A false friend, like a sfiadow, attends at$y while the sun shines.)
By B.H. S.
This Black <3at _ -. . Had Ko Fear, For It Has Nine lives— .-
1 . ;
the days of old a black cat $iias been considered as a sign of ill omen. cond-rlsss oiail matter on January Z7th. 1U21. at Today the poor beast still requires SUBSCRIPTION PRICE. A YEAR, $2.50 imnTia- Nebraska under the Art of March S, ifvTSl OMAHA, NEBRAS&A, THURSDAY, JANUARY 27,1927 many "superstitions ones to "take ten paces-backwards when it crosses said superstitious person's tracks.' Black cats are connected with -witches and things that, are magic; All in all a black cat has .a hard time of it. One of these dark members of the JEWISH PBOFESSOR COMMITTEE feline family which entered the JewAPPOINTED TO HIGH POST FORWARDS MEMORANDUM 1 ish Community Center the other day IN FRENCH GOVERNMENT ON ROUMANIA TO-LEAGUE was no exception to the general rule. - This cat, as black a one as ever Paris ( 1 T. A.)—M. Julien Cain, Paris (J. T. A.)—A memorandum "serenaded" from a back fence, made assistant professor a t the Sorbonne, on the anti-Jewish excesses in Ronwas appointed Chef de Cabinet of M. its appearance in the Commtmity mania was forwarded to the secretarBouisson, the newly elected president iat of the League of Nations by the Center building. I t was running, vp to the standards set by its ancestors Maximilian Rose Noted Violinist of. the French Chamber of Deputies. Bronze Tablet Erecfed In His Committee •• of Jewish Delegations M. Cain also holds the position of here. by getting into everyone's -way, caus. - Honor • Here February 1 director of a department in the 'The.'memorandum contains docning them to stumble and Sounder : Foreign Office. ' I merits pertaining-to the-subject. around as though they were on a H. B. ALEXANDER HERE HEADED B*HAI B'RHH More than fifty Jewish yoang men are expected to arrive fa CAMPAIGN FOR BUILDING boat crossing an exceedingly rough FEBRUARY THIRD Omaha Saturday from six mid-western cities to participate in tbv sea. Harry H. Lapidus of this city has -.Sistrict A. Z. A. basketball, debate and oratorical contest to b Then did Joe Levey spy the "jinx" Maximilian Rose, one of America's been elected vice-president-of the Nacat enjoying herself. 3ield at the Jewish Community Center Saturday and Sunday unde foremost violinists, will appear in a tional Jewish Hospital for Consamp-[ the sponsorship of the Omaha chapter, No." 1, A. 2. A. "This is no place for that," said recital at the Jewish Community Cen•re-; "ft ill Meet at lfBJtdteoa Frifiay-i Joe, and picking up the feline he ter on Tuesday night, February 1_ He Chajin Wedzinttnn and Louis Marshall Final plans' for'this district tournament, one of six beiBg Wi proceeded .to pnt i t out of the buildParties to Document • by-the A. Z. A. over the countxy, have 'feea completed'and all 515. ing. ••--.- ,: S. 3, Borowsky, es-secretary readiness to start off with a haMg Saturday evening1 a t 6:45, ThaCs that," thought Joe, as he New YOIJL— (J. T. A.)—A formal of the Katiossl 'Young. Judaea, w2i.be the -first round in t h e basketball section' of the tournament will t e re-entered the office to resume his agreement concerning the creation of in Omaha Friday and Saturday as the p] a ye£ f according to Hyman S. Staler, general chairman of th£work. ' the Jewish Agency, in accordance with 1 guest of the local young Judaea Clubs. L '~^—'.«»•»* _ "Meow I" the provisions of the Palestine ManHis schedule for .Friday win be as fol- wurnaine**. S :00 p. m.—Oratorical contest, ; There w$s the cat againl t T %. i j.1. T <-i «-i ' -i-j • - A . Z. A. chapters -will be represendate of the League \ of Nations to 6 tOO p. m.—Final in debate. ^ Once more Mr. Levey evacuated the lows: Luncheon at the J. C. C with -*»••"• v . * Great Britain and the decision of the a group of prominent men and women . _ , , . „ ., ^,, ~ — . 7:45 p. m.—Final in basketball, animal from, the building1. v .,, . Citv, Des Moines, Council Bluffs, Fort Fourteenth • Zionist Congress to -inwho are are to .serve .serve as as as- Adnsorv • j " %' „ . •, •„ _ , 9 :©.© p. m.—-Annual dance. All was~quiet—then"suddenly: * Dodge, Lincoln and Omaha, clude Zionist and non-Eonist members, Council to the Young Judaea Club. "Get that cat out of h e r e r Loids -lipp, a Creighton law stu- The district tournament to he sponwas condudedubetweenXouis Marshall' He will address a mass meeting of dent, was chosen Tuesday, in a pre- j s o r e d heTe | , yt ^ e Qnialia chapter in IT, This from Harry Lapilus, who representing the American non-Zionchildren at the Jewish Community entered upon the scene. to represent Omaha t c o n t r a s t t o t - h e na ti O nal tournam,".r>; ists, and Dr. Chaim Weizmann, reCenter in the afternoon at 3:30 o'clock in' tbe:..dratorical section. Ben Kaz-held in Omaha two years ago. Ai. Joe looked up. presenting the World Zionist Organiand later meet with the Young Judaea fowaky and Maurice Alperin will be that time eight of the elever chai<bv^.v "Meow I" The cat had returned. zation. Leaders and prospective leaders at the• •the .local debaters. The three speak- iEsMng. up. the national order of A, 5.. In desperation Joe took the intrudAn American non-partisan experts* home of Mr. and -Levenson. '< have been giving their undivided A , met here to compete in bark^tte!". ing animal -and again ousted it from rm. * n •' Mrs. -ii M.*F. 4.1 x. 'ers commission will proceed-to Palestine, The following will meet at luncheon r*••• • •• . . ,, . - T.'- *. x? *v, +v« the Community Center, but this time ,w « r,-.__,_. » __ __. _ attention to their subjects. Both the j and debate. When the s«>ven chant-' rs T J T probably around Passover, to make a with Mr. BorowEky, Mesdarnes John he took it far, far, far away from oratorical and debating contests prom- i p te here Saturday and thorough survey of the situation there Beber, M. F.. Levenson, A. Eoism, I. ise to be of exceptional merit. Some coirs e the building. they will represent less than one-siviJ; and submit a report and recommenda• Stalmaster, Herman Yahr, and Messrs of the finest college debaters and oraHARRY H.-LAPIDUS of the number of chapters now ."?»•• The cat, evidently not caring for the tions which will -serve as a basis of J. J. Freidman, John Feldman, Samuel tors in the raid-west will be represenrolled in the international order «£ Atreatment received,, did not.return. r_ activities for the forthcoming Jewish tives at its annual meeting held in; Gerson, Nathan E. Green, Wra. Holzted at the contests. The subjects to S. A. of the I. O. B. B. Agency. An interim report is expect- Buffalo, N. Y., last Sunday. William man, A. L Rulakoisky, Harry Lapidus, be argued are of interest to both Jews j in O m s M ed to be prepared by the commission Woolner of Los Angeles, Calif., was M. F . Levenscra, J. Xintzmaix, Dr. A. snd. gentiles, -and will brinj? out a! < < T M g t m i r n g m e i l t Guarding Angels • MAXIMILIAN ROSE by next fall. The Agency will be re-elected president and A. Schonfar-j Komm, J. B. Robinson, - Dr.' Sher, I. of beneficial and interesting j Q x ^ ^ ^£ h<^ - n t h e eoxmtey~ ' Ever, since S. Kavitz's boys awoke will be accompanied" by-Harry Bravi- formed when the commission report is ber of Columbus, O-, elected vice-pre-j Stalmaster, Joe' Wolf, "£L L. Wohr, matsrial for the listeners. HjTaan Shrier, general chfiirman. "Wrin time to save the family from submitted. '. - • sident. ~ :" " ..... ~ j Harry "Wolf and Judah Wolf son. The local basketball team eistered have spared no pains to maisc possible asphyxiation when their •. Messrs Lapidus and Sfaonlarber j • . — — — : : A complete reorganisation of the This jts_ the third of the course of in the tournament consists cf David. meet representative of a city ]tl-*; house caught on fire early this week, eight" concerts, lectures and recitals work now in progress to. rebuild the swarded the high pSices of "T"""-' -. Bud Levin, David Bleacher, Ednothing is too good for "them. ^iven onder the auspices of. the Je^p s©1 ••as-> to give the Is ensue en' the • basis of these- recom- connection with the-builmngrof-the£sish Community Center. EikEn. Joe Cohen is manager of 'he insight''of the work being? >>r because of tlie way they led "him out firmary bailding. Lapidus was chair£Ir../t!Rose has toured from coast to mendations. team. Under the •direction.of Sammy the A. Z.' A. • of the dense smoke. Unity in American Jewry was re-man of the District No. 6, I. O. B. B. More tnan one hnadred people, at- •Kaufman, the team has been roundcoast ;in recitals and many concerts "The basketball games will br- -?«-J stored and the controversy which re- campaign and Shonfarber, chairman tended the installation ceremonies of ing out a number of "trick" plays jointly "with the world's foremost ! and snappy. The.debates will h? .«; of District No. 2. cently raged between -the leaders or ! Council Bluffs Lodge L O. B. B. r-.r —-. „, „ ^ . _ .. _ ., , ! Blnfe O . B. B. snd:fast passing. He Slid as Though # __ o ."..-..-.,. •-...