sherman, tossedStlie^ *pnly OUAHA. tTBOL the; Collegians.; igoak for the Jewish girls; yjfaeii ^s the Philadelphia/Leafter^ra^ sank one out-of a number of desperate a two-point margin^in the/la^^inijiu^Deinpsi^.ASd;;GfErke.witli a: trio of^ the run-? attempts.-: The,gtiia^ding ;^f Rose ute and a half i of, play.,; * f C h i e ^ ^ j b ^ ^ / i ^ ^ t i ^ .': Weber was a ;gi?at factor i ^ holding Giventer deserves-Xail^credit .for ith^fiu^i^i^^geiirnjjn^s Garrision finish! the score ,to >what i t was; ]Ros&' was Kaiman victory. The?Ghie;f .-was aif^.termi^ted^Blje jjaipe*wit¥ ^the scorejm, ..the! jmiddle o.f the fracas s £ allover the ftbprf and: his ; fiyei baskets,-^ r; ^ ^ - " ^ •" - ' '""'•'—-—:— ' "times, doing yeoman vrofk. Ruth ^arr enabled his ti&i&fpo oye^ker the a t K ;r|sfi.and Ida.TeneTibauIi«t:di§,well;bjrt half leading Leader CpSfiMailS|"''"^ ^««ild,jipt: compete, with: V$$ le.njfjth|r finally beat"them'i- - | ^ | b i ' > " ^ ~ " IDnftahWiiQrwardjs^wKp p,ac?eQ ffie Ibalf counted for his team's?;.;! four o ^ « t^bfijir fheadk /witK ejjse. •/ ' points with two neat "baskefss, t r Dave Bleicher lead the Leathermen OnmhajChairter;of th«r^:^i25?l*,;: ; with baskets i h ffour b k iin the h scoring* 1^J^alist-'ehap^l'%v$ is vroundcolumn besides playing a 'floor*; in*t> cbn'dition^pr tli'eir big: event : ; o1^-ttie>y^ar; thfe- I ^ o M l ^ . % x & ' Twirnia^nt; The ~ ^aoibei^i^aptet team? wiiriJe n^st;*c^ siie otiwr^baiH: tex£ iia& iatt^ip^it^pi tfifs^ltopn^ and her^i^'ijlpiitt&g'-in Jgte^hb^rsiri; <f*dkci'ta> edj^the district hplior^: The^ are fttur»"«ham^ioias.:: Saul/ quiringv a reputation; ^ one
| PhotograpLs The TRUSSELL Studio
The Copelman Candy Co.
PL SOMIT—Jewish Book Store
Sweet—Di—Sour Pickles and Relishes
-ciaji ieague Sunder the *$*«€•; of";,th^ Philadelphia X^aiihar House.^^ 'Dave Bleicher,^< rigHt"^forwzx^ of fte;friiter-;ni^:;meiv isybne ^pf t|ie leading;:score^ mjiiie^leagueV : The f o l l o ^ g ^meh ypS. ^represent,the Omahaiis in tte;-' tporney:^."i-Date; Bleicher, Dave jReber/ Bjii^Leyin, Bill Gerelick, Ed; Alberfe : and; Lou JUklin. The firstf'fourifnfi) ';>7t^f9 on- th*. squad which. irep^eentf>d Oi^ahtt; last'; yearrwbehvthey Jwere de-' if0e&; b y l i e ' n a t i o n a l ' ^ ; Z ' ? ^ t ; chainpionsiiip St., P^lvfeiwi"fitttjert^ ;5«is4 jnenib« p^^e^Whcoiii -Chapjter ?]^^ 4 aggregation - ^ l e ; RJSlw* is" a ,;Jnew:niianrfptt;ihe,:squad.--i"::^::'^^ ^ : : ^; ; ::;-^;-i---SWfflJMiNGt*^^;^(^ ' The;bo^s junior B awinwnlng, ^ i s taking:'up the .game of water-polo -ind« soon, will be Jn^shape to conduct /exhibitions of 'the sport of- water : kings. Toe- Center, has puretiaeed a. I ieipilair'w^ertpolo'ban a n d ^ U t e s d t j attjmeaab?ri how to^pTay th^, •giuneprnnading j. said-j njember/T|are' w|lljrigi Bi tEei time- netted,<to Jean'-, hcLa ' jVli^^vC^annmii^-: 'Ceniefe'ja^a :yOeaier *popl 'ever^: ^(m^ajrinjgbt^ b<K i-,^wej^^Bi^|iours Jof^eiglrt ;topijune>-Ac'-^ cording' fitpf reports <manai^g ? Jifrpm ''••'"''•' :r '' ? ''""^«^;^ete;an^Ji[|^^f.Kn^
Thiesseit Vinegar & Pickle Works
et the demand for Oakland and Pontiac Sixes
Iron In Comfort Yjra sit d«rwn to iron, with, t h » Thar Electric 'ironer/ •. Ton <!n«E«ljr feed the pieces through—themachine does <aH>the hard wbr^of ironing. " * 'Ahdatite waaidxtg c»a'be froned-xajea* than half thep t i n e reqninred by tbe band method. - This Thor irons ETERYTHING yasU
Soid on Convenient Terms . .•: .