• i vital interest to every Jewish JIRTW*, the United Jewish Campaign and- the j ' T h e National Jewish Hospital now.j Wednesday erening- at the Danish Twere a Slide .'Sskighig-Ixom vrord received • j'oung' and old, in the city, Thf «^~ Zionist Organization of America has h a s a capacity of three handred beds j H a l L Tbe foylOW-mg program was other? :chapters entering basketball If you notice Isadore Abramson tory subject, "'Hebrew Heroes," i* «^and is filled to capacity. The new j given. .Helen Steinberg, piano solo, teams,'<the' games will b- as fast"as come to a close. limping slowly down the street that will bring out much f»ho\*': *>tr Mereson, reading, Rose Brandeis These were the dramatic develop- Infirmary building which was dedid&ii't try to hurry him—'cause it played, in the race that many of us never hear*'. «t. ments announced Monday night at the cated on September 2, 1926, has one piano yolo, Lorraine Meyerson, read- Center gymnasium.' won't do you any good. .v and those competing have studiiu? R-" inauguration of the United Palestine hundred beds and at the time of the i n g j Marian Katelman, reading-, Sara ^The,winners in the three di-risions that they are well-versed on thp.irIz really Had a terrible calamity. Appeal in New York City for^2,500,- dedication of the building seventy-. Solomonow, piano solo. Short addres- of the.district tournament "will"go' toj topics." Yon know he's got a little baby 000, the largest quota ;ver assigned two patients, were already -occupying! ses .were made'byy O. Hodiman, Louis Chicago in Februarj" to compete'in "the j All events are open to the girl, not quite two years old. Beto Greater New York for a Palestine rooms. ! Katleman,, Harry y and Ben y national Al-S. A. tournament. " ] ing a peppy youngster she tries to fund. These announcements were In appreciation of the work of Mr. \ The newly elected president Ben The .dosing .event, of the tourna-] climb the steps. Mr. and Mr?. made on the ocassion of the installa- Lapidus and Mr. Shonfarber two;-Seldin; appointed the following men ment" will be the annual dance given • Abramson have placed a gate at tion of Judge Otto A. Eosalsky as bronze tablets have been erected in j to serve on committees for the ensuing by. the. Omaha chapter.' THis will, be ; the bottom of the flight. l i t e s s s Girls at Getter chairman of the New York United the foyer1 of the Infirmary building r term: held in the 'auditorium of the'.Com-j The other day a visitor went to Palestine Appeal. Subscriptions totalFinance Committee: Louis H. Eatel- muhfty.'''."Center,' following the final the Abrahamson residence with a | On "Wednesday tiifrht, January 2A "This Tablet is Erected in Profound man, chairman; Leo Krasne, Max ling $500,250 were ,reported • at the basketball game in the gymnasium. little dog. | Miss Stella E. Knight, of Teehirir*.": meeting, which was^ held in Mecca Appreciation of the Devoted Service Steinberg, and Morris Gfliasky. The complete program of the tourThe gate was removed from the High School teaching staff, gmvz *• Harry H. Lapidus-of Omaha, NeEntertainment: Simon Steinberg, nament, follows: Temple, stairway, and the dog, being of a most -interesting: talk to the Girls' -Vbraska, chairman of B'nai Trith In- chairman; Ben Kooler, Ed Simon, and The announcement,-which- - w a s curious nature,.went.to.the.top,of. Saturday-:—': • > • bating-Society of the Center. !&i«-<firmary Building campaing, District Joe Gotsdiner. termed an event ofgreat.significance • them. Baby-Abramson followed. September2> m Knight teaches history and H 6:45-n.'m.—First round basketball. Membership Committee: Charles in the history of the Zionist ,move- j -When she was near the top, the the CogMe Debating T«am to 9:00 p. to.—First round debates. Salteman, chairman; Dave Kubby, ment and the Jewish community in the | dog suddenly turned around, scarthree'times. •• ' : .; Louis H. Katelman, Morris Gotsdiner, Sunday:— United States, was a result of a series ing' the baby. S:S0 a. m.—Breakfast for A. Z. A. Miss Knight accompanied Morris Grossmen, and Joseph Scharf. of negotiatioTis conducted by Dr. Iz, who was upstairs, came along H. B. ALEXANDER Shayler oa the Palestine CmsRfis. members. • Constitution -snd By-Laws: Ben Chaim Weizmann since his arrival in just then. All girls over 16 years of ap? S:30 a. m,Semi-finals in tesljetj Kubby, chairman, Louis H. Eatelmas, ratic stars Maria Jeritza, TMarian the United States three months ago. «My God!" he cried, "she's fallterested in debating and d l bsll. Talley. The critics everywhere have The full significance of ~8ie results The Jewish Press basketball team' Nathzm. Nogg, end Harry L. CSi-ernigs. ing" 11:00 a. m.—Semi-finals in debate. are innted to join tbe Center been very lavish in their praise. emerged the victor In-the first} Resolution "Committee: O. Hochnuss, achieved were, summarized in a joint He made a wild dash towards | Society for girls. For further Mr. Rose appeared in Omaha last statement of Louis Marshall and Dr.fJiree games of the sason and .on chairman; LOBIS "Bernstein, Philip the baby, but tripped and slid al| mation ask at the office. most to the bottom of -the stairs. year as assisting artist to Mme. Je- Chaim Weizmann, read to the audience February 6, The Jewish Press team' Saks,- and M. Hoffmsss. ritza, but this will be the first" time by the president of the World Zionist wfll play the Central Chevrolets at Denver Hospital: Sam Meyerson, The baby fooled him and didn't here that he will present a complete Organization. .chairman; M. Bernstein, S. Shyken, the Jewish Community Center gymSam E. Klaver,, former deputy "gHUMSH EELIBF. BALt.' fall, but laughed, instead, at her program by himself. and Ike Kramer. nasium. The Central Chevrolet team county assessor has opened Ms law' The statement, which was preceded papa's antics. WELL The New York World says of him: by an exchange of letters between the is considered the fastest team in the Cleveland Orphan Home: Sam And that's why Iz limps. "Maximilian .Rose: shewed himself a two leaders, was termed "a treaty of j Steinberg, chairman; Herman MeyerMore 4han-two-thoUBarid performer'of tru.'e.jnerit and possessor peace" by Judge Rosalsky, who pre-;| On Tuesday, February 8, The Press' son, Julius "'Bosenfeld, ""and" "\Frank tidpated in the SlTumak Belief W t A Trophy to- the Winner of a ra^e'musical - sense:": •• will i»lay the Italian Athletic i Krasne. the city auditorium' Sunday tik sided over the meeting, which was atThe first basketball trophy ever to On : Thursday- evening, February 3, tended by 2,500 persons. This new Intellectual Advancement Committeam. According to the committee in be presented to a Jewish laegne was Professor Hartley .Burr Alexander, tee: O. Hochman, chairman; Ben the ball was one of the greatest course of'the'Zionist movement', -which given Wednesday night by Ralph Professor of 33iijo'sophy at the UniXubhy, Sam Bubb, and Leo Fitch. •held, by the- organisation. "1 opens the door for the participation A. H. BRODKEY COMPANY Russel of the Eussel Sporting Goods versity of "Nebraska, will appear at the people of Omaha for the of all, Jews, Zionists and non-ZioMsts, PLANNING BUILDING! Social Service: Harry Kubby, chaircompany, to Nate Green, president of the'Jewish 'Community* Center. Proman; Harry L. Chenuss, Philip^Friedtion received to immfce tliie W l a in the task of upbuilding Palestine, the Jewish Community Center Com- fessor Alexander'"will lecture ;bn the wa3 endorsed by Louis Iipsky,.presiTheA.H. Brodkey Co., general con- man, and Sam Snyder. cess," said Mr, J. White, genera?. Three Great Jewish Philosophers,' PWmercial Basketball league. dent of the Zionist Organisation of tractors have during the past two) Initiation Degree Team: Louis H. The trophy, an eighteen inch high lo Judaeus^Mqse^ Mainonides, Bene- America, and Dr. Stephen S. Wise, years built and remodeled more than j Katelman, chsirman; Ernest Nogg, ~" model of a basketball player, will be dictus'De'Spinoza: honorary chairman of the United forty buildings. Among the buildings Ben Kubby, "Sam Steinberg, and A. •Over 5'0O''Sdhobl Teachers ;: given at the end of the season to one. • P.roi. Alexander-has^'earned a na- Palestine Appeal and "president of-the built in Omaha were the Wise Mem- Diamond. 8 ' • to Meet at of seven teams now entered in the tional reputation as" " a lecturer and American Jewish Congress, in addres- orial Hospital, Temple Israel annex, -comes from;,'Deliver, where he has Center league. Aaron Davidson is Packard HIGHLAND COUNTRY CLUB ses which they delivered at thei meet- U. S. OH station and garage, On Tuesday afternoon, secretary of this league, the first to been lecturing'for the past week. ing. garage, Consumers Oil; station and • • ANNUAL MEETING 1, there will be a -meeting of ' be put into practice by the Center. Following hTs. lecture" In ? Omaha,' Prof. Grand theater. School teachera attl.9 Jewisk <W&* Alexander will leave. for\ Madison, The annual'.meeting of the Highland Ed Burdick is director. A. H. Brodkey head of the company Wis., to lecture'at. the-University of munity Center.' About 586 ftte «e* * * OMAHA HEBREW CLUB is a graduate architect of the Uni-Country Club will be held Sunday Jan•Wisconsin. -during v ' the remaining pected. uary 30, at 2:30 p. n . at the BiaekPROGRAM SUNDAY versity of Michigan and is builder of A Last Word school semester^ ~ ; An opportunity will be the Sherman-Robinson Department stone Hotel. All members are urged Omaha Jewry should be proud of the visitors to see the "building Season tickets for the.remainder of store of Des Moines and Strand thea-' to attend this meeting. Four meraThe Omaha Hebrew Club will hold their youth. present the »ctivitie before 6 performances may be purchased at | bers are to be elected to the board of Here now is a small, group of $3.00. Reserve seats by calling Jack- an intellectual advancement. program ter of Sioux City. The Jewish Comnnjnity offices at €55 Omaha National Bank under the auspices of that committee, Estimates on homes and buildings trastess *''energetic and ambitions boys stag- son 1366. co-operates with the Board of building. Klaver. a graduate of Ornai Sunday afternoon at the Jewish Com- are given without charge. ing, without senior assistance, a cation in everv vr&y. The ha University received high honors in A meeting of the G. W. Club munity Center. The members are basketball, debate and oratorical High School swimnung teMn his CIESFEE and was admitted to the Sigma Delta Tau was one of the' held at the home of. Jesastte WeinMr. Louis Somberg was initiated] urged to be present at this meeting, tournament in. as business like and the Center swiroftiing ptwl fj*t twSr,.: While attending state bar in the fall. will be in charge of M. F . Lev- seven sororities selected to put on a stern, Monday, January 4. fine ft manner as one would, wish, into Ves Chapter, Hai Eesh fraternity]'which 1 at a banquet Tuesday evening a t the enson. There wfll be a talk on Achad skit at the University of Nebraska prizes were won by Sally Coin, and school Maver was head of several practice and meets. do truly deserve the backlaw societies. iAaham, and several musical numbers. All Girls' Show. The Co-Ed Follies. Eva Schwartz. Fontenelle Hotels every Jew in."Omaha.
Meted Artist and; Lectarertpi Center Program-Nest Week
Winners of Contests" Here Will. Attend. -Nations! • Tournament at Chicago
Agreementto Form Jewish igescy Signed if Leaders .
> . - . • .
' :
: . . . , -
' .
W l Spaik iere Friday:
Opens Law Office
•*• _ i
Special novelty numbers^ will also be berg Tuesday aftemoonv»t •would return to school. It was theoff this; -water and boil beans or 1 given. Little Maxine Leibtfwitz, tal- warming paxiy at her »*wfatftofftAt ambition of these girls to return to hour in. boiling salt water. There erery/rnafsday at tima^a. NebrtsBa. 6> „ . the colony when their elementary edui should be one cup of bean liquid left Council Blufts News ented young daughter of Mf. and Mrs. '305 South Eighth Strart. The.V4&b : Abe LeibowitZ, will'. render .special presented .Mrs. Bromberg, with, i cation should be completed; then they In beans.. . „ . . . * ' :' •'-' >'•- flttfi JEWlStt PRti8S P U B L f & i N t i COMPANY " • ] ' ' , 1 .x would jvdrk by daj[ and study alone Add all ingredient?, meat cut-in ' Wfr. and Mrs. Louis Bernstein enter- dance solos as a p&rt of the evening's candle.holders, '\ Office: 49»-B»«Jaia -Iheatre Building.-; Telephone: ,&Tlajrtic l45t>4 tained their Evening Mah Jong Club by nighti thY'pui'pose of both "activientertainment. small pieces and bak"<* in slow- oven'far ... ..:• ..- j - NATHAN .& G R E E & Manager,. ;».,-. Mr. and Mrs. Max Cohn * ties being to'help'the'developemeni 4 hours.- Add water* if ~b"eana become Tuesday evening. J their Evening Bridge C3tib',*i The Ladies Auxiliary of the Talmud of the entire "group settled on this dry while baking. Subscription Price, one yes ..$2.50. Mr. and Mrs.-Philip Saltzman of Torah will hold their regular meeting home last Wednesday eveniftg. Uttr. land. ' * -—r—Advertising rated furnished on application. Recipe may be cut in % useing full Sioux City is spending the week here and Mrs. Ben Cooler'''•will be host* to A splendid type of Jewish woman- amount of irieat." Beans baked this with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Saltzman. next Wednesday afternoon, February CHANGE OP ADDRESS— Please give Doth the old and'oew'addresa; 2, at the home of Mrs. Sam Meyerson, tfeis club next Wednesday at hood. Healthy and happy. Robust, way will keep ih cool place a week or ..„„ ,, . be, sure aad give'you asm*. -. , . . home. : Mr. and Mrs. Sam Meyerson had as 600 yet mentally alert. Barefoot, with more. " their guests the «arly part of the Mrs. Abe Bear of Leavenworth, The Jetffeb £re*s Is feapplfed by the Jewish telegraphic Agency (Jewish .the appearance of trained farmhands, /eHpondenre.Bureau) with cabled and telegraphic Jewish news* In addition —yet theyh'ave not abandoned their week, Mr, and Mrs. Ben Gershon. Jerusalem (J. T. A.)—M. Ponaat, . CHICKEN SALAD Kansas spent the past week-end here to feature'articles and correspondences from all important Jewfsh center*. dream of learning, studying and readFrench High Commissioner of Syria, visiting" her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Inquiries regarding n$wa Items credited to this Agency will be gladly 4 cups cold diced chicken Mrs. Philip Sherman of Sioux City will visit Palestine shortly, It wa» answeredjf addressed to Jewish Telegraphic Agency, 621 Broadway, New ing, reading everything. They spoke Julius Katelman. 2 cups diced celery arrived Wednesday to visit her para literary Russian and a fluent YidYork-(My. "learned here today. 2 hard cooked eggs ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Gilinsky. Mrs. Saul Suvalsky is in Chicago, dish'. I could Bee, in their- every gesM. Ponset is expected to arrive fa 1 cup oil mayonnaise ture, a._calm .confidence, and. a_ .quiet, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Fichtenberg of Illinois visiting her mother, Mrs. I.Jerusalem en January 2S. He will be Salt-and pepper to-taste and unobstructive pride in being a useful Chicago, Illinois, announce the engage- Goldberg. She will b¥ gone about the guest of hetd Plumer at the paprika Without a single pessimistic not, the many speakers and com factor ,in the rebirth 6f this human three weeks. ' Government House for two days. Mix all ingrulients, reserve e g g ment of their daughter, Miriam, to mentators' at~the-Cleyeland Convention of the iJnion of American group.. These women, indeed, are theyolks Mr. Ben E. Kubby of Council Bluffs, Mrs. Max Steinberg is expected over salad. Sprinkle with papHebrew Congregation and its affiliated societies dwelt construc- best guarantee for a clean "and nor-rika. Iowa. Mr. and Mrs. Fichtenberg en- home today from Chicago, Illinois community"fife~uf the Jewish.coltively upon the subject ©f the perpetuation of Judaism in our coun* mal tertained at a reception honoring their where she was called last Thtrreday Veal is nne used in place of chicken of Russia.",' * ••. • daughter and her nance at their home [ try. There was careful searching of history and of souls among1 onies I "spent'Saturday" in' several "Jewish or one half chicken and one half veal. on Saturday evening. No date has upon the death "of her sister. " the lay leaders assembled*; there was keen dissection and criticism colonies. "A -holiday atmosphere. It been set for the wedding. About thirty members of the Ladies , " ASPIC FQR^SALADS .given under auspices of of the present status 6fTudarsm"J5y"KaBBis and those that sit at is harvest time, ancTAOt~aU the" traps Mr. Kubby returned home-Monday. Aid Society surprised TMrs. Abe Brom1 2 tablespoons gelatine. have been taken in. All' hands are their feet; there Was expressed the belief and.conviction that Mr. KLubby is the Secretary of the juice of one Lemon Judaism is being perpetuated in Ameriea'.beeause Reform is liberal itching to finish the woik, the weoth-. local lodge No. 688 of the B'nai B'rith 2 cups boiling .water er might change," so that the task in tendency and progressive in spirit^because its uniwrsalism, as would and is also an active member of the 1 teaspoon salt be more difficult the re\t day. : Agudes Achif Society. the Jewish youth of the present skeptical generation. Of no little But it is ' the "^aWaffi—even the % cup vinegdr ' Every Shirt 3 % cup sugar consequence to the perpetuation of Judaism in America is the fact youngsters whose hands have-never Gttarsnttee<$ The -Agudes Achim Society will hold Ton Mast Be Satisfied that at Cleveland this week the;re wer,e assembled men and women, held a Bible feel i t An idyllic df.y Of Soak gelatine in 1 cup cold water 5 their Annual Dance on Thursdaj eve22 and Qark Street Add boiling water and rest ning, February 17th, at the Eagles yojing and old* veteran fighters fojc the cause of Judaism and fledg-rest. Beading and singing, the colo- minutes. Prominent Artists wait for dusk before tliey re- of indgredients, stir welU set aside Hall. The committee are planning to lings in the continuous,contest; they Represented every .walk of life nists and when cool add 3 cups any mixed make this • dance the best and most sume their work and catne front;*H sectjonsiof .t^.ej^unjtry'i.they^syjnbqliEpdthe No, indeed," . r vegetables. Chill.and serve in lettuce successful affair of the season. A back-to:the::soil cups-topped with mayonnaise. spirit, th'e idealism! the eternal•'hoperdt-^he^Tew. m- the worldi and movement doe? not. endanger When-in JMSW! of . Jewish very good Orchestra will be engaged d they pledged, fof themselves and the communities which delegated tradition. " ' y ' to furnish the music for dancing. them, to strike the ftees'of the living faith'-amonB.their people when „: HOUSE HOLD.HIKTS Cook onions and meat separately, in Hebrew ©r English. Trsflslation they return to their, homes.. Let it be clearly noted that the theme for onions contain water and prevent AUNT ESTHER'S of the Cleveland Convention did not concern itself with the question meat from browning, after meat is COLUMN whether Judaism should or can be perpetuated in America; that Successors to Jones Candy Co. brown onions may be added. Let . . . . . 7' V was taken for granted. The history of Liberal Judaism on these : Romance Chocolates CHOP SUEY I. KATLEMAN • : - - }_ shores, and this gathering itself, proved it. Starting from this Add ^4 teaspoon cream of tarter to 2 lbs beef cut up Phone JA. 3986 918 Farnam St. beaten egg whites for fluffy meringue. premise, the lSOO ^delegates', represented 278 congregation, 825 fill your needs at the most reasonable price ' 4 tablespoons fat Sisterhoods and nearly 100 Brotherhoods planed the execution of Headquarters for Jewish Books "v 1 cup molasses Puffed rice is delicious served with Establislied 1S82 • :;.:«• resolutions, to stregthen and intensify Jewish religious, life in - - - l t j t . water PAXTON-MITCH K1.L CO. clear hot soup in place of crackers. 110S No. 23 St^ (rear of Synagogue 24th and Nicholas) WlS. 4808 • -* 5'large onions every direction, that the perpetuation of Judaism majf everywhere 2?th * Uarlha tit*. Hnrnry 1662 1 large bunch celery Omaha. Nebr. in America become a self-evident fact.—-American- Hebrew. - .... Do not allow water to freeze in Sort gray iron, brnss, bronze eniS tio"2" tablespoons sugar "carmel- bucket, as this warp's cast to R8. Standard sizes hrouze bucket and oilnoui end trou boshlncs, sewer tn fin holes, ' •• ized" • causes leak. cistern rings and eorers. end clean-out What's it all about! Salt" and pepper to taste -loor» In stock. Stew-Vmipns- slowly in fat; insep-j ATTEND T H E KA-DE-MO CLUB'S erate-pan brown meat; when brown CO. KOSHER DANCE % add ^% <rf-the stewed .onions, molasses, 1 (Notes from K .Diary) . •. 'Caref«3 -^ I'sugar/."water''and reasoning. Let' By KECBEX BRAIJUX, ,D*an; «t HebteW ^atjjors,^ , , n .; . . 14th and Douglas St. AT 0927 KEEPS DANCING ACADEMY cook until .meat-isr "tender, add celery Pr««crlDtUn« filled by R 19th SRd Davenport Street diced and rest of onions, thicken and ' <, Pharmacist! only PxtbBc AceovBttBts tsA AotOtsrs li2T hj Seyea^'rls'tfea\b& . ^ hour.: Serve hot with steamed Price* very T ^ SUNDAY, JANUARY 30, 1927 In ISADORE ABK.AMSON tice or' Fried'KtJodles. r. • on