"Electric Shops" \
17th and Harney Stsi—2M4 M St.
Power€ Courtesy—Service—Low Bates
Now, with its position seScarcely pwelve months curely established, Oakland' ago Oakland-was only one Pontiac bids for new and - of many manufacturers strivgreater heights—for over '-ring for preeminence. Today . 43,018 fifteen millions of dollars are f it ranks among the largest 1925 Production bcinginvestedto provide for . builders of motor cara in the 134,089 greater production. I world. Responsible Cor this 1926 Production Oakland and Pontiac Sixes ! tremendous growth have This staggering sum—the Jbeen a continuous series of combined cost of a new Pon*t triumphs resulting in a record-breaking tiac Six plant, with a capacity of 1,000 cars a day and of important expansions in the facil; 212% increase in business over 1925. devoted to the manufacture of Oakland :•• • With the advent of die past year, came the ities Sixes—definitely assures Oakland-Pontiac, introduction of the Pontiac Six. So great buyers of even greater in the future. was the demand it created, that in six For it makes possible tibevalue employment of even t itfiff 1*011 tiffc STT fn>^ in*tf ^Tt y^^d exceeded
more efficient methods of production—-even, # e greatest/tiH^car record previously scored greater incomtractroa—-even more 1i§ <t»cwnu^o/car. Aadbytheetidof the exactingprecision standards in the never-ending in* V with Pontiac pjeoduction reaching spections which govern every phase of Oak* 23 cars* that record had been, surpassed land-Pontiac manufacture and which have more thaa 100% M n July came the been so instrumental in achieving worldwide Greater Oakland Six with 77 refinements, good will for these two quality Sixes. featured by that epochal engmeering developIn the strictest sense, this huge investment ment—the Rubber-Silenced Chassis. Again America paid a wholehearted tribute to Oak- represents more than an expression of com land engineering vision. And again, in every fidence by General Motors in Oaklandprincisection of the land, Oakland sales leaped up- ples of des%n# manufecture and distribution. ward,necessitatingtheunprecedentedproduc> It stands as a tangible pledge to die public at tion of 57^66 Oakland Sixes—nearly 15,00b largethatinfundamentalgoodness and funda* morethaninl925—rand surpassing any previ- merited value Oakland Six and Pontiac Sis
ous record in Oakland's twenty year history,
will continue supreme in their fields!
Pontiac Six, $825 to $975. Oakland Six, companion to Pontiac Six, $1Q2S to $1295. AUpriceB at factory. Bodies by Fisher. Easy to pay on the liberal General Motort,Time Pa^ntnt Plan,
Paul Gerhard Motors
KEBKASKA - . X. Wkndcrilcb, tl'aboo. Nelson, Ashland. Aodmwt Motor Co, TTeeptus Wuler. Wn. Brckmerer. Arlington. 2421-27 Farnam S t Alrin Bnmaiag, Banenft. C«M O. XnlstT, Avoen. CblRfla • tUotscr, Pluttmnoutb. ASSOCIATE DEALERS K«rth B«D4 BaHerr Co., N«tl> Slnton Motor Co, 5017 S.' 24th St. Khb KelMHt. Homily A. A. CompWn, Btalr, ~ Gllinsky Motor Co., Council Bluffs.
E. E. Btam, Prague
IOWA " Anto Co., Bxlia. Idowm ft Turin, Klraa. Emery V. Bass, Shenandoaht i^no^ Anto Co» Lenos. Plumbley t ' gylvester. ClWden. Andy Attrlprson, Andnbon. John Wefmer. Fnnnimk *". W. Pierce, Hastlne*. Clarence Unit. X^««