i i i
A •€
>I X
tj B U L a P t
i i
- ' - III • ' - • •
- -
Wepesrietit k i e s Chb , Jan. 30,1927 LABOR LYCEUM
The Copelman CandyCo.
I J,"
things thatrflost Impressed him. on bis "•7 ' . .FS1ED NGODLtlS recent visit toTiussla". ".IHese lotting* ivefe would be instrumental 4n '*". Prepare noodles as for, soup and fry Intended hot tot -itukHcatian,. but merely Jew)sh youth detached fwm 1 to eerve as material lor articles _t<> bcs. written at som& fnttira-itline. It is'ivltb. Mr^ jslt.tradition. As I looked at the idyl- in hot-oil .untU light brown. Drain Brnlnln'B special permission that we pub- 'if life in Rathendorf, (and it on brown ^paV^/'salt'whlle hojjj.^These lish these note*, which afe intensely int?n»stlng precisely because they. are not is by no means an isolated example), noodles may be prepared fbf~"'vreSKs" polished and -worked over into newspaper help remembering^ btop,.in ahead an£r;Te-heated~ by placing ,in> articles. THE EDITOR s
In Omaha
HOTEL ROME «3« Ko»BK»—SV» Item* Oood^ttnoms tor tU t*4h B > Co,
INCOME TAX SERVICE SYSTEMS—AUDITS INVESTIGATIONS •90. Brandeis Theater Building. • Phone ATlantic 145(f ' .
?k» a.certain oppotrtirt of cot- oven for a fewjinoments. ^ .. '' Today I visited the Rathendorf Col; hatf ?in*istedan Mushrooms'•and b6an sprouts may an-- !*peati«|; ony, in the Cherson- district. Although be addid to CHop Suiy. Hifhat hejeorisidered hi& ttpmp carjBi the settlement-is^ifly fouttee"Mnottths % c don^t waitJsour^Jewlsh^utlt^h old the housed of • the Colonists already :L '» ' ' BOSTON BAKED BEANS are permeated by a gemtiethlleh- RusSia to be raised as moujiks." Bow Utterly stupid fs this ^assertfon!:-And 2 lbs. navy beans atthb'sphere: Theeattle • kept, the tromen5 sinfr and 'laugh as ^what^a pftwe'rfol argonwnt fbr.iiBwish. '* ' l i b . far beef brisket 2 cups molasses they go about their tasks." One feels colonisation this unfounded charge ac2 cups chili sauce or catsup that, come what may, "thetfe' will" al- tually represents Ilttablespoofr mustard Vrays be plenty of milk fofc the chil- ,. I" was horrified at the wide gap I • . I Ayish to announce the opening of my .Salt land pepper to taste •dren. found between;parents' and' children SoaVteans over night. Boil for. 5 - - A most modern kmdelrgatten: The in such cities as Kiev, Yekaterinoslav, LAW OFFICES minutes in water to which has been | and Minsk, whose entire life, had once head of this little institution is a added % teaspoon baking' soda. Pour Polish Jewess,, a-student,-well,read, ,been dominated'.by a' strohg Jewish .... at •whose aim it has been to introduce tendency. On my visits X6 thesVctties I had to acknowledge an irresistible the ^best- pedagogical methods. The Omaha's Most Modern Fireproof 656*Dmaha National Bank Building children speak Russian, but are taught drifting'away of children from .their Plant Yiddish, as well." Thfe upkeep of the homes. And it is only natural. There • •-* 17th and Fanram Streets, kindergarten • is provided -' fox l>y the is no home—not even in the.physical ,I Omalia, Nebraska sense—but only a sleeping place Russian Government. - I a n where the various members of the by merry laughter and* faces shining •with health.- The looms are spotless- family can scarcely find room to SHROLLY GOODMAN'S ly elean, the schedule is .adhered-to Stretch their limbs. - And without the home the traditional., .sociological inwith truly .German punctuality." CLEANERS -'"ATTORNEY-AT-LAW .A school for older boys and1, girls stitution of the family must perish. forms an annex tb- the' kindergarten. Bufhere; on the land, where father Telephone JA ckson 1S23 DYERS But the kindergarten itself .is- theand- -son- work shoulder -.to., shoulder, main institution, for the greatest, at' where, a-common\faam«^Bnitfis:them in 3161-63 Farnam St. HA. 8398 tention of all is given, to ;tho ytrongs the evening, where, tire entire;colony est of the new generaion.. I ; actually c forma a ^-single-1 groupj. > the • ; ' ; ' M I D . W E S T : ••:-••:, ' The higher classes^.tpo, are .con,-, Jewfeh.-family g * -Even ENGRAVING OCXi INC ducted in a very intelligent manner.' whent,?s frequently,happens,,there is : ARTISTS " . l '"~~ Much time-is devoted-to-practical hy- avast/difference between the "Weltan_7 R £J giene. The self-service plan is in schauung "of Hie"younger and older force in evexy branch of activity. In- generation, a'tolerent and respectful Pnone ATLANTIC O639 dependence and self-reliance—this is attitude Is maintained by both parties. the motto. . . . • When a .colony- grows tptf quickly, The boys, and girls elect their own and the construction,of'houses .cancommittees from' among themselves';" not 'keepp1 ifatoe vnth''ih'e^rapidly i ^py inSponsored; D£ EMANUEL ROSEN "and these committaesr have:fall ^uris- creasing population, l the ' newcomers rrtsl3enri>ftietrtine fend Oriental T ' ' fiction in matters of sanitation, dis- temporarily live in subterranean cav-8UTTISK atirt tl leaving New York, February 21, March cipline, and recreation. erns." It is real trench life; and the !_ In the school approximately equal ingenuity of the'mole-like architects r,oundl Bluffs, la. and April 1927, on famous Ctmard Liners. "time is given to mental and physicalt is amazing. By means of partitions] "training. When I watched th'e chi!-' they divide the caverns into rooms— "dren at the latter I' saw that in "tne they even hang up pictures. I visited The tours TvflT. include visits to all "places in Palestine and Jerusalem competitive games stress is laid on several of these trench-dwellings. The of particular interest to Jewish folk, together with calls at Madeira, Gibraltar, Monte Carlo, Venice, Naples, Athens, Haifa, Alexandria, The . .thefoy'of physical eflfortand'thewill mere fact <$hat sotnetitnes families of Rome, Paris, I*>n<Jon, etc. Ho overcome difficulties. Boys and eight vHl\ tlW inlsuchV "homes" forf 'girlfi stiidy and play together here, several months is ample evidence that A representative of the Zionist Organization of America •will accom-' developing in. an atmosphere of no power within or without Russia pany and lectnt* on the tours. 1818 Farnam,* 2nd floor -and - wholesomeness. can halt this natural back-to-the-soil Rates from $635 up, including shore excursions and ail expense afloat and 5 The houses of Rathendorf impressed movement, spontaneously inaugurated ashore.'* ; me «s being; more spacious than those by the starving, discouraged Jewish , •' "Write tat Ulnstrated booklets - ~ _ " and ' in most of the^-other settlements. In townsmen. ' , • : VAL. X P E T E R TRAVEL BUREAU ithe evening 4h^ -younger and older, Initpne of these'caverns I met sevOMAHA, NEBR. 1SQ7 Howard'Street^ I Special Representatives noonday;luncheon f " members, of the family-gathe^ eral young; busllyi y g ; girls g y engaged. g g .in 60 cents .. ri" Th h d the saawyar and^- exchange Y views.; d decorating the? "paricr." They had- cTaWe d'hble' dinner/" 85 cents t o r rHer3t"WiieVe'jthe:;p,roblem-of earning' left school -to coroe tor> the land with .. ^1.00rfromj5 to-8 Daily St.,.OauOt«. S 4 % l»read lread is solved, solved1* there is their family;, and they spoke regret'the»s-4a% GEas'TLBJIEN: Kiniffy ^ foldera On the Special Palestine l'ilgrimage. "'-—Music atf a!l Meals understanding between fully .of their .vinterrupted, studies. , .»? -•'Dancing Evenings " .an. earnest efMusic b.y;. Ambassadors, 7 piece NAME .._ fin' cbver Charge hi Sfort % A.0DUESS reservations phoneThis-par aspect of life in the pily on the field. Yet they confided' JA-ckson £224 Jewish colonies is of tremendous im- to .me that once the family was com- '' p h ..best best anwer answer to pletely settled in a real home they '! portance. M ' tthe ^ ^ ^ *-^4
*^- ~"m •
v . k
^ ^ Aft
Ryan's Orchestra
AimisBfofc 25c
Are Yoii Planning •"toWm Give u s a c t a n c e t o show you why w e have satisfied others
•;-.-.-» .;:
BUILDERS OF Wise Memorial Hospital Temple Israel Annex k U. S. OU Static and 48th and MiKtary, stores Garage Grand Theater , '» ' ,( Packard Garage and oliiers
Estimates Free .
A. H. BRODKEY CO. General Coiitrfectors 522 Peters Trust Bldg. •
AT. 3740
Velvet Collar Oxford Vicuna
Cleaners—Dyers—Taflors Hatters—Farriers
Three Attractive Tours
The' correct overcoat for every man and young lnan—ihy'rp "it" today from campus to president. They're styled Tight tor day or. night! We're featuring wonderful values in velvet collar' Chesterfields—they're made of unquestionable quality staaderd Oxford vicunas and other overcoatings in rich Oxford effects—all standard tailored.
Shanghai Gardens
All Sizes—Regulars, Stouts
Excellent Chinese Dishes
.-: c -.' ' y
•' andSHi»8
v •
Incomparable Values Nc$d No Comparative Prices' / CORRECT APPAREL FOE «EM AND WOMEN
Junior Hadassah Costume Party]
Dr. Amelia Brandt will speak Tues" and Marie Klefn. MqscpV'(J. T. A.)—Professor M. Jewish Social Club day, February 1, a t 8:30 p. m. a t the The announcement made by the Entertainment and Pfogrsm—^Grace Klutchnikoff, who recently attracted The Junior Hadassah .will entertain Labor Lyceum, 2201 Clark on theJewish Social Club in this paper of Rosenstein, chairman; Pauline its. members and prospective.members 'Goiter Problem." This is one of last week that they have leased the ' ' Shapiro, Ann Bishoff, Ida Green- wide attention • because of his stand on anti-Semitism, was dismissed from at a costume party a t the Jewish series of lectures, arranged by theKelpines Dancing Academy 25th and ; : berg, and Sarah Ricklin. Community Center Wednesday Feb. Ladies Lyceum Club."This invitation Farnam Street for the purpose of run- Courtesy—Ann Greeftberg, chairmah; his ..position as scientific advisor a t 2nd. ' ; . , is open to the publicjjthere will be no ning continuous dances every Sunday Toby Steinberg, and Ida Daytch. the Institute of World Science and ; Pep' and Fun will be guests of admission. i^-E6se'*"E5s"eJistetni:' Politics. night, commencing January 30th was honor, and the committee in charge chairman; Be"Ss: Greenb€fg;'".'and received by the -Omaha, young Jewry : promises that these guests will furnIda .Fine. .... "'''['; ^ l ; ";"" Word has been received from the -with welcome. Members jeport a ish hilarity for the affair which will teacher of HarjjpL Xonoviteh,. well heavy sale on tickets. The Club has The report pf the executive meet' ' D I A M O N D •••"• surpass anything that has ever been knows violinist of Omaha o£ his spared no expense in making this Sun- ing, was given and included plans for staged. Prises will be awarded for rapid progress. He states that he days Grand Ball of January 30th &n sending a delegate to the Juniot the most original costumes, and possesses .power of^'intelligence and event long to be remembered. A Hadassah convention and the sponsorGIFT • • .-::.' '-<.\%i.. .^oop^r-C^ldstein. r ,.;.^,: r ; : \ Mr. and Mrs. David Wells will r e - games, stun'*, dancing, a grand great talent. * H&: also ^oniplirijeDted special -10 piece dance orchestra has ing of a "Y" dance during February - Anneunieenient h a s been made of ceive a t their home on Sunday, Jan- march, and refreshments will make the qualities that Harry- possesses been engaged for the affair. There will to raise money for the Jewish Comthe marriage of IJorothy Goldstein, uary. 10, from the hours three to five, this a gala aflair, . that are so w s « ^ a t to.;Jjrt 1mas£lry! be plenty of confetti—noise makers—- munity Center Equipment Fund. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H.DGold- and seven to ten, in honor of the Grace Rosenste'in is in charge and :bf "the: Moim.--. ::M^-:^\^}±. hootchie kj?otchie_hats—and there will The Junior Hadass&h will particengagement of their daughter, Enna WHOLESALE AND RETAIL stelni; to Robert'.. Kooper,;- son of Mr. is assisted by Ann Bishoff, Ida Green' be something doing for everybody ipate in the new Year Book being Leah to Bernhardt Block, son of Mr. JEWELERS iani;lfc% Jacob Kooperi; The cereberg, and Pauline Shapiro. every minute. Watch this paper for edited by the Senior Hadassah. This and Mrs. Wm. Block, of Kansas City. •The Ladies Independent Club will Diamond Importers mon^ topkvplace Tuesday evening, our further annuoncement about the is the first time that & section of the No date has been set for the wedding. give a "public concert Sunday evening, • January 25, a t the Blackstone Hotel. 214-216 City Nat" Bank BWg. Mr. and Mrs. M. Kulakofsky re"Big Surprise" dance J o r next Sunday. Year Book has been devoted to the Established 1894 , S^tiiand Mrs. Kooper left for a honeyturned Sunday, -after spending the January 30, a t the Labor Lyceum. Junior Hadassah. The Ladies Golden Hill Society will moon trip t o Chicago. past two weeka,visiting in Kansas According to the commfttee the best JUNIOR ItADASSAH hold a* regular meeting on Tuesday of local talent h&3 been secured for City. ' afternoon, February. 1, a t 2:80 a t the COMMITTEES APPOINTED this concert. Among those'who will ^Friday marked the close of theJewish Community Center. Every appear on the program are: Sara Rae Mrs. Sam Gilinsky has as her house Committees for the ensuing lernt » first semester a t r the University of member interested is urged t o attend guest her sister ^Mrs. Gornblum—of Fine, presStudents are slowly as Oils will bs an important meeting: Burmingham, AlaDaniar city, and Miss Edith"Wright/ promin- ident, at the meeting' of the Junior terin about-the -campus,-' caresaunttering ent Council Bluffs violinist. There Hadassahy-"Thursday, Jannary 21, as Mr. and Mrs. S* Guttmann returned will be other numbers on-the program. follows: frete because" examinations have come Mjsses Mrs. ."•••• i : •'/tq-.fa:close. ^ ;f hos~ home Friday: after aif extended trip Intellectual Advancement—Ula Aly and throughout the East visiting in Chi ^ a n y of t h e students have gone berts, chairman; Eose Lazarus, II p Moriday'at y tess^s "at a ISRAEL? , cago, New •york,-Washington and Mi $ , g '. horned eager* to • rest? before ..entering of Mrsg SamiiGiliasky, Ida' Bishoff, and Ida Cahn. i ?604 Soiith I"jRabbi Cohn. wttl speak Friday eveami. They visited for several weeks Membership—Tina Altshufer, chair im^jr the! whirl of the second semester. St.,;;BD©oriffg>.-tfee Misses Janet Gr* And ning on *TE*fife Thirteenth Biennial iri Canada, and also visited in Ann Among t h e students who are spend- linsky ahd^Ho^tense Eosenalocki man; Ida Minckoff, Ann Freeman 11| Council.^ Or* Setarday morning Rabbi Arbor with their .son Max, who ."is ing; t the T •week-end in Omaha are Ida Cohn has cEosenCfor his subject, "The Mr; Moe;:LiiiSma|. attending. th"e ^nfrerBity t>1: Michigan ;•• Lusj{^r|;en,..Eeta .Frish,"Tobie Stein-. Ethics of Judaism.'' At the Mr. and MTS; Guttman were gone for prt'*ifer6tfiy>' Wentter, Tearl" Shef- on^Jbuying v j a ^ , "' ' Sisterhood" , \ A r t Green, Earl Kay,\ Henry Mr.: and: Mrs. Harold W. Brandt of three months. . : The Siterhood will have a matines Rojenstein, Dave Fellman,; Lester isandli'-Sjlnci: returned Thursday from : Mr'. |»eter GoodlJinder was enterjje "Manufactured in Omaha" ltincheon Monday, February 7. Bodkeyj ^ E d w r d a^twd'weekibujnfog.tripifi New York.' tained at a bridge party on Sunday feidus Edwardd Brodkeyj Lafeidus, ^Edward Book Review Club UAKEH ICE MACHtNK CO. Rofianthal, Ellis Shaftbri, Dave Wont- j Mrs. Morris I . _Pickus_ of Chicago feveningr at his ipme r the occasion be- Tuesday afternoon, February S, ner, A r t JSqnrni* Albert ^att,.Herbert ing his fiftieth birthday. -Seyenty-flve Ne^reloff, Carl ' Sokolofiy Joe Stern, arrived Monday to-spend two weeka guests Were present. Among the out- Rabbi Cohn will review the book "Toat the home of her father, Mr. A. G. Frj&rik Blotcky, and Joe Turner. of-town: guects'were Mrs. Rabinowits Morrow Morning" by Anne Parish. FRIED'S Katelman. Mr. Pickus -will join Mrs. and daughter, Mr. Saber and sdn, and Everyone is invited, to attend these {Solly Lerner of Kansas City will Pickus here i n about .ten days. Mrs. KOSHER DELICATESSEN lectures. Mr. Polsky and son/ aU of Kansas •visit in Omaha. to take part; in ah Pickus was formerly Miss Esther Kav c , 1509 North 24th Street City. . ; • "^ '' ".;• "•' ' _ " ' , A.'.Z.A.oratocial contest. --•'-. ttelman i of this ^ 1 AtlrnlVe To AH Contests AIL foods kept in Sanitary cases {Frances Robinson of STorfolk . is Season Ticket $1.50 The J. D. Z. Club will hold its A complete line of smoked meats And Couple To Dance Mrs. Sayde Marer is spending a few spending t h e week-end -with her A beautifully appointed one o'clock next meeting January 31, at the J . . ." " . •-., - aad 'fish Mrsv E . , Jacobs./^. . ^ bridge luncheon, was given by Mrs.weeks visiting in Hot Springs, Ark* c. c . • ' ' '" of EUc. Creek J s yis- Marion .Cohen on:_ Sunday' a t . her Mr. and> Mrs. Jack Chesen will • with h e r sister, Mrs. Millard home, 4903 Capitol Ave. Misses J a - spend Saturday and Sunday with their Ivrftsne of Conndl Bluffs: "••"' net Gilinsky and Hortense Rosenstock parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Somberg. Latira Berek of Fremont is with -shared honors. The color scheme of Mrs. Chesen was formerly Sara Somgreen and white was carried out in berg. heir parents. Esther Bwislowsky; of Columbus is the • minutest details, even throughout the menu. Covers were placed a t spending the week-end a t home. Seaman Kay is planning t o attend the ilroicieoji HF6*' tfes; Slesdames Sam Nebraska University the , next sem- Gilinsky,' Mrsl Cornblum, and the Misester. ' • •• • -. , \ •' • ,, .'... , ./ ses:. Janet, Ada, Goldye Gilinsky, Hortense Rosenstock, Hannah Sommers .•Mrs. Al Hoffman of Kansas City Bessie 'Horn, Minnie Wolf, Madeline ; the weekend with Mr^ and Cohn and Helen Sommers, and MilMrs. Morton Marcus. dred Lew of the fare'C£'deino Club. ^ e LadiesFree Loan^SocIe^r-wfli well" B'arty'to "Eugene Levfrie, Satur hold a regiilar meeting V/ednesday, daV night, January>29, a t the Center. J a n n a r j r ^ f a t the Jewish Community
. .• District Tournament Basketball, Debmte Oratory
Teams from Denver, Sioux City, Des Moines, Council Bluffs, Fort Dodge, Lincoln atid Omaha.
g^mipiMPWliwi'itiiimiMmmHiifflmnaWHiwiiTBaintffijwff i m i w i i i i i H M i m i — iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiniinii iiiininiiniininiiiiiiii n iMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiririiinriniiinii niiriiii ilnniiiinmntii
To banish those Blues
Attend the
Eufeenl '&*&£&€$ m
East., Miss Annette Bender, sponsor the party. -; v ; -
Mr. and Mrs. M. Blank of Sioux City and daughter Mrs. Louis Patz The K6 Zee, a new social club, held Waukeegan, Illinois, arrived in their regular meeting S u n ^ y , J a n . , o m a h a Monday'to attend the wedding u ^ 2 ^ a t t h e . ^ e of;Reva;and o f t h e i r S o n ^ ^ ^ . ^ J Sarah Noddle. Bridge prizes were of Council. Bluffs, which took won" by * Mollie rKotler :and Bertha! on "Wednesday* Slutzkin. Miss Rose Sacks was* elected reporter for this dub. T h e ' Ko-Zee's! will, en|eiftainj.at a theater party at the!? Brandeis^ Sunday after- | noon. Miss Rose Sacks, ^nll be, hqs- ! tess to the club. at the next meeting. 3d Years ©t Honest Meitimmilse i s
Brodkey Jewelry Co. Famous for Diamonds
. /Mrs. iR. fereenberg^andrMrs; S. Fish; •Will be ;• joint hostesses at a public vsr& party for the Daughters of 'Zion Ion Tuesday afternoon, Feh- i ruary*:ii',]^at"thVBie "of' Mifsr <3reenberg^ 3029^ Lafayette. ' ; ; Mr; Meyer Lesser of California i s ' vyiting,,in Omaha with his daughter i Mrjs; Henry Monsky and Mr.: Morisky.' Miss TillieZusman was hostess.at a bridge, party at. her homei;Wednesday evening honoring Miss ^Blanche Eisen of^Karisa^:Gity._Miss @ft0n i s ! visiting, iiere wfth her' sister,;"Mrs. J M.' Finkel. -Priz'es^lwerejvwon by-'Fanni0 {• Weitrmahj^lJ I<& B^tum. ''S •$%'-'.'" '
yonr ttnarantee of n SqnoM DrnI
1419 Douglas
Est. 1890
GRAND BALL JEWISH SOCIAL p 25th and Farnam St. •
Sunday, Jan. 30, 1927 Hot 10 Piece
Snappy Dance Music _ 1 Admission 25c )
M. SOMIT—Jewish Book Store 2429 Decatour Street WE bster 3527 I just received a full supply of-Talesim wool and silk Tphilim and Mezuzos, also fancy bags for Talesim and Tphilim. I also have a new supply of Prayer Books, Holy scrip.tures and many other Jewish books in Hebrew and English. . . . Beautiful wail calenders at very reasonable prices.
|ii'e Ladies- •A«bdlary-^£ "the.^toutji. Si§e Congregation will give the third of a series of card parties on Ttfesday,Februars* 8, at 2 o'clock at the J. C. C.JHostesses for this1- affair "will be \ . ^the:; Mrs» Ben Lustgart^i,- :Mrs; P;^ ; | 'Bernstein, Mrs. J. Tatleman, Mrs. L.I* Wjphljaer,; Mrs. Joe Sherman and Mrs. | f : p/Flanick.
Sweet—Bill—Sour Pickles and Relishes IN QUARTS AND BULK
i Thiessen Vinegar & Pickle Works ',
Vftliss Delphine Gugenheim left Wednesday fpr New- York where Bhe will sail Saturday with her grandfather, Morris Friend, for a trip abroad. Mr. j Friend left Sunday for Chicago, and! Miss Gugenheim will meet him there, -i They will s.ail on the Homeric andi thfeir first stop will be at the Maderia Islands, going from there into the Hediterraneam. They will" travel a l l ' through Europe and also visit' the Mediterr^neam countries, before their return to'.-.'Lincoln in Jvme. - ^: ^
Goldstein presided a t a - r e g ; ulai frheetingi and-tuncheoh, of 12is3 Iifccoirt Advertising, Club; a n d a t the-,: Llcoln; B^eTiAondayV She was tec-j, ehily made an honorary member and; was -selected from all;, the women. numbers of the Lincoln Advertising ^Gj|bv1to--^^de;;af;thevAjn^ :;:.^^;;meetin'gV^-^ ' ' • " ' 5 " ';;'|.--":v • ;;';•'•-
• . A.i-.^}_ --J-
sirion Blumenthal, of ; Sattifday in Lincoln - a s Goldstein. , ..,
more Pontiac Sixes
Kelpines Dancing Academy
3101 South 24th Street
Scarcely twelve months s with its a«o Oakland was only one l of many manufacturers strivbids-for-new ingfxtr preeminence* Today over it ranks among the largest 1925 Production - . *-v '^ , . builders of motor cars in the 192SProduction . r . 1 3 4 ^ 0 8 9 being invested so provide for world. Responsible for this greater production, -^:Oakland and Pontiac Sixes tremendous growth have ering been a continuous series of triumphs resulting i n a record-breaking tiacSix $snt, with'a capacitystofotaIfCpD'f9&M" 212% increase in business over 1925. day andof important expansions'Mt^,.f,; With the advent ofthe past year, came the ities devoted to the tnsnulacture <s£ Oal introduction of the Pontiac Six. So great Sixes—'definitely ' assures _ .. ..._ - , .. w»* the demand it created, that in sis buyers of. even greater ..value- in* -tiBe'-feeariS. For i t i n a ^ s pos^ble tHe employm<siac df.evwA"_ more efficient methods of
year, with Pontiac ptod.acdop reaching 70^523 cars, tnat record had been surpassed by more thaazlM'fSI-Ia, July -c^merlh^-' Greater Oakland Six vnfa?7 refinements^ £satured bythat epochal engineering developtneafr—the Rubber'Silenced Chases. Again America paid a wholehearted tribute to Oak* land engineering vision. And again, in every section of die land, Oakland sales leaped upv\vard,necessitatingtheunprecedeiitedproduc* ^ M i p f 57^66 OakfendSixxjs—nearly 15,000 more than in 1925—-and surpassinganypreviX -Mw record in Oakland's twenty year liistory. .
mental value 4~)&kland She and'''P&ntidc $v$
uMcmtdntiesupremein their fields!
Pontiac Six, $325to$975. Oakland Six, companion to Pontiac Six, $1025 to $1295. Ml ptfeei at factory. Bodies by Fisher. Easy to pay on tbx isbemi General Moists TimsPaymmtFktn,
It. * K s o n , Ashtotid. . Andenan Motor t o . , Weeping Water. Wm. Beelaneyer, Arlington. AlTla Braw-njnjr, Bancroft. Cnf O. Zatner. Avoca. ChUton * BJfftxer, 1'Iotismontli. Nnrtb Beta JSattery Co., ^ortU B?nJ. A. A. Complon, ISUlr. E, E . Bores, P
are sold exclusively at
spections which govern every phsse of Oak- ~ land-Pontiac snanufecture ancl :f$&ictfc liav* „• been so Instrumental .in achieving worldwide good'wMjfer tftese two quaKty Sixes... ——• In. t&e strictest sense, this huge investment represents more than an espressioa^qf <3pn*, fidence by General Motors in Oakland principles of designf manufactore an4i' It$totuis as a tangible i
Paul Gerhard 2*21-27 Farnam St. ASSOCIATE DEALERS Sinton Motor, Co.. 5S317 S. 24th St. Giiinsky Mot« Co., Council Bluffs.
Eskm AY-292S-2S33
ft Tprifi, Kfron. . 0 . JOMS, fheiuuideab.
AtAe C o , Timnblty * A n f l y A& John W » s , v. W. vimm, t'S Unn,
PAGE-4—THE JEWISH PRESS, THURSDAY, JANUARY 27, 1927 could be combatted took place at the traveler of moderate means. Going on the people constituting the new citi- tine in the comfortable second dash nine points in the extra session while GREEK GOVERNMENT J of the Holy Land.- Miracles are of the world's fast steamer S. S ABOLISHES ORDINANCE 1 ON- "conference* «C tHe. tCJortimunist party a National Zionist tour, the traveler to zens holding the Grossmen "to one lone Palestine will be assured of an edify <aing wrought in Palestine. Mauretania. The rate for Ca complete < MILITARY EXEMTION of, the Moscow region in session here. "ing journey and congenial companiox u point." Herry Hayjrihand Leslie BurThe first sailing of the Palestine cruise as outlined above," including 'Russian worfcingrtTen, delegate to ship. * Palestine, ;rising from the ruir kenroad led thejattacic f o / t h e winners ilgrimage Tours will take place Feb- shore excursions and all other expense ruary 21st, to be followed by addi- is from $695.00 up. . with • eight jpoihta feachi Big Eube 'Sajonfca (3^ T. A.)—An order is- tlje ^conference, participated in the of 2,000 j&ars of desolation^ will prc sent to the newcomer a picture of tb ional tours sailing in March and The Val. J. Peter Travel Bureau is A ..'..; Brown played jwellj at guard in ad- sued by the,'Greek Ministry, of War debate. . restoration of, Zion, as predicted by ou April, on famous Cunard steamers. A the most important steam-ship agencyfyi dition to, contributing &• couple - o f cancelled; the previous ordinance prophets.' The toil of the Ghalutziir Representative of the Zionist Organ- west of Chicago, having brought over"*^ v which Was i t force for some~ time carrying the pick and shovel; for tbeij ization of America will accompany and 5,000 Immigrants during the last five i Nate- ..Green's ,". snappy.. - "quintette baskets..emblem, sacrificing everything for the lecture on the tours. The feature of years. Mr. Val. J. Peter is the owner Captain ^Ackerman and Lou Lohr- hereby Jewish citizens 'cbulih free - rung jip i t s third victory' in as many rebuilding of the Jewish Homeland, kosher cooking has been added so that of the Omaha Tribune, who prints the man kicked in with six points to head themselves" from military service by ' • starts .I'uesday - night ,wh$n they dewill strike a sympathetic chord in the passengers will not have to undergo Jewish Press. He is a man reliable the losers" advance, to defeat. Jake paying a'special tax. We call attention to the Palestine heart of the visitor and leave an inr any .rigorous adaption to enjoy the in all business dealings and we gladly feated the Western Electric five, GB The new; ordinance, which goes into Pilgrimage Tours, arranged by- the delible impression on his mind The trip.' On the way to Palestine the recommend him to all of our people Kasosky played a bang up game at to 1 5 . / - -*- ',. •' v -'1 I :> guard, taking care of his position in effect on March 8, states that no Palestine • and Oriental Tours, Eman- program of the visit to Eretz Israel steamer will stop at the beautiful who desire to join this interesting and ' Kaufman and citizen w$L be permitted to buy them- uel Rosen,' President, for which the includes such varied interests, as to island of Madeira, renowned for its instructive Palestine Pilgriniages. Dea favorable fanner. t ^ p y J. Peter Travel Bureau, 1307 give one a thorough insight into the equable climate,and luxuriant verdure; tailed and illustrated pamphlets will ' i The Omaha Chapter A. Z. A. team selves off'from military service. The Val.. Lea Konecky starred, as they always Howard St., Omaha, Nebr., ,is' the different phases of life in Palestine-— at., historical Gibraltar, the famous be gladly mailed to prospective mem- " I do. Big Art tossed-in 13 baskets and playing under the colors of the term of service in the Greek army is Omaha Representative. agriculture, industrial, economic, re- Rock, guarding the entrance to the bers of these tours. <m6 freie throw to lead"the diminutive Philadelphia Leather House edged out eighteen -months; These Pilgrimage Tours offer an ligious, cultural. In the new Jewish- Mediteranean; at Algiers, the Paris unusual opportunity to vistit Palestine Settlement that have been founded of North. Africa. The route leads Konecky and Captain Kaufman for a 20 to 17 victor ever tnehard fight; and to ^ee -the wonderful progress through Zionist enterprise. in the northward to Monte Carlo, far famed scoring-honors. The ~two-kids/Jake fngBnai Ami'quintette. Dave-Beber COMMUNIST CONFERENCE " made there .by the, Jewish, people.. To course on the last six years, in Pales- for its Casino and • Gardens. Thence HOLDS DEBATE ON ANTIand Billy "Graetz tallied seven points Satiofsky arid Jake Xosowakj? put up see with one's own eyes the glorious tine, the visitor will see the beginning to the romantic city of Naples, and SEMITISM IN RUSSIA resurection of Zion, the fulfillment of of the realization of a dream cherisSied classic Athens—still incomparable for r a nifty exhibition while they were in apiece' while" Sammy Kaufman trailed the Divine Prophecy, has been the by the Jewish people throughout <; the its ancient architecture and chastity t h e : game. Sadofsky electrified the them w i t h - o n e basket-and a» pair-of Gvn/mvrtW A Moscow' (J."T. A.)—A debate on. the life's dream and the longing of every world since their exile from the lland of art. The ship then proceeds to crowd b y tossing in two backward gift tosses. Captain "Dave Bleicfoer student of history and .lover of nature. 1I2.O -.baskets-and a free throw to "start'the played'a"beautiful floor game in ad- question ,-tif anti-Semitism in Soviet The realization of this desire now lies of Israel. There will be afforded an Haifa, the picturesque port of the new opportunity of studying the conditions Palestine. For as low as $170 you /fireworks while little Kagogjjy dition to caging a heat' underbasket Russia an' the means by which it within the reach of every prospective of the .New Era in Palestine, and of will be able to travel direct to Palesi n with a trio of two pointers. Ed shot. fUeich had -toug»* luck with a tBordick, sore tooth and all garnered number of all most perfect shots, .' Jus; usual two baskets besides playing shots that rimmed,the hoop or fell in U a t guard. d Leo L JSLone JSLk l l d only td- Tolh out -to *' the' defending pulled ;weU down five baskets' while Sammy guards. Ed Alberts jumped center and Kaufman was' right- on his heels with did right -well -but-wasjejected early eight., points. Capt. Sammy led the in the game with an overabtindancS offense and the defense, of the Jewish "of foils. - Battling Bud T.evin wai in cagers, seldom has the' Center crowd their from start to. finish being on the seen a mac who knows all' the. tricks ground afer loose' balls almost as if and rules of the game as. well' as it were a football game. j Smiling Sammy. . ' ' •* ~ EVEkY DAY- EVERY WEEK • EVERY SEASON • Sincei881 Forman and- Orris- Donovite almost . - • The Press team is open for games' proved the undoing of- the. Leather • with teams both in an.d out flf. the men with their timely shots* Donovitz city.' For games write Ed Burdick, dropped* in some- nifty tosses from care of the" Jewish Community Center: "back; of the fold ,,lin& while Potman's under basketshooting was uncanny. Omaha Chapter of the A . Z . A. ^ Dave Bleicher;. captain of the red Nearly- every man, on the B'nai- Ami Omaha five promises-us that his ag- team did his share when it came to life Curtain 15c to 29c Assorted gregation will go far way in the contributing with the necessary points. Jimmy "Burroughs guarding" was alDistrict A. Z..A. Tournament which •will be held in the Center gymnasium most perfect. The Kaiman Insurance team held this coming Saturday and Sunday. Sammy Kaufman, coach of the 1926 a track meet of their own at the exS t Paul A. Z. A. national champions pense of the Tully Hatters. When the Accumulated from past Cretonne edging, cotton has- had the- Omaha -team under his .carnage ended the hard working weeks of selling—gingfringe and lace edgings wing for several- weeks and will scorer had 33 points for the Kaimans ham, p e r c a l e , pajama and'even dozen credited to the Hatthat" will add attractive present a strong outfit Saturday check, muslin, etc. touches to curtains. * night when the Mother Chapter1 meets ters. Isadore Shriebman collected ten the Lincoln Chapter Four.tpam. The local lineup will be: Captain BJeicher, markers to lead Chief Giventer and 25c to 39c Cretonne forward, Dave Beber, forward* Ed Herman Segelman who trailed with Alberts, center, Bud Levin and .Billy nine and eight counters respectively. Gerelick at guards; Louis ROdin will Sammy Katzman, Maxie Altshuler be the.iron man to replace any of the and Sarnie Liebowitz all did. right well. . starting five. Regular $18.75 $. Sammy Segelman and Johnny RoAn assortment including to $25.00 Coats senblatt tallied with a quartet of ones bleached muslin, printed Girls Basketball . lengtis.. Many in batiste, flannel, cretonne, matching patterns.. Choice Six teams took the floor last each- (While Art Swartz brought up the rear with a sociable basket and etc. r of any one piece at this Saturday night and turned' in three one .lone-gift toss. Price. -^. close games and one walkaway. . ^ of coats.that at $10 ranks among, the f real,money Team Standings: Leona *•• Pollack and- her- sharp „ w groups, og, fur trmuned coats. Eich1; boEvias, sxMes, 29c to 39c - ; ' • - Won Lost shooting forward. Rose ^feber, led tweeds and nuztures, vriib. fur collars and cuffs of mandel, 1 Kain\an' Insurance ,6 their team to a 35 t o ' 5 victory.over b^iverette, coney, tto. If you are needing a coat-^-be here TuesGrdss -Lumber Co. 5 the never cease fighting sextette*of day, early, and choose from this varied selection.' Bjcodjcey Construction ....5 2 Tully1 Hat CbV'_L 3 4 Ida Fine. Captain Pollack poked in Philadelph. Leather Co.: 3 4 iive^baskets from all angles to place Bnai Israel;,..'...',..'. - V, 4 second i n scoring honors to Rose ' • JBnar* Ami' - , .o 7 Best quality fabrics, inWeber. cluding prints, suitings, 6x9 ske in a choice of Captain Shriebman staged a belated FUNERAL OF • . •- percales, voiles, ginghams, good patterns and colors. rally t o overcome the early lead of LORD AND LADY BEARSTED etc. Genuine cork base. AtCapt. Minnie Sherman and'copped ' WELL ATTENDED tractive" patterns. . the long end of a 13 to.7 game. Both $9.75 to $12.75 Coats ; captains led their teams in scoring 39c to 59c London (J. T. A.)—Throngs attendbesides playing a good floor game.* Tuesday brings even further reductions on serviceable coats ed-the funeral yesterday'afternoon of The hustling six claiming allegiance for girls. Coats for school and dress wear in newest colors. Lord and Lady Bearsted, who died to Captain Adalaide Greenberg ~" •"; to 14 only. . . \ • within twenty four hours of each .triumphed over Capt. Selma'Levin's other on Monday. aggregation. This- game was the Reverend Michael'Adler officiated closest of the evening being nothing Fine values in broadcloth, . $1.17 to $2.98 at the services in the chapel of the Boys' and girls' hats and tip till the last quarter when Capt. poplins, suitings, pongee, bonnets in many styles -CAdalaide got hot and came thru with Willesdon _ n o t e d t h Cemetery. Rabbi. Adler shirting, lingerie fabric, of David on the and colors. three neat baskets to cop the honors, J « , f etc. Men's heavy fleeced suits in silver "The lovely.and The guards of the losing team played O X gingham and percale. color. Heavy, sanitary nap. Set-in a bang up game, Ida Termebaum, Rose the pleasant in their lives,- even in sleeves and bungalow styles. 36 to 46. Each their death they were not divided." 39c 39c Brick and Ruth Banish performed Regular and extra sizes.... graves are divided by a single like veterans. Selma Levin,was well Their brick wall. covered by her opposing,guards and was forced to resort' to long shots .which went awry. The superior team Percale, madras, broadcloth and In" Its Time to think of your ffrork of the winning sextette was vernessiflannel, in stripes " 7 Q - Clearance of velours, velvets and vel- Long mill lengths of merobvious, the girls taking the ball downRompers, combinations, the- floor with, real team work, ana* bloomers, all well made of and checks. 6 to 16 years... • * ^ ^ vet and silk hats. Smartly cerized gaJatea cloth, for precision. .warm flannelette.' Varistyled ._..,.....'.......> making uniforms, p l a y ous, colors.- The second set of games Trill.' be suits, etc. . flayed this Sunday afternoon instead at Saturday night due to. the A, Z. A. 39c Children's PHOTOGRAPHERS ^Tournament. . \» Misses' suits, Dutch neck, elbow 1312 Farnam St. Opposite sleeves, in ankle.and knee Q f t r Creepers, panty dresses and boys' High School-and College Basketball. . W. O. W. BIdg.r." length, drop seat. 2 to 16 «7OC suits of all washable mate- A A Syd-\Corenman continues to trail "Phone. JAckson 4562 rials. Many colors.^... .*. * T * V. - in. second place.only three points behind first l o r high scoring Bluejay Semi - dress and work . honors- The fighting Creighton guard Sateen, -muslin; nainsook pants of worsted and cas' i s carrying on-at the same high, rate: and crepe bloomers. Well simeres. Long wearing. ' jof speed which has characterized his Hip confiner and brassiere in one. made, full cut. Slightly Linen crash sets with 45x45-inch 32 to 42. playing - all- .season and has. i duly < l soiled. . > Pleslf Color in side closing * Q Q - , cloth and four napkins. WHOI.KHAL.B frT"-' 7C|" learned the- sobriquet of "heart and style. Sizes to ^4 y_** V Colored borders. Druggists and Stationers .. soul "of the. Creighton team."." '• «•> * • • '•* $5.00 Children's 39c Wool ' '-;• Xouis Reiner at Tech High has his v ' . i e t t e r cinched at guard. The. BQjrappy •>• little junioi*dias n o t y e t displaced one - j*fi;th& regulars but does (^efitj the A special'clearance group of band- Full size 81 x 105 - inch lustrous U t U i Help You "Keep Clean" •~yjgam&often enougfe'.to.insur^ hip, "T?» :\' <-. Harry "Braude. is holding .^^wri - the. ettes. Slightly soiled. 9Ei#» spreads in colors of green,tf*O *T Q fiUt Heavy weight, lined and •I;' pivot ^position -.on, the Tech'rfip8prve blue, rose, lavender. Ea. && • • •/ All wool, heavyweight Values! Each } u padded coats. Some eider, 1819 California Street : p v » w h i c h stands well up^in' the inter. socks, in gray only. Large down and chinchilla. I t o . ATlantic sizes included. 4 years. ., , ^, iis fjrst game ¥'.'*-'ft&'al^fieniber-of'the.r!Central reserves -C K: roSifi&dayiiight when his team defeated Barry H. Lapfdus, Pres>Treaa, Of gingham and percale. "Set-in Soft, absorbent Turkish towels of $3.50 Misses' Silk and . W. G. Ure Secretary . ?£?*;!"&& :Vsttb£ '•' of -Abraham Lincoln of slseves and bungalow styles. f | C c firmly woven quality. tf* f A f l ; v v ?>^i JEteuncil jSlnffis/ 27 to 7,
Palestine Pilgrimage Tours Announced
- , • » • • '
Basement Wide January Clearance Sales! Edging 2c Yd.
Savings, Quality and Style all • " combine in Tuesday
Remnants 10c Yd.
Sale of
Women and Misses
12Y2c Yd.
5c Each"
linoleum Rugs $4.19 Hats-Bonnets 25c
Flan'elet(Inderw'r 25c •
Girls' Fur-Trimmed Coats
Wash Gimdb 2 5 c Yd.
$1.39 Union Suits Boys' Blouses
Apron Dresses
$2.75 Millinery
Galatea Cloth 19c Yd.
Photographs (
The TRBSSEt Strife I
Silk md Wool Union Suits
Linen Ikuiieh Sets
50c Value Bandettes
Rayon Spreads
.E, E; Bruce &.Ca
Men's Pants
MenV Seeks 25c Pair
Frontier Towel & Linen Supply
$1.17 to $2.98 Aprons-Dresses
* Siats
Omaha Fixture & Supply Co. STORE OlTTFTTT
Per hoy*' from 3* to f f years/Either lciig or short pants, in Oliver or Middy, style. Wool nlaid top., -
ixili tit*
i.- .^
Turkish Towels,
Wool Hose 59c $1J0 Hewer Aprons Women's Flan. Pajamas Fancy plaid hose in neat,
Regular and extra sizes...... ****** Unusually priced, 10 for <? * •
Aprons of loomtex broadcloth d l t h and Fashioned of blue and pink stripe flannel in two-piece style. fine muslin. Reversible* *"** 16 and 17../. fronts. All sizes — '.:....
new patterns. Will give long service. 7,y2 to 10.